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SPARE PARTS CATALOGUE RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: Index Finished products........................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Alphanumeric index....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Frame............................................................................................................................................................................................11 Table 01.010 - Frame..............................................................................................................................................................11 Table 01.020 - Foot rests........................................................................................................................................................13 Table 01.030 - Central stand.................................................................................................................................................. 14 Table 01.050 - Swing arm.......................................................................................................................................................15 Body..............................................................................................................................................................................................17 Table 02.030 - Pelindung lumpur depan-Pilar........................................................................................................................17 Table 02.040 - Fairing depan..................................................................................................................................................18 Table 02.070 - Saluran............................................................................................................................................................19 Table 02.080 - Fairing samping.............................................................................................................................................. 20 Table 02.090 - Penutup tangki............................................................................................................................................... 21 Table 02.100 - Bodi tengah.................................................................................................................................................... 22 Table 02.120 - Jok...................................................................................................................................................................23 Table 02.140 - Bodi belakang................................................................................................................................................. 24 Table 02.150 - Pelindung lumpur belakang............................................................................................................................26 Table 02.170 - Pengunci......................................................................................................................................................... 27 Table 02.180 - Set pelat / Ragam...........................................................................................................................................28 Table 02.190 - Stiker...............................................................................................................................................................29 Engine........................................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Table 03.010 - Moteur-Groupe complementaire................................................................................................................... 31 Table 03.040 - Carters I.......................................................................................................................................................... 32 Table 03.050 - Corps filtre......................................................................................................................................................34 Table 03.060 - Corps à papillon............................................................................................................................................. 35 Table 03.090 - Couvre-culasse................................................................................................................................................36 Table 03.100 - Culasse - soupapes.........................................................................................................................................37 Table 03.110 - Plaquette........................................................................................................................................................ 38 Table 03.130 - Distribution cylindre avant............................................................................................................................. 40 Table 03.140 - Distribution cylindre arrière........................................................................................................................... 41 Table 03.150 - Cylindre - Piston............................................................................................................................................. 42 Table 03.160 - Arbre moteur..................................................................................................................................................43 Table 03.180 - Boîte de vitesses - engrenages.......................................................................................................................44 Table 03.190 - Lubrification....................................................................................................................................................47 Table 03.210 - Pompe à eau.................................................................................................................................................. 48 Table 03.220 - Couvercle embrayage..................................................................................................................................... 49 Table 03.230 - Embrayage...................................................................................................................................................... 50 Table 03.270 - Carter de volant............................................................................................................................................. 51 Table 03.290 - Démarreur / Démarreur électrique................................................................................................................52 Table 03.320 - Air secondaire................................................................................................................................................ 53 Table 03.330 - Pot d''échappement....................................................................................................................................... 54 Suspensions.................................................................................................................................................................................. 56 Table 04.010 - Fourche Av. Ohlins..........................................................................................................................................56 27/03/2015 Page 2 / 77 RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: Table 04.080 - Amortisseur.................................................................................................................................................... 57 Wheels.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 58 Table 05.010 - Roue Av...........................................................................................................................................................58 Table 05.020 - Roue arrière....................................................................................................................................................59 Brake system................................................................................................................................................................................ 60 Table 06.010 - Maît. cyl. frein AV.......................................................................................................................................... 60 Table 06.020 - Pince frein avant............................................................................................................................................ 61 Table 06.030 - Pompe frein arrière........................................................................................................................................62 Table 06.040 - Pince frein arrière.......................................................................................................................................... 63 Table 06.050 - Système frein ABS.......................................................................................................................................... 64 Handlebar - Controls.................................................................................................................................................................... 65 Table 07.010 - Direction......................................................................................................................................................... 65 Table 07.020 - Guidon - Commandes.................................................................................................................................... 66 Table 07.030 - Commande embrayage.................................................................................................................................. 67 Lights - Instruments..................................................................................................................................................................... 68 Table 08.010 - Feux avant...................................................................................................................................................... 68 Table 08.020 - Instruments.................................................................................................................................................... 69 Table 08.030 - Feux arriere.................................................................................................................................................... 70 Tank...............................................................................................................................................................................................71 Table 09.010 - Réservoir essence...........................................................................................................................................71 Cooling system............................................................................................................................................................................. 72 Table 10.010 - Radiateur huile............................................................................................................................................... 72 Table 10.020 - Installation refroidissement............................................................................................................................73 Electrical systems......................................................................................................................................................................... 75 Table 11.010 - Circuit electrique AV...................................................................................................................................... 75 Table 11.020 - Circuit electrique cent....................................................................................................................................76 Table 11.030 - Circuit electrique arrière................................................................................................................................ 77 27/03/2015 Page 3 / 77 Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Finished products Code AP6118600EBF00 AP6118600EBF01 AP6118600EBF02 27/03/2015 Validity Page 4 / 77 Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Code 006412 006630 020006 122675 197551 1A004784 1A004784 1A004792 1A004792 235779 254485 270361 277330 289731 2A000034 2A000047 2A000048 2A000171 2A000178 2A000236 2A000253 2A000263 2A000264 2A000265 2A000275 2A000276 2A000278 2A000280 2A000281 2A000283 2A000284 2A000285 2A000286 2A000287 2A000288 2A000293 2A000295 2A000299LL 2A000299MM 2A000299NN 2A000299OO 2A000311 2A000313 2A000328 2A000329 2A000337 2A000356 2A000357 2A000358 2A000363 2A000436 2A000440 2A000450 2A000453R 2A000454R 2A000464 2A000466 2A000468 2A000469 2A000489 2A000507 2A000507 2A000535 2A000540 2A000547 2A000551 2A000552 27/03/2015 No. table 03.190 03.270 06.030 03.220 08.020 03.130 03.140 03.130 03.140 03.290 03.330 02.140 03.190 03.190 03.270 03.180 03.180 03.100 03.100 03.100 03.190 03.040 03.190 03.190 03.050 03.190 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.040 03.040 03.160 03.160 03.160 03.160 03.190 03.290 03.130 03.140 03.100 03.150 03.190 03.190 03.040 03.180 03.180 03.150 03.180 03.180 03.090 03.270 03.290 03.290 03.150 03.130 03.140 03.160 03.190 03.290 03.180 03.180 Pos. 25 13 2 10 13 12 12 9 9 8 14 18 20 12 9 52 40 1 9 10 3 1 5 24 9 7 32 31 30 11 20 19 22 18 21 15 20 1 1 1 1 6 13 1 1 21 4 15 27 30 1 9 3 27 25 1 3 4 10 2 2 2 10 8 12 10 34 Code 2A000554 2A000556 2A000557 2A000559 2A000559 2A000569 2A000572 2A000573 2A000595 2A000634 2B000897 2B001059 2B001060 2B001061 2B001062 2B001063 2B001065 2B001067 2B001072 2B001123 2B0011334 2B0011344 2B001216 2B001217 2B001218 2B001219 2B001220 2B001289 2B001354 2B001398 2B001412 2B001413 2B001450 2B001451 2B001452 2B001453 2B001454 2B001472 2B001478 2B001480 2B001481 2B001483 2B001484 2B001507 2B001525 2B001531 2B001532 2B001535 2B001540000XN6 2B001541000XN6 2B001543 2B001544 2B001547 2B001548 2B001549 2B001552 2B001562 2B001706 2B001806 2B001812 2B001921 2B001922 2B001932 2B002001 2B002032 2B002033 2B002198 No. table 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.130 03.140 03.040 03.220 03.220 03.190 03.230 10.010 03.330 03.330 03.330 03.330 03.330 03.330 03.330 03.050 01.010 07.020 07.020 03.050 03.050 03.050 03.050 03.050 01.050 01.010 04.080 03.050 03.050 07.010 01.010 01.010 01.010 01.010 07.010 10.010 03.050 03.050 03.060 03.060 03.050 01.010 03.330 03.330 02.040 02.070 02.070 02.040 02.040 02.080 02.080 03.010 02.140 08.020 07.010 10.010 02.030 02.070 02.070 03.010 08.020 05.010 05.020 10.010 Page 5 / 77 Pos. 33 18 21 6 6 31 1 22 1 1 1 1 2 6 9 10 11 12 5 2 3 2 1 4 3 16 2 1 21 1 7 6 1 4 6 5 14 2 11 21 12 9 8 23 26 28 29 1 1 2 9 7 7 8 7 15 6 3 16 9 6 11 8 5 2 2 17 Code 2B002201 2B002203 2B002204 2B002207 2B002208 2D000037 2D000049 2D000061 2D000061 2D000064 2D000116 2D000130 2D000131 2D000137 2D000138 2D000141 2D000144 2D000152 2D000158 2H000487 2H000754000Z1 2H000777 2H000846000XN6 2H000847000XN6 2H000848000XN6 2H000849000XHD 2H000850000XHD 2H000851000XHD 2H000852000XHD 2H000853000XN6 2H000874 2H000935 2H000936 2H000937 2H000938 2H000939 2H000940 2H000941 2H000942 2H000943 2H000944 2H000945 2H000946 2H000948 2H000949 2H000950 2H000951 2H000952 2H000953 2H000954 2H000956 2H000957 2H000958 2H000959 2H000960 2H000961 2H000962 2H000963 2H000964 2H000965 2H000966 2H000967 2H000968 2H000969 2H000970 2H000971 2H000972 No. table 03.210 10.020 10.020 10.020 10.020 11.010 03.160 11.010 11.030 03.330 08.010 08.010 11.020 08.030 08.030 08.030 08.020 03.330 11.030 02.190 09.010 02.190 02.040 02.080 02.080 02.030 02.030 02.140 02.140 02.140 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 Pos. 3 26 8 11 17 1 9 14 13 21 1 10 16 3 4 10 1 7 4 22 1 12 12 5 6 2 4 11 10 22 9 1 2 17 3 4 5 6 13 10 11 14 15 18 19 8 7 16 23 24 28 29 26 27 25 1 2 17 3 4 5 6 13 10 11 14 15 Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Code 2H000973 2H000974 2H000975 2H000976 2H000977 2H000978 2H000979 2H000983 2H000984 2H000985 2H001052000Z4 2H001054000EQ 2H001055000EQ 2H001056000EQ 2H001057000H4 2H001058000H4 2H001059000H4 2H001060000H4 2H001061000XN6 2Q000084 2Q000085 2R000037 2R000260 411209 411209 411209 436438 436947 478895 564878 575249 576836 580734 581957 582690 622055 639792 640485 641541 642302 648707 648708 658830 658830 658830 709099 8150015 825431 825597 832029 840509 840893 843213 845978 852090 852398 852480 85248R 85254R 85263R 852702 85273R 854547 854811 854909 854951 855632 27/03/2015 No. table 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 02.190 09.010 02.040 02.080 02.080 02.030 02.030 02.140 02.140 02.140 02.180 02.180 03.100 03.100 03.040 03.100 03.220 03.100 03.330 03.100 05.020 08.020 09.010 08.010 02.040 11.030 10.020 11.030 10.020 03.190 03.060 01.050 01.050 01.020 03.270 06.010 03.190 10.020 03.290 03.100 03.220 03.330 03.210 01.030 08.020 03.330 07.020 03.010 05.020 03.290 05.010 06.050 03.190 04.010 11.020 03.180 03.180 03.100 Pos. 18 19 8 7 16 23 24 26 27 25 1 12 5 6 2 4 11 10 22 1 1 12 13 5 5 5 11 3 14 8 8 3 2 2 6 2 1 25 14 6 6 20 11 11 17 21 33 6 8 9 27 4 7 9 4 18 3 26 2 7 8 22 2 7 44 45 16 Code 856027 856279 856543 856630 856631 856632 857008 857008 857016 857017 857024 857035 857042 857043 857044 857045 857046 857047 857048 857048 857071 857074 857077 857078 857082 857083 857084 857085 857087 857090 857094 857094 857096 857096 857105 857106 857109 857118 857123 857125 857126 857127 857127 857128 8571300G 8571300N 8571300V 8571320G 8571320N 8571320V 857144 857147 857168 857175 857176 857176 857176 857176 857176 857181 857184 857187 857189 857192 857208 857208 857232 No. table 07.020 10.020 10.020 03.320 03.320 03.320 03.130 03.140 03.100 03.100 03.100 03.100 03.100 03.090 03.100 03.100 03.100 03.100 03.100 03.270 03.090 03.090 03.160 03.220 03.100 03.100 03.090 03.100 03.040 03.040 03.130 03.140 03.130 03.140 03.150 03.150 03.040 03.160 03.180 03.150 03.150 03.040 03.220 03.040 03.160 03.160 03.160 03.160 03.160 03.160 03.040 03.190 03.190 03.180 03.130 03.140 03.190 03.190 03.270 03.320 03.190 03.190 03.190 03.190 03.040 03.100 03.180 Page 6 / 77 Pos. 8 10 28 3 1 2 4 4 24 22 15 2 4 8 20 19 17 18 27 7 2 9 13 8 25 26 4 3 2 12 10 10 11 11 6 7 17 12 36 9 8 19 16 9 7 7 7 8 8 8 22 17 10 8 13 13 18 4 5 7 16 11 9 23 13 7 28 Code 857233 857234 857236 857244 857245 857246 857247 857248 857249 857250 857251 857253 857260 857265 857271 857274 857279 857288 857290 857298 857303 857304 857305 857306 857308 857309 857314 857427 857427 857429 857436 857451 857458 857460 857461 85746200XNB 857476 857476 857477 857477 857496 857498 857501 857543 857546 857546 858212 858488 858489 858580 858707 858708 858710 858712 858714 858717 858718 858725 858727 858729 858731 858780 858781 858782 858783 858785 858786 No. table 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.290 03.290 03.290 03.060 03.060 03.060 03.060 03.180 03.180 03.220 03.040 03.180 03.220 03.220 03.220 03.180 03.220 03.220 03.270 03.130 03.140 03.130 03.140 03.040 03.220 03.090 03.220 03.130 03.140 11.030 10.020 10.010 02.170 01.050 01.050 01.010 01.010 01.010 01.010 01.010 08.030 03.320 01.010 05.020 01.050 01.050 02.150 01.050 06.030 01.020 Pos. 16 29 10 17 24 23 13 14 56 7 35 41 51 47 5 37 46 9 7 5 1 2 3 11 12 15 18 4 54 2 3 6 34 21 17 6 7 7 8 8 21 14 5 7 3 3 12 15 13 7 2 5 12 20 13 7 8 11 8 3 7 7 23 1 8 5 1 Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Code 858787 858788 858791 858807 858808 858808 858818 858819 858827 858828 858829 858830 85883200A1 858833 858834 858836 858838 858839 85884300A1 85884400A1 858849 858863 858882 858883 858884 858886 858903 858904 858907 858908 858918 858923 858925 858926 858927 858936 858941 858955 859754 859792 859792 859946 860447 860744 871094 872117 872117 873097 884033 890002 890509 890760 890787 890827 890923 890928 890932 890960 890979 890982 893044 893045 893102 893108 893109 893112 893113 27/03/2015 No. table 01.020 01.020 06.040 03.050 03.050 03.190 02.070 02.070 02.030 02.080 02.080 02.040 02.120 02.100 02.100 02.140 02.140 08.030 02.120 02.120 01.010 01.030 11.020 11.020 09.010 09.010 01.010 01.010 02.070 10.020 04.080 03.010 02.070 02.070 10.010 01.050 01.030 02.170 05.020 04.010 06.040 06.030 02.100 11.030 03.270 03.150 03.270 03.100 03.010 01.050 06.010 11.010 08.020 03.180 07.030 03.330 11.020 05.020 11.010 07.030 01.030 01.030 02.190 02.140 02.140 02.140 07.010 Pos. 12 13 9 10 13 19 7 8 3 1 2 13 1 2 1 1 24 16 3 4 27 1 5 8 18 7 28 29 12 31 2 25 13 9 7 18 4 5 18 11 2 9 3 14 8 10 10 23 22 4 9 13 7 43 1 22 14 25 8 4 8 9 20 20 21 23 16 Code 893132 893135 893136 893138 893224 893240 893255 893259 893273 893513 893514 893639 893752 893757 893767 893769 893770 893772 893774 893777 893778 893779 893780 893782 893783 893784 893819 893823 893915 893926 893927 893933 893937 893940 893941 893942 893943 893944 893945 893954 893966 893968 893969 893996 893997 894027 894056 894057 894057 894195 894201 894505 894566 894604 894657 894658 894794 894796 894821 895316 895450 895460 895481 895701 895909 895915 895916 No. table 03.050 05.010 05.010 06.030 10.020 03.050 11.020 02.140 09.010 10.020 10.020 05.020 03.050 07.020 03.230 03.230 03.230 03.230 03.230 03.230 03.230 03.230 03.230 03.230 03.230 03.230 02.190 10.020 03.050 07.030 07.030 06.030 06.010 03.230 03.230 03.230 03.230 03.230 04.010 10.020 04.010 03.210 06.040 01.020 01.020 01.010 02.180 02.040 08.010 02.120 01.020 05.020 08.030 09.010 02.140 03.060 03.230 08.010 03.230 03.290 10.020 01.010 11.030 11.030 02.030 02.030 02.040 Page 7 / 77 Pos. 22 3 4 11 19 25 13 33 4 22 20 23 20 1 18 20 21 23 2 8 9 10 11 15 4 5 30 21 24 2 3 1 5 6 7 12 13 14 4 5 7 5 4 21 22 23 2 14 3 8 15 27 2 20 17 7 3 9 22 11 37 1 7 3 7 13 3 Code 895959 896150 896174 896174 896174 896358 896565 896566 896567 896576 896715 896896 896944 897302 897360 897367 897434 897434 897434 897435 897436 897443 897444 897444 897474 897478 897478 897482 897594 897596 897775 898126 898133 898134 898268 898269 898385 898410 898463 898486 898633 898634 898635 898636 898694 898695 899068 899191 899299 899483 899599 899601 899890 899891 974060 974229 976521 AP8101372 AP8101595 AP8101595 AP8101861 AP8102349 AP8102375 AP8102375 AP8102375 AP8102375 AP8102375 No. table 09.010 07.020 02.030 02.070 02.080 05.020 03.060 03.060 03.060 06.020 11.030 06.040 04.010 04.010 03.010 05.020 03.040 03.100 03.290 03.040 03.040 03.090 03.130 03.140 03.160 03.160 03.160 02.140 03.010 05.010 10.020 08.020 03.010 03.010 03.270 03.270 03.330 03.090 03.010 06.040 03.180 03.180 03.180 03.180 06.030 06.030 09.010 03.010 03.150 03.230 03.180 03.230 07.020 07.020 03.040 03.220 03.330 02.090 06.010 10.020 01.020 10.010 02.030 02.070 02.080 02.100 02.140 Pos. 19 4 10 5 10 3 12 13 10 6 8 10 12 1 15 1 3 6 3 24 23 7 5 5 14 5 6 16 14 1 3 14 5 12 4 12 13 3 13 1 26 2 3 50 3 4 21 24 5 16 49 17 6 7 26 11 8 6 10 9 18 8 12 4 11 5 6 Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Code AP8102375 AP8102375 AP8102375 AP8102378 AP8102381 AP8102381 AP8102386 AP8102523 AP8102524 AP8102544 AP8102902 AP8102913 AP8104390 AP8104719 AP8104728 AP8104728 AP8104803 AP8104803 AP8104836 AP8104920 AP8106389 AP8110065 AP8110065 AP8110068 AP8110068 AP8110077 AP8110078 AP8110081 AP8110093 AP8110094 AP8112600 AP8112600 AP8112916 AP8112996 AP8113004 AP8113070 AP8113070 AP8113230 AP8113499 AP8113598 AP8113752 AP8113753 AP8116071 AP8117033 AP8117033 AP8117033 AP8117258 AP8118492 AP8118502 AP8118503 AP8118579 AP8120030 AP8120030 AP8120030 AP8120030 AP8120030 AP8120177 AP8120190 AP8120190 AP8120223 AP8120223 AP8120253 AP8120405 AP8120405 AP8120416 AP8120422 AP8120428 27/03/2015 No. table 08.010 08.020 09.010 10.020 02.140 06.050 11.030 02.170 01.030 01.010 01.010 02.170 01.010 02.170 05.010 05.020 02.170 09.010 10.020 02.170 10.010 01.050 04.080 01.050 04.080 07.010 01.050 05.020 05.020 05.010 02.140 08.030 02.140 06.030 06.050 06.020 06.040 06.010 06.010 06.010 06.040 06.040 04.010 01.010 02.040 10.020 08.030 07.020 07.020 07.020 07.020 06.010 06.050 08.010 10.010 10.020 02.120 03.220 07.020 03.330 06.050 03.010 08.010 11.020 11.030 02.070 02.030 Pos. 7 11 10 13 7 11 16 12 10 33 22 4 34 6 13 20 10 24 30 2 9 29 3 30 4 4 3 14 15 5 9 8 19 15 7 5 7 19 2 1 5 6 6 32 5 7 9 13 12 14 16 14 17 11 4 14 5 12 15 26 14 2 4 15 15 14 14 Code AP8120531 AP8120573 AP8120573 AP8120592 AP8120622 AP8120622 AP8120657 AP8120663 AP8120822 AP8120876 AP8120912 AP8120912 AP8120952 AP8120965 AP8121032 AP8121032 AP8121032 AP8121075 AP8121075 AP8121096 AP8121133 AP8121155 AP8121170 AP8121184 AP8121199 AP8121204 AP8121207 AP8121212 AP8121213 AP8121221 AP8121221 AP8121223 AP8121224 AP8121428 AP8121455 AP8121475 AP8121570 AP8121592 AP8121718 AP8121725 AP8121728 AP8121728 AP8121728 AP8121991 AP8123641 AP8123642 AP8123643 AP8123975 AP8123977 AP8125687 AP8125728 AP8125730 AP8125732 AP8125838 AP8125839 AP8125841 AP8125842 AP8125843 AP8127098 AP8127432 AP8127856 AP8128189 AP8133502 AP8133664 AP8133666 AP8133824 AP8134383 No. table 02.030 01.020 10.020 02.140 02.030 02.080 11.030 09.010 06.030 01.030 03.010 06.030 10.020 03.040 03.320 06.050 08.010 01.050 11.010 02.170 01.020 04.080 03.330 02.140 03.330 01.050 07.010 05.020 05.020 03.010 06.030 06.030 01.020 10.010 03.330 02.170 01.050 05.020 07.010 03.330 02.040 08.020 10.020 10.020 07.010 07.010 07.010 04.010 04.010 01.050 05.010 05.020 05.020 05.020 05.020 05.010 05.010 05.010 08.030 06.010 01.030 05.010 06.010 06.010 06.010 06.020 06.010 Page 8 / 77 Pos. 15 6 39 28 11 9 17 5 13 14 17 7 29 29 9 18 6 16 6 18 19 7 5 3 16 11 5 13 11 16 6 10 5 6 18 17 26 21 14 25 8 15 34 35 6 7 8 3 5 19 9 10 12 17 19 8 14 6 1 8 15 15 18 4 7 4 12 Code AP8134451 AP8134640 AP8134948 AP8134955 AP8144005 AP8144006 AP8144007 AP8144007 AP8144008 AP8144033 AP8144048 AP8144061 AP8144158 AP8144424 AP8144443 AP8144444 AP8144529 AP8144558 AP8144563 AP8144564 AP8144565 AP8144565 AP8144616 AP8144707 AP8144720 AP8146502 AP81465164 AP8146518 AP8146616 AP8146617 AP8146862 AP8148824 AP8150011 AP8150011 AP8150012 AP8150017 AP8150018 AP8150020 AP8150020 AP8150044 AP8150064 AP8150107 AP8150114 AP8150137 AP8150137 AP8150137 AP8150158 AP8150158 AP8150164 AP8150179 AP8150179 AP8150182 AP8150195 AP8150204 AP8150204 AP8150220 AP8150236 AP8150236 AP8150236 AP8150248 AP8150255 AP8150255 AP8150285 AP8150285 AP8150292 AP8150292 AP8150311 No. table 01.020 03.330 02.170 01.020 01.050 01.050 03.010 06.030 10.010 10.020 01.050 11.020 09.010 03.220 01.050 01.050 08.010 03.330 02.080 02.040 02.140 09.010 02.080 01.010 10.020 01.020 04.080 04.080 01.020 01.020 01.020 01.050 06.050 10.020 01.030 02.170 03.330 02.040 03.010 03.190 04.010 01.010 04.010 03.320 07.020 10.010 02.140 02.140 01.020 02.150 11.010 02.150 05.020 02.140 10.020 07.010 02.170 03.330 07.010 01.030 08.020 09.010 02.170 03.040 01.010 01.030 01.030 Pos. 17 24 11 3 12 10 21 8 14 12 9 10 16 23 21 22 14 17 4 6 30 17 3 35 38 8 9 5 20 24 2 28 20 23 12 15 19 10 20 26 8 18 10 10 10 12 32 8 23 4 4 3 24 2 24 13 13 15 11 13 3 12 9 18 11 6 11 Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Code AP8150334 AP8150340 AP8150376 AP8150376 AP8150376 AP8150378 AP8150382 AP8150382 AP8150403 AP8150413 AP8150413 AP8150420 AP8150421 AP8150421 AP8150429 AP8150429 AP8150430 AP8150430 AP8150431 AP8150431 AP8150444 AP8150450 AP8150450 AP8150462 AP8150462 AP8150468 AP8150469 AP8150474 AP8150500 AP8150500 AP8150500 AP8150500 AP8150503 AP8150505 AP8150506 AP8150506 AP8150509 AP8150509 AP8150509 AP8150515 AP8150522 AP8150536 AP8150537 AP8150538 AP8150538 AP8150540 AP8150540 AP8150543 AP8152001 AP8152003 AP8152003 AP8152043 AP8152043 AP8152043 AP8152128 AP8152137 AP8152137 AP8152137 AP8152154 AP8152154 AP8152166 AP8152166 AP8152186 AP8152238 AP8152246 AP8152246 AP8152267 27/03/2015 No. table 01.050 06.010 02.030 03.010 11.010 02.120 08.010 11.020 02.090 02.140 02.140 08.030 02.140 03.050 03.190 03.220 01.050 11.020 03.010 03.330 02.070 02.070 02.140 03.010 06.030 01.050 01.010 06.010 02.030 02.030 02.100 08.020 01.050 09.010 01.010 02.040 08.020 11.020 11.020 08.010 08.030 02.090 01.020 02.140 09.010 01.020 07.010 07.020 01.030 03.040 03.290 02.140 06.050 07.020 11.010 02.150 06.010 08.030 01.010 02.170 03.040 03.180 06.050 02.170 09.010 11.010 01.050 Pos. 15 11 6 19 10 7 8 3 1 14 26 12 29 19 13 4 17 12 18 20 3 10 27 23 14 31 31 16 5 8 4 12 27 11 24 11 2 11 2 5 7 2 14 5 9 9 15 9 5 10 14 31 19 19 5 2 13 5 19 16 27 6 16 14 25 2 25 Code AP8152272 AP8152272 AP8152273 AP8152274 AP8152277 AP8152277 AP8152277 AP8152277 AP8152277 AP8152278 AP8152278 AP8152279 AP8152279 AP8152279 AP8152279 AP8152279 AP8152280 AP8152280 AP8152281 AP8152283 AP8152285 AP8152286 AP8152286 AP8152287 AP8152289 AP8152292 AP8152294 AP8152298 AP8152298 AP8152299 AP8152299 AP8152299 AP8152299 AP8152301 AP8152301 AP8152302 AP8152302 AP8152302 AP8152305 AP8152318 AP8152318 AP8152323 AP8152324 AP8152329 AP8152329 AP8152329 AP8152329 AP8152329 AP8152335 AP8152339 AP8152339 AP8152398 AP8152410 AP8152411 AP8152412 AP8152413 AP8152414 AP8152441 AP8152442 AP8152481 AP8161127 AP8163170 AP8176101 AP8201727 AP8201755 AP8213057 AP8220150 No. table 03.270 10.020 09.010 06.050 03.010 03.040 03.090 07.010 10.010 01.010 03.190 02.120 03.010 03.220 06.040 10.020 03.180 10.010 03.330 07.010 11.010 05.010 06.040 03.180 03.040 03.040 03.040 06.040 08.030 02.140 08.030 10.010 11.010 01.010 04.080 01.050 02.120 02.140 01.050 01.030 03.180 05.020 05.020 02.140 03.050 03.050 03.060 08.020 05.010 02.090 09.010 01.010 01.010 04.080 04.080 04.080 06.020 01.010 07.010 01.010 09.010 07.010 05.020 10.010 01.010 06.010 08.020 Page 9 / 77 Pos. 1 18 6 15 9 32 6 17 10 25 28 6 1 19 8 4 48 2 23 12 9 11 13 57 8 16 7 12 15 13 6 5 7 16 8 24 2 4 14 2 42 22 9 12 11 8 5 10 10 4 23 15 9 10 6 11 7 17 10 10 2 9 16 15 30 6 4 Code AP8220150 AP8220177 AP8220186 AP8220186 AP8220238 AP8220283 AP8220283 AP8220366 AP8221023 AP8221023 AP8221023 AP8221036 AP8221043 AP8221129 AP8221145 AP8221150 AP8221349 AP8224462 AP8224462 AP8224470 AP8224470 AP8224470 AP8225369 AP8234020 AP8706087 AP9100053 AP9100053 AP9100433 AP9100519 AP9150006 AP9150051 AP9150145 AP9150145 B043204 B043231 B043317 B043488 B043542 B043807 B043823 B043834 B043864 B043920 B043925 B043929 B043929 B043933 B043941 B044355 B044356 B044357 B044365 B044414 B044474 B044495 B0445450B B0445450G B0445450V B04454700EQ B04454700XN6 B044548 B044550 B044551 B044583 B044584 B044585 B044586 No. table 11.020 03.010 02.040 08.030 02.140 08.010 11.010 09.010 06.010 06.050 10.010 08.030 07.020 02.170 10.020 10.020 06.040 08.010 11.010 01.020 03.010 06.030 01.030 01.050 06.050 06.050 11.020 03.040 07.030 03.180 03.180 03.040 03.180 03.160 03.210 05.020 11.010 03.220 03.090 03.210 03.010 09.010 02.170 09.010 02.170 09.010 02.120 02.120 06.020 06.020 06.040 03.230 11.020 03.230 03.290 03.160 03.160 03.160 02.090 02.090 02.090 09.010 06.050 06.020 06.010 06.010 06.030 Pos. 4 6 4 13 25 12 12 15 15 10 3 14 11 8 32 36 11 13 11 10 4 16 3 13 13 12 9 6 5 39 38 25 4 11 6 6 3 20 10 1 11 14 1 8 3 13 9 10 1 2 3 19 6 24 1 4 4 4 3 3 5 22 21 3 3 20 12 Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Code B044588 B044589 B044590 B044591 B044592 B044593 B044594 B044640 B045021 B045033 B045095 B045126 B045183 B045224 B045224 B045224 B045224 B045476 B045476 B045753 B045842BB B045842DD B045842NN B045844 B046004 B046072 B046156 B046202 B046203 CM001905 CM001927 CM002903 CM002912 CM002916 CM224906 CM225401 CM225605 CM225607 CM225615 CM225730 CM228002 CM228004 CM228006 CM228007 CM228008 CM228009 CM228010 CM228011 CM228012 CM228013 CM228014 CM228015 CM228016 CM228017 CM228018 CM228019 CM228020 CM228021 CM228022 CM228023 CM228024 CM228025 CM228026 CM228027 CM228028 CM228029 CM228030 27/03/2015 No. table 06.050 06.050 06.050 06.050 06.050 06.050 06.050 11.030 07.020 05.020 06.050 03.040 02.190 03.040 03.180 03.220 03.220 03.130 03.140 10.020 03.160 03.160 03.160 03.160 03.270 03.190 02.030 03.040 04.010 03.320 03.050 03.060 03.050 03.320 05.020 03.320 11.030 11.030 11.030 11.030 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 Pos. 6 1 3 2 4 5 9 2 5 5 22 28 21 11 55 13 15 14 14 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 14 9 4 15 4 14 5 4 6 9 10 11 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Code CM228031 CM228032 CM228033 CM228034 CM228035 CM228036 CM228037 CM228038 CM228039 CM228040 CM228041 CM228042 CM228043 CM228044 CM228045 CM228046 CM228047 CM228048 CM228049 CM228050 CM228051 CM228052 CM228053 CM228054 CM228055 CM228056 CM228057 CM228401 CM228402 CM264501 CM265601 CM267701 CM267702 CM269603 CM269606 CM269609 CM269609 GU05603331 GU05677730 GU30027931 GU30729330 GU98370616 No. table 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 03.110 01.020 01.020 11.020 03.010 03.150 03.150 10.020 10.020 03.210 10.020 07.020 01.020 03.050 03.050 03.180 Page 10 / 77 Pos. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 16 1 10 1 1 16 27 2 6 17 7 18 17 53 Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Code 895460 2B001123 858729 2B001451 2B001453 2B001452 858717 858718 AP8152410 AP8152481 AP8150292 858710 858714 2B001454 AP8152398 AP8152301 AP8152441 AP8150107 AP8152154 858712 2B001354 AP8102902 894027 AP8150506 AP8152278 2B001525 858849 858903 27/03/2015 Frame 01.010 Frame 1 Description Frame Coppia bussole di sterzo Dowel Inserto forcellone SX -5 Inserto forcellone int. DX -5 Inserto forcellone est. DX -5 Front Insert pos. +5 RH spacer Screw w/ flange M10x55 Screw w/ flange Curved spring washer * Bush Rear Insert pos. +5 ***Engine threaded M10 plug Screw w/ flange M10x80 Self-locking nut Washer 10,5x25x4 Hex socket screw M8x30 Washer 8,4x13* Pin Rear engine support Hex threaded insert Pin Flanged nut Screw w/ flange M6x16 Fixing bracket Saddle support Headlight support clamp Qty 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 3 2 7 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 4 4 4 2 1 1 1 Page 11 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Code 858904 AP8201755 AP8150469 AP8117033 AP8102544 AP8104390 AP8144707 27/03/2015 Frame 01.010 Frame 1 Description Support bracket Threaded rivet Hex socket screw M10x30 Adhesive sponge Threaded rivet M6 Threaded rivet Gasket Qty 1 2 4 1 4 6 1 Page 12 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Code 858786 AP8146862 AP8134955 CM228401 AP8121224 AP8120573 GU05677730 AP8146502 AP8150540 AP8224470 658830 858787 858788 AP8150537 894201 CM228402 AP8134451 AP8101861 AP8121133 AP8146616 893996 893997 AP8150164 AP8146617 27/03/2015 Frame 01.020 Foot rests 1 Description RH front footrest bracket Front footrest, pair Footrest pin Footrest pin Footrest return spring Stop ring Springs fixing pin LH front footrest bracket Screw Hex socket screw M6x20 Curved spring washer 6x12 RH protection LH protection Hex socket screw M6x12 LH rear footrest guard Footrest pin Footrest plate Ball D6,35 Coil compress. spring Rear footrest, RH Rear footrest, RH cpl Rear footrest, LH Hex socket screw M8x45 Rear footrest, LH Qty 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 4 2 8 2 1 6 1 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 Page 13 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Code 858863 AP8152318 AP8225369 858941 AP8152001 AP8150292 843213 893044 893045 AP8102524 AP8150311 AP8150012 AP8150248 AP8120876 AP8127856 27/03/2015 Frame 01.030 Central stand 1 Description Stand cpl. Screw w/ flange M10x35 Hex socket screw Guard Low nut M10x1,25 Curved spring washer * T bush Outer spring Inner spring Stand spring protection Low self-locking nut Washer 5,3x10x1* Washer 5,5x15x1,6 Plug Lateral stand switch Qty 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 Page 14 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Code 2B001289 858707 AP8110078 890002 858708 648707 858780 858783 AP8144048 AP8144006 AP8121204 AP8144005 AP8234020 AP8152305 AP8150334 AP8121075 AP8150430 858936 AP8125687 648708 AP8144443 AP8144444 858781 AP8152302 AP8152267 AP8121570 AP8150503 AP8148824 27/03/2015 Frame 01.050 Swing arm 1 Description Swing arm Rear swing arm pin Cage à rouleaux Ball bearing 61904-2RS1 Adjustment bush Swing arm ring nut Chain guide plate Chain guard O-ring 134 Gasket ring Inside circlip d37 Gasket ring Cup for shoe Chain tens.adjuster screw Nut M8 T bush * Low self-locking nut Rear int.sw.arm piv.bush Wheel pin washer Rear wheel spindle nut LH chain guide plate RH chain guide plate Chain guide plate Screw w/ flange M5x12 Hex socket screw M5x12 Internal spacer Screw Maintenance Qty 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 Page 15 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 29 30 31 Code AP8110065 AP8110068 AP8150468 27/03/2015 Frame 01.050 Swing arm 1 Description Qty 2 2 1 Cage à rouleaux Oil seal D18x24x3 Screw M6x40 Page 16 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. Body 02.030 Pelindung lumpur depan-Pilar 1 1 2 Code B046156 2H000849000XHD Description Photoengraved front mudguard RH lower fairing, grey 2 2H001057000H4 RH lower fairing, grey 3 4 858827 2H000850000XHD Pillar LH lower fairing, grey 4 2H001058000H4 LH lower fairing, grey 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AP8150500 AP8150376 895909 AP8150500 2B001812 896174 AP8120622 AP8102375 895915 AP8120428 AP8120531 Hex socket screw M5x9 Washer 8,5x15x0,8 RH clamp Hex socket screw M5x9 LH clamp Hex socket screw M5x12 Front dust cover ring Clip m5 Hex socket screw Cable-guide Rubber w/ insert 27/03/2015 Qty Variants 1 1 Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Technical specification:Decal[D] 1 Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Technical specification:Decal[D] 1 1 Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Technical specification:Decal[D] 1 Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Technical specification:Decal[D] 4 4 1 2 1 4 2 5 1 1 2 Page 17 / 77 Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Body 02.040 Fairing depan 1 Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Code 2B001535 581957 895916 AP8220186 AP8117033 AP8144564 2B001544 AP8121728 2B001543 AP8150020 AP8150506 2H000846000XN6 Windshield Hex socket screw Plastic washer Rubber spacer Adhesive sponge Rubber w/ insert M4 LH rearview mirror T bush RH rearview mirror Washer 10,5x21x2* Flanged nut Front fairing, d.black 12 2H001054000EQ Front fairing 13 14 858830 894057 Front fairing lower lockup Headlight Covers 27/03/2015 Description Qty Variants 1 4 4 2 1 4 1 4 1 4 4 1 Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Technical specification:Decal[D] 1 Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Technical specification:Decal[D] 1 1 Page 18 / 77 Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Code 2B001540000XN6 2B001541000XN6 AP8150444 AP8102375 896174 2B001921 858818 858819 858926 AP8150450 2B001922 858907 858925 AP8120422 27/03/2015 Body 02.070 Saluran 1 Description Front fairing DX Front fairing SX Self-tapping screw Clip m5 Hex socket screw M5x12 LH Upper Air duct LH Lower Air duct RH-LH Gasket LH lower support Washer for shafts D5 RH Upper Air duct RH Lower Air duct RH lower support Black hose 98x2* Qty 1 1 2 6 6 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 2 Page 19 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. Body 02.080 Fairing samping 1 1 2 3 4 5 Code 858828 858829 AP8144616 AP8144563 2H000847000XN6 RH internal fairing LH internal fairing Rivet, female Rivet, male RH lat.fairing, black 5 2H001055000EQ RH lat.fairing 6 2H000848000XN6 LH lat.fairing, black 6 2H001056000EQ LH lat.fairing 7 8 9 10 11 2B001547 2B001548 AP8120622 896174 AP8102375 RH baffle LH baffle Front dust cover ring Hex socket screw M5x12 Clip m5 27/03/2015 Description Qty Variants 1 1 6 6 1 Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Technical specification:Decal[D] 1 Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Technical specification:Decal[D] 1 Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Technical specification:Decal[D] 1 Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Technical specification:Decal[D] 1 1 4 4 2 Page 20 / 77 Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 Code AP8150403 AP8150536 B04454700EQ B04454700XN6 AP8152339 B044548 AP8101372 27/03/2015 Body 02.090 Penutup tangki 1 Description Hex socket screw M6x45 Special washer Cover serbatoio Fuel tank cover, black Screw w/ flange M5x9 Bush Fixing Silent-block Qty Variants 1 1 1 Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] 1 Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] 2 1 2 Page 21 / 77 Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 Code 858834 858833 860447 AP8150500 AP8102375 27/03/2015 Body 02.100 Bodi tengah 1 Description LH side panel RH side panel Biadhesive Hex socket screw M5x9 Clip m5 Qty 1 1 2 6 2 Page 22 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Code 85883200A1 AP8152302 85884300A1 85884400A1 AP8120177 AP8152279 AP8150378 894195 B043933 B043941 27/03/2015 Body 02.120 Jok 1 Description Driver saddle Screw w/ flange M5x12 Complete passenger saddle Belt Elastic Screw w/ flange M6x20 Washer 6,4x18x2 Hex key Pad Pad Qty 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 8 2 Page 23 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Body 02.140 Bodi belakang 1 Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Code 858836 AP8150204 AP8121184 AP8152302 AP8150538 AP8102375 AP8102381 AP8150158 AP8112600 2H000852000XHD Description Saddle supp.lower lockup Nut M4 Screw M4x14 Screw w/ flange M5x12 Hex socket screw M5x10 Clip m5 Clip M4 Washer 4,3X9X0,8 Rubber spacer LH rear fairing, grey 10 2H001060000H4 Left tail fairing 11 2H000851000XHD RH rear fairing, grey 11 2H001059000H4 Right tail fairing 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 AP8152329 AP8152299 AP8150413 2B001552 897482 894657 270361 AP8112916 893108 893109 2H000853000XN6 Phillips screw, SWP M5x20 Self-locking nut M6 Self-tap screw 3,9x14 Number plate holder Number plate holder Cover Screw M6x20 Rear reflector Net panel (r) Net panel (l) Saddle cover, black 27/03/2015 Qty Variants 1 2 2 8 2 2 2 2 1 1 Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Technical specification:Decal[D] 1 Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Technical specification:Decal[D] 1 Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Technical specification:Decal[D] 1 Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Technical specification:Decal[D] 2 2 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Technical specification:Decal[D] Page 24 / 77 Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Body 02.140 Bodi belakang 1 Pos. 22 Code 2H001061000XN6 Saddle cover 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 893112 858838 AP8220238 AP8150413 AP8150450 AP8120592 AP8150421 AP8144565 AP8152043 AP8150158 893259 Cushion Saddle cover base Rubber spacer Self-tap screw 3,9x14 Washer for shafts D5 Washer Self-tap screw 2,9x12 Nylon washer Hex socket screw M4x10 Washer 4,3X9X0,8 Pin 27/03/2015 Description Qty Variants 1 Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Technical specification:Decal[D] 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Page 25 / 77 Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 Code 858782 AP8152137 AP8150182 AP8150179 27/03/2015 Body 02.150 Pelindung lumpur belakang 1 Description Rear mudguard Hex socket screw M6x20 Curved spring washer * Washer 6,6x18* Qty 1 2 2 2 Page 26 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Code B043920 AP8104920 B043929 AP8102913 858955 AP8104719 858580 AP8221129 AP8150285 AP8104803 AP8134948 AP8102523 AP8150236 AP8152238 AP8150017 AP8152154 AP8121475 AP8121096 27/03/2015 Body 02.170 Pengunci 1 Description Lock kit "Aprilia" key with transpo. Fuel filler cap and lock Pass.saddle connecting plate Lock cable Serratura sella con chiave Main switch - steering lock Bush Hex socket screw M6x35 Fuel filler cap gasket Plate Lock nut M22x1,5 Hex socket screw M8x35 Shear rivet M8x28 Washer 8,4x16x1,6 Washer 8,4x13* Fairlead T bush 8,2x12x4 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 27 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 1 2 Code 2Q000084 2Q000085 894056 27/03/2015 Body 02.180 Set pelat / Ragam 1 Description Operator's handbook I-F-D-E Operator's handbook EN-NL-EL-DA-FI-FR Toolkit Page 28 / 77 Qty 1 1 1 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 Code 2H000935 2H000961 2H000936 2H000962 2H000938 2H000964 2H000939 2H000965 2H000940 2H000966 2H000941 2H000967 2H000951 2H000976 2H000950 2H000975 2H000874 2H000943 2H000969 2H000944 2H000970 2H000777 2H000942 2H000968 2H000945 2H000971 2H000946 2H000972 27/03/2015 Body 02.190 Stiker 1 Description Windshield decal Aprilia Windshield decal Aprilia Numberplate Numberplate Right tank decal Aprilia Racing Right tank decal Aprilia Racing Fuel tank decal Aprilia Racing Fuel tank decal Aprilia Racing Tank right band decal Tank right band decal Tank left band decal Tank left band decal Decalco carena sx "be a racer" Decalco carena sx "be a racer" Decalco carena dx "be a racer" Decalco carena dx "be a racer" Decal 54 World Titles Transfer centre black Transfer centre black Transfer centre black Transfer centre black Front fairing decal ITALIA decal numbers Decalco portanumero Decalco fascia inferiore dx Decalco fascia inferiore dx Decalco fascia inferiore sx Decalco fascia inferiore sx Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 29 / 77 Variants Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 29 30 Code 2H000952 2H000977 2H000937 2H000963 2H000948 2H000973 2H000949 2H000974 893102 B045183 2H000487 2H000953 2H000978 2H000954 2H000979 2H000960 2H000985 2H000958 2H000983 2H000959 2H000984 2H000956 2H000957 893819 27/03/2015 Body 02.190 Stiker 1 Description Sticker "RSV4 RR" Sticker "RSV4 RR" Tank guard decal Tank guard decal RH fairing decal "A" RH fairing decal "A" LH fairing decal "A" LH fairing decal "A" Front mudguard decal ABS Front mudguard decal Aprilia Racing Decalco dx-sx BOSCH RH lower fairing decal Aprilia Racing RH lower fairing decal Aprilia Racing LH Lowerr fairing decal Aprilia Racing LH Lowerr fairing decal Aprilia Racing Saddle cover decal "Italia" Saddle cover decal "Italia" Right tail fairing number plate decal Right tail fairing number plate decal Left tail fairing number plate decal Left tail fairing number plate decal Decalco fascia codone dx Decalco fascia codone sx Name plate "aprilia" Qty 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 30 / 77 Variants Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Vehicle colour:Matt Black[Black] Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Code AP8152279 AP8120253 852480 AP8224470 898133 AP8220177 2B001549 2B001932 AP8152277 CM265601 B043834 898134 898463 897594 897360 AP8121221 AP8120912 AP8150431 AP8150376 AP8150020 AP8144007 884033 AP8150462 899191 858923 27/03/2015 Engine 03.010 Moteur-Groupe complementaire 1 Description Screw w/ flange M6x20 Spacer Gear lever Hex socket screw M6x20 Bush O-ring 115 Sprocket cover Spacer Screw w/ flange M6x12 [...] Quick shift device Bush Screw M6x35 Gear control tie rod Gear lever Brake lever pin Lever rubber Low nut M8 Washer 8,5x15x0,8 Washer 10,5x21x2* O-ring 11,11x1,78 Rear brake lever pin Circlip d9 Microswitch Chain guide Qty 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Page 31 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Code 2A000263 857087 897434 857427 411209 AP9100433 AP8152294 AP8152289 857128 AP8152003 B045224 857090 857208 B046202 2A000293 AP8152292 857109 AP8150285 857127 2A000295 857496 857144 897436 897435 AP9150145 974060 AP8152166 B045126 27/03/2015 Engine 03.040 Carters I 1 Description Carter, pair Stud bolt m10x126 Flanged nut M10x1 Pin M8x12 Pin Screw w/ flange M6x50 Screw w/ flange Screw w/ flange Gasket ring 30x47x7 Hex socket screw M6x40 Astuccio a rullini 12x8x12 Maintenance Washer 19 x 10,5 x 1,6 Vite TB 4X12 TORX Getto raffreddamento pistone Screw w/ flange Gasket ring 17,12X2,62 Hex socket screw M6x35 Gasket ring 12x22 Stud bolt Special nut O-ring Bearing Bearing Check bearing plate Plug M16X1,5 screw M6x16 Relief Valve Qty 1 18 6 3 4 8 4 1 1 1 1 1 6 4 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 Page 32 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 29 30 31 32 Code AP8120965 2A000363 2A000569 AP8152277 27/03/2015 Engine 03.040 Carters I 1 Description O-ring 2018 Getto di lubrificazione Tubo lubrificazione Screw w/ flange M6x12 Qty 2 1 1 2 Page 33 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Code 2B001216 2B001220 2B001218 2B001217 2B001072 2B001413 2B001412 AP8152329 2A000275 858807 AP8152329 2B001481 858808 CM002912 CM001927 2B001219 GU30729330 GU30027931 AP8150421 893752 2B001480 893132 2B001507 893915 893240 27/03/2015 Engine 03.050 Corps filtre 1 Description Filter housing base Filter housing cover Intake superiore Air filter housing seal Air filter Intake hose LH Intake hose RH Phillips screw, SWP M5x20 Injector kit complete Upper fuel rail Phillips screw, SWP M5x20 Fixing bracket pipe blow-by Hose clamp Hose clamp Chiusura filtro aria Air temp. Sensor Gasket Self-tap screw 2,9x12 Rubber spacer Mobile system trumpets screw Trombetta bassa cpl. Maintenance O-ring 56,82X2,62 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 8 4 2 4 Page 34 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Code 857303 857304 857305 CM002903 AP8152329 642302 894658 2B001484 2B001483 896567 857306 896565 896566 27/03/2015 Engine 03.060 Corps à papillon 1 Description Front Throttle body Rear Throttle body Union Hose clamp Phillips screw, SWP M5x20 Air pressure sensor Joint Depression pipe Depression pipe Sec. screw Hose clamp Fuel pipe, cpl. ant. Fuel pipe, cpl. post. Qty 1 1 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 8 1 1 Page 35 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Code 2A000464 857071 898410 857084 857501 AP8152277 897443 857043 857074 B043807 27/03/2015 Engine 03.090 Couvre-culasse 1 Description Coperchio valvole magnesio NERO Special screw Damper drift HT coil short cable HT coil long cable Screw w/ flange M6x12 Valve cover gasket Gasket Gasket Spark plug NGK CR9EKB Qty 2 6 6 2 2 4 2 4 4 4 Page 36 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Code 2A000171 857035 857085 857042 411209 897434 857208 825597 2A000178 2A000236 436438 2R000037 2R000260 478895 857024 855632 857046 857047 857045 857044 2A000337 857017 873097 857016 857082 857083 857048 27/03/2015 Engine 03.100 Culasse - soupapes 1 Description Complete cylinder big head Stud bolt m10x171 Hex socket screw M6x45 Copper washer Pin Flanged nut M10x1 Washer 19 x 10,5 x 1,6 Pin 11,8X10 Valve, in Exaust valve Valve gasket ring Intake valve spring kit Exhaust valve spring kit Screw w/ flange Valve half-cone Valve lifter bucket Spark arrester Spark arrester Reed valve Cover reed valve Bicchierino valvola aspirazione Oil sprayer pipe O-ring Angular union Screw w/ flange M6x12 O-ring screw M5x16 Qty 2 8 20 8 12 12 12 4 8 8 16 8 8 4 32 8 2 2 4 2 8 2 4 2 2 2 6 Page 37 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Code CM228002 CM228004 CM228006 CM228007 CM228008 CM228009 CM228010 CM228011 CM228012 CM228013 CM228014 CM228015 CM228016 CM228017 CM228018 CM228019 CM228020 CM228021 CM228022 CM228023 CM228024 CM228025 CM228026 CM228027 CM228028 CM228029 CM228030 CM228031 27/03/2015 Engine 03.110 Plaquette 1 Description Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pad 1,77 Pad 1,82 Pad 1,87 Pad 1,90 Pad 1,92 Pad 1,95 Pad 1,97 Pad 2 Pad 2,02 Pad 2,05 Pad 2,07 Pad 2,10 Pad 2,12 Pad 2,15 Pad 2,17 Pad 2,20 Pad 2,22 Pad 2,25 Pad 2,27 Pad 2,30 Pad 2,32 Pad 2,35 Pad 2,37 Pad 2,40 Pad 2,42 Pad 2,45 Pad 2,47 Pad 2,50 Page 38 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Code CM228032 CM228033 CM228034 CM228035 CM228036 CM228037 CM228038 CM228039 CM228040 CM228041 CM228042 CM228043 CM228044 CM228045 CM228046 CM228047 CM228048 CM228049 CM228050 CM228051 CM228052 CM228053 CM228054 CM228055 CM228056 CM228057 27/03/2015 Engine 03.110 Plaquette 1 Description Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pad 2,52 Pad 2,55 Pad 2,57 Pad 2,60 Pad 2,62 Pad 2,65 Pad 2,67 Pad 2,70 Pad 2,72 Pad 2,75 Pad 2,77 Pad 2,80 Pad 2,82 Pad 2,85 Pad 2,87 Pad 2,90 Pad 2,92 Pad 2,95 Pad 2,97 Pad 3 Pad 3,02 Pad 3,05 Pad 3,07 Pad 3,10 Pad 3,12 Pad 3,15 Page 39 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Code 2A000328 2A000507 857546 857008 897444 2A000559 857476 857477 1A004792 857094 857096 1A004784 857176 B045476 27/03/2015 Engine 03.130 Distribution cylindre avant 1 Description Exhaust camshaft Intake camshaft Timing system gear Z=44 Screw w/ flange M8x10,3 Driving chain Chain guide plate Special screw M6x18 Bushing Pattino tendicatena cpl. Special screw M8 Washer 18,5x8,5x3,3 Chain tensioner O-ring Washer 15x6x2 Qty 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 40 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Code 2A000329 2A000507 857546 857008 897444 2A000559 857476 857477 1A004792 857094 857096 1A004784 857176 B045476 27/03/2015 Engine 03.140 Distribution cylindre arrière 1 Description Rear exhaust camshaft Intake camshaft Timing system gear Z=44 Screw w/ flange M8x10,3 Driving chain Chain guide plate Special screw M6x18 Bushing Pattino tendicatena cpl. Special screw M8 Washer 18,5x8,5x3,3 Chain tensioner O-ring Washer 15x6x2 Qty 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 41 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Code CM267701 CM267702 2A000489 2A000450 2A000356 899299 857105 857106 857126 857125 872117 27/03/2015 Engine 03.150 Cylindre - Piston 1 Description Piston assy "A" Piston assy "B" Gudgeon bucket Stop ring Cylinder head gasket Piston ring KDN5 mark Piston ring Piston ring Joint Gasket Screw w/ flange Qty 4 4 4 4 2 1 Country: 4 Country: 4 1 1 2 Page 42 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Code 2A000299LL 2A000299MM 2A000299NN 2A000299OO B045842BB B045842DD B045842NN B045844 B0445450B B0445450G B0445450V 897478 897478 8571300G 8571300N 8571300V 8571320G 8571320N 8571320V 2D000049 2A000535 B043204 857118 857077 897474 27/03/2015 Engine 03.160 Arbre moteur 1 Description Drive shaft LL Drive shaft MM Drive shaft NN Drive shaft OO [...] [...] [...] Connecting rod screw Half bearing of the connecting rod blue Half bearing of the connecting rod Yellow Half bearing of the connecting rod Green Washer 12x26.5x3 Washer 12x26.5x3 Bushing half-shell, yellow Semiguscio bronzina nero Semig. bronz centrale verde Bushing half-shell, yellow Semig. bronz centrale nero Bearing half-shell, green Cdi magneto assy Primary drive gear Ring nut Wheel speed sensor, left front Special screw M8x24 Sprocket spacer Page 43 / 77 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1.36 5.28 1.36 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 Code 2A000436 898634 898635 AP9150145 857271 AP8152166 857250 857175 2A000440 2A000551 857236 2A000283 857308 857247 857248 857309 857233 857244 2A000287 2A000556 2A000285 2A000284 2A000288 2A000557 2A000286 857246 857245 2A000454R 27/03/2015 Engine 03.180 Boîte de vitesses - engrenages 1 Description Trasmission support Ball bearing 25x62x17 Ball bearing 20x52x15 Check bearing plate Check bearing plate screw M6x16 Ball bearing 25x42x9 Spring Fork shaft Driven shaft Driven shaft Ingran.1a su sec. Z=39 Washer 30x40x1,5 Clearance washer Circlip D30 Roller cage 30x35x13 Roller cage 24x28x13 Roller cage 26x30x15,6 Ingran.5a su sec. Z=31 [...] Ingran.3a su sec. Z=34 Ingran.2a su sec. Z=33 Ingran.6a su sec. Z=34 [...] Ingran.4a su sec. Z=31 Washer 24x35x1,5 Washer 20,1x33,5x2,5 Fork Qty 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Page 44 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Code 898633 2A000453R 857232 857234 2A000281 2A000280 2A000278 2A000554 2A000552 857458 857251 857123 857274 AP9150051 AP9150006 2A000048 857253 AP8152318 890827 854909 854951 857279 857265 AP8152280 899599 898636 857260 2A000047 27/03/2015 Engine 03.180 Boîte de vitesses - engrenages 1 Description Ball bearing 30X72X19 Fork Washer for shafts Clearance washer Ingran.6a su prim. Z=27 Ingran.5a su prim. Z=23 ingran.2a su prim. Z=16 ***MULTIPLE GEAR 3rd 4rd Primary gear shaft Primary gear shaft Shift cam Index washer Index assy. lever Washer D6,3x18x1 Screw w/ flange M6x15 Spring Gear shaft+spring cpl. Screw w/ flange M10x35 Pinion Z=16 Belleville spring T bush O-ring Gear position sensor Screw w/ flange M6x25 Threaded pin Ball bearing 20x52x15 Fasten spring Spring Qty 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Page 45 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 53 54 55 56 57 Code GU98370616 857427 B045224 857249 AP8152287 27/03/2015 Engine 03.180 Boîte de vitesses - engrenages 1 Description Hex socket screw M6x16 inox Pin M8x12 Astuccio a rullini 12x8x12 Cage à rouleaux HK1512 Screw w/ flange M8x25 Qty 2 3 1 1 6 Page 46 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Code 2A000595 B046072 2A000253 857176 2A000264 2A000311 2A000276 2A000540 857189 857168 857187 289731 AP8150429 641541 2A000357 857184 857147 857176 858808 277330 709099 85273R 857192 2A000265 006412 AP8150044 2A000358 AP8152278 27/03/2015 Engine 03.190 Lubrification 1 Description Oil strainer Or packing 24x2,5 - 80 FKM Oil pressure valve O-ring Pan oil Sump gasket O-ring Oil pump O-ring Oil filter union Oil filter Screw w/ flange M6x30 Spring washer 6,4x11x0,5* Oil pressure sensor Tubo ingresso olio Cover Gasket OR O-ring pipe blow-by Hex socket screw Hex socket screw M6x16 Pump gear Roller 5X19,8 Tappo conico ergal M12x1,5 Circlip Hex socket screw M6x20 Retainer plate Screw w/ flange M6x16 Qty 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 12 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 Page 47 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Code B043823 CM269609 2B002201 840893 893968 B043231 27/03/2015 Engine 03.210 Pompe à eau 1 Description Water pump assy Hose clamp Tubo mandata pompa acqua Hex socket screw M6x25 Water pump kit Water pump cap Qty 1 2 1 2 1 1 Page 48 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Code 2A000572 857429 857436 AP8150429 411209 857451 857543 857078 832029 122675 974229 AP8120190 B045224 857498 B045224 857127 857461 857314 AP8152279 B043542 857460 2A000573 AP8144424 27/03/2015 Engine 03.220 Couvercle embrayage 1 Description Clutch cover Screw w/ flange Screw w/ flange Spring washer 6,4x11x0,5* Pin Gasket Inspection cover O-ring Encoder sensor Hex socket screw Oil load plug O-ring 3075 Astuccio a rullini 12x8x12 Shaft pin d.12 Astuccio a rullini 12x8x12 Gasket ring 12x22 Clutch lever return spring Clutch control lever Screw w/ flange M6x20 Clutch control pin bushing T bush Oil dipstick O-ring 4075 Qty 1 14 2 16 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 49 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Code 2A000634 893774 894794 893783 893784 893940 893941 893777 893778 893779 893780 893942 893943 893944 893782 899483 899601 893767 B044365 893769 893770 894821 893772 B044474 27/03/2015 Engine 03.230 Embrayage 1 Description ***INTERNAL CLUTCH HOUSING Washer 25,5x47x2,5 Support assy. Driven clutch disc Aluminium clutch drum Clutch pressure plate Bearing Clutch spring Spring seat Hex socket screw M6 Driving clutch disc Clutch disc Spring Seat judder spring Driving clutch disc Driven clutch disc Pawl clutch Nut Washer 31x44x0.9 Roller cage 35x40x35,8 Spacer Oil pump gear Z=39 Washer 58x25x8 Belleville spring sp.0,9 Qty 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 6 6 6 2 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Page 50 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Code AP8152272 B046004 2A000466 898268 857176 85746200XNB 857048 871094 2A000034 872117 658830 898269 006630 27/03/2015 Engine 03.270 Carter de volant 1 Description Screw w/ flange M5x12 Bracket ***FLYWHEEL COVER Gasket ring 18x30x7 O-ring Blow-by outlet Blow-by screw M5x16 Screw w/ flange Seal washer Screw w/ flange Curved spring washer 6x12 Clearance washer Snap ring Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 2 3 6 1 1 Page 51 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Code B044495 85254R 897434 2A000468 857298 825431 857290 235779 857288 2A000469 895316 2A000547 2A000313 AP8152003 27/03/2015 Engine 03.290 Démarreur / Démarreur électrique 1 Description Starter motor Electric starter gear Z=12/64 Flanged nut M10x1 Ingranaggio comando contralbero Tab Complete freewheel Roller cage 30X35X17 Washer """Denso"" freewheel gear" z=49 Balance shaft Cap Fifth wheel Spacer Hex socket screw M6x40 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Page 52 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Code 856631 856632 856630 CM001905 CM002916 CM225401 857181 858727 AP8121032 AP8150137 27/03/2015 Engine 03.320 Air secondaire 1 Description pipe pipe pipe Hose clamp Hose clamp Hose clamp SAS valve Bracket Bush Hex socket screw M6x16 Qty 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 Page 53 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Engine 03.330 Pot d''échappement 1 Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Code 2B001059 2B001060 436947 852090 AP8121170 2B001061 2D000152 976521 2B001062 2B001063 2B001065 Description Collettore anteriore DX Collettore anteriore SX Nut Exhaust pipe gasket Spring Collettore centrale Lamda sensor Hose clamp Collettore post. DX Collettore post. SX Silencer 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B001067 898385 254485 AP8150236 AP8121199 AP8144558 AP8121455 AP8150018 AP8150431 2D000064 890928 AP8152281 AP8134640 AP8121725 AP8120223 840509 Exhaust pipe heat prot. Torx Screw M6x10 Spring plate M6 Hex socket screw M8x35 Bush Rubber spacer Spacer bush Washer Low nut M8 Exhaust valve actuator Heat protection Screw w/ flange M6x30 Air box spacer T bush * Rubber spacer * Spacer 27/03/2015 Qty 1 1 8 4 6 1 2 1 1 1 1 Year: Country: 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 Page 54 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 28 29 Code 2B001531 2B001532 27/03/2015 Engine 03.330 Pot d''échappement 1 Description Cavo apertura valvola di scarico Cavo chiusura valvola di scarico Qty 1 1 Page 55 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Code 897302 854547 AP8123975 893945 AP8123977 AP8116071 893966 AP8150064 B046203 AP8150114 859792 896944 27/03/2015 Suspensions 04.010 Fourche Av. Ohlins 1 Description RH hub LH hub Front fork revision kit Spring Plug cpl. Front fork oil 1 lt. Return spring Screw Sensor support Low self-locking nut Sensor ABS Fairlead Qty 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 Page 56 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Code 2B001398 858918 AP8110065 AP8110068 AP8146518 AP8152412 AP8121155 AP8152301 AP81465164 AP8152411 AP8152413 27/03/2015 Suspensions 04.080 Amortisseur 1 Description Rear shock absorber Double conrod Cage à rouleaux Oil seal D18x24x3 Piston pin L=36 Hex socket screw M10x72 T bush * Self-locking nut Single conrod comp. Hex socket screw M10x59 Screw w/ flange M10x61 Qty 1 2 4 4 3 1 2 5 1 1 3 Page 57 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 Code 897596 2B002032 893135 893136 AP8110094 AP8125843 85263R AP8125841 AP8125728 AP8152335 AP8152286 AP8104728 AP8125842 AP8128189 27/03/2015 Wheels 05.010 Roue Av. 1 Description Front/rear tyre 120/70-17" M/C (58W) Front wheel RH front brake disc LH front brake disc Bearing 25x47x12 Internal spacer Front wheel spindle Gasket ring 30x47x7 Front RH whe.ou.spacer Wheel spindle nut Screw w/ flange M8x20 Tubeless tyre valve 90° Snap ring d47 Wheel speed sensor, left front Page 58 / 77 Qty 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 12 1 1 1 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Code 897367 2B002033 896358 CM224906 B045033 B043317 858731 564878 AP8152324 AP8125730 AP8121213 AP8125732 AP8121212 AP8110081 AP8110093 AP8176101 AP8125838 859754 AP8125839 AP8104728 AP8121592 AP8152323 893639 AP8150195 890960 85248R 894505 27/03/2015 Wheels 05.020 Roue arrière 1 Description Rear tyre 200/55-17" M/C Rear wheel, red Chain cpl conn.link Chain ring Z=41 Pin Flexible coupling rubber Rear wheel spindle Nut Wheel spindle nut M25x1,5 Crown holder cpl. Gasket ring 38x55x7 Spring drive spacer Inside circlip d55 Bearing 30x55x13 Bearing 6205-2rs1 25x52x15 Internal spacer Gasket ring 38x52x7 Connecting link Snap ring d52 Tubeless tyre valve 90° Rear wheel spacer Washer 25,2x36x1 Primary drive / Cush drive Hex socket screw M10x30 Wheel speed sensor, left front ABS Front brake disc, gold Screw w/ flange M8x18 Qty 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 5 Page 59 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Code AP8113598 AP8113499 B044584 AP8133664 893937 AP8213057 AP8133666 AP8127432 890509 AP8101595 AP8150340 AP8134383 AP8152137 AP8120030 AP8221023 AP8150474 658830 AP8133502 AP8113230 B044585 27/03/2015 Brake system 06.010 Maît. cyl. frein AV 1 Description Pil brake tank plug Brake oil tank Front master cilinder Front brake lever U-bolt Rear brake pump union Lever pin Stop switch Rubber pipe Hose clamp D10,1 Hex socket screw Oil tank plate Hex socket screw M6x20 Rubber spacer T bush Stainless cap nut M6 Curved spring washer 6x12 Air bleed valve Bleed valve cap Front master cyl.cradle Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 60 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Code B044355 B044356 B044583 AP8133824 AP8113070 896576 AP8152414 27/03/2015 Brake system 06.020 Pince frein avant 1 Description RH front brake caliper LH front brake caliper Pads pair Air bleed valve Bleed valve cap Spring Screw w/ flange M10x55 Qty 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 Page 61 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Code 893933 020006 898694 898695 858785 AP8121221 AP8120912 AP8144007 859946 AP8121223 893138 B044586 AP8120822 AP8150462 AP8112996 AP8224470 27/03/2015 Brake system 06.030 Pompe frein arrière 1 Description Rubber bellows Nut Push rod set Plug Rear brake lever Brake lever pin Lever rubber O-ring 11,11x1,78 Fixing pin Rear brake lever pin Spring Rear master cylinder Silent block, spring Circlip d9 Microswitch Hex socket screw M6x20 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 62 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Code 898486 859792 B044357 893969 AP8113752 AP8113753 AP8113070 AP8152279 858791 896896 AP8221349 AP8152298 AP8152286 27/03/2015 Brake system 06.040 Pince frein arrière 1 Description Brake supp. plate pin Sensor ABS Rear brake caliper Pads pair Pin+split pin Air bleed valve Bleed valve cap Screw w/ flange M6x20 Rear brake hose support Rear brake caliper support T bush Screw w/ flange M5x16 Screw w/ flange M8x20 Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Page 63 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Code B044589 B044591 B044590 B044592 B044593 B044588 AP8113004 852702 B044594 AP8221023 AP8102381 AP9100053 AP8706087 AP8120223 AP8152274 AP8152186 AP8120030 AP8121032 AP8152043 AP8150011 B044551 B045095 27/03/2015 Brake system 06.050 Système frein ABS 1 Description Front brake pipe pump-Hecu ABS Front brake pipe clamp-clamp Front brake pipe Hecu ABS-clamp Rear brake pipe pump-Hecu ABS Rear brake pipe Hecu ABS-clamp ECU ABS Bosch 9MP Washer 10x14x1,6* Oil pipe screw Dual brake pipe screw T bush Clip M4 Bush d.10-h.3,5 Rubber spacer Rubber spacer * Screw w/ flange M5x20 Hex socket screw M6x12 Rubber spacer Bush Hex socket screw M4x10 Washer 4,3x12x1 ABS control unit support Protection Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 8 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 64 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Code 2B001450 2B001472 2B001706 AP8110077 AP8121207 AP8123641 AP8123642 AP8123643 AP8163170 AP8152442 AP8150236 AP8152283 AP8150220 AP8121718 AP8150540 893113 AP8152277 27/03/2015 Handlebar - Controls 07.010 Direction 1 Description Upper plate Lower plate Steering shock absorber Axial ball bearing Steering security plate Dust cover ring Ring nut Return ring nut Upper plate fixing bush Stem plug washer Hex socket screw M8x35 Screw w/ flange Hex socket screw M6x30 Headlight bush Screw Front fork lower closing Screw w/ flange M6x12 Qty 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 Page 65 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Code 893757 2B0011344 2B0011334 896150 B045021 899890 899891 856027 AP8150543 AP8150137 AP8221043 AP8118502 AP8118492 AP8118503 AP8120190 AP8118579 GU05603331 852398 AP8152043 27/03/2015 Handlebar - Controls 07.020 Guidon - Commandes 1 Description H.bars anti.v weight Right half handlebar Left half handlebar LH lights selector RH lights selector Gas trasmission delivery Gas trasmission return LH hand grip Screw M8x35 Hex socket screw M6x16 Spacer bush * Front gas lever U-bolt Cap screw Rear gas lever U-bolt O-ring 3075 LH hand grip Throttle cpl. Gearbox selector control Hex socket screw M4x10 Qty 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 66 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 Code 890923 893926 893927 890982 AP9100519 27/03/2015 Handlebar - Controls 07.030 Commande embrayage 1 Description Qty 1 1 1 1 1 Clutch lever cpl. Clutch lever Switch Clutch cable Spring Page 67 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Code 2D000116 580734 894057 AP8120405 AP8150515 AP8121032 AP8102375 AP8150382 894796 2D000130 AP8120030 AP8220283 AP8224462 AP8144529 27/03/2015 Lights - Instruments 08.010 Feux avant 1 Description Headlight Lamp 12V-35W H8 Headlight Covers Rubber spacer Light adjustment self-threading screw Bush Clip m5 Washer 15x5,5X1,2 Front headlight guard Headlight wiring w/harness Rubber spacer Rubber spacer * Relay 12V/30A Gasket Qty 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 5 5 1 Page 68 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Code 2D000144 AP8150509 AP8150255 AP8220150 2B002001 2B001562 890787 575249 845978 AP8152329 AP8102375 AP8150500 197551 898126 AP8121728 27/03/2015 Lights - Instruments 08.020 Instruments 1 Description Digital dashboard Self-tap screw 5x14 Washer 5x20x1,5 Rubber spacer Right instrument panel support Left instrument panel support Cover Screw with shank M6 Hose clamp Phillips screw, SWP M5x20 Clip m5 Hex socket screw M5x9 Cover Hose clamp T bush Qty 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 1 5 2 2 1 1 4 Page 69 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Code AP8127098 894566 2D000137 2D000138 AP8152137 AP8152299 AP8150522 AP8112600 AP8117258 2D000141 858725 AP8150420 AP8220186 AP8221036 AP8152298 858839 27/03/2015 Lights - Instruments 08.030 Feux arriere 1 Description Number-plate light T bush Rear RH turn indicator Rear LH turn indicator Hex socket screw M6x20 Self-locking nut M6 Screw 4,2x16 Rubber spacer Vibration-damping rubber Plate light wiring Taillight Self-tapping screw * Rubber spacer Bushing 5,3x8x7,1 Screw w/ flange M5x16 Taillight Cover Qty 1 1 1 Country: 1 Country: 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 Page 70 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. Tank 09.010 Réservoir essence 1 1 Code 2H000754000Z1 Fuel tank, black 1 2H001052000Z4 Fuel tank 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 AP8161127 576836 893273 AP8120663 AP8152273 858886 B043925 AP8150538 AP8102375 AP8150505 AP8150255 B043929 B043864 AP8220366 AP8144158 AP8144565 858884 895959 894604 899068 B044550 AP8152339 AP8104803 AP8152246 Fixing pin screw Spacer Rubber spacer * Screw w/ flange M5X15 LH support Fuel pump cpl. Hex socket screw M5x10 Clip m5 Hex socket screw m4x6 inox Washer 5x20x1,5 Fuel filler cap and lock Hex socket screw M5x14 Rubber spacer Rubber spacer Nylon washer Fuel pipe Breather pipe Inclination sensor Fuel level sensor Maintenance Screw w/ flange M5x9 Fuel filler cap gasket Screw w/ flange M6x16 27/03/2015 Description Qty Variants 1 Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Technical specification:Decal[D] 1 Vehicle colour:Matt grey[Gray] Technical specification:Decal[D] 1 2 2 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 Page 71 / 77 Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Code 2B000897 AP8152280 AP8221023 AP8120030 AP8152299 AP8121428 858927 AP8102349 AP8106389 AP8152277 2B001478 AP8150137 858489 AP8144008 AP8201727 2B001806 2B002198 27/03/2015 Cooling system 10.010 Radiateur huile 1 Description Oil cooler Screw w/ flange M6x25 T bush Rubber spacer Self-locking nut M6 Circlip d8 Spacer White hose clip D17,5x8 Oil pipe 12x19 Screw w/ flange M6x12 Radiator support bracket Hex socket screw M6x16 Pipe O-ring 115 Black cable guide Oil pipe Hose clip Qty 1 1 1 5 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 Page 72 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Code B045753 622055 897775 AP8152279 893954 CM269609 AP8117033 2B002204 AP8101595 856279 2B002207 AP8144033 AP8102378 AP8120030 858488 CM269603 2B002208 AP8152272 893224 893514 893823 893513 AP8150011 AP8150204 640485 2B002203 CM269606 856543 27/03/2015 Cooling system 10.020 Installation refroidissement 1 Description Water cooler Fan, cpl. Water cooler upper support Screw w/ flange M6x20 Cover Hose clamp Adhesive sponge Thermostat-cooler pipe Hose clamp D10,1 Thermostat valve set 75°C Hose H2O Thermostat-pump pipe Hose clamp D11,3 Rubber spacer Cooler-pump pipe Hose clamp Thermostat-engine pipe Screw w/ flange M5x12 Hose clamp Screw Washer d4,5 Spacer Washer 4,3x12x1 Nut M4 Temperature gauge Engine-manifold pipe Hose clamp Manifold Qty 1 2 1 4 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 1 2 4 1 Page 73 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Code AP8120952 AP8104836 858908 AP8221145 8150015 AP8121728 AP8121991 AP8221150 895450 AP8144720 AP8120573 27/03/2015 Cooling system 10.020 Installation refroidissement 1 Description Qty 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 Fuel pipe 5,5x10 Expansion tank plug Expansion tank T bush * Washer T bush Bush Cable-guide Bush Hose Stop ring Page 74 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Code 2D000037 AP8152246 B043488 AP8150179 AP8152128 AP8121075 AP8152299 890979 AP8152285 AP8150376 AP8224462 AP8220283 890760 2D000061 27/03/2015 Electrical systems 11.010 Circuit electrique AV 1 Description Security sensor Screw w/ flange M6x16 Voltage regulator Washer 6,6x18* Hex socket screw M6x30 T bush * Self-locking nut M6 Horn Screw w/ flange Washer 8,5x15x0,8 Relay 12V/30A Rubber spacer * Instrument support Main wiring harness Qty 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 Page 75 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Code CM264501 AP8150509 AP8150382 AP8220150 858882 B044414 854811 858883 AP9100053 AP8144061 AP8150509 AP8150430 893255 890932 AP8120405 2D000131 27/03/2015 Electrical systems 11.020 Circuit electrique cent. 1 Description Injection control unit Self-tap screw 5x14 Washer 15x5,5X1,2 Rubber spacer Maintenance Accelerator position sensor Rubber spacer Support bracket Bush d.10-h.3,5 Silent-block Self-tap screw 5x14 Low self-locking nut Spacer Varable ducts ECU Rubber spacer Engine wiring Qty 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 Page 76 / 77 Variants Chassis prefix: Engine prefix: RSV 4 1000 4006 - RSV4 1000 RR Racer Pack 2015 Group Code Description Service Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Code 639792 B044640 895701 2D000158 CM225730 582690 895481 896715 CM225605 CM225607 CM225615 858212 2D000061 860744 AP8120416 AP8102386 AP8120657 27/03/2015 Electrical systems 11.030 Circuit electrique arrière 1 Description Battery 12V-12Ah Relay battery wiring Terminal cap Earth cable Fuse 30A Starter relay Injection relay 12V-40W Relay rubber Fuse 5A Fuse 7,5A Fuse 15A Rubber fuse box Main wiring harness Hose clamp Black hose 178x4 Hose clamp 155x2 Hose clamp Qty 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 5 2 10 2 Page 77 / 77 Variants
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