141104-Newsletter - University College Cork
141104-Newsletter - University College Cork
VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1 NOVEMBER 2014 SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY NEWSLETTER Message from Head of School You are very welcome to the first edition of our School e-Newsletter for academic year 2014-15. This has been a very busy period as we finally moved to a semesterised system in September and we have been very busy with welcoming new students and getting our courses off the ground. We must welcome a new cohort of 45 Science III students into our BSc in Biochemistry programme. In addition, this year we have 42 students in our MSc (Biotechnology) and 17 in our MSc (Molecular and Cell Biology). Of these, we welcome 13 new non-EU students to our School. Great credit is due to Drs Justin McCarthy, Kellie Dean and Maryanne Donovan for their stalwart efforts in marketing and administering these hugely successful programmes. I hope all of the students joining us will have a great time and find your experience here very positive and enjoyable. Biochemistry class of 2014 as well as three PhDs. You can find some pictures and more news of these events inside. In this issue Research Team of the Year Award On the research front, Professor John Atkins and Dr Pasha Baranov of this School received a team research award from the President recently in recognition of their world-class research achievements. We are all very proud of John and Pasha and we salute this recognition of their achievement in a hugely competitive arena. Research Highlights I hope you find this e-Newsletter interesting and informative. Upcoming Events BSc in Biochemistry Conferrings The Art Champlin Gold Medal winner SCHOOL At the other end of the spectrum, we this week graduated forty students from our BSc (Honours) BSc in Biomedical Science graduates PhD Conferrings People People on the Move Biochemical Society (Irish Area Section) Open Day MSc Biotechnology Information Seminar Professor David Sheehan Biograph Hot Off the Press! Recent Publications RESEARCH TEAM OF THE YEAR AWARD PEOPLE IN THE NEWS SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY NEWSLETTER PAGE 2 Professor John Atkins and Dr Pasha Baranov win a Team Research Award at the University Staff Awards Ceremony Photo by Gerard McCarthy Professor John Atkins and Dr Pasha Baranov win Research Team of the Year Award Professor John Atkins, SFI Research Professor in our School, and Dr Pasha Baranov, College Lecturer in our School, received the Research Team of the Year Award from the President, Dr Michael Murphy, at the University Staff Awards ceremony held in the Aula Maxima on Thursday 9th October last. The award was given in recognition of their collaborative efforts in the highly-competitive field of RNA Recoding. The awards are sponsored by Gilead Sciences Ireland UC, a BioPharma company based in Carrigtwohill, Co Cork. John and Pasha’s collaboration started in 1999 at the Human Genetics School, University of Utah, where Pasha’s bioinformatics approaches productively complemented John’s research. The award citation read by Professor Anita Maguire, Vice President for Research, noted that the Recoding Research Team have been extraordinarily productive with 46 publications over the UCC President Dr Michael Murphy pictured at the UCC Staff Recognition Awards with academic staff from the School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology; Professor Tommie McCarthy, Dr Pasha Baranov, Professor David Sheehan (Head of School) and Professor John Atkins Photo by Gerard McCarthy last three years in top journals including Science, Nature and PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences). John was a lead editor on RNA Worlds, a seminal text launched by Nobel Laureate Dr. James Watson at UCC. The Recoding Research Team has enjoyed sustained funding success with 7 grant awards from SFI and a major grant from the Wellcome Trust. Student wins UCC Strategic Research Award ucc Staff awards Professor John Atkins, UCC President Dr Michael Murphy and Dr Pasha Baranov at the UCC Staff Recognition Awards Dylan O’Donovan At the same awards ceremony, Mr Dylan O’Donovan (BSc Biomedical Science) of this School received a UCC Strategic Research Award of a PhD studentship under the supervision of Professor Mary McCaffrey for a project entitled, “An investigation of the MAP kinase phosphorylation of the GRAB protein and functional consequences thereof on its binding to Rab11 and Rab8 and muscle cell physiology”. We wish Dylan all the best with his research. SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS Dr Pasha Baranov In September 2014, Dr Pasha Baranov gave a talk at Cold Spring Harbor Translation Control meeting and a seminar in New York University School of Medicine entitled “Ribosome Profiling: The Dawn of Translatomics”. Professor Dmitri Papkovsky and his group made several presentations at international conferences recently: • Papkovsky DB, Dmitriev RI, Optical imaging of cell and tissue Professor Dmitri Papkovsky oxygenation by means of cellpenetrating phosphorescent probes, 42nd Meeting of the International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue, June 28 - July 3, 2014, London, UK. (oral presentation) NEWSLETTER SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY • Zhdanov AV, Collins F, Okkelman IA, Papkovsky DB, HIF-independent inhibition of mitochondrial function by DMOG: an immediate-early effect and long-term consequences, 18th European Bioenergetics Congress, 12-16 July, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal. (poster) • Papkovsky DB, Dmitriev RI, Imaging of oxygenation in 3D tissue models by means of cell-penetrating phosphorescent nanosensors, International Microscopy Congress 2014, September 7-12, 2014, Prague, Czech Republic. (oral) • Zhdanov AV, Golubeva AV, Cryan JF, Papkovsky DB, 3D mapping of tissue oxygen in chronically inflamed mouse bladder, International Microscopy Congress 2014, September 7-12, 2014, Prague, Czech Republic. (poster) • Papkovsky DB, O2 imaging in 3D tissue models with phosphorescent probes and FLIM, Workshop on Advanced Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Techniques, Bethesda, USA, October 20-21, 2014. (invited talk) A paper on the Clustal W programme co-authored by Professor Des Higgins (formerly a lecturer in this School and now at UCD) was ranked tenth in a listing of the top 100 most-cited papers Professor Des Higgins, UCD of all time. The Top 100 Papers list was published recently in Nature. Photo: http://www.sfi.ie/assets/media/files/downloads/News%20and%20Events/Press%20Releases/Des%20 higgins%202.jpg PAGE 3 Career Development Award for Dr Ken Nally Dr Ken Nally Research highlights In August 2014, Professor David Sheehan delivered a presentation entitled “Effects of engineered metal and metal oxide nanoparticles on model aquatic organisms: Finding Professor Dave Sheehan protein targets by redox proteomics” as a Keynote paper 4th International Conference on Proteomics and Bioinformatics, Northbrook, Chicago, USA and as an invited paper to the American Chemical Society Meeting, San Francisco, USA. NEWSLETTER Dr Ken Nally has been awarded a Career Development Award by Science Foundation Ireland for his proposal: “Identification of the Molecular Pathways that Mediate Cytokine Induced Immunopathology of the Gut Epithelium”. This provides funding of €648,643.00 for four years to help establish and consolidate a research group of 2 postdoctoral researchers and 3 PhD students. PEOPLE IN THE NEWS BSc in Biochemistry conferrings in the School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology BSC IN BIOCHEMISTRY CONFERRINGS IN THE SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY Rachel Power, Sinead Kenealy, Edith Fosso, Jennifer Moloney and Hazel Murphy NEWSLETTER PAGE 4 BSc in Biochemistry Conferrings Forty of our BSc (Hons) Biochemistry students graduated at a ceremony on Tuesday, 28th October. The guest speaker at the ceremony was Sean Sherlock, Minister of State for ODA, Trade Promotion and North/South Cooperation and former Minister of State for Innovation. The staff in the School would like to wish all the graduates every success in their careers ahead. Autumn Conferrings BSC IN BIOCHEMISTRY CONFERRINGS SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY PEOPLE IN THE NEWS NEWSLETTER Congratulations to Aprille Duggan, Lara Farmer and Margaret O’Sullivan Niamh Ducey, Patrick Wiley, Fergus Collins (Gold Medal winner), Cara Robertson and Christy Casey Margaret O’Sullivan, Michael Stack, Padraig Dunne, Professor David Sheehan, Stephen Dennehy, Micheal Hennessy, Patrick Wiley, Lara Farmer and Tomas McCabe Shauna O’Connor and Sharon McMahon PAGE 5 Autumn Conferrings BSC IN BIOCHEMISTRY CONFERRINGS SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Niamh Ducey and Christy Casey Valerie Power O’Callaghan and Dr Sinead Kerins On 28 October 2014, forty students in the BSc in Biochemistry programme were conferred with their degree. Padraig Dunne, Michael Stack and Hazel Murphy Padraig Dunne, pictured here with his sister Ciara who also graduated with a BSc in Biochemistry in 2011. Ciara went on to do the MSc in Biotechnology in this School and is currently working for Janssen Ireland NEWSLETTER Patrick Wiley Joanne Cronin, Shauna O’Connor, Conor O’Shea, Sharon McMahon and Niamh Ducey PAGE 6 Autumn Conferrings BSC IN BIOCHEMISTRY CONFERRINGS SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY PEOPLE IN THE NEWS NEWSLETTER The Professor Art Champlin gold medal is awarded annually to the top student graduating BSc (Hons) in Biochemistry Dr Sinead Kerins, Professor Paul Ross, Junior Minister Sean Sherlock, Fergus Collins (Gold Medal winner), Professor David Sheehan, UCC President Mr Michael Murphy and Fergus’ parents, Patrick and Jane Collins 2014 Gold Medal Award Recipient Fergus Collins BSc Mr Fergus Collins, 2014 Art Champlin Gold Medal winner, pictured here with Professor David Sheehan, Head of School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology The Professor Art Champlin Gold medal award for academic excellence in Biochemistry, was presented to Fergus Collins on October 28th by Professor Dave Sheehan of this School. Fergus graduated as the top student with a first class honours degree in Biochemistry and has commenced a PhD at Teagasc, Moorepark under the supervision of Professor Paul Ross, Head of SEFS. Fergus has been an outstanding student and is also the recipient of the Eil Lilly undergraduate award for academic excellence in Biochemistry in 2013 and 2014. In 2013, Fergus was also awarded a UCC Academic Scholarship and a Health Research Board Summer fellowship, which enabled Fergus to conduct research with Dr Ken Nally, School of Biochemistry, analysing the expression and function of the Type 1 Interferon pathway in irritable bowel syndrome. PAGE 7 Gold Medal Winner THE ART CHAMPLIN GOLD MEDAL WINNER SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY PEOPLE IN THE NEWS NEWSLETTER 2014 BSc in Biomedical Science Graduates BSc in Biomedical Science Conferrings Professor David Sheehan, Head of School, deputised for the Registrar at a conferring ceremony for the BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science class held in Cork Institute of Technology on Monday, 20th October 2014. Professor Sheehan and Dr Brendan Murphy jointly presented parchments to graduates from this successful course. Professor David Sheehan, School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology Dr Sinead Kerins Dr Sinéad Kerins (Director of BSc Biomedical Science programme), Dr Brigid Lucey, CIT (Deputy Director of BSc Biomedical Science programme) and Dr Brendan O’Connell (Head of Biological Sciences CIT) were also in attendance at the ceremony and would like to wish the BSc Biomedical Science graduates every success in their future careers. PAGE 8 Autumn Conferrings BSC BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE GRADUATES SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Dr Tom Moore, School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Mrs Julia Dunne, new EMBL scholar Dr Matthew Dunne (centre), Mr Stephen Dunne and Professor David Sheehan, Head of School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at the PhD Conferring ceremony. Dr Patricia Collins, School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology Photo by Tomas Tyner, UCC Photo by Tomas Tyner, UCC PhD Conferrings Three students from the School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology were awarded PhD degrees at the Autumn Conferring ceremony held at UCC on October 29th last. Patricia Collins, (supervised by Dr Ruaidhri Carmody, University of Glasgow, and Dr Cora O’Neill, School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology) for her thesis: “An investigation into the role of bcl3 in toll-like receptor signalling”. Matthew Dunne, (supervised by Dr Tom Moore, School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology and Dr R. Meijers, EMBL, Heidelberg) NEWSLETTER Three PhD students from this School were awarded PhD degrees for his thesis: “A novel activation mechanism for clostridial bacteriophage endolysins”. Louise Foley, (supervised by Dr Eoin Fleming, School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology) for her thesis: “Characterisation of the degradation of wild type and mutant hfe proteins during stress signalling in the endoplasmic reticulum”. Heartiest congratulations to Dr Collins, Dr Dunne and Dr Foley! SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY Dr Louise Foley, School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology NEWSLETTER PAGE 9 People in the news PHD CONFERRINGS SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY PEOPLE PEOPLE ON THE MOVE Dr Kellie Dean appointed to College Lectureship Congratulations to Dr Kellie Dean who has been appointed to a College Lecturership in this School. Kellie will be working in particular on International Education and diversification of our postgraduate offerings. Kellie’s research interests include translational regulation, non-coding RNAs and RNA-binding protein biochemistry, with a particular focus in investigating the mRNA targets and biological influence of the RNA-binding protein, Smaug, in Drosophila and human cells. NEWSLETTER SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY PAGE 10 Emily Power Congratulations to Shauna O’Donovan and Emily Power who completed their research projects with the recoding group for the MSc in Bioinformatics with Computational Biology. Dr Kellie Dean NEWSLETTER Neil O’Donnell MSc has recently joined the lab Of Professor Dmitri Papkovsky as a PhD student Alina Kondrashina Congratulations and best wishes also to Alina Kondrashina, Biophysics and Bioanalysis Lab on the safe arrival of a baby girl on October 24th last. People Shauna O’Donovan SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY PEOPLE ON THE MOVE Dr Maryanne Donovan Dr Geraldine Kelly Dr Maryanne Donovan on the move We are sorry to announce the departure of Dr Maryanne Donovan who is moving to a new position with Novartis. Maryanne made significant contributions to establishing the structured PhD in Molecular Cell Biology and MSc (Molecular and Cell Biology with Bioinnovation) which have been outstandingly successful programmes. This success is largely attributable to Maryanne’s energy in establishing, publicising, marketing and overseeing deliver of these courses. We wish Maryanne every success in her new role and we thank her for her key contributions to our success. NEWSLETTER Dr Finola Fogarty Dr Geraldine Kelly on the move Dr Finola Fogarty on the move Congratulations to Dr Geraldine Kelly who commenced a Technical Services/ Manufacturing Science Laboratory Representative role at Eli Lilly in September 2014. Prior to this Geraldine was a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Cell Biology Laboratory, conducting investigations into the protective role of IGF-1 in the heart. Geraldine completed her PhD research in 2011, on the regulation of IGF-1R activation in cancer, under the supervision of Professor Rosemary O’Connor and graduated in 2009 with a BSc in Biochemistry. Congratulations to Dr Fionola Fogarty who commenced a Bioassay Technical Specialist role at MSD Brinny in May 2014. Fionola is a BSc Genetics graduate, who commenced the PhD Scholars Programme in Cancer Biology, UCC in 2009. Fionola conducted her PhD research, which focused on the characterization of the Heme binding protein HRG-1 in cancer cells, under the supervision of Professor Rosemary O’Connor. On completion of her PhD, Fionola worked with the Almac group, Belfast identifying novel clinically relevant biomarkers for IGF de-regulated signalling in cancer and disease, until commencing her role at MSD. SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY NEWSLETTER Dr Ronan O’Riordan Dr Ronan O’Riordan on the move Congratulations to Dr Ronan O’Riordan who commenced a Technical Services/ Manufacturing Science Laboratory Representative role at Eli Lilly in September 2014. Ronan is a BSc Genetics graduate. Ronan was selected for the PhD Scholars Programme in Cancer Biology, UCC in 2008 and commenced his PhD research in 2009, under the supervision of Dr Tom Moore, on Pregnancy-Specific Glycoprotein. On completion of his PhD, Ronan worked as a Research Assistant until commencing his role at Eli Lilly. PAGE 11 People on the Move PEOPLE ON THE MOVE SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY UPCOMING EVENTS NEWSLETTER PAGE 12 UPCOMING Staff Christmas Party! Its that time of year again and the Staff Christmas Dinner is booked for the Kingsley Hotel on Thursday 18th December at 6.00pm. Have a look at the menu and contact Justin McCarthy or Tricia Fowler if you would like to go. Justin and Tricia will be collecting EUR 45.00 per person to allow for a tip. We really hope to see you there! UCC Biotechnology and Biochemistry Society to host their second MSc information seminar Are you thinking about your future? The Biochemistry and Biotechnology Society UCC are hosting an information seminar on MSc Programmes, UCC on Tuesday evening next, 4th November from 6.00-7.00pm in Western Gateway G01. Dr Kellie Dean, School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology will discuss the structure and entry requirements of both the MSc Molecular Cell Biology programme and Master of Research in Biochemistry and Cell Biology (MRes) programme. Fairbanks Christmas Menu €39.50 per person Creamed Forrest Mushroom Soup with Herb Croutons, Truffle Foam Smoked Salmon, Baby Leaves, Pastis dressing and glazed beetroot Goats Cheese Tartlet, Creamed Spinach, Chunky Tomato Fondue ************************ Seared 10oz Sirloin Steak, Sautéed Wild Mushrooms, Fondant Potato, Jameson and Peppercorn Cream Sauce Oven Roasted Turkey and Honey Glazed Bacon, Chesnutt and Apricot Stuffing, Cranberry Glaze, Jus Roti Grilled Fillets of Sea Bream, Sweet Potato Puree, Buttered Asparagus Tips, Light Lemon Butter Creamy Orzo Pasta, buttered broad beans, red onion Confit, Granma Padano Sauvignon Cream *************************** Kingsley Christmas Pudding, Brandy Anglaise, Bourbon Vanilla Gelato Raspberry and White Chocolate Parfait, Mulled Wine Fruits, Almond Tuille Spiced Gingerbread Cake, Salted Caramel, Honey Ambrosia, Hazelnut Ice Cream Served with freshly brewed Tea/Coffee Katie Green, who is a past BSc Biochemistry and MSc Molecular Cell Biology graduate, will talk about what it was like to do the MSc Molecular Cell Biology programme and discuss how she secured her PhD position at the University of Calgary, NW Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Dr Marcus Claesson, School of Microbiology, UCC will discuss the structure and entry requirements of the MSc programme in Bioinformatics with Computational Biology. Charity Cake Sale UCC Biochemistry and Biotechnology will host a cake sale and raffle for Pieta House in the foyer of the Western Gateway Building on Monday, 10th November between 10.00 and 15.00 hrs. Upcoming Events EVENTS TH BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY MEETING 12 — 13 TH SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER PAGE 13 UPCOMING Irish Area Section of the Biochemical Society (IASBS) Meeting UCD Conway Institute, University College Dublin 13th-14th Nov 2014 At-A-Glance Speaker Programme Day 1: 8:15 -9.00 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:15 10:45 11:15 11:45 12.00 12:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:30 19:00 Thursday 13th November 2014 Registration, Conway Foyer Session I Platelet and Vascular Therapy Prof Paola Patrignani, University of Chieti, Italy. Crosstalk between platelets and cancer cells and the effect of antiplatelet drugs. Dr Simone Marconi, University College Dublin, Ireland. Proteomic Signatures of Platelet Drug Response Oral presentation selected from abstracts (TBA) Dr Roger Preston, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Engineered super-enzymes as therapies for vascular disease Coffee Break Session II A focus on the Vascular Endothelium Dr Phil Cummins, Dublin City University, Ireland. The Blood-Brain Barrier: A Target for Proinflammatory Cytokines Oral presentation selected from abstracts (TBA) Dr Steve Kerrigan, Royal College of Surgeon‘s in Ireland, Ireland. Platelets and bacterial infection of endothelial cells Lunch & technical session. Sponsored by Medical Supply Company Ltd. Session III Vascular Biochemistry & Disease I Dr Orina Belton, University College Dublin, Ireland. Immune cells- Signals and function in the resolution of atherosclerosis Dr Maura Grealy, National University of Ireland, Galway Title to be confirmed Dr Patricia Maguire, University College Dublin, Ireland, Platelets, plexosomes and their Wnt secretes Poster Session I Prof Meinrad Gawaz, Tuebingen University, Germany. Platelet-derived CXCL12 (SDF-1α): basic biochemical mechanisms and clinical implications. Followed by wine reception and poster viewing Conference Dinner Day 2: 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:15 10:45 11:15 11:45 12:00 12:30 14:00 15:00 Friday 14th November 2014 Session IV Platelet Biochemistry & Function. Prof Alastair Poole, University of Bristol, UK. Secrets of platelet exocytosis: how and why do platelets secrete? Dr Niamh Gilmartin, Biomedical Diagnostics Institute, DCU Development of a new platelet function assay: From lab to clinic Oral presentation selected from abstracts (TBA) Prof Cormac Taylor, University College Dublin, Ireland. Regulation of gene expression by hypoxia. Coffee Break Session V Vascular Biochemistry & Disease II Dr Fionnuala Ni Ainle, Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Dublin, Ireland. Early onset preeclampsia: novel approaches to prognosis and therapy? Oral presentation selected from abstracts (TBA) Prof Louise Kenny, University College Cork, Ireland. Screening for Pre-Eclampsia The Obstetric Holy Grail Lunch & Technical session sponsored by Fluxion & Labtech. Poster Session II Prize Giving and Close of Meeting More details are available from Dr Eoin Fleming, School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology Irish Area Section EVENTS IASBS 2014 OPEN DAY SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY UCC OPEN DAY NEWSLETTER PAGE 14 regarding the joint UCC/CIT Biomedical Science degree programme. Prospective students attended a presentation from Professor Dave Sheehan on Biological and Chemical Sciences and also, a presentation on Biochemistry and Biomedical Science from Dr Sinéad Kerins. Dr Cora O’Neill , Vice-head of the School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology discusses degree outlets with prospective Biochemistry and Biomedical Science students during Open Day UCC October Open Day The UCC Open day was held on the 11th October 2014. Professor Dave Sheehan, Dr Cora O’Neill and Dr Pasha Baranov from the School of Biochemistry & Cell Biology were on hand to answer queries relating to Biological and Chemical Sciences and the Biochemistry Degree outlet. In addition, Dr Paul Young, Dr Sinéad Kerins (School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology), Dr David Clarke (School of Microbiology, UCC) and Dr Collette Hand (Department of Pathology, UCC) provided information and dealt with student queries Biochemistry graduate, Jamie Byrne provided tours of the undergraduate teaching laboratories in the School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology and demonstrated various Molecular Biology techniques to the students. The students also got some hand on experience in loading agarose and SDS-PAGE gels. They really enjoyed this and were very impressed with the teaching facilities at the School. The Open Day at UCC was a highly successful event attended by over 5,000 potential students and Professor Dave Sheehan would like to thank the academic staff, technical staff and Jamie for making our participation in this event such a success. Biochemistry graduate, Jamie Byrne demonstrates loading a gel to Rachel Nyhan, Bandon Grammar School UCC Open DAy Prospective Biochemistry students got some hands-on experience with agarose and SDS-page gels in the School’s undergraduate lab at Open Day MSC BIOTECHNOLOGY INFORMATION SEMINAR SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY NEWSLETTER PAGE 15 Daniel Sheehan Biochemistry and Biotechnology Society UPCOMING Dr Justin McCarthy EVENTS MSc in Biotechnology information seminar The Biochemistry & Biotechnology Society hosted a seminar on Wednesday 8th October last regarding the MSc Biotechnology Programme, UCC. Speakers on the evening were Dr Justin McCarthy, Director of the MSc Biotechnology and Daniel Sheehan, a BSc Biochemistry and MSc Biotechnology graduate. Dr McCarthy provided information regarding the structure and content of the programme and Daniel discussed his career profile to date, including information on his placement and position with BioMarin, Shanbally and also his current position with MSD, Brinny. The seminar was extremely well attended with over 120 students attending. The night was a great success. The Biochemistry and Biotechnology Society would like to thank Daniel and Justin for staying past 9.00 pm in order to answer student queries. SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY BIOGRAPH NEWSLETTER BIOGRAPHBIOGRA BIOGRAPH BIOGRA BIOGRAPH BIOGRA BIOGRAPH BIOGRA John Desmond Bernal, Physicist (1901-1971) JD Bernal was born near Nenagh, Co. Tipperary in 1901. During his childhood, he made the acquaintance of a local gentleman geologist who sparked in interest in minerals. After school in England, Bernal studied at Cambridge. He was fascinated by X-rays and soon began a research career in Physics exploring scattering of X-rays by minerals and, eventually, biological materials. In early research at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, he was one of the first scientists to confirm the “boomerang” shape of the water molecule. Bernal was known as “Sage” by all who knew him because, as Max Perutz said, “..he knew everything”. He became Professor of Physics at Birkbeck College, London, in 1937 where he encouraged the idea of applying X-ray diffraction to elucidating biostructures. He mentored and befriended many of the great names of Biochemistry who went on to win Nobel Prizes – (William) Bragg, Perutz, Kendrew, Wilkins, Klug and Pauling - as well as many who did not – Ramachandran, Franklin and many more. Some 17 Nobel prizes have been awarded for use of X-ray diffraction techniques in structure elucidation. Bernal worked as a Scientific Advisor to the British Government in World War II and became an expert on effects of bombing and beach topography amongst other things. His role was especially important in preparing for the Normandy landings of June 1944. He was a committed communist and freethinker which did not endear him to the Establishment and he worked tirelessly for greater internationalization in Science. The Bernal Professor of Structural Biology today in Birkbeck is Professor Helen Saibil who delivered the British Biophysical Society lecture in this School in November 2009. John Desmond Bernal (1901-1971) Profile This is a new feature where we will briefly profile a key contributor to our discipline from the past highlighting also their contributions to the future PAGE 16 HOT OFF THE PRESS! RECENT PUBLICATIONS SCHOOL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY NEWSLETTER PAGE 17 Sellami, B., Louati, H., Khazri, A., Mezni A., Dellali, M., Aissa, P., Ezzeddine M., Beyrem, H., Sheehan D. (2014) Effect of Permethrin, Anthracene and mixture exposure on shell components, enzymatic activities and proteins status in the Mediterranean clam Venerupis decussata. Aquatic Toxicology IN PRESS. Kondrashina, A.V., Ogurtsov, V.I., Papkovsky, D.B. (2014) Comparison of the three optical platforms for measurement of cellular respiration. Analytical Biochemistry IN PRESS, DOI:10.1016/j.ab.2014.09.001 RECENT Publications HOT OFF THE Recent Research Publications from this School Dmitriev, R., Borisov, S., Kondrashina, A., Pakan, J.P., Anilkumar, U., Prehnm J.M., Zhdanov, A., McDermott, K., Klimant, I., Papkovsky, D. (2014) Imaging oxygen in neural cell and tissue models by means of anionic cell-permeable phosphorescent nanoparticles. Cell Mol Life Sci IN PRESS, DOI: 10.1007/s00018-014-1673-5 PRESS Rainville L.-C., Varela, A.C., Sheehan, D. (2014) Application of the redox-proteomics toolbox to Daphnia magna challenged with model pro-oxidants copper and paraquat. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. IN PRESS. Loughran, G, Chou, MY, Ivanov, IP, Jungries, I, Kellis, M, Kiran, AM, Baranov, PV, Atkins JF. (2014) Evidence of efficient stop codon readthrough in four mammalian genes. Nucleic Acids Res, 42, 89288938. Kelly, C.A., Toncelli, C., Kerry, J.P., Papkovsky, D.B. (2014) Discrete O2 sensors produced by a spotting method on polyolefin fabric substrates. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 203, 935-940. Toncelli, C., Arzhakova, O.V., Dolgova, A., Volynskii, A.L., Kerry, J.P., Papkovsky, D.B. (2014) Phosphorescent oxygen sensors produced by spot-crazing of polyphenylenesulfide films. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2, 8035-8041. Dmitriev, R.I., Pestov, N.B., Shakhparonov, M.I., Okkelman, I.A. (2014) Two Distinct Nuclear Localization Signals in Mammalian MSL1 Regulate Its Function. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 115, 19671973. Aigner, D., Dmitriev, R., Borisov, S.M., Papkovsky, D.B., Klimant, I. (2014) pH-sensitive perylene bisimide probes for live cell fluorescence lifetime imaging. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2, 6792-6801. Leedale, J., Herrmann, A., Bagnall, J., Fercher, A., Papkovsky, D., Sée, V., Bearon, R.N. (2014) Modeling the dynamics of hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) within single cells and 3D cell culture systems. Mathematical Biosciences IN PRESS, DOI: 10.1016/j.mbs.2014.09.007 Bernardini, A., Brockmeier, U., Metzen, E., Berchner-Pfannschmidt, U., Harde, E., Acker-Palmer, A., Papkovsky, D., Acker, H., Fandrey, J. (2014) Type I cell ROS kinetics under hypoxia in the intact mouse carotid body ex vivo: a FRET based study. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology IN PRESS, ajpcell. 00370.02013. Zhdanov, A.V., Waters, A.H., Golubeva, A.V., Papkovsky, D.B. 2014 Differential contribution of key metabolic substrates and cellular oxygen in HIF signalling. Experimental Cell Research IN PRESS, DOI: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2014.10.005. Any material for inclusion in the next newsletter should be sent to the editor, Professor David Sheehan. EMAIL: [email protected]
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