taith - Sherman Theatre
taith - Sherman Theatre
AUTUMN 2016 HYDREF 2016 THE WEIR 7 - 22 Oct / Hyd 18 Look out for this symbol, which will mean a production is made by the Sherman! A PLAY, A PIE AND A PINT: SNOUT Cadwch lygad allan am y symbol hwn, sy’n golygu fod y cynhyrchiad wedi’i greu gan y Sherman! 8 - 12 Nov / Tach 13 27 Since February 2015 we have created 23 professional productions and co-produced with 17 organisations. Our work will have been seen in over 50 towns and cities throughout the UK and by over 70,000 people. Ers Chwefror 2015 rydym wedi creu 23 cynhyrchiad proffesiynol ac wedi cyd-gynhyrchu gyda 17 o gwmnïau. TAITH 27 Oct / Hyd Bydd ein gwaith wedi cael ei weld mewn dros 50 o drefi a dinasoedd ledled y DU ac i dros 70,000 o bobl. 20 14 THE WEIR LOVE, LIES AND TAXIDERMY 7 – 22 Oct / Hyd 15 – 19 Nov / Tach 22 24 THE BORROWERS THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES DILLAD NEWYDD YR YMERAWDWR 25 Nov / Tach - 31 Dec / Rhag 4 & 5 Nov / Tach, 5 – 31 Dec / Rhag 029 2064 6900 SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK Image / Llun Kirsten McTernan 2 WELCOME CROESO This season is full of bold, thrilling work; from the dark brilliance of Conor McPherson’s The Weir, to the much loved The Borrowers, the Sherman Theatre has something for all. Mae’r tymor hwn yn llawn gwaith beiddgar a chyffrous; o ddisgleirdeb tywyll The Weir gan Conor McPherson, i sioe boblogaidd The Borrowers, mae gan Theatr y Sherman rywbeth at ddant pawb. New work includes The Emperor’s New Clothes / Dillad Newydd yr Ymerawdwr by Alun Saunders, a new play by Alan Harris, Love, Lies and Taxidermy and a new A Play, A Pie and A Pint play by Kelly Jones. We are thrilled to be working with these exciting Welsh playwrights as well as our producing partners Tobacco Factory Theatres; Òran Mór; Paines Plough and Theatr Iolo. Ymhlith y gwaith newydd mae Dillad Newydd yr Ymerawdwr / The Emperor’s New Clothes gan Alun Saunders, drama newydd gan Alan Harris, Love, Lies and Taxidermy a’r ddrama A Play, A Pie and A Pint newydd gan Kelly Jones. Rydym wrth ein bodd yn cael gweithio gyda dramodwyr cyffrous o Gymru, yn ogystal â’n partneriaid cynhyrchu Tobacco Factory Theatres; Òran Mór; Paines Plough a Theatr Iolo. Alongside our own work, we are delighted to bring you some of the best theatre from across the UK. This includes the award winning Scorch, the Theatre Centre’s Layla’s Room, and the charming Why the Whales Came. We want to bring you work with heart and soul on our stages. The Sherman is your theatre. We are here for you. Ochr yn ochr â’n gwaith ni, rydym yn falch iawn o gyflwyno rhai o’r sioeau theatr gorau o bob rhan o’r DU. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys y ddrama wobrwyol Scorch, Layla’s Room gan Theatre Centre, a’r sioe gyfareddol Why the Whales Came. Rydym am rannu gwaith sydd â chalon ac enaid ar ein llwyfannau. Eich theatr chi yw’r Sherman. Rydym ni yma i chi. Rachel O’Riordan Artistic Director / Cyfarwyddwr Artistig WHAT’S INSIDE Y TU MEWN 6 Not I 7Scorch 24 The Emperor’s New Clothes Dillad Newydd yr Ymerawdwr 26 Shakespeare Schools Festival 8 Christina Bianco: Me, Myself and Everyone Else 27 About Us / Amdanom Ni 9 The Enjoyment of Opera 28 Artist Development / Datblygu Artistiaid 10 Why the Whales Came 30 Associate Artists / Artistaid Cyswtllt 11 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Family 32 Join In / Ymunwch 12 Layla’s Room 34 Sherman 5 36 Tickets / Tocynnau 37 Find Us / Darganfod 38 Hires / Llogi 39 Foyer Sessions / Sesiynau’r Cyntedd 40 Diary / Dyddiadur 43 Support Us / Cefnogwch Volunteering / Gwirfoddoli 13TAITH 14 The Weir 16 Andy Hamilton: Change Management 17 Owen Jones: The Politics of Hope 18 A Play, A Pie and a Pint: Snout 20 Love, Lies and Taxidermy 22 The Borrowers ICON GUIDE / CANLLAW ARWYDDION Main House / Y Brif Theatr Concessions / Gostyngiadau Studio / Stiwdio Under 25s – Half Price / Welsh Language / Iaith Gymraeg Dan 25 – Hanner Pris Captioned / Capsiynau English Language / BSL Performance / Iaith Saesneg Perfformiad BSL Age Guidance / Canllaw Oedran Post-show Talk / Trafodaeth Wedi-sioe Design / Dyluniad: burningred.co.uk 4 029 2064 6900 SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK THE SHERMAN THEATRE, WITH RACHEL O’RIORDAN AT THE HELM, IS A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH.” Exeunt - A Doll’s House WHAT MAKES A SHERMAN PRODUCTION? BETH YW CYNHYRCHIAD Y SHERMAN? The Sherman has built a reputation for producing outstanding high quality Welsh theatre on a national and international level. We have presented our own work at the National Theatre in London and at venues across the UK. Mae’r Sherman wedi dod yn enwog am gynhyrchu theatr arbennig o’r radd flaenaf ar lefel genedlaethol a rhyngwladol. Rydym wedi cyflwyno ein gwaith yn y National Theatre yn Llundain ac mewn lleoliadau ledled y DU. The Sherman makes and creates all elements of theatre right here in our building; from initial script development to the design and build of sets, costumes, sound, lighting and direction. Mae’r Sherman yn gwneud ac yn creu pob elfen o theatr yma yn ein hadeilad; o ddatblygu sgript gychwynnol i ddylunio ac adeiladu setiau a gwisgoedd, sain a goleuadau, a chyfarwyddo. Our creative teams are the driving force behind our productions and we work with local and nationally renowned practitioners to guarantee the best levels of entertainment in all our productions. Ein timau creadigol yw’r ysgogwyr y tu ôl i’n cynyrchiadau, ac rydym yn gweithio gyda phobl greadigol, sy’n enwog yn genedlaethol, i sicrhau’r lefelau gorau o adloniant yn ein holl gynyrchiadau. We support local and Welsh actors and writers and believe strongly that the quality and diversity of talent you see in our productions reflects the creativity you see in Cardiff, our Capital City, and across Wales. Rydym yn cefnogi actorion lleol a rhai Cymreig a chredwn yn gryf bod ansawdd ac amrywiaeth y ddawn a welwch yn ein cynyrchiadau yn adlewyrchu’r creadigrwydd a welwch yng Nghaerdydd, ein Prifddinas, ac ar hyd a lled Cymru. THE AUDIENCE WAS SO GRIPPED, THEY DID NOT WANT TO LEAVE THEIR SEATS.” British Theatre Guide - Romeo & Juliet Image / Llun: Mark Douet BOTH SAVAGE AND BEAUTIFUL, BOTH RESPECTFULLY TRADITIONAL AND BRASHLY MODERN.” Image / Llun: Nick Allsop Photography Western Mail - A Doll’s House THIS IS PERFECT THEATRE.” KATHERINE CHANDLER’S AWARD-WINNING PLAY TAKES FLIGHT UNDER THE SUPERB DIRECTION OF RACHEL O’RIORDAN.” The Guardian - Iphigenia in Splott WhatsOnStage - Iphigenia in Splott A GASP INDUCING FINISH.” New York Times - Iphigenia in Splott Image / Llun: Mark Douet A RAW, REAL, GUT-PUNCHING WAKE UP CALL.” UNCOMPROMISING IN ITS FURY.” The Stage - Bird Image / Llun: FarrowsCreative The Guardian - Bird 6 029 2064 6900 SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK NOT I Tengella Productions By / Gan Samuel Beckett Director / Cyfarwyddwr Patricia Logue ...NOW THIS... THIS... QUICKER AND QUICKER... THE WORDS... THE BRAIN... FLICKERING AWAY LIKE MAD... QUICK GRAB AND ON... NOTHING THERE... ON SOMEWHERE ELSE... TRY SOMEWHERE ELSE...” B eckett’s 1972 Not I is an eerie and visually hypnotic 13 minutes of theatre telling. A furious, fragmented, and sometimes incoherent story of a specific traumatic experience in an old woman’s life. M Image / Llun: Eleri Lloyd ae Not I gan Beckett yn13 munud o theatr anaearol a hypnotig. Stori ffyrnig, bratiog ac weithiau mwydrus yw hi am ddigwyddiad ysgytwol bendol ym mywyd hen fenyw. Performed by / Perfformwyd gan Betty Jane Walsh 6 - 8 Sept / Medi 6.45pm, £5 13m (no interval / dim egwyl) SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK 029 2064 6900 SCORCH Prime Cut Productions ACHING, CONSTANT, CONSUMING – ON THERE IT’S. MORE REAL THAN REAL LIFE.” By / Gan Stacey Gregg Director / Cyfarwyddwr Emma Jordan F or some the web is a place to be yourself. Out in the real world though, things can be very different. A story of love through the eyes of a gender-curious teen. Inspired by recent court cases, Scorch examines how the human story often gets lost amidst the headlines. I rai, mae’r wê yn rhywle i fod yn chi’ch hun. Ond allan yn y byd go iawn, mae pethau’n gallu bod yn wahanol iawn. Stori am gariad cyntaf trwy lygaid person ifanc sy’n chwilfrydig am ei rhyw. Mae Scorch, sydd wedi’i hysbrydoli gan achosion llys diweddar, yn edrych ar sut y mae’r stori ddynol yn aml yn mynd ar goll ymhlith y penawdau. AN INTIMATE AND THRILLING CONFESSION.” The Guardian A PIECE THAT FORCES US TO LISTEN TO A VOICE RARELY GIVEN THE CHANCE TO BE HEARD.” WhatsOnStage • Irish Times, Irish Theatre, Best New Play 2015 • Writers Guild of Ireland, ZeBBIe Award, Best Theatre Script 2015 Kessy Amy McAllister Executive Producer / Cynhyrchydd Gweithredol Una NicEoin Designer & Lighting / Cynllunydd a Goleuo Ciaran Bagnall Sound / Sain Carl Kennedy Choreography / Coreograffi Nicola Curry Movement Consultant / Ymgynghorydd Symud Oona Doherty Costume / Gwisgoedd Enda Kenny Image / Llun: Ciaran Bagnall @prime_cut#Scorch 6 – 8 Sept / Medi 7.30pm, £15 60m (no interval / dim egwyl) 7 Sept / Medi 7 8 029 2064 6900 SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK CHRISTINA BIANCO: ME, MYSELF AND B EVERYONE ELSE roadway and West End performer Christina Bianco became a YouTube sensation with her diva impression videos gaining over 22 million views. Expect an eclectic selection of your favourite pop and Broadway tunes, as the woman of a thousand versatile voices performs celebrity impersonations and unlikely musical interpretations of the great divas of our time. C reodd Christina Bianco, y berfformwraig o Broadway a’r West End, gynnwrf enfawr ar YouTube trwy ei fideos ohoni yn dynwared divas, gan ddenu dros 22 miliwn o wylwyr. Disgwyliwch ddetholiad eclectig o’ch hoff ganeuon pop a chaneuon Broadway, wrth i’r ferch â mil o leisiau gwahanol ddynwared pobl enwog a pherfformio dehongliadau cerddorol annisgwyl o ‘divas’ mawr ein hoes. Seen on / Fe’i gwelwyd: The Ellen Degeneres Show, The Paul O’Grady Show, This Morning, Graham Norton, BBC Radio 1 BIANCO, A COMIC FIRECRACKER WITH A PYROTECHNIC VOICE, DRIVES THE AUDIENCE WILD.” Image / Llun: Darren Bell Photography Time Out New York @XtinaBianco1#MeMyselfEveryone 15 Sept / Medi 7.30pm, £20 140m (20m interval / egwyl) VIP: £30 (includes meet and greet with Christina Bianco / yn cynnwys cyfle i gwrdd â Christina Bianco) SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK THE ENJOYMENT OF OPERA Swansea City Opera With / Gyda Bridgett Gill, Brendan Wheatley & Soprano Laure Meloy 029 2064 6900 P erfect for newcomers and regulars alike, The Enjoyment of Opera will delve into the world of opera, with arias and duets by Handel, Mozart, Puccini, Verdi, Mussorgsky and more. A lighthearted and informative evening expressing the great enjoyment that can be had with opera. Artistic Directors Gill and Wheatley have devoted a lifetime to opera, running their own successful touring companies, Opera Box and Swansea City Opera. The evening includes an introduction to Lakmé, the next production from Swansea City Opera which opens in 2017. P erffaith ar gyfer newydd-ddyfodiaid a fyddloniaid yn ddiwahân, bydd The Enjoyment of Opera yn treiddio i fyd yr opera, gydag ariâu a deuawdau gan Handel, Mozart, Puccini, Verdi, Mussorgsky a mwy. Noswaith ysgafn ac addysgiadol, yn mynegi’r mwynhad mawr y gellir ei gael gydag opera. Mae’r Cyfarwyddwyr Artistig Gill a Wheatley wedi ymroi eu bywyd i opera, yn rhedeg eu cwmnïau teithio llwyddiannus, Opera Box ac Opera Dinas Abertawe. Cynhwysa’r noswaith ragarweiniad i Lakmé, cynhyrchiad nesaf gan Opera Dinas Abertawe sydd yn agor yn 2017. I WAS CAPTIVATED WITHIN MINUTES!” Image / Llun: Guy Harrop BBC Classical Music Online - Daughter of the Regiment @SwanseaOpera#EnjoyOpera 20 Sept / Medi 8.00pm, £10 110m (20m interval / egwyl) 9 10 029 2064 6900 SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK WHY THE WHALES CAME Wizard Presents By / Gan Michael Morpurgo Director / Cyfarwyddwr Dani Parr Performer / Perfformwr Danyah Miller W hy The Whales Came is full of fun, mystery and adventure as children Gracie and Daniel investigate the mysterious and seemingly dangerous Birdman. After being lost at sea in the fog and stranded on his tiny island, they begin to unravel the Birdman’s secrets, the villagers’ superstitions and learn why the whales came to the island. From the creators of the muchloved production, I Believe in Unicorns. M ae Why The Whales Came yn llawn hwyl, dirgelwch ac antur wrth i’r plant, Gracie a Daniel, ymchwilio i’r Dyn Adar dirgel ac, i bob golwg, peryglus. Ar ôl mynd ar goll ar y môr yn y niwl, a chael eu hunain ar ei ynys fach heb allu mynd i unman, maent yn dechrau datrys cyfrinachau’r Dyn Adar, ofergoelion y pentrefwyr, a dysgu pam y daeth y morfilod i’r ynys. Gan grëwyr y cynhyrchiad poblogaidd, I Believe in Unicorns. DANYAH MILLER IS A STORYTELLING PHENOMENON. IT WILL BE A THEATRICAL TOUR DE FORCE, THAT’S FOR SURE.” Michael Morpurgo • Brighton Festival, Award for Artistic Excellence 2014 - I Believe in Unicorns Image / Llun: Richard Davenport • Get Creative Family Arts Festival, Audience Choice Award 2015 - I Believe in Unicorns @WizardPresents#WizardWhales 28 & 29 Sept / Medi 4.30pm / 11.00am & 2.00pm, £9 60m (no interval / dim egwyl) SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK 029 2064 6900 THE HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE FAMILY EVERYONE’S DAD EXISTS AS A KIND OF STATUE, FROZEN IN A CERTAIN POSE. MINE IS WEARING HIS CREAM AND BLACK MAC, STANDING IN THE RAIN.” Written & Performed by / Ysgrifennwyd a Pherformiwyd gan Ben Norris Director / Cyfarwyddwr Polly Tisdall U 11 K poetry slam champion, Ben Norris (Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama), battles the country’s most notorious service stations and the perils of lower-league football in search of the man who became his father. Hilarious and moving, this is a poetic, multimedia, ramshackle road trip that asks questions of identity. M ae’r llenor-berfformiwr a phencampwr slam barddoniaeth y DU, Ben Norris (Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru), yn brwydro yn erbyn gorsafoedd gwasanaethau mwyaf drwgenwog y wlad ynghyd â pheryglon pêl-droed yr is-gynghreiriau wrth chwilio am y dyn a ddaeth yn dad iddo. Yn ddoniol dros ben ac yn deimladwy, mae hon yn daith ffordd sigledig, amlgyfrwng, farddonol sy’n holi cwestiynau craff am hunaniaeth. A MODERN PILGRIMAGE - A COMPLEX EMOTIONAL RIDE.” The Stage • IdeasTap Underbelly Award 2015 Image / Llun: Jack Alexander Lighting Design / Cynllunydd Goleuo Joe Price Video Design / Cynllunydd Fideo Paul McHale @BenNorris7 #HitchhikersFamily 30 Sept / Medi & 1 Oct / Hyd 7.30pm, £15 70m (no interval / dim egwyl) 12 029 2064 6900 SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK LAYLA’S ROOM Theatre Centre I HATE YOU, BUT I DON’T BLAME YOU. I BLAME THE CULTURE WE’RE IN - THE THINGS THAT ARE EXPECTED OF US.” By / Gan Sabrina Mahfouz Director / Cyfarwyddwr Natalie Wilson I nspired by 1000 interviews with teenage girls nationwide, Layla’s Room is both a call-to-arms and a celebration of young women. Locked in her bedroom the night before moving house, Layla reflects on body image, identity and equality through comedy, poetry and music. Written by award-winning poet and playwright Sabrina Mahfouz, the show explores the real life anxieties and ambitions of teenagers in the UK today. W edi’i ysbrydoli gan 1000 o gyfweliadau â merched yn eu harddegau ledled y DU, mae Layla’s Room .yn alwad i arfau yn ogystal â dathliad o fenywod ifanc. Dan glo yn ei hystafell wely y noson cyn symud ty^, mae Layla yn myfyrio ar ddelwedd y corff, hunaniaeth a chydraddoldeb trwy gomedi, barddoniaeth a cherddoriaeth. Wedi’i ysgrifennu gan y bardd a’r dramodydd gwobrwyol Sabrina Mahfouz, mae’r sioe yn archwilio’r pryderon ac uchelgeisiau go iawn o bobl yn eu harddegau yn y DU heddiw. MY AMBITION WAS TO CREATE A PIECE OF THEATRE THAT WOULD AFFIRM TO ALL YOUNG PEOPLE THAT BEING A GIRL IS, CAN BE AND SHOULD BE A CELEBRATION OF GREATNESS.” Natalie Wilson, Director Image / Llun: Will Brady Themes of a sexual nature and moderate bad language Themâu o natur rywiol ac iaith anweddus @TCLive#TCLaylasRoom 11 Oct / Hyd 4.00pm & 7.30pm, £15 60m (no interval / dim egwyl) SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK 029 2064 6900 TAITH Sherman Theatre, Theatr Iolo & Platfform T AITH is our initiative for new writing that develops and showcases innovative and exciting 10 minute plays in Welsh or English. From an open submission process, three writers have been selected with their scripts developed and worked on with professional actors and directors. This year we have teamed up with Theatr Iolo and Platfform to present three scripts aimed at audiences aged 10 – 12 and their families. The readings will be followed by a post-show discussion with the writers. Is this something you are interested in being a part of? Join our writers group for all the latest writing opportunities, email: [email protected] shermantheatre.co.uk/taith @ShermanTheatre@theatriolo #TAITH 27 Oct / Hyd 4.00pm, £8 T AITH yw ein menter ysgrifennu newydd, sy’n datblygu ac yn arddangos dramâu 10 munud arloesol a chyffrous yn y Gymraeg neu yn Saesneg. Yn sgil proses gyflwyno agored, mae tri awdur wedi’u dewis, a datblygwyd eu sgriptiau ar y cyd ag actorion a chyfarwyddwyr proffesiynol. Eleni, rydym wedi ymuno â Theatr Iolo a Platfform i gyflwyno tair sgript ar gyfer plant 10 – 12 oed a’u teuluoedd. Bydd trafodaeth wedisioe gyda’r awduon i ddilyn. Diddordeb mewn ymgeisio? ^ p awduron i glywed Ymunwch â’n grw am yr holl gyfleoedd ysgrifennu diweddaraf, ac anfonwch e-bost: 13 Image / Llun: burningred.co.uk SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK THE WEIR 029 2064 6900 15 THERE’S NO DARK LIKE A WINTER NIGHT IN THE COUNTRY.” Sherman Theatre & Tobacco Factory Theatres T By / Gan Conor McPherson Director / Cyfarwyddwr Rachel O’Riordan Brendan’s remote bar in rural Ireland is a shelter and solace for lonely souls. Drinks flow to a backdrop of howling winds, whistling in off the sea; four friends with disquieting stories to tell and a stranger to impress. he Sherman Theatre and Tobacco Factory Theatres present this chilling contemporary classic, by Conor McPherson and directed by Rachel O’Riordan. A play brimming with heartfelt humour and confessions of our deepest fears in the dead of night. There’s no truth in the shadows they say, ‘it’s only old cod, like’. M THE WEIR IS A MODERN CLASSIC.” The Telegraph (Previous production / Cynhyrchiad blaenorol) 7 - 22 Oct / Hyd 7.30pm, £15 - £25 11 Oct / Hyd, 7.00pm Matinee: 13 Oct / Hyd, 2.00pm 22 Oct / Hyd, 2.30pm 7 - 10 Oct / Hyd, 7.30pm £12 - £20 £10 Mondays / Ar Ddydd Llun 14 Oct / Hyd, 7.30pm 13 & 18 Oct / Hyd ae Theatr y Sherman a Tobacco Factory Theatres yn cyflwyno’r clasur iasol, cyfoes hwn gan Conor McPherson sy’n cael ei gyfarwyddo gan Rachel O’Riordan. Mae bar anghysbell Brandon yn Iwerddon wledig yn lloches ac yn noddfa i eneidiau unig. Mae’r diodydd yn llifo i gefnlen o wyntoedd dolefus, sy’n chwibanu tua’r lan oddi ar y môr; pedwar ffrind â storïau anesmwyth i’w hadrodd, a dieithryn i greu argraff arno. Drama sy’n byrlymu â hiwmor o’r galon a chyffesion o’n hofnau mwyaf yn ystod perfeddion nos. Does dim gwirionedd yn y cysgodion medden nhw, ‘it’s only old cod, like’. • Olivier Award for Best New Play 1997 • Evening Standard Award for Most Promising Playwright 1997 • Critics’ Circle Award for Most Promising Playwright 1997 Designer / Cynllunydd Kenny Miller Lighting Designer / Cynllunydd Goleuo Kevin Treacy Composer / Cyfansoddwr Simon Slater JMK Assistant Director / Cyfarwyddwr Cynorthwyol JMK Chelsey Gillard @ShermanTheatre@tftheatres #TheWeir 16 029 2064 6900 SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK ANDY HAMILTON: CHANGE MANAGEMENT A Image / Llun: Steve Ullathorne ward winning comedy writer and performer Andy Hamilton was once a 6’4” tall professional basketball player, until a tree fell on him. Change is an inescapable part of the human condition. If you’re feeling flustered because of flux, Andy will teach you how to cope with the changes we have seen and the changes yet to come. Contains mild peril. Andy has co-created, written and directed the 2016 political comedies Power Monkeys and Ballot Monkeys for Channel 4; the hit BBC 1 sitcom Outnumbered; and the acclaimed 2014 UK feature film What We Did on Our Holiday. A rferai’r awdur comedi a’r perfformiwr llwyddiannus, Andy Hamilton, fod yn chwaraewr pêl-fasged proffesiynol 6’4” o daldra, tan i goeden gwympo arno. Mae newid yn rhan anorfod o’r cyflwr dynol. Os ydych yn teimlo’n ddryslyd oherwydd fflwcs, bydd Andy’n dangos i chi sut y mae ymdopi â’r newidiadau rydym wedi’u gweld a’r newidiadau sydd eto i ddod. Yn cynnwys ychydig o berygl. Mae Andy wedi cyd-greu, ysgrifennu a chyfarwyddo y comedïau gwleidyddol Power Monkeys a Ballot Monkeys ar gyfer Channel 4; y comedi sefyllfa hynod o lwyddiannus Outnumbered; ac yn 2014, y ffilm nodedig What We Did on Our Holiday. A GENUINE WORD-OF-MOUTH HIT.” The Telegraph - Outnumbered • BAFTA Best Comedy Award 1994 – Drop the Dead Donkey (Co-creator / Cyd-gynhyrchydd) • comedy.co.uk Award | The Royal Television Society Award | The British Comedy Award | The Broadcasting Press Guild Award – Outnumbered (Co-Writer, Director, Producer / Cyd-Awdur, Gyfarwyddwr, Gynhyrchydd) 29 Oct / Hyd 7.30pm, £22 120m (20m interval / egwyl) SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK OWEN JONES: THE POLITICS OF HOPE 029 2064 6900 H ow can we build societies run in the interests of working people, not run as a racket for the mean and the greedy at the top? By looking at alternatives across the world, we can end the inevitability of widening inequalities and injustice. The Guardian columnist and author of Chavs and The Establishment shines some light on a positive way forward. S ut y gallwn adeiladu cymdeithasau a gaiff eu rhedeg er budd pobl sy’n gweithio, nid eu rhedeg fel raced ar gyfer y barus ar y brig? Trwy edrych ar rai dewisiadau eraill ar draws y byd, gallwn derfynu natur anochel anghydraddoldebau ac anghyfiawnder. Bydd colofnydd The Guardian ac awdur Chavs a The Establishment yn gosod goleuni ar y ffordd bositif ymlaen. JONES PROVES HIMSELF TO BE AN ENGAGING AND ELOQUENT SPEAKER WITHOUT ANY AIRS OF PRETENSION.” Broadway Baby OWEN IS A VITAL NAME IN OUR TIMES WHEN VOICES IN THE MEDIA SO OFTEN STIFLE THEIR VIEWS AND POLITICS.” Nouse • Political Book Award, Young Writer of the Year 2013 • Stonewall Journalist of the Year Award 2012 @OwenJones84#PoliticsOfHope 30 Nov / Tach 7.30pm, £12 75m (no interval / dim egwyl) 17 SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK A PLAY, A PIE AND A PINT: SNOUT Òran Mór & Sherman Theatre By / Gan Kelly Jones Director / Cyfarwyddwr Kenny Miller THE PERFECT POSTWORK PICK ME UP.” Western Mail - A Play, A Pie and A Pint: Leviathan A TRIO OF FINE COMPLEMENTARY PERFORMANCES.” The Times - A Play, A Pie and A Pint: Happy Hour 8 – 12 Nov / Tach 6.30pm, £12.50 (includes a pie and a pint / yn cynnwys pei a pheint) 10 Nov / Tach 029 2064 6900 19 WE’RE MEANT TO GET UP, BREED, FEED AND GROW FAT.” V iv, Coco and Lacey are trapped in a van. The heat is unbearable and they’re desperate to escape. But time is running out! Can they escape the purpose that they’ve been bred for, or will they have to face the harsh reality? A new comedy drama by award winning Welsh writer Kelly Jones. Top quality theatre combined with good food and drink; giving audiences both a FREE pie and a FREE pint as part of your ticket deal as well as a brilliant evening of entertainment. Following previous successes of Leviathan, Happy Hour and Mr. and Mrs. Laughton, don’t miss out on the fun, food, drink and drama in Kelly Jones’s new piece, Snout. M ae Viv, Coco a Lacey yn sownd mewn fan. Mae’r gwres yn annioddefol ac fe wnaent unrhyw beth bron i ddianc. Ond mae amser yn brin! A allant ddianc rhag y diben y cawsant eu magu ar ei gyfer, neu a fydd yn rhaid iddynt wynebu’r realiti caled? Drama gomedi newydd gan yr awdur gwobrwyol Cymraeg Kelly Jones. Theatr o’r radd flaenaf, wedi’i chyfuno â bwyd ardderchog; sy’n rhoi pei AM DDIM a pheint AM DDIM i gynulleidfaoedd, yn rhan o’ch tocyn, yn ogystal â noson wych o adloniant. Yn dilyn llwyddiannau blaenorol Leviathan, Happy Hour a Mr. and Mrs. Laughton, peidiwch â cholli allan ar yr hwyl, y bwyd, y ddiod a’r ddrama yng ngwaith newydd Kelly Jones, Snout. • Wales Drama Award 2014 – Kelly Jones Contains strong language / Yn cynnwys iaith gref @ShermanTheatre@OranMorGlasgow #PPP Image / Llun: Thread Design SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK 029 2064 6900 21 LOVE, LIES AND TAXIDERMY Sherman Theatre, Paines Plough & Theatr Clwyd By / Gan Alan Harris Director / Cyfarwyddwr George Perrin T THEIR HANDS WERE THE FIRST THING THAT TOUCHED. ASH. VALENTYN. A VERY BRITISH HAND/ SHAKE.” But it’s difficult to fall in love when your parents need saving from themselves, their weird hobbies and the threat of a prison sentence. PERRIN AND HIS CAST DELIGHT.” British Theatre Guide RAUCOUSLY FUNNY… A JOYFUL, SURPRISING TRIBUTE TO LOVE, HOPE, COMMUNITY AND BIG IDEAS.” What’sOnStage A STUPIDLY LOVELY FANTASY... VERY FUNNY... MAKE[S] YOU BELIEVE THAT SOMETIMES REAL LIFE CAN ACTUALLY BE BETTER THAN THE MOVIES.” his is a boy meets girl story. Son of a Polish taxidermist meets daughter of a failing ice cream salesman at a medical research facility in Merthyr Tydfil. First date in Tesco and things are going well. An offbeat love story about Mr. Tutti Frutti, a stuffed owl and the struggle to fit in from writer Alan Harris (BBC Radio 4, National Theatre Wales, Sherman Theatre). D yma stori am fachgen yn cwrdd â merch. Mab i dacsidermydd o Wlad Pwyl yn cwrdd â merch i werthwr hufen iâ methedig, yn cwrdd mewn canolfan ymchwil feddygol ym Merthyr Tudful. Y dêt cyntaf yn Tesco ac mae pethau’n mynd yn dda. Ond mae’n anodd cwympo mewn cariad pan fo angen achub eich rhieni rhagddynt eu hunain, eu hobïau od a’r bygythiad o ddedfryd o garchar. Stori serch anghonfensiynol am Mr. Tutti Frutti, tylluan wedi’i stwffio a’r frwydr i ‘ffitio mewn’ gan y dramodydd Alan Harris (BBC Radio 4, National Theatre Wales, Theatr y Sherman). The Guardian 15 - 19 Nov / Tach 7.30pm, £16 70m (no interval / dim egwyl) 17 Nov / Tach • 2015 Bruntwood Prize, How My Light is Spent (Alan Harris) Cast Remy Beasley, Richard Corgan & Andy Rush Sound Designer / Cynllunydd Sain Dominic Kennedy Lighting Designer / Cynllunydd Goleuo Prema Mehta @ShermanTheatre@painesplough @ClwydTweets#LoveLiesTaxidermy Image / Llun: burningred.co.uk SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK 029 2064 6900 THE BORROWERS Sherman Theatre By / Gan Mary Norton Adaptation by / Addasiad gan Charles Way Director / Cyfarwyddwr Amy Leach I SAW THE WORLD BEYOND OUR WORLD BENEATH THE FLOORBOARDS. I NEVER FORGOT AND IN MY HEART, I SWORE ONE DAY I WOULD RETURN.” IF YOU ONLY SEE ONE FAMILY SHOW THIS CHRISTMAS, MAKE IT THIS ONE.” T his Christmas the Sherman takes you on another musical family adventure with The Borrowers. Discover the secret world of Pod, Homily and Arrietty, whose lives are turned upside down by a dangerous encounter ‘above the floorboards’. Size doesn’t stop this little family with a big heart. Hide from the ‘Human Beans’, battle with wasps and go on a magical journey that shows the littlest of people can make a big difference. Following the sell-out success of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe in 2015, this year another family classic is brought to life with the Sherman’s Christmas sparkle. Western Mail – Arabian Nights Y 25 Nov / Tach – 31 Dec / Rhag Dewch i ddarganfod byd cyfrinachol Pod, Homily a Arrietty, wrth i’w bywydau gael eu troi wyneb i waered o ganlyniad i gyfarfod ‘uwchben y llawr’. Various times / Amseroedd amrywiol £15 - £25 25 - 29 Nov / Tach £12 - £20 17 Dec / Rhag, 2.00pm 30 Dec / Rhag, 2.00pm Schools / Ysgolion £8 Earlybird / Pris Cynnar £7.50 (30 Sep / Medi) 1 teacher per 10 pupils goes free / 1 athro i bob 10 disgybl yn cael mynediad am ddim Nadolig hwn, mae’r Sherman yn mynd â chi ar antur deuluol, gerddorol arall gyda The Borrowers. Nid yw maint yn rhwystr i’r teulu bach hwn â chalon fawr. Cuddiwch rhag yr ‘Human Beans’, brwydrwch yn erbyn y cacwn, ac ewch ar daith hudol sy’n dangos bod y bobl leiaf yn gallu gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr. Yn sgil llwyddiant The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe yn 2015, lle gwerthwyd pob tocyn ar gyfer y sioe, eleni rydym yn dod â chlasur teuluol arall yn fyw gyda hud Nadolig y Sherman. Designer / Cynllunydd Hayley Grindle Composer and Musical Director / Cyfansoddwr a Chyfarwyddwr Cerddorol Dom Coyote Lighting Designer / Cynllunydd Goleuo James Whiteside @ShermanTheatre#ChristmasAtTheSherman 23 Image / Llun Emily Jones SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK 029 2064 6900 25 THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES DILLAD NEWYDD YR YMERAWDWR Sherman Theatre & Theatr Iolo By / Gan Hans Christian Andersen Adaptation / Addasiad Alun Saunders Director / Cyfarwyddwr Kevin Lewis SHERMAN THEATRE HAVE A RICH HISTORY OF PRODUCING SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SHOWS.” Western Mail on The Princess and The Pea / Y Dywysoges a’r Bysen Fechan Fach A FUNNY, CHARMING PRODUCTION OF A PROFOUNDLY RESONANT FABLE.” British Theatre Guide – The Ugly Duckling / Yr Hwyaden Fach Hyll 4 & 5 Nov / Tach 5 – 31 Dec / Rhag £8 Schools / Ysgolion £6 17 Dec / Rhag, 11.00am 19 Dec / Rhag, 11.00am H ave you ever lost something? A toy? A tooth? A memory? What if, one day, you lost all of your ‘silly’? When the Emperor demands the coolest clothes to help him be, well, ‘cool’... The call is answered by a pair of wily Weavers, who concoct a cunning plan and land everyone in an embarrassing situation. Who will help the Emperor rediscover his joy and silliness? Sherman Theatre and Theatr Iolo present a reimagining of the classic Hans Christian Andersen tale. Written by award-winning playwright Alun Saunders, with songs and live music, there’s something here for the whole family this Christmas! W yt ti erioed wedi colli rhywbeth? Tegan? Dant? Atgof? Beth petaet ti’n colli pob diferyn o wiriondeb? Mae’r hen Ymerawdwr yn mynnu dillad mwyaf cw^ l y deyrnas er mwyn cynnal ei enw da fel yr arweiniwr ffasiwn mwyaf, wel, ‘cw^ l’! Pan ddaw’r Gwehyddion cyfrwys i’r fei, mae eu cynllun twp yn bygwth ‘dinoethi’ un o gyfrinachau mwyaf trist y dyn mawr. Cyflwyna Theatr y Sherman a Theatr Iolo ddehongliad newydd sbon Alun Saunders o glasur Hans Christian Andersen. Gyda chaneuon a cherddoriaeth fyw, mae ‘na rywbeth yma i’r holl deulu y Nadolig hwn. @ShermanTheatre@theatriolo #ChristmasAtTheSherman 26 029 2064 6900 SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK SHAKESPEARE SCHOOLS FESTIVAL S ee Shakespeare performed as you’ve never seen it before. Shakespeare Schools Festival is proud to present a series of unique performances by young people from South Wales. A wonderful way to experience the language, magic and possibilities of Shakespeare. D ewch i weld perfformiad cwbl wahanol o Shakespeare. Mae Shakespeare Schools Festival yn falch o gyflwyno cyfres o berfformiadau unigryw gan bobl ifanc o Dde Cymru. Ffordd arbennig o brofi iaith, hud a phosibiliadau Shakespeare. @SSF_UK#ShakespeareSchoolsFestival #Shakespeare400 2 – 4 Nov / Tach 7.00pm, £10 ^ p £7.50 Group Bookings / Archebion Grw SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK 029 2064 6900 ABOUT US AMDANOM NI SINCE 2015 ERS 2015 • There have been over 160 productions and 650 performances here at the Sherman Theatre • Bu 160 o gynyrchiadau a 650 o berfformiadau yma yn Theatr y Sherman • Over 120,000 people will have seen performances here on our stages • Bydd dros 120,000 o bobl wedi gweld perfformiadau yma ar ein llwyfannau • Our work has been seen in over 50 towns and cities throughout the UK • Mae ein gwaith wedi’i weld mewn 50 tref a dinas ar draws y DU • Mae’n rhaglen Sherman 5 wedi cysylltu â 2051 o bobl sy’n wynebu rhwystrau wrth ymweld â’r theatr • Our Sherman 5 programme has engaged with 2051 people who are facing barriers of attendance to the theatre OVER THE PAST 3 YEARS: • Over 6000 young people have gained more confidence and better self-esteem through our Communities and Engagement work • Over 80 schools have been supported to run their own creative projects • Over 700 participants have now gained a better understanding and less prejudice of disability and poverty • Over 1000 older people have participated in activity aimed at reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation • Over 1000 people gained a deeper respect and understanding for each other through our year-long, intergenerational community project, Home DROS Y 3 MLYNEDD DDIWETHAF: • Mae dros 6000 o bobl ifanc wedi ennyn mwy o hyder a hunan-barch drwy ein gwaith Cymunedol ac Ymgysylltu • Mae dros 80 ysgol wedi cael eu cymorth i redeg eu prosectiau creadigol eu hunain • Mae gan 700 o gyfranogwyr gwell dealltwriaeth a llai o ragfarn tuag at anabledd neu dlodi enbyd • Mae dros 1000 o bobl hy^ n wedi cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau wedi’u anelu tuag at ostwng teimladau o unigrwydd ac ynysiad • Mae dros 1000 o bobl wedi ennill mwy o barch a dealltwriaeth tuag at ei gilydd drwy ein prosiect rhynggenedlaethol yn y gymuned am flwyddyn gyfan, Home / Cartref 27 28 029 2064 6900 SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK ARTIST DEVELOPMENT DATBLYGU ARTISTIAID shermantheatre.co.uk/artist-development shermantheatre.co.uk/datblygu-artistiaid JMK DIRECTORS GROUP In partnership with the JMK Trust and funded by the Richard Carne Trust we run a regional JMK Directors Group for developing young / emerging directors and theatre makers. We provide workshops, networking events and access to mentoring (in both English and Welsh). Being part of the JMK Directors Group also gives you exclusive access to Sherman Theatre job opportunities, such as Assistant Director on The Weir. [email protected] Mewn partneriaeth efo’r JMK Trust ac wedi’i noddi gan y Richard Carne Trust, ^ p Cyfarwyddwyr rydym yn cynnal Grw JMK ar gyfer datblygu cyfarwyddwyr a gwneuthurwyr theatre ifanc sydd yn dod i’r amlwg. Rydym yn darparu gweithdai am ddim, digwyddiadau rhwydweithio a mentora (yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg). Mae bod yn rhan o JMK Directors Group yn rhoi mynediad i gyfleoedd sy’n arbennig i Theatr y Sherman, megis fel cyfarwyddwr cynorthwyol ar The Weir. SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK 029 2064 6900 NEW WELSH PLAYWRIGHTS PROGRAMME A development opportunity for established Welsh or Wales based writers, led by award winning playwright Brad Birch. It is funded by The Richard Carne Trust and includes the Richard Carne Award of £1000 which will be awarded in the Autumn season. Cyfle datblygu ar gyfer ysgrifenwyr o Gymru neu wedi’u sefydlu yng Nghymru, dan arweiniad y dramodydd llwyddiannus, Brad Birch. Mae’r rhaglen wedi’i noddi gan y Richard Carne Trust ac yn cynnwys Gwobr Richard Carne gwerth £1000 a fydd yn cael ei wobrwyo yn nhymor yr Hydref. TAITH Our bilingual initiative to develop and nurture new and emerging writers. Open to any Welsh artists or those based in Wales, and running in Spring and Autumn (See page 13). TAITH yw ein hymgyrch ddwyieithog i ddatblygu a meithrin ysgrifenwyr newydd ac ysgrifenwyr sy’n ymddangos. Ar agor i unrhyw artistiaid Cymraeg neu’r rheiny sy’n byw yng Nghymru, ac fe’i cynhelir yn ystod y Gwanwyn a’r Hydref (Gweler tudalen 13). BRIG Initially established to discover the next leading playwright in the Welsh language. Elgan Rhys’s, Cw^ n was selected, developed and performed at the Sherman and on a national level at the Eisteddfod Genedlaethol in August 2016. BRIG will continue to develop contemporary Welsh language theatre. Sefydlwyd BRIG er mwyn canfod y prif ddramodydd Cymraeg nesaf. Dewiswyd Cw^ n gan Elgan Rhys i gael ei ddatblygu a’i berfformio yn y Sherman ac ar lwyfan genedlaethol yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol ym mis Awst 2016. Fe fydd BRIG yn parhau i ddatblygu theatr cyfoes yn yr iaith Gymraeg. WRITERS GROUP ^ GRWP YR YSGRIFENWYR This is a hub for writers to receive information, access job opportunities, socialise and engage with us at regular Writers Nights. [email protected] Mae hwn yn ganolbwynt i ysgrifenwyr dderbyn gwybodaeth, cael gwybod am gyfleoedd swyddi, i gymdeithasu ac i ymgysylltu â ni ar nosweithiau rheolaidd i ysgrifenwyr. 29 30 029 2064 6900 SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK ASSOCIATE ARTISTS ARTISTIAID CYSWLLT DAF JAMES PATRICIA LOGUE ADELE THOMAS Associate Artist: Writer Artist Cyswllt: Awdur Associate Artist: Voice, Text and Accent Specialist / Artist Cyswllt: Arbenigwr Llais, Testun ac Acen “As an Associate Artist, it’s fantastic to continue my relationship with the theatre, during a new chapter in its history.” “Fel Artist Cyswllt, mae’n wych gallu cynnal fy mherthynas gyda’r theatr, yn ystod pennod newydd ei hanes.” GARY OWEN Associate Artist: Writer Artist Cyswllt: Awdur “Rachel has transformed Sherman Theatre into a powerhouse for new writing, and I’m delighted and honoured to be part of the team.” “I am delighted to be an Associate and look forward to assisting and enabling its artists in the future. I am thrilled that along with these other exceptionally talented Associates, I can help fulfil the Sherman’s ongoing vision of artistic excellence.” “Rwy’n hapus iawn cael bod yn Artist Cyswllt, ac rwy’n edrych ymlaen at gynorthwyo a galluogi ei hartistiaid yn y dyfodol. Mae’n wefr gwybod y byddaf i, ynghyd â’r Artistiaid Cyswllt hynod dalentog eraill, yn gallu helpu i gyflawni gweledigaeth barhaol y Sherman o ragoriaeth artistig.” Find out more Darganfod mwy shermantheatre.co.uk/associate-artists shermantheatre.co.uk/artistiaid-cyswllt “Mae Rachel wedi trawsnewid Theatr y Sherman i fewn i bwerdy o ysgrifennu newydd, a rydw i wrth fy modd ac yn falch i fod yn rhan o’r tîm.” Associate Artist: Director Artist Cyswllt: Cyfarwyddwr “The Sherman has confidently marked out a space for itself on the UK’s theatre map. I am really excited to be attached to the theatre at such an ambitious and fecund time.” “Mae’r Sherman wedi ennill ei lle ar y map ym myd y theatr yn y DU. Rwy’n falch iawn o fod yn gysylltiedig â’r theatr ar adeg mor uchelgeisiol a chynhyrchiol.” KENNY MILLER Associate Artist: Designer Artist Cyswllt: Dylunydd “I am honoured and proud to be an Associate Artist at the Sherman Theatre. It is an important building with an impressive history.” “Braint ac yn anrhydedd o’r mwyaf yw bod yn Artist Cyswllt yn Theatr y Sherman. Mae’n adeilad pwysig gyda hanes nodedig.” SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK 029 2064 6900 CONOR MITCHELL Associate Artist: Composer Artist Cyswllt: Cyfansoddwr “I hope to build upon the already brilliant work of the Sherman’s Artistic Director, Rachel, and help put music - in all its staged forms - on her theatre making agenda.” “Rwy’n gobeithio adeiladu ar y gwaith gwych y mae Rachel, Cyfarwyddwr Artistig y Sherman, eisoes wedi’i wneud, a helpu i roi cerddoriaeth – ar bob un o’i ffurfiau ar lwyfan – ar ei hagenda ar gyfer cynhyrchu theatr.” KATHERINE CHANDLER Playwright in Residence Dramodydd Preswyl “It’s an exciting time for playwrights to be associated with the Sherman Theatre as it fearlessly establishes itself nationally as Wales’ leading producer of new work.” “Mae’n gyfnod cyffrous i ddramodwyr gael eu cysylltu â Theatr y Sherman wrth iddi fynd ati’n eofn i sefydlu ei hun, yn genedlaethol, fel cwmni cynhyrchu gwaith newydd mwyaf blaenllaw Cymru.” CWMNI PLUEN Company in Residence / Cwmni Preswyl Cwmni Pluen create original, challenging and unconventional theatre inspired by real life stories. “We’ve just started working on our third project which we’re really excited about and are in the process of a Wales-wide research and development phase. Check out our social media for information and updates over the next few months.” Mae Cwmni Pluen yn creu theatr wreiddiol, heriol ac anghonfensiynol wedi’i ysbrydoli gan storïau gwir. “Rydym yn gyffrous i ddechrau gweithio ar ein trydydd prosiect ac rydym yn y broses o gyfnod datblygu ac ymchwilio ledled Cymru. Dilynwch ein cyfryngau cymdeithasol am wybodaeth a’r diweddaraf dros y misoedd nesaf.” [email protected] shermantheatre.co.uk/company-in-residence shermantheatre.co.uk/cwmni-preswyl @cwmnipluen 31 32 JOIN IN YMUNWCH SHERMAN SHERBETS We offer activities for all ages from our weekly creative sessions to our full-scale performances, if you are passionate about theatre then you can join in. Rydym yn cynnig gweithgareddau i bob oedran. Rhwng ein sesiynau creadigol wythnosol hyd at ein perfformiadau ar raddfa fawr, os rydych yn teimlo’n angerddol am theatr, ymunwch â ni. Reception - Year 3 Dosbarth Derbyn - Blwyddyn 3 £60 per term / y tymor Weekly sessions designed to stimulate the imagination through games. Your child will develop key skills in working together as a team, and as an individual. Sesiynau wythnosol wedi’u dylunio er mwyn annog y dychymyg drwy gemau. Fe fydd eich plentyn chi yn datblygu sgiliau allweddol yn gweithio fel rhan o dîm ac fel unigolion. SHERMAN YOUTH THEATRE THEATR IEUENCTID SHERMAN SHERMAN PLAYERS £100 per term / y tymor Sherman Youth Theatre Theatr Ieuenctid Sherman Run by professional directors, actors and theatre makers, our weekly sessions are designed to be fun and challenging. You will explore acting techniques, devising, improvisation, physical performance, voice, character work, visual theatre and more. Wedi’u rhedeg Group / Grw^ p 1: Years / Blwyddyn 4 & 5, gan gyfarwyddwyr, actorion a gwneuthurwyr theatr broffesiynol, mae’r sesiynau wythnos wedi’u dylunio i fod yn hwylus ac yn heriol. Fe fydd sesiynau yn cynnwys technegau action, dyfeisio, byrfyfyrio, perfformiad corfforol, llais, gwaith cymeriad, theatr weledol a mwy. Wed / Mer 6.00pm - 7.30pm Group / Grw^ p 2: Years / Blwyddyn 6, 7 & 8 Thu / Iau 6.00pm - 7.30pm Group / Grw^ p 3: Years / Blwyddyn 9 & 10 Tue / Maw, 6.00pm - 7.30pm Group / Grw^ p 4: 16 - 18, Wed / Mer, 7.30pm - 9.30pm Sherman Players 18+, Tue / Maw, 7.30pm - 9.30pm Each group has the opportunity to develop performances throughout the year / Mae gan bob grw^ p y cyfle i ddatblygu perfformiadau drwy gydol y flwyddyn SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK Ages 50+, £5 per session Oed 50+, £5 y sesiwn An opportunity for anyone aged 50+ to join us for a professional play reading, tea and cake, and conversation. We explore a wide range of plays in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Cyfle i unrhywun dros 50 oed i ymuno â ni am ddarlleniad proffesiynol o ddrama, paned o dê a chacen, a sgwrs. Rydym yn ymchwilio nifer eang o ddramâu mewn atmosffer ymlaciedig a chyfeillgar. 33 SHERMAN COMMUNITY CHOIR ^ COR CYMUNEDOL SHERMAN £5 per session / y sesiwn Open to anyone, of any age and ability, just come along, sing and have fun! Weekly Thursday with performance opportunities. Yn agored i unrhywun, o unrhyw oedran a gallu – dewch draw, canwch, a joiwch! Yn wythnosol pob Dydd Iau gan gynnwys cyfleoedd i berfformio. Image / Llun: Nick Allsop Photography SHERMAN PLAYS 029 2064 6900 SCHOOLS & EDUCATION YSGOLION AC ADDYSG Our education workshops are run by professional directors, actors and theatre makers and are inspired by this season’s theatre productions. Mae ein gweithdai addysg yn cael eu rhedeg gan gyfarwyddwyr, actorion a gwneuthurwyr theatr proffesiynol, ac wedi’u hysbrydoli gan gynhyrchiadau y tymor yma. Get in touch / Cysylltwch â ni [email protected] shermantheatre.co.uk/join-in shermantheatre.co.uk/ymunwch 34 029 2064 6900 SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK A FREE membership designed to give those who have never attended a performance at the Sherman Theatre the chance to do so. Mae Sherman 5 yn gynllun aelodaeth AM DDIM i’r rhai nad ydynt erioed wedi bod i berfformiad yn Theatr y Sherman fel eu bod yn cael cyfle i wneud hynny. Open to residents and members of organisations in Communities First areas across Cardiff, Vale of Glamorgan, Rhondda-CynonTaf, Bridgend and Newport. Yn agored i bawb sy’n byw yn yr ardaloedd Cymunedau yn Gyntaf yng Nghaerdydd, Bro Morgannwg, Rhondda Cynon Taf, Pen-ybont ar Ogwr a Chasnewydd, ac i’r rhai sy’n aelodau o fudiadau yn yr ardaloedd hyn. Community groups that support people who face barriers and/or disadvantage such as Age Cymru, Young Carers, The Salvation Army, RNIB etc. Grwpiau cymunedol sy’n cefnogi pobl sy’n wynebu rhwystrau neu /a anfantais megis Age Cymru, Young Carers, The Salvation Army, RNIB a.y.y.b. New Member Benefits: • FREE first visit to a Sherman 5 night • Transport support from Communities First areas on Sherman 5 nights • Discount at Sherman’s Café Bar • FREE Sherman 5 activities and events Existing Members: Manteision i Aelodau Newydd: • Ymweliad cyntaf AM DDIM i noson Sherman 5 • Cymorth i gael cludiant o ardaloedd Cymunedau yn Gyntaf ar nosweithiau Sherman 5 • Gostyngiad yng Nghaffi/Bar y Sherman • Mynediad AM DDIM i weithgareddau a digwyddiadau Sherman 5 Aelodau Presennol: • £5 tickets to any production (or £2.50 for under 25s) • Tocynnau am £5 i unrhyw gynhyrchiad (neu £2.50 i’r rhai o dan 25 oed) • Discount at Sherman’s Café Bar • Gostyngiad yng Nghaffi Bar y Sherman • FREE Sherman 5 activities and events • • Join as a Sherman 5 Rep to gain experience working in a theatre and earn Time Credits Mynediad AM DDIM i weithgareddau a digwyddiadau Sherman 5 • Ymunwch fel Cynrychiolydd Sherman 5 i gael profiad o weithio mewn theatr ac i ennill Credydau Amser ONE OF THE BEST THINGS I’VE EVER DONE.” Stephen, Sherman 5 family member. shermantheatre.co.uk/sherman5 shermantheatre.co.uk/sherman5cy TIME CREDITS CREDYDAU AMSER Time Credits are a way of earning through volunteering your time. They can be exchanged for performances or other services at the Sherman Theatre and across the UK. Mae credydau amser yn ffordd o ennill credydau trwy wirfoddoli eich amser. Gellir eu cyfnewid am berfformiadau neu wasanaethau eraill yn Theatr y Sherman, ac mewn lleoedd ledled y DU. To find out more please go to justaddspice.org I gael gwybod rhagor ewch i justaddspice.org IT’S A GREAT SOCIAL ACTIVITY TO ENGAGE IN AND OPENS UP OPTIONS FOR PEOPLE WHO WOULD NEVER HAVE NORMALLY CONSIDERED THEATRE.” ON THE SHERMAN 5 DAY WHEN THE FOYER IS PACKED WITH FREE EVENTS, IT’S REALLY GOOD. THAT’S A WHOLE DAY SORTED.” AMAZING THAT WE CAN NOW AFFORD TO DO THIS. JUST WANTED TO SAY THANK YOU SHERMAN 5 FOR MAKING THIS POSSIBLE.” Sherman 5 group leader Carys, Sherman 5 member Ceri, Sherman 5 member Guy O’Donnell Sherman 5 Coordinator / Cydlynnydd Sherman 5 029 2064 6976 / 07703 729 079 [email protected] Sherman 5 is generously supported by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation. / Sherman 5, a gefnogir yn hael gan Sefydliad Paul Hamlyn. 36 029 2064 6900 SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK TICKETS / TOCYNNAU We offer these discounts on all shows: • Free companion seats through Hynt* • 10% discount on group bookings of 8+ And on selected shows: • Concessions - £2 off • Half price tickets for under 25s *Hynt cardholders are entitled to a free ticket for personal assistant or carer (hynt.co.uk - details & how to join). Rydym yn cynnig amrywiaeth o docynnau am brisiau gostyngol: • Seddi am ddim i gymdeithion trwy Hynt* • Gostyngiad o 10% oddi ar docynnau ar gyfer grwpiau o 8+ Ac mewn sioeau dethol: • Consesiynau - £2 i ffwrdd • Tocynnau hanner pris i bawb dan 25 oed *Mae deiliaid cerdyn Hynt yn gymwys i gael tocyn am ddim ar gyfer cynorthwyydd personol neu ofalwr (hynt.co.uk – manylion llawn a sut i ymuno). shermantheatre.co.uk/booking-information shermantheatre.co.uk/archebu-tocynnau Box Office: 029 2064 6900 [email protected] ACCESS / MYNEDIAD This brochure is available in large print, Braille and audio formats. Request your preferred format or discuss any access requirements by contacting the Box Office on: 029 2064 6900 [email protected] Mae’r llyfryn hwn ar gael mewn print mawr, Braille, ac mewn fformatau sain. Gallwch ofyn am eich fformat dewisol, neu drafod unrhyw ofynion mynediad, trwy gysylltu â’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar: shermantheatre.co.uk/access shermantheatre.co.uk/mynediad/ 37 IN NY D RD M BL ST A DD N O RH Bicycle Parking Parcio Beic LY N Blue Badge Parking Parcio Bathodynnau Glas N IT SE G RK PA H N TW UNDEB MYFYRWYR PRIFYSGOL CAERDYDD EN NY D PL CARDIFF UNIVERSITY PRIFYSGOL CAERDYDD L KP R PA shermantheatre.co.uk/find-us shermantheatre.co.uk/darganfod A CARDIFF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS UNION City Centre Canol y Ddinas 15m Walk / Ar Droed LL N On-street parking / Parcio ar y stryd (FREE after / AM DDIM ar ôl 6.oopm) G Cathays Train Station Gorsaf Drenau Cathays – 2m Walk / Ar Droed LL A Bus No. Rhif 35 ED DI A N D CATHAYS EN S EN RD H A G G N RU TH SE G A RD EN S FIND US / DARGANFOD D RD 38 029 2064 6900 SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK HIRE OUR SPACES LLOGI YSTAFELLOEDD 029 2064 6900 [email protected] shermantheatre.co.uk/venue-hire shermantheatre.co.uk/llogi-ystafell BETTER EQUIPPED THAN ANY HOTEL AND WITH A DEDICATED AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF TEAM.” Mary Wrenn, Director, Royal Society of Architects in Wales The Sherman Theatre offers a modern unique building with a wide range of flexible spaces. Mae Theatr y Sherman yn adeilad unigryw, modern, sy’n cynnwys amrywiaeth eang o ardaloedd hyblyg. • Main House – capacity of 452 – offers first class technical support and a beautiful seated auditorium perfect for all types of performances, and a range of bespoke events including lectures, conferences, award ceremonies and televised debates • Prif Theatr – lle i 452 o bobl – yn cynnig cymorth technegol o’r radd flaenaf, ynghyd ag awditoriwm hardd sy’n berffaith ar gyfer pob math o berfformiadau, ac amrywiaeth o ddigwyddiadau pwrpasol gan gynnwys darlithoedd, cynadleddau, seremonïau gwobrwyo a dadleuon ar y teledu • Studio – a multi-functional black box space that can offer flexible seating, table seating or an open space that can be adapted to your needs • Stiwdio - gofod blwch du amlbwrpas a all gynnig seddi hyblyg, seddi a byrddau neu ofod agored y gellir eu haddasu ar gyfer eich anghenion • Rehearsal spaces and meeting rooms • Ystafelloedd ymarfer ac ystafelloedd cyfarfod • Unique and modern foyer – ideal for exhibition space, performance space, drinks receptions and buffet lunches • Cyntedd unigryw a modern, sy’n ddelfrydol ar gyfer digwyddiadau, er enghraifft arddangosiadau, perfformiadau, derbyniadau diodydd, a chiniawau bwffe SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK 029 2064 6900 A PERFECT VENUE - THE SPACE AND FACILITIES WERE EXCELLENT.” Rebecca Hardy, BAFTA Cymru Awards Manager FOYER SESSIONS SESIYNAU’R CYNTEDD Offering the best of local and national live music in a relaxed atmosphere with a well-stocked bar and FREE entry. A great platform for emerging artists. Interested? Contact: Y gorau o gerddoriaeth fyw leol a chenedlaethol mewn awyrgylch ymlaciedig, ynghyd â bar llawn diodydd a mynediad AM DDIM. Llwyfan gwych i artistiaid sy’n dod i’r amlwg. Diddordeb? Cysylltwch [email protected] CAFÉ BAR / BAR CAFFI We offer a fully licensed bar as well as a food service of sandwiches, cakes and snacks alongside a range of hot and cold drinks. The café/ bar is open from 9.30am, Mon – Sat. Rydym yn darparu bar cwbl drwyddedig, yn ogystal â gwasanaeth bwyd sy’n cynnig brechdanau, cacennau a byrbrydau, ochr yn ochr ag amrywiaeth o ddiodydd poeth ac oer. Mae’r caffi ar agor o 9:30am, o ddydd Llun i ddydd Sadwrn. 39 40 029 2064 6900 SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK DIARY / DYDDIADUR Main House / Y Brif Theatr Studio / Stiwdio Sherman 5 Preview Post-show Talk Relaxed Performance Rhagddangosiad Trafodaeth Wedi-sioe Perfformiad Hamddenol BSL Performance Captioned / Capsiynau Perfformiad BSL Date Dyddiad Time Amser Performance Perfformiad Information Gwybodaeth Page Tudalen SEPTEMBER / MEDI Tue / Maw 6 Wed / Mer 7 6.45pm Not I 7 7.30pm Scorch 7 6.45pm Not I 7 7.30pm Scorch 7 6.45pm Not I 7 7.30pm Scorch 7 Thu / Iau 15 7.30pm Christina Bianco: Me, Myself and Everyone Else 8 Tue / Maw 20 8.00pm The Enjoyment of Opera 9 Wed / Mer 28 4.30pm Why The Whales Came 10 Thu / Iau 29 11.00am & 2.00pm Why The Whales Came 10 Fri / Gwe 30 7.30pm The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Family 11 Thu / lau 8 OCTOBER / HYDREF Sat / Sad 1 7.30pm The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Family 11 Fri / Gwe 7 7.30pm The Weir 14 Sat / Sad 8 7:30pm The Weir 14 Mon / Llu 10 7.30pm The Weir 14 4.00pm & 7.30pm Layla's Room 12 7.00pm The Weir 14 Wed / Mer 12 7.30pm The Weir Thu / Iau 13 2.00pm & 7.30pm The Weir Fri / Gwe 14 7.30pm The Weir 14 Sat / Sad 15 7.30pm The Weir 14 Mon / Llu 17 7:30pm The Weir 14 Tue / Maw 18 7.30pm The Weir 14 Wed / Mer 19 7.30pm The Weir 14 Thu / Iau 20 7.30pm The Weir 14 Fri / Gwe 21 7.30pm The Weir 14 Sat / Sad 22 2.30pm & 7.30pm The Weir 14 Thu / Iau 27 4.00pm TAITH 13 Sat / Sad 29 7.30pm Andy Hamilton: Change Management 16 Tue / Maw 11 14 2.00pm 7.30pm 14 SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK Date Dyddiad Time Amser Performance Perfformiad 41 029 2064 6900 Information Gwybodaeth Page Tudalen NOVEMBER / TACHWEDD Wed / Mer 2 7.00pm Shakespeare Schools Festival 26 Thu / Iau 3 7.00pm Shakespeare Schools Festival 26 1.30pm The Emperor's New Clothes 24 7.00pm Shakespeare Schools Festival 26 11:00am The Emperor's New Clothes 24 1.30pm Dillad Newydd yr Ymerawdwr 24 Tue / Maw 8 6.30pm A Play, A Pie and A Pint: Snout 18 Wed / Mer 9 6.30pm A Play, A Pie and A Pint: Snout 18 Thu / Iau 10 6.30pm A Play, A Pie and A Pint: Snout 18 Fri / Gwe 11 6.30pm A Play, A Pie and A Pint: Snout 18 Sat / Sad 12 6.30pm A Play, A Pie and A Pint: Snout 18 Tue / Maw 15 7:30pm Love, Lies and Taxidermy 20 Wed / Mer 16 7:30pm Love, Lies and Taxidermy 20 Thu / Iau 17 7:30pm Love, Lies and Taxidermy 20 Fri / Gwe 18 7:30pm Love, Lies and Taxidermy 20 Sat / Sad 19 7:30pm Love, Lies and Taxidermy 20 Fri / Gwe 25 7.00pm The Borrowers 22 Mon / Llu 28 2.00pm The Borrowers 22 Tue / Maw 29 10.30am The Borrowers 22 7.00pm The Borrowers 22 2.00pm The Borrowers 22 7.30pm Owen Jones: Politics of Hope 17 Fri / Gwe 4 Sat / Sad 5 Wed / Mer 30 DECEMBER / RHAGFYR Thu / Iau 1 10.30am & 2.00pm The Borrowers 22 Fri / Gwe 2 10.30am The Borrowers 22 Sat / Sad 3 7.00pm The Borrowers 22 Mon / Llu 5 10.30am The Borrowers 22 11.00am & 1.30pm The Emperor's New Clothes 24 10.30am The Borrowers 22 11.00am & 1.30pm The Emperor's New Clothes 24 10.30am The Borrowers 22 11.00am The Emperor's New Clothes 24 1.30pm Dillad Newydd yr Ymerawdwr 24 10.30am & 2.00pm The Borrowers 22 11.00am Dillad Newydd yr Ymerawdwr 24 1.30pm The Emperor's New Clothes 24 10.30am The Borrowers 22 11.00am & 1.30pm The Emperor's New Clothes 24 11.00am Dillad Newydd yr Ymerawdwr 24 1.30pm The Emperor's New Clothes 24 2.00pm & 7.00pm The Borrowers 22 11.00am & 1.30pm The Emperor's New Clothes 24 2.00pm The Borrowers 22 Tue / Maw 6 Wed / Mer 7 Thu / Iau 8 Fri / Gwe 9 Sat / Sad 10 Mon / Llu 12 42 029 2064 6900 Date Dyddiad Time Amser SHERMANTHEATRE.CO.UK Performance Perfformiad Information Gwybodaeth Page Tudalen DECEMBER / RHAGFYR Tue / Maw 13 Wed / Mer 14 Thu / Iau 15 Fri / Gwe 16 Sat / Sad 17 Mon / Llu 19 Tue / Maw 20 Wed / Mer 21 Thu / Iau 22 Fri / Gwe 23 Sat / Sad 24 Wed / Mer 28 Thu / Iau 29 Fri / Gwe 30 Sat / Sad 31 10.30am & 2.00pm The Borrowers 22 11.00am The Emperor's New Clothes 24 1.30pm Dillad Newydd yr Ymerawdwr 24 10.30am The Borrowers 22 11.00am Dillad Newydd yr Ymerawdwr 24 1.30pm The Emperor's New Clothes 24 10.30am & 2.00pm The Borrowers 22 11.00am The Emperor's New Clothes 24 1.30pm Dillad Newydd yr Ymerawdwr 24 10.30am The Borrowers 22 11.00am & 1.30pm The Emperor's New Clothes 11.00am & 1.30pm The Emperor's New Clothes 2.00pm The Borrowers 11.00am & 1.30pm The Emperor's New Clothes 7.00pm The Borrowers 22 11.00am The Emperor's New Clothes 24 1.30pm Dillad Newydd yr Ymerawdwr 24 2.00pm The Borrowers 22 24 11.00am 24 22 11.00am 24 11.00am & 1.30pm The Emperor's New Clothes 24 2.00pm & 7.00pm The Borrowers 22 11.00am & 1.30pm The Emperor's New Clothes 24 2.00pm The Borrowers 22 11.00am Dillad Newydd yr Ymerawdwr 24 1.30pm The Emperor's New Clothes 24 2.00pm & 7.00pm The Borrowers 22 11.00am & 1.30pm The Emperor's New Clothes 24 4.00pm The Borrowers 22 11.00am The Emperor's New Clothes 24 1.30pm Dillad Newydd yr Ymerawdwr 24 7.00pm The Borrowers 22 11.00am & 1.30pm The Emperor's New Clothes 24 2.00pm & 7.00pm The Borrowers 22 11.00am Dillad Newydd yr Ymerawdwr 24 1.30pm The Emperor's New Clothes 24 2.00pm & 7.00pm The Borrowers 11.00am & 1.30pm The Emperor's New Clothes 24 4.00pm The Borrowers 22 2.00pm 22 SUPPORT US CEFNOGWCH As a registered charity, Sherman Theatre relies on support from individuals, companies, trusts and foundations to help us deliver our work both on and off stage. Fel elusen gofrestredig, dibynna Theatr y Sherman ar gefnogaeth gan unigolion, cwmnïau, ymddiriedolaethau a sefydliadau er mwyn ein helpu i gyflawni ein gwaith ar y llwyfan ac oddi arni. Support from people like you can help us to present a varied and diverse artistic programme, reach new audiences, engage with communities, and develop new writers and emerging artists. Every gift, big or small, can make a huge difference. Mae cymorth pobl fel chi yn medru ein helpu i gyflwyno rhaglenni artistig amrywiol a gwahanol, ymestyn at gynulleidfaoedd newydd, cysylltu â chymunedau a datblygu ysgrifennwyr newydd ac artistiaid sy’n ymddangos. If you would like to learn how you can support our work please contact: Os hoffech ddysgu sut y gallwch gefnogi ein gwaith, cysylltwch â: Emma Tropman Fundraising Manager / Rheolwr Codi Arian 029 2064 6975 [email protected] shermantheatre.co.uk/support-us shermantheatre.co.uk/cefnogi VOLUNTEERING GWIRFODDOLI We are looking for new members of our Volunteer Scheme: In return for your help as a Volunteer Usher we offer complimentary tickets, discounts in the café bar and much more! [email protected] Rydym yn chwilio am aelodau newydd ar gyfer ein Cynllun Gwirfoddolwyr – Yn gyfnewid am eich help fel Tywysydd Gwirfoddol, rydym yn cynnig tocynnau am ddim, gostyngiadau yn y caffi/bar, a llawer mwy! shermantheatre.co.uk/volunteering shermantheatre.co.uk/gwirfoddoli AUTUMN 2016 HYDREF 2016 NOT I 6 - 8 Sept / Medi SCORCH 6 - 8 Sept / Medi CHRISTINA BIANCO: ME, MYSELF AND EVERYONE ELSE 15 Sept / Medi THE ENJOYMENT OF OPERA 20 Sept / Medi WHY THE WHALES CAME 28 & 29 Sept / Medi THE HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE FAMILY 30 Sept / Medi - 1 Oct / Hyd THE WEIR 7 - 22 Oct / Hyd LAYLA’S ROOM 11 Oct / Hyd ANDY HAMILTON: CHANGE MANAGEMENT 29 Oct / Hyd SHAKESPEARE SCHOOLS FESTIVAL 2 - 4 Nov / Tach THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES DILLAD NEWYDD YR YMERAWDWR 4 & 5 Nov / Tach & 5 - 31 Dec / Rhag A PLAY, A PIE AND A PINT: SNOUT 8 - 12 Nov / Tach LOVE, LIES AND TAXIDERMY 15 - 19 Nov / Tach THE BORROWERS 25 Nov / Tach - 31 Dec / Rhag TAITH OWEN JONES: THE POLITICS OF HOPE 27 Oct / Hyd 30 Nov / Tach Senghennydd Road / Ffordd Senghennydd Cardiff / Caerdydd CF24 4YE 029 2064 6900 shermantheatre.co.uk @ShermanTheatre