Sri Raghavendra Swamy Matha
Sri Raghavendra Swamy Matha
|| ´ÉÏqÉlqÉÔsÉUÉqÉÉã ÌuÉeÉrÉiÉå || || ´ÉÏqÉ–ûÏMüÉM×üimÉÉSÉå ÌuÉeÉrÉiÉå || Jagadguru Srimanmadhvacharya Moola Maha Samsthanam Sri Raghavendra Swamy Matha - Mantralayam || ´ÉÏqÉSÉlÉlSiÉÏjÉïpÉaÉuÉimÉÉSÉcÉÉrÉÉåï ÌuÉeÉrÉiÉå || || ´ÉÏaÉÑÂUÉeÉÉå ÌuÉeÉrÉiÉå || Mantralayam 518 345. Dist. Kurnoool. Andhra Pradesh Ph: 08512-279428/429/459/848/888 Email: [email protected] : Website: 13.03.2013 to 19.03.2013 Invitation || ´ÉÏqÉlqÉÔsÉUÉqÉÉã ÌuÉeÉrÉiÉå || || ´ÉÏqÉSÉlÉlSiÉÏjÉïpÉaÉuÉimÉÉSÉcÉÉrÉÉåï ÌuÉeÉrÉiÉå || || ´ÉÏqÉ–ûÏMüÉM×üimÉÉSÉå ÌuÉeÉrÉiÉå || || ´ÉÏaÉÑÂUÉeÉÉå ÌuÉeÉrÉiÉå || A special invitation to you to participate in one of the most important, siginificant and commemorative functions of our Matha on the occasion of 392nd Pattabhisheka Mahotsava and 418th Vardhanti Utsava of Sri Gururajaru. SRI RAGHAVENDRA GURU BHAKTI UTSAVA is a celebration of seven days from 13.03.2013 to 19.03.2013 conducted with the blessings of His Holiness 108 Sri Sushameendra Teertha Sripadangalavaru and in the immediate presence of our present Peethadhipati His Holiness 108 Sri Suyateendra Teertha Sripadangalavaru. Various religious and cultural programmes are arranged during this auspicious occasion. All are cordially invited. Raja. S. Rajagopalacharya Aptakaryadarshi to His Holiness S.N. Suyameendracharya Addl. Aptakaryadarshi to His Holiness Dr. R. Prabhakar Rao IPS (Retd.) Hon’y Administrative Officer L. Madhava Shetty Asst. Administrative Officer 13.03.2013 Pattabhisheka Mahotsava 16.03.2013 Navaratna Ratha Samarpane to Sri Moola Ramadevaru followed by Sudha Anuvada 17.03.2013 Sudha Mangala 19.03.2013 Vardhanti Utsava Navaratna Ratha Samarpane to Sri Rayaru followed by Nadahara Samarpane & In the benevolent presence of His Holiness 108 Sri Suyateendra Teertha Swamiji and many other Maadhwa saint scholars SAMARPANE OF NAVARATNA RATHA & & & SUDHA MANGALA Students of Sri Gurusarvabhouma Sanskrita Vidyapeetha Mantralayam Parimalopeta Srimadbrahmasootra-AnuvyakhyanaSrimannyayasudha Mangala Mahotsava* * Sudha Mangala is Convocation Ceremony of Spiritual Studies. A separate invitation flashes light on this event . & & & on 16 and 17 March 2013. The magnificently built Navaratna Ratha studded with over one lakh gem stones will be offered to Sri Moolaramadevaru on 16.03.2013 and the same will be offered to Sri Gurusarvabhoumaru on His Vardhanti on 19.03.2013 & will perform The Ratha will be kept open for exhibition at NSRS Matha, Triplicane, Chennai from 00 to 09 &.10.03.2013 14.03.2012 : Sri Ramacharitrya Manjaree A series of discourses on Sri Raghavendra Vijaya By Vidwan Sri Udupi Krishnacharya 15.03.2012 : 18.03.2012 : Sri Krishna Charitrya Manjaree 13.03.2013 : Vidwan Kurnool Srinivasacharya By Vidwan Sri N. R. Dwarakanathacharya Mahabharata Tatparya Nirnaya Bhava Sangraha 14.03.2013 : Dr. Madhumati Deshpande By Vidwan Kadapa Dheerendracharya Discourse by senior students of Pathashala to 19.03.2013 14.03.2012 : Guruguna Stavanam : will be rendered by By Ananda Diwanajee 15.03.2012 : 18.03.2012 : Sri Raghavendra Kavacha : Venue: Yaga Shala Time : 5.00 PM to 9.00 PM Maisooru Venue: Yaga Shala Time : 7.30 AM to 9.30 AM and 6.00 PM to 7.30 PM Following is a list of scholars who receive honour for their accomplishment in philosophical works. From 13.03.2013 Vidwan Sri B.N. Vijayeendracharya VEDANTA PURASKARA & & Discourse by senior Scholars & & JNANA YAJNYA By Hatti Gururaja Sri Raghavendra Stotra: By K. Sateesha Bengaluru Sindhanooru 15.03.2013 : Vidwan Sri Gudeballur Sheshachar Dharawada 16.03.2013: Vidwan Sri Koutala Ashvathachar Koutalam 17.03.2013: Vidwan Sri Panchamukhi Pavamanacharya Bengalurvu 18.03.2013 : Vidwan Sri Ravishankara Avadhani Mahanandi 19.03.2013 : Vidwan Sri Durga Maheshwara Sharma Mahanandi 14.03.2013 : Sri A Rama Swamy IAS Bengaluru 15.03.2013 : Manovikas Institute for Mentally Handicapped Hadagali Tq, Karnataka 14.03.2013 : Bandravi Molakalmur Taluk, Karnataka 15.03.2013 : Ranamandala Adoni 16.03.2013 : Srirangam Tamilnadu 17.03.2013 : Yalahanka Hebbagilu Bengaluru 18.03.2013 : Penugonda & & 13.03.2013 : Sri Dhananjay IAS Chennai & 13.03.2013 : Madalagatte & The below given are the personalities being felicitated for their acomplishment in respective fields SOCIAL AWARDS Priests from the following temples of Lord Hanuman consecreted by Sri Vyasarajaru will receive awards. ABHINANDANAM AWARDS & & ABHIVADANAM AWARDS Dist. Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh 19.03.2013 : Budumala Doddi Adoni Taluk, Andhra Pradesh 16.03.2013 : Dr. Boralingaiah M.B. IPS Udupi Superintendent of Police, Udupi Sri Sudhir, IAS Hyderabad Former Principal Secretary, Govt. of A.P. Sri P.S. Raveendranath Bengaluru Former Dirctor, Dept. of Public Instructions Dr. S.R. Rohidekar Bengaluru Former Jnt. Dirctor, Dept. of Public Instructions 17.03.2013 : Sri Balaramaiah, IAS Hyderabad 19.03.2013 : M.G. Gopal IAS Hyerabad Commissioner of Endowments, Govt. of A.P Principal Secretary, Dept of Endowments. A.P Organisations engaged in various social activities will receive honour of appreciation 13.03.2013 : Gayana Samaja 14.03.2013 : Nadopasana Music Trust Chennai Hubballi 16.03.2013 : Atharva Veda Pathashala Bengalooru Gokarna 17.03.2013 : Sri Raghavendra Mandal Ahmedabad 18.03.2013 : Venkateswara Dharma Prachara Parishat Hyderabad 19.03.2013 : Kakinada Gana Kala Parishat Time : 7.00 PM to 8.00 PM | Venue : Sri Yogeendra Mantapa Kakinada Sri Mannyaya Sudha - Jignasa Adhikarana Life & Works of Sri Raghavendra Yati Sri Raghavendra Vijaya In the immediate presence of H.H Sri Swamiji The following are the accomplished projects will get inaugurated during Guru Bhakti Utsava Madhwa Mantapa Sri Yogeendra Maarga “Sri Suyateendra Chaya” (New Staff Quarters) 13.03.2013 : 5.30 - 7.00 PM : Dasara Padagalu by K.V. Naga Divyasri, Tirupati 8.00 - 9.30 PM : Gombeyata Puppet show by Puthali Kalaranga, Bengaluru 14.03.2013 : 5.30 - 7.00 PM : Dasa Vani by Sri Krishnendra Wadekar, Hubballi 8.00 - 9.30 PM : Bharata Natyam Ballet by Nritya Kalamandiram, Bengaluru 15.03.2013 : 5.30 - 7.00 PM : Carnatic Music by Smt. M.V. Kamala Ramani, Hyderabad 8.00 - 9.30 PM : Tandava the Vibrance : Ballet by Sri Anant & Party, Bengaluru & & LOKARPANA & The following English books composed by eminant scholar Vidwan Sri G.B. Joshi will be released on 17.03.2013 CULTURAL EVENTS & & & BOOK RELEASES 16.03.2013 : 5.30 - 7.00 PM : Dasavani by Smt. Kalpana Sumanth, Bengaluru 8.00 - 9.30 PM : Significance of Guru Angraha Melow drama by Malkajgiri Kala Sangha, Secunderabd 17.03.2013 : 5.30 - 7.00 PM : Dasavani by Smt. Jayadevi Jangamashetty, Dharawada 8.00 - 9.30 PM : Sri Raghavendra Vaibhava Melow Drama by Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Bhajana Mandali, Maisooru 18.03.2013 : 5.30 - 7.00 PM : Dasavani by Kum. Soumya Sridhar, Hyd. 8.00 - 9.30 PM : Bharata Natya by Artists of Natyasri Dance School, Bengaluru Venue : Sri Yogeendra Mantapa His Holiness 108 Sri Sushameendra Teertha Swamiji Previous Pontiff of Sri Raghavendra Swamy Matha His Holiness 108 Sri Suyateendra Teertha Swamiji Present Pontiff of Sri Raghavendra Swamy Matha
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