Interim Financial Statement 30 September 2012
Interim Financial Statement 30 September 2012
TAKAFUL IKHLAS SDN. BHD. (593075-U) (Incorporated in Malaysia) Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements For the six months period ended 30 September 2012 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) Contents Page Unaudited Condensed Income Statement 1 Unaudited Condensed Statement of Comprehensive Income 2 Unaudited Condensed Statement of Financial Position 3 Unaudited Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity 4 Unaudited Condensed Statement of Cash Flows 5-6 Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements 7 - 38 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) Unaudited Condensed Income Statement For the six months period ended 30 September 2012 30.09.2012 Bank Negara Malaysia Reporting Shareholder's General Family fund takaful fund takaful fund RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 Operating revenue Gross earned contribution Earned contribution ceded to retakaful operators Net earned contribution Investment income Realised gains/(losses) Fair value gains/(losses) Fee and commission income Other operating revenue Other revenue Gross claims and benefits paid Claims and benefits ceded to retakaful operators Gross change to certificate liabilities Change in certificate liabilities ceded to retakaful operators Net claims Fee and commission expenses Management expenses Other operating expenses Change in expenses liability Other expenses Operating surplus before taxation Elimination RM '000 96,999 96,881 284,918 - 84,407 259,864 - (24,582) 59,825 (24,020) 235,844 5,377 1,166 46 4,029 10,618 24,994 3,797 259 29,050 - (58,611) 8,928 23,973 (50,008) 17,240 (10,908) - (108,619) 26,168 13,065 - 400 (25,310) 2,988 (40,688) - 3,388 (65,998) (26,804) 18 (26,786) (74,569) 80 (74,489) 101,373 101,373 (54,250) (48,271) 98 (1,325) (103,748) 18,347 149,717 5,275 521 55 101,373 561 107,785 (54,250) (48,271) (1,325) (103,846) 3,939 (91,724) Company RM '000 30.09.2011 Bank Negara Malaysia Reporting Shareholder's General Family fund takaful fund takaful fund RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 Elimination RM '000 387,074 104,321 106,152 278,168 - 344,271 - 109,543 257,001 - 366,544 - (48,602) 295,669 - (5,965) 103,578 (18,794) 238,207 - (24,759) 341,785 5,486 (88) 2,898 2,790 11,086 19,796 501 (778) 19,519 - (58,574) 2,339 (22,216) (66,839) 39,721 (6,240) - (125,413) 42,060 (28,456) - 2,472 (75,979) (24,395) (57,753) - (21,923) (133,732) (25,452) (1,467) (26,919) (75,649) (2,049) (77,698) 101,102 101,102 (56,875) (46,400) (3,516) (1,309) (108,100) 11,766 122,275 (101,373) (101,373) - 35,646 5,484 360 4,029 561 46,080 172,003 4,862 163 (114) 101,102 606 106,619 (56,876) (46,400) (1,309) (104,585) 2,034 (99,459) Company RM '000 (101,102) (101,102) - 389,182 30,144 576 2,006 2,790 606 36,122 136,075 Taxation attributable to participants - (4,477) (2,301) - (6,778) - (2,612) (1,593) - (4,205) Net surplus attributable to participants - (13,870) (147,416) - (161,286) - (9,154) (120,682) - (129,836) Profit before zakat and taxation Zakat Taxation Net profit for the period Basic earnings per share (sen) 3,939 - - - 3,939 2,034 - - - 2,034 (301) (1,680) - - - (301) (1,680) (500) (1,246) - - - (500) (1,246) 1,958 - - - 1,958 288 - - - 0.7 0.1 0.7 288 0.1 These unaudited condensed financial statements should be read in conjunction with the audited financial statements for the financial year ended 31 March 2012. The accompanying explanatory notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 1 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) Unaudited Condensed Statement of Comprehensive Income For the six months period ended 30 September 2012 30.09.2012 Bank Negara Malaysia Reporting Shareholder's General Family fund takaful fund takaful fund RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 Net profit for the period 1,958 - 30.09.2011 Bank Negara Malaysia Reporting Shareholder's General Family fund takaful fund takaful fund RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 Elimination RM '000 Company RM '000 - 1,958 288 101 497 (3,728) - 346 381 (5,397) (315) 102 (94) (921) 176 88 3,130 - - 4,026 1,314 (19) 657 - - - Elimination RM '000 Company RM '000 - 288 242 23 (516) - (994) 301 (522) 251 - - 908 (19) - Other comprehensive income: Available-for-sale fair value reserves: Net (loss)/gains on fair value changes Deferred tax on fair value changes Realised (gain)/loss transferred to income statement Other comprehensive income attributable to participants Total comprehensive income for the period (16) (125) (503) 1,314 261 9 (1,166) 896 - These unaudited condensed financial statements should be read in conjunction with the audited financial statements for the financial year ended 31 March 2012. The accompanying explanatory notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 2 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) Unaudited Condensed Statement of Financial Position As at 30 September 2012 Note Assets Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets Investment properties Financial assets: Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss ("FVTPL") Held-to-maturity investments ("HTM") Available-for-sale ("AFS") financial assets Loans and receivables ("LAR") Retakaful certificates assets Takaful certificates receivables Deferred tax assets Tax recoverable Cash and bank balances Investment-linked business assets Total assets 30.09.2012 Bank Negara Malaysia Reporting Shareholder's General Family fund takaful fund takaful fund RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 31.03.2012 Bank Negara Malaysia Reporting Shareholder's General Family fund takaful fund takaful fund RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 (Restated) (Restated) (Restated) Elimination RM '000 Company RM '000 - 11,767 6,111 104,060 13,275 6,101 - - 103,828 1.04.2011 Bank Negara Malaysia Reporting Shareholder's General Family fund takaful fund takaful fund RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 (Restated) (Restated) (Restated) Elimination RM '000 Company RM '000 (Restated) - 13,275 6,101 103,828 14,237 4,583 - - 103,518 Elimination RM '000 Company RM '000 (Restated) - 14,237 4,583 103,518 11,767 6,111 - - 104,060 1,536 64,611 113,312 147,179 5,843 5,319 8,059 363,737 1,536 70,124 95,126 111,608 45,969 23,678 1,153 636 349,830 5,775 340,812 558,282 360,984 119,476 162,597 17,736 119,525 1,789,247 (35,545) (35,545) 8,847 475,547 766,720 584,226 165,445 186,275 6,996 5,319 26,431 119,525 2,467,269 988 23,317 124,508 180,738 5,752 3,739 1,373 359,791 1,049 43,717 139,601 70,418 42,156 25,463 1,195 22,212 345,811 2,355 133,349 548,757 402,167 115,684 130,382 53,008 119,177 1,608,707 (23,620) (23,620) 4,392 200,383 812,866 629,703 157,840 155,845 6,947 3,739 76,593 119,177 2,290,689 712 22,435 79,224 119,083 5,090 2,128 7,630 255,122 1,105 40,662 132,066 60,449 34,351 32,798 1,492 47,511 350,434 1,832 119,019 397,820 303,142 137,383 83,906 64,512 91,409 1,302,541 (57,714) (57,714) 3,649 182,116 609,110 424,960 171,734 116,704 6,582 2,128 119,653 91,409 1,850,383 18,475 13,010 512 31,374 63,371 276,800 7,250 6,742 36,442 327,234 1,361,629 78,228 2,196 6,714 66,934 3,141 1,518,842 (35,409) (136) (35,545) 1,656,904 85,478 13,010 2,196 512 13,456 99,341 3,005 1,873,902 17,150 15,578 414 390 22,207 55,739 293,710 13,827 2,577 26,075 336,189 1,204,446 69,774 2,801 4,411 59,180 2,722 1,343,334 (22,182) (1,438) (23,620) 1,515,306 83,601 15,578 414 2,801 390 6,988 85,280 1,284 1,711,642 15,146 13,498 22 573 31,469 60,708 291,733 7,932 564 51,520 351,749 1,002,612 34,406 2,348 1,260 67,519 1,954 1,110,099 (56,862) (852) (57,714) 1,309,491 42,338 13,498 22 2,348 573 1,824 93,646 1,102 1,464,842 - 22,596 - 22,596 154,021 116,384 270,405 - 22,596 154,021 116,384 293,001 - 9,622 9,622 148,918 116,455 265,373 - 9,622 148,918 116,455 274,995 - Equity Share capital Reserves Total equity 295,000 5,366 300,366 - - - 295,000 5,366 300,366 295,000 9,052 304,052 - - - 295,000 9,052 304,052 Total liabilities, participants' funds and equity 363,737 349,830 1,789,247 2,467,269 359,791 345,811 1,608,707 Liabilities Takaful certificates liabilities Takaful certificates payables Due to agents, retakaful operators and brokers Due to related companies Deferred tax liabilities Zakat payable Tax payable Other payables Investment-linked business liabilities Total liabilities Participants' fund General takaful fund Family takaful fund Investment-linked fund Total participants' funds 12(a) 12(b) 12(c) 12(d) 14 13 17 14 17 15 16 17 (35,545) (23,620) 2,290,689 These unaudited condensed financial statements should be read in conjunction with the audited financial statements for the financial year ended 31 March 2012. The accompanying explanatory notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 3 195,000 (586) 194,414 255,122 (1,315) (1,315) 102,987 89,455 192,442 - (1,315) 102,987 89,455 191,127 - - - 195,000 (586) 194,414 350,434 1,302,541 (57,714) 1,850,383 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) Unaudited Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity For the six months period ended 30 September 2012 Share capital RM '000 Note At 1 April 2012, previously stated Effects of adoption of MFRS framework At 1 April 2012, restated Total comprehensive income for the period Dividend on ordinary shares At 30 September 2012 At 1 April 2011, previously stated Effects of adoption of MFRS framework At 1 April 2011, restated Share capital issued during the year Total comprehensive income for the year At 30 September 2011 2.2 2.2 Non distributable Available-for sale reserves RM '000 Distributable retained profits/ (losses) RM '000 Total RM '000 295,000 295,000 295,000 1,810 268 2,078 (644) 1,434 6,974 6,974 1,958 (5,000) 3,932 303,784 268 304,052 1,314 (5,000) 300,366 195,000 195,000 100,000 295,000 708 241 949 (307) 642 (1,535) (1,535) 288 (1,247) 194,173 241 194,414 100,000 (19) 294,395 These unaudited condensed financial statements should be read in conjunction with the audited financial statements for the financial year ended 31 March 2012. The accompanying explanatory notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 4 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) Unaudited Condensed Statement of Cash Flows For the six months period ended 30 September 2012 30.09.2012 RM '000 Operating Activities Profit before zakat and taxation Adjustments for: Depreciation for property, plant and equipment Amortisation of intangible assets Net amortisation/(accretion) of discounts Profit on investment accounts Gross dividend income Fair value adjustments of financial assets at FVTPL Writeback for impairment of HTM financial asset Gain on disposal of investments (Gain)/loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment Writeback for impairment of takaful receivables Increase/(decrease) in contribution liabilities Increase in expense liabilities Results of general takaful fund Results of family takaful fund Operating profit before working capital changes Purchase of financial assets/investments Proceeds from disposal of of financial assets/investments Decrease/(increase) in Islamic investment accounts Decrease/(increase) in loans receivable Increase in trade receivables (Increase)/decrease in other receivables (Decrease)/increase in claims liabilities (Decrease)/increase in trade payables Decrease/(Increase) in other payables Net change in balance with holding company Net cash (used in)/generated from operating activities Investment income received Dividend income received Income tax paid Zakat paid Net cash flows from operating activities 5 3,939 30.09.2011 RM '000 2,034 1,801 501 224 (31,701) (2,462) (60) (23) (5,484) (277) 3,650 1,325 13,870 147,416 132,719 (465,353) 234,317 51,074 132 (30,153) (8,423) (10,477) (691) 23,539 513 (72,803) 1,824 569 (477) (28,106) (2,416) 1,376 (192) (507) (69) (3,190) (17,724) 1,309 9,154 120,682 84,276 (206,165) 82,688 (226,956) (154) (14,772) 67,125 25,983 15,455 (49,444) (6,005) (227,969) 25,291 2,367 (3,802) (179) (49,126) 32,724 2,348 (7,097) (197) (200,191) 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) Unaudited Condensed Statement of Cash Flows For the six months period ended 30 September 2012 (cont'd.) 30.09.2012 RM '000 30.09.2011 RM '000 Investing Activities Proceeds from disposal of property and equipment Purchase of property and equipment Purchase of intangibles Purchase of investment properties Net cash flows from investing activities (293) (511) (232) (1,036) 154 (3,697) (3,543) Financing Activity Proceeds from issuance of share capital to holding company representing net cash generated from financing activity Net cash flows from financing activity - 100,000 100,000 (50,162) 76,593 26,431 (103,734) 119,653 15,919 8,059 636 17,736 26,431 4,187 1,947 9,785 15,919 Net (decrease)/ increase in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of year Cash and bank balances of: Shareholder's fund General takaful fund Family takaful fund Cash and bank balances These unaudited condensed financial statements should be read in conjunction with the audited financial statements for the financial year ended 31 March 2012. The accompanying explanatory notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 6 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements - 30 September 2012 1. Corporate information The Company is engaged principally in the managing of general, family and investment-linked takaful businesses. There were no significant changes in the principal activities of the Company during the financial period from 1 April 2012 to 30 September 2012. The Company is a private limited liability company, incorporated and domiciled in Malaysia. The registered office of the Company is located at 9th Floor, IKHLAS Point, Tower 11A, Avenue 5, Bangsar South, No. 8, Jalan Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The holding and ultimate holding company is MNRB Holdings Berhad, a company incorporated and domiciled in Malaysia and listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. 2. Significant accounting policies 2.1 Basis of preparation The interim financial statements for the six months period ended 30 September 2012 are unaudited and have been prepared inaccordance with Malaysian Financial Reporting Standard (''MFRS'') 134, Interim Financial Reporting in Malaysia, Takaful Act, 1984 and the Guidelines/circulars issued by BNM and where applicable are modified to comply with the principles of Shariah. It includes Takaful Funds established inaccordance with Takaful Act,1984 in Malaysia which are managed and controlled by the Company as operator of the fund. The statements of financial position and the statements of comprehensive income of the Shareholder's Fund, Family Fund and General Fund are supplementary financial information presented in accordance with the requirements of Bank Negara Malaysia. In accordance with Takaful Act, 1984 in Malaysia, the Company is required to segregate assets, liabilities, income and expenses of Takaful funds from its own. The statements of financial position and comprehensive income of the Shareholder's Fund include only assets, liabilities, income and expenses of the Company excluding the Takaful funds manage by it. The statements of financial position and comprehensive income of the Family Fund include only the assets, liabilities, income and expenses of the family solidarity fund that is set up, managed and controlled by the Company. The statements of financial position and comprehensive income of the General Fund include only the assets, liabilities, income and expenses of General Takaful fund other than the family solidarity fund that is set up, managed and controlled by the Company. The condensed interim financial statements are the Company's first MFRS interim financial statements for part of the period covered by the Company's first MFRS annual financial statements for the period ending 31 March 2013, hence MFRS 1 First Time Adoption of Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards has been applied. 7 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 2. Significant accounting policies (cont'd.) 2.1 Basis of preparation (cont'd.) The explanatory notes attached to the condensed interim financial statements provide an explanation of events and transactions that are significant to an understanding of the changes in the financial position and performance of the Company since the financial period ended 31 March 2012. The condensed interim financial statements do not include all the information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements, and should be read in conjunction with the Company's audited financial statements for the financial period ended 31 March 2012. The financial statements are presented in Ringgit Malaysia (RM) and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand (RM '000) except when otherwise indicated. 2.2 Changes in Accounting Policies and Effects Arising from Adoption of New and Revised FRSs and Issues Committee Interpretations ("IC Interpretations") The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the condensed interim financial statements are consistent with those adopted in the Company's audited financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2012, except for the adoption of the following new and revised MFRS, Amendments to MFRS, IC Interpretations and Technical Release: MFRS 1 First time Adoption of Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards Amendment to MFRS 7 Disclosures-Transfers of Financial Assets Amendment to MFRS 112 Deferred tax : Recovery of underlying assets MFRS 124 Related Party Disclosures The adoption of the above FRSs, Amendments to FRS, IC Interpretations, Amendments to IC Interpretations and Technical Releases did not have any significant effect on the financial performance or position of the Company except for those discussed below: (a) Adoption of BNM Guidelines On 22 December 2010, BNM issued several new Guidelines which are mandatory for all takaful operators licensed under the Takaful Act 1984 and are effective for financial periods beginning on or after 1 July 2011. The guidelines are as follows: 8 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 2. Significant accounting policies (cont'd.) 2.2 Changes in Accounting Policies and Effects Arising from Adoption of New and Revised FRSs and Issues Committee Interpretations ("IC Interpretations") (cont'd.) (a) Adoption of BNM Guidelines (cont'd.) (i) Guidelines on financial reporting for takaful operators This Guideline primarily prescribes the minimum disclosure requirements for financial statements of takaful operators including the requirement to present statements of financial position, statements of comprehensive income and related explanatory notes by funds. In addition, the Guideline also requires that takaful operators ensure that the aggregated total assets and total liabilities presented in the Company's statement of financial position are net of Qard. The primary disclosure requirements of this Guideline had had been fully adopted and complied with since the previous financial year ended 31 March 2012. (ii) Guidelines on valuation basis of liabilities of general takaful business This Guideline requires all takaful operators to measure its claim liabilities at a 75% level of sufficiency at the total fund level. In addition, it specifies that the contribution liabilities of a takaful operator should be the higher of the aggregate of its unearned contribution reserves ("UCR") or its unexpired risk reserves ("URR") and a PRAD at 75% confidence level, calculated at the total fund level. In line with the adoption of FRS 4, the prescriptions of this Guideline with respect to the determination of claim and contribution liabilities had been adopted and complied with since the previous financial year ended 31 March 2012. The Guideline also dictates the measurement of the expense liabilities of the Company which is required to be measured at the higher of the aggregate of its provision for unearned wakalah fees ("UWF") or its unexpired expense reserves ("UER") and a PRAD at 75% confidence level, calculated at the total fund level. The prescriptions of this Guideline with respect to the determination of expenses liabilities had been adopted and complied with since the previous financial year ended 31 March 2012. 9 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 2. Significant accounting policies (cont'd.) 2.2 Changes in Accounting Policies and Effects Arising from Adoption of New and Revised FRSs and Issues Committee Interpretations ("IC Interpretations") (cont'd.) (a) Adoption of BNM Guidelines (cont'd.) (iii) Guidelines on valuation basis of liabilities of family takaful business This Guideline stipulates the valuation bases for liabilities of family takaful business. Amongst its requirements is the need for the valuation of the family takaful certificate liabilities based on the gross contribution valuation method. This change has been reflected as an accounting policy change as it affects the basis of measurement of family takaful certificate liabilities. The impact of such change in accounting policy has hence been adjusted retrospectively and the relevant adjustments made to brought forward reserves and prior year results are as disclosed in Note 2.3. (b) Changes in Accounting Framework On 19 November 2011, the Malaysian Accounting Standards Board ("MASB") issued a new MASB approved accounting framework, the Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards ("MFRS Framework"). In presenting its first MFRS financial statements, the Company may be required to restate the comparative financial statements to amounts reflecting the application of the MFRS Framework. The majority of the adjustments (if any) required on transition will be made, retrospectively, against opening retained profits. The Company had designated previously recognized financial assets at Held-tomaturity ("HTM") to a financial asset as available-for-sale ("AFS"). This is in accordance to paragraph 29 of MFRS 1 First Time Adoption of Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards that an entity is permitted to designate a previously recognized financial asset or financial liability as a financial assets or financial liability at fair value through profit or loss ("FVTPL") or a financial asset as AFS. In line with the requirements of MFRS 1, this redesignation is deemed a change in accounting policy and has been accounted for retrospectively. The relevant adjustments made to brought forward reserves and prior year results are as disclosed in Note 2.3. 10 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 2. Significant accounting policies (cont'd.) 2.3 Effects of Changes on Opening Reserves The following tables present the changes to the related statement of financial position balance arising from changes in accounting policies and other retrospective restatements as disclosed in Note 2.2. The adjustments to the carrying amount of the affected items have been accounted for retrospectively as at 1 April 2011 and 1 April 2012 and adjusted to the opening retained profit, accumulated surplus, unallocated surplus or AFS reserve of the shareholders' fund, general takaful fund and family takaful fund. These adjustments are detailed as follows: Shareholder's fund Equity AFS reserves: - Effects of adoption of MFRS Framework: - Redesignation of HTM financial assets to AFS financial assets - Deferred tax Note As at 1.04.2011 RM '000 Increase / (decrease) RM '000 Restated As at 1.04.2011 RM '000 708 241 949 2.2(b) 321 (80) General takaful fund Participants' fund AFS reserves: - Effects of adoption of MFRS Framework: - Redesignation of HTM financial assets to AFS financial assets - Deferred tax 1,338 236 1,574 2.2(b) 315 (79) Family takaful fund Participants' fund AFS reserves: - Effects of adoption of MFRS Framework: - Redesignation of HTM financial assets to AFS financial assets - Deferred tax Unallocated surplus: - Effects of adoption of BNM guideline 7,962 638 8,600 2.2(b) 851 (213) 94,387 2.2(a)(iii) 11 845 845 95,232 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 2. Significant accounting policies (cont'd.) 2.3 Effects of Changes on Opening Reserves (cont'd.) Shareholder's fund Equity AFS reserves: - Effects of adoption of MFRS Framework: - Redesignation of HTM financial assets to AFS financial assets - Deferred tax Note As at 31.3.2012 RM '000 Increase / (decrease) RM '000 Restated As at 31.3.2012 RM '000 1,810 268 2,078 2.2(b) 358 (90) General takaful fund Participants' fund AFS reserves: - Effects of adoption of MFRS Framework: - Redesignation of HTM financial assets to AFS financial assets - Deferred tax 1,312 526 1,838 2.2(b) 701 (175) Family takaful fund Participants' fund AFS reserves: - Effects of adoption of MFRS Framework: - Redesignation of HTM financial assets to AFS financial assets - Deferred tax Unallocated surplus: - Effects of adoption of BNM guideline 11,822 1,337 13,159 2.2(b) 1,783 (446) 118,872 2.2(a)(iii) 12 16,887 16,887 135,759 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 2. Significant accounting policies (cont'd.) 2.4 Reclassification of comparatives Certain comparative figures in the statement of financial position and statement of comprehensive income for the financial period ended 31 March 2012 have been restated following the adoption of MFRS Framework and changes in accounting policies as stated in Note 2.2. As previously ReAs reported classification restated RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 Shareholder's fund Assets Held-to-maturity investments Available-for-sale financial assets Deferred tax assets Equity AFS reserves 41,327 106,140 5,842 (18,010) 18,368 (90) 23,317 124,508 5,752 1,810 268 2,078 70,311 112,306 1,370 (26,594) 27,295 (175) 43,717 139,601 1,195 9,096 526 9,622 239,257 441,066 (105,908) 107,691 133,349 548,757 48,638 2,355 (16,887) 446 31,751 2,801 11,822 118,872 1,337 16,887 13,159 135,759 General takaful fund Assets Held-to-maturity investments Available-for-sale financial assets Deferred tax assets Participants' Fund General takaful fund Family takaful fund Assets Held-to-maturity investments Available-for-sale financial assets Liabilities Takaful certificates liabilities - PSA Deferred tax liabilities Participants' Fund - AFS reserves - Unallocated surplus 13 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 3. Auditor's report The auditor's report on the audited financial statements of the preceding year ended 31 March 2012 does not contain any qualification. 4. Seasonality or cyclicality factors The businesses of the Company was not materially affected by any seasonal or cyclical fluctuations during the six months financial period ended 30 September 2012. 5. Unusual items affecting assets, liabilities, equity, net income or cash flows There were no unusual items affecting assets, liabilities, equity, net income or cash flows for the six months financial period ended 30 September 2012. 6. Changes in estimates There was no change in estimates of amounts reported in prior financial period that has a material effect in the condensed interim financial statements, except for the changes in the accounting policies adopted as described in Note 2.2. 7. Issuances, cancellations, repurchase, resale and repayments of debt and equity securities There were no issues, repurchases and repayment of debt and equity securities for the six months financial period ended 30 September 2012. 8. Significant events There were no significant events during the current financial period ended 30 September 2012. 9. Subsequent events There were no significant subsequent events during the current financial period ended 30 September 2012. 10. Dividends paid The shareholder at the Annual General Meeting held on 25 September 2012 approved a final dividend of 1.7% single tier in respect of the financial year ended 31 March 2012 as proposed by the Directors. The final dividend was paid on 5 October 2012. No dividend was declared for the interim period under review. 11. Changes in the composition of the company There is no change in the composition of the Company since the end of the previous financial period ended 31 March 2012. 14 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 12. Financial assets Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Government guaranteed Unsecured Government investment issues Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants Shariah approved unit trust funds Golf club memberships Islamic investment accounts with licensed: Islamic banks Investment banks Development bank Building society Islamic repo placements Institutional trust fund Units held in investment-linked fund Qard receivable Secured staff loans: Receivable within 12 months Receivable after 12 months Due from: General takaful fund Family takaful fund Investment-linked fund Amount due from related companies Income due and accrued Other receivables, deposits and prepayments Shareholder's fund RM '000 30.09.2012 General takaful fund RM '000 19,021 111,132 40,335 18,320 80,033 49,803 78,377 481,971 272,500 19,023 104,291 20,388 18,322 102,562 49,691 93,587 346,960 187,753 15,026 57,140 24,362 14,324 92,609 51,255 45,209 282,965 164,092 8,781 12 178 10,195 19 8,416 - 59,390 7 12,624 - 4,918 15 178 5,804 20 7,968 - 44,142 67 11,952 - 5,650 15 178 9,742 15 5,888 - 17,805 15 8,585 - 26,909 34,846 5,812 16,472 7,083 10,000 - 53,244 44,629 7,357 - 274,970 52,934 19,978 - 76,625 10,412 36,099 5,831 2,000 6,911 10,000 - 36,835 2,384 25,874 - 246,456 27,631 91,451 6,649 19,493 - 13,755 13,472 8,269 12,668 6,592 10,000 12,043 32,249 18,577 5,814 - 90,006 1,507 59,356 113,967 18,592 - 1,149 2,331 - - 1,183 2,429 - - 1,289 2,723 - - 11,021 23,413 136 34 2,929 5,044 326,638 975 3,146 2,257 278,394 285 12,817 1,265,853 7,806 13,413 405 1,873 5,751 329,551 963 2,324 2,038 254,785 1,033 1,212 8,190 52 1,086,628 2,739 29,109 1,022 5,402 221,454 2,160 1,649 234,282 12,971 852 199 5,247 445 821,813 Family Shareholder's takaful fund fund RM '000 RM '000 15 31.03.2012 General takaful fund RM '000 Family Shareholder's takaful fund fund RM '000 RM '000 01.04.2011 General takaful fund RM '000 Family takaful fund RM '000 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 12. Financial assets (cont'd.) The Company's financial instruments are summarised by categories as follows: Financial assets at FVTPL (Note 12(a)) HTM investments (Note 12(b)) AFS financial assets (Note 12(c)) Loans and receivables (Note 12(d)) Shareholder's fund RM '000 30.09.2012 General takaful fund RM '000 1,536 64,611 113,312 147,179 326,638 1,536 70,124 95,126 111,608 278,394 5,775 340,812 558,282 360,984 1,265,853 988 23,317 124,508 180,738 329,551 1,049 43,717 139,601 70,418 254,785 2,355 133,349 548,757 402,167 1,086,628 712 22,435 79,224 119,083 221,454 1,105 40,662 132,066 60,449 234,282 1,832 119,019 397,820 303,142 821,813 1,529 7 1,536 1,527 9 1,536 5,768 7 5,775 979 9 988 1,040 9 1,049 2,346 9 2,355 697 15 712 1,090 15 1,105 1,817 15 1,832 Family Shareholder's takaful fund fund RM '000 RM '000 31.03.2012 General takaful fund RM '000 Family Shareholder's takaful fund fund RM '000 RM '000 01.04.2011 General takaful fund RM '000 Family takaful fund RM '000 (a) Financial assets at FVTPL At fair value: Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants An analysis of the different fair value measurement bases used in the determination of the fair value of financial assets at FVTPL are further disclosed in Note 12(e) of the financial statements. 16 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 12. Financial assets (cont'd.) (b) HTM investments Shareholder's fund RM '000 30.09.2012 General takaful fund RM '000 19,021 5,255 40,335 64,611 18,320 2,001 49,803 70,124 36,323 31,989 272,500 340,812 19,023 2,274 2,020 23,317 18,322 2,999 22,396 43,717 36,249 17,038 80,062 133,349 19,432 5,363 40,317 65,112 18,718 2,015 50,596 71,329 37,041 32,408 273,661 343,110 19,356 2,428 2,029 23,813 18,643 3,022 23,147 44,812 36,803 17,489 81,310 135,602 Family Shareholder's takaful fund fund RM '000 RM '000 31.03.2012 General takaful fund RM '000 01.04.2011 General takaful fund RM '000 Family takaful fund RM '000 15,026 1,383 6,026 22,435 14,324 2,004 24,334 40,662 24,103 25,043 69,873 119,019 15,087 1,495 6,006 22,588 14,383 2,036 24,600 41,019 24,164 25,542 69,893 119,599 Family Shareholder's takaful fund fund RM '000 RM '000 At amortised cost: Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Government guaranteed Unsecured Government investment issues At fair value: Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Government guaranteed Unsecured Government investment issues An analysis of the different fair value measurement bases used in the determination of the fair value of HTM investments are further disclosed in Note 12(e) of the financial statements. 17 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 12. Financial assets (cont'd.) (c) AFS financial assets Shareholder's fund RM '000 30.09.2012 General takaful fund RM '000 105,877 78,032 7,252 5 178 113,312 8,668 10 8,416 95,126 Family Shareholder's takaful fund fund RM '000 RM '000 31.03.2012 General takaful fund RM '000 42,054 449,982 102,017 18,368 99,563 27,295 57,338 329,922 107,691 53,622 12,624 558,282 3,939 6 178 124,508 4,764 11 7,968 139,601 41,796 58 11,952 548,757 01.04.2011 General takaful fund RM '000 Family takaful fund RM '000 55,757 18,336 90,605 26,921 21,106 257,922 94,219 4,953 178 79,224 8,652 5,888 132,066 15,988 8,585 397,820 Family Shareholder's takaful fund fund RM '000 RM '000 At fair value: Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Government guaranteed Unsecured Government investment issues Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants Shariah approved unit trust funds Golf club memberships An analysis of the different fair value measurement bases used in the determination of the fair value of AFS financial assets are further disclosed in Note 12(e) of the financial statements. 18 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 12. Financial assets (cont'd.) (d) Loans and receivables At amortised cost/fair value Islamic investment accounts with licensed: Islamic banks Investment banks Development bank Building society Islamic repo placements Institutional trust fund Units held in investment-linked fund Qard receivable Secured staff loans: Receivable within 12 months Receivable after 12 months Due from: General takaful fund Family takaful fund Investment-linked fund Amount due from related companies Income due and accrued Other receivables, deposits and prepayments Shareholder's fund RM '000 30.09.2012 General takaful fund RM '000 26,909 34,846 5,812 16,472 7,083 10,000 - 53,244 44,629 7,357 - 274,970 52,934 19,978 - 76,625 10,412 36,099 5,831 2,000 6,911 10,000 - 1,149 2,331 - - 1,183 2,429 11,021 23,413 136 34 2,929 5,044 147,179 975 3,146 2,257 111,608 285 12,817 360,984 7,806 13,413 405 1,873 5,751 180,738 Family Shareholder's takaful fund fund RM '000 RM '000 31.03.2012 General takaful fund RM '000 36,835 2,384 25,874 0 - Family Shareholder's takaful fund fund RM '000 RM '000 01.04.2011 General takaful fund RM '000 Family takaful fund RM '000 246,456 27,631 91,451 6,649 19,493 - 13,755 13,472 8,269 12,668 6,592 10,000 12,043 32,249 18,577 5,814 - 90,006 1,507 59,356 113,967 18,592 - - - 1,289 2,723 - - 963 2,324 2,038 70,418 1,033 1,212 8,190 52 402,167 2,739 29,109 1,022 5,402 119,083 2,160 1,649 60,449 12,971 852 199 5,247 445 303,142 The fair values of the LAR have been established by comparing current profit rates for similar financial instruments to the rates offered when the LAR were first recognized together with appropriate market credit adjustments. 19 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 12. Financial assets (cont'd.) (e) Fair value disclosures based on 3-level hierarchy The following tables show financial assets recorded at fair value analysed by the different bases of fair values: Shareholder's fund 30.09.2012 Financial assets: Valuation technique using: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Using Quoted Using significant market observable unobservable prices inputs inputs RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 Financial assets at FVTPL: Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants HTM investments: Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Government guaranteed Unsecured Government investment issues AFS financial assets Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Unsecured Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants Golf club memberships 20 Total RM '000 1,529 7 - - 1,529 7 - 19,432 5,363 40,317 - 19,432 5,363 40,317 - 105,877 - 105,877 7,252 5 8,793 170,989 178 178 7,252 5 178 179,960 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 12. Financial assets (cont'd.) (e) Fair value disclosures based on 3-level hierarchy (cont'd.) Shareholder's fund (cont'd.) 31.03.2012 Financial assets: Valuation technique using: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Using Quoted Using significant market observable unobservable prices inputs inputs RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 Financial assets at FVTPL: Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants HTM investments: Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Government guaranteed Unsecured Government investment issues AFS financial assets Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Unsecured Government investment issues Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants Shariah approved unit trust funds Golf club memberships 21 Total RM '000 979 9 - - 979 9 - 19,356 2,428 2,029 - 19,356 2,428 2,029 - 102,017 18,368 - 102,017 18,368 3,939 6 4,933 144,198 178 178 3,939 6 178 149,309 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 12. Financial assets (cont'd.) (e) Fair value disclosures based on 3-level hierarchy (cont'd.) Shareholder's fund (cont'd.) 01.04.2011 Financial assets: Valuation technique using: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Using Quoted Using significant market observable unobservable prices inputs inputs RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 Financial assets at FVTPL: Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants HTM investments: Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Government guaranteed Unsecured Government investment issues AFS financial assets Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Unsecured Government investment issues Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants Shariah approved unit trust funds Golf club memberships 22 Total RM '000 697 15 - - 697 15 - 15,087 1,495 6,006 - 15,087 1,495 6,006 - 55,757 18,336 - 55,757 18,336 4,953 5,665 96,681 178 178 4,953 178 102,524 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 12. Financial assets (cont'd.) (e) Fair value disclosures based on 3-level hierarchy (cont'd.) General takaful fund 30.09.2012 Financial assets: Valuation technique using: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Using Quoted Using significant market observable unobservable prices inputs inputs RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 Financial assets at FVTPL: Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants HTM investments: Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Government guaranteed Unsecured Government investment issues AFS financial assets Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Unsecured Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants Shariah approved unit trust funds 23 Total RM '000 1,527 9 - - 1,527 9 - 18,718 2,015 50,596 - 18,718 2,015 50,596 - 78,032 - 78,032 8,668 10 8,416 18,630 149,361 - 8,668 10 8,416 167,991 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 12. Financial assets (cont'd.) (e) Fair value disclosures based on 3-level hierarchy (cont'd.) General takaful fund 31.03.2012 Financial assets: Valuation technique using: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Using Quoted Using significant market observable unobservable prices inputs inputs RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 Financial assets at FVTPL: Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants HTM investments: Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Government guaranteed Unsecured Government investment issues AFS financial assets Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Unsecured Government investment issues Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants Shariah approved unit trust funds 24 Total RM '000 1,040 9 - - 1,040 9 - 18,643 3,022 23,147 - 18,643 3,022 23,147 - 99,563 27,295 - 99,563 27,295 4,764 11 7,968 13,792 171,670 - 4,764 11 7,968 185,462 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 12. Financial assets (cont'd.) (e) Fair value disclosures based on 3-level hierarchy (cont'd.) General takaful fund 01.04.2011 Financial assets: Valuation technique using: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Using Quoted Using significant market observable unobservable prices inputs inputs RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 Financial assets at FVTPL: Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants HTM investments: Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Government guaranteed Unsecured Government investment issues AFS financial assets Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Unsecured Government investment issues Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants Shariah approved unit trust funds 25 Total RM '000 1,090 15 - - 1,090 15 - 14,383 2,036 24,600 - 14,383 2,036 24,600 - 90,605 26,921 - 90,605 26,921 8,652 5,888 15,645 158,545 - 8,652 5,888 174,190 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 12. Financial assets (cont'd.) (e) Fair value disclosures based on 3-level hierarchy (cont'd.) Family takaful fund 30.09.2012 Financial assets: Valuation technique using: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Using Quoted Using significant market observable unobservable prices inputs inputs RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 Financial assets at FVTPL: Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants HTM investments: Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Government guaranteed Unsecured Government investment issues AFS financial assets Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Government guaranteed Unsecured Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants Shariah approved unit trust funds 26 Total RM '000 5,768 7 - - 5,768 7 - 37,041 32,408 273,661 - 37,041 32,408 273,661 - 42,054 449,982 - 42,054 449,982 53,622 12,624 72,021 835,146 - 53,622 12,624 907,167 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 12. Financial assets (cont'd.) (e) Fair value disclosures based on 3-level hierarchy (cont'd.) Family takaful fund 31.03.2012 Financial assets: Valuation technique using: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Using Quoted Using significant market observable unobservable prices inputs inputs RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 Financial assets at FVTPL: Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants HTM investments: Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Government guaranteed Unsecured Government investment issues AFS financial assets Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Government guaranteed Unsecured Government investment issues Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants Shariah approved unit trust funds 27 Total RM '000 2,346 9 - - 2,346 9 - 36,803 17,489 81,310 - 36,803 17,489 81,310 - 57,338 329,922 107,691 - 57,338 329,922 107,691 41,796 58 11,952 56,161 630,553 - 41,796 58 11,952 686,714 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 12. Financial assets (cont'd.) (e) Fair value disclosures based on 3-level hierarchy (cont'd.) Family takaful fund 31.03.2012 Financial assets: Valuation technique using: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Using Quoted Using significant market observable unobservable prices inputs inputs RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 Financial assets at FVTPL: Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants HTM investments: Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Government guaranteed Unsecured Government investment issues AFS financial assets Unquoted Islamic private debt securities: Government guaranteed Unsecured Government investment issues Quoted shares in Malaysia: Shariah approved equities Warrants Shariah approved unit trust funds 28 Total RM '000 1,817 15 - - 1,817 15 - 24,164 25,542 69,893 - 24,164 25,542 69,893 - 21,106 257,922 94,219 - 21,106 257,922 94,219 15,988 8,585 26,405 492,846 - 15,988 8,585 519,251 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 13. Takaful certificates receivables 30.09.2012 RM '000 31.03.2012 RM '000 General takaful fund Contributions receivable Due from agents, retakaful operators and brokers Allowance for impairment 26,248 2,744 28,992 (5,314) 23,678 26,860 5,121 31,981 (6,518) 25,463 164,164 (1,567) 162,597 132,242 (1,860) 130,382 Family takaful fund Contributions receivable Allowance for impairment The movement in the allowance for impairment account for takaful certificates receivables are as follows: General Family takaful fund takaful fund RM '000 RM '000 30.09.2012 RM '000 RM '000 At beginning of the year Impairment losses during the year Reversal of impairment losses during the period Impairment written-off during the year At end of the year 6,518 16 (1,220) 5,314 1,860 (293) 1,567 8,055 (1,537) 6,518 882 978 1,860 31.03.2012 At beginning of the year Impairment losses during the year Reversal of impairment losses during the period At end of the year 29 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 14. Takaful certificates liabilities 30.09.2012 RM '000 31.03.2012 RM '000 5,839 5,102 10,941 5,548 3,681 9,229 7,534 7,921 18,475 17,150 General takaful fund RM '000 Family takaful fund RM '000 Total RM '000 9,229 7,921 17,150 Shareholder's fund Expense liabilities for general takaful fund: Unearned wakalah fees reserve Provision for expense deficiency Expense liabilities for family takaful fund : Unexpired expense reserve ("UER") The movement of expense liabilities are presented as follows: 30.09.2012 At beginning of the year - Wakalah fee received during the year - Wakalah fee earned during the year - Movement in provision for expense deficiency - Movement in provision for UER At end of the year 22,206 (21,915) - 22,206 (21,915) 1,421 10,941 (387) 7,534 1,421 (387) 18,475 7,824 7,322 15,146 31.03.2012 At beginning of the year - Wakalah fee received during the year - Wakalah fee earned during the year - Movement in provision for expense deficiency - Movement in provision for UER At end of the year 48,398 (47,101) 108 9,229 30 599 7,921 48,398 (47,101) 108 599 17,150 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 14. Takaful certificates liabilities (cont'd.) General takaful fund Provision for claims reported by certificate holders Provision for incurred but not reported claims ("IBNR") Provision for risk margin for adverse deviations ("PRAD") Claim Liabilities (i) Contribution liabilities (ii) Gross RM '000 30.09.2012 Retakaful RM '000 Net RM '000 Gross RM '000 31.03.2012 Retakaful RM '000 Net RM '000 99,826 (15,112) 84,714 126,489 (14,627) 111,862 48,888 (7,997) 40,891 72,573 (7,945) 64,628 37,949 (794) 37,155 11,607 (964) 10,643 186,663 90,137 276,800 (23,903) (22,066) (45,969) 162,760 68,071 230,831 210,669 83,041 293,710 (23,536) (18,620) (42,156) 187,133 64,421 251,554 31 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 14. Takaful certificates liabilities (cont'd.) Family takaful fund(iii) Gross RM '000 30.09.2012 Provision for claims reported by certificate holders Participants' Account ("PA") Participants' Special Account ("PSA") Retakaful RM '000 Net RM '000 47,348 1,260,776 53,505 1,361,629 (7,852) (90,988) (20,636) (119,476) 39,496 1,169,788 32,869 1,242,153 36,440 1,122,399 45,607 1,204,446 (10,840) (90,988) (13,856) (115,684) 25,600 1,031,411 31,751 1,088,762 33,668 916,867 51,232 1,001,767 (24,395) (91,770) (21,218) (137,383) 9,273 825,097 30,014 864,384 31.03.2012 (Restated) Provision for claims reported by certificate holders Participants' Account ("PA") Participants' Special Account ("PSA") 01.04.2011 (Restated) Provision for claims reported by certificate holders Participants' Account ("PA") Participants' Special Account ("PSA") 32 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 14. Takaful certificates liabilities (cont'd.) The movement of claim liabilities of general takaful fund, contribution liabilities of general takaful fund and family takaful fund liabities are presented as follows: (i) Claim liabilities of general takaful fund At beginning of year Claims incurred in the current accident year Adjustment to claims incurred in prior accident years due to changes in assumptions: Increase/(decrease) in PRAD Decrease in Expected Ultimate Loss Ratio Movements in claims incurred in prior accident years Claims paid during the year At end of year Gross RM '000 30.09.2012 Retakaful RM '000 Net RM '000 Gross RM '000 31.03.2012 Retakaful RM '000 Net RM '000 210,669 67,210 (23,536) (16,679) 187,133 50,531 193,112 170,127 (32,410) (12,465) 160,702 157,662 26,341 (41,118) 171 5,187 26,512 (35,931) 1,576 (38,690) 240 3,837 1,816 (34,853) (17,831) (58,611) 186,660 2,029 8,928 (23,900) (15,802) (49,683) 162,760 6,793 (122,249) 210,669 7,057 10,205 (23,536) 13,850 (112,044) 187,133 83,041 91,504 (84,408) 90,137 (18,620) (28,028) 24,582 (22,066) 64,421 63,476 (59,826) 68,071 98,621 193,734 (209,314) 83,041 (1,941) (40,130) 23,451 (18,620) 96,680 153,604 (185,863) 64,421 (ii) Contribution liabilities of general takaful fund At beginning of year Contribution written in the year Contribution earned during the year At end of year 33 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 14. Takaful certificates liabilities (cont'd.) (iii) Family takaful fund At beginning of year - As previously stated - Effects of adoption of MFRS framework (Note 2.3) At beginning of year (restated) Net earned contributions Liabilities paid for death,maturities, surrenders, benefits and claims Benefits and claims experience variation Fees deducted Other revenue and expenses Transfer to shareholder's fund * (Decrease)/Increase in reserve Transfer to unallocated surplus - Effects of adoption of MFRS framework (Note 2.3) Transfer to special fund At end of year * Gross RM '000 30.09.2012 Retakaful RM '000 Net RM '000 Gross RM '000 31.03.2012 Retakaful RM '000 Net RM '000 1,221,333 (115,684) 1,105,649 1,002,612 (137,383) 865,229 (16,887) 1,204,446 259,864 (115,684) (24,020) (16,887) 1,088,762 235,844 (845) 1,001,767 465,617 (137,383) (48,302) (845) 864,384 417,315 (32,768) 13,896 (69,518) 29,130 (5,051) (9,909) (131,688) (2,772) (135,628) 41,420 (8,888) 9,536 82,374 (13,555) 1,182 (49,314) (16,327) (135,628) 41,420 (8,888) 10,718 (8,233) 1,242,153 (16,042) (18,876) 1,204,446 (115,684) (16,042) (18,876) 1,088,762 (50,008) 10,908 (69,518) 29,130 (5,051) (9,909) 17,240 2,988 - (8,233) 1,361,629 (119,476) As is common for other takaful operators licensed under the Takaful Act 1984, surplus of the Family Takaful Fund will only be transferred at the financial year end upon approval by the Appointed Actuary. The amount accrued for the period ended 30 September 2012 of RM 5,051,000 is based on estimation and subject to approval of Appointed Actuary at the financial year ending 31 March 2013. 34 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 15. General takaful fund 30.09.2012 RM '000 31.03.2012 RM '000 Accumulated surplus At beginning of year Underwriting surplus transferred from general takaful statement of comprehensive income Hibah (profit) paid to participants during the year At end of year 7,784 (2,889) 13,870 21,654 10,673 7,784 1,312 526 1,838 1,338 236 1,574 261 - 2,442 386 Available-for-sale reserves At beginning of year - As previously stated - Effects of adoption of MFRS framework (Note 2.3) At beginning of year (restated) Net gains on fair value changes - As previously stated - Effects of adoption of MFRS framework (Note 2.3) Deferred tax on fair value changes - As previously stated - Effects of adoption of MFRS framework (Note 2.3) Realised gain transferred to statement of comprehensive income At end of year General takaful fund at end of the year Accumulated surplus AFS reserves 35 9 - 9 (96) (1,166) 942 (2,477) 1,838 21,654 942 22,596 7,784 1,838 9,622 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 16. Family takaful fund 30.09.2012 RM '000 31.03.2012 RM '000 118,872 16,887 135,759 8,233 94,387 845 95,232 18,876 143,992 5,609 16,042 135,759 11,822 1,337 13,159 7,962 638 8,600 101 - 13,090 932 Unallocated surplus At beginning of year - As previously stated - Effects of adoption of BNM guideline (Note 2.3) At beginning of year (restated) Increase in special fund reserve (Note 14) Unallocated profit during the year - As previously stated - Effects of adoption of BNM guideline (Note 2.3) At end of year Available-for-sale reserves At beginning of year - As previously stated - Effects of adoption of MFRS framework (Note 2.3) At beginning of year (restated) Net gains on fair value changes - As previously stated - Effects of adoption of MFRS framework (Note 2.3) Deferred tax on fair value changes - As previously stated - Effects of adoption of MFRS framework (Note 2.3) Realised gain transferred to statement of comprehensive income At end of year Family takaful fund at end of the year Unallocated surplus AFS reserves 497 (3,728) 10,029 143,992 10,029 154,021 36 (328) (233) (8,902) 13,159 135,759 13,159 148,918 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 17. Investment-linked fund (a) Statement of comprehensive income For the six months period ended 30 September 2012 30.09.2012 RM '000 INCOME Investment income Realised gains and losses Financial assets at FVTPL's fair value gains/(losses) OUTGO Other operating expenses 60 3,010 3,137 6,207 (920) (920) Excess/(deficit) of income over outgo before tax Taxation 5,287 (509) Excess/(deficit) of income over outgo after tax 4,778 30.09.2011 RM '000 418 3,160 (10,001) (6,423) (600) (600) (7,023) 375 (6,648) (b) Statement of financial position For the six months period ended 30 September 2012 30.09.2012 RM '000 31.03.2012 RM '000 105,301 10,910 3,314 119,525 116,068 528 8 2,573 119,177 697 730 1,714 3,141 438 488 1,796 2,722 Net Assets Value ("NAV") of Funds 116,384 116,455 Unitholders' fund 116,384 116,455 Assets Financial instruments Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss Loans and receivables Deferred tax assets Cash and bank balances Total Investment-linked business assets Liabilities Tax payable Deferred tax liabilities Other payables Total Investment-linked business liabilities 37 593075-U Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 18. Operating lease commitments As at the reporting date, the Company lease office premises under lease agreements that are not cancellable within a year. The leases contain renewable options. Future minimum lease payments for leases with initial or remaining terms of one year or more are as follows: Shareholder's fund Within 1 year After 1 year but not more than 5 years 30.09.2012 RM '000 31.03.2012 RM '000 769 511 1,280 958 834 1,792 30.09.2012 RM '000 31.03.2012 RM '000 682 1,094 8,340 1,083 9,423 9,735 9,735 1,765 8,340 10,105 1,094 9,735 10,829 - 233 19. Capital commitments Shareholder's fund Authorised and contracted for: - Intangible assets - computer software (payable within 12 months) Authorised but not contracted for: - Intangible assets - computer software - Renovation work Payable within 12 months Payable after 12 months Family takaful fund Authorised and contracted for: - Outstanding payments on investment properties in progress (payable within 12 months) 38 The related parties and their relationship 38 with the Company as of 31 March 2009 are