2014 Annual Report - Campbell County, WY


2014 Annual Report - Campbell County, WY
Supplying the Energy
Demands of the Nation
2014 Annual Report
Message from the Campbell County
2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
In 2014, we completed several infrastructure projects, including:
• Expansion of the Children’s Developmental Services Building and
remodel of existing classrooms.
• Re-location and completion of the new Skate Park, “Halfpipe Alley”,
along Four J Road.
Commissioners Mark A. Christensen, Dr. Garry Becker, Matt Avery (Chairman), Rusty Bell and Micky Shober.
2014 has been another monumental year for Campbell County and the State of Wyoming.
The theme of our 2014 Annual Report is
Campbell County. Our assessed valuation for
the current fiscal year, 2014/2015, is the second Energy Development. Our Energy Indushighest on record, $5.68 billion. Thanks to the try is the backbone of the economy in Campvoters of Campbell County on their approval of bell County and for the entire State of Wyothe Optional One Percent Sales Tax for another ming. In the current fiscal year, the total Minfour years. This continued investment in the erals Industry (including Coal, Oil, Gas and
City of Gillette, Town of Wright and Campbell Uranium) accounts for over eighty percent
County has been successfully endorsed by the (80%) of our assessed valuation. In the Wyovoters since 1976. The elections this year also ming Department of Revenue 2014 Annual
resulted in a significant change
Report, out of twenty three
with our County Elected Officounties, Campbell County
“Our mission is to
alone accounts for 23.5% of
cials. County Attorney Jeani
provide quality,
the States total assessed valStone, Clerk of the District
efficient and cost
Court Nancy Ratcliff, Commisuation.
According to the
effective services
Wyoming Department of
sioner Dan Coolidge, Coroner
Administration and InforTom Eekhoff, Sheriff William
for all Campbell
Pownall and Treasurer Shirley
mation, Economic Analysis
County Residents
Study all made the decision to
Division, Campbell Counthrough sound
not run for re-election. These
ty’s overall population consix individuals, combined, have
tinues to increase, up 4.4%
decision making and
over one hundred fifty years of
fiscal responsibility.” from the April 2010 census
service to Campbell County. We
through July 1, 2013. In the
sincerely thank them for their
most recent report, Novemtremendous dedication, and wish them well ber 2014, from the Wyoming Department of
in their retirement and new adventures. We Workforce Services, Research Services, indiheartily welcome County Attorney Ron Wirth- cates our Labor Force grew by over 1,600 indiwein, Clerk of the District Court Cheryl Chit- viduals in the last twelve months, while our
wood, Commissioner Rusty Bell, Coroner Laura unemployment rate fell by three tenths of one
Sundstrom, Sheriff Scott Matheny and Trea- percent during the same time period (3.3% to
surer Becky Brazelton. This talented group 3.0% November 2013 to 2014). Our economic
brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise engine driven by the Energy Industry remains
to their respective positions, having already stable, with well compensated positions and
amassed nearly 90 years of service with Camp- expanding opportunities.
While our assessed valuation grew by over
bell County. We look forward to working with
each of you, along with newly re-elected County two percent in the current fiscal year, the
Assessor Troy Clements, Clerk Susan Saunders, County overall budget was reduced by five perand Commissioners Matt Avery and Micky cent, from $155.7 to $148.2 million. We anticShober. In addition, three veteran Legisla- ipate Coal production to remain stable for the
tors retired from the Wyoming Legislature at year, while Oil, Gas, and Uranium development
the end of 2014, Senator John Hines, Speaker should experience an increase. Thus, we are
of the House of Representatives Tom Lubnau, projecting another slight increase, estimated at
and Representative Gregg Blikre. Gentlemen, less than five percent, in assessed valuation for
thank you for your many years of service to the coming fiscal year.
Campbell County Commissioners Office
500 S. Gillette Ave
On the cover: Photographs courtesy of Dry Fork Mine.
• Completion of paved roadways and the extension of utilities in the Robertson and Southern Industrial Parks.
Further, the County continued utility work on the Centennial Section, adjacent to Highway 14/16 and Northern Drive, acquired land east of Cam-Plex for
future development, completed construction design on the new Weed & Pest
facility, acquired additional property and began design for the expansion of
the Rockpile Museum. Matching funds were allocated for the following projects during the past year:
• Girls Cottage to be located on the YES House campus, with Optional
One Percent funds.
• Application of dust control measures to seventy (70) miles of roads in
southern Campbell County with Congestion Mitigation Air Quality
(CMAQ) funds.
• Southern Campbell County Agriculture Complex in Wright.
• Gillette College Education and Activity Center.
The Town of Wright, City of Gillette and Campbell County all agreed to the
re-location and construction of Fire Station #3, adjacent to Enzi Drive, with
the use of State Loan and Investment Board Consensus Funds. In addition,
the Board of Commissioners participated in several studies and projects over
the past year, including:
• Industrial Rail Spur location.
• Solid Waste Facility design and Transfer Station location.
• Re-location of North Highway 59 and the Garner Lake Road extension.
• Air Enhancement Committee, with the introduction of Jet Service in
• Bureau of Land Management Buffalo Field Office Resource Management Plan.
• Testified before the United States Congress on energy development
issues related to Campbell County.
Our Goals for 2015 include:
• Maintain a consistent level of high quality services and programs
within a budget established on stable revenue streams.
• Provide on-going education and information on Optional One Percent
projects throughout the County.
• Complete the Campbell County updated Natural Resources and Land
Use Plan.
• Facilitate a Strategic Planning Meeting and establishment of objectives
to develop a plan for the entire county and individual departments for
one to five year periods.
• Actively participate as a Cooperating Agency on Federal and State projects and issues that impact Campbell County.
• Continued investment in the Capital Replacement Reserve and Long
Term Maintenance Accounts.
The 2014 Annual Report for Campbell County includes informative statistics, data, and accomplishments from all of our Offices, Boards and Departments, with a montage of photography focused on our Energy Industry. We
are very grateful for the outstanding work and commitment of all our County
Employees. Thanks to all of our Citizens your continued participation and
involvement at Campbell County meetings, programs, and activities. We
appreciate the opportunity to be of service.
Table Of Contents
Board Members
2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
Message From The Campbell
County Commissioners............ 2
Public Health Board
Doug Evans, Chair
Carol Anderson, DDS, Vice-Chair
Penny McJilton, Financial Officer
Linda Wegher
James Naramore, MD
Dr. Kirtikumar L. Patel M.D., County
Health Officer
Della Amend, R.N., B.C., Director
Campbell County
Board Members......................... 3
Campbell County
Departments............................. 3
Campbell County
Assessor’s Office........................ 4
Campbell County
Road and Bridge.....................4-5
Joint Powers Public Land
Campbell County
Treasurer’s Office...................... 5
LD Gilbertz, Chair
Robert “Nick” Jessen, Vice-Chair
Jordan Ostlund, Secretary
Mary Silvernell, Treasurer
Brian Baglien
Marilyn Mackey
Shilo Lundvall
Paul Foster, Director
Campbell County
Public Library........................... 5
Campbell County
Information Technology
Campbell County
Weed & Pest District.................8
Campbell County
Coroner’s Office.........................8
Campbell County
Public Health Department....... 9
Clerk Of District Court............. 9
Campbell County
Parks & Recreation............ 10-12
Campbell County Clerk........... 13
Adult Drug Court.................... 13
Campbell County
Sheriff’s Office.................... 14-15
Campbell County
Emergency Management
County Airport.........................16
Campbell County
Human Resources Risk
Management Department.......17
Campbell County
Fire Department................ 18-19
Campbell County
Attorney’s Office.................20-21
Campbell County
Attorney’s Office Juvenile
Diversion Program.................. 21
Campbell County
Attorney’s Office Teen
Intervention Program............. 21
Campbell County
Attorney’s Office Early
Age Intervention..................... 21
County Fair..............................22
Children’s Development
Services of Campbell
County............................... 23-24
University Of Wyoming
Campbell County Extension
Office.................................. 25-26
Campbell County
Rockpile Museum...................26
Rockpile Museum
Photograph courtesy of Cloud Peak Energy.
Airport Board
Jeffrey Robinson, Chair
Joel Ohman, Vice-Chair
Erika Peckham, Secretary/Treasurer
Steve Rozier
Jay Johnson
Jay Lundell, Director 686-1042
Board of Commissioners
Mark Christensen, Chair
Matt Avery
Dan Coolidge
Micky Shober
Garry Becker, M.D.
Building Code Appeals Board
Matt Tonn
John Simon
Rod Mathis
Delbert Parks
Richard Robert Cisneros Jr.
Kevin King, Director 682-1970
CARE Board
Matt Sorenson, Chair
Roxann Backer, Vice-Chair
Lori Jones, Secretary
Vicki Gunderson, Treasurer
Traci Knutson
Commissioner Mark Christensen
Bill Shank
Christy Schomer
Ivy McGowan-Castleberry, Liaison
Andrica Walls, VISTA Volunteer
Children’s Developmental
Scott Wiley, Chair
Linda Mohr, Vice-Chair
Clifford Knesel Jr., Treasurer
Julie Fall, Secretary
Vicki Gilmour
Earlene Vandeventer, Director
Community Juvenile
Services Joint Powers Board
Bonnie Volk
Della Amend
Mike Purcell
Susan Cahill
Linda Jennings
Kevin Allen
Jim Hloucal
Kevin McGrath
Sherry Bertoncelj
Mark Christensen
Jeani Stone
Sheri England
Corrections Board
Bill Pownall, Chair
Jim Hloucal - Vice-Chair
Craig Deuter
Heidi Hockett
Tammy Akovenko
Judge Nick Deegan
Chad Trebby
Nathan Henkes
Fair Board
Dave Slattery, Chair
Steve Schrater, Vice-Chair
Debra Sneathen, Secretary/Treasurer
Sharon Rinker
Scotty R. Hayden
Jake Boller
Myles Haugen
Bobbi Jo Heald, Fair Board
Coordinator 687-0200
Joint Powers Fire Board
Ryan Gross, Chair
Everett Boss, Vice-Chair
Cory Bryngelson, Secretary/Treasurer
Ron Holmes
Blaine Geer
Chris Knapp
Steve Crow
Don Huber, Chief 682-5319
Matt Sorenson, Chair
Kyle Ferris, Vice-Chair
Richard Cisneros Jr.
Michael Surface
Ivy McGowan
Terri Lesley, Director 687-0009
Lodging Tax Joint Powers
Brenda Boss, Chair
Debby Zolnoski, Vice-Chair
Gradlying Brooks, Secretary
John Flocchini, Treasurer
Charles Schlesselman
Cory Bryngelson
Brandi Harlow
Denise Tugman, Chair
Tommie Butler, Vice-Chair
Chris Smith, Secretary/Treasurer
Nola Wallace
Bill Carson
Terry Girouard, Director 682-5723
Senior Center Board
Natural Resources & Land
Use Committee
Rick Law-Mining
Timothy Morrison- Cons. Dist
Nick De Laat- Citizen At Large
Marilyn Mackey-Agriculture
Philip Murphee- Water
Jeremey McJilton- Environmental
Robert Grant- Oil and Gas
Acacia Elkins- Wildlife
Predator Management
Ken Ford- Sportsman
Tom Mills- Sheep
Gib Bell- Cattle
Dudley Mackey-Cattle
Tom Edwards-Sheep
Merv Griswold-Sportsman
Dave Daigle- Sportsman
Kyle Innes- Sheep
Jason Oedekoven-Cattle
B.J. Clark-Sportsman
Gary Jahnke, Chair
Carol Graf, Vice-Chair
Jack Matheny, Secretary
Teri Bagwell, Treasurer
Sam Bennett
John (Jack) Gazzolo
Les Haight
Jeanne Haakinson, President ex de
Ann Rossi, Director 686-0804
Weed and Pest Board
Ted Edwards
Leslie Drake
James Tarver
Charles Tweedy
Scott Mooney
Quade Schmelzle, Director
Joint Powers Regional Water
Planning Commission
Miles Williams
Damon Hart
Vicki Schlautman
Kanti Patel
Kevin Couch
Megan Nelms, Director 682-1970
Parks & Recreation Board
Eugene Routledge, Chair
Dave Rearick, Secretary/Treasurer
Scott Matheny
Tonja Cale
Michael Hladky
Dave McCormick, Director 682-7406
E. Loren Crain
Don McKillop
Don Dihle
Duane Evenson
Dan Barks
Shaun Gee
Bryan Clerkin
Campbell County Recreation
Joint Powers Board
Commissioner Micky Shober, Chair
Trustee Deb Hepp, Vice-Chair
Trustee Lisa Durgin, Secretary/Treasurer
Commissioner Garry Becker, MD
Councilwoman Louise Carter-King
Campbell County
Public Works...................... 27-31
Campbell County Departments
Campbell County Juvenile
Probation........................... 32-34
David King, Coordinator ................... 686-7477
Emergency Management
Information Technology Services
Road & Bridge
Multi-Event Facilities............. 35
Extension Service
Juvenile Probation
Public Works Department
Elected Officials......................36
Human Resources/Risk Management
Office of the Commissioners
Chance Marshall, Director ............... 682-7281
Charlotte Terry, Director ................... 687-6355
Phil W. Harvey, Manager................... 682-7860
Susan L. Cahill, Esq., Director........... 682-0746
Robert P. Palmer, Director................ 682-7283
Kevin Geis, Director.......................... 682-4411
Kevin King, Director.......................... 685-8061
County Landfill ................................. 682-9499
Building and Planning....................... 682-1970
we move forward. With record amounts of
snowfall and colder temperatures already
being reported in some states coal contract
sales are bound to increase as stockpiles
are depleted.
Two of our employees spent the
better part of the summer inspecting and doing review of the growing oil industry in the southern part
of Campbell County. Directional
drilling is an exciting new concept
that has almost doubled oil production in the past two years, and has
more than made up for the decline
in coal revenues. If those two industries continue to hold strong, we
could possibly see our highest total
assessed valuation in the near
Deb Malli, former GIS Specialist,
retired this fall after serving Campbell County for the past 27 years.
The knowledge and expertise that
Deb possessed will truly be missed.
L to r: Erin Slattery, Alicia Gilliland, Jackie Brown, Angela Williams, Cheryl Uhler, Shanda Shatzer, Hazel Vassar,
Alicia Gilliland moved into that
Troy Clements, Cindy Langley and Jackie Casey.
I’m not sure where 2014 went, but it certainly flew by. Oil production seems to be
picking up where the methane boom left
off, and that has kept the Assessor’s Office
plenty busy with all the new construction
in both Wright and Gillette. Although coal
mining production declined in 2013 it has
been hinting at a little stronger market as
2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
vacant position, and brings with her many
amazing attributes that will shine bright
for many years to come.
We welcome our newest employee Christillina Fichter. Christillina has worked in
the real estate title business for the past
several years, and will be a great addition to
the Assessor’s Office.
Market values will continue to fluctuate,
and more than likely will increase as the oil
industry picks up speed as new construction and population become more prominent. We truly are fortunate to live in such
a thriving and well kept community with so
many abundant resources.
My staff and I look forward to continue
serving the residents of Campbell County
for many years to come!
We hope the New Year brings you and
your family many blessings!
Campbell County Assessor’s Office
500 S. Gillette Ave, Suite 1300
Campbell County Road and Bridge
The Campbell County Road and Bridge Department saw
another productive year in 2014.
Adon Road from Highway 51 to the Cow Creek Road
(17.4 miles) had a mill and overlay project. A 2 inch hotmix asphalt overlay totaling 28,235 tons was placed in
June. We received and hauled the mill tailings from the
roadway for use in other road surfacing projects. Garman
Road and Hackathorn Lane were extended to connect to
the newly completed Northern Drive, improving traffic flow
in the adjacent commercial and industrial subdivision. The
City of Gillette Madison Pipeline was installed in our rightof-way along Union Chapel Road and Southern Drive and
as part of this project, hot-mix asphalt bike path was reconstructed along Southern Drive, while a 2 inch overlay was
placed along Union Chapel Road.
Mackey Road in southeastern Campbell County was
relocated by Peabody Energy. This road project, which
now connects to the U.S. Forest Service’s School Creek
Road, was started in early spring with the road opened to
traffic in December. This relocation will allow continued
advancement of the North Antelope Rochelle Mine.
The Hiland Double H pipeline, a 12 inch diameter steel
pipeline, extended the full length of the county from the
Montana state line to the Converse County line. With this
pipeline installation, there were numerous road bores.
Dust suppression was applied on county roads as the construction progressed.
A non-conventional project that we performed this year
was the site grading and earthwork for the new Half-Pipe
Alley Skate Park. This project located at 2331 4J Road consisted of relocating and reconstructing a drainage ditch as
Campbell County Road and Bridge
1704 S 4J Road
well as over-excavation and refill of imported sand for
the skate park construction. Once the concrete was in
place, we did the final grading and topsoil placement.
The shop and maintenance personnel continue to
work to keep our trucking fleet on the road and our
off-highway equipment running. The new emission
controls on equipment keeps our mechanics and the
local equipment repair shops busy. Our blades put
on 14,256 hours while our belly dump fleet traveled
395,905 miles. The end dumps and cattleguard/sign
service truck put on a total of 197,454 miles. This
year we were able to update our crusher control van
to a newer unit with a slightly larger generator and a
raised control tower. This is an awesome addition as it
is much quieter than the old unit and it has improved Figure 1 – Crusher spread set-up at the Kennedy Pit.
visibility for increased safety and productivity.
scoria chips (for winter roadway sanding) were manufacPersonnel
tured at the Elmore Pit with 26,182 tons produced. We
In July we said goodbye to one 35+ year blade operator returned to the Kennedy Pit in late summer and have proand one 32+ year blade operator as they headed to retire- duced 30,420 tons of road base for use in surfacing northment. We are fortunate to have a very dedicated group of ern Campbell County Roads. We continue to operate varemployees. At the September county employee picnic we ious pits and continue our search for available aggregates.
had 6 individuals recognized for years of service (15, 20,
25 and 30) awards. In February, we received our annual Maintenance
8-hour Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)
Blading and maintaining our gravel roads is a continurefresher training. In November and early December, we ing challenge. Blades, belly dumps, water trucks and rollparticipated in the county food drive that gathers food for ers are utilized. For dust suppression and mitigation, we
the local Council of Community Services. Through every- hauled 2,440,550 gallons of water and 2,479,020 gallons
one’s efforts and generosity we were able to donate over a of magnesium chloride (more than double of 2013). We
placed approximately 29,000 tons of purchased road base
ton of food to help the needy.
on the Pine Tree, Turnercrest, Cosner and Todd Roads to
assist with the impacts of the southern Campbell County
Our crushing operation continues to produce aggregates oil development. We performed a dust suppression test
for various uses. Crushed base for road surfacing was pro- section project along Wild Horse and Lowery Roads and
duced at the Hakert Pit in Johnson County with 105,552 are evaluating and planning to test additional products
tons of material crushed. Scoria base course as well as
continued on page 5
Campbell County
Road and Bridge
2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
continued from page 4
and methods in 2015. Additionally, we had 3 mowers
running during the summer keeping the grass and
weeds knocked down along roadway edges.
Plowing snow and sanding roads, crack sealing
and patching roads, replacing culverts, cleaning cattle guards and installing signs, keeps the end dump
crew busy. We removed old, narrow cattle guards
and bases on the Moore Road and Matheson Road
and replaced with new sills and wider cattle guards
to improve traffic flow and safety. Installing new
roadway signs, and replacing damaged or broken
signs and sign posts were performed throughout the
county with $44,230 spent on signage.
With the winter thaw in February, we had quite a
bit of flowing water that caused some flooding and
overtopping of roads in northern Campbell County.
The SA and Collins Roads experienced overtopping.
During the summer, we had an extremely intense
rain event (5+ inches of rain in approximately 1 hour)
that caused overtopping of the Hannum Road. We
installed some new culverts on Hannum Road and
did drainage improvements to help with future runoff and flooding. We installed some additional culverts on the SA Road to help with areas that see
annual flooding.
Figure 2 – Repairing T-7 Road bridge abutment erosion.
Campbell County Treasurer’s Office
Responsibilities in the Treasurer’s Office
include the licensing of motor vehicles,
the collection of sales tax, the collection of
property taxes, the distribution of revenues
received to the proper entities, the accounting of the revenues and disbursements, the
registration of mobile machinery, the movement of mobile homes, and the payment of
bonds issued for the hospital, the school,
and the county. Shirley Study has served
as the Campbell County Treasurer since
1979 and chose not to run for another term
in 2014. The citizens of Campbell County
voted in long-time employee and Gillette
native, Becky Brazelton, as the new Campbell County Treasurer. Her term will start
in January of 2015. Becky and her staff of
fourteen full time employees, one temporary and one COE student will continue
to share the responsibilities of the office.
We appreciate Shirley’s years of service to
Campbell County and will use the knowledge and direction she has given us to make
this a smooth transition for the citizens of
Campbell County.
By the end of June 2014, our office collected and distributed $463,644,452 to various governmental entities. The distribution of these funds is dictated by Wyoming
Capital Facility Tax
The 1% Capital Facilities tax for the
Gillette Region Water Supply Project was
approved in May 2011. We anticipate full
collection of the $110 million in the Spring
of 2015. By the end of December 2014, the
City of Gillette had received $88,401,638
and the Town of Wright and the Wright
Water and Sewer District had received
House Trailer Plates
Effective January 1, 2015, Wyoming Statute 39-3-101 (a)(ii)(E) provides that the
state fee for house trailer registrations shall
be based on the unladen (empty) weight of
the house trailer. Depending on the unladen
weight that is determined for your house
trailer, your fee may be more than it has
been in the past. To help us determine what
the unladen weight of your house trailer is,
we need the model name and number and
length and width of the house trailer. We
could also use a copy of any paperwork that
would provide the unladen weight or an
unladen weight that might be stamped on
the house trailer. A house trailer is designated on the plate by an “HT” in the license
Back row, l to r: Cathy Dowdy, Becky Brazelton, Shirley Study, Alex Gogola, Yvonne Wagner, Ronda
Hunter, Crystal Salmon, Jackie Blikre. Front row, l to r: - Michelle Woodard, Marcie Hall, Ginger Boisvert, Angie Dahl, Marlo Kruckenberg, Sue Harrison, Rachael Knust. Not Pictured: Marlene Lujan.
Novelty Plates
The Department of Transportation offers
a novelty plate for anyone who would like a
Wyoming license plate with a name on it.
This plate cannot be displayed on a vehicle.
There is a fee of $5.00 per plate, plus $2.00
shipping. The applications are in our office
and also on the Wyoming Department of
Transportation’s website: www.dot.state.
Property Tax Relief
The State of Wyoming offers a property
tax relief for people that qualify. For 2013,
your total personal assets could not exceed
$112,420 per adult household member and
your household income must be equal to or
less than the greater of three fourths of the
median household income for the county in
which you reside. Three fourths of Campbell County’s median household income
Gold Star Plates
for 2013 was $59,348. The personal assets
1% Optional Sales Tax
The application for the Gold Star license
include real estate, bank accounts and
We have an optional 1% sales tax that has plate is available in our office. This plate is Disabled Veteran Plates
investments. However, this does not include
been in effect since July 1, 1976.
for a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling
A disabled veteran who provides an affiThe chart bellow shows the collections at or child of a service member who died dur- davit from the Veteran’s Administration the value of your home, a car for each adult
the end of each fiscal year for the past five ing military service. The applications are that he/she receives fifty percent (50%) or household member, and any retirement
(IRA’s, 401K plans, medical sav1% Optional Sales Tax Collections by fiscal year In June
by year
sent to the Wyoming Veteran’s Commismore service connected disability compen- ings, etc). You have to be a resident of Wyosion for approval. sation from the Veteran’s Administration
Fiscal Year Ending
ming for the past five years. The State of
The Wyoming Vet- shall qualify for a disabled veteran’s plate.
Wyoming handles the review of the appli06/30/2010
1% Optional Sales Tax Collections by fiscal year In June by year
CommisThe disabled veteran is9,671,206
exempt from reg- cations and the issuance of the refunds.
sion will pay 06/30/2011
the istration fees for one vehicle,
other than a Applications can be turned into our office or
$30.00 application commercial vehicle, motorcycle, multipurmailed to the State of Wyoming. The appli06/30/2012
pose vehicle, bus or motor home. Starting cations must be received by the first Mon06/30/2013
July 1, 2011, the disabled
veteran can now day in June and refunds are issued beginchoose
a military plate, ning in August.
a veteran plate or a disCampbell County
The employees of the Treasurer’s Office
abled veteran plate as will continue to strive to serve their cusTreasurer’s Office
500 S. Gillette Ave. Suite 1700
his/her exempt plate. tomers with efficient and friendly service
throughout the year to come.
2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
2014 vs. 2013
County Public
Library System
Our Mission:
To provide diverse cultural
opportunities for reading,
learning and entertainment to
all citizens of our community.
We lead the way to a
universe of information
with personal service
and technology.
•Children’s Author
Eugene Gagliano
•Start Your Own
Business Workshop
by AARP Wyoming
•Fizz! Boom! READ!
Summer Reading
•Patrons Registered: 31,870
•Items Circulated per Patron: 14
•Patrons Entering Libraries: 235,117 (+29%)
•Computer Use: 50,909 (+13%)
•CCPL* Children: 19,257 kids (+5%) attended 396 programs
•CCPL* Teens: 6,852 (+5%) kids attended 388 programs
•WBL* Children: 3,573 (+6%) kids attended 104 programs
Campbell County
•WBL* Adults: 279 (+97%) adults attended 24 programs
Public Library
2101 S. 4J Road
•Outreach Patrons Visited: 1,235 (+11%)
Gillette, WY
•CCPLS Strategic Plan 25% Complete
2014 Annual
•One Book Wyoming
Kickoff with Craig
Challenge Chocolate
Basket Raffle
•”Images of Black
Wyoming” UW
Traveling Exhibit
•One Book Wyoming
wrap up parties
at CCPL and WBL
featuring Craig
•Fizz! Boom! READ!
Summer Reading
•WBL Book Sale
•The Lego Guy visits
• CCPL Adult Book
Discussion starts
Wright Branch Library
*CCPL=Campbell County Public Library
*WBL=Wright Branch Library
305 Wright Boulevard
Wright, WY
•Cabin Fever Reliever
Art in the Stacks
•Children’s Author
Cat Urbigkit
•Emily Orf wins
3rd Annual CCPLS
Graphic Novel
Character Contest
•Author Megan
•CCPL Book Sale
•The Cat in the Hat
visits CCPL and WBL
thanks to WY PBS
•Cabin Fever Reliever
Cupcake Wars
•National Library
Week Celebration
•Pete the Cat visits
•Cabin Fever Reliever
Glow Run/Walk
•”Terror in the
Theatre” UW
Traveling Exhibit
•Wyoming Junior
Duck Stamp Traveling
Exhibit thanks to U.S.
Fish and Wildlife
•Fizz! Boom! READ!
Summer Reading kicks
off at CCPL and WBL
•One Book Wyoming
at Prairie Fire Brewing
with Craig Johnson
•Children’s Author
Peter Lerangis
•Classical Guitarist
Peter Fletcher
•Celtic Guitarist Jerry
•Teen Volunteer
Scholastic Book Fair
•Young Adult Author
Todd Strasser
•13th Annual Quilt
Silent Auction
•Black Friday
Overdue Fines Sale
•Books by Mail
•CCPL Space Study
Campbell County
Information Technology Services
2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
Technology Services (ITS) provides technical support
for the County’s voice and
data network. Support services range from basic computer assistance and troubleshooting to comprehensive network designs. The
department consists of four
distinct areas of operation;
however, significant cross
collaboration occurred on
several projects this year.
Administrative staff prepared and administered
the budget, facilitated capital purchases, and provided overall direction for
projects. Coleen Winterholler, the Senior Administrative Assistant, continued to focus on staying current with trends in software
licensing and asset management. She was also instrumental in providing “realworld” testing of a new software license management
application. This will allow
administration to more
closely monitor software
license usage, which will
help ensure compliance and
avoid over licensing costs.
The Network Support
team is responsible for
maintaining network security, ensuring reliable access
to resources, and planning
technical projects for other
departments. Steve Danaher, Dustin Cooper, and
David Kelsay, worked on
numerous notable projects.
One of the largest projects
of the year involved replacing the core server infrastructure at both the Courthouse and Sheriff’s Office.
The majority of the project
to install IBM PureFlex systems began late 2013 and
finished early in 2014. The
addition of more processing power and storage will
Standing l to r: Justin Penning, Dustin Cooper, Steve Danaher, David Kelsay, Bob Overman, Phil Harvey and Rocky Marquiss.
Sitting l to r: Cathy Raney, Natalie Linneman, Rhonda Larmer, Coleen Winterholler, Nicki Lindahl and Beth Kirsch.
help the County continue
to meet the ever increasing demand for computing resources. The new systems will also allow for further Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) deployment
at other locations.
Additional upgrades to
the County’s Wide Area Network are currently in progress and should be completed shortly after the New
Year. Where service by fiber
is not possible, a combina-
tion of upgraded copper circuits, or licensed microwave, is being employed.
The additional bandwidth
allows employees at remote
locations to access information faster, thus increasing
productivity and improving
customer service.
enhancements this year
included testing and small
scale deployment of internal wireless connectivity in select locations. This
will allow users of County
provided mobile devices to
access network resources at
locations other than their
office. Mobile Device use
continues to expand. Addi-
Campbell County Info Tech. Services
500 S. Gillette Ave, Ste. 2500
tional devices were deployed
this year for Children’s
Developmental Services, the
Board of Commissioners,
and Facilities Maintenance.
In order to secure and effectively manage these devices,
a new Mobile Device Management
deployed with great success.
A large amount of time
was also spent preparing
for a major upgrade to the
email system. After initial
testing was completed by
members of ITS, numerous
groups of County employees
were invited to participate
in testing the new software
to identify potential problems. The servers should
be upgraded by the end of
the year and the hope is to
upgrade all end user clients
in early 2015.
User Support provides
multiple services for County
include conducting software
training classes, providing front line technical support, spearheading technical projects as needed, and
collaborating with Network
Rhonda Larmer earned
Microsoft Technology Associate and Microsoft Certified
Professional certifications
this year. The skills learned
in these courses not only
allow her to more effectively
assist end users with support requests, they also provide her with a broad range
of skills to utilize when conducting software training classes. Rhonda worked
diligently with the Attor-
ney’s Office staff this year
as they moved from traditional computers to Virtual
Desktops and she has begun
working with Public Health
staff to do the same in the
coming year.
Beth Kirsch spent much
of the year leading a project to consolidate the County’s fixed assets into one system. Although the project
is not yet complete, significant progress was made.
Policies and procedure have
been defined by Human
Resources, a bar-coding
system was chosen, refined
and implemented, and all
County and County departments have begun the process of tagging assets with
the new identification. She
was also instrumental in
finding and procuring a new
reporting application which
will allow County staff to
retrieve financial information for reporting much
more easily than was available in the past.
Natalie Linneman’s major
focus this year continued
to be document management. As part of the County’s plan to digitize its documents, she maintained her
role as project manager and
facilitated the design, implementation, and completion
of custom solutions for the
Landfill and Building and
Zoning. She also worked
with the Attorney’s Office
to develop a solution to fit
their needs. Although their
solution is not complete, significant progress has been
made. Natalie finished out
the year by completing her
Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology with
an emphasis on Database
Administration. These new
skills will provide the IT
department with a much
needed resource to support
and troubleshoot the multitude of databases currently
in production.
The programming staff
consists of three RPG programmers and one Web
Development programmer.
Bob Overman, who has
been a programmer for
Campbell County for over
20 years, has decided to
hang up his mouse and
enjoy retirement at the end
of May, 2015. In preparation
for his departure, he spent
much of the year finishing up miscellaneous work
orders and tying up other
loose ends. One major project he is currently working
on is to modify the Motor
Vehicle Registration system
to abide by House Bill 0024,
which mandates house
trailer fees will be based on
weight, effective January 1,
Rocky Marquiss worked
to implement a new fixed
assets web based module to assist the County in
improved tracking of assets.
He also worked closely with
the Assessor’s Office and
State of Wyoming to make
modifications to the property tax application in order
to make it more consistent with State Computer
Assisted Mass Appraisal
(CAMA) data. At the request
of the Treasurer’s Office,
he developed a procedure
to seamlessly outsource
the printing of tax notices.
This move saves the County
money by reducing labor
requirements and ensures
timely compliance with continually changing USPS regulations.
Since our resident expert
for the Motor Vehicle System plans to retire, Nicki
Lindahl spent much of the
year refining her working knowledge of the system. Other projects of note
included her improving the
process for reporting and
invoicing of grant employees
for salary reimbursement,
redesigning the land records
database to improve data
integrity, and beginning the
creation of a new module to
help the Landfill track recycling revenue.
Justin Penning’s major
project for the year involved
a major redesign of the
County website. He worked
diligently with all County
departments to ensure their
needs regarding the new
website were met and facilitated the transition from
the old site to the new. He
also assisted with the finalization and implementation
of the County’s social media
presence, a project that
began last year. Additionally, Justin took on a project
to digitize the flexible benefit signup process. Although
continued on page 8
Information Technology Services
continued from page 7
the project was outside the scope of web
development, Justin’s solution worked flawlessly, saving not only time on each individual signup, but saving the cost of multiple
sheets of printed paper for each transaction
as well.
Cathy Raney, the County GIS Coordinator, recently completed a project that utilizes GIS technology to highlight areas that
have been improved from 1% tax funds.
This project will continue to evolve and as
new projects are funded and the informa-
2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
tion about them will be added to the map
for citizens to view. The map may be found
under the Services section of the County
website. Cathy is also working to obtain
oblique imagery for the Assessor’s Office
and other agencies such as the Fire Depart-
ment, Sheriff’s Office, and Emergency Management. This imagery would provide those
departments with a 3D view of the environment, which can be useful for a number of
Campbell County Weed & Pest District
The 2014 season started out with some
good rain, and the thunderstorms stayed
pretty consistent throughout the spring.
The weeds were a little late this year, but
once they started, the moisture helped provide excellent growing conditions, and the
crews were busy trying to stay ahead of the
weeds all summer. The wet spring and full
weed crop were noticed by all and we had
a consistent demand for herbicides all summer. Likewise, mosquito larvicide was a
Photograph courtesy of Dry Fork Mine
popular item, as over $89,000 was spent to
keep up with demand.
The moisture in the fall 2013, combined
with the wet spring, provided a good crop
for the hay producers as 11 hay certifications, totaling 779 acres, were cut. Five
landowners were wheat straw certified,
which totaled 435 acres.
Aaron Ide was hired as the Assistant
Supervisor in January. He has shown great
ambition in learning the job and was a
great asset this summer in
getting the leafy spurge work
completed. His six person
leafy spurge crew grew to ten
once the mapping crew finished with the Russian knapweed. The crew had a lot of
land to cover and they treated
a total of 175 acres. In addition to spurge, the crew also
treated 15 acres of Dalmation
toadflax with backpacks. The
two person road crew was
new again this year, but they
worked hard to learn the job
and did it well. Jay Francis also spent a lot and those acreages will complete the projof time on county roads to help keep the ect in the fall of 2015.
road crew caught up with the large amount
In addition to the large fall application
of weed growth that occurred this year.
of treatment to Russian knapweed, there
The moist spring and summer were opti- was also a fall prairie dog project West of
mal for mosquito populations to thrive. The Gillette. The area was spread over 14,000
two person mosquito crew worked hard acres and around 5,000 acres were treated.
to treat a five mile radius around Gillette. The initial post-treatment inspections look
Standing water from early rains kept them good, however follow up treatments will be
from treating larger perennial pools until necessary from landowners in the area to
later. Continued monitoring throughout keep the population from rebounding.
Plans for a new Campbell County Weed
the summer, proved that the early mosquito treatments were keeping populations and Pest facility were completed, and a condown.
tractor has been awarded the bid. Work
2,400 acres of Russian knapweed were began this fall and the facility should be
treated by helicopter this fall. The 2014 completed by the fall of 2015.
aerial treatments went smoothly with about
The summer went quickly and a lot was
1,600 acres treated. Monitoring of the accomplished, but as the great Weed and
sprayed areas was conducted this summer, Pest supervisors of yesteryear would say…
and Trent Brusseau with Dow AgroSci- “So many weeds, so little time!”
ences was impressed with the effectiveness of the Milestone on the knapCampbell County Weed & Pest District
weed, without harming the Cotton213 Stocktrail Ave.
woods. The mapping crew finished
P.O. Box 191
surveying and their waypoints from
this summer will be added to the map
Campbell County Coroner’s Office
The 2014 annual report for the Campbell County Coroner’s Office reveals the
number of cases investigated to be similar to the numbers reported in 2013, and
in some areas the number of cases investigated decreased. The numbers in the report
reflect the year-to-date totals through
November of 2014. At the time of this
report the Coroner’s Office had received 101
calls. In addition to the investigations conducted, the Coroner’s Office also assisted
various agencies in conducting next of kin
Manner of death
This report includes a few of the statistics that have been of interest in previous
years. Statistics include age, manner of
death, gender, and seatbelt and helmet use.
In all my years as Coroner I have been
thankful for the valuable people who assist
the Coroner’s Office in the performance of
our duties. Many people and organizations
work together to help make this office successful in our commitment to the citizens of
Campbell County, I greatly appreciate their
Lab, Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation, and Dr. Habbe from Rapid City
Regional Hospital. With the assistance
from all the involved, we have been able to
provide professional service to our citizens.
Thank you again.
time and assistance.
I would like to thank my Chief Deputy
Coroner, Elliot Basner, and my deputies
Craig Furman, Gail Graham, Shawn Hannigan, and Samantha Lang for all their help.
Additionally, I would like to thank all the
personnel with the Campbell County Sheriff’s Department, Gillette Police Department, Campbell County Fire Department,
Campbell County Memorial Hospital, EMS,
Campbell County Doctors and Assistants,
Wyoming Highway Patrol, Wyoming Crime
Campbell County Coroner’s Office
600 W. Boxelder
1% Optional Sale
Age: (0-100
years old)
Traffic Death: No Seatbelt
Traffic Death: Seatbelt
Suicides: Male
Suicides: Female
Traffic Death: No Helmet
Public Health Nursing provides client
centered quality care and services at the
individual, family, and community level.
The Public Health Office is staffed by 12
Public Health Nurses, 2
Public Health Nurse Supervisors, 1 Nursing Director, 1 Home Health Aide,
4 Administrative Assistants, and 1 Public Health
Della Amend RN-BC is the
Executive Director. Dr. Kirtikumar Patel is the County
Health Officer. The agency
is governed by the Campbell County Board of Health
which is appointed by the
County Commissioners.
Campbell County Public Health Nursing promotes health and
prevention activities by collaborating with
community agencies and coalitions. Public
Health Nurses (PHNs) are members of the
Campbell County Prevention Council and
its four subcommittees. They participate in
the alcohol abuse prevention, the tobacco
prevention, prescription drug abuse prevention, and the suicide prevention coalitions. PHNs also sit on the Child Protection team and the Adult Protection team,
the Juvenile Services Programs board, the
Life R U Ready planning committee, and
the Interagency Coordinating Council. The
PHNs provide programs to agencies and
businesses on health, wellness, and disease prevention
topics. The Public Health Office
has a monthly
health segment
on the Campbell
County Connections program
on Gillette Public Access TV.
The agency participated in the
Council of Community Services
Day of Hope
Health Fair in
January, the Senior Center Health Fair
in April and the Community Health Fair
sponsored by the Gillette College Nursing
students in December.
Disease prevention activities promoted
by Public Health are screenings for communicable disease and immunizations to
protect against disease. The agency offers
screening for strep throat, tuberculosis,
hepatitis, HIV, and sexually transmitted
infections. Immunizations are important
to prevent illness. Campbell County saw
24 reported cases of Pertussis (whooping
cough) this year. We worked with the families involved to see that all family members and close contacts were up to date on
their vaccinations and that all affected followed through with treatment. The immu-
The mission of the
Campbell County Public
Health Department
is to promote health,
prevent disease,
protect our community,
and empower people
in Campbell County to
optimize their quality of
Campbell County Health
Department Division
of Public Health Nursing Service
2301 Four J Road
2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
the Public Health Nurses in preparing the
agency and community for a public health
emergency. These preparation, planning,
and training exercises are done in collaboration with community partners such as
Campbell County Health, Campbell County
School District, Sheriff’s Office, Gillette
Police Department, the National Guard,
and Campbell County Emergency Management. These partners have been meeting
this fall to be prepared for a potential Ebola
patient in our community.
The Women, Infants, and Children
(WIC) Program is contracted through the
Wyoming Department of Health to provide nutrition counseling and supplemental food packages to eligible clients. Pregnant, breast feeding, or post–partum mothers, infants, and children up to age five, who
meet nutritional, health and financial criteria, are eligible for these services. The WIC
Program has 1 Nutritionist, 1 part time RN,
and 1 WIC technician. The average active
per month is
Dec. 1, 2013 – Nov. 30, 2014
participants and
each one is
times a year
assessment, nutritional
education, and/
nization rate for children ages 2 months
to 3 years of age seen at our Public Health
clinics is at 80% completion. Our influenza
vaccine clinics started in October and to
date approximately 3,642 vaccinations have
been given at 13 outreach sites in the county
and at the Public Health office.
Public Health Nurses provide home visiting programs for mothers, infants, children with special needs, and prenatal visits in the Best Beginnings and Nurse Family
Partnership programs. These visits monitor
the growth and development of the infant
and give guidance to the parents. Visits are
also made to the adult population with the
goal of keeping them in their own home as
long as possible with a good quality of life
and a safe environment.
The Public Health Preparedness Program is funded through a grant by the Wyoming Department of Health Public Health
Emergency Preparedness Program. The
Public Health Response Coordinator assists
Client Contact by PHNs
Clerk of District Court
The duties of the Clerk of District Court are set forth in
both Wyoming Statutes and Wyoming Court Rules. These
duties are to keep the journals, records, books, dockets,
and papers pertaining to the District Court. Other duties
include collecting, receipting, recording and processing
all monies paid to, or through the court. The office enters
orders for child support matters and judgments, both civilly and criminally.
The District Courts in Wyoming are responsible for handling felony criminal cases, civil matters above $50,000.00,
probate cases, adoptions and domestic relations. In addition, the district courts are also the state’s juvenile courts.
In September of 2008, the Clerk of District Court Association unanimously voted to support the creation of a Case
Management System (CMS) to be used in all 23 district
courts and asked the Supreme Court and key members of
the legislature to support its funding. Funding for the unified CMS was appropriated during the 2009 legislative session. Soon thereafter LT Court Tech was awarded the contract and Campbell County went live on our new system
August 2013. Scanning of all documents was soon to follow in 2014. The next step in this process will be the implementation of the e-filing component. We hope to have this
completed sometime in 2015. Eventually all citizens will be
able to access a district court case on-line, in the comfort of
their home.
The Clerk of Court summons jurors for District Court
jury trials. Jurors are paid at the rate of $30.00 per day
plus mileage, and most trials are completed within three
Total 23,312
days, but can last much longer. The Supreme Court Office
generates a random computer list of possible jurors for our
county. This list is compiled of names from drivers’ license
records and voter registration lists. Jurors are required to
appear four times to either serve on a jury trial or complete
Client Contact by PHNs
their four-month term.
The Clerk of Courts office has trained staff to receipt and
distribute child support payments. Our core staff funcAdult home health visits
tion, in concert with the Sixth Judicial District Child Support Authority and the State Disbursement Unit staff is to
Long term care assessments
ensure that child support is distributed in a timely fashion
Communicable disease
according to federal and state requirements.
follow up
Planning a trip overseas? Pick up a passport applicaPhotograph
courtesy of Alpha Coal.
tion at the Clerk of District Court office, or for passport
Maternal/child health visits
and travel information, please visit www.travel.state.gov.
Influenza vaccinations
Applications are processed by the Clerk’s office and for-
warded to the regional passport office.
Our goal has always been and will remain to help each
and every person who walks into our office in a professional, efficient and respectful manner.
Dec. 1, 2013 – Nov. 30, 20
Campbell County
Clerk of3,096
District Court
500 S. Gillette Ave, Ste. 2400
Adult health screening
Child health screening
Campbell County
Parks & Recreation
The Campbell County Recreation Center (CCPR), a 190,000 square foot facility,
has an amazing array of activity space for
everyone in Campbell County. The facility houses a year-around leisure and lap
pool with a diving tower, 42 foot climbing
tower, Kid’s Zone babysitting service, three
court gymnasium, weight area, cardio area,
4 racquetball courts, three fitness rooms,
upper level walking /running track, locker
room facilities, concession area and Field
House. The main focus of the Field House
is the impressive 200 meter track, 6 lanes
across, and designed to meet NCAA standards. The track is surrounded by 5 tennis
courts with divider nets that allow simultaneous practice of tennis, indoor soccer, and
track and field events. There is also room
for 1,000 spectators.
The Recreation Center recorded 326,089
visits in 2014, up 15,916 from last year. The
climbing tower had more than 7,791 different individuals climb to the top of the Devil’s Tower replica since opening. 938 individuals are now belay certified. The leisure
pool averaged over 350 visits a day during
the summer and continues to be the most
popular activity in the facility.
The “Feet Don’t Fail Me Now” road race
series draws runners and walkers of all levels and abilities to participate in a great
community activity encouraging a healthy
lifestyle. 972 runners and walkers participated in “Feet Don’t Fail Me Now” Road
Race Series. Other races included the Razor
City Splash & Dash Triathlon (92 participants) and the Turkey Trot 5K (217 participants). The Fourth Annual Indoor Team
Marathon took place on the 200 meter
track in February. A total of 13 teams and 2
individuals participated in the Indoor Marathon. Teams completed 210 laps while the
individuals completed 186 laps for a total of
26.2 miles.
Fitness classes were booming with many
new participants trying a variety of classes
to keep a balance in their exercise routines.
Fitness classes included Water Aerobics,
Power Flex, Cycling, Pilates, Yoga, Car-
dio Fitness, Zumba, Kickboxing, Jazzercise, Tai Chi, Butts and Guts, Hit Fit, Variety Fit, Interval Training and Metabolic
Mayhem. The CCPR personal training program was offered by appointment only and
was used for one-on-one fitness and exercise advice. Seven certified personal trainers were available at a variety of times.
The Climbing Tower staff offered numerous classes for the climbing community.
Stone Basics, an introduction class for students 15 years of age and older, taught the
basic skills needed to safely climb on their
own at the climbing tower and was an
introduction to belay techniques. Tower
Techniques took their climbing to greater
heights! This class focused on movement,
learning advanced climbing skills and
training techniques & methods to improve
their “mental game”. Tower Leaders was
an introductory class for lead climbing.
Advanced skills were covered in depth.
The Annual Fourth of July Celebration
provided the community with free events
throughout the day and into the evening
with a fireworks display. Events
included the Fireman Pancake
Feed, Firecracker 4 mile road
race (352 participants), Parade,
Mud Volleyball, Free Hot Dog
Feed (6,000 hot dogs and chips
served), Strong Man/Woman
Challenge, Firemen Water Fights,
Pie Eating Contest, Kids Games
(2 bikes raffled off for a boy and
a girl), and live music and entertainment by the Lazy River Band.
The fireworks display was accompanied by music broadcast on
Kool 105.3.
Other special events offered
throughout the year by the Recreation Center include the Fourth
Annual Climbing Tower Competition (30 competitors), Easter
Egg Hunt, Dog Obedience classes, Dodgeball Tournament, Bench Press Challenge,
USAPL Powerlifting Competition and the
Secret Santa Program (589 children qualified to receive gifts).
Adult Programs
2014 was another steady and great year
for the adult programs. There were 108
softball teams (1,695 players) in the league
including men’s, women’s & coed. Basketball stayed steady at 48 teams (465 players). Adult volleyball also had a good showing on the courts with a total of 145 teams
(1,189 players) for the spring and fall seasons. Other tournaments and competitions
offered in 2014 were a Dodgeball Tournament that brought in 6 teams (48 players) and the 4th Annual Dave Cross Memorial Volleyball Tournament which had 23
teams (180 players). In addition to the Annual Bench
Campbell County Parks & Recreation
205 W. Shoshone Ave • Admin - 682-7406
Press Competition with 18
Gym - 682-8527 • Pool - 682-5470
participants, the 4th Annual
South Gym - 686-9160 • Wright - 464-0198
USA Power Lifting Competi-
tion was held with 46 lifters competing in
the Bench Press, Squat and Deadlift. Lifters traveled from Nebraska, South Dakota,
Montana and Wyoming. The karate program had another great year with a total of
418 participants. Overall in 2014, the adult
programs brought in 324 teams, with over
4,000 participants.
Youth Programs
The most popular youth programs are
soccer, basketball and Kid’s Camp. The soccer program runs a spring and fall season
with a total of 1,438 participants. In the
past year, basketball for youth in grades
fourth through sixth had 421 participants.
There were 409 participants in the Bantam basketball program for youth in grades
first to third. Kids Camp offers a summer day camp experience with an emphasis on teaching social skills, team work and
responsibility for youth ages six to twelve.
This summer there were 587 youth that
participated. Additional youth programs
include: Kids Night Out (95 participants)
and Lil Sluggers Baseball (71 participants).
2014 Campbell County 10
Annual Report
always a good way for the students to kick
back and play the games they love! With
over 300 participants in our High School
Intramural Programs, CCPR continues to
have fun and grow in numbers.
Summer trips for various activities such
as Paintball, Geocaching, Keyhole Tubing, Cook Lake and Gulches of Fun offered
summertime fun and excitement for all
youth ages 12-16.
As with all programs - CCPR continued
to stress their main goals in 2014: Positive
sportsmanship and attitudes, hard work
and dedication, developing fundamentally
sound skills and HAVING FUN! Overall,
2014 was another great year for the Intramural Programs at the Recreation Center!
Intramural Programs
The Intramural Programs at the Recreation Center continued to offer youth of
many ages an opportunity to participate
in recreational sports and fun activities in
2014. Many of the programs experienced
an increase in participants: programs such
as Junior High Volleyball, Junior High Boys
and Girls Basketball, Junior High Golf and
Junior High Tennis. During the season the
boys and girls get to experience the excitement of traveling to surrounding communities for away games; but still get the opportunity to play the majority of their games at
the Recreation Center Gyms and Bicentennial Park.
The Blades and Avalanche Youth Hockey
Program was also a continued success with
an increase in participants. CCPR is very
fortunate to have the Elite Junior Hockey
team coach and mentor the participants;
making the program fun and successful for
each participant.
The High School Intramural Programs
such as Basketball and Dodgeball are
The most popular activities at the leisure
and lap pool include lap swimming, water
walking in the current channel, water aerobics and open swim. A total of 850 children
participated in swim lessons, along with
180 private lessons. Other activities offered
were lifeguarding, water safety instructor and scuba classes. Private rentals and
birthday parties have continued to be two
favorite activities. There were 5 private
rentals and 213 birthday parties. Birthday
parties are offered Monday-Thursday from
6-8 pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 1
– 4:45 pm. Milk Splash Fridays are a designated time for parents and their children 6
and younger to socialize with other families
and to enjoy the water together in the zero
depth portion of the pool. After they swim,
each child enjoyed a carton of milk and a
special snack. Water Aerobic classes had
about 280 participants each month. Water
walking brings in new patrons all the time
along with the regulars to walk in the current channel.
Wright Recreation Center
With a full year of operation in our new
facility, the entire community has been
enjoying every facet of this beautiful new
addition to Wright. The Wright Recreation
Center strives for and succeeds in attract-
continued on page 11
Campbell County Parks & Recreation
continued from page 10
ing patrons of all age groups and fitness levels.
Programs offered year around give the
Wright youth an opportunity to stay active.
2014 began with Boys 4th – 6th grade Basketball. A total of 26 boys enjoyed this program, down from 33 in 2013. Our Mini Volleyball program begins in January 2015,
which had 41 girls in grades 1st – 6th participating in 2014.
April brought our Annual Community
Easter Egg Hunt which was held at Gibson
Park next to the Library. Approximately
108 kids, ages 2 – 9, hunted eggs with over
70 spectators enjoying their excitement.
The hunt was divided into four age groups;
adding excitement to each division is a hidden “grand prize” egg.
Spring brought Outdoor Soccer, with 26
boys and girls in grades 1st – 6th participating, compared to 36 in 2013. Ballet and
Jazz Dance classes for ages 3 through adult
finished their nine month program in May
with a dance recital at the Wright Town
Hall. Over 200 spectators watched the 21
dancers perform in this spectacular finale.
Summer 2014 brought two “Kids Camp”
programs for youth ages 3 – 12. A total of 17
participants joined these programs of creative crafts and outdoor fun.
Swim Lessons were offered for ages 3
years to adult. 123 participants took advantage of these lessons that are held throughout the year. A new “Mom & Tot” swim class
offered this summer helped four children,
under the age of 3, learn water skills with
their parents.
Fall keeps everyone busy as Bantam Basketball for girls and boys in grades 1st – 3rd
and Girls Basketball for grades 4th – 6th
begins. Wright Bantam had 6 teams with a
total of 49 players which was equivalent to
2013. Girls Basketball had a total of 2 teams
with 22 participants, which was also the
same number as last year. To conclude the
season, the Wright High School boy’s basketball team sponsored a free basketball
clinic for all youth. Flag Football also began
in September for boys and girls in grades
1st – 6th. A total of 36 enjoyed this fall outdoor fun.
Karate continued throughout the year,
averaging 7 students each month.
Our Pre-school Halloween Party was
held in October. This free community event
brought 20 little ghosts and goblins to
the Recreation Center for an afternoon of
games, prizes and goodies.
November brings the much anticipated
Annual Wright Community Turkey Shoot
for the Wright community; 127 shooters
tried to make enough baskets to win a turkey while over 55 spectators watched this
fun. A dodgeball night in November gave
18 teenagers the opportunity to hang out
together while staying active and having a
little fun. Targeting this age group is one of
the Wright Recreation Center’s top goals.
We rounded out 2014 with our Hike to
Santa; the final community event of the
year. 62 kids and nearly 35 adults bundled
up for a hike across the golf course to visit
Santa. Our subtle way of encouraging outdoor fun.
One full year in the new facility can
only be compared to 2011 at the old facility. A total of 631 passes were sold in 2014
compared to 255 in 2011. Comparing these
same two years; a total of 20,330 pass visits in 2014 to 5,687 in 2011. Daily drop-in’s
totaled 7,839 in 2014, compared to 5,387 in
2011. The updated cardio and weight rooms
increased the number of adult patrons
alone by 200%.
The modern pool contributes to the
Wright Recreation Center’s success and
continues to bring in patrons of all ages.
Water walking in the lazy river is popular, bringing nearly 15 patrons a day. Open
swim attracts an average of 20 participants
each session, with some sessions having as
many as 50 youth and families enjoying the
zero depth, toys and lily pads. Along with
the above mentioned Swim Lessons, WaterPark Lifeguard training/certification is also
offered at the Wright Recreation Center,
which helps to staff our pool.
The number of fitness classes offered
has more than doubled from the time we
opened. The six different classes (Zumba,
Water Aerobics, PiYo, Yoga and Bootcamp)
combined had a total of 1,593 patrons. This
can hardly be compared to the 210 patrons
attending the three fitness classes offered
in the old facility. A Personal Trainer has
been on our staff from the opening which
adds to our fitness diversity. Adult volleyball is offered every Tuesday evening from
January through August, bringing an average of 16 adults each night.
The Wright Recreation Center is essential for the coordination of school activities
for both the elementary and high school.
The gymnasium is used for basketball and
volleyball practice and games, as well as
two basketball tournaments.
Elementary students use the pool for
their annual swim lessons. Campbell
County School District (CCSD) also utilized
the entire facility for Healthy School Day
and Super Citizen Day. The Drama Team
and Cheerleading squad were able to practice in front of mirrors in one of the fitness
rooms prior to going to their state competitions. A total of 3,261 students used the
Wright Recreation Center in 2014. This
count does not include spectators.
It is golf played with a soccer ball and 21
inch cups.
This winter there were 10 cottonwood
trees on holes 10, 11, 12 & 13 removed. The
removal of the cottonwoods to the rear and
sides of #’s 10, 11, 12, and 13 greens has been
discussed for a few years. This has been the
recommendation during previous USGA
visits nearly two decades ago. At that time,
the problem existed with encroaching roots
and “cotton” deposits on the greens during any wind conditions. The situation has
gotten worse over the years, particularly as
the trees have grown larger with far more
cotton and roots causing issues on these
greens. Since there is a major root invasion
on the greens and in some bunkers it was
time to take action.
In addition, Parks and Recreation will
follow its tree removal and replacement
policy which basically states, “for any tree
removed, a similar tree(s) totaling same
Diameter Breast Height (DBH) will be
planted”. Example: Three 4 inch DBH trees
will replace one 12 inch DBH tree.
There will be a change in the pro shop
for 2015. After 25 years as the Golf Professional at Bell Nob, Kirk Wasson is retiring
from the golf business and going to try his
hand at something new. We wish him all
the luck and hope to see him around enjoying a lot of the great programs and events at
Bell Nob, which he helped to create.
The Parks and Recreation Board of
2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
Directors will be conducting a search and
interview process this winter and hope to
have a new golf professional on board by
early February. The staff at Bell Nob would
like to thank everyone who comes out and
uses the facility and we hope to see you
again next spring.
County Parks
Parks provide many benefits to communities and neighborhoods. Strong evidence
shows that when people have access to
parks, they exercise more. Regular physical
activity has been shown to increase health
and reduce the risk of a wide range of diseases. Parks also produce important social
and community development benefits. They
make neighborhoods more livable; they
offer recreational opportunities for children, and they provide places where people
can feel a sense of community. With these
benefits in mind, the Parks Division strives
to maintain the parks for safe use and for
the enjoyment of all citizens and visitors in
Campbell County.
This year saw several improvements concentrating on safety for park users and visitors. Approximately 540 feet of concrete
sidewalk was installed near the tennis court
picnic shelter and playground area at Bicentennial Park to provide better access to the
shelter from the parking lot and to the playground and restroom area. The old original bleacher systems at Bicentennial Park
were replaced with new aluminum bleachers that protect spectators from falls. Each
of the bleachers are equipped with a railing
Bell Nob Golf Course
Hard to remember a recent golf season
that was more pleasant than last year, not
too hot, timely rains, and an extended fall
that we haven’t seen in quite a few years.
All this resulted in the highest number of
rounds at Bell Nob in the past 5 years.
Players spent the first full year enjoying the new club house, improved practice
facilities and changes to the course. Many
people brought friends and family out to
enjoy the expanded dining options and the
atmosphere on the patios and fire pit.
In August the golf course introduced foot
golf to the par 3 course and during the brief
time many people came out to give it a try.
continued on page 12
Campbell County Parks & Recreation
continued from page 11
across the back of the unit that also extends
part way down each side. Playgrounds are
well used throughout the park system and
regular inspections of playgrounds determine when playgrounds must be replaced
or repaired. Two slide exits were replaced
on playgrounds at Bicentennial Park as well
as an overhand climber at the park. Sev-
eral man hours are dedicated to playground
safety every year with inspections of the
equipment, maintenance and cleaning of
the equipment, and tending the fall zone
surfacing to keep it soft for the protection of
children while they play.
The buildings and picnic shelters at
Bicentennial Park are 30 years old and
underwent a few facelifts during the past
year. The upper restroom near the ball
fields received new restroom fixtures,
dividers, tiled wall covering and floor surface. Several of the picnic shelters in the
park received new roofs and the restroom/
concession buildings will also get new
The newest addition to the park system was the construction of Half Pipe
Alley which is the new skate park located
just south of the Campbell County Public
Health Building. The state-of-the-art skate
park was designed and constructed by
Spohn Ranch Skate Parks out of Los Angeles, California. Construction on the skate
park started in May and was completed
in early July. The concrete surface of the
skate park is 155’ x 60’ and is designed to
incorporate many street skating opportunities as well as bowls and ramps to add to
the skating fun. Turf grass and trees were
planted around the park to provide pleasant surroundings and shade for the future
and additional improvements for spectator
Park use kept the Division employees
very busy throughout the year. Total park
visitation among the 19 County Parks was
estimated to be 602,626 visits.
Bicentennial Park is the busiest park in the system with an estimated 242,476 visits. There were
55 picnic shelter and event registrations throughout the year which
includes everything from family picnics and birthday parties to youth
soccer and softball games. Bicentennial Park hosted several youth
soccer tournaments and camps during the year along with the Department’s own youth soccer program.
Girl’s softball also held several tour-
naments at the park with the most significant being the Western Regional Tournament July 30th through August 3rd. Men’s
Softball is the largest user group accounting for 15,360 visits through the summer
season, with youth soccer being the second
largest group with 11,504 visits. Coed softball makes up 10,560 visits and spectators
for all groups using the park totaled 63,596
visits. In all, Bicentennial Park hosted 16
different kinds of events from tennis tournaments to dog walks.
CAM-PLEX Park was the second busiest park in the system with an estimated
176,824 visits. Walking is the most popular year around event at the park with the
loop road and trails winding through the
park. There were 205 shelter and facility
reservations at the park which accounted
for 11,093 visitors. CAM-PLEX Park also
hosted 3 cross country meets, the Mall in
the Park event, several road races and dog
walks, and probably one of the most popular seasonal events, the annual Festival of
Lights which accounted for an estimated
38,265 visits.
The Festival of Lights celebrated its
eighth year in 2014. This event has become
extremely popular for families. Planning
for the event goes on year around and set up
begins in October. Campbell County Commissioners completed the addition of new
power pedestals in the park which allowed
for three completely new display themes to
be added along the drive. Five large drummer boys were placed near the entrance to
the park, trumpeting angels were placed
along the loop road and a surfing reindeer
was added to the Vacationing Santa display.
The completion of the Wright Recreation Center meant work could begin to get
the park area around the Recreation Center
green and thriving again. New turf grass
seed was installed around the playgrounds
and picnic shelters, and turf irrigation was
installed to get the grass established. Work
will continue on the grounds until new turf
grass is green and flourishing all around
the facility.
Over 200 seedling trees from the Arbor
Day Fourth Grade Tree Program sponsored
by the Campbell County Conservation District and Peabody Energy were planted at
the Wright Ballfields. Fourth grade students in all of the area grade schools can
have a tree to plant at their home. Students
who do not have space at home can have
their tree planted in the tree grove each
year. The trees will eventually grow large
enough to provide wildlife cover and wind
protection for the ballfields.
The concession building at the ball fields
also had its roof replaced. The scorekeeper’s crow’s nest was removed and a new
metal roof was installed on the building.
Additional improvements to the ball fields
included the seeding of wheat grass on the
dirt field to eventually establish a grass
cover on the field to try and slow weed production.
Lasting Legacy Park is home to the
Campbell County Veterans Memorial. This
memorial was established in 1994 and in
2012 a local group of veterans and citizens established the Bricks for Vets organization. This group is responsible for the
placement of four pedestals in front of the
memorial wall displaying a set of bronze
sculptures titled “United We Stand” and
another small sculpture representing fallen
soldiers titled, “Salute to a Fallen Soldier”.
The group was able to raise enough funds
this year to purchase an additional sculpture for the memorial area. This new
sculpture, “Freedom Is Not Free”
is displayed on a concrete pedestal that was made by Parks Division
employees and was dedicated on
Veterans Day.
Rockpile Community
The Rockpile Community Center houses the Soup Kitchen which
is operated by the Council of Community Services, the building is also
used for department programs, 4-H
meetings and community events.
The Community Center had 71 reservations for events ranging from
company safety meetings to grad-
2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
uation parties and birthday parties along
with department events such as dog obedience classes and square dancing. The Soup
Kitchen served an estimated 23,595 people over the course of the year and building
reservations accounted for an additional
7,055 people using the facility.
The Campbell County Ice Arena is
located next door to the Community Center and is in operation from mid-October
through mid-March. Off season rentals of
the ice arena included roller derby matches,
baseball and softball practices and auctions.
Outdoor events at the Rockpile Community Center included a car show and practice area for youth football and soccer.
Improvements to the Community Hall
included the installation of a new HVAC
system to replace the four unit heaters and
swamp coolers that were used to heat and
cool the building. A commercial dishwasher
was also installed in the kitchen area to aid
in cleanup after large events.
Spirit Hall Ice Arena
The Spirit Hall Ice Arena is the main ice
arena for ice skating activities. The arena
is located in the Wyoming Center at CAMPLEX and is operated by the Parks & Recreation Department during the ice season,
which runs from September through April.
The rink operates daily throughout the ice
season and offers skating opportunities for
all ages from Mom & Tot skating to Adult
Ice Hockey is the main user of the rink
and is home ice for the Gillette Wild Junior
A hockey team and the Gillette Hockey
Association USA Hockey youth program.
Figure skating is also represented at the
rink under an affiliation with the Ice Skating Institute which promotes ice skating as
a recreational sport.
Participation numbers reflect a growing interest in ice sports. The youth hockey
program generated 49,542 visits to the
rink. This includes practice times, games
and spectators to their events. The Junior,
a program generated 16,719 visits including
practices and games. The rink had 3,957
people in the rink for public skating, 934
hockey players for the adult drop-in hockey
program and 34 birthday parties at the rink
with 412 people attending the parties.
The County Clerk’s Office provides a variety of
services to the citizens of Campbell County. The
employees in this office take pride in their work and
continuance of friendly and efficient public service
and excellent public record keeping.
The County Clerk is the Clerk to the Board of
Commissioners and attends all of their meetings.
The titling department consists of eight full time
employees. This part of the Clerk’s Office handles
titling of motor vehicles and filing of personal, federal and
state tax liens. Motor vehicle titles issued in 2014 totaled
24,777, averaging over 107 titles per day.
The County Clerk’s Office is responsible for issuing marriage licenses which totaled 402 in 2014. Congratulations
to all the newlyweds.
The County Clerk’s Office handles the paperwork involv-
ing the county retail liquor licenses,
along with the malt beverage and
catering permits for the county.
The recording department (vault)
consists of seven full time employees. They deal with oil and gas
leases, royalty deeds, warranty and
quit claim deeds. Mortgages, oil and
gas liens are also filed in this part of
the Clerk’s Office along with overriding royalties, affidavits
of heirship, survivorship and notary public, military discharges and powers of attorney. The land records department has been busy with the increase in oil activity.
Two employees work in the payroll/accounts payable
department of the Clerk’s Office. They handle all areas of
payroll from enrollment of new employees to issuing pay-
2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
roll checks and payment of all taxes and benefits associated with payroll. An average of 762 employees received
paychecks from this department throughout the year. On
an average there are approximately 615 accounts payable
checks issued per month.
The Elections Office had a very busy year conducting the
Primary and General Elections. All formation and enlargement elections for special districts are done thru the Election’s Office.
The Clerk’s Office collected over $965,942 in revenue
for 2014 for the recording of documents, titles, marriage
licenses, and miscellaneous receipts.
Campbell County Clerk’s Office
500 S. Gillette Ave
One of the most devastating social problems facing Wyoming is substance abuse
and the crime caused by it. Research shows
that 80 % of incarcerated offenders in this
state have issues with substance abuse.
These individuals congest the court system,
flood our jails and consume community
resources. Campbell County is not immune
from this problem; however, Campbell
County is doing its part in decreasing the
revolving door dilemma with substance
abusing offenders.
The number of known substance related
charges in this community is alarming. In
Campbell County in 2014, there were over
547 persons charged with alcohol-related
driving offenses; over 818 charged with
drug offenses (an increase of 138 over last
year); and 73 with both drug and alcohol
charges. In addition to those numbers,
there were 38 charges of child endangerment. These numbers do not include MIP’s
or intoxicated pedestrians. Approximately
213 of those individuals were involved with
the Adult Drug Court (ADC) program.
What has become of those individuals?
• 147 successfully completed and graduated
• 44 failed the program and did not graduate
• 2 are currently in an in-patient treatment
• 20 are actively enrolled in the program
Since its inception in 2002, the drug
court program has evolved over time and
currently incorporates evidenced based
best practices which render the many success stories often heard at the ADC graduation ceremonies. Often referred to as
a court supervised treatment program,
qualified adult felony offenders receive the
resources and tools needed to break their
cycle of addiction and become a productive member of society. The focus on positive reinforcement, pro-social behavior,
and graduated sanctions and incentives
encourage short and long term behavior
change. Understanding education is a cor-
Back row left to right: Allyson Briscoe, Brooke Undeberg, Marty Huckins, Leslie Mashak,
Denise Fuller, Jonah Buckley. Front row: Bill Ashton, Doug Marler, Chanay Burns, Chad Beeman.
nerstone for success, the program promotes
educational gains for offenders and expects
all participants to either be employed or in
school on a fulltime basis. The demands
and expectations are grueling. When not at
work, school, treatment, or in court, participants can often be found performing community service at various local non-profit
There is no doubt that the Adult Drug
Court Operational Team is the key ingredient to the success of this program. The
team puts forth many hours and in-depth
collaborative efforts to ensure participants
receive the individual services they need to
become a clean and sober member of society. Serving on the operational team are
representatives from Personal Frontiers
Inc., State Probation and Parole, Campbell
County Attorneys’ Office, a private attorney,
a Campbell County Sheriff’s Department
officer, Volunteers of America employee,
and the Drug Court Staff.
What are the eligibility criteria to
be a drug court participant?
• A convicted adult felony offender whose
offense is substance abuse related
• An updated substance abuse evaluation
recommending Level II.I treatment
• A Campbell County resident
• Current offense is not a violent felony
• Voluntarily commits to the program
realizing it will take at least 12 months
to complete
• No other pending charges to answer to
that could result in jail time
What does the drug court program
look like? Ask any graduate or participant
this question and you will likely hear such
comments as “it’s the hardest thing I’ve
ever done…. frustrating…. I never thought
I would get through it!” However, more
importantly you will also hear “it was the
best thing I ever did”, and; “I’m a new person thanks to Drug Court. I have my life
back.” Why is Drug Court so hard? Participants have constant demands on their
life and live under strict rules and requirements such as:
• Four different levels of intensive probation supervision
• Community service work
• Electronic/GPS monitoring during
Level I
• Follow weekly schedules on Levels I and
• Frequent random alcohol and drug testing
• Frequent random unannounced home
• Contact with approved visitors only
• Five different phases of substance treatment (minimum of 112 hours)
• Attendance at mental health treatment
if recommended
• Attendance at other such services as
nutrition classes, financial management, parenting
• Attendance at no less than two additional recovery groups outside of treatment
• Full time employment and/or school
• Requirement to achieve at least a high
school equivalency degree
• Mandatory attendance at drug court
sessions held every Tuesday
• Subject to graduated sanctions and
incentives by the court
• Payments of $225.00 monthly until
successful completion of the program
Adult Drug Court allows for corrective
action to be taken by interrupting the repetitive cycle through rehabilitation. Realizing people live in communities and not in
programs; we treat the problem, not the
symptoms. Upon making application to
the Drug Court Program, the initial screening takes place by the Drug Court staff. The
applicant is then interviewed by the operational team to determine appropriateness
for the program. The Drug Court Judge
makes the final determination of whether
or not the applicant is appropriate for Drug
Court. Once accepted into the program,
the participant begins a strict regiment as
the operational team begins the process of
helping the participant transform their life.
Campbell County Adult Drug Court
500 S. Gillette Ave, Ste. 2500
Campbell County
Sheriff’s Office
2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
Office continues to provide drug
education for the youth of our
community. This is done by our
continued participation in the
DARE Program. Currently, the
Sheriff’s Office has three fulltime and three part-time DARE
Officers working in the schools.
To help meet the needs of the
growing school population,
the Gillette Police Department
agreed to provide one officer to
the DARE Program. GPD Officer Buckley is currently teaching DARE three days a week.
The DARE program starts
early in a student’s education, with two visitations in 41
different kindergarten classrooms.
The Program progresses into a 13-week program
in 32 sixth grade classrooms.
Approximately 650 sixth grade
students graduated from the
DARE Program in 2014. Each
DARE graduate received a
t-shirt and certificate for completing the program, thanks to
the Campbell County School
DARE Officers are also
teaching a 10 lesson KEEPING IT REAL program at both
Twin Spruce and Sage Valley Jr. Highs at the 7th grade
level. This program focuses on
students making wise, healthy
decisions for themselves, along
cameras to be utilized by investigators and animal control officers.
Deputies were provided training on
the operation of the cameras, and
they were issued almost immediately upon receipt. This technology, coupled with the use of the incar video cameras, should allow our
agency to memorialize incidents in
a manner that may minimize the
question of “What Happened?”
During the past year, Campbell
County Sheriff’s Office continued
our goal of improving the services
we provide to our community. We
have done so by educating employees as well as our citizens, and by
investing in new technology that
improves our ability to deliver service to Campbell County.
Controlled Substance Identification, Legal Issues, Patrol Functions, Investigative Tactics, Detention Issues, and many other topics.
Our Agency consists of many individuals who are certified instructors in different law enforcement
areas. This allows quality training
at a very reasonable cost.
Throughout the year, our Agency
has seen several employees retire
or relocate. As such, we have hired,
transferred, and promoted individuals to fill those positions. We
sent one officer to the Peace Officer Basic class, one communications technician to the Dispatcher
Academy, and seven officers to the
Detention Officer Basic Academy.
Other transferred officers are waiting their turn to attend the Peace
Officer Basic Academy.
The Sheriff’s Office has continued to train in the area of SWAT,
During the past year, law
enforcement throughout the country has been under scrutiny in reference to actions that may or may
not have been reasonable under the
circumstances. Some of these incidents may have been resolved much
more efficiently if the agency and/
or officer had been equipped with
body worn cameras.
Recognizing this, our agency
researched legal issues surrounding the use of this new technology
and decided to purchase body cameras for all patrol officers, as well as
In addition to services provided
right here in Campbell County, our
agency was also called on to assist
law enforcement throughout the
country, from Texas to Michigan,
and in between. The cases involved
included homicides, frauds, and
stolen property, just to name a few.
We also improved our working relationship with the Gillette Police
Department (GPD) through joint
training and operations.
One of the joint operations
between CCSO and GPD involved a
fire at an occupied hotel in Gillette.
Due to the quick and professional
response of both agencies, many
lives were saved. For their efforts,
two of our deputies were nominated
for meritorious service awards and
several others received letters of
D.A.R.E. PROGRAM The Campbell County Sheriff’s
Animal Control Services Provided
Burglary/Break and Enter
Driving with Suspended License
Drug-related Investigations
Family Fight Responses
Larceny (including vehicle theft)
Minor in Possession of Alcohol
Total Crimes/Services
Total Crimes/Services Inside Town of Wright
Busiest Day of the Week
Speeding Citations Issued
Total Citations Issued
with a bullying prevention element that works with the school
districts Olweus Prevention
Program. The Sheriff’s Office
is committed to the youth of
this County by providing a positive interaction between cops
and kids and helping them to
become drug-free productive
members of our community.
Deputy Bob Melvin, in addition to his regular duties as a
civil process server, is a law
enforcement liaison to the
Campbell County Senior Center. Deputy Melvin frequently
meets at the Senior Center to
answer questions that may
relate to law enforcement, elder
abuse, and other concerns. He
also addresses the lunch clients and other senior groups
about the many frauds that target today’s seniors and the general public.
The Sheriff’s Office has also
coordinated with DEA, Wyoming Medication Donation Program (WMDP), Gillette Police
Department and the Community Prevention Organization in
co- sponsoring drug take backs
and drop-off sites for citizens.
These collections have gathered hundreds of pounds of
unwanted, expired medications
for safe disposal or donation, if
continued on page 15
2007 2008 2009 2010
Adult Males
2,458 2,693 2,843 2,802 2,388 2,344 2,349 2,244 2,385
Adult Females
Juvenile Males
Juvenile Females
3,282 3,536 3,721 3,725 3,297 3,239 2,951 3,154 3,262
Average Daily Population (2014) – 171. **All figures are calculated from Jan. 1, 2014 TO DEC. 1, 2014**
For an emergency call 911.
Campbell County
Sheriff’s Office
600 W Boxelder
Campbell County Sheriff’s Office
2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
continued from page 14
2014 has been a very busy year for the Detention
Division. The average daily jail population, so far this
year, has grown to an all-time high of 171. Another
record high of over 200 inmates on any given day was
also surpassed several times to date. The increase in
arrestees and sentenced prisoners has a direct impact
on all areas of operation such as food service, medical,
warrants/extraditions, and court security.
In the past year, Nursing Supervisor Julie Centner
received her certification as a Nurse Practitioner. This
has been a great benefit to the jail for quality and continuity of care that the inmates receive and will also
continue to have a positive effect on the budget in the
The Detention Center video arraignment system is
now fully operational with Municipal, Circuit, and District Courts and is used by judges on a daily basis. Utilizing this technology improves safety and security in
both the courtroom and the jail.
Conspire/Deliver Controlled Substance
Deliver Controlled Substance to Person Under 18
Mfg./Deliver Controlled Substance
Mfg./Deliver Heroin
Mfg./Deliver Meth/Amphetamine
Mfg./Deliver/Possess LSD (misd.)
Mfg./Deliver/Possess Schedule I, II Controlled Substance
Obtain Prescription by Fraud
Poss. Controlled Substance – Liquid Form
Poss. Controlled Substance – Pill Form
Poss. Controlled Substance – Plant Form
Poss. Controlled Substance – Powder Form
Poss. Controlled Substance - Schedule I, II, III Substance
Poss. Controlled Substance – Meth/Amphetamine
Poss. Barb./Depressant
Poss. Marijuana (Felony)
Poss. Marijuana (Misd.)
Poss. Spice
Poss. w/Intent to Del. Schedule I, II, III
Poss. w/Intent to Deliver Controlled Substance
Poss. w/Intent to Deliver Schedule IV Controlled Substance
Poss. w/ Intent to Deliver Schedule V Controlled Substance
Poss. w/ Intent to Deliver - Meth
Poss./Controlled substance/Misd.
Unlawful PCS – no more than 3 grams
Use/Under Influence of Drugs
Campbell County
Emergency Management Agency
Staffing - Your Campbell County Emergency Management Agency (CCEMA) grew by one part-time position during 2014. In his job as Public Health Response Coordinator, Charlie Messenheimer has been a strong right-arm for
emergency management for the past eight years. However,
grant funding was being reduced by the CDC and Public
Health was looking at having to cut that position back to
just part time. CCEMA sought additional emergency management grant funding from the state and we were able to
split the position between the two departments. Still based
at Public Health, Messenheimer is now 60% Public Health
and 40% Emergency Management. Volunteer support for
Emergency Management is also being provided by former county Fleet Manager, Rod Warne, who retired from
the county about one year ago, and community volunteer
Wade Watson, who freely donates his time to help whenever
Public Warning Sirens – With the exception of two
sirens serving small areas in Wright, CCEMA has completed the upgrades for the county-owned public warning siren system, and is now evaluating what new areas
should be served. Each warning siren costs approximately
$40,000 to $50,000, and locating them is a delicate balance between finding publicly owned property for a site and
being able to serve an appropriate population density. Due
to some of the outlying rural subdivisions incorporating
large acreages, it may be better for those residents to rely
upon other warning systems, such as NOAA Weather radio.
Current and projected population growth is being considered as we try and decide where additional sirens may be
located in coming years.
Public Advisories – Not only can CCEMA set off the
warning sirens to let you know something is threatening, but we can also utilize the Integrated Public Advisory
and Warning System (IPAWS) created by the Department
of Homeland Security and implemented nationwide in the
past eight years. CCEMA’s Coordinator David King, Deputy Coordinator Charlie Messenheimer and Volunteer Rod
Warne are the only three people in the county who have
been certified to issue IPAWS notices…which involves using
one of our software packages to send the alert into the federal portal from which it is distributed out to the appropriate warning systems, including weather radio, the Emergency Alert System over radio and TV, internet notification systems, and directly into the cellular telephone system which will trigger the alert on recent generation smartphones. IPAWS alerts are able to target a specific warning area, so it’s possible to circle a specific area you wish
to notify, and only the cell towers serving that targeted
area would deliver the alert to smartphones in contact with
those towers. These are extremely brief notifications, the
concept driving them is to let you know there is an emergency or threat in your immediate vicinity, and then you
would go to other sources for more details or instructions.
CodeRED® – During 2014, Campbell County migrated
from the CityWatch® automated telephone notification
system to the CodeRED® system. Both are owned by ECN,
Emergency Communications Network, but CityWatch was
hosted on a local server within the county IT department,
and could only place 24 phone calls at one time. CodeRED
is remotely hosted by ECN and has the ability to use their
massive phone banks to place thousands of phone calls at
the same time. CCEMA continues to push out advisory
emails, texts and sometimes automated telephone messages to anyone who signs up to receive those notices, and
you can do so at the registration page in the CCEMA website http://www.ccgov.net/622/Emergency-ManagementAgency-Advisories .
Planning – Groundwork was done in 2014 to prepare
for the next update to the Multi-Jurisdiction Joint Hazard
Mitigation Plan for Campbell County, Gillette and Wright
which will kick off early in 2015 and run for much of the
year. This planning document identifies the hazards and
risks in our jurisdiction and identifies ways we can reduce
or eliminate the impact of those hazards on life, property
or the environment. A key component of the update process is to seek as much involvement in the planning process as possible from members of the community, so we’ll
be asking the public to get involved in the process, consider
the proposed updates and give us your thoughts and input.
Campbell County Emergency Management Agency
500 S. Gillette Ave, Ste. 1100
County Airport
2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
Photograph courtesy of Cloud Peak Energy
Fixed Base Operator
Flightline, Inc. is the Airport’s fixed base operator and
provides certified aircraft maintenance, flight instruction,
charter flights, hangar rentals, and aircraft fueling services. Flightline’s total fuel flowage into aircraft for 2014
was approximately 625,000 gallons. Flightline, Inc. set an
all-time record for total fuel sales in 2011 at just under one
million gallons. For more information concerning services
at Flightline, Inc. call (307) 686-7000.
Air Traffic Report
The GCC Air Traffic Control Tower recorded a 17%
increase in operations of aircraft landings and take-offs for
2014. The Airport’s control tower typically operates from
6 a.m. until 11 p.m. seven days a week. There are a total of
three full-time air traffic control tower personnel, with one
part-time controller filling in for vacations.
Airport Operations Staff
The heart and soul of any Airport organization is Airport Operations. The formal certification of the GilletteCampbell County Airport was issued May 26, 1981 by the
Federal Aviation Administration which requires Airport
Operations to keep the Airport functioning safely, securely,
and efficiently. These responsibilities include daily inspections; reporting of problems; informing tenants and users
of current conditions; monitoring corrections and coordination of overall Airport activities.
Annually the Gillette-Campbell County Airport is
inspected by Federal Aviation Administration for its compliance to Federal Aviation Regulation Part 139. In 2014
the Airport was found to have no discrepancies.
Air Service Enhancement Committee
An air service enhancement committee was formed
early in 2014 and is comprised of representatives from the
local industries, businesses, County Commissioners, Commissioner’s staff, City of Gillette, Airport Board and Airport staff. Major objectives of the committee is to communicate and educate the local community of the importance
of air service to the local community’s economic development, and communicate the community’s air service needs
to the airlines.
Airline Service
In 2011 the GCC Airport had their best year in the history of the Airport by serving a total of 62,256 passengers with commercial air service. This was a 14% increase
from 2010. However, in 2014 the GCC Airport realized
a 3% decrease in total airline passengers. This decrease
was attributed to the loss of total seats available to Denver International Airport. On a positive note, passenger
travel to and from Salt Lake City increased by 20% in 2014.
The GCC Airport continues to provide strong competitive
air fares regionally. The GCC Airport is currently served
by Delta Connection with two daily round trip flights to
and from Salt Lake City, Utah, and two round trip daily
flights on United Express Airlines to and from Denver, Colorado. The GCC Airport continues to provide FREE parking, and short security screening lines. The Airport continues to offer a “booking engine” on their Web site www.iflygillette.com where one may actually book flights from our
local Airport, and also compare air fares with other airports. The GCC Airport’s Web site offers automatically
updated flight schedules, and visual flight tracking of commercial air service aircraft. The GCC Airport also is part of
the social network by implementing FaceBook™, and Twitter™.
Airport Marketing
In 2014 the GCC Airport continued a strong marketing and advertising campaign. The Airport contracts with
Forecast, Inc. as a consultant to help the Airport develop
new marketing and advertising strategies towards local air
service. The consultant has met with United and Delta Airlines and continues to be successful in getting both airlines
to offer competitive air fares.
The majority of the funding necessary to maintain a successful marketing and advertising campaign comes from
grants received from the Wyoming Aeronautics Division
which is matched by the County Commissioners.
The Gillette – Campbell County Airport’s Marketing
Plan is targeting travelers regionally with the advertising
completed specifically for the Gillette-Campbell County
Airport. The radio and print ads are strategically placed
to increase market share for the football, basketball, base-
ball and hockey seasons, for visiting family for the holidays, skiing, snowmobiling, spring break and general vacation travel.
The Gillette-Campbell County Airport co-operatively
advertises with Campbell County Convention and Visitors Bureau to target the national and international markets. These placements are to target the $70K in demographic, outdoor lifestyle, grandparents traveling with
children, international travelers from Europe (with ads
translated in multiple languages), Australia, New Zealand,
Japan, Korea, and China. Gillette-Campbell County Airport is represented by the URL iflygillette.com. We have
also placed Google and Facebook ads through Campbell
County Convention and Visitors Bureau. Airport Grant and Aid
In 2014, the GCC Airport received over one million dollars in grants from the Wyoming Aeronautics Commission, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Typically, federal grant projects are paid 93.75% by the FAA,
3.75% by the Aeronautics Division and 2.5% by local Campbell County match. The grants were used this year for constructing additional general aviation aircraft ramp, service
road relocation, replacement of concrete pavement sections, and air service marketing. The Airport receives various other grants from the State of Wyoming, Department
of Transportation, and Aeronautics Division.
Airport Board Members
The Airport board is comprised of five members
appointed by the County Commissioners, and the Airport
board generally meets the third Wednesday of each month
at 4 p.m. in the Fulkerson Airport Operations Facility.
County Airport
2000 Airport Road
Campbell County
Human Resources Risk
Management Department
The Mission of the Campbell County
Human Resources and Risk Management
Department is to support County departments, boards and agencies in the recruitment, retention and protection of Campbell
County resources and assets — the most
valuable of which is our employees.
The U.S. economy continues showing signs of slow, cautious growth. This
strengthening is reflected in the Wyoming unemployment rate which has been
decreasing steadily to 4.2% in February of
2014 from 4.5% at the end of the 4th Quarter of 2013. All of these numbers indicate
that the labor market in Campbell County
is very competitive. Although no large
expansion of employment is being planned
by Campbell County Government, over 8.1
% of its employees are eligible to retire.
This experienced, knowledgeable group of
employees has the potential to grow to 20%
in the next five years. The preservation and
transfer of this vast knowledge will continue to be a priority for Campbell County
in the coming years.
Campbell County’s turnover rate for fiscal year 2012/2013 was 10.6%, unchanged
from the prior fiscal year. The turnover
rate for fiscal 2013/2014 is 9.2%, a decrease
of 1.4 % and an indication of well implemented programs and controls County
wide. However, an increase in turnover
was experienced during the second half of
the fiscal year, indicating a further tightening and competitive job market in Campbell County. Turnover is very costly for any
organization and maintaining competitive
compensation continues to be a key element
in ensuring turnover does not increase to
the high rates experienced in the past.
Campbell County continues to experience an increase in the area of benefit costs.
Through the end of fiscal year 2013/2014,
health plan costs were .81% under budget but 13.29 % over fiscal year 2012/2013.
An increase in health plan fixed costs was
anticipated due to the increase in fees
established under the Affordable Healthcare Act. The Patient-Centered Outcomes
Research Institute fee (“PCORI”) has doubled and payment of the Transitional Reinsurance Fee was due for the first time in
July 2014.
Therefore, although they increased, the
final health expense numbers ended much
better than anticipated. This achievement
can continue to be attributed to the dedication of all the employees as demonstrated
by their enthusiastic participation in Wellness Program. From the roll-out of the
program in the fall of 2012 through 2014
results have
2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
Wellness Committee accepting the Healthiest Company Award
revealed real improvement in the areas
of blood pressure, LDL Cholesterol, Glucose, Triglycerides and Smoking for 178
of our employees. Even though the program raised the bar for incentive qualification by changing the incentive program from participation based to outcome
based, participation continued to increase.
466 employees and 120 spouses participated in 2012, increasing to 469 employees
and 165 spouses in 2014. Campbell County
employees still have work to do, with 12% of
the participates ranked at high risk, 17% at
moderate risk
and 71% at low
risk. The percentage of participants
high risk actually increased
for 5% from
the prior year.
The blood draw
results will help
target the wellness programs
as heart disease
and high BMI
continue to be some of the top identified
health risks of both 2013 and 2014. Hoping to inspire even greater improvement in
the health of our employees and their families, the Wellness committee continues to
expand the programs offered during the
year to help participants meet their health
score goals.
Employee safety continues to be top priority for Human Resources/Risk Management. Spear-headed by the Safety Committee, the County qualified for the highest discount level available through both
the Wyoming Department of Workforce
Services Safety Discount Program and Voluntary Drug and Alcohol Testing Program
discounts. The County will realize a total of
15.0 % premium savings as a result of this
effort. The County safety intranet training tools, as well as the introduction of a
new online safety training system have
enhanced availability and access to safety
training for all departments. The success of
all programs is demonstrated by the qualification of all divisions in the County for the
2013 Safety Incentive Award. Every County
employee contributed to and should be very
proud of these achievements!!
Campbell County
Human Resource/Risk Management Department
500 S. Gillette Ave., Ste 1200
2014 Red Shirt Friday the Staff of the Campbell County Courthouse showing their support for all Military Troops
Digging into the Spring 2014 Wellness Committee
Fruit & Veggie Promotion
2014 Food Drive Collections
Enjoying Family Fun Night at the Recreation
Some participants of the Wellness Committee.
Sponsored 2014 Wee Links Par 3 Golf Tournaments
ITS Department accepting 2013 Safety Incentive
Campbell County
Fire Department
2014 Campbell County 18
Annual Report
Our Mission…
Dedicated to the
safety of our
community through
discipline, commitment,
cooperation, and
fiscal accountability.
Fires and Responses
The Campbell County Fire Department
(CCFD) responded to 1,911 incidents from
December 1, 2013 through November 30,
2014. These included structure fires, wildland fires, vehicle accidents, rescue, and
hazardous materials calls. As a group,
CCFD’s firefighters contributed more than
80,000 hours responding to emergency
calls and attending training sessions. As a
result, more than $15.5 million in property
value was saved throughout the county.
Four rotating crews provide continual
on-duty protection from Fire Station One.
The 24-hour duty crew concept—adopted
in 2008—has drastically lowered CCFD’s
response times. Furthermore, it is directly
attributable for saving a great deal of property, preventing injuries, and saving lives in
Campbell County.
In addition to responding from CCFD’s
10 fire stations, Volunteer Firefighters assist
with 24-hour Duty Crew Coverage. Last
year volunteers signed up for 18,321 hours
of Duty Crew Coverage (with 13,212 additional hours of in-house coverage provided
as supplementary crew members).
Oversight and Governance
Established in 1975, CCFD continues
to operate under the direction of a Joint
Powers Fire Board, a fairly unique concept
nationally and in Wyoming. Through this
arrangement, Campbell County, The City
of Gillette, and the Town of Wright provide funding and appoint representatives
to serve on CCFD’s Board of Directors. In
2014, the following individuals served as
Fire Board members:
• Steve Crow (representing Campbell
• Scott Rankin (Campbell County)
• Chris Knapp (Campbell County)
• Cory Bryngelson (City of Gillette)
• Blaine Geer (Campbell County)
• Micky Shober (Campbell County)
• Ryan Gross (Campbell County)
• Everett Boss (City of Gillette)
• Ron Holmes (Town of Wright)
Members of CCFD and Campbell County Health-EMS participating in joint training with Wyoming Life
viduals are all to be commended for their
tireless work and their deep commitment to
the community and to the fire department.
In 2014, CCFD administered 691 training events with a total of 10,888 man-hours
devoted to training. Training sessions
included basic structural and wildland
skills training, advanced training for firefighters and officers, and specialized training for hazardous materials, vehicle extrication, and fire investigation.
Captain J.R. Fox completed the four-year
Executive Fire Officer (EFO) program. The
EFO consists of four graduate-level courses
each requiring the submission of an extensive applied research project.
Division Chief Mike Ratcliff, Battalion Chief Tim Williams, and Donna Crippen completed advanced courses at the
National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg,
MD. The Training Division also provided
industrial fire safety training to more than
600 people. Twenty-seven CCFD firefighters recently participated in an Apparatus
Driver Operation Academy.
Staff and Volunteers
The fire department added two new
employees in 2014.
Kelly Abelmann
accepted a Career Firefighter position in
February, and Nikki Nellermoe was hired
as CCFD’s Financial Specialist also in February.
Firefighters promoted to new positions
this year include:
• Battalion Chief: Ted Oxtra and Tim
• Captain: Jeff Wheeler and Thomas Williams
• Lieutenant: Dan Smith, Alyssa Thar,
and Chris Zimmerman
The following personnel graduated from
Vehicles and Apparatus
Every year CCFD administrative personnel and the City of Gillette’s Fleet Management Division jointly administer the
Vehicle Replacement Program. Five criteria are used to earmark units for replacement including the age of the vehicle, accumulated mileage (or hours), maintenance
costs, operating costs, and the unit’s overall general condition. Three new units were
purchased in 2014 as follows:
• 2,000-gallon Tender: This unit will be
placed at Station Three (near the Fishing Lake)
• Type VI Wildland Unit: This workhorse
will be used in some of Campbell County’s most rugged territory
• Fire Engine: This unit will replace
Engine One at Station One (CCFD’s
main fire station)
In liaison roles, Kevin McGrath and Matt
Avery represent the City of Gillette and
Campbell County respectively. These indiCampbell County Fire Department
106 Rohan Ave
Probationary to Firefighter positions:
Shane Adams, Terry Curry, Scott Earnest, Dustin Knight, Don (Bub) Lara, Chad
Love, Aaron Marker, Mike Merchen, Matt
Schultz, Terry Thomas, Peter Rossi.
CCFD’s Fire Cadet Program—consisting of youth 14-18 years old—instructs its
members on the essential skills of today’s
fire service emphasizing commitment,
respect, and service. Many of these Cadets
ultimately transition to Probationary Firefighter positions at CCFD.
Thirteen youth comprise the current
Cadet membership, and together they have
contributed 818 hours participating in
meetings, training, duty shifts, calls, and
community events. Devin Emmons alone
had 296 hours of participation last year as a
Cadet; he is currently in the process of progressing to a Probationary Firefighter position.
At CCFD’s Annual Awards Banquet
which took place in February, the following
personnel were recognized:
• Cadet of the Year: John Franklin
• Probationary Firefighters of the Year:
Bub Lara, Mike Merchen, and Jeff
• Firefighter of the Year: Chad Reid
• Fire Officer of the Year: Tim Williams
• Rural Firefighter of the Year:
Pat Thomson
• Friends of CCFD: Don’s Supermarket,
and Pacific Iron & Steel
• Spirit of the Service Awards: Buddy
Cater, Nick Cheser, Brian Murphy, and
Jim Rognmoe
• Chief Officers award: Knights of Columbus
• Walk of Fame: Bill Macy
In a special presentation, Toddy McCann
was recently honored as he completed his
50th year as a member of the fire department. Also, Jaci Melgaard retired after putting in 16 years as a Volunteer Firefighter.
On a more solemn note, all CCFD members
extended their somber farewells with the
passing of longtime firefighter, John Beltz.
Members of the 2014 CCFD Recruit Fire Academy debriefing during Live Fire Training
continued on page 19
Campbell County Fire Department
continued from page 18
2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
• Command Unit: This is an F-350 Ford truck.
Dan Grace and Chris Kramer, assigned as CCFD’s Vehicle Maintenance Staff, are tasked with the upkeep of the
fire department’s 80+ vehicles. Several Volunteer Firefighters—contributing 1,661 hours in 2014—assist at the
shop including Galen Lee, Mark Renner, Jake Millard, and
Ted Oxtra.
Public Education
The Pub Ed Program reaches out to children and adults
with fire safety and fire prevention information. October
is Fire Safety Month, and every year approximately 3,500
children are taught how to react if their clothes catch on
fire, what to do if there is a fire in their house, and the difference between toys and tools (such as lighters, matches,
hair dryers, etc.).
CCFD assists other groups and organizations with Pub
Ed classes such as the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, senior citizens groups, Head Start, and a number of commercial/
industrial organizations. These presentations are tailored
to each group’s needs. CCFD also participates in a number
of annual events including the Public Health Fair and the
Children’s Festival.
Another impact on the community is CCFD’s Smoke
Detector Program. Detectors are provided to low income
households, and firefighters often assist individuals who
are incapable of installing or changing the batteries in their
Wright (Station Nine)
Battalion Four recruited enough new firefighters to conduct a first-ever recruit academy in Wright. Six members
from the fire department and three members of the Black
Thunder Mine Rescue Team participated in the six-month
program. Classroom sessions were conducted at Fire Station Nine, and the group attended practical live-fire and
other hands-on training at the Fire Training Center in
Gillette. Congratulations to all those that participated in
this inaugural academy program.
Two members of the CCFD Seasonal Wildland Crew were
assigned to Station Nine over summer. Since the season
was unusually uneventful in Southern Campbell County,
these personnel were deployed at times to assist with
large fires in northern Campbell County. Michael Holmes
returned to Wright after serving in the Army. Thanks for
your service to our country, Michael, and welcome back!
2014 Recruit Fire Academy – Live Fire Training
Crews responding to structural fire
Station Nine placed a new Brush truck into service. The
2014 Spartan Type IV wildland engine replaced an older
International engine that was built by the members of Station Nine. Parting with the old brush truck was bittersweet
for our members.
Thank you to all of the Volunteers of Battalion Four for a
job well done. We could not provide the service to our community without you. Thank you for all of your hard work,
dedication, and sacrifices to make Station Nine and Battalion Four successful!
Fire Prevention
The Fire Prevention Division performs building inspection in Campbell County as well as investigating structure
fires, suspicious fires, and fires resulting in injury or death.
Investigations identify methods of prevention through the
recognition and remediation of risk factors.
In fact, many construction codes and
public awareness campaigns were developed
as a direct result of fire
The safety of the
building’s occupants
is provided for, well in
advance, by reviewing construction plans.
The various installed
fire systems are tested
and inspected regularly to assure they
will operate properly
when needed.
A few notes about
fire safety: You spend
a lot of time in your
home. Simple, inexpensive devices such
as smoke alarms, carbon monoxide (CO)
alarms, and fire extin-
guishers can literally save your life. Please take note of the
following pointers:
Install a smoke alarm in each bedroom, outside of each
sleeping area, and on each level of your home. Test all
smoke alarms monthly, replace batteries every year, and
replace the smoke alarm every ten years.
Install a CO alarm if you have an attached garage, a gas
or propane appliance, or a fireplace. Install them outside
sleeping areas and on each level of your home.
Fire extinguishers can put out small fires or help you
escape. Choose A-B-C extinguishers, mount them in accessible locations, and inspect them monthly.
You also need to know what to do when an emergency
occurs. Develop an escape plan, and practice it with all
family members. In case of a fire, call 911 and head for
an exit. Then decide if it’s safe to use the extinguisher or
whether it would be better to exit the house. Remember:
It’s the smoke and gases produced by fires that claim victims, so decide carefully! Finally, designate a meeting
place outside to make sure everyone has escaped.
• General home upkeep can also help prevent fires:
• Use extension cords only on a temporary basis (use only
heavy duty cords in good condition).
• Keep combustible materials clear of heat-producing
• Clean or replace filters regularly.
• Clean your fireplace chimney annually (CCFD inspects
fireplaces upon request)
Great job everyone.
Campbell County
Attorney’s Office
Campbell County Attorney’s Office
500 S. Gillette Ave, Ste B200
The County Attorney’s Office is responsible for the
prosecution of criminal offenses occurring in Campbell County and represents and advises the various county entities in civil matters. Jeani Stone
was elected Campbell County Attorney in 2002, and
began her term in 2003. Jeani just completed twelve
years as Campbell County & Prosecuting Attorney. Charlene Edwards, Carol Seeger, Brooke Undeberg, Dan Reade, Glen Asay, Nathan Henkes, Leda
Pojman, and Cameron Geeting, served as Deputy
County & Prosecuting Attorneys in 2014. Ronald
Wirthwein served as Chief Deputy County & Prosecuting Attorney.
Support staff during 2014 included Myrna Clark,
Lyla Fevold, Toni Ellis, Carolyn Waldrop, Jackie
Adair, Doug Marler, Jill Hampleman, Teresa Kirkpatrick, Renee Proffitt, Jody McGee, Kelly Wallem,
Cheri Beyersdorf, Maureen Costello, Dawn Livesay,
Marcy Hoeskstra, Staci Jackson, Vikkie Vavra, and
Jessica Van Eaton. Bill Monahan, Monica EskewWeber, and Brenda Christopherson served in the
Campbell County Attorney’s Office Crime Victim/
Witness Office.
The County Attorney’s Office supervises the
Campbell County and City of Gillette Juvenile Diversion, Teen Intervention and Early Age Intervention
Programs. The Juvenile Diversion Office staff in
2014 consisted of Erica Wood, Erin Wiley, Annie Traverse, Mayda Silver, and Randy Monk.
The County Attorney’s Office prosecuted 375 felony cases in 2014. This is compared to roughly 300
felony defendants in 2013, 250 felony cases in 2012,
211 felony defendants in 2011, 223 felony defendants
in 2010, 217 in 2009, 247 in 2008, and 191 in 2007.
The Deputy County Attorneys assigned to District
Court had 20 felony jury trials, compared to 4 in
2013, 9 in 2012, 11 in 2011, 20 in 2010, 15 in 2009, 19
in 2008 and 13 trials in 2007. In addition, the felony
attorneys filed 138 probation revocations in 2014,
compared to 70 in 2013, 97 in 2012, 88 in 2011, 126 in
2010, 117 in 2009, 85 in 2008 and 94 probation revocations in 2007.
2014 Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault of Minor
in 1st Degree
Sexual Assault of Minor
in 2nd Degree
Sexual Assault of Minor
in 3rd Degree
Sexual Assault in the 1st
Sexual Assault in the
2nd Degree
Explicit Sexual Conduct
with a Child
Sexual Battery
Number of
In 2014 there were 14 sexual assault charges
involving a total of 12 victims. In 2013, there were
13 sexual assault charges involving a total of 12 vic-
tims; in 2012, there were 9 sexual assaults with an adult
victim, fifteen sexual assaults with minors and 3 sexual
batteries, for a total of 27 counts with 14 victims. In 2011,
there was 1 sexual assault with an adult victim, 13 sexual assaults with minors and 1 sexual battery for a total of
15. In 2010, there were 7 adult victims of sexual assault,
17 sexual assaults with minors, and 3 sexual battery cases,
for a total of 27. In 2009, there were 10 adult victim sexual assault cases and 18 sexual assaults with minors, for a
total of 28, compared to 31in 2008 and 20 in 2007.
2014 had the largest amount of felony cases seen by
the Campbell County Attorney’s Office. In addition, serious felony cases resulting in death or serious bodily injury
were seen. A first degree murder case was filed against
Todd Sindelar; a second degree murder case was filed
against Orlando Gonzalez; and an attempted murder case
against Charles Robinson was filed. Aggravated vehicular homicide cases, or DUI’s with death resulting, were
common in 2014. Large sentences were obtained in several felony cases this year. In addition, several individuals were charged with kidnapping and habitual sexual
offenses. Child abuse and aggravated assaults involving
stabbings were common throughout the year.
The volume of misdemeanor cases in 2014, totaled
11,336, which is a significant increase from the previous
year and the highest number of misdemeanor cases seen
by the Circuit Court. In 2013, 9,536 misdemeanor charges
were filed; in 2012, 9,925 misdemeanor charges were filed;
in 2011, 9,064 misdemeanor charges were filed, compared
to 9,867 misdemeanor charges in 2010; 10,888 misdemeanor charges in 2009; 10,106 misdemeanor charges in
2008; 9,859 misdemeanor charges in 2007; 8,523 misdemeanor charges in 2006 and 7,254 misdemeanor charges
in 2005.
Driving While Under the Influence charges in 2014
stayed relatively constant. In 2014, 618 individuals were
charged with Driving Under the Influence, compared to
615 individuals in 2013, 646 individuals in 2012, 691 individuals in 2011, 872 in 2010, 1,008 in 2009, 1,002 individuals in 2008, 900 individuals in 2007, and 680 in 2006.
Thirteen (13) of the 618 DUIs were bound over to the District Court for felony DUIs, as a result of the defendant
having multiple prior DUI convictions in a short period of
The Deputy County Attorneys assigned to Circuit Court
participated in 12 jury trials in 2014, compared to 4 in
2013, 10 in 2012, 12 in 2011, 17 in 2010, 18 in 2009, 11 jury
trials in 2008, 16 in 2007, 18 in 2006 and 13 in 2005.
In 2014, 231 victims of domestic violence were provided services by the Campbell County Attorney’s Office,
compared to 250 in 2013, 233 in 2012, 202 in 2011, 220 in
2010, 274 in 2009, 266 in 2008, 243 victims in 2007, 234
cases in 2006, and 249 in 2005.
Juvenile court cases involve neglected and abused children, delinquent children and children in need of supervision. There were 308 new Juvenile Court cases in 2014,
compared to 302 in 2013, compared to 354 in 2012, 311
in 2011, 321 in 2010, 319 in 2009, 265 in 2008, 288 juvenile cases in 2007, 235 in 2006 and 231 in 2005. Of those,
90 were delinquent children, compared to 86 in 2013, 122
in 2012, 92 in 2011, 78 in 2010, and 96 in 2009. In 2014,
36 children were filed into Juvenile Court as Children in
Need of Supervision, compared to 13 in 2013, 36 in 2012,
29 in 2011, 32 in 2010, and 38 in 2009. In 2014, there
were 73 neglect proceedings, compared to 64 in 2013, 78
in 2012, 59 in 2011, 71 in 2010, and 51 in 2009. Sixty Nine
2014 Campbell County 20
Annual Report
2014 Domestic Violence
Related Crimes
of Victims
Family Violence Battery/ Domestic Battery
Family Violence Battery 2nd
Felony Family Violence Battery
Unlawful Contact / Domestic
Protection Order Violations
False Imprisonment
Reckless Endangering
Aggravated Assault
Felony Strangulation of Household Member
Misdemeanor Stalking
Felony Stalking
(69) probation revocation proceedings were filed in 2014, compared to 67 in 2013, 52 in 2012, 65 in 2011, 69 revocation proceedings in 2010, and 61 in 2009. In 2014, 40 contempt of court
proceedings were filed for non-compliant parents, or juveniles,
compared to 72 in 2013, 66 in 2012, 66 contempt of court proceedings in 2011, 71 contempt of court proceedings in 2010 and
71 contempt of court proceedings in 2009. Court-ordered treatment, counseling, probation, community service and the importance of education are emphasized in juvenile court.
The civil department provides legal assistance to the Campbell County Commissioners and other county elected officials,
boards and departments. In addition, a deputy county attorney is assigned to advise the Sheriff’s Department and jail of
civil issues that may arise. The civil department handles matters such as employment issues, roads, planning and zoning, taxation and assessment, collections, contract review and drafting,
and involuntary commitment proceedings for individuals suffering from mental illness and as a result, poses a danger to themselves or others and requires court ordered treatment. In 2014,
138 individuals were detained for evaluation, compared to 187
detained in 2013, 154 detained in 2012, 119 detained in 2011, 109
detained in 2010, 125 detained in 2009, 114 detained in 2008
and 97 detained in 2007.
In 2014, the Campbell County Crime Victim Office continued
to provide fundamental services to victims in the criminal court
process, participated in collaboration efforts with other victim
service agencies, and engaged the community on important victim awareness issues.
Crime victims were notified of the criminal proceedings by
mail, phone, and office conferences. Crime Victim Coordinators attended criminal court hearings with victims who chose to
attend, provided emotional support for victims and their families, and answered questions the victim had during the hearing. Coordinators assisted victims in filing for Crime Victim
Compensation, recovering restitution, and provided emergency
funds, such as food and gas gift cards for victims facing financial
hardship as a result of the crime.
The Crime Victim Office is currently working an arson case
involving a motel with over sixty victims. Due to the murder
cases that were filed this year, aggravated vehicular homicides
where victims lost their lives, and multiple sexual assault victims, the Crime Victim Office has been extremely busy.
Community agency collaboration is key to the success in pro-
continued on page 21
Campbell County Attorney’s Office
2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
continued from page 20
viding quality services to victims. In 2014,
the Crime Victim Office participated on
several teams to include the Sexual Assault
Response Team (SART), Child Advocacy
Forensic Interview Team, The Suicide Prevention Coalition, and Sex Offender Containment Team. The Crime Victim Office
joined resources and forces this year with
the Gillette Police Department Victim Services, Gillette Abuse Refuge Foundation,
and SART members in the annual community events such as the 5K Walk Away
From Violence, Speak Out Against Sexual
Assault, and Denim Day which provided
education on the myths that surround sexual violence.
During 2014, several agencies assisted
the Campbell County Attorney’s Office
in the prosecution of criminal offenses.
The Campbell County Attorney’s Office
acknowledges the cooperation and excellent
job done by the Gillette Police Department,
the Campbell County Sheriff’s Department,
the Wyoming Game and Fish Department,
the Wyoming Highway Patrol, Division of
Criminal Investigation, Adult Probation
and Parole, Campbell County Juvenile Probation, Campbell County Fire Department,
Gillette Abuse Refuge Foundation and
the Department of Family Services in the
investigation of cases and assistance given
to the County Attorney’s Office.
Thank you Campbell County for twelve
rewarding years serving as your County
Attorney. The past twelve years have been
extremely busy, and it was time for me to
slow down a bit. I have truly enjoyed my
time at the County Attorney’s Office. I am
fortunate, and grateful, that I am able to
stay with the County Attorney’s Office and
work as a Deputy County Attorney under
the new County Attorney, Ron Wirthwein. Thanks again for your support over
the years and allowing me to do what I love
every day.
Campbell County Attorney’s Office
Juvenile Diversion Program
500 S. Gillette Ave, Ste B300
687-6311 • (fax) 687-6441
The Juvenile Diversion Program, the Teen Intervention
Program, and the Early Age Intervention Program are all
programs supervised by the Campbell County Attorney’s
The Juvenile Diversion Program is a collaboration with
the Gillette Police Department, Campbell County School
District, the Campbell County Sheriff’s Department, and
the Campbell County Attorney’s Office, City of Gillette
Municipal Court, City of Wright Municipal Court, Campbell County Circuit Court, and the 6th Judicial District
The 2014 Juvenile Diversion Team consisted of Erica
Wood, Randall Monk, Annie Traverse, Krista Thumma,
Erin Gauthier, Staci Jackson and Mayda Silver. Rachel
Materi, County Juvenile Probation Office Community Service Supervisor works closely with the program.
The Juvenile Diversion Program’s mission statement is
to turn mistakes made by first time juvenile offenders into
an educational opportunity and decrease recidivism of
criminal activity. The Juvenile Diversion Program focuses
on modifying a juvenile offender’s thinking patterns, curtail their criminal activity, improve school performance,
improve parent/child communication, boost self-esteem
and encourage positive decision making. The Program
offers juveniles a record of no conviction if they successfully complete the six to twelve month probation program
under the supervision of the Diversion Officers.
To be accepted into the Juvenile Diversion Program,
juveniles must meet eligibility requirements and complete
a screening process. Youth who have not been convicted
of a previous crime and who otherwise qualify for the program must submit to random drug and alcohol testing,
maintain a curfew, complete a corrective thinking course,
community service, maintain good grades, and often seek
outside counseling services.
The Juvenile Diversion program began in 1999, largely
in response to the overload of the juvenile court system. It
has been very successful for juveniles who have committed
their first time offense. This program strives to provide the
necessary interventions early.
Statistics reveal that since the program’s inception, in
September of 1999 through December 31, 2014, 6,780 juveniles have been screened for the program. Of those, the
program has admitted 1,623 juveniles since it began. In
2014, 90 new juveniles participated in the program, for
a total of 135 juveniles served throughout the year. During 2014, 69 juveniles completed diversion, 27 failed, and
45 juveniles are still in the program, overlapping from the
previous year.
During the past 15 years the Juvenile Diversion Program has been tracking recidivism, or additional criminal offenses committed by Campbell County youth. For the
time frame of January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2012
statistics indicate that only 13.5% of juveniles who graduated from the Juvenile Diversion Program re-offended,
compared to 51.5% who re-offended and opted to not participate in the program. This indicates an 86.5% success
rate for those who participated in the Juvenile Diversion
Program in not re-offending, compared to only 48.5% success rate for those who opted to not participate in the program.
The Diversion Program utilizes corrective thinking,
a theory based on work by Dr. Stanton Samenow, which
In late fall of 2005, the Diversion Program developed and began the Teen Intervention Program, which is a voluntary program designed for youth 12-17 years of age
who are exhibiting defiant and out-of-control behaviors such as skipping school, alcohol or controlled substance use, and disrespectful behavior toward parents and/or
school personnel. The program works on
modifying behavior through intervention in
the home and school, bolstering academic
performance and self-esteem, increasing community safety, and strengthening
focus on decision making skills within youth and retraining the thinking process of youth to hold “themselves”
more accountable for their actions.
The Juvenile Diversion Program is currently in its fifteenth year of operation and is seeing remarkable gains in
changing criminal thinking and reducing recidivism. The
Diversion Officers’ backgrounds are unique to many other
programs in the United States, as ours have both members
of law enforcement and those trained in social work. A key
component of the program is to improve communication
within the family. In addition, education and maintaining
grades are emphasized and improved following the corrective thinking class and the diversion program.
The Juvenile Diversion Officers continue to participate in
Camp Postcard, a weeklong camp which works with at-risk
youth. During 2014, 10 fifth and sixth graders attended
Camp Postcard with the Diversion Officers. Since the Juvenile Diversion Program implemented Camp Postcard, 125
youth have benefitted from Camp Postcard. This year the
Juvenile Diversion Program also took one youth that was a
former attendee as junior mentor to camp.
Left to Right: Erica Wood, Annie Traverse, Mayda Silver, Jeani
Stone, Erin Gauthier, and Randy Monk
the individual and family unit, prior to any
criminal charges.
During 2014, three juveniles joined the
Teen Intervention Program. To date, there
have been 54 youth and their families who
have participated in the Teen Intervention
The Early Age Intervention Program
which began in 2001, is a voluntary program that is offered to youth between the
ages of 5-12, who are identified as at-risk.
Youth participating in the Early Age Intervention Program do not need a pending
criminal offense to enroll in the program.
They must meet eligibility requirements
to be accepted into the program.
The Early Age Intervention Program
encourages parents to attend parenting
Campbell County .Attorney’s Office
Teen Intervention Program
687-6311 • fax 687-6441
Campbell County
Attorney’s Office Early Age
687-6311 • fax 687-6441
classes and counseling with their child.
Contact with the school, siblings and parents, are key components of the program.
Involvement in community activities is
explored. In addition, many juveniles in
the Diversion, Early Age and Teen Intervention Programs participate at the local
community garden.
The Early Age Intervention Program
has assisted 239 youth and their families
since the inception of the program. Seven
new juveniles were admitted to the program in 2014. One juvenile completed the
program, five juveniles failed the program
and three are carrying over into 2015.
Campbell County
In 2014, the Campbell County Fair Board
was “Rockin’ the Stock” with all the great
free entertainment and new additions to
the entertainment lineup. The County Fair
continues to add exciting changes to Fair
week. Once again new thoughts and ideas
were implemented to improve on the overall goal of the Fair Board which was to
“bring Fair back to the kids and our fellow
members of Campbell County”. The seven
member board and Fair staff were thrilled
to find new ways of providing a memorable
Fair for young and old.
Finding new ways to provide a memorable Fair to those who attend was the easy
part. The members of the Fair Board, being
kids at heart who love and are devoted
to Fair, have a great time seeking out new
entertainment and ideas to share with
Campbell County residents and summer
tourists. The decision to change it up a little and pick the theme “Rockin’ the Stock”
was the first step. The board then chose
to bring in a Rock & Roll band. Hairball
kicked off Fair with a bombastic celebration
of arena rock, putting on an excellent show.
The Campbell County Fair Board made
the decision in the fall of 2013 to make
changes to the Energy Town Pro Rodeo.
The board hired Sankey Pro Rodeo to produce the rodeo and changed the dates from
the weekend to the middle of the week in
hopes of increasing contestant and spectator numbers. By moving the date closer
to the end of Cheyenne Frontier Days, and
to work with Rock Springs and Riverton; it
allowed cowboys and cowgirls the ability to
enter all the pro rodeos in Wyoming before
heading south. “Rockin’ the Stock” was an
appropriate theme for all the changes in
the rodeo. Sankey Pro Rodeo was great to
work with and assisted the board in learn-
Hairball Concert
ing new strategies for marketing the rodeo.
Although ticketed spectator attendance did
not improve, the sponsor attendance was
increased due to the change of days of the
For the second year in a row, the Campbell County Fair held the Pig Wrestling
event. The Fair Board invited all county
departments to join in the County Divi-
Pig Wrestling
sion with all Calcutta proceeds going to
a charity of their choice. Continuing with
the goal of donating spectator admission
fees to charities, the Campbell County Fair
charged $2 or two cans of food to watch the
wrestling. The Fair delivered around 500
pounds of canned goods and a check for
$663 to the Council of Community Services
and a check to the Soup Kitchen for $663.
The Fair board then donated the remaining
proceeds to the three families whose loved
ones died in the Highway 59 bus accident.
In February of 2014, Kala Luciano from
Gillette Physical Therapy (GPT) and Fair
Board member, Myles Haugen, came to the
Fair board to ask if the board would be willing to work together with GPT and put on
the first Mudder Race in Campbell County.
With the support of many businesses
County, the Fair and
Gillette Physical Therapy hosted the Campbell County Mudder on
Saturday. Forty-Five
teams consisting of 4-6
people ran an obstacle course on the infield
of Morningside Park.
Obstacles consisted of
mud, ice cold water,
hay bales, an electric
fence, barbed wire, and
climbing panels. These
proved to be quite challenging.
from the Mudder also
went to the three families whose loved ones
died in the Highway 59 bus accident.
The next addition to the lineup of ticketed entertainment at the Fair was the reintroduction of modified Truck & Tractor
Pulls on Saturday night. Working with the
Rocky Mountain Pullers Association the
night was filled with great excitement and
enthusiasm. Trucks filled the arena as they
2014 Campbell County 22
Annual Report
waited their chance to pull
the sled as far as possible.
Following the local and modified pulling trucks, modified tractors ranging from
mini tractors to tractors with
five engines and 8,000 horse
power had their chance.
Noise from the trucks and
tractors equaled the noise
and excitement coming from
the great crowd in the stands.
The Fair Board would like
to thank Kevin Geis and
the Campbell County Road
& Bridge Crew for helping
prepare and maintain the
ground for the Truck/Tractor Pulls and the Demolition
The Demolition Derby finished the week of ticketed
entertainment events. Cars
ramming and crashing each
other made for an energetic conclusion to
Free Stage Entertainment, Dock Dogs
the Fair. Thousands came to watch and
were entertained by the thrill of the Demo
In 2014, the Campbell County Fair
rocked the Cam-plex
Plaza and Wyoming
Center with lots of great
Free Stage Acts and
Entertainment. The A
Capella group and the
Alley Cats rotated with
Kelly McDonald and
John Dunnigan on the
Free Stage. Under the
Plaza Tent, Chris Mabrey
entertained crowds with
hypnosis, providing a
fun-filled show every Truck and trailer pulls
time. Also in the Plaza,
Fast Action Motorsports thrilled audiences with their handson Nascar simulated remote car races. The
anxious and enthusiastic Dock Dogs competed to see who could jump the farthest
or highest, splashing the spectators as
they watched each run. The Petting Zoo,
Mechanical Bull, and Action Entertainment
inflatables kept everyone well entertained.
There were over 120 booths at the Trade
Show. Booths were filled with jewelry,
clothing, collectibles, unique items and
much more. From politicians to ice cream
there was something for everyone.
There were a total of 5,906 Exhibits at
the Campbell County Fair in 2014. FFA
exhibitors entered 90 exhibits, 4-H entered
2,190 exhibits, and there were 1,837 exhibits in the Youth Livestock Divisions. The
youth of Campbell County did a great job
participating in the Fair. The Open Class
Division, which is open to all Campbell
County residents (young and old), had 1,789
exhibits. Campbell County Fair would
like to encourage all residents of Campbell
County to enter exhibits at the Fair.
The Youth Livestock Sale had another
great year. Livestock Buyers were very supportive once again. This year’s sale total
was $527,707.50 – an increase from the
2013 Sale. There were 205 4-H and FFA
youth involved in the Youth
Livestock Sale. We greatly
appreciate all the buyers who
support the youth of Campbell
The Fair Board and all those
who participate in Fair appreciate the continued support
of the Campbell County Commissioners, Cam-plex employees, and all those county entities that help make the Fair
run smoothly. The 2015 Fair
planning is off to a wonderful
start with lots of great ideas
from the Fair Board team and
staff. The 2015 Fair will be
held July 27th through August
2nd, with the Youth Livestock
Sale on the 3rd of August. We
look forward to seeing you at
the 2015 Fair with lots of great entertainment and things to do and see.
Campbell County Fair Board
1635 Reata Drive
MISSION: All of CDS-CC services are guided by our Mission
Statement: “The mission of the Children’s Developmental
Services of Campbell County is to serve the community by
providing comprehensive quality early childhood services
for children and their families, in caring and compassionate
integrated environments, so that all children may achieve
their fullest potential as unique individuals in society.”
What is Children’s Developmental Services of Campbell County?
We are a department of County Government which provides early intervention/early childhood services for infants and preschool age children with disabilities and their families.
Without our services, many families would be at a loss as to where to turn for support and
The Children’s Developmental Services of Campbell County (CDS-CC) fulfills the function
of being able to provide an array of services through one provider, utilizing a team of professionals and specialists. This is collaboration in its truest sense. Each component of services
is not the sole support of all operational costs. Children’s Developmental Services of Campbell County operates on sound budget principles, including equitable allocations to all funding
sources. Annual financial audits are completed with 100% compliance.
2014 Campbell County 23
Annual Report
Our Early Childhood Campus consists of:
West Wing
East Wing
22,724 Sq. Ft.
24,920 Sq. Ft.
6 classrooms
6 classrooms
4 procare check-in stations
8,364 Sq. Ft.
Offices & testing
EHS Discovery Time &
Screening Clinic
Three major service components:
Early Intervention for children birth to school age with developmental disabilities.
Early Education/Child Care for children 2 ½ to school age.
Early Head Start for pregnant women, infants and toddlers.
CDS-CC provides early intervention services for children with disabilities birth to kindergarten age who reside
in Campbell County. We provide screening and assessment in all areas of development including communication, motor, social, self-help, cognitive, vision and hearing.
All of these services are provided free of charge to families
and are funded by State and Federal Educational Grants
and Campbell County Government.
CDS-CC Statistics:
• Currently serving over 310 children with disabilities
which is a 216% increase since 2000
• Services are provided in-center, in homes, community
preschools and child care facilities
• Services are available in the community of Wright
• Almost 1,000 children were screened in 2014
• Of those 1,000 children, 165 were identified as a child
with a disability and an educational plan was developed
If a child is determined to be eligible for education services, a partnership with the family begins in order to
develop an educational plan individualized to their child’s
specific needs. Services are determined based on Federal
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and
Wyoming Chapter 7 Rules and Regulations. Collaboration with outside agencies may also be included in order
to meet the specific needs of the child and family. We
received 100% compliance on the Behavioral Health Division of Wyoming monitoring review, which is held every
three years.
Early Intervention Services provided may
• Developmental Preschool
• Home-Based Educational Services
• Speech Therapy
• Occupational Therapy
• Physical Therapy
• Consultation for Feeding and Behavior Issues
Campbell County
Children’s Development Services
1801 4J Road
CDS-CC recently finished an Engagement Classroom
Model research project with Siskin children’s Institute
of Chattanooga, Tennessee. The research includes methods for arranging classroom environments, organizing
the adults in a preschool classroom, improving transitions
between activities, behavior management and data collection. It also provides methods for improving the development of educational plans.
Children’s Developmental Services is accredited
through the National Association for the Education
of Young Children and is
a Wyoming licensed child
care facility. The Early
Education Childcare Program serves children age
2 ½ to kindergarten and
offers five full day sessions and eight half day
preschool sessions. Classrooms are multi-age and
provide an inclusive environment for disabled and
non-disabled children to
participate in regular classrooms with adaptations
and modifications as needed; the IDEA requires that
children participate in activities with an age appropriate peer group. A sliding fee scale has been established
for child care services for children of working parents
and there is a flat fee for half day preschool. All services are offered twelve months out of the year and
account for 4.4% of available childcare in the community. 8-10% of children and families are placed by the
Department of Family Services or are court ordered
for abuse, neglect, prevention or drug endangerment.
14-20% of children and families receive income assistance from the Department of Family Services. Two
8 week sessions of
Love & Logic parenting classes are
provided each year.
Creative Curriculum is used to guide
teacher’s facilitation
of children’s development and learning, which is based
continued on page 24
Children’s Developmental Services
of Campbell County (CDS-CC)
2014 Campbell County 24
Annual Report
continued from page 23
on five fundamental principles:
• positive adult interactions and
• social-emotional competence
• constructive, purposeful play
• the physical environment
• teacher-family partnerships
Children’s development and progress is tracked through Teaching
Strategies GOLD, an online assessment tool.
The Pyramid model is a tiered
approach in addressing children
with social-emotional concerns or
challenging behaviors. This model
focuses on:
• nurturing and responsive relationships
• high quality supportive environments
• targeted social emotional supports
• intensive interventions
Early Head Start (EHS) services are provided free to pregnant women, children; birth to age
three and their families in home
based and interactional settings,
using “Parents as Teachers” curriculum. Early Head Start has established School Readiness Goals to
ensure children are prepared to
begin kindergarten ready to learn.
Each child’s readiness is measured
by numerous methods of data collection, including Teaching Strategies Gold, an online child assessment tool.
Early Head Start programs
enhance children’s physical, social,
emotional, and intellectual development; assist pregnant women to
access comprehensive prenatal and
postpartum care; support parents’
efforts to fulfill their parental roles;
and help parents move toward selfsufficiency.
In Campbell County, EHS maintains full enrollment for 36 families, approximately 9% of the total
eligible population. The services
for these families consist of weekly
home visits and twice monthly family interaction activities. There is
currently a waiting list of 22 families. During the past year, EHS
offered 2,419 home visits and 66
family interactions to 48 children age birth to three, and six (6)
pregnant women and their families. In addition to the child development activities provided, 94% of
the enrolled population received
age appropriate preventative medical care, while 79% are up to
date on their preventative dental
care. Father involvement activities included the participation of 10
Early Head Start’s most recent
Federal Review occurred from April
28, 2013 to May 3, 2013. Based on
the information gathered during
the review, it was determined that
Children’s Developmental Services
Early Head Start was in compliance
with all applicable Head Start Performance Standards, laws, regulations and policy requirements. No
corrective actions were required.
Educational Benefits of early
Science has produced a compelling body of evidence that children
who receive early intervention during a time when 90% of brain development occurs, have a significantly
higher rate of success in school.
Services provided to children with
delays during the preschool years
greatly reduces, if not eliminates,
ongoing problems that would need
to be addressed at greater cost in
public school.
Cost benefits of quality Early
Care/Intervention Programs:
Projections have been made that
quality early education/child care
programs demonstrate substantial cost-savings. According to the
High Scope Perry Pre-School Project (Shore, R. 1997 Rethinking
the Brain: New Insights into Early
Development. New York: Families
and Work Institute) for every dollar invested in the program they
had yielded savings of $7.16 in costs
that might have been incurred if
the program had not existed. The
program’s savings to taxpayers (in
constant 1992 dollars discounted
annually to 3%) is estimated to be
$88,433 per child from the following sources:
• Savings in schooling, due primarily to a reduced need for
special education services.
• Higher taxes are paid by preschool participants because they
had higher earnings once they
enter the workforce.
• Savings in welfare assistance
and other social service programs.
• Savings of the criminal justice
system and to potential victims
of crimes.
Other impacts of the study indicate:
• Monthly earnings of $2,000 or
• Owning their own homes.
• Owning second cars.
University of Wyoming
Campbell County Extension Office
2014 Campbell County 25
Annual Report
Agriculture, Chance Marshall
In January 2014, Chance Marshall began
his career as the extension educator for the
northeastern region of Wyoming. The purpose of this position is to provide educational
and applied research programs to support
production agriculture, specifically livestock
production, in the five county area of northeast Wyoming (Campbell, Sheridan, Johnson, Crook, and Weston counties). Although
this position includes multiple counties, it is
based in Campbell County.
During 2014, a variety of agriculturebased educational opportunities were made
available to residents of northeastern Wyoming. Numerous people renewed or became
new certified pesticide applicators by com-
pleting the private pesticide applicators
training course or passing the commercial applicators exam, allowing for use of
restricted use pesticides. Livestock producers had the opportunity to participate in various programs such as: poisonous plants to
livestock in northeastern Wyoming classes
and the annual Northeast Wyoming Sheep
Ranch visits, phone consultations, and
office meetings with clientele were common
during 2014. Assistance was offered in topics including: livestock health and nutrition,
improved grazing practices, artificial insemination of beef cattle, pasture land leasing
agreements, soil and forage analysis, and
4-H and Youth Development, Kimberly Bell
In 2014, the Campbell County 4-H program included nearly 600 youth. With activities including clinics, workshops, events,
local and state contests, and local, state
and national trips, youth gained both educational and life skills. Through the more
than 200 volunteers enrolled in the 4-H program, Campbell County was able to offer
these activities, and for that, we are greatly
thankful to each and every one. There were
five project areas that had over 115 youth
enrolled, including archery, horses, market
swine, photography, and visual arts.
The 4-H Clover Bud program continued strong with over 70 youth, ages 5 to
8, enrolled. Youth are able to join in 4-H
opportunities, as well as, events just for their
age. This summer, a three day camp was
offered with an Under the Sea theme. Youth
rotated through crafts, science, cooking, outdoor games, and learning to work with one
The Campbell County 4-H Young Leader
program has seen growth and expansion in
membership. There is now over 200 teens
involved in the County program. The 4-H
program has been working in partnership
with the teens to create opportunities to
utilize their leadership training within our
community. These Young Leaders work with
volunteers in the community to learn life
skills and apply them through activities such
as 4-H Camp.
The 4-H Clover Corrals town facility for
urban youth to raise sheep, swine, goats, rabbits and poultry was full. Other groups such
as shooting sports and wool judging used
the facility throughout the year for programming. The Clover Corrals was also used to
house the first Barn Days in cooperation with
Meadowlark Elementary School. For two
days, students went around to booths and
learned about swine, sheep, beef, dairy cattle
and goat, draft horse, crops, dairy products,
and horticulture. Through pre, post, and
knowledge retained surveys, youth reported
an increase in knowledge and understanding
of agriculture.
The largest 4-H sponsored activity of
2014 was the annual Campbell County 4-H
Camp with 209 youth and 44 adults attending. The camp is held at the Mallo Camp
facilities in the Black Hills and lasts 4 days
and 3 nights for 4-H members and 6 days
and 5 nights for Young Leaders. 4-H Young
Leaders arrive at camp the day before the
campers to undergo intensive leadership
training to help facilitate the small groups
in which they are in charge of during camp.
The leadership training consists of team
building sessions that facilitate camaraderie between the older 4-H members and
give them insight on leading the younger
4-H members in a social setting away from
home. The Young Leaders, who are 13 and
older, are involved with the planning and
implementation of the camp schedule, educational activities, and execution of the
Cent$ible Nutrition Program, Lori Jones
rangeland management.
During the spring, Meadowlark Ag Days
was a successful program that was a collaborative effort from the entire Campbell
County Extension Office to educate students at Meadowlark Elementary about
agriculture and food production. Youth
in northeastern Wyoming also benefitted
from agricultural programming at livestock showmanship camps, county and
state fairs, and youth ag expos throughout
the 2014 year.
activities at camp.
Each summer, youth attend Campbell
County 4-H Camp. This camp is an accumulation of a rotation of classes, recreational
games, and leadership activities throughout the week in a small group setting. The
4-H Young Leaders lead groups and interact to create a sense of belonging and facilitate growth for all campers. As a group
they attended sessions during the week that
focused on citizenship, team building, dance,
science, rifle, archery, cultural awareness,
wilderness survival, canoeing, and physical
Cent$ible Nutrition is an educational program that helps such as a refrigerator thermometer and a set of dry and
families learn basic nutrition, food resource management, liquid measuring cups are some of the incentive items to
food safety, and cooking skills. There is no charge for the remind families what they have learned.
There were 132 families enrolled in the Cent$ible Nutriseries of eight classes. A cookbook and several kitchen items
tion program in 2014. The average family enrolled
has three to five members. The positive results are
University of Wyoming Campbell County Extension
that 36% of those families now plan meals ahead
412 S. Gillette Avenue • 682-7281
http://www.ccgov.net/departments/ extension _ office/ of time more often. The families also think about
Campbell County 4-H also remains a
presence at the Youth Ag Expo for all 3rd
graders in Campbell County. In 2014, 4-H
displays included dairy products, wool felting, and crops. The dairy program educated
youth on the nutritional value of dairy products and how they get from the cow to their
table. The wool felting allowed for education
on the sheep industry in the textile area. The
crop booth taught youth about the process
of growing and harvesting grains as well as
This past year, the Campbell County 4-H
took over a summer day camp. 50 youth
signed up for a summer long camp that
involved lots of recreational activities,
crafts, and 4-H Fun! Through a Campbell
County Public Recreation District Grant,
youth delved into citizenship, computers,
photography, and vet science.
Over the past year, more than 170 nontraditional youth were taught through an
afterschool program taught by 4-H Educators and Interns. In an effort to increase
community awareness, Campbell County
4-H has been working with the Boys and
Girls Club, Prairie Wind, Paintbrush,
Pronghorn, and Meadowlark Elementary,
and Twin Spruce Junior High. Students
participate in different activities each week
that involve nationwide 4-H mandates
such as science, fitness and health, as well
as, well-known 4-H project areas.
healthy food choices when deciding what to feed their family members. Research shows that when a family practices
meal planning, everyone is more likely to get their daily
nutrients. Of those families, 51% now read the Nutrition
Facts label when deciding what to purchase. Families are
making choices based on nutrition rather than convenience
or appearance. While 38% now pay more attention to thaw-
continued on page 26
University of Wyoming
Campbell County Extension Office
2014 Campbell County 26
Annual Report
continued from page 25
ing food safely and storing food in a safe manner. Families
that use unsafe thawing and storing habits sometimes have
mild symptoms of food-borne illness. With food safety it is
always best to be safe rather than sorry. The most important change is that 52% of the families now think about
healthy food choices when shopping or eating out.
Food resource management takes into consideration
things like planning meals ahead, shopping with a list, and
buying only what you can use before it spoils. There were
80% of the families that made improvements in at least one
food resource management category. There were 88% of the
Horticulture, Hannah Johnson
Master Gardeners have volunteered 1391
hours and made over 9000 contacts this
year addressing horticulture needs in the
community. The Master Gardener course
was offered this spring with 15 participants wanting to learn more on horticulture. The Master Gardeners and the horticulture program continue to grow and this
year were involved with Farmers’ Market,
Garden Walk, Herb Festival, Home Show,
Fair Awards, Keep Gillette Beautiful, Gillette
College, YES House, AG Expo, ICAN, 4-H
Camp and Conservation District. The horticulture program was also involved with filming informational segments on horticulture
families that improved their nutrition practices. Nutrition
practices include choosing whole grains, offering at least
three different vegetables daily, offering two different fruits
daily, watching fat intake, and choosing milk or juice over
drinks with no nutritional value. Food safety practices were
improved by 46% of the families. Food safety includes keeping cold foods cold, heating or reheating to proper temperatures, avoiding cross-contamination, sanitizing, and safe
thawing practices. This category historically has the least
improvement. One of the reasons is that more families are
coming into the program with good food safety practices.
with Gillette Public Access and From the
Ground Up, a University of Wyoming YouTube segment.
The Garden & Landscape Educational
Expo was a big success this year. Nearly 800
people came to the event in May. Each year
the Master Gardeners partner with the City
of Gillette to bring speakers to town to give
talks on gardening, landscape, trees, small
acreage, lawns, and water conservation.
The Christmas tree chipping has continued to grow through the years. This year we
chipped 1500 lbs. more than last year and
expect it to be even more this coming spring.
The woodchips are then used at the Commu-
Some of the agencies Cent$ible Nutrition partners with
include Drug Court, Early Head Start, Head Start, Department of Family Services, Workforce Development, Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of Probation
and Parole, Wright Community Assistance, Westwood High
School, Campbell County High School, and the YES House.
If you are interested in attending the Cent$ible Nutrition
classes, please call Lori at 682-7281 for enrollment information.
nity Gardens for pathways.
The Community Gardens have continued to do well. The North Community Garden filled up earlier than ever this year. Even
with the shorter growing season the garden looked gorgeous. The Prairie Community Garden added another raised bed and
was also full of gardeners this year. It is still
in the process of adding more beds so it can
have more members. Coal Country Community Garden (in Wright) got off to a good
start and the gardens looked great. They
managed to escape the hail this year and
also had every plot full. They are still adding
and improving to their garden to have more
handicap accessible beds.
The main question received on yard calls
this year were spruce and pine trees. The
weather has been very hard on these trees
the past couple years. In 2015, I expect to
see the same thing. The early freeze and then
the weather becoming nice again, the spruce
and pines just could not deal with the changing temperature. Despite your best efforts in
caring for your spruce and pine trees, there
has been such extensive damage in Campbell County that you may see many browning needles, winter dieback, and dead trees
this coming spring.
Campbell County Rockpile Museum
In the summer of 1974, the Campbell County Rockture, as well as, Kateri, the golden eagle and Salem,
the American kestrel.
pile Museum first opened its doors to the residents of
In addition to an active program and event schedCampbell County, and this past summer we celebrated
the Museum’s 40 years of service to the community.
ule, the Museum offered a number of new exhibThe Campbell County Rockpile Museum continits. These new permanent or temporary exhibits
included: Please Give Us One More Boom, Swing
ues to serve as the local history center for Campbell
Back to the 70’s, Portraits of Pastoralism, HeadwaCounty. The Museum’s mission is to collect, preserve,
and interpret the objects and documents important
ters, Scots in the American West, Saddles and Sadto the county’s history. The mission is accomplished
dleries in Gillette, and Campbell County Coal.
through permanent and temporary exhibits, educaThe educational programs and exhibits are the
most visible aspects of the Museum’s mission, but at
tional programs and events, and assisting individuals
least equally important is the Museum’s collection
and organizations with research projects concerning
mission. This year we received 47 donations totaling
Campbell County.
over 500 items that help highlight and document the
During the past year, the Museum welcomed over
county’s history.
10,000 visitors from all states, except Connecticut, and
It was a good year for the Campbell County Rockfrom 24 foreign countries, including Micronesia, Singapore, Thailand, Italy, Austria, Germany, Canada,
pile Museum with many accomplishments. The year
Costa Rica and Peru.
would not have been as successful without a great
The Museum began the year with the Winter Family Raymond Henry from the Red Adair Company uses a stream of water to cool the deal of help from individuals, businesses, and orgaDay events, an annual series that has become very pop- steel remains of the drilling rig as they are pulled from the Simpson #1 Well Fire in nizations.
The Museum Board and Staff would like to thank
ular over the past several years. January featured Mad October of 1967.
the following for their help and support in making
Science Day with a variety of colorful, foaming and fasLate summer provided a great opportunity to celebrate
history entertaining, as well as educational: the Campcinating experiments performed by a new generation of
the Museum’s 40th Anniversary. The day began with a
mad scientists. It was followed in February by families crebell County Historical Society; the Campbell County High
performance by the Wind River Indian Dancers and then
School Honor Society; the Gillette College Student Govating keepsake, Victorian valentine cards and projects. The
opened to living history demonstrations, Dutch oven cookfinal Family Day event in December featured old-fashioned
ernment and Phi Theta Kappa; the Living Historians of the
ing, old-fashioned music, hay rides, and opportunities to
Christmas ornaments. With assistance from parents, volWyoming Frontier; the Campbell County Fire Department;
try old time skills such as leather working, rope-making,
the Campbell County Public Library; our Museum volununteers, and staff, children made a variety of holiday dechand-spinning and more. The day ended with a memoraorations. The day ended with hot cider and cookies, and a
teers; the Rockpile Museum Association; and the Experible 40th Anniversary cake and ice cream. Over 500 people
visit from Santa.
ence Works staff.
helped the Museum celebrate this milestone.
During the spring months, the Museum continued to
In the fall, Assistant Curator Melissa Hill and her volunenhance the School District’s educational mission by offerCampbell County Rockpile Museum
teers from the Draper Museum returned with the incrediing the Civil War Day event for all sixth grade students, the
900 W. Second Street
ble raptors. Since it was such a popular program the previPioneer School program for third and fourth grade classes,
ous year, Ms. Hill brought back Teasdale, the great horned
and Museum Scavenger Hunts for any grade.
owl, Isham, the red tailed hawk, and Suli, the turkey vul-
Campbell County
Public Works
2014 Campbell County 27
Annual Report
Engineering • Surveying • Planning/ Zoning • Building • Facilities • Solid Waste • Recycle
Kevin C. King, P.E.
Welcome to the 2014 Annual Report for the Campbell
County Public Works Department. It has been a busy and
productive year for our department and we are proud to
share a bit of our story with you. As with last year, on the
capital construction front we have a number of projects in
various stages of planning, construction or post-construction phases. Our major building projects in construction
this year include a new state-of-the art Weed and Pest facility, the completion of the Children’s Developmental
Services Expansion project and the new Campbell
County Skate Park.
The Weed and Pest facility will include an office
building, chemical storage building and vehicle storage
building. The total combined square footage of the three
buildings will be 15,744 square feet and is expected to open
in the fall of 2015. The facility is located near the intersection of Highway 14-16 and Northern Drive.
The Children’s Developmental Services Expansion consists of 22,700 square feet of new space, including six new classrooms, a new interactive playground, new
main entry and support space. The project also involves
an expanded kitchen facility to serve the future needs of
twelve total classrooms in the combined facility. The total
combined facility, including the annex building, contains
about 55,000 square feet of space. We also completed the
new Campbell County Skate Park Facility this past
summer. The 12,000 square foot state-of-the-art concrete park, named Halfpipe Alley, is a very popular venue
Phillip Giffin, P.E., Engineering Services Manager
The Engineering Division is designed:
• to take responsibility for project development,
design development, construction oversight
and management, construction budgets and the
remodeling and modifications to all capital facilities owned by Campbell County
• to administer permit authority for small wastewater facilities, publicly-owned sewage collection facilities, and publicly-owned water distribution facilities as delegated by DEQ
• to provide services to Joint Powers Boards for
construction of facilities that fall under these
• to recommend and administer District Support
Grant applications
• to provide Engineering review of subdivision
2013-2014 Design and Construction Projects
• Northern Drive Phase II construction
• Children’s Developmental Services Facility
• Southern Industrial Road Improvements
• Adon Road overlay project
• Wright Recreation Center construction
• Bell Nob Clubhouse construction
• Weed & Pest Facility design
• District Support Grants
• Parking Garage Sealing
for skateboards, bikes and scooters. The site is located just
south of the Public Health building on 4J Road.
This year also marked the completion of the two-phase
Southern Industrial Road project. The $3.8 million
project was jointly funded by grants from the Wyoming
Business Council and State Land and Investment Board, a
District Support Grant from Campbell County, and property owner contributions. The project resulted in much
improved drainage and concrete paved roads for the businesses and property owners along Mohan, Lee, Schoonover
and Patty roads south of Gillette.
Planning for two major building projects is also underway. The Rockpile Museum expansion project planning has begun. The first two phases of the process include
programming and schematic design, and will be complete
in the spring of 2015. The delivery will include schematic
designs and cost estimates for the Commissioners to consider. Should they choose to move forward, full design
development activities will commence. The new facility will
be located on or near the existing site, with the historical
Rockpile a major focal point. The Gillette College Education and Activities Center project is in design development. The new 54,000+ square foot facility will include
an athletic arena, nursing simulation labs, classrooms,
health and fitness rooms, locker rooms, and support space.
The $19.8 million facility is scheduled to open the fall of
Phase II of the Solid Waste Strategic Plan for the
landfill is underway. The consultant has identified a number of operation options for consideration. This is the first
phase in a long process to study how we do business, and to
plan and construct any required infrastructure to serve the
public. Public involvement will be sought as we move forward in the planning process. In addition, the Solid Waste
Division is heavily involved in the process of remediation
efforts at Landfill 1 and in the first phase of Landfill 2.
Our Building Division remains busy, with increased
construction activity in both commercial and residential
areas. Total permits and inspections increased over 2013
numbers. New permitting and inspection software will
come online in January, 2015, allowing our inspectors to
gather inspection data in real time using electronic pads
that can then be uploaded to our system at the Courthouse
when the inspectors return.
This coming year, the Planning and Zoning Division will update our Subdivision Regulations and the
Engineering Division will continue to look at long range
utility and infrastructure planning for the Centennial
Section (old State section) north of Gillette.
Our department strives for continuous improvement
and welcomes feedback from the citizens we serve. We
are always on the lookout for new technologies and tools
to increase our efficiency and decrease our costs, following our mantra that if it doesn’t add value, it adds cost. In
the coming year, we will continue to develop, improve and
maintain our infrastructure investments for the citizens of
this great County.
Our door is always open and we are here to serve the citizens of Campbell County to the best of our abilities. Enjoy
the report.
• Skate Park Construction
• Bike Path Maintenance
• Burn Line Road
• Centennial Section Planning
• Solid Waste Strategic Plan Phase II
With continued population growth, the Department of Public Works strives to ensure that the
best possible services are available to the residents
of the county. The department works as a team to
ensure public services are housed in safe, adequate
facilities; that roads and dust control continue to
be a high priority, and that the citizens of Campbell
County receive the highest level of professional services possible.
Northern Drive Phase II
Campbell County Public Works
500 S Gillette Ave, Ste 1400
Wright Recreation Center
continued on page 28
Campbell County Public Works
2014 Campbell County 28
Annual Report
continued from page 27
County Planner & Zoning
Administrator: Megan Nelms,
The purpose of the Planning and Zoning Division is:
• to promote the public health,
safety and general welfare of
the present and future residents of Campbell County.
• to establish reasonable standards for the design and construction of subdivisions and
re-subdivisions in order to
promote harmonious layout
and use of the land, and to
ensure accurate legal descriptions and monumentation of
• to guide the public and private
policy and action in order to
provide adequate and conve-
nient transportation, utilities,
educational and other public facilities, parks, recreation,
civil defense, fire protection,
light and air.
• to minimize population and
traffic congestion, air and
water pollution, and flood
damage resulting from inadequate land planning, including
provisions for minimum area
and width of lots and tracts,
proper location and width of
streets and roads, adequacy
of water source and of sewage
and solid waste disposal methods, and adequacy of drainage
and flood control facilities.
• to protect and preserve the
value of land and buildings
throughout Campbell County,
to minimize the conflicts
among the uses of land and
buildings, and to safeguard
the common interests of the
Keith Bowar, Building Code Official
The Building Division is designed:
• to provide information and help in determining the
applicable building codes for new construction, additions, and remodel projects
• to issue permits and perform inspections per the Chapter 4 Rules Regulating Construction adopted in Campbell County
• to provide assistance and information regarding the
minimum type of permitting and inspections required
for the type of construction and use of buildings
• to explain and help persons unfamiliar with construction or with using the adopted codes to understand
what is required of them in order to obtain a permit and
inspections or to simply explain how best they can get
through their project
As we look back on this past year, we find
that permitting, construction, and inspections were all up from 2013. Updates to Chapter 4 Rules Regulating Construction were
adopted in July 2014. Updating from the 2011
NEC (National Electrical Code) to 2014 NEC
was necessary so that the County would remain
in compliance with State of Wyoming requirements to maintain Delegated Authority (Home
Rule) in the performance of electrical permitting and inspections.
Currently, a residential Certificate of Occupancy is optional. However, many financial
institutions are now requiring a Certificate of
Occupancy for homes and, as a result, we have
seen an increase in these requests.
Our inspectors continue to attend classes
and attain certifications to remain current and up to date
to ensure information and code understanding is current.
Again, please know that plan reviews and most permit and
inspection services are free to the public.
public, the landowner and the
2014 was an exciting year for
the County Planning and Zoning
Division. The 2013 County Comprehensive Plan is being implemented and the number of subdivisions and zoning request was up
the plan, and have been working
together, to review and plan development within the 1-mile Joint
Planning Boundary around the
City of Gillette, with great success.
This award commends the efforts
of the City, County and the citizens of Campbell County to proactively plan for our future.
The plan is available on the
County’s website at www.ccgov.
net or in the Public Works Office.
2014 Development Summary
The Joint City of Gillette
and Campbell County Future
Land Use Map and Summary
was awarded the Wyoming Planning Association Plan of the Year
Award for 2014. Campbell County
and the City of Gillette developed
We maintain an open door policy for our customers. The
inspectors and the administrative staff are busy fielding
questions from the public, handling complaints about unlicensed contractors, meeting with developers, and assisting other departments. Despite being short staffed for 6
months, the department continued to process plans, applications, and permits in a timely manner while maintaining
a positive relationship with the public.
A Building Division website is maintained under the
Public Works Department and we encourage all citizens
to visit that site. There are a number of helpful how–to
guides available. We also encourage foot traffic to our business office for a personal visit with our staff to address your
questions and projects. Handouts are available for the public at our front desk.
With heavy hearts, we said goodbye to our friend and
longtime Senior Electrical Inspector Jerry Sweeney this
year. He will be forever missed by all that knew him.
We look forward to visiting with and serving the citizens
of Campbell County in 2015.
Building Division points of interest for 2014 include:
• The division issued 823 permits for the year, down 11%
from the 5-year average annual permit rate of 922 but
up 4.5% from 2013
• The division performed 1374 inspections during the
year, down 5% from the 5-year average annual inspection rate of 1446 but up 1.5% from 2013
• Senior Building Inspector Todd Probasco passed his
ICC Commerical Plumbing Inspector exam.
Photograph curtesy of Cyclone Drilling, Inc.
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Campbell County Public Works
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2014 Campbell County 29
Annual Report
Tony Knievel, L.S., Chief Surveyor
The Surveying Division is responsible for:
• conducting all land surveys for Campbell County and
overseeing and creating plats of all official surveys
made on file in strict conformity to the field notes of the
• performing research, evaluating and determining original property boundaries and land ownership within the
• providing assistance in construction staking for County
projects including roads, and site development
• coordination of GPS surveys within the County
• developing specifications and standards for various
• providing engineers, attorneys, planners, government
officials, and the public with surveying expertise as
• providing support and expertise in reviewing subdivision plats and easement documents during the planning process.
2013-2014 Surveying Projects
• County Road Petition Research Completion
• Road and Bridge Scoria and Gravel Pit Volumes
• Sleepy Hollow Fire Station Re-Subdivision
Phillip Giffin, Engineering Services Manager
The recycle program points of interest for the
2013-2014 fiscal year include:
• The diversion rate at the Campbell County Landfill was
3.6% in the fiscal year 2013-2014. It should be noted
that this rate only includes materials processed by the
County Landfill operations and then diverted from our
landfill. It does not include materials diverted before
it gets to our operations, such as the City yard waste
& compost program and shingles diverted to ICM for
recycling. These materials were handled by the County
Landfill Operations in the past and measured as part of
our diversion. As a result of these programs, our overall
operation diversion rate is decreasing.
• The recycle rate at the Campbell County Landfill was
2.7% in the fiscal year 2013-2014. This is down from
3.9% from the previous year. It should be noted that
this rate only includes materials processed by the
County Landfill operations and then recycled. It does
not include materials recycled by others in our community.
• The national recycle rate is 26%. This rate includes all
recycling efforts in a community. This high rate indicates that our community has an opportunity to substantially increase our recycling. This opportunity is
addressed in the Landfill Strategic Plan.
• Efforts are being made to increase our recycle rate.
As noted above, the Campbell County School System
continues to increase its recycle program at all of its
schools. In addition, several businesses have started
programs or increased their recycling efforts. Curbside recycling is increasing through efforts of the City
to improve service. They are also working to increase
recycle efforts at large events at the Cam-Plex. We
continue to see increased usage of the trailers at recycle drop-off centers. We are investigating methods to
improve this service while reducing the time required
in collecting and maintaining these sites.
• College Rodeo Site Layout and Grading
• Skate Park Stakeout and Survey Layout
• Weed and Pest Utility Easements on Centennial Section
• North Landfill Annual Aerial Photography
• Project/ Investigation Wells Survey
• Quarterly Landfill Working Face Progress
• Monitoring
• We are continuing to truck our commingled recyclables to Material Recovery Facilities (MRF) in Denver
and Salt Lake City. This is allowing us to increase our
recycling efforts with little immediate effect on capital and manpower. Due to a high volume of recyclables collected from a large portion of the Rocky Mountain Region, these MRFs are able to utilize high tech
mechanical means to process and sort our recyclables,
reducing our handling costs, while minimizing our
employee exposure to safety hazards.
• Despite our landfill cost study, showing us that recycling is a net cost to our Community, it is up to the
Landfill to handle the Community’s solid wastes in a
responsible manner. Community values lead us in our
efforts to find methods and markets to divert wastes
and increase recycling in a sustainable manner.
• Recycle processing operations presently
include #1 and #2 plastics, corrugated cardboard, newspaper, office paper, magazines,
phone books, steel cans, aluminum cans, lead
acid batteries, scrap metal and appliances.
Clean wood waste, yard waste, used oil, and
household hazardous waste such as paints,
antifreeze, pesticides, herbicides and other
chemicals are added materials that aren’t recycled but are diverted from the waste stream.
• Campbell County has one of the largest and most efficient recycling and waste diversion programs in Wyoming, thanks to the commitment of our community.
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Campbell County Public Works
continued from page 29
Vern Fundenberger, Facilities Manager
The Facilities Maintenance Division is designed:
• to provide ongoing maintenance functions to County facilities
• to develop and institute preventative maintenance programs to maximize the useful
life of County facilities
• to maintain clean, attractive and safe environments for County employees and the general public
• to identify and mitigate potential hazards in County facilities
• •o team with contractors to complete capital construction and improvement projects in
County facilities
• to oversee and manage the installation, repair and monitoring of fire and security systems
• to provide project management and oversight of various smaller capital construction
2014 Campbell County 30
Annual Report
for ongoing education. We have started an apprenticeship Electrical Program within our
department for low voltage technicians.
With continued facility expansion and growth, our maintenance team must continue
to obtain training in order to stay on top of the latest technologies and equipment. Our
highly skilled maintenance staff members have risen to the challenge and continue to
keep our facilities operating efficiently.
Maintenance Costs: This chart reflects the relative percentage of total maintenance
costs (parts and labor) for the Campbell County facilities falling under this Division.
The Facilities Maintenance Division provides maintenance and/or custodial services for
the following Campbell County facilities:
Maintenance Only
Maintenance and Custodial
Gillette Abuse Refuge Foundation
Campbell County Courthouse
Landfill MSW, C&D and Recycle
George Amos Memorial Building
Weed & Pest
Campbell County Rec Center
Wright Public Safety Building
Campbell County Public Health
(4) Sheriff’s Office Towers (assist)
Campbell County Library - Gillette
Ice Barn Arena
Children’s Developmental Services
& Annex
Y.E.S. House
Campbell County Road & Bridge
Sheriff’s Office (assist)
Landfill Scale House
Gillette College (assist)
Rockpile Museum
Joint Powers Fire Board (assist)
Campbell County Airport
Senior Citizen’s Center (monitor)
Bell Nob Clubhouse
Cam-Plex (advise)
Old Fire Station #1
Warren House
Wright Recreation Center
Various Highway Lights
Campbell County Library - Wright
The combined experience of our Facilities Maintenance staff enables us to perform most
repairs in-house, resulting in significant savings to the County. It also provides the ability to respond to and maintain County facilities in a timely manner, resulting in increased
safety for employees and the public.
Our Custodial staff is second-to-none and takes great pride in their jobs. Their dedication is evident in the appearance of the facilities to which they are assigned. In 2012
the Commissioners directed the Division to centralize custodial services for a majority of
County facilities. This consolidation brought the Rec Centers in Gillette and Wright, the
Libraries in Gillette and Wright, Children’s Developmental Services, the Campbell County
Airport, the Rockpile Museum and Public Health under the Facilities Maintenance Division. This consolidation has allowed us to standardize our custodial cleaning products,
paper, and supplies, resulting in savings to the taxpayers. The centralized staff is crosstrained, enabling them to work in a variety of County facilities as demand arises.
The Facilities Maintenance Division staff members are dedicated public servants that
strive to maintain the facilities at the highest level. Their advanced certifications have
allowed us to obtain Contractor’s Licenses from the City of Gillette for Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and General Contracting. With these certifications comes a responsibility
HVAC Costs: This chart reflects the relative percentage of total heating, ventilation and
air conditioning (HVAC) maintenance costs (parts and labor) for the Campbell County
facilities falling under this Division.
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Campbell County Public Works
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2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
Phillip Giffin, Engineering Services Manager
The purpose of the Solid Waste Division is to:
• provide a modern, safe, efficient and environmentally
responsible system for transferring and disposing of
municipal, construction and demolition solid waste
• store, transfer and dispose of household hazardous waste and used oil in a safe and environmentally
responsible manner
• provide a modern, safe, efficient and environmentally
responsible system to divert products from the solid
waste stream through recycling and other means.
Solid Waste Division points of interest for the
2013-2014 fiscal year include:
• Operations in Phase III East, which began in May 2012,
have a remaining capacity of 1.3 years for disposal
of municipal solid waste (MSW). The final design for
Phase III West is nearing completion with construction
scheduled to begin in the spring of 2015. The construction of this cell will provide an additional 7.5 years of
capacity. These two cells should serve the County for
more than 9 years.
• The 45,148 tons of MSW handled in 2013-2014 was
1,665 tons more than the previous fiscal year and only
486 tons short of the record year in 2011-2012. While
a portion of this increase was due to population, most
came from an increase in petroleum contaminated soils
(PCS) disposal. The PCS volume will likely rise in the
future, due to increasing oil and gas drilling activity in
southern Campbell County and more WDEQ restrictions for disposal of drilling muds and fracking solids.
This rise should be temporary as private enterprise is
investing in PCS landfills closer to the drilling activities.
• Landfill #3 will begin utilizing the horizontal expansion area during the spring of 2015. This area will allow
for eight more years of capacity at average rates. This is
the last expansion in the construction and demolition
(C&D) pit permitted area. We plan to bury C&D wastes
in the lined Landfill #2 cells after Landfill #3 reaches
design capacity.
• C&D wastes were 9,313 tons in 2013-2014. This was significantly less than the totals for the last 3 fiscal years,
which were 25,805, 13,811 and 10,203 tons respectively.
Most of this decline was due to the reduction of roof
repairs as a result of damage from hailstorms in 2010,
and the diversion of the remaining shingles to Intermountain Construction & Materials, which started a
shingle recycling program in 2011. Despite many large
hailstorms experienced in the summer of 2013, the
shingle tonnage has not increased. Continuation of this
diversion and recycling program will reduce the tonnage spikes the County experienced in the past. It will
also increase the remaining life of our C&D landfill.
• The 2013-2014 total landfill tonnage of 54,462 was
more than the previous fiscal year due to the increase
in MSW and PCS. This increase was offset by over
6,000 tons that were diverted before reaching our landfill operations. This amounts to an estimated additional
diversion of 10% of total wastes landfilled.
• Utilizing data from the Burns & McDonnell Engineering Rate Study completed in 2011, and data from our
Landfill Scale System, an in-house cost study has been
completed, showing incremental costs for each area of
our operations. Working in conjunction with our Strategic Plan, it gives us direction on how to economically
operate the landfills, resulting in the sustainable diversion and recycling we are now experiencing.
• Because our MSW and C&D Transfer Stations are working at capacity, it creates inefficiencies in our operations.
High solid waste volumes necessitate operations to be
open 10 hours/day for 5 ½ days/week to keep up with
demand. By utilizing new technology and equipment,
we have been able to make several changes in operations that have improved safety and increased productivity. Changes such as installing a more efficient baler
and bagging system, utilizing walking floor trailers to
transfer wastes and recyclables, along with changes in
waste handling strategies have improved operations
significantly. The strategic planning and cost studies
completed in-house indicate that the best way to handle
these increased volumes is by encouraging recycling,
waste diversion and waste reduction and reuse, along
with innovative strategies to handle our wastes.
• The Transfer Station and Landfill operations are striving to improve accessibility and
convenience for the community
while improving safety. This is
a challenge considering the age
and size of our facilities, coupled with capacity constraints
and high traffic due to high
solid waste volumes.
• The MSW bagging system
and enforcement of covered
load requirements has greatly
reduced the litter along Westover Road and outside the baler
building, resulting in reduced
manpower needed to pick up
litter. Utilizing walking floor
trailers to transfer both the
MSW bagged waste and the
C&D wastes has virtually eliminated litter from our operations along the highway, helping to keep Gillette and Campbell County beautiful.
• A Methane Extraction System
is operating in the Landfill #1
MSW landfill area to evacu-
ate methane gas. Extracting methane gas minimizes
the possibility of the buildup and movement of gas to
adjacent properties and in migration of Volatile Organic
Compounds (VOCs) to aquifers, which results in contaminated groundwater. Landfill #1 accepted waste
from the early years of Gillette’s history until 2001.
In 2010 and 2011, at the request of WDEQ, additional
groundwater wells were drilled around the perimeter
of Landfill #1, to quantify any effects this Landfill may
be having on shallow groundwater aquifers. We are
partnering with Burns & McDonnell, a national expert
in landfills and technology, and WDEQ to study the
impacts of this old landfill, and to design any remediation that may be required.
Campbell County
Juvenile Probation
Campbell County
Juvenile Probation
500 S. Gillette Ave, Suite B600
2014 Campbell County 32
Annual Report
Mission of the Juvenile Probation Office: Under the Courts’ direction, the Juvenile
Probation Office shall equally implement the goals of community protection and victim
restoration, while improving the juveniles’ competencies to live as productive citizens.
Caseloads: During calendar year 2014, the Juvenile Probation Office handled a total of 498 open cases, 299 of which were newly filed during the year.
The breakdown between the Juvenile, Circuit and Municipal Courts is as follows:
District Court (Including Juvenile Drug Court)
Circuit Court
Courtesy Supervision
Out of County
Municipal Court – Juveniles
Municipal Court – 18 to 21 (Including Youth Intervention)
Community Service
Total Open Cases
Total Juveniles
All Open Cases
Total Juveniles
New Cases Filed
Juvenile Probation Supervision:
Youth are assigned to one of our Juvenile Probation Officers: Deb Lind-Adsit,
Brenda Parks, Felice Acosta, Connie Scigliano or Andreah Kramer. Intensive supervision probation is provided for Juvenile & Family Drug Court by JR Bailey. Terms
and conditions of probation vary by case and include some combination of the following:
• Regular meetings with juveniles and parents
• Visits to home, school, community service or work
• Academic Monitoring – school grades, attendance, discipline
• Random drug/alcohol testing
• Searches of home, vehicles and/or electronic devices
• Mental Health evaluation and/or counseling
• Substance Abuse evaluation and/or treatment
• Community Service
• Employment and Payment of Restitution / fines
• Assigned Curfew
• House Arrest / Electronic Monitoring / GPS
• Restriction on associates
In Juvenile Court cases, parents/guardians are also assigned a variety of terms and
conditions which may include providing supervision for their child, cooperation with
the Juvenile Probation Office and participation in a variety of treatment modalities.
Drug & Alcohol Offenses: Regardless of the court of referral, or the level of
supervision, a high percentage of youth entering the system are involved with alcohol
or drug use. Cases involving alcohol and/or other illegal substances include charges
for DUI, Minor in Possession (of alcohol), and possession or use of illegal drugs.
From 2007 through 2014 alcohol and other drug-related offenses made up 22.7%,
27.7%, 33.2%, 30.5%, 30.8%, 36%, 38% and 34% respectively, of the cases handled throughout the year. Of the open cases handled by the Juvenile Probation Office
during 2014, 167 or 34% involved drugs and/or alcohol.
Drug and Alcohol Offenses
Felice Acosta, Brenda Parks, JR Bailey, Deb Lind-Adsit, Andreah Kramer, Connie Scigliano, Rachel
Materi, David Anderson, Cody Dobson, Susan Cahill, Arlene Yost, Judy Ratcliff, Shelly Eliason, Tianna
continued on page 33
Campbell County Juvenile Probation
continued from page 32
The Juvenile Probation Office will continue with aggressive efforts to detect the use of
synthetic and other drugs by the youth referred for supervision. Whenever permitted by
court order, or with parental permission, youth will be tested randomly for drug and/or
alcohol use. Probationers and their parents are made fully aware that possession and/or
use of all drugs and alcohol, including these synthetic products, are considered to be a probation violation with potentially significant consequences.
Positive UA Results for
Juvenile Probation and Juvenile & Family Drug Court
2014 Campbell County 33
Annual Report
substance abusing juvenile.
JFDC has completed nearly thirteen years of operation. To date, 64 juveniles and
203 family members, for a total of 267 participants, have entered into the Juvenile &
Family Drug Court Program. During the course of program participation, there have
been many successes:
• 104 participants have successfully graduated from JFDC (29 Juveniles and 75
family members)
• 100% juveniles were in high school, became high school graduates or obtained
their GED
• 82.04% juveniles showed academic improvement
• 64.75% juveniles had decreased school discipline referrals
• 61.96% juvenile graduates have had no new alcohol/drug related offenses
since graduation
• 98.74% juveniles have been involved in an extra-curricular activity, obtained
employment or completed community service
• 96.84% of the drug/alcohol testing produced clean UA test results
December 16, 2013 – December 12, 2014 UA Results
Court Supervised Treatment Programs
(also known as Drug Courts):
Juvenile & Family Drug Court: The
Campbell County Juvenile & Family Drug
Court (“JFDC”) began operation in 2002,
and provides services for juvenile offenders between the ages of 13-17 with substance
abuse issues, and their families, and focuses
on juvenile crime involving the use or misuse
of drugs and/or alcohol. The potential participant may be diagnosed with either drug
and/or alcohol dependency or abuse to meet
admission criteria. The length of the JFDC
Program ranges from 6-9 months depending
upon the participant’s diagnosis, treatment
plan and individual progress.
Participants may be referred from Municipal, Circuit and/or Juvenile Court. Parental
involvement is not generally required. However, in specific cases referred from Juvenile
Court, parental involvement may be ordered
and include participation in family counseling, family substance abuse programming
and weekly court attendance.
The mission of the
Campbell County
Juvenile & Family Drug
Court, together with
its Youth Intervention
Track, is to decrease
the use of alcohol and
other drugs, as well
as offenses related
to their use, and to
improve the mental
health, life skills
and competencies of
Program Participants.
Key Components include:
• Weekly Court sessions
• Substance Abuse Treatment groups and individual sessions
• Individual Mental Health Counseling
• Intensive Supervision Probation
• Frequent random urinalysis / breathalyzer testing
• Immediate sanctions/incentives for program successes and infractions.
• The $450.00 program fee includes the cost of substance abuse treatment and family
program, and individual and/or family mental health counseling.
The program utilizes a “team approach” in which the Judge, County Attorney, Defense
Attorney, Juvenile Probation, Department of Family Services, Substance Abuse Treatment
Provider, Mental Health Therapist and School District jointly address the needs of the
Juvenile & Family Drug Court Youth Intervention Track
(17-21 year old):
In September 2010, the Youth Intervention Track was implemented in an effort to
address the needs of the underserved young adults with substance abuse related disorders. Seeming to “fall between the cracks”, this population is too old to participate
in Juvenile & Family Drug Court but does not qualify for admission into the Adult
Drug Court program.
The Campbell County JFDC Youth Intervention Track (“YIT”) focuses on youth
17–20 years old, who are referred from Municipal Court, Circuit Court, or Juvenile
Court. The offenses generally include DUI’s and/or 3rd and subsequent MIP’s (Minor
in Possession), although 2nd MIP’s may be considered. Parental involvement is not
required in the YIT Program.
The potential participant may be diagnosed with either drug and/or alcohol dependency or abuse to meet admission criteria. Participants are channeled to appropriate
substance abuse treatment groups and also receive mental health counseling. The
length of the JFDC Program ranges from 6-9 months depending upon the participant’s diagnosis, treatment plan and individual progress.
continued on page 34
Campbell County Juvenile Probation
2014 Campbell County 34
Annual Report
continued from page 33
Key components include:
• Weekly Court attendance
• Intensive Supervision Probation
• Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment
• Mental Health Needs Assessment and Treatment
• Frequent random urinalysis / breathalyzer testing
• Immediate sanctions / incentives for program successes and infractions
Some participants may also need corrective thinking,
anger management, or referrals to community services
such as Vocational Rehabilitation, GARF, Council of Community Services, etc.
JFDC YIT has completed nearly three and a half years
of operation. To date, 37 youth have actively participated in
the program. During the course of program participation,
there have been many successes:
• 21 youth have successfully graduated from JFDC
• 3 youth are currently participating in JFDC YIT
• 86.56% of youth were in high school, became high
school graduates or obtained their GED
• 82.63% of active youth have had no new alcohol/drug
related offenses since graduation
• 95.2% of youth have been involved in an extra-curricular activity, obtained employment, completed community service, or attended post-secondary education
• 96.89% of the drug/alcohol testing produced clean
UA test results
Municipal Court Probation Supervision: In
July, 2009, the Juvenile Probation Office, in collaboration
with the City of Gillette Municipal Court, began providing
supervision to youth under 18 years of age, as well as those
18-21. Municipal Court supervised probation is generally
for a term of six months and may require substance abuse
or mental health evaluations and/or treatment.
During calendar year 2014:
• 45 new juvenile cases were referred for supervised
• 50 new youth 18-21 year old cases were referred for
supervised probation
• 31% of the juveniles supervised had alcohol-related
• 63% of the 18-21 group supervised had alcoholrelated offenses
• 0% of juveniles were referred for participation in the
Youth Intervention Track, Court Supervised Treatment
• 6% of the 18-21 group were referred for participation
in the Youth Intervention Track, Court-Supervised
Treatment Program.
Probationers are also placed on terms and conditions
similar to District and Circuit Courts and supervised by
Probation Officers David Anderson and Cody Dobson, who
are employed by the City of Gillette.
Community Service: Crucial to the probation process is requiring that the juvenile make amends to either
an individual victim or the community in general. Probationers may be directed to make payments of restitution,
court fines and/or reimbursement for Court-appointed
counsel, as well as to perform hours of community service.
Community Service Supervisor, Rachel Materi, provides supervision services to both the Juvenile Probation
Department and Juvenile Diversion Program, assigning
and supervising community service hour requirements
imposed upon the juveniles through the Municipal, Circuit, Juvenile and Juvenile & Family Drug Courts, as well
as those which are a condition of the Juvenile Diversion
Program. She additionally teaches both Tobacco Education Group (TEG) and Corrective Thinking Classes. Bene-
fits include more timely completion of Court orders, serving as an on-going reminder to our youth that these orders
should be taken seriously, and saving the costs which
accrue with delayed compliance. This year, juveniles
supervised by the Community Service Supervisor performed 4,075.25 community service hours.
Tobacco Education Group (TEG): Those juveniles who have committed a tobacco-related offense may
be required to attend the TEG Class in addition to their
community service requirement. The TEG Class, which
includes elements of lecture, video, demonstration and
discussion, aims to move the participant through the
stages of preparation and action to quit tobacco use. During 2014, 45 juveniles completed the program.
Corrective Thinking Curriculum: The use of Corrective Thinking classes, which are aimed at teaching
youth to become more accountable for their actions and
develop their decision-making processes, continues into
year seven. The Juvenile Probation Officers are trained
in, and utilize on a daily basis, Corrective Thinking methods to help juveniles focus on the choices they have made
to bring them into the court system. Corrective Thinking
addresses the juveniles’ thinking errors and reluctance to
be accountable for their actions, providing youth with the
tools necessary to make better decisions and avoid future
involvement in the criminal justice system.
In the year to come, the Juvenile Probation Staff will
continue to work cooperatively with its juvenile service
partners – Municipal, Circuit and District Courts, Department of Family Services, YES House, and local counseling and treatment agencies, Campbell County School District, Law Enforcement and the County Attorney’s Office,
among others – toward our mutual goal of holding juveniles accountable and improving the quality of their lives.
We continue to be thankful to the Campbell County Commissioners for their support of these essential juvenile programs.
We are always online for you!
Our newly designed website
features, news, calendars of events,
tips, and links to all Campbell
County government departments
and agencies.
See what’s going on at
Be sociable.
us on
Multi-Event Facilities
Your CAM-PLEX Multi-Event Facilities continued to
serve Campbell County and Northeast Wyoming by hosting 590 event days attended by 525,500 people, on grounds
for these events. Spirit Hall Ice Arena hosted an additional 49,542 attendees for 2014. Additionally, the events
at CAM-PLEX brought in nearly $21,262,000 in economic
impact to our local businesses.
CAM-PLEX continues to offer facilities to accommodate diverse events each year. Energy Hall is the setting
for many banquets, school events, meetings, conferences,
receptions and training seminars. Central Pavilion houses
various trade shows, craft fairs, gun shows, auctions, and
car shows. East Pavilion and Barn #3 are steadily booked
with local horseback riders as well as team roping, rodeos,
and dog shows. Morningside Park and Wrangler Arena
continue to host demolition derbies, fair activities, outdoor
horse shows, 4-H events, and general riders.
The Wyoming Center, now 6 years old, has hosted a wide
variety of events including local and national trade shows,
RV rallies, banquets, weddings, seminars, state conferences, community fundraisers, hockey tournaments, public
ice skating, ultimate fighting, concerts, and so much more.
Hairball, with the opening act from Facelift, was the big
name performance in January that was well attended by
2,196 Gillette and surrounding area residents.
In 2014 citizens of Gillette, Campbell County, and the
surrounding community enjoyed the following performances on the Heritage Center stage. This year the “Theater Series” brought in Broadway shows including The Fantasticks and Hair. “Arts In Education” shows suitable for
youth and the entire family included Moscow Nights and
Golden Gates, We’re Going On a Bear Hunt, Missoula
Children’s Theatre production of Blackbeard the Pirate,
Erth’s Dinosaur Zoo, School House Rock Live!, Wuthering Heights, A Very Hungry Caterpillar & Other Eric Carle
Storybooks, and the 2014 Performing Arts Workshop of
Willy Wonka. Additionally, the Heritage Center partnered
with the Campbell County School District and other entities in the community to provide residency activities with
The Good Lovelies, Jeff Lein, The Spencers: Theatre of Illusion, and Basix. We had two presentations for students
only in the theater which included Warriors Don’t Cry and
The Tempest. “Special Events” performances included
the Bar J Wranglers, 2014 Gillette’s Got Talent, Golden
Cam-plex Multi-Event Facilities
1635 Reata Drive • 682-0552
Ticket Office 682-8802
2014 Campbell County 35
Annual Report
Dragon Acrobats, Pink Floyd Laser Spectacular,
and Paula Poundstone.
The Heritage Center Gallery displayed numerous visual artist’s works including: AVA Community
Art Center’s annual display in January, Will Lopez
and JB King’s Freedom or Creative Destruction
and the Cycle of Evolution, Prairie Point Quilters
Quilters Obsession, Patrick McGirr’s Girr, artwork
from Campbell County School District students and
Art Educators, Sarah Ferguson Let Go of the Image
you Think is Desirable, and the 26th Annual Invitational Christmas Wreath Exhibit.
The 24nd Annual CAM-PLEX Winter Western
was held in February and continued the tradition
as a popular and well attended event. The event
kicked off with Bar J Wranglers in the Heritage
Center Theater. Additional weekend entertainment
for the community included The Coors Pro Rodeo,
Melgaard Construction Bulls & Broncs, the Town
and Country Trade Show, free stage shows by local
entertainers, team roping, barrel racing, stock dog
trials, and the ever popular petting zoo. New to the 2014
Winter Western was the Sweetheart Barn Dance featuring
Chancey Williams and the Younger Brothers Band. There
was “Something Fun for Everyone” during this 3 day
Returning to Gillette and CAM-PLEX in February 2014
was the Wild West Championship Wrestling Tournament.
Over 800 wrestlers and their families brought over 2,000
people traveling to Gillette from 10 states for this event
held in the Wyoming Center.
CAM-PLEX hosted the Cowboy States Reining Horse
Show in June with 600 attendees using over 350 horse
stalls for the 4 day event.
The summer welcomed 2 RV Rallies, with more than
600 RV’s on site, bringing over 1,800 people for the rallies.
Add the multiple conventions, wedding receptions,
equestrian events, dog shows, training seminars and
reunions… the mix was right for a very successful summer!
The Campbell County Fair, produced by the Fair Board,
utilized all buildings at CAM-PLEX in early August. The
fair was well attended and featured events such as the
Energy Town Pro Rodeo, Demolition Derby, Pig Wrestling and a concert in the Wyoming Center featuring Hairball, with special guests Chancey Williams & the Younger
Brothers Band. Dock Dog Diving was new this year, along
with so many new events. Watch for upcoming announcements for the 2015 fair lineup!
The two largest indoor garage sales in Wyoming were
hosted by CAM-PLEX in April and September. Local bargain hunters flocked to the Wyoming Center to find their
treasures among the booths.
The CAM-PLEX website took on a new look in June. We
are excited to be working with Civic Plus as we continue to
improve our image on social media!
Please visit our web site at: www.cam-plex.com
to view the schedule for our 2015 events and to
learn more about your CAM-PLEX facilities.
2014 Campbell County
Annual Report
Elected Officials
Photograph courtesy of Cloud Peak Energy.
Dan Coolidge
Mark Christensen
Garry Becker, M.D.
Matt Avery
Micky Shober
Troy Clements
Clerk Of District Court
Jeani Stone
Susan Saunders
Nancy Ratcliff
Tom Eekhoff
Bill Pownall
Shirley Study