annual report - Jamaica Manufacturers` Association
annual report - Jamaica Manufacturers` Association
PRESIDENT’S REPORT The Jamaica Manufacturers‟ Association (JMA) continued to lobby for the removal of impediments affecting the sector, to advance its development and socio-economic contribution. While the year was rife with opportunities, it was also beset with challenges. Manufacturers persevered however and despite the stumbling blocks, contributed 8.1% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employed 74,225 persons and earned US$646.7 million in exports. The year 2010 started on a promising note with the Government‟s implementation of a Debt Management Initiative, to restructure domestic debt and reduce interest rates, which the JMA fully endorsed. It was a step in the right direction, because of its potential to stimulate growth in the manufacturing sector and create jobs and signalled that the Government was taking strides to address its fiscal deficit and debt profile. As a result of the JDX, the sector benefitted from special financial windows as low as 7.5% and base lending rates trended downwards. On the flip side, the Jamaican dollar revalued, affecting exporters. The JMA therefore called for a balance between strengthening the Jamaican dollar and protecting our export markets, citing that manufacturers needed to exist in an environment of macroeconomic stability. The LNG issue was a very topical one. However, the JMA persisted in its call for diversification of our energy sources, particularly investment in renewable energy. The Association will continue to monitor and consult on the strategies in the energy policy, to ensure that the high cost of energy is reduced. Manufacturers were also faced with problems accessing incentives. There were many issues raised with the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce on behalf of our members such as the treatment of audits for corrugated cartons and milk solids and the review of incentives such as the Modernization of Industry Programme. We will continue to work to ensure that the JMA is a part of the consultation process, to develop a clear incentive and growth regime for the sector. Towards the end of the year, beverage manufacturers were dealt a huge blow with the increase of the Special Consumption Tax on wines and spirits. This sparked a concern with the overall direction that Government policy was being steered. The JMA maintained that issues needed to be viewed from a sectoral vantage point and that we must work in collusion to ensure that policies implemented will stimulate job creation and growth in the economy. The JMA continued to promote the use of the Credit Enhancement Facility to help with collateral, as there was still a challenge with access. High bank charges were also an issue as it was an added cost for manufacturers. The JMA‟s stance was that the bank‟s fee structure should guide consumers towards efficiency, not make up for losses and unsustainable ways of making a profit. The productive sector was affected by the civil unrest and declaration of a state of emergency in Kingston. However, despite this and the cancelling of the Diaspora Conference, pressed on with JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 1 rebranded Expo Jamaica “Promoting brand Jamaica to the world.” With support from JAMPRO, we achieved a huge milestone with our highest buyer‟s recruitment yet. The next Expo is being planned for April 26-29, 2012 and represents forty-years (40) of partnership with the Jamaica Exporters‟ Association (JEA). The JMA also relayed its disappointment with the handling of the Manatt, Phelps and Phillips matter, which brought the country, government and position of the Prime Minister into disrepute. The Association called for full disclosure, to build the trust necessary to collaborate in the Partnership for Transformation (PFT) and other endeavours. On the positive side, Prime Minister, the Honourable Bruce Golding announced the provision of factory space for start-up and expanding entities at concessionary rates. The JMA welcomed this move calling it a “start in the right direction” as factory space affects the ability of manufacturers to produce new stock, retool and grow. As it relates to trade, Jamaican manufacturers continued to experience problems getting their products, particularly patties, into Trinidad and other CARICOM member states; and contended with discriminatory pricing of electricity. The issues were brought to the Industry and Foreign Affairs Ministries for resolution. The Industry Minister has made a commitment to attend JMA Board meetings, commencing 2011, to address issues pertaining to trade and other matters. The Association continued to advocate for stronger linkages between manufacturing and the other sectors of the economy. Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Christopher Tufton has already started to work on strengthening the backward linkages between agro processors and farmers. Regarding the “Buy Jamaican…Build Jamaica” Campaign, the JMA was unwavering in promoting Jamaican products locally and overseas. The partnership with the National Commercial Bank continued with a Road Show in Ocho Rios, the Tertiary Entrepreneurship Challenge and billboards across the island. The JMA also sat on the National Planning Committee for World Expo Shanghai 2010 held May 1 to October 31 in China, in an effort to secure investment opportunities for our innovative producers. Additionally, the Association participated in a Gleaner overseas feature targeting the Diaspora. The JMA also began to explore the possibility of establishing a revenue positive centre of excellence, to help manufacturers foster economic development through meeting the competitive demands of today‟s global marketplace by increasing productivity and reducing costs; producing quality products; and attaining high standards for customer satisfaction, while utilizing the best of technology. The Association worked more closely with the Jamaica Productivity Centre, particularly on the Manufacturing Sub‐Committee to promote a culture of productivity within the sector; enhance the productivity profile of entities within the sector; and measure productivity at the industry and firm level. The JMA continued to partner with the Ministry of Health for the HIV/AIDS Workplace Programme and in February, parliament approved the National HIV Workplace Policy. Fortyeight (48) companies have policies or action plans, which is a significant step in addressing HIV/AIDS in the workplace. JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 2 To aid with Haiti reconstruction efforts, post the catastrophic 7.0 magnitude earthquake, members of the JMA contributed to a Haiti Relief Fund. The Association was also a part of a delegation to Haiti, led by the Most Honourable P.J. Patterson, CARICOM‟s special representative. Other corporate social endeavours included contributions to the Jamaica Constabulary Force and donations to the St. Lucia hurricane relief. Despite the highs and lows of 2010, manufacturers continued to exude resilience. In 2011, let us therefore strive to maintain world class standards in the local and export market. The JMA will continue to be a strong champion for manufacturers and look forward to your unfailing support. Together, we can impact the growth of the manufacturing sector, enhance competitiveness and stimulate positive growth in Jamaica, home of quality products. Omar Azan PRESIDENT JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 3 BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORT The Directors of the JMA are pleased to present this Report covering some of the activities of the Association together with the Auditor‟s Report, Financial Statements and Balance Sheet for the year ending December 31, 2010. Composition of the Board of Directors At the Annual General Meeting held on June 30, 2010, Mr. Omar Azan, Mr. Brian Pengelley and Miss Jodie Summerbell were re-elected unopposed as President, Deputy President and Treasurer, respectively. Appointment of Vice Presidents and Assignment of Portfolios On the recommendation of the President and Deputy President, the Board of Directors, in accordance with Article 27(3)(4) of the Articles of Association, the following Vice Presidents were re-elected and remained in their position and portfolio, Messrs Milverton Smith, Simon Roberts and Ian Forbes. The following Directors Messrs Steven Sykes, Christopher Ramson, Harry Harper and Mrs. Paulette Rhoden, were re-elected and will be assigned portfolios. Standing Committees During the period under review, the Standing Committees were Government Affairs, Policy Development and Advocacy, chaired by Mr. Milverton Smith; Trade Negotiations and Development; Environment, Utilities and Energy, chaired by Mr. Steven Salmon; Membership Development and Public Relations, chaired by Mr. Raymond Miles, Jr.; Fundraising and Special Projects, chaired by Mr. Ian Forbes; and Finance and Administration, chaired by Ms. Jodie Summerbell. Meetings of the Board of Directors During the year, members of the Board of Directors continued to meet at the Registered Offices of the Association on the third Wednesday of each month at 1:45p.m. The policy of encouraging members to attend and participate in the discussions was maintained and members capitalized on the opportunity. Ten (10) regular monthly meetings of the Board and five (5) meetings of the Executive Committee were held. In addition, there were meetings of the Standing Committees. JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 4 Attendance of Directors at Regular Monthly Meetings of the Board January – December 2010 Name Possible Attendance Omar Azan Brian Pengelley Jodie Summerbell Doreen Frankson Raymond Miles, Jr. Simon Roberts Stephen Salmon Ian Forbes Milverton Smith Paulette Rhoden Byron Thompson Simon DuQuesnay Vermont Murray David Gaynair Harry Harper Christopher Ramson Metry Seaga Vaughn Morris Neville Madden Christopher Powell Steven Sykes Errol Lewin Anand James Radcliffe Murray David Martin Clarence Clarke Sameer Younis Anthony Hyde Anthony Barnes Anthony Robinson R. Anthony Williams ` C. Henderson-Davis Douglas Vaz J. Paul Thomas 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 06 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Actual Attendance Comments 07 04 06 08 02 05 05 06 04 04 03 07 07 03 (Resigned 2010) 05 01 04 08 02 08 05 04 05 06 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 (Deceased 2010) 07 03 00 Board of Directors Christmas Lyme The JMA in its quest to revitalize the synergies of the Association hosted its first Board of Directors‟ Lyme in place of the Annual Board of Directors‟ Luncheon in association with Digicel, on Thursday, December 9, 2010 at Chez Maria. The effort was to show appreciation to members of the private and public sectors who continue to support the Association and the manufacturing industry. JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 5 ECONOMIC REVIEW International Environment Following a contraction of 0.8% in 2009, the international economy showed signs of recovery from the global financial and economic crisis as it recorded a 5.0% growth in 2010. This growth was influenced mainly by the 7.1% increase in real gross domestic product of Emerging Market & Developing Countries, led by China. Output of Advanced Countries grew by 3.0%. 1 Global prices also increased due to increased aggregate demand which resulted in higher food and energy costs. Internal Environment Despite the recorded global growth, for the third consecutive year the Jamaican economy contracted. As recorded in 2010 the economy contracted by 1.2% with real GDP at $484 577.8 million, this followed a 2.7% contraction in 2009. GDP for both the Goods-producing and Services Industries declined by 1.7% and 1.5%, respectively. This reflected the vulnerability of the macro-economic environment in 2010. The government implemented numerous policies to stabilize the economy and stimulate growth. These measures were mainly conditionalities of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), as the government secured a medium term Standby Loan Agreement to finance the budget. Key amongst those policies were the Jamaica Debt Exchange Programme (JDX), which was implemented to address escalating government debt and high interest rates, numerous tax packages to increase revenue and the Public Sector Transformation Programme, which seeks to reduce government spending. In light of the challenging economic conditions only the Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing (0.8%), and Hotel and Restaurants Industries (3.4%) recorded growth while all other sectors declined. The specific macro-economic targets for fiscal year 2010/11 were: Indicators Targets - Reduce fiscal deficit to 6.5 % of GDP Real GDP growth of 0.5 % Inflation 7.5 % - 9.5 % Reduce interest rate Narrow current account deficit to 9.0 % Increase NIR to 16 weeks of goods and services. Exchange Rate At the end of December 2010, the exchange rate was JM$85.86:US$1.00, compared to $89.60:US$1.00 in 2009, which represented a nominal appreciation of 4.4%2. 1 2 Economic and Social Survey Jamaica 2010; Published by the Planning Institute of Jamaica Economic and Social Survey Jamaica 2010; Published by the Planning Institute f Jamaica JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 6 Inflation The point to point inflation rate was 11.7% in 2010, compared to 10.2% in 2009. This mainly resulted from increase in prices of international commodities such as food and fuel. Notably, the average inflation rate was 7.8%, within the target range of 7.5 % - 9.5%. Balance of Payments & External Trade In 2010, Jamaica recorded the lowest Current Account deficit of US$991.5 million, since 2004. This represented an improvement of US$136.0 million from 2009. Factors that directly contributed to this narrowing were the improvements in all sub-accounts except the Goods subaccount, which deteriorated by US$171.1 million, relative to 2009, representing a deficit of US$3259.0. Notably, the deficit in the Goods sub-account deteriorated due to an increase in the value of imports of US$153.7 million combined with a decline in exports of US$17.4 million. There was an increase in surplus on the Services sub-account by US$74.2 million which mainly resulted from increased expenditure from tourists. The Merchandise trade deficit deteriorated to US$3,866.4 million in 2010 as exports was US$1,328.2 million and imports US$5,194.6 million. This represented an increase of US$8.9 million and US$136.4 million in exports and imports respectively, relative to the comparable period in 2009. The increase value of exports was mainly due to a boost in Traditional-Exports. However, it was not enough to offset increases in imports, as the cost of Mineral Fuel expanded by US$166.1 million being the main contributing factor. Interest Rates The successful implementation of the JDX programme resulted in some of the lowest interests Jamaica has seen in many years. For Commercial Banks deposit rates, the average lending was 18.95% at the end of December 2010 compared to 21.91% December 2009 while the average saving rate was 2.47% compared to 5.35%. When compared to 2009 figures, the average commercial weighted rate was 2.95% at the end of December 2010 less than half the rate at the end of December 2009 at 6.38%. Manufacturing Sector The sector further contracted in 2010 as the rate of growth declined by 2.6%, employment reduced to 74,200, (3500 less) and contribution to GDP was 8.1% (0.2% less) when compared to 2009. These indicators reflect the challenges that the sector continue to face with low demands, as the world slowly emerges from the global economic recession. The production in all manufacturing categories declined - Food, Beverage and Tobacco by 1.6% and Other Manufacturing components by 4%. The total value of manufactured exports was US$646.7 million in 2010, which represented a reduction of 8.3% relative to 2009 as Traditional and Non-traditional Manufactured Exports was US$97.4 million, 21.1 % less and US$549.3 million, 5.6 % less respectively, when compared to 2009. JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 7 Selected Indicators 2009/2010 2009 2010 Exchange Rate JM$89.60:US$1 JM$85.86:US$1 Annual Average Inflation Rate 9.6% 7.8% Unemployment Rate 11.4% 12.4% Rate of Growth in Domestic Economy (2.7%) (1.2%) Population 2,698,800 2,702,300 Total Real Gross Domestic Product JM$490.8M JM$484.6M Total Debt US$6594.3M US$8389.5M Total Direct External Debt US$5,463.9M US$6287.1M Total Internal Debt JM$754,015.06M JM$799,964.25M Total Exports US$1,320.2M US$1,328.2M Total Imports US$5,065.7M US$5 194.6 Average Lending Rates 21.91% 18.95% Employment in Manufacturing Sector 77,700 74,200 Percentage Contribution to GDP (Manufacturing) 8.3% 8.1% Rate of Growth in Manufacturing Sector (5.0%) (2.6%) Commercial Bank Loans to Manufacturing Sector JM$9389.9M JM$8 295. 1M JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 8 STANDING COMMITTEES’ REPORT The Secretariat continued to implement policies, as outlined by the Board of Directors. During this period of review, the Secretariat worked closely with the Chairmen of the Standing Committees in the performance of their various roles and functions to implement programmes and initiatives on behalf of members. FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION The Finance & Administration Committee is responsible for the monitoring and control of the Association‟s finances as well as the continued development of the Secretariat. Financial Results During the year under review the Association‟s income increased by $4.1 million to $28.8 million from $24.7 million in 2009. This increase in income was achieved by 74% increase in rental income, and income from Expo Jamaica 2010. Subscription Fees represented 44% of total income, which included New Membership fees of $452,765.10 from eighteen (18) companies and existing Ordinary and Associate Membership fees of $12,205,286.90. Total expenses increased by $4.0 million to $26.3 million from $22.2 million in 2009. This increase resulted from redundancy payment of $2.9 million. The Association made a surplus of $2,104,424.00 compared to a surplus of $2,698,943.00 for 2009. Administration The Secretariat made three (3) staff adjustments in 2010. The release of the Receptionist, Miss Stacy-Ann Simmonds; redundancy of position of Financial Controller, which was held by Mr. Clifton Walker and the employment of Miss Kerry-Ann Chen, Research and Projects Officer. The current 2010 complement consists of Imega Breese McNab, Executive Director; Andrea Leslie, Membership Services Coordinator; Rochelle Roye, Communications and Marketing Officer; Rheina-Lee Chambers (Aisha), Administrative Assistant/Receptionist; Rohan Christie, Accounting Clerk; Paulette Williams, Office Attendant; Alvin Gayle, Bearer/Driver; Kerry-Ann Chen, Research and Projects Officer and Blondel Facey Chambers, Executive Assistant. Training Two (2) training opportunities were presented for the Secretariat and these were attended by Mrs. Imega Breese McNab, Executive Director. These included the ActionCoach Business Coaching with Marcia Woon Choy, who administered the Coaching free of cost; and the AMEC/CAIC/AIRD Capacity Building Project Training in Spain where focus was placed in the areas of organizational structure, advocacy and lobbying, BSO financing, cooperation between BSO, provision of business services, membership retention and revitalization of partners, among others. JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 9 GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS/POLICY DEVELOPMENT & ADVOCACY The responsibility of the Government Affairs/Policy Development & Advocacy Committee is to enhance the development of the manufacturing sector and maintain a competitive environment through playing a proactive role and making meaningful representation on sectoral and national matters of interest. In 2010, the issues addressed by the Committee were as follows: Printing of School Books Locally: The Committee continued to champion the cause for the Ministry of Education to implement policies to enable the local printing sub-sector to participate in tenders for the printing of primary school text books. Container Inspection Fees: The Committee partnered with the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce to advocate against an increase in container stripping fees. However, whilst the increase was reduced for a limited grace period the actual increase was implemented in September. Suspension of Customs E-payment Facility: The E-payment system is integral to trade facilitation and upon news that the system would be suspended, the Committee called for its speedy reimplementation given the negative impact for businesses. Special Consumption Tax on Wines and Spirits: Members of the wines and spirit sub-sector approached the JMA for representation to be a part of the consultations with the Ministry of Finance on the correct application of the SCT and to work out amicable solutions for those companies that were found to be in breach. Partnership For Transformation: The Association continued to be represented on the Partnership for Transformation Committee. This Committee addresses issues such as Rule of Laws; Education and Training; Fiscal and Monetary Performance; Job Creation/Employment Strategies; and Trust among Partners NEPA (Trade Effluent): Members registered concerns regarding letters received from NEPA with short compliance timelines for improvements in disposal of trade effluent. The committee facilitated a meeting with NEPA and members where their concerns were addressed. Commission of Enquiry (Sugar): The Committee worked with members of the beverage sub-sector to develop a position paper on behalf of manufacturers to ensure that the interest of the sector was represented, namely that manufacturers continue to have the ability to import refined sugar. Linkages with Agricultural Sector: To strengthen the linkages between the agriculture and manufacturing sectors, the Committee continued to meet regularly with the Ministry of Agriculture to exchange information, identify areas of collaboration and address matters of concern. Treatment of Customs User Fee on Raw Material: Complaints were received regarding the bureaucratic process of receiving incentive letters through the Ministry of Agriculture for the importation of raw material as well as that the incentive was not applicable to all input for manufacturers. As such the Committee successfully advocated that this incentive be applicable to all manufacturing input and that blanket letters for regular importers of agricultural input be issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 10 Enablement of Persons with Disability: The Committee continued to work with the Jamaica Council for Persons with Disability and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security to promote the employment of persons with disability within the manufacturing sector. Export Requirement for Patties in CARICOM: The Committee voiced its objection to the implementation of the requirement for USDA certified beef to be utilized for exported patties and assisted patty manufacturers in their lobby for the granting of the removal of duty on imported USDA certified beef for the export market. Haiti Request For Non-Reciprocal Trade: Members were asked by the Committee to indicate their position on non-reciprocal trade between Caricom and Haiti on certain manufactured items. This motion was not approved based on concerns of monitoring and enforcing Rules of Origin of goods exported from Haiti. Jamaica Productivity Centre: The Manufacturing sub-committee was established and worked on numerous initiatives to improve productivity within the manufacturing sector which included the development of two project proposals for funding to the Inter-American Development Bank, which were not approved. ENVIRONMENT, UTILITIES AND ENERGY The core focus of the Environment, Utilities and Energy Committee is to examine the relationship between the environment and trade, promote the advancement of sustainable energy policies and lobby for the provision of efficient and affordable utilities, in an effort to enhance competitiveness and ensure that manufacturers comply with global environmental standards and requirements. The committee addressed the following matters in 2010: Discriminatory Pricing of Electricity in Trinidad: The Committee in collaboration with the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce Trade Committee continued to have discourse with the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the impact of discriminatory pricing of electricity on the competitiveness of locally made products and asked that this issue be discussed at the highest level and remedial actions implemented. TRADE NEGOTIATION AND DEVELOPMENT The mandate of the Trade Negotiation and Development Committee is to update members about developments in the trade arena and to represent the interest of the manufacturing sector in trade negotiations. CARIFORUM/EC Economics Partnership Agreement (EPA) Further to the signing of the CARIFORUM-EC EPA in 2008 and the provisionally application beginning in 2009, in 2010 as a part of the National Export Strategy (NES) a local programme of the agreement was designed and submitted to the EU for approval. As a part of the EPA agreement, Cabinet approved and instructed for legislative amendments, such as the Customs Act. This marks the commencement of phased liberalization of specific tariff lines. The EPA is WTO compatible and secures duty free quota free access of exports from CARIFORUM to the EC market. The EPA covers all trades including: Trade in Goods, Services JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 11 and Investment. The agreement also makes provision for financial and technical support to members of CARIFORUM for institutional reform and to diversify product and services. CARICOM/Canada In March 2010, the second round of negotiations for the CARICOM- Canada Free Trade agreement (FTA) occurred. It sought to advance the position of each party as to the scope and coverage of the agreement. The CARICOM- Canada Free Trade agreement will replace the current non-reciprocal economic and trade development assistance programme, CARIBICAN which expires in 2011. CARICOM/USA Negotiations Following the 2009 approval of waiver by the WTO permitting specific goods CARICOM duty free entry into the USA market, in 2010 negotiations started to establish the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA), which would replace the current arrangement under the Trade and Investment Council (1992) between CARICOM and the United States. MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT & PUBLIC RELATIONS The mandate of the Membership Development and Public Relations Committee is the improvement of and the provision of new services to members; to attract new members to the organization; to host seminars and workshops on issues relevant to the sector; provision of up-todate information; and marketing of locally made products through participation and hosting of trade fairs and missions. The Public Relations arm continued its work to increase the public awareness of the manufacturing sector‟s contribution to the economy, as well as the activities of the Association. Manufacturers’ Month Church Service Manufacturers‟ Month was launched on March 28, 2010, with a service at the Swallowfield Chapel. The Hon. Michael Stern, Minister of State for Industry, Investment and Commerce, and Mr. Reginald Budhan, the Permanent Secretary, joined the JMA in worship. POWER 106 FM Feature Members were invited to participate in a POWER 106 FM feature on how their manufacturing operation was helping to positively shape Jamaica. Interviews were carried out with Home Choice Enterprise, Edgechem, Local Spice, Boss Furniture, Corrpak Jamaica and Xsomo International. An outside broadcast also took place at the JMA on April 30, surrounding the manufacturing sector, Manufacturers‟ Month activities, the Buy Jamaican Campaign and Expo Jamaica. JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 12 Training Seminars Implications of the Domestic Debt Restructuring The JMA hosted a seminar on the “Implications of the Domestic Debt Restructuring on Financial Institutions and the Opportunities and Threat for the Private Sector” on March 2 at the Terra Nova Hotel. Bruce Bowen, President and Chief Executive Officer, Scotiabank and Ann Shirley, Financial Analyst were the main speakers. 6 Steps to a Better Business Marcia Woon Choy, Business Coach and owner of ActionCOACH Jamaica conducted a seminar on “6 Steps to a Better Business” on July 27, 2010 at the JMA, which covered areas such as: How to work on your business instead of in your business How to turn your advertising and marketing into an investment instead of an expense How to recruit, motivate, educate, and retain exceptional employees How to leverage your time to maximize efficiency and profits How to systemize your business to provide consistent, exceptional customer service Membership Drive During the reporting period, the following eighteen (18) companies joined the Association: Ordinary Members Yono Industries Ltd. Rainforest Seafood Ltd. Jamaican Teas Ltd. Caribbean Producers (Jamaica) Ltd. Fruit Essentials of Jamaica Ltd. Pioneer Meat Products Ltd. Chicken Mistress Ltd. T/A Island Grill Everglades Farms Ltd. Today‟s Home Centre Ltd. Quest Woodcraft Manufacturing Crowne Industries Ltd. Choice Alloy Aluminium Products Ltd. Bellina Jamaica Ltd. T/A Wassi Art Book Empire Caledonia Outdoor Jamaica Ltd. Red River Ltd. Wynlee Trading Product Group Chemicals, Cosmetics & Pharmaceuticals Food & Agro Food & Agro Food & Agro Food & Agro Food & Agro Food & Agro Food & Agro Furniture, Bedding & Wooden Furniture, Bedding & Wooden Minerals & Metal Minerals & Metal/Furniture Minerals & Metal/Furniture Printing, Packaging & Paper Printing, Packaging & Paper Printing, Packaging & Paper Textile & Sewn Associate Members SNH Worldwide Company Ltd. JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 13 New Products Developed and Launched In 2010, several new products were launched by member companies. These included: COMPANY Caribbean Cement Company Ltd. Cameron Industries and Joinery Ltd. Edgechem Jamaica Ltd. GK Foods and Services Ltd. – National Processors Division Honey Bun Limited J3R Food Products Ltd. Jamaica Broilers Group Jamaica Flour Mills Jamaica Producers Group Juici Beef Ltd. Mother‟s Enterprises Limited Newport Fersan P.A. Benjamin Manufacturing Rainforest Seafoods Seprod Group of companies Very Amazing Products (VAP) Limited JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT NEW PRODUCT(S) Carib Block Glass panel doors and sash windows. Roof Compound One Pot Seasoning with Protein Flavoured cupcakes and donuts Caramel and Browning Food Colouring Reggae Jammin Chicken Frankfurter – 5 Pack, 10 Pack and 20 Pack Reggae Jammin Jumbo Chicken Frankfurter – Bulk JF Mills Johnny Cake Mix JP Tropical Foods St. Mary's Banana and Cassava Chips (original flavour) 'big snack' 71g Fruit Cake Baked products including cakes, cookies, muffins and danishes. 22 specialized fertilizer blends Benjamins Cocoa Butter Cream 200g & 400g Benjamins Hand Sanitizer 60ml & 240ml Benjamins Antibacterial Soap 240ml Benjamins Ultra Strength Pain Relieving Cream 55g Benola Blended Oil 1 litre Jamaican Choice Pickled Mackerel Serge Island Cool Fruit Juice-Drink 200 ml Cannon Bleach 475 ml, 940 ml, 1.89 litre Snackables (Barbecue, Sour Cream) Miracle Wheat Crackers 113g One Shot Wine One Shot Brandy Page 14 Public Relations The Board of Directors of the JMA was very active in ensuring that the interests of manufacturers were being served. They participated in numerous public speaking engagements, served on various boards and committees, attended several meetings and engaged in media interviews. The JMA website, newsletter, membership brochure, social networks such as Facebook, newspaper supplements and press releases were also avenues utilised to get the voices of manufacturers heard and to gain strength in numbers. FUNDRAISING AND SPECIAL PROJECTS The Fundraising and Special Projects Committee has been charged with responsibility for special functions and projects undertaken by the Secretariat to generate additional income. The Buy Jamaican…Build Jamaica Campaign The JMA continued its partnership with the National Commercial Bank under the 2nd phase of the „Buy Jamaican…Build Jamaica‟ Campaign with the following activities: Mounting of Billboards Billboards promoting the Buy Jamaican message were mounted in Buff Bay, Portland; Ocho Rios, St. Ann; and Spanish Town Road, Kingston. Tertiary Entrepreneurship Challenge The Association in partnership with the National Commercial Bank Foundation (NCBF) launched the Tertiary Entrepreneurship Challenge. The Challenge provided an opportunity for tertiary level students to receive the jumpstart needed to setup their own businesses, as well as a chance to win scholarships. To enter the competition, students were required to submit a hard copy business plan, with a completed entry form for a business providing a local manufacturing product, or a technology or service catering to the manufacturing sector. After a three-month Challenge, Crystal Thompson and Chevaughn Bowen from the International University of the Caribbean copped the top prize for their a hot and spicy barbe‐fry sauce. They took home a $200,000 cash award towards enhancing their business, Jamdun‟ Company Ltd., $50,000 each in scholarships and an internship with Continental Baking Company. Road Show The third and final Road Show under the 2nd phase was held on April 24, 2010. The Road Show/Motorcade made its first stop in Brown‟s Town, then moved on to Ann‟s Bay, and finally culminated in Ocho Rios for the grand show. There was also an exhibition in Ocho Rios displaying locally manufactured products. The companies that participated include: Salada Foods Jamaica Ltd., Serge/International Biscuit Ltd., JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 15 Caribbean Foods Ltd., Laparkan (Jamaica) Ltd., Orion Sales Ltd., Jamaica Biscuit Company Ltd., Honey Bun Ltd., Mackchem Chemicals, P.A. Benjamin Mfg. Co. Ltd., UBT Corporation Ltd., J & E Industries Ltd., Boss Furniture, Edgechem Jamaica Ltd., Fleetwood Ltd., Spicy Hill Farm, and National Commercial Bank. There was also a buy Jamaican tent with a cornucopia of products from member companies. HIV/AIDS Workplace Programme The JMA continued its tripartite agreement with the Government of Jamaica and the Global Fund to implement a workplace programme related to HIV and the world of work. The programme continues to provide companies with technical assistance by taking a rights-based approach when dealing with persons affected or infected by HIV at the workplace. In February 2010, Peta-gay Pryce, a new HIV/AIDS JMA Workplace Programme Officer was employed to the programme. The following were achieved by JMA members: Twelve (12) new entities signed commitment forms declaring their intention to participate, making the total number of participating companies fifty-nine (59). Eleven (11) new focal points on HIV (HIV Coordinators) were designated by the Human Resource Director or the CEO, making a total of (fifty-eight) 58 companies with focal points. Six (6) new steering committees were established, making a total of twenty-four (24) companies with steering committees. Five (5) new policies/action plans, making a total of forty-eight (48) companies with policies/action plans. One (1) one-day workshop was conducted on October 15, 2010 in which fourteen (14) private sector entities, two (2) GIPA (Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS) representatives and four (4) presenters participated. The following companies conducted half day workshops with their staff on site: Mavis Bank Coffee Factory, Jamaica Citrus Growers, Logo Stitch Manufacturers Limited, Caribbean Flavours and Fragrances and Cool Petroleum. The workplace programme under this current agreement is slated to end March 2012. Provisions are still being made to engage new companies and to ensure that already reached companies are fully equipped to continue the programme without a technical officer as provided by the Ministry of Health. Hermes Project The JMA partnered with the Hermes Project, which was being carried out in collaboration with the EU and PROINVEST. The project is aimed at encouraging Information & Communications Technology skills development among individuals in member organisations across the Caribbean. This is through the development of an E-Learning Portal where courses will be available for free on different IT subjects such as Basic MS Office, website design, Social Media for great marketing. Expo Jamaica 2010 The JMA and JEA made a strategic move in 2010 to re-brand the JMA/JEA Expo to establish the trade show internationally as a national event. The Exposition was rebranded as “Expo Jamaica” and launched under a new theme “Brand Jamaica to the World” on March 16, 2010. Expo JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 16 Jamaica 2010 was held from June 17 – 20, 2011, with the JMA and the JEA again partnering with JAMPRO, whose role was the execution of the Buyer Recruitment Programme. Buyers‟ Days were Thursday, June 17 – 18. The coordination of the Buyers‟ Recruitment Programme was very successful, resulting in an overwhelming registration of 405 buyers. However, due to a number of factors, including the unrest and State of Emergency in Kingston, Cancellation of the Diaspora Conference and a 42member Nigerian delegation due to non-issuance of visa, there was a significant reduction in actual attendance of international buyers to ninety-two (92). The total number of buyers participating in the show was two hundred and fifty-three (253) which includes one hundred and sixty one (161) from Jamaica. The Jamaica USA Chamber of Commerce, based in Florida, played a key role in extending support towards the Buyer Recruitment Programme, in particular, as it relates to Miami, Florida. Over two thousand (2,000) high quality locally manufactured products were showcased over the four-day period. The exhibition hall consisted of two hundred and twenty-two (222) booth spaces which were allotted to one hundred and thirty-six (136) companies. While over 11,000 patrons attended the event. This represents a significant decline when compared to past expos which was attributed to the unrest in Kingston and the State of Emergency, date clash with World Cup Football, change of name, among others. JAMPRO, National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited, Jamaica Public Service Company Limited, Ministry of Industry, Investment & Commerce, Lithographic Printers Limited and Grace Kennedy continued to be consecutive sponsors of the event and LIME a first time sponsor. The event was also sponsored by National Import Export Bank (EXIM), FedEx Express and Capital and Credit. Our media partners were the Gleaner Company Ltd., Nationwide News Network, POWER 106, KLAS FM, Hot 102 and Wealth Magazine. Expo Jamaica was also supported by the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation, St. Johns Ambulance, National Safety Limited, American Airlines, Hilton Kingston Hotel, Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, Courtleigh Hotel & Suites, Knutsford Court Hotel, Altamont Court Hotel, Spanish Court Hotel, Airports Authority, Exquisite Wicker, JHA Associates, St. Ann Chamber of Commerce, J. Wray & Nephew Ltd., Continental Baking Company Ltd., Tastee Limited, H. D. Hopwood & Company Limited, Wisynco Group Limited, Pepsi-Cola Jamaica Bottling Company, Sherwin Williams W. I. Limited, Touchline Industries Ltd., Chocolate Dreams, Tortuga Caribbean Rum Cake, Red Stripe, Coldfield Manufacturing Company Limited, Pastry Passions, Spur Tree Spices, Home Choice Enterprise, Local Spice, The Jerk Place and Restaurant, Gold Cup Coffee, Trade Winds Citrus, Parfums Jamaica and Main Events Ltd. Expo Jamaica 2010 Opening Ceremony was held in a new format compared to previous Ceremonies on June 17 at 5:00 p.m. at the Arena. The Co-Chairman of Expo Jamaica, Mr. Aswad Morgan chaired the proceedings. Right Rev. Robert Thompson, Minister, Suffragan Bishop of Kingston offered blessings, while the Hon. Bruce Golding, Prime Minister of Jamaica, was the guest speaker, who declared the exposition open. Among the other government ministers and dignitaries who attended was the Hon. Karl Samuda Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce. JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 17 One of the main activities for exhibitors was booth competition where exhibits were judged and category awards presented to the following companies: Utilization of Technology in Display Winner: Jamaica Yellow Pages Runner-up: Berger Paints Wow Factor Winner: Trade Winds Citrus Runner-up: Grace Innovativeness/Creativity in Design Winner: Poly Pet Company Ltd. Runner-up: Diamond Paints Buy Jamaican Spirit Winner: Jamaica Biscuit Company Runner-up: Jamaica Agro Processors Association Packaging Winner: Annilu Runner-up: Jerk Place & Restaurant Most Informative Winner: Sherwin Williams Runner-up: Jamaica Standard Products Best New Product Winner: P.A. Benjamin Manufacturing “Honey Jerk Barbecue Sauce” Runner-up: RBTT Bank - SME USD-Line Over the four-day event, a number of official tours were conducted with dignitaries such as Prime Minister, Hon. Bruce Golding, the Most Hon. Patrick Allen and Lady Allen, Hon. Mike Henry, Minister of Transportation, former Governor General, Sir Kenneth Hall and Lady Hall, Hon. Portia Simpson Miller, Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Karl Samuda, Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce and Hon. Audley Shaw, Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Hon. Andrew Holness, Minister of Education, Dr. German Grisales, First Secretary of the Embassy of Colombia, Mrs. Aloun N‟Dombet Assamba, former Minister of Industry and Mr. Reginald Budhan, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 18 Annual Awards Banquet The JMA in association with Digicel Business hosted its 42nd Annual Awards Banquet on October 27, 2010, to honour top performing manufacturers. The winners of the various Awards are as follows: Manufacturer of the Year J.Wray and Nephew Best Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Caribbean Flavours & Fragrances Ltd. Breakthrough Product of Year Cal’s Manufacturing New Manufacturer of the Year Newport Fersan Champion Exporter (Large) Caribbean Cement Company Ltd. JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Champion Exporter (Medium) Boss Furniture Company Ltd. Page 19 Champion Exporter (Small) Spur Tree Spices Jamaica Ltd. Skills and Productivity Award Red Stripe Best Use of Energy and Resource Efficiency Newport Fersan Digicel Business ICT Award JHA Associates Buy Jamaican Award P.A. Benjamin Manufacturing JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Best Environmental Management Program J.Wray & Nephew Ltd. Page 20 Award for Competitiveness Nicorp Enablement Award Smith & Stewart Distributors SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARDS Community Development (large) J. Wray & Nephew Community Development (small) JHA Associates HIV/AIDS Advocacy Designs by Marc JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 21 PRODUCT GROUP AWARDS: Electrical, Electronics and Automative Nicorp Chemicals, Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals P.A. Benjamin Manufacturing Food and Agro J. Wray and Nephew Minerals and Metal JHA Associates Textile and Sewn Designs by Marc Printing, Packaging and Paper MAPCO Printers Furniture, Bedding and Wooden – Jamaica Fibreglass Products JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 22 JMA 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Page 23
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