brochure. - Amigos de la Aviacion
brochure. - Amigos de la Aviacion
Welcome to San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, México! The Amigos de la Aviación de San Miguel, A.C., the State of Guanajuato, and our sponsors thank you for visiting! The mission of our non-profit organization is to promote aviation, education, and tourism in San Miguel, the State of Guanajuato, and all of central México. The Amigos appreciate the generous financial support for runway improvements we have received from the State of Guanajuato. We appreciate YOUR donation to help cover the cost of operations and maintenance for the aerodrome. Along with your donation and our personal contributions, we receive support from our generous sponsors: PLEASE SUPPORT THEM! If you have any questions about the aerodrome or your flight operations in México, or to report any unsafe conditions or operations, please visit our website or contact us in the US at (720) 641-6742. While in Mexico, call us at (415) 114-4483 or (415) 152-3778 (from the US dial 011-52 first). Safe flying and enjoy your stay! SAN MIGUEL AIRPORT (at SAN JULIÁN) GENERAL INFORMATION FLIGHT PLANNING: Weather briefings and IFR flight plans can be opened or closed with SENEAM (Mexican Flight Service) at Aeropuerto Internacional del Bajio Airport (León, MMLO) at (472) 748-2099/2094/2017. There is no requirement for a VFR flight plan departing San Miguel but it is required that you file a “flight plan closure” at your next airport of intended landing. SENEAM telephone numbers are: Northbound: Southbound: San Luis Potosi, MMSP, 344 degrees/88 nm: (444) 818-0138 Morelia, MMMM, 189 degrees/66 nm: (443) 312-8801 Don’t forget that you are responsible for eAPIS notifications before leaving Mexico! Please call or email us if you need any assistance with eAPIS, filing your flight plan for the US, or need Customs and Border Patrol contact phone numbers! Also don’t forget that you must clear in/out of Mexico Immigration/Customs at an International Airport! FUEL: The closest 100LL avgas and turbosina (jet fuel) facilities and IFR airports are at Bajio (León, MMLO, 118.35 MHz) 270 deg./44 nm and Querétaro (MMQT, 118.9 MHz) 114 degrees/34 nm. Celaya (MMCY, 118.4 MHz) 202 degrees/24 nm does not have fuel but does have a 5,000 foot asphalt runway, a part-time mechanic, and parking fees are reasonable. Contact Gustavo Mosqueda, the DGAC inspector at (462) 105-4448 (cell) or (461) 611-0333 (office). INFORMATION: More information on the tremendous cultural and sightseeing offerings in the State of Guanajuato can be found at For events in San Miguel, pick up a copy of the Atención in the Jardín (main square) in the center of town or upstairs at the Biblioteca Pública , Insurgentes #25 -new edition every Friday. EMERGENCIES: Police 066 or (415) 152-0911. Fire Department 068 or (415) 152-2888, Red Cross (Cruz Roja) (415) 152-1616, 152-4121, Hospital de la Fe (415) 152-2233 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES: Please do not overfly the downtown San Miguel at less than 8,000 MSL altitude within one (1) nautical mile radius of the Parroquia. Please reduce propeller RPM as soon as airspeed and altitude permits and avoid overflying the schools located north and south of the runway. SAFETY: Obstruction clearances for the San Miguel aerodrome are NOT in conformance with international standards! Aeródromo San Miguel has NO runway or obstruction lights and is only to be used during daytime Visual Meteorlogical Conditions. See attached graphics for recommended arrival and departure procedures and runway operations. SECURITY: We are fortunate to have the watchful eye of the Mexican military (SEDENA) at our aeródromo. Please provide them with the information they request (“sus datos”)-forms are available for non-Spanish speakers that contain answers to their questions and can be filled out and handed to the solders when they approach your aircraft. Please be patient and cooperate fully if they wish to search (“revisar”) your car, your baggage, or your aircraft. TRANSPORTATION TO/FROM TOWN Contact: San Miguelito Radio Taxi (415) 152-0124 or 152-4579 to and from Aeródromo San Miguel . Bajio-Go (415) 152-1999 , US (202) 609-9905 ($26) to or from Bajío (León) Airport (MMLO), Querétaro Airport (MMQT) , or Celaya Airport (MMCY), call in advance. From town, advise the driver that you are at or would like to go to the airport at San Julián (“la PEEsta ah san jool e ÁHN”). Additional information is contained in the attached graphics. Amigos de la Aviación de San Miguel, Asociación Civil #17 Cuna de Allende, Interior 4, C. P. 37700 San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, México Teléfono: (415) 114-4483, Fax: (415) 152-3778 San Miguel de Allende Airport Location, Airspace, and Recommended Procedures (Photo Date December 2011 to NE). Published by the Amigos de la Aviación de San Miguel, A.C., San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico. Not to be used for navigation. The Amigos de la Aviación de San Miguel, A.C. has relied on the best information available and is not responsible for the accuracy or use of any information contained herein. Please report any inaccurate or conflicting information! Location of San Miguel Airport and Helipuerto Girasol (4.7 nm northwest of SMA) SMA : 20º 54.51’N 100º 42.16’W Not to be used for navigation. Helipuerto Girasol : 20º 57.77’N 100º 45.46’W MMSP 82 nm 345º MMLO 44 nm 270º Not to be used for Navigation MMQT 34 nm 114º MMCY 24 nm 202º Recommended Procedures for Arrivals to SMA Airport: Avoid overflight of Helipuerto Girasol located 4.7 nm northwest of Aeródromo San Miguel and flights over the Centro of San Miguel below 8,000 MSL. Within ten (10) miles of the aeródromo, announce on frequency 122.5MHz your: 1. Aircraft type 2. Registration or call sign 3. Position relative to the aeródromo or the town of San Miguel 4. Altitude 5. Intentions Upon entering the traffic pattern, announce your downwind leg, base leg, and final, and advise when clear of the runway. Recommended Procedures for Departing SMA Airport: Prior to taxi and before take-off, announce on frequency 122.5 MHz your: 1. Aircraft type 2. Registration or call sign 3. Position on the airport 4. Intentions Avoid overflight of Helipuerto Girasol located 4.7 nm northwest of Aeródromo San Miguel and flights over the center of San Miguel below 8,000 MSL. Report departing the area ten (10) miles out. Excerpt from INEGI Chart, First Edition, 2006 Showing Terrain and Navigation Facilities SAN MIGUEL ALLENDE (SMA) AIRPORT INFORMATION The Amigos de la Aviación de San Miguel, A.C. has relied on the best information available and is not responsible for the accuracy or use of any information contained herein. PLEASE DO NOT OVERFLY THE CITY OF SAN MIGUEL AT LESS THAN 8,000 MSL WITHIN ONE NAUTICAL MILE OF THE JARDIN! Communications: Bajio Approach (León, MMLO): 119.05 MHz, tele. 472 748 2099, x 120, Bajio Tower: 118.35 MHz, Querétaro Tower 118.95 MHz, Celaya 118.40 MHz Common Traffic Frequency at Aeródromo SMA: 122.5 MHz. Emergencies: 415-152-0911 or 066, Comandante Honorario: Ricardo Cerroblanco, cellular 415-103-0020 or Rusty Henson (415) 114-4483, US 720 641-6742 . N Magnetic Variation = 6ºE Photo is outdated (prior to road base/chip seal installation in 12/2011) and not to be used for navigation. Types of Operations: Daytime VFR with Visual Meteorlogical Conditions, Official Sunrise to Sunset. Runway threshold markers shown have been removed and not in correct positions for displaced thresholds. Airport Elevation: 2,040 meters (6691 MSL) Location: Approximately 2 NM east of San Miguel . Recommended Traffic Pattern/Altitude: Left Traffic at 7500 MSL, Latitude/Longitude: 20º 54.51’N 100º 42.16’W Obstruction clearances for the San Miguel airport are NOT in conformance with international standards. Terrain rises rapidly to south! Caution Density Altitude! Watch for overhead utility lines and 6,798 MSL towers along the Dr. Mora Road and power lines on approach to runway 09 and departure of runway 27 marked by red and white marker balls. Watch for livestock and pedestrians on the runway! Available runway lengths (width of landing area is 45 meters): LANDING Runway 09 at Displaced Threshold: 978 meters (3,209 feet). LANDING Runway 27 at Displaced Threshold : 1,416 meters (4,647 feet) . 2 meter (6 foot) fence before threshold. DEPARTING Runway 09: 1,416 meters (4,647 feet) Watch for 2 meter (6 foot) fence at far end. DEPARTING Runway 27: 978 meters (3,209 feet) to displaced threshold 09. Note: middle 1/3 length of runway slopes upward to east at 1.6%. Watch for hangars/trees at midfield on the south side Runway Surface: Compacted road base and chip seal: eastern 1,100 meters (3,608 feet) x 20 meters (66 feet) wide wide. Note: Opposite ends of runway are not visible from each other. SMA Airport Photos (before/after 2011improvements) SAN MIGUEL ALLENDE AIRPORT (at SAN JULIÁN) THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! The mission of the Amigos de la Aviación de San Miguel, A.C. (non-profit) is to promote aviation, education, and tourism in San Miguel, the State of Guanajuato, and all of central México. The Amigos appreciate the financial support of the State of Guanajuato and we also appreciate YOUR donation to help cover the cost of operations and maintenance for the aeródromo. The suggested donation for non-commercial visiting aircraft is $200 pesos per day or $1,000 pesos per week. For commercial aircraft, the suggested donation is $200 pesos per passenger with a maximum of $2,000 pesos per aircraft. Please contact the Amigos office at (415) 114-4483, or if you are in town, you can stop by the CiBanco located at the corner of San Francisco and Juarez and make a cash deposit into the Amigos account using the following information: Beneficiario: Amigos de la Aviación de San Miguel, A.C. CiBanco (Consultoría Internacional Banco, S.A): Clabe 143 180 000 00026891 7 Banorte (Banco Mercantile del Norte, S.A.): Clabe 072 240 006 60805256 9 Cuenta: 00000026891 Cuenta: 0660805256 ..or you can place your donation in an envelope available at the cashbox mounted on the windsock at mid-field. Please include your name, aircraft registration and type, aircraft base, and your arrival and departure dates on the envelope. We would appreciate receiving an email confirming your donation and would like to add you to our mailing list! Amigos de la Aviación de San Miguel, Asociación Civil (Non-Profit) #17 Cuna de Allende, Interior 4, C. P. 37700 San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, México Telephone: (415) 114-4483, Fax: (415) 152-3778 US Cellphone: (720) 641 6742 Updated 25 Feb 2015 AND NOW A WORD FROM OUR SPONSORS…. Along with your donation and our personal contributions, we receive support from our generous sponsors. PLEASE SUPPORT THEM! THEY WILL APPRECIATE YOUR VISIT AND YOUR BUSINESS! ALAS DE SAN MIGUEL-FLIGHT TRAINING AND AVIATION SERVICES Alas de San Miguel (“Wings of San Miguel”) is the only aviation operation in central Mexico devoted to the professional development and cultural collaboration of all northamerican pilots. We accomplish this by offering quality training for pilot certifications/ratings and proficiency and specialized training in “Cross-Border Operations”. Alas de San Miguel encourages you to expand your aviation horizons by visiting San Miguel de Allende in your aircraft, enjoy the culture and hospitality of this great country, train with us, and return often! US cell (720) 641 6742, Mexico cell (415) 114-4483. INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO SANMIGUELENSE The Instituto Tecnológico Sanmiguelense is affiliated with the University of Guanajuato and surrounded by mountains and green landscapes on a beautiful campus. The Instituto offers high school and superior university level courses and degree programs in Mechanical Engineering with an emphasis in computer design and software design, communication and visual design, business and corporate management, and computer simulation. The Instituto also offers extracurricular activities such as photography, music, dance, sports, and stained glass, among other activities. Located next to the San Miguel airport and a strong supporter of the Amigos “Jovenes Águilas de México” program, the Instituto offers facility tours by contacting them at 415 154 8484 or
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