Network S - Cleveland State Community College
Network S - Cleveland State Community College
Find a doctor in an instant. Search the most up-to-date provider directory available by visiting and using the simple search function. Log-on to and choose the “Consumer Health Tools” section on the home page. Provider Network Directory Easy-To-Use Guide for All Blue Networks BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee 1 Cameron Hill Circle | Chattanooga, TN 37402 BlueCross BlueShield of TennesAsee, Inc., an Independent Licensee of the BlueCross BlueShield Association This document has been classified as public information COMM-PPO-378 (3/10) How To Use This Directory This directory lists the names of doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and other health care providers that participate in one, some, or all of the provider networks offered by BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee. The networks are: • Blue Network P • Blue Network S • Blue Network K To receive the highest level of benefits from your PPO plan, make sure the doctor or provider you choose is in your specific Blue Network. 1. Find the name of your network. Typically, it’s located on the front of your member ID card. For Example 2. Check the provider listing. A provider participates only in the specific network – or networks – listed by letter after the name. Doe, John, MD P K 0000 First Street Chattanooga, TN 37000 (000) 000-0000 Provider #: 0000-000 For Example Smith, Jane, MD PSK 0000 First Street Chattanooga, TN 37000 For Example (000) 000-0000 Provider #: 0000-000 3. Make sure they match. You save money and keep costs down when you use doctors, hospitals and providers in your specific Blue Network. Table of Contents Important Information ................................................ 2 Facilities................................................................................ 5 Acute Care Hospitals Ambulatory Surgical Facilities Birthing Centers Dialysis Centers Outpatient Medical Diagnostic Centers Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) Rehabilitation .................................................................. 11 Inpatient Rehabilitation Outpatient Rehabilitation Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Speech Pathology/Speech Therapy Physicians Physicians and Health Professionals ................... 23 Urgent Care Urgent Care Providers .......................................... 139 Retail Convenient Care Center .............................141 Reference For services in the following categories, reference the provider type shown: Category Impacted Teeth and Accidental Injury to Teeth Reference These are considered medical conditions. To receive in-network benefits, please search for a surgeon within the “Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery” specialty category. Ear and Throat See Otolaryngology Family Physician See General Practice, Family Practice, Internal Medicine Independent Lab Also see Acute Care Facilities Supplies Also see Durable Medical Equipment Suppliers Oral Surgery See Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Sleep Disorder See Acute Care Facilities Medical Service Suppliers .......................................143 Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Suppliers Home Health Agencies Home Infusion Therapy Suppliers Hospice Agencies Prosthetic and Orthotic Suppliers Specialty DME Supplies Independent Laboratories ......................................163 Behavioral Health Providers ..................................165 Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals Behavioral Health Facilities & Programs Pharmacies .....................................................................189 Index ...................................................................................203 Para la ayuda del cliente en español, marque por favor 1-866-636-0164. 1 Important Information What is a provider network? A provider network is a distinct group of doctors, hospitals and other health care providers who have contracted with BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee. The network includes physicians, health care practitioners, rehabilitation facilities, skilled nursing facilities, durable medical equipment suppliers, independent labs, hospice, home health agencies and other participating providers in Tennessee and some bordering counties. Network providers are committed to holding down costs while maintaining an appropriate level of quality care. They have agreed to follow medical management guidelines that encourage the use of appropriate alternatives to costly inpatient hospitalization. In addition, these providers have agreed not to bill you for services that are deemed to be nonmedically necessary, inpatient services and certain outpatient services that are not authorized prior to admission, or any amounts above BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee’s maximum allowable charge, other than member coinsurance, deductibles and copayments. Finally, network providers have agreed to accept discounted fees for their services. Such discounts not only enable your health plan to cover a larger portion of the claims providers submit – but they are also reflected in your share of the bill. Getting to know your provider network BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee has three distinct preferred provider networks, called Blue Networks. Each includes a different grouping of doctors, hospitals and other health care facilities in your area. Your PPO plan includes one Blue Network (either P, S, or K). Your PPO plan entitles you to visit any provider you choose. However, to receive the highest level of benefits from your PPO plan, and to keep your out-of-pocket costs to a minimum, it is best to choose care from doctors, hospitals and other 2 health care providers that participate in your plan’s specified Blue Network (P, S, or K). Choosing care from providers who do NOT participate in your plan’s Blue Network will result in higher out-of-pocket costs in many ways. • Reduced Benefits Levels – you will be required to pay a greater portion of the cost of care received from out-of-network providers, including higher annual deductibles and coinsurance amounts. • Limited Reimbursements – reimbursements for out-of-network services are based on the maximum amount that would be paid to an in-network provider for the same service. The maximum amount is referred to as the “maximum allowable charge.” Charges that exceed this maximum amount are not covered and are your responsibility. In fact, amounts over the maximum allowable charge do not apply toward your outof-pocket maximum, so there is no limit to your liability for out-of-network services. • Up-Front Costs – fees for out-of-network services will be your responsibility until a claim has been submitted and processed. Unlike in-network providers, most out-of-network providers won’t file claims for you. You must therefore pay for services up front and then submit the claim yourself. Finding your provider network Typically, you can locate your health plan’s “Blue Network” in the lower left-hand corner or in the upper right-hand corner of your BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee member ID card. This one-letter distinction (P, S, or K) signifies your PPO plan’s specific network of providers. If you are a member of a BlueCross BlueShield health plan other than BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, then simply choose providers from the Blue Network that matches your BlueCard network distinction. Finding a provider in your network To find a doctor, hospital or other health care provider using this directory, simply: • Turn to the appropriate provider section (Facilities, Rehabilitation, Physicians, Medical Service Suppliers, Independent Laboratories, Behavioral Health Providers, or Pharmacies), or look up your provider by name in the Index. • Depending on the section, providers are listed alphabetically by various criteria such as specialty, county, facility type and provider name. • When a desired provider is located, look to the right of the provider’s name to find out if the provider participates in your plan’s Blue Network (P, S, or K). • Providers are added to networks daily, so it is important to check and see if a provider participates in your plan’s Blue Network before accepting services from them. • For the most up-to-date listing of providers, visit and click on the Find A Doctor tool. Finding a provider with BlueCard If you are a member of a BlueCross BlueShield health plan other than BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, then simply choose providers from the Blue Network that matches your BlueCard network distinction. Using a provider network Here are some tips to consider when visiting a BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee network provider. • Present your BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee member ID card each time you request services from a network provider. Your member ID card includes helpful information such as copay amounts, if applicable, and your plan’s network distinction. • Before requesting services from any health care provider, make sure the provider participates in your provider network. Be specific when asking a provider if they participate in your health plan’s provider network. Simply asking, “Do you accept BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee insurance?” is not specific enough. Be sure to ask if your provider participates in your plan’s particular provider network (for example, “Blue Network P”). Your plan’s network distinction (P, S, or K) can be found beside the heading “Blue Network:” on your BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee member ID card. • Accepting services from providers that do not participate in your plan’s particular provider network will result in higher out-of-pocket costs. • Do not assume that your doctor will only refer you to specialists, hospitals and/or other health care providers that participate in your plan’s provider network. Make sure that all referred providers participate in your plan’s provider network before accepting services from them. • Call 1-800-810-BLUE if you are outside of Tennessee to find a network provider. This number will be on the back of your member ID card. • Emergency care is covered anytime, anywhere.* Simply present your BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee member ID card when arriving at an emergency room. Then be sure that you or a family member calls member service within 24 hours if you are admitted to the hospital. * Unless you have reached your lifetime benefit maximum with BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee. Blue Network P Blue Network P 3 Please consider... • All information listed in this directory is subject to change. • The information is this directory was current at the time of printing. Changes to Blue Networks happen daily. For the most current listing of providers, visit • Make sure your provider currently belongs to your plan’s particular Blue Network before accepting services from your provider. • For complete administrative and benefit information about your particular health plan, please consult your Evidence of Coverage (EOC) or policy. • BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee does not provide or endorse services from participating providers, nor guarantee a provider’s quality of service. Listing in this directory does not mean that BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee and participating providers are: employer and employee; principal and agent; or any relation other than that of independent parties. Pharmacy Check your Evidence of Coverage (EOC) or policy to determine if pharmacy benefits are covered under your health plan. If you are a member of a BlueCross BlueShield health plan other than BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, this pharmacy information does not apply. Participating pharmacies belong to a specific network (example: RX04). To receive the highest level of benefits from your pharmacy plan, choose only those pharmacies that participate in your plan’s specific pharmacy network. Purchasing prescription drugs from out-of-network pharmacies will result in higher out-of-pocket costs. To locate your plan’s pharmacy network distinction (example: RX04), look on the front of your BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee member ID card. Member service you can count on If you ever have any questions about your plan’s Blue Network, please feel free to call BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee member service at 1-800-565-9140. Or, simply log on to and click on the Find A Doctor tool for the most current listing of providers. About Blue Network K Providers listed in this directory are verifiable only up to the time the directory was printed. Blue Network K was built around medical centers in major metropolitan areas. Blue Network K includes medical centers and providers throughout the state; however, members in Network K in some areas may be required to travel greater distances to receive in-network care. To verify that a provider is still participating in your Blue Network, you can: 1. Call the Member Service number on your member ID card; or For example: • Blue Network K members who live in rural areas of middle Tennessee may be required to travel to Nashville to receive in-network care. 2. Access our Web site, Click on Health Tools for the Find A Doctor tool, choose the type of provider you need, then select your specific Blue Network. This is updated daily. • Blue Network K may only include certain highly Remember: Provider status is subject to change. 4 specialized providers in one urban center, requiring a member to travel from Chattanooga to Nashville. Facilities Many Acute Care Facilities also provide Independent Laboratory, Rehabilitation and Sleep Disorder Services. Inpatient care for mental health and substance abuse treatment will be provided through a special network. Please refer to the Behavioral Health Providers section for a listing of practitioners in the network. Remember: Provider status is subject to change. Providers listed in this directory are verifiable only up to the time the directory was printed. To verify that a provider is still participating in your Blue Network you can: 1. Call the Member Service number on your ID card; or 2. Access our Web site, Click on the Find A Doctor tool, choose the type of provider you need, then select your specific Blue Network. This is updated daily. 5 Acute Care Hospital S-Network S P-Network P Vanderbilt Univ Medical Center Acute Care Hospital Anderson County Methodist Med Ctr of Oak Ridge Avery County (NC) Charles A Cannon Jr Memorial Hospital Bedford County Heritage Medical Center Benton County Camden General Hospital Bledsoe County Erlanger Bledsoe Blount County Blount Memorial Hospital Bradley County Skyridge Medical Center Calloway County (KY) Murray Calloway County Hospital Campbell County St Marys Med Ctr of Campbell County Cannon County Stones River Hospital Carroll County Baptist Memorial Hospital Huntingdon McKenzie Regional Hospital Carter County Sycamore Shoals Hospital Catoosa County (GA) Hutcheson Medical Center Cheatham County Centennial Med Ctr at Ashland City Claiborne County Claiborne County Hospital Clay County Cumberland River Hospital Clinton County (KY) Clinton County Hospital Cocke County Baptist Hospital of Cocke Co Coffee County Harton Regional Medical Center Medical Center of Manchester United Regional Medical Center Crittenden County (AR) Crittenden Regional Hospital Cumberland County Cumberland Medical Center Cumberland County (KY) Cumberland County Hospital Davidson County Baptist Hospital Inc Centennial Medical Center Metropolitan Nash General Hosp Saint Thomas Hospital Select Specialty Hospital Nashville Skyline Medical Center Southern Hills Medical Center Summit Medical Center The Center for Spinal Surgery Vanderbilt Childrens Hosp 6 K-Network K Networks Networks Decatur County Decatur County General Hosp PS DeKalb County Dekalb Community Hospital P DeSoto County (MS) Baptist Memorial Hospital Desoto PSK Dickson County Horizon Medical Center PS Dyer County Dyersburg Regional Medical Center PSK Fayette County Methodist Hospital of Fayette PS Fentress County Jamestown Regional Medical Center PSK Franklin County Southern Tennessee Medical Center PS Fulton County (KY) Parkway Regional Hospital PS PS PS PS Gibson County Gibson General Hospital Humboldt General Hospital Milan General Hospital Giles County Hillside Hospital Graves County (KY) PS Jackson Purchase Medical Center Greene County PS Laughlin Memorial Hospital Inc Takoma Regional Hospital P Hamblen County Lakeway Regional Hospital Morristown Hamblen Hosp Assoc Inc PSK PSK P PSK PS PS PS Erlanger East Erlanger Medical Center Erlanger North Kindred Hospital Chattanooga Memorial Hospital Memorial North Park Hospital Miller Eye Center Parkridge East Hospital Parkridge Medical Center T C Thompson Childrens Hosp Hancock County Wellmont Hancock County Hospital Hardeman County P Bolivar General Hospital PS Hardin County Hardin Medical Center Hawkins County P P P P P P P P P P P Hamilton County Hawkins County Memorial Hospital S S S S Haywood County Haywood Park Community Hospital Henderson County Henderson County Community Hospital Henry County Henry County Medical Center S SK Hickman County Hickman Community Hospital Networks PSK Houston County PS Humphreys County PS Jefferson County PS Johnson County P Knox County PS P PS PS PS PS PS PS Patients Choice Med Center of Erin TN LLC P S Three Rivers Hospital Jefferson Memorial Hosp Inc Johnson County Community Hospital Baptist Hospital for Women East Tenn Childrens Hosp Fort Sanders Regional Med Ctr Mercy Medical Center Mercy Medical Center West Parkwest Medical Center Select Specialty Hospital Knoxville Select Specialty Hospital North Knoxville University of Tennessee Medical Center Lauderdale County Baptist Mem Hosp Lauderdale Lawrence County Crockett Hospital Lincoln County Lincoln Medical Center Loudon County Fort Loudoun Medical Center PS Macon County Macon County General Hosp P Madison County Jackson Madison Co Gen Hosp PS PS PSK PS P P P P P P P P P P SK SK SK S SK S S SK PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS Marion County Grandview Medical Center Marshall County Marshall Medical Center Maury County Maury Regional Hospital McMinn County Athens Regional Medical Center Woods Memorial Hospital McNairy County McNairy Regional Hospital Monroe County Sweetwater Hospital Assoc Monroe County (KY) Monroe County Medical Center PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P K SK S K S S S SK PS PS PS PS PSK PS PS PS PS PS P PS PS PS Montgomery County Gateway Medical Center PS Patients Choice Med Center of Erin TN LLC P S Vanderbilt Childrens Hosp PSK Obion County Baptist Mem Hosp Union City Overton County Livingston Regional Hosp Perry County Perry Community Hospital Polk County Copper Basin Medical Center Putnam County Cookeville Regional Medical Center Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS PS PS PS Facilities S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Wilson County Acute Care Hospital Rhea County Rhea Medical Center Roane County Roane Medical Center Robertson County Northcrest Medical Center Rutherford County Middle Tennessee Medical Center StoneCrest Medical Center Saint Francis County (AR) Crittenden Regional Hospital Scott County Scott County Hospital Sevier County LeConte Medical Center Shelby County Baptist Memorial Hospital Memphis Baptist Memorial Restorative Care Hospital Baptist Rehabilitation Germantown Delta Medical Center Lebonheur Childrens Medical Center Methodist Memphis Healthcare Regional Medical Center of Memphis Saint Francis Hospital Saint Francis Hospital Bartlett Select Specialty Hospital Memphis St Jude Childrens Research Hosp Smith County Riverview Regional Medical Center North Riverview Regional Medical Center South Sullivan County Indian Path Medical Center Select Specialty Hospital Tri Cities Inc Wellmont Bristol Reg Med Center Wellmont Holston Valley Hosp and Med Ctr Sumner County Hendersonville Medical Center Sumner Reg Health Systems Inc Tipton County Baptist Memorial Hosp Tipton Trousdale County Trousdale Medical Center Unicoi County Unicoi Co Memorial Hosp Inc Warren County River Park Hospital Washington County Johnson City Medical Ctr Hosp Johnson City Specialty Hosp North Side Hospital Watauga County (NC) Watauga Medical Center Inc Wayne County Wayne Medical Center Weakley County Volunteer Community Hospital White County White Co Community Hospital Williamson County Williamson Medical Center Facilities University Medical Center PS Anderson County Advanced Family Surgery Center PS Endoscopy Center of Oak Ridge PS The Eye Surgery Center of Oak Ridge LLC P S PS Bedford County PS P The Center for ENT Laser and Cosmetic SurgeryPS Blount County Maryville Surgery Center Tennessee Endoscopy Center P PSK NovaMed Surgery Center of Cleveland Center For Day Surgery Inc Tullahoma Surgery Center S S S Crittenden County (AR) S Cataract and Laser Center Specialty Surgery Center S S Doctors Surgery Ctr Cumberland County K K PS PS P P P P Bradley County Coffee County PS S S S S S P PS PS PS PS P PS PS PSK PS DeSoto County (MS) Dyer County Hamblen County Surgery Endoscopy Center of Morristown Childrens West Surgery Center Eye Surgery Center of East Tennessee Fort Sanders West Op Surg Ctr Knoxville Eye Surgery Center Knoxville Orthopaedic Surgery Center LLC Parkwest Surgery Center Physicians Surgery Center of Knoxville St Marys Ambulatory Surgery Center LLC The Endoscopy Center The Endoscopy Center North The Endoscopy Center West University Ambulatory Surgical Center Madison County DDC Surgery Center Physicians Surgery Center Skyline Endoscopy Center Maury County P McMinn County Surgery Center of Athens PS P P PS PS Atrium Memorial Surgical Ctr PS Center For Oral and Facial Surgery of ChattanoogaPS Chattanooga Pain Surgery Center PS Digestive Disorders Endoscopy PS Eye Surgery Center of Chattanooga LLC P S Memorial Mission Surgery Center P NovaMed Surgery Center of Chattanooga P S Physicians Surgery Center of Chattanooga P S Plaza Surgery Gp PSK Surgery Center of Chattanooga LP PS Kentucky Lake Surgery Center LLC Van Dyck ASC LLC Knox County Columbia TN Endoscopy Maury Regional Surgery Center Surgery Center of Columbia The Surgery Ctr of Middle Tennessee Hamilton County Henry County Networks PS PS Associated Endoscopy LLC PS Baptist Ambulatory Surgery PS Baptist Plaza Surgicare PS Centennial Surgery Center PS Delozier Surgery Center LLC PS Digestive Disease Endoscopy CT PS Endoscopy Ctr of St Thomas PS Eye Surgery Center of Nashville PS Gurley Surgery Ctr PS Mid-State Endoscopy Center PS Nashville Endoscopy Center PS Nashville Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Ctr P S Northridge Surgery Center PS Oral Facial Surgery Ctr PS Premier Orthopaedics Surgery Center LLC P S Premier Radiology Pain Mangement Center P Saint Thomas Campus SurgiCare LP PS SCA Nashville Surgery Center PSK Southern Endoscopy Center PS St Thomas Outpatient Neurosurgical Ctr LLCP S Summit Surgery Center PS The Nashville TN Ophthalmology ASC PS Urology Surgery Center Inc PS Wesley Ophthalmic Plastic Surg PS Cape Surgery Center LLC PS PS PS PS PS Davidson County Delta Endoscopy Center PS PS PSK Ambulatory Surgical Facility PS P P P P P P P P P P P Ambulatory Surgical Facility K-Network K PSK Monroe County Surgical Services PC Montgomery County Clarksville Endoscopy Center Clarksville Surgery Center Gi Specialist of Clarksville Surgery Center of Clarksville Morgan County Ambulatory Surgical Center of Wartburg Obion County Union City Asc LLC Union City Surgery Center PS P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S SK PS P PS P P P P S S S S PS PS P P P P S S S S PS PS PS Putnam County Perimeter Surgery Center PS The Cookeville Surgery Ctr Inc PS Upperland Cumberland Physicians Surgery Center LLCP S Rutherford County Middle Tennessee Ambulatory Surgery CenterPS Physicians Pavilion Surgery Center PS Surgicenter of Murfreesboro PS Shelby County Baptist Germantown Surgery Center PS Campbell Surgery Center PS East Memphis Surgery Center PS Germantown Ambulatory Surgical PS GI Diagnostic and Theraputic Center PS Hamilton Eye Institute Surgery Center LP P S Lebonheur East Surgery Center P Lebonheur Surgery Center II LP P Mays and Schnapp Pain Clinic and Rehab CtrPS Medical Center Endoscopy Group PS Memphis Eye and Cataract Ambulatory Surg CtrPS Memphis Gastro Endoscopy Ctr PS Memphis Surgery Center PS Methodist Surgery Center Germantown P Mid South Gastroenterology Group PS Midtown Surgery Center PS North Surgery Center Lp P Ridge Lake Asc PS Saint Francis Surgery Center LLC P K Semmes Murphy Surgery Center PS Southwind Endoscopy Center LLC PS Urocenter PS West Clinic PC PS Wolf River Surgery Center PS Check our Web site @ for current listing. 7 Ambulatory Surgical Facility S-Network S P-Network P Networks Catoosa County (GA) Ambulatory Surgical Facility Dialysis Clinic Inc Claiborne County Sullivan County Bristol Surgery Center PS Endoscopy Center of Bristol PS Endoscopy Ctr of Kingsport Inc PS Holston Valley Ambulatory Surgery Center P S Kingsport Ambulatory Surgery Center PS Kingsport Bronchoscopy Ctr Inc PS Kingsport Endoscopy Corp PS Mountain Empire Cataract and Eye Surgery CenterPS Renaissance Surgery Center PS Sapling Grove Ambulatory Surgery Center P S The Center for Digestive Wellness PS The Regional Eye Surgery Center PS Sumner County Green Surgery Center Patient Partners Surgery Center Washington County East Tennessee Ambulatory Surgery Ctr Endoscopy Ctr of Northeast TN PC Johnson City Eye Surgery Center Mountain Empire Surgery Center PMA Surgery Center Tri Cities Outpatient Surgery Inc Williamson County Cool Springs Surgery Center Franklin Endoscopy Center LLC The Bone and Joint Surgery Center Williamson Surgery Center LLC PS PS P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S Lebanon Endoscopy Center LLC P Lebanon Surgery Center P Tennessee Sports Medicine Surgery Center P Wilson County Eye Surgery Center P S S S S Lisa Ross Birth and Womens Center Wayne County Family Health and Birth Center Clinton Dialysis Center FMC Dialysis Services Oak Ridge Bedford County Dialysis Clinic Inc Blount County Blount Dialysis Center Bradley County Bradley Dialysis Clinic Kidney Center Cleveland Campbell County Fresenius Medical Care Lafollette Carter County Fresenius Medical Care of Elizabethton RCG Tullahoma Davidson County Cumberland Dialysis DCI Home Training of Middle Tennessee DCI Summit Dialysis Clinic Inc Dialysis Associates Home Training Dialysis Associates of West Nashville Dialysis Clinic Inc RCG East Nashville RCG Madison Vanderbilt Dialysis Clinic Vanderbilt Dialysis Clinic East Vanderbilt Univ Medical Center Whitebridge Dialysis DeSoto County (MS) Southaven Dialysis Dialysis Clinic Inc Dyer County Dyersburg Dialysis RCG Winchester Fulton County (GA) Fresenius Medical Care of Sevierville Gibson County RCG Pulaski PS Greene County RCC of East Tennessee PS PS Dialysis Centers Anderson County Coffee County Giles County Womens Wellness and Maternity Center Inc P S Infinity Birthing Center FMC Dialysis Newport DCI Humboldt Monroe County Putnam County Cocke County Franklin County Birthing Center Knox County Appalachian Dialysis Dickson County P P P P Wilson County PSK PSK PSK PS PSK PSK Hamblen County BMA Morristown Morristown Dialysis Center Hamilton County Chattanooga Kidney Center Chattanooga Kidney Center North LLC Dialysis Clinic Inc Dialysis Clinic Inc Chattanooga Dialysis Clinic Inc East Ridge Dialysis Clinic Inc Lyerly Dialysis Clinic Inc-Hixson Haywood County Dialysis Clin Inc Brownsville Henderson County Dialysis Clinic Inc Henry County Dialysis Clinic Inc-Paris Hickman County Fresenius Medical Care of Centerville Jefferson County PSK Fresenius Medical Care New Market Johnson County PSK BMA of Mountain City Knox County BMA Fort Sanders 8 K-Network K Networks PSK PS PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K Networks Dialysis Clinic Inc Knoxville Dialysis Clinic Inc Holston River Dialysis Clinic Inc Maryville Dialysis Services West East Knoxville Dialysis Ctr Knoxville Dialysis Center North Knoxville Dialysis Ctr Lawrence County Fresenius Medical Care Lawrenceburg Lawrenceburg Dialysis Lincoln County FMC Elk River Dialysis Loudon County FMC Loudon Madison County Dialysis Clinic Inc Dialysis Clinic Inc-Paris Marion County Dialysis Clinic Inc Marshall County Fresenius Medical Care of Lewisburg PSK PSK Maury County Columbia Dialysis Dialysis Associates of Columbia McMinn County PSK FMC Athens Monroe County PSK Sweetwater Dialysis Center Montgomery County PSK Clarksville Dialysis Dialysis Clinic Inc PSK Obion County PSK Putnam County PSK Rhea County PSK PS Roane County Renal Care Group Union City Cookeville Dialysis Dialysis Clinic Inc-Dayton FMC Dialysis Services Roane County Robertson County P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K Dialysis Associates of Springfield Rutherford County Dialysis Associates Smyrna Dialysis Clinic Inc Murfreesboro Dialysis RCG Murfreesboro Home Sevier County PSK Dialysis Clinic Inc Sevierville Fresenius Medical Care of Sevierville PSK Shelby County PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK BMA Memphis BMA of Graceland DSI Memphis Central Renal Center DSI Memphis Midtown Renal Center DSI Memphis North Renal Center DSI Memphis South Renal Center DSI Whitehaven Renal Center East Memphis Kidney Clinic FMC of Collierville Fresenius Med Care Memp Germantown Memphis Central Dialysis Memphis East Dialysis Memphis Kidney & Dialysis-Whitehaven Memphis Kidney and Dialysis Memphis Kidney and Dialysis Services Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K Facilities S-Network S P-Network P Networks Beech Tree Manor K Cumberland Village Care and Rehab Center P S St Marys Hlth and Rehab Ctr of Campbell CtyPS Shelby County (Continued) Sullivan County BMA of Bristol BMA of West Kingsport FMC Dialysis of Kingsport Sumner County Dialysis Associates of Gallatin RCG Portland Sumner Dialysis Tipton County BMA of Tipton County Tipton County Dialysis Walker County (GA) Dialysis Clinic Inc Lafayette Warren County RCG McMinnville Washington County RCC of Johnson City Smokie Mountain Dialysis Inc Weakley County RCG Martin Williamson County Dialysis Associates of Franklin Williamson County Dialysis Wilson County Dialysis Clinic Lebanon PSK PSK PS PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PS PSK PSK PSK PSK Sullivan County Cardiovascular Diagnostics LLC Golden Living Center Windwood NHC Healthcare Oak Ridge Norris Health and Rehabilitation Center Summit View of Lake City PS P P P P S S S SK Avery County (NC) Christian Care Center of Bedford Co LLC Benton County Camden Healthcare and Rehab Center Blount County Asbury Place Maryville Blount Memorial Transitional Care Unit Colonial Hills Nursing Center Fairpark Healthcare Ctr Maryville Healthcare & Rehab Center Shannondale Health Care Bradley County Life Care Center of Cleveland Bristol County (VA) NHC Healthcare Bristol Facilities PS PS P P P P P P Carroll County Huntingdon Health and Rehab Center Life Care Ctr of Bruceton-Hollow Rock McKenzie Health Care Ctr Oak Manor Health Care Center Carter County Ivy Hall Nursing Home Life Care Ctr of Elizabethton Roan Highlands Nursing Center Inc Catoosa County (GA) Hutcheson Medical Center NHC Healthcare Fort Oglethorpe Cheatham County Centennial Med Ctr at Ashland City Christian Care Center of Cheatham Claiborne County Claiborne Co Nursing Home Tri State Health & Rehab Center Cocke County Newport Health and Rehabilitation Coffee County Coffee Medical Center Nursing Life Care Center of Tullahoma Crockett County Bells Nursing Home Inc Crockett County Nursing Home Inc Cumberland County PS P P P P S SK S SK PS PSK PSK PS PS P PS PSK PS PS PS PSK PS PS PS PSK Belcourt Terrace PS Bethany Health Care Center PSK Bordeaux Long Term Care PS Cumberland Manor Inc PS Good Samaritan Health and Rehabilitation CenterPSK Grace Healthcare of Whites Creek PSK Greenhills Health and Rehab Cntr PS Madison Healthcare & Rehabilitation Ctr PS McKendree Village Inc PSK Ridgetop Haven Health Care Center PSK The Health Center at Richland Place PS Trevecca Health Care Center PSK Vanco Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation P S West Mead Place PS Decatur County C A Cannon Jr Mem Hosp Restorative Care P Bedford County Woodbury Nursing Center Inc Davidson County Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Anderson County Cannon County Life Care Center of Crossville Wyndridge Health & Rehabilitation Ctr Outpatient Medical Diagnostic Center S S SK S S SK PSK PS Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Networks Campbell County Dialysis Centers Memphis South Dialysis NRI Galleria NRI Memphis Graceland K-Network K Networks Gibson County Cornerstone Health Care of Milan Douglas Nursing Home Dyer Nursing Home Inc Humboldt Healthcare and Rehab Center Humboldt Nursing Home Inc NHC Healthcare Milan Trenton Place Care and Rehab Center Ardmore on Main Care and Rehab Center P S Meadowbrook Health and Rehabilitation Center IncPS NHC Healthcare Pulaski PS Grainger County Ridgeview Terrace of Life Care Durham Hensley Health and Rehabilitation P S Laughlin Healthcare Center PS Life Care Ctr of Greeneville PSK Hamblen County Heritage Center Lifecare Center of Morristown Hamilton County Alexian Village of Tenn Inc Consulate Health Care of Chattanooga Life Care Center of Collegedale Life Care Center of East Ridge Life Care Center of Missionary Ridge Life Care Center of Red Bank NHC Healthcare Chattanooga Siskin Hospital Sub Acute Rehab Program St Barnabas Nursing Home The Health Center at Standifer Hardeman County Pine Meadows Healthcare and Rehab Pleasant View Healthcare Dyer County Dyersburg Manor Nursing Ctr Fayette County NHC Healthcare Somerville Franklin County PS PS PS Golden Living Center Mountain View PS Southern TN Skilled Facility PSK Willows at Winchester Care and Rehab CenterPS P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K SK S PS PSK Hardin County Nursing Home PS Savannah Health Care and Rehabilitation CenterPS Hawkins County Signature HealthCare of Rogersville Haywood County Crestview Health Care Ctr Henderson County Lexington Manor Nursing Ctr Henry County Arbor Place of Puryear Inc Henry County Healthcare Center Paris Health Care Nursing and Rehab Ctr Hickman County Life Care Center of Centerville Humphreys County NHC Healthcare Dickson PSK PSK Hardin County DeKalb County Dickson County PSK Greene County Houston County PS SK SK S S S S S Giles County Decatur County Manor PS Westwood Health Care and Rehabilitation CenterPS NHC Healthcare Smithville P P P P P P P PSK PS PS PS PS PS PSK Patients Choice Med Center of Erin TN LLC P S Waverly Health Care and Rehab Center Inc P S Jackson County Mabry Health Care & Rehab Center Jefferson County Life Care Ctr of Jefferson Cty Knox County Fort Sanders Transitional Care Hillcrest Medical Nursing Inst Inc Hillcrest Medical Nursing Inst South Holston Health and Rehab Ctr NHC Healthcare Fort Sanders NHC Healthcare Knoxville Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK PSK P P P P P P S SK SK S S S 9 Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) S-Network S P-Network P Networks Polk County Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Life Care Center of Copper Basin Putnam County Knox County (Continued) Northhaven Health Care Ctr Shannondale Health Care St Marys Transitional Care Unit Summit View of Farragut The Health Care Center of Cavett Hill Lake County The Bridge at Ridgely Lawrence County Countryside Health and Rehab NHC Healthcare Lawrenceburg NHC Healthcare Scott Lewis County Lewis County Nursing and Rehab Ctr Inc Lincoln County Fayetteville Care and Rehab Center Lincoln and Donalson Care Center Loudon County Loudon Healthcare Center Macon County Knollwood Manor Madison County Forest Cove Nursing and Rehab Center Maplewood Healthcare Center Northbrooke Health Care West Tennessee Transitional Care Inc Marshall County Marshall Medical Center NHC Healthcare Lewisburg NHC Healthcare Oakwood Maury County Hidden Acres Health Care Center Life Care Center of Columbia Maury Regional Hospital SNF NHC Healthcare Columbia NHC Healthcare Hillview Rosewood Manor of Columbia McMinn County Etowah Health Care Center Life Care Center of Athens McMinn Mem Nursing Home NHC Healthcare Athens McNairy County McNairy County Health Care Center Inc Monroe County East Tennessee Health Care Center Sweetwater Nursing Center Inc Wood Presbyterian Home Inc P P P P P S SK SK S PSK P K PS PS PS PS PS PS PSK P P P P S SK S S PS PS PS P P P P P P S SK S S S S P P P P S SK S S PS PS PSK PSK Montgomery County Clarksville Nursing and Rehabilitation Center IncPS Palmyra Health Care Center PSK Moore County Lynchburg Nursing Center Morgan County Life Care Center of Morgan County Obion County Golden Living Center Union City Union City Manor Overton County Overton County Nursing Home PSK PSK PS PS Bethesda Health Care Center Inc Masters Health Care Center NHC Healthcare of Cookeville PS PS PS Networks Asbury Place at Johnson City Christian Care Center of Johnson City Inc Four Oaks Health Care Center Franklin Transitional Care JCMC SNF Lakebridge Health Care Center Life Care Center of Gray NHC Healthcare Johnson City Princeton Transitional Care Harriman Care and Rehabilitation Center P S K Renaissance Terrace Care and Rehab CenterPS The Bridge at Rockwood PSK Weakley County Robertson County White County Christian Care Center of Springfield LLC Golden Living Center Springfield NHC Healthcare Springfield PS PS PS Rutherford County Adams Place PS Boulevard Terrace Rehab and Nursing Center LPPS Community Care of Rutherford County Inc P S NHC Healthcare Murfreesboro PS Northside Health Care Center PS Sequatchie County NHC Healthcare Sequatchie PS Van Ayer Manor Nursing Home Weakley County Nursing Home Life Care Center of Sparta NHC Healthcare Sparta Williamson County Claiborne Hughes Health Center NHC Healthcare Franklin NHC Place at Cool Springs Wilson County Lebanon Health and Rehab Center Mt Juliet Healthcare Center Quality Care Health Center The Pavilion CPC P P P P P P P P S S SK S SK S S S PS PS PSK PS PS PS PS PS PS PS P Sevier County Fort Sanders Sevier Nsg Home PS Pigeon Forge Care and Rehabilitation CenterP S K Sevier Co Health Care Center PSK Shelby County Applingwood Health Care Baptist Memorial Hospital Memphis SNF Bright Glade Convalescent Ctr Court Manor Nursing Grace Healthcare of Cordova Mid South Health and Rehabiliation Center Parkway Health and Rehabilitation Center Primacy Healthcare & Rehab Center Signature HealthCare at Saint Francis Smith County Smith Co Health Care Ctr Inc P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S SK S K PS Sullivan County Asbury Place at Kingsport P K Brookhaven Manor P Greystone Healthcare Center PS Holston Manor PS Indian Path Medical Center Transitional Care UnitPS The Wexford House PS Sumner County Gallatin Health Care Center LLC Golden Living Center Brandywood NHC Healthcare Hendersonville Tipton County Covington Care Center Covington Manor Nursing Home Unicoi County Center On Aging and Health Unicoi Co Nursing Home Inc Union County Willow Ridge Care and Rehab Center Van Buren County Generations Center of Spencer Walker County (GA) NHC Healthcare Rossville Warren County NHC Healthcare McMinnville PSK PSK Roane County Washington County Appalachian Christian Village 10 K-Network K Networks P PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PSK PS PS P Check our Web site @ for current listing. Facilities Rehabilitation Please reference Hospitals for additional providers that may provide rehabilitation services. Inpatient care for mental health and substance abuse treatment will be provided through a special network. Please refer to the Behavioral Health Providers section for a listing of practitioners in the network. Remember: Provider status is subject to change. Providers listed in this directory are verifiable only up to the time the directory was printed. To verify that a provider is still participating in your Blue Network you can: 1. Call the Member Service number on your ID card; or 2. Access our Web site, Click on the Find A Doctor tool, choose the type of provider you need, then select your specific Blue Network. This is updated daily. 11 Inpatient Rehabilitation S-Network S P-Network P Networks Crockett County Inpatient Rehabilitation Davidson County Nashville Rehabilitation Hospital Vanderbilt Stallworth Rehab Bells Nursing Home Inc Crockett County Nursing Home Inc PSK PSK Cumberland County Healthsouth Chatt Rehab Hospital PSK Siskin Hospital For Physical Rehabilitation P S Benchmark Physical Therapy Physiotherapy Associates Plateau Physical Therapy, Inc Summit View Health Services Wyndridge Health and Rehab Ctr Shelby County Dade County (GA) Hamilton County Healthsouth Rehab Hospital Memphis Healthsouth Rehabilitation Hospital Sullivan County Healthsouth Rehab Hospital PSK PSK PSK Washington County James H Cecile Quillen Rehab Weakley County Healthsouth Cane Creek Rehab Center S PSK Anderson County Benchmark Physical Therapy Golden Living Center Windwood NHC Oak Ridge Physiotherapy Associates Summit View Health Services P P P P P SK SK S S SK Bedford County Christian Care Center of Bedford County LLCPS Blount County Appalachian Therapy Ctr Asbury Place at Maryville Colonial Hills Nursing Ctr Speech Pathology Svcs of East TN Bradley County Benchmark Physical Therapy Life Care Ctr of Cleveland Lifefitness LLC Bristol County (VA) NHC Healthcare Bristol Campbell County Grace Rehabilitation Center Inc P P P P S S S S PSK PS P PS PSK Carroll County Life Care Center of Bruceton-Hollow Rock P S McKenzie Health Care Ctr PS Carter County Ivy Hall Nursing Home Life Care Ctr of Elizabethton Physical Therapy Services Roan Highlands Nursing Center, Inc Catoosa County (GA) NHC Ft Oglethorpe North River Physical Therapy P P P P S S SK SK PS PSK Cheatham County Christian Care Center of Cheatham County IncPS Chester County Sports Plus Henderson Cocke County Benchmark Physical Therapy Coffee County Life Care Ctr of Tullahoma Top Rehab Services Inc 12 Physical Therapy Associates PS PSK PS PSK P P P P P S S S S S K K K K PSK Bethany Health and Rehab PSK Cumberland Manor Nursing Center PS Health Center at Richland Place PS LAS Therapy Network Speech Rehab and Educ ConsultP S Select Physical Therapy Holdings PSK Tennessee Therapy Centers, Inc PS Trevecca Health and Rehab PSK Vanco Manor Nursing Ctr PS Decatur Co Manor Nursing Center Rehab America Inc Westwood Health Care Ctr DeKalb County NHC Healthcare Smithville DeSoto County (MS) Rippee Rehab LLC Dickson County NHC Healthcare Dickson Physiotherapy Associates Select Physical Therapy Holdings Dyer County Dyersburg Manor Nursing Center Sports Plus Dyersburg Fayette County NHC Somerville Fentress County Progressional Rehabilitation Franklin County Golden Living Center Mountain View Therapy Works Gibson County Dyer Nursing Home Inc Humboldt Manor Nursing Ctr Humboldt Nursing Home Inc NHC Milan Sports Plus Medina Giles County Meadowbrook Nursing Home NHC Pulaski Grainger County Ridgeview Terrace of LifeCare PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PSK Hamblen County Associated Therapeutics LifeCare Center of Morristown The Heritage Center Hardin County Savannah Health Care Ctr Haywood County Crestview Health Care Center Henderson County Lexington Manor Nursing Ctr Sports Plus Rehab Centers of Lexington Henry County Benton County Physical Therapy Henry County Healthcare Center Paris Manor Nursing Center Hickman County Centerville Health Care Center Humphreys County Waverly Health Care Ctr Jackson County Mabry Healthcare & Rehab Jefferson County PS Knox County PS PSK PSK P P P P P S S S S S PS PS PS Apple Rehab Services PSK Durham Hensley Health and Rehabilitation P S LifeCare Center of Greenville PS Therapy Works Benchmark Physical Therapy PSK Fusion Fitness and Physical Therapy Center LLCPS Healthsouth Chattanooga Rehabilitation HospitalPSK Life Care Center of Collegedale PS Life Care Center of Red Bank PS Life Care Ctr of East Ridge PS LifeCare Center of Missionary Ridge PS Lifefitness LLC PSK NHC Healthcare-Chattanooga PS NHC Rehabilitation PSK North River Physical Therapy PSK Orange Grove Op Rehab PS Pediatrics Plus Inc PSK Physical Therapy Associates PSK Rehab South PSK Select Physical Therapy Holdings PSK PS PS Greene County Grundy County Networks Hamilton County PS PS Davidson County Decatur County Outpatient Rehabilitation K-Network K Networks PSK Life Care Ctr of Jefferson City Optimus Health Center Inc Associated Therapeutics Benchmark Physical Therapy Holston Health and Rehab Center NHC Healthcare Farragut NHC Healthcare-Fort Sanders NHC Knoxville Physiotherapy Associates Physiotherapy Associates Inc Rehab Specialties Inc Select Physical Therapy Holdings Shannondale Health Care Summit View Health Services UT Hearing and Speech Center Lawrence County NHC Healthcare-Scott NHC Lawrenceburg Lewis County Lewis County Manor Loudon County Appalachian Therapy Ctr Benchmark Physical Therapy Genesis Therapy Group LLC Physiotherapy Associates Physiotherapy Associates-Lenoir City PS PS PS PS PSK PS PS PS PS PSK PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K PS PS PS P P P P P S SK SK S S Macon County Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Lafayette IncPS K PS PS PS Madison County Forest Cove Manor Nursing Ctr Kiwanis Center For Child Development Northbrooke Health Care Center Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS PS Rehab S-Network S P-Network P Networks Outpatient Rehabilitation Madison County (Continued) PhysioPlus of S Jackson Sports Plus Aqua Therapies Sports Plus Fitness Sports Plus-Central Sports Plus-North Sports Plus-South The Star Center West TN Center for Child Development Work Plus Rehab Marion County Benchmark Physical Therapy Marshall County NHC Lewisburg NHC Oakwood Maury County Life Care Ctr of Columbia NHC Healthcare Columbia NHC Hillview Rosewood Manor Nursing Ctr Wilson Physical Therapy and Wellness Inc McMinn County Benchmark Physical Therapy Life Care Ctr of Athens NHC Healthcare-Athens McNairy County McNairy Co Health Care Ctr Monroe County Benchmark Physical Therapy Sweetwater Nursing Center Inc Wood Presbyterian Home Inc Montgomery County Clarksville Manor Nursing Center Full Spectrum Rehab Center Select Physical Therapy Holdings Moore County Lynchburg Nursing Ctr Morgan County Life Care Ctr of Morgan County Obion County Golden Living Center Union City Union City Manor Nursing Ctr Overton County Physical Med Ctr of Cumberland Polk County LifeCare Center of Copper Basin Putnam County Bethesda Health Care Center NHC Cookeville Sports Medicine Physical Therapy, Inc Therapy Solutions PC Rhea County Benchmark Physical Therapy Roane County Therapeutic Solutions LLC Robertson County Christian Care Center of Springfield LLC Golden Living Center Springfield NHC Springfield Select Physical Therapy Holdings Rutherford County Adams Place Rehab P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S SK S PSK PS PS P P P P P S S S S SK PSK PS PS PS PSK PS PSK PS PS PSK PS PS PSK PS PS PS PS PS PS P PSK PS P P P P S SK S SK PS Occupational Therapy K-Network K Networks Dynamic Rehab NHC Mufreesboro NHC Rehabilitation Northside Health Care Center Physio Art and Rehab Clinic Inc Select Physical Therapy Special Kids Scott County Summit View Health Services Scott County (VA) 1st Step Rehab Sequatchie County Benchmark Physical Therapy NHC Healthcare Sequatchie Omni Rehab Shelby County Applingwood Health Care Center Bright Glade Manor Court Manor Nursing Center Memphis Sports-Physiotherapy Momentum Physical Rehabilitation Physiotherapy Associates Physiotherapy Associates Inc Physiotherapy Associates-Wolfchase Rippee Rehab Inc Select Physical Therapy Holdings Special Kids and Families Inc University Therapists Stewart County Benton County Physical Therapy Sullivan County Asbury Place Kingsport Sumner County Golden Living Center Brandywood NHC Hendersonville Physiotherapy Associates Tricare Rehabilitation Services Tipton County Covington Care Center Covington Manor Nursing Center Unicoi County Center on Aging and Health Unicoi County Outpatient Rehab Walker County (GA) NHC Healthcare Rossville Warren County NHC McMinnville NHC Rehabilitation Washington County BucSports Christian Care Center of Johnson City Inc Lakebridge Health Care Center Life Care Center of Gray NHC Johnson City Physical Therapy Services PA Washington County (VA) Speech Geek LLC Weakley County VanAyer Manor Nursing Ctr White County Life Care Ctr of Sparta NHC Sparta Williamson County NHC Healthcare Franklin NHC Place at Cool Springs NHC Rehabilitation P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K PSK PSK PSK PS PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S SK S S S S SK S S PSK P K P P P P SK S S SK PS PS PS PS PS PS PSK P P P P P P S S S SK S S PS PS PS PS PS PS PSK Networks Wilson County Mt Juliet Health Care Ctr Inc Physiotherapy Associates Inc PS PS Occupational Therapy Anderson County Fulmer, David S, OT Garver, Jessica Ann, OT Hodge, Mary B, OT Howington, Elizabeth M, OT Meyers, Venetia L, OT Pendergast, Carolyn Elizabeth, OT Roller, Carolyn L, OT Tisdale, Anita, OT Tolliver, Ronald H, OT Varghese, Susen V, OT Bedford County Birdsong Melson, Heather Kay, OT Leone, L Michelle, OT Spahn, Erik, OT Wilkerson, Janna L, OT Bradley County Baker Konvalinka, Kathleen, OT Cobb, David Scott, OT Otis, Cathy L, OT Satterfield, Shelly Nicole, OTR Williams, Amy C, OT Campbell County Carr, Melanie Grace, OT Seibers, Jennifer Renee, OT Smith, Karen R, OT Catoosa County (GA) Baker Konvalinka, Kathleen, OT Mullins, Mary E, OT Pittman, Courtney A, OT Williams, Amy C, OT Claiborne County Knight, Caroline P, OT Cocke County Garver, Jessica Ann, OT Helm Campbell, Kalla A, OTR Coffee County Gipson, Angela Renee, OT Graf, Mary Katherine, OT Wilkerson, Janna L, OT Cumberland County Henderson, Karyn R, OT Hoover, Kimberly Diane, OTD Dade County (GA) Gaston, Melody C, OT Northcut, Jessica C, OT Davidson County Amyx, Kelly B, OT Andrews, Antrina Sherrice, OT Ball, Jodi Jean, OT Bigelow, Jennifer S, OT Burns, Emily R, OT Champion, Monyca Harris, OT Cota, Kimberly Joy, OTR L Cunningham, John R, OT Emerson, Kyle T, OT Eppert, Mary C, OT Harvey, Patricia T, OT Hershey, Debra S, OT Kaplon, Andrea Suzanne, OT Kimbro DiProjetto, Pauline R, OT Lyttle, Sharon D, OT McGee, Mickey Lynn, OT Robbins, Toni Savone, OT Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S P P P P S SK SK S P P P P P SK S S SK SK PSK PSK PSK P P P P SK S S SK PSK PS PSK PSK PS PS PS P PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S SK S S S S S S S S S SK SK 13 Occupational Therapy S-Network S P-Network P Networks Loudon County Occupational Therapy Davidson County (Continued) Roberts, Jill Elizabeth, OT Schleiger, Laura J, OT Shea, Mary Ellen, OT Simpson, Renee L, OT Smith, Charles D, OT Swanger, Heather Sue, OT Thomas, Timothy L, OTR Van Kerkhove, Leslie Leger, OT White, LuAn Hobson, OT DeSoto County (MS) Dixon, Julie N, OT Dukes, Leslie M, OT Trzil, Shannon Marie, OT Dyer County Alvey, Jared Michael, OT MacDonald, Linda Lee, OTRL Nolen, Kimberly Norman, OT Giles County Lake, Martha S, OTR Hamblen County Ballinger, Beth A, OT Childers Morelock, Jessica Ashley, OT Diamond, Candace Fields, OT Helm Campbell, Kalla A, OTR Knight, Caroline P, OT Lotivio, Edith, OT Mullins, Twana Elaine, OT Stoots, Tiffany Rachelle, OTR Tan, Jose P, OTRL Hamilton County Christopher, Melissa S, OT Haldeman, Kristi A, OT Massey, Kenneth Christopher, OT Mullins, Mary E, OT Phillips, Patricia Irene, OT Plume, Neil Emery, OT Ray, Laura Susan, OT Hardeman County Grantham, Rebecca Leeann, OT Hardin County Rowe, Justin W, OTR Henry County Johnson, Crystal Leighann, OT Jefferson County Claiborne, Melissa Jane, OT Knox County Fulmer, David S, OT Garver, Jessica Ann, OT Hodge, Mary B, OT Howington, Elizabeth M, OT McCord, Laurie Anne, OT Meyers, Venetia L, OT Miller, Amy M, OTR Pendergast, Carolyn Elizabeth, OT Roller, Carolyn L, OT Smith, Karen R, OT Tisdale, Anita, OT Tolliver, Ronald H, OT Varghese, Susen V, OT Williams, Lisa Renee, OT Lawrence County Brown, Cynthia Ann, OT Kelley, Jean, OT Suit, Kerry Anne, OT 14 P P P P P P P P P S S SK S S S S S S PSK P PSK PS PSK PSK PS PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK P PS P P P PSK PS PSK PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S SK S S SK S S S S PS PS PSK K-Network K Networks Fulmer, David S, OT Hodge, Mary B, OT Howington, Elizabeth M, OT Meyers, Venetia L, OT Pendergast, Carolyn Elizabeth, OT Roller, Carolyn L, OT Tisdale, Anita, OT Tolliver, Ronald H, OT Varghese, Susen V, OT Madison County Nolen, Kimberly Norman, OT Redden, Shelley Coleman, OT Speight, Joyce Ann, OT Maury County Kelley, Jean, OT Monroe County Meyers, Venetia L, OT Preston, Mark Durant, OT Roell, Andrea Brooke, OT Montgomery County Binkley, Christopher A, OT Coker, Kellie Denise, OT Jones, Pat B, OT Jorgensen, Mary Anne, OT Kostolni, Linda Maria, OTR Mahnken, Heather Ann, OT Templer Harris, Torrey Wilson, OT Obion County Alvey, Jared Michael, OT Coleman, Gregory P, OT Putnam County Clopton, Heidi L, OT Gaffney, Diane E, OT Hoover, Kimberly Diane, OTD Roane County Bell, Janel D, OT Bryant, Jane K, OT Henderson, Karyn R, OT Preston, Mark Durant, OT Steedley, Michelle Carr, OT Woodbury, Nan L, OTR Robertson County Amyx, Kelly B, OT Cobb, Erin Breshear, OTR L Rutherford County Amyx, Kelly B, OT Andrews, Antrina Sherrice, OT Bible, Lindsey Elizabeth, OT Biethman, Mindy Renee, OT Bigelow, Jennifer S, OT Black Southall, Shanell L, OT Bryson, Kelly Stephens, OT Butler, Wallis Williamson, OTR Campbell, Stacie N, OT Cota, Kimberly Joy, OTR L Davidson, Nancy ODoherty, OT Hartline, Rachael LeAnn, OT Hill, Brigette Joy, OTRL Holland, Megan Leigh, OT Milhorn, Melissa Robin, OT Montgomery, Erica Jean, OT Paladino, Shelly Rae, OTR Price, Erin Marie, OT Riley, Marnique L, OT Smith, Charles D, OT Spahn, Erik, OT Spicher, Stephanie Anne, OTR Van Kerkhove, Leslie Leger, OT Walls, Michael Rob, OTR White, LuAn Hobson, OT Wiser, Marie Martin, OT P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S PSK P PS PS PS PSK P P P P P P P P S S SK S S S PSK PSK PS PS P P P P P P P S S S SK S S PSK PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S Networks Shelby County Alvey, Jared Michael, OT Benemerito, Marwyn Garibay, OTR Bernard, Taralyn Renee, OT Bryson, Jacqueline Kay, OT Coffelt, Laureen McLaren, OT Dixon, Julie N, OT Dukes, Leslie M, OT Fletchall, Sandra M, OTR Garde, Kalyani Vaibhav, OT Haban, Luchee Garcia, OT Henderson, Jennifer H, OTR Miller, Margaret Hargrove, OT Parker, Lesley Michelle, OT Pigg, Lora Rebecca, OT Robertson, Debbie A, OT Skoda, Maryann Landise, OT Sutton, Leslie M, OT Taylor, Timothy Ray, OT Trzil, Shannon Marie, OT Weisser Pike, Orli Michaela, OT Zinkus, Cathleen E, OT Stewart County Lagan, Tammy Leigh, OT Sumner County Reynolds, Jeffrey J, OT Sikes, Nancy Elizabeth, OT Warren County Graf, Mary Katherine, OT McGiboney, James A, OT Williamson County Auffhammer, Stacey E, OT Bible, Lindsey Elizabeth, OT Bigelow, Jennifer S, OT Brackman, Jennith Elizabeth, OT Bratton, Laura E, OT Carder, Danielle Marie, OT Clark, Carol Shelby, OT Cunningham, John R, OT DeWit, Monique Alberts, OT Garvey, Tamara L, OT Jones, Mindee Shalee, OTR Liotta Kleinfeld, Lorry, OTR Masie, Susan L, OTR McGee, Mickey Lynn, OT Raybourn, Sarah Lorene, OT Riley, Marnique L, OT Robbins, Toni Savone, OT Swanger, Heather Sue, OT Underwood, Mary E, OTR Van Kerkhove, Leslie Leger, OT West, Joanna C, OTR White, LuAn Hobson, OT White, Wendy Brooke, OTR Wilson County Champion, Monyca Harris, OT Hill, Michelle J, OT Lemay Cranor, Holly Delee, OT Sikes, Nancy Elizabeth, OT White, LuAn Hobson, OT P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S S SK SK SK SK SK S S S S S S S S SK PS PS PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P S S P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K SK SK Physical Therapy Anderson County Baumgardner, Beverly U, PT Brackett, Jessica Elizabeth, PT Burris, Julie Christina, PT Butcher, Timothy S, PT Clowers, Kenneth Ray, PT Culbert, Elaine M, PT Dalton, Britt Matthew, PT Dalton, Jennifer R, PT Davis, Christina L, PT Dzirnis, Emily Jean, PT Check our Web site @ for current listing. K K K K Rehab S-Network S P-Network P Networks Anderson County (Continued) Ewing, Susan R, PT Farmer, Scott Alan, PT Fuller, Teia Squires, PT Goins, Jacalyn Renea, DPT Hamilton, Siri, PT Hardy, Amy L, PT Hartman, Angela Isaacs, PT Hartsell, Jeanne Ann, PT Hinkle, Jennifer Lynn, PT Hubbard, Eva R, PT James, Charles Scott, PT Javellana, Joselito G, PT Johnson, Russell C, PT Keaton, Nathan Scott, PT Kiles, Michelle P, PT Klee, Joyce S, PT Kolnick, Brett Lloyd, PT Kramer, Dina N, PT Larrabee, Holly Read, PT Lenz, Kelly J, PT Lorino, Karen S, PT Lyle, Lea E, PT Mackiewicz, Thaddeus, Jr, PT Marino, Mary Jo, PT Mizer, Mary Leah, PT Moyers, Meagan Johnson, PT Pendergrass, William Roper, IV, PT Pierce, Raymond R, PT Roberts, Jamie Lenn, PT Robinson, Jon C, PT Robinson, William F, PT Seahorn, Robert L, PT Shope, Catherine B, PT Staley, John D, III, PT Stevens, Katherine Alicia, PT Stubbs, Tommi J, PT Styles, Marketta L, PT Sullivan, Maighdlin Ann, PT Swafford, Kristal Renee, PT Tyler, Brandon Scot, PT Walker, Carla Diane, PT Westbrook, Kathleen C, PT Wilkerson, Brigina T, PT Winningham, Dana E, PT Wommack, Shannon Ranae, PT Bedford County Cartwright, Kasey L, PT McClain, Rebekah C, PT McConkey, Esther S, PT Shavers, Mary Leta, PT Bell County (KY) Corum, Dale R, II, PT Benton County Bogard, Mike E, PT King, Kelly Lowry, PT Blount County Cawthorn, Mary C, PT Cooper, Jon Edward, PT Dalton, Britt Matthew, PT Dalton, Jennifer R, PT Edaugal, Gabriel C, PT Fuller, Teia Squires, PT Gagnon, Laura P, PT Gomez, Romeo San Diego, Jr, PT Hartsell, Jeanne Ann, PT Hinkle, Jennifer Lynn, PT Kramer, Dina N, PT Larrabee, Michael Patrick, PT Marino, Mary Jo, PT Mizer, Mary Leah, PT Roberts, Jamie Lenn, PT Swafford, Kristal Renee, PT Rehab Networks Westbrook, Kathleen C, PT Winningham, Dana E, PT Wommack, Shannon Ranae, PT Physical Therapy P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P S S S S K K K Campbell County K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK SK S SK SK SK S SK SK SK S S S S Corum, Dale R, II, PT Gilliam, Lisa L, PT Mellon, Tammy B, PT Poppy, Gloria J, PT Spadafora, Jennifer Elaine, PT Staley, John D, III, PT Stooksbury, Jason Randall, PT Carroll County K K PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Bradley County Christensen, Frances Janelle, PT Hughes, Jeannie L, PT Irons, Patricia G, PT LaBoy, Curteis J, PT Licht, Stacy Leigh, PT Montgomery, Patricia Nadine, PT Moore, Cynthia S, PT Peterson, Paula L, PT Peterson, Phyllis L, PT Self, David Alan, PT Stone, Jessica A, PT Walls, Zoe Lea, PT K K K K K K K K Physical Therapy K-Network K Alexander, Meghan Elizabeth, PT Althaus, Kelly Hogan, PT Davenport, David Nelson, PT Detweiler, Andy Scott, OT Dobner, Bradley Jacob, PT Duncan, Farrah Renee, PT Economy, Matthew, PT Gill, Angela Ruth, PT Gilliam, David Brandon, PT Greathouse Tallent, Ann Miller, PT Greer, Tasha C, PT Gross, William Todd, PT Houk, David William, PT Johnson, Keith E, PT King, Misty M, PT Knight, Leah Janeen, PT Kovanen, Kathryn Marie, PT Lattus, Virginia R, PT Manning, Dana M, PT Moats, Sarah Beidler, PT Moody, Megan Margaret, PT Mosley, Ernest Alexander, Jr, PT Oneil, Craig W, PT Owens, Logan Clint, PT Quint, Jennifer Jane, PT Raschke, Kimberly Dyan, PT Rawlings, Robert Bailey, IV, PT Roop, Laura Elizabeth, PT Sample, Elizabeth S, PT Saunders, Robert Mills, PT Sears, James Anthony, PT Sheer, David M, PT Shook, Jeremy Paul, PT Smith, Joseph J, PT Smolen Hetzel, John Manuel, PT Stingley, Tiara Nicole, PT Swearingen, Jody Lee, PT Tant, Candice Suzanne, PT Thompson, Mary Webb, PT Vanhooydonk, Sandra Lynn, PT Carter County Barnhart, Robert C, PT Catoosa County (GA) Dove, Lori S, PT Hughes, Jeannie L, PT Johnson, Natalie Marie, PT Walls, Zoe Lea, PT Cheatham County Cox, Wendy Michelle, PT Saylor, Robert D, PT PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK SK S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K S S S S Chester County Davidson, John B, PT Davidson, Kristi L, PT Claiborne County Corum, Dale R, II, PT Manalili, Cedrick E, PT Pacia, Maria Irene N, PT Smith, Shannon J, PT Staley, John D, III, PT Stooksbury, Jason Randall, PT Cocke County Carver Krawczyk, Tamara Lee, PT Dzirnis, Emily Jean, PT Goins, Jacalyn Renea, DPT Gregg, Leanne Weems, PT Loveday, Travis L, PT Nave, Charles E, Jr, PT Seaton, Bryan C, PT Tyler, Brandon Scot, PT Walker, Carla Diane, PT Coffee County Alexander, Meghan Elizabeth, PT Althaus, Kelly Hogan, PT Bell, Mindi L, PT Burch, John R, PT Davenport, David Nelson, PT Detweiler, Andy Scott, OT Dobner, Bradley Jacob, PT Duncan, Farrah Renee, PT Gill, Angela Ruth, PT Gilliam, David Brandon, PT Greer, Tasha C, PT Gross, William Todd, PT Hay, Stephen C, PT Houk, David William, PT Johnson, Keith E, PT Keele, Kathy H, PT Knight, Leah Janeen, PT Kovanen, Kathryn Marie, PT Lattus, Virginia R, PT Manning, Dana M, PT Melton, Amy A, PT Moats, Sarah Beidler, PT Moody, Megan Margaret, PT Mosley, Ernest Alexander, Jr, PT Oneil, Craig W, PT Owens, Logan Clint, PT Quint, Jennifer Jane, PT Raschke, Kimberly Dyan, PT Rawlings, Robert Bailey, IV, PT Roop, Laura Elizabeth, PT Sample, Elizabeth S, PT Saunders, Robert Mills, PT Sears, James Anthony, PT Sheer, David M, PT Shook, Jeremy Paul, PT Smolen Hetzel, John Manuel, PT Stingley, Tiara Nicole, PT Tant, Candice Suzanne, PT Thompson, Mary Webb, PT Trussler, Leslie H, PT Vanhooydonk, Sandra Lynn, PT Walker, Mary P, PT Crittenden County (AR) Gilbert, Jacquelyn Denise, PT Crockett County PS P P P P Networks K K K K PSK PSK Crocker, Edward L, PT Lemon, Merrill L, PT Patrick, Torry ONeal, PT Cumberland County Igot, Lhimell C, PT Nosarzewski, Tomasz J, PT Sherrod, Melanie B, PT Thompson, Aubrey Glenn, Jr, PT Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK PSK P P P P P P S SK SK SK S S P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K P PSK PSK PSK P P P P S S S S 15 Physical Therapy S-Network S P-Network P Networks Physical Therapy Dade County (GA) Kelly, Mary D, PT Pettway, Melissa H, PT Davidson County Alexander, Meghan Elizabeth, PT Allen, Tracy J, PT Althaus, Kelly Hogan, PT Bacon, Lauren Alise, PT Barrett, Jennifer A, PT Beal, Anne Louise, PT Beebe, Debra L, PT Blevins, Anne K, PT Brandon, Loretta A, PT Brown, Loriann Canty, PT Bruns, Amy C, PT Burton, Leslie M, PT Bush, Kimberly Ann, PT Butler, Ashlee J, PT Cantrell, Nixon H, MPT Carder, Cecil Louie, PT Carlisle, Jefferson Greer, Jr, PT Carter, Adam J, PT Castleberry, Thomas M, PT Chapman, John B, PT Chatman, Kenneth W, PT Chenowith, Rochelle Kari, PT Chester, Donna R, PT Childs, Amy Rebecca, PT Colbert, Joshua K, PT Connolly, Stephen J, PT Coplen, Erica Marie, PT Crouch, Joseph A, PT Crouse, Amanda Suzanne, PT Davenport, David Nelson, PT Detweiler, Andy Scott, OT Dobner, Bradley Jacob, PT Doose Wakefield, Megan L, PT Duncan, Farrah Renee, PT Dy, Flocerfina M, PT Economy, Matthew, PT Fagan, Jane Goldman, PT Fletcher, Kimberly L, PT Flores, Danilo C, PT Forbis, Susan S, PT Fraser, Ian R, PT Fraser, Karen L, PT Gant, Jason E, PT Gardner, Shelly P, PT Garner, Mark Clay, PT Garner, Todd W, PT Gatlin, Jesse Scott, PT Gill, Angela Ruth, PT Gilliam, David Brandon, PT Goering, Gail Corrick, PT Gohl, Abigail P, PT Graves, Beverly S, PT Greathouse Tallent, Ann Miller, PT Greer, Tasha C, PT Gregory, Ryan P, PT Gregory, Virginia Marie, PT Griffin, Karen M, PT Gross, William Todd, PT Guinn, Joel C, PT Harrison, Jennifer Denise, PT Harshaw, Sarah E, PT Hatten, Susan Keating, PT Hendon, Casie, PT Herod Cole, Heather L, PT Hewgley, Joseph W, PT Hewgley, Mardys Marie, PT Hiett, Hailey H, PT Holman, Elizabeth Rebecca, PT Hood, Nathan Patrick, PT Houk, David William, PT Jenrath, Courtney Cooper, PT Johnson, Keith E, PT 16 PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K-Network K Networks Johnson, Tiffany McGavin, PT Jones, Preston D, PT Joyce, Stacy Elizabeth, PT Kain, Jennifer, PT Karleskint, Stephanie Lynn, PT King, Misty M, PT Klevan, Natalie Danielle, PT Knight, Leah Janeen, PT Koller, George B, PT Kovanen, Kathryn Marie, PT Laidlaw, Eric D, PT Landes, Jacob C, PT Langhans, Elizabeth Hiland, PT Lattus, Virginia R, PT Lawless, Janna Louise, PT Lehning, Joan Krause, PT Lowman, Yancy E, PT Loyd, Stephen G, PT Manning, Dana M, PT Maynard, Louisa Suzanne, PT Mazer, Rayna Dianne, PT McGee, Tammy L, PT McGinnis, Michael Shane, PT McNeal Ison, Lindsay E, PT McRedmond, Theresa W, PT Melton, Amy A, PT Meyers, Ryan Garner, DPT Miller, Lindy E, PT Moats, Sarah Beidler, PT Moody, Megan Margaret, PT Morelock, Jamie Rogers, PT Mosher, Megan Elizabeth, PT Mosley, Ernest Alexander, Jr, PT Murrell, Erin L, PT Musfeldt, Carolyn K, PT Nelson, John David, PT Odom, Karen L, PT Ognibene, Jon M, PT Oneil, Craig W, PT ONeil, Kimberlee Garriss, PT ONeill, Shawn Christopher, PT Overbay, Jonathan E, PT Owens, Logan Clint, PT Paco, Martina H, PT Parr, Bo D, PT Payne, Sheridan Elizabeth, PT Perry, Douglas S, PT Prada, Jose Y, PT Prather, Ruth Ellen, PT Quint, Jennifer Jane, PT Raschke, Kimberly Dyan, PT Rawlings, Robert Bailey, IV, PT Ray, Dustin Robert, PT Redgren, John A, PT Reyes, Merlinda B, PT Rhodes, Michael Kevin, PT Richardson, Christopher J, PT Robertson, Kimberly Ann, PT Robinson, Thomas K, PT Rogers, Tammy Renee, PT Rohrbach, Jean M, PT Roop, Laura Elizabeth, PT Ruiz, Dawn D, PT Rustici, Elizabeth B, PT Sample, Elizabeth S, PT Saunders, Robert Mills, PT Schlisner, Grant Lindsay, PT Schuette, Nicole R, PT Scruggs, Leslie P, PT Sears, James Anthony, PT Shea, Mary Ellen, OT Sheer, David M, PT Shoemaker, Jena Brianne, PT Shook, Jeremy Paul, PT Simpson, Patrick J, PT Smith, Joseph J, PT Smodic, Robert A, PT Smolen Hetzel, John Manuel, PT Snider, Anna Louise, PT Stingley, Tiara Nicole, PT P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K Networks Swanson, Linda M, PT Swartz, Lisa F, PT Swearingen, Jody Lee, PT Tant, Candice Suzanne, PT Thomas, Jennifer C, PT Thompson, Mary Webb, PT Tidwell, David J, PT Tighe, Patrick Robert, PT Underwood, Susan L, PT Van Dongen, Meghan M, PT Vanhooydonk, Sandra Lynn, PT Voight, Margie O, PT Wheeler, Katie Marie, PT Wilder, Courtney Leigh, PT Wilkins, Ellen W, PT Williams, Christi L, PT Wolfe, Christopher Keith, PT DeSoto County (MS) Napoli, Guidano, PT Dickson County K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Alexander, Meghan Elizabeth, PT Althaus, Kelly Hogan, PT Davenport, David Nelson, PT Detweiler, Andy Scott, OT Dobner, Bradley Jacob, PT Duncan, Farrah Renee, PT Fraser, Ian R, PT Gill, Angela Ruth, PT Gilliam, David Brandon, PT Gross, William Todd, PT Houk, David William, PT Johnson, Keith E, PT Knight, Leah Janeen, PT Kovanen, Kathryn Marie, PT Lattus, Virginia R, PT Manning, Dana M, PT Moats, Sarah Beidler, PT Moody, Megan Margaret, PT Oneil, Craig W, PT Owens, Logan Clint, PT Quint, Jennifer Jane, PT Raschke, Kimberly Dyan, PT Rawlings, Robert Bailey, IV, PT Roop, Laura Elizabeth, PT Sample, Elizabeth S, PT Saunders, Robert Mills, PT Sears, James Anthony, PT Sheer, David M, PT Shook, Jeremy Paul, PT Smolen Hetzel, John Manuel, PT Stingley, Tiara Nicole, PT Swearingen, Jody Lee, PT Tant, Candice Suzanne, PT Thompson, Mary Webb, PT Tuck, Susan K, PT Vanhooydonk, Sandra Lynn, PT Dyer County Crocker, Edward L, PT Farhat, Hassan, PT King, Kelly Lowry, PT Lemon, Merrill L, PT Minor, Keith Tyrone, PT Patrick, Torry ONeal, PT Presley, Jerry E, PT Smith, Kerry Howard, PT Smith, Wendy Gilton, PT Welch, Gina R, PT Fannin County (GA) Malecki, Sandra Foster, PT Fayette County Gersava, Maria D, PT Gersava, Rolando G, PT Jones, Valerie J, PT Fentress County Galloway, Joseph S, PT Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K SK S S SK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K P PSK PSK PSK PS Rehab S-Network S P-Network P Networks Franklin County Alexander, Meghan Elizabeth, PT Althaus, Kelly Hogan, PT Cunningham, Leslie Renae, PT Davenport, David Nelson, PT Detweiler, Andy Scott, OT Dobner, Bradley Jacob, PT Gill, Angela Ruth, PT Gilliam, David Brandon, PT Gross, William Todd, PT Houk, David William, PT Johnson, Keith E, PT Knight, Leah Janeen, PT Kovanen, Kathryn Marie, PT Lattus, Virginia R, PT Manning, Dana M, PT Moats, Sarah Beidler, PT Moody, Megan Margaret, PT Mosley, Ernest Alexander, Jr, PT Oneil, Craig W, PT Owens, Logan Clint, PT Quint, Jennifer Jane, PT Raschke, Kimberly Dyan, PT Roop, Laura Elizabeth, PT Sample, Elizabeth S, PT Saunders, Robert Mills, PT Sears, James Anthony, PT Sheer, David M, PT Shook, Jeremy Paul, PT Smolen Hetzel, John Manuel, PT Stingley, Tiara Nicole, PT Swearingen, Jody Lee, PT Tant, Candice Suzanne, PT Thompson, Mary Webb, PT Vanhooydonk, Sandra Lynn, PT Gibson County Blair, Carol D, PT Huffstetler, Russ Alexander, PT Ladd, Michael H, PT Giles County Long, David R, PT Newton, Timothy S, PT Grainger County Barnes, Heather M, PT Barnes, Matthew James, PT Cole, Christopher S, PT Mullins, Tracy, PT Greene County Graham, David H, PT Lamb, Michelle W, PT Lilly, David R, PT Poget, Philippe A, PT Rochelle, William K, PT Grundy County Ferneyhough, John M, PT Hamblen County Barnes, Heather M, PT Barnes, Matthew James, PT Bengco, Leah Marie, PT Cole, Christopher S, PT Henderson, Sandra Christine, PT Humann, Timothy D, PT Lotivio, Benjamin B, Jr, PT Manalili, Cedrick E, PT Marasigan, Calvert S, PT Mariano Guisadio, Aurea Gina, PT Martin, Carri Beth, PT Matijevich, Sherry W, PT Miller, Jeanne Michele, PT Mullins, Tracy, PT Pacia, Maria Irene N, PT Sia, Merazon A, PT Rehab Networks Smith, Shannon J, PT Verzosa, Cecilia A, PT Wilder, Jason Andrew, PT Physical Therapy P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P SK SK S SK P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K Physical Therapy K-Network K Hamilton County Alexander, Meghan Elizabeth, PT Althaus, Kelly Hogan, PT Atkins, Russell L, PT Baldridge, Joseph Skip C, PT Beckner, Marilyn E, PT Beene, Zachary R, PT Bookout, Pamela W, PT Buff, Stacy N, PT Burdette, Monica Riley, PT Butler, Erica Shay, PT Chuba, Trinity S, PT Craig, Shawn E, PT Detweiler, Andy Scott, OT Dobner, Bradley Jacob, PT Dooley, John F, III, PT Dotson, Timothy D, PT Ferneyhough, John M, PT Fox, Lisa M, PT Gilliam, David Brandon, PT Gross, William Todd, PT Hammontree, Lindsay M, DPT Houk, David William, PT Humberger, Hans C, PT Humberger, Nancy W, PT Iverson, Paul Ned, PT Johnson, Keith E, PT Johnson, Natalie Marie, PT Kelly, Mary D, PT Kostka, Kevin, PT Kovanen, Kathryn Marie, PT McGee, Laurie S, PT Meyer, Douglas Andy, PT Miles, Aston B, PT Miller, William B, PT Montgomery, Patricia Nadine, PT Murray, David B, PT Nevil, Robert M, PT Osterman, Roni A, PT Owens, Logan Clint, PT Parker, Brandy N, PT Perez, Loren Heath, PT Petty, Connie R, PT Raschke, Kimberly Dyan, PT Rider, Katie Noelle, PT Roop, Laura Elizabeth, PT Sample, Elizabeth S, PT Sears, James Anthony, PT Secrest, Margaret, PT Shaw, Jessica L, PT Sheer, David M, PT Shook, Jeremy Paul, PT Smolen Hetzel, John Manuel, PT Stephens, Shelly Bales, PT Stone, Jessica A, PT Temple, Amanda Jo, PT Thorn, Jean M, PT Valenzuela, Allan E, PT VanEaton, William D, PT West, Jeneen Najalie, PT Wright, Nolan E, PT Hancock County Humann, Timothy D, PT Verzosa, Cecilia A, PT K K K K K Hardeman County K K K K K Hardin County Hardison, Tiffany Jenet, PT Kirk, Misty Michelle, PT LeNoir, Betty R, PT Risinger, Adam Brooks, PT Rio, Leah L, PT Shelby, Jason B, PT Networks PSK PSK P Hawkins County P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Haywood County SK SK SK S SK S S S SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK S SK SK SK S SK S S S SK SK SK SK SK S S S S S S S K K K K S S S PSK PSK P P P P SK SK SK S P PS Hawk, Timothy J, PT Humann, Timothy D, PT Verzosa, Cecilia A, PT Crocker, Edward L, PT Lemon, Merrill L, PT Patrick, Torry ONeal, PT Henderson County Ashby, Lindsay Filak, PT Segars, Rachel L, PT Henry County Campbell, Shani D, PT Hollis, Brandon Kenneth, PT Osbron, Shannon M, PT Hickman County McClellan, Stephen M, PT Humphreys County Capel, Steven D, PT Jefferson County Barnes, Heather M, PT Barnes, Matthew James, PT Cole, Christopher S, PT Matijevich, Robert A, PT Mullins, Tracy, PT Seahorn, Robert L, PT Van Wijnen, Dolinda Maria, PT Knox County Althaus, Kelly Hogan, PT Bailey, Stephen D, PT Brackett, Jessica Elizabeth, PT Brewer, Sandra D, PT Bruer, Jason Robert, PT Burris, Julie Christina, PT Butcher, Timothy S, PT Chandler, Jeffrey, PT Cieslik, Andrew, PT Clowers, Kenneth Ray, PT Connolly, Stephen J, PT Dalton, Britt Matthew, PT Dalton, Jennifer R, PT Daniels, Sandra M, PT Daugherty, Susan M, PT Davis, Christina L, PT Defilippo, Gregory J, PT Detweiler, Andy Scott, OT Dobner, Bradley Jacob, PT Dzirnis, Emily Jean, PT Economy, Matthew, PT Edwards, Donna M, PT Ferris, Anita C, PT Ferris, Kelly J, PT Fuller, Teia Squires, PT Gilliam, David Brandon, PT Goins, Jacalyn Renea, DPT Gouge, Linda K, PT Grace, Suzanne, PT Grass, Tomasz S, PT Greathouse Tallent, Ann Miller, PT Green, Patricia S, PT Greer, Tasha C, PT Gregory, Amy J, PT Gross, William Todd, PT Hamilton, Siri, PT Hardy, Amy L, PT Hartman, Angela Isaacs, PT Hartsell, Jeanne Ann, PT Hinkle, Jennifer Lynn, PT Hoag, Michael Brian, PT Houk, David William, PT Hubbard, Eva R, PT Hussein, Adel M, PT Johnson, Russell C, PT Johnston, Teresa B, PT Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK P PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 17 Physical Therapy S-Network S P-Network P Networks Lawrence County Physical Therapy King, Brandy Renee, PT Sides, Vernon L, PT Knox County (Continued) Kearse, Mary K, PT Kerley, Taylor Adam, PT Kerr, Dianne M, RPT Keys, Graeme, PT Kiles, Michelle P, PT King, Misty M, PT Knies, Donald Adam, PT Kolnick, Brett Lloyd, PT Kovanen, Kathryn Marie, PT Kramer, Dina N, PT Krusenklaus, John H, PT Larrabee, Michael Patrick, PT Lorino, Karen S, PT Lotivio, Benjamin B, Jr, PT Lyle, Lea E, PT Mackiewicz, Thaddeus, Jr, PT Marasigan, Calvert S, PT Marasigan, Nina, PT Marino, Mary Jo, PT Marshall, Timothy Hilton, PT Michalik, James P, PT Mizer, Mary Leah, PT Moyers, Meagan Johnson, PT Nelson, John David, PT Nicoara, Bruce Michael, DPT Owens, Logan Clint, PT Pendergrass, William Roper, IV, PT Rasch, Brenda E, PT Raschke, Kimberly Dyan, PT Richardson, Christopher J, PT Roberts, Jamie Lenn, PT Robinson, Jon C, PT Robinson, William F, PT Rockwell, Eric H, PT Roop, Laura Elizabeth, PT Sample, Elizabeth S, PT Seahorn, Robert L, PT Sears, James Anthony, PT Sexton, Holly Bowen, PT Sharp, Donald Alan, Jr, PT Sheer, David M, PT Shipp, Bethany Rae, PT Shope, Catherine B, PT Shugart, Amy E, PT Smith, Joseph J, PT Smolen Hetzel, John Manuel, PT Snodgrass, Larry B, Jr, PT Spadafora, Michael A, PT Staley, John D, III, PT Stevens, Katherine Alicia, PT Stone, Ashley Elizabeth, PT Stubbs, Tommi J, PT Styles, Marketta L, PT Sullivan, Maighdlin Ann, PT Sumner, Carolina Lopes, PT Swafford, Kristal Renee, PT Swaggerty, Elizabeth M, PT Tate, Enid K, PT Tworek, Jerzy J, PT Tyler, Brandon Scot, PT Ulmer, Piotr, PT Van der Meulen, Floor Annemarie, PT VanDer Meulen, Roelof A, PT Walker, Carla Diane, PT Weisberg, Laura L, PT Westbrook, Kathleen C, PT White, Amy A, PT White, Deena Louise, PT White, Kathy L, PT Wilkerson, Brigina T, PT Williams, Julie Ruthann, PT Winningham, Dana E, PT Wommack, Shannon Ranae, PT Young, Cheryl G, PT 18 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K SK SK SK SK S S SK S S S S SK SK SK S SK SK PS K PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PS PS PS PSK PSK PS K-Network K Networks Loudon County Brackett, Jessica Elizabeth, PT Burris, Julie Christina, PT Butcher, Timothy S, PT Clowers, Kenneth Ray, PT Davis, Christina L, PT Hamilton, Siri, PT Hardy, Amy L, PT Hartman, Angela Isaacs, PT Hubbard, Eva R, PT Johnson, Russell C, PT Kiles, Michelle P, PT Kolnick, Brett Lloyd, PT Lorino, Karen S, PT Lyle, Lea E, PT Mackiewicz, Thaddeus, Jr, PT Moyers, Meagan Johnson, PT Pendergrass, William Roper, IV, PT Robinson, Jon C, PT Robinson, William F, PT Seahorn, Robert L, PT Shaw Johnson, Joanne L, PT Shope, Catherine B, PT Staley, John D, III, PT Stevens, Katherine Alicia, PT Stubbs, Tommi J, PT Styles, Marketta L, PT Sullivan, Maighdlin Ann, PT Wilkerson, Brigina T, PT Madison County Bolton, Caroline Marie, PT Crosnoe, Jimmy Edward, PT Datuin, Maria Rossana Soto, PT Economy, Matthew, PT Greathouse Tallent, Ann Miller, PT Greer, Tasha C, PT Henderson, Carl A, PT Hyatt-Bates, Stephanie D, PT Hylkema, Derek S, PT Jones, Stephanie S, PT King, Misty M, PT Luy, Alexander T, PT Luy, Suzanne J, PT McKnight, Marvin M, PT Nordtvedt, Nicholas Christian, PT Redden, Payton M, PT Smith, Joseph J, PT Marion County Carter, Rachel Frances, PT Kennemore, Tracy D, PT Valenzuela, Allan E, PT Marshall County Fick, Donald Allan, PT Maury County Alexander, Meghan Elizabeth, PT Althaus, Kelly Hogan, PT Barker, Brent A, PT Carroll, April L, PT Chrisco, Peter Austin, PT Connell, Aaron L, PT Crouse, Amanda Suzanne, PT Davis, Jamie M, PT Detweiler, Andy Scott, OT Dobner, Bradley Jacob, PT Gill, Angela Ruth, PT Gilliam, David Brandon, PT Gregory Hudson, Pamela Jo, PT Gross, William Todd, PT Henninger, Harold E, Jr, PT Houk, David William, PT Johnson, Keith E, PT Kovanen, Kathryn Marie, PT Mastalerz, William J, PT PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K PS PS PS PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Networks Moody, Megan Margaret, PT Oneil, Craig W, PT Owens, Logan Clint, PT Pierce, Christopher L, PT Raschke, Kimberly Dyan, PT Roop, Laura Elizabeth, PT Sample, Elizabeth S, PT Saunders, Robert Mills, PT Schnaus, Nicole Danielle, PT Sears, James Anthony, PT Sheer, David M, PT Smolen Hetzel, John Manuel, PT Stingley, Tiara Nicole, PT Stone, Jill Renee, PT Tant, Candice Suzanne, PT Thompson, Mary Webb, PT Vanhooydonk, Sandra Lynn, PT Witt, Sarah L, PT McMinn County Christensen, Frances Janelle, PT Osterman, Roni A, PT McNairy County Rio, Leah L, PT Robertson, Hunter W, PT Monroe County Drennen, Robert Pierce, PT Fox, Jackie M, PT Long, Daniel E, PT Montgomery County Alexander, Meghan Elizabeth, PT Althaus, Kelly Hogan, PT Boyd, Kellie Reardon, PT Boyer, Jessica Ann, PT Brennan, Melisia Ann, PT Carter, Jessica A, PT Clayton, Sydney A, PT Connor, Emily W, PT DPT Davenport, David Nelson, PT Davison, Lindsey Erin, PT Desai, Herat Vidyut, PT Detweiler, Andy Scott, OT Dobner, Bradley Jacob, PT Duncan, Farrah Renee, PT Forcier, Christina Marie, PT Froboese, Bethany McKinney, PT Gill, Angela Ruth, PT Gilliam, David Brandon, PT Gross, William Todd, PT Herber, Katherine L, PT Holt, Elizabeth M, PT Houk, David William, PT Johnson, Keith E, PT Knight, Leah Janeen, PT Kovanen, Kathryn Marie, PT Lattus, Virginia R, PT Manning, Dana M, PT Miller, Shari Lynn, PT Moats, Sarah Beidler, PT Montague, Lynne A, PT Montague, Phillip P, PT Moody, Megan Margaret, PT Mosley, Ernest Alexander, Jr, PT Oneil, Craig W, PT Osbron, Shannon M, PT Owens, Logan Clint, PT Pearson, Marcus Antwan, PT Quint, Jennifer Jane, PT Raschke, Kimberly Dyan, PT Ravindran, Vinodh V, PT Rawlings, Robert Bailey, IV, PT Roop, Laura Elizabeth, PT Salazar, Lauri J, PT Sample, Elizabeth S, PT Saunders, Robert Mills, PT Sears, James Anthony, PT Sheer, David M, PT Shook, Jeremy Paul, PT Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PS PS P PS PS PSK PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K SK SK S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K Rehab S-Network S P-Network P Networks Rutherford County Montgomery County (Continued) Smolen Hetzel, John Manuel, PT Stephens, Ashleigh R, PT Stingley, Tiara Nicole, PT Story, Garrett B, PT Swearingen, Jody Lee, PT Tant, Candice Suzanne, PT Thompson, Mary Webb, PT Vanhooydonk, Sandra Lynn, PT Venczel, Jennifer Sorrell, PT Morgan County Galloway, Joseph S, PT Obion County Boals, Laura Nicole, PT Connolly, Stephen J, PT Davenport, David Nelson, PT Duncan, Farrah Renee, PT Economy, Matthew, PT Greathouse Tallent, Ann Miller, PT Greer, Tasha C, PT King, Misty M, PT Lattus, Virginia R, PT Manning, Dana M, PT Mosley, Ernest Alexander, Jr, PT Peitscher, Rachelle Amanda, PT Rawlings, Robert Bailey, IV, PT Satterfield, Karyn J, PT Smith, Joseph J, PT Swearingen, Jody Lee, PT Overton County Huitt, Ron A, PT Pickett County Reagan, Laura B, PT Polk County Darnell, Michael W, PT Gager, Joseph M, PT Minter, Brett A, PT Putnam County Bowen, Fred E, Jr, PT Bowman, Marsha Lynn, PT Brewer, James Scott, PT Brimm, Sheri L, PT Burks, Larry H, PT Gardner, Shelly P, PT Hansen, Karen Leigh, PT Schmitt-Matzen, Pamela D, PT Rhea County Moffett, Vadonna G, PT Stephens, Shelly Bales, PT VanEaton, William D, PT Roane County Jugan, Anna M, PT Ladd, Larry D, Jr, PT Neuhaus, Kelli J, PT Peterson, Constance V, PT Powers, Jeanne Hicks, PT Sherrod, Melanie B, PT Robertson County Brandt, Trevor Benjamin, PT Crouch, Joseph A, PT Headrick, Daniel W, PT Kain, Jennifer, PT Manning, Margaret Christine, PT Minard, Branden Alexis, PT Newton, Jeannie E, PT Rogers, Tammy Renee, PT Rumsey, Christine D, PT Smith, Conor L, PT Thomas, Bethany Kay, PT Rehab Networks Wichterman, Jennifer Laureen, PT Physical Therapy P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PS PS PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P S S SK S S S S S PS PS PS P P P P P P S SK SK S S S P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K Physical Therapy K-Network K Alexander, Meghan Elizabeth, PT Althaus, Kelly Hogan, PT Bell, Mindi L, PT Brock, Chasity Paige, PT Bruns, Amy C, PT Camp, Marsha Debord, PT Carder, Cecil Louie, PT Clark, David N, PT Colbert, Joshua K, PT Connolly, Stephen J, PT Connor, Emily W, PT DPT Craig, Stephen Jeffrey, PT Cunningham, Kellye Shea, PT Davenport, David Nelson, PT Detweiler, Andy Scott, OT Dobner, Bradley Jacob, PT Donnelly, Anne M, PT Duncan, Farrah Renee, PT Economy, Matthew, PT Fathy, Essam M, PT Garner, Kristin Mazzeo, PT Gill, Angela Ruth, PT Gilliam, David Brandon, PT Givens, Caryn K, PT Greathouse Tallent, Ann Miller, PT Greer, Tasha C, PT Griffith, Daniel Joseph, PT Gross, William Todd, PT Hargrove, Barbara Adamson, PT Harrison, Jennifer Denise, PT Hiett, Hailey H, PT Hintemeyer, Melanie S, PT Holman, Elizabeth Rebecca, PT Hood, Nathan Patrick, PT Hopper, Amy W, DPT Houk, David William, PT Inman, John D, PT Johnson, Keith E, PT Jones, Jennifer Renee, PT DPT Karleskint, Stephanie Lynn, PT King, Misty M, PT Knight, Leah Janeen, PT Kovanen, Kathryn Marie, PT Landes, Jacob C, PT Lattus, Virginia R, PT Leach, Aimee Beth, PT Lehning, Joan Krause, PT Maier, Lois Lippitt, PT Manning, Dana M, PT McGinnis, Michael Shane, PT Moats, Sarah Beidler, PT Moody, Megan Margaret, PT Morris, Kimberly Brooke, PT Morton, Tami S, PT Mosley, Ernest Alexander, Jr, PT Ognibene, Jon M, PT Oneil, Craig W, PT Owens, Logan Clint, PT Peebles, Samuel W, PT Phillips, Jimmy Webster, Jr, PT Pomeroy, Terri Wood, PT Quint, Jennifer Jane, PT Raschke, Kimberly Dyan, PT Rawlings, Robert Bailey, IV, PT Rhodes, Michael Kevin, PT Roop, Laura Elizabeth, PT Rose, Kathleen, PT Sample, Elizabeth S, PT Saunders, Robert Mills, PT Schlisner, Grant Lindsay, PT Scott, Lauren Elaine, PT Sears, James Anthony, PT Self, Amy F, PT Sheer, David M, PT Shook, Jeremy Paul, PT Smith, Joseph J, PT Smith, Matthew Ryan, PT Smolen Hetzel, John Manuel, PT PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Networks Stingley, Tiara Nicole, PT Stojakovich, Amy Marie, PT Swearingen, Jody Lee, PT Tant, Candice Suzanne, PT Taylor, Kimberly Anne, PT Thompson, Mary Webb, PT Thoroughman, Amy Lykins, PT Vanhooydonk, Sandra Lynn, PT Warden, Lina LaRoche, PT Watson, Vicki Spehar, PT Weeks, Olga V, PT Williams, Christi L, PT Williams, Christine M, PT Woods, Clayton Cameron, PT Scott County Gilbert, Allison N, PT Gilbert, Rammy S, PT Sequatchie County Schultz, Lisa A, PT Sevier County Alana, Maria Paz Coraz C, PT Ferris, Anita C, PT Ferris, Kelly J, PT Jenkins, Sarah R, PT Jones, Eric Scott, PT Lakatosh, Kara Akridge, PT Loveday, Travis L, PT McGinnis, Joel B, PT Nave, Charles E, Jr, PT Reyes, Ma Asuncion M, PT Seaton, Bryan C, PT Tipton, Amy D, PT Shelby County K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Abdun, Salim A, PT Alexander, Meghan Elizabeth, PT Alexander, Noida Anna, PT Althaus, Kelly Hogan, PT Barawid, Resa R, PT Bradford, Jeremy Lynn, PT Brulatour, Robyn Lynn, PT Bryant, Richard William, PT Cathey, Carlos D, PT Chalona, Andrew S, PT Chipman, Steven Thomas, Jr, PT Connell, Matthew Clark, PT Connolly, Stephen J, PT Davenport, David Nelson, PT Detweiler, Andy Scott, OT Dobner, Bradley Jacob, PT Duncan, Farrah Renee, PT Economy, Matthew, PT Embry, Scot Allen, PT Erber, Paul David, PT Finnern, Laura Lindsay, PT Geronimo, George G, PT Gill, Angela Ruth, PT Gilliam, David Brandon, PT Gosney, Barbara L, PT Greathouse Tallent, Ann Miller, PT Greer, Tasha C, PT Grigsby, John David, PT Gross, William Todd, PT Hambrick, James, PT Hardison, Tiffany Jenet, PT Henderson, Carl A, PT Hoffmann, Christopher Luke, PT Holbourn, Jennifer, PT Houk, David William, PT Howell, Stacey Leanne, PT Hughes, Emily Shannon, PT Igharas, Josephine Ann, PT Jain, Anuj Kumar, PT James, Lauren H, PT Johnson, Keith E, PT Jones, Adrienne Michelle, PT Jones, Sandra M, PT Juckett, Alicia J, PT Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK SK S SK S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 19 Physical Therapy S-Network S P-Network P Networks Schmidt, Emile G, Jr, PT Talley, Lisa Michelle, PT Physical Therapy Sumner County Shelby County (Continued) King, Misty M, PT Knight, Leah Janeen, PT Kovanen, Kathryn Marie, PT Laquindanum, Fatima L, PT Lattus, Virginia R, PT Lindsey, Amy Ventre, PT Ling, Trevor Wen, PT Lombard, Lisa Ann, PT Madarang, Maria Cristina, PT Maddox, Stephanie Leake, PT Magpayo, Reginald Augustus S, PT Mahinay, Bliss Barby, PT Malone, Casey B, PT Manning, Dana M, PT Markham, Christopher Scott, PT McAdams, Patrick, PT McCarty, Audrey Lynn, PT McGuire, Elizabeth Hyun, PT Michael, Beth T, PT Moats, Sarah Beidler, PT Moeschle, Angela Day, PT Moody, Megan Margaret, PT Mosley, Ernest Alexander, Jr, PT Mottley, Maurice Tralonsious, PT Murphy, Harold W, PT Nelson, John David, PT Nezwazky, Lisa M, PT Norton, Bonnie Renee, PT Omotunde, Victor O, PT ONeal, Charity Cheree, PT Oneil, Craig W, PT Owens, Logan Clint, PT Pabalate, Liza Marie, PT Pieh, Samuel Hingha, II, PT Pittman, Jeremy H, PT Quint, Jennifer Jane, PT Raschke, Kimberly Dyan, PT Rawlings, Robert Bailey, IV, PT Ray, Jamie T, PT Richardson, Cathy L, PT Risher, Teri Lynn, PT Roberts, Jodi Elisabeth, PT Roop, Laura Elizabeth, PT Roux, Nadine, PT Sample, Elizabeth S, PT Saunders, Robert Mills, PT Sears, James Anthony, PT Sheer, David M, PT Shook, Jeremy Paul, PT Siler, Sara Elizabeth, PT Smith, Joseph J, PT Smith, Michael Lee, PT Smolen Hetzel, John Manuel, PT Steele, Cynthia J, PT Stewart, Anne C, PT Stingley, Tiara Nicole, PT Strong, Philinese Yvonne, PT Swearingen, Jody Lee, PT Tant, Candice Suzanne, PT Temme, Mark P, PT Thompson, Mary Webb, PT Valas, Christopher Michael, PT Vanhooydonk, Sandra Lynn, PT Vookles, Adele M, PT Ward, Jason Douglas, PT Wilson, Laura Kay, DPT Sullivan County Almond, Danny E, Jr, PT Graham, David H, PT Humann, Timothy D, PT Lamb, Michelle W, PT Lilly, David R, PT Poget, Philippe A, PT Prumbs, Gilgia, PT Rochelle, William K, PT 20 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K P P P P P P P P S S SK S S S SK S K S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K S SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Alinikoff, Lucinda J, PT Andrews, Amanda, PT Ausland, Melissa Amy, PT Baechle, Susan T, MPT Brandt, Trevor Benjamin, PT Butler, Ashlee J, PT Dyer, Andrea M, PT Fox, Kimberly L, PT Gant, Jason E, PT Gatlin, Jesse Scott, PT Gilreath, Rodger Douglas, II, DPT Greathouse Tallent, Ann Miller, PT Isen, Aniefiok Udo, PT Jones, Michelle J, PT Kelley, Amanda Leigh, PT Lee, Harvey Michael, PT Perry, Douglas S, PT Prather, Ruth Ellen, PT Preston, Joshua Neil, PT Schlisner, Grant Lindsay, PT Southard, Kelley B, PT Tipton County Duncan, Michelle Lynn, PT Eckel, M O, III, PT Eckel, M O, Jr, PT Langley, Bradley Allen, PT Maldonado, Ross E, PT Unicoi County Borquez, Francisco E, PT Union County Abella, Agnes R, PT Abella, Colorado B, PT Danielsen, Kimo, PT Edaugal, Gabriel C, PT Warren County Sissom, Scottie R, PT Washington County Barnhart, Robert C, PT Belt, Whitney Lawson, PT Borquez, Francisco E, PT Breese, Ute Hohenfeld, PT Chlebisch, Taryn Kathleen, PT Contryman, Kimberly A, PT Graham, David H, PT Hensley, William M, PT Lamb, Michelle W, PT Lilly, David R, PT Miranda, Beatriz, RPT Onishi, Andria Marie, PT Poget, Philippe A, PT Roberts, Daniel M, DPT Rochelle, William K, PT Villanueva, Jose Antonio, PT K K Washington County (VA) K Wayne County K K SK K-Network K Networks Williams, Charles E, Jr, PT Coggins, Brian Paul, PT Rio, Leah L, PT Weakley County Nethery, Linda A, PT Smith, Brian W, PT White County Bowen, James Patrick, PT Bowen, Laina Marguerite, PT Williamson County Alexander, Meghan Elizabeth, PT Allen, Joelle Marie, PT Althaus, Kelly Hogan, PT PS PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PS P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S PSK P P PSK PSK P P PSK PSK PSK Networks Bevill, Marna Jane, PT Boucher, John R, PT Brandon, Loretta A, PT Briggs, Jenna Kay, PT Bruns, Jason A, PT Carder, Cecil Louie, PT Cartwright, Kasey L, PT Chapman, Amy L, PT Chatman, Kenneth W, PT Chenowith, Rochelle Kari, PT Chrisco, Peter Austin, PT Clayton, Sydney A, PT Collins, Whitney N, PT Conger, Kana K, PT Connolly, Stephen J, PT Connor, Emily W, PT DPT Cox, Kelly Sale, PT Crouse, Amanda Suzanne, PT Darr, Nancy S, PT Davenport, David Nelson, PT Detweiler, Andy Scott, OT Dobner, Bradley Jacob, PT Duncan, Farrah Renee, PT Economy, Matthew, PT Garner, Kristin Mazzeo, PT Gill, Angela Ruth, PT Gilliam, David Brandon, PT Greathouse Tallent, Ann Miller, PT Greer, Tasha C, PT Gross, William Todd, PT Guinn, Joel C, PT Hall, Bryant Edward, PT Hawes, Scott Bradford, PT Henninger, Harold E, Jr, PT Hewgley, Joseph W, PT Hillard, Amy Clark, PT Hobbs, Chad Eric, PT Holman, Elizabeth Rebecca, PT Houk, David William, PT Jenrath, Courtney Cooper, PT Johnson, Keith E, PT Jones, Elizabeth Claire, PT Jones, Jennifer Renee, PT DPT Jordan, Alison B, PT Jordan, Chad A, PT Kelly, Ryan P, PT Kempfert, David B, PT King, Misty M, PT Knight, Leah Janeen, PT Kovanen, Kathryn Marie, PT Kozak, Lauren L, DPT Laidlaw, Eric D, PT Lambert, Bethany Mitchell, PT Landers, David M, PT Large, Heather L, PT Lattus, Virginia R, PT Lehning, Joan Krause, PT Lowe, Julia Darby, PT Manning, Dana M, PT McGee, Tammy L, PT McGuinn, Stacey M, PT Moats, Sarah Beidler, PT Moody, Megan Margaret, PT Morgan, Rebecca J, PT Morris, Justin Thomas, PT Mosley, Ernest Alexander, Jr, PT Murrell, Erin L, PT Nelson, John David, PT Newman, Robin B, PT Ognibene, Rebecca C, PT Oneil, Craig W, PT Owens, Logan Clint, PT Pierce, Andrea S, PT Pryor, Karen D, PT Purdue, Connie S, PT Quint, Jennifer Jane, PT Radley, Elaine M, PT Raschke, Kimberly Dyan, PT Rawlings, Robert Bailey, IV, PT Reardon, Andrew Patrick, PT Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Rehab S-Network S Networks Physical Therapy Williamson County (Continued) Rhodes, Michael Kevin, PT Richardson, Christopher J, PT Roop, Laura Elizabeth, PT Ruiz, Dawn D, PT Rustici, Elizabeth B, PT Sample, Elizabeth S, PT Saunders, Robert Mills, PT Schultz, Andrea Michelle, PT Scruggs, Leslie P, PT Sears, James Anthony, PT Sheer, David M, PT Shook, Jeremy Paul, PT Smith, Joseph J, PT Smith, Perry Hamilton, PT Smolen Hetzel, John Manuel, PT Stingley, Tiara Nicole, PT Sullivan, Stephanie M, PT Swanson, Linda M, PT Swearingen, Jody Lee, PT Tant, Candice Suzanne, PT Thomas, Jonathan E, PT Thompson, Mary Webb, PT Vanhooydonk, Sandra Lynn, PT Wakefield, Jeremiah Joseph, PT Walker, Sara E, PT Washburn, Carol T, PT Watson, Angela D, PT Wheeler, Katie Marie, PT Young, Christopher H, PT Zaccari, Sandra C, PT Wilson County Alexander, Meghan Elizabeth, PT Allen, Joelle Marie, PT Althaus, Kelly Hogan, PT Becht, Kerry J, PT Boucher, John R, PT Chiocca, Sara Elizabeth, PT Connolly, Stephen J, PT Davenport, David Nelson, PT Davidson, Michael W, PT Detweiler, Andy Scott, OT Dobner, Bradley Jacob, PT Duncan, Farrah Renee, PT Economy, Matthew, PT Gant, Jason E, PT Gebhart, Kelly Jane, PT Gill, Angela Ruth, PT Gilliam, David Brandon, PT Greathouse Tallent, Ann Miller, PT Greer, Tasha C, PT Gross, William Todd, PT Hackett, Chandelle Lanier, PT Houk, David William, PT Johnson, Keith E, PT King, Misty M, PT Knight, Leah Janeen, PT Kovanen, Kathryn Marie, PT Kurth, Karyn R, PT Lattus, Virginia R, PT Manning, Dana M, PT McGee, Jonathon Casey, DPT Miller, Lindy E, PT Moats, Sarah Beidler, PT Moody, Megan Margaret, PT Mosley, Ernest Alexander, Jr, PT Oneil, Craig W, PT Owens, Logan Clint, PT Quint, Jennifer Jane, PT Raschke, Kimberly Dyan, PT Rawlings, Robert Bailey, IV, PT Roberts, Dallas K, PT Robertson, David R, Jr, DPT Roop, Laura Elizabeth, PT Sample, Elizabeth S, PT Saunders, Robert Mills, PT Rehab P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Speech Pathology / Speech Therapy P-Network P K-Network K Networks Schulz, Allison Louise, PT Sears, James Anthony, PT Sheer, David M, PT Shook, Jeremy Paul, PT Shyblosky, Laura Marie, PT Smith, Joseph J, PT Smolen Hetzel, John Manuel, PT Stingley, Tiara Nicole, PT Swearingen, Jody Lee, PT Tant, Candice Suzanne, PT Thompson, Mary Webb, PT Urban, Oleg, PT Vanhooydonk, Sandra Lynn, PT Whittaker, Angela M, PT Wolfe, Tanya G, PT P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K DeKalb County (AL) K Cameron, Kristen L, CCCSP Carter, Angelina T, CCCSP Clement, Teresa N, CCC SLP Cole, Kimberly H, CCCSP Collins, Amanda R, MA CCC SLP Cureton, Jennifer S, CCCSP MA Marshall, Lisa M, CCCSP Patrick, Whitney Paige, MA CCC SLP Speech Pathology / Speech Therapy Anderson County Drinnon, Holly A, MS CCC SLP PSK Almand, Kimberly Burkard, MA CCC SLP P S K Beckmann, Bobbie W, MA CCC SLP PS Bennett, Kathy L, MA CCC SLP PSK Bledsoe, Erin E, MA CCC SLP PS Copeland, Katherine Tippy, MA CCC SLP P S Ferguson, Katherine Carolyn, MA CCC SLP PS Phillips, April D, MA CCC SLP PS Watson, Lori Jones, MA CCC SLP PSK Werner, Janna Graber, MA CCC SLP PSK Massey, Claire Alane, MA CCC SLP Campbell County Helton, Karen R, MS CCC SLP Millsaps, Julie C, MA CCC SLP Pyle, Regina M, MA CCC SLP Carter County Basham, Pepper Dawn, MA CCC SLP Boggs, Teresa L, MS CCC SLP Guntupalli, Vijaya Kumar, PhDCCC SLP Proctor Williams, Kerry E, CCC SLP Scherer, Nancy Jean, MA CCC SLP Catoosa County (GA) Skillman, Jeffrey S, MA CCC SLP Watson, Lori Jones, MA CCC SLP Cocke County Marshall, Lisa M, CCCSP Coffee County Campbell, Wendy W, MA CCC SLP Cumberland County Dixon Canfield, Rene M, MA CCC SLP Davidson County Bishop Driggins, Sylvia, MS CCC SLP Cannistraci, Elizabeth A, MA CCC SLP Carlson, Ashley W, MS CCC SLP Fox, Nicole R, CCCSP Hampton, Kimberly Y, CCCSLP Kirsch, Abigail Ann, MS CCC SLP Lama, Laura Renee, CCC SLP Lapidus, Kim L, CCCSLP Martini, Mary C, CCC SLP Marx, JoAnn, MA CCC SLP Nicholson, Kimberly Anne, CCCSP Reed, Chantelle Renee, CCC SLP Savley, Hillary Beth, CCC SLP Spells, Lisa A, CCC SLP Sperry, Marianne P, CCC SP VanHoven, Kelly Jean, CCC SLP Waterman, Diane T, CCCSP Jones, Mary Allison, SLP DeSoto County (MS) Kimmons, Mia J, SLP Dyer County Armstrong, Nancy Monack, MA CCC SLP Gibson County Harris, Jennifer Mansfield, MS CCC SLP Lee, Gina Eason, MA CCC SLP Hamblen County Hamilton County Blount County Bradley County Networks PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P P SK S S S S PS PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S SK S S S S S SK Burriss, Catherine D, MA CCC SLP Burroughs, Harry D, Jr, MS CCC SLP Castleberry, Charlotte J, MS CCC SLP Dyer, Laura C, CCCSP Heath, Holly M, MS CCC SLP Hosterman, Pamela S, MS CCC SLP Kirkman, Andrea Denise, MS CCC SLP Lowe, Melanie S, MA CCC SLP Mahn, Kathleen E, MS CCC SLP Piazza, Amy Louise, CCCSLP Potts, Jackie K, MA CCC SLP Raby, Laura Ann, MA CCC SLP St John, Carolyn Margaret, MA CCC SLP Stowell, Ellen L, MA CCC SLP VanNostran, Traci M, MS CCC SLP Wallace, Elizabeth Jane, MA CCC SLP Wiksell, Carla M, MA CCC SLP Wilson, Karen L, MS CCC SLP Henry County Hosford, Janet Kriesky, MA CCC SLP Jefferson County Cameron, Kristen L, CCCSP Cureton, Jennifer S, CCCSP MA Knox County Baker, Suzzanne H, MA CCC SLP Ball, Amy Jo W, MA CCC SLP Barber, Tiffany M, MA CCC SLP Basham, Pepper Dawn, MA CCC SLP Beasley, Jeri Lenne, MACCCSLP Brandon, Jean Janovick, MA CCCSLP Bryant, Denise B, MA CCC SLP Carraway, Tori L, CCCSP Commons, Susan D, CCCSP Cox, Tammie Lalayne, MS CCC SLP Curlee Hall, Deborah L, MA CCC SLP Denney, Amy R, MA CCC SLP Douglas, Charla Jean, MA CCC SLP Dycus, Luanna C, MA CCC SLP Harrell, Carrie L, MA CCC SLP Henderson, Jennifer Lee, MA CCC SLP King, Allison Mast, MA CCC SLP King, Elizabeth Michelle, CCCSLP King, Nina E, MS CCC SLP Kirby, Anthony Brent, MA CCC SLP Lee, Samantha Leigh, MA CCC SLP Lindsey, Katherine E, MA CCC SLP McKeehan, Heather S, CCCSP Mitchell, Kimberly D, MA CCC SLP Molitor, Susan C, MA CCC SLP Oconnor, Ann B, CCC-SP Palmer, Elizabeth A, CCC SLP Pearson, Ellen J, CCC SP Rodgers, Khortni Helene, MS CCC SLP Rubio, Melissa A, CCCSP Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS P PSK P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S SK S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K S S SK SK SK S PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 21 Speech Pathology / Speech Therapy S-Network S P-Network P Networks Speech Pathology / Speech Therapy Knox County (Continued) Samson, Jessica L, MA CCC SLP Snyder, Bethany Ann, MA CCC SLP Solberg, Angela M, MA CCC SLP Spradling, Amy Gale, MA CCC SLP Stone, Suzanne D, MA CCC SLP Wegman, Allison M, MS CCC SLP Williamson, Kimberly R, MS CCC SLP Wilson, Jennifer J, CCCSP Wilson, Mary Margaret, MA CCC SLP Zollinger, Kristi M, MA CCC SLP Lawrence County Benson, Angela B, CCCSLP Brown, Rebecca H, CCCSLP Floyd, Brittany Rebecca, CCCSLP Hunt, Leslie P, CCCSP Huntley, Amanda T, CCCSLP Philpot, Terri M, CCCSP States, Angela Rena, MA CCC SLP Madison County Barth, Margaret W, MA CCC SLP Moore, Kimberli K, MS CCC SLP Thompson, Carla Andreas, MA CCC SLP Marion County Foshee, Charlene R, CCCSP Maury County States, Angela Rena, MA CCC SLP Monroe County Woody, Amy E, CCC SP Montgomery County Adames, Rebecca Brown, MA CCC SLP Eilerman, Jodie Lynn, MA CCC SLP Garner, Gloria Ann, CCC SLP Jones, Mary Allison, SLP Lingg, Susan M, CCC SLP Wallace, Jane Lambert, MA CCC SLP Putnam County Dixon Canfield, Rene M, MA CCC SLP Price, Jana Miller, MA CCC SLP Richards, Melinda L, PhDCCC SLP Roane County Fine, Jan S, SLP Leroy, Nancy K, CCCSP Robertson County Dunn, Julie Ann, SLP Fraley, Elizabeth Ann, MS CCC SLP Westbrook, Courtney E, CCCSLP Rutherford County P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K PSK PS PS PSK PS PS Sharp, Wendy Michelle, CCC SP Stewart, Stacey D, CCCSLP Taylor, Karen Elizabeth, SLP Sevier County Brewer, Sharon Elizebeth, MA CCC SLP Felty, Janis H, CCCSLP Shelby County Balderson, Jessica E, CCCSLP Bresee, Laura Landry, CCC SLP Burroughs, Beverly W, SLP Cook, Candice M, MA CCC SLP Cooper, Lisa J, CCC SLP Crain, Scarlet K, SLP Hacker, Janna Lyn, CCC SLP Hudson, Karen S, MA CCC SLP Jolly, Regina L, MA CCC SLP Martin, Laura Simmons, CCCSP Mayton, Pamela Sue, SLP Mennefield, Angela Jenise, CCCSLP Miller, Susan L, MS CCC SLP Noland, Maureen B, MS CCC SLP Perkins, Denice J, CCC SP Powers, Lauren Corrinna, CCCSP Pratap, Raju, CCC SP Reisinger, Laura Lynn, SLP Saunders, Kathryn M, CCCSP Shannon, Amy Ann, CCC SP Shealey, Talishe D, MS CCC SLP Shores, Laura Thornton, MA CCC SLP Sims, Anna R, MA CCC SLP Somodevilla, Nancy Arko, SLP Turner Hill, Susan E, CCCSLP Wark, Nancy H, MA CCC SLP Washington, Mary B, MA CCC SLP Wise, Kim S, CCCSP Stewart County P P P P P P S S S S S P PS PS P PS P P PS Baldwin, Meagan Rogers, MA CCC SLP PS Bishop Driggins, Sylvia, MS CCC SLP PS Childress, Lacey Lorine, MA CCC SLP PS Cravens, Terrance Moody, MA CCC SLP P S Dean, Megan Beth, MA CCC SLP PS Edberg Smith, Maria Beatrice, MS CCC SLP PS Felts, Danyelle E, CCCSP PS Feltz, Candace T, CCCSP PS Garner, Amanda Beth, MA CCC SLP PS Harrell, Melissa Jayne Green, CCCSLP PS Harvey, Tamela B, CCC-SP P Hawthorne, Colleen Irving, SLP PS Isbell, Adriane J, CCCSLP PS McCullough, Hallie C, MS CCC SLP PS McNeill, Molly Marie, MA CCC SLP PS Moss, Tracie C, CCCSLP PS Olson, Leah Esther, MS CCC SLP PS Pennington, Kala Jo, MA CCC SLP PS Peyton, Wendy A, MA CCC SLP PS Revlett, Lisa D, SP P 22 K-Network K Networks Bogard, Jennifer L, CCC SLP Henry, Natasha Morgan, MA CCC SLP Sullivan County Baker, Beth C, MS CCC SLP Click, Rebecca D, CCC SP Morris, Ashley Clark, MS CCC SLP Neely, Nancy A, MA CCC SLP ONeal, Glenda K, CCC SP Pant, Kaveri, MA CCC SLP Phillips, Brandon M, MA CCC SLP Rubio, Melissa A, CCCSP Rushing, Brittany N, MA CCC SLP Sims, Greta F, CCC SP Tangeman, Abby, CCC SP Wilhjelm, Karen N, MA CCC SLP Sumner County Morrow, Christine Lee, CCCSLP Reed, Chantelle Renee, CCC SLP Warren County Bruce, Carly B, MS CCC SLP Washington County Basham, Pepper Dawn, MA CCC SLP Boggs, Teresa L, MS CCC SLP Chaudron, Donna C, MACCCSLP Guntupalli, Vijaya Kumar, PhDCCC SLP Hensley, Denise Carol, MACCCSLP Hulsey, Kyle Tanner, MS CCC SLP Knipp, Deborah K, MACCCSLP Peccia, Brooke Hammond, MSCCCSLP Proctor Williams, Kerry E, CCC SLP Scherer, Nancy Jean, MA CCC SLP Weakley County Leyhue, Stephenie S, CCCSLP Williamson County Bell, Linda C, CCP-SP Bishop Driggins, Sylvia, MS CCC SLP Buell, Barbara Sutton, MA CCC SLP PS PS PS PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S SK S SK Networks Clark, Patricia S, MA CCC SLP PSK Duhon, Helen S, CCCSP PSK Gentry, Paulette Willie, MA CCC SLP PSK Glascock, Lauren Nolan, MA CCC SLP P K Hagen Pilkinton, Karol Hagen, CCC SP PS K Hawthorne, Colleen Irving, SLP PSK Henderson, Helen Bond, MACCCSLP PSK Henry, Allison Rodriguez, MA CCC SLP PSK Jones, Ginger Geldreich, MA CCC SLP P Lama, Laura Renee, CCC SLP PS Leavy, Kelly A, MA CCC SLP PSK Livingston, Elizabeth Weaver, MA CCC SLP PSK Meacham, Sally Shreve, CCCSLP PS Moorad, Judith L, MA CCC SLP PSK Parham, Amy A, CCC A PSK Sartin, Karen Mougey, CCCSP PS Seiler, Kristin M, CCC SP PSK Stanley, Stephanie G, CCCSLP P Stephenson, Stacey Carrico, CCC-SLP PS Thomas, Sarah Blankenship, MA CCC SLP PSK Thompson, Lisa Claude, MS CCC SLP PSK Westbrook, Courtney E, CCCSLP PS Willis, Adrienne Tyler, MS CCC SLP PSK Wilson County Bible, Irene F, CCCSP Reed, Chantelle Renee, CCC SLP Towns, Heather Evelyn, MA CCC SLP PS PS PS S S S S S S S K K K K PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P S S SK S S S SK S S S PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K P PSK PSK P Check our Web site @ for current listing. Rehab Physicians For Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) services, please reference Otorhinolaryngology. For Ear and Throat services, please reference Otolaryngology. For Family Physician services, please reference General Practice, Family Practice and Internal Medicine. In the directory, the physician’s area of specialization is furnished to assist you in selecting a physician. However, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee does not endorse or guarantee a physician’s education, skill or experience in a particular area of medical practice. Network physicians have agreed to provide patients services seven (7) days a week, 24 hours a day. If you call the office and your physician is out, he or she will have a physician covering or a physician on call for patient care. This physician will be able to help you in place of your regular physician. Some physicians will have “Extended Hours Available” noted after their name. This identifies the physicians’ offices that are open longer than normal business hours. Please check with the physician’s office for details. Remember: Physician status is subject to change. The information listed in this directory is subject to change. As is the case with any paper directory, the listed providers’ participation in the network is verifiable only up to the time the directory was updated and printed. Providers join as well as drop from the network. In addition, hospital-based physicians are excluded from this directory due to their internal non-credentialed status. Credentialing of hospital-based physicians is the responsibility of the facility in which they practice. It is very important to verify health care professionals’ and facilities continued participation in the network by calling the office of the provider before you receive care. To verify that a provider is still participating in your Blue Network you can: 1. Call the Member Service number on your ID card; or 2. Access our Web site, Click on the Find A Doctor tool, choose the type of provider you need, then select your specific Blue Network. This is updated daily. 23 Alcorn County (MS) S-Network S P-Network P Networks Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Alcorn County (MS) Olsovsky, Gregory Dean, MD Critical Care Medicine Hematology Richey, Sylvia S, MD Somer, Bradley G, MD Ophthalmology Yoser, Seth Leigh, MD Orthopedic Surgery Frazier, Randall P, MD Plastic Surgery Stewart, Sherrill Bryce, MD Surgery Edmonson, James D, MD Therapeutic Optometry Dodd, John D, OD Lovelace, Randy Scott, MD Swanson, George Alden, MD PS PS Dermatology Fuller, Robert P, MD Sharp, Donald A, MD Smith, Leland Clayton, MD PS P Diagnostic Radiology Strnad, Bradley T, MD PS Emergency Medicine Chaudhary, Neil Manish, MD Henry, James E, MD P Alkayyali, Fawwaz, MD Bunick, Elaine Marie, MD Hamwi, Safwan, MD Family Medicine Alexander, Alex M, MD Bell, W Reid, III, MD Bingham, William Barry, MD Bridgeman, Pamela A, MD Carter, Ann D, MD Casey, Robert R, MD Compton, David R, MD Conway, Shere H, MD Cottrell, Amy Galigher, MD Culbert, William H, Jr, MD Daugherty, John Thomas, MD Davis, Scott Eric, MD Deo, Sonali Prakash, MD Fabricius, Diane L, MD Harrel, Elizabeth Myers, MD Heald, David G, MD Lambert, Melody Camille, MD Lenoir, Daniel R, MD Malagon, Jose J, MD May, Wendy N, MD McNeeley, Edward Trent, MD McNeeley, Howard B, MD Meece, Terrence Lee, MD Pattni, Toral B, MD Extended Hours Available Ricche, David A, MD Rice, William M, MD Seal, Edna Faye, MD Seay, David W, MD Smith, Tamra Lee, MD Taylor, Susan J, MD Thakur, Manisha, MD Thompson, Joseph L, III, MD PSK Anderson County Allergy and Immunology Miller, Michael M, MD Overholt, Robert M, MD Ponder, Robert D, MD Extended Hours Available Schlactus, Jeffrey L, MD Springer, Michael A, MD Anesthesiology Frazier, Jonathan R, MD Audiology Bales, Heather Satterfield, AuD CCC A Cresci, Kristin Molnar, AuD CCC A Edwards, Janet C, AuD CCC A Levy, David H, CCC A Wright, Haley E, MA CCC A Cardiology McLaughlin, Victor W, MD Cardiovascular Disease Adams, Donna Darlene, MD Happel, Margaret Ashley, MD Justice, Larry Todd, MD Lawson, Max Wendell, MD Michel, James R, MD Pietrasz, Lech K, MD Sharma, Mukesh K, MD Sheth, Milan Jyotindra, DO Teague, Stephen Michael, MD Cardiovascular Disease -Diag Test Interpretations Michel, James R, MD Pietrasz, Lech K, MD Sharma, Mukesh K, MD Teague, Stephen Michael, MD PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PS P P P P P S S S SK S PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S Gastroenterology Block, Clement H, MD Gholson, Charles F, MD Gilbert, Jeffrey Scott, MD Luckmann, Kenneth F, MD Montalvo, Ruth Datmare, MD Prince, Mark D, MD Ricks, Phillip M, MD Wray, Ronald K, MD S S S S General Practice Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Colston, Doris, CRNA Kuerschen, Kathryn D, CRNA Viles, Timothy Allen, CRNA Chiropractor Berk, Jacqueline B, DC Kile, Donna S, DC Kimball, Derrick W, DC Noe, Richard N, Jr, DC Russell, Toby H, DC Winningham, Ronald, DC 24 PS PS PS P P P P P P S S S S S PS PSK PSK P P P PSK PSK PSK Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism PS Allen County (KY) Emergency Medicine K-Network K Networks Hancock, David A, MD Oesch, Timothy R, MD General Vascular Surgery Cross, Frances L, MD Dallas, William S, MD Long, David D, MD Stanley, David Granville, MD Hospital Medicine Ahiabuike, Smithson Onyebuchi, MD Ampomah, John K, MD Baban, Nawras, MD Bremer, Richard Louis, II, MD PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Brown, Gary K, MD Bruton, Charles W, Jr, MD Clary, Thomas L, MD Diaz, Edgar, MD Dougherty, Matthew Martin, DO Eranki, Srini Prakash, MD Fervil, Marie Yolene, MD Frost, Christopher Michael, MD Fung, Ka Kin, MD Hussain, Zakir, MD Mascioli, Charles J, MD Mavani, Gaurang Pravinchandra, MD Murray, Michael Craig, MD Naguib, Sameh Samy, MD Otchere Boateng, Yaw, MD Perkerson, Robert Joel, MD Ristev, Goran, MD Sawabini, George, DO Shaikh, Mohammed Arif, MD Wallace, Thomas Everett, MD West, Burton Carey, MD Williams, Gordon Frank, MD Williams, Sommer Dea, MD S S Immunizing Pharmacist S Internal Medicine S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PSK PS PS P PS P P P P P Networks SK SK S SK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Insell, Dennis Jay, DPh K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK De Lisa, Angelica Maria, MD Garton, Anthony W, MD Giles, James W, MD Hayes, Wesley L, MD Helton, Michael Harold, MD Henderson, Michael A, MD Hughes, R Hal, MD Malik, Amyn, MD Misischia, Richard J, DO Rahman, Obaidur, MD Reyes, Susan Anette, MD Wassenaar, Ryan Conway, DO P P P P P P P P P P P P Interventional Cardiology Justice, Larry Todd, MD SK S S SK S S SK S SK PS Medical Oncology Foust, John T, MD Misischia, Mary J, DO Thompson, Michael R, MD Vodopick, Helen A, MD PSK PSK PSK P Nephrology Singh, Ashutosh, MD Wells, Gary Steven, MD PSK PS Neurology Gornisiewicz, Elzbieta E, MD Gurecki, Paul J, MD Lynch, James E, MD Matthiessen, Patrick M, MD Rambally, Cherridan, MD Valedon, Jose G, MD P P P P P P Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Witherspoon, Barbara Jane, ACNP BC S S S S S S P Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Beck, Alicia E, APRN BC Clem, Rebecca Dawn, FNP BC Kile, Nancy D, FNP Mapes, Christy H, FNP BC Morgan, Erin Michelle, FNP S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P S S S S SK Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health Stone, Eric K, NP Obstetrics & Gynecology Carter, Joseph Brad, MD Darling, Charles Ellett, Jr, MD Krishnan, Lalita Radha, MD Metcalf, Thomas H, MD Peters, Scott W, MD Sances, Andwylynn Crabtree, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK P P P P P P S S S S S S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Anderson County (Continued) Ophthalmology Anderson, Nicholas G, MD Baker, Kathryn R, MD Dotson, Robert S, Jr, MD PC Googe, Joseph M, Jr, MD Luttrell, Bradley J, MD McMillan, Tod A, MD Powers, Timothy P, MD Reid, Francis R, MD Smalley, Lee A, MD Walker, Robert E, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Anderson, James Greg, DDS Cheung, Andrew Cherk Bun, DDS Jaffrey, Brett J, DDS Johnson, Bradley Stevenson, DMD Mann, James Howard, Jr, DDS Trondson, Troy Allen, MD Widloski, Mark Matthew, MD Witherington, Travis Arnold, II, DDS Orthopedic Surgery Edkin, Brian Staffin, MD French, Ronald James, Jr, MD Grace, Sean Patrick, MD Kahn, Edward K, MD Mackay, Michael A, MD McMahon, Cletus J, MD O'Brien, Michael P, MD Posman, Clifford L, MD Reat, Jean Francois P Robbins, Randall R, MD Otolaryngology McClinton, Mark Edward, MD Miley, Brynae Laxton, MD Schultz, Richard L, MD Sewall, Charles G, MD Pain Management Browder, Joe H, MD Choo, James Jungyup, MD Pathology Galloway, Alan Keith, MD Pediatrics Barongan, Paul G, MD Campbell, Charles Lynn, MD Cheney, Jason T, MD Clary, Thomas L, MD Hood, Melissa A, MD Howard, Robert G, MD James, Clifford D, III, MD McColl, Daphne Maples, MD Mehta, Saroj, MD Pisano, Frances P, MD Rhea, Russel W, III, MD Stephens, Kathryn B, MD Extended Hours Available Tan Jauregui, Alarice A, MD Vargas, Tanya H, MD Welch, John W, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Uzzle, Jeffrey A, MD Physician Assistant Ayers, Joseph D, PA Brandt, Charles P, PA Cochran, William N, PA Cox, Charles Bradley, PA Greene, Gregory C, PA Lenderman, Melissa A, PA Physician Assistant at Surgery Drum, David W, PA C Russell, Amy R, PA Stauber, Mary C, PA Physicians P P P P P P P P P P SK SK SK S SK S S S S P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S P P P P S S S S K K K K Calia, Gerald B, DPM Christiansen, Brian Niel, DPM Engblom, James A, DPM Gipson, Bradley P, DPM Lynn, Andrew W, DPM Pulmonary Disease Bruton, Charles W, Jr, MD Burris, Glenn William, MD Dimeo, Michael J, MD Hughes, R Hal, MD Barron, David M, MD Hilton, James I, MD Surgery Baer, Scott L, OD Channappa, Shirnil, OD Crump, Joseph E, OD Elliott, Steven D, OD Greer, Mark A, OD Kuneman, James E, OD Labelle, Ray, OD Larson, Bobby, OD Lowery, Tammy L, OD Neal, Tona Armetta, OD Wheeler, Kenneth E, OD Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery Urology K K K K K K K K K K K K Bowles, Mark G, MD Chasan, Stuart A, MD Cottrell, Brandon Scott, MD OConnor, L. Thomas, Jr., MD Pearson, Randall E, MD Sloan, James C, MD Emergency Medicine Aldridge, Heidi D, MD Family Medicine Baker, Charles E, MD Cook, Steven H, MD Yale, Jerry David, MD Surgery Haizlip, Thomas M, Jr, MD Tate, William C, MD K K PSK PS P K Cardiovascular Disease PS PS S SK S P P P P S S S S Chiropractor PS Dermatology SK Bearden, David Gordon, DC Fausnaught, Walter R, Jr, DC Kile, Donna S, DC Potter, Wayne A, DC PSK PS P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S Abu Halimah, Ahmad Jaber, MD Churchwell, Andre L, MD Damp, Julie Boyd, MD Glazer, Mark D, MD Hood, Rob R, MD Parekh, Kendra Papson, MD Pearson, Sam Smiseth, MD Stotts, Patricia Ann, NP C Ilarde, Aldo A, MD Family Medicine S S S Adams, Lynette M, MD Beavers, Lana Sharon, MD Butler, Jonathan W, MD Jayakody, Frank L, MD Koleyni, Camellia Renee, MD Nolin, Shon Patrick, DO Parawan, Cristina S, MD Rupard, Joseph H, MD Stimpson, Charles L, MD Tamula, Alma M, MD Gastroenterology Kelly, Charles E, II, MD General Practice S S PSK P P P P P P Emergency Medicine Clark, Arthur Kent, MD Melson, Danny L, MD Sells, Samuel P, Jr, MD Hospital Medicine Beavers, Lana Sharon, MD Clark, Arthur Kent, MD S S S S S S Infectious Disease Ilarde, Jeanette S, MD Internal Medicine Atalla, Nabil B, MD Faour, Muhamed S, MD Ilarde, Aldo A, MD Ilarde, Jeanette S, MD Jones, Billy Combs, DO Nedumthottathil, Thomas Joseph, MD Schull, Lawrence G, Jr, MD P Nephrology P P P Karam, Jyotheen S, MD Omitowoju, Oladapo O, MD Neurology Atalla, Nabil B, MD P P Nurse Practitioner Parks, Mary Elizabeth, WHNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Enroth, Daniel W, APRN BC P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P SK SK S S S S S S S K K K K K K K P PS PS P PSK PSK PSK PSK Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Bedford County Cardiology Bernard, Clement F, MD Churchwell, Keith B, MD Covington Gresham, Tina D, MD Crenshaw, Marshall H, MD Frederiksen, Rand T, MD Friesinger, Gottlieb Christian, III, MD Garrard, Clifford L, Jr, MD Hansen, David E, MD Prudoff, Adam James, MD Richardson, Thomas Ramsey, MD P P P P P Avery County (NC) K K Networks Boyd, Alan S, MD Radiology Hall, William C, MD PS S S S S S S Podiatry (DPM) Therapeutic Optometry PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P Dye, Charles G, MD Smith, George E, MD Cross, Frances L, MD Dallas, William S, MD Long, David D, MD Metcalf, Joseph, IV, MD Miller, Kenneth T, Jr, MD Mitchell, C Stone, MD Stanley, David Granville, MD Tripp, Allan Matthew, DO PS S S S S S S S S S S S S Plastic Surgery Strike, William K, MD PSK P K P P P P P P P P P P P P Networks Radiation Oncology K K K K Bedford County K-Network K K K K K K Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health McLean, Janet P, ANP BC Philipose, Anita S, APRN BC Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Carter, Conan M, NP McBride, Michelle D, FNP BC Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K PS PS PS PS PSK PSK PS P P P P P P P S S S SK S S S PS PSK PSK PSK PS PSK PS PS PSK 25 Bedford County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Wilmoth, Robert J, MD Bedford County (Continued) Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice (Continued) Walker, Mary Lynne, FNP Womble, Lynette A, FNP Ophthalmology Bierly, John Robert, MD Collier, Robert Craig, MD Crisp, Angela F, MD Norris, Hunter Willingham, MD Orthopedic Surgery Elizondo, Philip Alva, MD Ramprasad, Mittur N, MD Otolaryngology Canonico, Domenic M, MD Pediatric Ophthalmology Peterson, Edward Andrew, MD Pediatrics Kaczmarska, Barbara F, MD Loleh, Samer, MD Magnuson, Carol L, MD Physician Assistant Martin, Lauren Elizabeth, PA C Physician Assistant - PCP Cawthon, Aubrey M, PA Podiatry (DPM) Oliver, Russell W, DPM Pulmonary Disease Patel, Prakash B, MD Seifer, Frederick D, MD Sleep Medicine Phelps, Thomas F, MD Surgery Dampier, Loucinda Rochelle, MD Monajjem, Navid, MD Russell, William L, MD Therapeutic Optometry Blanks, James H, OD Brady, Robin Michael, OD Dabbs, Angela Lee Ann, OD Hasty, Kenneth Dale, OD Muse, Gregory L, OD Shamblin, Kathy L, OD PS PS PS PSK P PSK PS PS PSK PS PS PS PSK PSK Taylor, James L, DC Diagnostic Radiology Popovich, Teppe, MD Wall, Mary Jean, MD General Practice Valencia, Efren B, Jr, MD Hospital Medicine Sivley, Rhonda Sparks, MD Pediatrics Ghanim, Wael I, MD Khorram, Houshang, MD Podiatry (DPM) Gardner, Timothy Logan, DPM Surgery Crumley, Charles A, MD Rose, Carroll E, MD Thomas, Robert Lee, IV, MD 26 Therapeutic Optometry Howard, Lisa S, OD Lane, Patrick Franklin, OD Cardiovascular Disease Arunachalam, Rangarajan, MD Cabell, Thomas Hargrave, Jr, MD Crumbo, Donald S, MD Huneycutt, David Carl, Jr, MD Jefferson, Brian Keith, MD Johnston, Thomas S, MD Jones, Robert C, MD Kearney, Kathleen Rebecca, MD Kreth, Timothy K, MD Mangione, Nelson J, MD Manoukian, Steven Vahe, MD McRae, Andrew Thomas, III, MD Myers, Paul R, MD Nkadi, Chukwuemeke Oscar, MD Riddick, John Alston, MD Ververis, John James, MD Weiner, Ronald Ira, DO Wheatley, Robert M, MD Williams, Thomas Ashurst, Jr, MD PSK PS PS PS PS PS PSK PSK PS P P PSK P Dedmon, Roy L, II, DC Douglas, Allan S, DC Douglas, Amber N, DC Smith, Micah Troy, DC Emergency Medicine Backer, Farnel Fernand, MD Bez, Hans Sebastian, DO Saint Jean, Norma, DO Family Medicine Berry, Ken D, MD Hollingsworth, Jason L, MD Rico, Wilfred Martin, MD General Practice Linn, Malinda Dawn, MD Vitualla, Augustin V, MD Winter, Jon R, DO Hospital Medicine Ashmore, Timothy Elbert, MD Carney, William Raymond, Jr, MD Olusanya, Ayodele A, MD Goldberg, David S, MD Richardson, Robert Lee, III, MD P P PS PS PSK P PS PS PSK PSK Emergency Medicine PS P Family Medicine MacManus, Lou E, DO PSK MacManus, H Cameron, DO PSK General Practice Bownds, Charles P, MD Quito, Arturo L, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PSK PS Gynecology MacManus, Lou E, DO PSK Internal Medicine Sapp, Robert D, MD Sinha, Manvesh N, MD PSK PSK Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Angel Pompi, Debora J, APRN BC PSK Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice James, Alma S, FNP Neurology Ahsan, Jawaid, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Cannady, Steven L, FNP Combs, Laura Lea, FNP BC Davis, Jennifer Dawn, FNP BC McCallum, Anine C, FNP Wood, Deborah T, FNP BC Wood, Mary H, NP Therapeutic Optometry Harrison, Michelle M, OD McConnell, William H, OD Reynoldson, Tonya M, OD PS PS PS P PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS P P P P P P S S S S S SK PS PS PS Bledsoe County Cardiovascular Disease Puckett, Walter, III, MD Boynton, Ruth Ellen, APRN BC PSK Pediatrics Alvarez, Jennifer Suzanne, MD PSK Podiatry (DPM) Nguyen, Giang T, DPM P Sapp, Robert D, MD PSK Blount County Allergy and Immunology Carter, Paul Michael, MD Jones, Phillip Wayne, MD Overholt, Robert M, MD Partridge, Megan Elizabeth, MD Ponder, Robert D, MD Extended Hours Available Prince, Tidence L, MD Springer, Michael A, MD P P P P P Anesthesiology Coleman, Cheryl, MD Petty, Cathy E, MD Proffitt, Wilma, MD Ragsdale, Anthony G, MD Robertson, Candace A, MD Shivers, Selby B, MD Audiology Cope, David T, CCC A Evans, Tony D, CCC A Levy, David H, CCC A McAmis, Natalie Harmon, CCC A Roberts, Caroline Marie, AuD CCC A Rook, Paul D, MS CCC A Cardiovascular Disease Blacky, Albert R, MD Diltz, Emily A, MD Gallagher, Michael P, MD Hoffman, Philip K, MD Johnson, Jeffrey H, MD Kiefer, Stephen K, MD Liu, Joseph C, MD Scott, Peter R, MD Smuckler, Alan L, MD Souther, Susan Jane, MD Weatherbee, Taylor C, MD Wortham, Dale C, MD Gallagher, Michael P, MD Michelson, Barry I, MD Souther, Susan Jane, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. S S S S S K K K K K PSK PSK Cardiovascular Disease -Diag Test Interpretations PS PSK Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health Urgent Care Physicians Internal Medicine PS Networks PSK Benton County Chiropractor PS Bell County (KY) Chiropractor K-Network K Networks P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K PS PSK PSK Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Blount County (Continued) Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Cullins, William R, Jr, CRNA Hudson, Janet, CRNA Klappholz, David L, CRNA Chiropractor Anderson, Eric A, DC Ardis, Bryan R, DC Birdwell, Joseph C, DC Birdwell, Kara L, DC Blue, Wendy E, DC Butcher, Evan W, DC Dreyer, Russell Cranford, DC Forrester, Otis B, MD Forth, William David, DC Gwinn, Woodrow W, Jr, DC Johns, Brent A, DC Lay, John C, DC Lounsberry, Ryan Jay, DC Marsh, Joseph Scott, DC McMahan, Daniel B, DC Pluznyk, Walter, DC Rodriguez, Rafael M, DC Runne, Caleb, DC Runne, Eugene P, DC Steffensmeier, Todd Warner, DC Sunshine, Barry W, DC Sunshine, Brian W, DC Thompson, Donald Carr, II, DC Watts, Steven R, DC Wilhoit, Jeffrey L, DC Williams, Charles R, DC Clinical Pathology Hilsenbeck, John R, Jr, MD Critical Care Medicine Monla Hassan, Jaber M, MD Dermatology Burkhart, Patrick H, MD Shimazu, Colleen N, MD Slawsky, Lewis D, MD Unkefer, Robert P, MD Emergency Medicine Bardwell, Steven John, DO Franz, Ronald D, DO Obrien, Kent P, MD Phillips, Michael D, MD Warner, Douglas K, MD PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S PS PS PS P PS PS Family Medicine Allsop, Bruce N, MD Atchley, Neal W, MD Bartley, Nancy G, MD Bishop, Britton K, MD Brooksbank, Roger A, MD Burroughs, Joel M, MD Butler, Jonathan W, MD Callan, Daniel Joseph, DO Calvert, David Keith, MD Cobb, Diana L, MD Dirmeyer, Andrew C, MD Easterly, Jeffery Lee, MD Ferguson, Rodney, MD Gardner, Michael S, DO Gibson, Ernest R, MD Greene, Jonathan Frasier, DO Heiny, Jerome J, MD Physicians Gastroenterology Brown, Edward F, MD Cline, Richard G, MD Coffey, Michael J, MD Jarvis, S. Craig, MD General Practice Proffitt, Robert D, MD General Vascular Surgery Hematology P P P P S SK S S P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S SK SK S S SK S S S S S S Salazar Catron, Teresa Maria, MD Salazar Catron, Teresa Maria, MD PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S SK S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S Family Medicine - Diag Test Interpretation Geriatric Medicine Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Bussey, Aaron D, MD Campbell, Peter J, MD Doty, Thomas W, MD Law, William M, Jr, MD McCammon, Daniel K, MD Page, Casey J, MD Williams, John B, MD Hone, Jaclyn E, MD Howell, James Patrick, DO Kuhl, Roy E, Jr, MD Mandrell, J. Thomas, MD McCroskey, Marye L, MD Nash, Barrington Nelson, MD Novikoff, Walter M, DO Palmer, Cedric Morris, Jr, MD Pardue, Randy T, MD Pittenger, John W, MD Rahn, Charles Larry, MD Riegel, Darryl L, MD Rooke, John D, MD Sawyer, Christopher E, MD Siddiqui, Farrukh Abdussalam, MD Smith, Andrew L, MD Thompson, Bryan B, MD Turner, Kevin L, MD Vines, William D, MD Walter, Angela S, MD Webb, Brent A, DO White, Richard H, MD Wight, Clinton A, MD Reisser, John R, MD PS Blount County K-Network K Schrock, Nathan E, MD Hospital Medicine Abrams, Jeffrey H, MD Alsharif, Samar M, MD Bidawid, Helen S, MD Borcherding, Sara Lynn, MD Duzan, Daniel Rudolph, MD Gaddis, Nils Peter, DO Hardy, Constance A, MD Hughes, Brian Ward, MD Karolczak, Pawel G, MD Knoll, David Andrew, MD LaFountain, Elisa Jane, DO Mitchell, Heather Michelle, APRN BC Ristev, Goran, MD Sawabini, George, DO Shattuck, Deaver Timothy, MD Siddiqui, Farrukh Abdussalam, MD Szyarto, Christopher S, DO Thompson, Carl, DO Zohary, Yasser Ali, MD Infectious Disease Tan, Hiediliza Y, MD Internal Medicine Best, Jennifer L, MD Cline, Kim Hawkins, MD Cox, David A, MD Davis, Douglas L, MD Davis, Leila Katherine, MD Ellis, Edward Stephen, MD Gaddis, Richard M, DO Green, Mark E, MD Green, Ralph Michael, MD Huet, Rocio A, MD Hyatt, Renee J, MD Ingram, John J, III, MD Jhala, Jayraj F, MD PS P P P P Cowan, John David, MD Kubota, Thomas T, MD Schumaker, Robert D, MD Nephrology Hayes, Tanya N, NP Lester, Christine Raney, APRN BC Xiques, Elizabeth A, NP Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice PSK K K K Allen, Amy P, FNP Beam, LaRonda Gayle, NP Cordes, Jamie Chiles, FNP BC Crabtree, Terri Lynn, FNP BC Crye, Carol D, FNP BC Henderson, Kimberly A, FNP Jacobs, Marcia E, FNP BC Jamison, Kelly Jean, NP C Johnson, Elizabeth M, APRN BC Lankford Carpenter, Julie A, APRN BC Montgomery, James C, FNP Scott, Caroline T, FNP BC Shamblin, Jessica Claire, NP Sparkman, Paula Elaine, FNP Walker, Mary Jo, FNP K K K Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Allen, Morgan Vanessa, CPNP BC Mixon, Melanie Coleen, NP Obstetrics & Gynecology K S SK S S S S S S SK S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S K P PS P PS PSK PSK PS PS P PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S S S S K K K K SK S S SK Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health Breeding, Andrea S, FNP PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P Medical Oncology Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health PS P P P P P P P Roberts, Jack T, MD Werner, Wally M, MD Cross, Thea W, MD Radoff, Fredric M, MD PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Internal Medicine -Diag Test Interpretation Neurology S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Kirpekar, Komal H, MD Knoll, David Andrew, MD Long, Carole L, MD McColl, Mark Benton, MD Mendez, Eduardo R, MD Milhollin, James L, Jr, MD Moore, William R, MD Nelson, Jeffery E, MD Payne, Joseph D, MD Proffitt, James D, Jr, MD Roberts, Jack T, MD Savell, Richard A, MD Shalaby, Ibrahim Fouad, MD Werner, Wally M, MD Zohary, Hossam Ali, MD Shafi, Mohammad, MD PS P P P P P P P P P P P Networks Ballard, Kimberly R, MD Collins, Kimberly W, MD Elmore, Dale B, MD Garza, Nancy Frerichs, MD Lebrun, Elizabeth D, MD Mason, Gary M, MD McAmis, John C, MD Metelka, Richard C, MD Morgan, Patrick L, MD Traver, Tracie A, MD Turner, Julie C, MD Ophthalmology Anderson, Nicholas G, MD Ange, Charles G, MD Campbell, Philip D, MD Durand, Julie R, MD Googe, Joseph M, Jr, MD Haun, Alden K, MD Haun, Louis E, MD Hoskins, John C, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K 27 Blount County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Radiation Oncology Blount County (Continued) Petty, Albert M, MD Rheumatology Ophthalmology (Continued) McMillan, Tod A, MD Miller, James H, Jr, MD Olander, Kenneth W, MD Perkins, Stephen L, MD Taylor, Christopher T, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Gross, Kevin D, DDS Gross, P Dewayne, DDS Johnson, Bradley Stevenson, DMD Mann, James Howard, Jr, DDS McConnell, Timothy P, DDS Napier, Troy R, DMD Shanks, Carroll R, DDS Shanks, Charles H, DDS Slater, Otto W, DDS Trondson, Troy Allen, MD Widloski, Mark Matthew, MD Orthopedic Surgery Bell, William K, MD Campbell, Michael L, MD Griffith, Todd R, MD Morgan, Eric, MD Thomas, Mark K, MD Winn, Jay Wesley, MD Otolaryngology Adham, Robert E, MD Almand, Bond, III, MD Garman, Guy R, DO Hoffmann, Paul W, MD Pediatric Allergy & Immunology Ellenburg, Donald T, MD Singer, Andrew Michael, MD Pediatrics Baxter, Lori A, MD Bean, Michael W, MD Booher, Robert W, MD Cash, Heather K, MD Collins, Tommy E, MD Damron, Michael, MD Dee, Whitney Elizabeth, MD Easter, Cynthia Juanita, MD Fox, Lana G, MD Gilley, Sarah M, MD Hoffmann, Cindy S, MD Perales, Marymer P, MD Raper, Charles A, MD Reiss, Michael S, MD Thurston, Timothy W, MD Watkins, Mark Darryl, MD Wight, Heather S, MD Physician Assistant Braden, Joe M, PA Lenderman, Melissa A, PA Perkins, Barry, PA Pleasant, Jonathan Eugene, PA C Poese, Mary Katherine, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Fairall, LeeAnn, PA Podiatry (DPM) Chadwick, Toni D, DPM Cook, Laurel B, DPM Franklin, David L, DPM Harbin, Reginald B, DPM Pulmonary Disease Monla Hassan, Jaber M, MD Roberts, Bruce T, MD Sommerville, Lewis C, Jr, MD 28 K-Network K Networks P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P SK SK SK S PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P SK S S SK SK K K K K K PS P P P P S S SK S PS PS PS Beard, Marvin R, MD Durand, Charles G, MD Leaird, Alma Kimberly, MD Scheib, Jeffrey S, MD Surgery Budayr, Mahdi M, MD Colquitt, Mark A, MD Kelsey, Stanley S, MD Ray, Jonathan H, MD Roseman, Barry J, MD Trekell, Melissa E, MD Surgery -Diag Test Interpretations Trekell, Melissa E, MD Therapeutic Optometry Abu Mayaleh, Khaled Othman, OD Billingsley, Sharon M, OD Cross, Robert Kevin, OD Hildebrand, C. Allyn, OD Horton, Daniel C, OD Kolarik, Michael T, OD Maples, Clinton Loreece, OD Pedersen, William R, OD Spicer, Timothy Binks, OD Tantum, Lloyd A, OD Vines, Gary Lynn, OD Wheeler, Kenneth E, OD Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery Gibbs, Elmer R, MD Thoracic Surgery Cooper, Mark Hayden, MD Gibbs, Elmer R, MD Urology Briggs, James D, MD Flickinger, Jeff E, MD Hatfield, R Wayne, MD Hitch, J. Parks, Jr., MD Muse, William S, Jr, MD Mynatt, Steven R, MD Tieng, Edward B, MD Haug, Robert W, DC Lee, Mark D, DC McKeel, Brandon Chad, DC Mills, Keith D, DC Patterson, Larry D, DC Rahamut, David T, DC Schroder, James L, DC Smith, Russell S, DC Turpin, David L, DC Williams, Mark E, DC Williams, Steve A, DC PS PS P PS PS P P P P P P S S S S S S Gbadebo, Tokunbo David, MD Dermatology Chung, John Yohan, MD Harting, Don C, MD Dermatopathology Stricker, Jeffrey Blake, DO S SK SK SK S S SK S S S PS PS PS P P P P P P P S S S S S S S Cromie, Marc W, MD Hollie, Michael C, MD Kaplan, Hyman M, MD Levin, Todd A, MD Perry, Lee Michael, MD Walker, Russell L, MD Younger, Robert E, III, MD Cardiovascular Disease Blalock, William Eldridge, III, MD Few, Walter Lee, III, MD Golding, John Vincent, III, MD Love, Michael Allan, MD Marcum, James L, MD Mills, Robert J, MD Mitchell, Brian C, MD Powers, Joseph K, MD Chiropractor Deroos, Timothy D, DC Derr, Lora K, DC Forrester, Otis B, MD Free, Ronald V, DC Goldman, James N, DC Gruber, Eric W, DC Gruber, Wendy L, DC Haight, Michael David, DC Haight, Steven J, DC Hathcock, Lindsay L, Jr, DC Emergency Medicine Anderson, David S, MD High, Lawrence W, Jr, MD Mendiratta, Sudave D, MD Morgan, Ann Marie, MD Schnars, Beth A, MD Family Medicine Breetzke, Cecil Brian, MD Byrd, David L, MD Hays, William A, MD Johnson, Bruce W, MD Mazza, Gerard K, MD Mazzolini, J Michael, MD Patric, Kenneth W, MD Risley, Jon Holland, MD Sims, Harrison G, III, MD Smith, Paul G, Jr, DO Smith, Paul Grayson, III, DO Stanbery, William Cecil, II, MD Swan, Lawrence Carl, MD Thompson, Bruce Todd, MD Thompson, Dennis Arthur, DO Tomczyk, Maria J, MD Gastroenterology Brundage, Paul A, DO Buchner, William F, Jr, MD Shuster, Larry D, MD Bradley County Allergy and Immunology General Practice P P P P P P P S SK S S S SK SK P P P P P P P P K K K K P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology PS P P P P P P P P P P P P Networks K Chastain, Allan C, MD Daubner, Elizabeth Allen, MD Meadows, William E, III, MD Romaniuk, Alex G, MD General Vascular Surgery Erdoes, Luke S, MD LeSar, Christopher J, MD Gynecological Oncology Elg, Steven A, MD Hospital Medicine Boggess, Judith Joy, MD Cox, Tony Mitchell, MD DeStefano, Joseph Anthony, Jr, MD Fall, Adam Emery, MD Hardy, LeAnthony Andre, MD Iqbal, Shahid, MD Scott, Kenneth L, Jr, MD Thompson, Dennis Arthur, DO Tilson, Forrest B, MD Tin, Than Zaw W, MD Ugwueze, Eze Chidinma, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Carder, Grady Michael, DPh Forshee, David Terry, DPh Internal Medicine Anderson, David S, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. K K S S S SK S P K P PSK P P P P P P S S SK S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PSK P P P P S S S S PSK PSK PS P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK SK SK SK S S S S S PSK PSK PS Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Bradley County (Continued) Internal Medicine (Continued) Bing, Paul Daniel, MD Bowers, Andrea Joy, MD Chastain, Garvin Kent, MD Denman, John Westen, DO Devane, Jerry Allan, MD Fall, Adam Emery, MD Farrukh, Kamran, MD Fisher, Susan Goodman, MD Huebschman, Jon C, MD Kemkar, Ajitkumar G, MD Kunda, Prabha Annapurna, MD Marquez, Obadias, MD McGinty, Patrick Brandon, MD Memon, Naveed H, MD Myers, Christine Beville, MD Rahbe, Samir, MD Rimer, Lloyd James, MD Rizvi, Syed Farhan, MD Robinson, Don E, MD Senter, Riley S, MD Sheikh, Azhar S, MD Siddiqui, Mahmood A, MD Taylor, Owen Cameron, MD Tilson, Forrest B, MD Vance, Daniel Brevard, IV, MD PS PS P PS S P PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS Medical Oncology Krueger, Sylvia L, MD Midwife Stabler, Lee Ann A, CNM Nephrology Chhajwani, Balram L, MD Galphin, Claude M, MD Grewal, Mandeep S, MD Gupta, Rohit K, MD Patel, Nilesh Chiman, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology K K K K Neurology Kundu, Subroto, MD Neuropsychology (PHD) Catanese, Robert Anthony, Dr Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care McKinley, Brian W, ACNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Sheehan, Eileen Mary, ANP BC Yeary, Mona E, APRN BC Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Allen, David W, APRN BC Anderson, Sharon G, NP C Bayles, Anita E, FNP Beck, Wendy Lee, NP Edwards, Anthony Craig, NP C Gartman, Tracy G, APRN BC Geraci, Ann Schmutzer, FNP BC Guthrie, Ashley Davis, NP Howard, Raymond Christopher, NP Hulvey, James Kent, NP Jackson, Norma Jo, FNP Jenkins, Sherrie Ann, FNP BC Kidd, Keith L, FNP BC Love, Leann M, NP Mahlo, Ronald Charles, NP Melendez, Jesus Miguel, NP C Miller, Paula Joyce, NP Nakdimen, Barton L, APRN BC Perry, Mitzie Dawn, APRN BC Physicians P P PS PSK Buchwalter, Cheryl Lynn, MD Chambers, John W, MD Harris, Cynthia M, MD Hunter, Laura A, MD Morgan, Ann Marie, MD Mullin, Christopher N, MD Perry, Michelle Y, MD Powell, John M, MD Snowman, Brenda A, MD Wolf, Steven D, DO Ophthalmology Anderson, Steven Randle, Sr, MD Bierly, John Robert, MD Blank, Nancy, MD Faerber, Bruce W, MD Ford, Gregory Seth, MD McGuire, Thomas W, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Johnson, Bradley Stevenson, DMD Mann, James Howard, Jr, DDS McCord, Paul T, DDS Trondson, Troy Allen, MD Widloski, Mark Matthew, MD Orthopedic Surgery PS Beasley, Robert, MD Hutcheson, Rickey L, DO Johnson, Daniel V, MD Robins, David Russell, DO Stone, J Patterson, MD Voytik, Gary J, DO PS P P P P P Pinson, Anne R, NP Smith, Greg W, APRN BC Smith, Joel Stephen, NP Smith, Steven Nathan, NP Thurman, Ashley Phillips, NP C Trew, Shelia A, APRN BC Waddell, Pamela M, NP Walker, Julie P, NP Internal Medicine -Diag Test Interpretation Chastain, Garvin Kent, MD Huebschman, Jon C, MD Kemkar, Ajitkumar G, MD Taylor, Owen Cameron, MD Networks Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics K K K K S S S S S Otolaryngology Byrd, Jack P, MD Clairmont, Albert A, MD McCarley, Kenneth H, MD Viser, Timothy A, MD P Pain Management PS Dreskin, Stephen V, MD Ford, Dennis C, MD Frauwirth, Neal Howard, MD PSK Pediatric Ophthalmology PS S Pediatric Surgery P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Peterson, Edward Andrew, MD Smith, Lisa A, MD Pediatrics K K K K Bradley County K-Network K Betts, Dennis Allen, MD Bivens, Jennifer Margaret, MD Coyle, Brian Eugene, MD Crabtree, Barry Dewayne, MD Damshala, Nalini K, MD Devane, Jolee M, MD Ermer, Susan A, MD Fernando, Felicito E, MD Kelly, Wayne S, MD Murphy, Bill H, MD Ross, Summer Raquel, MD Sanderson, Stephanie M, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Brown, Raymond Sean, MD Physician Assistant Bates, Paul Daniel, PA Bryan, James Robert, PA Dansby, Kevin Maurice, PA P P P P P P P SK S S S S S Hakes, Donald G, PA C Hamm, Rudy G, PA Long, Stephen Mackenzie, PA C Mocniak, Linda M, PA Parton, Nancy Gail, PA Sciulli, Robert Regis, Jr, PA Sparks, Norma J, PAC Weeks, Robert Bruce, PA Physician Assistant - PCP P Becker, Michael S, PA Chin, Robert Kevin, PA Frye, Vicki R, PA Kelly, Alana Michelle, PA C Kennedy, Howard Michael, PA P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P S S SK S SK SK P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P SK S SK SK Plastic Surgery Hoops, Michael Lee, MD Podiatry (DPM) K K K K PS PS PSK PS PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P Networks S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS PS K K K K K K Baker, Richard L, DPM Gernert, John Norman, DPM Schulman, Barry M, DPM Solomon, Aaron D, DPM Strickler, Jonathon, DPM P P P P P P P P S S SK S SK S S P P P P P S S S S SK P P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K Public Health / General Preventive Medicine Turner, Sharlinda B, MD Pulmonary Disease Ibrahimbacha, Ahmad M, MD Jaggers, John S, MD Marcum, Robert F, MD Radiation Oncology Dugan, Philip J, MD Virostek, Lisa J, MD Surgery Bowers, William D, MD Coombs, Janet, MD Dunn, Jason Lamar, MD Fisher, Daniel F, Jr, MD Goncalves, Rod M, MD Johnson, William F, II, MD Knabb, James L, MD Lorenzo Rivero, Shauna, MD Rumble, Michael T, MD Sprouse, Larry Richard, II, MD Wenger, Eston Keith, MD Therapeutic Optometry Balmer, Lori H, OD Bencho, Stephen, Jr, OD Brady, Robin Michael, OD Davis, Nicholas Jerome, OD Horner, Sam H, III, OD Hudson, Elizabeth Carrigan, OD Mann, Daryl Francis, OD McCarty, Zachary Stuart, OD Moore, Karin Rodriguez, OD Patterson, Robert S, OD Peterson, Blake A, OD Peterson, Walter F, OD Phillips, Leslie Ann, OD Smoak, Sonya M, OD Tammareddi, Lavanya, OD Thompson, Laura A, DO Thoresen, Nelson L, OD Waycaster, Cortney Michelle, OD Urgent Care Physicians Rodier, Sophia Maureen, MD Urology Jackson, Stephen W, MD McIntire, Edward M, MD Thacker, Christopher C, MD Vascular Surgery Carignan, Martin Joel, MD Joels, Charles Scott, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PSK PSK PSK PS PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S K S SK S K S SK K SK SK S S SK S S SK SK S S SK P PS PS PS PSK PSK 29 Bristol County (VA) S-Network S P-Network P Networks Cardiovascular Disease Bristol County (VA) Chiropractor Greene, Wiley A, DC Family Medicine Andrews, Roy R, DO Bharti, Rachna, MD Guldseth, David P, MD Litton, Darlene Brown, MD Roller, Kimberly Dean, MD Schrenker, James Hollies, MD Baljepally, Rajagolpal M, MD Yatteau, Ronald F, MD PS P P P P P P Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Shadden, Cathy Marie, FNP Pediatrics Bates, Gayle Catherine, MD SK SK S S S Stout, Richard H, MD Anesthesiology Mangla, Lal C, MD Emergency Medicine Green, Mark Edward, MD McCuiston, Terry S, MD Poor, Christopher Lee, MD General Vascular Surgery Dowdy, James C, MD Nurse Practitioner Sinclair, Donna P, APRN BC Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Bourne, Jennie K, NP Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Argo, Cynthia Lynn, FNP BC Obstetrics & Gynecology Burnett, Ellen Marie, MD Cook, Charles E, MD Deeter, Dawn N, MD Green, Thomas L, MD Hjerpe, Kent S, MD Jones, Conrad H, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Bobo, Michael L, DDS MD Orthopedic Surgery Spindler, Kurt P, MD Otolaryngology Klapper, Philip B, MD Yatteau, Ronald F, MD S PSK PS Dean Jr, Dewey L, MD Radiology Hines, Henry C, MD Kelly, Prue W, MD Wilson, William R, MD Surgery Koelsch, David W, MD Swain, Brian T, MD Couillard, Samuel L, CRNA Sinclair, Vernon R, CRNA Wilkens, Laura D, CRNA Redus, J. Cleve, Jr., DC Emergency Medicine Choudhury, Ruhul A, MD Cline, Elijah G, MD Escalante, David A, MD Fokens, Jeffrey H, MD Frazier, Jonathan R, MD Gupta, Ruchi, MD Hall, Ronald D, MD Kabir, Mohammed H, MD Kauffman, Richard D, DO PS SK S SK SK SK Family Medicine P PSK P PSK Boll, John Nevin, Jr, DO Burdeaux, Richard R, Sr, MD Cabrera Alonso, Juliana, MD Chai, Carena Lee, DO Dhandapani, Murugesen, MD Donahoe, Kenneth T, MD Doncaster, Thomas J, DO Gullett, Heidi Lynelle, MD Kauffman, Richard D, DO Killian, James Wendell, MD McRay, David E, MD Rafalski, Matthew Edward, MD Thomas, Geogy, MD Wilkens, Darryl J, MD P P P P P P Gastroenterology P General Vascular Surgery Brownstein, Richard Earl, MD General Practice Burrell, John S, MD Hall, Ronald D, MD Wilkens, Charles H, MD Wood, Burgin H, MD Wilkens, Todd H, MD PSK Gynecology McCauley, John R, MD P Immunizing Pharmacist PS PS PS PS P P P P P P S S S S Internal Medicine Baker, Charles T, Jr, MD Choudhury, Ruhul A, MD Escalante, David A, MD Farris, James C, MD Fernandes, Ingrid W, MD Isber, Jamal, MD Isham, Charles A, Jr, MD Mansour, Elie, MD Misischia, Richard J, DO Narula, Gurpreet N, MD Narula, Harjeet S, MD Oculam, Aleona A, MD Vila, Raul Javier, MD Nurse Practitioner Welden, Melissa E, FNP Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Chadwell, Cynthia Renee, APRN BC Jefferson, Nickola S, FNP Morehead, Sheila A, FNP Morris, Mary W, FNP P PS PS PSK Davis, Jaime D, PNP BC PSK Obstetrics & Gynecology Schoutko, Walter William, MD Suto, Cathleen Connie, MD PSK P Ophthalmology Browning, Thomas A, MD Taylor, Christopher T, MD PS PSK Otolaryngology P P P P P P P P P PSK PSK PSK Barry, Mary Elizabeth, NP C 30 PS PS P K PS Escalante, David A, MD Networks Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics PSK Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Campbell County Bales, Heather Satterfield, AuD CCC A Cresci, Kristin Molnar, AuD CCC A Edwards, Janet C, AuD CCC A Wright, Haley E, MA CCC A PSK PSK Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Snodderly, Ann Raewyn, DPh Pathology Audiology Cardiovascular Disease -Diag Test Interpretations Chiropractor Calloway County (KY) Allergy and Immunology K-Network K Networks P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Pediatrics Barongan, Paul G, MD Clary, Thomas L, MD Greene, Richard William, MD Hasnain, Shahid, MD Hood, Melissa A, MD McColl, Daphne Maples, MD Pisano, Frances P, MD Stephens, Kathryn B, MD Extended Hours Available P P P P P P P P Huddleston, Charles L, II, MD S SK S S S Physician Assistant Brandon, Ronda K, PA McQueen, Sarah Beth, PA S Physician Assistant - PCP Cardwell, Albert L, PA Reed, Joseph R, PA Reed, Kenneth J, PA PSK PSK Reed, Joseph R, PA Kabir, Mohammed H, MD Mansour, Elie, MD P PS Surgery Britto, Errol J, MD Wilkens, Charles H, MD Wilkens, Gregory C, MD Wilkens, Todd H, MD PSK PS PS P Browing, Jill S, OD Garrett, Michelle Annette, OD Howard, Andrew W, OD Howard, Elizabeth Thompson, OD McKinley, Stephen Matthew, OD Mysliwiec, Kevin A, OD Mysliwiec, Sandy Lynette, OD P P P P P P P S S S S SK SK SK Cannon County SK S S Cardiovascular Disease S S SK SK SK Booten, John Michael, CRNA PSK P PS Pulmonary Disease SK K K K K K K K K PS PS PS Therapeutic Optometry P S S S S S S S S PSK P Physician Assistant at Surgery PS PS P PSK P PSK PSK Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P McClinton, Mark Edward, MD Miley, Brynae Laxton, MD Webber, Jeffrey C, MD PS Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Chiropractor Coomes, Bernard J, DC Wessel, Trea C, DC Emergency Medicine Payant, Joseph Aaron, MD Reuhland, Leon L, MD Roth, James E, MD Spurlock, James R, III, DO Weeks, Mark Timothy, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK PS PS P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Cannon County (Continued) Zotos, Alexander Peter, MD Family Medicine Binks, Terrance Alan, DO Spurlock, James R, III, DO Thomas, Michael Auston, MD Todd, Jeffrey L, MD Young, Keith David, MD General Practice MacQuarrie, Michael Alan, MD Reuhland, Leon L, MD Hospital Medicine Gentry, Chet M, MD Thomas, Michael Auston, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Todd, Paula Mohon, FNP Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Molette, Sekou F M, MD Podiatry (DPM) Merrell, Timothy R, DPM Williams, Melvin, DPM PSK P P P P P S S S S SK PSK PSK PSK PSK PS PS PSK PS Arunachalam, Rangarajan, MD Chiropractic Neurology Vaughn, Donald Davis, DC Chiropractor Patrick, Duane Llewellyn, IV, DC Roberts, Michael C, DC Emergency Medicine Beis, Russell D, MD Delouis, Donna Jean, DO Hampton, Toby Andrew, MD Obernuefemann, Timothy L, Sr, MD Ort, Michael E, MD Presson, Matthew Bradley, DO Sumrok, Daniel David, Jr, MD Family Medicine Atkins, Jerry Franklin, MD Blankenship, John Lee, MD Bryant, Michael Lee, MD Carter, Lee M, MD Colotta, Terry A, MD Hampton, Toby Andrew, MD Pagoaga, Luis F, MD Pomphrey, Robert James, MD Reiter, Amanda M, MD Sumrok, Daniel David, Jr, MD Williamson, James S, MD General Practice Holancin, John R, MD Winkler, Volker Gert, MD Extended Hours Available Immunizing Pharmacist Cary, Susan Hodges, DPh Hunter, Sheila S, DPh Tucker, Timothy L, DPh Tucker, Tony Leon, DPh Internal Medicine Cooper, Mark Anthony, MD Evans, Thomas Paul, MD Merrick, Bryan Hale, MD Salazar, Sergio A, MD Physicians Salazar, Sergio A, MD Baker Ross, Anita L, CNM Papszycki, Amy H, CNM Neurology Ahsan, Jawaid, MD Nurse Practitioner Sturdivant, Lucy Elaine, NP Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Argo, Cynthia Lynn, FNP BC Bennett, Jill S, FNP Bridgeman, Meike A, FNP Cannon, Debra Sue, FNP BC Hisiro, Edna P, NP Holcomb, Linda Sue, NP C Kee, Kathy G, NP Prosser, Rina Marie, FNP CNM Rhinehart, Delia G, FNP Riddle, Elizabeth A, FNP Smith, Michael David, APRN BC Taylor, Phyllis Ann, FNP Waddell, Donna Perry, NP C Obstetrics & Gynecology Colotta, Terry A, MD Fornera, Gary Robert, MD Sullivan, Jason M, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery PS Rickman, Samuel K, DDS Sammons, Stephen J, DMD PS Orthopedic Surgery PS PS Otolaryngology Blanton, Marvin Asbury, III, MD Calfee, Michael D, MD Schlesinger, Victor A, MD P P P P P P P S SK S S SK SK S P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S S S S S Physician Assistant Arnold, Holly Anne, PA C Burden, Lezlie Williams, PA Lutz, David A, Sr, PA C Ridley, Michael Joe, PA C Physician Assistant - PCP Blount, Gary C, PA Brinkman, Paul Everett, PA Caterina, Nancy Cavalyn, PA Heath, Holly Leigh Ann, PA King, Stanley Thomas, PA Magassouba, Moriba, PA C Nash, Tonya Hayes, PA Ridley, Michael Joe, PA C Robles, Bertha Izaura, PA C Sass, Kirsten I, PA Physician Assistant at Surgery S S Arnold, Holly Anne, PA C Robles, Bertha Izaura, PA C Pulmonary Disease P PS McCartney, Jeffrey P, MD Radiology P P P P S S S S P P P P S S S S K K K K Networks Internal Medicine -Diag Test Interpretation Ophthalmology Carroll County Cardiovascular Disease Networks Midwife Emergency Medicine (Continued) Carter County K-Network K Allison, Jack R, MD Borders, Trent Wade, MD Surgery Carty, Calphor S, MD Chukwuogo, Nonyelu Arize, MD Therapeutic Optometry Nicholson, Larry L, II, OD Smith, Thomas K, OD Spivey, Aaron L, OD Spivey, Scott L, OD Thomason, Charles A, OD Carter County PS PS PS PS Chase, Patricia Ann, AuD CCC A Elangovan, Saravanan, Aud CCC A Evans, Robert J, CCCA Fagelson, Marc A, PhD CCC A Cardiology Trivedi, Atul, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Audiology PS Cardiovascular Disease S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS P P P P S S S SK P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S SK S SK S S PS PS PS Brahmbhatt, Vipulkumar Rameshchandra, MDPS Garcia, Israel D, MD PS Hiremagalur, Shobha, MD PS McQueen, Robert Hughes, MD PS Ponder, Michael A, MD PS Schoondyke, Jeffrey Wayne, MD PS Whitaker, Jack Harry, MD PS Chiropractor Dennis, Howard W, DC Heschong, Roger S, DC Ward, Charley F, DC Ward, Roger L, DC Wheeler, Stephen, DC Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Gastineau, Jerry L, MD Emergency Medicine Adams, Shane M, MD Brown, D. Steven, MD Fulton, Charles A, MD Merrifield, David Leslie, Jr, MD Mills, Ralph L, MD Morris, Mark David, MD Pullen, Charles S, MD Singh, Vijay Raj, MD Family Medicine Brown, Andrew Nathan, MD Clayton, Buddy J, MD Coletti, Cynthia M, MD Davenport, James L, MD David, Daniel J, MD Djordjevic, Zvjezdana Dekic, MD Duggal, Sonia, MD Elliott, Jeremy Nathan, DO Hanson, Wesley R, MD Hopland, Jeffrey A, MD Hopland, Kenneth M, MD Hoppe, Gordon P, MD Lewis, Jonathan Adam, MD May, A. Stephen, MD Merrill, Jeffrey Ronald, MD Mohler, Anastasia Craft, MD Pack, Sheryl D, MD Panini, Aruna S, MD Paul, Daniel J, MD Schubert, Robert L, MD Schwob, Timothy Edward, MD Sharish, Rebecca S, MD Shipley, James M, MD Smith, Nicholas Brett, MD Thompson, Anne S, MD Gastroenterology Fry, Stephen, MD PS PS PS PS P P P P P PS PS P PS S S S S S General Practice Bassal, Aly A, MD Gastineau, Jerry L, MD Haire, Craig M, MD Hopland, Arnold O, MD May, Joseph C, MD Hospital Medicine Diaz Valdes, Sergio Alfonso, MD Donovan, Brian P, MD Ialamova Tountcheva, Dimka M, MD Mahboob, Rashid, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P S S S S PS P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS P P P P P S S S S S P P P P S S S S 31 Carter County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Carter County (Continued) Hospital Medicine (Continued) Nazarov, Vitaly, MD Papas, Konstantinos Andreas, MD Paris, Claire D, MD Udoeyop, Udoeyop W, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Anderson, James H, DPh Internal Medicine Belknap, Jeffrey Alan, MD Bremer, Jonathan S, MD Caravello, Peter M, MD Clark, Vivian Mercado, MD Davenport, Michelle L, MD Draper, Dianne C, DO Fenner, David K, MD Gilbert, Anna Broome, MD Loyd, Stephen D, MD Ongtengco, E. Alan, MD Walter, Robert E, MD Whitaker, Todd A, MD P P P P S S S S PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S Internal Medicine -Diag Test Interpretation Walter, Robert E, MD Medical Oncology Smith, Stephen James, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Bentley, Julie Elizabeth, FNP BC Beswick, Carla R, NP Churchill, Sandra D, NP Cradic, Janet E, APRN BC Doran, Lisa R, FNP Hunsinger, Joey Hayes, APRN BC Justice, Tabitha R, APRN BC McIntosh, Shelly J, FNP Myers, Alice J, APRN BC Ryals, Jimmie J, Jr, APRN BC Snyder, Angela M, FNP Tillman, Janice H, FNP Webb, Marcus D, FNP Wells Good, Debbie A, APRN BC Wilgus, Wendy Rudolph, NP C Williams, Georgia Jane, APRN BC Obstetrics & Gynecology Glas, Erika Dawn, DO Green, John D, MD Laing, Brent D, MD May, Scott E, MD Orthopedic Surgery Albracht, Douglas Anthony, DO Nelson, Robert B, MD Otolaryngology Osterhus, David R, MD Pediatrics Gallaher, Richard G, MD Hecht, Rachel M, MD Higginbotham, Leah Renee, DO Kitchens, Tammy Lin, MD Kumar, Pullatikurthi Lucy, MD Physician Assistant Chrisohon, Christopher M, PA Coburn, Heather Lee, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Harrison, Melanie Renee, PA Whynot, Emily Katherine, PA Podiatry (DPM) Hare, Alainya M, DPM Snyder, H Lisle, DPM PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P S S S S PS PS PS P P P P P S S S S S P PS PS PS PS PS Surgery Bowie, Richard R, MD Caudle, Scott O, MD DeFluiter, Elizabeth Anne, MD Digby, Justin D, MD Saunders, David Stephen, MD Therapeutic Optometry Baker, Ashley C, OD Holland, John F, OD Holsclaw-Jones, Tammy L, OD Lowry, Duane E, OD Mills, David H, OD Pumphrey, Zachary Teall, OD Sams, Robert L, OD Shorter, Carla S, OD Urgent Care Physicians Anders, Michael H, MD Filka, Marianne E, MD Moran, Paul Edward, III, MD Allergy and Immunology Cromie, Marc W, MD Hollie, Michael C, MD Kaplan, Hyman M, MD Levin, Todd A, MD Perry, Lee Michael, MD Walker, Russell L, MD Younger, Robert E, III, MD Anesthesiology Bartlett, David D, MD Bean, Marilyn L, MD Davis, James P, Jr, MD Falinski, Boleslaus, MD Gruwell, Mark L, MD Lambert, Nicholas E, CRNA Lau, Serena M, MD Musgrave, David M, MD Oscar, George R, MD Petarra, Steven D, MD Ray Jr, Bobby L, MD Roach, Kyle V, MD Sisko, Frank E, MD Smith, Gary D, MD Temlock, Arthur A, MD Cardiovascular Disease Colvard, M. Clark, Jr, MD Hood, Dannis E, Jr, MD Mills, Marvin L, MD Cardiovascular Disease -Diag Test Interpretations Colvard, M. Clark, Jr, MD Hood, Dannis E, Jr, MD S S S S S P P P P P P P P S SK S S SK S S S PS PS PS Chiropractor Gadd, Richard E, DC Johnson, William R, DC Pray, Charles G, DC Smith, E. David, DC Diagnostic Radiology Black, Steven E, MD Emergency Medicine Hold, Todd, MD Nassour, Paul A, MD Perlaky, Steven C, MD Preston, Michael C, MD Cornwell, William O, MD Dant, Michael E, MD Daugherty, Steve D, DO Denman, David A, MD Greene, Christopher M, MD Haddock, Christopher G, MD Harris, John D, Jr, MD Ireland, Stanley M, MD Kowalski, Magdalena U, MD Pendley, Bruce Allen, MD Phillips, Melissa J, MD Smith, William C, MD Tsui, Patrick L, DO P P P P P P P P P P P P P Hand Surgery Jemison, David Marshall, MD Kennedy, James Woodfin, MD Florea, Radian Ion, MD Iqbal, Shahid, MD Bhutwala, Punit, MD Horton, William, DO Jones, Terri L, MD Rimer, Lloyd James, MD Voelzke, Will Rowland, MD P P P P P P P S SK S S S SK SK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S Neurology S S S S S S S S S Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Medical Oncology Arrowsmith, Edward R, MD Daniel, Brooke R, MD Daniel, Davey B, MD Stipanov, Michael A, MD Kadrie, Tareck Alec, MD Hillner, William, PhD Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Hensley, Tinsley Miller, CPNP PC Kimball, Michelle S, PNP Obstetrics & Gynecology PS PS PS PS PS PS PSK P K S S S S K K K K Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism P Oncology Holland, Derek Weldon, MD Ophthalmology Debarge, Lawrence Raymond, MD Hulse, Edwin T, MD Tin, Pe Than, MD PS P P P P Anderson, George E, MD Ashcraft, Delmon E, Jr, MD Bowers, Elizabeth M, DO Bowers, Richard J, DO Emberson, John W, MD Moss, William J, MD Roberts, Matthew A, DO Weldon, Thomas D, MD Williams, Terry Lee, Jr, DO Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Dunlap, Charles I, DDS Tipps, Steven P, DDS Orthopedic Surgery Mulhern, Peter J, MD Smith, Chadwick A, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. S P P P P P SK SK SK S S P P P P S S S S PS Neuropsychology (PHD) P PS P S SK PS PSK Internal Medicine Barnes, Dawn K, PNP Chandler, Beryl Jo, NP Culver, Carole H, NP C Dale, Amanda Allyson, NP C Deweese, Vicki R, FNP Joyner, Gregory Robert, NP C Moughrabi, Nancy Kazanas, FNP BC Padgett Ensley, Deirdre Walker, FNP Peters, Erin Michelle, FNP BC S PS PS Hospital Medicine Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Ray, Troy D, CRNA Robbins, Tracie Joanna, CRNA Networks Family Medicine P P P P P Catoosa County (GA) Roland, Dianne C, MD 32 K-Network K Networks PS P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K P PSK P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S SK PS PS P P K PS PS PS PS Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Catoosa County (GA) (Continued) Otolaryngology Barnes, David R, MD Erdman, John P, MD Pathology Proctor, Lori Marie, MD Pediatrics Baughman, Henry J, III, MD DAunoy, Mary E, MD Erinle, Akinwande O, MD Estep, Dennis Paul, MD Ho, Thomas D, MD McCroskey, Christina Marie, MD Physician Assistant Chandler, William Allen, Jr, PA C Yelliott, Grant A, II, PA C Plastic Surgery Adcock, David W, MD Brzezienski, Mark Antony, MD Rehm, Jason P, MD Podiatry (DPM) Bello, Clair L, III, DPM Kraus, Ira Henri, DPM Strickler, Jonathon, DPM Pulmonary Disease Baleeiro, Carlos Eduardo, MD Mull, Nathan H, IV, MD Viscomi, Vincent Andrew, MD Surgery Gilmore, George Thomas, MD Hayes, Thomas E, MD Heithold, Daniel L, MD Lovette, James Andrew, MD Park, Ih Koo, MD Saaka, Michael Braimah, MD Surgical Critical Care Mejia, Vicente A, MD Therapeutic Optometry Motto, Nicholas Vincent, OD Shepard, Denise Q, OD PSK P P P P P P S S S SK S Eckel, Peter Karl, MD Cardiovascular Disease Cabell, Thomas Hargrave, Jr, MD Crumbo, Donald S, MD Huneycutt, David Carl, Jr, MD Jefferson, Brian Keith, MD Johnston, Thomas S, MD Jones, Robert C, MD Kearney, Kathleen Rebecca, MD Kreth, Timothy K, MD Mangione, Nelson J, MD Manoukian, Steven Vahe, MD McRae, Andrew Thomas, III, MD Myers, Paul R, MD Riddick, John Alston, MD Ververis, John James, MD Wheatley, Robert M, MD Williams, Thomas Ashurst, Jr, MD Chiropractor Carmack, Joshua C, DC Hendricks, Charles M, DC Rucki, Linda S, DC Workman, Aaron L, DC Diagnostic Radiology Fordice, Sarina W, MD Anderson, James Reginald, MD Brown, Scott D, MD Oruganti, Naga Vijaya, MD Rhea, Robert E, MD Shoemaker, Benjamin E, MD Spencer, John Vennard, MD General Practice Baldwin, James Marvin, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Claud, Cynthia K, DPh Wilson, Gary W, DPh Internal Medicine PSK PSK Heusinkveld, David Charles, MD Nordquist, Fred A, MD Ray, Lori A, MD PS PS PS Medical Oncology Peacock, Nancy, MD Nephrology Kaplan, Mark R, MD PSK PSK PSK PS PS PS P P P P P P S S S S S S PSK Neurology Rubinowicz, Bruce S, DO Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Caldwell, Lindsey A, FNP BC Enoch, Brandy Renee, FNP Hayden, Catherine OKeefe, FNP Lowe, Tricia F, FNP Worf, Ann Chilando, FNP Ophthalmology Bregman, Daniel K, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Bennerman, Christian C, DDS Orthopedic Surgery Alexander, Dave A, MD Otolaryngology Yoon, Michelle Jaeim, MD P P Pediatrics Espeleta, Ferdinand S, MD Podiatry (DPM) Cheatham County Anesthesiology Networks Family Medicine PS PS Davis, Kevin Winston, DPM PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS P Radiology Massie, James D, Jr, MD Surgery Shaw, Alfred E, MD Therapeutic Optometry Bates, Donald C, OD Beem, Greg M, OD Bestwina, Brad A, OD Fletcher, Larry Cook, ODT Hyatt, Chalmers Wade, III, OD Johnson, Kelli Shannon, OD Lough, Emily Kathleen, OD Norris, Rebecca Maria, OD Weatherford, Joseph D, OD PS P P P P P P Family Medicine Watras, Charles S, MD Hematology Whaley, William Howard, MD Oncology S S S S S Networks Oncology / Hematology Manfredi, John Andrew, MD Chiropractor Burns, Rondall S, DC Family Medicine Frix, Carey W, MD Linder, Timothy F, MD McCarver, Brian M, MD Schwartz, Paul Edward, MD PSK PSK Internal Medicine PS PSK PS Arinze, Festus N, MD Jennings, Nicole M, MD Smelser, Michael H, MD Ugbaja, Felix C, MD Woods, John B, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice PS PS PS P P P P P S S S S S PS P Chester County PS Anthony, Lori Kay, APRN BC Cardone, Christine Lori, APRN BC Chipman, Donna K, MSN Downing, April D, FNP BC Grantham, Stacie Kirk, FNP BC Jones, Cindy K, FNP Martin, Dana Kay, FNP McCall, Tina Lee, FNP Miskelly, Randle Scott, APRN BC Moore, Sherry M, FNP Rawdon, Michael A, NP Rickard, Charles E, Jr, FNP Riddle, Kristi J, FNP Therapeutic Optometry Bloomingburg, Larry Wayne, OD Johnson, Karen Nicole, OD Rogers, Stuart D, OD PS P P P P S S S S P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS PS PS Christian County (KY) Allergy and Immunology PS Bressler, Robert B, MD PS Ison, Pamela A, CCCA PS Radix, Lisa E, MD PS Calvert, Harold M, MD PS Norris, Rebecca Maria, OD P PS P P PS P P P PS Cherokee County (NC) Jones Crawford, Jennifer Lee, MD Physicians Claiborne County K-Network K P P P Audiology Nephrology Ophthalmology Therapeutic Optometry PS PSK P P P Claiborne County Allergy and Immunology Carter, Paul Michael, MD Jones, Phillip Wayne, MD Partridge, Megan Elizabeth, MD Ponder, Robert D, MD Extended Hours Available Springer, Michael A, MD P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Erwin, Walter D, CRNA Chiropractor Diamond, Rosemary K, DC Foster, Stephen R, DC Emergency Medicine Dukes, Robert A, MD Gudel, Chenoah, DO McElligott, John, MD Venkatesh, Vivek Kalpathi, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PSK P P P P P SK SK SK S 33 Claiborne County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Claiborne County (Continued) Family Medicine Boll, John Nevin, Jr, DO Chai, Carena Lee, DO Deaton, Donald Herschel, Jr, DO DeFranco, Gina M, DO Demaro, Thomas Joseph, DO Gullett, Heidi Lynelle, MD Killian, James Wendell, MD Lambert, Melody Camille, MD Miller, Stephen James, DO Pannocchia, Luis Carlos, MD Rafalski, Matthew Edward, MD Routman, Burton Norman, DO Seaman, Michael Prescott, DO Smith, William N, MD Thomas, Geogy, MD Thompson, Gregory Ahern, DO Gastroenterology Vora, Raju N, MD General Practice Clark, Richard D, MD Day, George L, MD Rose, Carroll E, MD Williamson, John Edward, MD Internal Medicine Debusk, Charles H, MD Fejeran, Ronald J, DO Hussain, Zakir, MD Neal, Brent S, MD Patel, Jaykrishna S, MD Medical Oncology Lee, Richard, MD Nicholson, Brenda P, MD Nephrology Sultan, Asif, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Acuff, Jessica J, FNP Arns, Michele Renee, APRN BC Brown, Amanda G, FNP Chadwell, Cynthia Renee, APRN BC Larew, Elizabeth Anne, NP C Money, Max L, FNP Poore, Debbie, FNP Wolfenbarger, James Patrick, FNP Obstetrics & Gynecology Matson, Scott R, DO Suto, Cathleen Connie, MD Pediatrics Papadopol, Raluca, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Wieting, Jerry M, DO Physician Assistant Hobbs, Rex Lee, Jr, PA McQueen, Sarah Beth, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Rasmussen, Teresa Ann, PA Preventive Medicine Teitelbaum, Howard S, DO Surgery Rose, Carroll E, MD Thomas, Robert Lee, IV, MD Wilmoth, Robert J, MD Therapeutic Optometry Crutchfield, James P, OD Louthan, Tommy S, OD Malone, George Steve, OD 34 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P K-Network K Networks SK SK S K SK SK Churchwell, Andre L, MD Glazer, Mark D, MD Hood, Rob R, MD Cardiovascular Disease Clair, Walter K, MD Crenshaw, Marshall H, MD Frederiksen, Rand T, MD Friesinger, Gottlieb Christian, III, MD Prudoff, Adam James, MD Richardson, Thomas Ramsey, MD SK SK SK Family Medicine SK General Practice Clapp, Mark A, MD Scott, Joyce Elaine, DO Mauricio, Roberto S, MD Internal Medicine P P P P P S SK SK SK P P P P P SK S SK SK S Copeland, Jessie L, Jr, MD Vermeesch, Marilyn Kay, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Boles, Micheal, FNP Focer, Cheryl C, FNP Otolaryngology Jordan, Charles E, III, MD Cummings, Michael L, MD Orthopedic Surgery McKinney, James D, MD PSK Otolaryngology Kriskovich, Mark D, MD P P P P P P P P SK SK SK Pathology S S S S Brown, Shirley K, MD K K K K PSK P PSK PSK P P K PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Dunnington, James Edward, Jr, MD P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K PSK PSK PS PSK PSK PS PSK Frost, William M, DC Modglin, Randy D, DC Walker, William C, DC PS PSK PS Emergency Medicine Barrowclough, John R, MD Dukes, Robert A, MD Filka, Marianne E, MD Litchfield, Peter Michael, MD Parks, Carol R, MD Werderitch, Frank M, MD Family Medicine Brotherton, Deana Rymer, MD Conner, Patricia Jean, MD Conway, Thomas W, MD Garbarino, Angelo James, Jr, MD Hammond, Rebecca Dawn, MD Hill, Kenneth Lee, MD Hood, Michael T, MD Kickliter, David J, MD Manock, Stephen Robert, MD Mathers, Lawrence J, MD McConnell, David H, MD Extended Hours Available Sanders, Pamela J, MD Seal, Edna Faye, MD Tohme, Fady Elias, MD Williams, James R, MD Maran, Siva T, MD Braun, Derek Adam, MD Dalati, Fakhri, MD Griffin, Teresa Beverly, MD Nash, Roland Wade, MD Sawabini, George, DO Shahid, Saleh Rashid, MD Thompson, Carl, DO PS Anukam, Uzoeshi I, MD Daniel, Anton C, MD Johnson, H. Kenneth, II, MD PS P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S K P P P P P P P Internal Medicine PS K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK Hospital Medicine PS S S S S S S PSK P PSK PS Gastroenterology PS P P P P P P SK SK S SK SK P PS PS Internal Medicine -Diag Test Interpretation Pediatrics Johnson, H. Kenneth, II, MD P PS Interventional Cardiology Surgery Cross, Tracy G, MD Therapeutic Optometry Jacobs, Mark A, OD Upchurch, Gary W, OD Hoadley, Stephen D, MD PS Cardiovascular Disease Belt, Robert M, MD Bishop, Harry Louis, MD Deleese, Joseph S, MD Doiron, Clint Thomas, MD Foster, Malcolm T, III, MD Hoadley, Stephen D, MD Lindsay, William C, MD Martin, Robert O, MD Michelson, Barry I, MD Reed, Steven W, MD Towne, Randall D, MD Yatteau, Ronald F, MD Cardiovascular Disease -Diag Test Interpretations Devore, Russell F, III, MD PS PS PSK Neurology Thomas, Timothy Darrell, MD Wheatley, Donald Gregory, MD PS PS Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K Witherspoon, Barbara Jane, ACNP BC P K P Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Anderson, Martha M, FNP Baskette, Charissa J, APRN BC Cogburn, Marta Murphy, FNP BC Cogdill, Melissa R, FNP Connelly, Richard F, FNP Frazier, Charlene Margaret, APRN BC Lunsford, Marjorie G, FNP Mapes, Christy H, FNP BC Mathers, Rachel A, APRN BC Wolfenbarger, James Patrick, FNP Woods, Olga G, FNP Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics PSK Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Cornwell, Larry Wayland, CRNA PSK Medical Oncology Cocke County Michelson, Barry I, MD PSK PS PS PSK PSK PSK Clinton County (KY) Family Medicine PSK PSK Chiropractor Clay County Cardiology Networks Strader, Laura B, FNP Pediatrics Brawley, Bolling W, MD Puckett, Samuel M, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK SK SK S S SK S P PSK PSK Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Emergency Medicine Cocke County (Continued) Podiatry (DPM) Reed, Warren Gilmer, DPM Pulmonary Disease Mejia, Ernesto, MD Radiology Rosenbloom, Scott A, MD Surgery Bolling, Thomas Vance, MD Therapeutic Optometry Diamond, Jeremy Len, OD Foster, Charles J, OD Steele, Kurt Thomas, OD Urology Harris, Christopher D, MD Lischer, Garrett H, MD Morris, Steven A, MD Shepherd, Terry Preston, MD Chang, Philemon Dawei, MD Forsythe, Phillip David Wesley, MD Galvez, Pedro Deleon, MD Portilla, Luis Ivan, MD Roth, James E, MD Stirnemann, Jeffrey Alton, MD PSK PS Family Medicine Anderson, John A, III, MD Bonnaire, Harry J, MD Brandon, Albert R, DO Bryant, Gary B, MD Cole, Richard C, MD Daniel, William D, DO Davis, Glenn A, MD Deaton, Donald Herschel, Jr, DO Duffy, Jamira Niambi, MD Florence, David G, DO Gill, Yogeshwar Singh, MD Kemp, Olan Baxter, MD Kubina, Anne Helker, MD Lee, Marcus W, MD Milam, William M, MD Patel, Ilaben B, MD Patsimas, John D, MD Phelps, Thomas F, MD Schweitzer, Meredith, DO Stroud, Roland R, Jr, MD Thomasson, Joseph R, Jr, MD Trussler, Jay M, DO PSK PSK PS PS PS P P P P S S S S K K K K Coffee County Anesthesiology Douglas McVay, Amy Louise, MD Hedderich, Ronald Louis, MD Laplata, Marshall, DO Audiology Gamache, Deborah A, CCC A Cardiovascular Disease Cabell, Thomas Hargrave, Jr, MD Crumbo, Donald S, MD George, Wilburn E, Jr, MD Gupta, Dinesh Kumar, MD Huneycutt, David Carl, Jr, MD Jefferson, Brian Keith, MD Johnston, Thomas S, MD Jones, Robert C, MD Kearney, Kathleen Rebecca, MD Kreth, Timothy K, MD Mangione, Nelson J, MD Manoukian, Steven Vahe, MD McRae, Andrew Thomas, III, MD Myers, Paul R, MD Riddick, John Alston, MD Ververis, John James, MD Wheatley, Robert M, MD Williams, Thomas Ashurst, Jr, MD PS PS PS Gastroenterology Collier, Suzanne C, MD PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P General Practice Schmitz, Mark A, DO Taylor, Ian S, MD Turner, David Mitchell, MD S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Hand Surgery Brown, Shervondalonn Rashonna, MD Hematology / Oncology Mohyuddin, Adil I, MD Hospital Medicine Keith, Margaret Llanes, MD Nwosu, Martin Nwabunike, MD Robison, Byron Keith, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Barnes, Michael Brent, DPh Marcrom, Thomas H, DPh Randolph, Richard Neal, DPh Infectious Disease Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Arant, Michelle Y, CRNA Brown, Gary D, CRNA Jackson, Barbara S, CRNA Knight, Brenda S, CRNA Neuhoff, Kip J, CRNA Sherrill, Jerry Lin, CRNA Vandegrift, James W, CRNA Walker, James A, CRNA Chiropractor Brown, Susan K, DC Carson, Marvin, DC Cook, Lana, DC Everett, Marilyn R, DC Kanan, Joseph Richard, DC Lawson, J Edward, DC McClarney, Terry L, DC Prestwich, Sherri Verner, DC Schaller, Michael H, DC Schnarr, Chad A, DC Dermatology Takegami, Ken T, MD Physicians PSK S PS PS PS PSK PS PS P P P P P P P P P P S S S SK S S S PS Coffee County K-Network K Sanders, William J, IV, MD Internal Medicine Alberta, James David, MD Anaele, Cyriacus Uzoma, MD Bills, Stephen H, MD Bush, William Brent, MD Carnahan, David N, MD Dembla, Preeti N, MD Gupta, Rimda N, MD Harlow, Susan Byers, MD Hollins, Bill B, DO Kommareddi, Vijaya Kumar, MD Nichols, Robert Hiram, Jr, MD Robison, Byron Keith, MD Sanders, William J, IV, MD Tucker, Donald Verlon, Jr, MD Vallejo, Frank Cabrera, MD Yang, Harrison Y, MD P P P P P P S SK SK S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S SK S PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Internal Medicine -Diag Test Interpretation Robison, Byron Keith, MD Nephrology Omitowoju, Oladapo O, MD Patterson, Teresa M, MD P PS PS Networks Neurological Surgery Emadian, Seyed M, MD Neurology Anderson, James P, MD Capps, Raymond L, MD Salibay, Maria Dolores J, MD Upender, Raghu P, MD Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Blanton, Jacqueline Dee, ACNP BC Meier, Sallyanne M, ACNP Stockton, Kim Welch, ACNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Anderton, Whitney Lynn, NP C White, Pamela D, APRN BC Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Azar, Sherry D, FNP Brinkley, Nicole L, NP Bristol, Connie Lou, NP C Curtis, Deborah Roxann, FNP BC Edwards, Deborah Lynn, NP C George, Bridget O, FNP Goodwin, Jennifer Michelle, NP C Gore, Andrea K, FNP Henson, Ola M, FNP Highland, Kathy A, FNP Holloway, Mindy Diane, ACNP BC Jones, Vickie L, FNP Jordan, Patricia W, FNP Milner, Rita P, NP Sanders, Deborah S, NP Simmons, Sharon L, FNP BC Tudor, Donna Elaine, APRN BC White, Edward D, Jr, FNP PS P PS PS PS PS PS PSK PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) Jewell, Saharra D, APN Obstetrics & Gynecology Crean, Jan L, MD Fleenor, Karen E, MD Good, Michael C, MD Murphy, Robert Bryan, MD Myers, Bryan C, MD Pou, Celio F, MD Rivero, Jose L, Jr, MD Wieck, Dennis J, MD Ophthalmology Bierly, John Robert, MD Cherney, Edward F, MD Collier, Robert Craig, MD Crisp, Angela F, MD Law, Janice C, MD Mahan, Ben B, MD Norris, Hunter Willingham, MD Rice, Leonidas E, Jr, MD Ridley, Robert W, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Doctora, Joseph S, DDS Hardison, Mark F, DDS Locke, C Michael, DMD Thurman, James R, DDS Orthopedic Surgery Fiala, Martin J, MD Figarola, Tulio Antonio, MD Fishbein, Richard E, MD Greenberg, Robert C, MD Joyner, Kyle S, MD Ramprasad, Mittur N, MD Steinagle, Timothy J, DO Stevens, Gary R, DO Otolaryngology Canonico, Domenic M, MD Freeman, William James, MD Honarvar, Samad, MD Marvel, Jeffrey B, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K P P P P P P P P P S SK SK S S S S S P P P P S S S S P P P P P P P P SK S SK S S S S SK K K K K K K K PSK P PS PS 35 Coffee County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Palmer, Brady Mark, OD Phillips, Leslie Ann, OD Semmes, Frank Wilson, OD Smoak, Sonya M, OD Sohrabi, Heather R, OD Walker, Patricia Estes, OD Womack, Larry W, ODT Coffee County (Continued) Pediatric Cardiology Hermo Weiler, Casilda I, MD Moreau, Gordon A, MD Pediatric Ophthalmology Morrison, David G, MD Peterson, Edward Andrew, MD Pediatrics Bard, Shirley A, MD Cowan, Richard H, MD Espinoza, Rocio E, MD Mockrin, Lee D, MD Patterson, Teresa M, MD Ramakrishnaiah, Vidya Bijavara, MD Seyler, Clifford A, MD Trask, Shawn Daniel, MD Vaughn, Richard M, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Harmuth, Charles R, MD Molette, Sekou F M, MD Physician Assistant Clark, Charles Ronald, II, PA Kersey, Nathan, PA Messick, Ashley Claire, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Gressel, Lisa Wilson, PA Phillips, Karynthia A G, PA Plastic Surgery Haidak, Paul Michael, MD Podiatry (DPM) Bell, Robert M, DPM Brennan, Nate A, DPM Cauthon, John J, DPM Merrell, Timothy R, DPM Superstein, Mark, DPM Pulmonary Disease Lovelady, Gary Keith, MD Radiation Oncology Bradford, William Butler, MD Radiology Ordiway, Grant Douglas, DO Sleep Medicine Phelps, Thomas F, MD Sports Medicine Gill, Yogeshwar Singh, MD Surgery Blair, Mark, MD Crabtree, John Dennie, Jr., MD Espinel, Leonardo Ramon, Jr, MD Huddleston, Charles Thomas, MD Kennedy, Jerry L, MD Krick, Joseph G, MD Rudolph, Councill C, MD Sullivan, J. David, DO Yu, Ja Nan, MD Therapeutic Optometry Anderson, Jeremy Wade, OD Anderson, Summer Truesdale, OD Bell, Angela S, OD Blanks, James H, OD Brady, Robin Michael, OD Goodman, Elizabeth E, OD Hoge, Edward R, Jr, OD Littell, Randall A, OD Mann, Daryl Francis, OD McBride, James Shawn, OD McCarty, Zachary Stuart, OD Muse, Gregory L, OD 36 PS PS PSK PS P P P P P P P P P S S SK S S S S SK S PS PS Burson, Mark L, MD Krishna, Gulla B, MD Tepedino, Michael J, MD Vascular Surgery Drummond, Charles Stitt, III, MD Ophthalmology Elfervig, John Lars, MD Krauss, Andrew Mark, MD Shukla, Salil, MD Yoser, Seth Leigh, MD Alpert, Bruce S, MD Chiropractor Nichols, Lawrence S, III, DC Traylor, William M, DC SK S S SK S Dermatology Kaplan, Bertram D, MD Diagnostic Radiology Ferguson, E. Scott, MD Family Medicine Alexander, James G, Jr, MD Pierce, Trent P, MD Extended Hours Available PS PS General Practice Sanchez, Ilsa, MD PS Hematology / Oncology Obaji, Suhail M, MD Weeks, Albert Earle, MD PS Infectious Disease Chachanidze, Vladimir, MD PS P P P P P P P P P SK SK S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S Internal Medicine Barr, Marian, MD Lum, Diane L, MD Nadeau, Kenneth R, MD Peeples, Chester W, MD Webb, Dan W, MD Nephrology Hernandez, Jacinto Angel, MD Mirza, Mashhud, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology K K K K Chin, Robert, MD De Rossitt III, James P, MD Ophthalmology Bryant, G Edward, Jr., MD Pediatrics K K S S SK S PS PSK PS PS P P P P Campbell, Douglas T, MD Chandrashekaran, Rama, MD Evans, Loraine J, MD Goodman, David, MD Mallare, Johanna T, MD Shah, Ayesha S, MD Networks Podiatry (DPM) Bradley, Jesse H, DPM Horowitz, Brian D, DPM Khumalo, Bhekumuzi M, DPM Zimmerman, Stephen H, DPM Pulmonary Disease Murray, Ian F, MD Westmoreland, Dan K, MD Surgery Ford, David W, MD Peeples, Guy L, MD S S S S P P PS PS Urology Hasen, Howard B, Jr, MD PS Crockett County Family Medicine Tillman, Ronald C, MD Rhear, Raymond W, MD White, Jerald W, MD PS Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health PS PS PS P PSK PSK PS General Practice Internal Medicine PS PS Arinze, Festus N, MD Ugbaja, Felix C, MD PS PS Haynes, Carol C, FNP Honeycutt, Vickie N, ANP BC PS PS Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Chipman, Donna K, MSN Emison, Karen R, FNP Laman, Lori Faye, FNP BC Luckey, Carol A, FNP Riddle, Kristi J, FNP Ugbaja, Chizoba N, NP C Webb, Karen B, FNP Therapeutic Optometry Privett, Lisa L, OD P P P P P P P S S S S S S PS Cumberland County P Allergy and Immunology S S S S PS PS P P P P P P P P Burch, Lan F, OD Caldwell, Julie T, OD Faulkner, Julie S, OD Faulkner, Martin L, OD PS P P PS PS Therapeutic Optometry PS P P P Radiology PS P P P P P P K PS PSK PS Issa, Nizar Chafik, MD Crittenden County (AR) Rudorfer, Bennett L, MD PS P P P P P P P Craighead County (AR) Cardiovascular Disease PS PS P P P P P Urology Pediatric Cardiology PSK PSK PS K-Network K Networks Cain, William Travis, MD Carter, Paul Michael, MD Overholt, Robert M, MD Ponder, Robert D, MD Extended Hours Available Prince, Tidence L, MD Springer, Michael A, MD Sullivan, Ryan Richard, MD Wisniewski, Joseph M, MD Anesthesiology Carter, Martha W, MD Glanton, Luvell Leigh, Jr, MD Marmel, Richard, MD Stevens, John Audiology Calkins, Anne Marie, MA CCC A Davidson, Lisa H, MA CCC A Hallenbeck, Helen Foster, CCC A Loomis, Brianne Noelle, CCC A Norwood, Wayland Reed, CCC A Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P S S S S K K K K P P P P SK SK S SK P P P P S S S S P P P P P S S S S S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Peaslee, Kimberly S, MD Petty, Elizabeth M, MD Sherrill, John B, MD Spitler, Timothy M, MD Stubbs, Maria V, MD Tavallaee, Mehran Monazam, MD Whitmill, Joanna G, MD Cumberland County (Continued) Cardiology Kurtz, Emily G, MD Cardiovascular Disease Baker, Michael Thomas, MD Jennings, Henry S, III, MD Ong, Samuel W, MD Villaruz, Vianney E, MD PSK PS PSK PS P Medical Oncology Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Cline, Terry A, CRNA Foster, William C, CRNA Chiropractor Brindisi, Frank, DC Davidson, Casey Marie, DC Ellis, Michael E, DC Newton, Robert C, DC Robertson, Jonathan Mitchell, DC Rowan, Andrew C, DC Dermatology Morrison, Kendall Anne, MD Emergency Medicine Helfman, Laura Lee, MD Ly, Hao A, MD McKinney, David L, DO Endocrinology Hijazi, Rabih A, MD Family Medicine Berry, Pierre K, DO Bowers, Marvin A, III, MD Carlton, Stacey Bowman, MD Carpenter, Douglas R, MD Johnson, James S, MD Jones, Lisa P, MD Joseph, Prayrana Chhabra, MD Lively, Tersa Lynn, DO Noor, Sidi Yousseff, MD Pribanich, Steven, III, MD Reed, Larry D, MD Satyanarayan, Viswesar, MD Shada, Victor A, DO Smolenski, Lisabeth Ann, MD Wilson, Garland A, MD Gastroenterology Yatto, Robert P, MD General Practice Campbell, David E, MD Gynecology Perrigan, Michael Dale, MD Hospital Medicine Acton, Joseph Harcourt, MD Braun, Derek Adam, MD Davis, Damon C, MD Grubb, Amanda Leigh, MD Halford, Wesley Chad, MD Kabasakal, Ayca, MD Weekly, Thomas Clark, MD Internal Medicine Anderson, Roy Randell, MD Civunigunta, Narendra, MD Clark, Stephen Dennis, MD Clayton, Thomas E, MD Guthrie, Fred A, MD Headrick, Mary M, MD Juarez, Sara Bertha, MD Lee, Mark K, MD Marasigan, Francisco S, MD Morris, Gary N, MD Nagarkoti, Sujit Pradhan, MD Nichols, Robert E, MD Nowak, Renata A, MD Physicians PS P Davidson, Dirk C, MD Hendrixson, Mark N, MD Tabor, David C, MD Nephrology Zeino, Merhaf K, MD Neurology P P P P P P S S S S Chung, Stephen S, MD Mendez, Oscar Enrique, MD S Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health PS Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Zauner, Jacqueline Busby, ACNP BC Hughey, Marisa Summer, NP Larner, Douglas Scott, NP C Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice PSK PSK PSK PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S Addington, Rona C, FNP BC Atchison, Shannon Rebecca, FNP BC Hicks, Christopher L, FNP Holmes, Maria Elizabeth, FNP LeFave, Christopher Martin, APRN BC Minnich, Morgan L, FNP Montgomery, James C, FNP Morgan, Erin Michelle, FNP Pernell, Jerry W, FNP Rigsby, Kimerly A, FNP Seeley, Daniel Banta, APRN BC PS PS PS PS Obstetrics & Gynecology Johnson, Kimberly M, MD Mak, Ernest Mung Yuk, MD Randall, Hugh Watts, Jr, MD Ophthalmology Galloway, Michael S, MD Grisolano, James, MD Litchford, David W, MD McMillan, Tod A, MD Patterson, Larry E, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery PS P P P P P P P Cheung, Andrew Cherk Bun, DDS Hudson, John W, DDS Rivers, J Benjamin, DMD Witherington, Travis Arnold, II, DDS Orthopedic Surgery Garland, Russell T, MD Pick, Susan N, MD Simpson, Jon Alan, MD Otolaryngology S Bise, Stanley L, MD Kriskovich, Mark D, MD Lawrence, Thomas L, MD S S S Pain Management S Barnawell, James R, MD SK SK Lister, Kenneth R, MD Pathology Pediatrics Berman, Robert J, Jr, MD Berman, Suzanne K, MD Koucheki, Mohammed H, MD Reed, Christine Louise, MD Faugot, Garret John, PA Gilfoil, Edna Beth, PA Harelson, William W, PA King, Jennifer P, PA C Lawless, George Trion, PA Lennon, David M, PA McCraney, Dennis Craig, PA Shanku, Bethany Rhea, PA Stout, Scott A, PA Tomsett, Robert Mason, Jr, PA C Tucker, Jamie Elaine, PA C White, Jonathan Stephen, PA Plastic Surgery PSK Guillory, Dale, MD Raffel, Bruce C, MD Podiatry (DPM) Longobardo, Vincent B, DPM P PS P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S Pulmonary Disease K K K K K K K K Hassler, Kristel L, PNP Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Physician Assistant Tackett, Mary Brooke, PA White, Jonathan Stephen, PA P PS SK S S S S SK Speck, Carrie Chastain, GNP BC Networks Physician Assistant - PCP Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P PS P P P PSK PS P SK S S PS Dade County (GA) K-Network K PSK PS PS PS PSK P P P P P S S S SK S P P P P S SK S S PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS P P P P S S S S Heikal, Mohamed Osama, MD Henson, David James, MD Joseph, Gnanaraj, MD Radiation Oncology Lanzillo, Joseph H, MD Radiology Thompson, Bill, MD Rheumatology Kanagasegar, Sivalingam, MD Surgery Bell, Christopher M, MD Fox, Mark A, MD Ivey, Donathan M, MD Martin, Richard G, Jr, MD Olaechea, Reynaldo A, MD Therapeutic Optometry Bosanko, Cory J, OD Boyd, Lori M, OD Boyd, Zachary T, OD Cosgrove, Dennis L, OD Dubes, Brian B, OD Goodman, Elizabeth E, OD Moore, Karin Rodriguez, OD Peek, Jennifer Leann, OD Randle, Clifton J, III, OD Reed, John S, OD Sparks, Estel R, OD Turney, Bob W, OD Thoracic Surgery Wilson, Robert Lewis, Jr, MD Urology Mansur, Izzuddin A, MD Wikert, Gary A, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K PS PSK PS P PS PS PS PS PS PS PSK PS P P PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS Dade County (GA) Audiology Anderson, Rachel Lee, AuD CCC A Chiropractor McDill, Charles A, DC Family Medicine Shy, Joe Allen, DO Van Schuyver, Donna Sue, DO Weksler, Alicia I, MD Internal Medicine Chandra, Anuj, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK P PS PS PSK PS 37 Dade County (GA) S-Network S P-Network P Networks Dade County (GA) (Continued) Obstetrics & Gynecology Kerley, Stephen L, DO Ophthalmology Friedrich, David L, MD Physician Assistant - PCP Simmons, Cindy M, PA Therapeutic Optometry Graham, Alvan Leon, Jr, OD Pifer, David A, OD PSK PS PS P PS Davidson County Adolescent Medicine Callahan, S Todd, MD Romano, Mary E, MD Allergy and Immunology Babe, Kenneth S, Jr, MD Brothers, Donald T, Jr, MD Cain, William Travis, MD Carter, Paul Michael, MD Dworski, Ryszard T, MD Fahrenholz, John M, II, MD Hagaman, David D, MD Kendall, Peggy L, MD Miller, Michael P, MD Norvell, John Michael, MD Overholt, John P, MD Partridge, Megan Elizabeth, MD Prince, Tidence L, MD Ralph, William B, MD Sanders, Dan S, III, MD Serafin, William E, MD Smith, Keegan Marcus, MD Sullivan, Ryan Richard, MD Tanner, Simpson B, MD Wolf, Bruce L, MD Anatomic and Clinical Pathology Eisenberg, Rosana, MD Fadare, Oluwole Opeyemi, MD Welch, Derek C, MD Anatomic Pathology Cates, Justin M, MD Chopp, William Vincent, MD Coogan, Alice Clark, MD Harris, Elizabeth I, MD Hoffman, Robert Dickson, MD Laposata, Michael, MD Anesthesiology Arney, Timothy Leroy, MD Banerjee, Arna, MD Barwise, John A, MD Bennie, Jonathan E, MD Billings, Frederic T, IV, MD Brannon, C Travis, MD Byrd, William Bellew, III, MD Calderwood, Susan A, MD Chandrashekar, Meera, MD Chung, Ok Y, MD Deegan, Robert J, MD Dickerson, Steven Reid, MD Donahue, Brian S, MD Downing, John W, MD Easdown, Letitia J, MD Fischer, Jean T, MD Fry, Bradley C, MD Hall, John David, MD Head III, Hugh L, MD Hester, Douglas L, MD Hollowell, Minal Delwadia, MD Johnson, Benjamin Wilbur, Jr, MD Ladson, James W, Jr, MD 38 PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K Lewis, Thomas C, MD Lockhart, Ellen M, MD Malchow, Randall J, MD Mathews, Letha, MD Miller, Andrew Caleb, MD Obermeier, Stephen J, MD Pandharipande, Pratik, MD Paschall, Ray L, MD Poll, Macgregor E, DO Poore, Brian J, MD Pretorius, Mias, MD Price, John D, MD Ramsey, James A, MD Rao, Vidya N, MD Rich, Austin T, MD Riedel, Bernhard JCJ, MD Robinson, Roscoe V, MD Rogers, William D, MD Saied, Nahel N, MD Santi, Stephen F, MD Scokin, Daniel, MD Sears, Kenneth L, MD Seitz, Paul A, MD Shahrokhi, Tohida Alsadat, MD Shankle, Steven B, MD Siegel, Marc N, MD Sierra Anderson, Rigoberto Luis, MD Smith, Bradley E, MD Smith, David W, MD Smithson, Kenneth R, DO Snodgrass, Gregory W, MD Souris, Patrick Alan, MD Sperring, Steven J, MD St Jacques, Paul J, MD Stabile, Michael, MD Stanberry, Carl W, MD Strange, Glen, MD Striepe, Volker I, MD Sugar, Scott L, MD Sutter, Michael J, MD Thomas, Jane M, MD Thomas, Thomas C, MD Tomichek, Richard C, MD Toomey, Thomas P, MD Ura, Jay M, MD Volpitto, George David, MD Walia, Ann, MD Watke, Christopher, MD Weavind, Liza M, CRNA Weil, Howard, MD Weinger, Matthew B, MD White, Houston W, MD Williard, Kenny F, MD Winek, David K, MD Worthington, William B, MD Audiology K K K K Baggett Strehlau, Jewell M, CCC A Blakeney, Diana Sledge, MS CCC A Branscome, Kjersten P, MS CCC A Campbell, Christi D, MA CCC A Jones, Amanda E, CCC A McCue, Bobbie Lynn, MA CCC A Morgan, Nancy Fay, CCC A Noble, Haley Shawn, AuD CCC A Pannell, Pamala Ann, CCC A Quiller, Travis D, AuD CCC A Scherer, Jina M, CCC A Schwaber, Donna K, CCC A Sheffey, Ronald C, CCC A Sitton, Ann B, CCC A Slayden, Mitzie M, CCC A Smith, Beth A, CCCA Weiner, Sheri E, CCC A K Cardiology K K K K K K K K K K K-Network K Networks Abraham, Robert Lucien, MD Abu Halimah, Ahmad Jaber, MD Campbell, Warren B, MD Churchwell, Andre L, MD Cleator, John H, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K Networks Damp, Julie Boyd, MD Dendy, Jeffrey Michael, MD Ellis, Christopher Randall, MD Fazio, Sergio, MD Glazer, Mark D, MD Hong, Charles Chansik, MD Hood, Rob R, MD Kurtz, Emily G, MD Lenihan, Daniel J, MD Linton, Macrae F, MD Monahan, Kenneth Joseph, MD Murray, Katherine T, MD Ooi, Henry Lee, MD Salloum, Joseph G, MD Sawyer, Douglas B, MD Stankewicz, Mark Anthony, MD Cardiovascular Disease K K K K K K SK S SK S SK S S S S K K K K K SK K K K K K Aaron, Mark Freeman, MD Akamah, Joseph Atiah, MD Ali, Yasmine Subhi, MD Amlicke, James David, MD Asad, Navaid, MD Babu, Narayanareddi Sudarshan, MD Bagai, Jayant, MD Baker, James Haywood, II, MD Baker, Michael Thomas, MD Bartlett, Thomas Glenn, MD Bashian, Gregory Garo, MD Bennett, Rick Lee, MD Boyd, Joseph James, Jr, MD Byrd III, Benjamin F, MD Cabell, Thomas Hargrave, Jr, MD Cage, John B, MD Chandler, Gina G, MD Chidsey, Geoffrey, MD Chomsky, Don B, MD Christenberry, Robert H, MD Churchwell, Keith B, MD Clair, Walter K, MD Conley, Christopher N, MD Constantine, Arthur E, MD Crafton, George W, MD Crenshaw, Marshall H, MD Crossley, George H, III, MD Crumbo, Donald S, MD Darbar, Dawood, MD Davis, Stacy F, MD Denney, William D, MD Dickerson, Reginald Peeler, MD Disalvo, Thomas G, MD Dixon, John H, Jr, MD Eluhu, Marcel Yemba, MD Fleet, William F, III, MD Fong, Pete P, MD Franklin, Jerry M, MD Frederiksen, Rand T, MD Fredi, Joseph L, MD Friesinger, Gottlieb Christian, III, MD Gaffney, Francis A, MD George, Wilburn E, Jr, MD Gibson, David W, MD Goldfarb, Mark S, MD Graves, Dante J, MD Haitas, Byron, MD Hansen, David E, MD Hartness, W. Owen, MD Hughes, Sean G, MD Humphrey, Steven Scott, MD Huneycutt, David Carl, Jr, MD Hung, Rebecca Rae, MD Irani, Waleed N, MD Jackson, Ann Sharon, MD Jantz, Thomas A, MD Jefferson, Brian Keith, MD Jennings, Henry S, III, MD Johnston, Thomas S, MD Jones, Robert C, MD Kaza, Sunil C, MD Kearney, Kathleen Rebecca, MD Kemp, Wilson E, Jr, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Davidson County (Continued) Cardiovascular Disease (Continued) Killian, Thomas J, MD PS Koenig, Mark, MD PS Kolli, Murali Krisha, MD PSK Kreth, Timothy K, MD PS Kronenberg, Marvin, MD PSK Lawson, Mark A, MD PSK Lee, John T, MD PSK Long, Brian Robert, MD PS Malik, Furrukh S, MD PS Mangione, Nelson J, MD PS Manoukian, Steven Vahe, MD PS Mansouri, Vafa Cyrus, DO PS Maron, David J, MD PSK McPherson, John Addison, MD PSK McRae, Andrew Thomas, III, MD PS Mendes, Lisa A, MD PSK Mioton, Guy Britton, Jr, MD PS Muldowney, James A S, MD PSK Murray, Gary Lee, MD PS Myers, Paul R, MD PS Naftilan, Allen J, MD PSK Oberst, Leslie Mary, MD PS Odom, Harrell, II, MD PS Okafor, Henry Ewelike, MD PS Olafsson, Bjarki J, MD PS Page Jr, Harry L, MD PSK Pearce, Douglas J, MD PS Phares, Joel M, MD PS Piana, Robert Noel, MD PSK Potts, James Lafayete, MD PS Prudoff, Adam James, MD PSK Ramanna, Nagendra, MD PS Rankin, Kevin M, MD PS Richardson, Thomas Ramsey, MD PSK Riddick, John Alston, MD PS Ripley, Robert C, MD P Robbins, Mark Antony, MD PSK Roden, Dan M, MD PSK Roseman, Hal M, MD PS Rottman, Jeffrey N, MD PSK Saavedra, Pablo J, MD PSK Sager, Andrew R, MD PS Sampson, Uchechukwu Kachi Amakwenta, MDPS Scoville, George S, Jr, MD PS Sikes, James Greg, MD PS Slosky, David Alan, MD PSK Tacogue, Loyda C, MD PS Tanedo, Joel Santos, MD PS Thompson, Thomas Allan, MD PS Thompson, William D, MD PS Tolbert, Todd G, MD PS Ververis, John James, MD PS Waldo, Douglas Anthony, MD PS Walpole, Howard T, Jr, MD PS Wassynger, William W, MD PS Wathen, Mark S, MD PSK Webber, Jeffrey C, MD PS Whalen, Sean Patrick, MD PSK Wheatley, Robert M, MD PS Williams, Thomas Ashurst, Jr, MD PS Wines, Phillip A, MD PS Wray, Taylor M, MD PS Zenker, Mark A, MD PS Zhao, David X, MD PSK Cardiovascular Disease -Diag Test Interpretations Reynolds, Gary A, MD PS Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Alexander, Bruce F, CRNA Amyx, Warren M, CRNA Atwood, Robert W, CRNA Barker, Beverly J, CRNA Batson, Bennie B, CRNA Berry, Travis Leon, CRNA Physicians P P P P P P S SK SK SK S S Davidson County K-Network K Blankendaal, Alicia R, CRNA Blanks, Stephen T, CRNA Bonner, Paul J, CRNA Bonner, Theresa Chavais, CRNA Bratcher, John M, CRNA Bridges, Natalie K, CRNA Brown, Stephen Gerald, CRNA Buchanan, Debra J, CRNA Burke, April M, CRNA Butorac, John Louis, Jr, CRNA Byrd, Jeanne T, CRNA Cannon, Theresa A, CRNA Coggins, Misty Michelle, CRNA Cook, James S, CRNA Cornwell, Patty, CRNA Cullins, William R, Jr, CRNA Donegan, Emily H, CRNA Doring, Barbara J, CRNA Doyle, Emily E, CRNA Durchsprung, Patricia R, CRNA Dzyban, Steven M, CRNA Edmisson Jr, Kenneth W, CRNA Ellison, David, CRNA Foust, James Allen, CRNA Freehling, Tammy S, CRNA Glenn, Nan M, CRNA Gomez, Mary E, CRNA Greenwell, Suzanna Bundrant, CRNA Griffin, Eileen, CRNA Haffey, Mark J, CRNA Hall, Lori L, CRNA Hammock, Lisa, CRNA Hardison, Janet L, CRNA Haynes, Melissa Renee, CRNA Holt, Eddie Todd, CRNA Ishee, Jerry, CRNA Jackson, Vincent A, CRNA Keen, Gary E, CRNA Kirk, Robert Michael, CRNA Koford, Dale E, CRNA Lawless, Melanie Downes, CRNA Leeper, Deborah L, CRNA Lewis, Rachel, CRNA Lynn, Connie Gaye, CRNA MacDonald, Adam, CRNA Maddox, James H, CRNA McCarver, Lewis N, CRNA Moran, Melanie, CRNA Morgan Harmon, Sherry R, CRNA Morgan, Bryan A, CRNA Morris, John D, CRNA Moss, Larry P, CRNA Newberry, Edith Anne, CRNA Newman, Amanda L, CRNA Nick, Judy S, CRNA Nitschke, David J, CRNA Olsen, Annette S, CRNA Paxton, Bradley Neill, CRNA Phillips, Donald, CRNA Ramsey, Kenneth R, CRNA Randall, Mary T, CRNA Reynolds, Linda H, CRNA Rieben, Iris K, CRNA Robinette, Ella, CRNA Sadler, Gary, CRNA Salhany, J. Keith, CRNA Schroeder, Susan J, CRNA Schuler, James G, CRNA Schwarz, G Fred, CRNA Sedoris, Sherry G, CRNA Sharbel, Charles R, CRNA Sharp, Bridget C, CRNA Sherrill, Jerry Lin, CRNA Shockley, Jennifer S, CRNA Silva, Edward, CRNA Simmons, Lee A, CRNA Simon, Lauren R, CRNA Singh, Heidi A, CRNA Slaughter, David, CRNA Smith, Amy A, CRNA Smith, Paul C, CRNA P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K Networks Smith, Rachael A, CRNA Spaulding, Sybil A, CRNA Spencer, Mark S, CRNA Standfield, Brie A, CRNA Stephenson, Karen Diane, CRNA Streetman, Martin K, CRNA Strokis Taylor, Tracy, CRNA Sutherland, Gary A, CRNA Swindle, Brenda L, CRNA Szmyd-Hogan, Henrietta K, CRNA Tanner, John E, CRNA Taylor Brice, Toni M, CRNA Temple, Deborah W, CRNA Thompson, Bonita Y, CRNA Thompson, Cheryl S, CRNA Thorson, Nathalie R, CRNA Thurman, Jeffery A, CRNA Todd, Margaret M, CRNA Tracey, Patrice B, CRNA Tummins, Charles R, CRNA Vest, Jennifer A, CRNA Wade, Steven Paul, CRNA Walkowicz, Linda A, CRNA Wallace, Nikki L, CRNA Warden, Natasha C, CRNA Wiggers, Thomas Lee, CRNA Williams, Angela L, CRNA Wilson, Paul R, CRNA Wright, Margaret, CRNA Yonts, Lori, CRNA Child and Adolescent Neurology K K K K K K K K K K K K Fu, Cary, MD Velayudam, Kohilavani, MD Chiropractor Adair, Timothy J, DC Andrew, Asa, DC Axe, Joshua Lee, DC Bailey, Brandon S, DC Barnett, Beth S, DC Batson, Frank C, III, DC Batson, Kari Leigh, DC Bearden, William C, DC Benedict, Lance C, DC Bennett, Charles Eugene, DC Brennion, William S, DC Brown, Myron 0, DC Bruyn, Robert J, Jr, DC Buckner, Joel L, DC Bullington, Lee A, DC Burley, John L, DC Chaudhuri, Suman, DC Chung, Gun, DC Clark, Ross M, DC Close, Scott C, DC Consiglio, Maurice A, DC Cox, Nicole A, DC Crawford, Myles A, DC Daniel, James C, DC Dedmon, James W, DC Diaz, Christy O, DC Dixon, Adam D, DC Dixon, Andrew S, DC Dohnal, Christopher P, DC Duensing, Steven P, DC Eckley, Shawn J, DC Fetzer, William B, DC Finkelstein, Evan G, DC Foley, Brian J, DC Footit, Ryan R, DC Fortney, Stephanie D, DC Foster, Ila L, DC Frails, Mia D, DC Frasier, Scott A, DC Froyd, Michael John, DC Geisser, Sanford L, DC Graves, Keith B, DC Hall, David A, DC Hayes, Paul W, DC Hendon, William Lee, DC Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S SK S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S 39 Davidson County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Davidson County (Continued) Chiropractor (Continued) Inman, Kathleen Ann, DC Iworah, Oscar C, DC Jones, Kirk W, DC Jones, LaToya A, DC Justice, Cary T, DC Key, Robert A, DC Kim, Steve C, DC Knotts, Josh B, DC Knowles, Thomas J, DC Lamberth, Jeff P, DC Lensgraf, Arthur G, DC Long, Douglas Lavelle, DC Lounsbury, Donald E, Jr, DC Mabry, Robert L, DC Marghella, Frank A, DC Mashburn, Robert W, DC May, Christopher Ames, DC McClellan, Charles K, Jr, DC McCoy, Larry, Jr, DC McIntosh, Ken R, DC Meadows, Sheila G, DC Melton, Terry L, DC Mitchell, Kenneth W, DC Mitchell, Kevin Jay, DC Moore, James W, Jr, DC Extended Hours Available Morrison, Dina J, DC Moseley, W. Russell, DC Mynster, Donald L, DC Naymik, Karen E, DC Obersteadt, H. Louis, DC Olsen, John P, DC Parenti, Lisa Carol, DC Porceddu, Paul D, Jr, DC Powers, Alan R, DC Ramsey, Charles F, DC Ray, Fawn C, DC Reinarts, Jason Thomas, DC Robertson, Steven L, DC Roth, Sharon, DC Sabourin, Charles F, DC Saeedpour, Ramin, DC Scheitel, Jenny R, DC Scheitel, Stephen C, DC Selby, Andrea L, DC Selby, Lee R, DC Shimer, Wendy Michelle, DC Sinatra, Vincenzo R, DC Snead, Keith L, Sr, DC Snead, Kevin L, DC Stogner, Douglas Jay, DC Stucki, James D, DC Sweeney, Jim A, DC Thomas, A Edward, III, DC Thomas, Mark A, DC Thompson, Robert M, DC Thompson, Tod D, DC Totty, Mark S, DC Totty, Terry D, DC Walk, Angela G, DC Walker, Steven L, DC Walkerwicz, Kristen L, DC Wiersma, Brian J, DC Williams, C. Stephen, DC Woosley, Charlton A, Sr, DC Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Crossley, George H, III, MD Fahrig, Stephen A, MD Pickett, Robert Andrew, MD Clinical Genetics Bircher, Ana Maria, MD Morgan, Thomas M, MD Clinical Pathology Kim, Annette Sunhi, MD 40 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S Ollapally, Elsie P, MD Colon and Rectal Surgery Briley, Susan C, MD Harb, William Joseph, MD Howerton, Richard A, MD Muldoon, Roberta L, MD Santi, Michael T, MD Wise, Paul E, MD Critical Care Medicine Ely, E. Wesley, MD Rice, Todd W, MD Scovel, Clark Allen, MD Wheeler, Arthur P, MD Willers, Elisabeth D, MD Dermatology S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS PS PSK PSK K-Network K Networks Albers, Sharon E, MD Boyd, Alan S, MD Buntin, Denise M, MD Burnett, Patrick E, MD Byers, Jeffrey D, MD Claudel, Christopher D, MD Clayton, Anna Sancho, MD Countess, Julie Michele, MD Day, Thomas Wayne, MD Ellis, Darrel L, MD Evers, Elizabeth A, MD Fairhurst, Mark V, MD Fichtel, Jill C, MD Fields, James P, MD Fine, Jo David, MD Gold, Michael H, MD Harwell Jr, William B, MD Horowitz, David H, MD Hu, Judy Y, MD Jacobson, Ellen R, MD King, Lloyd E, Jr, MD Langley, Melissa, MD Lee, Carla Tucker, MD Loven, Keith, MD Martin, Jennifer D, MD McDonald, Michel A, MD Meyer, Alvin H, MD Miller, Jami L, MD Moody, Brent Robert, MD Pardue, Chris C, MD Pennington, Brent E, MD P'Pool, David B, Jr, MD Price, Joey Stone, MD Rand, Heidi K, MD Retief, Carla R, MD Rodriguez, Adrian Ofir, MD Sites, Larien Young, MD Sitton, Barbara T, MD Stasko, Thomas, MD Stricklin, George P, MD Vincent, Kimberly D, MD Watkins, Shannon Wright, MD Zanolli, Michael Dominic, MD Zic, John A, MD Dermatopathology Kantrow, Sara Marshall, MD Robbins, Jason B, MD PS P P P P P P S S S SK S SK P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK Diagnostic Radiology Alarcon, John Joseph, MD Andreotti, Rochelle F, MD Arildsen, Ronald, MD Aulino, Joseph Michael, MD Awh, Mark H, MD Becker, Daniel J, MD S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K PS PS Developmental - Behavioral Pediatrics Couch, Robert S, MD Madduri, Nirupama Sai, MD McGrew, Susan, MD Pinnock, Theodora Phea, MD Reimschisel, Tyler E, MD Rimrodt, Sheryl Lynn, MD S S S S S S S S K K K K K P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K P P P P P P S SK SK SK S S K K Networks Bienvenu, Gary Louis, Jr, MD Bittles, Mark A, MD Block, John Jacob, MD Blount, Steven Michael, MD Brennan, Kimberly Collis, MD Brittan, Andrew Mains, MD Burcham, Robert S, MD Burdett, Pamela H, MD Bush, Steven B, MD Calendine, Chad Logan, MD Carroll, Frank Edward, Jr, MD Cian, Michael C, MD Creasy, Jeffrey Lee, MD Cunneely, Kevin Patrick, MD DePriest, Charles Vernon, MD Edwards, Byard, III, MD Ellis, Michael Conrad, MD Fleischer, Arthur Carroll, MD Fonseca, Ricardo Borges, MD Fordice, Sarina W, MD Friday, Jack Michael, MD Gordon, Jonathan Paul, MD Harney, Iantha Lucille, MD Henningsen, Joy Ann, MD Himmelfarb, Elliot H, MD Hinton, Alice A, MD Huggett, Jeffrey M, MD Humphrey, Stephen Paul, MD Kaye, Jeremy Jon, MD Kessler, Robert Michael, MD King, James Centre, III, MD Klein, William J, MD Lams, Peter Michael, MD Landman, Jeffrey Allen, MD Levey, David S, MD Levitt, Michael Joel, MD Lindsey, Jason Isaac, MD MacCurdy, Joe Milton, Jr, MD Mayo, Jackiel R, MD McManus, Kevin T, MD Metzman, Michael Scott, MD Montesi, Scott A, MD Moran, Grace Q, MD Nance, Elmer Paul, Jr, MD Nau, Paul Christopher, MD Ng, Christopher C, MD Powers, Thomas A, MD Priest, Edward M, II, MD Rafoth, Joshua Ben, MD Ross, John Danforth, MD Shaw, Mark R, MD Smith, Gregory D, MD Soble, Marc G, MD Stafford, James Marshall, MD Stallworth, Robert J, MD Strother, Megan Kay, MD Taber, David Spence, MD Thompson, Harold Delane, MD Thorstad, Brett Lee, MD Tishler, Steven D, MD Watts, David Reed, MD Wile, Geoffrey Eugene, MD Worrell, John A, MD Wunder, Daniel Jay, MD Wushensky, Curtis Alan, MD Emergency Medicine Andolina-Grimit, Lisa M, MD Arkava, Todd Eric, MD Barger, David R, DO Berg, Marion C, MD Carter Bristol, Dawn, PA C Edwards, Jerry L, DO Ellis, Randall E, MD Ferguson, Charles B, MD Gibson, William Donald, MD Helfman, Laura Lee, MD Henry, Tonia L, FNP Honig, Allen, MD Jenkins, Mack Adam, MD Johnson, Ethelyn Denise, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K SK SK S SK SK S SK SK Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Davidson County (Continued) Emergency Medicine (Continued) Jones, Ian, MD Judge, Steven J, MD Kile, Dale Laverne, Jr, MD Lee, David G, MD Murabito, Frank J, MD Nell, James E, MD Nguyen, Quoc Viet, MD Parekh, Kendra Papson, MD Pfennig, Camiron Leigh, MD Proctor, John H, MD Raja, Kallaiah M, MD Roberts, Stephen M, MD Robinson, Robert W, MD Seamens, Charles M, MD Slovis, Corey M, MD Stack, Lawrence B, MD Tincher, Matthew R, MD Tolbert, Antoinette R, MD Tye, Georgia K, MD Watkins, Marc Robert, MD Wharton, David R, MD White, Jeremy, MD Woods, Kelly, MD Wrenn, Keith D, MD Wright, Seth W, MD Yen, May Yungyun, MD Endocrinology Devin, Jessica Koch, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K SK SK SK PS Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Aprill, Brian S, MD Bao, Shichun, MD Bomboy Jr, James D, MD Boord, Jeffrey B, MD Carlson, Michael G, MD Chng, John L, MD Dahir, Kathryn M, MD Davis, Stephen N, MD Dunn, Julia Passyn, MD Fassler, Cheryl Ann, MD Fowler, Michael J, MD Gaume, James A, MD Hayes, Andrea L, MD Interlandi, John W, MD Jagasia, Shubhada M, MD Jerkins, Terri W, MD Lakhani, Vipul Tulsi, MD Levine, Jon H, MD May, James M, MD May, Michael E, MD McRae, John R, MD Mulaisho, Chilango, MD Mundy, Gregory R, MD Niswender, Kevin D, MD Parks III, Leon L, MD Powers, Alvin C, MD Sharp, Stephan C, MD Stafford, John Michael, MD Sullivan, James, MD Sussman, Craig R, MD Utz, Andrea Lynn, MD Wierum, Craig, MD Wolfe, Lawrence K, MD Family Medicine Adewumi, John T, MD Arradondo, John E, MD Arthur, Clarissa Nelson, MD Baites, John E, MD Beane, Alanna Lumar, MD Bhatt, Vivak S, MD Bishop, Robert G, MD Boles, David L, Sr, DO Bonnaire, Harry J, MD Booker, Tamela P, MD Botsko, James J, MD Physicians P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Davidson County K-Network K Networks Brust, Matthew L, MD Bryant, James D, MD Buckman, David Dale, MD Butcher, Pearline Marie, DO Butler, Jonathan W, MD Calarco, Mark A, DO Carter, Cleo, MD Chen, Viola, MD Chihombori, Arikana C, MD Collins, Cynthia Elizabeth, MD Collins, Millard D, Jr, MD Damian, Perry S, MD Demirjian, Kenneth A, MD Dhar, Anitha S, MD Dhillon, Rennee N, MD Dozier, Kenneth C, MD Drake, Debra L, MD Emfinger, C. Wesley, MD Fazili, Shazia N, MD Finney, Sabrina Tanis, MD Frankenfield, Robert Scott, MD Freeman, Tony A, MD Gailmard, William R, MD Gaston, Robert B, Jr, MD Geleskie, Peter T, MD Gomez, Julia Eileen, MD Guth, Robert W, MD Hall, Alicia Annette, MD Hamby, Mindi L, MD Hammerman, Stephen L, MD Hammond Moulton, Cathy L, MD Head, James R, MD Holloway, Christopher D, MD Holmes, George L, III, MD Hutchison, Ryan Bennett, MD Joe, Y. Charles, MD Johnson, Steven P, MD Jordan, John C, MD Kary, Jonathan A, MD Katkuri, Jithander R, MD Kellogg, Lisa E, DO Kinney, Steven R, MD La, Hau Trung, MD Lampkin, S L, IV, MD Lightford, Carolyn Y, MD Lim, Robert T, Jr, MD Livingston, David, MD MacMillan, Robert Duncan, MD Major, John S, MD Martinez, Concepcion Gabriele, MD McCoy, David M, MD McDermott, Diane Simone, MD McDermott, Ronald I, MD Mertens, Michael J, MD Meyer, Shelley Anne, DO Miller, Michael Ray, DO Miller, Ted J, MD Mishra, Gita, MD Mishra, Sushri, MD Misra, Amaresh, MD Morelli, Vincent, MD Murphy, Grady Fred, Jr, MD Murti, Aparna Kuruganti, MD Nathan, Jayashree Rani, MD Nevels, Harold Victor, MD Nguyen, Trung Toan, MD Pak, Richard, MD Patel, Ilaben B, MD Patten, W. Thomas, Jr., MD Peterson, Christopher C, MD Pogue, James H, MD Reddy, Venkat K, MD Riley Burt, Janice Renee, MD Robinson, Yvonne D, MD Rorie, Michelle Y, MD Rudraraju, Chandrakala, MD Sanders, Burton Parker, MD Sears, Peter Joseph, MD Seeley, James Edmund, III, MD Seem, Rohit, MD Semenya, Joyce G, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S SK S S S S S S SK S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S Networks Setler Logan, Nona Marie, MD Sharifi, Haydeh Ghanei, MD Shiao, Wen T, MD Sidani, Mohamad Anis, MD Sidberry, Charles R, MD Smith, Gary J, MD Stewart, Ruth Carr, MD Sullivan, Kenneth W, MD Swauncy, Moses A, MD Swilley, Bill Wayne, DO Tribble, David Bruce, MD Turner, Avis Diane, MD Vazquez, Ernesto, MD Vollmer, Donald Evans, II, MD Walkup, Martha Yoel, DO Wallace, Cynthia L, MD Wawa, Fritz, MD Weaver, Patricia A, MD Wei, Jian, MD Willis, Andrea R, MD Willis, Angela L, MD Wilson, Marshelya Denise, MD Wilson, Robert A, MD Wilwayco, Stephanie D, MD Wiser, Wendy Lynn, DO Witters, Gregory D, MD Zoorob, Roger J, MD Gastroenterology Alexander, William Frederick, MD Avant, George R, MD Awad, Joseph A, MD Bailey, Allan H, MD Barnes, Maurice C, MD Benson, Jonathan David, MD Borromeo Beaulieu, Dawn Marie, MD Buchholz, Michael Claus, MD Burk, Raymond F, MD Coffey Jr, Robert J, MD Dopp, Alan Christian, MD Eskind, Jeffrey B, MD Fakhruddin, Abu S, MD Fiske, William Haley, MD Gill, Riaz Q, MD Granda, Antonio M, MD Herring, Robert W, MD James, George Whitfield, MD King, Lloyd G, MD Lazas, Donald J, Jr, MD Lee, Sue J, MD Lewis, Thomas J, MD Lind, Christopher O, MD Lindsey, Elizabeth H, MD McAbee, Stephanie Ann, MD McGrew, Wallace R, MD McMillen, David H, MD Mertz, Howard R, MD Miller, Mark Allen, MD Ness, Reid M, MD Parker, Joseph P, MD Patil, Sushil Raj, MD Peek Jr, Richard M, MD Perri, Roman E, MD Porayko, Michael K, MD Price, Neil M, MD Pruitt, Ronald E, MD Raiford, David S, MD Rao, Babu Vallabhaneni, MD Roberts, Ryan M, MD Rotker, Jonathan D, MD Scanga, Andrew Ernest, MD Schwartz, David A, MD Seidner, Douglas L, MD Shull, Harrison J, Jr, MD Smalley, Walter E, Jr, MD Smith, Terrence A, MD Somayaji, Buntwal N, MD Stein, Ira E, MD Sumner, Eric Larry, MD Vaezi, Michael Fredrick, MD White, Edward Allan, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S K S S S S S S S S S S SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 41 Davidson County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Davidson County (Continued) Gastroenterology (Continued) Williams, Christopher Shawn, MD Wilson, Keith T, MD Winters, Charles, Jr, MD Wright, George D, MD Yachimski, Patrick Stephen, MD Zua, Mene Sugage, MD General Practice Anderson, Michael David, MD Cistola, Carol L, MD Duffy, Karen B, MD Gaston, Robert B, Sr, MD Morgan, Joseph Wesley, DO Pate, John Kirby, MD Petway, Zandra Renee, MD Pilkinton, Robert D, Sr, MD Wallace, Rodger T, MD General Vascular Surgery Adams, Carlton Z, MD Allos, Suhail H, MD Guzman, Raul J, MD Naslund, Thomas C, MD Geriatric Medicine Solberg, Laurence Michael, MD Gynecological Oncology Crispens, Marta A, MD Dudley, Bunyan Stephens, MD Gold, Michael Alan, MD Khabele, Dineo, MD Numnum, Thomas Michael, MD Rao, Gautam Gorantla, MD Wheelock, John Brian, MD Williams, Laura L, MD Gynecology Biller, Daniel H, MD Cain Swope, Christina L, MD Callahan, Tamara L, MD Chambers, Jill F, MD Cothren, Jackson David, MD Daniell, James F, MD Gurley, Larry D, MD Habibian, Sara, MD New, Melinda S, MD Norman, Andy M, MD Po, Divina T, MD Scheib, Stacey Ann, MD Swan, Michael, MD Sweet, Stephanie D, MD Woods, Grayson N, MD Hand Surgery Lee, Donald H, MD Staelin, Stephen T, MD Weikert, Douglas R, MD Hematology Bi, Jia, MD Cooper, R. Seth, MD Doss, Habib H, MD Flexner, John M, MD Goodman, Stacey A, MD Kassim, Adetola A, MD Kim, Annette Sunhi, MD Neff, Anne T, MD Park, Don J, MD Reid, William K, MD Stein, Richard S, MD Young, Ruth T, MD Hematology / Oncology Abramson, Vandana Gupta, MD Backlund, Dana Catherine, MD Barnes, Edward Kirk, MD Berdeja, Jesus Geronimo, MD 42 P P P P P P SK SK P P P P P P P P P SK S P P P P S S SK SK S SK S S S S S S S PSK P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K PSK PS PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P SK SK S S K K K K K K K K K-Network K Networks Brandt, Stephen J, MD Chinratanalab, Wichai, MD Chung, Christine H, MD Couriel, Daniel Ricardo, MD Dave, Utpal P, MD Engelhardt, Brian G, MD Gilbert, Jill, MD Goff, Laura Ann, MD Hemphill, Michael Brian, MD Jagasia, Madan, MD Means, Julie M, MD Palka, Kevin Terrence, MD Pao, William E, MD Puzanov, Igor, MD Reddy, Nishitha M, MD Savani, Bipin N, MD Schuening, Friedrich G, MD Shepard, Gregg Christian, MD Stinnett, Shannon Elizabeth, MD Strickland, Stephen Anthony, MD Willis, Carl R, MD Zinkel, Sandra S, MD Hospital Medicine Abaray, Damon Michael, MD Ahmad, Farhaan Ali, MD Almashharawi, Issam Masoud, MD Andrews, Heather Lynn, MD Bannerman, Dana R, MD Barrett, Sterling Isiah, MD Bassett, Heather May, MD Beuter, Matthew Jon, MD Bowles, Joan Marie, MD Browne, Tiffany Delon, ACNP BC Carmody, Daniel W, MD Casey, Sean Patrick, MD Cohen, Renee L, MD Dinkins, Edward Jeffrey, MD Doering, Tracey E, MD Embry, Steven A, MD Esuruoso, Olumuyiwa Abolade, MD Fassler, Cheryl Ann, MD Fernandez, Luis G, MD Fox, Richard Allen, MD Fremont, Sarah R, MD Geisberg, Carrie Anna, MD Goodwin, Julie L, APRN BC Haddad, Elias V, MD Hammonds, Karl Brandon, MD Hart, Andrew James, MD Hatcher, Stephanie Alison, MD Hatoum, Chehada Anthony, MD Hayes, Kristin M, APRN BC Henderson, Allie Kenitra, MD Hoffman, Christopher D, MD Hooper, Michael Hee, MD Huang, Robert L, MD Hughes, Mark David, MD Jacobs, David Courtney, MD Jones Woods, Cindi Elise, MD Kalmbach, Mary Ellen, APRN BC Kim, Sanford J, MD Kuo, Philip S, MD Kyriakidis, Kyriokos Erick, MD Langley Brown, Kimberlyn Jo, MD Le, Charles Nguyen Thanh, MD Lee, Jennifer Pauline, MD Lightford, Melvin Wellington, MD Macmurdo France, Christina Lynn, MD Maxwell, Britt Ralston, MD Meadors, Michael H, Jr, MD Miller Harvey, Diana L, APRN BC Miller, James J, MD Mohyuddin, Naved M, MD Moore, Wayne Earl, MD Murray, Michael Craig, MD Nelson, Pamela A, APRN BC Nguyen, Tuan Q, MD Nur, Sareda Abdulkadir, MD Ory, Bridget Anne, MD Panelo, Arnel H, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Networks Pochampally, Kalpana R, MD Potter, Eric Colson, MD Ragsdale, Nikita N, APRN BC Rentuza, Ronald Chu, MD Robinson, Antwon Dewayne, MD Robinson, Steven C, MD Sadlow, Christina Shenouda, MD Salloum, Nicole Vignes, MD Sanghani, Neil Sanat, MD Shepherd, Bradley D, MD Siegien, Jolanta, MD Smialek, Karen M, ACNP BC Snyder, James G, MD Stenner, Shane Paul, MD Sutton, Hyatt Dibrell, MD Tarquine, Steven S, MD Tedesco, James V, MD Tesauro, Thomas A, MD Thati, Yoga N, MD Thomas, Retty Rachel, MD Thomsen, Isaac Peter, MD Trabue, Christopher H, MD Tudorica, Mihaela, MD Tyson, Richard, MD Valet, Robert Scott, MD Van der Heijden, Yuri Frederik, MD VanHook, Steven Maurice, MD Vieira, Kristin Crew, APRN BC Vranic, Andrew Robert, MD Ward, Bryan K, MD Webber, Angus John, MD West, Jule J, MD Zhang, Xuhan Sheila, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Hartman, Kevin R, DPh Malone, Thomas W, DPh Neil, Kelly Ann, DPh Sanderson, Albert A, DPh Infectious Disease Allos, Ban Mishu, MD Berthaud, Vladimir, MD Bloch, Karen C, MD Bodner, Stanley J, MD Carr, Mark Barham, MD Cover, Timothy L, MD Daniels, Titus L, MD Daquila, Richard T, MD Drake, Wonder P, MD Dummer, John S, MD Felts, Stephen K, MD Haas, David W, MD Horton, Juli G, MD Hulgan, Todd Michael, MD Kaiser, Allen B, MD Kalams, Spyros A, MD Kernodle, Douglas S, MD Latham, Robert H, MD Laya, Lisa B, MD Leonard, John M, MD Mangialardi, Wendy J, MD McGowan, Catherine Carey, MD McNabb, Paul Carter, II, MD Melekhin, Vlada Vicki, MD Miller, Geraldine G, MD Patel, Jayesh A, MD Raffanti, Stephen P, MD Rubin, Donald H, MD Schaffner, William, MD ShuTangyie, Gerard Y, MD Sterling, Timothy R, MD Talbot, Helen Keipp B, MD Talbot, Thomas R, MD Thomas, Lora D, MD Trabue, Christopher H, MD Wester, C William, MD Wright, Patty W, MD Internal Medicine Aina Babalola, Adejoke F, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S SK S K K K K SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K SK SK PS Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Davidson County (Continued) Internal Medicine (Continued) Akatue, Richmond A, MD Alkayyali, Fawwaz, MD Allen, David W, MD Allen, Newton P, Jr, MD Al-Omary, Malek H, MD Alves, Patrice, MD Anderson, Edwin B, Jr, MD Anderson, John E, MD Arns, Patricia A, MD Asher, Jordan R, MD Attoussi, Said, MD Averett, Stephen L, MD Awdankiewicz, Anna Barbara, MD Baggott, Nicole O, MD Bal, Deepinder S, MD Bal, Indumeet B, MD Bamigboye, Babajide A, MD Barrett, Sterling Isiah, MD Baucom, William E, III, MD Baugh, Dainia S, MD Beckham, Michael T, MD Bennerman, Monique M, MD Berkompas, Robert J, MD Bess, Jennifer L, MD Beuter, Matthew Jon, MD Beyer, Deborah D, MD Biaggioni, Italo, MD Bishop, Jeffrey Paul, MD Bluhm, Renata Elizabeth, MD Boatright, Donald Joseph, MD Bodner, Stanley J, MD Boger, William Garland, MD Bolina, Parminder S, MD Bomboy Jr, James D, MD Bonvissuto, Linda Smith, MD Booth, Glenn H, Jr, MD Bounds, George William, III, MD Bowen, Michael Edward, MD Bowles, Harvey W, MD Bowles, Travis C, MD Bracikowski, James P, MD Brady, Donald Wayne, MD Bridges, James S, MD Brittingham, Thomas E, MD Brown, Nancy J, MD Burbank, Sally W, MD Burns, James Jeremy, MD Burns, Roberta Rainey, MD Butler, Melvin Lynn, MD Callaway, Michael D, MD Callaway, Thomas H, MD Campbell, Earl Vendryes, Jr, MD Campbell, Orville C, MD Carew, Kehinde Abiola, MD Carr, Mark Barham, MD Cato, James R, MD Chauvin, John R, MD Chng, John L, MD Choma, Neesha N, MD Ciampa, Philip John, Jr, MD Clamp, Chrystal G, MD Cochran, Robert T, Jr, MD Cohen, Renee L, MD Colburn, Christopher A, MD Coxe, David R, MD Cribbs, Sarah P, MD Cromwell, Brian D, MD Crowder, Robert A, Jr, MD Cummings, Clinton L, MD Cunningham, Kelly Elizabeth, MD Daniel, Amanda Lea, MD Daniels, Charles W, MD Daniels, Negar Sharifi, MD Darwin, Brett W, MD Delozier, Jan S, MD Dendy, Nanette E, MD Physicians P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Davidson County K-Network K Networks Denny, Joshua Charles, MD Desruisseau, Andrew J, MD Dewey, Charlene Maria, MD Dexheimer, Jacob Carl, MD Dibble, Timothy D, MD Dinella, Thomas J, MD Dittus, Robert S, MD Dixon, Bryce W, MD Doering, Tracey E, MD Douglas Churchwell, Leslie D, MD Dreger, Mary Diana, MD Dunn, Julie R, MD Edwards, David Linwood, MD Elam, Roy O, III, MD Elasy, Tom A, MD Ellis, Shelley, MD Elrod, James T, MD Eluhu, Marcel Yemba, MD Enayat, Abdul Shukoor, MD Engel, Jeannine Z, MD Esuruoso, Olumuyiwa Abolade, MD Fassler, Cheryl Ann, MD Faulkner, Marquetta L, MD Feagins, Shindana Laryce, MD Fentriss, Lee Anna, MD Figaro, Mary K, MD Fisher, Cecelia G, MD Fiske, Christina Taulien, MD Floyd, Michael D, MD Forti, Robert, MD Franklin, Leslie H, MD Fullerton, Randall C, MD Gainer, James V, MD Garman, Richard W, MD Garriss, G. Waldon, III, MD Gaskin, Hubert S, MD Gaume, James A, MD Gekas, James C, MD Gentuso, Paul J, MD Gibson, John R, MD Goyal, Parul Mani, MD Graham, Robert P, Jr, MD Green, Jennifer Kiser, MD Gregg, William M, MD Griffin, Marie R, MD Guenst, John M, MD Habermann, Ralf C, MD Hall, Nathan J, MD Harrell III, Henry L, MD Harris, Gamal A, MD Harrom, David Lou, MD Hatcher, Stephanie Alison, MD Helderman, J Harold, MD Henderson, Melinda Shaw, MD Herrmann, Paula Christine, MD Heusinkveld, David Charles, MD Hicks, Kenneth, MD Hill, Benjamin H, MD Hinton, Timothy J, MD Hixson, Melissa E, MD Hock, Richard L, MD Hodge, Roger A, MD Holliday, Hugh Douglas, MD Hollie, Shawnda E, MD Hollinger, Bruce, MD Houston, Mark C, MD Huang, Lloyd K, MD Hulgan, Todd Michael, MD Hunt, Karen Lynnette, MD Idoux, John Walter, MD Imran, Yasmeen Quddoos, MD Ismail, Nuhad M, MD Jain, Yugesh K, MD Jarvis, David A, MD Jerkins, Terri W, MD Jirjis, James N, MD John, Bijoy E, MD Johnson, Douglas Scott, MD Johnson, Jennifer Ann, MD Johnson, Louis C, MD Jones, James D, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Networks Jones, Jill L, MD Judkins, Jeremiah W, MD Junard, Frederick O, MD Junior, Keith E, MD Kallianpur, Asha R, MD Kaplan, Herman J, MD Kayser, Sam Jay, MD Killian, Sally J, MD Knott, LaTonya D, MD Knowles, Karen P, MD Knowles, Robert B, MD Krakauer, Mark Mendel, MD Kripalani, Sapna Parikh, MD Kripalani, Sunil B, MD LaBrin, Joshua Eugenio, MD Lancaster, James A, MD Laya, Lisa B, MD Ledford, Robert L, MD Levy, Mia Alyce, MD Lewis, Rodney Preston, MD Lightford, Melvin Wellington, MD Lim, Rene M, MD Limbaugh, Susan R, MD Linn, Catherine R, MD Lizarraga, William Anthony, MD Lohrey, Charlotte J, MD Mangialardi, Wendy J, MD Mangrum, Timothy C, MD Mann, Steven L, MD Martel, Benjamin Paul, MD Martin, Jei F, MD Martin, Karen Elizabeth, MD Martin, Richard B, MD Martz, Holly D, MD Matheny, Michael E, MD May, Stephen D, MD Maynard, William H, MD Mayorquin, Francisco J, MD McCafferty, Linda R, MD McDonald, Gary R, MD McDonald, Morgan F, MD McElligott, John, MD McGowan, Catherine Carey, MD McKean, William Gordon, MD McKechnie, Kevin S, MD McNabb, Paul Carter, II, MD Mehta, Ashok Kumar, MD Meyer, Richard Warfield, MD Michaud, Marilynn Elizabeth, MD Miller, Lisa D, MD Miller, Matthew Scott, MD Min, Marcus M, MD Mire, Ryan D, MD Misra, Sumathi K, MD Mitchell, Carl E, MD Mittal, Richa, MD Mohyuddin, Shuaib M, MD Montgomery, Deborah, MD Moutsios, Sandra A, MD Murff, Harvey J, MD Murray, John J, MD Nabors, Cheryl Lynn, MD Nadeau, John H, MD Nichols, Daryl L, MD Oates, John A, MD Olive, Michael G, MD Onyeso Nwachuku, Ugochuku, MD Osborne, Tracy J, MD Oso, Ayodeji A, MD Owens, Julie L, MD Pardue, Travis K, MD Parks III, Leon L, MD Patton, Leah Cordovez, MD Payne, Rose A, MD Peach, John P, MD Pereira, Jason K, MD Perera, Ranmali Anne, MD Peterson, Josh F, MD Peterson, Neeraja B, MD Powers, James S, MD Price, Jan E, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 43 Davidson County S-Network S P-Network P Networks K Williams, John A, MD Williams, Saralyn R, MD Williams, Trilby Elliston, MD Windland, John Michael, MD Witherspoon, Christi A, MD Womack, Benjamin Douglas, MD Wray, Charles Jackson, MD Wright, Wycliffe L, MD Yarbrough, Barry E, MD Zimmerman, Thomas F, MD K Maternal - Fetal Medicine Davidson County (Continued) Internal Medicine (Continued) Pritchett, Jason Michael, MD Priyadarshi, Snigdha Shrivastava, MD Quinn, Robert Sean, MD Raffanti, Stephen P, MD Raj, Satish R, MD Ralph, William B, MD Rankin, Debra S, MD Ray, Wesley Clark, MD Rehman, Faiza, MD Rexer, Brent Neil, MD Reyes, David Phillips, MD Rice, Elizabeth A, MD Richards, Bruce E, MD Rigtrup, Kevin M, MD Roback, Ellen W, MD Roberts, L. Jackson, II, MD Robertson, David H, Jr, MD Robertson, George W, II, MD Robin, Deborah W, MD Rogers, Judson E, MD Rogowski-Kent, Barbara A, MD Rosenbloom, Samuel Trent, MD Rosenblum, Marvin J, MD Rothman, Russell L, MD Roumie, Christianne L, MD Rowan, Ben H, III, MD Rowe, Heather D, MD Rutland, Craig D, MD Ryan, Sean P, MD Sands Hester, Aladraine E, MD Sastre, Elizabeth A, MD Scales, Thomas R, Jr, MD Scarpero, Stephen C, MD Scoggins, Robert Myles, MD Scott, Brian M, MD Scudder, Donna D, MD Sengsayadeth, Salyka M, MD Serafin, William E, MD Shaw, Joanna Ethel, MD Shaw, John Thomas, MD Shepherd, Cynthia L, MD ShuTangyie, Gerard Y, MD Siegien, Jolanta, MD Siew, Edward D, MD Silva Hale, Antonia, MD Smith, M. Kevin, MD Smith, Richard Steven, MD Smithson, Joshua Bradley, MD Solberg, Laurence Michael, MD Son, A Kay, MD Sopko, Kelly Lee, MD Spickard III, William A, MD Stinson Reynolds, Julie C, MD Stober, Catherine V, MD Stolz, Margaret M, MD Stone, Gertrude O, MD Strom, Sebastian Sune, MD Stubblefield, Mark T, MD Sullivan, James, MD Sussman, Craig R, MD Sutton, Hyatt Dibrell, MD Tai, Steven H, MD Talley, Paul, MD Thompson, John G, MD Tucker, Aubrey Lee, Jr, MD Turner Winbush, Beverly, MD Tyson, Richard, MD Vandevender, Frank Karl, MD Vargas, Kenneth Eugene, MD Vasilevskis, Eduard Eric, MD Wall, Michelle Girouard, MD Watson, Stephen M, Sr, MD Watts, Eli M, MD Whalen, Ursula Poehling, MD White, Richard Oliver, III, MD Wile, Laura Hargraves, MD 44 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K S S S S S S SK S S S SK S S K-Network K Networks Bennett, Kelly A, MD Boehm, Frank H, MD Carpenter, Lavenia B, MD Carroll, Mary Anne, MD Chescheir, Nancy C, MD Collins, Harold B, MD Fortunato, Stephen J, MD Garrison, Etoi A, MD Graves, Cornelia R, MD Kang, Audrey Hyun Duk, MD Lenzi, Tiffanee Andrea, MD Lombardi, Salvatore J, MD Luo, Guoyang, MD Mayor Lynn, Kathleen Ann, MD Medical Oncology Arteaga, Carlos L, MD Bendell, Johanna Chock, MD Berlin, Jordan D, MD Burris, Howard A, III, MD Carbone, David P, MD Chan, Emily, MD Cohen, Alan G, MD Dang, Thao P, MD Dickson, Natalie R, MD Greco, Frank Anthony, MD Hainsworth, John D, MD Hande, Kenneth R, MD Horn, Leora, MD Infante, Jeffrey R, MD Johnson, David H, MD Keedy, Vicki Leigh, MD Kuzur, Michael, MD Lamar, Ruth E, MD Liggett, William H, Jr, MD Magee, Michael J, MD Mayer, Ingrid A, MD McKay, Charles E, MD Meluch, Anthony A, MD Miranda, Fernando, MD Morgan, David S, MD Murphy, Barbara A, MD Patton, Jeffrey F, MD Peacock, Nancy, MD Penley, William Charles, MD Porter, Lester L, III, MD Raefsky, Eric L, MD Rogers, Karl M, MD Roth, Bruce J, MD Shih, Kent Conheng, MD Smith, Stephen James, MD Sosman, Jeffrey A, MD Thompson, Dana S, MD Toomey, Mitchell, MD Wolff, Steven N, MD Wyman, Kenneth W, MD Yardley, Denise A, MD Medical Toxicology Benitez, John G, MD Seger, Donna L, MD Midwife Allred, Melissa L, CNM Asadsangabi, Soheyl B, MSN Buxton, Margaret Helen, CNM Cabbage, Lori Anne, CNM Collins, Michelle, CNM Davis, Melissa Griswold, CNM Gonzalez, Marie Marquerite, CNM P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S S SK S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K S S S S S S S Greevy, Bess A, CNM Hartwell, Alison J, CNM Holley, Sharon Louise, CNM Hughlett, Linda F, CNM Humphrey, Ammie, CNM Lewis, Susan M, CNM Lynchard, Tara Leigh, NP C Mason Smieja, Leilani J, CNM Moore, Elaine Marie, CNM Moore, Tonia L, CNM Morton, Amy R, CNM Pharris, Erin L, CNM Pilkenton, Deanna Christine, CNM Rainey, Letitia C, APN Schorn, Mavis Naumann, CNM Stephens, Lisa D, CNM Thomas, Emma Gensert, CNM Virostko, Catherine E, CNM Wage, Deborah J, CNM Wilson Liverman, Angela M, CNM Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK P P P P P P P Networks K K K K K K K Campbell, Susan Beverin, MD Carter, Brian S, MD Cotton, Robert B, MD Engelhardt, Barbara, MD Figueroa, Estuardo, MD Fish, Wendy H, MD Go, Josefina Dee, MD Graham, Kendall S, MD Haynes, Mary J, MD Huang, Thomas, MD Ismail, Muhammad Sami, MD Karmo, Hadeer N, MD Krueger, Elizabeth D, MD Palmer, Eric S, MD Prince, Lawrence S, MD Rojas, Jorge, MD Rojas, Mario A, MD Shenai, Jayant P, MD Stancombe, Bradley B, MD Walker, Donna Jean, MD Walsh, William F, MD Neonatology Aschner, Judy L, MD Devito, Victoria J, MD Fike, Candice D, MD Gitlin, Jonathan D, MD Grubb, Peter H, MD Guthrie, Scott Osborn, MD Hale, Stephanie Michelle, MD Hamdan, Ashraf Hosni M, MD Harrelson, Elizabeth Umberhandt, MD Hassell, Sarah Emily, MD Hoesli, Sandra Jayne, MD Maitre, Nathalie Linda, MD Markham, Melinda Houston, MD McElroy, Steven J, MD McKee, Lara Ann, MD Papp, Marta, MD Ravenscroft, Jenny Lee, MD Reese, J Jeffrey, MD Rush, Margaret G, MD Shimer, Kimberly S, MD Weitkamp, Joern Hendrik, MD Nephrology Anand, Vinita, MD Atkinson, Ralph C, III, MD Bazzani, Priya Dharshani, MD Birdwell, Kelly Ann, MD Campbell, Orville C, MD Cavanaugh, Kerri L, MD Cox, Kevin L, MD Dunn, B. Rentz, Jr., MD Dwyer, Jamie Phillip, MD Faulkner, Marquetta L, MD Golper, Thomas A, MD Harris, Raymond C, MD Hung, Adriana M, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S K K K K S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Davidson County (Continued) Nephrology (Continued) Hymes, Jeffrey L, MD Ikizler, Talat A, MD Johnson, Harry K, MD Kaplan, Mark R, MD Karam, Jyotheen S, MD Langone, Anthony J, MD Lewis, Julia B, MD Linfert, Douglas R, MD Luther, James Matthew, MD Neilson, Eric G, MD Nzerue, Chike M, MD OBrien, Kevin M, MD Patel, Vikul Vinodbhai, MD Pettus, William H, MD Rezk, Hany Nimr, MD Rocco, Vito K, MD Rowbatham, Gregory P, MD Schaefer, Heidi M, MD Schulman, Gerald, MD Siew, Edward D, MD Soni, Ashish, MD Taylor, Robert K, MD Venkatesh, Sundararajan, MD Watson, Keith F, MD Wigger, Mark Allen, MD Womack, Clara R, MD Ynares, Christina, MD Yoo, Lawrence Ho Seung, MD Zent, Roy, MD Neurological Surgery Aaronson, Oran S, MD Abram, Steven R, MD Allen, George S, MD Allen, Vaughan A, MD Arendall, Rex E, II, MD Ayad, Michael J, MD Berkman, Richard A, MD Cheng, Joseph S, MD Hampf, Carl R, MD Howell, Everette I, Jr, MD Hubbard, Jason R, MD Konrad, Peter, MD Kruse, Jack, MD Lanford, Gregory B, MD Li, Khan Wayne, MD Mathews, Douglas Charles, MD McCombs, Paul R, III, MD Mericle, Robert A, MD Neimat, Joseph S, MD OShaughnessy, Brian Andrew, MD Parsioon, Fereidoon, MD Powell, N Garrett, Jr, MD Rosenthal, Philip, MD Schlosser, Michael James, MD Schoettle, Timothy P, MD Schooley, William R, MD Schwarz, Jacob P, MD Shanks, Todd Stiles, MD Sills, Allen Kent, Jr, MD Singer, Robert J, MD Spooner, John, MD Standard, Scott C, MD Taleghani, Christopher Kelly, MD Thompson, Reid C, MD Velez, Dennis A, MD Weaver, Kyle D, MD Weiss, Manuel R, MD Neurology Abou-Khalil, Bassel W, MD Acosta, Paulo C, MD Ahsan, Jawaid, MD Al-Kaylani, Muhammad M, MD Anderson, James P, MD Arain, Amir M, MD Physicians P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S SK S P P P P P P K K K K K K K K K K SK S SK S S S SK S S SK S SK SK S S S S S S S SK SK SK S S SK SK SK S SK S SK S SK Davidson County K-Network K Networks Azar, Nabil John, MD Bagai, Kanika, MD Bangalore Vittal, Nandakumar, MD Brandes, Jan Lewis, MD Brooks Shutes, Sonya F, MD Burch, Christina M, MD Callahan, Alfred Samuel, III, MD Charles, Philip D, MD Cherdak, Danielle Sherri, MD Clinton, Mary Ellen, MD Cooper, Michael, MD Cruz, Helion, MD Davis, Thomas L, MD Dolhun, Rachel Marin, MD Dong, Christine Changhong, MD Donofrio, Peter Daniel, MD Duncan, Gary W, MD Edgeworth, Michael Ladd, MD Edwards Lee, Terri Andrea, MD Efobi, Deka A, MD Fallis, Robert J, MD Fang, John Y, MD Gallagher, Martin J, MD Graham, Steven D, MD Gupta, Rishi, MD Haas, Kevin F, MD Hagenau, Curtis J, MD Hedera, Peter, MD Hoos, Richard T, MD Howard, Jane E, MD Hutchison, Kimberly N, MD Jarquin Valdivia, Adrian Alberto, MD Kaminski, Michael J, MD Kandula, Manju, MD Kirshner, Howard S, MD Lagrange, Andre H, MD Lavin, Patrick, MD Lee, Christopher David, MD Lee, George Rozier, III, MD Lee, Timothy Sangtae, MD Li, Jun, MD Lim, Noel P, MD Lisboa, Rejane Costa, MD Lisella, Richard S, MD Macdonald, Robert L, MD Malow, Beth A, MD Mathews, Gregory, MD McLean, Michael J, MD Moots, Paul L, MD Mori, John Kenneth, MD Moses, Harold, MD O'Duffy, Anne E, MD Patten, Allegra, MD Pawate, Siddharama, MD Peltier, Amanda C, MD Phibbs, Fenna T, MD Prasad, Subir, MD Riebau, Derek A, MD Robinson, Althea Angelica, MD Scariano, Jack E, Jr, MD Singh, Pradumna P, MD Sriram, Subramaniam, MD Strickland, William G, MD Thomas, Timothy Darrell, MD Thompson, Brian M, MD Upchurch, Timothy Purnell, MD Uskavitch, David R, MD Valentino, Roxanne Marie, MD Wagner, Martin H, MD Walters, Arthur Scott, MD Wilson, Ronald E, MD Wolfe, Jimmy V, MD Woodard, Craig S, MD Yu, Michael Lawrence, MD Zhou, Shan Ren, MD Neuropsychology (PHD) Bryant, Jeffrey T, PhD Folley, Bradley S, PhD Jacobs, Monica L, PsyD Niarhos, Frances Johnson, PhD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K Networks Phillips, Mark A, PhD Sanger, Maureen S, PhD Solomon, Gary S, PhD Tramontana, Michael G, PhD Tyson, Deborah, PhD Van Slyke, Deborah A, PhD Walker, James S, PhD K K Neuroradiology K Nuclear Medicine K K K K K Creasy, Jeffrey Lee, MD Delbeke, Dominique, MD Habibian, Mohammad R, MD Jones Jackson, Laurie Beth, MD Martin, William Henry, III, MD Sacks, Glynis A, MD Sandler, Martin P, MD Walker, Ronald C, MD Nurse Practitioner K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K SK S S S SK S P PSK PSK PSK Allocco, Christine S, NP Browne, Tiffany Delon, ACNP BC Ficken, Susan L, NP Grove, Mary A, APRN BC Kirkpatrick, Christie R, FNP Lewis, Connie M, APRN BC Lynchard, Tara Leigh, NP C Maiville, Sara Dean, APRN BC Parks, Mary Elizabeth, WHNP BC Roach, Kristy Anne, ANP BC Rudnicke, Cheryl Denise, APRN BC Sparkman, Christy C, NP Spear, Marcia E, RN Ursic, Haley Hilbun, FNP BC Vernier, Kimberly S, NP Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Alcorta, Rachel A, APRN BC Ardisson, Karen M, NP Arnold, Kimberly A, NP Baggette, Sarah M, APRN BC Barzyk, Tisha C, NP Beatty, Priscilla, NP Bowers, Derek Neil, APRN BC Bradshaw, Gina Guthrie, NP Brown, Barbara S, ACNP BC Bryant, Sharon England, NP Calabrace, Justin L, APRN BC Carr, Halli Brookes, FNP Cassidy, Amy E, APRN BC Chenault, Rodney D, FNP Cochran, Layla McKamy, APRN BC Craddock, Laura S, APRN BC Crockett, Larry M, ACNP Dayts, Olga, APRN BC Delk, Traci Jean, APRN BC DeWire, Tracey L, APRN BC Engh, Bettina Lippert, APRN BC Forte, Lisa Marie, ACNP Goddard, Tracey L, APRN BC Goebel, Leslie Deanne, APRN BC Harmon, Donnalita B, APRN BC Harper, Jackie Lee, NP Hatchett, Angela L, ANP Hill, Amanda Whitlock, APRN BC Joiner, Mary Claire S, NP Krancer, Pamela, NP Kuhnert Gainer, Krista R, NP Lyle, Brandee C, NP Markie, Jean L, ACNP Martin, Deborah B, NP Masemer, Debbie Ann, NP McDowell, Mary R, NP Moore, Barbara Deanna, APRN BC Moore, Merrill Cherle, ACNP BC Morrison, Margaret A, NP Oldfield, Veronica L, NP Payne, Deborah M, APRN BC Pembridge, Richard Louis, Jr, APRN BC Pence, Mary Ann, APRN BC Potts, Elizabeth A, APRN BC Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K PSK P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K S SK SK S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 45 Davidson County S-Network S Networks Davidson County (Continued) Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care (Continued) Revere, Laurin Robin, ACNP BC Robinson, Frances D, ACNP Smallheer, Benjamin Allan, ACNP BC Taylor Overholts, Tracey L, MSN Truesdale, Fred R, APRN BC Vachon, Katharine C, NP Vineyard, Connie Lynne, APRN BC Wasden, Cynthia M, NP Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Barry, Jennifer Leigh, APRN BC Braly, Kimberly C, NP Brouwer, Ashley C, ANP BC Chase, Shirleen Denise, APRN BC Clippard, Doris A, APN Davenport, Shanna J, APRN BC Drake, Debbie J, NP Duley, Caroline V, NP Farran, Nicole Anne, APRN BC Groves, Marni L, APRN BC Hughey, Marisa Summer, NP Jarquin Valdivia, Tawana R, APRN BC Judson, Melissa E, NP Latham, Tiffany G, APRN BC Meador, Beth P, APRN BC Mitchell, Kathy Ann, APRN BC Morriss, Blaire Barnes, APRN BC Muirhead, Jan, NP Nelson, Jill R, NP Pace, James C, APRN BC Pakron, Sarah C, APRN BC Pierce, Holly R, NP Sasse, Rochell Lee, FNP Suter, Kerri Ruth, ANP BC Trent, Sarah L, MSN West, D Casey, APRN BC Wiggleton, Jamie Gray, APRN BC Wright, Tiffanie Leigh, ANP BC Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Alexander, Candance Autumn, NP Alley, Shannon L, APRN BC Anderson, Cindy S, MSN Anderson, Lori Annette, NP C Anderson, Margaret W, FNP Anness, Nancy L, FNP Anton, Kristen Lind, NP Atwood, Tara D, FNP Azar, Sherry D, FNP Baldridge, Tracy C, NPFP Bean, Irene W, NP Beard, Angela M, APN Becker, Angela Marie, FNP Bender, Margaret J, NP Benneyworth, Ellen T, FNP Beyene, Seyum T, APRN BC Bogle, Melissa Sue, FNP BC Bond, Carolyn Lee, NP C Boring, Molly M, FNP BC Boylan, Jason Lehan, APRN BC Bridges, Tancy M, APRN BC Brinson, Martha F, FNP Bunger, Michelle Anne, FNP BC Butler, Wendi Elaine, NP C Byram, Beverly Renee, NP Byrd, Sandra M, NP Caldwell, Judith M, NP Case, Audrey J, FNP Chiu, Karen Elizabeth, APRN BC Churchman, Britton Jamie, NP Cohen, Alison L, FNP Cole, Amy Taryn, FNP BC Cole, Jonathan T, FNP Collier, April F, MSN Collins, Heidi Jacalyne, NPC Corcuera, Sigrid M, FNP 46 P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K SK S SK SK S S S S S S S K K K K K K S SK SK S K K K K K K K K K K K K SK S S S S P-Network P K-Network K Networks Corfman, Judy, FNP PS Corlew, Lindsey B, NP PS Covington, Charlotte Mathias, APRN BC PS Davidson, Terry L, NP P Davis, Melissa Griswold, CNM PS Davis, Zipporah L, APRN BC PS Dozier, Christina C, FNP PS Draper, Melody Laine, NP C PS DuBose, Jane S, FNP PS Duncan, Virginia K, NP PS Edwards, Mary Frances, NP PS Eguakun, Kehinde Amen, APRN BC PS Elmore, Kristy G, NP PS Ericson, Christina LeAnn, FNP BC PS Ermini, Sandra R, APRN BC PS Etling, Merry June, FNP PS Field, Joyce E, FNP BC PS Franklin, Anett W, NP PS Goldman, Suzanne E, FNP PS Green Hadden, Joy, FNP PS Hastings, Jennifer Paige, FNP BC PS Hayden, Catherine OKeefe, FNP PS Hensley, Robin L, APRN BC PS Hine, Cynthia Lou, FNP BC PS Holcomb, Rachel R, APRN BC PS Hollins Dortch, Rhonda R, FNP PS Honeycutt, Andrea K, FNP PS Howell, Laurin B, FNP PS Hurley, Mary Suzanne, APRN BC PS Jackson, Angela V, FNP PS Jackson, Sandra D, FNP PS Jean, Jason R, FNP PS Johnson, Teresa Ann, APRN BC PS Johnson, Tracy Ann, NP PS Kajihara-Liehr, Lani A, FNP PS Kehler, Lynn E, NP PS King, Jennifer Ann, NP C PS Kohn, Susan B, FNP PS Koleas, Krista Harmon, APRN BC PS Lancaster, Wanda Anita, FNP PS LeFave, Christopher Martin, APRN BC PS Ludwig, Julie Faith, NP C PS Lybarger, Cindy K, FNP PS Massey, Bethany Jane, NP C P McCarty, Karen R, NP PS McCarver, Patti Merryman, APRN BC PS McCracken, Catherine Fariss, NP C PS McMillan, Linda Darlene, FNP BC PS McPherson, Ellen Crook, APRN BC PS Michael, Patricia M, NP PS Minchey, Tomeka Taylor, NP PS Nalle, Jennifer E, NP PS Pearson, Chered Pardue, APRN BC PS Petralia, Eileen Patricia, FNP BC PS Portis Jenkins, Katherine Caroline, APRN BCP S Prichard, Kimberly Renee, FNP PS Roberson, Susan C, FNP BC PS Robertson, Ethel M, NP PS Scholten, Sandra Rae, NP C PS Scott, Carol R, FNP PS Shwab, George A, IV, FNP PS Sims, Trickera T, FNP BC PS Snedegar, Deborah A, APRN BC PS Stephens, Susan E, APRN BC PS Sternberg, Jennifer A, FNP PS Stewart, Emily Turpen, APRN BC PS Sullivan, Clare D, APRN BC PS Sutherland, Martha David, APRN BC PS Teeftaller, Brandon D, NP PS Thomas, Retha B, APN PS Vander Woude, Ann M, FNP PS Wagnon, Julianne H, NP PS Wakefield, Gail B, FNP PS Walls, Katherine Ann, FNP BC PS Watford, Kenneth E, FNP PS Weaver, Jennifer E, FNP PS Weinberger, Jessica T, FNP BC P Williams, Kimberley M, APRN BC PS Williford, Anne Cieutat, FNP BC PS Winslow, Laura S, APRN PS Wirth, Dana C, NP PS K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Networks Wix, Brittany Michelle, FNP BC Wolff, Barbara J, APRN BC Worf, Ann Chilando, FNP Wuescher, Paula Jean, APRN BC Ziegler, Carol Cathleen, NP P P P P P S SK S S S Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health Agrawal, Rupa Meena, APRN BC Aubrey, Carolyn S, ANP Baker, Jennifer C, APRN Beard, Deana M, NP Bradshaw, Virginia Lee, GNP BC Davis, Anna C, GNP BC Kim, Jennifer L, NP Lowe, Alice Joy, GNP BC Mitchell, Jennifer Kathleen, APRN BC Morris, Terasa E, NP Smith, K Melissa, NP Spicer, Jamie B, NP Weber, Jennifer R, FNP Nurse Practitioner, Neonatal Blackwood, Michelle Elaine, NP Brauer, Chastity Tennille, APRN BC Bray, Dana Cook, APRN BC Christy, Judy I, MSN Lantz, Shantele Elaine, APN Mendelson, Tracey Hansen, APRN BC Messick, Melissa K, MSN Price, Kim Noreen, APRN BC White, Lisa E, APRN Wilcox, Sharon H, NP Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Anderson, Carl A, FNP Beaird, Susan E, APRN BC Bowers, Jennifer Anne, APRN BC Brin, Amy, PCNS BC Campbell, Kristin Carter, NP Conrad, Susan Porter, NP Driskill, Cynthia Young, APRN BC Franklin, Nicole Lynn, CPNP PC Gann, Amy J, APRN BC Garrison, Holly Elizabeth, CPNP PC Harvison, Emily Maher, CPNP PC Hawkins, Stacy Lea, NP Isenberg, Kimberly F, PNP Johnson, Barbara D, MSN Karp, Sharon M, APRN BC King, Lauren E, APRN BC Klinsky, Trenda B, PNP Kreifels, Erika L, APRN BC Kuo, Laura Kathryn, FNP Lachenmyer, Lisa L, NP Littrell, Kari Ann, APRN BC Moore, Carol D, APRN BC Nelson, Brittany H, MSN OKelley, Ellen B, NP Owen, Natalie N, APRN BC Posey, Lateesa T, NP Reeves, Jacquelyn Angel, NP Roche, Caroline C, MSN Sanfilippo, Joseph, CPNP PC Scott, Patricia Neel, PNP Stoppelbein, Merrill McMichael, APRN BC Trimble, Patsy, NP Wells, Allison E, APRN BC Wray, Sarah E, NP York, Tara J, APRN BC P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) Barlow, Alison B, APRN Bartley, Alexis Nicole, WHNP BC Caro, Susan W, APRN BC Csorna, Suzanne T, NP Egger, Mary E, APRN BC Faught, Brooke M, NP Fitch, Jennabeth Bell, WHNP BC Fournace, Lisa Christine, APRN BC Freehling, Julie K, NP Goehring, Lisa A, APRN BC Hatten, Pamela C, NP Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K S SK SK S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Davidson County (Continued) Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) (Continued) Isaak, Andrea Lynn, WHNP BC Keown, Tamara Shockley, APRN Koroma, Lucy, APRN Moore, Christina Marie, RNC NP Santich, Ashley Maureen, RNC Sevier, Erica Melissa, WHNP PC Sims, Angela Fran, APN Thibault, Tracie R, WHNP BC Tompkins, Laurie A, FNP Weiss, Hilary Bentley, WHNP BC Whitaker, Kelley R, WHNP BC Wilder, Tracie E, APN Obstetrics Graves, Cornelia R, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology Adkins, Royce T, MD Adler, Melody Rice, MD Al Hendy, Ayman A, MD Altenbern, Darrington Phillips, MD Anderson, Anne F, MD Anderson, Ted L, MD Andrews, Jeffrey C, MD Barnett, Donald, MD Barrett, Amanda Daviette, MD Beatty, Brian C, MD Bellardo, Lewis J, MD Bernard, Harold O, MD Beyer, Bruce Robert, MD Blake, Mary A, MD Boudreaux, Allyson Hingle, MD Bourne, Phillip H, MD Brennan, Margaret M, MD Bressman, Phillip L, MD Brown, Douglas Harrison, MD Bruce, Donald, MD Burnett, Lonnie S, MD Byrd, Teresa Tynese, MD Carter, Cleo, MD Carter, Kenneth B, MD Cassidy, Eileen M, MD Chaudhry, Ahsen Raza, MD Chern, Andrew L, MD Crook, Angus M, MD Crowe, Donna J, MD Daniell, James F, MD Davidson, C. Wade, II, MD Deppen, Cathy A, MD DeRoche, Michael E, MD Dittus, Janet L, MD Draughn, Jeffrey D, MD Driver, Nancy Lynn, MD Dunn, Melanie A, MD Duong, Joy Louise, MD Edwards, Joe M, MD Finke, Frederick L, MD Foster, Henry W, MD George, Diane C, MD Gold, Karen Pearce, MD Goodman, Bruce R, MD Growdon, James H, Jr, MD Halcomb, Rhonda T, MD Hamilton, Kevin M, MD Haney, Katherine C, MD Hartmann, Katherine E, MD Heidemann, Nicole Leigh, MD Hills, Edward R, MD Hirsch, Martin B, MD Jabusch, Lisa M, MD Jarnagin, Barry Kent, MD Jones, Howard W, MD Kang, Audrey Hyun Duk, MD Kondis, Deborah J, MD Kyzer, Annette E, MD Physicians P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK S S S S SK S S S PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K Networks Ladson, Gwinnett, MD Lee, William Fitzhugh, MD Link, John, II, MD Lipsitz, Nancy Beth, MD Looney, Kimberly Rochelle, MD Lotshaw, Richard R, MD Lovvorn, Harold N, Jr, MD Lucas, John Albert, III, MD Macey, John W, Jr, MD Mackey, Susan E, MD Maikis, Roseann, MD McCullough, Carol H, MD McGuinn, Shaun Cristin, MD McGuire, Sue A, MD Meadors, Bernadette J, MD Meadors, Michael H, MD Miller, James O, MD Montgomery Rice, Valerie C, MD Moore, Elaine Marie, CNM Moran, Sam H, MD Morehead, John Arthur, MD Morgan, Lisa B, MD Newsome, Henry Clay, III, MD Norman, Sharon A, MD Nylander, Barbara H, MD Oakley, Jennifer L, MD Olagundoye, Damaris Morenike, MD Oldfield, Elizabeth L, MD Perales, Maria I, MD Piper, Sharon M, MD Presley, Richard E, MD PC Reynolds, Melissa G, MD Richard Davis, Gloria Ann, MD Richard, Floyd A, MD Richards, Sherrie Anderson, MD Roberts, Elliott Clifton, Jr, MD Rodier, Jacqueline L, MD Rossell, Anne Tomlinson, MD Rush, Charles B, MD Saig, Reagan Milsaps, MD Sandidge, Robin E, MD Schlechter, Nicole L, MD Smallwood, Geoffrey H, MD Spetalnick, Bennett M, MD Srinivas, Naveen, MD Storck, Kristina L, MD Strnad, Allison C, MD Thompson, Carolyn C, MD Thornburg, Catherine M, MD Torrente, Sandra L, MD Toussaint, Rudiane, MD Trabue, Anthony E, MD Tucker, Vernita Ann, MD Ward, Renee M, MD Webb, Trenia Lyn, MD Weeks, Amy G, MD Whitty, Janice E, MD Wilters, John H, MD Wingo, Carl E, MD Wise, Anne C, MD Yu, Erin K, MD Zimmerman, Carl W, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S SK S SK S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K Obstetrics and Gynecological Surgery K K Huggins, Adam Drew, MD Occupational Medicine Aliyu, Muktar Hassan, MD Bruce, Michelle T, MD Chakrabarty, Sangita M, MD Rolando, Lori Ann, MD Singh, Narendra K, MD Oncology K K K Davidson County K-Network K Flinn, Ian W, MD Meszoely, Ingrid M, MD Parikh, Alexander A, MD Spigel, David R, MD Ophthalmology Agarwal, Anita, MD Arrindell, Everton L, MD P P P P P P SK S S SK SK P P P P S SK SK S PSK PS Networks Arrowsmith, Peter N, MD Awh, Carl C, MD Biesman, Brian S, MD Bond, John B, III, MD Bond, John B, MD Bookman, James A, MD Bounds, Inez B, MD Bregman, Daniel K, MD Busbee, Brandon G, MD Chang, Bernard H, MD Cheij, Abraham P, Sr, MD Cheij, George N, MD Cherney, Edward F, MD Chisolm, Joe M, MD Conrad, James F, MD Crisp, Angela F, MD Doherty, Terrence James, MD Estopinal, Marcel R, MD Ewald, Mark Daniel, MD Ezell, Meredith A, MD Felch, James W, MD Frey, Walter W, MD Gates, William G, MD Goodman, William M, MD Groos, Erich Bryan, Jr, MD Gutow, Gary S, MD Hawkins, Rowland Speck, MD Henderson, Robert R, MD Horn, Jeffrey D, MD Jerkins, Gary W, MD Johns, Karla J, MD Joos, Karen M, MD Kammer, Jeffrey A, MD Kerr, Mary Frances, MD Kim, Stephen Jae, MD Kirzhner, Maria, MD Kistler Jr, Henry B, MD Klippenstein, Kim A, MD Kostamaa, Heikki E, MD Kroll, Mark Andrew, MD Kuchtey, Rachel W, MD Law, Janice C, MD Loden, James C, MD Mawn, Louise A, MD McFarland, Ronald E, MD Mehta, Sachin H, MD Melson, Mark R, MD Moffat, Kenneth P, MD Newsom, David L, MD Extended Hours Available Oday, Denis M, MD Parker, Morgan G, MD Parrish, Carolyn M, MD Perlmutter, Martin I, MD Pilkinton, Robert D, Jr, MD Recchia, Franco M, MD Reddy, Rahul K, MD Rice, Leonidas E, Jr, MD Rosenblum, Howard H, MD Schmitt, Allyson Doiron, MD Scobey, Joseph W, MD Scott, Frank H, MD Sherman, Deborah D, MD Shivitz, Ira Alan, MD Shofner, R. Stewart, MD Singleton, Chasidy, MD Skelo, Anna S, MD Sofranko, Joseph E, MD Solomon, Marcus Joel, MD Sonkin, Peter L, MD Sternberg, Paul, Jr, MD Taylor, Rebecca J, MD Tran, Uyen L, MD Wallace, Roy Trent, MD Wang, Ming Xu, MD Wayburn, Gates J, Jr, MD Webb, R Aileen, MD Weikert, Daniel S, MD Wesley, Ralph E, MD Williams, Darrell J, MD Young, Joshua Olsen, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K S S S S SK S S S S SK S SK S S S SK S S 47 Davidson County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Davidson County (Continued) Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Albury, Charles D, Jr, DMD Beck, Barry W, DMD Brod, Robert, DDS Burchfield, Daniel C, DMD Carter, Jeffrey B, DMD Cooper, Lindsey W, Sr, DMD Cox, Donald E, DDS Haley, Spencer A, DDS Lin, Susie I, DDS Mack, Harry R, Jr, DDS McKenna, Samuel J, DDS McLeod, Bruce C, DDS Nkungula Howlett, Tania C, DDS Peeples, Harold C, DDS Press, Steven Gary, DDS Provence, Timothy D, DDS Richardson, Gregory P, DMD Roddy, S C, Jr, DMD Sawyer, Terry D, DDS Shea, John K, DMD Urbanek, Anthony Phillip, DDS MD Werther, John R, DMD West, Kevin Dale, DMD Orthopedic Surgery Abbey, Paul A, MD Alexander, Dave A, MD Anderson, Allen F, MD Arthur, Scott Thomas, MD Babat, Lawrence B, MD Baxter, Malcom E, MD Berklacich, Frank M, MD Boyce, Robert H, OD Bratton, David M, MD Burrus, Daniel S, MD Burval, Daniel Joseph, MD Byrd, J W Thomas, MD Calendine, Cory Layne, MD Carey, James L, MD Chenger, Joseph D, MD Christie, Michael J, MD Christofersen, Mark R, MD Coker, Wesley Louis, MD Coogan, Phillip G, MD Cook, Christopher Mark, MD Davis, Richard A, MD Deboer, David K, MD Derr, Ronald Gerard, DO Devin, Clinton James, MD Dimick, Robert M, MD Dovan, Thomas T, MD Downs, Brandon Howard, MD Driessnack, Richard Paul, MD Dube, Walter S, MD Dunn, Warren R, MD Dyer, Calvin R, MD Elalayli, Tarek G, MD Elrod, Burton F, MD Erickson, John Michael, MD Ferrell, Michael Craig, MD Fish, James Martell, DO Gardner, Warren Ewing, II, MD Garside, William B, MD Gavigan, William, MD Glattes, Rudolph Christopher, MD Glenn, Ronald E, Jr, MD Haslam, Jason K, MD Herring, Jeffery L, MD Hodrick, Jeffrey Thomas, MD Holt, Ginger E, MD Hopp, Stanley G, MD Jahangir, Amir Alex, MD Jasko, John J, MD Johnston, Robert K, MD Jones, David S, MD Kaminsky, Sean B, MD Karpos, Philip A, MD 48 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S SK S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K Kauffman, Christopher Phillip, MD Khazzam, Michael S, MD Kioschos, John M, Jr, MD Klekamp, John W, MD Kregor, Phillip J, MD Kuhn, John E, MD Kurtz, William B, II, MD Ladouceur, Michael S, MD Lamb, John W, MD Larson, Steven B, MD Law Jr, Melvin D, MD Lawrence, Jeffrey P, MD Limbird, Thomas J, MD Linville, Douglas A, II, MD Looney, Colin Guy, MD Lowe, Robert W, III, MD Mackey, Edward S, MD McClure, James Thomas, MD McCord, David H, MD McGehee, James Bartley, III, MD McKissick, Russell Charles, MD McLaughlin, Steven G, MD McNamara, Michael J, MD Milek, Michael A, MD Mitchell, Erika J, MD Moore, David R, MD Morrison, J Craig, MD Novak, Vincent Paul, MD Obremskey, William T, MD OBrien, Thomas J, MD Oglesby, J. Wills, MD Pagnani, Michael J, MD Parsons, Paul D, MD Passmore, Roger N, MD Patel, Mitul K, MD Perdue, Aaron M, MD Phillips, Daniel L, MD Pierce, V Douglas, Jr, MD Pope, John Burton, MD Price, Chad Thomas, MD Price, Matthew R, MD Purcell, Derek Brooks, MD Reid, Michael L, MD Renfro, R James, Jr, MD Salyers, Steve G, MD Schoenecker, Jonathan G, MD Shell, William A, Jr, MD Shibayama, Juris, MD Shinar, Andrew A, MD Siegel, Jane M, MD Smith, Stuart E, MD Snyder, Robert B, MD Spengler, Dan M, MD Spindler, Kurt P, MD Stahlman, Gray C, MD Stein, Robert E, MD Thomas, Paul A, MD Thomson, Andrew B, MD Tompkins, Thomas E, MD Tressler, Marc A, DO Vissers, Christian F, Jr, MD Watson, Horace E, MD Watson, Jeffry T, MD Weaver, Lance D, MD Weikert, Douglas R, MD West, David Adam, DO Wieck, Joseph A, MD Willers, Jeffrey D, MD Yu, James R, MD Otolaryngology K K K-Network K Networks Bennett, Marc L, MD Bryant, Grady L, Jr, MD Cate, Ronald C, MD Cowden, Robert W, MD Crook, Jerrall P, Jr, MD Cross, David L, MD Deaton, Mark A, MD Demoville, Raymond B, MD Duncavage, James A, MD Fletcher, Kenneth Charles, Jr, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S S SK SK K K K K S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K Networks Fordice, James Owens, MD Fortune, David S, MD Garrett, Catherine G, MD Haynes, David S, MD Hightower, Daniel R, MD Holzen, Thomas W, MD Kim, Esther, MD Labadie, Robert F, MD Mannion, Kyle, MD Mitchell, Stephen Alexander, MD Morgan, Justin E, MD Murphy, Kent R, MD Netterville, James L, MD Ossoff, Robert H, MD Ries, William R, MD Rohde, Sarah Louise, MD Rosdeutscher, John D, MD Russell, Paul T, MD Schwaber, Mitchell Keith, MD Sinard, Robert J, MD Speyer, Matthew T, MD Taylor, Joseph Eugene, Jr, MD Travis, Lawrence W, Jr, MD Viner, Daniel D, MD Vinson, Kimberly Nicole, MD Walker, Ronald Jay, MD Williams, Mark Anthony, MD Willis, Robert A, MD Witherspoon, John D, MD Wootten, Christopher Todd, MD Yarbrough, Wendell G, MD Yoon, Michelle Jaeim, MD Young, Larry C, MD Pain Management K K K K Bartholomew, Kenneth E, MD Culclasure, John W, MD Hill, Bradley Christopher, DO Kroll, Peter B, MD Leone, William H, MD Miller, Timothy Harold, MD Pathology K K K K K K K K K K Arildsen, Mary Ann T, MD Atkinson, James B, MD Callahan, Debra L, MD Coffin, Cheryl Marlene, MD Ely, Kim A, MD Fogo, Agnes B, MD Gailani, David M, MD Gonzalez, Adriana L, MD Hanes, Thomas E, MD Head, David R, MD Johnson, Joyce E, MD McConnell, Thomas Gerald, MD McCurley III, Thomas L, MD Moeckel, Gilbert W, MD Page, David L, MD Parl, Fritz F, MD Presley, Alison E, MD Sanders, Melinda E, MD Schultenover, Stephen J, MD Seegmiller, Adam Clark, MD Simpson, Jean F, MD Washington, Mary K, MD Pediatric Allergy & Immunology Gossage, David L, MD Hummell, Donna Sedlak, MD Ker, Jennifer Patton, MD Lemke, Meghan Jane, MD Miller, Eva Kathryn, MD Pediatric Anesthesiology Algren, John T, MD Asaf, Saeedah, MD Hays, Stephen R, MD Landsman, Ira, MD Lemelle, Christopher M, MD Patel, Vikram P, MD Richter, Holly D, MD Roke, Daniel M, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K S S SK SK S S P PS P PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Davidson County (Continued) Pediatric Anesthesiology (Continued) Samoya, Steven William, MD Slaven, John Stuart, MD Watkins, Scott C, MD Zeigler, Laura Nicole, MD Pediatric Cardiology Ammons, Drew Ernest, MD Baldwin, H Scott, MD Dees, Mary Ellen, MD Dodd, Debra A, MD Doyle, Thomas P, MD Exil, Vernat, MD Fish, Frank A, MD Hermo Weiler, Casilda I, MD Janssen, Dana Ross, MD Johns, James A, MD Kannankeril, Prince J, MD Kaushik, Neeru, MD Kavanaugh Mchugh, Ann L, MD Killen, Stacy Ann Stratemann, MD Mah, May Ling, MD Markham, Larry Wayne, MD Moore, James D, MD Moreau, Gordon A, MD Parra, David A, MD Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Agarwal, Hemant Shyam, MD Barr, Frederick E, MD Berutti, Tyler William, MD Deshpande, Jayant K, MD Fleming, Geoffrey Michael, MD Grzeszczak, Marek J, MD Harris, Zena Leah, MD Hays, Stephen R, MD Johnson, Paulette M, MD Lynch, Amy L, MD Patel, Neal Ramesh, MD Smith, Heidi Ann, MD Strohler, Bradly, MD Taylor, Mary B, MD Watson, Sally A, MD Whitney, Gina M, MD Pediatric CRNA Brian, Kelli D, CRNA Moore, Jill M, CRNA Pediatric Dermatology Smith, Michael L, MD Pediatric Emergency Medicine Abramo, Thomas J, MD Bracikowski, Andrea C, MD Brenkert, Timothy Edward, MD Locklair, Matthew Ryan, MD Meade, Christy Alana, MD Moutsios, Sandra A, MD Neck, Andrew C, MD Shah, Malee Vinod, MD Pediatric Endocrinology Aftab-guy, Deanna L, MD Lomenick, Jefferson P, MD Mathew, Puthenpurackal M, MD Muglia, Louis J, MD Najjar, Jennifer L, MD Potter, Amy E, MD Russell, William E, MD Simmons, Jill H, MD Spagnoli, Anna, MD Pediatric Gastroenterology Acra, Sari A, MD Anderson, Julia Lindyberg, MD Arthur, Catherine E, MD Gillis, Lynette, MD Martinez, Jose A, MD Physicians P P P P S S S S K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K Davidson County K-Network K Networks Moulton, Dedrick E, MD Polk, David B, MD Riedel, Brian D, MD Rosen, Michael J, MD Williams, Kent, MD Pediatric Genetics Freedenberg, Debra L, MD Hamid, Rizwan, MD Lanpher, Brendan Coe, MD McGregor, Tracy L, MD Phillips, John A, MD Summars, Marshall L, MD Pediatric Heart Surgery Bichell, David P, MD Christian, Karla G, MD Pediatric Hematology / Oncology Borinstein, Scott C, MD Domm, Jennifer Ann, MD Engel, Michael E, MD Frangoul, Haydar, MD Friedman, Debra L, MD Gay, James C, MD Greer, John P, MD Ho, Richard H, MD Kuttesch, John F, Jr, MD Lowas, Stefanie R, MD Whitlock, James A, MD Yang, Elizabeth, MD Pediatric Infectious Disease Crowe, James E, MD Denison, Mark R, MD Dermody, Terence S, MD Edwards, Katheryn M, MD Hicar, Mark Daniel, MD Nania, Joseph J, MD Spring, Michele D, MD Williams, John V, MD Wilson, Gregory J, MD Wright, Peter F, MD Pediatric Nephrology Benitez, Fanny, MD Hunley, Tracy E, MD Jabs, Kathy L, MD Kon, Valentina, MD Lee, Stanley M, MD Yared, Aida, MD Pediatric Neurology Barnes, Gregory N, MD Burnette, William Bryan, MD Cuevas, Ramon Fontanilla, MD Ess, Kevin C, MD Fenichel, Gerald M, MD Fry, James Alan, MD Kilroy, Anthony W, MD Olson, Barbara Jean, MD Paolicchi, Juliann M, MD Pina-Garza, Jesus E, MD Sharpe, Deron Vincil, MD Pediatric Neurosurgery Pearson, Matthew M, MD Tulipan, Noel B, MD Pediatric Ophthalmology Benegas, Nancy Mayer, MD Donahue, Sean P, MD Estes, Robert L, MD Morrison, David G, MD Pediatric Orthopedic Oncology Schwartz, Herbert S, MD Pediatric Orthopedics Green, Neil E, MD Gregory, Andrew J, MD Halpern, Jennifer L, MD Lovejoy, Steven A, MD P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K Networks Martus, Jeffrey Edward, MD Mencio, Gregory A, MD Pediatric Otolaryngology Eavey, Roland D, MD Goudy, Steven L, MD Tylor, Dale Amanda, MD Werkhaven, Jay A, MD Wootten, Christopher Todd, MD Pediatric Pathology Black, Jennifer Olivia, MD Correa, Hernan, MD Pediatric Plastic Surgery PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K Kelly, Kevin J, MD Pediatric Pulmonology Austin, Eric Douglas, MD Fazili, Mohammad F, MD Moore, Paul E, MD Perkett, Elizabeth A, MD Peters, Mark T, MD Robinson, Walter McLaren, MD Pediatric Radiology Heller, Richard Moss, Jr, MD Hernanz Schulman, Marta, MD Hilmes, Melissa Anne, MD Kan, J Herman, MD Singh, Sudha P, MD Spottswood, Stephanie E, MD Stein, Sharon M, MD Pediatric Rheumatology Graham, Thomas Brent, MD Pediatric Surgery Chung, Dai Hyun, MD Jensen, Eric R, MD Lovvorn, Harold N, III, MD Morgan, Walter M, III, MD Morrow, Stephen E, MD Neblett, Wallace W, MD Oneill, James A, Jr, MD Pietsch, John, MD Purcell, Gretchen P, MD Pediatric Urology Adams, Mark C, MD Brock, John W, III, MD Pope, John C, IV, MD Thomas, John C, MD Pediatrics Ahmed, Nazneen, MD Alsentzer, Laurel V, MD Amis, Lori L, MD Amosun, Oluwatobi Adeyeye, MD Anderson, James C, MD Atubra, Mary Elemawusime, MD Bahner, Roderick I, Sr, MD Barkin, Shari L, MD Bean, Xylina Deloris, MD Beecher, Linda, MD Benitez, Maria V, MD Betts, Jon E, MD Beveridge, Nancy G, MD Bialostozky, Adriana, MD Bianchi Hayes, Josette Marie, MD Bogus, Devin L, MD Bowen, Michael Edward, MD Bowles, Travis C, MD Bracikowski, Andrea C, MD Brady, Linda D, MD Breaux, Lori, MD Brothers, Kyle Bertram, MD Browning, Whitney Lee, MD Bryant, Deborah M, MD Callahan, S Todd, MD Carlson, Kathryn L, MD Carroll, Kecia N, MD Cassidy, Karen Vloedman, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK PSK P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K PSK P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K P P P P S S S S K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K 49 Davidson County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Davidson County (Continued) Pediatrics (Continued) Choudhury, Shahana Ashraf, MD Ciampa, Philip John, Jr, MD Clayton, Ellen W, MD Colgrove, Eric E, MD Cooper, William O, MD Cox, Jennifer Elaine, MD Creech, Clarence B, MD Daily, Donna K, MD Daniel, Juliet Marie, MD Davidson, William R, MD Desai, Neerav A, MD Desmond, Mary Sheila, MD Donnelly, Jennifer M, MD Dougherty, Katherine B, MD Drayna, Patrick Christopher, MD Dundon, M. Catherine, MD Eidson, Timothy H, MD Engler, David G, MD Ess, Jennifer Kathryn, MD Ewing, Alicia Pellegrino, MD Fairbank, Elizabeth H, MD Faust, Larry M, MD Fleming, Amy E, MD Gigante, Joseph, MD Godfrey, James C, III, MD Granger, Jacqueline Joyce, MD Greenbaum, Brad A, MD Greenbaum, Monica Marroquin, MD Greenbaum, Ralph M, MD Gunn, Veronica L, MD Hain, Paul D, MD Hamilton, Eddie D, MD Haraf, Frank J, Jr, MD Harrison, Walter Leonard, MD Haselton, Dana J, MD Heil, Paul J, MD Hines, Donna L, MD Hines, Tiffany Elder, MD Hitch, Wendy L, MD Holland, Jessica Park, MD Hudson Atkins, Audrey Lynn, MD Hunley, Christine W, MD Hunter, Rosemary Jill, MD Huss, Tara M, MD Isbell, Rebecca Lynn, MD Johnson, M. Heather, MD Johnston, Margreete G, MD Jordan, Charles Andrew, MD Keefer, Christopher Jay, MD Keffer, James E, MD Keown, Mary, MD Kirshner, Neil E, MD Klinsky, Lawrence A, MD LaBrin, Joshua Eugenio, MD Ladd, Michael D, MD LaLonde, Danielle Leigh, MD Lanier, Deidre, MD Leu, Roberta M, MD Lillard, Robert H, Jr, MD Lohse, Christina Marie, MD Long, John R, MD Long, William R, MD Luckett, Gwynetta Maria, MD Mace, Rachel L, MD Mallard, Robert E, MD Mantle, Sarah Marshall, MD Mark, Deborah Wen Yee, MD Martel, Benjamin Paul, MD McDonald, Morgan F, MD McVie, Angela R, MD Mehrotra, Deepak, MD Meredith, Karen Schilf, MD Mishu, Dina H, MD Morad, Anna Whorton, MD Mukundan, Chetan R, MD Nair, Jaygopal, MD 50 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K-Network K Networks Neeley, Maya Kamath, MD Obrien, Lee Anne F, MD Onadeko, Olayinka O, MD Parsh, Brahm S, MD Patel, Harshila R, MD Patterson, Barron L, MD Patterson, Sara J, MD Patton, Christopher M, MD Extended Hours Available Pearson, Robin S, MD Extended Hours Available Peek, Julie T, MD Extended Hours Available Pinkley, Bram I, MD Plemmons, Gregory S, MD Price, Cara Garcia, MD Price, James S, MD Extended Hours Available Ragsdale, Jennifer M, MD Rauth, Lindsay M, MD Ray, Jennifer L, MD Reddy, Churku M, MD Rehm, Kris Parks, MD Ricafort, Rachel M, MD Riederer, Mark Frederick, MD Riley, Steven T, MD Robertson, George W, II, MD Robinson, Patricia F, MD Romano, Mary E, MD Rosdeutscher, Kimberly M, MD Rothman, Alice M, MD Roumie, Christianne L, MD Sailors, Lillian N, MD Scholer, Seth J, MD Schull, Katharine N, MD Seethaler, Neil E, MD Smeltzer, Chris P, MD Extended Hours Available Smith, Paige J, MD Smith, Richard P, MD Spanier, Jonathan Michael, MD Steger, Christina W, MD Steigelfest, Jill Elyn, MD Stiles, Eric F, MD Suara, Rahaman O, MD Swan, Rebecca Ruth, MD Thompson, Julia, MD Thompson, Keith S, MD Triggs, Elizabeth G, MD Tropez-Sims, Susanne, MD Vafai, Parvin, MD Vosberg, Diane M, MD Walters, Travis T, MD Warren, Michael Dale, MD White, Joan W, MD Williams, Abby Marie, MD Williams, Derek J, MD Williams, Ida M, MD Williams, Patricia S, MD Williams, Sarah Elizabeth, MD Williams, Stacey M, MD Wiseman, William S, MD Woods, Aubaine Michelle, MD Wyckoff, David Aaron, MD Yared, Aida, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation K K K K K Able, Antoinne C, MD Ashley, Christopher Paul, MD Baum, Robert, MD Bryant, Damita Lynelle, MD Clendenin, Robert E, III, MD Collier, Justin Thomas, MD Eby, James Wilder, MD Groomes, Thomas E, MD Harmuth, Charles R, MD Huddleston, Charles L, II, MD Isaac, Victor W, MD Le, Son Diep, MD McHugh, Daniel J, MD Mehta, Hemal V, MD P P P P P P P P SK S S S SK SK S S PS PS S PSK PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S SK K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K S S S SK S S S S S Networks Molette, Anna Louise O, MD Molette, Sekou F M, MD Mukherji, Bhaskar A, MD Nichols, John Keith, MD Orsburn, Dorothy Elizabeth, MD Serro, Robert J, MD Physician Assistant Ayers, Joseph D, PA Baker, Amanda Byars, PA C Baker, Kenneth Eugene, PA Barletta, Gina Marie, PA Bennett, Kawandus L, PA Biedenkapp, Kenneth L, PA Breeden, Gerald Emerson, PAC Clark, Charles Ronald, II, PA Cole, Kristie Robinson, PA Collins, Angela W, PA C Dees, Robert Clifford, PAC Doran, Todd J, PA Dowd, Michelle Ratcliffe, PA Dudukovich, Kimberly J, PA Duff, Dana L, PA Eagle, Michael Francis, PA Faugot, Garret John, PA Fuimaono, Sioeli F, PAC Greco, Shawnna Jane, PA Hays, Erika W, PA Henry, Jason, PA Hooker, Patricia Peck, PAC Hopkins, Cathy A, PAC Kopra, Ronda J, PA C Lamb, Cshandar Artis, PA C Lo, Vanessa Rene, PA C Longenecker, Jeffrey Neil, PA Mangum, Lindsey Hall, PA C Meriwether, Jonathan Morrow, PA Nash, Lauren Alicia, PA Norton, Jeffrey Franklin, PAC Osuigwe, Edward Okechukwu, PA Polasky, Steven E, PA Raburn, Ryan Timothy, PA C Reynolds, Whitney L, PA Scott, Julie Denise, PA Southards, Bryn Mayberry, PA Spackman, Darice Rebekah, PA C Stansbury, Patrick Alan, PA Sumner Alexander, Wendy Beth, PA C Tinker, Jeffery Allen, PA Towne, Rebekah Ruth, PA C Towns, Deania M, PA C Wade, Theodore Burbank, PA Weatherspoon, Beverly Herma Jean, PA Wood, Contessa M, PA Woodlee, Kimberly J, PA Wright, Amanda Helton, PA C Physician Assistant - PCP Compton, Mark T, PA Harper, Kathryn Anne, PA Paasche, Christina Lynn, PA C Phillips, Karynthia A G, PA Tanner, Kenneth E, Jr, PA Thien, Amy Lorayne, PA C Wallace, Sarah Elizabeth, PA C Williams, Laura K, PA Physician Assistant at Surgery Baker, Kenneth Eugene, PA Breeden, Gerald Emerson, PAC Collins, Angela W, PA C Dudukovich, Kimberly J, PA Fuimaono, Sioeli F, PAC Greco, Shawnna Jane, PA Hooker, Patricia Peck, PAC Lewellen, Phillip E, PA Lo, Vanessa Rene, PA C Longenecker, Jeffrey Neil, PA Meriwether, Jonathan Morrow, PA Morgan, Sarah B, PA C Norton, Jeffrey Franklin, PAC Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P S S SK S SK S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S SK S S S SK S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Davidson County (Continued) Physician Assistant at Surgery (Continued) Osuigwe, Edward Okechukwu, PA Southards, Bryn Mayberry, PA Spackman, Darice Rebekah, PA C Stansbury, Patrick Alan, PA Towne, Rebekah Ruth, PA C Wade, Theodore Burbank, PA Wallace, Sarah Elizabeth, PA C Whitley, Candice Annette, PA Woodlee, Kimberly J, PA Wright, Amanda Helton, PA C Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Garza, Robert Francis, MD Plastic Surgery Behar, Theodore A, MD Braun, Stephane Alain, MD Chester, Caroline H, MD Davis, Stephen Michael, MD Delozier III, Joseph B, MD Fisher, Jack, MD Griffin, Donald W, MD Hagan, Kevin F, MD Hueneke, Michael, MD Madden, James J, Jr, MD McKee, David E, MD Orcutt, Thomas W, MD OShaughnessy, Kristina Dare, MD Oslin, Bryan D, MD Patterson, Warren R, MD Peebles, Roosevelt, Jr, MD Rosdeutscher, John D, MD Shack, Robert B, MD Sieveking, Nicholas E, MD Stephanides, Michael, MD Summitt, John B, MD Tierney, Brian P, MD Wagstrom, Lois, MD Wendel, J Jason, MD Yarbro, George L, Jr, MD Podiatry (DPM) Abbott, Timothy C, DPM Baker, Michael Robert, DPM Breeden, Richard A, DPM Burns, Lawrence E, Jr, DPM Bushman, Tod R, DPM Cockrell, Gary W, DPM Cohen, William A, DPM Crear, Larelyn T, DPM Day, Mardon, DPM Day, Richelle D, DPM Deeter, Kirby H, DPM Frankfather, Robert D, DPM Hawthorn, Francis A, DPM Head, Steven Dale, DPM Lamay, Andrew J, DPM Lambert, William Frederick, DPM Mendoza, Daniel, II, DPM Nicholls, Berkley H, DPM Penn, Milton E, DPM Retief, Ignis Clifford, DPM Rogers, James E, DPM Sables, David J, DPM Schreiber, Robert J, DPM Schuler, Sheila D, DPM Somers, Paul J, Jr, DPM Sudberry, James A, DPM Tlapek, Therese Ann, DPM Trenner, David B, DPM Whittaker, Michele J, DPM Preventive Medicine Levine, Robert S, MD Pulmonary Disease Almusaddy, Mousab O, MD Physicians P P P P P P P P P P S S SK S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S S S SK S SK S S S S S SK SK S S SK S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S PS PS Davidson County K-Network K Networks Arons, Murray M, MD Bernard, Gordon R, MD Blackwell, Timothy S, MD Bolds, John M, MD Butka, Brenda J, MD Campbell, Earl Vendryes, Jr, MD Canonico, Angelo E, MD Capizzi, Stephen A, MD Carpenter, Chace T, MD Christman, Brian W, MD Conner, Barrett D, MD Cowan, Hanson B, MD Cummings, Clinton L, MD Esbenshade, Aaron M, MD Evans, Jonathan G, MD Fremont, Richard Douglas, MD Girard, Timothy Daniel, MD Gonzalez Bernal, Alberto, MD Hagaman, David D, MD Hartert, Tina V, MD Haynes, J. Brevard, Jr, MD Heflin, Asa Clyde, Jr, MD Hemnes, Anna Ryan, MD Heyman, Stephen, MD Jarvis, David A, MD John, Bijoy E, MD Jordan, Darryl Lambert, MD Kuhn, Karl Phillip, MD Lancaster, Lisa H, MD Light, Richard W, MD Loyd, James E, MD Mangialardi, Robert J, MD Massion, Pierre P, MD McElaney, Mary A, MD Mihyu, Salim S, MD Miller, Alison N, MD Miller, Robert F, MD Milstone, Aaron Paul, MD Newman, John H, MD Niedermeyer, Michael E, MD Oguntolu, Olusola O, MD Peacock, Mark D, MD Peebles, Ray S, Jr, MD Peters, Mark T, MD Ramos, Michael P, MD Rickman, Otis Bryant, DO Robbins, Ivan M, MD Rodriguez, Orlando Simeon C, MD Shah, Pali Dedhiya, MD Sheller, James R, MD Silas, Steven L, MD Slovis, Bonnie S, MD Talley, Paul, MD Tolle, James Jerome, MD Trochtenberg, David Scott, MD Tumen, Jon J, MD Ware, Lorraine B, MD Watson, Paula L, MD Radiation Oncology Bolin, Marion G, MD Chakravarthy, Anuradha M, MD Cmelak, Anthony J, MD Cohen, Brad Robert, MD Gius, David Roy, MD Gray, James Ronald, Jr, MD Heitz, Julian C, MD Hunt, David Edward, MD Hunter, Thomas A, MD Lloyd, Kenneth M, MD Lu, Bo, MD Malcolm, Arnold W, MD Marks, Michael E, MD Nguyen, My, MD Rosenblatt, Paul A, MD Tenenholz, Todd C, MD Xia, Ferr, MD Radiology Aulino, Joseph Michael, MD Bisson, Emma Marie, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K SK S SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K PSK PSK Networks Bittles, Mark A, MD Block, John Jacob, MD Blount, Steven Michael, MD Bodin, Christopher J, MD Bream, Peter R, Jr, MD Creasy, Jeffrey Lee, MD DePriest, Charles Vernon, MD Diggs, Joseph, MD Donnelly, Edwin F, MD Ericksen, Alan Steven, MD Friday, Jack Michael, MD Green, James D, MD Grzeszczak, Ewa Faustyna, MD Hanemann, Cynthia W, MD Hoyt, Tamarya L, MD Kaye, Jeremy Jon, MD Khalil, John Michael N, MD Kikkawa, Rita Marie, MD Levitt, Michael Joel, MD MacCurdy, Joe Milton, Jr, MD Massie, James D, Jr, MD Mazer, Murray J, MD McManus, Kevin T, MD Meranze, Steven G, MD Metzman, Michael Scott, MD Nance, Elmer Paul, Jr, MD Pack, Jason Ricklin, MD Partain, Clarence Leon, MD Pate, Joseph E, MD Perkins, Charles L, II, MD Rowe, David Michael, MD Seekins, Jayne M, DO Shaff, Max Israel, MD Shipman, Jason Lee, MD Smith, Bretton C, MD Smith, Clarence Edwin, MD Strother, Megan Kay, MD Taber, David Spence, MD Thompson, Harold Delane, MD Tsao, Leland Y, MD Wunder, Daniel Jay, MD Reproductive Endocrinology Eblen, Abby C, MD Eisenberg, Esther, MD Hill, George, MD Lucas, John Albert, III, MD Vasquez, Jaime M, MD Weitzman, Glenn, MD Whitworth, Christine M, MD Rheumatology Boomershine, Chad Stephen, MD Byrd, Victor M, MD Chinratanalab, Sallaya D, MD Cuevas, Leslie A, MD Fuchs, Howard A, MD Gore, James E, MD Huston, Joseph W, III, MD John, James Thomas, Jr, MD Kaplan, Hillary R, MD Knapp, David S, MD Kroop, Susan F, MD Lagrone, Robert P, MD Meadors, Marvin P, MD Myers, Kevin J, MD Owen, Marcus Andrew, MD Rhea, Christian J, DO Sergent, John S, MD Somai, Poonam Ramesh, MD Stein, Charles M, MD Tanner, Simpson B, MD Thomas, James W, II, MD Watterson, Michael K, MD Wheeler, Paul W, MD Sports Medicine Cox, Charles Leonard, III, MD Diamond, Alex Benjamin, DO Hannah, Gene A, MD Holmes, Frank Clarke, IV, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P S SK S SK S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P SK SK SK S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 51 Davidson County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Davidson County (Continued) Sports Medicine (Continued) Johnson, James N, MD Rummo, Paul J, DO Wilson, Kristina Marie, MD Surgery Abouassaly, Chadi T, MD Abumrad, Naji N, MD Adams, Carlton Z, MD Adams, Raeanna Clair, MD Agbunag, Arnulfo A, MD Allen, Terry R, MD Ballinger, Jeanne Field, MD Beauchamp, Robert D, MD Beech, Derrick J, MD Bonau, Roger A, MD Boskind, John Andrew, MD Bradham, W Glenn, MD Broome, James Thomas, MD Burns, Gerald Robert, MD Carr, Christopher, MD Clements, Ronald Hanson, MD Cohen, Jonathan A, MD Cooper, Mark E, MD Crews Williams, Kathleen, MD Dent, Lemuel Leon, MD Dunbar, Laura L, MD Dutton, William David, MD Dyer, David Neil, MD Ettien, James Thomas, MD Faulk, JimBob, MD Faulkner, Scott Lee, MD Fogerty, Mary Dorothy, MD Foster, Jennifer Erickson, MD Frexes Steed, Maria, MD Fruin, Alex Brent, MD Furman, Ben T, MD Garrard, Clifford L, III, MD Geer, Richard J, MD Geevarghese, Sunil K, MD Gorden, D Lee, MD Grau, Ana M, MD Gross, Kirby Robert, MD Hargreaves, Ray M, MD Helou, Bassam N, MD Herline, Alan J, MD Holzman, Michael D, MD Houston, Hugh L, III, MD Hsueh, Yerng T, MD Kelley, Mark C, MD Kelly, Burnett S, Jr, MD Krueger, Thomas Carleton, MD Lawson, Laura Louise, MD Lea, Clark D, MD Leacche, Marzia, MD Liu, Eric H, MD Lomis, Kimberly D, MD Lynch, George B, MD Marlar, Clinton Andrew, MD McDowell, James G, Jr, MD Melvin III, Willie V, MD Merchant, Nipun B, MD Moore, Derek Edd, MD Morton, Charles E, MD Neal, Gregory Eugene, MD Nealon, William H, MD Offodile, Regina Stokes, MD Olsen, Douglas O, MD Ott, Mickey Melinger, MD Pasipanodya, Alphonse T, MD Pinson, Charles W, MD Polk, William H, Jr, MD Poulose, Benjamin Kuttikatt, MD Rehman, Lutf U, MD Rivas, Alejandro A, MD Rosen, Marc Eliott, DO Roth, Steven Mark, MD 52 PS PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK S SK S S SK SK S S SK SK SK S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K S SK S SK S SK S SK S S Russell, Henry P, MD Ryan, Patrick C, MD Shaffer, David, MD Sharp, Kenneth W, MD Shaw, Alfred E, MD Shelton, Mark W, MD Spaw, Albert T, MD Taylor, Thomas B, Jr, MD Ternovits, Craig A, MD Terry, Richard B, MD Thayer, Wesley Paul, MD Thomas, Kenneth T, MD Thomas, Michael C, MD Torquati, Alfonso, MD Valentine, John David, MD Wasudev, Pramod B, MD Whitworth Jr, Pat W, MD Williams, David Brandon, MD Williams, Robin, MD Wright, John Kelly, Jr, MD Surgical Critical Care Collier, Bryan R, DO Diaz, Jose J, MD Guillamondegul, Oscar D, MD Gunter, Oliver L, MD Guy, Jeffrey S, MD Heffernan, David James, MD May, Addison K, MD Miller, Richard S, MD Morris, John A, MD Riordan, William P, MD Selby, John H, Jr, MD Therapeutic Optometry K K K-Network K Networks Anderson, John E, OD Anderson, Terri D, OD Ballard, Richard A, OD Barnes, Cristina Maria, OD Bartek, Stephen J, OD Beem, Greg M, OD Begin, Craig G, OD Berry, Lettie A, OD Bishop, Robert M, OD Boerman, Helen J, OD Brawner, Kenneth W, OD Burt, Daniel J, ODT Butts, Jeffrey Kenton, OD Chamberland, Scott Phillip, OD Choate, Walter L, Jr, OD Cofer, Schmeka A, OD Colbert, Leon, OD Collier, Elena, OD Collins, Charles Gary, OD Conn, William E, OD Cranford, Scott F, OD Darr, Bradford Walter, OD Davis, Fred Donald, Jr, OD Davis, Margaret E, OD DeHaven, Leslie Gunderson, OD Dow, Melissa Brown, ODT Drake, Jennifer Bowers, OD Ducklo, Tommy J, OD Durocher, Richard D, OD Edmiston, Joseph L, OD Eubank, James S, Sr, ODT Fritsch, Ryan Paul, OD Frye, Thomas J, III, OD Gaston, Mindy Marie, OD Gavami, David Afshin, ODT Gillispie, James D, OD Hammond, Phillip R, OD Harman, Gene A, OD Harris, Kendall B, OD Hill, Shawna L, OD Hohn, Robert L, ODT Howard, Alette Patrece, OD Hyatt, Chalmers Wade, III, OD Iverson, Jared A, OD James, Connie M, OD Jessup, Jeffrey C, OD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S SK SK P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S SK S S SK S S SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K Networks Kavanagh, Jay Arthur, OD Kegarise, Jeffrey L, ODT Kegarise, Susan, OD Kehler, Karl B, OD Kehler, Lori Ann F, OD Kelly, Marie C, OD Kirkconnell, James, ODT Knepper, Dan M, OD Landa, Irwin S, OD Lawrence, Anna, OD Lemoncelli, Nicole Elena, ODT Lewis, Donnie C, OD Lutche, Joseph Wilmer, OD Mallory, Jennifer Kragenbrink, OD Marbun, Riolan J, OD Martin, Lisa Kalish, OD McAfee, David E, OD McClain, Elizabeth S, OD McNatt, Garrett, OD Neuhoff, John, III, OD Extended Hours Available Odes, Barbara J, ODT Orton, Lara A, OD Palermo, Joanne M, OD Payne, Cynthia Sue, OD Peace, Jarrod E, OD Proffitt, Gregory Lee, OD Rudowski, Nichole T, OD Salomon, Milton J, OD Sandall, Deena Delaine, OD Schimmel, Daniel J, OD Schindler, George R, OD Schmidt, Kevin D, ODT Scoggins, Jeremy C, ODT Shanks, Fred R, OD Simmons, Jody Eileen, OD Snead, Thomas D, Jr, OD Sonsino, Jeffrey, OD Sonsino, Michele L, OD Sztipanovits, Dora R, OD Walker, Patricia Estes, OD Williams, Lisa G, OD Williams, Willard David, OD Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery Absi, Tarek Sami, MD Ahmad, Rashid Mobin, MD Balaguer, Jorge M, MD Coltharp, William H, MD Drinkwater, Davis C, Jr, MD Greelish, James Patrick, MD Grogan, Eric Lee, MD Hoff, Steven J, MD Kim, Betty S, MD Laws, Kenneth H, MD Lea, John Willis, IV, MD Pass, Lawrence J, MD Putnam, Joe B, MD Walton, Kenneth B, MD Thoracic Surgery Austin, John C, MD Ball, Stephen Kent, MD Brunsting, Louis A, III, MD Byrne, John Gerald, MD Glassford, David M, Jr, MD Jacobs, J Kenneth, Jr, MD Lambright, Eric S, MD Lancaster, Lifford L, MD Lele, Himalaya Eknath, MD Nesbitt, Jonathan C, MD Petracek, Michael R, MD Rankin, J. Scott, MD Roberts, John R, MD Tedder, Mark Nmi, MD Walton, Kenneth B, MD Wilcox, Allen B, Jr, MD Wudel, Leonard J, Jr, MD Yandell, David William, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S SK SK S SK S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S SK S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K S Check our Web site @ for current listing. Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Davidson County (Continued) Urgent Care Physicians Chambers, Mark Russell, MD Cranfield, Robert L, MD Dodd, Kenton Antoine, MD Dutton, William Jeffrey, MD Hammond Moulton, Cathy L, MD Herda, George, MD Hill, Warren T, MD Justice, Paul A, Jr, MD Kubina, Anne Helker, MD Lane, Jason Scott, MD Magpantay, Edmundo D, MD Manalac, Abelardo Zapanta, MD Mullins, Tanya Ann, PA Nolin, Shon Patrick, DO Orchard, Kenneth Alan, MD Pearson, Sam Smiseth, MD Salcedo, Zenarosa C, MD Scott, Jim Lewis, MD Simmons, Jory S, Sr, MD Singh, Narendra K, MD Stone, Rosa L, DO Turney, Asher Abebe, MD Wainstein, Jeffrey Lee, MD Wheeler, Terri Thomas, PA Urology Abel, Marcy J, MD Allen, Tara Mae, MD Altamar, Hernan Orlando, MD Altenbern Jr, Douglas C, MD Barnett, Robert B, MD Barocas, Daniel A, MD Bilhartz, David L, MD Binkley, William J, MD Braren, Herbert V, MD Chamberlain, Neil Oliver, MD Chang, Sam S, MD Clark, Peter E, MD Concepcion, Raoul S, MD Cookson, Michael S, MD Dasari, Sriram, MD Davis, Rodney, MD Dmochowski, Roger R, MD Dutton, William P, MD Eckstein, Charles W, MD Edwards, Robert H, MD Ezell, Gilbert D, MD Faber, Robert B, MD Flora, Mark D, MD Hagan, Keith W, MD Herrell, Stanley Duke, MD Hill, Christopher C, MD Hughes, William H, MD Kaufman, Melissa Rae, MD Knoll, L Dean, MD Lake, Alison Marie, MD Landon, Thomas H, MD Lohrasbi, Frank F, MD Lowe, Whitson, MD Meyers Hawkins, Christopher Heath, MD Milam, Douglas F, MD Miller, Nicole Lara, MD Morgan, Todd M, MD Nesbitt, Thomas E, Jr, MD Padmanabhan, Priya, MD Penson, David Fredrick, MD Porch III, Phillip P, MD Reynolds, William Stuart, MD Scarpero, Harriette M, MD Schull, David, MD Sewell, Robert A, MD Smith Jr, Joseph A, MD Smith, Ernest R, Jr, MD Spalding, Michael J, MD Tudor, John M, MD Viprakasit, Davis P, MD Warner, John J, MD Physicians P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Webb, Robert J, MD Whitfield, Jeff, MD Wiatrak, Mitchell Lee, MD Workman III, Claude H, MD Allen, Terry R, MD Brophy, Colleen, MD Dattillo, Jeffery B, MD Edwards, William H, Jr, MD Eskind, Steven J, MD Keyser, John E, III, MD Martin, Raymond S, III, MD Mulherin, Joseph L, Jr, MD Siragusa, Tif William, MD Snyder, Stanley O, MD S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Chiropractor Alexander, Kristen N, DC Dedmon, Roy L, II, DC S Emergency Medicine S K K K K Backer, Farnel Fernand, MD Carter, Michael Allen, MD Dolan, Michael Sean, MD McKee, Alice Roark, MD Ramirez, Mario Luis, MD Reddy, Ramesh K, MD Extended Hours Available Rico, Wilfred Martin, MD Saint Jean, Norma, DO Smith, Hayden Blake, MD Family Medicine McKee, Alice Roark, MD Montgomery, Joseph H, MD Murphree, Victoria L, MD Phillips, John B, MD General Practice K Jennings, William G, Jr, MD Porter, Matthew William, MD K K Hospital Medicine Alston, Charles Pernele, MD Clemmons, Samuel Clay, MD Galvez, Pedro Deleon, MD Hames, Joseph Robert, MD Patel, Kaushal I, MD Immunizing Pharmacist K K K Pratt, Tara Oman, DPh Internal Medicine Arinze, Festus N, MD Reddy, Ramesh K, MD Neurology Hoos, Richard T, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice K K K K K K K K K Chipman, Donna K, MSN Hendrix, Tara N, FNP Latham, Ava Celeste, FNP BC Lewis, Shaunda L, FNP Martin, Susan C, FNP Moore, Sherry M, FNP Riddle, Kristi J, FNP Roe, Betty A, FNP Siegl, Linda S, FNP Towery, Katrena Lynne, FNP BC Trent, Diane Y, FNP Waldrop, Alice Jeanette, FNP Wyatt, Amber N, APRN BC Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Rickman, Samuel K, DDS Sammons, Stephen J, DMD Networks S S S S Orthopedic Surgery S SK SK S S S S S S S Podiatry (DPM) Masterson, John P, MD Physician Assistant Roberts, David Allen, PA Cawthon, Anthony J, DPM Pulmonary Disease Alsoub, Mohammad Abdalrahman, MD Radiology Davidoff, Alan Brett, MD Surgery Alderson, Charles M, MD Therapeutic Optometry Decatur County S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Networks Vascular Surgery S DeKalb County K-Network K Davis, Cayce Warren, OD Goodman, David Todd, OD P PS P P P P P P SK S S S S S PS PS PSK P P P P S S S S PS PS P P P P SK S SK S S PSK PS PS Chiropractor Atnip, Robert R, DC Johnson, Jayson A, DC Malone, Kevin Darrell, DC Emergency Medicine Cooper, Steven W, MD Gaspar, Matthew J, MD Helfman, Laura Lee, MD Roth, James E, MD Spurlock, James R, III, DO Weeks, Mark Timothy, MD Zotos, Alexander Peter, MD Family Medicine Binks, Terrance Alan, DO Bryan, Thornton Embry, III, MD Cooper, Steven W, MD Cripps, Hugh Don, MD Hooper, Doug G, MD Rhody, Jack R, MD Rhody, Kevin R, MD Seber, James David, MD Sherwood, William Hanford Todd, Jeffrey L, MD Young, Keith David, MD General Practice Blevins, Melvin L, MD Dingle, Denise R, MD MacQuarrie, Michael Alan, MD Reuhland, Leon L, MD Wall, James C, Jr, MD Hospital Medicine Medical Oncology Thompson, Dana S, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S Nephrology Putatunda, Bhabendra N, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Tobitt, Timothy Dale, FNP BC Obstetrics & Gynecology Geer, Bert E, DO Gernt, Paige R, MD Pippin, Michael Stephen, MD Orthopedic Surgery Dalton, Anthony P, MD Podiatry (DPM) PS PS PS PS P P PS PS PS DeKalb County Thomas, Michael Auston, MD PS PS Song, David I, DPM Therapeutic Optometry Brady, Robin Michael, OD Foutch, David L, OD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS PS P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK PS PSK PS PS PS PS PS PSK PS PSK 53 DeKalb County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Gastroenterology DeKalb County (Continued) Duncan, Ulric D, MD Griffith, Christopher Miles, MD Hardin, William Gatlin, MD Khan, Tariq A, MD Ormseth, Eric J, MD Remak, Geza, MD Therapeutic Optometry (Continued) McCarty, Zachary Stuart, OD Meigs, Starla K, OD Phillips, Leslie Ann, OD Smoak, Sonya M, OD P P P P S S S S General Practice Wadsworth, Henry M, MD Zanone, Michael T, MD DeSoto County (MS) Allergy and Immunology Treadwell, George H, III, MD Anesthesiology McCoy, Dennis D, MD Cardiovascular Disease Abou Shala, Mohamed Bashar, MD Addington, Milton Brent, MD Burnett, Charles Roland, Jr, MD Edwards, Todd D, MD Evans, Edward M, MD Himmelstein, Stevan Irwin, MD Holloway, David H, Jr, MD Kerlan, Jeffrey E, MD Klemis, James Edward, MD Kraus, David H, MD Lan, David Zhiqiang, MD Lendel, Vasili A, MD Malhotra, Amit, MD Patel, Dharmesh Surendra, MD Reef, Ellis Gavin, MD Salazar, Holger Patricio, MD Samaha, Joseph Kay, MD Shirwany, Arsalan T, MD Smith, Stacy Cheryl, MD Subramanian, Rajesh, MD Chiropractor Bakeris, David M, DC Barnes, Darrell D, DC Chillies, Nikolas Ramone, DC De Sutter, John H, DC Henry, Brian K, DC Martin, Mary K, DC Mauk, Russell H, DC Minks, Roy A, DC Morton, Clay Robert, DC Morton, Lee V, III, DC Thompson, Bradley S, DC Woods, Fred G, DC Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Coppess, Mark A, MD Hess, Paul George, MD Dermatology Donohue, Diane M, MD Emergency Medicine Beaver, Lesa J, FNP Black, John L, MD Cabigao, Eduardo C, MD Davis, Edna F, MD Nathan, Boomi Thiagarajan, MD Smith Jr, Robert H, MD Thompson, Stanley, MD Endocrinology Cunningham, Amanda Ring, MD Lendel, Irina, MD Family Medicine Blanco, Arturo Enrique, MD Huling, Randall T, Jr, MD Hunter, Joseph Samuel, MD Kelly, Richard A, MD Major, Steven D, MD McClatchy, William H, MD Sharma, Achin, MD 54 K-Network K Networks Gynecology Gaillard, Thaddeus B, MD PS Hematology Richey, Sylvia S, MD Somer, Bradley G, MD Sullivan, David W, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P S S Hematology / Oncology Benn, Sonia M, MD Gravenor, Donald S, MD Hospital Medicine Furdge, Holly Richelle, MD Infectious Disease Khan, Haroon Nasir, MD Internal Medicine Adesoji, Gafar Ajani, MD Breitling, Melissa Amelia, MD Brown, Charles E, MD Chang, Ki M, MD Edmunds, Kenneth O, MD Garcia Gayoso, Aileen Sanchez, MD Gbemudu, Edward I, MD Jain, Mukesh, MD McKenzie, Vanessa, MD Meacham, Robert R, III, MD Mishra, Ashutosh Kumar, MD Missak, Mary S, MD Muzammil, Ayesha, MD Puchaev, Michael, MD Rahman, Mahfuzur, MD Thakur, Tapan K, MD Wadsworth, William M, MD Wassef, Magdi S, MD S S S S S S S S Medical Oncology Baskin, Reed C, MD Johnson, Robert A, MD Minhas, Sohail A, MD Wheeler, Benton M, III, MD Nephrology Adeleye, Olufemi O, MD Hernandez, Jacinto Angel, MD PS PS Neurological Surgery P P P P P P S S S S S S PS K Arthur, Adam S, MD Clark, W. Craig, MD Hoit, Daniel Alan, MD Neurology K O'Brien, Barbara Cape, MD K Nurse Practitioner K Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Talley, Renita C, NP C Tyler, Stephanie Gene, APRN BC P PS P P P P P P P S S S S S Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Barnett, Marilyn L, APRN BC Bishop, Jeffrey Morgan, APRN BC Carter, Stephanie R, FNP BC Crenshaw, Lisa M, NP Cress, Fawn P, FNP Elliotte, Mary C, FNP Ellis, Daniella S, FNP Harmon, Stephanie Ann, FNP BC Harris, Kimberly J, FNP BC P P P P P P S S S S S S Networks Hodges, Kathlene R, APRN BC Ligon, Cynthia Seat, FNP BC Melton, Jason G, FNP Nichols, Cynthia H, FNP BC Payne, Nicole Lynn, FNP BC Scott, Susan Averett, FNP Smith, Carol J, FNP Turner, Leon C, FNP BC Wilson, Charla F, FNP P PS Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics PS Obstetrics & Gynecology PS PS PS PS PSK PS PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S SK S S S P P P P SK S SK S S S S S S S S S S Kinsley, Paige Jordan, PNP BC Albritton, John F, MD Aycock, William W, MD Ballenger, Peter L, MD Bannister, Lea M, MD Counce, Michael F, MD Crisler, Crista L, MD Dang, Hai Van, MD Gayden, John O, MD Giddens, G. Aric, MD Giddens, Mary A, MD Harper, Julie G, MD Joe, Penn Q, MD Kumar, Alok, MD Manejwala, Fazal M, MD Riseling, Elizabeth K, MD Ryan, Charles G, MD Sherrod, Rome, II, MD Stack, Michael L, MD Thompson, Elaine Allen, MD Tinker, Cory R, MD Whaley, Lance D, MD Wilson, James A, MD Wortham, George F, MD Ophthalmology Elfervig, John Lars, MD Pandya-Lipman, Rashmi K, MD Schaeffer, Alan R, MD Shukla, Salil, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Albright, Jimmy E, DDS Peck, Russell C, DDS Smith, Robert K, DDS Orthopedic Surgery P PS PS P PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S Burrow, Jamey Walcott, MD Calandruccio, James H, MD Cleveland, Kevin B, MD Crenshaw, Andrew H, Jr, MD Dabov, Gregory D, MD Dlabach, Jeffrey Alan, MD Engelking, Jonathan H, MD Heck, Robert Kurt, Jr, MD Mascioli, Anthony Andrew, MD Mihalko, Marc J, MD Mihalko, William Michael, MD Morris, John T, MD Phillips, Barry Brent, MD Pickering, Robert M, MD Richardson, David R, MD Rudloff, Matthew Ian, MD Sellman, Daniel Clay, MD Toy, Patrick Christopher, MD Varner, James C, MD Otolaryngology Beckford, Neal S, MD Chanin, Louis Ross, DO Colvin, Greene B, IV, MD Cunningham, Jeffrey Jordan, MD Fisher, Robert M, MD Lim, Victoria L, MD Pain Management Steuer, Michael Edward, MD Pediatric Endocrinology Karabell, Ana Helena De Luca, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks DeSoto County (MS) (Continued) Pediatric Neurology Natarajan, Shiva Shankar, MD Pediatrics Adesoji, Remilekun S, MD Butler, Dorothy H, MD Butler, Richard M, MD Granados, Javel, MD Krasin, Audrey L, MD Levine, Robert D, MD Metin, Nuray, MD Narayanan, Manjo, MD Phillips III, Harry V, MD Sidhu, Desh D, MD Vaghela, Rachana V, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Cunningham, Mark L, MD Podiatry (DPM) Shwer, Brian I, DPM PS Golden, Emmel B, Jr, MD P Hofmann, Marc E, MD P Panton LaTouche, Suzette Ann Denise, MD P Ratnakant, Sanjay, MD P Richards, William S, MD P Smith, Charles Michael, Jr, MD P Wollak, Istvan David, MD P Fortune, James E, MD Foster, Michael E, MD Grimm, Leander M, MD Monaghan, Brooks V, MD Therapeutic Optometry Carlson, John D, OD Hellums, Michael S, OD OBrien, David V, OD OBrien, Michael E, OD Wilson, Jonathan W, OD Thoracic Surgery Johnson, James Wilburn, Jr, MD Wolf, Bradley A, MD Urgent Care Physicians Abushaer, Muhammad B, MD Adedipe, Olugbenga Mabayoje, MD Bandealy, Amin A, MD Besser, Susan Levine, MD Callaghan, Timothy Joseph, MD Daley, Mary Sullivan, CPNP Forsythe, Camilla Rose, MD Gautier, Kenneth Bryan, MD Gunn Hill, Ericka Lee, MD Herman, Martin Isaac, MD Herring, William T, MD Kwok, Warren T, MD Lum, Gina Marie, FNP BC McGukin, Donald R, MD McIntire, Mary E, MD Naren, Saraswathy B, DO Odonnell, James Anderson, II, MD Patel, Chandrakant Prakash, MD Politi, Barry Joseph, MD Raju, Jampana V, MD Ramgoolam, Andres, MD Randolph, Sandra Boyland, MD Rhea, Hal S, Jr, MD Somjee, Nilofer Arif, MD Sullivan, Meghan Dale, MD Tidwell, Tracy Joan, APRN BC Tutor, James Dudley, MD Urology Alabaster, A. Michael, MD Chauhan, Ravi D, MD Physicians S S S S S S S S S S S PS Pulmonary Disease Surgery Networks Dang, Gerald Triminh Huy, MD Hollabaugh, Robert S, Jr, MD Saslawsky, Mark J, MD PS P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S PS PS PS P P PS P P P P PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS Dickson County K-Network K PS PS PS Jain, Yugesh K, MD Mehta, Ashok Kumar, MD Ross, David L, MD Ross, Kerry W, MD Szczuka, Anna, MD Dickson County Allergy and Immunology Alexander, Jean K, MD Anesthesiology Eckel, Peter Karl, MD Audiology Jennings, Evelyn W, CCC A Cardiovascular Disease Asad, Muhammad, MD Blazer, David Julius, MD Chambers, David Earl, MD Medical Oncology Spigel, Stuart C, MD PS Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Ismail, Muhammad Sami, MD PSK PSK Chiropractor Cole, Daniel Terry, DC Harlow, Anthony B, DC McClure, Lance E, DC Schrock, Daniel Martin, DC Scott, Phillip W, Jr, DC Upchurch, Chad M, DC Dermatology Lucas, Delores Jocelyn, MD Emergency Medicine Fatseas, Charles Francis, MD Kidane, Mekonnen S, NP Koons, Donald Christopher, MD Meeker, William K, MD Rivera Rios, Marilia, MD Tincher, Matthew R, MD Family Medicine Butler, Jonathan W, MD Collins, Clyde Edward, MD Guha, Subir, MD Jackson, James William, MD Luplow, Rolland E, MD Mills, Van F, MD Morse, John C, MD Orgain, Robert W, MD Perrigin, Julie A, MD Salyer, John R, MD Smith, Bobby Joel, MD Stephens, Walter E, III, MD Swauncy, Moses A, MD Hospital Medicine Almashharawi, Issam Masoud, MD Aluyi, Clement Osakpamwan, MD Ampomah, John K, MD Carmody, Daniel W, MD Dinkins, Edward Jeffrey, MD Frase, Priscilla Anne, MD Hodge, Alicia Simeon, MD Jain, Yugesh K, MD Kochar Mehta, Archana K, MD Olalekan, David Babalola, MD Prebus, Sol Allen, MD Robison, Byron Keith, MD Shah, Viren Jashvantlal, MD Siegien, Jolanta, MD Wilson, Tadron Lavonda, MD Internal Medicine Alexander, Jean K, MD Bant, Ankur Manharlal, MD Challa, Mydhili, MD Faisal, Muhammad Rizwan, MD Jabr, Fadi Ibrahim, MD Nephrology Pettus, William H, MD Priyadarshi, Anumeet, MD Soni, Ashish, MD Neurology PS PS PS Dongas, Maria F, MD Huffnagle, Vera H, MD Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Cox, Debbie Ferguson, CRNA Greenwell, Suzanna Bundrant, CRNA St. John, Susan Renee, CRNA Networks P PS PS Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Markie, Jean L, ACNP Vachon, Katharine C, NP Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Buzzell, Jaclyne Ann, FNP P P P P P P S S S Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Aguayo, Bobby Patrick, FNP BC Binkley, Stacey L, FNP Ray, Kimberly L, NP Reynolds, Caryn L, NP Russell, Nathan W, FNP Simon, Edwin, FNP S S PS Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P S S S SK S K K K K K K K K K S Poe, Tonia Foyt, CPNP PC Sharp, Kelley, APN Obstetrics & Gynecology Cole, Michael Eugene, MD Hawkins, Michael D, MD Ophthalmology Close, Louis W, MD McClure, Daniel J, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Albury, Charles D, Jr, DMD Carter, Jeffrey B, DMD Haley, Spencer A, DDS Provence, Timothy D, DDS Savell, Truitt A, DDS Orthopedic Surgery Coker, Wesley Louis, MD Dinkins, Juan S, DO Downs, Brandon Howard, MD Gorzny, Jan M, MD Haslam, Jason K, MD Kurtz, William B, II, MD Otolaryngology Roth, James M, MD Pediatrics Gordon, Jeffery Samuel, MD McNeal, Mary K, MD Ojeda, Nestor A, MD Physician Assistant Bryant, Tiffany Ann, PA Clark, Charles Ronald, II, PA Longenecker, Jeffrey Neil, PA Norton, Jeffrey Franklin, PAC Wright, Amanda Helton, PA C Physician Assistant - PCP Adkisson, Daniel J, PA Kauppi, Jeffrey David, PA Physician Assistant at Surgery Longenecker, Jeffrey Neil, PA Norton, Jeffrey Franklin, PAC Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P S S S S S PS PS PS P PS PS PS PS PSK PS P P P P P P S S S S S PSK PS P PS PS PS PS PS P P PS P P P P P P S S S S S S PS PS PS PSK P P P P P S SK S S SK PS PS PS PS 55 Dickson County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Feldhouse, Doreen E, MD Naifeh, James Edward, Jr, MD Rodriguez Conesa, Yvonne, MD Smolenski, Lisabeth Ann, MD Dickson County (Continued) Podiatry (DPM) Pavuluri, Ramesh B, DPM Pavuluri, Vijay K, DPM Somers, Paul J, Jr, DPM Pulmonary Disease Alsoub, Mohammad Abdalrahman, MD Jordan, Darryl Lambert, MD Zurawek, Tomasz Adam, MD Radiation Oncology Collie, Arthur Craig, MD PS PS PS Gastroenterology Lomas, Russell W, MD Nabhan, Said I, MD General Practice PS PSK PS McKenzie, Debra Kay, MD Turner, William Richard, MD Gynecology David, Mary S, MD PS Hand Surgery Surgery Burns, Gerald Robert, MD Huerta, Gustavo, MD Peppers, Jennifer Lee, MD Thuan, Robert P, MD Wiser, Eldred H, MD Therapeutic Optometry Faulks, David H, OD Smart, Charles H, Jr, OD Tidwell, Jerry N, OD Weiss, Donald L, Jr, OD Weiss, Lori Ann W, OD Urology Smith, Ernest R, Jr, MD P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P S S S S S Barton, Melissa L, MD Hospital Medicine Akmal, Muhammed Mubeen, MD Alejandro Reyes, Maressa Milagros, MD Alhourani, Hazem Mahd Salem, MD Ategbole, Olusegun Victor Alaba, MD Dalati, Fakhri, MD Kumar, Rakesh Muthu, MD Sinha, Neeraj, MD Takyar, Harinder Kumar, MD Weekly, Thomas Clark, MD Yousuf, Mohammad, MD Immunizing Pharmacist PS Colbert, Curtis Ray, DPh Keller, Patricia B, DPh Lamb, Jane S, DPh Dyer County Anesthesiology Scara, Russell G, MD Audiology Foren, Damaris E, CCCA Cardiovascular Disease Alperovich, Alexander Haim, MD Arunachalam, Rangarajan, MD Cunningham, Louis Ernest, MD Jayakumar, Mabbu, MD Lui, Henry K, MD Miller, Tommy Lee, III, MD Nkadi, Chukwuemeke Oscar, MD Rudin, Andrew Scott, MD Sullivan, Martin James, MD Internal Medicine PS PS P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Binns Turner, Pamela Gail, CRNA Farrell, Mary M, CRNA McHugh, Kevin John, CRNA Naylor, Carolyn L, CRNA Wells-Brooks, Nanette Y, CRNA Chiropractor Beasley, Jeffrey T, DC Burnett, Cletis J, DC Cole, Barry L, DC Gatlin, Jeremy W, DC Gatlin, Jill C, DC Holt, Mary Jeanne, DC Lusk, Kelly, DC Pearson, Michael B, DC Dermatology Maloney, Kenneth R, MD Emergency Medicine Casey Bolden, Monique Camille, MD James, William A, MD Obernuefemann, Timothy L, Sr, MD P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P P P S S S S S S PS PS PSK PS Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Baba, Rauf M, MD Family Medicine Busch, Forrest K, DO Casey Bolden, Monique Camille, MD 56 K-Network K Networks PS PS PS Anukam, Uzoeshi I, MD Aslam, Tanveer, MD Atkins, Keith Lantrip, MD Baba, Rauf M, MD Galindez, Al Gilbert Valencia, MD Green, Daniel P, Jr, MD Guthrie, David Porter, MD Harrod, Charles S, MD Haynes, Douglas B, Jr, MD Jamison, Debra Annette, MD Machra, Ravinder Kaur, MD McCartney, Jeffrey P, MD McKee, William Neal, MD Moughrabieh, Mohamad Khaled, MD Nagarkoti, Sujit Pradhan, MD Prewitt, Darrion J, Sr, MD Srivastava, Pankaj, MD Yousuf, Mohammad, MD Zaidi, Syed A, MD Midwife Lewis, Katherine Spratley, CNM Marsh, Courtney Walsh, CNM Smith, Holly Michelle, CNM Taylor, Margaret Calliham, CNM Todd, Katherine Anne, CNM Nephrology Mulay, Ramakant M, MD Nurse Practitioner Dailey, Teresa Diane, APRN BC Davis, Tonya Sue, NP Hampton, Jeffrey Steven, NP C Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Atkeison, Julie A, APRN BC Bledsoe, Joanne C, APRN BC Cressler, Jodi L, ACNP BC Sturgeon, Misty A, ACNP Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Crews, Holly Bennett, NP Larner, Douglas Scott, NP C Miller, Emily Carol, ANP BC P P P P S S S SK PS PS PS PS P PS PS P P PS P PS P K P P P PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Atchison, Shannon Rebecca, FNP BC Carter, Sheila J, FNP Carter, Syble S, FNP Combs, Laura Lea, FNP BC Dunn, Starr Leigh, FNP Farhat, Laura Lee Ann, FNP BC Fowlkes, Sandra J, FNP Griffin, Kelly Michelle, NP C Heathcott, Shari Parish, FNP Hodges, Kathlene R, APRN BC Holcomb, Tammy R, FNP Hughes, Lynda J, APRN BC McCann, Beverly F, FNP Ring, June Deon, NP C Seeley, Daniel Banta, APRN BC Spivey, Ethel B, FNP BC Springer, Alicia Gaile, FNP Ugbaja, Chizoba N, NP C Wright, Sheryl L, MSN Obstetrics & Gynecology Campbell, Rwanda Darby, MD Finan, Eugene Michael, MD Fitts, William E, MD Joyner, Johnny B, MD Love, Beverly Ray, MD Walker, Armie W, MD West, Henry Earl, MD Ophthalmology Cape, Richard C, MD Fleming, James C, MD Irvine, William D, MD Jernigan, Jerry M, MD Oester, Alan Edward, Jr, MD Wilson, Matthew W, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Rickman, Samuel K, DDS Sammons, Stephen J, DMD S S S S S Orthopedic Surgery Houseworth, Stephen Wayne, MD Kent, Vincent Carl, MD Nord, Keith D, MD Sweo, Timothy D, MD Wright, Garth B, MD PSK PS PS S S SK S PS PS PS Steuer, Michael Edward, MD Choueiry, Mona A, MD Isaacs, Randy R, MD Melton, Stevens D, MD Puzdrakiewicz, Michelle Grace, MD Lennon, David M, PA White, Jonathan Stephen, PA Physician Assistant at Surgery Embrey, Preston Parker, PA Check our Web site @ for current listing. S S S S S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician Assistant - PCP P P P P P P P S S S S SK S PS Pediatrics Embrey, Preston Parker, PA Gilfoil, Edna Beth, PA Lawless, George Trion, PA McCraney, Dennis Craig, PA Roberts, David Allen, PA Shanku, Bethany Rhea, PA Sims, Larry, PA Tomsett, Robert Mason, Jr, PA C White, Jonathan Stephen, PA SK PS Pain Management Physician Assistant S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S P P P P P Otolaryngology Bingham, Ronald C, MD Johnson, Miles M, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P PS PS Bindra, Gurpal S, MD S S S S PS P P P P Networks S S S S PS PS P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K K K K PS PSK PS Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Podiatry (DPM) Lu, Elizabeth T, DPM Raines, Stephen D, DPM Steely, William M, DPM Radiation Oncology Permenter, William D, Jr, MD Radiology Jones, Mark A, MD Legan, John Mark, MD Sports Medicine Hyden, John Carl, MD Surgery Brunson, Bernie L, MD Caylor, James August, MD Moore, Olyn Fred, III, MD Tosh, William Matthew, DO Therapeutic Optometry Agee, Phillip E, OD Bacigalupo, William A, OD Dodds, Brandon L, ODT Duncan, Kelly M, OD Kirby, John Allen, OD Lewis, Lindy H, OD Manning, Thomas E, OD McMillian, Jeffrey A, OD Orwig, David M, OD Robinson, Brian K, OD Schroeder, Justin M, OD Utley, Dustin Kyle, OD Woolverton, Dennis R, OD York, Milton A, OD Urology Monnig, Jack A, MD Satterfield, Eric Lee, DO Blais, Paul N, DC Emergency Medicine Spiekermann, Luke E, MD Family Medicine Boyle, Paula Jean, MD Hunt, Gary W, MD McHan, Gregory S, MD Parker, James Wade, MD Shanik, Edward Joel, MD General Practice Atkins, Ken S, MD Wood, Frank H, II, MD Hematology Whaley, William Howard, MD Internal Medicine Issa, Elias Georges, MD Jabaley, Ronald T, II, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Hyde, Douglas Andy, FNP Obstetrics & Gynecology Harris, Benjamin Jeppeson, MD Oncology Jones Crawford, Jennifer Lee, MD Oncology / Hematology Manfredi, John Andrew, MD Orthopedic Surgery Nuelle, Douglas G, MD Physicians PS Networks Tauer, Kurt W, MD Wheeler, Benton M, III, MD Nephrology Cardiovascular Disease Abou Shala, Mohamed Bashar, MD Addington, Milton Brent, MD Burnett, Charles Roland, Jr, MD Evans, Edward M, MD Gordon, Richard Joseph, MD Himmelstein, Stevan Irwin, MD Kraus, David H, MD Lan, David Zhiqiang, MD Lendel, Vasili A, MD Malhotra, Amit, MD Patel, Dharmesh Surendra, MD Samaha, Joseph Kay, MD Shirwany, Arsalan T, MD Smith, Stacy Cheryl, MD Subramanian, Rajesh, MD PS PS PS PS P P P P S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Chiropractor Bussenger, Robert J, DC Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Hess, Paul George, MD Emergency Medicine Cabigao, Eduardo C, MD Meko, Jennifer Bupp, MD Miller, Sue Davenport, MD Ray, Verna Gail, MD P P P P PS P P P P PS PS Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Smith, Wendy J, ANP Tyler, Stephanie Gene, APRN BC Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Norris, Marcus Anthony, NP Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Beard, Tammara H, NP Bishop, Jeffrey Morgan, APRN BC Carpenter, Terrell C, FNP Colston, Jamey K, MSN Crenshaw, Lisa M, NP Hoffmann, Emily A, FNP Hudson, Angela P, ANP Lipsey, Catherine A, APRN BC Marcum, Carolyn Ruth, NP C Powell, John H, FNP Oncology Heching, Norman I, MD PS Pediatrics Hamilton, Derrick R, MD P P P P SK S SK SK Podiatry (DPM) Baggett, Larry D, DPM Bell, John E, DPM Family Medicine Surgery Bishop, John M, MD Burch, William Eugene, MD Farooq, Farha, MD Lyons, Darrin C, MD Rhea, Karl B, Jr, MD Scates, Paul E, Jr, MD Seaton, David Lee, MD Simpson, LaTanya Asenath, MD Thrasher, Barton B, MD McKnight, Frank S, MD P PS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Radiation Oncology General Practice Gynecological Oncology K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Imseis, Raed, MD Palmieri, Genaro M, MD PSK P P P P P Daher, Fadi, MD Hamze, Omar, MD Fayette County PS PS PS Fannin County (GA) Chiropractor Networks Surgery Dyer County (Continued) Fentress County K-Network K Reed, Mark E, MD Santoso, Joseph T, MD Smiley, Linda M, MD Tillmanns, Todd D, MD Hematology Reed, Jarvis D, MD Richey, Sylvia S, MD Somer, Bradley G, MD Tian, G Gary, MD Hematology / Oncology Benn, Sonia M, MD Besh, Stephen A, MD Cash, Darlene K, MD Pallera, Arnel M, MD Portnoy, David Craig, MD Schwartzberg, Lee S, MD Internal Medicine Allan, Katherine Federline, MD Arnold, Anita L, MD Elsea, DeAnna S, MD Medical Oncology Baskin, Reed C, MD Blakely, Laura Johnetta, MD Johnson, Robert A, MD Minhas, Sohail A, MD PS PS P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S SK Burnett, John Arthur, MD Lee, Jea Youl, MD McGee, Roger Lynn, Jr, MD Therapeutic Optometry Haddad, Charles P, OD Persell, Wesley O, OD Reeves, Gregory E, ODT Urology Raghavaiah, Nimmagad V, MD S S S S P P P P SK S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S PS PS PS P P P P SK S S SK P P PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S SK PS PS PS P PS PS P P P P PS Fentress County PS P P P P PS PS Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Collins, Thomas L, CRNA Norman, Samuel R, CRNA Chiropractor Silvey, David R, DC Emergency Medicine Backer, Farnel Fernand, MD Bakeer, Mohammed S, MD Dolan, Michael Sean, MD Ferguson, Charles B, MD Galiwango, Charles K, MD Horsky, Timothy, DO McKee, Alice Roark, MD Meko, Jennifer Bupp, MD Niner, Paul J, III, MD Rico, Wilfred Martin, MD Saint Jean, Norma, DO Smith, Hayden Blake, MD Williams, Arthur L, II, MD Family Medicine Clapp, Mark A, MD Ghearing, Gilbert R, MD Sewell, Christopher, MD General Practice Joshi, Dilip N, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S SK S S S S S SK S PSK PS PSK PS 57 Fentress County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Sikora, Xavier A, DC Fentress County (Continued) Hospital Medicine Talley, Rockey Cliff, MD Internal Medicine Allred, Jonathan D, MD Patibandla, Vijaya Kumar, MD Smith, Richard D, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Glasser, Bernadette A, FNP Horst, Alisha N, FNP BC Obstetrics & Gynecology Henson, Barney Jerry, MD Sewell, Christopher, MD Ophthalmology Grisolano, James, MD Patterson, Larry E, MD Physician Assistant Burks, Garry Wayne, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Burks, Garry Wayne, PA Podiatry (DPM) Brennan, Nate A, DPM Surgery Grigsby, David A, MD Therapeutic Optometry Goodman, Elizabeth E, OD Moore, Karin Rodriguez, OD Peek, Jennifer Leann, OD Randle, Clifton J, III, OD Smith, Jordan Dewitt, OD K-Network K Networks Dermatology Bell, Michael W, MD Nelson, Ronald A, MD PS Diagnostic Radiology Harcy, Peter, MD PSK PS PS Emergency Medicine Ferguson, Charles B, MD Family Medicine PS PS Boyanton, Lia C, MD Boyanton, Walter J, III, MD Cole, Richard C, MD Daniel, William D, DO Henbest, Heath S, DO Holder, Terry Scott, MD Jurich, Nicholas Roger, MD Kemp, Olan Baxter, MD Koella, Louis E, MD Martin, David Christopher, DO Petrilla, Diane L, MD Petrilla, Matthew J, DO Pettes, Christy Lynn, MD Smith, Thomas A, MD Smolenski, Lisabeth Ann, MD Sommerschield, Stephen S, MD Stepp, Dara Jurich, DO Tidmore, Karen A, DO Williams, J. Lynn, MD PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS P P P P P General Practice Philpott, Donald Macgregor, MD S Hematology / Oncology Ahmed, Mainuddin, MD Mohyuddin, Adil I, MD S S S Hospital Medicine Nambiar, Sona Rajesh, MD Floyd County (GA) Dermatology Chung, John Yohan, MD Internal Medicine Eko Isenalumhe, Imhona A, MD Emokpae, Hamilton Osasere, MD Gammada, Ephraim R, MD Lu, Ma Belinda M, MD Stensby, James G, MD Ye, Jeff Huaqing, MD P Franklin County Cardiovascular Disease Basaraba, Mircea Marcel, MD Cabell, Thomas Hargrave, Jr, MD Chidsey, Geoffrey, MD Crumbo, Donald S, MD Huneycutt, David Carl, Jr, MD Jefferson, Brian Keith, MD Johnston, Thomas S, MD Jones, Robert C, MD Kearney, Kathleen Rebecca, MD Kreth, Timothy K, MD Mangione, Nelson J, MD Manoukian, Steven Vahe, MD McRae, Andrew Thomas, III, MD Myers, Paul R, MD Riddick, John Alston, MD Ververis, John James, MD Wheatley, Robert M, MD Williams, Thomas Ashurst, Jr, MD Nephrology P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Omitowoju, Oladapo O, MD S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Neurology Bhullar, Ramneet, MD Ledbetter, Louise Y, MD Neuropsychology (PHD) Jones, Leslie D, PhD Nurse Practitioner Howe, Dana L, FNP Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Larner, Douglas Scott, NP C Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Vandegrift, James W, CRNA Velocci, Dina F, CRNA Chiropractor Anderson, Jerry S, DC Branham, Kim Y, DC Cotton, Albert D, Jr, DC Kenyon, Cory L, DC Kuhar, William A, DC Rudder, Amy Elaine, DC Shull, Kurt A, DC 58 PS PSK P P P P P P P S SK S S S S S Atchison, Shannon Rebecca, FNP BC Bradley, Amanda Denise, FNP BC Edwards, Deborah Lynn, NP C Golden, Kelly B, FNP Larner, Douglas Scott, NP C Milner, Rita P, NP Perry, Kimberly A, FNP Rigsby, Kimerly A, FNP Obstetrics & Gynecology Fujiyoshi, Carol A, MD Murphy, Robert Bryan, MD Myers, Bryan C, MD Rivero, Jose L, Jr, MD Ophthalmology Bierly, John Robert, MD Networks PS Collier, Robert Craig, MD Norris, Hunter Willingham, MD PSK PS Orthopedic Surgery PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K Bagby Jr, Richard A, MD Brown, L. Keith, MD Extine, James H, DO PS PS PSK Otolaryngology Brown, John Oscar, MD PSK Pediatric Ophthalmology Peterson, Edward Andrew, MD PS Pediatrics Evans, Amy H, MD Heath, Mary Delphine, MD Mangru, Nevindra N, MD Szczarkowska, Jolanta, MD Physician Assistant K K K K K K K K K Lawless, George Trion, PA McCraney, Dennis Craig, PA Tomsett, Robert Mason, Jr, PA C White, Jonathan Stephen, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Lennon, David M, PA White, Jonathan Stephen, PA Ganime, Charles D, DPM PS PS Therapeutic Optometry PS SK S S S SK S Brady, Robin Michael, OD Eichenberger, William E, OD Hicks, William M, OD Laws, Susan J, ODT Mann, Daryl Francis, OD McCarty, Zachary Stuart, OD Muse, Gregory L, OD Phillips, Leslie Ann, OD Smoak, Sonya M, OD Woodall, Katy Leigh, OD S SK SK S P P P P P P P P P P Urgent Care Physicians S S S S S S S S S K K K K PS Urological Surgery Stiles, William F, III, DO PS PS P P P P PSK PS PSK Smith, Christopher L, DO PSK S S S SK PSK Surgery Greer, Patrick R, MD Hixson, Troy Andrew, MD Szewczyk, Damian T, MD P P P P PS PSK Podiatry (DPM) PSK P P P P P P PSK PSK PS Urology Corrie, Gary D, MD Kohler, Robert J, MD PS P PS Fulton County PS Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Cox, Debbie Ferguson, CRNA PS P P P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P S S S S K K K K S Fulton County (KY) Audiology Sexton, Michael A, MA CCC A Dermatology Wilson, Douglas M, MD Emergency Medicine K K K K PSK Cox, Fred Gregory, MD Foston, Will D, MD Hall, Larry L, MD Morrison, Richard L, MD Rousseau, Thomas G, MD Smith, Graham G, MD PS PS P P P P P P S SK S SK SK S PS Check our Web site @ for current listing. Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Fulton County (KY) (Continued) Family Medicine Whitledge, Joshua D, DO General Practice Malik, Indu B, MD Ragsdale, John W, Jr, MD White, Richard H, MD Internal Medicine Cox, Fred Gregory, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Alexander Lusk, Allie L, FNP Cole, Lela K, FNP BC Jones, Elizabeth R, FNP BC Smith, Judy N, FNP Obstetrics & Gynecology Bolli, Jo Ann Nadeau, MD Otolaryngology Rowland, Bruce James, DO Pediatrics Malik, Nasira M, MD Surgery Gooch, Allen Christopher, MD Networks Olusanya, Ayodele A, MD Tucker, Cortez Arthur, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice PS PS PS PS PS P P P P S S S S PS PS PS PS Abbott, Mary L, FNP Byrer, Christine F, FNP Cursey, Angela B, FNP Kovacs Whaley, Cynthia H, FNP BC Leitherland, Edna Ruth, FNP Little, Russell E, APRN BC Long, Beth Renee, APRN BC Perry, Darren R, FNP Perry, Mechelle T, FNP Richmond, Zekeya V, FNP Roe, Betty A, FNP Sims, Jan A, FNP Whitby, Sherry R, FNP Pediatrics Dieudonne, Gina Marie, MD Dunlap, Warner B, MD Physician Assistant - PCP Harrison, Karon P, PA Podiatry (DPM) Cooper, Cedric K, DPM Craig, Joel S, DPM Harris, James T, DPM Riffe, Kathryn A, DPM Radiology Urology Hussain, Ahmed, MD PS Dougan, Max R, MD Surgery Patel, Hasmukh D, MD Routon, William Robert, MD Tozer, Kenneth H, II, MD Gibson County Cardiovascular Disease Alperovich, Alexander Haim, MD Chiropractor Dean, Jesse A, III, DC King, G. Leon, DC McBride, Kyle Gene, DC Powers, Jason Michael, DC Powers, Lyndsey Marie, DC Emergency Medicine Backer, Farnel Fernand, MD Bez, Hans Sebastian, DO Saint Jean, Norma, DO Family Medicine Adetunji, Ezekiel Oladejo, MD Andre, Patrick Nicholas, MD Antique, Maria C, MD Hall, Steven Edgar, MD Houston, Benny C, MD Kirby, Keith H, MD Madrid, Dulce Flor E, MD McAdoo, Michael A, MD Moragne, Mechelle E, MD Murphy, R Louis, Sr, MD Extended Hours Available Nelson, Thomas H, MD Reeves, Wade P, MD Rico, Wilfred Martin, MD Swaim, Cynthia R, MD Twilla, Ronald G, MD Williams, James L, II, MD Wilson, Jerry P, MD General Practice Barker, Robert C, MD Linn, Malinda Dawn, MD Murphy, Venable Art, MD Presson, Matthew Bradley, DO Internal Medicine Appleton, Joe A, MD Appleton, Nicolas B, MD Arinze, Festus N, MD Chioco, Ernesto P, MD Physicians PS P P P P P S S S S S PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P S S S S P P PS PS Gilmer County (GA) K-Network K Therapeutic Optometry Agee, Phillip E, OD Bacigalupo, William A, OD Duncan, Kelly M, OD Fortner, William P, OD Kirby, John Allen, OD Kizer, Lewis B, OD Lewis, Lindy H, OD Minton, Carol R, OD Nicholson, Larry L, II, OD Orwig, David M, OD Robinson, Brian K, OD Utley, Dustin Kyle, OD Yates, J. Alan, OD Internal Medicine PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P Agarwal, Sanjay Jaisingh, MD Alejandrino, Angelina I, MD Aluyi, Clement Osakpamwan, MD Balatico, Ferdinand A, MD Faour, Muhamed S, MD Haggag, Akram I, MD Nelson, Michael Percy, MD S S S S Medical Oncology S S S S S S Gian, Victor G, MD Peacock, Nancy, MD Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Thompson, Monica L, NP Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health S Graham, Janet Sue, ANP White, Pamela D, APRN BC PS PS Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Cohen, Kathy E, FNP Mashburn, Steven N, NP VerBeek, Deborah R, FNP Weaver, Lisa A, FNP White, Edward D, Jr, FNP PS P PS PS PS Gist, Beth Ann, CMN Obstetrics & Gynecology Gist, William E, MD Wynn, Terry Ann, MD Ophthalmology Stewart, William C, MD PS PS PS Orthopedic Surgery Taylor, Richard Clark, MD Otolaryngology S S S S S S S S S S S S S Legreid, Russell J, II, MD Stewart, William R, Jr, MD Pediatric Ophthalmology Morrison, David G, MD Pediatrics Franco Chen, Mildred A, MD Lotfy, Nermine M, MD Podiatry (DPM) Anna, Christopher D, MD Jackson, Brian D, DPM Merrell, Tracy A, DPM Radiology Giles County Cardiovascular Disease Ali, Fathi Idris, MD Maquiling, Kevin Michael, MD Chiropractor Bailey, Lelton E, DC Bailey, Lorraine C, DC Bailey, Roger D, DC Bender, Thomas M, DC Taylor, John E, DC Emergency Medicine Dennis, Kevin Odell, MD Family Medicine Beall, James H, III, MD Beasley, Jerry S, MD Burger, Charles W, MD Haney, Charles D, MD Savage, Stephen R, MD Smith, Langdon G, MD Vollmer, Donald Evans, II, MD General Practice Barrett, Jerry O, MD Stults, Richard F, MD PS PSK P P P P P Surgery Lucas, Todd J, MD Williams, Kenna Jane, MD Therapeutic Optometry S S S S Orton, Joel G, OD Orton, Lara A, OD Taylor, Bonnie Fults, OD Wadley, C. Hughes, OD Urgent Care Physicians PSK P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P P P S SK S S S S S PS PS PS P PS P P P P P S S SK SK S Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P Networks Augustin, Michele Lee, NP C Powers, Richard Reams, Jr, MD Turner, David Mitchell, MD PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PSK PSK PSK PS PS PS PS PS PS P P P P S S S S PS PS PS K K K K Gilmer County (GA) Internal Medicine Issa, Elias Georges, MD P K PSK Check our Web site @ for current listing. 59 Gordon County (GA) S-Network S P-Network P Networks K-Network K Networks Pediatric Orthopedics Gordon County (GA) Gregory, Andrew J, MD Sports Medicine Dermatology Chung, John Yohan, MD Rummo, Paul J, DO P Surgery McWhirt, Edward B, MD Grainger County Cardiology Churchwell, Andre L, MD Glazer, Mark D, MD Hood, Rob R, MD Cardiovascular Disease Churchwell, Keith B, MD Clair, Walter K, MD Crenshaw, Marshall H, MD Frederiksen, Rand T, MD Friesinger, Gottlieb Christian, III, MD Prudoff, Adam James, MD Richardson, Thomas Ramsey, MD Chiropractor McCoy, Neil E, DC Family Medicine Davis, Tamara F, MD Hall, Vaughan D, MD Martin, William L, II, DO Mays, William K, MD Moncier, Hal, MD Robbins, Sherry L, MD Schiro Anger, Richelle D, MD Infectious Disease Husnain, Syed Shaukat, MD Internal Medicine Duck, Dennis H, MD Husnain, Syed Shaukat, MD Hussain, Zakir, MD Petersen, Erik Christian, DO Siddiqi, Amanullah, MD Neurology Hussain, Mohammad I, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Acuff, Jessica J, FNP Gillis, Bethany Ann, NP C McDaniel, Gwendolyn T, FNP Russell, Mary C, APRN BC Sharp, Amy Deane, FNP Physician Assistant - PCP Vega, Hector L, PA Therapeutic Optometry Phillips, Harold Chandler, ODT PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K PS P P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K PS P P P P P SK S SK S SK P P P P P S S S S S K K K K PS PSK Graves County (KY) Anesthesiology Mangla, Lal C, MD Audiology Sexton, Michael A, MA CCC A Nurse Practitioner Wyatt, Sheryl A, FNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Canup, Alison C, NP Woods, Ginny A, NP Orthopedic Surgery Kuhn, John E, MD Spindler, Kurt P, MD Otolaryngology Rowland, Bruce James, DO 60 PS PS PS PS PS PSK PSK PS PSK Allergy and Immunology Jones, Phillip Wayne, MD Overholt, Robert M, MD Pienkowski, Marek M, MD PSK PSK PS Guthrie, Courtney Curry, AuD CCC A PSK Schumaier Campbell, Sarah A, AuD CCC A P S K Schumaier, Daniel R, CCC A PSK Cardiovascular Disease Alison, Harold W, MD PS Bailey, Joseph C, MD PS Brahmbhatt, Vipulkumar Rameshchandra, MDPS Chang, Mark W, MD PS Counts, Marc D, MD PS Jordan, Louis Collier, MD PS Schoondyke, Jeffrey Wayne, MD PS Whitaker, Jack Harry, MD PS Bryant, Clifford E, DC Frost, Stephanie A, DC Frost, William M, DC Gilliam, Robert M, DC Hamilton, John R, Jr, DC Hartman, Leonard Lee, DC Johnson Kricko, Cynthia, DC Knecht, Bucky E, DC Snelson, Bryon K, DC Dermatology Reid, Lawrence H, MD Clemens, Elizabeth A, MD Hansen, Donald C, MD Kehler, George Bela, II, MD McFarland, Drew P, MD McMichen, John W, MD OBrien, Susan N, MD Parker, Heath A, DO Pinyard, Joseph V, Jr, MD Roberts, Stephen M, MD Yost, Tony E, MD Family Medicine Aasheim, Richard J, MD Breckenridge, Rufus G, MD Das, Niladri, MD Hartsell, Michael H, MD Hoppe, Gordon P, MD Lewis, Daniel Scott, MD Maxwell, Leisa Lynn, DO McCord Duncan, Elizabeth Lavinia, MD McFarland, Drew P, MD McKinney, James R, MD Montgomery, Charles A, MD Oakley, Jaime G, MD Odell, Michael J, MD Roberts, Andy A, MD Schnell, Martin Norman, Jr, MD Shaw, John L, MD Smolenski, Lisabeth Ann, MD Strange, Ernest B, MD Svendsen, Claes U, MD Thwing, Philip Tolleson, MD Toppenberg, Kevin S, MD Toppenberg, Marcia Dee, MD Woods, Sonja B, MD Clements, Margeaux L, FNP PS Gastroenterology Marsa, Gordon L, MD Swenson, James A, MD PS PS Aspley, Donald Bruce, MD Cole, Ronald A, MD Susong, Kenneth C, MD Webster, Thomas M, MD Audiology Chiropractor Family Medicine - Diag Test Interpretation General Practice P Greene County Emergency Medicine PS PSK Networks P P P P Hematology / Oncology Patel, Dharmen Jayendra, MD PSK Hospital Medicine Alhayani, Irfan, MD Boggs, Bruce Daniel, MD Deoss Maksoud, Deborah J, DO Donovan, Brian P, MD Mahboob, Rashid, MD Nazarov, Vitaly, MD Pickstock, Janet G, MD Rahman, Zia Ur, MD Raval, Abhijit Ajitkymar, MD Singh, Vijay Raj, MD P P P P P P P P P P Immunizing Pharmacist Fisher, Cindy Bullington, DPh S S S S S SK SK S S PS P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S SK S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PSK Infectious Disease Patel, Hiren B, MD P P P P P P P P P S S S S PS Internal Medicine Austin, Joseph William, Jr, MD Austin, Maynard W, MD Beckner, Thomas F, MD Cochran, Leon H, MD Davidson, Melanie R, MD Garza, Jose Enrique, MD Locklear, Robert W, MD Mathiesen, Kenneth Marlin, MD Morelock, Brooks G, MD Overholt, Candi Cashen, MD Patel, Kaushal N, MD Patel, Mayur Chandrakant, MD Rodgers, James S, MD Scott, William Joseph, MD Smith, Elliott B, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Internal Medicine -Diag Test Interpretation Austin, Joseph William, Jr, MD Austin, Maynard W, MD Beckner, Thomas F, MD Morelock, Brooks G, MD Rodgers, James S, MD Scott, William Joseph, MD P P P P P P Medical Oncology Sen, Anindya K, MD PS Neurological Surgery Dulebohn, Scott C, MD PS Neurology Turoff, Jonathan A, MD PS Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Jones, Shannon Leigh, NP PS Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Larner, Douglas Scott, NP C PS Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Atchison, Shannon Rebecca, FNP BC Azima, Laura Elaine, FNP BC Belcher, Sarah Ellen, APRN BC Clements, Margeaux L, FNP D Lugos, John David, FNP BC Dobbins, Darrell Gene, FNP Hanks, Catherine Caldwell, NP Johnson, Angela L, FNP McIntosh, Shelly J, FNP Check our Web site @ for current listing. S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S SK S S S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Greene County (Continued) Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice (Continued) Montemarano, Marsha C, FNP Mottern, Joe David, FNP Nielsen, Kimberly Annette, FNP Robbins, Melissa A, FNP Williams, Shelley L, FNP Wright, Joyce A, NP Yokley, Sheila Lynn, APRN BC P P P P P P P S SK SK S S S SK Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Morrison, Rebecca A, NP Obstetrics & Gynecology Barnes, Lloyd R, MD Hawthorne, Jo Lynn, MD Nelson, Harry C, III, MD Reardon, Peter Alastair, MD Small, Karin L, MD Ophthalmology Brown, Thomas L, MD Ellenburg, Luke L, MD Rabon, Randal J, MD Smead, William Jackson, MD Urban, Laura L, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Clark, Jeffrey Marshall, DDS Johnson, Bradley Stevenson, DMD Orthopedic Surgery Aiken, Marc A, MD Detroye, Robert J, MD Duncan, Richard W, MD Franklin, John L, MD Freeman, John L, Jr, MD Grant, Joseph D, MD Jenkins, Timothy Douglas, MD Krenk, Daniel Eric, DO McRae, Karen J, MD Pectol, Richard W, MD Stewart, Gregory L, MD Wells, James Michael, MD Otolaryngology Abernathy, Susan P, DO Pain Management Batizy, Botond Gusztav, II, MD Pathology Thacker, W C, MD Pediatrics Ashe, Walter D, MD Cobble, Douglas C, MD Fuller, Timothy L, DO Giles, Stanley A, MD McGill, Richard Scott, DO Perry, Charles Stephen, MD Swarner, Orville Ward, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Hardin, David Burton, MD McQuain, Mark T, MD Physician Assistant Chapman, Richard Earll, PA Cook, Samuel William, III, PA Cowen, Greg L, PA Davis, Pamela Brook, PA Fleming, Christopher D, PA Gilfoil, Edna Beth, PA Hardy, James S, Jr, PA Lawless, George Trion, PA Lee, Paul Andrew, PA McCraney, Dennis Craig, PA Physicians PS PS P P P P P P P P P P Murphy, Alvin L, PA Rogan, Robert B, Jr, PA Tomsett, Robert Mason, Jr, PA C Truman, Thomas A, PA White, Jonathan Stephen, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Stone, Michael D, PA White, Jonathan Stephen, PA Physician Assistant at Surgery Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health Everett, N Kathleen, NP Chapman, Richard Earll, PA Cook, Samuel William, III, PA Fleming, Christopher D, PA Hardy, James S, Jr, PA Murphy, Alvin L, PA Sutterlin, Shawn A, PA Truman, Thomas A, PA Podiatry (DPM) S S S S S Ades, Joe Killeen, DPM Pulmonary Disease Bakshi, Mandeep S, MD Baron, Michael B, MD Radiation Oncology Boys, John C, MD S S S S S Sports Medicine Fowler, Todd A, MD Parks, Eric Daniel, MD Surgery PS PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S Brown, Dale, Jr, OD Clement, John K, OD Emde, Bradford M, OD Helm, Robert A, OD Norton, Nancy Coffman, OD Pumphrey, Kristen Brooke, OD Shaw, Shelly F, OD Vestal, Donnie Pete, OD Vestal, Marietta T, OD Yandell, James Allen, OD Urgent Care Physicians Berry, Bruce Ellis, MD Filka, Marianne E, MD PS Urology PS P P P P P P P S S S S S S S Carter, Jason B, MD K K K K K K PS PS P P P P P P P P P P Bridges, William R, MD Flohr, Robert S, MD Galloway, Paula Elizabeth, DO Myers, Frederick J, MD Patterson, Mark D, MD Scott, Natalie Renee, MD Vinsant, George O, MD Therapeutic Optometry PS S S S S S SK S S S SK Hamblen County K-Network K P P P P P S S SK S S PS PSK P P P P P P P S S S S S S S PS PS PS PS Binks, Terrance Alan, DO Florence, David G, DO General Practice Hua, Vin Paul, MD Internal Medicine Chounzom, Tenzing, MD Costa, Lawrence W, MD Eko Isenalumhe, Imhona A, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Garner, Krista A, FNP Knight, Bryan E, FNP Ladd, Angela S, FNP Taylor, Kim D, FNP Otolaryngology Freeman, William James, MD Pediatrics Heath, Mary Delphine, MD Physician Assistant - PCP Spradlin, Donald Bruce, PA Therapeutic Optometry Littell, Randall A, OD P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P S S SK S S S S S S PS PS PS PS PS PS PSK PS PSK P P P P P S S S SK PS PS PSK Hamblen County Allergy and Immunology Jones, Phillip Wayne, MD Overholt, Robert M, MD Springer, Michael A, MD Wisniewski, Joseph M, MD Cardiovascular Disease Blacky, Albert R, MD Diltz, Emily A, MD Patel, Pragnesh Arvind, MD Ramaprasad, Sunil, MD P P P P S S S S K K K K P P P P S S S S K K K K Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Soto, Denise A, CRNA Watts, James C, CRNA Chiropractor PS PS Grundy County Family Medicine Networks Brooks, Kenny D, DC Buckridge, Michael O, DC Clarke, Elisabeth A, DC Clarke, Stephen L, DC Coleman, Carrie M, DC Coleman, Phillip N, DC Heskett, Michael R, DC Humann, Terence O, DC Justus, Russell A, DC Kanipe Noe, Katie Lee Ann, DC Kirk, Mike D, DC McFall, Billy G, DC Newcomb, Thomas H, DC Extended Hours Available Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Belt, Robert M, MD Dermatology Byarlay, Jean A, MD Fulk, Charles S, MD Diagnostic Radiology Balius, Anastasia Marie, MD Campbell, Paul Dennis, Jr, MD Peeke, Jeffrey Wilson, MD Emergency Medicine Barrowclough, John R, MD Bennett, David Paul, DO Duck, Dennis H, MD Dukes, Robert A, MD Gore, Stephen T, MD Livesay, Jackie A, MD Mask, Van S, MD Quarles, Glenn R, MD Siddiqi, Amanullah, MD Tye, Georgia K, MD PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K K K S S S PSK PS P PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K SK SK Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Langton, Joanne E, MD Mahmood, Mubashir, MD Family Medicine Benavides, Moses B, MD Bunsic, Jana Gordon, DO Burnette-Vick, Bonnie A, MD Dillard, Donna Rose, MD Dolaptchiev, Bojidar Bojidarov, MD Gupta, Rajeev, MD Hancock, Shannon P, MD Hasemeier, Eric F, DO Johnson, David A, MD Klein, Dennis Michael, DO Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS P P P P P P P P P P K S S S SK S S SK S S 61 Hamblen County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Hamblen County (Continued) Gastroenterology Adams, Linas J, MD Ellis, Michael Robert, MD Hunt, Robert McPhail, MD Maran, Siva T, MD Sachdev, Arvinder J, MD Wiseman, Robert M, MD General Practice Cooze, Derek, MD Sutherland, Peter M, MD General Vascular Surgery Waters, David Barton, MD Geriatric Medicine Gupta, Rajeev, MD Hematology Geyer, Clarissa Salgado, MD Schrock, Nathan E, MD Hematology / Oncology Huntsinger, Susan N, MD Hospital Medicine Akhtar, Afaque, MD Cantwell, Denise Cynthia, MD Cox, Jason E, MD Greear, Randall A, MD Patel, Falguniben Arvindbhai, MD Pratt, Eustacia Lee, MD Robinson, Jill Bolin, DO Sinha, Neeraj, MD Internal Medicine Cardali, Paul B, MD Delay, Eric G, MD Hunt, Robert McPhail, MD Kouser, Aqueel M, MD Kouser, Hina, MD Lowry, O. Raymond, III, MD Petersen, Erik Christian, DO Phillips, Floyd Edward, Jr, MD Senter, Riley S, MD Shahid, Saleh Rashid, MD Siddiqi, Amanullah, MD Smith, Devon Dane, MD Tan, Michael A, MD Walker, David A, MD Wallace, Febe I, MD Williams, William J, DO Maternal - Fetal Medicine Hennessy, Mark D, MD Kipikasa, Joseph H, MD Torres, Carlos, MD Medical Oncology DeFelice, Joseph Michael, MD Dobbs, Tracy W, MD Lee, Richard, MD Panella, Timothy J, MD Schumaker, Robert D, MD Nephrology Ahmed, Mohammed I, MD Neurology Mohamed, Abdelrahman H, MD 62 Perez, Ivan C, MD Nuclear Medicine Chacko, George, MD Family Medicine (Continued) Lane, Debra Ann, MD McNabney, David P, MD Melling, Blake P, MD Robinson, Jill Bolin, DO Robinson, Maurice S, DO Swanson, Rual C, MD Templeton, Steven A, MD Yarid, Frederick R, MD K-Network K Networks P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S SK S P P P P P P SK S S SK S S PS PS PS PS PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K PS PS PS P P P P P S S S S S PS PS K K K K K Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Bowers, Mary J, NP Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Carpenter, Catherine June, APRN BC Hicks, Lucinda, APRN BC Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Acuff, Jessica J, FNP Arns, Michele Renee, APRN BC Biddle, David E, NP Cate, Glynda Faye, APRN BC Christian, Mary Layne, FNP BC Dobbins, Darrell Gene, FNP Evans, Laura Horton, FNP Frazier, Annita Jeanne, FNP BC Given, Stacey A, NP Hall, Tina D, FNP Housewright, Linda Sue, FNP BC Kirk, Lisa C, APRN BC Lawson, Alice Grigsby, FNP BC Lee, Rita Ann, FNP BC McCluskey, Michelle Phillips, APRN BC McDaniel, Gwendolyn T, FNP Minnich, Morgan L, FNP Mottern, Joe David, FNP Richardson, Sydney Lynn, NP C Sawicki, Valeria Ann, FNP BC Setser, Kimberly Meschelyn, FNP Sharp, Amy Deane, FNP Shultz, Heather Renee, FNP BC Smith, Sheila Ann, APRN BC Withers, Ginger Lynn, FNP BC Wolfenbarger, James Patrick, FNP Wright, Pamela Wayne, FNP Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Allen, Morgan Vanessa, CPNP BC Orthopedic Surgery PS PSK Bratton, Michael W, MD Christopher, Ronald G, MD Grimaldi, Nicholas Anthony, DO McLemore, Wayne L, MD PSK Otolaryngology PSK PS Obstetrics & Gynecology Anderson, Craig Cole, MD Black, Billy Jerrell, Jr, MD Clark, Peter Larson, MD Collinson, Kim A, MD Ellis, Frank S, MD Gordon, Marilyn, MD Knight, Penny L, MD Sandland, Helen, MD Zain, Harry A, MD Oncology Miller, Stephen S, MD Ophthalmology Anderson, Nicholas G, MD Ange, Charles G, MD Browning, Thomas A, MD Carson, John W, III, MD Googe, Joseph M, Jr, MD Harris, David J, MD Hoskins, John C, MD Lindsey, Charles H, MD McMillan, Tod A, MD McNeil, David W, MD Miller, James H, Jr, MD Perkins, Stephen L, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Boyd, James Sidney, DDS Johnson, Bradley Stevenson, DMD Shanks, Charles H, DDS P P P P Adams, Jeffrey S, MD Dillard, Michael Leslie, MD Little, Frank B, MD S S S S S S K K K K K K S SK S S S S K SK S SK SK S S S S S S S S K K K K PSK P P P P P S S S S S K K K K P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K Chavin, Michael A, MD Harris, Dennis Gibson, MD Bukovitz, Mary E, MD Feehan, Tammy T, MD Helsel, Shasta Brewer, MD Karwan, Sobha R, MD Kraus, Laura W, MD Kraus, Mathew T, MD Lietzke, Christiana Marie, MD Moss, Casey Nelson, MD Phillips, Regina N, MD Powell, Laura A, MD Salansky, Renee A, MD Toffoletto, Larry Michael, MD Townsend, Andrew, MD Warden, Angela, MD Wilkinson, John W, MD Willbanks, David V, MD Physician Assistant Williams, Benjamin Wayne, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Blackburn, Lori Ann, PA Martin, Daniel James, PAC Vega, Hector L, PA Physician Assistant at Surgery Williams, Benjamin Wayne, PA Podiatry (DPM) Creazzo, Joseph, Jr, DPM Jones, Julie Johnson, DPM Rivard, Paul C, DPM Wadsworth, Steven M, DPM Pulmonary Disease Mejia, Ernesto, MD Radiation Oncology Anderson, John M, MD Radiology Hill, Michael W, MD Lakshman, Sankar, MD Payne, Steven Daryl, MD Rheumatology P P P P P P P P P P P P Surgery K K K K K K K K K K K PS PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation PSK S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS Pediatrics Jett, Paul Lee, MD Kouser, Aqueel M, MD Crawford, David P, MD Drinnen, Daniel B, II, MD Edwards, Devin Shane, MD Helms, Crampton H, MD Lumb, John Charles, MD Nix, Jeffrey A, MD Thompson, Tom C, MD Therapeutic Optometry Chance, Deborah, OD Crawford, William J, OD Harmon, David E, OD Hyde, Arthur Tom, OD Hyde, Louis A, OD Joslin, Brian C, OD Joslin, Bryce H, OD Check our Web site @ for current listing. S S S SK PS PS PS Pain Management P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) Holt, Pamela W, WHNP BC Kesterson, Stacey Anne, WHNP BC Misenheimer, Julianne Grizzell, WHNP BC Newman, Courtney Suzanne, NP Trumbley, Sharon G, NP Networks S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PS PS PSK PS PS PS P P P P SK S S S PS PS PS P K PSK PS P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Hamblen County (Continued) Laney, Katherine H, OD Lindsey, Brad S, OD Phillips, Harold Chandler, ODT Pumphrey, Kristen Brooke, OD Urology Kavanagh, Eugene, MD White, Wesley Matthew, MD Vascular Surgery Assadnia, Shahin, MD P P P P SK S SK S PSK PSK PSK Hamilton County Allergy and Immunology Alimurka, Krystyna Tamara, MD Chaffin, David C, MD Cromie, Marc W, MD Hollie, Michael C, MD Kaplan, Hyman M, MD Levin, Todd A, MD Perry, Lee Michael, MD Raschal, Susan Pauline, DO Walker, Russell L, MD Younger, Robert E, III, MD Anatomic and Clinical Pathology Welch, Derek C, MD Anesthesiology Adkins, John F, Jr, MD Bareddy, Venkata R, MD Barron, Noel D, MD Bartlett, David D, MD Bean, Marilyn L, MD Brown, James W, MD Daghlian, Bedros D, MD Davis, James P, Jr, MD Ellison, David F, DO Falinski, Boleslaus, MD Gruwell, Mark L, MD Hill, Russell, MD Johnson, Brian D, MD Jones, Monica M, MD Kaiser, Wendy Ann, MD Kunda, Sarma R, MD Lau, Serena M, MD McKellar, Sally, MD Musgrave, David M, MD Oscar, George R, MD Patel, Haresh D, MD Patil, Vinit D, MD Petarra, Steven D, MD Ray Jr, Bobby L, MD Reddy, Sudhakar K, MD Roach, Kyle V, MD Sisko, Frank E, MD Smith, Gary D, MD Smith, Samuel M, MD Tejani, Sushila N, MD Temlock, Arthur A, MD Truelove, Steven M, MD Westbrook Martin, Laura L, MD Wright, Matthew J, MD Yetter, Christopher R, MD Young, Christopher, MD Young, Lawrence I, MD Audiology Addison, C Lewis, CCC A Halsey Richardson, Wendy, MS CCC A Klee, Lynda J, CCC A Lancaster, Shawn Michael, AuD CCC A Morgan, Kimberly A, MS CCC A Parker, Kenneth C, CCC A Scafe, Darnell H, MA CCC A Physicians Networks Taylor, Kimberly D, CCCA Wilkens, Sara E, MS CCC A Cardiovascular Disease Therapeutic Optometry (Continued) P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Hamilton County K-Network K Allan, Michael Christian, MD Austin, Steven K, MD Bell, Calvin A, MD Berglund, Robert K, MD Blalock, William Eldridge, III, MD Bruce, Gregory Keith, MD Cabell, Thomas Hargrave, Jr, MD Conn, Eric H, MD Few, Walter Lee, III, MD Fowler, Andrew Harold, MD Geer, Michael R, MD Golding, John Vincent, III, MD Graham, Gordon D, MD Hays, Leonard J, III, MD Hoback, James W, Jr, MD Kort, Arthur A, MD Ledford, C Samuel, MD Lisy, Ondrej Joseph, MD Love, Michael Allan, MD Martin, Martin S, MD McKoy, Robert Curtis, MD Mitchell, Brian C, MD Monroe, Van Stephen, MD Mutter, Mitchell L, MD Negus, Brian H, MD Oellerich, William F, MD Perry, Gershon Yehuda, MD Powers, Joseph K, MD Richards, Theodore D, MD Sledge, Joseph Walter, III, MD Stratienko, Alexander Andrew, MD Stubblefield, Steven B, MD Thel, Mark C, MD Tombul, Selcuk Ahmet, DO Warren, William P, MD Cardiovascular Disease -Diag Test Interpretations Austin, Steven K, MD Bell, Calvin A, MD Berglund, Robert K, MD Bruce, Gregory Keith, MD Conn, Eric H, MD Fowler, Andrew Harold, MD Golding, John Vincent, III, MD Graham, Gordon D, MD Hays, Leonard J, III, MD Hoback, James W, Jr, MD Hood, Dannis E, Jr, MD Kort, Arthur A, MD Lauro, Francis Joseph, DO Ledford, C Samuel, MD Love, Michael Allan, MD McKoy, Robert Curtis, MD Mitchell, Brian C, MD Monroe, Van Stephen, MD Mutter, Mitchell L, MD Negus, Brian H, MD Oellerich, William F, MD Perry, Gershon Yehuda, MD Puckett, Walter, III, MD Richards, Theodore D, MD Salerno, David M, MD Shander, Gregg S, MD Stratienko, Alexander Andrew, MD Stubblefield, Steven B, MD Thel, Mark C, MD Warren, William P, MD Wendt, David J, MD P PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S K S K SK K S K S SK S SK SK S S SK SK S SK SK SK S SK Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Affolter, Bryan, CRNA Alonge, Raymond E, Jr, CRNA Atkins, Kim, CRNA Baker, Sally S, CRNA Barnes, Johnny K, CRNA Battles, Susan L, CRNA P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K Networks Blinn, Gary, CRNA Blinn, Laurie, CRNA Branson, Kathryn A, CRNA Caldwell, Karen, CRNA Corry, Sandra D, CRNA Couevas, Christy Michelle, CRNA Dvorchik, Debbie, CRNA Foote, James F, CRNA Ford, Frances J, CRNA Foster, Barbara, CRNA Fulton, Elizabeth, CRNA Gaither, Loretta M, CRNA Gossett, Randy A, CRNA Guy, Rebecca H, CRNA Hamm, Christi Mosley, CRNA Harvey, Charles M, CRNA Hixson, Mark E, CRNA Johnson, Margaret L, CRNA Johnson, Susan 0, CRNA Johnson, Tony Albert, CRNA Kelley, Oscar, CRNA Lam, Tina Hue, CRNA Lopes, Bryan J, CRNA Lopes, Janice, CRNA McAmis, Sheryl J, CRNA Morris, Steve J, CRNA Murphy, Suanne N, CRNA Pettijohn, Fatima Roena, CRNA Poe, Steven Stout, CRNA Rawson, Richard L, CRNA Reeves, Curtis E, CRNA Sanders, Kate C, CRNA Scott, Lillian, CRNA Smallwood, Robert A, CRNA Smith, Stephanie Hopka, CRNA Spencer, Donna, CRNA Spencer, Richard A, CRNA Spruill, John A, CRNA Stapleton, Stephen Clark, CRNA Still, Beverly J, CRNA Swinea, Holly Deanne, CRNA Tachenko, Michael, CRNA Taylor, George Etta, CRNA Tessier, Lewis A, CRNA Tester, Lisa M, CRNA Tyndall, Laura, CRNA Varga, Denise P, CRNA Vega, Sally A, CRNA Vial, Joseph M, CRNA Walker, Vickie, CRNA Webb, Christy L, CRNA Whitman, Diane, CRNA Woodard, Lori A, CRNA Young, Martin S, CRNA Zackary, Richard, CRNA Chiropractor Adair, Larry D, DC Austin, Amanda B, DC Babian, Mary L, DC Becker, Jacob Julius, DC Brogdon, David Grant, DC Cawley, Daniel R, DC Chastain, Christopher Robert, DC Circolone, Nicholas J, DC Coffman, Virgil A, Jr, DC Cross, Richard L, DC Cyrul, Christopher E, DC Debter, Amy Gay, DC DePol, Scott Howard, DC Dobrowolski, Robert, DC Dobson, Todd Bennett, DC Duff, Don D, DC Easter, Sandra Geiger, DC Elliott, Robert M, DC Gamache, Greg P, DC Hackett, Hannah L, DC Hall, Jeff G, DC Hamilton, Jeffrey C, DC Harkins, Cory R, DC Haug, Robert W, DC Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K S SK S S S S S K K 63 Hamilton County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Hamilton County (Continued) Chiropractor (Continued) Haynes, Jeffrey L, DC Haynes, Kathryn Elisabeth, DC Herzberg, Michael D, DC Hofmann, John L, DC Holden, Rebecca L, DC Howenstine, Craig A, DC Johnson, Karen L, DC Kent, Felton R, DC Kjos, Neil, DC Lewis, Christopher M, DC Litrakis, Larry S, DC Loher, Terrance J, DC Mason, Chaney L, DC Maucere, Raymond A, DC McGee, Bette D, DC McKinney, Ruth Avey, DC Mellert, Robert J, DC Miles, Paul D, DC Mills, Keith D, DC Morris, John R, DC Morris, Lisa B, DC Nickle, Jack L, DC Norris, Joy Lynn M, DC Olsen, Eric N, DC Parker, Andrew Wayne, DC Perrey, Dwight, DC Pollard, Jack C, DC Powers, Alan R, DC Ramsey, William Brent, DC Reinhart, Nancy J, DC Ross, John W, DC Russak, Aaron, DC Shelby, Donald Ray, DC Showalter, Ted S, DC Silverman, Lance S, DC Smith, Jennifer K, DC Smith, Troy R, DC Stangel, Tomas E, DC Steinecke, Julie L, DC Swann, Stephen S, DC Thompson, William D, DC Tomanelli, Douglas C, DC Tomasino, Dominick, DC Truong, Phong V, DC Twilley, Danny R, DC Wheatcroft, Brett L, DC Willing III, Evan G, DC Wolff, Michael A, DC Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Gbadebo, Tokunbo David, MD Salerno, David M, MD Shander, Gregg S, MD Talbert, Timothy M, MD Wendt, David J, MD Clinical Genetics Stevens, Cathy A, MD Colon and Rectal Surgery Moore, Richard A, MD Shuck, Edwin H, III, MD Stanley, John Daniel, MD Critical Care Medicine Gunter, John Paul, Jr, MD Patton Evans, Anja Altheria, MD Dermatology Banks, Samuel L, MD Davis, Allan E, MD Fennewald, Clarence L, MD Ligon, Jeff J, MD Pickard, Clay M, MD Reynolds, F. Hall, II, MD Susong, C. Rodney, MD 64 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK SK S S S S SK S S S S S S Gargus, Regina A, MD Rubin, Isadore L, MD Awh, Mark H, MD Hande, Rashmi Banninthaya, MD Hutson, Rodney K, Jr, MD Kreek, Andrew Edmund, Jr, MD Meyerowitz, Colin B, MD Morrow, James Evans, MD Rankine, David Andrew, MD Roberts, Roxsann Lee, MD Rulnick, Adam David, MD Emergency Medicine Champion, Deann K, MD Downes, William A, Dr Hayman, Kenneth H, MD Marshall, John W, MD Moore, Gary Arlan, MD S S K S S S S S S PSK PSK P PSK PSK P SK S S SK SK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K K K K Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Bhatia, Anil K, MD Cornea, Ana, MD Huffman, David M, MD Khan, Asma Sohail, MD McLean, George W, MD Reeves, Michael L, MD Family Medicine PSK P P P P P P P P P P P Developmental - Behavioral Pediatrics Diagnostic Radiology S S K-Network K Networks Adams, Stephen M, MD Arnold, Kelly Rodney, MD Avitabile, Anthony G, DO Baysden, Teresa J, DO Bean, Mary L, MD Beeler, Synthia L, MD Bilbrey, Julie Marie, MD Black, Daniel Timothy, DO Boroughs, Eileen Y, MD Bowers, Joseph Lee, MD Brunvoll, Terri R, DO Caplan, Emma Jane, MD Carlton, Kimberly, MD Carter, John E, MD Choby, Beth A, MD Close, David Kendall, MD Conner, David Charles, DO Cornell, Allyson N, MD Davis, Jimmy B, MD Denman, David A, MD Duff, Siobhan Alaine, MD Dunbar-Davies, Winnifred J, MD Foote, Karen Jean, MD Furr, Helen, MD Ghamgosar, Farrokh, MD Golding, Monique Harper, MD Gouge, Susan J, DO Grotefendt, Kent A, MD Haddock, Christopher G, MD Harless, Renee, MD Harris, Charles Dennis, MD Harris, John D, Jr, MD Hart, Lisa Lashone, MD Hartsfield, Donald Wayne, DO Hedden, James W, MD Heisser, Randy Robert, MD Iqbal, Shahid, MD Jarl, Ronald W, MD Johnson, Bruce W, MD Johnson, Sonya L, MD Jump, Jeffrey S, MD Kemp, William J, MD Kowalski, Magdalena U, MD Lee, Kent Alan, MD Lord, Edward Frederick, MD Lounsberry, David V, MD Madiwale, Katharyn Halina, DO Martin, Maria, MD Mayol, Bryan Robert, MD Moody, Richard Dwight, MD Munson Jackson, Julie Carol, MD P P P P P P SK S S SK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S Naik, Janak H, MD Newby, James T, Jr, DO Oconnell, James J, III, MD Orquia, Carl M, MD Page, Cari B, MD Patric, Kenneth W, MD Pendley, Bruce Allen, MD Prater, Christopher D, MD Risley, Jon Holland, MD Salt, Nicholas J, MD Sentef, Joseph, Jr, MD Sharma, Naina, MD Sherrer, James S, MD Sherrill, Leroy, MD Sherwood, Allen T, MD Simpson, Mark T, MD Smith, Bill Moore, MD Smith, Terry Walker, MD Standridge, John B, II, MD Stock, Alex Victor, MD Strang, William Howard Guthrie, MD Thompson, Bruce Todd, MD Thompson, Jonathan Richard, MD Wilcox, Kirk A, MD Winters, David R, DO Worthington, J Mack, MD Gastroenterology S S S S S S S S S S Networks K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K S SK S S S Bagamery, Matthew E, MD Bhushan, Sumeet J, MD Charapata, Chad M, MD Collins, David N, MD Goodman, Michael W, MD Hetzel, Donald, MD Horton, Marshall L, MD Jaiyeola, Remi R, MD Kessler, Steven Reid, DO Lambiase, Louis Robert, MD Mackler, Donald Franklin, MD Manton, James Scott, MD Paik, Henry K, MD Patel, Vijaykumar P, MD Philippose, Jawahar M, MD Ramberan, Hemchand, MD Sadowitz, Richard H, MD Schmitt, Colleen M, MD Shah, Nikhil S, MD Shikoh, Alan F, MD Shuster, Larry D, MD Yates, Radford M, III, MD General Practice Brooksbank, Ronald Charles, MD Calhoun, Frank B, MD Clements, Joel B, MD Covi, Karen Marie, MD Drake, Robert Agnew, MD Eason, Patricia A, MD Findley, William B, MD Gould, Frederick T, MD Mangan, Aloysius Thomas, MD Meadows, William E, III, MD Spiekermann, Luke E, MD Strelnikova, Natalie S, MD General Vascular Surgery Erdoes, Luke S, MD Fisher, Daniel F, Jr, MD LeSar, Christopher J, MD Geriatric Medicine Melvin, Terry A, MD Gynecological Oncology S S S S S S S K K K K K K Chamberlain, Donald H, MD Depasquale, Stephen E, MD Elg, Steven A, MD Gynecology Abell, James E, Jr, MD Breen, John Michael, MD Davis, Larry W, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S S S S SK S S S SK S S S SK S SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K S SK S SK S SK S SK PSK PSK PSK PS PS PS PS PS PS PS Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Hamilton County (Continued) Gynecology (Continued) Griggs, Lane B, MD Hina, Holly, MD Miller, Phyllis E, MD Nieves Gonzalez, Alfredo, MD Portera, Joseph C, MD Hand Surgery Jemison, David Marshall, MD Kennedy, James Woodfin, MD Mastey, Robert D, MD Hematology Caine, Winston P, MD Nagle, Lawrence S, MD Hospital Medicine Adams, Don E, III, MD Aird, Anthony Lorenzo, MD Alvarez, David, MD Andreescu, Dorin I, MD Avitabile, Anthony G, DO Ayyoub, Shadi M, MD Azzouz, Rami, MD Bell, Kenneth A, DO Blackmon, Demetrious J, MD Bollineri, Vani, MD Chattin, Ami Heather, MD Cunningham, Jalila, MD DeLorenzo, David A, DO Denman, David A, MD DeStefano, Joseph Anthony, Jr, MD Deversa, Peter Roger, MD Dodson, David B, MD Durham, James Herbert, MD Fall, Adam Emery, MD Florea, Cristina E, MD Florea, Radian Ion, MD Grigorian, Marina, MD Hamilton, Fitzhugh Lee, MD Hardy, LeAnthony Andre, MD Hicks, Biram C, MD Ingram Nunally, Bessie A, MD Iqbal, Shahid, MD Joels, Kristen Leah, MD Johns, Joel T, MD Johnson, Bruce W, MD Joves, Froilan Borja, MD Killen, Gary W, MD Kirk, Amy Tremain, MD LaFountain, Elisa Jane, DO Large, Bradley Patton, MD Lee, Jason, MD Luce, Kevin P, MD Magill, Robert M, MD Malek, Nabil Wadie, DO McNamara, Ryan S, MD Mounir, Deyaa, MD Muller, John Scott, MD Payne, Catherine Lydia, MD Pendley, Bruce Allen, MD Pesce, Richard R, MD Pierce Finley, Julia A, MD Pollard, Theresa A, MD Prostko, Michael Christopher, MD Rayers, Philip R, MD Regan, Teresa Jane, DO Rigsby, Lonard C, MD Rizvi, Syed Farhan, MD Scheuneman, Tricia L, MD Scott, Kenneth L, Jr, MD Shah, Viren Jashvantlal, MD Shamas, Azhar Min Ul, MD Stanfield, James Edward, MD Sutton, Joel Trent, MD Tapp, John Edward, II, MD Tudor, Maria E, DO Weaver, Mark Thomas, MD Physicians P P P P P Infectious Disease Anderson, Mark David, MD Cornea, Paul, MD Hawkins, Stephen Smith, MD Hill, Hal Eugene, MD Longer, Charles F, MD Sizemore, James M, Jr, MD Soufleris, Adam J, MD S P PSK SK SK S S S S S K K K K S SK SK SK SK SK S SK SK S SK SK SK S S SK SK SK S S S S S Whitley, Jennifer Michelle, MD Wiley, Benjamin W, MD Yap, Richard Litonjua, MD Bohannon, Julie C, DPh PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Networks Immunizing Pharmacist S S S K K K K K Hamilton County K-Network K Internal Medicine Adewale, Abimbola O, MD Alay, Rohini Roni, MD Alvarez, David, MD Andreescu, Oana L, MD Bannor, Philip A, MD Barula, Usman Ahmad, MD Bhushan, Susan Denice, MD Blake, Melanie Black, MD Brown, Jeffrey B, MD Caine, Winston P, MD Cannon, Allison, MD Cansler, Casandra L, MD Chandler, Luther Frank, Jr, MD Chandra, Anuj, MD Cherry, Collin, MD Claxton, Rita R, MD Cook, Thomas A, MD Cranwell, John D, MD Crump, Charles A, Jr, MD Cyleman, Nabil N, MD Dalton, Howell B, Jr, MD Donowitz, Arlene J, MD Douglas, Michael, MD Dowlen, Steven H, MD Drinnon, William D, MD Dubeck, Annesofie K, MD Duplooy, Johannes J, MD Duvall, Mary Michela, MD Elias, David B, MD Franklin, Selmon T, III, MD Friesen, Kerry D, MD Gefter, Monica L, MD Hammock, Mary C, MD Heinsohn, Mark E, MD Hicks, Biram C, MD Holsey, Tanja, MD Ingram Nunally, Bessie A, MD James, Dabney, MD Johnson, Kavin Jesse, MD Johnson, Natalie Inge, MD Jolley, Kellie Amanda, MD Jurgens, Liezelle, MD Kerley, Jonathan M, DO Klinner, Thomas R, Jr, MD Kolade, Victor Olaolu, MD Lanade, Raphael D, MD Laramore, John, MD Lawrence, Paul A, MD Longer, Charles F, MD Malek, Nabil Wadie, DO Mariani, Mario E, MD McCallie, Jack B, MD McCallie, Shannon ODell, MD McGee, Lynn B, MD McGinty, Patrick Brandon, MD McKenzie, Mark Montgomery, MD Melvin, Terry A, MD Memon, Naveed H, MD Moyer, Karen M, MD Mullady, Thomas F, MD Muller, John Scott, MD Newman, Glenn A, MD Odem, Carroll Gilbert, MD Ozborn, George Michael, MD PSK PS P PSK P P PSK P P P PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S SK SK SK S S S SK SK S S S S S SK S S SK SK S S S S Networks Panda, Mukta, MD Parham, Bernard L, Sr, MD Parker, Christine W, MD Parkhurst, Walter D, MD Patel, Chirag M, MD Payne, Catherine Lydia, MD Peters, Richard A, MD Peterson, Robert A, MD Phillips, David J, MD Pierce Finley, Julia A, MD Rhyne, Patrick N, MD Rimer, Lloyd James, MD Rizvi, Naushaba H, MD Rizvi, Syed Farhan, MD Rogers, Jeffrey K, MD Ryan, Eugene H, MD Scott, Wayne T, MD Selzer, Jerrold Lee, MD Sowell, Richard Forrest, MD Stanko, James A, MD Steciw, Ann, MD Streko, Ronald R, MD Talbert, Malissa Gobbell, MD Tapp, John Edward, II, MD Virani, Subhash Pravin, MD Voelzke, Will Rowland, MD Vollberg, Carlton Mark, DO Williams, Robert Henry, MD Williams, Saundra, MD Williamson, Ivey, MD Wood, John C, MD Wood, Michael J, MD Yium, Jackson Joe, MD Maternal - Fetal Medicine Adair, Charles David, MD Briery, Christian M, MD Kipikasa, Joseph H, MD Roberts, William Eggers, MD Sadanandan, Sunanda Nadipuram, DO Stallings, Shawn P, MD Torres, Carlos, MD Medical Oncology Arrowsmith, Edward R, MD Daniel, Brooke R, MD Daniel, Davey B, MD Gandhi, Jitendra G, MD Johnson, Darrell R, MD McCravey, John W, MD Schlabach, Larry L, MD Stipanov, Michael A, MD Midwife Jacks, Beverly Joyce, CNM Jones, Brenda B, CNM Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine SK S S S Bell, Gary L, MD Blake, William W, MD Catterton, William Z, MD Kennedy, Lizbeth A, MD Lowery-Smith, Lisa A, MD Thomas, Victor J, MD S Neonatology SK S S S SK S SK Collins, Sonya R, MD Nephrology Chamberlain, Nathan E, MD Crawford, Lindsay Carl, MD Franklin, Donald B, Jr, MD Galphin, Claude M, MD Ginther, Stuart Gordon, MD Grewal, Mandeep S, MD Gupta, Rohit K, MD Holt, Brant Grover, MD McCarley, John D, MD Miller, Frank J, MD Patel, Nilesh Chiman, MD Poole, Christopher Vell, MD Stafford, Ralph W, Jr, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK SK SK S S SK SK S SK SK SK SK S S S S S SK SK P P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P P P P P S S S S S SK SK S PSK PSK P P P P P P S S S S S S PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S 65 Hamilton County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Hamilton County (Continued) Nephrology (Continued) Tumlin, James Alan, MD Watlington, Joseph T, MD Yium, Jackson Joe, MD Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Causo, Ricardo F, MD Neurological Surgery Boehm, Peter E, MD Fulbright, Tom D, MD Gallagher, Michael R, MD Kern, Richard L, Jr, MD Kueter, Daniel Baltz, MD Megison, Donald P, MD Pare, Michel C, MD Strait, Timothy A, MD Neurology Ackell, Adele B, MD Chander, Ravi Sankaranarayanan, MD Devlin, Thomas G, MD Eletr, Abdulhafiz Muhamad, MD Fahs, Jeffery J, MD Farber, Sharon N, MD Gibson, Larry, MD Han, Yuchun C, MD Hora, James Francis, MD Horne, Sally E, MD Kadrie, Hytham Ali, MD Kadrie, Tareck Alec, MD Kaplan, Bruce Alfred, MD Kodsi, Matthew H, MD Mance, Cornelius Jefferson, MD Pitiyanuvath, Nataria, MD Rankine, David Andrew, MD Sirelkhatim, Abdelazim Ahmed, MD Tallent, Phillip Gabriel, MD Neuropsychology (PHD) Del Gardo, Gina M, PhD Hillner, William, PhD Ozbek, Irene Nichols, PhD Trowbridge, Anita F, PsyD Nuclear Cardiology Gruver, Carol L, MD Nuclear Medicine Hughes, Alan D, MD Smith, Gary T, MD Nurse Practitioner Cunningham, Jacqueline L, NP Gadd, Holly J, FNP Gager, Tonya Tahilia, APRN BC Jackson, Tammy Teresa, APRN BC King, Forrest A, APRN BC Loga, Michael Scott, NP Mahlo, Ronald Charles, NP Spurbeck, Brenda L, NP Tittsworth, Christy Dawn, CPNP PC Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Burgess, Christina K, ACNP BC Hill, Thomas Brett, APRN BC McKinley, Brian W, ACNP BC Ottman, Amy J, ACNP BC Patterson, Jennifer L, ACNP BC Turner, Leslie Armstrong, APRN BC Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Andrews, Philip J, NP Cooke Erdoes, Vicky L, NP C Coulter, Beverly H, NP Moughrabi, Marwan Mohammed, NP C Sager, Elmira Faller, NP C Slater, Deborah A, NP White, Carol L, FNP 66 PS S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K PSK PS P PS PS P PSK P P P P P P P P P SK SK SK S SK SK P PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S Woodard, Ivey Bob, APRN BC Yeary, Mona E, APRN BC Yoder, Sandra D, NP Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice PS PS PS P P P P P P P P K-Network K Networks Allen, David W, APRN BC Anderson, Sharon G, NP C Batista Baron, Ada I, APRN BC Bauder, Deborah L, FNP Beck, Wendy Lee, NP Bishop, Candace J, NP Brewer, Teena D, NP Bright, Tracy Watson, NP Bruce, Kimberlee Dawn, NP C Buhrman, Judith A, NP Chastain, Laura Tassie, FNP Chermak, Jocelyn Rebeccah, NP C Collins, Pamela A, FNP BC Corey, Rebekah S, NP Culver, Carole H, NP C Davis, Karrie L, FNP BC Davis, Laurie D, FNP Deweese, Vicki R, FNP Disheroon, Margaret Yvonne, NP C Dittmar, Jennifer Ann, NP C Doty, Cristin Cook, NP Estella, Kate Emma, FNP Evans, Joni Gayle, NP Ford, Jennifer R, NP Ford, Laura S, NP Fox, Tina Marie, NP C Gardner, Bettina, FNP Gartman, Tracy G, APRN BC Geraci, Ann Schmutzer, FNP BC Glover, Sherry R, NP Gooch, Michelle Esther, NP C Gray, Deborah Ellis, FNP Grotenfendt, Madeline Louise, APRN BC Guthrie, Ashley Davis, NP Hawk, Doloris Darlene, NP C Hayes, Teri Shannan, NP C Hendrix, Rebecca Alice, FNP BC Hightshue, Honor Usher, NP C Hirst, Pamela K, FNP Holmes, Autumn Johnson, NP C Howard, Raymond Christopher, NP Hulvey, James Kent, NP Jackson, Norma Jo, FNP Jordan, Susan S, FNP Joyner, Gregory Robert, NP C Kidd, Keith L, FNP BC Kinkade, Sherry L, FNP Kuffrey, Sandra Joan, NP C Larmore, Charles R, NP Lynch, Susan R, NP Martz, Wallis H, NP Mathews, Susan K, NP C Mejias, Angela C, NP Miller, Paula Joyce, NP Moniyung, Christine, FNP BC Montgomery, Heather C, FNP BC Moore, Tami Lyn, NP C Moser, Melissa Anne Ainslie, NP Moughrabi, Nancy Kazanas, FNP BC Olinger, Cathy Annette, NP C Owens, Shanee D, FNP BC Padgett Ensley, Deirdre Walker, FNP Pendon, Carlina Lopez, FNP Perry, Mitzie Dawn, APRN BC Peters, Erin Michelle, FNP BC Pinson, Anne R, NP Porter, Laura L, NP Roache, Amber Elaine, FNP Rowland, Myriam, FNP BC Sarnosky, Karen M, NP Schomburg, Susanna Rae, NP C Sherard, Mattie Yulonda, NP C Sherman, Kay Christopher, FNP Smith, Christine Benz, FNP Smith, Greg W, APRN BC Smith, Joel Stephen, NP PSK S PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S SK SK SK S SK SK SK S S S SK S S S S K K K K S SK S S SK S S S SK S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K S SK SK SK SK S S SK SK S S SK S SK S S Networks Smith, Lynda M, APN BC Smith, Steven Nathan, NP Spears, Shirley E, NP Stevens, Nancy G, FNP BC Strother, Sue D, FNP Thomas, Amy L, FNP BC Thurman, Ashley Phillips, NP C Waddell, Pamela M, NP Waters, Brenda P, FNP Whitaker, Rosalie S, NP Wilson, Cynthia Diane, FNP BC Wright, Donna Kay, FNP BC P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S SK SK S S S S S Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health Ridolfo, Ardyce Jane, APRN BC Nurse Practitioner, Oncology Campbell, Rhonda O, NP Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Anderson, Tracy J, NP Cunningham, Jacquelyn L, PNP BC Grant, Jo Ann, NP Hoffmeyer, Jesse Jack, CPNP PC Kimball, Michelle S, PNP Neal, Allyson M, NP Tessmann, Ellen H, NP Woodruff, Mary Terri, PNP PS PSK P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) Medford, Linda Kay, RNC BC Williams, Nancy Jean, WHNP BC Obstetrics & Gynecology Adair, Charles David, MD Adams, Carol J, MD Adams, John S, Sr, MD Anderson, George E, MD Ashcraft, Delmon E, Jr, MD Barker, David M, MD Bolton, James P, MD Bowers, Elizabeth M, DO Bowers, Richard J, DO Boyd, Stacy Dean, MD Brody, Kirk W, MD Brooks, Thomas J, III, MD Brown, Howard A, MD Brunvoll, Gary Alan, DO Childs, Kent D, MD Collins, Sabrina Lee, MD Emberson, John W, MD Few, Tiffany D, MD Furr, Robert Scott, MD Geer, Bert E, DO Harnsberger, Daniel Scott, MD Hobgood, Donna Kay, MD Innes, Christopher Ian, MD Johnson, Charles Patrick, DO Jones, Andrew R, MD Kerley, Stephen L, DO Kipikasa, Joseph H, MD Mashchak, C Ann, MD McLelland, Patricia Krabbendam, MD Mills, Gary Eugene, MD Mitchell, Kathleen, MD Moss, William J, MD Newman, Copper K, MD Nunally, James T, Jr, MD Ordonez, Jorge Enrique, MD Parker, Valerie Robin, MD Patel, Manisha V, MD Radpour, Christopher J, MD Reeves, Emily J, MD Roberts, Matthew A, DO Roberts, William Eggers, MD Rohrer, Jane L, MD Rowland, Jack Meredith, MD Schubert, Daniel C, MD Seeber, Michael J, DO Shuck, Susan M, MD Shull, John Albert, MD Smith, Michael H, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S SK S SK S S S SK S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K SK S S S S S S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Hamilton County (Continued) Obstetrics & Gynecology (Continued) Sprague, Michael Lawrence, MD Steele, Mark A, MD Todd, Nivin C, MD Walker, Meeca, MD Waters, Clyde Cleve, Jr, MD Weldon, Thomas D, MD Whitaker, Cassandra D, MD White, Jay P, MD Williams, Terry Lee, Jr, DO P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K K K Obstetrics and Gynecological Surgery Hoods, Regina Ellisha, MD Occupational Medicine Barnes, Gary T, MD Oncology Doshi, Vaishali Ramnik, MD Holland, Derek Weldon, MD Ophthalmology Abrams, Jody Gottlieb, MD Anderson, Steven Randle, Sr, MD Bierly, John Robert, MD Bonner, John D, MD Bowers, Jemison Oviatt, Jr, MD Bowers, Patrick J, Jr, MD Breazeale, Richard I, MD Dahrling, Bruce, II, MD Day, Douglas G, MD Deas, Ralph Haley, MD DiStefano, Deborah R, MD Elias, Caroline K, MD Friedrich, David L, MD Funderburk, Randall L, MD Gregg, Fred M, III, MD Hays, James C, MD Kirby, Charles A, MD Lawrence, Harry M, MD Lawwill, Stewart, MD Lee, Gene Kue, MD Lee, William Barry, MD Leff, Steven I, MD Long, Ira M, MD Mabry, Elizabeth D, MD McDaniel, Daryl Lee, MD Miller, John E, MD Nicola, Paula C, MD Pomerance, Glenn N, MD Reynolds, Thomas Michael, MD Richmond, James P, MD Robison, Michelle Y, MD Seal, Molly R, MD Thomas, Steven M, MD Tin, Pe Than, MD Wessels, Izak Frederick, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Dunlap, Charles I, DDS Jones, Harry E, DDS McDonald, David Patrick, DMD Schenck, Kenneth, DDS Spann, John A, DDS Tipps, Steven P, DDS Tipps, Wayne E, DDS Orthopedic Surgery Alvarez, Richard G, MD Apyan, Paul Misak, MD Ballard, William T, MD Bell, Todd D, MD Bonvallet, Todd Cecil, MD Broadstone, Paul A, MD Brown, Hugh P, MD Brown, Thomas W, III, MD Bruce, William David, MD Chambless, Kurt M, MD Physicians PS PSK PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S SK S S SK S S S SK S Networks Chandra, Channappa, MD Chrostowski, John H, MD Currey, Thomas W, MD Donaldson, Richard W, MD Dorizas, John A, MD Dyer, William Carl, Jr, MD Freeman, Mark Gregory, MD Gracy, John A, MD Hartley, William T, MD Hodges, Fred Barry, III, MD Hodges, Scott D, DO Humphreys, Steven Craig, MD Ingram, Dale C, MD Jolley, James E, II, MD Kiner, Dirk William, MD King, Walter H, MD Lund, Peter J, MD Matthews, William E, MD Nash, John P, MD Nowotarski, Peter James, MD Odom, Alan C, MD Osborn, James M, MD Pearce, Richard G, MD Redish, Martin H, MD Sanders, Brett Stanford, MD Smith, Brian S, MD Spitalny, Neil H, MD Sumida, Mark S, MD Tew, William Michael, MD Vaughn, Barry, MD Otolaryngology Armstrong, David L, MD Barnes, David R, MD Bookout, Mark William, MD Bowers, Robert E, MD Chamberlain, Morrow, II, MD Fowler, Todd E, MD Greer, Jack E, MD Harvey, Hathaway K, MD Hunt, Peter M, MD Lantz, H. Joseph, MD Liening, Douglas A, MD Motto, Joseph A, MD Mynatt, Robert George, MD St Charles, Christopher S, MD Pain Management S S K S SK S S SK S S K K S S S S S S SK S S S PS PS PS Hamilton County K-Network K Blake, John Everett, III, MD Dreskin, Stephen V, MD Frauwirth, Neal Howard, MD McDonald, Mary K, MD Miller, Thomas P, MD Najjar, Michael F, MD Pathology Lundgrin, Daryl B, MD Orucevic, Amila, MD Proctor, Lori Marie, MD Pediatric Anesthesiology Brocker, Gerald K, MD Peterson, Thomas, MD Pediatric Cardiology Hays, Mark D, MD Herold, Steven E, MD Parsons, Mark K, MD Surenderanath, Nisha Kompara, MD Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Hall, Marvin N, MD Keegan, Patrick F, MD Mackey, Daniel J, MD Reade, Erin Parrish, MD Rowin, Mark Edward, MD Talbott, Gregory A, MD Pediatric Dermatology Galen, Wesley K, MD Pediatric Emergency Medicine Asbury, Laura Michelle, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Networks Bruns, Thomas Benj, MD Hunt, Kathleen Stewart, MD SK S S Pediatric Endocrinology S SK Pediatric Gastroenterology Brown, Whitney Winn, MD Rincon, Marielisa, MD SK Devoid, David E, MD Laman, Douglas Lewis, MD Screws, Jeremy Clark, MD Tolosa, Drago, MD SK Pediatric Hematology / Oncology K S S S Bhakta, Manoo G, MD Gratias, Eric J, MD Keates Baleeiro, Jennifer An, MD Pediatric Infectious Disease K Huff, Janara J, MD Pediatric Nephrology Arant, Billy S, MD Subtirelu, Mihail M, MD S S S Pediatric Neurology Chien, Lawrence T, MD Knowles, Paul D, MD Miller, Lewis McCoy, III, MD S S K SK Pediatric Ophthalmology Peterson, Edward Andrew, MD Pediatric Orthopedics P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P S S SK S S S Moses, Wendell MS, MD K Pediatric Pulmonology K Pediatric Surgery Ledbetter, Joel C, MD K K Carr, Michael G, MD Kelley, Joseph E, Jr, MD Koontz, Curtis Stokes, MD Smith, Lisa A, MD K Pediatric Urology K K PSK PS PSK PSK PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K PSK PSK Zmaj, Paul Michael, MD Pediatrics Alcantara, Karin Lee, MD Alvarez, Jennifer Suzanne, MD Alzeer-Khalifeh, Siham, MD Asbury, Laura Michelle, MD Azzouz, Rami, MD Balser, Robin S, MD Brannon, Carolyn C, MD Bremer, Joel L, MD Bryant, Max, MD Burton, Pamela M, MD Carroll, Corina, MD Carroll, Richard J, MD Carter, Mary Elizabeth, MD Catterton, Jane S, MD Church, Annamaria Theresa, MD Coffman, Roger A, MD Cox, Tonia R, MD Damshala, Nalini K, MD Darke, James P, MD DAunoy, Mary E, MD Davis, Timothy P, MD Eldridge, Frank R, MD Erinle, Akinwande O, MD Estep, Dennis Paul, MD Friddell, Roy, MD Garcia, Karla L, MD Good, Matthew W, MD Harris, Cindy Tang, MD Hartkopf, Alyson P, MD Hatch, Elaine W, MD Hayes, Susan H, MD Helfman, Laura Lee, MD Helton, David K, MD Hubbard, Willie M, MD Hunt, Kathleen Stewart, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PS PSK PSK PS PSK PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K SK SK S S SK S SK S S S S K K K K S S S S S K K K K 67 Hamilton County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Hamilton County (Continued) Pediatrics (Continued) Jack, Joani Lea, MD Jones, Jane O, MD Jung, Wee J, MD Kaukab, Shahla A, MD Kohrt, Alan Eugene, MD Koller, Darwin Martin, MD Martin, Dorothy Jeanette, MD May, Marian G, MD May, Steven L, MD McLean, Susan J, MD McMahan, Becky S, MD Memon, Zara S, MD Meredith, Gary E, MD Molloy, Ronald L, MD Morris, Brent Sterling, MD Murray, Mark Garry, MD Naseer, Kaukab, MD Neall, David, MD Parker, William Jason, MD Pickett, Michele A, MD Rawlings, Peter, MD Richardson, James M, Jr, MD Rodgers, Virginia N, MD Santucci, Kourtney Kuss, MD Shafi, Arif, MD Shah, Umbar, MD Shaw, Jacqueline, MD Sherard, Jerome A, MD Shumaker, Nita W, MD Shumate, Kathryn Dodd, MD Slack, Angela S, MD Smith, Josh M, MD Smith, William H, MD Spraggins, Yolanda R, MD Stegall, Stephanie A, MD Tigar, Michael C, MD Truelove, Laura, MD Tun, Katherine M, MD Vance, Minnie R, MD Voychehovski, Thomasz H, MD Wiley, Benjamin W, MD Wood, Robert, MD Zurawick, Jason George, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Behrend, Michael John, MD Benson, Suzanne Elaine, MD Bowers, David N, MD Crook, Robert A, DO Davis, Thomas Edward, MD Eselgroth, Stephan F, MD Hoffmann, Paul Erich, MD Kalla, Brian M, MD Little, James P, MD Lowry, David M, Jr, DO Munir, Mohammad A, MD Musick, Steven G, DO Oh, Sai H, MD Rivas, Homero, II, MD Smith, Jerry L, MD White, Gregory P, MD Physician Assistant Appel, John Scott, PA Bates, Paul Daniel, PA Capello, Robert J, PAC Chandler, William Allen, Jr, PA C Fisher, Edwin Dale, PA Gilbert, Keith Allen, PAC Hamm, Rudy G, PA Hill, Scott M, PA Johnson, Roger Alan, PA Johnson, Sarah Elizabeth, PA C Kingry, Melissa A, PAC LaFleur, Andrea S, PA Lawrence, Kellie Michele, PA 68 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S SK SK SK S SK S S S S K K K K S SK Layne, Travis K, PA LeQuan, Christina P, PA Mayes, Marc Stephen, PA McKinney, Stacy Lynn, PA Mocniak, Linda M, PA Mounce, Kevin Gene, PA Patel, Nisha Kaushik, PA Pearson, Donna W, PA Plahtinsky, Benjamin R, PA Pulver, Kurt H, PA Rawson, Brook Amber, PA Rees, Meghan Diane, PA Roussel, Jarrod D, PA Sciulli, Robert Regis, Jr, PA Sparks, Norma J, PAC St John, Ryan Christopher, PA C Stanfield, Jennifer D, PA C Stanford, Todd E, PA Steen, Katherine Lynn, PA Stevens, Gregory T, PA Swallows, Gwynn Diane, PA Taylor, Janice Marie, PA Tucker, Curtis Eugene, PA Weeks, Robert Bruce, PA Wood, Maria Christine, PA Physician Assistant - PCP S S S S S S K K K S S S S S S S S S K K K K K SK S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Elwell, Kirsty J, PA Jenkins, Timothy M, PA Karstens, Debora A, PA Kennedy, Howard Michael, PA Kinard, Desiree Deeanna, PA Kinney, Lacy C, PA Mixon, Valorie Johnson, PA Nolan, John Andrew, PA Raymer, Monica L, PAC Webster, Devony Ann, PA Physician Assistant at Surgery Pearson, Donna W, PA Pulver, Kurt H, PA Taylor, Carol Campbell, PA Plastic Surgery K K K K K K K K K-Network K Networks Adcock, David W, MD Beahm, Thomas M, MD Brzezienski, Mark Antony, MD Chase, Christopher William, MD Eyssen, James E, MD Jemison, David Marshall, MD Kennedy, James Woodfin, MD Labrador, Daniel, MD Leech, Mark H, MD Rehm, Jason P, MD Sargent, Larry A, MD Scanland, Jeanne A, MD Vonwerssowetz, Arthur J, MD Waldrop, Jimmy Lee, MD Podiatry (DPM) Bello, Clair L, III, DPM Bizzoco, Dennis Luke, DPM Brown, Damieon Gerard, DPM Burgan, Brian K, DPM Dickens, Mario Serlester, DPM Eby, Cynthia S, DPM Eby, Richard S, DPM Gupta, Rachna, DPM Haag, Cheryl Anne, DPM Kennedy, Karin A, DPM Kraus, Ira Henri, DPM Miller, Keith W, DPM Nguyen, Giang T, DPM Smith, Angela D, DPM Solomon, Aaron D, DPM Spalding, Robert T, DPM Wamack, Claude Jason, DPM Wamack, Lisa F, DPM Wiles, Michael T, DPM Witherspoon, Loyd W, Jr, DPM Zenker, Christoph C, DPM P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S S SK SK SK S S S S S S S S K K K K K K SK S SK S S S SK SK SK S SK S S S P P PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S S S S S Networks Pulmonary Disease Baleeiro, Carlos Eduardo, MD PS Czarnecki, Michael Todd, MD P Enjeti, Suresh, MD PS Everhart, Clyde Hugh, MD P Forman, John William, MD P Guan, David H, MD P K Gunter, John Paul, Jr, MD PSK Harnsberger, B Daniel, MD PS Jeong, Yune Gill, MD PS Manda, Winfred C, MD P K Martinez, Catherine Meitin, MD P Ravee, Mani, MD PS Shah, Jasmine Ajit, MD PSK Shanthaveerappa, Harsha Nonauinakere, MDPS Shome, Sibaji, MD PSK Smith, Daniel Ray, MD PS Vernon, Andrew N, MD PS Viscomi, Vincent Andrew, MD PS Radiation Oncology Ellis, Eric Robert, MD Faught, Samuel Ryan, MD Gefter, Jeffrey W, MD Golder, Stephen L, MD Kimsey, Frank C, MD Rice, David Watson, MD Radiology Caughran, Donald G, MD DeLavallade, Dawn Nichelle, MD Fischer, Desmond L, MD Humphrey, William M, MD Jones, Norman Eugene, MD Lynn, Richard M, MD Mills, Don G, MD Overbeeke, Cornell J, MD Quinn, James G, MD Shah, Kartik J, MD Springer, Robert M, MD Sud, Avinash Mohinder, MD Willis, Marshall Ray, MD Reproductive Endocrinology Murray, Ringland S, Jr, MD Scotchie, Jessica Graham, MD Rheumatology Brackett, Richard W, MD Brit, Michael, MD Craig, W. David, DO House, Suzan E, MD Huffstutter, Joseph Eugene, MD Paty, John Garland, Jr, MD Shah, Indravadan K, MD Sienknecht, Charles W, MD Simpson, Elizabeth Marini, DO Turner, Elizabeth L, MD Sleep Medicine Shome, Sibaji, MD Sports Medicine S S Jenkinson, David Matthew, DO Robertson, Jason Andrew, MD Smalley, Chad Carlton, MD SK Surgery SK S SK S S S S SK Arnold, Coleman L, MD Barnett, Robert M, III, MD Brice, Charles T, MD Burns, R. Phillip, MD Chavarria Aguilar, Marco, MD Coates, Griffin Ray, MD Cockerham, W Todd, MD Cofer, Joseph B, MD Dart, Benjamin W, IV, MD Fisher, Daniel F, Jr, MD Fromm, Richard F, MD Greer, Michael S, MD PC Gwin, John L, Jr, MD Hayes, Thomas E, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P S S S S SK S P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K P P P PSK P P P P P P P PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK SK SK S S S S K K K K SK SK S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Hamilton County (Continued) Surgery (Continued) Jennings, Richard Hunter, III, MD Joels, Charles Scott, MD Kennedy, Steven Clark, MD Krecker, Martin T, MD Land, Roger L, MD Lorenzo Rivero, Shauna, MD Maxwell, Robert A, MD Mena, Michael C, MD Pate, Linda M, MD Paynter, Steven W, MD Ponce Portugal, Jaime, MD Portera, Charles A, Jr, MD Rawlings, Maurice S, MD Redd, David Craig, MD Roe, Stephen Michael, MD Rose, Walter B, MD Rowe, William Edward, Sr, MD Rutledge, Jack Flanagan, MD Sass, Robert Joseph, DO Smith, Philip W, MD Sprouse, Larry Richard, II, MD Valle, Alvaro A, MD Vanderbilt, Douglas L, MD White, James E, MD Witherspoon, Laura E, MD Surgery -Diag Test Interpretations Burns, R. Phillip, MD Surgical Critical Care Barker, Donald E, MD Mejia, Vicente A, MD Therapeutic Optometry Bordash, Michael Paul, OD Brady, Robin Michael, OD Conrad, Stacy R, OD Crowder, Joshua Eric, OD Dell, Warwick C, OD Draper, Leslie A, OD Dzik, Joseph M, OD Elliott, Norman L, OD Goldston, Richard, OD Hale, Brian James, OD Jaworski, Steven A, OD Kapperman, Mark R, OD Lackey, Amy R, OD Lantman, Brian R, OD Leach, Anthony B, OD Lett, James C, Jr, OD Mann, Daryl Francis, OD McBryar, Heather Michelle, ODT McCallen, Erin B, OD McCarty, Zachary Stuart, OD McDonald, Denis Lanier, OD McDonough, Brett D, OD McGarvey, Robert Craig, Jr, OD Montgomery, Christiana Vanzant, OD Motto, Nicholas Vincent, OD Mullins, John E, OD Owen, David H, OD Patterson, Robert S, OD Perkins, Kenneth Leon, OD Phillips, Leslie Ann, OD Pifer, David A, OD Pish, Christina M, OD Rhodes, Clayton B, OD Riley, Monty S, OD Rudnick, Gene M, OD Sanders, Charles L, Jr, OD Shaffer, Bradley Andrew, OD Smoak, Sonya M, OD Sparkman, Keith B, ODT Thompson, Aaron G, OD Thompson, Laura A, DO Warner, Paul A, OD White, Troy, OD Physicians P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K K K K S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S K S S S S K K Networks Willingham, Alvin E, Jr, OD Thoracic Surgery Head, Harold D, MD Headrick, James R, Jr, MD Martin, Stephen L, MD Morrison, Richard C, MD Extended Hours Available Reade, Clifton Coleman, MD Zellner, James L, Jr, MD Urgent Care Physicians Beasley, Stephen L, MD Bruns, Thomas Benj, MD Creel, James H, Jr, MD Eppihimer, Brandon M, MD Hull, Stephanie Ann, PA C Jeong, Christine Marie, MD Morrissey, William Joseph, MD Orme, Terrence J, MD Sanabria, Luis Alejandro, MD Stevens, Nancy G, FNP BC Thompson, Bruce Todd, MD Watters, Jana S, APRN BC Urology Benton, Oliver, MD Caldwell, Thomas C, Jr, MD Cohn, Ross Allen, MD Currin, Samuel M, MD Dilworth, J Patrick, MD Foley, Patrick H, MD Galen, Norman R, MD Habenicht, Kymber L, MD Henson, Paul E, III, MD House, John Clinton, MD Jackson, Charles Lee, MD Sahaj, David, MD Scheinberg, Marty, MD Singh, Amar, MD Wheelock, Argil J, MD Young, William, MD Vascular Surgery Fugate, Mark Wesley, MD Joels, Charles Scott, MD Sprouse, Larry Richard, II, MD Family Medicine S S Hospital Medicine S Internal Medicine S Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Brombach, Joseph Arthur, MD Munari, Renate Gabriele, MD K S P P P P Ferguson, Kimberly R, APRN BC Robbins, Mary Jo, FNP Stewart Glenn, Jennifer, FNP Ume Nwagbo, Pearl N, NP S S S S K K K K PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S SK SK S K K K K McConnell, Peggy M, APRN BC Physician Assistant - PCP Snowden, John Douglas, PA Therapeutic Optometry Crutchfield, James P, OD S S Backer, Farnel Fernand, MD Dunavant, Robert W, MD Rico, Wilfred Martin, MD Soyinka, Olufemi Emmanuel, MD General Practice Barham, Harvey H, MD Linn, Malinda Dawn, MD Pakkala, Y N, MD Internal Medicine Arinze, Festus N, MD Cannon, Jesse J, Jr, MD Iloh, Emmanuel C, MD Mangle, George Mark, DO Nicol, Sylvester D, MD Patel, Pravin J, MD Ugbaja, Felix C, MD Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Piller, Sue Ann, ANP BC Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Anthony, Lori Kay, APRN BC Blakney, Dee A, FNP Chipman, Donna K, MSN Montgomery, Charlotte C, FNP Rall, Chester E, FNP Riddle, Kristi J, FNP Rudder, Michiel Brent, FNP Salvaggio, Karen Lynn, FNP Pediatrics Suara, Rahaman O, MD Physician Assistant S S S S S K K K K PSK PSK PSK Adams, Gene Dewayne, PA Amjoyi Anable, Cecilia Obianuju, PA Podiatry (DPM) Bell, John E, DPM PSK PS PS PS PS PS PS P PS PS PSK Justice, W. Wilson, OD Walters, George W, Jr, OD Emergency Medicine K Backer, Farnel Fernand, MD Bez, Hans Sebastian, DO Saint Jean, Norma, DO Arunachalam, Rangarajan, MD Nkadi, Chukwuemeke Oscar, MD Rudin, Andrew Scott, MD Sullivan, Martin James, MD Chiropractor Bevis, Casey Wayne, DC Blackwelder, Dale W, DC Grimes, Brent A, DC Lassiter, Jonathan T, DC Emergency Medicine Delouis, Donna Jean, DO Mitchell, Gregory E, MD Smith, Michael L, MD Family Medicine Armetta, Nancy A, MD Davis, Gigi Wood, DO Hall, Anjeanette Kittrell, MD Kirsch, Scott W, MD Mitchell, Gregory Charles, MD Smolenski, Lisabeth Ann, MD Gastroenterology General Practice PS PS PS SK S S S PS PS PS P P P P P P P S S S S S S S PS P P P P P P P P S S S S S S PS PS PS P PS Hardin County Miller, Alan Ira, MD Hardeman County S P P P P P Therapeutic Optometry Cardiovascular Disease Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health S S S S Networks Family Medicine P Hancock County Martin, William L, II, DO Short, John A, MD S Hardin County K-Network K Lay, John D, MD Peters, Joseph A, MD Smith, Michael L, MD Thomas, Howard W, MD Thomas, James H, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P S S S S P P P P S S S S PSK PS PS P P P P P P SK S S S S SK PS P P P P P S S S S S 69 Hardin County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Smith, Chadwick P, MD Hardin County (Continued) Hospital Medicine Kirsch, Scott W, MD Morton, Morris LaMont, MD Smith, Michael L, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Brown, Catherine McCutchen, DPh Higginbottom, Robert E, DPh Internal Medicine Conway, William Francis, MD Eze, Gift E, MD Hufana, Donna Madayag, MD Klein, Timothy R, MD Lard Cromwell, Janet K, MD Midwife Wakeland, Elaine M, CNM Nurse Practitioner Dailey, Teresa Diane, APRN BC Davis, Tonya Sue, NP Kirkpatrick, Christie R, FNP Lott, Jackie Givens, FNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Cressler, Jodi L, ACNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Crews, Holly Bennett, NP Dailey, Teresa Diane, APRN BC Larner, Douglas Scott, NP C Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Addington, Rona C, FNP BC Atchison, Shannon Rebecca, FNP BC Beckham, Lorrie Ann, NP C Combs, Laura Lea, FNP BC Jones, Jo E, FNP BC Marbury, Lisa Perkins, FNP Nixon, Melanie R, FNP Seeley, Daniel Banta, APRN BC Wilson, Nicole Denise, FNP BC Therapeutic Optometry Rogers, Jerry D, OD Rogers, Richard N, III, OD PS PS PS Cardiovascular Disease Turner, Harrison D, MD Turner, Brian K, CRNA Chiropractor Henard, John E, DC S Diagnostic Radiology Balius, Anastasia Marie, MD PS P P P P Emergency Medicine Landess, Christopher A, MD Wojtanowski, Robert S, MD SK S SK S Family Medicine Alder, Joseph C, MD Burnette-Vick, Bonnie A, MD Dalle Ave, Mark J, MD Foster, Anita M, MD Haynes, Amy N, MD Heath, Jack Kevin, MD Hensley, Conley David, MD Jones, M. Blaine, III, MD Schilling, David E, MD Stoltz, Amanda Marie, MD Velasco, Jose P, MD PSK PS PSK PS P P P P P P P P P SK SK S S S S S SK S General Practice Cooze, Derek, MD Harsh, Karen Lynn, DO Hospital Medicine Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health Speck, Carrie Chastain, GNP BC Obstetrics & Gynecology Thayer, Gilbert Michael, MD Orthopedic Surgery Hennessey, Barry John, DO Pediatrics Newhouse, Patricia A, MD Physician Assistant Alexander, Marty M, PA C Free, Christina Sue, PA C Gilfoil, Edna Beth, PA McLain, Darin K, PA C Shanku, Bethany Rhea, PA Tomsett, Robert Mason, Jr, PA C White, Jonathan Stephen, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Alexander, Marty M, PA C Lennon, David M, PA Podiatry (DPM) Boyd, Bruce K, DPM Hurst, Robert D, DPM Pulmonary Disease Freire, Amado X, MD Radiology Barnett, Patrick A, MD Tidwell, William Dean, MD Surgery Greene, Richard S, MD 70 PSK PSK PS S S S S S S S PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS Alhayani, Irfan, MD Boggs, Bruce Daniel, MD Deoss Maksoud, Deborah J, DO Rahman, Zia Ur, MD Raval, Abhijit Ajitkymar, MD Singh, Vijay Raj, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Begley, James K, DPh Price, James Robertson, DPh Smith, Elizabeth R, DPh Internal Medicine PS P P P P P P P Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics PS PS Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) K K Doman, Mark R, MD Garza, Jose Enrique, MD Manole, Viorel, MD Munari, Renate Gabriele, MD Patel, Kaushal N, MD Patel, Mayur Chandrakant, MD Nuclear Medicine K K Chacko, George, MD Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Etter, Michael Steven, FNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Biddle, David E, NP Coffey, Tracy Horton, FNP BC Cook, Lisa R, FNP D Lugos, John David, FNP BC Flaglor, Susan, NP Forster, Ann Marie, FNP BC Gershkowitz, Kathryn J, FNP Greer, Angela Carpenter, FNP BC Housewright, Linda Sue, FNP BC Irvin, Joanne D, FNP Lawson, Julie Lynn, FNP BC Morelock, Linda S, MSN Waddell, Patricia Annette, FNP BC Wilson, Betty W, FNP Ruskey, Timothy C, APRN PS Baird, Tammy D, FNP PS Obstetrics & Gynecology PS Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) S S SK Networks PS Hawkins County PSK PSK P P P P P K-Network K Networks PS PSK Beckner, James P, MD Fisher, Sheldon H, DO Saunders, Robert D, MD Withrow, Mark L, MD P P P P Orthopedic Surgery Franklin, John L, MD Harris, Robert M, MD Krenk, Daniel Eric, DO PS PS PS Otolaryngology Dillard, Michael Leslie, MD PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS P P P P P P S S S S S S PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P SK S S S S S Harris, Dennis Gibson, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S PS Pediatrics Calendine, Christopher L, MD PS Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Jett, Paul Lee, MD Physician Assistant Chapman, Richard Earll, PA Sutterlin, Shawn A, PA PS PS PS Physician Assistant - PCP Moore, Richard Bruce, PA Saunders, David Charles, PA PS PS Physician Assistant at Surgery Chapman, Richard Earll, PA Sutterlin, Shawn A, PA PS PS Surgery Crawford, David P, MD Edwards, Devin Shane, MD Nix, Jeffrey A, MD Thompson, Tom C, MD Wilson, Stephen K, MD Therapeutic Optometry Abernathy, Eddie H, Jr, OD Chambers, Joe A, OD Chambers, John L, OD Dellinger, Amanda Rae, OD Hagood, Brance Edwin, ODT P P P P P S SK S S S P P P P P SK S S SK S Haywood County Cardiovascular Disease Alperovich, Alexander Haim, MD Lui, Henry K, MD Obi, Patricia Renee, MD McElrath, Bernasue V, DC Emergency Medicine PS PS Pain Management Chiropractor PSK S S S S Backer, Farnel Fernand, MD Bakeer, Mohammed S, MD Carter, Michael Allen, MD Clemmons, Samuel Clay, MD Dolan, Michael Sean, MD Ferguson, Charles B, MD Galiwango, Charles K, MD McKee, Alice Roark, MD Meko, Jennifer Bupp, MD Niner, Paul J, III, MD Ramirez, Mario Luis, MD Rico, Wilfred Martin, MD Saint Jean, Norma, DO Smith, Hayden Blake, MD Williams, Arthur L, II, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Haywood County (Continued) Family Medicine Backer, Farnel Fernand, MD English, Adam Patrick, DO Pettigrew, Jack G, DO General Practice Dowling, Clarey R, MD Spencer, Donald R, MD White, Jerald W, MD Hospital Medicine Goolsby, Jason Bryant, DO Kight, John Joseph, NP C Nickelson, Connie Lois, MD Internal Medicine Mangle, George Mark, DO Montoya Chavez, Jaime E, MD Nwokolo, Ejikeme U, MD Obi, Emmanuel I, MD Vides de Montoya, Joaquina E, MD Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Honeycutt, Vickie N, ANP BC Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Rowland, Candace Mayberry, APRN BC Salvaggio, Karen Lynn, FNP Obstetrics & Gynecology Wilburn Wren, Kristie Renee, MD Surgery Percival, Hisman H, MD Saridakis, Michael Andrew, MD Therapeutic Optometry Ellis, Arthur H, III, OD Khan Jalal, Marzuka, OD PS PS PS PS PSK PS P P P P P S S S S S PS PS PS P P PS Alperovich, Alexander Haim, MD Arunachalam, Rangarajan, MD Lui, Henry K, MD Nkadi, Chukwuemeke Oscar, MD Rudin, Andrew Scott, MD Sullivan, Martin James, MD Chiropractor Alexander, Christopher G, DC Emergency Medicine Backer, Farnel Fernand, MD Bakeer, Mohammed S, MD Carter, Michael Allen, MD Dolan, Michael Sean, MD Ferguson, Charles B, MD Galiwango, Charles K, MD McKee, Alice Roark, MD Meko, Jennifer Bupp, MD Niner, Paul J, III, MD Ramirez, Mario Luis, MD Rico, Wilfred Martin, MD Saint Jean, Norma, DO Smith, Hayden Blake, MD Stroup, Kevin H, MD Williams, Arthur L, II, MD Family Medicine Appleton, James Roy, III, MD Henderson, Reggie Allan, MD Stroup, Kevin H, MD White, Charles Wesley, Jr, MD White, Charles Wesley, Sr, MD General Practice Ramer, Warren Carlton, Jr, MD Physicians Sylvester, Robert E, DO Hospital Medicine Internal Medicine Arinze, Festus N, MD Khan, Saad Urrahman, MD McDonald, Thomas C, MD McKee, Heather M, MD Nurse Practitioner Walker, Jayme Leke, NP Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Cannady, Penni Carol, ANP BC Crews, Holly Bennett, NP Wilkes, Shanna Lynn, APRN Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Chipman, Donna K, MSN Combs, Laura Lea, FNP BC Dorris, Cathy Elizabeth, NP McCormick, Janice K, NP Riddle, Kristi J, FNP Scott, Chad C, FNP BC Springer, Alicia Gaile, FNP Waldrop, Alice Jeanette, FNP Ophthalmology Bateman, Mark R, MD Grissom, Hilary Carol, MD Herron, Bruce E, MD Neel, Sean T, MD Sullivan, Jason M, MD Pediatrics Lentz, Jonathan D, MD Physician Assistant - PCP PS P Weatherford, Alan Davis, PA Podiatry (DPM) Kirk, Patricia Ann, DPM Pavuluri, Ramesh B, DPM Henderson County Cardiovascular Disease Networks Joves, Froilan Borja, MD PSK PSK PS Pulmonary Disease P P P P P P S S S S S S PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S P P P P P S S S S S McCartney, Jeffrey P, MD Radiology Green, John A, MD PS PS P P P P S S S S PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P P S S S S S PS PS PS PS PS PS Networks Minor, Randall McTyre, MD Spanos, George K, DO Spinzig, Bruce David, MD Stephenson, Robert C, MD Family Medicine Berry, Ken D, MD Blankenship, John Lee, MD Dunagan, Stephanie C, MD Hampton, Toby Andrew, MD Nanney, Philip W, MD Nelson, Michael W, MD Summers, Douglas S, MD General Practice Harrison, Terry O, MD Walker, Charles Allen, MD Hematology / Oncology Ginn, David C, MD Hospital Medicine Bailey, Iris Williams, MD Enyenihi, Henry N, MD Nienaber, Kirk A, MD Richardson, Robert Lee, III, MD Shah, Viren Jashvantlal, MD Internal Medicine Coleman, Andrew C, MD Go, Virginia R, MD Griffey III, Walter P, MD Hudson, James Hervey, MD Kluwe, Gena Kay, MD McGee, James W, MD Robertson, James B, MD Tusa, Vince C, MD Whitby, Rodney S, MD Medical Oncology Conkright, William A, MD Winkler, Charles F, MD Neurology Ahsan, Jawaid, MD Nurse Practitioner Haynes, Terrie Bea, FNP Wyatt, Sheryl A, FNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Sturgeon, Misty A, ACNP Surgery Bratton, Christopher H, MD Edwards, George Thomas, MD Therapeutic Optometry Driver, Antoniette J, OD Goodman, David Todd, OD Lawler, Charles D, OD Long, Brandi L, OD Patterson, Michael L, OD Shelton, Jonathan Ross, OD PS PS P P P P P P S S S S S S Henry County Audiology Gillespie, Robert David, CCC A Cochran, Hugh T, CRNA Hurst, Fred T, CRNA Illyes, Paul Richard, CRNA Craig, Elizabeth G, DC Keller, Jason T, DC Medlin, Robert Wesley, DC Sykes, Brian Matthew, DC Emergency Medicine Austin, Mary Ann, DO Hudson, James Hervey, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Bullock, Emily Katharine, FNP BC Cannon, Debra Sue, FNP BC Canup, Alison C, NP Carter, Sheila J, FNP Dicus, Lynn E, NP Eblen, Cynthia Ann, NP C Holcomb, Linda Sue, NP C Nolen, Ryan Clay, APRN BC Taylor, Phyllis Ann, FNP Wood, Mary H, NP Woods, Ginny A, NP Obstetrics & Gynecology PSK Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Chiropractor PS Henry County K-Network K PSK PSK PSK P P P P S S S S PS PSK Kimberlin, Gibson Dan, MD Mann Evans, Pamela Ruth, MD Wieck, Dennis J, MD Ophthalmology Browning, Thomas A, MD Doherty, Terrence James, MD Elfervig, John Lars, MD Loden, James C, MD Orthopedic Surgery Chandler, Gerald B, MD Gladwell, Heather A, MD Gulish, Eugene F, MD Kuhn, John E, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P S S SK S P P P P P P P S SK S S S S S PS PS PS P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S SK S PS PS PS P P P P S S S S P P P P S S S SK 71 Henry County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Henry County (Continued) Otolaryngology Richards, Randolph M, MD Pediatric Orthopedics Gregory, Andrew J, MD Pediatrics PS Hutchens, Zachary M, MD Johnson, Alex Ray, DO Mirza, Muhammad Fahad, MD Sexton, John T, MD Gastroenterology Reddy, Srikar S, MD PSK Immunizing Pharmacist Mays, Christy Hulan, DPh Jackson, John O, Jr, MD Mann, Jeffrey L, DO Minor, Christy F, MD Selby, Debra S, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Bingham, Ronald C, MD Johnson, Miles M, MD Physician Assistant Gulish, Kristopher E, PA Page, John Dwayne, PA Smith, Kerri Ann M, PA C Physician Assistant - PCP Heath, Holly Leigh Ann, PA Magassouba, Moriba, PA C Massey, Annie Kathryn, PA Physician Assistant at Surgery Gulish, Kristopher E, PA Smith, Kerri Ann M, PA C Podiatry (DPM) Long, David H, DPM Radiation Oncology Permenter, William D, Jr, MD Radiology Mitchell, Stephen R, MD Sports Medicine Hannah, Gene A, MD Rummo, Paul J, DO Surgery Boyd, Russell W, MD Carty, Calphor S, MD Compton, Raymond P, MD Harper, Jason Louis, MD Therapeutic Optometry Anderson, Edwin Gwin, OD Carrico, David O, OD Coleman, Joshua A, OD Harrison, Michelle M, OD Johnson, Paula D, OD Kirby, John Allen, OD Nicholson, Larry L, II, OD Taylor, James Curt, OD Townsend, Thomas E, OD Utley, Dustin Kyle, OD Woolverton, Dennis R, OD Urology Mobley, Joe D, MD Vascular Surgery Lundberg, Andrew H, MD P P P P S S S S PS PS Cardiovascular Disease Asad, Muhammad, MD Chiropractor Jutte, Scott F, DC Diagnostic Radiology Fordice, Sarina W, MD Family Medicine Burt, William Edward, MD Internal Medicine Burress, Christopher Shea, DO Durakiewicz, Marek, MD Khan, Sameena Waheed, MD Priyadarshi, Snigdha Shrivastava, MD Safar, Elyas, MD Szczuka, Anna, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice PS PS PS PS PSK PS PS PS Barnes, Katie Elizabeth, FNP BC DePriest, Kristy R, FNP Hibbs, Frances E, FNP Murphy, Kay, FNP Reynolds, Caryn L, NP Russell, Nathan W, FNP Story, Janis L, FNP Obstetrics & Gynecology Edwards, Joe M, MD Ophthalmology Bregman, Daniel K, MD PS Pediatrics PS Physician Assistant PS Radiology PSK PSK Therapeutic Optometry P P P P S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S Burress, Christopher Shea, DO Bryant, Tiffany Ann, PA Massie, James D, Jr, MD Ballard, Carol J, OD Elkins, Regina Jenkins, OD P P P P S SK S S PSK PSK P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S General Practice Internal Medicine Pasniciuc, Maria I, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Cole, Lela K, FNP BC PS PS PSK Fortunato, Stephen J, MD Lombardi, Salvatore J, MD PS PSK PSK PS PS PS Bodin, Christopher J, MD Emergency Medicine PS PS PS PSK Branson, James William, MD Braxton, Thomas M, Jr, MD Bray, Gina Vick, DO Burrus, Roger Grady, MD Chambers, Erin E, MD Clemmons, Samuel Clay, MD Foderingham, Nia M, MD Goldberg, David S, MD Judkins, Jeremiah W, MD Ligon, Douglas W, MD Family Medicine Boles, David L, Sr, DO Chambers, Erin E, MD Landis, Mark Allen, MD PS PS PS General Practice Martin, Daniel E, MD Mitchum, Patricia Anne, MD Petway, Zandra Renee, MD PS PS PS Hospital Medicine Martin, Daniel E, MD PS Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Phillips Black, Robin R, FNP Starkweather, Keith D, MD PS PS Winegar, Winfield Henry, II, PA PS Physician Assistant - PCP Van Trump, Robert Rossman, II, PA PS Radiology Boorgu, Kartik, MD Lamballe, Adrian K, MD Meyerowitz, Colin B, MD Rieck, Richard William, MD P P P P Surgery Bolar, Randall J, MD S S S S PS Humphreys County Cardiovascular Disease Odom, Harrell, II, MD PS Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Greenwell, Suzanna Bundrant, CRNA PS Chiropractor PS PS P PS Emergency Medicine Burrus, Roger Grady, MD Glenn, Joshua Brian, MD Judkins, Jeremiah W, MD Kleier, Ernest B, Jr, MD Porter, Matthew William, MD Ramirez, Mario Luis, MD Salhany, Kenneth Shaun, DO Blevins, Jerry Christopher, MD Jackson, Lawrence R, Jr, MD Leichner, Edward C, Jr, DO Mathai, George T, MD General Practice Kleier, Ernest B, Jr, MD Walker, Arthur W, MD PS Hematology P P P P P P P P P P Internal Medicine S S S S S S S S S S PS PS Physician Assistant Family Medicine Houston County Diagnostic Radiology PS PS Brooks, Wayland A, DC Cole, Daniel Terry, DC Smith, Micah Troy, DC Upchurch, Chad M, DC PS PS Meko, Jennifer Bupp, MD Moffat, Scott Kenneth, MD PS Hopkins County (KY) Maternal - Fetal Medicine Networks Orthopedic Surgery Hickman County (KY) Sanchez, William R, Jr, MD Hickman County 72 K-Network K Networks P P P P S SK S S PS Ali, Maysoon S, MD PS Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Phillips Freeman, Melinda L, NP PSK Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Check our Web site @ for current listing. S S S S S S S PS PS Doss, Habib H, MD Judd, Bonnie S, NP King Patterson, Christie Madge, NP C Yancey, David W, FNP P P P P P P P PS PS PSK Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Humphreys County (Continued) Pediatrics Ojeda, Nestor A, MD Skelton, M Angela, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Molette, Sekou F M, MD Physician Assistant - PCP Kauppi, Jeffrey David, PA Surgery Ali, Subhi D, MD Kleier, Ernest B, Jr, MD Thuan, Robert P, MD Therapeutic Optometry King, James H, OD Reynoldson, Tonya M, OD PSK PS Horne, Harry W, DO General Practice Jain, Pushpendra K, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Jenkins, Teneal Chaffin, DPh Internal Medicine Dycus, Douglas, MD Kabasakal, Ayca, MD Vermeesch, Marilyn Kay, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Geiger, Joseph M, FNP Physician Assistant Jarrell, Scott Zachery, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Logan, Kimber Janine, PA Blevins, Jerry Christopher, MD Calhoun, Ronald Edwin, Jr, MD Mohan, Asha P, MD Mohan, T Murali, MD Wayne, Alan J, MD Internal Medicine Ata, Muhammad E, MD Urology Britt, Darryl B, MD Carter, Paul Michael, MD Jones, Phillip Wayne, MD Partridge, Megan Elizabeth, MD Ponder, Robert D, MD Extended Hours Available Springer, Michael A, MD Audiology Stepp, Teresa R, MS CCC A Cardiovascular Disease Blacky, Albert R, MD Diltz, Emily A, MD Dilworth, Lee Robert, MD Hinds, Spencer W, MD Physicians Dilworth, Lee Robert, MD Slutzker, Daniel Michael, MD Baldwin, Charles J, DC Frazier, Margaret A, DC Newcomb, Thomas H, DC Tollefson, Darren R, DC Warner, Douglas M, DC PS PS PS Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Lindsay, William C, MD PS PS Emergency Medicine Barbee, Jacob Paul, MD Colwell, Strant Thompson, Jr, MD PSK Langton, Joanne E, MD Family Medicine PS PS PSK PS PS PSK PS PS PS P PS P P P Gastroenterology Sachdev, Arvinder J, MD Gynecology Harris, William B, Jr, MD P Hospital Medicine PS P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK PSK P P P P Allum, Kenneth M, III, MD Brotherton, Deana Rymer, MD Byrd, Leann McDaniel, MD Conner, Patricia Jean, MD Darby, Dewayne Paschall, MD Dillard, Donna Rose, MD Garbarino, Angelo James, Jr, MD Hill, Kenneth Lee, MD Hood, Michael T, MD Kickliter, David J, MD Klein, Dennis Michael, DO Leonard, Charles E, MD Manley, Emmett S, III, MD Manock, Stephen Robert, MD Mathers, Lawrence J, MD McConnell, David H, MD Extended Hours Available McNabney, David P, MD Purdom, Laura Darby, MD Sanders, Pamela J, MD Schindler, James B, MD Sheedlo, Steven Todd, MD Swanson, Rual C, MD Templeton, Steven A, MD Tohme, Fady Elias, MD Yarid, Frederick R, MD SK SK S SK Braun, Derek Adam, MD Brombach, Joseph Arthur, MD El Abbassi, Adel Mohammad, MD Greene, Jeffrey, MD Griffin, Teresa Beverly, MD Hamilton, Benjamin Craig, MD Kraus, Mathew T, MD Phelps, Gregory Lange, MD Ramsey, Bill Wilson, MD Robertson, Kenneth Blake, MD Internal Medicine Carter, Richard Blair, Jr, MD Cooley, Melissa Ann, MD Kirby, John Austin, MD Kouser, Aqueel M, MD Langton, Joanne E, MD Lubas, Janet, MD Patton, Lance Stephen, MD Ramsey, Bill Wilson, MD Shenkman, Michael, MD Networks Worley, Clyde Walter, MD Interventional Cardiology Reed, Steven W, MD PS PS Maternal - Fetal Medicine PS P P P P P S S S S SK PSK PSK PSK Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Jefferson County Allergy and Immunology Cardiovascular Disease -Diag Test Interpretations Chiropractor PS Jackson County (AL) Family Medicine Towne, Randall D, MD Watts, James C, CRNA Jackson County Family Medicine Networks Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) PS Jefferson County K-Network K PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K Medical Oncology Berman, Barry Scott, MD Neurology Hussain, Mohammad I, MD Nolte, Christopher Michael, MD Nurse Practitioner Ambler, Tonya S, NP Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Baskette, Charissa J, APRN BC Clark, Emily Anne, APRN BC Clark, Linda L, FNP Cogdill, Melissa R, FNP Connelly, Richard F, FNP Dusek, Nancy E, NP Frazier, Annita Jeanne, FNP BC Gillis, Bethany Ann, NP C Kirk, Lisa C, APRN BC Mathers, Rachel A, APRN BC Richardson, Sydney Lynn, NP C Sawicki, Valeria Ann, FNP BC Sharp, Amy Deane, FNP Woods, Olga G, FNP Obstetrics & Gynecology Anderson, Craig Cole, MD Orthopedic Surgery K K S S SK S S SK SK S PS PSK P P P P P P P P P P Adair, Charles David, MD Hennessy, Mark D, MD Kipikasa, Joseph H, MD Torres, Carlos, MD SK S SK SK SK SK SK P P P PS PS PSK P P P K Ambrosia, John M, MD Becker, Paul L, MD Beeler, T Craig, MD Betcher, Russell A, MD Calhoun, Douglas N, MD Covino, Brian M, MD Crawford, John Jay, MD Defiore, Joseph C, MD Gray, Frank B, MD Holloway, George Brian, MD Ivy, Robert E, MD Johnson, Paul H, MD Madigan, Luke, MD Madigan, Robert R, MD Maguire, James K, MD Mathien, Gregory M, MD McGraw, John J, MD McPeake, William T, MD Nadaud, Matthew C, MD Rappe, Matthew Alan, MD Sears, Cameron J, MD Smith, Robert Grant, MD Spencer, Edwin E, Jr, MD Testerman, Mary C, MD Wallace, Sidney L, MD Youmans, William T, MD Otolaryngology Dillard, Michael Leslie, MD Pediatrics Bukovitz, Mary E, MD Helsel, Shasta Brewer, MD Moss, Casey Nelson, MD Powell, Laura A, MD Salansky, Renee A, MD Toffoletto, Larry Michael, MD Wilkinson, John W, MD Willbanks, David V, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Craig, Michael C, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P PSK P P P P S S S S PSK PS PSK PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S SK S S SK S S S S S PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K PS 73 Jefferson County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Jefferson County (Continued) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Continued) Fry, Bruce B, DO Physician Assistant Allen, Dorothy E, PA DAvila, Theresa Ann, PA Jarnagin, Jeffrey Grover, PA Salm, Barbara Jean, PA Sharp, Lori L, PA Williams, Benjamin Wayne, PA Physician Assistant at Surgery Jarnagin, Jeffrey Grover, PA Sharp, Lori L, PA Podiatry (DPM) Wadsworth, Steven M, DPM Rheumatology Kouser, Aqueel M, MD Sports Medicine Klenck, Chris Allen, MD Luhn, Amber Gardner, MD Scott, Benson Aspin, MD PS P P P P P P S S S SK S SK Lauzon, Catherin Mary, NP Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Cox, Paula D, FNP Dugger, Kermit L, FNP Hawkins, Brenda Anne, FNP Stewart Glenn, Jennifer, FNP Ume Nwagbo, Pearl N, NP Witmer, Anne Marie, FNP BC McConnell, Peggy M, APRN BC PS Trumbley, Sharon G, NP Rabon, Randal J, MD Orthopedic Surgery Albracht, Douglas Anthony, DO Nelson, Robert B, MD Pediatric Emergency Medicine PS Blackwell, Jamie Len, MD Physician Assistant - PCP PS PS PS Milligan, Leslie W, MD Therapeutic Optometry Archambeault, Cherie R, OD Barnes, Kyle Matthew, OD Jaynes, Mark A, OD Morrill, Harold E, Jr, OD Extended Hours Available Sussmane, Shawn T, OD Tarr, Blake W, OD Urology Lischer, Garrett H, MD Morris, Steven A, MD Shepherd, Terry Preston, MD PS P PS PS PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Cardiovascular Disease Brahmbhatt, Vipulkumar Rameshchandra, MDPS Khan, Ahmed A, MD PS Ehlert, Bruce M, DC Emergency Medicine Guy, Janet Ruth, MD Lucas, Melinda, MD Family Medicine Barker, Floyd J, DO Clay, Henry Tucker, Jr, MD Kimbro, Michael K, MD Peterson, Celeste V, DO Shine, James W, MD Shine, Susanne M, MD Sluder, Raina Arnold, MD Gastroenterology Fenyves, Jeffrey P, MD General Practice Bishop, Marilyn Ann, MD Tarr, Donald F, DO Walters, Donald R, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Reece, Harry S, DPh Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Armstrong, Bernita J, APRN BC S S S S S PS Goodbread, Michele Lyn, PA Jones, Daniel C, FNP Therapeutic Optometry PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PSK PS PS PS P P P P P P P S S S S S S PS PS PS PS PSK PS Knox County Allergy and Immunology Cain, William Travis, MD Carter, Paul Michael, MD Jones, Phillip Wayne, MD Keeton, Robert Wayne, Jr, MD Kodoth, Sangeetha M, MD Miller, Michael M, MD Overholt, Robert M, MD Partridge, Megan Elizabeth, MD Pienkowski, Marek M, MD Ponder, Robert D, MD Extended Hours Available Prince, Tidence L, MD Schlactus, Jeffrey L, MD Springer, Michael A, MD Sullivan, Ryan Richard, MD Wisniewski, Joseph M, MD Anatomic and Clinical Pathology Eberts, Thomas Joseph, MD Galloway, Alan Keith, MD Haq, Jamshed Ul, MD Vinson, James H, MD Anesthesiology Adams, David G, MD Baird, Michael A, MD Beamer, Wilson C, MD Bustamante, Daniel R, MD Cox, William E, MD Craft, Robert M, MD Dickson, Mitchell A, MD Dooley, Patrick M, MD Dover, Norris L, MD Farr, George William, Jr., MD Flynn, Michael R, MD Fuqua, Jeffery L, MD Galdun, John P, MD Hamilton, Steven W, MD Jenkins, Basia M, MD King, F Greg, MD Mitchell, Phillip R, MD Mobley, Edward C, MD Montgomery, Charles E, MD Mumford, Mark S, MD Pearce, Robert E, MD Pham, Loc B, MD Audiology Baerman, Sally J, CCC A Carroll, James R, CCC A Dungan, Jan, AuD CCC A Earl, Dennis Charles, CCC A Earl, Patricia W, CCC A Evans, Tony D, CCC A Galloway, Stephanie Lynne, AuD CCC A Gresham, Jill Cole, MS CCC A Levy, David H, CCC A Mauldin, Whitney R, AuD CCC A Ragsdale, Janis D, MA CCC A Stone, Sue C, AuD CCC A Cardiovascular Disease PS Johnson County Chiropractor P P P P P P Networks Ramsey, Melissa Hazlewood, MD Robertson, Candace A, MD Robinson, William D, MD Seaton, Douglas Y, MD Simpson, Joseph E, MD Smith, Arthur Audie, MD Tate, Morris L, MD Walker Filmore, Janice M, MD White, Robert F, MD Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) Ophthalmology PS PS PS Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health Cunningham, George A, OD Surgery 74 K-Network K Networks P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K P P P P P S S S S S K K K P P P P S S S S K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K Acker, John, MD Arnett, John D, III, MD Ayres, Thomas M, MD Baerman, Jeffrey Martin, MD Baldwin, Shawn Allan, MD Baljepally, Rajagolpal M, MD Belt, Robert M, MD Besozzi, Myrwood C, MD Bishop, Harry Louis, MD Blacky, Albert R, MD Blakeley, Russell Reed, MD Bresee, Stuart J, MD Brewer, Gregory V, MD Cox, David Allan, MD Cox, James W, Jr, MD Crook, Jerry Jackson, II, MD Deleese, Joseph S, MD Dill, Stephen Hurley, MD Diltz, Emily A, MD Dilworth, Lee Robert, MD Disalvo, Thomas G, MD Doiron, Clint Thomas, MD Foster, Malcolm T, III, MD Gentry, Robert E, MD Gimbel, J. Rod, MD Harper, John M, MD Hirsh, Jeffrey B, MD Hoadley, Stephen D, MD Hookman, Lawrence David, MD Huntsinger, David R, MD Johnson, Jeffrey H, MD Krisle, George Menees, III, MD Lindsay, William C, MD Liu, Joseph C, MD Marietta, Stephen L, MD Martin, Robert O, MD Martyn, Robert P, MD McBride, Richard R, MD McCoy, Kyle W, MD Mehta, Ravi S, MD Michelson, Barry I, MD Minardo, Joseph D, MD Minteer, William Jeffrey, MD Mistry, Nareshbhal R, MD Ojeda, Gabriel A, MD Overly, Tjuan Lee, MD Patterson, William D, MD Pierson, Farrel D, MD Reed, Steven W, MD Riedel, Roger Aaron, MD Rogers, Bret Alan, MD Rotondo, Russell Elias, MD Scott, J Christopher, MD Slutzker, Daniel Michael, MD Smith, Joseph Samuel, III, MD Ternay, John A, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK SK S S S S S S S K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks McWilliams, Rebecca W, CRNA Meiers, Terri K, CRNA Miller, Hope Kelly, CRNA Morello, Antoinette J, CRNA Morris, David E, CRNA Myers, Debra L, CRNA Nelson-Wiggs, Lois, CRNA Norris, Janet O, CRNA Parson, Ellen S, CRNA Pearson, Karen Roberts, CRNA Price, Carla J, CRNA Pruett, Kimberly R, CRNA Reagan, Susan P, CRNA Slagle, Laura S, CRNA Stafford, Shirley I, CRNA Tinker, Michael L, CRNA Vacca, Ashley M, CRNA Vandyk, Roger, CRNA Watson, Tony Lee, CRNA Wilds, Jessica L, CRNA Wilson, Anne Marie, CRNA Wilson, Stephanie Leigh, CRNA Wilton, Jon Lance, CRNA Winfree, Jennifer C, CRNA Winningham, Natalie A, CRNA Witt, Ada S, CRNA Wright, Samuel H, CRNA Knox County (Continued) Cardiovascular Disease (Continued) Towne, Randall D, MD Treasure, Charles B, II, MD Underwood, Michael D, MD Weiss, Mitchell H, MD Wortham, Dale C, MD Yates, James D, MD Yatteau, Ronald F, MD Cardiovascular Disease -Diag Test Interpretations Arnett, John D, III, MD Bishop, Harry Louis, MD Blacky, Albert R, MD Brewer, Gregory V, MD Cox, David Allan, MD Deleese, Joseph S, MD Dill, Stephen Hurley, MD Diltz, Emily A, MD Dilworth, Lee Robert, MD Gentry, Robert E, MD Harper, John M, MD Hoadley, Stephen D, MD Hoffman, Philip K, MD Kiefer, Stephen K, MD Krisle, George Menees, III, MD Lindsay, William C, MD Martin, Robert O, MD Martyn, Robert P, MD McCoy, Kyle W, MD Mehta, Ravi S, MD Minardo, Joseph D, MD Minteer, William Jeffrey, MD Pierson, Farrel D, MD Reed, Steven W, MD Slutzker, Daniel Michael, MD Ternay, John A, MD Towne, Randall D, MD Treasure, Charles B, II, MD Underwood, Michael D, MD Yatteau, Ronald F, MD P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P S S S SK S SK S S S SK K SK SK SK S S S S S SK S S S SK S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P K K K K Chiropractor SK S S SK Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Adkins, Rosario N, CRNA Aragon, Olga Mercedes, CRNA Backus, Paul R, CRNA Bain, Lori A, CRNA Bowers, Terri G, CRNA Bracken, Walter M, CRNA Clausen, Eric Jan, CRNA Coble, Lisa C, CRNA Cole, Linda D, CRNA Cox, Julia G, CRNA Craft, Nehemiah, CRNA De Fluiter, Justin Bradley, CRNA Ellington, Gayron S, CRNA Fields, Ginger C, CRNA Gloss, Frank P, CRNA Gryder, Pamela Dorene, CRNA Hagopian, Greg, CRNA Hamrick, Teresa N, CRNA Helsel, Linda J, CRNA Herbold, Mary, CRNA Hodges, Charles C, CRNA Hodges, June M, CRNA Huff, Adam Kyle, CRNA Joe, Gloria C, CRNA Johnson, Carol T, CRNA Kear, Gwendolyn J, CRNA Keizer, Garth M, CRNA Kelly, Virginia Lane, CRNA Klappholz, David L, CRNA Koford, Dale E, CRNA Kwasney, Holly M, CRNA Lewis, Doris, CRNA Looney, Tori Ann, CRNA Loyd, Alan E, CRNA Physicians P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S SK S Knox County K-Network K Ables, Lynn, DC Aungst, Wallace S, DC Barber, John S, DC Bennett, Christopher, DC Blanco, Edward A, DC Branson, Scobie C, Jr, DC Bridges, Raymond B, DC Bushman, Dennis M, DC Cawrse, James J, DC Cawrse, Patricia Kay, DC Corbitt, David E, DC Dobrowolski, Robert, DC Dreyer, Russell Cranford, DC Edwards, John W, II, DC Fields, Jeffrey J, DC Forrester, Otis B, MD Forth, William David, DC Gwinn, Woodrow W, Jr, DC Hacker, Robert Allan, DC Hagerman, Gary M, DC Hawk, Robert G, DC Hennie, Craig A, DC Higgins, Daniel T, DC Hosenfeld, Andrew P, DC Hosenfeld, Carl C, DC Hosenfeld, Cole J, DC Humberg, Stuart R, DC Ingleby, Jeffrey P, DC Jacobs, Chad C, DC Johnson, Glenn D, DC Kelley, Christopher, DC Kelley, Williem R, DC Komeshak, Greg S, DC Leavitt, Nathan E, DC Lensgraf, Alan C, DC Lensgraf, Derek D, DC Lensgraf, Elizabeth A, DC Lester, Matthew A, DC Litrakis, Larry S, DC Lounsberry, Ryan Jay, DC McKinnon, Murray D, DC McLaughlin, Wesley B, DC McMahan, Daniel B, DC McStay, John B, DC Mendez, Manuel M, DC Extended Hours Available Morrison, Robert E, DC Nielson, Philip E, DC Parson, Scott L, DC Peterson, Franya M, DC Petty, Michael T, DC Poisal, Arthur James, DC P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S SK SK S S S S S S S Networks Ricketts, Leigh A, DC Rodriguez, Rafael M, DC Roy, Judy P, DC Rumbolt, Shawn L, DC Scoles, Andrew D, DC Scoles, Jennifer E, DC Seegrist, Steven T, DC Self, John Michael, Jr, DC Setzer, Sandra S, DC Shreve, David A, DC Smith, Jason L, DC Solomon, James B, DC Sparks, Shana Dionne, DC Stewart, Donovan P, DC Sulack, Michael D, DC Sulack, Peter C, DC Sunshine, Barry W, DC Vaughan, Conrad S, DC Warwick, Thomas Mark, DC Watkins, James D, DC Wegener, Donald G, DC Wilkerson, Bradley K, DC Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Belt, Robert M, MD Gimbel, J. Rod, MD Lindsay, William C, MD McBride, Richard R, MD Ojeda, Gabriel A, MD Clinical Genetics Anderson, Ilse J, MD Lozzio, Carmen B, MD Colon and Rectal Surgery Baker, James W, MD Glover, A. Michael, MD Solla, Julio A, MD Young, Jay Alger, MD Critical Care Medicine Tucker, Brian Keith, DO Dermatology Bushkell, Lawrence L, Jr, MD Dittrich, Lee B, MD Doppelt, Matthew B, DO Frazier, Claude C, III, DO Freeberg, Susan Eileen, MD Grande, Kimberly K, MD Griffith, Robert C, MD Hanggi, Matthew C, MD Hendrick, Sophia J, MD Huddleston, Charles I, MD Julius, Clark Eldon, MD Kang-Rotondo, Cynthia H, MD Keough, George C, MD Lewis, Robert A, MD Meyers, Anthony L, MD Overholt, Meredith T, MD Primka, Edward J, III, MD Rist, Toivo E, MD Shimazu, Colleen N, MD Shupp, David L, MD Diagnostic Radiology Balius, Anastasia Marie, MD Barron, David M, MD Boyd, James Wilson, MD Campbell, Paul Dennis, Jr, MD Cotton, Daniel W, MD Cox, James Kyle, Jr, MD Dovgan, Daniel J, MD Gash, Judson Roy, MD Laing, Geoffrey Glynn, MD McLean, Frederick Miller, MD Niethammer, John G, III, MD Peeke, Jeffrey Wilson, MD Place, James G, MD Stafford, James Marshall, MD Taylor Gantte, Deanna Faye, MD Tolhurst, George, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K PSK PS PSK P K P PSK PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K S S S S S S K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K 75 Knox County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Knox County (Continued) Diagnostic Radiology (Continued) Wunderlich, Caryn Cornelia, MD Yamada, Donovan Lyle, MD Emergency Medicine Allen, Jonathan C, MD Brickhouse, David E, PAC Campbell, William M, MD Cauble, Daniel W, MD Dabbs, Randall L, MD Ergen, Frederick J, MD Hammons, Cathy Mills, FNP Irwin, John Bruce, MD Kammona, Hussein A, MD Martinez, Marwin J, Jr, MD Millwood, Roger H, MD Palatinus, Joseph, MD Pardue, Jeanann P, MD Seifert, Phillip, MD Stolze, Richard A, PA PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Bussey, Aaron D, MD Campbell, Peter J, MD Doty, Thomas W, MD Law, William M, Jr, MD McCammon, Daniel K, MD Moffitt, Gregory A, MD Page, Casey J, MD Vora, Amit C, MD Williams, John B, MD Family Medicine Allsop, Bruce N, MD Anderson, Thomas I, MD Ayo, Raye Anne B, MD Baker, Kelly L, MD Baldridge, Ruth E, MD Barger Stevens, Amy, MD Barton, Ronald P, MD Bellingrath, Leonard F, MD Bennett, Camilla C, MD Bevelhimer, Ann S, MD Bielak, Kenneth Michael, MD Bilbrey, Brett S, MD Blake, Gregory H, MD Blake, John Rennie, Jr, MD Bonnyman, Brian Andrew, MD Brewer, Daniel E, MD Brooks, George B, MD Brooksbank, Roger A, MD Broome, William S, MD Buchanan, James Kevin, MD Burkhart, William Lindsey, MD Bushore, John T, MD Butcher, Michael Bain, MD Caldwell Chor, Kelly Ann, MD Campbell, Keith E, MD Campbell, Kevin Sean, MD Carlson, James M, DO Chambers, Robert Todd, MD Chen, Chang Wen, MD Chism, Kathy N, MD Clark, Jack C, MD Cloud, Mark W, MD Collins, Cynthia Elizabeth, MD Collins, Jason P, MD Cox, Daniel L, MD Crouch, David Norman, MD Davis, Larry E, MD Dean, R. Wesley, Jr., MD Dee, Jonathan Daniel, Jr, MD Douglass, Andrew M, MD Drinnen, Jeffrey W, MD Durbin, Shelly V, MD Eaddy, John A, MD Easterly, Jeffery Lee, MD Ellis, Carrie Diane, DO 76 P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK SK SK S SK SK S S S S S S S K K K K S SK SK S S S S S S K K K K S SK SK S K-Network K Networks England, Welborn David, MD Fehr, Robert R, MD Filchock, Joanne V, MD Flaming, Brad A, MD Florian, Anthony, MD Fokens, Jeffrey H, MD Forsee, Amy E, MD Garmany, Tracie Silliman, MD Gleaves, James, MD Griffin, Tchad F, MD Hall, Vaughan D, MD Hammett, Jay, Jr, MD Hart, Tadhg M, MD Haskins, Thomas G, MD Hetrick, Thomas H, MD Hicks, James Stacy, MD Hughes, J. Leland, Jr., MD Hunter, Teri L, MD Hurst, Fred A, MD Huskey, Larry C, MD Jackson, Steven J, MD Jeter, Julie W, MD Johnson, Mark Wade, MD Johnson, Sigrid Rae, MD Johnson, W. Reeves, Jr., MD Johnston, Cheri C, MD Kasprzak, Robert C, DO Keeble, Donald S, MD Keenum, Amy J, DO Keith, Nabil Taysseer, MD Kellogg, Lisa E, DO Kersey, Brant G, MD King, Jack Donald, Jr, MD Laman, Craig A, DO Law, John Lynn, MD Manning, Rickey D, MD Masters, Steven B, MD Mays, Richard H, MD McLain, Scott D, MD McMichael, Jeffrey A, MD Meyer, Angela, MD Meyette, Philip Frank, MD Mire, Anwar Dean, MD Morehead, Lance, MD Mosrie, Brian T, MD Murff, Ronald E, MD Murphy, Grady Fred, Jr, MD Murphy, Jean R, MD Otis, Michael V, MD Pardue, Randy T, MD Parham, Jon S, DO Parker, Donald W, MD Pearman, Cynthia A, MD Peters, Todd M, MD Phelps, Gregory Lange, MD Pinn, Tanika Michele, MD Pritcher, Gerald Mark, MD Robinson, Charles L, DO Rooke, John D, MD Rosine, Amy R, MD Russell, Gerald T, MD Rutledge, Charles D, MD Rylands, John C, MD Sawyer, Christopher E, MD Sayre, Warren B, MD Seal, Edna Faye, MD Shutt, Robert D, MD Smith, Andrew L, MD Smoak, Guy L, IV, MD Spalding, Steven L, MD Stalcup, Clay E, MD Stevens, Jeffrey L, MD Stockton, M. David, MD Sturgeon, Rodney E, II, MD Tarr, Jack H, II, MD Thakur, Manisha, MD Thomas, Gary L, MD Thornton, Nicholas P, IV, MD Toney, Lee E, III, MD Turner, Kevin L, MD Von Clef, Julius S, III, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S K K K K K S Wakefield, Paul H, MD Warren, Caleb T, MD Watson, Phillip Michael, MD West, Michael H, MD Wood, Armand C, MD Ylitalo, Ashley D, MD Zechman, Larry J, DO S SK SK K K K K K K SK S S SK SK S SK S SK SK K S SK Ylitalo, Ashley D, MD Anderson, Mark D, MD Barocas, Morris A, MD Benitez, Juan, MD Bindrim, Steven J, MD Brown, Jeffrey Ian, MD Chobanian, Sarkis J, MD Cohn, Richard A, MD Conley, Dean R, MD Crist, Jeffrey R, MD Edmunds, Meade C, MD Farris, Richard K, MD Gulati, Sangeeta, MD Haydek, John M, MD Iqbal, Muhammed, MD Jackson, Mark Williams, MD Lee, Jay David, MD Maves, Barry V, MD Miller, Stanley L, MD Narayani, Raj I, MD Newman, Maria B, MD OConnor, Charles M, MD Overholt, Bergein F, MD Pollack, Robert Alan, MD Porter, Floyd Raymond, MD Rollhauser, Carlos A, MD Sachdev, Arvinder J, MD Samavedy, Ramanujan, MD Silver, H. Steven, MD Spiegelman, Gary Allen, MD Stancher, John Adolph, MD Wilhoite, Scott L, MD Young, Thomas L, MD General Practice Anderson, Michael David, MD Bennett, Fred J, MD Deichert, Robert G, MD Ferrini, Vincent Frank, III, MD Hancock, David A, MD Huang, Laykoon T, MD Huang, Po Chao, MD Oshaughnessy, Gary D, DO Prince, Thomas C, Jr, MD Savage, Joseph S, DO Sim, Jea W, MD Smith, Audrey M, MD Stallings, Ted R, MD Wilson, Robert E, MD Wilson, Timothy P, MD General Vascular Surgery SK S S S S S K K K K Cassada, David C, MD Freeman, Michael B, MD Graham, Randall O, MD Hyatt, Hugh C, MD Pliagas, George A, MD Stevens, Scott L, MD Zirkle, P. Kevin, MD Geriatric Medicine SK Crane, Monica Kim, MD Kurtz, Jenifer A, MD Lands, Ronald H, MD S SK Gynecological Oncology S P PSK PS P P PS P Family Medicine with Obstetrical Fellowship Gastroenterology S S S S S S S S S S S S Networks Cofer, Kenneth F, MD Kilgore, Larry Clinton, MD Martin, David Allen, MD McDonald, Thomas W, MD Morgan, Tom E, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K SK S S S S S SK S S S SK S SK SK S S S SK S PSK PSK PSK P P P P P S S S S S K K K K Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Knox County (Continued) Gynecological Oncology (Continued) Saunders, Brook Allen, MD Gynecology Baker, Tammy E, MD Brown, Jeffrey B, MD Campbell, Morris D, MD Davis, Stephen C, MD Eaton, Allison Michelle, MD Moffett, Steven R, MD Morgan, Tom E, MD Pierce, Steven Faulkner, MD Smith, George Walton, MD Webb, Susan, MD Hematology Eapen, Saji, MD Ebenezer, Albert C, MD Grapski, Richard T, MD Grossman, Allan M, MD Hanna, Wahid T, MD Schrock, Nathan E, MD Hematology / Oncology Antonucci, Richard A, MD Charles, Antony Joseph, MD Geyer, Clarissa Salgado, MD Gharavi, Hesamm E, MD Huntsinger, Susan N, MD Solomon, Alan, MD Hospital Medicine Adkins, David A, MD Almashharawi, Issam Masoud, MD Archibald, Oliver Patrick, MD Badara, Mircea Ovidiu, MD Beals, David H, MD Benhayon, Jack, MD Beuerlein, John Thomas, MD Bolin, William R, MD Brooksbank, Roger A, MD Brunson, Michael D, MD Buckner, David Lee, MD Byrd, Shannon L, MD Cabrera, Anthony L, MD Chaltry, Felix J, DO Childs, Joseph F, MD Chilukuri, Srilatha, MD Cloud, William W, MD Coffey, Richard L, MD Cole, William C, II, MD Collier, Brian Keith, MD Cooley, Caroline E, MD Copley, Patricia D, MD Diaz, Edgar, MD Doers, Jesse T, MD Doleh, Mohamad Khader, MD Douglas, Jeffrey Lee, MD Dryzer, Scott R, MD Edgley, Heather Gayle, MD Estes, Ronald J, MD Flowers, Michael Brian, MD Franklin, Deborah L, DO Frost, Christopher Michael, MD Gallian, Richard Scott, MD Gibson, Richard L, MD Gillespie, Carla L, MD Gilmer, Ashley Foust, MD Griffin, James C, II, DO Hall, Glen E, MD Henschen, Bruce L, MD Herman-Gorrondona, Maria Olga, MD Hewgley, Isham C, III, MD Hill, Matthew R, MD Hira, Ketan S, DO Holladay, Rodney L, MD Houseman, Rebecca Molina, MD Hussain, Zakir, MD Physicians PSK P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S SK S S S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S S S SK K SK S S S SK S SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K SK S S S S Knox County K-Network K Networks Janoyan, Jano J, DO Jerden, David C, MD Jernigan, Thomas L, MD Joves, Froilan Borja, MD King, Joanna B, MD Kramer, Troy Donald, MD LaCharite, Claude Anding, MD Lands, Ronald H, MD Luchsinger, Scott T, MD Martin, Jonathan Gerald, MD Miller, James Alexander, MD Mitchell, Michael E, MD Monahan, Julia Anne, DO Morales, Landy Michael, MD Morris, Kimberly L, MD Mosley, Jennifer L, MD Munteanu, Dragos M, MD Munteanu, Lleana G, MD Naguib, Sameh Samy, MD Nash, Roland Wade, MD Nekuri, Suresh Kumar, MD Nelson, Mary Elizabeth, MD Nguyen, Noi Bill, MD Nichols, Phillip L, II, MD Nichols, Trent Lee, MD Norwood, Daphne M, MD Oberlin, Scott Douglas, MD Orthoefer, Carl S, MD Patel, Amit M, MD Paul, Andrews, MD Pharaoh, James D, MD Premji, Moez Ramzanali, MD Prince, John M, MD Prince, Steven R, MD Pulido Soriano, Gina M, MD Reichert, Matthew Michael, MD Rittgers, Aaron L, MD Russell, Kimberly A, MD Salaita, Murad Ghaleb, MD Sawabini, George, DO Senter, Riley S, MD Showalter, John C, MD Singh, Meharban, MD Slifer, Anissa Louise, MD Smith, Allen C, MD Smith, Lawrence R, DO Smith, William Benjamin, MD Smithey, Angela Hurst, MD Stauber, Christian L, MD Thompson, Carl, DO Webb, William K, MD Wilder, Charles C, MD Williams, Sommer Dea, MD Wilson, Timothy P, MD Worley, Thomas P, III, MD Yarbrough, Demetria LaShawn, MD Zibas, Lou Anne P, MD Zibas, Walter M, MD Infectious Disease Adams, John S, MD Kemp, Ernest B, MD King, Jeffry T, MD Narro, John P, MD Rasnake, Mark Steven, MD Smith, Russell J, MD Internal Medicine Ahmed, Syed, MD Allan, J Davis, MD Allen, Deborah G, MD Alley, James Stephen, MD Alley, Robert C, MD Badara, Mircea Ovidiu, MD Bard, Calvin M, MD Becker, Stephanie S, MD Bentley, Amy E, MD Bernard, Michael P, MD Bhandari, Ashok, MD Bhandari, Punam S, MD Biggs, Monte B, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S SK S S K SK S SK S S SK SK SK S S S SK S S SK S S SK SK SK S SK S S SK S S S S S S SK SK SK S SK S S SK SK SK S SK S S S SK S SK S S P P P P P P S S S SK SK SK P P P P P P P P P P P P P K SK SK SK S S SK Networks Boruff, Jeffrey Scott, MD Brakebill, Larry C, MD Brandon, Miriam L, MD Brinkmann, Jennifer H, MD Byrd, Ricky R, MD Carroll, John D, MD Chaudhuri, Udit, MD Chintalapudi, Srinivasa R, MD Clark, Charles N, MD Collier, Brian Keith, MD Collier, Michael S, MD Cooper, John F, MD Cooper, John H, Jr, MD Cotton, Hollis J, MD Cowan, John David, MD Cox, Christopher R, MD Davis, Douglas L, MD Davis, Leila Katherine, MD Durbin, David C, MD Ellis, Carol Lashine, MD Ely, Daniel S, MD Emmett, Kim, MD Etezadi Amoli, Saeed, MD Ferguson Jr, James V, MD Geibig, Erik Eugene, MD George, Courtney Christine, MD Gibbs, Cassandra Faye, MD Gibson, Richard L, MD Goldman, David G, MD Good, Edward F, MD Gray, Nathan A, MD Green, Ralph Michael, MD Griffin, James C, II, DO Gue, Crystal L, MD Harmon, William N, MD Hatoum, Chehada Anthony, MD Hawkins, Jimmy L, MD Headrick, Jennifer Lynn, MD Helton, Michael Harold, MD Hembree, Douglas K, MD Hill, Michael W, MD Hovis, Rachel W, MD Howlader, Anjuman Ara, MD Hoyt, Robert H, Jr, MD Hurst, James W, MD Husnain, Syed Shaukat, MD Ivey, Jessica M, MD Jackson, Becky L, MD Jackson, Rebecca T, MD Jernigan, Thomas L, MD John, Sunil M, MD Kinzy, Judith D, MD Kirby, James T, MD Lacey, John W, MD Leahy, Michael D, MD Littlefield, Thomas R, MD Lorino, Stephen P, MD Lowry, Randolph M, MD Mancebo, Gerald L, MD Mardini, Antoin H, MD Marlow, Douglas J, MD Martyn, Robert P, MD Mathes, Catherine L, MD McColl, Mark Benton, MD McHargue, Donna D, MD McKenzie, Donald K, MD McKenzie, Jerome F, MD Mendez, Eduardo R, MD Mistry, Savita Naresh, MD Mitchell, Michael E, MD Montgomery, Robert N, MD Morris, Kimberly L, MD Morrison, Marie Joiner, MD Morton, Anthony W, MD Nekuri, Suresh Kumar, MD Newton, Cynthia Naramore, MD Norwood, Daphne M, MD Nowell, Walker E, DO Ochoa, Peter J, MD Ojeda, Gabriel A, MD Parikh, Kalpesh Devendraprasad, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK S S S S S K K K K SK SK SK SK S SK SK SK S S SK SK S S SK K SK S SK SK SK S S S S SK SK SK SK SK SK SK S 77 Knox County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Knox County (Continued) Internal Medicine (Continued) Passarello, Michael J, MD Patel, Bipinchandra M, MD Patterson, Joan Breder, MD Perra, Lenette H, MD Petty, David G, Jr, MD Phelps, Richard W, MD Pierce, John Mark, MD Pruett, Billy Dean, MD Purkey, Janet L, MD Rader, Gregg M, MD Rader, Karen Thrasher, MD Rahman, Mohammad R, MD Ramos, Antionio L, MD Rankin, David Michael, MD Reese, Kenneth C, MD Reyes, Susan Anette, MD Rice, Robert A, MD Rivers Jr, James B, MD Robinson, Jeffrey W, MD Robinson, William B, MD Rose, Richard C, III, MD Rouse, Kelly J, DO Russell, Carabeth W, MD Sadlon, Justin, MD Schubmehl, Amy Lynn, MD Sellers, David Matthew, MD Senter, Riley S, MD Sexton, Andrew M, MD Sherrill, S. Beth, MD Sivley, Rhonda Sparks, MD Smith, Louis A, MD Smith, William Benjamin, MD Solomon, Marianne, MD Sugantharaj, Andrew D, MD Sullivan, Robert S, MD Summers, Jeffrey S, MD Swilley, Jeffrey A, MD Taylor, Nancy L, MD Thompson, Robert G, II, MD Tutor, David K, MD Van Arsdell, Kent Howard, MD Van Zyl, Julia R, MD Vannoy, John F, MD Vastine, David Alan, MD Vazirani, Priyadarshani Mansukh, MD Wallace, Febe I, MD Williams, Juli D, MD Wooten, B. David, MD Yarbrough, Demetria LaShawn, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK K S S SK S S S S S S S S S S K K K K S S S S S S S K Interventional Cardiology Brewer, Gregory V, MD Doiron, Clint Thomas, MD Hoadley, Stephen D, MD Marietta, Stephen L, MD Reed, Steven W, MD Treasure, Charles B, II, MD Wood, David Emerson, MD Maternal - Fetal Medicine Adair, Charles David, MD Hennessy, Mark D, MD Howard, Bobby Clayton, MD Roussis, Periclis, MD Stephens, Gary W, MD Torres, Carlos, MD Medical Oncology Avery, Robert B, MD Berman, Barry Scott, MD Brig, Raymond, MD DeFelice, Joseph Michael, MD Devore, Russell F, III, MD Dobbs, Tracy W, MD 78 PSK S S S S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S Neonatology Nephrology SK P P P P P P Anderson, Mark E, MD Bass, James Kirk, MD Buchheit, John Q, MD Burnette, Tara, MD Feld, Neil, MD Gaylord, Mark S, MD Howick, John R, MD Lattimore, Keri Anne, MD Lorch, Vichien, MD Nalle, Louden, MD Prinz, Stephen C, MD Schmid, James, MD Suvarna, Hanumaiah, MD Wooldridge, William H, MD Wright, Kelly, MD K K S S SK SK S S S S S S S Cole, Linda, CNM Flowers, Tamara Lynn, CNM McConkey, Mary K, CNM Muir, Laura F, CNM Sims, Susan E, CNM Andrews, Ellen, MD Nagy, Sandor, MD SK S S SK P P P P P P P Midwife K Internal Medicine -Diag Test Interpretation Williams, Juli D, MD Feng, Yi, MD Hanna, Wahid T, MD Ibach, Daniel, MD Kerns, Ross E, MD Lands, Ronald H, MD Lee, Richard, MD Martin, Mitchell D, MD McCachren, S. Spence, MD McCarty, Matthew, MD Nicholson, Brenda P, MD Panella, Timothy J, MD Schumaker, Robert D, MD Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine K K K K K K K K K K K K K-Network K Networks Abu-Hatab, Mazen A, MD Ali, Yaqub, MD Bhidya, Mohammad P, MD Black, William D, MD Borrelli, Gerald S, MD Holmes, Lewis Henry, III, MD Kiss, Stephen C, MD Miller, Thomas R, MD Newman, George E, MD Ogrodowski, James L, MD Rivers, Denise M, DO Serrell, Paul B, MD Siddiqi, Naseem H, MD Suresh, Urath, MD Vasquez, Rhodora B, MD Williams Lyons, Marcia Victoria, DO Neurological Surgery Abel, Todd B, MD Boulos, Paul T, MD Boyer, Richard P, MD Davis, Robert S, MD Fromke, Michael D, MD Harris, Lewis W, MD Hauge, David H, MD Ingraham, Robert Q, MD Killeffer, Frederick A, MD Killeffer, James A, MD Mathews, Douglas Charles, MD Miller, Joshua Andrew, MD Peterson, Paul Carl, MD Ragland, Joel B, MD Reid, William S, MD Sanders, Steven A, MD Sauter, Kent L, MD Snyder, William E, Jr, MD Vargas, Eugenio F, MD Whitley, John Matthew, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P K K K K K K K K K S S S SK SK S SK S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K PS PSK Networks Neurology Ahsan, Jawaid, MD Barker, Roseanne S, MD Bergia, Berta Maria, MD Braden, Timothy Kevin, MD Brandes, David William, MD Brewer, Michelle L, MD Bridges, W. Scott, MD Bryan, Ronald William, MD Crawford, Jacqueline S, MD Dougherty, John H, MD Eisenstadt, Michael L, MD Higgins, Thomas Grant, MD Hooker, Henry, MD Hussain, Mohammad I, MD Ibrahim, Malik Abd, MD Kabbani, Sam Al, MD Leforce, Bruce R, MD Loaiza, Sergio, MD McWhirter, Dewey Young, III, MD Mullins, Karen A, DO Nelson, Jeffrey P, MD Nodit, Dinu Constantin, MD Nolte, Christopher Michael, MD Paulsen, William A, MD Rider, Steven P, MD Scariano, Jack E, Jr, MD Sevilla, Evelyn A, MD Thomas, Timothy Darrell, MD Trudell, Randall G, MD Wheatley, Donald Gregory, MD Wiseman, Brian F, MD Wray, Sibyl E, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Neurology -Diag Test Interpretation Bergia, Berta Maria, MD Neuropsychology (PHD) Hulse, Calvin K, PhD Klitzke, Michael J, PhD S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S SK S S S K K K K K K Chacko, George, MD Nurse Practitioner Ballard, Timothy E, NP Miller, Stephen L, NP Skinner, Tiffany Charest, NP Witherspoon, Barbara Jane, ACNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Aberdeen, Katrina T, APRN BC Butcher, Barbara L, APN Carpenter, Catherine June, APRN BC Cress, Donna G, NP Holt, Wendy N, ANP BC Palmer, Teresa Gail, ACNS BC Paul, Tina Marie, APRN BC Phipps, Kristi Z, NP Pickwell, Jennifer May, ANP BC Roland, Edward Carmack, NP Thompson, Deborah A, NP Tindell, Lori Ann, NP Xiques, Elizabeth A, NP Check our Web site @ for current listing. S S SK S S S SK SK S S S S S S S S PS PSK Ambler, Tonya S, NP Bartlett, Charles M, FNP Bliss, Julie Ann, APRN BC Cannington, Vicki Farnham, PMHNP BC Cox, Elizabeth Lee, ANP BC Cutshaw, Krista Cloyd, APRN BC Fredericksen, Sara Ann, ANP BC Graf, Deborah Jane, APRN BC Kendrick, Jo M, NP Lorge, Jill Dyvon, RNC BC Mapes, Christy H, FNP BC Moore, Anna Hill, NP Sauer, Deborah Ann, APRN BC Voica, Donna L, FNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care SK S S S SK SK S S S S PSK PS Nuclear Medicine P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P SK SK SK S P P P P P P P P P P P P P K K K K K K SK SK S SK S S S S S S K K K K K Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Clevenger, Lauren W, NP Gearity, Cayla Marie, CPNP PC Gladson, Juliet Anderson, CPNP PC Mixon, Melanie Coleen, NP Scott, Heather Lynne, CPNP PC Taylor, Rachel Elizabeth, CPNP PC Knox County (Continued) Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Albright, Joshua Brian, FNP BC Anderson, Anita Kaye, NP Azima, Laura Elaine, FNP BC Barnes, Roger Dale L, FNP BC Belcher, Sarah Ellen, APRN BC Berry, Amanda Wilson, FNP BC Best, Rachel Diana, FNP BC Bickford, Gary Randall, FNP Biddle, David E, NP Birdwell, Jewell M, FNP Blair, Melissa Renea, FNP BC Bright, Cara Lynn, FNP Brown, Pamela Jones, APRN BC Burgett, Stephanie Michel, NP Carroll, Stephanie Sharp, FNP Clark, Linda L, FNP Crenshaw, Gwendolyn Emma, FNP BC Crye, Carol D, FNP BC Davison, Dorothy Maryanne, NP C Dobbins, Darrell Gene, FNP Dugger, Lisa A, NP Dusek, Nancy E, NP Eisenhower, Olga J, NP Free, Richard C, FNP Gettelfinger, Lori Jill, CPNP PC Given, Stacey A, NP Gunnoe, Stephanie L, FNP BC Hawkins, Carol D, NP Hensley, Sally Ruth, FNP Holmes, Maria Elizabeth, FNP Huston, Lonny Don, APRN BC Jones, Jamie Annette, FNP BC Jones, Karla Anne, FNP Kopt Abrams, Irina G, APRN BC LeFave, Christopher Martin, APRN BC Mapes, Christy H, FNP BC Margulies, Imelda Garcia, NP Marlar, Claudia Congdon, FNP BC Martin, Robert Michael, FNP McCormick, Donna S, FNP McMillan, Julie A, NP Minnich, Morgan L, FNP Montgomery, James C, FNP Morgan, Erin Michelle, FNP Mottern, Joe David, FNP Nielsen, Kimberly Annette, FNP Odom, Laura Elizabeth, FNP Pickel, Marjorie Carolanne, APRN BC Pinkard, Diane Overton, NP Pruitt, Mark Allen, APRN BC Pullin, Pamela Isaacs, FNP BC Roden, Karen Prince, FNP Schoeller, Katherine A, APRN BC Schuelke, Debra R, NP Scott, Caroline T, FNP BC Singley, Angela J, APRN BC Smith, Kristina Ruth, NP C Sparkman, Paula Elaine, FNP Stewart, Shannon Denise, APRN BC Turbeville, Loretta Rose, NP C Vanhoose, Kristine J, FNP BC Ward, Andrew J, FNP BC Wheeler, Laura S, FNP Wheelon, Crystal F, FNP White, Amy Lynn, NP C Wilson, Norma Jean, APRN BC Wolfenbarger, James Patrick, FNP Wright, Pamela Wayne, FNP Yager, Tami Jo, FNP P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S Cadmus, Maureen T, MSN Deese, Janet Lee, FNP Hargrove, Susan St John M, NP Kingery, Catherine Haynes, NP Trabalka, Mary E, FNP K K Obstetrics & Gynecology K K K K K K K K K K K K SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K S S SK S SK S S SK S S SK SK SK S K SK SK S Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health Lee, Heather Tanner, GCNS BC Thompson, Nicole K, NP Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Allen, Morgan Vanessa, CPNP BC Bhimani, Anila Abdul, CPNP PC Physicians P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) S SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P PS PSK PSK Knox County K-Network K Blache, Natalie Prejean, MD Brabson, Leonard, MD Broady, Roy C, MD Bruner, Joseph P, MD Bullen, Michael E, MD Burns Shaw, Christina Marie, DO Cadigan, Rosalind M, MD Copas, Pleas R, Jr, MD Cottam, Korin G, MD Cross, Stephanie B, MD Dell, Jeffrey R, MD Dodd, Susan P, MD Doody, Michael C, MD Edmunds, Kathleen O, MD Egner, Danielle Krysta, MD Elam, Curtis Jay, MD Elder, Robert F, MD Evitt, Emily Frances, MD Fields, L Michael, MD Friedman, Wayne Henry, MD Gale, Christine Linda, MD Glover, Gregory L, MD Haney Weaver, Jerrie Caroline, MD Hartline, Randal Garnett, MD Himebaugh, Karen, MD Jones, Anna Lisa, MD Kessler Johnson, K Paige, MD Kincaid, Geoffrey C, MD Leisy, Marlyn A, MD Many, Angela S, MD Martin, Duy Thu P, MD McCauley, Lowell LeMar, Jr, MD McCollum, Lionel D, MD McKeown, Frank Robert, III, MD McLees, Steven, MD Moffat, Laura E, MD Moss, Heather Katherine, MD Myers, Craig A, MD Nair, Sudha R, MD Newton, Kristy L, MD Okelley, Kenneth R, MD Owen, John David, MD Peeden, Paula Z, MD Extended Hours Available Pierce, Steven Faulkner, MD Roberts, Kimberly A, MD Rodriguez, Humberto, MD Saunders, Erin Johnson, MD Schoutko, Walter William, MD Schroeder, C. David, MD Schwarz, Susan J, MD Shahbazi, Shirin Smith, MD Shine, Donna L, MD Shirk, James O, MD Talley, Holly E, MD Tatum, Robert K, MD Teagarden, Dana D, DO Traylor, Thomas R, MD Tsaltas, Theodore T, MD Turner, Dean Montgomery, MD Upadhyaya, Nirmala, MD Van Nes, Jaclyn Beth, MD Vick, George W, MD Walker, Rebecca A, MD Yang, Ceeccy S, MD Zite, Nikki Beth, MD P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K SK S SK S SK SK S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S K S SK SK S SK S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K Networks Oncology Miller, Stephen S, MD Ophthalmology Ambrose, Paul S, MD Anderson, Nicholas G, MD Anderson, Steven Randle, Sr, MD Ange, Charles G, MD Bodenheimer, Marc A, MD Browning, Thomas A, MD Campbell, Philip D, MD Collins, Mary P, MD Cook, Loren N, MD Cunningham, Leslie B, MD Dawson, John T, MD Durand, Julie R, MD Franklin, Stephen R, MD Froula, Paul D, MD Gitschlag, Gary N, MD Glatt, Herbert J, MD Googe, Joseph M, Jr, MD Hall, Robert E, MD Harris, David J, MD Haun, Alden K, MD Haun, Louis E, MD Holmes, Albert K, MD Hoskins, John C, MD Ivens, Mark Y, MD Kimble, James R, MD Knowles, James Roy, MD Lett, Michael Foster, MD McDaniel, Daryl Lee, MD McMillan, Tod A, MD Miller, James H, Jr, MD Murchison, John Franklin, Jr, MD Olander, Kenneth W, MD Pearman, Bradley L, MD Perkins, Stephen L, MD Price, Robert E, MD Raulston, Kenneth L, Jr, MD Robinson, Grover Cousins, IV, MD Smith, Darin S, MD Sowell, Jonathan W, MD Sterling, Steven L, MD Stewart, William C, MD Sullivan, William R, MD Taylor, Christopher T, MD Williford, William N, MD Extended Hours Available Wittke, Paul Edward, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Brooks, C Edward, D.D.S. Carlson, Eric R, DMD Emery, Turner Paul, DDS MD George, Ted A, DDS High, William R, DMD Hudson, John W, DDS Johnson, Bradley Stevenson, DMD Jordan, Robert D, DDS Mann, James Howard, Jr, DDS McConnell, Timothy P, DDS McCoy, James Michael, MD Moye, Thomas D, Jr, DDS Read, Daniel S, DMD Rivers, J Benjamin, DMD Shanks, Carroll R, DDS Shanks, Charles H, DDS Slater, Otto W, DDS Trondson, Troy Allen, MD Whittaker, Thomas C, DDS Widloski, Mark Matthew, MD Wooten, Michael D, DDS Oral Pathology McCoy, James Michael, MD Orthopedic Surgery Ambrosia, John M, MD Baddour, George R, Jr, MD Becker, Paul L, MD Beeler, T Craig, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K PSK P P P P S S S S 79 Knox County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Moreno, Francisco G, MD Overholt, Samuel M, MD Rathfoot, Christopher J, MD Rosenbaum, Allan M, MD Sandberg, Ronald K, MD Seals, James L, MD Seals, Michael T, MD Sexton, David G, MD Knox County (Continued) Orthopedic Surgery (Continued) Betcher, Russell A, MD Bolt, Patrick McClure, MD Brady, Paul C, MD Burkhart, MacDonald James, MD Burns, E Brantley, Jr, MD Calhoun, Douglas N, MD Carlson, Carl Sanford, Jr, MD Casey, Michael T, Jr, MD Cates, Harold E, MD Covino, Brian M, MD Crawford, John Jay, MD Cunningham, Richard B, Jr, MD Defiore, Joseph C, MD Degnan, Jonathan N, MD Edkin, Brian Staffin, MD Eilerman, Michael S, MD Gray, Frank B, MD Gurganious, LeRoy, MD Harrison, John E, MD Holloway, George Brian, MD Holt, E. Michael, MD Hoover, Gregory Keith, MD Hovis, William David, MD Hovis, William M, MD Ivy, Robert E, MD Jackson, Robert C, MD Jeffries, Glen Edward, MD Johnson, Paul H, MD Johnson, William L, MD Kahn, Edward K, MD Koenig, Thomas M, MD MacNaughton, J. Mark, MD Madigan, Luke, MD Madigan, Robert R, MD Maguire, James K, MD Mathien, Gregory M, MD McCollum, Michael J, MD McDowell, Philip Gene, Jr, MD McGraw, John J, MD McLemore, Wayne L, MD McPeake, William T, MD Nadaud, Matthew C, MD Naylor, Paul T, MD Oros, William R, MD Parsons, Rick E, MD Pesut, Tracy A, MD Rappe, Matthew Alan, MD Renfree, Timothy J, MD Reynolds, John M, IV, MD Sears, Cameron J, MD Segebarth, Paul Bradley, MD Sherrell, James Christopher, MD Smith, Richard S, MD Smith, Robert Grant, MD Smith, Scott T, MD Spencer, Edwin E, Jr, MD Testerman, Mary C, MD Turner, Mark D, MD Wallace, Sidney L, MD White, Perry M, III, MD Youmans, William T, MD Otolaryngology Arnold Jr, Henry G, MD Baker, Leslie L, MD Brown, Leonard W, MD Campbell, John W, MD Christenberry, Kenneth William, Jr, MD Crawley, Robert A, MD Denneny, Elise C, MD Denneny, James C, III, MD Depersio, Richard J, MD Horton, William D, MD Howard, John L, II, MD Johnson Jr, Clifford Q, MD Merwin, William H, MD 80 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S K-Network K Networks Pain Management Browder, Joe H, MD Choo, James Jungyup, MD Kroll, Peter B, MD Workman, Edward Alva, MD Pathology Grindstaff, Alan D, MD Neff, John C, MD Nodit, Laurentia M, MD Vanmeter, Stuart E, MD Pediatric Allergy & Immunology Conley, Jane R, MD Ellenburg, Donald T, MD Frazier, Timothy C, MD Singer, Andrew Michael, MD S S S SK SK S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K Pediatric Anesthesiology Cramolini, Gordon M, MD Lembersky, Robert Bruce, MD Queen, Jeffrey S, MD Pediatric Cardiology Bremer, Yvonne A, MD Jennings, Jeffory G, MD Liske, Michael Robert, MD Sharma, Sumeet Kumar, MD Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Brinkmann, Kevin C, MD Crain, Frankie Elizabeth, MD Pediatric Emergency Medicine Bean, Michael W, MD Bishop, Jan G, MD Campbell, Mary P, MD Carder, John R, MD Christensen, Lise Marie, MD Cohen, Shannon, MD Courts, Marc Vincent, MD Edgley, Heather Gayle, MD Ford, Ronald A, MD Glover, Richard A, MD Green, Ralph Michael, MD Harsh, Anil, MD Hicks, Kimberly Griffin, MD Hood, Melissa A, MD Huff, Dawn Maree, MD Khan, Rafay I, MD Lowry, Thomas H, MD Lunsford, Aleshia Lynnann, MD Machen, Charles W, MD Mendez, David Enrique, MD Nunley, Lori B, MD Patterson, Kelly Butler, MD Perry, Charles Stephen, MD Redman, Ryan Lowell, MD Simpson, Sterling Wagner, MD Skelton, Barbara, MD Smithey, Angela Hurst, MD Sparrow, Martha G, MD Sutton, Charlotte D, MD Tan Jauregui, Alarice A, MD Watkins, Mark Darryl, MD Pediatric Endocrinology Kerrigan, James Richard, MD Nickels, David A, MD Roper, Mary G, MD Tapiador, Carmen D, MD Pediatric Gastroenterology Al-Tawil, Youhanna S, MD P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K PSK P K PSK P Networks Cuevas, Clarisa E, MD Eidelwein, Alexandra P, MD Kendall, Ross S, MD Noel, Robert Adam, MD Strobel, Cory T, MD Pediatric Hematology / Oncology Castaneda, Victoria L, MD Hamilton, Leo H, MD Malik, Shahid A, MD Pais, Ray C, MD Pediatric Infectious Disease New, Daniel L, MD Patterson, Lori E, MD P P P P SK SK S SK Pediatric Nephrology P P P P S S S S Pediatric Neurology K K K K Hopp, Laszlo, MD Malagon, Maricarmen, MD Moore, Eddie S, MD Subtirelu, Mihail M, MD Gammeltoft, Karsten, MD Kosentka, Anna E, MD Miller, Christopher Alan, MD Pediatric Otolaryngology PSK PSK PSK Belmont, Michael J, MD Graves, Joe Alan, MD Little, John P, MD Ray, Richard Mark, MD P P P P Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine S S S S K K K K PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K S S S S S K K K K K P P P P SK SK S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK Simpson, Sterling Wagner, MD Pediatric Pulmonology Lundien, Matthew Carl, MD Riff, Eduardo J, MD Rogers, John S, MD Pediatric Surgery Angel, Carlos A, MD Fowler, Carol L, MD Kennedy, Alfred P, MD Roaten, Jeffrey Brent, MD Pediatric Urology Hill, David E, MD Riden, David J, MD Smith, Dean Preston, MD Pediatrics Akhter, Syed J, MD Alkhoury, Salwa Fahed, MD Angel, Cathryn S, MD Baker, Evelynn R, MD Barnes, Robert L, MD Barongan, Paul G, MD Beuerlein, John Thomas, MD Black, Joe W, III, MD Black, Monica F, MD Blackmon, Elizabeth Abigail, MD Blackmon, Gregory D, MD Blevins, Cameron T, MD Boggan, Kelly P, MD Brandt, Kurt F, MD Brice, Scott W, MD Bullen, Gurpreet, MD Christiansen, Deborah J, MD Courts, Marc Vincent, MD Dar, Ayesha S, MD Eakes, David L, MD Feehan, Tammy T, MD Feld, Neil, MD Fogle, Wayne D, MD Freeman, Karen, MD Glover, Richard A, MD Greene, Richard William, MD Harrison, William, MD Harsh, Anil, MD Hasnain, Shahid, MD Herron, Lisa M, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P S S S S S K K P P P P S S S S K K K K K K PSK PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK PSK PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Knox County (Continued) Pediatrics (Continued) Hicks, Kimberly Griffin, MD Hodge, Fred W, MD Holloway, Kathleen, MD Hood, Melissa A, MD Howard, Anne F, MD Javier, Maria C, MD Jocher, Camilla, MD Khan, Rafay I, MD Kim, Kimberly, MD Kimball, Jimmy C, MD Larmee, Donald E, MD Laug, Dennis G, MD Lin, Jenn Yu J, MD Lowry, Thomas H, MD Machen, Charles W, MD McKeethren, Carla, MD Meyer, Melissa A, MD Mohr, Patricia A, MD Mooss, Suneetha D, MD Morris, Carl Timothy, MD Padgett, Lisa B, MD Park, Stanley S, MD Peeden, Joseph Noble, Jr, MD Extended Hours Available Perales, Marymer P, MD Perry, Leslie David, MD Phillips, Nanci L, MD Poehlein, Richard E, MD Powers, Wilson L, MD Rhea, Russel W, III, MD Rimer, Ronald L, MD Roberts, Susan B, MD Rochester, John C, MD Rodgers, Larry E, MD Ruth, Alex, MD Scott, Susan Choo, MD Seeley Dick, Sarah Ann, DO Sheets, Kristen P, MD Shults, Stephanie S, MD Solomon, Dennis, MD Sparrow, Martha G, MD Stanley, Philip B, DO Extended Hours Available Summers, Barbara J, MD Swabe, Gregory L, MD Teaster, David S, MD Terry, William F, MD Washer, John E, MD Wirthwein, Elizabeth A, MD Wisniewski, Quynh Vu, MD Yen, Deanna R, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Bailey, William K, MD Bellner, Lisa A, MD Chironna, Robert L, MD Corrales, Alberto Gallardo, MD Craig, Michael C, MD Dillon, Mary Evelyn, MD Ferguson, Steve G, MD Fox, James Edward, MD Fry, Bruce B, DO Glass, Sharon E, MD Hecht, Jeffrey S, MD Pinzon, Elmer G, MD Roque, Joey Edward, MD Trainer, Nadine M, MD Uzzle, Jeffrey A, MD Weinstein, Miriam L, MD Physician Assistant Allen, Dorothy E, PA Bailey, James T, IV, PA C Brandt, Charles P, PA Brickhouse, David E, PAC Bridges, Victor G, PA Physicians P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P S S SK S SK K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Networks Broome, Heather Lee, PA C Cahal, Esther S, PA Cameron, Lauree Danielle, PA Clark, Jennie S, PAC Clem, Mark Samuel, PA Cox, Charles Bradley, PA Dickenson, Russell E, PA Fisher, Keri W, PA Gonzales, George P, PA C Greene, Gregory C, PA Greiner, Matthew M, PA Haddad, Vincent Todd, PA Haney, Charles L, PA Haney, Cynthia Joe, PA Jans, Jodi A, PA C Jarnagin, Jeffrey Grover, PA Kelly, Jaan Anne, PA Lenderman, Melissa A, PA Markovics, Dana Marie, PA C McCrary, Theodore W, PA McNutt, Sharon Leigh, PA Napier, Melissa Susan, PA Nitz, Jeffrey W, PA Poese, Mary Katherine, PA Rasmussen, Carl A, PA Salm, Barbara Jean, PA Salyer, Nathan D, PA C Sharp, Lori L, PA Speed, Lee Erik, PA Strader, Charles J, PA Turkett, Byron Eugene, PA C Van Hooser, Katie Jo, PA Wagner, Kristy Michelle, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Bock, Richard E, PA Deweese, James Edward, PA Physician Assistant at Surgery Bailey, James T, IV, PA C Brandt, Charles P, PA Bridges, Victor G, PA Cahal, Esther S, PA Cameron, Lauree Danielle, PA Clark, Jennie S, PAC Clem, Mark Samuel, PA Cox, Charles Bradley, PA Greene, Gregory C, PA Greiner, Matthew M, PA Haddad, Vincent Todd, PA Haney, Charles L, PA Haney, Cynthia Joe, PA Jans, Jodi A, PA C Jarnagin, Jeffrey Grover, PA McCrary, Theodore W, PA Overbay, Christopher B, PA Rasmussen, Carl A, PA Sharp, Lori L, PA Speed, Lee Erik, PA Strader, Charles J, PA Turkett, Byron Eugene, PA C Van Hooser, Katie Jo, PA Wagner, Kristy Michelle, PA Plastic Surgery K K K Knox County K-Network K Barron, Freddie T, MD Becker, Stephen Matthew, MD Chun, Joseph T, MD Gallaher, Tom Tracey, MD Kaserman, Fred B, MD Kleto, Dean, MD Letard Jr, Francis X, MD Lucas, Jay H, MD Schneider, William James, MD Smith, Steven James, MD Taylor, James W, MD Wilson, Timothy S, MD Podiatry (DPM) Akerman, Carol A, DPM Caplan, Cindy Burger, DPM Caplan, Ricky S, DPM P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K S SK S SK SK S P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K SK SK SK SK SK PS PS PS Christiansen, Brian Niel, DPM Cooper, Ivan N, DPM Davis, W Steven, DPM Gardner, Timothy Logan, DPM Gernert, John Norman, DPM Gilley, James C, DPM Hancock, Robert C, DPM Haverly, David E, Jr, DPM Hawk, David P, DPM Holt, William P, DPM Lubert, Margaret A, DPM Percer, Dagon John, DPM Reed, Warren Gilmer, DPM Ritchey, Kendale L, DPM Rivard, Paul C, DPM Sandberg, David G, DPM Sandberg, Heather W, DPM Velarde, David M, DPM Pulmonary Disease K P K PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Networks Banick, Paul David, MD Branca, Paul R, MD Brant, Seth Evans, MD Bruton, Charles W, Jr, MD Byrd, Shannon L, MD Cole, William C, II, MD Doers, Jesse T, MD Dryzer, Scott R, MD Dudney, Tina M, MD Estes, Ronald J, MD Girish, Mirle R, MD Hampton, Bert A, MD Hughes, R Hal, MD Lemense, Gregory P, MD Lovelace, Randy Scott, MD Luchsinger, Scott T, MD Ludwig, Bruce B, Jr, MD Martinolich, Kevin M, MD McCormack, Michael T, MD Mitchell, Michael E, MD Morrison, John F, DO Nadrous, Hassan F, MD Nichols, Phillip L, II, MD Paul, Andrews, MD Pharaoh, James D, MD Powers, William Philip, MD Prince, John M, MD Salter, Victor E, MD Schriver, Elise E, MD Sellers, David Matthew, MD Shamiyeh, James E, MD Slutzker, Albert David, MD Stauber, Christian L, MD Sullivan, Thomas A, Jr, MD Waller, Ernest Andrew, MD Weaver, Eric Michael, MD Radiation Oncology Anderson, John M, MD Arwood, Don C, MD Bertoli, Robert J, MD Boppana, Srinivas, MD Green, Daniel M, MD McDonald, William W, MD Meyer, Joseph T, MD Patel, Nilesh Shantilal, MD Scaperoth, Daniel D, MD Simon, Edmund Lloyd, MD Radiology Armstrong, Sheri W, MD Blue, Melinda H, MD Curtin, Francis Gregory, MD Deen, Jason Brant, MD Delozier, Hugh Helton, Jr, MD Feaster, Samuel Haynie, MD Harp, Daryl Louis, MD Holmes, William Sanner, MD Jung, Glenn Edward, MD Kessi, Monica Jean, MD McCall, Charles Louis, Jr, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P K K K K K SK S S SK S S SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P S S SK P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S 81 Knox County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Surgical Critical Care Knox County (Continued) Radiology (Continued) McLean, Frederick Miller, MD Meservy, Clifford J, MD Press, Hejung, MD Richardson, John Michael, MD Roesch, Jeffrey M, MD Rosenbloom, Scott A, MD Roulier, Gayle Ellen, MD Wegryn, Scott A, MD Williams, John P, III, MD Williams, Russell S, MD Woodward, Britton Keith, MD Reproductive Endocrinology Harris, Gayla S, MD Keenan, Jeffrey A, MD Rheumatology Bell, William McKinley, III, MD Burns, James L, Jr, MD Klipple, Gary L, MD Namey, Thomas C, MD Park, Christy Chung Hae, MD Sizemore, Kenny R, MD Sports Medicine Klenck, Chris Allen, MD Luhn, Amber Gardner, MD Scott, Benson Aspin, MD Surgery Adams, Terry L, MD Akers, Donald Lea, Jr, MD Akin, Hobart E, MD Bell, John L, MD Boyce, Stephen G, MD Brinner, Richard A, MD Brown, Lytle, IV, MD Callicutt, Christopher Scott, MD Campbell, Keith S, MD Campbell, Willard B, MD Collier, Robert H, Jr, MD Colquitt, Mark A, MD Daley, Brian, MD Dudrick, Paul S, MD Enderson, Blaine L, MD Gallaher, Caren E, MD Garber, Brian H, MD Gray, Keith Demond, MD Harrell, David J, MD Kelly, Michael E, MD Kent, Mark G, MD Kurek, Stanley John, Jr, DO Lewis, James Michael, MD Mancini, Gregory J, MD Mancini, Matthew L, MD Many, Heath R, MD Margulies, Aaron B, MD Midis, Gregory P, MD Miller, Kenneth T, Jr, MD Mitchell, C Stone, MD Nelson, Henry S, Jr, MD Nickloes, Todd A, MD Peebles, F. Neal, MD Pollock, Christopher W, MD Rangnekar, Nitin J, MD Roberts, James G, MD Schuchmann, G. Douglas, MD Smith, Lou M, MD Taylor, Dana A, MD Tucker, Brian Keith, DO Vickers Jr, Marvin H, MD Weast, Roland Benjamin, MD Webber, George Robert, MD Williams, Keary Robert, Jr, MD Young, Richard M, MD P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S SK S S S S S PSK PSK P P PSK PSK PSK P PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K-Network K Networks K K K K K K K K K K K K Daley, Brian, MD Enderson, Blaine L, MD Kurek, Stanley John, Jr, DO Nickloes, Todd A, MD Smith, Lou M, MD Taylor, Dana A, MD Therapeutic Optometry Ahmed, Sabina A, OD Allee, Michael B, OD Bahrami, Mathew, OD Baker, Mark H, OD Bandy, Thomas W, ODT Bateman, Jeffrey M, OD Best, Theresa Nguyen, OD Carlson, Torrey J, OD Chamberlin, Wesley N, OD Chambers, John L, OD Condry, John M, OD Cross, Robert Kevin, OD Desai, Lina M, OD Desai, Milind L, OD Devine, Daniel R, OD Elliott, Steven D, OD Farmer, Ralph L, OD Fleming, Elissa Bunick, OD Fry, Brent B, OD Gilliland, Bruce D, OD Hildebrand, C. Allyn, OD Horton, Daniel C, OD Howe, Chadwick E, OD Hunt, John M, OD Jordan, John T, OD Lain, Dorian D, OD Louthan, Tommy S, OD Lubert, Gerald Paul, OD Manning, Joseph T, OD Marston, Mary Ann, OD Meikle, Sharon Mae, OD Miller, David H, OD Neal, Tona Armetta, OD Patton, David A, OD Phillips, Leslie Ann, OD Pithwa, Neal, OD Presson, Alan Shane, OD Presson, Michelle Lynch, OD Puckett, Lacey Dillard, OD Rhyne, Miles W, OD Schwartz, Michael Alan, OD Shields, Charles Y, OD Smith, Steven M, OD Smoak, Sonya M, OD Spann, Beth M, OD Spicer, Timothy Binks, OD Thomas, Heather Renee, OD Turner, Mathew E, OD Watkins, Sarah Christine, OD Winston, Barry A, OD Winston, Jerry M, OD Zolman, Max E, ODT Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery K K Dieter, Raymond A, III, MD Harville, Lacy E, III, MD Maggart, Michael L, MD Thoracic Surgery K K K K K Briggs, Richard M, MD Everett, Jeffrey Earl, MD Frame, Barry D, MD Gaines, Thomas E, MD Grishkin, Brent Anthony, MD Helsel, Robert Alan, MD Mack, John W, MD Patil, Vijay R, MD Pollard, Thomas R, MD Urgent Care Physicians Phelps, Gregory Lange, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K S S SK S S S S SK S S S S S S K S SK SK S S S S S SK S S S S S Networks Urology Briggs, James D, MD Cameron, Katherine Medley, MD Chiles, Walter W, III, MD Congleton, Lee, MD Doggweiler, Requla D, MD Flickinger, Jeff E, MD Freeman, Coy, MD Harris, Christopher D, MD Hatcher, Paul A, MD Hatfield, R Wayne, MD Heiser, Don R, MD Hitch, J. Parks, Jr., MD Kim, Edward D, MD Klein, Frederick A, MD Lischer, Garrett H, MD Morris, Steven A, MD Mounger, E. Jay, MD Muse, William S, Jr, MD Nicely, Eric R, MD Parker, Brian D, MD Ramsey, Christopher E, MD Reynolds, Charles W, MD Shepherd, Terry Preston, MD Tieng, Edward B, MD Waters, W Bedford, MD White, Wesley Matthew, MD Woodworth, Bruce Edward, MD Vascular Surgery Goldman, Mitchell H, MD Grandas, Oscar H, MD Kropilak, Michael D, MD S SK SK S SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK PS Lafayette County (MS) Hematology / Oncology Jankov, Aleksandar, MD PS Lake County Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism S S S S S S Baba, Rauf M, MD PS S S SK S Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice General Practice Bruce, Daniel W, MD PS Internal Medicine Baba, Rauf M, MD PS Fowlkes, Sandra J, FNP Hurst, Nettie Sue, FNP BC Lucas, Christy Marie, NP C PS P PS Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health S Hughes, David B, GNP BC P Lauderdale County PSK PS PSK P P P P P P P P P SK SK SK S S SK S SK P K Cardiovascular Disease Gordon, Richard Joseph, MD Chiropractor Stanfield, Percy Joe, DC Emergency Medicine Ort, Michael E, MD Woods, Roger Larry, MD Family Medicine Armour, Karen A, MD Goewey, Stephen K, MD Hunt, Joe W, MD Robbins, Billy G, MD Tucker, William H, MD Internal Medicine Machra, Ravinder Kaur, MD 82 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS PSK PSK P P P P P S S S S S PS Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Lauderdale County (Continued) Internal Medicine (Continued) Srivastava, Pankaj, MD Zaidi, Syed A, MD Medical Oncology Carter, Peter W, MD Nurse Practitioner Hampton, Jeffrey Steven, NP C Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Brady, Mary Angela, FNP BC Campbell, Aniko Garrison, FNP BC Dedmon, Diana D, MSN Fowlkes, Sandra J, FNP Jacobs, Rosemary P, FNP BC Lucas, Christy Marie, NP C Powell, John H, FNP Via, Sara J, FNP Pulmonary Disease Zaidi, Syed A, MD Zurawek, Tomasz Adam, MD Surgery Brunson, Bernie L, MD Therapeutic Optometry Agee, Phillip E, OD Bacigalupo, William A, OD Duncan, Kelly M, OD Harper, Joe J, OD Harris, Brooks A, ODT Lewis, Lindy H, OD Orwig, David M, OD Robinson, Brian K, OD PS PS Baalbaki, Hisham A, MD Heaton, William H, MD Chiropractor Corfman, Paul H, DC Family Medicine Hensley, Joseph S, MD Medical Oncology Daugherty, James Patrick, MD Patel, Hemant K, MD Oncology Hagler, Karl Tracy, MD Pediatrics Crenshaw, Erika W, MD Hamilton, John E, MD Podiatry (DPM) Hames, Michael T, DPM Radiology Johnson, Donald L, MD Therapeutic Optometry Greenberg, Stuart Marc, OD Urology Mokulis, Joseph A, MD Sago, Alvin L, MD Brink, Diane K, CCC A Physicians Humphrey, Steven Scott, MD Maquiling, Kevin Michael, MD Roseman, Hal M, MD Skarzynski, Daniel J, MD Chiropractor PS Dermatology Chen, Robert Lisen, MD SK S S S S S SK S PS PS PS P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S Emergency Medicine Dennis, Kevin Odell, MD Family Medicine Dobias, Matthew Charles, MD Goodemote, Kimberly Ann, MD Hines, Gregory Alan, MD Lukaska, Joseph Andrew, MD Mediate, Penny S, MD Noor, Sidi Yousseff, MD Schantz, Matthew Edward, MD Schnell, Martin Norman, Jr, MD Smolenski, Lisabeth Ann, MD Williams, David Russell, DO Wilson, Clayton Don, MD General Practice Everett, Leon Eldon, MD Staley, Homer L, MD Hospital Medicine Cheung, Tobun Toby, MD Dobias, Matthew Charles, MD Everett, Leon Eldon, MD Hines, Gregory Alan, MD Johnson, Cheryl Anderson, MD Love, Charles Virgil, MD Schantz, Matthew Edward, MD Internal Medicine P P P Acharya, Suresh Kumar, MD Berry Brown, Frances Ann, MD Busby, Micky L, MD Haggag, Akram I, MD Khatri, Haresh H, MD Shah, Jayraj C, MD PSK Nephrology PS PS Neurology PS P P P PS P P P Lawrence County Audiology Cardiovascular Disease Gieske Farrington, Traci L, DC Gieske, Jeffery Todd, DC Lerner, Marc W, DC White, Robert E, DC Lauderdale County (AL) Cardiovascular Disease Networks PSK P P P P P P P P PSK Lewis County K-Network K Atkinson, Ralph C, III, MD Bhatti, Mohammed Arshad, MD Joseph, Claire, MD Kersulis, Gregory A, MD Nurse Practitioner Dailey, Teresa Diane, APRN BC Davis, Tonya Sue, NP Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Cressler, Jodi L, ACNP BC Thompson, Monica L, NP Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Larner, Douglas Scott, NP C Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Burks, Patsy J, FNP Castleman, Patricia Diane, NP C Coffey, Kellie Dobias, FNP Gillespie, Emily V, NP Hudgins, Patricia F, FNP BC Mashburn, Steven N, NP Seeley, Daniel Banta, APRN BC Stone, Melanie K, FNP Wright, Evelyn Lorranie, NP C Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics King, Lauren Kathleen, CPNP PC P P P P S SK S SK P P P P SK SK S S PSK S S S S S S S S S S S Konopaski, Kalli Mae, CPNP PC Slater, Sarah Ruth, CPNP PC Obstetrics & Gynecology Chuck, Frank J, MD Mullenix, Jason B, MD Warren, Elbert G, III, MD Ophthalmology Newsom, David L, MD Extended Hours Available Recchia, Franco M, MD Orthopedic Surgery PS P P P P P P P P P P P Networks Chenger, Joseph D, MD Downs, Brandon Howard, MD Otolaryngology Atiyah, Raja A, MD K Pediatrics K Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation K K K K PS PSK P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K P P P P P P S S S S SK SK PS P PSK PSK PSK PS PSK PS Aldrich, Sheila Kay, MD Benefield, Thomas S, MD Tolar, Bill Keith, MD Orsburn, Dorothy Elizabeth, MD Physician Assistant Dees, Robert Clifford, PAC Doss, Thomas W, PA Gilfoil, Edna Beth, PA Shanku, Bethany Rhea, PA Tomsett, Robert Mason, Jr, PA C White, Jonathan Stephen, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Lennon, David M, PA Podiatry (DPM) Carnes, Janel S, DPM Chadburn, James Lane, DPM Surgery Boyd, Michael Alan, MD Therapeutic Optometry Chapman, Jay M, OD Loyd, Larry A, OD Mitchell, Andrea Jo, OD Remke, Joseph W, III, OD Remke, Robert D, OD Urgent Care Physicians Powers, Richard Reams, Jr, MD Turner, David Mitchell, MD Urology Chamberlain, Neil Oliver, MD P P P P P P P P S S S S SK S SK S S PS PSK PS PS PS PSK PS PS PS PS PSK PS PS P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K PS PS PS PS P P P P P S S SK SK PS PS PS Lee County (MS) Ophthalmology Elfervig, John Lars, MD Shukla, Salil, MD Yoser, Seth Leigh, MD Pediatric Ophthalmology PS PS PS Kerr, Natalie C, MD PS PS PS PS Lee County (VA) Emergency Medicine Akoury, Dalal, MD PSK Lewis County Cardiovascular Disease Ali, Fathi Idris, MD Cabell, Thomas Hargrave, Jr, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS 83 Lewis County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Trahin, Michael S, DC Lewis County (Continued) Emergency Medicine Delouis, Donna Jean, DO Falbo, Francis Joseph, III, MD Norskov, W. Richard, MD Patel, Yashwant P, MD Cardiovascular Disease (Continued) Crumbo, Donald S, MD Huneycutt, David Carl, Jr, MD Jefferson, Brian Keith, MD Johnston, Thomas S, MD Jones, Robert C, MD Kearney, Kathleen Rebecca, MD Kreth, Timothy K, MD Mangione, Nelson J, MD Manoukian, Steven Vahe, MD McRae, Andrew Thomas, III, MD Myers, Paul R, MD Riddick, John Alston, MD Skarzynski, Daniel J, MD Ververis, John James, MD Wheatley, Robert M, MD Williams, Thomas Ashurst, Jr, MD Chiropractor Milani, Lara, DC Milani, Mario M, DC Stewart, Lori A, DC Twist, Joel H, DC Family Medicine Hensley, Joseph S, MD McQueen, Kelly G, DO General Practice Anand, Veena, MD Averett, Andrew K, MD Hospital Medicine Forbes, Joseph D, MD Johnson, Cheryl Anderson, MD Internal Medicine Acharya, Suresh Kumar, MD Chaney, Martin M, MD Kamal, Jawaid, MD Savell, Richard A, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Mashburn, Steven N, NP Physician Assistant Baker, Joel Martin, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Parker, Michael E, PA Therapeutic Optometry Higginbotham, Kemp, OD Urgent Care Physicians Powers, Richard Reams, Jr, MD Turner, David Mitchell, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S P P P P SK SK SK S Family Medicine Barnes, Larry W, MD Edwards, William A, MD Gafford, Christopher E, MD Gafford, Stephanie S, MD Ghearing, Gilbert R, MD Gray, James A, MD Hughes, William D, MD Jackson, Linda M, MD Jones, William R, MD McCauley, David R, MD Morrison, Theresa T, MD Norman, Steve E, MD Sain, Paul D, MD General Vascular Surgery Waters, David Barton, MD Internal Medicine Patel, Yashwant P, MD Ralston, Joseph F, Jr, MD PSK PSK Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Hall, Kara Lyn, FNP Scott, Bartie C, FNP BC Williams, Melinda T, FNP BC Womble, Deanna Blackburn, NP C PSK PS Obstetrics & Gynecology Plunkett, Mark Allen, MD PS PSK P P P P Orthopedic Surgery Aust, Gilbert M, Jr, MD Burnside, Richard C, MD Goodson, Wayne A, MD Nordyke, Mark Dwight, MD Pennington, Jack Wayne, MD S SK S S Pediatrics PS Askins, Andrea Cole, MD Spears, William K, MD PS Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Maladkar, Vandana Madan, MD Molette, Sekou F M, MD PS Physician Assistant Carroll, Jeffrey Wayne, PA LaBerenz, Thomas Paul, PA PS Physician Assistant at Surgery Carroll, Jeffrey Wayne, PA LaBerenz, Thomas Paul, PA PS PS Podiatry (DPM) Merrell, Timothy R, DPM Limestone County (AL) Therapeutic Optometry Davis, Chad L, OD Surgery Cobb, Rudy T, MD P Therapeutic Optometry DeJarnatt, R Daniel, OD Womble, William C, OD Lincoln County Cardiovascular Disease Constantine, Arthur E, MD Turner, Jon Douglas, MD Chiropractor Compton, Michael Ray, DC Deaton, James E, DC Parks, Calvin H, DC 84 PS PS P PSK PSK Chiropractor Harkleroad, Todd, DC Orthopedic Surgery Zehner, Joseph B, MD Networks PS P P P P S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S Loudon County K K K K K K K K K K K K PS PSK PSK Allergy and Immunology Carter, Paul Michael, MD Keeton, Robert Wayne, Jr, MD Kodoth, Sangeetha M, MD Overholt, Robert M, MD Prince, Tidence L, MD Wisniewski, Joseph M, MD Cardiovascular Disease Blacky, Albert R, MD DeCarlo, Alan Nicholas, MD Diltz, Emily A, MD Harper, John M, MD Martyn, Robert P, MD Mistry, Nareshbhal R, MD Overly, Tjuan Lee, MD Pierson, Farrel D, MD Rogers, Bret Alan, MD Underwood, Michael D, MD Weiss, Mitchell H, MD Cardiovascular Disease -Diag Test Interpretations Blacky, Albert R, MD S S S S PS P P P P P S S S S PSK PSK PS PS Chiropractor Bragg, Terry, DC Courtley, Scott A, DC Dyhr, Rasmus S, DC Ellis, Wendell L, DC Holt, David W, DC Shakarian, Jesse, DC Wells, James G, DC Dermatology Bushkell, Lawrence L, Jr, MD Dittrich, Lee B, MD Hanggi, Matthew C, MD Huddleston, Charles I, MD Julius, Clark Eldon, MD Keough, George C, MD Meyers, Anthony L, MD Shupp, David L, MD Suranyi, Emese M, MD Emergency Medicine PS PS Cauble, Daniel W, MD Dirkson, Kenzer J, MD Grimes, Lisa M, APRN BC King, Horace W, MD Mitchell, Heather Michelle, APRN BC PS PS Family Medicine PSK PSK PSK PS P PS P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K PSK Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Maroon, Michael A, Sr, CRNA P P P P Logan County (KY) PS PS Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Compton, John C, CRNA Knight, Michael W, CRNA K-Network K Networks Ayers, David Russell, MD Davis, Tamara F, MD Hahn, Jan T, MD Keeble, Donald S, MD Morse, James Andrew, MD Morton, Randall T, MD Navorska, David Reuel, DO Patterson, Joan Breder, MD Risley, Jon Holland, MD Sanabria, John D, MD Stanley, Richard E, III, MD Swicegood, Kathy D, MD Thompson, Bruce Todd, MD Walter, Gail Marie, MD Gastroenterology Benitez, Juan, MD Crist, Jeffrey R, MD General Practice Meadows, William E, III, MD Oshaughnessy, Gary D, DO Stimpson, Peter G, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS P P P P P P P S S S S SK S P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK SK S S S S S S S S PS PS PS PSK PS Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Loudon County (Continued) Hospital Medicine Almashharawi, Issam Masoud, MD Baker, K Michael, MD Banick, Paul David, MD Bidawid, Helen S, MD Bolin, William R, MD Burgin, James Berry, Sr, MD Carroll, John D, MD Damron, Douglas Len, MD Eranki, Srini Prakash, MD Fervil, Marie Yolene, MD Frost, Christopher Michael, MD Glover, Benjamin Lester, MD Kalister, Joseph Richard, DO Lindsey, Julianna, MD Martin, Jonathan Gerald, MD Premji, Moez Ramzanali, MD Siddiqui, Farrukh Abdussalam, MD Venkatesh, Vivek Kalpathi, MD Williams, Sommer Dea, MD Internal Medicine Boehm, Robert James, MD Holmes, Howard G, MD Patel, Bipinchandra M, MD Premji, Moez Ramzanali, MD Rahman, Ayaz Mohammad, MD Rahman, Mohammad R, MD Reddy, Ramani M, MD Sayani, Dinar, MD Sheth, Milan N, MD Sugantharaj, Andrew D, MD Sullivan, Robert S, MD Nephrology Ali, Yaqub, MD Neurology Loaiza, Sergio, MD Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Lester, Christine Raney, APRN BC Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Anderson, Sharon G, NP C Bright, Cara Lynn, FNP Cordes, Jamie Chiles, FNP BC Gartman, Tracy G, APRN BC Guthrie, Ashley Davis, NP Howard, Raymond Christopher, NP Jackson, Norma Jo, FNP Jacobs, Marcia E, FNP BC Kidd, Keith L, FNP BC Miller, Paula Joyce, NP Odom, Laura Elizabeth, FNP Pinson, Anne R, NP Roden, Karen Prince, FNP Smith, Joel Stephen, NP Smith, Steven Nathan, NP Sparkman, Paula Elaine, FNP Turbeville, Loretta Rose, NP C Waddell, Pamela M, NP Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Haney, Jennie Rebecca, CPNP PC Shoemaker, Andrea M, CPNP PC Obstetrics & Gynecology Rodriguez, Humberto, MD Schoutko, Walter William, MD Upadhyaya, Nirmala, MD Ophthalmology Browning, Thomas A, MD Knowles, James Roy, MD Wittke, Paul Edward, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Gross, Kevin D, DDS Gross, P Dewayne, DDS Physicians P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S K Networks Orthopedic Surgery Brady, Paul C, MD Cunningham, Richard B, Jr, MD Jackson, Robert C, MD Kahn, Edward K, MD MacLellan, Andrew J, MD Naylor, Paul T, MD Pesut, Tracy A, MD Renfree, Timothy J, MD Shaver, Jonathan Christopher, MD White, Perry M, III, MD Otolaryngology Seals, Michael T, MD Pediatrics Amer, Syed M, MD Courts, Marc Vincent, MD Easter, Cynthia Juanita, MD Friend, Mary Elizabeth, MD Guider, James P, MD Harrison, William, MD Javier, Maria C, MD Michaels, Robin R, MD Mooss, Suneetha D, MD Rodgers, Larry E, MD Schaerer, Calvin R, Jr, MD Physician Assistant K K K K PSK PS PSK Bates, Paul Daniel, PA Cameron, Lauree Danielle, PA Hamm, Rudy G, PA McCrary, Theodore W, PA Sparks, Norma J, PAC Weeks, Robert Bruce, PA Physician Assistant at Surgery Cameron, Lauree Danielle, PA McCrary, Theodore W, PA Podiatry (DPM) Akerman, Carol A, DPM Christiansen, Brian Niel, DPM Hawk, David P, DPM Hellmann, Mark B, DPM Pulmonary Disease P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Nadrous, Hassan F, MD K K K K K K K S PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PS PS PS PSK PSK Madison County K-Network K Surgery Abadier, Wahid John, MD Eason, John H, MD Rothwell, Joseph Michael, MD Therapeutic Optometry Fleming, Elissa Bunick, OD Hildebrand, C. Allyn, OD Montgomery, David N, OD Rollins, Charles L, OD Walker, Heather Hale, OD Urology Cameron, Katherine Medley, MD Congleton, Lee, MD Freeman, Coy, MD Heiser, Don R, MD Lischer, Garrett H, MD Morris, Steven A, MD Nicely, Eric R, MD Ramsey, Christopher E, MD Shepherd, Terry Preston, MD Sloan, James C, MD P P P P P P P P P P Sudheendra, Ramegowda, MD S S S S S S S S S S Family Medicine Hunt, Philip W, MD Ilia, Hanna C, MD Rutherford, Richard T, MD Vance, Stacey D, MD Gastroenterology Howard, Randy, MD Internal Medicine PSK P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K PS PS P P P P S SK SK SK Gocha, Kevin J, DC Hagan, Bradford J, DC Emergency Medicine Odunusi, Olufemi O, MD Petway, Zandra Renee, MD Bain, Verna, MD Chunn, Stanley A, MD Odunusi, Olufemi O, MD Sudheendra, Ramegowda, MD Terzian, Christian, MD Nurse Practitioner Woodard, Edna L, FNP Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Claiborne, Lisa Hackett, FNP Hale, Priscilla A, APRN BC Presley, Chaundel L, FNP Woodard, Edna L, FNP Worsham, Ronda Myrlene, NP York, Janice L, NP Pediatrics Miller, Ronald V, MD Murray, Samuel J, MD Rundus, Victoria R, MD Spencer, Charles Norman, Jr, MD Physician Assistant - PCP Dittes, Jennifer G, PA Martin, Andrea Ladonna, PA Surgery Mewbourne, Rodney Brandon, MD Therapeutic Optometry Bentley, Joseph L, OD Kozlowski, Jami, ODT Roberts, Margaret L, OD PS PS PS Allergy and Immunology DeJarnatt, Alan C, MD Hill, Brandon D, MD Anatomic and Clinical Pathology P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S Giampapa, Chris, MD Anesthesiology Hockaday Jr, Edward E, MD Homberg, Eric J, MD Meekins, Marcus Edward, MD Audiology Merwin, Caroline Rose, MS CCC A Orchik, Daniel J, CCC A Turpen, Katherine T, CCC A SK SK SK S PS PS PS PSK PSK P P P P SK SK S S PS P P P P P SK S SK S SK PS P P P P P P SK S S S SK SK P P P P S S S S K K K K PS PS PS PS PS P Madison County PS Macon County Chiropractor Networks Cardiovascular Disease Agbetoyin, Adeyinka Adebayo, MD Alperovich, Alexander Haim, MD Arunachalam, Rangarajan, MD Baker, John W, MD Blankenship, Joseph D, MD Cherry, Christopher J, MD Crenshaw Jr, James H, MD Cunningham, Louis Ernest, MD Dee, Maria S, MD Hage-Korban, Elie E, MD Haji, Showkat Ahmed, MD Hashim, Ahmed Shamsal Deen, MD Humphreys, J James, MD Jayakumar, Mabbu, MD Lui, Henry K, MD Miller, Tommy Lee, III, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS PS P PS PSK P PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S 85 Madison County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Madison County (Continued) P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Anderson, Cynthia G, CRNA Clampitt, Megan Christine, CRNA Curtice, Twila Marie, CRNA Forbes, John K, CRNA Garner, Noelle Marie, CRNA Jackson, Barbara S, CRNA Lewis, John R, CRNA Looney, Marjorie A, CRNA Powell, Judy Ann, CRNA Ragon, William S, CRNA Weaver, Sandra K, CRNA Chiropractor Bone, Shannon L, DC Brown, Justin A, DC Brown, Steven R, DC Drentlaw, Mark T, DC Durham, Joel, DC Flagg, Malissa Carnell, DC Fowler, Rex W, DC Heathcott, Gina A, DC Jones, Jerald L, DC Joyner, Jeffrey A, DC Joyner, Konnie J, DC Little, Ralph G, DC Pearson, Michael B, DC Scott, Kevin T, DC Sopcak, Steven A, DC Steets, Charles J, DC Sykes, Brian Matthew, DC Vitale, John A, DC VonHoltz, Meagan Marie, DC White, William E, Jr, DC Wilks, Stephen C, DC Williams, Debe E, DC Clinical Genetics Pivnick, Eniko K, MD Ward, Jewell C, MD Wilroy, Robert S, MD Clinical Neurophysiology Head, Thomas Channing, MD Dermatology Carranza, Dafnis Carolina, MD Clowers, Holly E, MD Jones, Robert M, MD Lucas, Catherine Toms, MD Maloney, Kenneth R, MD Mariencheck, Maria C, MD Teer, William Patrick, MD Diagnostic Radiology Brown, Jane Warne, MD Lucas, Louis William, MD Zamos, David Thomas, MD Emergency Medicine Bez, Hans Sebastian, DO Criner, Roger Dale, Jr, MD Hall, Steven Edgar, MD Lindsey, Charles Ronald, PA Norsworthy, Thomas P, MD Rico, Wilfred Martin, MD Saint Jean, Norma, DO 86 P P P P P PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS PS P P PS P PS P PS P PS P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S Networks Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Walker, Charles Allen, MD Warren, Kenneth R, MD White, Jerald W, MD Family Medicine General Vascular Surgery Antwi, Ernest K, MD Baba, Rauf M, MD Cardiovascular Disease (Continued) Nkadi, Chukwuemeke Oscar, MD Nwokolo, Chibuzo Ernest, MD Osayamen, Michael O, MD Patel, Kandarp B, MD Phillips, Tony N, MD Rudin, Andrew Scott, MD Salvucci, Thomas J, DO Smolin, Matthew Richard Weitz, MD Sullivan, Martin James, MD Weiner, Ronald Ira, DO K-Network K Networks Ballard, Thomas K, III, MD Beal, Jolaine Pomposa, MD Beale, Hobart H, MD Bergman, Kevin Lee, MD Bez, Hans Sebastian, DO Brewer, Ashley Scott, MD Bryan, William D, MD Celarie, Norberto Jose, MD Coy, Phillip Andy, DO Creech, Erika Hazard, MD Crown, Loren A, MD Dewey, Daniel Patrick, MD Ellis, Ira Keith, MD Figueroa, Mario, MD Gardner, Peter Thomas, MD Garey, David L, MD Go, Victor Velez, Jr, Dr Harris, Joe Mark, MD Hayden, Timothy W, MD Henderson, Reggie Allan, MD Hopkins, Sharon D, MD Howerton, Kimberly A, MD Inman, Dustin P, MD Lewis, Christopher Lee, MD Londino, Elizabeth S, MD Maness, David Lonnie, DO Manning, James Lou, MD Mitchell, Gregory E, MD Moragne, Mechelle E, MD Muir, Eric W, MD Panovec, Parker K, MD Patel, Jaimin B, MD Patel, Kaushal I, MD Ragon, Joseph L, MD Reddy, Avinash Dubbaka, MD Rico, Wilfred Martin, MD Roberts, David E, MD Rodriguez, Mary Anne Tintiangro, MD Sadler, Scott M, MD Saint Jean, Norma, DO Sand, Davis Rudolf, MD Snyder, Kimberly Jean, MD Stewart, Earl L, MD Wallace Wilding, Kellie L, MD Wallace, Michael C, MD Wheatley, Kevin Joe, MD White, Charles Wesley, Jr, MD White, Charles Wesley, Sr, MD White, John S, II, MD Williams, James L, II, MD Willis, William A, MD Wright, Rosilin D, MD Gastroenterology Brownstein, Richard Earl, MD Duval Jr, John W, MD Egan, James E, MD Hertz, Charles Schaeffer, Jr, MD Hollis, Robert Alton, MD Ibach, Michael Brett, MD Kayal, Daniel Peter, DO Menachem, Allan M, MD Naik, Ami Kanti, MD Remak, Geza, MD Short, R. Mark, MD Souder, Bob T, MD Szych, Gregory A, DO General Practice Barker, Robert C, MD Bartz, William R, DO Baylor, Edward M, III, MD English, Adam Patrick, DO Jennings, William G, Jr, MD Jones, Robert W, DO Presson, Matthew Bradley, DO PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S S P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S Broussard, Heath J, MD Hematology Asmar, Salomon N, MD Randolph, Brion Vincent, MD Smith, Clyde Earl, MD Hematology / Oncology Ahmad, Omar, MD Reese Jr, Eugene P, MD Walker, Brian Neal, MD Wright, Archie W, DO PS PS PS P P P PS PS P PS PS Hospital Medicine Akmal, Muhammed Mubeen, MD Alhourani, Hazem Mahd Salem, MD Alston, Charles Pernele, MD Ansah, Martinson Asiedu, MD Antique, Daisy T, MD Ategbole, Olusegun Victor Alaba, MD Bergquist, Stephen G, MD Ewoh, Charles E, MD Huff, Gregory E, MD Istanbouli, Wajih, MD Joves, Froilan Borja, MD McKee, Alice Roark, MD Odeh, Osayawe N, MD Oleru, Aleruchi Y, MD Olusanya, Ayodele A, MD Rothrock, Alan Curtis, MD Turner, Robert Emmett, III, MD Tygart, Bryan D, MD Webb, Bradley M, MD Infectious Disease Antique, Julie T, MD Appleton, Melissa Anne, MD Henderson, Ellena Lynn, MD Rainey, Debra Lee, MD Sioson Aherrera, Priscilla B, MD Internal Medicine Altay, Ahmet, MD Anderson, Mary E, MD Arinze, Festus N, MD Atkins, Keith Lantrip, MD Baba, Rauf M, MD Bada, Samuel O, MD Banez, Monico P, MD Banks, Marshall D, MD Bergquist, Stephen G, MD Collier, Stephen Edward, MD Desio, Marcus Antonio, MD Diffee III, James J, MD Dunnebacke, Robert Hudson, MD Eze, Gift E, MD Goodwin, Stephen C, MD Gray, Kevin Gerard, MD Hammond, Jere D, MD Harrison, Nikki Patrice, MD Hays, E Carlton, Jr., MD Honeycutt, Daniel L, MD Hoppers, Melanie Marie, MD Jenkins, John M, MD Joglekar, Shirish S, MD Johnson, Jennifer C, MD Joshi, Mahendra Kumar, MD Lacossiere, Kenson, MD Lawrence, Bethany Jane, MD Mahajan, Natasha C, MD McBride, Gary L, MD McCartney, Jeffrey P, MD McKay, Henry Lee, II, MD Moughrabieh, Mohamad Khaled, MD Palmer, Edmund T, MD Payne, James A, MD Prewitt, Darrion J, Sr, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P S S PS PS S PS PS PS PS PSK S P P S P PS P P P P P P P S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S P PS P PS Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Madison County (Continued) Proctor, Evanna S, MD Robbins, Russell H, MD Shelby Kennedy, Hannah Lee, MD Sioson, Conrado Bayani, Jr, MD Teague, Todd A, MD Ugbaja, Felix C, MD Vegors, Robert A, MD Weaver, Steve G, MD Witherington III, James B, MD Woods, John B, MD P P P PS P PS P P P PS Internal Medicine -Diag Test Interpretation Ewoh, Charles E, MD Obi, Patricia Renee, MD Palmer, Edmund T, MD Midwife Holley, Sharon Louise, CNM Lewis, Katherine Spratley, CNM Marsh, Courtney Walsh, CNM Skarl, Sheridan L, CNM Smith, Holly Michelle, CNM Taylor, Margaret Calliham, CNM Todd, Katherine Anne, CNM Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Walker, Donna Jean, MD Neonatology Guthrie, Scott Osborn, MD Nephrology Alex, Susan, MD Chary, Kandala Ram, MD Francisco, Susan M, MD Joglekar, Shirish S, MD Mulay, Ramakant M, MD Narapareddy, Murty, MD Oleru, Chima O, MD Sarkar, Shyamal, MD Townes Bougard, Tracy A, MD Wright III, Lucius F, MD Neurological Surgery Akin, Eric David, MD Barnett, Hugh Glenn, II, MD Franzen, Dirk G, MD Neblett, John Wallace, Jr, MD Rowland, Joseph Perry, MD Neurology Brueggeman, Michael Wayne, MD Desio, Marcus Antonio, MD Ibrahim, Malik Abd, MD Misulis, Karl Edward, MD Mitchell, Christopher Wesley, MD Potts, Eric Edward, MD Sathanandan, Sumathira Thevy, MD Neuropsychology (PHD) Anton, Michael Thomas, PsyD Blair, Kelly L, PsyD Nurse Practitioner Graves, Deborah Louise, NP C Long, Beth Renee, APRN BC Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Bolton, Melissa Leanne, NP DeSio, Cindy Ann, ACNP BC Hodges, Stacey S, FNP Saddler, Tracy Lytle, ACNP BC Sturgeon, Misty A, ACNP Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Crews, Holly Bennett, NP Honeycutt, Vickie N, ANP BC Walker, Alexander Pearce, NP Warmath, Ginger Holloway, ANP BC Physicians Networks Wilkes, Shanna Lynn, APRN Williams, Mary Ann, APRN BC Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Internal Medicine (Continued) PS PS PS P P P P P P P S S S S S S S PS PS P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P P S SK S Baines, Melissa A, FNP Baskin, Judith L, FNP Beuerlein, Johnna L, FNP Bond, Mary Ann, FNP Briley, John Michael, DNP Bryant, Amy M, FNP Bullock, Emily Katharine, FNP BC Butler, Kathy Diane, FNP BC Carter, Sheila J, FNP Combs, Laura Lea, FNP BC Daniel, Janie C, FNP Deal, Mary B, FNP Early, Cynthia A, FNP Farhat, Laura Lee Ann, FNP BC Ferguson, Lesa Faye, APRN BC Fish, Cynthia B, FNP Fronabarger, Cassandra L, APRN BC Graves, Elizabeth Ross, APRN BC Griffin, Robbie W, APRN BC Griggs, Rebecca A, FNP Haines, Leslie Ann, FNP Hendren, Denean C, FNP Hensley, Connie T, FNP Jones, Dalan Black, FNP Long, Beth Renee, APRN BC Marberry, Cheryl S, FNP McCall, Tina Lee, FNP McFarland, Heather Nicole, FNP BC Newman, Nancy C, FNP Ortega, Maria T, FNP Perry, Darren R, FNP Richmond, Zekeya V, FNP Riddle, Kristi J, FNP Roe, Betty A, FNP Spragins, Margaret J, FNP BC Walker, Jayme Leke, NP Weeks, Merideth K, FNP Wood, Norma Baker, NP C Woods, Deborah L, FNP Wyatt, Karen, FNP Young, Jeffrey Wallace, Jr, APRN BC PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health S S S S PS PS PS PS P P P P P S S S S P P P P S S S S Madison County K-Network K Booher, Patricia Craig, NP Davis, Anna C, GNP BC Hughes, David B, GNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Braswell, Amanda Kerilyn, CPNP PC P P S PS Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) Wallis, Donna C, NP White, Amy Watson, NP Obstetrics & Gynecology Adkins, William B, MD Ball, John J, MD Boxell, Sandra J, MD Boyapati, Madhav I, MD Branch, Mark A, DO Eldridge, Lolly Houston, MD Epps, J. Michael, MD Finan, Eugene Michael, MD Gooch, Clarence T, MD Gray, Jean Paul, MD Hammond Sr, Stephen D, MD Harper, Andrea Marshall, MD Hoeldtke, Nathan J, MD Micetich, Keith A, MD Pierce IV, William F, MD Rheney, Molly M, MD Rogers, Lisa W, MD Rothrock, Rebecca A, MD Roy, Ryan Allen, MD Soll, David J, MD Wagner, Richard K, MD Walker, Armie W, MD Welsch, Christopher T, MD PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S Networks West, Henry Earl, MD Williams, Lane E, MD Williams, W. Keith, MD Wilson, Donald A, MD Wittber, Glynn M, MD Oncology Kaufman, Dwight C, MD Oncology / Hematology Smith, Clyde Earl, MD Ophthalmology Bateman, Mark R, MD Elfervig, John Lars, MD Grissom, Hilary Carol, MD Hammond, Stephen Dumas, Jr, MD Herron, Bruce E, MD Hidaji, Faramarz F, MD Irvine, William D, MD Khamapirad, Tawan S, MD Krauss, Andrew Mark, MD Lents, Russell S, MD Neel, Sean T, MD Priester, William B, MD Sullivan, Jason M, MD Underwood, David W, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Rickman, Samuel K, DDS Sammons, Stephen J, DMD Taylor, Keith H, DDS Orthopedic Surgery Antwine, Harold M, III, MD Cobb, R. Michael, MD Craig Jr, James T, Jr, MD Everett, John Everton, MD Haltom, John Douglas, MD Houseworth, Stephen Wayne, MD Hutchison, Jason T, MD Johnson, L. David, MD Krueger, Michael Robert, MD Ledford, Cheryl Lynn, MD Masterson, John P, MD Nord, Keith D, MD Pearce, David A, MD Pechacek, Alan, MD Pucek, Kelly D, MD Sickle, David Michael, MD Smigielski, Michael J, MD Smith, Adam Michael, MD Stonecipher, Lowell F, MD Sweo, Timothy D, MD Talac, Robert, MD Torstrick, Robert F, MD Warmbrod Jr, James G, MD Williams, Keith D, MD Wright, Garth B, MD Yakin, David E, MD Otolaryngology Ahmed, Khwaj Asif, MD Kirkland, Ronald H, MD Preston, William A, MD Studtmann, Karl E, MD Wainscott, W. Keith, MD Pain Management Jordan, Frank E, MD S S S Pathology S Chin, Thomas K, MD Oberg, Richard Alan, MD Pediatric Cardiology Pediatric Critical Care Medicine S S S S Agarwal, Hemant Shyam, MD Ananthakrishnan, Madhumita, MD Barr, Frederick E, MD Berutti, Tyler William, MD Deshpande, Jayant K, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS P P P P PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S P P P PS PS PS PS PS P P P P P S S S S S 87 Madison County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Madison County (Continued) Pediatric Critical Care Medicine (Continued) Fleming, Geoffrey Michael, MD Grzeszczak, Marek J, MD Johnson, Paulette M, MD Lamptey, Aubrey Amoo, MD Le, Truc Minh, MD Patel, Neal Ramesh, MD Smith, Heidi Ann, MD Watson, Sally A, MD Whitney, Gina M, MD Pediatric Intensive Care Strohler, Bradly, MD Pediatric Pulmonology Schoumacher, Robert A, MD Stokes, Dennis Clifton, MD Pediatrics Blake, Jeremy T, MD Davis Tharpe, Vernessa Lynn, MD Donnelly, Tara K, MD Hoppers, James William, Jr, MD Joglekar, Kay S, MD Kearney, Nicole S, MD Kuhl, Douglas Michael, MD Lentz, Jonathan D, MD Maley, Bruce B, MD Martin, Laurence F, MD Owens, Scott E, MD Piercey, Lisa M, MD Self, Amelia E, MD Self, David L, Jr, MD Smith, Theresa T, MD Stepp Jr, William P, MD Woods, William H, Jr, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Bingham, Ronald C, MD Curwen, Davidson C, MD Johnson, Miles M, MD Payne, Nicole Ylonne, MD Valdivia, Remy A, MD Physician Assistant Breeding, Byron Michael, PA Gibson, Leslie E, PA Roberts, David Allen, PA Wilbert, David Jeffrey, PAC Plastic Surgery Sparrow, John G, MD Yellen, Marshall R, MD Podiatry (DPM) Cawthon, Anthony J, DPM Cooper, Cedric K, DPM Holt, William Terry, DPM Staton, Rodney J, DPM Pulmonary Disease Aguillard, R. Neal, MD Carruth, James C, MD Carruth, Larry W, MD Curry, Ravis Bednarick, MD Ellis, Thomas W, MD Gilroy Jr, Robert J, MD Hager, Dana D, MD Mariencheck Jr, William I, MD McCartney, Jeffrey P, MD Taylor, Ronald F, MD Vraney, George Alvin, MD Wood, Tommy Albert, MD Radiation Oncology Georgiou, Anastasios L, MD Kovalic, Jeffrey J, MD Permenter, William D, Jr, MD 88 P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P S S S S S P P P P S S S S S S S S S S Radiology Brown II, Joe L, MD Perkins, Charles L, II, MD Rheumatology Aelion, Jacob A, MD Odhav, Satish K, MD Sports Medicine Hyden, John Carl, MD Surgery Currie, Dean P, MD Day, James Daniel, MD Edwards, George Thomas, MD Harmon, Harvey C, MD Hindman, Jason Wayne, MD Jones, Kent L, MD Laird, David M, MD Mahalati, Kamran, MD Saridakis, Michael Andrew, MD Thomas, George E, MD Thorne, Steven R, MD Tozer, Kenneth H, II, MD Villarreal, David, MD Therapeutic Optometry Agee, Phillip E, OD Bacigalupo, William A, OD Brown, Rose Mary LaGrange, OD Burnett, Charlene N, OD Burnett, Frederick R, Jr, OD Clarke, Andrew, OD Davis, Cayce Warren, OD Duncan, Kelly M, OD Flowers, Tom Kevin, OD Hopper, Donald R, OD Hughes, Matthew Patrick, OD Johnson, Paula D, OD Layman, Stephanie P, OD Lewis, Lindy H, OD Lindley, Alisa Jean, ODT Long, Brandi L, OD Malec, William A, OD Orwig, David M, OD Persons, Corey G, OD Robinson, Brian K, OD Sellers, Brian L, OD Wheeler, David G, OD Thoracic Surgery Grimball, Arthur, MD Matthews, John T, MD Spalding, Alanson R, MD P PS Urgent Care Physicians PS P PS P Urology P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S K-Network K Networks Abushaer, Muhammad B, MD Hoppers, Melanie Marie, MD Appleton, James R, MD Burleson, David Glen, MD Carraher, John B, MD Davenport, Timothy Chad, MD Howard, Raymond C, MD Lawrence, Peter G, MD McKnight, Donald T, MD Meriwether, John H, MD Sebesta, Michael Joseph, MD Shaw Jr, John L, MD Yarbro, E. Scott, MD Vascular Surgery Stewart, Leslie Douglas, MD P PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS PSK PS P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S P Madison County (AL) Cardiovascular Disease Burns, Charles R, MD Cash, Gordon H, MD Cheng, ShiChi, MD Dinerman, Jay L, MD Gessler, Carl J, Jr, MD Groark, Sean P, MD Hartley, John T, III, MD Hunter, V Ross, MD Laney, Phillip L, MD Murphy, James D, MD Ridner, Michael L, MD Soliman, George M, MD Strickland, Warren Lee, III, MD Wright, Thomas W, Jr, MD Chan, Alex Cua, MD Chapman, Philip Randall, MD Coleman, Richard John, MD Gum, Gregory Kevin, MD Jiminez, Stephanie Snyder, MD Johnson, Alex William, MD Sutherland, Douglas Steven, MD Tomalty, Robert Dana, MD Broome, Todd A, MD Coomer, Roger W, MD DiPlacido, Bruce M, MD Tietjen, David P, MD P P P P Neurology Harris, Jeffrey T, MD P Ophthalmology Stevens, Robert Keith, MD P Orthopedic Surgery Aust, Gilbert M, Jr, MD Burnside, Richard C, MD Davis, Stanton B, Jr, MD PS PS PS Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Maladkar, Vandana Madan, MD Physician Assistant Carroll, Jeffrey Wayne, PA LaBerenz, Thomas Paul, PA Physician Assistant at Surgery Carroll, Jeffrey Wayne, PA LaBerenz, Thomas Paul, PA Radiation Oncology Childs III, Hoyt, MD Radiology Bell, Thomas Charles, MD Romer, John Hardin, MD Waggoner, Clinton Ray, MD Therapeutic Optometry Davis, Chad L, OD S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P Nephrology PS PS PS PS PS PS P P P P Marion County Cardiovascular Disease Sledge, Joseph Walter, III, MD Chiropractor Chastain, Jason E, DC Barnett, Frances H, MD Boeck, Karin, MD Leonard, Dennis J, MD Risley, Jon Holland, MD Sowter, Brenda K, DO Thompson, Bruce Todd, MD Ziegler, Martha Earlene, MD General Practice PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P Diagnostic Radiology Family Medicine S PS PS PS Networks Adcock, Charles R, MD Desjarlais, Scott E, MD Meadows, William E, III, MD Park, Jung T, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK PS P P P P P P P SK SK SK S S S S P P P P S SK S SK Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Marion County (Continued) Gynecology Azar, Rena A, MD Howe, Charles Michael, MD Ware, Vonda Roebuck, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Threadgill, Jaime Sue, DPh Internal Medicine Ijaz, Sajeel, MD Justo, Rory Dial, MD Kim, Kyong Chol, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Anderson, Sharon G, NP C Gartman, Tracy G, APRN BC Guthrie, Ashley Davis, NP Howard, Raymond Christopher, NP Jackson, Norma Jo, FNP Kidd, Keith L, FNP BC Miller, Paula Joyce, NP Pinson, Anne R, NP Smith, Joel Stephen, NP Smith, Steven Nathan, NP Waddell, Pamela M, NP Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Shaffer, Charles Freeman, MSN Ophthalmology Anderson, Steven Randle, Sr, MD Bierly, John Robert, MD Wessels, Izak Frederick, MD Orthopedic Surgery Collins, Robert S, MD Otolaryngology Freeman, William James, MD Mallik, Gagan Chand, MD Pediatric Ophthalmology Peterson, Edward Andrew, MD Pediatrics Fox, John R, MD Philyaw, Kathy Cartwright, MD Physician Assistant Bates, Paul Daniel, PA Hamm, Rudy G, PA Sparks, Norma J, PAC Weeks, Robert Bruce, PA Surgery Chavarria Aguilar, Marco, MD Manayan, Conrad C, DO Pate, Linda M, MD Therapeutic Optometry Allen, William R, OD Brady, Robin Michael, OD Lloyd, George H, OD Mann, Daryl Francis, OD McCarty, Zachary Stuart, OD Owen, David H, OD Phillips, Leslie Ann, OD Smoak, Sonya M, OD Vinson, T. Randall, OD PSK P PS PSK PSK PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S SK S S S PS PS PS P K PS P PS Networks Chiropractor Allen, Randall L, DC Billingsley, John B, II, DC Smith, Todd Carter, DC Emergency Medicine Falbo, Francis Joseph, III, MD Johnson, Cheryl Anderson, MD Family Medicine Butler, Jonathan W, MD Davidson, Michael James, DO Lewis, Melvin G, MD Newcomb, Devi M, MD Phelps, Kenneth J, Jr, MD Shackelford, Claude Edward, MD Hospital Medicine Alkayyali, Fawwaz, MD Internal Medicine McKnight, Benny M, DO Nash, Timothy Alan, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Davidson, Loretta L, NP Morton, Andrea Leah, FNP BC White, Erin Lyn, APRN BC Physician Assistant Baker, Joel Martin, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Wood, Miranda Dawn, PA Podiatry (DPM) Peter, Charlton A, DPM Surgery Bone, George, MD Therapeutic Optometry Jordan, Jeffrey L, OD Simmons, Jody Eileen, OD Britt, Darryl B, MD Levine, Richard Lawrence, MD PS PSK PSK P P P P S S S S PSK PS PSK P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S S SK PS PS Marshall County Cardiovascular Disease Skarzynski, Daniel J, MD Vinson, Janice Marie, MD Physicians K K K Killian, Thomas J, MD Kreth, Timothy K, MD Maloof, John A, III, MD Mangione, Nelson J, MD Manoukian, Steven Vahe, MD Maquiling, Kevin Michael, MD McRae, Andrew Thomas, III, MD Riddick, John Alston, MD Skarzynski, Daniel J, MD Ververis, John James, MD Vinson, Janice Marie, MD Wathen, Mark S, MD Williams, Thomas Ashurst, Jr, MD K Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) PS PSK PS PSK PSK P P P P P P S S S S S S Networks PSK PS PSK PS PS PS PS PS PSK PSK PSK PS Depass, Steven C, CRNA Jackson, Barbara S, CRNA Lee, Tony W, CRNA McKelvy, Brian E, CRNA Oldham, Sammy W, CRNA Reid, Brian L, CRNA Willenberg, Dale, CRNA Williamson, Joseph M, Jr, CRNA Chiropractor Beech, James W, DC Farris, Janelle Marie, DC Hawkins, Mark William, DC Hayes, Paul W, DC Haynes, Lewis Phillip, DC House, Ryan Wayne, DC Hutti, Gregory Michael, DC Johnson, Jeremy Charles, DC Milani, Lara, DC Milani, Mario M, DC Patterson, Paul B, Jr, DC Scheitel, Eric D, DC Stone, Ralph O, DC Thiesing, Stephen C, DC Critical Care Medicine Quinn, Thomas E, Jr, MD Dermatology Marshall County (MS) Chiropractor Mauk, Russell H, DC Surgery Monaghan, Brooks V, MD PSK PSK PS Allergy and Immunology Norvell, John Michael, MD Overholt, John P, MD Sullivan, Ryan Richard, MD Anesthesiology Griffith, Mack Wilson, MD Hedderich, Ronald Louis, MD Miller, Timothy Harold, MD Reddy, Bhaskar C, MD Souris, Patrick Alan, MD Sun, Jianping, MD Watson, Timothy B, MD Audiology Cardiovascular Disease Ali, Fathi Idris, MD Cabell, Thomas Hargrave, Jr, MD Crumbo, Donald S, MD Heibig, Jacques P, MD Huneycutt, David Carl, Jr, MD Jefferson, Brian Keith, MD Johnston, Thomas S, MD Jones, Robert C, MD Kearney, Kathleen Rebecca, MD Hayes, Benjamin Bailey, MD King, Lloyd E, Jr, MD Moody, Brent Robert, MD Rayburn, M Taylor, Jr, MD Robb, Christopher William, MD Dermatopathology P Boyd, Alan S, MD Diagnostic Radiology Maury County West, Daniel Welch, AuD CCC A Urology Maury County K-Network K Rieck, Richard William, MD Emergency Medicine PSK PSK PS P P P P P P P S S SK S SK SK PSK P P P P P P P P P S S S SK S S S S S Anderson, Chandler, NP Gentry, Shawn Nathan, MD Jenkins, Mack Adam, MD Kersey, Nathan, PA Turner, David Mitchell, MD Endocrinology Cryar, Anthony Keith, MD Family Medicine Alderson, Karli Jai, MD Bain, Robert, MD Ball, Charles A, MD Bart, Belinda K, MD Berscheid, Russell James, MD Bhatt, Vivak S, MD Boone, John McNamara, Jr, MD Broyles, Jennifer Sue, MD Chandler, Dana James, DO Couch, James C, III, MD Dhillon, Rennee N, MD Fadigan, Skyhawk, MD Farmer, Thomas W, MD Fite, Joe R, MD Gannon, Meghan Bryanna, MD Gentry, Shawn Nathan, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK K K K S S S SK SK S S S PS P P P P P S S S SK S PS PS P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K SK S SK SK 89 Maury County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Maury County (Continued) Family Medicine (Continued) Harrelson, Philip R, MDPSK Hayes, James Rand, II, MD Hensley, Joseph S, MD High, Ben G, MD Holmes, Keren Marie, MD Jobe, Jeffrey Scott, MD Joynes, Angela Leslie, MD Kennedy, Richard D, MD Koleyni, Camellia Renee, MD Lafferty, Nathanael L, MD McQueen, Kelly G, DO Patel, Ilaben B, MD Powers, Richard Reams, Jr, MD Samudrala, Sreedhar, MD Shackelford, Claude Edward, MD Shepherd, Martha Ellen, DO Slandzicki, Alex James, MD Smith, Langdon G, MD Smolenski, Lisabeth Ann, MD Stewart, Ruth Carr, MD Thompson, Tadd T, MD Titus, William P, III, MD Voncha, Saritha Reddy, MD Williams, Arthur E, DO Williams, Kelly J, MD Gastroenterology Choksi, Amit A, MD Mallipeddi, Dayaker R, MD McClure, Robert W, MD Reddy, Srikar S, MD General Practice Faccia, Giovanni J, MD Kirkpatrick, James Richard, MD Mangubat, Jaime V, MD Turner, David Mitchell, MD Wallwork, James C, MD Gynecology Hargrove, Joel T, MD Leach, James W, MD Hospital Medicine Bennett, Julian A G, MD Britt, Laurence T, Jr, MD Forbes, Joseph D, MD Hughes, Mark David, MD Jefferson, Kelley Vincent, MD Johnson, Cheryl Anderson, MD Peeler, Monica A, MD Seago, Mark A, MD Severe, Rebecca S, MD Smith, Steven Craig, MD Wu, Grace Ye Hwie, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Lincoln, Barbara I, DPh Infectious Disease Goldsmith, Deborah Lynn, MD Internal Medicine Bali, Indu, MD Bowles, Joan Marie, MD Breiwa, Leslie M, MD Chaney, Martin M, MD Gardner, Benny A, MD Harris, Gaylon L, MD Haynes, Hillary Lynn, MD Hunt, Karen Lynnette, MD Kamal, Jawaid, MD Kanth, Hrishi Madisetty, MD Lee, Suellen C, MD Lord, Teri M, MD Mann, Anuradha P, MD McCroskey, Debra J, MD Naddy, Gibran B, MD 90 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K P P P P S S S S P P P P P S S SK S S K K K K K K K S S S S S S S S S S S Bali, Indu, MD Barr, James G, MD Buttram Clayton, Cheryl Lynn, MD Rezk, Hany Nimr, MD Neurological Surgery Mathews, Douglas Charles, MD Neurology Chitturi, Suresh V K, MD Gilmore, Robin L, MD Ledbetter, Louise Y, MD Rubinowicz, Bruce S, DO Rubinowicz, Richard A, MD Neuropsychology (PHD) Alden, John Dale, III, PHD Nurse Practitioner K K K K K K K K K Bevis, Stanley Mark, APRN BC Dailey, Teresa Diane, APRN BC Davis, Tonya Sue, NP Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Arnold, Kimberly A, NP Barr, Carey L, APRN BC Cressler, Jodi L, ACNP BC James, Lori Shalane, FNP Poole, Patricia W, NP Vernier, Kimberly S, NP Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Duley, Caroline V, NP Larner, Douglas Scott, NP C Preston, Mickie D, NP Wilson, Dannylu J, FNP Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice PS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Medical Oncology Nephrology PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Harris, Gaylon L, MD Mann, Anuradha P, MD Perryman, Paul Edward, MD Rinehart, Darrel R, MD Simmons, John O, Jr, MD Simmons, Stephen P, MD K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K Internal Medicine -Diag Test Interpretation Jameson, C H, III, MD Messenger, Mark H, MD Woodley, Steven E, MD PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P Norvell, John Michael, MD Perryman, Paul Edward, MD Powell, James E, MD Reed, Shawn L, MD Richardson, Michael David, MD Rinehart, Darrel R, MD Rodriguez, Emilio J, MD Savell, Richard A, MD Silas, Steven L, MD Simmons, John O, Jr, MD Simmons, Stephen P, MD Turner, Christopher Paul, MD K K K K-Network K Networks Anderson, Robert Nils, APRN BC Atchison, Shannon Rebecca, FNP BC Baldridge, Tracy C, NPFP Bowden, Angela Marie, NP Bryan, Julia Sledge, APRN BC Casey, Callie Blevins, APRN BC Cone, Christy Marie, FNP Curtis, Deborah Roxann, FNP BC Davidson, Loretta L, NP Doyle, Melissa B, APRN BC Dozier, Christina C, FNP Ermini, Sandra R, APRN BC Graves, Gina B, NP Hardin, Amy Elizabeth, FNP Hinson, Barbara N, FNP Hopkins, Leslie W, APRN BC Hurley, Mary Suzanne, APRN BC Kaiser, Mary Julia, NP C P P P P P P S S S S S S PSK PSK PSK P P P P S S S S Knab, Ruth T, APRN BC Lanius, Deborah K, APRN BC Lewis, Amy L, FNP Lott, Julie W, FNP Melton, Gordon Lee, NP Noblitt, Jeannie H, FNP Perry, Karen J, NP Pitts, Gayle Susan, FNP Powers, Amy L, FNP Rassekhi, Mohammad, FNP Scott, Rosemary Earlyn, FNP Seeley, Daniel Banta, APRN BC Stewart, Emily Turpen, APRN BC Taplin, Susan Clark, APRN BC Toban, Bobbie R, FNP Vaughn, Gina Duke, NP Wagner, Bethany R, NP C Wakefield, Gail B, FNP White, Erin Lyn, APRN BC Wilson, Dannylu J, FNP Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Franklin, Nicole Lynn, CPNP PC Garrison, Holly Elizabeth, CPNP PC Harvison, Emily Maher, CPNP PC Sanfilippo, Joseph, CPNP PC Stoppelbein, Merrill McMichael, APRN BC Obstetrics & Gynecology PSK P P P P P Networks S S S S S Chuck, Frank J, MD Davis, Karen F, MD Gray, Susan T, MD Hays, Danny, MD Kurtz, Bryan R, MD Kuykendall, Sam J, MD Pelletier, Michael Jean, MD Phillips, Lisa A, MD Whitten, Therese L, MD Ophthalmology P PSK PSK PS P P P P P P SK S SK S S SK P P P P SK S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K Atnip, Charles D, MD Bregman, Daniel K, MD Crisp, Angela F, MD Gordon, Timothy E, MD Hamilton, Ralph F, MD Kaslow, Michael D, MD King, James C, MD Kostamaa, Heikki E, MD Kroll, Mark Andrew, MD Weikert, Daniel S, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Cullum, Paul E, DDS Doctora, Joseph S, DDS Hunter, William L, III, DDS Urbanek, Anthony Phillip, DDS MD Orthopedic Surgery Adams, Jeffrey T, MD Davidson, Randall L, Jr, MD Hunter, Alton L, Jr, MD Lawrence, Jeffrey P, MD McCall, Scott W, MD Pettit, Jonathan R, MD Wade, Joseph Frederick, MD Wiesman, H James, Jr, MD Wilburn, C. Douglas, MD Otolaryngology Corbin, Shaun C, MD Duncan, Ryan Douglas, MD Parey, Stephen E, MD Rosenthal, Marc D, MD Stewart, William R, Jr, MD Pediatrics Ahmed, Nazneen, MD Amosun, Oluwatobi Adeyeye, MD Andrews, Claudia S, MD Benitez, Maria V, MD Bialostozky, Adriana, MD Bogus, Devin L, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P P P P SK S S SK S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S P P P P S S S S P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P S S SK S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Pediatrics (Continued) Broadway, Carol H, MD Choudhury, Shahana Ashraf, MD Clifford, Rufus R, Jr, MD Davis, Patricia C, MD Denney, T. Wade, MD Engler, David G, MD Faust, Larry M, MD Hamilton, Eddie D, MD Harrison, Walter Leonard, MD Haselton, Dana J, MD Hill, Tiffany Landon, MD Hines, Donna L, MD Hudson Atkins, Audrey Lynn, MD Isbell, Rebecca Lynn, MD Lohse, Christina Marie, MD Luckett, Gwynetta Maria, MD Mark, Deborah Wen Yee, MD McVie, Angela R, MD Michalak, Heather Aurora, MD Myers, Gregory Jay, MD Obrien, Lee Anne F, MD Overton, Mary E, MD Ray, Jennifer L, MD Ricafort, Rachel M, MD Seethaler, Neil E, MD Smith, Anthony, MD Smith, Richard P, MD Spanier, Jonathan Michael, MD Stiles, Eric F, MD White, Teresa S, MD Williams, Patricia S, MD Woods, Aubaine Michelle, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Kim, Charles S, MD Molette, Anna Louise O, MD Physician Assistant Baker, Joel Martin, PA Breeden, Gerald Emerson, PAC Cooper, Joseph Hill, PA Dooley, Heather Renee, PA Dyson, Jo Ellyn, PA Fortman, Kyle D, PA Gilfoil, Edna Beth, PA Kachelmyer, Daniel Laurence, PAC Kersey, Nathan, PA Lutz, David A, Sr, PA C Mangum, Lindsey Hall, PA C McCraney, Dennis Craig, PA Norris, Kenneth L, PA Nowlin, Johnny S, PA Riser, Adam Richard, PA Shanku, Bethany Rhea, PA Sims, Walter Lee, PA Spackman, Darice Rebekah, PA C Stubblefield, Jay D, PA C Tomsett, Robert Mason, Jr, PA C Webb, Hope C, PA White, Jonathan Stephen, PA Young, Douglas Balfour, PA C Physician Assistant - PCP Bishop, Lindsay Kerr, Jr, PA C Casamo, Anthony R, PA Herring, Anna Marie, PA Lennon, David M, PA McCarthy, Patricia H, PA Paasche, Christina Lynn, PA C Pisani, Teresa Lynn, PA Rolston, Allison E, PA Whitehead, Mark Allen, PA Young, Douglas Balfour, PA C Physician Assistant at Surgery Cooper, Joseph Hill, PA Durham, Melanie M, PAC Physicians P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K Plastic Surgery Fulks, Kenneth D, MD Podiatry (DPM) Anna, Christopher D, MD Chadburn, James Lane, DPM Frankfather, Robert D, DPM Goranson, Ann R, DPM Jackson, Brian D, DPM Luper, Keith J, DPM Schreiber, Robert J, DPM Sudberry, James A, DPM Pulmonary Disease Covarrubias, Minerva Belen, MD Freels, Jon Lee, MD Lipp, Maura Jeanne, MD Silas, Steven L, MD Toban, M Moataz, MD K K Radiation Oncology K Radiology Kochanski, Joel David, MD Berkley, Nathan Ralph, MD Rheumatology K Rodriguez, Emilio J, MD Surgery PSK PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S SK SK S PS PS Networks Faugot, Garret John, PA Norris, Kenneth L, PA Riser, Adam Richard, PA Maury County (Continued) K K K K K K K K K McMinn County K-Network K Brown, John P.W, MD Gorski, Marie J, MD Hinson, Mark S, MD Oxley, Daniel D, MD Richardson, James W, Jr, MD Russell, Henry P, MD Sisk, Andrew W, MD Therapeutic Optometry Adhami, Sharon S, ODT Brown, David E, OD Burks, Tommy R, OD Collins, Charles Gary, OD Dickerson, Stan M, OD Drake, Jennifer Bowers, OD Eiler, Christopher J, OD Engle, Nicholas Patrick, ODT Eubank, James S, Sr, ODT Grant, Bradley Stewart, OD Hendrickson, Terry L, OD Howard, Alette Patrece, OD Jeter, Kurt A, ODT Mallory, Jennifer Kragenbrink, OD McAfee, David E, OD McNeely Nieves, Alana B, OD Morrison, Matthew Rogers, OD Schmidt, Kevin D, ODT Szeliga, Robert R, OD Walker, Patricia Estes, OD Young, Victoria L, OD Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery Ball, Stephen Kent, MD Kim, Betty S, MD Thoracic Surgery Absi, Tarek Sami, MD Ahmad, Rashid Mobin, MD Byrne, John Gerald, MD Greelish, James Patrick, MD Petracek, Michael R, MD Urgent Care Physicians Baker, Lacie Alison, PA Joynes, Angela Leslie, MD Urology Batey, Charlotte A, MD Chamberlain, Neil Oliver, MD Fitts, James M, MD PSK PS PS Networks Heffington, Stephen Hardeman, MD Khim, Anthony D, MD Marshall, James H, MD Vascular Surgery P Piercy, Kenneth Todd, MD Pulliam, Cary W, MD P P P P P P P P S S S SK S S S P P P P P S S S SK SK Medical Oncology Conkright, William A, MD Chiropractor West, Timothy W, DC Family Medicine Burgess, Jerald M, MD Patton, John L, MD PS Therapeutic Optometry S S S SK S SK S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Naser, Mahmud A, MD Martin, Frederick W, OD McKinley, Lindsay Kristin, OD McKinley, Stephen Matthew, OD P P P P P S S S S S P P PS PS PS PS P P PS S PSK PSK McMinn County Allergy and Immunology Prince, Tidence L, MD Wisniewski, Joseph M, MD Cardiovascular Disease Hoffman, Philip K, MD Kiefer, Stephen K, MD Mehta, Ravi S, MD Souther, Susan Jane, MD Weatherbee, Taylor C, MD PSK PSK P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Asbury, John C, CRNA Chiropractor Dietrick, Lucille A, DC Jones, Nancy L, DC Lillard, Jamie S, DC Massey, Michael D, DC Price, Tracy L, DC Rymer, David A, DC Rymer, Frank A, Jr, DC St John, Angela F, DC Emergency Medicine Chang, Philemon Dawei, MD Hardison, Cary Don, MD Papillion, Paul Warner, MD Family Medicine PS PS PS McCreary County (KY) Ophthalmology P P P P P P P PS PSK McCracken County (KY) PS PS PS PS PS Burroughs, Wallace F, II, MD Byrd, David L, MD Byrd, Jenny M, MD Carter, Johnnie C, MD Childress, David R, MD Coffey, Benjamin S, DO Collins, Timothy J, MD Rucker, Walter W, MD Rush, Kristel W, MD General Practice Hancock, David A, MD Lee, Yung G, MD Watters, Donald H, MD Gynecological Oncology Elg, Steven A, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS P P P P P P P P S K S S S SK SK P PSK P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S SK PS P PS PS 91 McMinn County S-Network S P-Network P Networks McMinn County (Continued) Gynecology Griffith, Shelley F, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Truelove, Elizabeth Wilson, DPh Internal Medicine Flock, Travis L, MD Khan, Ghazali A, MD Maynard, Chris L, MD Olsen, Samuel J, MD Riley, Joel Craig, II, MD Sharpe, Charles Richard, MD Extended Hours Available Trentham, Nathan C, MD Turnbough, Vickie Ann, MD Watters, Russell B, MD PSK SK K SK S K SK PSK PSK P K Internal Medicine -Diag Test Interpretation Maynard, Chris L, MD Medical Oncology Kerns, Ross E, MD Lee, Richard, MD Neurological Surgery Boulos, Paul T, MD Hauge, David H, MD Neurology Bibileishvili, Eteri, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Cass, Linda M, FNP Ketchersid, Judith Corvin, FNP BC Long, Melanie K, FNP Minnich, Morgan L, FNP Pascarella, Martha Jean, APRN BC Pease, Deborah D, NP Sparkman, Paula Elaine, FNP Underwood, Trish W, NP Obstetrics & Gynecology Bledsoe, Robert E, MD Defreitas, Eric A, MD Hahn, Michael Wayne, MD Lauterbach, Joseph C, MD Slowey, James F, MD Uribe, Olga Lucia, MD Ophthalmology Anderson, Steven Randle, Sr, MD Bierly, John Robert, MD Ford, Gregory Seth, MD McDaniel, Daryl Lee, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Gross, Kevin D, DDS Gross, P Dewayne, DDS Johnson, Bradley Stevenson, DMD Mann, James Howard, Jr, DDS Trondson, Troy Allen, MD Widloski, Mark Matthew, MD Orthopedic Surgery Hutcheson, Rickey L, DO Osborn, Carl Quinn, MD Robins, David Russell, DO Schwiger, Paul A, MD Otolaryngology Mitchell Jr, Foy B, MD Pediatric Ophthalmology Peterson, Edward Andrew, MD Pediatrics Breeden, Kimberly T, MD Gopinathan, Saji K, MD Rucker, Susan K, MD Snider, Iris G, MD 92 Physician Assistant Kinney, Lacy C, PA Scott, Shelia, PA Physician Assistant - PCP PS P P P P P P K-Network K Networks PS PSK PSK Borris, Kimberly S, PA Durham, Alicia Dumont, PA Podiatry (DPM) McCulley, Henry Paul, DPM Parsons, Lisa, DPM Solomon, Aaron D, DPM Radiation Oncology Carder, Lee J, MD Dugan, Philip J, MD Virostek, Lisa J, MD Radiology Hewgley, R Gardner, Jr, MD Surgery Brown, Preston W, MD Cox, Charles B, MD Holliday, H Joseph, MD Layman, Thomas S, MD Sumida, Michael P, MD Therapeutic Optometry PS PS PS P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P S S SK S P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P S SK S S K K K K K K Urology Jackson, Stephen W, MD Martin, Clyde S, MD McIntire, Edward M, MD K K K K K K PS PS P P P P Baggett, James E, OD Brady, Robin Michael, OD Clark, Stephen P, OD Holman, Sherrie E, OD Keylon, David D, OD Mann, Daryl Francis, OD McCarty, Zachary Stuart, OD McDonald, Travis S, ODT Phillips, Leslie Ann, OD Selander, Eric M, OD Smoak, Sonya M, OD Sullins, Christa H, OD Sullins, Stuart A, OD Sullins, William D, III, OD Toomey, Jean A, OD Walker, Heather Hale, OD Waycaster, Cortney Michelle, OD SK SK S SK PSK PS PS PS PSK PS PSK PS PS PSK PS P P P P P S S S S S K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S K K S S S S S S S S S SK Barnes, Matthew S, DC Barnes, Robin B, DC Pitts, Bobby Shawn, DC Emergency Medicine Backer, Farnel Fernand, MD Bakeer, Mohammed S, MD Carter, Michael Allen, MD Dolan, Michael Sean, MD Ferguson, Charles B, MD Galiwango, Charles K, MD McKee, Alice Roark, MD Meko, Jennifer Bupp, MD Niner, Paul J, III, MD Ramirez, Mario Luis, MD Rico, Wilfred Martin, MD Saint Jean, Norma, DO Smith, Hayden Blake, MD Williams, Arthur L, II, MD Family Medicine Chase, Barton Austin, III, MD Eason, William A, MD Hyden, John Carl, MD King, James D, MD Linder, Timothy F, MD McCarver, Brian M, MD Vinson, John W, MD PS PS PS PS General Practice Aristorenas, Juan T, MD Bartz, William R, DO Peeler, Harry L, MD Smith, James H, MD Smith, Michael L, MD P P P P P Hand Surgery Dolan, Michael Sean, MD Feeney, Sandra N, MD Smelser, Michael H, MD PS PS Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Blakney, Dee A, FNP Collins, Debra C, NP Hunt, Rhonda Lynn, APRN BC Martin, Dana Kay, FNP Moore, Sherry M, FNP Norris, Donna R, FNP Rhoads, Mary S, FNP Wilder, Paula F, APRN BC Obstetrics & Gynecology Baxter, James D, MD Fleming, Andrenette Marguerite, MD Ganapathy, Lakshmanan, MD P P P P P P P P S S S S S PS PS PS Pediatrics Porat, Shimshon, MD Reddy, D. Devender, MD PS PS Radiology Perkins, Charles L, II, MD PS Surgery Bakeer, Mohammed S, MD PS Therapeutic Optometry Dodd, John D, OD Driscoll, Joseph J, OD PS PS Meigs County Family Medicine Miller, Lawrence Howard, MD Roberts, R. Shane, MD Terpstra, Gregory Dean, DO PSK PSK PSK Internal Medicine Sinha, Manvesh N, MD PS PS PS S S S S S PS Internal Medicine SK McNairy County Chiropractor Networks PSK Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Kuffrey, Sandra Joan, NP C PSK Monroe County P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S S S S S S SK S Anesthesiology P P P P P P S S S S S S Chiropractor Chapman, Kent D, DO Audiology Cope, David T, CCC A Cardiovascular Disease Hoffman, Philip K, MD Kiefer, Stephen K, MD Souther, Susan Jane, MD Weatherbee, Taylor C, MD PS PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Bonner, Theresa Chavais, CRNA Henderson, Reginald R, CRNA Sinclair, Vernon R, CRNA Devoe, James Forrest, II, DC Dreyer, Russell Cranford, DC Fields, Gary L, DC Forrester, Otis B, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS P PS PS P PS Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Monroe County (Continued) Gruenenfelder, Robert J, DC Gwinn, Woodrow W, Jr, DC Lensgraf, Alan C, DC Lounsberry, Ryan Jay, DC Rodriguez, Rafael M, DC Smiley Hedrick, Jessica A, DC Emergency Medicine Basile, Phanel, MD Brooks, Charles, Jr, MD Dukes, Robert A, MD Hill, Robert A, MD Kaufman, Nesreen H, MD Ly, Hao A, MD Pollard, Mark Thomas, MD Whitehead, Bennie W, MD Family Medicine Beverley, Tracey D, MD Callan, Daniel Joseph, DO Coffey, Ben D, DO Gettinger, Joshua S, MD Harvey, William L, MD Johnson, Sigrid Rae, MD Kanabar, Hasmukh V, MD Levin, Barbara A, MD Lounsberry, David V, MD Miller, Lawrence Howard, MD Gastroenterology Kozawa, Kenya I, MD General Practice Cox, Thomas R, III, MD McNeal, Wesley E, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Archer, Kenneth E, Jr, DPh Granger, Edward S, DPh Saffles, Joseph S, DPh Internal Medicine Ellis, Edward Stephen, MD Evans, Thomas S, MD Ingram, John J, III, MD Khadka, Deepali, MD Kozawa, Kenya I, MD Pershing, Stephen D, MD Poston, Eric C, MD Shamblin, Christopher Scott, MD Medical Oncology Berman, Barry Scott, MD Midwife Alliman, Jill B, CNM Bottoms, Christy Brooke, CNM Raahauge, Brigitte F, CNM Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Binkley, Janet, FNP Cagle, Renae, FNP Comstock, Michelle D, FNP BC Fox, Timothy A, FNP Guegold, Gwen A, FNP Johnson, Janet M, FNP McKenzie, Jennifer, FNP Morton, Jennifer M, FNP Morton, Pamela Jill, APRN BC Park, Elizabeth A, FNP Pazourek, Anita G, APRN BC Riley, Frances Robin, FNP BC Walker, Mary Jo, FNP Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Taylor, Wendy Lynn, CPNP PC Obstetrics & Gynecology Ameen, John R, MD Physicians Networks Bernstein, Glenn I, MD Creutzinger, David John, MD Ophthalmology Chiropractor (Continued) P P P P P P SK S S S S S Anderson, Steven Randle, Sr, MD Bierly, John Robert, MD McDaniel, Daryl Lee, MD Orthopedic Surgery Bowman, Christopher Scott, MD Pediatric Ophthalmology Peterson, Edward Andrew, MD P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S PSK PS P PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS Montgomery County K-Network K Pediatrics Amer, Syed M, MD Bean, Michael W, MD Damron, Michael, MD Dee, Whitney Elizabeth, MD Hoffmann, Cindy S, MD Raper, Charles A, MD Saint Robbins, Wendy N, MD Seeley Dick, Sarah Ann, DO Watkins, Mark Darryl, MD Wight, Heather S, MD Podiatry (DPM) Christiansen, Brian Niel, DPM Pulmonary Disease Cherry, Ronald Robert, MD Radiology Knight, Steven Bartley, MD Surgery Villanueva, Brian Lee, MD Villanueva, Ramon, MD Therapeutic Optometry Brady, Robin Michael, OD Foster, Macy H, OD Foster, Thomas A, OD Kolarik, Michael T, OD Mann, Daryl Francis, OD McCarty, Zachary Stuart, OD Mullen, Tara K, OD Phillips, Leslie Ann, OD Smoak, Sonya M, OD Sullins, Christa H, OD Sullins, Stuart A, OD Sullins, William D, III, OD Wright, Frederick J, OD Sharma, Anil K, MD Stavens, Chris, MD Stikovac, Mio M, MD Xenopoulos, Nicholas P, MD Family Medicine Bean, Jerry N, MD Carter, William M, MD Hayes, Clella Louise, MD Hume, Timothy D, MD Internal Medicine Carter, Anthony C, MD Eakle, Kimberly Y, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Proffitt, Jennifer Nicole, NP C Belleau, Joseph Terrence, MD Bressler, Robert B, MD Moessner, Harold F, MD Audiology LeJeune, Emiko J, AuD CCC A Levy, David H, CCC A PS Cardiovascular Disease PS S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K PSK PS PS P PS P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS P P P P S S S S P P P P S S S S PS PS PS Montgomery County Allergy and Immunology Bethi, Vidya R, MD Eckel, Peter Karl, MD Giarrizzo, Lynn Marie, DO Hedderich, Ronald Louis, MD Mund, Gary Dale, MD PS PS PS Monroe County (KY) Cardiovascular Disease Anesthesiology PS PS P P P P P P P P P P PS PS PS Networks Amlicke, James David, MD Crumbo, Donald S, MD Huneycutt, David Carl, Jr, MD Jefferson, Brian Keith, MD Johnston, Thomas S, MD Jones, Robert C, MD Kearney, Kathleen Rebecca, MD Kreth, Timothy K, MD Madaelil, Philip T, MD Mangione, Nelson J, MD Manoukian, Steven Vahe, MD McClure, Christopher C, MD McRae, Andrew Thomas, III, MD Mishra, Pradip K, MD Myers, Paul R, MD Riddick, John Alston, MD Ritzer, Theodore Frank, MD Ververis, John James, MD Wheatley, Robert M, MD Williams, Thomas Ashurst, Jr, MD P P P P P S SK K S SK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Baker, Sharen L, CRNA Cox, Debbie Ferguson, CRNA Lanham, Robert W, CRNA Wiggers, Thomas Lee, CRNA Chiropractor Allen, David M, DC Bailey, Paris S, III, DC Bailey, Steven P, DC Extended Hours Available Burwell, Kelly J, DC Crow, Paul C, DC Davis, James D, DC French, Corey Mark, DC Gammon, Karin R, DC Gilman, Kenneth A, DC Harris, Larry A, DC Longo, Kyle Michael, DC Nebben, Loren W, DC Pacwa, Sandra Y, DC Price, Joshua Michael, DC Rousseau, Jennifer R, DC Wyatt, Mark A, DC Dermatology Kurita, George I, Jr, MD Martin, Jennifer D, MD Pennington, Brent E, MD Rodriguez, Adrian Ofir, MD Sites, Larien Young, MD Welsch, Michael Jude, MD Dermatopathology Robbins, Jason B, MD Family Medicine Boles, David L, Sr, DO Chambers, Erin E, MD Clardy, George Thomas, Jr, MD Clardy, John T, Sr, MD Cole, Gary W, DO Finlay, Christopher L, MD Grabenstein, William P, MD Haase, David H, MD Huffman, Donald W, MD Hutchison, Ryan Bennett, MD Johnson, Beverly C, MD Kasper, Robert E, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P S S S S K K K K PS P PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK SK S S SK S S S SK S S S S S S S PS P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S 93 Montgomery County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Montgomery County (Continued) Family Medicine (Continued) King, Shawn M, MD Korivi, Giriprasadarao, MD Korivi, Jyotsna Padmaja, MD Kosinski, Joseph Frank, MD Lu, George E, MD Manning, Greta C, MD Miller, Daniel R, MD Naseeruddin, Syed Ahmed, MD Noor, Sidi Yousseff, MD Schott, Stephen N, MD Sherley, Lance Allan, DO Silkowski, Peter A, DO Smolenski, Lisabeth Ann, MD VanderVeen, Bradley Scott, MD Vollmer, Donald Evans, II, MD Wilson, Robert A, MD Witter, Douglas Alan, MD Gastroenterology Glassell, Edwin C, MD Patel, Anil C, MD White, Christopher Michael, MD General Practice Aquino, Ramon J, MD Hudson, Robert W, MD Hudson, William D, III, MD General Vascular Surgery Werner, Alan M, MD Gynecology Ledbetter, Buford B, Jr, MD Hand Surgery Staelin, Stephen T, MD Hematology / Oncology Cook, Nicholas Ariel, MD Shah, Jigar K, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S SK S S S SK S SK S S PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS Hospital Medicine Adkisson, Douglas W, MD PS Aguirre, Rene Valiente, MD PS Anifowoshe, Olumide Ibrahim, MD PS Bush, Joel Gregory, MD PS Cai, Songmin, MD P Ely, Thomas Lee, DO PS Fan, Qing Ivy, MD PS Hughes, Mark David, MD PS James, John Jason, DO PS King, Kelly Rae, MD PS King, Melody Orr, MD PS Mustafa, Hossameldin I, MD PS Oluwole, Olalekan Olaniyi, MD PS Prebus, Sol Allen, MD PS Purrington, Peter R, Jr, MD PS Rentuza, Ronald Chu, MD PS Rigsby, Lonard C, MD PS Schultz, Grace Lavera, MD PS Sile, Helen I, MD PSK Standley, Christopher Franklin, DO PS Stewart Hubbard, Takasha Latoya Renee, MDPS Immunizing Pharmacist Cole, Terry M, DPh Zaver, Bharat Steve, DPh Infectious Disease Vincent, Simi, MD Internal Medicine Aaron, John, MD Carman, Tommy Lee, DO Carrigan, Vernon M, MD Cha, Paul S, MD Feagins, Shindana Laryce, MD Glover, Benjamin Lester, MD 94 PSK PSK PS P P P P P P S S S S S K-Network K Networks Gullett, David L, MD Hellums, Deborah Brooks, MD James, John Jason, DO Maccarone, James J, DO Mehta, Ashok Kumar, MD Milam, J Denise, MD Nawathe, Chandrakanta D, MD Patel, Bharatkumar R, MD Salcedo, Pedro T, MD Shah, Minesh Natvar, MD Siddiqi, Zakia, MD Spinzig, Bruce David, MD West, Michael S, MD White, Stephen A, MD Williams, David B, MD Maternal - Fetal Medicine Bennett, Kelly A, MD Boehm, Frank H, MD Carpenter, Lavenia B, MD Carroll, Mary Anne, MD Fortunato, Stephen J, MD Lenzi, Tiffanee Andrea, MD Lombardi, Salvatore J, MD Medical Oncology Patel, Rohit R, MD Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Rojas, Jorge, MD Nephrology Endsley, John Kenton, MD Saleh, Adel S, MD Neurology Ansell, Jacqueline Rose, MD Johnson, Constance J, MD Rubinowicz, Bruce S, DO Rubinowicz, Richard A, MD Sonmezturk, Hasan H, MD Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Zauner, Jacqueline Busby, ACNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Barnes, Joshua D, ANP BC Larner, Douglas Scott, NP C Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Addington, Rona C, FNP BC Beyene, Seyum T, APRN BC Craft, Christopher Lewis, FNP Jackson, Angela V, FNP Pedley, Martha Jane, APRN BC Seeley, Daniel Banta, APRN BC Stephens, Catherine Cain, FNP Vinson, Crescentia Spare, NP P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P S S S S S S S Riestra, Jorge C, MD Sawyer, Kimberly D, MD Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Bush, Pamela K, NP Franklin, Nicole Lynn, CPNP PC Garrison, Holly Elizabeth, CPNP PC Harvison, Emily Maher, CPNP PC Roper, Janna Sallade, CPNP BC Sanfilippo, Joseph, CPNP PC Stoppelbein, Merrill McMichael, APRN BC Birnbaum, David B, MD Calvert, Harold M, MD Fitch, Charles Patrick, MD Gannaway, Richard Philip, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology Anderson, Jeffrey V, MD Barton, Stephen John, MD Bendt, Robert R, MD Crawford, Donald Alvin, II, MD Hamre, Jeffrey L, DO Johnston, Jennifer Harris, MD Larkins, Gary Landon, MD McIntosh, Lisa M, MD McIntosh, William D, MD PS P PS PS Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Ellis, R Terry, DDS Lee, George S, MD McCurdy, Ted R, DDS PS PS PS Orthopedic Surgery K K K K PS PS Beauchamp, William Francis, DO Beazley, William Cooper, MD Burrus, Daniel S, MD Christofersen, Mark R, MD DeVries, William Henry, MD Friedland, John Thomas, MD Kowalski, Kurtis Lorenz, MD McKellar, Duncan L, Jr, MD Stanton, John L, MD Starkweather, Keith D, MD P P P P P P P P P P Otolaryngology Brandon, Gilbert T, MD Richards, Randolph M, MD P P P P P S S S S S PSK PS PS P P P P P P P P SK S S S S SK S S PSK P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S PS P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S Pain Management P Pathology Haase, Randall R, DO Dodd, Debra A, MD PSK Pediatrics Ahmed, Nazneen, MD Amosun, Oluwatobi Adeyeye, MD Aquino, Barbara A, MD Benitez, Maria V, MD Bialostozky, Adriana, MD Bogus, Devin L, MD Choudhury, Shahana Ashraf, MD Engler, David G, MD Faust, Larry M, MD Hamilton, Eddie D, MD Harris Ford, Laurie A, MD Harrison, Walter Leonard, MD Haselton, Dana J, MD Hines, Donna L, MD Hudson Atkins, Audrey Lynn, MD Isbell, Rebecca Lynn, MD Johnston, David G, MD Lohse, Christina Marie, MD Luckett, Gwynetta Maria, MD Mark, Deborah Wen Yee, MD McVie, Angela R, MD Moore, William R, MD Obrien, Lee Anne F, MD Prabhu, Satish D, MD Prine, William W, Jr, MD Extended Hours Available Ray, Jennifer L, MD Ricafort, Rachel M, MD Roads, Timothy R, MD Schultz, Stephanie L, MD Seawell, Jennifer B, MD Seethaler, Neil E, MD Smith, Richard P, MD Spanier, Jonathan Michael, MD Stiles, Eric F, MD Troilo, Jill Campbell, MD Vernon, Crystal Nolen, MD Williams, Patricia S, MD Woods, Aubaine Michelle, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Check our Web site @ for current listing. K PS Pediatric Cardiology Ashley, Christopher Paul, MD Prieto, Rafael Leonardo, MD S S S S S S S S S S PS PS Dozier, Damon Paul, MD PS PS Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) Bartley, Alexis Nicole, WHNP BC PS PS Ophthalmology Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health Speck, Carrie Chastain, GNP BC Networks P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S SK S S PS PS Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Montgomery County (Continued) Physician Assistant Gilfoil, Edna Beth, PA Harelson, William W, PA Lamb, Cshandar Artis, PA C McCraney, Dennis Craig, PA Page, John Dwayne, PA Shanku, Bethany Rhea, PA Tomsett, Robert Mason, Jr, PA C Physician Assistant - PCP Paasche, Christina Lynn, PA C Patterson, Michael Brian, PA Plastic Surgery Blalock, W. Stanford, MD Creekmore, Harry S, MD Podiatry (DPM) Pavuluri, Ramesh B, DPM Pavuluri, Vijay K, DPM Schussler, Michael B, DPM Smith, David E, DPM Yen, Paulo R, DPM Pulmonary Disease Kadakia, Jatin, MD Krishnasamy, Sriram, MD Radiation Oncology Chakravarthy, Anuradha M, MD Cmelak, Anthony J, MD Goertz, Steven R, MD Johnson, Corbin R, MD Lu, Bo, MD Marks, Michael E, MD Tenenholz, Todd C, MD Radiology Bienvenu, Gary Louis, Jr, MD DePriest, Charles Vernon, MD Lind, Roger C, Jr, MD Rheumatology Desai, Kishorkumar A, MD Surgery Bengelsdorf, Steven, MD Bolar, Randall J, MD Brantley, Damon Wiley, MD Daugherty, Stephen Franklin, MD Galapon, Derrick B, MD Heuman, Michael David, MD Steely, William M, MD Stokes, Myron Cornel, MD Therapeutic Optometry Collins, Charles Gary, OD Darr, Bradford Walter, OD Drew, Matthew T, ODT Dye, Lisa Marie, OD Hohn, Robert L, ODT Honeycutt, Joseph Patrick, OD Howard, Alette Patrece, OD Knepper, Dan M, OD Lawrence, Anna, OD Lewis, Donnie C, OD Lynn, Bart D, OD Mallory, Jennifer Kragenbrink, OD Murray, Brian R, OD Proffitt, Gregory Lee, OD Radish, Gary E, OD Ray, Gregory E, OD Routledge, Steven B, OD Rudowski, Nichole T, OD Schmidt, Kevin D, ODT Sites, Clifton G, OD York, Adam Steven, OD Thoracic Surgery McGee, William A, MD Physicians P P P P P P P SK SK S SK S S S Networks Urgent Care Physicians Buckman, David Dale, MD Kent, Stephen W, MD Obernuefemann, Timothy L, Sr, MD Shippen, William D, Jr, MD Singh, Narendra K, MD Urology Duffin, Timothy K, MD Miles, Joseph W, Jr, MD Vascular Surgery Lucas, Christopher J, DO PS PS P P P P P S S S S S Chiropractor Kuhar, William A, DC Family Medicine S S S Phelps, Thomas F, MD Rupard, Joseph H, MD Physician Assistant - PCP Yasui, Robert R, PA S K K K K K K K Moore, John W, Jr, CRNA Family Medicine Allen, Thomas G, MD Deets, Cheryl Lynne, DO Redmon, Eric, MD Thakur, Manisha, MD Thakur, Sanjay P, MD Vora, Bhavana, MD General Practice PS Smith, Richard D, MD P P P P P P P P Clark, Amy A, APRN BC Dowell, Robert M, FNP BC Freytag, Addie Lou, CNP Green, Jennifer Robin, FNP BC Smith, Evelyn F, FNP Snow, Buffy D, FNP BC Steelman, Tiffany A, NP Ward, Andrew J, FNP BC P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S Willett, Dwight H, MD Internal Medicine Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Podiatry (DPM) Haverly, David E, Jr, DPM Pulmonary Disease Nadrous, Hassan F, MD S S S S Therapeutic Optometry Frasier, Natalie Lynn, OD PS Cardiovascular Disease S S S S Orthopedic Surgery S PS Frederiksen, Rand T, MD Mackey, Edward S, MD P P P P P P S S S SK SK S PS PS P P P P P P P P S SK S S S S SK S P PS PSK PSK PS Bierly, John Robert, MD Pediatric Ophthalmology Peterson, Edward Andrew, MD Cardiovascular Disease Arunachalam, Rangarajan, MD Hall, James C, MD Nkadi, Chukwuemeke Oscar, MD Beachum, Steven R, DC Creech, Wesley D, DC Harris, Matthew S, DC Horner, Albert W, Jr, DC House, George Bradford, DC Keller, Jason T, DC Emergency Medicine Farrar, Thomas Crowell, MD Foston, Will D, MD Ort, Michael E, MD Tucker, Charles Douglas, MD Family Medicine Batey, James T, MD Bradberry, Samuel W, MD Brown, Bruce B, MD Clendenin, John B, MD Hale, John W, Jr, MD Schleifer, Grover F, III, MD Sherman, Philip A, MD Stone, William Kirk, MD Gastroenterology Nuako, Kofi W, MD General Practice Smith, O K, Jr, MD Gynecology Johnson Whitehurst, Janice S, MD Hematology / Oncology Ginn, David C, MD Hospital Medicine Flournoy, Durwood Wayne, MD Haderlie, Michael John, MD Istanbouli, Wajih, MD Olalekan, David Babalola, MD Olusanya, Ayodele A, MD Yuan, Qing, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Holford, Richard Earl, II, DPh Internal Medicine Esuruoso, Olumuyiwa Abolade, MD Hill, Robert P, MD Miller, Alvin James, Jr, MD Murray County (GA) Ophthalmology Stout, Richard H, MD Chiropractor PS PS PS S S S S S PS PS Obion County Allergy and Immunology Muhlenberg County (KY) S S S Ponder, Michael A, MD PS PS PS P P P P P Norton City County (VA) Pierce, Daryl W, MD Morgan County PS PS PS S S S S S S S S Brady, Robin Michael, OD Mann, Daryl Francis, OD McCarty, Zachary Stuart, OD Phillips, Leslie Ann, OD Smoak, Sonya M, OD Cardiovascular Disease PS Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) S S S S S S S Therapeutic Optometry PS PSK Moore County PS PS P P P P P P P Networks Medical Oncology PS PS P P P P P Obion County K-Network K Medical Oncology Conkright, William A, MD Gore, Margaret, MD Winkler, Charles F, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS PS PS P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P S S S S P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K PS PS PS PS P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K PSK PSK PS PSK PS PSK PS 95 Obion County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Obion County (Continued) Nurse Practitioner Wyatt, Sheryl A, FNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Javellana, Tammy L, NP Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Canup, Alison C, NP Combs, Laura Lea, FNP BC Fletcher, Lisa D, MSN Jones, Elizabeth R, FNP BC Kennett, Billie J, FNP McGrath, Sandra E, NP Nagel Terrell, Renea L, FNP BC Odle, Michael Chad, NP Russell, Laura W, FNP Vassar, Paula H, FNP Woods, Ginny A, NP Obstetrics & Gynecology Cameron, Robert L, MD South, Christy Dawn, MD Young, Robert R, MD Ophthalmology Loden, James C, MD Toyos, Rolando, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Bobo, Michael L, DDS MD Orthopedic Surgery Blanton, Marvin Asbury, III, MD Gladwell, Heather A, MD Houseworth, Stephen Wayne, MD Schwartz, Laurence W, DO St Clair, Deborah S, MD Wright, Garth B, MD Otolaryngology Resser, John R, MD Pathology Lewis, Rodger P, MD Pediatrics Bates, John Byron, MD Fattah, Emad A, MD Yates, V. Dale, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Bingham, Ronald C, MD Johnson, Miles M, MD Merritt, Belinda Ann, MD Physician Assistant Smith, Kerri Ann M, PA C Physician Assistant at Surgery Smith, Kerri Ann M, PA C Podiatry (DPM) Lu, Elizabeth T, DPM Raines, Stephen D, DPM Radiation Oncology Koerner, Paul D, MD Permenter, William D, Jr, MD Surgery Escarcega, Rogelio, MD Gooch, Allen Christopher, MD Katz, Peter Lee, MD Rebeiro, Egbert, MD Therapeutic Optometry Bondurant, James Dylan, OD Bugg, Alan K, OD Byars, William T, Jr, OD Carrico, David O, OD Jordan, Robert B, OD Rice, Charles A, OD 96 K-Network K Networks Smothers, Jason L, OD Urology Marsidi, Paul Joseph, MD PS Vascular Surgery Jernigan, Thomas W, III, MD Networks Bosanko, Cory J, OD Goodman, Elizabeth E, OD Moore, Karin Rodriguez, OD Peek, Jennifer Leann, OD Randle, Clifton J, III, OD PS PS S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P Churchwell, Andre L, MD Glazer, Mark D, MD Hood, Rob R, MD Cardiovascular Disease Churchwell, Keith B, MD Clair, Walter K, MD Crenshaw, Marshall H, MD Frederiksen, Rand T, MD Friesinger, Gottlieb Christian, III, MD Prudoff, Adam James, MD Richardson, Thomas Ramsey, MD PS S S S S S S S K K K K K K K Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Greenwell, Suzanna Bundrant, CRNA Fields, Richard, MD Moore, Cheryl L, FNP BC Nowell, Mark Dewayne, MD Family Medicine Beaty, Kenneth D, MD Clough, John R, MD Colburn, Kenneth L, MD Gaspar, Matthew J, MD McLerran, Samantha E, MD Nelson Jr, James C, MD PS PS PS Internal Medicine PS PS P Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Smith, Trueman D, MD Cox, Michael T, MD Fromke, Vincent L, MD Kabasakal, Ayca, MD Lee, Emily Ann, NP C Obstetrics & Gynecology PS Casal, Michael P, MD Nahm, Christopher David, MD Terry, Silas D, Jr, MD PS Ophthalmology Grisolano, James, MD Patterson, Larry E, MD Orthopedic Surgery Zwemer, Rodger J, Jr, MD PS PS Otolaryngology P P P P S S S S Pediatrics P P P P P P S S Surgery Jordan, Charles E, III, MD Thinakkal, Ram Krishnan, MD Langenberg, Mark T, MD Radiology Jones, Albert Austin, III, MD Clements, Barton Matthew, MD Nowell, Mark Dewayne, MD Therapeutic Optometry Allred, Ashley Wright, OD PS PS PS PS PS Diagnostic Radiology Moran, Grace Q, MD Stallworth, Robert J, MD PS PS Emergency Medicine Family Medicine Abston, Anthony H, DC Atnip, Eric A, DC General Practice S S P P P P P P P P Perry County Chiropractor PS PS PS Hazel, James G, MD PSK PSK PSK Averett, Andrew K, MD Averett, Stephen L, MD Kamal, Jawaid, MD Salhany, Kenneth Shaun, DO Emergency Medicine S S S SK S S Radiology Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Barnard, Jo Anne F, CRNA Randolph, Stanley C, CRNA S S Pemiscot County (MO) Overton County Cardiology S S PS PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Johnson, Alex Ray, DO Marshall, Christopher Dean, MD PSK PS General Practice PS PSK PSK Averett, Andrew K, MD Salhany, Kenneth Shaun, DO PS PS Immunizing Pharmacist Shuler, Jonathan Alan, DPh P P P P P P S S S S S S PS PS PS PS Averett, Stephen L, MD DePriest, Kristy R, FNP Tatum, Phillip Bradley, FNP BC Pediatrics Burress, Christopher Shea, DO Donaldson, Gregory S, PA C King, James H, OD PS PS PS PS Pickett County Cardiovascular Disease PS PS Therapeutic Optometry PS PS PS PS SK PSK Physician Assistant Cardiology PS PS PSK Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice PSK PSK PSK PS PSK Internal Medicine PS S S S S Churchwell, Andre L, MD Glazer, Mark D, MD Hood, Rob R, MD PSK PSK PSK Churchwell, Keith B, MD Clair, Walter K, MD Crenshaw, Marshall H, MD Frederiksen, Rand T, MD Friesinger, Gottlieb Christian, III, MD Prudoff, Adam James, MD Richardson, Thomas Ramsey, MD P P P P P P P Family Medicine Tompkins, James Paul, MD Mason, Larry M, MD PSK Internal Medicine King, Matthew J, MD PS Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Check our Web site @ for current listing. K K K K K K K PS General Practice Clark, Rita Joan, FNP Fryar, William, Jr, FNP S S S S S S S PS PS Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Orthopedic Surgery McKinney, James D, MD Zwemer, Rodger J, Jr, MD Otolaryngology Jordan, Charles E, III, MD Pediatrics Shaffer, Jori L, MD Landry, Robert H, MD Sisko, Stephen, MD Starkweather, George, MD PS PS Audiology Calkins, Anne Marie, MA CCC A Davidson, Lisa H, MA CCC A Hallenbeck, Helen Foster, CCC A Loomis, Brianne Noelle, CCC A Norwood, Wayland Reed, CCC A PS PS Cardiovascular Disease Polk County Cardiovascular Disease Bell, Calvin A, MD Emergency Medicine Jabaley, Ronald T, II, MD Family Medicine Shariff, Aslam A, MD Hematology Whaley, William Howard, MD Internal Medicine Malakhov, Aleksander I, MD Siddiqui, Mahmood A, MD Sinha, Manvesh N, MD Treon, Stephen M, MD Uhlik, Allen S, MD Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Collins, Renee M, APRN BC Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Grisham, Jennifer Pirkle, NP C Jenkins, Sherrie Ann, FNP BC Oncology Jones Crawford, Jennifer Lee, MD Oncology / Hematology Manfredi, John Andrew, MD Physician Assistant - PCP Riggins, Jovonna R, PA Podiatry (DPM) Solomon, Aaron D, DPM Surgery Satterfield, Eric Lee, DO Urology Jackson, Stephen W, MD McIntire, Edward M, MD P K PS PSK P P P P P P SK SK SK K S PSK Jacobs, Mark A, OD Martin, Frederick W, OD McKinley, Stephen Matthew, OD PS PSK P P PSK PSK Cain, William Travis, MD Carter, Paul Michael, MD Hensel, Albert E, III, MD Overholt, Robert M, MD Partridge, Megan Elizabeth, MD Prince, Tidence L, MD Springer, Michael A, MD Sullivan, Ryan Richard, MD Wisniewski, Joseph M, MD Physicians Cardiovascular Disease -Diag Test Interpretations Case, Robert Alexander, MD Fournet, Timothy S, MD Reynolds, Gary A, MD Stout, Jeffrey B, MD Tanedo, Joel Santos, MD Agbunag, Arnold P, CRNA Dzyban, Steven M, CRNA Epps, Lawrence, CRNA Faier, Matthew Y, CRNA Floied, Christopher T, CRNA Moore, James F, CRNA Atnip, Norman M, DC Barrett, William E, DC Bolton, James W, DC Clifford, Joseph B, DC Ellis, Roseanne D, DC Froehlich, Todd F, DC Hall, Melissa Shawn, DC Newton, Robert C, DC Olds, Chuck H, DC Schmitt-Matzen, Kenneth M, DC Shea, Mitchell P, DC Silvey, David R, DC Stallings, Jason Keith, DC Vaden, Amanda M, DC Gentry, Richard Harold, MD Hall, Richard Scott, MD Whiteaker, Lisa M, MD PS PS Diagnostic Radiology Cunneely, Kevin Patrick, MD Fordice, Sarina W, MD Gordon, Jonathan Paul, MD PS S PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P P S S S S S S S Emergency Medicine Ross, Carolyn A, DO Smith, Sullivan, MD Strange, Danny J, MD Thomas, Wendell B, DO P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K Family Medicine Berg, Carol Franklin, MD Bolton, Matthew M, MD Buchanan, Ernest Grover, IV, MD Cates, James W, Jr, MD Chertok, Harold A, DO Eskander, Gamal S, MD Flatt, Steven G, MD Fox, Eric G, MD Gotcher, Jane A, MD Hix, Amy S, MD Jenkins, Thomas A, MD Kemp, Olan Baxter, MD Le Maire, Tara Spain, MD Lynn, Kenny W, MD Maltman, Craig J, MD Noor, Sidi Yousseff, MD Richards, James Darryl, MD Ross, Carolyn A, DO Sharma, Pardeep K, MD Smith, Charles Gray, MD Smolenski, Lisabeth Ann, MD Staggs, James G, DO Tabor, Kimberly A, DO Anbari, Maan Akram, MD Bertram, Phillip D, MD Bremer, Joyce F, MD Crosier, Jefferson W, MD Henson, Lorrie L, MD General Practice P P P P P Jain, Pushpendra K, MD Kowal, Thomas A, MD Talmage, James B, MD S S S S S General Vascular Surgery Gerndt, Brian G, MD P P P P P P S S S S S S K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S SK S S S K K K K S S S S S SK S P P PS PS PS PS PS PS PS P Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Tokaruk, Joseph, MD Networks Gastroenterology Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Dermatology PS Putnam County Allergy and Immunology Brewington, Stacy D, MD Case, Robert Alexander, MD Dockery, Brian Keith, MD Fournet, Timothy S, MD Lenhart, Michael B, MD Reynolds, Gary A, MD Stout, Jeffrey B, MD Chiropractor Pulaski County (KY) Therapeutic Optometry Networks Anesthesiology Pickett County (Continued) Putnam County K-Network K PS P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S SK S SK S Gynecology Stuber, Harry L, MD Hematology Jacquin, Paul N, MD Hematology / Oncology Kotla, Venumadhav Reddy, MD Hospital Medicine Ahmed, Elwaleed Ali, MD Alexander, Pierce Cooper, MD Austin, Lori Lynn, MD Buchanan, Ernest Grover, IV, MD Chowdhury, Aparna Saha, MD Gentry, Chet M, MD Ivins, Jeffrey Joseph, MD Johnson, Ron L, MD Rigsby, Lonard C, MD Singh, Meenu P, MD Vincent, Doreen Lynette, DO Wilson, Tadron Lavonda, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Tatum Cranford, Jennifer LeeAnne, DPh Infectious Disease Pierce, Mark Arden, MD Internal Medicine Anderson, Roy Randell, MD Bertram, Katherine A, MD Butler, Melvin Lynn, MD Dutta, Gautam, MD Flynn, Timothy J, MD Glover, Benjamin Lester, MD Grisham, Donald W, MD Hudson, Toney B, MD LeFranc, Raymond E, MD Mantilla, Guillermo Alberto, MD Rana, Brij B, MD Samuel, Brian, MD Seitzinger, David B, MD Tolbert, Audrey K, MD Udom, David I, MD Waggoner, Brian S, MD Wood, Kenneth W, MD Medical Oncology Sidrys, Algis P, MD Nephrology Crowe, Lee R, MD Mendiratta, Anju, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P SK SK SK S S K K K K K PS PSK PS PS PS PSK PS P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S S SK S S S S S PSK PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK SK S S S S S S S S S SK S SK SK PS PS PS 97 Putnam County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Milek, Michael A, MD Roberts, Gregory J, MD Turnbull, John M, MD Williams, Richard I, MD Zwemer, Rodger J, Jr, MD Putnam County (Continued) Neurological Surgery Jestus, Joseph A, MD Rodriguez Cruz, Leonardo R, MD Neurology Donovan, Daniel H, MD Gaw, Randy A, MD Miller, Dalia, MD Ngo, Thuy T, MD Nurse Practitioner Joyce, Karen Ford, FNP BC Smith, Julie Annette, APRN BC Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Cressler, Jodi L, ACNP BC Raef, Tanya J, ACNP BC Williams, Julie Beth, ACNP BC Zauner, Jacqueline Busby, ACNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Archer, Joseph C, APRN Bailiff, Sandra L, NP Hughey, Marisa Summer, NP Lamb, Scott M, APRN BC Larner, Douglas Scott, NP C Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Addington, Rona C, FNP BC Craig, Patricia Ann, APRN BC Geiger, Joseph M, FNP Gunnell, Pamela, FNP Harding, Japheth F, NP C Hensley, Deborah G, FNP BC Howard, Jacqueline Elaine, NP C Joyce, Karen Ford, FNP BC LeFave, Christopher Martin, APRN BC Mabry, Jennifer L, FNP Ray, Leigh A, NP Sadler, Mary Ann, NP Seeley, Daniel Banta, APRN BC Tittle, Lisa R, FNP Wiyathunge, Gamini Hemasiri, FNP BC PS PS P P P P Otolaryngology Jordan, Charles E, III, MD Keith, Scott H, MD Kriskovich, Mark D, MD Lawrence, Thomas L, MD Rayne, Frederick B, MD S S S SK Pathology P PS Collins, Timothy J, MD Glasgow, Samuel M, III, MD Hall, Robert G, MD P P P P SK S S SK Pediatric Urology P P P P P S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S S SK S S S SK S S Hill, David E, MD Pediatrics Batson, James H, MD Chakrabarty, Satya N, MD Climaco, Christopher D, MD Franklin, Lloyd D, MD Hall, Apryl Meshea, MD Loghry, Mary Caroline, MD McMahon, Yvonne M, MD Ramos, Maria Teresa Servida, MD Treece, Leslie M, MD Treece, Robert N, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Gannon, Thomas Milton, DO Physician Assistant Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health Speck, Carrie Chastain, GNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Garrett, Kaci L, CPNP Obstetrics & Gynecology Casal, Michael P, MD Connelly, Lauretta A, MD Geer, Bert E, DO Gernt, Paige R, MD Gleason, Jeffrey J, MD Nahm, Christopher David, MD Pippin, Michael Stephen, MD Prigg, Jennifer N, DO Terry, Silas D, Jr, MD Ophthalmology Craft Hudson, Alissa A, MD Epley, John M, MD Galloway, Michael S, MD Grisolano, James, MD Patterson, Larry E, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Brooksbank, Robert E, DDS Hudson, John W, DDS Jones, Terrell E, DMD Orthopedic Surgery Berklacich, Frank M, MD Dalton, Anthony P, MD Hollmann, Carl M, MD Lowe, Robert W, III, MD Mackey, Edward S, MD McKinney, James D, MD 98 K-Network K Networks PSK Butcher, Hillard Frank, Jr, PA Cicutto, Elizabeth Gail, PA Day, Jeffrey Robert, PA Faugot, Garret John, PA Finn, Matthew A, PA C Gilfoil, Edna Beth, PA Goodroe, Colleen Patricia, PA Harelson, William W, PA Ingermann, Craig A, PA C Jarrell, Scott Zachery, PA McCraney, Dennis Craig, PA Shanku, Bethany Rhea, PA Tomsett, Robert Mason, Jr, PA C PS Physician Assistant - PCP P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S SK S S SK Physician Assistant at Surgery P P P P P S S S S S PS PSK PS P P P P P P S S S S S S Logan, Kimber Janine, PA Finn, Matthew A, PA C Plastic Surgery Guillory, Dale, MD Podiatry (DPM) Chapman, Stephen J, DPM Rosenbaum, Carole L, DPM Williams, Melvin, DPM Pulmonary Disease Dudney, Tina M, MD Henson, David James, MD Nadrous, Hassan F, MD Vraney, George Alvin, MD Radiology Massie, James D, Jr, MD Rheumatology Kanagasegar, Sivalingam, MD Surgery Clements, Barton Matthew, MD Copeland, Scott A, MD Douglas, Dale E, MD Ivey, George, III, MD McCarter, Jeffrey H, MD Moore, Jeffrey Stuart, MD P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P S S S S S Williams, Kenna Jane, MD Therapeutic Optometry PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S Araim, Leheb Hisham, MD Thoracic Surgery Wilson, Robert Lewis, Jr, MD Urology Cancel, Quinton Victor, MD Collins, Timothy R, MD Moore, Lee S, MD Womack, Charles T, III, MD S S S S S S S S S S S S Vascular Surgery Chapman, Gerald Todd, MD K K K PS PS PS PS PS P PS PS PS PS PSK S S S S S S PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS P P P P S S S S PS Rhea County K PS P P P P P P Bosanko, Cory J, OD Brown Conner, Heather K, OD Clopton, Jason C, OD Cosgrove, Dennis L, OD Darr, Bradford Walter, OD Goodman, Elizabeth E, OD Huddleston, William Michael, OD Miller, James E, OD Miranda, Ronald S, OD Moore, Karin Rodriguez, OD Mullins, Ralph H, Jr, OD Mullins, Stephen Rich, OD Peek, Jennifer Leann, OD Proffitt, Gregory Lee, OD Randle, Clifton J, III, OD Richardson, Stephen M, OD Shelley, Shannon Franklin, OD Shepherd, Garrett C, OD Sparks, Estel R, OD Warden, Matthew R, OD Wheeler, Jane, OD Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P Networks Audiology Ulrich, Margaret L, CCC A Chiropractor Henry, Timothy J, DC Emergency Medicine Bowden, Harvey Daniel, Jr, MD Giles, Wesley Heath, MD Gilson, Karen Marie, MD Werle, Zachary Rohn, DO Whittaker, Karen Letha, MD Family Medicine Bates, William Thurman, III, DO Bovine, Tom P, MD Brock, Howard R, MD Casady, Beth A, DO Daugherty, Philip V, II, MD Horton, Christopher R, MD Logan, Lee Daniel, DO Patric, Kenneth W, MD Risley, Jon Holland, MD Thompson, Bruce Todd, MD Tinney, Matthew C, DO General Practice Meadows, William E, III, MD Romo, Susan Maureen, DO Tantihachai, Sithipol, MD Wilson, Robert E, MD Internal Medicine Crews, Alan L, MD Panda, Niladri S, MD Shah, Chetan D, MD Sinha, Manvesh N, MD PSK PSK P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P S S S SK SK S S S S S P P P P S S S SK P P P P S S S SK Internal Medicine -Diag Test Interpretation Crews, Alan L, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Rhea County (Continued) Nurse Practitioner Tinney, Marchel Diane, FNP Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Angel Pompi, Debora J, APRN BC Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Allen, David W, APRN BC Anderson, Sharon G, NP C Gartman, Tracy G, APRN BC Guthrie, Ashley Davis, NP Howard, Raymond Christopher, NP Hunt, Wanda Colleen, NP C Jackson, Norma Jo, FNP Kidd, Keith L, FNP BC Pinson, Anne R, NP Shaver, Jennifer Leigh, NP C Smith, Joel Stephen, NP Smith, Steven Nathan, NP Tinney, Marchel Diane, FNP Waddell, Pamela M, NP Orthopedic Surgery Hutcheson, Rickey L, DO Robins, David Russell, DO Otolaryngology Barnes, David R, MD Freeman, William James, MD Pediatrics Adewale, Olusina O, MD Nelson, James D, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Eselgroth, Stephan F, MD Physician Assistant Bates, Paul Daniel, PA Hakes, Donald G, PA C Hamm, Rudy G, PA LeQuan, Christina P, PA Sparks, Norma J, PAC Weeks, Robert Bruce, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Fretwell, Brian T, PA C LeQuan, Christina P, PA Riggins, Jovonna R, PA Podiatry (DPM) Nguyen, Giang T, DPM Vuong, Bill N, DPM Pulmonary Disease Shome, Sibaji, MD Vernon, Andrew N, MD Sports Medicine Jenkinson, David Matthew, DO Surgery Swafford, Craig Steven, MD Tantihachai, Sithipol, MD Therapeutic Optometry Kammeyer, Nicole J, OD Sparks, Estel R, OD Vontillius, Jack Blicher, OD PSK PSK S S S S S S S S SK S S S S PS PS PS P PS PSK Bales, Heather Satterfield, AuD CCC A Cresci, Kristin Molnar, AuD CCC A Edwards, Janet C, AuD CCC A Wright, Haley E, MA CCC A Cardiovascular Disease Blacky, Albert R, MD Physicians Diltz, Emily A, MD Foster, Malcolm T, III, MD Happel, Margaret Ashley, MD Towne, Randall D, MD P P P P P P S S S SK S S PSK PS PSK Beck, Don R, CRNA Tillson, William, CRNA Anderson, Matthew D, DC Hunter, Linda G, DC Roberts, C. David, DC Emergency Medicine Batchelor, Douglas M, MD Dukes, Robert A, MD Olaechea, Reynaldo A, MD Whitehead, Bennie W, MD Family Medicine Bell, Timothy E, DO Dewar, Douglas S, MD Foshee, Fred C, DO McMillin, Rodney M, MD Tedder, Miriam B, MD Wakham, Mancel W, DO Wallace, Marty G, MD Wilson, Robert J, MD General Practice Boduch, Thomas F, MD Foote, Clary P, MD Hellmann, Robert Shearer, Jr, MD Roberts, William J, MD Willett, Dwight H, MD Beuerlein, John Thomas, MD Carroll, John D, MD Karolczak, Pawel G, MD Mugemuzi, Jules Kitongo, MD Smith, Lawrence R, DO Internal Medicine Belitz, John C, IV, MD Bennett, William E, MD Denton, Randy L, Jr, MD Latham, Kent, MD Malik, Amyn, MD Meadows, Angela E, MD Schiopescu, Irina, MD Interventional Cardiology P P Justice, Larry Todd, MD Medical Oncology PSK PS PS PSK PS PS PS P Dobbs, Tracy W, MD Neurology Rambally, Cherridan, MD Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Ballard, Timothy E, NP Miller, Stephen L, NP Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Cole, Linda Sue, FNP Dowell, Robert M, FNP BC Holmes, Maria Elizabeth, FNP Holmes, Michael D, FNP Scott, Cindy J, NP Wade, Sandra M, APRN BC Ziegenfuss, Alvinia C, FNP Ophthalmology P P P P S S S S Browning, Thomas A, MD Grisolano, James, MD Knowles, James Roy, MD Patterson, Larry E, MD Wittke, Paul Edward, MD Orthopedic Surgery PSK P P P P SK SK S SK Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Hospital Medicine PSK Roane County Audiology Networks Chiropractor P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Robertson County K-Network K Znider, J. Fred, MD PSK PS PS PS PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K P P P P P P P P S S S S S SK S S P P P P P SK S S S S P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P P S S S S S S Networks Otolaryngology Miley, Brynae Laxton, MD Physician Assistant Dees, Robert Clifford, PAC Knight, Juliann, PA C Morgan Jr, Gregory T, PA C Physician Assistant - PCP Clark, Douglas M, PA Glasure, Beverly Kay, PA Podiatry (DPM) Hellmann, Mark B, DPM Pulmonary Disease ElChemeitelli, Samer A, MD Nadrous, Hassan F, MD Sultan Ali, Ibrahim A, MD Surgery Bingham, Terry M, MD Boye Jr, Harry G, MD Bridges, Matthew D, MD Olaechea, Reynaldo A, MD Therapeutic Optometry Baer, Scott L, OD Bosanko, Cory J, OD Fleming, Elissa Bunick, OD Fox, Timothy P, OD Frasier, Natalie Lynn, OD Goodman, Elizabeth E, OD Greene, Jackie L, OD Greer, Mark A, OD Gunter, Thomas L, OD Hunt, John M, OD Mende, Silvia, OD Moore, Karin Rodriguez, OD Peek, Jennifer Leann, OD Randle, Clifton J, III, OD Tappan, Paul W, OD Williams, Shay D, OD Urology Bowles, Mark G, MD Chasan, Stuart A, MD Cottrell, Brandon Scott, MD OConnor, L. Thomas, Jr., MD Pearson, Randall E, MD Sloan, James C, MD PSK PSK PSK PS PS PSK PS PS PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S SK S SK S S SK S P P P P P P S S S S S S SK S S Robertson County PS PSK PSK Cardiovascular Disease Lee, Jung H, MD Mills, Leo Kendrick, MD PS PS PS Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) PSK PSK Chiropractor P P P P P P P S SK S S S SK P P P P P S S S S S PSK Chamberlain, Donald E, CRNA Chamberlain, Kay R, CRNA Banning, Chris A, DC Barner, Dale W, DC Clifford, Rick D, DC Jackson, Chris E, DC Plummer, Guy R, DC Wachter, Rodney J, DC Emergency Medicine Collier, William E, Jr, MD Henry, Tonia L, FNP James, Dorsha Nicole, MD Nguyen, Quoc Viet, MD Thekkeurumbil, Vijaya R, MD Family Medicine Buckman, David Dale, MD Cantrell, Carol R, MD Chiu, Pauline P, MD Collins, Cynthia Elizabeth, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS P PS P P PS PSK P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K P P P P SK S S SK 99 Robertson County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Robertson County (Continued) Family Medicine (Continued) Crunk, Tommy H, MD Ferland, Robert G, MD Fosnes, Jeffery C, MD Janssen, Angelisa Janikke, MD Jenkins, Hal Jefferson, MD Jordan, Jeffrey Scott, MD Kellogg, Lisa E, DO Lewis, W. Michael, MD Manning, John R, MD Murphy, Grady Fred, Jr, MD Pennington, John Mark, MD Rhodes, Michael A, Sr, MD Sparks, David P, MD Yim, Paul S, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K General Practice Anderson, Michael David, MD Bazaldua, Gilbert, MD Dressler, Neil M, MD Holston, Robert G, DO General Vascular Surgery Allos, Suhail H, MD Kroser, Jonathan, MD Hematology / Oncology Mohyuddin, Adil I, MD Hospital Medicine Anifowoshe, Olumide Ibrahim, MD Bigham, Alacia Lynnette, MD Internal Medicine Bassel, John Burr, Jr, MD Carmody, Daniel W, MD Florendo, Randy E, MD Jackson, Ronnie L, MD Lightford, Melvin Wellington, MD Rainwater, Dennis Lester, MD Williams, Teresa M, MD Medical Oncology Meluch, Anthony A, MD Nephrology Hymes, Jeffrey L, MD Kaplan, Mark R, MD Neurology Anderson, James P, MD Burch, Christina M, MD Rutland, Todd Eric, MD Wolfe, Jimmy V, MD Nurse Practitioner Worsham, Marilyn R, FNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Atwood, Tara D, FNP Beasley, Pamela L, FNP Ferland, Jo Ann Agnes, FNP BC Hall, Donna A, APRN BC Johnson, Angelina, NP Langlois, Mary Helen, FNP BC Medley, Carol L, NP Nadler, Stacy Michelle, NP C Nelson, Amanda Phillips, FNP BC Randolph, Sherri L, APRN BC Wakefield, Gail B, FNP Obstetrics & Gynecology Dowell, Shana Ruth, MD Felix, Cherise Marie, MD Jack, Randall E, MD Shearer, Robert Allen, MD Thot, William Manning, MD 100 PS P P P P Burchfield, Daniel C, DMD Carter, Jeffrey B, DMD McLeod, Bruce C, DDS Richardson, Gregory P, DMD Shea, John K, DMD West, Kevin Dale, DMD Cutright, Mark T, MD Dahir, George A, MD Otolaryngology Cowden, Robert W, MD Westerkamm, John Coleman, MD Pediatrics K Family Medicine with Obstetrical Fellowship Browning, Matthew F, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Orthopedic Surgery K K SK S S SK Ahmed, Nazneen, MD Ashworth, Jennifer D, MD Buckles, Tamara Lynn, MD Cook, Jo Ann L, MD Crawford, Erika L, MD Espeleta, Ferdinand S, MD Kastner, Jason L, MD Kline, Mary F, MD Miller, Ronald V, MD Riley, Steven T, MD Rundus, Victoria R, MD Spencer, Charles Norman, Jr, MD PSK PSK Physician Assistant PS Physician Assistant - PCP PSK PS Physician Assistant at Surgery PS S PSK PS PS PS PS PS PS PS P P P P S S S S PS P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S SK SK S S S S S P P P P P S S S S S K-Network K Networks Clark, Charles Ronald, II, PA Spackman, Darice Rebekah, PA C Jepson, Brittany E, PA Spackman, Darice Rebekah, PA C Podiatry (DPM) Davis, Kevin Winston, DPM Pulmonary Disease Chadalavada, Ramesh, MD Jackson, Ronnie L, MD Radiology Grippo, Daniel Aaron, MD Smith, LaDonna Sharon, MD Surgery Davis, Daniel L, MD Goldberg, Keith L, MD Helou, Bassam N, MD Kumar, Sarbjeet S, MD Neal, Gregory Eugene, MD Sanders, Mark Savalas, MD Therapeutic Optometry Baldwin, Sarah S, OD Bates, Donald C, OD Bestwina, Brad A, OD Dehaven, Hank D, OD Fletcher, Larry Cook, ODT Johnson, Kelli Shannon, OD Lough, Emily Kathleen, OD Norris, Rebecca Maria, OD Reed, David J, OD Schoemer, Steven G, OD Simonton III, Ralph W, OD Wilkerson, Jason W, OD Urgent Care Physicians Buckman, David Dale, MD Day, Bruce Edward, MD Jenkins, Hal Jefferson, MD Jordan, Jeffrey Scott, MD Seeley, James Edmund, III, MD Urology Satpathy, Panchanan, MD P P P P P P Rutherford County S S S S S S Allergy and Immunology Newman, Leslie J, Jr, MD Rusznak, Csaba, MD Wolf, Bruce L, MD Anesthesiology Eckel, Peter Karl, MD Ladson, James W, Jr, MD Ledoux, Paul D, MD Millman, Marshall S, MD Mund, Gary Dale, MD Nunley, James R, DO Saha, Ashok Kumar, MD York, James J, MD PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK PS PSK PS PS PS PS PS P P P P P P S S S SK S SK P P P P P P P P P P P P S P P P P P S S S S S S SK S PS Networks Audiology Slayden, Mitzie M, CCC A Stockdell, Kenneth G, Sr, CCC A Thigpen, Patsy Rann, MA CCC SLP Tuma, Aleta G, CCC A Cardiology Abu Halimah, Ahmad Jaber, MD Churchwell, Andre L, MD Manda, Ravinder Reddy, MD Stankewicz, Mark Anthony, MD Cardiovascular Disease Aaron, Mark Freeman, MD Arunachalam, Rangarajan, MD Babu, Narayanareddi Sudarshan, MD Baker, James Haywood, II, MD Bartlett, Thomas Glenn, MD Bennett, Rick Lee, MD Boyd, Joseph James, Jr, MD Cabell, Thomas Hargrave, Jr, MD Cage, John B, MD Chidsey, Geoffrey, MD Chomsky, Don B, MD Churchwell, Keith B, MD Constantine, Arthur E, MD Crumbo, Donald S, MD Davis, Stacy F, MD Falterman, Chester Joseph, MD Franklin, Jerry M, MD Goldfarb, Mark S, MD Graves, Dante J, MD Hartness, W. Owen, MD Hubbard, Carlos Anthony, MD Hughes, Sean G, MD Huneycutt, David Carl, Jr, MD Irani, Waleed N, MD Jackson, Ann Sharon, MD Jackson, Paul A, MD Jantz, Thomas A, MD Jefferson, Brian Keith, MD Johnston, Thomas S, MD Jones, Robert C, MD Kearney, Kathleen Rebecca, MD Kemp, Wilson E, Jr, MD Ketch, Terry Robert, MD Koenig, Mark, MD Kolli, Murali Krisha, MD Kreth, Timothy K, MD Mangione, Nelson J, MD Manoukian, Steven Vahe, MD Mansouri, Vafa Cyrus, DO McRae, Andrew Thomas, III, MD Mendes, Lisa A, MD Mioton, Guy Britton, Jr, MD Myers, Paul R, MD Oberst, Leslie Mary, MD Odom, Harrell, II, MD Olafsson, Bjarki J, MD Pearce, Douglas J, MD Phares, Joel M, MD Riddick, John Alston, MD Sager, Andrew R, MD Saraswat, Suresh C, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS PS PSK P PS S PSK PS PS PS PS PSK P PSK P P P P SK SK SK S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Clinical Neurophysiology Rutherford County (Continued) Zyglewska, Teresa, MD Critical Care Medicine Cardiovascular Disease (Continued) Saxena, Rishi K, MD Scoville, George S, Jr, MD Tacogue, Loyda C, MD Tanedo, Joel Santos, MD Thompson, William D, MD Tolbert, Todd G, MD Ververis, John James, MD Wassynger, William W, MD Wheatley, Robert M, MD Williams, Thomas Ashurst, Jr, MD Woods, Robert Cameron, MD Zenker, Mark A, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P Louthan, Frank B, III, MD S S S S S S S S S S S S Dermatology Bell, Michael W, MD Kattine, Albert A, MD Nelson, Ronald A, MD Diagnostic Radiology Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Baker, Deborah F, CRNA Booten, John Michael, CRNA Calvin, Letha, CRNA Calvin, Raymond Bruce, CRNA Harb, Herbert H, CRNA Harper, Timothy S, CRNA Lannom, Harry G, CRNA McLaughlin, Janine M, CRNA Pogue, Timothy F, CRNA Todd, Margaret M, CRNA Wade, Steven Paul, CRNA Chiropractor Allen, Richard D, DC Bailey, Larry G, DC Beel, Rory J, DC Bennett, Amy Lynn, DC Bennett, Gregory W, DC Brown, Adam J, DC Buchholz, Kelly N, DC Burchard, Larry J, DC Butler, Eric K, DC Dagen, David S, DC Daniel, James C, DC Daniel, Tara Smith, DC Davidson, Alison Boscio, DC Davidson, Robert Todd, DC Franicevic, Mark Michael, DC Hicks, Elizabeth Smith, DC Hicks, Jacob Scott, DC Johnson, Carol, DC Johnson, Gordon C, DC Johnson, Robert J, DC Kellogg, Kimberlyn, DC Kestner, Mark A, DC Kolka, Seth, DC Latimer, K. Wayne, DC Longie, Rick B, DC Lyons, Robert J, DC Lytle, Nyoka Nichelle, DC McIntyre, Richard D, DC Most, Bridget, DC Muller, Zsolt, DC Nutt, Stephen D, DC Pearce, David Alexander, DC Peltier, Tom R, DC Poletajev, Victor, DC Potter, Wayne A, DC Probst, Karl A, DC Scheitel, Stephen C, DC Snyder, Scott D, DC Stanlick, Mitchell E, DC Stewart, Arthur W, DC Summerhill, Paul E, DC Werthmuller, Jay, DC White, Roger W, DC Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Crossley, George H, III, MD Fahrig, Stephen A, MD Pickett, Robert Andrew, MD Physicians Baker, Jack R, MD Berger, Kurt V, MD Dame, Eric A, MD Freeman, Mark P, MD Gray, Scott D, MD Howerton, Henry C, MD Lassiter, Gregory L, MD Lussnig, Erich, MD Moran, Grace Q, MD Stallworth, Robert J, MD PS PS PSK PS PS P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P SK S SK S S S S S SK P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S SK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S Archer, Clark E, MD Boutros, Nabil, MD Brunetto, Angeline Denise, MD Fredericks, Charles E, MD Galloway, Sherry J, MD Gibson, William Donald, MD Hutton, Robert M, MD Nell, James E, MD Nguyen, Quoc Viet, MD S Endocrinology S S Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism S S S S S S S PS P P PS PS PS PS PS P P PS P P PS PS P P PS P PS PS PS PS Rutherford County K-Network K Emergency Medicine Hancock, Lloyd D, MD Turpin, Buford Paul, Jr, MD Rone, James K, MD Family Medicine Andrews, Susan T, MD Beckman, James C, MD Berscheid, Russell James, MD Bonnaire, Harry J, MD Carter, Dennis Charles, MD Chihombori, Arikana C, MD Chunduru, Nageswara Rao, MD Cobb, Peter F, MD Collins, Cynthia Elizabeth, MD Davis, Monica Leigh, MD Dhar, Anitha S, MD Dhillon, Rennee N, MD Drake, Debra L, MD Eller, Scott Richard, MD Evans, James F, MD Fadigan, Skyhawk, MD Helton, Thomas M, MD Hixson, Joshua M, MD Hodges, Barbara G, MD Hoffman, Christine, MD Huggins, Teresa G, MD Ingraham, Christopher Edward, MD Johnson, David L, MD Katkuri, Jithander R, MD Kellogg, Lisa E, DO Kozinski, Bryan J, MD Lakes, Heidi, MD Langworthy, Warren O, MD Maxwell, Elizabeth J, MD Murphy, Grady Fred, Jr, MD Naseeruddin, Syed Ahmed, MD Ours, David E, MD Patel, Ilaben B, MD Rickard, Randall C, MD Samudrala, Sreedhar, MD Seibert, Michael Ederick, MD Sellers, David Mark, MD Sharifi, Haydeh Ghanei, MD Singer, Pamela, DO Smith, George W, MD PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S SK SK S S S S SK S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S Networks Sulkowski, Thomas E, MD Swauncy, Moses A, MD Thompson, Christopher O, MD Wade, Frank D, MD Walkup, Martha Yoel, DO Gastroenterology Chandrashekar, Lingaiah, MD Hood, Roy L, MD Ingle, Robert P, MD Knox, Robert L, Jr, MD Montemuro, Anthony, MD Sarvaria, Sunil, MD General Practice Adams, Austin A, MD Anderson, Michael David, MD Archer, Clark E, MD Glynn, Martin A, MD MacQuarrie, Michael Alan, MD Quao, Nii Sabab, MD Turner, David Mitchell, MD Hand Surgery Brown, Shervondalonn Rashonna, MD Hospital Medicine Akmal, Muhammed Mubeen, MD Anifowoshe, Olumide Ibrahim, MD Badem, Kecia Michelle, MD Bray, Elizabeth Smith, MD Dieringer, Nicholas J, MD Elkin, Chad David, MD Hadi, Sattar A, MD Hooper, Michael Hee, MD Hughes, Mark David, MD King, Matthew Sidney, MD Kochar Mehta, Archana K, MD Lewis, Bryan Christopher, MD Milligan, Corbi Dianell, MD Mohyuddin, Naved M, MD Nobles, Michael Allen, MD Pertiller, Shelia D, MD Phillips, Scott A, MD Poole, James T, MD Puckett, Dennis C, MD Ramesh, Arundati Krishnappa, MD Reed, Kristal N, MD Schultz, Grace Lavera, MD Wilbeck, James Christopher, MD Zafar, Blal Ahmed, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Carpenter, Neil Wayne, DPh Cole, Brian Lee, DPh Dick, Clayton Beauman, DPh Greene, Jason Matthew, DPh Maynard, Richard H, DPh Sain, Richard H, DPh Internal Medicine Agarwal, Reita Nirankari, MD Aguirre, Rene Valiente, MD Badem, Kecia Michelle, MD Baylor, Debra Maria, MD Beatty, Douglas C, MD Boger, William Garland, MD Bray, Elizabeth Smith, MD Bullock, Sally H, MD Butler, Melvin Lynn, MD Byrnes, John M, MD Campbell, Earl Vendryes, Jr, MD Carter, Sam F, MD Davis, Amanda Catrice, MD DiCorleto, Peter Anthony, MD Dieringer, Nicholas J, MD Donaghey, Susana Irias, MD Dooley, Tanzania M, MD Egli, Eric K, MD Elkin, Chad David, MD Garner, James W, MD Garvin, Richard P, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P P P P S SK S S S S S PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K 101 Rutherford County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Rutherford County (Continued) Gilbert, Felisa L, MD PS Herlevic, Michael S, MD PS Hopkins, George David, II, MD PS Hunt, Karen Lynnette, MD PS Huong, Allen Ming, MD PS Jones Woods, Cindi Elise, MD PS Jones, Billy Combs, DO PS Josovitz, Mark S, MD PS Kane, Kerry J, MD PS Kizzee, Amanda May, MD PS Kochar Mehta, Archana K, MD PS Lewis, Bryan Christopher, MD PS Manda, Ravinder Reddy, MD PS McCollum, Joshua M, MD PS McElligott, John, MD PS Murphy, Wayne, MD PS Nair, Bhavana Rajeev, MD PS Nwankwo, Ukpong E, MD PS Odom, Stephen G, MD PS Pakkala, Sailesh, MD PS Patel, Utpal P, MD PS Patterson, Donald P, MD PS Payne, Steven J, MD PS Perera, Ranmali Anne, MD P Perkins, Matthew, MD PS Perry, Frank Anthony, Jr, MD PS Phillips, Heather Nicole, MD PS Pullias, Mitchell A, MD PS Ramesh, Arundati Krishnappa, MD PS Reed, Kristal N, MD PS Rudd, John D, MD PS Schwartz, Gary A, MD PS Scott, Joseph M, MD PS Shah, Vishant Pramod, MD PS Shannon, Kimberly, MD PS Stewart Hubbard, Takasha Latoya Renee, MDP Turpin, Buford Paul, Jr, MD PS Udom, David I, MD PS Wolohon, Charles T, MD PS Zafar, Blal Ahmed, MD PS Collins, Harold B, MD Fortunato, Stephen J, MD Graves, Cornelia R, MD Kang, Audrey Hyun Duk, MD Lombardi, Salvatore J, MD Medical Oncology Gian, Victor G, MD Mainwaring, Mark G, MD Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Ismail, Muhammad Sami, MD Karmo, Hadeer N, MD Palmer, Eric S, MD Neonatology Pearson, Delinda Lee, MD Nephrology Hymes, Jeffrey L, MD Karam, Jyotheen S, MD Patel, Vikul Vinodbhai, MD Pearson, John G, MD Putatunda, Bhabendra N, MD Neurological Surgery Lien, George H, MD Moran, Michael F, MD Neurology Cherdak, Danielle Sherri, MD Edgeworth, Michael Ladd, MD Hutchison, Kimberly N, MD Niebauer, Marivi A, MD Rubinowicz, Bruce S, DO Rubinowicz, Richard A, MD 102 Witt, John Curtis, MD Neuropsychology (PHD) Foster, Paul Stephen, PhD Internal Medicine (Continued) Maternal - Fetal Medicine K-Network K Networks P P P P P S S S S S PS PS PS PS PS PS P P P P P S S S S SK PS PS P P P P P P S S S S Nurse Practitioner Wilson, Mary Alyson, ACNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Crockett, Larry M, ACNP Joiner, Mary Claire S, NP McGhee, Melanie N, ACNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Dailey, Teresa Diane, APRN BC Larner, Douglas Scott, NP C Lowe, Judy Perkins, FNP McLean, Janet P, ANP BC Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Addington, Rona C, FNP BC Alexander, Candance Autumn, NP Arney, Meri Christie D, NP Azar, Sherry D, FNP Bogle, Melissa Sue, FNP BC Bolden, Lacey M, FNP BC Boles, Deborah L, NP Bond, Carolyn Lee, NP C Bowden, Angela Marie, NP Bowra, Kalyn Forrest, NP C Bunger, Michelle Anne, FNP BC Culbertson, Amy Small, FNP BC Curtis, Deborah Roxann, FNP BC Draper, Melody Laine, NP C Ericson, Christina LeAnn, FNP BC Goodner, Mary E, FNP Hatcher, Steven Cary, FNP Hine, Cynthia Lou, FNP BC Hollins Dortch, Rhonda R, FNP Hydrick, Jack D, II, FNP Kovacs Whaley, Cynthia H, FNP BC Luker, Karla Setser, APRN BC Mitchell, Vicki Lynn, NP C Moore, Debbie A, FNP Moore, Timothy A, MSN Morgan, Marian Samuel, FNP BC Moss, Tracy Lee, NP C Netsch, Elizabeth Warren, FNP BC Peters, Jacqueline Ann, FNP Petkoff, Rebekah Lynn, FNP BC Petralia, Eileen Patricia, FNP BC Richardson, Sydney Lynn, NP C Saenphansiri, Xaiyavong, FNP BC Terry, Lisa G, NP Thompson, Sondra Michelle, APRN BC Venable, Leanne Parchman, APRN BC Walls, Katherine Ann, FNP BC Webb, Robbie M, FNP Wisdom, Kecia Ann, NP PS PS PS PS PS PS P P P P SK S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Fincher, Lauren Michelle, CPNP PC Franklin, Nicole Lynn, CPNP PC Garrison, Holly Elizabeth, CPNP PC Harvison, Emily Maher, CPNP PC Sanfilippo, Joseph, CPNP PC Stoppelbein, Merrill McMichael, APRN BC Stracener, Jenni Rae, NP K K S S S S S Obstetrics & Gynecology Beer, Rodolfo Scott, MD Boerner, James Lee, MD Boles, Charles B, MD Bratsch, Colleen Q, DO Chesney, Brad, MD DeRoche, Michael E, MD Eichholz, Amy Christine, MD Felix, Cherise Marie, MD Fox, G Albert, MD P PSK S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S Oncology Barton, John H, Jr, MD Zubkus, John D, MD Akin, Harold T, MD Boone, Joseph E, MD Bregman, Daniel K, MD Cherney, Edward F, MD Crisp, Angela F, MD Drowota, Frank R, MD Kostamaa, Heikki E, MD Law, Janice C, MD McCabe, Craig F, MD Perlmutter, Martin I, MD Ranz, David O, MD Schenk, William D, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery SK S P P P P P P P Fulford, Kevin L, MD Hamburger, Norman J, MD Hamrang, Gina E, MD Huddleston, Richard C, MD Ikejiani, Afam, MD Ikejiani, Olisaeloka O, MD Jones, Dana D, MD Laroche, Elizabeth R, MD McGowan, Kimberly K, MD McGriff-chatman, Yolando, MD McKnight, David Thomas, MD Mills, Kathryn, MD Moore, Sovana R, MD Moss, Mary T, MD Okafor, Obiajulu Chukwudi, MD Osburn, Nancy K, MD Puckett, Karen J, MD Redden, Leigh Simpson, MD Riley, Louis T, MD Singh, Alvin R, MD Taylor, Gregory M, MD Whitfield, April L, MD Williams, Kelly G, MD Witt, Terry J, MD Ophthalmology K K Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health Kihlmire, Susan H, FNP Speck, Carrie Chastain, GNP BC Networks Doctora, Joseph S, DDS Hardison, Fenton Payne, DDS Hardison, Mark F, DDS Hollis, William Alex, DDS Maloney, Jennifer G, DDS Warden, Paul Jeffrey, DDS MD Orthopedic Surgery Abbey, Paul A, MD Barrett, Matthew Owen, MD Baxter, Malcom E, MD Boyce, Robert H, OD Christofersen, Mark R, MD Cox, Charles Leonard, III, MD Driessnack, Richard Paul, MD Greenberg, Robert C, MD Jekot, William J, MD Johns, Oscar T, Jr., MD Jordan, Michael R, MD Joyner, Kyle S, MD Kaelin, Charles R, Jr, MD Ledbetter, William H, MD Mackey, Edward S, MD Mayfield, William C, III, MD McKissick, Russell Charles, MD Rogers, Richard A, MD Rungee, James L, MD Shibayama, Juris, MD Steinagle, Timothy J, DO Swift, Robert D, DO Vaughan, Roderick A, MD White, Gregory G, MD Wieck, Joseph A, MD Otolaryngology Converse, George M, MD Ford, Andrew H, MD Goco, Paulino E, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S K K K K PS PS PS Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Rutherford County (Continued) Otolaryngology (Continued) Gross, William E, MD Paffrath, Jeffrey A, MD Pain Management Bryant, Gary B, MD Hilgenhurst, Charles G, IV, MD Hill, Bradley Christopher, DO Leone, William H, MD Miller, Timothy Harold, MD Millman, Marshall S, MD Pediatrics Adams, Tammy H, MD Ahmed, Nazneen, MD Amosun, Oluwatobi Adeyeye, MD Benitez, Maria V, MD Bialostozky, Adriana, MD Bigham, Virgil Lee, MD Bogus, Devin L, MD Bottoms, Catherine Sipe, MD Bradley, Melita M, MD Cade, Wanda B, MD Castleberry, Marcie S, MD Chandler, Charles G, MD Choudhury, Shahana Ashraf, MD Coleman, Rosanne Reynolds, MD Collins, Douglas J, MD Eastham, Edward D, MD Engler, David G, MD Faust, Larry M, MD Hamilton, Eddie D, MD Harrison, Jeremy B, MD Harrison, Walter Leonard, MD Haselton, Dana J, MD Henschel, Timothy M, MD Hines, Donna L, MD Hudson Atkins, Audrey Lynn, MD Humphrey, Robert S, MD Isbell, Rebecca Lynn, MD Jehrio Butler, Jennifer Ann, MD Johnson, Derek K, MD Johnston, Susan Elaine, MD Langone, Susan E, MD Little, Joseph A, III, MD Lohse, Christina Marie, MD Long, Libby Ann, MD Lowe, Lisa L, MD Luckett, Gwynetta Maria, MD Mallette, Melinda Beckman, MD Mark, Deborah Wen Yee, MD McElroy, Julie Anne, MD McVie, Angela R, MD Morgan, Susan L, MD Obrien, Lee Anne F, MD Okafor, Taisha Kihuri, MD Ray, Jennifer L, MD Ricafort, Rachel M, MD Rosser, Brent A, MD Saraswat, Sudha S, MD Seethaler, Neil E, MD Smith, Richard P, MD Spanier, Jonathan Michael, MD Stiles, Eric F, MD Veeramachaneni, Padmajavani V, MD Williams, Patricia S, MD Woods, Aubaine Michelle, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Ashley, Christopher Paul, MD Molette, Anna Louise O, MD Newton, William J, DO Physician Assistant Baker, Lacie Alison, PA Barletta, Gina Marie, PA Bates, Kenneth Boyd, PA Cope, Don E, PA Physicians PS PS P P P P P P S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S SK S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS PS P PSK P Scott County K-Network K Networks Gilfoil, Edna Beth, PA Huddleston, Jason Henry, PA Kersey, Nathan, PA Lindahl, Joseph E, PA Loveless, Rebecca Anne, PA Mangum, Lindsey Hall, PA C McAdams, Stephanie A, PAC Metzger, Keely E, PA Peck, David Robert, PA Tomsett, Robert Mason, Jr, PA C Physician Assistant - PCP Bishop, Lindsay Kerr, Jr, PA C Corlew, Ruth Dianne, PA Harper, Kathryn Anne, PA Holcombe, Erin Victoria, PA Maddox, Michael D, PA Paasche, Christina Lynn, PA C Roberson Blatt, Jill Rae, PA Warren, Frank D, PA Physician Assistant at Surgery Huddleston, Jason Henry, PA Loveless, Rebecca Anne, PA Peck, David Robert, PA Plastic Surgery Burgdorf, Michael Roger, MD Martin, David S, MD Woodberry, Kerri M, MD Podiatry (DPM) Baker, Michael Robert, DPM Cauthon, John J, DPM Cohen, William A, DPM Crear, Larelyn T, DPM Embree, Steven, DPM Frankfather, Robert D, DPM Marino Jr, Fred J, DPM Merrell, Tracy A, DPM Neuhaus, Matthew D, DPM Nicholls, Berkley H, DPM Poole, Jeffrey D, DPM Sudberry, James A, DPM Toy, Martin L, DPM Williams, Melvin, DPM Wright, Mark Anthony, DPM Pulmonary Disease Fremont, Richard Douglas, MD Johnson, Ray C, MD Louthan, Frank B, III, MD Noah, William H, MD Parrish, Richard E, MD Patel, Prakash B, MD Radiation Oncology Campbell, Maura L, MD Lee, Brian K, MD Wendt, Charles Diller, MD Radiology Cian, Michael C, MD Williams, Deborah L, MD Winters, Deborah A, MD Rheumatology Cuevas, Leslie A, MD Razzaq, Asim, MD Watterson, Michael K, MD Sleep Medicine Carden, Kelly Anna, MD Surgery Adedokun, Muyiwa, MD Akins, Mark A, MD Baskin, Laura R, MD Beaird, David A, MD Carter, James T, MD Eckles, George L, MD Espinel, Leonardo Ramon, Jr, MD Hazley, Andrew J, MD P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S PS PS PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K Networks Kelton, Jerry Michael, MD Larsen, Jeffrey A, MD Narayanagowda, Ramesh C, MD Pasarilla, Paul Michael, MD Rich, Stephen Allen, MD Ryan, Jeff L, MD Westmoreland, Morris Wayne, MD Therapeutic Optometry Coley, Ginger G, OD Coley, Greg W, OD Cron, Lorena R, OD Danley, Christina Michelle, OD Darr, Bradford Walter, OD Dennis, Christopher M, OD Drake, Jennifer Bowers, OD Eubank, James S, Sr, ODT Garrett, Joshua, OD Haaven, James M, OD Hillis, Randy A, OD Jones, Cynthia O, OD Landa, Irwin S, OD Lawrence, Anna, OD Lynn, Mark E, OD Martin, Lisa Kalish, OD McClain, Elizabeth S, OD McClain, Jeffrey C, OD Price, Andrea W, OD Proffitt, Gregory Lee, OD Rudowski, Nichole T, OD Sanders, Brandon L, OD Seger, Alisha Marie, OD Simon, Robert S, OD Smith, William C, II, OD Summers, Joseph Duane, OD Trapeni, Paul D, Jr, ODT Tritschler, Thomas H, OD Vinson, Carl L, OD Walker, Patricia Estes, OD Woods, Amelia L, OD Urgent Care Physicians Cranfield, Robert L, MD Dodd, Kenton Antoine, MD Herda, George, MD Justice, Paul A, Jr, MD Lane, Jason Scott, MD Magpantay, Edmundo D, MD Manalac, Abelardo Zapanta, MD Salcedo, Zenarosa C, MD Simmons, Jory S, Sr, MD Singh, Narendra K, MD Wainstein, Jeffrey Lee, MD Wilson, Janet D, APRN BC Urology PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS Cleveland, Robert Reed, MD Corrie, Gary D, MD Dickinson, Mark T, MD Dray, Robert J, MD Jackson, Chad M, MD Knight, Robert T, MD Shepard, Theodore Geddes, MD Showalter, Patrick Rene, MD Vascular Surgery Chatman, David M, MD S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S PS Scott County Allergy and Immunology Springer, Michael A, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Cardiovascular Disease Blacky, Albert R, MD Deleese, Joseph S, MD Harper, John M, MD PSK PSK PSK PSK Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Neil, David Jay, CRNA Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK 103 Scott County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Therapeutic Optometry Scott County (Continued) Chiropractor Aldredge, Neil W, DC West, Timothy W, DC Emergency Medicine Carrera, Rogelio L, MD Dukes, Robert A, MD Family Medicine Capparelli, Edward W, MD Deaver, James H, DO Foshee, Fred C, DO Hassell, David F, MD Kelly, James C, DO Martin, Catherine S, DO Martin, John P, MD Redmon, Eric, MD Singh, Meenu P, MD Smith, Timothy D, MD Thakur, Manisha, MD Thakur, Sanjay P, MD Vora, Bhavana, MD Wolfe, Larry E, MD General Practice Coffey, David B, MD Huff, Maxwell E, MD Siddiqui, Hafeezul Hasan, MD Hospital Medicine Herman-Gorrondona, Maria Olga, MD Silasi, Ovidiu Gabriel, MD Thompson, Steven Joshua, MD Infectious Disease Lui, Anita Y, MD Internal Medicine Cross, Trent W, MD Lui, Anita Y, MD Smith, Richard D, MD Thompson, Steven Joshua, MD Medical Oncology Davidson, Dirk C, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Black, Cheryl Cloteal, FNP BC Clark, Amy A, APRN BC Coffey, Sandra K, FNP Decker Goldson, Misty R, FNP Dowell, Robert M, FNP BC Freytag, Addie Lou, CNP Gordon, Judith C, FNP Green, Jennifer Robin, FNP BC James, Joan C, FNP Joerling, Deborah C, FNP Kline, Jerry L, FNP Stanley, Betty A, FNP Steelman, Tiffany A, NP Ward, Andrew J, FNP BC Weathers, Lori Beth, NP C West, Karla S, FNP BC Obstetrics & Gynecology Martin, Catherine S, DO Martin, John P, MD Ophthalmology Naser, Mahmud A, MD Pediatrics Silver, Evelyn Y, MD Podiatry (DPM) Brennan, Nate A, DPM Surgery Gonzales, Eduardo Raoul, MD Lloyd, Robert J, DO 104 PSK PS PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K-Network K Networks K K K K K K S SK SK S S PSK PS PS Cross, Danny W, OD McDaniel, Benny H, OD McKinley, Lindsay Kristin, OD McKinley, Stephen Matthew, OD Mysliwiec, Kevin A, OD Patton, David A, OD Pithwa, Neal, OD Rhyne, Miles W, OD PSK P P P P S SK S SK PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P K SK S SK S S S S S SK S S S PSK PSK PS PS PS PS PSK S S S S S S K K K K S Chiropractor Ellis, John F, DC Family Medicine Adkins, Steven M, MD Arnette, Bryan Thomas, MD Billips, Polly O, MD Crouch, David Norman, MD Demotts, Gregory L, MD Franklin, Lauren B, MD Geer, Robert M, MD Harkleroad, Alfred L, II, MD Merkel, Fred A, DO Tumkur, Deepika A, MD Wilson, Larry T, MD Windes, Lois H, MD Winegar, James B, MD Reiff, Deborah W, MD Internal Medicine Graul, Craig Stephen, DO Nurse Practitioner Rutherford, Jamie Elaine, NP Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Bennett, Karie Elizabeth, FNP BC Chase, Karen Grace, NP C Dean, Cynthia K, NP Duncan, Terri Lynette, NP Galloway, Kristie L, FNP Obstetrics & Gynecology Fowler, Scott R, MD Jarjoura, Chadi M, MD Mitchell, Christopher R, MD Stevens, Christy Lenore, DO Urgent Care Physicians Livingston, Leigh Ann, DO Williams, Ronald Lee, MD PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S PS PS Long, Monty C, DC Ogrodowczyk, Dennis J, DC Emergency Medicine Ghearing, Gilbert R, MD Family Medicine Baldwin, Mary E, MD Daniel, Debora C, MD Graves, George N, DO Harris, Charles Dennis, MD Martin, Maria, MD McKeown, John Cochran, MD Shepherd, Karen R, DO General Practice Nelson, Roger T, MD Internal Medicine Kerley, Jonathan M, DO Moughrabi, Marwan Mohammed, NP C Sager, Elmira Faller, NP C PS PS Ophthalmology Anderson, Steven Randle, Sr, MD Bierly, John Robert, MD PS PS Pediatric Ophthalmology Peterson, Edward Andrew, MD PS Blasick, Patricia Diane, PA C Nolan, John Andrew, PA OMore, Rory, V, PA PS PS PSK Podiatry (DPM) Brown, Damieon Gerard, DPM Nguyen, Giang T, DPM P P Therapeutic Optometry Brady, Robin Michael, OD Mann, Daryl Francis, OD McCarty, Zachary Stuart, OD Nix, Kenneth W, OD Extended Hours Available Phillips, Leslie Ann, OD Smoak, Sonya M, OD P P P P S S S S PS PS Sevier County Allergy and Immunology Carter, Paul Michael, MD Jones, Phillip Wayne, MD Keeton, Robert Wayne, Jr, MD Overholt, Robert M, MD Partridge, Megan Elizabeth, MD Ponder, Robert D, MD Extended Hours Available Prince, Tidence L, MD Schlactus, Jeffrey L, MD Springer, Michael A, MD Wisniewski, Joseph M, MD Cardiology Dill, Stephen Hurley, MD P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K P P P P S S S S K K K K PS Cardiovascular Disease Blacky, Albert R, MD Dill, Stephen Hurley, MD Liddell, Norman E, MD Patterson, William D, MD Riedel, Roger Aaron, MD P P P P P Cardiovascular Disease -Diag Test Interpretations Liddell, Norman E, MD Sequatchie County Chiropractor Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Physician Assistant - PCP Scott County (VA) General Practice PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P Networks SK S S S S PS Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Davis, Benny C, CRNA P K PS PS P P P P P P P S SK SK S S SK S PSK PSK Chiropractor Beighle, Lisa J, DC Berry, David Andrew, Jr, DC Buckridge, Troy D, DC Giammo, Daniel S, DC Guyot, Douglas R, DC Hood, John A, DC Horstmann, Lou Ann, DC Ratcliff, Craig B, DC Ratcliff, Keith K, DC Thornton, Keith M, DC Dermatology Bushkell, Lawrence L, Jr, MD Dittrich, Lee B, MD Frazier, Claude C, III, DO Freeberg, Susan Eileen, MD Hanggi, Matthew C, MD Huddleston, Charles I, MD Julius, Clark Eldon, MD Keough, George C, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Dermatology (Continued) Meyers, Anthony L, MD Rueda, Maria F, MD Shupp, David L, MD Emergency Medicine Dronen, Steven C, MD Kochert, Charles J, MD Liddell, Norman E, MD Mesmer, John P, MD Family Medicine Beam, Robert K, MD Bozeman, Charles H, II, MD Burke, Curtis L, MD Cole, Stephen Andrew, MD Connors, Cara Chloe, MD Easterly, Jeffery Lee, MD Fry, William J, MD Gribble, Gary, MD Gust, Amy Lynn, MD Hall, Steven F, MD Harris, Linda W, MD Huskey, Robin A, MD Johnson, Steven W, DO Justice, Kenneth L, MD Lethco, Gary W, MD Littleton, Eric J, MD Mays, Elizabeth D, MD Mays, William K, MD McGaha, Samuel W, MD Moore, Robert S, MD Moore, Vickie S, MD Palmer, Cedric Morris, Jr, MD Payne, Wesley K, MD Schiro Anger, Richelle D, MD Seal, Edna Faye, MD Stalcup, Clay E, MD Stalcup, Staci K, MD Stuart, Wayne J, DO Tolley, Vincent B, MD Young, Kristie Gail, DO Gastroenterology Ellis, Michael Robert, MD General Practice Benson, Craig Christopher, DO Bradley, Jerry Wayne, MD Maughon, Robert, MD Hospital Medicine Ahiabuike, Smithson Onyebuchi, MD Alexander, Pierce Cooper, MD Aligeti, Venkata Ramana, MD Almashharawi, Issam Masoud, MD Barnett, Charles Franklin, MD Bidawid, Helen S, MD Bozeman, Charles H, II, MD Bradley, Jerry Wayne, MD Burke, Curtis L, MD Carew, Kehinde Abiola, MD Clemens, Elizabeth A, MD Fry, William J, MD Hughes, Brian Ward, MD Janoyan, Jano J, DO Kochert, Charles J, MD Mavani, Gaurang Pravinchandra, MD Patel, Kinnaresh Sureshbhai, MD Ruby, Rubinder Singh, MD Shattuck, Deaver Timothy, MD West, Burton Carey, MD Hospital Medicine - Hospitalist Kehler, George Bela, II, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Stewart, John R, DPh Physicians Networks Internal Medicine Sevier County (Continued) PSK PSK PSK P P P P SK SK S SK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S SK SK Almashharawi, Issam Masoud, MD Foster, James W, MD Hoyt, Robert H, Jr, MD Iqbal, Farzana S, MD Kerley, Eric Lynn, MD Razzak, Ammar, MD Sugantharaj, Andrew D, MD Wheatley, Hubert C, MD Internal Medicine - Hospitalist Davis, Leila Katherine, MD Medical Oncology Devore, Russell F, III, MD Nicholson, Brenda P, MD Neurology Barker, Roseanne S, MD McWhirter, Dewey Young, III, MD Nolte, Christopher Michael, MD Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care SK Ballard, Timothy E, NP Witherspoon, Barbara Jane, ACNP BC S S S S S S S S S Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice K K K K K K SK SK SK SK SK SK PS Ball, Jennifer Louise, APRN BC Byrd, Sandra M, FNP Clinton, Martha W, FNP Given, Stacey A, NP Hare, Carolyn, NP C Hatch, Joyce Ann, NP Heidel, Wendy D, FNP Hicks, Kimberly Jo, FNP BC Huff, Cynthia O, FNP Mapes, Christy H, FNP BC Minnich, Morgan L, FNP Morgan, Erin Michelle, FNP Newcomb, Yvette E, FNP Odom, Laura Elizabeth, FNP Roden, Karen Prince, FNP Scott, Shanle Gail, FNP BC Smith, Phyllis C, APRN BC Snyder, Vicky Porterfield, FNP BC Tallon, Leslie Best, FNP BC Thomas, Kim M, FNP Wolfenbarger, James Patrick, FNP Obstetrics & Gynecology PS PSK PS Cline, Jennifer Anderson, MD Guerra, Julio C, MD Koerten, James M, MD Love, Richard L, MD Ophthalmology P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K SK S SK SK S K SK SK SK SK SK SK SK PSK PSK Shelby County K-Network K Campbell, Philip D, MD Dawson, John T, MD Haun, Alden K, MD Price, Robert E, MD Robinson, Grover Cousins, IV, MD Taylor, Christopher T, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Bonnett, Ronald G, DMD PC Johnson, Bradley Stevenson, DMD Mann, James Howard, Jr, DDS McConnell, Timothy P, DDS McCoy, James Michael, MD Napier, Troy R, DMD Slater, Otto W, DDS Trondson, Troy Allen, MD Widloski, Mark Matthew, MD Orthopedic Surgery Bolt, Patrick McClure, MD Burns, E Brantley, Jr, MD Casey, Michael T, Jr, MD Harrison, John E, MD Jordan, James D, MD Reynolds, John M, IV, MD Smith, Steven McClay, MD Whiton, Alan L, MD P P P P P P P P S SK S SK S S S PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K P P P P S SK SK SK P P P P P P SK S SK S S SK P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P S S S S SK S S SK K K Networks Pediatric Allergy & Immunology Ellenburg, Donald T, MD Singer, Andrew Michael, MD Pediatrics Harsh, Anil, MD Hodge, Fred W, MD Hollingsworth, James E, MD Howard, Anne F, MD Lowry, Thomas H, MD Machen, Charles W, MD Mendez, David Enrique, MD Meyer, Melissa A, MD Newsome, Jill M, MD Powers, Wilson L, MD Ruth, Alex, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Lakatosh, Donald A, MD Physician Assistant Estey, Doug Joe, Sr, PA Hensley, Nancy L, PA Perkey, Elizabeth Nicole, PA C Salm, Barbara Jean, PA Podiatry (DPM) Christiansen, Brian Niel, DPM Hawk, David P, DPM Webb, Michael C, DPM Pulmonary Disease K Nadrous, Hassan F, MD Sultan Ali, Ibrahim A, MD K Surgery K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Kidd, Charles Edward, Jr, MD King, Jeffrey Scott, MD Parnell, Donald Hudson, Jr, MD Rothwell, Joseph Michael, MD Therapeutic Optometry Altman, Brad Alan, OD Bateman, Jeffrey M, OD Fitzgerald, James P, OD Hildebrand, C. Allyn, OD Horton, Daniel C, OD Joslin, Brian C, OD Joslin, Bryce H, OD Lane, Patrick Franklin, OD Marston, Mary Ann, OD McClurg, Greg A, OD McDaniel, Benny H, OD Moore, Howard V, OD Patrick, Richard F, OD Whaley, Keith E, OD Wise, Timothy C, OD Urology Traynelis, Christian L, MD PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K PSK P P P P S SK SK SK PSK PSK PSK PS PSK P P P P S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK S S S S K K K K S S S S S SK S PS Shelby County Allergy and Immunology Blaiss, Michael Steven, MD Cole, Steve, MD Duncan, Jerald Mark, MD Escue, Ashley B, MD Fahhoum, Joseph S, MD Grogan, Fred T, Jr, MD Hanissian, Aram S, MD Hanissian, Gregory A, MD Hill, Brandon D, MD Levy, Joe S, MD Lew, D. Betty, MD Lieberman, Phil L, MD McCulley, Tammy H, MD Mirro, Betty, MD Taylor, W W, MD Anesthesiology Angel, John J, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S PS 105 Shelby County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Shelby County (Continued) Anesthesiology (Continued) Anghelescu, Doralina L, MD Babula, Bruce, MD Bailey, James W, MD Bicknell, Bennett W, MD Biswas, Ajit K, MD Burch III, James R, MD Cabigao, Olivia O, MD Crone, R. Andrew, MD Cunningham Jr, Edwin D, MD Das, Shibendra N, MD Gill, Ravpreet Singh, MD Guyton, Thomas S, MD Hazlehurst Jr, Waring M, MD Holcomb, Thomas J, III, MD Kasper, Kenneth C, Jr, MD Kent, R. Morris, MD Kesterson, Georgina O, MD Kimball, Noah B, MD Leggett, David C, MD Leppert, W Michael, MD Liu, Eileen A, MD Mattingly, Jay E, MD Mays, Kit S, MD Merritt, Lauren N, MD Moffett, Paula S, MD Moran, Edward R, Jr, MD Moustafa, Salwa, MD Parker, Autry J, Jr, MD Ramanathan, Jaya, MD Reid, David H, MD Rojas, Norberto R, MD Rojas, Philip A, MD Sanders, Jeffrey Billy, MD Schettler, W. Heymore, MD Shapiro, Marvin L, MD Slade, Joel R, MD Thompson, Gregory L, MD Vu, Andrew T, MD West, James M, MD Willis, Adam, MD Wilson, Raymond E, MD Zafer, Ghany, MD Zanella Jr, John, MD Audiology Bowen, Stephanie Vining, MS CCC A Coltharp Morton, Loretta Jane, AuD CCC A Cooke, Sherrie Caldwell, MS CCC A Cox, Ben W, III, CCC A Domico, Elizabeth Hutcheson, MS CCC A Hendea, Oana Maria, MS CCC A Hollis, Matthew Phillip, AuD CCC A Johnson, Nathalie G, MA CCC A Orchik, Daniel J, CCC A Pesnell Ford, Lisa D, MS CCC A Turpen, Katherine T, CCC A Cardiovascular Disease Abou Shala, Mohamed Bashar, MD Addington, Milton Brent, MD Akins, Steven L, MD Allen Jr, Ray M, MD Anderson, Keith G, MD Arcot, Kishore K, MD Awdeh, Mahir Ramiz, MD Basco, Eduardo V, MD Burnett, Charles Roland, Jr, MD Chuang, Howard J, MD Cohen, Avrahm, MD Dalal, Ajay, MD Danley, Beverly W, MD Dave, Raj Chhotalal, MD Debsikdar, Jaideep, MD Diaz, Claro F, MD Edwards, Todd D, MD Evans, Edward M, MD 106 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S SK S S S S S S SK SK S S S S S S S S SK S S SK S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K-Network K Networks Faulkner, Lee E, MD Galyean, James Rufus, III, MD Garrison, Janice L, MD Gerlach, Paul A, MD Gordon, Richard Joseph, MD Gubin, Steven S, MD Guerra, Eric R, MD Guerra, Guerraumberto J, MD Hackman, Bela B, MD Hess, Paul George, MD Himmelstein, Stevan Irwin, MD Holloway, David H, Jr, MD Hopkins, Jack T, Jr, MD Horn, Howard R, MD Iansmith, David H, MD Infeld, Jason I, MD Johnson, Eric E, MD Karri, Someswara, MD Kerlan, Jeffrey E, MD Khan, Shahid I, MD Klemis, James Edward, MD Kraus, David H, MD Lan, David Zhiqiang, MD Litzow, James T, MD McDonald, Michael B, MD McGee, Jesse E, MD McGrew, Frank A, III, MD Morrow, Jennifer S, MD Murray, Gary Lee, MD Nelson, Michael Aaron, MD Newman, Kevin P, MD Otten, Daniel Edmond, MD Porterfield, James G, MD Quiroz, Antonio C, MD Ramanathan, Kodangudi B, MD Reed, Guy Leland, III, MD Reef, Ellis Gavin, MD Richardson, Brenda J, MD Rubin, Michael A, MD Russo, William L, MD Salazar, Holger Patricio, MD Samaha, Joseph Kay, MD Saxton, Grady L, Sr, MD Shaikh, Aftab A, MD Shaikh, Khawar M, MD Shirwany, Arsalan T, MD Simmons, David Lee, MD Smith, Stacy Cheryl, MD Smithers, Maureen A, MD Smolin, Matthew Richard Weitz, MD Soberman, Judith, MD Spiotta, Larry B, MD Stamper, James J, MD Stewart, David G, MD Szabo, Tibor Sandor, MD Szatkowski, Arie, MD Warr, Otis Sumter, III, MD Watson, Andrew T, MD Weber, Karl, MD Weinstein, Joseph Seth, MD Wilson, Donald Bruce, MD Wolford, David C, MD Young, Lisa J, MD Cardiovascular Disease -Diag Test Interpretations Galyean, James Rufus, III, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Abuelouf, Abe I, CRNA Allison, Lenee M, CRNA Asbury, John C, CRNA Beckham, Penny A, CRNA Benz, Charlene A, CRNA Callan, Eric W, CRNA Cody, Shenita H, CRNA Curtis, Mary E, CRNA Davison, Sharon L, CRNA Dunavan, Mark W, CRNA Feltman, Samuel Joseph, CRNA Fifer, Michelle R, CRNA P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S Networks Fisher, Shelly D, CRNA Fulton, Keith Quentin, CRNA Garcia, Eva N, CRNA Gibson, Kristen Kail, CRNA Hayes, Vincent, CRNA Hines, Leslie H, CRNA Ince, Pamela M, CRNA Jackson, Leroy, Jr, CRNA Kozlowski, Violetta, CRNA Lambert, Kimberly Briggs, CRNA Larson, Jana, CRNA Lucus, Sharon K, CRNA Mallady, Barbara A, CRNA Massey, Sandra K, CRNA McConnell, Michael C, CRNA McGarr, Nancy Mitchell, CRNA Nelson, John W, III, CRNA Padua, Corazon N, CRNA Polatty, Andrew Taylor, CRNA Ransom, Bridget C, CRNA Rehling, Jacinta Q, CRNA Richardson, Ira A, CRNA Robinson, Diane Marie, CRNA Sanders, Edward Molton, II, CRNA Snyder, Kerry, CRNA Stockman, Julie Ann, CRNA Strong, Paula P, CRNA Surowka, Stasha S, CRNA Thorne, Joan M, CRNA Tutor, Dennis W, CRNA White, Freddie, CRNA Williams, Franklin L, CRNA Yokie, Brandie Nichole, CRNA Chiropractic Neurology Cole, Richard L, DC Chiropractor Amodeo, Richard J, DC Amodeo, Steven Ray, DC Arstikaitis Nagel, Audra, DC Arstikaitis, Alan A, DC Bast, Michael E, DC Becker, Jeffrey P, DC Bibb, Michael A, DC Bomar, Allison L, DC Bowman, Latanya Terrain, DC Brandenburg, Stephen D, DC Buesgens, James D, DC Burford, Glen R, DC Bussenger, Robert J, DC Carr, Jeffrey T, DC Carr, Lindsey T, DC Cassriel, Warren, DC Cheshier, Richard Starr, DC Clenin, Kenneth P, DC Cole, Bradford J, DC Cole, Don E, DC Cole, Larry W, DC Cole, Richard L, DC Coleman, Jason D, DC Cornies, Matthew P, DC Damien, Curtis, DC Davis, Larry T, DC Dobson, Angela, DC Frost, Jeffery W, DC Gangwish, Craig A, DC Gill, Thomas R, DC Gipson, Jayme R, DC Goode, Gary Allen, DC Hanson, Terry J, DC Hathaway, Jared Stephen, DC Hathcock, Richard N, DC Hayden, Matthew C, DC Holliman, Mark E, DC Holliman, Michael C, DC Hurst, James Eric, DC James, Rupert Alan, DC Jessop, Darrin R, DC Jessop, Jeremy L, DC Johnson, Robert Reed, DC Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K S S SK S S S S S K S S S S S S S S S SK S SK S S S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Chiropractor (Continued) Kellenberger, David J, DC Kelly, Patrick J, DC Kelton, Barry T, DC Kemker, Ben B, DC Keres, Adam Tedmar, DC Kolwaite, Patrick Alan, DC Kowachik, Jeffrey A, DC Leath, Jared Ryan, DC Leu, David J, DC Luebbe, Jeffrey D, DC Madlinger, Joseph F, DC Morgan, James P, DC Mori, Alan R, DC Myers, Bobby L, II, DC Price, Kurt Alan, DC Radican, Russell D, DC Rynes, Jon J, DC Smith, Dale F, DC Spiecha, Brian M, DC Stacks, John P, Jr, DC Swan, Warrell J, DC Tucker, Renwick E, DC Vollmer, W Steven, DC Walker, Walter S, DC Williams, Erskine A, Jr, DC Wooster, Rock A, DC Wootton, David M, DC Wootton, Jared M, DC Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Coppess, Mark A, MD Hess, Paul George, MD Jha, Sunil K, MD Szabo, Tibor Sandor, MD Van Wyhe, Galen G, MD Clinical Genetics Phillips, Nancy O, MD Pivnick, Eniko K, MD Ward, Jewell C, MD Wilroy, Robert S, MD Colon and Rectal Surgery Fox, Michael M, MD Mathew, Alexander, MD Critical Care Medicine Adams, James W, II, MD Blythe, Joseph A, III, MD Dermatology Amonette, Rex A, MD Beard, F Gwen, MD Childers, Jennifer W, MD Chu, Thomas P, MD Churchwell, Luella G, MD Churchwell, Mary A, MD Dunaway, Dan A, MD Foley, Lynn M, MD Friedman Musicante, Robin, MD Gardner, John H, MD Gibbs, Richard B, MD Huber, Amy A, MD Huber, John D, MD Jackson, Robert L, MD Kaplan, Bertram D, MD Kaplan, Robert J, MD Knight, Janet L, MD Levy, Alan Louis, MD Patel, Purvisha Jitendra, MD Poh, Maureen B, MD Rasberry, Ronnie, MD Rosenberg, Elias W, MD Safley, Charles F, MD Schneider, Michael A, MD Scott, Riddell Walcott, MD Skinner, Robert, MD Physicians P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P S S S S S P P P P S S S S S S S Diagnostic Radiology S S S K S S S S S S PSK PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Networks Tanenbaum, Alan H, MD Tanenbaum, Mark H, MD Trautman, Robert J, Jr, MD Tuli, Malika, MD Turner, James E, MD Whitehead, William J, MD Witherspoon, Frank G, MD Woodbury, George R, Jr, MD Woodbury, Michael J, MD Woodmansee, Courtney Stroupe, MD Shelby County (Continued) Allred, John W, MD Atkinson, Edward, III, MD Awh, Mark H, MD Becker, Daniel J, MD Burdett, Pamela H, MD Levey, David S, MD Parvey, Louis S, MD Extended Hours Available Phillips, Jerry C, MD Salazar, Jorge E, MD Wood, James B, MD Emergency Medicine Bean, Albert Louis, Jr, MD Brown, Roland R, MD Cook, Joseph A, MD Cox, Katharine Suzanne, MD Cross, Cynthia Denise, MD Ford, Tasha J, MD Fritzsche, James, MD Guillermo, Enrique C, MD Hartt, Lloyd Lane, MD Jones, Nichole Michelle, FNP BC Jones, Robbie Shontel, ACNP BC Judge, Steven J, MD Kinsley, Paige Jordan, PNP BC Lipson, Mindy Jacobson, FNP BC Loveless, Rebecca Anne, PA Mahan, Lisa J, MD Martinez, Antonio Martin, MD Meduri, Christopher Umberto, MD Milligan, Kerry L, MD Nguyen, Tri Minh, MD Obrebiyi, Gboluwaga A, MD Proctor, John H, MD Ray, Verna Gail, MD Rodriguez, Miguel H, MD Scheier, Eric Jason, MD Smartt, Chantay, MD Somjee, Nilofer Arif, MD Tsifutis, Chrysanthy M, MD Waldrup, Phillip Dewayne, MD Endocrinology S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Shelby County K-Network K Ahmed, Javeria, MD Childress, Richard D, MD Lendel, Irina, MD Nyenwe, Ebenezer Azubuike, MD Oktaei, Hooman, MD Usdan, Lisa Suzanne, MD P P P P P P P P P P SK SK SK S S S P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK SK P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Cohen, A. Jay, MD Dagogo-Jack, Samuel, MD Fisher, Joseph N, MD Ghawji, Maher, MD Goodman, Ralph C, MD Hughes, Thomas A, MD Imseis, Raed, MD Kitabchi, Abbas E, MD Krishnamurthi, Lakshmi, MD Latif, Kashif Ahmed, MD Mallov, Joseph S, MD Myers, Lisa M, MD Palmieri, Genaro M, MD Qureshi, Mohammad N, MD Roman, Farid, MD Sacks, Harold S, MD Tetzeli, John Paul, MD Velasquez, Pedro A, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S SK SK S S S S S S S Networks Williams-Cleaves, Beverly, MD Facial Plastic Surgery Langsdon, Phillip R, MD Family Medicine Acree, Martin V, MD Adams, Cecilia D, MD Aggarwal, Ritu, MD Ahmed, Aliya, MD Armour, Karen A, MD Baker, Adam W, MD Baker, Laurie M, MD Ball, Robert Horace, MD Berkenstock, Oran L, MD Bowen, Ronnie, MD Brahmadevi, Sowmya, MD Brewer, Raymond Mike, MD Brown, Charles H, MD Bryant, James W, MD Bucy, William W, MD Burns, Tina K, MD Byrd, William G, MD Caballero, Hugo A, MD Carson, Rickey Reynolds, MD Causey, Karima Taneishia, MD Childers, Angie Jean, MD Crenshaw, Shrearest M, MD Crupie, Marc J, MD Culbreth, Angela Michelle, MD Drewry, William R, MD Engbretson, John Wayne, MD Erbele, Krista E, MD Everson, Freddie Lee, MD Figueredo, Griselle V, MD Filipcic, Ramune L, MD Findley, Dwayne D, MD Flippin, Dane Howard, MD Floyd, Jerry R, MD Folse, Timothy Edmonds, MD Fryling, Brent Alan, MD Geater, Barbara E, MD Givens, Preston G, MD Goff, Gisele A, MD Gunn Hill, Ericka Lee, MD Hardison, Robert D, MD Hightower, Denise Michele, MD Hines, Elbert E, III, MD Hoover, Robert Michael, MD Hudson, Rickey H, MD Humphreys, Robert A, MD Hunter, Joseph Samuel, MD Hyatt, Terri, MD Jackson, Anna Martin, MD Jackson, William Clay, MD Kirkpatrick, Robert Dean, MD Laraya, Jose A, MD Leal, Gumersindo R, MD Lemons, Robert Stanley, MD Lindsey, Leticia Anne, MD Loskovitz, Lewis Irwin, MD Lunceford, Travis E, MD Lyn Boswell, Carla Geraldine, MD Makapugay, Fidel L, MD Maness, David Lonnie, DO Mardis, Marlah H, MD Martin, James William, MD Mason, Richard Henry, MD Mattewada, Vijay K, MD May, Monique Danielle, MD McCallum, Lee W, MD Miller, Leona A, MD Miller, Logan E, MD Miller, Robert G, MD Miller, Rosemary J, MD Mintz, Philip Grayer, MD Montoya, Alberto Eduardo, MD Morafa, Olawale A, MD Moran, Patrick James, DO Mullinax, Clarice W, MD Mullinax, William G, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S SK S S S K SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK SK S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S 107 Shelby County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Shelby County (Continued) Family Medicine (Continued) Mullins, Calvin J, MD Myers, Richard Kelley, MD Neal, Michele Evyan, MD Nelson, Susan Christine Frink, MD Nguyen, Man H, MD Nguyen, Tri Minh, MD Nollner, Robert M, MD OCain, Debbie Tapp, MD Ozoigbo, Valentine C, MD Payne Johnson, Ann Ilene, MD Pepperman, David A, MD Qureshi, Shoaib, MD Rahal, Nidal, MD Randle, Yvette I, MD Rangaswami, Bharathi, MD Rausch, Ellisa Anne, MD Reeves, Marcus Cortez, MD Robbins, Melissa A, MD Robinson, Jana P, MD Robinson, Lloyd E, MD Rodney, William M, MD Rucker, James D, MD Schrock, Steven Daniel, MD Scott, Daniel J, III, MD Sharma, Achin, MD Sharma, Ruchika P, MD Shelton, Michelle Alaxander, MD Simpson, LaTanya Asenath, MD Singh, Ravikumar Shivkumar, MD Smith, Jay D, MD Stuckey Schrock, Kimberly S, MD Summers, Samuel Timothy, Sr, MD Suneela, Gottumukkala, MD Terhune, Ronald L, MD Thomas, Oswald H, MD Thomas, Sheila M, MD VanWinkle, Staci A, MD Velandia, Bertha Cecilia, MD Vu, Tolan H, MD Walker, Larry Micheals, MD Wallace, Michael C, MD Walsh, Michele Lynette, MD Wang, Haiqiu Elaine, MD Warren, Jeffery S, MD Weaver, Joseph Lee, MD Weaver, Sima Anna, MD Weaver, Timothy Vincent, MD Weber, David J, MD Williamson, John David, MD Wong, Joseph K, MD Woodall, Charles J, MD Woodall, Melanie L, MD Xu, Ying, MD Yibirin Peluffo, Edmundo Humberto, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S SK S Family Medicine with Obstetrical Fellowship Pean, Carl Frederic, MD Walker, Raymond Rogers, MD Gastroenterology Aycock, Richard S, MD Baum, Alex E, MD Bessoff, Joel I, MD Bierman, Paul S, MD Bowden, Phillip R, MD Cattau, Edward L, Jr, MD Dasaree, Lakshmi K, MD Davidson, Orin L, III, MD Dragutsky, Michael S, MD Elsakr, Raif W, MD Farooq, Farees Taqiuddin, MD Fields, Kenneth I, MD Fleckenstein, Jacquelyn F, MD Frederick, Randall C, MD Friedman, Edward Sydney, MD Griffin, Daniel E, MD 108 PS PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S K-Network K Networks Griffith, Christopher Miles, MD Ismail, Mohammad K, MD Jackson, Barbara K, MD Jackson, Terrence L, Jr, MD Jalfon, Isaac M, MD Jones, Wesley Earl, MD Kerlan, Robert A, MD Leal, Rolando J, MD Levinson, Michael J, MD Lewis, Myron, MD Lieberman, Gerald J, MD Mansbach, Charles M, II, MD Marino, Christopher R, MD McCloy, Randolph M, MD Michael, Ronald C, MD Miller, Christopher Daniel, MD Nair, Satheesh, MD Orleans Lindsay, Kodwo K, MD Pop, Anca I, MD Portis, Mary C, MD Rutland, James Henry, III, MD Samuels, Alan D, MD Siddiq, Muhammad S, MD Sloas, David D, MD Smith, J. Lacey, MD Spiotta, Eugene J, Jr, MD St Hilaire, Roland James, MD Surles, Carles R, Jr, MD Taylor, William Z, MD Thompson, Bryan F, MD Tombazzi, Claudio R, MD Towne, Thomas C, MD Ward, John D, MD Waters, Bradford, MD Wooten, Robert S, MD Wruble, Gary A, MD Wruble, Lawrence D, MD Younes, Ziad H, MD General Practice Avgeris, John A, MD Brasfield, Joyce B, MD Brody, Jonathan G, MD Carlota, Lupo T, Jr, MD Chin, Frank T, Jr, MD Draper, Jeremy Michael, MD Fenaughty, Francis, MD Garbarini, Joseph C, Jr, MD Gentry, Jerry Lee, II, MD Hardy, F Oliver, MD Holley, Joseph Eugene, Jr, MD Labarreare, John C, Jr, MD Lindsey, Regina S, MD Lovelace, Jerry Lee, MD Marshall, Daniel P, MD McEwan, Robert C, MD Mitchell, J. Michael, MD Photopulos, Guy James, MD Prasad, Sudha R, MD Rawtani, Pallavi V, MD Reed, Mark L, MD Shull, James H, MD Smith, Clyde R, III, MD Weems, Joseph Lell, MD Work, Richard M, MD General Vascular Surgery Davis, J T, Jr, MD Francis, Hugh, III, MD Geriatric Medicine Burns, Robert, MD Gynecological Oncology Reed, Mark E, MD Santoso, Joseph T, MD Smiley, Linda M, MD Tillmanns, Todd D, MD Gynecology Defranco, Joseph Anthony, MD Lynn, Carol Ingram, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS P P P P S S S S PS PS Networks Martin, Daniel C, MD Portera, S Gregory, MD Sanders, Frederick D, MD Souder, Marva Lanette, MD Hand Surgery Fletcher, Daniel Truman, Jr, MD Hematology Adams Graves, Patricia E, MD Dugdale, Marion, MD Holbert, James M, Jr, MD Mughal, Mohamed Tariq Imdadali, MD Muir, Edward Simmons, MD Obaji, Suhail M, MD Osarogiagbon, Raymond U, MD Persons, Derek A, MD Reed, Jarvis D, MD Richey, Sylvia S, MD Smith, Kirby L, MD Somer, Bradley G, MD Tian, G Gary, MD Hematology / Oncology Allen, Jeffrey Warren, MD Benn, Sonia M, MD Besh, Stephen A, MD Carter, Peter W, MD Cash, Darlene K, MD Goorha, Salil, MD Gravenor, Donald S, MD Inaba, Hiroto, MD Jankov, Aleksandar, MD Jones, Clyde M, MD Obaji, Suhail M, MD Pallera, Arnel M, MD Portnoy, David Craig, MD Ratliff, Thomas W, MD Sachdev, Jasgit Chugh, MD Schwartzberg, Lee S, MD Spiers, Kathleen D, MD Vasireddy, Sailendra, MD Verrier, Carmel Sabine, MD Weeks, Albert Earle, MD Weir, Alva Bowen, III, MD Hospital Medicine Agapos, Emmanuel Michael, MD Alsaek, Yaser, MD Altabbaa, Ahmad H, MD Askari, Raza, MD Bell, Darl V, MD Betapudi, Bindu, MD Chaudhary, Asad Junaid, MD Cross, Cynthia Denise, MD Elias, Said Elias, MD Finks, A Lloyd, MD Fowler, John W, Jr, MD Funderburk, Amy E, MD Hajjar, Mohammad Anas, MD Hammond, Mark L, MD Kamo, Alka, MD Lancaster, Danny J, MD Litra, Florentina, MD Madasu, Ravi Kiran, MD Mancell, Jimmie, MD Mirza, Imran, MD Munir, Ahmad, MD Mya, Min Min, MD Pishko, Stephen Darryl, MD Prasad, Sriranga Vankayalapat, MD Ramsay, Kelinda Peoples, MD Randolph, Patrick F, MD Robinson, Wiley T, MD Sands, Christopher W, MD Scobey, Eugene C, Jr, MD Shook, Marshall Shannon, II, MD Smith, Rachael Elizabeth, MD Swanson, Heather R, MD Tesfau, Simon H, MD Walker, Rebecca Hutt, DO Wyatt, Alisha Nichol, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P PS PSK PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S SK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK S SK S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K S SK S S SK S S S S S S S S K K K K S S S SK K SK S SK K S S S SK S SK Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Shelby County (Continued) Hospital Medicine (Continued) Yuan, Qing, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Ellis, Joseph R, DPh Infectious Disease Beatus, Mitchell D, MD Brint, Jeffrey M, MD Cleveland, Kerry O, MD Corbett, Cathy E, MD Crouch Brewer, Susan, MD Dale, James, MD Fleckenstein, James M, MD Gelfand, Michael S, MD George, David L, MD Jain, Manoj K, MD Khan, Haroon Nasir, MD Lamothe, Margarita, MD Land, Mack A, MD Mannan, Ghalib, MD Mason, William Jeffrey, MD Norwood, John M, MD Omer, Imad, MD Simmons, Bryan Paul, MD Tettelbach, William Harmon, MD Thomas Gosain, Neena Fairwell, MD Threlkeld, Michael G, MD Threlkeld, Stephen C, MD Whitnack, Ellen, MD Internal Medicine Abutineh, Mohammad, MD Adabala, Jaya Lakshmi, MD Adams, James W, II, MD Adebanjo, Olugbenga A, MD Akins, Derene E, MD Ali, Mahmood, MD Ali, Sheharyar, MD Allan, Katherine Federline, MD Allen, Joseph E, II, MD Allmon, Joan Michelle, MD Altabbaa, Ahmad H, MD Anderson, Gregory, MD Arnold, Anita L, MD Atkins, Keith Lantrip, MD Austin, John R, MD Avila, Reuben W, MD Baig, Abdullah, MD Bailey, James E, Jr, MD Bailey, Lamar Edward, MD Balderama, Herminio B, MD Battin, David Lynne, MD Beaver, Terinell, MD Bellott III, Arthur L, MD Blakney, Eric Dewayne, MD Boone, James E, MD Boswell, James L, MD Bowden, Marcia R, MD Brantley, J. Hays, MD Breitling, Melissa Amelia, MD Brown, Ann D, MD Bryan, Kristy Lynn, MD Buggs, Vernois, MD Buttross, John B, MD Caldwell, Felix L, MD Campbell, Tommy J, MD Carter, Bradley P, MD Carter, Charles L, MD Castellaw, Mark A, MD Chawla, Anita Dey, MD Chu, George, MD Chuang, Howard J, MD Clarke, Catherine Jane, MD Cohen, Sandra Wilensky, MD Crews, John T, MD Dang, Paul H, MD Daniel, Chalmers B, MD Physicians PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S SK SK S SK SK S SK SK S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K S S S S S S S S S SK SK S S S S S Shelby County K-Network K Networks De Flumere, Charlotte A, MD Dismukes, James Richard, MD Donlon, Richard N, MD Dorko, Craig S, MD Dotson, Jimmie Lee, Jr, MD Dowell, Stanley W, MD Edwards, Mark S, MD Egerman, Robert S, MD Eley Bradford, Marcia D, MD Ensor, James K, MD Enyenihi, Henry N, MD Evans, Benjamin F, MD Faleye, Olugbenga, MD Farooqui, Nabeel Nazir, MD Fiedler, Frederick A, MD Finn, Cary M, MD Fleenor, John David, MD Fleming, Julian G, MD Franklin, E Arthur, MD Freeland, Lynda J, MD Gandhi, Malay Suresh, MD Garcia Gayoso, Aileen Sanchez, MD Gehi, Mohan M, MD Gibbs, Hettie S, MD Gibson, Roger O, MD Green, Christopher B, MD Habashy, Hany, MD Haider, Syed Noman, MD Hall, Tiffany T, MD Hanissian, Ara J, MD Hanissian, Gina R, MD Haque, Nasir M, MD Harris, Kenneth Wayne, MD Hayden, Shawn J, MD Hayes, Burton L, MD Hayes, Jason Thadeous, MD Hegedus, Steven, MD Hicks, Anthony M, MD Holley, Jerry M, MD Holmes, Perry D, MD Hoover, Jeffery Neal, MD Hurley, Mary M, MD Jeffers, Raymond C, Jr, MD Jenkins, Gregory K, MD Jenkins, Willyn T, MD Jennings, David K, MD Jennings, Nicole M, MD Jordan, Oakley C, MD Jordan, Richard J, MD Kamin, Ehud Ron, MD Karmel, Douglas L, MD Kathawala, Ahsan H, MD Kathawala, Zulekha, MD Katz, Paul J, MD Khan, Mohammed B, MD Khandekar, Sofia H, MD Khattak, Taslim Akhtar, MD Khurshid, Muhammad Aijaz, MD Koplon, Michael D, MD Kraus, Gordon J, MD Kraus, Robert Mark, MD Krishnan, Ruth Nisha, MD Kulinski, Robert F, MD Laguardia, Stephen Paul, Jr, MD Lancaster, Danny J, MD Lee, Marsha V, MD Lemonds, Mike, MD Lewis, James B, MD Light, William H, MD Lofton, William B, MD Long, Celeste, MD Madlock, Lawrence Elliott, MD Malone, Patrick Kirkland, MD Mancell, Jimmie, MD Mays, Owita R, MD McCafferty, Linda R, MD McKenzie, Antronette L, MD McKenzie, Eugene E, MD McKenzie, Vanessa, MD Mehr, Sonal Sujit, MD Miller, Marvin T, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K S S S S S SK S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K S S SK S S S S S S SK S S S S S Networks Miller, Stephen Thomas, MD Milligan, Kerry L, MD Mishra, Ashutosh Kumar, MD Missak, Mary S, MD Mitchell, Carol J, MD Mohan, Kamal J, MD Mohan, Veena, MD Moore, Jennifer Suzanne, MD Morrison, Robert E, MD Motley, Ann M, MD Extended Hours Available Motley, Thomas E, Sr, MD Motley, Todd, MD Munn, Charles W, MD Naqvi, S Haider Abbas, MD Natarajan, Monika L, MD Nease, Hilbert H, MD Newman, Jason R, MD Northcross, Phillip R, MD Norwood, John M, MD Odea, Douglas L, MD Onyiuke, Catherine I, MD Ost, Shelley Rae, MD Overby, Steven T, MD Overstreet, Hugh T, MD Owens, Curtis L, MD Pagliarulo, Tony Robert, MD Partovi, Kiandokht, MD Patchen, Jay, MD Patel, Pravin J, MD Pattanaik, Debendra N, MD Patterson, James Oglethorpe, III, MD Paulus, Basil Mantas, MD Pelz, Frederick, MD Pittman, Beau B, MD Pomykala, Lora Alison, MD Porter, Jolie G, MD Posey, Michael E, MD Prasad, Bheerendra Ramanna, MD Prasad, Sriranga Vankayalapat, MD Pruett, Michael R, MD Rahmani, Shervin, MD Rawlinson, William T, MD Ray, Mario Marquist, MD Reaves, Edward M, MD Robinson, Antwon Dewayne, MD Robinson, Todd Vincent, MD Rushing, George Van, MD Rusia, Anirudh, MD Sands, Christopher W, MD Sands, Michelle G, MD Sanford, Martha Helene, MD Selektor, Yelena, MD Sharfman, David Morris, MD Shiffman, Stephen M, MD Sikes, James C, MD Slade, Whitney Thompson, MD Slutsky, Avron A, MD Smith, Vincent D, MD Snader, Brent M, MD Spiotta, Eugene Joseph, Sr, MD Sprabery, Laura R, MD Stamps, Henry B, MD Steinhauer, Bruce William, MD Stewart, William C, Jr, MD Stiles, Allison M, MD Stoev, T George, MD Sullivan, Meghan Dale, MD Swanson, Heather R, MD Talbert, Louis G, MD Taylor, Martha N, MD Taylor, Ralph, MD Tesfau, Simon H, MD Thompson, Natascha S, MD Thompson, Paul A, MD Ungab, Ramon T, MD Vandeven, Gregory E, MD Verzosa, Samuel T, MD Vieron, Lee N, MD Villanueva, Randy J, MD Vlasak, Mark C, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S SK S SK S S SK S SK S SK S S S S SK S S S SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S 109 Shelby County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Sander, Craig J, MD Talati, Ajay, MD Woodall, Diane L, MD Shelby County (Continued) Internal Medicine (Continued) Vookles, John T, MD Ward, Forrest C, MD Warr, Alton Graham, MD Watson, Angela D, DO Webb, Oscar D, MD Weiss, Martin J, MD Weiss, William T, MD Wener, Steven Irvin, MD Whitlock, Lawrence W, MD Wilson, Fred Palmer, Jr, MD Womack, Catherine R, MD Wright, Dana J, MD Wright, David B, MD Yalamanchili, Ramesh, MD Young, Mark S, MD Zaman, Kazi Aftabuz, MD Zare, Fereshtegh, MD Zia, Ayhan Ahmed, MD Zsohar, Jeffrey, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Nephrology S S S S S SK S K S SK S S SK S Internal Medicine -Diag Test Interpretation Weber, Bill C, MD Interventional Cardiology Das, Pranab, MD Dishmon, Dwight Anthony, MD Koshy, Santosh K G, MD Maternal - Fetal Medicine Bors Koefoed, Roy, MD Egerman, Robert S, MD Mari, Giancarlo, MD Meyer, Norman L, MD Oyelese, Kolawole Olayinka, MD Santolaya, Joaquin, MD Schneider, Michael B, MD Medical Oncology Baskin, Reed C, MD Blakely, Laura Johnetta, MD Boston, Barry, MD Gore, Margaret, MD Johnson, Robert A, MD Lawson, Ronald David, MD Martin, Michael Gary, MD Minhas, Sohail A, MD Mullins, Brent A, MD Patil, Sadanand Iswarappa, MD Tauer, Kurt W, MD Walsh, William, MD Wheeler, Benton M, III, MD Yunus, Furhan D, MD Midwife Taylor, Margaret Calliham, CNM Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Arrindell, Esmond L, MD Barrus, David Michael, MD Darling, Bryan Keith, MD Dhanireddy, Ramasubbareddy, MD Elabiad, Mohamad Tamman R, MD Ferguson, John M, MD Guthrie, Scott Osborn, MD Hamlett, James M, III, MD Hayden, Jane E, MD Jenkins, M. Bruce, MD John, Isaac, MD Koneru, Padmaja, MD Krishnan, Ramesh Kumar, MD Kudumula, Ravi, MD Kumar, Alok, MD Naida, Abubakar Mohammed, MD OMara, Patrick Wright, MD Perry, Carole M, MD Pourcyrous, Massroor, MD Robinson, Marilyn B, MD 110 P PS P K PS P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K-Network K Networks K K Al Absi, Ahmed Ibrahim, MD Amin, Hassan, MD Ballouk, Wesam F, MD Bastnagel, William R, MD Baymiller, Niloofar M, MD Canada, Robert B, MD Coo, Audrey W, MD Daher, Fadi, MD Davis, Omar Rashad, MD Deogaygay, Bernadette A, MD Ebaugh, Lynn S, MD George, Lekha K, MD Grant, Natarsha Denine, MD Green, Christie A, MD Hamze, Omar, MD Hernandez, Jacinto Angel, MD Kelley, Bobby J, MD Khan, Mohammed B, MD Kulubya, Patrick S, MD Mansour, Nawar, MD Mirza, Mashhud, MD Mittal, Sanjeev K, MD Morris, John T, III, MD Mya, Maung, MD Naseer, Adnan, MD Pathak, Minesh Babul, MD Pulusani, Deepika R, MD Rao, Vinaya, MD Ruiz, Julio P, MD Shermer, Mark, MD Showkat, Arif, MD Stegman, Marc H, MD Stepniakowski, Konrad T, MD Swamy, Alagiri P, MD Walton, Jarvis Dorell, MD Williams, Hugh H, MD Wofford, Perisco Aron, MD Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Hanna, Debra L, MD Kube, David A, MD Palmer, Frederick B, MD Whitaker, Toni M, MD Neurological Surgery Ammerman, Matthew D, MD Arnautovic, Kenan, MD Arthur, Adam S, MD Boop, Fredrick A, MD Brophy, John D, MD Campos Benitez, Mauricio, MD Crosby, Glenn A, II, MD Cunningham, David L, MD Duntsch, Christopher Daniel, MD Einhaus, Stephanie L, MD Engelberg, Jerry, MD Feild, James R, MD Feler, Claudio A, MD Fernandez, Julius, MD Foley, Kevin T, MD Fountain, Todd Edward, MD Friedman, Harry, MD Hoit, Daniel Alan, MD Lovell, Lavern, MD Lu, Daniel Chia Hsing, MD Michael, L Madison, II, MD Olinger, Rodney G, MD Parsioon, Fereidoon, MD Robertson, Jon H, MD Sills, Allen Kent, Jr, MD Smith, Maurice M, MD Sorenson, Jeffrey M, MD Timmons, Shelly D, MD Tyrer, Austin Roy, Jr, MD Watridge, Clarence B, MD Weaver, Jason Andrew, MD PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Networks Neurology Adamolekun, Bola, MD Afshani, Mansour, MD Ahmed, Shameela Neaz, MD Arnold, Thomas Winn, MD Assaf, Mohammad, MD Bertorini, Tulio E, MD Butler, Darel A, MD Cape, Charles A, MD Chen, Feiyu, MD Condon, Gregory J, MD DeShazo, Michael Henry, MD Dick, Maroun T, MD Elahi, Hafiz Awais, MD Ferrante, Mark Anthony, MD Giraldo, Elias A, MD Grant Brown, Latai Ebrette, MD Henderson, Kendrick Knoll, MD Jacewicz, Michael, MD Jaster, James Howard, MD Khan, Raja B, MD Kumar, Vishad, MD Landy, Stephen H, MD Ledoux, Mark S, MD Levin, Michael C, MD Li, Yingjun, MD Martinez, Jesus Felix, MD Nadel, Alan M, MD O'Brien, Barbara Cape, MD Petrinjac Nenadic, Rada, MD Pfeiffer, Ronald F, MD Pillai, Rekha, MD Pulsinelli, William A, MD Saeed, Salman, MD Schnapp, Moacir, MD Segal, Robert H, MD Sonone, Rahul Vasant, MD Stein, Lee S, MD Vasu, Renga I, MD Wahba, Mervat N, MD Wang, James Jinxing, MD Wright, Lance J, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S Neurology with Special Qualifications in Child Neurology Morgan, Robin Lynne, MD PS Neuropsychology (PHD) Atkins, Loy Keith, PhD Brewer, Vickie R, PHD Bright, James Ivey, PhD Hawkes, Martha N, PhD McChesney, Susan R, PhD Paul, Connie S, PhD Sanford, Caroline G, PhD P P P P P P P Neuroradiology Helton, Kathleen J, MD PS Nuclear Medicine Shulkin, Barry L, MD Nurse Practitioner PS Behnke, Kathleen Herrod, NP C Carter, Stephanie R, FNP BC Darby, Dina Gathright, FNP Leonard, Kelly J, FNP BC Lewis Hamlet, Tameka LaShay, ANP BC Lipson, Mindy Jacobson, FNP BC Lochbihler, Michael Anthony, FNP BC Mathis, Craig Alan, NP Miller, Garnett, FNP BC Mulroy, Janet Flynn, ACNP BC Pearson, Janet H, NP Perry, Regina Benai, FNP BC Shamley, Loretta Lambert, NP C Sullivan, Jane Ann, FNP Talley, Renita C, NP C Watkins, Pamela Ann, ACNP BC Winkler, Joni L, NP C Check our Web site @ for current listing. S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK SK S SK S SK SK SK SK S S SK Physicians S-Network S Networks Shelby County (Continued) Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Atkeison, Julie A, APRN BC Boyd, April Michelle, APRN BC Donnelly, Jacquelyn L, ACNP BC Earl, Susan D, APRN BC Hall, Terri L, NP Hendrix, Valerian Keith, Sr, ACNP BC Hollahan, Catherine J, APRN BC Hook, Errol M, NP Jones, Beverly Ann, ACNP BC Jones, Robbie Shontel, ACNP BC ODell, Jennifer Patterson, NP Poston, Bonnie Susan, NP Pruitt, Melissa D, ACNP BC Robinson, Ora L, ACNP BC Smith, Wendy J, ANP Tyler, Stephanie Gene, APRN BC Woodcock, Lisa M, NP Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Brady, Bridget B, FNP Drummond, Patrick Shawn, APRN BC Finch, Linda C, APRN BC Langston, Anita Kelso, APRN BC Norris, Marcus Anthony, NP Parks, Yolanda M, NP Qualls, Zoe F, NP Robinson, Elizabeth Crary, NP Scott, Kelley Von, APRN BC Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Allen, DeLoris B, FNP Ammons, Judith D, FNP Anschultz, Joyce Deann, NP C Bader, Patricia Walsh, APRN BC Balch, Dana Faye, NP C Balestrini, Nancy E, APRN BC Barcroft, Douglas M, FNP Barnett, Marilyn L, APRN BC Batey, Honour Maria, FNP BC Beard, Tammara H, NP Birmingham, Barbara Mary, FNP BC Bishop, Jeffrey Morgan, APRN BC Blakney, Dee A, FNP Boldreghini, Sandra J, FNP Brady, Mary Angela, FNP BC Bredy, Marie C, NP C Breeden, Melody Wynette, FNP BC Brown, Lois V, FNP Bush, Brenda, APRN BC Carpenter, Terrell C, FNP Carroll, Erika Branco, NP C Chandler, Vicki L, FNP Cherry, Tara Calico, NP C Chipman, Melanie Prince, FNP BC Chism, Meredith White, APRN BC Clarin, Dona L, MSN Cole, Brenda S, FNP Collins, Debra C, NP Conover, Stephanie Sue, FNP BC Cook, Angela Kay, APRN BC Covington, Jamie W, FNP Cowan, Anesha Machelle, NP C Cox, Sandra E, FNP Crenshaw, Lisa M, NP Cress, Fawn P, FNP Cunningham, Patricia Duffy, APRN BC Dalehite Stringfellow, Julie Ellen, APRN BC Darby, Dina Gathright, FNP Dewey, Jennifer Doss, APRN BC Edwards, Frances Jeanette, APRN BC Edwards, Virginia K, FNP Elliotte, Mary C, FNP Engelkemier, Becca Elise, FNP Erickson, Lisa L, APRN BC Evans, Brenda Mae, APRN BC Green, Richard W, FNP Griggs, Rebecca A, FNP Physicians P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK SK SK S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S SK S S S S SK P-Network P Shelby County K-Network K Networks Hanor, Angela Marie, FNP BC Harmon, Stephanie Ann, FNP BC Harris, Kimberly J, FNP BC Heffner, Brenda K, FNP BC Henry, Artangela Demetria, NP C Hodges, Kathlene R, APRN BC Hoffmann, Emily A, FNP Holt, Tara C, NP Hudson, Angela P, ANP Humphrey, Yvette L, FNP BC Hunt, Norma Lynnette, FNP BC Hurt, Nancy M, FNP Jackson, Treena Woody, FNP BC Jeffreys, Chantil Dicus, FNP Jenkins, Judith E, FNP Johnson, Angela M, APRN BC Jones, Nichole Michelle, FNP BC Krispin, Elizabeth J, FNP BC Laird, Emily R, NP Lampley, Deborah E, APRN BC Leonard, Kelly J, FNP BC Ligon, Cynthia Seat, FNP BC Likes, Windy M, NP Lippman, Carol, FNP BC Lipsey, Catherine A, APRN BC Lowery, Robbie D, NP C Lykins, Amy L, FNP Marcum, Carolyn Ruth, NP C Marion, Ashley G, APRN BC Martin, Stephen T, NP McCormick, Paula Faulkner, APRN BC McKee, Meredith H, APRN BC Miller, Garnett, FNP BC Moffatt, Nancy Anne, APRN BC Mosby, Linda M, FNP Mynatt, Mary Elizabeth, NP C Neira, Claudia P, ANP Nevill Price, Amanda Nicole, FNP BC Nichols, Cynthia H, FNP BC Owens Johnson, Patrice Michelle, NP Pace, Diane Todd, APRN BC Parimore, Linda Jane, FNP BC Pattat, Michelle M, FNP Peden, Angela Miller, FNP BC Peggins, Kristie Neichall, NP C Phillips, Mary Nell, FNP BC Powell, John H, FNP Price, Chandra Lynn, FNP Ray, Corry Lynn, FNP BC Remigailo, Heidi Lea, FNP BC Richardson, Clarrissa Evette, FNP BC Rike, Donna Roberson, APRN BC Rogers, Cynthia L, APN Rourke, Leo F, Jr, FNP Shamley, Loretta Lambert, NP C Shauger, Karen Corinne, NP C Sheffield, Anna Armour, FNP BC Shelton, Virginia L, FNP Sholtz, Jessica H, NP Sims, Deborah F, APRN BC Smith, Mitzi Wynette, FNP Speck, Patricia M, APRN BC Speros, Carolyn I, FNP Springfield Harvey, Carolyn J, FNP Stanton Deener, Brenda Kay, APRN BC Stevens, Jessica Lynn, FNP Strong, Csara Rae, APRN BC Thompson, Laura L, FNP Thompson, Linda Lee, NP C Tidwell, Tracy Joan, APRN BC Trent, Diane Y, FNP Turner, Rae M, APRN BC Veeser, Margaret I, NP Vescovo, Mary Kathryn, NP C Waller, Sandra Desbien, FNP Ward, Sharon Denise, FNP BC Watts, Marah Jo, APRN BC West, Sharon Fran, APRN BC Wilder, Paula F, APRN BC Wilkinson, Sara K, FNP Williams, Mary A, APRN BC P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S SK S SK S S S S S SK S S S S S S S SK S SK S S S S S S S S S S SK SK S S S S S S SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK SK S S Networks Williams, Tina Denise, FNP BC Williams, Vanessa Daffney, FNP BC Willis, Dawna Jeanette, FNP BC Wilson, Elizabeth Oludayo, APRN BC Woods, Denise R, FNP Wyatt, Lacey Shayann, FNP BC P P P P P P SK SK S S S Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health Christiansen, Regina L, MSN Curry, Linda V, NP Hurlow, Jennifer Johnston, NP Nurse Practitioner, Neonatal Smith, Christa B, NP Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Autry, Nell M, NP Kinsley, Paige Jordan, PNP BC Magtoto, Romana G, APRN BC Paton, Elizabeth A, APRN BC Stewart, Charles W, NP P PS PS PS P P P P P S S SK S S Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) Conner, Marcia Lynn, NP James, Jinaki Shani Kianga, RNC BC Montgomery, Rena Denman, WHNP BC Needham, Amanda Leigh Ellen, RNC BC Tennyson, Joanne Selzer, NP Obstetrics & Gynecology Albritton, John F, MD Anderson, Lanetta, MD Austin, John L, MD Aycock, William W, MD Azari, Ahmad, MD Ballenger, Peter L, MD Bannister, Lea M, MD Bishop, Laura JoAnne, MD Blackett, Melrose I, MD Butcher, Sharon Ann, MD Byrd, Kenneth N, MD Carney, Judi L, MD Carter, Belvia, MD Chappell, Benjamin Todd, MD Chauhan, Heather P, MD Cole, Kristi M, MD Counce, Michael F, MD Cox III, Sam J, MD Crenshaw, Thomas H, MD Crisler, Crista L, MD Cyrus, Rushelle Jones, MD DeWane, Joseph C, MD Dirghangi, Jayanta K, MD Donato, Heather O, MD Dulaney, Betty J, MD Duncan-Cody, Barbara A, MD Edelson, Michael L, MD Engbretson, Laura Lynne, MD Gayden, John O, MD Giddens, G. Aric, MD Giddens, Mary A, MD Givens, Vanessa, MD Grandberry, Deidrea L, MD Graves, Lester R, MD Greenwell, Thomas D, Jr, MD Hardy, Brenda M, MD Harper, Julie G, MD Harraway Smith, Carolyn Loraine, MD Haskins, Laura Bennis, MD Healy, Regina G, MD Hodges, Frederick T, MD Homsi, Riad Ibrahim, MD Joe, Penn Q, MD Keegan, Mary, MD Kennedy, A. Franklin, MD King, T. Franklin, MD Kline, Robert P, MD Kumar, Alok, MD Lacy, Susan, MD Landrigan, John W, MD Lawrence, Joseph, MD Lazar, Edward H, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S 111 Shelby County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Shelby County (Continued) Obstetrics & Gynecology (Continued) Lazarus, Edward J, MD Lee, Helen Seunglim, MD Li, Bo Charles, MD Li, Sherri Xuan, MD Ling, Frank W, MD Lipscomb, Gary Heston, MD Long, Diane M, MD Mallett, Veronica T, MD Manejwala, Fazal M, MD Marshall, Michael R, MD Mayo, Leslie Thompson, MD McDonald, Mary N, MD McGlothan, Corey S, MD Mestemacher, Christine S, MD Miller, Kristin Morse, MD Moise, Claudia, MD Moore, Dwight M, MD Extended Hours Available Moore, Yvonne Frank, MD Moses, Linda F, MD Murrmann, Susan G, MD Neblett, Paul D, MD Oraedu, Kingsley O, MD Pasley, Monica A, MD Patterson, James K, MD Patterson, Kyle S, MD Patterson, Rushton E, Jr, MD Peeler, George H, III, MD Phillips, Nancy O, MD Pickens, John H, MD Pilgrim, Paula, MD Pugh, Christopher Johnne, DO Rada, John B, III, MD Randolph, Donna W, MD Randolph, Paul D, Jr, MD Reed, Cheston M, Jr, MD Riseling, Elizabeth K, MD Rouselle, Dionne M, MD Ruffin, Jessica M, MD Sanford, Jack C, MD Seymore, Melvinie E, MD Shephard, Claudette Jones, MD Sherrod, Rome, II, MD Shier, Janice Marie, MD Simha, Samuel, MD Souder, Marva Lanette, MD Stack, Michael L, MD Stanford, Edward Joseph, MD Stern, Jonathan Bradley, MD Stinson, William David, MD Stovall, Thomas G, MD Sullivant, Henry P, Jr, MD Summitt, Margaret Z, MD Summitt, Robert L, Jr, MD Taylor, Herbert A, MD Tejwani, Indu A, MD Thompson, Elaine Allen, MD Thorpe, Edwin M, Jr, MD Tinker, Cory R, MD Todd, Tanja L, MD Tonkin, Leah Carmen, MD Townsend, Arthur M, IV, MD Vogt, Val Y, MD Williams, Judith J, MD Wilson, Gina Simone, MD Wilson, James A, MD Woodall, Jesse C, Jr, MD Wortham, George F, MD Oncology Heching, Norman I, MD Ophthalmology Battles, Michele Ann, MD Beale, Howard L, MD Byrd, Kathryn W, MD 112 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S PS PS PS P PS PS PS PS PS PS PS K-Network K Networks Calzada, Jorge I, MD Charles, Steven Thomas, MD Chaum, Edward, MD Currey, Thomas A, Sr, MD Denton, Norman Clifford, MD Deshaies, Roger L, MD Deweese, Melvin W, MD Duncan, Kristen Taylor, MD Echols, James Robert, II, MD Elfervig, John Lars, MD Fleming, James C, MD Flinn, Carl E, MD Flores, Ana L, MD Freeman, James F, MD Freeman, Jerre M, MD Freeman, John M, MD Gettelfinger, Thomas C, MD Girschek, Brendan Paul, MD Gollamudi, Subba R, MD Goode, Fletcher H, MD Gordon, Lawrence W, MD Haik, Barrett G, MD Hamilton, Ralph F, MD Hamilton, Ralph S, MD Hancock, Heather Alicia, MD Hart, James Coleman, Jr, MD Hendricks, Sean David, MD Herndon, Bruce W, MD Hidaji, Faramarz F, MD Hoehn, Mary E, MD Holliday, James N, MD Hurd, William C, MD Iannaccone, Alessandro M, MD Irvine, William D, MD Kanner, Elliott Makary, MD Kavoussi, Harold P, MD Khamapirad, Tawan S, MD Kirzhner, Maria, MD Krauss, Andrew Mark, MD Kriger, Sidney H, MD Lawrence, Scott David, MD Lawton, Andrew W, MD Linder, James S, MD Linn, John E, MD Litch, Melvin, Jr, MD Marais, Ivan, MD McLaurin, Eugene B, MD Meyer, David, MD Morris, William R, MD Netland, Peter A, MD Ngakeng, Vanessa Edwige, MD Nguyen, Truc Hoang, MD ODonnell, Thomas J, MD Oester, Alan Edward, Jr, MD Pan, Jane Chi Chun, MD Partal, Andreea Evelin, MD Passons, Gary A, MD Pratt, Thomas H, MD Priester, William B, MD Rice, Kevin E, MD Rowland, Joseph P, Jr, MD Salim, Sarwat, MD Savage, James Amos, MD Schanzer, Mary Cathleen, MD Shildkrot, Yevgeniy Eugene, MD Shukla, Salil, MD Sievers, Richard E, MD Sims, Clifford W, MD Toyos, Rolando, MD Usdan, David A, MD Vaidya, Nadeem Nurmohamed, MD Walton, Robert C, MD Wesberry, Jesse M, Jr, MD Wilson, Matthew W, MD Wright Jr, Harvey B, MD Yoser, Seth Leigh, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Albright, Jimmy E, DDS Cannon, John S, DDS Gruen, Gordon E, DDS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S K PSK PS P Networks Hopkins, K Marcus, D.D.S. Maroda, Stephen J, DDS McCullar, Bruce H, DDS McRae, J Lawrence, DDS Meekins, Richard D, Jr, DDS Morris, Dwight A, DDS Peck, Russell C, DDS Sexton, S Barrett, DDS Smith, Robert K, DDS Staples, Ronald C, DDS Stein, Gilbert G, DDS Weeda, Lawrence W, Jr, DDS Williams, Darren Ray, DMD Williams, Harris E, DDS Williams, Michael A, DDS Wilson, G Trent, DDS Zelig, David, DDS Oral Pathology Anderson, Kenneth M, DDS Orthopedic Surgery Albers, William, MD Austin, Susan M, MD Azar, Frederick M, MD Beaty, James H, MD Bloomstein, Larry Zients, MD Bobo, Robert T, MD Bourland, Robert L, Jr, MD Bourland, William L, MD Burrow, Jamey Walcott, MD Calandruccio, James H, MD Camillo, Francis X, MD Canale, Sturla Terrence, MD Cannon, David Lorne, MD Caudle, Robert Joseph, MD Childress, Rommel, MD Cleveland, Kevin B, MD Cole, Robert Jeffrey, MD Conoley, Jack Autrey, MD Crenshaw, Andrew H, Jr, MD Crockarell, John R, Jr, MD Curlee, Patrick Matthew, MD Currie, Oscar Jo Van, MD Dabov, Gregory D, MD Dalal, Apurva R, MD Deneka, David Alan, MD Dlabach, Jeffrey Alan, MD Ehlert, Kurt J, MD Elmes, Cornelis Millard, MD Ennis, Richard L, MD Fahey, Christian S, MD Ferguson, Christopher Allen, MD Fly, William R, MD Freeman, Barney L, MD Gagliardi, Martin Philip, MD Galyon, James T, MD Gardocki, Raymond J, MD Grinspun, Kenneth Alexander, MD Guyton, James L, MD Harkess, James W, MD Harriman, Mark Steven, MD Heck, Michael James, MD Heck, Robert Kurt, Jr, MD Holcomb, Randall L, MD Ishikawa, Susan N, MD Jameson, William Dean, MD Jobe, Mark T, MD Jones, Robert Riley, MD Karpitskaya, Yekaterina, MD Kelly, Derek Michael, MD Knight, William Harold, MD Krahn, Timothy H, MD Lavelle, David G, MD LeBrun, Christopher Thomas, MD Leventhal, Marvin R, MD Lindy, Peter B, MD Linville, Douglas A, II, MD Lochemes, John Joseph, MD Lonergan, Robert P, MD Lynch, Michael H, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S SK S SK S SK S S S S PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Shelby County (Continued) Orthopedic Surgery (Continued) Manugian, Arsen Haig, MD Mascioli, Anthony Andrew, MD Meter, Jeffrey Jon, MD Micek, Timothy John, MD Mihalko, Marc J, MD Mihalko, William Michael, MD Miller III, Robert H, MD Moffatt, W. Lee, III, MD Murphy, G Andrew, MD Murrell, Samuel Edwin, III, MD Neel, Michael D, MD Palmieri, Ana K, MD Patterson, Jared James, MD Perez, Edward A, MD Phillips, Barry Brent, MD Pickering, Robert M, MD Pokabla, Christopher Mark, MD Pratt, Edward S, MD Richardson, David R, MD Richardson, E. Greer, MD Rosenzweig, Seth Daniel, MD Rudloff, Matthew Ian, MD Russell, Thomas Anthony, MD Saenz, Jay M, MD Sawyer, Jeffrey R, MD Schrader, Lawrence F, MD Simard, Jean, MD Tabor, Owen B, Jr, MD Tabor, Owen B, Sr, MD Taylor, John Charles, MD Throckmorton, Thomas Ward, MD Toy, Patrick Christopher, MD Waggoner, Stephen M, MD Warner, William C, MD Weiss, Kenneth S, MD Whittle, Allison P, MD Williams, Keith D, MD Wolf, Frederick G, MD Wood, George W, II, MD Yakin, David E, MD Younas, Shiraz Ahmad, MD Otolaryngology Beckford, Neal S, MD Chanin, Louis Ross, DO Clemons, Mark P, MD Colvin, Greene B, IV, MD Cunningham, Jeffrey Jordan, MD Duberstein, Larry E, MD Duncan, Thane E, MD Emmett, John R, MD Fetterman, Bruce L, MD Franklin, Edgar R, MD Hall, Christopher J, MD Hodges, John M, MD Klug, Dean Anthony, MD Lim, Victoria L, MD Long, Thomas E, MD MacDonald, Charles B, MD McCalla, Mary, MD Milburn, Mark A, MD Naidu, Srikanth I, MD Petri, Jan H, MD Preston, Todd William, MD Rains, Boyce Marvin, III, MD Rosenberg, Zachary, MD Ruleman, C. Allan, Jr., MD Samant, Sandeep, MD Schlesinger, Victor A, MD Sebelik, Merry Ellen, MD Shea, John J, III, MD Shea, John J, Jr, MD Shea, M Coyle, Jr, MD Shea, Paul F, MD Staffel, Jon Gregory, MD Tag, Arnold R, MD Physicians P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Shelby County K-Network K Networks Templeton, Terry P, MD Touliatos, John S, MD Tyehimba, Arthur H, MD Vieira, Francisco O, MD Williams, Glenn B, MD Willis, Robert A, MD Wright, Leonard D, Jr, MD Pain Management McCoy, Dennis D, MD Steuer, Michael Edward, MD Pathology Adler, Justin C, Jr, MD Bugg, Michael F, MD Downing, James R, MD Glotzbach, Raymond E, MD Goldstein, Adrian Michael, MD Hilsenbeck, Holly Lynne, MD Jenkins, Jesse J, MD McGregor, David K, MD Onciu, Mihaela, MD Stockstill, Ronald G, MD Thompson, Andre Christopher, MD Williams, Susan T, MD Pediatric Allergy & Immunology Conley, Mary E, MD Michael, Christie F, MD Pediatric Anesthesiology Crone, R. Andrew, MD Cunningham Jr, Edwin D, MD Reid, David H, MD Shapiro, Marvin L, MD Vaddadi, Aruna K, MD West, James M, MD Pediatric Cardiology Alpert, Bruce S, MD Anthony, Courtney L, Jr, MD Cabrera, Antonio Gabriel, MD Chase, Nancy A, MD Chin, Thomas K, MD Douglas, Dane E, MD Joshi, Vijaya M, MD Lutterman, Joel, MD Stamps, James Kevin, MD Waller, Benjamin R, III, MD Wetzel, Glenn T, MD Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Anand, Kanwaljeet Singh, MD Bugnitz, M C, MD Chavez, Pedro Nelson, MD Elbahlawan, Lama M, MD Fernandez Nievas, Ignacio Federico, MD Lamptey, Aubrey Amoo, MD Morrison, Ronald R, MD OCain, Peggy A, MD Rajasekaran, Surender, MD Schwingshackl, Andreas, MD Shah, Samir Hashmukh, MD Spentzas, Thomas, MD Storgion, Stephanie A, MD Pediatric Emergency Medicine Arevalo, Alejandro Redaelli, MD Bergeron, Christian Blake, MD Cruz, Dinia C, MD Ellis, Donald T, II, MD Kink, Rudy John, MD Longjohn, Mindy K, MD OCarroll, Kelly Farrell, MD Odum, Erica Patrese, MD Robinson, Wilson Scout, Jr, MD Sullivan, Meghan Dale, MD Swick, Tina M, NP Venkataraman, Jaya, MD Pediatric Endocrinology Burghen, George A, MD Ferry, Robert Jean, Jr, MD P P P P P P P Karabell, Ana Helena De Luca, MD Shelso, John H, MD S S S S S S S Pediatric Gastroenterology Black, Dennis D, MD Eshun, John, MD Lazar, Linda F, MD Whitington, Gene L, MD Whitworth, John R, MD P PS P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S PS PS P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S PS PS Networks Pediatric Hematology / Oncology K K K Armstrong, Gregory Thomas, MD Aygun, Banu, MD Baker, Justin Nathaniel, MD Bhojwani, Deepa Shyam, MD Broniscer, Alberto, MD Campbell, Patrick K, MD Cunningham, Melody June, MD Dallas, Mari Hashitate, MD Daw, Najat C, MD Furman, Wayne L, MD Gajjar, Amar, MD Green, Daniel Michael, MD Hankins, Jane S, MD Hartford, Christine Mary, MD Howard, Scott C, MD Hudson, Melissa M, MD Jeha, Sima, MD Kane, Javier R, MD Kaplan, Stuart J, MD Laver, Joseph H, MD Leung, Wing Hang, MD McDade, Jenny, DO McGregor, Lisa M, MD Metzger, Monika, MD Navid, Fariba, MD Pillai, Asha Bhaskaran, MD Presbury, Gerald J, MD Pui, Ching Hon, MD Qaddoumi, Ibrahim Abdel Rahim, MD Reiss, Ulrike M, MD Riberio, Raul C, MD Rubnitz, Jeffrey E, MD Sandlund, John T, MD Santana, Victor M, MD Spraker, Holly Lynn, MD Spunt, Sheri L, MD Srinivasan, Ashok, MD Triplett, Brandon Matthew, MD Wang, Winfred C, MD Ware, Russell E, MD Wilimas, Judith A, MD Pediatric Infectious Disease Adderson, Elisabeth E, MD Arnold, Sandra L, MD Buckingham, Steven C, MD Caniza, Miguela A, MD Chesney, Patricia J, MD Devincenzo, John P, MD English, B Keith, MD Flynn, Patricia M, MD Gaur, Aditya H, MD Hakim, Hana Mohamad, MD Knapp, Katherine M, MD McCullers, Jonathan A, MD Miyairi, Isao, MD Shenep, Jerry L, MD Tuomanen, Elaine I, MD Pediatric Nephrology Ault, Bettina H, MD Chesney, Russell W, MD Delos Santos, Noel M, MD Hastings, Margaret Colleen, MD Jones, Deborah P, MD Wyatt, Robert J, MD Pediatric Neurology Igarashi, Masanori, MD Jabbour, J T, MD Lynn, Ronald B, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S PS PS PS 113 Shelby County S-Network S Networks Shelby County (Continued) Pediatric Neurology (Continued) McGregor, Amy L, MD McVicar, Kathryn Anne, MD Morris, Eugene B, MD Natarajan, Shiva Shankar, MD Perkins, Freedom F, Jr, MD Shah, Namrata Samir, MD Wheless, James W, MD Wise, Merrill S, MD Pediatric Neurosurgery Muhlbauer, Michael S, MD Sanford, Robert A, MD Pediatric Ophthalmology Hoehn, Mary E, MD Kerr, Natalie C, MD Pediatric Otolaryngology Stocks, Rose M, MD Thompson, Jerome W, MD Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine Srinivasan, Saumini, MD Pediatric Pulmonology Schoumacher, Robert A, MD Stokes, Dennis Clifton, MD Tutor, James Dudley, MD Pediatric Radiology Anton, Christopher Gerard, MD Boulden, Thomas F, MD Emery, Kathleen Helme, MD Kline Fath, Beth Marie, MD Oestreich, Alan E, MD Parvey, Louis S, MD Pediatric Rheumatology Myers, Linda K, MD Pediatric Surgery Blakely, Martin L, MD Dall igna, Patrizia, MD Davidoff, Andrew M, MD Eubanks, James W, III, MD Hixson, S. Douglas, MD Huang, Eunice Yuee Dean, MD Langham, Max R, Jr, MD Rao, Bhaskar N, MD Shochat, Stephen J, MD Pediatric Urology Giel, Dana Wilkerson, MD Jerkins, Gerald R, MD Williams, Mark A, MD Pediatrics Adams, Melissa Binder, MD Adedipe, Olugbenga Mabayoje, MD Aguillard, Susan M, MD Algea, Janice S, MD Andrew, Elizabeth M, MD Assfoura, Rana, MD Barnes, Grover W, MD Barrett, William M, MD Bauch, Stephen T, MD Beeman, Helen G, MD Bell Jr, Emmett D, MD Bellur, Bharathi S, MD Benaim, Elisa I, MD Benton, Mary E, MD Best, Jara L, MD Carter, James Edward, Sr, MD Chidester, Catherine Ann, MD Christian, Aimee M, MD Cowan, James L, III, MD Crisler Jr, H A, MD Cruz, Dinia C, MD 114 P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS P P P P P P S S S S S S PS P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S P-Network P K-Network K Networks Davis, Edward C, MD Delamerens-Pratt, Maria T, MD Dellinger, Hubert L, Jr, MD Dellinger, Janet W, MD Dick, Charlotte J, MD Dirghangi, Banani, MD Donlon, Richard N, MD Durham, Anna M, MD Edwards, Lelon O, MD Eiseman, Robert, MD Ellis, John W, III, MD Erbele, Phillip W, MD Espinal, Ronald Rafael, MD Fesmire, William M, MD Flores Perkins, Silvia Patricia, MD Folz, Tamara P, MD Frantz, Melinda M, MD Frizzell, Noel K, MD Gandhi, Manhar, MD Geiger, Janet D, MD George, Beena, MD Geshke, Terrence E, MD Gibson, Lisa Dawn, MD Giger, Jerri L, MD Gillespie, Timothy G, MD Gossett, Gail J, MD Guacaneme, Angel Orlando, MD Guinter, Robert H, MD Hanson, Charles C, MD Hare, Marion E, MD Hayes, Burton L, MD Hayes, Wayland J, MD Higginbotham, Robert T, MD Hill, John R, MD Hillebert, Susan A, MD Holland, Nancy E, MD Holtzman, Lori Rae, MD Hubbard, Amy E, MD Huggins, Marybeth Higgins, MD Hussain, Shazia M, MD Jameson, Valerie P, MD Johnson, Rhonda C, MD Jones, Bradley K, MD Jones, Brinders, MD Jones, Renee Andrewnetta, DO Kassees, Laila I, MD Khan, Asma, MD Kloek, Scott M, MD Koumbourli Economides, Aglae N, MD Kronenberg, Joel I, MD Kube, David A, MD Kuster, Sabrina Burns, MD Lacy, Michael R, MD Lakin, Karen L, MD Lankford, Ann Catherine, MD Larkin, Charles N, MD Levine, Joanne Kara, MD Livingston, Leon O, MD Macgaw, Douglas M, MD Magdovitz, Nouth Chanmanivone, MD Mathis, Christopher L, MD Mefford, Amanda Rae, MD Merriweather Knowles, Felicia Cleora, MD Meza Kane, Elena Isabel, MD Miller, Ashley B, MD Mink, Jennifer D, MD Mitchell, Lauren S, MD Montgomery, James C, MD Motaghian, Faranak, MD Murray, Stacy F, MD Nelson, Deborah, MD Newman, Errin Gajkowski, MD Newman, Grant T, MD Extended Hours Available Norman, Johnita, MD OBryan, Jennifer M, MD Odum, Erica Patrese, MD Orebiyi Heinkel, Oluwaseun E, MD Owen, Keith B, MD Palmer, Frederick B, MD Patel, Nehali D, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K SK S S S SK S S S S S S S S S SK S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S Networks Pender, John V, MD Extended Hours Available Pendergrass, Landon B, MD Extended Hours Available Phillips III, Harry V, MD Presbury, Gerald J, MD Ragland, David K, MD Raju, Jampana V, MD Ramgoolam, Andres, MD Rangaswami, N, MD Reed, Patrice, MD Riikola, Robert W, MD Saino, James D, MD Sands, Cynthia S, MD Schulz, Angela, MD Scott, Dawn H, MD Scott, Hugh B, MD Segal, Jack, MD Senter, Anthony M, MD Sepulveda, Vanessa S, MD Sevier, Georgette R, MD Shahbaz, Fatima, MD Sheffield, Nicole M, MD Siegel, Joel I, MD Sims, Silvia D, MD Snapp, Sharon M, MD Snider, Charles V, MD Stancil, Stephen Paul, MD Stecker, Ellen Jane, MD Stovall, Lloydetta S, MD Sudheendran, Prabha, MD Sweeten, Bianca J, MD Terrell, William, Jr, MD Thompson, Jeffrey D, MD Threlkeld, William C, MD Tsiu, Willie M, MD Vargo, Jacob Aaron, MD Venkataraman, Jaya, MD Wall, Hershel P, MD Wanderman, Richard G, MD Ware, Julie L, MD Watson, Deborah Diane, MD Welch, Susan Kay, MD Whitehead, Peter Y, MD Whitney, Carolyn, MD Williams Neal, Ethelyn J, MD Wright, Monica Latrece, MD Yanishevski, Lana, MD Yukon, Charles L, MD Ziebarth, David M, MD PS PS PS PS PS S PS PS PS PS P PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS P PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS P P Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Bingham, Ronald C, MD Carro, Manuel F, MD Cruz, Eduardo Vargas, MD Cunningham, Dale Preston, MD Cunningham, Mark L, MD Dockery, John D, MD Dowling, David Joseph, MD Ellen, Jonathan David, MD Greene Jr, Robert W, MD Hinton, Danielle Lashea, MD Jain, Sunita K, MD Johnson, Miles M, MD Lee Sigler, Judith R, MD Martinez, Santos F, MD Morgan, George Thomas, MD Park, Ashley L, MD Polk, Samuel C, MD Rivera-Tavarez, Carlos E, MD Rizk, Tewfik E, MD Sorensen, Michael J, MD Sullivan, Donald J, MD Physician Assistant Buck Malone, Aurora Theresa, PA Coleman, Marchelle, PA C Conquest, Catherine Anne, PA C Davis, James E, PA Davis, Pamela L, PAC Hamilton, Melanie June, PA Check our Web site @ for current listing. K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S SK P P P P P P S SK SK S S S S S S S S S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Shelby County (Continued) Physician Assistant (Continued) Hull, Stephanie Ann, PA C Jackson, Amy Shannon, PA Ladner, Wayne Jospeh, Jr, PA Roach, Arthur T, PA Stegall, Lynn A, PA Tribble, Jada Anne, PA Wise, John Augustan, PA Physician Assistant at Surgery Stegall, Lynn A, PA Tribble, Jada Anne, PA Wise, John Augustan, PA Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Sledge, James Mark, MD Plastic Surgery Adams, R. Louis, MD Adams, William M, Jr, MD Aldea, Peter A, MD Burruss, George L, MD Chandler, Robert G, MD Eby, Patricia L, MD Efird III, Walter G, MD Epperson, Joel Rodman, Jr, MD Goshorn, Neumon T, MD Hickerson, William Leslie, MD Johnson, Ronald J, MD King, Stephen R, MD Koleyni, Asghar, MD Lachica, Roberto D, MD Luce, Edward A, MD Murphy, James Garnett, MD Quigley, Karen K, MD Shell, Dan H, III, MD Tavin, Ellis, MD Ver Halen, Jon Peter, MD Wallace, Robert D, MD Podiatry (DPM) Ashbery, Thomas E, DPM Baggett, Larry D, DPM Chase, Steven K, DPM Cook, Joel M, DPM Croft, Darrell G, DPM Davis, Tyrone T, DPM Erali, Richard P, DPM Hendrix, Christopher L, DPM Hutchison, Paul W, DPM Khumalo, Bhekumuzi M, DPM Kiel, Brian N, DPM Knowles, Antonio L, DPM Langford, Jerry H, DPM Lucas, Nathan, DPM Mantell, Gary M, DPM Moinester, David M, DPM Ognibene, Frank A, DPM Raich, Allen K, DPM Robinson, Ricky L, DPM Rosenberg, Ronald E, DPM Shainberg, David G, DPM Shwer, Brian I, DPM Siciliano, Carl, DPM Smith, Christian Charles, DPM Webster, Chad E, DPM Webster, Julie Cathleen, DPM Zimmerman, Stephen H, DPM Pulmonary Disease Aguillard, R. Neal, MD Andrews, James M, MD Bentley, Steven G, MD Boswell, Richard Lee, MD Burbeck, Joy Carol, MD Deaton, Paul R, MD Ellis, Garrettson Smith, MD Fountain, Francis F, Jr, MD Physicians P P P P P P P SK S S SK S S S PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S SK S S S SK SK P P P P P P P P S S S SK S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S Shelby County K-Network K Networks Fox, Roy C, MD P Freire, Amado X, MD P Golden, Emmel B, Jr, MD P Griffin, John P, MD P Headley, Arthur S, MD P Hofmann, Marc E, MD P Kennedy, Lisa, MD P Mabie, Matthew W, MD P Mariencheck, William I, Sr, MD P McEachern, Robert C, MD P McGehee, John L, MD P Meduri, G. Umberto, MD P Muthiah, Muthiah P, MD P Okpor, Kenneth Azuka, MD P Panton LaTouche, Suzette Ann Denise, MD P Schriner, Robert William, MD P Sinclair, Scott E, MD P Smith, Charles Michael, Jr, MD P Soskel, Norman T, MD P Sultan Ali, Ibrahim A, MD P Taylor, Edwin O, MD P Trew, Gary Franklin, MD P Walker, James Edward, Jr, MD P Williams, Glenn J, MD P Wilons, Michael D, MD P Wollak, Istvan David, MD P Wright, Jeffrey Glen, MD P Yataco, Jose C, MD P Zaidi, Syed Junaid Ahmed, MD P Zaman, Muhammed K, MD P Radiation Oncology Burnett, John Arthur, MD Chen, Quan, MD Dubal, Nilesh V, MD Ghandour, Omar F, MD Gieschen, Holger L, MD Krasin, Matthew J, MD Kun, Larry E, MD Lee, Jea Youl, MD Mastrofrancesco, Lois, MD Merchant, Thomas E, DO Pai Panandiker, Atmaram Shambhu, MD Rinker, Lillian H, MD Speight, Joycelyn L, MD Stockstill, Todd F, MD Tibbs, Martha Katherine, MD Radiology Armstrong, Marsha C, MD Atkinson, Edward, III, MD Boulden, Thomas F, MD Campbell, Andrew Bruce, MD Donovan, Timothy B, Sr, MD Fleming, Richard Michael, MD Fowler, Tommy S, MD Glass, Ronald Bernhard Jacob, MD Gold, Robert E, MD Halford III, Hollis H, MD Hansen, Dale E, MD Hodgkiss, Linda C, MD Kaste, Sue C, DO Laster, Robert E, MD Lemmi, Michael A, MD Mabry Jr, Edward H, MD Mitchum, James R, MD Mize, Anna E, MD Moser, Davis D, MD Optican, Robert J, MD Parks, Frank D, MD Perkins, Charles L, II, MD Roberts, Jon Alan, MD Routt, William E, Jr, MD Salazar, Jorge A, MD Sherwood, Scot Hamilton, MD Toothman, Richard Lee, MD Uytana, Vinson Louis, MD Weatherly, Mark W, MD Yarbrough, Robert R, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Networks S S S S S Reproductive Endocrinology S S S S Adams, R Franklin, MD Alissandratos, Jane Kirk, MD Arkin, Charles R, MD Ash, Judy D, MD Atiq, Shehla J, MD Blumenfeld, Harry B, MD Boatright, Michael D, MD Carbone, Laura D, MD Chapman, Cathy M, MD Ganguli, Sudha Nimmagadda, MD Holt, Huey T, Jr, MD Kang, Andrew H, MD Marker, Howard W, MD Menon, Yamini, MD Pattanaik, Debendra N, MD Postlethwaite, Arnold E, MD K S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S SK SK S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S Detti, Laura, MD Ke, Raymond W, MD Kutteh, William H, MD Rheumatology Sports Medicine Lendermon, Laura N, MD Surgery Akbik, Mohamad J, MD Andrews, Charles Radford, Sr, MD Behrman, Stephen W, MD Benitone, Jerry D, MD Berry, Michael P, MD Birdsong, Emmett S, Jr, MD Campos de la Borbolla, Luis, MD Dall igna, Patrizia, MD Delk, Sam, MD Dilawari, Raza Ali, MD Dunavant, W. David, Jr., MD Dunavant, William David, III, MD Eason, James D, MD Edwards, Norma Marie, MD Ellis, R Alan, MD Fleming, Martin D, MD Fortune, James E, MD Francis, Hugh, III, MD Gibson, David B, IV, MD Gibson, William Cary, MD Grisham, Andre D, MD Hammond, Douglas Alan, MD Hoover, Susan Jane, MD Hou, Betty W S, MD Jackson, Bryan S, MD Kiledjian, Vartkes, MD King, William S, Jr, MD Laughlin, Albert E, Jr, MD Loiseau, Jean Claude, MD Lunsford, Kevin M, MD Martin, Rodney A, MD McDaniel, Carter E, III, MD McGrath Weaver, Virginia Ann, MD Miller, Mark P, MD Modanlou, Kian Ali, MD Monroe, Justin, MD Morisy, Lee Richard, MD Mroz, Christine T, MD Nezakatgoo, Nosratollah, MD Oswaks, Roy M, MD Owens, James H, MD Patterson, Russell H, III, MD Payne, Melvin P, III, MD Pedigo, Phillip A, MD Powell, Benjamin Scott, MD Pritchard, Frances Elizabeth, MD Schroeppel, Thomas J, MD Sellars, John Robert, MD Smith, Lovell Bernard, Jr, MD Smith, Robert J, MD Smith, Stanley L, Jr, MD Throckmorton, Alyssa Dawn, MD Vanatta, Jason Michael, MD Voeller, Guy R, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS PS PS S PS PS PS PSK PS PS PS P PS PS PSK PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K S S S SK S S SK S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 115 Shelby County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Shelby County (Continued) Surgery (Continued) Wheat, Wendell T, MD Wilson, Saul, MD Wood, Janice C, MD Woodman, George E, MD Surgical Critical Care Bee, Tiffany, MD Berry, Stepheny D, MD Croce, Martin A, MD Fabian, Timothy C, MD Magnotti, Louis J, MD Maish, George O, III, MD Minard, Gayle, MD Zarzaur, Ben L, Jr, MD Therapeutic Optometry Alsobrook, Richard A, OD Anderson, Kristin K, OD Barr, Janice A, OD Benvenuto, Peter B, OD Bodan, Burton P, OD Burke, James H, ODT Calhoun, Andrew M, OD Campbell, John B, OD Chang, Freddy W, OD Cisarik, Patricia Michelle, OD Clarke, Andrew, OD Connor, Charles G, OD Cooper, Chris H, OD Cox, Amanda H, OD Cox, Luanne M, OD Crowe, Laura F, OD Cullison, Chad William, OD Currey Jr, Thomas A, OD Damari, David A, OD Davidoff, Elina Kolesnikov, OD Davis, Stephen R, OD Dorkowski, Michael T, OD Drescher, Robin J, OD Dumas, Janette D, OD Duncan, Jason D, OD Eisenstatt, Gerald, OD Elkins, Lindsay Moran, OD Ensor, Michael Scott, OD Ervin, Cheryl Elaine, OD Eubank, Tressa F, OD Evans, David G, OD Fors, L. Allen, OD Friedman, Melvin A, OD Fuller, Daniel G, OD Gayso, Don W, OD Gerstner, Michael D, OD Gibson, Frank S, OD Gibson, Leah Camille, OD Glaser, Silvia N, OD Goldring, Glenn I, OD Gray, Keith H, ODT Hampton, Leonard E, II, OD Harville, Betty J, OD Haskins, Kristen Elizabeth, OD Hauser, Whitney H, OD Heard, Cynthia Gale, OD Hines, Bradley N, ODT Holdinghausen, Karmen M, OD Hora, Sylvester W, OD Hoy, Kelly J, OD Hunt, John M, OD Irvine, Carrie Tobin, OD Jackson, John M, OD Johnson, Warren S, OD Jones, Brent William, OD Jones, Jennifer Lynn, OD Jones, Judy G, ODT Jones, Larry M, ODT Justice, W. Wilson, OD Kerr, Aaron M, OD 116 P P P P SK S SK S P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S SK S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S K-Network K Networks Khan Jalal, Marzuka, OD Klein, Marvin L, OD Koester, Patricia H, OD Kress, William Daniel, OD Lebowitz, Carrie Daniels, OD Lee, John T, OD Lee, So Yeon Sharon, OD Lee, William Paul, OD Lievens, Christopher W, OD Lim, Helen, OD Mathews, Dennis E, OD May, Lara Elaine, OD May-Dacus, Mary Jane, OD McBryar, Heather Michelle, ODT McQuirter, Henry G, OD Medley, Brenta G, OD Mormon, Darwin L, OD Mormon, Paul D, OD Moss, David W, OD Mulliniks, Haylie Lynne, OD Nance, Gary G, OD Nanji, Artee D, OD Neal, John Michael, OD Newman, Erin D, OD Newman, James M, III, OD Extended Hours Available Nicks, Zakiya Oni, OD Norton, Leroy, Jr, OD Oliver, Travis L, ODT Pitts, Jennifer Jill, OD Powell, Barton L, OD Powelson, Jared T, OD Rafieetary, Mohammed R, OD Ramos, Oscar, OD Ramshur, Ashley Merrick, OD Ridings, Clifton Wayne, Jr, OD Rixon, Andrew J, OD Roe, Farrell M, OD Roudebush, Mark D, OD Sanderson, Jennifer Anne, OD Sandy, Michael Morris, OD Savoy, Richard S, OD Schlesselman, Anna Jane, OD Sharpe, John S, OD Shum, Steven R, OD Sloan, James Tyree, OD Smith, Christina Marie, OD Smith, Daniel Erin, OD Smith, Janna Z, OD Smoak, Sonya M, OD Son, Min H, OD Sparks, Bernard I, OD Sparrow, Sylvia E, OD Steel, Scot A, OD Steele, Glen T, OD Summers, Jeffrey L, OD Summers, Mary G, OD Swanson, Natalie Jo, OD Tacker, Herman L, OD Talley, David K, OD Taub, Marc Brian, OD Taylor, Daniel Arnett, OD Tharp, Linda L, OD Usdan, Gregory Scott, OD Utech, Marlon R, OD Venable, James E, OD Walker, Patricia Estes, OD Weinberg, Michael D, OD Wetick, Stephen Matthew, OD Williamson, James A, OD Yong, Penny Y, OD Thoracic Surgery Boston, Umar S, MD Carter, Russell A, MD Davis, J T, Jr, MD Ellichman, Jonathan Joe, MD Garrett, Harvey E, Jr., MD Gibson, Jeffrey Brooks, MD Goldberg, Steven Peter, MD Gooch, Jerry B, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S K S S S S S S S S S S Networks Harrington, Oscar B, MD Herrera, Fernando A, MD Ilabaca, Patricio A, MD Johnson, James Wilburn, Jr, MD Khandekar, Alim, MD Knott Craig, Christopher John, MD Ninan, Mathew, MD Owen, Edmond W, Jr, MD Proctor, Eva G, MD Robbins, Edward T, MD Robbins, S Gwin, Jr, MD Schoettle, G. Phil, Jr, MD Spalding, Alanson R, MD Wolf, Bradley A, MD Wolf, Rodney Y, MD Urgent Care Physicians Abbasi, Seema, MD Abushaer, Muhammad B, MD Adedipe, Olugbenga Mabayoje, MD Anderson, Cary, MD Bandealy, Amin A, MD Basye, Shelly Lynn, MD Bennett, Gregory Daniel, MD Besser, Susan Levine, MD Brahmadevi, Sowmya, MD Callaghan, Timothy Joseph, MD Coplon, Debra L, NP C Counts, Lawrence Dwayne, MD Dodd, Kenton Antoine, MD Drake, Sabra F, MD Ellis, John W, III, MD Escue, James E, MD Gindt, Henry Sylvain, MD Godambe, Sandip Ashok, MD Goff, Gisele A, MD Goodfred, Jennifer Celeste, DO Goodfred, John J, DO Griffin, Monica Beth, MD Gunn Hill, Ericka Lee, MD Hamilton, Derrick R, MD Hanna, William Ricks, Jr, MD Hayes, John William, MD Herman, Martin Isaac, MD Herring, William T, MD Holtzman, Lori Rae, MD Imsand, Laurie Lenhart, MD Jones, Ryan Christopher, MD Kansagra, Kavita Bhagawanji, MD Kerns, Amy Marie, PA Khan, Asma, MD Kimball, Brent Young, MD Kink, Rudy John, MD Kwok, Warren T, MD Lindsey, Leticia Anne, MD Lowrey, Jeffrey Harris, MD Manalac, Abelardo Zapanta, MD Mangle, George Mark, DO Martinez, Antonio Martin, MD Mathis, Christopher L, MD McGukin, Donald R, MD McIntire, Mary E, MD Mehr, Ali Jafari, MD Meza Kane, Elena Isabel, MD Moretta, Anthony C, MD Naren, Saraswathy B, DO Nelson, Richard Allan, MD Nguyen, Tri Minh, MD Nix, Thomas Lynn, MD OCarroll, Kelly Farrell, MD Odonnell, James Anderson, II, MD Odum, Erica Patrese, MD Park, Dai, MD Parks, Rhonda Kay, MD Pendergrass, Landon B, MD Pershad, Jay K, MD Piper, David Fredrick, MD Pollack, Joseph Vladimirovich, MD Rahimi Saber, Shahram, MD Raju, Jampana V, MD Randolph, Sandra Boyland, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Shelby County (Continued) Urgent Care Physicians (Continued) Reed, Jo Shani, MD Reiss, Louis Henry, MD Rhea, Hal S, Jr, MD Robinson, Jana P, MD Simmons, Jory S, Sr, MD Singh, Anjali, MD Smith, Hayden Blake, MD Somjee, Nilofer Arif, MD Sullivan, Meghan Dale, MD Sweeney, Mary P, MD Sweeten, Bianca J, MD Tidwell, Tracy Joan, APRN BC Venkataraman, Jaya, MD Vickery, John David, IV, MD Wainstein, Jeffrey Lee, MD Winfrey, Cheryl Denise, MD Winton, John Crawford, MD Yim, Eric Ting Kin, MD York, Krista A, MD Urology Adams, John R, Jr, MD Alabaster, A. Michael, MD Aleman, Michael A, MD Bingham, William V, MD Chauhan, Ravi D, MD Conrad, Lynn W, MD Cox, Clair E, II, MD Dang, Gerald Triminh Huy, MD Donato, Robert A, MD Eber, Paul R, MD Ganguli, Santosh K, MD Greenberger, Mark D, MD Gubin, David A, MD Hasen, Howard B, Jr, MD Hickey, Homer David, Jr, MD Hollabaugh, Robert S, Jr, MD Larimer, Perry J, MD Ledbetter, Christopher Klien, MD Maddux, Holt Benjamin, Jr, MD Martin, Clyde S, MD McGowan, Leslie R, MD McSwain, H Michael, MD Newman, Larry B, MD Patterson, Anthony L, MD Pearson, Richard M, MD Raghavaiah, Nimmagad V, MD Rayford, Walter, MD Saslawsky, Mark J, MD Seymour, Lawrence D, MD Shappley, William Vance, III, MD Shappley, William Vance, MD Shelton, Thomas B, MD Smith, Rick Allen, MD Steiner, Mitchell S, MD Thompson, Tommy C, MD Wake, Robert W, MD Wallace, Charles R, Jr, MD Walzer, Yair, MD Vascular Surgery Burke, Larry Dale, MD Gardner, James Eric, MD Rohrer, Michael J, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S Johnston, Thomas S, MD Family Medicine Adams, John V, II, MD Internal Medicine Patterson, J. Kelly, MD S Emergency Medicine S S S S Family Medicine S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S SK S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S PS P PS Physicians PS PS P Chiropractor Brady, Amy M, DC Troutman, Christian S, DC Simpson County (KY) Cardiovascular Disease Callister, Tracy Q, MD Kemp, Wilson E, Jr, MD Scoville, George S, Jr, MD S S S Networks Smith County Cardiovascular Disease P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Sullivan County K-Network K Delouis, Donna Jean, DO Kingsbauer, Matthew B, DO Lyles, William D, Jr, MD Moss, Angela S, MD Rutherford, Richard T, MD Smith, Bowdoin Grayson, DO Smith, Ginger L, DO General Practice Farrar, Henry, Jr, MD Jones, Ernest J, MD Roy, Robert G, MD Turner, Larry L, MD Hospital Medicine Badru, Alexander O, MD Brown, Lloyd Tynte, MD Ezuteh, Donald O, MD Medical Oncology Shih, Kent Conheng, MD Nephrology Atkinson, Ralph C, III, MD Neurology Salibay, Maria Dolores J, MD Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Gailbreath, Willard F, III, APRN BC Parrish, Crystal G, APRN Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Gregory, Kimberly Dawn, FNP BC Hart, Joel Marvin, FNP Hensley, Anne C, APRN BC Lewis, Christopher T, FNP Tobitt, Timothy Dale, FNP BC Stewart County PS PS PS PS PSK Orthopedic Surgery Terry, Roy C, MD Otolaryngology Lawrence, Thomas L, MD Physician Assistant Alfano, Peter F, PA Logan, Kimber Janine, PA Purino, Keith J, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Alfano, Peter F, PA Sexton, Karen L, PAC Plastic Surgery Peebles, Roosevelt, Jr, MD Podiatry (DPM) Baker, Michael Robert, DPM Cohen, William A, DPM Surgery West, Richard J, MD Therapeutic Optometry Hassell, Michael R, OD Lewis, Beverly L, CCC A Chiropractor Lovin, John A, DC Family Medicine Ebrhim, Atef Eshak, MD General Practice PSK Lee, Robert H, MD Martin, Daniel E, MD P P P P P P S SK SK SK S S Internal Medicine P P P P SK S S SK Thati, Yoga N, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Blane, Christa Ann, NP Surgery Bolar, Randall J, MD P K PS PS PS Therapeutic Optometry Lewis, Donnie C, OD Maria, John J, OD Urgent Care Physicians Hunt, Karen Lynnette, MD Allergy and Immunology PS PS Anesthesiology PS PSK P P P P P S S SK S S PSK PSK PSK PS PS PS PS PSK PS PS PS PS PS PSK P PS PS PS PS PS PS PS P PS P Sullivan County Kazmier, W. Jan, MD Madhok, Shailee A, MD Pienkowski, Marek M, MD Wallen, Neil D, MD Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) Adams, Nikki Lynn, NP Lambert, Heather D, NP Audiology Greene, Charles D, MD MacFarlane, Robert Iain, MD Rudolph, Michael Patrick, DO Audiology Elangovan, Saravanan, Aud CCC A Kistner, Heather L, CCC A Miller Fritz, Jayne E, MS CCC A Schumaier Campbell, Sarah A, AuD CCC A Schumaier, Daniel R, CCC A Snyder, John C, Jr, MS CCC A Cardiology ORoark, Daniel Michael, DO Trivedi, Atul, MD P P P P S S S S PS PS PS P P P P P P S S S SK SK SK PS PS Cardiovascular Disease Beckner, David C, MD PS Berry, John Franklin, MD PS Bertuso, John Richard, MD PS Blackwell, Gerald Grant, MD PS Borsch, Mark A, MD PS Brahmbhatt, Vipulkumar Rameshchandra, MDPS Bulle, Thomas M, MD PS Burress, Jonathan Wayne, DO PS Cox, Larry H, MD PS Cross, Andrew M, MD PS Hixson, Clair S, MD PS Istfan, Pierre, MD PS Jones, Gregory K, MD PS Kadekar, Sitaram Gururao, MD PS Kennedy, Christopher J, MD PS Kramer, Robert Keith, MD PS Ladley, Herbert D, MD PS Lauro, Francis Joseph, DO PS Mayhew, Marc William, MD PS McQueen, Robert Hughes, MD PS Merrill, James Jay, MD PS Metzger, David C, MD PS Miller, Gregory Houston, MD PS Rao, Arun, MD PS Check our Web site @ for current listing. 117 Sullivan County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Hoffnung, Jack M, MD Hutchison Jr, John E, MD Johnstone, William H, MD Lymberis, Marvin R, MD Sparks, David A, MD van der Westhuizen, Gert J, MD Whisnant, William, MD Sullivan County (Continued) Cardiovascular Disease (Continued) Saha, Pabitra Kumar, MD Schoondyke, Jeffrey Wayne, MD Simpson, Daniel Edward, MD Turner, Harrison D, MD Williams, Freddie Maxine, MD Zaidi, Sarfraz A, MD Cardiovascular Disease -Diag Test Interpretations Beckner, David C, MD Bertuso, John Richard, MD Blackwell, Gerald Grant, MD Borsch, Mark A, MD Bulle, Thomas M, MD Cox, Larry H, MD Istfan, Pierre, MD Kennedy, Christopher J, MD Kramer, Robert Keith, MD Ladley, Herbert D, MD Metzger, David C, MD Miller, Gregory Houston, MD Rao, Arun, MD Turner, Harrison D, MD Zaidi, Sarfraz A, MD P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Emergency Medicine Mills, Ralph L, MD Parrish, Steven Thomas, MD Pullen, Charles S, MD Riggins, Matthew P, MD Singh, Vijay Raj, MD Chiropractor Amato, Joseph Frank, DC Carter, Ava R, DC Chambers, Ronald E, DC Christiansen, Christina Lee, DC Collins Jr, Cecil E, DC Collins, Cecil E, Sr, DC Cooper, Todd A, DC Feeley, Karen M, DC Fritts, D Shannon, DC Gillenwater, Bill H, DC Hamilton, William D, DC Haun, Janie M, DC Jones, H Stephen, DC Krutak, Jon R, DC Merrill, H. David, DC Messimer, James E, DC Modglin, Randy D, DC Pannell, Robert W, DC Pivnick, Jyll Michelle, DC Price, Jerry A, II, DC Price, Kelly D, DC Rasnick, Benjamin Harmon, DC Salley, Brett T, DC Salyers, Timothy Edward, DC Schumacher, Steven W, DC Smith, Michael David, DC Wingate, Sheri D, DC Dermatology Homoky, Carri Beth, MD Leicht, Stuart S, MD Mader, Russell D, MD Moore, Jill Olinger, MD Rash, James P, MD Sago, Joni G, MD Sanders, Holly Arnold, MD Thomas, Chadwick J, MD Warrick, Kenneth Ray, MD Diagnostic Radiology Creasy, John D, MD Estes, Terrell, MD 118 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Beasey, Matthew D, MD Lizarralde, German, MD Morris, Lawrence R, MD Yacoub Wasef, Sherif Zaghloul, MD Family Medicine P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K S S SK S S S S S S S S SK SK S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P S S S S S Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Bullard, Jerry, CRNA Casey, Rufus, CRNA Couch, Lynn H, CRNA Dixon, Renee, CRNA Faust, Beth McElwee, CRNA Greenwell, Suzanna Bundrant, CRNA Walling, George S, CRNA K-Network K Networks Ananthula, Parvati, MD Archer, Roger W, MD Arnette, Bryan Thomas, MD Astin, William D, MD Bates, Chad Everett, MD Baumrucker, Steven J, MD Becker, Mary, MD Beeson, Broadus M, MD Billips, Polly O, MD Blackwelder, Reid B, MD Bockhorst, Peter R, DO Bolick, Charles A, MD Boyd, Arthur M, MD Brandon, Richard L, MD Brockmyre, Andrew P, MD Brotherton, Deana Rymer, MD Brown, Andrew Nathan, MD Brown, Paul G, MD Brummel, Mark Kenneth, DO Burke, Stephen M, MD Burns, Eldridge Gene, Jr, MD Byrd, Leann McDaniel, MD Carroll, Daniel D, MD Casey, Gary Q, MD Clarity, Gregory E, MD Clayton, Buddy J, MD Coletti, Cynthia M, MD Correll, Geoffrey G, MD Cote, Rebekah, DO Crawford, Amylyn L, MD Crouch, David Norman, MD Culp, John S, MD Cunnington, Laura Ann, MD Daprile Lubrano, Joann W, DO David, Daniel J, MD Dickerson, Daniel L, MD Djordjevic, Zvjezdana Dekic, MD Feierabend, Raymond H, Jr, MD Finch, Shannon Michael, MD Florence, Joseph A, IV, MD Fox, Beth A, MD Freeman, Kristin Michelle, MD Funke, Robert H, MD Gettinger, Joshua S, MD Ginther, Jeffrey P, MD Gonce, Joel D, MD Grigsby, Holly Charlene, MD Hager, Shelton P, MD Harkleroad, Alfred L, II, MD Harman, Eric W, MD Harris, Erin Elizabeth, MD Harris, Kelley B, MD Haynes, Amy N, MD Hicks, Mack L, MD Hixson, Constance, MD Hollandsworth, James J, MD Hoppe, Gordon P, MD Hunter, Ronald W, MD Jenkins, Mark C, MD P P P P S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Networks Jones, Lesley A, MD Jones, Warren L, MD Lang, Forrest, MD Lee, Robert C, MD Lewis, Jonathan Adam, MD Lyons, Jeffrey S, DO Marden, Sonya S, MD Martin, Frederick A, MD Matthews, Christopher V, MD May, A. Stephen, MD McCoy, James L, MD McQueen, Kelly G, DO Merrill, Jeffrey Ronald, MD Metcalf, Aaron K, DO Michael, Gary E, MD Miller, Jerry L, MD Misischia, Kevin, MD Mohler, Anastasia Craft, MD Moore, Jason, MD Morawski, Emily J, MD Noor, Sidi Yousseff, MD Odum, Brett C, MD Overbay, Mark R, MD Pack, Sheryl D, MD Panini, Aruna S, MD Platzer, Peter B, MD Poortenga, Cynthia L, MD Rafalski, Matthew Edward, MD Rajoo, Shari Kisten, MD Robbins, Sherry L, MD Rose, Douglas J, MD Schrenker, James Hollies, MD Schwob, Timothy Edward, MD Sharish, Rebecca S, MD Sherrill, John D, MD Shipley, James M, MD Smith, Nicholas Brett, MD Smith, W Michael, MD Smolenski, Lisabeth Ann, MD Stirman, E. Monty, MD Townsend, Thomas E, Jr, MD Tudiver, Fraser G, MD Tumkur, Deepika A, MD Vincent, Bruce, MD Warsy, Ambreen Adil, MD Williams, James R, MD Windes, Lois H, MD Winegar, James B, MD Wright, Daniela Pogan, DO Gastroenterology Bailey, Lawrence D, MD Carnell, Alan G, MD Fenyves, Jeffrey P, MD Fry, Stephen, MD Homoky, Douglas E, MD Lapis, James L, MD Levine, Jeffrey S, MD London, Jerry, MD Mathews, Christopher Mark, MD Mishkin, Frederic R, MD Narayan, Rathi, MD Shone, Dallas N, MD Spear, J. Michael, MD Springer, Douglas J, MD Srinath, Manoj, MD Strickland, Robert D, MD Sullivan, Michael J, MD General Practice Boggan, Michael D, MD Brazee, Louise J, MD Haire, Craig M, MD Krishnamoorthy, Sivasubraman, MD Reiff, Deborah W, MD General Vascular Surgery Gwaltney, D. Nelson, MD Kappa, Jeffery R, MD Gynecological Oncology Harkness, Cameron Blair, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P S S S S S PS PS P Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Sullivan County (Continued) Gynecological Oncology (Continued) Hetzel, David John, MD Kramer, Paul Ronald, Jr, MD Vanderkwaak, Timothy John, MD Gynecology Adams, Wesley F, Jr, MD Boyle, Gary C, MD Shelton, Karen E, MD Hematology McElroy, Edwin A, MD Hematology / Oncology Nakhoul, Ibrahim Nazih, MD Hospital Medicine Alhayani, Irfan, MD Ananthula, Srinivas, MD Baumrucker, Steven J, MD Bendeck, Carl Eric, MD Bhutta, Faisal Manzoor, MD Boggs, Bruce Daniel, MD Boiciuc, Mircea Raducu, MD Cassidy, Beau M, NP Chatra, Shubha R, MD Deoss Maksoud, Deborah J, DO Dickson, Richard Warren, DO Dimitrov, Marin Vasilev, MD Donovan, Brian P, MD Franzus, David H, MD Garrido, Jose A, MD Harker, Anita Kenkarey, MD Hodges, Stanley, MD Holt, Jacob Eric, MD Hope, Lapsley Grant, Jr, MD Ialamova Tountcheva, Dimka M, MD Ibetoh, Delores Ijeoma, MD Kosseifi, Semaan Georges, MD Lateef, Shoaib Sultan, MD Lee, Robert C, MD Lewis, Anthony Evan, MD Mahboob, Rashid, MD McCurley, Beth Anna, MD McQuirter, Julian Antonio, MD Nash, Larry Kevin, MD Nazarov, Vitaly, MD Neglia, Christopher Anthony, DO Nekuri, Suresh Kumar, MD Papas, Konstantinos Andreas, MD Patel, Paras D, MD Pickstock, Janet G, MD Rahman, Zia Ur, MD Raval, Abhijit Ajitkymar, MD Schwartz, Eric Mark, MD Shankar, Koovapudi J, MD Siddiqi, Waleed Waseem, MD Singh, Vijay Raj, MD Smith, Bert Jackson, MD Smith, Dena James, DO Smith, Gary Stephen, DO Sohn, Richard H, MD Taam Hubbs, Doris W, MD Taylor, Lakeysha Teaka, MD Udoeyop, Udoeyop W, MD Vaughn, Jeffery Roland, MD Walker, Robert W, MD Weekes, Juelle Everne Christie, MD White, Jewel Johnny, Jr, MD Zahnke, Kim P, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Walton, Barry J, DPh Infectious Disease Maki, Anton, MD Patel, Hiren B, MD Stanley, Gail L, MD Physicians P P P PS PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PSK PS PS PS Sullivan County K-Network K Networks Internal Medicine Abouamara, Mouna, MD Beals, David H, MD Becka Fitzpatrick, Maria Louise, MD Bestermann, William Henry, Jr, MD Bochis, Melania, MD Bookout, James Michael, MD Booze, George W, MD Brazee, Jason H, MD Brenya, Ransford Sampong, MD Chamberlin, Marian L, MD Chirculescu, Camelia, MD Claybrook, Harry Phillip, MD Davidson, Melanie R, MD Delwadia, Andy D, MD Dimitrov, Marin Vasilev, MD Dixon, Jonathan J, DO Donovan, Brian P, MD Everhart, Anthony T, MD Franzus, David H, MD Garza, Jose Enrique, MD Ginn, David R, MD Girish, Mirle R, MD Greear, Fred B, Jr, MD Green, John A, MD Green, Thomas W, Jr, MD Griffin, Edward A, MD Grunstra, Bernard P, MD Hanor, Steven R, MD Hoskere, Girendra V, MD Kirk, Kevin P, MD Locklear, Robert W, MD Louthan, James D, MD Mancini, Jean M, MD Mann, John Washington, III, MD Marino, Anna V, MD McLaughlin, Randy K, MD McQuirter, Ivy G, MD Mirmohamadsadeghi, Seyed M, MD Moon, Leah Nicole, MD Morin, David Joseph, MD Neal, Gary Wayne, MD Nunley-Goram, Diane, MD Nye, Terry R, MD Olds, Shelby G, MD Ongtengco, E. Alan, MD Patel, Falguniben Arvindbhai, MD Patel, Kaushal N, MD Patel, Mayur Chandrakant, MD Patel, Paras D, MD Patel, Sudhirkumar Vinodchandra, MD Porter, Keith G, MD Provance, Paul T, MD Quinn, Donald R, MD Raval, Brijesh Arvindkumar, MD Reed, Richard K, MD Singh, Jasjot P, MD Solomon, Dale E, MD Steptoe, William James, MD Summers, Jeffrey A, MD Thompson, David E, MD Warsy, Adil K, MD Wayt, Marta J, DO Whiles, Rick J, MD White, Judith L, MD Williams, John F, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Internal Medicine -Diag Test Interpretation Bell, William McKinley, III, MD Boccarossa, Gerry Nickolai, MD Bookout, James Michael, MD Booze, George W, MD Brazee, Jason H, MD Claybrook, Harry Phillip, MD Delwadia, Andy D, MD Greear, Fred B, Jr, MD Green, Douglass, MD Green, John A, MD Green, Thomas W, Jr, MD Griffin, Edward A, MD Grunstra, Bernard P, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S Networks Hanor, Steven R, MD McLaughlin, Randy K, MD Quinn, Donald R, MD Reed, Richard K, MD Solomon, Dale E, MD Thompson, David E, MD Williams, John F, MD Maternal - Fetal Medicine Lodeiro, Jorge G, MD Medical Oncology Blow, Alton J, Jr, MD Cowan, Bennett Y, MD Mathews, Malcolm R, III, MD Moraes, Manoel A, Jr, MD Patel, Sapna Rajesh, MD Patton, Suzanne E, MD Pierce, Daryl W, MD Prill, Sue J, MD Shipstone, Asheesh, MD Vardhana, Harsha Gadadhar, MD Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Lail, Sharon E, MD Martin, Christopher G, MD Powers, Pius J, MD Nephrology Ahmad, Abrar, MD Butler, Steven C, MD Green, Douglass, MD Loria, Elvira L, MD Poobalasingham, Sathiyendran, MD Saha, Tapasi Chowdhury, MD Vu, Duc Q, MD Neurological Surgery Austin, Rebekah C, MD Brasfield, Jim C, MD Burt, James Travis, MD Corradino, Gregory, MD Hartman, Lawrence P, MD Pryputniewicz, David Matthew, MD Smith, Ken W, MD Wood, Matthew W, Jr, MD Neurology Dew, Michael S, MD Holt, Anthony E, DO Joseph, Claire, MD Krcal, Otakar, MD MacDonald, R Scott, MD Miller, Aaron Michael, MD Morgan, Steven W, MD Nelson, Shawn K, MD Pendola, Christopher A, MD Wayne, Stephen L, MD Williams, Douglas P, MD Wilson, Earl K, MD Winsor, Michael Jon, MD Wright, Douglas A, MD Neurology -Diag Test Interpretation Wilson, Earl K, MD Neuropsychology (PHD) Latham, Edward E, PhD Nies, Kristie J, PHD Salamone, Richard G, PhD Nurse Practitioner Hare, Kelly M, NP Harris, Robin F, NP Laraway, Jacqueline L, ACNP BC Limburg, Connie E, APRN BC Rutherford, Jamie Elaine, NP Viers, Jo Anne, NP Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Jones, Shannon Leigh, NP Williams, Travis D, ACNP BC Zauner, Jacqueline Busby, ACNP BC Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P S S S S S S S PS P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS PS P P P P P P S S S S S S PS PS PSK 119 Sullivan County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Sullivan County (Continued) Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Cohan, Jerome J, MSN Dailey, Teresa Diane, APRN BC Dickenson, Cheri Denise, APRN BC Fraysier, Donna Carol, ACNS BC Haworth, Carol Sue, ANP BC Larner, Douglas Scott, NP C Musick, Mitzi Daniela, APRN BC Tate, Jennifer Lynn, ANP BC Winegar, Cindy Denise, NP Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Addington, Rona C, FNP BC Azima, Laura Elaine, FNP BC Barrett, Sherry Lisa, FNP BC Beaver, Pamela Sue, APRN BC Belcher, Sarah Ellen, APRN BC Bennett, Karie Elizabeth, FNP BC Bentley, Julie Elizabeth, FNP BC Beswick, Carla R, NP Buckles, Angle Renee, FNP BC Carrier, Sarah Nicole, FNP BC Chase, Karen Grace, NP C Cheek, Carla Renee, FNP Churchill, Sandra D, NP Cook, Kristi T, FNP Countiss, Paula L, NP Cradic, Janet E, APRN BC Davidson, Linda A, FNP Davidson, Tabitha Starr, FNP BC Davis, Renette L, FNP BC Dobbs, Alan Keith, FNP Doran, Lisa R, FNP Duncan, Terri Lynette, NP Etter, Michael Steven, FNP BC Ewing, Janice F, APRN BC Flanary, Alicia Dawn, FNP BC Fleming, Guillian Michelle, NP Ford, Janet W, FNP Forster, Ann Marie, FNP BC Friend, Brenda Kaye, NP C Galloway, Kristie L, FNP Gibson, Patrice Isbel, FNP Greene, Heather R, MSN Henley, Michele A, APRN BC Hess, Eleanor E, FNP Johnson, Ruth D, FNP BC Krell, Elizabeth A, FNP Lane, Jennifer E, FNP BC Larner, Douglas Scott, NP C Lewis, Vicki K, NP Martino, Melanie S, FNP Massie, Libby Paige, NP Mayden, Kelley Duncan, APRN BC McIntosh, Shelly J, FNP McLain, Kathryn B, APRN McMillan, Robin S, NP Monk, Tammy, FNP Morelock, Christopher M, FNP Mounts, Donna Lynn, FNP Nave, Christy Smith, NP C Overton, Danielle M, FNP Pace, Nancy L, FNP Patterson, Deanna, FNP Pendleton, Anna D, NP Powers, Catherine Cornelia, APRN BC Qualls, Linda R, FNP Raff, Catherine M, FNP Ragsdale, Rhonda Gail, NP C Sawyers, Erin L, FNP BC Saylor, L Suzanne, FNP Seeley, Daniel Banta, APRN BC Sharp, Kathy L, NP Shisler, Nancy Susan, FNP Smith, Barbara Jo, FNP Smith, Shawna Nicole, APRN BC Snyder, Angela M, FNP Spurling, Tara Danielle, NP 120 P P P P P P P P P S SK S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S K-Network K Networks Staton, Peggy T, FNP Steffey, Dewayne Scott, NP Sturgill, Kim A, NP Tipton, Stephanie, FNP Valente, Maria Aparecida, APRN BC Vance, Teresa Q, NP Vogel, Wendy Hyche, APRN BC Walton, Judy L, MSN Watts, Myra L, FNP Williams, Georgia Jane, APRN BC Willocks, Christy Suzanne, APRN BC P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health Acord, Beverly Jane, GCNS BC Bone, Ina Kay, FNP Speck, Carrie Chastain, GNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Backus, Kathryn L, PNP Ress, Diane, NP PS PS PSK PS PS Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) Baird, Tammy D, FNP McGlothlin, Cynthia L, NP Obstetrics & Gynecology Anderson, Joy Kohne, MD Beckner, James P, MD Boyle, J. William, III, MD Crowder, Jack R, MD Earl, Peter C, MD Fischer, Judith Penza, MD Fisher, Sheldon H, DO Fogg, Darlene E, MD Fowler, Scott R, MD Gorrell, Alan L, MD Green, John D, MD Hall, Jonathan C, MD Harmon, Deana Lynn, DO Harris, Wesley, MD Hereford, John R, MD Jarjoura, Chadi M, MD Kao, Lidia W, MD Kappa, Roseanne D, MD Keene, Charlotte S, MD Looney, Jeffrey Ray, MD Lovelace, Donald R, MD Marden, David W, DO McQueary, Jeffrey A, MD Mitchell, Christopher R, MD Moore, James D, Jr, MD Pinell, Octavio J, MD Reiff, Robert H, MD Richardson Cox, Barbara, MD Russell, David P, MD Samuel, Dennis C, Jr, MD Saunders, Robert D, MD Scruggs, Katherine L, MD Stevens, Christy Lenore, DO Thibault, Lenita H, MD White, Sean P, MD Williams, Nathan Edward, MD Withrow, Mark L, MD Occupational Medicine Bishop, Marilyn Ann, MD Oncology Dasilva, Marco A, MD Oncology / Hematology Ryan, Perrie Linroy, MD Ophthalmology Armstrong, Joseph R, MD Bice, C. Robert, Jr., MD Bradley, Michael Bart, MD Bunning, Jeffrey W, MD Chapman, John L, MD Couch, David A, MD Cummings, Howard L, MD Gunn, Joseph M, MD Johnson, John C, MD PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P S S S S S SK SK SK S Networks McCartt, Alan Noe, MD Miller, Calvin L, MD Reeves, Donny L, MD Seaton, Anthony D, MD Shahbazi, Michael F, MD Smith, Eric K, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Bacon, Larry Alan, DDS Collins, John R, DDS Eilers, Carl W, Jr, DDS Hamlin, Michael L, DDS Luethke, Larry D, DDS Redford, Donald S, DDS Yallourakis, Stephen J, MD Orthopedic Surgery Aiken, Marc A, MD Chandler, John M, MD Detroye, Robert J, MD Duncan, Richard W, MD Fleenor, Michael R, MD France, Jeffery J, MD Grant, Joseph D, MD Harris, Robert M, MD Jeansonne, Gregory E, MD Jenkins, Timothy Douglas, MD Jewell, Neal A, MD Klinar, Daniel F, MD Knickerbocker, Fred R, MD Krein, Steven W, MD Krenk, Daniel Eric, DO Lorio, Morgan P, MD McRae, Karen J, MD Miller, Bruce M, MD Minter, Jon Erik, DO Mullins, Danny Arthur, MD Park, Jason Chang Hyun, MD Riggins, Patrick J, MD Smith, Galen R, MD Stewart, Gregory L, MD Strang, Robert T, Jr, MD Tagert, Bert E, MD Testerman, John R, MD Wells, James Michael, MD Whitman, Thomas Lisle, MD Otolaryngology Cowden, David A, MD Falconer, Randall J, MD Hunt, Jeffrey T, MD Loveless, Howard W, Jr, MD Osterhus, David R, MD Slocum, Carl W, MD P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery Wallace, William Jeffrey, DO Pain Management Batizy, Botond Gusztav, II, MD Smyth, Timothy, MD Valley, Marc A, MD Ward, Sameh A, MD Williams, William Turney, MD Pediatric Cardiology Mehta, Ashok V, MD Teixeira, Otto, MD PS P P P P P S S S S S PS PS Pediatric Cardiology - Diag Test Interpretation Mehta, Ashok V, MD Teixeira, Otto, MD Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Daher, Amirah Hasan, MD Pediatric Gastroenterology Francisco, Mary Pat, MD Pediatric Neurology Gammeltoft, Karsten, MD Miller, Christopher Alan, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS PS PS PS PS Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Sullivan County (Continued) Pediatric Ophthalmology Carlsen, Jeffrey O, MD Pediatrics Blazier, J. Kent, MD Estes, Michelle R, MD Fischer, Frank H, MD Francisco, Mary Pat, MD Garrett, Arthur Randolph, MD Gendron, Richard M, MD Heise, John G, MD Hovious, John R, MD Hunt, Kimberly A, MD Lewis, Donald H, MD Ley, Joseph A, MD Makres, Thomas D, MD Marlow, Amy L, MD Miller, Nicole M, MD Mitoraj, Thomas E, MD Shook, Josh A, MD Watson, Rodney J, MD Wright, Alicia D, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Little, James P, MD Marshall, John M, MD McQuain, Mark T, MD Platt, William Marshall, MD Terry, Frederick Wayne, DO Physician Assistant Andricks, Taryn Breanne, PA Bartley, Damon Troy, PA Blalock, William Tate, PA Butterworth, Kimberly A, PA Buxton, Brian K, PA Chapman, Richard Earll, PA Chappelear, Emily Alexandra, PA Coburn, Heather Lee, PA Cook, Samuel William, III, PA Cowen, Greg L, PA Egbert, Kelly S, PA C Fleming, Christopher D, PA Gilfoil, Edna Beth, PA Harelson, William W, PA Henritze, Jill E, PA Henritze, John Robinett, PA Jones, Brandon Douglas, PA Justus, Christopher E, PA-C Justus, Michael A, PA Killen, Brian K, PA Knechtel, Maureen Ann, PA Kramer, Polly S, PA Lamm, Greyard Robert, PA C Landry, Paul Bernard, III, PA Lawson, Jeff Glen, PA Lee, Paul Andrew, PA Livengood, Lawrence William, PA McCraney, Dennis Craig, PA McCrary, Sandy D, PA McGar, Dale W, Jr, PA Mehlferber, Mark S, PA Myers, James Lee, PA Nuss, Kim A, PA-C Reed, Elizabeth Anne, PA Shanku, Bethany Rhea, PA Skidmore, Annette Derby, PA Starnes, Kenneth Wade, PA Stevenson, Ashley Asbury, PA Tilton, Tara Marie, PA Tolan, Faith Emily, PA Tomsett, Robert Mason, Jr, PA C Yeager, James Michael, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Compton, Jennifer C, PA Harrison, Melanie Renee, PA Knechtel, David Andrew, PA Martin, David Hampton, PA Physicians PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS P PS P PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P S S S S Sullivan County K-Network K Networks Plant, Brian H, PA Strawn, Chris Frederick, PA Vess, Monty L, PA Physician Assistant at Surgery Bartley, Damon Troy, PA Butterworth, Kimberly A, PA Buxton, Brian K, PA Chapman, Richard Earll, PA Cook, Patricia A, PA Cook, Samuel William, III, PA DAvila, Theresa Ann, PA Egbert, Kelly S, PA C Fleming, Christopher D, PA Henritze, Jill E, PA Henritze, John Robinett, PA Hostler, Wayne M, PA Jones, Brandon Douglas, PA Justus, Christopher E, PA-C Justus, Michael A, PA Killen, Brian K, PA Lamm, Greyard Robert, PA C Landry, Paul Bernard, III, PA Lee, Paul Andrew, PA McGar, Dale W, Jr, PA Mehlferber, Mark S, PA Myers, James Lee, PA Rogan, Robert B, Jr, PA Sutterlin, Shawn A, PA Tilton, Tara Marie, PA Warnken, Louis E, PA Yeager, James Michael, PA Plastic Surgery Bandeian, John J, Jr, MD Huddleston, Sam W, IV, MD Pastrick, Gregory H, MD Reddick, Lovett P, MD Sweitzer, Donald Edward, MD Webb, Harold James, II, MD Zickler, Roderick Paul, MD Podiatry (DPM) Allen, John C, DPM Baxter, Mark C, DPM Ferris, Donald L, DPM Owens, Joe H, DPM Schodowski, Paul B, DPM Pulmonary Disease Baron, Michael B, MD Emery, Mark W, MD Foster, Larry J, MD Grover, Bruce S, MD Kosseifi, Semaan Georges, MD McKinney, Lisa A, DO McSharry, Roger J, MD Miller, Lucinda, MD Rosser, Robert A, MD Sargent, Jeffery D, MD Shah, Lata Snehrashmika, MD Smiddy, Joseph F, MD Wallace, Thomas Everett, MD PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Radiation Oncology Coen, Scott D, MD May, Byron C, MD Talton, Brooks M, MD Radiology Cassedy, Kelly J, MD Foster, Richard, MD Gentry, Richard R, MD Lepsch, Thomas C, MD McMurray, John M, MD Phillips, James C, MD Pugh, Thomas F, MD Siner, John R, MD Westerfield, Larry, MD Reproductive Endocrinology Gantt, Pickens A, MD Rheumatology Abril, Annette Marie, MD Bell, William McKinley, III, MD Bible, Michael W, MD Bieber, Jeffry D, MD Morris, Christopher R, MD Wason, William M, MD Zang, Song, MD Sports Medicine Fowler, Todd A, MD Parks, Eric Daniel, MD Surgery Birkitt, Glenn H, MD Blanton, Robert H, MD Brock, H. Thomas, Jr, MD Ehrenfried, John A, MD Fore, Edward Johnson, MD Gonzalez, George Daniel, MD Greene, Thomas C, MD Grigsby, William Paul, MD Gwaltney, D. Nelson, MD Holt, Steven M, MD Kadowaki, Mark H, MD Kappa, Jeffery R, MD Kramer, Andrew Phillip, MD Kurre, Joseph H, MD McClintic, Eugene C, MD Northrop, Robert C, MD Rogers, Robert A, MD Rowell, Michael D, MD Scharfstein, Benjamin S, MD Siffring, Corydon W, MD Skinner, Wendell L, MD Stanski, Cheryl A, MD Thomas, Thomas, MD Surgery -Diag Test Interpretations Gwaltney, D. Nelson, MD Surgical Critical Care Hendershot, Kimberly M, MD Ibrahim, Joseph Abdellatif, MD Testerman, George M, Jr, MD Therapeutic Optometry Pulmonary Disease -Diag Test Interpretation Smiddy, Joseph F, MD Networks PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S Alig, Ben A, OD Bowers, Mark A, OD Carlson, Torrey J, OD Feeley, Shawna M, OD Grist, Dana A, OD Haire, Adam Wesley, OD Holliman, David C, OD Holliman, Melissa M, OD Kanitkar, Parag, OD Lemkin, Peter Alexander, OD McCord, James L, OD McFee, Kristopher, OD McMillin, William C, OD McMillin, William Paul, OD McNiel, Dale E, II, OD Oglesby, Frank L, Jr, OD Owen, Dan Eugene, OD Pendleton, Barney C, OD Pigeon, Tara, OD Russell, Gregory C, OD Shumaker, William R, OD Spangler, David, OD Watson, Barry B, OD Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery Messerschmidt, William H, MD Thoracic Surgery Gall, Stanley A, MD Greenfield, David Tyler, MD Holden, Anthony Austin, MD McCoy, Daniel W, MD Messerschmidt, William H, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS P P P P P S S S S S 121 Sullivan County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Sullivan County (Continued) Thoracic Surgery (Continued) Meyers, Cary H, MD Michalik, Richard E, MD Palazzo, Anthony Joseph, MD Poret, Harvey A, III, MD Walker, William A, MD Williams, Marcus G, MD Urgent Care Physicians Anders, Michael H, MD Backus, Charles L, III, DO Brown, Andrew Nathan, MD Colinger, Jason A, DO Dyer, Crystal Shanelle, MD Geer, Robert M, MD Hines, Ethan William, MD Kopitzke, Steven, MD Lady, Michael B, MD Livingston, Leigh Ann, DO Mohler, Anastasia Craft, MD Mohler, Troy Randolph, MD Moran, Paul Edward, III, MD Mosher, Dane Bryan, DO Phillips, Paul Arthur, DO Suh, P Jay, MD Williams, Ronald Lee, MD Urology Broglio, Anthony L, MD Couch, Chad T, MD Griffith, John G, MD Herman, James, MD Ick, Kurt A, MD Littlejohn Jr, Jimmy R, MD Payne, Charles E, MD Reeves, Woodrow W, Jr, MD Sullivan, Hugh M, MD Wyker, Arthur T, MD P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S Sumner County Allergy and Immunology Babe, Kenneth S, Jr, MD Norvell, John Michael, MD Overholt, John P, MD Smith, William Barney, MD Anesthesiology Arney, Timothy Leroy, MD Carter, Thomas M, MD Dickerson, Steven Reid, MD Downs, Nevin H, MD Frenchman, Rita K, MD Poll, Macgregor E, DO Scokin, Daniel, MD Stanberry, Carl W, MD Audiology Slayden, Mitzie M, CCC A Cardiology Lee, Jung H, MD Cardiovascular Disease Anandaiah, K M, MD Cabell, Thomas Hargrave, Jr, MD Callister, Tracy Q, MD Crumbo, Donald S, MD Huneycutt, David Carl, Jr, MD Jefferson, Brian Keith, MD Johnston, Thomas S, MD Jones, Robert C, MD Kearney, Kathleen Rebecca, MD Kreth, Timothy K, MD Lee, Jung H, MD Lippolis, Nicholas J, MD Mangione, Nelson J, MD 122 P P P P SK SK SK S P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S K-Network K Networks Manoukian, Steven Vahe, MD McRae, Andrew Thomas, III, MD Mills, Leo Kendrick, MD Myers, Paul R, MD Riddick, John Alston, MD Russo, Donald J, MD Ververis, John James, MD Wheatley, Robert M, MD Williams, Thomas Ashurst, Jr, MD P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Brown, Rachel E, CRNA Curry, Fred E, CRNA Dykes, Kellye, CRNA Edmondson, John T, CRNA Kirk, Robert Michael, CRNA Koford, Dale E, CRNA Leatherwood, Rexford J, CRNA Martin, Victor L, CRNA Murphy, David L, CRNA Murphy, Julie W, CRNA Rutledge, John Lee, CRNA Strokis Taylor, Tracy, CRNA White, Rick, CRNA Chiropractor Barker, Gary T, DC Brown, J. Clifford, DC Carrier, Michele, DC Carter, Kevin C, DC Crowley, Cory G, DC Crystal, Keith B, DC Crystal, Rejeana L, DC Etlinger, Frank C, DC Groff, Mark B, DC Jackson, Dan C, DC Johnson, Megan Elizabeth, DC Martin, Carole K, DC Schroeder, Scott A, DC Shapiro, Cory R, DC Snead, Jeffrey G, DC Sterban, Douglas Scott, DC Tankersley, Craig E, DC Tankersley, Sandra J, DC Tigges, Michael J, DC Winchel, Brett Julius, DC Dermatology Loven, Keith, MD Wesley, Raymond J, MD Emergency Medicine Haley, Nancye Ruth, MD Kreiner, Christopher John, MD Magoun, Joseph R, MD Obianyo, Ifeanyi O, MD Tincher, Matthew R, MD Endocrinology Dauphin, Pascal A, MD Family Medicine August, Leila Marie, MD Bennett, Stephen V, MD Bollig, Stephen L, MD Buckman, David Dale, MD Chaffin, G Summers, Jr, MD Collins, Cynthia Elizabeth, MD Couret, Raul, Jr, MD Curtis, Terry Randall, MD Dallas, Anthony V, MD Daniel, William D, DO DeBoer, Matthew Ryan, DO Dill, Andrew Brendan, MD Dozier, Kenneth C, MD Guha, Subir, MD Hattaway, Kevin T, MD Hooper, Halden W, MD Ilia, Hanna C, MD Kellogg, Lisa E, DO Kellogg, Michael S, DO Kucich, Alison Dawn, DO P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Lau, Henry Stacy, MD Leavitt, Paul J, MD Lee, Marcus W, MD Littell, Michael D, DO Macconnell, Clay M, MD McDaniel, Robert E, MD Millspaugh, John B, MD Montague, Jennifer Lynn, MD Murphy, Grady Fred, Jr, MD Nestor, Nell E, MD Noor, Sidi Yousseff, MD Ruckle, Ralph H, MD Smolenski, Lisabeth Ann, MD Stewart, John A, MD Struble, Thomas Gene, MD Stuart, Brian James, MD Taylor, John A, MD Taylor, Joseph G, MD Varnado, Carol Elizabeth, MD Vollmer, Donald Evans, II, MD Wyatt, Susan D, MD Gastroenterology Diaz, Michael C, MD Gillespie, James R, MD Hande, Scott Alan, MD Howard, Randy, MD Uhl, Mark D, MD General Practice Anderson, Michael David, MD Case, Kenneth R, MD Cox, Joe D, MD Ponce, Lu, MD Turner, David Mitchell, MD Hematology / Oncology Joseph, Mathew John, MD S S PS PS P P P P P Networks S S S SK S SK S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S Hospital Medicine Barrett, Sterling Isiah, MD Cardeno, Corazon N, MD Dinkins, Edward Jeffrey, MD Johnson, Marshall R, Jr, MD King, Matthew Sidney, MD Olejcek, Martin, MD Rentuza, Ronald Chu, MD Internal Medicine Aziz, Basit, MD Bain, Verna, MD Carmack, James H, Jr, MD Chopra, Nagesh, MD Cole, James E, II, MD Daugherty, Paul S, MD Enayat, Nigar A, MD Ezuteh, Donald O, MD Fuller, Raymond L, Jr, DO Goldberg, David S, MD Ikard, Margaret Burnett, DO Junior, Keith E, MD Kabtimer, Hailu, MD King, A Sid, MD Lightford, Melvin Wellington, MD Ludi, Guillermo Sergio, MD Marton, Judit, MD Mauras, Noridia, DO Mazurek, David G, MD Miller, Thomas B, MD Mitchell, Larry Morris, MD Nachnani, Anil Shyam, MD Obianyo, Ifeanyi O, MD Porter, Paul R, MD Reichert, Paige H, MD Sudheendra, Ramegowda, MD Terzian, Christian, MD Thomas, Retty Rachel, MD Yuill, John Matthew, MD Medical Oncology McClure-Barnes, Laura F, MD Shipley, Dianna L, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K S P P PS PS PS P P P P P SK S S S PS P P P P P P P S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S PS PS Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Murphy III, George J, MD Nason, William B, MD Phillips, Robert D, MD Redash, Allan W, MD Rice, Ron N, MD Riggan, Brandon Eugene, MD Steier, Jill, MD Tate Moore, Tiffanie Laven, MD Sumner County (Continued) Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Ismail, Muhammad Sami, MD Nephrology Joseph, Joju Mathews, MD OBrien, Kevin M, MD Venkatesh, Sundararajan, MD Neurology Ahsan, Jawaid, MD Anderson, James P, MD Burch, Christina M, MD Gibson, Larry, MD Rutland, Todd Eric, MD Nurse Practitioner Dailey, Teresa Diane, APRN BC Davis, Tonya Sue, NP Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Cressler, Jodi L, ACNP BC Tidwell, Emily J, NP Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Bowser, Amy Lynn, MSN Braly, Kimberly C, NP Hande, Karen Alice, NP Larner, Douglas Scott, NP C Lowe, Melanie D, ANP BC Trent, Sarah L, MSN Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Alexander, Candance Autumn, NP Anderson, Susan M, FNP Atchison, Shannon Rebecca, FNP BC Bogle, Melissa Sue, FNP BC Bunger, Michelle Anne, FNP BC Claiborne, Lisa Hackett, FNP Curtis, Deborah Roxann, FNP BC Dorsey, Yolanda Marshae, FNP BC Dozier, Christina C, FNP Draper, Melody Laine, NP C Ericson, Christina LeAnn, FNP BC Gore, Andrea K, FNP Hine, Cynthia Lou, FNP BC Hollins Dortch, Rhonda R, FNP Johnson, Ryan A, NP C Johnson, Teresa Ann, APRN BC Moore, Carol D, APRN BC Moore, Laura Ann, NP C Noblitt, Jeannie H, FNP Petralia, Eileen Patricia, FNP BC Russell, Nathan W, FNP Scher, Brett M, FNP Schmeisser, Mary Jane, FNP BC Seeley, Daniel Banta, APRN BC Taplin, Susan Clark, APRN BC Thorne, Lisa Dawn, FNP BC Tidwell, Randy L, FNP BC Wakefield, Gail B, FNP Walker, Jennifer D, FNP Witherington, Terry L, APRN BC Worsham, Ronda Myrlene, NP PS P PS PS P P P P P Ophthalmology Bowles, Fred Kirk, MD Bregman, Daniel K, MD Green, Michael E, MD Newsom, David L, MD Extended Hours Available S S S S S Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Burchfield, Daniel C, DMD Carter, Jeffrey B, DMD McLeod, Bruce C, DDS Richardson, Gregory P, DMD Shea, John K, DMD West, Kevin Dale, DMD PSK PS PSK P P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Orthopedic Surgery Bacon, John Burrus, Daniel S, MD Burval, Daniel Joseph, MD Fogolin, Robert P, MD Gautsch, Thomas L, MD Grutter, Paul William, MD Kauffman, Christopher Phillip, MD Koch, Brian E, MD Landsberg, Robert P, MD Motz, Gregg A, MD Trubia, Joseph R, MD Weaver, Lance D, MD K Otolaryngology Demoville, Raymond B, MD Lee, Michael K, MD Willis, Robert A, MD Extended Hours Available K K K K Pain Management Kroll, Peter B, MD Pathology Hanes, Thomas E, MD Seibert, Louis E, MD Spencer, Charles Norman, Jr, MD Pediatric Neurology Cruz, Marcos Javier, MD Pediatrics S SK SK SK SK S S SK Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Copeland, Leeanna Faith, CPNP Ferrell, Emily A, PNP Obstetrics & Gynecology Bennett, Richard A, MD Bradbury, Nancy Zamzam, MD Branson, Brett C, MD Caldwell, William R, MD Diller, Raegan A, MD Jewett, David G, MD Knecht, Craig L, MD Physicians PS P PS PS P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P S SK S S S S S S P P P P S S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P Burks, Helen C, MD Buskirk, Elizabeth Jane, MD Cook, Jo Ann L, MD Cormier, Kylie M, MD Ervin, Warren D, MD Espeleta, Ferdinand S, MD Holzen, Jennifer B, MD Hudson, David R, MD Johnson, William S, MD Karlekar, Saagar, MD Kastner, Jason L, MD Lehmann, Heather Renee, MD Lund, Lea Ann, MD Miller, Ronald V, MD Moore, Jennifer E, MD Murray, Samuel J, MD Riley, Steven T, MD Rundus, Victoria R, MD Spencer, Charles Norman, Jr, MD Stuart, Denise Francis, MD Wyatt, Kenneth N, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Ashley, Christopher Paul, MD Molette, Sekou F M, MD Networks Physician Assistant Dowd, Michelle Ratcliffe, PA Gilfoil, Edna Beth, PA Hartsock, Terrance Roy, PA Kersey, Nathan, PA Shanku, Bethany Rhea, PA Sharpe, Stephen Erik, PA Tomsett, Robert Mason, Jr, PA C White, Jonathan Stephen, PA Young, Danny Francis, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Kanaby, Robert Joseph, PA C Lennon, David M, PA Perry, Amanda Brianne, PA C Rivest, Christine Louise, PA Rose, Carl Warren, PA Vaughn, Jared, PA Physician Assistant at Surgery Young, Danny Francis, PA Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Jones, Jeffrey Alan, MD S S S S S S SK S S S S S PS PS PS Plastic Surgery Frenchman, Kush H, MD Podiatry (DPM) Brennan, Nate A, DPM Crear, Larelyn T, DPM Embree, Stanley, DPM Mendoza, Daniel, II, DPM Mendoza, Gina, DPM Nuss, Howard H, DPM Pulmonary Disease Battad, Hermogenes, MD Faith, William T, MD Southwell, Clyde OBrien, MD Zurawek, Tomasz Adam, MD Radiation Oncology McClure, Robert T, MD Radiology PS Ericksen, Alan Steven, MD Rheumatology PS PS Ali, Mohammad Farooq, MD Pediatric Cardiology - Diag Test Interpretation K K Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health Eubank, Abigail J, NP Kihlmire, Susan H, FNP Sumner County K-Network K PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Surgery Davis, W Gerald, MD Faulkner, Scott Lee, MD Hollis, Jeffrey D, MD Manayan, Rex Chang, MD Mewbourne, Rodney Brandon, MD Smith, Peter K, MD Thompson, John K, MD Therapeutic Optometry Bates, Donald C, OD Bestwina, Brad A, OD Bestwina, Stephanie Lee, OD Blocker, Donald W, OD Collins, Charles Gary, OD Edmiston, Joseph L, OD Fletcher, Larry Cook, ODT Frye, Thomas J, III, OD Graves, Thomas L, OD Harris, Michael H, OD Howard, Alette Patrece, OD Johnson, Kelli Shannon, OD Judd, James M, OD Laws, Richard A, ODT Lough, Emily Kathleen, OD Mallory, Jennifer Kragenbrink, OD McCord, William L, OD Norris, Rebecca Maria, OD Orgain, Richard C, ODT Reed, John S, OD Schmidt, Kevin D, ODT Stamper, James Eric, OD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P S S SK S S K K K K K PS P P P P P P P P S S S S PS PS P PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 123 Sumner County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Broffitt, Samuel L, MD Byrd, William G, MD Chanda, Jayasree, MD Cook, Buffy J, MD Craig, Michael Scott, MD Crown, Loren A, MD Flippin, Dane Howard, MD Jackson, William Clay, MD Johnson, Samuel T, MD Maness, David Lonnie, DO Martin, James William, MD May, Jeffery A, MD Sumner County (Continued) Therapeutic Optometry (Continued) Uhl, Jennifer G, OD Thoracic Surgery Brunsting, Louis A, III, MD Swan, Chad R, MD Urgent Care Physicians Bichon, Barry K, DO Singh, Narendra K, MD P PS PSK PS PS Little, Walter, MD Morris, David Scott, MD Narain, Vivek, MD Webb, Robert J, MD Vascular Surgery Meacham, Patrick W, MD P P P P S S S S Gastroenterology Baum, Alex E, MD Siddiq, Muhammad S, MD General Practice Hughey, John Raymond, MD Jones, Clay V, MD PS Gynecological Oncology Tate County (MS) Ophthalmology Elfervig, John Lars, MD Shukla, Salil, MD Reed, Mark E, MD Santoso, Joseph T, MD Smiley, Linda M, MD Tillmanns, Todd D, MD PS PS Hematology Mughal, Mohamed Tariq Imdadali, MD Osarogiagbon, Raymond U, MD Reed, Jarvis D, MD Richey, Sylvia S, MD Somer, Bradley G, MD Tian, G Gary, MD Tipton County Cardiovascular Disease Abou Shala, Mohamed Bashar, MD Addington, Milton Brent, MD Burnett, Charles Roland, Jr, MD Gordon, Richard Joseph, MD Himmelstein, Stevan Irwin, MD Kerlan, Jeffrey E, MD Kraus, David H, MD Lan, David Zhiqiang, MD Lendel, Vasili A, MD Malhotra, Amit, MD Patel, Dharmesh Surendra, MD Rubin, Michael A, MD Samaha, Joseph Kay, MD Shirwany, Arsalan T, MD Smith, Stacy Cheryl, MD Subramanian, Rajesh, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Hematology / Oncology Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) LeFave, Melissa Carol, CRNA Witham, James H, Jr, CRNA Chiropractor Beasley, Breck M, DC Cannon, Jayson D, DC Chapman, Claudia G, DC Connell, Sherman L, DC Noblin, John Allen, DC Poisal IV, Samuel, DC Poisal, Dana L, DC Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Hess, Paul George, MD Emergency Medicine Borja, Jherico P, MD Diaz, Lawrence D, DO Martin, Mary Sue, MD Mehr, Ali Jafari, MD Neskow, Paul Y, MD Sampson, Lela G, NP Soyinka, Olufemi Emmanuel, MD PS PS P P P P P P P Allan, Katherine Federline, MD Arnold, Anita L, MD Bell, Darl V, MD Cannon, Jesse J, Jr, MD Chambers, George W, MD Guerrant, Richard P, MD Larkin, John K, MD Miller, Alvin James, Jr, MD Shirazee, Syed H, MD Teach, Guy Victor, MD Woods, Carolyn O, MD S S S S K K K K K K K Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Imseis, Raed, MD Palmieri, Genaro M, MD Family Medicine Armour, Karen A, MD PS PS Hospital Medicine Internal Medicine S S S S S S S S S Allen, Jeffrey Warren, MD Benn, Sonia M, MD Besh, Stephen A, MD Cash, Darlene K, MD Goorha, Salil, MD Pallera, Arnel M, MD Portnoy, David Craig, MD Ratliff, Thomas W, MD Sachdev, Jasgit Chugh, MD Schwartzberg, Lee S, MD Spiers, Kathleen D, MD Vasireddy, Sailendra, MD Verrier, Carmel Sabine, MD Weir, Alva Bowen, III, MD Mbu, Prudence Chia, MD PS P P P P P P P Medical Oncology Baskin, Reed C, MD Blakely, Laura Johnetta, MD Boston, Barry, MD Johnson, Robert A, MD Martin, Michael Gary, MD Minhas, Sohail A, MD Patil, Sadanand Iswarappa, MD Tauer, Kurt W, MD Wheeler, Benton M, III, MD Nephrology PS P P P P P P P P P P P P Stepniakowski, Konrad T, MD Networks Neurological Surgery S Arthur, Adam S, MD Hoit, Daniel Alan, MD S S S S S S S S S PS PS Neurology Ahmed, Shameela Neaz, MD PS Nurse Practitioner Long, Beth Renee, APRN BC PS Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Family Medicine with Obstetrical Fellowship Potter, Angela Paige, MD Urology 124 K-Network K Networks PS Hopkins, Alan B, ANP Smith, Wendy J, ANP Tyler, Stephanie Gene, APRN BC PS PS PS Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Norris, Marcus Anthony, NP PS PS Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice PS PS P P P P S S S S P P P P P P SK SK SK S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K PS Arnold, Amber M, NP C Beard, Tammara H, NP Bishop, Jeffrey Morgan, APRN BC Brady, Mary Angela, FNP BC Campbell, Aniko Garrison, FNP BC Crenshaw, Lisa M, NP Dedmon, Diana D, MSN Franks, Brandi B, MSN Hoffmann, Emily A, FNP Hopkins, Joan H, NP Hudson, Angela P, ANP Jacobs, Rosemary P, FNP BC Marcum, Carolyn Ruth, NP C Martin, Karen Louise, FNP BC Mashburn, Cynthia M, FNP McDonald, Alice C, FNP BC Parimore, Linda Jane, FNP BC Phillips, Mary Nell, FNP BC Powell, John H, FNP Speight, Deanna K, NP Springfield, Brenda L, FNP West, Sharon Fran, APRN BC Obstetrics & Gynecology Caruthers, Thomas J, Jr, MD Ho, Jiunn Hour, MD Oncology Heching, Norman I, MD Orthopedic Surgery Kent, Vincent Carl, MD Pediatrics Beasley, Jimmie L, MD Ugorji, Nneoma A, MD Podiatry (DPM) Hutchison, Paul W, DPM P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S Pulmonary Disease SK S SK S S SK S S S Surgery PS PS McCartney, Jeffrey P, MD Shirazee, Syed H, MD Zurawek, Tomasz Adam, MD Radiation Oncology Burnett, John Arthur, MD Ghandour, Omar F, MD Lee, Jea Youl, MD Radiology Optican, Robert J, MD Gross, Russell J, MD Jonas, Karl, MD Therapeutic Optometry Cooper, Chris H, OD Dorkowski, Michael T, OD Hughes, Marty, OD McMillian, Jeffrey A, OD Rixon, Andrew J, OD Stello, Ronald A, OD Talley, David K, OD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S SK SK S SK PS P PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PSK PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P S S S S S S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Urology Viprakasit, Dejo, MD Moughon, Gordon W, MD PS Medical Oncology Swan, Forrest, Jr, MD PS Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Fisher, Phyllis C, FNP Mayden, Kelley Duncan, APRN BC Peterson, Shanna B, NP Shelton, Wanda S, FNP Williams, Shelley L, FNP Trigg County (KY) Surgery Koelsch, David W, MD Swain, Brian T, MD P P Obstetrics & Gynecology Glas, Erika Dawn, DO Green, John D, MD Laing, Brent D, MD Trousdale County Emergency Medicine Ezuteh, Donald O, MD Family Medicine Lyles, William D, Jr, MD General Practice Carey Jr, Jack W, Jr, MD Reed, Floyd, Jr, MD Samson, Bienvenido T, MD Hospital Medicine Badru, Alexander O, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Livingston, Amanda Shenie, NP C Oldham, Joye B, NP Physician Assistant - PCP Lloyd, Gary Lynn, PA C PS Podiatry (DPM) PSK Perkins, Aaron W, Jr, DPM Surgery Hawkins, Furman Everett, Jr, MD PS S PS P Therapeutic Optometry Chambers, Joe A, OD Shorter, Patrick D, OD PSK PS Orthopedic Surgery Judd, James M, OD PSK PSK P Bhidya, Mohammad P, MD Chintalapudi, Srinivasa R, MD Patna, Vivek Sreenivasa, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Cardiovascular Disease Acuff, Jessica J, FNP Levan, Sarah Jean, NP Savage, Jennifer Michelle, FNP BC Alison, Harold W, MD PS Bailey, Joseph C, MD PS Brahmbhatt, Vipulkumar Rameshchandra, MDPS Chang, Mark W, MD PS Counts, Marc D, MD PS Jordan, Louis Collier, MD PS Walters, David J, DC Emergency Medicine Akoury, Dalal, MD Barrowclough, John R, MD Hines, Ethan William, MD Lynes, Jennifer Swisher, DO Phillips, Paul Arthur, DO Family Medicine Campbell, Diane L, MD Colinger, Jason A, DO Fernando, Linden Cedric, MD Plemmons, Rita E, MD Webb, Clinton Steve, MD General Practice Colinger, J W, Jr, MD Hospital Medicine Satterly, James Edward, DO Wegman, Frank Todd, MD Internal Medicine Bieberly, Joseph E, MD Physicians Family Medicine Internal Medicine Unicoi County Chiropractor P P P P P S S S S S PS PS PS PS PS PS Farkhondeh, Mahmoud, MD Khan, Rafay I, MD PSK Physician Assistant - PCP P P P P P S S S S S Therapeutic Optometry P P P P P S S S S S PS PS PS De Maro, Paula Renee, PA Mysliwiec, Kevin A, OD Mysliwiec, Sandy Lynette, OD Emergency Medicine Marshall, John W, MD Family Medicine Carter, John E, MD Greer, Willis A, MD Justiniano, Jose R, MD Price, Jack N, DO Scoggins, Ted A, MD Shaw, G Paul, Jr, MD Sherrill, Leroy, MD Shy, Joe Allen, DO Siddiqui, Farrukh Abdussalam, MD Smith, Richard C, MD Storey, Suzanne, MD Tapley, Charles L, MD Van Schuyver, Donna Sue, DO General Practice Ellis, John C, MD Hall, David P, MD Mangan, Aloysius Thomas, MD Internal Medicine Malek, Nabil Wadie, DO Wilson, Michael E, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice PS PS Deweese, Vicki R, FNP Moughrabi, Nancy Kazanas, FNP BC Padgett Ensley, Deirdre Walker, FNP Peters, Erin Michelle, FNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics PS Obstetrics & Gynecology P P P P Ophthalmology SK S S SK PS PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Bowers, Elizabeth M, DO Bowers, Richard J, DO Weldon, Thomas D, MD Bierly, John Robert, MD Pediatric Ophthalmology Peterson, Edward Andrew, MD Pediatrics Azzouz, Rami, MD Estep, Dennis Paul, MD Plastic Surgery Waldrop, Jimmy Lee, MD Family Medicine Rayala, Christopher Z, MD Physician Assistant - PCP Heady, Cameron Wayne, PA PSK PSK Mills, Marvin L, MD Espy, Leisha H, DC Brady, Robin Michael, OD Clark, Stephen Brent, OD Holbrook, Jodi, OD PS PSK Prince, Tidence L, MD Sullivan, Ryan Richard, MD Audiology Calkins, Anne Marie, MA CCC A Davidson, Lisa H, MA CCC A Hallenbeck, Helen Foster, CCC A Loomis, Brianne Noelle, CCC A Norwood, Wayland Reed, CCC A Cardiovascular Disease PS PS P K PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK SK S S S K S S PS PS PSK PSK PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK PS PS PS PS PS PSK PSK PS P PSK PS PS P Warren County Allergy and Immunology Walker County (GA) Cardiovascular Disease Smith, Angela D, DPM Solomon, Aaron D, DPM Therapeutic Optometry PS Van Buren County Chiropractor PS Ford, Thomas A, DC Podiatry (DPM) Pediatrics K K K K K Networks Kimball, Michelle S, PNP Chiropractor Bowman, Rachel Dawn, MD Demaro, Thomas Joseph, DO Kulkarni, Vinee Vijay, MD Moncier, Hal, MD Therapeutic Optometry PS Union County Johnson, Darrell J, DC Terry, Roy C, MD PS K Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) Adams, Nikki Lynn, NP PS PS Internal Medicine -Diag Test Interpretation Therapeutic Optometry (Continued) Whitley, Stan J, OD Networks Miller, Charles Gordon, II, DO Whitaker, Todd A, MD Tipton County (Continued) Warren County K-Network K Benson, Robert Alan, MD PSK PS P P P P P S S S S S PS Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Hamm, Christi Mosley, CRNA Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS 125 Warren County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Warren County (Continued) Chiropractor Hurst, Rickey W, DC McKinley, Jeffrey A, DC Northcutt, Leland J, DC Dermatology Bell, Michael W, MD Nelson, Ronald A, MD Family Medicine Chastain, Bryan D, MD Florence, David G, DO Foster, Linda Ann, MD Glover, Dannie Weldon, MD Jacobs, G Jackson, MD Jamieson, Mary Jane, MD Kirby, Homer E, III, DO Morgan, Charles Dwight, MD Noor, Sidi Yousseff, MD Questell, Michael, DO Smolenski, Lisabeth Ann, MD Stewart, Michael T, MD Troop, Joe R, Jr, MD Woodlee, Jimmie D, MD General Practice Fisher, Timothy M, DO Hospital Medicine Alston, Charles Pernele, MD Johnson, Marshall R, Jr, MD Perry, Frank Anthony, Jr, MD Rampp, Randal D, MD Robison, Byron Keith, MD Zafar, Blal Ahmed, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Stanley, Melissa B, DPh Taylor, Lea Blaire, DPh Internal Medicine Blankenship, Brad Edwin, MD Burck, Harry E, Jr, MD Cintron, Evelyn, MD Harlow, Susan Byers, MD Hekimoglu, Cetin, MD Huong, Allen Ming, MD Jenkins, Jimmy E, MD Zafar, Blal Ahmed, MD Medical Oncology Raefsky, Eric L, MD Toomey, Mitchell, MD Nephrology Pearson, John G, MD Sabo, Robert P, MD Neurology Yesil, Sadik, MD Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Ott, Charles L, NP Zauner, Jacqueline Busby, ACNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Larner, Douglas Scott, NP C Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Addington, Rona C, FNP BC Brinkley, Nicole L, NP Buck, Theresa M, FNP Cole, Judy Gayle, APRN BC Harper, Alicia Christman, NP C Kinkade, Sherry L, FNP Locke, Destiny Howard, FNP Ott, Charles L, NP Rigsby, Kimerly A, FNP Seeley, Daniel Banta, APRN BC Via, Warren V, FNP 126 K-Network K Networks Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health Speck, Carrie Chastain, GNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics PS PSK PS PSK PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S SK SK S S S PSK P P P P P P SK S S S S S PSK PSK P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S Harper, Melinda Roberts, NP Obstetrics & Gynecology Delvalle, Rene C, MD Riley Cavner, Dawn Marie, DO Watlington, David J, MD Ophthalmology Anderson, Steven Randle, Sr, MD Bierly, John Robert, MD Bregman, Daniel K, MD Davis, W Glenn, MD Rice, Leonidas E, Jr, MD Stewart, William C, MD Orthopedic Surgery Arms, Donald M, MD Haynes, Douglas B, MD Otolaryngology Coleman, Jack A, Jr, MD Keith, Scott H, MD Pediatric Ophthalmology Peterson, Edward Andrew, MD Andrews, Michael Gordon, DO McVey, Jeffrey K, DO Purvis, John H, MD Reuter, Rogina K, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Nuthalapaty, Suneetha S, MD Physician Assistant Faugot, Garret John, PA Gilfoil, Edna Beth, PA Harelson, William W, PA McCraney, Dennis Craig, PA Shanku, Bethany Rhea, PA Tomsett, Robert Mason, Jr, PA C Physician Assistant - PCP Lennon, David M, PA Podiatry (DPM) Aune, Jacqueline T, DPM Pulmonary Disease Lang, Eric A, MD Surgery PS PS Therapeutic Optometry PS PSK PS P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK S SK S SK S SK S Washington County PSK Allergy and Immunology PS PSK PS PS P P P P P P Jones, Phillip Wayne, MD Krishnaswamy, Guha, MD Pienkowski, Marek M, MD Wyche-Bashor, Donna W, MD Stastny, Janet F, DO Ehrenfried, Lorna Kristine, MD Jernigan, Jefferey R, MD McVeigh, Joe Randall, MD Pugh, Alan H, MD Wilson, Gary G, MD Audiology Burks, Christopher Andrew, CCC A Chase, Patricia Ann, AuD CCC A Elangovan, Saravanan, Aud CCC A Fagelson, Marc A, PhD CCC A Fankhouser, Russell J, CCC A Schumaier Campbell, Sarah A, AuD CCC A Schumaier, Daniel R, CCC A Stepp, Teresa R, MS CCC A PS PS PS Brock, William Bradford, MD Lawhon, Jeffrey C, MD Brady, Robin Michael, OD Connor, Terry W, OD Dean, Marion Andrew, Jr, OD Mann, Daryl Francis, OD Martin, Stanley R, OD McCarty, Zachary Stuart, OD Phillips, Leslie Ann, OD Rone, Norman W, OD Smoak, Sonya M, OD Stephens, L. Derosa, OD Urology Spivey, Oscar S, MD S S S SK PS P P P P P P S S S S S S PS PSK P PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S PS Warren County (KY) Therapeutic Optometry DeHaven, Leslie Gunderson, OD K K K K PS ORoark, Daniel Michael, DO Trivedi, Atul, MD SK S S S PS Anesthesiology S S S S S S PS PS P P P P P P P P Anatomic Pathology Cardiology Pediatrics PS PS PS Networks P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K PSK PS Cardiovascular Disease Alison, Harold W, MD PS Bailey, Joseph C, MD PS Bertuso, John Richard, MD PS Blackwell, Gerald Grant, MD PS Brahmbhatt, Vipulkumar Rameshchandra, MDPS Chang, Mark W, MD PS Counts, Marc D, MD PS Disalvo, Thomas G, MD PSK Downs, Christopher J, MD PS Garcia, Israel D, MD PS Haddadin, Tariq Z, MD PS Hamati, Fawwaz I, MD PS Henry, Philip D, MD PS Hiremagalur, Shobha, MD PS Hixson, Clair S, MD PSK Jones, Gregory K, MD PS Jordan, Louis Collier, MD PS Kadekar, Sitaram Gururao, MD PSK Khan, Ahmed A, MD PS Klugewicz, Christopher Joseph, MD P Kramer, Robert Keith, MD PS Ladley, Herbert D, MD PS Lauro, Francis Joseph, DO PSK McQueen, Robert Hughes, MD PS Merrick, Raymond Daniel, MD PS Miller, Gregory Houston, MD PS Ponder, Michael A, MD PS Schoondyke, Jeffrey Wayne, MD PS Sharma, Ram Chandra, MD PS Sholes, Christopher W, MD PS Smith, Steven Michael, MD PS Whitaker, Jack Harry, MD PS Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Cathelyn, Patricia B, CRNA Clark, Jeffrey S, CRNA Forrest, Joseph A, CRNA Fowler, Donna C, CRNA Fuentes, Ruben, CRNA Nicholson, Susan P, CRNA Organt, Marianne A, CRNA Page, Lynda J, CRNA Pendleton, Kimberly C, CRNA Root, James P, CRNA Villier, Elizabeth A, CRNA Wallace, Marty Dale, CRNA Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Washington County (Continued) Chiropractor Baker, Carol Lynn, DC Ballard, Richard D, DC Carruthers, Timothy Scott, DC Christiansen, Christina Lee, DC Conley, Judith Lynn, DC Cradic, Stephen, DC Eldridge, Brad W, DC Fabozzi, Jeffrey D, DC Fegley, Scott, DC Fielden, Kevin D, DC Harris, Andrew D, DC Hillman, Philip A, DC Jackson, Lonnie L, DC Jones, J. Brion, DC Kind, Richard L, DC Livesay, Craig C, DC Messimer, Samuel F, DC Morganstern, Erik Joseph, DC Morganstern, Tim J, DC Extended Hours Available Moze, Randy Craig, DC Myers, Shannon W, DC Neely, William G, DC Peeks, Edward J, DC Perry, David K, DC Petersen, Howard G, DC Pridemore, Shawn R, DC Reynolds, Cynthia Anne, DC Whynot, Dwight C, DC Colon and Rectal Surgery Pennington, Connie J, MD Critical Care Medicine Palazzo, Melissa Shepard, MD Dermatology Benson, Paul Michael, MD Clemons, Donald Eugene, MD Clemons, Robert John, MD Gardner, Timothy Lee, MD Hudson, Larry D, MD Leicht, Stuart S, MD Winton, George B, MD Diagnostic Radiology Kindle, Joy J, MD Neal, Marianne R, MD Emergency Medicine Adams, Shane M, MD Brown, D. Steven, MD Burleson, James, MD Doyle, Charlene A, MD Fulton, Charles A, MD Guy, Janet Ruth, MD Lee, Cristy L, MD Lucas, Melinda, MD McDavid, Richard K, MD Merrifield, David Leslie, Jr, MD Mills, Ralph L, MD Newton, Cynthia Naramore, MD Extended Hours Available Partain, Cynthia Polhemus, MD Extended Hours Available Reddy, Illuri R, MD Singh, Vijay Raj, MD Wilkinson, Mark Julian, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S SK SK P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S SK PS PS P P P P P P P S S S S S S S PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS PS Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Peiris, Alan N, MD Stuart, Charles A, MD Family Medicine Ali, Muhammad, MD Avonda, Thomas Richard, MD Barbarito, Nancy G, MD Bayard, Max M, III, MD Physicians PS PS P P P P S S S S Washington County K-Network K Networks Belt, Randall Lee, DO Bertotti, Marian L, MD Blackmore, Ronald L, MD Boggs, Bruce Daniel, MD Brown, Andrew Nathan, MD Broyles, Lisa Jackson, MD Bryant, Erin, MD Clark, James W, MD Clayton, Buddy J, MD Cleveland, Leland C, MD Coletti, Cynthia M, MD Colyar, Allan Lee, MD Cote, Rebekah, DO David, Daniel J, MD Djordjevic, Zvjezdana Dekic, MD Elliott, Jeremy Nathan, DO Florence, Joseph A, IV, MD Franko, John Patrick, MD Garrett, William Allan, Jr, MD Gerayli, Fereshteh, MD Grindstaff, Robert Elsworth, MD Holt, James D, MD Hood, Michael T, MD Hopland, Jeffrey A, MD Hopland, Kenneth M, MD Hoppe, Gordon P, MD Hutchins, Christina R, MD Jewett, Michael E, MD Kauzlarich, Michael P, DO Lang, Forrest, MD Lewis, Jonathan Adam, MD Logan, Cynthia Ann, MD Manginelli, Stephanie C, MD McDavid, Richard K, MD McLaughlin, M. Dean, MD Merrifield, Angela, MD Merrifield, David Leslie, Jr, MD Merrill, Jeffrey Ronald, MD Mohler, Anastasia Craft, MD Moran, Paul Edward, III, MD Nave, Ellen Lang, MD Oakley, Jaime G, MD Panini, Aruna S, MD Partain, Cynthia Polhemus, MD Robins, Guy W, MD Schmalzried, Craig D, MD Schweitzer, Janice B, MD Schwob, Timothy Edward, MD Sharish, Rebecca S, MD Shaw, Vance C, MD Singh, Vijay Raj, MD Sluder, Raina Arnold, MD Smith, Nicholas Brett, MD Thompson, Anne S, MD Thornsberry, Michael D, MD Tudiver, Fraser G, MD Tumkur, Deepika A, MD Wadzinski, James Daniel, MD Way, Brian K, DO Whitson, Dale E, MD Wilkinson, Mark Julian, MD Woodside, Jack R, Jr, MD Gastroenterology Borthwick, Thomas R, MD Fenyves, Jeffrey P, MD Fry, Stephen, MD Goenka, Puneet, MD LeSage, Gene David, MD Schmidt, Lawrence Wendell, MD Welch, David Brent, MD Young, Mark, MD General Practice Ahmad, Elizabeth Ann, MD Ahmad, Irshad A, MD Haire, Craig M, MD Hopland, Arnold O, MD Reeves, Robert D, MD Wyche, Donald Brett, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S Networks General Vascular Surgery Evans, James R, MD Hopkins, Steven P, MD Katras, Tony, MD Rush, Daniel S, MD Geriatric Medicine Hamdy, Ronald C, MD Gynecological Oncology Drake, Janet G, MD Gynecology Dunkelberger, Brian H, MD Miller, John M, MD Hand Surgery Gorman, Paul W, MD Hematology Enck, Robert Edwin, MD Lamb, Millard Ray, MD Ross, Maureen, MD Hematology / Oncology Enck, Robert Edwin, MD Famoyin, Charles Olugbenga, MD Hospital Medicine Abboud, Lucien Naji, MD Ahmad, Waseem, MD Aimua, Benedict Eromosele, MD Arnold, Walter Davis, Jr, MD Bagheri, Michael, MD Balasubramanya, Archana, MD Belagode, Vinaya S, MD Bendeck, Carl Eric, MD Chatra, Shubha R, MD Donovan, Brian P, MD El Abbassi, Adel Mohammad, MD El Bazouni, Hadi E, MD Farrow, Jeff R, MD Girish, Mirle R, MD Hammad, Ahmad N, MD Harker, Anita Kenkarey, MD Hodges, Stanley, MD Holt, Jacob Eric, MD Hope, Lapsley Grant, Jr, MD Ialamova Tountcheva, Dimka M, MD Ibetoh, Delores Ijeoma, MD Jones Woods, Cindi Elise, MD Khanna, Atul, MD Lambert Drwiega, April Michelle, DO Lewis, Anthony Evan, MD Mahboob, Rashid, MD McCurley, Beth Anna, MD McQuirter, Julian Antonio, MD Minaoui, Wael Khaled El, MD Nash, Larry Kevin, MD Nazarov, Vitaly, MD Nekuri, Suresh Kumar, MD Papas, Konstantinos Andreas, MD Patel, Alpesh Bhagubhai, MD Patel, Paras D, MD Patibandla, Kiran, MD Porter, Keith G, MD Rasheed, Atif, MD Rikhye, Somi, MD Satterly, James Edward, DO Sawaf, John Namir, DO Sellers, David Matthew, MD Shankar, Koovapudi J, MD Siddiqi, Waleed Waseem, MD Smith, Bert Jackson, MD Snider, Ralph D, MD Taylor, Lakeysha Teaka, MD Terova, Sotiraq Anesti, MD Udoeyop, Udoeyop W, MD Weekes, Juelle Everne Christie, MD Zahnke, Kim P, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Quick, Tara Sanders, DPh Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P S S S S PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PSK 127 Washington County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Washington County (Continued) Immunizing Pharmacist (Continued) Walker, Michael Kent, DPh Infectious Disease Haddadin, Dafer W, MD Hussein, Rezhan, MD Moorman, Jonathan P, MD Myers, James W, MD Sarubbi, Felix A, Jr, MD Shams, Wael E, MD Internal Medicine Allen, Robert C, MD Armentrout, Amy L, MD Atyia, Atif A, MD Beals, David H, MD Becka Fitzpatrick, Maria Louise, MD Belknap, Jeffrey Alan, MD Boccarossa, Gerry Nickolai, MD Brahmbhatt, Hetal K, MD Brenya, Ransford Sampong, MD Brown, Paul E, MD Caravello, Peter M, MD Cary, Matthew G, MD Cook, Keith R, MD Copeland, Billy H, II, MD Copeland, Rebecca J, MD Davidson, Melanie R, MD Dell, Kevin D, MD Dossett, Burgin E, MD Draper, Dianne C, DO Dykes, James Thomas, MD Forbush, Frank A, MD Freemon, David N, MD Getaz, Emile Paul, MD Gibson, Mary J, MD Gopalan, Pushkas, MD Grosserode, Michael J, MD Guha, Bhuvana, MD Hansen, James W, MD Hansen, Shoko S, MD Hatjioannou, Jason T, MD Hemphill, Chris B, MD Hoover, Randy W, MD Hoskere, Girendra V, MD Johnson, Frank P, MD Kadari, Rajendra, MD Kirk, Kevin P, MD Kudyadi, Deepti Satish, MD Kuriacose, Reena, MD Limbaugh, Susan R, MD Loyd, Stephen D, MD MacMillan, Patrick Joseph, MD Marino, Anna V, MD Monderer, Rachel, MD Moulton, David F, MD Nerren, Bryan K, MD Nyunt, Tun, MD Olive, Kenneth E, MD Ongtengco, E. Alan, MD Panus, Leslie W, MD Patel, Falguniben Arvindbhai, MD Patel, Rakeshkumar Bhagwandas, MD Patel, Sudhirkumar Vinodchandra, MD Pearson, Michael Z, MD Raval, Abhijit Ajitkymar, MD Rehman, Faiza, MD Rolen, Richard L, MD Schnell, Thomas R, MD Seifer, Frederick D, MD Sibley, Denise S, MD Smalligan, Roger D, MD Smith, Bert Jackson, MD Sweet, Kevin D, MD Vermillion, Stanley E, MD Wayt, Marta J, DO Williams, Gordon Frank, MD 128 PSK P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K-Network K Networks Williams, Mark A, MD Maternal - Fetal Medicine Demay, Jessica M, MD Nwosu, Uchenna C, MD Welt, Selman I, MD Medical Oncology Kincaid, William R, MD Krishnan, Koyamangalath, MD Patel, Sapna Rajesh, MD Sen, Anindya K, MD Smith, Stephen James, MD Swan, Forrest, Jr, MD Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Bharti, Des R, MD Bonta, Bedford W, MD Devoe, William M, MD Shah, Darshan Surendrabhai, MD Nephrology Crisostomo, Conchitina Marie Chua, MD Panus, Leslie W, MD Tran, Martin Q, DO Vermillion, Stanley E, MD Wiegand, Clifford F, MD Neurological Surgery Dulebohn, Scott C, MD Fullagar, Timothy Michael, MD Hamel, Steven C, MD Wiles, David A, MD Neurology Dengler, John M, MD Kimbrough, Stephen M, MD Lapham, Craig, MD Perry, Thomas Clayton, Jr, MD Whaley, Nathaniel Robb, MD Neuropsychology (PHD) Hughes, Robert B, PhD Roth, Robert E, PsyD Sullivan, Rodney A, PhD Nurse Practitioner Laraway, Jacqueline L, ACNP BC White, Sherri Gayle, NP Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Jones, Shannon Leigh, NP Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Cohan, Jerome J, MSN Fields, Wendy G, NP Hambrick, Heather Natasha, NP Heath, Jennifer Leigh, ANP BC Henry Wilson, Tonya R, FNP Lauzon, Catherin Mary, NP Pratt, Kimberly Michelle, ANP BC Stevens, Larry Michael, II, ANP BC Swiney, Wendy D, ANP BC Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Allen, Dana A, FNP Alley, Nancy J, FNP Azima, Laura Elaine, FNP BC Belcher, Sarah Ellen, APRN BC Bellamy, Tanyelle E, FNP BC Bentley, Julie Elizabeth, FNP BC Beswick, Carla R, NP Brehm, Jerrilyn Seitz, FNP Broadwater, Holly R, NP Burleson Bryant, Vikki Foster, NP C Chartier, Wendy K, FNP Churchill, Sandra D, NP Clever, William D, FNP Conrad, Cheryl L, FNP Cradic, Janet E, APRN BC Doran, Lisa R, FNP Etter, Michael Steven, FNP BC Fleming, Amy Brock, NP PS PS PS PS P P P P P P S S S S S S P P P P S S S S P P P P P SK S S S S P P P P S S S S P P P P P S S S S S PS PS PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Networks Fleming, Lisa Kay, APRN BC Garrett, Linda Hughes, APRN BC Greer, Pamela L, FNP BC Grissinger, Melissa L, FNP Henderson, Kimberly A, FNP Hensley, Tracey R, FNP Herod, Carrie N, FNP Hollowell, Shannon R, FNP Hunsinger, Joey Hayes, APRN BC Johnson, Christian Leighann, NP C Johnson, Roger D, NP Justice, Tabitha R, APRN BC Kerley, Linda J, NP Killebrew, Tina L, FNP Kirk, Celesta C, FNP Leake, Melissa O, FNP Markwalter, Todd Walter, NP C Marrs, Joann S, FNP Massie, Libby Paige, NP Mayden, Kelley Duncan, APRN BC McClanahan, Page S, FNP McIntosh, Shelly J, FNP Meeks, Benjamin A, NP Mottern, Joe David, FNP Mounts, Donna Lynn, FNP Mullins, Sara L, FNP Myers, Alice J, APRN BC Naseri, Mousa K, FNP Overton, Danielle M, FNP Pennypacker, Susan K, NP Reed, Susan L, FNP Reynolds, Bobby D, II, FNP Rigsby, Christine McCullough, NP Rogers, Alice N, FNP BC Ryals, Jimmie J, Jr, APRN BC Simpson, Elizabeth Virost, FNP Smith, Michael David, APRN BC Snyder, Angela M, FNP Stewart Glenn, Jennifer, FNP Stout, David R, Jr, NP Thomas, Erin E, FNP BC Turman, Cheryl L, APRN BC Ume Nwagbo, Pearl N, NP Uncapher, Debra Jo, FNP Vanhook, Patricia McKenzie, FNP Wells Good, Debbie A, APRN BC Whitesell, Elizabeth Ann, NP Wilgus, Wendy Rudolph, NP C Williams, Georgia Jane, APRN BC Williams, Heather Nicole, NP C Williams, Shelley L, FNP P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health McConnell, Peggy M, APRN BC Quillen, Linda R S, GNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Herrig, Alison Repass, CPNP PC Morrison, Rebecca A, NP PS PS P PS Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) Burks, Mary S, NP Hutson, Sadie P, APRN Trumbley, Sharon G, NP Obstetrics & Gynecology Arze, Alfonzo S, MD Assad, Norman A, MD Box, Stephen T, MD Carrillo, Amy Davis, DO Carter, Ginger A, MD Crowder, Brenda J, MD Drey, Chad Aaron, MD Fogg, Darlene E, MD Gebka, Ann M, MD Herrell, Howard Ernest, MD Hinton, Jeffrey T, MD Hodshon, Courtney Cummings, MD Holmes, Sheri L, MD Huffaker, Roland Keith, MD Jernigan, T Watson, MD Kappa, Roseanne D, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Washington County (Continued) Obstetrics & Gynecology (Continued) Kennedy, Joseph L, III, MD Lewis, Samuel V, MD May, Grover E, MD May, Scott E, MD Olsen, Martin E, MD Pickler, Eva C, MD Sarkodie, Olga Leonidovna, MD Selman, Bruce R, MD Sentell, Marcia E, MD Talley-Horne, Jill R, MD Thibault, Lenita H, MD Occupational Medicine Bishop, Marilyn Ann, MD Ophthalmology Alison, Nancy J, MD Battle, James Wayne, MD Brown, Janet, MD Carlsen, Jeffrey O, MD Couch, David A, MD Cummings, Howard L, MD Eberhart, Anne H, MD Gunn, Joseph M, MD Kimbrough, Barbara O, MD McCartt, Alan Noe, MD Miller, Calvin L, MD Rabon, Randal J, MD Shahbazi, Michael F, MD Young, Amy B, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Bacon, Larry Alan, DDS Collins, John R, DDS Eilers, Carl W, Jr, DDS Hamlin, Michael L, DDS Luethke, Larry D, DDS Pittman, Martin R, DDS Vanbrocklin, Ralph J, DMD Witkowski, Charles E, Sr, DDS Orthopedic Surgery Aiken, Marc A, MD Barnes, Charles E, MD Beaver, Walter R, MD Brashear, Jason Andrew, MD Detroye, Robert J, MD Duncan, Richard W, MD Goss, James A, MD Grant, Joseph D, MD Holbrook, John L, MD Huddleston, Thomas L, MD Jenkins, Timothy Douglas, MD McKinney, Bart Isaac, MD McRae, Karen J, MD Parr, Reagan R, MD Stewart, Gregory L, MD Trent, Carol G, MD Wells, James Michael, MD Williams, Henry Jackson, MD Otolaryngology Abkes, Bruce A, MD Peterson, Steve Leroy, MD Winstead, Johnathan Myles, MD Zajonc, Timothy P, MD Pain Management Batizy, Botond Gusztav, II, MD Smyth, Timothy, MD Valley, Marc A, MD Ward, Sameh A, MD Williams, William Turney, MD Pathology King, John, MD Rollins, Susan D, MD Physicians P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S Networks Pediatric Cardiology Anand, Rajani, MD Madhok, Ashish B, MD Mehta, Ashok V, MD Teixeira, Otto, MD Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Lucas, Melinda, MD Mohon, Ricky T, MD Pediatric Emergency Medicine Blackwell, Jamie Len, MD Castro, Sandra Caroline, MD Pediatric Gastroenterology Abdelwahab, Ayman, MD Pediatric Hematology / Oncology PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S SK SK S SK S S S S S S P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P S S S S P P P P P S S S S S PS PS Washington County K-Network K Kalwinsky, David K, MD Klopfenstein, Kathryn J, MD Pediatric Nephrology Wattad, Ahmad A, MD Pediatric Neurology Boutros, Gamal S, MD Pediatric Surgery Taylor, Lesli A, MD Pediatrics Aiken, Todd William, MD Berry, Boyce, MD Bischoff, Paul A, MD Bridgforth, William A, MD Bullman, Michelle S, MD Chastain, David O, MD Combs, Landon S, MD Combs, Stephen P, MD Donovan, Mark L, MD Farmer, Margaret F, MD Fish, Charles A, MD Gage, Jodi B, MD Gallaher, Richard G, MD Garrett, Arthur Randolph, MD Gill, Thomas W, MD Jaishankar, Gayatri Bala, MD Klugewicz, Susan Lyasko, MD Kumar, Pullatikurthi Lucy, MD Ledes, Christopher R, MD Macariola, Demetrio Rebano, MD McGill, Richard Scott, DO Michal, Mary L, MD Mills, Debra Q, MD Pearson, James M, MD Popescu, Marcella Ionela, MD Powers, Rebecca R, MD Prudhomme, Bryan James, MD Pugh, Barbara Elaine, MD Schetzina, Karen E, MD Smalligan, Roger D, MD Stern, Harold P, MD Taylor, Tedford S, MD Tuell, Dawn S, MD Wireman, Jill W, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Devos, Elaine L, MD Gupta, Navneet, MD Labatia, Ihab Youssef, MD McQuain, Mark T, MD Platt, William Marshall, MD Spady, Michael, MD Tchou, Sheng, MD Physician Assistant Anderson, Charles D, PA Casey, James J, Jr, PA Coburn, Heather Lee, PA Cook, Samuel William, III, PA Cook, Timothy P, PA Cowen, Greg L, PA DAvila, Theresa Ann, PA P P P P S S S S PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P S S S S P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S Networks Fleming, Christopher D, PA Haire, James B, PA C Hardy, James S, Jr, PA Hirschi, Kyle Marion, PA Hull, Andrew William, PA Isaac, Irene Chitra, PA Landry, Paul Bernard, III, PA Lee, Paul Andrew, PA McDaniel, Louis F, PA McGar, Dale W, Jr, PA Melvin, William Stacy, PA C Odell, Isaac N, PA Perry, Wesley E, PA Powell, John R, PA Rogan, Robert B, Jr, PA Strawn, Chris Frederick, PA Sutterlin, Shawn A, PA Taylor, Melissa Kay, PA Truman, Thomas A, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Aderhold, William James, Jr, PA C Cantrell, Brittany M, PA Harrison, Melanie Renee, PA Reid, Joseph Keffauver, II, PA Seale, Ashley Pierce, PA Whynot, Emily Katherine, PA Worley, Miranda Gilley, PA Physician Assistant at Surgery Anderson, Charles D, PA Casey, James J, Jr, PA Cook, Samuel William, III, PA Cook, Timothy P, PA DAvila, Theresa Ann, PA Fleming, Christopher D, PA Haire, James B, PA C Hardy, James S, Jr, PA Landry, Paul Bernard, III, PA Lee, Paul Andrew, PA McDaniel, Louis F, PA McGar, Dale W, Jr, PA Melvin, William Stacy, PA C Odell, Isaac N, PA Perry, Wesley E, PA Rogan, Robert B, Jr, PA Strawn, Chris Frederick, PA Sutterlin, Shawn A, PA Truman, Thomas A, PA Plastic Surgery Brantner, Jim N, MD Foley, Charles E, MD Haynes, Daniel F, MD Wolfort, Sean F, MD Podiatry (DPM) Chatelain, Ryan Jared, DPM Gaffney, Melissa Lynne, DPM Hamilos, David Theodore, DPM Perkins, Aaron W, Jr, DPM Riley, Phillip J, DPM Pulmonary Disease Cole, Charles P, MD Ebeo, Celso Taburnal, MD Farrow, Jeff R, MD Garcia, Carmina C, MD Girish, Mirle R, MD Goli, Sujatha A, MD Hansen, James W, MD Mehta, Jayant B, MD Radiation Oncology Colvett, Kyle, MD Radiology Chung, Sue Y, MD Donahue, Donald C, MD Gibson, James W, MD Hatcher, Glen H, MD Picaza, Jose, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P S S S S P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S PS P P P P P S S S S S 129 Washington County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Washington County (Continued) Reproductive Endocrinology Thatcher, Samuel S, MD Rheumatology Dewit, Albertine, MD Lurie, David P, MD Wason, William M, MD Sports Medicine Fowler, Todd A, MD Mills, Ralph L, MD Parks, Eric Daniel, MD Surgery Bowie, Richard R, MD Browder, Isaac W, MD Caudle, Scott O, MD Cobble, Anita D, MD Cutshall, Kenneth E, MD Dunn, Julie A, MD Floresguerra, Carlos A, MD Haley, Tony O, MD Hodge, Michael J, MD Hooks, Mary A, MD Jones, Jon W, MD Lawson, Elizabeth A, MD Lee, Joseph R, MD Lockett, Mark A, MD Robertson, John F, III, MD Watson, Scott D, MD Therapeutic Optometry Bohlman, Kathryn A, ODT Carlson, Torrey J, OD Cox, Samuel E, OD Gentry, J Scott, OD Grist, Dana A, OD Keith, Gregory L, OD Keith, Michael A, OD Lemkin, Peter Alexander, OD Otis, James M, OD Owen, Dan Eugene, OD Pike, William A, OD Pumphrey, Kristen Brooke, OD Rosenberg, Richard, OD Schwichtenberg, Andrew R, OD Shepherd, Glynetta, OD Shorter, Carla S, OD Shorter, Patrick D, OD Spangler, David, OD Summers, Joseph Duane, OD Watson, Barry B, OD Wolf, Michael A, OD Thoracic Surgery McCoy, Daniel W, MD Messerschmidt, William H, MD Meyers, Cary H, MD Palazzo, Anthony Joseph, MD Pennington, D. Glenn, MD Poret, Harvey A, III, MD Walker, William A, MD Williams, Marcus G, MD Urgent Care Physicians Anders, Michael H, MD Filka, Marianne E, MD Moran, Paul Edward, III, MD Urology Beaird, David A, MD Boswell, Bill N, MD Jones, David W, MD Olsen, Lincoln Todd, MD Taylor, Grant D, MD 130 Tongco, Wayne P, MD PS Washington County (MS) Radiology (Continued) Ramsey, Glynda J, MD Ross, Harold E, MD K-Network K Networks PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S SK SK S S S S SK S S S S S S S S Ophthalmology Yoser, Seth Leigh, MD Washington County (VA) Cardiovascular Disease Cox, Larry H, MD Miller, Gregory Houston, MD Chiropractor Allen, Earl B, DC Crum, Joseph, DC Gillenwater, T H, DC Morenings, Imanuel, DC Muncy, Thomas L, DC Family Medicine Finch, Shannon Michael, MD Toothman, C Jane, MD Whitman, Alison D, MD Hematology Ross, Maureen, MD Internal Medicine Graul, Craig Stephen, DO Nairn, Todd H, MD Medical Oncology Blow, Alton J, Jr, MD Cowan, Bennett Y, MD Patton, Suzanne E, MD Prill, Sue J, MD Swan, Forrest, Jr, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Hess, Eleanor E, FNP Maine, Cathy L, FNP Vestal, Brittney D, NP Wilson, Carol A, FNP Obstetrics & Gynecology Earl, Peter C, MD Harmon, Deana Lynn, DO McQueary, Jeffrey A, MD Moore, James D, Jr, MD Ophthalmology Couch, David A, MD Cummings, Howard L, MD Gunn, Joseph M, MD Podiatry (DPM) Mason, Renee P, DPM Mazzei, Brian J, DPM Therapeutic Optometry P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S PS PS PS P P P P P S S S S S PS Hejny, Michelle, OD Urgent Care Physicians Nairn, Todd H, MD Connelly, Tara Leigh, MD Stafford, Sharon Kane, MD Willis, Emmett Clive, IV, MD Hospital Medicine Cohen, Dean Steven, DO Harrison, Gary Noel, MD Murphey, Susan Elizabeth, MD Palmer, John Eric, MD Ophthalmology Couch, David A, MD Gunn, Joseph M, MD PSK PSK Wayne County Cardiovascular Disease Heibig, Jacques P, MD PSK Chiropractor Richardson, Tracy Wade, DC PS PS P P P P P S S S S S PS PS PS PS PS Emergency Medicine Armetta, Nancy A, MD Chang, Philemon Dawei, MD Magas, David M, MD Mangubat, Jaime V, MD Salhany, Kenneth Shaun, DO Family Medicine Armetta, Nancy A, MD Hall, Anjeanette Kittrell, MD Hall, Joe I, MD Kirsch, Scott W, MD Magas, David M, MD Polk, Donald H, DO Powers, Richard Reams, Jr, MD General Practice Mangubat, Jaime V, MD PS PS P P P P P S S S S S PS PS PS S P P P P S S S S Duren, Jerry M, DPh Herrera, Esmeraldo, MD Oruma, David, MD Greevy, Bess A, CNM Wakeland, Elaine M, CNM Bevis, Stanley Mark, APRN BC Brantley, Daysha Annette, NP Catlin, Patricia Joy, NP C Cole, Paula A, FNP Godwin, Susan K, FNP Jones, Jo E, FNP BC Jones, Judy L, FNP Prater, Kendra R, NP Pediatrics PS P P P Free, Christina Sue, PA C McLain, Darin K, PA C S SK S S S S SK S PS PS Alexander, Marty M, PA C PS Radiology Langley, Hubert E, MD PS Weakley County Cardiovascular Disease Arunachalam, Rangarajan, MD Nkadi, Chukwuemeke Oscar, MD Rudin, Andrew Scott, MD Sullivan, Martin James, MD Young, Stephen Hoyt, MD Chiropractor P P P P P P P P P P P P PS Physician Assistant PS SK S SK S SK S S PS PS Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Physician Assistant - PCP P P P P P P P PSK PSK Midwife PS PS S SK S S SK PSK Internal Medicine Newhouse, Patricia A, MD P P P P P PSK Immunizing Pharmacist PSK PSK PSK Watauga County (NC) Emergency Medicine Networks Elliott, Phillip O, DC Flagg, Malissa Carnell, DC Hicks, Arnie R, Jr, DC Powers, Jason Michael, DC Powers, Lyndsey Marie, DC Sykes, Brian Matthew, DC Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P S S S S S S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Weakley County (Continued) Diagnostic Radiology Reich, Caroline A, MD Emergency Medicine Ford, Charles D, MD McMurray, Brian Royal, MD Oruma, David, MD Sumrok, Daniel David, Jr, MD Whitlock, James Alan, DO Family Medicine Carr, Kenneth W, MD Edwards-Davidson, Lesa Karen, MD Fletcher, Walter F, MD Lowry, Susan S, MD Pagoaga, Luis F, MD Gastroenterology Patel, Nikhil R, MD General Practice Shore, James W, MD Hospital Medicine Stipanuk, Gerald Steve, MD Internal Medicine Cooper, Mark Anthony, MD Hinds, Michael W, MD Hopla, Anna K, MD Jones, David D, MD Thota, Suresh, MD Tucker, Cortez Arthur, MD Yogesh, Kumar P, MD Midwife Maddox, Jami, CNM Nephrology Hopla, Anna K, MD Neurology Sonmezturk, Hasan H, MD Nurse Practitioner Hobbs, Heather Dawn, FNP Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Ary, Leslie Ann, ACNP BC Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Crews, Holly Bennett, NP Earls, Randy A, APN Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Baltz, John F, FNP Chipman, Donna K, MSN Combs, Laura Lea, FNP BC Gray, Stefanie Lea, APRN-BC Renfrow, Suzette, NP Riddle, Elizabeth A, FNP Roberts, Elizabeth W, FNP Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Page, Sharon P, CPNP Obstetrics & Gynecology Frayer, Craig Allen, DO Lund, Elizabeth D, MD Orthopedic Surgery Kuhn, John E, MD Lund, Peter J, MD Ragsdale, Keener Blake, III, MD Pediatric Orthopedics Gregory, Andrew J, MD Physicians Pediatrics Brewer McDaniel, Susan C, MD Physician Assistant Barker, Linda Ann, PA Castle, John Paul, PA C P P P P P S SK S SK SK Physician Assistant - PCP P P P P P S S S S S Carey, Julious A, PA Dierkes, Susan P, PA Marlar, Audie Benjamin, Jr, PA Scates, Michael Trent, PA Pulmonary Disease Dalvi, Anant Gajanan, MD Yogesh, Kumar P, MD Radiology Perkins, Charles L, II, MD Sports Medicine Rummo, Paul J, DO Surgery PS Duncan, William L, MD Eason, William C, MD Rebeiro, Egbert, MD PS Therapeutic Optometry P P P P P P P S S S S S S S Anderson, Edwin Gwin, OD Anderson, William Joseph, OD Bukeavich, A. Peter, Jr., OD Davis, Donnie R, OD Donaldson, Daniel W, II, OD Gilliam, Russell M, OD Woolverton, Dennis R, OD Wright, Donald P, OD Urology PS Hussain, Ahmed, MD PS PS P P P P General Practice MacQuarrie, Michael Alan, MD Reuhland, Leon L, MD S S S S Gynecology Kumar, Kalyani Medicherla, MD McCauley, John R, MD Hospital Medicine Thomas, Michael Auston, MD PS PS Internal Medicine PS PSK Baker, James Laurence, MD Dodson, Mollie J, MD Hoyt, Robert H, Jr, MD Jones, Billy Combs, DO Kemkar, Abhay G, MD Neurology PS PS PS P P P P P P P P Networks Rayala, Christopher Z, MD Todd, Jeffrey L, MD Webb, Ty T, MD Young, Keith David, MD PS Jacques, Julie A, DO Rubinowicz, Bruce S, DO Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Barker, Anne Melinda, FNP BC Benningfield, Anna Vaughn, FNP BC Hicks, Melissa Alison, APRN BC Moore, Marla J, FNP Stover, Linda B, FNP S S S S S S S S Bell, Valorie, NP Obstetrics & Gynecology Pippin, Michael Stephen, MD Terry, Silas D, Jr, MD PS Orthopedic Surgery PS P Cardiology Churchwell, Andre L, MD Glazer, Mark D, MD Hood, Rob R, MD Cardiovascular Disease PS PS PS P P P P P P P S S S S S S S PS PS PS PS PSK PS PS PSK Churchwell, Keith B, MD Crenshaw, Marshall H, MD Frederiksen, Rand T, MD Friesinger, Gottlieb Christian, III, MD Prudoff, Adam James, MD Richardson, Thomas Ramsey, MD Thompson, John R, MD Otolaryngology PSK PSK PSK S S S S S S K K K K K K Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Crawford, Kenneth W, Jr, CRNA Crawford, Kevin W, CRNA Levoy, Jason H, CRNA Sharp, Sue, CRNA Chiropractor Kirby, Scotty L, DC Olds, Chuck H, DC P P P P Family Medicine Baker, Robert F, MD Binks, Terrance Alan, DO Cunliffe, Ronald Allen, DO Drake, Alan R, MD Flint, Bryan A, Jr, MD Griffin, Chad A, MD S S SK SK Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Molette, Sekou F M, MD Durbin, Wayne David, PAC Heady, Cameron Wayne, PA Padgett, Katina E, PA Podiatry (DPM) Loveland, Jeffrey D, DPM Pulmonary Disease Rashid, Ahmad M, MD Zurawek, Tomasz Adam, MD Radiology Militana, Gary A, MD Surgery PS PS Emergency Medicine Contarino, Joseph R, MD Hoyt, Robert H, Jr, MD Mohyuddin, Zahoor, MD Payant, Joseph Aaron, MD Siddiqi, Amanullah, MD Spurlock, James R, III, DO Weeks, Mark Timothy, MD Zotos, Alexander Peter, MD Rayne, Frederick B, MD Physician Assistant - PCP P P P P P P P P P P S SK SK SK PSK PSK PSK PS PSK P P P P P S SK S S SK PS PS P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) White County PS Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) Kizer, Tracey G, FNP Networks P PS Whitfield County (GA) K-Network K Pate, Donald W, MD Therapeutic Optometry P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S P P P P P P S SK S S S SK K K K K K Holman, Sherrie E, OD Kimmer, William F, OD Merritt, David F, OD Parod, Martin W, OD Shelley, Shannon Franklin, OD PSK PS PSK PS PS PS PS PSK PS PS PSK PS PS PSK P P PS PSK PS Whitfield County (GA) Allergy and Immunology Hollie, Michael C, MD Walker, Russell L, MD Younger, Robert E, III, MD Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Verma, Rajiv, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK PSK PSK PS 131 Whitfield County (GA) S-Network S P-Network P Networks Whitfield County (GA) (Continued) Dermatology Chung, John Yohan, MD Family Medicine Griggs, Lisa I, MD Sentef, Joseph, Jr, MD Maternal - Fetal Medicine Stallings, Shawn P, MD Torres, Carlos, MD Neurological Surgery Pare, Michel C, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology Kipikasa, Joseph H, MD Roberts, William Eggers, MD Ophthalmology Bierly, John Robert, MD Orthopedic Surgery Smith, Chadwick A, MD Pain Management Najjar, Michael F, MD Sohani, Sadiq, MD Pediatric Gastroenterology Tolosa, Drago, MD Pediatric Ophthalmology Peterson, Edward Andrew, MD Physician Assistant Rees, Meghan Diane, PA Stanford, Todd E, PA Podiatry (DPM) Bello, Clair L, III, DPM Kraus, Ira Henri, DPM Land IV, John J, DPM Therapeutic Optometry Brady, Robin Michael, OD Mann, Daryl Francis, OD McCarty, Zachary Stuart, OD Phillips, Leslie Ann, OD Smoak, Sonya M, OD Overholt, Robert M, MD Ponder, Robert D, MD Extended Hours Available Springer, Michael A, MD Audiology Bales, Heather Satterfield, AuD CCC A Cresci, Kristin Molnar, AuD CCC A Edwards, Janet C, AuD CCC A Wright, Haley E, MA CCC A Family Medicine Boll, John Nevin, Jr, DO Chai, Carena Lee, DO Doncaster, Thomas J, DO Gullett, Heidi Lynelle, MD Killian, James Wendell, MD McRay, David E, MD Rafalski, Matthew Edward, MD Thomas, Geogy, MD General Practice Durham, Lee G, MD Wilkens, Charles H, MD Internal Medicine Chavez, Omar Ricardo, MD 132 Choudhury, Ruhul A, MD Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Barry, Mary Elizabeth, NP C Chadwell, Cynthia Renee, APRN BC P Obstetrics & Gynecology PS PS Suto, Cathleen Connie, MD Ophthalmology Huffman, Mark David, MD PS PSK PS PS PSK PS Otolaryngology Miley, Brynae Laxton, MD Physician Assistant McQueen, Sarah Beth, PA Physician Assistant - PCP Henson, Paul C, PA Reed, Joseph R, PA Therapeutic Optometry McKinley, Stephen Matthew, OD PS PS PS PSK PS PS PS PSK PSK PS P P P P P S S S S S PSK PSK PSK S S S S P P PS P P P P P P P PS P P P PS PSK P P PS PSK Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine Moore-Caldwell, Sharon, MD Adolescent Medicine Callahan, S Todd, MD Allergy and Immunology Belleau, Joseph Terrence, MD Bergeron, Kimberly Cranston, MD Butterfield, Martha J, MD Moessner, Harold F, MD Norvell, John Michael, MD Overholt, John P, MD Tate, Steven M, MD Anatomic Pathology Harris, Elizabeth I, MD Anesthesiology Arney, Timothy Leroy, MD Dickerson, Steven Reid, MD Johnson, Benjamin Wilbur, Jr, MD Lamb, William C, MD Moore, David P, MD Branscome, Kjersten P, MS CCC A Campbell, Christi D, MA CCC A Ellison, Cynthia L, AuD CCC A Lee, Bridget, AuD CCC A Morgan, Nancy Fay, CCC A Slayden, Mitzie M, CCC A Welch, Elizabeth Pearl, AuD CCC A Cardiology P P P P P Williamson County Audiology Whitley County (KY) Allergy and Immunology K-Network K Networks Churchwell, Andre L, MD Glazer, Mark D, MD Hood, Rob R, MD Cardiovascular Disease Arunachalam, Rangarajan, MD Babu, Narayanareddi Sudarshan, MD Baker, James Haywood, II, MD Bennett, Rick Lee, MD Boyd, Joseph James, Jr, MD Chomsky, Don B, MD Christenberry, Robert H, MD Churchwell, Keith B, MD Clair, Walter K, MD Constantine, Arthur E, MD Crenshaw, Marshall H, MD Fahrig, Stephen A, MD Fleet, William F, III, MD Franklin, Jerry M, MD Frederiksen, Rand T, MD Friesinger, Gottlieb Christian, III, MD PS PSK P P P P P P P S S S S SK SK SK PS P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P P S S SK SK S SK PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K Networks Gibson, David W, MD Goldfarb, Mark S, MD Graves, Dante J, MD Hartness, W. Owen, MD Hughes, Sean G, MD Jantz, Thomas A, MD Kemp, Wilson E, Jr, MD Koenig, Mark, MD Maloof, John A, III, MD Mansouri, Vafa Cyrus, DO McPherson, John Addison, MD Murray, Gary Lee, MD Naftilan, Allen J, MD Olafsson, Bjarki J, MD Phares, Joel M, MD Piana, Robert Noel, MD Prudoff, Adam James, MD Raj, Satish R, MD Richardson, Thomas Ramsey, MD Saavedra, Pablo J, MD Slosky, David Alan, MD Tanedo, Joel Santos, MD Thompson, Thomas Allan, MD Thompson, William D, MD Tolbert, Todd G, MD Walpole, Howard T, Jr, MD Wray, Taylor M, MD Zenker, Mark A, MD Zhao, David X, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Argo, Michael L, CRNA Fletcher, Clinton E, CRNA Chiropractor Allison, Dwaine M, DC Bailey, Brandon S, DC Ballantyne, James C, DC Benoit, Michele, DC Berger, Chad E, DC Bett Gray, Jennifer Lynn, DC Canete, Christian B, DC Crist, Jason S, DC Cutsinger, Rick L, DC Evans, Hunter Allen, DC Ewart, Greg A, DC Gebhardt, Joseph M, DC Guin, Gillian Brooke, DC Henderson, Don T, DC Hinz, Peter J, DC Houston, Jacob C, DC Hudson, Donald C, DC Kellogg, Dionne Yvelle, DC Kentof, Gil P, DC Kim, Steve C, DC Knotts, Josh B, DC Lane, Christopher P, DC Law, Michael G, DC Mason, David R, DC Medina, Brenda L, DC Miceli, Jeffrey Anthony, Jr, DC Pence, David S, DC Pfeifer, Rowen S, DC Pugh, Rebecca A, DC Ries, Eric T, DC Saia, Christina N, DC Sanford, Steiner D, DC Scheitel, Jenny R, DC Schroder, Jay K, DC Seibert, James B, DC Skye, Gregory P, DC Smith, Todd Carter, DC Stewart, Ryan M, DC Stucki, James D, DC Sweeney, Ben M, DC Tharpe, Jason P, DC Twohey, Wendy Lynn, DC Uzelman, Quinn Wright, DC West, Brian P, DC Williamson, Douglas Keith, Jr, DC Wright, Brendan B, DC Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Williamson County (Continued) Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Fahrig, Stephen A, MD Dermatology Binhlam, John Q, MD Byers, Jeffrey D, MD Franklin, Shelley F, MD Latour, Dana L, MD McConnell, Charity F, MD McDaniel, William Robert, MD Pena, Julie M, MD Extended Hours Available Smith, Michael L, MD Diagnostic Radiology Andreotti, Rochelle F, MD Awh, Mark H, MD Becker, Daniel J, MD Bodor, Daniel, MD Burdett, Pamela H, MD Huggett, Jeffrey M, MD Kjellin, Ingrid Bettina, MD Levey, David S, MD Poe, Larry Bernard, MD Quinn, Stephen F, MD Shaw, Mark R, MD Snearly, William N, MD Emergency Medicine Dalu, David Z, MD Dodd, Kathleen M, MD Edwards, Jerry L, DO Lane, Richard G, MD Williams, Arthur E, DO Endocrinology Cryar, Anthony Keith, MD PS P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K S P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P S S S S S Family Medicine Alderson, Karli Jai, MD Anderson, Richard M, MD Bhatt, Vivak S, MD Boone, John McNamara, Jr, MD Browning, Sharon T, MD Burgos, Elizabeth B, MD Collins, Cynthia Elizabeth, MD Davis, Monica Leigh, MD Dhillon, Rennee N, MD Didier, Irina A, MD Dodge, Kenneth B, MD Dunlap, James Earl, MD Fadigan, Skyhawk, MD Halford, William Daniel, MD Harrelson, Philip R, MD Kalb, Daniel B, MD Kalra, Manisha, MD Kellogg, Lisa E, DO Koleyni, Camellia Renee, MD Leichner, Edward C, Jr, DO Macdonald, James R, MD McDonald, Shannon Christine, MD Mishra, Gita, MD Moolman, Karin Coetzee, MD Murphy, Grady Fred, Jr, MD Nash, Dana Ann, MD Nimmagadda, Srinivas, MD Parker, Scott R, MD Peterson, Christopher C, MD Phelps, Kenneth J, Jr, MD Reddy, Yekolla Madhu, MD Richter, Robert A, MD Ross, Tony Lynn, MD Samudrala, Sreedhar, MD Seeman, Cynthia L, MD Sekulovski, Bill Gorgi, MD Setler Logan, Nona Marie, MD Physicians S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Burch, Wilmot C, MD Caudill, Max Tillman, MD King, Lloyd G, MD K Gynecological Oncology K Rao, Gautam Gorantla, MD Gynecology Biller, Daniel H, MD Campian, Eugene Cristian, MD Tatalovich, Jennifer Mai, MD Hematology Reid, William K, MD Young, Ruth T, MD Hematology / Oncology Abramson, Vandana Gupta, MD Cornelius, Lala A, MD Means, Julie M, MD Palka, Kevin Terrence, MD Pao, William E, MD Stinnett, Shannon Elizabeth, MD PS S S S S S S S S S S S S Gastroenterology Anderson, Michael David, MD Faccia, Giovanni J, MD Whitfield, Thomas C, Jr, MD PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Shackelford, Claude Edward, MD Shepherd, Martha Ellen, DO Slandzicki, Alex James, MD Stewart, Ruth Carr, MD Suppinger, Jeffrey A, MD Thompson, John R, MD Titus, William P, III, MD Whitfield, Thomas C, Jr, MD Williams, Arthur E, DO Wolfe-Sidberry, Nancy A, MD K Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Hendrix, Julie A, MD Networks General Practice K K K K K K K K K Hospital Medicine Bant, Ankur Manharlal, MD Coggeshall, Jack Warren, MD Collins, Ouida Marcia, MD Hadgu, Yemane Beyene, MD Hughes, Mark David, MD Imran, Yasmeen Quddoos, MD Jain, Yugesh K, MD Lannom, Christina Louise, DO Mohyuddin, Naved M, MD Moore, Wayne Earl, MD Ozenne, Joseph B, MD Prebus, Sol Allen, MD Zayas Bazan, Javier Alexander, MD Zhang, Xuhan Sheila, MD Immunizing Pharmacist Anderson, James M, DPh K K K K K K K Williamson County K-Network K Internal Medicine Abbate, Matthew J, MD Arnett, Darrell G, MD Bastian, Samuel R, MD Bullock, Bradley N, MD Calisi, Cynthia R, MD Caprio, Francis J, MD Copeland, Billy H, II, MD Damico, Stephen J, MD Edmondson, William D, MD Gupta, Sonal S, MD Harbison, Mary Alice, MD Hatoum, Chehada Anthony, MD Hollinger, Bruce, MD Howard, Gwendolyn A, MD Ionica, Nicoleta, MD Jain, Yugesh K, MD Keffer, James E, MD Lane, Richard G, MD Langston, Sheron Joan, MD Latour, Paul A, MD Levy, Mia Alyce, MD Lieberman, Scott H, MD P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K PS PS PSK PSK PS PS PSK PSK PS PS PS PSK P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S SK SK S S S S S S S SK S S PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K Networks Lim, Rene M, MD Limbaugh, Susan R, MD McCroskey, Debra J, MD McGinley, James H, MD Mitchell, Larry Morris, MD Norvell, John Michael, MD Ozenne, Joseph B, MD Patton, Leah Cordovez, MD Pharris, Larry J, MD Powell, James E, MD Pritchett, Erin G, MD Rexer, Brent Neil, MD Richards, Bruce E, MD Rosenbloom, Samuel Trent, MD Scott, John D, MD Silas, Steven L, MD Stipanuk, Gerald Steve, MD Suppinger, Amy M, MD Tan, Jean L, MD Wall, Michelle Girouard, MD White, Bobby J, MD Wright, Sharon C, MD Yoneyama, Tadayuki, MD Maternal - Fetal Medicine Chatterjee, Molly S, MD Medical Oncology Horn, Leora, MD Lamar, Ruth E, MD Mayer, Ingrid A, MD Murphy, Patrick B, MD Smith, Stephen James, MD Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Ismail, Muhammad Sami, MD Nephrology Taylor, Robert K, MD Neurological Surgery McCombs, Paul R, III, MD Sills, Allen Kent, Jr, MD Neurology Ahsan, Jawaid, MD Buechel, Paul C, MD Campbell, Gretchen Horton, MD Hunter, Samuel Forrester, MD Kopecky, Frances Barbara, MD Li, Jun, MD Malow, Beth A, MD Mendez, Oscar Enrique, MD Rubinowicz, Bruce S, DO Rubinowicz, Richard A, MD Wilson, Ronald E, MD Neuropsychology (PHD) Folley, Bradley S, PhD Roof, Kreig D, PHD Nurse Practitioner Howard, Laura Anderson, APRN BC Maiville, Sara Dean, APRN BC Ursic, Haley Hilbun, FNP BC Walls, Katherine Ann, FNP BC K Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care K Arnold, Kimberly A, NP Bryant, Sharon England, NP Simmons, Brenda Michelle, APRN BC Vachon, Katharine C, NP Vernier, Kimberly S, NP K Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health K K K K K Barton, Michelle L, APRN BC Baxter, Brenda K, ANP BC Duley, Caroline V, NP Dunlap, John T, APN Piller, Sue Ann, ANP BC Preston, Mickie D, NP Sasse, Rochell Lee, FNP Trent, Sarah L, MSN Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K PS P P P P P SK S SK S SK PS PS P PSK P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S SK SK S S S S PSK PS P P P P S S S S P P P P P SK S S SK SK P P P P P P P P S SK SK S SK S 133 Williamson County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health (OB/GYN) Williamson County (Continued) Barnes, Julie B, NP Csorna, Suzanne T, NP Fournace, Lisa Christine, APRN BC Goehring, Lisa A, APRN BC Hardy, Vanessa K, NP Hull, Margaret Amanda, WHCNP BC Tompkins, Laurie A, FNP Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health (Continued) Underwood, Meghan Sue, NP Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Alexander, Candance Autumn, NP Anderson, Robert Nils, APRN BC Baldridge, Tracy C, NPFP Beffrey, Amy Boynton, APRN BC Bogle, Melissa Sue, FNP BC Boylan, William R, APRN BC Bunger, Michelle Anne, FNP BC Carlson, Lauren, FNP BC Case, Audrey J, FNP Casey, Callie Blevins, APRN BC Craft, Christopher Lewis, FNP Crowell, Reba J, FNP BC Doty, Laura Pratt, NP C Doyle, Melissa B, APRN BC Dozier, Christina C, FNP Draper, Melody Laine, NP C Ellerby Brown, Anitra D, FNP BC Ericson, Christina LeAnn, FNP BC Ermini, Sandra R, APRN BC Goldman, Suzanne E, FNP Gore, Andrea K, FNP Hardin, Amy Elizabeth, FNP Hine, Cynthia Lou, FNP BC Holcomb, Rachel R, APRN BC Hollins Dortch, Rhonda R, FNP Hopkins, Leslie W, APRN BC Hurley, Mary Suzanne, APRN BC Jean, Jason R, FNP Johnson, Teresa Ann, APRN BC Kaiser, Mary Julia, NP C Knab, Ruth T, APRN BC Lanius, Deborah K, APRN BC Lewis, Amy L, FNP Lybarger, Cindy K, FNP Melton, Gordon Lee, NP Michael, Patricia M, NP Mitchell, Kathy Ann, APRN BC Noblitt, Jeannie H, FNP Petralia, Eileen Patricia, FNP BC Pitts, Gayle Susan, FNP Powers, Amy L, FNP Rapp, Steven Kurt, NP C Rassekhi, Mohammad, FNP Reese, Kathryn V, NP Robertson, Ethel M, NP Robinson, Nicole Ann, FNP BC Shaub, Vicki P, APRN BC Srouji, Y Claire, FNP Stewart, Emily Turpen, APRN BC Taplin, Susan Clark, APRN BC Titus, Daphne C, APRN BC Vander Woude, Ann M, FNP Vaughn, Gina Duke, NP Wagner, Bethany R, NP C Wakefield, Gail B, FNP Walling, Leigh A, FNP BC P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K Obstetrics & Gynecology Anderson, Ted L, MD Bell, Rebecca S, DO Burch, Roy P, Jr, MD Dash, Lamarr A, MD DeRoche, Michael E, MD Didier, Aaron Juel, MD Dykes, Katherine A, MD Ellington, Lynn, MD Gold, Karen Pearce, MD Jarnagin, Barry Kent, MD Lee, William Fitzhugh, MD Lodge, Jeffrey S, MD Miller, Philip G, MD Mullaly, Alison C, MD Netherton, Cynthia L, MD Nims, Tracy A, MD Osburn, Nancy K, MD Paschall, Naomi S, MD Rupe, Heather D, DO Scott, Kim P, MD Stafford, Jacqueline E, MD Staggs, Stephen M, MD Thomas, Thomas K, MD Webb, Trenia Lyn, MD Woodall, Cynthia C, MD K K K K K K K K K K K K K Sizemore, Christopher Michael, DO Ophthalmology Bregman, Daniel K, MD Cherney, Edward F, MD Felch, James W, MD Kostamaa, Heikki E, MD Kroll, Mark Andrew, MD Melson, Mark R, MD Recchia, Franco M, MD Weikert, Daniel S, MD Wohl, Thomas A, MD K K K K K Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Carter, Jeffrey B, DMD Clark, Howard Daniel, MD DDS Reed, Edmond G, DDS K K K K K K K K K K Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Bowers, Jennifer Anne, APRN BC Franklin, Nicole Lynn, CPNP PC Garrison, Holly Elizabeth, CPNP PC Harvison, Emily Maher, CPNP PC Hawkins, Stacy Lea, NP Isenberg, Kimberly F, PNP Johnson, Barbara D, MSN King, Lauren E, APRN BC OKelley, Ellen B, NP Sanfilippo, Joseph, CPNP PC Stoppelbein, Merrill McMichael, APRN BC Trimble, Patsy, NP 134 PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K S S S S S S S S S S SK S Obstetrics and Gynecological Surgery K K K K K K K Orthopedic Surgery Nurse Practitioner, Gerontology & Adult Health Hurlow, Jennifer Johnston, NP Moore, Rinda Simpson, GNP BC K-Network K Networks Arthur, Scott Thomas, MD Bratton, David M, MD Calendine, Cory Layne, MD Carey, James L, MD Cook, Jeffrey W, MD Cook, William Gregory, MD Davis, Richard A, MD Derr, Ronald Gerard, DO Dovan, Thomas T, MD Elrod, Burton F, MD Ferrell, Michael Craig, MD Glattes, Rudolph Christopher, MD Klekamp, John W, MD Kuhn, John E, MD Lawrence, Jeffrey P, MD Looney, Colin Guy, MD McGehee, James Bartley, III, MD McNamara, Michael J, MD Moore, David R, MD Parsons, Paul D, MD Spindler, Kurt P, MD Stark, Christopher, MD Thomas, Paul A, MD Thomson, Andrew B, MD Watson, Jeffry T, MD Weikert, Douglas R, MD PS P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K K K K S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Willers, Jeffrey D, MD Wurth, Todd Ray, MD Otolaryngology Cate, Ronald C, MD Crook, Jerrall P, Jr, MD Cross, David L, MD Deaton, Mark A, MD Demoville, Raymond B, MD Fordice, James Owens, MD Huber, Todd C, MD Mowery, Gregory A, MD Mullins, W. Michael, MD Owen, Robert C, MD Seibert, John Whaley, MD Viner, Daniel D, MD Witherspoon, John D, MD Pain Management Beaulieu, Phillip Leslie, Jr, MD Kroll, Peter B, MD Miller, Timothy Harold, MD Rupert, Matthew Paul, MD Pediatric Allergy & Immunology Gossage, David L, MD Pediatric Cardiology Ammons, Drew Ernest, MD Baldwin, H Scott, MD Dees, Mary Ellen, MD Dodd, Debra A, MD Exil, Vernat, MD Fish, Frank A, MD Janssen, Dana Ross, MD Johns, James A, MD Kaushik, Neeru, MD Kavanaugh Mchugh, Ann L, MD Mah, May Ling, MD Markham, Larry Wayne, MD Moore, James D, MD Parra, David A, MD Pediatric Emergency Medicine Bracikowski, Andrea C, MD Pediatric Endocrinology Aftab-guy, Deanna L, MD Najjar, Jennifer L, MD Potter, Amy E, MD Simmons, Jill H, MD Pediatric Gastroenterology PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Networks Arthur, Catherine E, MD Williams, Kent, MD Pediatric Neurology K K Anderson, Willie T, III, MD Cuevas, Ramon Fontanilla, MD Sharpe, Deron Vincil, MD Pediatric Ophthalmology Benegas, Nancy Mayer, MD Estes, Robert L, MD Morrison, David G, MD Pediatric Orthopedics Martus, Jeffrey Edward, MD Pediatric Pulmonology K Austin, Eric Douglas, MD Pediatric Urology Thomas, John C, MD Pediatrics K K K K Ahmed, Nazneen, MD Albertson, Norman L, MD Amosun, Oluwatobi Adeyeye, MD Bailes, Elizabeth W, MD Bell, Deanna S, MD Benitez, Maria V, MD Bennie, Kelly S, MD Bialostozky, Adriana, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K P PS P P PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK PSK PS PSK PS PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Williamson County (Continued) Pediatrics (Continued) Bianchi Hayes, Josette Marie, MD Bogus, Devin L, MD Bondurant, Jennifer E, MD Breaux, Lori, MD Brooks, A. Scott, MD Carr, Thomas J, Jr, MD Chambers, John W, Jr, MD Choudhury, Shahana Ashraf, MD Collins, David Reid, MD Collins, Merri S, MD Couden, Allison C, MD Courtney, Thomas Lukens, MD Cox, Jennifer Elaine, MD Davis, Gordon Bruce, MD Desai, Neerav A, MD Dykstra, Elizabeth D, MD Engler, David G, MD Faust, Larry M, MD Fiscus, Michelle D, MD Forbess, Jill Andrea, MD Frank, Beverly A, MD Freeman, Lee A, MD Gandhi, Amy Dinesh, MD Hain, Anne Marie E, MD Hamada, Tara Newton, MD Hamilton, Eddie D, MD Hamilton, Rodney M, MD Harrison, Walter Leonard, MD Haselton, Dana J, MD Hawkins, Anne B, MD Hines, Donna L, MD Hood, Molly R, MD Hudson Atkins, Audrey Lynn, MD Huss, Andrew Michael, MD Isbell, Rebecca Lynn, MD Karlekar, Kavita Singh, MD Keffer, James E, MD Lee, Mark A, MD Leeper, H. Brian, MD Leu, Roberta M, MD Lohse, Christina Marie, MD Luckett, Gwynetta Maria, MD Mark, Deborah Wen Yee, MD McVie, Angela R, MD Meneely, Ray L, MD Moore-Caldwell, Sharon, MD Morel, Gabriela T, MD Moss, Charles A, III, MD Myers, Jennifer B, MD Obrien, Lee Anne F, MD Pinkley, Bram I, MD Ray, Jennifer L, MD Ricafort, Rachel M, MD Seethaler, Neil E, MD Smith, Richard P, MD Sotunde, Babatunde S, MD Spanier, Jonathan Michael, MD Stiles, Eric F, MD Swarr, Peter J, MD Townsend, Phyllis L, MD Vehec, Amy E, MD White, David J, MD Williams, Patricia S, MD Woods, Aubaine Michelle, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Bryant, Damita Lynelle, MD Isaac, Victor W, MD Le, Son Diep, MD Mehta, Hemal V, MD Nwofia, John C, MD Physician Assistant Breeden, Gerald Emerson, PAC Doran, Todd J, PA Dowd, Michelle Ratcliffe, PA Physicians P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P S S S S Networks Dyson, Jo Ellyn, PA Eagle, Michael Francis, PA Freeman, Adrienne Cone, PA Kachelmyer, Daniel Laurence, PAC Raburn, Ryan Timothy, PA C Sexton, Jeffrey Scott, PA Sims, Walter Lee, PA Skidmore, Alison Nicole, PA C Stubblefield, Jay D, PA C Thien, Amy Lorayne, PA C Physician Assistant - PCP Blount, Gary C, PA Overfelt, Michael Steven, PA Paasche, Christina Lynn, PA C Pisani, Teresa Lynn, PA Young, Douglas Balfour, PA C Physician Assistant at Surgery K Eagle, Michael Francis, PA Faugot, Garret John, PA Plastic Surgery K Burgdorf, Michael Roger, MD Fleming, Philip E, MD Martin, David S, MD Summitt, John B, MD Wendel, J Jason, MD Podiatry (DPM) Campbell, Irene B, DPM Cockrell, Gary W, DPM Deeter, Kirby H, DPM Gannon, Caroline L, DPM Osorio, Keith W, DPM Poole, Jeffrey D, DPM Song, David I, DPM Trenner, David B, DPM Preventive Medicine Chapdelaine, Perry A, Jr, MD K K K K K K Preventive Medicine / Aerospace Belihar, Robert P, MD Pulmonary Disease Coggeshall, Jack Warren, MD Hagaman, Martha Himes, MD Jarvis, David A, MD Lancaster, Lisa H, MD McCain, Robert W, MD Milstone, Aaron Paul, MD Sheller, James R, MD Silas, Steven L, MD Watson, Paula L, MD Weikert, Laura Forester, MD Radiation Oncology Chakravarthy, Anuradha M, MD Cmelak, Anthony J, MD Goertz, Steven R, MD Johnson, Corbin R, MD Lu, Bo, MD Radiology K PSK PSK PS Williamson County K-Network K Bathurst, Christopher C, MD Creasy, Jeffrey Lee, MD DePriest, Charles Vernon, MD Gordon, Jonathan Paul, MD Grzeszczak, Ewa Faustyna, MD Hanemann, Cynthia W, MD Kaye, Jeremy Jon, MD Khalil, John Michael N, MD Landman, Jeffrey Allen, MD Mayo, Jackiel R, MD Nance, Elmer Paul, Jr, MD Smith, Bretton C, MD Taber, David Spence, MD Rheumatology Douglas, Glenn C, MD Gore, James E, MD John, James Thomas, Jr, MD P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S SK S S S S SK P P P P P S SK S S S PS PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S SK SK S SK S S SK SK PS PS P P P P P P P P P P SK S S S S S S S S P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK PSK Networks Steigelfest, Eli, MD Sports Medicine Cox, Charles Leonard, III, MD Diamond, Alex Benjamin, DO Hannah, Gene A, MD Rummo, Paul J, DO Surgery Bethurum, Alva J, MD Burgess, Bernard L, Jr, MD Carrillo, Ysela Marie, MD Faulkner, Scott Lee, MD La Neve, Ralph J, III, MD Russell, Henry P, MD Shaw, Alfred E, MD Smith, Dustin Welles, MD Vanderpool, David M, MD York, Douglas C, MD Therapeutic Optometry Brown, David E, OD Collins, Charles Gary, OD Cranford, Anita L, OD Cuthbertson, William Y, ODT Danley, Christina Michelle, OD Darr, Bradford Walter, OD Dow, Melissa Brown, ODT Dunn, Daxx D, OD Engle, Nicholas Patrick, ODT Gavami, David Afshin, ODT Grant, Bradley Stewart, OD Hohn, Robert L, ODT Howard, Alette Patrece, OD Iverson, Jared A, OD Jackson, Kelli Johnson, OD Katsaitis, Irene, ODT Kegarise, Jeffrey L, ODT Kegarise, Susan, OD Kehler, Lori Ann F, OD Kreger, Stacy Lynn, OD Lawrence, Anna, OD Ly, Ethan D, ODT Lyon, Kary N, OD Mallory, Jennifer Kragenbrink, OD Martin, Lisa Kalish, OD McAfee, David E, OD McClain, Elizabeth S, OD McNatt, Garrett, OD Miller, Matthew J, OD Morrison, Matthew Rogers, OD Nash, Jason S, OD Patterson, Robert S, OD Peace, Jarrod E, OD Politzer, Michael R, OD Proffitt, Gregory Lee, OD Schimmel, Daniel J, OD Schmidt, Kevin D, ODT Seger, Alisha Marie, OD Shen, David J, OD Summers, Joseph Duane, OD Taylor, Christy L, OD Thomas, Morton D, ODT Van Hoven, Peter T, OD Willett, Lisa R, OD Williams, Willard David, OD Young, Kenneth A, OD Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery Grogan, Eric Lee, MD Putnam, Joe B, MD Thoracic Surgery Binford, Robert S, MD Urgent Care Physicians Belihar, Robert P, MD Rudge, Bradley K, MD Urology Barocas, Daniel A, MD Davis, Rodney, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK P P P P S S S S P P P P P P P P P P S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P K K K K SK SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PSK PSK PS PS PS PSK PSK 135 Williamson County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Williamson County (Continued) Urology (Continued) Evins, Starling C, MD Flora, Mark D, MD Hassan, John Matthew, MD Kaufman, Melissa Rae, MD Lake, Alison Marie, MD Locke, Joel R, MD Miller, Nicole Lara, MD Padmanabhan, Priya, MD Penson, David Fredrick, MD Tissot, William David, MD Viprakasit, Davis P, MD Vascular Surgery Fleser, Paul S, MD Pulliam, Cary W, MD Snyder, Stanley O, MD P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K PS PSK PS Wilson County Allergy and Immunology Babe, Kenneth S, Jr, MD Cain, William Travis, MD Partridge, Megan Elizabeth, MD Prince, Tidence L, MD Sullivan, Ryan Richard, MD Audiology Dooley, Heather L, CCC A Gnewikow, David W, CCCA Cardiology Stankewicz, Mark Anthony, MD Cardiovascular Disease Aaron, Mark Freeman, MD Amlicke, James David, MD Asad, Navaid, MD Babu, Narayanareddi Sudarshan, MD Baker, James Haywood, II, MD Baker, Michael Thomas, MD Bartlett, Thomas Glenn, MD Bennett, Rick Lee, MD Boyd, Joseph James, Jr, MD Cabell, Thomas Hargrave, Jr, MD Cage, John B, MD Chomsky, Don B, MD Christenberry, Robert H, MD Constantine, Arthur E, MD Crumbo, Donald S, MD Davis, Stacy F, MD Franklin, Jerry M, MD Goldfarb, Mark S, MD Graves, Dante J, MD Hansen, David E, MD Hartness, W. Owen, MD Hughes, Sean G, MD Huneycutt, David Carl, Jr, MD Jackson, Ann Sharon, MD Jantz, Thomas A, MD Jefferson, Brian Keith, MD Johnston, Thomas S, MD Jones, Robert C, MD Kearney, Kathleen Rebecca, MD Kemp, Wilson E, Jr, MD Koenig, Mark, MD Kreth, Timothy K, MD Mangione, Nelson J, MD Manoukian, Steven Vahe, MD Mansouri, Vafa Cyrus, DO McRae, Andrew Thomas, III, MD Mioton, Guy Britton, Jr, MD Myers, Paul R, MD Oberst, Leslie Mary, MD Odom, Harrell, II, MD Olafsson, Bjarki J, MD Olivier, Andre Costa, MD 136 K-Network K Networks Pearce, Douglas J, MD Phares, Joel M, MD Riddick, John Alston, MD Sager, Andrew R, MD Scoville, George S, Jr, MD Tacogue, Loyda C, MD Tanedo, Joel Santos, MD Thompson, William D, MD Tolbert, Todd G, MD Ververis, John James, MD Wassynger, William W, MD Wheatley, Robert M, MD Williams, Thomas Ashurst, Jr, MD Woods, Robert Cameron, MD Wray, Taylor M, MD Zenker, Mark A, MD Cardiovascular Disease -Diag Test Interpretations Amlicke, James David, MD Littman, William J, MD S S S S S K K K K PSK P PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PS PSK Gastroenterology Cole, Donald A, MD Shah, Rahil D, MD Anderson, Michael David, MD Gallant, Gary G, MD Kowal, Thomas A, MD Pare, Bernard, MD Pickett, Alton W, MD Quao, Nii Sabab, MD Shearer, Cameron A, MD Madhav, Venkatesh Vasantha, MD Badru, Alexander O, MD Brown, Lloyd Tynte, MD Efobi, Anthony Udokwu, MD Hughes, Mark David, MD Internal Medicine Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Crossley, George H, III, MD Fahrig, Stephen A, MD Pickett, Robert Andrew, MD Dermatology Countess, Julie Michele, MD Mitchell, Charles A, MD Price, Joey Stone, MD Watkins, Shannon Wright, MD Diagnostic Radiology Caudill, Lloyd D, MD Dedick, Paul E, MD Fordice, Sarina W, MD Kraut, Michelle S, MD Emergency Medicine Butcher, John L, MD Crane, J. Michael, MD Thomas, Wendell B, DO Family Medicine Bachstein, James M, MD Bhatt, Vivak S, MD Bradshaw Jr, James C, MD Collins, Cynthia Elizabeth, MD Davis, Monica Leigh, MD Jantz, Robert J, MD Jones, Katherine Webber, MD Kellogg, Lisa E, DO Lagueux, Marthe-Sophie, MD Luck, David Wayne, MD McKinney, Roger E, MD Murphy, Grady Fred, Jr, MD Murti, Aparna Kuruganti, MD Wells, Wayne O, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S PS PS PS P P P P S SK S S P P P P SK SK S SK PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S SK S S SK SK S S SK S S S S S S S S S K K K K PS Hospital Medicine Chiropractor Arnold, Earl L, DC Bruner, Rhett B, DC Burchard, Larry J, DC Consiglio, Maurice A, DC Corley, Cris G, DC Fisher, Norma J, DC Hardin, Larry W, DC Hendrix, Tyroma D, DC Livingston, Steven G, DC Proetta, Michael A, DC Proetta, Robin M, DC Stewart, Ryan M, DC Swiercz, Michael A, DC Totty, Derek Craig, DC Townsend, Christopher D, DC Tucker, Diana L, DC Winchel, Brett Julius, DC P P P P P P P Geriatric Medicine Immunizing Pharmacist PS PSK PS PS General Practice Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Hamilton, Robert A, Jr, CRNA Wade, Steven Paul, CRNA P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Networks P P P P Pirtle, Byron M, DPh Robinson, Rhonda, DPh SK S SK S PSK PSK Anderson, Kenneth W, MD Butler, Melvin Lynn, MD Collins, Tamara J, MD Hughey, Brian W, MD Littman, William J, MD Mehta, Ashok Kumar, MD Mitchell, Charles A, III, MD Mitchell, Larry Morris, MD Ozenne, Joseph B, MD Patel, Darshana Yogendra, MD Robertson, George W, II, MD Sorrels, Hardie V, III, MD Sy, Bernard Tan, MD West, Willard M, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S SK S S SK S S S S S S S SK Internal Medicine -Diag Test Interpretation Anderson, Kenneth W, MD PS Nephrology Putatunda, Bhabendra N, MD PSK Neurology Falouji, Wiaam M, MD Zhou, Shan Ren, MD PSK PS Nurse Practitioner Tobitt, Timothy Dale, FNP BC PS Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Beadle, Anne Marie, APRN BC Bradshaw, Gina Guthrie, NP Crockett, Larry M, ACNP Gailbreath, Willard F, III, APRN BC Harmon, Donnalita B, APRN BC Harper, Jackie Lee, NP Joiner, Mary Claire S, NP Parrish, Crystal G, APRN Pence, Mary Ann, APRN BC P P P P P P P P P Nurse Practitioner, Adult Health Hughey, Marisa Summer, NP McFarlin, Brenda Manning, APRN BC Petty, Jennifer Ann, APRN BC P P PS Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Blaylock, Jaime Christen, FNP BC Cheeks, Jimmy W, Jr, NP Corlew, Barbara Lynn, NP Davidson, Beverly LaChell, FNP BC Felts, Rita Caroline, APRNC Follmer, Maribeth K, FNP BC Greene, Sarah Jocelyn, APRN BC James, Chadwick Ryan, APRN BC Jones, Karla Anne, FNP McHenry, Rachel Martin, APRN McLaughlin, Bruce E, NP Moss, Tracy Lee, NP C Check our Web site @ for current listing. SK S S S SK S S SK S P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S SK S S S S SK S S S Physicians S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Wilson County (Continued) Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice (Continued) Powers, Amy L, FNP Sasso, Tina M, FNP Savage, Christina H, NP Stewart, Cathleen Delane, FNP Winfree, Keith T, APRN BC York, Janice L, NP Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics Franklin, Nicole Lynn, CPNP PC Garrison, Holly Elizabeth, CPNP PC Harvison, Emily Maher, CPNP PC Sanfilippo, Joseph, CPNP PC Stoppelbein, Merrill McMichael, APRN BC Obstetrics & Gynecology Burton-Shannon, Clarinda M, MD Jabusch, Lisa M, MD Lanning, Charles B, Jr, MD McCullough, Carol H, MD Mitchell, Kay S, MD Pickett, Alton W, MD Roundtree, Alan W, MD Oncology Peyton, James D, MD Ophthalmology Bowles, Fred Kirk, MD Bregman, Daniel K, MD Evans, Randolph R, MD Schenk, William D, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Kirk, Russell K, DDS Lin, Susie I, DDS Orthopedic Surgery Abbey, Paul A, MD Cornelius, Jonathan Philip, MD Cox, Charles Leonard, III, MD Driessnack, Richard Paul, MD Fishbein, Richard E, MD Kaelin, Charles R, Jr, MD Kauffman, Christopher Phillip, MD Neely, Stephen M, MD Petty, Damon Hayes, MD Price, Chad Thomas, MD Smith, Basil Eugene, MD Swift, Robert D, DO Terry, Roy C, MD White, Gregory G, MD Otolaryngology O Quinn, Bancroft, Jr, MD Tate, John L, MD Pediatrics Ahmed, Nazneen, MD Amosun, Oluwatobi Adeyeye, MD Benitez, Maria V, MD Bialostozky, Adriana, MD Bogus, Devin L, MD Bone, Robert C, MD Choudhury, Shahana Ashraf, MD Engler, David G, MD Faust, Larry M, MD Hamilton, Eddie D, MD Harrison, Walter Leonard, MD Haselton, Dana J, MD Hines, Donna L, MD Hitch, Wendy L, MD Hudson Atkins, Audrey Lynn, MD Isbell, Rebecca Lynn, MD Jordan, Charles Andrew, MD Joseph, Asha, MD Lett, Donna W, MD Lohse, Christina Marie, MD Luckett, Gwynetta Maria, MD Physicians P P P P P P S S S S S SK P P P P P S S S S S P P P P P P P S S S S S S S Baker, Thomas Scott, MD Hazlewood, Jeffrey E, MD Moore, Michael P, MD Urban, Steven A, MD K K K PS P P P P Physician Assistant at Surgery Gill, Katrina Marie, PA Purino, Keith J, PA Tinker, Jeffery Allen, PA Podiatry (DPM) Hawthorn, Francis A, DPM Suh, Yong S, DPM K K K Pulmonary Disease K K K K K K K K K K Radiation Oncology PSK PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Faugot, Garret John, PA Jewett, Robin M, PA Lindahl, Joseph E, PA Purino, Keith J, PA Tinker, Jeffery Allen, PA Paasche, Christina Lynn, PA C Trombley, Joseph A, PA C S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Physician Assistant Physician Assistant - PCP P PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Mark, Deborah Wen Yee, MD McVie, Angela R, MD Obrien, Lee Anne F, MD Pawlowski, Yvonne W, MD Ray, Jennifer L, MD Ricafort, Rachel M, MD Seethaler, Neil E, MD Shepherd, Kimbel D, MD Smith, Richard P, MD Spanier, Jonathan Michael, MD Stiles, Eric F, MD Wells, Karie A, MD Whelihan, Kristen Marie, MD Williams, Patricia S, MD Woods, Aubaine Michelle, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation K Wythe County (VA) K-Network K Kehinde, Modupe, MD Pethkar, Vijay, MD Peyton, Richard R, MD Radiology Massie, James D, Jr, MD Sleep Medicine Gibson, Russell Eugene, MD Surgery Barrett, Nancy Reuter, MD Lett, E Dwayne, MD Matthews, Jeffrey A, MD Morris, James W, II, MD Robertson, George W, MD Warren, Larimore C, MD Therapeutic Optometry Altman, Brad Alan, OD Averitt, Thurman R, OD Davis, Fred Donald, Jr, OD Davis, Michael K, OD Davis, Pete M, OD Ducklo, James L, OD Franklin, Jon G, OD Gallaher, John R, OD Pino, John M, OD Roberson, Thomas A, OD Smith, Gregory E, ODT Tammareddi, Lavanya, OD Urology Gill Jr, Charles M, MD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S SK S S P P P P S S SK S P P P P P SK S S S SK Networks Wythe County (VA) Ophthalmology Couch, David A, MD Cummings, Howard L, MD Gunn, Joseph M, MD PSK PSK PSK PS P PS PS PS PS PSK PS PSK PS PS PS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK S S S SK S S S S S S S PS Check our Web site @ for current listing. 137 138 Urgent Care Centers (Listed alphabetically by county) Urgent Care Centers offer BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee members an alternative to the Emergency Room when seeking immediate medical care due to unexpected illness or injury. Urgent Care Centers offer additional convenience: • Open weekdays until at least 6 p.m. • Open Saturdays for at least three hours • Walk-ins are welcome and will be seen the same day When using an Urgent Care Center, benefits are similar to a physician office visit. For example, if an office visit copay applies to a member’s coverage, then the same copay will apply to an urgent care center visit. Remember: Provider status is subject to change. Providers listed in this directory are verifiable only up to the time the directory was printed. To verify that a provider is still participating in your Blue Network you can: 1. Call the Member Service number on your ID card; or 2. Access our Web site, Use the Find A Doctor tool to choose the type of provider you need, then select your specific Blue Network. This is updated daily. (To find an urgent care center, choose “Urgent Care Center” provider type.) 139 Bradley County S-Network S Networks P-Network P Networks Networks Urgent Care Center Bradley County Physicians Care PC Carter County First Assist of Elizabethton DeSoto County (MS) Baptist Minor Medical Centers Inc of TN Hamilton County Erlanger East Quick Care Physicians Care PC Loudon County Physicians Care PC Marion County Physicians Care PC Marshall County AJ Medical Services Inc Rhea County Physicians Care PC Shelby County Baptist Minor Medical Centers Inc of TN LeBonheur Urgent Care Sullivan County First Assist of Elizabethton First Assist of Kingsport Washington County First Assist of Elizabethton First Assist of Johnson City Physicians Care PC 140 PS PS PS PS PS PS PS P PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS Check our Web site @ for current listing. Urgent Care Providers Retail Convenient Care Center Convenient care centers are health care clinics located in retail stores, supermarkets and pharmacies that treat uncomplicated minor illnesses and provide preventive health care services. They are sometimes called “retail-based clinics” or “walk-in medical clinics.” Convenient care centers are usually staffed by nurse practitioners or physician assistants. Some convenient care centers, however, are staffed by physicians. Remember: Provider status is subject to change. Providers listed in this directory are verifiable only up to the time the directory was printed. To verify that a provider is still participating in your Blue Network you can: 1. Call the Member Service number on your ID card; or 2. Access our Web site, Click on the Find A Doctor tool, choose the type of provider you need, then select your specific Blue Network. This is updated daily. 141 Anderson County S-Network S Networks P-Network P Networks Networks Retail Convenient Care Clinic Anderson County Take Care Health Tennessee Blount County Take Care Health Tennessee Davidson County MinuteClinic Diagnostic of Tennessee PC Take Care Health Tennessee The Little Clinic of Tennessee LLC Hamblen County Express Health Clinic Corporation Hamilton County MinuteClinic Diagnostic of Tennessee PC Jefferson County Express Health Clinic Corporation Knox County MinuteClinic Diagnostic of Tennessee PC Take Care Health Tennessee The Little Clinic of Tennessee LLC Loudon County Take Care Health Tennessee Marshall County Take Care Health Tennessee Maury County The Little Clinic of Tennessee LLC Montgomery County Take Care Health Tennessee Perry County Take Care Health Tennessee Robertson County The Little Clinic of Tennessee LLC Rutherford County MinuteClinic Diagnostic of Tennessee PC Take Care Health Tennessee The Little Clinic of Tennessee LLC Shelby County Take Care Health Tennessee The Little Clinic of Tennessee LLC Sumner County MinuteClinic Diagnostic of Tennessee PC Take Care Health Tennessee The Little Clinic of Tennessee LLC Tipton County Take Care Health Tennessee Warren County Take Care Health Tennessee Williamson County MinuteClinic Diagnostic of Tennessee PC Take Care Health Tennessee The Little Clinic of Tennessee LLC Wilson County Take Care Health Tennessee The Little Clinic of Tennessee LLC 142 PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS Check our Web site @ for current listing. Retail Convenient Care Clinics Medical Service Suppliers For Medical Supplies, please reference Durable Medical Equipment Suppliers. The Specialty Durable Medical Equipment Suppliers section refers to non-motorized equipment only, for example: canes, walkers, crutches, etc. Remember: Provider status is subject to change. Providers listed in this directory are verifiable only up to the time the directory was printed. To verify that a provider is still participating in your Blue Network you can: 1. Call the Member Service number on your ID card; or 2. Access our Web site, Click on the Find A Doctor tool, choose the type of provider you need, then select your specific Blue Network. This is updated daily. 143 Anderson County S-Network S P-Network P Networks K-Network K Networks Networks Home Infusion Therapy Anderson County Blount County Middle Tennessee Vital Care Durable Medical Equipment Apria Healthcare Inc Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (865) 425-0538 PS In Home Medical Shelbyville, TN 37160 (931) 684-9987 Durable Medical Equipment PS Blount Memorial Home Equipment Services Bell County (KY) Maryville, TN 37804 (865) 980-5300 City Drug Home Medical Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (865) 483-2482 PSK Lincare Inc Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (865) 483-3300 PSK PS Maryville, TN 37801 (865) 983-0444 Middlesboro, KY 40965 (606) 248-1062 Maryville, TN 37801 (865) 379-9990 Maryville, TN 37804 (865) 982-3020 Clinton Drug Vital Care Clinton, TN 37716 (865) 457-1421 Maryville, TN 37801 (865) 380-0819 All Care Plus Inc PS Maryville, TN 37804 (888) 532-9595 Home Health Agency Camden, TN 38320 (800) 628-0191 Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (865) 835-5065 PS Maryville, TN 37804 (865) 981-2160 Camden, TN 38320 (731) 279-4336 Home Infusion Therapy Blount Memorial Home Infusion PS Maryville, TN 37804 (865) 977-5702 Prosthetics and Orthotics Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (865) 483-7738 Hospice PS Avery County (NC) Camden, TN 38320 (731) 584-9500 Blount Memorial Hospital Hospice PS Maryville, TN 37804 (865) 977-5702 Durable Medical Equipment Newland, NC 28657 (828) 733-3663 Bedford County Durable Medical Equipment Riverside Medical Inc Shelbyville, TN 37160 (931) 684-1081 PS PS PS Be Fitting You Mastectomy Boutique Blount Prosthetics and Orthotics Maryville, TN 37804 (865) 980-5024 New Life Prosthetics Graysville, TN 37338 (423) 949-8620 PS PS Reynolds Prosthetics and Orthotics Inc PS Maryville, TN 37804 (865) 980-9600 PS Standefer Drug Center Heritage Home Health 144 Alcoa, TN 37701 (865) 977-1616 Maryville, TN 37804 (865) 977-8007 Specialty DME Home Health Agency Shelbyville, TN 37160 (931) 684-2118 Appalachian Therapy Center CMC Medical Equipment Services Pikeville, TN 37367 (423) 447-6114 PS Prosthetics and Orthotics Durable Medical Equipment PS PS Hospice Tennessee Quality Hospice Bledsoe County Medi Home Care PS PS Volunteer Home Care Inc Hanger Orthopedic Group Inc PSK Blount Memorial Home Health Tennessee Quality Homecare NW Covenant Hospice PS Home Health Agency CCC Durable Medical Equipment PS Hospice PS Medical Mart Durable Medical Equipment Camden, TN 38320 (731) 584-7919 PSK Lowes Drug Store PS PS Home Infusion Therapy PSK Lincare Inc Benton County Covenant Homecare Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (865) 835-5065 PS Family Home Health SE Clinch River Home Health PS Fox Home Medical Home Health Agency Home Health Agency Clinton, TN 37716 (865) 457-4263 Maryville, TN 37804 (865) 982-7162 Medi Home Care Middlesboro, KY 40965 (606) 248-6264 PS PS Pikeville, TN 37367 (423) 447-2134 K Check our Web site @ for current listing. Medical Services Suppliers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Carter County K-Network K Networks Networks Hospice Bradley County Cannon County Family Hospice Care Durable Medical Equipment PS Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-4581 Durable Medical Equipment PS Home Health Care of East Tenn Inc Apria Healthcare Inc Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-6472 Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 559-6092 Hometown Respiratory Consultants Inc PS Woodbury, TN 37190 (615) 563-1050 PS Bradley Medical Equipment Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-4300 PS PS Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 697-0057 Cleveland Home Respiratory Care Inc Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 336-1555 PSK Durable Medical Equipment Lincare Inc P PS PS PS Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 559-6092 PS Guardian Home Care LLC Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 473-8886 PS Home Health Care of East Tenn Inc Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-4581 PS Life Care at Home of TN Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 478-8023 PS Home Infusion Therapy Cherokee Vital Care Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 479-4547 PS Medical Center Pharmacy Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-5547 Medical Services Suppliers PS PSK Baptist Memorial Home Care and Hospice Huntingdon, TN 38344 (731) 986-3220 Durable Medical Equipment American Oxygen Home Care La Follette, TN 37766 (423) 562-8111 PSK Lincare Inc La Follette, TN 37766 (423) 562-7999 PS PS University Home Health LLC Huntingdon, TN 38344 (731) 986-9988 PS Volunteer Home Care Inc Huntingdon, TN 38344 (731) 986-3432 PSK PS Hospice AseraCare Hospice Mc Kenzie, TN 38201 (866) 553-6121 PS Baptist Memorial Home Care & Hospice Home Health Agency Huntingdon, TN 38344 (731) 986-3220 Family Home Health SE La Follette, TN 37766 (423) 563-0038 Home Health Agency PS Campbell County La Follette, TN 37766 (423) 562-5235 Family Home Care of Cleveland PSK Huntingdon, TN 38344 (731) 986-5502 Riggs Hospital Supplies Home Health Agency Mc Kenzie, TN 38201 (731) 352-0820 Bristol Home Infusion Inc PS Tri State Respiratory Service Inc Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 478-9526 PSK Lincare Inc Bristol, VA 24209 (276) 676-3468 Super Discount Pharmacy Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 472-2121 ConvaCare Services Home Infusion Therapy Specialized Oxygen Services LLC Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-7940 PS Durable Medical Equipment PS Professional Respiratory Services Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 614-0297 Woodbury, TN 37190 (615) 563-3032 Carroll County Nationwide Medical Equipment Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 478-7433 PS Bristol County (VA) Bristol, VA 24201 (276) 466-9202 Medical Center Pharmacy Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-5547 VIP Home Nursing and Rehab Services LLC PS Lincare Inc Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 614-8816 Home Health Agency PPS Orthotic and Prosthetic Services Cherokee Medical Supply Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 559-3010 Prosthetics and Orthotics PS Carter County PS Maxim Healthcare Services Inc La Follette, TN 37766 (615) 386-0100 Durable Medical Equipment P Mercy Homecare Services La Follette, TN 37766 (423) 907-1575 Appalachian Medical Equipment Co Inc Elizabethton, TN 37643 (423) 543-6141 P Sunbelt Homecare Jellico, TN 37762 (423) 784-2452 PS Lincare Inc S Elizabethton, TN 37643 (731) 286-0116 PSK Premier Respiratory Equipment Inc Elizabethton, TN 37643 (423) 542-0202 PS Smokey Mountain Medical Equipment Elizabethton, TN 37643 (423) 547-0060 Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS 145 Carter County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Carter County (Continued) K-Network K Networks Prosthetics and Orthotics Home Health Agency Cooks Orthopedics Inc Hopkinsville, KY 42240 (270) 886-9200 Hospice Adventa Hospice Inc Elizabethton, TN 37643 (423) 547-0852 Smoky Mountain Home Health Inc Newport, TN 37821 (423) 623-0233 PS Claiborne County PSK Catoosa County (GA) Smoky Mountain Hospice Inc Durable Medical Equipment Newport, TN 37821 (423) 623-0233 PSK Eddie Tests Home Medical Equipment Ringgold, GA 30736 (706) 965-8378 PS Tazewell, TN 37879 (423) 626-3315 PS Tazewell, TN 37879 (423) 626-6451 PSK Durable Medical Equipment Advanced Pharmaceutical Services Inc PS Claiborne Home Health Care Manchester, TN 37355 (800) 701-5781 PS Tazewell, TN 37879 (423) 626-8661 PS LifeAid Medical Equipment LLC Tullahoma, TN 37388 (931) 455-0111 PS Tazewell, TN 37879 (423) 626-4272 Manchester, TN 37355 (931) 723-3780 PS Doctors Associates Home Health Inc K Tullahoma, TN 37388 (931) 455-1026 Cumberland River HomeCare Henderson, TN 38340 (615) 781-0666 Celina, TN 38551 (931) 243-4750 Tennessee Quality Homecare SW Henderson, TN 38340 (800) 628-0191 PS VIP Home Nursing and Rehab Services LLC PS PS Home Infusion Therapy Advanced Pharmaceutical Services Inc Tullahoma, TN 37388 (931) 455-1423 PS PS Hospice Durable Medical Equipment Lincare Inc Newport, TN 37821 (423) 623-3230 Home Health Agency PSK Pulmacare Home Medical Equipment Gentiva Health Services 146 PS Cocke County Christian County (KY) Hopkinsville, KY 42240 (276) 885-7887 PS Medical Home Health Care Home Health Agency Care All Home Healthcare PS Tullahoma, TN 37388 (931) 455-5558 PS Celina, TN 38551 (931) 243-3680 Manchester, TN 37355 (931) 728-2453 Intrepid USA Healthcare Services Clay County Chester County PS Home Health Agency New Tazewell, TN 37825 (423) 626-7337 Empson Drug Company Inc PS Respiratory at Home Specialty DME Home Health Agency PS Manchester, TN 37355 (931) 728-0028 Stanifer Drugs LLC Ashland City, TN 37015 (615) 792-4644 PS Oxygen Plus Corp Cheatham County Specialty DME PS Hoveround Corporation Claiborne Home Health Care and Hospice Hutcheson Hospice PS Tullahoma, TN 37388 (931) 455-9652 Home Health Agency Hospice Hospice Tullahoma, TN 37388 (931) 455-1423 Apria Healthcare Inc Family Home Health SE Hutcheson Home Health Care Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742 (706) 886-8881 Coffee County PSK Tazewell, TN 37879 (423) 626-4272 Home Health Agency Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742 (706) 866-8881 PSK Family Respiratory Services LLC Fuller Rehabiilitation and Consulting Services Inc Ringgold, GA 30736 (706) 965-4430 PSK Emalines Home Medical Equipment American Home Patient Inc Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742 (706) 861-0903 Tazewell, TN 37879 (423) 869-8111 PSK Hospice American Oxygen Home Care Durable Medical Equipment Networks PS Newport, TN 37821 (423) 613-8722 AseraCare Hospice New Horizons Tullahoma, TN 37388 (866) 448-1804 PS Hospice of the Highland Rim Inc Tullahoma, TN 37388 (931) 455-9118 PSK PS Check our Web site @ for current listing. Medical Services Suppliers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Nashville, TN 37203 (877) 937-7867 Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 321-5874 Care All Home Healthcare Nashville, TN 37211 (615) 333-3392 Cumberland County Durable Medical Equipment Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 327-1212 Nashville, TN 37228 (615) 242-9988 Plateau Medical Equipment Company Antioch, TN 37013 (615) 717-0202 Home Health Agency Nashville, TN 37211 (615) 833-1087 PSK VIP Home Nursing and Rehab Services LLC Crossville, TN 38571 (931) 707-2696 PS Nashville, TN 37206 (615) 650-8000 Nashville, TN 37217 (615) 367-6262 PS Nashville, TN 37211 (800) 701-5781 PS Nashville, TN 37207 (615) 228-8500 PS PS Nashville, TN 37221 (615) 662-9941 PSK PSK Nashville, TN 37228 (615) 244-0140 K Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 320-3270 PS PS PS PS PS PSK Goodlettsville, TN 37072 (615) 851-1400 Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 515-3669 PS Nashville, TN 37204 (615) 627-2940 PS PSK Nashville, TN 37210 (615) 880-1819 PS PS PS Nashville, TN 37217 (615) 360-1116 PSK Friendship Home Health LLC Nashville, TN 37217 (615) 365-4424 PS Nashville, TN 37211 (615) 360-9000 PS Nashville, TN 37217 (615) 361-4859 PS Nashville, TN 37211 (615) 361-2883 PS Maxim Healthcare Services Inc Nashville, TN 37212 (615) 383-6272 P SunCrest Home Health PS Madison, TN 37115 (615) 865-9841 PS US Bioservices P Nashville, TN 37214 (800) 809-0675 PS Vanderbilt Home Care Serv Otto Bock Orthopedic Services LLC Nashville, TN 37214 (615) 831-5403 PS Intrepid USA Healthcare Services National Seating and Mobility Inc American Home Patient Inc Nashville, TN 37228 (615) 263-4425 Home Health Care of Middle Tennessee Mid South Medical Mobility Alliance Medical Solutions LLC Medical Services Suppliers Hermitage, TN 37076 (615) 883-5522 PSK Continuous Care Services LLC Gentiva Health Services Medical Necessities and Services LLC Air Affiliates Inc Antioch, TN 37013 (615) 941-3500 PS Elk Valley Health Services Inc K Medical Mobility Inc Advanced Healthcare AmMed Direct LLC PS Alere Womens and Childrens Health LLC Manor Pharmacy Medical A Z DME LLC Nashville, TN 37211 (615) 832-0881 PS Home Health Agency LifeCare Home Medical Equipment Inc Goodlettsville, TN 37072 (615) 851-5057 Durable Medical Equipment Nashville, TN 37228 (502) 253-6881 Nashville, TN 37204 (615) 831-1211 PS Lincare Inc Nashville, TN 37209 (615) 460-0017 Madison, TN 37115 (615) 865-4000 Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 327-4931 PS Nashville, TN 37214 (615) 365-0373 Davidson County Madison, TN 37115 (615) 612-0087 Theratech Inc Williams Medical Supply Inc Inspire Home Respiratory Services Inc Hospice of Cumberland Co Inc P PS TLC Medical Oxygen and Hospital Equipment Innovative Respiratory and Medical Supply LLC Hospice Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 628-5195 PS Tennessee Home Medical Hoveround Corporation Cumberland Vital Care Crossville, TN 38555 (931) 484-4748 PS Springcare Medical Supplies Inc Holland Medical Equipment Inc Home Infusion Therapy Crossville, TN 38555 (931) 456-0680 Nashville, TN 37204 (615) 834-3808 PS Global Medical Supplies Inc Nashville, TN 37217 (615) 367-9282 PSK Respiratory At Home Gentivia Respiratory Services & HME All Care Plus Inc Crossville, TN 38555 (888) 544-9641 Hermitage, TN 37076 (615) 469-7299 PS Fuller Rehabilitation and Consulting Services Inc PS PS R T Medical LLC ED Medical Inc PS Crossville, TN 38555 (931) 456-8484 Madison, TN 37115 (615) 868-7118 PS CPAP Supply of America LLC CMC Medical Equipment Services PSK Oxygen and Respiratory Care Inc Care Solutions Inc Nashville, TN 37211 (615) 329-2288 Crossville, TN 38555 (931) 484-8076 Nashville, TN 37210 (615) 742-3984 PS At Home Medical Supplies LLC PS Networks OxyCare of Tennessee Apria Healthcare Inc Home Health Agency Alamo, TN 38001 (731) 696-4581 Networks Animas Diabetes Care LLC Crockett County Davidson County K-Network K PS Nashville, TN 37212 (615) 936-0336 Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS 147 Davidson County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Davidson County (Continued) Home Health Agency (Continued) VIP Home Nursing and Rehab Services LLC Nashville, TN 37214 (615) 832-3788 PS Bulow BioTech Prosthetics LLC Nashville, TN 37205 (615) 712-7261 Hermitage, TN 37076 (615) 872-9966 PS PS PS PS Apria Healthcare Inc Nashville, TN 37211 (615) 445-3098 Care Solutions of Nashville Inc Nashville, TN 37211 (800) 526-2579 Old Hickory, TN 37138 (615) 847-8000 Infusion Partners Inc Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 322-9940 PS Durable Medical Equipment PS PSK IV Solutions Inc PSK Precision Healthcare Inc Nashville, TN 37214 (615) 367-1444 PS PS Hermitage, TN 37076 (615) 874-5656 Home Health Agency Tennessee Quality Homecare SW Parsons, TN 38363 (800) 628-0191 Nashville, TN 37211 (615) 331-0036 PS Volunteer Home Care of West Tennessee Inc Parsons, TN 38363 (731) 847-8250 PS PS PS PS Hospice Tennessee Quality Hospice Parsons, TN 38363 (866) 584-9500 PS DeKalb County PS Metro Medical Pharmacy Retail Division Nashville, TN 37214 (800) 809-0675 PS Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 327-2882 Alive Hospice at Skyline Madison Campus Madison, TN 37115 (615) 327-1085 PSK Alive Hospice Inc Nashville, TN 37214 (615) 327-1085 PSK P PS Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 327-1100 Smithville, TN 37166 (615) 597-5385 Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 321-5611 Nashville, TN 37207 (615) 868-7626 PS Nashville, TN 37207 (615) 868-7626 PS PS PS The Surgical Clinic PLLC PS Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 301-5264 PS Home Health Agency Intrepid USA Healthcare Services Southaven, MS 38671 (662) 393-0109 Applied Orthotic and Prosthetic Associates PS PS Methodist Home Care Svcs dba Alliance Hernando, MS 38632 (601) 429-2175 PS SunCrest Healthcare of West Tennessee LLC Hernando, MS 38632 (662) 449-4955 PS Specialty DME IV Solutions Inc PS PS Dickson County Prosthetics and Orthotics A Step Ahead Shoes Inserts PS DeSoto County (MS) PS Stagner Orthotic Services Priority Hospice Care Inc Nashville, TN 37206 (615) 228-1161 Smithville, TN 37166 (615) 597-7777 VIP Home Nursing and Rehab Services LLC Stagner Orthopedic Services Odyssey Healthcare of Nashville Nashville, TN 37211 (615) 837-9556 PSK Richardson Ocular Prosthetics Inc PS Mahogany Hospice Care Inc Nashville, TN 37208 (615) 254-6345 Home Health Concepts Inc Precision Ocular Prosthetics Nashville, TN 37214 (615) 361-0930 Home Health Agency PS Restorative Health Services Inc AseraCare Hospice New Horizons Nashville, TN 37214 (866) 448-1803 Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 329-3150 Nopco of Tennessee Inc Hospice 148 PS Lowry Medical Supply Inc US Bioservices Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 327-9343 Parsons, TN 38363 (731) 847-6270 Innovative Solutions LLC Nashville, TN 37207 (615) 277-5900 Antioch, TN 37013 (615) 731-3338 CCC Durable Medical Equipment PS Greer Orthopedics Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 327-0231 PS Decatur County Fairbanks Ocular Prosthetics PS Nashville, TN 37217 (859) 534-5925 Nashville, TN 37211 (615) 781-4249 Easter Seals Rehabilitation Services Nashville, TN 37204 (615) 292-6640 PS Orthofix Inc Essential Accents PS Nashville, TN 37211 (615) 329-2288 Nashville, TN 37206 (615) 262-1123 Cooks Orthopedics Inc EBI LP Home Infusion Therapy Networks Neb Doctors of Tennessee Center for Spine Joint and Neuromuscular Rehabilitation Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 327-2505 Willowbrook Home Health Care Inc Nashville, TN 37210 (615) 399-2220 Nashville, TN 37210 (615) 824-4931 K-Network K Networks Nashville, TN 37207 (615) 277-5900 Durable Medical Equipment PSK American Home Patient Inc Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 446-1010 Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK Medical Services Suppliers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Greene County K-Network K Networks Networks Prosthetics and Orthotics Dickson County (Continued) Franklin County (OH) Anderson Brace and Limb Durable Medical Equipment (Continued) Dyersburg, TN 38024 (731) 286-6006 Dickson Medical Equipment Inc Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 446-7444 Columbus, OH 43220 (800) 355-6492 Durable Medical Equipment Home Health Agency Guardian Home Care of Nashville LLC Dickson Branch Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 441-1747 Capital Prosthetic and Orthotic Ctr Inc Fayette County PS Oakland, TN 38060 (901) 466-3873 PS Willowbrook Home Health Care Inc Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 441-3630 Vital Care of Dickson Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 446-9999 PSK Hospice Fulton, KY 42041 (270) 472-0070 Methodist Home Care Svcs dba Alliance Somerville, TN 38068 (800) 465-4891 Durable Medical Equipment Hospice Medical Health Specialists of TN Caris HealthCare LP Somerville Somerville, TN 38068 (866) 694-4848 PS Dyer County Jamestown, TN 38556 (931) 879-9926 Jamestown, TN 38556 (931) 752-8914 PS PS PS PSK Regional Medical Supplies of West Tennessee PS PS PS Home Infusion Therapy Main Street Family Pharmacy LLC Medical Services Suppliers PS Rutherford, TN 38369 (731) 665-6691 PS Humboldt, TN 38343 (731) 784-7200 Jamestown, TN 38556 (800) 292-7046 PS Hospice PSK Caris HealthCare LP Milan Franklin County Milan, TN 38358 (866) 694-4848 PS Durable Medical Equipment Giles County PS Winchester, TN 37398 (931) 967-7991 Durable Medical Equipment PS Professional Health Service Volunteer Home Care Inc Newbern, TN 38059 (731) 627-2221 Trenton, TN 38382 (731) 855-8113 All Care Plus Inc Decherd, TN 37324 (931) 962-0234 University Home Health LLC Dyersburg, TN 38024 (731) 288-6011 Home Health Agency Middle Tennessee Respiratory Home Health Agency Dyersburg, TN 38024 (731) 287-9970 PSK Volunteer Home Care Inc Home Health Agency Lincare Inc Dyersburg, TN 38024 (731) 285-8778 Wound Care Resources Inc TLC Medical Oxygen and Hospital Equipment Inc University Home Health LLC Dickson Medical Equipment Dyersburg, TN 38024 (731) 286-0116 PS Tennessee Quality Homecare NW Durable Medical Equipment Dyersburg, TN 38024 (731) 286-1000 Trenton, TN 38382 (731) 855-0966 Yorkville, TN 38389 (731) 643-6660 Fentress County Buckeye Home Health Center Inc PS PS Gibson County PS Durable Medical Equipment Caris Healthcare LP Dickson Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 441-5296 Home Health Agency Regional Home Care Parkway PS Home Infusion Therapy Fulton County (KY) PSK Home Health Agency NHC HomeCare PS Lincare Inc PS Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 446-5574 Prosthetics and Orthotics PS Reeves Home Health Care PS Pulaski, TN 38478 (931) 363-0137 Greene County Home Health Agency CareSouth Homecare Professionals Winchester, TN 37398 (931) 967-0633 PS PS Durable Medical Equipment Home Medical Services Inc Greeneville, TN 37745 (423) 636-1345 Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS 149 Greene County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Durable Medical Equipment (Continued) Greeneville, TN 37745 (423) 638-1214 PSK Lincare Inc Greeneville, TN 37745 (431) 787-7735 PSK Mediserve Medical Equipment Inc Greeneville, TN 37745 (423) 638-4321 PSK OxyCare Greeneville, TN 37745 (423) 798-8021 PS PS Laughlin Home Health Agency Greeneville, TN 37745 (423) 787-5030 PS Maxim Healthcare Services Inc Greeneville, TN 37745 (423) 282-0114 P Greeneville, TN 37745 (423) 636-8006 Adventa Hospice Inc PSK Mediserve Medical Equipment Inc Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 586-4364 Pulmacare Home Medical Equipment Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 317-3375 Southern Orthocare PS Greeneville, TN 37745 (423) 636-8006 PS Smoky Mountain Home Health Inc PSK PS PS Morristown Hamblen Homecare and Hospice LLC PS Smoky Mountain Hospice Inc PSK Prosthetics and Orthotics Greeneville Orthotics and Prosthetics Greeneville, TN 37745 (423) 638-2670 PS American Brace Limb Enterprise LLC Morristown, TN 37813 (423) 318-8824 Hamblen County PS PSK Morristown Orthotics and Prosthetic LLC Durable Medical Equipment PSK Apria Healthcare Inc Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 586-4264 150 PS Thomas Ortho Care Inc American Oxygen Home Care Morristown, TN 37813 (423) 318-1996 Morristown, TN 37813 (423) 586-4455 PS Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 586-8133 PS PS EMPI Inc and Subsidiaries Ooltewah, TN 37363 (800) 328-2536 PS HealthSource Inc Hixson, TN 37343 (423) 648-2095 PS Henley Medical Chattanooga, TN 37404 (423) 698-4200 PS PS PS Holland Medical Equipment Inc Chattanooga, TN 37407 (423) 757-9400 PS Inspire Home Respiratory Services Inc Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 238-7878 K KCI USA Inc Chattanooga, TN 37421 (888) 275-4524 K Lincare Inc Chattanooga, TN 37416 (423) 894-5051 PSK Lookout Medical Services Inc Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 490-0055 PS Medical Needs Co Chattanooga, TN 37405 (423) 267-4101 College Park Pharmacy Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 586-0721 Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 499-0212 Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 855-7949 PSK Prosthetics and Orthotics PSK Hill Rom Company Inc Covenant Hospice Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 581-8140 Smoky Mountain Hospice Inc Chattanooga, TN 37404 (423) 622-9100 Chattanooga, TN 37406 (423) 624-8281 Premier Support Services Inc Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 581-8140 PSK ContinuCare HealthServices Inc PS Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 587-8771 Chattanooga, TN 37404 (423) 698-4594 Apria Healthcare Inc PSK Morristown, TN 37813 (423) 586-6808 PS American Home Patient Inc PS Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 307-1890 Chattanooga, TN 37415 (423) 877-3568 Advantage Healthcare PSK Morristown, TN 37813 (423) 586-7858 Caris Healthcare LP Greeneville Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 638-2226 PSK Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 586-6808 Morristown, TN 37813 (453) 586-6808 Hospice Durable Medical Equipment Access Durable Medical Equipment Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 586-2500 Hospice PSK Greeneville, TN 37745 (423) 638-2707 PSK McFarland Medical Smoky Mountain Home Health Inc Hamilton County PSK Covenant Homecare Advanced Home Care Inc Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 783-6500 Morristown, TN 37813 (423) 587-0632 Morristown, TN 37814 (423) 587-0941 Home Health Agency Home Health Agency Networks Lincare Inc Greene County (Continued) In Home Medical K-Network K Networks PS Medsmart Medical Supplies Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 855-2922 PS New Hope Medical Equipment Inc Chattanooga, TN 37416 (423) 648-7711 PS Outreach Medical Supplies Inc Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 553-5595 PS PPS Home Infusion Pharmacy Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 893-9335 Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK Medical Services Suppliers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Hawkins County K-Network K Networks Networks Prosthetics and Orthotics Hamilton County (Continued) Hardeman County Amputee Clinic Inc Durable Medical Equipment (Continued) East Ridge, TN 37412 (423) 629-7793 PS Hixson, TN 37343 (423) 847-1202 P Chattanooga, TN 37404 (423) 622-2000 PS TLC Medical Oxygen and Hospital Equipment Inc PS Soddy Daisy, TN 37379 (423) 842-2828 Home Health Agency Family Home Care Inc PS PSK PS PS Chattanooga, TN 37411 (423) 697-0057 PS Southeastern Orthotics and Prosthetics Inc PS Home Health Care of East Tenn Inc Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 855-5797 Chattanooga, TN 37411 (423) 892-3366 PPS Orthotic and Prosthetic Services Guardian Home Care LLC Hixson, TN 37343 (423) 870-9971 PSK Jaffe Shoe Stores Inc Gentiva Health Services Chattanooga, TN 37411 (423) 892-1122 Chattanooga, TN 37404 (423) 698-0184 PS Chattanooga, TN 37411 (423) 698-1778 PS P Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 648-4164 PSK Memorial Hospital Home Health Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 643-2256 Alpha Med Inc Savannah, TN 38372 (866) 925-7421 Savannah, TN 38372 (731) 926-8202 Savannah, TN 38372 (731) 926-2677 Home Infusion Therapy PPS Home Infusion Pharmacy Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 893-9335 PSK Savannah, TN 38372 (731) 926-3157 Home Health Agency Care All Home Healthcare Savannah, TN 38372 (731) 925-6626 Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 499-0018 PSK Caris HealthCare LP Chattanooga Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 899-4044 PS Chattanooga, TN 37416 (423) 892-4289 Medical Services Suppliers Medi Home Care Rogersville, TN 37857 (423) 921-8888 PS PS Home Health Agency PS Hometown Home Health Care Inc Rogersville, TN 37857 (423) 272-7941 Hancock County Home Health Agency Sneedville, TN 37869 (423) 733-4032 PS Durable Medical Equipment Home Health Agency Hospice of Chattanooga Inc PSK PS Hancock County Sneedville, TN 37869 (423) 733-1684 PS Hardin Medical Center Home Health Medi Home Care Adventa Hospice Inc PS Hawkins County Durable Medical Equipment Hospice PS SPC Home Medical Equipment UroMed Inc Chattanooga, TN 37403 (423) 648-9827 PS Riverside Medical Inc Savannah, TN 38372 (888) 881-5027 Supplies PS PS Hardin County Supply DME Elk Valley Health Services Inc ProMed Equipment Co LLC Maxim Healthcare Services Inc Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 553-5530 Durable Medical Equipment Savannah, TN 38372 (615) 781-0666 Specialty DME PS PS Hardin County Stubbs Prosthetics and Orthotics Inc PS Life Care at Home of TN Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 510-1500 Bolivar, TN 38008 (731) 659-2710 Fillauer Orthotics and Prosthetics Inc Chattanooga, TN 37406 (423) 698-8971 PS SunCrest Healthcare of West Tennessee LLC PS Gamache Chiropractic Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 899-9166 Bolivar, TN 38008 (615) 781-0666 Dynamic Prosthetics and Orthotics LLC Specialized Oxygen Services LLC Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 892-2898 PS Chattanooga, TN 37411 (423) 648-9366 PS Hixson, TN 37343 (423) 847-0031 Care All Home Healthcare Center for Orthotic and Prosthetic Care Scenic City Medical Equipment Home Health Agency PS Blooms of Hope LLC Pulmonaire Service Inc Chattanooga, TN 37403 (423) 756-7050 Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423) 485-8899 PS PSK Prosthetics and Orthotics Cherokee Orthotics and Medical Equipment Inc Rogersville, TN 37857 (423) 921-8087 Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS 151 Haywood County S-Network S P-Network P Networks K-Network K Networks Networks Haywood County Houston County Johnson County Home Health Agency Durable Medical Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Care All Home Healthcare Brownsville, TN 38012 (731) 772-7986 American HomePatient Inc PS Erin, TN 37061 (931) 289-4358 Appalachian Medical Equipment Co Inc PSK SunCrest Healthcare of West Tennessee LLC Brownsville, TN 38012 (731) 772-2656 PS Erin, TN 37061 (931) 289-5539 Mountain City, TN 37683 (423) 727-5511 Mountain City, TN 37683 (423) 727-0039 PS PS Johnson County Home Health Durable Medical Equipment Mountain City, TN 37683 (423) 727-1110 Home Medical Care Inc Henry County Waverly, TN 37185 (931) 296-5000 Durable Medical Equipment Lincare Inc PSK Home Health Agency Durable Medical Equipment American Home Patient Inc Knoxville, TN 37932 (865) 777-2802 PS University Home Health LLC Home Health Agency Henry County Medical Center Home Health Paris, TN 38242 (731) 642-7600 Waverly, TN 37185 (800) 628-0191 Waverly, TN 37185 (931) 296-4125 Jackson County Knoxville, TN 37921 (865) 588-5396 PS Specialty DME Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 573-0777 Paris, TN 38242 (731) 644-1968 PS Home Infusion Therapy Medical Center Pharmacy Paris, TN 38242 (731) 642-7365 Henry County Medical Center Hospice PS K Jefferson County Baptist Community Home Care and Hospice PS PS Knoxville, TN 37923 (800) 722-2604 Knoxville, TN 37934 (865) 675-8181 PS PS Fuller Rehabilitation and Consulting Services Inc PS In Home Medical Knoxville, TN 37932 (865) 966-5811 Home Health Agency PSK Lamberts Health Care Knoxville, TN 37934 (865) 686-3700 Mercy Homecare Services P Fitting For You New Market, TN 37820 (865) 475-1841 CCS Medical Knoxville, TN 37922 (865) 966-4452 Prosthetics and Orthotics Home Health Agency PS East TN Childrens Hospital Home Health Apria Healthcare Inc Jefferson City, TN 37760 (865) 471-0300 Hickman County Centerville, TN 37033 (931) 729-4500 Gainesboro, TN 38562 (931) 268-9919 Jefferson City, TN 37760 (865) 475-8953 Hospice Paris, TN 38242 (731) 642-7600 Knoxville, TN 37917 (865) 546-2386 Durable Medical Equipment PS PSK Carr Rehab Inc Gainesboro Drugs University Home Health LLC PS Baptist Homecare Home Medical Equipment Tennessee Quality Homecare NW Paris, TN 38242 (800) 628-0191 PSK Apria Healthcare Inc PS PS PS Knox County PS Tennessee Quality Homecare NW Paris, TN 38242 (731) 641-0213 PS Home Health Agency Intrepid USA Healthcare Services Lexington, TN 38351 (731) 967-9003 PSK Mountain City Pharmacy Humphreys County Home Health Agency PS In Home Medical Home Health Agency University Home Health LLC Henderson County Mountain City, TN 37683 (423) 727-5421 PS PS Lamberts Healthcare Knoxville, TN 37918 (865) 686-7670 PS Lincare Inc Knoxville, TN 37912 (865) 524-7499 Knoxville, TN 37918 (865) 525-6756 PSK PSK Mediserve Medical Equipment Inc Knoxville, TN 37921 (865) 330-2424 152 Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK Medical Services Suppliers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Mercy Homecare Services Knox County (Continued) Knoxville, TN 37938 (865) 545-3500 Durable Medical Equipment (Continued) Mercy Homecare Equipment Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 523-9999 PS Oxygen and Sleep Associates Inc Knoxville, TN 37932 (865) 671-6119 Principle Specialty Pharmacy Inc Knoxville, TN 37909 (865) 525-4886 PS PSK PS PS PS PS Childrens Hospital Home Health Care PS Covenant Homecare Knoxville, TN 37909 (423) 586-6808 PS Medical Services Suppliers PS PS Specialty DME PSK Knoxville, TN 37909 (865) 525-4886 Health Care Plus Inc PS Knoxville, TN 37932 (865) 671-4430 Hospice Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 632-5718 Knoxville, TN 37922 (865) 694-4848 The Pouch Place Inc PSK Knoxville, TN 37923 (865) 531-1285 PS P Knoxville, TN 37919 (865) 544-6200 Knoxville, TN 37919 (865) 544-6222 Home Health Agency University Home Health LLC Ridgely, TN 38080 (731) 264-0001 PSK PSK Appalachian Orthotic and Prosthetic Service Knoxville, TN 37916 (865) 988-0000 Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 305-6468 PS Knoxville, TN 37919 (865) 588-1643 Durable Medical Equipment Hoveround Corporation Ripley, TN 38063 (731) 635-3992 Knoxville, TN 37917 (865) 675-2873 PS WessCare LLC Home Medical Halls, TN 38040 (731) 836-1111 PS PS PS Home Health Agency Care All Home Healthcare Ripley, TN 38063 (731) 635-0015 PS PS Lauderdale County (AL) PSK Prosthetics and Orthotics Crockett Prosthetics P PS Lauderdale County Prosthetics and Orthotics Knoxville, TN 37919 (865) 524-2285 PS Lake County PS Covenant Hospice Knoxville, TN 37909 (865) 374-0600 PS Supplies Choice Medical Inc Maxim Healthcare Services Inc Knoxville, TN 37919 (865) 330-2336 Knoxville, TN 37921 (865) 602-7887 Be Fitting You Mastectomy Boutique UT Intrepid USA Healthcare Services Knoxville, TN 37922 (865) 531-1415 PS Knoxville, TN 37917 (865) 688-9495 Be Fitting You Mastectomy Boutique Thompson PS Gentiva Health Services Knoxville, TN 37919 (865) 584-3133 PS PS Hosford Shoes and Orthopedic Laboratories UT Medical Center Home Care Services LLC PSK CareAll Home Care Services Knoxville, TN 37934 (865) 541-8182 Knoxville, TN 37916 (865) 541-1860 P Knoxville, TN 37916 (865) 524-8021 Knoxville, TN 37919 (865) 584-9309 Knoxville, TN 37932 (865) 671-1245 UT Hospice PSK Baptist Home Care Knoxville, TN 37919 (865) 588-8801 PS Knoxville, TN 37938 (865) 925-5500 All Care Plus Inc Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 632-5711 Knoxville, TN 37934 (865) 675-8181 Knoxville, TN 37919 (423) 975-5462 Hanger Orthopedic Group Inc PS Mercy Hospice Home Health Agency Knoxville, TN 37923 (800) 631-7263 PS Caris HealthCare LP Knoxville TLC Medical Oxygen and Hospital Equipment Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 573-5351 Knoxville, TN 37921 (865) 588-5396 Baptist Hospice PS The Sleep Center Knoxville, TN 37932 (865) 777-1212 Powell, TN 37849 (865) 859-7010 Footheals Prosthetics and Orthotics Inc Home Infusion Therapy PS The Scooter Store Knoxville LLC Knoxville, TN 37923 (800) 771-5449 PSK Principle Specialty Pharmacy Inc PS Specialty Oxygen Services Inc Knoxville, TN 37922 (615) 531-0281 PS Infusion Partners Inc Riggs Hospital Supplies Powell, TN 37849 (865) 947-5235 Knoxville, TN 37922 (800) 336-6569 First Lady Specialty Shop for Women Fort Sanders Regional Infusion Services Respiratory Consultants Inc Knoxville, TN 37909 (865) 525-4886 Priority Healthcare Services East TN Childrens Hospital Home Health Resp I Care Inc Knoxville, TN 37921 (865) 558-8787 P Knoxville, TN 37921 (865) 584-4010 Networks DJO LLC Apria Healthcare Inc PSK Lauderdale County (AL) K-Network K PS Hanger Orthopedic Group Inc Florence, AL 35630 (256) 766-0810 Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS 153 Lauderdale County (AL) S-Network S P-Network P Networks Lauderdale County (AL) (Continued) Florence, AL 35630 (256) 764-8673 Fayetteville, TN 37334 (931) 438-2777 Lawrence County Durable Medical Equipment Home Health Agency Fayetteville, TN 37334 (931) 433-7026 Advanced Medical Solutions Inc PSK Hospital Home Health and Hospice Fayetteville, TN 37334 (931) 433-8088 PS Durable Medical Equipment Lawrenceburg, TN 38464 (931) 762-1984 PSK Medi Quip Option Care Lawrenceburg, TN 38464 (931) 762-5112 PS Home Health Agency PS Home Infusion Therapy Medi Quip Option Care Lawrenceburg, TN 38464 (931) 762-5112 Prosthetics and Orthotics PS Loudon County Lewis County PSK Medical Necessities and Services LLC Hohenwald, TN 38462 (931) 796-1584 Home Health Agency Hohenwald, TN 38462 (800) 628-0191 PS PSK Respiratory Plus PS Specialty Supply Partners Fayetteville, TN 37334 (877) 438-1614 154 Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 660-5080 PS PS Handicap of Jackson LLC Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 660-6116 PS Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 660-0084 PS Jackson, TN 38301 (731) 664-4305 Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 661-0287 PS Prosthetics and Orthotics Lenoir City, TN 37771 (865) 977-6611 Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 664-7879 PS PSK PS PS PS Methodist Alliance Home Medical Equipment Jackson, TN 38305 (800) 541-8277 PS Preferred Medical Equipment Co Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 423-8777 PSK Spirocare Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 986-6064 PS Macon County Lincare Inc Elora, TN 37328 (931) 937-6700 PS Medistat Inc Hospice Appalachian Therapy Center Durable Medical Equipment Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 512-1895 Medical Center Medical Product PS Lenoir City, TN 37771 (865) 988-8034 Lincoln County Fayetteville, TN 37334 (931) 433-9719 Lenoir City, TN 37771 (865) 986-0168 Caris Healthcare LP Lenoir City Tennessee Quality Homecare SW At Home Medical TN LLC Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 664-4402 Home Health Care of East Tenn Inc PS PS Lincare Inc Home Health Agency PS Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 668-7611 Jackson Medical Supply Lenoir City, TN 37772 (865) 986-0735 Durable Medical Equipment Hohenwald, TN 38462 (931) 796-7100 PSK Home Medical Products Inc PS Lincare Inc Cornerstone Health Systems LLC PS American Homepatient Inc Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 664-8874 Durable Medical Equipment Loudon, TN 37774 (865) 458-7910 Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 660-0060 Great South Medical CareMax Home Medical PS Alpha Med Inc Dickson Medical Equipment Infinity Orthotics and Prosthetics Quality First Home Care Lawrenceburg, TN 38464 (931) 762-6900 PS Fayetteville, TN 37334 (931) 433-5001 PS Apria Healthcare Inc Hospital Home Health and Hospice Fayetteville, TN 37334 (931) 433-8688 Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 668-8802 Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 423-3646 Hospice Lincare Inc Madison County PS Elk Valley Health Services Inc PS Networks Tennessee Brace And Medical Service Prosthetics and Orthotics (Continued) Shoals Orthotics and Prosthetics Inc K-Network K Networks PSK Home Health Agency Durable Medical Equipment Hometown Respiratory Consultants Inc Lafayette, TN 37083 (615) 666-7387 PS Care All Home Healthcare Jackson, TN 38305 (615) 781-0666 PS Intrepid USA Healthcare Services Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 668-9400 Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS Medical Services Suppliers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Madison County (Continued) Networks Networks Home Health Agency Home Infusion Therapy Home Health Care of East Tenn Inc Home Health Agency (Continued) McNairy County K-Network K Whitwell, TN 37397 (423) 658-2111 Maury Regional Infusion Pharmacy PS Columbia, TN 38401 (931) 490-4691 PS Tennessee Quality Homecare SW Jackson, TN 38305 (800) 628-0191 Hospice PS Adventa Hospice Inc Volunteer Home Care Inc Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 660-6122 Hospice PS South Pittsburg, TN 37380 (423) 499-0018 Caris HealthCare LP Columbia PSK Columbia, TN 38401 (931) 388-1615 PS Hospice of the Highland Rim Inc Home Infusion Therapy PSK Medical Center Infusion Services Jackson, TN 38301 (731) 660-6954 Jasper, TN 37347 (423) 942-5636 Cooks Orthopedics Inc Marshall County Columbia, TN 38401 (931) 380-0282 Spring Hill, TN 37174 (931) 486-9081 Willowbrook Home Health Care Inc AseraCare Hospice PS Lewisburg, TN 37091 (931) 359-0209 Durable Medical Equipment PS Durable Medical Equipment Prosthetics and Orthotics Jackson, TN 38301 (731) 422-5925 PS Keller Limb and Brace dba Snells of Jackson Jackson, TN 38301 (731) 423-3121 PS Madison County (AL) Prosthetics and Orthotics Alabama Orthotics and Prosthetics Inc Huntsville, AL 35801 (205) 536-5625 PS Fourroux Orthotics and Prosthetics Inc Huntsville, AL 35805 (256) 534-8672 PS Special Touch By Eunice Huntsville, AL 35801 (256) 532-5111 Medical Necessities and Services LLC Columbia, TN 38401 (931) 840-8694 Hanger Orthopedic Group Inc PS PS Respiratory at Home Columbia, TN 38401 (931) 380-5368 Columbia, TN 38401 (931) 381-6766 PS PS PSK Home Health Agency Athens, TN 37303 (423) 745-4246 PS Woods Memorial HHA Etowah, TN 37331 (423) 263-3628 PS Athens, TN 37303 (865) 558-6801 PSK Caris HealthCare LP Athens Athens, TN 37303 (423) 507-0889 PS PS McNairy County PS Columbia, TN 38401 (931) 381-1234 PS Durable Medical Equipment Harvey Durham Health Quality First Home Care Columbia, TN 38401 (931) 540-0062 Medical Services Suppliers Athens, TN 37303 (423) 744-8835 Adventa Hospice Inc PS Home Health Care of Middle Tennessee Columbia, TN 38401 (931) 380-4095 PS Lincare Inc NHC Homecare Medical Mart Jasper, TN 37347 (423) 942-2556 Athens, TN 37303 (423) 745-5208 Hospice CareAll Home Care Services Columbia, TN 38401 (931) 840-0713 PS Convalescent Supplies Inc Home Health Agency Maury Regional Hospital Durable Medical Equipment Etowah, TN 37331 (423) 263-7824 NHC HomeCare PS TLC Medical Oxygen and Hospital Equipment Inc Columbia, TN 38401 (931) 486-2801 Anderson Drugs PS Respiratory Plus Columbia, TN 38401 (877) 272-5786 Marion County PS Pro Tech Medical Columbia, TN 38401 (931) 388-3766 PS McMinn County PS Maury County Hospice of West Tennessee PS The Hayes Group Home Health Agency Hospice Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 664-4220 PSK Prosthetics and Orthotics PS PS Jackson, TN 38305 (866) 869-4715 Columbia, TN 38401 (417) 841-4844 Jasper Drug LLC Infusion Partners Inc Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 660-7773 Prosthetics and Orthotics PS Adamsville, TN 38310 (731) 632-9820 Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS 155 McNairy County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Clarksville, TN 37040 (931) 552-4887 Durable Medical Equipment (Continued) Selmer, TN 38375 (731) 645-4402 PSK Selmer, TN 38375 (731) 646-1213 Superior Medical Supply Inc Clarksville, TN 37042 (931) 551-9333 Durable Medical Equipment P American Home Patient Inc Union City, TN 38261 (731) 885-6060 Home Health Agency Clarksville, TN 37043 (931) 552-3782 Mercy Hospice Inc PS Monroe County Union City, TN 38261 (731) 885-2122 Union City, TN 38261 (731) 885-2226 PS Tennessee Quality Homecare NW PS University Home Health LLC Little Drugs Sweetwater, TN 37874 (423) 337-7933 PS PS PS Durable Medical Equipment PS Buckeye Home Health Center Inc PS Lincare Inc Livingston, TN 38570 (931) 403-5050 Livingston, TN 38570 (901) 823-7282 Livingston, TN 38570 (931) 823-3702 Durable Medical Equipment PSK Apria Healthcare Inc PS Gateway Home Care K PS Livingston, TN 38570 (931) 823-3702 PS PS Home Health Agency All Care Plus Inc Livingston, TN 38570 (800) 869-9652 Home Health Agency PSK Perry County All Care Plus Inc Wartburg, TN 37887 (888) 470-7685 PSK Respiratory Support Services TLC Medical Oxygen and Hospital Equipment Inc Wartburg, TN 37887 (423) 346-8222 PS Linde RSS LLC Wartburg, TN 37887 (423) 346-8222 American HomePatient Inc PS Overton County Home Comfort Medical Equipment LLC Durable Medical Equipment PSK Home Health Agency PS Tennessee Quality Homecare SW Lincare Inc 156 Union City, TN 38261 (731) 884-8617 Morgan County Montgomery County Clarksville, TN 37040 (931) 647-8602 Clarksville, TN 37040 (931) 648-2331 Clarksville, TN 37043 (931) 648-2155 Clarksville, TN 37040 (931) 552-2922 Monroe County Med Ctr HHA Clarksville, TN 37043 (931) 502-3600 Baptist Memorial Home Care Cooks Orthopedics Inc Home Health Agency Clarksville, TN 37040 (931) 648-9889 Clarksville, TN 37040 (615) 712-7261 PS Hospice PS Clarksville Limb and Brace and Rehab Inc Monroe County (KY) Clarksville, TN 37043 (931) 552-0722 PS Bulow Biotech Prosthetics LLC PS Intrepid USA Healthcare Services Tompkinsville, KY 42167 (270) 487-5905 Union City, TN 38261 (731) 886-0305 Prosthetics and Orthotics Home Health Care of East Tenn Inc Sweetwater, TN 37874 (423) 337-6342 Clarksville, TN 37040 (931) 502-3600 PS Volunteer Home Care Inc AseraCare Hospice Gateway Hospice Clarksville PS Home Health Agency Sweetwater, TN 37874 (423) 337-3833 Union City, TN 38261 (731) 885-6633 Hospice Clarksville, TN 37040 (866) 951-4100 PS Home Health Agency PS Durable Medical Equipment Archers Family Pharmacy and Total Home Healthcare PS Kizer Pharmacy LLC Gateway Home Health Clarksville Clarksville, TN 37040 (931) 502-3600 PSK Dickson Medical Equipment PS Clarksville, TN 37043 Sweetwater, TN 37874 (423) 337-5813 Obion County PSK Complete Home Health Care Hospice Networks Oxy Care Inc of Tenn McNairy County (Continued) Lincare Inc K-Network K Networks PSK Linden, TN 37096 (800) 628-0191 PS PSK Check our Web site @ for current listing. Medical Services Suppliers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Perry County (Continued) Rutherford County K-Network K Networks Networks Home Health Agency Roane County All Care Plus Inc Cookeville, TN 38501 (866) 528-5936 Hospice Unity Hospice Care of Tennessee LLC Linden, TN 37096 (901) 756-7322 PS Highland Rim Home Health Agency Cookeville, TN 38501 (931) 528-5578 RMC Medical Equipment And Supply PS Harriman, TN 37748 (865) 882-1502 Monterey, TN 38574 (931) 839-2201 Enhanced Fittings Cookeville, TN 38501 (931) 528-2722 All Care Plus Inc PSK Prosthetics and Orthotics PS NHC Homecare Home Health Agency PS VIP Home Nursing and Rehab Services LLC Cookeville, TN 38501 (931) 526-1561 PS Harriman, TN 37748 (865) 882-8182 Harriman, TN 37748 (865) 882-5440 Preferred Oxygen LLC PS Caris HealthCare LP Cookeville Cookeville, TN 38506 (865) 694-4848 Durable Medical Equipment PS Lazarus House Hospice Cookeville, TN 38501 (931) 528-5133 PS Pharma Care Inc Springfield, TN 37172 (615) 384-9155 Home Health Agency Prosthetics and Orthotics Life Care at Home of TN Ducktown, TN 37326 (423) 496-1626 PS Putnam County American Home Patient Inc PSK Cookeville, TN 38501 (931) 526-8276 Cookeville, TN 38501 (931) 528-3366 PS PS PSK Medical Mobility Inc Cookeville, TN 38501 (931) 520-1260 Cookeville, TN 38501 (615) 834-3808 Respiratory Home Care Inc Cookeville, TN 38501 (931) 528-5894 PS Wellness Healthcare Products Cookeville, TN 38501 (931) 372-2000 Medical Services Suppliers Springfield, TN 37172 (615) 384-7790 PS Rutherford County Lookout Medical Services Inc Dayton, TN 37321 (423) 775-6012 Durable Medical Equipment PS Apria Healthcare Inc Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (931) 520-7005 Home Health Agency PS Prosthetics and Orthotics PSK PS Respiratory At Home PS Cooks Orthopedics Inc PSK ConvaCare Services Inc Dayton, TN 37321 (423) 775-3030 PS Northcrest Medical Center Home Health and Hospice Springfield, TN 37172 (615) 384-9425 American Home Patient Inc Dayton, TN 37321 (423) 775-3619 PS Caris HealthCare LP Springfield Durable Medical Equipment Lincare Inc Cookeville, TN 38501 (931) 526-3019 PS PS Larco Medical Inc Cookeville, TN 38501 (931) 528-7573 Springfield, TN 37172 (615) 382-2044 Springfield, TN 37172 (615) 384-3833 Rhea County Buckeye Home Health Center Inc Cookeville, TN 38501 (931) 526-5545 Willowbrook Home Health Care Inc Hospice PS Putnam County Orthopedics Apple Independence Mobility LLC Cookeville, TN 38501 (931) 528-5788 P PS Home Health Agency Hanger Orthopedic Group Inc Durable Medical Equipment Cookeville, TN 38501 (931) 526-5514 Anything Pink Boutique Cookeville, TN 38501 (931) 261-7174 P Robertson County Hospice Durable Medical Equipment PS Professional Healing Solutions LLC Polk County Ocoee, TN 37361 (423) 338-7377 PS Intrepid USA Healthcare Services Pickett County Byrdstown, TN 38549 (877) 864-6055 Durable Medical Equipment PSK Braxten Home Care Medical LLC All Care Plus Inc Spring City, TN 37381 (800) 626-5575 PS PSK Smyrna, TN 37167 (615) 220-5609 PS Breathe Oxygen Services LLC Smyrna, TN 37167 (615) 459-9945 PS PS Check our Web site @ for current listing. 157 Rutherford County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Martin Medical Rutherford County (Continued) Murfreesboro, TN 37130 (615) 217-0520 Durable Medical Equipment (Continued) Medical Mobility Inc Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 895-5224 PS Music City Medical Supply Murfreesboro, TN 37130 (615) 895-2301 K-Network K Networks In Home Medical Sevierville, TN 37862 (865) 908-7364 PS Murphys Orthopedics and Foot Care Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 895-5652 Sevierville, TN 37862 (865) 429-4421 PS Respiratory At Home Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 217-7044 Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 890-2160 Home Infusion Therapy PS Smoky Mountain Home Infusion Scott County Sevierville, TN 37862 (865) 712-0133 Durable Medical Equipment Oneida, TN 37841 (423) 569-6488 Home Care Orthotics Inc PSK Home Comfort Medical Equipment LLC Oneida, TN 37841 (423) 569-4663 Home Health Agency CareSouth Homecare Professionals Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 895-8383 Oneida, TN 37841 (423) 569-4663 Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 895-2780 0 2 Medical LLC NHC Homecare Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 896-2300 Huntsville, TN 37756 (888) 810-1539 PS Oneida, TN 37841 (423) 569-8441 Home Infusion Therapy Reeves Sain Infusion Services Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 278-3360 PSK PS PSK Lincare Inc PSK Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 217-8720 PSK PS Home Health Agency Prosthetics and Orthotics Capital Prosthetic and Orthotic Ctr Inc Smyrna, TN 37167 (615) 534-2454 PS Charlies Footcare Inc Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 848-1381 PS Hanger Orthopedic Group Inc Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 896-1485 158 PS Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 373-8485 PS PS PS Golden Medical Supplies Memphis, TN 38111 (901) 647-3482 PS Handicap Unlimited Inc Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 373-0095 Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 373-3503 PS Sevier County P PS Isokinetics Inc Memphis, TN 38133 (870) 386-2144 PSK Lincare Inc Durable Medical Equipment ConvaCare Services Inc Sevierville, TN 37862 (865) 428-7252 Memphis, TN 38117 (901) 452-8770 Homelife Oxygen LLC Guardian Home Care LLC Dunlap, TN 37327 (423) 949-9222 At Home Medical Supply Inc Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 379-0096 Lincare Inc Dunlap, TN 37327 (423) 949-4107 Caris Healthcare LP Murfreesboro PS Glass Seating and Mobility Durable Medical Equipment PSK PS Baptist Home Medical Equipment Sequatchie County Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 327-1085 Memphis, TN 38117 (901) 683-3543 Memphis, TN 38118 (901) 368-1200 Hospice Alive Hospice Inc P Apria Healthcare Inc Durable Medical Equipment Weber City, VA 24290 (276) 386-3626 Memphis, TN 38118 (901) 384-0176 AmMed Allied Medical Inc Scott County (VA) PS PS American Medical Equipment Inc Elk Valley Health Services Inc Willowbrook Home Health Care Inc Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 848-0254 Brunswick, TN 38014 (901) 372-0923 All Care Plus Inc PS Durable Medical Equipment PS Home Health Agency PS Intrepid USA Healthcare Services PS Shelby County K Home Health Care of Middle Tennessee Murfreesboro, TN 37128 (615) 867-4007 Sevierville, TN 37862 (865) 774-9959 TLC Medical Oxygen and Hospital Equipment Inc PS PSK Prosthetics and Orthotics American Homepatient Inc PS PSK Restorative Health Services Inc PS PSK PSK Lincare Inc Preferred Medical Equipment Co Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (615) 896-5304 Networks PSK Bartlett, TN 38133 (901) 377-3010 Memphis, TN 38112 (901) 323-0494 PSK PSK Methodist Alliance Home Medical Equipment Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 516-1999 Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS Medical Services Suppliers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Home Infusion Therapy Shelby County (Continued) Durable Medical Equipment (Continued) Memphis, TN 38122 (901) 752-5080 PS PS Pressure Management Resources LLC Memphis, TN 38133 (901) 396-5211 PS PS Memphis, TN 38119 (901) 757-8008 PS PSK Bartlett, TN 38133 (800) 962-6339 PS Cordova, TN 38018 (901) 756-0257 PS Memphis, TN 38117 (901) 682-1006 PS Spears Prosthetics and Orthotics LLC Methodist Alliance Infusion PS Memphis, TN 38133 (901) 372-0447 Memphis, TN 38116 (901) 396-6221 Precision Prosthetics Inc PS Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 516-1500 PS NewGen Advanced Orthotics Lab P Millington, TN 38053 (901) 872-2200 Memphis, TN 38119 (901) 755-4344 New Beginning Orthotics and Prosthetics Memphis, TN 38122 (901) 763-6999 PS Wolfchase Limb and Brace Walgreens Home Care Inc Target Medical Inc Memphis, TN 38114 (901) 323-1304 Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 383-7077 Medical Alternatives National Seating and Mobility Memphis, TN 38118 (901) 362-9880 PS Medex Biocare Pharmacy LLC Mobilcare Medical Inc Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 526-0202 Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 386-3738 Infusion Partners Inc PS Networks Metro Orthotics Coram Healthcare Mid South Medical and Mobility Suffolk County (NY) K-Network K PSK Memphis, TN 38133 (901) 507-7821 P Trinity Medical Solutions Memphis, TN 38116 (901) 396-0174 Disetronic Medical Systems Inc Amedisys Hospice Care of Memphis Vistacare Health Services Inc Brunswick, TN 38014 (901) 373-8831 Specialty DME Hospice PS PS Memphis, TN 38119 (901) 680-0378 PS Cordova, TN 38018 (800) 226-8284 Alere Womens and Childrens Health LLC Memphis, TN 38119 (901) 767-8802 PSK Memphis, TN 38118 (901) 795-5949 PS PS PS Memphis, TN 38119 (901) 767-6767 Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 382-9292 PS Functional Independence Home Care Inc Memphis, TN 38115 (901) 363-6046 PS Home Health Care of West Tennessee Memphis, TN 38133 (901) 382-2582 PS PS Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 516-1600 PS P Methodist Home Care Svcs dba Alliance Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 516-1800 PS SunCrest Healthcare of West Tennessee LLC Memphis, TN 38132 (901) 380-4404 Medical Services Suppliers Memphis, TN 38118 (901) 369-0110 Memphis, TN 38119 (901) 818-5600 Durable Medical Equipment PS Prosthetics and Orthotics Hometown Respiratory Consultants Inc Carthage, TN 37030 (615) 735-9854 PS Home Health Agency Advanced Prosthetics and Orthotics LLC Memphis, TN 38118 (901) 795-1776 Cordova, TN 38018 (901) 737-5738 PS Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 725-0060 PS Tennessee Quality Homecare NW Dover, TN 37058 Suffolk County (NY) PS Durable Medical Equipment Better Living Now Inc PS Hanger Orthopedic Group Inc Cordova, TN 38018 (901) 753-2286 Memphis, TN 38104 (901) 725-7048 PS PS Frenchs Medical Supplies Memphis, TN 38128 (901) 357-0932 PS Stewart County A Fitting Place Memphis, TN 38119 (901) 683-0210 K Smith County Central Fabrication Inc Maxim Healthcare Services Inc Memphis, TN 38119 (901) 818-3833 DeBerry Medical Equipment Supplies Inc PS Bio Designs Prosthetics LLC Intrepid USA Healthcare Services Memphis, TN 38134 (901) 213-0285 Supplies PS Family Home Health Agency Inc Memphis, TN 38104 (901) 946-9992 PS Baptist Trinity Hospice Odyssey Healthcare of Memphis Elder Care Home Hlth Servs Inc Memphis, TN 38116 (901) 398-2167 Memphis, TN 38116 (800) 821-5700 Methodist Alliance Hospice Baptist Trinity Homecare Memphis, TN 38120 (901) 767-6767 PS Crossroads Hospice of Tennessee LLC Americare Home Health Agency Inc PSK Smith and Nephew Inc AseraCare Hospice Memphis Home Health Agency Memphis, TN 38120 (800) 280-7801 Hauppauge, NY 11788 (631) 348-0032 PSK PS PS Check our Web site @ for current listing. 159 Sullivan County S-Network S P-Network P Networks K-Network K Networks Prosthetics and Orthotics Sullivan County Alexander Prosthetics & Orthotics Kingsport, TN 37660 (423) 288-8599 Durable Medical Equipment Breast Prostheses and Orthotics Inc Advanced Home Care Bristol, TN 37620 (423) 230-8450 Bristol, TN 37620 (423) 573-8500 PS Bristol, TN 37620 (423) 968-4442 PS Kingsport, TN 37664 (423) 247-0032 PS Kingsport, TN 37660 (423) 392-9900 PS Hanger Orthopedic Group Inc Holland Medical Equipment Inc Kingsport, TN 37660 (423) 245-0501 PS PS Kingsport Braces and Limb Inc Lincare Inc Kingsport, TN 37660 (423) 246-7773 Kingsport, TN 37660 (423) 246-3324 PSK Bristol, TN 37620 (423) 968-3310 Kingsport, TN 37663 (423) 349-9000 PSK Kingsport, TN 37664 (423) 246-7272 PSK PureLife Chiropractic Kingsport, TN 37660 (423) 434-2080 Respiratory Home Care LLC Bristol, TN 37620 (423) 764-4480 Kingsport, TN 37664 (423) 246-2646 Home Health Agency Kingsport, TN 37664 (423) 230-8485 Bristol, TN 37620 (423) 323-1927 PS PS Medical Center HomeCare Services of Kingsport Kingsport, TN 37660 (423) 392-3519 PS Smoky Mountain Home Health Inc Kingsport, TN 37663 (423) 306-1005 Home Infusion Therapy Advanced Home Care Anderson Compounding Pharmacy Bristol, TN 37620 (423) 764-4136 Gallatin, TN 37066 (615) 451-5515 Twinsburg, OH 44087 (800) 321-0591 VIP Home Nursing and Rehab Services LLC Westmoreland, TN 37186 (615) 644-4972 Smoky Mountain Hospice Inc Gallatin, TN 37066 (615) 451-6690 PS Prosthetics and Orthotics Hendersonville, TN 37075 (615) 826-9898 PS Tipton County Lincare Inc Brighton, TN 38011 (901) 840-4239 PSK Covington, TN 38019 (901) 476-0333 Durable Medical Equipment Gallatin, TN 37066 (615) 575-5080 Hendersonville, TN 37075 (615) 822-8888 Gallatin, TN 37066 (615) 230-5494 Hendersonville, TN 37075 (615) 824-6400 Home Health Agency Baptist Homecare Tipton Sumner County PS PS PS PS Care All Home Healthcare Covington, TN 38019 (901) 476-2587 PS Methodist Home Care Svcs dba Alliance Munford, TN 38058 (800) 837-1350 PS SunCrest Healthcare of West Tennessee LLC Covington, TN 38019 (901) 476-2411 PSK Medi Quip Option Care PSK PS Hospice PSK Lyons Home Medical LLC PSK PS Edgepark Medical Supplies Hendersonville, TN 37075 (615) 824-2777 Adventa Hospice Inc Kingsport, TN 37663 (423) 246-1005 Sumner HomeCare and Hospice LLC Durable Medical Equipment Lincare Inc Hospice PS Home Health Agency PS ED Medical Inc PS Kingsport, TN 37660 (423) 288-9777 Portland, TN 37148 (615) 323-1558 Superior Orothotics and Prosthetics LLC PS Ed Medical Inc PS P TLC Medical Oxygen and Hospital Equipment PS Durable Medical Equipment PSK Bristol, TN 37620 (423) 230-8450 Gallatin, TN 37066 (615) 230-3000 Summit County (OH) Gentiva Health Services Kingsport, TN 37660 (423) 230-1000 Pro Medical Corporation Victory Orthotics and Prosthetics Inc Advanced Home Care PS Sumner Homecare and Hospice LLC PS Unique Boutique PS Hendersonville, TN 37075 (800) 999-9859 PS Pro Balance Services Resp I Care Inc MiniMed Distribution Corporation PS Custom Orthotics and Prosthetics Apria Healthcare Inc Kingsport, TN 37660 (423) 247-4277 PS Bristol Orthotics and Prosthetic Anderson Compounding Pharmacy Inc Bristol, TN 37620 (423) 764-4136 PS Networks PS Hospice Baptist Hospice Tipton Covington, TN 38019 (901) 476-0333 PS PS Wellmont Home Care Bristol, TN 37620 (423) 844-5252 160 PS Check our Web site @ for current listing. Medical Services Suppliers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Wayne County K-Network K Networks Tipton County (Continued) Networks Hospice Washington County Caris HealthCare LP Johnson City Prosthetics and Orthotics Innovative O and P Covington, TN 38019 (901) 388-1388 PSK Johnson City, TN 37604 (423) 282-5764 Health and HomeCare of Erwin PS PSK PS Union County Johnson City, TN 37601 (423) 929-3232 PS Fuller Rehabilitation and Consulting Services Inc Johnson City, TN 37601 (423) 467-9922 PS PSK Johnson City, TN 37604 (423) 245-0348 P Gray, TN 37615 (423) 477-9806 PS PSK Mid South Respicare Inc PS Stewart Pharmacy PS PSK PS PS NHC Homecare PS Prosthetics and Orthotics Total Orthotic Prosthetic Systems Inc Mc Minnville, TN 37110 (931) 473-6041 Medical Services Suppliers PS Johnson City, TN 37604 (423) 926-6154 PS Johnson City, TN 37601 (423) 434-2080 PS Johnson City, TN 37604 (423) 461-3320 PS Specialty DME Johnson City, TN 37604 (423) 282-6933 PS Washington County (VA) PS Durable Medical Equipment Lincare Inc Abingdon, VA 24210 (276) 676-2027 Gentiva Health Services PSK PS Medical Center Homecare Svs Johnson City, TN 37601 (423) 434-5130 PS Tri County Medical and Ostomy Supplies Inc Home Health Agency Johnson City, TN 37601 (423) 854-9115 PS Home Infusion Therapy PS Bristol Home Infusion Inc Abingdon, VA 24210 (276) 676-3468 PS PSK Hospice Intrepid USA Healthcare Services Mc Minnville, TN 37110 (931) 473-3872 Johnson City, TN 37601 (423) 282-5131 PS ProCare Home Health and Private Duty Services CareAll Home Care Services Mc Minnville, TN 37110 (931) 473-9561 Johnson City, TN 37601 (423) 283-7788 Johnson City, TN 37604 (423) 431-6146 Home Health Agency Mc Minnville, TN 37110 (931) 474-2273 Johnson City, TN 37601 (423) 975-9884 Wilson Pharmacy Inc Healthfield of Tennessee Inc Mc Minnville, TN 37110 (931) 473-3183 Johnson City, TN 37604 (423) 928-9027 Victory Orthotics and Prosthetics Inc Specialty Respiratory Services LLC Durable Medical Equipment Excel Prosthetics and Orthotics Mooneys Home Medical Equipment Johnson City, TN 37601 (423) 926-3337 Warren County PS PureLife Chiropractic Mediserve Medical Equipment Inc P Johnson City, TN 37604 (423) 283-9744 Hanger Orthopedic Group Inc Med Ctr Home Johnson City, TN 37604 (423) 928-6519 Mercy Homecare Services Prosthetics and Orthotics Graybeal Orthopedic Appliances Medi Home Care Home Health Agency Mc Minnville, TN 37110 (931) 473-5477 PS Alexander Prosthetics & Orthotics Coles Medical Services Johnson City, TN 37604 (423) 928-0202 Unicoi Co Home Health Mc Minnville, TN 37110 (931) 815-8026 Johnson City, TN 37604 (423) 431-6146 PSK Lincare Inc Home Health Agency Maynardville, TN 37807 (865) 992-3840 PS American Home Patient Inc Durable Medical Equipment Erwin, TN 37650 (423) 735-7001 Johnson City, TN 37601 (888) 345-1780 Johnson City, TN 37604 (423) 729-2044 Medical Center Hospice Aeroflow Healthcare Inc Unicoi County Erwin, TN 37650 (423) 743-2330 Durable Medical Equipment PS Home Infusion Therapy Johnson City, TN 37604 (423) 928-8004 Wellmont Hospice Abingdon, VA 24210 (276) 619-4500 Val U Pharmacy PS Wayne County Wilson Pharmacy Johnson City, TN 37604 (423) 926-6154 PS PSK Home Health Agency Tennessee Quality Homecare SW Waynesboro, TN 38485 (800) 628-0191 Check our Web site @ for current listing. PS 161 Wayne County S-Network S P-Network P Networks K-Network K Networks Manor Healthcare Supply Wayne County (Continued) Williamson County Hospice Durable Medical Equipment Tennessee Quality Hospice Waynesboro, TN 38485 (931) 722-2785 Volunteer Hospice Inc Waynesboro, TN 38485 (931) 722-9601 PS PSK Brentwood, TN 37027 (615) 377-9892 Franklin, TN 37067 (800) 723-4535 TLC Medical Oxygen and Hospital Equipment Tennessee Quality Homecare NW PS University Home Health LLC PS Home Health Agency PS PS Franklin, TN 37067 (615) 771-2080 PS Willowbrook Home Health Care Inc Franklin, TN 37064 (615) 790-3707 PS White County Pharma Care Prescriptions Inc Mount Juliet, TN 37122 (615) 758-4750 Pharmacist Home Medical Equipment Sparta, TN 38583 (931) 836-6387 Walgreens Infusion Pharmacy Brentwood, TN 37027 (615) 726-0776 PS Sparta, TN 38583 (931) 738-4432 PS Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 449-0045 Elk Valley Health Services Inc Mount Juliet, TN 37122 (615) 758-0491 Franklin, TN 37064 (615) 791-8499 NHC Homecare PS VIP Home Nursing and Rehab Services LLC Sparta, TN 38583 (931) 738-9014 PS Whitley County (KY) Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 443-2283 Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 453-1029 P VIP Home Nursing and Rehab Services LLC Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 443-0882 PS Prosthetics and Orthotics Gibbs Pharmacy Inc Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 449-3355 PS Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 443-7330 PS PS PS Prosthetics and Orthotics Harpeth Foot and Ankle Center Franklin, TN 37067 (615) 778-0760 Franklin, TN 37067 (615) 794-5201 PS PS Medi Home Care PS P Pretty In Pink Boutique Franklin, TN 37064 (615) 791-8767 Lovejoy Medical Inc Corbin, KY 40701 (606) 523-0195 PS Quality Care Home Health Morgan Medical Durable Medical Equipment Corbin, KY 40701 (606) 523-9777 PSK Restorative Health Services Inc Guardian Hospice of Nashville LLC Franklin, TN 37067 (615) 771-2080 PS Willowbrook Hospice Home Health Agency Sparta, TN 38583 (931) 836-2713 PS Hospice Pro Air Respiratory Services PS Home Health Agency Home Infusion Therapy Durable Medical Equipment PS NHC Homecare Guardian Home Care of Nashville LLC PS Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 449-6190 Donelson Home Health PS Franklin, TN 37067 (615) 591-1988 PS On Call Medical Equipment and Supply Inc PS The Scooter Store Nashville LLC Home Health Agency Dresden, TN 38225 (731) 364-5812 Greenfield, TN 38230 (731) 235-0440 Martin, TN 38237 (731) 587-2996 Brentwood, TN 37027 (615) 226-2221 O2 Sleep Weakley County Martin, TN 38237 (800) 628-0191 Mount Juliet, TN 37122 (615) 773-1596 Diabetes Care Club PS Networks PS Wilson County Durable Medical Equipment Hometown Respiratory Consultants Inc Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 444-9898 162 PS Check our Web site @ for current listing. Medical Services Suppliers Independent Laboratories The Independent Laboratory section refers to providers who are equipped for laboratory testing and analysis. Remember: Provider status is subject to change. Providers listed in this directory are verifiable only up to the time the directory was printed. To verify that a provider is still participating in your Blue Network you can: 1. Call the Member Service number on your ID card; or 2. Access our Web site, Click on the Find A Doctor tool, choose the type of provider you need, then select your specific Blue Network. This is updated daily. 163 S-Network S P-Network P Networks Knoxville Assoc Pathologists Independent Laboratory Advanced Toxicology Network (903) 453-2500 Aegis Sciences Corporation (615) 255-2400 Allermetrix Inc (615) 599-4100 Ameritox LLC (866) 926-9264 Associated Pathology Lab (615) 221-4400 Bristol Laboratories LLC (276) 696-0144 Carilion Consolidated Lab LLC (865) 525-7591 (865) 545-8096 K-Network K Networks (865) 522-7791 Lab One Inc P ... (800) 522-7941 PSK PS PS Laboratory Corporation of America (423) 624-0533 (423) 968-7307 (731) 660-1477 (800) 229-2931 (865) 588-2036 (423) 624-0533 (423) 968-7307 (731) 660-1477 (800) 229-2931 (800) 331-2843 (865) 588-2036 PS PS Medical Center Lab PS PS (901) 265-1060 Medical Genetics Center Laboratory Clinical Laboratory Services Inc Memphis Pathology Laboratory (423) 586-3240 Clinical Microbiology Lab (423) 439-7201 Clinical Toxicology Lab (423) 439-7201 Ctr For Applied Reprod Science (423) 461-8880 Dept of Pathology Lab (423) 439-6790 Dermatopathology Laboratory (615) 383-4478 Dialysis Clinic Inc (615) 255-5227 Dianon Systems (423) 624-0533 (423) 968-7307 (731) 660-1477 (800) 229-2931 (865) 588-2036 Dominion Diagnostics (865) 805-4984 E TN Reproduct Endocrine Lab (423) 439-6351 Esoterix Inc (866) 584-7465 Gamma Healthcare Inc (662) 349-8669 Genetic Assays Inc (615) 781-0709 Genetics Associates (615) 327-4532 Genetics of Memphis (901) 685-0333 Heritage Medical Associates (615) 284-2222 P S. P S. K P P P P P S. K S. K S. K S. K S. K Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings Carilion Consolidated Laboratory LLC (888) 200-4775 Networks (423) 975-8230 PS PSK (901) 405-8200 P P P P P P S. K S. K S. K S. K S. K S. K P S. P S. P S. Molecular Pathology Laboratory Network Inc PS (865) 273-1120 (865) 273-1121 (865) 380-9746 PS NeoGenomics Inc (866) 776-5907 PS OUR Lab (615) 874-0410 PS PathGroup Labs LLC (615) 221-4400 PS Physicians Reference Laboratory (423) 266-1212 PS P P P P P S S S S S Quest Diagnostics K K K K K PS (423) 283-9952 (423) 323-7195 (484) 676-7331 (615) 499-7327 (615) 687-2000 (866) 697-8378 (901) 388-3125 (901) 755-2166 (931) 552-7308 Saint Francis Hospital Laboratory PS (901) 765-2120 Spectrum Laboratory Network LLC P S. K P S. K P S. K P S. P S. P S. P S. K P P P P P P P P P S. K S. K S. K S. K S. K S. K S. K S. K S. K P S. PS (865) 525-2896 (888) 664-7601 PS Sumner Medical Group PLLC Laborator PS Trumbull Laboratories LLC PS Woodbury Clinical Laboratory (615) 230-8070 (901) 542-6838 (615) 443-7588 P S. P S. P S. P S. P S. PS PS Home Healthcare Laboratory of America LLC (888) 522-0230 164 PSK Check our Web site @ for current listing. Independent Laboratories Behavioral Health Providers Benefits for services of mental health providers vary by individual employer group or contract. Please consult your Evidence of Coverage (EOC) or policy for additional information regarding Covered Services. Remember: Provider status is subject to change. Providers listed in this directory are verifiable only up to the time the directory was printed. To verify that a provider is still participating in your Blue Network you can: 1. Call the Member Service number on your ID card; or 2. Access our Web site, Click on the Find A Doctor tool, choose the type of provider you need, then select your specific Blue Network. This is updated daily. 165 Alcorn County (MS) S-Network S P-Network P Networks Friedman, Howard R, PhD Gnade, Gail Elizabeth E, PhD Golbach, Traci A, LPC Goodrich, Laurel, PhD Roberson, Mary K, PhD Smith, Kathy, PhD Verna, Gary B, PhD Wagner, Harold W, PhD Wagner, Kathryn P, PhD Waugh, Mark H, PhD Whitaker, Robert L, PhD Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals Alcorn County (MS) Licensed Professional Counselor Laney, Linda S, LPC PSK Quisenberry, George, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Nicholson, Lisa, LPC Psychiatry Reddy, Pranthyusia, MD S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K Ashe County (NC) Licensed Clinical Social Worker PSK Cole, Phillip L, LCSW Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Carter, Marilyn J, LMFT P P P P P P P P P P P PSK PSK Barren County (KY) PSK Psychiatry Reddy, Pranthyusia, MD Zellers, Jeffrey L, MD PSK Anderson County PSK PSK Bedford County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Licensed Clinical Social Worker Licensed Clinical Social Worker Mihalczo, Margaret A, APN Parker, Joey T, LCSW Alexander, Kristin B, LCSW Budai, Katherine, LCSW Callahan, Ann M, LCSW Carter, Susan F, LCSW Depugh, Diana J, LCSW FOSTER, GRETCHEN W, LCSW Foster, Shawn B, LCSW Hasty, Jo Ann, LCSW Hitchcock, Ellen L, LCSW Hochnedel, Edwin F, LCSW Hopkins, Nicola J, LCSW Jacobs, Carrie B, LCSW JENNINGS, JUDITH, LCSW Nellums, Victoria T, LCSW Newsom, Paige D, LCSW Olson, Amy, LCSW Owens, Stephen, LCSW Park, Stacy P, LCSW Reed, Sharon L, LCSW Sterling, Mike D, LCSW Upham, Julie L, LCSW Weinstein, Barbara, LCSW PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Beckwith Smith, Laura L, APN Wise, Patricia V, APN Dwyer, Lorraine, LCSW Walker, Sherry, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Ford, Donna K, LPC Gordon, Miriam, LPC HANSON, DAVID E, PHD Hughes, Lori A, MS Mushbarbash, Sheila, LPC Rupeka, Carol A, LPC Psychiatry Alexander, James Sidney, MD Bhateja, Renu, MD BURRESS, ROGER D, MD Enyenihi, Okon A, MD Fisher, Michael A, MD Halperin, Rebecca, MD Isang, Mercy E, MD WALTERS, WILLIAM G, MD Psychology Allred, Tracy, EdD Avery, Sara (Sally) T, PhD Beevers, Lorrie G, PhD Fortney, R Peter, PhD 166 PSK P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK PSK PSK PSK Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Runcie, Michael, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Kelley, Wendell A, LPC Psychiatry Craig, Allen R, MD Wilson, Katie E, MD PSK PSK PSK PSK Bell County (KY) Licensed Clinical Social Worker Marks, Marketha, LCSW Psychology Spjut, Dennis U, PhD Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Underwood, Jeannie, LMFT Networks Blount County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Carlson, Kelly, APN Guider, Pamela R, NP Kadas, Benjamin R, NP APN Marshall, Carol A, APN Mathewson, Leslie A, APN Raman, Christina G, RN MSN Tunnell, Charlotte M, RN Licensed Clinical Social Worker Allen County (KY) Licensed Clinical Social Worker K-Network K Networks PSK PSK Sedgebear, Sherri A, LCSW Springer, Jimmy C, LCSW Vawter, Amy, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor THOMPSON, JOHN C, LPC Townsend, Dana B, LPC Whiteside, Sherry H, LPC Psychiatry Durbin, Constance L, MD Williams, Joseph W, MD PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Bledsoe County Psychiatry Rafuls, William A, MD Fahringer, Marilyn S, LMFT Lasater, Barbara A, LMFT Passarello, Lauren C, LMFT Robbins, Catherine, LMFT Schumann, Thomas R, Jr, LMFT Smith, Laurie Ann, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Licensed Clinical Social Worker S S S S S S S K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) PSK Benton County Lee, Joan C, APN Adams, Angela M, LCSW Bevers, Pamela K, LCSW Butler, Jody L, LCSW Citty, Nancy E, LCSW Cohan, Debbie D, LCSW Crowe Rose, Teresa, LCSW Davis, Nancy C, LCSW Dickens, Kelly, LCSW Foster, Charlyne, LCSW Gallagher, Patricia L, LCSW Gildrie, Charles A, LCSW Grimm, Cynthia, LCSW Harper, Edward L, LCSW Hochnedel, Edwin F, LCSW Kohchi, Joaniko, LCSW Leehans, Justine R, LCSW Lynn, Tammy R, LCSW Marcus, Megan M, LCSW Mccloud, Danny J, LCSW Mistak, Alison J, LCSW Misulich, Mary C, LCSW Murphey, Joy, LCSW Newman, Theodore, LCSW Nichols, Rebecca, LCSW Norton, Melanie S, LCSW Olsen, Nancy J, LCSW Ratliff Trotter, Karen R, LCSW Roberts, Susan A, LCSW Schriver, Andrew, LCSW Tillery, William M, LCSW Tollison, Peggy E, LCSW Triemstra, Melinda S, LCS Widner, Ellis Kelly, LCSW Winchester, Carla V, LCSW Winoker, Deborah, LCSW Yoder, Rebekah L, LCWS P P P P P P P PSK Britt, Linda, LPC Duarte, Brenda Lee W, MED LPC Jooma, Khairunnissa, LPC Pate Sr, Raymond K, LPC Psychiatry Ameel, Brian, MD Baquero, Marco, MD Beck, Thomas S, MD Coyle, Brent R, MD Faget, Otilia M, MD Foster, Gayle D, MD Fuertes Hunt, Melanie R, MD Greenwood, Jeffrey D, MD Gubatan, Veronica M, MD Houser, Kris, MD Hudson, Earnest C, DO Jacobs, Jeffry, MD Jennings, Timothy R, MD Jethanandani, Arun S, MD Khanna, Manju, MD Laty, Mark, MD Martin, Michael R, MD Miller, Paul W, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K P P P P S S S S K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Behavioral Health Providers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Cherokee County (NC) K-Network K Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Young, June E, PSYC Lambert, Elizabeth T, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Townsend, Dana B, LPC Psychiatry Bristol County (VA) Licensed Clinical Social Worker Blount County (Continued) PSK Networks Durbin, Constance L, MD Williams, Joseph W, MD Psychology Anderson, Scott E, PhD Bartley, Karen E, PhD Bender, David J, PhD Carroll, Nancy J, EDD Cox, G Douglas, PhD Dennis, Deborah L, PhD Fain, Walter W, EDD Judd, John B, PhD Kenney, William J, PhD Khatri, Parinda, PhD Slavin, Robert J, PhD Smith, Greta G, PhD Carter County P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Butler County (KY) K K K K K K K K K K Zellers, Jeffrey L, MD Psychiatry ElAwady, Mohamed A, MD Psychology Grubbs, Sabrina J, PhD Psychiatry Tulao, Marino S, MD Licensed Professional Counselor Alguire, Debra, LPC Brown, Donice E, LPC Conn, Patricia, LPC Goforth, Preston D, LPC Graves, Donald L, LPC Nope, Kenneth A, LPC Selvage, Bruce, LPC Stone, H Edward, LPC Swistek, Richard, LPC Licensed Psychological Examiner Biller, Benjamin, LPE Licensed Senior Psychological Biller, Martha, LPC Wiggins, Todd, LPE Psychiatry Gilson, Troy, MD Liu, Niansen, MD Mauroner, Richard, MD Newman, Jerry G, Jr, MD Peterson, Glenn R, MD Stetson, Robert A, MD Psychology Psychology Biller, Tom A, LPC Catanese, Robert Anthony, Dr Milliron, James T, PhD Behavioral Health Providers Muchleman, J Thomas, PhD Wagner, Tom L, PhD S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K Licensed Clinical Social Worker P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K Psychiatry Cross, Rhonda, LCSW Kapp, Sharon E, LCSW Olson, Amy, LCSW Owens, Stephen, LCSW Park, Stacy P, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Scoggins, Sabine, LPC Bhateja, Renu, MD Dudani, Babulal B, MD Shekhat, Nanji, MD Psychology Fortney, R Peter, PhD Wagner, Harold W, PhD Wagner, Kathryn P, PhD PSK S S S S S S K K K K K K PSK PSK PSK Burgess, Nicole, LMFT Holloway, Paula V, LMFT Miller, Robb, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor PSK Allen, Christopher, LPC Gentles, Linda, LPC Taylor, Celeste, LPC Weems, Colleen Karen, MA Spurling, Harry, LSPE Psychiatry PSK PSK PSK Buckner, Adrian, MD Garatli, Ali A, MD Musil, Clinton A, Jr, MD Naramore, George H, MD Thompson, Linda, MD Licensed Clinical Social Worker P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K Evans, Laurie E, LCSW Psychology Hayes, Laura, EDD Hillner, William, PhD Zackrison, Dolcelyn I, PSYD PSK Bell, Theda D, LCSW PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Licensed Clinical Social Worker Hancock, Christopher, LCSW Sedgebear, Sherri A, LCSW Springer, Jimmy C, LCSW PSK PSK PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Cherokee County (GA) Licensed Clinical Social Worker Rogers, Judi, LCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker Stevens, Jane, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Licensed Clinical Social Worker K K K K K PSK Cherokee County (NC) Carroll County Lee, Joan C, APN Pratt, Karen A, NP S S S S S Cheatham County Cannon County Licensed Clinical Social Worker P P P P P Catoosa County (GA) Campbell County P P P P P P P P P P P P P P PSK PSK Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Licensed Senior Psychological Binford, R Bailey, MD PSK PSK PSK Calloway County (KY) Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Burleson, Janice S, LCSW Emerson Stulce, Kathleen, LCSW Franz, David, LCSW Hubbard, Yvonne, LCSW Lessig, Martha, LCSW Roper, Rhonda V, LCSW Shull, Teresa, LCSW Stulce, Terry F, LCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker Byrd, Rebecca R, LCSW Carpenter, Norma C, LCSW Finlay, Diana, LCSW Hood, Ginger, LCSW Timbs, Cheryl, LCSW Calhoun County (AL) Bradley County Licensed Clinical Social Worker PSK Caldwell County (KY) K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK PSK Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Boggs, Jennifer, APN Psychiatry Psychiatry Firestone, Lori, MSN Greene, Judith A, RN Lawson, Trena R, APN PSK PSK PSK Psychiatry (Continued) Namasivayam, Karthi S, MD Naramore, George H, MD Naramore, Lee Ellen, MD Paulauskas, Dovile, MD Raman, Rajendra T, MD Rodwell, Charles G, MD Sabri, Safia M, MD SMITH, MICHAEL F, MD SNOW, DAVID L, MD Treadway, Charles R, MD PSK PSK PSK Kowalski, James C, LPC ODell, Nancy V, LPC Scharer, Betty J, LPC Psychology Marta, Dawn, PsyD PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Check our Web site @ for current listing. 167 Chester County S-Network S P-Network P Networks K-Network K Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Saunders, Robert, LCSW Licensed Senior Psychological Good, Nancy, LPE Psychiatry Quigley, Kimberly A, MD Chester County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Kirk, Elaine S, APN Melaro, Laura K, APRN BC Rea, Margaret R, NP Warren, Patricia N, NP Licensed Clinical Social Worker Nethery, Damien E, LCSW White, Catherine A, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Edwards, Nancy A, LPC Jeffries, Diane, LPC Osborne, Gary W, LPC Psychiatry Greene, Catherine M, MD P P P P S S S S K K K K Psychology Karns, Brenda M, PhD Schremly, John, MD PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Licensed Clinical Social Worker Hall, Jeannie K, LCSW Hickman Horvath, Melody, LCSW Roberts, Kristin, LCSW PSK Karwan, Sukhender, MD Christian County (KY) Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Licensed Clinical Social Worker Bargatze Smith, Malinda F, LCSW Brown, David J, LCSW Chilcutt, Charlotte, LCSW Davis, Gary K, LCSW Davis, Mary Fran, LCSW Goble, Donald H, LCSW Hudson, Paula B, LCSW Hultberg, Randy A, LCSW Mullins, Peggy H, LCSW Sivley, Beverly S, LCSW Starling, Cynthia M, LCSW Vannatta, Don L, LCSW Woodrow, Rebecca L, LCSW PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K Psychiatric Nurse Myers, Tabitha M Psychiatry De LaRocha, Manuel, MD ElAwady, Mohamed A, MD Montgomery, Stephen, MD Patel, Deepak V, MD Vemula, Vasundhara D, MD Waggoner, David C, MD Psychologists Assistant Jensen, Andrew L, MA Psychology Davis, Henry S, PhD Glasscock, Stephen G, PhD Grubbs, Sabrina J, PhD Hobson, Robert B, PsyD Jones, Daniel K, PSYD Mullins Couch, Allison P, PhD Sivley, Robert B, Jr, PhD Licensed Clinical Social Worker Phelps, Marilyn D, LCSW Lemay, Leona, LMFT Mansfield, Daniel F, MA Licensed Professional Counselor Bean, Joseph, LPC Taylor, Ruby L, LPC Young, Cynthia, LPC Licensed Psychological Examiner K K K K K K Harlow, Janet D, LPE Licensed Senior Psychological Askren, Carrie, LPE Denton Butner, Wanda, SLPE Derington, Sara, LSPE Materi, Catherine R, SLPE Sadler, Tamela R, LSPE Shapard, Kitty, LSPE S S S S S S S Psychiatry K K K K K K K Black, Randall L, MD Craig, Allen R, MD Emch, Douglas, MD Jones, Sonya N, MD Shukla, Sandip, MD Siddiqui, Faisal I, MD Psychology Claiborne County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Witherington, Carol, RN APN Licensed Clinical Social Worker Corum, Kevin, MSSW REESE, MATTHEW B, LCSW 168 PSK PSK PSK Clark, Roger G, PSYD Garrison, Jonathan, PhD Garrison, Nancy L, PsyD Mathis, David C, EDD Psychology Cates, Mark, PhD PSK Crittenden County (AR) Licensed Clinical Social Worker Galloway, Leslie, LCSW Schultz, Emily K, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor PSK Connell, Carl C, LPC Smith, Smith, LPC Psychiatry Ennis, Kenneth A, MD Kumar, Jyothsna, MD McDonald, Donald L, MD PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K Leech, Shirley, PhD PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK PSK PSK Crockett County Licensed Clinical Social Worker Cooper, Joe B, LCSW PSK Cumberland County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Cooper, Adam, APN Dolfie, Elizabeth K, APN PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Psychology PSK Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) PSK P P P P P P P Bolling, Lanny C, PsyD Clontz, Beverly Joanne, PsyD Gannon, Karen R, PsyD Hamilton, Shana V, PhD Schaid, Jean M, PhD Wilhoit, Brian E, PhD Beckwith Smith, Laura L, APN PSK S S S S S S PSK Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health PSK PSK P P P P P P Psychology Craighead County (AR) PSK Coffee County Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Lake, Richard, LMFT Pierce, Joe B, LMFT PSK Cocke County Psychiatry Thomas, Marilyn G, MSN PSK Clay County (KY) Psychiatry Networks PSK PSK Licensed Clinical Social Worker Guthrie, Patricia P, LCSW Peery, Merle W, LCSW Startup, Vickie, LCSW Weaver, Denise J, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Browning Hall, Robin, LPC Hull, Jonathan, LPC Johnson, Deborah A, LPC Netherton, George T, LPC Ziegele, Jeraldine A, LPC Psychiatry Abramson, David, MD Durvasula, Viswa B, MD Thompson, Richard F, MD P P P P S S S S K K K K P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K PSK PSK PSK Davidson County Addiction Psychiatry Butler, Jonathan W, MD Sledge, Charles C, MD Smith, Murray W, MD PSK PSK PSK Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Adams, Rodney S, APN Ball, Elizabeth, APN Boswell, Traci T, APN Bowen, Leah G, APN Butler, Molly E, APRN BC Cloyd, Edith, MSN Fife, Taylor C, APN Gardner, Virginia, APN Gilpin, Carol A, APN Griffis-pArrish, Mary L, APRN Groninger, Carol A, NP Guinn, Leigh, APN Hardiman, Erin K, RN APN Hatfield, Helen, APRN Henry, Cristina C, LCSW Jenks, Karen T, RN CNS Jernigan, Turner N, APN Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Behavioral Health Providers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Davidson County (Continued) Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health (Continued) McFarland, Lynne L, LSPE McNeill, Carly W, MSN APN Phillips, Kimberly A, MSN Priestley, Elizabeth, APN Scroggie, Jennifer A, RN Seidel, Sandra S, NP Simmons, Megan P, NP Simmons, Whitney, APN Starr, Karen, RN CNS Stewart, Sharon L, MSN Swope, Elizabeth A, MSN Teeftaller, Brandon D, NP Urbanavage, Leigh Ann, RN Wentworth, Angela J, APN Wise, Patricia V, APN Wood, Angela L, MSN Licensed Clinical Social Worker Adams, Barbara L, LCSW Adler, Patricia P, LCSW Ainsworth, Martha P, LCSW Allred, Lauren O, LCSW Amonette, David W, MSW Anderson, Robert F, LCSW Austin-White, Martha E, LCSW Baer, Linda S, LCSW Baldwin Malone, Lakesha, LCSW Barnard, Beth A, LCSW Bilbrey, Gelia, LCSW BLAIR, TERRY L, LCSW Borman, Rhonda, LCSW Brinson, Edward L, LCSW Brodeur, Emily G, LCSW Bullion, Rebecca V, LCSW Burgner, Michele E, LCSW Butler, Ophelia R, MSSW Carroll, Betsy, LCSW Castellano, Dianne D, LCSW Chancy, Cara J, LCSW Clanton, Allison, LCSW Cook Freeman, Rachel E, LCSW Cornett, Carlton W, LCSW Crawford, Diana L, LCSW Croft, Romney S, LCSW Davidson, Steven, LCSW Davis Hayes, Christine, MSW DeMarsilis, Michelle, LCSW Dianna, Jody M, LCSW Donets, Peter N, LCSW Dorris, Rachel B, LCSW Ezell, Bethany, LCSW Faith, Gary, LCSW Finlayson, Diana, LCSW Flury, Amy S, LCSW Freckman, Dottie F, LCSW Freckman, Oliver Jack, LCSW Fry, Cynthia J, LCSW Gerard, Steven L, LCSW Glasscock, Janice, LCSW Green, Jamie, LCSW Grinder, Shalene K, LCSW Gwin, Ann D, LCSW Hall, Karen R, LCSW Hamilton, Jennifer W, LCSW Hancock, Christopher, LCSW Hardie, Kathleen N, LCSW Harper, Karen, LCSW Harris, Patricia, LCSW Harrison, William L, LCSW Hartman, Sandy S, LCSW Hearn, Charles W, LCSW Behavioral Health Providers P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Davidson County K-Network K Hearn, Elena G, LCSW Helton, Sharon D, LCSW Hines, Mitzi, LCSW Hock, Mary, LCSW Hogan, Joseph G, LCSW Honeycutt, Bryan E, LCSW Jackson, Cynthia M, LCSW Jacobsen, Toni L, LCSW Jesser, Nicole E, LCSW Johnson, Cynthia, LCSW Lakshaman, Kavitha, MSW Lamp, Cathy L, LCSW Lee, Rebecca B, LCSW Lorsch, Karen A, LCSW Lucas, Amanda, LCSW Lyons, Lisa R, LCSW Maleki, Suesan L, MSSA Mather, Elizabeth D, LCSW Matthews, Laura L, LCSW Mays, Claudia M, LICE McGehee, Olivia, LCSW Miller, Ronell S, LCSW Montgomery, Holly S, LCSW Moon, Carolyn J, LCSW Morris, Paul, LCSW Myers, Lori L, LCSW Naff, James D, LCSW Nash Spacek, Dezerae M, LPC Nash, Karen R, LCSW Neese, David, LCSW Nelson, Connie G, LCSW Nobles, Phyllis A, LCSW Padula, Kim M, LCSW Parkinson, Glenda R, LCSW Paul, Beni J, LCSW Perry, Angela, LCSW Ramage, Dan O, LCSW Ratliff, Leslie J, LCSW Reda, Steven, LCSW Rella, Carol A, LCSW Rivas, Alan D, LCSW Sanders, Barbara Santana Perez, Marlen, LCSW Schaeffer, Susan, LCSW Scheller, Geraldine, LCSW Schlan, Judith A, LCSW Schuch, Scott, LCSW Shadoin, Johanna C, LCSW Shoun, Linda M, LCSW Sogol, Teri R, LCSW Stack, Dabney, LCSW Stere, Linda K, LCSW Stroud, Amanda K, LCSW Sullivan, Laurie, LCSW Szubo, Karen L, LCSW Thurman, Lauren M, LCSW Turbett, Mary Jane, LCSW Tyree, Joy L, LCSW Walker, Rebekah, LCSW Walton, Maria F, LCSW Watts, Gretchen, LCSW Weiler, Courtney P, LCSW Weismark, Janet S, LCSW Williams, Janita W, LCSW Williams, Ruth R, LCSW Willis, Amy J, LCSW Wright, David A, LCSW Young, Robert B, LCSW Zahurones, Rebekah, LCSW P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Daly, Amanda Rose, LMFT Fox, Jo An, LMFT Hill, Bruce D, LMFT Johnson, Jeremy A, LMFT Phillips, Tiffany, LMFT Runcie, Michael, LMFT Schettler, James, LMFT Underwood Owsley, Lezlie R, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Adcock, Linda S, LPC P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K PSK Networks Aldrich, William, MS Atwood, Terri, LPC Barrett, Andrea J, LPC Brannon, Frank M, LPC Brooks, Timothy L, LPC Cardona, Franklin, LPC Childs, Ralph S, LPC Cook, Victoria, LPC Cooper, Cassandra, LPC Curran, Richard, LPC Davis, Hilda R, LPC Dees-Johnson, Thelma, LPC Duben, Jennifer O, LPC Foote Pearce, Michelle, LPC Ford, Melody, LPC Frazier Maskiell, Erin M, LPC Gamache, Juanita E, LPC Gertig, Christopher P, LPC Goodwin, Joyce, LPC Hall, Kathryn S, LPC Hopkins Lynch, Elizabeth H, LPC Hunter, Lea, LPC Jungkurth, Tracia H, LPC Kelley, Wendell A, LPC Korzyniowski, Jessica L, LPC KUNNU, FELIX B, LPC Lashower, Elizabeth, LPC Marshall, Christopher, LPC MARTIN, CARLA D, LPC McElhaney, Jonathan, LPC McNatt, Gayla, LPC McRoberts, Rachel, LPC Melvin, Marcellina E, LPC Neely, Steven D, LPC Nelson, Mary B, LPC Prince, Suzanne H, MA Reding, Denise A, LPC Roberts, Kim, LPC Robison, Jodie J, LPC Rogers, Chastity, LPC Roy, Frances B, LPC Sheppard, Brian, LPC Snell Ryan, Kathryn, LPC Speer, Matthew D, LPC Stambaugh, Timothy, LPC Thomas, David, LPC Vann, Steven K, LPC Waggoner, Vikki, LPC Washington, Sandra B, LPC Weaver, Thomas S, Jr, MA Weimers, Paula, LPC Wells, kay, LPC Williams, Rosalind D, LPC Wright, Marsha, LPC Licensed Psychological Examiner Case, Gerald D, LPE Chandler, Steven C, LSPE Licensed Senior Psychological Alston, Tina, PHD Couch, Jennifer, LPE Dilbeck, Glynn D, SLPE Ferguson, Melvin, LPE Frost, James D, LPE Jernigan, Nathan, LSPE Jones, Norman G, LSPE Lybolt, Sherlean, LPE Proffitt II, James L, SLPE Robertson, Lynette, LPE Psychiatry Adetunji, Felix D, MD Anderson, William C, MD Asta, Roy O, MD Bailey, Rahn K, MD Baron, Michael J, MD Batson, Alicia B, MD Baxter, Elizabeth A, MD Benningfield, Margaret M, MD Bernet, William, MD Biliyar, Vedavyasa B, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K 169 Davidson County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Davidson County (Continued) Psychiatry (Continued) Bobo, William V, MD Bolian, George C, MD Briggs Rector, Cynthia K, MD Brooks, Michelle Elise, MD Burley, Howard, MD Bush, Gladys, MD Camoens, Reena M, MD Caucci, Michael, MD Chalko, Alexander J, MD Chen, Yuejin, MD Clark, Nathaniel K, MD Cowan, Ronald, MD Dangelo, Laura J, MD Draud, Jon W, MD Dull, Christopher, MD English, Kamisha D, MD Fakhruddin, A K M, MD Feintuch, Margot G, MD Finlayson, Alistair R, MD Fitzpatrick, Jeri Eileen, MD Franklin, Michael W, MD Freed Jr, Charles R, MD Freeman, Bradley W, MD Friddell, Colleen S, MD Friedman, Daniel L, MD Fuchs, Dickey Catherine, MD Gaboy, Narciso C, MD Gwirtsman, Harry, MD Harris, Heather L, MD Harrom, Heidi L, MD Heckers, Stephan H, MD Hewlett, William A, MD Hill, Michael D, MD Hollis, Lynna G, MD Huda, Shahana, MD Humble, Stephen C, MD Indukuri, Raju V, MD Islam, Mohammad S, MD Jabeen, Shagufta, MD Jack, Robert A, MD Jackson, John, MD Jahan, Mohammad S, MD Jamieson, Robert C, MD Janes, Cynthia A, MD Jaramillo, Juan R, MD Javier, Daniel S, MD Jennings, Timothy R, MD Jordan, Harold W, MD Karl, Edward M, MD Khan, Mujeeb, MD Kilimanjaro Davis, Heidi, MD Koumtchev, Alexandre, MD Krishnasastry, Chandra S, MD Kyger, Kent, MD Kyser, James G, MD Lavie, Thomas J, MD Lee, Myung Ae, MD Lundin, Linda S, MD Martin, Peter R, MD Mathews, George M, MD McFerrin, James R, MD Meltzer, Herbert Y, MD Michel, Andrew Alan, MD Milam, Carol P, MD Montgomery, Stephen A, MD Moore, Echo M, MD Mudumbi, Saran V, MD Murphy, Michael J, MD Murray, Robert, MD Nash, James L, MD Navarre, Richard, MD Okpaku, Samuel O, MD 170 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K-Network K Networks Pate, John Kirby, MD Prakash, Rudra, MD Prikhojan, Alexander, MD Quasem, Susanna L, MD Ragan, Paul W, MD Raggio, Chris H, MD Raj, Vidya, MD Raulston, Gilbert W, MD Rodgers, Scott, MD Ruder, Scott E, MD Saha, Nihar, MD Salomon, Ronald M, MD Sanders, Kevin B, MD Sarasti, Ana Maria, MD Scales, Thomas R, Jr, MD Sells, Samuel R, MD Sharpe, Joseph M, MD Shelton, Richard C, MD Sherman, Michael H, MD Sheth, Sonali Lalit, MD Siddiqui, Faisal I, MD Small, A Hamilton, MD Stovall, Jeffrey G, MD Street, David Francis, MD Suggs, Tammy, MD Tang, Tianlai, MD Trivedi, Harsh Kirit, MD Van Orden, Lucas S, MD Veenstra Vanderweele, Jeremy M, MD Wahid, Zia, MD Weinstein, David D, MD Williams, Jana M, MD Wilson, Amanda G, MD Yu, Mi, MD Psychology Alexander, Nicole, PhD Anderson, Sherian M, PhD Ashford, Linda G, PhD Azimi, Amin, EDD Beck, Joy Elizabeth, PhD Berryman, Janie L, LICE Black, Mary Kathryn, PhD Blackshear, Kristen, PhD Blanz, Larry T, EDD Blazina, Christopher D, PhD Boero, Jorge, PhD Brown, Kimberly R, PhD Brown, Laurel, PhD Bruehl, Stephen, PhD Bryant, Jeffrey T, PhD Burnette, Courtney, PhD Burt, Jerome, II, PhD Burton, Jennifer, PhD Call, Richard J, PhD Calway-Fagen, Norma J, PhD Carden, Archie D, EDD Carmody, Patricia, EDD Carpenter, Susan B, PhD Casey, Terry A, PhD Champion, Mary C, PhD Chanin, Philip, EDD Clabough, Charles G, PhD Clark, Stanley D, PhD Conner, Nalini W, DPh Coop, Karen Michelle, PhD Cooper, Timothy J, PsyD Davis, Bruce E, PhD De La Torre, Robert, PhD Devan, Jennifer, PhD Edwards, Horace F, PhD Edwards, Terry L, PhD Fishel Ingram, Pamela T, PhD Folley, Bradley S, PhD Fowler, Erin, PhD Friedman, Kay S, EDD Gaines, Lawrence S, PhD Goodnow, Anne C, PsyD Hall, Mary Frances, PhD Haman, Kirsten, PhD Hampshire, Peter A, PhD Hardy, Dana M, PhD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Networks Hardy, Matthew M, PhD Hauenstein, Anita L, PhD Haworth, Brian D, PsyD Henry, Norman R, PhD High, Jane, EDD Howell, Hampton P, III, PhD Ihrig, Charles, LPC Jaboin, Gauri, PhD Jacobs, Monica L, PsyD Jacobs, Robert, PhD Jeffries, Rosemary, PhD Johnson, Amy H, PhD Karcher, Christopher R, PhD Karcher, Jill, PhD Katz, Louise, PhD Labarbera, Carolyn J, PhD Labarbera, Joseph D, PhD Lambert, Dorothy Dee, PhD Lass, Ken, PhD Lee, Evon B, PhD Livengood, Janice M, PhD Livingston, George, PhD Lynch, Timothy D, PhD Manning, Linda G, PhD McCoy, Donald M Mead, Shasta, PhD Miller, Jeanine C, PhD Monroe, Thomas Trey C, III, PhD Murray III, Lindley, PhD Neilson, Thomas D, PSYD Nelson, Rose, PHD Nettles, Arie, PhD Niarhos, Frances Johnson, PhD Nygard, Norman K, PhD Oatis Ballew, Robin, PhD Obryan, Victor, PhD Olivas, Steven T, PhD Pearce, Rebecca, PhD Pestrak, Victor A, PhD Phillips, Mark A, PhD Popkin, Joan E, PhD Potter, Patricia, PhD Potts, Ray R, EDD Qualls, Chris E, PsyD Richman, Janet, EDD Roback, Howard B, PhD Robinson, Lina, PHD Sanger, Maureen S, PhD Scanlan, Peter A, PhD Schleicher, Joan M, PhD Shelton, Mary V, PhD Smith, Margaret M, EDD Smith, Paul, EDD Smith, Ruth A, PhD Solomon, Gary S, PhD Stankiewicz, Jackie L, PhD Stone, Wendy, PhD PS Taylor, Randi, PhD Tench, Stephen L, PhD Tesauro, Raymond R, EDD Tramontana, Michael G, PhD Trimble, John T, Sr, PhD Tucker, Dorothy D, PhD Tyson, Deborah, PhD Van Slyke, Deborah A, PhD Walker, James S, PhD Walker, Janice, PhD Walker, Lynn S, PhD Warren, Zachary E, PhD Weitz, Lawrence J, PhD Willis, Heather N, PsyD Wilson, Gary K, PhD Wood, Daniel L, PHD Wright, Paul Jeffrey, PhD Yarbrough, Cathryn, PhD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Daviess County (KY) Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Pierce, Joe B, LMFT Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK Behavioral Health Providers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Frost, James D, LPE Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Licensed Clinical Social Worker White, Brian H, LCSW Psychiatry Greene, Catherine M, MD P P P P S S S S K K K K Quintero, Kay, SLPE Psychiatry Thompson, Richard F, MD Psychiatry Gunasakera, Sandya I, MD Wilson, Katie E, MD Psychology Blanz, Larry T, EDD Morgan, Crystal A, PSYD Palmer, Larry, PhD PSK Scarborough, Ramona P, APRN BC Licensed Clinical Social Worker Cooper, Joe B, LCSW Potter, Sandee J, LCSW Reedy, Cynthia, LCSW PSK PSK Licensed Professional Counselor Clanton, April S, LPC Cook, David, LPC Gatlin, Rebecca, LPC Nathaniel, Clifford, LPC Osborne, Gary W, LPC PSK Desoto County (MS) Licensed Clinical Social Worker Casey, Dawn D, LCSW Schacterle, Ashley, LCSW Licensed Psychological Examiner Viar, Charles, LPE Licensed Senior Psychological PSK PSK Jackson, James A, LSPE Wilson, Anthony, LSPE Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Scott, Robert L, LPC Licensed Professional Counselor Storey, Elizabeth, LPC Young, Mae, LPC Psychiatry Indiradevi, Ayyagari, MD Psychology Buechele, James W, PhD Goldstein, David, PhD Lau, Sarah B, PhD Malone, Christine M, PhD Vinick, Barry A, PhD Wilson, Shirley A, PhD Psychiatry PSK Chandel, Vijaya K, MD Patel, Vadankumar M, MD Rhodes, Charles T, MD PSK PSK P P P P P P S S S S S S Psychiatry Zellers, Jeffrey L, MD K K K K K K Psychiatry Licensed Clinical Social Worker Diveley, Elizabeth C, LCSW Harris, Corena, LCSW Levine, Sheila B, LCSW Rice, Leslie R, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Cabany, Kimberly M, LPC Johnson, Kimberly, LPC Rich, Frances G, LPC Behavioral Health Providers PSK PSK PSK Psychiatry Baymiller, Scott P, MD Chandel, Vijaya K, MD Rhodes, Charles T, MD Swamy, Usha, MD Psychology Fortner, Barry, PhD Houts, Arthur C, PhD Pazar, Janice, PhD Licensed Clinical Social Worker Rogers, Judi, LCSW PSK PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK PSK PSK Licensed Professional Counselor Deyton, Larry D, LPC Elrod, Joni J, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Williams, Larry, LPE Licensed Senior Psychological Rohr, Michael E, EDD K K K K PSK PSK PSK Psychology Crouch, Joyce G, PhD PSK Franklin County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health PSK PSK PSK Licensed Clinical Social Worker PSK P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K Beckwith Smith, Laura L, APN Cecil, Marjorie J, NP Davis Hayes, Christine, MSW Dwyer, Lorraine, LCSW Langley, Sandra, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Phillips, Elizabeth, LPC Psychology Jones, Leslie D, PhD PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Gibson County PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Lee, Joan C, APN Pratt, Karen A, NP Riddle, Diana L, FNP Licensed Clinical Social Worker Chism, Nita L, LCSW Harber, Cynthia W, LCSW Potter, Sandee J, LCSW Reedy, Cynthia, LCSW Vawter, Amy, LCSW Wolfe, Stacey C, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Arnold, Joan G, MS Borden, Vonda, LPC Chase, Andrea, MS Crawford, Carolyn, MS Edwards, Nancy A, LPC Keller, Dustin P, LPC Osborne, Gary W, LPC Stalcup, Sue S, LPC Stanfield, Rebecca, LPE Psychiatry PSK PSK Durbin, Constance L, MD Guyton, Joe L, MD Trautman, Lucas A, MD Williams, Joseph W, MD PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K Giles County Fayette County Licensed Clinical Social Worker S S S S Fentress County Licensed Psychological Examiner PSK PSK PSK P P P P PSK Fannin County (GA) Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Barber, Nancy L, APN Hardenburgh, Kimberly J, NP PSK PSK Etowah County (AL) Dickson County Arnett, Darrell G, MD Butler, Jonathan W, MD Smith, Murray W, MD PSK Edmonson County (KY) PSK Tulao, Marino S, MD Addiction Psychiatry K K K K Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Dekalb County (AL) Tulao, Marino S, MD S S S S Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Miller, Carol A, LMFT Psychiatry P P P P Networks Dyer County PSK Dekalb County Licensed Psychological Examiner Settle, Jerry C, LPC Street, Kimberly A, LPC Weimers, Paula, LPC Whiteside, Sherry H, LPC Licensed Senior Psychological Decatur County Crosswhite, Meschell R, NP Kirk, Elaine S, APN Rea, Margaret R, NP Warren, Patricia N, NP Giles County K-Network K Licensed Clinical Social Worker PSK PSK PSK Butler, Nancy B, LCSW Cooper, James F, LCSW Daniels, Charlotte, LCSW Daniels, Thomas D, LCSW Green, Jody, LCSW Richardson, Cherri R, LCSW Ries, Michele, LCSW Check our Web site @ for current listing. 171 Giles County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Brooks, Timothy L, LPC Brown, Billy W, LPC Campbell, Melanie, LPC Psychiatry Barr, Ralph I, MD Graves, James M, MD Gregory, Rodrick R, MD Psychology Emerson, Douglas E, PhD Comer, Tonya K, LCSW Depugh, Diana J, LCSW Slauter, Barbara, LCSW Williams, Roxie K, LCSW Psychology Neece, John A, PhD Licensed Senior Psychological PSK PSK PSK Chamberlain, David A, LSPE Jacobs, Wylene, LSPE Psychiatry Bonfardin, Brian, MD Brahmbhatt, Hetal K, MD Diebold, William C, MD Garatli, Ali A, MD Greenwood, Kenneth, MD Musil, Clinton A, Jr, MD Naramore, George H, MD Sullivan, Timothy J, MD PSK PSK PSK PSK Psychology P P P P S S S S Gow, Heather C, PhD Kidd, Teresa, PhD Whitehead, Diane L, PhD K K K K Aleta, Young D, LCSW Peek Fish, Rolanda S, LCSW Shanahan, Tammy T, LCSW Psychiatric Nurse Smith, Patricia W, MA P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K PSK PSK PSK Licensed Professional Counselor PSK Kerstetter, William C, LPC Licensed Senior Psychological Taylor, Jan G, LPE PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Fletcher, Jody A, APN Licensed Clinical Social Worker PSK Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Branson, Tiffany M, LCSW Coburn, Patricia A, LCSW Corum, Kevin, MSSW Evans, Hope, LCSW Goins, Karan E, LCSW Greene, Linda S, LCSW Havner, Judy P, LCSW Jones, Jean Ellen, LCSW Lemaster, Janice, LCSW McCleery, Cinandra, LCSW Rice, Michelle L, MSSW Richards, William A, PhD Seaton, Karen L, LCSW Thompson, Wimberly B, LCSW Vogel, Andrea T, LCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Psychiatry Gold, Donald D, Jr, MD PSK Greene County Boggs, Jennifer, APN Bolton, Debbie A, APN Dewitt, Karen A, NP Jackson, Frances A, FNP Malina, Rhonda, APN Robinette, Connie, APN Trent Metz, Elizabeth A, NP Byrd, Rebecca R, LCSW Carpenter, Norma C, LCSW Castainca, Judith, LCSW Chesnut, Patricia A, LCSW Duer, Steven, LCSW Duncan, Chad, LCSW Finley, Margaret, LCSW Harris, Kimberly S, LCSW Kilday, Helen C, LCSW Mullins, Elizabeth, LCSW Naseri, Virginia, LCSW Snyder, Virginia, LCSW Trantham, Kimberly, LCSW Wilson, James D, LCSW P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Hinkle, William K, LMFT McKee, John, LMFT Tvardy, Cindy, LMFT Tvardy, George S, LMFT Vance, Alexandra M, LMFT 172 P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K Hurst, Cindy E, LMFT Mabe, Linda, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Barnes, Stacy L, LPC Chaffin, Nanci, LPC Hill, Rebecca D, LPC Horner, Karen D, LPC Milner, James P, LPC Osborne, Bruce W, LPC Smyth, Kellie W, LPC Licensed Senior Psychological Robinson, Barbara S, PhD Psychiatry Arturi, Maria A, MD Karwan, Sukhender, MD Kodali, Swatantra B, MD Perry, Cindy D, MD Perry, Gregory J, MD Psychology Allen, William B, PhD Arena, Patricia, PhD Axtell, Philip K, PhD Bishop, Thomas, PsyD Booher, Joshua, PhD Conklin, William E, PsyD East, Allison, PhD Farge, Sharon, PhD Freeman, Dennis, PhD Gannon, Karen R, PsyD Gray, Steven L, PsyD Keinath, Kim, PhD Kinoshita, Naoko, PhD Mahoney, Kristen, PhD McAnear, Truett, PhD Miller, Andrew C, PhD Nevils, Roy S, PhD Stewart, Karina, PhD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K PSK P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Hamilton County Addiction Psychiatry Prater, Christopher D, MD PSK Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health PSK PSK Licensed Clinical Social Worker Hamblen County PSK Networks Guajardo, Jeffery, APN McCoin, Donna W, APN Grundy County Graves County (KY) Licensed Clinical Social Worker Brown, David L, LPC Crum, Esther, LCSW Hollenbeck, Scott, LPC Price, Robert L, LPC Sapp, David, LPE Grainger County Licensed Clinical Social Worker Licensed Professional Counselor Licensed Psychological Examiner Giles County (Continued) Licensed Professional Counselor K-Network K Networks Andrews, Mary, LCSW Atkins, Christopher, LCSW Auten, Emily B, LCSW Baker, Robin M, LCSW Baltz, Vicky S, LCSW Bechtel, Sherrell Jean, LCSW Benson, Mari A, LCSW Bovell, Wendy K, LCSW Bright, Sidonna, LCSW Chastain, Farlie, LCSW Cook, Freda J, LCSW Davidson, Victoria Jean, LCSW Deyoung, Sara, LCSW Dove, Paula J, LCSW Dunston, Carrie J, LCSW Garrett, Mary Katherine, LCSW Gracia, Deborah S, LCSW Hodge, Lynn, LCSW Howard, Linda, LCSW Hubona, Laura S, LCSW Hudson, Chris, LCSW Hurayt, Rosemary A, LCSW Huse, Janet R, LCSW Johnson, Pamela H, LCSW Kent, Suzanne A, LCSW Marcotte, Cynthia, LCSW Mayes, Linda J, LCSW McLeod, Catherine H, LCSW Miller, Tabitha G, LCSW Monson James, Healther, LCSW Morgan-lAmbert, Jennifer A, LCSW Myers, Anne M, MSW Oldham, John, LCSW Parker, Cathy L, LCSW Powell, Denise, LCSW Powell, Dorothy E, LCSW Ragan, Roy W, LCSW Reynolds, William F, LCSW Rhodes, Kathryn W, LCSW Rogers, Catherine H, LCSW Rome, Jucinta, LCSW Rose, Nancy E, LCSW Schmidt, Lesley J, LCSW Scott, Kathleen H, LCSW Seals, Barbara P, LCSW Stricker, Kimberly D, LCSW Taylor, Veanna, LICE TREADWAY-RIVERS, ANITA T, LCSW Wentworth, Lawrence D, LCSW Wood, Tara L, LCSW Zylstra, Robert G, LSW Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK PSK PSK PSK PSK Behavioral Health Providers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Hamilton County (Continued) Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Cavin, David S, LMFT Philpott, James L, LMFT Rodgers, Brandon E, LMFT Stone, Melody G, PhD Tiggleman, Cornelius, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Alexander, L Shan, LPC Armstrong, Courtney M, LPC Buckles, Rebecca, LPC Burdine Prevost, Shelley A, LPC Canaff, Audrey, LPC Carpenter, Mark L, LPC Chu, Sun-Hwan, LPC Coyle, Judith C, LPC Flanagan, Julia, MS Gardner Cummins, Jennifer, LPC Glennon, Bertin R, LPE Graham, Linda L, LPC Gulley, Leona G, EDD Harris, Jon E, LPC Huddleston, Laura D, LPC Jonas, Katherine, LPC Kutchins, Carol B, LPC Layne, Dowdy, LPC Magnussen, Judy, LPC McDermott, Audra, LPC McDermott, Frederick Kirk, MA McIlvaine, Stephen R, Jr, LPC McLemore, Pauline, LPC Moore, Jessica, LPC Morrison, John L, LPC Mudenda Whaley, Sylvia J, LPC Muller, Sarah Peggy, LPC Murphy, Tara, LPC Niel, Brenda M, LPC Owen, Lynn R, LPC Price, James A, LPC Rausch, Mary A, MA Santan, Brandon, LPC Shipp, Susan, LPC Smith, Brittney, LPC Swope, Robert E, LPC Upton, Tabi, LPC White, Brenda G, LPC Williams, Claude W, LPC WOLFF, RHONDA F, LPC Licensed Psychological Examiner Stephens, Dorthy, LSPE Licensed Senior Psychological Auten, Richard, SLPE Blocker, Kent, LPC Chapman, Kathy, PE Moore, Nora, LSPE Sadler, Tamela R, LSPE Shively, Mark, LSPE Wiggins, Todd, LPE Psychiatric Nurse Blackburn, Jean B, APN Psychiatry Ali, Mohsin, MD Appareddy, Vijaya, MD Bhushan, Prameet J, MD Brewer, Randall J, MD Cohen, Jonathan S, MD Fahs, Jeffery J, MD Ferguson, Kevin R, MD Geddam, Padmavathi, MD Gregory, Oliver L, MD Gumnick, Jane F, MD Behavioral Health Providers P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K PSK P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K Hawkins County K-Network K Holmes, Terry F, MD Jennings, Mark O, MD Jennings, Timothy R, MD Kennedy, Denis T, MD Kim, Wayne Y, MD Larson, Tim V, MD Lawson, Tamunosaki E, MD Mahaffey, Jennie E, MD Maitra, Badshah, MD Marshall, Willis H, MD Mauroner, Richard, MD McDougal, John S, MD McGuire, Susan K, MD Newman, Jerry G, Jr, MD Osborne, Michael F, MD Park, Won B, MD Rafuls, William A, MD Schmits, Michael G, MD Simms, Cassandra G, MD Spalding, Robert T, MD Psychology Boatwright, Lynn, PHD Bradshaw, Stephen P, PsyD Brookshire, Donald L, PsyD Brown, James E, PhD Butters, Michael A, PhD Capeechi, Elizabeth, PHD Carson Webb, Jonna G, PhD Cory, Thomas L, PhD Cundiff, Gary William, Jr., PhD Davidson, Carolyn E, PhD Eckert, Jeff S, LICE Edwards, Horace F, PhD Feldmeier, Kathleen C, LPC Foliano, Janet, PhD Geralds, Glenn G, PhD Hickman, Susan E, Psy D Hillner, William, PhD Johnson, Philip A, PhD Karasievich, George O, PhD Kavkewitz, Michael, PhD Lavin, Patrick F, PhD Lefton, William J, PhD Leigh, George G, PhD Long, Paul C, PhD McGee, William E, EDD Nies, Charles M, PhD Ohara, Susan A, PhD Ozbek, Irene Nichols, PhD Pendergrass, Thomas, PhD Perachio, Nancy A, PhD Pittman, Martha B, PhD Pressley, Jana, PsyD ROSE, DAVID, PHD Sherbak, Jan F, PsyD Sisemore, Timothy A, PhD Solovey, David A, PhD Spalding, Jay A, PHD Trowbridge, Anita F, PsyD Weigle, Karen L, PhD Wheeler, Janice K, PhD White, Jama L, PsyD White, Jennifer D, PhD Wiley, Marzi L, LCSW Wilkins, Margaret A, PHD Williams, Gregory J, PhD Wray, William A, EDD Wright, Fred H, PhD Wright, Phillip G, PhD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Licensed Professional Counselor P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Licensed Clinical Social Worker Brooks, Martha, LCSW Byrd, Rebecca R, LCSW Crider, Nancy A, LPC Crum, Esther, LCSW PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Hardeman County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Allen, Mary Jane, APN Kirk, Elaine S, APN Phillips, Kimberly A, MSN Rea, Margaret R, NP Warren, Patricia N, NP Licensed Clinical Social Worker Cooper, Joe B, LCSW Reedy, Cynthia, LCSW Rice, Meryl W, LCSW Roper, Michael S, LCSW Spring, Stephen H, LCSW White, Catherine A, LCSW Smith, Jeri, LMFT P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K PSK Licensed Professional Counselor Jeffries, Diane, LPC Psychiatry Greene, Catherine M, MD Psychology Gallaher, Darvis, PhD PSK PSK PSK Hardin County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Crosswhite, Meschell R, NP Kirk, Elaine S, APN Warren, Patricia N, NP Licensed Clinical Social Worker Jones, Alisa, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Helton, Jeff, MA Redden, John H, LPC Licensed Senior Psychological Carroll, Jana, LPE Psychiatry Greene, Catherine M, MD PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Hawkins County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Barger, Linda J, NP Bolton, Debbie A, APN Lackner Mullins, Constance, APN Robinette, Connie, APN Licensed Clinical Social Worker Brooks, Martha, LCSW Byrd, Rebecca R, LCSW Feagins, Gail, LCSW Harper, Teresa S, LCSW Weems, Jessica J, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Crider, Nancy A, LPC Crum, Esther, LCSW Hancock County Robinette, Connie, APN Trent Metz, Elizabeth A, NP Networks Psychiatry Naramore, George H, MD Sullivan, Timothy J, MD Psychology Whitehead, Diane L, PhD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P S S S S K K K K P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK 173 Haywood County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Haywood County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Lee, Joan C, APN PSK Licensed Clinical Social Worker Billings, Brian K, LCSW Reedy, Cynthia, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Cook, David, LPC Licensed Psychological Examiner Stanfield, Rebecca, LPE Psychiatry Baymiller, Scott P, MD Chandel, Vijaya K, MD Rhodes, Charles T, MD K-Network K Networks Licensed Clinical Social Worker Dockins-pRitchett, Sherry L, LCSW Harber, Cynthia W, LCSW Sims, Don A, LCSW Springer, Jimmy C, LCSW Thompson, Parker L, LCSW Underwood, Belinda S, LCSW Vance, Dennis, Jr, LCSW Vawter, Amy, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor PSK PSK Barnhart, Michelle, LPC Fairbanks, Angel, LPC Sarver, Rosemay G, LPC SIMS, JEANNIE J, LPC PSK Psychiatry Durbin, Constance L, MD Gold, Donald D, Jr, MD Gregory, Gladys R, MD Williams, Joseph W, MD PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K P P P P S S S S K K K K P P P P S S S S K K K K Bodie, Marilyn, RN Haywood County (NC) Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Licensed Clinical Social Worker Clemons, Mary Jennifer, LCSW Cook, Kenneth R, LCSW Finger, Lynn P, LCSW Friedkin, Marilyn L, LCSW Gibson, Rebecca, LCSW Manes, Harry, LCSW Marks, Susan, LCSW PSK P P P P P P P S S S S S S S Licensed Clinical Social Worker Adams, Barbara L, LCSW McNeil, Norma A, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor K K K K K K K Staggs, Charlotte, LPC Psychiatry Koomen, John C, MD Thompson, Richard F, MD Licensed Professional Counselor Clancy, Lori, LPC Hill, Benjamin, LPC Zander, Janet J, LPC Psychiatry Schremly, John, MD PSK Jackson County (NC) Psychologists Assistant Tulou, Elizabeth, MA PSK Jefferson County Licensed Clinical Social Worker Christian, Kate E, LCSW Crichton, Lisa, LCSW Crum, Noelle B, LCSW Murph, Pamela S, LCSW Price, Robert L, LPC PSK PSK Psychiatry ElAwady, Mohamed A, MD Psychology PSK PSK PSK Grubbs, Sabrina J, PhD Sivley, Robert B, Jr, PhD Licensed Senior Psychological PSK Armstrong, Karen, LSPE Bowman, Michael, LSPE Henegar-Hagaman, Laurel, LPE PSK PSK Psychiatry PSK PSK PSK Hopkins County (KY) Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Marks, James, LMFT Stamey, N Diane, LMFT Jackson County (KY) Licensed Professional Counselor Hickman County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health King, Robin G, APN Networks PSK Hughes, Michael W, MD S S S S K K K K PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Psychology Adlin, Richard S, PhD Berez, William, PhD Demick, Andrew H, PsyD Gannon, Karen R, PsyD Kinoshita, Naoko, PhD Lemay, Mark A, PhD McAnear, Truett, PhD Munson, Richard J, PsyD Spjut, Dennis U, PhD Steele, Carol, PhD Wilhoit, Brian E, PhD PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K Johnson County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Henderson County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Kirk, Elaine S, APN Rea, Margaret R, NP Russell, Lauralei S, APN Warren, Patricia N, NP Licensed Clinical Social Worker Blair, Nancy C, LPC Chapman, Traci L, LCSW Cooper, Joe B, LCSW Hegmon, Marvyn L, LCSW Reedy, Cynthia, LCSW White, Brian H, LCSW Williams, Janey S, MSW Licensed Professional Counselor Edwards, Nancy A, LPC Townsend, Dana B, LPC Licensed Psychological Examiner Stanfield, Rebecca, LPE Psychiatry Greene, Catherine M, MD P P P P S S S S K K K K P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K PSK PSK Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Blackwell, Kelley M, LMFT Cain, Catherine S, PHD Licensed Professional Counselor Randolph, Anita, LPC Saffel, Tammy J, LPC Psychiatry Jones, Sonya N, MD Psychology Premeau, Cheri L, PhD PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Licensed Clinical Social Worker PSK Cleckler, Randall, LCSW PSK PSK Licensed Clinical Social Worker Byrd, Rebecca R, LCSW Crutchfield, Freida, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Hilt, Jane, LPC Perry, Tim, LPC Licensed Psychological Examiner Daston, Tony, LPE Psychiatry Greenwood, Kenneth, MD PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Knox County PSK Jackson County (AL) Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health 174 Barber, Nancy L, APN Crane Smith, Mary L, LCSW PSK PSK PSK Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Licensed Clinical Social Worker Henry County Lee, Joan C, APN Barger, Linda J, NP Humphreys County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Boyd, Jessica, APN Brooks, Aaron A, RN Carlson, Kelly, APN Eby, Susan, APN Elkins, Tony, APN Hsu, Marie, APN Hume, Kate, APN Kadas, Benjamin R, NP APN Macmorran, Paula, PhD Marshall, Carol A, APN Mathewson, Leslie A, APN Mitchell, Carolyn Lee, NP Nelson, Diane C, APN Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K Behavioral Health Providers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Knox County (Continued) Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health (Continued) Parker, Joey T, LCSW Pickett, Ernest Eugene, FNP Pullen, Lisa M, RN/CNS Raman, Christina G, RN MSN Sasser, Alice W, RN CNS Tunnell, Charlotte M, RN Witherington, Carol, RN APN Licensed Clinical Social Worker Abbarno, Patricia, LCSW Acord, Ashley, LCSW Alexander, Paula J, LCSW Allen, Charlene G, LCSW Amos, Victoria A, MSSW Baity, Vicki C, LCSW Barckhoff, Christine, LCSW Barclay, Bonnie L, LCSW Barrett Hilton, Michelle D, LCSW Bibb, Suzanne, LCSW Blake, Patricia Gabrielle, LCSW Bolding, Jean A, LCSW Bowen, Angie G, LCSW Brown, Alice, LCSW Brown, Bobby J, LCSW Brown, Stephen S, LCSW Burns, Betty, LCSW Buturff, Melanie, LCSW Byrne, Nita D, LCSW Carter, Susan F, LCSW Cohan, Debbie D, LCSW COHEN, MELISSA D, LCSW Cohen, Michael E, LCSW Corum, Kevin, MSSW Craft, Linda D, LCSW Crawford, Daphne, LCSW Dalton, Patricia, LCSW Davis, Lisa E, LCSW Day, Sunny G, LCSW Deaton, Kimberly C, LCSW Decter, Elizabeth, LCSW Depugh, Diana J, LCSW Dickey, Pamela, LCSW Diftler, Dona E, MSSW Dolin, Ruth S, LCSW Dorschug, Torrie, LCSW Dougherty, Le Anne, LCSW Elliott, Elizabeth J, LCSW Erickson, Kathleen W, LCSW FORD, MONA S, LCSW Foster, Shawn B, LCSW Fried, Gerald, Jr, LCSW Frost, Lisa, LCSW Fugatt, Cynthia, LCSW Gaddis, Ellen, LCSW Gallaher, Martha, LCSW Garrison, Alice, LCSW Gilbertson, Thomas, LCSW Godfrey, Barbara, LCSW Goodale, Paige P, LCSW Grimm, Cynthia, LCSW Groeling, Danielle, LCSW Gunckel, Elizabeth, LCSW Hamlin, Julie L, LCSW Hammat, Sharon W, LCSW Haning, Barbara M, LCSW Hash, Melissa, LCSW Havner, Judy P, LCSW Heatherly, Camille M, LCSW Henderson, Vickie L, LCSW Hernanz, Cynthia J, LCSW Hochnedel, Edwin F, LCSW Behavioral Health Providers P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Knox County K-Network K Hodge, Karen M, LCSW Hoffman, Karen L, LCSW Howard, Jane M, LCSW Huffaker, Gale D, LCSW Jacobs, Carrie B, LCSW Johnson, Gale, LCSW Johnson, Nanne E, LCSW Kinney, Lynn D, LCSW Kiser, Carolyn, LCSW Kitts, Rosemary S, LCSW Kohchi, Joaniko, LCSW Lee, Emily C, LCSW Lucas, Carol D, LICE Luke, Daniel J, LCSW Lynn, Tammy R, LCSW Marcus, Megan M, LCSW Massa, Patricia T, ACSW Mathews, Pamela H, LCSW Maxey, David J, LCSW McCall Garrett, Carla M, LCSW McColl, Elizabeth S, LCSW McGill, Vonda K, LCSW McKee, Beverly, LCSW Medicus, Katharine, LCSW Murph, Pamela S, LCSW Nellums, Victoria T, LCSW Newman, Theodore, LCSW Oakley, Minnie T, LCSW Olsen, Nancy J, LCSW Ostermeier, Sally J, LCSW Parsons, Terri S, LCSW Patterson, Jean S, LCSW Penegar, Sarah E, LCSW Peterson, Rachel D, LCSW Piliero, Michael, LCSW Potts, Mark B, LCSW Raymer, Laura, LCSW Reilly, Kathleen J, LCSW Richards, William A, PhD Riepe, Janet T, LCSW Ringle, Susan M, LCSW Roberts, Regina L, LCSW Roberts, Susan A, LCSW Rockey, Cynthia, LCSW Ryrkerk, Cheryl, LCSW Schambach, Stacy C, LCSW Schwind, Erika, LCSW Sinor, Cheryl A, LCSW Smartt, Amanda S, LCSW Smith, Camile, LCSW Stansberry, Melissa M, LCSW Taylor, Diana B, LCSW Taylor, Evelyn, MSW Titcombe, James W, LCSW Turner, Phyllis L, LCSW Vogel, Andrea T, LCSW Vreeland, Emily W, LCSW Walker, Tracie A, LCSW Wanette, Bolen, LCSW Ward, Jo P, LCSW Weddington, Sarah P, LCSW Weinstein, Barbara, LCSW West, Angela M, LCSW Williams, Kathleen, LCSW Williams, Kathy J, LCSW Willis, Sara, LCSW Wolf, Diane S, LCSW Wright, Sue, LCSW Zarger, Josephine M, LCSW Zucker, Jeanne J, LCSW P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Berry Lavoie, Kimberly A, LMFT Bradshaw, Kathleen, LMFT Cawood, Sara F, LMFT Fahringer, Marilyn S, LMFT Francis, Kay, LMFT Harrison, Robert R, LMFT Hill, Deborah J, LMFT Hudson, Kellye L, LMFT Jester, Michelle L, PhD Kennedy, Mary Lou, MA P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K Networks Mohamedali, Samira, LMFT Nussbaum, Amber, LMFT Townsend, Rick, LMFT Wade, Anna K, LMFT Wood, Georganne G, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Baldwin, Mary E, LPC Behel, Al C, LMFT Behel, Linda L, LPC Boudreaux, Lori A, LPC Butler, Reginald O, LPC Chaffin, Nanci, LPC Chand, Saroj, LPC Crist, Dorothy J, LPC Dobbins, Carolyn J, LPC Fuller, Anthony, LPC Gutridge, Thomas R, LPC Harvey, Patricia, LPC Hughes, Lori A, MS Idol, Enoch C, LPC Jooma, Khairunnissa, LPC Lambdin, Sharon M, LPC Mushbarbash, Sheila, LPC Osborne, Bruce W, LPC Rupeka, Carol A, LPC Sanderfur, Charles, LPC Shoray, Kirk, LPC Stansberry, Judith O, LPC Licensed Psychological Examiner West, Cynthia, LSPE Licensed Senior Psychological Andeasen, Douglas S, MS Barker, Mary L, LCP Effler, Joel D, LSPE Gardner, Alden R, SLPE Lyle, Lynda, SLPE Mobley McCoy, Angela L, SLPE Overstreet, John Tyler, LPC Teasley, Anne, LPE Psychiatry Alexander, James Sidney, MD Burnside, Sharon R, MD Carpenter, Kenneth B, MD Cook, Lane M, MD D'cruz, Paul, MD Embry, Jerry J, MD Faget, Otilia M, MD Fisher, Michael A, MD Fuertes Hunt, Melanie R, MD Gillespie, James T, Jr, MD Goyne, Kathleen A, MD Greeson, Gordon S, MD Halperin, Rebecca, MD Hogan, William M, MD Hussaini, Amir A, MD Jacobs, Jeffry, MD Jain, Pradumna S, MD Jethanandani, Vijay, MD Kennedy, J. Joseph, MD Khanna, Manju, MD Lebuffe, Francis P, MD Lieberman Tellez, Laraine, MD Manning, David B, MD May, C. Randall, MD Paulauskas, Dovile, MD Perry, Gregory J, MD Peterson, Glenn R, MD Reid, Elizabeth A, MD Rodgers, John C, MD Rodwell, Charles G, MD Samavedy, Nalini, MD Seale, David R, MD Workman, Edward Alva, MD Zemichael, Dawit, MD Psychology Adlin, Richard S, PhD Allen, Adair, PhD Allen, Ronald, PhD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK PSK 175 Knox County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Knox County (Continued) Psychology (Continued) Allen, William B, PhD Allin, Jessica, PhD Austin, Regina D, PhD Bailey, Suzanne E, PsyD Bartley, Karen E, PhD Barton, Jane A, PsyD Bell, Corinne, PhD Berez, William, PhD Bishop Diaz, Kelly, PhD Blake, Candice L, PhD Bolin, Edward P, PsyD Booher, Carrie S, PhD Booher, Joshua, PhD Branca, Robyn L, PhD Brietstein, Howard A, PhD Briscoe, Diane E, PhD Brown, Larry F, PhD Brown, Nancy E, PhD Brown, Ronald R, PhD Burr, Rosemary L, EDD Burt, W Allen, PhD Champion, Mary C, PhD Cole, Connie S, PhD Crusco, April, PhD Daniel, William H, PhD Davis, Nancy A, PhD Dean, Kristen, PhD Demick, Andrew H, PsyD Denny, Ellen S, PhD Dittman, Katherine L, PhD Donald, Liz T, PhD Driscoll, Richard H, PhD Edlis, Guy M, PhD Ehrnschwender, Kathy B, PhD Erickson, Jeffrey W, PhD Fite, Paula J, PhD Foreman, Gregory W, PhD Freeman, Dennis, PhD Glass, Scott D, PhD Gnade, Gail Elizabeth E, PhD Goodrich, Laurel, PhD Gosselin, Robert, PsyD Grello, Catherine M, PhD Hanaway, Thomas P, PhD Handler, Leonard, PhD Harrigan, Joan S, PhD Hawthorne, Michael C, PhD Hoover, John E, PhD Hopko, Derek R, PhD Hulse, Calvin K, PhD Hummel, Regina M, PhD Humphreys, Brian R, PsyD Jessee, Edgar H, PhD Jones, Pamela D, PsyD Jones, Ted W, PhD Josvanger, Karen, PhD Justice, Susan B, PhD Kaufman, Harvey P, LICE Khatri, Parinda, PhD Klitzke, Michael J, PhD Koller, Susan C, PhD Kurusu, Taro A, PhD Laurence, Lance T, PhD Lees, Patricia, PhD Lemieux, Dianne J, PhD Lett, Nancy, PhD Levy, Jacob J, PhD Macfie, Jenny, PhD Macmorran, Paula, PhD Martin, Charles E, PhD Masini, Angela, PhD McKee, Elizabeth A, PhD 176 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K-Network K Networks McNish, Pamela S, PsyD Mitchell, Ellison C, PhD Molnar, Terry T, PhD Montgomery, James H, PhD Montgomery, Susan L, PhD Nash, Michael R, PhD Neece, Janis L, PhD Neece, John A, PhD Oglesby, Lisa L, PhD Olsen, Damaris A, PhD O'Shaughnessy, Maria, PhD Palin, Frances, PhD PATTON, S CAROLYN, LMFT Penegar, Sarah W, PhD PHILP, ALLAN S, PHD Pollio, Marilyn R, EDD Porter, Laura G, PhD Powell, Jo Ann, PhD Reno, Angela M, PhD Repka, Renee J, PhD Roberson, Mary K, PhD Rogers, Edwin S, PhD Rummel, Roy L, PhD Ryan, Patrice M, PhD Sherrod, Michael L, CLIN Sherwood, Vance R, PhD Slavin, Robert J, PhD Spillman, Brian, PhD Stalgatitis, Susan J, PhD Stillman, Denise M, PhD Strickler, Susan R, PhD Stuhl, John H, PsyD Swain, Nicole F, PsyD Swander, Karen K, PhD Taylor, Barbara L, PhD Tyler, Douglas, PhD Vreeland, Jerome W, PhD Wagner, Harold W, PhD Wahler, Robert G, PhD Welsh, Deborah, PhD Whitaker, Robert L, PhD Whitney, Anne G, PhD Whitworth, Pamela S, PhD Wike, Martha, PhD Wilhoit, Brian E, PhD Williams, Joanna R, PhD Williams, Joshua, PhD Williams, Laurie T, PhD Wilson, K Shannon, PhD Wilt, David E, PhD Wyatt, Steven C, PhD Zook Bell, Catherine, PhD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Networks Lauderdale County (AL) Licensed Clinical Social Worker Chandler, Leah, LCSW Amonette, David W, MSW PSK Psychiatry Anakwenze, David, MD Daily, Rebecca S, MD PSK PSK Psychology Osteen, Peggy, PhD PSK Laurel County (KY) Licensed Clinical Social Worker Marks, Marketha, LCSW Psychiatry Schremly, John, MD Licensed Clinical Social Worker Reedy, Cynthia, LCSW Lawrence County Licensed Clinical Social Worker Amonette, David W, MSW Lightfoot, Lesa McAnally, LCSW Richardson, Cherri R, LCSW Walker, Richard, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Daubert - Hitchcock, Patricia, LPC Psychiatry Graves, James M, MD McKenzie, Donna G, MD Licensed Professional Counselor Clanton, April S, LPC Psychology Clark, Stanley D, PhD S S S S K K K K PSK PSK Lee County (VA) Licensed Professional Counselor Crouse, Heather R, LPC PSK Lewis County Licensed Professional Counselor PSK P P P P PSK PSK Walls, Linda C, LCSW PSK PSK PSK Licensed Clinical Social Worker Lake County PSK Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Weimers, Paula, LPC Psychiatry Jones, Sonya N, MD Siddiqui, Faisal I, MD Lauderdale County PSK PSK PSK PSK Lincoln County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Licensed Clinical Social Worker Licensed Clinical Social Worker Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Lee, Joan C, APN WILLIAMS, MARTHA J, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Cook, David, LPC Gatlin, Rebecca, LPC Osborne, Gary W, LPC Psychiatry Baymiller, Scott P, MD Chandel, Vijaya K, MD Leal, Jorge, MD Rhodes, Charles T, MD PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K Martin, Heather L, LCSW Green, H Troy, LMFT PSK Licensed Senior Psychological Lane, Betty, LPE Psychiatry Gunasakera, Sandya I, MD Psychology Barnes, Elaine O, PhD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK PSK PSK PSK Behavioral Health Providers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Logan County (KY) Licensed Clinical Social Worker Fielding, John, Jr, LCSW Gill, Melinda K, LCSW Porter, Melinda J, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Champion, Deborah, LPC Johnson, Julie H, LPC Psychiatry Buck, Leroy, MD PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Loudon County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Licensed Clinical Social Worker Burnette, Erica K, LCSW Cartwright, Frances L, LCSW Gaddis, Ellen, LCSW Hutchinson, Lindsay E, LCSW Kachelries, Alice, LCSW Mccolloch, Thomas L, LCSW Rogers Viars, Stephanie A, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Jooma, Khairunnissa, LPC Psychiatry Dominguez, Rosalia R, MD Laty, Mark, MD Psychology Axtell, Philip K, PhD Booher, Joshua, PhD Kenney, William J, PhD Reno, Angela M, PhD Wilhoit, Brian E, PhD PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K Malin, Roxanne, LPE Stanfield, Rebecca, LPE Viar, Charles, LPE PSK PSK S S S S S Barlow, Mary Ann, LPC Borden, Vonda, LPC Burns, Linda P, LPC Chinery, Rodger M, LPC Cook, Kathryn M, LPC Cravens, Gayle M, LPC Edwards, Nancy A, LPC Freeman, Ann Page, LPC Gray, Jeffrey L, LPC Hayes, Lovell C, LPC Hottenstein, Linda S, LPC Jordan, Cathy, LPC Laney, Linda S, LPC Phillips, Randall W, LPC Pratt, Perry B, LPC Redden, John H, LPC Trefz, Noreen M, LPC Tremblay, Mary Ann, LPC Licensed Psychological Examiner PSK P P P P P Crowell, Mark, LCSW Culbreath Spring, Cynthia, LCSW Doyle, Angelia J, LCSW Francis, Meredith W, LCSW Hawkes, Barbara, LCSW Jones III, James A, LCSW Murchison, Carol, LCSW Nash, Debra S, LCSW Owens, Francine, LCSW Potter, Sandee J, LCSW Reedy, Cynthia, LCSW Spring, Stephen H, LCSW Taylor, Patricia, LCSW White, Sara C, LCSW Williams, Janey S, MSW Williams, Rodney P, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor PSK Carlson, Kelly, APN Marshall, Carol A, APN Mathewson, Leslie A, APN Psychiatry Ali, Shahid, MD Greene, Catherine M, MD Guyton, Joe L, MD King, Louis D, MD Moragne, Sidney, MD Patel, Vadankumar M, MD Trautman, Lucas A, MD K K K K K Psychology Macon County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Popplewell, Mindy, RN Psychiatry Winston, Nathaniel, MD Psychology Lee, Gary F, PhD PSK PSK PSK Madison County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Cullen Williams, Carolyn, FNP Freeman, Carolyn J, APN Kirk, Elaine S, APN Phillips, Kimberly A, MSN Rea, Margaret R, NP Riddle, Diana L, FNP Russell, Lauralei S, APN Scarborough, Ramona P, APRN BC Warren, Patricia N, NP Licensed Clinical Social Worker Billings, Brian K, LCSW Chapman, Traci L, LCSW Cole, Donna F, LCSW Collins, Brenda, LCSW Behavioral Health Providers P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K P P P P S S S S K K K K Marion County K-Network K Caldwell, Constance, PHD Deschenes, Paul, PhD Hilliard, Deryl P, EDD Kennon, Robert W, PhD Lockwood, Frances M, PhD Pickering, David E, PhD Raines, Bobby, PhD Sewell, William R, PhD Spring, Richard, PhD West Willette, Carolyn, PhD Zinkus, Peter W, PhD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K Networks Orton, Jane O, LCSW Sparks, Lindsey T, LCSW St Charles Keele, Debra L, LCSW Stewart, Randall H, LCSW Turnbow, Cornelia, LCSW Walker, Sheila J, MSW Wiggins, Marcia D, LCSW Alves, Mary, LCSW Barton, Melanie, LCSW Burks, Amy, LCSW Davis, Brian, LCSW Dixon, Cathleen, LCSW Dixon, Louis, MSW Duquette, Debbie, MSW Flores, Karin, MSW Henry, Anna, LCSW Lewis Myler, Sally, LCSW Luvall, Melanie, LCSW McAdams, Janice, LCSW Morris, Brent, LCSW Moulton, Krista A, LCSW S S S S S S S K K K K K K K Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Falls, Jacqueline O, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Arnold, Grace, LPC Brantner, Rena J, LPC Byham, Jay, MS Chamberlain, Marybeth, LPC Cothran, Kelly, LPC Edwards Bailey, Shirley, LPC Frazier, Natalie, LPC Goodwin, Byrom O, LPC Gray, Crystal, LPC Hall, Judith A, LPC Horton, Phoebe N, LPC Hoyt, Gulshah, LPC Ikard, Stacy, LPC Lands, Marilyn, MS Lynch, Thomas M, LPC Matthews, Calvin O, LPC Nitchen, Kori, LPC Nolin, G Damon, LPC Pellant, Tamara, LPC Powell, Leslie, LPC Rainwater, Paul E, LPC Rooks, Anne, LPC Sayle, Sara, LPC Slocumb, Wayde, LPC Smith, James A, LPC Tannehill, Kenneth, LPC Thomas Heinsohn, Isabella, LPC Towle, Donald, LPC Wysock, Roxanne, MA Psychiatry Alrefai, Ammar, MD Hancock, James C, MD Jain, Gauri J, MD Kumaramangalam, Scariya, MD Lachmann, Elizabeth, MD Lindsay, Trevor R, MD Piha, Alan D, MD Scott, Donna J, MD Wicks, John, MD Yedla, Anupama, MD Psychology Burleson, Randal K, PhD Confer, William N, PhD Floyd, Bridget, PhD Hale, Halina, PhD Maier, Lawrence R, PhD Matthews, Belvia W, PhD Sandy, J Thomas, PHD Seeman, Eric, PHD Wells, Annie M, PhD Madison County (AL) Licensed Clinical Social Worker P P P P P P P PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K Madison County (ALl) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Licensed Professional Counselor Rush, David N, LPC PSK Marion County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Rodgers, Elizabeth M, NP Licensed Clinical Social Worker Deyoung, Sara, LCSW Kent, Suzanne A, LCSW Ruth, Robert S, LCSW Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK PSK PSK PSK 177 Marion County S-Network S P-Network P Networks K-Network K Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) White, Jamie Lynn, LPC Williams, Pamela, MS Licensed Psychological Examiner Vaughan, William, LPE Licensed Senior Psychological Marion County (Continued) Licensed Professional Counselor Partin, Emily, LPC Taylor, Sheila, LPC Psychiatry Maitra, Badshah, MD Thompson, Richard F, MD Holgate Williams, Stephane, LPE Proffitt II, James L, SLPE Rutherford, David C, LSPE PSK PSK Psychiatry PSK PSK Marshall County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Jenks, Karen T, RN CNS Licensed Clinical Social Worker Butler, Nancy B, LCSW Green, Jody, LCSW Licensed Senior Psychological Mogge, Linda M, SLPE Psychiatry Siddiqui, Faisal I, MD PSK PSK PSK Psychology Casey, Terry A, PhD Cox, Mary D, EDD PSK PSK Getske, Katherine, LCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker Aleta, Young D, LCSW Clanton, Allison, LCSW Crockett, Anne K, LCSW Dianna, Jody M, LCSW Duley, Joe S, LCSW Fox Dixon, Brenda, MSSW Knowles, Carla L, LCSW McGory, David J, LCSW Nobles, Phyllis A, LCSW Odom, Patsy, LCSW Silverthorn, Brian T, LCSW Williams, Janita W, LCSW Hill, Karen, NP PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K Licensed Clinical Social Worker Green, Rebecca J, LCSW Hartgrove, Brenda L, LCSW Hicks, Ramona, LCSW Holt, Julie A, LCSW Miller, Philip E, LCSW Tullock, Elizabeth J, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Arias, John M, LPC Freeman, William E, LICE Grant, Debra T, LPC Hambaugh, William P, LMHC Hilchey, Mary R, LPC Licensed Psychological Examiner Cartwright, Stephen H, LSPE Licensed Professional Counselor Psychiatry 178 K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Smith, Jeri, LMFT PSK Licensed Professional Counselor Barnette, Betty, LPC Goodrum, Stephanie K, LPC Psychiatry Greene, Catherine M, MD PSK PSK PSK Psychology Gallaher, Darvis, PhD PSK Metcalfe County (KY) Psychiatry Buck, Leroy, MD PSK Mississippi County (AR) Psychology Cates, Mark, PhD Zioliko, Mary E, PHD PSK PSK PSK PSK Mitchell County (NC) Licensed Clinical Social Worker Callahan King, Kaitlyn, LCSW Walters, Marnie M, LCSW PSK PSK PSK Licensed Clinical Social Worker PSK Licensed Senior Psychological Brooks, April E, LPC Brooks, Timothy L, LPC Brown, Lee, LPC Burger, Jennifer D, LPC Colmore, Eunice, LPC Conrad, Barbara, LPC Dillehay, Jennifer, LPC Dixon, Linda, LPC Ford, Melody, LPC Gertig, Christopher P, LPC Grimes, Timothy R, LPC Hallworth, Pat, LPC Keith, Kathleen, LPC Lashower, Elizabeth, LPC Leach, Renee, LPC O Malley, Susan, LPC Pincus, Elizabeth Ann, LPC Ross, Lesley, LPC Speer, Matthew D, LPC S S S S S S S S S S S S S Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Wood, Candi R, LMFT P P P P P P P P P P P P P Mcminn County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Licensed Clinical Social Worker PSK PSK PSK Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Monroe County PSK Maury County Gunderson, Dee, APN Owens, Andrea S, APN Reeves, Kari, NP PSK Mccracken County (KY) Marshall County (MS) Licensed Clinical Social Worker Barr, Ralph I, MD Batson, Alicia B, MD Jones, Sonya N, MD Koomen, John C, MD Mudumbi, Saran V, MD Parrott, Earl Q, MD Poling, Rodney A, MD Quasem, Susanna L, MD Sarasti, Ana Maria, MD Wahid, Zia, MD Walker, Lottie A, MD Wilson, Katie E, MD Yank, Glenn R, MD PSK PSK Networks Wiggins, Todd, LPE Mauroner, Richard, MD Zemichael, Dawit, MD Psychology Brown Jr, Robert W, PsyD P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Cartwright, Frances L, LCSW Davis, Lisa E, LCSW Hall, Tracie T, LCSW Hutchinson, Lindsay E, LCSW King, Tamela, LCSW Murr, Terri, LCSW Norton, Melanie S, LCSW Rogers Viars, Stephanie A, LCSW Schriver, Andrew, LCSW Scott, Patricia Neel, PNP Stewart, Jan, MSSW Vogel, Andrea T, LCSW Yoder, Rebekah L, LCWS Kirk, Elaine S, APN Rea, Margaret R, NP Warren, Patricia N, NP Licensed Clinical Social Worker GRAMMER, MARY B, LSCW McFarland, Jennifer E, LCSW PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Schumann, Thomas R, Jr, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Dash, Ellen W, LPC Hendrix, Kristi, LPC Pate Sr, Raymond K, LPC Psychiatry Beck, Thomas S, MD Dominguez, Rosalia R, MD Mares, Ruxandra M, MD Namasivayam, Karthi S, MD Zemichael, Dawit, MD PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P P Psychology Lett, Nancy, PhD Mcnairy County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K PSK Monroe County (KY) Licensed Professional Counselor Bennett, Tonya Renee, LPC PSK Montgomery County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Bodie, Marilyn, RN Hardenburgh, Kimberly J, NP Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK PSK Behavioral Health Providers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Zingale, Salvatore, PhD Montgomery County (Continued) Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health (Continued) Psychology Licensed Clinical Social Worker Daniel, Lisa A, LCSW Davis, William C, LCSW Gallagher, Myriam, LCSW Hall, Nancy L, LCSW Hayes, Katrina, LCSW Hicks, Laurel, LCSW Johnson, Myra Y, LCSW Kerwin, Mary, LCSW Markham, Rhonda, LCSW Mezei, Bobbie M, LCSW Talbott, Shirley A, LCSW Verdejo, Kimberly A, LCSW Williams, Janita W, LCSW Wilson, Pamela H, LCSW PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Coe, Mary C, LMFT Hurley, Elisha C, LMFT Mathew, Angela, LMFT Oakland, Ronald G, LMFT Underwood Owsley, Lezlie R, LMFT Zanders, Tina I, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Robison, Jodie J, LPC Vann, Steven K, LPC Warner, Patricia J, LPC White, Tory L, LPC Licensed Psychological Examiner Coulter, Stacey K, LPE Graham, Ellen, LPE Licensed Senior Psychological Sarwar, Begum Yasmine, LPE Scott, James Michael, LPE Townsend, Rebecca G, SLPE Psychiatry Abubucker, Shabeer, MD Briggs, Karen T, MD Emch, Douglas, MD Logan, Bret W McGhee, Michael H, MD Moore, Echo M, MD Peacher, Terry G, MD Pritchett, Elizabeth, MD Shah, Rammik, MD Psychology Alexander, Nicole, PhD Berberich, Robert R, EDD Davis, James E, PSYC Glasscock, Stephen G, PhD Gorban, Jay S, PhD Gorman, Katherine J, PhD Hebda, James R, PHD Hughes, Harold Kent, PhD Kovach, Edward R, PhD Nygard, Norman K, PhD Pennington, Pamela R, PhD Porter, Melissa, PhD Premeau, Cheri L, PhD Quintero, Joann, PhD Rachlin, Daniel, PhD Sheehan, Michael C, PSYC Smith, Alexandra C, PsyD Squire, Denise L, PhD Behavioral Health Providers ElAwady, Mohamed A, MD Grubbs, Sabrina J, PhD Sivley, Robert B, Jr, PhD Licensed Clinical Social Worker Anderson, Oreta G, LCSW Barnhart, C Anita, LCSW Crist, Marilyn I, LCSW Hollowell, Lindsey C, LCSW Reedy, Cynthia, LCSW Sedgebear, Sherri A, LCSW Vawter, Amy, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor S S S S S S K K K K K K Chase, Andrea, MS P P P P S S S S K K K K Psychology PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK PSK Psychiatry Binford, R Bailey, MD Durbin, Constance L, MD Patel, Vadankumar M, MD Rich, Anthony M, MD Williams, Joseph W, MD Hollis, Allan Ray, Jr, PhD PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K PSK P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K PSK Overton County Licensed Professional Counselor Behel, Al C, LMFT Garrett, Dulcie M, LPC Psychiatry Atkinson, Donald R, MD Thompson, Richard F, MD Getske, Katherine, LCSW PSK PSK Champion, Mary C, PhD Gillespie, Richard, LMFT Lee, Ronnie, LMFT Stokesberry, Carol L, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Barrett, Tanya, LPC Chaney, H David, LPC Crody, John, LPC Eibel, Abby L, LPC Elliott, Patricia S, LPC Gallardo, Annette, LPC Kemp, Myrna, LPC Killian, Jerrell, LPC Marsh, Patricia C, LPC MARTIN, CARLA D, LPC Mick, Christina, EDS Miller, Judy, LPC Palk, Mike, LPC Rector, Angie R, LPC Ridley, Robert M, LPC Smith, Patricia, LPC Vogel, Julie A, LPC Weaver, Thomas S, Jr, MA Weeks, Dennis A, LPC Licensed Senior Psychological Herman, Jeffery S, LPC Loftis, Mark, LPE Proffitt II, James L, SLPE Rummel, Emily R, LSPE Green, Sheila, RN Psychiatry Atkinson, Donald R, MD Briggs Rector, Cynthia K, MD Durvasula, Viswa B, MD Leftwich, Lanny M, Jr, MD Moore, Stephen T, DO Thompson, Richard F, MD Psychology PSK Perry County Psychology Eisenmenger, David J, MSW Garcia, Sandra, LCSW Johnson, Barbara O, LCSW Kelly, Jennifer, LCSW Langford, Cathy H, LCSW Lovell, Carole, LCSW Lovell, Mark J, LCSW Miller, Sandra B, LCSW Psychiatric Nurse PSK PSK Panola County (MS) Licensed Clinical Social Worker Robertson, Holly, RN/CNS Wentworth, Angela J, APN Worley, Julie A, RN PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Ambler, Janet T, FNP Freeman, Carolyn J, APN Lee, Joan C, APN Networks Licensed Clinical Social Worker Obion County P P P P P P PSK PSK PSK Muhlenberg County (KY) Psychiatry Jenks, Karen T, RN CNS Lawrence, Scott A, MSN APN Rhea County K-Network K Averitt, John B, PhD Bilbrey, Roy, PHD Call, Richard J, PhD Edwards, Christopher A, PhD Edwards, Lawrence A, PHD Fussell, Juanita J, PsyD Karlosky, Peggy, PhD PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K PSK Rhea County Polk County Licensed Professional Counselor Arias, John M, LPC Selvage, Bruce, LPC Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Dunn, Kristy N, ANP PSK PSK Russell, Kathy L, LPC Shockley, Carole A, LPC Licensed Senior Psychological Putnam County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Dolfie, Elizabeth K, APN Frechette, Barbara A, MSN McCoy, Kathleen T, APN Remsing, Nile L, APN Licensed Professional Counselor P P P P S S S S K K K K Ladd, Elizabeth K, PhD Wiggins, Todd, LPE Psychiatry Supan, Angelina A, MD Zemichael, Dawit, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK 179 Rhea County S-Network S P-Network P Networks K-Network K Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Rutherford County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Burke, Dorothy D, NP Cowell, Meleney A, APN Frazier, Susan S, APN Rhea County (Continued) Licensed Clinical Social Worker Psychology Boyd Jr, William R, PhD Ofenloch, Mark, PhD Ring, Walter J, EDD Braswell, Allison W, LCSW Chestnut, Joshua M, LCSW Crafton, Lynda C, LCSW Crawford, Diana L, LCSW Downs, Tara A, LCSW Finlayson, Diana, LCSW Foster, Wendy B, LCSW Francis, Diana, LCSW Hamilton, Melanie, LCSW Hennings, Nikesha, LCSW Johnson, Rhonda D, LCSW Kamp, Suzanne L, LCSW Kermicle, Doyle, LCSW Langley, Jamie, LCSW Loftis, Michael W, LCSW Lundquist, Jerilyn M, LCSW Martin, Carla J, MSSW Neal, Cheryl, LCSW Norton, Lana T, LCSW Orr, Landra, LCSW Richardson, Deborah, LCSW Rivas, Alan D, LCSW Templeton, Kandy, LCSW Waring-Vincent, Elise, LCSW Work, Connie M, LCSW PSK PSK PSK Roane County Licensed Clinical Social Worker Allston, Judith A, LCSW Barney, Michael G, LCSW Callahan, Ann M, LCSW Fisher, Betty J, LCSW Hopkins, Nicola J, LCSW Owens, Stephen, LCSW Park, Stacy P, LCSW Shoffner, Jill, LCSW Turner, Elizabeth C, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Hamilton, Stella, LPC Licensed Senior Psychological Hickling, Paul, SLPE Psychiatry Dudani, Babulal B, MD Psychology Albiston, Robert K, PhD Bryant, Sharon L, PhD ENSIGN, ELAINE L, PHD Golbach, Traci A, LPC Simmons, Daniel L, PhD P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK PSK P P P P P S S S S S Licensed Professional Counselor Beasley, Peggy L, LPC Branch, Randle, LPC Crim, Melissa, LPC Crouse, Chad, LPC Fehrman, James T, LPC Hiers, Pamela, LPC Kelley, Wendell A, LPC Taylor, Travis, LPC Toy, Anne Marie, LPC Wilson, Patricia A, LPC K K K K K Robertson County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Licensed Psychological Examiner Licensed Clinical Social Worker Licensed Senior Psychological Stewart, Sharon L, MSN Ball, John M, LCSW Potter, Paul G, LCSW Weismark, Janet S, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Agoston, Kimberly, LPC Bryant, Anne M, LPC Ouzts, John R, LPC Rogers, Laura E, LPC Psychiatry Hartman, Bert, MD Paranjape, Yeshawant B, MD Psychology Bowie, Billy G, PHD Droese Vallerie, Ashley E, PhD Porter, Melissa, PhD Wilson, Donna C, EdD PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K Rockcastle County (KY) Psychiatry Schremly, John, MD PSK Russell County (VA) Psychiatry Dreyzehner, Jana K, MD 180 PSK Barkley, Philip, LPE Barkley, Janice, LPE Beasley, Elysse, LSPE Bell, Breanna, LPE Bowen, April C, LPE Farrar, Lochia A, LPE Rowan, Deborah, LPE Socha, Linda S, LSPE Viers, Jeffrey, LSPE Psychiatry Abramson, David, MD Anderson, Philip Bradley, MD Butler, Suzanne D, MD FAROOQUE, AHMED I, MD Hudek, Sabitha, MD Lundin, Linda S, MD Mudumbi, Saran V, MD Putatunda, Shipra, MD Reddy, Pranahitha C, MD Singh, Ravi P, MD Psychology Anderson, Sherian M, PhD Branscomb, Louisa Porter, PhD Campbell, Jerry, PsyD Capelli, Catherine A, PhD Clark, Stanley D, PhD Foster, Paul Stephen, PhD Hanket, Jennifer A, PhD Hoblitzelle, Wendy, PhD Hughes, Danita L, EDD Hughes, Lashonda R, PsyD PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K Networks Johnson, Amy H, PhD Mathis, David C, EDD Nygard, Norman K, PhD Polak, Mary K, PhD Quarto, Christopher J, PhD Quinn, Brynda M, PhD Riddle, Kathryn P, PhD Seeman, Larry, PhD Slicker, Ellen K, PhD Steuber, Harry, PhD Webb, Lisa M, PhD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Saint Francis County (AR) Psychiatry Kumar, Jyothsna, MD PSK Saint Louis County (MO) Psychology Trimble, John T, Sr, PhD PSK Scott County Licensed Clinical Social Worker Barney, Michael G, LCSW Gallagher, Patricia L, LCSW Owens, Stephen, LCSW Park, Stacy P, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor PSK S S S S S S S S S S S Butler, Reginald O, LPC Psychiatry Dudani, Babulal B, MD Lieberman Tellez, Laraine, MD P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK PSK PSK Scott County (VA) Licensed Professional Counselor Crouse, Heather R, LPC Greene, Eric T, LPC Wade, Mark, LPC Psychiatry Musil, Clinton A, Jr, MD Turnbull, James M, MD PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Sequatchie County Licensed Professional Counselor McDermott, Audra, LPC McDermott, Frederick Kirk, MA PSK PSK Sevier County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Carlson, Kelly, APN Lackner Mullins, Constance, APN Marshall, Carol A, APN Mathewson, Leslie A, APN Raman, Christina G, RN MSN Licensed Clinical Social Worker Brown, Carol T, LCSW Bruns, Lindsey, LCSW Christian, Kate E, LCSW Fitzsimmons, Eldora Louise, LCSW Gaddis, Ellen, LCSW Leo Hunake, Doreen G, LCSW Oakley, Minnie T, LCSW Overton, Christine M, LCSW Pemberton, Rhonda M, MSSW Portman, Michelle D, LCSW Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K Behavioral Health Providers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Sevier County (Continued) Licensed Clinical Social Worker (Continued) Roberts, Kristin, LCSW Shoemaker, Leon, LCSW PSK PSK Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Mayberry, John D, LMFT Taylor, Barbara A, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Blalock, Kariss T, LPC Brown, James O, LPC Floyd White, Janet E, LPC Licensed Psychological Examiner West, Cynthia, LSPE Psychiatry Gyurik, Catherine E, MD Lieberman Tellez, Laraine, MD Paulauskas, Dovile, MD Sarasti, Ana Maria, MD Trentham, Shirley D, MD Weninger, Marvin G, MD Psychology Overton, Max N, PhD Spillman, Brian, PhD PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K PSK PSK Shelby County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Allen, Mary Jane, APN Andrews, Susan M, APN Diana, Karen, APN Hasselle, Christine C, NP Hesselrode, Mark A, APN McLaughlin, Christy B, RN/CNS Miller, Laurie A, APN Moss, Timothy K, RN Partee, Debra, APN Russell, Lauralei S, APN St Clair, Sue K, NP Sykes, Richard D, RN Van Every, Kymberly R, APN Vanderhoef, Dawn M, APN Williams, Lisa D, RN,CNS Licensed Clinical Social Worker Ades, Tonia, LCSW Akey, Don, LCSW Anderson, Marvin N, LCSW Arnold, Latisha, LCSW Barzel, Lisa K, LCSW Bentley, James, LCSW Bookman, Judith S, LCSW Bourkard, Ann, LCSW Brotherton, Renee L, LCSW Burke, Jane A, LCSW Byrd, Elizabeth B, MSW Carpenter, Mary B, LCSW Casey, Dawn D, LCSW Ciaramitaro, Courtney C, LCSW Cole, Stephanie D, LCSW Davis, Tracey A, MSW Dickason, Karen, LCSW Eddleman, Rick, LCSW Edwards, Tom, LCSW Ellis, Rita V, LCSW Elrod, Joni J, LCSW FINCH, ANN H, LCSW Flowers, James R, LCSW Furrh, Sandy, LCSW Gathright, Sandra, LCSW Behavioral Health Providers P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Shelby County K-Network K Gauss, Douglas A, LCSW Getske, Katherine, LCSW Ginn, M Doug, LCSW Griffin, Ellen W, LCSW Guinn, Addie B, LCSW Gurley, Marianne R, LCSW Hackett, Edwina R, LCSW Heath, Pennie S, LCSW Holcomb, Willie D, LCSW Hughey, Lillie, LCSW Humphreys, Robert, LCSW Jabbour, Brenda R, LCSW Johnson, Julia B, LCSW Jones, Austin, LCSW Jones, Linda F, LCSW King, Judy P, LCSW Knight, Anne, LCSW Lambe, Sheridan, LCSW Landau, Sylvia S, LCSW Lebovitz, Sarah C, LCSW Lepkofker, Sabrina B, LCSW Long, Jody G, LCSW Manire, Nancy W, LCSW McAnally, Tony, LCSW McColough, Kristen E, LCSW McCullough, Sandra F, LCSW McNeil, Norma A, LCSW Middleton, Trina, LCSW Moffatt, Emily, LCSW Montgomery, Patricia S, LCSW Moskowitz, Gay B, LCSW Oates Galbraith, Murff, LCSW Oxford, Linda K, LCSW Patterson, Carrie, LCSW Payne, Rhonda B, LCSW Pfeiffer, Joseph, LCSW Priest, Margaret H, LCSW Prince, Susan M, LCSW Reed, Karen P, LCSW Rice, Marlyna E, LCSW Rinner, Barbara A, LCSW Riss, Karen M, LCSW Robinson, Michelle R, LCSW Rogan, Mark H, MSSW Sams, Carol, LCSW Sanders, Karen, LCSW Sawyer, Jacquelyn, MSSW LCSW Schott, Jacqueline B, LCSW Schultz, Emily K, LCSW Shaw, James (Jim) R, LCSW Smith, Karen M, LCSW Smith, Martha M, LCSW Split, Patricia L, LCSW Streete, Mary E, LCSW Sumlin, Otis, LCSW Thigpen, Charles, LCSW Tipton, Carolyn W, LCSW Todd, Michael S, ACSW Valli, Jennifer L, MSW Webster, Chenobia, MSSW Weinman Crouch, Rebecca F, LCSW Wiggins, Mary Beth, LCSW Wilkinson, Paula, LCSW Williams, Marilyn G, LCSW Williamson, Janiece, LCSW Wilson, Rachel L, LCSW Wingfield, Mary Beth, CSW P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Hubbard, Callie B, LCSW Milam, Lenn H, LMFT Vamplin, Sheila, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Barkley, Paul H, EDD Bowers, Betty J, LPC Cassius, Eric D, LPC Coffman, James R, LPC Cummings, Sharon, LPC Dean, Mary, LPC Dennie, Deborah T, LPC Donato, Donna M, LPC PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K Networks Fowler, Cherry, LPC Frieden, Jeffrey L, LPC Gatlin, Rebecca, LPC Haddow, Laurie, LPC Hamsley, Jeffrey L, LPC Hawthorne, Elwanda, LPC Hopper, Patrick, LPC Hughes, Gregory S, LPC Jackson, Richard, LPC Johnson, Nancy L, LPC Johnson, Tracey L, LPC Jones, Gwendolyn, LPC JONGEWARD, JIM L, LPC Kelly, Teresa G, LPC King, Louvadie, LPC Lee, Susan B, LPC Lewis, Tammy L, LPC Loos, Robert W, LPC Lymon Young, Joyce A, LPC Maddox, Stephanie, LPC Martin, Lou F, LPC Maynard, Patricia M, LPC McCall, Vicki L, LPC McCaskill, Kim, LPC Miller, Kathryn A, LPC Miller, Melodie, MED Mitchell, John W, LPC Nelson, Howard E, LPC Payne, Christie, LPC Pekary, Christopher, LPC Redden, John C, LPC Redden, John H, LPC Risher, Carol, LPC Scott, Janet E, PhD Skinner, Traci N, MA Smith, Timothy L, LPC Spencer, Rodney, LPC Thomas, James T, LPC Thompson, Donna, LPC Todd, Leila, MA Toles, Mechell, PhD Vanderlei Collins, Maria H, LPC Wade, Christine, LPC Webber, Carolyn, LPC White, Laura E, LPC Whitmore Jenkins, Karen, LPC Wilchie, Juanita, LPC Williams, C Lavonice L, LPC Williams, Larry, LPE Zarzaur, Marlo C, LPC Licensed Senior Psychological Juraschka, Wally, PhD Psychiatry Ahmed, Bilal, MD Al Taher, Mohammad, MD Ali, Irfan, MD Allen, David M, MD Arnold, Valerie K, MD Askins, Kelly, MD Augustus, Valerie L, MD Bannister, Thomas G, MD Battaile, Najiba, MD Baymiller, Scott P, MD Berry, Karen W, MD Black, Audria, MD Blotner, Adrian Brian, MD Blumer, Dietrich Peter, MD Boyd, Daniel S, MD Britton, Ernest L, MD Brunt, Charles Hal, MD Buchalter, Robert, MD Chandel, Vijaya K, MD Clein, Paul D, MD Da Cunha, Carl M, MD Desai, Nita, MD Digaetano, Dolores M, MD Durbin, Constance L, MD Edwards, Neil B, MD Ennis, Kenneth A, MD Finlayson, Alistair R, MD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 181 Shelby County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Shelby County (Continued) Psychiatry (Continued) Goldin, Melvin L, MD Gordon, Martha A, MD Greene, James A, MD Grimaldi, John A, Jr, MD Grimmig, Jana E, MD Harris, John J, MD Haykal, Radwan F, MD Heston, Jerry, MD Hoehn, Robert G, MD Hubbert, Charles, MD Jackson English, Allesa, MD Jaramillo, Juan R, MD Jones, Sheryl D, MD Khuri, Radwan R, MD Leal, Jorge, MD Levitch, Melvyn A, MD Mason, Mark T, MD Morgan, Jack C, MD Moseley, James B, MD Moskovitz, Randall J, MD Pang, Jim, Jr, MD Rao, Ashok B, MD Reisman, Joel A, MD Rhodes, Charles T, MD Saini, Tejinder S, MD Sakauye, Kenneth M, MD Shaw, Jonathan, MD Smith, Eric L, MD Smith, Leslie E, Jr, MD Snyder, Linda B, MD Struble, David, MD Sun, Zhiqiang, MD Swamy, Usha, MD Terry, Kenny, MD Thomason, Fred G, MD Tullis, Kenneth F, MD Varma, Anita S, MD Vogelfanger, Roger, MD Williams, Susannah T, MD Wolters, William, MD Woods, James R, MD Psychology Agostin, Tracy M, PhD Alex, Lisa B, PhD Amos, W Edward, PhD Angelillo, Joseph C, PhD Armstrong, David R, PhD Aronov, Neil E, PhD Bailey, Jolene, PhD Baldick, Theodore L, PhD Balentine, Amy C, PhD Battle, Allen O, PhD Bayer, Gary C, PhD BERTRAM, CHRISTIE C, PhD Bishop, Geraldine, PhD Bolyard, Russell L, PsyD Camp, Charissa C, PhD Camp, Diane, PhD Capooth, Roseanna P, PhD Chapman, Joel W, PhD Ciocca, John V, PhD Clark, Lisa L, PhD Clement, Jane B, PhD Coday, Mace C, PhD Cohen, Sheila L, PhD Collins, Catherine M, PhD Cooper, John A, PhD Covey, Floyd L, Sr, PhD Cox, Jane S, PhD Crouse, Russell, PhD Cutts, Teresa F, PhD 182 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K-Network K Networks Davidson, Michael W, PhD Davis, Anna F, PhD Deason, David M, PhD Del Conte, Garry S, PhD Dermon, Joan F, PhD Dixon, Stacey, PhD Donelson, Earle, PhD Fortner, Barry, PhD Freeman, Charlotte M, PhD Garrott, Allison M, PhD Gentry, Sonny, PHD Gentry, William R, Jr, PhD Geter, Jennifer L, PhD Goldstein, David, PhD Greenberg, Roy D, PhD Grisham, William Max, PhD Hall Myers, Wanda N, PhD Hanauer, Allison, PhD Harper, Warren E, PhD Harris, Elizabeth A, PhD Hart, Douglas J, PhD Haynes, Bradley, PsyD Heegel, Clifford R, PhD Henking, Barbara T, PhD Horton, Lee, PhD House III, Nicholas H, PhD Houts, Arthur C, PhD Hutson, John R, PhD Jacobson, Howard A, PhD Johnson, Joel I, PhD Johnson, Tucker, PhD Johnston, Rose M, PhD Jones, Jesse, PhD Kara, Ashok, PhD Kelley, Patricia A, PhD Kelman, Dale, PhD Kennedy, Charlotte L, PhD Kores, Robert C, PhD Landau, Denise, PhD Lawhead, Catherine A, PhD Lee, Roland N, PhD Leech, Shirley, PhD Levine, Robert, PsyD Little, William B, PhD Long, Tonia L, PhD Luscomb, Richard L, PhD Lyons, Beth A, PhD Malone, Christine M, PhD Martin, Carolyn C, PhD Massey, LaShaunda, PhD McCann, Teri, PhD McCoy, John W, PhD McPhail, Rick L, PhD Mealer, Cynthia Z, PhD Mealer, William F, EDD Moore, Hugh D, PhD Morgan, Roger D, PsyD Morton, Catherine S, PhD Murphy, Dan, PhD Murphy, Philip E, PhD Murphy, William, PhD Neal, Paul J, PhD Nichols, Andrea L, PhD Nichols, Wyatt L, PhD Norvell, Roxanne, PhD Page, Ina J, PhD Pate, Leanne, PhD Paul, Connie S, PhD Pazar, Janice, PhD Potts, Randolph, PhD Pourmotabbed, Tahere, PhD Rose, Sheena E, PhD Rosenthal, Renate H, PhD Ross, Susan A, PhD Sanders, Angela U, PhD Sanford, Caroline G, PhD Serino, Robert M, PhD Smith, Judy H, PhD Smith, Matthew P, PhD Stanley, H Paul, PhD Steinberg, Fred A, PhD Stenberg, Brent E, PhD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Networks Stimbert, Vaughn E, PhD Stone, Jennifer A, PhD Streete, Elizabeth M, PhD Sweeney, Rebecca B, PhD Thompson, Sharon S, PhD Todd, Janet, PhD Truelove, Eddie J, APN Turner, Ray A, PhD Veeser, William R, PhD Vierling, Linda M, PhD Vinick, Barry A, PhD Walls, Nanetta R, PhD Wanat, Mary, PhD Warner, Christina M, PhD Winborn, Lisa C, PhD Winborn, Mark D, PhD Wise, Edward A, PhD Worley, Patricia J, PhD Wright, Patricia M, PhD Zaplac, Trudi P, PhD Zinkus, Peter W, PhD P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Simpson County (KY) Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Cole, George, LMFT Lewis, Mickey, LMFT PSK PSK Psychiatry Zellers, Jeffrey L, MD PSK Psychology Boyle, Sally E, PhD PSK Smith County Licensed Professional Counselor Ross, Billy R, LPC Psychiatry Reddy, Pranahitha C, MD PSK PSK Sullivan County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Ashley, Gervais L, APN Barger, Linda J, NP Blevins, Lisa D, RN Boggs, Jennifer, APN Denison, Robin, MSN Ernst, Mary P, APN Ramey, Ashley C, NP Reynolds, Connie, APN Robinette, Connie, APN Russell, Hela, APN Shuler, Carolyn A, NP Licensed Clinical Social Worker Arnfield, Laura E, LCSW Bailey, Diane R, LCSW Baird, Cheri L, LCSW Birdwell, Melissa, LCSW Blades, Dottie, LCSW Brizendine, Ronald M, LCSW Brown, Rebecah A, LCSW Byrd, Rebecca R, LCSW Cox, Joann, LCSW Cox, Melissa, LCSW Crutchfield, Freida, LCSW Ernst, Dwight D, LCSW Fair, Mary J, LCSW Feathers, Sherri, LCSW Fink, Kim, LCSW Finley, Margaret, LCSW Gregory, Dorothy, LCSW Hess, Cheryl A, LCSW Hood, Ginger, LCSW Ketron, Cindy D, LCSW Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Behavioral Health Providers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Sullivan County (Continued) Licensed Clinical Social Worker (Continued) Lowe, Karen L, LCSW Masters, Gary E, LCSW Miller, Betty, LCSW Orren, Guilda, LCSW Pitini, Kathryn, LCSW Pomerantz, Edward L, LCSW Rose, Marsha, LCSW Sams, Pamela P, LCSW Sherfey, Lisa P, MSW Singleton, John P, LCSW Steffen, Ruth, LCSW Timbs, Cheryl, LCSW Trantham, Kimberly, LCSW White, E Harlan, LCSW Wishart, Jill A, LCSW P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Attride, Sherry, LMFT Brewer,, L. Gordon, Jr, MED Cox, Chera, LMFT Gay Asher, Jean, MA Margaret, Cress, LMFT Page, Joe, LMFT Talley, Sheila, LMFT Terry, Amanda, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Beach Callebs, Kristy L, LPC Crawford, Marie E, LPC Fritz, Dawn, LPC Headley, Kristel D, LPC Hilt, Jane, LPC Hollenbeck, Scott, LPC Jessee, Randall, LPC Kitzmiller, Elizabeth A, LPC Mahoney, Faith, LPC Manuel, Billy, LPC Munier, Kelly, LPC Patterson, Deborah T, LPC Perry, Tim, LPC Pickels, William R, LPC Rall - Harsha, Peg L, LPC Walker, James, III, LPC Licensed Psychological Examiner Daston, Tony, LPE Dotson, Tempie, LPE Farra, Jody, LPE Miller, Michael, LPE Palmer, Anna Jane, PT Licensed Senior Psychological Ballard, Mary, LPE Birchfield, Sarah, LPE Carey, Ladonna S, LPE Fuchs, Jorge, LSPE Hughes, Kenneth N, LSPE Jones, Elizabeth, LPE Leonard, Harold B, LPE Presley, Tammy, LCSW Sims, Willard, LPE Wolfe, Robin D, LSPE Psychiatry Arana, Belito J, MBBC Borel, Terry C, MD Brahmbhatt, Hetal K, MD Buckner, Adrian, MD Gaines, Charles E, DO Garatli, Ali A, MD Goswami, Yogesh G, MD Harris, Michael A, MD Herrin, Charles Bomar, MD Behavioral Health Providers P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K Unicoi County K-Network K Jackson, Richard E, MD Joshi, Deepak, MD Kutty, Ittamveetil N, MD Liquette, Maria T, MD Martin, Michael R, MD Moffet, Eric D, MD Musil, Clinton A, Jr, MD Naramore, George H, MD Patel, Ashvin A, MD Patel, Rakeshkumar Bhagwandas, MD Smith, Ronald S, MD Somiah, Sachdev, MD Sullivan, Timothy J, MD Thompson, Linda, MD Turnbull, James M, MD Villeneuve, Paul C, MD Wisdom Schepers, Jennifer C, MD Yong, Junesik N, MD Psychology Allen, Adair, PhD Burns, Thomas, PhD Cantor, David C, PhD Cooper, Charles M, PhD Gow, Heather C, PhD Latham, Edward E, PhD Millington, Judy B, PhD Nies, Kristie J, PHD Rubenstein, Martha S, PhD Salamone, Richard G, PhD Stockwell, Glenda, PhD Whitehead, Diane L, PhD Wishart, Gary A, PhD P P P P P P P P P SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P S S S S S S S P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Licensed Clinical Social Worker Ball, John M, LCSW Cummins, Julie E, LCSW Degraaf, Nathan A, LCSW Dorris, Rachel B, LCSW Foster, Wendy B, LCSW Glasco, Jinny L, LCSW Hayes, Katrina, LCSW Madden Ray, Amy, LCSW Schocke, Mary E, LCSW Yeiser, Barry, LCSW PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Johnson, Jeremy A, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Brinkley, Heather M, LPC Bunch, Lori D, LPC Christian, Deann, LPC Dawson, Floyd D, LPC Finch, Stephanie A, MA Freed, Lucinda L, LPC Giles, Carlin M, MED Ouzts, John R, LPC Roth, Gilbert J, LPC Warren, Rebecka J, MS Weimers, Paula, LPC Licensed Psychological Examiner Calvert, Katherine H, LPE Licensed Senior Psychological Chandler, Steven C, LSPE Diel, Gloria Jackie, LSPE Dilbeck, Glynn D, SLPE Edwards, Kathryn E, LPC Lavasque, Marie, LSPE Suren, Thomas J, LSPE Psychiatry Cain, John W, II, MD Elazar, Don J, MD Hartman, Bert, MD Leeper, Norman L, Jr, MD Psychology Clark, Stanley D, PhD Hughes, James L, PhD Lee, Gary F, PhD Leftwich, Linda, PhD Lynch, Timothy D, PhD McDaniel, Terrell M, PhD Nelson, Rose, PHD Peacher, Rosemary, PhD Porter, Melissa, PhD Steele, Sarah K, PhD Stout, Ronnie G, PhD Sweeney, Lucy G, PhD Tang Morgan, Jacqueline, PhD Vaught, Susan R, PhD PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Swain County (NC) Psychologists Assistant Tulou, Elizabeth, MA PSK Tazewell County (VA) Psychiatry Dreyzehner, Jana K, MD PSK Tipton County Sumner County Bechard, Holly, APN Hardiman, Erin K, RN APN Lawrence, Scott A, MSN APN Networks PSK P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K PSK P P P P P P S S S S S S K K K K K K Licensed Clinical Social Worker Chambers, Inell B, LCSW Davidson, Janice, LCSW Reed, Karen P, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Cook, David, LPC Johnson, Tracey L, LPC Pfeifer, Carmen F, LPC Wood, Gerald S, LICE Psychiatry Baymiller, Scott P, MD Chandel, Vijaya K, MD Leal, Jorge, MD Rhodes, Charles T, MD Swamy, Usha, MD Psychology Fortner, Barry, PhD Houts, Arthur C, PhD Pazar, Janice, PhD PSK PSK PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K P P P P P S S S S S K K K K K PSK PSK PSK Unicoi County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Blevins, Lisa D, RN Licensed Clinical Social Worker Byrd, Rebecca R, LCSW Comstock, Paul C, LCSW Millenbach, Valerie A, LCSW Timbs, Cheryl, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Richardson, Rita, LPC Taylor, Celeste, LPC Psychiatry Harris, Michael A, MD Musil, Clinton A, Jr, MD PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Check our Web site @ for current listing. 183 Union County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Barrett Hilton, Michelle D, LCSW Comer, Tonya K, LCSW ORPURRT, KEVIN R, LCSW Licensed Senior Psychological Bowman, Michael, LSPE Psychiatry Greenwood, Jeffrey D, MD Quigley, Kimberly A, MD PSK PSK PSK PSK Scharer, Betty J, LPC PSK Wake County (NC) Licensed Professional Counselor Dougherty, Diane T, LPC PSK Walker County (GA) Licensed Clinical Social Worker Hubona, Laura S, LCSW Psychology Jennings, Christine H, PhD PSK PSK Warren County Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Frechette, Barbara A, MSN Licensed Clinical Social Worker Ecker, Mary L, LCSW Johnson, James R, MSW PSK PSK PSK Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Lee, Ronnie, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Johnson, Judy A, MS Martin, Murphy C, LPC Psychiatry Abramson, David, MD Broom, James H, MD Maitra, Badshah, MD Webb, Glenn T, MD Psychology Anderson, Sherian M, PhD PSK PSK PSK P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK Warren County (KY) Licensed Clinical Social Worker Fielding, John, Jr, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Champion, Deborah, LPC Psychiatry Buck, Leroy, MD PSK PSK PSK Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Licensed Clinical Social Worker PSK PSK Union County (GA) Licensed Professional Counselor Washington County Ashley, Gervais L, APN Bentley, Gina, APN Blevins, Lisa D, RN Denison, Robin, MSN Dewitt, Karen A, NP Ernst, Mary P, APN Jackson, Frances A, FNP Lackner Mullins, Constance, APN Ramey, Ashley C, NP Reynolds, Connie, APN Russell, Hela, APN Webb, Angela, APN Union County Licensed Clinical Social Worker Bennett, Susan, LCSW Brock, Jill P, LCSW Byrd, Rebecca R, LCSW Everley, Carolyn B, LCSW Finley, Margaret, LCSW Flynt-Wampler, Barbara, LCSW Fondry, Susan W, LCSW Gray, Sandra, LCSW Gregory, Dorothy, LCSW Hargroves, Lynda, LCSW Hickman, Blair H, LCSW Ketron, Cindy D, LCSW Kuczynski, Kay, LCSW McMillan, Julie, LCSW Millenbach, Valerie A, LCSW Moody, Tammy R, LCSW Osborne, Djuna L, LCSW Owens, Beverly C, LCSW Parris, Jennifer W, LCSW Ray, Beverly, LCSW Roth, Leah E, LCSW Sams, Pamela P, LCSW Shulruff, Mary, LCSW Steffey, Phillip L, LCSW Troxell, Doris, LCSW Troxler, June, LCSW Weaver, Randall, LCSW Wilson, James D, LCSW Yarling, Mary, LCSW P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Bellefant, Charles, MA Burgess, Nicole, LMFT Cox, Chera, LMFT Dougherty, Marbeth, LMFT Elaine, Susan, LMFT Hancock, Nina, LMFT Holloway, Paula V, LMFT Miller, Robb, LMFT OKeeffe, Mary Kathleen, LMFT Rebecca, Sapp, LMFT Sullins, Yanah, LMFT Whitinger, Jean P, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Counts, Carl, LPC Crum, Esther, LCSW Hollenbeck, Scott, LPC Humphreys, Patricia, LPC Jessee, Randall, LPC Johnston, Joseph C, II, LPC Mahoney, Faith, LPC Saltz, Eva Ann, LPC Scott, Brian W, LPC Taylor, Celeste, LPC Weems, Colleen Karen, MA Licensed Psychological Examiner Miller, Michael, LPE Palmer, Anna Jane, PT Sapp, David, LPE Licensed Senior Psychological Angelopoulos, John, LPE Ballard, Mary, LPE 184 K-Network K Networks P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Networks Benedetto, Kathy, LPE Birchfield, Sarah, LPE Cannon, Cathy C, LPC Carey, Ladonna S, LPE Crosswait, Donna L, LSPE Donovan, Elaine C, LSPE Farr, Virginia, SLPE Fuchs, Jorge, LSPE Hughes, Kenneth N, LSPE Jacobs, Wylene, LSPE Kersey, Leslie A, LSPE Leonard, Harold B, LPE Mayes, Ann W, SLPE Newby, Christine H, LSPE Presley, Tammy, LCSW Ramey, Rebekah, LPE Skaggs, Dana, SLPE Spurling, Harry, LSPE P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Psychiatry Bendfeldt, Fernando, MD Bird, Martha A, MD P Borel, Terry C, MD Brahmbhatt, Hetal K, MD Fenley, John D, MD Frizzell, Peter G, MD Gaines, Charles E, DO Garatli, Ali A, MD Goswami, Yogesh G, MD Greenwood, Kenneth, MD Herrin, Charles Bomar, MD Houghton, Rodney, MD Jackson, Richard E, MD Joshi, Deepak, MD Kadam, Rajesh, MD Kelley, Paul R, MD Kilgus, Mark D, MD Lewis, Jeanne L, MD MacMillan, Patrick Joseph, MD McCarley, Jill, MD Miller, Merry N, PhD Moore, Norman C, MD Musil, Clinton A, Jr, MD Patel, Rakeshkumar Bhagwandas, MD Sabri, Safia M, MD Shulruff, STeven M, MD Somiah, Sachdev, MD Stern, Harold P, MD Villeneuve, Paul C, MD Wisdom Schepers, Jennifer C, MD Yong, Junesik N, MD Psychology Abner, John-Paul, PhD Allen, William B, PhD Beaudry, Heather L, PhD Cates, Elizabeth C, PhD Floyd, Michael R, EDD Gow, Heather C, PhD Holland, Kerry L, PhD Hughes, Robert B, PhD Kaufman, Harvey P, LICE Kemp, Evelyn C, PhD MCGOWEN, KATHLEEN R, PHD Moser, Michele R, PhD Neumann, Joseph K, PhD Owens, Stephen L, PhD Roth, Robert E, PsyD Stephens, Tedd A, PsyD Sullivan, Rodney A, PhD Taub, Susan, PhD Thurman, John, PhD Tudiver, Judith G, PHD Whitehead, Diane L, PhD S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK SK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Washington County (VA) Licensed Clinical Social Worker Baldwin, Kathleen P, LCSW Buston, Patricia E, LCSW Duncan, Dana, LCSW Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK PSK PSK Behavioral Health Providers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Whitfield County (GA) Licensed Clinical Social Worker Stout, Annette, LCSW Washington County (VA) (Continued) Licensed Professional Counselor Owens, Patricia A, LPC Rambo, Robert, LPC Psychiatry Dreyzehner, Jana K, MD Stan Hawkins, Diane, MD P P P P P P P S S S S S S S Batts, Paula, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Lyle, Gail W, LPC K K K K K K K Psychiatry Groover, Ann, MD Perez, Carlos H, MD Psychology Stevens, David T, PHD Walker, Kenneth E, PhD PSK PSK Licensed Clinical Social Worker PSK PSK Barton, Stephanie, LCSW Briscoe, C William, MD Raza, Syed M, MD Schremly, John, MD Watauga County (NC) Cole, Phillip L, LCSW Psychology PSK Belew, Barbara L, PhD Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Cooper, Fowler, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Dougherty, Diane T, LPC Psychology Hood, Ron, PhD Licensed Senior Psychological Carroll, Jana, LPE Psychiatry Graves, James M, MD Frazier, Susan S, APN Lewis, John H, NP Martin, Cynthia R, APN Licensed Clinical Social Worker PSK PSK PSK Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Licensed Clinical Social Worker Jones III, James A, LCSW Licensed Professional Counselor Edwards, Nancy A, LPC Osborne, Gary W, LPC Licensed Psychological Examiner Stanfield, Rebecca, LPE Licensed Senior Psychological Jackson, James A, LSPE Wilson, Anthony, LSPE Psychiatry Patel, Vadankumar M, MD PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK White County Licensed Clinical Social Worker Kelly, Jennifer, LCSW PSK Bailey, Charlotte B, LCSW Barnard, Beth A, LCSW Bates Dickey, Barbara A, LCSW Braswell, Allison W, LCSW Brooks Fincher, Catherine, LCSW Conley, Nancy, LCSW Delaney, Rebecca B, LCSW DeMarsilis, Michelle, LCSW Dorn, Phyllis, LCSW Fogelberg, Paula R, LCSW Folley, Elyse, LCSW Gish, Jonathan, LCSW Green, Barbara R, LCSW Haley, Bethany P, LCSW Harkleroad, Mary, LCSW Hothorn, Patricia M, LCSW Jaeger, Shirley, LCSW Johnson, Cynthia, LCSW Kamp, Suzanne L, LCSW Kelly, James A, LCSW Knisley, Ellen R, LCSW Land, Rebekah R, LCSW Malone, Jennifer S, CMSW Miles, Laurie A, LCSW Mora, Fran L, LCWS Murphy, Michael, LCSW Nash Spacek, Dezerae M, LPC Nelson, Susan M, LCSW Rivas, Alan D, LCSW Romfh, Helen, LCSW Schuehrer McHenry, June, LCSW Silver, Lisa R, LCSW Simmons, Jane P, LCSW Southworth, Donna B, LCSW Stark, Diane J, LCSW Tate, Julia J, LCSW Worrell, Sue, LCSW PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK Networks Lorenz, Kristie, LMFT Mathew, Angela, LMFT Oakley, Josephine A, LMFT Underwood Owsley, Lezlie R, LMFT Vaneron, Valli, LMFT Waid, John W, PhD Weiland, Sam P, LMFT Wood, Candi R, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Aldrich, William, MS Atwood, Terri, LPC Boye, Jonathan Andrew, LPC Buck, Chad, PhD Cardona, Franklin, LPC Childs, Ralph S, LPC Fehrman, James T, LPC Freed, Curtis B, RN CNS Freed, Lucinda L, LPC Gaskill, Maria, LPC Holt, Hilliard E, III, LPC Kaforey, Gerald, LPC Kelley, Wendell A, LPC Nash Spacek, Dezerae M, LPC Neely, Steven D, LPC Robinson, Christy, LPC Roy, Frances B, LPC Settle, Jerry C, LPC Troope, Lea A, LPC Webb, Marsena W, LPC Wilson, Suzanne S, LPC Licensed Psychological Examiner Arbaugh Patin, Linda, LPE Hernbeck, Cathy, LPE PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Beatty, Dawn M, LMFT Behavioral Health Providers PSK PSK Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Weakley County Freeman, Carolyn J, APN PSK PSK Williamson County PSK Wayne County Walker, Richard, LCSW PSK PSK PSK Licensed Clinical Social Worker PSK Whitley County (KY) Psychiatry Licensed Clinical Social Worker PSK Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Licensed Clinical Social Worker (Continued) Ely, Jennifer, LCSW Gallacher, Molly, LCSW Helton, Susan, LCSW Jackson, Patricia A, MSW Leibig, Anne B, LCSW Ogle, Lillian W, LCSW Warner, Lynda S, LCSW Williamson County K-Network K PSK Licensed Senior Psychological Frost, James D, LPE McCoy, R Bruce, LSPE Proffitt II, James L, SLPE Psychiatry Abramson, David, MD Bell, William B, MD Butler, Suzanne D, MD Caruso, Keith A, MD Chang, David K, MD Fottrell, Anne Austin, MD Hart, James R, MD Jack, Robert A, MD Jones, Sonya N, MD Karl, Edward M, MD Klauberg, Kurt, DO Koomen, John C, MD Mallipeddi, Madhavi, MD Mathews, George M, MD Memon, Faiza B, PHD Navarre, Richard, MD Nyquist, Steven R, MD Petrie, William M, MD Roberson, Clifford F, MD Rochester, Richard E, MD Siddiqui, Faisal I, MD Yank, Glenn R, MD Psychology Beckwith, Lesli J, PhD Bennett, Mona E, PhD Carmody, Patricia, EDD Clark, Stanley D, PhD Edwards, Horace F, PhD Fite, John, PhD Gale, Scott J, EDD Godwin, Alan E, PSYD Howell, Hampton P, III, PhD Kirby, Kristie L, PhD Loftin, Michael C, PhD Lyst, Aimee M, PhD Nygard, Norman K, PhD Rambo Igney, Brenda C, PhD Smith, Darrell, PhD Smith, Margaret M, EDD Smith, Paul, EDD Check our Web site @ for current listing. P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 185 Williamson County S-Network S P-Network P Networks Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (Continued) Williamson County (Continued) Licensed Professional Counselor Desoto County (MS) PSK PSK Behavioral Health Facilities & Programs PSK PSK PSK Wilson County Ridgeview Psychiatric Hospital Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Licensed Clinical Social Worker Bement, Jo A, LCSW Crawford, Diana L, LCSW Crecelius, Tammy R, LCSW Davis, Tiffany, LCSW Gill, Sandra S, LCSW Grosch, Sharon M, LCSW Hendrick, Kim S, LCSW Lamorte, Kathryn L, LCSW McBride, Ilene A, LCSW Stewart, Harriet, LCSW Vines, Dede D, LCSW P P P P S S S S K K K K P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K Licensed Professional Counselor Atwood, Terri, LPC Bryan, Kendall D, LPC Cooper, Cassandra, LPC Crabtree, Teri, LPC Haas, Donna, LPC Hunter, Lea, LPC Kemp, Myrna, LPC Lanier, Stacey M, LPC Link, Jason T, LPC Newman, Kristen, LPC Parker, Alonzo, LPC Prince, Suzanne H, MA Scott, Sara, LPC Whitt, Frieda G, LPC Licensed Senior Psychological Bowen, April C, LPE Proffitt II, James L, SLPE Ritenour, Donna, LPE Psychiatry Ahmad, Saleh, MD Briggs Rector, Cynthia K, MD Cain, John W, II, MD Gaboy, Narciso C, MD Raggio, Chris H, MD Reddy, Pranahitha C, MD Winston, Nathaniel, MD Psychology Jones, Christina S, PhD Phillips, Sandra, PhD Tartt Godbolt, Kimberly R, PhD Wood, Carlton G, PHD PSK PSK P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K PSK PSK PSK P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K P P P P S S S S K K K K Wise County (VA) Licensed Professional Counselor Greene, Eric T, LPC Wade, Mark, LPC 186 PSK PSK PSK PSK Dickson County New Life Lodge PSK LaPaloma Treatment Center LLC PSK PSK Greene County Blount County Takoma Adventist Hospital Blount Memorial Hosp Psy PSK Cornerstone of Recovery Inc PSK Peninsula Division of Parkwest Medical CenterPSK PSK Hamblen County New Hope Recovery Center PSK Bradley County Bradford Health Services Skyridge Medical Center Valley Hospital PSK PSK PSK Campbell County St Marys Medical Center of Campbell CountyP S K Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) Johnson, Jeremy A, LMFT McKinney, Heidi L, LMFT Parkwood Hospital Parkwood Southaven Fulton County (GA) Anderson County Ament, Teresa A, ARNP Hardiman, Erin K, RN APN Teeftaller, Brandon D, NP Wood, Angela L, MSN Networks Yancey County (NC) Luz, Bonita, LPC Theresa, Anderson, LPC Psychology (Continued) Stott, Nancy J, PhD Weitz, Lawrence J, PhD West, Pamela D, PhD K-Network K Networks Hamilton County AMHS Chattanooga Cadas Cumberland Hall Chattanooga Focus Healthcare of Tennessee Parkridge Med Ctr PSY Unit Parkridge Valley Hospital Solace, LLC Springview Recovery Center Cannon County Stones River Hosp Psych Carter County Jefferson County (AL) PSK Catoosa County (GA) Lookout Mountain Community Services PSK Alternative Counseling Center PSK AMHS Knoxville PSK Parkwest Medical Center PSK Peninsula Division of Parkwest Medical CenterPSK St Marys Health System PSK Coffee County AMHS Manchester Cumberland Heights Treatment Center Lauderdale County (AL) PSK PSK PSK PSK Buffalo Valley Inc PSK Madison County Davidson County Bradford Health Services Centennial Parthenon Pavilion CHC Nashville CMHC LLC Cumberland Heights Treatment Center Skyline Madison Campus Summit Medical Center Vanderbilt University Medical Center AMHS Florence Lewis County Dade County (GA) Lookout Mountain Community Services PSK Knox County PSK Chattooga County (GA) K K K K K K K K PSK Bradford Health Services Lookout Mountain Community Services S S S S S S S S Henry County PSK Henry Co Medical Ctr Sycamore Shoals Hospital P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S K K K K K K K Cumberland Heights Treatment Center Jackson Area Council On Alcoholism Pathways of TN Inc Youth Town of Tennessee P P P P S S S S K K K K Madison County (AL) Bradford Health Services Check our Web site @ for current listing. PSK Behavioral Health Providers S-Network S P-Network P Networks Behavioral Health Facilities & Programs (Continued) PSK Mcminn County Psychiatric Services of East Tennessee PSK Montgomery County AMHS Clarksville Networks Wilson County Networks Tipton County Tipton Hospital Psych PSK Walker County (GA) Marion County Grandview Medical Center K-Network K Lookout Mountain Community Service BoardP S K Lookout Mountain Community Services PSK Washington County Adventure Program Magnolia Ridge Watauga Mental Health Services Inc Woodridge Psychiatric Hospital P P P P S S S S K K K K P P P P S S S S K K K K PSK Williamson County Overton County Cumberland Plateau Recovery PSK AMHS Franklin Cumberland Heights Treatment Center Renfrew Center of TN Rolling Hills Hospital LLC PSK Wilson County Perry County Youth Villages Inc University Medical Center PSK Putnam County AMHS Cookeville Cumberland Plateau Recovery PSK PSK Roane County The Camelot School PSK Rutherford County Cumberland Heights Treatment Center PSK Scott County Scott Co Hospital Psych Unit PSK Shelby County Advanced Horizons LLC Delta Medical Center Psy Unit Foundations Associates Keystone Educ And Yth Svc Compass Lakeside Behavioral Health System LaPaloma Treatment Center LLC Memphis Recovery Centers Mental Health Resources Methodist LeBonheur Behavioral Health St Francis Hospital-Psy Unit The Transformation Center for Women LLC University Of Tennessee P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S K K K K K K K K K K K Sullivan County Bristol Regional Counseling Center Indian Path Pavilion PSK PSK Sumner County The Pathfinders Inc Behavioral Health Providers PSK Check our Web site @ for current listing. 187 188 Pharmacies Check your Evidence of Coverage (EOC) or policy to determine if pharmacy benefits are covered under your health plan. If you are a member of a BlueCross BlueShield health plan other than BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, this pharmacy information does not apply. Participating pharmacies belong to a specific network (example: RX04). To receive the highest level of benefits from your pharmacy plan, choose only those pharmacies that participate in your plan’s specific pharmacy network. Purchasing prescription drugs from out-of-network pharmacies will result in higher out-of-pocket costs. To locate your plan’s pharmacy network distinction (example: RX04), look on the front of your BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee member ID card. Remember: Provider status is subject to change at any given time. Therefore, it is important to make sure that your pharmacy participates in your plan’s specific pharmacy network each and every time you have prescriptions filled. Just asking if they accept BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee insurance is not specific enough. Be sure to ask if that particular pharmacy belongs to your plan’s pharmacy network. Providers listed in this directory are verifiable only up until the time the directory was printed. To verify that a provider is still participating in one of the two BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee pharmacy networks, you can: 1. Call the Member Service number on your ID card; or 2. Access our Web site, Click on the Find A Doctor tool, choose the type of provider you need, then select your specific Blue Network. This is updated daily. 189 Pharmacies Note: The following is a list of nationwide participating chain pharmacies for RX03 and RX04 networks. Many independent pharmacies are also included in our pharmacy networks, so please verify network participation with your independent pharmacy before having your prescriptions filled or refilled. Your pharmacy network is indicated on your ID card. A&P AADP, LLC Access Health Accredo Health Group, Inc Acme Pharmacy AHS-St John Pharmacy Albertsons Pharmacy Allscrips Pharmaceuticals American Home Patient, Inc. American Pharmacy Copper, Inc. Amerita, Inc. Aurora Pharmacy Bartell Drugs Bashas United Drug Bel Air Pharmacy Bi-Lo Pharmacy Bi-Mart Pharmacy Bioscrip Pharmacy Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy Brookshire Pharmacy Brown & Cole Stores Buehlers Pharmacy Caremark Specialty Pharmacy Careplus/CVS Pharmacy Onsite Carle Rx Express Carrs-Gottstein Foods Center Pharmacy Central Pharmacy City Drug Store City Market Pharmacy City Pharmacy Clinic Pharmacy Coborn’s Pharmacy Community Pharmacy Coram Alternative Site Services Corner Drug Store Costco Pharmacy County of Santa Clara Pharmacy Dept Country Mart Pharmacy Critical Care Systems, Inc. Cub Pharmacy Curascript Pharmacy, Inc. CVS Pharmacy Dahl’s Pharmacy 190 Dallas Metrocare Service DHHA Pharmacies Dierbergs Family Pharmacy Dillon Pharmacy Discount Drug Mart Doc’s Drugs Doctors Choice Pharmacy Dominicks Pharmacy Drug Emporium Drug Fair Drug Town Drug Warehouse Drug World Duane Reade Eaton Apothecary Econofoods Pharmacy Epic Rx Pharmacy Fagen Pharmacy Fairview Healthcare Services Family Care Pharmacy Family Fare Pharmacy Family Care Plus Pharmacy Family Meds Pharmacy Farm Fresh Pharmacy Farmacia Central Farmacia Del Carmen Farmacia Del Pueblo Farmacia El Amal Farmacia Nueva Farmacia Plaza Farmacia San Jose Food 4 Less Pharmacy Food City Pharmacy Food City United Drug Food Lion Pharmacy Fred Meyer Pharmacy Fred’s Pharmacy Fred’s Xpress Fruth Pharmacy Fry’s Food & Drug Genoa Healthcare Genuardis Pharmacy Giant Eagle Pharmacy Giant Pharmacy Good Day Pharmacy Good Neighbor Pharmacy Haggen Pharmacy Hannaford Food & Drug Happy Harrys, Inc Harmons Pharmacy Harps Pharmacy Harris Teeter Pharmacy Hartig Drug Co. Harvard Vanguard Med Associates Harveys Supermarket Pharmacy Harvest Foods Pharmacy Health Care Pharmacy Heb Pharmacy Hennepin Co. Medical Center Pharmacy Henry Ford Medical Center Pharmacy Heritage Pharmacy Homeland Pharmacy Hometown Pharmacy Horton & Converse Hy-Vee Pharmacy IHC Pharmacy Infusions Partners Ingles Pharmacy Instymeds Corps JH Harvey JSA Healthcare Junior Food Stores Kaiser Permente Kash n’ Karry Pharmacy Kelsey-Seybold Clinic Kerr Drug Kessel Pharmacy King Kullen Pharmacy King Soopers Pharmacy King’s Pharmacy Kinney Drugs Kleins Family Pharmacy Klingensmith’s Drug Store Kmart Pharmacy Knight Drugs Kroger Drugstore Kroger Food & Drug Kroger Pharmacy Participating Chain Pharmacies (continued) Kroger Sav-on Kroger Savon Pharmacy Leader Drug Store Lewis Family Drug Lifechek Lincare, Inc. Longs Drug Store Main Street Pharmacy Marc’s Pharmacy Marsh Drug Store Martin’s Pharmacy Maxor Pharmacy Mayo Pharmacy May’s Drug Store Med Rx Pharmacy Med-Fast Pharmacy Medicap Pharmacy Medical Arts Pharmacy Medical Center Pharmacy Medical Park Pharmacy Medical Plaza Pharmacy Medicap Pharmacy Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy Medicine Shoppe POI Med-X Drugs Meijer Pharmacy Minyard Pharmacy Morton Pharmacy Navarro Discount Pharmacy Neighborcare Pharmacy Option Care Osco Drug P & C Food Market & Pharmacy Pamida Pharmacy Park Nicollet Pharmacy Pathmark Pharmacy Pavilions Pharmacy Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy Pharmacy Express Pharmacy Plus Pharmerica Pick N Save Pharmacy Plaza Pharmacy Prairiestone Pharmacy Price Chopper Pharmacy Price Cutter Pharmacy Professional Pharmacy Publix Pharmacy QFC Pharmacy QOL Meds Quick Chek Pharmacy Rainbow Pharmacy Raley’s Drug Center Ralphs Pharmacy Randalls Pharmacy Recept Pharmacy Rite Aide Pharmacy Rosauers Pharmacy Safeway Pharmacy Sams Club Pharmacy Sams Pharmacy Save Mart Pharmacy Sav-Mor Sav-On Drugs Sav-On Pharmacy Schnuck’s Pharmacy Scolari’s Scotts Pharmacy Shaws Osco Pharmacy Shaws Pharmacy Shelly’s Pharmacy Shop ‘N Save Pharmacy Shopko Pharmacy Shoppers Pharmacy Shoprite Pharmacy Smiths Pharmacy Snyders Drug Store Southern Family Markets Standard Drug Co. Star Pharmacy Stop & Shop Pharmacy Super 1 Pharmacy Super D Drugs Super Fresh Pharmacy Super Rx Pharmacy Super Value Pharmacy Sweetbay Pharmacy Target Pharmacy The Drug Store The Medicine Cabinet The Medicine Shoppe The Pharmacy The Prescription Shoppe Thrifty Way Pharmacy Thrifty White Pharmacy Times Pharmacy Tom Thumb Top Food & Drug Tops Pharmacy Truecare Pharmacy U Save Pharmacy Ukrop’s Pharmacy United Pharmacy USA Drug Valley Pharmacy Value Drugs VG’s Pharmacy Village Pharmacy Vons Pharmacy Waldbaum’s Pharmacy Walgreens Wal-Mart Wegmans Pharmacy Weis Pharmacy Westside Pharmacy Wheaton Franciscan Pharmacy White Drug Winn-Dixie Pharmacy Yokes Pharmacy 191 Alcorn County (MS) Networks Alcorn County (MS) B and R Health Mart Duncans Pharmacy Inc Gunn Drug Company James A Bennett Apothecary K Mart Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Prescription Shoppe Smith Drug Company Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Allen County (KY) Carpenter Dent Rexal Medical Center of Scottsville Pharmacy Arts Rite Aid Pharmacy Stovalls Prescription Shop RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Anderson County Anderson Crossing Pharmacy Apple Discount Drug Clinton Drug Store Corner Drug Company CVS Pharmacy Food City Pharmacy Herrins Pharmacy Hoskins Drug Store Inc K Mart Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Munseys Pharmacy Riddle Express Pharmacy Tennessee Urology Assoc Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Ashe County (NC) CVS Pharmacy Jefferson Drug Peoples Rexall Drug Rite Aid Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Warrensville Drug Store Inc RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Avery County (NC) Avery Pharmacy and Health Care Banner Elk Pharmacy Crossnore Drug Store CVS Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Village Pharmacy of Blowing Rock RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Bedford County Bedford Drugs LLC CVS Pharmacy 192 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Networks Kroger Pharmacy McGees Perscription Shop Middle Tennessee Pharmacy Service Progressive Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Riverside Medical Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Bell County (KY) Food City Pharmacy Jeffs Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Middlesboro Pharmacy Mikels Drive In Pharmacy Pauls Corner Pharmacy Peoples Choice Pharmacy Pineville Community Hospital Pineville Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Rx Discount 7 Todds Ltc Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Walters Pharmacy Shoppe RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX04 Benton County E W James Discount Pharmacy Freds Pharmacy Herndon Drug Co Wal Mart Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Networks Bi Lo Pharmacy Central Drug Co Central Drug Peerless Crossing Cherokee Pharmacy Cherokee Vital Care Crawfords Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy Diversified Pharmacy Care Ford Ctr Pharmacy Geona Healthcare K Mart Pharmacy Medi Mart Pharmacy Medical Center Pharmacy Medilife Pharmacy of Tennessee Ocoee Professional Pharmacy Pharmacy Home Delivery LLC Preferred Family Pharmacy LLC Rite Aid Pharmacy Super Discount Pharmacy Target Pharmacy The Medicine Shoppe 1719 Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens Bristol City County (VA) CVS Pharmacy Food City Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Medicine Shoppe Phar Northside Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Benton County (MS) Ashland Discount Drugs RX03RX04 Bledsoe County Freds Pharmacy Standefer Pharmacy Stephens Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Blount County Blount Discount Pharmacy Blount Discount Pharmacy Joule City Drug Company CVS Pharmacy Food City Pharmacy K Mart Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Lowes Drug Store Target Pharmacy Village Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Bradley County Axium Ocoee St Ste 1 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Bristol County (VA) Kroger Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Calloway County (KY) CVS Pharmacy Express Pharmacy Freds Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Medical Arts Pharmacy Murray Calloway Cty Hosp Phcy Pharmacy Inc Pulmo Dose Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens Walters Family Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Campbell County CVS Pharmacy Family Drug Center Inc Jellico Drug Store Inc Lafollette Community Medical Center Pharmacy Riggs Drug Jacksboro Check our Web site @ for current listing. RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Pharmacies Cumberland County Networks Campbell County (Continued) Rite Aid Pharmacy Terrys Pharmacy Inc Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Cannon County Freds Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Woodsons Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Carroll County City Drug Company Freds Pharmacy Phipps Pharmacy Phipps Pharmacy Inc Rite Aid Pharmacy Super Drug Store Wal Mart Pharmacy West Carroll Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Carter County Burgie Drug Store CVS Pharmacy Food City Pharmacy Hampton Pharmacy Lingerfelt Drug Center Medical Care Prescriptions Rite Aid Pharmacy Roan Mountain Pharmacy Union Prescription Shop Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Catoosa County (GA) Bi Lo Inc Bi Lo Pharmacy Catoosa Family Medicine PC CVS Pharmacy Highland Health Mart Pharmacy K Mart Pharmacy Lookout Mtn Community Ser Pharm North Georgia Health Care Center Parkway Pharmacy Price Ringgold Drugs Ringgold Prescription Shop Rite Aid Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Cheatham County Kingston Springs Pharmacy Pleasant View Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Pharmacies RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Networks Cherokee County (NC) Kerr Drug Kings Pharmacy Murphy Medical Center Pharmacy Parkers Drug Store Parkers Pharmacy of Peachtree Turners Discount Med Wal Mart Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Chester County City Drug Institutio City Drug Store Dees Discount Drugs Freds Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Christian County (KY) Blanchfield Army Hospital Pharmacy Cayces Pharmacy Inc Christian Church Campus Pharmacy Crofton Pharmacy Jennie Stuart Medical Center Kroger Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Toms Family Pharmacy Town and Country Discount Drug Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens Western State Hospital Pharmac Western State Hospital Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Networks Hometowne Pharmacy Jabos Pharmacy Store 3 Newport Drug Co Inc Town and Country Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens Wilsons Sav Mor Pharmacy Coffee County Advanced Pharmaceutical Services Baker Bros Drug Co CVS Pharmacy K Mart Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Marcroms Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Tullahoma Drug 2 Tullahoma Pediatrics Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Clay County Rite Aid Pharmacy RX03RX04 Clinton County (KY) Dyer Drug Freds Pharmacy Shearer Drug RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Cocke County Baptist Hospital of Cocke Co CVS Pharmacy Food City Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Crittenden County (AR) City Rexall Drug Clarks Family Pharmacy East AR Family Health Ctr Pharmacy Fongs Drugs Freds Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Super D Drugs Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens Claiborne County Cunningham Drug Co Inc Heartland Pharmacy Home Town Pharmacy Medical Center Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Stanifer Drugs Value Rx Village Shops Inc Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens Woodys Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Crockett County Freds Pharmacy Irvine Drugs Mehr Drug Store Quality Drug Store Raines Pharmacy The Drug Store Inc RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Cumberland County Cumberland Medical Center Cumberland Vital Care Llc CVS Pharmacy Food City Pharmacy John Smith Professional Phcy K Mart Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Mitchell Drug Co Riddle Express Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy The Medicine Shoppe Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Check our Web site @ for current listing. 193 Cumberland County (KY) Networks Cumberland County (KY) Capps Pharmacy Morgans Medicine Rite Aid Pharmacy Smith Pharmacy Inc RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Dade County (GA) Bi Lo Inc CVS Pharmacy Fairyland Pharmacy Ponder Pharmacy Price Pharmacy Inc RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Davidson County Accredo Health Group Inc Ammed Homecare Pharmacy Baptist Pharmacy Bradley Drug Co Bradley Extended Care Bureau of Tenncare Care Plus CVS Pharmacy Careplus CVS Pharmacy Onsite Centerstone Pharmacy Childrens Clinic Eaast Clover Bottom Developmental Center Community Drug Community Drugs Costco Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy DCA Pharmacy DDM Pharmacy Deal Drug Donelson Drug Mart Goodlettsville Pediatrics PC Green Hills Pharmacy Harris Teeter Pharmacy Health Care Pharmacy Infusion Partners Inc Infusion Partners 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RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 195 Hamilton County Networks Hamilton County (Continued) Walgreens Welladvantage Employee Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Hancock County Kroger Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Smith Turner Drug Store RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Hardeman County Express Save On Drugs Freds Pharmacy Hudson Drug Store Medical Arts Pharmacy The Hatchie Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Hardin County Bobs Discount Pharmacy Freds Pharmacy Freds Xpress Hardin County General Hospital Kroger Pharmacy Main Street Pharmacy Super D Drugs The Prescription Shop Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Hawkins County Bulls Gap Drugs Campbells Hometown Pharmacy Church Hill Drug Store CVS Pharmacy Food City Pharmacy Med Center Pharmacy LLC Medical Center Pharmacy LLC Northeast TN Regiona Rural Health Services Pharmacy Surgoinsville Pharmacy The Medicine Shoppe U Save Discount Drugs Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens Williams Drug Store RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Haywood County Brownsville Apothecary Inc Dowling Pharmacy Quality Drug Company Super D Drugs Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens 196 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Networks Haywood County (NC) Carolina Breathing Solutions CVS Pharmacy Haywood Pharmacy Hazelwood Pharmacy Ingles Pharmacy K Mart Pharmacy Kims Pharmacy Martins Drug Store Pharmerica Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Waynesville Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Henderson County Family Pharmacy Freds Pharmacy Jones Pharmacy Lexington Discount Drug Professional Arts Pharmacy River Valley Phcy and Supply LLC Scotts Hill Pharmacy Super D Drugs Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Henry County Eastwood Pharmacy Freds Pharmacy Medical Center Pharmacy Perkins Drug Company Super D Drugs Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Hickman County Dickson Apothecary Freds Pharmacy Liberty Clinic Pharmacy Liberty Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Hickman County (KY) Byassee Drug Co Perkins Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Houston County Freds Pharmacy Mitchum Drug Co Inc RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Humphreys County CVS Pharmacy Freds Pharmacy Herbison Medical Inc Main Street Drug RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Networks McEwen Drug Wal Mart Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Jackson County Anderson and Haile Drug Co Gainesboro Drugs RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Jackson County (AL) Big C Drugs CVS Pharmacy Food World Pharmacy K Mart Pharmacy Kilgore Express Pharmacy North Jackson Pharmacy Pisgah Family Pharmacy LLC Ponders Mountain Pharmacy Scottsboro Family Pharmacy Section Pharmacy Stevenson Apothecary Wal Mart Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Jefferson County CVS Pharmacy East Tennessee Discount Drug Food City Pharmacy Jeffco Drug Center Jeffco Drugs of Dandridge Murphys Sav Mor Pharmacy Sanitary Drug Co Tinsley Bible Drug Co Inc Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Johnson County Family Prescription Center Mountain City Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Knox County Belew Drugs Blount Professional Pharmacy Cherokee Health Pharmacy Clens Pharmacy Community Pharmacy Covenant Homecare Infusion CVS Pharmacy Edgemoor Pharmacy Family Care Specialists PC Farragut Pharmacy Inc Food City Pharmacy Four Way Prescription Shop Inc Freds Pharmacy Gordons Drug Store Infusion Partners Infusion Partners Knoxville Ingles Pharmacy Check our Web site @ for current listing. 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RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 197 Madison County Networks Madison County (Continued) K Mart Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Northgate Rexall Pharmacy Pathways of Tennessee Pharmacy Phipps Pharmacy Physicians Quality Care Sams Club Pharmacy Stonebridge Apothecary LLC Super D Drugs Target Pharmacy Vantreese Discount Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens West In Pharmaceutical Care RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Madison County (AL) Ambulatory Clinic Pharmacy Ampharm Health Services of Alabama Brunos Food and Pharmacy CCI Pharmacy Central North Alabama Hlth Svc Chase Pharmacy Inc Costco Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy Direct Pharmaceutical Inc Fox Army Health Center Freds Pharmacy Hazel Green Pharmacy Hunnington Pharmacy Joes Pharmacy K Mart Pharmacy Kilgore Express Pharmacy Inc Kroger Pharmacy Lincare Inc Medical Arts Apothec Medicine Shoppe Phar Monrovia Family Pharmacy Inc MTM Services of Alabama New Hope Family Pharmacy New Market Discount Drugs Nutritional Parenteral Homecare Pharmacy Express Inc Pharmacy First Propst Drugs Publix Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Sams Club Pharmacy Specialized Medical Devices Sportsmed Pharmacy Star Discount Pharmacy Sur Sav Pharmacy Target Pharmacy The Drug Store at Griners The Pharmacy at Hampton Plaza Totota Family Pharmacy U Save Pharmacy 198 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Networks Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Madison County (NC) CVS Pharmacy Ingles Pharmacy Janes Rx Drugs Madison Pharmacy and Gifts Inc Mars Hill Pharmacy Marshall Family Pharmacy Mashburn Medical Center Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Marion County CVS Pharmacy Hooper Drug Store Jasper Drug Co Inc PHL Inc Wal Mart Pharmacy Whitwell Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Marshall County Freds Pharmacy H and S Pharmacy H S Pharmacy H-S Pharmacy Chapel Hill Inc Kroger Pharmacy Parsons Pharmacy Inc Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Marshall County (MS) Byhalia Drug Co Potts Camp Family Pharmacy Robinson Drug Super D Drugs Tyson Drug Company Tysons Medical Ctr Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Maury County B and B Pharmacy PLLC CVS Pharmacy Fisher Pharmacy & Gifts Freds Pharmacy Hollands Apothecary Hollands Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Maury Reg Home Svcs Publix Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Target Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens Networks RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 McCreary County (KY) Burgess Drug Store Daughertys Drug Store Inc Rite Aid Pharmacy Rx Discount 7 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 McMinn County Anderson Drugs Bi Lo Inc Bi Lo Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy Freds Pharmacy Genoa Healthcare of Tennessee K Mart Pharmacy Madison Avenue Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens Wilson Drugs Woods Memorial Hospital Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 McNairy County Adamsville Family Pharmacy Deberry Drugs Freds Pharmacy Michie Pharmacy Pettigrew Drugs Quality Care Pharmacy PLLC Rite Aid Pharmacy Selmer Drug Co Todds Discount Drugs Wal Mart Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Meigs County Riddle Express Pharmacy Wil Sav Drugs RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Mississippi County (AR) Delta Drug Inc Kroger Pharmacy Leachville Discount Drugs Newcomb Drug Store Osceola Pharmacy Inc Owens Drug Store Rothrock Drug Company Inc Starr Pharmacy LTD Super D Drugs Wal Mart Pharmacy Wilson Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Mitchell County (NC) Bakersville Pharmacy Inc CVS Pharmacy Hospital Drive Pharamacy Ingles Pharmacy Check our Web site @ for current listing. RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Pharmacies Rutherford County Networks Mitchell County (NC) (Continued) Wal Mart Pharmacy RX03RX04 Monroe County Archers Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy K Mart Pharmacy Little Drugs Tallent Drug Store Tellico Family Wellness Ctr Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens Wil Sav Drugs RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Monroe County (KY) Harrison Pharmacy Inc Pure Drug Company Tompkinsville Drug Company Wal Mart Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Montgomery County Andys Pharmacy Freds Pharmacy K Mart Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Medicine Shoppe Rite Aid Pharmacy Sams Club Pharmacy St Bethlehem Drugs Inc The Medicine Shoppe Town and Country Drugs and Home Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Moore County Lynchburg Drug Store RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Murray County (GA) Bi Lo Pharmacy Carltons Pharmacy IN Corner Drugs CVS Pharmacy Ingles Pharmacy Living Well Central Pharmacy Living Well Pharmacy Walgreens Pharmacies New Madrid County (MO) Butler Durg Store Davis Pharmacy Overturf Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Obion County E W James Pharmacy 70 Freds Pharmacy Kizer Pharmacy LLC Southside Drug Store Super D Drugs Troy Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Overton County Freds Pharmacy Holts Family Pharmacy Super Discount Drugs Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Pemiscot County (MO) Greene Pharmacy Hayden Drug Co Inc Prescription Drug Trainor-Clevenger Drug Wal Mart Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Perry County Durens Health Mart Pharmacy Freds Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Davidsons Discount Drugs Garretts Pharmacy Inc RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Kimsey Pharmacy Preferred Pharmacy Tallent Drug Company The Drug Store RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Putnam County Americare Pharmacy Services Bishop Drugs Cookeville Med Plus Pharmacy Cookeville Medical Center CVS Pharmacy Genoa Healthcare Infinity Pharmacy LLC Jefferson Avenue Pharmacy K Mart Pharmacy Kids Kare Kroger Pharmacy Networks Medicine Chest Apothecary Nunallys Drug Store Pegasus Express Retail Rite Aid Pharmacy Satellite Med Smith Pharmacy Super D Drugs Super Discount Drugs The Medicine Shoppe Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Rhea County Bi Lo Inc Hasslers Discount Drugs Rite Aid Pharmacy Spring City Pharmacy Stans Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Roane County Baggett Pharmacy Inc Chase Drugs Inc CVS Pharmacy Food City Pharmacy Kinser Drugs Inc Kroger Pharmacy Live and Let Live Drug Riddle Express Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Robertson County Pickett County Polk County Morgan County Apothecary Pharmacy of Morgan LLC Food City Pharmacy Riddle Express Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Wartburg Pharmacy Networks RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 CVS Pharmacy Freds Pharmacy Greenbriar Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy McCormicks Pharmacy Inc Rite Aid Pharmacy South Side Drug Company Springfield Drugs Inc Thomas Drugs Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Rutherford County Beckmans Prescription Shop Bi Lo Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy Dept of Veterans Eagleville Drug Center Genesys Family Medicine PC Genoa Healthcare K Mart Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Lascassas Drugs LLC Check our Web site @ for current listing. RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 199 Rutherford County Networks Rutherford County (Continued) Lavergne Drug Store Memphis VAMC Mills Family Pharmacy LLC MTSU Campus Pharmacy Murfreesboro Medical Clinic Murfreesboro Medical Clinic Pharmac Murfreesboro VAMC Nissan Family Pharmacy Publix Pharmacy Reeves Sain Drugstore Reeves San Extended Care Rexall Smyrna Drug Co Rite Aid Pharmacy Sams Club Pharmacy Smyrna Drug Company Stonecrest Rexall Drugs Target Pharmacy Tennessee Medicine and Pediatrics Tennessee Valley HCS Terrace Pharmacy VA Medical Center Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Scott County Dannys Drugs Inc Marks Family Pharmacy Plateau Drug Center Inc Roarks Pharmacy Inc Scott Co Pharmacy Inc Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Scott County (VA) Broadwater Drug Clinch River Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy Food City Pharmacy Scott County Drugs Village Pharmacy Weber City Drug Center RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Sequatchie County Cates Street Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Sevier County CVS Pharmacy Food City Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Lees Total Health Pharmacy Parkway Medical Ctr 200 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Networks Pigeon Forge Drugs RX03RX04 Reams Drug Store RX03RX04 Seymour Pharmacy RX03RX04 Smokey Mountain Home Infusion RX03RX04 Smoky Mountain Compounding PharmacyRX03RX04 Stewart Drug 2 RX03RX04 Stewarts Drug 1 RX03RX04 Wal Mart Pharmacy RX03RX04 Walgreens RX03RX04 Shelby County Accredo Health Group Inc Alliance Health Services Arlington Developmental Pharmacy Bartlett Prescription Shop BioScrip Pharmacy Inc Boatwright Drug Co Branch Medical Clinic Nsa Memp Caremark Specialty Pharmacy Champions Pharmacy Clinic Pharmacy Costco Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy Drugs For Less Excellerx Inc Family Pharmacy First Pharmacy Services of TN Frederick Pelz MD Freds Pharmacy Highland Heights Pharmacy Infusion Partners Memphis Infusion Partners Pharmacy Jason I Infeld MD Jones Professional Bldg Pharmacy K B Drugs K Mart Pharmacy Kindred Hospital Chattanooga Kroger Pharmacy Lebonheur Outpatient Pharmacy Madison Pharmacy Medex Biocare Pharmacy LLC Medical Alternatives Medicap Pharmacy Medicine Shoppe 1072 Medipharm Pharmacy Medplex Pharmacy Reg Med Ctr Memphis Health Center Memphis VAMC Methodist Hospital Central NCS Healthcare Peoples Custom Rx Restore Rx Inc Rite Aid Rite Aid Corporation Rite Aid Pharmacy Sams Club Pharmacy Schnucks Pharmacy SE Memphis Mntl Hlth Ctr Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Networks St Francis Hospital Rehab St Jude Hospital Pharmacy Stearn Cardiovascular Center Super D Drugs Susan Ingram Center Target Pharmacy Taylor Brown Apothecary The Diabetes and Respiratory Supply The Medicine Shoppe The Rx Shoppe The West Clinic PC Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens Walgreens WMC Walnut Grove Plaza Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03 RX03RX04 Simpson County (KY) CVS Pharmacy R H Moore Drug Co Rite Aid Pharmacy The Drugstore of Franklin Wal Mart Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Smith County Gordonsville Drugs Gordonsville Ltc Hacketts Discount Drugs Inc Hospital Discount Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Smith County Drug Center Wal Mart Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Stewart County Dover Family Pharmacy Freds Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Sullivan County Anderson Compounding Pharmacy Berrys Pharmacy Bloomingdale Drug Inc Blountville Drug Company Brookside Discount Pharmacy Caves Drugs City Drug LLC Colonial Heights Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy Eastman Pharmacy Food City Pharmacy H Johnsons Pharmacy K Mart Pharmacy Kingsport Hematology Oncology Kroger Pharmacy Macs Medicine Mart Inc Marcums Pharmacy Medical Mall Pharmacy Moores Pharmacy P and S Pharmacy Check our Web site @ for current listing. RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Pharmacies Washington County (VA) Networks Sullivan County (Continued) Piney Flats Drug Center Resp I Care Pharmacy Services Rowes Pharmacy Sams Club Pharmacy Stone Drive Outpatient Pharmacy Target Pharmacy The Medicine Shoppe The Prescription Shop Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens Wellmont Infusion Network Wilson Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Networks Walgreens RX03RX04 Tishomingo County (MS) Barnett Apothecary LLC Burnsville Discount Drugs Freds Pharmacy Gatlins Pharmacy Iuka Discount Drugs Rushing Drugs Wal Mart Pharmacy Yarber Drugs Todd County (KY) Weathers Drugs Sumner County Clinical Solutions CVS Pharmacy Freds Pharmacy Hendersonville Health Mart Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy P & P Prescription Shop P and P Prescription Shop Perkins Drugs No 2 Pharmacy Express Publix Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Target Pharmacy Tri Med Pharmacy Services Wal Mart Pharmacy Wal Mart Stores Walgreens Westmoreland Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Swain County (NC) Bryson City Pharmacy Cherokee Pharmacy CIHA Pharmacy Hospital Hill Pharmacy Kerr Drug RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Tippah County (MS) Freds Inc Hollis Discount Phar Locke Drug Store Inc Ripley Drug Company Wal Mart Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Tipton County Brighton Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy PCS Covington Rite Aid Pharmacy Super D Drugs The Medicine Shoppe Wal Mart Pharmacy Pharmacies RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Trigg County (KY) Hospital Street Pharmacy Inc Save On Drugs RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Trousdale County Freds Pharmacy Freds Xpress Hartsville Pharmacy LLC Rite Aid Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Unicoi County Clinchfield Drug Company CVS Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Roller Pharmacy The Medicine Shoppe 1225 Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Union County Food City Pharmacy Okies Pharmacy Inc Rite Aid Pharmacy Union Discount Pharmacy Inc RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Walker County (GA) Bi Lo Pharmacy Chickamauga Drug Store CVS Pharmacy Family Pharmacy Flintstone Pharmacy Freds Pharmacy Longleys Pharmacy Inc Medi Thrift Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Warren County Bi Lo Inc F Z Webb and Son Phcy of McMinn RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Networks Freds Pharmacy Genoa Healthcare Of Tennessee Kroger Pharmacy McMinnville Drug Ctr Rite Aid Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Washington County Blankenship Pharmacy Boones Creek Pharmacy Custom Compounding Centers CVS Pharmacy Family Pharmacy Food City Pharmacy Gray Pharmacy Hillcrest Drug Store Ingles Pharmacy Jonesborough Drug K Mart Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy McLeod Cancer and Blood Center Medical Care Prescriptions Medicine Shoppe 772 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy Mediserve Meds Mooneys Pharmacy Inc Mountain Home VAMC Olde Towne Pharmacy Inc Pharmacy Specialty Services PNS Institutional Pharmacy Princeton Drug Rite Aid Pharmacy Val U Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens West Towne Pharmacy Inc Wilson Pharmacy Wilson Pharmacy Services Inc RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Washington County (VA) Bristol Home Infusion Cancer Outreach Associates CVS Pharmacy Dunns Pharmacy Food City Pharmacy Glade Pharmacy K Mart Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Laurel Family Drug Michaels Pharmacy Northgate Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Sams Club Pharmacy Target Pharmacy The Medicine Shoppe Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens Check our Web site @ for current listing. RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 201 Watauga County (NC) Networks Watauga County (NC) Boone Drug at Deerfield Boone Drug at Kingstreet Boone Drug at New Market Boone Drug Company Boone Drup at Greenway CVS Pharmacy Foscoe Pharmacy K Mart Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Wayne County At Home Meds Collinwood Drugs Duren Healthmart Freds Pharmacy Willoughby Drugs RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Wayne County (KY) Daffron Drug F H Drug Store Inc Kroger Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy South Creek Drug Wal Mart Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Weakley County Bobs Discount Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy Freds Pharmacy Gleason City Drug Store Vans Institutional Pharmacy Vans Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 White County Freds Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Payless Drug Center Rite Aid Pharmacy Sparta Discount Drug Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Whitfield County (GA) Bi Lo Pharmacy Center for Spine and Pain Med Cherokee Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy Dalton Family Practice Dart Drugs And Surgical Family Pharmacy Franks Pharmacy Inc 202 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Networks Hamilton Medical Center Pharma HMC Rx Care K Mart Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Professional Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy S and W Pharmacy St Joseph Clinic PC Sutton Family Pharmacy Tunnel Hill Pharmacy Valu Med Pharmacy Valu Rite Discount Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens Weavers Rocky Face Pharmacy Whites Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Whitley County (KY) Brentwood Pharmacy Corbin Pharmacy Corner Prescription Cottongim Drug Company Creech And Gibbs Drugs Doctors Park Apothecary Drive In Pharmacy Falls Road Pharmacy K Mart Pharmacy Kims Hometown Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy London Corbin Pharmacy Maiden Drug Company Mortons Discount Drug Prescription Shoppe Rite Aid Pharmacy Sav Rite Family Pharmacy Wal Mart Pharmacy Walgreens Whitley Pharmacy Windham Drug RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Networks Rite Aid Pharmacy Sams Club Pharmacy Target Pharmacy TLC Medisend Wal Mart Stores Walgreens Walgreens Infusion and Respiratory RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Wilson County Buckeyes Discount Drug Center CVS Pharmacy Del Mar Infusion Phar Freds Pharmacy Gibbs Pharmacy Inc K Mart Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy On Call Medical Pharmacy Pharmacare Prescription Inc Pharmacare Rx and Co Publix Pharmacy Rite Aid Pharmacy Rx Med LLC Target Pharmacy Tennessee Childrens Healthcare Ctr Wal Mart Pharmacy Wal Mart Stores Walgreens Watertown Drugs RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Yancey County (NC) Bi Lo Pharmacy Burnsville Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy Ingles Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Williamson County Allenhill Pharmacy Brentwood Childrens Clinic Costco Pharmacy CVS Pharmacy Franklin Professional Phcy Inc Freds Pharmacy Gray Drug Company Harpeth Pharmacy Harris Teeter Pharmacy Healthsaver Pharmacy K Mart Pharmacy Kroger Pharmacy Maxor Correctional Pharmacy SV Medfusion Rx LLC Network HealthCare Pediatric Associates of Franklin Publix Pharmacy RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 RX03RX04 Check our Web site @ for current listing. Pharmacies Index Index For additional information regarding specific providers, please refer to the page number(s) listed. Note: The information listed in this directory is subject to change. The providers listed as participating in Blue Networks are known to be correct only up to the time the directory was printed. 203 0 2 Medical LLC 0 0 2 Medical LLC .............................................158 1 1st Step Rehab ................................................13 A A Fitting Place ................................................159 A Step Ahead Shoes Inserts ..........................148 A Z DME LLC .................................................147 Aaron, John, MD ..............................................94 Aaron, Mark Freeman, MD ..............38, 100, 136 Aaronson, Oran S, MD .....................................45 Aasheim, Richard J, MD ..................................60 Abadier, Wahid John, MD ................................85 Abaray, Damon Michael, MD ...........................42 Abbarno, Patricia, LCSW ....................175 Abbasi, Seema, MD ....................................... 116 Abbate, Matthew J, MD ..................................133 Abbey, Paul A, MD ...........................48, 102, 137 Abbott, Mary L, FNP ........................................59 Abbott, Timothy C, DPM ..................................51 Abboud, Lucien Naji, MD ...............................127 Abdelwahab, Ayman, MD ..............................129 Abdun, Salim A, PT .............................19 Abel, Marcy J, MD ............................................53 Abel, Todd B, MD .............................................78 Abell, James E, Jr, MD ....................................64 Abella, Agnes R, PT ............................20 Abella, Colorado B, PT .......................20 Aberdeen, Katrina T, APRN BC .......................78 Abernathy, Eddie H, Jr, OD .............................70 Abernathy, Susan P, DO ..................................61 Abkes, Bruce A, MD .......................................129 Able, Antoinne C, MD ......................................50 Ables, Lynn, DC ...............................................75 Abner, John-Paul, PhD ......................184 Abou Shala, Mohamed Bashar, MD .54, 57, 106, 124 Abouamara, Mouna, MD ................................ 119 Abouassaly, Chadi T, MD ................................52 Abou-Khalil, Bassel W, MD ..............................45 Abraham, Robert Lucien, MD ..........................38 Abram, Steven R, MD ......................................45 Abramo, Thomas J, MD ...................................49 Abrams, Jeffrey H, MD .....................................27 Abrams, Jody Gottlieb, MD ..............................67 Abramson, David, MD ......168, 180, 184, 185 Abramson, Vandana Gupta, MD ..............42, 133 Abril, Annette Marie, MD ................................121 Absi, Tarek Sami, MD ................................52, 91 Abston, Anthony H, DC ....................................96 Abu Halimah, Ahmad Jaber, MD .......25, 38, 100 Abu Mayaleh, Khaled Othman, OD ..................28 Abubucker, Shabeer, MD ..................179 Abuelouf, Abe I, CRNA ..................................106 Abu-Hatab, Mazen A, MD ................................78 Abumrad, Naji N, MD .......................................52 Abushaer, Muhammad B, MD ............ 55, 88, 116 Abutineh, Mohammad, MD ............................109 Access Drug #1 ..............................................195 Access Durable Medical Equipment ..............150 Access Specialized Care ...............................195 Accredo Health Group Inc ......................194, 200 Acharya, Suresh Kumar, MD .....................83, 84 Ackell, Adele B, MD .........................................66 Acker, John, MD ..............................................74 Acord, Ashley, LCSW .........................175 Acord, Beverly Jane, GCNS BC ....................120 Acosta, Paulo C, MD ........................................45 Acra, Sari A, MD ..............................................49 Acree, Martin V, MD .......................................107 Acton, Joseph Harcourt, MD ............................37 Acuff, Jessica J, FNP ...................34, 60, 62, 125 Adabala, Jaya Lakshmi, MD ..........................109 Adair, Charles David, MD ..............65, 66, 73, 78 Adair, Larry D, DC ............................................63 Adair, Timothy J, DC ........................................39 Adames, Rebecca Brown, MA CCC SLP .........................................................22 Adamolekun, Bola, MD .................................. 110 Adams Graves, Patricia E, MD ......................108 Adams Place ..............................................10, 13 Adams, Angela M, LCSW ...................166 Adams, Austin A, MD .....................................101 Adams, Barbara L, LCSW ...........169, 174 Adams, Carlton Z, MD ...............................42, 52 Adams, Carol J, MD .........................................66 Adams, Cecilia D, MD ....................................107 Adams, David G, MD .......................................74 Adams, Don E, III, MD .....................................65 204 Adams, Donna Darlene, MD ............................24 Adams, Gene Dewayne, PA ............................69 Adams, James W, II, MD .......................107, 109 Adams, Jeffrey S, MD ......................................62 Adams, Jeffrey T, MD ......................................90 Adams, John R, Jr, MD .................................. 117 Adams, John S, MD .........................................77 Adams, John S, Sr, MD ....................................66 Adams, John V, II, MD ................................... 117 Adams, Linas J, MD .........................................62 Adams, Lynette M, MD.....................................25 Adams, Mark C, MD .........................................49 Adams, Melissa Binder, MD ........................... 114 Adams, Nikki Lynn, NP .......................... 117, 125 Adams, R Franklin, MD .................................. 115 Adams, R. Louis, MD ..................................... 115 Adams, Raeanna Clair, MD .............................52 Adams, Rodney S, APN .....................168 Adams, Shane M, MD ..............................31, 127 Adams, Stephen M, MD ...................................64 Adams, Tammy H, MD ...................................103 Adams, Terry L, MD .........................................82 Adams, Wesley F, Jr, MD .............................. 119 Adams, William M, Jr, MD .............................. 115 Adamsville Family Pharmacy .........................198 Adcock, Charles R, MD ....................................88 Adcock, David W, MD ................................33, 68 Adcock, Linda S, LPC ........................169 Adderson, Elisabeth E, MD ............................ 113 Addington, Milton Brent, MD ......54, 57, 106, 124 Addington, Rona C, FNP BC.37, 70, 94, 98, 102, 120, 126 Addison, C Lewis, CCC A ................................63 Adebanjo, Olugbenga A, MD .........................109 Adedipe, Olugbenga Mabayoje, MD 55, 114, 116 Adedokun, Muyiwa, MD .................................103 Adeleye, Olufemi O, MD ..................................54 Aderhold, William James, Jr, PA C ................129 Ades, Joe Killeen, DPM ...................................61 Ades, Tonia, LCSW .............................181 Adesoji, Gafar Ajani, MD ..................................54 Adesoji, Remilekun S, MD ...............................55 Adetunji, Ezekiel Oladejo, MD ..........................59 Adetunji, Felix D, MD ........................169 Adewale, Abimbola O, MD ...............................65 Adewale, Olusina O, MD ..................................99 Adewumi, John T, MD ......................................41 Adham, Robert E, MD ......................................28 Adhami, Sharon S, ODT ..................................91 Adkins, David A, MD ........................................77 Adkins, John F, Jr, MD .....................................63 Adkins, Rosario N, CRNA .................
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