Meta Catalogue-NEW - Melaka Pages Malaysia
Meta Catalogue-NEW - Melaka Pages Malaysia
IIE]IBEHAI PAHAIAX & ATATAX SUIIAX s.hwarzenbaah No.35,Jalan SP l,Taman Semabok Perdana,75050 Melaka Tel:06-2922500 Fax: 06-286'17 7 2 Emai I : [email protected] [email protected] PRICE IIST YOL.I flqnp, + 0t -07 AgiIirU €.Wipttsrt^ gootfrall tqaipmun fierndl tryipmst^ AoUarfiaU. €qripnst^ SJaa ftpIfrsIL d" SJqdmintrn €4ilip t lptlt r iqrtffin €.Wipmml^ 9'*g 9*ry €.ryipmPnl^ Srp"(, 8&n"d&al!. €.qnpnwtt 1ut'sqt, €Wipmanla g&&e+ €Wipmnnl/r Sa#nsll tqnpmmt^ tlaqfrrf eryipn pttl^ gemit [" Srya,:ft. tqnpmml^ fletanryp 6, gqruame eryipmmtA eztuftef €.Wipnwlb tryipn mr,t [" gua]d Jndtgtt qamr,r eatuam tqnpnwrll Dqzt €qnpmstt^ 08 -t2 T3-T5 t6 t7 18-t9 20 20-21 2t 22-23 23-32 33-38 39-46 47 48 49-50 5t -53 54 55 56 Unilrffix eryipnwntl Appaze!,t [" t]elr 57 -60 g4ainin+ €.Wipmst's ?unlnrlfue tqnpn mfb jWedal,9 unp ftU. [" S autenha (t4 - 66 6t -63 67 -69 70-73 ,_ (., Meta F7YceRNsDurces Line 7 Isize 5,,1Ol. 85.OO P.Pair 79.OO P.Pair lsize 5,6,7,8,9,1Ot. Isize 5.6,7,8,9,1Ol. Isize 5,6,7.4,9,1O) Isize 5,6,7,5,9,1Ol. lsize 5,6,7 ,8,S ,l Ol 299 .OO P .Pait 299.OO P.Pait 89.00 P.Pair 5,6,9,12mm 6inrn,9mrn.,l2rnm 6.00 lsize 5,6,7,8,9,1O1 Eutag Kronos Trident Brooks Asics Figos Cobra Cobra Spike Nails Trident Spil<es Nails 69.00 P.Pait 75.00 P.Pair Isize 5,6,7,a.9,lOl 64.00 P.Pait 6.OO P.Set P.set Olympic eco 398.OO P.Set Competition 298.00 198.00 P.Set P.Set I l9.OO P.Set 149.00 P.Set I 19.00 P.Set l39.OO P.Set 99.00 P.Set I3O.OO P.set Grand Prix Club NT 309 Trainning grass T IOO Profesional Clapper TRIDENT Starting Blocl< Zoom RTZ TRIDENT Starting Block Exel Tug of war rope 80 feet 4' Tug ofwar rope Tug ofwar rope Tug of war rope Tug of war rope Tug ofwar rope Tug of war rope Tug of war rope IOO feet l20 feet l40 feet l40 feet IOO feet l20 feet l40 feet l40 feet l20 feet 4.54.5" 249.00 Each 299.OO Each 379.OO Ea.h 5 424.00 Each Tug ofwar Tug ofwar Tug ofwa. Tug of war Nylon Manila Manila Manila 77g.OO Each 5 5 5 5 4l9.OO Each 449.OO Each 4a9.OO Each 819.00 Each 789.OO Each Tournament Touanameht 40 metres 4l9.OO Each 30 metres 34g.OO Each Tunrcd NE\v NE\v NE\v NE\v NE\v NE\v NE\v NE\v TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP Shot Shot Shot Shot Shot Shot Turned Turned NErJ(/ Turned NE\V Turned NE\v Turned NErv Turned NEW Turned NE\v Turned NErJ(/ Turned NE\v Turned NE\v Turned NEW Turned Shot Putt Rubber Shot Put Rubber 17.00 25.00 32.00 42.00 45.00 55.00 Shot Putt Shot Putt l.OO k9 29.OO Each 29.OO Each 32.00 Ea.h 34-OO Each 39.OO Each 39.OO Each 49.00 Each 54.OO Each 59.OO Each 1.50 k9 Shot Putt 2.OO Shot Putt 2.5O k9 Shot Putt Shot Putt 2.72 k9 3.oo k9 3.63 k9 4.OO kg 4.54 k9 5.45 l<g 6.2s kg 7.26 kg Shot Putt Shot Putt Shot Shot Shot Shot Shot Put Stainless steel Shot Put Stainless steel all price n Rihggit Malaysia Eliot Putt 2kg 3k9 4kg 5kg 6k9 7kg Putt Putt Putt Putt Putt Putt Putt Putt Putt Putt k9 4kg 2k9 4kg 7.26 kg D7 Each Each Each Each Each Each 69.00 Each 79.OO Each 89.00 Each 34.00 Each 24.OO Each l59.OO Each 279.OO Each price subject to change without prior notice (., Meta F7YceRNsDurces NE\v TOP Discus Toe Board Discus Tournament ABS Discus Tournament ABS Discus Tournament ABS Discus Rubber Discus Rubber Discus Rubber Discus \vooden Discus wooden Discus \vooden Discus \vooden Discus Wooden Measuring Measuring Measuring Measuring Measuring Tapes Measuring Tapes Measuring Tapes Measuring Tapes 59.00 64.00 1.5 kg 2k9 74.OO lkg 26.00 29.00 34.00 1.5 k9 2kg lkg 44.00 2kg Tapes Tapes Tapes Tapes Each Each Each Each 5l.OO Each 56.0O Each 59.00 Each t.5 k9 L75 kg Sentor JUnror Each Each Each 4Z.OO Each 600 9m Cougar Relay Batons {IAAF) Cougar Relay Batons SI<YLON SKYLON SKYLON SI(YLON 219.00 Each lk9 65.00 P.set 60-00 P.set set of 6 pcs set of 6 pcs lO0 m lO9.OO Each Reel Reel Reel Reel 50m 30m lO m IOO m 50m 30m 20m 64.00 Each Each 29.00 Each 44.OO 99.OO Each 49.OO Each 29.OO Each 2O.OO Each Fiber Glass Fiber GIass Fiber GIass Fiber GIass Metres 349.OO Each 329.OO Ea.h \vheel Measure \vheel Measure 6" l79.OO Each l99.OO Each NE\vTOP Lihe Marker NE\v TOP Line Marker NE\vTOP Line Marker NE\vTOP Lihe Marker 2" 3" 4" oil oil oil oil NE\vTOP Line Marker NE\vTOP Lihe Marker 2" oiltype SUNLON Measuring Tapes \vheel Measure Digital NE\v TOP Line Marker all price n Ringgit Malaysia 12" 2' 3' 3' 02 type type type type oil type oil type 27g.OO 279.OO P.set plastic wheel P.set P.set 349.00 399.00 P.set P-set 399.OO P.set plastic wheel price subject 319.00 359.00 1o change without prior notice .(t, Mela Force RtsDuLrces TRIDENT Hammer with wire turned TRIDENT Hammer with wire turned TRIDENT Hammer with wire turned NE\v TOP Hammer with wire NE\v TOP Hammer with wire TRIDENT Hammer with wire turned TRIDENT Hammer with wire turned TRIDENT Hammer with wi.e turned NE\v TOP spare hammer wire with handle NE\v TOP Hammer Glove {Rightl TRAINING Javelin TRAINING Javelin TRAINING Javelin TOURNAMENT Javelin TOURNAMENT Javelin APOLLO AEROTRAINER Javelin APOLLO AEROTRAINER Javelin APOLLO AEROTRAINER Javelin APOLLO AEROFLO Javelin APOLLO AEROFLO Javelin FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH APOLLOAEROFLO Javelin TRlDENTJavelin {IAAFJ TRlDENTJavelin {lAAFl TRlDENTJavelin {lAAFl NE\X/ TOP JAVELIN Toe Board HIGHT JUMP POST with wheels HIGH JUMP POST with wheels HIGH JUI<P POST FIBERGIASS Cross Bar {Taiwan) ALUMINIUM Cros Bar TRIDENT Cross Bar Tournament TRIDENT Cross Bar Tournament l25.OO Pc l40.OO Pc l59.OO Pc 139.00 Pc 2.72 kg 3.63 kg 4.55 kg 4.OO k9 4.54 k9 5.+5 kg 6.25 k9 7.26 kg 159.0O l79.OO l8O.OO l9O.OO 69.00 74.OO 79.OO Each 89.OO Each 99.OO Each 600 gm gm aOO gm 4OO 9m 5OO gm 600 gm 7OO gm 800 gm 600 gm 7OO gm 800 gm 7OO SOOgm TOOgm 600 grn l59.OO Each l59.OO Each l59.OO Each l69.00 Each Tournament Tou.nament Tournament 2.5 m Aluminium 2.2 m Steel 2.2 m Club 4.O m 4.O m 4.5 m 4.O m TRIDENT Air Horn 7soml TRIDENTAiT Horn 55oml Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc 179.OO Each 199.OO Each 209.OO Each 219.OO Each l95.OO Each l95.OO Each l75.OO Each 2l9.OO Each 789.00 489.00 3l9.OO P.set P.set P.set 2l8.OO Each 94.00 Aluminium Aluminium Each l9O.OO Each l60.00 Each 64.OO 35.OO 34.OO 3+.OO 25.OO Each Each Each Each Each Each Each TRIDENT Air Horn NE\v TOP Air Horn NE\v TOP Air Horn NElv TOP Air Horn REFILL {GAS) 45Oml 30,oo Judges FIag rcd/yellovwhite/blue l5.OO I all price in Rinqqit Malaysia 45Oml 450m1 350m1 250m1 I S.OO o3 price subiecl to change Pair without prior notice (t, Meta F1roe Rts,uYoes NE\v TOP Landing NEW TOP Landing NE\v TOP Landing NE\v TOP Landing NE\v TOP Landing NE\v TOP Landing x4 x4" 6'x4'x6" 6'x4'x12" 6x4'x15" 6 Mat Mat Mat Mat Mat Mat 6x4x18" NE\v TOP Landing Mat NE\v TOP Landing Mat NE\v TOP Landing Mat 549.OO Each 7lg.OO Each 849.OO Ea.h x4 x 24" 6'xg'x12" 6'x8'x15" lO99.OO Each 6'x 12" lO'x6 x l8" lO'x6 x24' 1699.OO Each 2249.OO Each 27gg.OO Each 6 NEW TOP Landing Mat NEW TOP Landing Mat 274.00 Ea.h 329.00 Each lO' x \O99.OO Each l349.OO Each 72'x48'xl" 47.OO Each NE\YToP Gym Mat 2mxlmx5cm 4g9.oo Each Hexagonal Shape Hexagonal Shape 60' 40" 278.OO Each 158-OO Each Vienna Trampoline 8 feet 1659.00 Each NEWTOP Vaulting Box 5 level NE\v TOP Vaulting Box 3 level Sentor JUnror 624.00 Each NEW TOP Rubber Medicine Ball NE\v TOP Rubber Medicine Ball lkg 24.OO Each 29.OO Each NEWTOP Rubber Medicine Ball NE\v TOP Rubber Medicine Ball NEW ToP Rubber Medicine Ball NEW TOP Rubber Medicine Ball 2kg 3k9 4kg 5kq 35.00 Each NE\v TOP Leather NEW TOP Leather NEW TOP Leather NE\v TOP Leather NE\v TOP Leather NE\v TOP Leather NE\v TOP Leather NE\v TOP Leather NE\v TOP Leather Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ikg 26.00 Each 26.00 Each 33.00 Each 50.00 Each 67.00 Each 84.00 Each NE\v NE\v NE\v NE\v NE\v NE\v NE\v NE\v NE\v Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball NE\v TOP Exercise mats TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP Rubberr Rubberr Rubberr Rubberr Rubberr Rubberr Rubberr Rubberr Rubberr all price n Ringgit Malaysia 5l9.OO Each t.5 k9 1.5 39.OO Each 47.oo Ea.h 57.00 Each kg 2ks 3kg 4kg skg 6kg 7kg akg with with with with with with with with with Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce 109-00 Each l27.OO Ea.h l44.OO Ea.h lko l.s'fto 54.OO Each 59.OO Each 3kg 4 l<o skA 6kd 7kd 8kd \O4.OO Ea.h 2 kq' o+ 64.00 84.00 Each Each Each 94.OO I l9.OO Each l39.OO Each 164.00 Ea.h price subjeci to change without prior notice Meta (., FoYoe RtsDrLrces :asio Stopwatches PRO - IOO IOO Laps DigiTec 99 OO HS-3 9a.OO Each Ea.h Q&Q stopwatches H5-45 lO Lap DigiTec XT- 60 60 Laps 79.OO Ea.h 6e.9O Ea.h Q&Q Stopwatches HS-43 standard DigiTec XT- 20 89.OO Each 20 Laps 59.OO Ea.h Q&Q Stopwatches HS-46 standard 48.90 Q&Q Stopwatches HS-47 standatd 49.90 Each Each DigiTec XT 35.00 Each cobra Stopwatchcs csol standard 27.oo Each c-506 TRIDENT Stopwatch TRIDENT Stopwatch TRIDENT Stopwatch TRIDENT Stopwatch all price n Ringgit Malaysia l0O lap 60 lap 30 lap c575 c570 99.OO Pcs 75.OO Pcs c52l 59.00 c 506 29.OO Pcs Pcs price subject 1o change without prior notice Meta (., FoYoe RtsDrLrces - 226 S wilh Siren. l) Mini type megophone. ER t\ t 2)'Ronge from 0.3km to 0.6km 3)Power=SWatfs 4) Weight = 0.63k9 1) Hond held megophone. 2) Ronge from 0.5km to 0.8km 3) Power= l0Wotls 4) Weight = 0.9ks ER - 56 S wilh Siren l) Toble Top model wilh Shoulder Slrop & Delochoble Microphone 2) Ronge from 0.5km to 1 km 3) Power = 25 Wotls 4) Weight = 1.65kg - 66 S wilh Siren. l) Hond Grip model wilh ShoutderStrop & Delochoble Mircophone. 2) Ronge from 0.5km to 1 km ER 3) Power = 25 Wotls 4) Weight = l.65ks all price n Ringgit Malaysia price subject to change without prio',lorice Meta (., FoYoe RtsDrLrces NE\v TOP skittles NE\v TOP skittles NEW TOP skittles NE\v TOP skittles NE\v TOP skittles NE\v TOP skittles NEW TOP skittles NE\v TOPITRIDENT skittles ' I' ' lf: '. l0 .otrup,ior" iiu --":: 24' 12" 15" l8' TRIDENT Hat Cone set & hurdle with ba9 TRIDENT Hat Cone set & hurdle with ba9 TRIDENT Hat Cone set & hurdle with bag I Z:., t0 l0 l0 47.OO Each pcs cone & 5 pcs pole pcs cone & 5 pcs pole pcs cone & 5 pcs pole 'f;f-';;.{l[,,,:.J EACH SEI CON5ISTS o'F Pcs 3.3O Each 4.2O Each lO.5O Each I l.8O Each l4.AO Each 18.80 Each 21.00 Each 5oft soft soft soft soft soft soft hard lO9.OO P.set I l9.OO P.set 22g.OO P.set I Cone & 5 pcs Crossbor NE\v TOP Disco cone set I.VITH bag NE\Y TOP Disco cone set WITH bag NE\vTOP Disco cone set \VITH bag TRIDENT Disco cone set \VITH bag TRIDENT Disco cone set WITH bag TRIDENT Disco cone set wlTH bag TRIDENT Disco cone set wlTH bag TRIDENT Disco cone set TRIDENT Disco cone set 3O NE\v TOP Dome cone set TRIDENT Dome marker set with bag 40 pcs/set 3O pcs/set pcslset 40 pcslset 50 pcslset 2O pcs/set 3O pcs/set 40 pcs/set 5O pcslset 50 pcs/set 40 pcs/set I 79.OO jF,. Drsco coNE rHreF'r" \r) szz" lO4.OO P.set ) l24.OO P.set sz2" sz2" s23.5" oscocoNEsEr r r0 rcs,rsEr r{HcHr 3 ) 3. ( sz5-5 r -l DOMCMAT(Ei 30 P.set sfi 60.00 70.O0 80.00 90.00 P.set P.set P.set P-set 120.O0 P.set 96.00 P.set l69.OO P.set l29.OO P.set Pcs/sfl - - 269.00 COACHING SET INDOOR use slalom pole 25mm {l2pcs) dome (6pcsJ - clip llOpcsl - bag {t pcl - COACHING SET OUTDOOR use slalom pole 32mm {l2pcs) - clip { lOpcs) - bag (t pcl - all price in Rihggit Malaysia P.set rl outDoot coAcIlNG str 259.OO P.set \ TNDOOt COACSTXG SFr 32mfr aoom pote- t2 Fc' Cttps t0 Dcr 25hn tldloh fole - tr tc5 Cltp3 - 10 pcs a7 price subject to change without prior notice Meta AqiIitU tryipmcnta FoYoe RtsDrLrces 349.OO Each NE\v TOP H555 Hurdle Champion built from lightweight powdercoated steel base adjusrable height to 30" , 33".36".39". & 42" - -detachable for easy storage NE\v TOP H559 Hurdle Training built from chrome plaled sleel base adjustable height to 30", 33", 36", 39", & 42" 2g9.OO Ea.h -detachable for easy storage l69.00 NE\v TOP Hurdles with Fiberglass Board burlf From powder coaled sleel base -adjustable height with weighted base Each fiberglass boarcl l54.OO Each NE\v TOP Hurdles with \veight Deluxe buill lrom chrome plaled sleel llase -adJustable height to 30", 33", 36", 39'. & 42" detachable for easy slorage NE\v TOP Adjustable hurdles NE\v TOP Adjustable hurdles 64.00 Each without weight without weight 84.OO Each l,4ade of lightweight,durable PVC plastic,speed iraining hurdles are a great iraining tool for jumping,speed,and coordinaiion building drills NE\v TOP Adjustable Mini Hurdles mulh herght llexi hurdle -adjustable heiqht from 6" to 12" 6 pcs/p.set 209.OO Each each sel includes 6 adjuslable mini hurdles and a nyJon carrying bag Mini Hurdles available in: 6" 9' 12" 15" 18" RM 24.OO Each RM 29.00 Each RM 34.OO Each RM 39.OO Each RM 44.OO Ea.h -Heavy duty flat hurdle with foam padding covered with orange coated material -desrgned for easy slackrng available in 6" 9" 12" i RM 29.OO Each RM 37.00 Each RM 45.OO Each all price n Ringgit Malaysia o8 price subjeci to change without prior notice Meta AqiIitU tryipmcnta FoYoe RtsDrLrces Made oF fully welded steel construction Frame -Non s,ip resistance rubber surface used for forward and lateraljumps Set of set of 3 16", 12", la") 699.OO P.set 5 {6", 12",la",24",3O1 TRIDENT Reaction ball TRIDENT Reaction ball GOLD CUP Skipping rope Nylon Rope with wooden handle TRIDENT skipping rope 1999.00 P.set Large l6.00 pc Small 9.00 pc 7&9feet 5.OO pc - r2.OO pc 15.0O - 19.O0 pc 9.OO Power sled with waist belt without weight 259.00 P.set RM Made of skin friendly heavy duty cotton drill,features pockets for weight increment through secured weighled pockets. IO k9 RM l99.OO Each 5kg RM 139.00 Each all price n Rihggit Malaysia 09 price subject to change without prior notice Meta AdWqiliptnmrt FoYoe RtsDrLrces RM 45.OO P.set RM 39.oo P.set 56" RM lO9.OOPc {l) RM 99.OO Pc POWER CHUTE 48" RM 85.OO Pc PO\T/ER CHUTE 40" RM 65.00 PC PO\VER CHUTE POWER CHUTE 40- PRO EVASION BELT RM 55.00 P.set EVASION BELT RM 29-OO P.set t\ EVASJON BELT & PRO EVASION BELT (padded) \ AGJJ JTY IADDFR 4m.5m.6m-7m.8m.9m. ALsO AVAILABLE CROsS LADDER NAGASE speed Speed ladder Speed ladder Speed ladder Speed ladder Speed ladder Speed ladder Cross ladder \I 99.OO pc I 10-OO pc ladder 9m 8m 7m 6m 5m 4m all price n Rihggit Malaysia l8 ruhgs l6 runqs l4 ruhgs l2 rungs with bag with bag with bag with bag lO ruhgs with bag I rungs with bag 6 m x 4pc with baq 95.OO pc 45.0O pc 80.0O pc 75.00 pc 59-00 pc 369.OO p.set price subject to change without prior notice Meta AqiIitU tryipmcnta FoYoe RtsDrLrces s 1 /\ 3r' 1: ,..-," PRO LEG STRENGTH TUBE Come wth an adjustabie handle helps rn svengthenrng the srnguJar leg movement comcs in an accttractivc carry bag RM 59.00 pc PRO POVER TUBE surred for burldlng upper bodystrength ideaJ training device for I improving speed,strength -allrractve carry baq packrnq I RM 49.OO pc PRO LEG TONER PRO MULTI JUMPER foam padded strap wlth flex cord hclps in dcvcloping thc sidc to sjdc Jca motion -rdeal for rncreasrnq the balance an.l frrst slep qurckness adjustable,portabJe and one srze tts all nccg, no t'ajnc, 'n' rfb.\ adju\|. lrl. loo' \r'ao. p 'dd o n.r I oi ., RM I O9.OO pc OVERSPEED TRAINER 3 nrtr long Jatex tube Jn sleeve for protectron 2 harnesses at each end comcs packcd in a bag all price n Rihggit Malaysia price subject to change without prior notice Meta FoYoe RtsDrLrces AqiIitU tryipmcnta GENERAL PACK -mini hurdle 6" ( l0 pcs) -disco cone (12 pcs) -power chute 48" il pc) -speed ladder 6m (l pc) RM 349.00 -carrybag (lpcl PREMIUM PACK -mini hurdle 6" (6 pcs.f -disco cone {12 pcs) -power chute 48" { I pc) -speed ladder 6m ( I pc) -carry bag Ipc) -skittle 9" { l2pcs) RM 309.OO ADVANTAGE PACK -mini hurdle 6" (2 pcsl -mini hurdle 12" (12pcsl -skittle 9" {2 pcs) -disco cone (l pcs) -power chute 48" ( I pc) -speed ladder 6m ( I pc) -carry bag {l pcJ RM 299.OO BUDGET PACK -mini hurdle 6" {6 pcs) -disco cone (l2pcs) -speed ladder 6m (l pcl RM 239.00 -carrybag (lpc) all price n Rihggit Malaysia price subject to change without prior notice Meta astfrsll t"Wipmmfrr FoYoe RtsDrLrces ADIDAS Football Game ADIDAS Football Game ADIDAS Football Game ADIDAS Football Game ADIDAS Football Game ADIDAS Football Game ADIDAS Football Training ADIDAS Football Training ADIDAS Football Training ADIDAS Football Training ADIDAS Football Training NIKE NIKE NIKE NIKE NIKE NIKE NIKE NIKE NIKE Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football size size size size size size 399.90 Each 298.90 Each 5 5 5 199.9O Each 169.90 Each 148.90 Each 128.90 Each 5 5 5 size 5 size 5 size 5 size 4/5 size 4/5 98.90 88.90 78.90 68.90 58.90 Game Game Game size 5 size 5 size 5 398.90 Each 128.90 Each Training Training Training Training Training Training size 4/5 size 4/5 size 4/5 size 4/5 size 4/5 size 4/5 Fig05 Football Ambros Football Ambros Football Diadora Football Kappa Football Lotto Football lO8.9O Each 98.90 88.90 74.OO 69.00 58.OO 48.OO 54.00 Each 48-00 Each 58.OO Each 58-00 Each 58.00 Each 58-00 Each 58.00 Each 48.00 Each size 5 size 4 22.OO size 4/5 Cobra Football - 18 {sl - 18 fsl - 12 fsl - 18 {sl Cobra Training Bibs Taffetta Cobra Training Bibs Nylon Mesh Cobra Training Bibs Nylon Mesh Parma Training Bibs Game/Training Bibs Game/Training Bibs Training Bibs Polyester Mesh Figos Training Bibs NE\v TOP Corner Flag NE\v TOP Corner Flag Euro Style Corner Flag - 18 {Dl - t2 lDl - 12 {s) - ro {s) official 4 pcs/set 4 pcyset spring loaded bendable 2 pcs/set 2 pcs/set Linesman Flag Linesman Flag senior/iunior senioy'junior senioy'junior senior/iunior sentor sentot junior post 4 pcs/set world cup Ouarters complete with accessories set of 2 NE\v TOP Passing ARC SA 2O06 {6 pcslset) with wallet SUBSTITUTION Card \X7ith Holder all price n Rihggit Malaysia Each 139.00 P.set 139.00 P.set g4.OO P.set 169-00 P.set 329.00 P.set 229.OO P.set l3O.OO P.set l39.OO P.set Sentor REFREE Cards {NEON) let Each Each Each Each Each Each 48.OO Each size 5 size 5 size 4 size 5 size 4/5 size 4/5 size 4/5 Puma Football Admiral Football Admiral Football Each Each Each Each Each 159.00 P.set l99.OO P.set 279.OO P.set 34.00 P.Pair 29.00 P.set P.set 29.OO P.Pair 9.9O 69.99 P. 29.OO P.set price sLrbject to change without prior notice Meta Fjrce Rts,wYoes Captain Arm Band Captain Arm Band KAPPA Captain Arm Band UMBRO Captain Arm Band NBA Captain Arm Band TRIDENT Captain Arm Band 7.5O with velcro without velcro l2.OO Ea.h 9.OO Each 9.OO Each 9.O0 Each 295.oo Portable Free l(ck \vall Free l(ick Trolley Portable Steel Goal Portable GoalPVC Nagase Passing Hoops Each 7.OO Each 4OO.0O 3m x2.O5m 4'x2' x l.2m Pc Pc 350-0O P.set 22O.OO P.set set of 6 pcs 150.00 P.set with spring Slalom Pole l.7m Flexible {2 pcsl Slalom Pole l.7m Flexible with spring Slalom Pole l.7m Portable {2 pcs) Slalom Pole l.7m SIalom Pole Bag Fit 20 p.s/bag Poles Bases Converter For SIalom Pole For lndoor Use Poles Bases Converter Rubber For Slalom Pole For lndoor Use 35.00 PC 32.OO 35.OO Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc TRIDENT Preasure Gauge Complete with indicator for rugby,football,volleyball,basl(etball & handball 25.OO Pc UHLSPORTS Football Shinguard 6927 12.90 Pait ADIDAS Football Shinguard ADIDAS Football Shinguard NIKE Football Shinguard 39.90 Pair Pair Pair Pair 2a.oo 25.O0 49.OO 2s.oo Senior/unior t7.90 39.90 t7.go Senior/ Juniot 5.90 t 12.90 TRIDENT Coaching Board Football white board TRIDENT Coaching Board Football TRIDENT Coaching Board Football with ba9 TRIDENT Coachihg Board Football magnetic magnetic NE\x/TOP NE\x/TOP NE\X/TOP all price n Ringgit Malaysia magnetic 3s.oo 24x36cm 30x45cm 60x90cm with 27 magnets & 25 planners with I side planner with 2 side planner 14 45.OO 79.OO r 95.00 4t.00 Pait Pai'- Pc Pc Pc Pc PC 34.00 Pc 3a.oo Pc pfice sLbjecl .o cl'ange without pfior notice Meta Fjrce Rts,uroes ADIDAS JERSEY FOOTBALL NIKE JERSEY FOOTBALL KAPPA JERSEY FOOTBALL LINE 7 JERSEY FOOTBALL EUTAG JERSEY FOOTBALL ARORA JERSEY FOOTBALL AMBROS JERSEY FOOTBALL {Size S - 2XLl {Size S - 2XL} {Size S - 2XLl {Size S - 2XLl {Size S - 2XL) {Size S - 2XLJ {Size S - zXLl with print number with print number with print number with print number with priht number with number with number ADIDAS SHORTS FOOTBALL NIKE JERSEY FOOTBALL KAPPA JERSEY FOOTBALL LINE 7 JERSEY FOOTBALL EUTAG JERSEY FOOTBALL ARORA JERSEY FOOTBALL AMBROS JERSEY FOOTBALL {Size S - 2XLJ {Size S - zXLl {Size S - zXL) with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number ADIDAS GOALKEEPER {JERSEY & SHORTSJ NII<E GOALKEEPER {JERSEY 6. SHORTS} KAPPA GOALKEEPER {JERSEY & SHORTS) LINE 7 GOALKEEPER {JERSEY 6. SHORTSI EUTAG GOALKEEPER IJERSEY & SHORTSI ARORA GOALKEEPER {JERSEY & SHORTS) AMBROS GOALIGEPER {JERSEY & SHORTSI zXL} {Size S - 2XLl {Size S - {Size S - zxl) {Size S - zXL) 2XLl {Size S - 2XLl {Size S - 2XLl {Size S - 2XLl (Size S - lsize S - 2xL) {Size S - zxll {Size S - 2XLl 50.00 49.OO 39.OO 39.00 39.00 29.OO 29.OO all price n Ringgit Malaysia PC Pc Pc 49.OO 49.OO Pc Pc Pc 29.OO 2q.OO Pc Pc 39.00 39.00 Pc 39.00 Pc with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number 239.OO P.set 229.00 P.set l59.OO P.set l59.OO P.set t39.00 P.set I39.OO P.set l39.OO P.set 16.90 P.pai. 21.90 P.pair 19.90 P.pair ADIDAS SOCKS FOOTBALL ADIDAS SOCKS FOOTBALL NII(E SOCI<S FOOTBALL KAPPA SOCKS FOOTBALLI LINE 7 SOCKS FOOTBALL EUTAG SOCKS FOOTBALL ARORA SOCI(S FOOTBALL AMBROS SOCKS FOOTBALLI Adidas Glove Nike Glove Diadora Glove Line 7 Glove Lotto Glove l(ronos Glove Uhlsport Glove Joma Glove Ambros Glove Eutag Glove Parma Glove Pc Pc Pc Pc 14.9O P.pait 14.9O P.pair 14.90 P.pair 14.90 P.pair 14.9O P.pait 99.OO 89.OO 59.OO - 399.OO P.pair 29S.OO P.pait 89.00 - 99.OO 59.o0 - 99.OO A9.OO - 99.0O 79.OO - 359.00 7S.OO 49.OO P.pair P.pair P.pair P.pair P.pair P.pair - l59.OO 49.OO P.Dair 59.OO P.pair 39.OO P.pair price subject to change without prior notice JVeffdL t4ilipttrptltr Meta Fjrce Rts,uroes MOLTEN SN4R Training MOLTEN SN5R Training MOLTEN SN48MX Game MOLTEN SNs8MX Game MIKASA 35OO Training PARMA Netball Training Rubber Rubber PU PU size 4 size 4 size 5 size 4/5 size 4/5 size 4/5 MITRE Netball Training COBRA Netball Training GTO Netball nevblister pack GTO Netball nevpolybag .9O Each .9O Each 84.90 Each 88.90 Each 4l .9O Each 39.00 Each 39-00 Each 4l 4l size 4 size 5 2O.OO Each l0.OO coloured 9.OO coloured 79.00 juniot/senior COBRA Taffetta single layer double layer double layer single layer single layer junior/senior juniot/ senior COBRA Riversible TC sentor MOLTEN BIB MOLTEN BIB PARMA BIB PARMA BIB P.set P.set l29.OO P.set 69.OO P.set 54.OO P.set 99.00 P.set l69.00 senror Sentor 329.OO Pait Netball Post TRIDENT Coaching Board Netball TRIDENT Coaching Board Netball Magnetic Magnetic 24x36cm 60x90cm ADIDAS JERSEY FOOTBALL NIKE JERSEY FOOTBALL KAPPA JERSEY FOOTBALL LINE 7 JERSEY FOOTBALL EUTAG JERSEY FOOTBALL ARORA JERSEY FOOTBALL AMBROS JERSEY FOOTBALL {Size S - 2XLl {Size S - 2XL} {Size S - zXLl {Size S - zXL) (Size S - 2XL) {Size S - zXLl {Size S - zXLJ with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number all price n Ringgit Malaysia Each Each 45.OO Pc l95.OO Pc 50.00 49.OO 39.OO 39.00 39.00 29.OO 29.OO Pc Pc Pc Pc PC Pc Pc price subjecl to change without prio'norice t"ryipmmtt Meta Fjrce Rts,uroes MIKASA MVA 330 MII(ASA MVA 3I O MIKASA MVA 3OO MIKASA MVA 2OO MIKASA MV 2I O MOLTEN VsVC MOLTEN V4VC MOLTEN V48SLC MOLTEN Beach Waterpolo MOLTEN Waterpolo MOLTEN GT 25 size size size size size cTO volleiball GTO volleyball GTO volleyball GTO volleyball with with with with net net net net 304.OO Each I l4.OO Each 58.90 58.90 68.90 99,00 cable cable cable DX cable DX-PRO Each l99.OO Each 4/5 32.OO Each 52.OO Each 64.00 Each Tournairent 78.OO Each I O mesh lO mesh I O mesh 128.00 Each 88.OO Each l58.OO Each l79.OO Each MOLTEN NE\v TOP Volleyball Antenna NEW ToP Volleyball Antenna Each Each Each g9.OO Each Training Trainind GTO vollevball net with cable O4.OO Each l24.OO Each 164.00 Each size 5 size 5 size withuot cable I 5 5 5 5 size 5 size 4 size 4 size 5 Cobra PU GTO volleyball net 5 standard or withjoint l24.OO P.set l89.OO P-set official TRIDENT lmproved Version l458.OO P.pair Beroda 99O.OO P.pair Fixed 690.00 P.pait ADIDAS JERSEY Volleyball NIKE JERSEY Volleyball KAPPA JERSEY Volleyball LINE 7 JERSEY Volleyball {Size S - 2XL) {Size S - 2xL} {Size S - 2XL} EUTAG JERSEY Volleyball {Size S - zXLl (Size S - 2XL) ARORA JERSEY Volleyball AMBROS JERSEY Volleyball {Size S - zXLl {Size S - 2XL} TRIDENT Coaching Board Volleyball TRIDENT Coaching Board Volleyball TRIDENT Coaching Board Volleyball with bag NE\v TOP NE\v TOP with erasers all price n Ringgit Malaysia with priht number with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number white board magnetic magnetic with I2 magnets & 25 planners with 2 side planner 24x36cm 30x45cm 50.00 Pc 49.OO 39.00 Pc Pc 39.OO Pc 39.OO 29.OO Pc Pc 29.OO Pc 35.OO Pc Pc 45.O0 79.OO 44.OO 3a.oo price subject to change Pc Pc Pc without prior notice {Ja,t LefnaIL Mela F)YoeRlsDuYces MOLTEN LBTR lThe markl MOLTEN LB5R lPro Touchl MOLTEN GR5 MOLTEN GR6 MOLTEN GR7 MOLTEN GE5 MOLTEN GE6 MOLTEN GE7 MOLTEN GM7 MOLTEN GG7 SPALDING SPALDING NII(E MOLTEN [iuniorl Rubber Rubber Rubber Rubber Rubber tryip 31.90 Pc 35.90 Pc 38-90 Pc 4l .9O Pc 4l.9O Pc 84.90 P. 88.90 Pc 94.90 Pc l3a.9O Pc l4A.9O Pc l29.OO Pc 99.00 Pc 79.OO Pc 49.OO Pc size 7 size 5 size 5 size 6 size 7 size 5 PU PU PU PU PU size 6 size 7 size 7 size 7 size 7 size 5 size 5/6 139.00 P.pair 89.OO P.pair Post Ring TRIDENT Coaching Board Basketball TRIDENT Coaching Board Basketball TRIDENT Coaching Board Basketball with ba9 NE\V TOP NE\v TOP Meta F\rce Rls\nYces white board magnetic 2+x36.m magnetic 30x45cm I O magnets & 25 planne.s with 2 side planners 4t_00 3a.oo Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc 79.OO Each 89.OO Each 59.00 Each 69.00 Each 69.00 Each 59.OO Each 69.00 Each 69.00 Each 69.00 Each 65.00 Each 59.00 Each 59.00 Each 69.00 Each FLEET IOOI FLEET 2OO2 FLEET Super 3O0 FLEET Arrow System 75O FLEET Plantinum FLEET Plantinum RCL TTOOO RCL Tt500 RCL T2500 RCL T3000 Lion Lion Lion Sea Lion Sea Lion 35.OO 45.OO 79.OO $a"dmhlon tryiptnmfa YONEX AS I O YONEX AS3O Sea Sea Sea tnptdrr CI lOl CI l30 50I CI l03 CI I34 DUNLOP Smash DUNLOP Green DUNLOP Club 59.OO 59.OO 39.OO l9.OO Each Each Each 55.00 Each Ea.h 59.OO Each 49.OO Ea.h carlton AG Power Ambros RSL no.l Tourney 59.00 59.oo 59.00 69.00 RSL RSL 49.OO Ea.h \vilson Each Each Each Each 59.OO Each Silver Feather Official all price n Ringgit Malaysia 18 price subjeci to change without prior notice Mela FDYce RtsDvLYces YONEX ag.oo - 499.OO FLEET 39.O0 - 219.OO DUNLOP CARLTON \VILSON PRO ACE AMBROS PARMA 39.oo - 2t9.oo la9.oo - 2l9.oo 39.OO - 25q.OO l29.OO - t49.OO 39.OO - eg.OO 29.OO YONEX BG 66 YONEX BG 65 YONEX BG 5 FG FG Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc 29.oo 25.O0 22.OO 25.OO 62/63/66 6A/6s t9.00 Carlton Toalson 22.0O 29.O0 YONEX YONEX Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc .pair 29 .OO - 49 .OO P 29.OO - 49.OO P.pair 39.OO P.pair 79.OO P.pait YONEX GTO Mesh {GT-61 GTO Mesh {GT 6Dl GTO Mesh {GT-t2DJ 239 .OO P .pait 299.OO P.pair .OO P .pair l9.OO P.pair 329 Gro {Gr-rl 37.00 P.pair GTO {GT-DX} 49,900.OO Beroda 99O.OO P.pair Fixed 390.OO P.pair Umpire Chair 790.00 all price n Ringgit Malaysia L9 price subject to change P.pair without prior notice Mela FoYce RtsDV,YCes SW& gqftnauL GAJAHMAS 3I I GAJAHMAS 5I I 2t.oo 24.00 30.00 MARATHON SALIM SS I 25.OO 23.OO {Dewasa} SALIM Ss2 lwanita/dewasal GAJAHMAS EN-27 GAJAHMAS EN-I8 MARATHON GTO GT-s GTO GT- I O GTO GT-20 GTO GT-4ODX GTO GT-sO tryiprnml,j Tournament Tournament 60.o0 +9.OO 79.0O Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc P. 30.00 Pc 32.OO Pc 38.00 Pc 52.O0 Pc 6S.OO Pc with cable Net Post 99O.OO Pc Umpire Chair 79O.OO Pc ?ing flang. Wipmml/r Meta F)rce Rts)uYces 690.00 P.pair 690.00 P.pait 690.OO P.pair 69.OO 79.OO 49.OO 39.00 pclY3 pcsl 49.OO pck I pcly'3 pcsl It p.k/6 14.00 pck l9.OO pck l8.OO pck l3.OO pck l3.OO pck 7.OO pck 7.00 pck Tournament {l ( DHS {3starJ Butterfly l2 starl orange Butterfly f3 starl white Butterfly {3 starl white {l Casas {l starl ll King all price n Rihggit Malaysia I pcly'6 pcsl I pcly'3 pcs) {l pcly'3 pcs) pck/6 pcsl It pcly'6 pcsl 20 Pc Pc Pc Pc price subject to change without prior notice 7inq flang. f4aipmmtt Meta Force Rtsowrces 59.00 P.pait Butterfly Bat Ping Pong + zpcs ball Butterfly Bat Ping Pong Nittaku Bat Ping Pong DHS Bat Ping Pong + 2pcs ball Double Fish Bat Ping Pong Hi-star Bat Ping Pong Gold cup bat ping pong 49.OO P.pait 59.O0 P.pair 49.oo P.pait 2S.OO P.pair 29.OO P.pair with t/2 cover Super Excellent Glue Table Tennis 59.OO - HIR H2R H3R HXT-T HXT-2 HXT-2 HISL H2SL H3SL GTO GT.2O GTO Gf -25 GTO GT-3O GTO GT-4O P.pair l9.OO P.pair thnd&all tqaipmu* Meta FTYce Rts)urces MOLTEN MOLTEN MOLTEN MOLTEN MOLTEN MOLTEN MOLTEN MOLTEN MOLTEN Cobra 69.00 Rubber Rubber Rubber H/stitch H/stitch H/stitch PU PU PU Gripper 4l.OO Pc 4l.OO Pc 4l.OO Pc 68.00 Pc 68.00 Pc 68.00 Pc 99.00 Pc size I size 2 size 3 size I size 2 size 3 size I 108.00 size 2 size 3 size Pc lO8.OO Pc t/2/3 32.00 Pc l04.0O P.pair 2,Omm 2.smm 139.0O P.pair l79.OO P.pair 2l9.OO P.pair 3.Omm 4.Omm GoalPost l390.0O P.pair Butterfly 199-00 P.pair Besi 299 .OO P .pait TRIDENT Coaching Boards Handball TRIDENT Coaching Boards Handball NE\x/TOP NE\vTOP all price n Rinqqit Malaysia 35.OO t95.00 white board magnetic 60 x 90cm with l4 magnets & 25 planners with 2 side planners 44.00 38.00 p ce subiect 10 chanqe Pc Pc Pc Pc without p or notice fiutsal f4uipmu* Meta F,Yce R-(.sDuYces Adidas Futsal Adidas Futsal Nike Futsal Nike Futsal Figos Futsal Puma Futsal Admiral Futsal Ambros Futsal Cobra Futsal GTO GTO GTO GTO l29.OO 69.00 Tournament Training Training Tournament Training Training Training Training Training 79.OO 109.00 59.00 59.00 59.00 49.OO 39-00 GT-zO 2.Omm GT-25 2.5mm I GT-3O GT-4O 3.omm I l390.OO P.pair 99.OO - 3S9.OO P.pair 89 .OO - 299 .OO P-pait P.pair 59.OO 79.OO P.pair Adidas Glove Nike Glove Diadora Glove Line 7 Glove Lotto Glove l(ronos Glove Uhlsport Glove Joma Glove Ambros Glove Eutag Glove Parma Glove ADIDAS SHORTS FOOTBALL NIKE JERSEY FOOTBALL KAPPA JERSEY FOOTBALL LINE 7 JERSEY FOOTBALL EUTAG JERSEY FOOTBALL ARORA JERSEY FOOTBALL AMBROS JERSEY FOOTBALL all price in Ringgit lralaysia P.pair P.pair 49 .OO P .pair l99.OO P.pait 4.Omm Goal Post ADIDAS JERSEY FOOTBALL NIKE JERSEY FOOTBALL KAPPA JERSEY FOOTBALL LINE 7 JERSEY FOOTBALL EUTAG JERSEY FOOTBALL ARORA JERSEY FOOTBALL AMBROS JERSEY FOOTBALL 85.00 l9.OO Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc 89.00 99.OO - 99.OO 89.00 - 99.oo 79.00 - 359.00 49.OO - I5S.OO 4g.OO P.pair P.pair P.pair P.pair 39.OO P.pair 59.oo 59.oo {Size (size S S - 2XL) - 2XL) {Size S - zXL) tSize S - 2xll {Size S - 2XLl {Size S - 2XL) {Size S - 2xL) {Size S - 2xL} {Size S - 2XLJ {Size S - 2XLl (Size S - 2XL) {Size S - 2XL} {Size S - zXLl {Size S - 2xll 22 with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number with print number 50.00 49.oo 39.OO 39_00 P,Dair e.i:air Pc Pc Pc Pc 39.00 PC 29.OO 29.OO Pc Pc 49.OO 49.OO 39.00 Pc Pc Pc 39.OO Pc 39.00 Pc 29.OO 29.OO Pc Pc price subject to change without prior not ce frutaal tquipmmts Meta Force Rtsowrces TRIDENT TRIDENT TRIDENT TRIDENT Coaching Coaching Coaching Coaching Boards Boards Boards Boards Futsal Futsal Futsal with Bag Futsal Cobra Training Bibs Taffetta Cobra Training Bibs Nylon Mesh Cobra Training Bibs Nylon Mesh Cobra Training Bibs Taffetta Parma Training Bibs Game/Traininq Bibs Game/Training Bibs Training Bibs Polyester Mesh Figos Training Bibs ME|A white board magnetic magnetic magnetic l8 {s) r8 {s) t2Isl 7 {s) 18 {s) r8lDl t2 IDI r2 {sl r0 {sl 35.O0 24x 36cm 30 x 45cm 60 x 9ocm seniot/juniot senior/iunior seniorf unior sentot senior/iunior Sentor sentor sentor JUnror KOOKABURRA KOOKABURRA KOOKABURRA KOOKABURRA l8 pcs in carry bag l8 pcs in carry bag Dimple Elite Mark ll Dimple Standard Dimple Saturn Elite {lndoorl LANGITE Dimple LANGITE Poly Vinyl RAI(SHAK Dimple l39.OO r39.OO 94.OO 54.OO l69.00 329.00 P.set P.set P.set P.set P.set P.set 229.OO P.set 130.00 P.set l39.OO P.set gh&pr* tryip,nptd,r FDYOE RNSOULTOES TK Dimple TK Poly Vinyl TK 1.2 Dimple Pc Pc Pc Pc 45.OO 79.OO t 95.OO Australia Australia England 2O9.OO P.bag l69.00 P.bag 19.O0 P.bag A4.OO Pc 54.00 24.00 Pc Pc Pc white/yellow/otange 34.OO l8 pcs in carry bag l8 pcs in carry bag white/yelloqotange 135.00 P.bag 94.OO P.bag 9.OO Pc GRAYS Match Dimple r3.oo Pc Astrotec GRAYS lndoor GRAYS lnternational 34.00 2a.oo PC GRAYS Polyvinyl GRAYS Practise 65.OO 8.OO KC Dimple 94.OO KC Pol)ruinyl KC Compo 66.00 LCA t7.90 lg.90 lg.90 l9.go Traction Grip Traction Plus Grip Touch Grip TK Control Plus TK Titan GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS all price n Rinqqit Malaysia 20.oo 20.oo GT 20 GT 25 GT 30 Pc Pc Pc 42.OO GRAYS Cushion Grip GTO Hockey net GTO Hockey net GTO Hockey net Pc Pc Pc 2.Omm 2.5mm 3.Omm Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc 224.OO P.pait 329.OO P.pait 449.OO P.pair price sublect to chanqe without prior nolice Meta gfu&cg €.Wipmml/r FDYC, RNs)wrces GRAYS G5OO Shingguard GRAYS Shield Plastic Shell Argentin Shingguard GRAYS Pro Shingguard ll TK 1.3 Shingguard TK 3 Shingguard Tl( safe Guard Deluxe TK safe Guard Safe All Foam Shinguard Cobra Deluxe Shinguard Anatomic Pro Shinguard seniorf unior 45.OO 79.OO sentor M/L M/L s9.oo 49.OO t 5.oo 25.OO 36.OO x5 senior/juniot s/M/L s/M/L 2a.oo GRAYS lnternational Glove GRAYS 45.OO Ahatomic Glove GRAYS Pro Glove TK Super Protection Ultralight TK Super Protection PLUS TK Super Protection TK lJ( 1.0 Plus with wheels TK l)( 2.0 Plus TK LX l.O Plus TK Ball carrying bag GRAYS G5oo Goalie Legguard Bag GRAYS lnternational Training Bag GRAYS G5OO Ultima Ba9 GRAYS G5OO Travel Bag GRAYS Pro Training Bag GRAYS G5OO Pro Stick Bag GRAYS Performa Bag GRAYS Force Stick Bag GRAYS \vave 5OO Stick Bag 65.00 49.oo 35.00 s/M/axL s/M/axL 25.0O Pc Pc Pc Pc 20.oo 25 sticks 3-4 sticks r 59.OO 39.O0 Pc 25.O0 Pc 290.OO Pc t 59.00 Pc 159.OO Pc t 49.OO Pc l29.OO Pc 69.oo Pc 69.OO Pc 45.00 Pc 39.00 Pc Holds 6 sticks Holds3-4sticlc Holds3-4sticks Holds2-3sticks Holds I -2sticks t,990.00 Senior/Junior Senior/Junior The Maharadja Throat Protector GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS Kickers Straps TK Kickers Straps TK l(ickers Straps I O.OO 7.OO England Full set Pc 29.OO Pc I l9.OO P.set l24.OO P.set 64.00 P.set 22.00 P.set Half set 2+ Pc Pc 2g.OO Pc The Maharadja Spare Kicl(ers Straps all price in Ringgit Malaysia Pc l5.OO one Stze neck guard collar type Throat Protector Throat Protector Pc 89.00 Pc single sticl< bag 24 balls with wheels The Maharadja Abdominal Guards \vith STRAPS The Maharadja Abdominal Guards Cup only Pc Pc 35.00 29.OO s/M/L/xL Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc price subject to change without prior notice gh&ery tqaipmmta Meta FjYce P.-ts}ti'Yces Grays Wooden Hockey Sticks RMr ,,09 73g.00 1l€ ? b<aes,vc.zar .t >€.r/t/ *'i@ The special reinforcem ent I bres technology of the Grays XTRA- Tech reinlorcement system for exception al poweiThe specially re nforced Low Backhand Zone" protecton againts the etrects ofsynthelc p lches all price in Rihggit lralaysia 25 pnce subject to change without prior not ce gh&nrl tqaipmu* Meta FoYoe Rls|urces SENIOR SENIOR .scFtooL FTBREq L,4.S.S REINFOECED g pLg Lan*Lwated head LabeL fvwLsh RIA 59.AO coLLeqe FrBR-EqL .s.S R-EINFOECED 9 TLU LavLLwated. head paLwted head, R-M 69.00 sr4PER. FIBR-Eq L^.s.s REINFOECED 3 TLA La^Lwated head paLwted (Lvish t N.83.oo luNloR .scFl'ooL FtBREq L-A,SS R-EINFOECED 9 pLU LavwLwated, head LaheL ltn t sh H'A43.oa coLLeqe FIBREqL.ASS R-EINFOSCED 9 pLU LaMLwated head palwted head RIA 59.AO si^PER FTBRE4L-ASS REINFOECED 9 pLU LaMLwated head paLwted (vwvsh RMeS.oa all price in Rihggit Malaysia 2b price subject to change without pr or notice gh&nq t"ryipmu* Meta F,rce Rts),'rces THE THE THE THE MAHARADJA MAHARADJA MAHARADJA MAHARADJA Goalie Stick Goalie Stick Service Service GRAYS Kl< Aramid GRAYS Kl< Fibre GRAYS XLR 8 GRAYS Clas 6 \vood \vood rvood \vood TOOO 600O Jumbow 6000 Scoop 6000 500O Megabow 5OOO 4000 Megabow 4000 Scoop 4OOO 3OOO 2OOO GRAYS \x/ave 500 {paint finishl GRAYS \x/ave {label finishl GRAYS \X/ave {label finishl 5000 lndoor 4000 lndoor GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GX GX GX KK GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GXsOOO Goalie GX4OOO Goalie GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS G2OO 30OO lndoor Fibre Touch 5OO React 4OO stick stick G500 Goalie stick G200 Goalie stick 499.OO P. 469.00 449.OO 389.00 389.00 389.00 279.OO 149.OO t 29.OO t 09.00 89.00 69.OO 65.OO 269.OO 239.OO 209.OO t 39.OO I 09.OO Pc Pc Pc CE approved England England England England England England Pc Pc Pc Pc P. Pc 269.OO 209.OO Pc Pc Pc Pc t England Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc 79.OO 209.O0 Junior 27 t99.oo Maxi Maxi Maxi Maxi Midi-34" Junioa Foam Foam Foam Foam Foam Foam Foam Gl0O Goalkeeper Pants Junior G2OO ShoulderArm Guard Senior Hockey Helmet G20O Hockey Helmet 269.OO l79.OO Pc l49.OO Pc wood wood G20O Chest Protector Senior G20O Goalkeeper Pants Senior Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc Pc 2l9.OO P. Junior Junior Junior composite composite Hand Protector Senior Gl0O Hand Protector Junior Pc Pc Pc 435.00 Pc 569.00 Pc 539.00 Pc 5I9.OO Pc 519.0O Pc composite composite composite fibreglass fibreglass fibreglass G2OO Pc Pc Pc Pc 495.OO P. wood wood \vood Legguard & Kicker Senior GIOO Legguard & Kicker Junior all price in Ringgit Malaysia 24.00 2l.OO 795.00 695.00 595.00 36.5' GRAYS GX 5OOO GRAYS GX 4OOO GRAYS GX 3OOO GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX 64.00 5g.OO 34' comp05ite composite composite composite composite composite composite composite composite composite composite composite composite composite composite composite composite composite composite composite GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS GRAYS 8000 Turbo 70OO Turbo 6000 Turbo 5000 Turbo 4000 Turbo 8000 Scoop GoalXL 36.5' GoalXL 34' 45.00 l45O.OO P.pair I 150.00 P.pair .OO P .pair 459.OO P.pair 7 59 259.oo P.pait 309.OO P.pair 299 .OO P .pair 259.OO P.pair 299.OO P.pait 229.OO P.pait pri.e sub_ect to cha,1ge without prior notice gh&rg eqaipmnts Meta FoYce RtsowYces GRAYS Mounth Guard GRAYS Umpire refree card GRAYS Coaching Board Hockey GRAYS Coaching Board Hockey GRAYS Coaching Board Hockey NE\vTOP Field Hockey NE\vTOP Field Hockey made in England made in England 29.gO Pc 19.90 Pc white board 35.OO magnetic 24x36.m magnetic 60 xgo cm with 22 magnets & 25 planne.s with 2 side planners 45.O0 t95.OO 48.OO Pc P. Pc Pc 3a-oo COBRAGOATIE SET Cobra all foam legguard & ldcker Cobra all foam gloves Cobra all foam chest protector Cobra goalie bag with wheels The Maharadja throat protector The Maharadja abdominal guard The Maharadja golie stick GOAL XL Fox 40 mouth guard with casing TK Golie jersey GX-OO2 TK Golie helmet GX 5.O RM 989.OO P.set Cobra all foam legguard & kicker Cobra all foam gloves Cobra all foam chest protector Cobra goalie bag with wheels The Maharadja throat protector The Maharadja abdominal guard The Maharadja golie stick GOAL XL Fox 40 mouth guard with casing TK Golie jersey GX-oO I TK Golie helmet GX 5.O RM 949.OO P.set all price in Ringgit Malaysia '-tQ price subject to change without prior not ce Mela FDrce RtsDv.rces COBRA GOLIE SET 1O ITEMS all price in Rihggit Malaysia 4 price subject to charge without prior noiice Meta F|Yce Rts),'rces fih&rry tqaipmnnta COBRAGOATIESET Cobra all foam legguard & kicker Cobra all foam gloves Cobra chest protector with arm guard Cobra goalie pants LYCRA Cobra goalie bag with wheels The Maharadja throat protector The Maharadja abdominal guard The Maharadja golie stick GOAL XL Fox 40 mouth guard with casing TK Golie jersey GX-OO2 TK Golie helmet GX 5.O Cobra all foam legguard & kicker Cobra all foam gloves Cobra chest protector with arm guard Cobra goalie pants LYCRA Cobra goalie bag with wheels The Maharadja throat protector The Maharadja abdominal guard The Maharadja golie stick GOAL XL Fox 40 mouth guard with casing Tl( Golie jersey GX-oO I TK Golie helmet GX 5.O all price n Rihggit Malaysia RM l289.OO P.set RM l249.OO P.set price subject to change without prior not ce Meta F\Yce RtsaLrces g!n&rr* t4ilipntztrtr COBRA GOLIE SET 12 ITEMS @ all price n Rinqqit Malaysia price subject to chanqe wilhoul prio. not ce th&cg €qaipmnta Meta F7Yce R-(,s7^rces SENIOR all foam legguard & kicker all foam kicker only all foam gloves all foam chest protector cobra goalie pants Lycra Cobra golie arm guard Cobra goalie bag with wheels Cobra chest protector with arm guard {body armourf The Maharadja golie stick Goal 36.5" The Maharadja throat protector The Maharadja abdominal guard with straps Fox 40 mouth guard with casing TK goliejersey -GX002 XXL TK golie helmet GX5.0 Cobra Cobra Cobra Cobra XL 499.00 P.set 219.00 P.pair 179.00 P.pair 104.00 Each 219.00 P.pair 139.00 Each 198.00 Each 209.00 Each 64.00 Each 15.00 Each 10.00 Each 8.00 Each 98.00 Each 178.00 Each JUNIOR Cobra all foam legguard & kicker Cobra all foam kicker only Cobra all foam gloves Cobra all foam chest protector Cobra goalie pants Lycra Cobra golie arm guard Cobra goalie bag without wheels Cobra goalie helmet Cobra chest protector with arm guard {body armourf The Maharadja golie stick Goal 34" The Maharadja throat protector The Maharadja abdominal guard with straps Fox 40 mouth guard with casing TK golie jersey - GX L XL 001 all price n Rinqqit Malaysia 449.00 P.set 199.00 P.pair 17i.00 P.pair 99.00 Each 219.00 P.pair 139.00 Each 158.00 Each I19.00 Each 199.00 Each 58.00 Each 15.00 Each 10.00 Each 8.00 Each 88.00 Each price subiect to chanqe without prior nolice So$frsll t"Wiptnptrt/r Meta F7roe Rls1uYces SOFTBALL OPTIONS . 1 TEAM NAIGAI Softball glove NE 251 AIO R/2 12 pcs NAIGAI Catchers Mitt NK 6 lPc Batters helmet TPS size:S/ M DIAMOND Catchers helmet size: M DIAMOND Throat protector T94 5 pcs lpc lpc l99.OO Each DIAMOND Chest protector DCP L.S Softball Legguard lpc 139.00 Each I pair 159.00 P.pair NAIGAI Wooden softball bat 30" L.S Softball bat FP 806 2A" / 29' L-S Softball bat \YFP I P 30" 3 pcs 3 pcs l29.OO Each NAIGAI Softball 12" SYN.optic yellow DIAMOND Softball I l" Leather 6 pcs 6 pcs OPTION 2 softball base set of 5 pcs I set L.S L.SLUGGER lndicator 74.OO Each 89.00 84.00 Each 24.OO Each 31.00 Each lpc I 09.OO I TEAM Each l4.OO Each 28.O0 Each 27 g.0O lpc with innings Each P.set 18.00 Each SET: P.SET NAIGAI Softball glove NE I lO VIOR//Z l2 pcs NAIGAI Catchers Mitt Nl( 6 lPc Batters helmet TPS size;S/M DIAMOND Catchers helmet size: M DIAMOND Throat protector Tg4 5 pcs 84.00 Each lPc lPc l99.OO Each DIAMOND Chest protector DCP L.S Softball Legguard lpc 139.00 Each I pair l59.OO P.pair NAIGAI Wooden softball bat 28' L.S Softball bat FP 806 28" /29' L.S Softball bat \vFPI P 30" 3 pcs 3 pcs 129.00 Each NAIGAI Softball 12" SYN.optic yellow DIAMOND Softball I l" Leather 6 pcs 6 pcs 28.00 Each OPTION 2 softball base set of 5 pcs I set 279.O0 P.set L,S L.SLUGGER lndicator 89.00 Each 24.OO Each 2g.OO Each lpc 109.00 Each 14.00 Each lpc with innings 1 all pr ce in Ringgit Malaysia 49.00 Each TEAM l8.OO Each SET: P.SET price sublect to chanqe without prior notice Salrfrall Meta FDrce RtsDwYces SOFTBATL OPTIONS' f4aipmu* I TEAM NAIGAI Softball glove NE 298 L/lO R/2 l2 pcs I l9.OO Each NAIGAI Catchers Mitt NK 6 lpc 89.00 L,S Batters helmet TPS size;S L,S Catchers helmet SYCH / 5 pcs M DIAMOND Catchers helmet size M DIAMOND Throat protector TG 4 DIAMOND Chest protector DCP L-S Softball Legguard Each 84.00 Each lpc lpc lpc 199.00 Each lpc 139.00 Each I pair l59.OO P-pair 449.OO Each 24.OO Each NAIGAI Wooden softball bat 30" Softball bat FP 605 28" Softball bat WFPI P 30" 3 pcs 31.00 Each L.S L.S 2 pcs 189.00 Each I pcs 109.00 Each NAIGAI Softball l2" Leather white DIAMOND Softball I l" Leather 6 pcs 6 pcs 24.OO Each 28.00 Each oPTloN 2 softball base set of 5 pcs I set L-SLUGGER lndicator lpc with innings NAIGAI Softball glove NE l2O VIO R//2 l2 NAIGAI Catchers Mitt Nl( 7 lpc Batters helmet TPS sizet L/ XL DIAMOND Catchers helmet size; L/XL DIAMOND Throat protector Tg 6 5 pcs L,S pcs 279.00 P.set l8.OO Each 54.00 Each 98.00 Each 84.00 Each lpc lpc 199.00 Each DIAMOND Chest protector DCP Pro lpc L.s Softball Legguard I pair l49.OO Each l74.oo P"pait NAIGAI Wooden softball bat 32' L.S Softball bat FP 605 32" L.S Softball bat FP405 34' 3 pcs 2 pcs 33.00 Each t99.00 Each NAIGAI Softball l2" Synthetic -white NAIGAI Softball 12" sYN.optic yellow NAIGAI softball 12" leather- white 4 pcs 4 pcs 4 pcs 1O.00 Each I set 279.O0 P.set lpc OPTION 2 softball base set of 5 pcs L.SLUGGER lndicator lpc with innings I TEAM SET: all pr ce in Ringgit Malaysia 3+ 24.OO Each 389.00 Each l4.OO Each 24.OO Each l8.OO Each P.SET price subjecl to charge without prior nolice Sslrlsll f4aipmmta Meta FoYce R-es,urces SENIOR NAIGAI NAIGAI NAIGAI NAIGAI softball softball softball softball glove glove glove glove 13" 13" 13" 13" NE-998 NE-900 NE-85 t Full leather Full leathe. Leather palm l29.OO Each I l4.OO Each 79.OO Each NE-120 Vinyl 54.00 Nl( 5-cm Nl( 9-cm Nl( 7-cm Full leather 219.OO Each Vinyl l39.OO Each 9g.OO Each NAIGAI softball glove t2' NAIGAI softball glove 12" NAIGAI softball glove 12" NE-298 Full leather I l9.OO Each 74.OO Each NAIGAI catchers mitt NAIGAI catchers mitt NAIGAI catchers mitt NAIGAI catchers mitt Leather oalm Each JUNIOR NE-25 t Leather palm Vinyl 49.OO Each Nl( - 6cm Vinyl 9O.OO Each MG-66 Full leather Full leather NE-t IO t3' t3' t3' t3' MG-55 MG-44 MG-22 Vinyl Leather palm 169.00 Ea.h l44.OO Ea.h 84.00 Each MACGREGOR Gloves 12" MG-5O Full leather l2g.OO Each MACGREGOR Gloves MACGREGOR Gloves MACGREGOR Gloves MACGREGOR Gloves 59.OO Each LOUISVILLE SLUGGER SOFTBALL BATS FB 8l C Catalyst FB 72 C Catalyst FPC 305 Catalyst FP 84 X Exogrid Alloylcomposite FP 74 M CIC composite {-l Ol FP 904 XXL Gen I x scandium FP 2O4P Gen I x response / 24 oz / 26 oz 34' / 24 oz 34" / 23 oz l599.OO Each 33"/34" - 22 oz 989.00 Each 649.00 649.00 489.00 Each Each 34" 34" 32" / FP FP 504 scandium XS 405 Platinum C4O5 plus / 27 oz / 24 o2 34" / 22 oz 34" / 22 oz 32" / 20 oz 32" / 20.5 oz,34"/22.502 FP 605 Lisa Fernandez 32" FP 404P Gen I deuce FP 306 deuce C4O5 plus 34" 34" / 23 oz 1499.OO Each 1499.OO Each lO99.OO Each Each 449.OO Each 389.00 Each 389.00 Each lg9.OO Each JUNIOR BATS 605 Lisa Fernandez 705 TPS Lisa & Jessica 710 TPS G Genisis 806 Grandslam \vFP r Light blue \vFP I Pink FP FP FP FP all price in Ringgit Malaysia 28" 2A' 24"/30' 24"/29'/30' 31" 30' l89.OO Each l89.OO Each l39.OO Each l29.OO Each 129.OO Each lO9.OO Each price subjeci to change without prior notice So$frsIL tryipmml/r Meta F)Yce Rts)urces NAIGAI WOODEN SOFTBALL BATS NAIGAI NAIGAI NAIGAI NAIGAI NAIGAI wooden wooden wooden wooden wooden softball bat softball bat softball bat softball bat softball bat 18" r6.oo 24" 29.OO 30" 3 32" 33.00 34' Each Each Each Each Each r.oo 37.OO LOUISVILLE SLUGGER BASEBALL BATS CB 605 laser CB 78G Genesis 33"/30 oz 33"/30 02 YB 75O Omaha 31"/ I a oz DIAMOND DIAMOND DOL - I DOB Leather Leather NB - NAIGAI - Synthetic NAIGAI - Dimple lOt TPS/Senior TPS/Juniot Senior VXL Junior S/M M/AxL BG 26 LOUISVILLE SLUNGGER Batting Gloves BG 43 LOUISVILLE SLUNGGER Batting Gloves DIAMOND DFM 43 Face Mask DIAMOND DFM 28 Face Mask NAIGAI M-44 Face Mask all price in Ringgit Malaysia Each 399.00 l99.OO M/AxL SLUGGER Batter.s He|met Each Each IO.OO Each M/L/xL SLUGGER SCH Catchers Helmet SLUGGER SYCH Catchers Helmet SLUGGER BatteT,s He|met NAIGAI Skull Helmet 22.00 19.00 l8.OO DIAMOND DCH Edge DIAMOND DCH Standard LOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE 589.00 Each 249.OO Each 219.OO Each Each Each 48g.OO Each 449.OO Each g4.OO Each 84.OO Each 74.OO Ea.h Full Leather Leather palm I l8.OO P.pair 68.O0 P.pair 79.OO Ea.h Senior Senior 69.00 Senior/unior 44.OO Each pr ce subjecr to change Each without p'ior notice So$frsIL tryipmpnl/r Meta F7Yce R(,sjLrces NAIGAI Throat Protector DIAMOND Throat Protector DIAMOND Throat Protector l5.OO Each 25.OO Each 25.OO Each TG 6/ Senior TG 4/ Juniot NAIGAI SOFTBALL BASES black edge rubber foam l" rubber Slide Bases Slide Bases Double Slide Bases white Double Slide Bases white/orange OPTION 1 69.00 white Home Plate Home Plate Pitcher Plate set of 3 pcs set of 3 pcs set of 3 pcs set of 3 pcs foam 3 foam 3 2 Each set of 5 pcs 224.OO P.set set of 5 pcs 279.OO P.set set of 5 pcs 3l4.OO P.set 3 TOURNAMENT Home Plate {blackl,pitcher plate & rubber slide bases OPTION 69.00 g4.OO set l39.OO Set l89.OO Set 229.00 Set STANDARD Home Plate {whitel,pitcher plate & rubber slide bases OPTION Each O9.OO Each NORMAL Home Plate {whitel,pitcher plate & I" foam slide bases OPTION I 5 OFFICIAL Home Plate {blackl,pitcher plate & 3" double foam slide bases I set of 5 pcs 409.O0 P.set set softball bases consists of: Pitcher plate - lpc Homeplate - l pc Slide bases -3pcs Leather Leather Dimple Leather optic yellow DTAMOND 12 CSCW DIAMOND DPM-I2 DIAMOND I I \v white yellow white 41.00 34.00 Each Each 29.OO Each 27.OO Ea.h NAIGAI NAIGAI NAIGAI NAIGAI NAIGAI NAIGAI Leather Leather Dimple Synthetic Rubber Synthetic optic yellow 26.00 Each white yellow white white optic yellow 23.OO Ea.h DIAMOND 12 RFP softball softball softball softball softball softball 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" all price n Ringgit Malaysia 8.00 9.90 l2.OO t l4.OO Each Each Each Each price subject to chanqe wilhoul prior notice Meta. SLVDSCB SLVPNB SLVRCC SLVPUN SLVPROB SLVDPB SLVRC F 0 Y c e R-(,s 0 ^r c Solrlsll fryipmu* es 77g.OO Each Canvas catcher Protective screen Rookie combo catcher Pop up net Ouad net rebounder Canvas catcher Canvas combo trainer 6l9.OO Each 499.OO Each 48g.OO 499.00 499.OO Each Each Each 779.OO Each DtIAL Fun.tron Rebolrn.Jer an.i Caf.her IJnit chest protector chest protector chest protector DIAMOND DCP iX3 DIAMOND Pro DIAMOND DCP 28 Pro Senior Senior 169.00 149-00 Junior r39.OO Senior Senior Senior 28S.OO Each LOUISVILLE SLUGGER BPCPX LOUISVILLE SLUGGER BPCPX LOUISVILLE SLUGGER BPCPS lntermediate bionic TPX LOUISVILLE SLUGGER CPI lntermediate sTD TPX Senior LOUISVILLE SLUGGER TPX-CP LOUISVILLE SLUGGER TPS-CP chest protector chest protector Senior Bionic TPX Bionic TPS Senior LOUISVILLE SLUGGER CGP Adult set LOUISVILLE SLUGGER CGP lntermwdiate set LOUISVILLE SLUGGER CGP lntermwdiate set TPX TPX TPS SET OF: PULSE CHEST PROTECTOR all price n Ringgit Malaysia Each Each Each 28g.OO Ea.h 289.OO Each 2l9.OO Each l49.OO Each l49.OO Each 549.OO P.set 549.00 549.00 P.set P.set AND BIONIC LEGGUARD sg price sJbject lo change without p or _orice fugnrl eqaipmu* Mela Fjrce Rts)urces GILBERT Training Rugby Balls BLUE RED XT 5OO RM 74.OO BLACK GILBERT FLUORO XT 5OO FLUORO RM 84.OO Top Quality Training Ball Size 3.4.5 xT 400 RM 64.00 Size 3,4,5 GTLB.ERT'' xT 300 XT 4OO FLUORO RM 74.00 Size 5 Only original Gilbert balls provide the best products for rugby BE\V'ARE OF IMITATIONS RM 54.00 Size 5 all price in Ringgit Malaysia price sublect to chanqe without prior notice SW&V Qaipmntt Meta F|Yce Rts|^rces GILBERT MATCH Rugby Balls Xact RM 489.OO Exclusive bail for the rugby world cup & all blacks usrng patented TRL,FLIGHT'"' lechnology size 5 REVOLUTION TRUFLIGHT'Technology BARBARIAN - Technology TRUFLIGHT VAPOUR TRUFLIGHT" Technology Size 5 Size 5 Size 5 RM 2 t 9.OO RM I 79.OO RM I 59.OO GILBERT Replica balls Midi size 2 - RM 24.90 Mini size 1- RM 22.90 ONLY ORIGINAL GilbertbMatch Balls provide the best products for rugby BEWARE OF IMITATIONS DIMENSION TRUFLIGHT' Technology Size 5 RM 94-00 all price in Ringgit lMalaysia 10 price subject lo chanqe without piio' -o-ice Meta FoYoe fuqn+ €Wipmmr,J RlsouYces MERCURY -standard grip -hydratec -3 ply polycotton and cotton laminate -function rubber surface -hand stitched RM 74.OO ZENON {'^9 -standard grip -hydratec -3 ply polycotton and cotton laminate -durable rubber surface -hand stitched RM 64.00 BUKTA Jersey model BR-OO I s/s sizei M/AXVXXL 88.OO Each BUKTA Jersey model BR-OOz s/s sizei M/AXV)(J<L 88.OO Each BUKTA Jersey model BR-OO3 s/s sizei M/AXVXXL 88.OO Each BUKTA Short model club - black all price in Ringgit Malaysia sizei M/L/XAXXL 1L 4O.OO Each price sub.ect to charge without prior nolice fuqfrrl tqaipmnts MeLa FTrce R-ts|uYces TRIFLEX PTo Size 5,M,|-XL TRILITE Xtra Size 5,M,|-XL OUEST Size S,M,L.XL RM t 69.00 RM t 39.OO RM I t 9.OO XACT Charger Size S,M,L,XL XACT Ouest RM 209.OO RM t 69.00 Size 5.M,L.XL Forearm Guard Size S,M,L RM 59.OO Braincell Headguard Size S.M,L,XL RM 95.OO all price n Ringqit Malaysia p ce subiect to chanqe without prior nolice tluqfrr, eqaipmu* MeLa FTrce Rts7wYces GILBERT SIDESTEP LO Blacl</red Size 6 - 13 RM t 79.OO Black/white Size 6-9 RM t 39,OO Aluminium Studs RM 25.OO all price n Ringgit Malaysia price subject lo change without prior noiice furyfr# tryipmmt^ MeLa F)rce 1<asDwrces rnrtr conterbury Canterbury Rugby ball Canterbury Rugby ball canterbury Rugby ball Mitre Rugby ball sabre/flag Mitre Rugby ball sabre l39.OO Match Trainer Trainer size 5 size 5 size 3 Canterbury Kicking Tee Deluxe AirGard Canterbury Mouth Guard Fox 40 Mouth Guard with casing Head Guard LYCRA Shoulder vest LYCRA Shoulder guard LYCRA Shoulder guard LYCRA with chest padding Rugby corner post Rugby corner post Rugby linesman flag Rugby tackle bags ROUND 34.OO Each 23.00 34.00 a.oo M.L,XL 59.OO M,t xL 59.00 6q.oo M,L.XL M,L,XL 6S.OO 239.00 set of 6 set of l4 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each P.set 549.OO P.set nawred 29.00 l38cmx45cm-senior Rugby contact pads Sentor Rugby post padding Rugby post padding 8.5" all price in Rihggit Malaysia Each 64.00 Ea.h 69.00 Each 39.00 Each size 3 l2" x 12" \ LS" ++ P.set 399.OO Each 199-00 Each 4 p.s/set 4 pcs^et l599.OO Each I199.OO Each price subject to change without prior not ce MeLa F)rce RLsDwrces FINE MESH BALL Holds l2 balls RM 39.00 BREATHABLE BAG BALL Holds l2 balls RM 69.00 Gilbert Kicking Tee RM t 5.OO 450 Gilbert Xact Kicking Tee all price in Ringgit Malaysia Gilbert Kicking Tee 32O RM r5.O0 Gilbert Adjustable Kicking Tee RM 29.00 Gilbert Xact Kicking Tee 24.OO razot RM 29.OO clear RM price subject to change without prior not ce fuqnq Qaipmmta Meta Force Rtso,"rces Xact GILBERT RM 489.OO Ex.lusive ball for the rugby world cup & all blacks ustng patented TRUFLIGHT* technology srze 5 REVOLUTION TRUFLIGHT" Technology BARBARIAN TRUFLIGHT* Technology VAPOUR TRUFLIGHT* Technology Size 5 Size 5 Size 5 RM 2 t 9.OO RM t 79_OO RM I 59.00 GILBERT Replica balls Midi size 2 - RM 28.90 Mini size 1- RM 22.90 0 ONLY ORIGINAL GilbertbMatch Balls provide the best products for ruglly BEU/ARE DIMENSION TRUFLIGHT* Technology OF IMITATIONS Size 5 RM 94_00 all price in Rihggit lMalaysia 4b price subject to change without prior not ce gemi,r Mela Force RtsowYces dllh tqripnwl,J ,rr7 fr,oP" -t Dunlop Fort 3 pcs/can Wilson Australian open 3 \vilson ultra 3 pcs/tube 3 pcs/pack Gold Cup Uri2oon l9.OO P.can 16.00 pcsrube l4.OO 4.OO P.pack \vilson Grandslam l29.OO P.pait \vilson I 09.OO - Dunlop l09.OO - 399.00 P.pair @ GTO TENNIS GTO TENNIS GTO TENNIS GTO TENNIS GTO TENNIS NET NET NET NET Gf-6 GT-6D GT - I2D 24D GT - 219.OO Each 274.OO Ea.h single top double top double top double top 339.00 Each 449.OO Ea.h 34.OO Each NET Centre strap Srya,th Meta F,rce ws,urces \vilsoh Dunlop Head 499.00 P.pair t4aipmu* &2dot &2dot &2dot l2.oo t l2.oo \vilson Pcs 2.oo Pcs Pcs 99.00 - t99-00 Each Head I100 l09.OO Each Head 1000 l99.OO Each all price in Ringgit Malaysia +7 price subject to change without prior notice 'etanErc tryipmmlrr Mela F,rce Rts,uYces PEEMIEH EN FSTANQUE Petanque La France 2 SO Petanque 2 SO Petanque 2 SO Petanque 2 SO Petanque Shouting Boules 39O.OO P.set Titanium Titahium pcsl set 6 pcs/ set 65.0O P-set Silver Silver 3 pcs / set 6 pcsl set 5O.OO P.set 7O.OO P-set 9O.OO P.set 285.00 P.set Teller Kit {pe.kakas tanah, Circle {gelung) Jack 65O.OO P.set 29.00 P.set 3.90 P.set 50 cm qrymname Meta F,rce Rts,wrces KENKO Fancy Hula hoop 24"/60 cm KENKO Fancy Hula hoop 30"/75 cm KENKO Fancy Hula hoop 36"/90 cm KENKO Gymrama hoops 60 cm l(ENKO Gymrama hoops 75 cm KENKO Gymrama hoops 85 cm Tournament Tournament Tournament KENKO Gymrama hoops 60 cm l(ENKO Gymrama hoops 75 cm l(ENKO Gymrama hoops 85 cm Training Training Training KENI(O Gymnastic ball KENKO Gymnastic ball Taiwan Taiwan 65 cm 75 cm tqaipmu* 7.gO KENKO Hula hoop 24"/60 cm KENKO Hula hoop 30"/75 cm KENKO Hula hoop 36"/90 cm all prce in Ringgit Malaysia 3 4e Each 8.90 9.90 Each l3.OO l4.OO l5.OO Each Each Each Each 28.OO Each 33.00 35.00 Each Each lg.9o Each Each Each r.OO 23.OO 2 54.00 58.00 price subiect to chanoe Each Each wilhoul prior not ce eri&nt t"%fipt rslt^ Mela F,rce Rts,uYces PLASTIC CRICKET SET DOUBLE SET Cricket bat 2 pcs stump & bails (set of 6 stumps) 1 set cricket ball 2 pcs Practice tee 1Pc Carrys bag 1pc RM 189.00 SINGLE SET Cricket bat 1 pcs stump & bails (set of 3 stumps) 1 set cricket ball 2 pcs Carrys bag 1pc RM 129.00 KC CRICKET SET ONE SET CONSISTS OF SENIOR & JUNIOR Cricket bat 2 pcs Batting glove 3 pairs Batting legguard 3 pairs Wicket glove l Cricket helmet 3 pcs Cricket ball 6 pcs Abdominal guard 3 pcs stump & bails 1 set Score book 1 pcs Bag 'l pc pair RM 1300.00 (sR) RM 1200.00 (JR) all prce in Ringgit Malaysia +3 price subject to chanqe wilhoul prior not ce eri&nt t"%fipt rslt^ Mela F,rce Rts,uYces l59.OO pair Helmet Grays Chest pad Rubber grip Legguaft Harimaya l79.OO pait 59-00 pair t 9.00 pcs l2g.OO pait l<anga set JR sz5/sz6 49.00 pair Harimaya 6pc 99.00 set Hatimaya 4p. 79.OO set 1490.00 pair l79O.OO pait 89.00 - l29.OO pair 59-0O pair t 49.00 pair 159.00 pair SC her 89.00 pcs Crown A-Leather 79.00 pcs 49.00 pcs Speacial count-Leather 9.OO pcs Harimaya Speacial est Super test Ieather 59.00 pcs County leather Avis leather 39.00 pcs all prce in Ringgit Malaysia 49-0O pcs 29.O0 pcs 50 pr ce subiect to chanqe without prior notice nuqn* eqaipmmtt MeLa F)rce R-(,s\wrces Xact GILBERT RM 489.00 Exclusive ball lor the ruglly world cup & all blacks using patented TRUFLIGHT'" technology size 5 REVOLUTION TRUFLIGHT* Technology BARBARIAN TRUFLIGHT* Technology VAPOUR TRUFLIGHT* Technology Size 5 Size 5 Size 5 RM 2 t 9.OO RM l79.OO RM I 59.OO GILBERT Replica balls Midi size 2 - RM 28.90 Mini size 1- RM 22.90 ONLY ORIGINAL GilbertbMatch Balls provide the best products for rugby DIMENSION TRUFLIGHT'" Technology BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Size 5 RM 94.00 all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia pnce sublect to change without pnor notrce eqiliptnPtdrr Meta F7rce Rls\wrces NE\v TOP Step up board NE\vTOP Step up board NE\vTOP Sit and reach 334.00 Each rubber mat Pengukur Jangkauan melunjur 279.OO Each Metronome - Blues (pengawal tempohl Weight & height scale fTimbang berat & tinggi) Height & weight machine manual lTimbang berat & tinggil TZ-I2O Mini compressor Elel(trik compressor Pressure pump cc-209 Pressure pump cc-216 Elel(tril( Pump 624 Elektrik Pump in aluminium casing O.5 hp parma Hand pump all price in Ringgit lValaysia 480.00 Each 2.OO pcs FLASH Sponge balls COBRA pundi kacang l79.OO Each 449.OO Each 549.OO Each 249.OO Each 44.OO Each 28.OO Each 449.OO Each 549.OO Each Z8.OO Each COIDO COIDO COIDO COIDO BUMPER Rubber rings FLASH Rubber rings- dimple 374-OO Each 294-OO Each 6" diameter 29.OO P.doz 6" diametet 39.OO P-doz 2.0O Pcs price subject to change withoul prior notice Meta F7rce Rls\wrces 99.00 P.set 4 men 4 men JOSE CANADIAN CANADIAN FORCE 6 men 4 men GTO GTO GTO GTO 5 pcs lO pcs l5 pcs 30 pcs GILBERT GILBERT l5 ADIDAS lOpcs FOX4O Classic eqiliptnPtdrr l49.OO P.set 239.00 P.set 2g9.OO P.set l2-OO Each l3.OO Each 18.O0 Each 25.00 Each lOpcs 49-OO Each 85.00 Each 89.OO Each pcs with finger grip 25-OO Each FOX40 Pearl with finger grip 20.OO Each 24-OO Each 2O.oO Each l8-O0 Each 18.0O Each FOX4O Dolfin FOX4O Metal whistle striker FOX40 Classic with lanyard FOX4O CMG FOX4O Classic official Each l7.OO Each l2.OO Each 17 -OO FOX40 Mini FOX4O Pearl with lanyard ACME ACME Thunderer 636 Thunderer 660 \vhistle Plastic \vhistle besi (chinal Direction compass Uaruml Sunto compass all price in Ringgit lValaysia pealess 29.OO Each 29.OO Each l -9O - 6-90 Each 19.9O Each 99.OO Each 89.00 Each pr ce subiect to chanqe without pr or notice Meta F7rce Rls\wrces 49.0O P.set 59.0O P.set 3 LBS 5 LBS 69.00 l69.00 IO LBS Ankle eqilipttmft weight Rubber Rubber 5 kg 3 k9 P.set P-set 49.OO P.set 69.OO P.set 5 k9 Rubber Adjustable lo k9 Besi Adjustable lO kg l49.OO P.set l89.OO P.set 5FT 6FT 7FT 79.OO Pc 89.OO Pc 99.OO Pc 13.o7 45.OO Pc Meta FoYce RtsouYces Diadora I 5.OO Pc Parma I 4.O0 Pc Kronos 16.00 Pc Kappa l5.OO Pc I 5.O0 Pc l4.OO Pc Diadora Parma Molten l(nee wrap l(nee pads sponge l(nee support 29.OO Pc l9.OO Pc 29-OO Pc 29 .OO - 39 .OO Pc Handgrip l2"oo Pc t2.oo Pc t 9.oo Pc Mouth guard junior Mouth guard senior 9.OO Pc t2.oo Pc Parma Cobra finger guard all price in Ringgit lValaysia price subject to change without prior not ce gndrott Meta F7rce Rls\wrces Congl(ak wooden set with marbles Congkak plastic set with marbles 59.OO P.set 49.OO P.set Monopoly Mastermind \vord power Sahibba Sahibba Saidina Saidina Dominoes Dam/Draughts Scrabble Jenga Upwords 74.OO P.set 44.OO P.set CHESS CHESS CHESS CHESS CHESS 39.O0 P.set BM economy BM standard 43.O0 P.set Traveller Deluxe 29.OO P.set 53.OO P.set 32.00 P.set 29.0O P.set 25.OO P.set 59.00 P.set 79.0O P.set 79.OO P.set wooden chess set 3.75' with carry case solid plastic chess set 3.75'with carry case royal chess set roll-up chess demo boatd 27" x27" magnetic chess demo board board 27" x29.5" CHESS CHESS CHESS CLOCI( move analog chess clocks CLOCI( digiplus digital chess clocks CLOCI( diamond chess clocks CHESS CHESS CHESS MATS vinyl roll up chess mat MATS vinyl roll up chess mat MATS rubber roll up chess mat 6l.9O P.set 48.9O P.set l5.0OP.set I O9.OOP.set l39.00P.set 259.OO Each I 59.OO Each 129-OO Each 17" x 17" Each l2.OO Each ZO.OO Each I O.O0 20" x 20" 20" x 20" U/OODEN cHESS SET 3.75" \X/ITH CARRY CASE H=lt RM 61.90 SOLID PLASTIC cHESS SET 3.75" VITH (lrruss ^ -,L; CARRY CASE ROYAL CHESS SET RM t 5.OO RM 48.90 all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia 5+ pnce sublect to chanqe without pnor notrce Meta F7rce Rls\wrces 99.00 MR 222 with set carrom men MR 333 with set carrom men MR 444 with set carrom men P.set l29.OO P.set 159.00 P.set VIC 888 with set carrom men PROFESIONAL with set carrom men INTERNATIONAL with set carrom men CHILDREN with set carrom men CLASSlC with set carrom men 229.OO P.set 299.QO P.set 459.00 P.set 79.OO P.set 99.OO P.set CARROM STAND 69 .OO - Aq .OO 29.OO P.set 29.0O P.set 29.OO P.set 27.OO P.set wooden box wooden box wooden box SUPER Strike GOOD Break HOME Shot 25.O0 P.set 23.Oo P.set 8.OO P.set BOSCO CHAMPION 9.OO P.set gm wooden box wooden box wooden box wooden box wooden box plastic Tournament Tournament lvory-special Tournament lvory-regular Tournament Tournament l5 gm Striker Aramith .pait 19.O0 P.set VELLA Supreme VELLA Tournament COYDA Playwin COYDA Playwin Rapidex l5 P Wintex carrom powder Wintex carrom powder all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia 28.OO Each 24.OO Each 2l.OO Each l7.OO Each 4.OO 14.O0 Each -9.OO Each Big 9.OO Each Small 6.00 Each pnce subject to change without pnor notice Dard Meta F7rce Rls\wrces BRISTLE 169.OO \vINMAU 239.OO Pc 23q.OO Pc 259.OO Pc HARRO\VS HARRO\)(/S \vINMAU 49.OO - Pc l2q.OO Pc ENGLAND 39.OO - 69.00 Pc HARRO\)(/S PAPER 39.OO - A9.OO Pc 29.OO Pc Dart Bristle Dart Harrows Shafts Dart Harrows Flight all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia t 9.00 t2.oo 6"90 56 pnce sublect to change Pc Pc Pc without pnor notrce Meta F7rce Rls\wrces BOMBA .*E - BA)U RM 45.90 -SELUAR RM 45.90 -SHOUER TITTLIE RM 3.50 - BERET/PELAPIIVLENCANA BERET RM 14.90 - BELT & BUCI(LE @ - LOGO KADET RM 14.90 BOMBA RM 4.50 - LENGAN PENDEK RM l7.OO - LENGAN PANJANG II(AIN TEBAL) RM l9.OO PANDU PUTERI - BAJU RM 26.90 -SELUAR (22 - 321 RM 29.90 - METAL PIN RM 3.90 -SKAFF RM 4.90 -\vOOGEL RM 2.50 - KASUT RM 4.50 -T-5HIRT RM 3t.90 RM 12.40 PERSATUAN BULAN SABIT MERAH SEI(OLAH RENDAH BAjU nM 30 90 RM 34,90 SELUAR TOPI RM A.9O RM 3.60 RM 8.90 POCKETBADGE BELT RM7.9O BUTTON {a UN|TI-4 SMALV4 BrG -sHouLER AADGE [6 UN|TI- 3 PBSM/ 3 NEGERT nM 3.50 - CAP BADGE RM 3.50 SEKOLAH MENENGAH t-G;l @!l I \- It - BAJU . SELUAR . TOPI RM 29.90 RM 32.90 RM 9.90 . POCIGT PIN . BELT nM 3.90 RM2.90 RM a.90 RM 6.90 BUTTON . C4P BADGE all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia s7 pflce sublect to chanqe without pr or not ce Meta F7rce R-(,s}wYces TUNAS I(ADET REMAJA SEKOLAH RENDAH @_; nM 30 90 RM 32.90 RM 4.90 nM 3.90 RM 5.50 RM 9.90 RM 8.90 RM 3.90 -SELUAR - @@@ @ E BERET LANYARD CAP BADGE BELT 6 BUEBET BUTTON POCKETPIN KADET REMAJA SEKOLAH MENENGAH ;}*@E . . . . . -i-l-- E E RM 34.90 RM 3A_90 BAJU SELUAR BERETIPEtAPIKILENCANA TANYARD BERET nM 14.90 RM 3.90 RM 14-90 nM 6.90 BELT & BUCKLE coLLAR DOT (EXPOXY' 2 UN|T . BADGE FORMASI (2 UNITI RM 3.90 I<ADET POLIS SEKOLAH RENDAH 0E t@e @ - BAJU RM 45.90 -SELUAR RM 39.90 - BERET/PELAPIKILENCANA f_rr@ BERET RM t4.90 - CAP BADGE RM 5.90 -SHOULDER BADGE IGOLDI RM 4.90 - LANYARD RM 3.90 - BELT RM tO.90 @ - COLLAR - DOT RM 5.90 TANDA SULAM I2 UNIT} RM 3.90 TUNAS ISLAM SEKOLAH RENDAH @ - BAJU RM 24.90 -SELUAR RM 23.90 - METAL PIN RM t4.90 - SI(AFF RM 2.50 -VOOGEL RM 3.90 nM t.50 all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia 59 pnce sublect to chanqe without pnor notrce Meta F7rce R-(,s}wYces PUTERI ISTAM SEKOLAH MENENGAH @ - BAJU I(URUNG/I(AIN RM 69.OO - BAJU I(URUNG/KAWAT RM 79.00 -TUDUNG RM t2.90 - PIN PUTERI RM 2.90 - KASUT RM 25.O0 -T-SHIRT nM t6.00 ST. JOHN SEKOLAH RENDAH - BAJU - SELUAR r@ -TOPI - POCKET BADGE - BELT - BUTTON -SHOULDER BADGE @@ - CAP BADGE - BERET @+o c 1"4 __i . BA)U - SELUAR - TOPI - POCKET BADGE - BELT @E RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM 25.90 24.90 RM RM RM RM 28.90 33.90 8.90 4.90 3.90 8.90 6.90 3.90 3.70 9.O0 4.50 - BUTTON RM990 RM690 - SHOULDER BADGE CAP BADGE RM 1.50 RM 3_50 - PERTAHANAN AWAM SEKOLAH RENDAH RM 45.90 - BAJU - . BERET /P ELAP IIV LENCANA BERET RM t4.90 - TANYARD RM 3.50 - BELT & BUCI(LE RM t4.90 - PERTAHANAN A\I/AM {SULAMI - FORMAST all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia 53 RM45 90 SELUAR RM 1.90 RM 3.90 ILOGOI pnce sublect to change without pnor notrce Meta Force Rts7wYces PENGAKAP SEKOLAH RENDAH W1 * - BAJU - SELUAR E - SI(AFF - POCKET - BELT 0, BADGE RM 1.50 RM 8.90 -VOOGEL RM 1.50 - SHOULDER TITTLE - CAP BADGE RM 6.90 - RM 1.90 TALI RM 3.90 SEKOLAH MENENGAH ffiffi @ RM 23.90 RM 7.90 RM 7.90 -TOPI &, -\H" lul RM 14.90 "-.:z"". BA)U/LPP/LPJ U S-24) SELUAR - TOPI - SKAFF " POCKET BADGE (2 UNIT) - @ - AHLlBENDERA MAI.AYSIA - BELT (BRONZE) - \vOOGEL -SHOULDER TITTLE (2 UNIT) # MAIAYSIA,/STATE - CAP BADGE - ,-t kGEg t6;l Eall t ,;4p-H. E all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia 7.90 5.90 3.50 6.90 3.50 RM 12.90 RM 2.90 RM 2.90 RM 4.90 SEI(OIAH RENDAH g @ 25.90 29.90 I(ADET PBSM D "g TALI RM RM RM RM RM RM RM 60 - BAJU RM 32.90 - SELUAR RM 33.90 - BERET/PELAPIVLENCANA BERET RM 14.90 - LANYARD HITAM RM 3.OO - TALI PINGGANG RM 3.60 - cotAR DoTH {2 UN|TI RM 4.90 - LENCANA BAHU # BsM 2 UNIT # NECERI2 UNIT RM 4.80 RM 6.OO RM 6.OO pnce sublect to chanqe without pnor notrce [" ar&I,r Meta Force Rts7wYces SJeIfrr CODE NO : 4101 BASIC GI Light weight karate gi for beginner and intermediate. The gi is made of polycotton material. The suite is complete with one jacket,one pant and one white belt. The pants are available in elastic waist for size 57 - 2,and in drawstring for size 3 and above Colour : White only SIZE HEIGHT (cN,4) S7 0 130 't40 2 3 4 5 6 7 160 170 '180 190 200 210 1 150 RM 79.00 S CODE NO : A102 (KATA) KATA GI ffi':;#j:x#"J"tu:;;::,",..,,., Colour : White only SIZE GI]T (cM) 2 2 it) 3 3z 4 155 '160 165 170 175 4n2 5 5uz 6 6 t': 7 185 190 195 200 205 HE 180 RM 299.OO g CODE NO : 4103 KUMITE GI - COTTON The gi designed for kumite use, made of soft light weight cotton. Available in drawstring and elastic waist Colour : White only. Size: 2 - 7 RM t99.OO all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia e'L pnce sublect to chanqe without pnor notrce ar&I,r Meta Force Rts7wYces [" SJeIfrr CODE NO : 4301 TAEKWONDO DOBOK - MTA (WHITE LAPEL} This uniform is made of light weight polycotton fabrics. The uniform is complete with a jacket with printing and patch as shown, an elastic waist pant,and a white belt Colour : White only 2 Size:3-6 Size:7 RM 75.00 RM 79.00 Size: 55 - RM 89.00 CODE NO : BLACK LAPEL - A302 CODE NO : POOIV LAPEL-A303 TAEKWONDO DOBOK - MTA {BLACK LAPELI This uniform is made of light weight 65/35 polycotton fabrics. The uniform is complete with a jacket with embroidered patch as shown, and an elastic waist pant. Belt is not included Available in Black and Poom Lapels. 4302Size:1-7RM119.00 4303Size:1-7RM119.00 iYa CODE NO: 4304 TAEKWONDO DOBOK - PINE TREE SANG MOO SA This uniform is made of light weight polycotton ribbed fabrics. The uniform is complete with a jacket with embroidery and patch as shown, and an elastic waist pant. Belt is not included Colour : White only SIZE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 HE GHT 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 tcM) --- RM l79.OO L all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia 62 pnce subject to change without pnor notce ar&I,r Meta Force Rts7wYces [" SJeIfrr CODE NO : A401 , A402, A403C (Tengkolok) BAJU SILAT - BASIC BLACK This uniform is made of polycotton material,it is Baju Melayu design. The uniform is complete with one jacket,one elastic waist pant,and one white or black belt. Size: 57 - 7 Colour : Black,White and Yellow A 401 & A402 Size 57 - 1 -6 7 Size 2 Size RM 79.00 RM 89.00 RM 99.00 A403C(Tengkolok) RM 30.00 ? r i'i I I fi J I - D lr I CODE CODE CODE CODE NO NO NO NO :4404 :4405 :4406 :4407 (lTF BLACK BELT) (lTF WHITE BELT) (GTF BLACK BELT) (GTF WHITE BELT) Q7 6 2 5 4 7 S6 0 1 TAEKWONDO DOBOK - ITF.GTF 125 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 (9CM) This uniform is made of light weight polycotton fabrics. The uniform is complete with a jacket, with printing as shown,an elastic waist pant,and a white belt. Colour : White only 4404 Size: 57 - 1 Rl\,| 75.00 Size: 2-5 RlVl 85.00 Size: 6-7 RlVl 90.00 all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia Size: SO - 7 4405 Size: 56 - 1 Rl\,,| 70.00 Size: 2-6 Rl\,1 80.00 Size: 7 RM 85.00 4406 Size: 57 - 1 Rl\,4 80.00 Size: 2-5 Rl\,l 90.00 Size: 6-7 Rl\,l 99.00 4407 Size: 56 - 1 RM 74.00 Size: 2-6 Rl\,l 80.00 RM 85.00 Size: 7 pnce subject to chanqe without pnor notce Meta Force Rts7wYces j, CODE :T801 (blue,red,black) RM 49.OO KICKING TARGET - SINGLE The target is made of special foam with EVA core,and is covered with vinyl. CODE : T802 (red,black) RM 59.OO KICKING TARGET - DOUBLE The target is made of the same materials but with double mitten. CODE : T803 (red,blue,black) RM 99.OO FOCUS MITT - LEATHER The mitt is made of special foam and is covered with genuine leather. lt is anatomically shaped CODE : T804 (black) RM 69.00 FOCUS MITT - PVC The mitt is the same as the leather type except it is covered with vinyl. T805 CODE : T805 (red,black) SPEED BALL Speed ball,available in leather and vinyl RM t99.OO CODE : T806 (red,black) FLOOR TO CEILING BALL - Leather or PVG lnflatable target,for fast punch/kick combinations, and also for reflex training.Available in leather or vinyl. \ CODE :T807 RM 89.OO SKIPPING ROPE. LEATHER Fast action skipping rope,available in leather. rao' L ,u. f / all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia coDE :T808 RM 89-oo SKIPPING ROPE - NYLON Fast action skipping rope,available in leather or nylon cord pnce sublect to chanqe without prior notrce Meta Force ws7wYces j, RM r39.OO RM 139'OO CODE : T9O1(black) ARM TARGET - DOUBLE HANDLE The target is made of different layers of density foam and is covered with is designed with double handles CoDE : T9o2 (black) RM I l9'oo ARM TARGET - SINGLE HANDLE The target is made of different layers of density foam and is covered with vinyl. T904 T905 T906 CODE : T904 (small) RM 2l9.OO CODE :T905 (medium) RM 239.OO CODE :T906 (large) RM 259.OO SHIELD . CURVED Design for power kicking.The target is made of different layers of density foam for for better absorbtion of heavy is covered with strong vinyl. small : 51cm x 15.5cm x 35cm medium: 59cm x 16cm x 36cm large:65cm x21cm x 37cm TSOT CODE : T907 (black) RM2+9.OO SHIELD - STRAIGHT This items is made of the material as that of right hand side.Except that it is of straight target face design. all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia b5 pnce subject to change without pnor notce j, Meta Force Rts7wYces RM 249.00 48cm pUNCHING BAGS punching and kicking' coDE : 11002 (smail bas) 33cm x 60cm P::igl j:'^9"*er The bags area sold complete with iron chain CODE : T1001 (mini bag) 18cm x CODE : T1003 (PVC 80) 33cm x 80cm CODE : T1004 (PVC 98) 33cm x 98cm CODE :T1005 (PVC 108) 33cm x 108cm CODE :T1006 (PVC 118) 33cm x 118cm CODE :T1007 (PVC 150) 39cm x 150cm CODE : T1008 (LEATHER 85C) 28cm x 85cm CODE :T 1009 (LEATHER 98) 35cm x 98cm Colour: Black,blue and red combinations RM 289.00 RM 319.00 RM 649.00 RM 539.00 all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia 66 pflce sublect to chanqe without pflor not ce Meta Force Rts7wYces CODE:P1602 & P1603 (white,red & blue) HEAD GUARD PU Head guard made of PU foam, with velcro fasterner. Size: S,M,L,XL RM 99.00 CODE : P1602 & Pl603 (red & blue) HEAD GUARD. KWON Size: M,L,XL RM 119.00 CODE:P1604 & P1605 (red & blue)FBT BOXING HEAD GUARD. LEATHER Head guard made of genuine leather,with protective padding on forehead,cheekbone,and back of head.Velcro fasteners on chin and back of head. Size: M,L,XL RM 219.00 CODE: P1701 (red & blue)FBT WUSHU HEAD GUARD Covered with vinyl,with padding on cheekbone, chin,and back of head and drawstring fastening on top of head, to provide better fit. Size: S,M,L,XL RM 99.00 all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia 67 pr ce sublect to change without pr or notrce Meta Force Rts7wYces P CODE:P1801 & P1802 (red & blue) 1802 ORIENTAL KUMITE GLOVES The gloves are specially moulded for use in is covered with synthetic leather, with velcro fastener.lts designed to allow flexible wrist movement.The gloves are endorsed and by the Malaysia Karate \m ..-. approved Federation (MAKAF) Size:S,M,L,XL tr EI RM 79.00 P1803 Eg CODE:P1831 & P1804 (red & blue) APPHOVED rE B TOKAIDO KUMITE GLOVES The gloves are approved by World Karate Federation (WKF) Size:S,M,L,XL RM 179.00 CODE: P1808 & P1809 (red & black) P1808 -l &1 sgF'- BOXING GLOVES TRAINING.LEATH ER Anatomically moulded boxing gloves,covered with genuine leather or vinyl,with velcro fastener Size: 8oz, 10o2, 12o2, 14o2, 16oz RM 179.00 P1809 BOXING GLOVES COPETITION.LEATH ER Size: 8oz, 10o2, 12o2, 14o2, 16oz RM 359.00 all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia 6g pnce sublect to chanqe without pnor notrce Meta Force Rts7wYces CODE : P2301 (black) SILAT BODY PROTECTOR Design for the martial art of is made of shock absorbent foam,and soft pipe to provide air cushion,and covered with vinyl. Sold in pair Size: S,M,L,XL RM 299.00 CODE : P2302 (blue,red) ORI ENTAL BODY PROTECTOR Size:0,1,2,3,4 RM 120.00 CODE : P2303 blue,red) Size: 1,2,3,4 RM 199.00 all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia b3 pnce sublect to chanqe without pnor notice Jr/kdilL [" Meta Force Rts7wYces I' HANGING MEDAL MEOAI PLASTIK + TALI BESAR + STICKER IIOGO & ACAPIAI MEOAI BE5I + TAII BE5AR +STICKER {IOGO MEDAI PE\J/TER \./ r + & ACARAI TALI BESAR + STICI<ER ILOGO & ACAT{A) RM 4 00- RM 5.50 ftMAOO RM RM 15 00 t9.00-iiM 49 o0 PIALA PUSINGAN f 5 E6 ARCHALIC (MENC IKUT UJ(URAN 6. BENTUKI RM 19,00- RM 6t9,00 4' .Y, PEVTER IMENGI/(UT UKURAN & BENTU/(I RM 69_00 - RM t,999 00 PTASTIK IMENCIKUT UKUMN & BENTUK] RM t9.00 - RM 99.00 CENDERAHATI PLUK KAYU IMENG]KUT UKURAN & BENTUK] RM 19,00 - RM 299,00 ARCHALIC (MENG IKUT UJ(URAN & BENTUK) CENDERAHATI VELVET BOX RM 59-OO - RM 299-OO CENDERAHATI CASING t all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia RM 69.O0 - RM 7o 990.00 pnce sublect to chanqe without pnor notrce tal ir Meta Force Rts7wYces Crystal Throphy RM tto.oo-RM999.OO Meta FlrceRzslwyces JtnU eftnho , 0* [" !,MUAxd RM t.90 - RM 9.90 1M I r- lNt ! ENG]KUT MATERIAL, UKURAN, BENTUK & KUANTITIJ l*2qt ,1-l rt t.90 - RM 4. $il all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia RM t.90 -RM29.90 (MENCJKUT MATERIAL, UKURAN, KUANTITI& BENTUJ() 7L pnce sublect to chanqe without pnor notice Meta Force Rts7wYces RM 20.00 - RM 200.OO iMENGIKUT BAJET,SAIZ & GUBAHAN BENTUK} RM 5,90 - RM 29.9O iBEsERrApRrNrLoGoa,pERrArAAN) {MENGIKUT sAIZ & KUANTITI) I RM t 5.90 - RM 29.90 {BESERTA PRINT LOGO 6. PERKATAAN] {MENGIKUT DEsIGN,SAIZ 6. KUANTIIII all pnce n Rihggit Malaysia pflce subject to chanqe without pnor not ce Meta Force Rts7wYces 9qfttur in [" fisni tt ( \ KAIrlt JUGA MENGAMBII TEIIIPAHAN: KETENGKAPAN PAKAIAN SUKAN,UNIF0RM,KEMEJA,T0PI,PnIilTING, SULAMAN,CENDEMI|ATI,STATI0NERT,BANNER,BANTINc, ATATAN GIIT|,MENCUCI KAWASAN /BANGI NAN, SEWAAN KHEMAH g IATN.LAIN pnce subject to change without pnor notce toltAsl ltAlil DARI BKT. SERINDIT STADIUM TUN FATIMAH DARI ALAI / MERLIMAU T)F + LEBUH RAYA AMJ DARI MELAKA SENTRAL + ASTANA MODA + DARI BUKIT BARU / BUKIT PIATU MAKLUMAT PREMIS GALERI SUKAN META FORCE RESOURCES NO 35,JLN SpI,TAMAN SEMABOK PERDANA,75050 MELAKA TEL: 06-2922500 FAX: 06-2861772 MAI L: isa_metaforce@yahoo. com metaforceresou rces@g ma i l. com E
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