Dynamically Removing Partial Body Mass Using Acceleration
Dynamically Removing Partial Body Mass Using Acceleration
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE 10th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, June 12-15, Noordwijk, The Netherlands Dynamically Removing Partial Body Mass Using Acceleration Feedback for Neural Training Ou Ma, Xiumin Diao, Lucas Martinez, and Thompson Sarkodie-Gyan Abstract - This paper describes a control strategy for an active body suspension system for treadmill based neural rehabilitation or training devices. Using an acceleration feedback, the system behaves like dynamically removing part or all of the body mass of the trainee so that he/she will truly feel like having a reduced mass while being trained for walking, jogging, or other leg activities on a treadmill. It will be shown that the proposed controller can compensate any amount of inertia force which would not be present as if the trainee had a real reduced mass. As a result, the dynamic load on the trainee's body as well as the supporting legs during an exercise will also be reduced correspondingly. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the benefits of the actively controlled body suspension system. Key words - Suspension, neural training, rehabilitation, acceleration feedback, cable robot I. INTRODUCTION VER twenty-six million people worldwide (a few millions in US alone) are suffering from walking disabilities caused by traumatic injuries, brain and spinal cord diseases, or other health problems [1]. Healthcare research has shown that many of them can resume their walking capabilities by performing repetitive activities or exercises of their legs with the assistance of rehabilitation professionals and equipments [2, 3]. Treadmill and roboticsbased training systems for neural rehabilitation of lower limbs such as the Gait Trainer [1] and Lokomat [4] have attracted lots of attention from researchers and practitioners recently [5-12]. One of the major components of such a training system is its weight suspension subsystem. The primary function of the equipment is to reduce the weight of the trainee, so that he or she can walk or jog with his/her disabled or artificial legs during training without the burden of carrying the whole body mass. A commonly used approach for reducing the body's weight is to use a cable Ou Ma is with the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, New Mexico State University, P.O. Box 30001-3450, Las Cruces, NM 88003 USA (corresponding author: Tel.: 505-646-6534; fax: 505-646-61 1 1; e-mail: omaAnmsu.edu). Xiumin Diao is with the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, New Mexico State University, P.O. Box 30001-3450, Las Cruces, NM 88003 USA (Email: xiuminwnmsu.edu). Lucas Martinez is with the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, New Mexico State University, P.O. Box 30001-3450, Las Cruces, NM 88003 USA (Email: lucasmarAnmsu.edu). Thompson Sarkodie-Gyan is with the Department of Electrical and Computers Engineering, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX 79938 USA (Email: tsarkodiAutep.edu). 1-4244-1320-6/07/$25.00 (c)2007 IEEE suspended counter-weight balance mechanism in the vertical direction [13, 14]. In such a mechanism, the trainee's body is suspended by a counter weight through a cable. One wishes the trainee would feel like having a reduced weight equal to the counter weight. Such a cable suspended passive counterweight mechanism has drawbacks from dynamics point of view. For example, in the ascending phase, the trainee will feel a larger weight than expected due to the weightlessness of the counter weight. If the upward acceleration of the trainee's body is larger than the gravity acceleration, the trainee will feel all his/her own weight as without the counter weight because the cable becomes slack in this case. In the descending phase, the counter-weight balance system can balance some or all of the trainee's weight. However, the system will overly balance the trainee's weight because of the inertia force on the counter weight. In other words, the counter-weight balance system balances too much of the trainee's weight in the descending phase while it balances too less in the ascending phase as long as the trainee's body has a nonzero acceleration in the vertical direction. These undesirable effects are more significant when the leg movement of the trainee is irregular, which usually happens in the early stage of a neural training process in which a regular gait has not resumed or established. This is because an irregular movement is associated with more significant transient dynamics and thus more inertia force on the trainee. Another drawback is that the counter weight has to be manually adjusted if one wants to change the weight to be reduced. This makes it very difficult to automatically and seamlessly adjust the counter weight during the training. One can understand that the most ideal solution to this problem would be to just remove a part of the trainee's mass without really adding any external constraints. Unfortunately, this is impossible because the mass of a person cannot be physically removed. However, this desire of removing mass can still be realized by an active suspension system with a force control capability. In other words, one can design an actively controlled suspension system to make the trainee really feel like having a reduced mass dynamically regardless how he or she moves (e.g., walking, jogging, jumping, etc.) during the training. The idea is to control the tension in the cable which hangs the trainee's body using an accelerationfeedback strategy. Acceleration feedback has the advantages of fast response and easy implement because the acceleration of a human body can be easily measured while he or she is in motion. The active suspension system can guarantee the 1102 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO. Downloaded on April 29,2010 at 06:14:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE 10th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, June 12-15, Noordwijk, The Netherlands trainee's body to have the same dynamic characteristics (i.e., same dynamic response) as if a part or all of his or her body mass were physically removed. The paper will show in theory that the control strategy can make the resulting closed-loop system behave exactly as if a part of the trainee's mass were removed. A concept design of such a system will also be presented. Simulation examples will be provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the system. II. DYNAMICS ANALYSIS Before the development of the actively controlled suspension system, one needs to understand the dynamics of a human body while he or she is on training using the system. For the convenience of demonstrating the concept of the proposed active system, the dynamics of a human body is approximated in the vertical direction by a simple springmass model [15] as shown in Fig. 1, where ml, b1 and k1 represent the mass, damping coefficient, and stiffness of the human body. The body gait y0 is assumed to be a motion trajectory of the mass center of the human body. Body mass _ Body stiffness & damping Yi Body gait Yo If the mass of the body is reduced by an amount of m22, then, the reduced-mass system, conceptually shown in Fig. 2, can be described by the following equation: (MI1 - M2)(Y0 + 1) + b1jj + k1y -(MI1 - M2)g (3) Reduced body mass ml -m2 Body stiffness & damping b B /'"oBdy gait X Fig. 2. Simplified dynamics model of a human body with a reduced mass If one uses a counter-weight based passive suspension system to "remove" the same amount of the body's mass, the dynamics system may be illustrated in Fig. 3. In the system, a counter weight with a mass of m2 is used to balance the same amount of body mass, so that the trainee feels like having an equivalent reduced mass dynamically. b2 and k2 represent the cable's damping coefficient and stiffness coefficient, respectively. In this case, the dynamics model of the system becomes ml (j0 + Yj ) + b,yj> + k1y= k2y2 + bJ2 -Mlg (4) m2 j0 + j1 + 2 )+ bJ'2 + k2y2 = M2g where Y2 is the deflection of the suspension cable. Obviously, such a counter-weight based passive suspension system is a 2-DOF system because of the cable flexibility. X Fig. 1. A simplified dynamics model of a human body During walking or jogging, the human body is carried by the legs following a body gait. In a regular walking, the gait may be represented by a 3-D periodical function [16]. In other activities, the gait function may be represented by an impulse, a step or other more complicated functions. In this paper, we limit our discussions on the sagittal plane only. With this condition, the walking gait reduces to a sinusoidallike curve on the sagittal plane. In general, one may assume that the body gait is represented by a general function of time (1) Yo = Yo(t) Based on such a simplified model, the dynamics of the body motion is governed by the following equation of motion ml (y0 + Y1 ) + blyl + kly, = -mlg (2) where y1 is the vertical displacement of the mass center of the body relative to the body gait. g is the gravity acceleration. 1-4244-1320-6/07/$25.00 (c)2007 IEEE Fig. 3. Counter-weight based passive suspension system Now, let us examine an active weight suspension system 1103 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO. Downloaded on April 29,2010 at 06:14:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE 10th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, June 12-15, Noordwijk, The Netherlands shown in Fig. 4. In the system, the counter weight is replaced by a control force f applied on the suspension cable. In this case, the cable stiffness and damping are neglected because their effects are much insignificant than these provided by the active control system. For example, the cable spring stiffness is 6125 N/m (see Table 1) but the proportional gain of our controller is only 80 N/s. In fact, one can always select a high stiffness and low damping cable in the design of the system. The governing equation of such a system is (5) m1(O +jl1) + b1 l + k1y1 = f - m1g Rewrite (5) such that its LHS is identical to that of (3), i.e., (ml m2)(Yo + j1) + b1j, + kly1 - = f -mlg -m2(yO +y1) (6) Note that the left hand side of the above equation is the same as that of the ideal reduced-mass system in (3). The control force f can be designed to make the right hand sides of the two equations identical and thus, the two corresponding systems become equivalent as discussed in the next section. In all the above discussed cases, the dynamic load exerting on the supporting leg or legs by the trainee's body can be calculated as follows: (7) fb = b11 + k1y1 Body mass ml Control force f Body stiffness & damping y TABLE 1. MODEL PARAMETERS b, Parameter Body mass Counter weight Body stiffness Body damping Cable stiffness Cable damping Body gait x Fig. 4. Active suspension system III. ACCELERATION FEEDBACK CONTROL To make the active suspension system shown in Fig. 4 have the identical dynamic behavior as the ideal reducedmass system shown in Fig. 2, all one needs to do is to provide the following control force in the suspension cable (8) f=m2g+m2(jo+j1) Equation (8) defines the control force which the active suspension system has to provide in order to make the system behave exactly as to remove a mass of m2 from the human body. Note that the last term of (8), m2 1 , means that 1-4244-1320-6/07/$25.00 (c)2007 IEEE acceleration feedback is needed in the control system. It should be pointed out that the cable will always be in tension in a training exercise because the control force is always pulling the cable. A push force happens in the cable only if the control force shown in Fig.4 is pointing upward (in y direction) which means, according to (8), the trainee has a downward acceleration exceeding the gravity acceleration. That is physically impossible. Thus, the physical law guarantees that the control law will never try to push the cable. From the above discussion, one can conclude that an active suspension system with an acceleration feedback can make the trainee feel exactly as having physically removed an amount of his or her mass while he or she is in motion. This effect cannot be achieved by the passive counter-weigh system as discussed in Section I. To demonstrate the benefit of using the active suspension system to simulate the reduced-mass situation, the dynamic responses of the three different systems shown in Figs. 2-4 are simulated in MATLAB for comparison. The basic parameters of these dynamics models are listed in Table 1. Bertos et al. [15] developed a 2nd order biomechanical model for able-bodied walkers and pointed that the stiffness and damping of the human body were related to the walking speed. The human body's stiffness and damping parameters in this study are chosen by assuming the human body having an average walking speed of 2 m/s. The cable stiffness is chosen such that the tension in the cable at maximum deflection is equal to the reduced weight. The cable damping is set to a value such that the cable will not cause oscillation (like the case in the reality). In order to demonstrate the advantages of the active weight suspension system, the dynamic responses of the above-mentioned three systems to a step input and a sinusoidal input are simulated and then compared with each other. Variable ml m2 ki bi k2 b2 Value 100 50 11000 900 6125 306 Unit kg kg N/m Ns/m N/m Ns/m The dynamic responses of the three systems to a step input are shown in Figs. 5-9. It should be emphasized that using a step input to study the dynamic characteristics has been a standard approach in control engineering although many step-like practical inputs (e.g., climbing a stair) is not exactly a step function. The results from such a study will still provide valuable insight into the system to be investigated. The simulation results showed that the dynamic response of the active suspension system slightly lagged from the ideal reduced-mass case. But their magnitudes are almost the 1104 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO. Downloaded on April 29,2010 at 06:14:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE 10th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, June 12-15, Noordwijk, The Netherlands same. The plots also show that the passive suspension system has much larger position and force fluctuations in comparison with the active suspension system. In particular, the peak force (acting on the body and also the supporting leg or legs) in the passive system reached 641 N while that in the ideal reduced-mass system is only 570 N. Note that the negative sign of the forces in Figs. 8 and 9 means that the forces are in the negative y direction. After subtracting the gravity force (which is 490 N), the dynamic peak force of the passive system is nearly 89% more than that of the reducedmass situation. This is, in fact, a significant burden on the trainee. On the contrary, the peak dynamic force (as well as the transient force profile) in the active system is almost the same as that in the ideal reduced-mass system. This means that, with the active suspension system, the trainee can really feel like having his/her mass reduced. _ -450 z a) -500 2 -550 : 0 -600 9 -650 _ 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 time (s) Fig. 9. Control force of the active suspension system The dynamic responses of the three systems to a sinusoidal input are shown in Figs. 10-14. Such an input represents a body gait seen from regular walking or jogging in real life. The input gait function used in this simulation study has been validated against the experiment of a human subject conducted at the University of Texas at El Paso. 0.05 0.1 0.05 >1 0 -0.05 0 0.5 2.5 1.5 0 0.5 1.5 2 time (s) 2.5 3 3.5 4 Fig. 10. Body gait input (assuming a sinusoidal function) time (s) Fig. 5. Body gait input (assuming a step function) 0.02 0.01 0.005 -0.02 - -0.04_ 0 E - -0. 08 0 Acti\ve suspension system - 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 X 0.5 1 Ideal reduced-mass system Passive suspension system Active suspension system -0.06 _ -0.005 ---Ideal reduced-mass systemPassi\ve suspension system -0.01 l 2.5 1.5 2 time (s) 2.5 3 3.5 4 Fig. 11. Response of the body to the gait input time (s) Fig. 6. Response of the body to the gait input 0.05 0.1 _ + 0.08 _ +II - ----~ 0.5 1 1.5 2 Ideal reduced-mass system Passive suspension system Active suspension system -0.1 Ideal reduced-mass system Passi\ve suspension system Acti\ve suspension system 0.02 _ 0 -0.05 >s° >° 0.04 _ 0 -O 05 >, 0.06 _ : 0 E 0I 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2.5 time (s) 2 time (s) 2.5 3 3.5 4 Fig. 12. Absolute response of the body to the gait input Fig. 7. Absolute response of the body to the gait input -350 z -400 _ en e) C' -450 _ a) -500 a) - -500 = = = = = 0 0 u, -550 a) o -600 U- -650 - Ideal reduced-mass system - Passi\ve suspension system Acti\ve suspension system 0 V 0.5 1.5 2 en -1500 2.5 time (s) Ideal reduced-mass system Passive suspension system Active suspension system 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 time (s) 2.5 3 3.5 Fig. 13. Force exerted on the leg(s) by the body Fig. 8. Force exerted on the leg(s) by the body 1-4244-1320-6/07/$25.00 (c)2007 IEEE -1000 _ 0 U- 1105 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO. Downloaded on April 29,2010 at 06:14:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 4 Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE 10th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, June 12-15, Noordwijk, The Netherlands z 4 -400 feedback controller, acting alone, cannot achieve this goal because the controller does not have a capability of tracking a desired gait. To solve this problem, one can add a PID based position control loop to the feedback control system as shown in Fig. 15. -500 -600 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 time (s) 2.5 3 3.5 4 Fig. 14. Control force of the active suspension system The plots show that the active suspension system responds the input almost identically as the ideal reduced-mass case in both magnitude and phase. However, both the position response and the force response of the passive suspension system are very different from the ideal reduced-mass system. As shown in Fig. 14, the control force of the active suspension system is always negative and thus, the cable is always being pulled down as shown in Fig.4. The peak forces in the passive system and the ideal reduced-mass system are 915 N and 578 N, respectively. This means that the peak dynamic force in the passive system is about 383% more than that of the reduced-mass situation. This is a huge extra load on the trainee which should not be there. Again, the force response of the active suspension system is almost identical to the ideal reduced-mass system. This means the trainee will really feel like he/she has a reduced mass as expected. The simulation study indicates that the actively controlled body suspension system using an acceleration feedback control strategy is capable of virtually removing any amount of the body mass of the trainee, so that the trainee can really feel like having a reduced mass dynamically regardless how he or she moves (e.g., walking, jogging, or jumping) in the training process. In other words, the actively controlled suspension system can dynamically remove part of the trainee's mass. On the contrary, the passive counter-weight suspension system removes part of the trainee's mass at the cost of increasing the dynamic loads. The increased dynamic load (i.e., inertia force) can be very significant, e.g., 0.89-3.83 times of the normal load in our examples. This will, no doubt, add a large burden to the trainee on training. Note that the above introduced acceleration feedback controller is not only simple in theory but also very easy to implement because accelerations of a human body can be directly measured by attaching a set of accelerometers to the body during a treadmill based training process. IV. TRACKING A DESIRED GAIT The analysis in the previous section revealed that one can use an active suspension system to dynamically remove part of the trainee's mass, so that the resulting system will be dynamically equivalent to a real reduced-mass system. To achieve this goal, one needs to implement an accelerationfeedback controller in the suspension system. During a training process, one may wish the trainee's body to follow a prescribed body gait, which may be described as a motion trajectory of the mass center of the body. The acceleration1-4244-1320-6/07/$25.00 (c)2007 IEEE Fig. 15. Control system of the active suspension system The goal of the added PID loop is to guarantee the absolute body motion, i.e., y0 + y1, to track a desired input body gait yo. Note that the added position control loop should have very little effect on the original acceleration feedback loop. As shown in Fig. 15, the two control loops are in parallel. Figures 16-19 show that the modified controller is able to make the body track the desired gait input (a step function in this case) in the presence of external disturbances. Note that the force errors between the active suspension system and the ideal reduced-mass system were caused by the external disturbances rather than the addition of the PID based position control loop. 0.104 0.102 - E 0.1 + 0.098 Ideal reduced-mass system Without position feedback With position feedback 0.096 0.094 _ o 0.5 1.5 2.5 time (s) Fig. 16. Response of the body to a step gait input when the system has a constant disturbance z -450 _ - 0) -500 0 /Ideal reduced-mass system Without position feedback With position feedback cn UD p LL -550 0 l 1 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 time (s) Fig. 17. Force exerted on the leg(s) by the body when the system has a constant disturbance 1106 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO. Downloaded on April 29,2010 at 06:14:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE 10th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, June 12-15, Noordwijk, The Netherlands 0.104 _ 0.102 _ E > + 0 0.1 0. 0.098 - 0.096 0.094 ' - 0 ICdeal reduced-mass system vVithout position feedback vVith position feedback kl A 0.5 time (s) 1.5 nonlinear and multi-DOF system with many uncertainties. 2.5 Another example is that possible cable slacking in an ascending phase has not been considered in the modeling of this paper. As a result, more detailed dynamics models and a more advanced control techniques will be developed in the future research. 2 Fig. 18. Response of the body to a step gait in[put when the system has white-noise disturbance z -450 _ X - ACKNOWLEDGMENT B. Betancourt and C.E. MacDonald of the University of Texas at El Paso are acknowledged for providing us with experimental data of human gaits in support of this research. -500 O0 LL Ideal reduced-mass system Without position feedback With position feedback I; -550 .A, 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 time (s) Fig. 19. Force exerted on the leg(s) by the body when the system has a white-noise disturbance It should be pointed out that, to implement the body gait control, the position of the human body has to be tracked in the exercise. For the above discussed single-DOF system, the measurement of the body position is simple. However, it becomes more difficult if one needs to track the 3-D pose (both position and orientation) of a human body. V. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION This paper introduced a control strategy for an active body suspension system for a treadmill based neural rehabilitation or training devices. Using an acceleration feedback, the system is capable of dynamically "removing" part or all of the body mass of the trainee so that he/she will truly feel like having a reduced mass while performing a training exercise (i.e., walking, jogging, or even jumping) on the treadmill based facility. It has been shown that the proposed controller can compensate any amount of inertia force which would not be present as if the trainee really had a reduced mass. Ultimately, the dynamic load on the trainee's supporting leg or legs (depending on whether one or two feet touching the ground in the exercise) will also be reduced correspondingly. Simulation results demonstrated the effectiveness of the active system in comparison with the corresponding reducedmass system and a passive counter-weight balance system. Studies have shown that a human body is undergoing a 3D motion while walking or running [16]. This means that a complete compensation of the 3-D inertia force and moment requires a 6-DOF suspension system which is capable of controlling the body motion in all directions of the 3-D space. This study is only a first step toward the study and design of such a general body suspension system. A future 1-4244-1320-6/07/$25.00 (c)2007 IEEE task in this research is to study the feasibility of using a multi-DOF cable manipulator to replace the current singleDOF suspension system. Another future task is to extend the model to be more realistic. For example, the dynamics of the human body in this paper was assumed to be a simple springmass system. In fact, the real human body is a flexible, REFERENCES [1] T. Sarkodie-Gyan, Neuro-Rehabilitation Devices, Engineering Design, Measurement, and Control, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2006. [2] M. Visintin, H. Barbeau, B.N. Korner, and N.E. 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