62 Winter - County Theater
62 Winter - County Theater
Previews County Theater 62 Marie-Josée Croze in THE DIVING BELL AND THE BUTTERFLY DECEMBER 2007 – FEBRUARY 2008 INCLUDES OUR MAIN ATTRACTIONS AND SPECIAL PROGRAMS C OUNTYT HEATER.ORG 215 345 6789 Welcome to the nonprofit County Theater The County Theater is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. A D M I S S I O N General.............................................................$8.50 Members..........................................................$4.50* Seniors (62+) Children under 18 and Students w/valid I.D.......................................$6.50 Early Matinee ..................................................$5.50 (shows prior to 2:30 pm) Late Matinee ...................................................$6.50 (shows starting between 2:30 & 5:30 pm) Wed Early Matinee (before 2:30 pm)................$4.50 Affiliated Theaters Members**..........................$5.50 **Affiliated Theaters Members We are happy to announce that the Ambler Theater, the County Theater, and the Bryn Mawr Film Institute have reciprocal admission benefits. Your membership will allow you $5.50 admission at the other theaters. (You must present your membership card to obtain this discount.) Be a Member Become a member of the nonprofit County Theater and show your support for good films and a cultural landmark. See back panel for a membership form. Policies Children under 6 – Children under age 6 will not be admitted to our “Regular Films.” However, all age children are welcome to our special “Kids Films” series. Late Arrivals – The Theater reserves the right to stop selling tickets (and/or seating patrons) after a film has started. Outside Food and Drink – Patrons are not permitted to bring outside food and drink into the theater. The County Theater has wheelchair accessible auditoriums and restrooms, and is equipped with hearing enhancement devices. Please see the theater manager when you arrive. Give us Feedback Your film experience is the most important thing to us, so we welcome your feedback. Please let us know what we can do better. Call (215) 345-6789, or email us at [email protected] County Theater 20 East State Street, Doylestown, PA 18901 215-345-6789 HOTLINE 215-348-1878 Administrative Office CountyTheater.org Basic Membership Prices We increased our basic membership prices by $5.00 a year on June 1, 2007. If you are currently a member, however, you can renew at the old rates prior to December 31, 2007. *Also be aware that as of January 1, 2008, members’ admission will increase by 25¢ to $4.75. When will films play? Main Attractions Film Booking. Our main films play week-to-week from Friday through Thursday. Every Monday we determine what new films will start on Friday, what current films will end on Thursday, and what current films will continue through Friday for another week. All films are subject to this week-to-week decision-making process. We try to play all of our Main Attraction films as soon as possible. (For more info on the business of booking films and why some films play longer or sooner than others, visit our website.) When Will a Film’s Run Start? After we decide on Monday (Tuesday at the latest) what new films will start on Friday, we immediately let you know on our website and on our hotline. We’ll send you an email message every Tuesday as to what is coming and going on Friday. (Sign up at our web site.) Make Sure That We Have Your Email Address We can keep you up-to-date on all our events and scheduling via our weekly email notices. Visit our web site to sign up, and then stay plugged into our latest programming news. Special Programs Our Special Programs are scheduled for specific dates and times, which are listed in this PREVIEWS brochure. Check our website and hotline for any additions or changes. To our 4,200+ members, thank you. How can you support the County Theater? Be a member. Your membership is the Become a sponsor. Receive promifoundation of our success. Please fill out and return the attached membership form. (Or join online – it’s easy and secure.) Your financial support is tax-deductible. Memberships run for one year from date of joining. nent recognition for your business in exchange for helping our nonprofit theater. Recognition comes in a variety of ways – on our silver screens, in our brochures, and on our website. Call us at (215) 348-1878. Put your star in the sidewalk. Your additional gifts and support make us even better. Your donations are fully tax-deductible. And you can put your name on a bronze star in the sidewalk! Contact our Business Office at (215) 348-1878. How does the County Theater run? “County Theater, Inc.” is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt nonprofit corporation which owns and runs the theater. Our current Board consists of: Sandra Teel Trainer, President; Louise McLeod, Vice President; Mary Beth Kineke, Secretary; Ron Strouse, Treasurer; Jim Bunn; Pamela Byers; Gregory J. Gore; Ellen Happ; Jack McMillin; Richard Patterson; Scott Petersen; Diana Resek; Joel Stewart; Lou White; and John Toner, Executive Director. The official registration and financial information on County Theater, Inc. may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Special Thanks The County Theater receives funding support through a grant from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. MAIN ATTRACTIONS In the Shadow of the Moon There Will Be Blood Margot at the Wedding A Word About Our Main Attractions: No Country for Old Men Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead Great Britain – 1 hr 36 min – David Sington The excitement, majesty, and extraordinary human accomplishment of America’s Apollo flights to the moon are rousingly captured in this marvelous film. Deftly mixing archival footage with commentaries of astronauts from the moonshots, this British film produces a visual and audio vibrancy that brings the stirring story alive. Not to be missed on the big screen. We try to play each of the films on these two pages as soon as possible. Sometimes, however, because of scheduling conflicts or problems with print availability, we are unable to play a film before its video release. (The “theatrical window” is getting shorter and shorter.) We apologize for when this happens. Know that it is our top priority to play as many great films for you as possible. For more information, visit our website. Thank you. USA – 2 hr 38 min - Paul Thomas Anderson Paul Thomas Anderson returns with this ambitious western epic about a turnof-the-20th-century Texan prospector who discovers oil. It’s a compelling parable set in a world dominated by family, greed, religion, and oil—a world that bears no small resemblance to the world of today. Based on the novel Oil! by Upton Sinclair and starring Daniel Day-Lewis. USA – 2 hr 2 min – Joel and Ethan Coen The Coen Brothers return to form with this scorching blast of neo-noir filmmaking. Near the Rio Grande, a man stumbles upon dead bodies, a hoard of heroin, and 2 million dollars. What follows is a series of violent and chaotic events that combine to make a film full of excitement, down-home philosophy, and dark, dark humor. Starring Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem, and Josh Brolin. USA – 1 hr 32 min - Noah Baumbach Noah Baumbach (The Squid and the Whale) continues to examine domestic life with this film about a woman who attends her sister’s wedding. It’s a small character piece that’s darkly satiric and perversely funny. Funny because the characters are narcissistically self-absorbed to the point of absurdity. Neurotic doesn’t begin to describe them. The ensemble cast includes Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Jack Black. USA – 1 hr 57 min – Sidney Lumet Sidney Lumet returns with one of his best films in years – a gripping crime thriller that also presents a wrenching family tragedy. Two brothers think they’ve come up with the perfect crime when they decide to rob a mom-and-pop jewelry store. That triggers a harrowing series of events, leaving no one untouched. Featuring great performances from Philip Seymour Hoffman, Ethan Hawke, Albert Finney, and Marisa Tomei. MAIN ATTRACTIONS Juno USA – 1 hr 36 min - Jason Reitman JUNO is a funny film about a wisecracking 16-year-old who gets pregnant and decides to place her baby for adoption. Ellen Page is excellent in the lead and she delivers her razorsharp dialogue perfectly. Director Jason Reitman acquits himself well with what could be the feel good film of the season. Also with Michael Cera, Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner. The Orphanage Atonement UK – 2 hr 3 min – Joe Wright An enthralling period piece, set in WWIIera England, about a young girl who misconstrues an adult situation and sets in motion a devastating chain of events that alters the lives of two families. ANTONEMENT is beautifully directed by Joe Wright, who reunites with his Pride and Prejudice star Keira Knightley. The film contains gorgeous cinematography, a lilting score, and wonderful performances. Co-staring James McAvoy. Persepolis Mexico – 1 hr 45 min – Juan Antonio Bayona – with subtitles From the producers of last year’s Pan’s Labyrinth, THE ORPHANAGE is a surreal and eerie ghost story about a woman and her son who travel to the orphanage that she grew up in. Events take a chilling turn when her precocious son develops a relationship with an imaginary friend. An atmospheric and spooky film with a formidable sense of visual elegance. France – 1 hr 35 min – Vincent Paronnaud and Marjane Satrapi Adapted from the graphic novel memoir by Marjane Satrapi, PERSEPOLIS is an amazingly realized coming-of-age story, told from the perspective of a nine yearold girl growing up in Iran during the Islamic revolution. Featuring beautiful and imaginative black and white animation, this film is alternately moving and funny — and a remarkable artistic achievement. It’s an autobiographical tour de force and is completely involving and accessible as an animated film. C OUNTYT HEATER.ORG The Diving Bell and the Butterfly France – 1 hr 54 min - Julian Schnabel with subtitles This deeply moving drama explores the life of Elle editor Jean-Dominique Bauby, who suffered a stroke that left his entire body paralyzed except for one eye. DIVING BELL deftly reveals the interior life of Bauby through innovative camera work, creating a dreamlike collage of memories and fantasies. This gorgeous film is a small miracle in bringing such an emotionally powerful story to the screen. The Savages USA - 1 hr 53 min - Tamara Jenkins Two siblings are forced together to care for their aging father, producing equal amounts of humor and pathos. Laura Linney, playing a long-aspiring playwright, and Philip Seymour Hoffman, a professor of drama, give wonderful performances that are real and emotionally textured. Are there two better actors working today? This superb film is a complete pleasure. 215 345 6789 County Theater Kids Matinees On Saturdays! December 1 8 THE DARK CRYSTAL Muppets - 1982 - PG - 93 min. ELF Live Action - 2003 - PG - 97 min. 15 HOME ALONE LIve Action - 1990 - PG - 103 min. January 5 THE WILD THORNBERRYS MOVIE Animated - 2002 - PG - 85 min. February 2 9 THE SECRET GARDEN Live Action - 1993 - G - 101 min THE SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS MOVIE Animated - 2004 - PG - 90 minutes 16 ARCTIC TALE Live Action - 2007 - G - 96 min. 23 THE SECRET OF NIMH Animated - 1982 - G - 82 min. March 1 CHARLOTTE’S WEB Animated - 1973 - G - 94 min. 12 BARNYARD 8 19 ICE AGE 2: THE MELTDOWN 15 HOW TO EAT FRIED WORMS 26 THE NEVERENDING STORY 22 ANTZ Computer Animated - 2006 - PG - 90 min. Animated - 2006 - PG - 91 min. Live Action - 1984 - PG - 102 min. THE IRON GIANT Animated - 1999 - PG - 86 min. Live Action - 2006 - PG - 98 min. Animated - 1998 - PG - 83 min. 29 PEE WEE’S BIG ADVENTURE Live Action - 1985 - PG - 90 min. April 5 ANASTASIA Animated - 1997 - G - 94 min. County Theater 20 E. State St., Doylestown www.CountyTheater.org 215-345-6789 Films start between 11:00am - 1:00pm. Check website or hotline each week for exact time. General Admission $4.50 County Theater Members $3.50 Major lobby improvements. Yes, major lobby renovations to the inner lobby will be happening soon. So major, in fact, that our Board of Directors will be presenting these plans to you prior to proceeding. We’ll have a display at the theater and on our website. We’ll also have at least one public meeting with the architect and interior designer. So, what’s so major about it? Well, in addition to a complete face lift of the inner lobby (new carpet, new wall fabrics and a complete new color scheme), we’re also proposing to change how you enter the theaters. The proposed new entrances will be from the side of the rear of the theater! Wait until you see the plans. We hope that this will help solve the problem of light and noise entering the theaters during shows. But let us show you, first, before you react. We hope to have plans for review in late January, so keep tuned. We hope you’ll be as excited as we are. John Toner, Executive Director Sandy Trainer, President On behalf of the Board of Directors A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE COUNTY THEATER 1907 Movies show in the back room of the former “County Linen” building at 22 South Main Street. It is called Hellyer’s Movie House. 1907 1909 1909 Hellyer’s Movie House is sold to Otto Kolbe, owner of the Lenape Building at 1 South Main Street. The theater moves across the street to an auditorium in the Lenape Building, where it stays from 1909-1925. 1925 Doylestown’s first actual movie theater is built in 1925 at the location of the current County Theater. It’s called the Strand Theatre and it opens on February 2, 1925. It’s operated by Nicholas F. Power and partner Joseph A. Wodock. 1925 1938 The Strand is torn down, making way for the construction of a new, modernized theater. The County Theater opens on September 3, 1938 with a screening of Shirley Temple’s Little Miss Broadway. The County has the latest movie equipment and, more importantly, is equipped with air conditioning! 1937 1938 1937 The Strand is sold to William Goldman & Associates, a Philadelphia-based movie theater chain. Charles Kahn, a Philadelphia real estate developer and a competitor of Goldman, purchases a separate property on the corner of Clinton and State Streets intending to open a competing theater called the County Theater. Kahn approaches Wodock about managing his theater. Seven months later, Kahn buys out Goldman and moves his plans for the County to the Strand Theatre site. 1940 1940 On November 18, 1940, a near capacity crowd attends the first Sunday movie screening in Doylestown. 1950 1950s The theater is leased to Claude Schlanger and the Budco Theaters Chain. In the mid-fifties, yellow ceramic tiles, as well as upper blue tiles, are added to the façade, which, together with the original lower blue tiles, give the theater its current distinctive look. Budco builds the Barn Twin Cinema in Doylestown Township in the late 1960s, and continues to operate the County into the early 1970s. 1997 After a successful capital campaign in 1996, the nonprofit County Theater, Inc., purchases the building on April 1, 1997, and becomes the official owner of the County Theater. In September of 1997, the County Theater is closed to make major renovations. The theater re-opens after nine weeks of work. The building and its major systems and projection booth are now in excellent condition. 1970 1980 1992 1997 1998 The Neon Tower is removed from its perch above East State Street in May 1998 and returns in September 1998 completely restored. 1999 The Marquee is removed in October 1999 and is restored and re-installed in May 2000. 1998 1999 2007 A NOTE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 1970s The theater runs for a time as a dollar theater showing second run films. It also hosts occasional live rock concerts. 1980s Charles Kahn’s widow sells the building to local businessman Jonathan Rudolph. The back third of the building is converted into apartments. The theater is then divided into two smaller auditoriums. The theater faces hard times. The theater is run by two different independent operators to limited success. The theater closes in 1992. 1992 The chair of the Doylestown Revitalization Board, Judge Edmund V. Ludwig, approaches owner Rudolph and a local film society, Closely Watched Films, about saving the theater. The film society agrees to take on the theater as a non-profit enterprise, with John Toner as the Executive Director. This non-profit venture, with the help of hundreds of volunteers, breathes life back into the theater. The theater reopens on February 3, 1993 with a screening of Enchanted April. The Crying Game opens a week later in the second auditorium. The non-profit group starts renovating the theater and restoring its art deco style. Without the help and support of our members, the County Theater project would never have happened. Membership continues to be the bedrock of our success. Thank you all. We’d also like to thank out Board of Directors, who guide and oversee the theater. Our current Board members are: Sandy Trainer (President), Louise McLeod (Vice President), Mary Beth Kineke (Secretary), Ron Stouse (Treasurer), Jim Bunn, Pamela Byers, Gregory Gore, Ellen Happ, Jack McMillin, Richard Patterson, Scott Petersen, Joel Stewart, Lou White, and John Toner (Executive Director). Major renovations to the inner lobby are on the way. Check the separate page in this brochure for more details. We’ll be making these plans public soon. Your thoughts and suggestions and feedback on all matters “County Theater” are welcome. Email us at [email protected] or leave a message at 215-348-1878. If you have any old photos or memorabilia of the theater, we’d love to see them, too. Thanks, John Toner, Executive Director December 1, 2007 21 Grams, Barbarian Invasions, Before Sunset, Being Julia, Bon Voyage, Bright Young Things, Coffee and Cigarettes, Criminal, De Lovely, Door in the Floor, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Fog of War, Garden State, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Good Bye Lenin, Head in the Clouds, Home at the End, I Heart Huckabees, I’m Not Scared, Intermission, Intimate Strangers, Kinsey, Kitchen storeis, Ladykillers, The Long Engaement, Maria Full of Grace, Monsier Ibrahim, Monster, Motorcycle Diaries, My Architect, Osama, The Reckoning, Sideways, Stage Beauty, Strayed, Super Size Me, The Company, Dreamthat will bring laughter, tears and The smiles. ers, The Return, Touching the Void, Triplets of Belleville, Valentin, Vanity Fair, We Don’t Live Here, The Story of the Weeping Camel, What the Bleep?1, Winged Migration, Beyond the Sea, Born into Brothels, Brokeback Mountain, Broken Flowers, Capote, Crash, Downfall, Edukators, Enron, Everything is Illuminated, Grizzly Man, Happy Endings, History of Violence, Hotel Rwanda, House of Flying Daggers, Howls Movining Castle, In My Country, Junebug, Ladies in Lavender, Layer Cake, Look at Me, Mad Hot Ballroom, March of the Penguins, Memory of a Killer, Merchant of Venice, Millions, Off the Map, Oliver Twist, Pride and Prejjudice, Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio, Proof, realms of theUnreal, Rock School, Saraband, Separate Lies, Thumbsucker, The Upside of Anger, Vera Drake, Walk on Water, The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill, A Good Woman, An Inconvenient Truth, Art School Confidential, Babel, Boynton Beach Club, Brick, Cache, Copying Beethoven, Departed, Fast Food Nation, This Film is not Yet Rated, For Your Consideration, Friends with Money, Fur, History Boys, Illusionist, Infamous, Kinky Boots, Last King of Scotland, Little Miss Sunshine, Marie Antoinette, Match Point, Mrs. Henderson Presents, Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont, Notorious Bette Page, Prairie Home Companion, Queen, Scanner Darkly, Transamerica, Tristram Shandy, United 93, Wah Wah, Water, Wordplay, World’s Fastest Indian, 2 Days in Paris, After the Wedding, Amazing Grace, Avenue Montaigne, Away From Her, Becoming Jane, Black Book, Breaking and Entering, DarjeelNowDoor, Available ing Limited, Death at a Funeral, Eastern Promises, Evening, The Golden The Good German, Into the Wild, Jane Austen Book Club, La Vie En Rose, Lars and the Real Girl, Little Children, Lives of Others, Lust, Caution, Mighy Heart, Miss Potter, Moliere, My Best Friend, Namesake, Notes on a Scandal, Once, GIVE THE GIFT OF ENTERTAINMENT GIFT CARDS Keep your web message true to your brand. www.crazyfishdesign.com | website design Look what I found at Blue Raccoon. Dozens of colorful and one-of-kind pillows always in stock. Handcrafted ceramic pears. A delicious hostess gift. The Drake Chair combines classic style with uncommon comfort. Lots of unique, colorful home accents to make your home smile. Cocktail tables, consoles and lamp tables that convey warmth, character and great taste. True Finds. Real Values. 550 Union Square, New Hope, PA (located off Bridge Street near the Ivyland Railroad) 215.862.1200 • blueraccoon.com Got a soft spot for dogs? Giant, Comfy Floor Pillows. Over 1,000 Exotic Rugs. Lambertville, NJ www.pasharugs.com DRAMATIC CUSTOM BUILDING WITHOUT THE CUSTOMARY DRAMA. F or more than three decades, Jarrett Vaughan has been building and renovating some of the most distinctive luxury homes in the area. Our uncanny ability to reduce the typical drama often associated with a home building or renovation project has solidified our reputation as one of the premier home builders in the Bucks County area. Visit our website and browse through our online portfolio. Or call us for a private appointment. 4050 Skyron Drive/Suite G • Doylestown, PA 18902 • 215.345.8008 • jarrettvaughan.com Business Sponsors 1. Happ Contractors, Inc. 260 W Ashland Street • Doylestown 215-348-9036 Full service construction company proud to have renovated the County Theater in 1997 2. Scott A. Dinesen, D.O. & Associates 599 West State Street, Suite 301 Doylestown • 215-489-2066 Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Infertility. New patients welcome. www.buckscountyobgyn.com 7 14 2 3. Paganini Trattoria 81 W State St • 215-348-5922 Italian Cuisine in a contemporary European setting. Fresh pasta, fine wines, homemade desserts, cappuccino, espresso and the fabulous Pags Cocktail & Wine Bar across the street. Enjoy cocktails by the fountain. 6 3 13 5 4 8 4. Pags Cocktail/Wine Bar & Paganini Pizza & Café 70-72 W. State St • 215-348-9600 Café 215-348-1985 Bar Pizza, sandwiches, salads, desserts and gelato. Great cappuccino/espresso. Outdoor deck and Pags Bar next door. 5. Domani Star 57 West State St. • 215-230-9100 Mon-Sat 11:30-2:00 Lunch; 5-10 Dinner; Sunday 4-9 Dinner A family owned & operated BYOB trattoria located in the heart of the Doylestown Historic District. 6. Ari D. Spectorman, CFP®, ChFC®, CIMA®. – 77 W. Court St., 267-893-6920 Fee-based financial planning, asset management, domestic partnership, retirement, estate, tax, protection & investment planning with a Certified Financial Planner Practitioner. Free initial consultation. www.AriSpectorman.com. 7. PlantageNet Internet, Ltd. www.pil.net • 215-489-2850 • [email protected] Specializing in virtual domain, email and web hosting since 1996. 8. Madam Butterfly Japanese Restaurant 34 W State St • 215-345-4488 Lunch: M-Sat: 11:30-2:30; Dinner: M-Sat: 4:30-10:30; Sun: 12-9:30 Sushi • Tempura • Teriyaki • Hibachi • Classic Japanese Cuisine artfully prepared; Presented in a peaceful Japanese setting. 9. The Doylestown Bookshop 16 S Main St • 215-230-7610 Sun 9am-8pm; Mon-Th: 9am-10pm; Fri-Sat: 9am-11pm Locally Owned. Great selection: Current best seller discounts; Magazines; Greeting Cards; Gifts; Cafe; Special Orders. 9 10 17 61 10. Siren Records 22-28 S Main St • 2nd Floor • 215-348-CDCD New and used compact discs, cassettes and records. CDs traded. M-Th: 11-9; F: 11-10; Sat: 10-10; Sun: noon-6 10% discount with your CountyTheater Membership Card. www. sirenrecords.com 11. Slate Bleu Doylestown Agricultural Works 100 South Main Street 215-348-0222 Dinner - Daily 5-10pm (closed Tuesdays) Sunday Brunch 11 am - 3 pm; Now open for lunch Thu & Fri 12-2; Late Night - Fridays and Saturdays 10 pm – midnight. Casual, fun European dining in downtown Doylestown. Offering dinner, Sunday brunch, and after theater late night menu on Fridays and Saturdays. Cocktails and wines by the glass or bottle. Tastings menu at the stone counter/bar. www.SlateBleu.com 12. American Rentals, Inc. 1865 South Easton Rd • Doylestown 215-348-3472 Serving the community since 1971, providing equipment to get your job done for the contractor/home owner. 11 12 5 13. Chambers 19 & The Other Side 19 N. Main St • Doylestown • 215-348-1940 M-Th 11am-10pm; Fri-Sat 11am-11pm; Sunday Brunch – only $8.95 – 9am-1:00pm; Sun 1-9pm Just around the corner, Chambers offers a nice casual atmosphere for a lite-bite, full course meal, homemade desserts or a cocktail with a full service n/s bar. Live entertainment 7 days, no cover. 14. HONEY Inspired American Dining 42 Shewell Ave • Doylestown, PA 18901 215-489-4200 • Lunch 11:30-2:30 Dinner from 5. Closed Sunday and Monday Husband and wife owned dining hot spot featuring an extensive small plates menu perfect for sharing with friends or that special someone. Enjoy an all American wine and beer list and unique specialty cocktails. Attentive and informed service in a beautiful environment. www.honeyrestaurant.com 1 15 21. Susan Halstrick, Realtor, SRES, ePro, Keller Williams Real Estate SUPPORT THE COUNTY THEATER. A 10% discount goes to The County Theater on all transactions. Direct: 267-265-2266 / 215-340-7604. Office: 215340-5700 ext 241. www.susanhalstrick.com or [email protected]. Real Estate Sales and Investments Nationwide. HISTORIC DOYLESTOWN P = Parking 22. Laurence H. Stone, D.D.S. General and Cosmetic Dentistry 311 Hyde Park, Mechanicsville Rd 215-230-7667 • www.DrLarryStone.com You might not be in the movies, but you can dazzle with a “Hollywood smile.” Take it from a fellow movie lover – our personalized service administered by caring professionals will get you noticed. We also offer “Zoom whitening” to brighten your smile in just an hour. 20 3 21 3 22 3 16 18 19 15. Harmony Clean 573 N Main St., Suite 209 • Doylestown 215-230-7700 Harmony Clean is a non-toxic, environmentally-friendly home cleaning company. We are located in Doylestown and service 10 miles around the Doylestown area. 16. A Special Gift 30 E State St • 215-340-0434 M-Sat: 10:30-10; Sun: 11:30-7 Contemporary American crafts of all media: jewelry, clocks, pottery, glass, etc.; unique boutique clothing; all price ranges. 17. Twenty East Vintage Jewelery • 20 E Oakland Ave 215-345-1161 • Tu-Th: 11-6; F: 11-9; Sat: 11-9: Sun: 12-5 Bucks County’s finest selection of Vintage & sterling silver jewelry, amber, Bakelite, cameos, turquoise. Fine English china teapots & teacups. Vintage purses. Furlong New Hope New Hope New Hope/Lambertville 23 24 25 26 3 3 3 3 18. Alan Reed & Co. Hair Care Professionals 30 S Pine St • 215-348-4434 www.AlanReedAndCo.com Tu-Th: 9-8; F: 9-6; Sat: 9-3 Where the basics are everyday luxuries. Custom cuts for every man, woman, and child. Personalized service and a quiet atmosphere. All major credit cards. 23. Brandon Oriental Rugs 3454 York Rd (Rt. 263) Furlong 215-794-2300 • www.brandonrugs.com • Th., Fr., Sa: 10-6; Su: 1-5/M., Tu., We.: By appt. Handmade rugs for home and office. Services designed to save you time, effort and cost. 24. Fred Eisen Leather Designs 129 S Main St, New Hope 215-862-5988 • Open Daily 11-6. Custom & ready-made bags, briefcases, belts, and wallets. Made on premises. Fine collection of gentlemen’s folding knives by the finest bladesmiths. www.fredeisenleather.com www.artknives.com 25. Blue Raccoon Home Furnishings 550 Union Square • New Hope 215-862-1200 This award winning home store has terrific custom upholstery, furniture by Mitchell Gold, unique home accents and great gifts. Call for catalog. Open daily 11-6, Sun 12-5. www.blueraccoon.com. 26. A Mano Galleries 128 S Main St • New Hope 19. CB Administrators, Inc. 215-862-5122 • Open Daily, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 79 E. Ashland St., 215-340-2970 Health insur- & 42 N Union St at the Old Five & Dime ance. Are you one person or do you have many Lambertville, NJ 08530 • 609-397-0063 employees? Call us for the best product. Open Daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Our 26th year continues to focus on fine crafts 20. Dr. Lauren Nappen with nationally recognized work by Sticks, Axi Ah-h-h-justing to Life and Shoestring furniture, kaleidoscopes, glass, 3346 Durham Road • Mechanicsville jewelry, clay, and accessories for the home and 215-794-0606 • www.InPerfectAlignment.net office. A Mano has been recognized as one The perfect blend of the vibrational healing arts of the top 10 Galleries in the country. www. to move you from getting well to being well to amanogalleries.com. well being. $45 Individual $70 Couple/Dual $35 Senior (62+) $60 Senior Couple (62+) $35 Student o $1,000 – Angel (Couple) Free admission at all times for both member and spouse or friend + basic benefits o $500 – Mogul Free admission at all times for one member + an individual membership for spouse or friend + basic benefits o $ 200 – Executive Producer (Couple) 12 free tickets + basic benefits for couple 345-6789 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Previews 62 December 2007–February 2008 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL Please check your mailing label for the expiration date of your membership. It may be time to renew. CountyTheater.org Please charge my: o MasterCard o VISA payable to: County Theater, Inc. o My check is enclosed. Make checks FAX ZIP NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 21 FREEPORT, OH 43973 Signature_________________________________________________________________ Card Number: ___________________________________________Exp. Date___________ $____________ Total $____________ Extra Gift $____________Total Membership Fee EMAIL TELEPHONE (WORK) TELEPHONE (HOME) CITY ADDRESS STATE . ................................... NAME(S) F O R M o $130 - Producer (Couple) 6 free tickets + basic benefits for couple o $100 – Producer (Individual) 6 free tickets + basic benefits Sustaining Annual Membership E M B E R S H I P Your membership is valid for one (1) year from your date of joining. Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. • $5.50 admission to Bryn Mawr and Ambler Theaters • Tax-deductibility • Family Benefit - Member’s children under 18 may attend for $4.50 • 3-Day-Advance ticket sales at Box Office Basic membership gives you: • $4.50 admission to all films–all times (Membership admission will increase to $4.75 on January 1, 2008) o o o o o Basic Annual Membership Closely Watched Films • P. O. Box 779, Doylestown, PA 18901 Design: Fuse Communications, Carversville, PA fusecommunications.com Renewing Your Membership? Basic membership prices have increased by $5.00 a year as of June 1, 2007. If you are renewing prior to December 31, 2007, please renew at the old prices, which are $5.00 less than the prices listed here. (Those lesser renewal rates are clearly spelled-out in the membership renewal form that we send to you.) Checks payable to: County Theater, Inc. Mail to: The County Theater P.O. Box 779, Doylestown, PA 18901 Membership Cards will be mailed to you. The County Theater is open to the public. However, you can become a member of the non-profit County Theater and show your support of good films and a cultural landmark and get a reduced ticket price. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Your membership is valid for one (1) year from your date of joining. Become a member of the nonprofit County Theater ..................................... M 215
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89 Fall - County Theater
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