BEDMAP: A new ice thickness and subglacial topographic model of
BEDMAP: A new ice thickness and subglacial topographic model of
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICALRESEARCH, VOL. 106,NO. B6, PAGES 11,335-11,351, JUNE 10, 2001 BEDMAP- A new ice thicknessand subglacialtopographic model of Antarctica MatthewB. Lythe,• David G. Vaughan,• andthe BEDMAP Consortium BritishAntarcticSurvey,NaturalEnvironmentResearchCouncil,Cambridge,UnitedKingdom Abstract. Measurements of ice thicknesson the Antarcticice sheetcollectedduringsurveysundertakenoverthe past50 yearshavebeenbroughttogetherintoa singledatabase. Fromthesedata,a seamless suiteof digitaltopographic modelshavebeencompiledfor Antarcticaand its surroundingocean. This includesgridsof ice sheetthicknessoverthe groundedice sheetandice shelves,watercolumnthickness beneaththe floatingice shelves, bedelevationbeneaththe groundedice sheet,andbathymetryto 60øS,includingthe subice-shelfcavities. Thesegridsare consistent with a recenthigh-resolution surfaceelevation modelof Antarctica.While the digitalmodelshavea nominalspatialresolutionof 5 km, suchhighresolutionisjustifiedby the originaldatadensityonly overa few partsof the ice sheet. The suitedoes,however,providean unparalleledvisionof the geosphere beneaththe ice sheetanda morereliablebasisfor ice sheetmodelingthanearliermaps. The total volume of the Antarcticice sheetcalculatedfrom the BEDMAP grid is 25.4 million km-• and thetotalsealevelequivalent, derived fromtheamount oficecontained withinthegrc•unded ice sheet,is 57 m, comprising52 rn from the EastAntarcticice sheetand 5 rn from the West Antarcticice sheet,slightlylessthanearlierestimates.The griddeddatasetscanbe obtained from the authors. 1. Introduction mentsin manyareas.The SPRIFolio Serieswaslaterdigitized, on a 20-km grid, for large-scale modelingstudies[Buddet al., Mappingthe topographyof the Earth'ssurfacehasbeena 1984],andversionsof thisarestill widelyusedtoday[vonFrese major preoccupation of geoscientists, surveyors,hydrographers, et al.,1999;Barnbetet al., 2000;Huybrechts et al., 2000].With and cartographersfor severalhundredyears [Canadian Hydrographic Office, 1981;National GeophysicalData Center, 1988], but in recentdecades,satelliteremotesensingand imagingdepth soundershave addedto their tools, and the majority of the surface of the geosphereis now mappedat high resolution[Smith and Sandwell, 1994; Barnheret al., 1998; Liu et al., 1999]. One part of the geosphere'ssurfacehas, however, remainedbeyond the reach of conventional or satellite methods: the bed beneath the great ice sheetsof Antarcticaand Greenland.Antarcticahas been the subject of many local topographic compilations [•ankowskiand Drewry, 1981;Shahtaleet al., 1987; Vaughanet al., 1994; Steinhageet al., 2000], but there has been no coordinatedeffort to integrateall the existingdata into a singletopographicmodel of the entirecontinent. Prior to this study,the most widely cited topographicrepresentation of the bed beneath the Antarctic ice sheet was a folio of mapspublishedby ScottPolar ResearchInstitute(SPRI) [Drewry and Jordan, 1983; Drewry, 1983a, 1983b]. The SPRI Folio Series wasproducedby usingdataduringsurfacetraversesand airbornesurveys,notablythe campaignmountedby SPRI, the National ScienceFoundation(NSF), and the TechnicalUniversity of Denmark (hereinafter SPRI/NSF/TUD) between 1967 and 1979. This campaigncoveredaboutonethird of the continentat 100-kin line spacing. Although contoursof bed elevationwere drawnover the entirecontinentwith the exceptionof the Antarctic Peninsula, there were more than 500 km between measure- Copyright2001 by theAmericanGeophysical Union. Papernumber2000JB900449. 0148-0227/01/2000JB900449509.00 the exceptionof updatesover limitedareas,thesedatasetsdo not incorporate thelargequantityof datacollected overthepasttwo decades. In this paper,we presenta suiteof integrateddigitaltopographicalmodelsfor the Antarcticcontinentand its surrounding ocean,which incorporateall the availabledata from Antarctica. Our aim was to producea self-consistent model,at sufficiently highresolution to providea basisfor meaningful,time-dependent ice sheetmodeling.To thisend,we designed an automated gridding schemewhich relies on direct ice thicknessmeasurements and otherindirectsupportingdata.We aimedto honorthe meas- urementswherethey existandto producea plausiblerepresentation where no data exist. To facilitatemodelingof the ice sheetthrougha complete glacial cycle, we extendedthe subglacialtopographyto 60øS, beyondthe continentalshelfedge,the probablelimit of the ice sheetduringrecentglaciations.We seamlessly matchedsubglacial, bathymetric,andsub-ice-shelf topography. The processingstepsinvolvedin the constructionof the final digital elevationmodel (DEM) are shownin Figure 1. In summary, we producedan ice sheetthicknessgrid from the ice thickness measurementsand several supportingderived data sets. This grid was then subtractedfrom the best available surface DEM [Liu et al., 1999] to determine the bed beneath the groundedice sheet. The resultinggrid was then matchedat the groundinglineswith a compilationof the bathymetry.In the interveningregion coveredby ice shelveswe used seismicdata, whereavailable,to controlthe configuration of bedtopography. Integrationof all the sourcedata requireda consistentprojection, geoid model and geographicframework. In accordance with the recommendationsof the Scientific Committeeon Ant- 11,335 11,336 LYTHE ET AL.' BEDMAP SUBGLACIAL TOPOGRAPHY OF ANTARCTICA Direct Bathymetric Compilation Ice Thickness Measurements Indirect Sub-ice Ice Thickness information shelf depth data Geographic Geographic Constraints Constraints MARINE AND SUB-ICE SHELF BED ELEVATION DEM GROUNDED ICE SHEET BED ELEVATION DEM (MERGE) COMPOSITE ANTARCTIC BED ELEVATION DEM Figure 1. Processing steps involved intheconstruction offinal bedelevation DEM. arctic Research Working Group on Geodesyand Cartography [1961], we usedthe polar stereographic projection,with 71øSas the latitudeof true scaleand 0øE as the centralmeridian.A geopotentialmodel, OSU91A [Rapp et al., 1991], waschosenasthe vertical referencesystemfor integrationof all the sourcedata. 2.1.1. Sources of ice thickness data. Data were obtained both from the literatureand from unpublished surveyscontributed to the BEDMAP Project by a consortiumof institutesand investigators(Table 1). We includeddata from more than 150 independentsurveys,conductedby 15 nations,over the past 50 The minor differences between mean sea level elevation and years. The compilationincludesover 1,400,000km of airborne rageoid orthometricheight are expectedto be 1.5 m on average radarsoundingprofiles,around250,000 km of ground-based dar and seismic traverse, and more than 5000 seismic reflection [Barnbetand Bindschadler,1997] and so were ignored. To delimit the continentand its physiographicelements(e.g., stations. While considerable new data are available, the overall coverice sheet, ice shelf, ice-free ground) (Figure 2a), we used the 1:1,000,000 scale data set from the Antarctic Digital Database age is still patchy,as the surveyswere undertakenin supportof (ADD) [BASet al., 1993]. This is the highest-resolutiondataset otherscientificactivities(Figure 2b). Althougha few areashave with coverageof the entirecontinent,and it providesdescriptions densedata coveragewith track-spacingof around 10 km (e.g., of rock outcroppolygons,groundinglines, ice shelves,and ice Amery Ice Shelf, Ronne-FilchnerIce Shelf, Siple Coast), the rises. The ADD has a maximum error in horizontalpositionat distance between tracks in other areas is over 50 km. There are severalareasfor which even reconnaissance level data have yet this scaleof around300 rn [Fox and Cooper, 1994]. The integration,manipulation,and generationof all products to be collected, (e.g., Queen Mary Land, Wilhelm II Land, wascarriedout by usingthe ARC/INFO GeographicInformation coastalMarie Byrd Land, and the area of the polar plateaubeSystem (GIS), supplementedwith customizeddata transforma- tweenthe SouthPole and 80øSand between45øW and 10øE). 2.1.2. Ice thickness calculation. The reliability of ice thicktion, error correction,and interpolationfunctions. nessmeasurements determinedby radar,seismic,and gravimetric techniquesis contingenton assumptionsspecificto the method. For radardata,the greatestuncertaintyresultsfrom the speedof 2. Ice Thickness Model radio wavesin ice [Drewry, 1975]. No singlevalue hasbeenuni2.1. Ice Thickness Data Compilation formly appliedto all measurements; differentworkershave asIn the 1950s and 1960s, only seismicand gravimetricmeth- sumedmean speedsof between168 and 171 m/laS. Additional ods were used to measure ice thickness. Collection of these data sourcesof error arisethroughuncertaintiesin correctingfor the was laboriousand could only be done at infrequentintervalson low-densityfirn layer, wherethe speedof radio wavesis considground-basedtraverses. Gravity measurements are more rapid erablyhigher; correctionsin the rangeof 10-15 m of ice thickthan seismicshooting,but to be useful, they must to be con- nesshave beenroutinelyapplied. The methodsof recordingand trolled by seismicor otherdata [Robin, 1971]. Nowadays,radio digitizing field recordscan also introduceuncertainties.The asechosoundingenablesfasteracquisitionof databy producinga sembledradar data have an estimatedtotal measurementprecicontinuousrecord of the bottom profile beneaththe aircrafttra- sion of between 1% and 5% of ice thickness. For seismic measurements,the principal source of error jectory [Robin et al., 1973]. The data assembled within the BEDMAP database derive arisesfrom uncertaintyin the wave propagationvelocity,which from five types of measurement;airborne radar sounding, is affectedby variationsin density,crystalsize and orientation, ground-based radar sounding,seismicrefractionand reflection, and temperature[Rothlisberger,1972]. Althoughthe velocity gravimetricmeasurement, and drilling, with the majoritygath- does vary with depth, most researchershave used a constant eredduringice-sounding radarprogrames.Sincethe datahave beencollectedby differentresearchers usingdifferenttechniques which have evolvedconsiderably,assessment of dataqualityand the harmonizationof all datasetsrequiredconsiderable effort. valuearound 3.915km s'1. Bentley [1964]suggested anaccuracy of 3% for ice thicknessvalues from seismicshootingin Antarctica;however, misinterpretationof seismograms and mistakesin digitizationcan leadto largererrors. LYTHE ET AL.' BEDMAP SUBGLACIAL TOPOGRAPHY OF ANTARCTICA 11,337 SOUTHERN OCEAN DRONNING MAUD LAND Weddell Sea ENDERBY LAND COATS LAND LARSEN ICE SHELF // ß . ß '\ KEMPLAND FILCHNER ANTARCTIC ",ICE SHELF PENINSULA SHELF / , ELLSWORTH LAND WEST ANTARCTICA •'•-.... / .. A•,oxirnate nositkm 'BYRD LAND of oontinentaishelf edge QUEEN •RY •D / '\.,,., --" MARIE / • '• . / ß / ,. ,, / Sea / Figure 2a. Antarcticlocationmap. Gravity observations differ from othersin that they yield an GPS suchas celestialnavigation,inertialavionics(INS), Doppler averagethicknessovera regionratherthana pointmeasurement. avionics,traditionalsurvey,and dead reckoninghave far larger Uncertaintyarisesfrom instrumentaldrift and calibrationbut is uncertainties.For example,the positionalerror for traversedata primarilydueto theassumptions regarding geological properties navigatedby using astronomicaland solar observationsare ap- andterraincorrection factors.KapitsaandSorokhtin[1963]sug- proximately2-3 km, while the SPRI/NSF/TUD radar soundings gestan averageaccuracyof 7-10% for gravimetricice thickness using inertial navigation systemsare only accurateto •-5 km measurements, but errorsof 15-20% are likely in areasof com- [Drewry, 1983a]. Of the assembleddata, around50% are posiplex bedtopography. tionedwith GPS, 25% with INS, 11% with traditionalsurveyand In compilingthe BEDMAP databasewe acceptedthe values about8% with Doppler avionics. of icethickness supplied by contributors andfromthepublished In additionto the navigationaluncertainty,severalof the data databut storedwhatinformationis availableconcerning the cor- sets were fixed to maps which had inaccuratelylocated georectionsalongsidethe data for each mission. We have not at- graphicfeatures. Our analysishas shown(see"Crossoveranalytemptedto recalculatevaluesby usingstandardassumptions, as sis") that while refixing of the navigationaldata might be possithe raw datawere not alwaysavailable. ble, usingknown positionalfixes or even using a randomwalk 2.1.3. Navigation. Sincethe late 1980smostgeophysical technique,this is not requiredfor the presentgenerationof contisurveyshave beennavigatedby usingGlobalPositioningSys- nent-scaletopographicmodels and so is not attemptedin this tems(GPS)andarethuswell fixedwith respectto an ellipsoidal study. referenceframework. Navigationmethodsemployedprior to 2.1.4. The BEDMAP database. The BEDMAP database 11,338 LYTHE ET AL ß BEDMAP SUBGLACIAL TOPOGRAPHY OF ANTARCTICA 180' ---- AirborneRESflightline ß Seismic stations ..........Overland RES traverse x Borehole sites = Gravity/Seismic traverse o 500 lOOO ß Icefreeground fromADD 15oo L•oookm Figure2b. Distribution oficethickness dataintheBEDMAPdatabase. currently includes around2,500,000directmeasurements of ice basisthattheyremainunderthe controlof the contributing in- thickness,an estimated90% of all datacollectedoverthe Ant- stitutes; thusaccess restrictions remainon a numberof datasets. arcticice sheetto date. The outstandingdataincludesurveysun- 2.2. Construction of Ice Thickness Model dertaken duringthepast2-3 seasons, anda smallquantity of old The primarydatausedin the construction of the ice thickness datawhichare,to ourpurposes, lost. The dataaredividedinto missions, whichrepresent datacollectedduringoneor several model were direct ice thicknessmeasurements,but we also used consecutive field seasons by onescientificpartyusingconsistent rock outcroppolygons,which approximateto isoplethsof zero techniques.The datawereconsolidated, with accompanyingmean ice thickness,and ice shelf thicknessdeterminedby hydrostaticconversionof surfacealtimetry. Even with these additionsthe total coveragewas, however, For the majorityof datasetswe havecompiled onlythe de- too sparseto generatea reasonablemodel over the entire contirivedparameters, surfaceelevation,icethickness, bedelevation, nent. For this reason,we designedotherfields to help controlthe and water column thickness. Data have been contributed on the griddingin areaswherethe datawere sparseand in mountainous documentationfor each mission,in a relationaldatabasehoused at the BritishAntarcticSurvey(BAS), Cambridge,UK. LYTHE • -4 -4 ET AL.: o < BEDMAP < < SUBGLACIAL -4 o TOPOGRAPHY • -4 o OF ANTARCTICA -4 < -4 < 11,$$9 o < • 11,340 LYTHE ET AL ß BEDMAP SUBGLACIAL regions,Thesefieldsrely on a priori assumptions andare derived from regressionmodels,andwhile they do not representthe true ice thickness,they producea plausiblesurfaceandhelp to reduce the appearanceof artefactscausedby data sparsity. We added one further control:by definingthe longitudinalprofile of the large outlet glaciersin East Antarcticawhich are importantas TOPOGRAPHY OF ANTARCTICA 1.0 0.8 outlets for ice from the interior ice sheet,we used a linear inter- polationof ice thicknessat the groundingline to the nearestupstreammeasurement to ensurethat they were represented in the final model. Finally, the combineddata sourceswere usedas inputinto a specificallydesignedspatialinterpolationalgorithmwhich is described below. N = 16084 0.4 RMS = 156.2 m 2.2.1. Data preprocessing. The ice thicknessmeasurements include inherent uncertainties,and to extract a reliable set of ob- servationsfor the gridding,we carriedout somedata preprocessing. The goal was to flag erroneousvalueswithin the databaseand reducethe data setbeforeinterpolation. The datapreprocessing wascarriedout in threesteps. Crossoveranalysis: Crossoveranalysisprovidesan estimationof the overall integrity and precisionof the data set. Here a crossingpoint was defined where two observationsfrom separatemissionsor separateflights within the same mission were separatedhorizontally by 500 m or less. From around 16,000 crossingpointswe found a root-mean-square (RMS) differencein ice thicknessof 156.2 m and a medianabsolute(MA) difference of 21 m. The distribution MA=21 m 0.2 0.0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Absolute Difference (rn) Figure3. Cumulative distribution of crossover errorsin ice thickness measurements. of crossover errors has a sharperpeak and longertail than a normaldistribution. The distributionof the absolutecrossovererrors(Figure3) re- used insteadof the mean value to avoid unnecessarysmoothing and to ensurethat the value assignedwas an actual observed veals that around 58% of crossover errors are less than 20 m, value. Where data was highly anisotropic,with track spacing 73% are less than 50 m, and 84% are less than 100 m. This indi- greaterthan 50 km, we filteredthe databy usinga 5000-m samcates that the majority of crossovererrors fall within typical ple spacing. navigational and measurementuncertainties. The long-tailed While this procedureremovedlegitimatehigh-frequency indistributionsuggeststhere is a small percentageof large cross- formationalongthe track,particularlyon the very denselyspaced over errors,but neighborhoodvariancechecks(describedbelow) data, the resultingprofiles depictthe variationin ice thickness suggestthat a programof extensiveflight line refixing was not over a wavelengthnearerthe resolutionof the final grid. This required. Refixing was, however, carried out on a few flight reducedthe problemsassociatedwith anisotropicdata distribulineswhereclearerrorsin track positionexisted. tion. Approximately2 million datapointsfrom both anisotropic Data reduction: The majority of ice thicknessdata airborneand ground-based track line data were filtered by using havebeencollectedby usingairborneradioechosounding(RES) this procedure,leavinga reduceddatasetof around160,000data techniques,a methodthat resultsin highly anisotropicdata dis- points,significantlyreducingprocessingtime requiredfor the tribution;i.e., the data are denselysampledalongtrack while the spatialinterpolation. flight tracksthemselvesare widely spaced. The SPRI/NSF/TUD Neighborhoodvariance check: In general,ice sheet data, for example,have a typical along-trackspacingbetween thicknessis a parameterexhibitinga high degreeof spatialautosamplesof 1-2 km and an across-trackseparationof 50 km. Such correlation. The correlation length indicates the distance or a distribution poses serious difficulties for most interpolation rangeof spatialdependence and variesacrossthe ice sheet.The techniquesand resultsin a directionalbias in the grid. To coun- semivariogramexpressesmathematicallychangesin variance ter this, we useda filter to reducethe high-densitytrack line data, with distanceand directionbetweenany two points [Cressieand but beforethis, we preprocessed the datato identify and remove Hawkins, 1980]. Semivariograms indicatethe natureof autocorisolatederroneousdatapoints. relationin differentpartsof the ice sheet. Threeparameters definethe semivariogram: the nugget,the In the preprocessing step, a seven-pointfilter was appliedto each track-line. The mean ice thickness,standarddeviation, and measurementerror and natural variance for nearby measurealong-trackspreadof the seven data points were calculated. If ments;the sill, the varianceof the datasetbeyondthe rangeof the along-track spread was greater than 6 times the mean ice spatial correlation;and the range, the distancebeyond which thickness,the data were regardedas insufficientlydensefor fil- spatialcorrelationis insignificant. The relative nuggeteffect tering. If the spreadwas lessthan 6 timesthe meanice thickness (ratioof nuggetto sill) givesan indicationof the level of spatial describedby the semivariogram model. and the centralobservationwithin the window differedby more dependence The semivariograms (Figure4) showthat spatialautocorrethan twice the standarddeviation, that observationwas removed. This procedureprovedeffectivein removingaround1500 spikes lation is large over both the interior ice sheetand the RossIce from the track line data. Shelf. In mountainousregions,large changesin ice thickness In the data reductionphase,new data pointswere established occur over short distances, and the autocorrelation is much alongthe profile with a spacingof 2500 m. Thesenew sample lower. The high nuggetvalue and large relativenuggeteffect nodeswere then assignedthe median ice thicknessof observa- (0.86) in the Trans-AntarcticMountains show that over distance tions within 2500 m along that profile. The medianvalue was greaterthan around40 km, ice thicknessis not a regionalized LYTHE ET AL.' BEDMAP SUBGLACIAL TOPOGRAPHY OF ANTARCTICA •200 11,341 neighborhood mean,it was flaggedas unreliableand removed a) East Antarctica fromtheinterpolation dataset. Of thepoints flagged aspotentiallyanomalous, justover1000(---7%) wereremoved by using •000 this procedure.After the removalof theseobservations, the overallRMS errorof all remaining crossover pointsdropped from156.6to 134.2,justifying thepreprocessing step. The preprocessing describedaboveyieldeda final set of --200,000ice thickness datapoints,comprising approximately 800 600 160,000datapointsfrom the reducedtrack line dataand around 40,000 other ice thicknessmeasurements. 400 Nugget= 180m2 200 Range = 140 km Sill = 420 m2 0 200 400 600 2.2.2. Rock outcrops.Approximately 0.3% of theAntarctic continent is free of ice for at leastpartof the year [Foxand, Cooper,1994]. Theseareasof permanent rockoutcroparea valuablesourceof informationfor the ice thicknessmodel. Here 800 iooo Distance lag (km) we usedrockoutcroppolygonsfromthe 1'1,000,000scaleADD: a totalareaof approximately 50,000km2. over75% havean area of lessthan1 km2 andonly250 haveanareaof greater than5 600 E b)Ross IceShelf km•. Thusmostof the outcrops aremuchsmallerthanthe reso- Nugget= 22 rn lutionof the final gridwe choseto depictice-freegroundas • 4oo Range -- 110 km pointdata,allowingus to usethem in the samemanneras other • Sill =106 m 2 measurements of ice thickness. 200 ._• • .-- The conversion of thepolygondatato pointobservations was carriedout by usinga two-stageprocedure.First,we extracted ._•. _ ...... ::: E u) fromall outcrops thepolygoncentroids.Theseprovidean ade- o 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 c) Trans-Antarctic Mountains looo • t-. soo not disproportionately represented. 2.2.3. Hydrostaticconversionfor floatingice. Over distances greater thana fewtimestheicethickness, icecannotsupportsignificant verticalshearstresses for morethana fewyears [Casassa and14/hillaris, 1994];consequently, floatingiceshelves õoo ._• E quaterepresentation of the small nunataks. Second,we selected outcrops with an areagreaterthan25 km• (thesizeof a single gridcellin finalmodel)andextracted a setof vertices spaced at2 km around thepolygonperimeter. Theresulting nodesprovided a reasonable description of theextentof thelargerice-freeareas. Thisprocedure ensures thatextensive outcrops are adequately represented, whilenunataks smallerthanthe grid spacing were Distance lag (km) ½oo are generallyin regionalhydrostaticequilibrium. The total ice Nugget= 415 m2 200 Range = 50 km Sill = 480 m2 - thickness or draftis relatedto the surfaceelevationby the followingrelation[Jenkins andDoake,1991]' , 0 200 400 600 800 1000 h= pw - pi pi H +•d + e, (1) Distance lag (km) whereh is the freeboardwith respectto the ellipsoid;H is the of theiceshelf;PwandPI, arethemeandensities of (a) East Antarctica,(b) Ross Ice Shelf, and (c) Trans- thickness Figure 4. Geostatisticalpropertiesof the ice thicknessdata in Antarctic Mountains. the seawaterand ice, respectively;d is the thicknessof the airfractioncontainedin the low-densityupperlayers;and e is the geoid/ellipsoidseparation. This relationship is linear if constantdensitiesare used. variable. Over the ice shelvesand interior ice sheet,relative Whilethedensityof waterbeneath theshelfis relativelyconstant nuggeteffectvaluesof 0.19 and0.23, respectively, showgood (1028-1032kg m-3),the densityof ice may vary owingto (1) spatialautocorrelation. This principleprovidesthe basisfor our difference in thedensification rateof thefirn layer,(2) freeze-on final qualitycontrolprocedure, a neighborhood variancecheck. of marineice to the baseof the shelf,or (3) crevassing.This reWe identified crossingpoints defined where two observa- lationshiphas been widely used [Budd, 1966; Thyssenand tionsfrom separate flightswereseparated by lessthan 1000m. Grosfeld,1988]. The slopevarieswith densitycharacteristics of Of these,crossovers with an absolute valuegreaterthan 100 m the ice, while the interceptvalue represents a correctionfor the wereflaggedaspotentially in error.Around15,000datapoints low-densityfirn andoffsetsin the geoidmodelfrom sealevel. wereidentifiedfrom thisprocedure. Analysisof the regression modelsdevelopedfor differentice For each of these data points we establisheda localized shelvesshowsthat the total variationbetweenmodelsis apneighborhood, definedas all pointswithin a radial distanceof proximately 10 m, mostly arising from the different densities 5000 m. The variancecharacteristics (meanandstandard devia- used. Thiserrorenvelopesuggests thatthisconversion provides tion) of all otherobservations withinthis neighborhood were a usefuladditionalsourceof ice thickness dataoverunsurveyed then determined.Providingthe neighborhood containedat least or data-sparseice shelves. The value of the method is increased five measurements,if the value of the central observationwas becauseradarsoundingis unableto measuretotal ice thicknessin greater than twice the standard deviation different from the areaswhich containa marine ice layer or exhibit crevassing 11,342 LYTHE ET AL' BEDMAP SUBGLACIAL TOPOGRAPHY OF ANTARCTICA 12oo 1 ooo • 800 ß * * y=223.98Ln(x) - 1108.4 ß--- 600 ._u = 400 2OO 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Distance to nearest outcrop (m) Figure5. Thiniceregression models developed fromdatain PrinceCharles Mountains (diamonds) andDronning MaudLand(squares). Thelineindicates thethinicemodelderviedfromall datawithin 10 km of ice- freegroundin bothareas. [Vaughan et al., 1995] such as the Filchner-RonneIce Shelf 2.2.5. Outlet glaciers. Fast-flowingglaciers,which drain (FRIS) and the Amery Ice Shelf, which are known to contain much of the Antarctic ice sheet, must be resolved if we are to significantmarine ice layers [Englehardtand Determann,1987; producereliablemodelsof the ice sheet[Payne, 1997, 1999]. Morgan, 1972]. Many suchglaciers,particularlythoseborderedby rockoutcrop We have determinedtotal ice thicknessfor data-sparse ice by (outlet glaciers),which have not been sounded,would not natuusinga hydrostaticconversionmodelappliedto a high-resolution rally appearin our grid. We haveensuredthat somerepresentaAntarcticDEM [Liu et al., 1999]. Over FRIS and other ice tion of thesefeaturesremains,by including"manufactured"ice shelveswheresurfacecrevassingis apparent,dataderivedin this thicknessdataalongtheirlength. This methodwasappliedto the way were usedin preferenceto radarmeasurements. Pointswere major outlet glacierswhich did not have measuredprofiles(Tadeterminedon a regular2-km grid. A singlemodel, ble 2). For thesefeatures,we derivedice thicknessdata along h = 0.108H + 16, (2) their centerlineby linear interpolationfrom the ice thicknessat in the upperbasin was usedwith a slopebasedupon a meandensityfor ice of 917 the groundingline to the closestmeasurement kg m-3 and water of 1028 kg m-3. A constantinterceptvalueof of the glacier. 16 m was usedfor all regionsto accountfor the lower firn density of the upper ice layer and geoid/ellipsoidseparation.Data pointswithin 10 km of groundedice were not included. To validate this conversion, we determined the cross- correlation coefficient(r2= 0.91) betweenmeasured icethickness and thicknessderivedfrom hydrostaticconversion,[for all seismic datamorethan 10 km from groundingice.] 2.2.4. Thin ice model. In some mountainousareas(e.g., AntarcticPeninsula,Victoria Land, and DronningMaud Land), there are few measurements of ice thickness. Many glaciers, Table 2. East Antarctica Outlet Glaciers for Which "Manufactured" Data Are Included in the Ice Thickness Model Glacier Grounding LinePosition ProfileLength, km Beardmore 171.604øE, 83.594øS 152.6 Nimrod 162.512øE, 82.374øS 159.2 Mulock 160.818øE, 79.138øS 146.1 Skelton 162.289øE, 78.969øS 101.8 Ferrar 163.530øE, 77.688øS 106.4 Mackay 162.296øE, 76.973øS 51.8 Mawson 162.422øE, 76.204øS 104.9 Priestly 163.453øE, 74.485øS 114.7 Campbell 164.334øE, 74.530øS 121.9 Aviator 165.096øE, 73.923øS 106.8 Mariner 166.714øE, 73.011 øS 84.1 Lillie 163.923øE, 70.765øS 202.4 Rennick 161.802øE, 70.657øS 256.0 n6v6s, and basins have not been sounded at all. Here rock out- cropsare the only sourceof ice thicknessdata,andthe measurementsare thusheavily biasedtowardzero ice thickness.Without somefurthercontrol,we would producea grid in whichmostof the mountainousareaswere represented asentirelyice free. To producea more plausiblemodel in thesedata-sparse regions, we developedan empiricalregressionmodel where ice thicknessis related to the distanceto the nearestexposedrock (Figure5). The resultsshowthat within 10 km of outcropsthere is a goodcorrelationbetweenice thicknessandoutcropdistance. This model provides a more plausible solutionfor mean ice thicknessin data-sparseregionscontainingexposedrock, although this thin ice model still underestimates ice thicknessin these areas. The thin ice modelwasusedto generateice thicknessdataon a regular 10-km grid in regionswhere exposedrock outcrops were the principal sourceof data. These includethe Antarctic Peninsula, Trans-Antarctic Mountains, Coats Land (Theron Mountains),DronningMaud Land,andMarie Byrd Land. LYTHE ET AL.: BEDMAP SUBGLACIAL 2.2.6. Continentality model. Finally, to producea continuous surfacefor the entire ice sheet,we generateda set of manufacturedice thicknessdatapointson a regular50-km grid in the large data-sparseareasin Wilhelm II Land, Queen Mary Land, Coats Land, and Marie Byrd Land. To provide some plausible controlin theseregions,we useda continentalitymodel derived by Vaughanand Barnbet [1998]. This model relatesthe ice surface elevation/icethicknessto the distancefrom the grounding line. 2.2.7. Choice of grid spacing. We choseto presentthe gridded ice thicknessand bed elevation on a regular grid at 5-km resolutionfor two principalreasons.First, most applicationsrequire a regulargrid of basedata, and so presentingthe data in any form otherthan a grid would invite usersto grid the databy whateveralgorithmwas availableto them. Second,5 km is sufficient to resolveice streamsand major outletglaciers,and those featuresmuchbe reproducedby any realisticice sheetmodel.Finally, there are someareaswhere the data are denseenoughto supportthis resolution,althoughwe do emphasizethe proviso that there are wide areaswithin the grid where the data available arenot strictlysufficientto justify evena 100-kmgrid. 2.2.8. Spatial interpolation. Most spatialinterpolationalgorithmsembodya model of continuousspatialchangethat can be describedby a mathematicallydefinedsurface. The optimumalgorithm for an application should be chosen according to whetherinputdatapointsareto be honoredexactly,how smooth and continuousthe outputsurfaceis to be, and how weightings shouldbe applied. For the purposesof ice sheetmodelingit is importantthat the final bed DEM incorporateslocal-scalevariation where it is known, while also providing a smoothcontinuoussurface. We consideredseveral algorithms including triangulation, bicubic splines,moving averages,and geostatisticalmethods. While all of these methodsperformedreasonablywell in areasof welldistributeddata, their performancewas poor where there were substantialgapsbetweenobservationsor anisotropicdata distribution. The estimationprocedureembodiedin geostatistics, knownas kriging, showedpromise,but it is heavilyreliant on the choiceof semivariogramwhich expresses mathematicallythe way variance changeswith distancebetweenobservations.We were unableto adequatelyfit a singlesemivariogramto suit the entire interpolation area(Figure 4). We couldhave usedseveralsemivariogram models for different regions,but this would have requiredthe mosaicingof regionalgridsto producea final continentalgrid. To copewith the variabledata density,irregulardistribution and anisotropy,we developed an inverse distanceweighting (IDW) algorithmthat determinesestimatesby usingan octagonal searchneighborhoodsimilar to the quadrantsearchusedby Liu et al. [1999]. The IDW algorithmusesthe nearesttwo observations in each octant(a total of 16 data points) to estimatethe value at eachgrid node. This avoidedthe directionalbiasthat resultsfrom a nearest-neighbor search,while mitigatingthe effects of data clusteringand anisotropyby assigningequal weightsto TOPOGRAPHY OF ANTARCTICA 11,343 2.3. Uncertainty in the Ice Thickness Grid Ideally, validation of the model requirescomparisonwith an independent"true" surface,but in the absenceof sucha data set, we adopteda "jackknife" procedure.In jackknifing, truncated data setsare createdby selectivelyremovingsamplesfrom the original data. The statisticsare then recalculatedfor each truncateddata set and the variability amongthe original samplesis usedto describethe variabilityof the model[Tichelaarand Ruff, 19891. We removeda randomly selectedsetof 5% of the data and regeneratedthe grid by using the remainingdata. The deleted5% (around 10,000 points) were then usedto test the output grid. The medianabsolutedifferencebetweenobservedand predicted ice thicknesswas 41 m, while the RMS errorof thejackknife resamplewas 152 m. As with the crossovererrors,the RMS error is exaggeratedbecauseof occasionallarge errors. The cumulative distribution of absolute differences revealed that 70% of er- rors are less than 50 m and around 86% are less than 150 m. This statistic,however,provideso,.fiya singlemeasureof dispersion;it tells us nothing about the spatial variation in error acrossthe grid. To quantifyerror in differentpartsof the model we determinedthe RMS error of thejackknife samplein different regions(Table 3). The resultsshowthat the magnitudeof error reflectsthe frequencyand amplitudeof topographicvariation. Over the ice shelvesthe fi'equencyand magnitudeof ice thickness variation are relatively low, comparedwith the Antarctic Peninsulaor the Trans-AntarcticMountains,wherelargechanges in ice thickness occur over short horizontal distances. The errors in these areasreflect the inability of the model to incorporate subgrid-scalevariation. It should be noted that the octagonal IDW interpolationprocedureis by definition a smoothingtechnique, designedto estimatethe mean ice thicknessin a local neighborhood. The model therefore is representativeonly of topographicvariationsgreaterthan 5 km. 3. Bed DEM The constructionof the bed DEM was completedin three stageswith a differentprocedurebeing usedfor the groundedice sheet, the sub-ice-shelf seabed, and the continental shelf/SouthernOcean seabed(Figure 1). In summary,the ice sheetthicknessgrid was subtractedfrom the best availablesurface DEM andthen matchedat the groundingline with a compilation of the adjacent ocean floor. Where seismic data were available,they were used to determinethe bed topographybeneath ice shelves. 3.1. Subglacial Bed DEM While surfaceelevation was routinely measuredat the same time as ice thickness,e.g., by barometricleveling, those measurementswere of variable, often poor, quality and were sometimes subjectto unrepeatablepostprocessing.Thus we discarded the original surfaceelevationmeasurements in favor of usinga singleconsistentsurfaceDEM for the determinationof bed eleeach sector. Observations within a search radius of 100 km were vation over the groundedice sheet. Using separatelyconstructed usedin the estimationof eachgrid node. This distancewas cho- surfaceDEM and ice thicknessgrids, we can ensureconsistency senas a meancorrelationlengthin the semivariogramderivedfor betweenthe threeparameterssurfaceelevation,ice thickness,and several parts of the ice sheet. After considerabletesting we bed elevation. This has the added advantageof enabling easy foundthat inverse-cubed weightingproducedthe mostplausible updateof the bed DEM when future improvementsare made to surfacegiven the data distribution. This weighting reducesthe the surface DEM's. influenceof observations furtherawayfrom the estimationpoint. We choseto use a recenthigh-resolutionsurfaceDEM of the The grid of ice sheetthicknessis shownin Plate 1. Antarctic [Liu et al., 1999], hereinafterthe Liu-DEM, which in- 11,344 LYTHE ET AL.: BEDMAP SUBGLACIAL TOPOGRAPHY OF ANTARCTICA Table3. Regional Variation inConfidence LimitsofIceThickness Model Resulting FromtheJackknifing Procedure Region MedianAbsolute RMSError,rn Difference, rn East Antarctica interior ice sheet 59 153 WestAntarctica 43 136 RossIce Shelf 4 18 AmeryIceShelf 21 101 AntarcticPeninsula 57 163 Trans-Antarctic 138 332 111 204 Mountains Prince Charles Mountains We haveusedthe predictedseafloortopographyby Smithand tegratessatellitealtimetry,airbornealtimetry,digitalcartographic data, and groundsurveydata referencedto the OSU91A geoid. Sandwell [1997] in this compilation. In the generationof this Absolutevertical accuracyvaries acrossthe Liu-DEM depending satellite gravity field and available depth measurementswere on the source data used in its construction. For the ice shelves it used to determinethe correlationbetween gravity and the seais around2 m, over the interior ice sheetit is better than 15 m, in floor topography.The verticalaccuracyof thisinferreddatasetis the steeperice sheetperimeterit is 35 m, and over the rugged around250 rn [Smithand Sandwell, 1997]. Althoughthe satelmountainsit is approximately 100-130 m [Liu et al., 1999]. It lite altimetry data extendedto 81.5øS this solutionwas carried should be noted that in some of the mountainousregions, e.g., only to 72øS becauseof concernsabout ice problems(W. H. 1999). The grid spacingis 3 Antarctic Peninsula, the vertical accuracy of the Liu-DEM is Smith,personalcommunication, more than 250 m, as it is basedon estimatedform lines (A. Coo- min of longitudeby 1.5 min of latitude. 3.2.2. Bathymetricchart of the Weddell Sea. Themostacper and J. Thomson,personal communication,1999). 3.2. Bathymetry cuaretebathymetric datasetfor theWeddellSeais theBathymetric Chartof the WeddellSea(BCWS) [Schenke et al., 1998] The chartscoverthe regionfrom 66øSto 78øSand from 68øWto The probablelimit of groundedice duringthe Quaternarywas 0øE, andbecauseof the lack of observations for ice coveredarthe edgeof the continentalshelf. We choseto extendthe subglaeas,supplementary geophysical and geographical information cial topographyto 60øS to includeall of the Antarcticcontinenwasalsoincluded.Over the majorityof the modelthe depthsare tal shelf, so that our bed DEM would be useful for ice sheet modelingthroughglacial cycles. Bathymetricdata coveragein the Antarctic region is far from satisfactory,and many of the available chartsare inconsistent [Angrisano,1995]. In some,particularlysouthof 60øS,thereare hundreds of kilometers between shipboard depth-sounding tracks,and much of this was collectedby usingcelestialnavigation; discrepancies in depthsreportedat crossoverpointsexceed 100-250 rn at half the track intersections [Smith, 1993]. While there is a needfor a new model that integratesimprovedcoastline data and all new soundings,it was not within the scopeof this programto generatesucha product. We have thus developeda bathymetricmodel south of 60øS which integratesseveralimportantbathymetriccompilations.This is not intendedto be a definitive bathymetry;rather,one that is consistentand integrates with the subglacialtopographypresentedhere. 3.2.1. Satellite altimetry and ship measurements. Radar altimetersaboardthe ERS1 and GEOSAT spacecrafthave been usedto surveythe marine gravity field over most of the world's oceansto a high accuracyand moderatespatialresolution(track spacing of 2-4 km). Over intermediatewavelengths(15-200 km), variationsin gravity anomalyare highly correlatedwith seafloor topographyif sedimentcover on the oceanfloor is thin [Smithand Sandwell, 1994]. Long-wavelength(greaterthan 160 km) topographyis isostaticallycompensated and is not correlated with the gravity field. There are ongoingeffortsto combineship and satellite data to form a uniform resolutiongrid of seafloor topography[Sichoixand Bonneville,1996; Smithand Sandwell, 1994, 1997]. accurate to within 50 m. Matched to this data set, west of the AntarcticPeninsulais a griddeddata set compiledfrom publishedand unpublished soundings (P. Morris, personalcommunication, 1999). 3.2.3. Earth Topography5. Southof 72øS(excludingthe WeddellSea)wherecompilation derivedfromsatellite-altimetry arenot available,we integratedthe EarthTopography5 arcminutegrid(ETOPO-5)[NationalGeophysical Data Center,1988]. 3.2.4. Model generation. The derivedseafloortopography, BCWS, and westernAntarctic Peninsuladata setswere resam- pledontoa 5-kmgridby usinga cubicconvolution filter. These datasetswerethenmergedwith the ETOPO-5 datasetby usinga Hermitecubicmethodin overlappingareas. The Hermitecubic is a proximityanalysisalgorithmthattakesthe inputgridsand calculates an outputvalueareabasedon the normalizeddistance of the width of the overlappingarea. 3.3. Sub-ice-shelfTopography The sub-ice-shelf regionof the seabedis inaccessible to both ship-sounding or airborneradar. Generally,only seismic soundings from the ice shelfsurfacecan providethe seabed depthbeneath an ice shelf,andseismic measurements areonly available over a few ice shelves. Where no seismic data were available, we haveuseda bicubicsplineto interpolate theseabed surfacebetweenthe groundingline and the seabedat the ice front. Where seismicdata were present,principallyover the Ross,Filchner-Ronne, Larsen,andAmeryIce Shelves,we used the octagonal IDW algorithmdescribed previously (with a re- 11,345 30'VV 60øE 90NV 90'E 120øE 180'E 0 500 1000 1500 20C•0 km A- Bentley Subglacial Trench B- Byrd Subglacial Basin C - Wilkes Subglacial Basin D- Astrolable Subglacial Basin E - Adventure SubglacialTrench F- Aurora Subglacial Basin G - Gamburtsev SubglacialMountains F Ice Thickness (metres) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Plate 1. BEDMAP grid of Antarcticice sheetthickness with coastline,andice shelffro•ts fromthe ADD. 11,346 LYTHE ET AL.: BEDMAP SUBGLACIAL TOPOGRAPHY OF ANTARCTICA ducedmaximum searchdistanceof 50 km) to estimatethe seabed matethe accuracyof the groundedice sheetmodelto be genertopography. ally between150 and 300 m. In somemountainous regions, where the bed DEM uncertaintyis greater,the verticalerror is probablycloserto 400 m. The verticalaccuracyof the bathyme3.4. MergingtheBedDEMS try datarangesfrom approximately50 m for the BCWS to 250 m The three bed DEMs (subglacialelevation, open-seabathymetry, and sub-ice-shelfbathymetry)were mergedinto a com- (satellite-derivedgravity data) to around500 m for ETOPO-5. positegrid by usingthe Hermite cubic function. The resulting For the majority of the sub-ice-shelfregionit is difficult to estimate uncertainty,as the bed in theseareasis only speculative. composite modelof bedtopography for theregionsouthof 60øS Where the model is controlledbelow the ice shelves,we estimate is a 1334 x 1334 data array with a grid spacingof 5 km; the the vertical accuracyto be approximately200 m. Overall, the model hasa total elevationrangeof approximately11,000 m. In vertical accuracyof the compositebed DEM is between50 and addition to the orthometric DEM, which is referenced to the 500 m. OSU91A geopotentialmodel,we also constructed an ellipsoidal heightDEM relativeto the WGS84 ellipsoidby addingthe geoidal-ellipsoidseparationwhichrangesfrom-67 to +42 m [Rappet 4. Discussion al., 1991]. 4.1. Principal Features of Ice Thickness Model 3.5. Estimated Uncertainty in Final Bed DEM The estimateduncertaintyvariesacrossthe bed DEM according to the distributionof the originalsourcedataandthe procedureusedin its construction.We have evaluatedbothplanimetric andverticalaccuracyconfidencelimits for thebedDEM. 3.5.1. Horizontal accuracy. For the groundedice sheetthe horizonatalaccuracydependson both the Liu-DEM and the ice thicknessgrid. The Liu-DEM has an absolutepositionalaccuracyof between100 and300 m [Liu et al., 1999] exceptin some areas,suchasthe inlandplateau,wherethe accuracyis around10 km. As was outlined previously (see "Navigation"), the positionalaccuracyof the ice thicknessdatavariesconsiderably accordingto the navigation methodsused. While the GPSnavigateddata are accurateto 100 m, much of the of older data collectedhave confidencelimits of up to 5 km. The positionalaccuracyof the bathymetricand sub-ice-shelf data is also variable. The satellite-derivedgravity data have a horizontal resolutionlimit of 5-10 km in position [Smith and Sandwell, 1997]; the BCWS, around 100 m [Schenkeet al., 1998]; andthe ETOPO-5 data,approximately10 km. Wherethe sub-ice-shelfbathymetry is controlled by seismic data, the positionalaccuracyis similarto the ice thickness grid. We estimate that the horizontal accuracyof our bed DEM is between 200 m and 10 kin. The qualityanddetailof the ice thickness model(Plate1) reflect the densityand distributionof the input data. In areasof closelyspacedRES data (e.g., West Antarctica,EnderbyLand, Kemp Land, and coastalDronning Maud Land) the model resolvesvariation at spatialscalesof around 15-20 km, while in more data-sparseregionsthe true horizontalresolutionis more than 100 km. In severalareas,where only a few measurements are available, the model contains isolated nodes of thick or thin ice. While thesefeaturesmay not reflect the regionalice thickness,they have been retained, as we have no reasonto doubt their accuracy. The thickestice is locatedin the major subglacialbasins.In WestAntarctica,the Byrd SubglacialBasinandthe BentleySub- glacialTrencharewell defined(containing over3000 m of ice). In East Antarctica, prominentfeaturesinclude the Wilkes Subglacial Basin, the Astrolabe SubglacialBasin, the Adventure SubglacialTrench,and the Aurora SubglacialBasin. The thickestice observation (4776 m) is locatedin the AstrolabeSubglacial Basin. Relativelythick ice is alsoapparentin EnderbyLand (between75øSand 80øSand between30øE and 60øE), an area which is far better delineatedthan in the SPRI Folio Series,because of the inclusion of considerable new Soviet and Russian data. The frequencydistributionof ice thicknessvalueswithin the 3.5.2. Vertical accuracy. The absolutevertical accuracyof the bed DEM also varies acrossthe model. By combiningthe confidencelimits of the Liu-DEM (2-130 m) and the ice thicknessgrid (RMS error of 152 m for jackknife resample)we esti- model (Figure 6) revealsa bimodal distributionwith a peak around400 m, corresponding to the ice shelves,and a secondary peak at-•2800 m, corresponding to the interiorof the ice sheet. The minor, but significant,peak at -•20 m represents the moun- 6000 5OO0 4000 3000 2000 1ooo o 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Ice Thickness (m) Figure 6. Ice thicknessfrequencydistributionin the BEDMAP grid of Antarcticice sheetthickness. LYTHE ET AL.: BEDMAP SUBGLACIAL TOPOGRAPHY OF ANTARCTICA Table 4. 11,347 MeasuredPropertiesof the AntarcticIce SheetFrom the 5-km Ice ThicknessGrid• Parameter East Antarctica West Antarctica Total Mean ice thickness,m 2146 1048 1856 Totalvolumeincluding iceshelves, km3 Grounded icesheetvolume,km3 21.8 x 106 21.7 x 106 3.6 x 106 3.0 x 106 25.4 x 106 24.7 x 106 GIS volumeabovemeansealevel,km3 20.5 x 106 2.1 x 106 22.6 x 106 GIS volumebelowmeansealevel,km3 1.1 x 106 1.0x 106 2.1 X 106 Sealevel equivalent,m 52 5 57 •'GIS, groundedice sheet. tainousregionsand areasof exposedrock. The mean ice thicknessacrossthe entire grid is 1856 m, •-10% lower than the SPRI Folio Seriesestimateof 2160 m [Drewry, 1983b]but comparable to a recent estimate of 1903 m [Huybrechtset al., 2000]. The meanice thicknessof the groundedice sheetis 2034 m, while for Tabaccoet al., 1998; Blankenshipet al., 2000; Steinhageet al., 2000; Damm, 1996]. The present model, however, contains greaterdetail, is morejustifiable and will be more easilyupdated thanany previouslypublishedcontinentalbedDEM. the ice shelves we determine a mean of 440 m. morphologicallydistinct.East Antarcticais a largelycontiguous The BEDMAP grids were usedto determinethe total volume of iceresidentin theAntarcticice sheet(Table4). We computea Plate 2 confirms that East Antarctica and West Antarctica are landmasswith a few broad basins,while West Antarctica is com- prisedof archipelagoesin discretetopographicunits (Antarctic totalvolume of 25.4x 106km3 fortheentireicesheet (icesheet Peninsula, Ellsworth Mountains, Executive Committee and andiceshelves), whichiscloseto earlyestimates of 24-26x 106 Flood Ranges, Whitmore Mountains, and the Ellsworth Land km3 [Thiel, 1962; Vinnik et al., 1976]. The total volume from this compilationis, however, 15% lessthan the widely quoted 30.1 x 106 km3 estimatedfrom the SPRI Folio Series[Drewry, 1983b]. This offsetwas expected,aspreviousworkers[Bamber and Huybrechts,1996; Huybrechts,et al., 2000] have foundconsiderableuncertaintyin the SPRI Folio Seriesestimate. Much of the uncertaintystemsfrom the significantdifferencesbetween the surfaceelevationdistributionof the SPRI Folio map and improvedelevationmodelsderivedfrom satellitealtimetry. Our derived volume for the Antarctic ice sheet is 4% lower coast), which may representdistinct tectonic blocks. These blocks are separatedby deep trenches,sometimesoccupiedby ice streamsand outlet glaciers,that are more than 3000 m below sea level in places. This contrastswith the topographyinland from Siple Coast,which is very smoothwith modestridgesand troughsmarkingthe locationof the ice streamsdraininginto the Ross Ice Shelf. The topographicboundarybetweenEast Antarcticaand West Antarcticawhich seemedclearin SPRI Folio Sheet3 is no longer so obviousin Plate 2. There appearsto be no directconnection thanthemostrecent estimate of 26.4x 106km3 [Huybrechts et between ThielTroughandthetroughson the SipleCoastadjaal., 2000] determinedby usinga 20-km ice thicknessgrid based on an updatedversionof the digitizedSPRI Folio map. The reductionin meanice thicknessand ice volumeis principallydue to the higher topographyin EnderbyLand and Kemp Land, mappedfor the first time by usingSovietand Russiandata. To determinethe sea level equivalentof the ice volume, we calculatedthe total massof the groundedice sheet(assuminga cent to the Trans-AntarcticMountains. In East Antarctica,the elongated Wilkes SubglacialBasin,whichextendsalong145øE, is a dominant feature west of the Trans-Antarctic Mountains and extendsoffshorebeyondthe grounding line. The topography in QueenMary Land and Wilhelm II Land (southof 80øS and between120øEand80øE)remainspoorlymapped. With the incorporationof previouslyunpublished Russian meandensity of 917kgm-3) andthemass of seawater requiredand SovietRES data,the GamburtsevSubglacialMountainsare to fill the regionbelow sealevel if the ice sheetwasremoved(as- more extensivethan shown by SPRI Folio Sheet 3. Unfortusuming a meanseawaterdensity of 1028kg m-3). Giventhat nately,the widelyspaced flight lines(•-50 km) still preventus 360 Gt of water is requiredto raise global sea level by 1 mm frombeingableto delineate individualrangesin thisregion.The [Jacobset al., 1992], the total Antarcticice sheetrepresents highestelevationin the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains(2980 around57 m of sealevel rise, comprising52 m for the EastAnt- m) is •-1000 m below the ice sheet.Plate 2 showsmore extensive arctic ice sheet and 5 m for the West Antarctic ice sheet. rollingtopographyinlandof EnderbyLand comparedwith the Althoughthis calculationprovidesa substantialre-estimateof SPRI Folio Sheet 3 and improvedtopographicdefinition in a widely quotedfigure, around73 m [Robin, 1986], and is lower DronningMaud Land, in particularnorth of 80øS, describedin thanthe mostrecentestimate,around61 m [Huybrechts et al., more detail by Steinhageet al. [2000]. Within the continental 2000] we cannotsimplyassumethatthis represents a realistic boundaryitselfthe bedDEM hasa totalelevationrangeof over potential contribution to sealevelrise. The calculation currently 7000 m with the highestpointbeingVinsonMassif(4678 m) and ignoressecond-order effectsrelatedto historicaldeglaciationthe lowestin the BentleySubglacialTrench (-2496 m). (postglacial rebound,andalteration of thegeoidsurface afterdeglaciation),and steric effects of increasedfreshwatercontentof theworld'soceans,etc.). 5. Summary 4.2. Principal Features of the Bed DEM ness observations of the Antarctic ice sheet which will be of sub- We have establisheda databasefor the majorityof ice thick- The morphology of the bedDEM (Plate2) largelyconfirms stantialutility to many branchesof geoscience.The suite of 5that presentedin the SPRI Folio Sheet 3 and from more recent km grid digital topographicmodels for the Antarctic continent published localsurveys [Allisonet al., 1982;Retzlaffet al., 1993; andits surrounds, producedfrom this database, providea reliable 11,348 LYTHE ET AL.' BEDMAP SUBGLACIAL TOPOGRAPHY OF ANTARCTICA 0• '•,30 øE 30 øW /. "•60'E 60 øW 80'S 90'VV " 120'W ',, ' 120 øE 150 øw 150øE 180 øE 5OO 1000 A- Executive Committee Range B- Flood Range C- Whitmore Mountains D- Thiel Trough E- Wilkes Subgacial Basin F- Aurora Subglacial Basin G - GamburtsevSubglacialMountains H- Belgica Subglacial Highlands I- Vostok Subglacial Highlands Elevation(m) Verticaldatum:OSU91A geopotentialmodel -6000 -5000 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 1500 20(•0 km 90øE LYTHE ET AL.: BEDMAP SUBGLACIAL TOPOGRAPHY OF ANTARCTICA 11,349 basisfor icesheetmodelingandothercontinental-scale studiesof References Antarctica.The procedures usedfor datavalidation,processing, and griddingwill enablerelativelystraightforward updateof Ageta, Y., T. Kikuchi, and K. Kamiyama,Glaciologicalresearch programin East QueenMaud Land, EastAntarctica,part 5, 1985, theseproductsasmoredatabecomeavailable.The presentgenJARE Data Rep. 12.5, 71 pp., Nat. 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