F zi:3 Ssof ff/6n
F zi:3 Ssof ff/6n
ffi fttlrk rirry (0nt0(Airo{ 0t!lT[0 qss:Bt{ ITez adrfrE-d d-d,larld Uq ffi6tnt-dnao.nps 3 {fqfr, fd-$ }rs6-, r"rbnrrot ,]}F zi:3 Ssof fu.rn:- ff/6n""" nd.rc7f H a Eiiq fe" Ht dt* #e1 t fu t-d ffi'/E1.Dx.lct6.rls €ts' u1.fiH.4.fi.46 d )ffi?r Ao Ef** r1u d t fir* qc'ilA BtB-srT d-d€'81 Brra inr a' ofr t i,i€-d fun s6-ra fi U-u-ot /fud-d-J fo-J W fu? fureo adA fvH uaro { *frE e1 f*r'ffi'"1t* fl't fr:- Annexure-A (Working Mobile Phone of Officers Level-l) Sr. Chief Ensineer/H0D Station of Posting & Name of office Narne of the officers Designation No. Annavrrr"p-R Sr. No. r ffi- t ld )?b-d' - A, B,C, D & E fEb )tdfr arel E-€-6t fr-dn6 *a, niartfr frE. (lnformation through Bxcel CD in English Language) H1.31. to fir6r efan u1.fiH.4.fi.)e6 6qT e rixrUsffi.frE.}}6.fi6 ra6i fr 5€.o' mffit gu5-d-r fEE 681 t Existing Mobile No. /List nf AAF,s/.TU,s and Other Officials Workine Mobile Phones Level-Z Name of the officers Chief Eqginee./HoD Station of Posting & Name of office Designation Existing Mobile No. Annexure-C &ist of FCTs (Fixed Mcbite Phone) Cnief Engineer/HOD Name of Sub-Statio No /Complaint Cqntre Sr. Existing FCTI Mobile.Np. Station &Narne of offrce Annexure-D (List ofrl)t-active ltlobile Phone (Level-l,'2 & FeTs) Sr. Name & Designation of the Chief 'Eugineor/H0D Station &Name,of office No Sub-station /Com,plaint Centre Existing Mobile No. Closed under safe'austodv . Annexure-E (List of'La.ndl,ine Phone) Sr. Station &Narne of office Chief Engineer/HoD Land Line Phone Number Curent Plan on phrine No Bq Fdrers, l*l* rfr.fix.4,ffi.fr6, lfu{rtr I 'r:;, ii l i l l