Rider Magazine, November 2004 - Table of Contents
Rider Magazine, November 2004 - Table of Contents
nder www.riderreport.coin Editor Mark Turtle Jr. Senior Managing Editor DonyaCarlson Senior Editor Ken Freund Editorial Assistant BrigitteShaw Associate Art Director Jody L. Levimn Contributors Paul Garson, Lawrence Grodsky, Andrew MacDonald, ClementSalvador!, departments \ Andy Saundere, Margie Siegal, Jeny Smith, Bill Stermer, PeggyWinkworth Publisher Jim Hansen National Advertising Manager Marty Estes 6] ONE-TRACK MIND The Big Hot Ride (805) 667-4313 Eastern Advertising Director Joseph E. Salluzzo 8] RESPONSE BMW puts an (717) 392-4949 Western Advertising Representative Da«dMittleman (805) 667-4257 14] KICKSTARTS IVlore New for '05 in-line four across the frame to take Shopper Sales Representative Sarah Meade 16] RIDING AROUND 2004 Honda CBR600F4i on the sportbike . 20] STAYIN' SAFE Danger Gets a Name world. ProductionCoordinator Dawn Cummings Image Editor Robert Peterson National Representatives Spencer Longshore III Scott Crompton; (334) 260-7765 24] ROAD TALES Rider's Block 7 (360) 254-2906 Production Manager Bob Dawson 60] FAVORITE RIDE Autumn in the Rockies PUBLISHIHC CROOP |Mt Ti President Stephen M. Hedlund Executive Vice President Dick Hendricks Sr. Vice President/Production Morris Woolery Vice President/Advertising Steve Schiffinan Vice President/Trade Group Stacey Marmolejo Corporate Circulation Director Kris Donnelly Founder/Chairman Emeritus John A. Ehleit ProductionDirectorBarb Hammer, Production Specialists Brian Filz-Gerald and Gerald Vandiver Creative Director Brett Link, Promotions Desi^er Krista Bauer, Assistant Circulation DirectorJill Anderson. Consumer MarketingManager Kithrvn Knudson, Fullfillment Specialist Gerri Zlonis-Lehmann Executive Assistant Barb Groves EWcrt Publishing Group, Inc, is asubsidiari' ofAffinits' Gronn Inc, Ventura, Califomia 70] MODEL APPAREL Chief Executive Offlcer Michael Schneider Power Cruisers VP/Chief Financial Officer Tom Wolfe horserorer^TiootVf Rider (ISSN 1522-9726) is published monthly by Ehlcn PuWishine Group Inc., 6420 Sycmiore l,a„c N,Suite 100 M i Grova .MN ES.-TSr""«-"'T.ON areligious gathering^ ^^^'^^s Cross-country without a drop of gasoline. add S12 per year, U.S. ftrnds only. POSTMASTER: For address clianges to IL6105J-0551 82] RETROSPECTIVE P.O. Box "1. 551 Ml ^,t Morris, an»^rk subnnitted are a, mailer', risk and mu.st include self-add.« envelope \vithMifliaait posuim,- for rcium assumed forunsolicited materials. Mail Kawasaki KZ1100 GPz Ventura. CA 93001. is aremstered tr^ZZt Group. Inc. Contents copyright ft2004 bv Ehlert unless e^pressb' authori-«d by publisher, •44 • 66 Gear: Teknic Cyclone Jacket \ %' . RTires: GL1800 Gold Wing 4 'NOVEMBER 2004 nder the U5., EDITORIAL: .^11 manuscripts, materials, photoaranhs and 67 Gear: Avon Venom TeohlnfSem'Se?A^.!^. ^ 74] RIDER SHOPPER In. .Ml rights rcsened. Rep^duction inl^Tr Amerfca^s^F^st *"^ The Crocker ^^Superbike www.r?de°epoTc'"'^® Periodicals postage paid at Maple GrlSj, 55311 and additional mailmg olEcea. Annual subscrintion S15.97 pervear intheU.S. Forsubscriptions mailed o, t -.j ? 72] NEW & COOL And you thought hinrv, P' Chairman of the Board Ste^•e Adams 71 ] RIDER CLUB CONNECTION 26] RIDER TEST • Affinity Group Inc. AND ADVERTISER INDEXES .fea^es ' 64] TECH Q&A Fork Over the ATP 68 Gear: agv xr-2 Helmet f •^hlishinij P" « Prohibited [email protected]. call (81.5)^4-128?^'^?'?''?^^ '^""'^1 Mt. Morris, IL61054-0,551. ' P-O. liox551. ^ back ISSUES (S6) and ARncU COPES I Smith Inlbrmation, P.O. Box <1440, DeuvJ lmeiyC&3Bll!^, I.|,-asc >mke',Se^ ' Pnces .ndude shipping. For information ab™^ contao \\nght's Rcprims at(877) <">5:2.5295 ^'-SJ-2385, from Riifer. Printed in U.SJV. Mication Sales .Xgnxw-ni No. 400p-,T> c, .. Mlimty G,t,„p, «0O-2 69 Book Review: Two wheels Through Terror The CoUHCft Au(djt Bureau ""•tJer NOVEMBER 2004 5 Ridden&Rated BMW's 167-HP K1200S Sportbike I Rider Test ft - — ^ na -9 w ♦ 2005 Harley-Davidson V-Rod 2004 Honda Valkyrie Rune vt- jt \ #b;<nnwwp .*.***rtUTo*.*5-DrGrT ^5045 #p50'f5SHW2'f'fPB002# RIDR JANQS PI I'l'l'ilililliinlnlilililliiiiililtliililiililiililiiliillil -OEL SCHWALICH PO B0;< 2^-^ LINDSTRON NN r. V;"' ;• •' •j-'s-' 575
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