2014 - Edmund Rice Camps WA


2014 - Edmund Rice Camps WA
Rice - Our Story
Edmund Rice Camps WA
Annual Report 2014
“Inspired by the spirit of
Edmund Rice and out of a
commitment to justice, we
support kids and families in need.
We also provide young adults
and volunteers with
opportunities for personal growth
and development.”
Edmund Rice - Our Story
Edmund Rice - The Man
Edmund Rice was born in Callan, Ireland in
1762. At seventeen he joined his uncle’s merchant business in Waterford and quickly became a successful business man. In 1787 he
married Mary Elliot. Tragically however, while
heavily pregant in 1789, Mary died and their
child was born premature, with fragile health.
Edmund, together with other family member,s
took on the rol of raising his daughter.
These events came to change Edmund’s
outlook on life. Over the next thirteen years
he became increasingly involved in sha-
ring his time and wealth with the poor and
WA, their spirit still runs strong. Many Chris-
disadvatnaged. In 1802, after leaving his bu-
tian Brothers often pop in to visit our camp
siness, Edmund began educating the street
leaders while they are busy preparing for
kids of Waterford in a stable. Edmund found
a camp, even if it is just to say hello. The
that the boys were coming to school hungry
ERCWA office is constantly buzzing, with
and poorly clothed so he employed a tai-
Brothers Patrick Kelly and Terry Casey visi-
lor and a baker to clothe and feed the boys.
ting regularly to see what is going on in the
By bringing education and more importantly
world of Eddie Rice Camps. As we reflect
hope to the hopeless, Edmund dreamed of
on yet another brilliant year at ERCWA,
breaking the cycle of exclusion and oppres-
we remain grateful for the opportunity to
sion. His efforts were geared towards empowering children so that they might have
call ourselves an Edmund Rice ministry.
faith in themselves, come to know God and
participate in society to their fullest potential. From his efforts and that of his first helpers was founded the Christian Brothers.
The Christian Brothers Today
The Christian Brothers continue the work of Edmund Rice today all around the world. From
Kenya to Sydney, the Brothers are committed to
walking along side the poor and marginalised.
Although the Christian Brothers no longer have
a direct involvement in Edmund Rice Camps
1. Cover Page
2. Mission Statement
3. Edmund Rice and the
Christian Brothers
4. ERCWA Values
5. ERCWA Staff
6. CEO Report
We aim to
embrace our own
ERCWA identity within
the wider national and
international Edmund
Rice Camps context.
We h mote
pro munity,
om n and
ssio g of
com rstandin f
undee ethics o
inju ople.
8. Board Chair Report
10. The Eddie Rice Kids
11. Ancillary Volunteers
12. The Eddie Rice Leaders
14. The Statistics
16. Mini Camps
17. Mega Camps
18. Youth Leadership Program
20. Family Program
21. Eddie on the Road
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22. East African Immersion
23. Events & Fundraising
24. 2015
25. Thank You
26. Corporate Sponsors
27. How You Can Help
28. Finance Report
ERCWA is a unique
community which
values acceptance and
love of everyone,
working together for a
common goal.
We value people
being their true selves
and we believe in the power of
positive personal interactions.
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We strive to
provide an
where all
individuals are
given freedom of
choice, and their
beliefs and rights
are respected.
Kevin Knapp
Chief Executive Officer
“ 2014 – Another year of camps inspired
Chris Dix
Manager Operations
Meg Huitema
“I was lucky enough to go on the East Afri-
Manager Community Engagement
“What a year it has been for our kids
can Immersion! I had the opportunity to
walk alongside some amazing people.
and families in 2014! We can’t wait to
see what 2015 has in store for us all.”
Bella Cicero
Courtney George
Coordinator Volunteers
Senior Coordinator of Remote
Youth Programs
“Camp was probably one of the most
incredible experiences I've ever had.”
Brooke McCamey
Mark Watton
“A year of many challenges & successes.
“Great working alongside so many
So glad to have been part of the aweso-
compassionate people.”
Events & Fundraising Coordinator
Program Support Officer
me Eddie Rice team!”
CEO Report
at our Annual Cocktail Function in
November, an event that Marylin
I would like to start by acknowled-
was instrumental in founding and
ging the countless people (some
that generates tens of thousands of
of whom are sadly no longer with
much needed dollars for us today.
us) who have gone before me
and who established our camps,
made them financially sustainable and built such a strong family
culture around the Edmund Rice
Values. It was with a great deal of
pride that I took part this year in
running Edmund Rice Camps as
it celebrated its 25th Anniversary.
“Our small but highly
dedicated team of
staff have delivered
over 30 programmes
and events throughout Western Australia
again this year.”
My second year as Chief Executive
Officer of Edmund Rice Camps WA
It was with great sadness that we
has been every bit as eventful and
saw the passing of Board Member
fulfilling as the first. I have taken to
and Edmund Rice stalwart Marylin
putting up group photographs of the
Raina this year. Marylin was a true
Mega and Mini camps that I mana-
believer in what we do as an orga-
ge as part of my role up in my office
nization and she worked tirelessly
and I am now surrounded by won-
to raise funds and awareness for
derful affirmations of the work we do
our cause. It was most fitting that a
providing leadership opportunities for
special tribute to Marylin was made
young adults and respite for youth
who are struggling in some way.
With an army of volunteers and
stakeholders supporting us, our small
but highly dedicated team of staff
have delivered over 30 programmes and events throughout Western Australia again this year, rai-
“It was with a great deal
of pride that I took part
this year in running Edmund Rice Camps as it
celebrated its 25th
sed the necessary funds to finance
In Tony Manso Edmund Rice Camps WA
our operations and impacted in
has found an excellent replacement for
a positive way in the lives of hun-
outgoing Chair Bret Mathanda. Tony has
dreds of youth and young people..
a strong connection with the Edmund
Rice values that he brings not only to the
Along with our existing and highly va-
Board Room but also to all of his dea-
lued community partners Bankwest,
lings with staff, volunteers and existing
Garden City (APM Capital) and the
and potential new corporate partners.
Tate Family Foundation, we were
delighted to secure another part-
In short Edmund Rice Camps WA is
ner in Movies by Burswood. More on
in a strong position and with exci-
these partnerships later but suffice
to say that the support both finan-
rewarding and very successful 2014.
cially and in kind from these wonderful organizations provides a so-
Kevin Knapp
lid foundation for our operations
Chief Executive Officer
and ability for us to effectively plan
Edmund Rice Camps WA
and work towards sustainability.
I am delighted to be presenting my first
tion to our organisation through not only
report as Chairman of ERCWA – a position
her generosity, but also by her ability to
I am extremely proud to have been given
raise our profile amongst her networks. Her
the opportunity to hold. My decision to take
enthusiasm and dedication to our orga-
on this role was made with much thought
nisation never diminished and one of my
around what I could offer an organisation
enduring memories was of her attending a
with such a wonderful history but, like many
Board meeting at the height of her illness.
others, facing multiple challenges. Having
She is sadly missed yet her spirit lives on and
committed to better positioning ERCWA in its
provides many of us with the motivation to
capacity to provide camps and contribute
make ERCWA a better organisation than it
to the social impact we make, the achie-
is today.
vements over the past twelve months have
given me confidence that we are fulfilling
This year we say farewell to Brendan Mc-
those ambitions.
Grath, who has completed a two year
term on the Board and steps down at the
“Another great year
to remember.”
Although the past year was filled with many
forthcoming AGM. We wish Brendan well
successes, sadly there was also one very
for his future and thank him for his diligent
somber event which had a profound impact
on us all.. On Saturday 19th July our dear
friend and fellow board member, Marylin
Financially we continue to set ambitious
Raina passed away after a long battle with
targets. Due to the faltering economic cli-
illness. Marylin made an enormous contribu-
mate we fell short of our 2014 revenue tar-
Board Chair Report
gets. However, through the prudent financial management of expenses, we were
still able to achieve a healthy surplus for the
year. Most importantly, this was achieved
strategic focus initiatives, I can confi-
board member and Chair. In his eight years as a
without having to cut back on activities.
dently say that we have or will meet the
board member, six of those as Chair, Brett lead
The 2014 result has built on our balance
benchmarks set in almost every aspect
with diligence and enthusiasm. His contribu-
sheet position from the previous year and
of our strategic plan, with our employees
tion certainly allowed him to leave ERCWA in a
provides us with a financial buffer should
largely responsible for such a positive
better state than when he arrived, which is the
the business environment and sponsors-
barometer upon which all Chair’s would want
hip base erode during the forthcoming
twelve months.
to be judged.
To Kevin, Meg, Chris, Courtney, Brooke,
Bella and Mark, on behalf of the Board
On behalf of ERCWA I wish Brett and his family
I have had the privilege of meeting a
and wider ERCWA Community, thank
well for a prosperous, heathy and safe future.
number of volunteers during my time at
you for your dedication and achieve-
ERCWA and am always astounded by
ments in what has been a fulfilling year.
their tireless contributions. I thank and
I would like to take this opportunity to
congratulate you all on a job well done
acknowledge the fabulous support I
and trust that your enthusiasm to stay
receive in my role as Chair from my fe-
involved has not diminished.
llow board members, who are all highly
Tony Manso
professional, capable and committed.
Our employees, lead superbly by our
Thank you for your extraordinary contri-
CEO Kevin Knapp, continue to be the
bution to ERCWA’s direction and succes-
catalysts behind many ERCWA achie-
ses over the last twelve months.
vements. Few could understand or appreciate the challenging environment
In concluding, I would like to offer my
that our employees work in and the day
congratulations to my predecessor Chair,
to day issues they deal with. Having set
Brett Mathanda, for his immense contri-
KPI’s to measure the performance of our
bution to our organization as a volunteer,
The Eddie Rice Kids
By the ‘right kind of referral,’ we don’t mean
children with black hair and blue eyes, or In 2014, the following referral agencies refechildren who come from a specific type of si- rred children to Edmund Rice Camps WA;
tuation; however there are a number of eli- • Child Protection and Family Support
gibility criteria and a process that ERC uses • Disability Services Commission
to identify kids in need. The need to streamli- •
Anglicare WA
ne this process has encouraged ERC WA to •
Yorganop WA
step back and look at the referral process in •
WA Primary Schools
2013; with a view to implement a number of •
strategies in 2014. These strategies include; •
The Smith Family
young adult volunteers are willing to get up at 6am
• A ‘Kids’ Advisory Group; a group or com- •
mittee that can provide knowledge and Edmund Rice Camps WA supports chilsupport to the Community Engagement
on a camp program to go fishing with sausage bait,
the reason we hang on to lost property for months at
the referral process and everything to do
a time, the reason our ancillary volunteers use their
with the kids of Edmund Rice Camps WA;
holidays to cook meals and drive buses is for the kids.
• A Referral Information Event; an event
Edmund Rice Camps WA is for kids. The reason our
held for referral agents to provide informaEvery single action undertaken by an Edmund
tion on the eligibility criteria and process
Rice Camps WA staff member or volunteer is for
of referrals for Edmund Rice Camps WA;
the purpose of benefiting the kids on our pro-
grams. As a result, it is important for ERC WA
se to make sure that the children who
to look at where the kids are being referred
are interested in receiving fliers and pro-
from and encourage the right kind of referral.
gram information are actually receiving it;
• Implementing an online system of files to make
referral documents accessible via the server.
dren aged 7-16years and their families
who are living at a state of disadvantage.
The Ancillary Volunteers
collective needs of our children and lea-
teer was historically as a member
ders. Ancillary volunteer support is beyond
invaluable and is a crucial part of ERCWA
growth as a not for profit organisation. It is
great to see the Eddie Rice spirit shining bright
amongst all our supporters. As they say…
Once an Eddie Ricer, always an Eddie Ricer.
parts of the Eddie Rice community their roles have combined and
Each year, ERCWA aims to welcome new an-
expanded into areas such as fun-
cillary volunteers on board. However, with a
growing number of programs, the demand for
ancillary volunteers is forever increasing. ER-
CWA looks forward to expanding the number
of ancillary volunteer opportunities in 2015.
develop to a size that meets the
In 2014, ERCWA inducted 27 new
ancillary volunteers to its database.
The number of volunteer
opportunities made available to anciliary volunteers
in 2014.
The Eddie Rice Leaders
Zoya Yukhnevich
“The Kid’s Christmas Party is one Eddie event
no one wants to miss. I love seeing all the families come together in that true Eddie style and
watch all the laughter and smiles on everyone’s
faces. The day brings about such a sense of
Anthony Maher
“2014 was an amazing year filled with good times, good people and good memories. In particular, we delivered bigger and better Eddie on
the Road programs than ever before, providing
fun whilst building positive relationships all over
the ERCWA Volunteer Camp Leaders. All
programs were filled to capacity due to
the high energy, passion and enthusiasm
displayed by the young people who facilitate and our deliver the Eddie Rice magic.
The role of an Eddie Rice leader is more
than just purely recreation. The leaders
act as a mentor, friend and role model
to the Eddie Rice children, while assisting with the facilitation and delivery of
the camp program. For every child atten-
ding a program, there is a camp leader.
Callum George
The Volunteer Committee first gathered in
“My favourite Eddie Rice event each year is the
Great Escape Family Day. The kids always have
so much fun and it’s great for all the camp leaders to meet and interact with the parents as
well as the kids. Can’t wait to put on my orange
rashie and do it all again in 2015!”
2014 began with a burst of enthusiasm from
February, to outline a series of goals and
objectives for the year ahead. They shared
ideas for new programs and processes and
provided some much needed feedback on
behalf of the other volunteer leaders. In pre-
paration for our July Camp Sign Up Night
leadership opportunities for young Aborigi-
event, the committee filmed and edited
nal people. ERCWA looks forward to deli-
a small video for promotional purposes.
vering on these goals in the years to come.
Historically, the July Camp program has
As always, ERCWA is astounded by the le-
been difficult to fill in terms of camp
vel of commitment it recieves from its vo-
leaders. It is a difficult time of year, with
lunteer camp leaders. 2014 was no excep-
many young people travelling over-
tion. Anthony Maher and Clare Bradshaw
were awarded the very prestigious “Volun-
2014 however, saw the July Camp
teer of the Year Awards,” in recognition of
program met with great enthusiasm.
their hard work over the year. Both Clare
All spots were filled and the Sign Up
and Anthony have been extremley dedi-
Night Event displayed record numbers.
cated to ERCWA over the past few years,
particularly in regards to the Eddie on the
The completion of the new strategic plan
Road program. ERCWA is extremley grate-
in early 2014, allowed ERCWA to some set
ful for their contribution, as well as their role
new goals for its camp leader’s Among
modelling for other young camp leaders.
these, was the decision to focus on leader
recruitment outside of Christian Brother
ERCWA would like to thank its incredi-
Schools. This would mean that volunteer
ble camp leaders for their efforts in 2014.
and formation opportunities can be offe-
The energy that they bring to our organi-
red to more young people, across the
sation is inspiring and is what makes ER-
metropolitan area. Another focus point in
CWA so special. We look forward to a
the strategic plan looks at providing more
fun-filled, loud and crazy year in 2015!
The Statistics
Although we can tell by the
smiles, happiness and laughter
on our programs that ERCWA
makes a positive difference
in the lives of disadvantaged
children; it is important for us
to find concrete evidence to
back this up. If you ever attend
an ERCWA program, it is instantly obvious to you that our
(11-12yrs), Early Teens (13-14yrs)
space for growth and development. This page is dedicated
to providing examples of feedback from people involved
with this organisation in 2014.
As the two pie graphs demonstrate, the figures have not changed
considerably over the years 2013
to 2014. However, there have
been increases in all categories,
except for the Late Teens Group
which has remained the same.
volunteers and kids create a
safe, happy and encouraging
In 2014, a Referral Agent Information Session was held in February
to further engage those referring
children to ERCWA. The event
was a success, with represenati-
After adding the 2014 referrals to
ves from the Department of Child
the database, it can be clearly
Protection and Family Support,
seen (as per the graph below,
WANSLEA and the Department
that there are 14% more boys
for Indigenous affairs, attending.
than girls in the referral database.
Chart Title
ERCWA allocates children to
camps based on their ages.
The four age groups are: Younger Kids (8-10yrs), Middle Kids
All ERCWA camp leaders are required to undergo two training
units in order to be registered
on the ERCWA database. Statistics relating to newly inducted
camp leaders are as follows:
“ERC is a little
paradise in the
lives of many.”
Jessica Kenny, ERCWA
Referral Agent
ERCWA aims to provide a 1:1 ratio
of camp leaders to children across
all its programs. This ensures that
every child receives the attention that they need and deserve
and that challenging behaviours
can be managed appropriately.
The figures for 2013 and 2014
Each year, recruitment talks
ty of schools around Per-
As reported in the 2013 ERCWA
Annual Report, the Oceania
th, to provide opportunities
Province introduced a new
for young adults to beco-
training module in Foundatio-
me ERCWA camp leaders.
nal Child Protection Reporting.
Between October 2013 and
Historically, most of these pre-
December 2014, 275 ERCWA
sentations are held at Catho-
volunteers underwent this
lic schools. However, the 2014
ERCWA Strategic Plan aims
to target schools outside the
Catholic Education System.
The graph below provides
training. ERCWA has the most
volunteers trained in this module across all Edmund Rice
ministries. In 2015, ERCWA will
have 100% of all camp volun-
a breakdown of the diffe-
teers having completed this
rent schools that provide the
basis of our leader group.As
Aquinas College
Chisolm Catholic College
Iona Presentation College
La Salle College
Mercedes College
Santa Maria College
*Family Days statistics include both
children and their families.
Trinity College
Mini Camps
Lasting impacts from our camp experiences can only be
realised through regular and repeat opportunities for both
kids and leaders. We therefore run a number of mini camps
throughout the year to complement our Mega Camps.
Mini Camps are shorter than Mega Camps to accommodate volunteers’ and kids’ availability outside of the school holidays. The camps are typica-
Fun Fests
Throughout the year Edmund Rice Camps WA run a number of one day activity days known as ‘Funfests’. These ‘Funfests’ are just one of the ways we can
continue to provide our support and service to as many participants as possible
lly held over a weekend, starting on a Friday night.
The Mini Camp experience is much the same as a
Mega Camp program: there are usually jelly and
water battles, yummy home-cooked food, and a
contracted activity like water rafting, abseiling etc.
and they are designed to give the children an idea of what to expect and to
All of our ERCWA activities are based on a 1:1 vo-
introduce the values and structure of camps. Sometimes the dates of the Mega
lunteer to child ratio to ensure quality mento-
Camp season might not suit a family due to work and other commitments. The
ring for every child and at all times during camp.
Fun Fest programs are fantastic for busy families and volunteers who can only set
aside one day at a time. Whatever the situation, we love these days because
In 2014, ERCWA held five mini camps, one of which was
we get to have a tonne of fun and hang out with some of the Eddie Rice com-
a Family Camp with twice the amount of leaders and
munity. This year we visited the awesome Bounce, Scitech, Volleyball WA and
participants. Activities included the Flying Fox, Zorb Balls,
cooked up a storm at the annual ‘MasterFest’ held at Iona Presentation College.
Rafting and playing with the animals from the Petting Zoo!
Mega Camps
ERCWA’s signature program is the
Mega Camp, a six day residential
program where 25 children are joined with and supported by 25 young
volunteer leaders. In 2014 we offered ten Mega Camps, six over the
known to our members as the ‘Summer camps’ and four in the July school
holidays known as our ‘Winter camps’.
Each child on a Mega Camp is immersed in four days of fun-filled games and
activities that build self-confidence,
self-esteem and a sense of self-worth.
Memories of Edmund Rice
Camps 25 years ago
The Back to Binningup Camp January 2014 marked the 25th anniversary of the first Edmund Rice
Camp to be held in this location. An invitation was
extended to Br Terry Casey and Richard Mavros
to attend the final night’s celebration, dinner and
concert. I was greeted by one of the participants
who was curious to find out where Edmund Rice
was. He hadn’t met him yet. When I explained
that Edmund died many years ago but that his
work continued today he was still not satisfied. “But
where is he today?” he asked. I looked around to
see a bunch of leaders interacting with kids, dealing with their problems, playing and doing things
together, and it hit me. “Just look around you” I
replied. “See all these wonderful people doing all
the things which Edmund would have done for
the kids in Ireland himself. That’s where Edmund is
now!” His eyes lit up with sudden inspiration. “Oh
yes, I get it!” was his response. Satisfied now, he
re-joined his companions, offering to help me with
any assistance I might need. I felt a kinship with
Edmund Rice in this memorable encounter myself.
I sat at an outside table, decorated with balloons
and streamers as dinner was served and chatted
with volunteers and kids alike. How many times had
I done this before? Tables cleared, the venue was
made ready for the concert just as it had always
been done. With a makeshift but cleverly designed
stage and curtains constructed with sheets and
washing line, one by one the various items were performed as leaders assisted the kids to perform their
acts and receive the generous applause. Richard
and I tiptoed away to sit in the car and enjoy from a
distance the joyous laughter, excitement and happiness radiating from that special gathering. I remembered a scene for an Irish play which showed
Edmund teaching the dance to children, then passing it on to his helpers, the first Brothers, then as the
dance was passed on once more by them, he realized his work was done as he discreetly withdrew
from the stage. Richard and I smiled and said to
each other “ Yes, I think they’ve got it right!”
Br. Terry Casey
Youth Leadership Program
This year’s Youth Leadership Program
saw five Late Teens go on a great
adventure to Dwellingup to develop
and improve their leadership abilities. The program is designed to give
the participants the opportunity to
showcase their ability to lead a group
the leaders too. The group were lucky enough to be given the chance
to use Nanga Bush camps rock climbing and abseiling facilities. There
were definitely a few worried faces
at the thought of abseiling down
and to overcome great challenges.
the 10 and 18 meter abseiling tower.
The difference between the Youth
dership skills assisted them to over-
Leadership Program and other camp
programs is that the Late Teens find
themselves taking on leadership roles with the assistance of the ERCWA
camp leaders. In 2014 this involved
running activities, collecting firewood,
lighting the bonfire, engaging in reflective practices, cooking their own food
and cleaning up too. This all contributed to the formation of a very tight
knit group who were there to support
challenges for the Late Teens and
However, the teens new found leacame their worries as a team and
supported each other until every
member(both Teens and Leaders)
had achieved the goal in front of them.
enough to do the 18 meter abseil.
After facing that challenge the Teens
developed a thirst for the more challenging activities. The group split into
two teams and built their own shel-
one another throughout the journey.
ters in the bush land at Camp Kelly.
The program definitely provided some
of the team underneath, be weather
The shelter had to fit every member
proof, sturdy and be made without harming
the environment. The Teens were in their element. They took charge and built two of the
greatest shelters Dwellingup has ever seen.
The night solo activity was a challenge of a different form. It involves seeing the Teens reflect
on their experience and their understanding of
what it means to be an ERCWA camp leader.
By the end of the program the Teens went
away with the confidence in their ability
ges and the feeling that they were ready to
“The difference between the Youth Leadership Program and other camp programs is that the Late
Teens find themselves taking on leadership roles
with the assistance of the ERCWA camp leaders.”
take on the role of a camp leader in 2015.
ERCWA would like to thank Trinity College for
the use of Camp Kelly as this program would
not have been possible without their support.
Pia Novacsek,
Volunteer Leader & Camp Coordinator
Family Program
better to way to encourage love and hap-
In 2013, the staff found that the Aquinas oval
piness than to have the whole family attend.
offered limited shade and a few issues in the
rces from the sheds and offices at Westcourt
This event is HUGELY EXCITING for our families
and volunteers! The volunteers are known to
scramble for one of only thirty places on this
program. 210 family members attended the
program in March 2014. There was a great
deal of laughing, hollering, bouncing, eating,
sliding, smiling and racing that took place
way of access to water. Electricity and resouwere easier to access. Thanks to the Christian Brothers approval, the use of Westcourt
created a number of new shady locations for families to spread out their picnic
blankets, kids to run amok between the craft tents and the water slides and volunteers
to cook BBQs and take photos with Santa.
on the day. Everyone had an amazing time.
Over 150 gifts were dispersed among the
Camps WA are of the utmost importance.
to St John of God Murdoch for the dona-
They provide our kids with an opportunity
In 2014 Sticky Rice took on a new form as
to spend time with their parents or carers
the event evolved from its initial location
outside the home environment; in a place
at Aquinas College oval to the shady pic-
where they can relax and enjoy themsel-
turesque grounds of Westcourt, Salter Point.
ves without having to worry about coo-
What better way to solve a number
king, cleaning and scheduling their own
of issues associated with the event in
activities. Family programs respect that the
2013 than to host the event just outsi-
children need to return to their own home
de the HQ on the river at Salter Point.
The Family programs at Edmund Rice
after the program, and what
children from Santa, with a special thanks
tions. A number of scooters were also distributed in a raffle style allocation. Due to
the success and high rates of attendance
of the event in 2014 and in previous years,
ERCWA will host this event again in 2015.
In 2014, 25 family members and 25 volunteers (and a camp team) took their ruck
sacks and pillows to the Waroona
boarding house approximately one
hour south of Perth. This camp in
2014 took on a new flavour, being
the size and style of a mega camp,
however run over a weekend. It
is the first time this program had
been run in this manner, and what
Eddie on the Road
2014 was a huge year for the Eddie on the Road
Program (EOTR). While our metropolitan based
programs have been extremley successful, the call
for rural and remote programs is growing. Thanks
to a number of sponsors including Bankwest, Lotterywest, Impact100 WA, The Tate Family Foun-
a success it was. Bringing smiles and
dation and Westpac, ERCWA was able to acqui-
laughter to the faces of all involved,
re a new vehicle, trailer and other resources for
and rest and relaxation to the ama-
EOTR in 2014. This enabled the program to extend
zing parents and carers of the many
right up to the Pilbara, with ERCWA setting its
children we provide programs for.
sights on the Kimberley within the next few years.
Due to the success and enjoyment received from this program
in 2014, ERCWA will not hesitate to
provide the program again in 2015.
Return visits were made to Yalgoo, Meekatharra
and Leonora in 2014. The return visits are what en-
na embraced this idea and travelled all the way
from Mount Magnet to attend a July Camp. Winona developed her confidence throughout the
camp and set a great example for all of the kids.
ERCWA looks forward to expanding the EOTR
sure a long term impact is made by the program.
However, in the interest of allowing EOTR to grow,
ERCWA connected with two new communities in
2014, Port Hedland and Onslow. Plans are in place
for return visits to all of these communities in 2015.
Perhaps the biggest success of 2014 was “Winona.” Winona Simpson was a participant on
the EOTR program between 2011 and in 2013.
In 2014, ERCWA offered her the opportunity to
take on a camp leader role, here in Perth. Wino-
with six ‘Immersibles’ and manager Chris Dix. ties to a number of mothers and their children.
The immersion was spent split between time In Nairobi the immersion team spent time
in Arusha, Tanzania and Nairobi in Kenya running an Edmund Rice Camp, an endeawhere we spent time in different Non Gover- vour that would not have been possible
ment Organisations placements and helped without the support of Brother Peter Cole
run Edmund Rice Camps in both Arusha and and the Karibu leaders. Placements in Nairobi
Nairobi. In Arusha, immersion participants were included two primary schools situated in the
divided into three pairs with each spending time Kibera Slums and The Mary Rice Centre, an orat a different placement. The first of which was ganization for disabled children living in Kibera.
the Emusoi Centre for Pastoralist Girls, a school
for Maasai girls. We heard many stories of the The Edmund Rice immersions are unique in
Most of life consists of occasions where our
thoughts influence the way we see things but
it is very rare to have an experience where
what we see can influence the way we think.
That is what the East African Immersion provides. I was fortunate enough to be invited to
fulfil the role of coach on the 2014 immersion
following my participation in 2012. As my second immersion it offered a mix of familiarity
and joy at being able to share the experience
great lengths mothers had gone to ensure their that they combine considerable preparation
daughters could access schooling often endu- and ongoing reflection to ensure that the exring reprisal when returning to their Maasai tri- perience is as formative as it could possibly
bes. The second placement was at Children be. Every day spent witnessing undeniable
of the Street Welfare Association (CHISWEA), poverty is met with an opportunity to see the
an organization that provides accommoda- power that an individual can have in chantion to street children and an escape from ging the lives of so many, many people. It
the risks that often accompany homelessness. was an absolute privilege to be a part of the
The third placement was at Food Water Shelter 2014 East African Immersion, and you can
(FWS), a sustainable and eco-friendly village trust me on that, because the word ‘priviproviding education, social and health facili- lege’ holds a lotmore weight for me these
The East African Immersion
Events & Fundraising
The four main fundraising events in 2014
Volunteer of the Year Award recipients.
were the Quiz Night, the Bankwest Sunset at Salter Point, City to Surf and
The City to Surf (C2S) saw a large num-
ber of ERCWA volunteers, staff and
supporters running their hearts out to
The Quiz Night was a huge success due to
ERCWA hosting the largest number of peo-
non O’Connor raised more than $1000
ple it has ever held at this event. Perhaps
for ERCWA, by running the 12km event.
the biggest contributor to the success of
the event however, was the support offe-
2014 was ERCWA’s second year of invol-
red by the Bankwest staff. A team of 6
vement with the McDonalds Movies by
Bankwest staff set up the Aquinas College
Burswood (MMBB). Thanks to the won-
hall and assisted with administration work on
derful movie volunteers, ERCWA was
the day. ERCWA looks forward to working
able to raise a large amount of money
with such a wonderful team again in 2015.
for its programs as demonstrated below.
“Black, White and Silver” was the theme of the
2014 Bankwest Sunset at Salter Point (BSASP).
Stunning white lanterns lit up the grass outside the Westcourt offices as guests enjoyed
an evening overlooking the Canning River.
The night kicked off with an outstanding
performance from the band, King’s Justice
followed by the announcement of the 2014
We are an organisation that has ba-
Mega Camps. With over 250 lea-
sed its operations on Edmund Rice,
ders and kids involved, this is by far
a man with a vision, drive and com-
the biggest camp fest we run. It will
mitment to overcome adversity, a
take on a special flavour next year
man who actively sought challenges
with kids from Yalgoo and Mee-
and then engaged others to find solu-
katharra coming together to share
tions to those challenges. This “Presen-
a camp experience at Camp Kelly.
ce” will enable us to deliver successfully on most if not all of the following.
Edmund Rice Camps will run its first
New Team of Staff
Corporate Golf Day in February 2015.
2015 will start with a new team at ER-
This event has the potential to raise
CWA. With Bella Cicero, Mark Watton
not only much needed funds, but
and Brooke McCamey finishing up this
also awareness and interest for ER-
year we will be employing a new Coor-
CWA. With The Royal Perth Golf Cour-
dinator Fundraising and Events and new
se secured as the venue and John
Coordinator Volunteer Leader Services.
Hughes as guest speaker, the event
already has a status to be proud of.
New Board Members
With the sad passing of Marylin Raina
Bankwest Partnership
and having left her position on the Board
We have been invited to reapply for
vacant for a few months in recognition
a National Community Partnership
of her wonderful contribution, it will now
with Bankwest. We have been very
be time to source a worthy replacement.
proud and grateful recipients of an
The search will be for a person who can
existing three year partnership. We
build on the legacy Marylin left behind.
will be on a short list for Bankwest
staff to vote for ERCWA to be in-
January Mega Camps
volved again in March and will be
In January 2015 we will be running 5
informed of the outcome in June.
East African Immersion 2016
The East African Immersion will see a
group of leaders head to East Africa
early in 2016. The group will work with
local leaders and learn all about local people and customs. Planning
will get underway next year with
formation, reflection as well as fundraising being central to the success of the immersion experience.
Thank You
Edmund Rice Camps WA relies on the generosity of community to exist. It is due to the kindness of individuals, businesses and community groups that we are able to continue
to provide support to kids, young people and their families.
We would like to thank and acknolwedge the support of everyo-
ne involved in Edmund Rice Camps in 2014. Without the compas-
The Edmund Rice Ministry Accredi-
sion, enthusiasm and committment demonstrated by the many
tation process will take place next
volunteers, ERCWA would not exist. The volunteering side of things
year with ERC as well as all other
goes well beyond our camp leaders and ancillary volunteers. Va-
Edmund Rice Ministries to be engaged in a review of their operations, processes, procedures and
programs. The purpose of the review is to identify and celebrate
the connectedness of these operations to the Edmund Rice Charism and Values. In other words the
accreditation process aims to re-
rious different groups of volunteers spend late nights in the office,
attend early morning meetings and spend hours preparing and
planning for our services. We cannot thank our volunteers enough.
ERCWA also wishes to extend its thanks to the many donors, sponsors and supporters who generously provide financial resources
for our program delivery. A huge thank you must also be extended to Bankwest for their large contribution to our organisation.
cognise and assist ministries where
necessary to be authentic expres-
And finally, very special thanks to our Founding Partner, The
sions of the Edmund Rice Charism.
Christian Brothers of the Oceania Province. Your continued
support is what keeps the Edmund Rice spirit alive at ERCWA.
Corporate Sponsors
ERCWA is an organisation like
The Christian Brothers Oceania
events. Scores of our 250 regis-
the at risk children and young
many other small not for profits,
Province and the Edmund Rice
tered volunteer leaders come
volunteers that we support.
that relies heavily on the generous
Foundation Australia provide in-
from these schools and from
support of corporate sponsors, do-
valuable financial support for Ed-
a number of sister colleges.
Of course special mention is re-
nors and funding partners. What
mund Rice Camps WA and a sig-
We are particularly indebted
served for Bankwest, who once
we have come to appreciate
nificant level of in kind contribution
to Aquinas and Trinity Colle-
again went well over and abo-
over the years is that these spon-
in the form of skilled advisors and
ge for the use of their buses
ve its level of agreed commu-
sors are much more than providers
most importantly in the form of
and the Dwellingup camp site.
nity funding support. Over the
of dollars. They are community
Formation for staff and volunteers.
Garden City Booragoon (AMP
partners that genuinely work with
ERCWA benefits from the CB Pro-
three years of our first commu-
us to make our programs happen.
vince commitment to commit-
Capital) McDonald’s Commu-
nity partnership with the bank,
In all cases the cash amounts are
ting its own resources to assisting
nity Cinema’s, the Tate Family
over 1000 hours of voluntee-
complemented by in kind support
ministries achieve business best
Foundation and Saint John of
ring have been donated to us
in the form of volunteering, pro-
practice. It was through the sup-
God Murdoch are exciting new
as well as equipment, event
vision of skilled professional advi-
port of the Province that ERCWA
and/or existing community part-
sponsorship and cash raised
ce, office equipment, buses, ve-
on behalf of the ministry network
ners that have committed to on-
by staff through the Bankwest
nues for camps and much more.
was successful receiving an award
going support for the work that
Foundation Fundraisers. We
we do. All three organisations
hope to successfully apply for
are managed by highly dedi-
and secure a second com-
cated and compassionate staff
munity partnership with the
and/or volunteers who really un-
bank early in the New Year.
from Constable Care for Child ProOur corporate partners and spon-
tection and Reporting this year.
sors are committed to helping us
because like us they believe stron-
As well as raising funds for camps,
gly in our values, mission and our ex-
our CB schools continue to provi-
derstand the importance of sus-
Over many years Edmund
pression through what we do of the
de many of the venues and bu-
tained support in order to make
Rice Camps has been suc-
Edmund Rice values and charism.
ses for our camp programs and
lasting differences in the lives of
cessful in securing funding
in the form of grants from Lot-
How Can You Help?
There are a variety of ways to get
terywest. This year was no different
involved at ERCWA. Contact de-
and thanks to Lotterywest we were
tails for making the most of the-
able to purchase a new four wheel
drive vehicle to facilitate the ex-
on the ERCWA website, www.
pansion of our Eddie on the Road
program and the safe transport of
the leaders who run that program.
ERCWA is a Deductable Gift Re-
The Good Guys O’Connor, Richard
cipient which allows individuals
Noble, M Residential, and many
more community minded organi-
donations, to claim it as a tax
sations (some who prefer to remain
anonymous) have helped deliver
another great year with camps.
Thank you all so much for your support and rest assured there are many
happy kids out there thanks to you!
tions are welcome by ERCWA.
By registering your interest in ERCWA
events via the website, you will be
invited to our annual Quiz Night and
2015 Ball. Your attendance at these events is greatly appreciated.
Edmund Rice Camps
Supporters & Partnerships
2014 has been a tighter year financially for
challenge for the organization as well as generating the
Edmund Rice Camps WA compared to
necessary income streams to cover costs and maintain
2013. Despite this increasing headwind Ed-
the necessary levels of reserves. Bankwest and the Chris-
mund Rice Camps WA managed to deliver
tian Brothers Province continue to provide invaluable
on its increased number of planned pro-
levels of sponsorship and donations as well as the addi-
grams and generated a moderate net sur-
tion last year of Major new partners in The Tate Family
plus at year end. Full details can be viewed
Foundation, Garden City and Movies by Burswood on
in the 2014 Special Purpose Accounts, co-
top of the many other corporates and schools assisting
pies of which will be made available on
in generating funds.
As a community based organization, we will continue to
During the course of the year the Audit and
provide the valuable services needed during 2015, en-
Finance Committee built on the improved
gage with the community on a number of levels to raise
financial reporting disciplines established in
the funds needed for these programs, whilst extending
2013 with an increased focus on end of year
our program reach and focus on improving ERCWA’s
impacts and improving the 2015 budgeting
financial performance.
process. Detailed monthly variance reports
include greater visibility of full year forecast
The Audit and Finance Committee will continue to
to assist with enhance decision making.
improve internal controls to ensure the organization
operates to best practice and mitigates financial risks
Maintaining levels of service while keeping
to enabling the organization to drive sustainable and
costs down remains a particular focus and
effective operations.
Finance Report