PERTAMINA GREEN PRODUCTS Agustina Eliyanti Rusdi Erwin Research & Laboratorium Technology Process Services Processing Directorate Processing Directorate [email protected] Asian Petroleum Technology Symposium in Cebu Philippines, January 29-31, 2008 Perusahaan Minyak & Gas Nasional Presentation Outline I. II. III. IV. Current Issue background National Energy policy Pertamina policy Pertamina green product for Fuel and Alternative Fuel V. Pertamina green product for Non Fuel VI. Conclusion I. CURRENT ISSUE BACKGROWN Source : Asian Petroleum Technology Symposium, 2005 II. NATIONAL ENERGY POLICY PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 5 YEAR 2006 ENERGI MIX GOAL 2025 Hydro Power, 3.11% National (Primary) Energy Mix Geothermal, 1.32% Natural Gas, 28.57% Oil 51.66% Coal, 15.34% National (Primary) Energy Mix of 2025 (BaU Scenario) Energy Mix Year 2025 National Energy Mix 2025 (Perpres No. 5/2006) (Presidential Decree Scenario) Power Plant, 1.9% Mini/micro Hydro Power Plant, 0.1% Geothermal, 1.1% Oil, 20% Gas, 20.6% Gas, 30% RE,17% OPTIMIZING ENERGY MANAGEMENT Oil, 41.7% Coal 34.6% 4 Biofuel, 5% Geothermal, 5% Biomass, Nuclear, Hydro Solar Energy, Wind Power, 5% Coal , 33% Coal Liquefaction 2% ASEAN COUNTRY EMISSION AND FUEL SCHEDULE 9th APEC Automotive Dialogue, Australia, 17-19 April 2007 5 Always There Road Map Clean Fuel Indonesia Petrol Light Duty and Diesel light Duty (GVW<3.5 ton ; Category : M1 Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Enforce to New Model Enforce to Existing Model Idle (Euro-4) (Euro-2) Idle (Euro-2) (Euro-4) Diesel Heavy Duty (GVW>3.5 ton ; Category : M2,M3,N2,N3,O3, & O4) Year 2003 Enforce to New Model Idle Enforce to Existing Model 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 (Euro-2) (Euro-2) Idle 6 Always There III. PERTAMINA POLICY BACKGROWN Support government Regulation: Ratified Kyoto, Montreal Environment : Earth Climate :Ozone Depletion Global Warming/atmospheric pollution Overcome energy and resource shortage Reduction in oil import, subsidy Improvement Efficiency Non-Fossil/alternative Fuel Value added: Employee, Customer, Share Holder, Public Energy Security Continuous development / improvement and production : -Fuel Business Atm. Pollution Reduction :Cleaner & Quality Fuels -Non Fuel Business Envi. (Non-ODS, Non-GWP) products THESE FACTORS HAD DRIVEN PERTAMINA TO TAKE ITS ROLE IN THE BLUE SKY PROGRAM Pollution Sources Other sources 30% 70% Vehicle Vehicle Growth 6,000 +58% PERTAMINA Need to Improve Better Quality Energy in Indonesia for Better Life 4,000 2,000 Jakarta in figure Estimated Data 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 8 Always There PERTAMINA’S IN DEVELOPING CLEAN ENERGY FOR TRANSPORTATON FUELS HAD BEEN A LONG JOURNEY & COMMITTED TO CONTINUE DOWN THE ROAD Biofuel: BioPremium, BioSolar Euro-2 Gasoline, Diesel* 2 CNG : BBG 2001 2002 TEL content 1 In 2002, UL gasolines supply are extended for Depok, Bali, Batam and Cirebon. 1990 Biofuel: BioPertamax Solar-48 0 2004 Jun-06 Gradually from 2004 till June 2006, the TEL content in Premium-88 was reduced from 1.8 to 0.3 cc/USG. 2003 2004 Unleaded Gasolines : UL Premium-88, UL Premix-92 (later changed as Pertamax-92), UL Super TT-98 (later changed as Pertamax Plus-95) are supplied from Balongan Refinery since 2001 for Jakarta & surrounding cities. 2005 PERTAMINA stopped producing leaded Gasoline 2006 2007 In Aug 2005, a 52 MBSD Balongan Blue Sky Project was commissioned, and imported HOMC volume is significantly reduced. This project was proposed to the Government since February 1996. 1996 9 2008 Euro-4 Gasoline 2012 LPG : V-Gas *Note : Perta-Dex Always There IV. PERTAMINA GREEN PRODUCTS, FUELS Critical parameter Properties of Pertamina Green products for gasoline Parameter Premium Unleaded Pertamax, Pertamax Plus Current Quality Future Plan, 2012 Reference Properties according to Indonesia Government. (Current Spec. for Unleaded Gasoline) Euro2 AAF1 Euro-4 ON, Min 88 91/95 91/95 91/95/98 Pb, g/l,max 0.013 none 0.013 0.013 ND ND Oksigen, max %wt 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 Benzene, Max, %vol - 5 5 5 1 1 Aromatics,Max - 50/40 - - 35 35 Olefins,Max - * - - 18 18 Sulfur, max ppm 500 500 500 500 50 50 T-50, 0C 88-125 77-110 - 75-110 - 75-105 RVP, max Kpa 62 45-60 70 65 60 60 AAF-4, April 2007 91/95/98 *If olefins > 20 %, oxidation stability min 1000 minutes Pertamina product Spec. refer to country spec. 10 Always There Critical parameter Properties of Pertamina Green products for Diesel Parameter Solar-48 Pertamina Dex Properties according to Indonesia Government. (Current Spec. for Diesel) Current Reference Future Plan, for light duty vehicles Euro-2 AAF-1 Euro-3 Euro-4 AAF-4, April 2007 Cetane Number, min 48 51 49 50 51 51 51 Sulfur, max ppm 3500 500 500 500 350 50 50 Poly Aromatics, Max, % vol - - - - 11 11.0 11 Density @ 150C,kg/m3 815-870 820-860 820-860 820-860 845 max 820-845 820-845 360 360 360 T90,0C,max T95,0C,max 340* 370 360* 360 370 * T 90 or T 95 Pertamina product Spec. refer to country spec. 11 Always There Environment : Euro-2 Gasoline Fuel Availability. CITIES, WHERE ARE AVAILABLE.ULG PREMIUM, ULG PERTAMAX AND ULG PERTAMAX PLUS. ACEH CITIES, WHERE IS ONLY AVAILABLE UNLEADED PREMIUM. MEDAN PEKANBARU BATAM MENADO SAMARINDA PADANG JAMBI PALEMBANG BENGKULU LAMPUNG BANDUNG PONTIANAK SORONG PALU PALANGKARAYA KENDARI BANJARMASIN JAKARTA SEMARANG UJUNGPANDANG SURABAYA YOGYAKARTA AMBON BALI LOMBOK MERAUKE KUPANG Environment : Euro-2 Diesel Fuel Availability. CITIES, WHERE SULFUR CONTENT ARE LESS THAN 3500 PPM. CITIES, WHERESULFUR CONTENT ARE LESS THAN 500 PPM. ACEH MEDAN PEKANBARU PADANG JAKARTA BATAM MENADO SAMARINDA JAMBI PONTIANAK PALU PALEMBANG BENGKULU SORONG PALANGKARAYA KENDARI BANJARMASIN LAMPUNG AMBON SEMARANG BANDUNG UJUNGPANDANG SURABAYA YOGYAKARTA BALI LOMBOK MERAUKE KUPANG MAIN PURPOSED IMPLEMENTATION FOR MORE FUEL PRODUCTION AND IMPROVE QUALITY EXISTING UNIT EURO-2 Crude Vacuum Coking Thermal operations Cat Cracking Catalytic Reforming Catalytic Hydrocracking Catalytic Hydrotreating Alkylation Polymerization./Dimer. Aromatics Isomerization 2008 • Capacity for higher quality gasoline – Cat reforming – Isom – Cat Cracking • Capacity for more conversion - Cat Cracking • Capacity to remove sulfur -hydrotreating ADDITIONAL UNIT FOR EURO-3 OR 4 Cat Cracking Catalytic Reforming Catalytic Hydrotreating Isomerization 2012 Supply Demand Gasoline and Diesel BALANCE GASOLINE PRODUCT BALANCE DIESEL PRODUCT 250,000 140,000 120,000 200,000 100,000 150,000 MB MB 80,000 60,000 100,000 40,000 50,000 20,000 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2004 2005 2006 Fuel consumption 2008 2009 2010 Year Year Refinery product 2007 Impor Refinery product Fuel consumption Impor Import is increasing due to limited supply and high demand Alternative Solutions : Developing and producing alternative clean fuels Source: Operation Planning Pertamina Processing Directorate 15 Always There PERTAMINA GREEN PRODUCTS, ALTERNATIVE FUELS Biofuels Brand Name Application Properties according Indonesia Government Regulation 2.5% vol FAME Gas oil, called B-2.5 Biosolar Diesel Engine Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Degree N0.3675K/24/DJM/2006, March 17, 2006 3 % vol Ethanol in Premium, called E-3 BioPremium E3 Gasoline Engine Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Degree N0.3674K/24/DJM/2006, March 17, 2006 3 % vol Ethanol in Pertamax, BioPertamax E3 called E-3 Gas CNG BBG Busses, Taxi Oil & Gas Director N0.10K/34/DDJM/1993, Feb. 1, 1993 LPG Vigas Taxi, Cars Country specific Under Research : - Green Gasoline - Green Diesel 16 Always There BACKGROUND OF PERTAMINA’S BIOFUEL PROGRAM The President Rule No. 5/2006 National Energy Policy SK Dirjen Migas 3675K/DM/2006 re. Specification & 3674K/DM/2006 The President Instruction No. 1/2006 re. Supply & Utilization of BIOFUEL as Alternative Fuel dated 25 January 2006. SNI (Indonesian Standard) PERTAMINA BIOFUEL PROGRAM PERTAMINA‘s Commitment to provide green fuel and energy diversification by utilizing renewable biofuel. 17 PERTAMINA Bio Fuels 18 Always There 19 Always There Plan schedule Pertamina’s Biofuels implementation in retail amd industry 1400000 1200000 800000 Kl Kl 1000000 600000 400000 200000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 200000 180000 160000 140000 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 2007 2008 Years FAME Demand FAME Supply 2009 2010 2011 2012 Years Over Supply Ethanol Demand Ethanol Supply Over Supply In the future, fossil fuel step by step will be converted to biofuels 20 Always There Need Government support i.e. incentive for growing biofuel development 21 Always There PERTAMINA GREEN PRODUCTS GAS AS ALTERNATIVE FUELS Busses , Taxis Cars , Taxis 22 Always There Critical Parameter for Pertamina Green Products for CNG BBG Refference Refference Properties according to Indonesian regulation Current Spec. Proposed Spec Engine OEM CARB EPA Ref Fuel C1ol, % v,min Min. 62.0 77 87 88 89 8 4-8 6 4.5 1.7-3 3 2.3 4 (N2) C2, max C3, max 8 4 N2, max 2 3 1.5-4 (N2) H2S, max 14 10 16 (total S) O2 0.2 0.1 0.5-1 H20 0.035 %vol (16 lb/mmscf) 3 lb/mmscf - Odor - Odored 23 1 0.6 Not Specified odored Always There Critical Parameter for Pertamina Green Products LPG for Automotive Brand Name : Vigas Reference Properties according to Indonesian regulation Current Spec. RON, Min 98 Vapor Pressure 40 C, Psi 116 - 175 Copper Strip Corrosion, Max Class 1 B Olefins Max, % Mol 0.3 Hydrogen Sulfide Negative Moisture 0C No Free Water Residue On Evaporation at 105 C, Max. mg/kg 20 Sulfur Max, mg/kg 100 Volatile Residue (C5 & C5+) Max, % mol 2 Odor (Mercaptan added 25ppm +/- 5%) unpleasant 24 Always There V. PERTAMINA NON-FUEL GREEN PRODUCT Refrigerant Aerosol Solvent Musicool HAP (Hydrocarbon Aerosol Propellant) Solphy Basic Substance : Hydrocarbon Non Ozone Layer Destruction ODP=0 Replace high ODP substance Low Global Warming GWP<3 Replace high GWP substance LONG TERM SOLUTION PERTAMINA GREEN PRODUCT IN NON-FUEL BUSINESS Refrigerant, aerosol and solvent sector Brand name Application Advantages Hydrocarbon Refrigerant MUSIcool Domestic refrigeration, Room Air Conditioning, Chiller etc Zero ODS and Low GWP Substitute for synthetic refrigerant Saving Energy up to 30% Aerosol Propellant HAP (Hydrocarbon Aerosol Propelant) As aerosol propellant in insecticide, air freshener etc Replace CFC as high ODS aerosol Zero ODS Solvent NonODS Solphy-2 Solvent for air craft maintenance Zero ODS Economic Price Excellent solvent properties Hydrocarbon Technology : -Environmental Friendly : Non-ODS, Low GWP under Montreal Protocol, Kyoto Protocol Regulation -Long Term Solution as replacement ODS dan GWP substance -Best solution for developing country (Green Peace statement) 26 Always There ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY APPLICATION: ¾Hairspray ¾Perfume ¾Paint ¾Insecticide ¾Air Freshener 27 Always There REFRIGERANT MUSICOOL APPLICATIONS : ¾ AC split / window ¾ Show case, Dispenser, Freezer ¾ Chiller ¾ Automotive 28 Always There ELECTRICAL NATIONAL SAVING POTENTIAL / YEAR NATIONAL CUSTOMER CFC CONSUMPTION CONSUMPTION MILLION KWH % TOTAL HOUSES INDUSTRY BISNISS SOCIAL GOVERNMENT BUILDING ROAD LIGHTING 26,874 31,337 9,330 1,468 1,343 977 TOTAL 71,329 Assumption consumption average for houses = Potential New houses connection = 10 20 60 0 60 0 CONSUMPTION SAVING USING MUSICOOL REFRIGERANT MILLION KWH 2,687 6,267 5,598 0 806 0 % SAVING MILLION KWH 20 20 20 0 20 0 537 1,253 1,120 0 161 0 15,359 3072 1,000 3,072,000 KWH Connections Rp. 2 Trilyun = USD 210 Million (Sumber : KOMPAS, 15 Juni 2003) 29 Always There Profile example energy uses in commercial building Water Pump 66% Others Direct Indirect E m is s io n Reduce P o t e n t ia l Lift 250 200 150 100 50 0 M u s ic o o l Air Conditioning Lighting S y n t h e t ic 17% CO2 Emission, base 20 years 9% M illio n T o n C O 2 5% 3% Constribution eq. to Global Warming 2 Million ton CO2/yr (8.3 % from National Energy Sector 2008-2012: 24 million ton CO2/th) Air Conditioning Majority 30 Always There SOLVENT SOLPHY-2 SOLVENT CLEANING IN AIR CRAFT MAINTENANCE COOPERATION WITH GARUDA (INDONESIAN AIR WAYS) MAINTENANCE FACILITY FOR ENGINE CLEANING APPLICATION 31 Always There VI. CONCLUSION • Clean fuel is our commitment in developing clean energy for 9Security of energy, the national state balance 9Reducing local & global pollutant emission (co, particulate, etc. ) 9Long-term sustainable mobility solution effort 9Creating new market for agriculture industry • Environmental friendly product in non-fuel business is our commitment in developing and supporting climate change program and regulation based on national and international policy 32 Always There THANK YOU 33 Always There 34 Always There
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