report of forensic examination
report of forensic examination
REPORT OF FORENSIC EXAMINATION Prepared By: Tami L. Loehrs LAW2000, Inc. 305 South Euclid, Suite 111 Tucson, Arizona 85719 520.219.6807 Prepared For: Steven Berne Case No: 2:08 CR-000033 08-CR-0626 Case Name: United States vs. Milton Scott Pruitt State of Georgia vs. Milton Scott Pruitt Date: 12/26/2008 CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 1 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT OF AN ONGOING FORENSIC EXAMINATION. THIS REPORT MAY BE SUPPLEMENTED AS NEW EVIDENCE IS UNCOVERED. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS • A review of the Panasonic Toughbook laptop computer identified as the Forsyth County computer issued to Milton Scott Pruitt (HDD01) revealed no pornographic images in allocated or unallocated space indicating no pornography was ever received or otherwise possessed on HDD01. In this regard, the evidence does not support the charges in Federal Count One that Milton Scott Pruitt knowingly received child pornography on his Forsyth County-issued computer. • With the exception of one Internet search term for “weird al ebony and ivory parody” on December 14, 2006, a review of HDD01 revealed nothing of an obvious personal nature and all activity appeared to be related to Pruitt’s work. With regard to March 15, 2007 specifically, there is no evidence that anything of a personal nature occurred on HDD01. In this regard, the evidence does not support the charges in State Count II that Milton Scott Pruitt willfully and intentionally violated the terms of his oath by using his county issued computer for his personal use. • I found evidence that the Remote to County (Public Hotspot) connection was setup as a shortcut on HDD01 and accessed from HDD01 on many occasions, including March 15, 2007. However, there is no evidence on HDD01 that anything of a personal nature occurred on this date and as such does not support the charges in State Count I that Milton Scott Pruitt willfully and intentionally violated the terms of his oath by using his county issued computer to access the wireless Internet account of Savis Communications for his personal use. Whether or not Pruitt’s access to the wireless Internet account was conducted without authority is beyond the scope of my examination. • Although there is evidence that a remote access connection was made to the Forsyth County Server from HDD01 on March 15, 2007, there is no evidence on HDD01 regarding the files accessed during that remote session. The only evidence I have seen in this regard is two screenshots of the My Recent Documents folder for MSPruitt allegedly taken from the Forsyth County Server. However, these two screenshots which purport to be the same document submitted in two separate matters do not match and are forensically unsound. In order to make any determinations with regard to files accessed during the remote session by MSPruitt on March 15, 2007, an independent forensic examination of the Forsyth County Server needs to be conducted. • I found evidence that multiple USB media storage devices were connected to HDD01 from 01/18/06 through 05/03/07. However, the charges in State Counts IV, V, VI and VII do not provide any identification of the media storage devices at issue such as a Hardware ID, Serial Number or Friendly Name. Therefore, it is impossible to conclude from reviewing the evidence whether any of the media storage devices referenced in Counts IV, V, VI or VII are, in fact, the same media storage devices connected to HDD01 or the media storage devices seized and forensically examined. • I did not find any images of child pornography in allocated space on the HP Pavilion desktop computer seized from Pruitt’s residence (HDD02). TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 2 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT • I found approximately 63 images of child pornography in unallocated space on HDD02, all of which appear to have been cached from Internet activity. As of the writing of this report, I have not found any evidence that Pruitt knowingly received, viewed or otherwise possessed any of the images of child pornography found in unallocated space. In this regard, the evidence does not support the charges in Federal Count Three that Milton Scott Pruitt knowingly possessed child pornography on his home computer. • There is evidence that multiple users had access to HDD02 including Jami Suddeth. In fact, there is evidence that Jami Suddeth was accessing HDD02 during several dates and times associated with deleted images of child pornography and images identified in SA Stanley’s report. TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 3 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT FACTS OF CASE The following are the facts of this case as they were set forth in the disclosure I reviewed: On the morning of April 16, 2007, an Information Technology employee for the County Government of Forsyth, Georgia, John-David Rusk (“Rusk”), noticed unusual Internet usage on the Forsyth County Server from the previous weekend of April 14 and15, 2007. Rusk researched remote access connections and identified several users who connected to the Server during the time in question, including MSPruitt. According to Rusk he opened the MSPruitt profile and “by accident I sorted to see the oldest files first and was shocked to see thumbnail images of a disturbing sexual nature accessed by the MSPruitt account on March 15, 2007.” Rusk immediately contacted Chief Hamrick to inquire if Pruitt was authorized to view such material. Rusk never completed his research into the unusually high Internet usage. On May 3, 2007, Special Agent Bobby Stanley (“SA Stanley”) received a request to investigate the remote access to the Forsyth County Server by Pruitt. SA Stanley met with Rusk and was provided with Rusk’s report and a screen shot of the My Recent Documents folder for MSPruitt. A review of the My Recent Documents folder for user MSPRUITT revealed 10 images of child pornography opened between 2:07 a.m. through 03:16 a.m. on March 15, 2007. Before concluding the interview, Rusk executed a RAS session and successfully copied a file from the remote computer to the local computer showing that data could be copied during a remote session. According to the event properties for March 15, 2007, at 2:01:10 a.m., MSPRUITT logged into the Remote Access Server utilizing IP address This IP address was traced to the patrol zone of South Precinct for which Pruitt was assigned. (Investigative Summary Bates No. 163240.) In an Affidavit and Application for Search Warrant prepared by Special Agent Bobby Stanley, SA Stanley states that it appeared the only area Pruitt accessed were files belonging to Detective Roe and images associated with child pornography investigations. According to Stanley, Pruitt navigated his way to S:\Roe\2007\mar\07031338 Joe Mamma to access ten images of child pornography. Also according to SA Stanley in another document, images of child pornography were accessed by MSPruitt from S:\Roe\2005\2005 CFTS\may 05\0505434 State v. Jackson CP\Exhibit 5 Forensics\Possible CP Unallocated_file. During his investigation, SA Stanley was provided with a screen capture taken by the Forsyth County CID showing that the items in Roe’s folder show the “thumbnail” view by default. Accordingly, it was concluded that MSPruitt had to scroll through those images to open the ten files found in the My Recent Documents folder of the MSPruitt profile. On May 11, 2007 at approximately 11:30 p.m., a search warrant was executed on Pruitt’s Crown Victoria patrol car and items of evidentiary value were seized and recorded on GBI Evidence Receipt E-364895. Although the evidence receipt is difficult to read, it appears that the items seized included a hard drive, a PNY thumb drive and a Panasonic Toughbook laptop computer. (Investigative Summary, Bates No. 163249.) On May 14, 2007, Special Agent Bobby Stanley conducted a forensic examination of a Panasonic Pro Toughbook laptop computer and items of possible evidentiary value were found. A written report of the forensic examination prepared by SA Stanley was not found in the disclosure I reviewed. On May 16, 2007 at approximately 07:26 p.m., Pruitt was interviewed by SA Stanley at the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office. Although SA Stanley summarized this interview in an investigative summary, a transcript of this interview was not found in the disclosure I reviewed. TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 4 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT On May 17, 2007 at 03:10 a.m., a search warrant was executed at the residence of Scott Pruitt and an HP Pavilion Desktop computer was forensically previewed and seized. In addition, SA Stanley conducted on-sight forensic previews of three thumb drives but found nothing of evidentiary value. From May 16, 2007 through February 13, 2008, SA Stanley conducted a forensic examination of a Western Digital 250gb hard dive bearing serial number WCANK2776793 (HDD02). The examination consisted of a search of the history files and examining htm and dhtml files. During the exam, SA Stanley determined that “Pruitt had inserted the missing thumb drive into his personal computer and viewed what appeared to be images of child pornography.” SA Stanley noted that the images matched the naming nomenclature of images located on the Forsyth County Sheriff’s office server that contained forensic files of child pornography investigations. A forensic report of the exam was saved as a file titled Home.rtf, however, I did not see this report in the disclosure I reviewed. (Investigative Summaries, Bates No. 163265, 174533, 174537, 174540 and 176099.) On or about August 20, 2008, an Indictment was filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, charging Milton Scott Pruitt with the following: Count One On or about March 15, 2007, Milton Scott Pruitt knowingly received on his Forsyth County-issued computer child pornography, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 2252A(1)(2)(A) and 2256(8)(A). Count Two Beginning on a date unknown and continuing through on or about May 16, 2007, Milton Scott Pruitt knowingly received on his Forsyth County-issued computer child pornography, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 2252A(1)(2)(A) and 2256(8)(A). Count Three Beginning on a date unknown and continuing through on or about May 16, 2007, Milton Scott Pruitt knowingly possessed on his home computer child pornography, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 2252A(1)(2)(A) and 2256(8)(A). On or about November 10, 2008, an Indictment was filed in the Forsyth Superior Court, charging Milton Scott Pruitt with the following: Count I Milton Scott Pruitt, with the offense of Violation of Oath by a Public Officer, did willfully and intentionally violate the terms of his oath on the 15th day of March by using his county issued computer to access the wireless Internet account of Savis Communications, without authority and with the intent to appropriate said Internet service for his personal use. Count II Milton Scott Pruitt, with the offense of Violation of Oath by a Public Officer, did willfully and intentionally violate the terms of his oath on the 15th day of March by using his county issued computer for his personal use. Count III Milton Scott Pruitt, with the offense of Violation of Oath by a Public Officer, did willfully and intentionally violate the terms of his oath on the 15th day of March by accessing files without authority. TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 5 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT Count IV Milton Scott Pruitt, with the offense of Violation of Oath by a Public Officer, did willfully and intentionally violate the terms of his oath between the 11th day of October, 2006 and the 17th day of May, 2007 by keeping for his personal use a media storage device seized in a criminal investigation. Count V Milton Scott Pruitt, with the offense of Violation of Oath by a Public Officer, did willfully and intentionally violate the terms of his oath on the 16th day of March by taking a county issued media storage device. Count VI Milton Scott Pruitt, with the offense of Theft by Taking, between the 11th day of October, 2006 and the 17th day of May, 2007, did appropriate a media storage device which was seized in a criminal investigation. Count VII Milton Scott Pruitt, with the offense of Theft by Taking, on the 16th day of March did appropriate a county issued media storage belonging to the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office. Count VIII Milton Scott Pruitt, with the offense of Computer Theft, on the 16th day of March, did use a computer network without authority and with the intent to appropriate the wireless Internet access of Savis Communications Corporation. PURPOSE OF EXAMINATION Determine if the evidence supports the Federal charges that Milton Scott Pruitt knowingly received images of child pornography on his Forsyth County-issued laptop computer (HDD01). Determine if the evidence supports the Federal charges that Milton Scott Pruitt knowingly received and possessed images of child pornography on his home computer (HDD02). Determine if the evidence supports the State charges that Milton Scott Pruitt accessed the wireless Internet account of Savis Communications without authority with the intent to appropriate said service for his personal use; used his county issued computer for personal use; accessed files without authority; kept for his personal use a media storage device seized in a criminal investigation; and took a county issued media storage device belonging to the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office. EVIDENCE EXAMINED Item No Description Notes HDD01 80gb hard drive from Panasonic Pro Toughbook laptop computer seized from Pruitt’s patrol car Original evidence remains in the custody of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, forensic analysis was conducted on EnCase evidence TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 6 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT HDD02 Western Digital 250gb hard drive, S/N: WCANK2776793, from HP Pavilion desktop computer seized from Pruitt’s residence HDD03 512mb Thumb Drive seized from Pruitt’s Patrol car; S/N 0016-9E40 HDD04 1gb Thumb Drive seized from Pruitt’s residence; S/N E3BD-E7F7 files provided by Special Agent Bobby Stanley Original evidence remains in the custody of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, forensic analysis was conducted on EnCase evidence files provided by Special Agent Bobby Stanley Original evidence remains in the custody of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, forensic analysis was conducted on EnCase evidence files provided by Special Agent Bobby Stanley Original evidence remains in the custody of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, forensic analysis was conducted on EnCase evidence files provided by Special Agent Bobby Stanley EXAMINATION DETAILS On December 1, 2008 at 08:30 a.m., I arrived at the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and met with SA Stanley. He provided me with a Dell XPS M1730 Laptop computer, with an Intel Core 2 Extreme 2.8ghz processor, 3.18gb of RAM and Windows XP Service Pack 2. In addition, SA Stanley provided me with two hard drives and a Tableau write blocker. The first hard drive was a Seagate 1000gb SATA Hard Drive, SN 90J0MG76, labeled Pruit Patrol PC. I attached the drive to the write blocker and viewed the contents which included EnCase evidence files identified as toughb.E01 through toughb.E60. The second hard drive was a Seagate 1000gb SATA, SN 9QJ1CRPV, labeled Pruit Home PC. This drive contained EnCase evidence files identified as image.E01 through image.EKN. Inasmuch as I could not connect both drives to the forensic laptop at the same time, and there was not enough time in three days to conduct two completely separate forensic exams, I copied the evidence files from the Panasonic Toughbook to the Dell XPS laptop after confirming that no child pornography existed on that piece of evidence. I then connected the second drive with the home PC to the write blocker and added evidence files for both drives to EnCase and FTK. I set FTK to index and carve image files from unallocated space and as FTK processed the evidence, I began my examination using EnCase. Neither of the evidence drives I received from SA Stanley contained images for the thumb drives seized pursuant to the evidence sheets I reviewed. I spoke with SA Stanley regarding the thumb drives and he explained that he had one of the thumb drives on location and would make me a forensic image and the other drive would have to be sent down from Forsyth County. Shortly thereafter, SA Stanley provided me with a blue thumb drive identified with white letters “PNY”. This drive contained one file titled PNY.E01. I added the PNY.E01 file to the EnCase case file and noted one device labeled Untitled. I bookmarked the specifications, folder structure and exported the file listing. I asked SAt Stanley about the origination of this drive and he stated that this was one of the drives seized from Pruitt’s Patrol car. He further stated that the Evidence sheet regarding this drive is in the disclosure materials. I located a Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office Property & Evidence sheet dated 10/11/06 identifying 1 512 PNY technologies Attache Jump Drive, Serial No 0528-AWK6990149. According to the evidence sheet, the location where this drive was found is identified as person. I concluded my exam for the day at 05:00 p.m. At that time, FTK was still processing the evidence and I let EnCase run various forensic processes to run overnight. On December 2, 2008 at 08:30 a.m., I arrived at the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and was escorted by SA Stanley to the forensics computer. I noted that FTK was still processing the evidence and EnCase had concluded its processes. I TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 7 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT continued conducting my exam until 05:00 p.m. at which time FTK was still processing the evidence and I allowed EnCase to run additional processes overnight. On December 3, 2008 at 08:30 a.m., I arrived at the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and was escorted by SA Stanley to the forensics computer. I noted that FTK was still processing the evidence and EnCase had concluded its processes. At approximately 9:30 a.m., SA Stanley provided me with an EnCase evidence file titled Pruitt.E01. I added this file to the EnCase case file and noted one device labeled untitled. I bookmarked the specifications, folder structure and exported the file listing. I asked SA Stanley about the origination of this drive and he stated that this thumb drive was seized from Pruitt’s residence and that he had not previously examined this drive. I located a Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office Property & Evidence sheet dated 05/17/07 identifying 1 Hitachi 1g jump drive, no serial number. According to the evidence sheet, the location where this drive was found is unreadable but appears to be living room. At approximately 02:30 p.m., I concluded my examination for the purpose of allowing time to export out evidentiary data for further examination at my forensics lab in Tucson and to catch my flight back to Tucson. FTK was still processing the evidence at this time so I canceled the process and closed FTK. All of the data I exported for further examination was contained in a folder under Desktop\Pruitt\Export. I showed SA Stanley the data folder I needed copied and connected my 160gb USB drive to the forensics laptop. SA Stanley re-enabled write access to the USB port on the forensic laptop and he copied the Export folder to my USB drive ensuring that no contraband was exported. Upon returning to Tucson, I continued my examination of the evidence using the data exported during my examination at the GBI in Atlanta, Ga. TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 8 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT PANASONIC PRO TOUGHBOOK LAPTOP COMPUTER (HDD01) System Specifications I ran the Initialize Case feature of EnCase and noted that a forensic image of HDD01 was created on 11/25/08 at 12:37 p.m. by Stilger. HDD01 has one partition identified as C, with a total capacity of 37.3gb and 8.4gb allocated to data. The operating system is Windows XP and was installed on 10/20/05 at 06:31 p.m. registered to Forsyth County Government. Other than the default accounts created by the Windows operating system, I noted one user account for MDT and one user account for MDTAdmin. The time zone was set to Eastern Standard time and I assured that EnCase and FTK were set accordingly. Name: ActualDate: TargetDate: FilePath: Case Number: Evidence Number: Examiner Name: Notes: Drive Type: File Integrity: Acquisition Hash: Verify Hash: EnCase Version: System Version: Fastbloced: Is Physical: Compression: Total Sectors: C Volume File System: Sectors per cluster: Total Sectors: Total Clusters: Free Clusters: Volume Name: Id: Serial Number: Full Serial Number: Driver Information: OS Info Product Name: Current Version: Registered Owner: Registered Organization: System Root: Current Build Number: Path Name: toughb 11/25/08 12:37:03PM 11/25/08 12:37:03PM F:\toughb.E01 bobby image toughb stilger DRIVEFIXED Verifying 524BBF39C73DF8DD7E9E0DD7C75277C0 6.11 Windows XP No Yes None 78140160 NTFS 8 78,124,032 9,765,503 7,561,734 Drive Type: Bytes per sector: Total Capacity: Unallocated: Allocated: Volume Offset: S-1-5-21-2709433111-2501898379-1022875441 B86C-6E5E 8B86C80B86C6E5E NTFS 3.1 Fixed 512 39,999,500,288 bytes (37.3GB) 30,972,862,464 bytes (28.8GB) 9,026,637,824 bytes (8.4GB) 63 Microsoft Windows XP 5.1 Forsyth County Government Forsyth County Government C:\WINDOWS 2600 C:\WINDOWS TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 9 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT Product ID: Last Service Pack: Product Key: VersionNumber: Source Path: Install Date: Last Shutdown Time: 55274-OEM-0011903-00116 Service Pack 2 User name: Full Name: Type of User: Account Description: Primary Group Number: Security Identifier: User belongs to group: MDT MDT Local User MDT User 513 S-1-5-21-2709433111-2501898379-1022875441-1006 Users Power Users Logon Script: Profile Path: Last Logon: Last Password Change: Last Incorrect Password Logon: User name: Full Name: Type of User: Account Description: Primary Group Number: Security Identifier: User belongs to group: Logon Script: Profile Path: Last Logon: Last Password Change: Last Incorrect Password Logon: c:\windows 10/20/05 06:31:58PM 05/04/07 05:01:53PM %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\MDT 05/04/07 03:52:23AM 10/20/05 06:58:43PM 05/04/07 03:52:18AM MDTAdmin Local User Built-in account for administering the computer/domain 513 S-1-5-21-2709433111-2501898379-1022875441-500 Administrators %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator 02/08/07 09:52:08PM 12/17/05 12:46:02AM 02/08/07 09:52:06PM TimeZone Info Current control set is 001 Default control set is 001 Failed control set is 000 LastKnownGood control set is 002 Standard time bias is -5:00 hours offset from GMT. StandardName: Eastern Standard Time Standard time is set to change the Standard bias by 0 minutes. Standard time is set to change on Sunday of the 5th week of October, at 02:00 hours. DaylightName: Eastern Daylight Time Daylight savings is set to change the Standard bias by 60 minutes. Daylight savings time is set to change on Sunday of the 1st week of April, at 02:00 hours. Active time bias is -4:00 hours offset from GMT. The current time setting is -4:00 hours offset from GMT. The offset must be either added or subtracted from GMT depending on the time zone location TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 10 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT Mapped Info Administrator Drive: RemotePath: UserName: ProviderName: ProviderType: ConnectionType: DeferFlags: Z \\\Forsyth FTP ISDMS\administrator Microsoft Windows Network 131072 1 4 Last Accessed I sorted all files on HDD01 by Last Accessed date to confirm the original evidence was not accessed after it was seized. The evidence revealed that HDD01 was last accessed on 05/04/07 at 07:01 a.m. which is consistent with no access after the evidence was seized. IMAGES I reviewed all images in allocated space using the Gallery View in EnCase and noted a total of 3001 images, including default system images, cached Internet images and default images from software applications. I did not find any images of an obvious personal nature and no adult pornography or child pornography. I ran the File Mounter process in EnCase to open compound files such as the thumbs.db. The thumbs.db is a hidden file created by the Windows operating system that stores small thumbnails of images that are on the computer. Each folder containing images or videos will also have a corresponding thumbs.db file. When an image or video is deleted from the computer, the thumbnail of that image will remain in the thumbs.db. The thumbs.db files are compressed and must be “mounted” or uncompressed before the images inside those files can be seen. The thumbs.db files are commonly examined during a forensic analysis to determine if child pornography images existed on the computer at one time and were subsequently deleted. I did not find any images of an obvious personal nature and no adult pornography or child pornography in the thumbs.db files. I ran the file carver for all .jpg images in unallocated space and recovered 7910 images. I reviewed all 7910 images but did not find any images of an obvious personal nature and no adult pornography or child pornography. MULTIMEDIA FILES (VIDEOS) I sorted all files by file extension and looked for .avi, .mpeg, .mov, and .wmv files. I found several video files associated with software applications but nothing of a personal nature and nothing containing adult pornography or child pornography. FOLDER STRUCTURE I reviewed the entire Folder Structure of HDD01 for any user-defined files and folders indicative of adult pornography or child pornography but found none. To view the Folder Structure in its entirety, click here. I reviewed various locations in the Folder Structure that commonly contain items of evidentiary interest but I found nothing related to adult pornography or child pornography. Desktop The Desktop is the graphical user interface that appears when the computer is booted up. The Desktop consists of icons, windows, toolbars, folders and wallpaper and users commonly create shortcuts on the Desktop to files and folders TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 11 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT of interest for easy access. I located one folder titled Camera Photos with several non-pornography photographs, but I did not find anything of a personal nature and nothing related to adult pornography or child pornography. Cookies Cookies are text files sent by a server to a Web client used for authenticating, session tracking and maintaining specific information about users. These Cookies are automatically cached to the hard drive, named by the website address and stored in a folder under each user’s Windows profile. I reviewed the Cookies folder under the profile MDT and found 10 Cookies but nothing of a personal nature and nothing related to adult pornography or child pornography. My Documents My Documents is a default folder created under each user’s profile by the Windows operating system and is considered the standard location for storing user-defined files and folders. All of the folders in this location are default folders installed by Windows. I found three user-defined documents, two of which are related to Remote Desktop but I did not find anything of an obvious personal nature and nothing related to child pornography or adult pornography. Recent Folder When a file is opened on a computer running the Windows operating system, the file name of the opened file is saved with a .lnk file extension in the Recent Folder. These links contain dates and times when the files were opened (File Created), when they were opened again (Last Written) and the full path where the file is/was located. I reviewed the Recent folder and found 152 link files with activity from 10/20/05 through 05/03/07. The majority of the links are related to work documents on the desktop. I did not find any links to files of an obvious personal nature and nothing indicative of adult pornography or child pornography. There are links to ten image files opened on 03/26/07 at 2:06 p.m. from D:\Pics, identified as a Store’N’Go USB drive (highlighted in yellow below.) To view all details of the link files, click here. Although these files have the same naming nomenclature as files on the Forsyth County Server that allegedly contain images of child pornography, there is no evidence that the files identified in the Recent folder actually contain child pornography inasmuch as the actual files were not found on HDD01 and the Store’N’Go USB drive was not examined. If this file naming nomenclature is commonly used for other files on the Forsyth County Server of a non-pornographic nature, then it would be impossible to determine if these images were related to a legitimate investigation versus images of child pornography without examining the images on the Store’N’Go USB drive. Name Desktop.ini DATE.lnk PRINT STUFF (E).lnk world_of_warcraft_hunter_b.lnk 02-11-07 (2).lnk JANUARY 2007.lnk Click It or Ticket.lnk B Watch Click or Ticket Master JAN.lnk Click or Ticket FEB 07.lnk Removable Disk (E).lnk 02-12-07 North Precinct.lnk File Created 10/20/05 09:17:49AM 02/12/07 02:32:19AM 02/14/07 02:39:08PM 02/14/07 02:39:14PM 02/14/07 08:56:29AM 02/14/07 10:49:30PM 02/14/07 10:49:30PM 02/14/07 10:49:36PM 02/14/07 10:52:31PM 02/14/07 10:52:31PM 02/15/07 02:32:49AM TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 Last Written 12/19/05 01:33:45PM 02/12/07 02:32:27AM 02/14/07 02:39:14PM 02/14/07 02:39:14PM 02/14/07 03:36:35PM 02/14/07 10:49:35PM 02/14/07 10:49:36PM 02/14/07 10:49:36PM 02/14/07 10:52:31PM 02/14/07 10:52:31PM 02/15/07 02:33:05AM EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 12 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT 02-13-07 Passdown.lnk 02-14-07 (2).lnk Copper thefts and residential burglaries.lnk Defensive Tactics In-service.lnk Doc1__.lnk D-South Pass Down 02-13-07.lnk FW STINGER CLASS.lnk N SOARPassdown.lnk NORTH SOAR Passdown.lnk NOTES TO ONCOMING SHIFT 02-12-07 C-WATCH NORTH.lnk NOTES TO ONCOMING SHIFT 02-13-07 C-WATCH NORTH.lnk Passdown.lnk Seniority February 07.lnk South DShift 02-12-07.lnk South Pct 021207 Weekly Roster.lnk Watch Preference Plan February 07.lnk Badge Numbers ACTIVE-INACTIVE.lnk 02-15-07.lnk gcic wanted person located 07-02-00056.lnk WANTED PERSON LOCATED 07-02-00056.lnk 07-02-00056 WANTED PERSON LOCATED.lnk 02-16-07 Passdown.lnk 02-18-07 Passdown C-SHIFT SOUTH.lnk 02-19-07 (2).lnk 07b006U.lnk BOLO.lnk bolo.doc.lnk C Watch Passdown 02-17-07.lnk D-South Pass Down 02-16-07.lnk D-South Pass Down 02-17-07.lnk D-South Pass Down 02-18-07.lnk FW Suspecious Vehicle.lnk HEAT Posting21407_.lnk K-9 Posting021907.lnk North B Passdown.lnk NORTH SOAR PASSDOWN 02-16-07.lnk NORTH SOAR PASSDOWN 02-19-07.lnk NOTES TO ONCOMING SHIFT 02-16-07 C-WATCH 02/15/07 02:34:21AM 02/15/07 02:35:20AM 02/15/07 03:18:39AM 02/15/07 03:19:37AM 02/10/07 02:20:54AM 02/15/07 03:21:53AM 02/15/07 03:22:12AM 02/15/07 03:22:24AM 02/10/07 02:24:54AM 02/15/07 02:35:16AM 02/15/07 02:35:25AM 02/15/07 03:19:36AM 02/15/07 03:20:55AM 02/15/07 03:21:51AM 02/15/07 03:22:11AM 02/15/07 03:22:23AM 02/15/07 03:22:49AM 02/15/07 03:23:01AM 02/15/07 03:23:03AM 02/15/07 03:27:06AM 02/15/07 03:27:07AM 02/10/07 02:27:10AM 02/15/07 03:31:50AM 02/15/07 03:31:58AM 02/15/07 03:32:13AM 02/15/07 03:32:26AM 02/15/07 09:48:24AM 02/16/07 12:46:12AM 02/19/07 09:10:38PM 02/19/07 09:11:38PM 02/19/07 09:10:40PM 02/20/07 09:36:33PM 02/20/07 09:37:59PM 02/20/07 09:38:11PM 02/20/07 05:04:25AM 02/20/07 09:41:33PM 02/20/07 09:41:42PM 02/20/07 09:41:48PM 02/20/07 09:42:15PM 02/20/07 09:42:21PM 02/20/07 09:42:52PM 02/20/07 05:04:38AM 02/20/07 09:47:43PM 02/20/07 09:48:35PM 02/10/07 02:24:02AM 02/20/07 09:49:00PM 02/20/07 09:49:29PM 02/20/07 09:49:46PM 02/15/07 03:31:33AM 02/15/07 03:31:49AM 02/15/07 03:31:57AM 02/15/07 03:32:11AM 02/15/07 03:32:25AM 02/15/07 03:37:51AM 02/15/07 10:57:55AM 02/16/07 12:46:24AM 02/19/07 09:11:36PM 02/19/07 09:11:50PM 02/19/07 09:11:50PM 02/20/07 09:37:54PM 02/20/07 09:37:59PM 02/20/07 09:38:14PM 02/20/07 09:38:40PM 02/20/07 09:41:33PM 02/20/07 09:41:42PM 02/20/07 09:42:14PM 02/20/07 09:42:20PM 02/20/07 09:42:51PM 02/20/07 09:44:27PM 02/20/07 09:44:45PM 02/20/07 09:47:55PM 02/20/07 09:48:38PM 02/20/07 09:48:59PM 02/20/07 09:49:28PM 02/20/07 09:49:45PM 02/20/07 09:50:00PM TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 13 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT NORTH.lnk NOTES TO ONCOMING SHIFT 02-18-07 C-WATCH NORTH.lnk South Pct 021907 Weekly Roster.lnk Employee Ride Along.lnk Citizen Ride Along.lnk ride along.lnk Incident Report.lnk 02-19-07 North Precinct.lnk 02-19-07.lnk KELLER.lnk 02-26-07 Passdown.lnk 02-27-07 Passdown C-Shift South.lnk 02-28-07 (2).lnk 02272007.lnk BOLO-1068.lnk BOLO-1068A.lnk D-South Pass Down 02-26-07.lnk D-South Pass Down 02-27-07.lnk employeeconcerns.lnk employeeconcerns2.lnk Extra Patrol 20 beat.lnk Extra Patrol Request.lnk FW Bald Ridge Acres.lnk FW High Value Stolen Rims.lnk FW Hole in the Wall Burglary.lnk Grand Jury TRIAL DATES 2007.lnk NORTH SOAR PASSDOWN 2-26-07.lnk NORTH SOAR PASSDOWN 2-27-07.lnk NORTH SOAR PASSDOWN 2-28-07.lnk RE New Hospital Guard On-Call List.lnk 02-28-07PD.lnk A South PASSDOWN 02-28-07.lnk B Watch Passdown 02-28-07.lnk PASSDOWN 02-28-07.lnk FW No Driver's License.lnk 02-14-07.lnk 1-22-07 North Precinct.lnk 01-22-07.lnk Bald Ridge Acres Extra Patrol 30 beat.lnk 02/20/07 09:50:01PM 02/20/07 05:04:54AM 02/21/07 07:32:30AM 02/21/07 07:33:54AM 02/21/07 07:35:35AM 02/28/07 10:59:24PM 02/20/07 09:38:15PM 02/20/07 05:04:25AM 03/01/07 01:56:10AM 03/01/07 01:56:19AM 03/01/07 01:56:39AM 03/01/07 01:57:23AM 03/01/07 01:58:21AM 03/01/07 01:58:37AM 03/01/07 01:58:42AM 03/01/07 01:59:22AM 03/01/07 01:59:58AM 02/10/07 02:23:37AM 03/01/07 02:02:08AM 03/01/07 02:02:15AM 03/01/07 02:02:28AM 03/01/07 02:02:38AM 03/01/07 02:02:52AM 03/01/07 02:02:55AM 03/01/07 02:03:11AM 03/01/07 02:03:19AM 03/01/07 02:03:35AM 03/01/07 02:03:46AM 03/01/07 02:05:46AM 03/01/07 11:31:23PM 03/01/07 11:32:05PM 03/01/07 11:33:13PM 03/01/07 11:33:38PM 03/01/07 11:34:34PM 02/15/07 02:32:49AM 03/01/07 11:39:50PM 03/01/07 11:39:50PM 03/02/07 01:50:13AM TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 02/20/07 09:50:06PM 02/20/07 09:50:25PM 02/21/07 07:32:30AM 02/21/07 07:33:54AM 02/21/07 07:35:35AM 02/28/07 10:59:24PM 02/28/07 11:51:47PM 02/28/07 11:51:47PM 03/01/07 01:56:13AM 03/01/07 01:56:19AM 03/01/07 01:56:39AM 03/01/07 01:57:26AM 03/01/07 01:58:29AM 03/01/07 01:58:41AM 03/01/07 01:59:20AM 03/01/07 01:59:56AM 03/01/07 02:01:59AM 03/01/07 02:02:03AM 03/01/07 02:02:13AM 03/01/07 02:02:26AM 03/01/07 02:02:37AM 03/01/07 02:02:50AM 03/01/07 02:02:52AM 03/01/07 02:02:55AM 03/01/07 02:03:13AM 03/01/07 02:03:33AM 03/01/07 02:03:44AM 03/01/07 02:04:03AM 03/01/07 02:05:46AM 03/01/07 11:31:37PM 03/01/07 11:33:11PM 03/01/07 11:33:32PM 03/01/07 11:33:48PM 03/01/07 11:34:34PM 03/01/07 11:38:36PM 03/01/07 11:42:00PM 03/01/07 11:42:00PM 03/02/07 01:50:13AM EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 14 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT 02-28-07.lnk South Pct 030507 Weekly Roster.lnk 03-05-07.lnk Tidwell 1-46 movies.lnk !Start.lnk 0064.lnk 0079.lnk 0080.lnk 0102.lnk 0101.lnk 0111.lnk 0114.lnk 0132.lnk 0081.lnk 0029.lnk Pics.lnk Shift Deputies.lnk Quarterly Eval.lnk Quarterly Eval Devereaux.lnk Devereaux.lnk Bishop.lnk Bishop (2).lnk FCSO Employee Manual.revised-1-16-2007.lnk Mobile Video Master Log.lnk Mobile Video Recording Tape Tracking Log.lnk Tape Drop.lnk Award.lnk 04102007.lnk 3667_001.lnk 041107 Burglary Weekly.lnk 041107 Entering Autos Weekly.lnk 041107 Motor Veh Theft Weekly.lnk aprilphotoshoot.lnk FBI RFI.lnk FW Forsyth Co Website Noise ordinance.lnk Mar 07 Monthly.lnk New Microsoft Word Document.lnk Passdown Sheet 04-09-07.lnk PITTS BOLO 1.lnk PITTS BOLO 2.lnk 03/01/07 01:56:19AM 03/05/07 11:23:40PM 03/05/07 11:23:40PM 03/25/07 05:43:23AM 03/25/07 05:43:23AM 03/26/07 02:06:45PM 03/26/07 02:07:09PM 03/26/07 02:07:14PM 03/26/07 02:07:41PM 03/26/07 02:09:03PM 03/26/07 02:09:30PM 03/26/07 02:09:44PM 03/26/07 02:10:05PM 03/26/07 02:10:43PM 03/26/07 02:11:15PM 03/22/07 02:04:09PM 03/29/07 02:00:24AM 02/14/07 01:26:51PM 03/29/07 02:48:26AM 03/29/07 02:48:26AM 02/14/07 01:26:41PM 04/06/07 10:28:12PM 02/14/07 10:44:08AM 02/15/07 03:46:06AM 02/15/07 03:44:40AM 04/09/07 12:23:14AM 04/11/07 09:04:43PM 04/11/07 09:04:43PM 04/11/07 09:05:39PM 04/11/07 09:05:58PM 04/11/07 09:06:36PM 04/11/07 09:06:59PM 04/11/07 09:07:19PM 04/11/07 09:08:21PM 04/11/07 09:08:42PM 04/11/07 09:08:50PM 04/11/07 09:09:00PM 04/11/07 09:09:14PM 04/11/07 09:09:24PM 04/11/07 09:09:39PM TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 03/02/07 01:50:13AM 03/05/07 11:24:29PM 03/05/07 11:24:29PM 03/25/07 05:43:23AM 03/25/07 05:43:23AM 03/26/07 02:06:45PM 03/26/07 02:07:09PM 03/26/07 02:07:14PM 03/26/07 02:07:41PM 03/26/07 02:09:03PM 03/26/07 02:09:30PM 03/26/07 02:09:44PM 03/26/07 02:10:05PM 03/26/07 02:10:43PM 03/26/07 02:11:15PM 03/26/07 02:11:15PM 03/29/07 02:00:24AM 03/29/07 02:00:24AM 03/29/07 02:48:26AM 03/29/07 02:48:26AM 04/06/07 10:28:28PM 04/06/07 10:28:28PM 04/07/07 11:03:16PM 04/09/07 12:21:03AM 04/09/07 12:21:24AM 04/09/07 12:23:14AM 04/11/07 09:05:27PM 04/11/07 09:05:27PM 04/11/07 09:05:39PM 04/11/07 09:05:58PM 04/11/07 09:06:36PM 04/11/07 09:06:59PM 04/11/07 09:08:13PM 04/11/07 09:08:21PM 04/11/07 09:08:42PM 04/11/07 09:08:50PM 04/11/07 09:09:07PM 04/11/07 09:09:20PM 04/11/07 09:09:24PM 04/11/07 09:09:39PM EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 15 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT RE Roll Call Training Item.lnk Xgboys THE STAR LEDGER - The road to a tragic showdown at bank.lnk 04-11-07.lnk TROOPER LEGAL UPDATE MARCH 07.lnk 04-03-07 (2).lnk 04-03-07.lnk USB DISK (D).lnk 04-03-07 tanner.lnk 04-03-07 ROGERS.lnk 04-06-07 ROGERS.lnk DAILY ACTIVITY 4-12-07.lnk DAILY ACTIVITY 4-11-07.lnk DAILY ACTIVITY 4-8-07.lnk DAILY ACTIVITY LOG 04-12-07.lnk 04242007-2.lnk 04-25-07.lnk 3235_001.lnk Remote to County (Coutny Hotspot).lnk Clear On.lnk Forsyth County Map.lnk FCSO 01-00-000.lnk Supplemental Report.lnk 07-02-00695.lnk SGT PRUITT (D).lnk Remote to County (Public Hotspot).lnk 04/11/07 09:10:15PM 04/11/07 09:10:47PM 04/11/07 09:11:26PM 04/11/07 09:05:40PM 04/11/07 09:11:15PM 04/17/07 10:36:37PM 04/17/07 10:36:37PM 04/17/07 10:37:56PM 04/17/07 10:37:56PM 04/17/07 11:20:05PM 04/17/07 11:20:10PM 04/17/07 11:47:55PM 04/17/07 11:47:59PM 04/17/07 11:48:03PM 04/18/07 12:12:30AM 04/25/07 08:16:29PM 04/25/07 08:16:31PM 04/25/07 08:16:44PM 11/07/06 10:51:43AM 02/10/07 10:06:48PM 10/16/06 09:05:40AM 02/12/07 02:30:35AM 02/15/07 03:38:19AM 05/03/07 08:19:15PM 02/20/07 01:00:37AM 11/20/06 02:47:45PM 04/11/07 09:11:26PM 04/11/07 09:12:34PM 04/11/07 09:12:34PM 04/17/07 10:37:04PM 04/17/07 10:37:04PM 04/17/07 10:37:56PM 04/17/07 10:43:50PM 04/17/07 11:20:09PM 04/17/07 11:20:12PM 04/17/07 11:47:58PM 04/17/07 11:48:01PM 04/17/07 11:48:05PM 04/18/07 12:12:36AM 04/25/07 08:16:36PM 04/25/07 08:16:44PM 04/25/07 08:16:44PM 05/03/07 04:05:05AM 05/03/07 07:04:13AM 05/03/07 07:22:28PM 05/03/07 08:17:23PM 05/03/07 08:17:23PM 05/03/07 08:19:15PM 05/03/07 08:19:15PM 05/03/07 08:52:07PM PROGRAM FILES I reviewed the Program Files folder for software applications installed on HDD01 that may contain items of evidentiary value. All applications of evidentiary interest are discussed below. Real VNC RealVNC is a server and client application for the Virtual Network Computing (VNC) protocol to control another computer's screen remotely. RealVNC was installed on HDD01 on 12/18/06. My preliminary review did not reveal anything of evidentiary value with regard to the Real VNC application. Internet Explorer Internet Explorer is a graphical web browser developed by Microsoft and included as part of the Microsoft Windows operating system. A history of the user’s Internet usage, searches conducted, and files opened or saved using the browser software is contained in the Index.dat files. Using NetAnalysis, I reviewed the Index.dat files for websites visited and noted activity from 10/20/05 through 05/03/07 for users MDTAdmin and MDT. I reviewed all Internet activity and TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 16 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT noted the following websites were most often visited but I did not find anything of an obvious personal nature and no websites related to adult pornography or child pornography. Fcnet I reviewed all Search Engine Criteria and noted the following search terms and phrases used on, but I did not find any search terms related to adult pornography or child pornography. Although the search term “weird al ebony ivory parody” does not appear to be work related, the remaining search terms appear to be related to work and/or resolving issues with the computer. Last Visited 29/01/2007 15:37:29 Mon 29/01/2007 15:37:29 Mon 29/01/2007 15:37:28 Mon 14/12/2006 09:41:33 Thu 14/12/2006 09:37:01 Thu 14/12/2006 09:36:39 Thu 14/12/2006 09:36:17 Thu 28/11/2006 21:26:16 Tue 28/11/2006 21:25:30 Tue 28/11/2006 21:00:37 Tue 28/11/2006 21:00:20 Tue 28/11/2006 20:59:20 Tue 28/11/2006 20:56:47 Tue 24/10/2006 13:35:11 Tue 24/10/2006 13:34:52 Tue 24/10/2006 13:34:35 Tue 24/10/2006 13:30:51 Tue 24/10/2006 13:30:38 Tue 24/10/2006 13:17:38 Tue 24/10/2006 12:59:04 Tue Host Search Engine Criteria RNAAPP RNAAPP RNAAPP weird al ebony ivory parody weird al ebony ivory weird al ebony ivory weird al ebony ivory Streets and trips problems Streets and trips conflicting with Norton Streets and trips conflicting with Norton Streets and trips running slow Streets and trips launching slow Streetsand trips launching slow .ink on all icons restore destop shortcuts system restore executable restoring a corupt desktop tweakui all desktop icons are .ink .ink Favorites Favorites are stored web page locations and their primary purpose is to easily catalog and access web pages that a user has visited and chosen to save. I reviewed the Favorites in Internet Explorer but I noted only the default favorites included with the Internet Explorer software. I did not find any user-created links and nothing of a personal nature and nothing related to adult pornography or child pornography. TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 17 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT Windows Media Player Windows Media Player is the default digital media player included with the Windows operating system and is used for organizing and playing digital music, video and image files. When a multimedia file is opened using the Windows Media Player, the name of the file is stored in the RecentFileList folder. I reviewed the RecentFileList but did not find anything of a personal nature and nothing related to adult pornography or child pornography. REGISTRY FILES The Windows registry is a directory which stores settings and options for the operating system for Microsoft Windows 32-bit versions, 64-bit versions, and Windows Mobile. It contains information and settings for all the hardware, operating system software, most non-operating system software, users, preferences of the computer, etc. I exported the registry files including USER.DAT, SYSTEM, SOFTWARE, SAM and SECURITY and reviewed them for evidentiary information using Registry Viewer. Storage Devices The registry maintains a record of hardware devices on the computer including removable storage media connected to the USB ports. I reviewed the registry key ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR and noted many different USB drives that have been connected to HDD01, including a USB device used by the Geek Squad, a computer repair service. The following is a summary of those devices found in the Registry. For a more detailed listing of these devices, click here. ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_&Prod_Geek_Squad&Rev_0.3\200411005005915123f8&0 Last Written Time 11/16/2006 15:23:19 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\Disk________Geek_Squad______0.3_ FriendlyName REG_SZ Geek Squad USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Flash&Prod_Drive_SM_USB20&Rev_1000\AA04812700783&0 Last Written Time 11/21/2006 18:17:43 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskFlash___Drive_SM_USB20__1000 FriendlyName REG_SZ Flash Drive SM_USB20 USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Flash&Prod_Drive_SM_USB20&Rev_1100\AA04012700007427&0 Last Written Time 2/21/2007 2:40:19 UTC Name Type HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskFlash___Drive_SM_USB20__1100 FriendlyName REG_SZ Data Flash Drive SM_USB20 USB Device TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 18 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Flash&Prod_Drive_SM_USB20&Rev_1100\AA04012700009163&0 Last Written Time 4/18/2007 3:19:40 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskFlash___Drive_SM_USB20__1100 FriendlyName REG_SZ Flash Drive SM_USB20 USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Flash&Prod_Drive_SM_USB20&Rev_1100\AA04012700009292&0 Last Written Time 4/8/2007 4:00:56 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskFlash___Drive_SM_USB20__1100 FriendlyName REG_SZ Flash Drive SM_USB20 USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Flash&Prod_Drive_SM_USB20&Rev_1100\AA04012700010696&0 Last Written Time 3/22/2007 13:04:18 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskFlash___Drive_SM_USB20__1100 FriendlyName REG_SZ Flash Drive SM_USB20 USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Flash&Prod_Drive_SM_USB20&Rev_1100\AA04012700010774&0 Last Written Time 4/18/2007 4:12:03 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskFlash___Drive_SM_USB20__1100 FriendlyName REG_SZ Flash Drive SM_USB20 USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Flash&Prod_Drive_SM_USB20&Rev_1100\AA04012700014262&0 Last Written Time 4/12/2007 22:32:10 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskFlash___Drive_SM_USB20__1100 FriendlyName REG_SZ Flash Drive SM_USB20 USB Device TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 19 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Flash&Prod_Drive_SM_USB20&Rev_3000\AA04012707912&0 Last Written Time 4/18/2007 2:37:42 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskFlash___Drive_SM_USB20__3000 FriendlyName REG_SZ Flash Drive SM_USB20 USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Flash&Prod_Drive_SM_USB20&Rev_3000\AA04012708119&0 Last Written Time 2/10/2007 1:04:03 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskFlash___Drive_SM_USB20__3000 FriendlyName REG_SZ Flash Drive SM_USB20 USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_IC25N020&Prod_ATCS04-0&Rev_\DEF10A6AC38F&0 Last Written Time 11/15/2006 21:05:40 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskIC25N020ATCS04-0____________ FriendlyName REG_SZ IC25N020 ATCS04-0 USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Kingston&Prod_DataTraveler_2.0&Rev_1.04\0DB185515021D952&0 Last Written Time 8/29/2006 18:38:40 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskKingstonDataTraveler_2.01.04 FriendlyName REG_SZ Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_LEXAR&Prod_JUMPDRIVE&Rev_1.20\F251430221100&0 Last Written Time 2/14/2007 19:38:21 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskLEXAR___JUMPDRIVE_______1.20 FriendlyName REG_SZ LEXAR JUMPDRIVE USB Device TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 20 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_LEXAR&Prod_JUMPDRIVE_SECURE&Rev_1000\302AC201012824290105&0 Last Written Time 11/17/2006 19:20:44 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskLEXAR___JUMPDRIVE_SECURE1000 FriendlyName REG_SZ LEXAR JUMPDRIVE SECURE USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Memorex&Prod_TD_2C&Rev_1.00\286071516303A8C2&0 Last Written Time 1/18/2006 21:23:40 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskMemorex_TD_2C___________1.00 FriendlyName REG_SZ Memorex TD 2C USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Memorex&Prod_TD_2C&Rev_1.00\2860FB40F1B1CBC8&0 Last Written Time 11/15/2006 21:43:48 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskMemorex_TD_2C___________1.00 FriendlyName REG_SZ Memorex TD 2C USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Memorex&Prod_TD_Classic_003C&Rev_1.02\0C516B500380C8B9&0 Last Written Time 4/18/2007 3:47:16 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskMemorex_TD_Classic_003C_1.02 FriendlyName REG_SZ Memorex TD Classic 003C USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_PNY&Prod_USB_2.0_FD&Rev_PMAP\6E6C0B004D32&0 Last Written Time 5/3/2007 21:52:12 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskPNY_____USB_2.0_FD______PMAP FriendlyName REG_SZ PNY USB 2.0 FD USB Device TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 21 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_SanDisk&Prod_Cruzer_Micro&Rev_0.1\20041100401b4bd16b60&0 Last Written Time 8/29/2006 18:59:08 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskSanDisk_Cruzer_Micro____0.1_ FriendlyName REG_SZ SanDisk Cruzer Micro USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_SanDisk&Prod_Cruzer_Micro&Rev_0.2\200443184213a151adcf&0 Last Written Time 8/31/2006 17:48:59 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskSanDisk_Cruzer_Micro____0.2_ FriendlyName REG_SZ SanDisk Cruzer Micro USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_SIMPTECH&Prod_USB_DRIVE&Rev_1.12\0159245429290&0 Last Written Time 8/30/2006 20:26:54 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskSIMPTECHUSB_DRIVE_______1.12 FriendlyName REG_SZ SIMPTECH USB DRIVE USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_USB_2.0&Prod_Flash_Disk&Rev_1100\AA04012700007667&0 Last Written Time 3/22/2007 13:01:39 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskUSB_2.0_Flash_Disk______1100 FriendlyName REG_SZ USB 2.0 Flash Disk USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_VBTM&Prod_Store_'n'_Go&Rev_5.00\0B618860D06088B3&0 Last Written Time 3/26/2007 18:02:06 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskVBTM____Store_'n'_Go____5.00 FriendlyName REG_SZ VBTM Store 'n' Go USB Device TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 22 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT Typed URLs When a user manually types a website address (URL) into the Internet Explorer browser, that address is recorded in the registry key Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs. I reviewed the Typed URLs but did not find anything of a personal nature and nothing related to adult pornography or child pornography. Last Written Time 2/14/2007 14:59:21 UTC Name Type Data url1 REG_SZ url2 REG_SZ url3 REG_SZ url4 REG_SZ http://fcnet/ url5 REG_SZ url6 REG_SZ OpenSave Most Recently Used When a file is opened and saved using the Open / Save As command in Windows, the name of that file is stored in the Windows registry under the key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\OpenSaveMRU\*. I reviewed this registry key and noted the following items that had been opened and saved on HDD01 but I did not find anything of a personal nature and nothing related to adult pornography or child pornography. Last Written Time 1/31/2007 21:54:21 UTC Class Name Name Shell Type Data MRUList REG_SZ gfedcab g REG_SZ C:\Program Files\West Group\GALEH1WG.vid f REG_SZ e REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\MDT\Desktop\Forsyth County Map.est d REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\MDT\My Documents\Deputy Terminal Services.RDP c REG_SZ C:\emblem_fire1024.jpg a REG_SZ C:\badge4.jpg C:\Documents and Settings\MDT\Desktop\Remote to County (Coutny Hotspot).RDP TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 23 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT b REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\MDT\My Documents\Georgia, United States, North America.ptm TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 24 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT HP PAVILION DESKTOP COMPUTER (HDD02) System Specifications I ran the Initialize Case feature of EnCase and noted that a forensic image of HDD02 was created on 11/25/08 at 12:16 p.m. by Stilger. HDD02 has one partition identified as C, with a total capacity of 244.4gb and 60.2gb allocated to data. The operating system is Windows XP and was installed on 09/24/06 at 01:31 p.m. registered to Scott Pruitt. Other than the default accounts created by the Windows operating system, I noted one user account for HP_Administrator and one user account for Jami Suddeth. The time zone was set to Eastern Standard and I assured that EnCase and FTK were set accordingly. Name: ActualDate: TargetDate: FilePath: Case Number: Evidence Number: Examiner Name: Notes: Drive Type: File Integrity: Acquisition Hash: Verify Hash: EnCase Version: System Version: Fastbloced: Is Physical: Compression: Total Sectors: M Pruitt 11/25/08 12:16:34PM 11/25/08 12:16:34PM F:\image.E01 Bobby Image M Pruitt STILGER DRIVEFIXED Verifying 2553AE67B81C454E0B019AA61B3711FB 6.11 Windows XP No Yes None 488397168 C Volume File System: Sectors per cluster: Total Sectors: Total Clusters: Free Clusters: Volume Name: Id: Serial Number: Full Serial Number: NTFS Drive Type: 8 Bytes per sector: 488,392,002 Total Capacity: 58,819,981 Unallocated: 43,026,039 Allocated: HP_PAVILION Volume Offset: S-1-5-21-1223415986-456185491-3836011227 7FB0-E824 70B5BA297FB0E824 Driver Information: NTFS 3.1 OS Info Product Name: Current Version: Registered Owner: Registered Organization: System Root: Current Build Number: Fixed 512 240,926,642,176 bytes (224.4GB) 176,234,655,744 bytes (164.1GB) 64,691,986,432 bytes (60.2GB) 63 Microsoft Windows XP 5.1 Scott Pruitt C:\WINDOWS 2600 TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 25 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT Path Name: Product ID: Last Service Pack: Product Key: VersionNumber: Source Path: Install Date: Last Shutdown Time: C:\WINDOWS 76487-OEM-0011903-00803 Service Pack 2 User name: Full Name: Type of User: Account Description: Primary Group Number: Security Identifier: User belongs to group: HP_Administrator Scott Pruitt Local User Logon Script: Profile Path: Last Logon: Last Password Change: Last Incorrect Password Logon: User name: Full Name: Type of User: Account Description: Primary Group Number: Security Identifier: User belongs to group: Logon Script: Profile Path: Last Logon: Last Password Change: Last Incorrect Password Logon: 09/24/06 01:31:48PM 05/16/07 09:03:05AM 513 S-1-5-21-1223415986-456185491-3836011227-1008 Debugger Users Administrators %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator 05/17/07 12:16:46AM 09/25/06 06:34:48AM 05/12/07 06:47:08AM Jami Suddeth Jami Suddeth Local User 513 S-1-5-21-1223415986-456185491-3836011227-1009 Users %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\Jami Suddeth 12/14/06 12:33:50AM 12/14/06 12:32:57AM 12/14/06 12:33:44AM TimeZone Info Current control set is 003 Default control set is 003 Failed control set is 001 LastKnownGood control set is 002 Standard time bias is -5:00 hours offset from GMT. StandardName: Eastern Standard Time Standard time is set to change the Standard bias by 0 minutes. Standard time is set to change on Sunday of the 1st week of November, at 02:00 hours. DaylightName: Eastern Daylight Time Daylight savings is set to change the Standard bias by 60 minutes. Daylight savings time is set to change on Sunday of the 2nd week of March, at 02:00 hours. Active time bias is -4:00 hours offset from GMT. TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 26 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT Last Accessed I sorted all files by Last Accessed date to confirm the original evidence was not accessed after it was seized. The evidence revealed that HDD02 was last accessed on 05/16/07 at 04:16 p.m. which is consistent with no access after the evidence was seized. However, the last logon time recorded by the operating system indicates a logon of 05/17/06 at 12:16 a.m. IMAGES I reviewed all images in allocated space using the Gallery View in EnCase and noted a total of 72,941 images, including default system images, cached Internet images, default images from software applications and personal photos of family and/or friends. I did not find any images of child pornography in allocated space. I ran the File Mounter process in EnCase to open compound files such as the thumbs.db. The thumbs.db is a hidden file created by the Windows operating system that stores small thumbnails of images that are on the computer. Each folder containing images or videos will also have a corresponding thumbs.db file. When an image or video is deleted from the computer, the thumbnail of that image will remain in the thumbs.db. The thumbs.db files are compressed and must be “mounted” or uncompressed before the images inside those files can be seen. The thumbs.db files are commonly examined during a forensic analysis to determine if child pornography images existed on the computer at one time and were subsequently deleted. After mounting the thumbs.db, I noted 78,500 total images but I did not find any images of child pornography. I ran the file carver process for all .jpg images in unallocated space and recovered 6010 images. I reviewed all 6010 images and bookmarked 63 images of possible child pornography found in unallocated space. All images were small thumbnails that were likely cached to the hard drive from websites accessed on the Internet based on their appearance and file sizes. 17 of the images recovered from unallocated space are thumbnail images of video files with the same maroon colored banner across the top of the image indicating these thumbnails likely came from the same website. I spoke with SA Stanley and requested that he show me the images of child pornography that resided on the Forsyth County Server escorted me to his lab to show me the images that resided on the Forsyth County Server at the location S:\Roe\2005\2005 CFTS\may 05\0505434 State v. Jackson CP\Exhibit 5 Forensics\Possible CP Unallocated_file and allegedly accessed by Pruitt. After visually observing these images and taking some handwritten notes, I compared those with the images found on HDD02 but did not find any matches. Subsequently, SA Stanley provided me with hash values for the images that resided on the Forsyth County Server at the location S:\Roe\2005\2005 CFTS\may 05\0505434 State v. Jackson CP\Exhibit 5 Forensics\Possible CP Unallocated_files. I ran a search for those hash values on HDD02 but did not find any matches. MULTIMEDIA FILES (VIDEOS) I sorted all files by file extension and located several video files but nothing related to adult pornography or child pornography. Other than a couple of deleted videos with innocuous names such as 002.mpg, all videos appeared to be related to software applications. FOLDER STRUCTURE I reviewed the entire Folder Structure of HDD02 for any user-defined files and folders indicative of child pornography but found none. To view the Folder Structure in its entirety, click here. I reviewed various locations in the Folder Structure that commonly contain items of evidentiary interest but I found nothing related to child pornography. TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 27 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT Desktop The Desktop is the graphical user interface that appears when the computer is booted up. The Desktop consists of icons, windows, toolbars, folders and wallpaper and users commonly create shortcuts on the Desktop to files and folders of interest for easy access. I reviewed the Desktop shortcuts but I did not find anything related to child pornography. My Documents My Documents is a default folder created under each user’s profile by the Windows operating system and is considered the standard location for storing user-defined files and folders. I reviewed the My Documents folder but I did not find anything related to child pornography. To view the files in the My Documents folder, click here. Recent Folder When a file is opened on a computer running the Windows operating system, the file name of the opened file is saved with a .lnk file extension in the Recent Folder. These links include dates and times when the files were opened (File Created), when they were opened again (Last Written) and the full path where the file is/was located. I reviewed the Recent folder and found activity from 09/25/06 through 05/16/07 but nothing related to child pornography. To view the files in the Recent Folder, click here. PROGRAM FILES I reviewed the Program Files folder for software applications installed on EV1HD1 that may contain items of evidentiary value. All applications of evidentiary interest are discussed below. Internet Explorer Internet Explorer is a graphical web browser developed by Microsoft and included as part of the Microsoft Windows operating system. A history of the user’s Internet usage, searches conducted, and files opened or saved using the browser software is contained in the Index.dat files. Using NetAnalysis, I reviewed the Index.dat files for websites visited and noted activity from 03/28/06 through 05/16/07 for users Jami Suddeth and HP_Administrator and over 27,932 URL records. I noted websites related to adult pornography, teen pornography and child pornography. My analysis regarding this Internet activity and the identification of a computer user during this activity is ongoing and will be supplemented as additional evidence is discovered. I reviewed all Search Engine Criteria and noted the following search terms and phrases used on Google and Alta Vista. I did find searches indicative of child pornography and my analysis regarding this activity and the identification of a computer user during this activity is ongoing and will be supplemented as additional evidence is discovered. Last Visited 16/05/2007 14:14:05 Wed 16/05/2007 14:14:05 Wed 16/05/2007 14:12:54 Wed 16/05/2007 14:12:54 Wed 16/05/2007 14:12:45 Wed 16/05/2007 14:12:44 Wed 16/05/2007 12:50:42 Wed 16/05/2007 12:50:42 Wed Host Search Engine Criteria callaway golf clubs callaway golf clubs chess sales chess sales hot whois hot whois TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 28 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT 16/05/2007 12:50:18 Wed 16/05/2007 12:50:18 Wed 16/05/2007 12:09:23 Wed 16/05/2007 12:09:22 Wed 15/05/2007 22:01:01 Tue 15/05/2007 22:00:04 Tue 15/05/2007 22:00:03 Tue 15/05/2007 22:00:02 Tue 15/05/2007 22:00:02 Tue 15/05/2007 21:59:53 Tue 15/05/2007 21:59:53 Tue 15/05/2007 21:57:38 Tue 15/05/2007 21:57:37 Tue 15/05/2007 13:11:25 Tue 15/05/2007 13:11:24 Tue 15/05/2007 13:11:12 Tue 15/05/2007 13:11:12 Tue 25/04/2007 09:46:26 Wed 25/04/2007 09:45:25 Wed 25/04/2007 09:35:59 Wed 25/04/2007 09:35:56 Wed 25/04/2007 09:35:43 Wed 25/04/2007 09:34:59 Wed 25/04/2007 04:46:25 Wed 25/04/2007 04:45:24 Wed 25/04/2007 04:35:58 Wed 25/04/2007 04:35:55 Wed 25/04/2007 04:35:43 Wed 25/04/2007 04:34:59 Wed 20/04/2007 09:14:15 Fri 20/04/2007 07:49:38 Fri 20/04/2007 07:47:40 Fri 30/01/2007 12:19:32 Tue 30/01/2007 12:17:01 Tue 30/01/2007 12:16:51 Tue 11/01/2007 20:34:28 Thu 11/01/2007 20:34:17 Thu 11/01/2007 20:33:41 Thu 11/01/2007 20:31:10 Thu 11/01/2007 20:31:10 Thu hot who is hot who is two car garqge plans two car garqge plans ttp:// hair bow design guide hair bow design guide hair bow "design guide" hair bow "design guide" making hair bows making hair bows hair bow "how to guide" hair bow "how to guide" pearl vision pearl vision pearl vision lakeland plaza cumming ga pearl vision lakeland plaza cumming ga Chessmaster OPK check patch Chesmaster OPK check patch crafty download crfty download winboard version crafty winboard version crafty Chessmaster OPK check patch Chesmaster OPK check patch crafty download crfty download winboard version crafty winboard version crafty white county ga criminal records fulton county georgia court child support increase fulton county georgia interrogatories Legal response Legal responce disable file renaming in excel disable file renaming in excel disable file renaming in excel disable file renaming disable file renaming TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 29 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT 11/01/2007 20:29:59 Thu 11/01/2007 20:28:53 Thu 11/01/2007 20:28:40 Thu 11/01/2007 20:28:16 Thu 11/01/2007 17:51:13 Thu 08/01/2007 02:33:21 Mon 08/01/2007 02:10:09 Mon 07/01/2007 14:32:49 Sun 07/01/2007 14:31:13 Sun 07/01/2007 14:31:02 Sun 06/01/2007 06:21:10 Sat 06/01/2007 06:20:51 Sat 06/01/2007 06:20:47 Sat 06/01/2007 06:19:40 Sat 06/01/2007 06:19:13 Sat 06/01/2007 06:19:08 Sat 06/01/2007 06:19:00 Sat 06/01/2007 06:18:51 Sat 06/01/2007 06:18:32 Sat 06/01/2007 06:12:43 Sat 06/01/2007 06:12:32 Sat 06/01/2007 06:12:28 Sat 06/01/2007 06:11:32 Sat 06/01/2007 06:11:28 Sat 06/01/2007 06:11:22 Sat 06/01/2007 06:10:51 Sat 06/01/2007 06:10:46 Sat 06/01/2007 06:09:56 Sat 06/01/2007 06:09:07 Sat 06/01/2007 06:08:40 Sat 06/01/2007 06:08:28 Sat 06/01/2007 06:08:13 Sat 06/01/2007 06:07:54 Sat 06/01/2007 06:07:51 Sat 06/01/2007 06:07:48 Sat 06/01/2007 06:04:25 Sat 06/01/2007 06:02:01 Sat 06/01/2007 06:01:34 Sat 06/01/2007 05:59:33 Sat 06/01/2007 05:57:36 Sat disable file renaming stop file renaming file renaming Excel Visual Basic Code Excel Visual Basic Code avery label template 5160 Avery Label 5160 template don lee homes cumming ga don lee homes forsyth county ga don lee homes nude preteen nude preteen nude preteen nude preteen nude preteen nude preteen boy preteen boy gay boy gay boy nude boy nude boy nude boy nude boy nude boy nude boy nude boy nude boy inurl:"nude boy" inurl:"nude boy" inurl:"nude preteen" inurl:"nude lolita" inurl:"underage" inurl:"lolita" "nude" "underage" inurl:"lolita" "nude" "underage" inurl:"lolita" "nude" "underage" inurl:"lolita" "nude" "underage" inurl:"lolita" "nude" "underage" inurl:"lolita" "nude" "underage" inurl:"lolita" "nude" inurl:"lolita" "nude" TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 30 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT 06/01/2007 05:57:34 Sat 06/01/2007 05:57:34 Sat 06/01/2007 05:57:31 Sat 06/01/2007 05:49:32 Sat 06/01/2007 05:48:56 Sat 06/01/2007 05:28:10 Sat 06/01/2007 05:23:56 Sat 06/01/2007 05:10:29 Sat 06/01/2007 05:10:18 Sat 06/01/2007 05:10:10 Sat 06/01/2007 05:09:50 Sat 04/01/2007 14:25:59 Thu 03/01/2007 20:49:34 Wed 03/01/2007 20:49:33 Wed 03/01/2007 20:49:26 Wed 03/01/2007 20:49:21 Wed 03/01/2007 20:49:21 Wed 03/01/2007 20:49:21 Wed 02/01/2007 23:31:42 Tue 02/01/2007 23:30:52 Tue 02/01/2007 23:27:34 Tue 02/01/2007 23:26:52 Tue 02/01/2007 23:20:33 Tue 02/01/2007 23:18:42 Tue 27/12/2006 00:04:10 Wed 24/12/2006 22:06:58 Sun 24/12/2006 22:06:54 Sun 24/12/2006 22:03:08 Sun 24/12/2006 21:35:41 Sun 24/12/2006 21:35:05 Sun 24/12/2006 21:34:21 Sun 24/12/2006 21:33:01 Sun 24/12/2006 21:32:44 Sun 24/12/2006 21:32:28 Sun 24/12/2006 21:32:22 Sun 24/12/2006 21:32:18 Sun 24/12/2006 21:31:41 Sun 24/12/2006 21:31:30 Sun 24/12/2006 21:30:09 Sun 24/12/2006 20:45:36 Sun inurl:"lolita" "nude" inurl:"lolita" "nude" inurl:"lolita" "nude" inurl:"lolita" "nude" inurl:"lolita" "nude" inurl:"lolita" "nude" inurl:"lolita" "nude" inurl:"lolita" filetype:".jpg" inurl:"lolita" filetype:.jpg inurl:"lolita" filetype:"jpg" inurl:"lolita" cumming cleaners saddam hanging saddam hanging saddam hanging saddam hanging saddam hanging saddam hanging APNIC lookup RIPE lookup ARIN lookup CRSNIC lookup whois lookup whois look up inurl:naked preteen preteen porno preteen porno preteen porno intitle:"nude preteen" -non intitle:"nude preteen" -non intitle:"nude preteen" nude preteen preteen nude nude preteen preteen preteen preteen preteen preteen inurl:newbbs biz TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 31 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT 24/12/2006 20:45:13 Sun 24/12/2006 20:45:00 Sun 24/12/2006 20:44:44 Sun 24/12/2006 20:44:30 Sun 24/12/2006 20:44:20 Sun 24/12/2006 20:42:34 Sun 24/12/2006 20:41:50 Sun 24/12/2006 20:36:59 Sun 24/12/2006 20:36:40 Sun 24/12/2006 20:33:58 Sun 24/12/2006 20:29:31 Sun 24/12/2006 20:28:27 Sun 24/12/2006 20:24:20 Sun 24/12/2006 20:21:20 Sun 24/12/2006 20:21:12 Sun 24/12/2006 20:17:23 Sun 24/12/2006 20:09:00 Sun 24/12/2006 20:08:25 Sun 24/12/2006 20:07:09 Sun 24/12/2006 20:06:50 Sun 09/12/2006 11:05:25 Sat 09/12/2006 06:05:25 Sat 07/12/2006 22:14:50 Thu 07/12/2006 17:14:49 Thu 05/12/2006 21:48:34 Tue 05/12/2006 21:47:20 Tue 05/12/2006 21:46:42 Tue 05/12/2006 21:46:05 Tue 05/12/2006 21:42:50 Tue 05/12/2006 21:41:11 Tue 05/12/2006 21:36:29 Tue 05/12/2006 16:48:33 Tue 05/12/2006 16:46:42 Tue 05/12/2006 16:46:04 Tue 05/12/2006 16:42:49 Tue 05/12/2006 16:41:11 Tue 05/12/2006 16:36:28 Tue 02/12/2006 14:17:16 Sat 02/12/2006 14:13:11 Sat 02/12/2006 14:11:24 Sat inurl:newbbs intitle:newbbs intitle:newbbs preteen intitle:bbs preteen intitle:bbs preteen intitle:bbs preteen intitle:bbs preteen intitle:bbs intitle:nude preteen intitle:nude preteen intitle:nude preteen intitle:nude preteen preteen preteen preteen r=all allintitle: newbbs allintitle: newbbs intitle:"newbbs" intitle: newbbs movies 400 in cumming ga movies 400 in cumming ga m& m& the lords prayer the lords prayer sweet poems sweet poems health care poems google earth the lords prayer sweet poems sweet poems health care poems google earth old navy lakeshore mall in gainesville ga north point mall TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 32 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT 02/12/2006 14:11:09 Sat 02/12/2006 09:17:16 Sat 02/12/2006 09:13:11 Sat 02/12/2006 09:11:23 Sat 02/12/2006 09:11:08 Sat 30/11/2006 19:18:31 Thu 30/11/2006 19:17:34 Thu 30/11/2006 19:17:13 Thu 30/11/2006 19:16:08 Thu 30/11/2006 19:14:09 Thu 30/11/2006 19:13:03 Thu 30/11/2006 19:02:01 Thu 30/11/2006 17:48:58 Thu 30/11/2006 14:18:31 Thu 30/11/2006 14:17:33 Thu 30/11/2006 14:17:12 Thu 30/11/2006 14:16:08 Thu 30/11/2006 14:14:08 Thu 30/11/2006 14:13:03 Thu 30/11/2006 14:02:01 Thu 30/11/2006 12:48:58 Thu 29/11/2006 19:35:11 Wed 29/11/2006 19:26:32 Wed 29/11/2006 19:26:04 Wed 29/11/2006 14:35:10 Wed 29/11/2006 14:26:31 Wed 29/11/2006 14:26:04 Wed 24/11/2006 12:57:54 Fri 24/11/2006 12:37:24 Fri 24/11/2006 12:36:47 Fri 24/11/2006 12:36:38 Fri 24/11/2006 12:36:13 Fri 24/11/2006 12:35:24 Fri 24/11/2006 12:32:17 Fri 24/11/2006 12:30:16 Fri 24/11/2006 12:28:15 Fri 24/11/2006 12:28:10 Fri 24/11/2006 12:28:06 Fri 24/11/2006 12:28:00 Fri 24/11/2006 12:27:54 Fri outlet mall in dawsonville old navy lakeshore mall in gainesville ga north point mall outlet mall in dawsonville thefoster' jobs in cumming ga jobs in cumming ga jobs in cumming ga jos in cumming ga thefoster' jobs in cumming ga jobs in cumming ga jobs in cumming ga jos in cumming ga truck body kits little acres day care in cumming ga day cares in cumming ga truck body kits little acres day care in cumming ga day cares in cumming ga applebees in cumming ga xtreme audio in cumming ga xtreme audio in cumming ga xtreme audio in cumming ga yellow pages xtreme audio in cumming ga mobile electronics and accessories in cumming ga keyless entry for automobile installation in cumming ga keyless entry for automobile installation in cumming ga keyless entry for automobile installation in cumming ga keyless entry for automobile installation in cumming ga keyless entry for automobile installation in cumming ga TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 33 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT 24/11/2006 12:27:41 Fri 24/11/2006 12:27:03 Fri 24/11/2006 12:26:48 Fri 24/11/2006 12:25:54 Fri 24/11/2006 12:25:40 Fri 24/11/2006 12:21:02 Fri 24/11/2006 12:20:54 Fri 24/11/2006 12:10:31 Fri 24/11/2006 12:09:05 Fri 24/11/2006 12:06:50 Fri 24/11/2006 12:06:29 Fri 24/11/2006 07:57:54 Fri 24/11/2006 07:37:23 Fri 24/11/2006 07:36:47 Fri 24/11/2006 07:36:37 Fri 24/11/2006 07:36:13 Fri 24/11/2006 07:35:24 Fri 24/11/2006 07:32:16 Fri 24/11/2006 07:30:16 Fri 24/11/2006 07:28:14 Fri 24/11/2006 07:28:10 Fri 24/11/2006 07:28:05 Fri 24/11/2006 07:28:00 Fri 24/11/2006 07:27:53 Fri 24/11/2006 07:27:41 Fri 24/11/2006 07:27:02 Fri 24/11/2006 07:26:48 Fri 24/11/2006 07:25:53 Fri 24/11/2006 07:25:40 Fri 24/11/2006 07:21:01 Fri 24/11/2006 07:17:41 Fri 24/11/2006 07:10:31 Fri 24/11/2006 07:06:50 Fri 24/11/2006 07:06:29 Fri 18/11/2006 13:55:13 Sat 03/11/2006 22:43:52 Fri 28/10/2006 23:01:14 Sat 14/10/2006 20:00:56 Sat HPIA:2006-39 keyless entry for automobile installation in cumming ga keyless entry for automobile in cumming ga keyless entry for automobile cumming ga cummin cummin stereo cumming stereos in cumming ga keyless entries for trucks in cumming ga keyless entries for trucks in cumming ga keyless entries for trucks in cumming ga keyless entries for trucks in cumming ga applebees in cumming ga xtreme audio in cumming ga xtreme audio in cumming ga xtreme audio in cumming ga yellow pages xtreme audio in cumming ga mobile electronics and accessories in cumming ga keyless entry for automobile installation in cumming ga keyless entry for automobile installation in cumming ga keyless entry for automobile installation in cumming ga keyless entry for automobile installation in cumming ga keyless entry for automobile installation in cumming ga keyless entry for automobile installation in cumming ga keyless entry for automobile in cumming ga keyless entry for automobile cumming ga cummin cummin stereo cumming stereos in cumming ga keyless entries for trucks in cumming ga keyless entries for trucks in cumming ga keyless entries for trucks in cumming ga clark howard myspace face painting TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 34 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT Favorites Favorites are stored web page locations and their primary purpose is to easily catalog and access web pages that a user has visited and chosen to save. I reviewed the Favorites in Internet Explorer but I did not find anything related to child pornography. Real Player Real Player is a cross platform media player that can play various multimedia formats including music and video files. When files are opened using the Real Player software, link (.lnk) files are created in the Real Player History file. I reviewed the Real Player history file and found 238 links to videos that were opened using Real Player from 10/15/06 through 12/14/06. Some of the link files had names indicative of adult pornography but I did not find anything related to child pornography. To view the Real Player History, click here. Windows Media Player Windows Media Player is the default digital media player included with the Windows operating system and is used for organizing and playing digital music, video and image files. When a multimedia file is opened using the Windows Media Player, the name of the file is stored in the RecentFileList folder. I reviewed the RecentFileList but did not find any files. REGISTRY FILES The Windows registry is a directory which stores settings and options for the operating system for Microsoft Windows 32-bit versions, 64-bit versions, and Windows Mobile. It contains information and settings for all the hardware, operating system software, most non-operating system software, users, preferences of the computer, etc. I exported the registry files including USER.DAT, SYSTEM, SOFTWARE, SAM and SECURITY and reviewed them for evidentiary information using Registry Viewer. Storage Devices The registry maintains a record of hardware devices on the computer including removable storage media connected to the USB ports. I reviewed the registry key ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR and noted many different USB drives that have been connected to HDD01. The following is a summary of those devices found in the Registry. For a more detailed listing of these devices, click here. ControlSet001\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_&Prod_USB_DRIVE&Rev_1.12\1162700724893&0 Last Written Time 3/28/2006 23:59:32 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\Disk________USB_DRIVE_______1.12 FriendlyName REG_SZ USB DRIVE USB Device ControlSet001\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Brother&Prod_MFC-420CN&Rev_1.00\7&32e1dc08&0&BROK4F677441&0 Last Written Time 10/20/2006 4:16:02 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskBrother_MFC-420CN_______1.00 TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 35 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT FriendlyName REG_SZ Brother MFC-420CN USB Device ControlSet001\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Flash&Prod_Drive_SM_USB20&Rev_3000\AA04012707834&0 Last Written Time 10/8/2006 2:24:24 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskFlash___Drive_SM_USB20__3000 FriendlyName REG_SZ Flash Drive SM_USB20 USB Device ControlSet001\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_FUJIFILM&Prod_USBDRIVEUNIT&Rev_1.00\592D3936325E06021174B320328B30&0 Last Written Time 10/15/2006 0:17:21 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskFUJIFILMUSB-DRIVEUNIT___1.00 FriendlyName REG_SZ FUJIFILM USB-DRIVEUNIT USB Device ControlSet001\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Generic&Prod_USB_CF_Reader&Rev_1.01\2004888&1 Last Written Time 10/22/2006 15:32:34 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskGeneric_USB_CF_Reader___1.01 FriendlyName REG_SZ Generic USB CF Reader USB Device ControlSet001\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Generic&Prod_USB_MS_Reader&Rev_1.03\2004888&3 Last Written Time 10/22/2006 15:32:34 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskGeneric_USB_MS_Reader___1.03 FriendlyName REG_SZ Generic USB MS Reader USB Device ControlSet001\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Generic&Prod_USB_SD_Reader&Rev_1.00\2004888&0 Last Written Time 10/22/2006 15:32:34 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskGeneric_USB_SD_Reader___1.00 FriendlyName REG_SZ Generic USB SD Reader USB Device TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 36 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT ControlSet001\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Generic&Prod_USB_SM_Reader&Rev_1.02\2004888&2 Last Written Time 10/22/2006 15:32:34 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskGeneric_USB_SM_Reader___1.02 FriendlyName REG_SZ Generic USB SM Reader USB Device ControlSet001\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_USB_2.0&Prod_Flash_Disk&Rev_1100\AA04012700007667&0 Last Written Time 10/21/2006 23:15:38 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskUSB_2.0_Flash_Disk______1100 FriendlyName REG_SZ USB 2.0 Flash Disk USB Device ControlSet001\Enum\USBSTOR\SFloppy&Ven_MITSUMI&Prod_USB_FDD_____070M&Rev_3.01\6&2b63e84c&0 Last Written Time 10/22/2006 7:38:21 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\SFloppyMITSUMI_USB_FDD_____070M3.01 FriendlyName REG_SZ MITSUMI USB FDD 070M USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_&Prod_USB_DRIVE&Rev_1.12\1162700724893&0 Last Written Time 3/28/2006 23:59:32 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\Disk________USB_DRIVE_______1.12 FriendlyName REG_SZ USB DRIVE USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Apple&Prod_iPod&Rev_1.62\000A2700194EE41D&0 Last Written Time 1/17/2007 2:01:56 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskApple___iPod____________1.62 FriendlyName REG_SZ Apple iPod USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Apple&Prod_iPod&Rev_1.62\000A270019A49E0F&0 Last Written Time Name 4/13/2007 18:45:01 UTC Type Data TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 37 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskApple___iPod____________1.62 FriendlyName REG_SZ Apple iPod USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Brother&Prod_MFC-420CN&Rev_1.00\7&32e1dc08&0&BROK4F677441&0 Last Written Time 5/15/2007 15:18:37 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskBrother_MFC-420CN_______1.00 FriendlyName REG_SZ Brother MFC-420CN USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Creative&Prod_NOMAD_MUVO&Rev_0100\0000210429E28116&0 Last Written Time 1/7/2007 16:11:25 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskCreativeNOMAD_MUVO______0100 FriendlyName REG_SZ Creative NOMAD MUVO USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Flash&Prod_Drive_SM_USB20&Rev_1100\AA04012700007925&0 Last Written Time 1/31/2007 22:35:26 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskFlash___Drive_SM_USB20__1100 FriendlyName REG_SZ Flash Drive SM_USB20 USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Flash&Prod_Drive_SM_USB20&Rev_3000\AA04012707834&0 Last Written Time 2/26/2007 14:44:03 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskFlash___Drive_SM_USB20__3000 FriendlyName REG_SZ Flash Drive SM_USB20 USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_FUJIFILM&Prod_USBDRIVEUNIT&Rev_1.00\592D3936325E06021174B320328B30&0 Last Written Time 10/15/2006 0:17:21 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskFUJIFILMUSB-DRIVEUNIT___1.00 FriendlyName REG_SZ FUJIFILM USB-DRIVEUNIT USB Device TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 38 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Generic&Prod_USB_CF_Reader&Rev_1.01\2004888&1 Last Written Time 5/16/2007 14:31:15 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskGeneric_USB_CF_Reader___1.01 FriendlyName REG_SZ Generic USB CF Reader USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Generic&Prod_USB_MS_Reader&Rev_1.03\2004888&3 Last Written Time 5/16/2007 14:31:15 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskGeneric_USB_MS_Reader___1.03 FriendlyName REG_SZ Generic USB MS Reader USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Generic&Prod_USB_SD_Reader&Rev_1.00\2004888&0 Last Written Time 5/16/2007 14:31:15 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskGeneric_USB_SD_Reader___1.00 FriendlyName REG_SZ Generic USB SD Reader USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Generic&Prod_USB_SM_Reader&Rev_1.02\2004888&2 Last Written Time 5/16/2007 14:31:15 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskGeneric_USB_SM_Reader___1.02 FriendlyName REG_SZ Generic USB SM Reader USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_LEXAR&Prod_JD_CLASSIC&Rev_3000\BDED2510112913250806&0 Last Written Time 4/19/2007 12:52:30 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskLEXAR___JD_CLASSIC______3000 FriendlyName REG_SZ LEXAR JD CLASSIC USB Device TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 39 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_LEXAR&Prod_JUMPDRIVE&Rev_1.20\F251430221100&0 Last Written Time 5/7/2007 20:06:35 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskLEXAR___JUMPDRIVE_______1.20 FriendlyName REG_SZ LEXAR JUMPDRIVE USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_OLYMPUS&Prod_DVR_DM_SERIES&Rev_1.00\6&4a610b4&0 Last Written Time 1/6/2007 9:25:06 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskOLYMPUS_DVR_DM_SERIES___1.00 FriendlyName REG_SZ OLYMPUS DVR DM SERIES USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_PNY&Prod_USB_2.0_FD&Rev_PMAP\6E6C0B004D32&0 Last Written Time 4/19/2007 12:28:03 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskPNY_____USB_2.0_FD______PMAP FriendlyName REG_SZ PNY USB 2.0 FD USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_USB_2.0&Prod_Flash_Disk&Rev_1.00\0603220149265&0 Last Written Time 1/12/2007 3:58:24 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskUSB_2.0_Flash_Disk______1.00 FriendlyName REG_SZ USB 2.0 Flash Disk USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_USB_2.0&Prod_Flash_Disk&Rev_1100\AA04012700007667&0 Last Written Time 5/7/2007 20:13:44 UTC Name Type Data HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskUSB_2.0_Flash_Disk______1100 FriendlyName REG_SZ USB 2.0 Flash Disk USB Device ControlSet002\Enum\USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_VBTM&Prod_Store_'n'_Go&Rev_5.00\0B618860D06088B3&0 Last Written Time Name 5/10/2007 16:00:15 UTC Type Data TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 40 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT HardwareID REG_MULTI_SZ USBSTOR\DiskVBTM____Store_'n'_Go____5.00 FriendlyName REG_SZ VBTM Store 'n' Go USB Device Typed URLs When a user manually types a website address (URL) into the Internet Explorer browser, that address is recorded in the registry key Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs. I reviewed the Typed URLs but did not find anything related to adult pornography or child pornography. Last Written Time 5/16/2007 19:13:48 UTC Name Type Data url1 REG_SZ url2 REG_SZ url3 REG_SZ url4 REG_SZ url5 REG_SZ url6 REG_SZ url7 REG_SZ url8 REG_SZ OpenSave Most Recently Used When a file is opened and saved using the Open / Save As command in Windows, the name of that file is stored in the Windows registry under the key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\OpenSaveMRU\*. I reviewed this registry key and noted items that had been opened and saved on HDD02 but I did not find anything related to adult pornography or child pornography. The following is a sampling of those documents, for a complete list of all files in the OpenSaveMRU, click here. Last Written Time 5/16/2007 18:34:15 UTC Class Name Name Type Shell Data MRUList REG_SZ ihgfedcba i REG_SZ K:\New Folder\SM\1.jpg TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 41 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT h REG_SZ C:\Program Files\ChessBase\Engines\Inactive Engines\Chessmaster 10\Wb2Uci.exe g REG_SZ C:\Program Files\ChessBase\DeepFritz GM\ f REG_SZ C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Chessmaster 10th Edition\crafty1917p3.exe e REG_SZ C:\Program Files\ChessBase\Engines\Inactive Engines\CM10engine.exe d REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\BRYAN WADE\Georgia_Offline_Child_Support_Calculator_2007v3.xls c REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\BRYAN WADE\Open Record - White County SO.wps b REG_SZ F:\openrecord.wps a REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\TurboTax\2006 Pruitt M Tax Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\OpenSaveMRU\doc Last Written Time 2/4/2007 5:33:36 UTC Class Name Name Shell Type Data MRUList REG_SZ edcba c REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\Microsoft keys\Microsoft License Keys Ementor.doc b REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\New Things to check out\Computer Checking Software\TEST PASSWORD.doc a REG_SZ C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\Work Items\Blamk Forms\BLANK Investigative Notes.doc Recent Docs When a file is opened on a computer running the Windows operating system, the file name of the opened file is saved with a .lnk file extension in the Recent Folder and recorded in the Windows registry under the key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RecentDocs. I reviewed the Recent Docs but found nothing related to child pornography. I did find ten file names in the RecentDocs having the same nomenclature as the images of alleged child pornography on the Forsyth County Server. These files were opened on HDD02 on 05/16/07. However, the actual images do not reside on HDD02 and there is no evidence that these images contain child pornography. TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 42 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT Last Written Time 5/16/2007 19:03:06 UTC Name Type Data 34 Shortcut Target Name : Pics REG_BINARY Shortcut Name (ASCII) : Pics (2).lnk Shortcut Name (Unicode) : Pics (2).lnk 20 Shortcut Target Name : 0063.jpg REG_BINARY Shortcut Name (ASCII) : 0063.lnk Shortcut Name (Unicode) : 0063.lnk 46 Shortcut Target Name : 0071.jpg REG_BINARY Shortcut Name (ASCII) : 0071.lnk Shortcut Name (Unicode) : 0071.lnk 16 Shortcut Target Name : 0081.jpg REG_BINARY Shortcut Name (ASCII) : 0081.lnk Shortcut Name (Unicode) : 0081.lnk 22 Shortcut Target Name : 0112.jpg REG_BINARY Shortcut Name (ASCII) : 0112.lnk Shortcut Name (Unicode) : 0112.lnk 23 Shortcut Target Name : 0115.jpg REG_BINARY Shortcut Name (ASCII) : 0115.lnk Shortcut Name (Unicode) : 0115.lnk 9 Shortcut Target Name : 0125.jpg REG_BINARY Shortcut Name (ASCII) : 0125.lnk Shortcut Name (Unicode) : 0125.lnk 36 Shortcut Target Name : 0122.jpg REG_BINARY Shortcut Name (ASCII) : 0122.lnk Shortcut Name (Unicode) : 0122.lnk 15 Shortcut Target Name : 0127.jpg REG_BINARY Shortcut Name (ASCII) : 0127.lnk Shortcut Name (Unicode) : 0127.lnk 21 REG_BINARY Shortcut Target Name Shortcut Name (ASCII) : 0128.jpg : 0128.lnk TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 43 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT Shortcut Name (Unicode) : 0128.lnk 55 Shortcut Target Name : 0129.jpg REG_BINARY Shortcut Name (ASCII) : 0129.lnk Shortcut Name (Unicode) : 0129.lnk 10 Shortcut Target Name : Pics 2 REG_BINARY Shortcut Name (ASCII) : Pics 2.lnk Shortcut Name (Unicode) : Pics 2.lnk 53 Shortcut Target Name : SM REG_BINARY Shortcut Name (ASCII) : SM.lnk Shortcut Name (Unicode) : SM.lnk 52 Shortcut Target Name : Work Jump Drive REG_BINARY Shortcut Name (ASCII) : Work Jump Drive.lnk Shortcut Name (Unicode) : Work Jump Drive.lnk Virus Scan Using Mount Image Pro, I mounted HDD02 and scanned the evidence drive using Trend Micro PC-cillin Internet Security Version 14.60.1206, engine version 8.910.1002, Serial No. DLEM-0013-6525-8298-3803. No malware was detected. STANLEY’S REPORT OF IMAGES SA Stanley produced a report titled HP Images Report that includes approximately 78 image files of interest found on HDD02. The report includes the file names, Created dates, Last Accessed dates and the full path where each file was found. Four of the files were found in the Java Cache folder and the remaining images were deleted temporary Internet files. Inasmuch as the report does not contain the actual images, I located all 78 images on HDD02 and reviewed them for their content. In addition, I reviewed each of the images in SA Stanley’s report and noted the dates when the activity occurred, as follows: 11/05/06 12/10/06 12/11/06 01/17/07 05/16/07 12:06 PM 05:10 PM – 06:28 04:15 PM 10:06 AM 02:37 PM – 02:50 PM 11/05/06 SA Stanley’s report includes four images of interest created on 11/05/06 at 12:06 p.m. The following is an example of one of the images. None of the images noted on this date and time contain child pornography. Name File Created Last Accessed Full Path preteen_model_girl.jpg-16dd1af8-720492a5.jpg 11/05/06 12:06:51PM 01/16/07 10:42:21PM Pruitt\1\C\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Application TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 44 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\javapi\v1.0\file\preteen_model_girl.jpg-16dd1af8-720492a5.jpg I was unable to identify any specific user activity during this date and time. It was not until 05:36 p.m. that the first user Identified activity begins with Jami Suddeth. 05:36 pm 06:19 pm LoveMuffins (Jami Suddeth) is editing her MySpace account. All Internet activity at this time occurs under the Jami Suddeth profile. MySpace activity ends 12/10/06 SA Stanley’s report includes three images of interest created on 12/10/06 between 05:21 and 06:28 p.m. and subsequently deleted. Only one of these images contains pornographic content. Image 1350598715_s[1].jpg is a very small thumbnail image that depicts a close-up of male and female genitals engaged in intercourse. Other than the lack of pubic hair on the female genitals, there are no identifying features to determine the age of either person in the image. The other two images are not pornographic in nature as evidenced below. All activity noted on this date from 05:21 p.m. to 06:28 p.m. indicates Jami Suddeth on MySpace. Name File Created Last Accessed Full Path 612796291_m[1].jpg 12/10/06 05:21:52PM 02/05/07 12:07:16PM Pruitt\1\C\Documents and Settings\Jami Suddeth\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\QE2WQDBT\612796291_m[1].jpg Name File Created Last Accessed Full Path 1350598715_s[1].jpg 12/10/06 05:37:42PM 02/05/07 12:02:42PM Pruitt\1\C\Documents and Settings\Jami Suddeth\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\3IQQ0SKX\1350598715_s[1].jpg Name prettyprincesspink444[1].gif File Created 12/10/06 06:28:17PM Last Accessed 02/05/07 12:07:30PM TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 45 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT Full Path Pruitt\1\C\Documents and Settings\Jami Suddeth\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\QE2WQDBT\prettyprincesspink444[1].gif 12/11/06 SA Stanley’s report includes one image of interest created on 12/11/06 at 04:15 p.m. and subsequently deleted. This image is a very small thumbnail image that depicts a close-up of male and female genitals engaged in intercourse. Other than the lack of pubic hair on the female genitals, there are no identifying features to determine the age of either person in the image. All activity noted on this date indicates Jami Suddeth on MySpace. Name File Created Last Accessed Full Path 70244rdc9jm4y6t[1].jpg 12/11/06 04:15:34PM 02/05/07 12:02:25PM Pruitt\1\C\Documents and Settings\Jami Suddeth\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\2OUFDUI5\70244rdc9jm4y6t[1].jpg 01/17/07 SA Stanley’s report includes one image of interest created on 01/17/07 at 10:06 a.m. This image is a very small thumbnail image that depicts a close-up of male and female genitals. Other than the lack of pubic hair on the female genitals, there are no identifying features to determine the age of either person in the image. There is no user identifiable activity on the computer on this date and time. Name File Created Last Accessed Full Path tn_1112[1].jpg 01/17/07 10:06:36AM 01/17/07 10:06:37AM Pruitt\1\C\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\2NHI22GP\tn_1112[1].jpg 05/16/07 SA Stanley’s report includes 67 images of interest created on 05/16/07 from 02:37 p.m. through 02:50 p.m. None of the images cached on this date contain child pornography. TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 46 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT 512MB THUMB DRIVE (HDD03) System Specifications HDD03 has a total capacity of 488.6mb with 136mb allocated to data. I bookmarked the Folder Structure and noted one folder in allocated space for Program Files, the remaining folders have been deleted. Because HDD03 is a storage device only, no operating system or user accounts exist. There are a total of 507 files and folders on HDD03 with created dates from 10/05/05 through 10/12/06. For a listing of all files on HDD03, click here. I did not find anything of a personal nature, no images of adult pornography or child pornography and nothing of evidentiary value on HDD03. Volume File System FAT16 Sectors per cluster 16 Total Sectors 1,001,184 Total Clusters 62,541 Free Clusters 45,134 Volume Name NO NAME OEM Version )o-H]IHC Heads 8 Unused Sectors 32 Sectors Per FAT 245 Drive Type Fixed Bytes per sector 512 Total Capacity 512,335,872 bytes (488.6MB) Unallocated 369,737,728 bytes (352.6MB) Allocated 142,598,144 bytes (136MB) Volume Offset 32 Serial Number 0016-9E40 Sectors Per Track 32 Number of FATs 2 Boot Sectors 1 └─ C ├─ Program Files │ └─ StaffCom │ └─ DB _B ├─ ├─ FL WC forms ├─ Forms瀀 ├─ ├─ ├─ └─ Ga WC Forms New Folder _B _B TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 47 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT 1GB THUMB DRIVE (HDD04) System Specifications HDD04 has a total capacity of 984mb. I bookmarked the Folder Structure and noted many user defined files and folders that all appeared to be work related. The following is an example of the Folder Structure. To view the Folder Structure in its entirety, click here. Because HDD04 is a storage device only, no operating system or user accounts exist. There are a total of 1959 files and folders on HDD04 with created dates from 12/26/06 through 05/03/07. For a listing of all files on HDD03, click here. I did not find anything of a personal nature, no images of adult pornography or child pornography and nothing of evidentiary value on HDD04. Total Size 1,031,798,784 bytes (984MB) Total Sectors 2,015,232 Disk Signature 00000000 Partitions Code Type 0E Start Sector Total Sectors Size LBA DOS 0 2,015,232 984MB └─ untitled └─ C ├─ ACCIDENT DIAGRAMS ├─ Bishop ├─ Camera Photos │ └─ Simmons 04-09-07 ├─ Click It or Ticket ├─ Daily Activity │ ├─ 2007 Daily Activity Reports │ │ ├─ 03 March 2007 TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 48 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT CONCLUSIONS On the morning of April 16, 2007, John-David Rusk noticed unusual Internet usage on the Forsyth County Server from the previous weekend of April 14-15, 2007 and proceeded to investigate the activity. Rusk identified MSPruitt as one of the users who remotely accessed the server that weekend. According to Rusk he opened the MSPruitt profile and “by accident I sorted to see the oldest files first and was shocked to see thumbnail images of a disturbing sexual nature accessed by the MSPruitt account on March 15, 2007.” A screen shot was taken of the My Recent Documents folder in the MSPruitt profile showing files accessed from March 15, 2007 through March 26, 2007. There are several notable and troubling discrepancies with the facts set forth in this regard. Rusk states that he accidentally sorted the oldest files first and was shocked to see thumbnail images of a disturbing sexual nature. According to the screen shot that was provided with the disclosure, there are 36 shortcuts with Modified Dates from 03/15/07 to 03/26/07. The scroll bar on the right side of the screen is at all the way at the top indicating there are many additional files after 03/26/07 but none before 03/15/07. According to this screen shot, MSPruitt never accessed a file during a remote session prior to 03/15/07. However, the Remote to County shortcut was setup on HDD01 on 12/21/05 and last accessed on 05/03/07 indicating the remote connection was used for a period of at least six months. Additionally, this screen shot does not show any additional information regarding the link files and Pruitt’s activities including the File Created, Last Written or Last Accessed dates. Although the author of the screen shots was not identified in the disclosure I reviewed, the screen shots were disclosed in both State and the Federal cases charging Mr. Pruitt with wrongdoing. I reviewed both documents and noted that the screen shot disclosed in the State matter differs from the screen shot disclosed in the Federal matter. Identified as Exhibit 2 in the State matter, the screen shot shows the image files in question as 0024, 0044, 0058, 0134, 0132, 0082, 0063 and 0071. Identified only with 34-0525-22-07 in the Federal case, the screen shot shows the image files in question as 0024, 0041, 0044, 0058, 0134, 0132, 0082, 0063 and 0071. The 0041 shortcut file is clearly missing from the screen shot disclosed in the State matter indicating that file was either deleted or added. Because computer forensic evidence is an exact science, verified with the use of hash values, this extraordinary flaw merits further investigation. Another discrepancy with the screen shots disclosed by the Government is the order in which the files appear. In one document, SA Stanley states that the images of child pornography were located in the Joe Mamma folder and in a different document SA Stanley indicates that the images of child pornography were located in the Possible CP Unallocated_Files folder. While the Joe Mamma folder appears in the My Recent Documents almost two hours prior to the first file being accessed, it seems unlikely that a user would open a folder during a remote session and then wait two hours to open the first file. According to the screen shot, the Jo Mamma folder is opened, but no files within that folder are opened. If the images were actually located in the Possible CP Unallocated_Files folder, common sense tells us that the folder should appear in the My Recent Documents moments before the first file is opened indicating the folder is opened and then a file is opened. However, this folder does not appear in the screen shot until 02:16 a.m., almost 9 minutes after the first file contained in the folder was allegedly opened. These questions surrounding these inconsistencies may be answered through an independent forensic exam of the Forsyth County Server, however, the questions can not be answered with the hard copy screen shots provided. With regard to Rusk’s statement that he “was shocked to see thumbnail images of a sexual nature”, the files in the My Recent Documents are link files or shortcuts. Shortcuts are simply links to files that have been opened, not the files themselves. As such, the icons for the shortcut files represent the software application associated with that file. For example, if I open a .PDF document, the shortcut in My Recent Documents would be an image of the Adobe Acrobat software application, as evidenced in the screenshot below: TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 49 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT Therefore, when Rusk viewed the My Recent Documents for the MSPruitt profile, he would have seen icons for software applications associated with the format of the files, not the content of the files themselves. Additionally, the names of the shortcuts in the My Recent Documents folder did not have naming conventions associated with child pornography and as such Rusk would not have known that shortcuts named “0024” and” 0041” actually contained child pornography. In the Affidavit of Search Warrant prepared by SA Stanley, he states that “it appeared that the only area Pruitt accessed, were files belonging to Det. Roe and images associated with child pornography investigations.” He goes on to state that Pruitt navigated his way to S:\Roe\207\mar\07031338 and also accessed images of child pornography in S:\Roe\2005\2005 CFTS\may 05\0505434 State v. Jackson CP\Exhibit 5 Forensics\Possible CP Unallocated_files. When I reviewed the screen shot of My Recent Documents, I noticed that other folders were accessed during the same date and time including FCSO Investigative Notes, CFI, and 0303239 State vs Stowe. These files do not appear on the surface to be related to Detective Roe or child pornography as stated by SA Stanley in his Affidavit. Again, I feel it would be imperative that a forensic examination be conducted on the Forsyth County Server to determine exactly what activity occurred during the early morning hours of March 15, 2007 that prompted this investigation. SA Stanley also states in his Affidavit for Search Warrant that he was provided with a screen capture by the Forsyth County CID showing that the items in Roe’s folder show the “thumbnail” view by default. Accordingly, it was concluded by SA Stanley that MSPruitt would have viewed that folder in the “thumbnails” view and would have had to scroll through TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 50 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT the images to open the ten files found in the My Recent Documents. What SA Stanley fails to mention is that the default folder view in Windows is not the “thumbnail” view and although a user can change the view to “Thumbnails”, “Icons”, “Details” or “List”, that choice is determined by the user profile, not the folder itself. Therefore, when CID created the screen shot with the “thumbnail” view, it is imperative to know which profile was being used at the time. If the MSPruitt profile was defaulted to the “List” view, the conclusions set forth by SA Stanley that Pruitt scrolled through the images would be false. The solution to all of these inconsistencies, missing information and unanswered questions may be found in an independent forensic exam conducted by the defense on the Forsyth County Server. PANASONIC PRO TOUGHBOOK LAPTOP COMPUTER (HDD01) A review of the Panasonic Toughbook laptop computer identified as the Forsyth County computer issued to Milton Scott Pruitt (HDD01) revealed no pornographic images in allocated or unallocated space indicating no pornography was ever received or otherwise possessed on HDD01. Further, a review of all user-defined files and folders, installed software applications, emails, Internet activity and registry files revealed nothing of a pornographic nature in allocated or unallocated space indicating nothing of a pornographic nature was ever received or otherwise possessed on HDD01. The allegations that Pruitt logged into the Forsyth County Server on March 15, 2007 and accessed 10 images of child pornography from HDD01 is supported solely by two screenshots of the My Recent Documents allegedly taken from the Forsyth County Server. The discrepancies with this evidence have already been discussed previously in my report and my conclusions in this regard remain the same. While it may or may not be true that Pruitt logged into the Forsyth County Server and accessed files of child pornography, I have not seen any forensic evidence of such. There are indirect allegations that Pruitt copied these images of child pornography during his remote session on the Server to a media storage device that was never recovered but subsequently accessed by Pruitt for the purpose of viewing the images again. SA Stanley surmises that file names with similar naming nomenclature must certainly be the same images of child pornography thereby insinuating that Pruitt must have copied these images from the Server. I did not see any information disclosed from the Forsyth County Server security event logs in this regard. These security event logs would contain detailed information with regard to the activities conducted by MSPruitt during his remote session on March 15, 2007 including the exact time he logged on, the exact time he logged off, and the amount of data that was transferred during that remote session, if any. Some of this information will only exist if various security options in the Windows operating software have been turned on as they are not turned on by default. I can only assume that these very important security features were surely enabled on a server that was hosting remote access connections while storing illegal images of child pornography. While the Adam Walsh Act prohibits me from examining a hard drive containing child pornography images in my lab for fear of possible dissemination; and hundreds of hours of computer forensics training by law enforcement has taught me that forensics computers can not be networked or connected to the Internet for fear of disseminating images of child pornography; and Court Protective Orders require that all evidence containing child pornography be locked securely in an evidence safe when not being examined; I am nonetheless astounded that Forsyth County stored illegal images of child pornography on a server that was not only networked and connected to the Internet, but was specifically setup to allow users to remotely access the server and all the data contained therein. The allegations that Pruitt copied images of child pornography to a removable storage media device during the remote session of March 15, 2007 can be answered simply by examining the Security Event logs of the Forsyth County Server. TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 51 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT The only evidence on HDD01 that SA Stanley is using to support the allegations that Pruitt copied images of child pornography during his remote session, exists in the form of 10 link files that appear in the Recent folder on 03/26/07. These link files have a similar naming nomenclature to the images on the server and were accessed from D:\Pics on a media storage device identified as a Store’N’Go. Inasmuch as I have not examined the Store’N’Go thumb drive nor do I have hash values for any of the files with which to compare, I can make no conclusions with regard to the images stored there and can not assume that a similar file name indicates similar content. If, for example, there are other images stored on the Forsyth County Server with the same nomenclature that are not child pornography, it would be possible that the images stored on the Store’N’Go thumb drive are related to one of Pruitt’s investigations and are wholly unrelated to child pornography. I found evidence that multiple USB media storage devices were connected to HDD01 from 01/18/06 through 05/03/07. However, the charges in State Counts IV, V, VI and VII do not provide any identification of the media storage devices at issue such as a Hardware ID, Serial Number or Friendly Name. Therefore, it is impossible to conclude from reviewing the evidence whether any of the media storage devices referenced in Counts IV, V, VI or VII are, in fact, the same media storage devices connected to HDD01 or the devices seized and forensically examined. With regard to the allegations that Pruitt used his county issued laptop for personal use, I found no evidence of this. With the exception of one Internet search term for “weird al ebony and ivory parody” on December 14, 2006, a review of HDD01 revealed nothing of an obvious personal nature and all activity appeared to be related to Pruitt’s work. With regard to March 15, 2007 specifically, there is no evidence that anything of a personal nature occurred on HDD01. HP PAVILION DESKTOP COMPUTER (HDD02) After Rusk’s findings on the Forsyth County Server, Pruitt’s home computer was forensically previewed and, according to the GBI Receipt for Property, seized on 05/16/07 at approximately 09:20 p.m. During my examination of the HP Pavilion desktop computer (HDD02), I sorted all files by Last Accessed date to confirm the original evidence was not accessed after it was seized and the evidence revealed that HDD02 was last accessed on 05/16/07 at 04:16 p.m. which is consistent with no access after the seizure. However, the last logon time recorded by the operating system indicates a logon of 05/17/06 at 12:16 a.m. As of the writing of this report, I have not yet determined why the last logon occurred after the last accessed dates of any of the files. At the very least, a logon would cause system files to be accessed thereby having the same last accessed dates and times as the logon. My examination in this regard continues and may be supplemented. After examining all files in allocated space on HDD02, I did not find any images of child pornography and no multimedia files containing child pornography. Upon completing a forensic process that carves image files from unallocated space, I did find images of child pornography in unallocated space on HDD02. All of the images I found were very small thumbnails that likely originated from websites accessed on the Internet based on their appearance and file sizes. In fact, 17 of the images recovered from unallocated space are thumbnail images of video files with identical maroon colored banners across the top of each image indicating these thumbnails likely came from the same website. Because one website can cache hundreds of images to a user’s computer in a matter of seconds, it is possible that all of the images of child pornography found in unallocated space were cached from one website on the same date and time. Because no metadata can be retrieved from images in unallocated space, it is impossible to say when the images came to be on the computer, how long they were on the computer, who or what may have caused them to be on the computer, and whether or not they were viewed, saved or otherwise distributed. Without this information, it is impossible to determine the user who may have been at the keyboard when the images were cached to the hard drive and thereby impossible to say if Pruitt knowingly possessed these images. TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 52 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT Further, my examination revealed multiple users had access to HDD02 including Jami Suddeth. When multiple users have access to a computer, it is impossible to say with 100% certainty who is responsible for any particular activity. In this case, Jami Suddeth had her own profile on HDD02 and spent a considerable amount of time on the Internet, specifically on MySpace. In fact, Jami Suddeth was logged onto HDD02 and her MySpace profile was being accessed during the very same date and time several images identified in SA Stanley’s report as child pornography were created on HDD02. It is important to note that simply because a user has his or her own profile on a computer, does not mean the only activity connected to that user will be found under that profile. My review of the Index.dat files indicates Internet activity related to adult pornography and some child pornography, however, I have not completed my examination of the evidence in this regard. Although I found search terms indicative of child pornography, many of them were conducted on German Google and include “bbs” in the term. This term in and of itself is odd in that “bbs” stands for bulletin boards which is old technology that is rarely used anymore. In addition, I found other foreign website activity that looks suspicious on the surface and warrants a more in-depth examination into the possible causes. Although it is possible for this activity to have been created by the user at the keyboard, I have seen similar activity on other child pornography cases that was proven to be caused by unwanted intrusions. This will require a more in-depth and timely investigation and I will supplement as additional evidence is uncovered. SA Stanley examined HDD02 and submitted a document named “HP Images Report” and titled “Pruitt Images” which I can only assume are images of concern since they were selected from thousands of images found on HDD02. This document contains the File Name, File Created dates, Last Accessed dates and Full Path for 78 files. Because the document does not contain the actual images, I located all 78 files on HDD02 and reviewed them for content. I found four of these images in the Java Cache folder but none contain child pornography. The remaining images were found in the temporary Internet files folder and had all been deleted, making them inaccessible to a computer user. Of the 78 images, I found three that may be considered child pornography. However, these images are close-up photos of female genitals with no pubic hair and no other distinguishing factors to identify the age of the female in the image. In addition, these images are very small thumbnails that were cached from a website as a result of Internet activity. As of the writing of this report, I have not identified an origin for these images. While I have identified Jami Suddeth as the computer user during the date and time that two of these images were created, I have been unable to identify a computer user during the date and time of the creation of the third image. My examination continues in this regard and will be supplemented as evidence is uncovered. Also during SA Stanley’s examination of HDD02, he determined that “Pruitt had inserted the missing thumb drive into his personal computer and viewed what appeared to be images of child pornography.” After my examination of the evidence, I find that these conclusions have no evidentiary basis. The Registry revealed many different USB thumb drives connected to HDD02, each identified by a hardware ID and a friendly name. Inasmuch as I have not seen any forensic evidence positively identifying the “missing thumb drive”, it is impossible for me or any other examiner to conclude that one of the thumb drives attached to HDD02 was the “missing thumb drive.” Further, SA Stanley concludes that Pruitt viewed “what appeared to be images of child pornography from the missing thumb drive. What SA Stanley refers to are ten link files that exist in the Recent folder with names such as 0063.jpg indicating these images were viewed on HDD02 on 05/16/07 and were stored on a thumb drive identified as a Store’N’Go . The files themselves do not exist on HDD02, they do not exist on any of the thumb drives I examined, and no hash values or file sizes are available for any of the files. The conclusion that these files contain child pornography is purely speculative with no forensic evidence to support such a conclusion. TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 53 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT 512MB THUMB DRIVE (HDD03) My examination of the 512mb thumb drive seized from Pruitt’s patrol car (HDD03) revealed nothing of an obvious personal nature, nothing of a pornographic nature and nothing of evidentiary value. 1GB THUMB DRIVE (HDD04) My examination of the 1gb thumb drive seized from Pruitt’s residence (HDD04) revealed nothing of an obvious personal nature, nothing of a pornographic nature and nothing of evidentiary value. TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 54 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT FORENSIC TOOLS USED Hardware Dell Latitude D630 Laptop Computer Intel Duo 2.2ghz 4gb RAM Software EnCase Forensic Version 6.8 Forensic Tool Kit Version 1.7 Registry Viewer 1.5 NetAnalysis 1.37 DISCLOSURE REVIEWED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office Property & Evidence sheet dated 10/11/06 re: PNY jumpdrive obtained from Angela Harper Discovery of Suspicious File Access Activity prepared by John-David Rusk (No Bates) Traffic Analysis for FastEthernet dated 04/26/07 (No Bates) Screen shot of C:\Documents and Settings\MSPruitt\Recent, no date, 03:11 p.m. (No Bates) Screen shot of C:\Documents and Settings\MSPruitt\Recent, no date, 05:03 p.m. (No Bates) GBI Waiver of Constitutional Rights to a Search Warrant of a Computer dated 05/10/07 Affidavit and Application for Search Warrant dated 05/11/07 (No Bates) Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office Property & Evidence sheet dated 05/11/07 GBI Receipt for Property dated 05/16/07 Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office Property & Evidence sheet dated 05/17/07 Search Warrant with handwritten corrected date of 05/17/07 (No Bates) Memo dated 05/17/07 from Captain Ron Freeman to Sgt. Richard Holcomb re: Internal Affairs Investigation Letter dated 05/17/07 to Sergeant Pruitt Order dated 05/23/07 Forsyth County Pre-Booking Form dated 05/23/07 Return of Service dated 05/23/07 Georgia Bureau of Investigation Investigative Summary dated 10/25/07 (Bates No. 163240) Georgia Bureau of Investigation Investigative Summary dated 10/25/07 (Bates No. 163244) Georgia Bureau of Investigation Investigative Summary dated 10/25/07 (Bates No. 163247) Georgia Bureau of Investigation Investigative Summary dated 10/25/07 (Bates No. 163248) Georgia Bureau of Investigation Investigative Summary dated 10/25/07 (Bates No. 163249) Georgia Bureau of Investigation Investigative Summary dated 10/25/07 (Bates No. 163262) Georgia Bureau of Investigation Investigative Summary dated 10/25/07 (Bates No. 163264) Georgia Bureau of Investigation Investigative Summary dated 10/25/07 (Bates No. 163265) Georgia Bureau of Investigation Investigative Summary dated 10/25/07 (Bates No. 163266) Georgia Bureau of Investigation Investigative Summary dated 10/25/07 (Bates No. 163267) Georgia Bureau of Investigation Investigative Summary dated 10/25/07 (Bates No. 163268) Georgia Bureau of Investigation Investigative Summary dated 10/25/07 (Bates No. 163269) Georgia Bureau of Investigation Investigative Summary dated 10/25/07 (Bates No. 163270) TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 55 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Georgia Bureau of Investigation Investigative Summary dated 01/31/08 (Bates No. 174533) Georgia Bureau of Investigation Investigative Summary dated 01/31/08 (Bates No. 174535) Georgia Bureau of Investigation Investigative Summary dated 01/31/08 (Bates No. 174537) Georgia Bureau of Investigation Investigative Summary dated 01/31/08 (Bates No. 174540) Georgia Bureau of Investigation Investigative Summary dated 02/13/08 (Bates No. 176099) Criminal Indictment dated August 20, 2008 General Bill of Indictment dated November 10, 2008 THIS REPORT CONTAINS HYPERLINKS TO SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION INCLUDED ON THE ATTACHED CD-ROM. TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 56 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT GLOSSARY OF COMPUTER TERMS The following are common computer terms that may be used in this report: ALLOCATED SPACE: Allocated, or used, space is the area of a hard disk that holds files that are recognized by the operating system. This recognition is accomplished via a file allocation table of some type. Different types of operating systems use different types of allocation tables to keep track of files. COMPUTER EVIDENCE: Computer evidence is unique when compared with other forms of "documentary evidence." Unlike paper documentation, computer evidence is fragile, and a copy of a document stored in a computer file is Identical to the original. Thus, the legal "best evidence" rules change when it comes to the processing of computer evidence. COMPUTER FORENSICS: Computer Forensics deals with the preservation, identification, extraction, interpretation and documentation of computer evidence. Like any other forensic science, computer forensics involves the use of sophisticated technology, tools and procedures that must be followed to guarantee the accuracy of the results. Typically, computer forensic tools exist in the form of computer software and hardware write-blocking devices. Computer forensic examiners guarantee the accuracy of evidence processing results through the use of time tested procedures, and through the use of validated software tools from independent developers. FILE SLACK: Files are created in varying lengths depending on their contents. Windows based computers store files in fixed length blocks of data called clusters. Rarely do file sizes exactly match the size of one or more clusters perfectly. The data storage space that exists from the end of the file to the end of the last cluster assigned to the file is called "file slack". File slack potentially contains randomly selected bytes of data from computer memory. This happens because Windows normally writes in 512 byte blocks called sectors. Clusters are made up of blocks of sectors. If there is not enough data in the file to fill the last sector in a file, Windows makes up the difference by padding the remaining space with data from the memory buffers of the operating system. This randomly selected data from memory is called "RAM slack" because it comes from the memory of the computer. RAM slack can contain any information that may have been created, viewed, modified, downloaded or copied during work sessions that have occurred since the computer was last booted. Thus, if the computer has not been shut down for several days, the data stored in RAM slack can come from work sessions that occurred in the past. It should be noted that the newer versions of the Windows operating system zero out (write all zeros to) the RAM slack when a file is created. RAM slack pertains only to the last sector of a file. If there are additional, unused sectors between the last sector of the file and the end of the cluster, this is called "drive slack." Unlike RAM slack, which comes from memory, drive slack is made up of the data that was stored on the storage device prior to the file in question. Such data could contain remnants of previously deleted files. GB: A Gigabyte (GB) is a unit of computer memory or storage capacity equal to 1,073,741,824, or roughly one billion, bytes or characters. One gigabyte of storage space is the equivalent of 500,000 double-spaced pages of text. Hard disks capable of storing one-hundred gigabytes of data are now commonplace in desktop computers. Such storage devices could contain the equivalent of 50 million pages of data. INSTANT MESSAGING (IM) : IM is a text-based computer conversation over the Internet between two or more people who must be online at the same time, and who must be using the same instant messaging system. Current, popular IM systems are AOL's Instant Messenger (AIM), AOL's ICQ, Microsoft's MSN Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger. TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 57 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT JPG/JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG or shortened to JPG) is a compressed format for storing bitmap images, and is one of the most common image formats used on the Internet. Other common image formats include ART, BMP, GIF(F), and TIF(F). KB: A kilobyte (KB) is a unit of computer memory or storage capacity equal to 1,024 bytes or characters. MB: A megabyte (MB) is a unit of computer memory or storage capacity equal to 1,048,576, or roughly one million, bytes or characters. METADATA: Metadata can be described simply as "data about data", or as a hidden level of information embedded in a file and maintained by the application that created the file. For example, Microsoft Word documents contain metadata showing the author of the file, the author's company, the number of file revisions, total editing time, and its own set of created, accessed and written dates. Most digital cameras save images with metadata embedded in the file showing the make and model of the camera, the date and time the photograph was taken, and the values of many of the camera's settings, such as exposure, flash, focal length, etc. OPERATING SYSTEM (OS): An OS is set of software programs used by a computer to manage its own resources, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral device~ such as disk drives and printers. Examples of operating systems are Windows 98, Windows XP, Mac OSX, Linux, and Unix. The OS is the core of the computer's operation, and application programs such as word processors run on top of it. PAGEFILE.SYS: The page file is a special file used by windows for holding temporary data which is swapped in and out of physical memory in order to provide a larger virtual memory set. In a Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP environment, the file name is pagefile.sys and it is created during setup in the Root of the boot drive as a hidden file. It will not show up on an Explorer file listing unless you toggle off the "Hide system Files" option. PARALLEL ATA (PATA): For many years, Parallel ATA was the most common disk drive interface. Serial ATA has now become the preferred disk drive interface due to its faster speed, smaller connector, and longer cable length. When Parallel ATA was first introduced, it was an important advancement because it provided controller electronics on the drive itself, eliminating the need for a separate adaptor card. It was easy to configure and was relatively inexpensive compared to its traditional rival, SCSI. PATA uses 40-pin ribbon cables with a maximum length of 18 inches and a maximum transfer rate of 133 MB/second. PEER-TO-PEER (P2P) : P2P allows a sharing and delivery of user specified files among groups of people who are logged on to a file-sharing network. Napster was the first mainstream P2P software that enabled large scale file sharing. P2P networks are used to share multimedia files, such as music and movies. Typically, users place files they want to share with others in a 'shared" folder on their computer. To access a P2P network you need to download, install and run a P2P tool (P2P client software) . *The P2P software allows users to search for the types and names of files they are interested in downloading. Examples of current, popular P2P software are Kazaa and Grokster (FastTrack network), Limewire and BearShare (Gnutella network), eDonkey and Overnet (eDonkey/Overnet network), and BitTorrent (BitTorrent network). RAM: RAM, or Random Access Memory, is a type of memory that can be written to and read from in a nonlinear (random) manner. When a computer program or application is opened, it is transferred from the hard drive to RAM where it is more readily accessible. RAM enhances system performance because it can process requests from the TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT CASE NAME / NUMBER DETAILS United States vs. Milton Scott Pruit 2:08 CR-000033 PAGE 58 OF 58 PAGES EXAMINATION REPORT CPU much more quickly than the hard drive. The kind of RAM used in main memory on most computers is Dynamic RAM (DRAM) . DRAM stores data as electronic signals that must be constantly refreshed to keep them from dissipating. The data held in PAM is lost when the computer is turned off. UNALLOCATED SPACE/CLUSTERS: Unallocated space is the area of a hard disk that is not currently occupied by saved files, but is free to have data written to it. Unallocated file space can contain the entire or partial content of deleted files, deleted folders, and temporary files that were transparently created and deleted by computer applications and the operating system. With manual or automated methods, it is often possible to "unerase" deleted files and view the original content so long as the data area of the file has not been overwritten by other data, such as from a newer file. URL: Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is the address of a resource on the Internet. World Wide Web URLs begin with http:// TYPED EXAMINER’S NAME ORGANIZATION TAMI L. LOEHRS LAW2000, INC. SIGNATURE DATE 12/26/2008 EXHIBIT "\ ) .1 '----- "----' GEORGIA BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION HIGH TECHNOLOGY INVESTIGATIVE INVESTIGATIONS UNIT CASE SUMMARY 34·0525·22·07 On Wednesday, August 13, 2008, Special Agent Bobby Stanley conducted a forensic analysis of the hard drive of Milton Scott Pruitt's personal home desktop computer. The hard drive is described as a Western Digital 250 GB hard drive bearing serial number WCANK2776793. The examination was conducted utilizing Guidance Software Encase v6 forensic software and a Guidance Software Fastbloc write blocking device. During the, examination, Special Agent Stanley was able to locate numerous items of possible evidentiary value. The items of possible evidentiary value consisted of images of suspected child pornography which were located by conducting a search of the unallocated space of the harddrive. These images were subsequently saved and made a part of this case file titled Image Search Unallocated. The original files were stored for future analysis with a copy of the report saved to a CD and made a part of this case file. SPECIAL AGENT BOBBY T STANLEY, JR: 8/14/2008 ,Ks. bts: 10/9/2008 Page 1 of 1 211067 PROPERTY OF GBI Further dissemination is prohibited without written approval of a , GBI Supervisor EXHIBIT L [)