648-657 Pediatrics Rosemary Tannock, Russell J. Schachar, Robert
648-657 Pediatrics Rosemary Tannock, Russell J. Schachar, Robert
Dose-Response Effects of Methylphenidate on Academic Performance and Overt Behavior in Hyperactive Children Rosemary Tannock, Russell J. Schachar, Robert P. Carr and Gordon D. Logan Pediatrics 1989;84;648-657 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: http://www.pediatrics.org PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned, published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 1989 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275. Downloaded from www.pediatrics.org. Provided by Vanderbilt Univ on April 26, 2011 Dose-Response Effects Academic Performance Hyperactive Children Rosemary Robert Tannock, P. PhD, of Psychiatry, of Psychology, ABSTRACT. In the present study, kg and 1.0 mg/kg of methylphenidate the effects of 0.3 mgI on the overt behavior and academic functioning of 12 children with an established diagnosis of attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity were evaluated. A double-blind, placebocontrol, within-subject (crossover) design was used, in which each child was tested four times in each drug condition. Drug conditions were alternated on a bidaily basis and each child received two different drug conchtions each day. The academic tasks were designed for evaluation of the relationship between task complexity and dose. Whereas overt behavior improved with increasing dose, academic functioning was improved with methylphenidate, but did not vary with either dose or task complexity. Also, investigated were potential carryover effects of a morning dose of methylphenidate on performance in the afternoon. Behavioral and academic improvements produced by a dose of 0.3 mg/kg in the morning evident dose of 1.0 mg/kg that were clinically although sipated. Pediatrics deficit disorder, but a morning behavioral and statistically afternoon, tention in the afternoon, produced improvements discernible in the the academic 1989;84:648-657; dose Russell J. Schachar, on in MD, Carr, MD, and Gordon D. Logan, PhD From the Department and the Department were no longer of Methyiphenidate and Overt Behavior improvements had dismethyiphenidate, atrespo,we, time response. Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, University of Illinois, Champaign Ontario, Canada, ion of these children is well documented, the concomitant effects on cognition and academic performance are less clear and may be dose related. In their landmark study, Sprague and Sleatom3 descnibed differential dose response effects of meth- ylphenidate on behavior and cognitive performance in hyperactive children. These investigators found that performance of a cognitive task was best at a dose of 0.3 mg/kg performance was the but deteriorated at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg. most improved at the to placebo-level Overt 1.0 behavior mg/kg dose. Sprague and Sleaton3 postulated that cognitive and behavioral changes have different dose response relationships, and that high doses of stimulant medication may impair learning and academic performance. If substantiated, this hypothesis would have major implications for clinical practice because dose is typically titrated against ports of child behavior. determining dose levels parent or teacher me- Because the emphasis in is on reduction of overt activity and other disruptive behavior, many children are likely to receive doses that may be detmimental ABBREVIATiONS. DSM-III, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ofMental Disorders. 3rd ed; WRAT-R, Wide Range Achievement Test, revised edition; PICS, Parent Interview for Child Symptoms; ANOVA, analysis of variance. belief Psychostimulant used though medication treatment the effect for hyperactive of medication is the most children.”2 on the overt widely Al- behav- Received for publication Aug 5, 1988; accepted Nov 14, 1988. Reprint requests to (R.T.) Dept ofPsychiatry Research, Hospital For Sick Children, 555 University Aye, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X8, Canada. PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 1989 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. 648 PEDIATRICS Vol. 84 No. 4 October to cognition and academic performance. The monotonic relation between dose and overt behavior has been convincingly demonstrated in numerous studies,49 but, contrary to the general expressed in the literature,’0 the conclusion that doses approximating 1.0 mg/kg impair cognitive and academic performance may be premature. Several investigators have described linear dose response patterns with a range of academic and cognitive tasks using doses as large as 0.6 mg/ kg,7”’3 although others have found cognitive perfonmance to be improved by low doses (eg, 0.3 mg/ kg) but not by moderate or high doses (eg, 0.6 to 1.0 mg/kg).14’6 Interpretation founded including of the by a number the omission discrepant findings of methodologic of placebo-control 1989 Downloaded from www.pediatrics.org. Provided by Vanderbilt Univ on April 26, 2011 is con- problems, or dou- ble-blind conditions,’7 the order effects in medication use of different prescription fixed dose vs milligrams vidual titration, as well of doses per tested subjects and that session yield investigators dom regimes alternation basis, at each drug of Hoza’8 challenged the underdata generated from a single stable estimates proposed that on a daily with testing conducted several condition, is a more accurate in the few studies been included.8’9”7’19 sponse effects range of tasks times way of doses of 1.0 mg/kg Finally, although dose in performance me- a wide that were Despite cognitive demands.’6 the concern that academic skills that the academic effects tasks vious studies, and doses achievement, of such have not the high may of low impair it is surprising and moderate doses (eg, 0.3 to 0.6 mg/kg) on children’s productivity and accuracy in their regular classroom assignments have been evaluated,57 as have the effects on expenimentem-generated child’s ability.’3 task complexity been on academic investigated. to extend demic worksheets effects of The existing present study dose response tasks ulated. overt The by assessment academic have not for aca- of the effects in which complexity was behavior of the children evaluated curves of manip- while to compare for behavior performance. The second purpose of the study was to investigate the usefulness of a rapidly alternating treatment design in which drug conditions were alternated on a twice cated on the plasma short 4 hours attractive method effects that after basis. assumption half-life and daily of that the design an acute in have is essentially it affords and relatively dissipated administration.2022 that is predi- behavioral methylphenidate its effects design This It is an an potential persist into allows data participants,’8 for carryover. That ication condition the to be but confounding it car- effects of is, the effects of the morning medmay last longer than 4 hours and the afternoon, thereby obscuring the effects of the afternoon medication condition. Because the most likely situation in which carryover occur is when a high low dose or placebo, myover effects of administered in the dose is changed in the present 1.0 mg/kg morning of study to the a cam- methylphenidate on academic perform- ance and behavior in the afternoon following a midday dose of either 0.3 mg/kg or placebo were evaluated. Possible carryover effects of a morning of 0.3 mg/kg on behavior and fommance following either placebo methylphenidate given at midday ated. AND academic pen- or 1.0 mg/kg of were also evalu- METHODS A total of 12 children (10 boys and 2 girls) with an established Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3rd ed23 (DSM-III), diagnosis of attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity participated in the study with the informed consent of their parents and assent from the child. Children were recruited for the project from child psychiatnists and pediatricians in the metropolitan Tomonth area and from the psychiatric outpatient department at the Hospital for Sick Children in Tomonto. Only those children with an established diagnosis of attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity was designed in addition to those on performance performing these tasks was the concurrent dose response and to the and of functions 1.0 mg/kg of methylphenidate, of 0.3 mg/kg of methylphenidate, of academic tailored doses performance The performance high the and individual Participants doses on performance of been investigated. In pre- effects ries condition for MATERIALS often to occur with the most difficult or complex of a task,3 and on “high-level” tasks in terms of their medication interpreted dose have have been investigated with and measures, it is noteworthy decrements or effects. Unfortunately, limitations are evident in which each effects of drug effects. rapid and man- conditions determining drug and dose many of these methodologic found version terms per kilogram dose on mdias in terms of the number of drug bidaily dose-related in for the day. Also, most investigators have only once at each drug condition, although Pelham lying assumption testing These failure to control conditions,8’9 and efficient of assessing medication and dose response that are based on several assessments at and impulsiveness, whose and symptoms of hyperactivity by the referring physician to warrant a trial with inattentiveness, were considered to be ofsufficient stimulant medication severity were eligible for the study. The participating children were between the ages of 6 and 11 years (mean ± SD = 8.4 ± 1.4 years) and were all of average intelligence (mean ± SD IQ 105 ± 14) as estimated by their Wechsler Intelligence Scale for ChildrenRevised (WISC-R) scores.24 Of these, 4 children also met the DSM-III criteria for oppositional order, and 8 exhibited learning disabilities ing to their school record and as indicated less than the subtests the (WRAT-R).26 stimulant dose for medication at least reinstated 25th percentile25 on one on more of the Wide Range Achievement A total of 5 children had medication previously, and dis- accordby scones the of Test received regular the three children who were receiving at the time of referral was discontinued 48 hours prior to the study and was not until its completion. ARTICLES Downloaded from www.pediatrics.org. Provided by Vanderbilt Univ on April 26, 2011 649 A diagnosis of attention hyperactivity was nived from the referring interview with deficit established the from physician, child’s disorder Experimental with information de- a semistructured parents conducted by a child psychiatrist using the Parent Interview for Child Symptoms (PICS, Schacham RI, Wachsmuth R. 1984. Unpublished data), and from behavior ratings includes completed by the child’s teacher. The the child’s developmental medical, PICS and psychiatric history and contains 1 10 items designed to elicit parental descriptions of the child’s current behavior in specific situations (eg, dinner time at home, play indoors and outdoors, behavior in a store). The absence on presence and severity of the behavioral symptoms as described by the parent are rated by the interviewer. The interview includes all of the details necessary to apply DM5-Ill diagnoses of attention deficit ity, conduct, oppositional, psychosomatic disorders. psychiatrists was rating high 0.95), the for matings and disorder with hyperactivaffective, anxiety, and none Agreement same interview of individual of the between two (n symptoms disagreements 20) = (ic resulted history of and these two of symptoms hyperactivity, before 6 years in with of a age based on the parental interview (PICS). Because attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity may be diagnosed on the basis of teacher report alone,23 a diagnosis was also made if the child received a total score on the Ruttem-B questionnaire of 9 or more (a score predictive of a clinical diagnosis of a psychiatric disorder30) and fulfilled any two of the following criteria: (1) had a score of 15 or more on the Abbreviated Connems’ Teacher Questionnaire, which is a score predictive of a clinical diagnosis hyperactivity;3’ (2) had at least four inattentive, four impulsive, and three overactive symptoms of on 6 on the Rutter-B hyperactivity factor, which is a scone obtained by 3% of 10-year-old boys.32 Children with a full-scale WISC-R score of less than 80 with an exclusive diagnosis of emotional or conduct disorder, major neumologic, physical, or seizures, impairment, and/or use of methylphenidate or heart disease) mg/kg). were excluded from day AND order (eg, of medication with the different restrictions medication low) that high, and condition was that each conditions the three child each conditions (placebo, low, high dose) occur with equal frequency in the morning and afternoon. The resulting six possible combinations are shown in Table 1. The order ofthese six combinations was randomized for each child. An interval of 4 hours separated the morning and afternoon dose. The methylphenidate and placebo were packaged in colored gelatin capsules by the hospital pharmacist to avoid detection of dose and taste, placed in individual envelopes, and prior dispensed by to each testing the project staff 1 hour session. Procedures Children attended the research department with their parents for a half-day assessment session. While the parents were interviewed by a child psychiatnist (following the PICS protocol), the child was familiarized with the staff and testing procedunes and practiced the tasks to be used during the medication trial. Consent was secured from the parents to obtain the child’s scores on the WISCR and WRAT; if these tests had not been administered within the last year, the WRAT and two subtests of the WISC-R (Vocabulary and Block Design) were administered. A total of 12 test sessions were conducted with each child during a period of 6 days (ie, two test sessions per day). Children were tested individually, and test data were collected during the period 60 to 140 minutes after taking the capsule to ensure maximum medication effect.2#{176} The order of tasks was kept constant for all test sessions; the academic which took approximately 20 minutes, commenced 110 minutes postingestion sule, following two tasks that were evaluate impulse control (results for tasks are described TABLE 1. Time the in another Combinations Abbreviations: paper.33 were of the capdesigned to these latter The child’s of Dose Conditions’ of Dose Morning Noon 4 METHYLPHENIDATE The randomized receive two any contraindication (eg, presence of tics, study. 650 A multiple-blind, placebo-control, within-subject (ie, repeated measures) design was used in which each child was tested four times at each medication condition. Three medication conditions were used; placebo, low dose (0.3 mg/kg), and high dose (1.0 tasks, in the SNAP questionnaire, which are scores obtained by 5% of 10-year-old boys; or (3) had a score of 5 sensory for the and Drug Administration = different diagnoses being applied. Each child’s classroom teacher mated the child’s behavior using the Abbreviated Conners’ Teacher Questionnaire,27 the Ruttem-B questionnaire,28 and the SNAP questionnaire. A diagnosis of attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity was made if the child demonstrated at least three symptoms of inattentiveness, three of impulsiveness, Design Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 P H P L L H L P H L H P P, placebo; L, low; H, high HYPERACTIVITY Downloaded from www.pediatrics.org. Provided by Vanderbilt Univ on April 26, 2011 behavior while completing the tasks was observed systematically. Because the occurrence of side effects is possible stereotypic movements, tics) by a nurse. BP and pulse readings were taken immediately before each received the capsule and again 1 hour later. Project staff maintained clinical logs of the child’s mood, activity level, and play during each session, and, likewise, the child’s rest of the the 6-day parents were asked mood, activity, day and bedtime trial, the a diary of and appetite during the behavior. At the end of psychiatrist parents to discuss results the referring physician. to keep met with the and a report child’s was sent to Tasks This task, Task. Arithmetic specifically for the present which study, developed was consisted of three conditions of increasing complexity. In the first condition (very simple), the child was asked to check as many digits as possible in 1 minute (ie, no arithmetic operations were involved). In the second condition (simple), the child was asked to judge the oddness and evenness the cognitive of digits, operation asked incorporating of classification.33 was asked to check as possible in 5 minutes. plex), an additional transformation-was first thus The child many odd (on even) digits as In the third condition (corncognitive operation-one of incorporated. The child was to compute a simple addition or subtrac- tion problem,34 of the answer then judge the oddness on evenness that must be held in memory, and, finally, the check problem only if the answer was odd (or even). The task required visual recognition of the numbers 1 through 19, knowledge of the number facts of 20, and ability to judge oddness on evenness of digits. These skills are typically learned in grades 1 or 2; if the child was not familiar with the concept of odd and even numbers, he or she was taught and given additional practice to ensure competence. Children were instructed to work on one column at a time, to check only the target items, to simply circle or scribble through any errors, completing as many was problems randomly or evenness the simple test session. as possible assigned and retained and complex Equivalent in 5 minutes. to the Each condition versions were child of oddness that assignment conditions and for both for every constructed for each test session. The total number of problems checked correctly and the total number of errors (ie, items omitted or incorrectly checked) were at each across the session. three To compare conditions, performance scores for the very simple condition, which were based on 1-minute completion, were multiplied by 5 to estimate 5minute scores. Letter Search Tasks. In this task, which corn- with a dose of 1.0 mg/kg,9 the children were monitoned throughout the day for any adverse effects (eg, pallor, nausea, itchiness, decrease in appetite, child corded me- pnised two levels of difficulty, children were me- quired to search a series of letter strings for those that contained the target stimuli. In the easiest condition the target stimulus consisted of a single letter, and in the more difficult condition it consisted of two adjacent letters in a specified order. The letter strings consisted of four letters that were perceptually confusable with the target stimuli that were present in 25% of the letter strings (ie, 40 targets). Exactly 2 minutes were allowed for each condition. The child was instructed to check only those letter strings containing the target stimulus and to work as fast as possible without making mistakes. The rectly identified omitted counted. on Behavioral total and incorrectly of letter number checked strings of errors strings) con(ie, were Observations Children were observed research assistants ication condition) the number the total arithmetic task. unobtrusively by trained (who were unaware of the medfor a total of 8 minutes during Observations were conducted in 4-minute blocks consisting of 16 consecutive intervals. Each interval was divided into 10 seconds of observation followed by 5 seconds of recording. Thus, each child was observed for a total of 32 intervals at each test session, yielding a total of 128 intervals for each child at each medication condition. In each interval, the child’s behavior was classified with reference to three dimensions: visual attention to task (on-task vs off-task), movement (still vs restless), and noise (quiet vs disruptive sounds). The proportion of intervals in which the child was coded as on-task, still, and quiet were computed for each session. Observers were trained to a criterion of 85% reliability, and the overall intemobservem reliability calculated for 200 intervals was 93%. Clinical Measures Clinical measures treatment-emergent included the assessment side effects (eg, stomach of dis- tress, swings, and pallor, mood tics), pulse rate, blood pressure readings. Pulse and blood pressure readings were taken in the sitting position immediately prior to medication and again 1 hour following administration of the oral dose. ARTICLES Downloaded from www.pediatrics.org. Provided by Vanderbilt Univ on April 26, 2011 651 Carryover Effects Potential carryover effects of a morning dose of 1.0 mg/kg or 0.3 mg/kg on placebo-level performance in the afternoon were evaluated by comparing performance at all four placebo sessions conditional on the antecedent or consequent medication conditions. Thus session A constituted placebo performance in the afternoon if there had been a preceding high dose in the morning; session B constituted afternoon placebo performance if there had been a preceding low dose in the morning; session C constituted morning placebo performance when followed by high dose in the afternoon; session D constituted morning placebo performance when followed by low dose. The order of the four sessions was randomized across children. If carryover effects existed, then either session A or B or both would differ from sessions C and D. Potential carryover effects from a morning dose of 1.0 mg/kg on the afternoon performance at low dose (0.3 mg/kg) and from a morning dose of 0.3 mg/kg on afternoon performance at high dosage (1.0 mg/kg) were evaluated in a similar manner in separate comparisons of all four low-dose sessions and all four high-dose sessions, respectively. RESULTS Arithmetic Task Scores by each were based child at the on the four average test times score at obtained each 2. Academic Tasks and Overt Behavior Measure are shown moot were transformations in Table conducted on < .05), simple (P< and six condition times as compared many problems with the complex Letter Search Data for total correct and total errors were analyzed separately with a 3 (dose) x 2 (difficulty level) at Each Treatment Condition4 Methylphenidate 383.3 (191.9) 186.6 (76.1) 1.0 mg/kg 2.6 (2.9) 1.5 (1.1) 3.9 (3.6) 2.5 (4.2) 2.7 (2.2) 1.1 (0.8) 26.6 (12.8) 22.3 (9.6) 29.8 (11.3) 24.3 (8.1) 1.4 (0.9) 2.0 (1.4) 1.7 (1.0) 2.5 (2.3) task correct Easy Hard Overt behavior On task 88 (14.5) 38 (16.5) 65 (21.8) Quiet are given as means METHYLPHENIDATE 29.8 (13.4) 26.0 (9.6) 1.3 (1.2) 1.5 (1.4) (%) Still 652 428.3 (188.0) 210.8 (74.6) 36.4 (21.1) (171.4) Complex Hard Total errors Values (65.9) 35.7 (22.8) 28.2 (22.3) Easy 4 422.5 207.8 Complex Total ± 96 (5.3) 54 (18.4) 76 (20.7) 99 (1.3) 67 (18.3) 85 (15.4) SD. AND the one Task Total errors Simple Letter on .05). Arithmetic task Total correct simple total Error data were analyzed with a 3 (dose) x 2 (complexity) ANOVA with repeated measures; no errors were possible on the very simple condition. The overall effect for complexity was significant (F (1, 11) = 4.85, P < .05), signifying that more errors were made in the simple than in the complex condition. Neither the main effect for dose nor the interaction between dose and complexity were significant. Placebo Simple the correct scores to equate the variances across the three complexity conditions. A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures across dose (three levels) and complexity (three levels) was conducted on the transformed total correct scones. Significant main effects were found for dose (F (2, 22) = 15.16, P < .001), and for complexity (F (4, 44) = 119, P < .0000), but the interaction between dose and task complexity was not significant. According to a Newman-Keuls post hoc analysis,35 the mean correct scores in both medication conditions were significantly greater than those at placebo (P < .05), but there was no difference between mean scores obtained at 0.3 mg/kg and 1.0 mg/kg. As shown in Table 2, children completed correctly twice as many digits on the very simple condition compared with the simple condition (P 0.3 mg/kg Very 2. Square dose condition (placebo, 0.3 mg/kg, and 1.0 mg/kg). Means and standard deviations of total correct and total errors for the three conditions of complexity TABLE at each dose condition HYPERACTIVITY Downloaded from www.pediatrics.org. Provided by Vanderbilt Univ on April 26, 2011 ANOVA with nificant 22) = repeated Newman-Keuls, conditions < measures. main effect for 9.17, P < .001), performance was better .05) but there There in both than placebo between dose (Table were in the the more difficult tween Analysis dose of and difficulty the error data in version. perform- significant (F (1, 11) = 11.96, level more target identified (P 1). The overall effect for difficulty P < .005) indicated that correctly medication performance was no difference ance at low or high was a sig- correct (F (2, to post hoc dose on total and according letter strings easy version The than interaction was yielded be- not significant. no significant findings. Behavior Overt Univariate across ANOVAs dose were age of intervals and quiet. for conducted the child for on-task .03), stillness (F main behavior (2, 22) mg/kg compared mg/kg than at placebo, high dose. Clinical The dose were 6.10, P < = P < .0000), and < .0001). By post stillness 0.3 mg/kg. better by the still, and qui- improved at a 0.3-mg/kg placebo (P < .05) and both improved by the dose of 1.0 with was significantly for (2, 22) 32.73, = percent- on-task, effects (F quietness (F (2, 22) = 13.75, P hoc Newman-Keuls comparisons, etness were significantly dose compared with behaviors were further measures for was visually Significant found repeated separately at both but On-task behavior 1.0 mg/kg no advantage and 0.3 was gained Measures mean pulse and time was conducted pressure readings (pre- and separately 1-hour for pulse 3. Pulse and Blood Pressure postingestion) and systolic Measure Values are given as means in pulse According theme was readings 1 hour a follow- ing administration of the 1.0 mg/kg dose compared with placebo or 0.3 mg/kg (P < .05). The two-factor ANOVA conducted on systolic blood pressure also yielded a significant interaction between dose and time (F (2, 22) = 7.81, P < .003), but no main effects for dose or time. By post hoc analysis, at 1 hour postingestion, creased significantly systolic blood pressure inat 1.0 mg/kg compared with 0.3 mg/kg or placebo (P < .05). Significant changes were also found in diastolic blood pmessume, although the main effect for dose was not statistically significant, the main effect for time (F (1, 11) = 6.11, P < .03) and the interaction between time and dose (F (2, 22) = 4.22, P < .03) were both significant, indicating that diastolic pressure was significantly higher at 1.0 (P < .05). placebo No side effects discontinuation in any of the mg/kg than of sufficient of the children. at 0.3 severity medication One child to high irritability dose, one child on one “somber,” two complained warrant the child twice daily. demonstrated occasion, three or at the 1.0within 24 hours and have not meoccurned although has been receiving a dose of 0.6 mg/kg At the mg/kg trial developed exhibited mild facial tics during two of the four sessions mg/kg dose, but the tics disappeared were of mild marked described stomach as distress, and six exhibited decreased appetite. Fewer side effects were reported at low dosage: three children were “somber,” one complained of stomach distress, one showed decreased and Pre- Carryover appetite. Effects A one-way ANOVA with repeated measures across session (four levels) was conducted separately for the percentage of still and total correct in the complex arithmetic task. The mean values for percentage still four placebo sessions and 1 Hour 92.1 (11.9) 91.9 (12.0) and Postmedication Placebo Pulse rate (beats/mm) Preingestion Postingestion Systolic (mm Hg) Preingestion Postingestion Diastolic (mm Hg) Preingestion Postingestion 4 R eadings increase significant. analysis, (sys- diastolic blood pressure. A significant dose by time interaction (F (2, 22) = 8.13, P < .002) was shown in analysis of pulse readings, but the main effects TABLE significant and and blood tolic and diastolic) prior to medication and 1 hour after medication are shown in Table 3. A two-way ANOVA with repeated measures across dose (three levels) for dose and time were not to post hoc Newman Keuls at each of the (A, B, C, D), and each total of the for Each correct Treatment Condition4 Methylphenidate 0.3 mg/kg 1.0 mg/kg 93.0 (11.2) 91.4 (11.0) 92.0 (10.8) 96.3 (12.3) 102.5 (8.8) 100.7 (8.9) 100.8 (7.7) 100.8 (7.5) 100.1 (7.7) 104.4 (9.8) 63.9 (4.5) 63.8 (4.8) 63.5 (3.8) 64.1 (3.7) 63.7 (4.9) 66.6 (5.7) ± SD. ARTICLES Downloaded from www.pediatrics.org. Provided by Vanderbilt Univ on April 26, 2011 653 TABLE Each 4. Session Mathematics Scores and Activity in Each Drug Condition, Used of Carryover Scores for in Analysis Effects4 Session Treatment Mathematics (Complex) Total Correct Score % Still AM PM H L P P P P H L 37.4 (31.5)t 28.3 (19.5) H P L L L L H P 36.2 (21.6) 38.2 (32.0) 33.4 (23.7) 58.3 (23.8) 47.7 (24.4) 53.8 (21.1) 53.2 (28.3) L P H H H H L P 39.0 32.8 34.5 37.3 66.3 (21.1) 63.6 (18.4) 64.3 (24.5) 69.5 (26.0) 52.0 35.5 31.4 30.9 24.3 (20.4) 25.2 (20.6) (27.8) (24.1) (17.0) (12.2) 34.1 (25.7) A B C D Abbreviations: H, high; four 0.3-mg/kg sented and in Table stillness was 1.0-mg/kg sessions main significant effect (F (3, 33)) significantly placebo greater session fingers are prefor in behavior main effect answers 2.75, P was that in P < .01), any < .05), but theme were (P ences than between of session sessions for marginally < .06), with total no differ- correct scores arithmetic (F (3, in session 33) = A being higher than at other placebo sessions. Theme was no evidence of any other carryover effects (ie, from a morning dose of 1.0 mg/kg on the afternoon performance at low dose or from a morning dose of 0.3 mg/kg on afternoon performance at high dose). DISCUSSION study that in results methylphenidate from enhances the present academic functioning by increasing accurate productivity on academic tasks, as well as improving overt behavior. All 12 children were able to complete substantially more work at all levels of the arithmetic task and the letter task without sacrificing accuracy following treatment with methylphenidate. Because most children decreased their error rates from placebo to medication conditions (although the difference was not significant), the stimulant-induced increase in the total correct score reflects a true improvement in academic functioning rather than a less interesting 654 increase in the amount METHYLPHENIDATE of work AND completed required, answer that for followed by rapid was in mem- held improvements were or loud discernible with in academic clinically verbalization as well correctly Also, a shift during as (10 of 12 chilincrease in the compared changes in from using computation to with difficult versions of tasks) is maximized at a dosage of 0.3 mg/kg and is impaired by dosages of 1.0 mg/kg or higher. The present study indicated that a dose of 1.0 mg/kg resulted in a leveling of academic performance rather than a decline and that methylphenidate produced similar improvements in both simple and complex versions of the tasks. These results suggest that the continued improvement in academic productivity as a function of increasing dosage reported by some investigatoms using be attenuated We cannot, inclusion It was demonstrated were of the required of the arithmetic between addition quiet verbal or silent mental computation were associated with changes from a placebo to a medicated state. The pattern of improvement in the complex version of the arithmetic task suggests greater efficacy in shifting mental set and in cornpleting consecutive cognitive operations. The beneficial effects on academic performance did not vary with dosage or task complexity. These academic task results are not entirely consistent with the conclusion of Sprague and Sleatom3 that for most children, cognitive performance (particularly other B, C, or D. The significant mean those number of problems completed with placebo-level performance. performance, which included and, according to post hoc Newman-Keuls analysis, the children’s stillness in session A (ie, afternoon placebo session preceded by morning high dosage) was with statistically; the majority of children dren) showed more than a 25% of session 4.48, = subtraction Stimulant-induced L, low; P, placebo. 4. The comparable performance B, C, D. B, C, D. .06, A > .01, A> < (25.0) (21.0) (20.1) (27.0) in error ory. 1.0 mg/kg t P skills classification 0.3 mg/kg A B C D increase school work: in the complex level task rapid and flexible switching and A B C D but proportionate rates. These improvements were observed in tasks designed to provide assessment of relatively corn- plex Placebo 4 a corresponding doses of as much as 0.6 mg/kg7 may as the dose approximates 1.0 mg/kg. however, rule out the possibility that of an intermediate dose of 0.6 mg/kg might have resulted in improved performance melative to that obtained at 0.3 mg/kg or at 1.0 mg/kg. One possibility of the apparent leveling in performance at higher dosages is that the finding may be an artifact resulting from a situation in which the high dosage improved the performance of some children relative to the dosage but actually impaired that of others. Inspection of the data from the present study ruled out such an explanation; seven children showed similar levels of performance at 0.3 mg/kg and 1.0 mg/kg, whereas three showed their greatest improvement at 1.0 mg/kg, and only two showed the best performance at 0.3 mg/kg, with a decline at 1.0 mg/kg. Alternatively, the 1ev- HYPERACTIVITY Downloaded from www.pediatrics.org. Provided by Vanderbilt Univ on April 26, 2011 eling of performance at 1.0 mg/kg underlying decline in cognitive either masked by the marked ments or that was current tasks. As expected, being only the on-task, minimally and overt quiet), improvements are tamed for longer than by a dose of 0.3 mg/kg the end of the testing by the tion). at the continued increasing not high in that (ie, as a func- these with were provocative behavior improved doses. Despite overt behavior performance findings an that was improve- addressed children’s still, parallel academic reflect When obtained dosage. the in children These separation icated of state a dose the unaware that the in both the Inspection afternoon of the data dosage of 1.0 mg/kg the benefits accrued ocally lesser ments. In children other words, to sit still their these cognitive behavioral sufficient the functioning improvements to ameliorate (eg, drawing information) dose enabled thereby to a loss that may have been induced studies using complex tasks processes tegrating high and be quiet, the some extent, but may have been in- present dose or flexibility pressure 9) 1 hour was observed following dose of dose of 1.0 mg/kg an increase the tion by observed Winsbemg in both unimportant, and for most ingestion methylphenidate. reported children The changes 2 hours and colleagues.9 studies were small the measures The and reverted a postingesincreases clinically to pre- 1.0 that following the 1.0-mg/kg that necessitated termiin the study. In the current study, the children received a dose of 1.0 mg/kg only once a day for 4 days that were not necessarily consecutive, whereas in the Winsberg study, children received the 1.0-mg/kg dose twice daily for 7 consecutive days. Because the use of 1.0 mg/kg in the present design was associated with only a few, mild side effects, researchers who wish to investigate dose response relationships with as much as 1.0 mg/kg design a day in which this dose is administered on nonconsecutive days. are advised to consider a similar only Consistent with the findings of Solanto and ners,8 the behavioral improvements produced of 1.0 mg/kg of methylphenidate were once Conby a sus- occurred unequiv- and was evident 2. Surprisingly, effects effect Solanto course for that mg/kg findings effects of Winsbemg and colleagues,9 no severe side developed in any of the children participat- morning afternoon of the by to a there morning an afternoon was effects of the was equivomarginally sig- only was evident in only 5 chilOf relevance here is the and Conner8 methylphenidate was dose related. of a differential on behavior and A dose of 0.3 mg/ and cognitive and faster benefits (in reaction times with improvements in accuracy) that were clearly evident 1 to 2 hours postingestion but no longer discernible 4 hours postingestion. In contrast, behaviomal improvements were produced by a dose of later, within dose by cognition treatment levels when medication was discontinued and placebo was administered. In contrast to the ing in the present study dose, and certainly none nation of their participation that produced kg produced behavioral terms of reduced activity = with carryover finding and (n effects nificant and this effect then of the 12 children. of a 1.0-mg/kg Similar were in pulse me- of 0.3 mg/kg. cal. by the dosage. Further that tap other cognitive then impression that the to that observed at effect of additive on the and for The finding of prolonged beneficial high dosage on academic performance analogies, inferring and inare needed to clarify this study, carryover no evidence time In the This in 7 of the 12 children extent in an additional high dose issue. blood dosage. was facilitating in speed low and of the medication state, children were in a med- placebo session confirmed the children’s behavior was similar was partly attenuated by the behavioral improve- of 1.0 mg/kg morning dose response functions for overt behavior and academic performance at the high dosage may reflect an underlying decline in cognitive functioning at a that from produced 4 hours later, their overt behavior in session was so markedly improved other placebo sessions that the pmoj- who were guessed session. but those received in ceived placebo the afternoon compared with ect staff, frequently 4 hours, had essentially dissipated by session (ie, 3 hours postinges- of methylphenidate tion of increasing improvements in dose, may processing behavioral that were still clearly evident 6 hours but the cognitive benefits had dissipated 3 hours. Results of the present study suggest for most children, stimulant-induced academic benefits may The also dissipate differential time kg of methylphenidate within course on 3 to 4 hours. of action academic and of 1.0 mg/ cognitive performance has implications for experimental design and clinical practice. From a design pemspective, the carryover effects for behavior argue against alternating doses these persistent and noon dose effects performance. methylphenidate on a twice daily basis, because effects may serve to attenuate by artificially inflating the In the present was so effective study, drug after- however, in improving be- havior compared with placebo performance that the difference could still be detected even when behaviom was compared with inflated behavior estimates with placebo. The possibility is seen by the use of this design in the present study that the absence of a linear relationship between increasing dose and academic performance may be attributable to car- ARTICLES Downloaded from www.pediatrics.org. Provided by Vanderbilt Univ on April 26, 2011 655 ryovem effects, which would have served to inflate scores at placebo and low doses. Although this explanation was not supported by either the group comparison or by evaluation of data for each child, this design incorporates the potential for such a confound. From a therapeutic perspective, the carryover effects associated with a dose of 1.0 mg/kg are also problematic. Because a dose of 1.0 mg/kg not only maximized behavior but also produced long-lasting behavioral improvements, it would be tempting to recommend a dosage of 1.0 mg/kg once a day for most children. It is important to note that in this study we did not investigate the effects of consecutive daily doses of 1.0 mg/kg; the effects of such a regimen may differ from those described in this study. Notwithstanding the concern about side effects that are typically associated with a dose of 1.0 mg/kg, if the concomitant cognitive and academic improvements the child will treatment concern cognitive dissipate not gain within 3 to 4 hours, then optimum benefit from a regimen of 1.0 mg/kg is the possibility that performance. Although per day. Of greater high doses impair such effects have yet to be convincingly demonstrated, cognitive and academic performance any decline in might be ob- scumed by the often dramatic and long-lasting behaviomal improvements associated with high dosages. Finally, in attempting to determine an optimal dose for each child, it is essential that the physician consider the dose response and time course of action across academic and cognitive domains as well as the behavioral domain. Academic tasks such as those used in the present study are inexpensive, may be quickly administered and scored, and provide valuable information concerning the academic response of the child to medication. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS children: differences in dose effects on learning and social behavior. Science. 1977;198:1274-1276 4. Pelham WE, Bender ME, Caddell J, et al. Methylphenidate and children with attention deficit disorder. Arch Gen Paychiatry. 1985;42:948-952 5. Rapport MD, Stoner G, DuPaul GJ, et al. Methylphenidate hyperactive children: differential effects of dose on academic, learning, and social behavior. J Abnormal Child Psyin chol. 1985;13:227-244 6. Rapport MD, DuPaul GJ, Stoner G, et al. 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New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1971 behavior: DAY OF PRAYER A national day of prayer has been recognized as a part of our country’s heritage since it was declared by the Continental Congress in 1775. Officially it is the first Thursday of every May; this year it falls on May 5. We could trust the spirit of President Abraham Lincoln who, in despair, said, “I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go.” This is the anxiety felt by 13-million American children who are “Poorest in a Land of Plenty,” title given a film produced by the National Council of . Churces, statistics to be introduced show that “One on Mother’s out of every Day, May five children From A national 1989, p 5. day of prayer should include the poor. . 14 (NBC, 1 pm). The in America is poor; 20 industrialized nations the USA has the third highest infant among industrialized nations only the USA and South Africa comprehensive health care for children and pregnant women. Submitted . by Lewis The Churchman’s Human NCC’s among mortality rate; fail to provide A. Barness, Quest, MD May-June ARTICLES Downloaded from www.pediatrics.org. Provided by Vanderbilt Univ on April 26, 2011 657 Dose-Response Effects of Methylphenidate on Academic Performance and Overt Behavior in Hyperactive Children Rosemary Tannock, Russell J. Schachar, Robert P. Carr and Gordon D. Logan Pediatrics 1989;84;648-657 Updated Information & Services including high-resolution figures, can be found at: http://www.pediatrics.org Citations This article has been cited by 7 HighWire-hosted articles: http://www.pediatrics.org#otherarticles Permissions & Licensing Information about reproducing this article in parts (figures, tables) or in its entirety can be found online at: http://www.pediatrics.org/misc/Permissions.shtml Reprints Information about ordering reprints can be found online: http://www.pediatrics.org/misc/reprints.shtml Downloaded from www.pediatrics.org. Provided by Vanderbilt Univ on April 26, 2011