The Hotsheet - New Jersey Multiple Listing Service, Inc.
The Hotsheet - New Jersey Multiple Listing Service, Inc.
( !"#S A!' MOR"... ! " # $% & '( Mission Statement: To provide cost e!ective and comprehensive real estate information using the latest proven technology. )O!E,-ER%/0(0 t ee h s t o The H !n This !ssue: + Special +nnouncement 4lease see page 6 for a special message a9out :;M=S. ?=4 @nhancements AhecB out the changes in ?= 4aragon that Cere made this month. See page E. Fo Gou Aopyright Gour 4hotosI See page J for details on hoC and Chy you should. Welcome to Your New Agent Site! Weʼre very excited. If you havenʼt looked at the website, youʼre missing out. See page 4 for more details. !"#$%&$'()* HA#ORTH !"#$%$&'($)*++,-$%$.*++/-$ 012$,//"(#3-4#3$5'"-$.*++$%$6*++/-7 89+$:4'',;4$<3=$>#?$!""'@$+69A8 BC"#4*$>+8%DE6%88.+ &,F*$>+8%DE6%>.D. 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I$a'c# to a J'o.$'t0 I$a'c#K C#)s #$(. 5$at2'$ a((o4s 0o2 to (ocat$ .'o.$'t)$s1 as an $Da3.($1 t#at a'$ 4)t#)n a c$'ta)n .'oD)3)t0 to a #os.)ta(1 sc#oo(1 o' anot#$' st'$$t; "#$n co3.($t)n, 0o2' .'o.$'t0 s$a'c#1 c()c@ on A..(*("+07&%3(*23(0 an: t#$n c#oos$ /0#&@203!5; ! Have You Seen Our New Agent Site? You may have noticed something very different when you logged in to Our member website has a new streamlined, contemporary design. <hen you login to the site, you!re going to see= ! E#$% 'o )*#+ ,lo. /o)0#'. ! P)o034*4'l% +3$5l#%*+ lo.34 #)*#$ /o) 67389 #88*$$ 'o 0#:o) #55l38#'3o4$. ! ;l*#)l% l#,*l*+ 8o4'*4' 0*47$ <=*)* /)*67*4'l% )*/*)*48*+ 34/o)0#'3o4 <3ll ,* $'o)*+. ! >#4+% 9*%<o)+ $*#)8= 'o =*l5 %o7 !4+ $5*83!8 8o4'*4' *#$3l%. ! E#$% 'o #88*$$ l349$ 'o $755o)' 'ool$. ! E#$% 'o !4+ 0*0,*)$=35 34/o)0#'3o4. Remember, XL Paragon has not changed. You will still go to and enter your existing Username and Password to access XL Paragon. If you have any Euestions or would like us to help you navigate the new site, please call GHMLS at K2MNOPQR-NN5M. 4 !n The Move Food for Though! NJMLS would like to welcome the following new o%ces and Designated Realtors: *inetti Real Estate2 LLC in Secaucus and their Designated Realtor, Je!rey Siegel. November is a traditionally a time to give thanks for everything in our life. These quotes make it easy to remember that there is something to be thankful for every day of the year: Metro Realty Partners2 LLC in Hackensack and their Designated Realtor, Edward J. Carbone. !No duty is more urgent than the returning of thanks." # # unknown Maridian Real Estate2 Inc. in Hoboken and their Designated Realtor, Mario Fini. The *lenden Broup2 LLC in Millburn and their Designated Realtor, Richard *lenden. Real Estate Dreams2 LLC in Sterling Porest, NQ and their Designated Realtor, Pamela Paul. ReGMaH Llewellyn Realtors in West Orange and their Designated Realtor, Erin *rown. Coccia Real Estate Broup2 LLC in Whippany and their Designated Realtor, Lois DeCaro. Iyst Realty Broup2 LLC in Port Lee and their Designated Realtor, Chin Iong. Proto Realty and Associates in West New Qork and their Designated Realtor, Christine Protomastro. Tri"States *est Realty in Port Lee and their Designated Realtor, Killiam Pellant. AAA Community Realty2 LLC in Jersey City and their Designated Realtor, Dennis Seechran. Coccia Realty2 Inc. has opened a new o%ce in Madison. The Designated Realtor there is Je!rey Ialpern. JP Iarris and Associates2 LLC and Jean"Patrick Iarris. !There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." # # Albert Einstein !@ratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings." # William Arthur Ward !Let us be grateful to people who make us happyF they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." # # Marcel Proust !He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has." # # Epictetus !We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." # # Thornton Wilder !Be grateful for the little things, because someday the little things may become the big things." # # unknown !There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy." # # Ralph H. Blum !Happiness is itself a kind of gratitude." # Ralph H. Blum *ryleH Appraisers and Antonio *agnara. Sundance Realty in Wallington is now American Foreclosures Real Estate. Their Designated Realtor is Sandra *orges. MaloneRSremer, Inc. in Leonia is now Malone Realty2 LLC. The Designated Realtor there is Noreen Nremer. 5 !Re$ect upon your blessings, of which every man has plentyF not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some." # # Charles Dickens Circle of Excellence It is hard to believe that 2010 is shortly coming to a close. That means it is Oust about time to start thinking about the Circle of Excellence report. This is a tool that the NJMLS provides to make it easier for you to compile what you need to qualify for the Circle of Pxcellence. Here's how to use it: R@n the XL Paragon Desktop, click on Toolkit and then choose Circle of Excellence. RPnter the dates you would like to include in the report, your Agent ID, and whether you would like to include leased properties. RClick Search. Your results will consist of a list of your closed transactions with the MLS number, address, buyer's name, date sold, listing o"ce, listing agent, the o"ce and agent that worked with the buyer, and the value of the sale towards the Circle of Pxcellence. Please note: this is also a good time to make sure that you've checked your inventory to determine if you're current on reporting your closed listings. If you have any questions about these status updates, please give us a call soonW Reminder About Short Sales Copyright Protection of Photos Although a Short Sale may have some obstacles that distinguish it from other real estate transactions, you are still required to follow the NJMLS reporting policies that govern all listings. NJMLS strongly suggests that when you have taken the photos on a listing, please have them copyrighted. Although other brokers are not permitted to copy your photos, if you want protection under the law, you will need to have them copyrighted. @ur policy states: First, you must disclose a Short Sale in XL Paragon in all Remarks sections of the listing, alerting buyers that this is a !potential short sale and subOect to lender approval.$ !Although no notice is legally required for a photo to be copyrighted, if a copyright owner wants legal protection under copyright infringement laws, the owner must register the work at the copyright o"ce. Registration gives some litigation and damage bene#ts.$ Second, when both the seller and the potential buyer have signed a contract, the listing should be marked as ARIP, indicating that it is in Attorney Review. You have 2F hours to make this change in the system. When the listing is out of Attorney Review, it should be marked Gnder Contract within 2F hours. @"ces choosing to watermark their photos must standardiDe the watermark on images uploaded to the NJMLS system. The watermark must include the copyright symbol %if the photo is registered&, followed by the owner's initials %owner of the photo&, and the year the photo was taken. As an example, the copyright on a photo could look like this: Remember, you have I days from closing to mark a listing as sold. Lead Paint Disclosure Please remember if a property was built prior to 1ZL8, you are required by law to provide a Lead Paint disclosure form for signature by the Seller, which should be made available to cooperating agents. An easy way to do this is to add it as an Associated Document when you enter the listing into XL Paragon. If you already have listings in the system and need to add this as an Associated Document, you can do so by choosing Manage Documents in Listing Maintenance. If you have any questions, please call us for further instructions. 1WR,2010 If you would like additional information about copyrighting, please call the U.S. Copyright @"ce, a division of the Library of Congress, at %202& L0L(3000. \