CiteLinkCanada User Manual


CiteLinkCanada User Manual
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Version 3.04
Version 1.0
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Information in this guide is current through February 2006.
Author: Tanya Zehnder
WestlaweCARSWELL and KeyCiteCanada are trademarks owned by Carswell or its licensors, and are used herein directly by Carswell or under license.
Internet Explorer, Microsoft, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Corel and WordPerfect are registered trademarks of Corel Corporation.
© 2006 Carswell, a division of Thomson Canada Ltd., or its licensors. All rights reserved.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
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2075 Kennedy Road
Toronto, ON M1T 3V4
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Introduction to CiteLinkCanada ............................................................................................................... 1
What is CiteLinkCanada? ............................................................................................................................ 2
Note About This Manual............................................................................................................................. 2
Batch CiteLinkCanada Wizard .................................................................................................................... 2
Getting Started .......................................................................................................................................... 3
System Requirements ................................................................................................................................... 4
Operating Systems ................................................................................................................................. 4
Uninstalling CiteLinkCanada ....................................................................................................................... 4
Using CiteLinkCanada................................................................................................................................ 5
Marking Citations Automatically .......................................................................................................... 6
Marking Citations Manually ................................................................................................................. 6
In Microsoft Word.......................................................................................................................... 6
In Corel WordPerfect ...................................................................................................................... 7
Working with the Table of Authorities ........................................................................................................ 7
Table of Authorities Options ................................................................................................................. 8
In Microsoft Word.......................................................................................................................... 8
In Corel WordPerfect ...................................................................................................................... 8
Manually Updating the Table of Authorities ......................................................................................... 9
In Microsoft Word.......................................................................................................................... 9
In Corel WordPerfect, Using Existing Categories in the Table of Authorities ................................ 10
Customizing the Table of Authorities .................................................................................................. 11
In Microsoft Word........................................................................................................................ 11
In Corel WordPerfect .................................................................................................................... 11
Working with Hyperlinks .......................................................................................................................... 12
Linking to WestlaweCARSWELL Content on the Web ....................................................................... 12
Charges for Linking to WestlaweCARSWELL Content ................................................................ 12
Hyperlink Options .............................................................................................................................. 12
In Microsoft Word........................................................................................................................ 12
In Corel WordPerfect .................................................................................................................... 13
Customizing Hyperlinks ...................................................................................................................... 14
In Microsoft Word........................................................................................................................ 14
In Corel WordPerfect .................................................................................................................... 15
Removing Hyperlinks .......................................................................................................................... 18
In Microsoft Word........................................................................................................................ 18
In Corel WordPerfect .................................................................................................................... 18
Using WestlaweCARSWELL and Other Services ..................................................................................... 19
Searching WestlaweCARSWELL from Your Word Processor .................................................................... 20
Using SearchLink to Insert Hyperlinks to WestlaweCARSWELL Searches................................................. 21
Using KeyCiteCanada to Check Citations .................................................................................................. 22
Using KeyCiteCanadaLink to Insert Hyperlinks to KeyCiteCanada Results ............................................... 24
Finding a Document on WestlaweCARSWELL.......................................................................................... 24
Using FindLink to Insert Hyperlinks to Specific Documents ...................................................................... 25
Maintaining the Publications List ........................................................................................................... 27
Working with the Publications List ............................................................................................................ 28
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Table of Contents
What is the Publications List?..............................................................................................................
Adding Publications ............................................................................................................................
Adding and Changing Abbreviations for Publications .........................................................................
Searching for Publications ...................................................................................................................
Removing Publications ........................................................................................................................
Working with Explanatory Phrases............................................................................................................
What are Explanatory Phrases? ...........................................................................................................
Adding Explanatory Phrases................................................................................................................
Editing Explanatory Phrases................................................................................................................
Removing Explanatory Phrases ...........................................................................................................
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Introduction to CiteLinkCanada
What is CiteLinkCanada?
Note About This Manual
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Introduction to CiteLinkCanada
Chapter 1
What is CiteLinkCanada?
CiteLinkCanada is a legal research product from Carswell that automatically finds citations in your Microsoft Word
and Corel WordPerfect documents and marks each citation with a hyperlink to the corresponding document on
WestlaweCARSWELL. CiteLinkCanada can recognize and mark citations from documents that are written in either
English or French. CiteLinkCanada will also automatically create a table of authorities for you, with hypertext links
from each listed document to its reference in the factum or memorandum.
CiteLinkCanada finds these types of citations:
Canadian and United Kingdom case reports
Canadian law reviews
Canadian administrative decisions
Note About This Manual
The topics and figures in this manual were taken from Microsoft Word 2003 and Corel WordPerfect version 12.
Different versions may have slight variances in feature descriptions and graphic elements.
Batch CiteLinkCanada Wizard
The Batch CiteLinkCanada Wizard allows you to create WestlaweCARSWELL hyperlinks and table of authorities in
multiple documents at one time. The Batch CiteLinkCanada Wizard will be installed automatically if you choose the
Typical installation option or if you select it in the Custom installation option. Open the wizard by choosing
Programs, eCarswell Applications, Batch CiteLinkCanada Wizard from the Start menu. For more information on the
Batch CiteLinkCanada Wizard, see the online help in the Wizard.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Getting Started
System Requirements
Uninstalling CiteLinkCanada
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Getting Started
Chapter 2
System Requirements
Operating Systems
■ Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Windows XP
■ 16 MB RAM
■ 5MB hard disk space
■ Internet connection is required to link to documents on WestlaweCARSWELL
■ One of the following word processors:
■ Microsoft Word 2000 or later
■ Corel WordPerfect 8 (Service Pack 5)
■ Corel WordPerfect 9 (Service Pack 2)
■ Corel WordPerfect 10
■ Corel WordPerfect 11 (Service Pack 2)
■ Corel WordPerfect 12
Uninstalling CiteLinkCanada
Use the Add/Remove Programs feature in the Windows Control Panel to uninstall CiteLinkCanada.
1. Choose Control Panel from the Start menu.
2. Double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon.
3. Select CiteLinkCanada from the list of displayed programs, then click Remove.
4. Click Yes to confirm that you want to remove CiteLinkCanada, then follow the on-screen instructions.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Using CiteLinkCanada
Marking Citations
Working with the Table of Authorities
Working with Hyperlinks
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Using CiteLinkCanada
Chapter 3
Marking Citations
CiteLinkCanada will automatically mark legal citations in your Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect document
with hyperlinks that link to the full text of the documents on the Internet via WestlaweCARSWELL. You can also
manually mark any citations that were not automatically marked by CiteLinkCanada in your Word or WordPerfect
Marking Citations Automatically
1. Open the document containing the citations you want to mark in either Word or WordPerfect.
2. Click the Auto-Mark Citations button
the Tools menu.
on the toolbar or choose CiteLinkCanada, Auto-Mark Citations from
Notes for WordPerfect users: If the CiteLinkCanada toolbar isn’t visible, select Toolbars from the View
menu, and then select the Legal check box. Click OK.
If you are marking citations in WordPerfect, a message box is displayed with your current settings. Click OK
to continue.
CiteLinkCanada applies the hyperlink style to the text of each citation and corresponding title that it finds.
The hyperlink style can vary depending on your settings. The default is blue text with a single underline. (See
“Customizing Hyperlinks” on page 14 for more information.)
3. Choose Save or Save As from the File menu to save your document.
Marking Citations Manually
Note: Citations that are manually marked do not appear in the table of authorities unless you manually add them to
it or run Auto-Mark Citations again. See “Manually Updating the Table of Authorities” on page 9 for information
on adding manually marked citations to the table of authorities.
Manually marked citations do not include hyperlinks to WestlaweCARSWELL content on the Internet. See “Using
FindLink to Insert Hyperlinks to Specific Documents” on page 25.
In Microsoft Word
1. Open the document containing the citations that you want to mark in Word.
2. Select the citation you want to mark (e.g., 1999 CarswellMan 254), then click the Manually Mark Citations
on the toolbar or choose CiteLinkCanada, Manually Mark Citations from the Tools menu. The
Mark Citation dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-1 on page 7.
3. Click Category to select the category of authority. The Edit Category dialog box is displayed.
4. Select the desired category, then click OK.
5. Click Mark, then click Close.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Chapter 3
Using CiteLinkCanada
Click Mark to mark the citation.
Click Category to select the
category of authority.
Figure 3-1: Mark Citation dialog box in Word
The citation is now marked, and the code for the marking is displayed with a dotted underline following
your citation. The dotted underline represents hidden text; it will not be displayed when you print.
6. See “Manually Updating the Table of Authorities” on page 9 to add your manually marked citations to the table
of authorities.
7. Save your document.
In Corel WordPerfect
1. Open the document containing the citations you want to mark in WordPerfect.
2. Select the case title (if applicable) and citation that you want to mark (e.g., 1999 CarswellMan 254).
3. Click the Table of Authorities button
on the toolbar. The Reference Tools dialog box is displayed.
4. Click within the Short Form text box on the Table of Authorities tab. The citation you selected will be displayed.
Edit the citation to a shorter form if desired.
5. Click Mark.
6. The citation is added to the Short Form drop-down list.
7. Select another citation, if desired, and then repeat steps 4 and 5 for each citation you want to mark manually.
8. Click Close.
9. Save your document.
10. See “Manually Updating the Table of Authorities” on page 9 to add your manually marked citations to the table
of authorities.
Working with the Table of Authorities
After you run Auto-Mark Citations, a table of authorities is automatically created. Listed are the cases and other
documents you have cited, including the page numbers on which they are cited in your document.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Using CiteLinkCanada
Chapter 3
Table of Authorities Options
The steps below describe how to change your table of authorities options.
In Microsoft Word
1. Choose CiteLinkCanada, Options from the Tools menu. The CiteLinkCanada Options dialog box is displayed.
2. Click TOA Appearance. The TOA Appearance dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-2.
Select if you want to automatically generate a
table of authorities.
Select where you want to place the table of
authorities in your document.
Select to include hyperlinks from citations listed
in the table of authorities to their references in
your document.
Format the table of authorities in this section.
Figure 3-2: TOA Appearance dialog box in Word
3. Select the Build Table of Authorities check box if you want CiteLinkCanada to automatically generate a table of
authorities. Clear the check box if you do not want a table of authorities automatically generated.
4. Select the Insert hyperlinks in Table of Authorities check box if you want to include hyperlinks from citations
listed in the table of authorities to their references in your document.
5. Determine where you want the table of authorities placed in your document and make a selection from the
Location drop-down list: Beginning of Document, Insertion Point, or End of Document.
6. Format the table of authorities in the TOA Formatting section.
Select the desired tab leaders from the Tab leader drop-down list.
Select the desired font style from the Heading Font Styles drop-down list: Regular, Italic, or Bold.
Select the Underline TOA headings check box if you want the headings in the table of authorities
7. Click OK.
In Corel WordPerfect
1. Choose CiteLinkCanada, Settings from the Tools menu. The CiteLinkCanada Settings dialog box is displayed.
2. Click TOA Appearance. The TOA Appearance dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-3 on page 9.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Chapter 3
Using CiteLinkCanada
Select to resave condensed
subdocuments with the generated
changes (if your document has
condensed subdocuments).
Select if you want to automatically generate a
table of authorities.
Select to separate the table of authorities from
the rest of your document with page breaks.
Select where you want to place the
table of authorities in your document.
Figure 3-3: TOA Appearance dialog box in WordPerfect
3. Select the Generate Table of Authorities check box if you want CiteLinkCanada to automatically generate a table
of authorities.
4. To separate the table of authorities from the rest of your document with page breaks, select the Table of
Authorities on own page(s) check box.
5. To resave condensed subdocuments with the generated changes (if your document has condensed subdocuments),
select the Save subdocuments check box.
6. To include hyperlinks from citations listed in the table of authorities to their references in your WordPerfect
document, select the Build hypertext links check box.
7. Determine where you want the table of authorities placed in your WordPerfect document and make a selection
from the Location drop-down list: Beginning of Document, Insertion Point, or End of Document.
Note: If you select Beginning of Document, the body of your document will still begin on page one as long
as you also select the Table of Authorities on own page(s) check box. The numbering is reset to start on page
one again.
8. Click OK.
Manually Updating the Table of Authorities
After manually marking citations, you need to manually update the table of authorities to include the new entries.
In Microsoft Word
1. Choose CiteLinkCanada, Build Table of Authorities from the Tools menu or click the Build Table of Authorities
on the toolbar. The Table of Authorities dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-4 on page 10.
2. Verify that All is selected in the Category drop-down list, then click OK.
3. Click Yes in the message box that is displayed. Word will add any citations you marked manually to the table of
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Using CiteLinkCanada
Chapter 3
Verify that All is selected.
Figure 3-4: Table of Authorities dialog box in Word
Note: When you manually update the table of authorities, the manually marked citations will not have
hyperlinks to their references in your document. To add hyperlinks, you need to run CiteLinkCanada again
by clicking the
Auto-Mark Citations button
on the toolbar or by choosing CiteLinkCanada, Auto-Mark Citations from
the Tools menu. See “Using FindLink to Insert Hyperlinks to Specific Documents” on page 25 to add
hyperlinks to citations that CiteLinkCanada doesn’t recognize.
In Corel WordPerfect, Using Existing Categories in the Table of Authorities
1. Choose CiteLinkCanada, Table of Authorities from the Tools menu or click the Table of Authorities button
on the Legal toolbar.
2. Click Generate on the Table of Authorities tab. The Generate dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-5.
Select to include hyperlinks from citations
listed in your table of authorities to their
references in your WordPerfect document.
Select to resave condensed subdocuments
with the generated changes (if your document
has condensed subdocuments).
Figure 3-5: Generate dialog box in WordPerfect
3. To resave condensed subdocuments with the generated changes (if your document has condensed subdocuments),
select the Save subdocuments check box.
4. Select the Build hyperlinks check box if you want to include hyperlinks from citations listed in your table of
authorities to their references in your document.
5. Click OK.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Chapter 3
Using CiteLinkCanada
Customizing the Table of Authorities
You can customize the table of authorities to create your own look.
In Microsoft Word
1. Choose Styles and Formatting from the Format menu. The Styles and Formatting dialog box is displayed on the
right side of your screen.
The two styles used in the table of authorities are Table of Authorities and TOA Heading. One or both of
these styles may not appear in the styles list until you have created a table of authorities.
2. To modify a table of authorities style, click within the text you want to change in the table of authorities. The
style name will appear under Formatting of selected text in the Styles and Formatting dialog box. Click the down
arrow that appears, and then select Modify (see Figure 3-6). The Modify Style dialog box is displayed.
Click the down arrow
and then select
Click within the table of
authorities body or the
heading to change the
Figure 3-6: Sample table of authorities showing the Styles and Formatting dialog box in Word
3. You can change the font, type size, and type styles by clicking Format and then choosing Font. Make your changes
in the Font dialog box, then click OK.
4. Click OK in the Modify Style dialog box.
In Corel WordPerfect
1. Choose Styles from the Format menu. The Styles dialog box is displayed.
The style used in the table of authorities is TableofAuth. The style will not appear in the Available styles list
until you have created a table of authorities. If you created a table of authorities, and the style still isn’t
listed, you have to enable the display setting for the style. To enable the display setting for the style, click
Options in the Style List dialog box and then choose Settings. Select the WordPerfect system styles check
box, then click OK. The TableofAuth style now appears in the Available styles list.
2. To modify a table of authorities style, select it in the list and then click Edit. The Styles Editor dialog box is
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Using CiteLinkCanada
Chapter 3
3. You can change the font, type size, and type styles from the toolbar at the top of the dialog box.
4. Click OK when you have finished making your changes.
5. Click Close in the Styles dialog box.
Working with Hyperlinks
Hyperlinks are the coloured, underlined text that you see in your document. Hyperlinks, by default, are blue.
CiteLinkCanada finds and inserts a hyperlink for each citation and corresponding title in your document. Clicking a
hyperlink will take you to the full text of the cited document on WestlaweCARSWELL.
Linking to WestlaweCARSWELL Content on the Web
After you use CiteLinkCanada to automatically mark citations in your document, you can click a hyperlink to view
the document’s full text on WestlaweCARSWELL.
1. When you click a hyperlink, your default Web browser is launched, and the sign-on page for
WestlaweCARSWELL is displayed.
2. Type your WestlaweCARSWELL password and a client identifier or user name, then click GO.
Note: You must have a WestlaweCARSWELL subscription to retrieve WestlaweCARSWELL documents.
Charges for Linking to WestlaweCARSWELL Content
WestlaweCARSWELL access is provided with a flat rate annual subscription. You pay a fixed amount for a year’s
worth of usage. You will receive a pay-per-view charge on your next invoice if you access content outside of your
When you click a hyperlink, you will retrieve WestlaweCARSWELL content on the Internet. If the document you
retrieve is within your WestlaweCARSWELL Subscriber Agreement, no additional charges will apply. If the
document is not within your WestlaweCARSWELL subscription, you will incur a pay-per-view charge that will
appear on your next WestlaweCARSWELL invoice. The fee varies based on the type of document you access.
Hyperlink Options
The steps below describe how to access the hyperlink options and the hyperlink settings available for
In Microsoft Word
1. Choose CiteLinkCanada, Options from the Tools menu. The CiteLinkCanada Options dialog box is displayed,
as shown in Figure 3-7 on page 13.
2. Select the Overwrite existing hyperlinks check box if you want CiteLinkCanada to replace any hyperlinks that
you created manually. CiteLinkCanada always overwrites citations it created automatically.
3. Select the Do not insert hyperlinks in document text check box if you do not want CiteLinkCanada to
automatically insert hyperlinks in your document.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Chapter 3
Using CiteLinkCanada
Select if you want CiteLinkCanada to
replace any hyperlinks that you created
Select if you do not want CiteLinkCanada
to automatically insert hyperlinks in your
Select to create a copy of your document
before running Auto-Mark Citations.
Figure 3-7: CiteLinkCanada Options dialog box in Word
4. You can view the application used to link to documents on WestlaweCARSWELL in the Destination drop-down
5. Select the Copy Before Scan check box to create a copy of your document before running CiteLinkCanada. The
document copy will have the prefix CL_ and will be saved in the same directory as the original document.
6. Click OK.
In Corel WordPerfect
1. Choose CiteLinkCanada, Settings from the Tools menu. The CiteLinkCanada Settings dialog box is displayed, as
shown in Figure 3-8.
Select if you want CiteLinkCanada to replace
any hyperlinks that you created manually.
Select if you do not want CiteLinkCanada to
automatically insert hyperlinks in your
Figure 3-8: CiteLinkCanada Settings dialog box In WordPerfect
2. Select the Overwrite existing hyperlinks check box if you want CiteLinkCanada to replace any hyperlinks that
you created manually. CiteLinkCanada always overwrites citations it created automatically.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Using CiteLinkCanada
Chapter 3
3. You can view the application used to link to documents on WestlaweCARSWELL in the Destination drop-down
4. Select the Do not insert hyperlinks in document text check box if you do not want CiteLinkCanada to
automatically insert hyperlinks in your document.
5. Click OK.
Customizing Hyperlinks
You can change the font or colour or remove the underlining of hyperlinks.
In Microsoft Word
1. Choose Styles and Formatting from the Format menu. The Styles and Formatting dialog box is displayed on the
right side of your screen, as shown in Figure 3-9.
Hold you mouse over Hyperlink, click the down
arrow that appears, and then select Modify.
Figure 3-9: Style dialog box In Word
2. Hold your mouse over Hyperlink in the Pick formatting to apply list, click the down arrow that appears, and then
select Modify. The Modify Style dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-10 on page 15.
3. Click Format and then choose Font.
4. Make the desired changes to the hyperlink style, such as font colour, type, or underlining, and then click OK.
5. Click OK in the Modify Style dialog box.
6. Click the Close button (x) in the Styles and Formatting dialog box.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Chapter 3
Using CiteLinkCanada
Click Format and then choose Font.
Figure 3-10: Modify Style dialog box in Word
In Corel WordPerfect
To change the style of the hyperlinks in WordPerfect, complete the following steps:
1. Choose Styles from the Format menu. The Styles dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-11.
Click Options, then choose Settings.
Figure 3-11: Styles dialog box in WordPerfect
2. Click Options, then choose Settings. The Style Settings dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-12 on page
3. Make sure the WordPerfect system styles check box is selected, then select the WordPerfect heading styles and all
other system styles... option button. Click OK.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Using CiteLinkCanada
Chapter 3
Make sure these options are selected.
Figure 3-12: Style Settings dialog box in WordPerfect
4. Select Hypertext in the Available styles list in the Styles dialog box, then click Edit. The Styles Editor dialog box
is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-13.
Make sure the blinking red
cursor is directly after the Color
tag in the Contents box and then
choose Font from the Format
Figure 3-13: Styles Editor dialog box in WordPerfect
5. Make sure the blinking red cursor is directly after the Color tag in the Contents box. To move the cursor, click
after the Color tag (or the Color:Blue tag). If you previously changed the hyperlink colour, it may be a colour
other than blue.
6. Choose Font from the Format menu. The Font dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-14 on page 17.
7. Click the Color button, then click the desired colour for hyperlinks.
8. Click OK.
9. Click OK in the Styles Editor dialog box.
10. Click Close in the Styles dialog box.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Chapter 3
Using CiteLinkCanada
Click Color, then click the desired
colour for hyperlinks.
Figure 3-14: Font Properties dialog box in WordPerfect
To remove the underlining from hyperlinks in WordPerfect, complete the following steps:
1. Choose Styles from the Format menu. The Styles dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-11 on page 15.
2. Select Hypertext in the Available styles list in the Styles dialog box, then click Edit. The Styles Editor dialog box
is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-13 on page 16.
3. Click directly before the underline code (Und) in the Contents box to move the blinking red cursor there, as shown
in Figure 3-15.
Click directly before the
underline code (Und) in the
Contents box, then press
Figure 3-15: Styles Editor in WordPerfect
4. Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
5. Click OK.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Using CiteLinkCanada
Chapter 3
6. Click Close in the Styles dialog box.
Note: To turn hyperlink underlining on again, complete steps 1–2 above; then in the Styles Editor dialog box, click
the Underline button on the toolbar at the top of the dialog box, and then click OK. Click Close in the Styles dialog
Removing Hyperlinks
Complete the following steps to completely remove CiteLinkCanada-generated hyperlinks from your document.
In Microsoft Word
To remove all of the hyperlinks in your document, choose CiteLinkCanada/Remove Links from the Tools menu. Or,
right-click in your document and choose CiteLinkCanada/Remove Links.
In Corel WordPerfect
To remove all of the hyperlinks in your document, use WordPerfect’s Find and Replace function.
1. Choose Find and Replace from the Edit menu.
2. In the Find and Replace dialog box, select Codes from the Match menu.
3. In the Codes dialog box, select Hyperlink Begin, and then click Insert. [Hyperlink Begin] is displayed in the Find
text box. Make sure <Nothing> is displayed in the Replace with text box.
4. Click Replace All.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Using WestlaweCARSWELL and Other
Searching WestlaweCARSWELL from Your Word Processor
Using SearchLink to Insert Hyperlinks to WestlaweCARSWELL Searches
Using KeyCiteCanada to Check Citations
Using KeyCiteCanadaLink to Insert Hyperlinks to KeyCiteCanada Results
Finding a Document on WestlaweCARSWELL
Using FindLink to Insert Hyperlinks to Specific Documents
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Using WestlaweCARSWELL and Other Services
Chapter 4
Searching WestlaweCARSWELL from Your Word Processor
You can run a WestlaweCARSWELL search directly from Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect by completing the
following steps:
1. Choose CiteLinkCanada, Search WestlaweCARSWELL from the Tools menu or click the Search
WestlaweCARSWELL button
shown in Figure 4-1.
on the toolbar. The Search WestlaweCARSWELL dialog box is displayed, as
Type the database identifier for the
WestlaweCARSWELL database in
which you want to search or select
it from the drop-down list.
Select the search method you
want to use.
Type a Natural Language
description or a Terms and
Connectors query.
Figure 4-1: Search WestlaweCARSWELL dialog box
2. Type the database identifier for the WestlaweCARSWELL database in which you want to perform your search in
the Database ID text box, e.g., can-allcases. If you have performed previous WestlaweCARSWELL searches using
CiteLinkCanada, you can also choose one of the last 10 databases you searched from the Database ID drop-down
3. Select the search method you want to use in the Search Type box: Natural Language or Terms and Connectors.
Natural Language is the default search method.
4. Type a Natural Language description or a Terms and Connectors query in the Query text box.
5. Click OK. The sign-on page for WestlaweCARSWELL is displayed unless you are already signed on, in which case
you can skip to step 7.
6. Type a WestlaweCARSWELL password and a client identifier, then click Sign On. Your search result is displayed.
See Figure 4-2 on page 21 for a sample search result.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Chapter 4
Using WestlaweCARSWELL and Other Services
Click to view
the citing
references for
the document.
Click the
preceding the
document you
want to view.
Figure 4-2: WestlaweCARSWELL Terms and Connectors sample search result
Using SearchLink to Insert Hyperlinks to WestlaweCARSWELL Searches
The SearchLink feature allows you to embed a hyperlink to a WestlaweCARSWELL search in your Microsoft Word
or Corel WordPerfect document. You can select any text in your document for the hyperlink, such as a heading or a
specific phrase. Complete the following steps to use SearchLink:
1. Select the text for the hyperlink.
2. Choose CiteLinkCanada, Insert, SearchLink from the Tools menu. The Insert SearchLink dialog box is displayed,
as shown in Figure 4-3. The text you selected for your hyperlink is displayed in the Query text box.
Select the search method you
want to use.
Type the database identifier for
the WestlaweCARSWELL database
in which you want to search or
select it from the drop-down list.
Type a Natural Language
description or a Terms and
Connectors query.
Figure 4-3: Insert SearchLink dialog box
3. Type the database identifier for the WestlaweCARSWELL database in which you want to perform your search in
the Database ID text box, e.g., can-allcases. If you performed previous WestlaweCARSWELL searches using
CiteLinkCanada, you can also choose one of the last 10 databases you searched from the Database ID drop-down
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Using WestlaweCARSWELL and Other Services
Chapter 4
4. Select the search method you want to use in the Search Type box: Natural Language or Terms and Connectors.
Natural Language is the default method. You can edit the text in the Query text box without affecting the text in
your document.
5. Click OK. The text that you highlighted is now a hyperlink. When you click the hyperlink, the sign-on page for
WestlaweCARSWELL is displayed unless you are already signed on, in which case you can skip to step 7.
6. Type a WestlaweCARSWELL password and a client identifier, then click Sign On.
7. If prompted to select a database, select up to 10 check boxes before the databases you want to search, then click
OK. You can also click Find a Database Wizard to access a wizard that will suggest databases for you to search.
8. Your search result is displayed. See Figure 4-4 for a sample search result.
Click to view
the citing
references for
the document.
Click the
preceding the
document you
want to view.
Figure 4-4: SearchLink sample result
Using KeyCiteCanada to Check Citations
KeyCiteCanada is Carswell’s citation research service which allows you to track the history of a document and
retrieve all citing references on WestlaweCARSWELL. As soon as a case is added to WestlaweCARSWELL, it is
available in KeyCiteCanada.
Complete the following steps to use KeyCiteCanada:
1. Choose CiteLinkCanada, KeyCiteCanada from the Tools menu or click the KeyCiteCanada button
toolbar. The KeyCiteCanada dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-5 on page 23.
on the
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Chapter 4
Using WestlaweCARSWELL and Other Services
Type the citation you want to check in
KeyCiteCanada, then click OK.
Figure 4-5: KeyCiteCanada dialog box in Word
2. In the KeyCiteCanada dialog box, type the citation you want to check (e.g., 2004 CarswellNat 4681), then click
OK. The sign-on page for WestlaweCARSWELL is displayed, unless you are already signed on, in which case you
can skip to step 4.
You can also select a citation in your document and then click the KeyCiteCanada button
toolbar and the citation will be displayed in the Citation text box.
on the
3. Type a WestlaweCARSWELL password and a client identifier, then click Sign On.
4. Your result is displayed. See Figure 4-6 for a sample KeyCiteCanada result.
The blue H
indicates the
case has
some history.
Click to view
Click to view
the full text
of the
Click to view
the table of
Click for
summaries of
cases and links
to those cases.
Figure 4-6: Sample KeyCiteCanada result
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Using WestlaweCARSWELL and Other Services
Chapter 4
Using KeyCiteCanadaLink to Insert Hyperlinks to KeyCiteCanada Results
The KeyCiteCanadaLink feature allows you to embed a hyperlink to a document’s KeyCiteCanada result in your
Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect document. Complete the following steps to use KeyCiteCanadaLink:
1. Highlight the citation or text for your hyperlink.
2. Choose CiteLinkCanada, Insert, KeyCiteCanadaLink from the Tools menu. The Insert KeyCiteCanadaLink
dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-7.
Edit the citation or text if necessary so that it is
in correct format, then click OK.
Figure 4-7: Insert KeyCiteCanadaLink dialog box in Word
3. You may have to edit the citation or text you selected so that it is in the correct format for KeyCiteCanada, i.e.,
volume, publication, page number. Edit the citation in the Citation text box for proper format, e.g., 280nr 199,
then click OK.
4. The citation is marked as a hyperlink; click it to view the KeyCiteCanada result for your citation. The sign-on page
for WestlaweCARSWELL is displayed, unless you are already signed on, in which case you can skip to step 6.
5. Type a WestlaweCARSWELL password and a client identifier, then click Sign On.
6. Your KeyCiteCanada result is displayed.
Finding a Document on WestlaweCARSWELL
You can quickly retrieve the full text of any document on WestlaweCARSWELL using Find. This can be a citation in
your factum or memorandum that was not marked by a hyperlink or any other document that you need.
Shortcut: If your citations are marked with hyperlinks, you can highlight a citation or place your cursor in it using the
arrow keys before choosing Find. This will take you to the sign-on page for WestlaweCARSWELL or (skip to step 3
Complete the following steps to use Find:
1. Choose CiteLinkCanada, Find WestlaweCARSWELL Document from the Tools menu or click the Find
WestlaweCARSWELL button
on the toolbar. The Find WestlaweCARSWELL Document dialog box is
displayed, as shown in Figure 4-8 on page 25.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Chapter 4
Using WestlaweCARSWELL and Other Services
Figure 4-8: Find WestlaweCARSWELL Document dialog box
2. Type the citation of the document you want to retrieve, then click OK. The sign-on page for
WestlaweCARSWELL is displayed, unless you are already signed on, in which case you can skip to step 4.
3. Type a WestlaweCARSWELL password and a client identifier, then click Sign On.
4. Your Find result is displayed.
Using FindLink to Insert Hyperlinks to Specific Documents
The FindLink feature allows you to insert a hyperlink that points to a specific document on WestlaweCARSWELL.
This can be a citation in your factum that was not marked by a hyperlink or any other document that you need. You
can select any text in your document for the hyperlink, such as a citation, heading, or phrase. Complete the following
steps to use FindLink:
1. Highlight the citation or text for your hyperlink.
2. Choose CiteLinkCanada, Insert, FindLink from the Tools menu. The Insert FindLink dialog box is displayed, as
shown in Figure 4-9.
Edit the citation or text if necessary so that it is
in correct KeyCiteCanada format, then click OK.
Figure 4-9: Insert FindLink dialog box
3. Click OK.
4. The text is now marked as a hyperlink; click the link to open the document on WestlaweCARSWELL. The signon page for WestlaweCARSWELL is displayed, unless you are already signed on, in which case you can skip to
step 6.
5. Type a WestlaweCARSWELL password and a client identifier, then click Sign On. Your result is displayed.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Maintaining the Publications List
Working with the Publications List
Working with Explanatory Phrases
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Maintaining the Publications List
Chapter 5
Working with the Publications List
What is the Publications List?
The Publications list includes the publications and their abbreviations that are available on WestlaweCARSWELL.
CiteLinkCanada uses the publications list to find valid citations in your document. In addition to the publications
Carswell has included in the list, you can add your own publications and abbreviations.
Adding Publications
To add publications and abbreviations to the Publications list, complete the following steps:
1. In Word, choose CiteLinkCanada, Options from the Tools menu. The CiteLinkCanada Options dialog box is
displayed, as shown in Figure 5-1.
Click Publications to add a publication.
Figure 5-1: CiteLinkCanada Options dialog box in Word
In WordPerfect, choose CiteLinkCanada, Settings from the Tools menu. The CiteLinkCanada Settings dialog
box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-2 on page 29.
2. Click Publications. The CiteLinkCanada Publications dialog box is displayed.
3. Click Add. The Add Publication dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-3 on page 29.
4. Type the full publication name in the Publication Name text box, e.g., Victoria University of Wellington Law
5. Type the abbreviation for the publication in the Display Abbreviation text box, e.g., VUWLR.
6. If your citations to this publication might include more abbreviations than the one you entered in step 5, click Add
to enter those abbreviations.
7. Click OK. The publication you added now appears in the list of publications. A book icon
publications that you have added.
appears next to
8. Click OK in the open dialog boxes.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Chapter 5
Maintaining the Publications List
Click Publications to add a publication.
Figure 5-2: CiteLinkCanada Settings dialog box in WordPerfect
Type the full publication name here.
Type the abbreviation for the
publication here.
Click Add to add additional
abbreviations for the publication.
Figure 5-3: Add Publication dialog box
Adding and Changing Abbreviations for Publications
To add an abbreviation for a publication, complete the following steps:
1. In Word, choose CiteLinkCanada, Options from the Tools menu. The CiteLinkCanada Options dialog box is
displayed, as shown in Figure 5-1 on page 28.
In WordPerfect, choose CiteLinkCanada, Settings from the Tools menu. The Settings dialog box is
displayed, as shown in Figure 5-2.
2. Click Publications. The CiteLinkCanada Publications dialog box is displayed.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Maintaining the Publications List
Chapter 5
3. Select the publication for which you want to add or edit an abbreviation in the Publication Names list, then click
Modify. The Modify Publication dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-4.
Click Add to add a new
To change an abbreviation, select it
in the list and then click Modify.
Figure 5-4: Modify Publication dialog box
4. To add an abbreviation, click Add. Type the new abbreviation in the Add Publication Abbreviation dialog box,
then click OK.
5. To change an abbreviation, select it in the Publication Abbreviations list, and then click Modify. Type the new
abbreviation in the Modify Publication Abbreviation dialog box, then click OK.
Note: You can only change or delete abbreviations for publications that you have added to the Publications
list. These publications are indicated by the book icon
6. To delete an abbreviation, select it in the Publication Abbreviations list, and then click Delete. Click Yes in the
displayed message box to confirm that you want to delete the abbreviation, then click OK in the three open dialog
boxes to save your changes.
Searching for Publications
You can search for a publication in the Publications list by its abbreviation by completing the following steps:
1. To display the Publications list in Word, choose CiteLinkCanada, Options from the Tools menu. The
CiteLinkCanada Options dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-1 on page 28.
Or, to display the Publications list in WordPerfect, choose CiteLinkCanada, Settings from the Tools menu.
The CiteLinkCanada Settings dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-2 on page 29.
2. Click Publications.The CiteLinkCanada Publications dialog box is displayed.
3. Click Search.The Search for Publication dialog box is displayed.
4. In the Publication Abbreviation text box, type an abbreviation for the publication you are trying to find, e.g.,
VUWLR, then click OK. The Modify Publication dialog box for the publication is displayed. Note: You can add
abbreviations in this dialog box, if desired.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Chapter 5
Maintaining the Publications List
Removing Publications
You can remove publications that you have added to the Publications list, which are indicated by the book icon
You cannot remove the standard publications provided by Carswell. Complete the following steps to remove a
publication from the Publications list:
1. In Word, choose CiteLinkCanada, Options from the Tools menu. The CiteLinkCanada Options dialog box is
displayed, as shown in Figure 5-1 on page 28.
Or, in WordPerfect, choose CiteLinkCanada, Settings from the Tools menu. The CiteLinkCanada Settings
dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-2 on page 29.
2. Click Publications. The CiteLinkCanada Publications dialog box is displayed.
3. Select the publication you want to remove in the Publication Names list, then click Delete.
4. Click Yes in the displayed message box to confirm that you want to delete the publication.
5. Click OK in the open dialog boxes to close them and save your changes.
Working with Explanatory Phrases
What are Explanatory Phrases?
Explanatory phrases (e.g., affirmed, reversed, and argued) identify prior and subsequent history and are used by
CiteLinkCanada to connect related citations.
Adding Explanatory Phrases
Complete the following steps to add new phrases to the CiteLinkCanada Explanatory Phrases list:
1. In Word, choose CiteLinkCanada, Options from the Tools menu. The CiteLinkCanada Options dialog box is
displayed, as shown in Figure 5-1 on page 28.
In WordPerfect, choose CiteLinkCanada, Settings from the Tools menu. The CiteLinkCanada Settings
dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-2 on page 29.
2. Click Explanatory Phrases. The Explanatory Phrases dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-5 on page 32.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Maintaining the Publications List
Chapter 5
Click Add.
Figure 5-5: CiteLinkCanada Explanatory Phrases dialog box
3. Click Add. The Add Explanatory Phrase dialog box is displayed.
4. Type your phrase in the Explanatory Phrase text box, then click OK. The phrase you added now appears in the
list of explanatory phrases. The
icon appears next to phrases that you have added.
5. Click OK in the open dialog boxes to close them and save your changes.
Editing Explanatory Phrases
You can modify phrases that you have added to the Explanatory Phrases list, which are indicated by the
icon. You
cannot change the standard phrases that are provided by Carswell. Complete the following steps to edit an
explanatory phrase:
1. In Word, choose CiteLinkCanada, Options from the Tools menu. The CiteLinkCanada Options dialog box is
displayed, as shown in Figure 5-1 on page 28.
In WordPerfect, choose CiteLinkCanada, Settings from the Tools menu. The CiteLinkCanada Settings dialog
box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-2 on page 29.
2. Click Explanatory Phrases. The CiteLinkCanada Explanatory Phrases dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure
5-5 on page 32.
3. Select the phrase that you want to edit in the Explanatory Phrases list, then click Modify. The Modify Explanatory
Phrase dialog box is displayed.
4. Type your changes in the Explanatory Phrase text box, then click OK.
5. Click OK in the open dialog boxes to close them and save your changes.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Chapter 5
Maintaining the Publications List
Removing Explanatory Phrases
You can remove explanatory phrases that you have added to the Explanatory Phrases list, which are indicated by the
icon. You cannot remove the standard phrases provided by Carswell. Complete the following steps to remove an
explanatory phrase:
1. In Word, choose CiteLinkCanada, Options from the Tools menu. The CiteLinkCanada Options dialog box is
displayed, as shown in Figure 5-1 on page 28.
In WordPerfect, choose CiteLinkCanada, Settings from the Tools menu. The CiteLinkCanada Settings
dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-2 on page 29.
2. Click Explanatory Phrases. The CiteLinkCanada Explanatory Phrases dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure
5-5 on page 32.
3. Select the phrase you want to remove in the Explanatory Phrases list, then click Delete.
4. Click Yes in the displayed message box to confirm that you want to delete the phrase.
5. Click OK in the open dialog boxes to close them and save the changes.
CiteLinkCanada User Manual
Batch CiteLinkCanada Wizard, 2
Publications list
adding and changing abbreviations for publications,
adding publications, 28
definition, 28
removing publications, 31
searching for publications, 30
marking automatically, 6
marking manually, in Word, 6
marking manually, in WordPerfect, 7
marking manually, in WordPerfect, using your own
category of authorities, 7
definition, 2
system requirements, 4
uninstalling, 4
using to insert hyperlinks to WestlaweCARSWELL
searches, 21
System requirements, 4
Explanatory phrases
adding, 31
definition, 31
editing, 32
removing, 33
Table of Authorities
customizing, in Word, 11
customizing, in WordPerfect, 11
manually updating, in Word, 9
manually updating, in WordPerfect, using existing
categories, 10
options, in Word, 8
options, in WordPerfect, 8
Finding a document on WestlaweCARSWELL, 24
FindLink, using to insert hyperlinks to documents, 25
changing the destination, 12
charges for linking to WestlaweCARSWELL
content, 12
customizing, in Word, 14
customizing, in WordPerfect, 15
linking to WestlaweCARSWELL content, 12
options, 12
removing, 18
using FindLink, 25
using KeyCiteCanadaLink, 24
using SearchLink, 21
searching, 20
using Find, 24
using FindLink to insert hyperlinks to documents, 25
using KeyCiteCanadaLink to insert hyperlinks to
KeyCiteCanada results, 24
using SearchLink to insert hyperlinks to searches, 21
checking citations, 22
using to insert hyperlinks to KeyCiteCanada results,
explanatory phrases, 31
hyperlinks, 12
publications, 28
table of authorities, 8
CiteLinkCanada User Manual