119 newbury street - Newbury Collection
119 newbury street - Newbury Collection
FOR RETAIL LEASING INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: FOR RETAIL LEASING INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Whitney Gallivan | Boston Realty Advisors Mike Jammen | UrbanMeritage | 617.236.7999 | [email protected] 617-375-7900 | [email protected] 119 SF| | 1 1 9 NEWBURY N E W B U R Y SSTREET T R E E T | | 1 1,960 ,960 SF 1 1 9 N EW BU RY ST R E E T Mezzanine Level - 1,960 Square Feet CLA DN Mezzanine Level - 1960 Square Feet Spade DN UP than Adler 119 Newbury Street & bone 119 NEWBURY ST Haan OWNER FOR RETAIL LEASING INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: FOR RETAIL LEASING INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Gallivan | Boston Realty Advisors Mike Jammen | UrbanMeritage | 617.236.7999Whitney | [email protected] 617-375-7900 | [email protected] THENEWBURYCOLLECTION.NET 1 1 9 N EW BU RY STR E E T Mezzanine Level - 1,960 Square Feet A P P R O X I M AT E S I Z E ≠ 1,960 Mezzanine Level ≠ Store Frontage 20’ L O C AT I O N ≠ Located on the third block of Newbury Between Clarendon and Dartmouth Streets S I T E S TAT U S ≠ Vacant - Formerly Nanette Lapore AVA I L A B I L I T Y ≠ Immediate COMMENTS ≠ Beautiful Boutique on one of Newbury Street’s best blocks ≠ Highly visible location ≠ Move in condition OWNER FOR RETAIL LEASING INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: FOR RETAIL LEASING INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Gallivan | Boston Realty Advisors Mike Jammen | UrbanMeritage | 617.236.7999Whitney | [email protected] 617-375-7900 | [email protected] THENEWBURYCOLLECTION.NET S T R E E T G U ID E CLARENDON STREET Combined Studies 234 The Bar Method (Up) DryBar (Down) 236 NEIGHBORING TENANTS 108 110 Cole Haan 109 Megan Graham Beauty / Katrina Hess / Dr. Marcel Korn, Orthodontist P.C. Jeanne Lee Nails and Waxing / Salon Marc Harris / SEE Eyewear 111-115 Alex and Ani / rag & bone / Sermoneta Gloves Kate Spade 117 119 NEWBURY STREET Jerel @ 119 Salon / True Religion (Down) 119 L'élite Bridal Boutique (Up) / Fresh (Down) 121 123 Arche Shoes (Up) / Agent Provacateur (Down) 125 In the Pink (Up) Camper (Down) 133 Poggenpohl 135 Longchamp Paris Art of Shaving 139 Joie Bang & Olufsen 141 Diego Salon / Brodney Antiques Met Back Bay 143 147 Papa Razzi 159 NEWBURY STREET 131 Bonobos Levi’s (Up) / Winston Flowers (Down) 283 COMMONWEALTH AVENUE Iris Gallery / Arden Gallery / Lash L’Amour The Laser Skin Center / Waterford 127-129 Jonathan Adler / Available – 1,012 SF Snappy Sushi Pratesi (Up) / Dependable Cleaners (Down) 112 Kiehl’s (Up) MAC Cosmetics (Down) 114 Calypso St. Barth (Up) Betsey Jenney (Down) 116 Jean-Pierre Salon Riccardi (Up) The Shade Store (Down) 118 Salon Eva Michelle (Up) T-Mobile (Up) Steve Madden (Down) 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 All Saints Spitalfields Copley Square Mulberry Road (Up) / Cuoio (Down) Gorin Bros (Up) / Alexis Bittar (Down) Acote Salon / Reiss / Thai Basil (Down) Roffi Salon & Spa / Serenella (Up) / M0851 (Down) School of Fashion Design Stilisti Salon / Cos Marimekko Available – 1,230 SF (Street Level) / Small Pleasures 144 144B Available – 3,071 SF Ball and Buck / Lolita Cocina & Tequila Bar DARTMOUTH STREET 154 156 Tommy Bahama Pinkyotto (Up) Benefit Cosmetics (Down) Copley Society Of Art Mangano (Up) / Jennifer’s Nails (Down) 161 A.F. Doyle Company (Up) / Hairo (Down) 163 160 G-Star RAW (Up) Bluemercury Starbucks 165 162 The Guild Of Boston Artists Luiz Salon / Cynthia Rowley (Up) Lauren’s Nail & Skin Salon (Down) 158 164 DTR Modern Gallery (Up) / Lisa’s Nails (Down) 167 Childs Gallery (Up) 169 Clarks Shoes 171 Duxiana (Up) Axelle Fine Arts (Down) 173 Society of Arts and Crafts (Up) / The Closet (Down) 175 Scoop NYC (Up/Down) 177 Jack Wills 179 Joe’s American Bar & Grill 181 166 168 Cotélac (Up) Jorgo Salon (Down) 170 Soo Dee (Down) / Peruvian Connection (Up) 172 Steven Alan (Up) Aesop (Down) 174 Vans DQM General Ben & Jerry’s (Down) 176 Salon Monet Second Time Around (Up/Down) 180 182 Aldo 186 Intermix 190 Stephanie’s on Newbury Sunglass Hut EXETER STREET OWNER FOR RETAIL LEASING INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: FOR RETAIL LEASING INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Gallivan | Boston Realty Advisors Mike Jammen | UrbanMeritage | 617.236.7999Whitney | [email protected] 617-375-7900 | [email protected] THENEWBURYCOLLECTION.NET A B O U T J AME STOWN N E W B U R Y S T R E E T I S A D E S T I N AT I O N T H AT B R I N G S T O G E T H E R M O R E T H A N O N E M I L E O F W O R L D C L A S S S H O P P I N G , L I V E LY R E S TA U R A N T S A N D C A F E S W I T H A L F R E S C O DINING, AND LUXURY LIVING, ALL WITHIN B O S T O N ’ S H I S T O R I C B A C K B AY D I S T R I C T Founded in 1983 with headquarters in Atlanta, GA and Cologne, Germany, and offices in Boston, MA; New York, NY; San Francisco, CA; and Washington, DC, Jamestown is a leader in acquisitions and value added management. For more than 30 years, Jamestown has generated approximately $9 billion in strategic investments, and the firm currently owns several prominent assets, including Chelsea Market and One Times Square in New York City, Westside Provisions District in Atlanta, GA, and the Georgetown Renaissance Portfolio and Cady’s Alley in Washington DC. Jamestown has a local portfolio across Boston and Cambridge, including the Innovation and Design Building and the Boston Design Center, 245 First Street, and the Davenport Building. The Newbury Collection is comprised of approximately 220,000 SF; 28 brownstones buildings on Newbury and adjacent streets, 51 apartments, and 51 retailers. The Newbury Collection is professionally managed by an onsite team. OWNER FOR RETAIL LEASING INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: FOR RETAIL LEASING INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Gallivan | Boston Realty Advisors Mike Jammen | UrbanMeritage | 617.236.7999Whitney | [email protected] 617-375-7900 | [email protected] THENEWBURYCOLLECTION.NET
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119 NEWBURY STREET - Newbury Collection
Whitney Gallivan | Boston Realty Advisors | [email protected] | 617.850.9612