North Country Trail Hikers. - North Country Trail Association
North Country Trail Hikers. - North Country Trail Association
D血 eHm , 。 印 O打 T allR n 川口 "m" L 川 O知 y 。 而o S d g 如 ぬ added some washouts. Adopters and crews have been out doing their best to clear trails. Much has been done, but 「 e n 皿uChS n NOrm ofM 地 Chc 汀O@u 和e ― g 租 dCl g MO寸 OOf 血eetFaiIarea5have b 弍川 g e― e 汀財 bLnCI の mF 甘d eto 也eP 抑司 e ― M t 切呵 ロ m eSt 寸eP 汀k 祖 df「om e血 ek 比 Grade. Some of the McConnick Wilderness has beea 血 eCk出 but 血eCeuterSulDeedSatteutlou@ EaStof 血e Mめ CkhaS m 也ィ拉 ノ曲 也ewaytow3ld 晦 w C丁由」 Canyon 口eIiSt5many dateSfortratlwo 卸 d h 日小 汀eneededt Pl 匁 voluUtQertohelpaSon 切卜 eAcdQvity SC m y 川幽 T 印 SDav ぬ" N血 O " 均" 。 T Ie( 口 o 田yN m b "' め )p 両 ・ 地山y 丁 NCT M M1-12 A goodbit of work has gone into developing a map. for the awe 寸 OfM 紅qu 而 e BeC川お血可 eiSag 叩血血 e 甘祖 口比 eL 畑eeC CtoSiJverLakeB 於叫 wehgve 田 日如 比 haro 祖 w祉血 ou 如価汀%to easa 岬阿凶瓜也可 R 。杣仁ぬ "e leS5ぬ珂 吠 o廿 lbutwe ぴ eStilltIylng. Staytunedfor 川 u ぬ ・ 蜘eof ・ enew 比 Ip 卜 d 田 口ep 川d も of 血e 舛 測 Lsp l 卜 Cf比k 血ぬ B 川 M 、 Pinnacle Falls 几。 細 側肝蛆地 め 。 珂 。 Iwo 止也 an b 汀 Ofy Sh 也ew of Cmg口 'S Up P も祖 di4 山eNo 卜Mp 袖 Ofwi L for probably a total of 20 years betweenmy full time jobs or 卜秘yj 山 I 包sowQ k 材 a 山凍 e 丸山 e 祖 sof ノu 山o 「 , 止eC Qn4 OaadKalb めn O L 5 「 Ia MCFg 租 IIhavewoEk 也而血 eottawa@apdin wi 靭瓜叫 血eNi の ]letuatlon 寸 6for 祖 dIn anUmberofp 卜v 寸eIy owned and state timber stands. Most of the work I did ConSiSQedof 口価 g 血MonaPi あ 面eb 封S 市 血を C L 也el 仏t pleofy 口 er twookedbehlpda 堆ueIbUnchが ' b 田g to叫血g 血d g 卜ぬ ぬ bgS p口pw ew Now there is not much felling of timber using chainsaws; it i5doaem y 而 山口ぬ useof 山eF 典 oど 那 ・ , 工 , , , のmP 切錨 oni4s 肛呵 Ce Tbe d 印止血 eLr C * 川 feIl口 灯 iS ch Lr 口デ h血司け fell 出血 M 口 d 血ep 。 M分市QpiShl 如打 町 几ep ぬ e 祉 丘t ぬ もy b 毘恥 の 叫 市山山 折 Lv 而 ngeded 也 bgiSn F 幽 g01o 丸 ip幽 areDFessedtob 。 m ぼ e 田 d 切 t 田如血 可の 叫 " p 昭ダ叫吋 S 日 d 哀L 匁。如切如汀 l L v 。 坤祇劫血 。 p日如 , workerS ・ 皿切町 not 叩 田あた 血e 川e 寸 , 仇 , ・ picture and have driven many loggers out of business. To 四mpu pI 可印 e F 比 Sp ぴ LrIo95 口 dp 也P川 haSnot 「 iSeDin 低の r の 而也也e 1o毘肛 's の恥 Adver5ewea@berls 山sSoal e r b 斗れeofaIlthls 也oSewbologl 汀咋 lydo 山 ぬy Iove 血 woodS. LuQefannerSパt Stobeln bl ぬ d 血7 の l uefQr 血eemo 寸 D todo 山 田 bankruptcy or death,whichever occurs first, Along 市山 beingLvolv 司 jiuloggingo O山川MCh I 叫w 司 mDuCb@I 耐 alM 。 f e 祈 m 比口 Lg tL 血ew 犯 dob g 血。 htraCtweI 口 &v 苛 Siな ofuL 拙が d poSSeSSeoC 田田 CSo 十卜 O Ho皿 abioIo 与 仏 wellaS 祖 劫C 川 dCQmmepctalvIewDoiut@ D e'SLt 可E ほ p IeI のk 寸皿 d 也ewo 皿 可師 vぼ Iti5M g 妨 lo 幽恥 ・ 血h 廿。 etotaKea 寸卜也 p め leF 杣 S 如ぬ eYeuowdo8 RIver. Itlsnotea5vto 山 bwtw@tbN胡 FSe GF skillsweloCated@heCorTeCt汀F 也 dfollowod 也e to 血efallS. ItwaSadeu 如 C 以 to 刈 o 血 ぼ め 血5 ,, e An attempt to access Coles Creek across Silver Lake Basin &omR ぬ ROadpgv司句 toSome 斬 mt 血efQl 皿血 Onwo[k 血ぬ istakTngplaGeonDeadRfverto 口 n d 巧 e 丘Qm 也e M皿 。 卜 L の土 BeCauSetbe 川八 is のn切両 口二雨 downStFeamfromtbeBasin aCCeSsisC we lne 口め a お COl 味 C k の ast , L 姉r 口 d Of 可廿山川b 切 arouteiSe eL ofM 打qu 而 e en asked abouthlsexpe 「 henQes 川 d $廿而少 of 血ew f 打 77-ye 寸 OldC ぴl 畔 POndぬ , , On , ・ ・ 寸 boy. He L sticks to helpothersget out andenjoy thewoodsas much as he has. He sellsthe sticksthrough his daughter Laura at Salon, Salon in Marquette anddonates allproceeds to theNorthCountryTrail 。 Cp 寸司 M皿y の a市 on 也寸ぬy 市 p 畑H寸 too 市な SIteS. Weneedto の 瓜 ld 汀 g めの 口bme 。川 町叩 S 市山 血甘 o 皿5 e 血eN 叫 u 口口 TrailN 併k 祖 dDo 皿 d Sw 巾 )L 血而 ey 印 Sto Lleb ateN 巳丘 Oa 川 血 2Op れ w 。 "' a skiing,snow-shoeing, fishing,diggingantiques, firewood,to L ぬ5] 如 y即 5 比如 5 如 d 卜w 8 山 b胡略 N。w 而切 d ぬ to. LIttleRe刈ueIslearea 祖 dLIttleGarllC 甘血町e 血 g。M 北 OfM 汀qu ofMFqu Carl Linna hasbeenenjoyingthe woodssincehewas 坤祐 N cMC 可g 知 ・出 な払 F gtew ・ , 細 , 卜 ・ , ・ 岬皿 , environmental concerns for forestersandbiologists,a , 口如皿 江口 L瓜 口d 皿恥 ap ぬ低 t0 those who do hunt It is all that and much more. 6口 Increasingly though thereare sharpdifferencesof opinionin how the woodsshould be managed. Now at least, there is more recognition that the woodsbelong to all of us, and we need to take care to protect the interests of al1. The mills,the loggersandthegovernment agenciesthat control the logging of public lands need to have a continuing dialog so each can express their input on how to solve the differences that exist which result in the mismanagement of OUR forests. Logging standards need to be set high enough to protect the interests of all other groups, but not so high as to be a further burden to loggers. Common sense legislation can go a long way to accomplish this. ATV and snowmobileusers should exercise more restraint on how they use the trails, concerning littering, excessivenoisethatfrightensthewildlife,and off-trail travel that destroys nests, burrows, plant life, etc. in some cases. breaks and incentives based on how they leave the tracts theyhavelogged. This should not be paidsolely by thetax paying public,but at least in part by thepaper industrywho now buy their wood cheaply and shift the work and expense to the loggers. 1n some cases, the state or federal governments build and maintain recreational trails, sites, and facilities in tracts after they have been logged and hire contractors to do this work. 0ften the logger could do the work as the equipment needed for the job is already on site. The extra dollars could be used for restoration. 0f all the groups that use the woodsfor one purpose or another,in my opinion the hikers have the least unfavorable mPaCton 山ee ecology ln g 汀川 租 d 血汀eLLg tben b可 , ofhikerSspreadsthe 租 d belong to uS it 口 eSS 巧 e 血が 血eLre 別 ker 口 e Lu5tengoy it6Qrwhatjtis. , 計S 肛e Po 也ぴ血 ey L e 血 ewoo t d CorfL 加 ffvesatandmakgshisw ぬF $ガ CL 匁 508COunty RoQd 480 Mの 卯 e蛇 49855.HZs wぬ万昭 5ffCksQrge 川LMe fo『 rS5atSQ 口 lon@Salon,147 w 川の方所 汐O川 M g ぴ初 L , , , The Softies left Marquette on Friday, May 26. Jim and NormaMatteson droveandtransported Kathy Davis. Mary Bealsdrove with passenger Ayleen Van Beynen. Denise Herron transported Cliff Stainmer and Bruce Schwenke. Margeand John Forslin drove with passengers Lorana Jinkerson and Jan Lindstrom Wester. We were supposed to rendezvous at 3:00 p.m. C.D.T. 2.25 miles east ofCR 519 on South BoundaryRoad in the Porcupine Mountains State Park. But we all arrived early and John and Margeprovided us with daily State Park permits. Eleven of us departed the parking area at 2:40 p.m. C.D.T. with overcast skies and a temperature of 62 degrees. John stayed behind to monitor the radio and pick us up at the end of the hike. WewatkedSPe 戎が STra@lno 川dwe 寸川ぱ ljtw 而 田 山eNo 血 Co 皿可 L 拙 凡 e 廿M w公 weu m打kedb"thad nothadany maintenancetblsye ぴ erewereSev 可all 肛匪 treesaCFoss 血 e 甘利・ J而 Ma は eSon used 田 Sh gpole 卜丁 aalCkIngb川 sh 租 d 比四CheSoff 血e 亡刈 w"eremoV田 Sm 川 加 eSf 「Qm 山 e 甘利・ 皿 e ぬreStw 卜 P 折 ly h 叩k maple, and yellow birch. We had several steep up and down crossings of small creeks and streams. We walked about 2.8 milesto the Presque Isle River viewing rapidsandwater falls upstream. We crossed a dry riverbed and then crossed the main channel of the river on a suspension bridge. After crossing the river we had two choices. We could go up above the river or take long series of boardwalks and stairs upstream. There were no blue blazes so we ascendedto walk above the river. As we walked on the higher bank we realized the boardwalk and stairs came back up to the main trail so we descendedand back-tracked to get a better view of ・ Good loggersshould be rewarded by beinggiven tax テ SOFTIES 田IKE 2006 Ka 血vDa 市5 ・ ・ , therapidsandfalls. We thenfound blue markers and followedthe trail alongtheriver viewing Manabezhoand Hanido Falls. With all the rain the falls were spectacular. We walkedalongtheriverfor about .7 miles to the South BoundaryRoad. This was about 5:40 p.m. CDT This was the spot we were beginning on Saturday. We 100kedat the trail on the other side (south) of South Boundary Road and the trail was overgrown with raspberry bushes and the stairs down to the river endedon a steep slope. JQbnfgI「 iedtbed 「iversbaCk to 山gg S g po ぬt 如 d 血ey camebaCkaDd pjcked usupaWd wedrove to Bessemerto ivedgt 山emotel 四 d wem checkinto 血eeBluffsInn. Wear 「 greeted by 北n olS 切狙 d W e D ヵ皿 f「iendsof 耐咋皿dJohDf 匹 L konwood Lr 「om , e叩 。 比 ・ We 山 OvetoDQp 皿d w By 血 S eM 田ヴ L 把 ORte and her sister Pavie Rasmussen-Donnelly had arrived and joined us for dinner. After dinner John followed Mary and Denise who spotted their cars at RainbowFalls and returned them to the mote1. L ・ Father & Daughter - Laura & Carl Linna NORTH COUNTRY TRAIL HIKERS Minutes of MeetingMay 23,2006 皿emeetIng waSCalIedtoorderbyPresident@D SeHen@on 弍四 ]Yp sheettR田C故ed 血故 27m beFS Denise introduced newcomer, Gail Staisi1.She also called attention to the table where the forms for the trail R5areneeded.A new m叩 noty 劫 aava@labIe,wjllbeprtnt出 Onw 劫ぽ-F 叩刊切 tpap 灯 adoPter5werelocated.w 卜ぽ enenrepo 『 and will cost $4.50 ・ were present. , Reports: Treasurer; Lynn Emerick; There is currentlya balanceof $9415.62.There are 152current memberswith27 being only localchaptermembers. Newsletter: Ayleen Van Beynen: She wouldlike information from thetrail adopterstelling abouttheirsegment of the trai1. Website: Lorana Jinkerson is the new website manager. She asked NCTH membersfor trail information and pictures. If the picture includes the donor, she will need a signed release form. The web address is: northcountrytraiLorg/NCT NEW REGIONAL TRAIL COORDINATOR: Bill Menke will help design a new trail section at Coles Creek - Thursday andFriday,June22 and23. ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE: Lists trail work, trail work and trail work. It is an ambitious schedule. Please try to choose at least one day that you can help. Our goal is 100% maintenance of existing trails, as well as development of new trail as much as possible. Be sure to report hours devoted to trail activities to NCTA. TRAILUPDATE:Se" BeC M on 切 汀日材 Opt釘Shave completed theLittIe Cli ぽ sStammer の 口Pletedhls e屯 n L 杜 e 5eCぱ oIon ACFew haSdonemalntenaDce on 血(e sectton 也at 血 丸田 all5evenmllesln Se 切 t5: 乃卜叩 e Isle 汀切 be b 汝 ed Qa N血On日 T田 lSD 可 LPItoEchoLakeRoadha5beencleared -needSpaTntIng Wa 九寸 Cぬy 如 ha5beenCl 出 , ・ SOF 5 :w 刑 be 而 5weeL FFday S d町如 d S 切也 y HQ皿血 ePQr四PLeMo 皿ぬ n5toCopp 汀 Pe 吐 C 川 MargeForslin for information. NATIONAL TRAILS DAY: Will be Saturday, June 3. The Family Hike will be at 1:00 p.m. at the Kawbawgam Lake area. Threehike leaders are needed. There is no set distance to the hike. , , ・ pRoGRAM:B@llTbompson:"Tlbet-Much MoreThan MouRtEverest" 5wasBIl2'sseC 田ptoTfbet 租 dhep2 切 55togo 巧 Ia a のUPleofye 打5 HIsba5ewa5 血 Lha5aqwberetheD 口由 LamaIivedUD お lllbewa5eX@ledtoIndla@LhaSatsI2,0oofeetabove5ealevel.They 出血 "tm 払 eittoMt Ev 可e5t(29 300 R a比ve tw 刃 比 th 祖 ;awonderfuItone 呵w 可 ReSp け叩b L 田 ・ , ・ , ・ 蜥'" ・ 呵 NEW UJP. HIKING BOOK IS A GEM Jm undS ぼOm 切 L釘 w'e 寸釘如dBobbjeH ぽ P 出 ns 田ab 汀印 t 匁 ぬ e5 山aw 如 CPower" 如 d 即山or Photo her 祖d 釘 EFCH 如5切 ath4stalk on 神田 8 2006 to 打d刊土 租 ove flow 「 crowd可山eNQ wo S 叩p 可 Club He 孤Ph 司 tbeiCQdcrole 山社 血eU 王 司V5to 皿ofe Sou 血 P Of山e dweあ祖 d de5市 b 司幻 meof 山e mo 寸口孤 O口bIe eS 血atheb ぬ めの rdF M ESnew " eUpp M出口 , 。 , ・ , , G血 debook H gL theUPp ぴ P SuIaof MiCEg 呵 ( 凡 口 。 ぬ P 円 uotPTess ぬぬ 06437, 2006, ISBN 0-7627-2588-5, softcover, S16.95) E 丁7iC"S S Oエ斗「 by e P vFo 切亡 F 口COn 地 。 , 工ン ・ ・ Co 杣ぜon 祖 d Snowbo 日 6B0O ぬ LCIud 田 gColQr slldes ノ rePfod 瓜田田山 ebook L bI お k 祖 d叫 田te g 四 ideP , Oおde5detailed 印田 d pdo瓜 Ofp , ・ , 「 of 也eeNoRhCoUntrVN 石山山 5C 0 血可 rewardiDg U P pa 血wayS ・ ・ , 疵 CL 刃狙 dov ぽ 40 Thetrails'S 田 features 汀e ぬ 而財 te 山祖d 血e PLCiSe directions and concise information on maps, contacts, 6可 5 in与如 d de臣Oeeofdi 田 C田な 叩 , invaluable, 巧e aY 血肛'SmeSSage tob@s 川田切ぽ :p k d口 "t work to5aveplaceS 也ey don'tknow. P 酎 of 也eeU P '5 my 出 queiS 山e 山田C血ひ Oタ g 血e" e "pla 低 S ・ ・ を (like theMcCormick W@ilderness, anddesertedstretches of Lake Superiorshoreline);butthesevery places deserve to be better known so that we can appreciate and 碓 e 也師 EhCH eD'Snewbook 5av 田ぬ Ie 匁 IoC田 bの re5 如 d 牡也 eN 。 Co四町 Tra@lAs山 d 如 On Tr囲 Sh叩 :22gEaStM 而 S 甘印L LOw山 M1493 口 P 士 Increasingly though thereare sharpdifferencesof opinionin how the woodsshould be managed. Now at least, there is more recognition that the woodsbelong to all of us, and we need to take care to protect the interestsof al1. The mills,the loggers andthegovernment agenciesthat control the logging of public lands need to have a continuing dialog so each can express their input on how to solve the differences that exist which result in the mismanagement of OUR forests. Logging standards need to be set highenough to protect theinterestsof all other groups, but not so high as to be a farther burden to loggers. Common sense legislation can go a long way to accomplish this. ATV and snowmobileusers should exercise more restrainton how theyuse the trails,concerninglittering, excessivenoisethat frightensthewildlife,and off-trail travelthatdestroysnests, burrows,plantlife, etc. in some cases. Good loggersshould be rewarded by beinggiven tax breaks and incentives based on how they leave the tracts theyhavelogged. This should not be paidsolely by thetax paying public,but at least in part by thepaper industrywho now buy their wood cheaply and shift the work and expense to the loggers. 1nsome cases, the state or federal governments build and maintain recreational trails, sites, and facilities in tracts after they have been logged and hire contractors to do this work. 0ften the logger could do the work as the equipment needed for the job is already on site. The extra dollars could be used for restoration. 0f all the groups that use the woodsfor one purpose or another,in my opinion the hikers have the least unfavorable mPaCton 血e eCoIo L g 狙 d L 口e あ Lg then b汀 ofhikeF5SPea<eao5 山 emeSS 昭 e 血at 山eLre 寸S 町e PO t d belon: to uS 川 卜 r 口ewe 山ewood5 狂血 ey L d テ ダ itandjustengoyit6Qrwhatitis. ・ CarfLm@@ ffvesatandmakgshZswazkFngsffcksQf5o8 C勿4nひ RoQd480,M@ 叶 e蛇 49855.Hts WoM 叱 S比ぬ Qrg u山あね for 55 at Salon,Salon, 147W Washington St.Marquette. , SOFTIES HIKE 2006 Ka 山yDa 而S The Softies left Marquette on Friday, May 26. Jim and NonnaMatteson drove andtransported Kathy Davis. Mary Beals drove with passenger Ayleen Van Beynen. Denise Herron transported Cliff Stammerand Bruce Schwenke. Margeand John Forslin drove with passengers Lorana Jinkerson and Jan Lindstrom Wester. We were supposed to rendezvous at 3:00 p.m. C.D.T. 2.25 miles east ofCR519 on South BoundaryRoadin thePorcupine Mountains State Park. But we all arrived early and John and Margeprovided us with dailyStatePark permits.Eleven of us departedthe parking area at 2:40 p.m. C.D.T. with overcast skies and a temperature of 62 degrees.John stayedbehind to monitor the radio and pick us up at the end of the hike. We walkedSpeaker'sTrailnorthandwest untilit joined the North Country Trai1. The trail was well markedbut had not had any maintenance this year. There were several large trees across the trai1. Jim Matteson used his hiking pole for f@ickingbmSh 租 d b 四 CheSogrthetraiJ. WeremoV ぬ Sm 刈 treesf「om 山etrail 而 efoIestwaSP 血 ly hemloCk, maPle 切 d yeuow b む Ch we had SeVe 司 5t 比 P up 租 d do刷 , ・ , ・ 7OSS ぬ=Sof dlCFeekS 川 d S亡e wew ed about2 8 血fe PFeS叩 eeIsIe 田代 rviewiDg Iapids 祖 d w ぬ汀 MS ・ ・ milesto 叩寸 e We crossed adrV iverbedandthenCrossedthe 「 main channel of the river on a suspension bridge. After crossing the river we had two choices. We could go up above the river or take long series of boardwalks and stairs upstream. There were no blue blazes so we ascendedto walk above the river. As we walked on the higher bank we realized the boardwalk and stairs came back up to the main trail so we descendedand back-tracked to get a better view of 血er 叩テ也租 dfallS. We 血切 foundbluemaIkersand followed血eetra@l 由Ong 山eeiVerV@ewingM 『 即 a卜比 0 日巳 H茄 doFalls. WitballtberaJnthefaIlswerespectacuIar. ・ WewalkedaIQngtheiverforabout.7miIestotheSoutb 「 Boundary Road. This was about 5:40 p.m. CDT 皿 i5w ぬ 血 eSpotwew 汀ebeg gonSa 加r也y we 100kedat the trail on theotherside (south)of South Boundary Road and the trail was overgrown with raspberry bushes and the stairs down to the river endedon a steep slope. Johnferriedthe driversbackto the startingpointandthey came back and picked us up and we drove to Bessemerto check into the Bluffs Inn. We arrived at the motel and were ・ greetedby KristenOlsen andWayne Dunifon,friendsof F 狙 d JohD f「Om 皿 d hersisterPa Joined usfQF e 叩 OIi5 ・ 卜eR 公muS5en-Do 汀 ・ After We 山Oveto DOn 狙 d 甜y d ved 四巳 可 Jobu foI4owed M 租d , Denise who spotted their cars at RainbowFalls and returned 山em to 血 e 口 Otel Fadfher 廿 Da 巧わfer ― L 川川ゐ CQ『 I Li 乃 F 。