WELCOME TO Cleartrack - Schenectady City School District


WELCOME TO Cleartrack - Schenectady City School District
Staff Training
Introduction - What is Cleartrack?
Cleartrack Management System for Windows and the Web (Internet) was designed as a
tool to help school districts maintain Special Education data and provide the capability to
generate various reports based on that data. It is, in essence, a very large database which
provides the district with the ability to store, manage, organize and retrieve information.
Cleartrack will allow staff to access to a wide range of information about their special
education students in a much more timely fashion.
This training is to support staff responsible for submitting accurate, timely and
IDEA compliant PLEPS (present levels of educational performance), goals, testing
results and (if applicable) transition information. Upon completion teachers and
clinicians will be able to use the Cleartrack Teacher Interface to search for and find
their students to enter PLEPS, IEP information, and view evaluations, prescription
dates and IEPs,
Steps to Log on to ClearTrack
To begin, boot up (turn on) your computer and log in to your Network as usual
Open an internet browser by clicking on Internet Explorer (version 5.5 or above) or
Safari (for MAC users).
Type http://cleartrack.neric.org in the address box, then press enter on keyboard or
click on “go”
Logging In:
Click the
Click the
dropdown arrow and select Schenectady.
Enter your User Name (last name and first letter of your first name)
Enter your Password which is case-sensitive (upper/lower case).
Click the
button, the following screen will appear:
If Security alert appears, click “do not show this warning “ and click OK
Helpful Tips when using ClearTrack
Always single-click (any double-click action sends the message to the program
that you may be trying to use a Back button).
There is NO Back button available in ClearTrack. This is a safety precaution in
order to encourage the use of the Save options on the various screens. There
is a Previous Menu button which takes you to the previous menu.
Click the Save option frequently to save your work.
We have instituted a “time-out” period as a security measure. If you have not
done anything in cleartrack for 90 minutes, you will be logged out.
Use the Spellchecker feature whenever you type Comments/PLEPS.
It is not recommended to use any of the right-click features on your mouse.
in the upper right-hand corner of the screen (it will kick
Do not click on the
you completely out of the program and you will need to login into the system
Glossary of Commonly Used Terms and Functions
Edit Icon – click this icon to edit or change existing information.
Calendar Icon – click this icon to display a calendar lookup. Click to select the desired
date. The date will automatically fill into the date field. Click the advance button to
move to another month or year (single arrows for a month and double arrows for a
year). You may also change the month by selecting the drop-down.
Help – click this icon to display a ClearTrack 200 help file for the screen being worked
Track Main Menu select Teachers Interface > work on tests/evaluations
FOR EVERYONE ELSE: Click “work on tests/evaluations”
Select student: the last 5 students you have worked on will appear on the menu. If
you don’t see your student just click “select another student”.
Click create test/subtests, then select evaluation type
Enter the information to the boxes. If the evaluation has sub-tests click on the sub
tests that were performed and click “save”. This will open a scoring table.
Enter the sub test scores and score type, then click ‘save’
From the Draft menu, Select the draft to work on. Click to work on Present Levels of
If you don’t see a draft listed, contact CSE secretary
A window will appear with 4 tabs for: Academic, Social, Physical, and Management. Click on the
tab name to change areas. Each area will display one or more comment statements on the
student’s present levels.
For each area enter a Comment:
o Type one in from scratch.
o Click the Insert Comments from xx/xx/xxxx button if it references the last
meeting date this student had. This will paste the last comment into the
comment box. Then you can add, delete, or modify the comment.
If other users entered comments for the student, they will display at the bottom of the
screen with the username that entered the comment.
Click the Spell Check button to check your spelling on the entire page.
Click on the Save button to save at any time when entering comments. If your
comments are lengthy, you will want to use the Save button often. NOTE:
Clicking on the next tab saves your work automatically. Clicking Next Section saves your
work and advances to the next menu option on the draft (this button does not change to
the next tab).
Click the SOCIAL tab: Follow the same steps above for entering in Comments under
Educational. All Present Level Comments for Social, Physical, and Management are
entered the same as what’s described under the Educational Comments.
Click Next Section to advance to the next section of the Draft Clicking this button will
automatically save your work. Click previous menu or Main menu to return to the Draft
menu or Main Menu.
Goals and Objectives
From the Draft menu, click to work on Goals or click the Next Section button from the
Present Levels screen.
A window will appear with tabs. Click the “new goal” tab. Then “create new goal”
Users may create new goals OR click the Previous IEP Goals tab, to copy Goals. The
Master/Withdraw tab will allow users to either master or withdraw current goals.
If the student is Preschooler with a disability or Alternate Assessment a red message will
appear “Note: This student’s IEP must include short-term instructional
objectives/benchmarks for each annual goal.
Just enter your goal statement, criteria and methods. You may do so manually or select
the blue box to select by codes
Click on the Save button to create the New goals on the Draft screen. Users will
automatically return to the New Goals tab. If further changes are required for the newly
copied goal, click the edit pencil or click the trash can icon to delete the goal.
To Copy a Goal:
Click the Previous IEP Goals (to review/copy) tab.
Click the
Click the Copy selected goals to Draft button.
checkbox at the end of the goal(s) you would like to copy from the previous
All goals selected to be copied will appear on one entry screen. Modify any changes for
the new goal.
o To change Criteria and/or Method, users may type into the field OR use the
Select by Code button for a lookup. To copy what is entered for the first goal to
all others, click the Copy the Goals, Criteria, Methods, and Schedule to
Goals below button.
o Click the drop down arrow to select a Service Type and/or Teacher/Provider
if different.
o If Objectives existed on the copied goal, they will display in a narrative box
where they may be changed. User can also check a box Do not Copy the
Objective to the new goal. To add additional objectives, click the Add more
objectives button. NOTE: Depending on security, districts may choose to not
allow objectives for students that are not Multiply Disabled or Alternate
Assessment. In this case, if the student is not Multiply Disabled or Alternate
Assessment, objectives WILL NOT be copied.
Click on the Save button to create the New goals on the Draft screen. Users will
automatically return to the New Goals tab. If further changes are required for the newly
copied goal, click the edit pencil or click the trash can to delete the goal.
Editing Goals and Objectives
If you would like to Edit or change any of the descriptions for Goals or Objectives:
Click the
To delete a goal from the draft, click the trash can on the far right.
edit pencil next to any Goal. Enter your changes and click the Save button.
To Master/Withdraw a Goal:
Click the Master/Withdraw existing Goals tab.
Click the
Click the Mastered button. All selected goals will now list as Mastered.
checkbox at the end of the goal(s) you would like to Master.
Click the
Click the Withdrawn button. All selected goals will now list as Withdrawn.
checkbox at the end of the goal(s) you would like to Withdraw.
Simply click “Preview the draft IEP”
From main menu simply click on “view finalized IEP”
To do so you will need to have Adobe Reader installed. Most computers come with
this free program.
From Main Menu click “Work on Medicaid” > Run a Medicaid Report”
Then click “filed documents for Medicaid”
Select your student, then click “create report”
Now click “VIEW created reports”
Your report will appear on the screen after a short period of time. Just click on the
file name (hyperlink) to view.
Click the ‘push pin’ select what you want to view