analysis - IIIT
analysis - IIIT
Akshit Gupta IIIT Delhi Table of Contents 1. BEE Ratings Report 1.1 Overview 1.2 BEE Energy star label 1.3 Appliance-Frost Free Refrigerator 1.4 Appliance-Television 1.5 Appliance-Air Conditioner 1.6 Appliance- Washing Machine 2. Procedure of Data Collection 2.1 Overview 2.2 Plug Computer 2.3 Data Collection from JPlug 3. Sources of Data Collection 3.1 Collection from the residential homes-Appliance 3.2 Hostel-Appliance 3.3 Other sources of Data Collection 4. Analysis 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Appliance Meta Data Appliances’ Data Analysis Mobile and Laptop Conditions Power Saver and its impact 24 Hours Analysis BEE Rating Analysis 5. References 6. Appendix SECTION-1: BEE ENERGY RATINGS REPORT 1.1 Overview: [1] BEE ratings were introduced to provide an alternative option to consider while choosing an appliance. Earlier consumers had to keep in mind parameters like cost, configurations. However they were not aware about the running costs of the appliance. With the introduction of the Energy Labelling Scheme, consumers were made aware about the electricity consumption of their appliances. Energy Labelling Schemes have been promoted by the Governments of many countries to propagate their agenda of energy conservation. Different ratings are similar to each other in terms of evaluation process. However they differ in few things such as standards and conditions. For e.g. the ratings for a country are designed keeping in mind the voltage and frequency in that country. The V.F is 230 V, 50 Hz for India. Other difference in the ratings is the range of appliances covered. For example appliances like Dishwashers, ovens are yet to be covered by agencies in India while these appliances have been covered in the ratings by the EU countries. Other difference is the scale of rating. For European Union Energy Label it is on the scale of A to G instead of star scale of 5 followed in India. 1.2 .BEE Energy Star Label: [1] [2] The labels contain a number of items. The highlight is the ‘STARS’. More the number of stars, more efficient is the appliance. There are two kinds of labels – big label and smaller label. For ceiling fans, tube lights, computers/laptops and televisions, the smaller labels are used while for refrigerators, air conditioners, geysers and washing machine the big label is used. BEE labels are mandatory for the appliances under the category-Mandatory Scheme and are not mandatory for the appliances under the Voluntary Scheme. Given below is the list of the devices under these two schemes. Mandatory Scheme 1. Frost Free (No-Frost) Refrigerator 3. Room Air Conditioners 2. Tubal Fluorescent Lamps 4. Distribution Transformer Voluntary Scheme: 1. Room Air Conditioners (Cassette, Floor Standing Tower, Ceiling, Corner AC) 2. Direct Cool Refrigerator 3. Ceiling Fans 4. Liquefied Petroleum Gas Stoves 5. Ballast (Electronic/Magnetic) 6. Geysers 7. Color TV 8. Washing Machine 9. Computer (Notebook /Laptops) An additional aspect about the labelling program is that it is updated every year. The star rating plan is different for products manufactured/imported or assembled in different years. For example. A refrigerator of gross volume 250 Liters manufactured in the year 2010 consuming 385 units is rated five stars. A refrigerator of the same volume manufactured in the year 2012 consuming same units is rated four stars. This is so, because in 2010 the refrigerator was among the ones consuming least energy. With technology innovation, there are refrigerators manufactured in 2012 consuming less than the best in 2010. A green box in the label that shows the year for which the label is applicable. The same holds true for air conditioners. However, for other appliances, similar update has not been done so far. It is not clearly mentioned where these ratings have been derived from. However India’s BEE ratings are extremely similar to that of the Australia’s energy star ratings. 1.3. Appliance - Frost Free Refrigerator: [3] An example of a printed energy label for a refrigerating appliance is shown in Figure below. The label has the following: 1. Appliance: Refrigerator 2. Energy Consumption per Year (CEC) 3. Model Name/Number, Year of Manufacturing 4. Brand 5. Type 6. Gross Volume 7. Storage Volume 1.3.1 Calculations for the Energy Label Projected Annual Energy Consumption (PAEC): It is defined as the estimated energy used by a single unit during one year’s use. The process of its calculation consists of measuring the tested energy consumption of each unit tested, then calculating the projected annual energy consumption (PAEC) of the unit. PAEC = Et * (365/1000) (kWh/Year) Where Et = tested energy consumption expressed in Wh per 24 hours, rounded to the nearest whole number. Comparative Energy Consumption (CEC): It is defined as the nominal energy consumption of a model of refrigerating appliance. It is based on the PAEC (average) of the model. The CEC appears on the energy label. (Units: kWh/Year) Total Adjusted Storage Volume for No Frost (Vadj_tot_nf) The rated storage volume of a compartment adjusted to compensate for heat loadings on spaces which are at temperature other than that of fresh food type space. The adjusted volume would then be calculated on the basis of the Storage Volume of each compartment. 1.3.2 Total Adjusted Volume for No Frost (Vadj_tot_nf) Fresh Food Chamber Target Temperature = +3 Degree Celsius …..(I) Freezer Chamber Target Temperature = -15 Degree Celsius …….(2) Adjusted Volume Factor = (Test room Temp. – Freezer Temp.) / (Test room Temp. – Fresh Food Temp.) Using (1) and (2), Adjusted Volume Factor hence is 1.62 Total Adjusted Volume for No Frost refrigerator (Vadj_tot_nf) = Fresh Food Storage Volume + 1.62 * Freezer Storage Volume 1.3.3 Comparative Energy Consumption The CEC for a model would not be less than the average (rounded to a whole integer) PAEC value (i.e. PAECav) for the three (or more) units which are tested to determine the label particulars. The CEC would be an integer in units of kWh/Year. The CEC and Total Adjusted Storage Volume for No Frost (Vadj_tot_nf) would be used to determine the Star Rating Band and Star Rating of the model. The following equation would be used to determine the Star Rating Bands for a particular model. Following table would be used to decide the star rating depending upon the range. Star band is valid from 1.01.12 to 31.12.13 1.3.4 Energy Label Validity The CEC value would be accepted as valid if, when a single sample of a labeled model is tested for an initial screening test and its PAEC is such that: PAEC < 1.1 * CEC If this is not the case, the CEC would be accepted as valid if three additional units are tested and the average PAEC of these additional units is such that the above condition is fulfilled. Additionally the PAEC should be less than the upper limit of the corresponding Star Rating Band of the Star Rating of a single model tested or if two additional units are tested then PAEC of two out of three and PAEC.av should be less than the upper limit of the corresponding Star Rating Band. 1.3.5 Test required for standard and labelling: These tests are would be as per IS 15750:2006. 1. Pull down test ( and operating temperature performance test as applicable ) 2. Rated energy consumption 3. Rated volume Given below is a sample label for the refrigerator. 1.4. Appliance - Television: [5] 1.4.1 Star Rating Plan To calculate the BEE star rating TV is operated on two modes and the energy consumption is then counted. BEE provides consumers with an estimate of each Star label qualified TV’s annual energy consumption through display of a kWh/year number. This annual power consumption estimate would be based on a daily usage pattern of 6 hours in On Mode and 12 hours in Standby Mode. 1.4.2 Annual Power Consumption: To qualify as BEE Star labeled product, all TVs, TV Combination Units, must not exceed the maximum Annual Power Consumption (APCmax) found from the equations in Table 2 and 3 given below, based on the unit’s native vertical resolution and visible screen area. The maximum annual power consumption is expressed in kilo-watts per year and rounded to the nearest whole number. In the following equations, ‘A’ is the viewable screen area of the product, found by multiplying the display width by the display height. Equations are provided in both standard unit inches and centimeter. Corresponding Equations for the star rating table above 1.4.3 Test Conditions (Applicable for India only) a) Relative Humidity: 10-80% b) Supply Voltage: 230 (± 1%) Volts AC, 50 Hz (± 1%) c) Total Harmonic Distortion: < 2% THD (< 5% for products which are rated for > 1.5 kW maximum power) d) Ambient Temperature: 23°C ± 5°C Calculating Max Annual Power Consumption: It is defined as the maximum annual power consumption of the qualified product can be calculated by the following equation. This can be expressed as Measured Max Annual Power Consumption (MAPCmax). MAPCmax = (6 x Pa + 12 x Ps) x 0.365 kWh/Year Where Pa: On Mode power consumption in Watts Ps: Standby Mode power consumption in Watts This annual power consumption estimate would be based on a daily usage pattern of 6 hours in On Mode and 12 hours in Standby Mode. Comparative Energy Consumption (CEC): The CEC for a qualified product would not be less than the average (rounded to a whole integer) MAPCmax value (i.e. MAPCmax (avg)) for the three (or more) units which are tested to determine the label particulars. The CEC would be an integer in units of kWh/Year. The CEC would be used to determine the Star Rating Band and Star Rating of the model. The CEC of the model as determined above would be compared with the various Star Rating Bands i.e. APCmax. The Star Rating chosen for the model would be based on the above comparison. CEC would be compared to the lower and the upper limits of each Star Rating Band. The Star Rating corresponding to the band whose lower rating is less than CEC and upper limit is greater than or equal to CEC would be assigned to the model. Lower Limit of APCmax < CEC ≤ Upper Limit of APCmax 1.5. Appliance- Air Conditioner [7] [8] The label would mention the following: 1. Appliance/Type 3. Capacity (kW) (Actual Tested) 5. EER (W/W) 7. Heat Pump (Yes/No) 2. Brand/Model Name/Number/Year of Manufacturing 4. Power (Watts) 6. Variable Output Compressor (Yes/No) An Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) is the ratio of the cooling capacity of an air conditioner in British Thermal Units (BTU) per hour, to the total electrical input (in watts) under certain specified tests. Air conditioner EER ratings higher than 10 are considered most cost effective. The higher the ratio, the less the unit would cost to operate. Star Band Valid from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2013 1.6. Appliance- Washing Machine[6] Semi-Automatic Category Fully-Automatic Category The following benchmarks should be ensured by the manufacturer with relevant test reports .These would be additional parameters verified other than energy consumption in the BEE check/challenge testing of the sample drawn. ● % Soil removal of soiled strips for the machine after wash performance test should be ≥ 80%. ● All washing machines should inform water consumption for the complete cycle on the label. Actual water consumption should not be more than 110% of the stated water consumption by manufacturer. ● Water retention in Water Extraction test would not exceed (<) 75%. ● Rinsing Efficiency should be ≤ 2.25. The following label is a standard label: SECTION-2: PROCEDURE OF DATA COLLECTION 2.1 Power Saver The main purpose of Power Saver is to reduce the electricity Bill and save Electricity. Power Savers use a modern capacitance technology to dynamically observe and improve the power consumption of household, office or the industries. The power monitoring processor technology aims to optimize the voltage and current demands thus reducing the active power / kWh. The manufacturers of the power saver claims to achieve up to 50% of efficiency depending upon country and regular smooth power supply. Power Saver also acts as a voltage stabilizer by storing power for up to 10 seconds and consequently supplies the load with constant voltage during brief power surges. This in turn results in a longer lifetime of an electrical device which is added money saving advantage. In the later sections of the report the following claims would be tested and verified. 2.2 Plug Computer [9] Plug computer is a small form factor computer server for use in the home or office. The name is derived from the small form factor of such devices: plug computers are often enclosed in an AC power plug or AC adapter. It is suitable for running a media server, back-up services, file sharing and remote access functions, such devices can be used as a bridge between in-home protocols such as Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) and Server Message Block (SMB) and cloud based services. In this project it was initially used to run the python script “” and collect the data from the JPlug. 2.3 Data collection from JPlug. JPlug communicates over Wi-Fi to transfer the files. The laptop/plug-computer should also be preferably connected to the same network. 2.3.1 Settings for the Wi-Fi Router: First it is important to ensure that the wireless router is installed properly and supports 802.11b protocol. The wireless router should be connected to the internet since the JPlug gets the time stamp from the internet. (However in the later stages due to some issues regarding the Internet Connectivity, that feature was disabled). In the next stage one should ensure that DHCP service in the router is enabled. JPlug expects the router to have a specific SSID and Password. These can be set under Wireless Security settings of the router. Following are the specifications that were set up: SSID: WattzupAP Password: Wattzup Secret PSK Password Security: WPA-Personal can be chosen 2.3.2 JPlug connection to an appliance The JPlug is connected to the main socket and the appliance is connected to the socket on the JPlug. After switching the Power ON the JPlug, the appliances would now get powered through JPlug. The green LED on the JPlug should glow. JPlug would obtain its IP address from the DHCP server running on the wireless router. 2.3.3 Running the Script on the Computer After the connection is established, one needs to run the python script on the computer through the terminal in the following format. Here test is the name of the file where output would be stored. python test & Through MySQL server which is pre-installed on the computer, one can open the database of the JPlug and read and manage the files as well as convert them into any desirable format. In this project, they were converted into the csv files. Given below is the sample output row of the csv files. Data: +50.1 +233.752 +128.762 +32.874 +0.004 +0.883 +161.229 +206.336 +0.624 +51.388 Following are the data field definitions of the each of the field column wise. Data Field Definitions # Field Name Tolerance Sample data 1 Frequency in Hertz 0.1 Hz +50.1 2 RMS Voltage in Volts 2% +233.752 3 Active Power in Watts 5% (current and voltage samples multiplied and averaged on per second basis) +128.762 4 Energy in Watt-Hour 5% +32.874 5 Cost N/A +0.004 6 RMS Current in Amperes 3% +0.883 7 Reactive Power in Watts 5% (Reactive power can be positive or negative depending on power factor—positive for positive power factor—inductive loads) +161.229 8 Apparent Power in Volt-Amperes 5% +206.336 9 Power Factor Less than 5% +0.624 10 Phase angle in degrees Less than 5% +51.388 SECTION-3: DATA COLLECTION SOURCE (Meta Data of all the appliances has been mentioned in the SECTION-4.1) 3.1 Collection from the Residential Homes Note that for Home-1 collection took for 3 different weeks in 3 different phases. That has been mentioned in the SECTION-4.1. Home-1 Location: Ashok Vihar, Delhi Washing Machine-Fully Automatic-Samsung 2. Television-Minitron Series-Sony 3. 2 Laptops- Studio and Inspiron Dell Series 4. Refrigerator-Frost Free -Samsung 1. Home-2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Washing Machine-Fully Automatic- Samsung Electric Iron-Philips Television-Minitron-Sony Electric Motor-Crompton Greaves Refrigerator-Frost free- Samsung RO Water Purifier-Kent Home-3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Location: Ashok Vihar, Delhi Location: Ashok Vihar, Delhi Washing Machine-Fully Automatic- Samsung Electric Iron-Philips Television-CRT-Sony Refrigerator-Frost free- Samsung RO- Water Filter-Kent Home-4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Washing Machine- Samsung Television-Sony Electric Motor-Compton Greaves Refrigerator- Samsung Eureka Forbes Water Filter Home-5 1. 2. 3. 4. Location: Ashok Vihar, Delhi Washing Machine- Samsung Television Trinitron -Sony Refrigerator- Samsung RO-Eureka Forbes Home-6 1. 2. 3. Location: Ashok Vihar, Delhi Location: Narela, Delhi Washing Machine-Fully Automatic- Samsung Television-LED TV-Samsung Refrigerator-French Door Refrigerator- Samsung Home-7 Location: Narela, Delhi Washing Machine-Fully Automatic- Samsung Refrigerator-Frost Free Refrigerator- Samsung 3. RO-Eureka Forbes 4. Television-34 inch ultra slim-Samsung 1. 2. 3.2 IIIT Delhi Hostel RO Water Filter-Kent 2. TV-LED TV- Samsung 1. 3.3 Other Data Collection: Mobile and Mobile Charger 2. Laptop and Laptop Charger 3. Refrigerator Overnight 1. SECTION-4: ANALYSIS: 4.1 Appliances Meta Data It contains mainly the following data about appliances: Company: The manufacturer of the appliance Model: Detailed information about the model including the model no. and type Time: The time period during which data collection was done Star Rating: The BEE Star Rating given to the appliance. HOME-1-PHASE-1 1. Washing Machine Company Name-Samsung Model No – WA82VSLEC Type: Semi-Automatic Power: 330 W Frequency: 50 Hz 2. Television Company-Sony Model No- KV-XA21M83 Rated Input- 110 W Time: 7:50pm-8:29pm 3. Laptop Company-Dell Screen Size: 15.6-inch display Time: 6:30-6:50pm Star Rating- NA HOME-1-PHASE-2 1. Washing Machine Company Name-Samsung Model No – WA82VSLEC Type: Semi-Automatic Power: 330 W Frequency: 50 Hz Date: 2nd Week September Max Dry Mass(Capacity)- 6.2 kg Time -Washing 1hr Spinning 15 minutes Star Rating- 4 stars Voltage: 220 V Time: 7:00-7:29pm Rating- 4 stars Type: Tri-Nitron Color Television Power Source AC: 110-240V 50HZ Model- Inspiron 15R Resolution of 1366 x 768, Date: 3rd Week September Max Dry Mass(Capacity)- 6.2 kg Time -Washing 1hr Spinning 15 minutes Star Rating- 4 stars Voltage: 220 V Time: 6:00 pm-8:23pm 2. Refrigerator Company-Samsung Model No- RT31M Rated Input- 120 W Power Source AC 220V 50HZ Type: Single Door Frost free Time: 10:00pm-12:06pm Rating- 4 stars Gross Capacity -315L ,11.1cubic feet Ampere-1.0A Refrigerant- 30g(5.6oz) External Voltage Stabilizer: None 3. Laptop Company-Dell Screen Size: 15.6-inch display Time: 9:00-9:20pm Star Rating- NA HOME-1-PHASE-3 Model- Studio 1558 Resolution of 1366 x 768, Date: 4th Week September 1. RO Company: Kent RO Systems Model- Kent Eilte-2 MRO Time: Without Power Saver-- 10:00-11:00 pm With Power Saver: 11:00-11:15 pm 2. Television: Company: Panasonic Type: VIERA 42" Class D30 LED HDTV (42.0" Diag.) Frequency: 60 Hz Star Rating- 4 stars Time: Without Power Saver-- 6:00-7:00 pm With Power Saver: 7:00-7:51 pm HOME-2 Machine No.-KR12062524 Star Rating- NA Model No: TC-L42D30 Voltage: AC 110 - 127 V Rated Input: 45W Date: 1st Week October 1. Washing Machine: Company: Samsung Model: MWA82VSLEC/XTL 6.2 kg Fully Automatic Power: 330 W Voltage: 220 V Frequency: 50 Hz Star Rating- 4 stars Rating Time: Washing-1hr spinning time-15 min Time: (Without Power Saver):6:00-7:00pm Time: (Power Saver):7:00-8:00pm 2. Electric Iron: Company: Philips Type: GC1115/02/B Power: 1200 W Volts: 220 V Frequency: 50 Hz Star Rating- NA Time :( Without Power Saver):4:00-4:15pm Time :( Power Saver):4:20-4:30pm 3. Television: Company: Sony Star Rating- 4 stars Type: KV-XA21M83 Minitron Color Television Time: (Without Power Saver):10-11pm Time: (Power Saver):11pm-12am 4. Water Electric Motor Company: Crompton Volts: 220 (+-) 6% Speed: 2780 RPM Insulation: ‘B’ Class Type: Minimaster Size: 25*25 mm Head: 6/48 M Pump Number: JPM 03045 DIS: 4000/150 Lph Capacitance: 22uF Horsepower: 0.5 HP Time :( Without Power Saver):7-8am Time :( Power Saver):8-9am 5. Refrigerator Company: Samsung Type: Without transformer frost free Model: Silver Nano Rating: 4 stars Time :( Without Power Saver):9-10am Time: (Power Saver):10-11 am 6. RO Water Purifier Company: Kent Voltage: 160-300 AC Model Type: Kent Elite-1 MRO Operating Voltage: 24VDC HOME-3-PHASE-1 Date: 2nd Week October 1. Washing Machine: Company: Samsung Model: MWA82VSLEC/XTL 6.2 kg Fully Automatic Power: 330 W Voltage: 220 V Frequency: 50 Hz Rating Time: Washing-1hr Spinning time-15 min Time :( Without Power Saver):6:00-7:00pm Time :( Power Saver):7:00-8:00pm 2. Electric Iron: Company: Philips Type: GC1115/02/B Power: 1200 W Volts: 220 V Frequency: 50 Hz Rating: NA Time: (Without Power Saver):4:00-4:15pm Time: (Power Saver):4:20-4:30pm 3. Television: Company: Sony Type: KV-XA21M83 Minitron Color Television Star Rating- 4 stars Time: (Without Power Saver):10-11pm Time: (Power Saver):11pm-12am 4. Refrigerator Company: Samsung Type: Without transformer frost free Model: Silver Nano Star Rating- 4 stars Time: (Without Power Saver):9-10am Time: (Power Saver):10-11 am 5. RO Company: Kent Voltage-180-300 AC Model Type: Kent Elite-1 MRO Operating Voltage- 24V DC HOME-3-PHASE-2 Date: 3th Week October 1. Washing Machine: Company: Samsung Model: MWA82VSLEC/XTL 6.2 kg Fully Automatic Power: 330 W Voltage: 220 V Frequency: 50 Hz Rating Time: Washing-1hr Spinning time-15 min Star Rating- 4 stars Time: (Without Power Saver):6:00-7:00pm Time: (Power Saver):7:00-8:00pm 2. Refrigerator Company: Samsung Type: Without transformer frost free Model: Silver Nano Rating: 4 stars Time: (Without Power Saver):9-10 pm Time: (Power Saver):10-11 pm HOME-1-PERSONAL ACCESSORIES Date: 4th Week of October LAPTOP: Battery o Device Type: Notebook Battery o Technology:6 cell lithium ion battery o Capacity: 56 Wh Charger o Model:DA90PE3-00 o Dell P/N:WTC0V o Input: 100-240 V ~ 1.5A o Output: 19.5V 4.62A o Frequency:50-60 Hz Duration: o o o Charging:6510 sec (10:00-11:48)pm Fully Charged:2258 (11:48 pm -12:25)am Discharging:7200 (12:25-2:25)am MOBILE: Battery: Battery Type: Lithium Ion Charger: Model: Samsung Travel Adapter Input: 150-300 VAC Current: 0.15 A Battery Capacity: 800 mAh Frequency: 50-60 Hz Output: 5.0V -- 0.7 A Duration: Charging: 4164 (4:15-5:24) pm Fully Charged: 3524 (5:24-6:23) pm Discharging: 3948 (6:23-7:29)pm HOME-4 1. Washing Machine: Company: Samsung Power: 330 W Frequency: 50 Hz Date: 2nd Week of November Model: WT8505EG 6.5 kg Fully Automatic Voltage: 220 V Rating: 4 stars Rating Time: Washing-42min spinning time-15 min Time: (Without Power Saver):09:34:00 am-9:55:00 am 2. Television: Company: Sony Type: KD -34XS955 series Minitron Color Television Rating: 4 stars Time: (Without Power Saver):10:34-11:19pm Time: (Power Saver):21:17:00-21:25:00 Link for more information: 3. Water Electric Motor: Company: Crompton Volts:220 (+-) 6% Speed: 2780 RPM Insulation: ‘B’ Class Type: Minimaster Size:25*25 mm Head: 6/48 M Pump Number: JPM 03045 DIS: 4000/150 Lph Capacitance: 22uF Horsepower: 0.5 HP Time: (Without Power Saver):8:57:00-8:59:00 4. Refrigerator Company: Samsung Type: Without transformer frost free Model: Silver Nano RT2BSDTS Rating: 4 stars Link: For more information about the device: Time: (Without Power Saver):16:00-17:47 5. RO Company: Eureka Forbes Input Voltage- 230V AC/50Hz Rating: 4 stars HOME-5 Power Rating -25W Time: 8:20-8:30am Date: 2nd Week of November 1. Washing Machine: Company: Samsung Model: WT8501EG 6.5 kg Fully Automatic Power: 330 W Voltage: 220 V Frequency: 50 Hz Rating: 4 stars Rating Time: Washing-None Spinning time-15 min Time: (Without Power Saver):10:01- for (1063 seconds) 2. Television: Company: Sony Type: Model KW-34HD1 Trinitron Color Television Rating: 4 stars Time: (Without Power Saver):20:15:00 FOR (6444 seconds) Link: For more information visit the link - 3. Refrigerator Company: Samsung Type: Without transformer frost free Model: Silver Nano RT2BSDSS Rating: 4 stars For more information: Time: (Without Power Saver):11:40 for(5030 sec) 4. RO Company: Eureka Forbes Rating: NA Time: (Without Power Saver) 8:34-8:38am HOME-6 Date: 3rd Week of November 1. Washing Machine: Company: Samsung Model: WT85070AG 6.5 kg Fully Automatic Power: 330 W Voltage: 220 V Frequency: 50 Hz Rating: 4 stars Rating Time: Washing-42min spinning time-15 min Time: (Without Power Saver):10:10- for (4557 seconds) 2. Television: Model NO- UA40D5000PRMXL TV Type: Full HD, LED TV 40 inch in diameter Power supply: AC 100 - 240 V, 50/60 Hz, Power Consumption: 100 W, 0.3 W Time: (Without Power Saver):17:38:00 FOR (4475 seconds) 3. Refrigerator Company: Samsung Model: RF265AA Type: (25.8 cu. ft.) Bottom Freezer French door Refrigerator Time: (Without Power Saver):13:20 for (2970 sec) HOME-7 Date: 3rd Week of November 1. Washing Machine: Company: Samsung Model: WT900iEG 7 kg Fully Automatic Power: 330 W Voltage: 220 V Frequency: 50 Hz Rating Time: Washing-None Spinning time-15 min Time: 9:00am-10:09amonds 2. Television: Company: Samsung Type: CS14B500KJKXXL 34 inch ultra slim Rating: 4 stars Link for more information: Time: Without Power Saver 9:30pm-9:52pmonds Power Saver 22:15 with up-to 3597 seconds 3. Refrigerator Company: Samsung Type: Without transformer frost free Model: Silver Nano RT2ASRSW Rating: 4 stars For more information: Time: Without Power Saver-13:00 for up-to 8419 seconds With Power Saver- 9:09 for up-to 4643 seconds 4. Refrigerator (Over-night) Company: Samsung Type: Without transformer frost free Model: Silver Nano Time: 11:15pm-5:45am Rating: 4 stars 5. RO Company: Eureka Forbes Time: 8:35 for 303 seconds Rating: NA 4.2 Appliances’ Data Analysis: 4.2.1 Refrigerator Home-3: Model: Samsung-Silver Nano Home-1: Model: Samsung- RT2BSWE Time: 11-12pm Home-4: Model: Samsung- RT2BSDTS Time: 16:00-17:47pm Home-5: Model: Samsung- RT2BSDSS Time: 11:40am-1:03pm Home-6: Model: Samsung-Bottom French door Refrigerator Time: 9-10pm Home-7: Model: Samsung- RT2ASRSW Overnight Data Collection: Model: Samsung-Silver Nano Time: 1:20pm-2:10pm Time: 11:15pm-5:45am Time: 9-10pm Above diagram depicts a process cycle of the refrigerator. Here basically the refrigerator has two process- Evaporation and Condensation of the refrigerant. The condensation of the refrigerant occurs by maintaining high pressure region whereas the evaporation of the refrigerant occurs by maintaining low pressure region. In the evaporator heat is transferred from inside air to the refrigerant whereas in the condenser heat is transferred from refrigerant to the outside air. The process cycle is helpful in explaining the patterns observed in the subsequent graphs Active Power Overnight: Model: Samsung-Silver Nano X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 11:15pm-5:45am Y-axis: Power in watts Here for the overnight refrigerator note that the peaks are less intense and rectangular blocks are for a smaller duration. This shows that refrigerator consumes comparatively less electricity during the night time. This can be due to reason that during the night, temperature outside is low. Hence the refrigerant takes comparatively less electricity. Home-1: Model: Samsung- RT2BSWE X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 11-12pm Y-axis: Power in watts Although the refrigerator model is different, yet it shows the same pattern as above. A reason for this can be due to the same conditions and hence same reasons are applicable for this case as well. Home-4: Model: Samsung- RT2BSDTS Y-axis: Power in Watts Time: 16:00-17:47pm X-axis: Time in seconds Home-5: Model: Samsung- RT2BSDSS Time: 11:40am - 1:03pm X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in watts Unlike the other refrigerator the capacity and size of this model is significantly small. Due to this the energy consumption of this refrigerator has been significantly lesser than the other models. Home-6: Model: Samsung-Bottom Freezer French door Refrigerator X-axis: Time in seconds Home-7: Model: Samsung-RT2ASRSW X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 9-10pm Y-axis: Power in watts Time: 1:20pm-2:10pm Y-axis: Power in watts From the all graphs above it is easy to see that the shape of the graphs have been similar. They have peak followed by rectangle for some time and then low energy consumption for a longer period. This is because it consumes energy to condense the refrigerant. Later during the cooling refrigerant takes up the heat from the fridge and then evaporates. Note that for the graphs except the Home-6 the graphs have been for the frost free refrigerators. For the Home-6 the graph have been for the French door refrigerator which is not frost. Frost free refrigerators do consume more energy for a continuous period to keep the refrigerator frost free whereas this is not the case for other appliance (non-frost free). Reactive Power: Overnight: Model: Samsung-Silver Nano X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 11:15pm-5:45am Y-axis: Power in watts Home-4: Model: Samsung- RT2BSDTS X-axis : Time in seconds Home-5: Model: Samsung-Silver Nano X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 16:00-17:47pm Y-axis: Power in watts Time: 11:15pm-5:45am Y-axis: Power in watts Home-6: Model: Samsung-Bottom Freezer French door Refrigerator X-axis: Time in seconds Home-7: Model: Samsung- RT2ASRSW X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 9-10pm Y-axis: Power in watts Time: 1:20pm-2:10pm Y-axis: Power in Watts Home-3: Model: Samsung-Silver Nano X-axis: Time in seconds Home-1: Model: Samsung- RT2BSWE X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 9-10pm Y-axis: Power in Watts Time: 11-12pm Y-axis: Power in Watts Note that in all the graphs pattern for the reactive power it is same as that of the active power. However the consumption of the reactive power is pretty high for refrigerators and is positive. Refrigerators require high amount reactive power to maintain the voltage. Since reactive power is very high than the active power, hence one can say that power factor of the refrigerator is pretty low. Voltage: Home-3: Model: Samsung-Silver Nano X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 9-10pm Y-axis: Voltage in volts Overnight: X-axis: Time in seconds Model: Samsung-Silver Nano Y-axis: Voltage in volts Time: 11:15pm-5:45am An interesting pattern for the overnight refrigerator is that voltage is increasing steadily to reach a point around 250 after which it starts decreasing. This happens in spite of the fact that the active power is low during the night time. Home-1: Model: Samsung- RT2BSWE X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 11-12pm Y-axis: Voltage in volts Note that during the night time note that the voltage is increasing steadily. Home-4: Model: Samsung- RT2BSDTS X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 16:00-17:47pm Y-axis: Voltage in volts Note here that in the evening time the voltage is decreasing. Home-5: Model: Samsung- RT2BSDSS X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 11:40am-1:03pm Y-axis: Voltage in volts Home-6: Model: Samsung-Bottom Freezer French door Refrigerator X-axis: Time in seconds Home-7: Model: Samsung- RT2ASRSW X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 9-10pm Y-axis: Voltage in volts Time: 1:20pm-2:10pm Y-axis: Voltage in volts An important conclusion is that voltage keeps increasing steadily for the refrigerator as the morning time continues. However as the evening progresses the voltage then starts to decrease steadily. During the night for a steady period the voltage rises and then falls all throughout the night. 4.2.2 Washing Machine For all the washing machines from where data was collected were by the Samsung. Power ratings were 330W, Voltage-220V and frequency- 50 Hz. Washing Spinning Rinsing The above diagram depicts the life cycle of a washing machine. One cycle of washing machine starts with Rinsing->Spinning->Washing. This diagram is helpful in understanding the various patterns in the subsequent graphs mentioned below. However all of them were completely different models with major differences in the capacity which roughly lied between 6.2-7kg. Yet these differences hardly had any effect on the graphs. Washing Machines: Home-3: Model: MWA82VSLEC/XTL 6.2 kg Fully Automatic Home-2: Model: MWA82VSLEC/XTL 6.2 kg Fully Automatic Home-7: Model: WT900iEG 7 kg Fully Automatic Home-4: Model: WT8505EG 6.5 kg Fully Automatic Home-5: Model: WT8501EG 6.5 kg Fully Automatic Home-6: Model: WT85070AG 6.5 kg Fully Automatic Active Power: Home-3 X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts Time 6:00-7:00pm Time 7:00-8:00pm Time: 9:00am-10:09am Time: 9:34 am-9:55 am Time: 10:01am-10:18am Time: 10:10am to 11:25am Home-4: X-axis: Time in seconds Home-6: X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts Y-axis: Power in Watts Home-7: X-axis: Time in seconds Home-3: X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts Y-axis: Power in Watts In all the graphs above, as mentioned, the washing machines are taking up around 300W. Typically one whole wash in a washing machine takes one hour. This includes washing, rinsing and then spinning with each stage taking 10-15 minutes. During these stages, the washing machines draws a lot of electricity and this is evident from all the graphs above where during one hour 3 flat mountains were seen which depicted washing, rinsing and spinning. During intermediate stages of the washing machine was drawing/ releasing water and hence very less electricity was consumed. Note that for the Home-K and Home-3a washing was immediately followed by rinsing. This shows rinsing takes less power than the other stages i.e. washing and spinning. In these stages rinsing followed washing immediately because the water supply in these homes/ during those stages was very good. Shorter washing/rinsing /spinning periods depends upon the clock time set up by the consumer. Voltage: Home-3: Model: MWA82VSLEC/XTL 6.2 kg Fully Automatic X-axis: Time in seconds Time 6:00-7:00pm Y-axis: Voltage in Volts Note that the voltage is constantly decreasing though there is an intermediate jump Home-7: Model: WT900iEG 7 kg Fully Automatic Time: 9:00am-10:09am X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Voltage in Volts Home-4: Model: WT8505EG 6.5 kg Fully Automatic Time: 9:34am-9:55am X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Voltage in Volt During this period the voltage is fluctuating heavily. During the morning time there is heavy load because of which the voltage keeps fluctuating. Home-5: Model: WT8501EG 6.5 kg Fully Automatic Time: 10:01am-10:18am X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Voltage in Volts Just like the previous case here also the voltage is fluctuating heavily. As stated above earlier this can be attributed to the morning time when the load is very high. Home-6: Model: WT85070AG 6.5 kg Fully Automatic Time: 10:10am to 11:25am X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Voltage in Volts Here the reason can same as that for the previous two cases Reactive Power: Home-3: Model: MWA82VSLEC/XTL 6.2 kg Fully Automatic Time 6:00-7:00pm X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Reactive Power in Watts Here as one can see that the shape of the reactive power has been pretty much the same as that of the active power. However the difference is there in terms of the peak. Reactive power has been showing high values than active power thus making power factor very low. Home-7: Model: WT900iEG 7 kg Fully Automatic X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 9:00am-10:09am Y-axis: Reactive Power in Watts Home-4: Model: WT8505EG 6.5 kg Fully Automatic Time: 9:34 am-9:55 am X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Reactive Power in Watts Home-5: Model: WT8501EG 6.5 kg Fully Automatic X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 10:01am-10:18am Y-axis: Reactive Power in Watts Here unlike the other graphs the reactive power decreased marginally and then remained constantly fluctuating around 2.6 W. Home-6: Model: WT85070AG 6.5 kg Fully Automatic X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 10:10am to 11:25am Y-axis: Reactive Power in Watts The graph is very identical to its own active power graph. However unlike the other graphs the mountains have been very steep. Overall in the graphs for the reactive power of the washing machine the value of the reactive power has been higher than that of the active power. This makes the power factor very low for the washing machine. 4.2.3 Television Home-3 Model: Sony-KV-XA21M83 Minitron Color Television Home-4: Model: Sony- KD -34XS955 Minitron Color Television Home-5: Model: Sony- KW-34HD1 Trinitron Color Television Time: 10:00-11:00am Time: 10:34-11:19pm Time: 8:15pm-9:02pm Home-6: Model: Samsung-Full HD, LED TV 40 inch in diameter Home-7: Model: Samsung-CS14B500KJKXXL 34 inch ultra slim Time: 5:38pm-6:52pm Time: 9:30pm-9:52pm Note that for all the models connection for TV was separate from that of the satellite receiver and hence satellite receiver was not included into the data collection. Active Power: Home-3 Model: Sony-KV-XA21M83 Minitron Color Television Time: 10:00-11:00am Note that the graph is fluctuating heavily for the CRT based televisions. X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts Home-4 Model: Sony- KD -34XS955 Minitron Color Television X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts Home-5 Model: Sony- KW-34HD1 Trinitron Color Television X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 10:34-11:19pm Y-axis: Power in Watts Time: 8:15pm-9:02pm Home-6 Model: Samsung-Full HD, LED TV 40 inch in diameter X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 5:38pm-6:52pm Y-axis: Power in Watts Note the active power for the televisions has been very high in comparison to that of the CRT tubes though they claim to be energy efficient. A key feature associated with that is that. CRT based televisions are not energy efficient, but they use less energy than newer models because they're so much smaller in size. CRT televisions are not energy efficient because the active power fluctuates heavily. Home-7 Model: Samsung-CS14B500KJKXXL 34 inch ultra slim Time: 21:30 for 1352 sec X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts Similarly for this case the fluctuation has not been very much showing the efficient energy use. Voltage Home-3 Model: Sony-KV-XA21M83 Minitron Color Television X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Voltage in volts Time: 10:00-11:00am Home-4: Model: Sony- KD -34XS955 Minitron Color Television X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 10:34-11:19pm Y-axis: Voltage in volts Home-5: Model: Sony- KW-34HD1 Trinitron Color Television X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Voltage in volts Time: 8:15pm-9:02pm Home-6: Model: Samsung-Full HD, LED TV 40 inch in diameter Time: 5:38pm-6:52pm X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Voltage in volts Home-7: Model: Samsung-CS14B500KJKXXL 34 inch ultra slim X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Voltage in volts Time: 9:30pm-9:52pm Note that voltage has almost remained steady on the same level though it decreased initially and increased later. An important conclusion is that for non CRT televisions the voltage has moreover remained the same, though it also fluctuated. However for the CRT televisions, the voltage has steadily increased as the night progressed and has steadily decreased during the day. Reactive Power: Home-3: Model: Sony-KV-XA21M83 Minitron Color Television Time: 10:00-11:00am X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Reactive Power in Watts Home-4: Model: Sony- KD -34XS955 Minitron Color Television X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Reactive Power in watts Home-5 Model: Sony- KW-34HD1 Trinitron Color Television X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 10:34-11:19pm Time: 8:15pm-9:02pm Y-axis: Reactive Power in watts Note that all the graphs above were for the CRT based television. Here the reactive power is negative and almost same in magnitude as the active power is. This has made power factor very high. Home-6: Model: Samsung-Full HD, LED TV 40 inch in diameter X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in watts Time: 5:38pm-6:52pm Home-7 Model: Samsung-CS14B500KJKXXL 34 inch ultra slim X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 9:30pm-9:52pm Y-axis: Power in watts Note that here the reactive power has been largely negative though the value suddenly jumped out to become less negative later on. Hence one can conclude that the reactive power is less negative for the LED and modern television. This decreases the power factor and the system draws and wastes more current from the system. 4.2.4 RO/ Water Filters Home-3 Home-4. Home-5 Home-7 RO Kent Eilte-2 MRO Eureka Forbes Eureka Forbes RO Eureka Forbes Pure Time: 10:00-11:00 pm Time: 8:20-8:30am Time: 10:34-10:38am Time: 9:35-9:40am Active Power: Home-3: RO Kent Eilte-2 MRO X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 10:00-11:00 pm Y-axis: Power in watts Here note that the power consumption is very high mainly because the RO’s capacity was very high-around 14 litres. Also it was using Reverse Osmosis technology and hence required a lot of energy consumption. Home-4: RO Eureka Forbes Time: 8:20-8:30am X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in watts Home-5: Model: Eureka Forbes Water Filter X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts Time: 10:34-10:38am Home-7 Model: Eureka Forbes Pure X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 9:35-9:40am Y-axis: Power in Watts Note that the above three water filters are not RO based. Though they are of the same company, yet they all are different models. The capacity of this water filters is also not very high-around 1-3 litres. These are simple candle based water filters and don’t use the reverse osmosis technology which consumes a lot of electricity. These are the reasons why the active power consumption is around 23-24 W only for the above three cases. Voltage: Home-3: Model: RO Kent Eilte-2 MRO X-axis: Time in seconds Home-4: Model: Eureka Forbes X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 10:00-11:00 pm Y-axis: Voltage in volts Time: 8:20-8:30am Y-axis: Voltage in volts Home-5 Model: Eureka Forbes X-axis: Time in seconds Home-7 RO Eureka Forbes-Pure X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 10:34-10:38am Y-axis: Voltage in volts Time: 9:35-9:40am Y-axis: Voltage in volts From the graphs above it is difficult to jump to any particular conclusion. However it is easy to see that the range of the voltage has been fluctuating between 236W to 241 W. Reactive Power: Home-3: Model: RO Kent Eilte-2 MRO X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 10:00-11:00 pm Y-axis: Power in watts Note that for this case the reactive power has been negative throughout. This shows that the capacitive load has been dominant. Negative reactive power has decreased the power factor and hence less current is being drawn comparatively from the system. Home-4. Model: Eureka Forbes X-axis: Time in seconds Home-5 Model: Eureka Forbes X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 8:20-8:30am Y-axis: Power in watts Time: 10:34-10:38am Y-axis: Power in watts Home-7 Model: RO Eureka Forbes-Pure X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 9:35-9:40am Y-axis: Power in watts For the rest of the cases except the first one (for the Kent Elite-1), the reactive power has been positive. This has decreased the power factor and hence much load has been put up on to the system. Thus Non RO systems are not energy efficient. 4.2.5 Electric Iron: Home-2: Model: Electric Iron-GC1115/02/B Home-3 Model: Electric Iron- GC1115/02/B Time: 4:00-4:15pm Time: 2:20-2:30pm Active Power: X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in watts Here the electric iron is consuming 1400 W of power at regular intervals. Electric iron has a tungsten coating on its bottom which requires high load of power to get heated up. Therefore the iron provides short term electric shocks to the electric iron to keep it heated. Voltage X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Voltage in volts Just like the active power a similar graph can be seen for the voltage. When the power input becomes high, so does the voltage and it also changes dramatically. Reactive Power: X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts Note that the reactive power is continuously showing peaks. The peaks are either positive or sometimes negative. Negative peak shows immediate increase on the capacitive load whereas the positive peak shows the load on the inductive load. For heavy power consuming appliances like motor, electric iron inductive load is dominant. Hence the power factor is very low for them. 4.2.6 Electric motor: Home 2: Model: Water Electric Motor-JPM 03045 Home 4: Model: Water Electric Motor-JPM 03045 Time: 7:00-8:00am Time: 8:57-8:59am Active Power: Home 2: Model: Water Electric Motor-JPM 03045 X-axis: Power in Watts Time: 7:00-8:00am Y-axis: Time in seconds Home 4: Model: Water Electric Motor-JPM 03045 X-axis: Power in Watts Time: 8:57-8:59am Y-axis: Time in seconds Voltage: Home 2: Model: Water Electric Motor-JPM 03045 X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 7:00-8:00am Y-axis: Voltage in volts Home 4: Model: Water Electric Motor-JPM 03045 X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 8:57-8:59am Y-axis: Voltage in volts Reactive Power: Home 2: Model: Water Electric Motor-JPM 03045 X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 7:00-8:00am Y-axis: Power in watts Home 4: Model: Water Electric Motor-JPM 03045 X-axis: Time in seconds Time: 8:57-8:59am Y-axis: Power in watts 4.3 Mobile and Laptop Conditions: Note that all the experiments for this section were done in the hostel (college) environment. 4.3.1 Laptop: ACTIVE POWER: Here while the laptop is charging there has been a constant supply of active For the graph on right: X-axis: Percent battery status For the graph on left: X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts Y-axis: Power in Watts In the figure on right encircled portion shows very low active power for initial battery status (0-10)% and for later stages highlighted portion signifies how active power is constantly decreasing as the percent battery charged is increasing (after 80-100)%. Power fluctuating in the range of 60-80 W. However after reaching 80% of battery charging, the active power starts decreasing. Here note that the time to charge from 80-100% has also increased significantly. Also another interesting fact is that for initial charging of from 0-10 % there has been almost negligible charging. Here in the figure below while the laptop is 100 % charged, yet after decreasing initially the active power came down and remained in the range of 33-35W throughout. This can be because of the electrical supply is now being passed to the laptop and active power is not being used to charge the battery as it was happening earlier. For both the graphs above X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts In the figure above the charger is not in contact with the laptop and the battery. Yet instead of taking the no active power, it is consuming some active power in the range of around .1-.45 W. CURRENT: Here for charging and fully charged, the graph showed almost the same pattern as active showed. However for charging when battery was 10-80 % charged, the range of current was in .3 to .35 A after which it started to drop. Similarly for when the battery was 100 percent charged, the pattern was same as that of the active power. Here current after initially decreasing remained constant in the range of .17-.18 A throughout. For the above graph X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Current in Amperes Above figure is while the battery is discharging and the laptop is not attached with the charger. However here current is not null and is consuming constantly either .024A or .025A. REACTIVE POWER: For the graph on right: X-axis: Percent battery status For the graph on left: X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts Y-axis: Power in Watts The above figure is for the reactive power while charging. Here since the reactive power is negative throughout one can conclude that the capacitive load is dominant. During the charging 10-80% reactive power is fluctuating between -33-(-37) W. After 80% of the battery is charged, it starts to increase. For both the graphs above: X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts The above case is when the battery is fully charged. Initially the reactive power is increasing and after sometime it becomes constant and remains in the range of -21-(-23) W range throughout. Here except for the few peaks the reactive power has been nearly constant around -5.7 W. Below graph is for the case when the phone is discharging and the charger is not in the contact with the phone Here X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Reactive Power in Watts VOLTAGE: For the graphs X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Voltage in volts However for the case of discharging, the voltage saw a sudden drop. This might be attributed to a sudden increase on the load. However for the case of fully charged it has been changing around 237W. As one can see above the voltage for charging has been nearly changing only a little around 240W. 4.3.2 MOBILE ACTIVE POWER: As one can see above in the figure, the active power has been heavily fluctuating in the range For the graph on right: X-axis: Percent battery status For the graph on left: X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts Y-axis: Power in Watts 4.3-4.55W. Here the fluctuation is independent of the status of the charging unlike the case of the laptop. The figure below is the case when the mobile is fully charged except for the fact that it is still connected with the charger. Here as one can see the active power has remained negligible except for some time when a sudden jump/change in the active power has been seen. This can be attributed by the reason that for during that period, services that require heavy battery usage like 3G, Gaming etc. might have been used. X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts For the case of discharging active power has been completely zero throughout. Note that discharging is a case when charger is connected with the socket but is not in contact with the mobile. CURRENT: As one see above for the charging, the current has taken handful of the values between .037A-.04A. However like active power it is also constantly changing. The above case is for the fully charged. Here most of times the current has been in the range of .010.011A except for the interval between 1200-2000 and 2700-3600 seconds. A reason for this can be that during this perios when heavy current was consumed, heavy battery consuming appilcations might ben running. Below figure is for discharging. Here note that unlike the active power, the current has not been zero. REACTIVE POWER: For the above graph on right: X-axis: Time in seconds For the graph on the left: X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Battery Status in percent Y-axis: Power in Watts Here note that reactive power has been negative and has been constantly fluctuating. During the case of the fully charged, initially reactive power was nearly constant and positive. However later it started fluctuating heavily 6W and -6W. For both the graphs: X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Reactive Power in Watts In the case of the discharging, reactive power has been positive and fluctuate quickly though the range of value is very small. VOLTAGE: In all the three graphs (charging, discharging and fully charged) the voltage has been changing frequently. In both the graphs below-for discharging and fully charged. X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Voltage in volts The above case is when the phone is charging Note that the graph on left: X-axis: time in seconds Note that the graph on right: X-axis: Percent Battery status Y-axis: Voltage in volts Y-axis: Voltage in volts 4.4 Power Saver and its Impact The main aim of the power saver is to reduce the active power. The appliances available in the market claims to reduce the active power consumption by 5-10 percent. Through this experiment we would verify the claim Here in this section we have taken each appliance and analyzed if the power saver had any positive, negative or negligible impact. 4.4.1 Washing Machine Company: Samsung Model: MWA82VSLEC/XTL 6.2 kg Fully Automatic Time: (Without Power Saver):6:00-7:00pm Time: (Power Saver):7:00-8:00pm On the right is the appliance with Power Saver – X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts On the left is the appliance without Power SaverX-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts For the power saver in the graphs, the mountains became less flat. However the peaks were much steeper in graph where power saver device was used. 4.4.2 Electric Iron: Company: Philips Type: GC1115/02/B Time: (Without Power Saver):4:00-4:15pm Time: (Power Saver):4:20-4:30pm On the right is the appliance with Power Saver – X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts On the left is the appliance without Power SaverX-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts Both the graphs are more or less the same. Hence one can say that the impact of the power saver was negligible. 4.4.3 Television Company: Sony Type:KV-XA21M83 Minitron Color Television Time: (Without Power Saver):10-11pm Time: (Power Saver):11pm-12am On the right is the appliance with Power Saver: X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts On the left is the appliance without Power Saver: X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts Though the fluctuation is occurring in both the graphs, the graph with power saver is more or less in the higher side than on the lower side. Hence the impact of power saver can be considered more or less negative in this case. 4.4.4 Electric Motor Company: Crompton Greaves Pump Number: JPM 03045 Time: (Without Power Saver):7-8am Time: (Power Saver):8-9am On the right is the appliance with Power SaverX-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts On the left is the appliance without Power SaverX-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts In the graph on the left side there was a sudden fall in the graph, though it recovered later. This can be attributed to the sudden drop in the voltage. This phenomenon is voltage drop. This happens due to sudden increase in the intake of the current. However the graph recovered later though the active power continued to fall. In the graph on the right side has the use of power saver in it. Here one key thing is that the active power is continuing to rise and thus active power might have no or negative impact on the active power. 4.4.5 Refrigerator Company: Samsung Model: Silver Nano Time: (Without Power Saver):9-10am Time: (Power Saver):10-11 am On the right is the appliance with Power Saver – X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts On the left is the appliance without Power SaverX-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts Here power saver did not have significant impact on the active power. However the active power’s mountain got more flatter. 4.4.6 RO/Filter Company: Kent Voltage-180-300 AC Model Type: Kent Elite-1 MRO Operating Voltage- 24V DC On the right is the appliance with Power SaverX-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts On the left is the appliance without Power SaverX-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Power in Watts Here the impact of the power saver is almost negligible. Conclusions for the power saver: Power saver has no impact on the active power. Though the active power claims to reduce the active power consumption by 5-10 percent yet this has not been seen anywhere in the graphs above. 4.5 24 Hours Analysis: 4.5.1 Hostel-Institutional Environment Voltage: X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Voltage in volts The starting time for the collection was 5:18 pm. Note that there was has been little fluctuation in the voltage during the night time. As the day progresses the fluctuation starts more and more though in a definitive range of 235-240 W. During the night there has been very little fluctuation. This can be attributed to heavy load during the day time and comparatively less heavy load during the night time. A reason why voltage is stable in institutional environment is due to the use of the voltage regulator which automatically maintains a constant voltage level. Frequency: X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Frequency in Hertz Note that the starting time for the analysis was 5:18 pm. Frequency has been more or less stable and has been maintained in between the range of 49.9 and 50.1 Hz. This might be attributed to the use of thee frequency stabilizers in the institutional environment. 4.5.2. Home Environment Voltage: X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Voltage in volts Note that the starting time for the analysis was 7am. Here not that the voltage has been fluctuating heavily. The voltage is not following any definitive pattern here. The range of voltage has been in 225-250 W. Frequency: X-axis: Time in seconds Y-axis: Frequency in Hertz Note that the starting time has been 7 am. The frequency just like the voltage has been unstable. The range of the frequency has been between 49.2 and 50.6 Hz. 4.6 BEE Ratings Analysis: In this section, ratings of the various appliances would be calculated and verified with the rating claimed by the appliance’s manufacturer. 4.6.1 Refrigerator Range of the CEC: Range for the 3 star: 489.5-612.15 Range for the 4 star: 391.0-489.50 Sno. Model CEC Expected (KWh/yr.) Rating Actual Rating 1. Samsung- RT2BSDTS 534.36 4 star 3 star 2. Samsung- RT2BSDSS 413 4 star 4 star 3. Samsung-Bottom Freezer French door Refrigerator 460.13 4 star 4 star 4. Samsung- RT2ASRSW 448.5 4 star 4 star 5. Samsung-Silver Nano 619 4 star 3 star 6 Samsung- RT2BSWE 797 3 star 3 star 4.6.2 Television Maximum Annual Power Consumption: CRT Television (3 star) :392 CRT Television (4 star) :349 Plasma 40 inch (3 star):598 Plasma 40 inch (4 star): 533 34 inch plasma/LED Television (3 star): 465 34 inch plasma/LED Television (4 star): 414 Sno. Model APC Expected (KWh/yr.) Rating Actual Rating 1. Samsung-KV-XA21M83 Minitron Color Television 382 3 star 3 star 2. Samsung-KD -34XS955 Minitron Color Television 389 3 star 3 star 3. Samsung-KW-34HD1 Trinitron Color Television 380 4 star 3 star 4. Samsung-Full HD, LED TV 40 inch in 552 4 star 3 star 5. Samsung-CS14B500KJKXXL 34 inch ultra slim 401 4 star 4 star 4.6.3 Washing Machine Range of the Energy Consumption for Semi-Automatic (kwh/kg): Range for the 4 star: .0117 - .0130 Range for the 3 star: .0130 - .0143 Range of the Energy Consumption for Fully-Automatic (kwh/kg): Range for the 3 star: .0140 - .0154 Range for the 4 star: .0126 - .0140 Sno. Model Energy Expected Consumption Rating (KWh/yr.) Actual Rating 1. Samsung-MWA82VSLEC/XTL 6.2 kg Fully Automatic .013903 4 star 4 star 2. Samsung-MWA82VSLEC/XTL 6.2 kg Fully Automatic .0127 4 star 4 star 3. Samsung-WT900iEG 7 kg SemiAutomatic .0142 4 star 3 star 4. Samsung-WT8505EG 6.5 kg SemiAutomatic .01276 4 star 4 star 5. Samsung-WT8501EG 6.5 kg SemiAutomatic .0124 4 star 4 star 6 Samsung- WT85070AG 6.5 kg SemiAutomatic .0121 4 star 4 star SECTION-5: REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] hop/2012-02-07_Session1_Lab-role-in-MT_Intertek_MGuha.pdf [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] Repository Folder on Google Drive: The following link refers to the folder that is archive of all the data collected: SECTION-6: APPENDIX: a) Shell Script -1 #!/bin/bash # My first script while : do acpi >> a.csv sleep 1 done ****************************************************************************** b) Python Script -1 # The aim of the code is read the csv files and plot the graphs #Author:-Akshit Gupta 2010012 #Current-6 #Voltage-2 #Active Power-3 #Reactive Power-7 #Phase Angle-10 #Frequency-1 import csv; import pylab as plt; def getColumn(filename, column): results = csv.reader(open(filename), delimiter=',') return [result[column] for result in results] print "Frequency-1" print "Voltage-2" print "Active Power-3" print "Current-6" print "Reactive Power-7" print "Phase Angle-10" x = int(raw_input("Enter the column number")); x1 = float(raw_input("Enter the lower limit")); x2 = float(raw_input("Enter the upper limit")); fl = raw_input("enter the file name:"); #time = getColumn("filename",0) #For the current curr = getColumn(fl,x) plt.ylim(x1,x2) plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.ylim(x1,x2) plt.plot(curr) fl2 = raw_input("Enter the file name(with power saver):"); plt.ylim(x1,x2) freq2 = getColumn(fl2,x) plt.ylim(x1,x2) plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.ylim(x1,x2) plt.plot(freq2) ****************************************************************************** c) Python Script-2 # The aim of the code is read the csv files and plot the graphs #Author:-Akshit Gupta 2010012 #Current-6 #Voltage-2 #Active Power-3 #Reactive Power-7 #Phase Angle-10 #Frequency-1 import csv; import pylab as plt; print("\n\n*************************\n"); print("Frequency-1"); print("Voltage-2"); print("Active Power-3"); print("Current-6"); print("Reactive Power-7 "); print("Phase Angle-10"); print("\n\n*************************\n\n"); def getColumn(filename, column): results = csv.reader(open(filename), delimiter=',') return [result[column] for result in results] x = int(raw_input("Enter the column number")); fl = raw_input("enter the file name:"); #time = getColumn("filename",0) #For the current curr = getColumn(fl,x) plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.plot(curr) fl2 = raw_input("Enter the file name(with power saver):"); freq2 = getColumn(fl2,x) plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.plot(freq2) ****************************************************************************** d)—Android Project package net.sf.andbatdog.batterydog; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Environment; import android.view.Display; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.WindowManager; public class BatteryGraph extends Activity { private final static String TAG = "BATDOG.graph"; private final static int MENU_8H = 1; private final static int MENU_24H = 2; private final static int MENU_7DAYS = 3; private final static int MENU_ALL = 4; private final static int margXLeft = 5; private final static int margXRight = 5; private final static int margYTop = 60; private final static int margYBottom = 5; private long width = 300; private long height = 300; private long w = width - margXLeft - margXRight; private long h = height - margYTop - margYBottom; private long mDeltaTime = 24*60*60*1000; private long mOffset = 0; private GraphView mGraphView; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mGraphView = new GraphView(this); setContentView(mGraphView); } /** * Called when your activity's options menu needs to be created. */ @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu); menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENU_8H, Menu.NONE, "8h"); menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENU_24H, Menu.NONE, "24h"); menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENU_7DAYS, Menu.NONE, "7 days"); menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENU_ALL, Menu.NONE, "all"); return true; } /** * Called when a menu item is selected. */ @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { if (item.getItemId() == MENU_8H) { mDeltaTime = 8*60*60*1000; mOffset = 0; mGraphView.invalidate(); } else if (item.getItemId() == MENU_24H) { mDeltaTime = 24*60*60*1000; mOffset = 0; mGraphView.invalidate(); } else if (item.getItemId() == MENU_7DAYS) { mDeltaTime = 7*24*60*60*1000; mOffset = 0; mGraphView.invalidate(); } else if (item.getItemId() == MENU_ALL) { mDeltaTime = 0; mOffset = 0; mGraphView.invalidate(); } return true; } @Override public boolean onTrackballEvent(MotionEvent event) { super.onTrackballEvent(event); if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { mOffset = 0; mGraphView.invalidate(); } else if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) { float x = event.getRawX(); if (x < 0) { mOffset -= mDeltaTime/5; mGraphView.invalidate(); } else if (x>0) { mOffset += mDeltaTime/5; if (mOffset > 0) mOffset = 0; mGraphView.invalidate(); } } return true; } private class GraphView extends View { private Paint mPaint = new Paint(); private BatteryRecord[] mRecords; private float mLastX; private void readRecords() { try { mRecords = readLog(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG,e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { super.onTouchEvent(event); if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { mLastX = event.getRawX(); } else if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) { // Log.i(TAG, event.toString()+" - " + event.getHistorySize()); float x = event.getRawX(); float dx = x-mLastX; mLastX = x; long ldx = (long)(mDeltaTime*dx/width); mOffset -= ldx; if (mOffset > 0) mOffset = 0; mGraphView.invalidate(); } return true; } public GraphView(Context context) { super(context); readRecords(); Display = ((WindowManager) context.getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay(); width = display.getWidth(); height = display.getHeight(); w = width - margXLeft - margXRight; h = height - margYTop - margYBottom; } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { Paint = mPaint; paint.setStrokeWidth(0); Paint paintP = new Paint(); paintP.setStrokeWidth(0); paintP.setColor(Color.YELLOW); Paint paintV = new Paint(); paintV.setStrokeWidth(0); paintV.setColor(Color.RED); Paint paintT = new Paint(); paintT.setStrokeWidth(0); paintT.setColor(Color.GREEN); canvas.drawColor(Color.BLACK); if ((mRecords == null) || (mRecords.length == 0)) { paint.setColor(Color.WHITE); canvas.drawText("no data found", 10, 50, paint); return; } drawMarker(canvas, paintP, paintV, paintT); int maxRec = mRecords.length; long minTime = mRecords[0].timestamp; long maxTime = mRecords[maxRec-1].timestamp; long dTime = maxTime-minTime; if (mDeltaTime != 0) { dTime = mDeltaTime; minTime = maxTime-dTime+mOffset; } BatteryRecord rec; BatteryRecord oldRec; for (int i = 0; i <= maxRec; i++) { if (i == 0) oldRec = new BatteryRecord(0, minTime, 0, 100, 0, 0); else oldRec = mRecords[i-1]; if (i == maxRec) rec = new BatteryRecord(0, maxTime, 0, 100, 0, 0); else rec = mRecords[i]; drawRecordLine(canvas, rec, oldRec, minTime, dTime, paintP, paintV, paintT); } } private void drawMarker(Canvas, Paint paintP, Paint paintV, Paint paintT) { Paint = new Paint(); for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { if (i == 5) paint.setColor(Color.GRAY); else paint.setColor(Color.DKGRAY); float x = margXLeft; float y = margYBottom+h*(10-i)/10; canvas.drawLine(x, y, x+w, y, paint); } canvas.drawText("100%", margXLeft, margYBottom+13, paintP); canvas.drawText("4V", margXLeft, margYBottom+h*6/10+13, paintV); canvas.drawText("30°", margXLeft, margYBottom+h*7/10+13, paintT); canvas.drawText("100%", margXLeft+w-20, margYBottom+13, paintP); canvas.drawText("4V", margXLeft+w-20, margYBottom+h*6/10+13, paintV); canvas.drawText("30°", margXLeft+w-20, margYBottom+h*7/10+13, paintT); } private void drawRecordLine(Canvas canvas, BatteryRecord rec, BatteryRecord oldRec, long minTime, long dTime, Paint paintP, Paint paintV, Paint paintT ){ float x1 = margXLeft+(w*(oldRec.timestamp-minTime)) / dTime; float yP1 = margYBottom+h-(h*oldRec.level) / rec.scale; float yV1 = margYBottom+h-(h*oldRec.voltage) / 10000; float yT1 = margYBottom+h-(h*oldRec.temperature) / 1000; float x2 = margXLeft+(w*( rec.timestamp-minTime)) / dTime; float yP2 = margYBottom+h-(h* rec.level) / rec.scale; float yV2 = margYBottom+h-(h* rec.voltage) / 10000; float yT2 = margYBottom+h-(h* rec.temperature) / 1000; if (rec.count == 1) { canvas.drawLine(x1, yP1, x1, margYBottom+h, paintP); canvas.drawLine(x1, yV1, x1, margYBottom+h, paintV); canvas.drawLine(x1, yT1, x1, margYBottom+h, paintT); canvas.drawLine(x2, yP2, x2, margYBottom+h, paintP); canvas.drawLine(x2, yV2, x2, margYBottom+h, paintV); canvas.drawLine(x2, yT2, x2, margYBottom+h, paintT); } else { canvas.drawLine(x1, yP1, x2, yP2, paintP); canvas.drawLine(x1, yV1, x2, yV2, paintV); canvas.drawLine(x1, yT1, x2, yT2, paintT); } } } // class BatRecCache { // float x; // float yP; // float yV; // float yT; // public BatRecCache(BatteryRecord rec) { // } // } // class BatteryRecord { int count; long timestamp; int level; int scale; int voltage; int temperature; public BatteryRecord(int count, long timestamp, int level, int scale, int voltage, int temperature) { this.count = count; this.timestamp = timestamp; this.level = level; this.scale = scale; this.voltage = voltage; this.temperature = temperature; } } private BatteryRecord[] readLog() throws Exception { ArrayList<BatteryRecord> result = new ArrayList<BatteryRecord>(); File root = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); if (root == null) throw new Exception("external storage dir not found"); File batteryLogFile = new File(root,BatteryDog_Service.LOGFILEPATH); if (!batteryLogFile.exists()) throw new Exception("logfile '"+batteryLogFile+"' not found"); if (!batteryLogFile.canRead()) throw new Exception("logfile '"+batteryLogFile+"' not readable"); FileReader reader = new FileReader(batteryLogFile); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(reader); String line = in.readLine(); while (line != null) { BatteryRecord rec = parseLine(line); if (rec == null) Log.e(TAG, "could not parse line: '"+line+"'"); else result.add(rec); line = in.readLine(); } in.close(); return (BatteryRecord[]) result.toArray(new BatteryRecord[result.size()]); } private BatteryRecord parseLine(String line) { if (line == null) return null; String[] split = line.split("[;]"); if (split.length < 6) return null; if (split[0].equals("Nr")) return null; try { int count = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); long timestamp = Long.parseLong(split[1]); int level = Integer.parseInt(split[2]); int scale = Integer.parseInt(split[3]); int voltage = Integer.parseInt(split[4]); int temperature = Integer.parseInt(split[5]); return new BatteryRecord(count, timestamp, level, scale, voltage, temperature); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG,"Invalid format in line '"+line+"'"); return null; } } } ****************************************************************************** e) Log. Java – Android Java class package net.sf.andbatdog.batterydog; public class Log { private final static boolean logEnabled = false; public static void i(String tag, String msg) { if (logEnabled) { android.util.Log.i(tag, msg); } } public static void e(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) { android.util.Log.e(tag, msg, tr); } public static void e(String tag, String msg) { if (logEnabled) { android.util.Log.e(tag, msg); } } } ****************************************************************************** f) –Android App class package net.sf.andbatdog.batterydog; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Environment; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.Toast; public class BatteryDog extends Activity { private static final int OUTPUT_LINES = 100; private static final int LINE_LENGTH = 50; private static final String TAG = "BATDOG"; private Button btStart; private Button btStop; private Button btRawFormat; private Button btShowFormated; private Button btGraph; private EditText mOutput; /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.battery_dog); mOutput= (EditText) findViewById(; // find buttons in view btStart = ((Button) findViewById(; btStop = ((Button) findViewById(; btRawFormat= ((Button) findViewById(; btShowFormated= ((Button) findViewById(; btGraph = ((Button) findViewById(; // set actions for buttons btStart.setOnClickListener(StartServiceListener); btStop.setOnClickListener(StopServiceListener); btRawFormat.setOnClickListener(RawFormatListener); btShowFormated.setOnClickListener(ShowFormatedListener); btGraph.setOnClickListener(GraphListener); } OnClickListener StartServiceListener = new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { try { startService(new Intent(BatteryDog.this, BatteryDog_Service.class)); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); Toast.makeText(BatteryDog.this, "Start Service failed: "+e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } }; OnClickListener StopServiceListener = new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { try { stopService(new Intent(BatteryDog.this, BatteryDog_Service.class)); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); Toast.makeText(BatteryDog.this, "Stop Service failed: "+e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } }; OnClickListener RawFormatListener = new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { updateLog(false); } }; OnClickListener ShowFormatedListener = new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { updateLog(true); } }; OnClickListener GraphListener = new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { startActivity(new Intent(BatteryDog.this, BatteryGraph.class)); } }; private void updateLog(boolean doFormat) { try { File root = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); if (root == null) throw new Exception("external storage dir not found"); File batteryLogFile = new File(root,BatteryDog_Service.LOGFILEPATH); if (!batteryLogFile.exists()) throw new Exception("logfile '"+batteryLogFile+"' not found"); if (!batteryLogFile.canRead()) throw new Exception("logfile '"+batteryLogFile+"' not readable"); long len = batteryLogFile.length(); int size = (int)Math.min((long)OUTPUT_LINES*LINE_LENGTH, len); StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(size); FileReader reader = new FileReader(batteryLogFile); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(reader); if (doFormat) { text.append(in.readLine()).append("\n"); } if (len > OUTPUT_LINES*LINE_LENGTH) { in.skip(len-OUTPUT_LINES*LINE_LENGTH); // skip incomplete line in.readLine(); } String line = in.readLine(); while (line != null) { if (doFormat) { line = parseLine(line); } if (line != null) text.append(line).append("\n"); line = in.readLine(); } in.close(); mOutput.setText(text.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG,e.getMessage(),e); mOutput.setText(e.getMessage()); } } private SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); private DecimalFormat dfT = new DecimalFormat("###.#"); private DecimalFormat dfV = new DecimalFormat("##.###"); private String parseLine(String line) { if (line == null) return line; String[] split = line.split("[;]"); if (split.length < 6) return line; if (split[0].equals("Nr")) return line; try { int count = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); long time = Long.parseLong(split[1]); int level = Integer.parseInt(split[2]); int scale = Integer.parseInt(split[3]); int percent = level*100/scale; int voltage = Integer.parseInt(split[4]); int temperature = Integer.parseInt(split[5]); double v = 0.001*voltage; double t = 0.1*temperature; String timestamp = sdf.format(new Date(time)); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append(Integer.toString(count)).append(". ") .append(timestamp).append(" ") .append(percent).append("% ") .append(dfV.format(v)).append("V ") .append(dfT.format(t)).append("° ") ; for (int i = 6; i < split.length; i++) { result.append(" ").append(split[i]); } return result.toString(); // // // } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); return line; } } } ****************************************************************************** g) – Android package net.sf.andbatdog.batterydog; import; import; import; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.IBinder; import android.widget.Toast; public class BatteryDog_Service extends Service { private final static String TAG = "BATDOG.service"; public static final String LOGFILEPATH = "BatteryDog/battery.csv"; private final static String[] batteryExtraKeys = {"level", "scale", "voltage", "temperature", "plugged", "status", "health", "present", "technology", "icon-small"}; private File mBatteryLogFile; private int mCount; private Intent mLastBatteryIntent; private boolean mQuitThread; private boolean mThreadRunning; @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); if (!mThreadRunning) { mCount = 0; mLastBatteryIntent = null; mQuitThread = false; Thread thr = new Thread(null, mTask, "BatteryDog_Service"); thr.start(); registerReceiver(mBatInfoReceiver, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED)); Toast.makeText(this, "BatteryDog Service started", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } @Override public void onDestroy() { Log.i(TAG, "onDestroy"); mQuitThread = true; notifyService(); super.onDestroy(); unregisterReceiver(mBatInfoReceiver); Toast.makeText(this, "BatteryDog Service stopped", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return null; } private BroadcastReceiver mBatInfoReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context ctx, Intent intent) { try { mCount += 1; mLastBatteryIntent = (Intent) intent.clone(); notifyService(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG,e.getMessage(), e); } } }; private void logBattery(Intent batteryChangeIntent) { if (batteryChangeIntent == null) return; try { FileWriter out = null; if (mBatteryLogFile != null) { try { out = new FileWriter(mBatteryLogFile, true); } catch (Exception e) {} } if (out == null) { File root = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); if (root == null) throw new Exception("external storage dir not found"); mBatteryLogFile = new File(root,BatteryDog_Service.LOGFILEPATH); boolean fileExists = mBatteryLogFile.exists(); if (!fileExists) { mBatteryLogFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); mBatteryLogFile.createNewFile(); } if (!mBatteryLogFile.exists()) throw new Exception("creation of file '"+mBatteryLogFile.toString()+"' failed"); if (!mBatteryLogFile.canWrite()) throw new Exception("file '"+mBatteryLogFile.toString()+"' is not writable"); out = new FileWriter(mBatteryLogFile, true); if (!fileExists) { String header = createHeadLine(); out.write(header); out.write("\n"); } } if (mLastBatteryIntent != null) { String extras = createBatteryInfoLine(mLastBatteryIntent); out.write(extras); out.write("\n"); } out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG,e.getMessage(),e); } } private String createHeadLine() { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append("Nr;TimeMillis"); for (String key : batteryExtraKeys) result.append(";").append(key); return result.toString(); } private String createBatteryInfoLine(Intent batteryIntent) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append(Integer.toString(mCount)).append(";").append(Long.toString(System.curre ntTimeMillis())); Bundle extras = batteryIntent.getExtras(); for (String key : batteryExtraKeys) result.append(";").append(extras.get(key)); return result.toString(); } /** * The function that runs in our worker thread */ Runnable mTask = new Runnable() { public void run() { mThreadRunning = true; Log.i(TAG,"STARTING BATTERYDOG TASK"); while (!mQuitThread) { logBattery(mLastBatteryIntent); synchronized (BatteryDog_Service.this) { try { BatteryDog_Service.this.wait(); } catch (Exception ignore) {} } } mThreadRunning = false; logBattery(mLastBatteryIntent); Log.i(TAG,"LEAVING BATTERYDOG TASK"); } }; public void notifyService() { synchronized (BatteryDog_Service.this) { BatteryDog_Service.this.notifyAll(); } } } ******************End of Report*********************