Audit Report for 2008 - Waterwood Improvement Association
Audit Report for 2008 - Waterwood Improvement Association
WATERWOODIMPROVEMENTASSOCIATION,INC. FINANCIAL STATEMENTSAND SUPPLEMENTARYINFORA/L4TION FORTHEYEARENDEDDECEMBER31,2OO8 Kenneth C. I)avis & CompanyoP.C. Cert ifie d P ublic A ccountants 13001lth Street Suite400 Huntsville, Texas77340 (936)29r-3020 TABLE OF CONTENTS INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'SREPORT FINANCIALSTATEMENTS BalanceSheet J Statement of RevenuesandExpenses . 4 Statement of Changesin Members'Equity ) Statement of CashFlows 6 Notesto FinancialStatements 8 SUPPLEMENTARYINORMATION INDEPENDENTAUDITOR'S REPORTON SUPPLEMENTARYINFORMATION l 9 Scheduleof OperatingFundRevenues andExpensesBudgetandActual 20 Supplementary Informationon FutureMajor RepairsandReplacements .. 22 KEI\NETH C. DAVIS & COMPANY, P.C. CERTIFIEDPABLI CACCOANTANTS surrE4oo l3oo1rt" srREET, P.O.Box 6308 W2 PHONE(936)291-3020 FAX (936)291-9607 INDEPENDENTAUDITOR'S REPORT Boardof Directorsof WaterwoodImprovementAssociation,lnc. We haveauditedthe accompanyingbalancesheetof WaterwoodImprovement Association,Inc. asof December31, 2008,andthe relatedstatementof revenuesand expenses,andchangesin members'equity andcashflows for the yearthen ended. These financial statementsarethe responsibilityof the managementof WaterwoodImprovement Association,Inc. Our responsibilityis to expressan opinionon thesefinancialstatements basedon our audits. We conductedour auditsin accordancewith auditingstandardsgenerallyacceptedin the United Statesof America. Thosestandardsrequirethat we plan and perform the auditsto obtainreasonableassuranceaboutwhetherthe financial statementsare free of material misstatement.An audit includesexamining,on a testbasis,evidencesupportingthe the amountsanddisclosr:resin the financial statements.An audit also includesassessing as as well principles by management, accounting usedand significantestimatesmade evaluatingthe overall financial statementpresentation.We believethat our auditsprovide a reasonable basisfor our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statementsreferredto abovepresentfairly, in all material Association,Inc. asof respects, the financialpositionof WaterwoodIrtrprovement December31, 2008,andthe resultsof its operationsandits cashflows for the yearsthen C. Davis& Company,P.C. (This pageis intentionallyleft blank.) WATERWOOD IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION. INC. BALANCESHEET December 31.2008 ASSETS Cashandcashequivalents,including interest-bearing deposits Assessments receivableandaccrued intereston delinquentreceivables, lessallowancefor uncollectibleaccountsNoteE Accruedinterestreceivable Investments- Note D Prepaidexpenses Propertyandequipment,less accumulated depreciation- Note M Otherassets- Note M TOTAL ASSETS 109,674 236,053 r21,863 7,748,509 7,417 202,282 273,r30 $ 8,698,928 $ 33,528 473 19,672 53.673 LIABILITIES ANIDMEMBERS'EQUITY payable AccorHrts Payrolltorespayable Notepayable- NoteN Total Liabilities - NoteK: Members'Equity Designatedfor currentand future obligations Accumulatedothercomprehensive income- Note D TotalMembers'Equity $ 8,645,255 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND MEMBERS'EQUITY $ 8,698,928 8,603,757 4t.498 The accompanyrng notesare an integralpart of thesefinancial statements. ATERWOOD IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, INC. STATEMENTOFREVENUES AND EXPENSES FortheYearEndedDecember 31.2008 REVENUES Annualassessments Intereston deliquent Recoveries Intereston investnents Unrealizedgains/(losses Capitalimprovementc (Loss)/gainon saleof - NoteL Sign/Security Donations- fireworks Transferfees Otherincome Total Revenue 431,839 30,741 r6,377 324,642 (31,986) 4,444 384 6,000 3,867 4,250 3,376 793,934 EXPENSES Salariesandbenefits Bad debts Roadmaintenance Streetlights MUD fees- Note C Fire Departnent Professional services Mailing EMS Securityservices Garbagepick-up Maintenance Landlease,net Interest Depreciation Otherexpenses Total Expenses $ Excess Expenses Over $_@gJgO The accompanyingnotesare 257,058 376,145 5,618 r1,287 27,365 20,719 12,240 16,300 88,250 18,583 18,689 156,292 5,136 1,789 27,017 81.612 1,124,100 integralpart of thesefinancial statements. 4 WATERWOOD IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, INC. STATEMENT IN MEMBERS'EQUITY OFCHANGES FortheYparEndedDecember 31.2008 MEMBERS'EQUITY, BEGINNINGOFYEAR $ Excess Expenses OverRevenues MEMBERS'EQUITY, ENDOFYEAR 8,975,42r (330,166) $ 8,645,255 The accompanylngnotesarean integralpantof thesefinancial statements. WATERWOOD IMPROVEMENT ASSOCI.ATION, INC. STATEMENT OFCASHFLOWS FortheYearEndedDecember 31.2008 CASH FLOWSFROI\,{/(USED BY) OPERATING ACTIVITIES: (includinginterestandfees) Memberassessments lntereston investrnents Gainon saleof equipment Otherincome Salariesandbenefits lnterestexpense Otheroperatingexpenses $ 282,079 332,412 384 21,937 (257,000) (1,789) (494,757) NET CASH FROIW(USEDBY) OPERATINGACTIVITIES $ (116,734) CASH FLOW PROVIDED(USED)BY INVESTING ACTIVITIES: (Increase)/decrease in investments Properlyandequipment- purchases Propertyand equipment- sales s 198,546 (t9,749) 1,616 NET CASH (USED)/PROVIDEDBY INVESTING ACTTVITIES 180.413 CASHFLOW PROVIDED/OSED)By FINANCTNG ACTTVITIES: Loans ( 10,751) NET CASH (USEDYPROVIDEDBY INVESTING ACTIVITIES ( 10,751) NET INCREASEIN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS $ CASH AND CASH EQUTVALENTSAT BEGINNING OF YEAR CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTSAT END OF YEAR 52,928 56,746 $ 109,674 The accompanylngnotesare an integralpart of thesefinancial statements. WATERWOOD ASSOCIATION, INC. IMPROVEMENT STATEMENTOFCASHFLOWS continued FortheYearEndedDecember 31.2008 Reconciliationof excessof revenuesoverexpenses to provided netcash by operatingactivities: Excessofrevenuesoverexpenses Adjustmentsto reconcileexcessof revenues overexpenses to net cashprovidedby operatingactivities: Depreciation Unrealizedlosson investnents (Increase)/decrease in : Memberassessments receivable Interestreceivable Otherassets lncrease/(decrease) in: Accountspayable Payrollta:res (330,166) Net cashprovided/(used)by operatingactivities (t16,734) 27,017 31,986 r79,267 7,770 (7,417) (25,249) 58 The accompanylngnotesare an integralpart of thesefinancial statements. WATERWOODIMPROVEMENTASSOCIATION,INC. NOTESTO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE A _ NATURE OF ORGANIZATION WaterwoodImprovementAssociation,Inc. (WIA) is a non-profit corporationorganized for the purposeof promoting and developingthe common good and social welfare of the homeownersof the Waterwoodsubdivision,including providing for the constructionof utilities and the maintenanceof roads,commonareas,and other improvements. In addition,WIA provides24-hour securityand EMS servicefor the Waterwoodresidents. The Waterwooddevelopmentis locatedin SanJacintoCounty and is comprisedof more than 1,000acresof lots and developedhome sites,in addition to the greenbelts,roadsand other commonareas. Currently,approximately400 homeownersand 1,700lot ownersare servicedby WIA. NOTE B - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOLINTING POLICIES GAAP Accounting The Association'sgoverningdocumentsprovide certainguidelinesfor goveming its financialactivities. In accordancewith generallyacceptedaccountingprinciples,the financial statementshave beenpreparedon the accrualbasis. Revenuesare recognized when they are eamedand expensesare recognizedwhen they are incurred. Arurual Assessments WIA is funded primarily through funds receivedfrom annual assessmentsand investment portfolio income. In accordancewith the provisionsof the land deedcovenants,annual assessments are levied on all lot owners,with the exceptionof lots owned by governmental entities. The assessments are recognizedon the active accountsas income at the time they are levied. The annualassessments are levied eachDecember31, and if not paid by the following March 3 i, becomedelinquentand bear interestat the rate of ten percentper annum. Interestis assessed twice a year,in March and December,on delinquentaccounts. WIA routinely files liens on lots on which unpaid assessments exist. Beginning in 2008, receivableaccountsdeterminedto be uncollectiblewere not expensedas bad debtsafter three years,as in prior years,but instead,all amountsdue to WIA are maintained as Accounts Receivableand the amountsdeterminedto be uncollectible are set up in an Allowance for UncollectibleAccounts. In future years,any changesto the Allowancewill be madeby increasingor decreasingBad Debt Expenseor Recoveriesfor the amountof the change. WATERWOOD ASSOCIATION, INC. IMPROVEMENT NOTESTO FINANCIALSTATEMENTS NOTE B - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANTACCOUNTINGPOLICIES.continued PropertyandEquipment Realpropertyand commonareasacquiredfrom the developerandrelatedimprovementsto becausethose suchpropertyarenot recordedin the Association'sfinancialstatements propertiesaredirectly associatedwith the unit (that is, commonpropertywithout which the units could not be occupiedand exteriorpropertythat is normally part of a freestanding unit). Commonproperty ownedby WIA andnot capitalizedincludesdesignatedpark sites,roads,sidewalks,and greenbelts. The Associationcapitalizespersonalpropertyat cost and depreciatesit usingthe staightline methodover the estimatedusefullife. IncomeTarces A quali$ing homeowners'association maybe taxedeitherasa homeowners'association incomeis exempt or asa regularcorporation. As a horneowners'association,assessment from taxationif certainelectionsaremade,andthe associationis talcedonly on its nonmembershipincome,suchasbank interestearnings,at regularfederalcorporaterates. In 2008,WIA qualifiedunderSection528of the IntemalRevenueCodeasa Homeowners'Associationandfiled a Form I120-H. Statementof CashFlows For purposesof reportingcashflows, all highly liquid invesbnentswith a maturity of three monthsor lessareconsideredto be cashequivalents.This includesWIA's investnentin the Morgan StanleyMoney Market Fundwhich investsin instrumentswith a maturity of lessthan90 days. Estimates The preparationof financial statementsin conformity with generallyacceptedaccounting principlesrequiresmanagementto makeestimatesandassumptionsthat affect certain reportedamountsand disclosures.Accordingly,actualresultscould differ from those estimates. WATERWOOD IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, INC. NOTESTO FINANCIALSTATEMENTS NOTE C - COMMITMENT FOR LAND IMPROVEMENTS On March15,2005,the WaterwoodMunicipalUtility DistrictNo. I (MUD) boardof directorsapproveda petitionto exclude(de-annex)about6,200undeveloped acresfrom the MUD. With the approvalof the petition,WIA couldno longerapplyto MUD for extensionof waterandsewerservicesto theexcludedareas. On May 25,2005,the SanJacintoCountyCommissioners Courtapprovedthe deplattingof the lastsix subdivisions.This actioneliminatedWIA's liability for providingservicesto lot ownersin undeveloped areas.Currently,mostlots servicedby WIA havewater,sewer, electricity,telephoneanda pavedroadto the lot. In 2008,WIA accruedits final standby chargeof 25% of its annualassessments to the MUD for providing utilities to certain improvedlots that havenot yet beenconnected.This chargeis no longerdueto theMUD, effectiveJune28, 2008. The final paymentto the MUD from WIA, which wasaccruedfor theperiodJanuary1,2008to June28,2008,waspaidon March27,2009. NOTE D _ MARKETABLE AND NONMARKETABLE SECURITIES In1994, WIA adoptedSFASNo. 115,Accountingfor CertainInvestmentsin Debtand Equity Securities,which requiresclassificationof securitiesinto oneof threecategories, dependingon the entity's intentandability to hold the securityuntil maturity. On February1,1994,WIA assistedthe WaterwoodMUD by refinancing$2,590,000 in outstandingbonds. Thesebondspay4o/ointerestandhavean annualprincipalpayment dueon SeptemberI until September1,2009whenthe lastbondmaflres. Thesebondsare not readily marketableand are intendedto be held to maturity. Therefore,in accordance with SFASNo. 115,thesesecuritieswill be carriedat cost. The balanceof the portfoliois considered to be "availablefor sale"andthereforeis recordedat fair marketvalue. 10 WATERWOODIMPROVEMENTASSOCIATION,INC. NOTESTO FINANCTALSTATEMENTS NOTE D - MARKETABLE AND NONMARKETABLE SECURITIES"continued Realizedgainsandlossesarerecordedin the statementof revenuesandexpensesin the periodtheyareearned.Bonddiscountis amortizedby WIA usingthe effective-interest methodrequiredby SFASNo. I 15 ascalculatedby the investmentbrokers,Morgan Stanley. The aggregatecostandmarketvaluesof the investnent secr.ritiesare summarizedas follows: Available-for-salesecurities: Amortized Cost Stateandmunicipalsecurities with A\rq.Aor AA ratings Market $ 2562-0lL $ fu03.509 Cumulative Unrealized Gains/(losses)* $ 4t-498 * Cumulativesince1994whenSFASNo. 115wasadopted. Held-to-maturity securities: WaterwoodMUD bonds s 145.000 Duringthe yearendingDecember31,2008,eightbondswerepurchased, threebonds maturedandelevenbondswerecalled. Therewereno taxablegainsor lossesin 2008. ll WATERWOODMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION NOTESTO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE D - MARKETABLE AND NONMARKETABLE SECURITIES.sontinued Net unrealizedholdinggains/(losses) on available-for-sale securitiesin the amountof ($31,985)for the yearendedDecember other 31,2008havebeenincludedin accumulated comprehensive incomeof $41,498. Maturitiesof available-for-sale debtsecwitiesat December31. 2008areasfollows: Estimated Fair Value Duein oneyeaf,or less(beforeDecember31,2009) DuebetweenJanuaryl, 2010andDecembet3I,2012 DuebetweenJanuaryL,2013andDecember 31,2018 DuebetweenJanuary| , 2019andDecemb er 3l , 2028 Total invesfinentin available-for-salesecurities $ 301,765 965,469 4,177,541 2.rs8.734 $ 7.603.509 Actual maflrities may differ from conftactualmaturitiesbecausesomeborrowershavethe right to call or prepayobligationswith or without call or prepaymentpenalties. For purposesof this schedule,the actualmaturity dateswereused. Contractualmatruitiesof held-to-maturitysecuritiesat December31, 2008,areasfollows: Net Carrying Amount Duein oneyearor less(beforeDecember31,2009) Total investmentsin held-to-maturitvsecrnities $ 145.000 $r45JD0 Theheld-to-maturitysecuritiesconsisttotally of WaterwoodMUD bondswhich mature annuallyuntil September1, 2009. At December31, 2008,the estimatedfair valueof each investnent approximatedits amortizedcostand,therefore,therewere no significant holdinggainsor losses. t2 WATERWOOD IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION NOTESTO FINANCIALSTATEMENTS NOTEE - ASSESSMENTS .ANDACCRUEDINTERESTON DELINQUENT RECEIVABLES Balance,beginningof year (includinginterest) Plus: Assessments Plus: Net recoveries Less: Collections Less: Chargeoffs Plus: Adjustrnentfor previousyeaxs'receivables Balance,endof year $ 415,305 462,580 15,924 (282,065) (3,197) 22r.644 $ 830-19t In 2008,WIA established an allowancefor uncollectibleaccountsfor delinquent assessments andinterestasshownbelow: Accountsreceivable Less: Allowancefor uncollectibleaccourts Net accountsreceivable $ 830,191 €zl,l38) $236J53 This accountwill be reviewedannuallyby WIA. In the past,all accountsreceivableover threeyearsold were written offand no allowancewasused. NOTE F - FEDERAL INCOME TAX WIA files Form I120-H, a U.S. lncome Ta"r Retum for Homeowner'sAssociations, annually.For 2008,WIA had a federalincometax expenseof $0. The invesmentpolicy of WIA encouragesinvesting all bonds in tax-free rather than taxable secr.rities,the primary reasonfor the minimal incometax liability. NOTE G - RELATED PARTY TRA}ISACTIONS Onememberof the boardof directorsis alsoan employeeof WIA. However,in matters pertainingto thatboardmember'sareaof employment,all voteswereabstentions. NOTE H - FUTUREMAJOR REPAIRSAND REPLACEMENTS At sometime in the future, major repairson the road surfacesmay be required. The extent of theserepairsor resurfacingwill haveto be assessed on a caseby casebasisand San JacintoCountyparticipationdetermined.SanJacintoCountyis responsiblefor all subdivisionroadmaintenanceasevidencedby an easementgrantedto the Countyin 1979. Shouldadditionalfunds,beyondcurrentoperatingfunds,be requiredto meetfuture needs, the Associationcanborrow moneyor delavthe work until frrndsare available. 13 WATERWOODIMPROVEMENTASSOCIATION, INC. NOTESTO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTEI_EMSSERVICES On December13,2005,WIA enteredinto a contractwith GuardianEmergency Medical Services (EMS) to provideEmergency 1, 2006 effective January and MedicalService endingDecember3I,2010. Thecontractprovidedfor annualcompensation of $80,000, with thepossibilityof a CPI (Consumer not to exceedthree PriceIndex)increase annually, (3) percentperyear. Guardiancancelled the contracteffectiveDecember3I,2007 and agreedto provideservicesuntil a newprovidercouldbe found. A newcontractwasbegun with LegacyEMS,effectiveFebruaryi, 2008for annualcompensation of $89,000. NOTEJ - SIGNIFICANTEVENT In October2005NRPI (NationalRecreational Inc.)purchased 798lotsfrom Properties KeystoneLandCompany.NRPI activelymarketedtheselotsfor saleuntil November 2007. Thebenefitto WIA wasincreasedassessment revenuefrom the new ownersand NRPI. 1n2006,WIA billed $160,202to NRPI whichwasreceivedin fulI in March2007. On December 31, 2007, WIA billed $106,531to NRPL NRPI agreedto pay the2007 assessment monthlyovera ninemonthperiod,endingDecember31, 2008. Accordingto theagreement, thefirst threepayments weremadefor a total of $35,420,but no payments weremadeby NRPI afterthattime. An additional$122,512is duefor 2008. It is WIA's understanding thatNRPI hasdefaultedon the loanagreementwith its lender,Capital SourceBank,andthe lots arenow in theprocessof beingtransferredto CapitalSource Bank. WIA continues to negotiatewith NRPIregardingthepaymentof lot feesfor 2008 andtheremainder of 2007. NOTEK - DESIGNATEDMEMBERS'EOUITY Insteadof specificallydesignating WIA usesa Members'Equityfor particularpurposes, five-yearforecastof incomeandexpenditures modelin planningfuturerequirements. NOTEL _ OTHERACCOLTNTS RECEIVABLE in prioryearsWIA showeda receivable from WaterwoodNationalfor $128,159which represented secrnityservicesprovidedandsignrentalby WIA since2001(throughApril 30,2006)whichwereunpaid.Dueto the unlikelypossibilityof repayment, anallowance for uncollectibleaccountswasalsoestablished for the sameamount. WIA andWaterwood Nationalsigneda "Confirmation,RenewalandExtensionof Debt" anda Promissory Note 14 WATERWOODIMPROVEMENTASSOCIATION,INC. NOTESTO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE L - ACCOUNTSRECEIVABLE.continued whichcallsfor the debtto be paid in full by February28,2009. As of December31, 2008, allowance)from the booksandwill WIA removedthis receivable(andthe corresponding only reporton this receivablein the Notesto the FinancialStatements.Seeadditional informationin Note O. WaterwoodNationalis now paying$500per monthfor current securityservices, effectiveJanuary1,2008. NOTE M - PROPERTY.EOUIPMENTA}ID OTTIERASSETS Propertyandequipmentconsistsof the following categories: Less: AccumulatedDepreciation Cost $ 36,859 28,548 3,749 74,555 296.233 s 439,944 (237.662) Net Cost $ n2,2n Autos Office Equipment OtherEquipment CommonImprovements Buildings Otherassetsconsistprimarily of parkways,public areas(ie. durnpsite), acreageandone a strip of lot ownedby WIA andarevaluedat5273,130"of which $250,000represents landalongthe eastsideof WaterwoodParkway,approximatelysix miles long and 150feet wide, which waspurchasedby WIA in orderto maintaina no-cut zonein the entance to theWaterwoodsubdivision. NOTEN-NOTEPAYABLE Notepayableconsistsof a mortgagenotepayableto Henry Colefor the purchaseof the fire stationbuilding. The originalnotewasfor $90,000payablein monthly installmentsof 2000includinginterestatTo/oover a ten yearperiod. The $1,045beginningSeptember noteis securedby the fire stationbuilding. Principalmaturitiesremainingareasfollows: 2009 $ 11,529 20t0 8"t44 $ 19.672 i5 WATERWOODIMPROVEMENTASSOCIATION,INC. NOTESTO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE O _ SUBSEQUENT EVENTS EffectiveJanuary1,2009a newpropertymanagement systemwas initiatedby WIA which is coordinatedwith the cunentaccountingsystem.In addition,new accountingprocedures wereinitiatedby the Boardregardingthe reportingof accountsreceivable,the uirite off of baddebtsandthe recordingof subsequent recoveries.Cunentproperlyaccountswere cross-checked with the CAD (CentralAppraisalDistrict)to ensurethat the mostcurrent propertylistingsandaddresses wereinput into thenew system. Conversionto the new systemwill helpensurethatpropertyandaccountingrecordscanbe properlymaintainedand that future systemenhancements will be supportedby the company. Property period bills for the ending December31, 2008andsent Quickbooks out in 2009werecreatedby the new system. On April 9,2009,WLAfiled a lawsuitagainstWaterwood Nationalfor the $128,159owed to WIA for securityservicesprovidedandsignsprovidedby WIA since2001(through April 30, 2006). WaterwoodNationalandWIA signeda "Confirmation,Renewaland Extensionof Debt" anda PromissoryNotewhich calledfor the debtto be paid in full by February26,2009. No paymentsweremadeby WaterwoodNationalon this debt,so the lawsuitwasfiled. T6 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATiON I7 (This pageis intentionallyleft blank.) 18 KENNETH C. DAVIS & COMPAII-Y,P.C. CERTI FIED PUBLIC ACCOANTANTS 13OO 11MSTREET,SUITE4OO P.O.Box 6308 HW2 (936)29t-3020 PHONE FAX(936)29r-9607 TNDEPENDENT AUDITORS'SREPORTON SUPPLEMENTARYINFORMATION To the Boardof DirectorsandPropertyOumers WaterwoodImprovementAssociation The informationincludedin the Scheduleof OperatingFund Revenuesand ExpensesBudgetandActual on pages20 and 21 is presentedonly for supplementaryanalysis purposes.Suchinformation(exceptfor the budgetinformation,which wascompiled without audit from informationthat is the representationof management,on which we did not expressan opinionor anyotherform ofassurance)hasbeensubjectedto certain limited procedures,which consistedprincipally of inquiries of managementregardingthe methodsof measurement andpresentationof the supplementaryinformation. However, we did not audit the information andexpressno opinion on it. The supplementaryinformation on future major repairsand replacementson page22 is not a requiredpart of the basicfinancial statementsof WIA but is supplementaryinformation requiredby the Americanlnstitute of Certified Public Accountants. We haveapplied certainlimited procedures, which consistedprincipallyof inquiriesof management regardingthe methodsof measurement andpresentationof the supplementaryinformation. However,we did not audit the informationand expressno opinion on it. C. Davis I9 WATERWOOD TNC. IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, SCHEDULEOFOPEMTTNGFLTND REVENUESAND EXPENSES BUDGETAND ACTUAL FortheYearEndedDecember 31.2008 2008 Budget REVENUES Assessments Intereston assessments Intereston investments Unrealizedlosson investments Capitalimprovementcharges Recoveries gn/security(WWN) Income-si Donations- Fireworks Transferfees Gainon saleof assets Otherincome Total Revenue $ EXPENSES Postageanddelivery Printing TraveUMeals Audit andaccounting Professional Fees Insurance WorkersCompensation Depreciation Duesandsubsciptions InterestExpense Rent/Storage Supplies Telephone/communications Securityservices Building Salaries GroupInsurance SHECO Garbagepick-up 390,000 s 500 330,000 6,660 15,000 5,000 3,860 5,000 2,250 759,270 s 7,500 7,500 1,000 13,550 2,500 20,000 4,000 1,900 1,500 5,000 8,000 2,000 5,000 230,000 23,000 22,000 19,500 Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) 43I,839 $ 30,741 324,642 (31,986) 4,444 16,377 6,000 3,867 4,250 384 3,376 793.934 s 8,298 8,002 306 11,540 700 22,285 2,125 27,017 108 l,7gg 1,440 4,179 6,353 18,583 7,991 236,288 20,085 19,813 18,689 20 41,839 30,241 (5,358) (31,986) 1 (2,216) 1,377_ 7 (7s0) 384 1.126 34,664 (7e8) (s02) 694 2,010 1,800 (2,295) 1,875 (27,0t7) ( 108) 1l 60 821 r,647 (16,583) (2,991) (6,288) 2,915 2,197 8ll WATERWOODIMPROVEMENTASSOCIATION,INC. SCHEDULEOF OPERATINGFUND REVENUESAND EXPENSES BUDGETAND ACTUAL - continued FortheYearEndedDecember 31.2008 2008 Budget Landscaping Roadrepairs Maintenance Real estatetaxes Land lease Payrolltaxes Christmas Other SpringOuting Fireworks MUD payments FIT Bank servicecharge VolunteerFire Department VehicleExpense Emergency MedicalService Baddebts Contingencies Total Expenses 2,500 40,000 113,520 8,000 5,200 18,600 2,000 2,000 1,760 9,500 27,000 2,000 15,000 20,000 89,000 Actud 1,475 5,618 154,817 6,163 5,136 18,645 674 401 1,709 9,707 27,365 338 12,066 88,250 376,145 - 15.000 s 744,930 $ EXCESSOF REVENUES(EXPENDITURES) OVER EXPENDITURES/ REVENUES 14,340 $ Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) 1,124,100 $ 1,025 34,382 (41,297) 1,837 64 (4s) 1,326 l,5gg 51 (207) (36s) 2,000 (338) 2,934 20,000 750 (376,145) 15,000 (379,170) (330, I 66) _$.___(344,s06)- 21 INC. WATERWOOD ASSOCIATION, IMPROVEMENT AND REPAIRS MAJOR FUTURE SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATIONON (COMPILED) REPLACEMENTS on a caseby case Theextentof anymajor repairsor resurfacingwill haveto be assessed basisandSanJacintoCountyparticipationdetermined.SanJacintoCountyis responsible grantedto the Countyin for all subdivisionroadmaintenance asevidencedby an easement 1979. Shouldadditionalfunds,beyondcurrentoperatingfunds,be requiredto meetfuture needs,the Associationcanborrowmoneyor delaythe work until fundsareavailable.The lastcompleteresurfacingof all roadsn 1992costWIA approximately$1,500,000. 22