h - Consortium of Jewish Day Schools
h - Consortium of Jewish Day Schools
YNXEFNFL X F K L X YN NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN HA H AVIN U’’LEHASKI ’LEHASKIL IL YpJDsVpJD PRODUCT 2016-2017 CATALOGUE a step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently o noisivid a fdivision ofa Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS POSTERS INTRODUCED IN HACHANA L’CHUMASH Vp[F 4gUgVj& NNk )j Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of LKFYN NKIDYNX JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS L’HAVIN HA H AVIIN N U’’LEHASKIL LEHASKIIL L ,KiNiMj7 & - ) Q N X Y in/with that like from to/for and the P01 Yachid, Yechida, Rabim, Rabot [set of 4 - 11x17] $20.00 ,Ki-eUk3lYU~Vh[ RKUFk V LlElM~WkX F~HhJ YWU RKi\S WhPKi) W,FKi) RKiFkPiE 4~NhKlX 8EKi]}WlY YkIkUj&lY W]jX tchiliot v 1.0 P02 Techiliot [16x20] $10.00 NNk )j Q W LKFYN NKIDYNX JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS 4gUgVj& ,QjWkUWkX W & MlNl-j& ,UjiK RKi\k3j-iQ YkQ8Uj7 YgXlPj7 Wk*iKi) NhYjHlKlX KV8HjS Ki-WUj& M E :jN4gN WkUhKlX YkUk*KhKlM VjN,7 WhPhKlX MlNj-iKlX Fg-hKlX HiQ -lGiKlX KiMjKlX Q W Vp[F KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of LKFYN NKIDYNX JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL (Pronouns) Vp[F RKiK8Ei),KiS,[ me, my P07 Seder HaParshiot [16x20] $10.00 shorashim20x30.ai 1 10/29/2014 1:08:56 PM KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of Uk&jViQl& WkUHiKlX W DkE XlP :j NfJlYj& KiEKiQjMlNjlJKiUj]l MlU H JkU PjQ lHmM ,QKhUfMlW HkNk& RKi- VjH [kMjEKi3 U QdW ,\lQ UlY& KhJj[lQ Kl HmMj& Vp[F KlorKi YkVKiMjKVKiMkK you, your L’HAVIN HA H AVIIN N U’’LEHASKIL LEHASKIIL L : VKiMkK RhGjUl7 RhGjUl7 RhGjUl7 4gUgVj& NNk )j Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of LKFYN NKIDYNX JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL YkVKiMjK RhGjUl7 VKiMkK her, it/its 9k us, our 8E W8Y= KiS,[LKhW- U - you, your RgI WKiY = Yk U - you, your LgI them, their RkTRg Y them, their LkTLgY Whenever these endings are at the end of a -gU -, the following is the meaning: YkVKiMjK RhGjUl7 RhGjUl7 RhGjUl7 ,&lURKi&Ul he (did) RhGjUl7 RhGjUl7 ,or X him/his, it/its UlFkJ,KiS,[ RhGjUl7 RhGjUl7 4 you, your Vp[F R8GUl7 -gU -lY = - U - she (did) R8GUl7 = - U - RhGjUl7 -gU -lY they ey (did) R8GUl7 = - U -gU -lY PI+h f Sh+ (There is no ending) RKi&Ul ,&lU LhY RhY = 8 - U - RKi&Ul ,WQG8V UlQkWW8Y ^YkVKiMjK`She (did) say or She said Y kUjQkWWKY ^,&lUTRKi&lU`They (did) say or They said 8UjQkWLhYZRY ^VKiMkK`He (did) say or He said ,Ki,Wrverb (action word) NlJ 3r ,&lU Lh?Rh is sometimes used. ,KiS,[a-kQMjNYkEkIfY P03 Shoresh (wipe-off ) [20x30] $15.00 sofiot avar v 1.3 P05 Sofiot – Avar [11x17] $5.00 sofiot v 1.1 P04 Sofiot Keenuyim[20x30] $15.00 INTRODUCED IN PARSHAT LECH LECHA EY map2.eps 1 9/16/2014 1:50:06 PM zman hove2.ai 1 2/5/2015 1:42:05 PM LKFYN NKIDYNX L’HAVIN HAVIN U’’LEHASKI ’LEHASKIL IL LKFYN NKIDYNX JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS N W Words written in YX Y tell you something is happening NOW. This is called present tense. E S RkK gUgEi) N,VkGlYRkK RgIj- VKiMkK YkVKiMjK FkU}JlQTRkK MkUj]iQTRgVgH NhWKh& RK&lU RiKlNk-8UjKRhNkL,UjFgMTWhUjQlQKhE2hW KJ R,Vj[ RkK MlNgQlY Jl&UlWlKUH ,&lU UkUjG JlFg-UhWj& P09 Hove Pack [20x21] Three exceptions [11x17] 2 LkUkM L,SkP WVWJiOg[ $25.00 Vp[F L’HAVIN HA H AVIIN N U’’LEHASKIL LEHASKIIL L 4gUgVj& NNk )j h h , gg gg , RK ij RK i j , , j , , ij LlJlEj)gUgW Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of Vp[F Q W JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS LhVjUlKlY KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of P10 Otiot “Eitan” [set of 4 - 11x17] $20.00 FgGgElY R,UkVTFgGgE RiKlUjPiQ EY map v 1.0 P08 Map of Eretz Canan [20x30] $15.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G INTRODUCED IN PARSHAT CHAYEI SARA shemot guf kinuyei hasheim3.ai 1 2/5/2015 1:07:12 PM zman avar.ai 1 2/5/2015 1:34:58 PM LKFYN NKIDYNX JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL 1 VKiMkKKiEfW 8G L,-WU VKiMkKYk7lW 8G KiEh- YkVKiMjKj7lW RKi&lURg7lW RhY WKiY ,&lU?RKi&lU8EjMlEfWWe 8G Ki-KiNj- W8Y 8E j l k 8EjMEfW K7 j l k KEfW Rg7 j l j Rg7W 7 j l k Y7lW Lg7 j l j Lg7W 7 j l k 7lW l k W8Y Y k j k WKY 11 P15 Guf 1 2 3 [11x17] $5.00 GFW TnYD , n sudht hbru lubhjk ,usxu CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TnYD TnYD , JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TnYD ,K,W K“-U , hbru lubhjk ,usxu © LIGBWLVJIDWL 2 CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS 8 j k RhY 8 j k LhY P13 Zman Avar [20x21] $15.00 JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS RKi&lURg7lWYou VKiMkKYk7lWYou ,&lULg7lWYou YkVKiMjKj7lWYou RKi&lURhYThey VKiMkKW8YHe ,&lULhYThey YkVKiMjKWKiYShe P14 Shemot Guf Keenuyei Hasheim [16x20] $10.00 n sudht hbru lubhjk ,usxu CONSORTIUM of © LIGBWLVJIDWL YkVKiMjK?VKiMkKKiEfWI KHkMjPiKY Q2j-Ki&lU n sudht , n sudht hbru lubhjk ,usxu CONSORTIUM of © LIGBWLVJIDWL Rh-lYKhK8Ei)8GlY,Qh- SiDhHJiOg[ 3 LhY L’HAVIN HAVIN U’’LEHASKI ’LEHASKIL IL Words written in UlFkJ tell you something happened in the PAST. This is called past tense. 2 ,&lULg7lW Q W JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS 4gUgVj& NNk )j L’HAVIN HAVIN U’’LEHASKI ’LEHASKIL IL YkVKiMjKKiEfW ,&lU?RKi&lU8EjMlEfW Vp[F KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of LKFYN NKIDYNX JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS 8GlY,Qh- LKFYN NKIDYNX Vp[F Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of Vp[F Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of © LIGBWLVJIDWL 1 P12 Rashi Letters [set of 14 - 11x17] $50.00 INTRODUCED IN PARSHAT TOLDOT Vp[F Vp[F o¤Y¦i§e L§l mi~wŸl¡`¨d Vp[F Li:fO PfIiO iW KEUXOXEKMNXV[XQ VXGKW CONSORTIUM of 2 JEWISH DAY SCH - OOLS I#iOg+fO6 dSUW viyiten lecha poster 11 KEUXOXEKMNXV[XQ VXGKW CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCH - OOLS 1 QVXGKW CONSORTIUM of 3 KEUX OXEKMNXV[X JEWISH DAY SCH - OOLS P16 V’yeetain Lecha [set of 11 - 8.5x11] $36.00 INTRODUCED IN PARSHAT VAYEITZEI shvatim+mothers poster.ai 1 2/5/2015 12:57:10 PM V[F mesora poster.ai 1 1/27/2015 3:18:57 PM DYXQD R Y K X QWXRK\F KEF YWN LXJQD KXN Vp[F LFX WU 8EKiFWF HfJlK 8EKiFWHkMjPK oYKiEfWUlQW +Xq :KiFkWRkYUjFlWKhH NgW pHkMjPKKhH NWhX 8EKiFWRkYUjFW oYXKkNhWWUh+lXq YkJFj-lYgWKi QiHfYlX Ki7jJl&j-iEUg-fW p:KiFkWRkYUjFlWjN :fJUl]LKhF8:gEKhF8KEKh&KKUj&~WK QiHfYlXq ]]pK:jN4gNpRkN,JKUjFiNR U VjN:K~UfMlW GpKMpIWhPhKlX RKQXXRKUXW RIDUKJ RKWVXV LNXF] UIDDK YVXYK WHITE, BLACK, RED GOLD YKEW YKUW VERY DARK BLUE SKY BLUE 8EKiFWF HfJlK 8EKiFWHkMjPK :jNgUkWkYq p:fJjU]jN8Y%gE7gW 8EKiFWRkYUjFW L7gW:fJUl]jN8:jNKi)q pNhWkY,PUfWkYNk)hW :jNYgW UYk7lWUg-fWgUkWkYNk)~WK)q Xp\GpK:jN4gNpRkN,JVlJ:fJUl]jN8Yk%gEj7gW GpKMpIWhPhKlX KNSE KEF YYNF RkYUjFlWNgWRKiH NdWU~QW +lXq pJlUk]:jNWhUk(iKHkMjPKjFKi) FpKWpIWkUhKlX RED MUKXDQD WHITE oGsoFXpI,VjN,7 YU,[j Q oGXpIWUhKlX NWUj*iK~UgW LlJEj)~UgWNk)hW:fJjU]jN8:jNKi7lkEjXq oM]pK:jN4gNpRkN,J=mMfWlN LV M Y Y YNKW DME PINK WINE UDW SAPPHIRE KEF YSN] K]J FW] MULTI-COLORED 8EKiFWHkMjPK :fJUl]YkKkYjXq p~UkWkYUlSfJl) 8EKiFWRkYUjFW :fJUl]gWKKh&UiYjXq pRiKlQklYKhFjI,Ij) ]p\GpK:jN4gNp~UkWkYUlSfJl):fJUl]gWK7jQl*jXq oF]pK:jN4gNpV WjQV WjQi&:,WYg&UlWjXq oX]pK:jN4gNpV WjQV WjQi&: WKUjSiYjXq RiKlQklYKhFjI,Ij):fJUl]gWYg&UlWYk&jUlYjXq ]pKFpI:jN4gNpRk+lYlSj*NlJUg-fWN,MlIjX VpKMpIWhPhKlX oVXpI,VjN,7 NWUj*iKNlNj) will be numerous RKNYW TURQUOISE LKQKEF 8EKiFWF HfJlK VG BLACK, WHITE MARBLE KEF NMU [XK 8EKiFWF HfJlK 8EKiFWHkMjPK N ):jF8IUjFiEjXq pYkQkVfWkY Mj3j-iQ :gJUl]jF8 8EKiFWRkYUjFW :fJUl]jF8IfUk&jiYjXq pgUkWkYKhK,'N ) pYkQkVfWkY Mj3j-iQN ):jF8IUjFiEjXq VpKMpIWhPhKlX UXD oVXpI,VjN,7 oGFpK:jN4gN pgUkWkYKhK,'N ):fJUl]jF8IfUk&jiYjXq The world will benefit and want to emulate NWUj*iKNlNj) MpKFpIWUhKlX BLACK Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS P17 Bnei Yaakov Poster [10x30] $10.00 P18 Mesorah #1 Poster [20x30] $15.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G 3 INTRODUCED IN PARSHAT VAYISHLACH P*TaU 4 galios.ai 1 2/5/2015 1:00:23 PM • The Romans destroyed the Second Se YKF. DVHQYKF. ITO JhVhI • KVQ is located on the territory of modern day central Iran. • Th Thee G Greek reek E Empire mpire • NWUDKKEF were dispersed throughtout numerous countries, on many continents. LdDh$ V[F • NFFis is located on the territory erritory of modern dern day Iraq. Iraq • KVQ was a son of SK and grandson of ME. • King Nevuchadnetzar destroyed Yerushalayim and the first DVHQYKF and took much h of NWUDKKEF away to NFF. • Events recorded in U[WNKGQ happened during this XNG. • Events of YIXEM happened in NWUDKUW during this XNG. • A soldier taking NWUDKKEFF to captivity. LQY • This XNG has lasted for almost 2,000 years. M • Mashiach will arrive at the end of this XNG. Y Y • Map of KVQ (Persian) Empire • NFFNVGQwas built in ancient times in NFF. • Picture of Antiochus on front and back of a coin. • Madai soldiers and Persian arches. • Greek soldier P20 Nivim #1 for Parshat Vayishlach [set of 3 - 20x30] $36.00 WC+*UeOHi$SiUPhU6#fHgVP6ThDcHiV 8cHS[WIgWfIS}EIf'HTe5iHThI L*Th%+6GSf$6UgNIIGCUJ46TD{HIS|+iUI*%W|UPEV 4th gr map2.ai 1 1/27/2015 3:24:57 PM TIEIVZMLML Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS P31 Arba Galuyot [16x20] $10.00 Vq[F mesora II poster.ai 1 1/27/2015 3:20:28 PM Vp[F 8EKiFWF HfJlK RK NXVGY 8EKiFWHkMjPK oYKiEfWUlQW +lXq oYXKkNhWWUh +lXq :KiFkWRkYUj FlWKH NdW YkJFj-lYgWKi QiHfYlX GKMIWhPhKlXpHkMjPKKH NWhX Ki7jJl&j-iEUg-fW p:KiFkWRkYUj FlWjN RKUYERUW YFXPRUW UEI GsFXI,VjN,7 HFKUFJQ 8EKiFWF HfJlK 8EKiFWHkMjPK p:fJU ]jN8Y%gE7gW:jNUk~ WkYq L7gW:fJUl ]jN8:jNKi)q ,PUf WkYNk)~W GXI,VjN,7pNhWkY GKMIWhPhKlX Ki7lkEUg-fWUkg WkYgWjXq HkMjPiKjN8RkYUjk FlWN :KUfg MlW:~JUlj ]jN8Yk%gE7gW:jN FKYNMlNj-iKlXpUk g WkYgWLh7gW LVUK RK MNQY 8EKiFWF HfJlK 8EKiFWHkMjPK pUk~ WkYUlSfJl):fJUlj ]YKkYjXq :fJUl ]gWKKh&Ui YjXq pRiKlQklYKhFjI,Ij) VKMIWhPhKlX j YUjh 3q YhFU8 RK,GNlYjH8K,G WKYNMlNj-iKlXpu~QiQYKjYiK VXI,VjN,7 8EKiFWRkYUjk FW :fJUlj ]LKhF8:gEKhF8KEKh&KKUji &~WK QiHfYlXq ]]K:jN4gNpRkN,JKUji FiNR U VjN:KUfg MlW RkYUjk FlWNgWRKiH NdWU~QW +lXq pJUkl ]:jNWUkh (iKHkMjPKjFKi) FKWIWUhk KlX 8EKiFWRkYUjFW YgW UYk7lWUg-fWUkg WkYNk)~WK)q X\GK:jN4gNpRkN,JVlJ:fJUlj ]jN8Yk%gEj7gW:jN LlJEj)Ugg WNk)hW:fJUj ]jN8:jNKi7lkEjXq M]K:jN4gNpRkN,J=mMfWlN 8EKiFWRk k YUjk FW ]\GK:jN4gNp~UkWkYUlSfJl):fJUlj ]gWK7jQl*jXq F]K:jN4gNpV WjQV WjQi&:,WYg&Ulj WjXq X]K:jN4gNpV WjQV WjQi&: WKUjh SiYjXq RiKlQklYKhFjI,Ij):fJUlj ]gWYg&Ulj WYk&Ulj YjXq ]KFIWUhk KlXpRk+lYlSj*NlJUg-fWN,MlIjX 8EKiFWF HfJlK 8EKiFWHkMjPK Mj3j-iQNk):jF8IUjj FiEjXq p:gJUlj ]jF8YkQVfk WkY 8EKiFWRkYUjk FW :fJUl ]jF8IUkf &jiYjXq pUkg WkYKhK,'N ) pYkQVfk WkY Mj3j-iQN ):jF8IUjFiEjXq VKMIWhPhKlX VXI,VjN,7 N GFK:jN4gN pUkg WkYKhK,'N ):fJUlj ]jF8IUkf &iYjXq YU,[j k Q NWUk *iKUW ~ g NWUk *KNlNj) will be numerous The world will benefit from and want to emulate NWUk *iKNlNj) MKFIWUhk KlX W E Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS S JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS P21 Mesorah #2 Poster [20x30] $15.00 P19 Map #2 [20x30] $15.00 INTRODUCED IN PARSHAT VAYEISHEV zman atid.ai 1 1/27/2015 3:22:48 PM zman atid II.ai 1 1/27/2015 3:21:50 PM Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of LKFYN NKIDYNX JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS L’HAVIN HAVIN U’’LEHASKI ’LEHASKIL IL Vp[F 4gUgVj& NNk )j Q W JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS L’HAVIN HAVIN U’’LEHASKI ’LEHASKIL IL TI~hHJiOg[ U QjGE 8EjMEfW U QjGgW KEfW Vp[F Words written in VKJ tell you something will happen in the FUTURE. This is called future tense. 1 VlQNE 8EjMEfW VlQNgW KEfW 8G L,-WU 8UjQjG7 Y7lW R~7lW U QjG7 YEU QjG7 L~7lW KiUQ j jG7 7lW 8G KiEh- 8UjQjGK RhYW8Y U QjGK WKY YEU QjG7 LhY U QjG7 8G Ki-KiNj- 2 3 1 8G L,-WU 8VQN7 Y7lW R~7lW VlQN7 YEVlQN7 L~7lW KiVjQN 7 7lW 8G KiEh- 8VQNK RhYW8Y VlQNK WKY YEVlQN7 LhY VlQN7 8G Ki-KiNj- 2 3 NlJjSgWLKEi& P22 Zman Atid Poster [set of 2 20x21] $25.00 4 4gUgVj& NNk )j TI~hHJiOg[ Words written in VKJ tell you something will happen in the FUTURE. This is called future tense. N JjSgWLKEi& KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of LKFYN NKIDYNX P23 Nivim #2 for Parshat Vayeishev [set of 6 - 20x30] $50.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G INTRODUCED IN PARSHAT MIKEITZ tzivuy.ai 1 1/27/2015 2:39:48 PM Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of LKFYN NKIDYNX JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS L’HAVIN HAVIN U’’LEHASKI ’LEHASKIL IL Vp[F 4gUgVj& NNk )j I6VfN Words in K8XiP COMMAND someone to do something. 8Uj&lV R~7lW Uh&lV Y7lW j lV 7lW YEUh&lV L~7lW KU& 2 8G KiEh- When conjugating a word into K8XiP, generally it is the same format as a word conjugated into VKkJLlQj] except without the pqKiNM7. 8Uj&lV7 R~7lW YEUh&lV7 L~7lW Uh&lV7 Y7lW KUj&lV7 7lW 2 8G KiEh- P26 Tzivuy Poster [20x21] $15.00 P25 Nivim #3 for Parshat Mikeitz [set of 2 - 20x30] $25.00 INTRODUCED IN PARSHAT VAYIGASH P27 Nivim #4 for Parshat Vayigash [20x30] $15.00 INTRODUCED IN PARSHAT VAYECHI P32 Nivim #5 for Parshat Vayechi [set of 2 - 20x30] $25.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G 5 TEACHER MANIPULATIVES U Q W n sudht , hbru lubhjk ,usxu M of CONSORTIU DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH 1 , hbru lubhjk ,usxu CONSOR n sudht JEWISH DAY TIUM of SCHOOLS © LIGBWLVJIDWL 1 © LIGBWLVJIDW L , n sudht hbru lubhjk ,usxu M of CONSORTIU DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH 2 say W X F com e , hbru lubhjk ,usxu CONSOR n sudht JEWISH DAY TIUM of SCHOOLS © LIGBWLVJIDWL 2 © LIGBWLVJIDW L MAGNETIC CARDS MC1 <HACHANA L'CHUMASH – PARSHAT VAYICHI>This resource includes 4 sets of magnetic cards (prefixes, suffixes, shoroshim, milim) designed to build and reinforce student foundational decoding ability. $36.00 SOFIOT DOMOT P06 Strongly recommended to be used in conjunction with Hachana L'Chumash and parsha workbooks. $25.00 Five set of cards designed to reinforce “Lookalike” endings. it TF1 TEACHER FLASHCARDS <PARSHAT LECH LECHA – PARSHAT VAYICHI>Set of flashcards corresponding to the high frequency words and shoroshim included in the student binder. Color coordinated according to the Parsha. $36.00 YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN TEACHER NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently EDITION L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL Chumash Planbook for Grades 2-3 includes seating chart, monthly calendars, lesson plans CHUMASH PLANBOOK Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TP1 TEACHER PLANBOOK Create your own lesson plans by using the L’havin U’lehaskil Chumash planbook. Simple and easy to use. Includes detailed breakdown of lesson, seating chart and monthly calendar. $10.00 6 MC2 RASHI – LOOK-ALIKE – MAGNETIC CARDS: <INTRODUCED IN PARSHAT CHAYEI SARA> Set of 7 magnetized pairs of Rashi “Look-Alike” letters. Designed for children to identify and recognize “Look-Alike” Rashi letters. Allows for a variety of hands-on activities enabling children to read Rashi fluently and accurately. $15.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES FOR STUDENTS TmYD IfIe$RI ~LbWhU XfOg+ Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of f"q:c"k JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS B1 STUDENT BINDER <FOR ALL PARSHIOT> ONE TIME PURCHASE PER STUDENT to be reused from year to year. Includes three sections: one for high frequency words, one for high frequency shoroshim and one for Rashi Roshei Taivot/Kitzur Mila. Nine words/shoroshim included on each cardsheet. $25.00 SP02 BUILD YOUR OWN JEWISH HOME <CHAYEI SARA> A poster with a furnished house and stickers of Judaic items to add to the house. e.g., mezuzah, menorah…. $10.00 Vp[F place picture here place picture here place picture here SUh$Y U$ g Y S Uh5D U$ place picture here place picture here S Uh$Y U$ g Y U$S Uh5D place picture here place picture here SUh$Y U$ g Y S Uh5D U$ g Y U$S Uh5D place picture here U$S Uh$Y @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@i$ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Jd$ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@i$ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Jd$ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@i$ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Jd$ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@i$ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Jd$ TnYD TnYD !Ubhnit v¨ejcir InjF ‰en` dxy dld`d wgvi d`aieŠ [gjM vkGIgqvgGIg hibft sgVgx place picture here place picture here place picture here Uh5gDiY h iY U$ Uh5gDiY place picture here @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@i$ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Jd$ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@i$ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Jd$ h iY U$ c ICf U place picture here h fU UO @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@i$ place your picture here place picture here Uh$iU @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Jd$ @ @@ @@@@@@@@@@*TL* 5WdLeU @@@@@@@ @i$=J$ d @@@@@ @@@ Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS SP03 FAMILY TREE <TOLDOT> a poster board for each child to trace his/her ancestors for four generations. $5.00 pY~Hj-lW:KgNlQjGRlGjXYj-q BBBBBBBBBBBBKiQjs"xc SP01 CHESED DIARY <CHAYEI SARA> A two-week diary for children to track the chasadim they perform at home and in school. $3.00 vjdav ,hyrp NOTHING HAPPENS ance by ch Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS investigator: Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of NAME: JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS , n sudht hbru lubhjk ,usxu Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS SP04 “CUT-OUT PUPPETS” <TOLDOT/VAYEITZEI/VAYISHLACH> Interactive role playing activity. Cut out “puppet dolls” of the main characters (Yitzchok, Rivka, Yaakov, Eisav.) $12.00 SP05 HASHGACHA PRATIT BOOKLET <VAYEISHEV/MIKEITZ> A two week diary for children to record daily, personal stories of hashgacha pratit. $3.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G 7 HACHANA L’CHUMASH RECOMMENDED FOR GRADES 1-2 Two user-friendly workbooks which utilize a step-by-step approach to facilitate a smooth transition to learning textual Chumash. Systematically develops comprehension skills while consistently spiraling back to all skills learned. Teaches Yediot Klaliyot, Hilchot Sifrei Torah, how to find a parsha, perek, pasuk. Formative assessments incorporated in workbook. (34 lessons) STUDENT WORKBOOK 1A S1A Standard version (Hebrew Script) SP1A Standard version (Hebrew PRINT) SI1A Ivrit B’Ivrit (Hebrew Script) STUDENT WORKBOOK 1B S1B Standard version (Hebrew Script) SP1B Standard version (Hebrew PRINT) SI1B Ivrit B’Ivrit (Hebrew Script) $12.50 $12.50 TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 1A/B Workbook divided into 34 lessons. Each lesson highlights significant lesson pointers to emphasize and enhance the lessons. HOMEWORK 1A/B H1AB A compilation of all HW sheets used in conjunction with the Hachana L’Chumash workbook. Includes Formative Assessment Scoring Card. (Hebrew Script-Standard version) $9.00 T1AB Standard version TI1AB Ivrit B’Ivrit $25.00 8 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G DIGITAL VERSION 1A/B The digital version CD is compatible with a smartboard and/or can be projected on the board through a computer. (Printing ability disabled) SB1AB Standard version Hebrew Script-standard SBP1AB Standard version Hebrew Print-standard SBI1AB Ivrit B’Ivrit Hebrew Script-standard SONG CD 1A/B CD1AB Includes 14 songs reviewing the basic concepts and skills introduced in the Hachana workbook. (Soundtracks included) $18.00 $10.00 SPECIAL FOR PARENTS YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL RKUXYNOKUVQ PARENT GUIDEBOOK YNXEFNFL YNXLKFrstand anX d e NKID p O W ts to und [His] Torah UXVXQNKUFVNI ar s of he word [Ma our y Hashem] put in ..all the . to comprehend Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS PARENT HANDOUT PH1AB A compilation of Hebrew instructions and basic Hebrew words used in all workbooks. English translation incorporated. Will assist parents when reviewing and helping children with their homework. $4.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G 9 PARSHAT LECH LECHA RECOMMENDED FOR GRADE 2 STUDENT WORKBOOKS Four workbooks with targilim emphasizing comprehension, skills, high frequency words, shoroshim, Biur Tefila; includes spiraling reviews. Emphasis on Middot Tovot, Yediot Klaliyot, Yesodai Yahadut and Ahavat Eretz Yisroel, presented in a clear and easy-to-use format. Systematic skill building and formative assessments incorporated. ONONDUS n\nWFpKHUS ONONDUS nInKFpKHUS NKI D YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX NKI D NKI D 2b FOR PRIMARY GRADES L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL FOR PRIMARY GRADES 2C ONONDUS Xp\GpKRKHUS YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL FOR PRIMARY GRADES 2d ONONDUS ]pK]p\RKHUS FOR PRIMARY GRADES a division of a division of Q W A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL 2a YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX LKFYN NKIDYNX NKI D YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of a division of a division of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS Q W JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS STUDENT WORKBOOK 2A S2A Standard version SI2A Ivrit B’Ivrit $12.50 STUDENT WORKBOOK 2B S2B Standard version SI2B Ivrit B’Ivrit $12.50 Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of STUDENT WORKBOOK 2C S2C Standard version SI2C Ivrit B’Ivrit $12.50 STUDENT WORKBOOK 2D S2D Standard version SI2D Ivrit B’Ivrit $12.50 TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOKS Includes Lesson Pointers, Skill Analysis, Problem Solving, Practical Application, Curriculum Schedule, Scope and Sequence, Letter home to Parents regarding proper study habits and Formative Assessment Scoring Card. (written in English) TEACHER EDITION NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX ONONDUS FpKHUS TEACHER LKFYN NKIDYNX EDITION L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL 2ab YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently 2C FOR PRIMARY GRADES ONONDUS Xp\GpKRKHUS YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX NKI D YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently NKI D TEACHER EDITION A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL FOR PRIMARY GRADES 2d ONONDUS ]pK]p\RKHUS FOR PRIMARY GRADES a division of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of a division of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS 10 a division of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 2A/B T2AB Standard version TI2AB Ivrit B’Ivrit TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 2C T2C Standard version TI2C Ivrit B’Ivrit TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 2D T2D Standard version TI2D Ivrit B’Ivrit $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G DIGITAL VERSION The digital version CD is compatible with a smartboard and/or can be projected on the board through a computer. (Printing ability disabled) SB2AB 2AB Standard version SBI2AB 2AB Ivrit B’Ivrit SB2C 2C Standard version SBI2C 2C Ivrit B’Ivrit SB2D 2D Standard version SBI2D 2D Ivrit B’Ivrit $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 SONG CD CD2ABCD Includes 15 songs emphasizing the new skills learned and midot tovot. (Soundtracks included) $18.00 YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL 2 ONONDUS FOR PRIMARY GRADES ME TAKE-HO a division of Q W PESUKIM LISH WITH ENG ATION TRANSL KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TAKE HOME PESUKIM TH2ABCD A compilation of the English translation corresponding to the pesukim of the Parsha. Will assist parents and children when reviewing and completing homework assignments. $4.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G 11 PARSHAT VAYEIRA RECOMMENDED FOR GRADE 2 AND/OR 3 STUDENT WORKBOOKS Three workbooks with targilim emphasizing comprehension, skills, high frequency words, shoroshim and Biur Tefila; includes spiraling reviews. Emphasis on Middot Tovot, Yediot Klaliyot, Yesodai Yahadut, Ahavat Eretz Yisroel, presented in a clear and easy to use format. Systematic skill building and formative assessments incorporated. Workbook 3C includes basic words in Rashi script and simple Rashi questions and answers – ba’al peh. YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN WUKXDUS \KMKRKHUS 3b FOR PRIMARY GRADES WUKXDUS WpInIRKHUS YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX NKI D NKI D NKI D A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL 3a YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL FOR PRIMARY GRADES WUKXDUS FpIHUS 3c xn mewn ...weg `xie... a division of a division of Q W d z` FOR PRIMARY GRADES Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of a division of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS STUDENT WORKBOOK 3A S3A Standard version SI3A Ivrit B’Ivrit STUDENT WORKBOOK 3B S3B Standard version SI3B Ivrit B’Ivrit STUDENT WORKBOOK 3C S3C Standard version SI3C Ivrit B’Ivrit $12.50 $12.50 $12.50 TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOKS Includes Lesson Pointers, Skill Analysis, Problem Solving, Practical Application, Curriculum Schedule, Scope and Sequence, Letter home to Parents regarding proper study habits and Formative Assessment Scoring Card. (written in English) L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL 3a WUKXDUS \KMKRKHUS YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently TEACHER EDITION L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL FOR PRIMARY GRADES 3b WUKXDUS WpInIRKHUS YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX NKI D TEACHER EDITION A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently NKI D YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX NKI D TEACHER EDITION A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL FOR PRIMARY GRADES 3c xn mewn ...weg d a division of FOR PRIMARY GRADES z` `xie... a division of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 3A T3A Standard version TI3A Ivrit B’Ivrit 12 $25.00 WUKXDUS FpIHUS a division of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 3B T3B Standard version TI3B Ivrit B’Ivrit TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 3C T3C Standard version TI3C Ivrit B’Ivrit $25.00 $25.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G DIGITAL VERSION The digital version CD is compatible with a smartboard and/or can be projected on the board through a computer. (Printing ability disabled) SB3A 3A Standard version SBI3A 3A Ivrit B’Ivrit SB3B 3B Standard version SBI3B 3B Ivrit B’Ivrit SB3C 3C Standard version SBI3C 3C Ivrit B’Ivrit $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 SONG CD CD3ABC Includes 15 songs emphasizing the new skills learned and midot tovot. (Soundtracks included) $18.00 YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL 3 WUKXDUS FOR PRIMARY GRADES ME TAKE-HO a division of Q W PESUKIM N NSLATIO LISH TRA WITH ENG KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TAKE HOME PESUKIM TH3ABC A compilation of the English translation corresponding to the pesukim of the Parsha. Will assist parents and children when reviewing and completing homework assignments. $4.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G 13 PARSHAT CHAYEI SARA RECOMMENDED FOR GRADE 3 STUDENT WORKBOOKS Three workbooks with emphasizing comprehension, skills, high frequency words, and ; includes spiraling reviews. Emphasis on , ,, presented in a clear and easy to use format. Systematic skill building and formative assessments incorporated. Introduces . Includes biography of , letter recognition, , ; develops critical thinking skills and teaches how to read and understand . A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL GpIHUS A step-by-step A step-by-step approach to understanding approach to understanding Chumash text independently A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently Chumash text independently L’HAVIN L’HAVIN ’LEHASKIL UU ’LEHASKIL L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL YUDKKMDUS 4b MpInWRKHX[SVpI HUS FOR PRIMARY GRADES z` mdxa` xaw ok ixg `e c 43b FOR PRIMARY GRADES WUKXDUS WpInIRKHUS ELIEZER’S JOURNEY pUXMEUKJRKUYERUWNWONKXq WC S TK LF WC S TK LF S QS WC LVTEWPI S QS WC LVTEWPI nd dcy zxrn l `... dltk `l el idze ...dy a division of Q W YUDKKMDUS FOR FOR HUSYX[\IRKHX[SVpI HUS PRIMARY PRIMARY GRADES YDUSYX[nWRKHX[SYpIHUS GRADES a division of a division of KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS dwa i x z` gw e ... ...ez y` d xy 4a YUDKKMDUS LKFYN LKFYN NKIDYNX NKIDYNX LKFYN NKIDYNX NKI D NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX YNXEFNF XLKF YNXEFNFLLXX YNYNXLKF YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN NKNIKID D YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN STUDENT WORKBOOK 4A S4A Standard version SI4A Ivrit B’Ivrit STUDENT WORKBOOK 4B S4B Standard version SI4B Ivrit B’Ivrit STUDENT WORKBOOK 4C S4C Standard version SI4C Ivrit B’Ivrit $12.50 $12.50 $12.50 TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOKS Includes Lesson Pointers, Skill Analysis, Problem Solving, Practical Application, Curriculum Schedule, Scope and Sequence, Letter home to Parents regarding proper study habits and Formative Assessment Scoring Card. (written in English) A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL GpIHUS A step-by-step A step-by-step approach to understanding approach to understanding Chumash text independently A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently Chumash text independently L’HAVIN L’HAVIN ’LEHASKIL UU ’LEHASKIL L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL YUDKKMDUS 4b MpInWRKHX[SVpI HUS FOR PRIMARY GRADES z` mdxa` xaw ok ixg `e c 43b FOR PRIMARY GRADES ELIEZER’S JOURNEY C SW TK LF WC S TK LF S QS WC LVTEWPI S QS WC nd dcy zxrn l `... dltk `l el idze ...dy a division of Q W a division of KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS 14 WUKXDUS WpInIRKHUS pUXMEUKJRKUYERUWNWONKXq LVTEWPI YUDKKMDUS FOR FOR HUSYX[\IRKHX[SVpI HUS PRIMARY PRIMARY GRADES YDUSYX[nWRKHX[SYpIHUS GRADES a division of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS dwa i x z` gw e ... ...ez y` d xy 4a YUDKKMDUS LKFYN LKFYN NKIDYNX NKIDYNX LKFYN NKIDYNX NKI D NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX YNXEFNF XLKF YNXEFNFLLXX YNYNXLKF YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN NKNIKID D YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 4A T4A Standard version TI4A Ivrit B’Ivrit TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 4B T4B Standard version TI4B Ivrit B’Ivrit TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 4C T4C Standard version TI4C Ivrit B’Ivrit $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G DIGITAL VERSION The digital version CD is compatible with a smartboard and/or can be projected on the board through a computer. (Printing ability disabled) SB4A 4A Standard version SBI4A 4A Ivrit B’Ivrit SB4B 4B Standard version SBI4B 4B Ivrit B’Ivrit SB4C 4C Standard version SBI4C 4C Ivrit B’Ivrit $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 SONG CD CD4ABC Includes 15 songs emphasizing the new skills learned and midot tovot. (Soundtracks included) $18.00 YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL 4 YUDKKMDUS FOR PRIMARY GRADES ME TAKE-HO a division of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of PESUKIM LISH WITH ENG ATION TRANSL JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TAKE HOME PESUKIM TH4ABC A compilation of the English translation corresponding to the pesukim of the Parsha. Will assist parents and children when reviewing and completing homework assignments. $4.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G 15 PARSHAT TOLDOT RECOMMENDED FOR GRADE 3 STUDENT WORKBOOKS Two workbooks with targilim emphasizing comprehension, skills, high frequency words, shoroshim and Biur Tefila; includes spiraling reviews. Emphasis on Middot Tovot, Yediot Klaliyot, Yesodai Yahadut, Ahavat Eretz Yisroel, presented in a clear and easy to use format. Systematic skill building and formative assessments incorporated. Includes charts to properly punctuate, transcribe and translate a Develops critical thinking skills and teaches how to read and understand YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN XVNXDUS VN\KRKHX[SYpIHUS XIHUS NKI D NKI D A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL 5a YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently 5b FOR PRIMARY GRADES XVNXDUS ...mif r iicb ipy...gwe...o`vd l` `p j j li FOR PRIMARY GRADES l e en` l gwie `aie ]pIHUS n\nWRKHX[SMIHUS a division of a division of Q W Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS STUDENT WORKBOOK 5A S5A Standard version SI5A Ivrit B’Ivrit STUDENT WORKBOOK 5B S5B Standard version SI5B Ivrit B’Ivrit $12.50 $12.50 TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOKS Includes Lesson Pointers, Skill Analysis, Problem Solving, Practical Application, Curriculum Schedule, Scope and Sequence, Letter home to Parents regarding proper study habits and Formative Assessment Scoring Card. (written in English) YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN TEACHER NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX EDITION A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL XVNXDUS HUS 5a VN\KRKHX[SYpI XIHUS YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX NKI D TEACHER EDITION A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL FOR PRIMARY GRADES 5b XVNXDUS ]pIHUS n\nWRKHX[SMIHUS FOR PRIMARY GRADES `vd l` `p jl we...o ...g y p i b ...mifr iic a division of a division of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS 16 TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 5A T5A Standard version TI5A Ivrit B’Ivrit TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 5B T5B Standard version TI5B Ivrit B’Ivrit $25.00 $25.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G DIGITAL VERSION The digital version CD is compatible with a smartboard and/or can be projected on the board through a computer. (Printing ability disabled) SB5A 5A Standard version SBI5A 5A Ivrit B’Ivrit SB5B 5B Standard version SBI5B 5B Ivrit B’Ivrit $10.00 $10.00 SONG CD CD5AB Includes 15 songs emphasizing the new skills learned and midot tovot. (Soundtracks included) $18.00 YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL 5 XVNXDUS FOR PRIMARY GRADES ME TAKE-HO a division of Q W PESUKIM LISH WITH ENG ATION TRANSL KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TAKE HOME PESUKIM TH5AB A compilation of the English translation corresponding to the pesukim of the Parsha. Will assist parents and children when reviewing and completing homework assignments. $4.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G 17 PARSHAT VAYEITZEI RECOMMENDED FOR GRADE 3 STUDENT WORKBOOKS Two workbooks with targilim emphasizing comprehension, skills, high frequency words, shoroshim and Biur Tefila; includes spiraling reviews. Emphasis on Middot Tovot, Yediot Klaliyot, Yesodai Yahadut, Ahavat Eretz Yisroel, presented in a clear and easy to use format. Systematic skill building and formative assessments incorporated. Includes charts to properly punctuate, transcribe and translate a Develops critical thinking skills and teaches how to read and understand NKI D A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently WPKXDUS nGFpNs WpN\pI FOR PRIMARY GRADES mlq sqei.. avn ...oa e dc `x eny `xwze oa edi ...i el ...oern y dpd e m÷gie a division of a division of Q W Q W X[ YDUSY .. ..oc. ztp. ...il yyi...xy`...cb f...xk elea c...o i p .d x` dv y d ribn ey`xe 6b FOR PRIMARY GRADES c lz e WPKXDUS X[nKRKHX[SMIHUS nNnWRKHX[S\IHUS A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL 6a YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX LKFYN NKIDYNX NKI D dn in YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS STUDENT WORKBOOK 6A S6A Standard version SI6A Ivrit B’Ivrit STUDENT WORKBOOK 6B S6B Standard version SI6B Ivrit B’Ivrit $12.50 $12.50 TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK Includes Lesson Pointers, Skill Analysis, Problem Solving, Practical Application, Curriculum Schedule, Scope and Sequence, Letter home to Parents regarding proper study habits and Formative Assessment Scoring Card. (written in English) TEACHER EDITION NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-st step-by-step p pp p g approach to understanding independentlyy Chumash text independent WPKXDUS 6b mlq sqei.. avn e m÷gie a division of WPKXDUS nGFpNs WpN\pI FOR PRIMARY GRADES ...oa e dc `x eny `xwze oa edi ...i el ...oern y a division of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 6A T6A Standard version TI6A Ivrit B’Ivrit 18 $25.00 X[ YDUSY .. ..oc. ztp. ...il i...xy`...cb xkyy eaf... ...oel c i .dp x` dv y d ribn ey`xe A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL FOR FOR PRIMARY GRADES X[nK RKHX[S MI X[nKRKHX[S MIHUS HUS nNnWRKHX[S nNnW RKHX[S\IHUS \I HUS dpd LKFYN NKIDYNX L’HAVIN HAVIIN N U’’LEHASKI ’LEHASKIL LEHASKIIL 6a YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN c lz e dn in YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN NKI D TEACHER EDITION TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 6B T6B Standard version TI6B Ivrit B’Ivrit $25.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G DIGITAL VERSION The digital version CD is compatible with a smartboard and/or can be projected on the board through a computer. (Printing ability disabled) SB3A 6A Standard version SBI3A 6A Ivrit B’Ivrit SB6B 6B Standard version SBI6B 6B Ivrit B’Ivrit $10.00 $10.00 SONG CD CD6AB Includes 15 songs emphasizing the new skills learned and midot tovot. (Soundtracks included) $18.00 YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL 6 WPKXDUS FOR PRIMARY GRADES ME TAKE-HO a division of Q W PESUKIM N NSLATIO LISH TRA WITH ENG KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TAKE HOME PESUKIM TH6AB A compilation of the English translation corresponding to the pesukim of the Parsha. Will assist parents and children when reviewing and completing homework assignments. $4.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G 19 PARSHAT VAYISHLACH RECOMMENDED FOR GRADE 4 STUDENT WORKBOOKS Two workbooks with targilim emphasizing comprehension, skills, high frequency words, shoroshim and Biur Tefila; includes spiraling reviews. Emphasis on Middot Tovot, Yediot Klaliyot, Yesodai Yahadut, Ahavat Eretz Yisroel, presented in a clear and easy to use format. Systematic skill building and formative assessments incorporated. Includes charts to properly punctuate, transcribe and translate a Develops critical thinking skills and teaches how to read and understand YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN MNDKXDUS NKI D 7b MNDKXDUS GpNsGpNnVFpNRKHUS mgl zia YpNVpNRKHUS el awz gx zn ze ax j t` `ed¦ dzx xc NKI D A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL 7a YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently a division of Q W a division of KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS STUDENT WORKBOOK 7A S7A Standard version SI7A Ivrit B’Ivrit STUDENT WORKBOOK 7B S7B Standard version SI7B Ivrit B’Ivrit $12.50 $12.50 TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK Includes Lesson Pointers, Skill Analysis, Problem Solving, Practical Application, Curriculum Schedule, Scope and Sequence, Letter home to Parents regarding proper study habits and Formative Assessment Scoring Card. (written in English) YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN TEACHER NKI D L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL 7a MNDKXDUS 7b GpNsGpNnVFpNRKHUS a division of j t` `ed¦ dzx YpNVpNRKHUS el awz gx zn ze ax a division of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS 20 A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL MNDKXDUS mgl zia YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX NKI D EDITION LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently xc TEACHER EDITION JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 7A T7A Standard version TI7A Ivrit B’Ivrit TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 7B T7B Standard version TI7B Ivrit B’Ivrit $25.00 $25.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G DIGITAL VERSION The digital version CD is compatible with a smartboard and/or can be projected on the board through a computer. (Printing ability disabled) SB7A 7A Standard version SBI7A 7A Ivrit B’Ivrit SB7B 7B Standard version SBI7B 7B Ivrit B’Ivrit $10.00 $10.00 SONG CD CD7AB Includes 15 songs emphasizing the new skills learned and midot tovot. (Soundtracks included) $18.00 YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN HAVIN U’’LEHASKI ’LEHASKIL IL 7 MNDKXDUS ME TAKE-HO a division of PESUKIM LISH WITH ENG ATION TRANSL Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TAKE HOME PESUKIM TH7AB A compilation of the English translation corresponding to the pesukim of the Parsha. Will assist parents and children when reviewing and completing homework assignments. $4.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G 21 PARSHAT VAYEISHEV RECOMMENDED FOR GRADE 4 STUDENT WORKBOOKS Two workbooks with targilim emphasizing comprehension, skills, high frequency words, shoroshim and Biur Tefila; includes spiraling reviews. Emphasis on Middot Tovot, Yediot Klaliyot, Yesodai Yahadut, Ahavat Eretz Yisroel, presented in a clear and easy to use format. Systematic skill building and formative assessments incorporated. Includes charts to properly punctuate, transcribe and translate a Develops critical thinking skills and teaches how to read and understand YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL 8a A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL FDKXDUS FDKXDUS 8b ZQ\pNRKHUS xy` dtŸ`de dwy lnl gi nj nd... mdipy melg enl MpN]pNRKHUS mix v e qei z` e`iaie s n xv d ni YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX NKI D NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently a division of a division of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS STUDENT WORKBOOK 8A S8A Standard version SI8A Ivrit B’Ivrit STUDENT WORKBOOK 8B S8B Standard version SI8B Ivrit B’Ivrit $12.50 $12.50 TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK Includes Lesson Pointers, Skill Analysis, Problem Solving, Practical Application, Curriculum Schedule, Scope and Sequence, Letter home to Parents regarding proper study habits and Formative Assessment Scoring Card. (written in English) TEACHER YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN EDITION NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently FDKXDUS 8b ZQ\pNRKHUS xy` dtŸ`de dwy lnl j gi n nd... mdipy melg enl FDKXDUS e MpN]pNRKHUS mix v qei z` e`iaie ns xv d ni A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL 8a YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX NKI D TEACHER EDITION a division of a division of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS 22 Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 8A T8A Standard version TI8A Ivrit B’Ivrit TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 8B T8B Standard version TI8B Ivrit B’Ivrit $25.00 $25.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G DIGITAL VERSION The digital version CD is compatible with a smartboard and/or can be projected on the board through a computer. (Printing ability disabled) SB8A 8A Standard version SBI8A 8A Ivrit B’Ivrit SB8B 3B Standard version SBI8B 3B Ivrit B’Ivrit $10.00 $10.00 SONG CD CD8AB Includes 15 songs emphasizing the new skills learned and midot tovot. (Soundtracks included) $18.00 YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN HAVIN U’’LEHASKI ’LEHASKIL IL 8 FDKXDUS ME TAKE-HO a division of PESUKIM LISH WITH ENG ATION TRANSL Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TAKE HOME PESUKIM TH8AB A compilation of the English translation corresponding to the pesukim of the Parsha. Will assist parents and children when reviewing and completing homework assignments. $4.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G 23 PARSHAT MIKEITZ RECOMMENDED FOR GRADE 4 STUDENT WORKBOOKS Two workbooks with targilim emphasizing comprehension, skills, high frequency words, shoroshim and Biur Tefila; includes spiraling reviews. Emphasis on Middot Tovot, Yediot Klaliyot, Yesodai Yahadut, Ahavat Eretz Yisroel, presented in a clear and easy to use format. Systematic skill building and formative assessments incorporated. Includes charts to properly punctuate, transcribe and translate a Develops critical thinking skills and teaches how to read and understand YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN NKI D NKI D ez Ÿ `o 9a e zpe jxa` HQDUS 9b WpQHUS eiptl e`xw ie... ezŸ` akx HQDUS GpQFpQHUS ]pKnWRKHX[SVpQHUS lr hilyd `ed ux`d sqe ie ie a division of a division of Q W A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL mixvn...l r YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS STUDENT WORKBOOK 9A S9A Standard version SI9A Ivrit B’Ivrit STUDENT WORKBOOK 9B S9B Standard version SI9B Ivrit B’Ivrit $12.50 $12.50 TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK Includes Lesson Pointers, Skill Analysis, Problem Solving, Practical Application, Curriculum Schedule, Scope and Sequence, Letter home to Parents regarding proper study habits and Formative Assessment Scoring Card. (written in English) YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN TEACHER EDITION NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL mixvn...l r ez Ÿ `o 9a e zpe jxa` 9b WpQHUS akx ie GpQFpQHUS ]pKnWRKHX[SVpQHUS a division of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS 24 HQDUS lr hilyd `ed ux`d sqe ie a division of A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL HQDUS eiptl e`xw ie... ezŸ` YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX NKI D TEACHER EDITION JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 9A T9A Standard version TI9A Ivrit B’Ivrit TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 9B T9B Standard version TI9B Ivrit B’Ivrit $25.00 $25.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G DIGITAL VERSION The digital version CD is compatible with a smartboard and/or can be projected on the board through a computer. (Printing ability disabled) SB9A 9A Standard version SBI9A 9A Ivrit B’Ivrit SB9B 9B Standard version SBI9B 9B Ivrit B’Ivrit $10.00 $10.00 SONG CD CD9AB Includes 15 songs emphasizing the new skills learned and midot tovot. (Soundtracks included) $18.00 YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN HAVIN U’’LEHASKI ’LEHASKIL IL 9 HQDUS ME TAKE-HO a division of PESUKIM LISH WITH ENG ATION TRANSL Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TAKE HOME PESUKIM TH9AB A compilation of the English translation corresponding to the pesukim of the Parsha. Will assist parents and children when reviewing and completing homework assignments. $4.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G 25 PARSHAT VAYIGASH RECOMMENDED FOR GRADE 4 STUDENT WORKBOOKS Two workbooks with targilim emphasizing comprehension, skills, high frequency words, shoroshim and Biur Tefila; includes spiraling reviews. Emphasis on Middot Tovot, Yediot Klaliyot, Yesodai Yahadut, Ahavat Eretz Yisroel, presented in a clear and easy to use format. Systematic skill building and formative assessments incorporated. Includes charts to properly punctuate, transcribe and translate a Develops critical thinking skills and teaches how to read and understand YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN NKI D DGKXDUS 10b VpNMpKRKHX[SVpQHUS YpQHUS NKI D :ep g ev lr dka DGKXDUS XpQ HUS XpQHUS ]pInWRKHX[S]pQ ]pInW ]pQHUS t x drx l` ex p` mb jicar o`v drŸ n `ie... oinipae jaie a ix inip `Îo eig ...eix ` A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN HAVIN U’’LEHASKI ’LEHASKIL IL L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL 10a YNXEFNFLX XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently `ev lr lŸtie a division of a division of Q W Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS STUDENT WORKBOOK 10A S10A Standard version SI10A Ivrit B’Ivrit STUDENT WORKBOOK 10B S10B Standard version SI10B Ivrit B’Ivrit $12.50 $12.50 TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK Includes Lesson Pointers, Skill Analysis, Problem Solving, Practical Application, Curriculum Schedule, Scope and Sequence, Letter home to Parents regarding proper study habits and Formative Assessment Scoring Card. (written in English) YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN TEACHER EDITION NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL 10a 10b YpQHUS DGKXDUS XpQ HUS XpQ ]pInWRKHX[S]pQ ]pInW ]pQHUS t x drx l` ex p` mb jicar o`v drŸ n `ie... oinipae jaie a ix inip `Îo eig ev lr dka A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN HAVIN U’’LEHASKI ’LEHASKIL IL DGKXDUS VpNMpKRKHX[SVpQHUS :ep g ...eix ` YNXEFNFLX XLKF YN LKFYN NKIDYNX NKI D TEACHER EDITION `ev lr lŸtie a division of a division of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of 26 Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 10A T10A Standard version TI10A Ivrit B’Ivrit TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 10B T10B Standard version TI10B Ivrit B’Ivrit $25.00 $25.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G DIGITAL VERSION The digital version CD is compatible with a smartboard and/or can be projected on the board through a computer. (Printing ability disabled) SB10A 10A Standard version SBI10A 10A Ivrit B’Ivrit SB10B 10B Standard version SBI10B 10B Ivrit B’Ivrit $10.00 $10.00 SONG CD CD10AB Includes 15 songs emphasizing the new skills learned and midot tovot. (Soundtracks included) $18.00 YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN HAVIN U’’LEHASKI ’LEHASKIL IL 10 DGKXDUS ME TAKE-HO a division of PESUKIM LISH WITH ENG ATION TRANSL Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS TAKE HOME PESUKIM TH10AB A compilation of the English translation corresponding to the pesukim of the Parsha. Will assist parents and children when reviewing and completing homework assignments. $4.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G 27 PARSHAT VAYECHI RECOMMENDED FOR GRADE 4 STUDENT WORKBOOK One workbook with targilim emphasizing comprehension, skills, high frequency words, shoroshim and Biur Tefila; includes spiraling reviews. Emphasis on Middot Tovot, Yediot Klaliyot, Yesodai Yahadut, Ahavat Eretz Yisroel, presented in a clear and easy to use format. Systematic skill building and formative assessments incorporated. Includes charts to properly punctuate, transcribe and translate a Develops critical thinking skills and teaches how to read and understand LFX WU YNXEFNFLX XLKF YN NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN HAVIN U’’LEHASKI ’LEHASKIL IL UIDDK KMKXDUS 11a ZEHUSsWNMI]QHUS YVXYK KXN LXJQD VG KNSE LNXF] LV [XK UDW LKQKEF a division o of on Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X XV[XX VXGKGK CONSORTIUM RTIUM of JEWISH DAY Y SCHOOLS ... e t q wri `xwie... `d xn`ie eipa l` a STUDENT WORKBOOK 11A S11A Standard version SI11A Ivrit B’Ivrit $12.50 TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK Includes Lesson Pointers, Skill Analysis, Problem Solving, Practical Application, Curriculum Schedule, Scope and Sequence, Letter home to Parents regarding proper study habits and Formative Assessment Scoring Card. (written in English) LFX WU TEACHER EDITION YNXEFNFLX XLKF YN NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN HAVIN U’’LEHASKI ’LEHASKIL IL UIDDK KMKXDUS 11a ZEHUSsWNMI]QHUS YVXYK KXN LXJQD VG KNSE LV LNXF] [XK UDW LKQKEF a division o of on Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X XV[XX VXGKGK CONSORTIUM RTIUM of JEWISH DAY Y SCHOOLS ... e t q wri `xwie... `d xn`ie eipa l` a TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK 11A T11A Standard version TI11A Ivrit B’Ivrit 28 $25.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G DIGITAL VERSION The digital version CD is compatible with a smartboard and/or can be projected on the board through a computer. (Printing ability disabled) SB11A Standard version SBI11A Ivrit B’Ivrit $10.00 SONG CD CD11A Includes 14 songs emphasizing the new skills learned and midot tovot. (Soundtracks included) $18.00 LFX WU YNXEFNFLX XLKF YN NKI D LKFYN NKIDYNX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN HAVIN U’’LEHASKI ’LEHASKIL IL UIDDK KMKXDUS 11a ZEHUSsWNMI]QHUS YVXYK KXN LXJQD VG KNSE LV LNXF] [XK UDW LKQKEF ME TAKE-HO a division o of on Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X XV[XX VXGKGK CONSORTIUM RTIUM of JEWISH DAY Y SCHOOLS ... e t q PESUKIM ATION TRANSL wri `xwie... `d xn`ie eipa l` a LISH WITH ENG TAKE HOME PESUKIM TH11A A compilation of the English translation corresponding to the pesukim of the Parsha. Will assist parents and children when reviewing and completing homework assignments. $4.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G 29 L’HAVIN U’LEHASKIL SKILLS REVIEW L’SHON HAKODESH REVIEW SKILLS RECOMMENDED FOR GRADES 5-8 These workbooks for grades 5-8 are designed to provide students with additional practice in decoding and deciphering words and phrases written in L’shon HaKodesh. Each page of the skill workbooks is correlated to a skill used in the L’havin U’lehaskil Parsha series. The workbooks contain practice questions, games and exercises. Each workbook uses meaningful contexts to provide students with the practice they need to improve and reinforce basic L’shon HaKodesh skills taught in grades 2, 3 and 4 when using the L’havin U’lehaskil program. LKFYN NKIDYNX Review of Skills Mastered in L’havin U’lehaskil RW.F Skill-building Made Easy ]k fMU~ Fg YU RKNQXKQ ,M XMY XU] EQ X XJK KDUD LQP B JV TFBL W TF L W B L TF JVB B JV TFBL W W W Q W BTJVBL FW B L TF B JVB a division of JV TFBL W JV TFBL W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JVB JVB TF L W R B B B NJ BTJVBL FW B JV TFBL W JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS HIGH FREQUENCY WORDS AND SHOROSHIM STUDENT WORKBOOK RW.c RWc Standard version Skills Part I STUDENT WORKBOOK RW.d RWd Standard version Skills Part II STUDENT WORKBOOK RW.e RWe Standard version High Frequency Words and Shoroshim $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK TEACHER TEACHER LKFYN NKIDYNX EDITION EDITION Review of Skills Mastered in L’havin U’lehaskil RW.F Skill-building Made Easy ]k fMU~ Fg YU RKNQXKQ ,M XMY XU] EQ X XJK KDUD LQP B JV TFBL W W TF JVB L JV TFBL W B JV TFBL W JV TFBL W BTJVBL FW L TF JVB B L W Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JV TFBL W W TF B JVB B a division of R B B B NJ BTJVBL FW B JV TFBL W JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS HIGH FREQUENCY WORDS AND SHOROSHIM 30 TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK RW.cd TRWcd Standard version Skills Part I and II TEACHER EDITION WORKBOOK RW.e TRWe Standard version High Frequency Words and Shoroshim $25.00 $25.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G DIGITAL VERSION RW.c/d SBRWCD The digital version CD is compatible with a smartboard and/ or can be projected on the board through a computer. DIGITAL VERSION RW.e SBRWE The digital version CD is compatible with a smartboard and/ or can be projected on the board through a computer. SONG CD CDRW Includes 19 songs emphasizing the new skills learned. (Soundtracks included) (Printing ability disabled) $10.00 (Printing ability disabled) $10.00 $18.00 THIRD GRADE REVIEW WORKBOOK RECOMMENDED FOR GRADE 3 A compilation of all skills learned in Hachana and Parshat Lech Lecha workbooks. Includes all charts, songs, rules; reinforces all skills learned previously. Allows for a smooth transition from Grade 2 to Grade 3 after the summer break. LKFYN NKIDYNX NXX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN L ’H HA AVIN U’LEHASKIL U ’L LEHASKIIL ]k Mf ~UgF YU ,M nW nWYUk]fM~UgF,M a division of Q W KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS THIRD GRADE REVIEW WORKBOOK S3R Standard version $12.50 DIGITAL VERSION RW.a SB3R The digital version CD is compatible with a smartboard and/or can be projected on the board through a computer. (Printing ability disabled) $10.00 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G 31 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS GRADE 2, 3, 4 A comprehensive set of semi-annual assessments which identify outcomes of student learning, summarize analyses of student performance, and help plan for improvement to achieve short-term and long-term goals. The summative assessments are cumulative for grades 2, 3 and 4. They allow for greater accountability and clarity with regard to student weaknesses and strengths. Assessment Reports enable clear analysis of indvidual student and class strengths/weaknesses. CoJDS grades the completed assessments and will generate a report based on the scores. A detailed comparative report is sent back to principal. pal. Summative Assessments included for those who purchase the L’havin program. SA2A SA3A Stand-alone Assessments for those who do not purchase the program, $36 per student. XEFNFL X SA2BYNXLKFYN SA3B L’HAVIN HA H AVIN L ’HAVIN UU ’LEHASKIL ’’LEHASKI IL ’LEHASKIL VpJD 4b SPRING 2014 FOR y, read go! Q W LAST L’HAVIN HA H AVIN L ’HAVIN UU ’’LEHASKI ’LEHASKIL IL ’LEHASKIL Q W LAST For teacher use ONLY M Q W LAST FIRST Teacher: a division of School: JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS Name: FIRST Teacher: go! KEUX KEUXX OXEKMNXV[XX VXGKK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS Name: FIRST Teacher: go! y, read KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of JEWISH DAY SCHOOLS a division of A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently FOR VpJD GRADE PRIMARY THREE E 3b SPRING 2014 GRADES FOR PRIMARY GRADE FOUR GRADES y, read KEUX OXEKMNXV[X VXGK CONSORTIUM of Name: LKFYN LKFYN NKIDYNX NXX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently L’HAVIN HA H AVIN L ’HAVIN UU ’LEHASKIL ’’LEHASKI IL ’LEHASKIL PRIMARY GRADE TWO GRADES SA4A SA4BYNXLKFYNXEFNFLX NKI D LKFYN LKFYN NKIDYNX NXX NKI D NKI D LKFYN LKFYN NKIDYNX NXX A step-by-step approach to understanding Chumash text independently VpJD 2b SPRING 2014 YNXEFNFL X XLKF YN a division of School: School: For teacher use ONLY M For teacher use ONLY M Student Assessments: Grade 2: •· SA2A Winter Assessment-based on Hachana L’Chumash – Perek Yud Bet Workbooks (1A-2B) •· SA2B Spring Assessment-based on Hachana L’Chumash – Parshat Vayeira Workbooks (1A-3B) Grade 3: •· SA3A Winter Assessment-based on Hachana L’Chumash – Parshat Chayei Sara Workbooks (1A-4C) •· SA3B Spring Assessment-based on Hachana L’Chumash – Parshat Vayeitzei Workbooks (1A-6B) Grade 4: Winter of Assessment-based on Hachana L’chumash Workbook – Parshat Vayeishev Workbooks (1A-8B) •· SA4Aa division •· SA4B Spring Assessment-based on Hachana L’Chumash Workbook – Parshat Vayechi Workbooks (1A-11) 32 T O P L AC E YO U R O R D E R , P L E A S E V I S I T W W W.C O J D S .O R G SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS SAMPLE REPORTS ',./*#/2.'#) .,//*+ +"."#)) //#//*#+0 !"! !!(-/ 0+$0 3/($*/-00+ , !$ ! ! ! ,#/ #$ ** 00$00+$,1 ! # /$($/ "'5 $*#+ , 3(# $*+ ,-0$.' $/+ ,-0$% 5+ ,# + -0) 0 3(# )0-3(# a division of (!$/+ ,' /-, ("'120' 2!(,-3$'2# "'4 /16-3( (&-0$% ! 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