Folleto AGRICOL_in
Folleto AGRICOL_in
FURTHER RESEARCH TO DATE The application of agricol® has been tested in several countries, achieving excellent results in carrot, cucumber, mango, coffee and banana crops, and rose flower production. INCREASES INCREASES CROP CROP YIELDS YIELDS agricol® works on stem and fruit growth, precocious flowering and early cropping, skin firmness, setting, fruit fall and stem elongation, and even reduces the devastating impact of frosts. COMPOSITION Gibberellic Acid Amino Acid Hydrolysate Nipagin Water Application of agricol® in mango crops The pictures show the excellent results obtained following the application of agricol®, even under adverse conditions for crops, such as droughts and frosts. 5.0 % 25.0 % 0.1 % 69.9 % DOSAGE 1 ml of agricol® per 5 litres of irrigation water once a week. Only 2 litres of agricol® are required for every 10,000 litres of irrigation water. Application of agricol® in cucumber crops The picture shows one carrot treated with nitrate (left) and one treated with agricol® (right). The difference in size is barely perceptible, but the carrot treated with agricol® has a larger perimeter and therefore, it weighs more. This means a higher production per square metre treated with agricol®, which leads to increased crop yields. Application of agricol® in carrot crops PACKAGING 2 litre container BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. ASTUDILLO, Nelson. Estudio experimental sobre la aplicación de la homeopatía en el tratamiento de la marchitez vascular del clavel. Bogotá, 2003. Trabajo de grado (Veterinario Homeópata). Fundación Instituto Colombiano de Homeopatía “Luis G. Páez”. 2. BORREGO, Miguel. La lechuga y la escarola. España: Ediciones Mundi Prensa, 2000. 3. CULTIVOS HIDROPÓNICOS. Frutas-hortalizas-flores-forrajes. Vol. 1, fascículos 1,2,3,7. Vol. 2, fascículo 20. 4. CURTIS, Helena. Biología. España: Editorial Panamericana, 2001. 5. GONZÁLEZ, Fabio. Estudio preliminar sobre el efecto de preparaciones homeopáticas sobre el crecimiento y desarrollo de plantas de caléndula. Laboratorio de Ciencias Básicas y Unidad de Terapias No Farmacológicas, Escuela de Medicina Juan N. Corpas. 1997. 6. HAHNEMANN, Samuel. Organon de la Medicina. Organon del Arte de Curar. 7. INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO AGROPECUARIO-ICA. Primer curso nacional de hortalizas de clima frío. Conferencias. 1992. 8. INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. Normas colombianas para la presentación de tesis y otros trabajos de grado. Quinta actualización. Bogotá D.C.: ICONTEC, 2002. 9. LÓPEZ, Luz. Experimentación de soluciones homeopáticas en leguminosas. “Estudio Piloto”. Fundación Instituto Colombiano de Homeopatía “Luis G. Páez”. 1998. 10. Experimentación del efecto de las sustancias homeopáticas en la zanahoria. “Estudio Piloto”. Fundación Instituto Colombiano de Homeopatía “Luis G. Páez”. 2001. 11. MEJÍA, Mario. Movimientos alternativos frente a la agricultura química. Colombia: Talleres gráficos de Muñoz Impresiones, 1997. 12. ROJAS, Manuel. Control hormonal del desarrollo de las plantas. Fisiología-TecnologíaExperimentación. México: Editorial Limusa, 1987. 13. SALISBURRY, Frank. Fisiología vegetal. México: Grupo Editorial Panamericana, 1994. 2 litre container Catalysis, S.L. Macarena, 14 • 28016 Madrid • SPAIN R E S U LT S O F T H E A P P L I CAT I O N O F agricol® I N W AATT E RM ELON A N D B R IZ A N TH R ME AN I ZA T H A GR A S S C R O PS The dose used was 1 ml in 5 litres of water applied weekly. Based on advanced molecular activation technology, Catalysis, S.L. has developed a specific product to promote crop production: agricol®. 1 agricol® is based on molecularly activated gibberellic acid. 2 Four seeds per tuft are sown 1 Plant growth with application of agricol® 2 The pasture in summer: dry, low, and sparse View of a grass tuft Gibberellins are hormones that have only recently been used. They were first recognized by Japanese scientists in the year 1926 and to date, over 125 hormones in this group have been identified, the most common of which are the GA1, GA3, GA4, GA7 and GA9 gibberellins. They are present in variable amounts in all plant organs, but the highest concentrations are found in immature seeds and developing stems. Gibberellins can vary slightly in terms of both structure and activity. The most widely known gibberellin of the group is GA3 (gibberellic acid), which, following a process of molecular activation, offers a number of crop treatment benefits. 3 4 Stems and flowers appear The functions of GA3 in the plant can be summarized as follows: 3 4 The grass begins to change without rain or irrigation water, only after applying agricol® Flowers and fruits appear on the stem The same tuft shown in picture 2 following application of agricol® 1. Stimulates rapid stem growth. 2. Interrupts seed dormancy, triggering germination through mobilization of sugar reserves. 3. Induces budding. 4. Promotes fruit development. 5. Shortening of long flowering days required by many species. Our extensive experience in research and application of molecular activation has enabled us to develop agricol®, which is further backed by studies with different crop types. agricol® PL ANT GROW TH PROMOTER 5 6 The fruit grows and flowering continues F LOW E R I N G CO N T I N U E S E V E N AFTE AFT E R FRUIT PRODUCTION 5 Fruit growth 6 Grass flowering begins The pasture is now ready for its intended purpose 75% INCREASE IN CROP PRODUCTION P ER U N I T AR PE UN A REA EA