Installation and User Guide


Installation and User Guide
Installation and User Guide
LogWatch Knowledge Module for
Arackal Digital Solutions
240 Duncan Mill Road, Suite 301
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3B 1Z4
Phone: 1-877-437-4933 or 416-703-1211
Fax: 416-703-2544
LogWatch Knowledge Module for
Installation and User Guide
Covering Version 3.2.1
Jan 14, 2005
Document revision 1.8
This document is published by Arackal Digital Solutions
Copyright © 2002-2004 Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
Arackal Digital Solutions
240 Duncan Mill Road, Suite 301
Toronto, Ontario Canada
M3B 1Z4
BMC Software, the BMC Software logos and all other BMC Software product or service names are registered trademarks or
trademarks of BMC Software, Inc. in the USA and in other select countries.
Contacting Arackal Digital Solutions
You can contact our support department via e-mail, fax or phone.
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: (416) 703-1211 or 1-877-437-4933
Fax: (416) 703-2544
FIGURES......................................................................................................................................................... V
ABOUT THIS GUIDE..................................................................................................................................... 1
WHO SHOULD READ THIS GUIDE ................................................................................................................... 1
HOW THIS GUIDE IS STRUCTURED ................................................................................................................. 1
MARGIN NOTE ICONS ..................................................................................................................................... 2
RELATED PUBLICATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 2
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 3
FEATURES ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 2. GETTING STARTED............................................................................................................. 5
SYSTEM AND SOFTWARE VERIFICATION......................................................................................................... 5
INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Console and Agent are on the same machine ............................................................................................ 6
Console and Agent are on different machines........................................................................................... 7
Installing Your License.............................................................................................................................. 8
CHAPTER 3. SETTING UP A LOG FILE MONITOR ............................................................................ 10
ADDING A LOG FILE MONITOR ..................................................................................................................... 10
DEFINING A SIMPLE LOG FILE MONITOR ...................................................................................................... 12
DEFINING THE SEARCH STRINGS TO MONITOR FOR ....................................................................................... 15
Notification Levels................................................................................................................................... 16
DEFINING THE EMBEDDED RECOVERY ACTIONS .......................................................................................... 20
DEFINING THE LOG FILE MONITORING SCHEDULE ....................................................................................... 21
MODIFYING A LOG FILE MONITOR ............................................................................................................... 23
DELETING LOG FILES FROM THE MONITORED LIST ...................................................................................... 26
CHAPTER 4. ADVANCED TOPICS........................................................................................................... 29
KM HIERARCHY MODEL .............................................................................................................................. 29
WORKING WITH GROUPS .............................................................................................................................. 30
MONITORING BY COMMAND EXECUTION ..................................................................................................... 31
Macro Variables for the Monitoring Command...................................................................................... 33
HOW TO MONITOR NT/2000 EVENT LOGS ................................................................................................... 34
Simply dumping an event log................................................................................................................... 35
Organization of the log dump.................................................................................................................. 35
Range of data to dump............................................................................................................................. 35
EMBEDDED RECOVERY ACTIONS ................................................................................................................. 37
Macro Variables for Embedded Recovery Actions.................................................................................. 38
GENERATED PEM EVENTS ........................................................................................................................... 39
Case 1: String Match............................................................................................................................... 40
Case 2: Timeout....................................................................................................................................... 40
Case 3: Menu Command ......................................................................................................................... 41
Case 4: Group Member ........................................................................................................................... 41
Case 5: No data added ............................................................................................................................ 41
Case 6: Log File Found.......................................................................................................................... 42
Case 7: Log File Not Found.................................................................................................................... 42
Case 8: Mutual Exclusion List Match ..................................................................................................... 42
USING THE “ALL MATCHING FILES” MONITORING OPTION ......................................................................... 44
READING THE FILE FROM THE BEGINNING AT A SPECIFIED DATE/TIME .......................................................... 45
MATCHING USING MUTUAL EXCLUSION LIST OPTION.................................................................................. 47
HOW TO MONITOR PROTECTED FILES .......................................................................................................... 48
DISPLAYING THE CONTENTS OF A PROTECTED FILE ..................................................................................... 49
THE LOGWATCH INI FILES .......................................................................................................................... 50
Changing the Location of the INI Files Directory................................................................................... 50
CHAPTER 5. MENU SUMMARY.............................................................................................................. 52
LOGWATCH MENU COMMANDS:.................................................................................................................. 52
CHAPTER 6. INFOBOX ITEM SUMMARY............................................................................................ 55
LOGWATCH INFOBOX ITEMS: ...................................................................................................................... 55
CHAPTER 7. PARAMETER SUMMARY ................................................................................................. 57
LOGWATCH PARAMETERS: .......................................................................................................................... 57
PARAMETER NAME ....................................................................................................................................... 57
CHAPTER 8. FIELDS SUMMARY............................................................................................................. 62
APPENDIX A: INI CONFIGURATION FILE AND EXPLANATION .................................................. 67
Name/Value Pair Formats....................................................................................................................... 68
INDEX............................................................................................................................................................. 69
FIGURE 1: LOGWATCH CONFIGURATION WIZARD WINDOW ........................................................................... 10
FIGURE 2: DEFINITION DETAILS WINDOW ....................................................................................................... 12
FIGURE 3: SEARCH STRINGS DEFINITION WINDOW ......................................................................................... 15
FIGURE 4: SEARCH STRINGS ATTRIBUTES WINDOW ........................................................................................ 17
FIGURE 6: EMBEDDED RECOVERY ACTIONS WINDOW .................................................................................... 20
FIGURE 7: SCHEDULE WINDOW ....................................................................................................................... 22
FIGURE 8: MODIFY LOG FILE WINDOW ........................................................................................................... 23
FIGURE 9: CONFIRMATION WINDOW 1............................................................................................................. 26
FIGURE 10: DELETE LOG FILE WINDOW .......................................................................................................... 26
FIGURE 11: LOGWATCH HIERARCHY MODEL .................................................................................................. 29
FIGURE 12: READ DATA SETTINGS WINDOW................................................................................................... 45
FIGURE 13: READ DATA SETTINGS WINDOW EXAMPLE .................................................................................. 46
TABLE 1: LOGWATCH MONITORING COMMAND MACRO VARIABLES ............................................................. 33
TABLE 2: LOGWATCH EMBEDDED RECOVERY ACTION MACRO VARIABLES ................................................... 38
TABLE 3: LOGWATCH NOTIFICATION LEVEL TO PEM EVENT TYPE MAPPINGS .............................................. 39
TABLE 4: SUMMARY OF MENU COMMANDS ..................................................................................................... 53
TABLE 5: LOGWATCH INFOBOX ITEMS ............................................................................................................ 56
TABLE 7: ALARMSTRINGSMATCHED PARAMETER ........................................................................................... 57
TABLE 8: CURRENTSIZE PARAMETER .............................................................................................................. 57
TABLE 9: GROWTHRATE PARAMETER.............................................................................................................. 58
TABLE 10: LINESNOTMATCHED PARAMETER .................................................................................................. 58
TABLE 11: LOGFILESTATUS PARAMETER ........................................................................................................ 58
TABLE 12: NOTIFYSTRINGSMATCHED PARAMETER......................................................................................... 59
TABLE 13: OKSTRINGSMATCHED PARAMETER .............................................................................................. 59
TABLE 14: SIZEOFLINESMATCHED PARAMETER ............................................................................................ 59
TABLE 15: TIMEBETWEENUPDATES PARAMETER ........................................................................................... 59
TABLE 16: TOTALSTRINGSMATCHED PARAMETER .......................................................................................... 60
TABLE 17: WARNSTRINGSMATCHED PARAMETER .......................................................................................... 60
TABLE 6: WATCHERLOGCOLL PARAMETER ..................................................................................................... 60
TABLE 18: EXTRAFILESLIST PARAMETER ........................................................................................................ 60
TABLE 19: FIELDS FOR DEFINITION DETAILS WINDOW .................................................................................... 62
TABLE 20: FIELDS FOR READ DATA SETTINGS WINDOW ................................................................................. 63
TABLE 21: FIELDS FOR SEARCH STRINGS WINDOW ......................................................................................... 63
TABLE 22: FIELDS FOR SEARCH STRING DEFINITION WINDOW ........................................................................ 64
TABLE 23: FIELDS FOR EMBEDDED RECOVERY ACTIONS WINDOW ................................................................. 65
TABLE 24: FIELDS FOR LOG FILE SCHEDULE WINDOW .................................................................................... 66
About This Guide
This guide provides details on the installation, configuration, and use of the LogWatch Knowledge Module
(KM) for BMC PATROL®. It outlines the application classes, menus, InfoBox commands, and parameters
provided by the KM. This guide also provides details on performing the installation on both NT/2000 and
UNIX platforms and how to configure the KM.
It is useful to note that all screen shots present in this guide were taken from the Windows NT/2000 version
of the KM. There should be no functional differences between these screens and those found in the UNIX
Who Should Read This Guide
This guide is intended for use by system and application administrators who are responsible for installing,
and configuring PATROL and the LogWatch KM. It is somewhat technical in nature and assumes a
fundamental knowledge of the Patrol architecture as well as familiarity with knowledge modules, console
navigation, and agent configuration.
How This Guide Is Structured
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Getting Started
Chapter 3. Setting up a Log File
Chapter 4. Advanced Topics
Chapter 5. Menu Summary
Chapter 6. InfoBox Item
Chapter 7. Parameter Summary
Chapter 8. Fields Summary
Appendix A: INI Configuration
Introduces the Knowledge Module
Provides information about system requirements to
use the KM, installation and licensing procedures.
How to use the KM and configuring Log File
Tips and tricks to get the most out of the KM
Outlines the menu commands provided by the KM
Outlines the InfoBox items provided by the KM
Provides an overview of the parameters provided by
the KM
Offers description for all fields provided in wizard
windows that define a Log file
Offers a sample configuration file for reference
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
Margin Note Icons
This manual makes use of notes in the left margin for presenting information that is useful or pertinent to
the current discussion. The icons associated with these notes have the following meanings:
A cross-reference to material found elsewhere in this manual.
An example of what was most recently discussed.
A note, or information of general interest.
Warns that caution should be exercised when performing the associated actions.
Indicates new or enhanced functionality that was not present in the previous release.
Related Publications
All of the PATROL Installation Manuals, Release Notes, and Knowledge Module Guides are related to, and
may be referenced in this guide. The NT/2000 or UNIX Console User Guide from BMC should be used as a
reference for detailed information relating to the loading of Knowledge Modules, the setting of agent
accounts, and items such as configuring the Agent access control list.
Any suggestions made within this guide are based upon the expertise of the author. Any suggestions or
comments regarding this manual or the product should be directed to [email protected].
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
Chapter 1. Introduction
The first in a complete line of BITWatch products, LogWatch has all of the features required by PATROL
users to monitor application and system log files across their UNIX and Windows NT/2000 based
Almost every application running within your enterprise writes error and debug information to a Log File.
System and application administrators usually resort to creating scripts to parse these files with the intent of
automatically emailing any problems to interested parties. This approach generally starts out well, but runs
into the following issues:
• There are many log files to monitor per server, requiring considerable effort to develop the scripts
for each individual Log File.
• Ongoing maintenance of the scripts usually becomes an issue, as changes need to be made to the
scripts after they are built.
• Administrators do not have the time to properly write and debug the scripts.
• Having the scripts trigger recovery actions requires relatively complex script creation.
• Cross-platform support is required, requiring more work.
• The scriptwriter may leave the company or go on vacation, so support becomes an issue.
By using the LogWatch KM for PATROL, the headaches associated with monitoring many Log Files on
many different servers, as well as getting the events delivered to the appropriate person, are reduced.
Through an easy-to-navigate set of dialog boxes, anyone having access to a PATROL Console and
appropriate security privileges can define, edit, and delete log files from the monitored list. Each Log File
instance has its own configurable search criteria and optional recovery actions.
Major features include:
• Simple, wizard based configuration, with all configuration information being stored in an external
• Four levels of string match notification (ALARM, WARN, NOTIFY and OK) with an OK match
automatically resetting any current ALARM or WARN condition.
• Multiple string matches per notification type.
• Optional pop-up notification windows upon string matches activated when a search string generates
a change of state.
• Improved per string search criteria allowing for individual string settings for case sensitive and
match inversion
• Support for Match N times within M minutes criteria.
• The ability to set time ranges for each individual day of the week for which the KM should monitor
a given Log File.
• Supports grouping of related Log Files (fully compatible with ProcWatch and AgentWatch groups)
with the sending of Group based events.
• Polling intervals that can be defined on a per-Log File basis.
• The ability to produce an ALARM if no new data is added to the Log File within a configurable
period of time.
• The ability to set a different icon for each instance.
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
Embedded recovery
actions are covered
further in Page 37.
New licensing:
You will need to request
new licenses if you are
upgrading from a
LogWatch version that
is less than version 3.
• The capability to easily assign a single "embedded" OS recovery action to each state, without the
need to modify and redistribute the KM file.
• The ability to assign and execute a single “No Match” OS recovery action for every new line added
to the Log File that does not match any search string criteria.
• The KM has been coded in a completely OS independent manner (no need for external binaries like
tail or cat).
• Simple integration into any existing PATROL/Helpdesk event management system.
• The ability to specify that all the files that match a pattern in a specified directory should be
• Useful Info Boxes displaying pertinent per-Log File statistics and configuration information.
• The ability to assign a monitoring command (command to be executed per instance that generates
the file to be monitored).
• The ability to monitor NT/2000 event logs using the monitoring command feature in combination
with utilities like ELDump (application that dumps NT/2000 event logs into text files).
• The ability to parse: only new data added, entire log file or a combination of the previous (parse
new data and parse entire file at a given date/time).
• The ability to use comparison types in the search string definition, other than just regular expression
• The ability to define a mutual exclusion list of strings per log file to be used as the search condition.
• New MUXListMatch event class that provides the ability to know when a line of data in the logfile
does not match any of the strings (PSL. Regular Expressions) that are part of the Mutual Exclusion
• StringMatchFound event description now provides the pattern matched.
• LogFileFound event class that provides the ability to know when a logfile does not exist.
• LogFileNotFound event class that provides the ability to know when a previously non-existing file
is created.
• Parameters that provide extra information about number of string matches: AlarmStringsMatched,
NotifyStringsMatched, OKStringsMatched and WarnStringsMatched
• The ability to know the delta time for logfile updates, provided by the TimeBetweenUpdates
• The ability to define a column, row or column/row range per log file instance to be used for the
search conditions.
• The ability to define column separator other than white spaces.
• Ability to use the previous line to the matched use in the Embedded Recovery Actions.
• The ability to specify when to execute an Embedded Recovery Action.
• Licensing has changed. If you are an existing LogWatch user wanted to upgrade you will need a
new license to activate LogWatch. If your support contract is up to date, you are entitled to a free
upgrade. For further details and to request a license please contact our support department at:
[email protected]
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
Chapter 2. Getting Started
This chapter provides a checklist of items to consider before installing the LogWatch KM. The
steps to follow for installation in both the Windows NT/2000 and UNIX environments are also
System and Software Verification
The LogWatch Knowledge Module is written completely in PSL and therefore is completely
platform independent. LogWatch has been extensively tested on Windows NT/2000 and UNIX
platforms using Patrol version 3.4 and higher. This KM will not currently run on OpenVMS,
MVS, or OS/2 platforms.
Supported OS:
Windows NT/2000
Solaris 2.7, 2.8, 2.9
HP-UX 11.11
AIX 4.3
Tested on following Patrol versions:
Patrol 3.4
Patrol 3.5
Resource requirements:
• Disk space required for install: 450k (UNIX), 400k (Windows NT/2000)
• Estimated disk space required/day: 5 instances, no annotations 120k
• Estimated memory required per instance: 4k
Although the Knowledge Module will run anywhere, the format for PATROL icons and
parameter help files is different between Windows NT/2000 and the different flavours of
UNIX. To combat this, there are two separate distributions available - a self-extracting archive
for Windows NT/2000, and a compressed tar file for UNIX.
Installing the LogWatch KM involves:
1. Copying the distribution files to the appropriate places in the Patrol directory hierarchy.
2. Loading the KM into your PATROL Console.
3. Installing the KM license in the corresponding Agent(s).
4. Configuring the Agent to load the KM automatically upon startup (optional).
The process to follow to perform these steps is different depending on where the PATROL
Console and PATROL Agent are installed. This section will explain in detail how to install the
KM if:
Console and Agent are on the same machine.
Console and Agent are on different machines.
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
Console and Agent are on the same machine
1. Run the distribution self-extracting ZIP archive for Windows NT/2000 or uncompress and
untar the distribution for UNIX as follows:
Unpacking the Windows NT/2000 distribution
Run the distribution's self-extracting ZIP archive (Logwatch_<ver#>_win_dist.exe),
where <ver#> is the version for the current distribution.
Press the Unzip button. When prompted with Unzip to Folder, type in the path to
PATROL_HOME folder, the path where patrol is installed (e.g. D:\Program
Files\BMC Software\Patrol3).
All LogWatch files required for both the NT/2000 Patrol Agent and the NT/2000 Console
will be installed in their proper locations in your Patrol directory hierarchy.
Unpacking the UNIX distribution
Copy the LogWatch_<ver#>_unix_dist.tar.Z file into the $PATROL_HOME folder, the
folder where patrol is installed (e.g. /opt/bmc/Patrol3.4, /opt/bmc/Patrol3.5).
Uncompress and untar the distribution using:
<prompt>% uncompress LogWatch_<ver#>_unix_dist.tar.Z
<prompt>% tar -xvf LogWatch_<ver#>_unix_dist.tar
All LogWatch files required for both the UNIX Patrol Agent and the UNIX Console will
be installed in their proper locations in your Patrol directory hierarchy.
2. Load the LOGWATCH_LOAD KML file by selecting the Load KM … menu item from the
File menu on your Patrol Console and picking the LOGWATCH_LOAD.kml file.
3. If you have not yet obtained/installed a valid license, you will see the following message
displayed in your Patrol Console:
ERROR (LOGWATCH)==>pconfig license variable
"/LOGWATCH/License" not found.
You will not see any LogWatch icons in the Patrol Console as long as you have an invalid
license, but the BITWATCH container icon will be present (the BITWATCH icon is orange
with a magnifying glass in it). Simply request a demo license by e-mailing
[email protected] and install the license as outlined in the “Installing Your License”
section below.
4. If you want to configure the PATROL Agent to load the KM automatically upon startup,
select the Add to Preloaded KMs menu item from the Admin menu of LOGWATCH_SETUP
icon, this will modify the Agent’s /AgentSetup/preloadedKMs configuration variable and
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
adds “LOGWATCH_LOAD.kml” to it for you. The PATROL Agent must be restarted for
the changes to take effect. Note that the username/password combination required for this
step refers to a user having configuration privileges on the local PATROL Agent
Console and Agent are on different machines
If the PATROL Console and Agent are on separate machines, the installation should be
performed twice – once on each machine.
1. Run the distribution self-extracting ZIP archive for the Console and the Agent on Windows
NT/2000 or uncompress and untar the distribution for the Console and the Agent on UNIX as
Unpacking the Windows NT/2000 distribution
Run the distribution's self-extracting ZIP archive (Logwatch_<ver#>_win_dist.exe),
where <ver#> is the version for the current distribution.
Press the Unzip button. When prompted with Unzip to Folder, type in the path to where
Patrol is installed (PATROL_HOME) (e.g. D:\Program Files\BMC
The LogWatch files are now installed into their appropriate places in the PATROL
directory hierarchy.
Note: You must do this on the computer where the Console is running and for every
Windows NT/2000 computer where you wish to run the KM.
Unpacking the UNIX distribution
Copy the LogWatch_<ver#>_unix_dist.tar.Z file into your $PATROL_HOME directory.
Uncompress and untar the distribution using:
<prompt>% uncompress LogWatch_<ver#>_unix_dist.tar.Z
<prompt>% tar -xvf LogWatch_<ver#>_unix_dist.tar
The LogWatch files are now installed into their appropriate places in the PATROL
directory hierarchy.
Note: You must do this on the computer where the Console is running and for every
UNIX machine where you wish to run the KM.
2. On the PATROL Console, load the LOGWATCH_LOAD KML file by selecting the menu
item Load KM … from the File menu and picking the LOGWATCH_LOAD.kml file.
3. If you have not yet obtained/installed a valid license, you will see the following message
displayed in your Patrol Console:
ERROR (LOGWATCH)==>pconfig license variable
"/LOGWATCH/License" not found.
You will not see any LogWatch icons in the Patrol Console as long as you have an invalid
license, but the BITWATCH container icon will be present (the BITWATCH icon is orange
with a magnifying glass in it). Simply obtain a demo license by e-mailing
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
[email protected], and install the license as outlined in the “Installing Your License”
section below.
4. If you want to configure the PATROL Agent to load the KM automatically upon startup,
select the Add to Preloaded KMs menu item from the Admin menu of LOGWATCH_SETUP
icon, this will modify the Agent’s /AgentSetup/preloadedKMs configuration variable and
adds “LOGWATCH_LOAD.kml” to it for you. The PATROL Agent must be restarted for
the changes to take effect. Note that the username/password combination required for this
step refers to a user having configuration privileges on the remote PATROL Agent
Alternative Approach: The above steps must be done for each Agent you have where you
want to install the KM. Alternatively, you can install the LogWatch KM onto your local
machine, load the LOGWATCH_LOAD.kml file into your console, connect to each Agent as
a developer, and committing the currently loaded KMs out to all the Agents connected. This
will also commit out any KMs, bins, psls, and libs that you have recently modified, so care
must be taken if this alternative approach is used. Note also that Console installations will
not be updated by the commit; these must be done using the manual method outlined above.
Installing Your License
Invoking the appropriate
menu command from the
new BITWATCH KM icon
now allows for one-step
license key installation.
Installing your license must be done before the LOGWATCH KM will start. Follow the
simple steps below to install your license.
1. Select the Install LogWatch License menu from the BITWATCH icon (the orange icon with
the magnifying glass in it)
2. You will be prompted to enter a username and password. If you have the PATROL Agent's
accessControlList configuration variable set, enter the username and password of the user
allowed configuring the PATROL Agent when prompted. Otherwise, just enter any
username/password combination.
3. You will then be shown your Company name, as it appears in your PATROL license, and
be prompted for the license key. If you are currently using a Demo copy of PATROL, the
Company name shown will reflect this.
4. Enter the license key as it appears in the Email or FAX that you received. Press the OK
button when done.
5. If the license is successfully written into the PATROL Agent’s configuration database, a
dialog box will appear shortly indicating that the license has been installed. If not, note the
error returned and try it again (this will happen if the username/password combination
you’ve entered is incorrect). Contact our support department at [email protected] if you
can't resolve the license error.
6. The KM will automatically check the license shortly after and the LOGWATCH and
LOGWATCH_SETUP icons will appear underneath the BITWATCH icon on your
PATROL Console.
Where to go from here…
Adding, modifying, deleting Log File
monitors …
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
Proceed to…
Pg. 10 Chapter 3. Setting up a Log File
How to get the most out of the KM …
Descriptions of the menus provided and
related functions …
Detailed explanation for each of the
InfoBox fields …
Attributes and meaning of the KM
Parameters …
Description of the fields for each wizard
window including default values and
format expected …
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
Pg. 28 Chapter 4. Advanced Topics
Pg. 52
Chapter 5. Menu Summary
Pg. 54 Chapter 6. InfoBox Item Summary
Pg. 57
Chapter 7. Parameter Summary
Pg. 62 Chapter 8. Fields Summary
Chapter 3. Setting up a Log File Monitor
This chapter provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the LogWatch KM to monitor
your log files. It walks you through the entire wizard and includes sections for each wizard
page. You will find instructions for adding, modifying and deleting log file monitors as well.
Adding a Log File Monitor
BMC recommends a
maximum of 50 instances
per KM.
By default, the LW
configuration files will be
located in
(UNIX) or
% (Windows) and will
have a name resembling
(the <port#> portion will
be replaced with the port
number that your Agent is
running on the <instance>
portion is replaced by the
instance label.
You start monitoring a Log File by adding it to the LogWatch KM's monitored list. The
LogWatch KM will allow you to add up to 200 Log File monitors, but various elements
including memory, CPU, and polling frequency may reduce this limit. To add a Log File
monitor, you typically define the monitor details, the search strings, the recovery actions and
schedule. Each of these steps is described in below in its corresponding section.
1. Right-click your mouse on the LOGWATCH_SETUP icon and select the Logfile
Maintenance menu pick from the Admin Menu. When prompted for a username/password
combination, enter in the information for a user that has write permissions for the
LogWatch configuration files.
2. If you have entered the username/password combination correctly, the KM will display the
LogWatch Configuration Wizard Window, shown below in Figure 1: LogWatch
Configuration Wizard Window.
Figure 1: LogWatch Configuration Wizard Window
Otherwise, a popup message will be displayed indicating the condition.
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
New for v3!
The KM creates one
configuration file per
process(es) definition.
Starting with LogWatch version3, the KM uses a configuration (INI) file per logfile definition.
If the INI file did not exist before you loaded the LogWatch KM into the Patrol Agent, the KM
will create it when the log file monitor is defined, so it will be owned by the Patrol Agent’s
/AgentSetup/defaultAccount, which is most likely patrol. For any pre-existing configuration
files generated by LogWatch previous to version 3, the KM will backup the original ini file and
try to convert into many mini-INIs. If you have any issues with the conversion feel free to
contact our support department at [email protected]. Note: do not delete the old ini file
backup until all your definitions have been split into mini-INIs successfully.
3. Ensure that the Add a new Log File definition action is selected and press the Next >
button. After a short wait, the LogWatch Configuration Wizard Window will be replaced
with the Definition Details Window, shown in Figure 2.
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
Defining a Simple Log File Monitor
This section provides the steps for setting the basic Log File attributes from the Definition
Details Window. It assumes you followed the previous steps to get to the Definition Details
Window, shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Definition Details Window
1. Enter the full name of a file you wish to monitor into the File Name field (this name must
include both the path and the name, with the path separation character used being the
appropriate one for the OS).
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
The wildcard character (“*”) is allowed in the filename if you:
Logfile names can now
contain wildcards
Acceptable File Names
for UNIX and WinNT
want to monitor a log file whose name changes in some random manner.
want to monitor all the files matching the specified pattern within a specified directory.
File Name: /var/adm/messages or /var/log/syslog*
File Name: c:\pagefile.sys or c:\temp\test*.log
2. If you want the KM to generate the log file dynamically as result of a command execution,
assign a value to: Command to generate this file. If this field is not blank, the
LOGWATCH KM will execute the given command every poll cycle. The resulting file
will be parsed for string matches upon command completion. If the command requires a
time range you can use the %FROM and %TO macros. For more details see the
Monitoring by Command subsection on page 31.
The command
functionality cannot be
combined with the file
patterns or matching files
monitoring options
outlined above.
Special characters (i.e.
All "/", "\", and ":") are
removed from the label
prior to being saved.
They are converted to "_"
3. If you want to monitor all the files matching a specified pattern then enable the Monitor all
matching files toggle button. If this option was enabled in the c:\temp\test*.log example
above, all files in c:\temp that matched test*.log (such as test1.log, testsimple.log, etc)
would have Logfile monitors automatically created for each of them. If this option is
selected, the instance that you are currently configuring becomes a master instance and all
matching monitors that are created will have the same monitoring attributes as this master.
4. If you wish, enter a name to use as the label for the instance into the Label field. This label
will be placed under the Log File monitor’s icon on the Patrol Console and will be used in
any PEM events that are sent out from the PATROL Agent (see the section entitled
"Generated PEM Events" for more information on PATROL events). If you do not supply a
label, the label Log’s File Name will be used with any special characters removed.
The following cases are exceptions where the value in the Label field is ignored and a
special label is created:
If the monitor is a master, the label assigned follows the pattern: “MASTER(FileName)”,
where FileName is the value set into the File Name field with any special characters
If the monitor is a child of a master the label assigned is “FileName”, where FileName is
the actual name of the file that was found to match with any special characters removed.
For more information about master and children instances, refer to Chapter 4. Advanced
Topics, section Using the “All Matching Files” Monitoring Option
5. You may also change the icon that this Log File monitor uses for display on your Patrol
console. By default, the "log" icon is used, but you are free to use any icons that are
present in the $PATROL_HOME/lib/images (UNIX) or
%PATROL_HOME%/lib/images (Windows) directory on your console host.
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Note that the icons in this directory have extensions that you should not include in the text you
put into the Icon configuration field. The actual name of the "log" icon is "log_ok.bmp" (for
Windows or "log_ok.xpm" if your console is installed on a UNIX server), but only the "log"
part should be typed into the field.
Acceptable icon names
Icon: cron
Icon: application
(real name in the images directory: cron_ok.bmp)
(real name in the images directory: application_ok.xpm)
6. If you wish, enter a name to use as the group for the instance into the Group Name field.
You can use the group to assemble related Log File monitors underneath a single container
in your PATROL Console. If the Group Name is not specified the instance will be created
and displayed under the LOGWATCH application class.
7. By default the Auto-reset to OK Timer (mins:) is disabled and displays 0 minutes. You
may want to change this value if you want the Log File monitor state to go back to OK
automatically after a specific period of time. The "Generated PEM Events" section found
later in this document provides information on PEM events that are sent when this timer
8. By default the Alarm if no data Timer (mins:) is disabled and displays 0 minutes. You may
want to change this value if you want the Log File monitor to go to ALARM state
automatically if no new data is added to the Log File within a certain amount of time. The
"Generated PEM Events" section found later in this document provides information on
PEM events that are sent when this timer fires.
Note: the default
behavior is to
monitor only new
data added to the
file every poll
9. If you want to change the data parsed by the KM, make your selection using the Each poll
cycle, perform search on menu.
10. Ensure that all the information is correct and press the Next > button. After a short wait,
the Search Strings Definition Window, shown in Figure 3 will replace the Definition
Details window.
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Defining the Search Strings to monitor for
This section provides the steps for adding, modifying and deleting strings from the list of
strings that the KM will monitor for within the specified Log File. It assumes you followed the
previous steps to get to the Search Strings Definition Window, shown below in Figure 3.
LogWatch can generate 4 separate notification levels (ALARM, WARN, NOTIFY and OK)
whenever a string match occurs. Several strings can be defined to generate the same
notification level if necessary. The Search Strings Definition Window allows definition,
modification and deletion of search strings.
Figure 3: Search Strings Definition Window
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The previous figure displays 2 groups of special fields:
• The first group has 3 special fields: Column, Column Delimiter and Row. These fields can
be defined only one per log file instance. They can be used to search only specific
fragments of the log file. By default the KM verifies all the new data added to a file, but if
you know the line(s) and/or columns you want to look for (in case the monitored file) has a
pattern, you can use the Column/Row fields to filter only given chunks of the data.
• The second group has the Consider these strings as being mutually exclusive Field. This
field is unchecked by default, once it is checked it applies to all the string definitions for the
given log file instance by making all the string definitions for the log file part of a Mutual
Exclusion List. Mutual Exclusion list matches only compares strings (PSL Regular
Expressions), ignores string individual definitions, etc. For more details see Matching
using Mutual Exclusion List Option on page 47.
1. To add a search string, make sure the Add operation is selected and press the Next >
button. After a short wait the Search String Attributes Window is displayed as in
Figure 4.
2. By default a string is active, and you will see the String is Active toggle button
checked. If you want to disable this particular string for any reason, uncheck the
Active checkbox.
Duplicate strings are not
allowed within a single
log file.
Previous versions of
LogWatch allowed the
use of empty strings to
denote “match
everything”. This
version requires a
regular expression such
as “.*” to match
3. If you want the search to be case sensitive, you should check the String is Case
Sensitive toggle button.
4. If you want to invert the result of the search, you should check the Invert Search
toggle button.
5. Type the string you want the KM to monitor for in the Search String field. A nonempty string must be defined. Strings can contain any regular expressions and
combination of characters accept the sequence \; (the KM uses this combination
internally). Duplicated strings within the same log file are not allowed.
Search String: “error# *”
Search String: “ shutdown “
Search String: “.*”
(will match on “error#1”, “ error#35”, “ error#n”)
(will match on “shutdown –y –g0 –i0”, “shutdown “)
(will match on any string)
6. Select the state (ALARM, WARN, NOTIFY, OK) you want the KM to change into, if
a string match occurs, by selecting the respective option from the State Change
produced if string matches radio button. For the purpose of this example, we will
select Warn. The four notification levels enable you the easily and effectively
monitor your Log Files and provide alerts on only the string matches that demand
Notification Levels
There are four (4) notification levels: ALARM, WARN, NOTIFY, OK. Each of these serves a
slightly different purpose, as outlined below:
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Figure 4: Search Strings Attributes Window
Note: alarm
change of state is
not generated if
Mutual Exclusion
List is enabled for
the log file
• Alarm: Any new text coming into the Log File that matches the ALARM level monitoring
attributes will change the state of the Log File instance to ALARM. A PEM event will be
generated indicating the ALARM level match and the Embedded recovery action for the
ALARM level will be executed. If further string matches are found and the Log File instance
is still in ALARM, a state change will not occur, but the PEM event will still be sent and the
Embedded recovery action will be executed again.
Note: warn change
of state is not
generated if
Mutual Exclusion
List is enabled for
the log file
• Warn: Any new text coming into the Log File that matches the WARN level monitoring
attributes, will change the state of the Log File instance to WARN. A PEM event will be
generated indicating the WARN level match and the Embedded recovery action for the
WARN level will be executed. If further string matches are found and the Log File instance is
still in WARN, a state change will not occur, but the PEM event will still be sent and the
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Embedded recovery action will be executed again. If an OK or ALARM level match occurs
subsequent to the WARN match, the state will be changed to reflect the new match level.
Note: when Mutual
Exclusion List is
enabled the event
generated is
always a Notify
Note: OK change
of state is not
generated if
Mutual Exclusion
List is enabled for
the log file
• Notify: This level is used when you want to be aware of something occurring, but you do not
want the Log File instance to change state. When new text coming into the Log File matches
the NOTIFY level monitoring attributes, a PEM event will be generated and the Embedded
recovery action for the NOTIFY level will be executed.
• OK: Any new text coming into the Log File that matches the OK level monitoring attributes
will change the state of the Log File instance to OK. A PEM event will be generated
indicating the OK level match, and the Embedded recovery action for the OK level will be
executed. Any new WARN or ALARM level match will cause the Log File instance to
change to the appropriate state, as expected.
7. You will want to change the value of the Consecutive matches to state field if you
want the change of state produced (WARN in this case) to happen only after finding N
matches. If you select 5 for example, the WARN state condition will be generated
only after 5 matches of the string are found within the Log File being monitored.
Consecutive matches to state is set to 1 by default.
8. The value of the Matches must occur within(mins) field is set to the number of
minutes in which the N Consecutive matches to state must occur. Continuing our
example, setting this value to 2, would result in the WARN state condition being
generated only after 5 consecutive matches of the string are found in the Log File
within a period of 2 minutes. Matches must occur within(mins) is set to 1 minute by
Lots of string matches
result in lots of popup
Some settings are
ignored if the string is
part of the Mutual
Exclusion List (Mutual
Exclusion is ON)
9. The Annotate in graph? option is used to indicate whether or not an annotation is
generated every time a match is produced for the given string. If you don’t want an
annotation to be generated uncheck it. Annotations hold the contents of the line that
generated the state change and can be viewed by double clicking on the “*” symbol in
the LogFileStatus parameter graph for the given monitor instance.
10. The When to PopUp? field dictates when pop up message is to be displayed on the
Patrol Console every time a string match is found. This functionality is disabled by
default (never).
If Mutual Exclusion is enabled for the given log file monitor, the settings (values) for
the following fields are ignored: State Change produced if string matches,
Consecutive matches to state, Matches must occur within(mins), Annotate in graph?,
When to PopUp? For more details see Matching using Mutual Exclusion List Option
on page 47.
11. Verify that all the information for the search string defined is correct and press the
Next > button. After a short wait, the Search String Attributes Window is replaced by
the Search Strings Definition Window, shown in Figure 5: Section of Search Strings
Attributes Window with String List
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The search string that you just defined is displayed in the list of Current String
Definitions and will display something similar to:
W,Y=>"my search string"
Where W stands for “WARN” and Y indicates that this string is currently set to active.
Rather than W, the state indicator can be any of “A” for ALARM, “W” for WARN,
“N” for NOTIFY and “O” for OK. The active indicator can be either “Y” or “N”. The
double quotes around the search string help identify blank spaces at the beginning or
end of the string. Note that leading or trailing blanks in the search strings are treated
as part of the string.
Leading or trailing
spaces in search strings
are significant
W,Y=>”shutdown ” (trailing space is significant here)
You can cancel a
Search String definition
by pressing the < Back
button if you are on the
Search String Attributes
Figure 5: Section of Search Strings Attributes Window with String List
The contents of the Log
File will not be
monitored until you
have defined at least
one active search
12. Using the Search Strings Definition Window, you can keep modifying the string list
by Adding, Modifying or Deleting strings with the selection of the corresponding
option; the Done option is always selected by default if at least one string has been
defined. To finish entering search strings and proceed with the rest of the Log File
definition, select the Done operation and then click the Next > button. The Embedded
Recovery Actions Window will appear (shown in Figure 6).
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Defining the Embedded Recovery Actions
This section provides the steps for defining the Embedded Recovery Actions for each of the
states (ALARM, WARN, NOTIFY and OK) that can be generated upon a string match and No
Match Recovery Action. It assumes you followed the previous steps to get to the Embedded
Recovery Actions Window.
Figure 6: Embedded Recovery Actions Window
1. Each search string that has been defined for the current log file monitor generates a notification
message whenever it is matched. LogWatch can be instructed to execute an OS command
whenever a string match occurs – these OS commands are setup by defining Embedded
Recovery Actions.
Embedded Recovery Actions are completely separate from the PATROL Agent’s normal
recovery actions and are stored in the external configuration file with the rest of your Log File
definition, rather than in the KM file.
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Five Embedded Recovery Actions can be defined:
1. Alarm Embedded Recovery Action – if you wish type an Operating System command to be
executed when an ALARM match is found.
2. Warn Embedded Recovery Action – if you wish type an Operating System command to be
executed when a WARN match is found.
3. Notify Embedded Recovery Action – if you wish type an Operating System command to be
executed when a NOTIFY match is found.
4. OK Embedded Recovery Action – if you wish type an Operating System command to be
executed when an OK match is found.
5. No Match Embedded Recovery Action – if you wish type an Operating System command to
be executed every time a new line does not match any of the search strings currently
The When to Execute field is provided for each Recovery Action and defines when the KM has
to execute the Recovery Action, by default all the Embedded Recovery Actions are executed
every time the condition is met(always).
Using our same string example, we know there is a string defined that can generate a WARN
condition if a match happens, to take advantage of the Embedded recovery actions, we define a
Warn Embedded Recovery Action that can append a message to an output file:
A simple Embedded
Recovery Action
Only Notify Embedded
Recovery Action is
executed for Mutual
Exclusion Lists
echo “DB is shutting down” >> /tmp/DBoutput.txt
To insert dynamic match related information into the your Embedded Recovery Actions, use
the built-in MACRO variables (these are discussed in the Advanced Topics section found later
in this document). For your convenience the View Macro List button is provided in the wizard
window, which displays a popup list of the available MACRO variables.
If Mutual Exclusion is enabled for the given log file monitor the KM will generate only Notify
events every time a line does not match the Mutual Exclusion List and therefore Notify
Embedded Recovery Action is the only field that will be taken in consideration and executed.
For more details see Matching using Mutual Exclusion List Option on page 47.
2. Click the Next > button to define the monitoring schedule for this monitor.
Defining the Log File Monitoring Schedule
This section provides the steps for defining the monitor schedule. It assumes you followed the
previous steps to get to the Schedule Window, shown below in Figure 7: Schedule Window.
1. The Schedule Window is the last configuration window. Here you can set the Log File
monitor scheduling attributes. The fields: From, To and Invert are provided for each day of
the week. You can set these fields to tell the monitor specifically when it is to start and
stop monitoring the associated log. The Invert checkbox indicates whether or not the Log
File should “be monitored” (normal) or “not be monitored” (inverted) during the associated
time range.
If, for example, you wish to monitor this Log File definition on Sundays from 9:30 AM to 4:45
PM, the entire day from Monday through Friday, and not monitor from 7:00AM to 8:00 PM on
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Saturday, the Schedule Window would be setup to look like the one in Figure 7: Schedule
Figure 7: Schedule Window
By default all the From fields are 00:00:00 and all the To fields contain 23:59:59 values,
meaning “all hours of the day”. Note the time fields are spinners where the digits represent
hours (in 24 hour time), minutes and seconds respectively.
2. The last field in this window is the Poll Interval for the Log File monitor. The default
value is 10 minutes. The shortest poll interval supported by the LogWatch KM is 30
3. Verify the Schedule information and press the Done button to complete this Log File
monitor definition. You will get a confirmation message window asking if you are sure
you want to make the configured changes. Pressing the Yes button here does the following:
your new definition is written to the INI file
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a new instance is created on the Patrol Console and will be using the label, icon,
group and other information that you have assigned to it
monitoring of the various Log File parameters (i.e. Log File size, and growth rate)
begins, assuming that the Active checkbox in the Definition Window was not
Note: on a busy
machine, it may
take some time for
Wizard to redisplay.
4. You will now be confronted with the first wizard page once again. Here you have an
opportunity to add more Log Files, Modify your current monitoring attributes, Delete
Existing Log Files or to quit.
5. Press the Done button to complete your definition session.
Modifying a Log File Monitor
This section assumes you have at least one Log File being monitored, so you can proceed to
modify the monitor definition.
The following steps will guide you through modifying the definition for an existing Log File
monitor. The steps for configuring each of the notification levels involve the exact same
procedure as the one presented below for the ALARM level.
1. Open the LogWatch Configuration Wizard Window, as outlined in the Adding a Log File
Monitor section found earlier in this document. Select Modify an existing Log file definition
operation and press the Next > button. After a short wait, the Modify Log File Window
appears displaying the defined Log Files in the corresponding list, see
Figure 8 below.
The Current Log File Definitions list shows the label, the file name and group for each
monitor configured.
Figure 8: Modify Log File Window
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2. Select the "Agent Errors" monitor from the Current Log File Definitions and click the Next >
button to bring up the Definition Details Window.
Modifying the Log File
monitoring attributes
3. Modify the Log File definition to meet the following criteria:
we want to set the icon to the "cube_ok.bmp" that is located in the
%PATROL_HOME%/images directory
look for the string "couldn’t" or the string "Error" every 60 seconds
go into ALARM if we find either of these strings
we have to find these at least 3 times in 5 minutes to consider this a problem worthy of
ALARM status
upon getting a match, email the Patrol administrator, Joe, indicating the problem
we want to annotate any string matches that cause a state change to the ALARM state
we only want to monitor for these strings during the week from 6:00pm and 8:00am
To do this, we set the fields in the wizard windows as follows:
Many of these fields
will already be set if
you have chosen to
Modify an existing
Log File definition
In the Definition Details Window:
- Active: checked
- File Name: c:\patrol3\log\PatrolAgent-tor-bplanchart-3181.errs
- Command to generate this file: <blank>
- Monitor all matching files: <disabled>
- Label: Agent Errors
- Icon: cube
- Group: <blank>
- Auto-reset to OK Timer:0
- Alarm if no data Timer:0
- Each poll cycle, perform search on: New data only
In the Search String Definition Window:
- Column: <blank>
- Column Delimiter: <blank>
- Row: <blank>
- Consider these strings as being mutually exclusive: checked
In the Search String Attributes Window: (for the definition of “couldn’t”)
- String is Active: checked
- String is Case Sensitive: <disabled>
- Invert Search: <disabled>
- Type of comparison: PSL Reg. Exp.
- Search String: couldn’t
- State Change produced if string matches: Alarm
- Consecutive matches to state: 3
- Matches must occur within(mins): 5
- Annotate in Graph?: checked
- When to PopUp?: Always
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In the Search String Attributes Window: (for the definition of “Error”)
- String is Active: checked
- String is Case Sensitive: checked
- Type of comparison: PSL Reg. Exp.
- Invert Search: <disabled>
- Search String: Error
- State Change produced if string matches: Alarm
- Consecutive matches to state: 3
- Matches must occur within(mins): 5
- Annotate in Graph?: checked
- When to PopUp?: Always
You’ll find more
complicated examples
of recovery actions in
the “Embedded
Recovery Actions”
In the Embedded Recovery Actions Window:
- Alarm Embedded Recovery Action:
echo “got an ALARM line match” | smtpsend –s “PATROL LogWatch
Alarm” –h my_mail_server –r [email protected]
When to Execute: Always
Warn Embedded Recovery Action: <blank>
When to Execute: Always
Notify Embedded Recovery Action: <blank>
When to Execute: Always
OK Embedded Recovery Action: <blank>
When to Execute: Always
No Match Embedded Recovery Action: <blank>
When to Execute: Always
In the Schedule Window:
- From( Monday through Friday): 18:00:00
- To( Monday through Friday): 8:00:00
- From( Sunday and Saturday): 00:00:00
- To( Sunday and Saturday):00:00:00
- Invert(all days of the week): <unchecked>
- Poll Interval: 00:01:00
Note: Any time
during the
modification you
can go back to the
previous window
by clicking the <
Back button when
After reaching the Schedule Window, click the Done button and then Yes from the
Confirmation window; your changes are then written to the LogWatch INI file, and the
monitoring of the Patrol agent error log file with the new configuration begins.
You can cancel the Log File modification if you press No in the Confirmation Window
(see Figure 9). If you press No, you may want to go back and verify/fix some values by
pressing the < Back button or Cancel the entire operation and go to the LogWatch
Configuration Wizard Window by pressing the Cancel button.
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Figure 9: Confirmation Window 1
Deleting Log Files from the Monitored List
Deleting Log Files is as simple as adding them. The following steps will guide you through
removing a Log File instance from the Patrol environment.
1. Open the LogWatch Configuration Wizard Window, as outlined in the "Adding a Simple Log
File Monitor" section found earlier in this document. Select Delete an existing Log file
definition operation and press the Next > button.
2. After a short wait, the Delete Log File Window appears displaying the currently defined Log
Files monitors. Select the log file monitor you wish to delete and click Next > ; in our
example we have selected the "Agent Errors" monitor.
Figure 10: Delete Log File Window
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Note that if you
delete a master
instance (i.e. a
logfile monitor
that has been
configured with
the “Monitor all
Matching Files”
option selected),
all child monitors
that have been
created by the
master will also
be deleted.
3. After a short wait a Confirmation Window will popup. Pressing the Yes button will cause the
KM to delete the specified Log File from the LogWatch INI file.
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Where to go from here…
How to get the most out of the KM …
Descriptions of the menus provided and
related functions …
Detailed explanation for each of the
InfoBox fields …
Attributes and meaning of the KM
Parameters …
Description of the fields for each wizard
window including default values and
format expected …
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Proceed to…
Pg. 29 Chapter 4. Advanced Topics
Pg. 52
Chapter 5. Menu Summary
Pg. 545 Chapter 6. InfoBox Item Summary
Pg. 577
Chapter 7. Parameter Summary
Pg. 622 Chapter 8. Fields Summary
Chapter 4. Advanced Topics
This chapter presents some advanced LogWatch features and tips on getting the most out of the
KM Hierarchy Model
Once the LogWatch Knowledge Module is fully installed and configured, we have provided
below in Figure 11 a hierarchical map of the relations between the application classes and
Figure 11: LogWatch Hierarchy Model
Figure 11, below, presents graphically a list of the KMs that make up LOGWATCH, as well as
a sample object hierarchy exhibited by a typical configuration.
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On the left side of the figure, the tree shows the relation between application classes and
instances if a successful configuration:
- You will notice that the LOGWATCH container is located under the BITWATCH
container and, the LOGWATCH_SETUP icon is shown under LOGWATCH. In case of a
first time installation when the logwatch configuration ini file does not exist or does not
contain monitor definitions, this would be all the information displayed.
- Given that a log file monitor has been created, an instance like the one named “file3all” is
added under the LOGWATCH container.
- As well, if a group has been defined, a container is created (if it does not exist) with the
name specified in the group and the log file-monitoring instance is placed under that group.
The “file1”monitor shown below is part of the “GROUP_CONTAINER” group.
Working with Groups
Starting with LogWatch version 1.2, the concept of logical groups has been realized, allowing
you to assemble related Log File monitors underneath a single container in your PATROL
If you edit a Log File
monitor and change its
group, a new group icon
will be created and the
monitor will be moved to
the new group.
For example, say you have an application called “CustomApp” that you want to monitor.
It sends debug information to a file called “/tmp/debug.out” and sends transaction
information to “$APP_HOME/transaction.log”. To have both of these Log Files reside
under a single application icon do the following:
set up two independent Log File monitors, one for “/tmp/debug.out” and one for
“$APP_HOME/transaction.log” (as outlined in Adding a Simple Log File Monitor)
set the Group fields for both monitors to “CustomApp”
A new application icon having the name “CustomApp” will be automatically be created on
your PATROL Console and the two Log File monitors will be created under it.
If you configure a
master logfile monitor
(i.e. a logfile monitor
that has been
configured with the
“Monitor all Matching
Files” option selected),
to be part of a group,
all child monitors that
are created by the
master are placed into
that same group.
The group feature is part of each of the BITWatch KMs – LogWatch, ProcWatch, and
AgentWatch – enabling you to group related Log Files, processes, and agents together in a
meaningful way; when your special group icon flashes, you know there is something wrong
with the associated application.
Being part of a group also affects the events that are generated by LogWatch. If a string match
is found for one of the log file monitors in a group, LogWatch generates two PEM events – one
indicating the match for the instance (as normal), and a second one indicating that string match
for the group has been detected. This makes it much easier to perform event correlation based
on the application alerts, rather than on individual log files.
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Monitoring by Command Execution
In some cases, it is useful to be able to monitor files that are created dynamically by the
execution of a command. Providing a monitoring command for the instance enables this type
of monitoring.
A monitoring command can be specified in the Definitions Details Window. The command is
limited to OS commands only and executes once per instance every poll cycle. Any command
that you would normally type on the command line (on the Patrol Agent host) can be used.
A Monitoring Command
An example of a monitoring command on UNIX would be:
du > /opt/user/dusage.txt
This would result in the file dusage.txt created with the information about the disk usage
every poll cycle. You could then configure LogWatch to watch for a specific directory
name that is created only when a fatal error happens for an in-house application.
A Monitoring Command
on NT
An example of a monitoring command on NT would be:
dir /AH > c:\hiddenfiles.txt
This would result in the file hiddenfiles.txt created with the information about the hidden
files on c:\. You could then configure LogWatch to watch for a specific file extension
that should not be hidden and, generate an alarm if there is at least one hidden file with
that extension.
The definition of an instance using a monitoring command adds power and flexibility to the
LogWatch KM. This feature can be used to solve real life situations like the conversion of a
binary file into a text file by an application that’s capable of doing so and, the utilization of
LogWatch KM in order to execute the command that converts the given binary file into a text
file on a regular basis and monitor the instance like any other Log File definition.
Monitoring by command execution can be combined with utilities like ELDump, DumpEL or
any other executable that can dump the content of the Windows NT/2000 event log into text
files, adding the capability of monitoring NT/2000 Event Logs. For more about how to monitor
NT/2000 Event Logs, look at the end of this subsection.
Creating a Log File
using monitoring by
Command Execution
In order to clarify how to monitor by command execution and take full advantage of this
feature, let’s assume we want to create a Log File instance definition to meet the following
we want to monitor the Windows NT/2000 event log
we want to label the instance: NTSysLog
look for the string "warning" every 10 minutes
go into ALARM if we find the string above
we want to annotate any string matches that cause a state change to the ALARM state
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
we want to popup a window on the console every time there is a string match that causes
a state change to the ALARM state
we want to monitor all the time
To do this, we set the fields in the wizard windows as follows:
Macro variables
available for the
command are
discussed below
ELDump is a free
application that
dumps the contents
of a NT event log as
text, for more info.
about ELDump:
ELDump is not
information of
In the Definition Details Window:
- Active: checked
- File Name: c:\ntsys.log
- Command to generate this file: %PATROL_HOME%\lib\BIT\eldump -a
%FROM={%Y%m%d%H%M%S} > c:\ntsys.log
Monitor all matching files: <disabled>
Label: NTSysLog
Group: <blank>
Auto-reset to OK Timer:0
Alarm if no data Timer:0
The file name to be monitored c:\ntsys.log is the same file as the one that the monitoring
command generates. The file is generated every poll cycle therefore the selection made for the
Each poll cycle, perform search on menu is irrelevant and ignored.
The execution of the monitoring command above would result in the file c:\ntsys.log being
created containing the NT/2000 event log with any records added to the event log since the last
poll cycle for the given instance. Note that the eldump application must be in your path in
order to be executed as specified in the command above, otherwise you need to specify the full
path of the command, for example:
%PATROL_HOME%\lib\BIT\eldump -a %FROM={%Y%m%d%H%M%S} > c:\ntsys.log
In the Search String Attributes Window: (for the definition of “warning” string)
- String is Active: checked
- String is Case Sensitive: <disabled>
- Invert Search: <disabled>
- Type of comparison: PSL Reg. Exp.
- String to match: warning
- State Change produced if string matches: Alarm
- Consecutive matches to state: 1
- Matches must occur within(mins): 1
- Annotate in Graph?: checked
- When to PopUp?: Always
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In the Embedded Recovery Actions Window:
- Alarm Embedded Recovery Action: <blank>
- When to Execute: Always
- Warn Embedded Recovery Action: <blank>
- When to Execute: Always
- Notify Embedded Recovery Action: <blank>
- When to Execute: Always
- OK Embedded Recovery Action: <blank>
- When to Execute: Always
- No Match Embedded Recovery Action: <blank>
- When to Execute: Always
In the Schedule Window:
- From( Monday through Sunday): 00:00:00
- To( Monday through Sunday): 23:59:59
- Invert (all days of the week): <unchecked>
- Poll Interval: 00:10:00
Windows NT/2000 shell
command must be
enclosed in quotes if
there are spaces in the
command name.
Monitoring command
with spaces
Keep the following in mind when using a monitoring command:
the monitoring command cannot be used in combination with wildcards in the file name
and/or pattern match files.
the monitoring command is run as the user that is running the WatcherLogColl collector
(this is, in most cases, patrol). If you want it to execute as some other user, you must
configure an override for this collector. See "How To Monitor Protected Files" later in this
document for more information.
“D:\Program Files\BMC Software\Patrol3\lib\BIT\Eldump” >
Macro Variables for the Monitoring Command
Table 1 below lists the currently supported macro variables for the monitoring command.
Macro Variable
Is replaced with
The last date/time collection was performed for the instance.
Where <FORMAT> is used to convert the timestamp to the
format the command understands. The format uses the same
specification as the asctime() PSL function, for details
consult your PATROL Script Language Reference Manual.
The current date/time. The format is the same as above.
Table 1: LogWatch Monitoring Command Macro Variables
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Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
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How to Monitor NT/2000 Event Logs
Monitoring Windows NT/2000 Event Logs using the Event Viewer can become a repetitive
task. If the task has to be performed on several hosts and each host can have different
software that can generate several kinds of events, this can become a real challenge for the
system administrator. If you want to automate the monitoring of Windows NT/2000 logs you
can do it using LogWatch KM for PATROL.
This section explains how to monitor NT/2000 Event Logs using the monitoring by command
execution functionality of the LogWatch KM and the accompanying ELDump tool.
The Windows distributions of the LOGWATCH KM creates the directory BIT under
%PATROL_HOME%\lib and copies the eldump binary ELDump.exe and an accompanying
README file into it.
ELDump is a tool that dumps the contents of an NT/2000 event log as text. ELDump has been
written by Jesper Lauritsen and exists in the freeware domain; Arackal Digital Solutions does
not support this utility. The binary executable and documentation are free to the public and,
can be downloaded from:
Although LogWatch comes with ELDump, several other good NT/2000 Event log parsing tools
are available; examples of two other tools are:
DumpEvt from SomarSoft dumps the event log in a format suitable for importing into a
database. Similar to the DUMPEL utility in the NT resource kit, but without some of
the limitations. DumpEvt has been updated to now allow dumping the new Windows
2000 event logs (DNS, File Replication, and Directory Service). To learn more about
the tool and download it, go to
DumpEL is the utility provided in the NT/2000 resource Kit. For more about DumpEL
or the NT/2000 resource Kit, please search the Microsoft Corporation web pages at:
Configuring LogWatch to monitor NT/2000 event logs is as simple as defining a new instance
that monitors by command. The following example shows the file name and a command text
used to define an instance that monitors the NT/2000 event log using the ELDump utility.
Command to monitor
NT event logs using the
ELDump tool
File Name: c:\ntsys.log
Command to generate this file:
%PATROL_HOME%\lib\BIT\eldump -a %FROM={%Y%m%d%H%M%S} –b
%TO={%Y%m%d%H%M%S} > c:\ntsys.log
The above settings would result in LogWatch executing the command every poll cycle, creating
the c:\ntsys.log file, which contains any new event log lines that that have been detected
since the last poll time.
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Simply dumping an event log
ELDump.exe comes with an option that lets you dump the Application, Security, and
System event. Specify the –l and any of the following choices: system, security or
application. If –l is not specified the tool dumps the system event log, by default.
Command dump the
system, security and
application NT event log
eldump -l system
dumps the system event log
eldump -l security
dumps the security event log
eldump -l application
dumps the application event log
Organization of the log dump
ELDump provides options that allow filtering on the data being dump, information like:
Date, Time, Event ID, Source and Computer Columns. If you're familiar with Event
Viewer, you can easily pick and understand the data, however you may want to look
further into the options provided by the ELDump tool to dump data selectively.
The example above dumps all the information for each event.
Range of data to dump
ELDump provides the –a and –b options to allow dumping messages for a specified
range of time:
-a time only dumps messages after or at the time specified as
-b time only dumps messages before the time specified as yyyymmddhhmmss
The LogWatch KM provides the %FROM and %TO macros holding the latest time the
collection was performed and the current collection time, these macros can be used in
combination with the –a and –b provided by ELDump in order to dump only the new
entries every poll cycle. The example below shows the format used to achieve this.
-a %FROM={%Y%m%d%H%M%S} tells ELDump to dump only
messages after or at the time specified by %FROM={%Y%m%d%H%M%S}
Note that the macro needs a time pattern; this way the KM can translate the
timestamp using asctime into a date/time that is understood by the command (in
this case ELDump). The syntax is as follows: %FROM={<PATTERN>} where
pattern is replaced by a format specification understood by the asctime psl
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In this example the combination %Y%m%d%H%M%S corresponds to
yyyymmddhhmmss, for example Aug 1st,2000 at 9:30:10 am is represented as:
For more about the format specification of asctime, please consult your BMC
PATROL Script Language Reference Manual.
-a %TO={%Y%m%d%H%M%S} tells ELDump to dump only messages
before the time specified by %TO={%Y%m%d%H%M%S}
The format and pattern follow the same rules as the %FROM macro explained
The above discussion outlines how to add the ELDump command to a LogWatch
instance in order to have your NT/2000 Event logs monitored.. You can now proceed
to add any search strings, recovery actions or scheduling attributes to this definition as
you would with any normal LogWatch monitoring definition.
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Embedded Recovery Actions
Macro variables are
discussed below
Embedded recovery actions are specified in the Embedded Recovery Actions Window. They
can be OS commands only and execute once per string match. These recovery actions are
referred to as being "embedded" because they are actually stored in the LogWatch INI file on
the agent host, and are explicitly executed by the KM code. This differs from the normal BMC
Patrol recovery actions in several ways:
PATROL recovery actions require modifications to the actual KM (requiring
redeployment of the KM to effected servers, KM change management, and PATROL
Agent restarts).
PATROL recovery actions fire only on state changes (i.e. OK to ALARM)
LogWatch makes use of macro variables which may be used to easily provide more
detailed information pertaining to the string match
As stated previously, embedded recovery actions can be of type OS only. That means that
basically any command that you would normally type on the command line (on the Patrol
Agent host) can be used.
A useful embedded
recovery action
An example of an embedded recovery action would be:
echo “An error has been detected in Backup log
%FILENAME monitored by %LABEL. The error detected
was: %MATCHED_LINE. This requires immediate
attention!” | mailx –s “Backup error detected!”
[email protected]
This would result in a mail message being sent to user Joe whenever a string match
occurred on the monitored backup log. A complete list of macros is given below.
Keep the following in mind when using Embedded recovery actions:
See the “How to Monitor
Protected Files” section
for details concerning
changing the monitoring
OS recovery action
commands with spaces
there can only be a single embedded recovery action specified per match level per
monitored instance.
the OS command is run as the user that is running the WatcherLogColl collector (this is, in
most cases, patrol). If you want it to execute as some other user, you must configure an
override for this collector. See "How To Monitor Protected Files" later in this document
for more information.
any Windows NT/2000 programs that are not console applications (i.e. they generate a
window) will not run correctly, as no graphical display will be available for them to attach
to. For example, if you want to start Netscape whenever you notice there is an ALARM
string match, simply typing "netscape.exe" into the recovery action window will not work –
the netscape process will start, but no window will be displayed. X-Windows programs do
not suffer from this problem, provided that an X-emulator is running on the Patrol Agent
machine and that the DISPLAY environment variable is set appropriately.
Windows NT/2000 shell commands must be enclosed in quotes if there are spaces in the
command name as in:
“c:\Program Files\software\my_prog.exe”
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Macro Variables for Embedded Recovery Actions
Table 2 below lists the currently supported macro variables and what each of them expands to.
These variables may be used in embedded recovery actions; the KM expands the variables and
places their contents in place of the macro variable specified in the recovery action.
In the example given in the Embedded Recovery Action section above, %FILENAME is
expanded to the full name of the Log File being monitored, %LABEL is replaced by the label
you have given to the Log File monitor, and %MATCHED_LINE is expanded to the entire line
that was found to match your criteria. The entire command is then passed to the operating
system and executed.
Macro Variable
Is replaced with
The full name (including path) of the file being monitored
The name of the instance that is monitoring this Log File.
This is not the same as the label name and would be used for
interfacing with the PATROL namespace.
The label given to the Log File monitor. This is usually a
name that you can easily relate to the Log File so you don’t
need to remember its entire path. The PEM events sent by
the PATROL Agent during state changes will use this label in
the origin field.
This is the group associated with the Log File monitor. By
default this will be LOGWATCH.
The current size of the Log File
The current growth rate of the Log File
The entire line that was found to match the currently
configured search criteria. In case of the No Match
Embedded Recovery Action the macro contains the line that
did not match the search criteria.
The name of the host that the monitor is running on
The search string that was used for the current match
The entire previous line to the matched line.
Table 2: LogWatch Embedded Recovery Action Macro Variables
If you configure a master logfile monitor to use one or more Embedded Recovery Actions, all
child monitors that are created by the master employ those same embedded recovery actions.
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Generated PEM Events
PEM events are generated automatically by the KM in 8 different situations:
1. Whenever a string match occurs in one of the four notification levels, a PEM event is
generated outlining the match details. The PEM event Type field is set according to which
notification level triggered the event, as outlined in the following table.
Notification Level
PEM Event Type
Table 3: LogWatch Notification Level to PEM Event Type Mappings
2. When the instance goes back into the OK state on its own because the Auto-reset to OK
Timer configuration option is set.
3. When the instance goes back into the OK state because a Patrol Console user uses the Reset
Log File Status menu item for the instance.
4. If the monitor is part of a group and a string match occurs in one of the four notification
5. If the monitor goes into the ALARM state because the Alarm if no data Timer
configuration option is set.
6. If the log file corresponding to the monitor is found.
7. If the log file corresponding to the monitor is not found.
8. If Mutual Exclusion is enabled and a match occurs because a line of data in the log file
matches none of the strings of the Mutual Exclusion list.
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Case 1: String Match
In the first case, the resulting PEM event is of class "StringMatchFound" and has the following
<logfilename> [Inst=<instance name>]: <state> match found.
Matching contents:[<matching logfile data>]. Pattern:
[<string condition matched>].
<logfilename> is the full path name of the Log File generating the event
<instance name> is the name of the LogWatch instance associated with the
Log File monitor (see Patrol Agent Users Guide for more information on PATROL
<state> is one of ALARM, WARN, NOTIFY and OK
<matching Log File data> is the entire line from the Log File that
matched the search criteria.
<string condition matched> is the entire search criteria starting with the
type of comparison made and including the string or value compared.
If the comparison type is ‘PSL. Regular expression’, the result starts with
“string =~”.
For ‘equals to’ the result starts with “string ==” and similar patterns are
used for the following numeric comparisons: “<”, “>”, “<=”, “>=”.
Case 2: Timeout
In the second case, the PEM event is of class "OkStateReset" and has the following format:
<label> [Inst=<instance name>]: Logfile status reset to OK
due to Auto-Reset Timer.
<label> is the label that was given to the Log File monitor
<instance name> is the name of the LogWatch instance associated with the
Log File monitor (see Patrol Developer’s Course Notes for more information on
PATROL instances)
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Case 3: Menu Command
If a Patrol Console user clears the alarm via the menu command, the resulting PEM event is of
class "ManualAlarmReset" and has the following contents:
<label> [Inst=<instance name>]: state has been reset to OK
due to user invocation of the 'Reset Logfile Status' menu
<label> is the label that was given to the Log File monitor
<instance name> is the name of the LogWatch instance associated with the
Log File monitor (see Patrol Developers Course Notes for more information on
PATROL instances)
Case 4: Group Member
If a log file monitor is a member of a Group and a string match is detected, an event of class
"GroupAlarm" is sent and has the following contents:
Monitor '<label>' from LOGWATCH has changed to the <state>
state, causing the group '<group name>' to also go into this
<label> is the label that was given to the Log File monitor
<state> is the state that the group has changed to
<group name> is the name of the group that is sending the event
Case 5: No data added
If no new data is added to a monitor in the time specified by the Alarm if no data Timer field,
the resulting PEM event is of class " AlarmStateAuto" and has the following contents:
<label> [Inst=<instance name>]: Logfile status set to ALARM
due to no data Timer.
<label> is the label that was given to the Log File monitor
<instance name> is the name of the LogWatch instance associated with the
Log File monitor (see Patrol Developers Course Notes for more information on
PATROL instances)
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Case 6: Log File Found
In the sixth case, the PEM event is of class "LogFileFound" and has the following format:
<label> [Inst=<instance name>]: logfile for given instance
has been found.
<label> is the label that was given to the Log File monitor
<instance name> is the name of the LogWatch instance
associated with the Log File monitor (see Patrol Developers
Course Notes for more information on PATROL instances)
Case 7: Log File Not Found
In the seventh case, the PEM event is of class "LogFileNotFound" and has the following
<label> [Inst=<instance name>]: logfile for given instance
does not exist or not found
<label> is the label that was given to the Log File
<instance name> is the name of the LogWatch instance associated with the Log
File monitor (see Patrol Developers Course Notes for more information on
PATROL instances)
Case 8: Mutual Exclusion List Match
In the eighth case, the PEM event is of class "MUXListMatch" and has the following format:
<logfilename> [Inst=<instance name>]: Mutual Exclusion List
match found. Line not matched:[<non-matching line>].
<logfilename> is the full path name of the Log File generating the event
<instance name> is the name of the LogWatch instance associated with the
Log File monitor (see Patrol Agent Users Guide for more information on PATROL
< non-matching line > is the entire line from the Log File that matched
none of the strings of the Mutual Exclusion List. For more details see Matching
using Mutual Exclusion List Option on page 47.
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With exception of case 4, the cases above send events that have the origin field set to:
Where <instance_name> is the name that the KM has assigned to the monitor. The Group
Member events have the origin field set to:
By parsing this from within your help desk application or event correlation engine, you can
write advanced rules that effect all LogWatch events, or just those pertaining to the instance
<instance_name>. Your rule writing capability will depend greatly on the sophistication level
of your event management system.
If you don't want the LogWatch KM to generate the custom ALARM, WARN or OK events, you
can add the variable /LOGWATCH/disableEvents to your PATROL Agent's configuration
(using pconfig, wpconfig, xpconfig) and set its value to something other than "".
You can use these customized PEM events to performed advanced filtering and correlation of Log
File alerts using your external integrated helpdesk/Event Management System.
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All rights reserved
Using the ‘‘All Matching Files’’ Monitoring Option
In some cases, it is useful to be able to monitor all of the files located in a given directory
matching a particular filename expression. This type of monitoring is enabled by selecting the
“Monitor all matching files” checkbox in the configuration GUI wizard for a given monitor and
results in a master instance being created that is “in charge of” one or more child monitors.
An instance becomes a master if the File Name to be monitored contains the wildcard character
“*” and the Monitor all matching instances checkbox is enabled. Given a master definition, the
LogWatch KM performs actions to periodically get a list of the matching files and creates or
updates a list of child logfile monitor instances accordingly.
An instance is a child of a master if it has been created by a master.
LogWatch deals with master and child instances differently than with normal “standalone”
logfile monitor instances:
The child instance inherits properties like search strings, recovery actions and
monitoring schedule from the master.
Every time the master is updated, the monitor information gets propagated from the
master to the children when the master’s collector runs.
If a master becomes inactive, all of its child instances are destroyed.
If a master is deleted, all of its children are deleted as well.
Only the master instance in saved to the external configuration file and displayed in the
list of current instances for deletion or modification in the GUI; a child instance,
therefore, can be changed only by changing its’ corresponding master.
The LogWatch KM checks for files matching the configured filename pattern and
updates, removes and creates instances accordingly:
- If a file monitored by a child instance is removed, the instance that was monitoring
the file will be deleted.
- If a new file is found to match the master’s filename pattern, a child instance is
automatically created to monitor the new file and parsing of the new file will start
from byte 0.
Using master instances may seem confusing at first, but LogWatch automatically does the
majority of the hard work for you.
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Reading the file from the beginning at a specified date/time
For very specific log files it may be necessary to re-read or process the entire file on a regular
basis. The default behavior of the LogWatch KM is to process only new lines of data. The
Each poll cycle, perform search on menu in the configuration GUI wizard allows changing this
selection. It has three choices:
1. Entire File – parses the entire file every poll cycle.
2. New data only – parses only new data appended to the file every poll cycle.
3. New data only, but entire file at date/time – parses new data every poll cycle and parses the
entire file at approximately date and time.
This section provides the steps for setting the date and time the file is to be processed
completely if you select the third choice (“New data only, but entire file at date/time”). It
assumes you followed the steps to create a log file definition and selected the Next button on
the Definition Details Window.
Figure 12: Read Data Settings Window
The Read Data Settings Window is displayed only if the Each poll cycle, perform search on
Selection is “New data only, but entire file at date/time” in the Definition Details Window.
Here you can set the approximate date/time for the log file to be re-read.
The Specify approximate time for the file to be read fields allows telling the monitor
specifically when it is to re-read the associated log file.
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2. The Select the choice that best meet your needs menu selection indicates whether the KM is
to re-read the file on specific days of the weeks or on a given day of the month.
3. Specify day(s) of the week has checkboxes available for every day of the week. If your
choice was “Selected Days of the week”; the KM will re-read the log file on the selected
4. Specify Nth day of the month allows selecting or typing of a number from 1 to 31,
indicating the day of the month you want the log file to be re-read. This value is only
taken in consideration and used by the KM if your choice was “Specified day(Nth) of the
5. If, for example, you wish to re-read this log file Sundays about 9:30 AM, the Read Data
Settings Window Schedule Window would be setup to look like the one below. Once you
verify the date and time settings are correct, press the OK button.
Selecting date/time that
KM will reparse entire
logfile monitor.
Figure 13: Read Data Settings Window Example
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Matching using Mutual Exclusion List Option
In some cases, it is useful to be able to monitor the log files for new lines of data that do not
match a specific set of strings. This set of strings is called Mutual Exclusion list and selecting
the Consider these strings as being mutually exclusive checkbox in the configuration GUI
wizard enables it.
A Mutual Exclusion list is created internally by taking each of the search string definitions that
are Active and which Type of comparison is PSL Reg. Exp. The settings for State Change
produced if string matches, Consecutive matches to state, Matches must occur within(mins),
Annotate in graph? and When to PopUp? are not used if Mutual Exclusion is enabled.
Making a list of mutually
exclusive strings.
In order to clarify how the Mutual Exclusion List feature works, let’s assume we have an
application that creates a specific log and we want to monitor that log file to match any line that
does not contain the expressions: “record entry saved” or “db update completed”
To do this, we set the check the Consider these strings as being mutually exclusive field in the
Search Strings Definition Window add the following string definitions:
In the Search String Attributes Window: (for the definition of “record entry saved”)
- String is Active: checked
- String is Case Sensitive: <disabled>
- Invert Search: <disabled>
- Type of comparison: PSL Reg. Exp.
- Search String: record entry saved
In the Search String Attributes Window: (for the definition of “db update completed”)
- String is Active: checked
- String is Case Sensitive: <disabled>
- Invert Search: <disabled>
- Type of comparison: PSL Reg. Exp.
- Search String: db update completed
The above definition creates the following Mutual Exclusion list:
record entry saved
db update completed
The KM generates events of type MUXListMatch for every line of data that matches none of
the strings in the Mutual Exclusion list. For ex: The line: “RQST000005167 record entry
saved” will not generate a MUXListMatch, but the line “database rollback” will generate a
MUXListMatch event.
The MUXListMatch events are notification events; the KM generates a MUXListMatch and a
PopUp window for every line of data that matches none of the strings in the list. The KM will
also execute the Notify Embedded Recovery Action if one has been specified.
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How to Monitor Protected Files
A protected file is one that is only readable by the owner. Since, in most cases, the LogWatch
collector is executed by the patrol user, no content monitoring will be possible on any log file
that the patrol user does not have read access to. The following error will be displayed on
your Patrol Console if the KM cannot monitor a protected file whenever the monitored file is
ERROR (LOGWATCH:WatcherLogColl)==>Couldn't open file [/var/adm/sulog] for
read (no string matching will be performed)!
ERROR (LOGWATCH:WatcherLogColl)==>Please check that the user <defaultAccount>
has read permissions for the file.
The size and growth rate parameters will still collect and show accurate information, even if
the file is not readable; you will not be able to search the file for content though.
In the following example, we outline the steps that should be used to monitor the contents of
the sulog file on a UNIX machine. This file is normally readable only by root.
Define a log file monitor for the sulog, as outlined in the Adding a Log File Monitor in
page 10. At this point the KM will be monitoring the log’s size and growth-rate and will
be generating the above error on your console whenever the file is changed.
Right-mouse on the new sulog monitor and run the Monitor this instance as… menu
command located under the Admin submenu. You will be presented with a
username/password dialog; enter the name of the user allowed to configure the PATROL
Agent (this can be any user found having “C” access in the Agent’s accessControlList
pconfig variable). By default everyone can configure the agent, so just typing in the patrol
username and password will probably work. This will enable you to write to the PATROL
Agent’s configuration database.
Now, a new username/password dialog will be presented to you. Enter the name and
password of the user that you wish to have monitor the sulog; we want to enter the
information for the "root” user for this example. Pressing OK in this dialog writes the
information into the Agent’s configuration database.
Alternatively, for mass distribution:
Using one of the Agent configuration utilities wpconfig (WinNT), xpconfig, or pconfig,
connect to the Patrol Agent that is to monitor the sulog file. Create a new variable called:
where <instname> is the name of the instance as it appears in your Patrol console.
Proceed to set the value of this new variable; there will be fields in the dialog where you
can enter in an appropriate username and password (root is required for monitoring the
As soon as you apply the configuration changes to the agent, LogWatch will be able to
monitor the sulog.
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
Warning!: it is extremely important that no users other than the PATROL administrators be
given write access to the LogWatch INI file after performing the above steps, due to the fact
that the sulog log file monitor is now monitoring the file as root. Since the same collector is
responsible for executing the embedded recovery action, care must be taken to ensure that any
access to this recovery action (and thus the Configuration Wizard GUI) is carefully guarded.
Displaying the Contents of a Protected File
If you need to view the contents of a protected file, select either the Show Last N LogFile
Lines or Show First N LogFile Lines menu commands from the log file instance that you want
to view. The KM will ask you to enter a username and password and will attempt to open the
file using this authentication information. If successful, the contents of the file will be
displayed in a popup report window on your PATROL Console.
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
The LogWatch INI Files
LogWatch has been
updated to
automatically read any
external changes made
to the INI files including
icon, label, and group!
All configuration information is stored in an external Microsoft Windows INI-style
configuration files. The KM created one ini file per logfile definition. The choice to use the
INI file format was based on several factors:
the INI file can then be viewed or modified using any text editor
can be easily copied or backed up, or put under change control
can be easily write protected by the PATROL administrator
is not limited by field sizes, as PATROL pconfig variables are
There is one configuration file for each PATROL Agent running on the machine. By default
these files are located in the $PATROL_HOME/config directory (UNIX) or
%PATROL_HOME%/config (Windows), but this location can be easily changed (as
outlined below). The name of each INI file is tied to the port number that each agent is
running on and the instance name.
The name and default
location of the
LogWatch INI files for
an Agent on port 3181
If there is a PATROL Agent running on port 3181, the associated LogWatch INI file for
an instance name log1 would be %PATROL_HOME%/config/lw3181-log1.ini by default
If you want someone other than the patrol account to own the file, you will have to manually
change the ownership using the appropriate method for your operating system.
When you use the KM GUIs to make configuration changes to LogWatch, all reading and
writing of the configuration file is performed automatically by the KM code. If you use
scripts, an editor, or some other utility to modify the INI files directly, LogWatch will pickup
the modified lines and automatically make the changes to the appropriate Log File monitors.
You could use this feature to implement monitoring of files with rotating monitoring schedules
or filenames, for example.
Format Change: the KM will backup any pre-existing ini if you have any version 2.x;
however we recommend you back up the file prior to loading LogWatch v3 if you had a
previous release install. If you experience any issues with the auto conversion performed
by the KM, please contact our support department at: [email protected].
Warning: The KM uses the label to create an unique instance name and keeps a list of
instance names in the variable: /LOGWATCH/instanceList
If you change the instance list, you need to change the ini file section that has the name as
well as rename it. We do not recommend changing names manually, using the GUI
Changing the Location of the INI Files Directory
If you wish to change where the INI files are located, simply set the Agent configuration
variable /LOGWATCH/configDir to point to the full path using pconfig, xpconfig, or wpconfig
(see the Patrol Agent Reference Guide for more information on using these external utilities).
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
Changing the location of
the INI file
If you want the INI files to be in /home/bob, set the "/LOGWATCH/configDir" agent
setup variable to "/home/bob " and then use the "Re-read INI file" menu command to
force the KM to use the new directory.
Where to go from here…
Descriptions of the menus provided and
related functions …
Detailed explanation for each of the
InfoBox fields …
Attributes and meaning of the KM
Parameters …
Description of the fields for each wizard
window including default values and
format expected …
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
Proceed to…
Pg. 52
Chapter 5. Menu Summary
Pg. 545 Chapter 6. InfoBox Item Summary
Pg. 577
Chapter 7. Parameter Summary
Pg. 622 Chapter 8. Fields Summary
all can only be
only from a
oper Console and
ared files (such
se used by other
atch products) will
deleted. The
ort#>nce_name.ini files
Chapter 5. Menu Summary
This chapter summarizes the various menu commands available in the LogWatch KM.
To access these commands, perform one of the following:
Using the Windows NT/2000 Console, right-click your mouse on the Log File instance
icon you are interested in and go to the KM Commands menu pick
Using UNIX, right-click your mouse on the Log File instance icon you are interested
LogWatch Menu Commands:
Logfile Maintenance
Re-read INI file
Show INI file
Add to Preloaded KMs
Reset Logfile Status
Clear Last Matched Info
Reset GUI Lock
Uninstall LogWatch
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
All submenus of this menu pick are related to maintaining
Log File monitors.
This displays the Log File Maintenance dialog box,
enabling you to add, deleted, or edit LogWatch monitoring
attributes. The username/password combination entered
upon selecting this menu should correspond to someone
who has proper OS level privileges for writing the
LogWatch INI file (see "Using the LogWatch KM" for
more detailed information).
This item forces the KM to re-read the LogWatch INI file
and completely reinitialize it. Note: all monitoring of Log
Files is stopped during the reset operation.
This item copies the contents of the existing LogWatch INI
file to the Patrol Console.
This item adds the LOGWATCH_SETUP.kml to the
/AgentSetup/preloadedKMs configuration variable, forcing
the PATROL Agent to load the LogWatch KM upon
Use the choices under this menu to manually reset several
Instance specific variables.
If an instance is currently in the ALARM state, running this
menu command will reset its state to OK. A PEM event is
sent to any listeners when this command is run.
This should be used to clear the Last Matched Info items
located in the instance's InfoBox.
When a Patrol Console user is editing the LogWatch INI
file, a temporary lock is created in the PATROL Agent’s
name space so that 2 users don’t inadvertently cancel each
other’s changes. There are certain rare circumstances
where it may be necessary to manually remove the lock
file. This menu command is used for this.
This command will uninstall the LogWatch KM from the
given agent.
“How to Monitor
ed Files” section for
concerning changing
itoring user.
a large number of
ay cause the Patrol
run out of memory.
Monitor this instance as…
Enables anyone having configuration access to the
PATROL Agent to change which user the WatcherLogColl
parameter executes as. Ordinarily, running this collector as
the default patrol user is sufficient, but if you want to
monitor protected files or wish to have your Embedded
Recovery Action execute as a different user (root for
example), the instance must be monitored by that user.
Use the choices under this menu pick to enable or disable
debugging of the LogWatch KM for the associated
This enables debugging for the associated instance. Most
of this information will not be entirely useful to you, but
will help BIT support if the need arises. Note: debugging
information will be dumped to all Patrol consoles that have
the LogWatch KM loaded.
This turns off debugging.
Enable RA Output Logging
This enables redirection of embedded recovery action
output to a text file, making debugging of the Embedded
Recovery actions easier. The file generated is located in
the $PATROL_HOME/log (UNIX) or
%PATROL_HOME%/log (Windows) directory. The name
of the output file is: logwatch_db_out.txt
Disable RA Output Logging This turns off RA Output Logging.
Use this command to display a specific number of lines
Show First N Logfile Lines
from the top of associated Log File instance with the output
going to the Patrol Console.
Use this command to display a specific number of lines
Show Last N Logfile Lines
from the bottom of associated Log File instance with the
output going to the Patrol Console.
This forces the collector for the associated Log File
Refresh Parameters
monitor to execute immediately. This is useful when you
want to see updated information, but don’t want to wait for
the scheduled poll-time to come around.
Displays if only new data or entire file is to be parsed every
Settings for Data to Read
poll. It also contains the date/time details in case file is to
be read on a regular basis.
Displays a report containing the schedule for the
Show Monitoring Times
corresponding Log File monitor.
Displays a report containing the currently Mutual
Show Search Strings
Exclusion list or the configured search strings for each
notification level, as well as the status of each (Active or
Inactive), and the current match N times with M minutes
Displays contact and company information.
About LogWatch…
Table 4: Summary of Menu Commands
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
Where to go from here…
Detailed explanation for each of the
InfoBox fields …
Attributes and meaning of the KM
Parameters …
Description of the fields for each wizard
window including default values and
format expected …
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
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All rights reserved
Proceed to…
Pg. 555 Chapter 6. InfoBox Item Summary
Pg. 577
Chapter 7. Parameter Summary
Pg. 622 Chapter 8. Fields Summary
Chapter 6. InfoBox Item Summary
This chapter summarizes the various InfoBox items available in the LogWatch KM. To access
these commands, perform one of the following:
Using the Windows NT/2000 Console, right-click your mouse on the appropriate Log
File instance icon and go to the InfoBox… menu pick.
Using UNIX, click and hold your middle mouse button on the appropriate Log File
instance icon.
LogWatch InfoBox Items:
Currently Active?
Full Name
Monitoring Command
Custom Polling Interval (secs)
Being Monitor By
Monitoring Times
Current NOTIFY Match Criteria
Current OK Match Criteria
Current WARN Match Criteria
Current ALARM Match Criteria
Row and Column Filter
Auto-Reset Timers OK, Alarm
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
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Indicates the monitoring status for this instance. If
"No", no monitoring is currently being performed.
Displays the full path name of the monitored Log
If the monitor is a master instance, this item shows
If the filename was specified as a pattern match, the
name of the currently matching file will be provided,
also shown surrounded by “[]”.
Displays the command that is to be executed to
generate the log file prior to parsing.
Number of seconds between successive checks for
new Log File text.
User the instance is being monitored by.
Day and time ranges that this instance will actively
monitor the associated Log File. Outside of these
time ranges, the monitor’s Active InfoBox item will
still show “Yes”, but no history will be stored and no
state changes will occur.
A quote (" ") separated list of strings that, if found in
new Log File text, will trigger a NOTIFY level
A quote (" ") separated list of strings that, if found in
new Log File text, will trigger a OK level match
A quote (" ") separated list of strings that, if found in
new Log File text, will trigger a WARN level match
A quote (" ") separated list of strings that, if found in
new Log File text, will trigger a ALARM level match
Displays the Row, Column and Separator
Displays two pieces of information: <OK AutoReset>, <Alarm Auto-Reset>.
OK-Auto Reset: Indicates the number of minutes the
KM will wait before automatically setting to OK
state. If this has not been configured for the instance,
it will read "<disabled>".
Alarm-Auto Reset: Indicates the number of minutes
the KM will go into ALARM if no new data is added
to the Log File. If this has not been configured for
the instance, it will read "<disabled>".
Last Matching for N, OK, W, A
Last Polled Size, Touched
KM Licensee, Expires
For support, contact
KM Version
Shows the last matched line that caused the
respective log file instance to notify or change
state to Ok/Warn/Alarm.
Displays two pieces of information: <Last Polled
File Size>, < Last Touched Time >.
Last Polled File Size: Indicates the last noted Log
File size (in bytes)
Last Touched Time: Shows the last time the
associated Log File was changed.
Displays two pieces of information: <LogWatch
Licensed To>, <LogWatch License Exp Date>
LogWatch Licensed To: Company name the product
is licensed to.
LogWatch License Exp Date: Displays the expiry
date of your currently installed license. This will
display "<never>" if you have purchased a
permanent license.
Shows the email address you should use if you
require support for this KM.
Displays the KM Version, as set by the vendor.
Table 5: LogWatch InfoBox Items
Where to go from here…
Attributes and meaning of the KM
Parameters …
Description of the fields for each wizard
window including default values and
format expected …
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All rights reserved
Proceed to…
Pg. 577
Chapter 7. Parameter Summary
Pg. 622 Chapter 8. Fields Summary
Chapter 7. Parameter Summary
This chapter outlines the parameters provided by the LogWatch KM including their types, poll
intervals, security and recovery actions.
To access the non-collector parameters, double click on a monitored Log File instance; if you
have not yet added any instances to be monitored, you will have only the
LOGWATCH_SETUP currently displayed (this instance has no parameters associated with it
as it is only used for configuration). Proceed to the Chapter 3. Setting up a Log File Monitors
for details concerning adding a new Log File monitor.
LogWatch Parameters:
Parameter Name
Number of alarm string conditions matched per poll
View Type
Not applicable
Default Polling Interval
Not applicable
Default Security
Default Recovery Actions
Table 6: AlarmStringsMatched Parameter
Parameter Name
This parameter holds the size of the associated Log
File at any given time.
View Type
Not applicable
Default Polling Interval
Not applicable
Default Security
Default Recovery Actions
In the cases where the size of the Log File is
Recommended Recovery
important, a possible recovery action could be to
email/page a user, archive it and then truncate it
down to a reasonable size.
Table 7: CurrentSize Parameter
Parameter Name
This parameter holds the current growth rate
exhibited by this Log File, over the last polling
interval; the polling interval is dictated by the
WatcherLogColl parameter.
Not applicable
View Type
Default Polling Interval
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
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Not applicable
Log File growth rate can often be important. Using
this parameter, you could easily set a maximum
allowed growth-rate and force an email, or page to go
out to a technician indicating the problem.
It would also be possible to make a "smarter"
recovery action that first checks the CurrentSize
parameter and performs a sort of correlation before
sending off a message (i.e. having a small Log File
that has an erratic growth-rate is not really a problem
in most cases).
Table 8: GrowthRate Parameter
Default Security
Default Recovery Actions
Recommended Recovery
Parameter Name
Number of lines that do not match any of the defined
conditions every poll cycle.
View Type
Not applicable
Default Polling Interval
Not applicable
Default Security
Default Recovery Actions
Table 9: LinesNotMatched Parameter
Parameter Name
This parameter indicates in which of the 3 possible
states the associated Log File is currently in (i.e. OK,
WARN, or ALARM). This consumer's value is set
by the collector whenever a string match occurs on
new Log File data.
View Type
Not applicable
Default Polling Interval
Not applicable
Default Security
There are no default recovery actions
Default Recovery Actions
The thresholds associated with each of the states are
preset to:
OK = 0
WARN = 1 to 5
ALARM = 5 to 10
These threshold ranges should not be changed as the
collector relies on them to change the state of the
LogFileStatus parameter as appropriate.
Since this is a stoplight type parameter, each of the 3
Recommended Recovery
states can execute a PATROL recovery action.
Note that PEM events are automatically sent by the
KM whenever an OK, WARN, or ALARM level
string match occurs.
Table 10: LogFileStatus Parameter
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Parameter Name
Number of notify string conditions matched per poll
View Type
Not applicable
Default Polling Interval
Not applicable
Default Security
Default Recovery Actions
Table 11: NotifyStringsMatched Parameter
The: NOTIFYMatchedLines parameter has been removed and superceded by
NotifyStringsMatched and the others <State>StringsMatched
Parameter Name
Number of OK string conditions matched per poll
View Type
Not applicable
Default Polling Interval
Not applicable
Default Security
Default Recovery Actions
Table 12: OKStringsMatched Parameter
Parameter Name
Total size(in bytes) of the lines that match string
conditions every poll cycle.
View Type
Not applicable
Default Polling Interval
Not applicable
Default Security
Default Recovery Actions
Table 13: SizeOfLinesMatched Parameter
Parameter Name
Number of seconds between file updates. 0 means
no updates have been performed.
View Type
Default Polling Interval
Not applicable
Default Security
Not applicable
Default Recovery Actions
Table 14: TimeBetweenUpdates Parameter
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Parameter Name
Number of string conditions matched per poll cycle.
View Type
Default Polling Interval
Default Security
Not applicable
Default Recovery Actions
Table 15: TotalStringsMatched Parameter
Parameter Name
Number of warns string conditions matched per poll
View Type
Default Polling Interval
Default Security
Not applicable
Default Recovery Actions
Table 16: WarnStringsMatched Parameter
Parameter Name
This parameter polls the associated Log File, looking
for new text data. If any is found, the new data is
checked against the user-defined ALARM, WARN,
NOTIFY and OK criteria and appropriate actions
A single collector sets each of this instance’s
consumer parameters.
30 seconds
View Type
Default Polling Interval
Default Security
Default Recovery Actions
Recommended Recovery
Table 17: WatcherLogColl Parameter
Parameter Name
Indicates which files should be sent to other
PATROL Agents when the LogWatch KM is
committed. This parameter should never be active.
View Type
Not applicable
Default Polling Interval
Not applicable
Default Security
Not applicable
Default Recovery Actions
Table 18: ExtraFilesList Parameter
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Where to go from here…
Description of the fields for each wizard
window including default values and
format expected …
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Proceed to…
Pg. 622 Chapter 8. Fields Summary
Chapter 8. Fields Summary
Find below all the fields shown in the wizard windows that define a Log File, the meaning of
each of the fields, and other relevant information such as default value.
File Name
to generate
this file
Monitor all
to OK
Alarm if no
data Timer
Each poll
search on
Default Value
Specifies whether or not the KM should monitor this log
File name including full path for the Log File.
Monitoring command to be used if the Log File is
generated by the execution of a command. If set, the
KM will execute the command to generate the file every
poll cycle.
Specifies whether or not the KM should monitor all the
files that match the given filename pattern. A wildcard
(“*”) character must be specified somewhere in the
filename to enable this feature.
Label for the instance (optional). If not set the filename
is used.
Icon for the instance (optional), if not set it uses log.
Specifies the name of a container for instance to be
logically created under (optional). If not specified the
monitor is created under LOGWATCH_SETUP.
0 minutes
Specifies the number of minutes the monitor will wait
before automatically resetting the LogFileStatus
parameter’s state from WARN or ALARM back to OK.
The KM treats an auto-timeout as an OK string match,
so the OK Embedded recovery action will also be fired,
if it is configured.
This time is approximate as time checks are rounded to
the nearest 30 seconds.
0 minutes
Specifies the number of minutes the monitor will wait
for new data to be added to the log file before
automatically setting the LogFileStatus parameter into
the ALARM state.
This time is approximate as time checks are rounded to
the nearest 30 seconds.
New data only Specifies whether or not the KM should read the logfile
associated to the monitor from the beginning every poll
cycle, processing only the new data added or reading the
new data every poll cycle and the entire file at
approximate date and time.
Table 19: Fields for Definition Details Window
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
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All rights reserved
time for the
file to be
Select the
choice that
best meet
your needs
day(s) of the
Specify Nth
day of the
Default Value
Tells the monitor specifically when it is to re-read the
associated log file.
Selected Days
of the week
This menu selection indicates whether the KM is to reread the file on specific days of the weeks or on a given
day of the month.
Sun, Mon,
Tue, We, Thu,
Fri, Sat (All
days are
1 (means first
day of the
These checkboxes represent every day of the week. The
KM will re-read the log file on the selected days.
Indicates the day of the month the log file is to be reread. This value is only taken in consideration and
used by the KM if your choice was “Specified day(Nth)
of the month”.
Table 20: Fields for Read Data Settings Window
Default Value
these strings
as being
Off (disabled)
Specifies whether or not the KM should match only
specific columns of the log file.
Used to define the word separator instead of white
spaces. Used only if Column and/or Row have been set.
Specifies whether or not the KM should match only
specific rows of the log file.
Indicates whether or not the KM should treat all the
strings as part of a Mutual Exclusion List.
Table 21: Fields for Search Strings Window
String is
Default Value
String is
Off –
indicating case
will not be
Off –
search will not
be inverted.
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
Specifies whether or not the monitor should actively
look for the associated string within any new Log File
Specifies whether or not case matters in the string
Specifies whether or not to invert the result of the search
for the specified string.
Type of
PSL. Reg. Exp
by default –
indicating the
string will be
compared as a
using PSL grep
String to
produced if
matches to
must occur
When to
Annotate in
Specifies the type of comparison to be performed when
checking if the search string matches a given condition.
Types available are:
• PSL. Reg. Exp
• <
• >
• ==
• <=
• >=
Specifies the string to use for searching any newly found
Log File data. All regular expressions supported by the
grep PSL function are allowed in this field (see pg 4136 of the Patrol Script Language Reference Manual –
July 15, 1998 for more details on supported regular
Note that new type of comparisons have been added
starting with LogWatch v3. Search strings need to
define based on the comparison type; for example: 7
would be a “good” choice if the comparison type is
Equal To. Usually comparison types other than RegExp
are used when the Columns and/or Rows fields have
been set.
Indicates the change of state that will be generated by
KM if the match condition is met. Possible values are:
Alarm, Warn, Notify or OK.
Indicates how many string matches must be found
before the Log File monitor changes to the associated
Note: the Matches must occur within field further
effects the state change.
1 minute
Indicates the time window in which the string matches
must occur. If the above-specified number of strings is
not received within the time window, no state change
Note: if the Consecutive matches to state field is 1, the
value in this field is ignored.
Dictates when a dialog box should be displayed on the
PATROL Console whenever a string match occurs for
the given notification level. Values available are:
• Never
• Only is state changes
• Always
Specifies whether or not to annotate string matches to
the PATROL agent's annotation database.
Note: the annotation database can fill quickly if a large
number of string matches occur
Table 22: Fields for Search String Definition Window
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
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When to
When to
When to
When to
No Match
When to
Default Value
Set to the OS command that you would like to be
executed by the PATROL Agent whenever a string
match is found for the Alarm state.
Dictates when the Alarm Embedded Recovery Action
must be executed. Values available are:
• Always
• Only if state changes
• Never
Set to the OS command that you would like to be
executed by the PATROL Agent whenever a string
match is found for the Warn state.
Dictates when the Warn Embedded Recovery Action
must be executed. Values available are:
• Always
• Only if state changes
• Never
Set to the OS command that you would like to be
executed by the PATROL Agent whenever a string
match is found for the Notify state.
Dictates when the Notify Embedded Recovery Action
must be executed. Values available are:
• Always
• Only if state changes
• Never
Set to the OS command that you would like to be
executed by the PATROL Agent whenever a string
match is found for the OK state.
Dictates when the OK Embedded Recovery Action must
be executed. Values available are:
• Always
• Never
Set to the OS command that you would like to be
executed by the PATROL Agent whenever a new log
file line is found that does not match any of the
configured search strings.
Dictates when the No Match Embedded Recovery
Action must be executed. Values available are:
• Always
• Never
Table 23: Fields for Embedded Recovery Actions Window
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Default Value
Poll Interval
Specifies From time (for each day of the week) when
the Log File monitor will start to operate.
Note: This time is in 24-hour format. (i.e. 00:00-23:59)
Specifies To time (for each day of the week) when the
Log File monitor will stop monitoring.
Note: This time is in 24-hour format. (i.e. 00:00-23:59)
If From and To are both the same value(for the same
day of the week), the Log File monitor will assume it is
to be inactive for the entire 24 hour period.
Inverts the monitoring. If the monitor is inverted, it will
NOT monitor during the specified time range.
10 minutes
Determines the time between successive checks for new
characters in a given Log File
Table 24: Fields for Log File Schedule Window
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
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Appendix A: INI Configuration File and Explanation
; INI configuration file - Auto-generated by INIMANIP.LIB [v3.0]
; Copyright(c) 2004, Arackal Digital Solutions. All rights reserved.
; Last Written: Thu Jul 25 07:24:56 2004
; Format:
; [<section name>]
; <name>=[<value>]
weekDaysList=1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
Name/Value Pair Formats
[InstanceName] (an unique name for this instance)
active=Boolean ( 1 if the monitor is Active 0 if not )
fullname=String ( entire path and filename for the log file )
fullCommand=String ( monitoring command that generates the above file, when applicable )
patternMatchAll=Boolean ( 1 if match all files for pattern specified in fullname, 0 if not )
label=String ( label for the Instance )
icon=String ( name of the icon with no extension )
groupName=String ( name of the Group )
okAutoResetTimeout=Integer ( representing number of minutes to auto-reset to OK )
alarmAutoResetTimeout=Integer ( representing number of minutes before ALARM if no new data )
readFromBeg=Integer (1 if the KM has to re-read the file from the beginning every poll, 2 if the KM reads
only the new data added to the file, 3 if the KM behaves like option 2 + it has to re-read the file at a
specified date/time)
readAtTime= Integer ( containing the time to re-read the monitor from the beginning in seconds )
weekOrMonthSel= Integer (1 if the KM has to re-read the file on selected days of the week, 2 if the KM
re-reads the file on Nth day of the month)
weekDaysList=List of integers separated by “ ” ( values can go from 0 to 7. 0 means none of the days of
the week are selected. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 means all days of the weeks. 1 being Sunday, 2 Tuesday and so on.)
nMonthDay= Integer ( containing the Nth day of the month the KM has to re-read the file )
stateList=List of States separated by “,” ( States can be 1,2,3,4 for A,W,N,O – one item per string )
compTypeList=List the kind of string comparison separated by “,” Values can be 1,2,3,4 for RegExp, Less
Than, Greater Than, Equal to respectively)
activeList=List of Active flags separated by “,” ( 1 if true or 0 if false – one item per string )
popupList= List of PopUp flags separated by “,” ( 1,2,3 for Never, Only if State Changes or Always
annotateList= List of Annotate Flags separated by “,” ( 1 if true or 0 if false – one item per string )
stringList= List of Strings separated by “\;”
caseList= List of Case flags separated by “,” ( 1 if true or 0 if false – one item per string )
invertList= List of Invert Search flags separated by “,” ( 1 if true or 0 if false – one item per string )
matchNtimesList= List of Integers separated by “,” ( representing number of matches)
matchWithinList= List of Integer separated by , ( representing minutes within matches occur )
columns=String (column(s) to be matched, optional; ex: 1-3, 1)
colDelim=String (character that delimits columns, optional; by default KM uses blank spaces)
rows=String (row(s) to be matched, optional; ex: 3, 5-)
mutualExclusion= Integer ( 0 if Mutual Exclusion is OFF, 1 otherwise. )
alarmRA=string ( containing an OS command )
warnRA=string ( containing an OS command )
notifyRA=string ( containing an OS command )
okRA=string ( containing an OS command )
nomatchRA=string ( containing an OS command )
raExecTypeList= List of Integers defining when to execute the corresponding RA separated by “,” (1,2,3
for Never, Only if State Changes and Always; respectively) Values have the correspond to the following
RA in order: alarmRA, warnRA, notifyRA, okRA and nomatchRA
scheduleList=List with seven elements of “<FROM>-<TO>-<INVERT>” separated by “,”. The first of the
seven elements represents Sunday with the last item representing Saturday.
pollinterval=Integer ( containing the monitor’s polling Interval in seconds )
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
%FILENAME ...........................................................37
%GROUP ..................................................................37
%HOST .....................................................................37
%INST_NAME ...................................................32, 37
%SIZE .......................................................................37
Icon field................................................................... 61
Installation on UNIX .............................................. 6, 7
Installation on Windows ......................................... 6, 7
Invert field .................................................... 21, 44, 65
Invert Search field .................................................... 62
Active Field ...............................................................61
Add a new Log File definition ...................................11
Add to Preloaded KMs ............................................6, 8
Adding a Log File Monitor........................................10
Admin ..................................................................10, 51
Alarm Embedded Recovery Action field ............21, 64
Alarm if no data Timer field......................................61
Annotate in Graph? field ...........................................63
Attributes for Embedded Recovery Actions..............64
Attributes for Log File Definition .............................61
Attributes for Search String Definition................62, 63
Auto-reset to OK Timer field ....................................61
Label field ........................................................... 13, 61
List of Macros........................................................... 21
Logfile Maintenance ........................................... 10, 51
LogFileStatus Parameter........................................... 57
LogWatch Features..................................................... 3
LogWatch INI file .......................10, 25, 27, 36, 48, 51
Macro Variables ................................................. 32, 37
Matches must occur within field................... 18, 46, 63
Modify an existing Log file definition ....................... 23
Modify Log File Window.......................................... 23
Modifying a Log File Monitor................................. 23
Monitor all matching files field ................................ 61
Consecutive matches to state field.................18, 21, 63
CurrentSize Parameter...............................................56
No Match Embedded Recovery Action field............ 64
Notification Levels ................................................... 16
Notify Embedded Recovery Action field ........... 21, 64
NOTIFYMatchedLines Parameter............................ 58
Defining a Simple Log File Monitor .........................12
Defining the Embedded Recovery Actions ...............20
Defining the Log File Monitoring Schedule..............21
Defining the Search Strings to monitor for................15
Definition Details Window....11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 24, 44
Deleting Log Files from the Monitored List..............26
OK Embedded Recovery Action field ................ 21, 64
Sample INI File ........................................................ 66
Schedule Window ..............................21, 22, 25, 44, 45
Search String Attributes Window ....................... 16, 18
Search String field ........................................ 16, 62, 63
Search Strings Definition Window ....14, 15, 18, 19, 46
Show PopUp? field ....................................... 18, 46, 63
State Change produced if string matches field.... 16, 63
String is Active field................................................. 62
String is Case Sensitive field .............................. 16, 62
Embedded Recovery Actions Window.....19, 20, 21, 44
ExtraFilesList Parameter ...........................................59
File Name field..............................................12, 13, 61
From field ......................................................21, 44, 65
Group Name field ................................................14, 61
GrowthRate Parameter ..............................................57
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved
Poll Interval field ................................................ 22, 65
The LogWatch INI File ............................................ 49
To field ..........................................................21, 44, 65
Warn Embedded Recovery Action field ............. 21, 64
WatcherLogColl Parameter .................... 56, 57, 58, 59
Working with Groups ............................................... 29
Warn Embedded Recovery Action ............................21
LogWatch KM Installation and User Guide
Copyright ©2002-2004, Arackal Digital Solutions
All rights reserved