design your bathtub
design your bathtub
CONTENTS 02 03 Design Your Bathtub Bathing Systems 04 12 36 Bathtubs: Freestanding Bathtubs: Drop-Ins Bathtubs: Integrated Apron 40 46 Designer + Standard Shower Bases Accessories It all begins with you: your style, your space, your needs. Rather than tell you what the perfect bathtub looks like, we think it makes sense for you to tell us. Americh provides you with a comprehensive palette of designs, sizes, bathing systems, features and accessories to choose from. Our skilled artisans then build your bathtub according to your specifications, right here in the United States. Layer in our impeccable customer service and exacting environmental standards, and a unique Americh bathtub is born. In these pages, you'll see our bathtubs in a range of spaces: classic and contemporary, individual and shared, cozy and chic. Our customized approach produces bathtubs that fit seamlessly into any bathroom, any life, any style. Americh luxury bathing systems. Designed by us; personalized by you. » design your bathtub soaking tub Choose a soaking tub only, or elevate the bathing experience by adding bathing systems and accessories. 1 size + shape + color Size Standard lengths are 60" | 66" | 72" Shape Color Go to to view a broad range of color options See BATHTUBS, pages 6-38 2 bathing systems add-ons whirlpool airbath combination systems Platinum series ■ Airbath® II Whirlpool-Airbath® II Combo Luxury series ▲ Airbath III Whirlpool-Airbath® III Combo ® ® Builder series system features detailed below 3 accessories Chromatherapy mood lights Grab bars Pillows whirlpool features airbath features ® Platinum Series Luxury Series ■ Airbath® II ▲ Airbath® III Metallic or Color Match Trim Color Match Trim Perimeter-placed airjets Floor-placed airjets 1-HP Pump + Built-in Heater 1-HP Pump Americh Control Pad Americh Control Pad Individual Airjets Individual Airjets with Low Water Level Sensor Low Water Level Sensor Pillow Dual Suction Grab Bars (selected models) Pre-mounted Pump + Controls Mood Lights /Chromatherapy Pre-leveled Bathtub Rotary Massage Jets 20-Year Limited Warranty Cable Drive Waste + Overflow Builder Series High Density Insulation Dual Suction Pre-mounted Pump + Controls Pre-leveled Bathtub 20-Year Limited Warranty Color Match Trim 1-HP Pump Air Switch with Timer Dual Suction Pre-mounted Pump + Controls Pre-leveled Bathtub 20-Year Limited Warranty 2 » See pages 47-49 for a complete selection of accessories Heated back Built-in Check Valve Variable Speed Blower Variable Speed Blower Heated Air System Heated Air System Americh Control Pad Americh Control Pad Pulse/Wave Feature Pulse/Wave Feature Water Detection Sensor Water Detection Sensor Automatic Drying Cycle Automatic Drying Cycle Pre-mounted Blower Pre-mounted Blower and Controls and Controls Pre-leveled Bathtub Pre-leveled Bathtub 20-Year Limited Warranty 20-Year Limited Warranty bathing systems » soaking bathtubs Submerge yourself in an environment of profound serenity and blissful healing. Extra deep Americh soaking bathtubs provide superior heat retention, along with sensitive ergonomic designs for refined comfort. » whirlpool bathing system Imagine the healing benefits of a deep tissue massage combined with warm circulating water. Our highly advanced hydro-massage system penetrates hidden tensions, stimulates circulation, and restores vital energy sources. Various pressure and direction levels give you personal control of your massage. Americh's hydro-massage jets have the lowest profile in the industry. » airbath ® bathing systems » whirlpool - airbath ® combo systems Whirlpool-Airbath® II Combo | Perimeter-placement airjets Airbath® III | Floor-placement jets Whirlpool-Airbath® III Combo | Floor-placement airjets Surprise your senses with gentle bursts of warm air bubbles, invigorating your body and spirit with restorative energies. The Airbath® II system (perimeterplaced jets) also has a luxurious heated back. For the ultimate pampering, indulge in the restorative powers of a combination system. Enjoy the deep m uscle massage of Whirlpool, the soft sensuous touch of Airbath®, or revel in both sensations simultaneously: our Combo systems offer the maximum range of therapeutic, invigorating, and pleasurable options. BATHING SYSTEMS Airbath® II | Perimeter-placement jets 3 atlas contura geo perth sirena velero BATHTUBS DESIGNERS 4 | freestanding bathtubs atlas ™ Atlas 6230 62” x 30” x 23” Atlas 6640 66” x 40” x 23” Atlas 7242 72” x 42” x 23” atlas 5 atl a s 7242 contur a ii 7232 6 contur a 7232 contur a iii 6632 contura contura II contura III Contura 7232 72” x 32” x 28” Contura II 6632 66” x 32” x 24” Contura III 6032 60” x 32” x 23” Contura II 6640 66” x 40” x 24” Contura III 6632 66” x 32” x 23” ® ® Contura II 7240 72” x 40” x 24” BATHTUBS Contura II 7232 72” x 32” x 24” ® 7 geo ™ Geo 6636 66” x 36” x 24” Geo 7242 72” x 42” x 24” perth ™ BATHTUBS Perth 7236 72” x 36” x 21” 8 siren a 7234 sirena sirena ™ Sirena 7234 72" x 34" x 24" BATHTUBS 9 velero BATHTUBS velero 10 v elero 7242 ™ Velero 7236 72” x 36” x 23” Velero 7242 72” x 42” x 23” » see more at BATHTUBS 11 alesia bahia barrington bel air bermuda beverly brisa catalina chios cloverleaf concorde confidence crillon dover etoile forum icaro infini isla jamaica key largo kyoto madison malibu medici mini confidence miro monet naxos plaza quantum rampart | drop-in bathtubs sandpiper shell sol flat sol round tucci velero BATHTUBS DESIGNS 12 alesia bahia ® ® Bahia 71” x 47” x 20” Alesia 6640 66” x 40” x 22” Alesia 7236 72” x 36” x 22” Alesia 7240 72” x 40” x 22” barrington bel air ® ® Barrington 6032 60” x 32” x 22” Barrington 6036 60” x 36” x 22” Bel Air 6042 60” x 42” x 22” Bel Air 6042 ADA 60” x 42” x 18” Barrington 6634 66” x 34” x 22” Bel Air 6642 66” x 42” x 22” Barrington 7236 72” x 36” x 22” Bel Air 7242 72” x 42” x 22” Bel Air 8442 84” x 42” x 21” BATHTUBS n y s e r i o u e a t t o 13 beverly 4848 bermuda BATHTUBS ® 14 Bermuda I 59” x 59” x 19” Bermuda II 59” x 59” x 23” Bermuda III 59” x 59” x 23” beverly ® a b a | Beverly 4040 40” x 40” x 32” b | Beverly 4848 48” x 48” x 28” c | Beverly 6040 60” x 40” x 34” d | Beverly Vista 4848 57” x 57” x 30” c d BATHTUBS be v erly v i s ta 4848 15 brisa bris a 7236 16 brisa ® Brisa 6644 66” x 44” x 22” Brisa 7236 72” x 36” x 22” Brisa 7444 74” x 44” x 22” Brisa II 6644 66” x 44” x 26” Brisa II 7444 74” x 44” x 26” catalina catalina II ™ ™ Catalina 6040 60” x 40” x 22” Catalina II 6042 60” x 42” x 22” Catalina 6040 ADA 60” x 40” x 18” Catalina II 6642 66” x 42” x 22” Catalina 6042 60” x 42” x 22” Catalina II 7242 72” x 42” x 22” Catalina 6642 66” x 42” x 22” Catalina 7242 72” x 42” x 22” BATHTUBS 17 cloverleaf chios ™ ™ Chios 6636 66” x 36” x 22” Cloverleaf 60” x 60” x 26” Chios 7236 72” x 36” x 22” Chios 7242 72” x 42” x 22” concorde BATHTUBS ® 18 Concorde 6032 60” x 32” x 21” Concorde 6634 66” x 34” x 21” Concorde 7236 72” x 36” x 21” Concorde 6034 60” x 34” x 21” Concorde 6636 66” x 36” x 21” Concorde 7242 72” x 42” x 21” BATHTUBS 19 concorde 6636 confidence ® and mini-confidence ® Confidence 72” x 60” x 22” Mini Confidence 66” x 48” x 21” crillon dover Crillon 6634 66” x 34” x 22” Dover 7248 LH 72” x 48” x 22” Dover 7152 LH 71” x 52” x 22” Crillon 7236 72” x 36” x 22” Dover 7248 RH 72” x 48” x 22” Dover 7152 RH 71” x 52” x 22” BATHTUBS ® 20 ™ etoile ® Etoile 60” 60” diameter x 21” Etoile 69” 69” diameter x 19” grab bars, flanges, and everything you need to accessorize your bathtub accessories p. 49 « hardware forum ™ Forum 7248 LH 72” x 48” x 22” Forum 7248 RH 72” x 48” x 22” BATHTUBS Forum 7248 ED 72” x 48” x 22” 21 22 For over 25 years, we've dedicated ourselves to creating the finest bathing systems possible. As a family-owned, family-operated company, we care about the same things our customers do: beautiful designs of lasting quality; the best and latest in luxury technology; and environmentally sensitive business practices. Some of the most prominent names in hospitality and interior retail turn to us for their bathtubs for the same reason: they know we provide the ultimate in quality, comfort and style for their client environments. Whatever your design vision, let us help you perfect this very personal space. If you don't see what you need here or at, call us. We're always eager to collaborate. The options are as unlimited as your creativity. ed richmond | PRESIDENT, AMERICH 23 icaro infini vista isla vista Icaro 6042 60” x 42” x 22” Infini Vista 7543 75” x 43” x 22” Isla Vista 7552 75” x 52” x 22” Icaro 7242 72” x 42” x 22” Infini Vista 7547 75” x 47” x 22” Isla Vista 8347 83” x 47” x 22” Icaro 7448 74” x 48” x 22” Infini Vista 8343 83” x 43” x 22” ® ™ ™ BATHTUBS Infini Vista 8347 83” x 47” x 22” 24 software » jamaica ® jamaica 62” x 62” x 19” key largo ® key largo 47” x 47” x 22” kyoto ® kyoto 68” x 68” x 24” pillows: the ultimate comfort more in accessories p. 49 25 madison m a dison 6636 madison madison oval ® ® Madison 6030 60 “ x 30” x 22” Madison 6638 66” x 38” x 22” Madison Oval 6042 60” x 42” x 22” Madison 6032 60” x 32” x 22” Madison 6640 66” x 40” x 22” Madison Oval 6636 66” x 36” x 22” Madison 6032 ADA 60” x 32” x 18” Madison 6642 66” x 42” x 22” Madison Oval 6642 66” x 42” x 22” Madison 6034 60” x 34” x 22” Madison 6648 66” x 48” x 22” Madison Oval 7236 72” x 36” x 22” Madison 6036 60” x 36” x 22” Madison 7234 72” x 34” x 22” Madison Oval 7242 72” x 42” x 22” Madison 6038 60” x 38” x 22” Madison 7236 72” x 36” x 22” Madison 6040 60” x 40” x 22” Madison 7238 72” x 38” x 22” Madison 6042 60” x 42” x 22” Madison 7240 72” x 40” x 22” Madison 6048 60” x 48” x 22” Madison 7242 72” x 42” x 22” Madison 6632 66” x 32” x 22” Madison 7248 72” x 48” x 22” Madison 6634 66” x 34” x 22” Madison 8143 81” x 43” x 26” BATHTUBS Madison 6636 66” x 36” x 22” 27 malibu medici Malibu 84” x 66” x 22” Medici 71” x 52” x 20” ® ® medici II ® BATHTUBS Medici II 72” x 48” x 23” 28 make it freestanding » miro monet naxos Naxos 7236 72” x 36” x 22” ® ™ Miro 6030 60” x 30” x 22” Miro 6636 66” x 36” x 22” Monet 6636 66” x 36” x 22” Miro 6032 60” x 32” x 22” Miro 7232 72” x 32” x 22” Monet 7236 72” x 36” x 22” Miro 6630 66” x 30” x 18” ™ Miro 7236 72” x 36” x 22” Miro 6632 66” x 32” x 22” our white tub surround can transform almost any Americh drop-in tub into a freestanding bathtub. accessories p. 48 29 qua nt um 6636 30 quantum plaza quantum corner ® ® Plaza 7236 72” x 36” x 21” Quantum Corner 60” x 60” x 22” Plaza 7242 72” x 42” x 21” Plaza 7248 72” x 48” x 21” quantum ® Quantum 6036 60” x 36” x 22” Quantum 6042 60” x 42” x 22” Quantum 6636 66” x 36” x 22” Quantum 6642 66” x 42” x 22” Quantum 6648 66” x 48” x 22” Quantum 7236 72” x 36” x 22” BATHTUBS Quantum 7242 72” x 42” x 22” 31 rampart rampart II ™ ™ Rampart 6042 60” x 42” x 22” Rampart II 6042 60” x 42” x 22” Rampart 7242 72” x 42” x 24” Rampart II 7242 72” x 42” x 26” shell sandpiper ™ Sandpiper 6642 66” x 42” x 22” BATHTUBS Sandpiper 7848 78” x 48” x 22” 32 ™ Shell 72” x 36” x 21” sol flat deck sol round deck ™ ™ Sol Flat Deck 6042 60” x 42” x 23” Sol Round Deck 6042 60” x 42” x 23” Sol Flat Deck 6644 66” x 44” x 23” Sol Round Deck 6644 66” x 44” x 23” Sol Flat Deck 7244 72” x 44” x 23” Sol Round Deck 7244 72” x 44” x 23” velero tucci ™ ™ Tucci 6638 66” x 38” x 22” Velero 7236 72” x 36” x 22” Tucci 7242 72” x 42” x 22” Velero 7242 72” x 42” x 22” BATHTUBS 33 venetia vivo ™ ™ Venetia 6636 66” x 36” x 20” Vivo 6634 66” x 34” x 22” Vivo 6636 66” x 36” x 22” Vivo 6640 66” x 40” x 22” Vivo 7236 72” x 36” x 22” Vivo 7236 ADA 72” x 36” x 18” Vivo 7240 72” x 40” x 22” Vivo 6642 66” x 42” x 22” Vivo 7232 72” x 32” x 22” wright ™ Wright 6030 60” x 30” x 22” Wright 6648 66” x 48” x 22” Wright 6032 60” x 32” x 22” Wright 7232 72” x 32” x 22” Wright 6034 60” x 34” x 22” Wright 7236 72” x 36” x 22” Wright 6036 60” x 36” x 22” Wright 7236 ADA Wright 6632 66” x 32” x 22” Wright 7240 72” x 40” x 22” Wright 6634 66” x 34” x 22” BATHTUBS Wright 6636 66” x 36” x 22” 34 72” x 36” x 18” wright w right 6636 zephyr ™ Zephyr 7236 72” x 36” x 22” Zephyr 6636 66” x 36” x 22” Zephyr 7236 ADA 72” x 36” x 18” BATHTUBS Zephyr 6036 60” x 36” x 22” 35 DESIGNS bow kent malcolm seaton turo | integrated-apron bathtubs (turo side view) bow 6632 right h a nd bow ™ Bow 6632 LH Bow 6032 LH 60” x 32” x 21” 66” x 32” x 21” Bow 6032 RH Bow 6632 RH 60” x 32” x 21” 66” x 32” x 21” BATHTUBS w t m n o bow 37 kent ™ k en t 6032 righ t h a nd Kent 6032 LH 60” x 32” x 18” Kent 6032 RH 60” x 32” x 18” m a lcol m 6032 righ t h a nd malcolm ™ Malcolm 6032 LH 60” x 32” x 18” Malcolm 6032 RH BATHTUBS 60” x 32” x 18” 38 seaton ™ se aton 6032 Seaton 6032 60” x 32” x 18” t uro 6032 righ t- h a nd turo ™ Turo 6030 60” x 30” x 22” Turo 6036 60” x 36” x 22” Turo 7232 72” x 32” x 22” Turo 6032 60” x 32” x 22” Turo 6636 66” x 36” x 22” Turo 7236 72” x 36” x 22” Turo 6032 ADA 60” x 32” x 18” BATHTUBS » a ll turo tubs a re ava il a ble a s lef t or right- h a nded 39 SHOWER BASES 40 single threshold double threshold triple threshold freestanding square rectangle neo angle barrier free | shower bases square drain channel drain DESIGNER + STANDARD » choosing a shower base Our two shower base collections, Designer and Standard, offer distinct looks, features, and configurations for the perfect fit. d e s i g n e r c o l l e ct i o n s ta n d a r d c o l l e ct i o n » base style » drain style square » material channel round Lucite™ acrylic single double Lucite™ acrylic neo angle single » threshold configuration » base shape double triple freestanding neo angle barrier free square rectangle square rectangle rectangle end drain rectangle end drain rectangle with seat neo angle neo angle SHOWER BASES d d d g e e e e n n 41 » d e s i g n e r c o l l e ct i o n » s ta n d a r d c o l l e ct i o n • 3” threshold height • drain included: square or channel • nontextured floor surface • 5.5” threshold height • tiered sides • drain included: round • textured floor surface base shapes lef t- h a nd se at square barrier free right- h a nd se at SHOWER BASES single threshold with seats neo angle end drain show n a bov e : square base : channel drain, designer collection; barrier free : round, standard; single w / seats : round, standard; end drain : square, designer; neo angle : square, designer 42 threshold configurations single double triple freestanding SHOWER BASES drain details channel square round 43 » designer base sizes drain style S 3442 ST 34” x 42” S 3442 DT 34” x 42” S 3442 TT 34” x 42” S 3442 FS 34” x 42” S 3636 NA 36” x 36” S 6032 EDL 60” x 32” S 3636 ST 36” x 36” S 3636 DT 36” x 36” S 3636 TT 36” x 36” S 3636 FS 36” x 36” S 3838 NA 38” x 38” S 6034 EDL 60” x 32” S 3838 ST 38” x 38” S 3838 DT 38” x 38” S 3838 TT 38” x 38” S 3838 FS 38” x 38” S 4242 NA 42” x 42” S 6036 EDL 60” x 36” S 4234 ST 42” x 34” S 4234 DT 42” x 34” S 4234 TT 42” x 34” S 4234 FS 42” x 34” S 4848 NA 48” x 48” S 4236 ST 42” x 36” S 4236 DT 42” x 36” S 4236 TT 42” x 36” S 4236 FS 42” x 36” S 4242 ST 42” x 42” S 4242 DT 42” x 42” S 4242 TT 42” x 42” S 4242 FS 42” x 42” S 4832 ST 48” x 32” S 4832 DT 48” x 32” S 4832 TT 48” x 32” S 4832 FS 48” x 32” S 4834 ST 48” x 34” S 4834 DT 48” x 34” S 4834 TT 48” x 34” S 4834 FS 48” x 34” S 4836 ST 48” x 36” S 4836 DT 48” x 36” S 4836 TT 48” x 36” S 4836 FS 48” x 36” S 4848 ST 48” x 48” S 4848 DT 48” x 48” S 4848 TT 48” x 48” S 4848 FS 48” x 48” S 5434 ST 54” x 34” S 5434 DT 54” x 34” S 5434 TT 54” x 34” S 5434 FS 54” x 34” square finish : stainless steel S 6032 EDR 60” x 32” S 6034 EDR 60” x 34” S 6036 EDR 60” x 36” SHOWER BASES channel C 3636 ST 36” x 36” C 3636 DT 36” x 36” C 3636 TT 36” x 36” C 3636 FS 36” x 36” C 6032 EDL 60” x 32” C 3838 ST 38” x 38” C 3838 DT 38” x 38” C 3838 TT 38” x 38” C 3838 FS 38” x 38” C 6034 EDL 60” x 34” C 4242 ST 42” x 42” C 4242 DT 42” x 42” C 4242 TT 42” x 42” C 4242 FS 42” x 42” C 6036 EDL 60” x 36” C 4848 ST 48” x 48” C 4848 DT 48” x 48” C 4848 TT 48” x 48” C 4848 FS 48” x 48” C 6032 EDR 60” x 32” C 6034 EDR 60” x 34” 44 C 6036 EDR 60” x 36” finish : stainless steel » standard base sizes drain style A 3232 ST 32” x 32” A 3636 DT 36” x 36” A 3636 NA 36” x 36” A 3636 BF 36” x 36” A 3434 ST 34” x 34” A 3838 DT 38” x 38” A 3838 NA 38” x 38” A 4836 BF 48” x 36” A 3442 ST 34” x 42” A 4242 DT 42” x 42” A 4242 NA 42” x 42” A 4848 BF 48” x 48” A 4848 NA 48” x 48” A 6032 BF 60” x 32” A 3636 ST 36” x 36” A 3838 ST 38” x 38” A 4234 ST 42” x 34” A 6636 BF 66” x 36” A 6032 EDL 60” x 32” A 4836 LH 48” x 36” A 6036 LH 60” x 36” round A 6032 EDR 60” x 32” A 4836 RH 48” x 36” A 6036 RH 60” x 36” finish : stainless steel A 4236 ST 42” x 36” A 4242 ST 42” x 42” A 4832 ST 48” x 32” A 4834 ST 48” x 34” A 4836 ST 48” x 36” A 4848 ST 48” x 48” A 5434 ST 54” x 34” A 6032 ST 60” x 32” A 6034 ST 60” x 34” SHOWER BASES 45 BATHTUBS 46 chromatherapy lights jets tile flanges mechanical + sanitary white surround pillows accessories grab bars aprons » a full array of designer finishes chromatherapy lights Chromatherapy's powers have long been revered in the healing traditions of India, China and Greece. Each color corresponds to a vibration with its own wavelength and rhythm, leading to increased physical, psychological, and emotional wellness. Our new mini mood lights are available across the full color spectrum, with a round stainless steel flange. jets a Standard Jet b Rotary Jet a b tile flanges a Molded Tile Flange Factory installed b Metal Flange Factory installed c Rubber Flange Field installed a b c mechanical + sanitary a Inline Heater b Waste + Overflow c JetFresh® Whirlpool/Airbath® Cleaner a b c ACCESSORIES BATHTUBS y s s s + y d s s s 47 transform a drop-in tub into a sculptural, freestanding statement NEW white tub surround With our new contemporary bathtub surround, almost any rectangular bathtub can be converted to a freestanding tub. Complements any interior design with its pure lines and impeccable craftsmanship. Available in sleek, glossy white. Sizes: ACCESSORIES 60 x 32" 60 x 34" 60 x 36" 60 x 38" 60 x 40" 60 x 42" 48 66 x 32" 66 x 34" 66 x 36" 66 x 38" 66 x 40" 66 x 42" 72 x 32" 72 x 34" 72 x 36" 72 x 38" 72 x 40" 72 x 42" pillows a Head + Shoulder Support b Head Support c Full Back Pillow d Suction Pillow e Angle Pillow a b c d e a b c a b c grab bars a Grab Bar: 9", 14", or 16" b Madison Grab Bar c Grab Rail aprons a Flat Apron (non-removable) b Apron with Removable Panel c Bermuda Apron with Removable Panels remote control ACCESSORIES BATHTUBS Our new, completely waterproof remote control is ergonomically shaped, lightweight, and fully submergible. The remote attaches to the side of your bathtub with strategically placed magnets for effortless access, eliminating the need for a static control pad. 49 West Coast 13212 Saticoy Street N. Hollywood, CA 91605 818.982.1711 | Tel 818.982.2764 | Fax East Coast 10700 John Price Road Charlotte, NC 28273 704.588.3075 | Tel 704.588.3166 | Fax 800.453.1463 [email protected] In Compliance With ANSI Z124.1 - 1995 ANSI A112.19.7 - 1987 ANSI A112.19.8 - 1987 ASTM F462 - 79(85) Listed By Sustainability is more than just a program to us. It is a philosophy we embrace, encompassing everything we do from start to finish. Since 1982, we have implemented standard operating procedures that allow our employees to easily reduce, reuse, and recycle. This catalog was printed in the USA with soy inks on FSC-certified, 50% recycled (25% post-consumer), elemental chlorine free paper. 02/11
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