satsuma - Virgilio


satsuma - Virgilio
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Indice del Quaderno
Dal vocabolario della lingua italiana:
Antica tradizione
dell’artigianato giapponese
pag. 3
Quaderno 1A
“ 33
“ 55
L’immagine in copertina è un particolare ingrandito del vaso Sa073.
- dal latino PIUS, dalla radice PU-purificare,
indicando colui che adempiva regolarmente i suoi
doveri religiosi, tra cui la carità e la misericordia;
altresì religioso e timorato del divino.
- vivanda composta da ingredienti disparati,
e per estensione: mescolanza confusa di cose
diverse; quaderno, scartafaccio, con una
miscellanea di memorie, appunti e notizie;
composizione con una serie scoordinata e
incoerente di idee, motivi e immagini.
Qui sopra, una panoramica di oggetti presentati in questo catalogo.
Nel sito da cui proviene questo quaderno,
sta scritto:
Questo non vuole essere un sito commerciale,
nessuno degli oggetti esposto è in vendita, tuttavia,
possibili contatti per scambi e suggerimenti saranno
sempre graditi e tenuti in considerazione.
L’eventuale cessione o noleggio di materiale, sarà
compensata solo con versamenti a favore di
Associazioni Onlus ed Enti NoProfit allo scopo di
promuovere iniziative man mano suggerite
dall’evolversi del nostro vivere civile e sociale.
Antica tradizione dell’artigianato giapponese
Da sempre, una delle
tipologie più ricercate dai
collezionisti di ceramiche
antiche giapponesi è il
"Satsuma Vase" così
chiamato per il singolare
e caratteristico stile
decorativo, che può
essere sì un vaso,
un'urna, una giara o
un piatto, ma anche una
bottiglia o un'altro
elemento di arredo.
Questi capolavori di
maiolica, decorati con
stupefacenti immagini di
samurai o scene di vita e
di cultura giapponese,
sono ancora oggi tra i più
ricercati oggetti da
SATSUMA: antico feudo del
Giappone situato nella penisola
omonima, nella parte più a
meridione dell'isola di Kyūshū.
Governato dal clan degli
Shimazu sin dal sec. XII,
accrebbe il proprio peso nel
periodo Tokugawa (16001868). Ebbe un ruolo di
primissimo piano nella
restaurazione Meiji, che nel
1868 abbatté lo shogunato e
rimise i poteri nelle mani
dell'imperatore. Molti dei suoi
migliori uomini tra cui Ōkubo
Toshimichi parteciparono al
nuovo governo che portò il
Giappone sulla via della
Nel 1877 fu teatro della
"ribellione di Satsuma (detta
anche "di Seinan"), condotta
dagli esponenti della nobiltà
che, guidati da Saigō Takamori, tentarono di opporsi alla
politica antifeudale condotta
dal nuovo governo Meiji.
Takamori riuscì a riunire un
esercito di 15.000 uomini,
che guidò verso Nord per
giungere a conquistare il
Paese. Dopo alcuni mesi di
aspri combattimenti, nel
settembre dello stesso anno
la rivolta fu definitivamente
domata, Takamori fu ucciso e
L’immagine della copertina è un
particolare ingrandito della scena
rappresentata sul frone del
bellissimo vaso di pagina 43.
l'ultimo tentativo di resistenza
antioccidentale ebbe termine.
Con il nome della provincia è
nota una ceramica prodotta in
passato nelle antiche fornaci
di Kagoshima.
Come si verificò per molte
delle manifatture ceramiche
giapponesi, sorte tra la fine
del XVI e l'inizio del XVIII secolo, anche quella di Satsuma
nacque a opera di vasai
coreani, condotti in quell'arcipelago dal principe Shimazu
Yoshihiro, di ritorno da una
spedizione in Corea nel 1598.
Le maestranze coreane
continuarono in Giappone i
sistemi di lavorazione del loro
Paese di origine, producendo
una ceramica prestigiosa, la
cui qualità si affermò e
perpetuò per ben due secoli:
la produzione iniziò a scadere
soltanto verso la seconda
metà dell'Ottocento, quando
si dovette soddisfare la
grande richiesta dei mercati
europei e americani.
Caratteristiche degli antichi e
autentici pezzi Satsuma sono
la pasta bianca con una
spediale invetriatura color
avorio e una decorazione
sobria a colori tenui
limitata in piccoli campi.
Nella seconda metà del
Settecento la decorazione a
smalti colorati si arricchì di
ornamenti trattati a doratura
che sottolineavano disegni di
paesaggi, fiori e uccelli.
In considerazione del fatto
che c'è stato un periodo di
produzione di massa di
questo tipo di ceramica e che
è stato copiato pesantemente
da tanti altri produttori per
soddisfare le richieste dei
mercati occidentali, ci sono
molti manufatti di ceramica
Satsuma sul mercato che
hanno le stesse immagini e le
caratteristiche dello stile di
Satsuma, ma che niente
hanno a che vedere con i
pregi stilistici e di qualità dei
pezzi originali.
Un vaso di Satsuma autentico
può essere il termine usato
per descrivere un pezzo di
ceramica in stile orientale che
ha caratteristiche precise.
Le decorazioni sono piccole e
molto complesse e di solito si
sviluppano su due facciate,
entrambe diverse nei
personaggi e nelle situazioni
con animali e scene di vita
sociale. Dopo che l'immagine
è stata dipinta a mano, il
vaso è stato poi ricoperto da
una sottile smalto protettivo
che crea un leggero effetto
screpolato, dando un altro dei
tratti caratteristici e distintivi
a questa ceramica.
Alcuni dei vasai hanno anche
fatto pesantemente uso di
colorazione oro nel loro
disegni che donano al vaso
un look speciale.
Spesso vendute in coppie con
le scene dipinte in maniera
tra loro speculare, alcuni dei
vasi Satsuma arrivano a
misurare fino a quasi un
metro di altezza, ma i vasi più
comuni sono di circa 30 cm.
di altezza, che corrisponde
alla misura inglese di 12”.
Questi vasi sono stati spesso
utilizzati per Ikebana, l'arte
giapponese di organizzazione
formale per la presentazione
del fiore.
In alcuni dei vasi Satsuma
può capitare in maniera
inaspettata di trovare anche
un coperchio che è insolito
per un oggetto che si può
pensare sia stato progettato
per contenere fiori o altre
piante, ma questi vasi sono
stati realizzati con uno scopo
puramente decorativo.
I disegni sulla superficie dei
vasi erano principalmente
creati in modo da poter
essere utilizzati per decorare
le residenze giapponese
piuttosto che essere elementi
di uso pratico.
Se siete interessati e state
cercando di acquistare un
vaso antico Satsuma, dovete
assicurarvi che sia in buone
condizioni di aspetto e senza
crepe o difetti.
A causa della età di alcuni di
questi vasi, non è sempre
possibile trovare e acquistare
pezzi completamente integri,
trovare un vaso che è molto
vecchio e anche in ottime
condizioni, non è un compito
facile. Inoltre, assicuratevi
che l'oggetto non abbia segni,
scritte o marchi in inglese che
lo identificano come prodotto
dalla Royal Satsuma, in
quanto già questo denoterebbe
che si tratta di un falso.
Nelle fotografie di queste
pagine sono illustrati gli abili
artigiani in alcuni momenti e fasi
di lavorazione delle ceramiche.
Japanese Satsuma earthenware
decorated in overglaze colors
was first made in the 1850s
production increased amatically
and during the Meiji period
SATSUMA: One of the most
collectible pieces of Satsuma
Pottery is the Japanese Satsuma Vase. These pieces of
earthenware pottery, decorated with amazing images or
scenes from Japanese culture
or society are highly collectible and sought after items.
Due to the fact that there was
a period of mass production
of this type of pottery and that
it was copied heavily by other
pottery makers during that
time, there are many styles of
Satsuma pottery on the market that may bear the images
and hallmarks of the Satsuma
style, buy may be from other
locations and time periods.
A Satsuma vase can be the
term used to describe an
oriental style piece of pottery
that has the following characteristics.
The images that are on the
surface of the pottery are very
small and intricate and will
usually feature either people,
places, animals, Japanese Immortals or scenes from Japan.
After the image was hand
painted, the vase was then
covered in a thin protective
glaze which cracked slightly
giving another of the satsuma
pottery hallmarks to look out
for. Some of the vases also
heavily use gold coloring in
their design which makes the
vase look extra special.
Another of the valuable and
more sought after vases are
the ones decorated with the
images of many people, also
known as the 1000 faces design. Often sold as a pair,
some of the Satsuma Vases
measure up to nearly a meter
tall, but the more common
style vase you will find will be
around 9 to 10 inches tall.
The vases were often used for
Ikebana, the art of formal Japanese flower arranging.
The majority of Satsuma
vases will have a lid too which
is unusual for an item which
we may think would be designed to hold flowers or other
plants, but these vases were
for purely decorative means.
Some of the other pottery
from the same region such as
a Satsuma Bowl also featured
a lid which some may think is
The designs on the surface of
the vases were mainly created so that the pieces could
be used to decorate Japanese
residences rather than be
practical items.
If you are looking to purchase
an antique satsuma vase
then ensure that the item is in
good condition and has no
cracks or chips - or has a little
damage as possible.
Due to the age of some of
these pieces, it is not always
possible to buy items that
have no damage at all.
Finding a vase that is very old
and also in very good condition is not an easy task. Also,
ensure that the item has no
markings or identifying words
written in English such as
ROYAL SATSUMA, as this will
denote that the vase is a fake.
CODICE Sa047 q
A decorative Satsuma group, vase on a Shi-Shi figure
A very highly collectible Japanese Shishi figurine with a fine
Satsuma earthenware vase on the sculpture’s backside.
This piece shows a highly sophisticated and very detailed
painting and very beautiful gilding.
The vase has fine decorations and is in excellent condition
with no wear or damages.
This true collector’s item and fancy rarity will certainly make
a wonderful addition to your collection!
Shishi (stone lion), also called lion of Fo /Foo /Fu, lion of
Buddha or Chinese guardian lions, is, in Chinese art, a
stylized figure of a snarling lion. Its original significance was
as a guardian presence in a Buddhist temple. They occur in
many types of Chinese pottery and in Western imitations.
Good colours, signed on bottom with four characters.
I have no idea of the age of this piece and there are no
makers marks to be found but there is security very old.
Condition: he has suffered breaks to two of his legs which
have been reglued. There are a couple of firing faults and
some loss of paintwork and gilding.
Altezza totale cm. 11,5
Larghezza max cm. 9,5
Base legno cm. 15 x 10
Pair small Satsuma pottery miniature vases
CODICE Sa048 q
A wonderful pair of antique
Japanese Satsuma vases
dating to the Meiji period.
These small examples are
of baluster form and have
slender necks.
They have beautiful moriage
decoration to the bodies and
feature a figural scene to
opposing sides of each piece.
Condition is excellent.
The vases are a ‘true’ pair
as the decoration is mirrored
on both vases.
There is however, some
rubbing to the gilt around
the rims and a shallow chip
to the un-glazed foot-ring
on one vase.
No maker's marks.
Heights: 3.75 inches.
Altezza totale cm. 9,5
Larghezza max cm. 4,5
Pair small vases with relief gilding gold enamel
This is a pair of Satsuma small vases. 1900-1919.
Good color with the expansion
of the tones of red, all in
amazing detail how most of
these figures are finely drawn.
The landscape is absolutely
gorgeous, with beautiful
depth, lighting and masterful
detail. The vase is unsigned,
but the unsurpassed quality
of minute detail, and unique
features stylized figures, landscapes, and all ornaments
indicate assignment to the
study of Yabu Meizan.
Satsuma pieces of this quality
are rarely offered on the open
market. A true masterpiece
from one of the most sought
after Japanese Meiji artisans.
There are no chips or cracks
on these pieces but there is
the usual crazing.
Altezza totale cm. 11
Peso 302 gr.
CODICE Sa049 q
CODICE Sa050 q
Couple of small jugs Satsuma with lacquered wooden base
Amazing pair and antique Japanese Satsuma vases with
base in lacquered wood
A true masterwork by one of
Japan's most sought-after
Meiji Satsuma artisans.
Good old enamel painting.
Exquisite, exceptional design.
Good condition, good to fair,
wear to gilt throughout,
chip to foot of one, all
commensurate with age.
An impeccable centerpiece
for the discriminating
collector of world-class
japanese antiques.
Altezza totale cm. 21
(compreso il supporto)
Larghezza max cm. 11
CODICE Sa051 q
Lovely small jugs Satsuma with figural schoolchildren decor
Amazing and antique Japanese Satsuma jug with base
in lacquered wood densely decorated by hand in gold enamel
over-browning to resemble brocade, with iron or red rouge de
fer on the brush.
He has two half faces shown, a panel that shows a group of
schoolchildren, and the other panel that shows two women are
represented in kimono.
Good condition used, basically there are two small chips old.
Altezza anfora cm. 22
Larghezza max cm. 11
Sehr alte Satsuma Keramik-Vase aus Japan mit aufwendiger
Handmalerei in Gold und Emaille.
Auf der Rückseite sind zwei Frauen in Kimonos abgebildet.
Guter gebrauchter Zustand, am unteren Rand gibt es zwei
kleine alte Bestoßungen.
CODICE Sa052 q
Style Baluster vase decorated with deities decoration
Fine old Japanese Satsuma/Kutani porcelain two handled
vase dated ca. 1930's.
Good old enamel painting and exquisite, exceptional
design. In good condition, good to fair.
A true masterwork by one of Japan's most sought-after
Meiji Satsuma artisans, wear to gilt throughout for the
discriminating collector of world-class japanese antiques.
Altezza totale cm. 28
Larghezza max cm. 10,5
Antique oriental Japanese twin handled sugar pot
Sugar pot and lid 5.75 inches tall 6.25
inches wide, handle to handle no cracks
two small chips to inside of lid does not
show when lid is on, gilding wear to handle scroll work, circa 1920.
The pictures don’t do it justice, there are
several different background colors in
the scenes and designs, lots of beading
and moriage, and fine workmanship.
This true collector’s item and fancy rarity
will certainly make a wonderful addition
to your collection!
Altezza totale cm. 14,5
Larghezza max cm. 16
CODICE Sa053 q
CODICE Sa054 q
Older fine detail Japanese Satsuma immortal ceramic vase
Older fine detail japanese
Satsuma immortal ceramic
vase with cover.
Is handpainted scenes and
gild work, dog Foo with legs
on the world and handles
in the shape of dolphins.
This item condition:
has restoration to cover.
Dates early 20th c.
Altezza totale cm. 21
Larghezza max cm. 15,5
Good large antique nippon jar & cover
Antique Japanese vase,
painted in great detail with
six alternating panels of ladies, warriors and lotus blossom, all the artwork is picked
out with raised enamel beading and gilt. the lid finial is a
large and nicely modelled dog
of Foo. Overall good condition,
there is a very small shallow
chip to the rim and small chip
to the end of the dogs tail,
and there is a very minor hairline in the rim of the cover.
Usual allover age crazing,
there is some rubbing to the
finer decoration and gilt and a
few scattered flakes missing
from the decoration.
I would think it dates to the
late 19thC/early 20thC.
Altezza totale cm. 24
Larghezza max cm. 15
CODICE Sa055 q
Small attractive polychrome ceramic jar/urn
CODICE Sa056 q
This stunning beaded vase is
detailed with heavy raised gold
work, nicely overgilded and is
decorated with colorful and
intricately detailed
painted scenes of heroes
and children.
It has a small open handle on
the top. lion finial has been
broken and glued, small chip
to top rdge of jar.
It is of fine quality and is
in excellent condition with the
exception of overall crazing,
and light gilt wear.
Dating to 1900.
Altezza totale con base cm. 18
Larghezza max cm. 9
CODICE Sa057 q
Antique Japanese Satsuma pair Stem vases with stand
A truly fine antique Japanese
Satsuma pair vases on stand.
I believe this vase was
produced by the Shimazu
family during the Meiji period.
The piece is completely hand
painted with raised enamel
flowers, leaves, beautiful
scenes and the whole vase
is extensively highlighted
in gold, is in excellent shape,
almost perfect, no damage.
We rarely see old oriental
Satsuma pieces of this quality
for sale on today’s market.
Altezza totale cm. 18,5
Larghezza max cm. 7
Supporto di base cm.20x9,5
CODICE Sa058 q
Exquisite multicoloured pair of ceramic vases with cork lids
This item is a pair of Japanese Satsuma vases. Both vases depict the same image and feature a scribe and child on one side
and a pair of warriors on the other.
The work is very detailed and features time line and dot work.
Although both pieces depict the same scene the vases are
different as they have been hand painted. This can especially
be seen in the differing backgrounds. Hand painted and with a
raised decoration.
Both vases are in a good condition.
The glaze has webbed slightly with age ad they would really
benefit from being cleaned. Colours are gold, red, blue and
black on a light and dark cream backgound.
They would be perfect for any collector of Satsuma vases.
Altezza totale cm. 40
Larghezza max cm. 12
CODICE Sa059 q
Finely decorated pair Satsuma left+right large vases 1890c signed
Japanese Satsuma pair hand painting
large vases - c1890, lidded and signed.
The upper portion of this important
piece is elegantly flanked by two finely
gilded Fooo-dogst head handles, which
complete the piece in refined style.
You are viewing a pair of matching vases
with pedestals , true left and right hand
examples Satsuma older figurative
moriage decoration, lightly jewelled,
handles on either side, large examples
that display well from the Meiji period,
the age of Japanese artistic excellence.
Date: circa 1890, signed on the base.
Condition report: there are no chips, no
cracks, some staining.
Altezza totale cm. 51
(sono compresi le basi e i coperchi)
Larghezza max cm. 17
CODICE Sa060 q
Wonderful pair of antique japanese Meiji period Awaji school vases
This is an exquisite pair of matching Satsuma earthenware
of the Awaji School, are hand painted and decorated with panels depict samurai with gilt swords and shields.
The figures to each side separated with geometric panels and
intricate elaborely emporer design with moriage.
The vases are a ‘true’ pair as the decoration is mirrored on
both vases. Circa 1868-1911
Excellent condition with no damage or repairs. Crazing is normal in these pieces and part of what defines
Satsuma wares.
Altezza totale cm. 21,5
Larghezza max cm. 10
CODICE Sa061 q
Magnificent Japanese pair of ceramic vases with stands and lids
Here we have a beautifull pair of late 19th/early 20th century
Japanese Satsuma style cylindrical vases with top covers or tea
cups or jars.
Very highly hand decorated with raised beading detail,
autumn and gold colouring with orange and red and well
accented with gilt, the scene is the same back and front, the
two side panels are also the same.
The vases are in fantastic condition with no damage or
There is crazing to the glaze on both vases however this is
typical of Satsuma ware. Unmarked.
Altezza totale cm. 31 (sono compresi le basi e i coperchi)
Larghezza max cm. 10
CODICE Sa062 q
Japanese vintage Satsuma porcelain vase, moriage 1920s
Gorgeous antique japanese vase of baluster shape.
Highly decorated with magnificent main colors reds and yellow.
Beaded work at some parts, out lined in white and rich in
gold all over scene.
It represents a Moriage vase because it illustrates the
technique of raised, trailed-slip decoration. One side shows two
robed men, and the otherside shows a robed men and
childrens in a ceremonial scene.
Handles are ornate with lateral flakes.
Excellent condition for age, no chips, repairs nor breaks.
Very minimal vintage paint rubbing.
Altezza totale cm. 25
Larghezza max cm. 12
CODICE Sa063 q
19th century fluted trumpet vase in Satsuma style with frilled lip
Older than 100 years, this
item is elaborately hand
painted in ground colors such
as: dark brown, khaki, cherry,
cream and beige.
Japanese Satsuma vase,
hand painted, decoration and
gilding on typical Satsuma
body with fine crazed glaze.
Also decorated with moriage
style (antique Japanese slip
trailing technique).
Good condition without
damages, gold decoration is
partly rubbed off thats all,
normal minor traces of use
and age, 19th century.
Signed on the base.
Altezza totale cm. 31
Larghezza max cm. 10
Mirrored Pair of MEIJI Period EarthenWare Vases
CODICE Sa064 q
These are a signed Mirrored
Pair of Vases with a flaring
neck, with applied fixed rings
and ribbon handles to the
sides, painted with Samurais
on the front and their
attendants on the reverse,
covered with fine craquelures.
This exclusive large jar is well
potted and massive
decoration on body overal
with gold and colorful
polychrome enamels.
One vase is in really good
condition and the other is
damaged and has been
repaired at the top and
running dowm over the neck,
On bottom in red a signature
of the artist.
Altezza totale cm. 29
Larghezza max cm. 14
CODICE Sa065 q
Large Meiji antique Japanese Satsuma warriors vase
This antique Japanese
Satsuma vase is detailed with
heavy raised gold work and is
decorated with colorful and
intricately moriage detailed
painted scenes of warriors.
It has a small handle shaped
nodes with elegant ribbons
and bows final on either side.
It is signed on the bottom, is
of fine quality and is in perfect
condition with the exception
of a small trauma on the
edge of the neck, as can be
seen in the bottom photo.
Altezza totale cm. 31
Larghezza max cm. 15
CODICE Sa066 q
Antique decor moriage export vase ornate with lateral flakes
This is a Japanese Satsuma
pottery vase of baluster form
decorated with overglaze
polychrome enamels featuring
elegant teachers and young
students on a red and yellow
background. Touches of gilding and a
stipped moriage border
around shoulder and neck.
It is of fine quality and is
in excellent condition with the
exception of overall crazing on
the edge of the neck, and
light gilt wear, as can be
seen in the close up photo.
Signed with a tiny Japanese
Altezza totale cm. 46
Larghezza max cm. 20
CODICE Sa067 q
19th Century Satsuma vase with lovely vivid color and detail
These attractive old vase is in sound condition and the
detail to faces are exceptional,
the piece has an incredible
amount of detail work and lots
of moriage (some call the
raised dots “beading”).
It is inoutstanding condition
with virtually all of the high
relief gilding intact, other than
normal slight glaze ware
absolutely perfect.
Dates from around 1920/30s.
It is marked.
Altezza totale cm. 40
Larghezza max cm. 18
CODICE Sa068 q
Rare, important Meiji era Satsuma masterpiece, museum quality
L'originalité de ce vase d'une
grande finesse réside par
ses deux cordages intégrés
sur le col.
Les sujets peints sont des
Samourais en discussion
sur un côté et des musiciens
sur l'autre.
Le tout peint avec une grande
précision et richesses avec
de nombreux points de
céramiques en reliefs .
C'et une pièce de qualité et
en parfait état, juste un
cheveux de 1 cm sur le haut
du col, invisible de l'exterieur
et sans incidence.
Assurément rare .
Altezza totale cm. 44
(senza il supporto di base)
Larghezza max cm. 20
CODICE Sa069 q
Genuine pair vintage big moriage Satsuma vases scallop edges
A Fine Old Pair Japan Japanese pottery Satsuma vases
scallop edges with figural decoration ca. 1930's.
Both decorated with matching
scenes of figures that are very
well rendered with realistic
Ancienne et enorme paire
de vases de Satsuma de la
fin du 19eme en parfait etat,
pas de fels, ni eclats.
La taille est impressionnante.
Tres beau decor de guerrier
peint a la main entierement
differents sur chaque face.
Altezza totale cm. 48
Larghezza max cm. 21
CODICE Sa070 q
Nippon fine detail immortal big vase with raised rope motifs
A very decorative and highly
collectible Japanese fine
Satsuma earthenware vase on
the sculpture’s backside.
This piece is decorated with
pictures of warrrior and
embroidered knots as handle,
shows a highly sophisticated
and very detailed painting and
very beautiful gilding.
The bottom is signed with Japanese characters.
The piece is in great condition,
this true collector’s item and
fancy rarity will certainly make
a wonderful addition to your
Altezza totale cm. 53
Larghezza max cm. 24
CODICE Sa071 q
Monumental, impressive size vase with schoolchildren carved
A truly fabulous, very large,
late Meiji period Satsuma
vase. This is not just a vase,
this is a piece of Japanese
art, the detail and artistry are
truly wonderful!
A lot of time has been used
on the decoration of this vase.
It has a fluted rim.
The neck is painted with
panels inspired geometrical
patterns interspersed and
bordered with guilding.
The main body of the vase is
painted with images of Japanese scholars, on one side
the scholars are seated
listening to a recital.
The scholars wear traditional
dress and in Satsuma style,
typically elaborate robes.
The two main images are seperated by elaborately sculptures of ropes.
The decoration overall is
elaborate and as would be
expected with a Satsuma
vase, it is heavily moriaged.
Overall it is in good condition,
there are a couple of hairline
cracks along the the hoops on
the edge of the neck.
Altezza totale cm. 61
(senza il supporto di base)
Larghezza max cm. 26
CODICE Sa072 q
Monumental Meiji era Satsuma covered vase masterpiece
Exquisitely fine detail, representing the finest of Japanese ware.
Singular the existence of a lid with holes for the passage of perfumes.
This exclusive large jar is well potted and massive decoration on body
overal with gold and colorful polychrome enamels.
It is applied a pair of large handles fashioned handles clasping a
tasseled ring and a wide collar form rim, in a continuous figural
narrative of large scale Samurai warriors and Japanese courtiers.
The upper and lower portions of the vase are filled with minute,
intricately detailed polychrome enamel patterns, and the upper rim
features golden micro-patterning.
The entire piece is finished with extraordinary, elaborate gilding which
highlights the overall design, some of which is so minute that it must
have been painted with a single-haired brush. It's in excellent
condition, appears to have been carefully stored away as a treasure
for over a century. A centerpiece for the discriminating collector of
fine Japanese antiques.
Altezza totale cm. 110 (compreso il supporto di base e il coperchio)
Larghezza max cm. 40
CODICE Sa073 q
Group of colossal and specular vases with pedestals and lids
A group of Satsuma, two pots
with lids, Japan 19 th century
supported large stands of
old wood.
Good color with the expansion
of the tones of cobalt blue and
supporting some vases, all in
amazing detail how most of
these figures are finely drawn.
The landscape is absolutely
gorgeous, with beautiful
depth, lighting and masterful
detail. In particular, affects the
two covers in line with the
style of the vessels.
The vase is unsigned, but the
unsurpassed quality of minute
detail, and unique features
stylized figures, landscapes,
and all ornaments indicate
assignment to the study of
Yabu Meizan.
Satsuma pieces of this quality
are rarely offered on the open
market. A true masterpiece
from one of the most sought
after Japanese Meiji artisans.
I have no idea of the exact
timing of this piece and there
are signs that you are
responsible, but there is no
safety signs to the front feet.
Condition: there are a couple
of firing failures and soft paint
and gilding on the bases.
Altezza totale cm. 113
(compreso il supporto di base
e il coperchio)
Larghezza max cm. 41
CODICE Sa074 q
Rare maiolica pedestal and jardinere large old piece must see
This is an amazing antique
Japanese Satsuma jardiniere
and pedestal large, this placed
on a further support in
lacquered wood to four feet.
Superbly executed in white
porcelain, and shaped in a
cylindrical shape. It is densely
hand-decorated in over-glaze
enamels and gold gilding to
resemble brocade, over an
iron-red or rouge-de-fer ground.
Decorated with scenes
of court life and the usual
dragons in high relief applied
on two sections in Satsuma
style jardiniere and pedestal,
the bowl on top with a
scalloped edge on the edge
of a flare with a truncated oval
decorated with many pictures
of samurai gentlemen a
landscape, the base
corresponding high pedestal
with a concave top above a
cylindrical shaft that
terminates in a splayed foot
and decorated as the rest.
The feature an allover
decoration of interior and
exterior scenes of men
gathered together with long
robes. Around these scenes are
elaborate line and symbol
designs. At the top of pot has a
slightly scalloped edge with
incised line decorations.
Entirely handmade, the enamel
color beaded with shades of
reds, greens and golds
highlight this extraordinary
The jardinière and pedestal are
in excellent condition.
Dated around the late 19th
Altezza totale cm. 82
(senza il supporto di legno)
Larghezza max al vaso cm. 31
Pair Satsuma Bottles with stoppers, Meiji era
This is a pair of Japanese
Satsuma bottle vases of mallet
form beautifully decoarted with
Nishikide diapher pattern and
scenes of a Samurai Lord,
children and mother, lotus and
scrolling tendrils.
Complete with stoppers.
Applied looped ropework
decoration on the side.
Some gilding and moriage
raised slip work.
In very good condition.
One stopper has a feint hairline, the other has some light
nibbles to the inside (not seen
when in place). One vase has a
shallow chip on the foot rim.
Marked to the base in iron red.
Circa 1890. Altezza bottiglia+tappo cm. 33
Larghezza cm. 16
CODICE Sa075 q
CODICE Sa076 q
Old signed bottle with four ribbons and mythological scenes
This is a large vase, measuring 15" tall, it is definately old,
and it is signed on the bottom.
This is very finely done. Lots of gold and great detail.
It has a raised rope design around the edges, seperating the
design into four panels.
Two panels are just children, one panel is of a warrior and children,
and one panel is of warriors.
So much design, and lots of raised gold moriage.
The vase has been broken and decently repaired (long long ago)
around the base of the skinny neck.
There is a cork still in the top, so perhaps the neck was broken
to take out the contents?
Unfortunately, the lid is missing and now, is not the original.
Vase is heavy, will weigh over 5 pounds.
Measures 15" tall.
Altezza solo bottiglia+tappo e senza la base cm. 37
Larghezza cm. 16
CODICE Sa077 q
Antique pair of Satsuma bottle with original stoppers
Antique Japanese Satsuma pair of bottle of
bowl form with original and intricate stopper
that dates to the 19th century.
It is beautifully decoarted with elaborate
polychrome and gold decorations, in
excellent condition with no chips, cracks or
repairs. It is not porcelain, but a Japanese
earthenware pottery.
It has minor rubbing to the gold, crazing to
the glaze, and other signs of expected light
wear commensurate with age.
Some gilding and moriage raised slip work.
One vase has a shallow chip on the foot rim.
Altezza bottiglia+tappo cm. 30
Larghezza cm. 13
CODICE Sa078 q
Finely bottle/neck vase decorated with relief enamels
Beautiful older Satsuma
bottle with the wide body
decomposed by four 'framed'
panels, one depicts an armed
Samurai in a different scenes
with applied four ribbons
and extensive gilt decor
covering the entire surface.
The rest of the surface with
various geometric designs,
lots of raised enamel in white,
gray, black and red.
The base is signed and there
are no chips, cracks or repairs.
Has some gilt loss and crazing
for its age.
Altezza bottiglia+tappo cm. 29
Larghezza cm. 13
CODICE Sa079 q
Very decorative and highly collectible bottle Samurai
Antique Japanese Satsuma bottle-vase Samurai
Age: Meiji Period - 1868 - 1912
Size: Height - 8 1/2 inches,
Condition: Good, heavy wear to gilt in places, chip to base
of stopper, some further light wear in places, all commensurate
with age.
Altezza bottiglia+tappo cm. 22
Larghezza cm. 12
CODICE Sa080 q
19th c. Satsuma bottle vase with enamel & gilt & raised moldings
Here is a antique signed
Japanese Satsuma vase with
mushroom-shaped lid.
It has molded and raised
designs on four sides, and it
has elaborate paintings with
enamels and gilt of men's
figures and decorative
designs. It is in excellent
condition with no chips and
no cracks and very little
losses in the gilt.
It weighs 1-1/2 lbs.
Altezza bottiglia+tappo cm. 26
Larghezza cm. 13
CODICE Sa081 q
Pottery bottle featuring beautiful gilted painted fabulous color
Beautiful gilt antique Satsuma
bottle-vase 1910/1940th has
name “Four studies”.
Here are every thing that
distinguishes a right Satsuma:
kaolin, cracking, colors, pattern
and painting.
All of this on you can see in
this precious object.
Condition is very good, only
one small lost.
Altezza bottiglia+tappo cm. 27
Larghezza cm. 13
Moriage embossed gold-leafed Japanese sake bottle
CODICE Sa082 q
Here is a antique signed Japanese Satsuma bottle
with stopper that dates to the 19th century absolutely
stunning with beautiful depth, lighting, and masterful
tiny details, the long neck of the vase is banded
round with further exceptional patterned.
The upper and lower portions of the vase are filled
with minute, intricately detailed polychrome enamel
patterns, and the upper rim features golden decor.
The entire piece is finished with extraordinary,
elaborate gilding which highlights the overall design,
some of which is so minute that it must have been
painted with a single-haired brush.
It’s in excellent condition with no repairs.
Altezza bottiglia+tappo cm. 31,5
Larghezza cm. 15
CODICE Sa083 q
Very massive colorful ornate bottle with Moriage decor
Massive and signed is this
elegant early vase-bottle.
It’s dated to the Meiji period
and has a signature mark
that is for “Gyokuzan/Shozan”.
It’s decorated in a very rare
ornate manner with classic
Satsuma red and gold
enamels with a set of four
raised rope like shapes.
There is also a small
enamelled lid which is also
very rare to be steel with
or intact with, the bottle.
The lid has a small chip at
the bottom of the lip which
sits inside the bottle.
Date: circa 1890,
signed on the base.
Condition report:
there are no chips, no cracks,
some staining.
Altezza bottiglia+tappo cm. 32
Larghezza cm. 15
CODICE Sa084 q
Antique 19th Century Meiji Era bottle decorated with lid
Beautiful older Satsuma bottle with ornate decoration and
gold accentthe wide body decomposed by four 'framed'
panels, one depicts an armed Samurai in a different scenes
with applied four ribbons and extensive gilt decor covering
the entire surface.
The rest of the surface with various geometric designs, lots
of raised enamel in white, gray, black and red.
Nicely detailed decoration. The base is signed and there are
no chips, cracks or repairs.
Size measures: 8 1/8" tall x 4 1/2" across widest point
Altezza bottiglia+tappo cm. 20,5
Larghezza cm. 12
Old Japanese bottle vase XIX hand painted
Antique old Japanese Satsuma bottle that dates to the 19th
century. The upper and lower portions of the vase are filled with
intricately detailed polychrome enamel patterns.
The entire piece is finished with extraordinary, elaborate gilding
which highlights the overall design, some of which is so minute
that it must have been painted with a single-haired brush.
It is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks or repairs.
Altezza totale bottiglia + tappo cm. 25
Larghezza max cm. 12
CODICE Sa085 q
CODICE Sa086 q
Spectacular antique Japanese bottle-bowl shape form ware/lid
This is an interesting bulbous
Japanese vase which looks
to have been hand painted
and then decorated over with
gilding and raised outlines. The hand-painting is very
detailed and magnificent.
There is a scene of two
aristocratic mens playing
shimuzen and patterns.
The excellence of the work
can be spotted all through the
decoration, from the
elaborate fine enamel and
gold decoration of the figures
Kimono, to the thousands
of tiny gold dots. Nice to add
to a cabinet collection.
The bottle has no damages or
Altezza totale bottiglia + tappo
cm. 25
Larghezza max cm. 12
CODICE Sa087 q
Pair Meiji period decorative handpainted jewelled bottles
You are viewing a rare and most
attractive opportunity, this are a pair
beautiful decorative lidded bottles.
Date: circa 1885, the art work is
extremely fine, it’is a example from the
Meiji period, the age of Japanese
artistic excellence.
An example that was produced for the
Japanese market rather than the
Western market.
Will be of particular interest to our more
serious collectors.
There is some wear to the gilding
around the rim and a chip and strange
flaw to base, it also has some very
fine crazing. It is marked on bottom with
what looks like numbers.
Altezza totale bottiglia + tappo cm. 21,5
Larghezza max cm. 9
CODICE Sa088 q
Superb and singular Satsuma little bottle with long yellow neck
These is a superb Japanese
Satsuma vase, it is certainly
of 19th century origin.
Wonderful overall fine hand
painted decoration of the
figures to both sides with
other decoration around
the circumference.
It has an overall height of
about 7.5 inches with a max
diameter of about 3.5 inches.
Condition: considering the age,
the overall condition to the
bottle is very good with the
only blemish of: chipping to the
rim as per pictures.
Besides being a very collectable 19th century Japanese
Satsuma hand decorated vase,
both would also look fabulous
Altezza bottiglia+tappo cm. 23
Larghezza cm. 9
Lovely bulbous stem bottle with long cylindrical neck
Superbly executed in white porcelain bottle-shaped vase with
a bulbous stem long cylindrical neck.
And 'densely decorated by hand in gold, enamel over-browning
to resemble brocade, with iron or red rouge de fer on the
brush. He has two half faces shown, a panel that shows a
group of schoolchildren, and the other panel that shows
children playing in a garden.
Between the panels are medallions containing floral disc
and many butterflies.
I believe this jar / bottle has the appropriate age, design
and quality that makes an original piece, probably Shoza, but
I am not an expert Shoza, then I simply say "Satsuma style".
It is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks or repairs.
Great piece for a collector.
Altezza totale bottiglia + tappo cm. 22,5
Larghezza max cm. 10
CODICE Sa089 q
Bottle Handpainted in Gold Relief with Figures
CODICE Sa090 q
Satsuma bottle handpainted in gold relief featuring seated
Japanese porcelain decorated with schoolchildren figures.
The upper and lower portions of the vase are filled with
minute, intricately detailed polychrome enamel patterns, and
the upper rim features golden decor.
The entire bottle is finished with extraordinary, elaborate
gilding which highlights the overall design, some of which is
so minute that it must have been painted with a single-haired
These handmade pieces show all craftman's ability.
Great piece for a collector. It is in excellent condition with
no chips, cracks or repairs.
Altezza totale bottiglia + tappo cm. 16
Larghezza max cm. 10
CODICE Sa091 q
Rare bottle, decorated with raised dots “beading” with silver cap
This is an attractive and also a rare example of Japanese Satsuma
bottle, is a beautiful decorative vase that will delight your collection. The entire piece is finished with extraordinary, elaborate
gilding which highlights the overall design, some of which is so
minute that it must have been painted with a single-haired brush.
It’s an example of quality, hand-painted decoration Moriage is
extremely fine, the front and rear with a rare Satsuma decorated
with classic style with red and gold glaze, two handles on the
sides by the artist carved in the shape of knotted ropes.
There is also a pleasant metal cover, which is also very rare in this
type of bottles, it should be in silver.
The vase is unsigned, however the unsurpassed quality of the
minute detail, and unique stylized characteristics of the form, and
ornamentation all indicate attribution to Yabu Meizan's studio.
Satsuma pieces of this quality are rarely offered on the market.
Date: circa 1890/1900
Status report: there are no cracks, some stains.
Altezza totale solo bottiglia cm. 28,5
Altezza totale bottiglia + tappo cm. 32
Larghezza max cm. 10,5
CODICE Sa092 q
Satsuma pottery well shaped bowl with figural decor ca. 1930's
Fine old Japanese Satsuma
porcelain well shaped bowl or
Tsunodaru sake bucket vase
with figural decoration.
Dated ca. 1930's.
The porcelain bowl with very
fine gilt and painted figural
groups with panels of Bijins
and Karako.
Altezza totale cm. 20
Larghezza max cm. 10,5
CODICE Sa093 q
Antique ceramic hand-painted wall dish with raised enamel bowl
It is decorated with beautiful
raised Satsuma aplique.
This wonderful decorative
piece is in very good
There very nice collectible and
display item are no cracks,
nicks, or flea bites.
The Japan Satsuma large
pottery wall plate with raised
enamel is first true work
quality of art and is in
excellent condition with no
cracks or restorations.
The decoration is bright and
vibrant with no sign of
scratches, wear or rubbing
and no crazing.
The item is used, most is
antique, vintage or
collectables so you must
understand that this is not
all in new condition,
We can not see any
restoration on the plate.
Diametro: cm. 31
Beautiful large Imperial Satsuma deep display dish
CODICE Sa094 q
A fine antique porcelain plate
dated late 19th century from
Japan of the Arita factory
(production japanese area
from which it derives its
name), the type Satsuma.
Decorated in Moriage style
with raised gold enamel with
colours and a painting of two
gentlemen in a house with the
background view of mountain.
The plate is quite thick and is
crackle throughout.
The large lovely oriental plate
made in Japan is in very
excellent condition, is a
must for fine japanese
antique asian collectors,
over 100 years in age.
Excellent investment piece.
Diametro: cm. 22
CODICE Sa095 q
19th c. japanese export Meiji Satsuma in relief gild dish-plate
Late 1800s Meiji period
Japanese Satsuma Moriage
typically samurai plate with
gold relief.
This is a wonderful old plate
with very heavy nice shape,
no cracks or repairs, just one
small frit on the bottom ring
edge and fine overall crazing,
just mentioned for accuracy.
It’s a very heavy pottery plate
for it’s size.
There is a bit of wear to the
moriage here and there, not
bad at all for it’s age. I believe
it’s from the latter 1800s to
possibly 1900.
Beautiful raised decoration
and finished with gold leaf,
two holes cast in rear to hang,
in good condition the slightest
gold leaf wear on edge of
Diametro: cm. 25
CODICE Sa096 q
Pair antique Satsuma earthten/stoneware plates Morian style
Rare Pair of Antique Japanese Imperial Satsuma Meiji period
c1870-1890 large chargers, they are decorated and are
opposed by exposing the warriors who look at each.
This is a beautifully detailed plates featuring two warriors
figures surrounded by green and pink foliage with pagoda's,
trees, lake, and Mt. Fuji in the background, in full regalia, with
moriage. Has highly embossed gold and is just wonderful.
The bottom is unsigned.
Excellent condition, no chips, cracks, crazing, or wear.
This pair of plates should be in someone's display cabinet!
A beautiful and unique treasure!!
Diametro: cm. 25
CODICE Sa097 q
Amazing fine decorated Satsuma ceramic pedestal/stand
Late 19th /early 20th century
Moriage Satsuma pottery
vase stand to fit vase with
maximum base diameter
48mm, 1.9"
Altezza totale cm. 6
Larghezza max cm. 7
CODICE Sa098 q
Older fine detailed Satsuma porcelain pedestal/stand
Older and perfect handpainted
Meiji-Satsuma earthenware
stand or peedestal.
These items represents a
moriage piece because it
illustrates the technique of
raised, trailed-slip decoration.
Beautifully decorated and very
impressive with its decors.
It is more than 100 years old.
Colorful hand painted with
vibrant colors and very
elaborated and is in very good
condition considering its age.
This is an absolutely gorgeous
piece for your antique japanese
ceramic collection.
Dimensions are: 5 1/2" tall by 5 5/8" in diameter on a top
outside of rim and 5" in
diameter insid with 3 3/16" a
hole in diameter
Altezza totale cm. 14
Larghezza max cm. 21
Vintage earthenware pottery stand
A very unusual and heavy,
Japanese Satsuma
earthenware pottery stand,
on five, lion head feet.
Decorated with a stylised
flower and leaf design
and dating to the late 19th
The central recess is 4.5" in
Some wear to the gilding on
the lion heads but, otherwise,
in perfect condition.
Altezza totale cm. 7
Larghezza max cm. 17
CODICE Sa099 q
Tripod gold stand Satsuma chimera dragon
CODICE Sa100 q
This beautiful vintage Satsuma tripod base is
decorated with lots of gilt and enameling. It has a cream colored body with a slightly
yellowed glaze with fine crackles. The 3 dragon (or demon) heads make up the
three feet. Next to one of the dragon heads is a small gilt
marking that is partially worn off and was
impossible to photograph. There also seems to be a mark incised at the
top of one of the dragon (demon) heads that
even w/a loupe I wasn't able to make out. This was a tourist piece, probably 1920/40's. Condition is exceptional with no chips, cracks
or nicks. It has some wear to the gilt on the dragons
The measures: 4 3/4" across top - 4 1/4" tall
6 1/4" from foot to foot.
Altezza totale cm. 11
Larghezza max cm. 16