Austin File Alphabetic List
Austin File Alphabetic List
Austin File Alphabetic List 13th Floor Elevators--See: BIOGRAPHY FILE - Roky Erickson M9300 16 S0300 1800 Restaurant & Bar R3800 (E) 1880s P7300 1886 Room H3200 (8) 1938 Radio Script P1400 (12) 1977 Bond Issue P7100 (3) 1980-1989 P8660 2-J's R3800 (T) 23rd Street Artists Market P1400 (39) 26 Doors S2300 (21) 311 Club S0300 (102) 35th & Jefferson Retail/Office Center B6824 (5) 35th Street Festival C1900 (15) 3M Corporation M0900 (41) 5 AM Studio M9385 (52) 501 Studios M8460 (75) 5604 Manor N1875 (14) 612 West R3800 (S) 64 Beds H2010 (2) 8 ½ Souvenirs M9300 (E) A Bon Chat, Bon Rat I1200 (16) "A Nostalgic Evening at the Grand Ole Driskill" H3200 (4) "A Traditional San Jacinto Day Celebration" L2710 (29s) A-Perm-O-Green Lawn Company G0800 (3) A. Mozart Fest M9383 (7) A.C.O.R.N. N1900 (26) AAA Bonding Company C9200 (2) Aaron's B5070 (5) Abattoir M8640 (2) Abbey Wedding Chapel, The (in general folder) W2300 (1) Abbott Laboratories Corporation M0900 (11) Abendmusik M9380 (9) Aber-Schultz Auto Supply Company A9910 (26) Abernathy Furniture Company F5000 (16) Ablanedo, Ralph 1978 M8900 (41) Abortion F0520 (1) Academy for Educational Development E0600 (2) Academy Surplus D1100 (24) Accent Gallery A6400 (105) Accent Travel T7900 (6) ACCESS (Austin Collaborative of Cultural & Educational Sites & Schools) Ace Custom Tailors C5230 (22) Achievement Scores P8200 (15) P8200 (83) Achilles Grocery G4200 (91) Ackermann, Frieda and Hans W5700 (5) Acme Life Insurance Company I1150 (2) Acquisitions L2710 (29a) Acquisitions L2710 (29r) Act Against Violence Community Resource Guide Y0600 (39) Action Center O1010 (13) Action for Neighborhood Schools S1700 (16) Actors & Company T6500 (8) Actors Etc./Studio T6500 (80) Actors Repertory of Texas (ART) T6500 (87) Actors Theater of Austin T6500 (1) ACTV T0700 (2) Acuff, Roy V2000 (202) Acupuncture M3000 (21) Ad Hoc Committee for Historic Preservation Revaluing Fund H1200 (8) Adams P1200 (34) Adams Extract Company F2500 (32) Adams Film Production M8460 (24) Adams Vackar Catering F2500 (41) ADAP (Austin Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program ) D2200 (17) ADAPT (American Disabled for Attendant Programs Today) H0200 (17) Adelaide, South Australia S2550 (3) Adenauer, Conrad V2000 (170) Administration P8200 (1) Administrative Management Society T7400 (1) Administrative Offices F1240 (3) Admirals Club H0480 (8) Admirals’ Club—See: Headliners Club H0480 C5400 Adopt-a-School Program--now known as Partners in Education P8200 (74) Adoption F0500 (20) Adoption P9400 (A0900 8) Adoration Convent of Divine Love C3550 (9) Ads from Freshie A1000 (3) Ads from Longhorn A1000 (2) Ads from the Cactus (1896-1906) A1000 (4) Ads from the Ranger (1928) A1000 (5) Adult Advancement Center M3420 (4) Adult Day Care Center O1200 (7) Adult Education P8200 (9) Adult Services Council O1200 (3) Advanced Age Foundation O1200 (9) Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) E1095 (10) Advanced Planning Committee S1700 (3) Advertisements S6200 (2) Advertisements A1300 (46) Advertiser N2400 (1) Advertising (General) A1000 (1) Advocates for Life F0520 (3) Aeronautics P6150 (2) Aeronautics (General) A1200 (1) Aerotech P3500 (40) Affiliated Computer Systems, Inc E1095 (39) Affiliated Psychological Services M3400 (25) Affordable Housing H4500 (12) AFL-CIO U0900 (2) African C3695 (2) African American Cultural Heritage District A1300 (50) African American Heritage Network (AAHN) A1300 (39) African American Population/Demographics A1300 (59) African Americans (General) A1300 (Filed chronologically) African Americans—See: A1300 E1950 African-American newspapers published in Austin N2400 (46) Afro-American Players T6500 (2) After Ours S0300 (30) Agarita W4100 (2) Agencies U1100 (2) Agency on Aging of the Capital Area—See: General N3800 Agency on Aging of the Capital Area—See: N3800 General O1200 Agriculture P6150 (3) Agriculture (General) A1500 (1) -- SEE ALSO: Meat Industry and Trade (M2600) Agriculture--Dairying (General) A1600 (G) Agudas Achim Congregation S9000 (2) Aguila Awards A9930 (3) Aid programs A1500 (2) Aid to Families with Dependent Children P9400 (12) AIDS/Aids Services of Austin D1560 (37) Aileron Press P9700 (24) Aim High P8200 (79) Aims Plus, Inc. E1095 (30) Air Conditioned Village H4500 (20) Air Force Association U1500 (14) Air Gallery A6400 (84) Air Mail Service P6100 (A1700) AIR-Austin—See: Knowbility (25) C6100 Airplanes A1200 (10) Airport Florists F2200 (8) AISD Awareness League P8200 (12) AISD Development Center P8200 (11) AISD Performing Arts Center P8200 (85) AISD Roster of Coaches P8200 (78) Akar, John Joseph V2000 (1) Akers, Diane P3500 (56) Alamo - Siege, 1836 T3200 (A2100 4) Alamo Barber Shop B1000 (1) Alamo Drafthouse Cinema M8300 (26) Alamo Lounge —See: S0300(56) M9320 Alamo Lounge—See: Emma Joe’s S0300 (56) Alamo Monument C1048 (7) Alamo Printery P7000 (17) Alamo Recreation Center P1400 (25) Alan I. Jones Development Company R1400 (9) Alan Mesher Meetings R2610 (19) Alaska Airlines--See: General A1200 Albert and Gage M9300 (A, folder 1) Albright, Madeleine V2000 (200) Alcalde U4350 (1) Alcoholics Anonymous A2300 (2) Alcoholism (General) A2300 Alexander & Cornwell D2300 (8) Alexander & Thompson D2300 (9) Alexander Barber Shop B1000 (2) Alexander Bros. D2300 (10) Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf D0440 (9) Alf Robinson G4200 (17) Alf. Harvey Shoes-Hosiery B5236 (10) Alff’s Florist—See: Eldon Powell Florist (6) F2200 Alfredo's R3800 (A) Alhambra Hotel H3000 (2) Ali Baba’s Little Den R3800 Alive and Well M9300 (A) All Air Sea Travel, Inc. T7900 (1) All American Dance Orchestra M9300 (A, folder 1) All Austin Nursery School N3400 (4) All City Show Choir P8200 (59) All Saints Episcopal School K1400 (3) All-American Pipeline P6450 (25) Allagoa, A.E. V2000 (2) Allandale C3450 (3) Allandale L2710 (60) Allandale S6000 (2) Allandale Neighborhood Association N1900 (39) Allandale Village S2300 (1) Allen & Cullen, Grocers G4200 (18) Allen, Lee Jr. 1976 M8900 (73) Allens Boot Center B5236 (34) Allergy D1560 (29) Alleys S5700 (2) Alliance for the Liberation of South Africa (Anti-Apartheid Demonstrations) P7750 (6) Alliance Française of Austin E1950 (1) Alliance Wagonyard S0300 (13) Alliance, The M9300 (A) Allied Finance Company B7100 (25) Allison P8300 (71) Allison, Mose V2000 (181) Allstate I1100 (10) AlpenHof R3800 (A) Alpha Kappa Alpha A1300 (27) Alpha Omicron Pi Mothers Club—See: General W4800 Alpha Rev M9300 (A) Alphand, Herve V2000 (3) Alpine Appliance H4400 (5) Alt Koenig Sport C9300 (16) Alta Vista Addition—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 Alta Vista, Inc. B7100 (164) Altenheim O1250 (1) Alternate Current Artspace A6400 (133) Alternative Community Tax T0200 (1) Alternative Schools P8200 (16) Alterstudio A5600 (36) Altrusa Club W4800 (2) Alvarez, Blanca V2000 (4) Alvin Crow & the Pleasant Valley Boys M9300 (A, folder 1) Alzheimer's D1560 (41) Amalgamated Transit Union, Local Division #1549 -- See: General U0900 Amandine Bakery B0100 (24) Amaric Corporation M0900 (35) Amateur Choral Club M9300 (A, folder 1) Amateur Musical Club M9380 (2) Amaya Belly Dance Studio D0200 (23) Ambergris Baroque Trio M9300 (A, folder 1) Ambulance Service (Emergency Medical Services Department) (General) A3300 Amdur Gallery A6900 (25) Amelia Barr's Ladies School P7200 (1) Amelia Bullock Realtors R1400 (43) American Airlines A1200 (12) American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Austin Area Chapter N3600 (4) American Association of Retired Persons O1200 (10) American Association United Nations, Austin Chapter I1230 (11) American Bakery B0100 (6) American Bank Tower B0702 (1) American Business Woman's Association, Austin Star Chapter W4800 (28) American Cancer Society D1560 (30) American Civil Liberties Union, Central Texas Chapter C4600 (2) American Cleaners & Dyers L1800 (16) American College of Musicians M9335 (7) American Deaf Dance Company D0440 (8) American Deaf Dance Company—See: Deafness D0440 (8) D0200 American Diabetes Association, Capital Area Chapter D1560 (18) American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1624 O1010 (10) American Founders Life Insurance Company I1150 (1) American Friends Service Committee C3400 (37) American Genre Film Archive M8460 (73) American Heart Association, Austin-Travis County Division D1560 (16) American Hibiscus Society, Texas Star Chapter G0700 (15) American History Club W4800 (3) American Indians (Native Americans)—See: I0400 E1950 American Institute for Learning (now known as American Youthworks) E1300 (3) American Institute for Learning—See: Employment E1300 Y0600 American Institute for Learning—See: Employment E1300 (3) D2200 American Institute of Architects, Austin Chapter A5600 (3) American Institute of Banking, Austin Chapter B0700 (3) American Institute of Graphic Arts, Austin Chapter A6600 (28) American Institute of Industrial Engineers, Austin Chapter E1400 (6) American Legion (2 folders) V0600 (13) American Legion Auxiliary V0600 (16) American Legion Baseball Teams B1198 (2) American Legion State Convention V0600 (15) American Lung Association of Texas D1560 (35) American Lutheran Conference C3660 (1) American Marketing Association T7400 (29) American Muffler Shop A9910 (16) American National Bank--See B0702 B0700 American Nordic Club E1950 (13) American Polystyrene Corporation 10600 (1) American Reading Academy P7200 (34) American Recorder Society, Austin Chapter M9380 (3) American Repertory Ensemble D0200 (61) American Revival Theater T6500 (25) American Sampler A4800 (15) American Society for Public Administration T7400 (2) American Society of Interior Designers, Austin Association I1200 (17) American Statesman 100th Birthday Celebration N2405 (8) American the Beautiful Fund H1200 (9) American Torch Association, Austin Chapter D1560 (4) American War Dads V0600 (10) Americana Music Conference and Festival M9383 (34) Americana Theater M8300 (1) Americans with Disabilities Act City Coordination H0200 (16) Americo Paredes Middle School P8800 (15) Amigos de las Americas Y0600 (17) Amnesty International I1230 (14) Amsterdam Café M9320 (A) Amtrak R0700 (2) Amusements (General) A3900 Amy’s C6300 (6) Anableps-Anableps B7100 (28) Analysis, Research and Computation, Inc. E1095 (45) Ananda Marga School P7200 (29) Ancho’s R3800 (A) And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead M9300 (A, folder 1) Anderson & Benson Studebaker (used cars) A9800 (24) Anderson and Sons F2500 (12) Anderson Drug Store D2300 (30) Anderson High School Yellow Jacket Band P8620 (4) Anderson Hill Community Development Corporation U5000 (23) Anderson Lane C3450 (4) Anderson Mill M5400 (12) Anderson Mill Village S6000 (94) Anderson Mill, Travis County—See: Mills M5400 (12) C3850 Anderson, John V2000 (146) Anderson, Leland Dale 1975 M8900 (17) Anderson, Orvil A. V2000 (5) Anderson-Parker, Inc. N3600 (5) Anderson—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 Andre's R3800 (A) Andrews P8300 (1) Andrews Dormitory U3930 (2) Anecdotes L2710 (10) Angels of Mercy O1200 (41) Anglican Catholic Church C3400 (41) Anglican Church of Austin C3400 (35) Angus Valley S6000 (75) Animal Associations and Pet Care A4200 (20) Animal Control Ordinance O2000 (20) Animal Control Ordinance--See: Animal Control Ordinance O200 (20) A4200 Animals P6150 (4) Animals (General) A4200 (1) Animals (Miscellaneous) A4200 (21) Animation C6100 (12) Anita Bryant Visit H2030 (2) Anita Schutze Travel Services T7900 (2) Ankenman, Nicolas P3500 (1) Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders--See: P8610 P8800 Ann Weber Interior Design I1200 (13) Ann's Beauty Shop B1560 (6) Anna Hiss Gymnasium U3400 (1) Anne Curtis School of Dance D0200 (56) Annette Duval School of Dancing D0200 (2) Annette's Hen House--filed with General A6900 Annexation C4170 (27) Anniversaries T4400 (1) Annual Meetings T3100 (2) Annual Reports L2710 (22) Anomaly Graphics A6900 (20) Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia M3400 (28) Anson Jones Chapter 507, National Sojourners F3600 (13) Antenna Products Company E1095 (62) Anti-Apartheid O2000 (9) Antigravity Boots S3100 (8) Antipoverty Programs (General) A4600 (G) -- SEE ALSO: Community Leadership (C6075) Employment (E1300) Housing (H4500) Public Welfare (P9400) Public Welfare Societies, etc. (P9460) Urban Renewal Projects and Programs (U5000) Antiques (General) A4800 (1) Antiques Show and Sale H0580 (4) Antone's S0300 (33) Antone's—See: S0300 (33) M9320 Antone’s Record Shop—See: Record Stores (57) M9385 Antrip, Lord V2000 (6) Any Baby Can C2800 (6) Apache Club U4500 (9) Apache Shores S6000 (70) Apartment Drapery Service H4000 (16) Apartments and Condominiums (General) A5000 (1) Aperture Gallery A6400 (68) Apollo II Astronauts V2000 (102) Apple Computer Corporation E1095 (59) Apple School P7200 (47) Appliances H4400 (1) Applicators, The M9300 (A) Applied Materials E1095 (60) Applied Materials , Inc. M0900 (42) Applied Nuclear Corporation E1095 (9) Applied Scholastics of Austin B5070 (35) Applikon Dependable Instruments M0900 (33) Appointment of Hon. J. Chrys Dougherty as Honorary French Consul for Austin (in general folder) M9120 (3) Aqua Festival 1962-1969 A5200 (1-8) Aqua Festival 1970-1973 A5200 (9-12) Aqua Festival 1974-1979 A5200 (13-18) Aqua Festival 1980-1989 A5200 (19-28) Aqua Festival 1990- A5200 (29) Aqua Festival—See: Aqua Festival A5200 F0900 Aquarius Theaters IV M8300 (2) Aquirre, Jesus, Duke of Alba, Spain V2000 (143) Aramburu, Pedro Eugenio V2000 (7) Araujo, Martin V2000 (120) Arboretum, The S2300 (37) Arby's R3800 (131) Arc Angels M9300 (A) ARC Energy Engineering, Inc. E1400 (18) ARCH, The H2010 (9) Archeological Institute of America A5400 (3) Archeology (General) A5400 Architects (General) A5600 Architectural Artisans Collaborative A5600 (39) Architectural Plans C3638 (4) Architecture P6150 (5) Architecture R6000 Architecture (General) A5800 (G) Architecture - After 1980 A5800 Architecture - Before 1980 A5800 Architecture - Conservation And Restoration (General) A5820 Architecture Building (Goldsmith Hall) U3400 (2) Architerra Austin B6658 (21) Architext B5070 (46) Archives War 1839-1900 A8500 (13) ARE, Inc. E1400 (13) Argie, Fredy—See: Biography File M9300 Ariel Dance Theatre D0200 (62) ARMA (Association of Record Managers & Administrators) L2700 (14) Armadillo Christmas Bazaar A6900 (50) Armadillo Express M7900 (7) Armadillo Flea Market A4800 (25) Armadillo World Headquarters S0300 (52) Armadillo World Headquarters--See also: Austin Ballet Theater under Dancing D0200 (7) S0300 Armadillo World Headquarters—See: S0300 (52) and D0200 (7) M9320 Armadillocon L3100 (87) Armadillos A4200 (2) Armand's C5280 (19) Armistice Day H1800 (9) Armstrong Community School M9335 (2) Armstrong-Johnson, Inc. A9800 (56) Army Reserve Armory U1500 (10) Arnold Bakery & Confectionary B0100 (4) Arnold's Rest Home N3800 (3) Around Austin T7000 (1) Arrowhead Visuals A6400 (85) Arroyo Seco/Arroyo Seca--See: Hancock Creek C9060 Art (General) A6300 (1) -- SEE ALSO: Art Galleries (A6400) Art Societies (A6600) Artists (A6800) Arts & Crafts (A6900) Capitol - Art (C1042) Performing Arts (P2200) Photographers and Photography (P3500) Art - Exhibitions (General) A6400 (6500) (1) Art - Sculptures (General) A6400 (S1400) (1) -- SEE ALSO: Monuments (M7000) Art Alliance Austin (Formerly Arts Alliance) A6600 (30) Art Building U3400 (3) Art Carved Classrings, Inc. J0100 (1) Art City Austin A6600 (33) Art Galleries (General) A6400 -- SEE ALSO: Museums - Elisabet Ney (M9110) Museums - George Washington Carver (M9125) Museums - Austin Museum of Art (originally Laguna Gloria Art Museum; after July 2013 see The Contemporary Austin M9131) (M9130) Art Garage A6400 (149) Art Garden, The A6400 (6) Art in Public Places Program—See also: City Planning C4170 (31) P1400 (38) Art in Public Places--See: Art in Public Places Program P1400 (38) and Economic Growth and Redevelopment Services - Cultural Arts Division C4170 (31) A6400 (S1400) Art in Public Places--See: Parks & Recreation Dept. P1400 (38) and City Planning C4170 (31) A6300 Art Museum (filed with U3100 (2)) U3400 Art on 5th A6400 (147) Art Saloon A6400 (36) Art Showcase A6400 (7) Art Societies (General) A6600 (G) Artesian Well C1048 (3) Artesian Wells—See: General W2700 Arthang Gallery A6400 (8) Arthouse A6300 (5) Arthritis Foundation, Capitol Area Division, The D1560 (12) Arthur J. Mays, Seedsman & Florist N3200 (11) Artisan's Village Arts Center A6600 (22) Artists (General (includes articles about several artists; see also AF Biographical files)) A6800 (1) Artists Coalition of Austin A6600 (29) Artists Cooperative of Austin, The A6600 (24) Artists’ Market, 23rd Street A6900 (36) Artplex A6400 (146) Arts & Crafts (General) A6900 Arts + Labor A1000 (38) Arts Alliance (Named changed to Art Alliance Austin in 2008) A6600 (30) Arts and Artisans, The A6600 (26) Arts Exchange-filed with General A6600 Arts on Real T6500 (106) Arts Warehouse A6400 (118) Artworks A6400 (128) ARX P2400 (1) ARX Galleries A6400 (5) Asbury C3690 (2) ASHA A7020 (4) Asian American Cultural Center A7000 (1) Asian American Employee Network (AAEN) A7000 (8) Asian American Resource Center (AARC) A7000 (6) Asian American Resource Center Advisory Board--See Asian Americans A7000 (6) A7000 Asian Americans F0900 (16) Asian Americans (General) A7000 -- SEE ALSO: Asian Americans - Burmese/Karen (A7005) Asian Americans - Chinese (A7010) Asian Americans - Filipinos (A7015) Asian Americans - Indians (A7020) Asian Americans - Japanese (A7030) Asian Americans Koreans (A7040) Asian Americans - Taiwanese (A7070) Asian Americans - Thai (A7080) Asian Americans - Vietnamese (A7090) Asian Americans - Bhutanese/Nepalese (General) A7004 (1) Asian Americans - Burmese/Karen (General) A7005 (1) Asian Americans - Chinese (General) A7010 (1) Asian Americans - Filipinos (General) A7015 (1) Asian Americans - Indians (General) A7020 (1) Asian Americans - Japanese (General) A7030 (1) Asian Americans - Koreans (General) A7040 (1) Asian Americans - Taiwanese (General) A7070 (1) Asian Americans - Thai (General) A7080 (1) Asian Americans - Vietnamese (General) A7090 (1) Asian Americans—See: A7000 E1950 Asian Austin A7000 (7) Asian Behavioral Health Network A7000 (11) Asians—See: Asian-Americans A7000 E1950 Ask Mr. Foster T7900 (15) Asleep at the Wheel M9300 (A*) Assistance League of Austin W4800 (29) Associated Artists Trust A6600 (20) Associated Builders & Contractor, Central Texas Chapter B6670 (12) Associated General Contractors of America, Austin Chapter B6670 (1) Associated Republicans of Texas P5300 (12) Associated Travel Services T7900 (3) Association for India’s Development A7020 (2) Association for Research and Enlightenment R2610 (7) Association for Women in Communications W5000 (35) Association of Austin Artists--filed with General A6600 Association of Licensed Day Care Operators N3400 (2) Associations, Institutions, Etc. (General) A7100 Associations/Clubs B7432 (9) Assumption C2100 (2) Astronomy (General) A7400 Asylum Street Spankers M9300 (A, folder 1) AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center U3400 (75) Atco Company, The J0100 (11) Atelier Wong Photography P3500 (79) Atheism R2610 (14) Athletic Attic S4200 (7) Athletic Clubs S4300 (43) Athletic Council U3200 (2) Athletics P8640 (6) Athletics P8620 (3) Athletics P8625 (2) Atkison Electric Fixture & Supply H4000 (12) ATM (Automation, Teleprocessing and Management) E1095 (34) Atomic Energy P6450 (2) Atticus Circle F0500 (25) Auctions and Auctioneers (General) A8000 Auditorium Shores T7200 (14) August Weiss Drugstore P3000 (5) Aunt Nancy's Day Care Center N3400 (33) Austex Foods F2500 (1) AusTex Garden Supply—See: Rosedale Rambler 1998 in Rosedale S6000 (43) G0800 Austin M1000 (4) Austin & Northwestern R0700 (3) Austin & Texas Central—See: Austin Steam Train Association R0700 (8) R0700 Austin (Austin Rifles) T4000 (3) Austin (Contemporary) Visual Arts Association (AVAA) A6600 (15) Austin - Description - 1839-1849 A8250 (4) Austin - Description - 1850s Deveroux A8250 (5) Austin - Description - 1850s Holt A8250 (6) Austin - Description - 1860s A8250 (7) Austin - Description - 1870s A8250 (8) Austin - Description - 1880s A8250 (9) Austin - Description - 1890s A8250 (10) Austin - Description - 1899 and Before - Miscellaneous A8250 (1) Austin - Description - 1899 and Before Austin & Travis A8250 (3) Austin - Description - 1899 and Before Overviews A8250 (2) Austin - Description - 1900-1935 (General) A8255 Austin - Description - 1936-1949 (General) A8260 Austin - Description - 1950s A8265 (1) Austin - Description - 1960s A8265 (2) Austin - Description - 1970s A8265 (3) Austin - Description - 1980 A8270 (1) Austin - Description - 1981 A8270 (2) Austin - Description - 1982 A8270 (3) Austin - Description - 1983 A8270 (4) Austin - Description - 1984 A8270 (5) Austin - Description - 1985-1989 A8270 (6) Austin - Description - 1990-1999 (General) A8275 (1-2) Austin - Description - 2000- (General) A8280 (1) Austin - History (General) A8500 (1) Austin - History: 1839 and Before A8500 (2) Austin - History: 1840 - 1890 & Undated A8500 (3) Austin - History: 1900 - 1919 A8500 (4) Austin - History: 1920s – 1930s A8500 (5) Austin - History: 1940s – 1950s A8500 (6) Austin - History: 1960s – 1970s A8500 (7) Austin - History: 1980 - 1999 A8500 (8) Austin - History: 2000 - 2009 A8500 (9) Austin - Pictures, Illustrations, Etc.: 1840 - 1879 A8703 (A8700 ) Austin - Pictures, Illustrations, Etc.: 1880 - 1889 A8703 (A8701 ) Austin - Pictures, Illustrations, Etc.: 1890 - 1899 A8703 (A8702 ) Austin - Pictures, Illustrations, Etc.: 1900 - 1909 A8703 (A8703a ) Austin - Pictures, Illustrations, Etc.: 1910 - 1919 A8703 (A8703b ) Austin - Pictures, Illustrations, Etc.: 1920 - 1929 A8703 (A8703c) Austin - Pictures, Illustrations, Etc.: 1930 - 1939 A8703 (A8703d) Austin - Pictures, Illustrations, Etc.: 1940 - 1949 A8703 (A8704 ) Austin - Pictures, Illustrations, Etc.: 1950 - 1959 A8703 (A8705 ) Austin - Pictures, Illustrations, Etc.: 1960 - 1969 A8703 (A8706 ) Austin - Pictures, Illustrations, Etc.: 1970 - 1979 A8703 (A8707 ) Austin - Pictures, Illustrations, Etc.: 1980 - 1989 A8703 (A8708 ) Austin - Pictures, Illustrations, Etc.: 1990 - 1999 A8703 (A8709) Austin - Pictures, Illustrations, Etc.: 2000 - 2009 A8703 (A8710 ) Austin - Pictures, Illustrations, Etc.: 2010-2019 A8703 (A8711) Austin 150 Birthday C1900 (12) Austin 7-Up Bottling Company B5460 (4) Austin a-Glow H1850 (5) Austin Academy of Higher Learning P7200 (56) Austin Actors Clearinghouse T6500 (38) Austin Addy Awards A1000 (33) Austin Advertising Clinic A1000 (9) Austin Advertising Club A1000 (8) Austin Advertising Federation A1000 (32) Austin African American Book Festival L3100 (91) Austin African American Book Festival--See: Austin African American Book Festival L3100 (91) A1300 Austin African American Book Festival—See: Literature L3100 (91) F0900 Austin All Stars M9300 (A, folder 2) Austin Allergy Associates M3000 (7) Austin Alliance for a Smooth Transition S1700 (15) Austin Amateur Artists Club A6600 (1) Austin Amateur Radio Club R0300 (2) Austin AMC/Jeep A9800 (25) Austin American-Statesman Growth Management Conference C4170 (13) Austin American-Sycophant P7750 (15) Austin and Travis Community and Permanent Endowment Trust--See: (2) U1100 Austin Animal Center A4200 (28) Austin Anti-Busing League S1700 (4) Austin Anti-Communism League P5410 (1) Austin Antiques Forum A4800 (29) Austin Apartment Association A5000 (2) Austin Aquatic Club S8400 (2) Austin Archery Club S4300 (3) Austin Archivists Associated (Now Archivists of Central Texas) L2700 (17) Austin Area Conferences of Churches C3400 (38) Austin Area Association for Emotionally Disturbed M3600 (1) Austin Area Comprehensive HIV Planning Council--See: Diseases D1560 (37) D1560 Austin Area Economic Development Foundation B7100 (4) Austin Area Garden Center (General) A8050 Austin Area Garden Center 1959-1969 A8050 Austin Area Garden Center 1970-1979 A8050 Austin Area Garden Center 1980- A8050 Austin Area Heritage Council A1300 (36) Austin Area Holistic Health Association M3000 (19) Austin Area Intergovernmental Training Council P5410 (20) Austin Area Orchestra M9300 (A, folder 2) Austin Area Quilt Guild N1000 (12) Austin Area Research Organization P5410 (12) Austin Area Urban League A1300 (23) Austin Art Gallery A6400 (9) Austin Art Hall of Fame A6300 (13) Austin Art League A6600 (2) Austin Artists Harvest A6900 (31) Austin Arts and Crafts Fair A6900 (1) Austin Arts and Leisure P2400 (27) Austin Arts Commission/Council A6600 (13) Austin Asian American Chamber of Commerce C2390 (26) Austin Asian Film Festival M8430 (1) Austin Assembly 125, Social Order of Beauceant F3600 (17) Austin Assembly 5, Order of Rainbow for Girls F3600 (25) Austin Association for Childhood Education T0470 (2) Austin Association for Children with Learning Disabilities C2800 (2) Austin Association for Retarded Citizens M3560 (1) Austin Association for the Education of Young Children C2800 (4) Austin Association of Firefighters/Austin Firefighters Auxiliary F1240 (1) Austin Association of Futures Traders (AAFT) B7100 (211) Austin Association of Home Builders B6670 (2) Austin Association of Insurance Agents I1100 (8) Austin Association of Life Underwriters I1150 (8) Austin Association of Teachers T0470 (5) Austin Astronomical Society A7400 (4) Austin Athletic Club P1400 (43) Austin Athletic Club--See also: Austin Recreation Center P1400 (5) P1400 Austin Authority U5000 (11) Austin Auto Laundry A9910 (21) Austin Automobile Club A9800 (3) Austin Baking Company B0100 (1) Austin Ballet Society—See: Ballet Austin D0200 (6) Austin Ballet Theatre D0200 (7) Austin Ballroom Dancers D0200 (45) Austin Bancshares Corporation B0710 (2) Austin Baptist Association C3450 (2) Austin Bar Association L2200 (1) Austin Bat Cave Y0600 (46) Austin Bergstrom International Airport--See: Municipal Airport M8600 (8) A1200 Austin Bible Society C3400 (2) Austin Bike Shop C9300 (3) Austin BioFuels, LLC P6450 (30) Austin Birthing Center M3000 (34) Austin Black Arts Council A1300 (1) Austin Black Lawyers Association A1300 (60) Austin Black Senators Baseball Team--See: Negro Leagues (13) B1198 Austin BMX & Skate Park P1200 (73) Austin Board of Realtors (includes most worthy citizen award) R1400 (3) Austin Boat Builders Association B4496 (21) Austin Boat Club B4496 (12) Austin Book of Days P3500 (11) Austin Bookfinder B5070 (24) Austin Bookworks B5070 (56) Austin Bottle Collectors B5460 (2) Austin Bottling Works B5460 (1) Austin Bowl-O-Rama S4300 (23) Austin Boys Choir M9300 (A*) Austin Brethren Church C3400 (14) Austin Brick Company B6658 (10) Austin Bromeliad Society G0700 (1) Austin Buddhist Center T0751 (1) Austin Business Journal P2400 (47) Austin Business Review P2400 (28) Austin Business Tradewinds A1000 (31) Austin Cabaret Theater T6500 (90) Austin Candy Works C6300 (1) Austin Cardinals B1198 (16) Austin Career Center M3560 (2) Austin Caverns C1700 (2) Austin Celtic Association E1950 (25) Austin Celtic Festival F0900 (17) Austin Centennial C1900 (1) Austin Center for Attitudinal Healing M3400 (21) Austin Cerebral Palsy Center D1560 (6) Austin Chamber Ensemble M9300 (A*) Austin Chamber Music Center M9335 (6) Austin Chamber Music Festival M9383 (29) Austin Chamber Orchestra M9300 (A, folder 2) Austin Chamber Players M9300 (A, folder 2) Austin Chapter 304, Order of the Eastern Star F3600 (19) Austin Chapter of the L-5 Society A7400 (6) Austin Charro Association M4300 (14) Austin Chess and Whist Club C5400 (1-f) Austin Chess Club C5400 (1-f) Austin Chicano Huelga M4300 (11) Austin Child Guidance Center M3400 (34) Austin Children’s Choir M9300 (A, folder 2) Austin Children’s Museum—See: Museums M9103 C2800 Austin Children’s Shelter C2800 (9) Austin Chinese Church A7010 (4) Austin Chinese Photography Society A7010 (3) Austin Chinese School A7010 (5) Austin Choral Artists —See: S8800(9) M9380 Austin Choral Artists—See: S8800 (9) M9300 Austin Choral Union —See: S8800 (9) M9300 Austin Choral Union —See: S8800(9) M9380 Austin Chord Rangers, The M9300 (A, folder 2) Austin Christian Bass Club (filed with general folder) F1800 (3) Austin Christian Business and Professional Women's Council W4800 (30) Austin Christian Fellowship of India C3580 (14) Austin Christian Woman's Club W4800 (4) Austin Chronicle N2400 (41) Austin Chronicle P2400 (36) Austin Circle of Theaters [Now Austin Creative Alliance]—See: Dougherty Reader’s Theater T6500 (18) T6500 Austin Citizen N2400 (2) Austin Citizen/Labor Energy Coalition P9200 (3) Austin Citizens for Decency P5410 (10) Austin Citizens for Economical Energy P6450 (15) Austin Citizens for Open Government P5410 (15) Austin Citizens League P5410 (2) Austin Citizens Organization S1700 (5) Austin Citizens Traffic Safety Commission T7610 (2) Austin City Band M9300 (A, folder 2) Austin City Council P1100 (2) Austin City Gazette N2400 (3) Austin City Limits T0705 (9) Austin City Limits Music Festival M9383 (5) Austin City Limits--See: T0705 (9) M9300 Austin City Magazine P2400 (7) Austin Civic Ballet—See: Ballet Austin (6) D0200 Austin Civic Chorus M9300 (A*) Austin Civic Chorus--See also: Chorus Austin M9300 (C*) M9300 Austin Civic Orchestra M9300 (A*) Austin Civic Theater (Little Theatre of Austin became Austin Civic Theatre in 1943) Z0300 (1) Austin Civic Theater—See: Zachary Scott Theater Z0300 (1) T6500 Austin Civic Wind Ensemble M9300 (A, folder 2) Austin Classic Golf Tournament G3200 (13) Austin Classical Guitar Society—See: Austin Guitar Society M9380 Austin Classroom Teachers Association T0470 (7) Austin Clean Water Program W0800 (15) Austin Clean Water Program—See: Water and Wastewater Department, Austin W0800 E0400 Austin Clearing House Association B0700 (36) Austin Climate Protection Program—See: Climate Change (48) E0400 Austin Climate Protection Program—See: Climate Change E0400 (48) P5700 Austin Club C5400 (1-b) Austin Club for the Deaf D0440 (2) Austin Coalition Against U.S. Intervention I1230 (9) Austin Coca Cola - Dr. Pepper Bottling Company B5460 (6) "Austin Coffeehouse Show" T0700 (27) Austin Coin Club N2850 (1) Austin Commedia Society T6500 (88) Austin Commission for Women W5000 (29) Austin Committee for Human Rights in Chile I1230 (13) Austin Committee for Mexican-American Culture M4300 (24) Austin Committee on Foreign Relations I1230 (10) Austin Community College Dance—See: D0200 (1) C6040 Austin Community College Dance—See: General D0200 Austin Community Concert Association (also known as Community Concert Assoc.) M9380 (33) Austin Community Foundation, The C6075 (6) Austin Community Gardens G0800 (2) Austin Community Movie Company M8460 (25) Austin Community Nursery N3400 (5) Austin Community Orchestra M9300 (A, folder 2) Austin Community Players—See: Austin Civic Theater (Zachary Scott Theatre Center began as the Austin Community Players in 1921) Z0300 (1) Austin Community Players—See: Zachary Scott Theater Z0300 (1) T6500 Austin Community Project G4200 (65) Austin Community Services Association, The C6075 (5) Austin Community Theater T6500 (3) Austin Comprehensive Care Learning Center P7200 (42) Austin Concert Chorale M9300 (A, folder 2) Austin Concrete Works B6658 (4) Austin Conservation Corps A4600 (18) Austin Conservatory of Music M9335 (3) Austin Consistory No. 4 F3600 (14) Austin Contemporary Ballet D0200 (47) Austin Contractors and Engineers Association (ACEA) E1400 (21) Austin Convention Center (1990 - ) M8640 (12) Austin Cooking Club, The W4800 (31) Austin Cotillion Club C5400 (23) Austin Council for Retarded Citizens M3600 (2) Austin Council of Churches C3400 (4) Austin Council of the Anti-Defamation League--See: Civil Rights (General) C4600 (G) C4600 Austin Counseling Center M3400 (26) Austin Country Flea Market—See: General S2300 Austin Court No. 35, Royal Order of Jesters F3600 (7) Austin Craft Mafia A6900 (49) Austin Creative Alliance A6600 (34) Austin Creative Alliance--See A6600 (34) P2200 Austin Creative Alliance--See A6600 (34) L3100 Austin Creative Alliance—See: Dougherty Reader’s Theater T6500 Austin Crime Stoppers C9200 (6) Austin Critics’ Table—filed with General A6600 Austin Cycling Association C9300 (17) Austin Cycling Club C9300 (4) Austin Cystic Fibrosis D1560 (23) Austin Daily Tribune N2400 (4) Austin Dam & Suburban R0700 (4) Austin Dam, 1893-1900 D0100 (2) Austin Dam, 1912-1915 D0100 (3) Austin Data Network E1300 (1) Austin Decorating Center I1200 (8) Austin Democratic Clubs (Central, North, Northeast, South, West, University Democrats) P5300 (7) Austin Democratic Forum P5300 (16) Austin Dental Clinic H0500 (8) Austin Diagnostic Adjustment Center P8200 (20) Austin Diagnostic Clinic M3000 (27) Austin Dietetic Association F2500 (20) Austin Diocese Respect Life Committee F0520 (18) Austin District Dental Auxiliary D1000 (2) Austin District Dental Society D1000 (2) Austin District Music Teachers' Association M9380 (6) Austin Doll Collectors Society D1850 (6) Austin Downtowner Club M7700 (3) Austin Drug Central D2200 (1) Austin Eastside Story Y0600 (42) Austin Energy Conservation Committee E1340 (2) Austin Energy Study Commission P6450 (3) Austin Engineering Company E1400 (5) Austin Engraving Company P7000 (1) Austin Entertainment Guide--See: Periodicals (General) P2400 Austin Environmental Council E0400 (12) Austin Ethnic Folk Festival—See: Ethnic Groups E1950 (14) F0900 Austin Ethnic History Association E1950 (14) Austin Ethnic History Association —See: Ethnic Groups E1950 (14) P1400 Austin Evaluation Center M3600 (3) Austin Evening Dispatch N2400 (5) Austin Evening News N2400 (6) Austin Exchange Clubs C5445 (2) Austin Fair Association F0100 (7) Austin Families in Action D2200 (15) Austin Families, Inc. F0500 (18) Austin Family House A2300 (8) Austin Family Institute F0500 (16) Austin Family Mediation Association F0500 (15) Austin Family Music Festival M9383 (23) Austin Family Planning Council F0520 (19) Austin Fantasy Film Festival M8460 (7) Austin Fantasy Film Festival—See: M8460 (7) M8430 Austin Farmer’s Market G4200 (94) Austin Fashion Week C5280 (22) Austin Federation of Women's Clubs W4800 (5) Austin Federation of Teachers T0470 (10) Austin Female College P7200 (2) Austin Festival Singers M9300 (A, folder 2) Austin Fifth Street Theater/Playhouse T6500 (46) Austin Film Commission M8460 (67) Austin Film Festival M8460 (40) Austin Film Festival—See: M8460 (40) M8430 Austin Film Society M8460 (15) Austin Food & Wine Festival F2500 (57) Austin Forum N2400 (7) Austin Foundation Repair B6670 (22) Austin Free K1400 (4) Austin Free-Net C6100 (22) Austin Friends of Folk Art F2300 (6) Austin Friends of Traditional Music M9300 (A, folder 2) Austin Gaming Headquarters S4300 (18) Austin Gas Company G1000 (1) Austin Gas Company P9200 (5) Austin Gas Light Company G1000 (2) Austin Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce H2030 (19) Austin Gay & Lesbian International Film Festival M8430 (3) Austin Gem & Mineral Society G1600 (1) Austin Genealogical Society G1400 (3) Austin Geological Society G1600 (3) Austin Girl’s Choir M9300 (A, folder 2) Austin Gold C7000 (1) Austin Goodyear Company A9800 (4) Austin Graphic Arts Society A6600 (25) Austin Group Architects A5600 (34) Austin Groups for the Elderly (AGE) O1200 (47) Austin Guitar Society (also known as Austin Classical Guitar Society) M9380 (23) Austin Guitartown A6300 (7) Austin Gun Collectors Association F1500 (1) Austin Habitat for Humanity P9460 (28) Austin Handel/Haydn Society M9380 (34) Austin Harvest Food for the Hungry F2500 (43) Austin Hat Company M5200 (6) Austin Heights Neighborhood Association N1900 (65) Austin Hemerocallis Society G0700 (2) Austin Herb Society F2500 (33) Austin Heritage Neighborhood N1900 (3) Austin High School P1100 (3) Austin High School Band M9300 (A) Austin Higher Education Association P7200 (3) Austin Highlanders Pipe Band M9300 (A, folder 2) Austin Highlands S6000 (76) Austin Hindu Temple & Community Center T0751 (5) Austin History Center L2710 (29m) Austin History Center Association (includes info on the AHC Guild, the precursor to the Association) L2710 (29k) Austin History Center LGBT Archive—See: LGBT Advocacy (11) H2030 Austin Hix Baseball Team B1198 (10) Austin Home Institute P7200 (4) Austin Home Move Day M8460 (70) Austin Homes and Gardens P2400 (26) Austin Homes, Inc. B6670 (26) Austin Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1 F1250 (2) Austin Horseless Carriage Club A9800 (5) Austin House H3000 (32) Austin Housewives League W4800 (25) Austin Housing Authority H4510 (1) Austin Housing Finance Corporation H4500 (10) Austin Human Rights Commission C4600 (6) Austin Human Rights Commission H4600 (1) Austin Humane Society A4200 (6) Austin Hunger Project Committee P9460 (30) Austin Independent Automobile Dealers Assoc. A9800 (23) Austin Independent Business Alliance B7100 (226) Austin Industries F5000 (1) Austin Industries L3610 (3) Austin Interfaith P5410 (23) Austin Interfaith Arts & Music Festival F0900 (20) Austin Interfaith Task Force for Central America I1230 (4) Austin International Folkdancers D0200 (18) Austin International Poetry Festival P4700 (22) Austin International Socialist Organization P5410 (32) Austin Java Co. R3800 (A) Austin Jazz Festival M9383 (1) Austin Jet International A1200 (22) Austin Jewish Film Festival M8430 (5) Austin Junior Bar Association L2200 (2) Austin Junior Forum W4800 (6) Austin Ki-Ann C5400 (3) Austin Kiwanis Clubs C5445 (3) Austin Knife and Fork Club C5400 (2-d) Austin Korean School P7200 (61) Austin Lake Estates (CE –Bar Ranch) S6000 (103) Austin Latina Lesbian & Gay Organization (ALLGO) H2030 (6) Austin Latino Music Association M4300 (40) Austin Latino Music Association (ALMA)—See: M4300 (40) M9380 Austin Laundry L1800 (2) Austin Laundry & Dry Cleaning L1800 (3) Austin Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts A6600 (23) Austin Lawyers' Wives Club L2200 (3) Austin Lay Midwives Association M3000 (14) Austin Lay School of Theology C3400 (46) Austin Learning Center P7200 (53) Austin Legal Secretaries Association L2200 (4) Austin Lesbian Feminist Organization H2030 (1) Austin Lesbian/Gay Political Caucus H2030 (5) Austin Libraries for the Future Task Force L2710 (77) Austin Library Association L2710 (8) Austin Library Club L2700 (3) Austin Life Center M3000 (13) Austin Light N2400 (44) Austin Litho Club P7000 (2) Austin Little Theater—See: Zachary Scott Theater Z0300 (2) T6500 Austin Live Music Task Force M9385 (50) Austin Local Development Center B7100 (5) Austin Lodge No. 12, A.F. & A.M. F3600 (12) Austin Lounge Lizards M9300 (A, folder 3) Austin Lyric Opera M9300 (A*) Austin Lyric Theater T6500 (26) Austin Male Academy P7200 (5) Austin Marathon S4300 (52) Austin Marathon—For other races and marathons see also Running S4300 (2) and individual companies that sponsor races and marathons S4300 Austin Marble Works M7000 (2) Austin March Against Hate P7750 (17) Austin Marriott Hotel H3000 (3) Austin Mayflower Society Colony P1900 (9) Austin Memorial & Burial Information Society C2100 (1) Austin Memorial Park C2100 (3) Austin Men's Center M3200 (1) Austin Mensa S3100 (14) Austin Mental Health Association M3400 (7) Austin Metropolitan Ministries C3400 (49) Austin Metropolitan Trails Council C4170 (23) Austin Metropolitan Zoological Society A4200 (26) Austin Micro Systems, Inc. E1095 (43) Austin Military Academy P7200 (6) Austin Ministerial Association C3400 (3) Austin Minor Emergency Clinic H2600 (8) Austin Minority Economic Development Corporation B7100 (105) Austin Mirror P2400 (42) Austin Motel M7700 (2) Austin Moto-Cross Park C9300 (8) Austin Motorcycle Company C9300 (19) Austin Municipal Federal Credit Union (Since 1998 known as Austin Metropolitan Financial Credit Union) and Velocity C9000 (1) Austin Museum Consortium Newsletter P2400 (46) Austin Museum Educators' Association M9100 (6) Austin Museum of Art Downtown (1990s-proposed site at W. 3rd St.) M9130 (12) Austin Museum of Digital Art (AMODA) M9100 (16) Austin Museum Partnership M9100 (7) Austin Music Awards M9385 (63) Austin Music Commission M9385 (38) Austin Music Festival Association M9383 (10) Austin Music Foundation M9385 (36) Austin Music Hall M9320 (A) Austin Music Industry Council M9385 (28) Austin Music Memorial M9385 (70) Austin Music Memorial—See: Economic Growth and Redevelopment Services – Cultural Arts Division C4170 Austin Music Memorial—See: M9385 (70) M9300 Austin Music Network M9385 (34) Austin Music Network--See M9385 (34) T0700 Austin Music People--See Music Trade (General) M9385 (1) M9385 Austin Music Project M9100 (17) Austin Musical Theatre T6500 (61) Austin Musical Union M9380 (8) Austin Mutual Life Insurance Company I1150 (10) Austin National Bank B0700 (60) Austin National Bank Northwest B0710 (4) Austin National Bank--See Also: Interfirst Bank B0710 B0700 Austin Natural Science Center Association N0900 (11) Austin Natural Science Center Association Guild N0900 (12) Austin Nature & Science Center P1400 (22) Austin Needlepoint & Bargello Club N1000 (2) Austin Negro Citizens Council A1300 (38) Austin Neighborhood Council N1900 (4) Austin Neighborhood Design Center N1900 (44) Austin Networker P9700 (28) Austin Neurological Health Professionals M3000 (18) Austin Newcomers Club C5400 (31) Austin News Agency P2400 (45) Austin Non-Profit Executives T7400 (24) Austin Nursing & Convalescent Center N3800 (11) Austin Oaks H4500 (6) Austin on Tap D0200 (46) Austin Open Market, Inc. A6900 (18) Austin Opera Company M9380 (20) Austin Opry House (also known as Austin Opera House) S0300 (53) Austin Opry House—See: S0300 (53) (also known as Austin Opera House) Austin Outdoor Sculpture Guide--See: General A6400 (S1400) Austin Palette Club A6600 (3) Austin Parent-Child Association F0500 (1) Austin Parks Foundation P1200 (58) Austin Past and Present L2710 (29x) Austin People Today P2400 (9) Austin Personnel Association T7400 (7) Austin Photo Center P3500 (44) Austin Photographic Cooperative P3500 (49) Austin Photographic Gallery P3500 (41) Austin Pioneers Baseball Team B1198 (6) Austin Plasma Center M3000 (20) Austin Playhouse T6500 (95) Austin Poetry Society P4700 (11) Austin Police Association P5100 (1) Austin Police Department Crime Lab P5100 (24) Austin Police Wives Club P5100 (2) M9320 Austin Pond Society G0800 (5) Austin Pond Society—See: Gardens and Gardening G0800 (5) G0700 Austin Power Squadron B4496 (3) Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary C3200 (16) Austin Preschool Mothers Club—See: General W4800 Austin Press N2400 (40) Austin Press Photographers Association P3500 (37) Austin Pride--See: Pride Festival H2030 (10) H2030 Austin Prints for Publication P3500 (51) Austin Pro-Family Coalition F0520 (13) Austin Problem Pregnancy Council F0520 (4) Austin ProChorus M9300 (A, folder 4) Austin Project P9460 (32) Austin Property Owners' Association T0200 (6) Austin Public Library Foundation L2710 (75) Austin Quartet M9300 (A, folder 4) Austin Raceway Park, Inc. A9900 (1) Austin Radio Control Association A1200 (3) Austin Radiological Association M3000 (28) Austin Rape Crisis Center R1050 (1) Austin Realtor R1400 (8) Austin Reassurance Service O1200 (15) Austin Reconstruction, Inc. B6670 (13) Austin Recreation Center P1400 (5) Austin Recreation Center--See also: Austin Athletic Club P1400 (43) P1400 Austin Recycling Program E0400 (15) Austin Reds Baseball Team B1198 (17) Austin Reform Council P5410 (3) Austin Regional Clinic M3000 (42) Austin Regional Intelligence Center P5100 (23) Austin Rehabilitation Center Probation Services Project A2300 (3) Austin Religious Community for Central America I1230 (5) Austin Repair Service B6658 (11) Austin Repertory Dancers Company D0200 (24) Austin Republican Clubs (Southwest and University Republicans) P5300 (21) Austin Republican Women’s Clubs P5300 (17) Austin Resource Center for Independent Living H0200 (13) Austin Resource Recovery (formerly City of Austin Solid Waste Services Dept.) Austin Restaurant Association R3800 (1) Austin Retired Teachers Association T0470 (11) Austin Revitalization Authority U5000 (2) Austin Right to Life F0520 (11) Austin Rod & Gun Club H4700 (2) Austin Rodeo--See: Livestock Show A1500 (17) A1500 Austin Rose Society G0700 (3) Austin Rowing Club S4300 (37) R2000 (7) Austin Rowing Club--See: Sports S4300 B4496 Austin Rubber Company A9800 (6) Austin Rugby Club S4300 (10) Austin Runners Club S4300 (34) Austin Safe Place B7100 (106) Austin Safety Council T7610 (4) Austin Sand & Gravel B6658 (22) Austin Sanitarium H2600 (6) Austin Satellite Library L2700 (18) Austin Save a Doll Club D1850 (2) Austin Savings B0700 (59) Austin Scandinavian Club E1950 (5) Austin School for the Performing and Visual Arts P7200 (64) Austin School of Electronics--See: General B7432 "Austin Schottische" M9370 Austin Senators Baseball Team, 1950s B1198 (4) Austin Senators Baseball Team, 1960s / Austin Braves B1198 (4) Austin Seth Center M3400 (31) Austin Shakespeare T6500 (104) Austin Shoe Company B5236 (11) Austin Shoe Store B5236 (12) Austin Sickle Cell Anemia D1560 (40) Austin Singers M9300 (A, folder 4) Austin Smiles M3000 (41) Austin Social Welfare Association P9460 (1) Austin Society for Public Administration P5410 (19) Austin Society of Fine Artists A6600 (19) Austin Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons P3800 (11) Austin Softball Association B1198 (7) Austin Software Council, The C6100 (19) Austin Solar Energy Society P6450 (8) Austin Songwriter’s Group M9380 (35) Austin Spiritual Council C3400 (5) Austin Sports Fest S4300 (24) Austin Sports Hall of Honor M8620 (3) Austin Stamp Club S4645 (1) Austin Star N2400 (38) Austin Star Club C5400 (4) Austin Star String Band M9300 (A) Austin State Supported Living Center M3400 (40) Austin Steam Train Association (includes Hill Country Flyer) R0700 (8) Austin Stitchery Guild N1000 (9) Austin Stone P2400 (19) Austin Street Railway Company S5600 (1) Austin Striders S4300 (29) Austin Studios M8460 (50) Austin Study Group P5410 (8) Austin Sun P2400 (14) Austin Swedish Male Choir M9300 (A, folder 4) Austin Symphonic Band, The M9300 (A, folder 4) Austin Symphony Choral Union (also Austin Choral Union) (since 1998 Austin Choral Artists) S8800 (9) Austin Symphony Orchestra Society, Inc. S8800 (12) Austin Symphony Orchestra—See: S8800 M9300 Austin Teachers Chorus M9300 (A, folder 5) Austin Technology Council T0490 (2) Austin Tejano Music Coalition M9380 (45) Austin Tenants Council, Inc. A5000 (3) Austin Terrace Club M7700 (12) Austin Texans S4300 (57) Austin Theater M8300 (39) Austin Theater Project T6500 (74) Austin Theatre Alliance (A joining together of the Paramount & State Theatres in 2000) M8350 (2) Austin Theatre Alliance--filed with Moving Picture Theaters-Paramount Theatre M8350 (2) T6500 Austin Theatre for Youth T6500 (79) Austin Theatre Group T6500 (39) Austin Theatre Workshop T6500 (75) Austin Thermal Window Company B6658 (19) Austin Times, 1875 - N2400 (8) Austin Times, 1968 - N2400 (9) Austin Title Company T6800 (3) Austin Tomorrow C4170 (3) Austin Tomorrow—See: C4170 (3) C4170(Z1200) Austin Tourist Guide T7000 Austin Tours C2390 (1) Austin Toyota A9800 (55) Austin Trade USA B7100 (143) Austin Trades Council U0900 (16) Austin Traditional Jazz Club M9380 (22) Austin Trails E0400 (10) Austin Transportation Study--Now known as CAMPO (Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization) T7850 (5) Austin Traveling Planetarium A7400 (5) Austin Travis County Integral Care (Formerly known as Austin Travis County Mental Health Mental Retardation Center) (General) M3420 (1) Austin Truck & Machinery Company A9800 (36) Austin Trust Company B0700 (5) Austin Typographical Union No. 138 P7000 (3) Austin Ventures B7100 (198) Austin Violin Club M9380 (29) Austin Vocal Arts Ensemble M9300 (A, folder 5) Austin Vocal Arts Ensemble--See also: Chorus Austin M9300 (C*) M9300 Austin Voices for Education and Youth—See: General Y0600 Austin Voices for Education and Youth—See: Youth-General Y0600 E0600 Austin Volunteer Bureau V3100 (2) Austin Volunteer Firemen's Association F1250 (1) Austin Volunteer Tutors P9460 (2) Austin Waldorf School P7200 (43) Austin Want Ads, The P2400 (22) "Austin Welcome Song" M9370 Austin Wellness Center M3000 (15) Austin Wine Merchant, The A2000 (1) Austin Winter Music Festival M9383 (9) Austin Woman's Club W4800 (34) Austin Woman's Forum W4800 (8) Austin Women For Peace W5000 (25) Austin Women in Architecture A5600 (25) Austin Women's Abortion Action Committee F0520 (10) Austin Women's Alcohol Resource & Education Center (AWARE) A2300 (14) Austin Women's Center W5000 (5) Austin Women's History Network—See: General W4800 Austin Women's Political Caucus W5000 (6) Austin Women’s Chorus M9300 (A, folder 5) Austin Women’s Golf Association—See: G3200 (1) W5000 Austin Women’s Golf Association—See: General G3200 Austin Women’s Public Links Golf Association—See: G3200 (1) W5000 Austin Women’s Public Links Golf Association—See: General G3200 Austin Woods & Waters Club H4700 (5) Austin World Affairs Council, Inc I1230 (2) Austin Writers' League (Now Writers' League of Texas) T7400 (26) Austin Yacht Club B4496 (5) Austin YMCA Y0500 (By decade) Austin Young Lawyers Association L2200 (19) Austin Youth Hostel Y0600 (18) Austin Zoo A4200 (25) Austin's Attic Photo Exhibit L2710 (29b) Austin's Upper Colony (General) A9000 Austin's Women's Club P6150 (7) "Austin, My Dream" M9370 "Austin, My Home Town" M9370 Austin, Texas League of Conservation Voters E0400 (19) Austin-Bergstrom Airport – “Music in the Air” M9320 (A) Austin-Pictures & Illustrations P6150 (6) Austin-Travis Co. Society for Mental Health M3400 (36) Austin-Travis County Council of Social Workers P9460 (21) Austin-Travis County Mental Health-Mental Retardation Center-Community Alcoholism Treatment Program A2300 (5) Austin-Travis County Mental Health-Mental Retardation Center-Methadone Maintenance Program D2200 (2) Austin-Travis County Org. for Regional Planning (CAPCO) C4170 (6) Austin/Capital City Business and Professional Women’s Club W5000 (34) AustinCorps—See: General P5410 Austinites for Common Sense P5410 (9) Austinites for Public Transportation T7850 (1) M9385 (51) Austinplan C4170 (19) Austintatious Artists—filed with General A6600 Austron E1095 (12) Austronics E1095 (44) Autism Center, The M3420 (13) Auto Racing—See: Automobiles-Auto Racing A9900 (A9800) S4300 Automation Products Company T0600 (3) Autometrics A9800 (7) Automobile Parking T7600 (2) Automobile Parking--See also: Police Department - Parkaidettes P5100 (9) T7600 Automobiles (General) A9800 (1) Automobiles-Auto Racing (General) A9900 Automobiles-Service Stations (General) A9910 Autrey, Gene V2000 (114) AVAA (Austin Visual Art Association) A6600 (15) AVANCE M4300 (38) AVCA (Interactive Multimedia Information Kiosks C6100 (7) Avenida America P9700 (36) Avenue B Grocery Store G4200 (74) Avenue Bridge Bakery B0100 (9) Avenue Drugstore D2300 (7) Avenue Florist F2200 (14) Avenue One R1400 (108) Avenue, The R3800 (A) Avenue, The S2300 (38) Awards L2710 (29c) Awards, Honors, Certificates, Diplomas, Etc. (General) A9930 (1) -- SEE ALSO: Contests (C7000) Awards, journalism—See: Headliners Club H0480 N2400 Awards, journalism—See: Headliners Club H0480 P2400 Awards—See: Headliners Club H0480 J0230 Azaleas F2200 (1) Aztlan Dance Company D0200 (60) B & B Antiques A4800 (12) B'nai B'rith J0200 (1) B. Barnes Travel, Inc. T7900 (11) B. Iden Payne Theater U3400 (61) B.F. Deal M9385 (5) Babe Ruth--See: B1198 (1) V2000 Bachelors & Bachlorettes Square Dance Club--See: D0200 (8) D0200 Bachelors of Austin C5400 (1-c) Back Room, The S0300 (83) Back-In-A-Flash P3500 (55) Backbone M9300 (B) Backyard M9320 (B) Backyard School N3400 (19) Bacon and Hancock P4600 (3) Bad Mutha Goose M9300 (B) Badger (B.) & Son L3600 (1) Badminton S4300 (30) Bag of Chicken R3800 (B) Bagdad, Travis County (General) B0050 Bagdad, Travis County—See: B0050 C3850 Baha'i C3400 (12) Bahn (G.A.) Optical and Diamond Company O1600 (1) Bahn, (G.A.) Jeweler J0100 (2) Bail C7900 (2) Bailey P1200 (35) Bailey P8800 (16) Bailey Square Surgical Center H2600 (5) Bailey, Frances V2000 (8) Baker P8300 (2) Baker P8800 (1) Baker & Raymond D2300 (11) Baker's School K1400 (5) Baker's Super Creamed Ice Cream C6300 (17) Bakers & Bakeries (General) B0100 Balboa Cafe R3800 (B) Balcones C5420 (1) Balcones Canyonlands Conservation Plan (BCCP) E0400 (38) Balcones Civic Association N1900 (49) Balcones Fault G1600 (4) Balcones Fault M9300 (B*) Balcones News, The U3300 (2) Balcones Park--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Balcones Special Services Co-op M3600 (17) Balcones Village S2300 (23) Balcones West S6000 (95) Balderama, Bobby—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE – Balderama, Bobby M9300 Baldwin P8300 (81) Baldwin (A.C.) and Sons P7000 (4) Baldwin Beauty School B1560 (19) Ballantine, Lesley (Frost) V2000 (9) Ballet D0200 (4) Ballet Austin - 1956-1964 (Austin Ballet Society) D0200 (6) Ballet Austin - 1965-1970 (Austin Ballet Society) D0200 (6) Ballet Austin - 1970-1975 (Austin Civic Ballet) D0200 (6) Ballet Austin - 1976-1983 (Austin Civic Ballet) D0200 (6) Ballet Austin - 1983-present (Ballet Austin) D0200 (6) Ballet East D0200 (34) Ballet Folklorico D0200 (27) Ballet Folklorico Aztlan de Tejas M4300 (30) Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo V2000 (153) Ballooning A1200 (2) Banana’s Restaurant and Bar R3800 (B) Band of Heathens M9300 (B) Band Stand U3800 (8) Bandido Motorcycle Club C9300 (10) Bandy & Parker L2300 (1) Bank of Texas--See: General B0700 Bank of the Hills B0700 (38) Bankrupt and the Borrowers M9300 (B) Banks & Banking (General) B0700 -- SEE ALSO: Credit Unions (C9000) Banks & Banking - American Bank (General) B0702 (G) Banks & Banking - American Bank (General, 1894-1966) B0702 (G) Banks & Banking - American Bank (General, 1967-1979) B0702 (G) Banks & Banking - American Bank (General, 1980-1989) B0702 (G) Banks & Banking - Chase (Formerly Texas Commerce) (General) B0728 Banks & Banking - Citizens National Bank (General) B0740 Banks & Banking - First City National Bank of Austin (General) B0735 Banks & Banking - First Federal Savings (General) B0750 Banks & Banking - First National (General) B0752 Banks & Banking - Interfirst Bank-Austin (Formerly Austin National Bank) (General) B0710 - SEE ALSO: Banks & Banking (B0700) Banks & Banking - Mutual Savings (First Texas) 1959 [Mutual Deposit and Loan] B0780 (1) Banks & Banking - Mutual Savings (First Texas) 1960-1969 B0780 (2) Banks & Banking - Mutual Savings (First Texas) 1970-1979 B0780 (3) Banks & Banking - Mutual Savings (First Texas) 1980-1989 B0780 (4) BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir T0751 (2) Baptist Church-Manchaca M0500 (2) Baptist Student Union of Texas C3450 (91) Baque, Billy P3500 (77) Barbara's Florist & More F2200 (25) Barbarella's Nude Modeling Studio P7600 (4) Barbecue—See: General F2500 Barbed Wire F0800 (2) Barbee Architects, Inc.--See: General A5600 Barbers (General) B1000 Bardin Fine Arts A6400 (115) Bargsley (Longview) C2100 (122) Barker Office Furniture F5000 (26) Barker System of Bakeries B0100 (7) Barker Texas History Center (Named changed in 1991 to Center for American History; Name changed in December 2008 to Dolph Briscoe Center for American History) U4200 (1) Barn, The R3800 (B) Barnes & Scott G4200 (19) Barnes and Noble B5070 (60) Barnes Landes Goodman Youngblood--See: A5600 (General) A5600 Barnhill (A.F.) Tire Company A9800 (8) Barrera, Esme 2012 M8900 (79) Barrett, Lawrence V2000 (157) Barrington P8300 (3) Barry Gillingwater Management Company and Investment Corporation R1400 (75) Barsana Dhan (Radha Madhav Dham) T0751 (4) Bartholomew P1200 (2) Barton Creek - Barton Creek Corrals C9060 (17-f) Barton Creek - Barton Creek Ordinance C9060 (17-g) Barton Creek - Barton Creek Ordinance—See also: Ordinances-Austin O2000 (15) C9060 Barton Creek - Barton Creek Task Force C9060 (17-e) Barton Creek - Campbell’s Hole C9060 (17-b) Barton Creek - General C9060 (17-a) Barton Creek - Save Barton Creek Association/Zilker Park Posse C9060 (17-d) Barton Creek - See also Barton Springs under Zilker Park Z0450 C9060 Barton Creek - Skunk Hollow C9060 (17-c) Barton Creek Community S6000 (126) Barton Creek Country Club C5420 (2) Barton Creek Realty R1400 (106) Barton Creek Square S2300 (28) Barton Creek West S6000 (170) Barton Heights S6000 (136) Barton Hills P8300 (4) Barton Hills S6000 (3) Barton Hills Garden Club G0700 (4) Barton Oaks Medical Center M3000 (31) Barton on the Green Z0400 (6) Barton Springs P6150 (8) Barton Springs Baptist Church C2100 (115) Barton Springs Contributing Zone Ordinance (BSCZ) O2000 (15) Barton Springs Dairy A1600 (9) Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District—See: General E0400 Barton Springs—See: Zilker Park-Barton Springs Z0450 Bartsch Family 1973 M8900 (38) Baseball U3200 (3) Baseball (General (History, early Austin Senators, other Austin baseball teams)) B1198 (1) Baseball Card Collecting H1700 (3) Baseball Inn S0300 (2) Baseball—See: Baseball B1198 S4300 Basketball S4300 (45) Basketball U3200 (5) Bastrop, Bastrop County (General) B1250 Bastrop, Bastrop County—See: B1250 C3850 Bat Fest F0900 (15) Bathhouses Z0450 (6) Baths, Public (General) B1400 Batik A6900 (8) Bats/Bat Conservation International A4200 (10) Battle Bend Springs S6000 (4) Battle Hall U3400 (4) Battle Hall Libraries U4200 (14) Batts Hall U3400 (63) Bauer Brothers G4200 (20) Bauer House U3400 (5) Bausch and Lomb E1095 (35) Bay Moon Coffee Co F2500 (44) Bay, Peter (director 1998- ) See AF Biography file S8800 Bazaar, The A6900 (11) Bazan's Bakery & Delicatessen B0100 (15) Beads by James Talbot A6900 (17) Bear Creek C9060 (2) Beasley, Frank (39) 1972 M8900 (39) Beau Lac P3500 (67) "Beautiful Austin" M9370 Beautiful Oaks Christian Community Kindergarten K1400 (6) Beautify Texas Council E0400 (23) Beauty - Personal (General) B1560 Beaux Arts Gala M9130 (6) Bechtol, Roy R1400 (77) Beck C2100 (4) Beck's Lake U3800 (1) Becker P8300 (5) Becker Lumber Company L3600 (2) Bed & Breakfast establishments H3000 (31) Bedford, Duke of England V2000 (10) Bedicheck P8800 (2) Bee Cave Woods S6000 (88) Bee Cave, Travis County (General) B1600 Bee Cave, Travis County--See also: HB-Travis County Area VII and properties by address B1600 Bee Cave, Travis County—See: B1600 C3850 Bee Creek - Park Nature Trail C9060 (18-a) Bee Creek - Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve C9060 (18-b) Bee Creek—See: Los Altos S6000 (128) T S6000 Beer (General) B1696 -- SEE ALSO: Beer Gardens (B1700) Saloons (S0300) Beer Gardens (General) B1700 (1) -- SEE ALSO: Beer (B1696) Saloons (S0300) Beerland M9320 (B) Bees A1500 (15) Belding Flowers F2200 (21) Believe in Me Y0600 (36) Bell & Randolph, Wholesale Fruit & Produce G4200 (21) Bell Airdome T6500 (4) Bell, Klein & Hoffman A5600 (22) Bellaire House M3400 (1) Bellas Artes Productions T6500 (47) Belle of the Colorado B4496 (14) Bells (General) B2414 (1) Bells of Joy M9300 (B) Belo Horizonte, Brazil S2550 (4) Ben Garza's Market G4200 (22) Ben Howell Memorial Trail P1200 (3) Ben Hur (Steamboat) B4496 (24) Ben Hur Temple, Ancient Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine F3600 (4) Ben M. Barker, Sales & Service A9800 (26) Benchmark J0100 (32) Benedict Hall U3400 (6) Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks S1600 (1) Bengener (G.E.) & Bro. Company H0300 (1) Benjamin C. Wells, Jeweler J0100 (9) Benko M9300 (B) Benold's Jewelers J0100 (12) Beran, Joseph Cardinal V2000 (11) Bergstrom Air Force Base P6150 (9) Bergstrom Air Force Base (General - By date) B2580 -- SEE ALSO: Municipal Airport (M8600) Bernheim, Henry H. P4700 (18) Berry, Benny (43) 1967 M8900 (43) Berryman, Martha P3500 (22) Bertrand Enterprises O1200 (35) Besserer-Marshall Amusement Company T6500 (5) Best in the World Shop B7100 (22) Best in the World Shop Flowers F2200 (9) Best Little Whorehouse in Texas M8460 (31) Beth Denius, Ltd. C5280 (28) Bethany C2100 (5) Bethany C3660 (6) Bethel C3410 (2) Bethel African Methodist Episcopalian C3695 (9) Bethel Temple C3400 (13) Beto y los Fairlanes M9300 (B) Better Austin Committee P5410 (7) Better Business Bureau T7400 (14) Better Products, Inc., A A9800 (62) Betty Adams' Contemporary Mayan Handicrafts A6900 (26) Betty Dunkerly Campus A4200 (27) Beverly's (Beverly Shop)--See: C5280 (General) C5280 Bevo U4500 (14) Bevo's Bookstore--See: University Co-op B5070 (4) Bevo’s S0300 (23) Biblical Gardens A8050 (2) Bickler P8300 (6) Bicycle Fest M8430 (7) Bicycle Plan C9300 (7) Bicycles T7850 (10) Biennial Reports T3100 (3) Big Band Sound of Austin, The M9300 (B) Big Blue Sky Media—See: General A1000 Big Boys M9300 (B) Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Austin Y0600 (2) Big Buddies M3600 (10) Big House Sound M9385 (53) Big Sandy Creek C9060 (3) Big State Productions T6500 (52) BiGAUSTIN E0500 (4) Biggs & Company L1800 (17) Bijou Theatre M8300 (3) Bijuberti Players—See: Austin Community Theater (3) and THEATER ARCHIVES Bike Zoo C9300 (23) Bikes Across Borders I1230 (20) Bikes Not Bombs C9300 (18) Bilingual Education P8200 (7) Bill Echols Realtors R1400 (44) Bill Gaston Boats and Motors B4496 (9) Bill Heil Chrysler-Plymouth A9800 (50) Bill Milburn Company B6670 (6) Bill Milburn Travel T7900 (13) Bill Smith & Associates R1400 (31) Billiards S4300 (46) Bills & Receipts P9220 (7) Billy Ray Green Case H2030 (3) Billy White Trio M9300 (B) Binswanger & Co. B7100 (211) Biodiesel F4400 (7) Biology Building U3400 (58) T6500 Biomass P6450 (31) Biomass—See: Power-Resources P6450 (31) F4400 Biotechnology M3000 (45) Bird's Nest Airport A1200 (25) Birds--See: B3410 A4200 Birdwell School K1400 (7) Birraporetti's R3800 (270) Biscuit Barrel Antiques A4800 (26) Bismarck S0300 (70) Bissell, (C.F.) C2890 (2) Bitter End R3800 (B) BJ-Hughes, Inc. M0900 (25) Black Alumni Reunion--See U3590 (1) U3590 Black Arts Alliance A1300 (28) Black Austin Democrats P5300 (18) Black City Council members and First Black Alderman C4030 (2) Black Cultural Arts Festival A1300 (2) Black Cultural Arts Festival—See: African-Americans A1300 (2) F0900 Black firefighters—See: African-Americans A1300 (24) F1240 Black Heritage Exhibit A1300 (4) Black History Month A1300 (37) Black Joe Lewis and the Honeybears M9300 (B*) Black Republican Council of Texas P5300 (10) Black Spring M9300 (B) Black Star Co-op Pub & Brewery S0300 (118) Black Student Alliance U4700 (9) Black Texans Cultural Museum and Hall of Fame A1300 (43) Black Tie M9300 (B) Black, Atkinson, Vernooy A5600 (24) Blackfest--See: U4500 (1) U4500 Blackland S6000 (114) Blackland Community Development Corporation—See: Affordable Housing (12) H4500 Blackland Neighborhood Association N1900 (67) Blackouts P9220 (17) Blackshear P1100 (18) Blackshear P8300 (7) Blackshear Neighborhood Development Project U5000 (3) Blackshear Urban Renewal Project U5000 (4) Blacksmithing (See--Wagons & Buggies T7850 (6)) Blackwell Bros. Crane Operators B6670 (17) Blair, Pauline 1981 M8900 (57) Blakely, Eric—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE M9300 Blanco Street Fire Company T6500 (23) Blanton P8300 (8) Blanton (Jack S.) Museum—See: University of Texas-Colleges and Departments-Fine Arts – Jack S. Blanton Museum U3540 (4) M9100 Blanton Dormitory U3930 (3) Blastro M9300 (B) Bledsoe Music Company M9385 (4) Blimpie R3800 (132) Blimps A1200 (9) Blind Pig’s Pub S0300 (89) Blindness and the Blind (General) B4070 (1) Block 21 U5000 (19) Block House Creek S6000 (109) Block Parent Project C2800 (7) Blood and Tissue Center M3000 (43) Blowin’ Up a Spot Film Festival M8430 (2) Blue Bonnet Grocery - (now Whole Foods Market (80) G4200 (24) Blue Buffoons M9300 (B) Blue Eagle String Band M9300 (B) Blue Genie Art Bazaar A6900 (48) Blue Lapis Light D0200 (59) Blue Laws O2000 (7) Blue Moon Glassworks A6900 (46) Blue October M9300 (B) Blue Santa P5100 (13) Bluebells W4100 (3) Bluebonnet Assembly 266, Order of Rainbow for Girls F3600 (27) Bluebonnet Boys--See Dolores and the Bluebonnet Boys (D) M9300 Bluebonnet Cleaners L1800 (18) "Bluebonnets" M9370 Bluebonnets—See: W4120 W4100 Blues Specialists, The A, folder 2 M9300 (B) Bluff Springs School R6600 (14) Bluffside S6000 (147) Blunn Creek C9060 (4) BMC Software, Inc. C6100 (23) Board of Equalization T0200 (5) Board of Regents U3000 (3) Board of Trade C2390 (C2390(B4400)) Boards and Commissions Appointed by the City Council O1010 (4) Boat and Camper Show B4496 (16) Boat Races, Controversy B4496 (13) Boating—See: Boats And Boating B4496 S4300 Boats and Boating B4496 (6) Boats and Boating P6150 (10) Boats and Boating (General) B4496 (1) Bob J. Lyles Company R1400 (34) Boggy Creek P1200 (50) Boggy Creek (See A1500 (12) for Boggy Creek Farm) C9060 (19) Boggy Creek Farm A1500 (12) Boggy Creek—See: Onion Creek Masonic (74) C2100 Bohls C2100 (6) Bohls Place L3300 (2) Bohn Brothers D1100 (1) Bois D'Arc Gallery A6400 (72) Bombadil's for Runaways Y0600 (19) Bon Appetit F2500 (39) Bon Ton Barber Shop B1000 (3) Bond Oversight Committee--See Bonds B4738 (General, 2001) B4738 Bonds: 1920 to present, by year B4738 Bonds—See: Bonds B4738 P8200 Book Boosters L3000 (4) Book Club of Texas P9700 (30) Book People B5070 (58) Book Shop, The B5070 (6) Book Trailers—See: General W4800 Booker T. Washington H4510 (2) Booking and Promotion M9385 (69) Bookmobiles L2710 (39) Books and Book Dealers P6150 (11) Books, Inc. B5070 (39) Booksellers and Bookselling H2030 (12) Booksellers and Bookselling (General) B5070 Booksellers and Bookselling--See also: B5070 H2030 Bookstop Bookshop B5070 (51) Bookwoman B5070 (40) Boone-Holden Photo Company P3500 (13) Boonetown M9300 (B) Bootery, The B5236 (36) Booth, Edwin V2000 (158) Boots and Shoes P6150 (12) Boots and Shoes (General) B5236 Borax Bill V2000 (139) Borders Bookstore B5070 (61) Bosche's Troy Laundry L1800 (4) Botanica La Fe De Chango M4300 (33) Botany P6150 (13) Botany (General) B5402 Bottle, Jars, Etc. (General) B5460 Bouldin C2100 (7) Bouldin Addition---See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Bouldin Creek C9060 (5) Bouldin Creek S6000 (134) Bouldin Creek Studio Tour A6900 (51) Bouldin Creek Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park V0600 (18) Boulevard Heights S6000 (79) Boundaries - Austin (General) B5561 -- SEE ALSO: City Planning - Zoning (C4170(Z1200)) Boundaries - Travis County T8000 (2) Boundaries, Registration P8200 (5) Bouquets by Sharon F2200 (22) Bourbon Rocks S0300 (90) Bourke-White, Margaret V2000 (174) Bowden Realty R1400 (46) Bowers, D.P. (Mrs.) V2000 (160) Bowling S4300 (47) Bowman & Associates--See: General A5600 Boxcar Preachers, The M9300 (B) Boxing S4300 (4) Boy Scouts Of America (General) B5730 Boy Scouts of America—See: B5730 Y0600 Boyce Family C2100 (112) Boyd, Harry L. P3500 (33) Boys Clubs P1400 (34) Boys' Club of Austin Y0600 (3) Boys, The M9300 (B) BPI Systems, Inc E1095 (40) Brackenridge P8300 (73) Brackenridge Apartments U3930 (16) Brackenridge Centennial Celebration H2700 (14) Brackenridge Field Laboratory U3400 (7) Brackenridge Foundation H2700 (9) Brackenridge Hall (new) U3930 (5) Brackenridge Hospital Auxiliary H2700 (12) Brackenridge Hospital Branch L2710 (42) Brackenridge Hospital Oversight Committee--See Hospitals - Brackenridge - City Hospital H2700 (General) H2700 Brackenridge News H2700 (15) Brackenridge Urban Renewal Project U5000 (5) Bradfield, Cummins & Gore R1400 (71) Bradford Paint Company P0600 (3) Bradley-Wooley Development Company R1400 (76) BRAINS R2610 (8) Braley World Travel T7900 (4) Branch Libraries U4200 (11) Branch Services L2710 (41) Brandnes-Ruiz L2710 (87) Brands A1500 (22) Braniff A1200 (14) Bratton C2100 (8) Brazos Book Shop B5070 (36) Brazos Gallery A6400 (108) Brazos Hall M9320 (B) Bread & Roses P7200 (23) Breakaway M8460 (18) Breast Cancer D1560 (42) Breed & Company H0300 (12) Brenizer Male Chorus M9300 (B) Brentwood C3600 (8) Brentwood P1200 (36) Brentwood P8300 (9) Brentwood Christian School P7200 (37) Brew, The M9300 (B) Briarcliff--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Bridge G0500 (4) Bridge Z0450 (3) Bridge Ordinance O2000 (18) Bridges P6150 (55) Bridges (General) B6000 (1) Bridges and Basil Gallery A6400 (119) Bridges Furniture, Inc F5000 (22) Bridges—See: Bridges B6000 Bright Light Social Hour M9300 (B) Brinkley, David V2000 (12) British Airways--See: Aeronautics A1200 (1) A1200 Brobeck, Phleger, and Harrison L2200 (37) Brodie Oaks S2300 (34) Brodie Street C3600 (2) Broken Spoke S0300 (76) Broken Spoke—See: S0300 (76) M9320 Broken Spur Gallery A6400 (10) Brokerage Business B7100 (15) Brooke P8300 (10) Brookhollow Inn H3000 (22) Brooks, Barr, Graeber & White A5600 (8) Brooks, Sue Settle P4700 (16) Brookside Women's Medical Center M3000 (23) Brotherhood of Vietnam Veterans—See: General V0600 Brothers Against Drunk Drivers L2900 (2) Brovsky, Michael—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE - Brovsky, Michael Brown C2100 (9) Brown P8300 (11) Brown & Odiorne D2300 (1) Brown Berets M4300 (4) Brown Brothers B0700 (7) Brown Distributing Company B1696 (2) Brown Hotel H3000 (14) Brown Schools for Exceptional Children P7200 (7) Brown Whornet M9300 (B) M9385 Brown, H. C2100 (10) Brown, Hyder Joseph (54) 1981 M8900 (54) Brown, J. C2100 (11) Brownie Club, The S4300 (8) Browning Terminal A1200 (8) Brumgart, Sarah D0200 (32) Brumley, Gloria E. 1969 M8900 (1) Brunner & Company G4200 (25) Brunswick H3000 (33) Brush Square P1200 (4) Brush Texas Motor Company A9800 (28) Bryan Adams & Company R1400 (35) Bryan, William Jennings V2000 (13) Bryant Creamery A1600 (1) Bryant House C9250 (3) Brydson Lumber Company L3600 (3) Bryker Woods P1100 (4) Bryker Woods P8300 (12) Bryker Woods S6000 (146) Brykerwood Village S2300 (32) Brykerwoods Nursery School N3400 (16) Buchanan Dam D0100 (4) Buckdancer's Choice M9300 (B) Buckeye Fence F0800 (3) Buckley, William F. V2000 (111) Buckner Villa Siesta Retirement Home N3800 (13) Buda, Hays County (General) B6140 Buda, Hays County—See: B6140; Onion Creek under Creeks C9060 (22) C3850 Buddhism R2610 (4) Budget L2710 (20) Budget M3420 (2) Budget (See Public School Budget) P8200 Budget - Austin (General) B6165 (1) Budget - Travis County (General) B6170 Buena Vista Neighborhood Association N1900 (45) Buffalo Bill (W. F. Cody) V2000 (188) Bug Corner A9910 (14) Buick MacKane M9300 (B) Buick MacKane--See also: BIOGRAPHY FILE – Escovedo, Alejandro M9300 Building (General (By date)) B6494 Building Code B6494 (1) Building Components Manufacturing Company, Inc. B6658 (7) Building Inspection Department B6494 (2) Building Materials (General) B6658 -- SEE ALSO: Lumberyards (L3600) Building Standards Commission H4500 (9) Building Trades (General) B6670 Buildings H0500 (5) Buildings S0220 (6) Buildings (General) B6824 -- SEE ALSO: Municipal Buildings (M8640) Auditorium (Palmer Auditorium) (M8620) Buildings - Height Restrictions C4170(Z1200) (3) Bulian’s Garden R3800 (B) Bull Creek -- Concerned Citizens of Lakewood C9060 (20-b) Bull Creek -- General C9060 (20-a) Bull Creek District Park P1200 (45) Bull McCabe’s S0300 (84) Bulletin H2705 (1) Bunche, Ralph W. V2000 (14) Burch-Vance C2100 (106) Burdett Prairie Church (St. Edward’s Baptist Church) C3400 (47) Burdett School R6600 (1 and 4) Burdine Hall U3400 (8) Burditt Prairie C2100 (12) Burglar Bar Company, The R4600 (2) Burke & Wheatley D1100 (2) Burleson-Parker S6000 (137) Burlesque D0200 (63) Burnet P8800 (3) Burnet Drive-In M8300 (18) Burnet, David G. O1020 (3) Burnett Blondie Pharr Tennis Cutes T0800 (4) Burnett, Carol V2000 (144) Burnham & Fehr Barber Supply Company B1000 (4) Burnham, Forbes V2000 (15) Burnt Orange Productions M8460 (63) Burroughs Corp. M0900 (23) Burt Family 1898 M8900 (2) Burt Shoe Company B5236 (1) Buses P6150 (53) Buses--See also: Motor Buses M7900 T7850 Bush, George Herbert Walker V2000 (142) Business (Entrepreneurship) awards--See: Business B7100 (210) A9930 Business (General) B7100 (1) Business Administration-Economics Building U3400 (9) Business Associations A1300 (25) Business Beat B7100 (3) Business Committee for the Arts C2390 (5) Business Education (General) B7432 Business Information Center L2710 (31) Business League Band M9300 (B) Business Report B7100 (3) Business-Directories B7100 (10) Municipal Busted! In Austin--See: Periodicals (General) P2400 Butler Mayflower Lodge, No. 1263 F3600 (33) Butler Paper Company P7000 (5) Butler Park P1200 (70) Butler, Smedley D. V2000 (16) Butterflies I1000 (1) Butterfly Bar, The--See: S0300 General S0300 Buttermilk Creek C9060 (29) Butthole Surfers M9300 (B) Buzzards B3410 (1) Bydee Art A6400 (140) Byrnes James S6000 (145) C G & S A5600 (35) C.A.S.T.--See: Philosopher’s Rock (S1400) (6) A6400 (S1400) C.C. Champion L3300 (3) C.H. Page & Son--See: General A5600 C.H.I.L.D P1200 (5) C.R.I.S.P. (Community Resources and Information for Special for Special People) C.U.R.E. C9200 (3) C3 Presents M9385 (56) C3 Presents--See also: M9383 (5) M9385 C3 Presents—See also: AF-BIOGRAPHY – Attal, Charles M9385 C3 Presents—See also: Austin City Limits Music Festival M9383 M9385 Cabaniss-Brown Furniture Company F5000 (4) Cable Television T0700 (3) Cable Television Ordinances T0700 (3-a ) Cactus U4350 (2) Cactus (General) C0015 Cactus Cafe M9320 (C) Cactus Tea Room R3800 (214) Cactus Theater M8300 (40) Cadeau, The B7100 (34) Café Mundi—See: Coffeehouses (317) T R3800 Cafezino Coffee Bar—See: Coffeehouses (317) T R3800 Cage's Mill M5400 (2) Cagney, James V2000 (190) Calendar P8200 (18) Calendar of Events M8620 (2) California Hotel A6400 (92) Callcott-Collinson, Enc. P9700 (14) Calling Cards S3100 (C0080) Calvary C3450 (5) Camels A4200 (15) Camera Services P3500 (52) Camerate Vocale M9300 (C) Cameron Road C3600 (3) M3400 (38) Camille Long School of Dance D0200 (53) Camp Ben McCulloch, Hays County V0600 (17) Camp Craft Boys Country Day Camp—See: Camps (49) S4300 Camp Fire (Youth Group) (General) C0200 Camp Fire Boys and Girls--See: C0200 U1100 Camp Fire Girls—See: C0200 Y0600 Camp Genesis M3420 (5) Camp ICAN M3600 (11) Camp Mabry (General) C0300 Camp Meeting C3400 (C0400) Camp Swift (General) C0500 Camp Texlake G2200 (1) Camp Tom Wooten B5730 (1) Camp Wenonah Y0600 (40) Campaign Finance Ordinance O2000 (14) Campbell P8300 (13) Campbell/Neumann B7100 (27) Campi, Ray—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE - Campi, Ray M9300 Camping S4300 (48) Camping Ban O2000 (22) CAMPO T7850 (5) Camps S4300 (49) Camps and sports Y0400 (5) Campus Chest U4500 (32) Campus Interracial Committee S1700 (15-a) Canadian Street L2710 (43) Canary Hut R3800 (267) Cancer D1560 (44) Candlemaking A6900 (9) Cannon Professional Park B7100 (26) Canoes B4496 (2) Cantu, Norma V. V2000 (206) Canyon Creek--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Canyon Springs S6000 (83) Canyon Villa Apartments A5000 (6) Cap and Gown Currents U4350 (3) Capital Acting Company T6500 (7) Capital Aeroneers of Austin A1200 (6) Capital Area Asian American Democrats (CAAAD) A7000 (9) Capital Area Council of Governments C0850 (1) Capital Area Food Bank F2500 (7) Capital Area Food Bank P9460 (25) Capital Area Manpower Consortium A4600 (13) Capital Area Planning Council—See: C0850 P5410 Capital Area Planning Council—See: C4170 C4170 Capital Area Psychological Association M3400 (18) Capital Area Radiation & Research Center H2720 (1) Capital Area Rehabilitation Center D1560 (11) Capital Area Rural Transportation System T7850 (2) Capital Area Small Business Association Center B7100 (195) Capital Business College--See: General B7432 Capital Celebration, A / Our Next Generation C2800 (3) Capital Chevrolet A9800 (29) Capital Cities/ABC (Jim Hightower) R0300 (24) Capital City Auto Company A9800 (30) Capital City Chamber C2390 (6) Capital City Coin Club of Austin, Texas N2850 (2) Capital City Cotillion Club C5400 (5) Capital City Creative School N3400 (23) Capital City Crooners M9300 (C, folder 1) Capital City Insurance Agency I1100 (19) Capital City Men’s Chorus M9300 (C, folder 1) Capital City Mills M5400 (3) Capital City Scribes A6900 (33) Capital City Trade and Technical School B7432 (6) Capital Club C5400 (19) Capital Complex Visitors Center L1400 (2) Capital Complex Visitors Center L1400 (2) Capital Engraving Company P7000 (6) Capital Eye T0705 (3) Capital Eye-filed with ACTV T0700 (2) Capital Factory B7100 (231) Capital Idea A4600 (14) Capital Improvements Program (General) C0900 Capital Memorial Gardens C2100 (13) Capital Memorial Park C2100 (14) Capital Metro Commuter Rail—See: Light Rail System R0700 Capital Metro--See: Motor Buses M7900 (2) T7850 Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority M7900 (2) Capital Mutual Fire Insurance Company I1130 (1) Capital National Bank B0700 (57) Capital of Texas Provision Co. F2500 (27) Capital Plaza S2300 (2) Capital Prefabricators B6658 (8) Capital Properties R1400 (30) Capital Rifle Club S4300 (26) Capital State Fair F0100 (2) Capitol P6150 (14) Capitol (1839-1853) (General) C1010 Capitol (1853-1881) (General) C1020 Capitol (1881-1888) (General) C1030 Capitol (1888- ) (General - Exterior) C1040 (1-a) Capitol (1888- ) (General - Interior) C1040 (1-b) Capitol (1888- ) (General) C1040 (1) Capitol - Art (General) C1042 (1) Capitol - Construction (General) C1044 (1) Capitol - Dedications (General) C1046 Capitol - Grounds (General) C1048 (1) Capitol 10,000 S4300 (14) Capitol Aggregates, Inc. B6658 (20) Capitol Area Chrysanthemum Society G0700 (5) Capitol Area Master Plan T1300 (C1041) Capitol Area Mental Health Center M3400 (35) Capitol Area Realty R1400 (47) Capitol Art Society A6600 (4) Capitol Camera Club P3500 (14) Capitol Chapter 803, Order of Rainbow for Girls F3600 (28) Capitol City Business and Professional Womens' Club T7400 (21) Capitol City Chamber of Commerce A1300 (41) Capitol City Chronicles R0300 (21) Capitol City Kiwanis Club C5445 (4) Capitol City Mixed Lodge No. 35 F3600 (31) Capitol City Playhouse T6500 (37) Capitol City Savings B0700 (8) Capitol Clown Club C5400 (1-e) Capitol Feed & Milling Company B7100 (57) Capitol Heights C3450 (9) Capitol Hotel H3000 (15) Capitol Kidney Foundation D1560 (21) Capitol Laundry & Dry Cleaning L1800 (5) Capitol Marble and Granite Company M7000 (3) Capitol Oyster Company R3800 (C) Capitol Paint Company P0600 (8) Capitol Press Corps N2400 (42) Capitol Rod & Gun Club H4700 (3) Capitol Seed House N3200 (1) Capitol Theater--See: Hancock Opera House T6520 M8300 Capote, Truman V2000 (17) CAPP (Child Assault Prevention Project) P9460 (27) Capri M8300 (21) Captain Eddie Wills Riverboat B4496 (17) Car2Go T7850 (11) Car2Go--See: T7850(11) A9910 CarboMedics, Inc. M0900 (29) Carden Report B7100 (2) Carillo, Alejandro V2000 (18) Caritas P9460 (3) Carl C2100 (15) Carl Belisch Company F5000 (2) Carl H. Mueller Shoes and Hosiery B5236 (7) Carl Mayer Jewelers J0100 (7) Carl School R6600 (15) Carlson School R6600 (5) Carlson, Travis County C3850 (5) Carmelo’s Italian Restaurant R3800 (C) Carnival Brasileiro C1900 (7) Carnivals A3900 (7) Caro, Robert A. V2000 (138) Carothers Dormitory U3930 (4) Carothers Dormitory—See also: Woman’s Building under University of Texas - Buildings U3400 (57) U3930 Carousel Dance, The D0200 (55) Carousel Lounge M9320 (C) Carpenters Local 1266 U0900 (3) Carpooling T7850 (4) Carrasco, Joe "King"—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE - Carrasco, Joe "King" M9300 Carrascolendas T0705 (4) Carriage House Gallery A6400 (101) Carriers N2405 (10) Carriers' Addresses N2400 (32) Carrollton House H3000 (34) Carry Nation's Visits U3900 (8) Carter & Parshall Associates--See: General A5600 Carter, Jimmy V2000 (141) Carter, Rosalynn V2000 (116) Carver Branch L2710 (44) Casa de Luz R3800 (C) Casa Marianella I1230 (6) Casa-A-Media M3400 (12) Casablanca Cafe R3800 (139) Cascade Creek—See: Bull Creek (20) C9060 Casey P8300 (78) Cash Lumber Company L3600 (4) Casiraghi’s R3800 (C) Casis P1100 (5) Casis P8300 (14) Casis Village S2300 (3) Casita Jorge's R3800 (C) Cassen's Groceries G4200 (90) Castle Creek S0300 (15) Castle Hill Café R3800 (C) Castle Hill Conservation Committee N1900 (38) Caswell Cotton Gin Company & Austin Oil Manufacturing Company M5400 (4) Caswell Tennis Center T0800 (1) Cat Hollow Estates S6000 (99) Cat Mountain S6000 (102) Catalogued Items and WPA Booklet G3800 (6) Catfish Hill R3800 (C) Cathedral of Junk A6300 (10) Cathey Enterprises M0900 (7) Catholic Archives of Texas L2700 (15) Catholic Charities Board C3550 (3) Catholic Journal—See: Austin Homes and Gardens P2400 (26) Catholic Library Association L2700 (5) Catholic Schools C3200 (7) Catholic Student Center C3550 (8) Catholic Youth Organization C3550 (4) Cats A4200 (12) Cattle A1500 (19) Cattle--See also: Bevo in University of Texas Social Life and Customs U4500 (14) for more information about longhorn cattle. A1500 Cattle--See also: Livestock Show A1500 (17) A1500 Cattle--See also: Rodeo under Sports S4300 (50) A1500 Cauley, Terry P4700 (3) Cavanaugh Tract U3800 (3) Cavemen M9300 (C, folder 1) Caves (General) C1700 Cedar Business (General) C1750 Cedar Park, Williamson County (General) C1780 Cedar Rock Press P9700 (18) Cedar Street Courtyard S0300 (96) Cedar Valley C2100 (129) Cedar Valley C3850 (7) Cedar Valley Pioneer Association O0200 (1) Cedar--See: Cedar Business C1750 T9200 CEDEN Family Resource F0500 (17) Cedillo, Joe 1971 M8900 (3) Celebrations (General) C1900 -- SEE ALSO: Festivals (F0900) Holidays (H1800) Celis Brewery B1696 (4) Celtic Stone, The M9300 (C, folder 1) Cement B6658 (24) Cemetario Mexicano de Santa Maria de la Luz C2100 (128) Cemeteries P6150 (15) Cemeteries (General) C2100 Cemeteries - Austin Family (General) C2105 Cemeteries - Davis (General) C2110 Cemeteries - Oakwood (General) C2150 (1) Cemeteries - Pet Rest Memorial Park A4200 (5) Cemeteries - State (General) C2170 Cemetery Record C2150 (2) CEN-TEX Beer Sales B1696 (1) Cen-Tex Sun Systems P6450 (14) Censorship-filed with L3100 General—See also: Texas Freedom Network under Education E0600 (8) L3100 Census (General) C2200 -- SEE ALSO: Population (P5900) Census - After 1970 C2200 (2) Census - Before 1970 C2200 (1) Centenarians O1200 (49) Centennial (groundbreaking, 1982 and constructin completion, 1988) C1040 (5) Centennial Anniversary Celebration U3050 (4) Centennial Anniversary Celebration - AISD Subcommittee of the Birthday Celebration Taskforce U3050 (4-d) Centennial Anniversary Celebration - Birthday Celebration Taskforce U3050 (4-c) Centennial Anniversary Celebration - Clippings, News releases, etc. U3050 (4-a) Centennial Anniversary Celebration - Invitations, Calendar of Events U3050 (4-b) Centennial Park P1200 (43) Center for African and African American Studies U3515 (11) Center for Asian American Studies P7200 (61) Center for Asian American Studies U3515 (19) Center for Battered Women W5000 (15) Center for Cultural Resources A6600 (16) Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems C4170 (28) Center for Mexican American Studies U3515 (10) Center for Public Policy Priorities P5410 (26) Center for the Development of Non-Formal Education E0600 (4) Center Stage--See also: THEATER ARCHIVES for information, programs, etc. T6500 (9) Center Union Baptist Church C2100 (16) Centex REACT R0300 (13) Centineo, Doreen 1979 M8900 (49) Central C3410 (3) Central C3580 (11) Central C3750 (19) Central (Swedish) C3690 (30) Central America Resource Center I1230 (3) Central American Peace Initiative P7750 (13) Central Bank & Trust Company B0700 (9) Central Business District Rail Study C4170 (12) Central Choir Cutups M9300 (C, folder 1) Central City Entertainment Center--See: Millennium Youth Entertainment Complex Y0600 (48) Y0600 Central East Austin Community Organization, Inc. (CEACO) P9460 (29) Central Feed Store N3200 (9) Central Library (Cesar Chavez/Second Street location, beginning construction 2013) L2710 (91) Central Library (refers to John Henry Faulk Central Library), 1979 - L2710 (2) Central Library, 1926-1933 L2710 (3) Central Library, 1933-1979 L2710 (4) Central Market G4200 (92) Central Northwest Austin Neighborhood Association N1900 (37) Central Shoe Service B5236 (29) Central Texas Boys Ranch Y0600 (4) Central Texas Chapter of the National Black Forum for Black Public Administrators--See: A1300 (General, 1990s) A1300 Central Texas College at Austin J0300 (1) Central Texas Computer Association C6100 (21) Central Texas Family Clinic M3000 (38) Central Texas Health Plan I M3000 (26) Central Texas Health System Agency Inc M3000 (10) Central Texas Library System (CTLS) L2710 (35) Central Texas Medical Foundation M3000 (8) Central Texas Quilt Guild, Inc N1000 (13) Central Texas Regional Blood Center M3000 (36) Central Texas Regional Tissue Bank M3000 (32) Central Texas Woodturners’ Association-filed with General T W5250 Central Wood & Coal Company F4400 (1) Century 21 R1400 (48) Century Park B6824 (3) Century South L2710 (65) Centzontle M9300 (C, folder 1) Cepeda L2710 (79) Cera-Mix Studios-filed in General file P6200 (1) Ceramics C2890 (5) Certa Propainters-filed in General file P0600 (1) CF Air Frieght B7100 (200) Chad's Rainbow T7300 (9) Chadwick (R.A.) I1100 (11) Chalberg Photograph Collection L2710 (29d) Chalmers Court H4510 (3) Chamber Music Austin M9300 (C, folder 1) Chamber Music in Public Schools—See: Salon Concerts (51) M9380 Chamber Music in Public Schools—See: Salon Concerts M9380 (51) M9335 Chamber of Commerce (General (by year)) C2390 Chamber Soloists of Austin M9300 (C*) Chambers Mill M5400 (11) Chancery Building C3550 (2) Chandler, Jeff V2000 (117) Channel 6 T0700 (25) channelAustin—See: Public Access (22) T0700 Channing, Carol V2000 (149) Chanticleer Gallery A6400 (11) Chaos in Tejas M9383 (31) Chapel Hill Memorial Park C2100 (17) Chapman P3500 (65) Chapman Price Automotive Service A9910 (18) Chariot Inn M7700 (16) Charities (General) C2410 Charles H. Ravey Jeweler J0100 (13) Charles Johnson Addition--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Charles Lewis Company A6400 (55) Charles Lockwood C2100 (117) Charles Mound Oldsmobile-Cadillac, Inc. A9800 (32) Charles S. Salerno Insurance Agency I1100 (12) Charles, Prince of Wales V2000 (156) Charlie Sexton Sextet M9300 (C) Charlie's Railroad Salvage B7100 (20) Charter Lane H2600 (9) Charter schools P7200 (63) Charter Schools P8200 (84) Charter Schools (General) C2575 (1) Charters - Austin (General (by decade)) C2550 -- SEE ALSO: Ordinances (O2000) Chas. H. Houston Packard Dealer A9800 (31) Chas. Huppertz G4200 (26) Chautauqua (General) C2600 Chavez, Cesar V2000 (208) Checker Front Stores G4200 (2) Cheer Up Charlie's S0300 (119) Cheerleaders U4500 (30) Cheezmo Schmaltz M9300 (C, folder 1) Chef on the Run R3800 (C) Chemical Engineering Building U3400 (70) Chemical Laboratory U3400 (10) Chemistry Building U3400 (11) Cheops Shriner Temple No. 200 F3600 (32) Cherry Creek S6000 (5) Cherry Creek Plaza S2300 (4) Cherrywood S6000 (137) Cherrywood Neighborhood Association N1900 (68) Chesnut Plaza T7820 (3) Chess G0500 (3) Chess H1700 (5) Chess, Edward R. V2000 (19) Chevy Chase B6824 (1) Chevy Chase National Bank B0700 (10) Chevy Chase South----See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Chi Kappa Rho T7400 (22) Chicago House T6500 (54) Chicana Research & Learning Center M4300 (36) Chief Drive-In Theater M8300 (24) Child & Family Service, Inc. F0500 (19) Child Abuse P9400 (10) Child and Family Service P9460 (4) Child and Family Services--See: Family F0500 (19) U1100 Child Care Center of Bethany Lutheran Church N3400 (31) Child Care Commission N3400 (40) Child Development Center K1400 (8) Child Development Lab P8200 (3) Child Study Association Y0600 (20) Child's Place, A T7300 (7) Child, Inc. N3400 (6) Childbirth Connection, The F0520 (21) Children (General) C2800 -- SEE ALSO: Amusements (A3900) Family (F0500) Family Planning (F0520) Junior Helping Hand (J0320) Junior League (J0340) Kindergarten (K1400) Nursery Schools - Day Care (N3400) Settlement Club (S1860) Youth (Y0600) Children are People A2300 (11) Children Are People—See: Alcoholism A2300 (11) Y0600 Children of God C3400 (8) Children of the American Revolution P1900 (1) Children of the Confederacy P1900 (2) Children of the Republic of Texas P1900 (3) Children's Alliance for the Protection of the Environment E0400 (31) Children's Discovery Center N3400 (35) Children's Elementary School P7200 (32) Children's Home – Now known as Helping Hand Home for Children J0320 (1) Children's Hospital H2700 (18) Children's Mental Health Center School M3600 (4) Children's Services L2710 (28) Children's Theater (various) T6500 (56) Children’s Advocacy Center C2800 (10) Children’s Advocacy Center (now Center for Child Protection) P9400 (14) Childs & Company B5236 (30) Chili—See: General F2500 Chimney Hill S6000 (6) Chimney Sweeping B7100 (19) China and Porcelain (General) C2890 China and Porcelain—See: China & Porcelain C2890 A6900 Chinatown Center A7000 (2) Chinese Boxing S4300 (17) Chinese—See: Asian-Americans A7000; Asian-Americans -- Chinese A7010 E1950 Chipman, Robert C. 1973 M8900 (4) Chiropodists P3800 (2) Chiropractors P3800 (1) Chisolm Trail (General) C3000 -- SEE ALSO: Round Rock, Williamson County (R6000) Choice-PAC F0520 (14) Choir P8200 (83) Choong Man Han Presbyterian Church C3750 (21) Chopsticks R3800 (C) Choral Groups U3540 (17) Choral Groups U3540 (17) Chorus Austin M9300 (C*) Chote Family C2100 (18) Christ C3660 (7) Christ Chapel Episcopal C3635 (13) Christian & Crooker L3600 (5) Christian & Fellman Addition--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) Christian Faith and Life Community C3400 (9) Christian Heritage Academy P7200 (30) Christian High School P7200 (31) Christian Legal Society L2400 (4) Christian, John P3500 (66) Christianity R2610 (23) Christianson-Leberman Studio P3500 (15) Christie's R3800 (C) Christie, Agatha V2000 (20) Christmas Bureau P9460 (5) Christmas Decorations L2710 (29t) Christopher’s I1200 (9) Chronology (filed by decade) U3900 (2) Chuck Wagon Barbecue R3800 (145) Church & Synagogue Library Association L2700 (7) Church Historical Society E1800 (1) Church of Christ for the Deaf C3600 (4) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints C3400 (16) Church of the New Testament C3400 (17) Church Schools (General) C3200 (1) Church Women United C3400 (6) Churches P3000 (2) Churches P6150 (16) Churches R6000 Churches (General) C3400 (1) Churches - Assembly of God (General) C3410 (1) Churches - Baptist (General) C3450 (1) Churches - Baptist - First (General) C3451 Churches - Catholic (General) C3550 Churches - Christian (General) C3580 (1) Churches - Christian Science (General) C3590 Churches - Church of Christ (General) C3600 (1) Churches - Church Of God (General) C3610 (1) Churches - Congregational (General) C3625 Churches - Episcopal (General) C3635 (1) Churches - Episcopal - All Saints (General) C3636 (1) S6000 Churches - Episcopal - Good Shepherd (1944-1955) C3637 Churches - Episcopal - St. David's (General by year) C3638 (1) Churches - Lutheran (General) C3660 Churches - Lutheran - First English (General) C3661 Churches - Lutheran - Gethsemane (General) C3662 Churches - Lutheran - St. Martin's (General) C3663 Churches - Methodist (General) C3690 (1) Churches - Nazarene (General) C3700 (1) Churches - Pentecostal (General) C3725 (1) Churches - Presbyterian (General) C3750 (1) Churches - Presbyterian - Central (Formerly First Southern Presbyterian) (General) C3752 Churches - Presbyterian - First, U.S. (General) C3751 Churches - Unitarian (1969 and Before) C3775 Churches - Unitarian (1970s) C3775 Churches - Unitarian (1980s) C3775 Churches - Unitarian (1990s) C3775 Churches - Unitarian (2000s) C3775 Churches - United Church of Christ (General) C3785 (1) Cielo: Oxygen Enriched Purified Water B7100 (229) Cinco de Mayo M4300 (22) Cinderella Slipper Shop B5236 (4) Cine Las Americas Festivals M8460 (43) Cine Las Americas Festivals—See: M8460 (43) M8430 Cinema at Capital Plaza M8300 (4) Cinema West (once known as the Austin Theater - look under general in photos) M8300 (25) Cinemark Theaters M8300 (23) Cinematexas International Short Film Festival M8430 (8) Circle C Ranch S6000 (113) Circle of Light M9300 (C, folder 2) Circle Publications P9700 (21) Circleville—See: Cedar Valley (7) C3850 Circulars & News Releases M9180 (2) Circulation L2710 (32) Circus A3900 (8) Cisco's R3800 (C) Citadel Club H3200 (5) Cities and Towns (General) C3850 (1) -- SEE ALSO: Model Cities Program (M6400) Sister City Program (S2550) Citizen Advocates M3560 (3) Citizen Bridge (now called Congress Avenue Bridge) B6000 Citizens Advisory Committee P8200 (61) Citizens Advisory Committee on School Desegregation S1700 (6) Citizens Against Pornography P5930 (2) Citizens Against Welfare for the Rich P5410 (14) Citizens Bank & Trust Company B0700 (11) Citizens Board of Natural Resources and Environmental Quality E0400 (2) Citizens Bond Action Committee--See: 1997-1998 B4738 Citizens Concerned About Children P9460 (24) Citizens for a United Austin H4500 (13) Citizens for Better Schools P8200 (13) Citizens Industrial Bank B0700 (12) Citizens Master Plan Committee C4170 (5) Citizens Party of Texas P5300 (2) Citizens State Bank B0700 (13) Citizens’ Anti-Communism Committee P5300 (24) Citizens’ Planning Committee C4170 (44) City Auditor C4080 (1) City Book Store B5070 (7) City Buses (by decade) M7900 (1) City Charter A8500 (12) City Code A8500 (11) City Council (1877 - 1899) C4030 (3) City Council (1900 - 1909) C4030 (4) City Council (1910 - 1919) C4030 (5) City Council (1920 - 1929) C4030 (6) City Council (1930 - 1939) C4030 (7) City Council (1940 - 1949) C4030 (8) City Council (1950 - 1959) C4030 (9) City Council (1960 - 1969) C4030 (10) City Council (1970 - 1979) C4030 (11) City Council (1980 - 1989) C4030 (12) City Council (1990 - 1999) C4030 (13) City Council (2000 - 2009) C4030 (14) City Council (2010 – 2019) C4030 (15) City Departments (General) C4080 -- SEE ALSO: Ambulance Service (Emergency Medical Services Department) (A3300) City Council (C4030) City Manager (C4140) Fire Department (F1240) Mayors (M2200) Officials and Employees - Austin (O1010) Parks and Recreation Department (P1400) Police Department (P5100) Public Utilities (P9200) Law Department (L2000) Water and Wastewater Department, Austin (W0800) City Employees of Austin O1010 (7) City Hall Annex M8640 (7) City Hall, (proposed, 1968) M8640 (5) City Hall, (proposed, 1982) M8640 (6) City Hall, 1907-1938 M8640 (3) City Hall, 1938-2004 M8640 (4) City Hall, 2004 - M8640 (14) City Hall, Live From the Plaza M9320 (C) City Hotel H3000 (26) City Jail P7100 (1) City Manager (General) C4140 City Market M8640 (8) City of Austin Aviation Department--See: A1200 General A1200 City of Austin Economic Growth and Development Services Offices E0500 (5) City of Austin Fleet Services Department--See Transportation T7850 (General) T7850 City of Austin Safety Division T7610 (3) City of Austin Sewerage Company W0800 (11) City of Austin Wildlife Habitat Program E0400 (49) City of Austin's Workplace Literacy Center L3000 (2) City Park P1200 (7) City Planning (General) C4170 City Planning - Zoning (General) C4170(Z1200) -- SEE ALSO: Boundaries - Austin (B5561) Subdivisions (S6000) City Planning Commission C4170 (2) City Taxes (by year) T0200 (2) City Women's Caucus W5000 (7) City-School Relations P8200 (19) Citywide Committee for Human Rights A4600 (2) Citywide Sector Council C4170 (18) Civic Center (proposed, 1972) M8640 (9) Civil Defense (General by decade) C4500 Civil Rights (General) C4600 Civil Service O1010 (22) Civil War (General) C4700 (1) Civil War Reenactments H1700 (2) Civilian Conservation Corp (General) C4900 -- SEE ALSO: New Deal (N2000) Civitan Clubs of Austin C5445 (1) Civitan Playground P1200 (6) Civitan Teen Canteens Y0600 (15) Clairmont, The O1250 (8) Clark (J.B.) Used Cars A9800 (49) Clark Field U3200 (4) Clark, Thomas, Winters & Newton L2200 (28) Clark, Tom C. V2000 (21) Clark-Chandler Antiques A4800 (9) Clarksville P8300 (72) Clarksville R3800 (C) Clarksville Bakery B0100 (13) Clarksville Community Health Center H0500 (7) Clarksville Neighborhood Center N1875 (1) Clarksville Pottery P6200 (5) Clarksville-West End Jazz and Arts Festival M9383 (8) Clary Mattress Company H4000 (4) Classes M9110 (3) Classes P1400 (29) Classical Mathematical and Military Institute for Boys P7200 (8) Classical Music Consortium of Austin M9380 (44) Claudia Taylor Johnson Hall U3400 (72) Clayworks P6200 (6) Clean Well-Lighted Place, A A6400 (12) Clearlight M9300 (C, folder 1) Clergy for Responsible Reproductive Choice C3400 (44) Cliburn, Van V2000 (118) Climate Change E0400 (48) Clinic H2700 (6) Clinton, William J. V2000 (191) Clippings for Cactus, Gossip, etc. (in general folder) W4600 (1) Clippings, 1920-1929 L2710 (12) Clippings, 1930-1939--See also: Travis County Service (37) L2710 (13) Clippings, 1940-1949 L2710 (14) Clippings, 1950-1959 L2710 (15) Clippings, 1960-1969 L2710 (16) Clippings, 1970-1979--See also: Bookmobiles (39) L2710 (17) Clippings, 1980 - 1989 L2710 (17) Clippings, 1990 - 1999 L2710 (83) Clippings, 2000 - 2009 L2710 (84) Clocks and Watches H4000 (C5100) Cloth World N1000 (5) Clothing and Dress - Infants And Children (General) C5210 Clothing and Dress - Men (General) C5230 (1) Clothing and Dress - Women (1919 and Before) C5280 (1) Clothing and Dress - Women (1920 - 1929) C5280 (2) Clothing and Dress - Women (1930 - 1939) C5280 (3) Clothing and Dress - Women (1940 - 1949) C5280 (4) Clothing and Dress - Women (1950 - 1959) C5280 (5) Clothing and Dress - Women (1960 - 1969) C5280 (6) Clothing and Dress - Women (1970 - 1979) C5280 (7) Clothing and Dress - Women (1980 - 1989) C5280 (8) Clothing and Dress - Women (1990 - 1999) C5280 (9) Clothing and Dress - Women (2000 - 2009) C5280 (20) Clothing and Dress - Women (2010-2019) C5280 (21) Clothing and Dress - Women (General) C5280 (10) Clothing Trade (General) C5300 Cloud, Mary Kennerly - "The Pioneer's Plow" A8500 (filed in (2)) Club DeVille S0300 (85) Club Foot S0300 (50) Club Foot—See: S0300 (50) M9320 Clubs P6150 (17) Clubs (General) C5400 -- SEE ALSO: Women - Societies & Clubs (W4800) Clubs - Country Clubs (General) C5420 Clubs - Service Organizations (General) C5445 Clubs, Societies, and Unions A1500 (3) Co-op Houses U3930 (15) Coalition for a Progressive Austin P5410 (4) Coalition for Progressive Government P5420 (1) Coastal States Marketing Company P9220 (15) Cocina del Sur R3800 (C) Code Enforcement Program H4500 (3) Coffee Exchange B0100 (27) Coffee Sergeants M9300 (C) Coffeehouses R3800 (317) Cohagan Hall Design Associates I1200 (23) Coinhead Media Studios M9385 (40) Coker & Sons B6670 (23) Cold Springs—See: Rivers R4000 (3) Cole (Criss) Rehabilitation Center B4070 (2) Cole Products Corporation B6658 (1) Cole vs. Frank P7100 (2b) Colin's Hope S8400 (5) Collections of Casts of Her Works Made In Europe and Texas, Austin, 1927 M9110 (8) Collectors & Collecting H1700 (1) Collectors & Collecting (General) C5600 -- SEE ALSO: Bottle, Jars, Etc. (B5460) China and Porcelain (C2890) Dolls (D1850) Hobbies (H1700) Numismatics - Collectors & Collecting (N2850) Tokens (T6900) Collectors & Collecting—See also: Collectors and Collecting C5600 (1) H1700 College Court S6000 (144) College of Business Administration U3515 (1) College of Education U3515 (4) College of Education Building U3400 (60) Collett School of Dancing D0200 (9) Collier C2100 (19) Collins C2100 (20) Collins, Marva V2000 (148) Colonial Dames of America P1900 (4) Colonial Dames of America in the State of Texas W4800 (32) Colony Park S6000 (166) Colorado Cargo A6400 (81) Colorado Commandery No. 4, Knights Templar F3600 (6) Colorado Fire Co. No. 2 F1250 (3) Colorado Machine Shop M0900 (4) Colorado Navigation Co. B4496 (20) Colorado River P6150 (18) Colorado River (General—See: Rivers R4000) Colorado River - Associations—See: Rivers R4000 (5) Colorado River - Springs—See: Rivers R4000 (3) Colorado River-General B6000 (2) Colorado River-Organizations R4000 (5) Colorado River-Pollution R4000 (2) Colorado River-Springs R4000 (3) Colorado School R6600 (17) Colors U4500 (16) Columbia General Life Insurance Company I1150 (17) Columbus Day H1800 (8) Comanche C2100 (21) Comanche Peak Life Force E0400 (44) Combined Heat and Power Plant P6450 (28) Comedy T6500 (77) Comet - Mirror of Changing Times, The P8640 (9) Comets A7400 (1) Comic Books - Strips, etc. A6400 (107) Commencement U3900 (5) Commerce Park B6824 (2) Commercial Club C4170 (25) Commercial Club—See: City Planning C4170 (25) C2390 Commercial Industrial Properties Company R1400 (91) Commercials Journal N2400 (10) Committee D2200 (3) Committee for Economical Energy P6450 (18) Committee on Gifted and Talented Children P8200 (14) Commodities Distribution Program P9400 (3) Commodore Deck Club H3070 (2) Common Cause of Austin P5410 (5) Common Ford Ranch P1200 (65) Common Interest, The R3800 (C) Common Sense, Inc P5300 (25) Common Woman Book Collective, The B5070 (8) Commoner, Barry V2000 (145) Communications Center U3400 (12) Communications Specialists, Inc. P7000 (19) Communications Workers of America Local 12175 O1010 (8) Communications Workers of America, Local 6132 U0900 (4) Communist Party of Austin P5300 (1) Communities in Schools P8200 (81) Communities in Schools--See: Public Schools P8200 (81) U1100 Community Action Agency A4600 (16) Community Action Network P9460 (34) Community Automotive Co-Op A9800 (10) Community Bound Programs, Inc M3400 (15) Community Chest of Austin, Inc. U1100 (1) Community Christmas Carol Program H1850 (6) Community Churches (includes Metropolitan Community Church) C3400 (18) Community College (General) C6040 Community College Allied Health Program C6040 (4) Community College Board of Trustees C6040 (3) Community Concert Association (also known as Austin Community Concert Assoc.) (33) Community Council of Austin - Education on Drug Abuse D2200 M9380 Community Council Of Austin and Travis County (General) C6045 Community Crossroads Home D2200 (10) Community Development Advisory Committee C6075 (3) Community Development Commission A4600 (9) Community Development Corporation of Austin H4500 (4) Community Education P8200 (10) Community Leadership (General) C6075 -- SEE ALSO: Antipoverty Programs (A4600) Junior Helping Hand (J0320) Junior League (J0340) Settlement Club (S1860) Goodwill Industries (G3300) Rotary Club (R5800) Salvation Army (S0600) United Way (U1100) Community National Bank B0700 (14) Community Partnership for the Homeless H2010 (6) Community Productions T6500 (57) Community Relations Task Force P5100 (14) Community Schools P8200 (10) Community Services H0500 (6) Community Supported Agriculture A1500 (24) Community Supported Agriculture—See:Agriculture A1500 (24) F2500 Community Switchboard Y0600 (21) Community Tech Knowledge C6100 (28) Community United Front P9460 (6) Community Welfare Association P9460 (7) Community Workshop Market O1200 (24) Commuter Rail--See also: Railroads R0700 T7850 Compassionate Friends, Inc., The D0500 (2) Comprehensive Offender Manpower Program C9250 (2) Comprehensive Watersheds Ordinance O2000 (10) Comprehensive Watersheds Ordinance--See also: Ecology E0400 (37) O2000 Comprehensive Watersheds Ordinance--See also: Water Supply W0970 (3) O2000 Comptroller of Public Accounts (in general folder) T2500 CompuAdd E1095 (53) Computation Center U3000 (9) Computation Center U3400 (13) Computer Industry (General (internet, technology, multimedia, software, etc.)) C6100 -- SEE ALSO: Electronics (E1095) MAIN (Metropolitan Austin Interactive Network) (M0300) Social Media (S3300;) Technology (T0490) Computer Science U3515 (18) Computers - Personal E1095 (23) Computers – Study and Teaching T0490 (5) Computers – Study and Teaching—See: Technology T0490 (5) C6100 Concepts of Care, Inc. O1200 (40) Concerned Citizens Committee S1700 (7) Concerned Citizens for Equal Education S1700 (8) Concerned Citizens for the Development of West Austin N1900 (6) Concerned Citizens for the Development of West Austin--See also: Old West Austin Neighborhood Association N1900 (9) N1900 Concerned Parents for Equal Education S1700 (9) Concerned Volunteer Advocates Representing the Elderly in Nursing Homes O1200 (38) Concerned Women of Austin F0520 (5) Concord Gallery A6400 (113) Concordia Lutheran College (now known as Concordia University) (General) C6200 Concordia Neighborhood Association N1900 (25) Condit and Co. C5280 (12) Confectioners (General) C6300 Confederate Home for Men P6150 (19) Confederate Home For Men (General) C6400 Confederate Monument C1048 (8) Confederate States of America C4700 (5) Confederate States of America-Army-16th Texas Infantry C4700 (2) Confederate Veterans V0600 (2) Confederate Woman's Home (General) C6600 Conferences A1300 (40) Congress Avenue C3450 (10) Congress Avenue Booksellers B5070 (49) Congress Avenue Bridge, 1876-1883 B6000 (11) Congress Avenue Bridge, 1884-1910 B6000 (12) Congress Avenue Bridge, 1910- B6000 (13) Congress Avenue Bridge, General B6000 (16) Congress Avenue--See: Streets - Congress Avenue S5710 S5700 Congress Hotel H3000 (17) Congresses & Conventions (General) C6700 -- SEE ALSO: Convention & Visitors Bureau (C7050) Conley-Guerrero Senior Activity Center O1200 (50) Connections Resource Center F0500 (26) Connelly-Hillen Florist F2200 (7) Connors Subdivision--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Conqueroo M9300 (C, folder 1) Conquest Airlines A1200 (24) Conservation Coordinates E0400 (14) Conservation Initiatives W0800 (16) Conservation, Ecology, Pest Control A1500 (7) Conservation, ecology, pest control—See: Agriculture A1500 E0400 Conspirare M9300 (C*) Consumer Protection Ordinance—See: Consumers C6900 (5) O2000 Consumer's RX Pharmacy D2300 (24) Consumers (General) C6900 (1) Consumers for Animal Rights Education A4200 (17) Consumers Home Ice & Cold Storage B7100 (227) Consumers of Texas, Inc. B6658 (12) Contemporary Handweavers of Texas A6900 (22) Contessa Gallery and Frame Shop A6400 (13) Continental Airlines A1200 (17) Continental Cars, Inc. A9800 (33) Continental Club S0300 (77) Continental Club—See: S0300 (77) M9320 Convenience Stores - General G4200 (84) Convention & Visitors Bureau (General) C7050 -- SEE ALSO: Tourist Trade (T7000) Convention Center (proposed, 1985) M8640 (10) Convention Center Department C4080 (2) Conventions, Colored Baptist C3450 (80) Conventions—See: Congresses & Conventions C6700 L2700 Convict Hill Restaurant R3800 (C) Cook P8300 (63) Cook Printing Company P7000 (8) Cook-Walden Funeral Home U0600 (1) Cooks and Cooking F2500 (36) Cook’s Delight F2500 (4) Coolidge, Calvin V2000 (22) Cooney, Jack III 1976 M8900 (18) Cooperative Societies (General) C7150 Coorigan, Douglas "Wrong Way" V2000 (23) Copa Bar & Grill M9320 (C) Corner Book & Stationery Company B5070 (1) Corner Bookstore, A B5070 (30) Cornerstone U3900 (7) Cornerstone Dedication C1044 (2) Cornerstone School P7200 (55) Cornwell's Pharmacy D2300 (23) Coronado Hills S6000 (93) Coronet Club C5400 (1-i) Corporation Court C7910 (2) CORR Technology, Inc. M0900 (17) Corrigan's J0100 (3) Cortex Communications, Inc. (Interactive Media) C6100 (8) Corvettes by Webb A9800 (51) Cosmic Dust Devils M9300 (C, folder 1) Cotillion Club of Austin W4800 (24) Cottage, The A2300 (15) Cotton A1500 (20) Cotton Mather M9300 (C*) Cottonwood Baptist Church C3450 (92) Council on Adoptable Children F0500 (8) Council on Youth Affairs Y0600 (5) Counseling and Pastoral Care Center M3400 (19) Country Club Lawns S6000 (7) Country Club of Austin C5420 (3) Country Clubs—See: Clubs-Country Clubs C5420 S4300 Country Dinner Playhouse--See also: THEATER ARCHIVES for information, programs, etc T6500 (10) Country Music Association M9380 (28) Country Store Gallery A6400 (14) County Line R3800 (C) County School Superintendent R6600 (24) County Taxes T0200 (3) Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) P9400 (13) Courthouse - Travis County, 1855 - 1876 (General) C7810 Courthouse - Travis County, 1877 - 1930 (General) C7820 Courthouse - Travis County, 1931 - (1931 – 1950) C7830 (1) Courthouse - Travis County, 1931 - (1951 – 1970) C7830 (2) Courthouse - Travis County, 1931 - (1971 – 2000) C7830 (3) Courthouse - Travis County, 1931 - (2001 – 2010) C7830 (4) Courthouse - United States (General) C7850 Courthouse Saloon S0300 (4) Courthouses P6150 (20) Courts (General) C7900 (1) Courts - Texas (General) C7935 (1) Courts - Travis County (General) C7960 Courts-at-law C7960 (2) Courtyard and Residence Inn by Marriott H3000 (41) Covenant C3750 (2) Covert Buick Company A9800 (34) Covington P8800 (14) Cow Creek C9060 (30) Cow Pattys, The M9300 (C) Cowboy Minstrel Show T6500 (60) Cowboy Monument C1048 (9) Cowboy Television Network T0700 (17) Cowboys U4500 (21) Cowden Designer Homes B6670 (28) Cowgirls and Flowers F2200 (26) Cox Art Supply A6900 (29) Cox Springs School R6600 (2) Coxville Zoo A4200 (8) Coyote Cafe R3800 (C) CPA Wives Club T7400 (11) Crashcam Cineproductions—See: AF-BIOGRAPHY - Ray, Bob M8460 Crashes A1200 (5) Crashes--Feb.18, 2010 IRS Office Building Crash A1200 (26) Crawford/Bode & Associates A1000 (20) Create Austin C4170 (41) Creative Consciousness R2610 (5) Creative Hairdressers of Austin B1560 (23) Creative Opportunity Orchestra M9300 (C*) Creative Rapid Learning Center P7200 (38) Creative Research Laboratory--See: Department of Art U3540 (3) A6300 Credit Unions (General) C9000 Credit Women of Austin T7400 (18) Creedmoor C2100 (22) Creedmoor Chapter 607, Order of the Eastern Star F3600 (20) Creedmoor School R6600 (12) Creedmoor, Travis County (General) C9050 Creedmoor, Travis County--See also: HB – Travis County Area XIII and properties by address C9050 Creedmoor, Travis County—See: C9050 C3850 Creek Theater—See also: THEATER ARCHIVES for information, programs, etc. T6500 (11) Creeks P6150 (21) Creeks (General) C9060 Creeks - Ordinances—See: Ordinances-Austin O2000 (10), (12), (15) C9060 Crenshaw Athletic Club S4300 (19) Cres Realtors R1400 (69) Crescent Theatre M8300 (5) Crescent, The C6300 (18) Cresthaven Nursing Center N3800 (4) Crestview C3690 (4) Crestview S6000 (124) Crestview MiniMax Food Mart G4200 (96) Crestview MiniMax Food Mart—See: Groceries G4200 (96) F2500 Crestview Station T7820 (2) Crime and Criminals (General (1800s; 1900-1949; 1950s; 1960s; 1970s; 1980s; 1990s)) C9200 Crime and Criminals - Rehabilitation (General) C9250 Crime Prevention P5100 (20) Crime Prevention (General) C9260 (1) CRIMP P7600 (3) Criser & Massie G4200 (27) Crisis Center M3400 (6) Cristo Rey C3550 (10) Cristo Rey Nursery School N3400 (28) Crockett Automobile Company of Austin A9800 (35) Cronkite, Walter V2000 (119) Crops A1500 (6) Cross Canadian Ragweed M9300 (C) Cross Festival M9383 (25) Cross-Allen Austo Electric Co. A9910 (23) Crossing, The S6000 (8) Crosstown Expressway H0900 (3) Crosstown Sewer W0800 (12) Crosthwait-Miller C2100 (23) Crown Tailors C5230 (2) Cruiserweight M9300 (C) Crystal S0300 (71) Crystal Mountain on Barton Creek S6000 (105) Crystal Root Gallery P3500 (16) Crystalbrook S6000 (9) Csardas Hungarian Dancers of Austin--See: D0200 (General) D0200 CSI (Commercial Systems, Inc.) E1095 (50) Cullum & Boren S4200 (5) Cultural Arts Division P1400 (15) Cultural Arts Division—See also: City Planning C4170 (31) P1400 Cultural Arts Programs--See: Dougherty Arts Center under Parks & Recreation Dept. P1400 (20) A6300 Cultural Entertainment Committee U3540 (24) Cuneo's Quality Baking Co. B0100 (28) Cunningham P8300 (15) Curfew Ordinance O2000 (13) Curfew Ordinance—See: Ordinances O2000 (13) Y0600 Curington Associates, Inc.--See: E1400 (General) E1400 Curling S4300 (58) Current Book Review Club—See: General W4800 Curriculum P8200 (65) Curtain Club (later became the official UT Drama Department) See: THEATER ARCHIVES for programs U3540 (7) Curtain Club (later became the official UT Drama Department)--See: THEATER ARCHIVES for programs U3540 (7) Custer, Elizabeth (Bacon) V2000 (24) Custom Drapery Company, Inc. H4000 (17) Custom Floors H4000 (5) Custom Photographic Labs P3500 (34) Cutback of Hours L2710 (21) Cycle News Central P2400 (8) Cycling (General) C9300 (1) Cycling—See: Cycling C9300 S4300 Cypress School R6600 (3) Cypress Semi-Conductor Corporation E1095 (56) Czechs (General) C9800 Czechs—See: C9800 E1950 D & W Grocery G4200 (28) D.E. Crumley Grocery G4200 (81) Dacy's Shoe Store B5236 (32) Daffan C3850 (6) Dahlan, Ahmad V2000 (25) Dahlich (C.A.) Company F5000 (5) Daily Texan, Texas Student Publications U4350 (4) Dale Baker Bar-B-Que R3800 (D) Dallas Cowboy Summer Camp S4300 (56) Dallas Realty R1400 (37) Damn Yankees in Texas S3100 (12) Dams P6150 (58) Dams (General) D0100 (1) Dams—See: Dams D0100 Dan Del Santo and his Professors of Pleasure M9300 (D) Dan McKlusky's Butchery R3800 (D) Dana Loy Gallery A6400 (95) Dance Artists Alliance D0200 (20) Dance Associates D0200 (25) Dance Umbrella D0200 (19) Dancing (General) D0200 (1) Dandelions W4100 (4) Danes E1950 (22) Dangerfield and Rickles Dead Flower Service F2200 (23) Dangleish Construction Co. B6670 (27) Daniel E. Ruiz L2710 (76) Dannemiller, Keith P3500 (50) Danze & Davis Architects, Inc.--See: A5600 General A5600 DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) D2200 (18) Darkroom, The P3500 (36) Darley, Gary—See: Fischer-Darley Case M8900 Darling, Dennis Carlyle P3500 (63) Darlington Private School N3400 (7) Darrell Royal Workshop M3560 (4) Dart Music International M9385 (67) Darwin’s Pub S0300 (91) Daryl Herald P2400 (40) Das Wochenblatt N2400 (27) Data General E1095 (11) Dataproducts Corporation E1095 (13) Dated Articles C9200 Datum Structures Engineering, Inc. E1400 (14) Daughters of 1812 P1900 (5) Daughters of Charity Health Services of Austin H2770 (20) Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul H2770 (3) Daughters of the American Colonists P1900 (6) Daughters of the American Revolution P1900 (7) Daughters of the Confederacy Museum L1400 (1) Daughters of the Confederacy Museum L1400 (1) Daughters of the Confederacy Museum—See: Land Office Building L1400 (1) M9100 Daughters of the Republic of Texas P1900 (8) Daughters of the Republic of Texas Museum L1400 (1) Daughters of the Republic of Texas Museum L1400 (1) Daughters of the Republic of Texas Museum—See: Land Office Building L1400 (1) M9100 Dave Shanks Business Review—See: Austin Business Review P2400 (28) Davenport Ranch S6000 (98) Davenport Ranch Municipal Utility W0970 (2) David & Anthony & Lynn B1560 (4) David Chapel C3450 (13) Davidson-Littlepage C2100 (24) Davis & Dawson Addition--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Davis Electronics Corporation E1095 (27) Davis Gallery A6400 (144) Davis Hardware H0300 (2) Davis Mill M5400 (5) Davis Water Treatment Plant W0800 (2) Davis, B.H. "The Murder of Mrs. Coleman" P4700 (1) Davis, Clide (Mrs.) D1850 (4) Davis, Jefferson V2000 (26) Davis, Linda Amesquito 1957 M8900 (62) Davis, Maddox & Company G4200 (30) Dawson P8300 (16) Dawson Neighborhood Association N1900 (63) Day and Night Garage A9910 (3) Day Care Center of the 19th St. Baptist Church N3400 (37) Day Labor Centers E1300 (6) Dazed and Confused M8460 (51) dberman gallery A6400 (145) De Besche, Hubert V2000 (27) De Molay, Austin Chapter Y0600 (33) Dead Man’s Creek/Dead Man’s Hole (Hays County) C9060 (29) Deaf-Blind—See: also Blindness and the Blind B4070; Deafness D0440 H0200 (1) Deafness (General) D0440 (1) Dealers A9800 (22) Dean of Women's Office U3600 (3) Death (General) D0500 (1) Deborah Hay Dance Company D0200 (30) Decker C2100 (25) Decker Community Methodist Church C2100 (26) Decker Hills Estates S6000 (173) Decker Lake--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Decker Power Plant P9220 (10) Decker United C3690 (28) Decker, Travis County (General) D0700 Decker, Travis County--See also: HB – Travis County Area XIX and properties by address D0700 Decker, Travis County—See: D0700 C3850 Decoder Ring Design Concern—See: Graphic Design (12) A6300 Decorating Den I1200 (18) Deed of Amos Morrill P7400 (4) Deen & Walling G4200 (29) Deep Eddy P6150 (57) "Deep in the Heart of Texas" M9370 Deer A4200 (19) Deer Creek Ranch--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Deer Park--See S6000 (1) S6000 Defend the Honor M4300 (41) Defense Research Laboratory U3400 (14) Defunct Schools - Clayton Vocational Institute A1300 (54) Defunct Schools - Colored Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute A1300 (56) Defunct Schools - General A1300 (52) Defunct Schools - Robertson Hill A1300 (53) Defunct Schools - St. John's Industrial Institute and Orphanage A1300 (55) Del Castillo M9300 (D) Del la Gardie, Christine V2000 (28) Del Valle Rehabilitation Project P7100 (4) Del Valle, Travis County (General) D0800 Del Valle, Travis County--See also: HB – Travis County Area XV and properties by address D0800 Del Valle, Travis County—See: D0800 C3850 DeLashmutt Brothers B5236 (2) Delco Light B6658 (27) Dell Children’s Medical Center H2770 (30) Dell Computer Corporation E1095 (55) Delta A1200 (21) Delta Kappa Gamma T0470 (9) Delta Sigma Theta A1300 (6) Delux Hotel H3000 (29) Delwood S6000 (123) Delwood Center S2300 (7) DeMarco Solar M0900 (19) Democracy Dialogues P5410 (22) Democratic Coalition P5300 (14) Democratic Party (General and Texas Democratic Party) P5300 (5) Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee P5300 (26) Dempsey, Jack V2000 (29) Denim M9300 (D) Dentists (General) D1000 (1) Department of Anthropology U3515 (5) Department of Art U3540 (3) Department of Art U3540 (3) Department of English U3515 (7) Department of Human Services T8000 (3) Department of Planning and Development C4170 (21) Department of Radio-Television-Film U3540 (22) Department of Radio-Television-Film U3540 (22) Department of Urban Transportation, Austin T7600 (1) Department Stores (General) D1100 Depp, Johnny V2000 (214) "Der Vereruss" M9370 Derailers, The M9300 (D) Derthick Musical Society M9380 (10) Description and History T7350 (1) Desegregation Communication Center P8200 (77) Designers' Space A6400 (73) Designers’ Space T6500 (48) DeSilva Gallery, Inc. A6400 (86) Desk and Derrick Club of Austin – See Oversize Volumes AR.1991.076 W4800 Dessau C3850 (42) Dessau Evangelical Lutheran Church C2100 (126) Dessau Hall S0300 (74) Dessau Hall—See: S0300 (74) M9320 Development S5705 (3) Development and Opening, 1958 M8620 (1) Dewitty Job Training Center E1300 (4) DeWitty, Dana 1985 M8900 (77) Dia de los Muertos M4300 (39) Dia de los Muertos--See: M4300 (39) H1800 Diabetes D1560 (43) Dial-A-Teacher T0400 (1) Diana Cantu Trio M9300 (D) Diantha's Diary N2405 (11) Dibos, Eduardo V2000 (30) Dick Chaplin Austin Cotillion D0200 (31) Dick Clark, Architecture, Etc. A5600 (23) Dick Nichols P1200 (60) Dicks, The M9300 (D) Dicks, The--See also: Big Boys M9300(B) M9300 Dicks, The--See also: BIOGRAPHY FILE – Turner, Randy “Biscuit” M9300 "Die, No Sir" U3600 (2) Dienst Library U4200 (4) Dietrich (F) D1100 (3) Diez y Seis M4300 (21) Different Stages T6500 (51) Different Stages—See also: Frontline Theatre (6) T6500 Digital Equipment Corporation E1095 (31) Dill P8300 (17) Dillards D1100 (22) Dillingham Shoe Company B5236 (3) Dink Swearingen Realtor R1400 (20) Dinner at Your Doorstep F2500 (30) Dinner Bell O1200 (32) Dino Lee & the White Trash Revue M9300 (D*) Diocesan Council of Catholic Men C3550 (32) Diocese C3635 (1) Diocese of Austin C3550 (1) Diphtheria D1560 (10) Directories M9100 (2) Dirigo Group—See: General T6500 Dirt Derby—See: Austin Moto-Cross Park C9300 (8) Dirt Road to Psychedelia M8460 (66) Dirty's R3800 (D) Disabled American Veterans V0600 (3) Disc Golf S4300 (55) Disch Field B1198 (8) Disch-Falk Field U3200 (12) Discipline P8200 (21) Discovery Incubator Multimedia and Virtual Reality Complex Discovery Incubator, The C6100 (14) Discovery Toys T7300 (8) Diseases (General) D1560 Diseno Studios A6400 (96) Distinguished Alumni Awards U3590 (2) District 7 P1100 (11) District Court C7935 (2) District IV Garden Club G0700 (19) Dittmar C2100 (27) Dittmar Recreation Center P1400 (23) Diverse Arts A6300 (11) Division of Extension U3515 (21) Division of Instruction and Development P8200 (62) Divorce F0500 (D1700) Dixie Book Store B5070 (9) Dixie Chicks M9300 (D*) Dixon General Repair Shop B7100 (14) Dixon, Jeane V2000 (31) DJ Overlord—See: Overlord, DJ (O) M9300 C6100 (29) Dobie P8800 (4) Dobie Theater M8300 (17) Dodge City Steak House R3800 (147) Dog Law/Leash Ordinance O2000 (17) Dog Stop R3800 (D) Dogs A4200 (13) Dolls (General) D1850 (1) Dolores C3550 (11) Dolores and the Blue Bonnet Boys M9300 (D) Domain, The S2300 (39) Domy Books B5070 (64) Don Becker & Associates R1400 (49) Don Ferguson Realtors R1400 (38) Don Weedon P7750 (1) E1095 (61) Don't Buy It, Austin P7750 (14) Donahue, Phil V2000 (165) Donnan School K1400 (9) Donn’s Depot S0300 (92) Door, The P9400 (2) Dorf Photography P3500 (26) Doris Miller Auditorium P1400 (27) Dorkbot T0490 (3) Dorothy Wallace, Realtor R1400 (50) Dorsey, Ron P3500 (54) Doss P8300 (18) Dottie Jordan Recreation Center P1400 (26) Dot’s Place R3800 (D) DoubleStereo—See: General M9385 Dougherty Arts Center P1400 (20) Dougherty Reader’s Theater/Austin Circle of Theaters [Now Austin Creative Alliance] T6500 (18) Doughty's Addition S6000 (10) Douglas, William O. V2000 (32) Dove Springs S6000 (168) Dove Springs Multi-Purpose Center-filed with General N1875 Dove Springs—See: Southeast Austin Community Branch L2710 (72) DOVIA (Directors of Volunteers in Austin) V3100 (6) Downs Field--See: P8620 (General, 1950-1959) B1198 "Downtown" T0705 (11) Downtown Revitalization C4170 (8) Downtown Austin Partners C4170 (22) Downtown Austin Unlimited C4170 (24) Downtown Development (DMO)/Downtown Austin Alliance U5000 (12) Downtown Facility (1990s-temporary--823 Congress Ave.) M9130 (11) Downtown Office District C4170(Z1200) (2) Downtown Rangers P5100 (21) "Downtown" Television Show—See: T0705 (11) T0700 Downtowner N2400 (11) Downtowner Motel M7700 (3) Draft Protest, 1980- P7750 (8) Drake (South 1st) B6000 (3) Drama Building U3400 (15) Drama Building--See also: Woman’s Building U3400 (57) U3400 Drama Department (known as Department of Theatre and Dance since 2010) U3540 (6) Drama Department (known as Department of Theatre and Dance since 2010)--See also: Experimental Theatre T6500 (63) U3540 Drama Department (known as Department of Theatre and Dance since 2010)--See also: Hogg Memorial Auditorium U3400 (24) U3540 Drama Department (known as Department of Theatre and Dance since 2010)--See also: Theaterin-the-Round under Theater T6500 (66) U3540 Drama Department (known as Department of Theatre and Dance since 2010)—See also: THEATER ARCHIVES for programs U3540 Draughon's Practical Business College B7432 (3) Draught Horse, The—See: The Draught House (98) S0300 Draught House, The S0300 (98) Dress Code P8200 (22) Drill Tower F1240 (5) Drinking Fountains (General) D2000 Driscoll & Moritz M7000 (1) Driskill Bar & Grill H3200 (10) Driskill Barber Shop B1000 (5) Driskill Club H3200 (7) Driskill Hotel Corporation H3200 (9) Driskill Hotel Laundry L1800 (6) Drive-in Theaters (general) M8300 (22) Driving While Intoxicated C9200 (8) Drought W1700 (12) Drug Abuse & Addiction (General) D2200 -- SEE ALSO: Alcoholism (A2300) Drug Abuse Law Enforcement (DALE) D2200 (4) Drug Court C7960 (3) Drug Testing D2200 (19) Drugstore - Driskill H3200 (6) Drugstores (General) D2300 Drury, Ervin 1971 M8900 (19) Dry Creek C9060 (21) Dry Creek Café S0300 (81) Dry Creek Pottery P6200 (8) Dry Goods Store, The N1000 (6) Ducks Unlimited H4700 (6) Dugger’s Florist—See: Rosedale Rambler 1998 in Rosedale S6000 (43) F2200 Duplex Advertising Co. A1000 (35) Dupuy (R.T.) 7 Company L3600 (6) Durden Divine Spiritual Singers M9300 (D) Dutch E1950 (17) Dutch Meyer Trading Post S5680 (1) Dutch Meyer Trading Post S5680 (1) Duty C2100 (28) Duval Cash - Carry G4200 (89) Duval’s Subdivision--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Dyes and Dyeing L1800 (15) Dylan, Bob V2000 (122) e-branch L2710 (85) Eagle Signal Corporation E1095 (4) Eagles Nest Gallery A6400 (111) Eakin Press P9700 (34) Eanes C2100 (29) Eanes Education Association E0010 (4) Eanes Independent School District (General, by date) E0010 Eanes School Parent-Teacher Association E0010 (2) Earl Curry Roofing and Sheet Metal B6658 (6) Early Childhood Intervention—See: Texas Association for Children... (8) T Early Communities A1300 (42) Early Educators A1300 (48) Early Politics A1300 (51) Earth Day E0400 (20) Earth First ! E0400 (28) Earth, I Care E0400 (11) Easley C2100 (30) East 11th St. Village Association N1900 (50) East 6th St. Conservation Association S5705 (1) East Austin C3410 (11) East Austin E0500 (2) East Austin P8300 (74) East Austin Alternative School S1700 (10) East Austin Citizens Committee S1700 (11) East Austin Citizens for Equal Education S1700 (12) East Austin Committee for Justice (EACJ) M4300 (45) East Austin Health Center H0500 (2) East Austin Hose Co. No. 4 F1250 (4) East Austin Media Lab C6100 (17) East Austin Restaurant Association, Ole’ Mexico R3800 (283) East Austin Studio Tour A6900 (45) East Austin Survival Task Force N1900 (27) East Austin Tank Farm P5700 (6) East Avenue P1200 (8) East Avenue Baptist Church C3450 (72) East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Planning Team N1900 (62) East End Rail Corridor/Featherlite Tract T7820 (4) East End Saloon S0300 (64) East End Summer Music Series M9383 (21) East First Neighborhood Center N1875 (2) East Riverside Corridor U5000 (21) East Rural Neighborhood Center N1875 (3) East Side C3600 (5) East Side Cafe R3800 (E) East Town Lake Citizens Committee N1900 (16) Eastepp, Mike D. 1976 M8900 (47) Easter H1800 (11) Easter & Easter R1400 (100) Easter Seal D1560 (27) Eastern Airlines A1200 (23) Eastside Story A1300 (8) M3600 Eastwoods P1200 (9) Eating Fruit Salad M8460 (48) EatOutIn F2500 (23) Ebenezer C3450 (14) Eberly House H3000 (27) Ebony Connection H2030 (22) Eck R2610 (1) Eck-Duval L3300 (4) Eclectic Gallery A6400 (110) Eclipses A7400 (2) Ecology (General) E0400 Ecology Action E0400 (3) Economic Conditions (General (By Decade)—See also: Austin-Description files by date) E0500 Economic Development Council of the Austin Chamber of Commerce E0500 (1) Economic Development Fund C2390 (2) Economic Growth and Redevelopment Services – Cultural Arts Division C4170 (31) Economic Growth and Redevelopment Services – Music Division C4170 (45) Economy Cash Grocery & Market G4200 (31) Economy Engraving Company P7000 (9) Economy Furniture F5000 (12) Ecumena House P9460 (8) Ed Hall M9300 (E) Eddie and Sugar Lou’s Hotel Tyler Orchestra M9300 (E) Eddie's Book Shop B5070 (10) Eden Acres S6000 (11) Eden Box R1400 (97) Edens, Snodgrass, Nichols, & Breeland, P.C.—See: Shapiro, Edens, Cook & Armbrust (22) L2200 Edge City M9300 (E) Edge City Café R3800 (E) Edgemont Addition S6000 (143) Edgewood Addition S6000 (12) Edible Austin F2500 (54) Edison Jewelers & Distributors J0100 (4) Education D0440 (E0400) Education (General) E0600 -- SEE ALSO: Business Education (B7432) Literacy (L3000) Schools (S1400) Teachers (T0400) Education Associates, Inc. E0600 (6) Educationally Redesigned Low SES School P8200 (50) Edward Rendon Sr. Park--See: P1200 (77) and B4496 (1) P1200 Edwards & Church B5070 (11) Edwards Aquifer W0970 (3) Edwards Aquifer—See also: Comprehensive Watershed Ordinance under Ordinances O2000 (10) W0970 Ed’s Bar S0300 (62) Eeyore's Birthday C1900 (4) Eggleston & Brothers I1100 (1) Ehrlich (Al) & Bell Lumber Company L3600 (8) Eisenhower, Dwight David V2000 (33) El Arroyo R3800 (E) El Buen Pastor C3750 (20) El Buen Samaritano Episcopal Center C3635 (12) El Camino Real Economic Conference—See: Greater Austin-San Antonio Corridor Council, Inc. under City Planning C4170 (15) E0500 El Centro Chicano M4300 (13) El Charro R3800 (E) El Chico R3800 (E) El Chino R3800 (E) El Clasico Ballroom D0200 (38) El Galindo, Inc. F2500 (10) El Interior A6900 (42) El Matamoros R3800 (E) El Porvenir B7100 (190) El Rey cable network--See: Television T0700 (3) T0700 El Taller A6400 (83) El Toro R3800 (E) Eldon Powell Florist F2200 (6) Election Administration P5420 (3) Election Precincts (E1000) P5420 Elections - By date P8100 (1) Electric Board P9220 (13) Electric Cars A9800 (68) Electric Grandmother, The--See: Vulcan Gas Company M9320 (V) M9385 Electric Pages, The E1095 (47) Electric Utility Commission P9220 (12) Electric Utility Customer Service P9220 (16) Electrical Board--See: Public Utilities - Electric Utility Dept. - Austin P9220 (General, 20002009) P9220 Electrical Substations P9220 (4) Electro-Mechanics Co. M0900 (40) Electromagnets M9300 (E) Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) C6100 (31) Electronic Production Center, The T0700 (9) Electronics (General) E1095 Electronics Industry-Pollution P5700 (4) Elephant Room S0300 (100) Elgin-Butler Brick B6658 (2) Eliza Springs—See: Barton Springs Z0400 (B1080) (4) Ellan Investments R1400 (87) Elliots, The P3500 (2) Ellis & Salazar A9910 (2) Ellis Cafe R3800 (91) Ellison Photo Co P3500 (42) Ellos Gallery A6400 (138) Ellsworth Modern K1400 (10) Elm Grove Dairy A1600 (2) Elroy C2100 (31) Elroy Farmers' Gin Company-See: General B7100 Elroy, Travis County (General) E1100 Elroy, Travis County—See: E1100 C3850 Elsevier Press P9700 (20) Ely, Joe—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE - Ely, Joe M9300 Elysee's Coiffures B1560 (15) Elysium S0300 (86) Emancipation Day--See: Juneteenth A1300 (9) A1300 Emancipation Park P1200 (69) Emancipation Park Association A1300 (34) Emanuel C3410 (4) Emanuel C3690 (5) Embassy Inn, The H3000 (19) Embleton Motor Company A9800 (37) Emerald Forest S6000 (13) Emerald Restaurant, The R3800 (E) Emergency Response Network P7750 (16) Emergency Room H2700 (4) Emerson & Sprinkle Mill M5400 (6) Emerson Fehr--See: A5600 General A5600 Emigration & Immigration (General) E1200 -- SEE ALSO: Ethnic Groups (E1950) Emma Joe's S0300 (56) Emo’s M9320 (E) Empanada Parlour R3800 (E) Employee Assistance Program O1010 (17) Employee Wellness Program O1010 (21) Employers Insurance of Texas I1100 (9) Employment H0200 (2) Employment (General ( by decade) (includes information about job growth, etc.)) E1300 Employment Access for Retirees (EAR) O1200 (46) Employment/Admissions Center (M.L.K. and Red River) U3400 (73) Enchanted Florist, The F2200 (24) Encino Press P9700 (2) Endangered species E0400 (42) Ending Community Homelessness Coalition H2010 (13) Endo, Akira M9300 (E*) Endo, Akiro [for written information, see General 1970s file and M9300 (E)] S8800 (11) Endochine M9300 (E) Energy Audit Ordinance O2000 (24 ) Energy Conservation (General) E1340 -- SEE ALSO: Ecology (E0400) Energy conservation—See: E1340 E0400 Energy Management Department E1340 (1) Energy Store, The P6450 (5) Enfield Cedar Company L3600 (7) Enfield Center S2300 (8) Enfield Dairy Farm A1600 (3) Enfield Grocery G4200 (32) Enfield Grocery—See also: The Tavern in R3800 (T) G4200 Engineering (General) E1400 Engineering Division P9600 (3) Engineering Laboratories U3400 (16) Engineering Science Building U3400 (17) Engler Family 1925 M8900 (72) English Teeth M9300 (E) English's Drapery & Interiors I1200 (19) English/English Speaking Union E1950 (2) English’s Restaurant R3800 (E) Enrollment P8200 (73) Ensemble VIII M9300 (E) Enterprise Zone Program E1300 (8) Entertainer's Information Guild M9385 (14) Entourage, Inc E0400 (29) Entrepeneurs Association T7400 (37) Entrepreneurship B7100 (210) Environmental and Conservation Services Department (Planning, Environmental & Conservation Services Department) E0400 (1) Environmental Charter Amendments E0400 (36) Environmental Compliance Reporter, Inc. P9700 (31) Environmental Detection Agency B7100 (194) Epidemics D0500 (5) Episcopal Church of the Resurrection C3635 (2) Episcopal Theological Seminary (General – Through 1980s) E1800 Episcopal Theological Seminary—See: Episcopal Theological Seminary (E1800) C3200 Equal Employment Opportunity E1300 (5) Equality Texas H2030 (21) Equilibria Halfway House D2200 (13) Erhard Seminar Training M3400 (23) Erhard, Ludwig V2000 (34) Erikson, Roky—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE - Erikson, Roky M9300 Ernest Cockrell, Jr. Hall U3400 (18) Ernest Parker Construction B6670 (11) Ernst & Ernst T0200 (4) Ervin, Sam V2000 (113) Escamilla, Felix M8900 (75) Escovedo, Alejandro—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE – Escovedo, Alejandro M9300 Escuela Montessori de Montopolis N3400 (32) eSession M9385 (49) Esperanza School (Burdett School) R6600 (4) Espey Huston and Associates E0400 (25) Espinoza Upholstery F5000 (11) Esprit Decor I1200 (20) Essays H3200 (2) Essays S6200 (3) Establishment, The N1000 (3) Estates Above Lost Creek S6000 (87) Estates of Barton Creek S6000 (167) Estates of Shady Hollow S6000 (110) Esther & Josephine's Beauty Shoppe B1560 (9) Esther's Follies T6500 (21) Ethics Ordinance O1010 (12) Ethnic Groups (General) E1950 (19) Eubank Acres--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Evaluation Advisory Committee P8200 (52) Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery C2100 (32) Evangelical Lutheran Church of Dessau C3660 (23) Evangelism R2610 (15) Evangelistic Temple Junior High C3200 (2) Evans, Greer P3500 (66) Evelyn C2100 (120) Evelyn Hereford, Realtor R1400 (65) Event and Performance Spaces S3500 (1) Event Production Services—See: General M9385 Events Connected with Tower Lights T7100 (4) Everette Kelly D2300 (27) Everfresh Food Company F2500 (3) Evergreen C2100 (33) Everybody's Book Store B5070 (12) Evins Personnel Consultants B7100 (233) Ex-Student's Association U3590 (1) Ex-Volunteer Firemen's Association F1250 (1) Examples of Office of Price Administration's Forms W5700 (1) Execucom B7100 (103) Execucom E1095 (29) Exhibits L2710 (23) Exhibits L2710 (29n) Exhibits M9110 (2) Exhibits M9150 (6) Exhibits (by year) T2875 (2) Exide Battery Service Station A9910 (4) Expanded Nutrition F2500 (2) Experience Unlimited O1200 (28) Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 187 A1200 (7) Experimental Science U3400 (67) Experimental Theatre, The T6500 (63) Experts at Travel T7900 (8) Explosions in the Sky M9300 (E*) Extend-A-Care, Inc. P9460 (11) Extravaganza of Ideas C2800 (5) Extreme Heat W1700 (13) Eyes of Texas U4500 (19) "Eyes of Texas, The" M9370 F-Systems M9300 (F) F.A.B. 100 (Foreign Affairs Bureau) B2580 (2) F.A.C.T P2400 (43) Fabre Clinic of Austin M3000 (11) Fabulous Thunderbirds, The M9300 (F*) Facebook, Inc. S3300 (1) Facebook, Inc.--See: S3300 B7100 (1) Faces M9300 (F) Facial Hair S3100 (17) Factorial Dance Company D0200 (42) Factorial Systems, Inc E1095 (58) Facts and Figures (of AMFCU-1962-1972) C9000 (2) Faculty and Staff S0220 (1) Fad M9300 (F) Fadó S0300 (94) Fair Housing Ordinance (by year) H4500 (2) Fair Housing Ordinance, 1981 H4500 (11) Fair Shop C5230 (19) Fairs (General) F0100 -- SEE ALSO: Festivals (F0900) Fairview C3450 (17) Fairview Park S6000 (129) Fairview, a Bed & Breakfast Establishment-filed in General H3000 (1) Fairway Ridge/Williamson Creek—See: Affordable Housing H4500 (12) T & P Fairweather Lodge Program M3400 (29) Faith C3450 (16) Faith C3750 (4) Faith Alliance C3400 (20) Faith Rescue Mission P9460 (9) Faith United C3690 (6) Fall Creek C2100 (34) Fall Creek C9060 (7) Fall to Grace M8460 (49) Falun Gong R2610 (112) Family (General) F0500 Family Affair, A F0500 (4) Family Chiropractic Center, Inc. M3000 (16) Family Doctor Clinic M3000 (6) S6000 Family Eldercare, Inc. O1200 (43) Family Experience M3420 (10) Family Health Center P9460 (10) Family Place, The F0500 (6) Family Planning (General) F0520 Family Tree Nursery, The N3200 (16) Fantastic Fest M8430 (6) Fargason, John V2000 (35) Farm & Home Savings B0700 (15) Farm to Market Road 1626 R4400 (4) Farmers & Ginners Cotton Oil Company M5400 (7) Farmers Insurance Group I1100 (5) Farmers Market Information—See: Groceries G4200 (94) F2500 Farmers State Bank R6000 Farmers Strike P7750 (5) Farmers’ Market (primarily Travis County) G4200 (94) Farmworkers Demonstration P7750 (4) Fast Money M8460 (29) Fastball M9300 (F) Fasts and Feasts - Judaism J0200 (4) Father Anotas Community Scholarship Fund A9930 (2) Faulkner Foundation A2300 (10) Faulkner's D2300 (26) Fayette Project P6450 (7) Featherlite, Inc. M0900 (16) Feats of Clay P6200 (3) Federal Aid P8200 (23) Federal Budget Cut's Impact on Austin B6165 (3) Federally Qualified Health Center Board--See: Medicine M3000 (1) M3000 Federated Business and Professional Women's Clubs W4800 (26) Feed-Lot R3800 (F) Fehr & Granger A5600 (1) Fekini, Mohieddine V2000 (36) Felix Leal Opticians O1600 (3) Fellowship of the Way Foundation R2610 (17) Femat & Associates A1000 (26) Fence C1048 (2) Fences (General) F0800 (1) Ferguson Controversy (1916-1917) U3900 (13) Fermata M9300 (F) Ferries T7850 (7) Ferris (Saadi) Sons D1100 (4) Festival Beach--See: B4496 (1) and P1200 (77) M4300 Festival Beach--See: B4496 (1) and P1200 (77) P1400 Festival Beach--See: P1200 (77) and B4496 (1) P1200 Festival de las Plantas F0900 (2) Festival of Guadalupe M4300 (17) Festivals (General) F0900 -- SEE ALSO: Amusements (A3900) Celebrations (C1900) Fairs (F0100) Festivals – South by Southwest Conference and Festivals (SXSW) (F1000) Music Festivals (M9383) Parades (P1000) Festivals – South by Southwest Conference and Festivals (SXSW) (General) F1000 Fidelis Chapter 963, Order of the Eastern Star F3600 (21) Fidelity Lodge of Perfection, No. 4 F3600 (15) Fidelity Mortgage Company B0700 (16) Fields (other) B1198 (5) Fiesta M9130 (8) Fiesta de la Raza M4300 (20) Fiesta del Barrio M4300 (27) Fiesta Gardens P1200 (53) Fifth and Brazos Service Station A9910 (5) Fifth Avenue BookShoppe B5070 (31) Fifth Battalion of the Texas Defense Guard V0600 (4) Fifth Ray Bookstore B5070 (34) Fifth Street Playhouse—See: Theater-in-the-Rye T6500 (55) Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration U3050 (2) Filipinos—See: Asian-Americans A7000; Asian-Americans - Filipino A7015 E1950 Filling Station R3800 (F) Film Conference and Festival F1000 (2) Film Enterprises M8460 (11) Filmhouse M8460 (12) Final Touch, The B1560 (11) Finance and Administration H2700 (2) Financial Foolishness U4350 (20) Financial Services Department (General) F1100 Financial Statements, Stock Information T7350 (3) Fine Arts Academy of Austin A6600 (27) Fine Arts Programs S0220 (3) Fire Bells F1250 (10) Fire Department (General) F1240 Fire Department-Volunteer-Austin (General) F1250 Fire Department-Volunteer-Travis County (General) F1255 Fire in Lt. Governor's Apartment (2-6-83) C1040 (4) Fire Station #01, Central F1240 (6) Fire Station #02 (506 W. M.L.K.) F1240 (7) Fire Station #03 F1240 (23) Fire Station #05 (Webberville Rd.) F1240 (8) Fire Station #06 F1240 (21) Fire Station #07 F1240 (24) Fire Station #08 F1240 (25) Fire Station #08 (East Ave.) F1240 (13) Fire Station #09 (Hyde Park/Speedway) F1240 (17) Fire Station #10 F1240 (9) Fire Station #11 F1240 (26) Fire Station #12 F1240 (27) Fire Station #14 F1240 (22) Fire Station #15 F1240 (19) Fire Station #16 (Reese Ln.) F1240 (10) Fire Station #17 F1240 (28) Fire Station #18 F1240 (29) Fire Station #19 (Balcones Ln.) F1240 (11) Fire Station #20 (Manchaca Rd.) F1240 (12) Fire Station #21 F1240 (30) Fire Station #22 F1240 (31) Fire Station #23 F1240 (32) Fire Station #24 F1240 (33) Fire Station #25 F1240 (18) Fire Station #26 F1240 (20) Fire Station #27 (Oak Hill) F1240 (34) Fire Station #28 (Parmer Ln.) F1240 (35) Fire Station #29 (Brodie Ln.) F1240 (36) Fire Station #30 (Braker Ln.) F1240 (37) Fire Station #31 (RR 2222) F1240 (38) Fire Station #32 (Bee Caves) F1240 (32) Fire Station #33 (Great Hills) F1240 (40) Fire Station (Guadalupe St.)(moved to Cedar and 30th St.) F1240 (14) Fire Station, South Austin Central (1705 S. Congress) F1240 (15) Fire Stations (General) F1240 (35) Fire Sub-Station #4 (Blanco St.) F1240 (16) Firearms (General) F1500 Firefighters A1300 (24) Firemen Ordinance—See: Fire Department F1240 General O2000 Firemen's Monument C1048 (10) Fires F1240 (2) "Fireside Song Forum Fest" M9370 Firm Foundation P2400 (6) First C3410 (5) First C3640 (1) First (Mexican) C3450 (20) First (Negro) C3450 (18) First America Postal Service P6100 (3) First Austin African Violet Society G0700 (6) First Baptist (Negro) Nursery School N3400 (24) First Baptist Church (Heflin Lane) C3450 (96) First Chinese B-B-Q F2500 (52) First Cumberland C3750 (5) First Night C1900 (16) First Seventh Day Adventist C3400 (25) First Spiritualist C3400 (26) First Stage Production Theatre T6500 (62) First State Bank B0700 (17) First State Bank, Pflugerville P3000 (1) First Street Campus P8640 (5) First Street Methodist Episcopal C3695 (3) First United C3725 (1) First United (See also: Theater Archives for First United theater files) C3690 (7) First Woman P5100 (8) First Worker’s Centers—See: Day Labor Centers E1300 (6) Fischer Brothers Grocery G4200 (8) Fischer-Darley, Mark D. and Gary 1974 M8900 (6) Fish Hatchery F1700 (1) Fish Kills P5700 (7) Fisher Controls International, Inc. E1095 (20) Fishes (General) F1700 Fishing (General) F1800 Fishing—See: Fishing F1800 S4300 Fisk's Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems A5600 (29) Fiskville C2100 (35) Fiskville, Travis County (General) F1900 Fiskville, Travis County--See also: HB – Travis County Area IV and properties by address F1900 Fiskville, Travis County—See: F1900 C3850 Fitzgerald's Fitz U4350 (21) Flags - Austin F2000 (1) Flags - Confederacy F2000 (5) Flags - Other F2000 (7) Flags - San Jacinto Battle Flag F2000 (4) Flags - Texas F2000 (3) Flags - Travis County F2000 (2) Flags - U.S. F2000 (6) Flamingo M7700 (21) Flamingo Cantina S0300 (103) Flatbed Press & Gallery A6400 (2) Flatlanders, The M9300 (F) Flatstock F1000 (7) Fleetwood School for Gifted Children P7200 (41) Flipnotics M9320 (F) Flood Plain Ordinance (Creeks) O2000 (16) Floods Z0450 (5) Floods - Colorado River, 1900-1909 W1700 (6) Floods - Colorado River, 1910-1919 W1700 (7) Floods - Colorado River, 1920-1929 W1700 (8) Floods - Colorado River, 1930-1939 W1700 (9) Floods - Colorado River, 1950-1959 W1700 (10) Floods - General W1700 (5) Floods - Memorial Day, 1981 W1700 (11) Floods--See: Floods under Weather W1700 D0100 Floods—See: Weather W1700 Floral Parade, 1903 P1000 (3) Flournoy Real Estate & Rental Company R1400 (10) Flower Films of Austin M8460 (13) "Flower of Texas" M9370 Flower Power F2200 (10) Flower Talk F2200 (11) Flowers (General) F2200 FM Properties R1400 (105) Foley's D1100 (28) Foley, Sue —See: BIOGRAPHY FILE - Foley, Sue M9300 Folk Dancing D0200 (3) Folk Medicine F2300 (3) Folk Stamps B7100 (9) Folk Toy T7300 (3) Folklore (General) F2300 -- SEE ALSO: Supernatural (S7500) Folktales B5070 (59) Fonda San Miguel R3800 (F) Fontaine Memorial C3450 (21) Fontaine-Bickler Bookcompany B5070 (13) Fontanne, Lynn and Alfred Lunt—See: Lunt, Alfred (184) T V2000 Food (General) F2500 -- SEE ALSO: Agriculture (A1500) Meat Industry and Trade (M2600) Bakers & Bakeries (B0100) Confectioners (C6300) Groceries (G4200) Restaurants, lunchrooms, etc. (Where no folder number is given, item is filed in a folder designated by its first letter) (R3800) Street Vendors (S5680) Food Carts (includes food trailers and trucks) S5680 (5) Food Carts (includes food trailers and trucks) S5680 (5) Food festivals F2500 (56) Food Service P8200 (24) Food Stamps P9400 (4) Foodland G4200 (69) Foot Patrol M9300 (F) Football S4300 (44) Foothills Plaza S2300 (9) For Sale by Owner Association R1400 (33) For the Children, Inc. P8200 (82) Ford Specialist Garage A9910 (6) Ford Village C3600 (6) Ford Village Nursery School and Kindergarten N3400 (8) Ford, Betty V2000 (105) Ford, Gerald V2000 (121) Forest Creek Village S6000 (14) Forest Fires--See: Natural Disasters N0800 (2) T9200 Forget-Me-Not Fashions C5280 (14) Forklift Danceworks—See: General D0200 Forming the Future P8200 (66) Formosa Art Tea House F2500 (53) Formosa Art Tea House R3800 (F) Formula 1 A9900 (5) Forrest Oaks Memorial Park C2100 (36) Fort Colorado F2900 (1) Fort Magruder F2900 (2) Fort View Addition S6000 (15) Fort Wayne Electric Company (Manufacturers) T7100 (5) Fort Worth, Cleburne and Austin Telegraph T0500 (1) Fortas, Abe V2000 (37) Fortieth Anniversary Celebration U3050 (1) Forts - Other F2900 (3) Forty Acres Club C5400 (2-a) Forty Plus—See: Physical Fitness P3700 (1) O1200 Forum to End Drunk Driving Using Preventive Programs (FEDD UPP) Forum, The O1250 (12) Foster Care P9400 (8) Foster Homes for the Elderly O1200 (8) Foundation (Regional) Library L2700 (11) Foundation Advisory Council—Filed in: General U3535 (1) Foundation for a Compassionate Society W5000 (30) Foundation of Universal Unity M3400 (20) Foundries - Miscellaneous F3000 (6) Fountains (General) F3100 Four Governors Historical Marker Dedication G3600 (1) Four Points S6000 (118) Four Seasons H3000 (28) Four Seasons Nursing Center N3800 (5) Four Seasons Residences A5000 (8) Fowler C2100 (37) Fowler, Irving W. 1971 M8900 (20) Fowler, James A. T7100 (1) Fowler’s Soul Co’ner R3800 (F) Fox and Jacobs, Inc. B6670 (21) Fox Chess Club C5400 (1-f) Fox Twin Theater M8300 (6) Fox’s Pit Bar-B-Q R3800 (F) Fralix, Inc. P8050 (3) Frame Gravel Pit B6658 (18) Francis Retirement Homes, Inc. N3800 (6) Francis Southwood Nursing Home N3800 (14) Frank & Angie’s Pizzeria R3800 (F) Frank (M.) B5236 (13) Frank H. Raymond, Druggist D2300 (12) L2900 (6) Frank O. Babcock G4200 (33) Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Birthday C1900 (13) Franklin Savings Association B0700 (18) Fraser Auto supply company A9800 (11) Fraternities & Sororities H4800 (3) Frazier, Teresa 1973 M8900 (30) Freche, George V2000 (151) Fred Fritz Walker Furniture Works F5000 (13) Fred Wenzel B5236 (14) Freddie’s Place M9320 (F) Freddie’s Place R3800 (F) Free & Easy N2400 (12) Free Church of God in Christ in Jesus' Name C3400 (21) Free Mission C2100 (38) Freebird’s World Burrito R3800 (F) Freedom Connection D2200 (12) Freedom Home—See: General C3450 Freedom Now P7750 (10) Freedom Train—See: General R0700 Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Austin Area Women's Chapter Freemasons (General) F3600 Freese and Nichols Consulting Engineers E1400 (10) Freitag C2100 (136) French Boot Shop B5236 (5) French Dry Cleaners L1800 (19) French Gratitude Train R0700 (10) French Village, The R3800 (F) Fresh Ink P7000 (10) Fresh Up Club M9320 (F) Friday Caller N2400 (13) Friday Luncheon Club W4800 (9) "Friday Night Lights" T0700 (20) Friend in Need Society I1150 (11) Friend Meeting of Austin C3400 (22) Friendly Shoe Shop B5236 (15) Friends Factory R3800 (92) Friends of Architecture A5800 (3) Friends of Northwest District N1900 (47) Friends of the Austin Public Library L2710 (7) Friends of the Park P1200 (56) Friends of Zilker Z0400 (5) Friendship C3450 (22) Friendship Community Center N1875 (4) Friendship International Club I1230 (15) Frisbee S4300 (21) Frisco Shop R3800 (F) P1900 (17) Frisco Shop--See Also: Night Hawk (N) R3800 Fritz's R3800 (F) "From a Great Flood" M9370 Fromme Motor Company A9800 (38) Frontera/Hyde Park Theatre T6500 (58) FronteraFest F0900 (18) FronteraFest--See: F0900 (18) T6500 Frontier Brothers M9300 (F) Frontier Design, Inc. P6100 (4) Frontier Log Cabin L3300 (14) Frontier Times—See: Western Publications P2400 (11) Frontline Theatre Company T6500 (6) Frost Bank B0700 (55) Frost Brothers D1100 (6) Frost Lynn Florist F2200 (15) FrosTex Foods F2500 (8) Fuel (General) F4400 Fuller-Sheffield Funeral Service, Inc. U0600 (2) Fullmore School Bell B2414 (2) Fulmore P1100 (6) Fulmore (S.R.) & Company R1400 (27) Fulton's Fish Market G4200 (13) Fun Fun Fun Fest M9383 (28) Fund Drives H2770 (11) Fundamental C3450 (86) Fundamentalist Anonymous R2610 (21) Furniture by James F5000 (28) Furniture Industry And Trade (General) F5000 Furniture Industry And Trade (General) F5000 Furr's Cafeteria R3800 (F) Fuse Box Festival T6500 (105) Future Farmers of America A1500 (11) FYI, Inc. E1095 (32) G & L / V.B.J. Office Products—See: General P7000 Gabriel's Court B6824 (4) Gaddis Co., The B7100 (197) Gage Furniture Company F5000 (6) Gaines, John 1914 M8900 (78) Gala, 1970 N0900 (5) Gala, 1971 N0900 (6) Gala, 1972 N0900 (7) Gala, 1974 N0900 (8) Gala, 1985, "An Evening with Tony Bennett" L2710 (29q) Galahand Press P9700 (6) Galeria del Pueblo A6400 (114) Galeria Sin Fronteras, Inc. A6400 (127) Galerie Bleux A6400 (3) Galerie Ravel A6400 (52) Gallery 104 P3500 (47) Gallery 600 A6400 (17) Gallery at Jefferson Square, The A6400 (15) Gallery at Shoal Creek A6400 (74) Gallery of the Republic A6400 (123) Gallery Orleans A6400 (16) Gallery Theatre Players C6040 (5) Galloway’s Sandwich Shop R3800 (G) Galvin Lois Hale, newspaper articles H4000 (3) Gambling (General) G0300 Games (General) G0500 Gaming T0490 (4) Gammel's Book Company Inc. B5070 (2) Gangs—See: Juvenile Delinquency Y0600 (J0600) Y0600 Gant Family M9300 (G) Garbage Dumps R2000 (2) Garcia P8800 (18) Garden Clubs (General) G0700 Garden Home at Park West-filed with General R1400 (1) Garden of Braille A8050 (3) Garden Room, The N3200 (19) Gardens P2400 (39) Gardens And Gardening (General) G0800 Gardens—See: Austin Area Garden Center Z0400 Garfield C2100 (39) Garfield, Travis County (General) G0090 Garfield, Travis County—See: G0900 C3850 Garner & Smith Gallery A6400 (97) Garner, John Nance V2000 (38) Garnett, David V2000 (39) Garrison P1200 (10) Garrison Hall U3400 (20) Garson, Greer V2000 (180) Gas Companies (General) G1000 Gaston's C5230 (15) Gateway C3400 (86) Gateway House A2300 (6) Gatti’s Pizza R3800 (P) Gay Gillen Travel Designers T7900 (14) Geezinslaw Brothers M9300 (G) Geller, Uri V2000 (40) Gem Fabric Center, Inc. B7100 (29) Gem Pharmacy D2300 (13) GENaustin Y0600 (44) GENaustin—See: Y0600 (44) W4800 GENaustin—See: Y0600 (44) W5000 Genealogy (General) G1400 Genealogy - Miscellaneous G1400 (5) General N0200 General R1900 General S5400 General S6285 General R5400 General S1400 General T0495 (G) General Services Department (General) G1500 General Store Gallery A6400 (19) General Traditions U4500 (15) Generation Connection O1200 (25) Genesis C3750 (24) Genesius Players T6500 (31) Gentle Journey M9300 (G) Gentlemen's Agreement--See A1300 (58) A1300 Gentrification H4500 (21) Gentrification--See also: S6090 (2) H4500 Geodesic Domes A5800 (1) Geology (General) G1600 Geology Building U3400 (21) Geology Building--See also: Will C. Hogg Building U3400 (56) U3400 George A. Brush Company H4000 (1) George A. Peterson and Company G4200 (9) George Herzog Orchestra M9300 (G) George Washington Statue U3800 (9) George Wesley Cleaners L1800 (20) Gerald D. Kucera, Real Estate & Investments R1400 (51) Gerlad Wagner Texas Furniture Manufactory F5000 (27) German C3695 (1) German Club U4500 (7) German Clubs and Events G1800 (2) German Day G1800 (3) German Free School—See: German Texas Heritage Society G1800 German Texas Heritage Society, Capitol Area Group G1800 (6) German-American Club G1800 (5) German-American Ladies College P7200 (9) Germans (General) G1800 (1) -- SEE ALSO: Music - Societies, Etc. (M9380) Germans—See: G1800 E1950 Gethsemane C3725 (5) Getting Better All the Time Singers (G-BATTS) M9300 (G) Ghost Room—See: General D-O S0300 Ghost Wolves M9300 (G) Ghosts F2300 (2) Gianni’s R3800 (G) Gibbson, Rev. J.T. M8900 (80) Gibson's Flower Shop F2200 (17) Giesecke & Harris A5600 (28) Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Austin M9380 (32) Gildart (R.) B5236 (16) Giles C2100 (40) Gillfillan Place Gallery A6400 (89) Gillis P1200 (11) Ginger & Needlearts N1000 (15) Ginny's Copying Service B7100 (32) Giordan, Alma Roberts P4700 (12) Girl Scouts Of America (General (by date)) G2200 Girl Scouts of America—See: G2200 Y0600 Girling & Associates Home Health Services, Inc O1200 (6) Girls Club P1400 (35) Girls Rock Camp Austin M9335 (64) Girls' Friendly Society P9460 (19) Girlstart--See Youth General Y0600 Girlstown, USA (General) G2400 Girlstown, USA—See: G2400 Y0600 Girl’s Choral Club M9300 (G) Givens P1200 (12) Givens Recreation Center P1400 (6) Glacier Industries C6300 (19) Glad Tidings C3410 (6) Glass A6900 (21) Glass Engraving Enterprises, Inc. B7100 (35) Glasscock C2100 (41) Glasscock II C2100 (133) Glastron Boat Company B4496 (8) Glee Club—See: AF - U3540 (17) U3540 Glee Club—See: Choral Groups (17) U3540 Glen Oaks Addition--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Glen Oaks Urban Renewal Project U5000 (6) Glen Ridge Addition S6000 (16) Glen Ridge Addition—See also: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) Glenview Addition--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Glissman Addition--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Global Peach Child Center N3400 (36) Glober, William 1930 M8900 (40) Glue sniffing Ordinance O2000 (1) Gnappy M9300 (G) Go P2400 (12) Goad Motor Company A9800 (39) S6000 Goddess of Liberty C1042 (2) Goeth, Julia (Tips) - "Early Days in Austin – The First Sale of Town Lots in Austin " (filed in (2)) Gold Dollar N2400 (15) Golden Echos M9300 (G) Golden Rule Bookstore, The B5070 (29) Golden Tire Hospital A9800 (12) Goldenwood Prooperties R1400 (90) Goldfingers, Etc. J0100 (28) Golf (General) G3200 (1) Golf Club Associations G3200 (2) Golf—See: Golf G3200 S4300 Golson-Fitzgerald H4000 (15) Gondolier Motor Hotel M7700 (4) Gonzalo's R3800 (G) Good Eats Cafe R3800 (G) Good Food People, Inc. G4200 (64) Good Hope Missionary Baptist C3450 (90) Good Shepherd Episcopal School K1400 (11) Goodall Wooten Dormitory U3930 (7) Goodfriends' C5280 (15) Goodnight Motel M7700 (5) Goodrich Silvertown Store A9800 (13) Goodrich—See: Barton Springs Baptist Church Cemetery (115) C2100 Goodwill C3450 (23) Goodwill Industries (General) G3300 Goodwill--See: Goodwill Industries G3300 A4600 Goodwill—See: Goodwill Industries G3300 E1300 Goodwill—See: Goodwill Industries G3300 H0200 Goodwill—See: Goodwill Industries G3300 V3100 Goodwin (J.B.) Realtors R1400 (36) Gordon, J. (Black Billy Sunday) V2000 (218) Gordos International E1095 (49) Gore, Albert V2000 (41) Gospel Revelations M9300 (G) Gouch, Gril P5100 (11) Gourds, The M9300 (G) Govalle C3690 (8) Govalle L2710 (69) Govalle P1200 (52) Govalle P8300 (19) Govalle S6000 (130) Govalle School R6600 (8) Govalle Wastewater Treatment Plant W0800 (4) Governor's Cadets T4000 (4) Governor's Commission for Women W5000 (1) A8500 Governor's Committee for Employment of the Handicapped H0200 (9) Governor's Committee on Aging O1200 (4) Governor's Committee on the Status of Women W5000 (14) Governor's Conference on Libraries & Information Science L2700 (8) Governor's Guard T4000 (5) Governor's Mansion P6150 (22) Governor's Mansion (General) G3800 Governor's Retirement Residence, The O1250 (2) Governors (General, by date) G3600 Grace C3410 (7) Grace C3660 (9) Grace C3700 (3) Grace Hall U3930 (6) Grace Schmitt-Talk to Kiwanis Club L2710 (29) Grace United C3690 (9) Grackles B3410 (2) Gracy Title Company T6800 (2) Gracywoods Neighborhood Association—See: N1900 General N1900 Graduate School of Business U3400 (22) Grady, George 1900 M8900 (21) Graeber, Simmons & Cowen A5600 (16) Graffiti--See Art Galleries A6400 (104) A6300 Graham P8300 (20) Graham Drug Company D2300 (2) Graham-Lundgren & Company I1100 (2) Granada Hills--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Grand Army of the Republic V0600 (5) Grand Jury C7900 (3) Grandmother's House C5210 (1) Grandmothers Clubs W4800 (10) Grandparents Raising Grandchildren O1200 (45) Grandparents Unlimited O1200 (37) Granite House M8460 (38) Granny's Attic T7300 (6) Grant Chapel African Methodist Episcopal C3695 (4) Grants L2710 (18) Grapevine Market A2000 (3) Graphic Concern A6400 (76) Graphic Design A6300 (12) Graves, Dougherty, Hearon & Moody L2200 (30) Gray & Company R1400 (73) Gray Panthers of Austin O1200 (26) Gray T S6000 (142) Great Grownup Spelling Bee L3000 (6) Great Hills C5420 (4) Great Hills P1200 (59) Great Hills Mall S2300 (30) Great Hills, The S6000 (17) Great Oaks Bluff—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 Great Oaks—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 Great Southwest Overland Bicycle Association, Limited C9300 (5) Great Waldo Pepper, The M8460 (28) Great Western Loan & Trust Company B0700 (19) Greater Southwest Austin Homeowners N1900 (17) Greater Austin Association P5410 (18) Greater Austin Child Passenger Safety Association T7610 (5) Greater Austin Council on Alcoholism A2300 (1) Greater Austin-San Antonio Corridor Council C4170 (15) Greater East Austin Development Committee S6090 (1) Greater Mt. Zion C3400 (85) Greater Mt. Zion C3450 (25) Greater Mt. Zion Nursery N3400 (9) Greater Tuna/Tuna Christmas T6500 (41) Greek Club of Austin E1950 (7) Green & White Grocery G4200 (99) Green Building Program E0400 (45) Green Corn Project G0800 (7) Green Corn Project—See: Gardens & Gardening G0800 (7) F2500 Green Library Project L3000 (7) Green Life Restaurant R3800 (G) Green Mesquite R3800 (G) Green Pastures R3800 (G) Green Water Treatment Plant W0800 (1) Greenbriar P7200 (10) Greenery, The N3200 (17) Greenlights C2410 (1) Greenling Organics G4200 (95) Greenshores L0300 (4) Greenwood C2100 (42) Greezy Wheels M9300 (G*) Gregg C2100 (43) Gregg House C3636 (2) Gregg School R6600 (18) Gregory P8300 (64) Grettenberg, Thomas Earl-"The Choker" Rapist R1050 (2) Grey Mouse A6400 (18) Griffin (H.C.) Monument Works M7000 (4) Griffin, J.L. (Sin Killer Griffin) V2000 (219) Griffith Drug Company D2300 (3) Griffith Wall Paper and Paint Company P0600 (4) Griffitt's College of Commerce B7432 (3) Grind, The M9383 (24) Grinnell Properties R1400 (32) Groceries P6150 (59) Groceries (General) G4200 -- SEE ALSO: Bakers & Bakeries (B0100) Restaurants, lunchrooms, etc. (Where no folder number is given, item is filed in a folder designated by its first letter) (R3800) Food (F2500) Grocery, The F2500 (13) Grok Books B5070 (27) Groom’s Addition--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Grounded in Music M9335 (13) Grounds G3800 (4) Groups - Austin Association of Spanish-speaking Parishes and Organizations C3550 (5) Groups - Catholic Daughters of American C3550 (5) Groups - Catholic Life Insurance Union, Austin Branch 139 C3550 (5) Groups - Catholic Women's Fraternal Order of Texas, KJZT (Katholiska Jednota Zenska Texaska) C3550 (5) Groups - Mexican-American Catholic Alliance C3550 (5) Groups - St. Jude's Auxiliary C3550 (5) Groups and Clubs, General L3100 (1) Grove Wine Bar and Kitchen R3800 (G) Grupo de Teatro en Espanol T6500 (12) Grupo Fantasma M9300 (G*) GSD&M A1000 (34) GTE Infocentre T0600 (2) Guadalupe Association for an Improved Neighborhood/Guadalupe Area Neighborhood Association U5000 (13) Guadalupe Association for an Improved Neighborhood—See: Urban Renewal Projects & Programs U5000 (13) N1900 Guadalupe School P7200 (57) Guaranty Bank--See: General B0700 Guardian Angels C9260 (2) Guerena, Eduardo P3500 (30) Guerra, Graviel C. 1954 M8900 (15) Guerrero & Dicson Produce G4200 (72) Guest Quarters H3000 (30) Guest, Edgar A. V2000 (42) Guidelines and application forms H1400 (2) Guides, Keys to Maps M1000 (7) Guild M9110 (5) Guild Press P9700 (25) Guiltless Gourmet F2500 (47) Gulf Coast Conservation Association, Austin Chapter F1800 (1) Gullett P1100 (7) Gullett P8300 (21) Gun Trade Drive-filed with General P5100 Gutierrez, Carlos V2000 (201) Guy Saunders Flowers F2200 (12) Gymnastics S4300 (36) Gymnastics U3200 (7) Gyms and Fitness Centers P3700 (7) Gypsies (General) G4800 Gypsies—See: G4800 E1950 Gypsy Grove--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 H & A Leser L1800 (1) H.A.A.M.–Health Alliance for Austin Musicians M9385 (42) H.B. Gaddy Machinery Co. B7100 (185) H.E.B. Food Stores G4200 (3) H.O.W. Foundation of Austin Tree Care -- Filed in General T9200 (1) Habana R3800 (H) Hadassah J0200 (2) Haenel's One Price Cash Store G4200 (34) Haga/Schroeder, Inc. R1400 (83) Hair Ways B1560 (12) Hairtakers, The B1560 (1) Half Price Books (1/2 Price Books) B5070 (45) Half Price Bookstore B5070 (14) Halifax, Lord V2000 (43) Halina's European Skin Care B1560 (26) Hall Southwest Water Consultants, Inc. E1400 (12) Hall, David R. P3500 (17) Hall, Stanley—See: Austin Civic Ballet files (Ballet Austin) (6) and Austin Ballet Theater (7) D0200 Halle Level Works M0900 (44) Hallman, Mark—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE – Hallman, Mark M9300 Halloween H1800 (10) Hamilton Creek/Hamilton Pool C9060 (28) Hamilton Pool M9300 (H) Hammett's Crossing S6000 (84) Hancock Center S2300 (10) Hancock Creek C9060 (32) Hancock Farm L3300 (5) Hancock Golf Course G3200 (10) Hancock Neighborhood Association N1900 (34) Hancock Recreation Center P1400 (7) Hancock, Lewis (Triangle)—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 Hand Ax in Through the Window, A P2400 (20) Hand Feats I1200 (7) Handbooks and Directories U4700 (7) Handbooks, manuals, etc. G1400 (1) Handicapped (General) H0200 Handicapped Adaptive Programs P1400 (18) Handy Andy G4200 (35) Hang Town Grill R3800 (H) Hang-gliding A1200 (11) Hangings (General) H0250 Hanks Architectural Antiques (Whit Hanks at Treaty Oaks) A4800 (27) Hank’s Grill R3800 (H) Hansel and Gretel R3800 (H) Harbinger House, Inc. P9700 (3) Harden Healthcare B7100 (223) Hardin and Russell M9300 (H) Hardin Corporation R1400 (78) Hardware Stores (General) H0300 Hardy Shoes B5236 (37) Hardy, Harold M.1972 M8900 (22) Hare Krishna R2610 (16) Hargis (John W.) Hall--See: Employment/Admissions Center (73) U3400 Harlem Theater M8300 (7) Harmony Club M9380 (11) Harmony House R3800 (H) Harmony House Bookstore & Fine Gifts Emporium B5070 (41) Harmony School of Excellence – Austin—See: General P7200 Harold Caldwell Orchestra M9300 (H) Harper & Company P3500 (10) Harper Creek C9060 (8) Harper Kirby Rifles T4000 (6) Harper Park--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Harpers S6000 (150) Harrel's C5230 (3) Harrell C2100 (44) Harrell Funeral Home U0600 (8) Harriet’s Food Baskets F2500 (37) Harriman, W. Averrell V2000 (44) Harris P8300 (22) Harris Memorial C3450 (26) Harris Park S6000 (149) Harris, Michael Leonard 1972 M8900 (7) Harrison (W.L.) Company G4200 (36) Harrison-Pearson Associates, Inc. R1400 (11) Harry Ransom Center U3540 (18) Harry Ransom Center U3540 (18) Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center (HRHRC) U3400 (66) Harry T. Penniman (Furniture) F5000 (23) Harryhausen, Ray V2000 (205) Hart Graphics B7100 (58) Harvard Business School Club--See General B7432 Harvey Williams Baseball Field B1198 (9) Harvey's Dairy A1600 (6) Harvey, G. Gallery A6400 (20) Haskell Activity Center O1200 (20) Hate Crimes H2030 (16) Hats—See: Millinery M5200 C5230 Hats—See: Millinery M5200 C5280 Hatta, Ichro V2000 (45) Hatzfeld & Company D1100 (5) Haynie & Kallman, Inc. E1400 (15) Haynie Chapel C2100 (45) Haynie Chapel School R6600 (19) Haynie Flat C2100 (46) Hays, John Coffee (1817-1883) T4400 (3) Hazardous Waste R2000 (4) Hazing P8200 (43) Hazing U4500 (29) Head Start Program A4600 (4) Head, Edith V2000 (186) Headliners Club A6400 (6500) (2) Headliners Club (1970 and Before) H0480 Headliners Club (1971-1975) H0480 Headliners Club (1976-1979) H0480 Headliners Club (1980-1983) H0480 Headliners Club (1984-1987) H0480 Headliners Club (1988-1999) H0480 Headliners Club (2000-2009) H0480 Headliners Club—See: Headliners Club H0480 C5400 Heagerty Company, The R1400 (72) Health and Human Services Department- Austin/Travis County (General) Health Careers M3000 (2) Health Data Base M3000 (17) Health Data Systems P3700 (2) Health Freedom Council M3000 (24) Health Kitchen G4200 (68) Health Maintenance Organizations M3000 (25) Health Services P8200 (53) Health Services Division P5100 (15) Health Wise Day Care N3400 (27) Healthcare International M3000 (30) Heart Disease D1560 (15) Heart Hospital H2600 (11) Heart O' Texas Orchid Society G0700 (7) Heart of Texas Motel M7700 (24) Heart of the Hills Garden Club G0700 (8) HeartGift C2800 (13) Heaton & Associates R1400 (21) Heaven on Earth S6000 (117) Heep Jersey Farm Dairy A1600 (4) H0500 Heerdt, Walter V2000 (46) Heflin Family 1980 M8900 (52) Heidel, Felix 1957 M8900 (37) Heidelberg Publishers P9700 (4) Heierman Industries F3000 (1) Height Restrictions—See: Austin Tomorrow (3) and C4170 (Z1200) (3) C4170 Heights C3410 (8) Heimsath, Clovis A5600 (37) Heinatz & Company G4200 (37) HelioVolt Corp.—See: Solar Energy P6450 Hell of a Note, A M8460 (14) Hell, Richard—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE - Hell, Richard M9300 Helping Hand Home for Children—See: Junior Helping Hand for Children J0320(1) Helping Our Brother Out (HOBO) H2010 (4) Heman Sweatt Symposium on Civil Rights--See C4600 (G) C4600 Hemphill P1200 (54) Hemphill's B5070 (37) Henna Chevrolet A9800 (40) Henry S. Miller Co. (now Grubb & Ellis) R1400 (101) Hensel (also Travis Peak Cemetery) C2100 (47) Herb Bar, The F2500 (6) Herbert Hemphill Real Estate R1400 (28) Herbs Etc. F2500 (18) Heritage Alliance of Austin and Travis County H1200 (13) Heritage at Gaines Ranch O1250 (14) Heritage Foundation H0580 (2) Heritage Neighborhood Association N1900 (66) Heritage Society of Austin—See: H0580 H1500 Herman the German M9300 (H) Herman Wriedt Upholstery F5000 (14) Heroes Association of the Republic of Texas S1600 (5) Heron Hollow P1200 (68) Hershey, Lewis, B. V2000 (47) Hi-Y Clubs Y0400 (1) Hickman, Tom (- 1962) T4400 (2) Hickoids, The M9300 (H*) Hickory Baked Honey Hams—See: General F2500 Hickory Farms F2500 (11) Hidden Valley P1200 (13) Hideout, The T6500 (108) Higginbottom's B7100 (107) High Cotton N1000 (11) High End Systems C6100 (26) High Fantasy Society (live action role-playing society) C5400 (33) High School S0220 (2) Highland S6000 (169) Y0600 Highland Hills S6000 (18) Highland Lake Estates H0800 (11) Highland Lakes (General) H0800 Highland Lakes Arts and Crafts A6900 (2) Highland Lakes Development Association H0800 (8) Highland Lakes Tourist Association H0800 (13) Highland Mall S2300 (11) Highland Park C2100 (48) Highland Park C3450 (29) Highland Park C3750 (6) Highland Park P8300 (23) Highland Park Branch L2710 (45) Highland Park Neighborhood Group N1900 (21) Highland Park West S6000 (19) Highland Village C3600 (7) Highlands S6000 (20) Highlands, The P7200 (12) Highway--See: Highways H0900 T7850 Highways (General) H0900 Hike & Bike Trails—See: individual creeks and Town Lake Hiking Club S4300 (39) Hilds Marie Shop D1850 (3) Hilgers & Watkins L2200 (23) Hill C2100 (49) Hill P8300 (24) Hill and Hill Grocery G4200 (7) Hill City Lodge No. 346, A.F. & A.M F3600 (11) Hill Country Art Gallery A6400 (21) Hill Country CASE Users Group T7400 (34) Hill Country Cooking School, The F2500 (25) Hill Country Foundation E0400 (27) Hill Country Galleria S2300 (40) Hill Country School P7200 (40) Hill Country Water System W0970 (4) Hill Country Weavers A6900 (24) Hill's Cafe R3800 (H) Hill, Samuel B. P3500 (3) Hillcrest Farms A1600 (8) Hillel Jewish Organization-filed in General file J0200 Hills Fitness Center, The S4300 (22) Hillside Nursing Home N3800 (15) Hillyer, Hamilton Briscoe P3500 (4) Hillyers (Florists) F2200 (13) Hilton Hotel H3000 (40) Hilton Inn H3000 (6) Hinduism R2610 (111) S4300 Hinojosa, Diana Laura 1971 M8900 (8) Hippie Hollow L0700 (3) Hispanic Chamber of Commerce M4300 (35) Hispanic Chamber of Commerce—See: Mexican Americans M4300 (35) C2390 Hispanic Quality of Life Initiative M4300 (44) Hispanic Women’s Network of Texas M4300 (42) Hispanic Women’s Network of Texas—See: M4300 (42) W4800 Hispanic Women’s Network of Texas—See: M4300 (42) W5000 Historic Districts H1200 (14) Historic Homes Tour H0580 (6) Historic Hotel Association (HAT)—See: Bed & Breakfast establishments (31) H3000 Historic Hyde Park Homes Tour T7000 (2) Historic Landmark Commission H1200 (7) Historic Preservation H1200 (1) Historic Preservation Conference H0580 (5) Historic Sites in Austin & Travis County H1200 (2) Historic Sites in Texas H1200 (3) Historic Zoning Ordinance H1200 (6) Historical L1500 Historical L1500 Historical Essay Contest L2710 (38) Historical Marker G3800 (5) Historical Marker M9110 (6) Historical Marker Dedication P3000 (6) Historical Marker Dedication P7270 (1) Historical Marker Dedication Z0400 (2) Historical Markers (General) H1400 (1) History M9150 (1) History P8200 (4) History S0220 (8) History and Description H2700 (1) Hobbies (General) H1700 Hobbit Hole Natural Foods F2500 (55) hobble M9300 (H) Hobo Joe's Bar B Q R3800 (149) Hoffbrau R3800 (H) Hoffman & Company Catering F2500 (21) Hoffman’s Grocery G4200 (78) Hoffritz Cutlery B7100 (59) Hofmann Paint Manufacturing Company P0600 (5) Hog Hill U5000 (7) Hogg Foundation for Mental Health M3400 (8) Hogg Memorial Auditorium U3400 (24) Hole in the Wall M9320 (H) Hole in the Wall S0300 (80) Holiday House R3800 (H) Holiday Inn M7700 (6) Holiday Land Company R1400 (94) Holiday on Ice T6500 (50) Holidays - Christmas (1950 and before) H1850 Holidays - Christmas (1970-1979) H1850 Holidays - Christmas (1980-1989) H1850 Holidays - Christmas (1990-1999) H1850 Holidays - Christmas (2000-2009) H1850 Holidays - Christmas (General) H1850 Holistic Health Lifestyle Clinic R2610 (25) Holleman Color Labs, Inc P3500 (46) Hollis, Jim 1903 M8900 (23) Holloway Co. M0900 (24) Holly Neighborhood S6090 (4) Holly Neighbors Helping Neighbors N1900 (69) Holly Shores/Edward Rendon Sr. Park at Festival Beach P1200 (77) Holly Shores/Edward Rendon Sr. Park at Festival Beach--See also: B4496 (1) P1200 Holly Street Power Plant P9220 (1) Holmes, Samuel M., Jr R1050 (3) Holt, Fatter & Scott, Inc. A5600 (17) Holy Cross C3550 (12) Holy Cross High School P7260 (2) Holy Cross Hospital Auxiliary H2720 (2) Holy Family American Catholic Church C3550 (35) Holy Name of Mary Orthodox Church C3400 (5) Holy Trinity C3635 (3) Holy Vietnamese Martyrs Parish C3550 (34) Holy Word Evangelical C3660 (11) Home Economics Building U3400 (25) Home Furniture Company F5000 (17) Home Health Service Providers O1200 (48) Home Movie Day L2710 (89) Home of Holy Infancy--See: H2000 U1100 Home Of The Holy Infancy (General (by Year)) H2000 Home of the Holy Infancy—See: H2000 F0500 Home Steam Laundry L1800 (7) Home Talent from Austin T6500 (81) HomeAway T7900 (18) Homeless Advocate, The--See: House the Homeless H2010 (14) H2010 Homelessness (General) H2010 (1) Homemakers Upjohn N3600 (2) Homer the Homeless Goose H2010 (11) Honeysuckle W4100 (5) Honeysuckle Rose M8460 (26) Hood Brigade Monument C1048 (11) Hoods Brigade C4700 (8) Hooper, Elbert L2200 (15) Hooper, Tobe M8460 (3) Hoover's, Inc. (formerly the Reference Press) B7100 (232) Hoover, J. Edgar V2000 (48) Hope C3450 (85) Hope C3660 (12) Hope C3750 (17) Hope, Bob V2000 (127) Horizons Unlimited B5070 (15) Horned Lizard Conservation Society E0400 (41) Hornsby C2100 (50) Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Facility W0800 (14) Hornsby Bend, Travis County (General) 2100 Hornsby Bend, Travis County--See also: HB – Travis County Area XVI and properties by address 2100 Hornsby Bend, Travis County—See: H2100 C3850 Hornsby-Dunlap Consolidated School 2100 (1) Horse Racing S4300 (41) Horse Racing--See: Horse Racing S4300 (41) A4200 Horses A4200 (22) Horseshoe Bay H0800 (5) Horseshoe Bend S6000 (69) Horseshoe Cafe R3800 (H) Horsies, The M9300 (H) Horsies, The M9300 (H) Horsts' Addition S6000 (131) Horti-Care T9200 (7) Hospice Austin - General D0500 (3-a) Hospice Austin - Showhouse Fundraisers & Les Amis de Hospice Austin D0500 (3-b) Hospital Security H2700 (11) Hospitals P6150 (23) Hospitals (General) H2600 Hospitals - Austin -Travis Country Tuberculosis Sanitarium (General) H2675 Hospitals - City Hospital - Brackenridge School of Nursing (General) H2705 Hospitals - Holy Cross (General) H2720 Hospitals - Seton (General and History) H2770 (1) Hospitals - Shoal Creek (General) H2780 Hospitals - St. David's (General (History, St. David’s Foundation), by decade) H2750 Hostel, The - filed in General H3000 (1) Hot Club of Cowtown M9300 (H) Hot Tomatoes—See: Rotel and the Hot Tomatoes M9300 Hotel Hancock H3000 (5) Hotel Orr H3000 (23) Hotel Provident H3000 (10) Hotels, Taverns, etc. P6150 (24) Hotels, Taverns, Etc. (General) H3000 (1) Hotels, Taverns, Etc. - Alamo Hotel (General) H3025 (1) Hotels, Taverns, Etc. - Avenue Hotel (General) H3040 (1) Hotels, Taverns, Etc. - Bullocks Hotel (General) H3050 (1) Hotels, Taverns, Etc. - Commodore Perry (General) H3070 (1) Hotels, Taverns, Etc. - Driskill Hotel (General, by year) H3200 (1) Hotels, Taverns, Etc. - Keystone Hotel (General) H3400 Hotels, Taverns, Etc. - Raymond House (General) H3600 Hotels, Taverns, Etc. - Stephen F. Austin Hotel (Bradford) (General) H3030 (1) Hotels, Taverns, Etc. - Texan Hotel (General) H3670 Hotline M3400 (2) Hotsun Productions D0200 (11) Houdini, Harry V2000 (128) House of Hope H2010 (5) House of Tutors E0600 (8) House Park P8200 (76) House the Homeless H2010 (14) "House, The" M3420 (7) Household Furnishings and Appliances (General) H4000 -- SEE ALSO: Interior Decorating (I1200) Household Equipment - Miscellaneous H4400 (4) Housing (General - 1970 and Earlier) H4500 (1) Housing (General - 1970 and Later) H4500 (1) Housing and Development/Gentrification S6090 (2) Housing Rehabilitation H4500 (8) Houston C2100 (51) Houston P8300 (59) Houston Instrument E1095 (5) Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge M7700 (17) Howard Johnson's Restaurant R3800 (150) Howard Kuhlman A9800 (64) Howard Martin, Inc. A9800 (14) Howard's Nursery N3200 (2) Howlers, The—See: Omar and the Howlers M9300 Howson L2710 (46) Howson Community Center N1875 (8) Hudson Bend, Travis County C3850 (23) Hudson's On The Bend R3800 (H) Huffstickler, Albert and Christal, Mark "Distance" P4700 (15) Huguenots E1950 (3) Hujsak Bicycles C9300 (15) Hull Supply Co. B6658 (26) Hull Supply Company B7100 (225) Human Awareness Life Church C3400 (43) Human Code C6100 (9) Human Development Centers M3420 (11) Human Opportunities Corporation A4600 (17) Human Relations Commission (H4585) C4600 (3) Human Resources Department O1010 (20) Human Services Department A4600 (7) Humane Society of Austin and Travis County, The (1952-1994)--See: Austin Humane Society A4200 (6) A4200 Humane Society SPCA--Now known as: Austin Humane Society A4200 (6) A4200 (24) Humanities Institute U3515 (20) Hunan's R3800 (H) Hundred Club of Austin, The P5100 (22) Hundred Club, The C5400 (30) Hungry Mountain Boys M9300 (H) Huns M9300 (H) Hunter C2100 (52) Hunters Chase--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Hunting (General) H4700 (1) Hunting—See: Hunting H4700 S4300 Huntsman Corporation Austin Labs M0900 (46) Hurley Mattress Company H4000 (8) Hurricane Katrina N0800 (1) Huston-Tillotson College (General (By Year)) H4800 Hut's R3800 (H) Hutchins Brothers Department Store D1100 (30) Hwy. Pizza R3800 (H) Hyatt Regency H3000 (16) Hyde Park C3450 (31) Hyde Park C3580 (4) Hyde Park C3750 (7) Hyde Park P8300 (25) Hyde Park Baptist Church C3200 (3) Hyde Park Bar and Grille R3800 (272) Hyde Park Barber Shop B1000 (10) Hyde Park Floral Company N3200 (15) Hyde Park Florist F2200 (20) Hyde Park Garage A9910 (25) Hyde Park Neighborhood Association N1900 (7) Hyde Park Pavilion S6200 (4) Hyde Park Reading Club L3100 (4) Hyde Park Theatre—See: Frontera (58) T6500 Hyltin-Manor Funeral Home, Inc. U0600 (3) Hypnotism (General) H5100 I Luv Video B7100 (228) "I Thought You Loved Me" M9370 IBM Corporation B7100 (12) Ice Cream Parlors (other) C6300 (5) Ice Hockey S4300 (9) Ice Industry (General) I0200 (1) Ice Skating S4300 (32) Ichthus Coffee House T6500 (71) Ichthus Coffee House—See also: Stage Etc. (42) T6500 Iconoclast Productions T6500 (49) Ideal Place S6000 (151) Ideal Village Development Corporation R1400 (89) Ideas, Inc. E1095 (33) Iglesia Apostolica de La Fe en Cristo Jesus C3400 (11) IH 35 B6000 (4) IICS Austin C6100 (10) Illegal Aliens E1200 (1) Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, Texas Capital Section (IESNA) E1400 (23) Imagine Austin C4170 (43) Immanuel Lutheran Church P3000 (4) Immigrants E1200 (3) Impact Austin W4800 (35) Impact Austin W5000 (36) IMPART H0200 (5) Implements A1500 (14) Impres Systems E1095 (38) In Fact P2400 (48) Inaugurations G3600 (2) Incentive Programs M8460 (74) Incinerator R2000 (1) Independence Brewing B1696 (6) Independent Bankers Association of Texas B0700 (58) Independent Postal System of America P6100 (2) India Community Center A7020 (3) Indian American Coalition of Texas A7020 (6) Indian Blanket W4100 (6) Indian Classical Music Circle of Austin, The M9300 (I) Indian Classical Music Circle of Austin, The M9380 (49) Indian Guide Programs Y0400 (3) Indian Hills S6000 (21) Indians (American Indians/Native Americans) (General (By Year)) I0400 Indians (India)—See: Asian-Americans A7000; Asian-Americans - Indian A7020 E1950 Individual Soldiers W5700 (2) Individually Guided Education P8200 (26) Industrial Instrument E1095 (8) Industrial Instrument Corp. B7100 (217) Industry (General) 10600 -- SEE ALSO: Meat Industry and Trade (M2600) Furniture Industry And Trade (F5000) Ice Industry (I0200) Laundry Industry (L1800) Leather Industry & Trade (L2300) Industry Appreciation Week 10600 (6) Infant-Parent Training Center M3420 (16) Infant-Parent Training Program M3600 (16) Influenza D1560 (22) InfoEx E1095 (41) Information and Referral for Older Adults O1200 (27) Information Research Associates E1095 (37) Information Resource Services, Inc L2700 (12) Information Systems Department (General) I0800 Informedia A1000 (14) Ingram C2100 (53) Inherit Austin H0580 (8) Inks Lake H0800 (1) Inn at Brushy Creek R6000 Innovative Events & Weddings (in general folder) W2300 (2) Insects (General) I1000 Inside Books Project P7100 (6) Institute for Advanced Environmental Studies E0400 (4) Institute of Constructive Capitalism U3000 (7) Institute of Lifetime Learning O1200 (29) Institute of Real Estate Management, Austin Chapter R1400 (92) Instruction A6300 (3) Insurance (General) I1100 Insurance - City Employees O1010 (15) Insurance Women of Austin I1100 (7) Insurance, Automobile (General) I1120 Insurance, Fire (General) I1130 Insurance, Life (General) I1150 Intelliquest C6100 (24) Intera Technologies E1095 (52) Interactive Festival F1000 (3) Interactive Life Forms LLC—See: General M0900 Interart Works A6600 (5) Intercontinental Copying Service B7100 (24) Interfaith Action of Central Texas R2610 (28) Interior G3800 (2) Interior Decorating (General) I1200 (1) Intermedics M0900 (15) International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Local 205 U0900 (17) International Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers, Local 482 U0900 (5) International Association of Business Communicators T7400 (13) International Bookbinders Union U0900 (6) International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 450 U0900 (7) International Business Associates Corporation B7100 (166) International Center of Austin I1230 (22) International Conservation Systems, Inc. E1400 (11) International Good Neighbor Council I1230 (19) International Hospitality Committee of Austin (UT) I1230 (18) International Hospitality Council of Austin I1230 (25) International Industrial Television Association, Southwest Regional Conference International Life Insurance Company I1150 (12) International Montessori House N3400 (17) International Office U3000 (10) International Relations (General) I1230 (1) International Studies Program U3515 (6) International Texas Poetry P4700 (19) International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 450 U0900 (8) Internet Television T0700 (26) Interphase Day Hospital M3400 (16) Interregional Highway (IH-35) H0900 (1) Interstate Theater Circuit M8300 (34) Interurban R0700 (5) Intra City Buses M7900 (6) Intramural Athletics U3200 (9) Invisible Means Players—See: BIOGRAPHY - Ventura, Michael T6500 Invisible, Inc. D0200 (41) Iranian Students Demonstration P7750 (3) Irish E1950 (16) Iron & Wine—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE-Beam, Sam M9300 Iron Front S0300 (72) Iron Works R3800 (I) Irv Meltiz & Associates R1400 (68) Irving's Restaurant R3800 (I) Isaac Bledsoe F5000 (3) Isaac Decker League--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Isaac Stein Company C2890 (1) Isis M9300 (I) ISIS Multimedia C6100 (11) Islam R2610 (30) Island on Lake Travis, The L0200 (5) Island on Lake Travis, The O1250 (11) Israel Philharmonic Orchestra M9300 (I) J&J Drive-In Restaurant R3800 (349) J. O. Buaas & Sons B6658 (23) J.C. Penny’s D1100 (33) J.J. Seabrook Bridge B6000 (17) J.R. Reed Music Company M9385 (13) J.S.B. Professional Services, Inc M3400 (24) J.T. Patterson Laboratories U3400 (26) Jack & Jill K1400 (12) Jack Benny Benefit Concert S8800 (1) Jack Brown Cleaners L1800 (26) Jack in the Box R3800 (151) T0700 (8) Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art/Archer M. Huntington Gallery 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s U3540 (4) Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art/Archer M. Huntington Gallery: 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s U3540 (4) Jack the Hatter & Dry Cleaner L1800 (21) Jack's M8460 (9) Jack's Party Pictures P3500 (27) Jackie Robinson--See: H4800 (General) V2000 Jackie's Dance & Fitness D0200 (28) Jackson Business College--See: General B7432 Jackson School of Geosciences U3515 (15) Jackson Tire Company A9800 (48) Jackson, (J.A.) Jeweler J0100 (5) Jacobins A6800 (2) Jacobson Jewelers J0100 (29) Jacoby’s Garden R3800 (J) Jacques Productions/Sally Jacques D0200 (57) Jade Room, The M9320 (J) Jail Arts & Education Project P7100 (5) Jaime’s Spanish Village R3800 (J) Jak ‘N Jil R3800 (J) James Avery Craftsman, Inc. J0100 (24) James Buford Fire Tower (old drill tower) F1240 (4) James Martin B5236 (17) James Polk Quintet M9300 (J) James Powell Antiques A4800 (10) James' Addition S6000 (22) James, Elana—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE- James, Elana M9300 Janauschek, Fanny V2000 (161) Janis Guerrero Thompson P8300 (84) Japan External Trade Association T7400 (31) Japan-America Society of Greater Austin (JASGA) A7030 (2) Japanese Catering Service F2500 (26) Japanese—See: Asian-Americans A7000; Asian-Americans - Japanese A7030 E1950 Jaqua, Bert V2000 (49) Jauregui, Inc. A5600 (13) Javelin Boot M9300 (J) Jaworski, Leon V2000 (115) Jay's Bar-B-Q Hut & Grocery G4200 (70) Jazzercise P3700 (3) Jean Gilbert’s Cuisine a Porter F2500 (40) Jeanette's Beauty Salon B1560 (25) Jefferson Chemical 10600 (2) Jefferson Square S2300 (22) Jefferson Village S6000 (23) Jeffrey's R3800 (J) Jehan el-Sadat V2000 (177) Jehovah's Witnesses C3400 (23) Jenkins Company B5070 (47) Jennings, Waylon V2000 (187) Jensen & Knight Auto Repairs A9910 (1) Jensen-Raymer Studio P3500 (19) Jerry Green & Company R1400 (52) Jerry Jacobs Pit Barbecue System R3800 (J) Jerry Mac Clifton Center P8200 (51) Jerry Perlitz Shop, The C5280 (16) Jesse James Smith Garage A9910 (7) Jesse Owens V2000 (175) Jessen Associates, Inc. A5600 (9) Jester Center U3930 (8) Jesus Christ Superfly M9300 (J) Jesus Lizard, The M9300 (J) Jesus Lutheran Church for the Deaf C3660 (13) Jet Industries A9800 (52) Jewelry Trade (General) J0100 Jewelry—See: Jewelry Trade J0100 A6900 Jewish Community Association of Austin (JCAA) J0200 (6) Jewish Community Council Nursery School N3400 (10) Jewish Community Council/Center J0200 (3) Jewish Federation of Austin J0200 (5) Jewish Film Festival M8460 (44) Jewish Film Festival--See M8460 (44) M8430 Jews (General) J0200 Jews—See: J0200 E1950 Jezebel R3800 (J) Jim Clark Builder B6670 (14) Jim LaChance & Associates R1400 (53) Jim Stephens & Associates R1400 (54) Jim Walter Homes, Inc. B6670 (7) Jim's Catfish Cafe and Bait Shop M0500 (8) Jim's Hardwoods & Millwork W5250 (1) Jimmy Butler Singers, The M9300 (J) Jimmy Clay Golf Course G3200 (7) Job Information Center at Riverside Branch—See: Libraries L2710 (71) E1300 Job Opportunities and job training—See: Anti-Poverty Program A4600 (1) E1300 (1) Job Opportunity and Job Training A4600 (1) Job Preparation Center, Inc. M3560 (5) Joe Burke Design I1200 (5) Joe C. Thompson Conference Center U3400 (49) Joe Koen & Son J0100 (6) Joe Prado Realtor R1400 (55) Joe Wukasch Grocery G4200 (73) John B. Gasser, Ice Cream Wholesale Business C6300 (3) John Birch Society, The P5410 (21) John Bremond Company G4200 (1) John Brown Anti-Klan Committee C4600 (4) John Carter Galleries A6400 (22) John Eagle European A9800 (67) John Felix Dance Studios D0200 (17) John H. Chiles, General Insurance & Bond I1100 (15) John H. Reagan Building T1300 (3) John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance I1150 (15) John Henry Faulk Associates A1000 (17) John Linn Scott & Associates--See: General A5600 John Lucas Interiors I1200 (3) John Orr, Wholesale Grocer and Importer G4200 (38) John Roberts Dixieland Jazz Band M9300 (J) John Street Developers, Inc. R1400 (79) John's Shoe Shop B5236 (31) Johnny Boy Hamburgers R3800 (J) Johnny of "Call for Philip Morris" Commercial V2000 (103) Johns (C.R.) & Company B0700 (20) Johnson (Carl) Lime Kiln L2800 (2) Johnson (F.H.) Tire Company A9800 (16) Johnson Creek C9060 (9) Johnson Institute (also Friday Mountain Boys Camp) P7200 (17) Johnson Rubber Company A9800 (15) Johnson, Jack V2000 (220) Johnson, Oscar Helmer 1973 M8900 (9) Johnson, Susie—See: General I1200 Johnson/Long Dance Company D0200 (58) Johnson’s River Addition--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Johnston, Daniel—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE – Johnston, Daniel M9300 Joie de Vie C5400 (14) Joiner-Rose Group, Inc. B7100 (208) Jolly C2100 (121) Jolly Garogers, The M9300 (J) Jollyville-Pond Springs Historical Association C3850 (2) Jones C2100 (54) Jones Commercial College B7432 (3) Jones, Day, Reavisk & Pogue L2200 (25) Jones, Jesse V2000 (179) Jones, Matilda Sissieretta Joyner (Black Pattie) V2000 (217) Jordan Company, The P3500 (20) Jorden, Elmer P3500 (75) Joseph Goodman G4200 (39) Joseph's Men Store C5230 (10) Joske's D1100 (23) Joslin P8300 (26) Jourdan C2100 (55) Jourdan-Bachman Pioneer Farm P1400 (21) Journalism awards--See: Headliners Club H0480 A9930 Journalism Building U3400 (27) Journalism Building--See also: Geography Building U3400 (17) U3400 Journeay, William O. P3500 (60) Jovian Club C5400 (2-e) Juarez-Lincoln University M4300 (3) Judicial District Adult Probation Department for Travis County C9200 (9) Judy Lee Dance Studio D0200 (21) July 4th H1800 (6) Jumping Off Bridges M8460 (47) Juneteenth (chronological by decade) A1300 (9) Junior Achievement of Central Texas, Inc. Y0600 (6) Junior Austin Women's Club W4806 (2) Junior Chamber Of Commerce (General) J0280 Junior Chamber Of Commerce--See: Junior Chamber Of Commerce J0280 C2390 Junior Chamber of Commerce—See: J0280 Y0600 Junior Helping Hand (General, by year) J0320 Junior Helping Hand—See: Junior Helping Hand J0320 Y0600 Junior Historian P5150 (1) Junior League (General (By Year)) J0340 Junior League Charity Ball J0340 (2) Junior League Thrift Shop J0340 (1) Junior League—See: Junior League J0340 V3100 Junior League—See: Junior League J0340 Y0600 Junior Miss of Austin Pageant Y0600 (7) Junior Naval Militia of Austin P1900 (18) Junior Reading Club—See: Literature L3100 (1) Y0600 Junior Reading Club—See: Reader’s Guild L3100 (5) Junior Senators B1198 (15) Jury C7900 (4) Just Imagine Art Objects A6400 (23) Justice of the Peace Courts C7960 (1) Juvenile Courts C7900 (5) Juvenile Delinquency Y0600 (J0600) K-Mart D1100 (27) Kaleidoscope Communications, Inc. C6100 (13) Kaleidoscopes--filed with General A6900 Kaler, Robert, Architect – See A5600 (General) A5600 Kaler, Robert--See: General A5600 Kalin & Lovgren Associates C6100 (6) Kallestad Laboratories M0900 (10) Kaman Instruments M0900 (18) Kamrath Studio P3500 (21) Kaplan (Stanley H.) Educational Center E0600 (1) Kara-Vel B5236 (20) Karate S4300 (12) Karotkin's F5000 (7) KASE R0300 (18) Kash-Karry Grocery G4200 (4) Kashan, Inc. J0100 (26) Katie Brill Award P1400 (4) Kay Howard, A.S.I.D I1200 (22) Kaye, Mady—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE – Kaye, Mady M9300 KAZI R0300 (27) KAZZ R0300 (11) KBVO T0700 (13) Kealing P1200 (51) Kealing P8800 (5) Kealing Jr. High P1100 (8) Kealing Learning Center P8200 (48) Kealing Urban Renewal Project U5000 (8) Keen, Robert Earl—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE – Keen, Robert Earl Keep Austin Beautiful R2000 (6) Keep Austin Housed H2010 (10) Keep Austin Weird A1000 (36) Keep Texas Beautiful E0400 (24) Keeping Austin Austin Conference C4170 (10) Kehl Hardware Company H0300 (3) Keilbar, Max Herman W5700 (5) Keller Williams R1400 (107 & 102) Kelley School, The P7200 (14) Kelly (Van C.) Lumber Company L3600 (9) Kelly McAdams L3300 (6) Kelly Motors A9800 (58) Kelly Smith Cleaners, Inc L1800 (22) Kenilworth Hall P7200 (18) Kennedy, Bill P3500 (61) Kennedy, Edward V2000 (155) Kennedy, John Fitzgerald V2000 (50) Kennemer P1200 (32) Kenny and the Jets M9300 (K) Kenny Dryden Investments, Inc. R1400 (85) Kenny Hill VW Specialties A9910 (19) Kenobi (K) G4200 Kent of Europe B1560 (13) Kerbey Lane Galleries A6400 (47) Kerenski, Alexander V2000 (51) KEYE T0700 (24) Keystone H3000 (36) M9300 KGNC R0300 (9) KGSR R0300 (26) Khan Du T0705 (7) KHFI R0300 (4) KHFI T0700 (4) Kidder, Whitehurst & Harkness L2200 (17) Kiddie Acres A3900 (9) Kidnapping (K0800) C9200 Kidney Disease D1560 (20) Kids are Alright Fest, The M9383 (33) Kids Exchange, The F0500 (23) "Killer Bees" T3500 (3) Kimbro C2100 (125) Kimbro School R6600 (13) Kimbro, Travis County (General) K1300 Kimbro, Travis County--See also: HB – Travis County Area I and properties by address Kimbro, Travis County—See: K1300 C3850 Kincheonville, Travis County (General) K1350 Kincheonville, Travis County—See: K1350 C3850 Kinder Care N3400 (29) Kindergarten (General) K1400 (1) King Friday M9300 (K) King's Ford Host R3800 (73) King, Ben E. W5700 (4) King, Harvey 1980 M8900 (59) King, Martin Luther, Jr. V2000 (211) King-Tears Mortuary, Inc. U0600 (4) Kingsland H0800 (14) King’s Florist—See: Rosedale Rambler 1998 in Rosedale S6000 (43) F2200 Kinney Avenue C3450 (32) Kinney Shoes B5236 (21) Kinser, Douglas 1951 M8900 (36) Kinsolving Dormitory U3930 (9) Kirby Hall U3930 (10) Kirby Hall School P7200 (22) Kirkpatrick, Rev. F.D. V2000 (221) Kirschner's Allandale Florist F2200 (18) Kirschners Cafe R3800 (93) Kitchen Utensils H4400 (2) Kiteflying S4300 (6) Kiwi M9300 (K) KIXL R0300 (14) KKMJ R0300 (20) KLBJ (formerly KTBC) R0300 (5) Klemperer, Paul—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE – Klemperer, Paul M9300 KLRU T0705 (6) K1300 KLRU Auction T0705 (2) KMFA R0300 (8) KMXX R0300 (12) Knebel Bros P3000 (7) Knebel's Tavern P3000 (16) Knights of Columbus C3550 (7) Knights of Pythias S1600 (2) Knights of the Symphony S8800 (6) KNOW R0300 (6) Knowbility (includes information on AIR-Austin) C6100 (25) KO-OP R0300 (23) KOA Campgrounds T7730 (2) Kocurek P8300 (75) Koenig Lane C3580 (5) Kohn Baking Company B0100 (2) KOKE R0300 (17) Kopperl (B.J.) B5070 (16) Korean American Association of Greater Austin (KAAGA) A7040 (2) Korean Baptist Church of Austin C3450 (89) Korean Rock Band M9300 (K) Korean War U1500 (16) Koreans E1950 (36) Koreans--See also: Asian-Americans - Korean A7040 E1950 Koreans--See also: Asian-Americans A7000 E1950 Kovich, Ann C9300 (12) KQFX-filed in General file R0300 (1) Kramer Lane Industrial Park 10600 (4) Krawitz, Jan M8460 (30) Kreisle (M.) Company F5000 (10) Kreuz Florist F2200 (16) Krispy Kreme of Austin B0100 (26) KRMH R0300 (7) KROX R0300 (29) Kruger's, Inc. J0100 (14) KTBC T0700 (5) KTVV [Now KXAN] T0700 (6) KTXN R0300 (22) KTXZ Radio Station T0495 (2) KTXZ—See: Tejano T0495 (2) R0300 Ku Klux Klan S1600 (3) Kubitschek, Juscelino V2000 (52) Kuehne, Chasey, Giesecke--See: Giesecke & Harris (28) A5600 Kuempel Lumber Company P3000 (8) Kung Fu S4300 (54) Kuntz-Sternenberg Lumber Company L3600 (10) KUT R0300 (10) KVAT – CH 17 T0700 (21) KVET R0300 (3) KVRX R0300 (25) KVUE T0700 (7) Kwak, Sung S8800 (15) Kwill Klub L3100 (6) Kyle, Hays County (General) K2000 Kyle, Hays County—See: K2000 C3850 Kyoto Japanese Restaurant R3800 (K) L Style, G Style P2400 (50) L'Armoirs I1200 (10) L'Chayim International Folk Dancers D0200 (12) L. East Poultry Co M2600 (1) La Bastille Bakery B0100 (18) La Bonne Cuisine F2500 (38) La Condesa R3800 (L) La Diferenzia M9300 (L) La Dolce Vita C5400 (32) La Familia Gang Y0600 (32) La Ferza N2400 (14) La Follia M9300 (L) La Madeleine B0100 (25) La Nueva Raza M4300 (10) La Pena A6400 (121) La Prensa N2400 (43) La Rana Texana A6400 (103) La Raza Unida M4300 (9) La Resistencia Bookstore B5070 (62) La Ronda R3800 (L) La Tour R3800 (L) La Zona Rosa S0300 (93) Labor Day—See: also Austin Trades Council Labor Day Program U0900 (16) H1800 (7) Ladies Center of Austin F0520 (6) Ladies Center, The M3000 (12) Ladies of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul H2770 (2) Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center--See: Wildflowers W4100 (9) W4100 Lago Vista Common School District No. 2 L0200 (2) Lago Vista, Inc. L0200 (1) Lago Vista, Travis County (Lago Vista, Travis County--See also: HB - Travis County Area VII) L0200 Lago Vista, Travis County—See: L0200 C3850 Laguna Gloria (3809 W. 35th St.-general history, information about the grounds, etc.) M9130 (1) Laguna Gloria Art Museum Downtown (1980s-proposed site at 4th St.) M9130 (9) Laguna Gloria at First Federal (1970s-10th and Brazos) M9130 (7) Lake Austin (General) L0300 Lake Austin Fine Arts A6400 (143) Lake Austin Hill Country Neighborhood Association N1900 (22) Lake Austin National Bank B0700 (50) Lake Austin Neighborhood Association N1900 (32) Lake Austin Picture, Inc. M8460 (32) Lake Austin Plan L0300 (1) Lake Austin Spa Resort, The B1560 (24) Lake Austin Watershed Ordinance L0300 (2) Lake Bastrop H0800 (2) Lake Buchanan H0800 (3) Lake Hills Church C3400 (48) Lake LBJ H0800 (4) Lake Marble Falls H0800 (6) Lake McDonald (General) L0500 Lake McQueeney B4496 (15) Lake Pflugerville P3000 (19) Lake Travis (General) L0700 Lake Travis Improvement Association L0700 (4) Lake Travis Independent School District R6600 (23) Lake Use Ordinance T7200 (1) Lake Walter E. Long (Decker Lake) (General) L0450 Lake Walter E. Long Dam L0450 (1) Lakehills Cinema Four M8300 (19) Lakehills Economic Development Council B7100 (196) Lakeline S6000 (116) Lakeline Mall S2300 (36) Lakes P6150 (48) Lakes (General) L0500 -- SEE ALSO: Highland Lakes (H0800) Lakeside S6000 (68) Lakeside Activity Center O1200 (21) Lakeview Addition S6000 (152) Lakeview Cafe R3800 (L) Lakeway Academy of Golf G3200 (14) Lakeway Inn L0850 (3) Lakeway Recreational Association L0850 (4) Lakeway World of Tennis L0850 (1) Lakeway Yacht and Country Club L0850 (2) Lakeway, Travis County (1969 and before) L0850 Lakeway, Travis County (1970s) L0850 Lakeway, Travis County (1980s) L0850 Lakeway, Travis County (1990s) L0850 Lakeway, Travis County—See: L0850 C3850 Lakewood S6000 (165) Lakewood Park P1200 (74) LaLa's Mexican Restaurant R3800 (L) Lamar P1100 (16) Lamar P1200 (15) Lamar P8800 (6) Lamar B6000 (5) Lamar Plaza S2300 (12) Lamar Savings B0700 (21) Lamar Village S2300 (13) Lammes Candies C6300 (2) Lamps H4000 (7) Land (T4300 Texas Public) L1500 Land Office (General 1) L1300 Land Office (General 2) L1300 Land Office Building P6150 (50) Land Office Building (1856-1917), (1961- ) (General) L1400 Land Office Building (1856-1917), (1961- ) (General) L1400 Land Office Building--See: Land Office Building L1400 B6824 Landscape Ordinance O2000 (5) Lang Cleaners L1800 (23) Lanier C3450 (33) Lanius Press P9700 (12) Laos House M3400 (33) Laos House R2610 (6) LaPrelle Place S6000 (24) Larmour & Watson A5600 (6) Larry's Bar B Que R3800 (163) Las Cimas S6000 (67) Las Manitas R3800 (L) Las Ventanas S6000 (106) Last of the Little Breweries, The M8460 (17) Latino Music Month M9383 (20) Latinos E1950 (30) LatinWorks—See: General A1000 LAUNCH U4700 (8) Laundry Industry (General) L1800 Lauterstein-Conway Massage School and Clinic P3700 (4) Lauve & Turner I1100 (3) Laves Jewelry J0100 (27) Law Department (General) L2000 Lawnmowing B7100 (18) Lawyers (General) L2200 -- SEE ALSO: Law Department (L2000) Legal Aid (L2400) Le Bistro d'Armand R3800 (L) Leadbelly M8460 (10) Leadership Austin C2390 (3) League House J0340 (3) League of United Latin American Citizens [LULAC] M4300 (18) League of Women Voters of Austin V3500 (2) League of Women Voters of Austin—See: Voters & Voting V3500 (2) W5000 League of Women Voters: Master Plan Bus Tour C4170 (1) Leanderthal Lady A5400 (1) Learning Center, The P7200 (35) Learning Network, The P7200 (33) Leary, Timothy V2000 (132) Lease Proposal—See: Seton Hospital H2770 (22) H2700 Leather Bench L2300 (2) Leatherbag M9300 (L) Leatherbag—See also: M9300 (General) M9300 Lebanese E1950 (12) Lee P8300 (66) Lee Manor Place L3300 (7) Lee's Hill S6000 (25) Lee's Hill—See also: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) Lee, Robert Edward V2000 (109) Leet's Rental Service B7100 (119) Legal Aid (General) L2400 (1) Legal Drug Control Society D2200 (5) Legend Oaks/Patton Ranch S6000 (127) Legends F2300 (4) Legends of Black Music M9383 (22) Legends of Golf Tournament G3200 (11) Leghounds, The M9300 (L) Leif Johnson Ford A9800 (41) Lemuel Scarbrough Foundation Awards T0400 (3) Lenzo’s R3800 (L) Leo Herzog & Company R1400 (56) Leon's B5236 (6) Leonard Davila and Street People M9300 (L) Leprevost, Jose Carlos V2000 (53) Lerner Shops C5280 (18) LeRoi Brothers M9300 (L) Les Amis R3800 (L) Les Sourdes Study Club D0440 (3) Les Tres Biens M9300 (L) LeSaige de la Villesbrune, Gerard V2000 (54) Lesbian/Gay Rights Lobby of Texas (LGRL) H2030 (7) Lester Kitchens Orchestra M9300 (L) Let's Dance! Dance Studio D0200 (43) Letters about Summer Session (1926) U3900 (6) Letters form Soldiers W5500 (2) Leviah’s Fine Diamond Salon J0100 (25) Levitz Furniture F5000 (24) Levyson & Philipson D1100 (21) Lewis & Peacock B5236 (18) Lewis Gold and Silver Company J0100 (15) S6000 Lexington Apartments & Motor Inns M7700 (20) LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) People (General) H2030 LGBT Advocacy H2030 (11) LGBT Legal Issues H2030 (17) LGBT Legal Issues--See also: C9200 (12) H2030 LGBT Moving Pictures H2030 (14) Liberal Arts U3515 (16) Libertarian Party of Texas/Travis County Libertarian Party P5300 (3) Liberty Bookstore B5070 (55) Liberty Hill C2100 (116) Liberty Lunch S0300 (61) Liberty Lunch—See: S0300 (61) M9320 Libraries P8200 (44) Libraries (General) L2700 (1) Library Commission L2710 (5) Library History L2710 (1) Lien, Lee V2000 (55) Lifeline, Inc. F0520 (14) Lifelong Learning Center P7200 (49) Lifeworks P9460 (31) Light Crust Doughboys M9300 (L) Light Rail System R0700 (7) Light Rail System (General) R0700 Light Rail--See: Railroads R0700 and Street Railroads S5600 T7850 Lightnin Hopkins M9300 (L) Lightsey System A9800 (17) Lignite P6450 (22) Lil' Bit of Italy G4200 (75) Lila B. Etter Alumni Center U3400 (19) Lim Ting R3800 (L) Lima, Peru S2550 (5) Limestone-See: Quarries and Quarrying (5) B6658 (5) Limons Bakery and Restaurant B0100 (29) Lincoln Theater M8300 (37) Lindbergh, Charles A V2000 (56) Linder P8300 (27) Lion M9385 (2) Lion Jewelers J0100 (16) Lions Club Arts and Crafts Fair A6900 (3) Lions Clubs of Austin (Founders Lions Club) C5445 (8) Liquor (General) L2900 Liquor Control Board L2900 (3) Liquor Laws O2000 (6) Listening Ear M3400 (3) Listening Tree M3400 (27) Lists M0900 (2) Literacy (General) L3000 (1) Literacy Austin L3000 (5) Literary Societies U4500 (10) Literature (General (list of Austin authors)) L3100 -- SEE ALSO: Poetry (P4700) Lithoprint Company, The P7000 (7) Littig, Travis County (General) L3170 Littig, Travis County--See also: HB – Travis County Area XVIII and properties by address L3170 Littig, Travis County—See: L3170 C3850 Little Feather Music Distribution M9385 (22) Little Imo M9300 (L) Little Joe, Johnny y la Familia M9300 (L) Little League Baseball Teams B1198 (3) Little Professor Book Center B5070 (33) Little Theater of Austin—See: Zachary Scott Theatre Z0300 (2) T6500 Little Theatre of Austin (Austin Community Players became Little Theatre of Austin in 1932) Z0300 (2) Little Toot (Tugboat) T7200 (10) Little Walnut L2710 (61) Little Walnut Creek C9060 (16) Littlefield Dormitory U3930 (11) Littlefield Fund for Southern History, The U4200 (10) Littlefield Home--See: HB 300 W. 24th St. (T & P) U3400 Littlefield Memorial Fountain U3800 (4) Littlefield Society--See: General U3000 Littlepage, J.N., Joe Blunn and Mrs. D. & Ethel Pyburn 1928 M8900 (74) Livability—See: Quality of Life (42) C4170 Live from the Plaza M9320 (C) Live Music Capital of the World slogan M9385 (61) Live Oak C2100 (56) Live Oak Development R1400 (95) Live Oak Fund for Change P9460 (15) Livestock Show (also known as Star of Texas Rodeo & Fair and Austin Rodeo) A1500 (17) LIVESTRONG C2410 (2) Living Truth Ministries R2610 (27) LNWINNART A6400 (24) Lo Vaca Gathering Company P9220 (11) Lobbying P5410 (16) Lobster Island R3800 (L) Local foods/products—See: General F2500 Location U3900 (9) Locations P2400 (5) Lockheed Missiles & Space Company M0900 (14) Lockwood C2100 (57) Lockwood, Andrews & Newman, Inc. E1400 (17) Lodges, Resorts, Subdivisions L0700 (2) Log Cabins (General) L3300 (1) LOGOS Bookstore B5070 (54) Lohman's Ford Ferry L0700 (5) Lollie Orr Huberich's Primary School P7200 (13) London Fabric B7100 (21) Lone Star Brewing Company B1696 (3) Lone Star Floral Company N3200 (3) Lone Star Hatters M5200 (5) Lone Star Ice & Coal Company I0200 (2) Lone Star Mensa—See: General C5400 Lone Star Records, Inc. M9385 (7) Lone Star Shoe Service B5236 (19) Lone Star Silver and Associates P3500 (48) Lone Star Specialist P2400 (32) Lone Star Tree T9200 (9) Lone Wolf Management M9385 (43) Lonestar Round Up A9800 (66) Long Center for the Performing Arts (General) A6500 Longbranch Inn S0300 (99) Longhorn Band U4500 (11) Longhorn Business Park S2300 (24) Longhorn Cattle (See: Bevo under University Of Texas-Social Life And Customs U4500 (14); Cattle under Agriculture A1500 (19)) Longhorn Cavern C1700 (1) Longhorn Dam D0100 (5) Longhorn Hall of Fame U3200 (8) Longhorn Jazz Festival M9383 (6) Longhorn Magazine U4350 (5) Longhorn Motel M7700 (18) Longhorn Pipeline P6450 (26) Longhorn Sports P2400 (37) Longhorn Sports—See: Periodicals P2400 (37) U4350 Longhorn T, The U3220 (2) Longview (Bargsley) C2100 (122) Looke's Cafe/English’s Restaurant R3800 (L) Looney B'Loons S3100 (9) Loop 360 H0900 (4) Loop 360 (also known as Pennybacker Bridge) B6000 (9) Loose Diamonds M9300 (L) Lopez Mateos, Adolfo V2000 (57) Lord’s Church of Austin, The C3400 (87) Lorene Rogers U3900 (16) Loretta’s Fabulous Cheesecakes—See: General F2500 Lorraine “Grandma” Camacho Activity Center P1400 (42) Los Altos S6000 (128) Los Charros Rodeo Club U4500 (27) Los Indios--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Los Lonely Boys M9300 (L) Los Texas Wranglers M9300 (L) Los Tres Bobos R3800 (L) Lost Creek S6000 (122) Lost Creek Garden Club G0700 (21) Lost Creek Golf Club G3200 (3) Lost Gonzo Band M9300 (L) Lotions M9300 (L) Lott P1200 (49) Lou Gehrig--See: B1198 (1) V2000 Lou Neff Point T7200 (4) Louie's S0300 (31) Louis Shanks Company F5000 (8) Low Power Technology T0700 (15) Low Riders A9800 (53) Low Sodium Dieters F2500 (9) Low Water B6000 (6) Low Water Dam—See: Longhorn Dam (5) D0100 Lower Class Brats M9300 (L) Lower Colorado River Authority (General – by decade) L3550 (1) Lowering for Clean-up L0300 (3) Loyalty Chapter 1036, Order of the Eastern Star F3600 (22) Loyalty Day H1800 (4) Luby's Cafeteria R3800 (L) Lucchese, Sam 1960 M8900 (44) Lucha [League of United Chicano Artists] M4300 (12) Lucile P2400 (15) Luck, Charles P. P3500 (5) Lucky Chaos T6500 (109) Lucky Lounge S0300 (97) Lucky Tomlin Band M9300 (L) Luigi's Garden Center N3200 (20) Lulenski, Steven Paul 1976 M8900 (16) Lumberan's Association T7400 (4) Lumbermen's Association of Texas L3600 (22) Lumberyards (General) L3600 Lumberyards - Calcasieu (1949 and before) L3610 (1) Lumberyards - Calcasieu (1950s) L3610 (1) Lumberyards - Calcasieu (1960s) L3610 (1) Lumberyards - Calcasieu (1970s) L3610 (1) Lumberyards - Calcasieu (General) L3610 Lumberyards - Calcasieu (Undated) L3610 (1) Lunavaya--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Lund C2100 (58) Lund, Travis County L3700 Lund, Travis County--See also: HB – Travis County Area I and properties by address Lund, Travis County—See: L3700 C3850 Lundberg Bakery--See: HB Congress, 1006 B0100 Lundgren & Maurer A5600 (7) Lung's Chinese Kitchen R3800 (153) Lunt, Alfred V2000 (184) Luther, Hans, Jr. V2000 (168) Lutheran Council of Austin C3660 (3) Lutheran Social Service C3660 (4) Lyceum II P7200 (15) Lydia Playground P1400 (28) Lyndon Baines Johnson Building T1300 (2) Lyndon Baines Johnson Library L2700 (16) Lyons Grocery Store G4200 (98) Lyons Matrix Gallery A6400 (132) LZT A5600 (32) M & M Skate Park B7100 (218) M.C Moore's School P7200 (54) M.D. Pharmacy D2300 (21) Mabel Davis District Park P1200 (76) Mac and the Cut Ups B1560 (21) MacArthur, Douglas V2000 (58) Machinery (General) M0200 Mack Smith, Denis V2000 (61) Mackedrick’s Tree House R3800 (M) Madrona Press P9700 (5) Madrona, Inc J0100 (18) Madrone Trees T9200 (3) Maerki Baking Company B0100 (3) Magazines P2400 Magazines and Publications M9385 (65) Maggie Mae's S0300 (41) Maggie Mae's—See: S0300 (41) M9320 Magic Carpet H4000 (13) Magic Time Machine R3800 (M) Magic Touch of Venus P7600 (2) Magicians A3900 (1) Magna Carta Dames P1900 (16) Magnamart G4200 (71) MAIN (Metropolitan Austin Interactive Network) (General) M0300 Main Street Program T3100 (7) Maintenance and Repair T7100 (2) Majestic, before 1970, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s M8350 Majestic, The--See: Moving Picture Theaters-Paramount M8350 M8300 Majik-Ironers, Inc. M0900 (32) Maker Faire F0900 (19) L3700 Málaga R3800 (M) Mama Eleni's Athenian Restaurant R3800 (M) Mama Woon’s R3800 (M) Management Concepts B7100 (209) Manchaca - Oak Hill Rural High School District R6600 (16) Manchaca Country Fair M0500 (5) Manchaca Optimist Club M0500 (4) Manchaca Optimist-Mrs. Club M0500 (4) Manchaca Road L2710 (47) Manchaca Springs M0500 (7) Manchaca Volunteer Fire Department M0500 (9) Manchaca, Travis County (General) M0500 (1) Manchaca, Travis County--See also: HB – Travis County Area X and properties by address M0500 Manchaca, Travis County—See: M0500 C3850 Manda C3850 (3) Manda Methodist C2100 (124) Mangel’s C5280 (17) Mangia Pizza R3800 (M) Manny Hattan’s New York Deli R3800 (M) Manor City Cemetery C2100 (61) Manor Downs (music venue)—See: S4300 (41) M9320 Manor Downs—See: Horse Racing (41) T S4300 Manor Downs—See: Sports S4300 (41) C3850 Manor Family C2100 (62) Manor House Motor Inn H3000 (21) Manor, Travis County C3850 (24) Manpower A4600 (10) Mansfield Dam D0100 (6) Mansion at Judges’ Hill H3000 (42) Manuel’s R3800 (M) Manufacturers (General) M0900 (1) -- SEE ALSO: Bottle, Jars, Etc. (B5460) Building Materials (B6658) Lumberyards (L3600) Foundries (F3000) Industry (10600) Lime Kilns (L2800) Lumberyards - Calcasieu (L3610) Machinery (M0200) Painters And Painting (P0600) Tracor, Inc. (T7350) Maple Run S6000 (89) Maplewood P8300 (28) Maps P6150 (25) Maps (General) M1000 (1) Maps (of rural school districts) R6600 (26) Marantha Christian Center C3400 (42) Marathons—See: Running (2); Walking (40); and individual companies that sponsor marathons, i.e. Motorola under Electronics E1095 (1) S4300 Marble & Granite Works M7000 (8) Marbridge Foundation for Boys M3600 (14) March 2 U4500 (18) March of Dimes D1560 (14) Mardi Gras C1900 (8) Margaret Hoffman Oaks P1200 (71) Margaret Preston Literary Society L3100 (11) Margaret, Ann (Digital Only) V2000 (210) Margolis, Irene Broza V2000 (62) Maria Maria R3800 (M) Mariachi Infantil Guadalupano de Austin M9300 (M) Mariachi Rebeldes M9300 (M) Marie Antoinette C5280 (11) Marimont R3800 (154) Marinello Beauty Shop B1560 (7) Markers, Signs, Illustrations, Concession Stands Z0450 (1) Marks, Harvey R. P3500 (6) Marley, Anne (Bonner), -1973 P4700 (6) Married Student Housing—See: UT-Students U4700 (3) U3930 Married Students U4700 (3) Mars R3800 (M) Mars' Hill Mars' Hill C3400 (29) Marsh & Box Company R1400 (74) Marsh, Tina—See: Creative Opportunity Orchestra M9300 Marshall Ford Marina L0700 (11) Marshall Greenhouses N3200 (6) Marshall, Thomas R V2000 (63) Martin P8800 (7) Martin (C.J.) & Sons N3200 (10) Martin (C.J.) and Sons L1800 (8) Martin Brothers Cafe R3800 (M) Martin Family C2100 (132) Martin Luther King, Jr. (UT) A6400 (S1400) (4) Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday H1800 (18) Martin's Kum-Bak Burgers—See: Dirty’s (D) R3800 Martin, (Mrs.) P3500 (59) Martin, Mike O1020 (6) Martin, Tony T7300 (2) Martyrs of the Alamo M8460 (19) Marvin Seline Gallery A6400 (122) "Mary and I" M9370 Mary Bolling Ferris Interior Design I1200 (15) Mary Lee School & Foundation M3600 (5) Mary Lou Shirer & Company Realtors R1400 (57) Mary Moody Northern Theater S0220 (4) Mary Moody Northern Theater--See also: THEATER ARCHIVES Mary Moore Searight P1200 (62) Maryhill College S0220 (5) Marywood Maternity and Adoption Service H2000 (1) S0220 Mas o Menos N3200 (12) Masefield, John V2000 (64) Maseru, Lesotho S2550 (2) Masonic—See: Onion Creek Masonic (74) C2100 Massage Parlor Ordinance P7600 (1) Massage Parlor Ordinance—See: Prostitution P7600 (1) O2000 Massage Parlors (General) M1500 Massage Parlors—See: Massage Parlors M1500 P P7600 Master Gardeners Association G0800 (6) Master Graphics P7000 (18) Master Plan H0900 (5) Master Plan, 1950s C4170 (4) Master Plan, 1980s C4170 (11) MasterBurglar Alarm Co. B7100 (207) Mastodons A5400 (4) Matanzima, Kaizer D V2000 (65) Maternal Health Clinic of Austin, The F0520 (20) Maternity Center H2700 (5) Maternity Center H2770 (13) Mather, Robert A5600 (20) Mathew's Mill M5400 (8) Mathews P8300 (29) Mathews School P1100 (9) Matinee Musical Society M9380 (17) Matrix Gallery of Glass A6900 (30) Matt Velasquez Center N1875 (13) Matthews Drug Store D2300 (28) Matthews-Dunnahoo C2100 (63) Matt’s El Rancho R3800 (M) Maudie's Family Style Meals R3800 (M) Maufrais Brothers B6658 (14) Maujean K1400 (13) Maverick Cafe R3800 (M) Maverick-Clarke Monthly Caller P7000 (11) Max Davis Cleaning & Pressing L1800 (24) Max Gochman Center H0200 (14) Max Starcke Dam D0100 (7) Maxwell & Apalding Druggists D2300 (35) May Fetes C1900 (5) Mayday Productions M9385 (8) Mayfest South C1900 (9) Mayfield P1200 (16) Maynard, Johnny 1973 M8900 (26) Mayor's Book Club L3100 (90) Mayor's Commission on the Status of Women W5000 (8) Mayors (General (contains general information about the office and a list of past mayors--for information about specific mayors, see AF BIOGRAPHY)) M2200 Mayton's Food Store G4200 (41) Mayton's Food Store—See also: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) G4200 McBee P8300 (77) McBee & Lock R1400 (23) McCandless Consultants, Inc. B6658 (13) McCarthy, Eugene V2000 (107) McCarty Lane Neighborhood Association N1900 (23) McCleery's (Mrs. Naomi) School P7200 (46) McCord Service Station A9910 (13) McCuistion, Elaine 1980 M8900 (53) McCuiston C2100 (59) McCullough, John V2000 (159) McDonald Observatory U3000 (11) McDonald's R3800 (94) McGovern, George V2000 (59) McGuire’s—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 MCI T0600 (4) McKinley, William V2000 (60) McKinney Falls State Park M0100 McKinney Roughs L3550 (3) McKinnon (J.A.) & Company J0100 (17) McMillan, C.D. 1880 M8900 (63) McMorris Ford A9800 (42) McMurtry, James—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE – McMurtry, James M9300 McNamara Bakery B0100 (10) McNeil Consumer Co. M0900 (26) McNeil Depot S0300 (29) McNeil, Travis County (General) M0130 McNeil, Travis County--See also: HB – Travis County Area IV and properties by address M0130 McNeil, Travis County—See: M0130 C3850 McNeill C2100 (60) McNutt Landscaping-filed with General file G0800 McQueen, Butterfly V2000 (129) ME Television T0700 (18) Meadowbrook H4510 (4) Meadowlakes H0800 (10) Meals on Wheels—See: United Action for the Elderly, Inc. O1200 (17) Mean Eyed Cat S0300 (116) Meat Industry and Trade (General) M2600 Meat Joy M9300 (M) Mechanic on Wheels A9910 (17) Mechanical, Plumbing, and Solar Board--See: Building Trades B6670 (General) B6670 Medic Alert M3000 (3) Medical Education M3000 (46) Medical-Dental Referral Service P9460 (12) Medicine (General) M3000 (1) -- SEE ALSO: Nurses & Nursing (N3600) Physicians (P3800) Meditation and Meditation Centers R2610 (113) Meiburg vs. Hooper P7100 (2c) Melasky & Sons D1100 (7) Melodrama Theater T6500 (72) Melrose Terrace—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 Membership M9130 (5) Membership Drives T0705 (5) Memorial Gifts L2710 (11) Memorial Hill Park C2100 (64) Memorial Sculpture & Fountain—See: U.S. Bicentennial C1900 (14) A6400 (S1400) Memorial United C3690 (13) Memorials P5100 (26) Men's Garden Club of Austin G0700 (9) Menagerie D1100 (34) Menchaca P8300 (56) Mendes-France, Pierre V2000 (66) Mendez Middle School P8800 (13) Menn Brothers Bakery B0100 (20) Mental Health (General) M3400 Mental Health Endowment Fund, Ind. M3400 (11) Menudo Cook-off M4300 (16) Menus (restaurant)--See: AR.1992.017 R3800 Men’s Municipal Band M9300 (M) Mercantile (N.E.) B5070 (17) Mercantile, The A4800 (28) Meridell Achievement Center M3600 (6) Merril Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith B7100 (44) Merrill Town C3850 (26) Merrilltown C2100 (65) Merrit-Nabours Co C5230 (24) Merritt, Schaefer & Brown C5230 (4) Mervyn's Department Store D1100 (31) Mesa Park S6000 (73) Messiah C3660 (14) Meta's Millinery Store M5200 (1) Metagaming P9700 (16) Metagaming's Microgames—See: General G0500 Metamorphosis R2610 (9) Meteors A7400 (7) Meter Service P9220 (9) Methodist Church-Manchaca United M0500 (3) Methodist Episcopal Church of Mount Salem Cemetery C2100 (135) Metro Austin 2000 C6075 (1) Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal C3695 (5) Metropolitan Club C5400 (25) Metropolitan Government P5410 (13) Metropolitan Hotel H3000 (7) Metropolitan Life Insurance I1150 (14) Metropost T0700 (18) Metz P1200 (37) Metz P8300 (30) Metz Recreation Center P1400 (8) Mexic-Arte Museum M9100 (4) Mexican American Chamber of Commerce M4300 (31) Mexican American Cultural Center M4300 (37) Mexican American Research Center M4300 (32) Mexican American Youth Organization M4300 (2) Mexican Americans W5700 (10) Mexican Americans (General) M4300 Mexican Americans in World War II--See W5700(10) M4300 Mexican Baptist C2100 (66) Mexican Catholic C2100 (67) Mexican Consulate M4300 (7) Mexican War T3200 (M4500 5) Mexican War Veterans V0600 (8) Mexican-American Business & Professional Women of Austin M4300 (8) Mexican-American Democrats P5300 (13) Mexican-American Legislative Caucus M4300 (29) Mexican-Americans—See: M4300 E1950 Meyer-Lytton-Allen, Inc. E1400 (22) Mi Casa Su Casa R3800 (M) Michael Sokoloff Dance Ensemble D0200 (13) Michelin Tire Corporation 10600 (7) Mickey Mantle's Country Cookin' R3800 (M) Microbreweries B1696 (7) Microelectronics & Computer Technology Corp. (MCC) E1095 (21) Mid-State Manufacturing P3000 (9) Middle Earth Unlimited, Inc. D2200 (9) Midget Theater M8300 (8) Midwifery M3000 (4) MIGHT! H0200 (3) Migrant Pupils P8200 (8) Mike and Charlie's R3800 (M) Mike’s Pub R3800 (M) Mil-Ray Hat Shop M5200 (3) Milagros de Cristo" Altar C3400 (39) Milam Cafeteria R3800 (M) Mildred Wicks Evangelistic Temple C3400 (19) Miles Brothers L1800 (25) Militant Alliance for the Disabled H0200 (15) Military (General) M4400 -- SEE ALSO: Civil Defense (C4500) Civil War (C4700) Confederate Home For Men (C6400) Confederate Woman's Home (C6600) Texas National Guard (T4000) Texas Rangers (T4400) World War I (W5500) World War II (W5700) Veterans (V0600) U.S. Armed Forces (U1500) Tracor, Inc. (T7350) Military Bases Military Bases T3200 (7) Milkshake Media A1000 (37) Mill Z0450 (4) Millay, Edna St. Vincent V2000 (130) Millennium Youth Entertainment Complex Y0600 (48) Miller Blue Print P7000 (12) Miller Keys Associates P8050 (1) Miller, Townsend—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE – Miller, Townsend M9300 Millett (C.F.) Lumberyard L3600 (21) Millfall Cooperative, Inc. S6000 (85) Millican & Robinson I1100 (4) Millinery (General) M5200 Millinery Work—See: Millinery M5200 A6900 Mills (General) M5400 (1) Milstead Co. P4600 (2) Milto’s R3800 (M) Milwood L2710 (74) Milwood S6000 (90) Milwood Neighborhood Association N1900 (61) Minco Technology Labs, Inc E1095 (26) Mind-Science Fair R2610 (20) Miniature Golf G3200 (6) Minit Mart G4200 (12) Minoan Literary Society L3100 (61) Minorities (General) M5600 -- SEE ALSO: Ethnic Groups (E1950) Minority Business Office B7100 (8) Miriam Letcher Stark Library U4200 (6) Miró Quartet M9300 (M) Mirth Food Company F2500 (16) Mirth Food Company--See also Farmers’ Markets G4200 (94) F2500 Miscellaneous L2710 (40) Miscellaneous L2710 (29j) Miscellaneous M3560 (6) Miscellaneous M3600 (13) Miscellaneous N2400 (29) Miscellaneous N2405 (13) Miscellaneous - Savings & Loans B0700 (2) Miscellaneous articles about UT Special Collections U4200 (12) Miscellaneous Museums & Galleries M9100 (1) Miscellaneous Stores H0300 (9) Misra, Mamata P4700 (21) Miss American Sweetheart Pageant Y0600 (27) Miss Asian American A7000 (3) Miss Asian American—See: Asian Americans A7000 (3) W5000 Miss Austin Pageant Y0600 (8) Miss East Austin A1300 (17) Miss East Austin—See: African-Americans A1300 (17) W5000 Miss Highland Lakes Contest H0800 (12) Mission Cavelier de la Salle V2000 (108) Mission Funeral Home U0600 (9) Missionaries—See: Evangelism (15) R2610 Missouri House H3000 (8) Missouri Pacific R0780 (2) Missouri Synod C3660 (2) Mistrot (F.E.) & Son D1100 (8) Mitchell Vending Company F2500 (31) MND (Myrick, Newman, Dahlberg & Partners, Inc.) A5600 (21) Mo-Pac Expressway H0900 (2) Mobile Film School M8460 (65) Mobile Homes T7730 (3) Mobile Loaves and Fishes H2010 (8) Mobile Web Applications C6100 (30) Mobility Impaired Transportation H0200 (8) Mobley Brothers B1000 (6) Moda P2400 (34) Model Cities Program (General) M6400 Model Cities Program—See: Model Cities M6400 C4170 Model Energy Development Demonstration Project P6450 (19) Model Railroad Engineering Service R0700 (6) Modern D0200 (29) Modern Gas Grill-n-Lite Company H4000 (6) Modern Woodmen of America C5445 (12) Modernaire Furniture Company F5000 (18) Modular Power Systems, Inc E1095 (16) Mokan H0900 (8) Momo’s M9320 (M) Mona's Nails B1560 (14) Monahans M9300 (M) Monarchs M9300 (M) Mondale, Joan V2000 (106) Mondale, Walter V2000 (137) Money - Confederate States of America C4700 (6) Monkeys A4200 (3) Monkeywrench Books B5070 (63) Monte Vista--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Monterrey Addition--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Montessori House of Children M3400 (10) Montessori House of Children N3400 (11) Montgomery Ward & Co. D1100 (20) Monthly Almanac A8500 (14) Montopolis L2710 (48) Montopolis B6000 (7) Montopolis Community Center M6800 (1) Montopolis Community School P7200 (16) Montopolis Development Association H4500 (5) Montopolis Drive-In M8300 (35) Montopolis Heights----See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Montopolis Neighborhood Center N1875 (10) Montopolis Recreation Center/Montopolis Youth Sports Complex P1400 (13) Montopolis, Travis County (General) M6800 Montopolis, Travis County—See: M6800 C3850 Monument to the Texas Pioneer M7000 (6) Monuments C1048 (6) Moody Theater M9320 (M) Moondream Catering Service R3800 (M) Moore & Morrison G4200 (42) Moore's Crossing, Travis County (General) M7100 Moore, Charles/Charles W. Moore Center for the Study of Place A5600 (10) Moore, E.T.—See: McMillan Case (63) M8900 Moore, Henry 1952 M8900 (69) Moore, Marianne V2000 (67) Moore’s Crossing, Travis County—See: M7100; Onion Creek C9060 (22); Flood Plain Ordinance under Ordinances O2000 (16) C3850 Moore’s Crossing—See: Moore’s Crossing, Travis County M7100 B6000 Mopac B6000 (15) MoPac Industrial Park 10600 (3) Mopeds C9300 (14) Mops Computer Service E1095 (24) Moreland Paint and Wall Paper Company P0600 (6) Moreno Service Station A9910 (24) Morgan & Wishert--See: Star Theatorium #1 and #2 M8300 Morgan's A4800 (23) Morgan's P7000 (13) Morley Brothers D2300 (4) Mormon Springs—See: Rivers R4000 (3) Mormons (General) M7500 Mormons—See: M7500 E1950 Morning Glory W4100 (7) Morris Williams Golf Course G3200 (8) Morris, (J.C.) C2890 (3) Morris-White, Keitha and John Albert 1969 M8900 (12) Mortar Board U4500 (20) Moscarelli Decorating Center I1200 (4) Moses (W) & Son D1100 (9) Mosque C3400 (31) Motels P6150 (26) Motels (General) M7700 (1) -- SEE ALSO: Hotels, Taverns, Etc. (H3000) Mother Eagan’s Pub S0300 (95) Mother Earth S0300 (18) Mother Earth—See: S0300 (18) M9320 Mother of Pearl M9300 (M) Mother's Day H1800 (14) Mothers Against Drunk Drivers L2900 (1) Mothers of Twins F0500 (5) MOTHERS, Personal Action in Motherhood F0500 (7) Mother’s Milk Bank C2800 (12) Motoramp Garage A9910 (8) Motorcycles C9300 (2) Motorless Motion C9300 (6) Motorola E1095 (1) Mould, Bob—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE - Mould, Bob M9300 Mount Bonnell (1959 and Before; Undated) M8150 Mount Bonnell (1960s) M8150 Mount Bonnell (1970 – 1989) M8150 Mount Bonnell (1990 -) M8150 Mount Bonnell (General) M8150 Mount Bonnell Terrace S6000 (91) Mount Lucas (General) M8250 Mountain Laurel S6000 (26) Mountain, The--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Mounted Patrol Unit P5100 (17) MOVE P9460 (23) Movement Unlimited S4300 (27) Movie Star, The R3800 (155) Moving Picture Theaters (General) M8300 Moving Picture Theaters - Paramount (General) M8350 (1) Moving Picture Theaters - Queen (General) M8360 Moving Pictures - Film Festivals (General) M8430 Moving Pictures - Production & Direction (General - Films shot in Austin, Texas) Moving Pictures - Production & Direction (General) M8460 Movin’s Spirits Dance Company—See: Women W5000 (19) D0200 Mr. Greenleaves N3200 (18) Mr. Habitat M9300 (M) Mr. Pat's Coiffures B1560 (10) Mr. Sinus Theater T6500 (92) Mrs. Baird's Bakeries B0100 (11) Mrs. Frithiof Schneider's Beauty Shop B1560 (8) M8460 (71) Mrs. Heath's School P7200 (11) Mrs. Robinson's Sandwich Bar R3800 (M) Mt. Calvary C2100 (68) Mt. Calvary MisPressionary C3450 (80) Mt. Olive C3660 (26) Mt. Olive Evergreen C2100 (134) Mt. Olive Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star F3600 (23) Mt. Olive Grand Chapter, St. Joseph Grand Lodge F3600 (9) Mt. Sinai C3450 (87) Mt. Vernon Motel M7700 (7) Mt. Zion C3450 (94) Mu Phi Epsilon M9380 (13) Mud, Travis County (General) M8500 Mud, Travis County—See: M8500 C3850 Mueller (Robert) & Brothers L2300 (3) Mueller Development S6000 (141) Mueller Neighborhood Coalition N1900 (60) Mules--See: Travis County Agriculture Extension Service A1500 (23) A4200 Mullin Square N1000 (10) Multi-Ethnic Chamber Alliance C2390 (36) Multimedia Cafe C6100 (2) Multiple Sclerosis, Central Texas Chapter D1560 (25) Municipal Airport P6150 (52) Municipal Airport (1930s and earlier) M8600 (1) Municipal Airport (1940s) M8600 (2) Municipal Airport (1950s) M8600 (3) Municipal Airport (1960s - Construction of New Airport) M8600 (4-b) Municipal Airport (1960s - Dedication of New Airport) M8600 (4-c) Municipal Airport (1960s - General) M8600 (4-a) Municipal Airport (1970s) M8600 (5) Municipal Airport (1980s) M8600 (6) Municipal Airport (1990s - Austin Bergstrom International Airport (opened Spring 1999)) M8600 (8) Municipal Airport (1990s) M8600 (7) Municipal Art Guild A6600 (6) Municipal Auditorium (Palmer Auditorium) (General) M8620 Municipal Buildings P6150 (27) Municipal Buildings (General) M8640 (1) Municipal Christmas Tree H1850 (3) Municipal Coliseum M8640 (11) Municipal Court C7910 (1) Municipal Golf Course G3200 (4) Municipal Utility Districts (MUDs) P9200 (4) Mural in Lobby T5400 (2) Murals--See: Art Galleries A6400 (104) A6300 Murals/Outdoor Art A6400 (104) Murchison P1200 (33) Murchison P8800 (8) Murchison - Lee Company Cash Grocers G4200 (43) Murder - Mass (General) M8960 Murders—See: Murders M8900 C9200 Murphy (G.C.) D1100 (25) Murray's Bagel Nosh B0100 (16) Muscular Dystrophy Association, Central Texas Chapter D1560 (24) Museum of Natural and Artificial Ephemerata M9100 (14) Museum of the Weird M9100 (18) Museum School at Laguna Gloria M9130 (2) Museums P6150 (28) Museums (General) M9100 -- SEE ALSO: Art Galleries (A6400) Museums - Austin Children's Museum (General) M9103 Museums - Austin Museum of Art (originally Laguna Gloria Art Museum; after July 2013 see The Contemporary Austin M9131) (General (information about events, exhibits, issues, staff, etc.)) M9130 Museums - Austin Museum of Art (originally Laguna Gloria Art Museum; after July 2013 see The Contemporary Austin M9131) (General Chronology/History, by date) M9130 Museums - Contemporary Austin, The (before July 2013 see Austin Museum of Art M9130) (General) M9131 (1) Museums - Discovery Hall (General) M9115 Museums - El Museo Del Barrio (General) M9105 Museums - Elisabet Ney (General) M9110 (1) Museums - French Legation (General - by decade) M9120 (1) Museums - George Washington Carver (General) M9125 Museums - O. Henry (General) M9150 Museums - Texas Memorial Museum (1949 and Before) M9180 Museums - Texas Memorial Museum (1950s) M9180 Museums - Texas Memorial Museum (1960s) M9180 Museums - Texas Memorial Museum (1970s) M9180 Museums - Texas Memorial Museum (1980s) M9180 Museums - Texas Memorial Museum (1990s) M9180 Museums - Texas Memorial Museum (2000-) M9180 Museums - Texas Memorial Museum (General) M9180 (1) Museums - Texas Museum Of Natural History (General) M9190 Museums – Bob Bullock Texas State History (General) M9200 Musgrove vs. Frank (2a) P7100 ( 2a) Music P8200 (54) Music - Bands, Orchestras, Choirs, etc. (entries with an asterisk (*) indicate that the artist or band has a separate file for clippings shelved within the alphabetical section) (General, by decade) M9300 (1) Music - Halls, Venues, Etc. (General) M9320 -- SEE ALSO: Saloons (S0300) Music - Instruction And Study (General) M9335 (1) Music - Sheet Music & Lyrics (All files are in one folder) (General) M9370 Music - Societies, Etc. (General) M9380 Music and Media Conference & Festival F1000 (1) Music Building U3400 (29) Music Building East U3400 (30) Music Copyright and Licensing M9385 (68) Music Department (now known as Butler School of Music) U3540 (1) Music Department (now known as Butler School of Music) U3540 (1) Music Festivals (General) M9383 -- SEE ALSO: Festivals (F0900) Music - Halls, Venues, Etc. (M9320) Celebrations (C1900) Festivals – South by Southwest Conference and Festivals (SXSW) (F1000) Music Industry Loan Program M9385 (31) Music On Hold M9385 (55) Music Outreach Volunteer Entertainers (M.O.V.E.) M9380 (54) Music Posters M9385 (33) Music Trade (General) M9385 (1) Music Umbrella of Austin, Inc M9380 (24) Musical Instruments (General) M9400 Mustangs A6400 (S1400) (M9600) Mutual Lumber Company L3610 (2) Mutual of Omaha I1100 (6) My Education M9300 (M) "My Generation"—See: Programs (16) T0700 Myers, Cydney 1979 M8900 (48) Mysteries & More, Inc. B5070 (57) N.A.I.C. Investment Information B7100 (205) Nader, Ralph V2000 (123) Nadine M8460 (33) Nakia M9300 (N) Nalle & Company L3600 (11) Nalle Plastics M0900 (37) Namath, Joe V2000 (68) Named (by street) S5700 (5) Nameless C2100 (69) Nameless, Travis County—See: N0200 C3850 Names of City Council members C4030 (1) Nancy Crawford, Inc N1000 (14) Narconon D2200 (6) Narro & Co. F5000 (29) Nash Hernandez and His Orchestra M9300 (N) Nash Phillips-Copus R1400 (24) National Alliance on Mental Health Austin Clubhouse P9460 (35) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People C4600 (1) National Association of Accountants T7400 (5) National Association of Legal CB Operators R0300 (15) National Association of Mature People, Bluebonnet Club O1200 (39) National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) T7400 (33) National Association of Women in Construction W5000 (32) National Conference of Christians and Jews, Austin Chapter C3400 (7) National Council on Aging, Southwest Regional Office O1200 (11) National Hispanic Institute M4300 (34) National Instruments E1095 (51) National Issues Convention P5300 (4) National Issues Convention--See also: BIOGRAPHY Fishkin, James P5300 National Library Week L2710 (9) National Organization for Women, Austin Chapter W5000 (9) National Organization of Non-Parents, Austin Chapter F0520 (7) National Register of Historic Places H1200 (5) National Resort Communities, Inc. L0200 (3) National Secretaries Association, Tower Light Chapter T7400 (15) National Shirt Shops C5230 (8) National Trust for Historic Preservation H1200 (4) National Western Life Insurance Company I1150 (4) National Wildflower Research Center (now the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center) W4100 (9) National Women of Achievement, Inc. A1300 (35) National Women of Achievement, Inc.—See: African-Americans A1300 (17) W5000 Native Son Plant Nursery N3200 (21) Natural Disasters (General) N0800 -- SEE ALSO: Weather (W1700) Natural Ear Music Camp M9335 (12) Natural Science Center (General) N0900 (1) Natural Science Center in Zilker Park Controversy N0900 (4) Nature Conservancy - Texas Chapter E0400 (26) Nature Preserves P1400 (37) Nau's Pharmacy D2300 (31) Naval Mothers Club U1500 (2) Naval Reserve U1500 (15) Neal Spelce Associates, Inc. A1000 (21) Needle and Craft Shop, The N1000 (7) Needle Corner N1000 (1) Needlework (General) N1000 Needlework—See: Needlework N1000 A6900 Negro Leagues B1198 (13) Neighborhood And Community Centers (General) N1875 Neighborhood Assistance Program N1900 (40) Neighborhood Groups (General) N1900 (1) -- SEE ALSO: Antipoverty Programs (A4600) Urban Renewal Projects and Programs (U5000) Neighborhood Housing & Conservation Department H4500 (17) Neighborhood Planning & Zoning Department C4170(Z1200) (4) Neighborhood Watch P5100 (19) Neighbors of Triangle Park N1900 (58) Neill, Charles Stephen V2000 (69) Neill-Cochran House Museum M9100 (10) Neill-Cochran House Museum--See also: HB San Gabriel, 2310 M9100 Nelda's Hairstyling and Gifts B1560 (27) Nelson Davis and Company G4200 (10) Nelson Puett & Associates R1400 (12) Nelson, Willie—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE – Nelson, Willie M9300 Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection U4200 (5) Network for Attitudinal Healing International, Inc. R2610 (24) Network of Asian American Organizations (NAAO) A7000 (5) Network of Indian Professionals – Austin (Net IP) A7020 (5) Neuhaus-Royal Athletic Center U3400 (64) New building/site controversy, 1970s P8640 (8) New Deal (General) N2000 -- SEE ALSO: Civilian Conservation Corp (C4900) New Deal—See: New Deal N2000 P5410 New Directions C9250 (1) New East Art Gallery--See: Diverse Arts A6300 (11) A6400 New Hope A.M.E. Church C3695 (10) New Hope Missionary Baptist C3450 (95) New Life Institute C3690 (32) New Mix M9300 (N) New Moon Wilderness Program (Austin Wilderness Counseling Services) M3420 (14) New Mount Olive C3450 (77) New Orleans Club S0300 (17) New Sweden, Travis County (General) N2200P New Sweden, Travis County--See also: HB – Travis County Area I and properties by address N2200P New Sweden, Travis County—See: N2200 C3850 New Texas Festival/New Texas Music Works (now Conspirare) M9383 (2) New Texas Festival/New Texas Music Works (now Conspirare)—See also: M9300 (C) M9383 New Texas Festival—See: Music M9383 (2) F0900 New Windsor Garden Club G0700 (10) New World Puppet Theater T6500 (22) New Year H1800 (1) New York Hotel H3000 (9) New York Life Insurance Company I1150 (16) Newcomers Reports P5900 (1) Newell Salvage Company E0400 (17) Newflower Farmers Market—See: General G4200 Newman Hall C3550 (16) Newman Hall U3930 (12) News and Information Service U3000 (4) News Releases T7350 (7) Newspapers (General) N2400 -- SEE ALSO: Periodicals (See Periodicals Collection by title for actual issues) (P2400) Newspapers - American Statesman (1919 and Before) N2405 (1) Newspapers - American Statesman (1920-29) N2405 (2) Newspapers - American Statesman (1930-39) N2405 (3) Newspapers - American Statesman (1940-49) N2405 (4) Newspapers - American Statesman (1950-59) N2405 (5) Newspapers - American Statesman (1960-69) N2405 (6) Newspapers - American Statesman (1970-79; 1980 -) N2405 (7) Newspapers in Education/Newspapers in the Classroom N2405 (15) Newton and Associates A5600 (31) Newton Boys M8460 (39) Next-To-New Shop C3638 (5) Ni-Wo-Di-Hi Galleries A6400 (37) Nice Strong Arm M9300 (N) Nicholas Brothers Shoe repair B5236 (33) Nick Linz L1800 (11) Nieman, Hanks & Puryear R1400 (13) Night Hawk R3800 (N) Night Train R3800 (N) Nijinsky, Waslav V2000 (133) Nike Missile Base U1500 (1) Nimitz, Chester V2000 (70) Nineteenth Century Black Legislators Monument M7000 (13) Nineteenth Street C3450 (38) Ninfa’s R3800 (N) Nixon, Richard M. V2000 (152) Nixon-Clay College B7432 (3) Noble, John H. V2000 (71) Noise Ordinance O2000 (2) Noise pollution P5700 (3) Nokonah, The A5000 (9) Nomadic Notions A6900 (40) Nonprofit Organizations (General) N2600 Norman P8300 (31) Norman Eaton's R3800 (95) Norman, Robert W. V2000 (72) North Acres S6000 (27) North Austin C3580 (6) North Austin Civic Association N1900 (8) North Austin Fire Co. No. 6 F1250 (5) North Austin Police Substation P5100 (16) North Austin Rotary Club R5800 (4) North Austin State Bank B0700 (22) North Loop C3600 (9) North Loop L2710 (59) North Loop Plaza S2300 (25) North Oaks L2710 (63) North University Neighborhood Group N1900 (18) North Village L2710 (49) North Village S2300 (26) Northcross Mall S2300 (14) Northeast Austin Youth Association Y0600 (34) Northeast Kiwanis Club C5445 (6) Northern Lights A7400 (3) Northill Square S6000 (28) Northtown Estates S6000 (29) Northview C3450 (40) Northwest P1200 (17) Northwest Area Association N1900 (19) Northwest Austin S6000 (30) Northwest Austin Civic Association N1900 (46) Northwest Fitness Center S4300 (25) Northwest Garden & Gift Center N3200 (5) Northwest Highlands S6000 (31) Northwest Hills S6000 (32) Northwest Hills Civic Association N1900 (52) Northwest Hills Pharmacy D2300 (33) Northwest Hills United C3690 (14) Northwest Kiwanis Club C5445 (5) Northwest Mediplex N3800 (7) Northwest Recreation Center P1400 (24) Northwest Savings Association B0700 (23) Northwest Station L2710 (50) Norwegian Society of Texas E1950 (23) Norwood Estate (leash-free) P1200 (57) Nothing Strikes Back C6300 (7) Nova M9300 (N) Novell, Inc. E1095 (54) Novus Ordo R1400 (70) Now or Never E0400 (16) Nowotny Building U3400 (74) NSW Corp. M0900 (22) Nubian Queen R3800 (N) Nuckols, Alpheus B.—See: Biography File P3500 (70) Nuclear Power Plants P6450 (1) Nuclear Waste—See: R2000 (4) E0400 Nuclear Weapons Freeze P7750 (11) Nueces Activity Center O1200 (23) Nuevo León R3800 (N) Numbered (by street) S5700 (4) Numbers School P7200 (19) Numismatics - Collectors & Collecting (General) N2850 -- SEE ALSO: Tokens (T6900) Nurseries - Horticultural (General) N3200 Nursery Schools - Day Care (General) N3400 (1) Nurses & Nursing (General) N3600 Nursing Homes (General) N3800 (1) -- SEE ALSO: Old Age (O1200) Nursing School U3400 (32) Nushank Theatre Collective T6500 (102) Nutcracker -- See Ballet Austin (6) D0200 Nutrition (General) F2500 (24) Nutrition for Health Program F2500 (15) O'Bannon's C6300 (9) O'Quinn Brunch L2710 (29o) O. Henry P1100 (15) O. Henry P8800 (9) O. Henry Honeymoon Cottage M9150 (2) OAF House M9300 (O) Oak Farms Dairy A1600 (7) Oak Forest S6000 (33) Oak Grove C2100 (70) Oak Grove Academy P7200 (20) Oak Haven—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 Oak Hill C2100 (71) Oak Hill P8300 (65) Oak Hill Association of Neighborhoods N1900 (68) Oak Hill Heights S6000 (175) Oak Hill Studio P3500 (68) Oak Hill United Methodist C3690 (32) Oak Hill, Travis County (General) O0200 Oak Hill, Travis County--Also see: HB – Travis County Area IX and properties by address O0200 Oak Hill, Travis County—See: O0200 C3850 Oak Hill/Will Hampton L2710 (70) Oak Springs P8300 (32) Oak wilt T9200 (8) Oakcoal Manufacturing Company E0400 (5) Oaklan Homes—See: Austin Housing Authority (1) T H4510 Oakmont Heights S6000 (153) Oakwood S6000 (154) Oat Willie's B7100 (224) Obama Store, The--See: General B7100 Obama, Barack V2000 (209) Occasional Gallery, The A6400 (25) Occupy Austin P7750 (18) Ocsar Kunz G4200 (85) Octopus Project M9300 (O) Odd Fellows S1600 (4) Odom P8300 (33) Odom School Park P1200 (75) Odorless Dry Cleaners L1800 (12) Oetting Furniture Studio F5000 (20) Office Equipment and Supplies B7100 (11) Office of Economic Opportunity A4600 (3) Office of Emergency Management C4500 (1) Office of Land Development Services (Planning Dept.) C4170 (17) Office of Neighborhood Revitalization H4500 (15) Office of Research and Evaluation P8200 (55) Office of the Attorney General’s Paternity/Parenthood Program F0500 (21) Office of the Police Monitor C4080 (3) Officials and Employees - Austin (General) O1010 (1) -- SEE ALSO: City Council (C4030) City Manager (C4140) Mayors (M2200) Officials and Employees - Texas (General) O1020 Officials and Employees - Travis County (General) O1030 Oglebay Norton Company M0900 (8) Oh No Oh My M9300 (O) "Oh, Come to my Home" M9370 Oil U3900 (11) Oita City S2550 (6) Okkervil River M9300 (O) Oklahome Coal Company F4400 (2) Old 786 R0860 (2) Old Age (General) O1200 (1) Old Age - Retirement Homes (General) O1250 -- SEE ALSO: Nursing Homes (N3800) Old Austin Neighborhood—See: Old West Austin Neighborhood N1900 Old Enfield Homeowners Association N1900 (42) Old Pecan Street Association S5705 (2) Old Pecan Street Cafe R3800 (O) Old Quarry L2710 (58) Old Red Campus P8640 (3) Old Settler’s Music Festival M9383 (30) Old Seville R3800 (O) Old Spaghetti Warehouse R3800 (O) Old Texas Trails Restaurant P3000 (15) Old Town Shopping Center P3000 (10) Old Town Toys T7300 (5) Old Vienna R3800 (O) Old West Austin Neighborhood N1900 (9) Old West Austin Neighborhood—See also: Concerned Citizens for the Development of West Austin (6); West Austin Neighborhood Group N1900 (15) N1900 Old West—See: Western Publications P2400 (11) Old World Bread B0100 (17) Oliphant, William J. P3500 (7) Olive Huck Insurance Agency I1100 (17) Olive Street Playground P1200 (18) Oliver C2100 (72) Olivet C3450 (42) Olmsted, Frederick Law V2000 (140) Omar and the Howlers M9300 (O) On Stage of Texas D0200 (15) On Stage of Texas T6500 (20) On-Demand Technologies C6100 (18) One American Center B6824 (7) One Design Center I1200 (21) One Hundred Club of Austin, The T7400 (28) One Knite—See also: BIOGRAPHY FILE-Howard, Roddy M9320 "One Sweet Day" M9370 One World Theatre T6500 (84) Onion Creek C9060 (22) Onion Creek P1200 (19) Onion Creek S6000 (34) Onion Creek Bridge—See: Onion Creek C9060 (22) B6000 Onion Creek Club G3200 (15) Onion Creek German Lutheran Church C2100 (73) Onion Creek Lodge No. 220, A.F. & A.M. F3600 (8) Onion Creek--See: Buda, Hays County B6140 and Moore’s Crossing, Travis County M7100 C9060 Onward Austin C6075 (2) Opal Divine’s Freehouse S0300 (87) Open Door P7200 (60) Open Door Nursery School N3400 (25) Open Forum W4800 (7) Open House Ministries of Austin C3400 (33) Open I A6900 (13) Open Records Act P8200 (70) Open Theatre A6600 (17) Opening L2710 (29l) Opera House Bar S0300 (6) Opera House Bar—See: S0300 (6) M9320 Opera Houses (early) T6500 (82) Operation Brotherhood C3450 (43) Optical Trade (General) O1600 Optimist Clubs of Austin C5445 (9) Oral History Project L2710 (29e) Oral Majority P5410 (11) Orchesis M9300 (O) Orchestra P8200 (29) Orchids F2200 (2) Order of the Eastern Star, District 5, Section 6 F3600 (18) Order of the Violet Crown (General) O1800 Order of the Violet Crown—See: Order Of The Violet Crown O1800 S3100 Ordinance – see Ordinances, O2000 (13) C9260 Ordinances (General) O2000 Ordinances, local laws, etc. A9800 (60) Ordinances, Local Laws, etc. C9300 (11) Ordinance—See: Ordinances O2000 (18) B6000 Organic Gardening G0800 (1) Organic Women's Farm W5000 (20) Organizations P8620 (2) Organizations, Societies & Clubs A1300 (7) Oriental Gardens A8050 (4) Oriental Gardens R3800 (O) Oriental Mission Church of Austin C3580 (13) Origin C6100 (20) Orleans Harbor S6000 (74) Ornamental Iron Works F3000 (5) Ortega P8300 (34) Oscar Samostz D2300 (14) Oswald, Guenther F5000 (25) Other County Historical Survey Committees T3100 (8) Other Meetings T3100 (5) Other Shops L2300 (7) Otting Pure Food Grocery G4200 (44) Our Lady of Guadalupe C3200 (14) Our Lady of Guadalupe C3550 (13) Our Lady of Mt. Carmel H2600 (3) Our Lady’s Maronite Catholic Parish C3550 (24) Our Little Miss Pageant Y0600 (16) Out of Bounds Comedy Festival F0900 (3) Out Youth H2030 (8) Outlaw Blues M8460 (4) Outlaws M9300 (O) Outlaws—See also: BIOGRAPHY FILE – Nelson, Willie M9300 Outrageous B1560 (18) Outreach Programs M9130 (13) Outstanding Women of the Year Awards W5000 (2) Overall Economic Development Plan A4600 (12) Overland Band, The M9300 (O) Overlord, DJ M9300 (O) Overstreet, Fred L. -1944 W5700 (3) Overton, James Timothy 1972 M8900 (13) Overton—See: Parks & Recreation Department P1400 (42) P8300 Owen M. Smith I1100 (14) Owens Garage A9910 (22) Owens, Jesse V2000 (175) Owners Aid R1400 (58) P & H Enterprises N3800 (12) P&K Grocery G4200 (93) P. Terry's Burger Stand R3800 (P) P.O.W. - M.I.A. U1500 (5) P.O.W. Tree C1048 (5) P.O.W.s W5700 (7) Pace Bend P1200 (42) Pachanga Latino Music Festival M9383 (32) Pacific Islanders E1950 (35) Padgitt & Warmoth L2300 (4) Paella Plus F2500 (22) Page, Southerland and Page A5600 (2) Pages T3500 (4) Paggi House R3800 (P) Paggi Place L3300 (8) Painter Hall U3400 (36) Painters And Painting (General) P0600 (1) Painters Local 221 U0900 (9) Painting and Decorating Contractors of America U0900 (10) Paisano Fellowship/Dobie Ranch L3100 (62) Paleface Ranch L0700 (7) Palestinian Protest P7750 (7) Palm K1400 (14) Palm P1200 (20) Palm P8300 (35) Palm Harbor Homes M0900 (36) Palm Playground Library Station L2710 (52) Palmer Drug Abuse Program D2200 (14) Pamphlets C3638 (2) Pan American L2710 (62) Pan American Recreation Center P1400 (9) Pan-American Round Table I1230 (12) Pangea S0300 (114) Panorama 90 T0705 (10) Pants South--See Clothing and Dress - Men C5230 (1) C5280 Pants South--See Clothing and Dress - Men C5230 (1) C5230 Papas Without Partners F0500 (3) Paperbacks Plus B5070 (43) Para La Gente M4300 (23) Parades (1800s) P1000 (1) Parades (1900-1909) P1000 (2) Parades (1910-1919) P1000 (4) Parades (1920-1929) P1000 (5) Parades (1930-1939) P1000 (6) Parades (1940-1949) P1000 (7) Parades (1950-1959) P1000 (8) Parades (1960-1969) P1000 (9) Parades (1970-1979) P1000 (10) Parades (1980-1989) P1000 (12) Parades (1990-1999) P1000 (13) Parades (2000-2009) P1000 (14) Parades (Parades-Undated) P1000 Paradox Players T6500 (107) Paragon Feature Film Company M8460 (8) Paragon Properties R1400 (42) Paramount Singers M9300 (P) Parent Effectiveness Training F0500 (12) Parent Scouts P9400 (9) Parent-Teacher Association (General) P1100 (1) Parent-Teacher Association—See: P1100 T0470 Parents Against Parental Kidnapping F0500 (14) Parents Anonymous C2800 (1) Parents Club P1400 (36) Parents League of Austin Y0600 (9) Parents Without Partners, Travis County Chapter F0500 (2) Parents' Warmline F0500 (13) Parents, Familie,s & Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) H2030 (20) Paris Hats M5200 (7) Park College U2000 (1) Park Forest S6000 (35) Park Hills C3450 (44) Park on the Colorado—See: B1198 (12) P1200 Park Rangers P1400 (3) Park, Merri Lu P3500 (23) Parkaidettes P5100 (9) Parkcrest Gallery A6400 (26) Parker, Fess V2000 (112) Parking Garages U3400 (65) Parkinson Place Subdivision--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Parks P6150 (29) Parks (General) P1200 (1) Parks - Deep Eddy (General) P1230 Parks - Pease (General) P1268 Parks - Travis County (General) P1280 Parks - Wooldridge (General) P1295 Parks and Recreation Board P1400 (2) Parks and Recreation Department (General) P1400 (1) Parks and Recreation Master Plan P1400 (17) Parks and Wildlife Department T2500 (8) Parkstone--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Parkway Antique Gallery A4800 (24) Parlin Hall U3400 (33) Parsley (W.L.) Dry Cleaners L1800 (13) Parties Unlimited S3100 (3) Partners in Crime M9300 (P) Partners in Education (formerly Austin Adopt-a-School) P8200 (74) Party Cat, The S3100 (11) Party Giver, The S3100 (1) Party Pig, The S3100 (4) Party Service, The S3100 (2) Parums Productions of Austin M8460 (5) Pastime Theater M8300 (30) Pat and Kenneth Zitzman Studio-See: Recording for the Blind (6) B4070 Pat Knox Dance Studio D0200 (26) Pat Winston, Interior Design I1200 (11) Patent Medicine M3000 (5) Patent Perpetual Lime Kiln L2800 (1) Pathfinders Club W4800 (11) Patient Service and Care H2770 (12) Patient Services and Care H2700 (3) Patrick Gallery A6400 (88) Patterson C2100 (75) Patterson P1200 (46) Patterson House M3560 (8) Patton -- Before 1970, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s P8300 (70) Patton Ranch—See: Legend Oaks (127) T S6000 Paul Ray & the Cobras M9300 (P) Pauley, Jane V2000 (166) Paulissen Baking Company B0100 (5) Pavarotti, Luciano V2000 (223) Pavex of Austin, Inc. M0900 (34) Pavilion Lincoln-Mercury A9800 (63) Pawley's Oriental Tea & Coffee Shop G4200 (45) Pax Christi Austin—See: General R2610 Pay scales, raises, etc O1010 (2) Payne’s Grocery Store—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) Payton Family Case—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE under Payton M8900 PBLK Communications C6100 (5) PBX Club of Austin T7400 (6) PC Foods F2500 (45) Peace and Justice Coalition P7750 (12) Peace Organizations I1230 (8) Pearce P8800 (10) Pearce Hall U3400 (34) Pease P1100 (12) Pease P8300 (36) Pease Child Care Center P8300 (36c) Pease History P8300 (36a) Pease Newsletters P8300 (36b) Pebble Project, The P9460 (26) Pecan Grove T7200 (12) Pecan Park S6000 (36) Pecan Springs P8300 (37) Pecan Springs School R6600 (9) G4200 Pecan Square S2300 (6) Pecan Square Gallery A6400 (42) Pecan Street Festival F0900 (4) Pecan Street Project E1340 (3) Pecan Street Rum L2900 (5) Pecans/peanuts—See: General F2500 Peck, Gregory V2000 (73) Pedernales River R4000 (6) Pedunkel's R3800 (269) Peerman Morgan Galleries A6400 (90) Pelican's Wharf R3800 (156) Pemberton Heights S6000 (37) Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association N1900 (59) Pemberton Press P9700 (7) Penn (J.S.) and Company B5070 (3) Penn Field A1200 (15) Penn Park—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 Pennington, Ty V2000 (204) People Fund A4600 (15) People in Defense of the Earth and Her Resources (PODER) E0400 (47) People Talk P2400 (41) People's Building & Loan Association, The B0700 (24) People's Business College B7432 (4) People's Choice M9300 (P) People's Community Clinic P9400 (5) Peoples Arts and Crafts Supply, Inc. A6900 (19) Peregrine Theatre T6500 (19) Perez P8300 (83) Performing Arts School Z0300 (4) Performing Arts Task Force P2200 (1) Performing Players of Austin T6500 (30) Periodicals (See Periodicals Collection by title for actual issues) (General) P2400 -- SEE ALSO: Newspapers (N2400) Newspapers - American Statesman (N2405) Peripatos Coyote U4350 (9) Peripatus, The U3800 (5) Perry C2100 (76) Perry Club for Girls Y0600 (22) Perry Rose Firestone A9800 (18) Perry School P7200 (44) Perry-Castaneda Library (PCL) U4200 (15) Perryman (P.J.) Construction Company B6670 (4) Personnel H2700 (10) Personnel H2770 (15) Personnel P1400 (32) Personnel T7350 (5) Personnel Department-Staff Development O1010 (18) Personnel Policies O1010 (3) Pesticides P5700 (5) Peter Pan Mini-Golf A3900 (5) Peterson & Hornberger G4200 (46) Peterson & Seale N3200 (14) Petite Ecole P7200 (59) Petmecky Company S4200 (2) Petrified Forest Lodge M7700 (19) Petroleum F4400 (5) Petroleum Engineering Building U3400 (35) Petroleum Engineering Department—Filed in: General U3535 (3) Petting zoos A4200 (7) Pfluger C2100 (77) Pfluger, James D. B6000 (23) Pfluger-Polkinghorm--See: General A5600 Pflugerville C2100 (78) Pflugerville Bottling Works P3000 (11) Pflugerville Community Library L2700 (9) Pflugerville Fire Station P3000 (12) Pflugerville Independent School District P3000 (13) Pflugerville Oil Mill P3000 (14) Pflugerville, Travis County (Also see: HB – Travis County Area II and properties by address) P3000 Pflugerville, Travis County (General) P3000 Pflugerville, Travis County—See: P3000 C3850 Pharmaco M3000 (35) Pharmacy Building U3400 (75) Phenix & Phenix, Inc. P9700 (35) Phi Beta Kappa U4500 (4) Philip C. Tucker Chapter No. One Knights Rose Croix F3600 (3) Philips & Black, Land & General Agents R1400 (14) Phillips & Phillips I1200 (14) Phillips Chapel C3695 (7) Phillips Tradition Manor H4000 (10) Philosopher’s Rock A6400 (S1400) (6) Philosopher’s Rock—See: Art-Sculptures A6400 (S1400) (3) Z0450 Philosophical Society of Texas, The R2610 (13) Phoenix Dance Theatre D0200 (33) Phoenix Saloon S0300 (7) Phogg Foundation for the Pursuit of Happiness C6075 (7) Photo-eye Books P3500 (57) Photographers and Photography (General) P3500 Photography Lab L2710 (29v) Physical Facilities H2700 (8) Physical Facilities, 1900 - 1974 H2770 (9) Physical Facilities, 1975 H2770 (10) Physical Fitness (General) P3700 (1) -- SEE ALSO: Sports (S4300) Physical Fitness—See: Physical Fitness P3700 S4300 Physicians (General) P3800 Physics-Math-Astronomy Building U3400 (37) Picadilly Cafeteria R3800 (P) Pickle (J.J.) P8300 (79) Pierce (J.B.) & Brother G4200 (47) Pierson, Mr. and Mrs. William 1935 M8900 (27) Pig Stands of California R3800 (P) Piggly-Wiggly Grocery Store G4200 (5) Pilgrim P2400 (44) Pilgrim Rest Primitive C3450 (79) Pillow P8300 (38) Pilot Knob C3850 (8) Pilot Knob (Volcano) G1600 (2) Pilot Parents H0200 (12) Piñatas S3100 (10) Pioneer Dance Club D0200 (52) Pioneer Dinner Club R3800 (P) Pioneer Farm—See: P1400 (21) H0580 Pioneer Flour Mills F2500 (28) Pioneer Settlement N0900 (10) Pioneer--See: Continental A1200 (17) PIP (Postal Instant Press) P7000 (23) Pitch in Campaigning E0400 (6) Place of Herons – filed with General P9700 (38) Place of Worship, A C3400 (10) "Place, The" M3420 (8) Placebo, The A6400 (27) Plain View Press P9700 (22) Planet K B7100 (234) Planned Parenthood F0520 (2) Planned Unit Developments S6000 (132) Planning, Environmental & Conservation Services Department – see E0400(1) Environmental & Conservation Services Dept C4170 Plastic Specialties, Inc. M0900 (27) Plausible Community Theatre T6500 (27) Play! Theater Group T6500 (100) Playhouse Nursery School N3400 (12) Plaza Balcones S2300 (5) Plaza Saltillo TOD Station T7820 (1) Pleasant Grove Addition—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 Pleasant Grove, Travis County (General) P4345 Pleasant Grove, Travis County—See: P4345 C3850 Pleasant Hill C3450 (88) Pleasant Hill L2710 (67) Pleasant Hill P8300 (53) Pleasant Hill S6000 (38) Pleasant Hill (community in East Austin)—See: S6090 (3) S6000 Pleasant Hill School R6600 (10) Pleasant Hill [photos in S6000 (38)] S6090 (3) Pleasant Valley R6600 (27) Pleasant View Addition--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Pleasure Time Beverages B5460 (5) Plemmons, David E. 1964 M8900 (76) Plotsky Realtors R1400 (25) Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union 286 U0900 (11) Plumbing (General) P4600 (1) Plummers C2100 (79) Plush S0300 (104) Pluymen & Bayer L2200 (20) Plymouth Life Insurance Company I1150 (5) po Tract U3800 (2) Pocket Pete’s R3800 (P) Poco Taco R3800 (157) Poetry (General) P4700 -- SEE ALSO: Literature (L3100) Poetry and the Other Creative Arts in Therapy Conference P4700 (20) Poinsettias F2200 (4) Point Venture L0700 (8) Points of Interest T7000 Pokorny, Phil + Company, Inc. A5600 (30) Polar Bear R3800 (249) Polar Bear-Ashburn Ice Cream Company C6300 (13) Polar Ice Cream Company C6300 (4) Poles E1950 (21) Police Activities League (PAL) P5100 (12) Police Aides P5100 (7) Police Department (General) P5100 Police Department Appreciation Day P5100 (4) Police Department Buildings P5100 (3) Police Department Storefront Office P5100 (5) Police Radio Script, 1938 P5100 (6) Polio D1560 (13) Political Asylum Project E1200 (2) Political Parties (General) P5300 Politicians/Politics A1300 (58) Politics & Government-Austin (General (chronological)) P5410 Politics and Government - Travis County (General) P5420 Polk (R.L.) & Company (City Directory Publishers) P9700 (13) Pollution & Clean-Up L0700 (6) Pollution & Clean-ups H0800 (7) Pollution (General (by decades)) P5700 Pollution and Clean-Up T7200 (9) Polo S4300 (42) Polonaise R3800 (P) Polynesia Restaurant R3800 (P) Pond Spring C2100 (137) Pond Springs School R6600 (6) Ponderosa School N3400 (30) Pontoon B6000 (10) Poodle Dog Lounge S0300 (106) Poor Farm T8000 (7) Popping and Breaker D0200 (39) Poppy W4100 (8) Popular Theater M8300 (32) Population (1959 and Before) P5900 -- SEE ALSO: Census (C2200) Population (1960-1969) P5900 -- SEE ALSO: Census (C2200) Population (1970-1979) P5900 -- SEE ALSO: Census (C2200) Population (1980-1989) P5900 -- SEE ALSO: Census (C2200) Population (1990-1999) P5900 -- SEE ALSO: Census (C2200) Population (2000-2009) P5900 -- SEE ALSO: Census (C2200) Population (2010-) P5900 -- SEE ALSO: Census (C2200) Population (General) P5900 -- SEE ALSO: Census (C2200) Porcelain Art Club C2890 (4) Pornography (General) P5930 Porter P8800 (11) Porter, Jenny Lind P4700 (7) Porter-Donoghue Consulting Engineers, Inc. E1400 (16) Portrait of Adam Lamb M9110 (7) Posey, Mary (Johnson), -1960 P4700 (9) Post Oak Bend C2100 (80) Post Office P6150 (30) Postal Employees P6100 (1) Postal Service (1920-1929) P6100 Postal Service (1930-1939) P6100 Postal Service (1940-1949) P6100 Postal Service (1950-1959) P6100 Postal Service (1960-1969) P6100 Postal Service (1970-1979) P6100 Postal Service (1980-1989) P6100 Postal Service (1990-1999) P6100 Postal Service (2000-2009) P6100 Postal Service (Undated) P6100 Postal Telegraphs of Texas T0500 (2) Postcards (General) P6150 (1) Posters A6300 (8) Postoak Pottery -filed in General file P6200 (1) Pottery (General) P6200 (1) Pottery—See: Pottery P6200 A6900 Poultry A1500 (21) Powell (W.M.) & Sons G4200 (48) Powell Associates, Inc E0600 (3) Powell Garage & Body Works A9910 (9) Powell, Lawrence Clark V2000 (74) Power House U3400 (38) Power Lines & Poles P9220 (19) Power Plant U3400 (39) Powerboats B4496 (11) Prairie Hill C2100 (82) Prairie Lee C2100 (81) Pre-School Hearing Center P8200 (6) Prechter, Diana D0200 (35) Precision Camera P3500 (69) Precision Methods, Inc. E1095 (36) Preece C2100 (83) Premiers M8460 (34) Premios Texas (Texas Latin Music Awards) M9385 (66) Presbyterian Theological Seminary (General) P6600 Preschool Co-op N3400 (20) Prescription Laboratories D2300 (32) Preservation & Extension Project (1990-) C1040 (6) Preservation Austin (formerly Heritage Society Of Austin) (1950s & 1960s) H0580 Preservation Austin (formerly Heritage Society Of Austin) (1970-1974, Undated) H0580 Preservation Austin (formerly Heritage Society Of Austin) (1975-1979) H0580 Preservation Austin (formerly Heritage Society Of Austin) (1980s) H0580 Preservation Austin (formerly Heritage Society Of Austin) (1990s) H0580 Preservation Austin (formerly Heritage Society Of Austin) (2000s) H0580 "President Lyndon Baines Johnson March" M9370 President's Own United States Marine Band, The V2000 (176) Presidial Gallery A6400 (78) Presidio Theater M8300 (33) Presley, Elvis V2000 (171) Presslers B1700 (3) Pressure M9300 (P) Preston Keeter Construction--See: General B6670 Preswyck Hills S6000 (39) Prevent Blindness Texas (Texas Society to Prevent Blindness) [Includes Prevent Blindness Austin] B4070 (7) Preventative Medicine Programs H2700 (7) Prewitt and Associates, Inc. A5400 (2) Prices F2500 (42) Prices--See also: Tokens T6900 F2500 Prichett C2100 (84) Pride Festival H2030 (10) Priem's Tavern P3000 (17) Prince of Peace C3660 (15) Pringle Company R1400 (40) Printers Gallery A6400 (98) Printing (General) P7000 Printing—See: Printing P7000 A6900 Prints and Recordings L2710 (30) Prinz's Tavern P3000 (18) Prisons (General) P7100 Private Industry Council E1300 (2) Private Schools (General) P7200 Private Schools - Alta Vista Institute (General) P7120 Private Schools - Female Collegiate Institute (General) P7224 Private Schools - Hood Seminary (General) P7234 Private Schools - St. Mary's Academy (General) P7260 (1) Private Schools - St. Stephen’s (General) P7265 (1) Private Schools - Stuart Female Seminary (General) P7270 Private Schools - Texas German and English - Bickler (General) P7278 Private Schools - Texas Military Institute (General) P7280 Private Schools – Texas Female Institute (General) P7276 Pro Arts Collective T6500 (86) Pro Med Minor Emergency Center M3000 (33) Probation C7900 (6) Problem Pregnancy of Austin F0520 (17) Production workshops M8460 (36) Productioneers, The T6500 (32) Professional Photographers Guild of Austin P3500 (28) Professionally Speaking B7100 (16) Programs T0700 (16) Programs T6250 (1) Programs & Events M9110 (4) Programs, Invitations, etc. U4500 (2) Programs, Pageants, Music Festivals P8200 (2) Progressive Democrats P5300 (23) Prohibition (General) P7300 (G) -- SEE ALSO: Temperance Movement (T0750) Project ADOPT C3550 (6) Project FIND O1200 (12) Project ForSight H0200 (6) Project Gallery and Frame Shop A6400 (148) Project Pass P8200 (71) Project People P9460 (13) Project Sey M3400 (14) Project Sunrise B4070 (9) Projects and Products T7350 (2) Property - Texas L1500 (P7500) Property - Texas (P7500) L1500 Property - Austin (General) P7400 Property Acquisitions U3400 (76) Property Owners Protective Association—See: Austin Board of Realtors R1400 (3) Property Trust of America R1400 (104) Proposed Baseball Stadium/Park on the Colorado (1995) B1198 (12) Propositions P5410 (31) Propositions—See also: Bonds B4738 P5410 Prosthetics H0200 (4) Prostitution (General) P7600 Protection Hose Co. No. 3 F1250 (6) Protest (LGBT) H2030 (15) Protest (LGBT)--See also: P7750 H2030 Protests, Demonstrations, etc. (1969 and Before) P7750 Protests, Demonstrations, etc. (1970-1979) P7750 Protests, Demonstrations, etc. (1980-9189) P7750 Protests, Demonstrations, etc. (1990-1999) P7750 Protests, Demonstrations, etc. (2000s) P7750 Protests, Demonstrations, etc. (General) P7750 Proud Hands A6900 (32) Proud Property Program (Keep Austin Beautiful)—See: Refuse & Refuse Disposal R2000 and Ecology E0400 for similar organizations and programs P7400 Providence Baptist Missionary C3450 (76) PruCare of Austin M3000 (22) Prudential I1100 (16) Psychics (General) P7800 Public Access T0700 (22) Public Access—See also: ACTV and M9385 (34) T0700 Public Domain T6500 (59) Public Employees Credit Union C9000 (3) Public kindergarten K1400 (2) Public Offenders M9300 (P) Public Relations H2700 (13) Public Relations T7350 (6) Public Relations (General) P8050 Public Relations Society of America T7400 (9) Public School Board (Board of Trustees) (General - By date) P8100 Public School Budget P8200 (72) Public School Buildings (construction & use) P8200 (75) Public Schools (by years) S1700 (2) Public Schools (General) P8200 Public Schools - Elementary (General - Before 1950, and then by decade) P8300 Public Schools - Finance (1949 and Before) P8500 Public Schools - Finance (1950-1959) P8500 Public Schools - Finance (1960-1969) P8500 Public Schools - Finance (1970-1979) P8500 Public Schools - Finance (1980-1989) P8500 Public Schools - High Schools (General 1953-1959; 1960-1969; 1970-1979; 1980-1989; 19901999; 2000-2009) P8600 Public Schools - High Schools - Anderson (new) (General) P8625 (1) Public Schools - High Schools - Anderson (old) (General Undated and up to 1949; 1950-1959; 1960-1969; 1970-1979; 1980-1989) P8620 Public Schools - High Schools - Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders (General) P8610 (1) Public Schools - High Schools - Austin (Before 1900 and undated, then by decade starting with 1900-) P8640 Public Schools - High Schools - Bowie (General) P8790 Public Schools - High Schools - Crockett (1969 and Before) P8660 Public Schools - High Schools - Crockett (1970-1979) P8660 Public Schools - High Schools - Crockett (1990-1999) P8660 Public Schools - High Schools - Eastside Memorial (2000-2009) P8670 -- SEE ALSO: Public Schools - High Schools - Johnston (P8680) Public Schools - High Schools - John T. Allan (General) P8795 Public Schools - High Schools - Johnston (1960-1969) P8680 -- SEE ALSO: Public Schools - High Schools - Eastside Memorial (P8670) Public Schools - High Schools - Johnston (1970-1979) P8680 -- SEE ALSO: Public Schools - High Schools - Eastside Memorial (P8670) Public Schools - High Schools - Johnston (1980-1989) P8680 -- SEE ALSO: Public Schools - High Schools - Eastside Memorial (P8670) Public Schools - High Schools - Johnston (1990-1999) P8680 -- SEE ALSO: Public Schools - High Schools - Eastside Memorial (P8670) Public Schools - High Schools - Lanier (1908-1989) P8720 Public Schools - High Schools - Lanier (1960-1969) P8720 Public Schools - High Schools - Lanier (1970-1979) P8720 Public Schools - High Schools - Lanier (1990-1999) P8720 Public Schools - High Schools - LBJ (1970-1979) P8700 Public Schools - High Schools - LBJ (1980-1989) P8700 Public Schools - High Schools - LBJ (1990-1999) P8700 Public Schools - High Schools - LBJ (2000-2009) P8700 Public Schools - High Schools - McCallum (1950-1959) P8740 Public Schools - High Schools - McCallum (1960-1969) P8740 Public Schools - High Schools - McCallum (1970-1979) P8740 Public Schools - High Schools - McCallum (1980 -) P8740 Public Schools - High Schools - Reagan (1960-1969) P8760 Public Schools - High Schools - Reagan (1970-1979) P8760 Public Schools - High Schools - Reagan (1990-1999) P8760 Public Schools - High Schools - Travis (1950-1959) P8780 Public Schools - High Schools - Travis (1960-1969) P8780 Public Schools - High Schools - Travis (1970-1979) P8780 Public Schools - High Schools - Travis (1980-1989) P8780 Public Schools - High Schools - Travis (1990 -) P8780 Public Schools - High Schools - University (General) P8785 Public Schools - Junior High (General) P8800 Public Schools - Junior High - Allan (1956) P8805 Public Schools - Junior High - Allan (After 1956) P8805 Public Schools - Junior High - Allan (Before 1956) P8805 Public Schools - Junior High - Allan (General) P8805 Public Schools - Junior High - Fulmore (General) P8830 Public Schools - Junior High - University (General) P8890 Public Schools - Statistics (General) P9000 Public Servant's Standards of Conduct Committee O1020 (7) Public Strategies, Inc. P8050 (2) Public Utilities (General, by year chronologically) P9200 Public Utilities - Electric Utility Dept. - Austin (General: Undated & Pre–1974; 1975–1979; 1980–1989; 1990–1999; 2000–2009; 2010-2019) P9220 -- SEE ALSO: Power - Resources (P6450) Public Utility Commission of Texas P9200 (2) Public Welfare (General) P9400 Public Welfare - Societies, etc. (General) P9460 Public Works (General) P9600 Publicity L2710 (24) Published Works U3900 (3) Publishers and Publishing (General) P9700 Puckett C2100 (85) Pump Project Art Complex A6600 (32) Pun Contests M9150 (4) Punchy M9300 (P) Puppet Shows A3900 (2) Puppetwins, The A3900 (6) Purchasing and Receiving Plant U3400 (40) Purchasing Office - Historically Underutilized Business Program (HUB) T8000 (8) Purina Chows B7100 (60) Purple Martins B3410 (3) Puryear, Jack P3500 (64) Pushmobile Races A9900 (4) Quail Creek Mall S2300 (27) Quails B3410 (4) Quality Austin C6075 (4) Quality Inn M7700 (8) Quality Mills M5400 (9) Quality Motel M7700 (9) Quality of Life A1300 (5) Quality of Life C4170 (42) Quarries and Quarrying B6658 (5) Quarter System P8200 (63) Quentin Tarantino Film Festival M8430 (4) Quiet Company M9300 (Q) Quilting Corner, The N1000 (8) Quinceañera S3100 (16) Quorum, The R3800 (Q) R. Robinson & Associates, Inc. R1400 (103) R.A.T.E.R.S. P9220 (14) R.O.A.D. (Reclaiming Our Allocated Dollars) T0200 (10) R.O.T.C. U3515 (8) R.S. Levy Gallery A6400 (150) Raatz & O'Reilly D1100 (10) Rabbit’s Lounge S0300 (117) Rabies D1560 (39) Racal-Chubb Security Systems Inc. B7100 (206) Raccoons A4200 (18) Races—See: Running (2) and Walking (40) S4300 Rachlin, Ezra [for written information, see General 1950s and 1960s files and BIOGRAPHY under Rachlin] S8800 (2) Radian Corporation M0900 (12) Radio (General) R0300 (1) Radio House A1000 (10) Radio Script, 1938 H0500 (1) Radisson Plaza Hotel H3000 (24) Raft, The Y0600 (23) Rag, The P2400 (16) Raggedy Man M8460 (27) Ragsdale Aviation A1200 (16) Railroad B6000 (8) Railroad Commission of Texas T2500 (2) Railroads P6150 (51) Railroads (General) R0700 (1) Railroads - Houston & Texas Central (General) R0770 Railroads - International & Great Northern (General) R0780 (1) Railroads - Missouri, Kansas, Texas (General) R0820 Railroads - Southern Pacific (General) R0860 (1) Railroads--See: Railroads R0700 and Street Railroads S5600 T7850 Rain W1700 (3) Rainbow Art Gallery A6400 (112) Rainbow Foundation Clan M3400 (22) Rainbow Inn R3800 (R) Rainey Controversy (Debate over Academic Freedom, 1944-45) U3900 (15) Rainey Protests – See University of Texas – History - Rainey Controversy – U3900(15) P7750 Rainey Street S6000 (135) Rainhart Co. B6658 (25) Ramada Inn M7700 (15) Ramirez, Tomas—BIOGRAPHY FILE – Ramirez, Tomas M9300 Ramsear Brothers M9300 (R) Ramsey P1200 (41) Ramsey Place O1250 (13) Ramsey's Austin Nursery—See: also Rosedale Rambler 1998 in Rosedale S6000 (43) (4) Ranch Nite Club C5400 (26) Rand, Sally V2000 (75) Randy’s Circle R. Barbecue R3800 (R) Rangel, Hector V2000 (76) Rank and File M9300 (R) Ransom's D2300 (15) Ransom's—See also: Griffith Drug D2300 (3) D2300 Rape (General) R1050 Rape—See: Rape R1050 C9200 Rare formats (tinytypes, ambrotypes, etc.) P3500 (81) Rationing W5700 (6) Raul's S0300 (42) Raul's—See: S0300 (42) M9320 Raw Deal, The R3800 (R) Raw Material T6500 (29) Rawls (R.E.) Lumber Company, Inc. L3600 (12) Rawson-Saunders School—See: General P7200 Ray Taylor's Men Store C5230 (23) Raymond (J.C.) Books & Stationery B5070 (19) Raymond (James H.) & Company B0700 (25) Raymond Heights S6000 (96) Raymond’s Plateau--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Re-Opening Gala Feb.1973 H3200 (3) Reach to Recovery—See: American Cancer Society D1560 (30) Read P8300 (39) Readers Theater—See: Dougherty Reader’s Theater (18) T T6500 Readers’ Guild L3100 (5) Reading is Fundamental P8200 (64) Ready Built Systems, Inc. B6670 (16) Reagan, Nancy V2000 (104) Reagan, Ronald V2000 (124) Real Estate Board News R1400 (7) Real Estate Business (General) R1400 (1) Real Time Crime Center P5100 (25) Realistic Industries H0200 (7) Realtors Wives Club R1400 (4) Reasonover's Barber Shop B1000 (7) Rebekah Baines Johnson Center N3800 (10) Recipes F2500 (35) Recitals and Programs P1400 (33) Reckless Kelly M9300 (R) Reckless Kelly M9300 (R) Reconstruction C4700 (4) Reconstruction A1300 (57) N3200 Record Labels M9385 (59) Record Stores M9385 (57) Recording for the Blind and Dyslexia, Inc. B4070 (6) Recording Studios M9385 (58) Records Management L2700 (13) Recovery M3400 (4) Rector C2100 (86) Recycled Reads Bookstore L2710 (90) Recycling Centers E0400 (18) Recycling Centers—See also: Environmental and Conservation Services Department E0400 (1) E0400 Red & White Foods G4200 (49) Red 7 S0300 (101) Red Bluff Studio D0200 (48) Red Bud Isle P1200 (64) Red Bud Trees T9200 (2) Red Carpet Realtors R1400 (59) Red Dragon Players and other Austin High Theater P8640 (7) Red Feather Awards--See: Community Chest of Austin U1100 (1) Red Tomato, The R3800 (R) Red Weaver Band M9300 (R) Redeemer C3660 (16) Redeemer Lutheran School C3200 (4) Redford, Robert V2000 (134) Redrum Club S0300 (105) Red’s Scoot Inn M9320 (R) Reed P1200 (47) Reed, Auta Lee P4700 (13) Reel Women M8460 (64) Reese Lumber Company L3600 (13) Reference L2710 (27) Reference Guides, Inc. P9700 (32) Refuse & Refuse Disposal (General) R2000 -- SEE ALSO: Ecology (E0400) Refuse and refuse disposal—See: R2000 E0400 Regal Arbor M8300 (28) Regattas B4496 (6) Regattas--See Also: Austin Rowing Club S4300 (37) B4496 Regency Village O1250 (10) Regional Meetings T3100 (4) Registering, Licensing, Etc. A9800 (2) Rehabilitation Hospital of Austin H2600 (10) Reilly P8300 (40) Reissing Heights S6000 (40) Reivers M9300 (R) Relax at the Back Store F5000 (30) Religion P8200 (30) Religion - Philosophy (General) R2610 Religious Encampments A1300 (49) Religious Studies Program U3515 (14) Relocation and Demolition T7100 (3) Remembrance through the Performing Arts T6500 (33) Remington Addition S6000 (157) Renaissance Glass Co. A6900 (28) Renaissance Market S5680 (4) Renaissance Market S5680 (4) Renaissance, The O1250 (9) Renewed Reflections B1560 (28) Renfro and Steinbomer A5600 (38) Reno Hotel H3000 (11) Renovation and Reopening—See: Central Library, 1979- (2) L2710 Rent-A-Kid Program Y0600 (10) Representatives' Wives Club T3500 (1) Reptiles A4200 (16) Republic Bank & Trust Company B0700 (26) Republic Bank South, Austin B0700 (6) Republic Square P1200 (21) Republican Forum of Austin P5300 (11) Republican National Hispanic Assembly of Texas P5300 (22) Republican Party (General) P5300 (20) Rescue Hose Company No.9 F1250 (12) Research and Development Group (Interactive Multi-Media programs) Y0600 (43) Research and Planning Consultants, Inc. B7100 (160) Resentments M9300 (R) Residence Hotel H3000 (18) Residential Design and Compatibility Standards (“McMansion Ordinance”) O2000 (23) Resource Center for Older Adults O1200 (34) Resource Recovery Plant P6450 (23) Respite Care Program M3420 (15) Rest Haven Retirement and Nursing Home N3800 (8) Restaurants, Lunchrooms, etc. P6150 (33) Restaurants, lunchrooms, etc. (Where no folder number is given, item is filed in a folder designated by its first letter) (General (includes general restaurant listings and information; for menus, see Restaurant Menus Collection AR.1992.017)) R3800 Restoration M9150 (5) Restoration/Reopening M9110 (9) Restrooms and Comfort Station T7200 (16) Retail Clerks Union Local 374 U0900 (12) Retail Code Authority O1010 (16) Retail Merchants Association T7400 (17) Retardation Programs M3420 (3) Retired Officers Wives Club U1500 (6) Retired Senior Volunteer Program O1200 (13) Retirees Coordinating Boards O1200 (36) Retirement O1030 (3) Retirement System O1010 (11) Retrofit L2710 (29w) Reuben & Company B5070 (25) Reunions P8620 (1) Reunions P8640 (2) Reveile Body Shop A9910 (10) Reveley Memorial Service U0600 (7) Revell & Company I1200 (2) Revenue Sharing B6165 (2) Rewards and Recognition Program L2710 (86) Rex D. Kitchens Construction Company--See: General B6670 Reynolds Place L3300 (9) Reynolds, Burt V2000 (131) Reynolds-Penland C5230 (5) RGK Foundation M3000 (9) Rhizome Collective C7150 (2) Rhizome Collective U5000 (20) Rhody & Weber--See: Weber (John) & Sons L2300 (5) L2300 Rhomberg, C.F. P3500 (71) Rhythm and Motion-A Performing Arts Studio D0200 (37) Rhythm Kings M9300 (R) Ricardin Company R1400 (82) Rich (J.) Sports Ltd S4200 (3) Richard Nixon, Siding Contractor B6670 (15) Richards C2100 (88) Richards Antiques A4800 (8) Richardson (W.H.) & Company H0300 (4) Richland C2100 (87) Rick's Jewelers J0100 (23) Rick's Construction Company B6670 (18) Ricker, Vivian P4700 (14) Ricky Guerrero P1200 (22) Riddle & Blurdell G4200 (87) Riders Against the Storm M9300 (R) Riders in the Sky M9300 (R) Ridgetop P1100 (13) Ridgetop P8300 (60) Ridgetop S6000 (41) Rigsby-Stark, Shirley Ann and Susan 1965 M8900 (14) Ringside at Sullivan’s M9320 (R) Rio Airways A1200 (18) Rio Grande Campus P8640 (4) Riogroup—See: Walker, Doty, and Freeman (19) A5600 Risse, Emil P3500 (18) Rissman, Ernest J. P4700 (10) Ritz Theater T6500 (13) Rivendell B6670 (9) River City Dye Works A6900 (12) River City Pops M9300 (R*) River City Road Races A9900 (2) River City School P7200 (45) River City Twirl and Dance Studio D0200 (22) River City Youth Foundation C2800 (11) River Oak Estates S6000 (42) River Place S6000 (125) Riverbend C3450 (71) Riverboat Commodore B4496 (7) Rivercrest Addition S6000 (66) Rivers (Colorado River (General)) R4000 (1) Riverside Farms School N3400 (34) Riverside Golf Center G3200 (9) Riverside Kiddie Park A3900 (3) Riverside Twin Cinema M8300 (9) Riverside – now Ruiz L2710 (71) RnB 96.3--See Radio (General) R0300 (1) R0300 Ro-Anns R5800 (5) Roadie M8460 (23) Roads (General) R4400 (1) Roads--See: Roads R4400 T7850 Rob Roy S6000 (111) Robbery (General) R4600 Robbery—See: Robbery R4600 C9200 Robbins (H.R.) Secondary School P8200 (56) Robbins Music School M9335 (5) Robert Hageman & Associates R1400 (39) Robert L. Phillips Metal A6900 (34) Robert Lee Moore Hall U3400 (71) Robert Mueller Airport--See: Municipal Airport M8600 A1200 Robert Mueller Municipal Airport Plan Implementation Advisory Commission--See: Municipal Airport M8600 (9) M8600 Robert Mueller Municipal Airport Redevelopment Project (2000s) M8600 (9) Robert Mueller Municipal Airport Redevelopment Project (2000s)—See also: Subdivisions – Mueller Development S6000 (141) M8600 Robert Shaw Village H4500 (19) Roberta Starr Showplace A6400 (82) Roberta Starr, Realtor R1400 (60) Roberts C2100 (89) Roberts, Diane K. 1977 M8900 (65) Robertson Hill S6000 (86) Robertson, Dale V2000 (77) Robertson, Henry 1971 M8900 (28) Robinson Brother M5400 (10) Robinson Brothers Grain Warehouse A1500 (10) Robinson Farm L3300 (10) Robinson Hill Park P1200 (72) Robinson, Felts, Meyers, Starnes & Latting L2200 (24) Rocha, Madeleine—BIOGRAPHY FILE - Rocha, Madeleine M9300 Rock Climbing S4300 (33) Rockcreek Apartments A5000 (7) Rocky Horror Picture Show S3100 (15) Rocky Horror Picture Show—See: Social Life & Customs S3100 (15) M8460 Rod & Gun Club C5400 (27) Rod Kennedy Presents T6500 (14) Rodeos S4300 (53) Rodeos—See also: Livestock Show A1500 (17) S4300 Rodriguez P8300 (82) Rodriquez Saw Sharpening Shop B7100 (23) Rogelios R3800 (R) Roger Beachum Publisher P9700 (1) Roger Q. Small—See: General A5600 Rogers C2100 (90) Rogers, Calbraith P., 1879-1919 A1200 (4) Rogers, Will V2000 (78) Rolando's B1560 (16) Roller Derby--See Roller Skating S4300 Roller Skating S4300 (51) Rolling Stones M9300 (R) Rollins Protective Services R4600 (1) ROLM Corporation E1095 (18) Roloff Demonstrations P7750 (2) Rome Inn R3800 (R) Romolo's of Westgate B1560 (5) Ronald McDonald House, The M3000 (29) Room 710 S0300 (88) Roosevelt, Eleanor V2000 (79) Roosevelt, Franklin Delano V2000 (79) Roosevelt, Theodore V2000 (80) Rooting Ridge Renderings T7300 (4) Rose Croix Assembly 251, Order of Rainbow for Girls F3600 (26) Rose Hill C2100 (91) Rose Lumber Co L3600 (15) Rosedale C3450 (50) Rosedale P8300 (41) Rosedale S6000 (43) Rosedale Estates—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 Rosedale Neighborhood Association N1900 (31) Rosedown—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 Roses F2200 (3) Rosewood P1200 (23) Rosewood P8300 (42) Rosewood Center S2300 (15) Rosewood Center/Madison Log Cabin L3300 (11) Rosewood Clinic P9400 (6) Rosewood Courts H4510 (7) Rosewood Entertainment CenterSee: Millennium Youth Entertainment Complex Y0600 (48) Y0600 Rosewood Neighborhood S6090 (5) Rosewood Recreation Center P1400 (10) Rosewood-Zaragoza L2710 (64) Rosewood/Zaragosa Neighborhood Center N1875 (5) Rosicrucian Order R2610 (2) Rosie’s Tamale House R3800 (R) Rosita's Tamale Factory R3800 (R) Rosner"s B5236 (22) Ross (John C.) Hardware Company H0300 (5) Rotary Club (General) R5800 -- SEE ALSO: Junior Helping Hand (J0320) Rotary Club of Austin R5800 (1) Rotary Club of East Austin R5800 (6) Rotary Club--See: Rotary Club R5800 T7400 Rotary Club—See: Rotary Club R5800 C5400 Rotary Club—See: Rotary Club R5800 I1230 Rotel and the Hot Tomatoes M9300 (R*) Round Mountain C2100 (92) Round Rock Independent School District R6000 Round Rock, Williamson County (General) R6000 Round Rock, Williamson County—See: R6000; Chisholm Trail C3000 C3850 Round Top International Festival-Institute M9383 (3) Rowing S4300 (35) Rowing—See also: Boats & Boating B4496 (6) S4300 Rowland-Tompkins Agency I1100 (13) Roy Butler Motors A9800 (44) Roy G. Guerrero Colorado River Park (formerly Colorado River Park) P1200 (63) Roy Inks Dam D0100 (8) Roy Kizer Junior Memorial Golf Tournament G3200 (16) Roy Rogers Family Restaurant R3800 (158) Roy's of Austin B1560 (2) Roy's Taxi, Inc.--See: Taxicabs (8) T7850 RoyceStudios P3500 (58) RR 2222 R4400 (5) RSVP V3100 (7) Rubella D1560 (19) Rudd, Arthur B. "Bluebonnets" P4700 (8) Rude Mechanicals T6500 (85) Rude Mechanics P2400 (29) Rue de Lamar Gallery A6400 (28) Rugmaking A6900 (10) Ruh Neb Temple No. 64, Daughters of the Nile F3600 (30) Rumpel's Bazaar & Bookstore B5070 (20) Runaways Y0600 (1) Runkle C2100 (93) Running S4300 (2) Rural Schools (General) R6600 Rusk, Dean V2000 (81) Rusk, Thomas J. O1020 (4) Russell A. Steindam Hall U3400 (41) Russell, Martha - "A dream, a plan, a city --Austin" A8500 (filed in (2)) Russo Properties, Inc. R1400 (67) Rust (R.S.) & Company B7100 (17) Ruth Bornstein Gallery A6400 (99) Ruth’s Chris Steak House R3800 (R) RVs T7900 (17) Rylander's G4200 (14) S.W.E.A.T M3420 (12) Sacre Bleu A6900 (14) Sacred Heart C3200 (13) Sacred Heart C3550 (14) Sadler-Treasure Trove Controversy L1300 (2) Sadler-Treasure Trove Controversy L1300 (2) Saengerrunde M9380 (43) Saengerrunde—See: M9380 (43) M9320 Safari N0900 (3) Safari Growth Studio M3400 (13) SAFE (South Austinites for the Environment) E0400 (33) SafePlace W5000 (33) SafePlace--See also: Center for Battered Women W5000(15); Austin Rape Crisis Center R1050 (1) W5000 Safer Way Natural Foods, Inc. R3800 (S) Safeway G4200 (50) Sage D1100 (19) Sahara Lounge M9320 (S) SAHELI A7000 (4) Saigon Egg Roll Stands S5680 (3) Saigon Egg Roll Stands S5680 (3) Saigon Grill R3800 (S) Sailing B4496 (22) Saint Louise House--See: Homelessness (General) H2010 (1) H2010 Sale of Lots P7400 (5) Salem C3660 (19) Salem Lutheran Church C2100 (94) Sales and Marketing Executives T7400 (16) Salina Activity Center O1200 (22) Salinas de Gotari, Carlos V2000 (178) Sally Jacques D0200 (57) Salon Concerts M9380 (51) Saloons P6150 (35) Saloons & Bars H2030 (13) Saloons (General A-C) S0300 -- SEE ALSO: Beer Gardens (B1700) Music - Halls, Venues, Etc. (M9320) Saloons (General D-O) S0300 -- SEE ALSO: Beer Gardens (B1700) Music - Halls, Venues, Etc. (M9320) Saloons (General P-Z) S0300 -- SEE ALSO: Beer Gardens (B1700) Music - Halls, Venues, Etc. (M9320) Saloons (General) S0300 -- SEE ALSO: Beer Gardens (B1700) Music - Halls, Venues, Etc. (M9320) Salsa/Austin Chronicle Hot Sauce Festival F2500 (58) Saltillo District U5000 (22) Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico S2550 (1) Salvage Vanguard Theater T6500 (83) Salvation Army (General, by year) S0600 Salvation Sandwiches S5680 (2) Salvation Sandwiches S5680 (2) Sam Houston M7700 (11) Sam L. Majors J0100 (33) Sam Studios M9385 (52) Sam's Wholesale Club B7100 (202) Sambo's R3800 (164) Sammie’s Place R3800 (S) Sampson & Henricks D1100 (11) Samsung E1095 (63) Samuel Huston College H4800 (1) San Francisco Javier C3550 (23) San Gabriel Studio P3500 (32) San Ignatius School C3200 (9) San Jacinto Cafe R3800 (S) San Jacinto Day H1800 (12) San Jacinto Descendants P1900 (15) San Jacinto Publishers P9700 (8) San Jose C2100 (114) San Jose C3550 (30 and 15) San Jose M7700 (22) San José Catholic School C3200 (19) San Jose Day Care Center N3400 (13) San Juan C3660 (20) San Juan Child Development Center N3400 (21) San Leanna C3850 (9) San-Sam Festival—See: Order Of The Violet Crown O1800 F0900 Sanborn's Travel of Austin T7900 (12) Sanchez P8300 (61) Sandberg, Lula 1904 M8900 (45) Sandcraft P1400 (31) Sanders D2300 (22) Sandlin & Company R1400 (61) Sands Motel M7700 (23) Sanitary Landfills (General) S0900 Sanitation Division P9600 (1) Santa Cruz Center for Culture T6500 (93) Santa Fe East A6400 (43) Santa Fe Insurance Corporation I1100 (18) Santa Fee Optical O1600 (2) Santa Maria (in Pflugerville) C2100 (130) Santa Monica Springs—See: Rivers R4000 (3) Santa Rita H4510 (5) Santa Rita No. 1 U3800 (6) Santa Rita—See also: Austin Housing Authority H4510 (1) H4510 Sasha's R3800 (S) Sat Nam Bakery B0100 (14) Satex Film Company M8460 (1) Save Austin Music (Also known as Year of Austin Music) M9385 (47) Save Austin's Neighborhoods & Environment N1900 (43) Save Austin’s Cemeteries C2100 (137) Save Our Springs Alliance (1995 -) E0400 (37) Save Our Springs Coalition (SOS)—See: Ordinances O2000 (12) E0400 Save Texas Cemeteries, Inc. C2100 (138) Save the Children Federation C2800 (8) Save University Neighborhoods N1900 (10) Sawyer's Union Fish and Oyster Market G4200 (6) Saxon Pub M9320 (S) Scaler's Music Club M9380 (14) Scampi's R3800 (S) Scarbrough Building P6150 (36) Scarbrough's - General D1100 (12-a) Scarbrough’s - Advertisements & Announcements D1100 (12-b) Scarbrough’s – Personnel D1100 (12-c) Scenic Austin C4170 (26) Scenic Heights I S6000 (45) Scheffer Meat Market M2600 (2) Schiller C2100 (95) Schlotzsky's R3800 (S) Schlumberger Well Services B7100 (127) Schmillion M9300 (S) Schneider G4200 (51) Scholz Garten B1700 (4) Scholz Garten--See Also: Saengerrunde M9380 (43) B1700 Scholz Garten—See: B1700 (4) M9320 School Board Elections E0010 (1) School Counselors P8200 (69) School Crossing Guards P8200 (32) School of Architecture U3515 (9) School of Communications U3515 (2) School of Film & Media Arts Center M8460 (72) School of Rock Music M9335 (10) School Shootings C9200 (10) School-Community Liaison P8200 (31) Schools – Public & Private P6150 (31) Schuber (F.W.) G4200 (52) Schumann-Heink, Ernestine V2000 (82) Schutze Printing Company P7000 (20) Schuwirth, George P3500 (8) Schwartzman, Steven P3500 (53) Schwarzenegger, Arnold V2000 (185) Science Company M0900 (6) Scientific Methods, Inc. B7432 (8) Scientology C3400 (24) Scoot Inn S0300 (113) Scotland Yards H4000 (14) Scots E1950 (6) Scott, Lawrence E. 1955 M8900 (64) Scottish Dancers D0200 (16) Scottish Rite Dormitory U3930 (14) Scottish Rite Holding Association F3600 (2) Scottish Rite of Freemasonry F3600 (1) SCRAM P6450 (10) Scratch Acid M9300 (S) Scuba Diving S8400 (3) Sculling—See: Rowing (35) T S4300 Sculpture Academy of Austin A6400 (S1400) (7) Seafood—See: General F2500 Seaholm Power Plant P9220 (2) Seal U4500 (17) Sears D1100 (18) Season of Caring N2400 (16) Secession C4700 (3) Security Trust Company B0700 (27) Seed M9300 (S) Segregation (General) S1700 Seiders Florist—See: Rosedale Rambler 1998 in Rosedale S6000 (43) F2200 Seiders Springs—See: Shoal Creek under Creeks C9060 (23)(a) Seiders, Ed—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 Seiders, H. B.—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 Sekou, Sundiata V2000 (202) Select Committee on Public Education E0600 (5) Selective Service U1500 (9) SEMATECH E1095 (46) Senate Ladies Club T3500 (2) Senior Activity Center (Shoal Crest Avenue) O1200 (18) Senior Activity Centers - General O1200 (51) Senior Citizens Center O1200 (19) Senior Lunch Program O1200 (31) Senior Programs—See: also Old Age O1200 P P1400 (30) Senior Recognition Month O1200 (2) Seniors' Sitters Service (Now Senior's Respite Service ) O1200 (42) Sensation Junkies M9300 (S*) Septic Tank License Fee L3550 (2) Serendipity N3200 (13) Serene Interior I1200 (12) Serie Project A6300 (4) Sertoma Arts and Crafts Fair A6900 (4) Sertoma Clubs C5445 (10) Servant Girl Annihilator, The M8960 (2) Service Buildings P9220 (5) Service, Employment, Redevelopment M4300 (5) Services for the Elderly, Inc. O1200 (5) Seton Central Texas Heart Institute H2770 (8) Seton Cove, The H2770 (23) Seton East Community Health Center H2770 (18) Seton Good Health School H2770 (16) Seton Home Care H2770 (21) Seton Hospital Auxiliary H2770 (5) Seton Hospital Junior Volunteers H2770 (4) Seton Kids Care Club H2770 (19) Seton Newborn Intensive Care Center H2770 (14) Seton Northwest H2770 (17) Seton School of Nursing H2770 (6) Seton South H2770 (26) Seton Southwest H2770 (25) Seton Westlake Guild H2770 (24) Seton, Elizabeth Ann (board) H2770 (7) Seton/Brackenridge Lease Proposal H2770 (22) Settlement Club (1959 and before; Undated) S1860 -- SEE ALSO: Junior League (J0340) Settlement Club (1960-1969) S1860 -- SEE ALSO: Junior League (J0340) Settlement Club (1970-1979) S1860 -- SEE ALSO: Junior League (J0340) Settlement Club (1980-1989) S1860 -- SEE ALSO: Junior League (J0340) Settlement Club (1990-1999) S1860 -- SEE ALSO: Junior League (J0340) Settlement Club (2000-2009) S1860 -- SEE ALSO: Junior League (J0340) Settlement Club—See: Settlement Club S1860 F0500 Settlement Club—See: Settlement Club S1860 Y0600 Seventy-fifth Anniversary Celebration U3050 (3) Sewage Disposal (General) S1880 Sewing Machines H4400 (3) Sex Information Service M3400 (11) Sex-Oriented Businesses B7100 (230) SH-130 H0900 (10) SH-45 H0900 (9) Shacks U3400 (42) Shades M9300 (S) Shadow Creek S6000 (140) Shady Acre Convalescent and Rest Home N3800 (16) Shady Hollow Homeowners Association, Inc. N1900 (53) Shakespeare Club L3100 (3) Shakey's Band M9300 (S) Shakey's Pizza R3800 (77) Shalimar R3800 (S) Shanty, The R3800 (S) Shapiro, Edens, Cook & Armbrust L2200 (22) Sharir Dance Company/Sharir+Bustamante Danceworks D0200 (40) Sharpstown Bank & Stock Fraud (S1975) O1020 Sheep and Goats A1500 (18) Sheet Metal Workers Local 67 U0900 (13) Shefelman and Nix Architects A5600 (18) Sheftall's J0100 (19) Shelley Heights Subdivision S6000 (104) Shelton Jewelry & Optical Company J0100 (20) Shepard, Alan, Jr. V2000 (83) Sheraton Crest Inn H3000 (4) Sheraton Terrace M7700 (12) Sherlock Holmes Society of Austin C5400 (29) Sherwin-Williams Paint Company P0600 (7) Sherwood Forest S6000 (47) Shettles Memorial United C3690 (11) Shields, Geoffrey B. 1979 M8900 (46) Shigebo's Imports G4200 (53) Shillady, John R. V2000 (136) Shiloh Southwest S6000 (77) Shipe P1200 (28) Shipman and Associates C4170 (14) Shipwash (D.A.) Grocery & Market G4200 (76) Shirt Hospital L1800 (9) Shiva's Headband M9300 (S) Shivers Cancer Center M3000 (37) Shoal Creek P1200 (24) Shoal Creek -- Seiders Springs C9060 (23-a) Shoal Creek - General C9060 (23) Shoal Creek -- Hike & Bike Trail C9060 (23-b) Shoal Creek Hospital L2710 (54) Shoal Creek Park II—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 Shoal Creek Publishers, Inc. P9700 (9) Shoal Creek Saloon S0300 (82) Shoal Creek Village—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 Shoal Terrace S6000 (159) Shoalcrest Oaks—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 Shoalmont Addition—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 Shoe Box, The B5236 (23) Shoes-Boots And Shoes C5230 (B5236) Shoeshine Business B5236 (9) Shoes—See: Boots And Shoes B5236 C5280 Shop of Nice Things A6400 (50) Shopping Centers (General) S2300 Shorty and the Corvettes M9300 (S) Shoulders M9300 (S) Showboat Restaurant R3800 (S) Showers Lumber Co L3600 (16) Showtown U.S.A. M8300 (10) Shrine Circus F3600 (5) Shurr Supply Company B6670 (20) Shuttle Buses-UT M7900 (3) Sid W. Richardson Hall U3400 (43) Sidewalks (General) S2400 Sidney S. Smith Realtors R1400 (41) Sierra Club E0400 (7) Sierra Verde Garden Club G0700 (20) Sierra Vista S6000 (171) Siever’s Violin School M9335 (11) Siglhoffer's Bakery B0100 (12) Sigma Gamma Rho A1300 (3) Sign Ordinance O2000 (21) Sign Ordinance under Ordinances (General) O2000 Signs, Billboards, Etc. (General) S2500 -- SEE ALSO: Sign Ordinance under Ordinances (O2000) Signs—See: ORDINANCES O2000 (21) O0200 Sigrid European Coiffures B1560 (3) Sikhism R2610 (33) Silkworms A1500 (16) Silliman’s Subdivision--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Sills, Beverly V2000 (147) Silver King S0300 (65) Silverton Heights S6000 (161) Silverware C2890 (S2530) Simon David G4200 (88) Simpson & Lee L3600 (17) Simpson United C3690 (18) Sims P8300 (45) SIMS Foundation M3400 (37) Sinclair L3300 (12) Sincola M9300 (S) Single Member Districts—See: Charters-Austin C2550 P5410 Singles Clubs S3100 (13) Singles of Austin F0500 (9) Singleton C2100 (96) Sirius M9300 (S) Sirius Multimedia C6100 (4) Sis Deville M9300 (S) Sis Deville—See also: BIOGRAPHY FILE – Holliday, Floramay M9300 Sister City Program (General) S2550 Sisters of the Holy Cross C3550 (33) Sisters of the Holy Spirit C3550 (28) Skateboarding S4300 (13) Ski Club/Skiing S4300 (5) Skillern's D2300 (16) Skills Development, Inc. B7432 (5) Skunks M9300 (S) Skyland Terrace S6000 (80) Skyline Club S0300 (67) Skyline Club—See: S0300 (67) M9320 Skyview C3450 (56) Slacker M8460 (35) Slaughter C2100 (97) Slaughter Creek C9060 (24) Slaughter's G4200 (54) Slavery (General) S2700 Sleepwalkeis M9300 (S) Slow Growth Proposal C4170 (16) Sluggo P2400 (49) Small P8800 (17) Small Appliance Puppet Theater T6500 (98) Small Business Administration B7100 (6) Small Business Development Program (BizAid) B7100 (222) Small Faces M9300 (S) Small Potatoes Theatrical Company T6500 (36) Small pox D1560 (9) Smart Growth C4170 (30) Smiley Media—See: General A1000 Smith C2100 (98) Smith & Wilcox C5230 (7) Smith (C.D.) & Company B5236 (24) Smith (J.W.) Builder B6670 (8) Smith Brady Shoe Store B5236 (8) Smith Foods, Inc. F2500 (5) Smith Opera House T6500 (68) Smoking Preference Ordinance/Smoking Ban O2000 (8) Snaveley's S0300 (45) Snaxlen and Meyer, Inc. S7700 (2) Sneed C2100 (99) Snob Shop A4800 (2) Snooper's Paradise A4800 (3) Snow W1700 (4) Snyders-Chenards C5280 (13) Soap Creek S0300 (10) Soap Creek —See: S0300 (10) M9320 Soapbox Derby S4300 (38) Soccer S4300 (15) Social Cycling ATX C9300 (22) Social Life & Customs (General (by year)) S3100 -- SEE ALSO: Congresses & Conventions (C6700) Special Events (S3500) Social Life & Customs - Invitations, Programs , Etc. (General) S3106 Social Life and Customs--See Also: Calling Cards (C0080) S3100 Social Media (General) S3300 Social Policy Advisory Committee A4600 (11) Sociedad Geneologica G1400 (6) Society for Creative Anachronism T6500 (64) Society for Technical Communication T7400 (27) Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America M9380 (15) Society of Architectural Historians A5600 (12) Society of Austin Industrial Editors P2400 (13) Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Austin Chapter E1400 (3) Society of Professional Journalists T7400 (20) Society of Women Engineers E1400 (24) Sodomy/homosexual conduct laws C9200 (12) Sodomy/homosexual conduct laws--See also: LGBT People-Legal Issues H2030 (17) C9200 Soft Walker Shoes, Inc. B5236 (35) Softball B1198 (11) SOHO Gallery A6400 (106) Solar Dynamics, Ltd P6450 (13) Solar Energy P6450 (21) Solar Power Plant P9220 (18) Solaria B1560 (17) Soldiers' Angels V3100 (8) Solicitation Ordinance O2000 (3) Some Fine People Club C5400 (15) Sometimes Island L0700 (12) Sommer's D2300 (6) Songwriter’s Series M9385 (54) Sonic Booms B2580 (1) Sonobeat Records M9385 (39) Sonrisas T0705 (8) Sons of Confederate Veterans V0600 (2) Sons of Hermann G1800 (4) Sons of the American Revolution P1900 (13) Sons of the Confederacy P1900 (14) Sons of the Republic of Texas P1900 (11) Soroptimist Club W4800 (27) Soroptimist Manor B4070 (10) Sororities and Fraternities U4500 (3) Sorority Alumnae Clubs W4800 (12) SOS Ordinance – also includes information on the Save Our Springs Coalition (SOS) O2000 (12) SOS PAC [Now SOS Action] P5410 (25) Soto Pottery-filed in General file P6200 (1) Sounds Under Radio M9300 (S) Sources G1400 (2) Sourdough-A European Bakery, The B0100 (22) South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) A7020 (7) South Austin C3410 (9) South Austin C3580 (8) South Austin Adult Day Care Center O1200 (33) South Austin Businessman's Club N1900 (11) South Austin Civic Club N1900 (12) South Austin Community Clinic P9400 (7) South Austin Drive-In M8300 (38) South Austin Drug Store D2300 (34) South Austin Food Co-op G4200 (100) South Austin Hose Co F1250 (7) South Austin Jug Band M9300 (S) South Austin Medical Center --See: also St. David's South Hospital H2750 (2) H2600 (7) South Austin Multi-Purpose Center N1875 (7) South Austin Museum of Popular Culture (now the South Austin Popular Culture Center) M9100 (8) South Austin Neighborhood Advisory Board N1900 (30) South Austin Neighborhood Council N1900 (35) South Austin Popular Culture Center--See: South Austin Museum of Popular Culture M9100 (8) M9100 South Austin Recreation Center P1400 (11) South Austin Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant #16 W0800 (13) South Austin Rotary Club / Rotary Club of South Austin R5800 (2) South Austin Senior Activity Center--See: O1200 (51) O1200 South Austin Tennis Center T0800 (5) South Austin Youth Bureau Y0600 (30) South by Southwest 2014 Car Crash F1000 (9) South by Southwest Film Conference and Festival—See: F1000 (2) M8430 South by Southwest Film Conference and Festival—See: Festivals—SXSW F1000 (2) F0900 South by Southwest Film Conference and Festival—See: Festivals—SXSW F1000 (2) M8460 South by Southwest Multimedia/Interactive Festival—See: F1000 (3) C6100 South by Southwest Music & Media Conference—See: F1000 (1) M9385 South by Southwest Music Festival—See: F1000 (1) M9383 South by Southwest Music Festival—See: Festivals—SXSW F1000 (1) F0900 South Congress Avenue S5710 (9) South Creek P8300 (67) South Creek S6000 (46) South East Austin Growing Neighborhood Association N1900 (20) South First Christian Academy P7200 (28) South Lund Park S6000 (48) South River City Citizens N1900 (13) South Texas Cancellation Campaign (Texas Safe Utility Network) P6450 (24) South View Estates S6000 (81) Southeast Austin Community Branch L2710 (72) Southeast Business Incubator B7100 (199) Southeast Travis County Neighborhood Association N1900 (51) Southern Bedding Manufacturing Company H4000 (9) Southern Gravel Company B6658 (16) Southern Intelligencer N2400 (18) Southern Realty Company R1400 (15) Southern Texas Archeological Association A5400 (6) Southern Union Gas Company G1000 (3) Southland Ice Company I0200 (3) Southland Life Insurance Company I1150 (6) Southland Lumber Co., Inc. L3600 (18) Southside C3600 (11) Southside M8300 (41) Southside Human Development Center M3420 (6) Southwest C3580 (9) Southwest Airlines A1200 (19) Southwest Art Gallery A6400 (100) Southwest Development Laboratory E0600 (7) Southwest Information Associates L2700 (6) Southwest Parkway R4400 (6) Southwestern Art P2400 (17) Southwestern Bell Telegraph and Telephone Company, The T0600 (1) Southwestern Ice & Cold Storage Company--See: Ice Industry I0200 (General) I0200 Southwestern Regional Ballet Festival D0200 (10) Southwood S6000 (49) Southwood Mall L2710 (53) Southwood Mall S2300 (16) Southwood Theater M8300 (11) Space for the Arts Conference A6600 (11) Spaghetti Warehouse R3800 (S) Spalding's D2300 (17) Spamarama C1900 (18) Spanish Play Production T6500 (34) Spanish-American War U1500 (17) Spanish-American War Veterans V0600 (9) Speak M9300 (S) Speake (T.J.) G4200 (56) Special Education in Public School M3600 (7) Special Events Center (Now known as Frank Erwin Center) U3400 (54) Special Olympics H0200 (10) Special Services to the Elderly L2710 (33) Specialty Pest Control I1000 (4) Speckels Home Baker Shop B0100 (8) Spectrum D2200 (11) Spectrum: Focus on Deaf Artists D0440 (7) Speech Arts Studio P7200 (21) Speech Building U3400 (44) Speedway Heights S6000 (156) Speranza’s Italian Home Cooking R3800 (S) Spicewood Gallery A6400 (80) Spicewood Springs L2710 (66) Spicewood Springs Pottery & Jewelry-filed in General file P6200 (1) Spicewood Springs Water Reservoir W0800 (8) Spiders I1000 (2) Spillar Estates S6000 (50) Spina Bifida D1560 (31) Spirit Echoes Gallery A6400 (131) Split Rail Inn S0300 (27) Split Rail Inn—See: S0300 (27) M9320 Spock, Benjamin C. V2000 (84) Spoon M9300 (S*) Sporting Goods (General) S4200 (1) Sporting Goods—See: Sporting Goods S4200 S4300 Sports P8600 (2) Sports S0220 (7) Sports (General) S4300 (1) -- SEE ALSO: University Of Texas - Athletics (U3200) University Of Texas - Athletics - Football (U3220) University Of Texas - Athletics - Track (U3280) Sports Club S4300 (38) Sports—See also: Sports S4300 and individual school files P8600 Spring Pilgrimage H0580 (3) Springs Z0450 (2) Sprinkle, Travis County (General) S4500 Sprinkle, Travis County--See also: HB – Travis County Area XX and properties by address S4500 Sprinkle, Travis County—See: S4500 C3850 Sprouts G4200 (97) Spurr Controversy (1974-1975) U3900 (14) Square Dancing D0200 (8) Squatters T7200 (11) Sri Shirdi Sa Baba Temple of Austin T0751 (3) St. Andrews C3750 (8) St. Andrew’s Episcopal School C3200 (5) St. Annie's C3695 (6) St. Austin's C3550 (16) St. Austin's School C3200 (8) St. Catherine’s C3550 (29) St. Charles Hotel R6000 St. Croix Philharmonic Steele Orchestra M9300 (S) St. David's Hospital Auxiliary H2750 (1) St. David's Medicenters H2750 (6) St. David's Pavilion H2750 (5) St. David's Rehabilitation Center H2750 (4) St. David's South Hospital—See: also South Austin Medical Center H2600 (7) H2750 (2) St. David's Women's Health Resource Center H2750 (3) St. David’s Episcopal Church Choir M9300 (S) St. Edward's University P6150 (34) St. Edward's University (General (-1959)) S0220 St. Edward's University (General (1960-1969)) S0220 St. Edward's University (General (1970-1979)) S0220 St. Edward's University (General (1980-1989)) S0220 St. Edward's University (General (1990-1999)) S0220 St. Edward's University (General (2000-2009)) S0220 St. Edward’s Festival—See: St. Edward’s University S0220 (12) F0900 St. Elias Eastern Orthodox Church C3400 (15) St. Elmo P8300 (43) St. Elmo's Fire M9300 (S) St. Elmo-Tel M7700 (10) St. Francis C3635 (14) St. Gabriel’s Catholic School C3200 (17) St. George's C3635 (4) St. George's Episcopal School C3200 (15) St. George's Retirement Center O1250 (7) St. Ignatius Martyr C3550 (17) St. James C3635 (5) St. John C3785 (2) St. John L2710 (82) St. John Church at Richland C3600 (16) St. John Neumann--See: Churches - Catholic (General) C3550 St. John Regular Missionary Baptist Association C3450 (53) St. John's C3660 (17) St. John's C3750 (9) St. John's Love and Care Nursing Home N3800 (9) St. John's Neighborhood Development Project U5000 (9) St. John's Neighborhood Development Project--See also: Neighborhood Housing and Conservation Department H4500 (17) U5000 St. John's Park P1200 (78) St. John's United C3690 (15) St. Johns P8300 (44) St. John’s Neighborhood Center N1875 (9) St. Jude’s H2600 (2) St. Julia C3550 (18) St. Juliea's School C3200 (10) St. Louis C3550 (19) St. Louis School C3200 (11) St. Luke C3690 (16) St. Luke's School C3200 (6) St. Luke's-on-the-Lake C3635 (7) St. Mark's C3635 (8) St. Mark's United C3690 (17) St. Mary's Baptist Church P3000 (3) St. Mary's Cathedral School C3200 (12) St. Mary's: After 1960 C3551 St. Mary's: Before 1960 C3551 St. Mary’s Parochial School C3200 (18) St. Matthew's C3635 (9) St. Michael's Academy P7200 (50) St. Patrick's C3550 (20) St. Paul C2100 (123) St. Paul C3660 (18) St. Paul's Cumberland C3750 (10) St. Peter the Apostle C3550 (21) St. Peter the Apostle Nursery School N3400 (18) St. Peter's United C3690 (29) St. Stephen’s Missionary Baptist C3450 (93) St. Theresa C3550 (22) Stables (See: Horses under Transportation T7850 (6) & A4200 (22)) Stacy P1200 (25) Stacy Realty Company, The R1400 (16) Staff L2710 (6) Staff L2710 (29f) Staff L2710 (29p) Stage Etc. T6500 (42) Stage Works T6500 (40) Stagecoach Art Gallery A6400 (136) Stagecoaches P6150 (37) Stagecoaches (General) S4630 Stagecoaches--See: Stagecoaches S4630 T7850 Stained Glass A6900 (27) Stamp Collecting & Stamp Collectors (General) S4645 Standard Club W4800 (13) Standard Life Insurance Company I1150 (7) Standard Radio Supply, Inc. R0300 (19) Standing Waves M9300 (S) Stanley-Nolen C2100 (113) STAR Flight (Shock Trauma Air Rescue) H2700 (17) Star Furniture—See: General H4000 Star of Texas Rodeo & Fair--See: Livestock Show A1500 (17) A1500 "Star of Texas, The" M9370 Star Theatorium #1 and #2 M8300 (31) Starbird Press P9700 (37) Starcrost M9300 (S) Stark, Susan—See: Rigsby-Stark Case (14) M8900 Starling Jewelry--filed with General A6900 Starmen M9300 (S) Starr Kealhofer Tire & Supply Company A9910 (20) Stars S0300 (34) Starvation Army M9300 (S) Stasswender (A.) Marble & Granite Works M7000 (10) State Bar of Texas L2200 (12) State Board of Control T2500 (3) State Board of Insurance T2500 (4) State Building Commission T1300 (1) State Courts Building T1300 (5) State Department T2500 (5) State Hospital C2100 (100) State House Books B5070 (50) State National Bank B0700 (28) State Officials Ladies Club O1020 (2) State Theater M8300 (12) State Theater—See also: Austin Theatre Alliance M8350 (2) M8300 Statements of Conditions B0702 (2) Statewide Clinical Trials Network of Texas M3000 (44) Statistics L2710 (19) Statue of Liberty Campaign C1900 (11) Status Thimble N1000 (4) Steak Island R3800 (159) Steam Heat M9300 (S) Steamboat Springs S0300 (32) Steamboat Springs—See: S0300 (32) M9320 Steamboats (includes the Dixie and the Commodore) B4496 (23) Stebbins and James C5230 (6) Steck & Warlick Company--See:General B7100 Steck Vaughn Company P9700 (10) Steinbeck, John V2000 (85) Steindam Hall U3400 (41) Steinem, Gloria V2000 (216) Steiner Ranch S6000 (172) Steinle (H.W.) & Son D1100 (13) Stelfox Jewelers J0100 (8) Stephen F. Austin Building T1300 (6) Stephen F. Austin Chapter, Order of DeMolay F3600 (29) Stephen F. Austin Monument M7000 (5) Stephen F. Austin Society P8640 (10) Stephen F. Austin Statue (Congress Ave.) A6400 (S1400) (3) Stephen Fain Company R1400 (88) Stephen L. Clark Art Gallery A6400 (141) Stephenson Preserve--See: Parks and Recreation Department P1400 (37) P1400 Sterett Rod & Gun Club H4700 (4) Stern, Isaac V2000 (86) Steve Jackson Games G0500 (2) Steve Topletz Homes B6670 (19) Stevenson Press, The P9700 (17) Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble M9300 (S) Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble—See also: BIOGRAPHY FILE – Vaughan, Stevie Ray M9300 Stevie Ray Vaughn Statue A6400 (S1400) (5) Stills L2900 (S5000) Stitch A6900 (47) Stock Animals--See: Agriculture A1500 A4200 Stokes Slide Services P3500 (45) Stokes, (J.F.) & Co L3600 (19) Stokowski, Leopold V2000 (87) Storage & Moving Trade B7100 (16) Storefront Studio T6500 (44) Storm Tract P1200 (38) Story of, The M9300 (S) Story-Telling (General) S5000 Storyville M9300 (S) Strait Music Company M9385 (18) Strange Boys, The M9300 (S) Strategic Intervention for High Risk Youth (SIHRY) Y0600 (38) Stratford House A2300 (7) Stravinsky, Igor V2000 (182) Strawberry Patch D1850 (5) Street & Bridge Division P9600 (2) Street Closure Ordinance O2000 (25) Street Names (General) S5500 Street Paving (General) S5520 Street People's Advisory Council H2010 (3) Street Railroads (General) S5600 -- SEE ALSO: Streets - Congress Avenue (S5710) Street Railroads—See: S5600 R0700 Street Vendors (General) S5680 Street Vendors (General) S5680 Streets (General) S5700 (1) Streets - Congress Ave P6150 (38) Streets - Congress Avenue (1899 and Before) S5710 (1) Streets - Congress Avenue (1900 - 1919) S5710 (2) Streets - Congress Avenue (1920 - 1939) S5710 (3) Streets - Congress Avenue (1940 - 1959) S5710 (4) Streets - Congress Avenue (1960 - 1979) S5710 (5) Streets - Congress Avenue (1980 - 1989) S5710 (6) Streets - Congress Avenue (1990 - 1999) S5710 (7) Streets - Congress Avenue (2000-2009) S5710 (8) Streets - Guadalupe P6150 (39) Streets - Sixth (General) S5705 Streets - Sixth Street P6150 (40) Streets-Congress Tree H1850 (4) Strickland School P7200 (51) Strid Shoe Shop B5236 (25) String Project (within Music Department) U3540 (2) String Project (within Music Department) U3540 (2) Strings Attached M9300 (S) Stroble's Cafe R3800 (S) Stroke Associations D1560 (17) Stubb’s M9320 (S) Student Health Center U3400 (45) Student Health Center—See also: Engineering Building U3400 (17) U3400 Student Methodist Center C3690 (27) Student Methodist Center—See also: Stage Etc. T6500 (42) and Ichthus Coffee House T6500 (71) T6500 Student Methodist Center—See: C3690 (27) T6500 Student Organizations U4500 (6) Student Volunteer Services V3100 (5) Students S0220 (9) Students for Environmental Defense E0400 (30) Students of the World—See: General M8460 Studia Hispanica P9700 (19) Studio 7 T6500 (45) Studio Artists Gallery A6400 (29) Studio D D0200 (14) Style Shows Z0450 (8) Style X (“Style by;” SXSW fashion showcase) F1000 (4) Subdivisions P6150 (41) Subdivisions (General) S6000 (1) Subdivisions - Aldridge Place (General) S6010 Subdivisions - Clarksville (General, by year) S6040 Subdivisions - East Austin (General) S6090 Subdivisions - Enfield (General) S6100 Subdivisions - Hyde Park (General) S6200 (1) Subdivisions - South Austin (General) S6290 Subdivisions - Travis Heights (General) S6300 Subdivisons and Mergers T7350 (4) Submetering Ordinance O2000 (19) Submetering Ordinance--See also: Timberline Homes in Apartments A5000 (1) Sufi Order of Austin M3400 (32) Suicides & Suicide Attempts D0500 (4) Sullivan’s Steakhouse R3800 (S) Summer Enrichment P8200 (34) Summer Reading Program L2710 (36) Summer School P8300 (69) Summer Schools P8200 (68) Summer Youth Employment Program Y0600 (29) Summerwood Homeowners Association N1900 (29) Summit P8300 (54) Summit Place---See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Summit School R6600 (11) Sun Day (May 10-12, 1978) P6450 (9) Sun-Belt Frozen Food Association T7400 (30) Sundance P3500 (31) Sunday Break M9383 (11) Sunday Funnies M8460 (16) Sunday House Lighting H4000 (11) Sundog, The A6900 (15) Sunrise Center M3400 (39) Sunrise Real Estate & Development R1400 (81) SunRiver Corp M0900 (39) Sunset Hill Enfield Addition---See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Sunset Valley C3850 (4) Sunset Valley P1100 (14) Sunset Valley P8300 (68) Sunset Valley Farmers Market G4200 (90) SunShine P3500 (43) Sunshine Camp P9460 (14) Sunshine School P7200 (39) O2000 Super Computing News P9700 (33) Super Seven, Los M9300 (S) Superintendents P8200 (35) Superintendents T5200 (2) Superior Dairies A1600 (5) Supernatural (General) S7500 (1) Supreme Bakery B0100 (19) Supreme Court Racquet Club and Fitness Center S4300 (28) Suroco Club M4300 (19) Surveyors (General) S7700 Susanna Dickinson Home and Museum M9100 (13) Sustainable Building Coalition E0400 (40) Sustainable Communities Initiative C4170 (29) Sustainable Food Center P9460 (33) Sustainable Food Center—See also: Austin Community Gardens G0800 (2) P9460 Sustainable Food Center—See: Public Welfare-Societies, Etc. P9460 (33) F2500 Sutor House H3000 (12) Sutton Hall U3400 (46) Suzie's Ragtime Band M9300 (S) Swahn, Simon "the Universe in Verse" P4700 (5) Swan Songs M9380 (52) Swann-Schulle Furniture Company F5000 (9) Swearingen Bros., Inc. A9800 (57) SWECO, Inc. M0900 (21) Swedes (General) S8200 (1) Swedes—See: S8200 E1950 Swedish C3640 (3) Swedish Pioneer Log Cabin L3300 (13) Swedish Pioneers Association, Texas S8200 (2) Sweet Adelines M9380 (16) Sweet Home Missionary Baptist C3450 (58) Sweet Leaf Tea B7100 (215) Sweet Leaf Tea—See: Business B7100 (215) F2500 Sweet Publishing Company P9700 (11) Sweetarts M9300 (S) Sweetarts—See also: BIOGRAPHY FILE - Ernie "Sky" Gammage M9300 Sweetie Pie’s R3800 (S) Sweetish Hill B0100 (23) Sweetish Hill R3800 (S) Swimming (General) S8400 (1) Swimming Teams S8400 (4) Swimming—See: Swimming S8400 S4300 Swing Out U4500 (5) Swisher S6000 (51) Swiss (General) S8700 Swiss—See: S8700 E1950 Sword, The M9300 (S) SXSW Comedy--See: Festivals - South by Southwest Conference and Festivals (SXSW) F1000 (General) F1000 SXSW Eco F1000 (5) SXSW V2V F1000 (8) SXSWedu F1000 (6) Syers, Pickle and Winn A1000 (28) Sylvan Learning Centers P7200 (52) Sylvia and the Shysters M9300 (S) Symington, Stuart V2000 (88) Symphony Jewel Ball S8800 (8) Symphony of Sound M9380 (47) Symphony Orchestra of Austin—See: S8800 M9300 Symphony Orchestra, Austin (General, by decade) S8800 Symphony Square S8800 (14) Symphony Square T6500 (73) Symphony Square Committee H1200 (11) System Development L2710 (26) Szechuan Restaurant R3800 (S) Tabuchi, Shoji V2000 (222) Taco Bell R3800 (160) Tafelmusik M9300 (T) Tai Chi P3700 (5) Taj Palace R3800 (T) Take Back Austin C4170 (20) Tally-Ho R3800 (284) Tam's Deli & Cafe R3800 (T) Tandem Computers E1095 (19) Tannie & Theresa Antiques A4800 (4) Taoism R2610 (31) Tapestry D0200 (51) Tarleton C2100 (101) Tarlton Law Library U4200 (7) Tarry House C5400 (12) Tarrytown C3450 (59) Tarrytown S6000 (115) Tarrytown Boat Club B4496 (19) Tarrytown Center S2300 (17) Tarrytown Gallery A6400 (134) Tarrytown Methodist Church K1400 (15) Tarrytown Oaks--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Tarrytown Pharmacy D2300 (18) Tarrytown Properties R1400 (29) Tarrytown Tots K1400 (16) Tarrytown United C3690 (19) Task Force of Austin Major Employers B7100 (201) Tattoos A6900 (23) Tavern, The R3800 (T) Tavern, The—See also: Enfield Grocery G4200 (32) R3800 Taxation (General) T0200 Taxation - Poll Tax (General) T0200 (P5600) Taxation - Tax Lists (General) T0230 Taxation – U.S. Internal Revenue Service (General) T0200(U1900) Taxicabs T7850 (8) Taxidermy A4200 (4) Taxpayer News T0200 (9) Taylor (W. Thomas) Bookseller B5070 (42) Taylor Hall U3400 (47) Taylor's Slough L0300 (7) TCC, Inc. B7100 (38) Tea Embassy F2500 (51) Teacher Directories 1958-1967 R6600 (25) Teachers (General) T0400 Teachers - Societies, etc. (General) T0470 (1) Teaching Qualifications P8200 (80) Teagarden & Shumate H0300 (7) Teague, Joe M. 1965 M8900 (32) Teatro Humanidad (includes Latino Comedy Project) T6500 (91) Teatro Vivo T6500 (103) Techniques IV M9300 (T) Technology L2710 (83) Technology (General) T0490 (1) -- SEE ALSO: Computer Industry (C6100) (S3300) Technology Futures, Inc C6100 (15) Teck C2100 (102) Teck School R6600 (21) Teen Challenge Coffeehouse Y0600 (24) Teen pregnancy F0520 (22) Teen Volunteer Program V3100 (4) Teenage Parent Council P9460 (20) Teens Aid the Retarded M3600 (9) Teevic Productions M8460 (41) Tejano Healthy Walking Trail—See: S4300 (40) T0495 Tejano Monmument C1048 (18) Tejano Trails T0495 (3) Tejanos in Action—See: General V0600 Tejidos M4300 (26) Telephone (General (by year)) T0600 Television (General) T0700 (1) Television – KLRU (Formerly KLRN) (General) T0705 (1) Temple Beth Israel S9000 (1) Ten Commandments Monument C1048 (14) Social Media Ten X Technology, Inc. E1095 (42) Tennis U3200 (10) Tennis (General) T0800 Tennis—See: Tennis T0800 S4300 Tenth Street C3690 (31) Tenth Ward Fire Company No. 8 F1250 (11) Teresa Lozano Long Institute for Latin American Studies U3515 (12) Teri Road Baptist Church Child Care Center N3400 (22) Terminex Pest Control Center I1000 (3) Terpsichore Club Y0600 (11) Terra 6 Motor Hotel—See Sheraton Terrace M7700 (12) H3000 Terra Toys T7300 (10) Terrazas Branch L2710 (55) Terrell & Lynch Enterprises R1400 (17) Terry's Rangers Monument C1048 (12) Terry's Texas Ranger C4700 (10) Tesoros Trading Co. A6400 (126) Tex-Sun Day Camp P1400 (19) Texamercana M9385 (46) Texan H3000 (35) Texans for ERA W5000 (16) Texans for Lawsuit Reform P5410 (30) Texans' War on Drugs D2200 (16) Texas M1000 (6) Texas - Annexation (General) T1000 Texas - Blind, Deaf, and Orphan School (General) T1200 Texas - Buildings P6150 (42) Texas - Buildings (General) T1300 Texas - Constitutional Convention (General) T2100 Texas - Departments - History (General) T2500 Texas - Description and Travel (General) T2600 Texas - History (General) T3200 (1) Texas - Legislature (General (by year)) T3500 Texas - Republic T3200 (6) Texas 13 of Travis County T0200 (8) Texas 130—See: SH-130 H0900 Texas Abortion Coalition F0520 (8) Texas Abortion Rights Action League (now NARAL Pro-Choice Texas) Texas Adjutant General T2500 (18) Texas After Violence Project--See: C9200 (General) C9200 Texas Air Control Board P5700 (1) Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission T2500 (19) Texas Alliance for Life F0520 (23) Texas Apartment Association A5000 (5) Texas Archive of the Moving Image M9100 (15) Texas Archives (by year) T5400 (1) F0520 (16) Texas Arts Alliance A6600 (14) Texas Asian Chamber of Commerce C2390 (7) Texas Asian Foundation A7000 (10) Texas Association for Children with Learning Disabilities, Austin Council M3600 (8) Texas Association for Educational Technology E0600 (9) Texas Association for Mental Health M3400 (9) Texas Association for Public Transportation T7850 (3) Texas Association for Retarded Citizens (The Arc of Austin) M3560 (7) Texas Association of Life Underwriters I1150 (9) Texas Association of Museums M9100 (5) Texas Association of Nurserymen N3200 (7) Texas Association of Realtors R1400 (6) Texas Association of Realtors Fountain C1048 (13) Texas Association of the Deaf D0440 (5) Texas Association of Tonsorial Artists, Austin Branch B1000 (8) Texas Attorney General T2500 (15) Texas Automobile Dealers Association A9800 (54) Texas Bach Festival M9383 (12) Texas Bach Festival--See also Chorus Austin M9300 (C*) M9383 Texas Bank & Trust Company B0700 (29) Texas Bankers Association B0700 (35) Texas Bible Chair U3400 (48) Texas Bible Chair U3515 (3) Texas Blind, Deaf, and Orphan School--See: T1200 B4070 Texas Blind, Deaf, and Orphan School—See: Texas – Blind, Deaf, and Orphan School T1200 D0440 Texas Body Building Championships S4300 (11) Texas Book Festival L3100 (84) Texas Bookstore B5070 (28) Texas Botanical Garden Society G0700 (17) Texas Brass Quintet, The M9300 (T) Texas Business P2400 (23) Texas Business Hall of Fame B7100 (213) Texas Butane Dealers Association T7400 (3) Texas Camera P3500 (38) Texas Capital Area Builders Association B6670 (24) Texas Capital Network B7100 (203) Texas Catholic Historical Society R2610 (114) Texas Centennial, 1936 C1900 (2) Texas Center for Documentary Photography-Biography File P3500 Texas Chainsaw Massacre M8460 (2) Texas Chili Parlor R3800 (T) Texas Circuit P2400 (25) Texas Circuit P9700 (15) Texas Citizens for Abortion Education F0520 (9) Texas Civil Rights Project C4600 (8) Texas Classroom Teachers Association T0470 (8) Texas Clean Water Action E0400 (34) Texas Clothier C5230 (13) Texas Coalition Against the Death Penalty C9200 (4) Texas Coalition for Conservation E0400 (46) Texas Coalition for Container Deposit R2000 (5) Texas Coalition for Juvenile Justice C9200 (5) Texas Coffee Traders F2500 (50) Texas Collections A6400 (109) Texas Commission for the Blind B4070 (8) Texas Commission on the Arts and Humanities T2500 (9) Texas Committee for Health Aid to Central America I1230 (7) Texas Committee for the Humanities (General) T1800 Texas Conference of Churches C3400 (36) Texas Consumers’ Association C6900 (9) Texas Council on Crime and Delinquency C9200 (7) Texas Council on Family Violence W5000 (23) Texas Dental Association D1000 (3) Texas Department of Agriculture T2500 (17) Texas Department of Agriculture—See: General F2500 Texas Department of Commerce (General) T2500 Texas Department of Mental Health-Mental Retardation M3400 (5) Texas Department of Public Safety T2500 (16) Texas Department of Water Resources T2500 (13) Texas Desktop Press P9700 (29) Texas Early Music Project M9300 (T*) Texas Economic and Demographic Association E0500 (3) Texas Education Agency T2500 (6) Texas Education Hall of Remembrance--See: E0600 (General) E0600 Texas Educational Microwave Project T6500 (69) Texas Embassy Living Museum M9100 (3) Texas Employment Commission T1300 (7) Texas Employment Commission T2500 (7) Texas Energy and Natural Resources Advisory Council P6450 (20) Texas Exes Asian Alumni Network (TEAAN) U3590 (3) Texas Exposition & Heritage Center—See: T2850 H1500 Texas Exposition and Heritage Center (General) T2850 Texas Extended School and Community Health Education Program--See: AR.2002.017 for Photographs (Outer Vault) R6600 Texas Federation for the Blind B4070 (3) Texas Federation of Cooperating Communities and Consumer Co-ops C7150 (1) Texas Federation of Republican Women P5300 (19) Texas Federation of Women's Clubs A6400 (6500) (3) Texas Federation of Women's Clubs W4800 (14) Texas Female Institute (P7276) P7200 Texas Festival of Metaphysics and Music R2610 (12) Texas Film Commission M8460 (20) Texas Film Festival M8460 (21) Texas Film Festival—See: M8460 (21) M8430 Texas Film Hall of Fame Awards M8460 (45) Texas Fine Arts Association--See: Texas Fine Arts Association T2875 A6300 Texas Fine Arts Association; Now Arthouse, see A6300(5) (General (by year)) T2875 (1) Texas Fine Arts Association; Now Arthouse, see A6300(5) (Texas Fine Arts Association/Arthouse--See also: Austin Museum of Art General through 1960s M9130) T2875 Texas Fine Arts Association—See: T2875 A6600 Texas Fine Arts Commission/Texas Commission on the Arts A6600 (12) Texas Fine Literature Association L3100 (86) Texas Flyfishers F1800 (2) Texas Folklife Resources F2300 (5) Texas Folklore Society F2300 (1) Texas Foundation for Women's Resources W5000 (3) Texas Freedom Network/Texas Faith Network P5410 (24) Texas French Bread Bakery B0100 (21) Texas Garage A9910 (15) Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. G0700 (11) Texas Genealogical Society G1400 (4) Texas Good Roads Association R4400 (3) Texas Governor's Conference on Children and Youth Y0600 (12) Texas Governor's Conference on Libraries L2700 (4) Texas Hatters M5200 (2) Texas Heritage Council T3100 (10) Texas High-Speed Rail R0700 (9) Texas Highway Department (General) T3000 Texas Highway Department--See: T3000 T7850 Texas Hill Country Wine & Food Festival (after 2011, replaced by Austin Food & Wine Festival) F2500 (19) Texas Hill Country Wine and Food Festival--See: Texas Hill Country Wine and Food Festival F2500 (19) A2000 Texas Historical Commission (General) T3100 (1) Texas Historical Commission—See: T3100 H1500 Texas Historical Foundation T3100 (9) Texas Hospital Association H2600 (1) Texas Human Rights Foundation H2030 (4) Texas Impact C3400 (45) Texas Independence Day H1800 (2) Texas Institute of Letters L3100 (8) Texas Instruments E1095 (2) Texas International A1200 (20) Texas Juggling Society A3900 (4) Texas Law Center L2200 (6) Texas Learning Technology Group C6100 (3) Texas Legislative Service O1020 (8) Texas Library Association T5400 (3) Texas Library Book Sales B5070 (21) Texas Manufacturers Association, Centex Chapter M0900 (3) Texas Medical Association P3800 (6) Texas Military Division U1500 (11) Texas Military Forces Museum C0300 (1) Texas Military Forces Museum—See: Camp Mabry C0300 (1) M9100 Texas Mobilization for Survival P6450 (11) Texas Model Builders A5600 (27) Texas Monthly P2400 (10) Texas Monthly Press P9700 (26) Texas Music Association M9380 (27) Texas Music Hall of Fame M9385 (64) Texas Music Hall of Fame Awards M8460 (62) Texas Music Museum M9100 (12) Texas Music Museum M9380 (19) Texas Music Office M9385 (45) Texas Music Oral History Project M9380 (48) Texas Music Project M9380 (50) Texas National Dance Theater D0200 (44) Texas National Guard (General (by year)) T4000 (1) Texas National Guard T-Mates T4000 (2) Texas Natural Resources Information System (TNRIS) M1000 (3) Texas Navy T3200 (2) Texas Neurofibromatosis Foundation D1560 (34) Texas New Yorker N2400 (21) Texas Nuclear E1400 (8) Texas Nurses Association N3600 (1) Texas Nursing Home Association, Capital Area Chapter N3800 (2) Texas Observer P2400 (2) Texas Olympic Swim Center U3400 (28) Texas Oral History Association—See: General C5400 Texas Orange Power P2400 (33) Texas Orange Power—See: Periodicals P2400 (33) U4350 "Texas Our Texas" M9370 Texas Outdoor Writers Association T7400 (32) Texas Parade P2400 (4) Texas Parks and Wildlife P2400 (3) Texas Partners of the Alliance with Peru I1230 (16) Texas Peace Officers' Memorial C1048 (14) Texas Performing Arts U3540 (23) Texas Photographers' Association P3500 (25) Texas Photographic Society P3500 (62) Texas Pioneer Women Memorial C1048 (15) Texas Postal History Society P6100 (5) Texas Posten N2400 (22) Texas Press Club N2400 (31) Texas Press Women T7400 (25) Texas Pro-Life Political Action Committee F0520 (15) Texas Public Employees Association, Austin City Chapter O1010 (9) Texas Public Employees Associations O1020 (1) Texas Public Land L1500 (T4300) Texas Public Relations Associations T7400 (8) Texas Public Service Company P9200 (1) Texas Quarterly U4300 (1) Texas Ranger U4350 (18) Texas Rangers (General) T4400 Texas Register P2400 (24) Texas Rehabilitation Commission T2500 (11) Texas Rehabilitation Institute H2700 (16) Texas Research League P5410 (17) Texas Research Society of Alcoholism A2300 (12) Texas Restaurant Association R3800 (2) Texas Retired Employees Association O1020 (5) Texas Santa Fe Expedition T3200 (3) Texas School for Defectives & Sanitarium for Mental and Nervous Diseases H2600 (4) Texas School for Fine Arts Club Gallery A6400 (30) Texas School For the Blind P6150 (47) Texas School for the Blind (General) T4800 Texas School for the Blind - See: T4800 B4070 Texas School For the Deaf P6150 (46) Texas School for the Deaf (General, by year) T5000 Texas School for the Deaf—See: Texas School for the Deaf T5000 D0440 Texas School of Fine Arts P7200 (36) Texas Senior Citizen Association O1200 (16) Texas Senior Women's Golf Association G3200 (12) Texas Sesquicentennial Parade P1000 (11) Texas Sesquicentennial, 1986 C1900 (6) Texas Shade Factor B6658 (9) Texas Siftings N2400 (23) Texas Society for Autistic Citizens, Austin Chapter M3600 (15) Texas Society of Architects A5600 (4) Texas Society of Association Executives T7400 (35) Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants T7400 (10) Texas Society of Professional Engineers, Travis Chapter E1400 (1) Texas Society of Professional Engineers, Travis Chapter Auxiliary E1400 (2) Texas Society of Sculptors A6600 (8) Texas Society of Sculptors—See: Art Societies A6600 (8) A6400 (S1400) Texas Sons and Daughters Association P1900 (12) Texas Speed Museum A9900 (3) Texas Star P2400 (18) Texas Star Pioneer Club P1900 (10) Texas Stars U4500 (31) Texas State Arts Festival M9383 (27) Texas State Bank B0700 (30) Texas State Board of Medical Examiners P3800 (10) Texas State Bonsai Exhibit, Travis County (8) G0800 Texas State Coailition Against Apartheid--See: P7750 (1990s) P7750 Texas State Department of Health T2500 (14) Texas State Exposition, Austin F0100 (1) Texas State Fair F0100 (3) Texas State Foster Parents Association F0500 (10) Texas State Gazette N2400 (20) Texas State Historical Association (General) P5150 Texas State Historical Association—See: T5150 H1500 Texas State Hospital, Austin-Alcoholic Rehabilitation Center A2300 (4) Texas State Hospital-Austin (General) T5200 Texas State Hospital-Austin--See: T5200 H2600 Texas State Library (General (by year)) T5400 (4) Texas State Library - Archives Division (By Year) T5410 Texas State Library - Archives Division (General) T5410 Texas State Library—See: Texas State Library T5400 and Texas State Library-Archives Division T5410 L2700 Texas State Realty Company R1400 (18) Texas State School-Austin (By Year) T5500 Texas State School-Austin (General) T5500 Texas State School-Travis County (By Year) T5600 Texas State School-Travis County (General) T5600 Texas State Teachers Association T0470 (12) Texas Statehood Centennial, 1945 C1900 (3) Texas Studies Group P5150 (2) Texas Summer Normal T0400 (2) Texas Supreme Court C7935 (3) Texas Tax Journal P2400 (21) Texas Textbooks B5070 (44) Texas Theater M8300 (13) Texas Tradewinds Travel T7900 (5) Texas Trails E0400 (10) Texas Tumbleweed R3800 (T) "Texas U" M9370 Texas United Community Services, Inc. P9460 (22) Texas United Latino Artists A6600 (31) Texas Veterans Association V0600 (12) Texas Volkszeitung N2400 (24) Texas Vorwaerts N2400 (25) Texas Walk of Stars M7000 (14) Texas Water Quality Board P5700 (2) Texas Wild Bunch A6400 (117) Texas Women for Peace W5000 (25) Texas Women for the Eighties W5000 (24) Texas Women's Alcohol Resource and Education Center (AWARE)—See: Alcoholism A2300 (14) W5000 Texas Women's Hall of Fame W5000 (4) Texas Women's Meeting W5000 (18) Texas Women's Political Caucus W5000 (22) Texas World War II Memorial C1048 (17) Texas Writers Association L3100 (10) Texas Writers Month L3100 (85) Texas Young Lawyers Association L2200 (33) Texas Youth Council Y0600 (28) Texas Youth Ranch Y0600 (13) "Texas, Blue Bonnets" M9370 A2000 (2) Texcon B7100 (61) Texion, Inc. E1095 (22) TexITE E1400 (9) TexPIRG Gallery A6400 (31) Texzen Gardens F2200 (27) Texzen Gardens—See also: Rosedale Rambler 1998 in Rosedale S6000 (43) F2200 Texzen Gardens—See: Rosedale Rambler 1998 in Rosedale S6000 (43) and Flowers F2200 (27) G0800 Thalia T6500 (70) Thanksgiving H1800 (16) "That Lake Austin Rag" M9370 "The First Lady Waltz" M9370 The Trail Foundation T7200 (15) Theater (General) T6500 -- SEE ALSO: Moving Picture Theaters - Paramount (M8350) Zachary Scott Theater Center (Z0300) Theater East T6500 (15) Theater in the Rye T6500 (55) Theater in the Woods T6500 (16) Theater Unlimited T6500 (17) Theater-in-the-Round T6500 (66) Theater-in-the-Round—See also: The Experimental Theatre T6500 (63) and UT Drama Department U3540 (6) T6500 Theater/Teatro Chicano M4300 (6) Theaters P6150 (44) Theaters - Hancock Opera House (General) T6250 Theaters - Millett Opera House (General) T6540 Theaters - Turner Hall (General) T6560 Theft of Maps L2710 (29g) Theodore Low Heights--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Theosophical Society of America R2610 (3) Think Trees Week T9200 (4) Third Coast P2400 (31) Third Coast Jazz D0200 (49) Thomas Brothers Lumber Co. L3600 (20) Thompson Conference Center U3400 (49) Thomson Motor Company A9800 (43) Threadgill's R3800 (T) Three Ring Service S3100 (5) Three Rooms Gallery A6400 (32) Thundercloud Subs R3800 (T) Thurlow Weed Funeral Home U0600 (10) Tillotson Institute H4800 (2) Tilted Planet Press P9700 (27) Timeline Productions P3500 (76) Tiny Texas U4350 (10) Tiny Workshop K1400 (17) Tips (Walter) Company H0300 (8) Tips Iron & Steel F3000 (2) TIPS of Austin E1400 (19) Tire Service Company A9800 (19) Title Companies (General) T6800 (1) Title I Schools P8200 (47) Tito's Handmade Vodka--See: Liquor L2900 B7100 (4) Tito’s Handmade Vodka L2900 (4) TJ Restaurant R3800 (162) Toad Hall B5070 (53) Toadies M9300 (T) Toastmasters C5400 (3-e) Toastmistress C5400 (3-e) Tobacco Stores B7100 (13) Tobin's Book Store B5070 (22) Tobin, (J.J.) Drugs D2300 (19) Tokens (General) T6900 -- SEE ALSO: Numismatics - Collectors & Collecting (N2850) Tokyo Electron M0900 (45) Tokyo Steak House R3800 (266) Toll Roads T7850 (12) Tom D. Smith Fancy Groceries G4200 (55) Tom G. Wilkinson Company R1400 (26) Tom Green Rifles (aka Austin City Light Infantry) C4700 (9) Tom Miller Dam D0100 (9) Tom Miller, General Produce G4200 (57) Tom Munnerlyn, Books B5070 (48) Tomato That Ate Cleveland, The M8460 (6) Tomhave, Steven C. 1980 M8900 (50) Tonkawa Bluff—See: Rosedale Rambler 1997 in Rosedale S6000 (43) S6000 Tony Burger Athletic Complex P8200 (37) Too Smooth M9300 (T) Tools M0900 (5) Toonerville R3800 (T) Top Notch R3800 (T) Toqui Amaru M9300 (T) Torchy's Tacos R3800 (T) Tornado, May 4, 1922 W1700 (1) Tornados W1700 (2) Tortilla Manufacturing Company—See: General F2500 Tortuga's R3800 (T) Toscanini, Arturo V2000 (89) Tot Lots P1200 (26) Total Camera P3500 (39) Tourist Trade (General) T7000 -- SEE ALSO: Chamber of Commerce (C2390) Convention & Visitors Bureau (C7050) Congresses & Conventions (C6700) Texas Department of Commerce (T2500) Tours of Historic Sites H1200 (12) Tours, Art Treks M9130 (10) Tower Chimes U3455 (1) Tower Lights (General) T7100 Towery , Ken V2000 (90) Town & Country Food Store G4200 (58) Town and Gown Club C5400 (3-f) Town Lake P1200 (44) Town Lake (Now Lady Bird Lake) (General) T7200 Town Lake Animal Shelter A4200 (23) Town Lake Art Club A6600 (7) Town Lake Beautification Committee (by year) T7200 (7) Town Lake Breakfast Club C5400 (3-g) Town Lake Development Project T7200 (8) Town Lake Fountains T7200 (5) Town Lake Garden Club G0700 (18) Town Lake Gazebo T7200 (6) Town Lake Kiwanis Club C5445 (6) Town Lake Park Alliance -- See: General T7200 Town Lake Tours -- See: General T7200 Town Lake—See also: T7200 P1200 Townes (H.E.) G4200 (59) Townes Hall U3400 (50) Townhouse, The R3800 (T) Townsend, George F. P3500 (9) Toy Joy T7300 (11) Toys (General) T7300 (1) Toys--See: Toys T7300 A3900 Track & Field S4300 (16) Tracor Publications P7000 (24) Tracor, Inc.—See: Tracor, Inc. T7350 E1095 Tracor—See: Tracor, Inc. T7350 E1400 Tracy, Spencer V2000 (125) Trade and Professional Associations (General) T7400 -- SEE ALSO: Unions (U0900) Trade Shows T0490 (6) Trading Post Cafe R3800 (T) Tradition Illustrated P2400 (38) Tradition Illustrated—See: Periodicals P2400 (38) U4350 Traffic (General) T7600 Traffic Accidents (General) T7610 (1) Traffic Signs and Signals (General) T7660 Trail of Lights/Yulefest—See: Holidays-Christmas H1850 (1) Z0400 Trail of Tejano Legends T0495 (1) Trailer Camps (General) T7730 (1) Trails, The S6000 (71) Training Certification—See: General F2500 Trammell Crow Company R1400 (86) Tramps (General) T7800 Trans-Texas M8300 (20) Trans/Act Theatre & Bar T6500 (35) Transformations R2610 (18) Transformers P9220 (6) Transgender H2030 (18) Transients—See: Tramps T7800 H2010 Transit-Oriented Development (General) T7820 -- SEE ALSO: Urban Renewal Projects and Programs (U5000) City Planning (C4170) Light Rail System (R0700) Transit-Oriented Development—See: T7820 C4170 Transit-Oriented Development—See: T7820 R0700 Translators Association of Central Texas T7400 (36) Transportation P8200 (38) Transportation (General) T7850 Travel (General) T7900 -- SEE ALSO: Tourist Trade (T7000) Texas - Description and Travel (T2600) Travelfest T7900 (16) Travis Association for the Blind B4070 (4) Travis Audubon Nature Trail T7950 (1) Travis Audubon Society (General) T7950 Travis Audubon Society--See: T7950 B3410 Travis Bank & Trust B0700 (31) Travis Book Shop B5070 (23) Travis Central Appraisal District (TCAD) T8000 (6) Travis Chapter No. 472, Order of the Eastern Star F3600 (24) Travis Country S6000 (52) Travis County M1000 (5) Travis County (General) T8000 Travis County - District Attorney (General) T8030 Travis County - History (General) T8550 Travis County - Juvenile Home C7900 (7) Travis County - Sheriff (General) T8700 Travis County 4-H Club A1500 (8) Travis County Adult Literacy Council L3000 (3) Travis County Agriculture Extension Service A1500 (23) Travis County Archeological Society A5400 (5) Travis County ASCS A1500 (5) Travis County Attorneys Underage Drinking Prevention Program A2300 (16) Travis County Bar Association L2200 (5) Travis County Child Welfare Board P9400 (1) Travis County Clerk T8000 (5) Travis County Commissioners Court (General) T8200 Travis County Community Fair F0100 (6) Travis County Community Justice Council C9200 (13) Travis County Council of Women W4800 (15) Travis County Democratic Executive Committee P5300 (8) Travis County Democratic Party P5300 (15) Travis County Democratic Women’s Committee P5300 (9) Travis County Dental Society D1000 (2) Travis County Emergency Unit T8000 (1) Travis County Epileptic Institute H0200 (11) Travis County Farm Bureau A1500 (4) Travis County Green Party P5300 (27) Travis County Healthcare District—Now Central Health H2700 (19) Travis County Historical Commission (General (by year)) T8500 Travis County Historical Commission—See: T8500 H1500 Travis County History Day T8550 (1) Travis County Housing Authority H4510 (6) Travis County International C2100 (103) Travis County Jail P7100 (2) Travis County Jail Service L2710 (34) Travis County Jail: 1969 and Before P7100 (2) Travis County Jail: 1970-1974 P7100 (2) Travis County Jail: 1975-1979 P7100 (2) Travis County Jail: 1980-1989 P7100 (2) Travis County Jail: 1990-1999 P7100 (2) Travis County Junior College Committee J0300 (2) Travis County Legal Aid and Defenders Society L2400 (2) Travis County Medical Examiner O1030 (2) Travis County Medical Society P3800 (T8650) Travis County Neighborhood Youth Corporation Y0600 (14) Travis County Progressive Convention--See: P5300 (General) P5300 Travis County Public Weigher O1030 (1) Travis County Republican Party P5300 (28) Travis County Resources Preservation Program H1200 (10) Travis County Road and Bridge Company R4400 (2) Travis County Rosenwald Schools R6600 (28) Travis County Service L2710 (37) Travis County Services for the Deaf D0440 (6) Travis County Sheriff’s Posse Rodeo S4300 (50) Travis County Support Your Local Police-filed with General P5100 Travis County Tuberculosis Association D1560 (2) Travis Court M7700 (11) Travis Ecology, Inc. E0400 (13) Travis Heights P8300 (46) Travis Landing--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Travis Manufacturing Co. M0900 (30) Travis Peak—See: Hensel Cemetery (47) C2100 Travis Rifles C4700 (11) Travise County Pecan Growers Association A1500 (9) Treatment Alternative to Street Crimes D2200 (7) Treatment Program for Young Drug Users (Open Hand) D2200 (8) Treaty Oak P6150 (56) Treaty Oak (General (by year)) T9100 Tree House Day Care N3400 (41) Tree Ordinance T9200 (5) Tree Registry T9200 (6) TreeFolks T9200 (10) Trees (General) T9200 (1) Trench Burners R2000 (3) Trendco, Inc. M0900 (9) Trendz—See: General F5000 Tres Amigos R3800 (T) Trevini, Elizabeth Borton de V2000 (91) Trevino, Lee V2000 (164) Tri-City Star N2400 (39) Tri-Ethnic Committee S1700 (14) Tri-Ethnic Community Council S1700 (13) TRI-MAC Project A1300 (26) Triangle Park—See: Neighborhood Groups N1900 (58) P1200 Triangle, The--See: S2300 (G) S2300 Tribe of Two Press P9700 (23) Trinity C3640 (2) Trinity C3660 (21) Trinity C3690 (20) Trinity C3750 (11) Trinity C3785 (3) Trinity Bible C3400 (27) Trinity Center C3638 (6) Trinity Episcopal School P7200 (58) Trinity Festival Chorus M9300 (T) Trinity House Gallery A6400 (53) Trinity Lutheran School C3200 (4) Trinity Studios T6500 (67) Trinity—See also: Genesis C3750 (24) C3750 Triple J Tavern S0300 (28) Triple X Root Beer R3800 (286) Trois Gallery A6400 (102) Trophy’s M9320 (T) Troubadors M9300 (T) Troy Harrell FoodStore G4200 (77) Truancy P8200 (40) Trudy’s R3800 (287) True Believers M9300 (T) True Believers—See also: BIOGRPAHY FILE – Escovedo Alejandro M9300 True West—See: Western Publications P2400 (11) Truman, Harry S. V2000 (150) Truman, Margaret V2000 (183) Trustees, Associates, etc M9130 (3) Tubbs Real Estate R1400 (66) Tuberculosis D1560 (1) Tucker C2100 (105) Tuesday Book Review Club L3100 (7) Tuesday Club—See: Headliners Club H0480 C5400 Tuesday Nighters Club, The W4800 (16) Turner Hall S0300 (12) Turner Publishing - filed with General P9700 (39) Turner, Collie & Braden, Inc. E1400 (7) Turner-Roberts Recreation Center / Overton Elementary School P1400 (41) Turquoise Door, The A6400 (125) Turtle Club U3200 (6) Twentieth Century Study Club W4800 (17) Twin Liquors B7100 (214) Twin Oaks L2710 (56) Twin Oaks Industrial Park 10600 (5) Twin Oaks Shopping Center S2300 (18) Twin Sisters Cannons C1048 (4) Two Brothers G4200 (60) Two Cooks F2500 (34) Two Nice Girls M9300 (T*) Two O’Clock Courage M9300 (T) Two Texas Seminaries P7270 (2) TX-SES P6450 (12) Tynes Realty Company R1400 (19) Typographics P7000 (21) U.S. 183 H0900 (6) U.S. 290 H0900 (7) U.S. Air Force, 2688th Air Reserve Center U1500 (13) U.S. Armed Forces (General) U1500 -- SEE ALSO: Veterans (V0600) U.S. Army, 1st U.S. Cavalry U1500 (8) U.S. Army, 6th Cavalry U1500 (4) U.S. Army, 90th Infantry Division U1500 (12) U.S. Bicentennial, 1976 C1900 (14) U.S. Bicentennial, 1976 — See also: Austin Ethnic History Association under Ethnic Groups E1950 (14) C1900 U.S. China People's Friendship Association I1230 (17) U.S. Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador P7750 (9) U.S. Latino & Latina WWII Oral History Project W5700 (11) U.S. Latino & Latina WWII Oral History Project—See: World War II W5700 (11) M4300 U.S. Social Security Administration P9400 (11) U.S.O. U1500 (3) U.S.S. Austin B4496 (4) U.S.S. Texas B4496 (10) U.S.S.R. Poliburo Representatives V2000 (154) UFOs S7500 (2) Ulit Ave C3450 (82) Ulit Home Decorating company B6658 (17) Ullrich Water Treatment Plant W0800 (3) Ume M9300 (U) Umlauf Sculpture Garden A6400 (S1400) (2) Umscheid’s S0300 (35) Unatron Inc. M0900 (44) Uncle Dick’s Band M9300 (U) Uncle Walt’s Band M9300 (U) Undergraduate Library and AC Center U3400 (51) Undergraduate Library/Flawn Academic Center U4200 (3) Undertakers and Undertaking (General) U0600 Unicopy P7000 (22) Unidentified Stores H0300 (10) Unification Church C3400 (34) Union (General) O1010 (6) Union Building U3400 (52) Union Building East U3400 (53) Union Depot House H3000 (13) Union Lists N2400 (28) Union National Bank B0700 (32) Union Scale M9300 (U) Union Sympathizers C4700 (7) Unions (General) U0900 (1) Unitech, Inc. E1095 (7) United Action for the Elderly, Inc. (includes info on Meals on Wheels & More) O1200 (17) United Bank B0700 (40) United Cerebral Palsy of the Capitol Area D1560 (7) United Daughters of the Confederacy P1900 (U1000) United East Austin Coalition N1900 (54) United Farm Workers U0900 (14) United Fund (Way)/Combined Charities (General (by year)) U1100 United Ostomy Association D1560 (32) United Parcel Service P6100 (6) United South Austin—See: N1900 General N1900 United Urban Council C3400 (30) United Way (General) U1100 Unity of Austin C3400 (28) Universal Life & Accident Insurance Company I1150 (13) University C3450 (61) University C3580 (12) University C3660 (22) University (formerly Highland) C3750 (12) University Aerial Service Co. A1200 (13) University Avenue C3600 (15) University Bank B0700 (33) University Calendar U4350 (13) University Club C5400 (21) University Club U3000 (5) University Co-operative Society, Inc., The B5070 (4) University Commons U3400 (68) University Conservatory of Music—See: U3540 (1) M9335 University Development Board U3000 (8) University Federal Credit Union C9000 (4) University Heights S6000 (155) University Hills C3450 (62) University Hills L2710 (68) University Hills S6000 (133) University Hills Homeowners Association (Now University Hills Neighborhood Association) N1900 (14) University Interscholastic League U3900 (10) University Jewelry Shop J0100 (21) University Kiwanis Club C5445 (6) University Ladies Club U3000 (6) University Light Opera Company U3540 (8) University Light Opera Company U3540 (8) University Lodge No. 1190, A.F. & A.M. F3600 (10) University Lutheran Center C3660 (22) University Market G4200 (16) University of Texas P6150 (45) University of Texas S1700 (1) University of Texas Property Acquisitions U3800 (7) University of Texas (General) U3000 (1) University of Texas - Anniversary Celebrations (General) U3050 University Of Texas - Athletics (General) U3200 (1) University Of Texas - Athletics - Football (General (Filed Chronologically)) U3220 (1) University Of Texas - Athletics - Track (General) U3280 University of Texas - Buildings (General (by decade; includes campus maps)) U3400 University of Texas - Buildings - Brackenridge Hall (General) U3410 University of Texas - Buildings - Gregory Gym (General) U3435 University of Texas - Buildings - Main Building, Tower (General) U3455 University of Texas - Buildings - Memorial Stadium (General) U3460 University of Texas - Buildings - Old Main (General) U3401 University of Texas - Buildings - Performing Arts Center (General) U3477 University of Texas - Colleges and Departments (General) U3515 University of Texas - Colleges and Departments - Engineering (General) U3535 University of Texas - Colleges and Departments - Fine Arts (General) U3540 University of Texas - Colleges and Departments - Fine Arts (General) U3540 University of Texas - Ex-Students (General) U3590 University of Texas - Faculty & Staff (General) U3600 (1) University of Texas - Grounds (General) U3800 University of Texas - History (General) U3900 (1) University of Texas - Housing (General) U3930 (1) University Of Texas - J.J. Pickle Research Campus (General) U3300 (1) University of Texas - Law School (General) U4100 University of Texas - Library (General) U4200 University of Texas - Lyndon Baines Johnson School Of Public Affairs (General) U4260 -SEE ALSO: Libraries (L2700) University of Texas - Press (General) U4300 University of Texas - Round Up (General) U4550 University of Texas - School Of Military Aeronautics (General) U4400 University Of Texas - Social Life And Customs (General) U4500 (1) University of Texas - Students (General) U4700 (1) University of Texas Austin Neighborhood Longhorns Program U3000 (12) University of Texas Civic Involvement Committee C2390 (4) University of Texas Dance Repertory Theater D0200 (36) University of Texas Film Festival—See: M8460 (55) M8430 University of Texas Nursery School N3400 (14) University of Texas Opera Theatre U3540 (19) University of Texas Opera Theatre U3540 (19) University of Texas Opera Theatre—See: U3540 (19) T6500 University of Texas Police Department U3600 (4) University of Texas System U3000 (2) University of Texas Tea House R3800 (T) University Park S6000 (53) University Preparatory and Grammar School P7200 (24) University Presbyterian Church Nursery N3400 (15) University Savings Assoc. B0700 (4) University Schwinn Cyclery, Inc. C9300 (9) University Service Company A9910 (11) University State Bank B0700 (34) University Studio P3500 (24) University Theosophists R2610 (10) University United C3690 (23) University United Methodist Church Day Care Center N3400 (38) University Y Y0400 (2) University YWCA Y0500 (3) Up to Me, Inc. (Up-to-Me, Inc.) D2200 (20) Upholsterers International Union Local 456 U0900 (15) Upholstery Shop, The F5000 (15) Upjohn Health Services N3600 (3) Uplands of Barton Creek S6000 (97) Uranium Mines & Mining P6450 (4) Uranium Savages M9300 (U*) Urban Music Festival M9383 (14) Urban Rail System—See: Light Rail System R0700 Urban Renewal Projects and Programs (General) U5000 (1) -- SEE ALSO: City Planning (C4170) Neighborhood Groups (N1900) Transit-Oriented Development (T7820) Urban Roots Y0600 (47) Urban Survival Fair & Alternative Resources Festival F0100 (5) Urban Watersheds Ordinance O2000 (11) UT Film Festival M8460 (55) Utility Refund Policy P9220 (3) VA Data Processing Center V0600 (11) Valentine's H1800 (17) Valentine, Jimmy—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE – Valentine, Jimmy M9300 Valet Party Parking Service S3100 (6) Vallantine, Lesley V2000 (9) Vallejo M9300 (V) Valley View S6000 (54) Van Smith Drug Company D2300 (5) Van Wilks Band M9300 (V) Van Zandt, Townes—See: BIOGRAPHY FILE – Van Zandt, Townes M9300 Vandalism P8200 (41) Vardell's Tradition Center F5000 (19) Varsity Circus U4500 (13) Varsity Theater M8300 (14) Vasquez, Jesse P5100 (10) Vaughn House D0440 (4) Vehicles P9220 (20) Veloway, The C9300 (21) Venereal Disease D1560 (5) Veterans (General) V0600 (1) Veterans and Peace Officers Memorial, Travis County Courthouse M7000 (12) Veterans Land Program L1300 (1) Veterans Land Program L1300 (1) Veterans of Foreign Wars M0500 (6) Veterans of Foreign Wars V0600 (7) Veterans of World War I V0600 (6) Veterans’ Day—See: Armistice Day (9) H1800 (9) Veterinary Medicine A4200 (14) Victim Services Division P5100 (18) Victims of Crime/Resources for Victims C9200 (11) Victor's Italian Village R3800 (161) Victoria Hentrich Travel Experience T7900 (10) Victory Grill S0300 (75) Victory Grill—See: S0300 (75) M9320 Victory Tutorial Program L2710 (73) Video/Computer Games—See: Technology T0490 G0500 Vienna Boys Choir V2000 (167) Vietnam U1500 (V1200) Vietnam Dead Monument M7000 (11) Vietnamese American Heritage Foundation A7090 (2) Vietnamese—See: Asian-Americans A7000; Asian-Americans - Vietamese A7090 E1950 Views G3800 (3) Views - Country (General) V1800 Views - Exterior C1040 (2-a) Views - Interior C1040 (2-b) Vikashmo’s R3800 (V) Villa Capri M7700 (13) Villa Espana R3800 (V) Villa Siesta Retirement Village, Inc O1250 (3) Village BMW A9800 (59) Village Christian Apartments O1250 (6) Village Cinema Four M8300 (16) Village, The S2300 (19) Villager, The N2400 (47) Villas on Lake Travis S6000 (100) Vince Young Steakhouse R3800 (V) Vineyard Bay S6000 (112) Vineyard Bay, Travis County—See: V1850 C3850 Vineyards F2500 (46) Violet Crown Cinema M8300 (29) Violet Crown Community Works (Brentwood & Crestview)—See N1900 General N1900 Violet Crown Garden Club G0700 (12) Violet Crown Heights--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Violet Crown Radio Players--See: R0300 (General) R0300 Virgil Waggoner Realtor R1400 (62) Virtual Studio C6100 (1) Vision of Hope Church C3400 (88) Visiting Professional Racers C9300 (13) Visiting Teachers P8200 (60) VISTA A4600 (5) Vista Chemical Co. M0900 (38) Vista Properties Apartments A5000 (4) Visual Research Foundation of Texas B4070 (5) Vive Le Crepe R3800 (V) Vizard, George IV 1967 M8900 (34) Vocational Education Programs/Academic Excellence Plan P8600 (3) Voces de Latinas M4300 (43) Volente, Travis County (General) V3060 Volente, Travis County--See also: HB – Travis County Area V and properties by address V3060 Volente, Travis County—See: V3060 C3850 Volkswagon A9800 (61) Volleyball S4300 (43) Voltaire's Bookshop B5070 (52) Volunteer Center V3100 (3) Volunteer Council C6400 (1) Volunteer Council for Community Care Geriatric Services, Inc. O1200 (14) Volunteer Legal Services L2400 (3) Volunteer Programs U4700 (2) Volunteer Service Council V3100 (1) Volunteer Workers (General) V3100 Volunteers P8200 (42) Von Boechmann-Jones Company P7000 (14) Von Rosenberg G4200 (61) Vonnegut, Kurt V2000 (215) Voodoo Cowboy M9385 (60) Vortex Repertory Company T6500 (76) Vosper, Samuel A5600 (26) Voss & Koock Hardware H0300 (11) Voters & Voting (General) V3500 (1) -- SEE ALSO: Women - Suffrage (W4900) Vredenburgh, (J.L.) Manufacturing Jeweler J0100 (22) Vulcan Gas Company M9320 (V) W.A.L.L. E0400 (21) W.H. Passon Historical Society, Inc. A1300 (29) W.H. Passon Historical Society, Inc.—See: African-Americans A1300 (29) H1500 W.L. Gore and Associates E1095 (14) W.P.A. History C3638 (3) Wachovia B0700 (62) Wager Memorial C3750 (13) Waggener Hall U3400 (55) Wagner Galleries A6400 (44) Wagon Crossing S6000 (55) Wagoneers M9300 (W) Wagons & Buggies T7850 (6) Wainwright, Jonathan M. V2000 (92) Waiting Wives U1500 (7) Wal-Mart D1100 (32) Waldon (or Walden) C2100 (131) Walk Austin—See: Sports S4300 (40) C4170 Walker (W.B.) G4200 (62) Walker Chili Factory--See: Austex Foods F2500 (1) F2500 Walker's Laundry L1800 (10) Walker, Doty and Freeman A5600 (19) Walking & Hiking S4300 (40) Wallace C2100 (107) Wallace Bookstore B5070 (32) Wallace Engraving Company P7000 (15) Wallace Scott J0100 (31) Wallace, George V2000 (126) Wallace, Henry A V2000 (93) Waller Creek C9060 (25) Waller Creek B6000 (14) Waller Creek Neighborhood Association N1900 (36) Waller Creek Plaza H3000 (25) Waller, Keight V2000 (94) Wallingwood S6000 (56) Wally Workman Gallery A6400 (142) Walnut Creek C2100 (108) Walnut Creek C3450 (63) Walnut Creek C9060 (26) Walnut Creek P1100 (10) Walnut Creek P1200 (48) Walnut Creek P8300 (55) Walnut Creek Possum Hunting Association H4700 (7) Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant W0800 (5) Walnut Creek—See also: Bridge Ordinance under Ordinances O2000 (18) and Archaeology A5400 (General) and (26) C9060 Walnut Hills S6000 (57) Walsh Place S6000 (158) Walter Jacoby's Garden B1700 (2) Walther League C3660 (25) Walton, W.M. —See: McMillan Case (63) M8900 Wannabes, The M9300 (W) War Games H1700 (4) War Gardens W5700 (8) War Gardens--See: World War II W5700 (8) A1500 Ward & Associates E1400 (20) Ward Addition--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Ward Memorial United C3690 (21) Warde, Frederick V2000 (162) Warren Properties Realtors, Inc. R1400 (64) Warren's Department Store D1100 (14) Washburn's Town & Country Cleaners L1800 (14) Washington Fire Engine Co. No. 1 F1250 (8) Washington, Booker T. V2000 (189) Wat Buddhananachat R2610 (26) Wat-Year Construction B6670 (10) Watchtower Society R2610 (11) Water & Light Offices P9220 (8) Water and Sewer Service Building W0800 (7) Water and Wastewater Commission W0800 (9) Water and Wastewater Department, Austin (General (filed chronologically)) W0800 Water Control & Improvement Districts W0970 (1) Water Fluoridation W0970 Water Supply (General) W0970 Water Tank U3400 (62) Water Treatment Plant #4 W0800 (10) Water Use Management Ordinance O2000 (26) Water Walker B4496 (18) Waterfront, The R3800 (W) Waterloo P1200 (27) Waterloo Artists A6600 (18) Waterloo Brewing Company B1696 (5) Waterloo Consort M9300 (W) Waterloo Counseling Center M3400 (30) Waterloo Festival--See also: THEATER ARCHIVES for press releases and programs S8800 (13) Waterloo Ice House R3800 (W) Waterloo Press L2710 (29i) Waterloo Records M9385 (35) Waterloo Toastmasters C5400 (18) Waterloo Watercolor Group A6600 (21) Waterloo Winds M9300 (W) Waters Park P1200 (61) Watershed Protection Department, City of Austin C9060 (31) Waterskiing B4496 (25) Watson & Company B5070 (38) Watson Associates I1200 (6) Watson, Marvin G. V2000 (95) Watson-Casey Company R1400 (80) Watters Park C3850 (25) Waxler, Lula 1902 M8900 (68) Waylon & Willie M9300 (W) Waylon & Willie—See also: BIOGRAPHY FILE – Nelson, Willie M9300 Waylon & Willie—See also: Willie and Outlaws M9300(O) M9300 Wayne Bell House R6000 WE & Associates R1400 (63) We Care Austin—See: Women’s Environmental Coalition (8) E0400 We the People P5930 (1) We The People P9460 (16) Wear and Share B7100 (30) Weather (General) W1700 Weatherton Antiques A4800 (20) Weavers and Spinners Society of Austin A6900 (16) Weavers Cooperative of Austin A6900 (6) Weavers Place, The A6900 (7) Weaving (General) A6900 (5) Webb P8300 (58) Webb P8800 (12) Webb Society C6040 (2) Webb, Vanderbilt (Mrs.) V2000 (96) Webberville C2100 (109) Webberville Road L3300 (15) Webberville, Travis County (General) W2100 Webberville, Travis County--See also: HB – Travis County Area XVI and properties by address W2100 Webberville, Travis County—See: W2100 C3850 Weber (John) & Son L2300 (5) Wedding Halls—See: Special Event and Performance Spaces S5300 (1) W2300 Weddings (General) W2300 Wednesday Morning Music Club M9380 (18) Wee Folk Day Care N3400 (26) Weed Instrument Company M0900 (13) Weed-Corley Funeral Home, Ltd. U0600 (5) Weigl Iron Works F3000 (3) Welcome to Austin Club C5400 (3-h) Welfare Rights Organization P9460 (17) Well Child Clinics H0500 (3) Wellesley Club W4800 (18) Wellesley Junior Art Show A6400 (6500) (4) Wellesley Junior Art Show--See also: Museums - Austin Museum of Art M9130 (General 1960s) A6400 (6500) Wells (General) W2700 Wells Branch S6000 (101) Wellstream Health Services O1200 (44) Wends E1950 (11) Wesley Chapel Methodist Episcopal Church C3695 (8) Wesley United C3690 (22) Wesleyan Building U3400 (23) West Austin C3450 (64) West Austin P1200 (29) West Austin S6000 (108) West Austin Caregivers—See: General O1200 West Austin Fire Company F1250 (9) West Austin Neighborhood Group N1900 (15) West Austin Rotary Club R5800 (3) West Austin School P8300 (80) West Austin Studio Tour A6900 (52) West Austin Study Club W4800 (19) West Austin Youth Association Y0600 (31) West Avenue School--See West Austin School P8300 (80) P8300 West Bank Gallery A6400 (137) West Central Neighborhood Group N1900 (57) West End Heights S6000 (160) West End Properties R1400 (99) West End, The S2300 (35) West Enfield S6000 (164) West Lynn Street Fair C1900 (10) West Mall U3800 (10) West Rim S6000 (92) West Rural Community Center N1875 (6) West Side Community House P9460 (18) West Towne Common S2300 (31) West University S6000 (174) West Woods Shopping Center S2300 (33) Westart A6400 (45) Westbank Community Library L2700 (10) Westbank Pottery P6200 (2) Westcave Preserve E0400 (39) Westenfield P1200 (30) Western Auto A9800 (20) Western Galleries A6400 (33) Western Oaks S6000 (72) Western Oaks Garden Club G0700 (14) Western Publications P2400 (11) Western Republic Life Insurance Company I1150 (3) Western Reserve Life Insurance Co. I1150 (18) Western Trails S6000 (58) Western Trails Garden Club G0700 (13) Western Union Telegraph Company, The T0500 (3) Westfield A Resubdivision--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Westgate S6000 (59) Westgate Apostolic C3400 (32) Westgate Mall S2300 (20) Westinghouse M0900 (20) Westlake C3750 (14) Westlake High School E0010 (3) Westlake Highlands S6000 (60) Westlake Hill, Travis County—See: W3100 C3850 Westlake Hills, Travis County (1953-1969) W3100 Westlake Hills, Travis County (1970-1979) W3100 Westlake Hills, Travis County (1980-) W3100 Westlake Hills, Travis County (General) W3100 Westlake Hills, Travis County (Westlake Hills, Travis County--See also: HB – Travis County Area VII and properties by address) W3100 Westlake Picayune N2400 (37) Westminister C3750 (15) Westminster K1400 (18) Westminster Manor O1250 (4) Westmoreland, William C. V2000 (110) Westover Hills C3600 (13) Westover Hills S6000 (61) Westwood C5420 (8) Wetland Habitat Alliance of Texas, Austin Chapter-filed with Endangered species (42) E0400 We’re Different F2200 (19) WhaleShark Media C6100 (32) Wharton College P7200 (48) What Cha Want S3100 (7) What’s for Supper? F2500 (17) Wheatsville G4200 (66) Wheatville P8300 (62) Wheatville S6000 (120) Wheeler McCarrol Realtors, Inc. R1400 (102) Wheels and Deals A9800 (46) Whiskey Shivers M9300 (W) Whispering Oaks S6000 (82) Whispering Oaks Neighborhood Group N1900 (24) Whistler M9300 (W) Whit Hanks A4800 (27) White Boot shop B5236 (26) White Cane Day B4070 (11) White Cat Ragtime Ensemble M9300 (W) White Denim M9300 (W) White Pharmacy D2300 (25) White Rock C2100 (110) White Shoe House, The B5236 (27) White White Lights M9300 White, Dolce & Barr A5600 (14) White, John Albert—See: Morris-White Case (12) M8900 White, Mildred Houser 1954 M8900 (71) Whitehurst, Harkness, Watson, Ozmun, and Galow L2200 (36) Whitestone S6000 (119) Whitestone Retirement Residence O1250 (5) Whitis School P7200 (25) Whitley's Ten Talent Shop P7000 (16) Whitman, Charles Joseph (1941-1966) M8960 (1) Whitney, Eleanor Searle V2000 (97) Whitten, M.E. (Mrs.) P4700 (4) Whitworth, Nancy P3500 (74) Whole Earth Provision Company S4200 (4) Whole Earth Travel T7900 (9) Whole Foods Market G4200 (80) Whole Shootin' Match, The M8460 (22) Wicca R2610 (32) Wide-Awake Hollow Institute P7200 (26) Widowed Persons Service F0500 (11) Wilbarger Creek C9060 (27) Wilbarger Creek—See also: Bastrop, Bastrop County B1250 (27) C9060 Wild About Music--See: Business B7100 (1) B7100 Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve E0400 (43) Wildfires N0800 (2) Wildflowers (General) W4100 (1) Wildflowers - Bluebonnets (General) W4120 Wilding S6000 (62) Wildlife Preserves--See: Ecology E0400 A4200 Wildlife Rescue E0400 (35) Wilke-Clay Funeral Home, Inc. U0600 (6) Wilke-Clay Funeral Home, Inc. (General) U0900 Will C. Hogg Building (old Geology Building; was remodeled and renamed Will C. Hogg Building) U3400 (56) Will Hampton Branch—See: Oak Hill (70) T L2710 "Will We Say Good-Bye?" M9370 Willhoite--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 William B. Travis P1100 (19) William Hoey and Company A6400 (34) William Ruthenberg, Hatter M5200 (4) William, Prince of Sweden V2000 (98) Williams P8300 (57) Williams (T.H.) D1100 (15) Williamson County Stadium B1198 (14) Williamson Creek C2100 (119) Williamson Creek C9060 (12) Williamson Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant W0800 (6) Williamson Properties R1400 (96) Willie Mae Kirk (formerly called Oak Springs Branch) L2710 (51) Willingheart Gallery A6400 (116) Willis, Graves & Morgan, Inc. B7100 (173) Willow Music M9385 (32) Willow Ranch R6600 (22) Wilshire C3750 (16) Wilshire Wood S6000 (63) Wilshire Wood-Delwood I Neighborhood Association N1900 (41) Wilshire--See also: Genesis C3750 (24) C3750 Wilson & Goldrick R1400 (98) Wilson , Margaret Woodrow V2000 (100) Wilson Subdivision--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Wilson, Harold V2000 (99) Wilson, Lois V2000 (163) Wilson, Stoeltje & Martin A5600 (11) Wind Power P6450 (32) Windmills (General) W4525 Windsor Park C3410 (10) Windsor Park C3450 (66) Windsor Park C3750 (18) Windsor Park L2710 (81) Windsor Park S6000 (64) Windsor Park Neighborhood Association N1900 (56) Windsor Savings B0700 (45) Windsor Savings Association B0700 (53) Windsor Village L2710 (57) Windsor Village S2300 (29) Wine and Wine Making F2500 (46) Wine and Winemaking/Vineyards--See: Wine and Winemaking/Vineyards F2500 (46) A2000 Winedale U3540 (12) Winedale U3540 (12) Winedale Inn Properties U3000 (13) Winn P8300 (47) Winn Galleries A6400 (35) Winn Urban Renewal Project U5000 (10) Winn-McLane Associates, Inc. A1000 (11) Winsonian Dramatic Club T6500 (78) Winter Gallery A6400 (46) Winter-Daniel C2100 (118) Wired for Youth Centers L2710 (78) Wisdom Woods N0900 (9) Wit and Humor (General) W4600 Wittliff Gallery of Southwestern & Mexican Photography at Southwest Texas State University P3500 (78) Woman's Art Exchange of Texas A6600 (10) Woman's Auxiliary to the Travis County Medical Society P3800 (4) Woman's Building (renamed Language Building in 1940; renamed Drama Building in 1952; burned in 1959) U3400 (57) Woman's Parliament W4800 (20) Woman's Study Club W4800 (21) Women & Their Work--See: Women and Their Work W5000 (19) A6400 Women (General (by decade)) W5000 Women - Societies & Clubs (General) W4800 (1) Women - Societies and Clubs - American Association of University Women (1920-1959) W4802 Women - Societies and Clubs - American Association of University Women (1960-) W4802 Women - Societies and Clubs – Austin Woman's Club (1959-1979) W4806 Women - Societies and Clubs – Austin Woman's Club (1980-) W4806 Women - Societies and Clubs – Austin Woman's Club (General) W4806 (1) Women - Suffrage (General) W4900 Women Against Violence Against Women W5000 (17) Women and Their Work 1978-1979; 1980s; 1990s; 2000s W5000 (19) Women Artists' Guild A6600 (9) Women Artists’ Guild—See: Art Societies A6600 (9) W5000 Women in Communication (by year) T7400 (12) Women in Communications, Inc.—See: Trade & Professional Associations T7400 (12) W5000 Women in Construction T7400 (19) Women in Music Professional Society M9380 (53) Women of Action W5000 (21) Women of Austin Community College C6040 (1) Women Working W5000 (13) Women's Alliance—See: Churches-Unitarian C3775 W5000 Women's Architectural League A5600 (5) Women's Art Exchange of Texas—See: Art Societies A6600 (10) W5000 Women's Association—See: Congregational Church C3625 W4800 Women's Athletics U3200 (11) Women's Auxiliary to the Travis County Dental Society D1000 (2) Women's Chamber of Commerce of Texas W5000 (26) Women's Council of the Austin Board of Realtors R1400 (5) Women's Counseling and Resource Center W5000 (28) Women's Environmental Coalition E0400 (8) Women's Equity League W5000 (10) Women's Fund for Research and Education W4800 (33) Women's Gym U3400 (69) Women's Health Organization W5000 (11) Women's Media Project W5000 (27) Women's Temperance Movement—See: T0570 (W5060) W5000 Women's Texas Golf Association G3200 (5) Women's World Fair Association of Texas W4800 (22) WomenSpace W5000 (12) Women’s Art Guild--as of 1996, name changed to Art Guild M9130 (4) Women’s Chamber of Commerce of Texas—See: Women W5000 (26) C2390 Women’s Christian Temperance Union T0750 (W5060) Women’s Symphony League S8800 (7) Wood and Woodworking (General) W5250 Wood Island S6000 (107) Woodcliff S6000 (121) Wooden Birds M9300 (W) Woodhaven--See: Subdivisions - General S6000 (1) S6000 Woodland S6000 (163) Woodlawn C3450 (67) Woodlawn Addition S6000 (162) Woodmen of the World C5445 (11) Woods C2100 (111) Woods Typing Service B7100 (31) Woods-Jackson Cemetery C2100 (127) Woodstone Square S6000 (65) Woodward Body Works A9800 (65) Woodward, Inc. F5000 (21) Woodworking—See: Wood And Woodworking W5250 A6900 Woody Hills Food Co-op G4200 (67) Woolco D1100 (26) Wooldridge P1100 (17) Wooldridge (new) P8300 (49) Wooldridge (old) P8300 (48) Wooten P8300 (50) Wooten Barber Shop B1000 (11) Word-of-Mouth Women's Theater T6500 (53) Workers' Safety E1300 (7) Workshops L2710 (25) World of Resorts L0200 (4) World War I M7000 (9) World War I P6150 (49) World War I (General) W5500 (1) World War I -- See: W5500 U1500 World War II M7000 (7) World War II (General) W5700 World War II -- See: W5500 U1500 World War II Mexican-Americans W5700 (10) World Wide Web I1300 (2) World's Tallest Man-made Christmas Tree (Zilker Park) H1850 (2) WOXY R0300 (28) Wrenn Library U4200 (8) Wrestling S4300 (7) Wright Studio P6200 (4) Wright, Lawrence V2000 (207) Writer's Roundup (by years) L3100 (2) Writing Classes M9150 (3) Writing-Technical L3100 (78) Wroe (William T.) L2300 (6) Wuffman/Hall Models and Talent B1560 (22) Wukasch & Associates A5600 (15) Wunderlich Gallery A6400 (135) Wyndham Southpark H3000 (20) Wynn's Hyde Park Grocery G4200 (15) X Games F0900 (21) X Games--See: F0900 (21) S4300 X.I.T. Brand, The C1040 (3) Xanadu Nursery N3200 (8) Xeriscape Conservation Program G0800 (4) Xeriscape Garden Club of the Austin Area G0700 (16) XY-Zone Y0600 (45) Y-Teen Clubs Y0500 (1) Y-Trail Blazers Y0400 (4) Y-Weekly N2400 (45) Yale Theater M8300 (15) Yancey and Rhomberg P3500 (80) Yang, Charles M9300 (Y) Yank M8300 (36) Yarborough L2710 (80) Yard Dog Art A6400 (139) Yarings D1100 (16) Yarrington Shoe Company B5236 (28) Yates (C.O.) Prescription Druggist D2300 (36) YaYo Castillo y Rumors M9300 (Y) YB M9300 (Y) Year of Austin Music (Also known as Save Austin Music) M9385 (47) Years B0702 (4) Years G3800 (1) Yellow Bike Project C9300 (20) Yellow Jacket CB Club R0300 (16) Yerang Presbyterian Church C3750 (23) Yett Creek Park P1200 (66) YMCA—See: YMCA Y0400 Y0600 Yoga House R2610 (22) Yoga Studios P3700 (6) York Rite Masons F3600 (16) Young American's Club B0702 (3) Young Americans for Freedom U4500 (8) Young Democrats P5300 (6) Young Men's Business League B7100 (7) Young Men's Christian Association (General) Y0400 Young Republicans P5300 (29) Young Women's Christian Association (General) Y0500 Your News Now (YNN) T0700 (23) Youth (General) Y0600 -- SEE ALSO: Children (C2800) Youth Advocacy Program Y0600 (25) Youth Athletic Advocacy of Central Texas—See: General Y0600 Youth Conservation Corps A4600 (8) Youth Employment Service Y0600 (26) Youth Options (formerly Middle Earth) Y0600 (37) Youth Symphony M9300 (Y) YouthLaunch—See: General Y0600 Yugoslavs E1950 (15) Yule Fest/Trail of Lights H1850 (1) YWCA of Greater Austin Y0500 (4) YWCA of Samuel Huston College Y0500 (4) YWCA—See: YWCA Y0500 Y0600 Zachary Scott Theater Center (General) Z0300 (By Date 1967-2000s) Zachary Scott Theater Center—See: Z0300 T6500 Zachary Scott Theatre Guild Z0300 (3) Zales Jewelers J0100 (10) Zaragosa (Zaragoza) P1200 (31) Zaragosa Amateur Baseball League--See: B1198 (1) B1198 Zaragoza Recreation Center P1400 (14) Zavala P8300 (51) Zeitgeist M9300 (Z) Zeitgeist—See also: Reivers (R) M9300 Zero Population Growth of Austin P5900 (2) Zeveley's Orchestra M9300 (Z) Ziegler's Book Shelf B5070 (18) Zilker P8300 (52) Zilker Clubhouse Z0400 (7) Zilker Gardens A8050 (1) Zilker Hillside Theater Z0400 (3) Zilker Neighborhood Association—See: General N1900 Zilker Park (General) Z0400 (1) Zilker Park - Barton Springs (1929 and Before) Z0450 Zilker Park - Barton Springs (1930s, 1940s) Z0450 Zilker Park - Barton Springs (1950s, 1960s) Z0450 Zilker Park - Barton Springs (1970-1999) Z0450 Zilker Park - Barton Springs (2000-) Z0450 Zilker Park - Barton Springs (General - Undated) Z0450 Zilker Sunday M9300 (Z) Zilker Train Z0400 (4) Ziller School P7200 (27) Ziller, Robert L. P4700 (17) Zion Hill Missionary C3450 (78) Zion Rest Missionary C3450 (84) Zolin, Irving A. V2000 (101) Zoltars M9300 (Z) Zoning Board of Adjustments C4170(Z1200) (1) Zoning Study O0200 (2) Zonta Club W4800 (23) Zoo (Springdale Road) A4200 (11) Zoo for Austin Committee A4200 (9) Zoos--See: Animals A4200 A3900 Zuider Zee Seafood Inn R3800 (96)
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