2012 winter newsletter - The Ukrainian Museum Of Canada


2012 winter newsletter - The Ukrainian Museum Of Canada
ISSN: 0710-1228
Winter 2012
Museum News
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi³
Ukrainian Museum of Canada • Óêðà¢íñüêèé Ìóçåé Êàíàäè
910 Spadina Crescent East, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3H5
UMC Director Reflects on a Memorable 2012!
want to tell you about a very special place, a
place that has stolen a part of my heart and the
heart of thousands of people throughout the years.
You might think you know all about this place
already. What is there new to say or hear? Follow
with me on this journey to the Ukrainian Museum of
Canada which is one of Canada’s foremost heritage
and cultural institutions. This building is a vibrant and
very busy place which welcomes on average 10,000
visitors each year. The Museum is recognized by the
City of Saskatoon, the Province of Saskatchewan and
the Government of Canada as an important part of
the community. Indeed, the Museum also is
internationally known and recognized. Sometimes we
take for granted that which leaves others speechless
and overwhelmed.
building is 34 years old and in need of routine
maintenance that is common for a building of this
age. A replacement of the heating and air
conditioning system is required with an estimated
cost of $100,000.00. A structural engineer recently
conducted a review and appraisal of the building and
found it to be in sound condition. Recent upgrades
have included landscaping, window photographic
light boxes and renovations to the Museum gift shop.
As a curator and a visual artist it is a great joy to
exhibitions in the Feature Gallery of the Museum. We
aim to present diverse, thought provoking,
As a young university student I
wandered along the river bank
drawing with a stick in the sand
for any of my friends or family
who would watch me show them
what was the vision, what was to
come on this very riverbank, a
structure built of Tyndle stone and
love. Build it and they will come,
and they did by the thousands!
They have felt the soul and the
magic that is the Ukrainian
Museum of Canada when they
walk through the garden that
reflects the trees and plants found
also in Ukraine or when they
glimpse at the faces in the
photographs looking out from the Museum’s picture
The Museum sits on one of the most desirable
locations in Saskatoon on the banks of the South
Saskatchewan River. Developers have been invited
to make proposals for its vacant adjacent property at
916 Spadina Crescent East. The Board of Directors
is entertaining land lease options, but is not
considering a sale of that property. The Museum
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
innovative, historical and creative ventures in many
mediums. Watching a visitor experience their first
look at Ukrainian Canadian contemporary art or
providing them the opportunity to see the insides of
the first prairie churches, before they return to dust
or are decommissioned, is a great gift. The four
diverse exhibitions presented this past year have
provided insight, inspiration and great originality.
The 2012 exhibitions were:
Picasso My Way
Valerie Borycki, Saskatoon
Multi media paintings that explored the works of
one of the world’s master painters, Pablo Picasso
as interpreted by a Ukrainian Canadian artist. This
was a vibrant exciting exhibition that had school
children sitting on the floor drawing and creating
their own masterpieces.
Built With Faith, Hope and Love: Early
Saskatchewan Ukrainian Churches
Ed Stachyruk, Wynyard, Saskatchewan
This was a very sensitively and passionately
photographed group of images that included a
series depicting the prayers and procedures before
one of our Orthodox churches was decommissioned
and surrendered to its fate of being burnt to the
Yarmarok held from December 7 – 9, 2012. This
is an exhibition not to be missed.
Also currently exhibited with the Main Gallery
collection of the Museum are clothing items and
archival photographs currently on loan from Leonard
Krawchuk, of Winnipeg Manitoba. We are hopeful
that Mr. Krawchuk will be bequeathing this
magnificent collection to the Ukrainian Museum of
Canada and he has assured us that he will.
We speak now of the heart of the Museum, its world
class irreplaceable artifact, library, photograph and
document collection. Many visitors, the general
public and even our own members of the Ukrainian
community do not realize the scope of our Museum’s
collection or of its rarity in North America and in fact,
the world. We continue to
receive unique and poignant
An Architectural Sojourn
artifacts. Recently, a donation
Ronald Kostyniuk, Calgary, Alberta
This exhibition featured a thought and
passports, wedding documents
conversation provoking display of sculptures and
and 3 rd class meal tickets and
drawings that debated the question of the
boarding passes for the White
relationship between art and architecture.
Star Line, the company that
Red and Black / ×åðâîíå é ×îðíå
Iryna Karpenko, Edmonton, Alberta/Kyiv
Paintings, etchings and engravings
valuable to the big picture of
This exhibition, which opened in October, is
Canadian and world heritage,
based on impressions from a mixture of different
and has great relevance to a
stories, songs and legends. Some of the subjects
history far greater than just From the photo archives
are derived from Slavic mythology and ancient
that of our community.
fairytales. Others are an intricate combination of
Museum employees and volunteers continue the
elements from different epochs and cultures. Ms.
project of documenting and digitizing incoming and
Karpenko was present at the Museum during
existing artifacts. The Museum has approximately
30,000 items; close to
12,000 of which are now
software. The Museum was
the recent recipient of two
pieces of pottery from Orest
Talpash, Edmonton, created
by Peter Rupchan to add to
its fine holdings of 27 pieces
of this artisan’s work and
also 35 original artworks by
Dmytro Stryjek, donated by
Neil Richards, Saskatoon.
Upgrading is currently
being done for the permanent
exhibition of William Kurelek
Sonia Korpus and Iryna Karpenko with Iryna’s mural
“The Ukrainian Seasons” in the background.
Ukrainian Pioneer Women.
Museum News
Bilingual text, a documentary DVD unit and a large
dimensional photograph and signature decal of the
artist will be added this spring. During this past year,
Kurelek’s work Ukrainian
Canadian Farm Picnic
was on tour with the
retrospective William
Kurelek: The Messenger,
organized by the Art
Gallery of Winnipeg. It
was returned to the
Museum in October.
Also, the Museum and
acknowledged in the
large format commemorative book published to
coincide with the exhibition which showed in,
Winnipeg, Manitoba; Hamilton, Ontario; and Victoria,
British Columbia.
programming; the Annual General Meeting of the
Ukrainian Museum of Canada and the Ukrainian
Museum of Canada Foundation Fund; a reception for
the inauguration of the Museum’s Tree of Life
fundraising bequest Spadschyna honour roll (see
Public Programming and Special Events
The Museum is not a static collection of “old things
and dusty stuff” - the Museum is a living, breathing,
dancing home to many wonderful events. The
Museum is a meeting place and the heart of the
community. Thousands of people leave the Museum
every year enriched for the time spent there be it after
meeting a new artist, after hearing a youth choir or
after spending time at the Museum’s Christmas
market. These are the days when the Museum sings,
when the roof is lifted in joy for the memories we
are making every time the doors open.
The Museum has published three newsletters this
past year, has joined the Facebook network and
maintains a very informative and comprehensive
website to be found at www.umc.sk.ca. The Museum
receives much attention from media throughout the
year. Newspaper and journal writers, including those
from the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, the Saskatoon
Express, Flow, Planet S, Calgary Herald, Winnipeg
Free Press and the Montreal Gazette have all featured
articles about exhibitions and Museum events. Also
Museum employees are sought out to do radio and
television interviews for local and national stations.
The Museum hosted over 300 visitors at three
artist’s receptions, a youth chamber ensemble concert
featuring Ritornello attended by 150 people, a “meet
and greet” for the Hanka Romanchych UWAC cook
book launch enjoyed by 40 people, a pancake
breakfast for Ukrainian Day in the Park for 85 people.
Even though the Ukrainian Day park events were
cancelled because of the pouring rain our breakfast
carried on! Events also included a three day open
house for the provincial government Culture Days
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
UMC Director Janet Prebushewsky Danyliuk and Marie Kishchuk
unveiling a portrait of Hanka Romanchych
UMC members registering for the AGM.
Chair of UMC Board of Directors, Sonia Korpus,
preciding over the AGM.
photos on page 13); and a three day Christmas
Market/Yarmarok which featured 20 artisans, two
youth choirs and several young musicians, and
welcomed over 300 visitors. (Photos on page 14)
Pysanka workshops remain very popular. Adult
and family workshops were held on weekends,
Approximately 1,000 participants learnt this folk art
during that time. Pysanka workshops and others will
be offered in the coming year.
Youth Initiatives
Perhaps one of the most important issues for the
Ukrainian Canadian community is to be relevant for
the youth of the community. How can our
programming have a wide demographic? What can
be done to have the young people in our global
community be a part of the life of the Museum?
We discuss this regularily at the Museum and
we’re doing something. We plan events for youth
with their input, which does not just involve them in
projects that we as adults have begun.
Along with continued support of organized
activities, the Museum has also introduced several of
its own initiatives specifically involving young
people. Summing up the past few years, youth
participation has included the following:
· Youth volunteers involved in the Museum
Medieval Feast as entertainers, volunteers, and
in providing catering assistance
· New website www.umc.sk.ca and Facebook
page reaches those who use this technology
daily to communicate and to be informed
· Youth participants engaged as performers,
musicians, mc’s and as volunteers to assist with
site cleanup after the Medieval Cabaret
· CYMK/Mohyla students given “behind the
scenes” tours into the Museum’s collection and
provided with discussion, juice and
refreshments on the Museum deck afterward
· Museum has given CYMK and University
Ukrainian club free access to the Museum after
hours for film nights and workshops
· At the USRL Biennial Conference held in
Saskatoon in 2005, CYMK delegates were
welcomed to the Museum for a “bear pit
discussion session” where lunch was also
shared with them picnic style on the Museum
· Young adults have been participants as
planners and models in Fashion Shows/
· The Museum has three employees under the
age of 25 who are being mentored in the
various areas of the Museum’s Operations
· The Museum has an active tour program for
schools and organizations
· The Museum has hosted cd launches and
concerts for young new performers
· Museum employees assist student researchers
· The Museum director works with a university
student/CYMK member in preparation of
graphic designs and promotional items for the
· A young adult Museum volunteer designed and
produced two Museum promotional videos; the
latest of which was premiered at the AGM of
the Ukrainian Museum of Canada this past
· The Museum was a co-sponsor of the
Ritornello Chamber Music Festival established
to promote young, up and coming classically
trained musicians and Canadian composers
· The Museum has been the recipient of student
employment grants from the Government of
· The success of these initiatives is best
exemplified in the recent $200 donation from
Senior CYMK, Saskatoon to the Museum’s Tree
of Life Fundraising Campaign. These young
adults have experienced the Museum and have
seen it as a project worthy of their hard earned
funds. We were very proud of them.
· This past summer a very young visitor was so
excited about her experience at the Museum
that she emptied her pockets and gave it to the
employees at the front desk. $1.47 is a lot of
money when you are seven years old!
Museum News
Financial Situation
The Museum is in sound financial shape, however,
fundraising must be ongoing to provide operating
funds for the future. The Museum carries no mortgage
on its property and building at 910 Spadina Crescent
East in Saskatoon and no mortgage on its adjacent
property at 916 Spadina Crescent East. Current land
values in Saskatoon show these two properties at a
$10,000,000.00. The Museum is debt free, is
operating with a balanced budget and finished its
fiscal year ending March 31, 2012 with an operating
excess of revenues over expenditures of $354,897.00.
The Foundation Fund of the Ukrainian Museum of
Canada currently is $176,000.00, reflecting an
increase of $10,000.00 over 2010.
Revenues for the fiscal year ending March 31,
$460,864.00; operating costs are approximately
$35,000.00 to $40,000.00 per month. Total grants
received from all levels of government were
approximately $40,000.00 or 8% of the Museum’s
annual operating costs.
Museum friend Syl Syrnick perusing the UMC Gift Shop
The Museum gift shop generates in excess of
$100,000.00 in gross sales annually and provides a
very important function to visitors and operating
funds for the Museum.
Tree of Life Fundraising Campaign
If you are a member of the UWAC you are one of
the Museum’s owners, if you are a member of the
UMC you are a stakeholder and the Museum asks for
your support of its capital fundraising campaign
appropriately named the “Tree of Life”. It is critical
that the Museum prepares adequately for its financial
After undertaking a survey of its donors and
members, the Museum launched a major capital
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
UMC Board Chair Sonia Korpus and Senator Raynell
Andreychuk at a Museum artist’s reception
fundraising program in 2012. Senator Raynell
Andreychuk is the Honourary Chair and Sonia Mysak
is the Chair of this very important project.
Six volunteers and Museum employees are also
involved in this campaign. To date approximately
$600,000.00 in donations and bequests has been
received. Two mail campaigns occurred in 2012 and
were followed up with the popular Yalynka/Christmas
tree campaign. An honour roll has been established
for those individuals who have recognized the
Ukrainian Museum of Canada as a beneficiary in their
estate planning. Spadshchyna Honour Roll was
unveiled at the Museum following its Annual Meeting
which was held October 27, 2012.
If you would like more information about the
Spadshchyna Honour Roll or are considering a
bequest to the Ukrainian Museum of Canada,
please contact the Museum Director, Janet
Prebushewsky Danyliuk at 306-244-3800.
e-mail: [email protected]
Board of Directors and Employees
It is important to note that the Board of Directors of
the Headquarters of the Ukrainian Museum of Canada
is made up of members from across the province.
The members represent a cross section of professional
and volunteer experience in many organizations,
including, but not limited to, the Ukrainian Women’s
Association of Canada, Saskatoon Symphony,
Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Nashi: For Our
Children, United Way, Mendel Art Gallery,
Persephone Theatre, Regina Mosaic and Saskatoon
Folkfest and represent many career paths including:
nursing, teaching, banking, administration, and
business ownership. The Board is made up of nine
members led by President, Sonia Korpus, Regina,
Saskatchewan. Board members and employees are
listed on the inside back page of this newsletter.
vision • heart • faith
Myron Gulka-Tiechko and Museum
V-P Elaine Nychyk during UMC Constitution review.
Branch Museums
The Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Saskatoon
headquarters plays a pivotal role in Canada’s network
of cultural and heritage institutions. It is important to
remember that as a group, the Ukrainian Museum of
Canada, its Headquarters and its Branches are truly
one of Canada’s foremost heritage organizations.
The Headquarters Branch acts as a colleague,
consultant, and mentor to the other branches of the
Ukrainian Museum of Canada of the Ukrainian
Women’s Association which are located in
Vancouver (British Columbia Branch), Edmonton
(Alberta Branch), Calgary (Calgary Collection),
Winnipeg (Manitoba Branch) and Toronto (Ontario
Branch). The six branches
AGM Meeting Notice!
meet biennially to discuss
The Annual Meeting of the
items of Museum, financial,
Ukrainian Museum of
ethical and organizational
Canada of the Ukrainian
Women’s Association of
Canada will be held at
Branches are in discussions
regarding revisions to the 2:30pm Saturday, August
24, 2013, 910 Spadina
Museum’s constitution and
Crescent East, Saskatoon
acceptance and deaccessioning of incoming and
outgoing artifact donations. The Museum director has
visited all of the Branches except for British
Columbia and acts as a consultant in areas of
collection exhibition, education, administration and
marketing to these branches.
of Life represents our roots,
our growth, our strength and
our beauty. Join us as we
continue to nurture this very
lovely dream, as we continue
to sing the songs of those
who came before us and help
us proclaim to all that as a
people we exist, we have a
story, we have a love and we
have a belief in the future that
we hope for those who will
come after us.
Janet C. Prebushewsky Danyliuk,
Director and Chief Executive Officer
A dress with a fascinating history was recently
donated to the Ukrainian Museum of Canada by Ann
U. Ewanchuk of North Battleford, Saskatchewan. It
is one of three identical dresses crafted and sewn in
Ukraine in 1918 by Ann’s aunt Anna Lachawicz. One
was for herself, one for Ann’s mother Erinka
Lukowich, who brought her dress to Canada when
she came in 1923, and one for her sister Mary. The
three women were the daughters of Anastazia and
Ivan Lukowich born in the village of Zerebki,
Korolewski, Powit Skalat, Ternopil, Ukraine.
Erinka was born February 4, 1904 and immigrated
to Canada to work with her Uncle Partyka Lukowich
and the Bomok family at Speers, Saskatchewan. She
married Mike Shpak in Redfield, Saskatchewan on
November 13, 1923.
Four generations of Erinka’s family wore her dress
It is with great pride that I present this report to you.
The Vision of the Museum has never been clearer,
the Heart of the Museum has never beat stronger and
the Faith of our volunteers, members, visitors and
employees has never been more devoted. The Tree
Ann with her mother’s dress.
Museum News
and yet, it is still in
shreds when she wore it
husband to Poland where
starvation. Anna never
returned to Canada. The
fate of Mary’s dress is
unknown. Three women,
different lives.
The dress is decorated
with black and pink
floral embroidery. Dome
fasteners were used from
the neck to the armpit
and then on to the
Leon Lukowich with wife Mary waistline and below.
wearing one of the three dresses
Ann also donated a
black wool shawl which belonged to her
grandmother, Anastazia, which is approximately one
hundred and fifteen years old. We sincerely thank
Ann for entrusting the Ukrainian Museum of Canada
with these family and historical treasures
New icon shelves built by Musuem volunteer Michael Danyliuk
The Museum Gift Shop renovations are complete!
More shelving was added to accommodate new
product lines; a feature show case graces the back
counter beckoning visitors to take a closer look at the
way the light shines on pieces of amber.
For those interested in the
history of Ukraine, as an
alternative to the written word,
the Gift Shop carries a DVD
entitled “Ukraine – Birth of a
Nation”. This two disc DVD set
has a two hundred minute
running time and explores two
thousand years of history.
New on the Gift Shop book
shelf is “Blood and Salt” by
Saskatoon author Barbara Sapergia. The following
media release is from Regina publisher Coteau Books.
The time is World War I, and Canadian soldiers
are proving their worth in the trenches of Europe.
But on the home front, Ukrainian Canadians are
being sent to internment camps, Canada’s Gulag.
Blood and Salt is about this forgotten part of
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
Featured for spring of 2013 are Orthodox crosses in
sterling silver and ten karat gold.
Canadian history.
They had committed the crime of being unemployed
in bad times or simply of having come from lands
ruled by the Austrian empire. They became “enemy
Taras Kalyna, a young man who deserted the
Austrian army to search for his lost love, Halya,
becomes one of these men. Imprisoned with hundreds
of others in Banff National Park, he helps build a
highway from Banff to Lake Louise. Conditions are
brutal, the food poor.
His time in camp isn’t
completely lost. He forges
strong friendships and
begins to learn about the
wilder world. Myro, an
idealistic school teacher,
tells him stories about the
life of the great Ukrainian
patriot and poet, Taras
optimism. And Tymko, a
fierce socialist, helps him
ask questions about his
new country.
Taras has no way of knowing when, or even if, he’ll
be free again. But even imprisoned, he never stops
thinking of Halya. Their stories develop in separate
strands until the war ends. And he’ll be free to look
for her.
“Blood and Salt” is a work of fiction, grounded in
actual details about the Banff-Castle Mountain
internment camp. It explores the search for a new life
and the search for love – all the while asking what
it is to be Ukrainian.
Barbara Sapergia is a fiction writer and
playwright living in Saskatoon. She has published
four previous books of fiction and had nine
professional play productions.
Museum Announces 2013-2014
As part of the Museum’s ongoing programming and
desire to present exciting, diverse, educational and
imaginative exhibitions, it is pleased to announce the
2013-2014 exhibition schedule. Red and Black
featuring Iryna Karpenko’s magical, whimsical and
spiritual works will close on March 31, 2013. If you
haven’t seen this inspired exhibition yet, it is not one
to be missed! Do watch your mail box, the Museum’s
website and Facebook page for the most current
information about our exhibits!
April 9 – June 17, 2013
From the collection of the Ukrainian Museum of
Canada featuring the artwork of Toronto artist, Kathy
Nicholaichuk in commemoration of one of the
world’s worst nuclear accidents which occurred on
April 26, 1986. A documentary will also be screened
during this period.
June 24 – September 2, 2013
Be sure to explore the Gift Shop on your next visit
to the Museum. We can help you find a perfect
gift, interesting reading materials, or pysanka
supplies. Shop hours coincide with Museum hours.
Last February, the Museum Board and Administration
were so excited to welcome Orysia Pavlov, daughter
of Museum employee Roman
Pavlov and his wife Maria
Melnychuk to the world (see
Museum News, Spring 2012).
In July, we had further joy
as Business Manager, Sylvia
Baran, became a baba for
the very first time to Petro
Gavril Baran Tarasoff, son
of her daughter Nissa Baran
and husband Gavril Tarasoff. What a lucky little boy
he is to have Sylvia as his very devoted and loving
Pencil sketch by
William Kurelek
Featuring artwork from the
permanent collection of the
Canada, Saskatoon. Some of
the artists whose work will be
Kurelek, Dmytrij Stryjek,
Valerie Borycki, Faye St.
Morytski and others. This
promises to be a highlight for
visitors this summer.
The Paper Currency of Revolutionary Ukraine
1917 – 1920.
September 10 – December 9, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2013 Opening reception
and presentation by Dr. Bohdan Kordan
Revolutionary Ukraine is from the personal collection
of Dr. Bohdan Kordan, Professor and Chair of
Political Studies, St. Thomas More College, University
of Saskatchewan. This exhibition marks the start of
Museum News
a tour with stops at Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural
Centre, Winnipeg and the Royal Canadian Mint,
Ottawa. Dr. Kordan will be present for an opening
reception and what will be a very insightful
objects are precious and in the words of his friend
and collector, Peter Mallard, the world vibrates with
an explosive beauty. Such was the vision that he
captured in the best of his paintings. You see the
world as he saw it.
The Muse and the Voice
January 14, 2014 – March 18, 2014
October 14 – January 18, 2015
In celebration of the bicentennial of the birth of
Taras Shevchenko, which falls on March 9, 2014, an
exhibition comprised of books, posters, artwork from
the Museums artifact and library holdings will
commemorate this very special occasion.
March 21 – June 21, 2014
ceramic artist, Louise
Tessier, Moved by the
Spirit Sacred includes
the work of twelve
different artists exhibiting
glass, wood, book arts,
textiles, stained glass,
jewelry, painting and
iconography. Chosen to
open during the Lenten period of 2014, this
spiritually based exhibition offers artistic and
meditative interpretations on the life of Christ based
on biblical passages each artist was presented with.
Based on her travels in Ukraine and her life on the
Canadian prairie, artist Janet Prebushewsky Danyliuk
(Director and CEO of the Ukrainian Museum of
Canada) will present her interpretations in visual
form. Mainly a figurative and illustrative artist,
Prebushewsky Danyliuk has long been fascinated
with portraiture and the human presence in
landscape. Those interested in her previous works,
will experience her imagination through the choice
of a dramatic palette and through her passion for her
world and for the people who share her cultural
V isit us online: www
And, ‘Lik
e’ us on F
Search ‘Ukrainian Museum of Canada’
Happening NOW!
July 2 – September 30, 2014
Documentary screening TBA
Shevchenko by Stryjek
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
The Ukrainian Museum
of Canada was recently
gifted with a collection
of the artwork of
nationally recognized
primitive artist Dmytrij
Stryjek (1899 – 1991)
by Neil Richards of
Saskatoon. Known for
reverence and his use
of colour, Mr. Stryjek
saw everything as holy.
Holy, in a way that
understand. Everyday
Adults: $25; Children $15
(for ages 15 and under when accompanied by an adult.
Museum News
Special photos of the past months.... with more on the back cover page!
UMC Alberta Branch
- An Exposition
Ukrainian Christmas seasonal rituals and traditions
were featured at an exposition mounted by the
Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Alberta Branch
November 6 – 11, 2012 in Edmonton. This exhibit
showcased artifacts relating to Ukrainian cultural life
from Advent to Theophany. The objectives of the
exposition were to enlighten the general population
about Canadian multiculturalism, to present and
explain Ukrainian Canadian culture to the younger
generation, and to exhibit events and cultural
practices which contribute to the preservation and
growth of Ukrainian culture in Canada. By engaging
and involving the next generation in these cultural
traditions and rituals, the practices give vitality to the
culture and keep alive the underlying beliefs and
values associated with them.
A series of displays depicted saints and events that
fall in that period—each one telling a story, narrative
or legend which Ukrainians have adopted and carried
on through the centuries both in Ukraine and Canada,
perhaps not in their original form but in ways that
have relevance today. Beginning with a depiction of
legends associated with Saints Barbara, Nicholas,
Andrew, and Catherine, the exposition moved on to
the Nativity, highlighting prints by William Kurelek
who featured the nativity in various Canadian
contexts illustrating the universality of the birth of
Christ. A full representation of the Holy Supper was
central to the exhibition in all its detail (kolachi, the
twelve dishes, didukh, yalynka, hospodar, hospodynia,
koliadnyky, and the first star). Other displays dealt
with malanka, Saints Stephen and Basil, and the Feast
of Theophany. Each of these celebrations was
interpreted in a Ukrainian context, using Ukrainian
cultural artifacts and objects. Regardless of their
beginnings, each event has evolved over time taking
on a uniquely Ukrainian cultural expression. Traditional
material is rich and deep because it has had hundreds
of years of rehearsal. Embedded in these rituals and
traditions are reflections about the bigger issues of
life. Thus the exposition had two dimensions—the
value and belief systems underlying Ukrainian rituals
and customs and their cultural expression.
An interesting multimedia component included a
NFB documentary—“Ukrainian Winter Holidays”, a
power point presentation consisting of photos of local
Ukrainian Christmas celebrations, and a musical
cartoon “Shchedryk.” To further appeal to the younger
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
viewer (of the over 650 viewers, approximately 388
were students studying Ukrainian in public schools),
several interactive activities relating to the theme
were incorporated into the exposition—kolachi and
star making, a short quiz following the viewing
portion of the program, and a live fortune teller.
At the Official Opening the Right Reverend Father
Stephan Semotiuk, on behalf of the Western
Eparchy, delivered the invocation and Greetings from
the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada. Also
featured was Dr. Volodymyr Kravchenko, the newly
appointed Director of the Canadian Institute of
Ukrainian Studies. In his keynote address he
emphasized the need to incorporate historical legacies
into a modern Ukrainian national narrative. This
would involve replacing the undertone of suffering
in Ukrainian historical mythology with a more
optimistic one. Speaking for the need for different
cultural policies, Dr. Kravchenko noted that as
Canadian Ukrainians seek to preserve their identity on
tradition, Ukrainians in Ukraine should “develop their
identity based on the future vision, not on its history.”
Speaking on behalf of the Provincial Government,
Ms. Eugenia Leskiw, MLA for Bonnyville-Cold Lake,
commended the exposition for its vibrant and
colourful display of Ukrainian culture, noting that it
is “culture [which] truly connects us to one another
and our past and future.” Edmonton Mayor Stephen
Mandel paid tribute to the Ukrainian community in
Edmonton for mounting an exhibit which celebrates
its culture in such significant and impressive ways.
In keeping with the Christmas theme, the VITER
Ukrainian Folk Choir entertained the audience with
spirited renditions of Ukrainian Christmas carols.
Under the direction of Lesia Pohoreski, the choir’s
lively, energetic and rousing performance reflected
in musical terms what the exposition was about.
Submitted by Elaine Verchomin Harasymiw,
President UMC Alberta Branch
UMC Ontario Branch
It was a very busy fall and winter with the ongoing
care of artifacts – cleaning, photographing,
information gathering, data entry, and the many
administrative activities related to the Museum’s
operations. We added some interesting extras to our
work load.
PROJECT: Technical Literacy & Intergenerational
Learning for Seniors Project.
The Museum has received grants from New
Horizons for Seniors, the Shevchenko Foundation
communications equipment and to hold hands-on
workshops teaching Museum volunteers, supporters
and partners, most of whom are seniors, how to use
this equipment. The first workshops were presented
in June in the Institute’s boardroom and focused on
the fundamentals of creating Power Point
presentations. Ihor Prociuk, our master instructor, and
five student coaches provided a very enjoyable and
effective learning environment.
CALENDAR 2013: We were thrilled to have our
artifacts grace the 2013
annual calendar of the
Council of Ukrainian
Credit Unions. This will
provide a unique record
of the variety and scope
collection. Each Museum
member of the Ontario
Branch will receive a
copy of the calendar as a
membership when renewing their membership for
2013. We hope that, as members are enjoying each
monthly display, they will remember that their
Is your Branch organizing a fundraiser?
Let us know what it is and we can promote it on
the UMC website and Facebook page.
Don’t forget to send us pictures!
continued support is essential for the future of the
Ontario UMC Branch.
FESTIVAL September 14 – 16, 2012.
The excitement at the annual Bloor West Village
Ukrainian Festival was evident September 14 – 16,
2012. The Museum was happy to share St. Vladimir
Institute’s big tent and offer Boutique items for sale
– gerdany, pysanky, embroidered shirts, books on
cooking, culture, and embroidery.
Our Ontario Branch was invited to share some of
their artifacts representing Bukovyna, a region from
which some of Ukraine’s first immigrants arrived in
Canada. The display featured an entire Bukovynian
family, century old sorochky (shirts and blouses)
exquisite examples of woven namitky (headcloths),
pysanky, a bridal headdress and jewelry, as well as
winter outwear. Judging from the visitor’s reaction the
Bukovyna Pavillion was very well received.
FABRIC OF LIFE EXHIBIT: For the aficionados
and admirers of embroidery skills, our exhibit ‘Fabric
of Life’ - Everything old is new again – “Âñÿêå íîâå,
öå çàáóòå ñòàðå” continued into January 2013.
Visitors have returned to the exhibit, taking time to
re-examine items from the late 19 th and early 20 th
century, made during a time of individual needle
skills and awareness of tradition. This is an exhibition
not to be missed.
Submitted by Claudia Mykytiuk,
Past President, UMC Ontario Branch
Museum News
As an initiative of the Tree of Life Fundraising
Campaign, the Ukrainian Museum of Canada
introduced a very special honour roll that will be
bestowed upon individuals who make a legacy gift
or bequest to the Ukrainian Museum of Canada.
People have been leaving bequests for decades. This
is our special way of honouring these people.
Individuals will be recognized at a special event
to be held annually. If you have already done some
estate planning and would like to be a part of this
exclusive group and be named on the Spadshchyna
(Legacy) Honour Roll please get in touch us.
On October 27, 2012, in conjunction with the
Annual Meeting of the Ukrainian Museum of Canada
of the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada, the
first of the Spadshchyna pins were presented to 26
people who had given notice that they have named
the UMC in their wills. The next Museum Newsletter
will feature more details about this Honour Roll and
the presentations.
Mae Chwaluk Sylvia Gryba
William Gryba Zenia J Hawrysh
Pauline Ignash Rose Jarman
Albert Kachkowski Cecilia Kachkowski
Peter Kiziak Anne Krawetz
Eugene Kucey Nancy Kucey
Ola Martyn Jean A. Mekitiak
Bernice Mysak Marlene Mysak
David Mysak Sonia Mysak
Nellie Pawlik Alice Nicholaichuk
Russell Sawchyn
Rev. Eugene Stefaniuk
Caroline Tokarik William Tokarik
Anna Trojan Dr Oleh Trojan
Sonia Mysak, Tree of Life Fundraising Campaign Chair presents
Rose Jarman with Spadshchyna Honour Roll pin.
Eugene and Nancy Kucey
receiving Spadshchyna pins
from Sonia Korpus,
UMC Board President.
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
Dianne J. Ortynsky Scholarship Fund
In 2003, the family of Dianne J. Ortynsky and the
Ukrainian Museum of Canada announced the
establishment of a scholarship fund in Dianne’s
memory made possible through donations by her
family and friends. This scholarship is administered
by the Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Saskatoon.
The purpose of this scholarship is to promote
Ukrainian culture and heritage by encouraging further
educational pursuits and development in the arts. The
scholarship is presented to deserving applicants from
Western Canada attending a post secondary
institution who exemplifies Dianne’s ideals. Group
projects deemed meritorious by the selection
committee will also be considered. Deadline for
application is August 1st of each year.
2011 recipient: Mohyla Institute Anniversary,
J.Stetch Honorarium
2012 recipient: Suzirya Ukrainian Dance Theatre,
For further information, or to request an application
form, please visit the “About” or “Contact” us pages
of the Museum website or, write to:
Scholarship Selection Committee
Ukrainian Museum of Canada
910 Spadina Crescent East
Saskatoon, Sk S7K 3H5
Museum News
LM denotes Life Member
Emil Fedak, Q.C. • Burlington
Oricia Feist • Saskatoon
Stephanie Fielding • Saskatoon
Alexandra Foty • Toronto
Lesya Foty • Saskatoon
Marsha Frankiw • Calgary
Jennie Franko • Saskatoon
Helen Garrity • Winnipeg
Roma Gauk • Edmonton
Alicia Gayowsky • Hamilton
Elsie Gaziuk • Etobicoke
Mabel Gonta • Oshawa
Melvina Gowda • Edmonton
Sylvia Gray • Edmonton
Joanne Gregg • London
Mark & Cindy Greschner • Regina
Dr. Mark Gryba • Saskatoon
Bill & Calla Gryba • Saskatoon
William (LM) & Sylvia (LM) Gryba •
Gladys Andreas • Surrey
Ewhenia Babiy • Mississauga
Geraldine Balaura • Toronto
Natalie Ball • Burlington
Victor Balon • North Vancouver
Victoria Balon • Saskatoon
Sylvia Baran • Saskatoon
Laura Bayly • Barrie
Emily Bazylo • Winnipeg
Sonja Bejzyk • Winnipeg
Marla Belsheim • Calgary
Nancy Bobick • Saskatoon
Ed Bobowsky • Saskatoon
Evan Bodnarchuk • Mississauga
Bernice Bodnarchuk • Mississauga
Olga Bokshowan • Saskatoon
Anisya Borowik • Toronto
Sylvia M. Boychuk • Saskatoon
Mary Boychuk (LM) • Saskatoon
Sonia Boyko • Saskatoon
For 2012, our records show over 300 members at
Dobr. Genia Bozyk • Winnipeg
the Ukrainian Museum of Canada! Membership
Leona Faryna Bridges • Edmonton
with the UMC is valid for the period of January to
Paul Brodoway • Edmonton
December of each year. The only reminder we send
Adam Bryk • Toronto
is via this Newsletter. Renewal memberships and
Kathy Buchanan • Edmonton
new ones can be purchased through your UWAC
Alyce Budinsky • Winnipeg
Branch or directly through Head Office by
Kay Budzinski • Winnipeg
completing the form which can be found on page 17.
Michael Burianyk • Regina
Edith Burianyk • Regina
Kathy Burianyk & Robert Jarvis • Regina
Irene Gudzowsky • Toronto
Louise Charko • Calgary
Myron & Diane Gulka-Tiechko • Regina
Emily Charnetski • Niagara-On-The-Lake
Lesia Haley • Toronto
Christine Chayka • Saskatoon
Bunny Halyk • Melville
Dr. Robert & Alice Chayka • Saskatoon
Dr. Elaine Verchomin Harasymiw • Edmonton
Gloria Chewchuk • Richmond Hill
Dr. Tony & Sharon Harras • Regina
Nell Chobotar • Vita
Stan Hawryliw • Saskatoon
Mary Ann Chubey • Carlowrie
Pat Hawryliw • Saskatoon
Amelia Chucko • Surrey
Zennovia Haydey • Calgary
Carol Cisecki • Saskatoon
Anna Hemstead • Toronto
Laudie Anne Collins • Calgary
Sonia Holiad • Toronto
Savelia Curniski • Saskatoon
Elizabeth R. Holinaty • Edmonton
Adele Danyliuk • Saskatoon
Stephanie Holowach • Calgary
Gordon Danyliuk • Saskatoon
Elaine Holowach-Amiot • Calgary
Janet & The Honourable Mr. Justice
Jean Holuk • Calgary
Richard Danyliuk • Saskatoon
Dr. Stan & Anne Humenek • Calgary
Dr. Daria Darewych • Mississauga
Daniel Huzyk • Vancouver
Stella Demchenko • Winnipeg
Lydia Huzyk • Vancouver
Victor Demchenko • Winnipeg
Vallery Hyduk • Toronto
John Demkiw • Saskatoon
Dr. Sandra Hyduk • Scarborough
Natalie Deptuck • Edmonton
John Hykawy • Vancouver
Barbara Derbawka & Family • Richlea
Pauline Ignash • Winnpeg
Daria Diakowsky • Toronto
Tamara Ivanochko • Toronto
Eya D. Greenland Kotulsky • Toronto
Yvonne Ivanochko • Toronto
Carol Dumalski • Goodeve
Larissa Jablonsky • Islington
Marjorie Dumanski • Regina
Olia Janschula • Etobicoke
Melany Duranovich • Toronto
Rose Jarman • Saskatoon
Sonia Duranovich • Toronto
Lesya Jones • Toronto
Olga Dwernychuk • Saskatoon
Diane Jurychuk • Burlington
John G. Eliashevsky • Dundas
Albert Kachkowski • Saskatoon
Oksana Ensslen • Edmonton
Cecilia Kachkowski •Saskatoon
Darcia Evans • Saskatoon
Anna Kaminski • Regina
Ann Ewanchuk • North Battleford
Rosaline Kaminsky • Yorkton
Clara Ewasiuk • Saskatoon
Grace Karpiak • Winnipeg
Michele Faryna • Calgary
Adele Kereliuk • Mississauga
Mary Fedak • North York
Carol Kindrachuk • Saskatoon
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
Pauline Kindrachuk • Vernon
Slawko Kindrachuk • Saskatoon
Marie Kishchuk (LM) • Saskatoon
Dr. Edward Klopoushak • Regina
Alicia Klopoushak • Saskatoon
Anne Klopoushak (LM) • Saskatoon
Taras & Dorothy Korol • Canora
Larissa Koropecki • Puslinch
Evelyn Korpus • Regina
Sonia & Raymond Korpus • Regina
Olga Kotykuk • Toronto
Donna Kowalishin • Edmonton
Vesper Kowalsky • Saskatoon
Alice Kowalsky • Saskatoon
Christine Kowalyk • Toronto
Nina Kozy • Toronto
Leonard Krawchuk • Winnipeg
Ernie Krebs • Scarborough
Chester Kuc • Edmonton
Eugene (LM) & Nancy Kucey • Saskatoon
Olga Kurczaba • Calgary
Orycia A. Kurczaba • Calgary
Valentina Kuryliw • Toronto
Terry & Vera Labach • Saskatoon
Rt. Rev. Victor & Dobr. Marilyn Lakusta •
Linda Lazarovich • Winnipeg
Sally Lazarowich • North Battleford
Beverley Ledgerwood • Saskatoon
Dorothy Liber • Etobicoke
Dobr Jane Luchak • Winnipeg
Mary Lynn • Saskatoon
Orysia Lysyk • Oshawa
Helen R. MacPherson • Burlington
Dobr. Joanne Makowsky • Saskatoon
Jean Maksymiuk • Prince Albert
Evangeline Manulak • Winnipeg
Elsie Marshall • Saskatoon
Zena Marusenko • Winnipeg
Justina Maruszeczko • Toronto
Nadiya Matiyash • Toronto
Merle Maximiuk • Yorkton
Elaine Mazier Maksymiuk • Saskatoon
Carolynn Mazuryk • Melbourne
Nadia McDonald • Calgary
Anna Mechalski • Edmonton
Jean A. Mekitiak (LM) • Calgary
Natalka Melnychuk • Edmonton
Vera Melnyk • Toronto
Cheryl Moisey • Andrew
Vallery Mokrytzki • Wasaga Beach
Anne Moskaluk • Toronto
Pauline Mudry • Edmonton
Marion Mutala • Saskatoon
Dr. Taras and Anna Mycyk • Saskatoon
Olga Mukanik • Winnipeg
Claudia Mykytiuk • Toronto
Melanie Mykytiuk • Toronto
Sonia Mysak • Saskatoon
Marlene Mysak • Calgary
Dr. Geraldine Nakonechny • Edmonton
Sonya Nazaruk • Agassiz
Tania Nedilski • Toronto
Olenka Negrych • Richmond Hill
Maria Netchay • Hamilton
Halya Newediuk • Edmonton
Alice Nicholaichuk • Saskatoon
Stella Nikiforuk • North Battleford
Caroline Nimeck • Saskatoon
Vera Nokony (LM) • Vancouver
Elaine Nychyk • North Battleford
Roman Nychyk • North Battleford
Stephanie Ochitwa • Canora
Miroslaw & Beatrice Ochitwa • Canora
Jean Ochrym • Etobicoke
Natalia Ohienko-Krisel • Toronto
Mark, Daria, Stefan Olynyk • Etobicoke
Jennie Ortynsky (LM) • Canora
Elizabeth Oryschak • London
Dr. Carl Osadetz • Edmonton
Natalie Ostryzniuk • Regina
Florence Vera Pachkowski • Burnaby
Sonja Pacholek • Regina
Marika Panchuk • Winnipeg
George Parchomchuk • Saskatoon
Olyne Patryluk • Regina
Nellie Pawlik (LM) • Winnipeg
Sylvia Pawlik • St Paul, MB
Natalie Pawlovich • Vancouver
Nadia Pelensky • Toronto
Jennie Penzie • North Battleford
Margaret Pestrak • Winnipeg
Doreen Petrow • Saskatoon
Mary Petro • Winnipeg
Olga R. & Ostap Piasta • Ituna
Jennie Pidwysocky • St. Laurent
Steve Pillipow • Regina
Aileen Pillipow • Regina
Olecia Pitts • Yorkton
UMC congratulates our member
Steve Pillipow (Goodeve-Regina)
on receiving UCC-SPC 2012
Nation Builders Recognition
Olga Poliszczuk • Toronto
Rev. Fr. Patrick Powalinsky • Warman
S. Alice Prociuk • Saskatoon
Leona Procyshyn • Yorkton
Mary Prokopetz • Yorkton
Maria Prokopiw • Edmonton
Helen Pylot • Meadow Lake
Dena Rak • Saskatoon
Victoria Rak • Saskatoon
Mary Romanko • West Vancouver
Carole Romanyk • Winnipeg
Wasyl & Sally Rybalka • Prince Albert
Rose Sametz • Richmond Hill
Nancy Saranchuk-Weston • Toronto
Helen Savisky • Saskatoon
Jean Sawchyn • Regina
Halia Scherbluk • Etobicoke
Alexandra Y. Semeniuk • Scarborough
William & Pauline Semenuik • Yorkton
Mary Seneshen • Saskatoon
Jeralyn Seniuk • Saskatoon
Nellie Seniw (LM) • Edmonton
Chris Sherban • Saskatoon
Vera Shevchuk • Willowdale
Carol M Shinkewski • Saskatoon
Larise Skoretz • Saskatoon
Anita Slobodzian • Saskatoon
Pat Slusarchuk • Calgary
Halia L. & Dr. Roman Sluzar • Mississauga
Arlene Smetaniuk • Toronto
Lidia Smilka • Toronto
Audrey Sojonky • West Vancouver
Oksana Sokolyk • Toronto
e y
ou inter
ested in becoming a UMC v
at e
v ents
... giving tour
s... cur
a torial or libr
work.... maintenance or odd jobs? Call us!
Marie Soltys • Regina
Rose Sopatyk • Saskatoon
Sonia Sorestad • Saskatoon
Olga Sorly • Winnipeg
Michael Sovyn • Saskatoon
Loraine Sovyn • Saskatoon
Stephania Spytkowsky • Beamsville
Margaret Starchuck • Melville
Holly Stasiuk • Saskatoon
Sylvia Stasiuk • Surrey
Zenia Stechishin • Toronto
Katrusia Stefaniuk • St. Catharines
Elsie Stefanuk • Saskatoon
Nadia Strathdee • Burlington
Emily Strutinsky • Winnipeg
Nathalia Sugden • Palgrave
Helen Sulatyski • Saskatoon
Dr. Lelia Sulyma • Toronto
Halia Sushko • Lloydminster
Irene Sych • Brantford
Donna Talbot • St Anne
Dobr H. Teterenko • Winnipeg
Larissa Tkachenko • Toronto
Eugene Topolnisky • Edmonton
Adele Trischuk • Saskatoon
Bernie & MaryAnn Trischuk • Yorkton
Judy Trischuk • Cudworth
Anna & Dr. Oleh Trojan • Mississauga
Olga Tyne • Peterborough
Hope Ungarian • Edmonton
Donna Van Beselaere • Regina
Louise Van Iderstine • Smoky Lake
Patricia Vereschagin • Saskatoon
Sylvia Waliduda • Regina
Millie Walkovich • Pickering
Gwen Warnyca • Regina
Ben Wasylyshen • Winnipeg
Evelyn Wasylyshen • Winnipeg
Vera Webster • Saskatoon
Hanya Welykanycz • Etobicoke
Anne Welykholowa • Regina
Marusia Wenger • St. Leonard
Mari White • Toronto
Catherine Woloschuk • Yorkton
Nancy Worobets • Burnaby
Shirley Wozimirsky • Edmonton
Nancy Yasinowski • Saskatoon
H. Eileen Yewchuk • Edmonton
Zennia Yuzik • Cudworth
Nadia Zack • Wishart
Maida Zederayko • Spruce Grove
Greg Zederayko • Spruce Grove
Darcia Zemianski • Winnipeg
Elizabeth Zoochkan • Winnipeg
Elizabeth Zwirchowsky • Toronto
The Ukrainian Museum of Canada acknowledges the loss of the
following friends over this past year. We remember them and
thank them for their dedication and belief in the Museum.
May their Memories be Eternal!
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Äå íåìຠáîëiçíi, íi ïå÷àëi,
íi çiäõàííÿ, àëå æèòòÿ áåçêîíå÷íå!
Museum News
DONATIONS - ÏÎÆÅÐÒÂÈ - January 1 to December 31, 2012
The Board of Directors and staff of the Ukrainian Museum of Canada thank the many donors who
have supported the UMC. We are a non-profit organization dependent on membership and admission
fees, gift shop revenue, financial support, bequests and the donation of artifacts. Ongoing financial
support ensures that we continue to offer exhibits and programming that our community and visitors
have come to expect. No donation is too small or too big - they are all graciously welcomed!
Thank-you for your generosity!
Ìè ãëèáîêî âäÿ÷íi çà âñi ïîæåðòâè, âåëèêi ÷è ìàëi.
The Tree of Life Campaign (ToL) was
launched in 2012 as a way to connect past,
present and future generations of our
Museum family and to ensure financial
sustainability. This Campaign addresses
immediate operational needs as well as
planned gifts and bequests.
Alexandruk, Michael; IMO Olga
Balon, Victoria; IMO Ed Balon
Balon, Victor
Baran, Walter
Barsby, Lee Anne; IMO Anne Fedeyko
Bashnick, Nick
Bayshore Home Health Office & Staff,
Saskatoon Branch; IMO Anne Fedeyk
Bilokury, Evangeline M.
Bokshowan, Olga
Boychuk, Sylvia M.; IMO Anne Fedeyko
Boychuk, Sylvia M.
Boyko, Sonia & Adrian
Boyko, Elizabeth
Bozyk, Dobr. Genia & V. Rev. Fr. Roman
Brayshaw, Audrey
Broad, Linda
Bubel, Xenia
Budinsky, Alyce
Budzak, Nick & Mary
Burianyk, Michael & Edith
Burianyk Kathy & Robert Jarvis
Charko, Louise
Chometa, Alice
Chorneyko, Kathy
Chrebto, Helen; IMO husband Petro Humeniuk
Chubey, Mary Ann
Chunik, Victoria
Chwaluk, Mae (Estate)
Ciona, Patricia & Andrew
Craig, Anastasia
Cymk, Saskatoon Anna Papish Branch
Dagnone, Tony & Donna
Danyliuk, Janet & The Honourable Mr.
Justice Richard
Danyliuk, Orest
Danyliuk, Gordon
Demkiw, John; IMO Walter Demkiw
Didula, John & Cindy
Dutka, June
Dzuba, Sofie
Respecting the privacy of our donors
we do not show individual donation
amounts or cumulative totals. For
your own records, that information is
shown on your charity receipt.
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
Eremko, Pauline
Martyn, Ola (Estate)
Ewanchuk, Ann
Fansega, Pauline
Faryna, Rose; IMO Faryna family
Fedeyko, Dennis; In Memory of William &
Justine Fedeyko from their children &
Fedeyko, William S.; IMO William &
Justine Fedeyko from their family
Fedeyko, William S.; IMO Anne Fedeyko
Fedorak, Rose Marie
Fedoruk, Honourable Dr. Sylvia
Feist, Oricia
Foster, Marusia & Robert; IMO Olga
Foty, Lesya & George;
IMO David Mysak
Frankiw, Marsha
Garrity, Helen &
Gauk, Roma & Orest
Greene, Lucy G.; IMO
Sophie Paetsh
Gryba, William & Sylvia
Gryba, Eugene &
Halyk, Bunny; IMO
Margaret Halyk
Harras, Dr. Tony &
Harris, Edward
Hawryliw, Stan & Pat;
Furnace fund
Hawrysh, Dr. Zenia;
IMO Kathryn Keaschuk
Hawrysh, Dr. Zenia
Haydey, Zennovia & Orest
Hobden, Katherine M.
Hope, Jean
Howlett, Dr. Evan & Doreen
Hrycuik, Robert & Ksenia
Hryniuk, Robert E & Annabelle
Hughes, Audrey
Humeny, Eleanor
Hydeman, Wayne & Mary Ellen
Ignash, Pauline
Jarman, Rose; IMO Zenon G. Kotelko
Kachkowski, Albert & Cecilia; IMO Anne
Kachkowski, Albert & Cecilia
Kaminski, Anna & Walter
Karpiak, Dennis
Karpiak, Grace
Karpiuk, Betty
Kaye, Olga; IMO Ludwig & Constance Kaye
Kereliuk, Adele; IMO husband William;
parents Fred & Katie Korpatnicki
Kereluk-Regehr, Victoria
Kindrachuk, Pauline
Kindrachuk, Slawko & Carol
Kishchuk, Marie & Boris
Kishchuk, Tom
Klimasko, Rose
Klopoushak, Anne & Stan; IMO Anne
Klopoushak, Dr. Edward
Klopoushak, Alicia & Larry
Klym, Mary
Kondra, Rose; IMO Olga Kowalchuk
Kondra, Zenon P.
Kormylo, John
Korol, Taras & Dorothy
Korpus, Sonia & Raymond
Korpus, Evelyn
Kowalsky, Alice; IMO Peter Kowalsky
Kowaluk, Rachel & Bohdan
Krawetz, Anne (Estate)
Kucey, Eugene & Nancy
Kurczaba, Olga & Michael
Kutkowski, Marie; IMO Anne Fedeyko
Labach, Terry & Vera
Lazarowich, Sally & Ted
Lenko, C.A. Mark
Lindeman, Carol
Loyns, Karen; IMO Henry Karoly
Lysyk, Orysia & Dr. George
MacPherson, Helen R.
Makowsky, D. Mitch & Marianne
Maksymiuk, Jean
Markowski, Peter & Joan
Markowsky, Anne
Marshall, Elsie
Martyn, Ola (Estate)
Mechalski, Anna
Mekitiak, Jean A.
Melnychuk, Natalka
Melnyk, Vera
Michayluk, Anne; IMO Stella Wojcichowsky
Minute Muffler & Brake, Willie Holdings
Ltd; (Woytiuk/Swystien)
Muzichuk, Elaine
Mykytiuk, Claudia
Mysak, Sonia; IMO Anne Fedeyko
Mysak, Orest & Mary
Mysak, Bernice
Mysak, Dr. Tania & Dr. Mark Markowsky
Mysak, Sonia
The donor abbreviations we use
ICO: In Celebration of.. • ITT: In
Tribute to.. • IHO: In Honour of..
• IMO: In Memory of..
Mysak Marlene & Brian Goin; IMO Anne
Mysak, Marlene & Brian Goin
Nazaruk, Sonya
Nicholaichuk, Alice
Nikiforuk, Ray & Olga
Nimchuk, Ivanna Joan
Nychyk, Roman & Elaine
Oleksyn, Steve & Sylvia
Oystryk, John J.
Parchomchuk, George
Patryluk, Olyne & Alex
PCS Potash, Patience Lake; IMO Anne
Pillipow, William & Sonia
Pillipow, Steve & Aileen
Potts, Nadine & Tom; IMO Anne Fedeyko
Powalinsky, Rev. Fr. Patrick
Prociuk, S. Alice
Pylot, Helen
Regehr, Victoria
Rohatynsky, Michael
Romanyk, Carole & Alex; IMO Mary Yurkiw
Romanyk, Carole & Alex; IMO Jean Romanyk
Romanyk, Carole & Alex
Sadownick, Orest & Pauline
Sarchuk, Connie
Savisky, Helen & Larry Balion
Sawchuk, Anne M
Sawchyn, Jean
Sawchyn, Russell (Estate)
Semenuik, William & Pauline
Seneshen, Mary
Seniuk, Jeralyn & Gerald
Senkiw, Vera
Serray, Andrew & Claudia
Shevchuk, Vera
Shulhan, Stella
Slusarchuk, William
Smerchanski, Helen
Sokyrka, Harold & Sonia; IMO Anne Fedeyko
Soltykevych, Lesia
Soltykewych, Stephanie; IMO Anne
Soltys, Marie
Sorestad, Sonia & Glen
Starchuck, Margaret
Stechishin, Zenia; IMO Arlene Wasylynchuk
Stefaniuk, Rev Eugene & Mrs.
Stefanuk, Elsie
Stefanuk, Ernie & Janet
Stinka, Anne
Sulyma, Dr. Lelia
Talbot, Donna & Bob
Tenning, Leslie & Lorraine
Tokarchuk, Addie
Topolnisky, Eugene
Trembach, Anne
Trischuk, Adele & Gord
Trojan, Anna & Dr. Oleh
Tymchatyn, Pat; IMO Anne Fedeyko
Tymchatyn, Pat; IMO Andy Cholod
Tymchatyn, Pat
Tyne, Olga; IMO Amelia Dereniuk
UMC - Calgary Collection
UMC - Manitoba Branch
Ungarian, Hope; IMO mother Doris Shewchuk
UWAC Daughters Of Ukraine Branch
UWAC Dominika Ohienko Branch
(Lac La Biche)
UWAC Lesia Ukrainka Branch (Holy
Trinity - Winnipeg)
UWAC Lesia Ukrainka Branch (Two Hills)
UWAC Manitoba Provincial Executive
UWAC Olena Pchilka Branch (North
UWAC Olha Basarabova Branch (Calgary),
St. Vladimir’s
UWAC St. Anna’s Branch (Edmonton)
UWAC St. John’s Cathedral Branch
UWAC St. Michael’s (Edmonton), Princess
Ol’ha Branch
UWAC St. Olha Branch (Sirko)
Vanloon, Laura; IMO Anne Fedeyko
W.A. Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Warchola, Nadia & Orest; IMO Anne Fedeyko
Warnyca, Gwen & Orest
Wasylyshen, Evelyn
Webster, Vera
Wenger, Marusia
Wingerchuk, Mike W.
Wiwcharuk, Larry & Val
Yaholnitsky, Gerald
Yasinowski, Nancy
Young, Dr. Wanda
Yuzik, Zennia & Peter
Yuzik, Patricia
Zalasky, Katherine; In memory of William
& Justine Fedeyko from their family
Zaplitny, Michael
Zukiwsky, Victoria
Zwack, Bonnie
Zymowec, Mary
Throughout the year, our supporters make
general donations to the Museum to ensure
continued operations. Often these are in
tribute to or in memory of a loved one.
Andreas, Gladys
Balaura, Yaroslava; IMO Mona Gryba
Bobick, Nancy & Edward
Bodnar, Nadeya
Bohonos, Andy
Borsa, Olga; IMO Stephen Nikiforuk
Boychuk, Sylvia M.
Brayshaw, Audrey; IMO Jim Rohatensky
Bremner, Sonia & Donald; Regina Fundraiser
Buchanan, Kathy
Burianyk, Michael & Edith; Regina Fundraiser
Chayka, Walter & Gloria
Cholod, Anne; IMO Rose Antymniuk
Chorney, Sylvia; Regina Fundraiser
Chucko, Amelia
Cisecki, Carol; Fundraiser
Cullimore, Dr. Denis Roy
Curniski, Savelia
Danyliuk, Adele & Michael; IMO Fred
Danyliuk, Adele & Michael; IMO Eleanor
Dumalski, Carol; Regina Fundraiser
Ferley, Paul
Fletcher, Lorelei; Regina Fundraiser
Foty, Lesya & George; Proceeds from
Gauk, Roma & Orest
Gryba, William & Sylvia; IMO Mona Gryba;
Eugene Bokshowan; Maurice Sorokan
Gryba, Dr. Mark
Hawryshok, Olga
Kachkowski, Albert & Cecilia; Proceeds
from Yarmarok
Karpiak, Grace
Kaye, Olga; IMO Eleanor Maleschuk &
Fred Danyliuk
Kishchuk, Marie & Boris; IMO Larry Yanick
Klopoushak, Dr. Edward
Kowalsky, Alice; IMO Stephen Nikiforuk
Lakusta, Rt. Rev. Victor & Dobr. Marusia
Maksymiuk, Jean
Mysak, Sonia; Proceeds from Yarmarok
Nazaruk, Sonya; IMO Nellie Krawchuk &
Mary Horbay
Nazaruk, Sonya
Nikiforuk, Stella & Yaris; IMO Stephen
Nikiforuk, Ray & Olga; IMO Stephen
Ochitwa, Miroslaw & Beatrice
Ortynsky, Jennie & Nestor
Ostryzniuk, Natalie & Jerry; Regina Fundraiser
Pankiw, Rosalie; Regina Fundraiser
Pankiw, Mary
Parchomchuk, George
Patryluk, Olyne & Alex; Regina Fundraiser
Pillipow, Steve & Aileen; Regina Fundraiser
Pillipow, Steve & Aileen
Prociuk, S. Alice
Romanyk, Alex & Carole; Pysanka donation
Romanyk, Carole & Alex; Proceeds from
Rybalka, Wasyl & Sally
Scherbluk, Halia; IMO Mona Gryba
Senkiw, John & Connie; IMO Ted Starchuck
Senkiw, John & Connie; Furnace
Senyk, Steve & Sandra; Regina Fundraiser
Sluzar, Halia L. & Dr. Roman
Sokyrka, Harold & Sonia; Proceeds from
Starchuck, Margaret; IMO Ted Starchuck
UMC - Manitoba Branch; IMO Olga
UWAC Lesia Ukrainka Branch (Dauphin);
75th Anniversary
UWAC Maria Markovych Branch (Canora)
UWAC Olena Pchilka Branch (Yorkton)
UWAC Olha Kobylanska Branch
UWAC Olha Kobylanska Branch (Sheho)
UWAC St. Andrew’s Branch (Edmonton)
UWAC St. Anna’s Branch (Fort Frances)
UWAC St. Olha Branch (Vegreville)
Warnyca, Gwen & Orest; Regina Fundraiser
Yurashak, Wally & Irene; Proceeds from
Yurkiw, Dolly N.
Yuzik, Zennia & Peter; Proceeds from
Zederayko, Greg & Maida; IHO Ed
Zederayko’s 75th birthday
Zederayko, Greg & Maida; IHO Donna
Korchinski’s birthday
At UMC we recognize all donations.
If you prefer that yours remains
anonymous please ensure that this
request is clearly noted at the time of
making on your donation.
Museum News
The Yalynka Project was started in 2001
to offer a tribute to special people in our
lives through a Christmas appeal.
Supporters are invited to put the name of
a loved one on the decoration and return it
to the Museum where it will be placed on
the Gallery tree.
Baran, Sylvia; ITT UMC friends
Barnes, Roma; IMO Bohdan Holynsky
Baschuk, Rose; IMO Mary & John M. Bayda
Brodoway, Paul
Budinsky, Alyce
Burianyk, Michael & Edith
Chez, Gail & Roman; IMO Katherine Chyz
Cholod, Anne; IMO husband Andrew Cholod
Chorney, Pearl
Chunik, Victoria; IMO Peter
Cisecki, Carol; IMO Alexander Cisecki
Craig, Anastasia; IMO Andrej Craig,
Tony Leskiw
Cullimore, Dr. Denis Roy; IMO Natalia
Danyliuk, Adele & Michael; IMO Nicholas
& Dorothy Kucey; Wasyl & Helen Danyliuk
Danyliuk, Janet & The Honourable Mr.
Justice Richard; IMO Peter & Anna
Danyliuk, Orest; IMO brother Edward &
Fred & sister Eleanor
Darcovich, Isabelle; IMO Justine Fedeyko,
William Fedeyko, William Darcovich
Demeria, Darlene; IMO Jeremy Demeria
Ewanchuk, Ann; IMO husband Uhan;
friend Sylvia Buziak; bros Walter &
Johnny Spak
Foster, Marusia&Robert; IMO Peter A.Kondra
Foster, Marusia & Robert; IMO Dr Peter
A Kondra’s 100th birthday
Foty, Lesya & George; IMO Olya & Ivan
Galczyk, Steve; IMO Antonia
Garrity, Helen & Patrick; IMO John &
Elizabeth Shewchuk
Gryba, Dr. Mark; IMO Mona Gryba
Harasymchuk, Sylvia; IMO William &
Mary Zarry; Irene Zary
Harasymiw, Natalie
Harasymiw, Dr. Elaine Verchomin
Harras, Dr. Tony & Sharon
Hawryliw, Stan & Pat; IMO Michael /
Steven Hawryliw
Herman, Lily
Hrabowy, Gloria; IMO Alex Hrabowy
Hrabowy, Kathy; IMO Alex Hrabowy,
John & Anne Malicky, Petro & Julia
Hrycuik, Robert & Ksenia; ITT all our
Hryhor, Taras & Thelma
Hryniuk, Robert E & Annabelle; IMO
Metro & Mary Hryniuk
Hudema, Ethel; IMO Peter & Mary Mayowski
Ignash, Pauline; IMO Husband Walter Ignash
Kachkowski, Albert & Cecilia; IMO Lusia
Kaminski, Anna & Walter; IMO Lusia
Karpiak, Betty; IMO George Karpiuk
Karpinetz, Thomas & Zenovia
Kichuk, Diana M.; IMO Mom & Alice
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
Kindrachuk, Pauline
Kitt, Helen; IMO parents Nick & Dora
Klopoushak, Anne & Stan; IMO departed
family and friends; ITT all living family
& friends
Klopoushak, Larry & Alicia; IMO mother
Lucy Syrnick & grandparents
Kondra, Rose; IMO Peter A. Kondra
Kondra, Peter M. & Dr. Marilyn Korzekwa;
ITT mother Rozali Kondra
Korol, Taras & Dorothy; IMO Andres &
Mary Korol; Nick & Rosie Duch
Korpus, Sonia & Raymond; IMO parents
John & Anastasia Zenchyshyn; brother
Boris Zenchyshyn
Kostash, Janice; ITT Myrna Kostash
Kostyniuk, William L.
Koszarycz, Anna-Marie; IMO sister Natalia
Kozun, Olga; IMO husband Terry Kozun
Kozun, Olga; IMO Terry Kozun
Kryschuk, Rt. Rev. Meroslaw & Dobr.
Nadia; IMO daughter Natalia Kryschuk
Kucey, Eugene & Nancy; IMO Todor &
Domka Kucey; Bill & Polly Harbus;
Evangeline Shyluk
Kurczaba, Orycia A.; IMO Mary & Peter
Kuryk-Kolabinski, Bessie; IMO Family
Lazarowich, Sally & Ted; IMO Belyk &
Lazarowich families
Lysyk, Orysia & Dr. George; IMO George
M Lysyk
MacPherson, Helen R.; IMO Hilda Tuskey;
William CaparWm. Tuskey
MacPherson, Helen R.; IMO my sister
Hilda Tuskey; ITT my sister Lillian Capar
Maduke, Anne; IMO Mary Maduke
Maksymiuk, Jean; IMO Prof. Dmetro
Maksymiuk & Helen Maksymiuk
Marchuk, Olia; IMO Matiy, Barbara, Peter,
William, Nicholas, Annie
Marianchuk, Phyllis; IMO Nick Marianchuk
Michalchuk, Rose; IMO Nick & Dora
Mischuk, Dmytro; IMO Nellie Mischuk
Mysak, Orest & Mary; IMO David Mysak
Mysak, Sonia; IMO David Mysak & Mary
Nelson, Elana Lois; IMO Hafia Janishewski
Oleksyn, Steve & Sylvia; IMO Adam &
Anne Wojcichowsky; Bill & Bessie
Ostryzniuk, Natalie & Jerry; IMO Elizabeth
& John Shewchuk; ITT Anya & Tim
Pachkowski, Florence Vera & Roy
Lawrence; IMO Peter & Belle Symchych
Pavlov, Roman; ITT UMC
Pawlik, Sylvia; IMO Roman Pawlik
Penzie, Jennie; IMO Sheldon & Vayda
Pestrak, Margaret & James; IMO Olga
Petrow, Mary; IMO Petrow family,
Sawchuk family, Udod family
Piasta, Olga R. & Ostap
Piasta, Olga R. & Ostap; IMO Annie
(Mostowy) Chorney & Maria (Gawat)
Pitts, Olecia; ITT Grandchildren & greatgrandchildren
Prociuk, S. Alice; IMO mother Pauline
Procyshyn, Leona; IMO Husband Alfred
Prokopiw, Maria; IMO Peter, Marusia &
Myron Prokopiw
Rawluk, Rose & Dale; IMO Ava Rawluk
Romanyk, Alex & Carole; IMO parents
Michael & Aniela Toporowski
Sametz, Olga; IMO Orest Sametz; Demyan
& Sophia Postoch
Sawyshyn, Sylvia; IMO William Sawyshyn
Schulha, Nadia; son Borys
Semenuik, Pauline; ITT husband William
Senkiw, John & Connie; IMO Michael
John Peter Senkiw
Serray, Andrew & Claudia
Sherban, Joseph & Olga
Siryj, Anna; IMO Michael Siryj
Sojonky, Audrey
Sokyrka, Harold & Sonia; IMO Petro &
Anastasia Stanicki; ITT Stefan, Oleksa &
Anastasia Sydor
Starchuck, Margaret; IMO husband Ted
Stefaniuk, Rev Eugene & Mrs.; IMO Fred,
Mary & Marusia Stefaniuk
Stefanuk, Elsie; IMO Gene Stefanuk
Sulyma, Dr. Lelia; IMO Mary Sulyma
Talbot, Donna & Bob
Tenning, Leslie & Lorraine; IMO Jim
Tymchatyn, Ed & Dorothy
UMC - Alberta Branch,
UWAC Olena Pchilka Branch (North
Battleford); IMO Deceased members
UWAC Olena Pchilka Branch (Yorkton);
IMO UWA members deceased
UWAC Olena Pchilka Branch (Yorkton);
IMO Yorkton UWA members
Warnyca, Gwen & Orest; IMO Moleski &
Warnyca family members
Wasylyshen, Evelyn; IMO Ted
Wasylyshen; Wasyl & Ann Matiowsky
Wiwcharuk, Larry & Val; IMO Mary G.
Yasinowski, Nancy; IMO Husband James
Young, Dr. Wanda
Yuzik, Zennia & Peter; IMO Darrell Yuzik
Zack, Nadia
Zazelenchuk, Alice Maxine; IMO William
Zenchyshyn, Anne; IMO Boris Zenchyshyn
& Julia Badowich
Zukiwsky, Victoria; IMO Claudia Ewasiuk
When honouring and remembering
occasions and special people, the Museum
is sometimes named as a recipient of gifts.
We sincerely thank and acknowledge that
In Celebration, Tribute & Honour
Regina Fundraiser
Bremner, Sonia & Donald
Burianyk, Michael & Edith
Chorney, Sylvia
Dumalski, Carol
Fletcher, Lorelei
Ostryzniuk, Natalie & Jerry
Pankiw, Rosalie
Patryluk, Olyne & Alex
Pillipow, Steve & Aileen
Senyk, Steve & Sandra
Warnyca, Gwen & Orest
In Memoria
Anne Fedeyko
Bayshore Home Health Office & Staff,
Barsby, Lee Anne
Boychuk, Sylvia M.
Fedeyko, William S.
Kachkowski, Albert & Cecilia
Klopoushak, Anne & Stan
Kutkowski, Marie
Mysak, Sonia
Mysak, Marlene & Brian Goin
PCS Potash, Patience Lake
Potts, Nadine & Tom
Sokyrka, Harold & Sonia
Soltykewych, Stephanie
Tymchatyn, Pat
Vanloon, Laura
Warchola, Nadia & Orest
William and Justine Fedeyko
Fedeyko, Dennis
Fedeyko, William S.
Zalasky, Katherine
We acknowledge gifts received from the
following estates in 2012.
Chwaluk, Mae
Krawetz, Anne
Martyn, Ola
Sawchyn, Russell
Donation Categories:
<$1,000 Donors
$1,000 Friends
$2,500 Supporters
$5,000 Benefactors
$10,000 Sponsors
$20,000 Patrons
$35,000 Supporting Patrons
$50,000 Sustaining Patrons
$100,000 Honourary Patrons
$500,000 Philantrhopists
Prokipchuk, John; IMO wife Elizabeth
Romanyk, Alex & Carole
Affinity Credit Union Community Spirit
Fund (Carol Cisecki) (ToL)
Battlefords Ukrainian Canadian Cultural
Council (ToL)
Information Services Corporation, 2012
Sponsorship (Ken Budzak) (ToL)
Slusar Law Office; event sponsorship
Team Telus Cares; (Andrew Bohonos) (ToL)
Ukrainian Canadian Professional &
Business Association (Yalynka)
Ukrainian Orthodox Men’s Association of
Regina - TYC (ToL)
Ukrainian Orthodox Men’s Association
(Saskatoon), “Steppe” Club - TYC (ToL)
Ukrainian Society of Prosvita (ToL)
Ukrainian Tryzub Society Inc.; (Folkfest
2011 Donation and ToL)
Olena Pchilka Branch (Yorkton) $20,161.00
Olha Basarabova Branch
(Calgary), St Vladimir’s
Olha Kobylanska Branch
Olha Kobylanska Branch (Sheho) $2,245.00
St. Andrew’s Branch
St. Anna’s Branch (Edmonton) $14,030.00
St. Anna’s Branch (Fort Frances) $3,300.00
St. John’s Cathedral Branch
St. Michael’s (Edmonton)
Princess Ol’ha Branch
St. Olha Branch (Sirko)
St. Olha Branch (Vegreville)
We acknowledge all UWAC Branches who
have submitted their 2012 Annual Member
Registration to the National Office.
Anketa total of $2,170 was forwarded
to UMC Head Office.
To assist with operating expenses it is
necessary that every year numerous
applications are submitted to various
funding sources. Successful applications for
2012 are:
City of Saskatoon - Cultural Grant
Program, Major Arts Institutions
SaskCulture Inc. Museum Association of
SUS Foundation of Canada Annual Grant
With accrued donation total.
UMC - Calgary Collection
UMC - Alberta Branch
UMC - Manitoba Branch
Daughters Of Ukraine Branch
Dominika Ohienko Branch
(Lac La Biche)
Lesia Ukrainka Branch (Dauphin) $5,515.25
Lesia Ukrainka Branch (Holy
Trinity - Winnipeg)
Lesia Ukrainka Branch (Two
Manitoba Provincial Executive
Maria Markovych Branch
Olena Pchilka Branch (North
UMC Mission
The purpose of the
Ukrainian Museum
of Canada is to
acquire, preserve,
study and
interpret, on a
national basis,
artifacts which
depict the
Ukrainian heritage
and its
contribution to
We are grateful to all friends who
have made memorial donations
in honour of loved ones.
UMC gratefully acknowledges funding received from:
Museum News
Without donations, operations of the Museum could not exist.
Thank-you! We value and are extremely grateful for every donation received! Äÿêóºìî!
Please print all information.
Donor Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ________________________________________
Donation type:
Postal Code: _______________________________
E-mail: ________________________________________________________
! General/Operations ! Tree of Life Campaign ! In Memory Of
! I/We wish to remain anonymous with this donation
Donation amount: _____________
Method of Payment:
! In Tribute To
Special notes/Fund designation: ________________________________________________________
! Cheque (enclosed, and made payable to Ukrainian Museum of Canada)
!Credit card: !Visa !Mastercard Card # ______________________________________________________
Expiry: _____________
Validation # (3 digit security code found on back of card): ________________________
Your Signature: _________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________
Please submit mail-in donations along with this completed form to: Ukrainian Museum of Canada
910 Spadina Crescent E
Saskatoon, SK S7K 3H5
Pre-authorized monthly donations are now accepted. An authorization form can be found on the next page.
If you require additional information, please contact the Museum: [email protected]; 306-244-3800
A charitable tax receipt will be issued for donations $25 and greater. All gifts are acknowledged in a future newsletter.
UMC Membership is effective for the calendar year of January 1 to December 31.
Benefits of Ukrainian Museum of Canada membership:
• Unlimited free admission to the Saskatoon Museum and any of its branches in
Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg and Toronto.
• 10% off Gift Shop purchases in Saskatoon.
• “Museum News” newsletter
• Voting privileges according to the Museum’s constitution.
• The satisfaction of supporting the Museum’s vital work!
To become a new Member of the Ukrainian Museum of Canada of the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada, or to
renew your current membership, please complete the form below and forward it along with payment to:
Ukrainian Museum of Canada 910 Spadina Crescent E
Saskatoon, SK S7K 3H5
Please print all information.
Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ________________________________________
Postal Code: _______________________________
E-mail: ________________________________________________________
! Individual: $20.00 per person
! Family: $45.00 (2 parents & dependent children 18 & under)
Payment method: ! Cheque (enclosed, and made payable to Ukrainian Museum of Canada)
! Credit card: !Visa !Mastercard
Card # _____________________________________________________
Membership type:
Expiry: _____________
Validation # (3 digit security code found on back of card): _______________
Your Signature: _________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________
Thank-you! A receipt and membership card will be returned to you.
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
I want to support the Ukrainian Museum of Canada through monthly donations!
Please place a check-mark in all boxes:
This agreement is the authorization to debit the indicated amount each and every month as a donation until
further notice; and, that notice to cease pre-authorized debit will be provided in writing at least 30 days prior to
the next scheduled automated withdrawal.
A blank cheque marked “VOID” is attached.
I agree that this debit will be processed from my account on the 5th day of each month, or the next business
banking day starting the month of __________________________.
I acknowledge that charitable donation income tax receipts for pre-authorized debit transactions will be issued
once annually by the end of February of each year.
I have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement. To obtain more information on my
rights, I may contact my financial institution or visit www.cdnpay.ca
I authorize that this monthly donation be allocated to: (Please check only one.)
Tree of Life Campaign
Museum general operating account
I authorize the monthly donation amount to be: (Please check only one.)
$25.00 per month – the monthly debit agreement minimum
$30.00 per month
$50.00 per month
$100.00 per month
$ ____________ per month (Monthly minimum is $25.00)
Please print donor information:
Donor Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ Postal Code: _______________________
Phone: ( _____ ) ______ - _____________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________
Donor Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: _________________________
UMC Representative: _______________________________________________
Date: _________________________
Please mail completed form, along with ‘Void’ cheque sample, to:
Ukrainian Museum of Canada
910 Spadina Crescent East
Saskatoon, SK S7K 3H5
Ukrainian Museum of Canada of the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada is a registered Charity: 11927 5063 RR 0001
Thank-you for your support! Ùèðî äÿêóºìî!
Museum News
Have you ever considered leaving a bequest to the Ukrainian Museum of Canada?
There are several ways to do so. You may want the Museum to receive all or part of what is left from your estate after debts, taxes,
administrative expenses and other bequests have been paid. A bequest can be a fixed dollar amount, or a percentage of your
total estate or you could leave the residue of your estate to the Museum.
When you make a bequest to the Ukrainian Museum of Canada your estate will receive a charitable tax receipt and may claim
up to a maximum of 100% of income in the year of your death.
Suggested bequest wording follows:
I give and bequeath the sum of $__________ to the Ukrainian
Museum of Canada of the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada.
I give and bequeath ____% of my estate to the Ukrainian
Museum of Canada of the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada.
I give and bequeath the residue of my estate remaining to the
Ukrainian Museum of Canada of the Ukrainian Women’s
Association of Canada.
Whether it is a fixed dollar amount, a percentage of your estate or the residue of your estate, we will ensure your charitable
wishes for the Museum are realized.
To receive more information, please contact your personal financial advisor, lawyer, or call the Museum at 306-244-3800 to
speak with the Director, Janet Prebushewsky Danyliuk ([email protected]); or, Business Manager, Sylvia Baran
([email protected])
Museum News - Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
A Publication produced by the
Ukrainian Museum of Canada of the
Ukrainian Women’s Association of
Canada (UMC). Circulation: 1500
Janet Prebushewsky Danyliuk
Sylvia Baran
910 Spadina Crescent East
Saskatoon, SK S7K 3H5
Tel: (306)244-3800 - Fax: (306)652-7620
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.umc.sk.ca
Ukrainian Museum of Canada
Director • Janet Prebushewsky Danyliuk
Business Manager • Sylvia Baran
Visitor and Donor Services; Gift Shop
Administration • Sharon Boyko Morley
Museum Assistant • Tatiana Makowsky
Museum Interpreter • Roman Pavlov
Curatorial & Programming Assistant •
Khrystyna Hudyma
• UMC Director report on a Memorable
2012 and what is upcoming
• Historical Dress Acquired
• What’s New in the Gift Shop
• Pryvit Petro!
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
Past President: Jennie Ortynsky
President: Sonia Korpus
1st Vice President: Elaine Nychyk
2nd Vice President: Helen Sulatyski
Board Secretary: Aileen Pillipow
Treasurer: Carol Cisecki
Alicia Klopoushak
Helen Savisky
Fundraising Campaign Chair
Sonia Mysak
Fundraising Campaign Liason to the Board
Zennia Yuzik
British Columbia • Lydia Huzyk
Calgary Collection • Jean Mekitiak
Alberta • Elaine Harasymiw
Ontario • Yvonne Ivanochko
Manitoba • Margaret Pestrak
Dr. Geraldine Nakonechny
• 2013-14 Exhibition Schedule
• UMC Alberta Branch - Celebrating the
Ukrainian Christmas Season
• UMC Ontario Branch Happenings
• Spadshchyna Honour Roll
• Photo Collages
People in photographs are identified
left to right.
All photos are UMC supplied
unless otherwise noted.
Photos and text used in this journal are
the property of the Ukrainian Museum of
Canada (UMC). No duplication or
reproduction is allowed without written
permission from UMC.
We make every attempt to ensure
accuracy in reporting and of spelling
of names and reporting.
We apologize for any errors.
Please notify us of the necessary change.
Please let us know...
• If you prefer to receive the
newsletter in electronic pdf
• If you wish to have your name
removed from the mailing list.
Dianne J. Ortynsky Scholarship
Museum Members
Farewell ~ Memory Eternal
Museum Donors
Membership and Donation forms
How you can leave a Legacy
Museum News