

Model : GT-USP450 (VERSION: 1.1)
IP Phone Center installation guide for Windows 98SE
Windows 98SE supports the USB (Universal Serial Bus) technology. When GT-USP450
phone is plugged into the USB port, Windows 98SE will automatically detect the device
and prompt the user to load the drivers. This installation guide is comprised of two
sections: Step A – Setting Up The Phone (Hardware) and Step B – Setting Up The Phone
Step A - Setting Up The Phone (Hardware) ►
1) Connect the USB cable adapter from GT-USP450 phone to the computer’s USB port.
2) Windows 98SE will immediately detect the presence of a new USB device and install
the necessary driver for USB Composite Device.
3) Add New Hardware Wizard “USB Composite Device” [Click on Next > to continue].
4) Select “Search for a better driver than the one your device is using now
(Recommended)” option [Click on Next > to continue].
5) Select “Specify a location:” option and enter “E:\Inf” (Where E:\ is the CD-ROM
Drive letter) [Click on Next > to continue].
6) Select “The updated drivers (Recommended), Joytel USB Composite Device” option
[Click on Next > to continue].
7) System will search for the Joytel USB Composite Device driver by locating
“E:\INF\TJCOM.INF” [Click on Next > to continue].
8) System will begin installing the necessary driver to support Joytel USB Composite
9) System has finished installing the necessary driver to support Joytel USB Composite
Device [Click on Finish > to continue].
10) System will now install the necessary driver for USB Audio Device.
11) Add New Hardware Wizard “USB Audio Device” [Click on Next > to continue].
12) Select “Search for a better driver than the one your device is using now
(Recommended)” option [Click on Next > to continue].
13) Select “Specify a location:” option and enter “E:\Inf” (Where E:\ is the CD-ROM
Drive letter) [Click on Next > to continue].
14) Select “The updated drivers (Recommended), USB IP Phone USP450/USL470 by
Joytel” option [Click on Next > to continue].
15) System will search for the USB IP Phone USP450/USL470 driver by locating
“E:\INF\TJUSBAUD.INF” [Click on Next > to continue].
16) System will begin installing the necessary driver to support USB IP Phone
17) System has finished installing the necessary driver to support USB IP Phone
USP450/USL470 [Click on Finish > to continue].
18) Installation ends with an automatic Windows setup for the Joytel USB Phone
Set/Line Adaptor Device [No action necessary].
19) Step A (Hardware) installation is now complete. Please proceed to Step B.
Step B - Setting Up The Phone (Software) ►
1) Insert the USB IP Phone Center CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. Under normal
operating conditions, the setup program will start automatically. Otherwise, locate
and double-click on the Setup icon in Windows Explorer.
2) The installation process will begin automatically.
3) InstallShield Wizard “USB IP Phone Center” [Click on Next > to continue].
4) Please read the License Agreement before continuing [Click on Yes > if you accept
the License Agreement].
5) Setup the software in default location indicated below [Click on Next > to continue].
Otherwise, search for the designation folder by choosing “Browse”.
6) System adds program icon to the default Program Folder [Click on Next > to
7) System will proceed by copying necessary files to the designated folder.
8) System has finished the software setup [Click on Finish > to end].
9) Step B (Software) installation is now complete.
Function keys of GT-USP450
Power Indicator: when the device is connected to PC and works properly, this indicator
will lit.
Arrow up(Volume up): this key is used to change cursor position. When this key is
pressed, the cursor will move up/left. When volume control program is brought up(click
the speaker icon in the task tray will bring up volume control program), this key can tune
up the speaker volume.
Arrow down(Volume down): this key is used to change cursor position. When this key is
pressed, the cursor will move down/right. When volume control program is brought
up(click the speaker icon in the task tray will bring up volume control program), this key
can tune down the speaker volume
Dial: this key is used to dial out the number you keyed in. When the number you wanna
dial out is still displayed on the dialing input box of your ITSP’s application program,
you can just hit this key to dial/redial the number.
Cancel: this key is used to cancel/end your call.
Hot key(@): this key is used to invoke/dismiss your ITSP’s dialing application program,
if you have installed your ITSP’s dialing application program correctly.
Redial(#):this key is used to redial the last phone number been dialed.
Dialing Example:
1) Use mouse to double-click on Joytel USB IP Phone Center, then you’ll see screen like
the following picture. Next, select the ITSP you have signed in by clicking on the
ITSP’s check box.
2) Press hotkey(@) to run your ITSP program. For example, if dialpad is your ITSP, then
its dialing program will be run when you press hotkey, if this program had been
installed. The following picture shows what happens when you press the hotkey after
Joytel USB IP Phone Center been executed. You can download the dialing program
from your ITSP. Some ITSPs don’t provide dialing programs. In this case, you have to
use web browser to link to the ITSP’s dialing applet and make the phone call. In the
installation CD-ROM, we collect some popular ITSPs’ dialing programs, so you can
use them for start-up. For newer version of the ITSP’s program, you still have to
download it from your ITSP’s web site. Once you have your ITSP’s dialing setup
program, make sure you install them in C:\Program Files\. To install the dialing
program in proper directory for USB IP Phone Center to work correctly, please use
default settings of the setup program, that is, just click next or ok during installation of
the dialing program. For example, dialpad’s dialing program should be installed in
C:\Program Files\Dialpad\, and MSN messenger has to be installed in C:\Program
Files\Messenger\, etc.
3) Use keypad(number keys) of GT-USP450 to dial the number you want to call. If you
press the keypad of GT-USP450, but the number doesn’t show in the key input area,
then you have to check two things. First, make sure Joytel USB IP Phone Center is
running. You can check this by looking at the task bar at the bottom of the screen and
finding out if Joytel USB IP Phone Center is shown on the task bar. If you can’t see
Joytel USB IP Phone Center, you have to run it before dialing. Second, make sure the
cursor is in the key input area.
Check here to see if Joytel USB IP
Phone Center is running or not.
4) Once complete number keying, press dial key(upper right) to make the call. Normally,
a dialog box for entering PIN or confirmation will show up. Then, you have to key in
your PIN to continue the call. To key in your PIN, use mouse to click on the PIN keyin area to set the cursor at the key-in area and key in your PIN by using GT-USP450’s
keypad. If you choose to remember PIN, then when next time this dialog shown up,
you can skip PIN key-in again.
5) To proceed to call out, press the dial key again. Then a dialing message will show on
the call status area.
You can see the dialing message in this status area. You can hear
the dial tone from GT-USP450’s receiver, too.
6) To redial the most recent number been called, press the redial key which is the pound
sign key(#) or the key to the right side of zero key.
7) When you want to finish the call, you can press the cancel key(upper left key). You
can see a hanging-up message in the status area(you may have to wait a few seconds to
see this message), when cancel key is pressed.
Hanging up message is shown in this area.
Files in Application Directiory
There are five dialing program setup files in CD-ROM’s application directory. They are
DPCHAMELEON_INSTALL.EXE: double-click on this file will guide you to setup
Dialpad’s dialing program.
Mmssetup.exe: double-click on this file will guide you to setup MSN messenger’s
dialing program.
NET2PHONE106.EXE: double-click on this file will guide you to setup Net2phone’s
dialing program.
Ymsgrie.exe: double-click on this file will guide you to setup Yahoo Messenger’s
dialing program.
PC-TO-PHONE.EXE: double-click on this file will guide you to setup Delta Three’s
dialing program.
Note: Make sure you use the default settings of the setup program. Especially, make sure
you haven’t changed the default program installation directory.
IP Phone Center installation guide for Window XP
1. Insert the installation CD-ROM to your CD-ROM driver, then you’ll see the
following screen on your PC’s monitor
2. When you see the following dialog box, please click “Next>”.
3. When you see the following dialog box, please click “Yes” to install IP Phone
Center, or you can click “No” to cancel the installation.
4. When you see the following dialog box, you can just click “Next>” to install
the software to the default path, or you can click “Browse..” to install the
software to the path you specify.
5. When you see the following dialog box, please click “Next>”.
6. When you see the following dialog box, please click “Finish” to complete the
installation. Now, the IP Phone center should be up and working for you.
Hardware installation for Window XP
1. Plug in USP450/USL470 to PC’s USB port. You’ll see the following dialog box on
PC’ monitor. Please select “Install from a list of specific location[Advance]” and click
2. When you see the following dialog box, please select “Search for the best driver in
these location” and check “search removable media” and click “Next>”.
3. When you the following dialog box, please click “Continue Anyway”.
4. When you see the following screen, just wait for a while to allow the windows XP to
copy the device driver to the system folder.
5. When you see the following dialog box, please click “Finish” to complete the driver
installation. And, the USP450/USL470 should work normally now.
6. You can go to control panel and check the device manager to make sure if the driver
for USP450/USL470 is installed properly. When it is installed properly, you’ll see the
following screen.