`moJdmVm© `moJ-dmVm© YOGA – VARTA `moJ {dÚm {ZHo$VZMo _wInÌ BULLETIN OF YOGA VIDYA NIKETAN a{O. Z§. (43668/85) Regn. No. (43668/85) df© 29do, A§H$ : 4 EHy$U A§H$ : 325 THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN YOGA VARTA MAY NOT NECESSARILY BE ACCEPTABLE TO YOGA VIDYA NIKETAN n§Mdm{f©H$ dJ©Ur : é. 500/- April, 2012 PUBLISHED & POSTED ON AZwH«$_{UH$m 16TH § à{V A§H$ _yë` … é. 10/OF EVERY MONTH INDEX _mPo nyÁ` Jwê$ ñdm_r Hw$dc`mZ§XOr ............ gXm{ed qZ~miH$a ...................... 3 Free Thinking ........................................... Sadashiv Nimbalkar ................... 7 A§Va§J `moJ (coIm§H$-7) ........................... gXm{ed qZ~miH$a ...................... 9 hR>àXr{nH$m-EH$ CÎm_ `moJ_mJ©Xe©H$ ........... J§Ymcr XmeaWo ......................... 14 (coIm§H$-25) Maharshi Patanjali & Yoga Darsana .... Swami Ananda Rishi ............... 17 Shirodkar High School Project ............. Ashok Kane .............................. 21 Activities of Yoga Vidya Niketan .............................................................. 28 `moJ {dÚm {ZHo$VZMo CnH«$_ Z My Experience of Two Days Conference on Yoga and Allied Therapies (Priyanka Sharma) Z I learnt lot from our Two Days Conference! (T. Sambasiva Rao) Z XmXa ^{JZr g_mO `moJ H|$ÐmV lr. lrYa na~ `m§Mo ì`m»`mZ ({dO` {d. Am¢Y)o Z J.J. Hospital Visit: An Unique Experience (Parizad Moguralia) Z J.J. Hospital Visit (Sushila Sharangdhar) OmJ{VH$ _{hcm {XZ - {Z`{_V `moJdJ© ........ gm¡. _rZm n¡ ({ejH$ à{V{ZYr) ....... 38 ñdm_r Hw$dc`mZ§Xm§Mr ñda{MV H${dVm ............................................... 44 `moJdmVm© g§§nmXH$ _ EDITOR Sadashiv P. Nimbalkar (27895777) H$m`©H$mar g§§nmXH$ _ EXECUTIVE EDITOR Shreedhar Parab (9821556677) Cng§§nmXH$ _ CO-EDITORS Padukone Krishna Rao, Anant Ashtekar & Mahesh Sinkar H$m`©H$mar _§S>i _ EXECUTIVE COMMITEE Mukund Bedekar, Prabhakar Marathe, Neela Bhatia & Pradip Gholkar Yoga Varta Mailing List In-charge : T. Sambasiva Rao (Tel. : 9324271341) Vwåhr "\o$g~wH$' A°{S>ŠQ> hmoV AmhmV H$m? ‘‘{_Ì_§S>itÀ`m g§nH$m©V amhU§, Amnc§ dVw©i {dñVmaU§, OJmM§ H$m` Mmcc§ Amho `mMr I~a~mV R>odU§ `m gJù`mgmR>rM§ CÎm_ gmYZ åhUOo ‘flickr, facebook, twitter, linkedin’ gmaIr gmoec ZoQ>d{Hª$J gmB©Q²>g. nU `m gmB©Q²>gMo H$mhr n¡cy Amnc§ dVw©i gr{_V Va H$aV ZmhrV Zm? Amnë`m AmOw~mOycm {Od§V _mUgo dmdaV AgVmZm gwÕm EH$ {Xdg Oar AmnU Amnco ZoQ>d{Hª$J gmB©Q>Mo AH$mD§$Q> MoH$ Ho$co Zmhr Va VéUm§Zm MwH$ë`mgmaIo dmQ>Vo. gmoeb ZoQ>d{Hª$JMm nÝZmg Q>ŠHo$ doi hm amÌr Kmcdcm OmVmo. `m gd© Jmoï>r _Zwî`mÀ`m Z¡g{J©H$Voda Kmcm KmcUmè`m AmhoV. _mZdr g§~§Y dmT>{dUo, OmonmgUo hr g_mOmMr JaO Agcr d gmoec ZoQ>d{Hª$J Ë`mcm nyaH$ Agë`m Var Ë`mMm A{VaoH$ d ì`gZm{YZVm _mÌ `mo½` Zìho!’’ (gH$mi, {X. 1 Zmoìh|~a 2011 _Ü`o à{gÕ Pmcoë`m S>m°. A_moc AÝZXmVo `m§À`m coImMm g§H${cV ^mJ gd© g§~§{YVm§Mo Am^ma _mZyZ CXY¥V.) Printed at Tej-deep Prints, 32 Din Bldg., N. M. Joshi Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 11 & Published by Shri Sadashiv P. Nimbalkar for YOGA VIDYA NIKETAN (Regn. No. F - 3613 : Bom.) at its Office at Dadar : Shree Samartha Vyayam Mandir Bldg., 1st Floor, Kale Guruji Marg, Dadar (West), Mumbai - 400 028. Tel. : 2430 6258, 2436 7079 (4 to 8 p.m.) E-mail : [email protected] Website : www.yogavidyaniketan.org YVN’s Office at Vashi : Yoga Bhavan, Plot No. 14, Sector 9A, Yoga Vidya Niketan Chowk, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400 703. Tel. : 2766 9710 (6 to 8 p.m.) Yoga Varta : April 2012 2 `moJdmVm© _mPo nyÁ` Jwê$ ñdm_r Hw$dc`mZ§XOr My Revered Guru Swami Kuvalayanandaji OÝ_ … 30 Am°JñQ> 1883 {Zdm©U … 18 E{àc 1966 ‘‘Practical yoga might be defined as the system of yogic practices which began either with the body or with the mind and which culminated in a stage where the individual soul became one with the infinite. Yoga thus has a complete message for humanity. It has a message for the human body, for the human mind and for the human spirit.’’ – Swami Kuvalayananda `moJemómÀ`m emór` g§emoYZmVrc AJ«oga _hmZ Ðï>m-`moJr, `moJemómÀ`m C‚dc ^mdr H$mimMr OmU d Amg R>odyZ, AmOÝ_ d«VñW amhmV, OÝ_^a H$ï>coco _mPo Jwê$ ñdm_r Hw$dc`mZ§X {X. 18 E{àc 1966 amoOr AZ§VmV {dcrZ Pmco. Ë`m§À`m nwÊ`ñ_aU {XZr Ë`m§Zm ghò àUm_! My Guru, revered Swami Kuvalayanandaji was the unique personality. In his heart, he was a poet and a great devotee of Lord Shrikrishna. In his intellect, he was a great Sanskrit Scholar and Academician. In his attitude, he was a Scientist, ready to reject anything which did not stand to the test of scientific investigations. But above all, he was a great Visionary who could foresee the immense scope for the application of Yoga in all the spheres of modern life. It was mainly his valuable contribution in the field of Yogic Therapy which led to renaissance of Yoga in the present time. Today, I remember my Guru Swami Kuvalayanandaji with great reverence and feel extremely happy to see that the Yoga Vidya Niketan, which I founded in 1974 with the help of few close associates, is earnestly following the path shown by my Guru for taking Yogic message to everyone's doorsteps. – Sadashiv Nimbalkar 3 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© _wIn¥ð> nmhVmZm... {e{eamZ§Va Pmcoë`m dg§V F$VyÀ`m AmJ_ZmZo dmVmdaU OUy OmXÿMr H$m§S>r {\$admdr Vgo ~XcyZ Joco Amho. PmS>m§Zm M¡Ìnmcdr \w$Qy>Z ~ha `oVmo Amho. `m F$Vy ~Xcm_wio gJirH$S>o CËgmh AZ² ZdM¡VÝ`mMo dmao dmhÿ cmJco AmhoV. nU `m M¡ÌmV d¡emIdUì`mÀ`m Pimhr OmUdy cmJë`m AmhoV. Aem dmVmdaUmV {haì`m JX© PmS>mÀ`m gmdcrV Wm§~coë`m JmB©Mo {MÌ _wIn¥ð>mda N>mncoco nmhVmM, ""Jm` C^r Vr _m` hmoD$Zr, nwT>o dmgê$ nmho diwZr& àgÝZVoZo œmZ {~Mmao& nm`mda PwH$co& _cm Vo XÎmJwê$ {Xgco...'' `m AmH$medmUrdê$Z ~è`mM Jwédmar EoH$coë`m XÎm^OZmVrc H$mhr n§º$s AmR>dë`m. Ë`m~amo~aM cj Joco Vo JmB©À`m ZoÌmVrc AWm§J H$méÊ`mda Am{U _Z H$mhrgo Jc~cco. Amnë`m ^maV XoemV AJXr àmMrZ H$mimnmgyZ JmB©cm AË`§V n{dÌ Am{U nyOZr` _mZyZ {Vcm AmB©Mm _mZ {Xcocm Amho. Jm` åhUOo _m`, Amncr Jmo_mVm. BVH$m AmË_r` g§~§Y OmoS>cm hmoVm Amnë`m nyd©Om§Zr JmB©~amo~a. JmB©nmgyZ Amnë`mcm OodT>çm Jmoï>tMm cm^ hmoVmo VodT>çm Jmoï>r Šd{MVM BVa àmÊ`m§nmgyZ {_iVmV. JmB©Mo XÿY ho nyUm©Þ g_Oco OmVo. Vo OJ^a Hw$R>ohr {_iVo. Vo gd©ì`mnr, ghO CncãY Am{U VwcZoZo ñdñVhr Amho. ho XÿY dmV{dH$ma, {nÎm{dH$ma AmXr AZoH$ {dH$mam§da JwUH$mar R>aVo. JmB©À`m XÿYmZo amoJà{VH$maH$ eº$s dmT>Vo. WmoS>Š`mV, ho XÿY ñdmñÏ` ajU-g§dY©Z Am{U amoJ{ZdmaU `m gdmªgmR>r gdm}Îm_ Amho. Ago ho JmB©Mo XÿY åhUOo n¥ÏdrdaMo OUy A_¥VM! JmB©À`m XÿYmnmgyZ ~ZUmao AZoH$ ñdm{Xï> nXmW© VgoM Vyn, cmoUr, VmH$ AmXr gd© na_² gmpÎdH$ Amhma g_Ocm OmVmo. åhUyZ Va `moJmä`mgr gmYH$mMm Amhma H$gm Agmdm ho gm§JVmZm hR>à{X{nHo$V åhQ>co Amhonwï>§ gw_Ywa§ pñZ½Y§ Jì`§ YmVwànmofU_²& _Zmo{^c{fV§ `mo½`§ `moJr ^moOZ_mMaoV²&& (h.à. 1/63) åhUOo gd©gmYmaUnUo Xohnw{ï>H$maH$, _Ywa, pñZ½Y, JmB©À`m XÿYm-VwnmZo `wº$, YmVynmofH$, _Zmcm AmZ§X XoUmam Agm Amhma `moJmä`mgr gmYH$mZo ¿`mdm Ago gm§{JVco Amho. JmB©_wio gmpÎdH$ Amhma, gmpÎdH$ ~wÕr Am{U XrKm©`wî` gwc^ hmoVo Aer Amnë`m nyd©Om§Mr nŠH$s YmaUm hmoVr. JmB©nmgyZ _Zwî`mcm BVahr Iyn H$mhr {_iVo. KamÀ`m q^Vr AZ² O{_Z gmadÊ`mgmR>r eoU, Myc noQ>dÊ`mgmR>r eoUmÀ`m Jmodè`m Am{U dmVmdaU ew{M^y©V, n{dÌ H$aUmao VgoM EH$ Mm§Jco g|{Ð` H$sQ>H$ZmeH$ åhUyZ à{gÕ Agcoco Jmo_yÌ. XodnyOoÀ`m doir earaewÕrgmR>r àW_ n§MJì`mMo àmeZ H$aUo _hÎdmMo _mZco OmVo. n§MJì`m_Ü`o g_mdoe AgVmo JmB©nmgyZ CËnÞ hmoUmè`m Jmo_yÌ, Jmo_`, Jmoag, JmoXYr, JmoK¥V `m§Mm. nyduÀ`m H$mir JmBªZm JmoYZ g_OyZ Yoga Varta : April 2012 4 `moJdmVm© Ë`m§Mr Amnë`m n[admamVë`m gXñ`m§à_mUo AmñWoZo, __VoZo CÎm_ {ZJm amIcr Om`Mr. Á`m§À`mH$S>o Aem Jmoemcm A{YH$ Ë`m§Zm g_mOm_Ü`o {deof _mZmMo ñWmZ Ago. AmO _mÌ Vo gd© {MÌ nma ~Xccoco {XgVo. JmBªZm AZoH$ {R>H$mUr AË`§V AñdÀN>, Anwè`m, H$m|XQ> JmoR>çmV H$m|~yZ R>odco OmVo. Ë`m§Zm {ZH¥$ï> XOm©À`m nmofUmda VJ Yê$Z amhmdo cmJVo. AZoH$ {R>H$mUr dmgam§Zm AY©nmoQ>r R>odyZ, H¥${Ì_ Cnm`m§Zr O~aXñVr H$ê$Z, JmB©À`m AmMim§VyZ A{YH$m{YH$ XÿY {niyZ H$mT>co OmVo. Jmo_m§gmÀ`m dmT>Ë`m _mJUrVyZ ^anya n¡go H$_dmdoV `m hì`mgmnmoQ>r JmBªMr Xa{Xder A{ddoH$s, A_`m©X H$Îmc Ho$cr OmVo. _mUgmÀ`m CÎm_ ^aU-nmofUmgmR>r BVH$s Cn`wº$ Agcocr hr Jar~ Jm` åhUyZM H$Xm{MV Zoh_r Km~acocr {XgV Agmdr. "`moJdmVm©'À`m _wIn¥ð>mdaMr hr Jm` nmhVm jU^a _cm dmQ>co H$s {VÀ`m OrdZ_aUmÀ`m `m AZoH$ àým§H$S>o _mUyg H$YrVar göX`VoZo nm{hc Am{U {VMo nyduMo d¡^d {Vcm nwÝhm àmá hmoB©c `m AmeoZo OUy Vr Amnë`mH$S>o nmhmV Amho. JmB©À`m `m {MÌmda {c{hco Amho - ‘Nature has perennial sources of nourishment....’, åhUOo {ZgJm©_Ü`o _mUgmÀ`m AI§S>rV ^aU-nmofUmgmR>rMo Ago AZoH$ òmoV AmhoV. `m òmoVm§VyZ _mUgmcm Oo Oo Amdí`H$ AgVo, Vo Vo Hw$R>crhr IiIi Z H$aVm {ZgJ© ^a^ê$Z XoV AgVmo. _wIn¥ð>mdarc JmB©cm `m AZoH$ òmoVm§Mr EH$ à{V{ZYr _mZco Va cjmV `oB©c H$s _mUgmZo JmB©Mr Or X`Zr` AdñWm Ho$cr Amho VerM pñWVr WmoS>çm\$ma \$aH$mZo n¥Ïdr (O{_Z), Amn (nmUr), VoO (A¾r), dm`y d AmH$me `m n§M_hm^yVm§er g§~§{YV Agcoë`m {ZgJm©Vë`m AZoH$ eº$s-D$Om© òmoVm§Mr Pmcr Amho. _mUgmÀ`m OrdZmV Cn`wº$ R>aUmè`m {d{dY neyàmÊ`m§Mr, nú`m§Mr, O§Jcm§Mr, d¥jm§Mr, \w$co-\$io-^mÁ`m§Mr, S>m|Ja, gmJa, Vcmd, ZXr-Zmë`m§Mr Am{U hdm, nmUr, AmH$me AmXr {ZgJm©Vrc AZoH$ nmofH$ òmoVm§Mr pñWVr AmO Mm§Jcr Amho Ago {Z{üVM åhUVm `oUma Zmhr. Vgo nm{hco Va, AmnU Vm|S>mdmQ>o Oo ImVmo Ë`mcmM Amhma åhUUo `mo½` Zìho. `m Amhmamì`{V[aº$ AmnU S>moù`m§Ûmao H$m` nmhmVmo, H$mZm§Zo H$m` EoH$Vmo, ËdMoZo H$moUVo ñnem©Zw^d KoVmo, Or^oZo H$moUVo ñdmX KoVmo, ZmH$mZo H$moUVo J§Y J«hU H$aVmo, Vo gd© "n§MkmZ|{Ð`m§Mm Amhma' `m AmhmamÀ`m ì`mnH$ Am{U `WmW© g§H$ënZoV `oVmV. hm n§MkmZ|{Ð`m§Mm Amhma {OVH$m gmpÎdH$ {VVHo$ Amnco "A§V…H$aU n§MH$' åhUOoM _Z, ~wÕr, {MÎm, Ah§H$ma d A§V…H$aU gwnmo{fV Am{U gmpÎdH$ hmoB©c. {ZgJm©_Ü`o Ago AZoH$ òmoV AmhoV H$s Á`mVyZ Amnë`mcm Aem àH$maMm CÎm_ àVrMm n§MkmZ|{Ð`m§Mm gmpÎdH$ Amhma {_iy eHo$c. nU Amnco H$a§Q>onU Ago H$s AmnU {ZgJm©Vë`m `m òmoVm§Zm AJXr ~o{\$H$sa d¥ÎmrZo, CÕQ> {ZX`©VoZo Am{U A{ddoH$s hmdaQ>nUmZo g§ndÊ`mV YÝ`Vm _mZV AmhmoV. Amdí`H$Vonojm {H$Vr Var OmñV 5 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© à_mUmV dñVy, nXmW©, gwIgmo`r AmXtMm gmR>m AgUo, VgoM Aem OrdZòmoVm§Mr ~oXaH$manUo CYinÅ>r H$ê$Z Ë`mVyZ àM§S> à_mUmV Q>mH$mD$ H$Mam (waste) {Z_m©U H$aUo hr XþX£dmZo AmO àJVrMr Am{U lr_§VrMr cjUo g_Ocr OmV AmhoV. "{S>ñnmoOo~c' Am{U "`yO A°ÝS> W«mo' hr _Zmod¥Îmr AmO gd©Ì \$mo\$mdVo Amho. nmÊ`mcm AmnU OrdZ åhUVmo. nU Ë`m nmÊ`mMo òmoV AmO _moR>çm à_mUmV àXÿ{fV hmoV AmhoV. J§Jogma»`m n{dÌ ZÚmgwÕm `mVyZ gwQ>coë`m ZmhrV. EH$sH$S>o nmÊ`mMr àM§S> ZmgmS>r Am{U XþgarH$S>o nmÊ`mMr ^rfU Q>§MmB©, ho Ñí` AmO Zoh_rMo Pmco Amho. gmYr nmB©n-JiVr doioV XþéñV Z Ho$ë`m_wio Xa{Xder ewÕ Ho$coco {nÊ`mMo nmUr àM§S> à_mUmV dm`m OmV AgVo. dmao_mn d¥jVmoS> ho Va Zoh_rMoM Pmco Amho. {ZgJm©À`m gmYZg§nÎmrMr hr Aer ZmgmS>r H$aÊ`mnojm Amdí`H$Voà_mUo Am{U {ddoH$mZo `m gmYZgm_J«rMm AmnU Cn`moJ Ho$cm Am{U dmnamZ§Va gw`mo½` nÕVrZo Ë`m§Mr {dëhodmQ> cmdyZ Ë`m§À`m Z¡g{J©H$ nwZ{Z©{_©Vrcm hmV^ma cmdcm Var {ZgJm©À`m `m AZ_moc òmoVm§Zm ZoñVZm~yV hmoÊ`mnmgyZ dmMdÊ`mgmR>r H$mhr Var {dYm`H$ H$m_ Ho$ë`mMo g_mYmZ Amnë`mcm {_iy eHo$c. _mZdmcm Cn`wº$ Ago nmofU-KQ>H$ nwÝhm nwÝhm {Z_m©U H$aÊ`mMo H$m`© {ZgJ© Ah{Z©e H$arV AgVmo. {ZgJm©H$Sy>Z AmnU Oo Oo KoVmo Ë`mMr H$mhr à_mUmV Var nwZ{Z©{_©Vr ìhmdr åhUyZ _mUgmZo WmoS>o\$ma OmUrdnyd©H$ à`ËZ Ho$co Va {ZgJm©À`m H$m_mV ghH$m`© Ho$ë`mgmaIo hmoB©c. CXmhaUM Úm`Mo Pmco Va JmB©Mo XÿY H$mT>VmZm Ë`m JmB©À`m ~N>S>çmcmhr Ë`mÀ`m Mm§Jë`m dmT>rgmR>r nwaogo XÿY {_ioc `mMr Oa XjVm KoVcr Jocr Va Ë`m JmB©nmgyZ {Z_m©U Pmcocm AmUIr EH$ Cn`wº$ nmofUòmoV, H$mhr H$mcmdYrZ§Va H$m hmoB©Zm, Amnë`mcm cm^oc. H$mhr H$maUmñVd EH$ PmS> H$mnmdo cmJco Va Ë`mÀ`m ~Xë`mV Xþgao PmS> cmdyZ Ë`mcm dmT>dy eH$cmo Va {ZgJm©À`m `m _m¡ë`dmZ òmoVmMo nwZé‚mrdZ Ho$ë`mMo g_mYmZ Am{U \$m`Xm XmoÝhrhr Amnë`mcm Am{U nwT>À`m {nT>rcm AZm`mgo {_iV amhVrc. ho eº$s-D$O}Mo òmoV {Z_©i, geº$ Am{U nwZ…àdm{hV amIco Joco Va Ë`mV {ZgJm©~amo~a Amncohr H$ë`mU hmoB©c. hm gmYm {dMma Oar AmnU Amnë`mcm eŠ` hmoB©c VodT>çm à_mUmV H$m`m©pÝdV Ho$cm Var _cm dmQ>Vo "`moJdmVm©'À`m _wIn¥ð>mdarc hr XrZdmÊ`m Mohè`mZo Amnë`mH$S>o nmhmUmar Jm` AmZ§XmZo h§~aS>m \$moS>rc! (lrYa na~) H$m`©H$mar g§nmXH$ lll Yoga Varta : April 2012 6 `moJdmVm© Free Thinking E Sadashiv Nimbalkar (Tel. : 27895777) SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT Very few people do whatever is real and ultimately beneficial to life. People are generally habituated to lead aimless life. Most of them are addicted only to eat, drink and enjoy. They cannot keep control on their emotional life. Some people never think about their spiritual life and spiritual enlightenment. They feel that the life is only to eat, drink and be merry. Once Bhagwan Buddha had come to one village for giving spiritual lessons. He was trying to awaken every person spiritually. There was one person who was taking interest in Bhagwan Buddha's lectures. He said, "Bhagwan, every day you say that everyone can become spiritually enlightened. Then why don't you make everybody from this village enlightened? Why are you not getting success in your mission of making all people aware of spirituality? Bhagwan Buddha calmly said, "My friend, tell me how many days you are staying in this village, how many persons are there in this village and how many of them you really know well?" "I am in this village for long and I know almost all the people from this village," said the person. Bhagwan Buddha then advised him to go to the village next day early in the morning and make an exhaustive list of the people living in this village and of them, who are really interested in spiritual upliftment and spiritual enlightenment. The man accordingly woke-up early on the next day and went to 7 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© the village at the early morning. He sat under one tree and started asking everyone passing by as to whether he was interested in spiritual enlightenment. He also informed them that Bhagwan Buddha has came to our village for helping us to achive spiritual enlightenment. He continued this exercise till late night. But to his total surprise, not a single person said that he was interested in spiritual enlightenment. Next day, he met Bhagwan Buddha and told him that nobody was interested in the spiritual upliftment. He, therefore, again requested Buddha to tell as to why it is so? Bhagwan Bhaddha replied calmly with smile saying, "Everyone is capable of making spiritual progress. But very few persons really wish to get enlightenment in spiritual field. This is the truth. Therefore, my mission is to relentlessly search for those few who may be interested in spiritual upliftment. Meeting one or two such persons is worth the efforts we are in!" lll YOGA VIDYA NIKETAN ORGANISES 39TH YOGA SUMMER COURSE FOR POSITIVE HEALTH AND PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT From 1st May 2012 to 31st May 2012 At various places in Mumbai City, Suburbs and Navi Mumbai UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF PADMASHRI YOGACHARYA S.P. NIMBALKAR FEES : Rs. 700/- only (inclusive of Kriya Kit and Booklets). TIME & DURATION : One and a half hour either in the morning, afternoon or evening. MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION : Group teaching in English and whenever necessary, in Marathi / Hindi, depending on the composition of the group. ELIGIBILITY : Any one above the age of 12 having normal health. SYLLABUS : Selected Asanas, Bandhas, Mudras, Pranayamas and Shuddhi Kriyas (Yogic Cleansing Processes) in Four Graded Yoga Courses recognized by the Govt. of Maharashtra. Teaching under the guidance of expert Gents & Ladies Teachers. The Centers will be visited by senior teachers of the Institute for guidance. In addition, special lectures with demonstration of Shuddhi Kriyas, Pranayama and Meditation will also be organized at a special joint session at Yoga Bhavan, Vashi for the benefit of all participants. Certificate of participation will be issued to the participants completing the course satisfactorily. FOR VENUE, DURATION & TIMINGS OF THE COURSE IN YOUR AREA AND FOR FURTHER DETAILS, PLEASE CONTACT : YOGA VIDYA NIKETAN'S OFFICE (DADAR) : Tel. : 24306258, 24367079 (4.00 to 8.00 pm) except Sundays. YOGA BHAVAN (VASHI) : Tel: 27669710 (6.00 to 8.00 pm) For more details : www.yogavidyaniketan.org Yoga Varta : April 2012 8 `moJdmVm© A§Va§J `moJ (coIm§H$-7) E gXm{ed qZ~miH$a (XÿaÜdZr … 27895777) Ü`mZgmYZoVrc g§^mì` ì`Ë`` ‘‘Man proposes and God diseases’’ Aer B§J«OrV EH$ åhU Amho. åhUOo _Zwî` EH$ `moOVmo Va B©œa XþgaoM H$aVmo. AmnU EImXo H$m`© H$aÊ`mMo `moOVmo Am{U {Z`Vr Ë`mnmgyZ AmnUmg d§{MV H$aVo. Ago AZoH$ doim KS>Vo. A§VJ©V-~mø, emar[aH$-_mZ{gH$, ^m¡{VH$-AmÜ`mpË_H$ Ago AZoH$ AS>Wio gmYH$mg_moa C^o amhVmV. Ë`m {d¿Zm§Zm nma H$ê$Z g§H$ën {gÕ H$aÊ`mV Iar Hw$ecVm Amho. AS>Wio nmhÿZ Omo Km~ê$Z Wm§~Vmo, Vmo g§nVmo. Ü`mZgmYZoVhr Ago AZoH$ ì`Ë`` `oD$ eH$VmV. Ü`mZgmYZoV `oUmao à_wI ì`Ë`` `moJmä`mg, {deofV… Ü`mZmä`mg gwê$ H$aVmZm `oUmè`m à_wI ì`Ë``m§Mr Zm|X _hfu nV§OctZr `moJXe©ZmV Ho$cr Amho d Ë`m {djonm§da, AS>Wù`m§da _mV H$aÊ`mMo am_~mU Cnm`hr gwM{dco AmhoV. Ü`mZgmYZm gwê$ H$aUmè`m àË`oH$ gmYH$mZo Ë`m g§^mì` AS>MUr Ü`mZgmYZm gwê$ H$aÊ`mnydu Mm§Jë`m g_OyZ ¿`mì`mV d Amncr Ü`mZgmYZm Aem EImÚm H$maUmZo Wm§~y Z`o dm {Zî\$i hmoD$ Z`o `mMr XjVm ¿`mdr. AmYr-ì`mYr … H$moUË`mhr emar[aH$ dm _mZ{gH$ H$m`m©V `oUmao n{hco d à_wI {d¿Z åhUOo AmYr Am{U ì`mYr. H$moUVrhr ì`º$s _mZ{gH$ amoJmZo qH$dm emar[aH$ amoJmZo nrS>rV Agcr Va Ë`mÀ`m hmVyZ H$moUVohr H$m`© Mm§Jë`m àH$mao hmoD$ eH$V Zmhr. ñdñW d gj_ _ZmoH$m{`H$ `§ÌUm _mUgmÀ`m H$moUË`mhr H$m`m©Mm _ycmYma Amho. `mo½`, gwg‚m d doJdmZ dmhZ Zgoc Va dm§{N>V àdmg hmoUo eŠ` ZgVo. ì`º$sÀ`m H$moUË`mhr ì`dhmamMo, H$m`m©Mo VgoM Amho. _Zmodm§{N>V H$m`© Oa `eñdr H$amd`mMo Agoc Va {ZamoJr, gj_, Amamo½`g§nÞ _ZmoH$m{`H$ `§ÌUm A{Zdm`© Amho. AmYr-ì`mYr à{VH$mamW© `wº$ Amhma, {dhma d {dlm§Vr `m§Mr Amdí`H$Vm Amho. AmhmamV `mo½` AÞ, `mo½` hdm d `mo½` nmUrJ«hU ho gd© AË`mdí`H$ Amho. 9 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© VgoM emar[aH$ g§ñWm§Mo œgZ, nmMZ, CËgO©Z AmXr gd© H$m`© ì`dpñWVnUo ìhm`cm hdo. Amamo½`Xm`H$ nmhUo, EoH$Uo, ñne©Uo, ñdmX KoUo, J§YJ«hU H$aUo `m gd© Jmoï>r "n§M|{Ð`m§Mm Amhma' `m AmhmamÀ`m ì`mnH$ g§H$ënZoV `oVmV. WmoS>Š`mV, AmnU Oo Oo J«hU H$aVmo Vo Vo gd© Amamo½`dY©H$ AgUo OéarMo AgVo. Ë`mMà_mUo AmnU Oo Oo H$m`© H$aVmo, åhUOoM Amncm "{dhma' gwÕm gw`mo½` d ñdmñÏ`dY©H$ Agm`cm hdm. n§Mo{Ð`o d _Z `m§Ûmao {dMma, ^mdZm AmXr g§Xoe àJQ> H$aUo d Ë`mà_mUo H$m`© H$aUo ho gd© Amamo½`-g§dY©H$ Agm`cm hdo. _ZmoH$m{`H$ "A`moJ' (n`m©á Cn`moJ Z H$aUo), "A{V`moJ' (j_Vonojm OmñV Cn`moJ H$aUo) Am{U "{_Ï`m `moJ' ({dnarV qH$dm MwH$sÀ`m nÕVrZo Cn`moJ H$aUo) ho gd© Q>mimdo d Ë`mM~amo~a Amdí`H$ VodT>r, `mo½` nÕVrMr Pmon, {dlm§Vr, _Zmoa§OZ, _ZmoH$m{`H$ em§Vr Am{U ñdñWVm àmá H$aUo Amdí`H$ Amho. Ë`mH$aVm Ü`mZ-YmaUm, àmW©Zm, gV²g§J, g§Vgm{hË`mMo dmMZ, CËgmhdY©H$ _§Jc H$cm, g§JrV, CËgd AmXtMm g§Vw{cV Cn`moJ H$ê$Z ¿`mdm. `m Jmoï>r Amnë`m AmMaUmV Amë`m H$s _ZmoH$m{`H$ AmYr Am{U ì`mYtnmgyZ Xÿa amhVm `oVo, _wº$ hmoVm `oVo. AñdmñÏ`mcm H$maUM {_imco Zmhr H$s {Zam_`Vm AmnmoAmnM {Z_m©U hmoVo d _J AmYr-ì`mYtMm àdoe Amnë`m OrdZmV hmoV Zmhr. ñË`mZ d Amcñ` … ñË`mZ åhUOo Ü`mZgmYZoV _Z Z a_Uo. BWo Ho$di _Zmcm _aJi Amë`m_wio Ü`mZmV ê$Mr ZgVo. Amcñ`m_Ü`o _mÌ eara d _Z XmoKm§Zmhr OS>nUm Amcocm AgVmo. H$moUË`mhr H$m`m©V OS>Ëd dm H§$Q>mim Amcm H$s Vo H$m_ hmoUo _wîH$sc AgVo. hr {ZpîH«$`Vm XmoZ H$maUm§Zr `oVo. emar[aH$ gwñVr_wio V§Ðm, _§XnUm {Z_m©U hmoVmo d H$moUVohr H$m_ `eñdr hmoV Zmhr Va emar[aH$ gwñVr_wio _Zhr gwñVmdUo d H$m_ H$aÊ`mg V`ma hmoV Zmhr. _mZ{gH$ H$maUm§_wio XoIrc _ZmoH$m{`H$ `§ÌUm gwñV hmoVo, Amier hmoVo. "Amcñ`§hr _Zwî`mUm§ earañWmo _hm[anyŸ&' ho AJXr Iao Amho. Amig hm `moOcoco H$m_ {~KS>dUmam gdm©V _moR>m eÌy hmo`. Amnë`m `moOZm à`ËZmZoM nyU© hmoVmV. ZwgË`m `moOZm AmIyZ MmcV Zmhr. EH$m gw^m{fVmV ho \$ma Mm§Jë`m àH$mao gm§{JVco Amho CÚ_oZ{h {gÜ`§{V H$m`m©{U Z _ZmoaW¡…Ÿ& Z{h gwáñ` qghñ` à{depÝV _wIo _¥J…Ÿ&& (CÚmoJmZoM H$m`© `eñdr hmoVo. Ho$di _ZmoamÁ` H$ê$Z Zìho. Pmoncoë`m qghmÀ`m ImÊ`mH$aVm Ë`mMo ImÚ åhUOo harU Ë`mÀ`m Vm|S>mV àdoe H$arV Zmhr.) ImÊ`mÀ`m A{VaoH$mZo emar[aH$ {ZpîH«$`Vm `oVo. {Zamem_` dmVmdaU d ZH$mamWu {dMma `m§_wio _mZ{gH$ gwñVVm `oVo. Ü`mZgmYZoV Vr EH$ _moR>r ~mYm AgVo. åhUyZ Vr à`ËZnyd©H$ Q>mimdr. Yoga Varta : April 2012 10 `moJdmVm© g§e` … Ü`mZmVrc `em~Ôc g§e` qH$dm Ü`mZmÀ`m cm^m§{df`r _ZmV e§H$m Agcr qH$dm Ë`mÀ`m nÕVr {df`r _ZmV g§Xoh Agcm Va Vr Ü`mZgmYZoVrc _moR>r ~mYm R>aVo. g§e` hm Zoh_r {df`mÀ`m AnyU© qH$dm AY©dQ> kmZmMr {Z{_©Vr AgVo. Ü`mZm{df`rMo nyU© kmZ Agë`mg Ü`mZ H$aÊ`mMm {Zü` n¸$m AgVmo. nU Ë`m{df`r g§nyU© AkmZ Agë`mg Ü`mZgmYZm gwê$ H$aÊ`mMm àýM CX²^dV Zmhr. åhUyZ àW_ Ü`mZmMr nyU© _m{hVr KoD$Z _ZmnmgyZ nQ>ë`mgM Ü`mZgmYZm gwê$ H$amdr, AÝ`Wm Zmhr. à_mX … _moh, Amig, AkmZ, AmXr H$maUm§_wio Ü`mZgmYZoV amhUmar EImXr ÌwQ>r, MyH$ åhUOo "à_mX' hmo`. _Z cmdyZ Ü`mZgmYZm Ho$cr Zmhr Va Ë`mV AZoH$ MwH$m hmoVmV. A{Zdm`© Vo hmoV Zmhr Am{U AZmdí`H$ Vo gd© hmoVo. Ë`m_wio Ü`mZgmYZm {gÕ hmoV Zmhr. _ZmnmgyZ Ü`mZmä`mg Ho$ë`mg d AI§S> OmJê$H$Vm R>odcr Va "à_mX' KS>Uo Q>miVm `oVo. A{daVr … A{daVr åhUOo {Zamgº$sMm qH$dm d¡am½`mMm A^md. Imdmo-{nAmo _m¡O H$amo qH$dm ‘Drink and be merry!’ `m àd¥ÎmrMm Oa gmYH$ Agoc Am{U M¡Z, _Zmoa§OZ, H$a_UyH$ `m§MmM Oa Ë`mÀ`m OrdZmV A{VaoH$ Agoc Va Ü`mZgmYZm Ë`mÀ`mH$Sy>Z hmoUma Zmhr. Agm gmYH$ _mohmÀ`m jUr ~ogmdY AdñWoV Ü`mZgmYZm gmoSy>Z Xÿa ^aH$Q>V OmVmo. ^«m§{VXe©Z … ^«m§{VXe©Z åhUOo H$mhr à_mUmV ^«{_ï>nUm. H$mhr doim Ü`mZmä`mg H$aV AgVmZm Amncr ^anya àJVr Pmcr Amho qH$dm AmnU YmaUm, Ü`mZ, g_mYrMo gd© Q>ßno ga Ho$co AmhoV, Ago {dZmH$maU dmQy> cmJVo. `mCcQ> EdT>o à`ËZ H$ê$Zhr Amncm Ü`mZmä`mg \$cÐÿn hmoV Zmhr, AmnU àm_m{UH$nUo Aä`mg H$aVmo nU Ë`mcm `e `oV Zmhr Ago dmQ>Uo åhUOohr ^«m§{VXe©Z AdñWm hmo`. MwH$sMm g_O hm ^«m§{VXe©ZmVrc à_wI Xmof Amho. Ë`m_wio Ü`mZmä`mgmMm {Zü` S>i_irV hmoVmo d gmYZoV ì`Ë`` `oVmo. AcãY ^y{_H$Ëd … hr AdñWm åhUOo ~amM H$mi gmYZm H$ê$Zhr Amncr Ano{jV àJVr Pmcr Zmhr Ago dmQ>Uo. Aem gmYH$mMr H$mhr H$mi ì`dpñWV àJVr hmoVo d Z§Va Ë`mÀ`m g§»`mË_H$ àJVrMm doJ AmogaVmo. _mÌ JwUmË_H$ àJVr hmoV AgVo. Ë`mdoir A{YanUmZo \$mOrc Anojm R>odë`mZo H$Yr H$Yr Aem gmYH$mÀ`m _ZmV Aer {ZamemOZH$ H$ënZm `oV AgVo. hr AcãY ^y{_H$ËdmMr pñWVr Ü`mZgmYZog _maH$ Amho. Vmo Ü`mZgmYZoVrc EH$ _moR>m {djon Amho. S>m°. {ecm A. _moS>H$ `m§À`m ñ_aUmW© - gm¡. JrVm§Ocr Q>|~o 11 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© AZdpñWVËd … Ü`mZgmYZoV gmYH$mMr àJVr EH$m {d{eï> Q>ßß`mn`ªV Pmcr d Z§Va nwT>o àJVr Z hmoVm Ë`m cm^coë`m OmJrgwÕm Vmo EH${MÎm am{hcm Zmhr Va {MÎm {dM{cV hmoD$Z gmYH$mMr AYmoJVr hmoUo, hm Ü`mZgmYZoVrc AmUIr EH$ ì`Ë`` Amho. _mZ{gH$ ApñWaVm ho Ë`mMo EH$ H$maU Amho. Aem doir AmemdmXr Ñ{ï>H$moZ R>oD$Z nyU© lÕm`wº$ A§V…H$aUmZo I§~ranUo gmYZm Mmcy R>odUo, hm EH$ CÎm_ Cnm` Amho. H$moUË`mhr {ZamemOZH$ pñWVrV hm EH$ am_~mU Cnm` Amho. "`ËZ Vmo Xod OmUmdm$&' `m dMZmda AT>i {dœmg R>oD$Z Ü`mZgmYZm gwê$ R>odmdr. darc ZD$ _w»` ì`Ë``m§Zm gmhmæ` H$aUmao AmUIr Mma ghì`Ë`` OmoS>rZoM ~amo~a `oVmV. `m Mma ~mYm ZD$ {djonmÀ`m g§JVrZoM {Z_m©U hmoVmV. åhUyZ Ü`mZgmYH$m§Zr Ë`m§À`mnmgyZhr OmJê$H$ am{hco nm{hOo. Xþ…I … "à{VHy$c g§doXZm' åhUOo Xþ…I d "AZwHy$c g§doXZm' åhUOo gwI. à{VHy$c g§doXZm AZoH$ H$maUm§Zr {Z_m©U hmoVmV d Ë`m {dYm`H$ H$m`m©cm _maH$ R>aVmV. CnOV àd¥Îmrg {damoY Pmcm H$s Xþ…I hmoVo. CXm. EImXm AmdS>rMm nXmW© ImVm Amcm Zmhr H$s Xþ…I hmoVo VgoM Amnë`m AmdS>rMr Jmoï> H$aVm Amcr Zmhr H$s Xþ…I hmoVo. Aem AZoH$ Xþ…IXm`H$ àg§Jm§_wio Amnë`m Ü`mZgmYZoV ì`Ë`` `oD$ eH$Vmo. {à` dñVyMm {d`moJ; {à` ì`º$sMm _¥Ë`y; Anojm ^§JmMo Xþ…I; BVam§Mo Xþ…I nmhÿZ hmoUmar ghg§doXZm; emar[aH$, _mZ{gH$, ^md{ZH$ Šcoe; VwcZm Ho$ë`m_wio åhUOo hodm, _Ëga `m§VyZ {Z_m©U hmoUmam IoX; dmB©Q> {Xdg; _aU, AmYr-ì`mYr `m§À`m ^rVr_wio `oUmar {dfÊUVm; d¡^dmÀ`m H$mimMr _ZmV Ka H$ê$Z ahmUmar qMVm; Am`wî`mÀ`m jU^§JwaVoÀ`m Om{Udo_wio hmoUmar {Zamem; Am`wî`mVrc gwIXþ…ImÀ`m IoimMr A{Z{üVVm - Aem AZoH$ H$maUmñVd hmoUmè`m H$_rA{YH$ Xþ…Im_wio Ü`mZgmYZm S>i_iy eH$Vo. Xm¡_©Zñ` … Xm¡_©Zñ` åhUOo {Zamem qH$dm _ZmoXm¡~©ë`. à{VHy$c n[apñWVrc _mUgmMo _Z Xþ~©c hmoVo d H$moUË`mhr H$m`m©Mr C^mar Zï> hmoVo. Xþ…ImÀ`m Vrd«Vo_wio {Zamem {Z_m©U hmoVo. Aemdoir _mUyg X¡dmcm qH$dm Xodmcm Xmof XoVmo. Xþgè`m§Zm gwIr nmhÿZ A{YH$ Xþ…Ir hmoVmo, IMyZ OmVmo. Ë`m_wio Ë`mÀ`m _Zmcm _aJi `oVo. {dfÊUVm, d¡\$ë`, C{Û¾Vm, {IÞVm, Am¡Xm{gÝ` AmXtZr _Z ^ê$Z OmVo. Xm¡_©Zñ`m_wio _Z Xþ~io d n§Jy ~ZVo. Ago _Z H$mhr H$mi Var H$moUË`mhr àH$maMm Aä`mg, H$m_ VgoM Ü`mZgmYZm H$aÊ`mg Ag_W© AgVo. A§J_oO`Ëd … A§Jmcm H§$n gwQ>Uo åhUOo A§J_oO`Ëd. darcn¡H$s Hw$R>ë`mhr AmYr-ì`mYrZo gmYH$ nr{S>V Agcm Va Ë`mcm _ZmoH$m{`H$ Aeº$nUm `oVmo d Ë`m_wio eara pñWa Z ahmVm ApñWa hmoVo d H§$n gwQ>Vmo. ^rVr, qMVm, AñdñWVoZo Yoga Varta : April 2012 12 `moJdmVm© _Zmcm J«mgco AgVmhr eara H§$nm`_mZ hmoVo. _J Amncm Amnë`m earamdaMm, Ad`dm§daMm Vm~m Zï> hmoVmo. BÀN>m ZgVmZmhr eara hcVo d Amdí`H$ Vo H$m_ hmoD$ XoV Zmhr. A§J_oO`Ëd åhUOo earamdarc _ZmMm Vm~m OmUo qH$dm H$_r hmoUo. Aem pñWVr_wio Ü`mZmä`mgmV AS>Wim `oVmo. œmg-àœmgmMo Ag§VwcZ … œmg-àœmg à{H«$`oV A{Z{üVVm, A{Z`{_VVm Amcr H$s Ü`mZgmYZog Vr KmVH$ R>aVo. Amnco œgZ EopÀN>H$ d AZ¡pÀN>H$ Aem XmoÝhr àH$maMo AgVo. H$mhr doim Amnë`m œgZmMm AmnU Amnë`m BÀN>oà_mUo Cn`moJ H$ê$Z KoD$ eH$Vmo. Amnco ~mocUo ho EopÀN>H$ œgZm_wioM eŠ` hmoVo. nU {ZgJm©Zo œgZmMm nyU© Vm~m _mUgmÀ`m hmVr {Xcocm Zmhr. AmUr~mUrÀ`m n[apñWVrV œgZmMm Vm~m AZ¡pÀN>H$ _‚mmg§ñWoH$S>o OmVmo. ghgm œgZ {H«$`m AmnmoAmn MmcV AgVo. {VÀ`mV Amdí`H$Voà_mUo ~Xchr AmngyH$ d ñdm^m{dH$nUo, ghO hmoVmV. ~gco H$s œmgJVr H$_r hmoVo, Mmcco H$s dmT>Vo, nico H$s OmoamV hmoVo. ho H$mhr Amnë`mcm OmUrdnyd©H$ H$amdo cmJV Zmhr. Vo Z¡g{J©H$nUo hmoVo. Ë`m AmIUrV, g§`moOZmV d nÕVrV ^rVr, g§e` d Xþ…I `m§À`m_wio H$moUVmhr A{hVH$maH$ AZmdí`H$ ~Xc Pmcm Va Vr Ü`mZmVrc EH$ _moR>r AS>MU, g§H$Q>, {d¿Z g_Oco OmVo. nmV§Oc `moJXe©ZmV C„oI Ho$cocr darc gd© g§^mì` {d¿Zo Ü`mZgmYH$m§Zr OmUrdnyd©H$ d à`ËZnyd©H$ Q>mië`mg Ü`mZgmYZm ghO, gwc^ d AZm`mgo {gÕ hmoB©c. lll Appeal for Page Donations for Yoga Varta Readers are requested to give Page Donations for Yoga Varta in their names or in the memory of their relative, friend etc. by paying the amount in cash or cheque drawn on Yoga Vidya Niketan at the YVN’s Offices (Dadar/Vashi). The rate of Page Donations per issue of Yoga Varta are as follows : Colour Page Black & White Page Rs. 400/- Rs. 200/- Thanks for Donation of Rs. 24,000/- received from Shri Dilip S. Podar towards Sponsorship of New Cover Pages of Yoga Varta for 24 months i.e. from January 2012 to December 2013. 13 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© hR>àXr{nH$m - EH$ CÎm_ `moJ_mJ©Xe©H$ (coIm§H$ 25) E J§Ymcr XmeaWo (^«_UÜdZr … 9322264963) {Ì~§Y d {gÕmgZ VW¡H$pñ_Þod ÑT>o ~Õo {gÕmgZo gXmŸ& ~ÝYÌ`_Zm`mgmV² ñd`_odmonOm`VoŸ&& (h.à. 1.42) AÝd` … VWm EH$pñ_Þod {gÕmgZo gXm ÑT>o ~Õo (g{V) AZm`mgmV² ~ÝYÌ`_² ñd`_od CnOm`VoŸ& eãXmW© … EH$pñ_Þod = EH$pñ_Z² + Ed = EH$M. AZm`mgmV² = à`ËZm{edm`. ñd`_od = ñd`§ + Ed = ñdV… qH$dm AmnmoAmn. CnOm`Vo = Cn + Om = cmJUo (cmJVmV) ûcmoH$mW© … AemàH$mao EH$M {gÕmgZ ÑT>Vmnyd©H$ {gÕ Pmë`mZ§Va H$moUË`mhr à`ËZm{edm` {VÝhr ~§Y cmJVmV. {ddaU … {gÕmgZ ho "{gÕrX' åhUOo {gÕr XoUmao AmgZ Agë`m_wio Ë`mMo {d{dY \$m`Xo ñdmË_mam_ gm§JV AmhoV. àñVwV ícmoH$mV gwÕm {gÕmgZ gmÜ` Pmë`mZ§Va {dZmgm`mg {VÝhr ~§Y cmJVmV Ago ñdmË_mam_ gm§JVmV. hR>`moJm_Ü`o ~§Y Am{U _wÐm `m§Zm AZÝ`gmYmaU _hÎd Amho. ñdmË_mam_m§Zr Amnë`m `m J«§WmV Xhm ~§Y d _wÐm gm§{JVë`m AmhoV. Hw§$S>{cZr OmJ¥VrgmR>r `m§Mm Aä`mg Amdí`H$ Amho Ago ñdmË_mam_ gm§JVmV. Vñ_mV² gd©à`ËZoZ à~moY{`Vw_rídar_²Ÿ& ~«÷Ûma_wIo gwám§ _wÐmä`mg§ g_mMaoV²Ÿ&& (h.à. 3.5) ûcmoH$mW© … gwfwåZoÀ`m _ycñWmZmV Pmoncoë`m Hw§$S>{cZrcm OmJ¥V H$aÊ`mgmR>r nyU© à`ËZmZo ~§Y d _wÐm§Mm Aä`mg Ho$cm nm{hOo. hR>`moJm_Ü`o ~§Y Am{U _wÐm Owù`m ^md§S>m§à_mUo dmdaVm§Zm {XgVmV. Ë`m§Mm C„oI Zoh_rM EH$Ì `oVmo. ñdmË_mam_m§Zr gm§{JVcoë`m Xhm ~§Y d _wÐm `mà_mUo AmhoV Yoga Varta : April 2012 14 `moJdmVm© _hm_wÐm _hm~§Ymo _hmdoYíM IoMarŸ& CÈ>r`mZ§ _yc~ÝYñVVmo OmcÝYam{^Y…Ÿ&& H$aUr {dnarVm»`m dO«mocr e{º$MmcZ_²Ÿ&& (h.à. 3.6) BX§ {h _wÐmXeH§$ Oam_aUZmeZ_²Ÿ& Am{XZmWmo{XV§ {Xì`_ï>¡íd`©àXm`H$_²Ÿ& d„^§ gd©{gÕmZm§ Xþc©^§ _méVm_{nŸ&& (h.à. 3.7) ûcmoH$mW© … _hm_wÐm, _hm~§Y, _hmdoY, IoMar, CÈ>r`mZ~§Y, _yc~§Y, Omc§Ya ~§Y, {dnarVH$aUr, dO«mocr, e{º$MmcZ Aem Xhm _wÐm AmhoV. `m§À`m Aä`mgmZo d¥ÕËd d _aU `m§Mm Zme hmoVmo. Ë`m§À`m_wio AmR> àH$maMo {Xì` Eoœ`© {_iVo. gd© {gÕr XoUmè`m `m _wÐm XodVm§Zm gwÕm Xþc©^ AmhoV. `m Xhm ~§Y d _wÐm§n¡H$s hR>`moJm_Ü`o {Ì~§Ym§Zm AZÝ`gmYmaU _hÎd àmá Pmco Amho. ho {Ì~§Y åhUOo, _yc~§Y, CÈ>r`mZ ~§Y d Omc§Ya ~§Y. ~§Y åhUOo earamVrc _hÎdmÀ`m ^mJmMo AmHw§$MZ. _yc~§Ym_Ü`o Q>mM {edUrcm KÅ> cmdcr OmVo d Ë`m_wio JwXÛmamMo AmHw§$MZ hmoVo. Ë`m pñWVrV ~gë`mda _yc~§Y AmnmoAmn cmJVmo Ago åhQ>co OmVo. `m~m~V hR>àXr{nH$m gm§JVo nmpîU©^mJoZ gånrS>ç `mo{Z_mHw$#m`oX²JwX_²Ÿ& AnmZ_yÜd©_mH¥$î` _yc~ÝYmo@{^Yr`VoŸ&& (h.à. 3.60) ûcmoH$mW© … Q>mMoZo {edUrda Xm~ {Z_m©U H$ê$Z JwXÛmamMo AmHw§$MZ H$amdo. Z§Va AnmZdm`ycm da IoMë`mZ§Va _yc~§Y gmYcm OmVmo. WmoS>Š`mV gm§Jm`Mo Va JwXÛmamMo AmHw§$MZ åhUOo _yc~§Y. Xþgam _hÎdnyU© ~§Y åhUOo CÈ>r`mZ ~§Y. `m~m~V hR>àXr{nHo$V Agm ícmoH$ Amho CXao n{ü_§ VmZ§ Zm^oê$Üdª M H$ma`oV²Ÿ& CÈ>r`mZmo øgm¡ ~ÝYmo _¥Ë`w_mVL²>JHo$garŸ&& (h.à. 3.56) ûcmoH$mW© … nmoQ>mÀ`m ^mJmcm Zm{^ñWmZmda, Imcr Am{U _mJÀ`m ~mOycm AmoT>ë`mZ§Va CÈ>r`mZ ~§Y gmÜ` hmoVmo Am{U Vmo _¥Ë`wê$nr hÎmrgmR>r qghmg_mZ Amho. àmUm`m_mÀ`m doir Zm^rñWmZmMm ^mJ OmUrdnyd©H$ AmV AmoT>Uo d `m ~§YmMm ñdV§Ì Aä`mg H$aVo doir N>mVrMm qnOam Zoh_rÀ`m OmJonmgyZ da CMcUo, åhUOo CÈ>r`mZ ~§YmMm Aä`mg H$aUo hmo`. Omc§Ya ~§Y åhUOo hZwdQ>rMm ^mJ N>mVrda KÅ> Xm~yZ R>odUo. hR>àXr{nH$m `m~m~V gm§JVo H$ÊR_mHw$ÄÀ` öX`o ñWmn`o{ƒ~wH§$ ÑT>_²Ÿ& ~ÝYmo OmcÝYam»`mo@`§ Oam_¥Ë`w{dZmeH$…Ÿ&& (h.à. 3.69) 15 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© ûcmoH$mW© … H§$R>mÀ`m ^mJmMo AmHw§$MZ H$ê$Z öX`ñWmZmcm hZwdQ>r ÑT>Vmnyd©H$ cmdmdr (åhUOo Omc§Ya~§Y gmÜ` hmoVmo). hm ~§Y d¥ÕËd Am{U _¥Ë`ycm Xÿa gmaVmo. Ago ho _hÎdnyU© {Ì~§Y amoOÀ`m gamdmZoM gmÜ` hmoVmV. àmUm`m_m_Ü`o H$m` qH$dm ñdV§Ì Aä`mg åhUyZ H$m`, Vo gmÜ` H$aÊ`mgmR>r gVVMm gamd Amdí`H$ Amho. na§Vw ñdmË_mam_mÀ`m _Vo {gÕmgZ ÑT>Vmnyd©H$ gmÜ` Pmë`mZ§Va ho VrZhr ~§Y {dZmgm`mg cmJVmV. àmUm`m_mMm Aä`mg H$aVm§Zm _yc~§Ymgh ~gUo AZoH$m§Zm ghOgmÜ` hmoV Zmhr. AZoH$doim _yc~§Y gwQ>Vmo. åhUyZ Vmo nwZ…nwÝhm cmdÊ`mMm Aä`mg H$amdm cmJVmo. CÈ>r`mZ ~§YmMm Aä`mg gwÕm gVV Ho$ë`mZ§VaM Vmo gmÜ` hmoVmo. EImÚm àmUm`m_mV Aä`§Va Hw§$^H$ gmYcm AgVm nmoQ> nmR>rH$S>o IoMyZ CÈ>r`mZ ~§Y cmdUo ghOgmÜ` Z¸$sM Zmhr. Aemdoir hdoda Amnco cj pñWa hmoÊ`mEodOr AmoT> ~gUmè`m nmoQ>mH$S>oM A{YH$ cj AmH${f©V hmoD$ eH$Vo d Ë`m_wio àmUm`m_mg Amdí`H$ Aer _ZmMr EH$mJ«Vm T>iy eH$Vo. ~mø Hw§$^H$m_Ü`o C{È>`mZ ~§Y cmdyZ R>odUo Mm§Jë`m Aä`mgmZ§VaM eŠ` hmoVo. Aä`§Va Hw§$^H$mV cmdboë`m C{È>`mZ ~§YmÀ`m Aä`mgmZo CXanmoH$irV YZ Xm~ {Z_m©U hmoVmo Va ~mø Hw§$^H$mÀ`m doir cmdcoë`m C{È>`mZ ~§Ym_wio N>mVrV F$UXm~ {Z_m©U hmoD$Z nmoQ> AmnmoAmn AmV OmVo. Aem àH$maMm Xm~ Hw§$S>{cZr OmJ¥VrgmR>r ghmæ`^yV R>aVmo, Ago _mZco OmVo. Omc§Ya ~§Y gmYÊ`mgmR>r N>mVrÀ`m daÀ`m IS>çmV hZwdQ>r KÅ> amodmdr cmJVo. _mZoÀ`m ^mJmVrc ñZm`y Oa H$S>H$ AgVrc, Jù`mÀ`m ^mJmV Oa _oXg§M` Pmcm Agoc Va _ñVH$ nwT>o PwH$dUo d Ë`m pñWVrV œmgmoÀN>²dmg Mmcy R>odUo AWdm àmUm`m_ gmYUo AZoH$m§Zm H$R>rU OmVo. AmÜ`mpË_H$ CÞVrgmR>r øm VrZhr ~§YmMr JaO hR>`moJmV gm§{JVcr Amho. Omc§Ya ~§YmZo {dkmZ ZmS>rda Xm~ {Z_m©U hmoVmo. Ë`m_wio _‚mmg§ñWoMo H$m_ H$mhrgo g§WnUo hmoV ahmVo. _Zmo{dMmamÀ`m {Z{_©Vrda Ë`m_wio à{V~§Y `oVmo. `m_wio AÜ`mË_gmYZoV Omc§Ya ~§Ymg AVrd _hÎd Amho. Ho$di {gÕmgZmÀ`m Aä`mgmZo Oo à`ËZnyd©H$ gmÜ` hmoÊ`mghr H$R>rU Vo ghOgmÜ` hmoVo åhUyZ AmÜ`mpË_H$ CÞVrgmR>r {gÕmgZmMm Aä`mg _hÎdmMm Amho. `moJgmYZoMm CÔoeM _wir AmÜ`mpË_H$ CÞVr gmYUo hm Agë`m_wio Vmohr {gÕmgZmÀ`m Aä`mgmZo gmÜ` hmoVmo, Ago ñdmË_mam_ gm§JVmV. lll H¡$. lr_Vr B§{Xam~mB© ~. ZmB©H$ `m§Mo ñ_aUmW© - lr. à^mH$a ~. ZmB©H$, KmQ>H$mona Yoga Varta : April 2012 16 `moJdmVm© Maharshi Patanjali and Yoga Darsana Following is the Appendix 2 of the newly published book "Patanjalayogadarsana - A Comparative Study'' written by Swami Ananda Rishi & Ms. Ananda Varsha and published by Yoga Vidya Niketan. This book is having total 320 pages and its sale price is Rs. 250/-. However, the book is presently being sold at a concessional price of Rs. 200/- per copy at YVN's offices at Dadar and Vashi. Those purchasing 5 or more copies at a time will be given the books at a Special Concessional Rate of Rs. 180/- per copy. - Executive Editor The Indian history The Indian history is about ten thousand years old, but it is not methodically compiled due to various reasons. The oldest literature of the current human culture is Vedäs. In all there are four Vedäs – åigveda, Sämaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda. Each of the Vedä’s consists of four parts – 1. Saìhitä, 2. Brähmaëa, 3. Araëyaka and 4. Upaniñada. The Vedic literature was preserved through oral tradition. It was Maharñi Kåñëa-dwaipayana Vyäsa who for the first time brought it in written form. He sorted out, categorized and compiled various suträs in above four divisions. In all this literature, the dates and (at times) the authors of their compilation are not mentioned. The origin of this literature is supposed to be somewhere in the present day Punjab. It spread all over India during next millenniums. In those days though there was one common Indian culture, India was politically divided into as many as two thousand two hundred small states, known as Gaëaräjyäs. 17 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© Lot of cultural literature must have been destroyed during the internal strife amongst various states (Gaëaräjyäs). Several times, around the year 1000, Muslim rulers like Gazani attacked India, first North India and then South India. These attacks were continued for three to four hundred years. Most of the Muslim Kings were against non-Muslim cultures including Hindu, Bouddha and Jain cultures. Hence they destroyed the temples, the mathas, the vihärs, the libraries and the cultural literature. During the British rule of two hundred years till 1947, the British government made some efforts to collect the historical data of India. Western historians tried to interpret the Indian literature as subordinate to their western counterpart. There were many difficulties in compiling and writing the systematic history of India. There were kings, authors, äcaryäs of the same or similar names. Most of the literature was in Saàskåta, Päli and Ardhamägadhi. Hence, it has been quite a difficult task to collate all the information, required to write the History. Roughly, the Indian history can be divided in following six periods. 1. Vedic period * – around 8000 to 4000 B.C. 2. Mahäbhärata period – about 4000 to 3000 B.C. 3. The mixed period – about 3000 to 700 B.C. 4. Gupta, Maurya and Bouddha period – from 700 B.C. to 1600 A.D. 5. Mogal period from 1600 A.D. to 1800 A.D. 6. Modern period – since last 200 years. * Rämäyaëa period is taken as a part of Vedic period The above periods are mentioned as per the Indian tradition, but the modern historians have a totally different table. In spiritual literature there are two dates, first is of compilation period during which it was carried over orally from generation to Yoga Varta : April 2012 18 `moJdmVm© generation. During the second period the literature was brought in writing through Upaniñadas, Rämäyaëa, Mahäbhärata, Darçana granthas and Puräëäs etc. This period of writing is also an assumption since no dates were given by the authors. The historians put their own views in compiling table of various periods. The Indian philosophical thoughts can be found in four Vedäs, including Upaniñads, Rämäyaëa, Mahäbhärata, eight Darçanas and other spiritual literature like Puräëäs. Darçana granthas can be enlisted as follows – Sr. Name of No. the Darçana Author Compilation Period (about B.C) 1 Säàkhya Kapila 3200 2 Yoga Patanjali 200 3 Vaiçeiñika Kaëäda 1000 4 Nyäya Gautama 500 5 Mimaìsä Jaimini 400 (Purva-Mimaìsä) 6 7 Vedänta Kåñëa- (Uttar-Mimaìsä) Dwaipayana Jaina Vyäsa 400 * Mahävir 500 Jain 8 Bouddha Gautam Buddha & His disciples 500 onwards H¡$. S>m°. `emoYZ X. ~mnQ> `m§Mo ñ_aUmW© ~mnQ> Hw$Qw>§~r`, {dconmc} (nyd©) 19 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© Maharñi Patanjali and Pätanjalyogadarçana Maharñi Patanjali was born at Chidambaram in Tamilnadu around 200 B.C. However, according to some historians, Maharñi Patanjali’s birth place is Gonard near Ujjain (M.P.). It is said that Maharñi Patanjali gave discourses to his disciples on Yoga-surtäs in Chidambaram. Yoga as such is about 5000 years old. Åñi Yajïavalkya and some Upaniñads have enunciated major yogic principles. Hiraëyagarbha is supposed to be guru of Yajïavalkya. According to some historians Hiraëyagarbha is the same as Lord Viñëu or Lord çiva. But the first systematic compilation of yoga was undertaken by Maharñi Patanjali in the second century B.C. The first commentary on Pätanjalyogadarçana was written by Vyäsa around 1st century. This Vyäsa is not the one who had compiled the Mahäbhärata. Yogadarçana of Maharñi Patanjali includes the theory and practice of yoga. The ultimate goal of Yogadarçana is Seedless (Nirbéja) Samädhi. In Seedless Samädhi, the aspirant becomes one with the universal consciousness. The exalted yogi may come back for his disciples, but his ultimate attainment remains Seedless Samädhi or Kaivalya. lll ""Am`wî`mMr gm`§H$mi gwImg_mYmMr ìhmdr åhUyZ am_Zm_mMm AmYma KoU§ Amdí`H$ Amho.'' - H¡$. cú_r Aï>oH$a n¥ð>XmZ - lr. AZ§V Aï>oH$a Yoga Varta : April 2012 20 `moJdmVm© Shirodkar High School Project E Ashok Kane (Tel. : 9821578205) Organiser, YVN’s Nana Palkar Yoga Centre, Parel It all began as a simple visit to the school in August 2011 to teach 10th standard students a few relaxation techniques. These students were trying to overcome high stress levels while coping up with the studies. They wanted to excel in the final examination for the all important year of their career. The vice Principal of this school had joined our Yoga Class at Rugna Seva Sadan, Parel and she happened to like the relaxation techniques embodied in our regular Yogic Practices. She enquired whether one of our teachers could visit the school and take few sessions. I remembered about a similar request in 2002 by the head of Orthopedic Department of G. S. Medical College, Mumbai for their 1st MBBS students who were highly stressed out. They were given late admissions and that required them to finish their extensive curriculum in the short time available. YVN had then organized four teachers to teach 120 students – in all 11 sessions were conducted - and I happened to be one of the teachers. I decided to visit Shirodkar High School, Parel and meet the students as well as their class teachers. My idea was to involve the class teachers and teach them the relaxation techniques and also conduct one session per class for students. Teachers could then take over and conduct relaxation techniques for all 10th classes (A – F divisions) – making it a regular bi–weekly process. I went to the school as planned and the sessions went off very 21 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© well but for one incident. 2 students in 10th F class appeared to be hardly 12 yrs. old, too young to be in that class. When I asked as to why these students were attending 10th class, I was told that they belonged to 10th class only and they appeared young because their physical growth was poor! Growth spurt begins in 7th or 8th class as these children would be in 12 – 13 yrs.' age group. I enquired with the vice Principal whether majority of these students were showing proper growth pattern till 9th & 10th Class? Her answer was shocking – around 15 to 20% of her students were showing poor physical and mental growth during their 12th & 13th year. As a member of Nana Palkar Smriti Samiti I was aware of Samiti’s various projects for Tribal Children in Thane district – especially for the children who were malnourished - and a thought came to my mind that these under-developed children in Shirodkar High School could also be a target group for a similar project. Samiti already has the facilities at Rugna Seva Sadan to teach them Yoga and it can also provide them diet conducive to their good growth through their well managed canteen. This thought was further developed in Samiti’s meetings chaired by Dr. Ajit Phadke. Thereafter, I consulted our Nimbalkar Sir for the content of their Yoga Training. Nana Palkar Smriti Samiti has fully equipped Tulsiani Specialty Laboratory. Lab In – Charge Dr. Bipin Shah willingly agreed to test Blood / Hemoglobin Count, etc. for not only the visibly weak and under-developed students but for all 7th & 8th Class students – about 530 – a massive job! Mrs. Ashwini Jadhav – vice Principal of the school coordinated with Dr. Shah and height / weight measurements & Haemoglobin tests were conducted on all 530 students in about two weeks. Shirodkar High School is just behind Rugna Seva Sadan and most students stay close to the school and that was a great help! Tulsiani Specialty Laboratory did this job on totally free of charge basis! Yoga Varta : April 2012 22 `moJdmVm© 7th Floor hall of Rugna Seva Sadan where we currently conduct our Yoga Classes can accommodate only about 25 students comfortably and therefore, out of 530 students we could select only 25 for our pilot project. This was done based on their markers of poor growth – namely, the below normal height, weight and low Hemoglobin count. We then called a meeting of parents of these selected students with Dr. Shah and our Yoga Teachers and explained to them the purpose and the planned duration of this project – November 2011 to Feb. 2012. Out of the selected 25, parents of 22 students agreed for their children to take part in the project. In this meeting, we also invited parents to participate in the project by taking turns and see for themselves the Yoga Training imparted to their children and the high Protein, Calcium and Iron diet* given to them after their 1 hr. training session on three times per week basis. In the mean time, Nimbalkar Sir also provided the Yoga / Surya Namaskar / Spot Jogging Training Schedule for these children through an e-mail – courtesy Ms. Neha Kerure! We commenced the Yoga training as well as the special diet supplement at the canteen (immediately after the Yoga sessions) for all the participants from November 1, 2011 as planned. Most students had weak muscles, especially their legs and hands were weak and they were shaking while doing simplest of primary postures of our graded course. In about 15 days or after 6 sessions, the picture changed. Their enthusiasm was now backed by stronger muscles and they were enjoying their postures. Regular practice of Omkar Chanting, our Standard Prayer, Pranadharana, Kapalabhati and Anuloma–Viloma Pranayama improved their concentration and steadiness in postures. A funny incident happened on 23rd January 2012! We had asked the students to go into Padmasanastha Yoga Mudra and most looked comfortable in the final posture. I enquired whether some of them were holding their breath and they all said that they were not! On an 23 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© impulse, I asked them to sing National Anthem (they were practising it at school for their 26th January function) while holding the posture! All sang beautifully and were all smiles when they came out of the posture! After about 20 sessions, we requested Senior Yoga Teacher of YVN, Ms. Nisha Thakkar who has done exemplary work of teaching yoga to blind students, to demonstrate a few challenging postures through her blind pupils. She graciously accepted and came with four school / college going blind students and they presented some of the difficult postures. All the school children were wonder struck and were inspired to emulate the achievement of these blind students. They also asked our teachers as to how these blind students could be taught such difficult postures! Our pupils were fairly confident of tackling even the challenging postures now and one of them effortlessly did Garudasana which she had seen for the first time being performed by the blind student. One week later, we requested YVN’s Senior Yoga Teacher and Truste Mr. Shridhar Parab to take Surya Namaskara session for our pupils and he too graciously accepted the invitation and spent 1-1/2 hrs with them to teach essentials of Surya Namaskara with chanting of mantras associated with this practice. After about 24 sessions i. e. after 2 months, our teachers' efforts were directed for the pupils to hold their postures for longer time and holding most postures for one minute soon became a norm! More challenging postures were introduced and to our amazement, pupils went into more difficult balancing postures easily in 1st attempt. Older sadhakas normally take weeks to even attempt these postures. It was a revelation for us that sense of adventure is so acute in these youngsters! We did the follow–up tests for Weight, Height and Hemoglobin Count on these pupils halfway through the project i. e. after 2 months in the last week of December 2011 and the improvement was encouraging. Table – 1 shows the results. Yoga Varta : April 2012 24 `moJdmVm© Next two months of the project i.e. in January & February 2012 every participant did 5 rounds of Anuloma–Viloma and 3 rounds of Kapalabhati (100 strokes per round) during every session. The Postures they learnt can be grouped in following categories: Spinal Manipulation: • Stretching • Compression • Twisting • Sideward Bending • Forward Bending • Backward Bending and some more postures involving • Balancing • Combined – Forward Bending & Twisting • Combined – Backward Bending & Twisting • Combined – Sideward Bending & Twisting. Nana Palkar Smriti Samiti engaged a professional photographer to shoot a series of still photographs of our pupils in final postures. We have prepared a Project Report and it will be kept in YVN library where one can see these photographs. We planned the following activities in the last week of project period i. e. during 26th – 29th February 2012: 1) Carry out follow up for Weight, Height and Hemoglobin Count on all participants. 2) Ask all of them to write down (10 lines) about their experience & opinions for the project so as to have their feedback. 3) Take them to Yoga Bhavan, Vashi accompanied by one of their parents so that they all could meet our Nimbalkar Sir and have a live interaction with him and some of YVN’s Trustees. Table – 1 shows all the follow-up data: 1) at the beginning of project, 2) after 2 months and 3) at the end of 4 months. Individual record of attendance and the progress the pupils made at the end of 4 months period can be easily seen at a glance. We teachers and our pupils met Nimbalkar Sir and some YVN Trustees at Yoga Bhavan, Vashi on the 26th February 2012. Our pupils demonstrated various postures they had learnt during the project period and had interaction with Nimbalkar Sir. Their parents also spoke about H¡$. A_¥V Vwc{g`mZr `m§À`m ñ_aUmW© - lr. {dZmoX Omoer 25 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© Yoga Varta : April 2012 26 `moJdmVm© the changes in their children's behaviour. In their opinion they fought less with their brothers /sisters and had better focus while studying. In summing up, we teachers had a wonderful experience of teaching most enthusiastic pupils who were waiting in the Rugna Seva Sadan's foyer half an hour before the starting time for every session. In spite of their young age, they were very much focused while doing Yogic Practices. Their parents were co-operative and wanted to continue the special diet supplement for their children even after the project period. They have noted down the ingredients of the mixed flour and the recipe for the kheer which they all had after every session. * High Protein / Calcium / Iron Diet: (For 1 Kg. Flour) Ingredient Measure Wheat 200 gm. Soybean 200 gm. Nachani (Ragi) 200 gm. Chickpeas (Roasted) 200 gm. Millet (Jowar/Jwari) 200 gm. Lightly roast each ingredient to make it fully dry. Grind in the mixer together, adding half Nutmeg and / or 3 Cardamoms (for taste). Take 100 ml water and add one table spoon of this mixed flour. Thoroughly mix and heat this mixture on gas stove while stirring it all the time. Once it becomes thicker and changes to darker color stop heating. Mix it with 100 ml. of milk and add sugar to taste. Sip it warm. lll lr. _wHw§$X dmgwXod ~oS>oH$a `m§À`m _mVmolr lr_Vr em§Vm~mB© dmgwXod ~oS>oH$a (OÝ_ : 22 E{àb) `m§À`mH$Sy>Z `moJdmV}cm hm{X©H$ ew^oÀN>m! 27 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© Activities of Yoga Vidya Niketan `moJ {dÚm {ZHo$VZMo CnH«$_ q My Experience of Two Days Conference on Yoga and Allied Therapies (Priyanka Sharma, Student of Yoga & Naturo-Therapy Course, Matunga) "United we stand, divided we fall." This illuminating spirit of unity and togetherness of the participants of Matunga and Vashi batches of YVN's Yoga and Naturo-Therapy Diploma Course was the essence of this year's Two Days Conference on Yoga and Allied Therapies held at 'Yoga Bhavan', Vashi on Saturday, the 10th and Sunday, the 11th March 2012. After reporting and welcome breakfast in the morning of 10th March, we were given necessary instructions about accomodation, time table etc. Everything was taking place smoothly which clearly indicated that a lot of groundwork, planning and efforts were put in by our beloved teachers over weeks to organise so well. During these two days, we received lot of encouragement and motivation for all the activities of the Conference. The day began with the participants of Matunga and Vashi systematically sticking their posters (2 each) on the role-wise space allotted to everyone on the 3rd floor surface of Yoga Bhavan. Thus, in just half an hour or so, the attractive Floor Exhibition of Posters on the 3rd floor was ready for inauguration. We then gathered on the second floor hall for our usual Omkar and Prayers. Mrs. Nimbalkar madam warmly welcomed us and revered Nimbalkar Guruji formally inaugurated the Conference as well as the Poster Exhibition. The students were then given evaluation sheets in which we were asked to record our feedback regarding every poster by just ticking in the Yoga Varta : April 2012 28 `moJdmVm© appropriate column. Students from Matunga branch were advised to evaluate posters of Vashi students displayed on the floor of left side Podar Hall whereas Vashi students had to evaluate posters of Matunga students, displayed at the adjacent right side hall. The whole idea of Floor Exhibition and Assessment by Fellow-students was quite novel and fair. Every poster was identified into one of the four categories viz. Excellent, Very good, Good or Needing Improvement. It was a great fun and excitement to evaluate posters in a pin-drop silence atmosphere. We were then allowed to talk and chit-chat about the posters only while eating oranges which were given to us in the fruit break. After the fruit break, we assembled on the first floor for actively participating in the joint-movement exercises conducted by Shanthi Rajendiran in her session called 'Let us improve our flexibility.' It was a rhythmic vigorous exercise which gave the taste of feeling of youth even to the elderly participants. After this exciting exercise, we assembled in 2nd floor hall for a lecture on 'Patanjali's Yoga Sutras' by the renowned Guest Lecturer Dr. Shriram Agashe. He nicely explained, in simple language about the application of certain important Yogasutras in our day-to-day life. We then had a lunch break, followed by relaxing 'Vama Kukshi' for about 15 minutes. In the post-lunch lecture on 'Panchakoshas', Mr. Ramesh Shenoy meticulously explained all the Koshas, their inter-connection and therapeutic importance thereof. Thereafter, we had useful tips for 'Healthy Walking' by Mr. Vijay Save. He recommended walking as the best form of exercise and also demonstrated how one should follow certain rules and tips to get best out of walking for maintaining health. This followed a tea break before the commencement of the interesting session on 'Practical Ways to Live Happily with Stress' by Mr. Vinod Joshi. He explained the topic in sufficient details and also gave certain intricate case studies in which all the students participated sincerely and intimately. That gave us lot of guidance relating how to deal with 29 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© patients seeking therapeutic advice. Mr. Joshi nicely explained various stages of stress and the ways to deal with them successfully so that disturbing 'distress' can be got converted into useful 'ustress'. Thereafter, we had a lecture on 'Secrets of Meditation' by Dr. Ganesh Rao. He gave us theoritical and practical knowledge of this intriguing subject. He nicely explained the difference between Samadhi and Samapatti. After his lecture, we had a dinner before we could gather for a cultural programme by students and teachers. All the performances were entertaining. I feel grateful and thankful to our colleague Rao sir and YVN faculty who gave me encouragement and an wonderful opportunity respectively to present yoga-like musical dance item which everyone appreciated whole-heartedly. Everyone enjoyed this cultural programme which was full of fun and art after going through a long hectic schedule of the day's programme. On the next day, i.e. Sunday, the 11th March, we all became ready after taking bath etc. and a lemon tea for the first practical session on 'Ashta-Kumbhakas and Sanyama Sadhana', by Shreedhar Parab. It was a two hours session with a short recess in between. The session provided mainly the basic information and guidance about eight types of 'Pranayamas' mentioned in Hathapradipika and Gherandasanhita which greatly help in facilitating study of Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi, which together is termed as 'Sanyama'. With this, we could refresh ourselves by practising most of those Pranayamas. Thereafter, we had a breakfast followed by a lecture on 'Shiva Swarodaya Shastra' by Mr. Ashok Padhye. The topic was quite interesting. Although it is a vast subject, we received lot of basic information about it which so far was unknown to most of us. We then had a very informative lecture on 'Ayurveda and Diet' by Dr. Aashish Phadke who drived home the message that 'What we eat we are'. Then we had a sumptuous lunch. After the lunch, we assembled in a hall for a long-awaited lecture on 'Home Remedies' by Kruti Parikh madam. She explained as to how we can use food items readily Yoga Varta : April 2012 30 `moJdmVm© available at home for maintaining excellent health. It was a vary useful talk indeed! The last lecture of the Conference was on 'Bhagwat Gita and Yoga' by Dr. Uma Shankar. Due to her vast knowledge of the subject and absorbing style of speaking, the session proved to be the best of the Conference. Before this lecture, I had lot of doubts in my mind about the utility of such a vast subject in our life. But after hearing Dr. Uma Shankar, I was happily proved totally wrong. Her flawless speech with enchanting graceful explanations, full of practical applications, touched our hearts. Really we thought that her lecture should not end at all. She, however, nicely managed to complete her session within the allotted time. It was a wonderful and memorable experience to hear her. Thanks to YVN's entire team (teachers, faculty members etc.) who did tremendous work for making our two days' stay most comfortable and meticulously organising such a Conference which provided lot of useful knowldge and information to us on varied subjects in such a short time of only two days. Our special thanks also to the support staff viz. Buwa, Mama & Mami. Further, we will always remember Mr. Vinod Joshi for his exceptional nack of nicely introducing as well as thanking the guest lecturers. Indeed, he possesses the special art of putting the things rightly in right words, in right time and expressing the core feelings of everyone in nutshell, so well. All our senior teachers stayed with us throughout. There was no difference, whatsover, or no special treatment was given to them as regards food, stay or any other infra-structure arrangement during these two days. This shows how humble and down-to-earth our teachers are! Due to this, we all felt free to talk to them any time. Parab sir played a major role as our beloved Hero from beginning to end as he was very active and energetic as always and he got spontaneous support from all his trusted colleagues. Indeed, it was the most successful and satisfying Conference I have ever attended! 31 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© q I learnt lot from our Two Days Conference! (T. Sambasiva Rao, Student of Yoga & Naturo-Therapy Course, Matunga) I learnt from this Conference that to successfully organise and conduct any conference of this nature and quality, meticulous planning is a must. Thanks to Parab sir and his entire team of devoted colleagues who could do it for us, the students of this year's Yoga & Naturo-Therapy Diploma Course. From the attractive posters and charts systematically displayed on the clean surface of the third floor of 'Yoga Bhavan', I learnt to appreciate and get inspired by the sincerity, creativity, skill, vision and enthusiasm of our co-students. The lectures of all the renowed Guest Lecturers were full of knowledge, information and guidance. Not that I understood each and every word they spoke but I fully understood that for delivering such impressive lectures, one needs to have tremendous home work, selfconfidence, clear understanding of the subject and lucid style of speaking. Dr. Uma Shankar's lecture on 'Bhagwat Gita and Yoga' was the masterpiece in this respect. It kept everyone spellbound. I also learnt how the great speakers take care of finishing their lectures well within the allotted time. Vinod Joshi sir's talk on 'Practical Ways to Live Happily with Stress' being in simple language and in his inimitable humorous style was quite absorbing. The exercise of the case study which he discussed with all the participants was exciting. Everyone wished the session to continue uninterrupted for more time. There lies the success of the speaker. The other point which I liked most about Vinod Joshi sir is his informal style of introducing the speaker or even thanking the guest lecturer after the talk. That was novel and pleasing. His intelligent use of properly selected nice words for conveying the feelings was appreciated and liked by one and all - the lecturer and audience too. I observed that Vinod Joshi sir is a patient listener. He carefully jots down all the important points and quickly co-relates them Yoga Varta : April 2012 32 `moJdmVm© before expressing his thoughts so eloquently. Thus, I learnt from him the secrets of being the effective speaker. The food and infrastructure arrangement were superb. Thanks to our Chitnis madam and her team as well as the Caterer Nagla madam who provided us quality food with affection and that too, following the prescribed time-schedule. Everyone had good night's sleep, thanks to cleanliness, mosquitoe protection arrangement and proper cross ventilation available at the premises. Kudos to Sarvashri Bedekar and Gholkar sirs and their enthusiastic support team i.e. Buwa and MamaMami. I, being the Civil Engineer, cannot resist myself from admiring Bedeker sir's excellent planning and foresight in selecting appropriate design and material for phase-wise construction of the existing impressive four-storied building 'Yoga Bhavan' which really should be called 'Yoga Bhuvan' i.e. the Heaven for Yogabhyasi. From this, I learnt how important are the excellent food and infrastructure etc. arrangement for the success of any such big event like our two days Conference. Thanks again to all who made this a Grand Memorable Conference! q XmXa ^{JZr g_mO `moJ H|$ÐmV lr. lrYa na~ `m§Mo ì`m»`mZ ({dO` {d. Am¢Yo, g§`moOH$, XmXa ^{JZr g_mO `moJH|$Ð, qhXÿ H$m°cZrgH$miMm dJ©) `mo{d{ZÀ`m XmXa ^{JZr g_mO `moJH|$ÐmVrc gH$miÀ`m dJm©V\}$ ewH«$dma, {X. 24 \o$~«w. 2012 amoOr g§Ü`mH$mir 6.45 Vo 8.00 `m doioV `mo{d{ZMo {dœñV d Á`oð> `moJ{ejH$ lr. lrYa na~ `m§Mo "YmaUm Am{U Ü`mZ gmYZm' øm {df`mda Omhra ì`m»`mZ Am`mo{OV Ho$co hmoVo. gd©gm_mÝ`m§Zm ~aoM Hw$Vyhc Agcoë`m øm {df`mMr gwédmV H$aVmZm lr. na~ gam§Zr `_, {Z`_ AmXr Aï>m§J `moJmMr WmoS>Š`mV nU A{Ve` AmH$f©H$ ^mfoV AmoiI H$ê$Z {Xcr. gwI-Xþ…I Am{U Ë`m§Mo gd©gm_mÝ`m§À`m OrdZmVrc ñWmZ VgoM gwI Am{U AmZ§X øm§Vrc \$aH$ lr. na~ øm§Zr amoOÀ`m OrdZmVrc AmH$f©H$ CXmhaUm§Ûmao Mm§Jcm ñnï> Ho$cm. Ü`mZmVrc "gV² {MV² AmZ§X' AdñWm àmá H$aÊ`mgmR>r `_, {Z`_, AmgZ, àmUm`m_, àË`mhma AmXr `moJmVrc àË`oH$ nm`ar H$er Am{U {H$Vr _hÎdmMr Amho 33 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© ho Ë`m§Zr gdmªÀ`m _Zmda N>mZ q~~dco. ~{ha§J `moJ Am{U A§Va§J `moJ `m{df`r {ddoMZ H$aVmZm `m XmoZ A§Jm§Zm ghOnUo OmoS>Umè`m "àË`mhma' `m A§JmMo H$m_ Zo_Ho$ H$go AgVo ho gm§JÊ`mgmR>r Ë`m§Zr {d_mZmMm Omo Ñï>mÝV {Xcm Vmo gJù`m§Zm \$ma AmdS>cm. lr. na~ åhUmco H$s, YmdnÅ>rda YmdUmè`m {d_mZmMr "Q>oH$ Am°\$' À`m doiMr AdñWm hr H$mhrer àË`mhmamgmaIr AgVo Am{U Vr {VVH$sM _hÎdmMr AgVo. Mm§Jë`m Q>oH$ Am°\$_wio {d_mZ ghOnUo AmH$memV C§M PonmdyZ Z§Va EH$m C§Mrda Joë`mZ§Va AË`§V OcXJVrZo A§Va H$mnV AgVmZmhr AË`§V pñWa ahmVo. VgoM àË`mhmam_wio gmYH$mcm A§Va§J`moJmV ghOnUo àdoe H$aVm `oVmo d eodQ>r Ë`mVyZ {_iUmè`m AmZ§XXm`H$ pñWaËdmMm {Xì` AZw^d Ë`mcm {_iy eH$Vmo. YmaUm-Ü`mZmMm Aä`mg {H$Vr doi H$aVmo `mnojm Ë`mVyZ H$gm Am{U {H$Vr AmZ§X {_iVmo ho \$ma _hÎdmMo Amho, `mH$S>o Ë`m§Zr gmYH$m§Mo cj doYco. YmaUm, Ü`mZ, g_mYr hr `moJm§Jo Oar A§{V_ Am{U \$ma _hÎdmMr Agcr Var Ë`mV `e {_iÊ`mgmR>r `_, {Z`_, AmgZ, àmUm`m_ AmXtMm XrK©H$mi, {Za§Va d _Z…nyd©H$ Aä`mg H$aUo H$go Amdí`H$ Amho Vo lr. na~ `m§Zr AJXr gmoß`m eãXmV d Amnë`m ghO, AmO©dr e¡crV gdmªnwT>o _m§S>co. g_mYr AdñWm hr \$º$ {daº$ `mo½`m§gmR>rM Zmhr Va `mo½`àH$mao, XrK©H$mi `moJmä`mg H$aUmè`m g§doJr gmYH$m§Zmhr Ë`m AdñWon`ªV nmohmoMUo eŠ` Amho, hm {Xcmgm Ë`m§Zr gdmªZm {Xcm. AJXr {Z{~©O g_mYr åhUOo "H¡$dë`mdñWm' Zmhr, na§Vw g~rO g_mYrn`ªV gd©gmYmaU _mUyghr OmD$ eH$Vmo. Vgo nmhVm, Amnë`mcm _ZmnmgyZ AmdS>Umè`m H$m_mV O|ìhm AmnU nyU© VÝ_` hmoD$Z Vo H$m_ H$aVmo V|ìhm Ë`m H$m_mV ghOM H$m¡eë` d AmZ§X AdVaVmo Am{U Vo H$m`© AË`wËH¥$ï> hmoVo. Aemdoir AmnUmcm H$mi-doioMohr ^mZ ahmV Zmhr. Iao Va Ë`mdoir AmnU ghOnUo àmá Pmcoë`m "g~rO g_mYr'MmM ZH$iV AZw^d KoV AgVmo, ho lr. na~ `m§Zr R>mgyZ gm§{JVë`m_wio CnpñWV gdmªMo Mohao AmZ§{XV Pmco hmoVo. EH§$XarV lr. na~ `m§Mo `m {df`mdaMo ~mocUo g§nyM Z`o Ago àË`oH$mcm dmQ>V hmoVo, `mVM ho ì`m»`mZ {H$Vr a§Jco `mMr H$ënZm `oB©c. `m H$m`©H«$_mÀ`m gwédmVrcm XmXa ^{JZr g_mO H|$ÐmMo g§`moOH$ (gH$mi dJ©) lr. {dO` Am¢Yo øm§Zr lr. na~ gam§Mo Am{U CnpñWVm§Mo ñdmJV H$ê$Z lr. na~ gam§Mm WmoS>Š`mV n[aM` H$ê$Z {Xcm hmoVm. gdmªÀ`m {dZ§Vrcm _mZ XoD$Z lr. na~ gam§Zr Oar qhXr ^mfoVyZ Amnco {dMma àñVwV Ho$co Var AYyZ_YyZ _amR>r/B§J«OrMm AmYma KoD$Z gdmªZm g_Ooc Aem AmH$f©H$ ^mfoV gw_mao gìdm VmgmÀ`mda CnpñWVm§Zm Ë`m§Zr Amnë`m à^mdr dº¥$ËdmZo {IidyZ R>odco. Ë`m§Zr Amnë`m ^mfUmVyZ Zoh_rÀ`m Am`wî`mVrc `oUmao AZoH$ àg§J, g§ñH¥$V_Yrc nV§OctMr Yoga Varta : April 2012 34 `moJdmVm© `moJgyÌo gm§{JVcr VgoM H$mhr `moJàH$ma CnpñWVm§H$Sy>Z H$ê$Zhr KoVco. Ë`m_wio lr. na~ gam§Zr nwZ…ü `oD$Z `moJemómÀ`m BVa A§Jm§da XoIrc _mJ©Xe©Z H$amdo Aer AZoH$m§Zr BÀN>m ì`º$ Ho$cr. ì`m»`mZ g§në`mda lr. na~ gam§Zr `mo{d{ZMo _wInÌ "`moJdmVm©'~Ôchr _m{hVr {Xcr Am{U gm¡. _rZm n¡ Am{U lr. Am¢Yo øm§Zr CnpñWVm§Zm `moJdmVm©Mo g^mgX hmoÊ`mg§~§Yr AmdmhZ Ho$co. `mo{d{ZÀ`m `moJ{ejH$m§À`m à{V{ZYr gm¡. _rZm n¡ øm§Zr øm àg§Jr a{ddma, {X. 22 E{àc 2012 amoOr Am`mo{OV Ho$coë`m H¡$dë`{XZmMr CnpñWVm§Zm _m{hVr {Xcr Am{U gd© gmYH$m§Zm `moJ^dZ, dmer `oWo hmoUmè`m `mo{d{ZÀ`m `m H$m`©H«$_mV g{H«$` gh^mJr hmoÊ`mMo AmdmhZ Ho$co. eodQ>r `moJ{ejH$ lr. AemoH$ H$mUo øm§Zr lr. lrYa na~ ga Am{U CnpñWVm§Mo Am^ma _mZco. darc H$m`©H«$_mg `moJdJm©Vrc gmYH$m§{edm` qhXÿ H$m°cZr_Yrc AZoH$m§Zr CnpñWV amhÿZ H$m`©H«$_ CËH¥$ï> Pmë`mMo _V ì`º$ Ho$co. darc H$m`©H«$_mgmR>r MhmnmZmMr ì`dñWm lr. H$Ýh¡`mcmc H$mgQ> øm§À`mV\}$ H$aÊ`mV Amcr hmoVr. `moJ{e{jH$m lr_Vr \$S>Urg Am{U gm¡. {Z{c_m aoio øm§Zr H$m`©H«$_mÀ`m Am`moOZmgmR>r IynM n[al_ KoVco. H$m`©H«$_mMr jU{MÌo {Q>nÊ`mMo H$m`© gmYH$ lr. YmoS>r øm§Zr Ho$co. q J.J. Hospital Visit: An Unique Experience (Parizad Moguralia, 35th YTTC student, Dadar) With the tenure of the 35th YTTC coming on the verge of completion, we, as yogic teachers under process were given a rare opportunity to visit the J.J. Hospital anatomy laboratory and OPD on 2nd March 2012. This was made possible by our own Senior Teacher Gandhali Madam. She took all the efforts to help us experience the practical knowledge of human body. We sincerely appreciate the help and assistance extended by Dr. Kulkarni and Dr. Shabana, who managed to get the permission for this visit. We also thank YVN and head of Anatomy Department of J.J. Hospital, Dr. Gangane for giving us this wonderful and unique opportunity. Being a commerce stream student throughout, to me this entire experience seemed very exciting and yet deep down there was a feeling of anxiety. We had our teachers - Ashtekar sir, Bhujbal sir, Mistry sir and Gandhali Madam 35 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© present to guide us all along. All the Dadar and Vashi YTTC students were informed to meet at Gate No. 9, at 10.30 am on 2nd March, 2012. We all had assembled outside the anatomy lab by 10.45 am, and were given last minute important instructions by Ashtekar sir. This was keeping in mind that the Hospital required a code of conduct and everyone was supposed to ensure that in case of any discomfort things be tackled in a reasonably mature manner. We were split into two groups. Vashi group was sent upstairs and the Dadar group was directed to the anatomy lab. We got a preview of all different kinds of foetuses which had been kept since almost 20 to 30 years ago with different disabilities especially among twins. Soon we had Dr. Nilophar who attended to us and explained and gave detailed information of different parts of the body and models kept in the lab. This session was quite informative especially the one of the skeleton system. Once were done with this session, we were asked to go on the first floor in the dissection hall to see the organs of the dead body. Now this was one of the most unusual and mind blowing experience I had in my life time till now. There was this table which had all the different organs i.e. heart, lungs, liver, kidney, brain, stomach etc. Dr. Sachin Yadav was standing at the centre of the table and all of us were standing around this table. He showed and explained each organ and its function one after the other. There were lots of queries from all of us, going in different directions as it was a one time opprtunity for us to really see and question all that was on our mind. Time limitation was a concern, so we went through this session as best as was possible and got maximum information and details. However, the smell of the preservative/chemical used on the body part had a burning effect on the eyes of some and those who were feeling uncomfortable went out into the open. There was a lot of curiosity and eagerness to know amongst most of the students and at the same time, it was quite a sight. An interesting observation in the dissection hall was two dead bodies, a male and a female which were kept on the other side. As we Yoga Varta : April 2012 36 `moJdmVm© happened to pass by them, it occured that God had put his amazing powers in the creation of human body. Towards the end, we all students met for tea and biscuits organised by YVN at the lecture hall, in the backdrop of the classroom which has been shooted in films like 3 idiots. Munnabhai MBBS etc. This hospital visit gave all of us a lot of insight and so much practical knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the human body, which truly was very beneficial. Practical knowledge is extreamly effective and beneficial compared to just theoritical knowledge. Thanks a lot for all the efforts put in by our teachers at YVN! q J.J. Hospital Visit (Sushila Sharangdhar, 35th YTTC Student, Dadar) At the beginning of the year 2012, we the students of 35th YTTC of YVN got a schedule for the second term which included a hospital visit. The said day came closer. The final date of visit to J.J. Hospital was announced as 2nd April 2012 and there was a mixed feeling amongst the students. Some were very much excited as this is something they always wanted to witness. Some, however, started taking permission for remaining absent on that day as they were scared of seeing even a needle piercing their body for blood test and some were like me, who had no such extreme feelings but just a thought that, yes, we have to go! The purpose of the hospital visit was very clear that yogic science deals with human mind and body. We read all about it in books. But seeing is believing. Hence, to get a clear picture of the body parts, i.e. how they look, what are their functions and what goes wrong and how diseases happen, this hospital visit was very important. We also learnt that an infant skeleton is made up of some 300 bones while an average adult skeleton will have only 206 bones. We were told that nearly one-third of the bones in our human body will 37 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© bond together during the period between infancy and adulthood. It was fascinating to see how our body adapts as per the requirements, as we age! We are thankful to Dr. Gangane, Head of Anatomy Department for giving us such a wonderful opportunity which otherwise would not have been possible. We are also thankful to Dr. Kulkarni and Dr. Shabana and also thanks to Dr. Nilophar and Dr. Yadav. All of us realized the importance of taking care of this wonderful gift i.e. human body God has created and given to us. We have now started respecting it more than earlier. My immediate thought was yes, we must donate our body after death if it is being used like this for educating students, though all along I have thought of only organ donation. Many thanks to Gandhali madam for arranging this hospital visit, which gave us tremendous knowledge about our own human body. OmJ{VH$ _{hcm {XZ - {Z`{_V `moJdJ© gm¡. _rZm n¡ ({ejH$ à{V{ZYr) Am§Vaamï´>r` _{hcm {XZ Oar 8 _mM©cm gmOam hmoV Agcm Var ømdfu Zo_H$m VmoM {Xdg hmoirZ§VaMm Ywcrd§XZmMm Agë`mZo `moJ {dÚm {ZHo$VZÀ`m {Z`{_V `moJdJmªÀ`m gmYH$m§Zr Vmo 31 _mM©n`ªV Ë`m§À`m Ë`m§À`m gdS>rZo gmOam Ho$cm. Ë`mVrc Xm_co `moJH|$Ð, Zm`Jmd `moJH|$Ð, XmXa ^{JZrg_mO `moJH|$Ð, ZmZm nmcH$a `moJH|$Ð d ~mëH$Z-Or-~mar `moJH|$Ð `m gd© `moJH|$Ðm§À`m H|$Ð g§MmcH$/ `moJ{ejH$/`moJ{ejH$m§H$Sy>Z Amcoco d¥VmÝV nwT>rcà_mUo AmhoV. Y Xm_co `moJH|$Ð, _mQw>§Jm - gm¡. ea{XZr lrI§S>o Xadfuà_mUoM `mo{d{ZÀ`m Xm_co `moJ H|$ÐmV Am§Vaamï´>r` _{hcm {XZ _moR>çm CËgmhmV gmOam Pmcm. {XZm§H$ 21 _mM©, Jwédmar Xþnmar 4 dmOë`mnmgyZM _{hcm gmYH$m§Zr Am_À`m H|$ÐmV hOoar cmdm`cm gwédmV Ho$cr. g§Ü`mH$mir 4.30 dmOon`ªV gJù`m IyÀ`m© Va ^aë`mM nU g_moa R>odcoë`m gVa§Á`m§dahr XmQ>r hmoD$ cmJcr! hm°cÀ`m Xmam~mhoa nmhþÊ`m§M§ ñdmJV H$aÊ`mgmR>r Aà{V_ am§Jmoir H$mT>cr hmoVr Hw$. pñ_Vm S>oH$moaoQ> øm§Zr. Yoga Varta : April 2012 38 `moJdmVm© g_ma§^mÀ`m à_wI nmhþÊ`m hmoË`m gdm©Wm©Zo Á`oð> Am{U loð> Aem a§JH$_u lr_Vr gwc^mVmB© Xoenm§S>o. Ë`m§Mm `Wmo{MV gËH$ma H$aÊ`mV Amcm. Ë`m§Zm AmoiIV Zmhr Aer EH$hr ì`º$s Zgoc. "em§VVm H$moQ>© Mmcy Amho', "XþJm© Pmcr Jm¡ar' øm ZmQ>H$m§Vco Ë`m§Mo H$m_ H$moU {dgaoc? n§MmhÎmarV àdoe H$ê$ZgwÕm Ë`m Amnë`m joÌmV AOyZhr H$m`©aV AmhoV. ñdm_r Hw$dc`mZ§Xm§À`m \$moQ>mocm hma KmcyZ Am{U à_wI nmhþÊ`m§À`m hñVo \w$co dmhÿZ H$m`©H«$_mcm gwédmV Pmcr. CX~Î`m§À`m gw§Xa dmgmZo dmVmdaU n{dÌ Pmco hmoVo. H$m`©H«$_mMo à`moOZ gm§JyZ Ë`mMo gyÌg§MmcZ gm¡. gwYmVmB© H$a§~oiH$a øm§Zr Ho$co. Ë`mZ§Va Am_À`m {ejH$ à{V{ZYr gm¡. _rZmVmB© n¡ øm§Zr gwc^mVmBªMr N>mZ AmoiI H$ê$Z {Xcr. gwc^mVmBªMo ZmQ>ç{MÌjoÌmVco A{ÛVr` `moJXmZ Am{U Ë`m§Zm {_imcoë`m Ag§»` nwañH$mam§Mr `mXr EoHy$Z Amåhr gd©OU IamoIa AdmH²$ d ^mamdyZ Jocmo. BVH§$ _moR>§ H$m`© H$ê$Zhr gJù`m§Zm ^mdcm Vmo Ë`m§Mm em§V Am{U {ZJdu ñd^md! Ë`mZ§Va Xm_co `moJ H|$ÐmMo gd}gdm© d g§ñWoMo {dœñV lr. _wHw§$X ~oS>oH$a øm§Zr Xm_co `moJ H|$ÐmMr WmoS>Š`mV _m{hVr gm§{JVcr. OmJ{VH$ _{hcm {XZmMo _hÎd Am{U hm {XZ gmOam H$aÊ`m_mJMr nmœ©^y_r H$WZ Ho$cr gm¡. ea{XZr lrI§S>o `m§Zr. Amnë`m ^mfUmV gwc^mVmBªZr "`moJ' øm eãXmMm AW© {dfX H$aVm§Zm aWmMo CXmhaU KoVco. aWmcm MmH§$ OmoS>VmV, KmoS>o OmoS>VmV. Vo H$m? Va aW nwT>o ZoÊ`mgmR>r. "`moJ' øm eãXmMm AW© hm XoIrc "OmoS>Uo' hmM Amho. BWo Amnë`mcm H$m` OmoS>m`M`? Va Amnc§ _Z earamer OmoS>m`M§. _J Vo _Z na_mËå`mer OmoS>Ê`mMm à`ËZ H$am`Mm. ho Ho$ë`m_wio H$m` hmoUma? Va, KmoS>o d MmH§$ OmoS>ë`m_wio aW Ogm nwT>o, nwT>o OmVmo, Vg§ `moJm_wio Amnc§ Am`wî`hr nwT>o OmV§. Am`wî`mMm àdmg gwairV hmoVmo. VoM gJù`m§Zm nm{hOo AgVo Zm? à_wI nmhþÊ`m§À`m Aà{V_ ^mfUmZ§Va gwYmVmB© H$a§~oiH$am§Zr Z§VaÀ`m H$m`©H«$_mÀ`m AmYr Am^ma àXe©ZmMo JmoS> H$m_ nma nmS>co. ømZ§VaMo _w»` H$m`©H«$_ hmoVo - 1) n§Mo{Ð`m§Mo Amamo½`, 2) g§JrVmda AmYmarV AmgZo d gy`©Z_ñH$ma Am{U 3) _§JimJm¡arMo Ioi. àW_ gm¡. C_m néiH$am§Zr S>moù`m§Mo d H$mZm§Mo Amamo½` gm§^miÊ`mgmR>r A{Ve` gmono Am{U Cn`wº$ àH$ma XmIdco Am{U gdmªH$Sy>Z H$ê$Zhr KoVco. Ë`mZ§Va 5 gmYH$m§Zr g§JrVmda `moJmgZm§Mr àmË`{jH$ XmIdcr d Jm`Ìr _§Ìmda gy`©Z_ñH$ma H$ê$Z gJù`m§Mr dmhdm {_idcr. ømM dJm©Vrc `moJ{e{jH$m gm¡. g_¥Õr Vm§S>oc `m§Zrhr g§JrVmÀ`m Vmcmda AË`§V AdKS> AmgZo {cc`m H$ê$Z XmIdcr. `moJ{e{jH$m gm¡. ea{XZr lrI§S>o `m§Zr `mgmR>r ~aoM n[al_ KoVcoco {Xgco. Am{U 39 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© eodQ>r... H$m`©H«$_mMo AË`wƒ {eIa JmR>co Vo XþnmaÀ`m `moJdJm©Vrc gmYH$m§Zr gmXa Ho$coë`m _§JimJm¡arÀ`m Ioim§Zr! à_wI nmhþÊ`m§gH$Q> gdmªZr _§JimJm¡arÀ`m IoimMm _Z_wamX AmZ§X cwQ>cm! ho gJio H$m`©H«$_ BVHo$ a§Jco H$s Eadr Kar Om`Mr JS>~S> H$aUmè`m ~m`H$mhr eodQ>n`ªV Wm§~ë`m hmoË`m. H$m`©H«$_mMr gm§JVm Aënmonhma d noT>çm§Zr Vm|S> JmoS> H$ê$Z Pmcr. Am|H$ma hmoVmM H$m`©H«$_mÀ`m JmoS> AmR>dUr _ZmV gmR>dyZ KoVM àË`oH$OU Kar naVcm. Y Zm`Jm§d `moJH|$Ð - ho_m \$S>Urg `mo{d{ZÀ`m Zm`Jm§d `moJ H|$ÐmV OmJ{VH$ _{hcm {XZm{Z{_Îm {d{dY ñnYm© {X. 15 _mM© d 16 _mM© 2012 amoOr Am`mo{OV H$aÊ`mV Amë`m hmoË`m. {XZm§H$ 15 _mM© amoOr `moJmg§~§Yr VgoM gm_mÝ`kmZ `m§Mr ~hþn`m©`r àýmoÎma ñnYm© KoÊ`mV Amcr. Ë`mV EHy$U 24 _{hcm§Zr CËñ\y$V©nUo ^mJ KoVcm. AMyH$ CÎmao {chÿZ gm¡. gr_m ZmVy `m§Zr n{hcm H«$_m§H$ nQ>H$mdcm. VgoM "`moJmMo KmofdmŠ`' `m ñnY}V EHy$U 20 KmofdmŠ`o gmXa H$aÊ`mV Amcr. Ë`mVrc 2 KmofdmŠ`m§Zm n{hë`m H«$_m§H$mMr ~{jgo XoÊ`mV Amco. Vr nwT>rcà_mUogm¡. gw{à`m gH$nmi … _ZmÀ`m ApñWa d¥Îmrg Amda& H$am Aï>m§J `moJmMm dmna&& lr_Vr ^maVr nm§Mmc … {Z`{_V H$am `moJmä`mg& OrdZm§V R>odm hf©-Cëhmg&& {XZm§H$ 16 _mM© amoOr nmH$H$cm ñnYmªgmR>r {df` hmoVm "g§Ü`mH$miMo, _Yë`mdoioMo gmpÎdH$ ImUo'. Ë`m§V EHy$U 16 _{hcm§Zr CËgmhmZo ^mJ KoVcm. nXmWmªMr Md, gOmdQ>, Cî_m§H$ `m {ZH$fm§da 3 narjH$m§Zr JwU {Xco. Ë`m§V gm¡. gwf_m {eamoS>H$a `m§Zr n{hcm H«$_m§H$ Am{U gm¡. gwOmVm ^moOZmB©H$ d gm¡. Xe©Zm é_S>o `m XmoKtV Xþgam H«$_m§H$ {d^mJyZ XoÊ`mV Amcm. gd© `moJgmYH$m§Mm CËgmh, AmZ§X `m ñnY}V {XgyZ Amcm. Ë`m~Ôc Ë`m§Mo H$m¡VwH$ H$amdo VodT>o WmoS>oM. Am_À`m Zm`Jm§d `moJ H|$ÐmÀ`m g§`mo{OH$m Zr{c_m qMXaH$a `m§Zr ì`dpñWVnUo ñnY}Mo gwg§JV Am`moOZ Ho$co hmoVo. Ë`m~Ôc Ë`m§Mo _Z…nyd©H$ YÝ`dmX. VgoM ~{jg {_imcoë`m d ñnY}V ^mJ KoVcoë`m gd© _{hcm§Mo hm{X©H$ A{^Z§XZ! Aem [aVrZo Am_À`m _{hcm `moJgmYH$m§Zr gV² {MV² AmZ§XmgmR>r `m dfuMm _{hcm {XZ {deof AmZ§XmV gmOam Ho$cm. Y XmXa ^{JZr g_mO `moJH|$Ð (XþnmaMm `moJdJ©) - gm¡. cmOd§Vr JQ>Hw$io `mo{d{ZÀ`m XmXa ^{JZrg_mO H|$Ð, {hÝXþH$m°cZr `oWo Am_Mm _{hcm {XZm{Z{_Îm Yoga Varta : April 2012 40 `moJdmVm© Am`mo{OV H$m`©H«$_ gw{Z`mo{OVnUo nma nS>cm. `moJgmYH$m§À`m Img AmJ«hmImVa Amåhr Amhmaemómdarc H$m`©H«$_mMo Am`moOZ Ho$co hmoVo. Ë`mgmR>r Amåhr `moJ {dÚm {ZHo$VZÀ`mM n[admamVrc Hw$. {Xem Pdoar `m§Zm Am_§{ÌV Ho$co hmoVo. H$m`©H«$_mÀ`m gwédmVrcmM d`mZo chmZ AgUmè`m {Xem Pdoar `m§Mr _m{_©H$ AmoiI Pmë`mZo _{hcm dJ© Iyf Pmcm. Amhmam~m~V AJXr gmoß`m eãXmV AÞKQ>H$m§Mo _hÎd gm§JV Ë`m§Zr lmoË`m§À`m _ZmMm Vm~m KoVcm. Zm`Q´>moOZ`wº$ nXmW© (protein), {nï>_` nXmW© (carbohydrates), pñZ½YnXmW© (fat), jma (salt) Am{U nmUr (water) `m§Mr amoOÀ`m AmhmamVrc JaO; Vo {H$Vr ¿`mdo d H$moUË`m AÞKQ>H$mVyZ Vo {_iVmV, VgoM doJdoJù`m AmOmam§gmR>r Amhma H$gm Agmdm `m{df`r Ë`m§Zr {Xcocr _m{hVr A{Ve` g_n©H$ d Cn`wº$ hmoVr. Z§Va _mÌ `moJgmYH$m§Zr Amnmnë`m àým§Mm Ë`m§À`mda ^S>r_ma Ho$cm d {Xem PdoatZrhr Ë`m§À`m àým§Zm CËgmhmZo CÎmao {Xcr. eodQ>r AënmonhmamMm AmZ§X cwQ>V Kar naVVmZm `moJgmYH$m§Zr {Xcoco A{^àm` Am`moOH$m§Zm gwImdyZ Joco. g§nyU© H$m`©H«$_mÀ`m ì`dñWmnZm_Ü`o gm¡. dZrVm _JXþ_ d gm¡. aOZr åhmÌo `m§Mo _mocmMo ghH$m`© cm^co. Y XmXa ^{JZr g_mO `moJH|$Ð (gH$miMm `moJdJ©) - {dO` {d. Am¢Yo `mo{dZrÀ`m XmXa ^{JZr g_mO `moJH|$ÐmÀ`m gH$miÀ`m dJm©Vrc gmYH$/ {ejH$m§Zr ~wYdma {X. 25 _mM©, 2012 amoOr gH$mir 7-15 Vo 8.00 øm Xaå`mZ OmJ{VH$ _{hcm {XZmÀ`m {Z{_ÎmmZo EH$m n[ag§dmXmMo Am`moOZ Ho$co hmoVo. `moJmg§~§Yr ñdV…Mo AZw^d Am{U _{hcm {XZ øm {df`mda AZoH$ _{hcm gmYH$m§Zr Amnco _ZmoJV WmoS>Š`mV nU AË`§V à^mdr eãXm§V ì`º$ Ho$co. lr_Vr ho_cVm \$S>Urg (`moJ{e{jH$m) ømZr n[ag§dmXmcm gwédmV H$ê$Z órÀ`m ào_iñd^md/ghZercVm øm JwUm§_wio KamMo ñdmñÏ` {Q>Hy$Z ahmVo, VgoM ór`m§Mr àJVr Pmë`mg amï´>mMr àJVr XoIrc AmnmoAmn KS>oc Ago _V ì`º$ Ho$co. lr_Vr Zohm dIm[a`m (`moJgmYH$) øm§Zr `moJmÀ`m AmR> A§Jm§Mo WmoS>Š`m§V dU©Z H$ê$Z `moJm_wio d¡`{º$H$ Am`wî`mV \$ma _hÎdmMo H$m`_Mo ~Xc KS>ë`mMo gm§{JVco. gm¡. AM©Zm H$moëhQ>H$a (gmYH$) ømZr ór`m§À`m Am`wî`mVrc {d{dY pñWË`§Vam§_Ü`o VgoM aº$Xm~, _Yw_ohmgma»`m amoJm§V `moJmä`mgm_wio {Z{üVM Iyn \$m`Xm hmoVmo Ago _V ì`º$ Ho$co. gm¡. H$_coe cImam (gmYH$) øm§Zr `moJmä`mgmg Joë`m VrZ dfmªnmgyZ gwédmV Ho$ë`m_wio AZoH$ \$m`Xo Pmë`mMo gm§{JVco. `moJmä`mgmMm cm^ {_iÊ`mg Oar WmoS>m AdYr cmJV Agcm Var Oo emar[aH$/_mZ{gH$ cm^ hmoVmV Vo _hÎdmMo Am{U {Q>H$mdy ñdê$nmMo AgVmV Agm ñdmZw^d Ë`m§Zr ì`º$ Ho$cm. 41 Yoga Varta : April 2012 `moJdmVm© gm¡. cVm qeXo (gmYH$) øm§Zr `moJmä`mg gwê$ H$ê$Z 3-4 _{hÝ`mVM dOZ H$_r hmoÊ`mV, Ë`mMà_mUo VmUVUmd H$_r hmoÊ`mV IynM _XV Pmë`mMo gm§{JVco. lr_Vr Z{_Vm gmiw§Io Am{U {à`m§H$m ndma øm gmYH$m§Zr XoIrc VmUVUmd H$_r H$aUo, dOZ H$_r hmoUo VgoM ì`{º$_Îd {dH$mg, _mZ{gH$ g§VwcZ, amJmda Vm~m B. \$m`Xo `moJmä`mgm_wio Pmë`mMo gm§{JVco. gm¡. {Z{c_m aoio (`moJ{e{jH$m) øm§Zr AmYw{ZH$ {ó`m§Zr Ë`m§À`m KamVrc _hÎdmÀ`m ^y{_Ho$Mm {dga nSy> Z XoVm Ho$di n¡emgmR>r ZmoH$ar d Ë`mgmR>r Ka gmoSy>Z KamH$S>o, _wcm§Zm KS>dUo, KamVrc BVa ì`º$s `m§H$S>o Xþc©j H$aUo, _wcm§Zm nmiUm KamV nmR>dyZ Ë`m§À`mda g§ñH$ma H$aÊ`mMr Amnco H$V©ì` Q>miUo B. {d{dY n¡cy§da à^mdrnUo {dMma _m§S>co. `moJmä`mg gmVË`mZo H$aÊ`mMo AZoH$ \$m`Xo hmoVmV, ho _V Ë`m§Zr ñdmZw^dmZo gm§{JVco. H|$Ð g§MmcH$ lr. {dO` Am¢Yo øm§Zr {ó`m§À`m Am`wî`mVrc {d{dY AdñWoV `moJmä`mgmMo _hÎd VgoM AmOH$mc dmT>V Mmccoco d¡dm{hH$ OrdZmVrc VmUVUmd d Ë`mVyZ hmoUmar AZoH$ KQ>ñ\$moQ> AmXtMr àH$aUo `m§~m~V MMm© H$ê$Z {Z`{_V `moJmä`mg Ho$ë`mZo {ó`m§À`m Am`wî`mV, n`m©`mZo gd© Hw$Qw>§~mV Z¸$sM H$m`_ ñdê$nmMo ñdmñÏ` Am{U AmZ§Xr dmVmdaU cm^oc Ago {dMma ì`º$ Ho$co. darc H$m`©H«$_mgmR>r AÜ`jñWmZr Agcoë`m lr. AemoH$ H$mUo (`moJ{ejH$) øm§Zr g_mamon H$aVodoir ì`º$sÀ`m OrdZm§Vrc `moJmMo ñWmZ, `moJmä`mg H$aÊ`mMr Amdí`H$Vm Am{U OmUrdnyd©H$ `moJmMm Zoh_rÀ`m Am`wî`mV Cn`moJ H$aUo øm~Ôc Amnco {dMma àH$Q> H$ê$Z gdmªZrM {Z`{_VnUo `moJmä`mg H$ê$Z Amnë`m Am`wî`mV Ë`mMm \$m`Xm ñdV… Am{U Hw$Qw>§~mcm H$ê$Z Úmdm Ago _V ì`º$ Ho$co. g^oÀ`m eodQ>r {_R>mB© XoD$Z d gdmªMo Am^ma _mZyZ gm_wXm{`H$ àmW©Zm Am{U Am|H$mamZ§Va H$m`©H«$_mMr g_már H$aÊ`mV Amcr. Y ZmZm nmcH$a `moJ H|$Ð, naoc - {Zcr_m aoio d A{ZVm Hw$iH$Uu `mdfu øm _{hÝ`mV doJù`m {df`m§da OmUH$mam§Mr ^mfUo R>oD$Z hm gmohim gmOam H$aÊ`mMo `mo{Oco. VXZwgma 12 _mM© 2012 amoOr n{hë`m gÌm_Ü`o A{ZVm _°S>_Zr _m{gH$ nmir øm g§doXZerc {df`mda _mJ©Xe©Z Ho$co. d`mV Amë`mda _wctZm Ooìhm _m{gH$ nmir `oVo Voìhm§ hmoUmao Ìmg, earamV KS>Umao ~Xc, _mZ{gH$ g§VwcZmda hmoUmam n[aUm_ ømda Ë`m§Zr {dñV¥V {ddaU {Xco. _m{gH$ nmir hr EH$ Z¡g{J©H$ à{H«$`m Amho d Vr `mo½` Ë`m H$mcmdYrV `oVo Am{U VerM Vr OmVo. _mÌ ømg H$mhr AndmXhr AgVmV. Á`m§Zm dma§dma A{Z`{_V nmir `oV Agoc Ë`m§Zr Yoga Varta : April 2012 42 `moJdmVm© d¡Ú{H$` g„m KoUo A{Ve` OéarMo Amho Ago gm§JyZ Ë`m§Zr Amnco ^mfU g§ndco. _{hcm {XZmÀ`m H$m`©H«$_mÀ`m Xþgè`m gÌm_Ü`o hmoË`m doXm§V hm {df` KoD$Z E_.E. Pmcoë`m, doXm§VmÀ`m Aä`mgH$ lr_Vr {eënm Zdao. Ë`m§Mo ì`m»`mZ ZmZm nmcH$a `moJ H|$Ðm_Ü`o {XZm§H$ 19-3-2012 amoOr g§Ü`mH$mir 6.30 dmOVm Am`mo{OV Ho$co hmoVo. lr_Vr {Zcr_m aoio `m§Zr nmhþÊ`m§Mr AmoiI H$ê$Z {Xcr. ›H$ma, àmW©Zm Pmë`mda, {eënm VmBªZr gmYH$m§er g§dmX gmYm`cm gwédmV Ho$cr. Ë`m§Zr àmW©ZoMm, em§Vr_§ÌmMm Am{U kmZ_wÐoMm AW© gm§{JVcm. 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