NGK Iridium IX – simply the best Dealer stamp NGK developed the Iridium IX high-performance spark plug specially for motorcycles. It offers very good acceleration values, optimized starting, operates more quietly and has a longer service-life – while also reducing fuel consumption. An investment that is worth making! Optimum starting Iridium IX Standard No clogging up with carbon particulate Iridium IX Standard Improved acceleration Iridium IX Standard Long service-life Iridium IX Standard NGK Iridium IX The high-performance spark plug Reduces fuel consumption Iridium IX Standard NGK Spark Plug Europe GmbH Harkortstraße 41 D - 40880 Ratingen Phone +49 2102 97 4 - 0 00 Fax +49 2102 97 4 - 0 39 NGK Iridium IX – Performance and efficiency The distinguishing feature of the Iridium IX spark plug is its laser- Comparative specifications Standard spark plug > Iridium IX Standard Improved acceleration Iridium IX BCPR6ES Standard welded iridium electrode. Iridium is a high-tech metal that provides The small diameter of the electrodes, coupled with the taper-cut an absolutely first-rate performance, in motor sport, as well as in ground electrode, improves the ignition of the air-fuel mix. BCPR6E everyday driving, which is why manufacturers are increasingly This enables the engine to run at full power and the motorbike BCP7ES BCPR7EIX CR7E fitting iridium spark plugs as standard. So when will you make the to accelerate more rapidly. BKR6E-11 BKR6EIX-11 CR7EKB BKR7EKC BKR7EIX C7E BKR7E-11 BKR7EIX-11 CR7EB change? To learn about the benefits of upgrading from standard spark plugs to Iridium IX, please see the itemised comparison. km/h Enhanced performance in the mid-revs range BCPR6ET BPR5ES-11 Optimum starting BP6ES The laser-welded central 0.7 sec. 30 BPR6ES-11 has a diameter of only 0.6 mm. 0 This keeps the required ignition ▸ ▸ Iridium IX spark plug ignition spark the plug generates Standard spark plug is a powerful one. ▸ BP7HS BPR8ES BP8ES Long service-life A specially developed annular An Iridium IX spark plug will last gap prevents the deposition of at least twice as long as a conven carbon particulate, thereby tional spark plug, saving money, avoiding any dissipation of the as well as the time taken to B7ES ignition voltage. This is particularly remove and refit the spark plug. BR7ES BPR8HS BP8HS BR6HS B7HS B8ES Fewer misfires Reduces fuel consumption With standard spark plugs, the The slender shape of the Iridium B8HS distance between the electrodes centre electrode ensures that BR8HS increases over time. This affects more ignitable mixture comes BR9ECM misfires. In the case of iridium combustion more efficient and spark plugs, however, the dis- reducing consumption. BPR7HIX BPR8EIX BPR8HIX C8EH-9 CR8EH-9 BR9HS CR8EHIX-9 CR8EB CR8EKB CR8EIX C8E CR8HSA BR6HIX CR9EH-9 BR7HIX BR8ECMIX BR8EIX CR9EB CR9EKB CR9EIX CR9EK CR10EK DCPR7E DCPR8EKC DCPR9E DPR7EA-9 DP7EA-9 DP8EA-9 DPR8EA-9 DPR9EA-9 DP9EA-9 BR8HIX CR9EHIX-9 CR9E DCPR8E BR7EIX CR8HIX C8HSA CR10E CR10EIX DCPR7EIX DCPR8EIX DCPR9EIX DPR7EIX-9 DPR8EIX-9 DPR9EIX-9 DR8ES D8EA BR9ECMIX DR8EA DR8EB BR9EIX BR9EG CPR7EA-9 Iridium IX BPR7EIX B9ES BR9ES CR7HIX CR8HS BR8HSA BR10ES remains constant for the entire service-life of the spark plug. BR8ES B10ES tance between the electrodes BPR6HIX BR6HSA BR8ECM the ignition quality, resulting in BPR6EIX-11 B6HS BR7HS within reach of the spark. Making BPR6EIX BP6HSA No clogging up with carbon particulate Standard BPR5EIX-11 CR8E BPR7ES CR7EIX CR7HS CR8EK BPR7HS beneficial in stop-start traffic. C7HSA BPR6HS BP7ES CR6HIX CR7HSA BPR5EIX BP6HS BPR6HSA Distance▸ voltage low and ensures that the BPR6ES CR6HSA CR6HS BPR5ES 90 electrode made from iridium BCPR6EIX BP5ES BP5ES-A Iridium IX C6HSA DR8EIX DR8ES-L JR8B BR9HIX BR10EIX CPR7EAIX-9 DR9EA D9EA JR9C DR9EIX JR9B XR5 XR5IX
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