June 2012 Gold Award Presentation Evening. May 2012 A full on


June 2012 Gold Award Presentation Evening. May 2012 A full on
June 2012
Gold Award Presentation Evening. May 2012
Nine Scouts represented Odiham District on this prestigious occasion, with five Scout
Leaders and several parents also in attendance. Their District ADC Scouts was there
just to mingle and offer support.
The presentations on the evening were made by Dame Mary Fagen DCV JP County
Malcolm Pope, ADC Scouts
Our congratulations go to:
Samuel M - 2nd Odiham Town
Jack T - 6th Ancells
Eloise C - 2nd Odiham Town
James V - 6th Ancells
James E - 6th Ancells
Edward H - 28th Crondall
Callum G - 6th Ancells
Isabel H - 28th Crondall
James S - 6th Odiham
William C - 6th Ancells
(unable to attend)
A full on day for the 28th
On Saturday 12 May around 50 assorted beavers, cubs and scouts from 28th Crondall (along with an assortment of parents and dogs) set off for
the now annual JOTT (Jamboree On The Trail). In its 15th Year, this worldwide hike sees hundreds of groups participating in an organised scout
hike somewhere - the end result being that many tens of thousands all end up doing the same activity on the same day. (see pics on page 8)
After what had been the worst April on record as far as the weather was concerned, we were blessed with glorious sunshine which made our
planned eight miles across the Crondall and Odiham countryside so much more fun. Departing from the Church at 10:15 the majority of the
group set off at a brisk pace – unfortunately several of the attending group members were not that great at either map reading or watching the
clock, so turned up late – but eventually caught up. Crossing fields and hedgerows, but always abiding by the highway code. As time marched
on cries of “are we nearly there yet” and “I’m starving” were increasingly heard as the group made the half way point for lunch.
Following a restful half hour stop, the group started on the long return leg, passing close to the Chequers Pub in Well and this provided a much
needed toilet stop. Here many of the older members in the group were heard crying “are we nearly there yet” and “I’m thirsty”. A short stop
later it was then down hill all the way, walking via a sunken road back to the Church car park, arriving dead on the designated finish time of
15:30 – adding to their tally towards the next hike badge.
Then on to the next event - For many of the cubs and a few of the scouts they had a few hours off before turning out at Fleet Leisure centre in
the evening for a much anticipated trial scuba diving session. In total 22 youngsters went into the water, donning full scuba kit and experiencing
what it’s like to breathe underwater and also learning some of the skills of snorkelling.
For several of the younger and not so strong swimmers it was also a great confidence boast as the activity distracted them from their fears and
let them concentrate on having a safe and fun time in the water. What’s more we also got all 22 back at the end of this great session and
several are eager to sign up and take scuba up. Plus all the cubs obtained their water activities badge. Now thoughts turn to upcoming camps
over the summer but more of that later...
June 2012
Fleet Sea Scouts Jubilee Camp
Fleet Sea Scouts may not vie for a place amongst the first scout
groups, but a 50 birthday is one you really have to celebrate.
Ideas were bounced about at the leaders meeting – how about a
mega group camp someone suggested? The idea met with
approval. Hey it will be our Golden Jubilee! – we could call it our
Jubilee Camp! Again approval. Right what weekend shall we
have it. It was only later we discovered we had double booked
with that other Jubilee weekend! Oh Bother! Never mind we had
the idea first….
Our Jubilee Group Camp was held Saturday to Monday of
Jubilee weekend at Horseshoe Lake Water Activity Centre in
Sandhurst. An advance party of leaders and parents set up
Friday afternoon and we were joined by over 50 cubs and
scouts at 8am sharp the next day. The weather had cooled
pleasantly from the previous heat and worries of keeping the
kids cool evaporated. The water remained warm however and
keeping people *in* their boats did prove problematic at
On Saturday the Centre put on a fantastic programme of
kayaking, sailing, paddle boards and pedalos as well as a low
ropes course cleverly contrived to get participants wet. Wide
games and a campfire built on the very edge of the lake
finished off a great day. Rain hurried everyone to bed and
offered a portent of the day to come tomorrow.
After a full day of activities everyone slept far better (and
longer) than our usual Friday evening first nights. However a
chilling wind and steady drizzle was falling as we awoke. The
Scouts hiked to Finchampstead Ridges for a wide game, whilst
the Cubs had a nature ramble led by Stuart one of the
Blackwater Valley Countryside Rangers who managed to gross
out most of the boys and even a few of the girls with jumping,
crawling and slithering mini beasts. The rain though, got
steadily heavier and the programmed conservation work at
Moor Green Lakes was abandoned in favour of the scouts
hiding from the rain in a convenient bird hide. “Oh - *that’s*
why it’s called a hide”!
The decision was a no-brainer in the end with a worsening forecast
and 90% of Sunday’s activities successfully completed. The parent
ring-around was rung around – please collect at 6pm. This gave us
time to have an amazing Jubilee Party in the mess tent, stuff loads
of cakes and set off hundreds of poppers to celebrate the other
Jubilee, with everyone in red white and blue fancy dress. It did
make the post-camp litter pick a bit of a mission though…
Leaders stayed on another night to mind the tents (but this time
the camp-tea could come out….), to start taking down in the
morning. Several fantastic parents appeared out of nowhere to
help with the take-own and all the tents were whisked away to
various homes to dry. The van was loaded with the not
inconsiderable remainder and set off to unload HQ.
Camp was over phew! All had gone well. Then drive up the track
to den…to find several hundred people attending the Hart Jubilee
Celebrations right outside the HQ. Park there? The man with the
radio said. You must be joking – that’s the main entrance onto the
field! ….. Aaaaargh!
Ken Millington GSL
June 2012
Odiham Scouts and Fleet Guides unite for Hampshire Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
Challenge Fleet Pond Society Conservation Work
It was -1oC when 30 representatives of 7th Fleet Guides and
29 Odiham Scouts arrived at Fleet Pond to assist Fleet Pond
Society in their conservation work. The plan had been to clear
birch seedlings from the Dry Heath area - a mixture of digging
out the smaller roots and cutting the bigger ones with loppers
and bowsaws. After a week of freezing temperatures,
however, the ground was solid and digging was not an option.
Not to be deterred, the volunteers set to work cutting down
the seedlings. A large fire was soon underway, fed by the
seedlings cut down by the eager volunteers.
"A chilly morning was filled with log chopping with saws - it
was the first time I used a saw on my own! A great fun way
to spend a couple of hours on a Sunday morning," enthused
Laura C of 7th Fleet Guides.
"Not only was it great fun, but we were helping preserve the
heathland for visitors and the wildlife," said Nick B of 29th
Odiham Scouts.
Jessica D. of 7th Fleet Guides commented, "It was fun to try the
saw out and cut down the saplings. We had to be careful cutting
down the right saplings and trees, the birch. We worked in a big
team and were helping to keep Fleet pond nice for people to
walk around and visit."
Fleet Action Day
On the 21st of April Beavers from 6th Fleet and 29th
Pondtail joined with Brownies & Guides from West Fleet
to undertake a wide range of activities in Oakley Park &
Ancells Farm.
The Beavers helped out with litter picking, fence painting
(Ancells only) and planting wild flower seeds whilst the
Brownies opted to wash the playground equipment. (we
didn't get a look in!)
While 6 & 29 were busy over in west Fleet, 1 were on
cleaning duty with the guides at Basingbourne Park. After
a busy morning cleaning play equipment and litter picking
a whopping pile of trash had been collected and a job well
Thank you to all who took part.
Jayne Weighill-Smith, District Beaver Leader
June 2012
Fleet Town Council Fun Day
Fleet Division Guides joined forces with Odiham District Scouts on Monday 4 th June to help
at the Fleet Town Council Fun Day. This event was one of many over the Diamond Jubilee
At 9.30 am a team of leaders from the District arrived at Calthorpe Park to assist the Town
Council with the running of activities. We also hoped our presence would hopefully recruit
some new adults into Scouting.
Children from the district attended in various time slots throughout the day to assist with
the activities. Some ran joint games with the guides while others worked with Fleet town
Council running traditional sports day games. Although the weather started off overcast it
slowly improved and despite the odd bit of rain all of participants had a good time.
After the event Calthorpe Park was litter picked by scouts and leaders from 22 , as it had
been on the Saturday and Sunday as well.
The day ended with a hike to Odiham for the Scouts. At about 6pm a group of Scouts and
Leaders set off from Reading Road South Wharf. They were ably led by Mark Medler, GSL 1st
Crookham. The 8.8 mile route followed the Basingstoke Canal to Odiham Wharf. The route
then went along London Road, Odiham High Street, Kings Street and Buryfields finally
arriving at the Baker Hall. On arrival a supper (cooked by the DC) was served. This was
followed by all making another short walk where Scouts, Leaders and Parents joined with
the local community at the Beacon lighting ceremony organised by Odiham Parish Council.
This was a great end to a busy day.
Jeremy Styles, ACSL 1st Crookham (Celts)
Odiham District Scouts
June 2012
Odiham District Training
Welcome to Odiham District Training. In a fit of madness I volunteered to take on the role of Local Training Manager
for Odiham District. My first job is to thank my predecessor David Owen for many years of dedicated service in this
role. I’m only just beginning to realise what a challenge I’ve taken on and what hard work David put into making it his
My Mission is simple ‘To create the best trained district in the county’ and I’m very optimistic given the support I’m
receiving throughout the district. In practice this means creating good training facilities, services and opportunities,
providing second to none training advisors and trainers to train our many enthusiastic leaders and supporters and not
forgetting to encourage and celebrate all Learners on their way to achieving their ‘Wood Badge’ – and beyond!
Gaining my own wood badge gave me the confidence and skills to help develop and deliver programs for our sections
that should be exciting, adventurous and safe. With so many new leaders coming in to support Odiham scouting I would
like to ensure everyone has the opportunity and encouragement that I had to hone their skills and grow their
knowledge and confidence.
Fancy becoming a Training Advisor?
Our small and ‘perfectly preserved’ team of 10 training advisors currently support well over 100 leaders in the
district, so if you fancy becoming a Training advisor and joining the team please drop me an Email.
Experience of Training/Presenting?
Developing our own local training courses requires Trainers. So if you have any training/presentation skills and think
you would like help deliver some training courses then please get in touch.
Details of up coming training courses (such as First Aid), events, achievements and booking forms and links to training
support will shortly be up on the Odiham district web site so please take a look.
Very well done to all those who have recently gained their Wood Badge.
Kevin Donnelly, Rachael Christer, Nigel Cridland, Emma Tomlin, Suzette Bolton, Ken Millington and Anita Dempsey
I wish everyone success in their training
Phil Merison
Odiham District - Local Training Manager
Tel: 01252622466 Mbl: 07854959678
Email: [email protected]
June 2012
From the DC…
A huge thank you to all who have supported the joint
The more notice I can give by way of an invitation the
events - particularly those who took part in the
more likely he will be able to attend. Interestingly
Jubilee celebrations.
looking through our District records I notice that 2013
will mark 100 years of involvement with Scouting in
Over the last few months it has been rather humbling
Odiham from Sir Euan’s family. Those of you who have
to see so many have turned out in support of the
brushed up on your history from the District Centenary
various joint projects. It just shows what we can
last year will recall that Sir Fitzroy Anstruther-Gough-
achieve when we all pull together. The good news is
Calthorpe took on the roles of District Commissioner &
that if you have not yet taken part in the joint Scout &
District President in 1913 following on from the
Guide challenge, the deadline has been extended so you
appointment of Lt.Col. Sir Anthony Cope,Bt. our 1st
can still register a project and take part until 31st
District Commissioner in 1911. Sir Fitzroy’s appointment
December 2012.
in 1913 marks the beginning of the family’s long
involvement with Scouting in our district.
For those of you who like figures, I can confirm that
the amount of representatives from Odiham (youth
On the note of Centenary... I am looking forward to
members / leaders) who have taken part in the joint
joining 1st Crookham at their group camp in July where it
events so far is as follows:
will be their turn to celebrate 100 years of scouting. As
this event coincides with the air show who knows maybe
Fleet Pond Conservation Day = 19
they will be celebrating with a fly past from the Red
Fleet Action Day Total = 80
Arrows or a Lancaster - if anyone from the RAF is
Fleet Town Council Fun Day Total = 55
reading, the Lancaster would be my preferred choice :o)
Jubilee Hike & Beacon Total = 35
Congratulations to all who by working together have
The excitement this month also continues with our ‘new
group’ taster session. As I write we are in the process of
made differences in our community.
inviting children from the waiting list to come along to a
Of course the Jubilee is not over yet as the County
planned for the evening so fingers crossed for its
celebration is still to come. I look forward to joining
success. My thanks to the adults who have stepped
those of you who have been nominated by your groups
forward to support this initiative. A full report on this
to represent Odiham at the Winchester parade and
will be in the July edition.
session on 29th June. We have an exciting programme
service on June 15th. Our district theme is Trek Cart
& camping, (1950’s and modern day style).
As for other district news; I am pleased to announce
that Sir Euan will return as our District President.
Having recently spoken with him I am thrilled he is
On a final note I would like to thank the 3 parents who
stepped forward in May to support the district shop. I
know you will enjoy working with Lisa, our Shop Manager.
Thank you for volunteering you time.
keen to take on this role and actively support the
And on a final, final note… Happy 50th birthday to 26th
District. Over the coming year I shall be inviting him
to attend events and present trophies so please make
sure that the district diary is up to date.
Do you have good administrative skills and a few
hours a week to spare?
If so, we need your help.
We have a vacancy for a District Secretary to work with
the District Chair and other members of the District
Executive Committee to support the running of scouts in
Odiham District and provide information to our eight
scout groups.
The main responsibility is to arrange meetings of the
District Executive, issue agendas and prepare and
circulate minutes of the meetings. There are only six
meetings a year so these tasks should not be too
onerous. Other duties include working with the Group
Secretaries each January to ensure completion of the
District Annual Census return and maintaining the District
Directory of members and associate members.
June 2012
District Commissioner: Jakki Holland
07802 894410 [email protected]
District Chairman: Wyn Roberts
01252 628879 [email protected]
HartBeat Editor:
[email protected]
Scout Shop Manager: Lisa Hobbis
07788 213 378
[email protected]
Badge Secretary: Terry McElarney
01252 687658
As a member of the District Executive you will also be a
Trustee of Odiham District Scout Council.
If you would like to help and find out more about this role
please contact Wyn Roberts, District Chair.
[email protected]
Thank you to Anne Biffin for her time as
HartBeat editor.
15th June
19th June
23rd June
29th June
Winchester Parade & Service
Appointment Approval Committee Meeting
Gilwell Funday – Beavers & Cubs
*New* Group Taster Session
2nd July
5th July
6th July
7th July
11th July
16th July
Beaver Olympics – Beavers
N.E. Cluster Meeting to be held at Crondall
Gilwell 24 – Explorers
New Leader Induction
District Executive Meeting
Appointment Approval Committee Meeting
June 2012
In the Fields
Quick Breather
Keep Calm
The Final Field
Photo’s by Frank Heritage
June 2012
Stop Press Stop Press Stop Press Stop Press Stop Press Stop Press
Stop Press Stop Press
At the time of going to press a Thank you from Fleet Town Council was received
for our support at the Jubilee Celebrations. Please see below.
On behalf of Fleet Town Council I would like to thank you and all the Scouts and Cubs for their
involvement with the Family Fun Day on Monday 4th June 2012. The day would not have been a
success without all your hard work and support. It has been a pleasure to have worked with you
and I hope we continue to build on this new partnership.
I feel the day was a great success and that all who attended had an enjoyable day as part of the
Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations. If I can be of any help in the future with sporting events
or activities please feel free to contact me at the Harlington offices.
Thank you once again for supporting the Jubilee Celebrations in Calthorpe Park and I look
forward to working with you again in the future.
Best Wishes
Kitty Yarwood
Sport and Recreation Officer - Fleet Town Council
More photos of the event
are available at :