NVEEE 2010-2012 YIR
NVEEE 2010-2012 YIR
__________________________________________________________________________ 2010 – 2012 Review 1 855 2 BE A VOICE NVEEE.org Facebook.com/NVEEE | Twitter.com/NationalVoices 1 __________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS I. About NVEEE 3 II. Looking Back - NVEEE in 2010 4-5 III Looking Back - NVEEE in 2011 6-10 IV. NVEEE in the news 11-12 V. Looking Forward - NVEEE in 2012 13-15 VI. Our Programs and Services 16-17 VII. Program Reach 18 VIII. Not On My Watch School-wide Bullying Prevention Program 19 IX. Program Evaluation 20 X. Sponsors 21 XI. Financial Report 22 XII. Spotlight on 2 NVEEE Partners 23 XIII. Spotlight on Celebrity Spokesperson 24 XIV. Board of Directors 25 XV. Get Involved 26 XVI. Secret Millionaire & Special Events 27-29 OBJECTIVES THROUGH 2015 Over the f irst two years NVEEE has presented to over 6,000 par ticipants in schools, medical centers, universities, social service agencies, and religious communities. Headquar tered in Ft. Lauderdale, NVEEE directly impacts the South Florida community, and our work is quickly expanding to communities including California, Georgia, New York, Nor th Carolina, Virginia, Washington, DC and Puer to Rico. December, 2015 August ,2014 r as ol 0 0+ ups fo ted Scho ained & Peace iving lum 30 0,0d t Grots Projec nt s tr s After Rece u n ppor Goal: n er & aunch Stude r Mentor al Su nd Stude hools ull Cur r ic allmar k arent s a s m c + tu S 0 m ir L u 0 e 0 P V S 2 1 H nts a nt s, unit ie rams EE Pe EE’s F Pare ch Prog NVE assador s NVE Studeol Comm Laun A mb Scho hed c a re August, 2013 January, 2012 December, 2010 November, 2010 assad June, 2012 or ption ing m Rece Bully rogra Lou 00 tch” tch” on P r 6,0 acher s, y Waemony y Warevention venti ient Josie r M M te : Ove n n te In O O er cip tone parent s, por t t P hes t t e C s is n o o e R is e s il r d N N m r C “ “ M DC nt s, rass d sup ches aunc Awa Laun y and ashing ton & Hak shops L s tudeselor s an Ra tle in W Wor coun trained ff ta s A mb June, 2010 ace & Pe e r ing ch Mentoram Laun g Pro March, 2010 January, 2010 CURRENT ACHIEVEMENTS 2 __________________________________________________________________________ ABOUT NVEEE MISSION To prevent bullying, violence, and suicide among youth, families and communities through direct service, mentoring and prevention education. VISION NVEEE’s vision is a NATION whose collective VOICES speak to a world in which EQUALITY is a reality, and EDUCATION fosters ENLIGHTENMENT. Our vision is a world where each child, family and community achieve their highest expression of well-being and contribution to the world. HISTORY NVEEE is a community-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit established in October 2009. We are a diverse team of professional educators, business leaders, parents and students who took our concerns about student safety and well-being and put our passion into action–moving from bystanders to community leaders. NVEEE has reached nearly 10,000 teachers, students, parents, and community leaders through our Mentoring Program, Peace Ambassador Program, After School Program, and our signature Not On My Watch School-wide Bullying Prevention Programs. We were also honored in Washington D.C. by Congresswoman Frederica Wilson with a Proclamation entered into the Library of Congress and the Congressional Records of the United States for our work in providing children and families with support services, and being “agents of change”. Headquartered in Ft. Lauderdale, with offices in Miami, NVEEE directly impacts the South Florida community, and now our work is expanding to communities in California, Georgia, New York, North Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Washington, DC and Puerto Rico. 3 __________________________________________________________________________ LOOKING BACK: OVERVIEW OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS (2010) OCTOBER 2009 • Organization Founded. JANUARY 2010 • Launch of NVEEE’s Mentoring & Peace Ambassador Programs. • Implementation of the Dine and Donate Fundraising Program. MARCH 2010 • Obtained 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. • Launch of NVEEE’s Crisis Intervention Program Recipient Josie Lou Ratley. • NVEEE volunteers participate in AidsWalk. MAY 2010 • Designated as Spokesgroup for Hilda Gotay and Josie Lou Ratley to aid in fundraising and rehabilitation. • Hosted the “Dance the Hate Away” Cocktail Reception and Art Show at Gallery 101. AUGUST 2010 • Invited to tour the White House as Special Guests. 4 __________________________________________________________________________ OCTOBER 2010 • Hosted Candlelight Vigil in Wilton Manors FL, for National Spirit Day, in remembrance of teens who committed suicide due to anti-gay bullying. • Partnered with Chili’s Bar & Grill to launch NVEEE’s Not On My Watch anti-bullying campaign by participating in Chili’s Give Back Night in all South Florida locations. • Secured the resignation of Clint McCance, a board member of an Arkansas school district who used his Facebook page to encourage "queers" and "fags" to kill themselves, in response to national recognition of Spirit Day. Other organizations credited with his resignation were the Human Rights Campaign and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. • Launch of Not On My Watch Bullying & Harassment Prevention Workshops in Miami-Dade and Broward County Public and Private Schools. • Hosted NVEEE’s 1st tri-county ‘Strike Out Bullying’ fundraising initiative. Participating Alleys included: Bird Bowl, Strikes at Boca, Palm Beach Strike Zone and Diamond Strike. DECEMBER 2010 • NVEEE Peace Ambassador, Megan Braun, participated as a contestant in the Elite Miss NC Pageant using the platform of bullying and NVEEE. • NVEEE joins the Safe to Be Me Coalition of Broward County Public Schools. End of Year 1 (2010) Reach: 2,114 students, teachers, parents, community conversations. 5 __________________________________________________________________________ LOOKING BACK: OVERVIEW OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS (2011) JANUARY 2011 • Recipient of proceeds from Kind of a Drag, an annual community benefit held at Sunshine Cathedral in Fort Lauderdale. FEBRUARY 2011 • The Laramie Project. Dramatic Performance. Executive Director Jowharah Sanders was invited and served as one of three Guest Panelists following the play. Every 7 minutes a child is bullied. 85% of bullying incidents receive no intervention. • NVEEE Peace Ambassador, Danielle Mazzuchi, spoke before 200 members of the US Library of Congress. • Presented to City Year Miami College Students at Miami Jackson Senior High School in a breakout session designed to engage them in extra volunteer activities. • Invited by City Commissioner Julie Carson to participate in the City of Wilton Manors mandating February as Black History Month. APRIL 2011 • Partnered with Florida International University College of Law, providing community service hours to law students. • Executive Director participates as a panelist in ‘Equality Across Campus’ at Broward College. • Hosted NVEEE’s Pay It Forward for Heroes Project fundraiser in support of military families. • NVEEE appointed as Advisory Council Member to the be a STAR Anti-Bullying Alliance founded by The Creative Coalition and World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). 6 __________________________________________________________________________ MAY 2011 • Executive Director Jowharah Sanders served as guest speaker alongside Jamie Nabozny at Boyd H. Anderson High School. • Recipient of Pandora Events 2011 Women’s Week fundraiser held in Pensacola, Florida. • Conducted break-out sessions at Broward County Public Schools Choose Peace Stop Violence Bullying Summit. • NVEEE’s LGBT liaison, Nicole Rivera hosted Beacons Against Bullying candlelight vigil in Wilton Manors, FL. Simultaneously, NVEEE’s Peace Ambassador, Megan Braun, hosted Beacons Against Bullying in Salisbury, NC, in remembrance for students who committed suicide due to bullying. JUNE 2011 • Students in NVEEE’s Mentoring and Peace Ambassador programs visit Washington DC. • US House Rep. Frederica Wilson (D) 17th District Florida, entered NVEEE into the 112th Congressional Record. • National launch of Not On My Watch Anti-Bullying Campaign in Washington, DC. • Congressional Leaders and Celebrities help raise awareness and funds for NVEEE’s National Not On My Watch Anti-Bullying Campaign at The Art of Liberation Reception & Awards Ceremony in Washington, DC. Highlights included the unveiling of “Come as You Are,” a painting commissioned for NVEEE by renowned artist John Holyfield. Special Guests included Television and Screen Actors Morris Chestnut, Omari Hardwick of the A-Team Movie, and NFL Player Visanthe Shiancoe of the Minnesota Vikings. 7 __________________________________________________________________________ JULY 2011 • Invited to participate in South Florida Grantee Meeting sponsored by Chase Bank at Miami Jackson Sr. High School. • NVEEE Peace Ambassador, Danielle Mazzuchi, spoke to over 300 participants at the Usama Young NFL Stay Focused Weekend. AUGUST 2011 • NVEEE Executive Director and Teen Peace Ambassador participate in the WWE be a STAR Bullying Prevention Summit in Los Angeles. • Recipient of Wells Fargo Community Partner Grant. • NVEEE Peace Ambassador and Miss Maryland High School America, Danielle Mazzuchi, speaks about NVEEE at Fashion Week in Maryland. • NVEEE Peace Ambassador, Danielle Mazzuchi, participated as a contestant in the Miss Maryland, Miss Pennsylvania, Miss Delaware, and Miss New Jersey High School & Collegiate Pageant using bullying and NVEEE as her platform. 8 __________________________________________________________________________ SEPTEMBER 2011 • Partnered with University of Miami School of Education Master’s Program. • Not On My Watch Program Evaluation created in conjunction with University of Miami’s School of Education Community and Social Change Master’s Program. OCTOBER 2011 • Be a STAR anti-bullying campaign brings leading anti-bullying organizations together for Summit in New York. • Community Youth Services presentation (Memorial Healthcare System). Executive Director Jowharah Sanders was invited as a guest speaker with YES Institute to present a 90-minute workshop to 70 counselors Bullied students tend to grow with the Community Youth Services program of Memorial up more socially anxious, with Healthcare Systems. Topics included suicide and bullying less self-esteem and require prevention surrounding gender and orientation concerns more mental health services among young people and their families. •NVEEE’s LGBT Liaison and President of the Nova Southeastern University Gay Straight Alliance, Jessi Oriana and Jowharah Sanders presented to club members on the topics of anti-gay bullying in schools. NOVEMBER 2011 •Miami-Dade Schools Emotional/Behavioral Disability (EBD) Social Workers & Psychologists Clinical presentation. Executive Director, Jowharah Sanders attended as a guest speaker with YES Institute to present to 100 Miami-Dade County Schools EBD Counselors and Psychologists on gender transitioning and orientation topics impacting student development, safety and well-being. 9 __________________________________________________________________________ • NVEEE Peace Ambassador, Megan Braun, was invited to present NVEEE’s Not On My Watch Bullying & Harassment Prevention workshop to 250 3rd, 4th & 5th grade students as well as teachers, and administrators at North Rowan Elementary School in Spencer, North Carolina. DECEMBER 2011 • Executive Director invited by YES Institute and the Honey Shine Mentoring Program to open up a dialogue with nearly 100 young women in middle and high school about the impact of gender and orientation on youth, with a special emphasis on bullying and gender stereotypes. 160,000 children miss school every day due to fear of bullying. End of Year 2 (2011) Reach: 4,356 students, teachers, parents, community conversations. 106.1% increase from 2010. 10 __________________________________________________________________________ NVEEE IN THE NEWS - 2010 JANUARY 2010 • SHE Magazine. Safety in Schools, with Jowharah Sanders. Print and Online Magazine APRIL 2010 • Miami Herald. “Simplest tasks now challenge teen [Josie Lou Ratley]; family weighs how to pay for care.” • Miami Herald. “Funding drive established by NVEEE to aid teen who was victim of beating.” • South Florida Gay News. “Executive Director Jowharah Sanders named 1 of 8 Trailblazers in South Florida.” MAY 2010 • Florida Agenda. “NVEEE Reaches out to Young Victims of Hate.” • Florida Agenda. “NVEEE Car Wash and Dine Fundraiser. NVEEE aids Josie Lou Ratley • as she goes home from Physical Rehabilitation Center.” • She Magazine. “Safety in Schools, with Jowharah Sanders.” Print and Online Magazine JULY 2010 • She Magazine. Safety in Schools, with Jowharah Sanders. Print and Online Magazine. AUGUST 2010 • Sun Sentinel. What’s in a Name? For Ratley it’s Progress. NVEEE helps Josie Ratley recover from traumatic brain injury. SEPTEMBER 2010 • Featured on NBC News “Education Nation”, an initiative to engage the country in a solutionsfocused conversation about the state of education in America. 11 __________________________________________________________________________ OCTOBER 2010 • Featured on CBS Network’s “The Talk” website as one of the nation’s top anti-bullying organizations. • Associated Press. School Board Member who Called for Homosexual Kids to Kill Themselves Resigns. • Associated Press. Homosexual Activists Call for Ouster of School Official Who Said Homosexual Kids Should Kill Themselves. Coverage on CBS News, NBC News and by the Child Welfare League of America. • NBC News Channel 6 Miami. 1st Annual “Strike Out Bullying” Fundraising Initiative Event Coverage with interviews with NVEEE Teens, Parents and Founding Board Members. NOVEMBER 2010 • The Children’s Voice Online published by Child Welfare League of America interviewed Executive Director Jowharah Sanders as an expert in bullying prevention methods. NVEEE IN THE NEWS - 2011 MAY 2011 • Comcast Headline News Segment in Washington DC., Virginia. June 2011 • The Beacon. “Students band together to take a stand against bullying.” Print and Online Newspaper. Florida International University. • Salisbury Post. [NVEEE] Teen organizes anti-bullying [candlelight vigil] event Sunday. SEPTEMBER 2011 • NBC6 Neighbors for Neighbors anchor, Nicole Maristany, spoke candidly with a student in NVEEE’s Mentoring Program Katie and her mother Mindy Rogers about her experiences around bullying in school. • Boca Raton Observer Magazine, Holiday Edition, featured Executive Director Jowharah Sanders in “People doing good” by Liz Best. NOVEMBER 2011 • Al Jazeera English, the world's first global English language news channel to be headquartered in the Middle East. 12 __________________________________________________________________________ ACCOMPLISHMENTS TO DATE (2012) JANUARY 2012 • Launch of NVEEE’s Summer & After School Programs. • Pilot of NVEEE’s Not On My Watch School-Wide Bullying Prevention Program at Bowman Ashe Doolin K-8 Academy in Miami FL. FEBRUARY 2012 • Henderson Behavioral Health Diversion Program. NVEEE’s Teen Mentors and Peace Ambassadors will facilitate a workshop on the different types of bullying, identification of what constitutes bullying and harassment, anti-gay bullying, girl-to-girl bullying, and the long-term effects these behaviors have on families and communities. • Broward County Children’s Systems Meeting. NVEEE Executive Director Jowharah Sanders and Teen Spokespeople, Katie Rogers and Ruth Sanders present to school faculty, liaisons, mental health professionals, and community partners on the services on NVEEE and how they can become active participants. MARCH 2012 • Partnership with Kids in Distress After Care Program for the purposes of training young students, ages 6-12, in bullying prevention methods, and building healthy and positive social skills. Biracial and multiracial youth are more likely to • Executive Director to be a panelist for Women's History Month be victimized than youth at Florida Atlantic University alongside other notables such as who identify with a single Susan Bucher, Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections and race. Meredith Ockman, President of Palm County National OW and FL VP of NOW. 13 __________________________________________________________________________ APRIL 2012 • Announced Jaclyn Stapp, Children’s Book Author, Philanthropist, wife of Grammy Winning Recording Artist, Scott Stapp of Creed, as Celebrity Spokesperson. • Hosted 2nd Annual “Voices of Leadership” VIP Reception and Awards Ceremony. Held at Sky Lounge at Bongo’s Cuban Cafe, in Ft. Lauderdale. • The Bully Movie. Private community screening with over 250 students, teachers and parents. NVEEE facilitated a Q&A following the film. • The Bully Movie. Private screening for The Cushman School. NVEEE facilitated a Q&A following the film. • The Bully Movie. Private screening for Rivera Day School. NVEEE facilitated a Q&A following the film. MAY 2012 • Goodwill Industries Training. YES Institute in conjunction with NVEEE has been invited by Laura Parodi, LMFT, of Goodwill Industries of Miami to present to 60 staff members on addressing the topics of gender and orientation among clients. 14 __________________________________________________________________________ LOOKING FORWARD: THE FUTURE OF NVEEE (2012) NVEEE’s Board and staff continue to work on several important projects as we move into 2012: 1. Begin implementation of a decentralized service model to provide services at more locations throughout Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. 2. Launch of Virtual Support Groups for Parents and Students. 3. Broaden our use of volunteers in program delivery, fundraising and administrative functions. 4. Continue to develop our board interaction with members of the South Florida community. 5. Continue to build our Youth Board membership. 6. Continue to develop our Board of Directors Committee structure: Executive Committee, Development Committee, Budget and Finance Committee, PR/Marketing/Sponsorship Committee, and Nominating Committee, in order to strengthen our programs and more effectively support our mission. 7. Continue our work to provide the school-wide Not on My Watch Bullying Program, launched in 2012, to address the needs of youth, parents and educators in South Florida with the support of our partnering agencies and community members. 8. Continue to update and compile statistics. 9. Continue to update State legislation research. 10. Continue Annual Fundraising Events, including Strike Out Bullying, Not on My Watch Reception, and “Voices of Leadership” Reception & Award Ceremony. 11. Unveiling of new Websites. 12. Creation of In-School NVEEE chapters tailored to specific school levels: elementary, middle, high schools and universities. 13. Creation of new Partnerships with national organizations. 86% of students said, “Kids picking on them, making fun of them, or bullying them” causes teenagers to turn to lethal violence in schools. 15 __________________________________________________________________________ OUR PROGRAMS 1) Crisis Intervention We offer immediate assistance, advocacy services and trauma resolution support to families and youth directly impacted by crisis due to school bullying, violence, self-injury or suicide. Our crisis intervention team, many of whom are former survivors of trauma, are uniquely qualified to provide both emotional and advocacy support for families and youth. 2) Mentoring Program The mentoring program has served over 40 youth and adults since it’s inception. Our program provides leadership and mentoring, and promotes a wide variety of life skills that include academic achievement, learning appropriate social behaviors and etiquette, self-esteem, empowerment and emotional intelligence, as well as teamwork and interpersonal competencies. (Mentors are screened, receive ongoing training, and must comply to mandatory background and fingerprinting checks.) 3) Peace Ambassador Program NVEEE Peace Ambassadors are exemplary student leaders and change makers who genuinely embody our core values of community, leadership, integrity and compassion. They serve as advocates and role models and voices for NVEEE and the prevention of bullying, suicide and violence in their various communities and schools through public speaking engagements. 16 __________________________________________________________________________ OUR PROGRAMS CONT’D 4) After School & Summer Programs NVEEE provides a structure and resources to initiate school clubs to support students impacted by bullying, violence, or other traumatic experiences in a positive and empowering way. In addition, NVEEE is also a key part of other after school programs who request our unique curriculum and resources. These programs can reach victims of bullying and hate crimes, among other at-risk youth, in various settings including foster care, transitional housing, juvenile justice, and other organizations. 5) Adopt-a-Class Program Peace Ambassadors and Mentoring Program youth adopt an entire class in a low income school community and provide guest speakers, social development activities, and NVEEE bullying and violence prevention education on a monthly basis. 6) Support Groups We have support groups available for both parents and teens affected by bullying, and are accessible in person or online. NVEEE is a pioneer in the creation of virtual, online support groups. 17 __________________________________________________________________________ PROGRAM REACH PROGRAMS 2010 2011 Not On My Watch Bullying Prevention Campaign Total Participants K-12 Students K-12 Teachers Parents University Students Community Participants 2,051 1,554 55 63 57 322 4,276 820 188 22 202 3,044 Speakers Bureau Speakers K-12 School Workshops College & University Workshops Community Presentations 5 4 3 2 5 6 6 25 Mentoring Program Participants Education Field Trips 26 17 19 12 Peace Ambassador Program Participants . 5 . 6 Crisis Intervention Program 1 1 TOTAL participants impacted by NVEEE x 2,114 . 4,356 1 MILLION children were harassed, threatened or subjected to other forms of cyberbullying on Facebook during the past year. Only 7% of U.S. parents are worried about cyberbullying; yet 33% of teenagers have been victims of cyberbullying. 18 __________________________________________________________________________ NVEEE’S Signature Not On My Watch School-wide Bullying Prevention Program According to national surveys, 70% of middle and high school students have experienced bullying at some point, with 20-40% having bullied or been part of bullying during the school year (American Psychological Association, 2011). Schools and parents alike often feel overwhelmed by the current bullying epidemic, wanting to make a difference and not knowing where to begin. The purpose of this program is to reduce bullying incidents in elementary, middle and high schools, and to initiate a systemic prevention network within the school community. Workshops teach students social skills, models specific actions, and demonstrates ways of being and behaving that can empower students to reduce peerharassment as well as self-harm. Not On My Watch serves as a catalyst to support a peer-led intervention to alter school culture around bullying. Workshop surveys are used to assess school and community specific needs, and to capture data unique to each school’s social and ecological frameworks, a practice recommended in leading bullying prevention research (Swearer, Espelage, Vaillancourt & Hymel, 2010). Workshops are conducted using a variety of learning modalities (group discussion, videos, media slides, role playing diads, and interactive exercises) and utilizes bullying prevention curricula and materials from the National Education Association (Health Information Network, 2010). The workshop also: • Provides prevention and intervention strategies for bullying and harassment. • Delineates the characteristics and actions steps necessary for students to intervene on behalf of their peers in bullying and harassment situations. • Explores the training and education that can empower students to move from inactive bystanders to active agents of change. • Highlights resources for creating and maintaining a school-wide initiative against bullying and harassment. • Utilizes Pre/Post evaluations to measure knowledge gains, as well to collect self-report data of student perceptions of bullying in their environment. Survey data and other evaluation methods is used to assess particular social and ecological factors unique to each school community. 19 __________________________________________________________________________ PROGRAM EVALUATION NVEEE’s Not On My Watch workshops have been evaluated by graduate students from the University of Miami School of Education’s Community & Social Change program. Two pilot workshops for middle schools students [N=64] at a Miami-Dade County Public K-8 center received a pre, mid, and post-evaluations designed to measure specific outcomes as defined by the learning objectives and the program evaluation plan. Students at the K-8 Center who were selected by teachers as, “the problem students with bullying behaviors.” This contextual factor adds significance to the findings. Findings: • 88% of students rated the workshops “worthwhile” or “extremely worthwhile”, at post. • 87% marked “yes” to the question after the NOMW workshops, “If you or a close friend were to experience bullying, do you feel like you know the action steps you can take to empower yourself or your friend?” • 75% of students see themselves willing to work together with one another to intervene in bullying, at post. • Before the workshops, students on average were only able to identify two forms of bullying. At post-evaluation, students on average were able to correctly name nearly four forms of bullying. • Before the workshops, for the questions, “How often I help others who are bullied”, plus “How often I observe others help those who are bullied” the average response rate was 45%. At post, the combined response rate was 73% for both these questions. Limitations: Due to the nature of pre/post self-report surveys, these results are not a true experimental design and cannot imply causality. This is only program evaluation data. Also, demand characteristics and social desirability concerns exist with this type of design. Kids who are obese, gay, or have disabilities are up to 63% more likely to be bullied than other children. 20 __________________________________________________________________________ OUR SPONSORS 21 __________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL REPORT 2010 Income Corporate contributions $7,044.16 Individual donors $8,029.00 Program income $12,035.49 Total Income $22,650.00 2011 Income Community grants $500.00 Corporate contributions $38,680.25 Individual donors $5,443.97 Program income $35,000.00 Total Income $44,624.22 NVEEE is a 501(c)(3) organization and all monetary donations are deductible to the full extent of the law. 86% of students said, “other kids picking on them, making fun of them or bullying them” causes teenagers to turn to lethal violence in schools. 22 __________________________________________________________________________ SPOTLIGHT ON 2 PARTNERS Mission - To prevent suicide and ensure the healthy development of all youth through powerful communication and education on gender and orientation. YES Institute is a recognized leader in providing powerful, action-oriented dialogue and quality researchbased education on gender and orientation. YES began as a community-based initiative in 1996 to address the high rates of teenage suicide impacting young people who identified or were labeled as gay. In 2003, YES Institute added cuttingedge education courses on gender. YES Institute, based in Miami, Florida, reaches communities across the country and Latin America, including Alabama, Georgia, New York, and Bogota, Colombia and Cuernavaca, Mexico. People travel to Miami from all over the world to participate in our courses, including participants from Australia, Italy, South Africa, and Kenya. _________________________________________________ Take a Stand Against Bullying be a STAR is an anti-bullying alliance co-founded by The Creative Coalition and WWE. Its mission is to ensure a positive and equitable social environment for everyone regardless of age, race, religion or sexual orientation through grassroots efforts beginning with education and awareness. If you're a student, teacher or parent, we have the resources and tools to help you put an end to bullying in your school and community. 23 __________________________________________________________________________ SPOTLIGHT ON CELEBRITY SPOKESPERSON JACLYN STAPP Jaclyn Nesheiwat Stapp is a Stetson graduate who has appeared on numerous magazine covers and national advertising campaigns. This loving wife and mother of three won many titles, including Mrs. Florida America 2008 and Mrs. America First Runner Up 2008. Today, Jaclyn is a public speaker who travels around the world empowering at-risk youth and championing for women’s rights through her charity, CHARM (Children Are Magical) and is the spokesperson for National Voices for Equality, Education and Enlightenment (NVEEE), an organization whose mission is to prevent bullying, violence, and suicide among youth, families and communities through direct service, mentoring and prevention education. Jaclyn is married to Grammy Award winner Scott Stapp, singer, songwriter and voice of Creed. They reside in South Florida with their three children, Jagger, Milan and Daniel. As our national spokesperson, Jaclyn has attended orientation and training seminars, sits on NVEEE’s Advisory Board, has participated in two of our National PSA campaigns, and is an integral part of NVEEE’s Mentoring and Peace Ambassador Program. 24 __________________________________________________________________________ BOARD OF DIRECTORS Name Date of Appointment Affiliation Jeffrey Rubinstein Chairman of the Board Dec. 2009 Rubinstein & Associates, P.A. Partner Jowharah Sanders Founder | Executive Director Oct. 2009 NVEEE Executive Director Jessica L. Saiontz Vice-Chariman of the Board Nov. 2009 Rubinstein & Associates, P.A. Firm Manager, J.D. Amy Alonso Nov. 2009 Pandora Events Co-Founder Tara Austin Nov. 2009 US Air Force Jennifer Castillo Nov. 2009 Wells Fargo Branch Manager Ashley Dadaglio Nov. 2009 The Shift Agency President & CEO Arthur Johnson Nov. 2009 US Navy William Lohman June 2012 Rubinstein & Associates, P.A. Senior Law Clerk Teri Perignon Rios June 2012 Toss Up Salads President & CEO ADVISORY BOARD Name Date of Appointment Affiliation Akil Campbell Nov. 2009 RTI International Tomeka Napper Jan. 2010 ViJien Enterprises, CEO Jaclyn Stapp June 2011 Children’s Author. Model. Philanthropist. 25 __________________________________________________________________________ GET INVOLVED Yes, we have come a long way in a short period of time! But we still need your help to support the increasing number of communities, schools, and youth we serve. Getting involved is quick, easy and fun. Please consider helping us in one of the following ways: GET IN ACTION! Volunteering is a wonderful way for you to become a part of NVEEE and to make a difference in the lives of young people. There are numerous ways for you to help us on our mission such as becoming a Peace Ambassador, Mentor, or serving on our Parent Advisory Board, Youth Advisory Board, a Committee, and Board of Directors. Volunteers are needed at events, fundraisers and in schools. Please visit our website at www.nveee.org to learn more, or email us at [email protected]. RAISE AWARENESS Every voice can make a difference. Even if you don’t think you have the time to volunteer, social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and good old-fashioned word of mouth to friends, coworkers, or family, spreading awareness of NVEEE helps us in pursuit of our mission and goals. Please visit our website at www.nveee.org to learn more. MAKE A DONATION All donations are greatly appreciated! We thank you for taking the time to read this Overview, and we hope you will consider us in your giving plan for 2012. With your donation we will continue to strive and make differences in the South Florida communities and beyond. Please join us at our next event to see for yourself. Donate now at www.nveee.org! This organization has earned the GuideStar Exchange Seal, demonstrating its commitment to transparency. 26 __________________________________________________________________________ ABC’s SECRET MILLIONAIRE PREMIER Sunday, August 5, 2012, 8.P.M EST Secret Millionaire, which airs on ABC, features wealthy benefactors each week that go undercover in the most deprived neighborhoods of the United States. For one week, the millionaires mingle within the community and live on a very low-cost budget; this is the very first time doing so for many of them. At the end of the show, the millionaires reveal their identities and proceed to donate funds to worthy charities. On Sunday August 5, 2012, NVEEE will be featured on this hit TV series. As South Florida’s only nonprofit organization who mission is to prevent bullying, suicide and school violence, NVEEE was selected by a donor who also survived bullying, while growing up as a teen in Miami. Join NVEEE and our Secret Millionaire on Saturday, September 15 at High Bar on top of the glorious Dream Hotel in the heart of Miami Beach, as we celebrate our work in bullying prevention, and pay homage to our youth who have paved the way for other students to stand proud and live our motto Bullying, Not On My Watch! To watch a clip of the show visit our YouTube Channel at: http:// www.youtube.com/notonmywatchcampaign 27 __________________________________________________________________________ UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS ABC’s SECRET MILLIONAIRE PREMIER Sunday, August 5, 2012, 6.P.M EST 28 __________________________________________________________________________ UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS CONT’D NVEEE’s 2nd Annual Not On My Watch Red Carpet VIP Reception & ABC’s Secret Millionaire Screening. Saturday, September 15, 2012 8:30pm - 1:30am HIGHBAR DREAM HOTEL 1111 Collins Avenue • Miami Beach, FL 33139 29
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