Irvine Valley College 2012/2013 Accomplishments Office of the President Office of Instruction Office of Student Services ASIVC Academic Senate Classified Senate Irvine Valley College 5500 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine, CA 92618 949-451-5100 • A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Congratulations on continuing to provide our students with the finest education possible. We celebrate the accomplishments and dedication of our faculty and staff. We recognize so many who deliver outstanding efforts and achievements on behalf of our students. Congratulations to all! Thank you for all your hard work! I commend you for all of your hard work in 2012-2013. Here’s to another successful year! Respectfully yours, Glenn R. Roquemore, PhD 2 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College Irvine valley college vision, mission and goals College Vision Irvine Valley College provides students avenues for success through premier educational standards, exceptional services, and dynamic partnerships. College Mission Irvine Valley College is committed to student success. The College is devoted to student learning through exemplary teaching, integrated support services, effective stewardship, and continued accessibility in a diverse community. Collegewide Goals 1. Teaching and Learning: Facilitate student success by developing programs that prepare students for academic transfer, degree and career technical certificate completion. 2. Intensive Student Support: Provide exemplary instructional and student support services and infrastructure focused on student success. 3. Leadership and Accountability: Promote institutional effectiveness and student success based on a college culture of transparent and responsive leadership, collegial dialogue, and accountability. 4. Finance and Resource Development: Enhance external resources in support of a quality educational environment. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 3 Office of the President President Roquemore Top Achievements of the Year • At its January 2013 meeting, the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACCJC, WASC) reviewed the Follow-Up Report submitted by IVC. Based on that report and the report submitted by the evaluation team that visited IVC on November 9, 2012, IVC was removed from warning and its accreditation was fully reaffirmed. In order to demonstrate the sustained nature of the changes that were implemented to meet accreditation standards, IVC will be submitting a Midterm Report by October 15, 2013. • President Roquemore hosted an all-day summit with over 60 participants from business, higher education, government and the community to develop a practical vision of the College of the Future at ATEP, and to begin the action planning for developing a regional facility that seamlessly integrates education, training, hiring and employment. • President Roquemore has accepted the challenge made in the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)’s report, “Reclaiming the Dream: Community Colleges and the Nation’s Future, and has adopted “A Call to Action” for IVC. With the “completion agenda” as a national priority, IVC is obliged “to meet the challenge while holding firmly to traditional values of access, opportunity, and quality.” Additional Accomplishments • The Office of the President welcomed a new administrative assistant, Monica Cataldo, to the front office in A-100. • President Roquemore spearheaded a college-wide effort to produce a civility statement, which resulted in a document entitled, “The Irvine Valley College Statement on Freedom of Expression, Civility and Mutual Respect.” • President Roquemore facilitated the building and opening of the long-awaited new Veterans Services Center. The official grand opening celebration will be in August 2013. • President Roquemore facilitated the creation of new offices to house the IVC Classified Senate. After a period of renovation, the Senate will move into the recently vacated Veterans Office in the college library before the end of the year. • On April 4, 2013, President Roquemore facilitated a new Strategic Transfer Agreement with California State University, Fullerton. • During the 2012 fall semester, President Roquemore co-chaired (with Chancellor Gary Poertner and Vice Chancellor Bob Bramucci) an IVC/District IT issue resolution workgroup on CurricUNET and CurrSIS. This weeks-long series of meetings led to greater coordination between the district and the college. • On May 17, 2013, President Roquemore conferred $1,000 Presidential Scholarships on two very deserving local high school students, Karina Pauletti and Sharon Chen. They are from Woodbridge High in Irvine and Beckman High in Tustin, and will be attending IVC in Fall 2013. • On July 21, 2013, President Roquemore’s designated stand-in, Vice President for Student Services Linda Fontanilla, hosted a Welcome BBQ for 72 Association of California Community College Administrators (ACCCA) participants in a 4 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College week-long Admin 101 boot camp for California community college administrators and managers. • On April 26, 2013, President Roquemore hosted the Fourth Annual High School Principals’ Breakfast here at IVC. • President Roquemore participated in accreditation team visits, including a follow-up visit to Modesto Junior College from October 31 to November 1, 2012, and chairing a comprehensive team visit to Copper Mountain College in March 2013. • President Roquemore attended/participated in numerous committees and activities coordinated by the Irvine Chamber. He continues to be an active participant of the Board of Directors as well as a member of the Education Committee. • President Roquemore was named to a prestigious national advisory board, the Presidents Academy Executive Committee (PAEC), where he will join 13 nationally elected community college CEO’s who advise the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) on CEO leadership development opportunities and sponsor programs for member presidents. • The Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) has invited President Roquemore to serve on a four-president panel at the 44th Annual Community College Leadership Congress, which takes place at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle, WA from October 2 to 5, 2013. • President Roquemore continues his involvement in the Association of California Community College Administrators (ACCCA), serving on the Board of Directors and as an Executive Board member. He also has been appointed as Second Vice President, as well as the co-chair and developer of a new professional development program for new college presidents entitled Colleagues in Conversation. President Roquemore has also served as a mentor. • The IVC website was linked to collegiate websites such as: AACC (American Association of Community Colleges) and NAPAHE (National Association of Presidential Assistants in Higher Education). IVC was a featured school in September 2012 for AACC. • President Roquemore also: > Conferred dozens of resolutions, commendations and recognitions on deserving faculty, staff and community volunteers at monthly board meetings during the year. > Sponsored three faculty/staff events: the 2012/2013 faculty/staff winter holiday event in December 2012 that raised over $500 through the annual employee raffle; a classified staff retirement luncheon in November 2012; and a staff summer picnic on the Live Oak Terraces in May. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 5 • President Roquemore serves on the following committees and community association boards: > Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges: Chair for comprehensive visits > American Association of Community Colleges (AACC): Commissioner, Workforce Development > Association of California Community College Administrators (ACCCA): Board Member (2011-14); Executive Board Member; Second Vice President; Management Development Commissioner (MDC, 2013-14); Co-Chair and Developer of Colleagues in Conversation; Commission for Finance and Legislative Advocacy; and Mentor > Brandman University Ed.D: Advisory Board > Community College League of California (CCLC): Past Chair, Advisory Committee on Education Services > Council on Extended Education: organized with UCI, IUSD, and City of Irvine > Exchange Club of Irvine: Member > Irvine Chamber of Commerce, Board Member; Education Committee Chair > Irvine Sister Cities Foundation Association: Member > Orange County Business Council: Member > Sigma XI Research Society of America: Member > Southern California Community College Chief Executive Officers Association (SCCCCEOA): Past President > Tustin Chamber of Commerce: Member > U.S. Army Advisory Council: Founding Member 6 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College Office of the President Facilities and Maintenance Top Achievements of the Year • The Life Sciences building construction is back on track, with an expected completion date in August 2013. It’s a challenge to get a project moving once it goes to surety, but with a large effort by the entire construction management team, the building is nearing completion. In a major change to the project, we added the use of recycled water for all toilet appliances. This was one more effort in creating a sustainable campus, and will become the campus standard for all new construction. The building should be used for teaching starting spring 2014. • Several projects in the Student Service Center (SSC) have been completed. EOPS first moved into a new and renovated space, followed by Financial Aid and the International Student Office. In May 2013, the new Veterans Center opened for staff and student use. • The Bookstore was moved to a renovated space at the center of the campus; this move from dilapidated portables to a central space on campus enhanced student support and placed it adjacent to all other services in the SSC. The move initially was part of the college’s long-term planning; however, it was accelerated due to problems with the previous location. Additional Accomplishments • Furniture enhancements completed this past year have directly impacted students and staff across the campus. All areas renovated in the SSC received new furnishings; the lab classroom in BST 119 was fitted with new furnishings; two projects were undertaken in A 100; and both the Math Lab and Tutoring Center received new furniture. • B356 was renovated from being a large office area to its current use: an expansion of the math lab and study area. • One Department of State Architects (DSA) project was closed out, and three additional projects were submitted as complete, addressing a backlog in project completions that goes back many years. Other than the projects underway, the college only has one project to close out with DSA. This was an enormous statewide problem, which the college has shown great leadership in addressing. • A new entrance was created for the BST Resource Center. The redesigned entrance allows for better student access to the space and corrected a design problem with the building. • In the library, Facilities removed the stacks on the first floor and re-carpeted the area. This resulted immediately in an expanded student study area, and was a precursor to creating additional computer setups in the library for student use. • A new gas line was installed for the B Quad area, completing a multi-year project to rebuild the natural gas infrastructure. Along with one of three boilers replaced to date, these changes will impact the campus structure well into the future. The boiler replacements are one more major step in creating a more sustainable and cost effective campus operation. • The planting of a small grove of California pepper trees at the baseball field was a highlight of many plantings that took place on campus to create a more sustainable (specifically, a more water-friendly) environment as we move forward. • A great deal of work has been done on three projects that will likely be completed in the next year: A new, more energy efficient heating and air conditioning system is being designed for the SSC; a retrofit of all walkway and street lighting on campus will create a major change to this campus’s carbon footprint; and a project to track and predict required building maintenance may become the state standard in facilities tracking and reporting. • This does not include a host of other projects completed or currently underway -- only the bigger picture items. The facilities team has held energy costs at the campus flat for three years; considering campus growth and increased energy costs per KWH or BTU over that time period, this is quite an accomplishment in itself. Design work for A400 is ongoing. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 7 Office of the President Department of Fiscal Services Top Achievements of the Year • The office of Fiscal Services, in collaboration with College Technology Services, successfully led another budget development cycle by facilitating a total of 126 resource requests for a total of nearly $3 million, as shown below: budget development cycle Resource Type Amount Facilities and Equipment $537,161 Other Areas $854,646 Personnel $951,546 Technology $631,949 Total $2,975,302 Original requests Resource Type Count Amount Facilities - Construction 13 $7,921,736 Facilities - Furniture 4 $59,130 Facilities - Instructional Equipment 3 $312,314 Facilities - Non-Instructional Equipment 2 $76,980 Other 40 $2,477,273 Personnel 12 $299,494 Personnel - CHPLDP 11 $469,839 Revenue, Savings and Cost 2 $5,400 Technology 39 $608,720 Total 126 $12,230,889 • We worked through the Basic Aid Allocation Recommendation Committee to develop recommendations that would allocate $56.5 million in basic aid funds in 2013-14. Contingent on the approval by the Board of Trustees, these recommendations would allocate funding for the following major areas: > $6.2 million for capital outlay projects > $2.2 million for the energy debt retirement project > $10.8 million for district-wide technology initiatives > $596,530 for ATEP operations • The Bursar’s Office processed $3.3 million in monetary transactions, including over 15,000 payments and refunds for students. The office sold over 1,800 ASB stickers, and invoiced various foreign embassies for nearly $963,000 in international student payments. The office accepted and processed deposits for the following areas: > Community Education ($931,000) > Foundation ($883,000) > Campus Police ($670,000) > ASIVC ($625,000) > A&R/International Students Center ($80,000) > Child Development Center ($292,000) > ATEP ($259,00) > Financial Aid/Veteran’s Office ($139,000) > Performing Arts Center ($104,000) > Facilities Management ($106,000) 8 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College Office of the President Irvine Valley College Foundation Top Achievements of the Year • The Irvine Valley College Foundation net assets grew by 17% over the first three quarters of 2012-2013, from July 1, 2012 through March 31, 2013. • Fundraising expenses were below the nonprofit sector average at 13%, as were general overhead and operating costs at 13%. (NOTE: These figures are from the IVC Independent Auditor’s report for 2011-2012. The Foundation’s fiscal year end is June 30, 2013, and audited statements for 2012-2013 will be available in the fall of 2013.) • The IVC Foundation Board of Governors retreat reaffirmed and refined our comprehensive strategic plan with goals and measurable objectives for growth and renewal. The overall goals of the Foundation are to: > Create a culture of philanthropy on campus and in our greater community > Develop sound and efficient foundation infrastructure > Develop a dynamic fundraising Board of Governors > Increase revenue to support campus projects that enhance learning and student scholarships Support and Revenue 2011-2012 2012-2013* Contributions $388,104 $576,493 Events $54,195 $59,038 Revenue $208,332 $243,825 District support $394,787 $372,700 Total $1,045,418 $1,252,056 Program Services $753,655 $773,087 Management & General $197,110 $67,086 Fundraising $79,309 $59,632 Total $1,030,074 $899,805 Change in net assets $15,344 $352,251 Beginning July 1 $1,564,689 $1,580,033 Ending June 30 $1,580,033 $1,931,081 Expenses Net Assets *Note: Numbers subject to change at year-end audit. • The Foundation’s strategic plan is designed to integrate and support the overall Irvine Valley College Strategic Plan, and to this end, the 2013 retreat was a great success due to the college deans of each area presenting their accomplishments and goals, as well as requests for longer term funding, to the foundation board. • “Promote IVC “ (PRO IVC): The IVC 2012-2013 PRO IVC campaign saw new online giving that resulted in $202,650. The Foundation contributed $68,168 in matching funds for 2012-2013, and we hope to increase that each year with our greater Foundation leadership. PRO IVC is one of the most successful campus fundraising programs across the 112 California community college foundations. A huge thank-you goes out to all our faculty, staff and administration and community members who support the PRO IVC program. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 9 • Astounding Inventions: The 26th annual Astounding Inventions produced record revenue of nearly $34,000, enabling the Foundation to increase the quality of the overall event and the scholarships award to IVC students. This year, 455 “astounding inventions” created by K-8 students in the Tustin Unified and Irvine Unified school districts were on display at the Hart Gymnasium on January 28, 2012. Over $9,200 in prize money was awarded to the top young inventors. A special thanks goes out to all of the IVC faculty and departments who supported the “Science Fair” area. The field of judges this year included several new faces, executives, entrepreneurs, scientists and engineers from top local corporations such as Raytheon, Edwards Life Sciences, Boeing, US Bank, OC Nissan, and our major sponsor, the Greenberg Traurig law firm. Greenberg Traurig once again chose two outstanding student inventors to move forward with pro-bono legal services for US patent applications. No other community facing event draws the attention, the spotlight on STEM programs (science, technology, engineering, math) and attendance to the IVC campus. Even in the rain, over 1,800 people attended the 2013 event. • The Foundation closed the year with a committed new slate of officers and board members, with several people expressing interest in joining the foundation Board of Governors. The IVC Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization, IRS tax ID #77-0239916. Additional Accomplishments • Foundation Golf Tournament: The IVC Foundation Golf Tournament was held July 24 at Oak Creek Golf Club. Sixty golfers celebrated the IVC Women’s golf team, who were the California State Championship Women’s Teams for 2010 and 2012. The 1st place winning team of this year’s tournament was comprised of 2010 Championship Teammate Nichole Rivera and 2012 Championship Teammate Taylor Schweiki, Dean of Liberal Arts Karima Feldhus, and IVC Foundation Staff member Denise Sonnenberg - an all women’s team. The 2nd Place awards went to sponsor gkkworks teammates Brandon Dekker, Mike Helton, Tom Noya, and Jim Rogers. Special thanks go to sponsors and players from gkkworks, Schools First Federal Credit Union, William M. Crosby Law Offices, Swinerton Builders. 10 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College Office of the President Campus Police Department Top Achievements of the Year • The department improved call response time and campus safety by increasing the number of police officers available during peak service periods. This was accomplished without the need for additional personnel. • Improved emergency communications capability by adding a second dispatch position to the Emergency Operation Center. In addition, we upgraded the consoles to comply with “Next Generation” requirements mandated by Homeland Security. • Implemented new parking enforcement technology with automated citation writing devices to increase efficiency. Additional Accomplishments • Conducted 13 emergency preparedness classes, including topics such as Active Shooter Response, Emergency Response Guide for Staff, Faculty and Managers, and Recognizing and Preventing Workplace Violence, for 104 employee students. • Chief Will Glen was elected to a two-year term as 2nd Vice President of the California College and University Police Chiefs Association. • Chief Glen participates as a member of the Executive Board of the Orange County F.B.I. Joint Terrorism Task Force. • Chief Glen served as the Classified Manager representative on the District Board Policy and Administrative Regulation Committee. • Chief Glen served on the District Business Continuity and Planning Committee. • Chief Glen served as the chair of the Campus Safety Task Force. • Mark Zandonella serves on the Facilities Use Work Group. • Mark Zandonella served as the Classified Senate representative on the Board Policy and Administrative Regulation Committee. • Mark Zandonella served on the District Business Process Analysis Study Group. • Mark Zandonella served on the District Finance-HR-Payroll Systems Task Force. • David Young served on the Smoking Policy Development Work Group. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 11 Office of the President Public Information/Marketing Office Top Achievements of the Year • The Irvine Valley College Marketing, Communications and Broadcast Services Department won a total of five awards at the Community College Public Relations Organization (CCPRO)’s awards ceremony. IVC won a first place PRO award for social media marketing; second place for the college website, electronic collateral, and note/card/invitation; and third place in the brochure category for the college’s annual Performing Arts calendar. Brenda Constantino, Nathan Quach, Kori Garner and Diane Oaks attended the conference, held April 18-19 at the DoubleTree in Santa Ana. • Irvine Valley College and AT&T announced that the college’s local government access programming is now available on AT&T U-verse® TV Channel 99. Irvine Valley College Television (IVCTV) has been accessible through Cox Communications since 1999 and can currently be viewed on Cox Channel 33. The combined television access through Cox and now AT&T expands opportunities for more residents in Irvine, as well as residents throughout Orange County, Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino counties, to tune into programming to learn about IVC’s services, programs, resources and events. • Marketing and publications staff wrote and created a beautiful and comprehensive “report to the community” by the college and the Foundation. Additional Accomplishments • The Marketing Department supported the President’s Annual Opening Breakfast and Annual Spring Semester Breakfast, as well as commencement and scholarship presentations. • Diane Oaks participated, along with Saddleback’s Marketing Director, in the IVC and Saddleback joint work group in support of enrollment priorities revisions to AR 5210, which sets enrollment limitations and priorities. The marketing directors are working with student services colleagues to develop a communications plan for the recommendations. • Candice Yacono was hired as the new Senior Publications Editor and Graphic Designer in December 2012. Melinda Wilhelm was hired as a part-time Graphic Designer in October 2012. Brittany Ramchandani was hired as the new administrative assistant and began working in August 2013. • Other publications and marketing efforts included the President’s Accomplishment Book (2012); annual 9/11 event, which received a large article in the OC Register; Psi Beta’s presentation of Philip Zimbardo; the Fall Forum; the Veterans Car Show, which received front-page coverage in the Irvine World News; the Veterans Day program; the Veterans Angels Gala; the annual Thanksgiving Prayer Breakfast for the Irvine Chamber; new webpages in support of the Dream Act in January 2013; the annual Astounding Inventions event, which received a color article in the Orange County Register and Irvine World News in February 2013; Senior Day; the Transfer Fair; the Scholarship Ceremony; the 2013 Commencement, which included a large color photo spread in Irvine World News; and a student profile on Corliss Mejia, IVC Homecoming Queen Scholar-Athlete and President of the Business Leaders Society Club at IVC. • Diane Oaks and Kori Garner attended a Social Media for Natural Disaster Response and Recovery emergency training, hosted by FEMA and the National Disaster Preparedness Training Center, in March 2013. • At the beginning of the fall semester of 2012, we created and implemented a formal, approved social media internship program that has proven to be extremely successful, to our great delight. We interviewed interested students who are referred to us by the Counseling Center. The program’s social media efforts have gone on to win awards. • The video team produced and videotaped IVC’s annual commencement ceremonies, and created video productions for the fine arts department, such as theatre and dance performances, and the music department’s guitar concert. • Diane Oaks was invited by the music department to guest conduct the wind symphony concert on December 5, 2012. 12 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College Office of the President Research, Planning and Accreditation Top Achievements of the Year • Established a federally recognized Institutional Review Board (IRB). • Assisted two IVC faculty members with data and methodological support for their dissertation projects. • In April, Dr. Hayward received an award for Excellence in Research from the Research & Planning Group for California Community Colleges for his work on the development of SOFIA (Student Outcomes for Faculty Inquiry and Analysis), a web-enabled system for supporting faculty inquiry into the educational outcomes of student cohorts. Additional Accomplishments • Worked with Saddleback and District Services to implement an external scan, utilizing in-house capacity to identify social, political, technological, policy and educational trends, while retaining College Brain Trust to report on employment trends and opportunities as well as demographic and enrollment projections. • Worked with over 30 committees, councils, and task forces to conduct committee self-evaluations as part of a review of the effectiveness of the planning and decision-making process at IVC. • Completed review of Strategic Plan Objectives with all planning groups. • Contributed to renewing IVC’s status as fully accredited by the ACCJC by providing data for the 2012 follow-up report and the 2012-2013 annual report. • Worked with District Service to improve inFORM’s Program Review report to better handle cross-listed courses . • Evaluated tutoring effects on student outcomes with the Student Success Center and the Math Center. • Assisted IT, Financial Services and others to develop the new SharePoint-based Resource Request Form. • Assisted users with entering/evaluating SLOs, SSOs, & AUOs in TracDat. • Worked with SLO Task Force to generate a report for the ACCJC showing that over 99% of courses had SLOs and assessment methods defined in TracDat. • Lisa Wang was hired as a Research & Planning Analyst. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 13 OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION Vice President’s Office Top Achievements of the Year • At their January 2012 meeting, the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges took action to reaffirm IVC’s accreditation. A follow-up report to be submitted in October will address implementation and evaluation of three district recommendations made following our assessment in 2010. • Development and approval of six new degree programs: Associate in Arts in Communication Studies for Transfer, Associate in Arts in Kinesiology for Transfer, Associate in Arts in Psychology for Transfer, Associate in Arts in Sociology for Transfer, Associate in Arts in Theatre Arts for Transfer, and Associate in Science in Mathematics for Transfer. Additional Accomplishments • Basic Skills Initiative projects funded for 2011-2012 included Project Start, support services for English language learners; the College Success Program, a summer program for students assessing into basic skills math and English; Vets to College; the Math Success Center; the Summer Bridge Program, a summer learning community; Summer Learning Disability Assessment and Basic Skills Outreach; and English language learning software. Each project funded provided the results of their project to the college Institutional Effectiveness Committee. • IVC faculty and students received several awards from Psi Beta, a national honor society in psychology for students who are interested in the field of psychology. The Chapter Excellence Award went to advisor Kari Tucker, all three Gold Level awards went to Tammie K. Foliaki, Danielle L. Brown, and Elizabeth A. Shabazian; Silver Level awards went to Anna M. Sakzlyan and Alexander H. Bower; and Honorable Mention went to Sarah Savino. • Tustin High School celebrated their first cohort of Early College Program graduates, along with Beckman High School, this year. In sum, 25 students completed their associate degree at IVC and were recognized at a breakfast in their honor. • Lisa Holmes was hired starting May, 2013 as a Coordinated Scheduling Analyst in the Office of Instruction. 14 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION School of Business Sciences Top Achievements of the Year • Faculty in the School of Business Sciences participated in marketing and networking opportunities, including the CTE Regional Business Advisory Board Meeting; the Association for Corporate Growth’s State of Orange County Business; IVC Senior Day; the IVC Career Fair; the Southern California TechVoice Breakfast featuring U.S. Congressman John Campbell (CA-45); and the Entrepreneurship Summit, hosted by the Business & Entrepreneurship Center (BEC) Program and the Rancho Santiago Community College District. Faculty achievements • Professor Dan Scott: Faculty presentations included a professional development presentation on Developing the Entrepreneurial Campus on August 16, 2012, and an IVC2IVC presentation on Developing the Entrepreneurial Mindset, on March 4, 2013. Faculty service included BLS, enactus advisor; Student Learning Outcome (SLO) Task Force, liaison; Technical Review II, committee member; and Academic Senate representative. Professional development efforts included the BEC Entrepreneurship in Education Conference in October 2012; the Irvine Chamber of Commerce Entrepreneurship Forum; the NACCE Conference in October 2012; IVC & the Association for Corporate Growth in October 2012; 3CSN LINKS VI – Powerful Classroom in November 2012; the AACC BEC/NACCE Workshop in January 2013; an Irvine Exchange Club event in March 2013; and the NACCE-BEC Community College Entrepreneurship Summit in April 2013. • Professor Roopa Mathur: Faculty service included chairing Academic Affairs; the IEC (Institutional Effectiveness Committee); the SOCCCD Barrier 2 Task Force; the IVC Technology Advisory Task Force; the IVC Distance Education Task Force; the District Technology Committee (DTC); the District-wide Technology Plan Task Force; the District Online Education Committee (DOEC); the DOEC Help Desk Work Group; and two hiring committees. Professional development included the BEC Entrepreneurship in Education Conference in October 2012; the Workforce Leadership Institute’s Navigating Leadership with a GPS in 2012; Completion by Design, by Dr. Robert Johnstone, RP Group; Links VI - Powerful Classrooms: Generating Connectivity Across the Curriculum; Links VII - A Look at Successful Completion Agenda Programs by RP Group; the Business Sciences School Strategic Planning Retreat; and PHIT – Information Technology Symposium. For personal development, Professor Mathur successfully completed the MS Bike Bay to Bay Tour, a bike ride from Irvine to San Diego, to help raise awareness and funds for MS. • Professor June McLaughlin: Presented a faculty presentation for IVC2IVC on the Ambivalence of Socially Responsible Investing in November 2012. Faculty service included the IVC Distance Education Task Force; Faculty Association Representative; Student Research Task Force; and Investors Society Faculty Advisor. Professional development included presenting at the University of Texas’s History Department Africa Conference 2013, Socially Responsible Investing and the Developing World; presenting at the OC-National Contract Managers Association, Annual Education Seminar, in April 2013; attending the California Community College Association for Occupational Education (CCCAOE) in March 2013; mentoring a student who presented an abstract at the Honors Transfer Council of California student research conference held at UCI in March 2013; and serving as co-chair of the Career Technical Education task force. • Professor Bob Urell: Faculty service included chairing the School of Business Sciences; Vice-President, Academic Senate; Co-Chair – Campus SPOBDC Committee; Co-Chair – Campus AFTPC Committee; serving on the BSR Committee; and serving on the District BAARC Committee. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 15 • Professor Dixie Massaro: Professional development included completing an 18-hour training program on Advanced Excel via Certiport; passing the Microsoft Office Applications Specialist Certification exam (expert level) for Excel 2010; completing an online webinar presented by @One on Increasing Student Success by Integrating Social Media in the Classroom; attending the California Business Consortium and Business Educator’s Meeting; completing an 18-hour online course on how to use Camtasia software to prepare instructional videos; purchasing and starting training in the 2013 version of Excel in preparation for next year, when IVC upgrades; purchasing Camtasia/SnagIt software and a special headset microphone to be able to create and post 10 quality training videos on various advanced features and functions of Excel 2013 in Blackboard; attending a one-day conference for California real estate educators in Los Angeles; beginning to develop a partnership with the Center Stage Studio youth theater in Aliso Viejo, in the hopes of being able to provide IVC theater students internship opportunities, as well as to provide a conduit for local youth to attend IVC and major in theater arts (an ongoing project with Ron Ellison); completing a 45-hour real estate continuing education course required for a current California broker’s license; completing a three-hour online training course in Using Visual Basic for Applications; completing a three-hour training module ( on Real-World XML; developing a Tip of the Week feature for online Excel courses where an Excel tip, function or feature not presented in the textbook is emailed to students and posted in Blackboard; authoring (with Roopa Mathur) a new certificate of proficiency for CIM (Office Assistant); revising several CIM course outlines with Roopa Mathur to include a module on mobile applications; and continuing to work to improve the CIM Administrative Assistant FastTrack program. ACCOUNTING PROGRAM • Renewed CTEC Provider status for tax education program. • Successful VITA that, according to estimates, brought in over a million dollars of additional refunds into the City of Irvine. • Awarded 123 certificates at the end of the Fall Semester. Awarded about the same number at the end of the Spring Semester. • Two IMA scholarships created that are dedicated to IVC students. • Two stipends to IVC students for helping to manage VITA. These were funded by United Way. • Complete submittal of SB-1440 business degree. • Active Accounting Society Club. • Successfully helped secure jobs and internships for numerous accounting students. • Lots of transfer students, particularly to CSUF. Parto Kavoosian, our former student, was admitted to their master’s program and is performing extremely well. CIM PROGRAM • Professor Roopa Mathur won the RTF (Responsive Training Fund) grant from the State Chancellor’s Office/Economic & Workforce Development Program in partnership with the North Orange County Community College District. The Mobile Media Project will assist businesses in becoming more sustainable in the ever-evolving, emerging technologies of mobile devices using HTML5, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and Dreamweaver CS6. This will improve the skill set and competitiveness of Southern California businesses and workers in this cutting edge technology, thus helping the general economy of the region. The project can provide assistance in keeping jobs for incumbent workers, improve their job marketability, increase changes of getting the next job in this new technology and finding the higher paying jobs because it is such a new technology and so few experts exist. • CIM students receive promotions and new jobs for increased wages, in addition to internship opportunities. For example, one received a social media internship position; she was a student in CIM 243.1 Dreamweaver I in Spring 2013. • CIM courses related to websites incorporated creating mobile websites viewable by a browser on various mobile devices, including iOS and Android devices. Successfully offered a new course CIM 217 Social Media Marketing in which students create a social media marketing campaign using Web applications, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. • Professor Mathur is member of the Information Systems Faculty Discipline Review Group Members (FDRG) and Course Outline of Record Evaluators (CORE), which review that the minimum requirements of the C-ID Descriptor are met. • Professor Mathur developed the Interested in Computers document to highlight all CIM courses and their software applications which is used extensively by counselors and students. 16 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College Paralegal Program • IVC paralegal students served as interns at the OC District Attorney and Public Defender’s office. • IVC paralegal adjunct faculty Renato Izquieta was named OC Superior Court Humanitarian of the Year for 2012. • The Orange County Paralegal Association held its April 13, 2013 student meeting on the IVC campus. • Rutter Group practice manuals and law books were purchased for the law section of the IVC library. • The paralegal program held a student orientation for current students to provide updated information concerning the status of the program’s application for ABA certification and to review program items. Business Administration/Management PROGRAM • The AA-T transfer degree nears final approval • Retail Management program • Member of the Western Association of Food Chains (WAFC) advisory board Fall 2012 Business Sciences Certificates and Awards Degree Candidates AA Business Administration 16 AA Business, Computer Information & Applied Technology 1 AS Accounting 6 AA Business Management 2 Certificate of Achievement Candidates COA Accounting 11 COA Business Management 2 COA Computer Information Management: Administrative Assistant/Word Processing 9 COA Computer Information Management: Local Area Networks 2 COA Paralegal Studies 3 COA Recycling and Resource Management 2 Certificate of Proficiency Awards COP 2D Animation 2 COP Computerized Accounting 11 COP Entrepreneurship 1 COP Financial Accounting 12 COP Financial/Managerial Accounting 19 COP Income Tax 10 COP Payroll 8 COP Real Estate Sales 1 COP Spreadsheet 6 Award Summary Associate of Arts Degree 16 Associate of Sciences Degree 9 Certificates of Achievement 28 Certificate of Proficiency 70 Other Total Awards Recognized 123 Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 17 Entrepreneurship PROGRAM • Eleven new courses were developed and approved through the curriculum development process to offer beginning Fall 2013. One existing course was cross-listed as an ENTR course. These courses are: ENTR 200, Pathways to Success, 1 unit; ENTR 201, Creativity and Idea Generation, 1 unit; ENTR 202, Innovations and Opportunities, 2 units; ENTR 211, Business Models, 2 units; ENTR 212, Market Validation & Research, 1 unit; ENTR 217 (CIM 217), Bootstrap Marketing Using Social Media, 3 units; ENTR 221, Money, Accounting and Finance for Entrepreneurs, 2 units; ENTR 222, Business Structure and Legal Requirements, 1 unit; ENTR 223, Building the Entrepreneurial Team, 2 units; ENTR 224, Operations Management for Entrepreneurs, 1 unit; ENTR 231, The Successful Business Plan, 2 units; and ENTR 232, Persuasive Presentations, 2 units. • Three new certificates of proficiency were approved by the Academic Senate on March 14, 2013. These certificates are: Idea Development and Opportunity Recognition for Entrepreneurs; Research Tools for Entrepreneurs; and Understanding Entrepreneurial Operations. • K5 Launch-Shadow Team Program: In Spring 2013, K5 Launch partnered with IVC to offer its Shadow Team program to IVC’s students, allowing four intern participants a class-credit opportunity to observe and actively participate in the life of a startup company, Nanoogo, during the three-month program. This program would not have had physical space to operate if it were not for the generous support of Dixie Massaro and Jerry McGrath to allow their office space to be used by Nanoogo and our student interns this spring. • Center for Entrepreneurship and Paralegal Studies: in development. • Cooperative Work Experience (CWE): 4 students in Fall 2012. 16 students in Spring 2013. • Student Involvement: Business Leaders Society (BLS) – Enactus has 40 student members. They took Rookie of the Year honors at the Enactus Regional Competition, April 8, 2013. Projects and events include Business Program Transfer Night, October 13, 2012; a Second Harvest Food Drive which provided food for 500 meals; and K5 Launch & Youthpreneur program research. Enactus members are involved in helping two local business grow there: Nanoogo and Newport Madison. Nanoogo is an new on-line platform where teachers can create logins for their classes. Students can then log in to write stories, create interesting artwork, and share their knowledge. It is a web 2.0 resource where pupils can make poster type of presentations and has great educational potential. Newport Madison was founded by one of our Enactus team members, Corliss Mejia, in 2010. 18 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION School of Fine Arts Visual arts Department Top Achievements of the Year • The Art Department student body continues to grow, adding new majors in studio art, graphic design, multimedia, art history and applied museums studies. • Department faculty continues to develop appropriate student learning outcomes as they relate to the visual arts programs, and record assessments in the TracDat system. • The following new courses were approved for the 2013-2014 catalog: > DMA 88, 3D Character Animation 2 > DMA 96, 2D Animation Principles > DMA 98, 3D Modeling for Games and Film > DMA 104, Introduction to Game Design • DMA-55, Instructor W. Atkins: The newest software, Adobe Creative Suite CS6, was installed in all of our computers starting Fall 2013. Searched to find a book that would have the important data and definitions for students beginning a design class, and also be priced under $40. Found the perfect book: White Space is Not Your Enemy: A Beginner’s Guide to communicating Visually through Graphic, Web & Multimedia Design, Rebecca Hagen and Kim Golombisky. This title can also be rented through the IVC bookstore. We have an allotment of supplies to demonstrate hands-on skills needed for graphic design professionals. This semester we started using Letraset adhesive sheets instead of spray mount, which is much cleaner and more efficient.The bulletin board in the BSTIC second floor hallway builds interest in the class work; I welcome all DMA classes to alternate the space. • Art Deparment/Applied Museum Studies Program: > Art department photography students had their work selected for inclusion in Photography Forum’s Best in College Photography 2012, a national publication that highlights the best photography. > The Art Department and Applied Museum Studies Program hosted two Applied Museum Studies advisory meetings. Attendees included curators, directors, designers and educators from multiple area museums and galleries. > The first six students to complete the recently approved Certificate of Proficiency in Curatorial Studies were recognized in a departmental ceremony. > Several studio arts students have recently applied to various public and private baccalaureate programs in studio art across the state, and are awaiting responses. > Current plans are underway to remodel existing space to expand the department’s design courses, locate and update new space for a campus art gallery, and identify new space for a department lighting studio. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 19 Faculty achievements • New full-time digital media faculty member Patricia Beckman-Wells collaborated with professional sculptor Scott Wells to publish Face It: A Visual Reference for Multi-ethnic Facial Modeling. Professor Beckmann-Wells is completing her dissertation, Examining the Use of Online Storytelling as a Motivation for Young Learners to Practice Narrative Skills. Professor Beckmann-Wells received the 2012 Adobe Design Achievement Award, and the 2012 Children’s Media of the Year Award. • Associate Professor of Digital Media Terry Chatkupt attended Shorts Lab: LA, a filmmaking seminar sponsored by the Sundance Institute. Professor Chatkupt was also invited by the Sundance Institute to apply for its New Frontier Story Lab program, which offers interdisciplinary support to artists working at the convergence of film, art, and new media technologies. Professor Chatkupt attended the Digital Media Arts Advisory Board Meeting sponsored by Vital Link Orange County, and also presented student work and information about the Digital Media Arts program at the High School Counselors Conference. • Professor of Art History Lisa Davis Allen continued to act as department chair, and served as distance education coordinator. In February 2013, Professor Davis Allen completed a year-long ACCCA administrative mentorship program, and attended the week-long ACCCA workshop ADMIN 101 in July 2012. She also attended the WCET conference on distance education technology October 2012 in San Antonio, and completed the 12 unit Online Educator Program Occupational Skills Award offered by Saddleback College in March 2013. She has been approved for sabbatical in Spring 2014. • New full-time drawing faculty member Joe Gerges has been settling into his new role in the department and is working to develop future courses in printmaking. Professor Gerges was a participating artist in the group exhibit at San Diego’s Distinction Gallery entitled One Plus Six Equals Seven. Artist Christopher Polentz curated the Spring 2013 show. This exhibit features the collective art of current emerging artists Nathan DeYoung, Heather Hogan, Michael Lockwood, Joseph Gerges, Michelle Gerich, Victor Roman, and Christopher Polentz. • Associate Professor of Art History and Museum Studies Amy Grimm was granted tenure by the SOCCCD Board of Trustees Spring 2013. Professor Grimm has attended multiple conferences on the visual arts and museum studies, attending lectures and workshops through College Art Association and American Association of Museums. She presented an IVC2IVC lecture on Andy Warhol, and continues to develop courses and certifications for the Applied Museum Studies program. Professor Grimm remains active in the southern California community, curating exhibitions, hosting workshops and presenting lectures on art history and museum studies. • Professor of Painting Julie Kirk-Purcell has been on sabbatical for the 2012-2013 academic year. During her year-long sabbatical Professor Kirk-Purcell was a featured/ key commissioned artist internationally working in Thailand, Israel, France and the Netherlands, and nationally in Colorado, Florida, Georgia and Texas. As co-owner of the 3D street painting company Talk Chalk, she expanded her work, completing contracts for Coors, Miller Brewing Co., Verizon Wireless, Saudi Aramco, Kia, Angry Birds, and the World Wildlife Fund. She has also presented several lectures discussing her book SIDEWALK CANVAS (2011), and written articles for several art publications. Julie continues to work on a new body of oil painting work with an expected exhibition in 2014. • Professor Jerry McGrath continues to work on his current photographic series for future exhibitions, while taking time off from teaching during the Spring 2013 semester. Professor McGrath is expected back in the classroom for the 2013-2014 academic year. • Adjunct faculty member Amy Caterina installed a summer exhibition at the Laguna Art Musuem entitled Faux Real, featuring the Doomsday Cupcake Bunker, an 8’ crocheted and stitched cupcake with a doomsday bunker inside loaded with ‘cozied’ rations. She also participated in the Double Feature exhibition at George Cutless Gallery in Pomona, and also installed a permanent public art piece consisting of 400 photographs entitled In Case You Get Lost at the OC Great Park Visitor Center. 20 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College • Adjunct faculty member Laurie Gellette participated in the 2012 Group Show at Copro Gallery, Bergamot Station in Santa Monica. In June, she installed a solo show at the Art Cube Gallery in Laguna Beach. ADVISORY COMMITTEE UPDATE-APPLIED MUSEUM STUDIES (AMS) • Professor Amy Grimm reports that she is successfully maintaining partnerships with Advisory Committee Members for the Applied Museum Studies Program. She has personally traveled to see several people for face to face meetings, business lunches and has had several phone meetings this fall and spring. The following people have been particularly active and are in enthusiastic support of the program: Nik Honeysett, Head of Administration, J. Paul Getty Museum; Julie Lee, Curator, Bowers Museum of Cultural Art; Jeanine Denholm, Art Advisor, SoCal Art Projects & Exhibitions (private business, SCAPE); John Spiak, Director/Curator, Grand Central Art Center in Santa Ana; and Jacqueline Cabrera, Associate Registrar for the Villa J. Paul Getty Museum. • The AMA Committee has dramatically increased community involvement and had 15 additional members attending the November 15, 2012 Advisory Committee meeting. Professor Grimm wrote her second Applied Museum Studies labor market survey utilizing expanded Survey Monkey features. She then sent these to advisory committee members, gathered and analyzed the data, and presented to the department and advisory committee members. There are significant gains in hiring in all the areas of museum/gallery work, according to the people currently employed who filled out the survey. Please see meeting minutes, and labor market analysis documents. • Additionally, current advisory committee members have brought in additional members and increased their involvement with the college. Advisory Committee Member Robin G. Fuld, Director of Career Services, Laguna College of Art and Design (LCAD), invited Professor Grimm to participate in a panel discussion regarding careers in the arts at LCAD on March 26, 2013. Additionally, Advisory Committee Member Nik Honeysett, Head of Administration at the Getty, has introduced Professor Grimm to Peter J. Kerber. Currently, she is working with Peter on a label project assignment for her Curatorial Practice class that was discussed during the May 18, 2013 museum class at the Getty. PROGRAM UPDATE-APPLIED MUSEUM STUDIES (AMS) • The Applied Museum Studies program continues to develop on schedule. Three of the nine courses have been offered (two courses were offered twice), serving nearly 100 students, with several taking their last course to earn Certificates of Proficiency in Curatorial Studies. An Applied Museum Studies Certificate Recognition Celebration was held on May 10th at IVC to honor the six students completing their certificates in Curatorial Studies. Professional development opportunities include attending the College Art Association annual conference and the Museums and the Web annual conference. These conferences are recommended by the American Alliance of Museums as examples of best standards and practices related to museum/college curriculum and program development. • An IVC AMS program meeting was scheduled for May 6. Meeting minutes from the Fall Advisory Committee Meeting were reviewed and approved, and the results of our Mapping Future Success workshop were discussed and assessed. Key projects will continue to be evaluated related to specific course offerings, curriculum, and advisory committee member goals/needs. AMS is already partnering with museums and galleries to give AMS students real world projects. AMS will continue to expand on these ideas. Additionally, Professor Grimm is preparing for a fall Flex Week CTE-AMS Advisory Committee Meeting, and she will be a member of the CTE Task Force over the summer to establish a process for the proposed multiple CTE Advisory Committee Meetings held during the Fall Flex Week. She will support CTE staff in sharing information with CTE faculty. • The program needs to determine if there is support for the Applied Museum Studies Program to move ahead at the state level. At the recommendation of the administration, the 501 state application has been on hold for two years. The Applied Museum Studies Advisory Committee has asked when this will move forward, and agree that a Certificate of Achievement would be beneficial to our students. We have six students earning low-unit certificates of proficiency in Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 21 Curatorial Practice. Fall courses are scheduled and Professor Grimm will begin recruiting for the part-time instructor pool for some of the AMS courses. Marketing Update-Applied Museum Studies • On 9/13/12, Professor Grimm worked with Sonya Bangston to record and post a video about careers in the arts. She also highlighted the Applied Museum Studies Program and the two low-unit certificates of proficiency. Link: http://mediaex. • She also participated in two on-campus student events for marketing the Applied Museum Studies program. Professor Grimm printed flyers and displayed a large amount of art history/museum studies materials for Senior Day on 3/5/13 and Career Day on 4/23/13. • In the spring semester, Professor Grimm worked with Floridel Sotelo creating an Applied Museum Studies Program Flyer that included details of all nine courses and a description of the two-low unit certificates of proficiency. She delivered flyers to counselors, CTE staff, and colleagues at-large in the community. • Professor Grimm made several class visits at IVC to classes in art history, studio art, digital media and theatre arts courses and made several announcements in her classes and sent materials to school faculty to announce new program and new course offerings. • Future plans include creating an Applied Museum Studies Facebook page and developing an IVC Art Club and/or an Applied Museum Studies Club. Additionally, making the AMS program more visible and easier to find will be a priority of Professor Grimm working with the new staff hire. 22 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION School of Fine Arts Dance Department • Stephanie Lin just got accepted as a member of the Vox Theatre Dance Company based in LA. • Former PDE dancer Evan Strand is dancing in Swan Lake with the Long Beach Ballet, appeared on GLEE and won $17,000 on the show OhSit! Dance does pay off... • Marie de la Palme’s Sacred Ritual duet was presented at the Los Angeles Dance Festival this Spring and will be featured at the Focus Dance Center Gala night at the Barclay on June 16th. • Our French counterparts have just arrived, and we hope to give them the time of their lives! • Dance Department website development: Created a design plan for a new dance website that involved coordination with the entire dance faculty. Completed design plan was submitted at the beginning of August to IVC technology, staff where it was touted as a model for all future departments. It included ways to highlight ongoing accomplishments of students, faculty and the department as a whole, community outreach, and recruitment with articles to interface with the college and the department’s Facebook sites, and ways to address the ongoing needs to communicate with current students. • Key organizer for an Inter-segmental Dance Curriculum Summit held at IVC in early October, which hosted faculty, staff, and administration from the state Academic Senate, four-year Institutions, and community colleges across Southern California. It covered many hot topics such as SB 1440, CTE work, repeatability, TMC and C-ID development, etc. • Point person to send out communications for curriculum issues statewide, including repeatability, family formations, TMCs and C-ID development. • Beth Moore and Kathryn Milostan-Egus held a curriculum, DACCC, state-wide meeting at the American College Dance Festival recently held at EL Camino College. They are also pursuing a statewide need for a more active organization to tackle ongoing needs of the dance field either within DACCC or within an existing organization. • Professor Milostan-Egus worked with CSUF faculty Gladys Kares, and IVC articulation officer Tiffany Tran to negotiate catalog language appropriate to what is actually happening at the four-year institutions for majors. A formal document on letterhead resulted, a legitimate exception to the new repeatability rulings for ballet and modern dance to better serve our students and those at several other institutions across the state. • Kathryn Milostan-Egus authored the State Dance Resolution 9.06, Dance TOP Codes, with Kate Clark, Diana Hurlbut, and Marie de la Palme assisting and/or proofreading it. It addressed the statewide need for aligning more closely with four-year institutions for TMC and to align with what is current in the vocational fields. Professor Milostan-Egus presented this at the AREA D meeting and the recent Spring Plenary in San Francisco where it was approved by the State Academic Senate. It will, hopefully in the next year, open more direct pathway options for students to pursue their transfer and career goals. • Professor Milostan-Egus became a certified GYROKINESIS® Pre-Trainer, which not only certifies her to continue to teach GYROKINESIS® but also to help train students who want to become instructors as a vocational pursuit. • Professor Milostan-Egus personally wrote 11 new courses and supervised, along with Marie de la Palme, about 12 other faculty courses that were approved for next year. They also revised the course numbering for all course to take in account long-term need of curriculum given the new repeatability rules and future master department plans. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 23 • Professor Milostan-Egus was deeply involved in working on the Dance Program Review, along with Marie de la Palme and Ted Weatherford, throughout the year. She was instrumental in the process, revising a student survey she created years ago, as well as collecting and analyzing large amounts of data for inclusion in the final documents. • Helped revise the AA degree and two dance certificates. • Created and offered There is Hope presentations for the National Parkinson’s Association. This educational lecture and demonstration focuses on the science behind mind, body, spirit body therapies, which has been successful in reversing some of the effects of Parkinson’s symptoms and other neurological disorders. It also has been a successful outreach program that increased enrollments in the GYROKINESIS® class and led to an interest in creating a non-profit organization to promote the integration of eastern and western medicine. • Met with community organizations such as ATRIA Woodbridge and True Village to begin creating a community network and outreach to seniors in the area who can benefit from our dance science and body therapy courses, perhaps offering IVC courses at their locations. • Taught a master class for France exchange students. • Mentored students who want to transfer and those seeking certificates. • Gave a master class on stress management therapies such as yoga, Pilates, GYROKINESIS®, and dance to educate those in an IVC stress management class. This also serves to enhance enrollment in our dance courses. • Professor Milostan-Egus helped mentor students and provided faculty and department assistance for dance department concerts and high school dance days. • Attended several workshops, presentations, master classes, and performances on Eastern medicine, dance, and other subjects related to the fields within dance -- dance science, dance history, dance and technology, and dance performance and technique -- to stay current. Department accomplishments • Dance department website development • American College Dance Festival – student performance and statewide dance curriculum, meeting facilitator, Kathryn MilostanEgus, full-time dance faculty • Wrote or revised over 23 courses • Program review • Faculty prestige: newly attained certified GYROKINESIS® pre-trainer • State Dance Resolution 9.06 – authored by Kathryn Milostan-Egus, full-time dance faculty • Created new community outreach alliances - There is Hope presentations for the National Parkinson’s Association • Repeatability agreement document with CSUF to serve California community college dance transfer and vocational students across the state • France Cultural Exchange in August - IVC and French students performed and took master classes. Dance faculty gave master classes, students and their families hosted the French students. 24 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION School of Fine Arts Music Department • Congratulations to IVC Music Majors Timothy Jensen & Dominick Maldonado on their selection to the College Band Directors National Association National Small College & Community College Intercollegiate Band. Mr. Jensen and Mr. Maldonado will perform as a part of the CBDNA National Conference in March at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. The ensemble will be conducted by Dr. Craig Kirchoff, Director of Bands, University of Minnesota. The IVC Department of Music wishes to extend a sincere thank you to the ASIVC for their funding of this trip. Timothy Jensen plays string bass and is an alumnus of Foothill High School class of 2011. Dominick Maldonado plays euphonium and is an alumnus of El Toro High School class of 2011. MUSIC MAJOR CLASS OF 2013 > Joseph Ceman, violin – CSU Long Beach – Music Education > Jonny Dolan, tenor – CSU Fullerton – Music Education > Fallon Holtz, soprano – Chapman University - Performance > Kevin Jellison, guitar – UCI - Performance > Samer Khan, viola – UCI PreMed and Music > Leehyeon Kuen, viola – Chapman University or USC – Performance > Miguel Lamprea, guitar – UCI - Performance > Dominick Maldonado, Euphonium – San Diego State University – Music Education > Alfredo Muñoz, flute (also a Fullerton College alumnus) - CSU Fullerton - Performance > Adrian Rangel-Sanchez, baritone - CSU Fullerton – Music Education > Cameron Reeves, trumpet – CSU Long Beach – Music Education & Performance > Conrad Zimmer, tuba – CSU Long Beach – Music Education & Performance • IVC Music Professor Iman Khosrowpour’s Guest Soloist Performance of the Violin Concerto by Felix Mendelssohn was performed May 28th in Brno, Czech Republic with the Czech Virtuosi Orchestra • Dr. Stan Breckenridge has been re-appointed for a second year as Distinguished Fulbright Scholar in Poland • On May 5, Irvine Valley College hosted the Southern California Percussion Ensemble Festival (SCPEF). This was the third year that IVC has been a co-host with Woodbridge High School and the SCPEF. Participating schools this year (in order of performance) included: Fountain Valley HS, Woodbridge HS Percussion Ensemble II, South Pointe Middle School (Diamond Bar), University HS, Beckman HS, Rowland HS, Northwood HS, Diamond Bar HS, and Woodbridge HS Percussion Ensemble I. Each ensemble performed for 15 minutes attending a clinic in a PAC music room. The evening ended with guest artist performances from the CSU Northridge Percussion Ensemble and the Los Angeles Percussion Quartet. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 25 IVC MUSIC ALUMNUS • Brad Van Wick is graduating with his master of music degree in Composition from University of Missouri, Kansas City (UMKC) this semester and this fall will begin his studies at UMKC for his doctorate of musical arts degree. While at IVC, Mr. Van Wick studied composition with Dr. Daniel Luzko and piano with Dr. Janice Park, performed in the IVC Wind Symphony, and represented IVC at the 2008 CBDNA Regional Conference at the University of Nevada, Reno. He completed his bachelor of music degree at the CSU Long Beach Bob Cole Conservatory of Music. His opera “Mantra” received its premiere as a part of the Rites of Being, an Evening of New Operas at the Paragraph Gallery in Kansas City on May 16 and 17. • IVC Music and University High School alumnus Jonathan Gerrard was the featured performer as a part of the 31st Annual Donald Bren Honors Concert Celebration. While at IVC, Mr. Gerrard studied guitar with John Schneiderman and composition with Daniel Luzko. He also performed in the percussion section of the Wind Symphony and had two of his compositions performed in May 2012 by the IVC Wind Symphony and the IVC Symphony Orchestra. He was also selected for the Music Association of California Community Colleges Composition Master Class at the 2011 State Conference in San Francisco. The Master Class was taught by Dr. Morton Lauridsen from the University of Southern California. Mr. Gerrard is now a music major studying guitar with Professor Schneiderman at the University of California, Irvine. • Guitarist and lutenist John Schneiderman performed seven concerts from May 28 through June 2 as part of the Salish Sea Early Music Festival in Washington. The program title is “Giulianiad” and features the flute and guitar works of 19thcentury guitar virtuoso Mauro Giuliani. On August 25 Mr. Schneiderman will perform a recital of Russian guitar music entitled Souvenirs from Russia at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana as part of The Tsar’s Cabinet exhibition. 26 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION School of Fine Arts Speech/Forensics Department Top Achievements of the Year Fall 2012 - November/December: IVC Speech and Debate Team wins PSCFA Fall Championship Tournament • The speech and debate team for Irvine Valley College was awarded the sweepstakes award for top community college at the league fall championships held November 30 - December 2, 2012 at Cerritos College. Thirty-three students captured 58 awards. The team was also recognized as the top novice squad. Thirty-six two- and four-year colleges competed at the league tournament held by the Pacific Southwest Collegiate Forensics Association. Second and third place were won by OCC and Mt SAC. February: Speech and Debate Team Repeats Double League Victories • Just as they did at the fall championships, the IVC speech and debate team took two more top honors, this time at the spring league championship tournament held at CSULB, February 22 - 24. The team, consisting of 44 IVC students, won both sweepstakes as the top community college and the top novice squad. The team already has taken sweepstakes awards this semester at Southwestern College, Pt. Loma Nazarene University, and Cerritos College. This was the largest tournament of the semester, with 41 schools sending 946 entries to the contest, which was organized by the Pacific Southwest Collegiate Forensics Association. • Debate coach Gary Rybold explained that the team victory was led by the debaters. “Twenty-two IVC students took awards in all three levels of debate (novice, junior and open). This is quite an accomplishment considering the average school at the tournament only had six debaters. The 10 awards we added in individual events pushed us over the top.” Spring 2013 - March: IVC Debate Team Wins Double 2013 National Championships • The debate team for Irvine Valley College repeated their national championships at a tournament held at University of Pacific, March 23 - 25. The team won the community college division at the tournament held by the National Parliamentary Debate Association. The IVC team also won the year-long sweepstakes as the most successful community college team for the 2012-2013 season. Second and third were taken by El Camino and Orange Coast Colleges. The team’s total was also sufficient for a 6th place ranking among all two and four year schools. No other community college has won double national championships for the nation-wide association. IVC also won the titles last year. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 27 • Irvine Valley College’s Speech and Debate Team was awarded Gold Sweepstakes in both Debate and Overall categories at the Phi Rho Pi tournament held April 16 - 20 in Woodland Hills, CA. Over 400 students from 63 community colleges attended the national championships. This year was the third year in a row the team took a gold overall award. • Kelly Kehoe was awarded the top debater award by winning final rounds in both Lincoln-Douglas (one-on-one debate) and Parliamentary team debate with her partner Jake Glendenning. The debater award, the Lynch-Grossman award, is in part named after Craig Grossman, a long-time coach at IVC. • “The coaches are very proud of Kelly,” said Debate Coach Gary Rybold. “Kelly has worked very hard all year and had successes in many events. She also took double gold at the state championships. In all of our past teams we have never had someone take double gold awards at both tournaments.” • Eight other debaters added awards to earn the national championships title. The silver teams were Jennifer Georgevich and Udara Abeysekera along with Aditya Sharma and Kamiran Dadah. The bronze teams were Matt Hinkle and Patrick Donovan and Steven Cosgrove and Peter Doesberg. Steven also took a silver award in Lincoln-Douglas; while Aditya and Peter were awarded bronze in Lincoln-Douglas. • “This is easily the best team in IVC history,” said Coach Rybold. “The combined total for the debate team was 111 points, breaking a previous school record of 107.5 set in 1995. Add in the National Parliamentary Debate Association double national championships we won in March and we really have a team for the record books.” • Individual event winners added to the overall total. In extemporaneous awards, Fatima Alamire was gold, Matt Hinkle was silver and Jake Glendenning was bronze. In impromptu speaking three bronze awards were won by Kelly Kehoe, Fatima Alamire, and Jake Glendenning. • This showing completes a three-year run of earning a double gold in debate and overall sweepstakes at the Phi Rho Pi National Tournament. • “This team completed somewhat of a triple crown’ at Phi Rho Pi,” said Co-Director of Forensics Edwin Tiongson. “From 2011 in Greenwich, CT (Small-Entry Division), 2012 in Schaumburg, IL (Medium-Entry Division), and 2013 in Woodland Hills, CA (Large-Entry Division), our students have raised the bar from year to year. We’ve been blessed in our recent past to have a group of students that have passed on a tradition of hard work, dedication, and excellence.” 28 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION School of Fine Arts THEATRE Department • Almost, Maine - December: An eavesdrop on love and loss. Set in the mythical town of Almost, Maine, this production takes us on a nostalgic trip back to 1975, where we take a peek into their most intimate moments. Through scenic snapshots, we experience moments of love, loss and hope. Cariani`s honest, and humorously written word, show how love- on a cold winter`s night- can transcend any decade, age and place, no matter how whimsical or literal. • Noises Off! - April: The Irvine Valley College (IVC) Theatre Department presents “Noises Off!” This is the ultimate comedy, a farce about producing a farce. Lloyd Dallas, the director of a mediocre theatre company, is desperately trying to get his production of the sex farce “Nothing On” together, despite the best efforts of the cast, crew, and Lady Luck. The play takes the audience into a world where backstage romance, slamming doors, missing actors, and a plate of sardines lead to hilarious chaos. • Lucky Stiff - May: A musical comedy with a dark twist. This fast-paced farce follows the adventures of Harry Witherspoon, a humble shoe salesman who is suddenly turned high roller when his recently deceased uncle bequeaths him $6 million. in order to secure the cash, Harry has to escort his uncle’s taxadermied and Wheelchair-bound body on an all expense paid trip to picturesque Monte Carlo of course the task is not as simple as it sounds. Along the way Harry will have to keep his wits about him to survive the advances of unscrupulous characters and unfortunate events if he wants to claim his inheritance. Something funny is going on in Monte Carlo! • Professor M. Scott Grabau designed four shows for the Theater Department last year. In addition, he has been working on updates to the Theater Department’s course offerings. New subjects in the catalog include: Live Sound Reinforcement, Production Design and multiple new courses in Stage Management. These courses, and many other new and revised courses written by Professor Grabau, have been approved by the district Board of Trustees. In addition, he has created two new board approved Certificates of Achievement. They are Live Entertainment Technician and Assistant Stage Manager. These new certificates will provide students with basic skills for starting careers in live entertainment. • Sam McCann, one of several of the Department of Theatre’s Stage Managers in the new Stage Management Program at IVC, has been extremely successful this year and has been working at South Coast Repertory Theatre in Costa Mesa. Sam has been working on several projects at South Coast this year while she has been training at IVC, in the Stage Manager Program. In addition to her work at South Coast, Sam has worked as the Stage Manager on the IVC production of “Noises Off,” and is currently working on the upcoming IVC production of “Lucky Stiff.” • Carla Vigueras, a IVC Theatre Stage Manager, has been invited to Mexico City to be a Production Stage Manager for a new theatre that is being built in Mexico. Carla has been studying theatre at IVC for 2 years and has worked on over 6 IVC Stage Productions. • Scott Johnson has studied theatre at IVC for three years and is now working for Disney as a lighting technician. He has designed lights and sets, as a student designer, for the IVC production of “Rumors.” Despite his full schedule at Disney, Scott has returned home to design the lights for our up coming production of “ Lucky Stiff.” Scott has worked on numerous shows at IVC and enjoys returning back to campus to assist in various projects for the Department of Theatre. • David Aldrich, one of our most outstanding technical theatre students, is known as “Mr. Fix-it.” David is in high demand throughout Southern California due to his ability to work on all facets of stage production. Currently he working for the City of Irvine where he supports the Recreation Department and its performance needs. This year David has worked on several shows at IVC in the capacity of Sound Board Operator, Carpenter, Lighting Technician, and Rail Operator. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 29 OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION School of Humanities and Languages English Department • The 2013 Student Success Scorecard-- 74.3% of credit students tracked for six years through 2011-12 who started below transfer level in English completed a college-level course in the same discipline. Below is a table of percentages of area colleges compared to IVC: Irvine Valley College 74.3% Saddleback College 49.5% Orange Coast College 56.3% Santa Ana College 26.2% Santiago Canyon College 33.2% Golden West College 53.5% Fullerton College 49.4% Cypress College 65.7% Santa Monica College 40.5% • Professor Lisa Alvarez reports on student successes: Creative writing student Jill Kato has had her first story accepted for publication; it will appear in “The Threepenny Review,” one of the nation’s leading literary journals. Jenn Alandy has been accepted and begun studies in the acclaimed MFA program at McNeese State University (home of this year’s Pulitzer Prize winner for fiction) in Louisiana. Linda Purdy was accepted into Richard Bausch’s creative writing workshop at Chapman University. Kato, Alandy and Purdy are typical creative writing students in that they came to IVC to continue to study after earning an MA and BAs respectively. Each has benefited from the policy that allowed them to repeat creative writing classes here at IVC. • In September 2013, Professor Alvarez took part in Latino Heritage Month at The Autry National Center of the American West as a participant on a panel addressing Latino literature in southern California. • In October 2012, Professor Alvarez traveled to Mt. St. Mary’s College in Moraga, California for three days, serving as Visiting Editor in the Master of Fine Arts program in Fiction. She met in manuscript conferences with graduate students and gave a lecture on craft. • Professor Alvarez had a story published in the Spring 2013 issue of the Santa Monica Review and has another forthcoming in a textbook to be published in December 2013 by Bedford/St. Martin’s: Creative Writing: An Introduction to Poetry and Fiction (1st edition, edited by David Starkey). • In the summer of 2013, Professor Alvarez returns for her 14th year as co-director of the writers workshops at the Community of Writers at Squaw Valley, California. The Community of Writers is one of the nation’s longest running summer writing conferences and brings together participants from around the country and the world to study with some of the nation’s most acclaimed poets and writers. • Professor Brenda Borron presented, with Jonathan Alexander, at the Chancellor’s Opening Session, fall 2012. • Professor Borron conducted Norming Sessions for the Departmental Diagnostic in fall and spring. • Professor Borron coordinated and conducted IVC Workshops for high school teachers. • Professor Borron coordinated and conducted IVC/UCI Workshops for community college teachers. • Professor Borron coordinated the IVC/UCI Mini Conference on the Student Success Task Force Recommendations, frameworks for post-secondary writing, and the common core for language arts, K-12. 30 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College • Professor Will Lemon had a story published in the Spring 2013 issue of BlazeVOX and Eunoia Review. • Professor Margie Luesebrink read from her work Egypt: The Book of Going Forth by Day at the Electronic Literature Showcase event held at the Library of Congress April 3-5, 2013. • Professor Kurt Meyer was this year’s recipient of IVC Psi Beta Chapter’s 5th annual Most Inspiring Professor award. • Professor Summer Serpas was leader for the IVC team in the California Acceleration Project. • Professor Serpas created EXP 389: Accelerated Introduction to College Writing and worked with Professors Carrie Goulding and Kurt Meyer to implement this new class at IVC. • Professor Serpas presented “Accelerating Developmental Sequences to Increase Student Success” at the On Course National Conference with Professors Carrie Goulding and Kurt Meyer. • Professor Serpas presented two sessions at the 5th annual National Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education, sponsored by the Accelerated Learning Program at the Community College of Baltimore County: “Growing Student Autonomy in the Accelerated Classroom” with Jeff Rhyne, Associate Professor of English at Moreno Valley College, and “Our Students Placed 2 to 3 Levels Below College English, but Look What they Can Do” with Andrea Hammock, Assistant Professor of English and Reading at Mt. San Jacinto College and Caroline Minkowski, Instructor in the Department of English at City College of San Francisco. • Professor Serpas attended the Community College Research Center’s Scaling Innovations convening at Columbia University to discuss ways to expand innovative teaching practices, such as acceleration. • Professor Serpas presented at LINKS VI “Powerful Classrooms” (a 3CSN program) at IVC and College of the Canyons about IVC’s implementation of acceleration in the basic skills writing classroom. • Professor Serpas presented as part of a panel of instructors who teach accelerated pre-college writing courses at a California Acceleration Project event at Cuyamaca college with Carrie Goulding . • Professor Serpas’ EXP389 student video was featured on the California Acceleration Project website (http://cap.3csn. org/2013/01/29/irvine-valley-student-video/). History, philosophy, and humanities • Dr. Brittany Adams received a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Historical Association. Adjunct professor Stephanie American and Dr. Adams were selected for the three year grant to develop curriculum in early American history. The grant was given to only 11 community colleges from across the country. • Dr. Jamie Poster attended the Society for Cinema and Media Studies conference in Chicago, March 2013 and was a workshop panelist on Scholarly Social Media: Its Successes, Failures, and Future (#SCMS2013Social). Dr. Poster coordinated six public campus film screenings with the IVC Film Club. • Professor Jennifer Kalamian was nominated for Woman of the Year by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for her fundraising work last year. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 31 Reading • The software in the Reading Center was upgraded. The Reading Center now has a resource center and work space/office space for all Reading adjunct faculty - complete with a computer station and professional library. • Professors Melanie Haeri and Nancy Rucker attended the International Reading Association Annual Convention in San Antonio in May. world languages Chinese • Irvine Valley College/English Department was featured on Promising and Practical Strategies to Increase Postsecondary Success. • Professor Chen was elected by The Chinese Language Teacher Association of Southern Californian (CLTA-SC) members to serve as one of the 9 CLTA-SC Board members. She will serve the CLTA-SC board for three years. • Professor Chen gave the following presentation and workshop: a. “Quick and Easy Online Tools for Busy Teachers” (October 2012, CLTA-SC Technology workshop, at CSLB). Presentation Link: b.“My Name is Toufu- A Culture Presentation for Chinese New Year”. (Feb, 2013, Yulin Chinese School at Fountain Valley, CA). Presentation Link: c.“Teaching with Video” (Feb 2013, SCCCS Spring Workshop, Chapman University, CA). Presentation Link: http://www. d.“ Teaching and Learning Chinese with iPad: Lesson Plan” (March 2013, California Language Teacher Association 2013 Conference, Garden Grove, CA). Presentation Link: e.Teach “STAR TALK Chinese Language Teacher 2 day Workshop” (April 18-19, 2013). Workshop Schedule Link: http:// f. “Conversation in the Cloud – Voicethread” at Chinese Language Teacher Association of Southern California Spring Workshop. (April 27, 2013). Presentation Link: French • Dr. Anca Popescu established “The French Table” – a forum for current and potential students of French to meet, talk in French and learn about French classes and French related cultural events on campus and in the community. The forum met nine times in Fall 2012 and nine times in Spring 2013. • In Fall 2012 students in French took a field trip to the Alliance Française de la Riviera Californienne to see the movie Parlez-moi de la pluie (Let it rain) and become familiar with the French Alliance. • Students in French met several times throughout the year on campus, saw movies and / or discussed French related topics. • The French Department hosted a table at 2013 IVC Senior High School Day. 32 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College Japanese • Professor Fumiko Ishii has been editing Irvine Valley College page on the Japanese monthly magazine “Sweet Orange” which has a circulation of 25,000 in the Orange County area. She promotes not only the Japanese program to the Japanese community, but also other programs. • The Japanese program sponsored two workshops this year. Over 70 Japanese teachers attended the workshops for both fall and spring seminars and learned the “Thematic Unit” teaching methods. • Professor Emiko Kiyoshi was accepted in the hybrid Ph.D program in Educational Psychology and Educational Technology at Michigan State University, one of the top-rated programs in the field that was specifically designed for professional educators. • Professor Kiyoshi was elected as a board director at the Society for Promotion of Japanese Animation (SPJA) and serving the two-year term. SPJA is the parent organization of Anime Expo, the largest anime convention in North America that attracts six-figure turnstile attendees (or about 50K unique attendees) over four days. • Professor Kiyoshi co-developed a Massive Online Open Course in the Foundations of Science, a project funded by Gates Foundation. Spanish • Professor Beatrice Tseng presented a workshop on “Foreign Language Acquisition” at the Irvine Chinese School. • Professors Jeanne Egasse and Beatrice Tseng presented a workshop on “TracDat and Language Acquisition Center” during IVC Staff Development week. • The Spanish Department organized a tour in Spanish of Mesoamerican art at the Bowers Museum; a field trip to watch “Salón México,” a play in Spanish at the Bilingual Foundation of the Arts in Los Angeles; highly successful game and movie nights in Spanish, and lunch at Inca´s restaurant for students to practice Spanish and sample Peruvian food. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 33 OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION School of Kinesiology, Health and Athletics Top Achievements Of The Year • Student Success: KHA created a formal response to the recommendations of the National Completion Agenda and Student Success Task Force. By quantifying the learning community served by the school, identifying student barriers to success, and creating mandates/rewards for completing specific best-practices, KHA has met 12 of the original recommendations. KHA initiated the concept of “de-siloing”, and accomplished these tasks only with the commitment and assistance of a wide variety of Student Services departments at IVC. KHA’s document has since been used as a model by Athletic and Kinesiology departments statewide. • Academic Excellence: This is the 6th consecutive year that the number of scholar-athletes has increased since the inception of the program, with a 75% increase in the annual number of scholar-athletes. 2012-13 - 98 scholar-atheletes (54% of all student-atheletes) 2011-12 - 82 scholar-atheletes (46% of all student-atheletes) 2010-11 - 67 scholar-atheletes (37% of all student-atheletes) 2009-10 - 66 scholar-atheletes (36% of all student-atheletes) 2008-09 - 63 scholar-atheletes (34% of all student-atheletes) 2007-08 - 58 scholar atheletes (32% of all student-atheletes) 2006-07 - 56 scholar atheletes (31% of all student-atheletes) • Student Involvement: KHA published the state’s first Kinesiology Majors Handbook to meet the demand for accurate information on degree completion, course scheduling and the differing standards for transfer using the AA-T to CSU campuses. Outreach also includes identifying the exact number and identities of all KNES majors and the Dean’s Student Advisory Council. Athletics Top Achievements Of The Year • Irvine Valley’s women’s golf team captured its second state championship in three years in November. Sally Kim, Kate Cho, Halle Young and Vanessa Honnes combined for a two-day team total of 628 to easily run away with the title at the Temecula Creek Inn course. IVC beat its nearest competitor by 32 strokes. The title finished off a dominant undefeated season for the Lasers, who also won the Orange Empire Conference and Southern California Regional titles. Kim and Cho were each named all-state and the two shared conference player of the year honors. • Irvine Valley’s women’s sand volleyball team captured the title at the Intercollegiate Sand Volleyball Conference State Championship in April at Irvine Valley. It was the second year of the state event. IVC defeated Golden West, Fullerton and San Diego City and won 14 of the 15 matches it played. IVC teams consisted of Allie Goodman and Annie Mitchem, Becky Moodie and Lainey Hicks, Alex Goodman and Avae Masaniai, Katherine Klodziej and Lauren Bender and Emily Dailey and Haley Whyte. Goodman has received a scholarship to play sand volleyball at the University of Arizona. 34 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College • Irvine Valley’s women’s basketball team had a stellar year in 2012-13, finishing with a record of 21-11 overall and taking second in the Orange Empire Conference. Irvine Valley also made the quarterfinals of the Southern California Regional Playoffs. Sophomores Amber Wharton and Shomari McCorkle were each named first team all-Orange Empire Conference and both received scholarships to continue their athletic and academic careers at Cal State Dominquez Hills. McCorkle was also picked third team all-state. • Irvine Valley’s men’s tennis team had a season to remember. It finished second in the Orange Empire Conference, which was its highest placing in the standings in a decade and had a record of 12-4 overall. The doubles team of freshmen Steven Le and James Lafond made the round of 16 at the State Championships. • Irvine Valley’s women’s doubles team of sophomore Alyssa Harper and freshman Ashley Athanas reached the quarterfinals at the State Championships. • Irvine Valley’s women’s volleyball team finished with a record of 15-6 and made the Southern California Regional Playoffs. Sophomore Allison Cook, who ranked third in the state in kills during the regular season, finished with 334 kills on the year. That number was fourth in Irvine Valley program history. Cook, Avae Masaniai and Becky Moodie were named first team all-Orange Empire Conference and Hayley White and Lauren Bender were picked as honorable mention selections. • Irvine Valley sophomore basketball player Zach Mills signed with Sacramento State. Mills, a 6-5 forward, was a team captain and one of Irvine Valley’s best players this past season. He was named first team all-Orange Empire Conference after averaging 14.6 points and 8.2 rebounds per game. Mills was named the team’s co-most valuable player of the year and also earned the Lasers’ best academic award and best rebounder honor. IVC finished with a record of 16-12 and reached the Southern California Regional Playoffs. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 35 OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION School of Library Services Top Achievements Of The Year • Hired two new library assistants: Alfredo Eutimio, LA I and Loretta Lau, LA II. • Expanded the library’s electronic resource collection: > Films on Demand streaming video database to supplement the IVC Library DVD Collection and also add off-campus access for educational streaming media, as well as provide Closed Captioned media for classroom use > ARTstor – a digital image database for art and photo images > CQ Researcher – current events database to support IVC Writing classes in addition to history and political science • Developed a Blackboard librarian pilot program to be used in conjunction with in-person bibliographic instruction, as well as providing distance education students with a tool for successfully using online Library resources for research projects through Blackboard. • Established an “Open Reserves” collection. This collection provides older edition textbooks that have been donated by students, faculty and staff to supplement our academic textbook reserves for those who can use older editions of their course textbooks. This collection also provides incoming students with the tools to get started on their education prior to the beginning of their course. Currently the collection has over 150 books in 53 different courses and is continually expanding. ADDITIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Library Events > Hosted a half day workshop on the U.S. Census & American FactFinder for IVC with Jerry Wong from the U.S. Census Bureau. > IVC Library Task Force site visit to the Los Angeles 84 Sports Library > IVC librarian coordinated the Adventures in Dataland: Business Data Sources event at the 2012 American Library Association Conference in Anaheim, California > Hosted regional meeting for the Lifelong Information Literacy Group at IVC • Library Publications > Gelfand, J., & Lin, A. (2012). Social networking: product or process and what shade of grey?. Grey Journal (TGJ), 8(1), 14-26. > Peer-reviewed: Gelfand, J., & Lin, A. (2013). Grey Literature: Format Agnostic Yet Gaining Recognition in Library Collections. Library Management, 34(6/7). (forthcoming) > IVC Library Newsletter, Book Bytes, no. 7, Fall 2012 & no. 8, Spring 2013 36 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College • More Study Space > The first floor shelving was removed and new carpeting has been installed allowing extra room for students to study • Joint Projects with Saddleback Library > IVC and Saddleback librarians collaborated on the district wide proposal to change the current bibliographic management system to the student centric, non-profit OCLC WorldShare. This new system would provide additional resources to students and faculty as well as realize a cost savings for the district. • School of Library Services Instruction > Taught 90 bibliographic instruction sessions for on-campus classes > IVC Library Workshops continue to grow! 23 workshops taught each semester with a total of over 365 students in attendance • Library Usage Statistics > Gate Count – 382,408 students, faculty, staff & community members visited the library > Books/Bones/DVD/CDs/Calculator Circulation – over 60,000 items checked out > Computer usage – over 800 patrons a day accessed email, Blackboard, the library’s book catalog, eBooks, databases and Libguides (library subject & course guides) > Study rooms – 14,794 reservations were made using the Library’s online reservation system LibCal > Database Usage: 157,115 sessions for library users searching electronic library databases Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 37 OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION Student Success Center Top Achievements Of The Year • The Student Success Center (SSC) had a successful year and served over 2,200 IVC students. • At press time, IVC students have spent a total of 21,726 hours in the SSC and attended 7,881 tutoring appointments in 20122013. • The SSC offers basic skills tutoring in writing, reading, ESL, and math, as well as content tutoring for student veterans and students enrolled in EOPS or DSPS. Additionally, the SSC offers computer lab access for students enrolled in classes that involve particular software programs or online courses. Additional accomplishments • Due to student demand, the SSC expanded our staff to a total of 42 tutors, computer lab technicians, volunteers, adjunct faculty and work study student help led by Coordinator Dr. Brooke Choo and Lab Technician Alice Griffin who came aboard full time in August. • The SSC conducted numerous outreach presentations to basic skills classes at the start of each semester that generated an increase in student utilization of our services. • In Spring 2013, we successfully secured a Basic Skills Initiative grant in order to provide tutoring to students enrolled in basic skills courses and a Perkins grant to provide tutoring for Career Technical Education students in the areas of accounting and computers. • The SSC expanded its tutor training and professional development opportunities by video recording our faculty conducting tutor trainings in order for new hires to be able to access all of our previous trainings. Faculty presented on such topics as facilitating group tutoring, reading strategies, and managing students’ expectations. • The coordinator of the SSC worked with the ESL department to collaboratively hire an ESL tutor to meet the growing demand we have for ESL tutoring. 38 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION School of Life Sciences and Technologies Top Achievements Of The Year • The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) has announced that the Irvine Valley College Life Sciences BEES Garden is now recognized as an official Certified Wildlife Habitat site. The property attracts a variety of birds, butterflies and other local animals by providing a wildlife-friendly landscape. IVC’s site is among nearly 150,000 certified habitats nationwide. The majority of these sites represent the hard work and commitment of individuals and families providing habitats near their homes, but NWF has also certified more than 3,000 schools and hundreds of business and community sites. The average habitat is between 1/3 and 1/2 acre, but certified sites range in size from urban balconies to many acres. This distinction is awarded to habitats that, through conscientious planning, landscaping, and sustainable gardening provide wildlife with quality habitats – food, water, cover and places to raise their young. • The BEES Garden celebrated California Native Plant Week, dedicated to the appreciation, education, and conservation of California’s diverse flora. During the week of April 15 – 18, 2013, the BEES Garden Club offered tours of the garden and the opportunity to purchase native plants or seeds. • Irvine Valley College President Dr. Glenn Roquemore and Vice President for Instruction Dr. Craig Justice congratulated Full-Time Teacher of the Year Dr. Diana Hurlbut, Biology Instructor, School of Life Sciences & Technology. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 39 OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering Top Achievements Of The Year • The two-year Program Review for Computer Science was completed. • CS 10 – Introduction to Programming Using Python now articulates with the Cal State system. • The Computer Science AS-T proposal was completed. • IVC Engineering students were in charge of media and computers while IVC hosted its second Annual Lego League. More than 500 students and parents came to IVC to compete with their robots • IVC Engineering students helped launch water rockets for students who came to IVC as part of the Astounding Inventions Science Competition. The event was sponsored by the IVC Foundation. ASEC was awarded $200 to run the water rockets portion of the event. • IVC Engineering students obtained a few internships at Irvine based Mathobotix. Mathobotix is a STEM education company that offers classes and camps where students grades K-12 learn to build and program Lego robots. Some of the ASEC members got paid internships teaching robotics camps at LEGOLAND in the summer. In addition, some Engineering students participated in a competition at Mathobotix, where they built and programmed robots to compete in a Sumo game. • A transfer student who presently attends UCI named Sanjai Gupta, School of Math- Computer Science-Engineering faculty, is a dedicated professor helping students establish strong personal and academic foundations for their success. Professor Gupta was honored at the UCI Educator Recognition Reception in May. • 2013 is the first year IVC will receive a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant valued at $190,000. This is the product of a diligent and superb team who began their work last September, Rachel Manders, David Gatewood, Kathy Werle, Lianna Zhao, Roy McCord, Kate Alder and Brian Monicelli. The project will be entitled “Irvine Valley College Photonics Initiative” under the direction of Roy McCord and Brian Monacelli. Additional Achievements • The Computer Science online offerings were expanded with an online section of CS 38 – JAVA Programming, starting with the Fall 2012 semester. • Mr. James Moon, a current student at IVC majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science, and a teammate from CSUF developed a mobile/tablet application software for the iOS platform and online tools that will revolutionize the news and data industry that will bring more power to consumers, businesses, and academia across all borders. This application software was selected to the semi-finals round of the Cal State Fullerton Mihaylo College of Business & Economics 2013 Business Plan Competition. Presently, Mr. Moon has investors financing this project and will be incorporating a company to develop this software. • New engineering classes were offered in the Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 semesters: ENGR 30 – Statics, ENGR 54 - Material Science, and ENGR 70 - Network Analysis. There are plans are to offer these classes again next year, as the demand grows for engineering classes. These new classes are either accepted or are pending approval by UC and Cal State. ENGR 30 Statics has been approved to be the major preparation course with campuses such as Cal State Long Beach, Cal State Fullerton, and UCI. 40 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College • IVC Engineering students visited Dryden Flight Research Center and opened the door for possible future internships • The IVC Robotics project was in its second phase of construction. The software team worked to make the software communicate with the motors and get the robot moving. The hardware team 3-D printed a plastic shell for the robot and built a stand attachment that can hold a tablet. The Robot was showcased at the OC Fairgrounds as part of the Vital Link Youth Expo. • Ilknur Erbas-White, School of Math-Computer Science-Engineering faculty, finished writing a brand new accelerated PreStatistics Algebra class that can be taken by students who will go to Math 10. This new class will replace the existing Math 353/253 sequence only for Math 10. The class is now fully approved in the curriculum process and will be offered in the Spring Semester of 2014. • An IVC Engineering student presented a research project at UCI’s annual HTCC Conference. The project investigated the health implications of using different materials for surgical knives. • IVC Engineering students built and launched high-powered rockets at Lucerne Dry Lake Bed. In addition, students constructed a torsion catapult and floating arm trebuchet. • IVC Engineering students attended two embedded programing workshops taught by David White. • Ilknur Erbas-White, Matt Wolken (not in picture), and Roopa Mathur were recognized by IVC President Glenn Roquemore in the Fall 2012 semester for extraordinary work in developing the Engineering Program at IVC. They were recognized again in the Spring of 2013 by the Board of Trustees. • Matthew Wolken, School of Math-Computer Science-Engineering faculty, was recognized for gaining his tenure as a Professor in the Drafting and Engineering Department. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 41 OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION School of Physical Sciences and Technologies Top Achievements Of The Year • Mark Bordelon, adjunct faculty for Geology, continues to be a valued guest lecturer to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UCI. His geology presentations to classes of 60 continue to be a tremendous asset, as well as his geological walks shared on field visits in Orange. • The Chem 12A - Organic Chemistry class of Fall 2012, taught by Sanda Sun, represented IVC in October to celebrate National Chemistry Week with other local colleges at the Santa Ana Zoo. They provided hands-on chemistry experiments on Nanotechnology to over 2,000 children and parents. The Orange County Section of the American Chemical Society (OCACS) won the “Most Creative NCW Celebration Using the Yearly Theme”, Chem Luminary award for this successful event. • The Chem 12A - Organic Chemistry class of Spring 2013, also taught by Sanda Sun, successfully coordinated and proctored 330 students from 46 local high schools taking the ACS high school chemistry examination in April, held at CSU Fullerton. 42 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION School of Social and Behavioral Sciences Top Achievements Of The Year • The School hired a new full-time Anthropology instructor, Professor Chris Loeffler. • The following members of XTE won awards during the competition: The team of Morgan Pinedo, Frank Schaefer, and Madison Morris finished FIRST in the Team Firearms competition for Lower Division Students (Up to 60 units). Coach Ted Falencki finished THIRD in both the Individual and Team Firearms competition for the Professional Division. The team of Aranza Bravo, Stephanie Rojas, and Zenab Khouder finished SECOND in the Crime Scene Investigation for Lower Division Students (Up to 60 units). The team of Morgan Pinedo, Madison Morris, and Kavon Harvey finished THIRD in the Crime Scene Investigation for Lower Division Students (Up to 60 units). Zenab Khouder finished FIRST in her division (Female, over 35 years) of the Physical Agility competition. • The IVC MUN team in conjunction with the Political Science department also held two events this year (Global Policy Forums) to raise funds for the MUN program. The two events raised over $3,000 and all funds were donated to the Model UN fund. In addition, the Political Science department’s part-time instructors Cale Crammer and Chris Haynes held the first ever Southern California Model United Nations Conference. Universities and colleges throughout Southern California attended the conference with well over 300 student participants. • Professors Fahimi and Schwarz sent more than a dozen students to the 28th Annual Great American Write-In, held in Santa Ana on April 13, 2013. This event facilitates civic responsibility by helping the public write letters to government and corporate decision-makers on some of today’s most vital issues, including education, health care, human and civil rights, and the environment. The Political Science Department won “honorable mention” for sending the second-highest number of students to the event (behind Woodbridge High School). The prize is a cash award of $25, which will be used to support the Political Science Scholarships and Annual Political Science Writing Award. • Six students from PS 14 Honors (International Relations) presented their research projects at the Honors Transfer Council of CA Honors Student Research Conference at UCI on March 23, 2013. Student Sarah Valdez won the UCI Grant Award. • Three students from PS 1 Honors (American Government) and PS 14 Honors presented at the inaugural IVC Student Research Conference in November 2012. Aurora Solna won an Outstanding Abstract Award. • The Department established Political Science Scholarship and Writing Awards for the first time during 2012-13 academic year. Two outstanding students were awarded Political Science Scholarship, and Writing Awards went to three students who wrote superb research papers. • Interim Program Review was completed; most objectives have been accomplished. • The process for AA-Transfer Degree was completed and approved. • Members of the Irvine Valley College Administration of Justice student club (Chi Tau Epsilon-XTE) recently returned from a successful trip to North Las Vegas, Nevada, where they attended the Region 1 conference of the American Criminal Justice Association-Lambda Alpha Epsilon. The students and advisor on this trip were sponsored by the Associated Students of Irvine Valley College. Nine students were accompanied by club advisors Colin McCaughey and Monty Mauney, as well as Firearms Coach Ted Falencki Jr. on the trip. All of the students participated in the Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 43 conference workshops and competitions, as well as a career fair. • Every year, the Division of Undergraduate Studies at the University of California-Irvine asks “their most successful firstyear students to name an instructor or counselor at their community college who had the most significant impact on their academic performance and successful transfer to the University of California, Irvine,” and this year Tammie Foliaki identified Dr. Jerry Rudmann as that individual, and Blaise Lallathin and Chanel Ulrich identified Dr. Kari Tucker. • Dr. Jerry Rudmann was featured on the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office website at http:// • Professor Jerry Rudmann was elected to vice-president of the Association of College Honors Societies (ACHS) in February 2013. • The Research and Planning Group awarded Professor Jerry Rudmann a Lifetime Achievement Award during the annual Student Success Conference in October 2012. • The Learning Works Foundation awarded the Psi Beta chapter a $10,000 grant to support its CONNECT peer-mentoring program. • The Psi Beta Chapter launched the Heroic Imagination service-learning project in fall of 2012, and Psi Beta honor students began offering “everyday hero” presentations on campus and at various high schools. • The Psychology Department completed an item analysis study for Pearson Education. The study produced several new course and program SLO assessment tools for the psychology program. • Professor Jerry Rudmann continued to serve on the American Psychological Association task force charged with updating the learning goals for the AA and BA in psychology. • The Psychology Department arranged to have Dr. Michael Shermer serve as the Distinguished Academic Lecturer in May 2013. • Seventeen Psi Beta students and four psychology professors attended the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association in April 2013. Ten students presented posters or oral presentations on their research studies. • Dr. Elizabeth Chambers and Dr. Robert Hollenbaugh created a new club on campus – The Social Perspective Club in fall 2012: • After researching club information, Dr. Chambers located a valuable resource – a sociology club handbook -- at the national Association of Sociologists (ASA) website. The information provided guidelines for the club’s constitution. • Dr. Elizabeth Chambers created 44 videos through Mediasite in spring 2013 in order to assist on-line students with Sociology 1, Sociology 2 and Sociology 10. The Mediasite videos run between 15 – 35 minutes. The videos have been uploaded to Blackboard for enrolled students’ viewing. • Dr. Chambers collaborated with Professor Allison Camelot, Chair of Sociology at Saddleback College, to learn about Saddleback’s sociology club (Helping Hands) and its Service Learning Program. On April 7, 2013, the IVC and SC Sociology Clubs joined forces. The Social Perspective Club collaborated with Saddleback’s Helping Hands sociology club for the Ronald McDonald Walk for Kids. This was a fundraiser to directly benefit the House to help families with seriously ill children receiving treatment at a nearby medical facility. Family and friends were encouraged to join in the Walk for Kids. • Dr. Robert Hollenbaugh began a recycling program with his students that relates conceptual course material inside the class with outside 44 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College behavior; the product will eventually be a student scholarship that is funded by recycling, which will be carried out by students as they engage course material and consider the implications of consumption, waste, reuse, and recycling -- in our local community and at a global level. • Dr. Robert Hollenbaugh began experimental study assessing the impact of different types of assignments on student learning outcomes. • Professor Dezzie Prewitt was the first faculty member in the economics department to use clicker technology in the classroom at Irvine Valley College and at Saddleback College. She successfully used the clicker technology starting in the spring of 2012 at Saddleback College in ECON 4 (Macroeconomics). Professor Dezzie Prewitt also used the same technology starting in the fall of 2012 at IVC in ECON 1 (Microeconomics). As a result of using this innovative technology in the SOCCCD, her students’ success rate has improved on midterm exams for both micro and macro economics courses. • The Recycling and Resource Management Program was aligned with the School of Social Sciences, effective Fall 2014. The new name for the program is Sustainability and Resource Management (SRM). Top Achievements Of The Year • 31 Certificate Completers of the Recycling and Zero Waste, 12-Unit Certificate Program • 53 Certificate Completers of the Professional Certificate of Sustainability and Resource Management, hosted by IVC and provided by the California Resource Recovery Association • America Recycles Day, hosted in November 2012 by the Recycling and Resource Management Program, with green vendors and an array of speakers focused on recycling and opportunities of zero waste in the community. • Student Project: “Zero Waste Plan for Irvine Valley College.” Presented by ENVT 190 Course during Fall 2012 Semester to President Roquemore and Facilities Director, John Edwards. • Sustainability Film Series with Panel Discussions: May 3 and May 10, 2013. Panel members from local business, government, and nonprofit organizations discuss the issues raised in the films, presenting a local perspective. Films: “Bag It” and “Dive.” • Hosted Industry Advisory Board meeting with speed-interview activities, designed to provide direct interactions between employers and job-seeking students. • Work closely with grant partners Golden West College, Santa Monica College, Orange County Workforce Investment Board, Orange County One-Stop, and California Resource Recovery Association. • Hosted Multi-Disciplinary Faculty Meeting, Summer 2012, regarding creation of a multi-disciplinary sustainability related academic program. • Oversaw the transition of the Recycling and Resource Management Program into the IVC Sustainability and Resource Management Program, which continues in Fall 2013. The Recycling and Resource Management Program was funded from July 2010 through June 2013 by the California Works Alliance: Jobs through Recycling and Resource Management Grant Program, a grant through the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration’s Communitybased Job Training Grant Program. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 45 OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION Honors Program • The IVC Honors Program posted record membership numbers for the 2011-12 school year, with over 300 active members, representing 50% program growth. The program offered 45 courses in a variety of disciplines over the course of the year. New honors offerings include BIO 1 and HIST 1 (Summer 2013). • A record of 85 students completed the Honors Program this year, fulfilling the program requirements by completing a minimum of 15 Honors units and 5 Honors courses with an overall and Honors GPA of 3.25 or better. Program members were admitted to a wide range of outstanding transfer institutions including UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCLA, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, Columbia University, and Rice. • Honors Program graduates continued to be admitted to prestigious transfer institutions at impressive rates in the current highly competitive environment. For Fall 2012, IVC Honors Program graduates were admitted to UCLA at a rate of 82%, well above the overall average acceptance rate of 26% or the average transfer rate of 71%. Berkeley accepted 50% of IVC Honors Program applicants versus 20% of freshmen applicants statewide. 92% of Honors Program members were accepted to UCI, versus 57% of all IVC applicants. A record 35 Honors Program students were extended UCI’s Honors to Honors Transfer Agreement, which offers transferring students automatic admittance to UCI’s Campuswide Honors Program, guaranteed housing, a Regents’ Scholarship, and other benefits. • The Honors Program sponsored the first IVC Student Research Symposium on November 10, 2012. Fifty-five students from IVC and Saddleback shared poster displays and oral presentations of their projected, completed, or ongoing research in a range of disciplines including Anthropology, Art History, Biology, Geography, English, Math, Physics, Political Science, and Psychology. Awards were presented for the top three research posters and the top five research abstracts. • The Honors Program sponsored a record number of IVC students to regional research conferences this year. In November, 2012, 13 IVC students presented their research at CSU Channel Islands at the Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research (SCCUR), an annual conference for community college, 4-year college/university, and high school students. IVC was one of only 10 community colleges in the state to participate, and IVC students accounted for 30% of the community college participants. In March, 2013, the Honors Program sent 48 IVC students to the 13th Annual HTCC Student Research Conference at UC Irvine. The IVC contingent represented the largest number of presenters from a single college in the conference’s history, and IVC students took home several prestigious awards. IVC Honors Program student Sharon Syau won the first-place research poster award in the sciences division and $500 for her poster entitled “A Novel Oncogene: The Co-factor of LIM and Its Role in Her2-Positive Breast Cancer Progression.” Syau, Rocio Ambrocio, and Sharon Valdez received three of four UCI Research Grants, which recognize excellence in research and will provide $500 research stipends and faculty mentoring should the recipients transfer to UCI. Sharon Syau and fellow IVC Honors Program student Aaron Bola received HTCC Exceptional Achievement Awards worth $300 based on their academic excellence and their contributions to their campus and honors program. In May 2012, three IVC students—Sharon Syau, Aaron Bola, and Jasmine Schwab-Doyle—will also present their research at the Bay Honors Symposium at Stanford University, a highly competitive research conference which this year accepted only 45% of proposals. • Honors Program student Sharon Syau was selected for the 2013 Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) All-California Academic Team for her outstanding academic achievement and service to her college and community. • Ten current and former IVC students had their research abstracts published in Building 46 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College Bridges, the conference proceedings from the 2012 HTCC Student Research Conference, released in March 2013. Subject areas included biology, business, literature, medical ethics, neuroscience, sociology, and psychology. • The Honors Program awarded $1000 in scholarships to four outstanding students this year, including Aaron Bola, Obadha Sairafe, Sharon Syau, and Ivette Winder. • Honors Program Director Kay Ryals served as President of the Honors Transfer Council of California for the 2012-2013 year. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 47 OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION Career Technical Education and Workforce Development CTE The CTE task force accomplished goals set at its first meeting in October 2012. The Task Force itself declared that the biggest accomplishment was the increased transparency of the Perkins process. In addition to items listed, the task force brought together CTE faculty in a forum focused on them. Certainly, improvements can be made next year, but for this year of inception, the ground work was done and a foundation laid for further improvements. All of the items below were addressed by the task force this year. • TOP/SAM codes • Stipends > How are they developed > What is the rate • Strategy forms for program development • Assess career center allocation for 2012-13 • Conference attendance • CWEE focus • Create a “resources” location on Inside IVC ATEP • Several companies have sent multiple groups of employees to customized training sessions. A recent case involved employees of CP Carrillo, a company which designs and manufactures aftermarket pistons and rods for the “Hot Rod” industry. Their Irvine facility alone produces over 150,000 piston and rod sets per year. Harry Glieder, CP Carrillo CFO, remarks, “We continuously train and further develop a labor force of more than 70 manufacturing employees”. He goes on to say, “while we were relying mostly on internal training in the past, we have now partnered up with ATEP Workforce training to provide new and re-assigned employees with technology related training”. In this one example 15 CP Carrillo employees finished 10 weeks of customized training in CNC machine operation. The training was designed around their specific organizational needs. Harry Glieder reports, “The feedback from our graduates of the recent ATEP courses is very positive, and employee satisfaction was increasing with this initiative. We have more potential students interested in these courses than we can currently accommodate” • IVC/ATEP recently hosted a workshop for Career and Technical Education- Orange County (CTE OC). This was a PLC Meeting/Professional Development Opportunity which brought Digital Media Arts instructors together with product design and manufacturing instructors. We offered guest presentations & demonstrations on Arts + 3D Technology in the context of both art and industry. Participants explored how the 3D printing technologies and SolidWorks software, which are traditionally considered industrial tools, intersect with Digital Media Arts. 48 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College Grants office The Irvine Valley College/ATEP, Economic and Workforce Development have to date provided fee-based training for employees of 52 different companies in Orange County. Our company clients include Beckman Coulter, Newport Corp., CP Carrillo, Medtronics, Storm Manufacturing, Masimo, Interplex/Nascal, Bal Seal, MicroVention and more. • Over 500 students to date have participated in fee-based technical workforce training. Most of these students were incumbent workers however there were also many unemployed, veterans and some “at risk youth” from the OC WIB. • The Irvine Valley College/ATEP, Economic and Workforce Development is successfully completing an agreement with the Employer Training Panel (ETP). The term of the agreement is from 06/27/2011 to 06/26/2013 and is projected to earn $139,000.00 in funding. • A new agreement with the Employer Training Panel (ETP) is in process and expected to be approved in the beginning of fiscal year 2013/14. Another $140,000.00 is expected. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 49 OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION Online & Extended Education Community education • Kids Kollege Summer Program has expanded its educational offerings in the areas of STEM, Computer Science, Languages and Sports and Fitness for the second year in a row. • IVC has partnered with WIA/WIB to offer career training programs to students by getting courses approved on the Eligible Training Provider List and having students request and complete the programs offered. • IVC has recently named Anna Cathleen Greiner, PhD as Dean of Online and Extended Education. Dr. Anna “Cathleen” Greiner brings to IVC a long career in higher education as a teacher and administrator, with expertise and responsibility in leadership, online learning, meeting community and innovation learning needs, assessment, and institutional strategic planning and policy research. Emeritus institute • IVC continues to have successful community partnerships for Emeritus programs in 14 off-site locations in five South County communities. Testing center • Testing Center revenues have increased by over 20% from the 2011-12 fiscal year. • Volume of professional certification exams administered through PAN and academic exams from distance education partners has increased significantly. • IVC received “bonus” incentives from Prometric in the first three quarters of the 2012-13 FY and are currently on target to receive a “bonus” in the fourth quarter (Apr.-June.) for proctoring more than 300 Prometric exams in a quarter. 50 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION Technology Services Achievements • Built IVC’s first proof of concept Virtual Desktop lab (BSTIC 119). With the trend in campus technology departments to spend our budget wisely, the Technology Department has spent many hours designing and building the virtual desktop environment. It allows for lab, faculty, and staff machines to be provisioned in the virtual environment and accessed regardless of their location. It also allows for Technology Services to better support the users by allowing for upgrades to desktops regardless of the hardware. Lastly, we have the capability to reduce our hardware costs, which will be a great benefit to the campus. • Created a new Resource Request Form (formerly Strategy Request Form). With the old strategy request form, the faculty and staff had difficulty locating the form. Technology Services digitized this form to allow for easier entry of data for the submitter and provided them a way to track their requests. Also, this form eliminated the old requirement to print out all 9 pages, which allowed us to go green. Now forms are located in one place for anyone to view and track. • For new and recent employees working at IVC, there has been a challenge to ensure appropriate training. For longtime IVC employees, it has been challenging to provide continual training for the ever-changing applications. For those demands, we created The site has training material for Microsoft, SAR’s, TracDat and NetOp to name a few. We also have an area specifically for new hires and campus safety in one place with more to come. Material will be added regularly and posted on the training blog that will feature quick tips and how-tos. In the future, we will also work with individual departments to securely post training materials specifically for their new employees in order to have one location for all training. Additional Accomplishments: • IVC hired its first programmer. With the new programmer on board, Technology Services now has the ability to begin many initiatives for increasing efficiencies by leveraging technology automation to assist employees. With the programmer, we can now begin to leverage such things as software packaging and delivering to the desktop based on who you are and your location. We can create reports from various systems and deliver those to your inbox, and create new systems or services that meet the needs of the individual areas. • The technology team built a new PC-based computer lab in B 116 that has NetOp and will deliver the teacher station screen to each individual computer screen in the room. This will eliminate the squinting and head bobbing that takes place when trying to see the screen in the front of the room. Also, it ensures that the students are not viewing the latest Hollywood gossip, poking or posting while the instructor is teaching. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 51 OFFICE OF Student Services Vice President’s Office Top Achievements Of The Year: • Held regular Student Services all-staff and faculty meetings twice a semester to support staff development. • Served on the accreditation team for Copper Mountain Community College in March 2013. • IVC’s Vice President for Student Services is an active member in the Irvine Rotary Club. This club contributed two $1,000 scholarships and one $500 scholarship to three IVC students in 2013. Additional Accomplishments: • Co-chaired the newly formed Student Success, Access, Matriculation, Marketing and Outreach Committee (SSAMMO) with English Instructor Brenda Borron and Director of Marketing, Communications & Broadcast Services Diane Oaks. • Facilitated the rollout of new customer service training for classified staff. • Joined the Saddleback College Vice President for Student Services to lead a district-wide workgroup to develop draft language to revise Administrative Regulation 5210 (Enrollment Limitations and Priorities). • Joined the Saddleback College Vice President for Student Services to lead a district-wide workgroup to develop draft language for Administrative Regulation 5530 (Students Rights and Grievances). • Instituted the first-ever de-briefing process for events such as Senior Day and the Scholarship Ceremony, through a lens of constructive and positive input and reflection, to strive for continuous improvement. • Formed a Scholarship Workgroup, which will be chaired by Vice President Fontanilla. This workgroup will meet throughout 2013-14 in preparation for the 2014 event. • Formed an IVC Outreach Workgroup, which will coordinate and collaborate outreach events for the college. • As the IVC Title IX officer, attended Title IX training in February 2013 in Las Vegas. • On April 26, 2013, hosted the fourth annual high school principals’ breakfast in the Business Sciences Technology and Innovation Center (BSTIC). Presenters discussed the “Value of an IVC Education” and “College-readiness and Completion of South Orange County High School Students.” Attendees included leaders from Irvine High School, Dana Hills High School, Crean Lutheran High School, Foothill High School, Mater Dei High School, Northwood High School, Orange Lutheran High School, Santa Margarita High School, Tustin High School, Woodbridge High School, and the Irvine Unified School District. • This March, the office of the Vice President for Student Services sponsored 10 women on campus to attend the Orange County Global Women’s Conference. This conference, hosted by the Coastline Community College Foundation, provided an extraordinary opportunity for women throughout the county to come together and participate in a one-day program focused on informing, motivating, and encouraging women. This year’s participants from IVC included deans, counselors, classified staff and students: Elizabeth Cipres, Arleen Elseroad, Tiffany Tran, Maria Lopez, Maria Nunez, Sylvia Carmona, Janice Brown, Cristina Vieyra, Jennifer Choum and Becky Beishembieva. • Supported the IVC Honors Program by attending the Honors Transfer Council held at UCI. 52 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College • On July 21, 2013, welcomed 72 California community college leaders participating in the Association of California Community College Administrators (ACCCA) Admin 101, a weeklong “boot camp” for administrators and managers in California community colleges. Vice President Fontanilla gave the welcoming address, on behalf of President Glenn Roquemore. • Launched a new California Dream Act website. • Launched an IVC Counselor Conference workgroup to facilitate planning consisting of IVC counselors, outreach staff, and Irvine Unified School District participants to further reinforce partnerships with K-12. The group was formed to collaborate and ensure we are providing relevant content to participants. • Vice President Fontanilla and IVC Student Services representatives presented at the February 25, 2013 South Orange County Community College District Board of Trustees meeting. IVC, along with Saddleback, presented an overview of mental health services. This report was requested by Trustee Tim Jemal. At the board meeting, Vice President Fontanilla, Health Center Director Chris Hogstedt, Faculty/Counselor Robert Melendez and Counseling Dean Dr. Elizabeth Cipres provided an overview of mental health services provided on campus. • Vice President Fontanilla is working with IVC staff to roll out Kognito At-Risk in Fall 2013. The software will assist in the many psychological needs of IVC students and staff. • Vice President Fontanilla worked with the IVC Student Services team to roll out IVC’s new participation in the Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (MAA) program. IVC is participating in this program to allow the college to obtain federal reimbursement for the costs of certain administrative activities necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the Medi-Cal program and covered services. Counseling Dean Dr. Elizabeth Cipres is serving as the program coordinator. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 53 OFFICE OF Student Services Admissions and Records Top Achievements Of The Year • Arleen Elseroad, Dean of Enrollment Services, served as Chair of the CCC Apply Steering Committee whose membership consists of 13 districts and the California Community College Chancellor’s Office. The Steering Committee provides governance to the state wide online admission application and online Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver. Over 100 community colleges use the online admission application processing more than 2.5 million admission applications annually. • Arleen Elseroad served as Treasurer for the CACCRAO (California Association of Community College Registrars and Admissions Officers). CACCRAO is the professional organization for the 112 community colleges and provides professional development opportunities to Admissions and Records managers and staff. The CACCRAO Board also serves as a resource to the Chancellor’s Office on issues facing Admissions and Records offices. • On September 27, 2012, the first live e-transcripts were sent to California State University, Fullerton, USC and University of Phoenix. From the go-live date to December 31, 2012, 220 e-transcripts were sent; from January 1, 2013 to March 31, 2013, 632 transcripts were sent electronically. • Janice Brown was selected as one of 10 $600-value scholarship recipients to attend the annual CACCRAO conference held in Cabazon on April 29 to May, 1, 2013. Scholarships are made available only to member colleges as professional development. Additional Accomplishments: • As of May 3, 2013, approximately 26,280 individual requests for official transcripts to be sent have been received and processed. • 31,359 admissions applications (summer 2012: 8,335; fall 2012: 13,291; spring 2013: 9,733) were submitted to Irvine Valley College over the last year. While many are handled electronically in a download, approximately 15% require staff intervention to process and generate over 1,700 nonresident classification appeals. • 2,673 applications for degrees and certificates (1,140 degrees, 1,275 Certificates of Achievement, and 258 Certificates of Proficiency) were received. This marked a 28% increase over last year’s 2,088 awards applications received. • Over 33,000 phone calls were received in Admissions and Records. • Christina Ryoo, Corinne Jackson, Gillian Ashton, Karine Zakaryan, Shanna Moorhouse, Silver Leowidjaja, Vince Nguyen, and Yvonne Realini attended CACCRAO (California Association of Community College Registrars and Admissions Officers) Region 7 & 8 Classified Staff Workshop held on November 9, 2012 at Long Beach City College. • Arleen Elseroad, as a member of the CACCRAO Executive Board presented at the first New Admissions and Records Deans and Directors Training sponsored by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office on Sept. 18, 2012 held in Sacramento, CA. • Arleen Elseroad and Ben Guzman attend the CACCRAO Annual Conference in Cabazon, CA on Apr. 30 and May 1, 2013. Arleen Elseroad presented the Admissions and Records Session at conference covering the Education Code and California Code of Regulations Title 5 governing community college admissions and enrollment requirements and restrictions. • Ben Guzman, Shanna Moorhouse and Gillian Ashton attended the ETS (Ensuring Transfer Success) conference on May 13, 2013, held in Anaheim, CA. 54 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College OFFICE OF Student Services Child Development Center Top Achievements Of The Year • Provided a quality learning environment for 142 children in the 2011-2012 fiscal year. • July 1, 2011 - May 30, 2012: Students participated in the CDC Lab School 1,450 times (i.e., one student may utilize the Center’s Lab School for several different courses, time slots and/or student assignments). The center provides the office and classroom space for students and faculty. • Parent Involvement/Events: Pumpkin Patch Field Trip, Multicultural Food Festival, Santa’s Visit and Toys for Tots drive, two Developmental Screenings, Love Lunch, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day. Additional Accomplishments • Summer Program, beginning July 1st, included visits by CHOC and the OC Fire Authority. • Staff, children and parents went on a walking Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch on campus and were photographed in the Irvine World News! • The Annual Multicultural Food Festival was held in November 2011, with staff, children, families and special guests from the college attending a lunch with food representing each family’s culture. • Santa arrived with lots of good cheer and words of wisdom in December 2011! • The Child Development Center participated in the Toys for Tots drive. • Provided Practicum Orientation for Students and Staff at the January 2012 Staff Meeting. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 55 OFFICE OF Student Services Financial Aid and Veterans Services Center Top Achievements Of The Year The New Veterans Services Center opened in the Spring of 2013 to serve Irvine Valley College’s student veterans by offering them the support and assistance they need to navigate the often murky waters of transition into the civilian world. As the number of veterans returning from overseas conflicts continues to increase, our goal is to help them complete their education or continue on to additional levels of academia. To this end, and to assist the veteran in his or her daily life, the Veterans Services staff connects veterans with existing community services and advocates for the development of new services to meet the growing need. Services provided by the Veterans Services Center include: > Veteran educational benefits information > Disabled veteran compensation information > Peer support, mentoring, and textbook exchange > Free printing, copying, and faxing > Referrals to the on-campus mental health specialist > Financial aid information and application assistance > Lounge area with couches, internet, coffee, and study tables > Computer lab Services we hope to provide in the future: > Textbook vouchers > Sensitivity and suicide awareness training for faculty and staff > Subsidized childcare • The Veterans Services Center will officially be dedicated at 11 a.m. Friday, August 30, 2013. • Expansion of services is dependent on available resources. From time-to-time, opportunities will present themselves for the community to make contributions towards a specific need. 56 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College OFFICE OF Student Services Guidance and Counseling COUNSELING Top Achievements Of The Year • Submitted 154 courses for C-ID (California Identification) designations. (Current status: 55 courses are approved, 25 are submitted, 47 are in-progress, 16 are conditional and 12 are not approved.) • Melody Harper, Adjunct Counselor, received the President’s Award of Excellence. • The Counseling Department supported and participated in the IVC blood drive. • Developed the Counseling 200 A, B and C half-unit modules, which assist more students in specific cohorts in completing their educational plan according to their academic objective here at IVC. • Developed and provided eight two-hour Educational Planning Workshops on completing My Academic Plan (MAP) for international students. 160 international students signed up for the workshops. • Co-presented two outreach orientations for incoming international students from University of California, Irvine’s Kaplan program. • Established ITAG (International Transfer Admission Guarantee), an admission guarantee pathway for Irvine Valley College international students to transfer to California State University, San Marcos. • Assisted with the submission of eight AA-T and AS-T degrees for approval. Additional Achievements • Increased number of approved IGETC and CSU GE courses by 18. • Increased number of approved UC transferable courses by 11. • Increased number of approved CSU/UC course-to-course articulation agreements by 30 . • Updated IVC and SC’s course repetition list before summer 2013 . • Added 79 courses to AA/AS general education requirements. • Coordinated the Annual High School Counselors Conference with Outreach and over 80 high school counselors, career center coordinators/specialist, guidance technicians and principals attended from our district high schools. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 57 Athletics COUNSELING Top Achievements Of The Year • The Athletics Department and athletic counselor Rebecca Groff hosted an Athletic Advising Workshop for high school and community college counselors, coaches, athletic directors and administrators. Five high schools and six California community colleges were represented by workshop attendees. Mike Daniels, Golden State Athletic Conference (GSAC) Commissioner opened the workshop and Erin Bohn, Concordia University Irvine’s Compliance Officer and Assistant to the Athletic Director, presented National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) athletic eligibility requirements. • Hosted two workshops each semester to assist Irvine Valley College student-athletes preparing for early registration. • Provided three team workshops in fall 2012 covering academic information such as placement scores and the timely progression of math and English courses with transfer athletic eligibility planning. • Offered the Spring Flex Week session “Day in the Life of a Student-Athlete” by Keith Shackleford, Dean of Kinesiology, Health and Athletics; Tom Pestolesi, Chair of Kinesiology and Health, Coach of Women’s Indoor & Sand Volleyball, and Director of Volleyball; and Rebecca Groff, Athletic Counselor. • Created an athletic counseling webpage: with resources for student-athletes as well as high school and community college counselors, coaches, athletic directors and administrators. • Implemented Individual Solution Strategies (Schonberg & Fulthorp, 2010) with brief-solution-focused counseling within Irvine Valley College probation workshop, student-athlete counseling and COUN10 study skills course. • Pilot Summer 2013 Educational Planning Workshops for incoming fall 2013 student-athletes prior to registration to implement the Student Success Act. • Counseling Department supported and participated in the IVC blood drive. • The Athletics Department and athletic counselor Rebecca Groff hosted an Athletic Advising Workshop for high school and community college counselors, coaches, athletic directors and administrators. Five high schools and six California community colleges were represented by workshop attendees. Mike Daniels, Golden State Athletic Conference (GSAC) Commissioner opened the workshop and Erin Bohn, Concordia University Irvine’s Compliance Officer and Assistant to the Athletic Director, presented National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) athletic eligibility requirements. • Hosted two workshops each semester to assist Irvine Valley College student-athletes preparing for early registration. • Provided three team workshops in fall 2012 covering academic information such as placement scores and the timely progression of math and English courses with transfer athletic eligibility planning. • Offered the Spring Flex Week session “Day in the Life of a Student-Athlete” by Keith Shackleford, Dean of Kinesiology, Health and Athletics; Tom Pestolesi, Chair of Kinesiology and Health, Coach of Women’s Indoor & Sand Volleyball, and Director of Volleyball; and Rebecca Groff, Athletic Counselor. • Presented and spoke with students and parents regarding the benefits of co-curricular learning through intercollegiate athletics during Transfer Night 2013. • Created an athletic counseling webpage: with resources for student-athletes as well as high school and community college counselors, coaches, athletic directors and administrators. • Implemented Individual Solution Strategies (Schonberg & Fulthorp, 2010) with brief-solution-focused counseling within Irvine Valley College probation workshop, student-athlete counseling and COUN10 study skills course. • Pilot Summer 2013 Educational Planning Workshops for incoming fall 2013 student-athletes prior to registration to implement the Student Success Act. 58 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College OFFICE OF Student Services TRANSFER CENTER Top Achievements Of The Year • 3 Transfer Fairs with 86 public, private, and out-of-state universities in attendance in fall and 43 in the spring semester were available to provide students with transfer information. • 11 Campus Tours were offered with 153 students in attendance visiting USC, UCI Medical School, UCLA, CSULB, UCSD, CSUF, UCSB, and Cal Poly Pomona. • 818 IVC students attended 47 workshops of a variety of transferrelated topics such as CSU and UC admission/application, Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAG and AA-T), Personal Statement, UCI Pharmaceutical Science major, UCI Medical School, UCLA admission, Transfer Alliance Program (TAP), Common Application, How to Pay for College, and Next Steps for Fall 2013 transfers. • 985 students visited the Transfer Center as part of a class or were visited in their classes in an effort to orient them to Transfer Center services and resources. • Counselors from IVC and university representatives as well as UCLA, UCI, UCSD, CSUF, UCSB, Chapman, UCR, UCSC, Cal Poly Pomona, Arizona State, CSUF-Teaching, CSUF, UCB, Pepperdine, and CSU San Marcos were scheduled from August through May to meet with 715 IVC students one-on-one to assist with transfer questions, academic planning, application and personal statement assistance, and more. • IVC Transfer Center played host to over 370 high school seniors and their parents in the Performing Arts Center during the annual High School Student-Parent Transfer Night. This event highlights services and resources IVC has to offer the high school senior who has the goal of transfer to a 4-year university. A number of IVC faculty and staff, IVC alumni and current students, and 4-year university representatives were the stars of the evening. Video of the evening courtesy of Sonya Bangston: Additional Accomplishments • Together with Kay Ryals of the Honors Program, the Transfer Center nominated 2 students accepted to UC Berkeley for Fall 2013 to the Fly to Berkeley program, giving them the chance to see Berkeley close up with an all-expenses paid trip. • Held the annual Transfer Center Advisory Committee meeting to gather feedback on the Transfer Center Annual Plan and take suggestions for program improvement. Those in attendance comprised 4-year public, private, and out-of-state university representatives, students, administration, faculty, a supportive services counselor, Transfer Center Specialist, and Transfer Center Director. •Contacted and advised 73 CSU applicants who applied to CSU for Fall 2013 as an “AA-T” student as to their next steps for successful transfer under this new program. •Represented IVC Transfer Center at monthly Region 8 meetings – a gathering of all Region 8 community college Transfer Center Directors and Articulation Officers. •Collaborated with English Faculty Kurt Meyer and Bill Etter in bringing the annual English Department Personal Statement workshop to transferring IVC students applying to UC campuses. • Through the use of technology, brought UCSB and UC Berkeley representatives to students virtually for one-on-one advising. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 59 • Through Perkins Grant funds, the Transfer Center was awarded $2980 for 2013-2014 for an innovative new program called “Transfer Center Road Trips”. Students will participate in tours of CTE labs and programs at 4-year universities with supportive services for student participants. • IVC became #2 in the state for transfer, up from #3. • Updated the Transfer Center pages on to include many important and useful resources for transfer students. • Maintained the IVC Transfer Center Facebook page with updates on events both on and off campus, scholarship opportunities, and current events, now with over 200 “likes”. Career center & job placement Top Achievements of the year • Verizon Wireless Sand Canyon Campus Tour: On March 8, 2013, the Career Center took a group of students and administrators to Verizon’s corporate office on Sand Canyon for a presentation on working at Verizon Wireless. Students learned about employment opportunities, tuition assistance, and other benefits of working at Verizon. After the presentation, the group was able to tour the facilities. • The Career Center was able to organize two Career Fair Orientations to prepare students for the Career Fair by reviewing resumes, self-presentation techniques, and helping students understand what to expect at the event. Our staff also hosted a number of in-center presentations as well as in-class presentations across campus. • 2013 Spring Career Fair: The Career Center hosted 63 employers at our Career Fair on April 23, 2013. Students were able to meet with prospective employers regarding full-time, part-time, and internship opportunities. 60 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College OFFICE OF Student Services Health and Wellness Center • The Health and Wellness Center welcomed a new staff member, nurse Dani Raja. • Jan Nassar, the Senior Health Office Assistant retired after 30 years with the district. • Director Chris Hogstedt received the Anna McFarlin Sport-For-All Award from the school of Kinesiology, Health and Athletics. • The Health & Wellness Center had four interns who gave therapy to students under the direction of staff psychologist Dr. Robin Bullette. • Director Chris Hogstedt spearheaded the Smoking Policy Work Group which sent out a survey to all students, staff and faculty generating 2,710 replies. She will present the results to the Board in August. • The Health & Wellness Center sponsored a table for the Great American Smoke-out. • The Health & Wellness Center participated in numerous trainings on mental health issues through the California Community Colleges Student Mental Health Program. • Faculty & staff of the Health & Wellness Center were able to facilitate an increase in the health fee to meet future expenses. • Director Chris Hogstedt presented to the Board of Trustees about IVC’s Mental Health Program. • The Health & Wellness Center continued to serve a record number of students meet their physical and mental health needs. International Student Center Top Achievements Of The Year • Hosted 13 delegations of international officials from 5 countries: China, Japan, Venezuela, South Korea and Hong Kong. Three of these delegations were from organizations based in the United States who host or assist students desiring to study in the U.S. • On June 25, 2012, Julia Mosequeda joined IVC as an International Student Program Technician. She came to IVC from Kaplan International and brings a wealth of knowledge, experience and enthusiasm to IVC’s program. • In the spring 2013, the International Student program hit a high of 545 full time students enrolled. Additional Accomplishments • Maria Lopez attended DSO Stakeholder Training on November 2, 2012 hosted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service held at USC to demonstrate the first phase of the new electronic immigration system named USCIS ELIS. • David Chang and Maria Lopez attended a college fair hosted by UCR. The goal of the fair is to recruit international students from their Intensive English Language Institute. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 61 • Maria Lopez attended the NAFSA (National Association of Foreign Student Advisors) Conference May 27-30, 2013 held in St. Louis, Missouri. • David Chang, Maria Lopez and Julia Mosqueda attended CACCRAO (California Association of Community College Registrars and Admissions Officers) Classified Staff Workshop held on Nov. 9, 2012 at Long Beach City College. Matriculation and Outreach Top Achievements Of The Year • Approximately 9,248 assessment tests (3,798 English; 4,436 math, and 1,014 ESL) were administered. • Administered assessments at 8 local area high schools and 3 additional assessments at El Toro and Beckman High School supporting the Early College Program. • Ben Guzman, Corinne Jackson and Silver Leowidjaja attended the Perceptive Solutions User Group Conference in Cypress, CA on Oct. 19, 2012. • Jan Stephens, Senior Matriculation Specialist retired in September 2012, and Joe Liu was promoted into his vacancy in March 2013. • Outreach promoted Senior Day for over seven months via class presentations, college nights, community college days, workshops, schoolwide presentations, personal interactions with K-12 administrators and counselors and direct contact with high school students. Outreach secured 28 buses filled with excited Senior Day participants. • Outreach partnered with the Woodbridge High School Counseling Department to offer high school seniors a special series of IVC presentations. • For the eighth year in a row, IVC again participated in the City of Irvine’s Global Village Festival. This annual fall event draws more than 20,000 attendees in a single day. • Anne Akers provided support and collaboration to IVC departments and academic schools in conjunction with their outreach efforts and events. • Anne Akers delivered countless presentations to groups ranging in size from 50 through 1,000 in attendance) throughout Orange County (including eight school districts). She also presented at numerous events such as Junior-Senior Parent nights/days, Parent Student Teacher Association(PTSA) workshops, , community college days, college nights, and many other community/ education events. • Participating in an ongoing committee for Saddleback/IVC Student Success. This work group was formed to support creation of marketing materials to encourage Fully Matriculated Freshman and student success initiatives. Served as a member of the newly formed Student Success, Access Matriculation, Marketing and Outreach Committee (SSAMMO). • Outreach facilitated the first-ever parent-student campus tour and presentation for Connections Academy an Orange County virtual high school who also wrote following the tour to thank IVC for our incredible hospitality for their students • Throughout the year Outreach led weekly campus tours for interested students and their families. • Outreach hosted Hillview High school for a day of campus tours. Over 100 enthusiastic students attended. • Collaborated with a local private high school to represent IVC at the 2013 NACAC National College Fair. 62 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College OFFICE OF Student Services Supportive Services Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) Top Achievements Of The Year • DSPS welcomed two adjunct Learning Disabilities Specialists to our program this year: Kimberly Bell and Jose Arroyo. Additional Accomplishments • IVC Learning Disabilities Specialist Dr. Brooke Choo hosted the fall meeting of the Region 8 Learning Disabilities Specialists at IVC and continues to serve as the Region 8 representative to the Learning Disabilities Field Advisory committee to the CCCCO, which she also leads as Chair. • In October, Dr. Choo presented at the annual convention of the California Association for Postsecondary Education in Disability in Sacramento. • Outreach to basic skills classes, learning disability testing, and disability counseling was providing summer session 2012 courtesy of a Basic Skills Initiative grant that was proposed by Dr. Choo. • Dr. Choo served as the lead trainer for the CCCCO Learning Disabilities Eligibility and Services Model Training June 2012 in San Diego, CA and will lead another training June 2013 in Sacramento, CA. EXTENDED OPPORTUNITY PROGRAMS AND SERVICES (EOPS /CARE CalWORKs) Top Achievement of the Year • EOPS students, on average, enroll in 12 units, while the remaining IVC population enrolls in an average of 8 units (EOPS = 12.09 units and IVC General Population = 8.62 units). • EOPS students have a higher cumulative GPA than their nonEOPS counterparts (EOPS = 2.75 gpa and IVC General Population = 2.56 gpa). • EOPS students earned more units in the Fall 2012 semester than the general IVC population (EOPS = 8.96 units and IVC General Population = 6.54 units). Additional Accomplishments • Adopt-a-Family: 200 families were served with grocery certificates, gas cards and toys for their children. Students were provided lunch and raffle prizes sponsored by ASIVC. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 63 • Recognition Celebration: 200 students recognized for graduating, transferring and/or earning 3.0+ GPA. Students were provided lunch and raffle prizes sponsored by ASIVC. • Mother’s/Father’s Day Celebration: 20 single parents were honored and awarded community-donated gifts and lunch sponsored by ASIVC. • Disneyland: 20 current and former CARE students and their children were treated by Charter 100 to a day of fun at Disneyland (including meal gift cards). • CARE Workshops: Monthly workshops were provided to the CARE population covering a variety of topics of interest to single parents in college. • Recognitions: Fawn Tanriverdi, Assistant Director, served her third and final term as Vice President of the statewide CalWORKs Association. • Parisa Soltani completed her EdD at Cal State Fullerton. • Seven EOPS/Foster Youth were awarded various John Burton Scholarships and one won a Dell laptop donated by the John Burton Foundation. • Resource Fair: On May 4, 2013, IVC will host the Fifth Annual Community Resource Fair co-sponsored by Families Forward, IUSD and the City of Irvine to support local residents going through tough economic times. Attendance at this event is expected to be around 800 along with 60 community agency presenters, and over 50 volunteers. 64 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College ASIVC/Student Life Top Achievements Of The Year • ASIVC presented the 2012-13 Budget to the Board of Trustees and received approval in August 2012. • ASIVC has continued to increase the membership for positions. In the Fall we had a full cabinet, senate, court, and commissioner council which numbered over one hundred participants. • ASIVC officers were able to attend the California Community College Student Affairs Association Conference (CCCSAA) in Los Angeles in October, 2012 for three days. • Students attended many sessions at the CCCSAA Conference about planning, budget, roles and responsibilities of positions, Parliamentary Procedures/Brown Act, and how to start new projects to benefit the students they represent. • ASIVC 2012-13 elected officers participated in a Parliamentary Training conducted by a certified Parliamentarian in August 2012. • Welcome Back Week for students August 20-23 was well received by the large number of students who came out for free hot dogs, pizza, cotton candy and snow cones. • ASIVC offered Club Day in September and January to assist clubs with their recruiting,. • Fear Feast for Halloween in October had a record number of students coming out in costume to win some prizes. • Homecoming 2013 had a great turnout of students to support IVC Basketball teams. • ASIVC had over 2,000 high school seniors attend our Senior Day this year with 28 buses being met by different deans, faculty and managers welcoming them to IVC. • All the Student Services departments were represented at tables for Senior Day. • Faculty represented Humanities & Languages; Social Sciences & Library Services; Fine Arts; Kinesiology, Heath & Athletics; Mathematics, Sciences & Engineering; Guidance & Counseling; ATEP Career & Technical Education; and Business Sciences with displays of trophies, brochures, science projects, and some soccer players from the Women’s Soccer Team. • ASIVC funding for Speech and Debate, Athletics, Administration of Justice, Model United Nations, Dance, Wind Symphony, Scholarships and other campus programs and events mentioned above can take pride from their support which has led to State Championships, Recognition Awards, National Awards, individual competition awards, and more. Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 65 Academic senate Top Achievements Of The Year • Worked with the new full-time library faculty to implement the Library Resources Task Force. • Discussed and worked on the numerous Board Policies and Administrative Regulations, through the District-wide BPAR committee. • Approved the Full-Time Tenure-track Faculty Hiring Priority List for 2012-2013 and approved Academic Search Committee Appointment Recommendations. • Approved the ACCJC Follow Up Report (September 2012) and continue to work on the mid-term ACCJC report. • Committee Organizational Changes: • Creation of the CTE Task Force with a Faculty Co-chair and the CTE Dean as co-chair • Addition of a faculty co-chair to Academic Facilities and Technology Planning Committee (AFTPC) • Reorganization of SSA (Student Success Access) and MO (Marketing Outreach) Strategic Planning Committees into SSAMMO (Student Success, Access, Matriculation, Marketing and Outreach Committee) Strategic Planning Committee • Addition of a third co-chair to the Strategic Planning Oversight and Budget Development Committee (SPOBDC) • Revision of the Strategic Planning Oversight Budget Development Committee (SPOBDC) Charge and Membership • Population of the Accreditation Oversight Committee • Established the Budget Solutions Recommendations Workgroup (BSR) • Coordinator/Chair positions approved: • SLO Coordinator – Cheryl Delson • CTE Task Force Co-Chair - June McLaughlin • SPOBDC Faculty Co-Chair – Bob Urell • AFTPC Faculty Co-Chair – Bob Urell • SSAMMO Faculty Co-Chair – Brenda Borron • IEC Faculty Co-Chair – Kathy Schmeidler • Approved the Classroom Allocation Process (CAP) • Approved the Program Review schedule and the Program Review process template. • Approved the Program Realignment of the Recycling and Resource Management (RMM) program, which is transferred from the School of Life Sciences and Technologies to the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. • Approved the IVC Dispute Resolution Policy • Revised courses for Fall 2014-Spring 2015 will be due by May 1, 2013. 66 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College • New courses will be due by October 1, 2013. • All programs and Degrees – including AA-T, will be due last Curriculum Committee meeting in January 2014. • The Faculty CAFÉ in the Library has been opened by a wide-variety of groups, including faculty, staff, and committees. The lounge and conference room have been used extensively. • Continuing to work with IVC IT on the inside IVC and outward-facing IVC web presence of the Academic Senate and subcommittee. • Developed and approved the IVC’s Call to Action. • Developed and ratified the Academic Senate Constitution and By-Laws. • Developed and approved the Textbook Ordering Process. • Developed and approved the Full Time Tenure-Track Faculty Hiring Priority List Development Process. • Developed and presented Student Success Task Force (SSTF) presentations to the Board of Trustees in collaboration with Saddleback College. • Updating the IVC Planning and Decision Making Manual, including updating all committee charges • The Academic Senate Cabinet participated in Professional Development activities, including: • Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) Fall 2012 Plenary • Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) Spring 2013 Plenary • Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) Area D Meeting • Curriculum Institute • Leadership Institute • Workforce Leadership Institute “Navigating Leadership with a GPS” • The Academic Senate Cabinet participated in numerous committees, including: • Curriculum Committee • Tech Review I and II • Academic Affairs • AFTPC – Academic, Facilities, and Technology Planning Committee • SPOBDC - Strategic Planning Oversight and Budget Development Committee • SPOBDC Planning Workgroup • BSR - Budget Solutions Recommendations Workgroup • IEC - Institutional Effectiveness Committee • BAARC – Basic Aid Allocation Resource Committee • DRAC – District Resource Allocation Committee • District-wide Planning Council • BP/AR – Board Policy/Administrative Regulation Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 67 • CIC – Capital Improvement Committee • Chancellor’s Council • College Council • Instructional Council • President’s Cabinet • District Calendar Committee • SOCCCD Barrier 1 Task Force - Unhealthy competition within and between the colleges and district • SOCCCD Barrier 2 Task Force - Lack of utilizing data and metrics for decision-making • SOCCCD Barrier 3 Task Force - Circumvention and not following procedures properly • SOCCCD Barrier 4 Task Force - Civility – not being civil • SOCCCD Barrier 5 Task Force - Lack of district policy - making the board policy • BPA – Business Process Analysis for HR, Finance, and Curriculum • IVC Technology Advisory Task Force • IVC Distance Education Task Force • District Technology Committee (DTC) • District-wide Technology Plan Task Force • District Online Education Committee (DOEC) • DOEC Help Desk Work Group • Collaborated with Saddleback College on the Fall 2012 Student Success Summit at Saddleback College • Facilitated the Spring 2013 Student Success Summit at Irvine Valley College • Organized the Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 Flex Week Activities • Participated in the Program Review for the Early College Program • Continued to work with IVC IT on the development of a fully online website for faculty professional development to replace Flex Tracker. • IVC2IVC for 2012-2013 • September 17, 2012 Amy Grimm, Department of Art, “Andy Warhol: Portraiture & Identity” • October 15, 2012 Traci Fahimi, Department of Political Science, “The Puzzles of Process: Can We Have a Fair Vote in November?” • November 5, 2012 June McLaughlin, Department of Business, “The Ambivalence of Socially Responsible Investing” • February 4, 2013 Jack Appleman, Department of Mathematics, “Free Ice Cream and the Future of Fair Robotics” 68 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College • March 4, 2013 Daniel Scott, Department of Business, “The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Igniting passion and fueling the fire” • April 1, 2013 John Davison, Department of Chemistry, “Real-Life Mad Scientists: Issac Newton, Nickola Tesla and Others” • April 29, 2013 Michelle Scharf, Department of Counseling, “Responsible and Sustainable Horticulture: Make and Take Container Garden at the BEES Garden” • DALS (Distinguished Academic Lecture Series) for 2012-2013 • Dr. Philip G. Zimbardo, “My Journey from Understanding Evil to Inspiring Heroism”, Friday, September 21, 2012 • Dr. Christian Gelzer, “NASA Dryden: ‘Is That It?’”, Friday, February 1, 2013 • Dr. Michael Shermer, “The Believing Brain”, Thursday, May 9, 2013 • Approved the Academic Calendar 2014-2015 • Approved the revision of the ATEP Program Review Process • Discussed and made recommendations to the District IT Proposed Priority List for 2013-2014 Irvine Valley College | 2012-2013 Accomplishments 69 Classified senate Top Achievements Of The Year • Classified Senate President Dennis Gordon, Senate Past President Angela Mahaney and Irvine Valley College President Glenn Roquemore gave a joint presentation at the Community College League of California (CCLC) annual conference entitled “Enhancing Institutional Performance and Accountability”. • Patric Taylor received the Irvine Valley College Classified Employee Outstanding Service Award for 2013-2014. He was recognized for his service to the college during Classified Staff Development Day and at a SOCCCD Board of Trustees meeting. • Classified Senate members Hedy Renfro, Angela Mahaney, Karen Martin, and Dennis Gordon attended the Classified Leadership Institute (CLI) conference in Sacramento. In addition to attending the conference, the IVC Senate members were also presenters for workshops on Leadership Development, and Aligning Mission and Vision for Senates. • Two Classified Senate Officers attended a Southern Area retreat sponsored by California Community Colleges Classified Senate (4CS) and hosted by San Diego Miramar College. 4CS South Vice President, Angela Mahaney and 4CS Regional Representative Dennis Gordon participated as presenters discussing leadership skills and Classified Senate participation in campus governance. • As part of the Classified Senate community outreach the Senate purchased 100 shoeboxes to be used for donations for Operation Christmas Child. Carol Danna organized the distribution and collection of the shoe boxes which were delivered to the distribution center for shipping to needy children domestically and around the world as part of the “Children’s Shoebox” Project sponsored by the Samaritan’s Purse International Relief Organization. • Members of the IVC Classified Senate attended a workshop addressing emergency situations on campus and participated in a presentation dealing with an active shooter on campus hosted by Chief Will Glenn and other Security professionals. • Irvine Valley College Classified Senate members Carol Danna (Committee Chair), Vincent Cooper, Gee Dickson, Dennis Gordon, Angela Mahaney, Karen Martin, Megan Newton and Hedy Renfro hosted the District Wide Classified Staff Development Day held at Oak Canyon Park. Over 180 classified staff from IVC, Saddleback and the District attended the event which comprised of a day of staff development and team building exercises. A number of employees were presented tenure awards by Vice Chancellor David Bugay and IVC President Glenn Roquemore. In addition to the tenure awards, Patric Taylor was presented the Outstanding Classified Employee of the Year award by President Roquemore. • The District Wide Classified Staff Development Day team building included an exercise building seventeen bicycles. The were swapped for seventeen new bicycles, which along with helmets and bike chains were donated to Orangewood Home and Olive Crest Homes for abused and abandoned children. • President-Elect Vincent Cooper and classified employee Robert Flournoy spearheaded a food distribution program for our campus veterans and other community families in need. Vince and Robert, with the assistance of classified employees in partnership with the “Loaves and Fishes” program, collected, packed, and distributed boxes of fresh fruit, vegetables, canned goods, baked goods and other needed supplies to veterans and their families and students from the EOPS program. • Classified Senate committees raised funds to provide seven student scholarships for the 2013 Scholarship Program. Five scholarships were awarded from the Scholarship Endowment Fund, one scholarship from the Classified Senate Green Committee and one scholarship from the Classified Senate Veterans Scholarship Fund established by classified employee Hedy Renfro. • The California Community Colleges Classified Senate (4CS) statewide organization recognized the Irvine Valley College Classified Senate for their campus and community outreach efforts with a featured article in their quarterly newsletter, which was distributed to all community college chancellors, presidents, CEOs, and state legislators. 70 2012-2013 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
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