Quiz List—Reading Practice
Quiz List—Reading Practice
Page 1 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 5550 SP 26293 EN 15652 EN 30268 EN Points Word Count F/NF 4.0 0.5 1,219 F MG 6.6 1.0 6,389 NF Aaseng, Nathan MG 6.8 1.0 5,734 NF Aaseng, Nathan MG 6.6 2.0 10,268 NF NF Author IL Por qué zumban los mosquitos en los oídos de la gente Jose Canseco: Baseball's 40-40-Man Meat-Eating Plants Aardema, Verna LG Aaseng, Nathan ATOS BL 8289 EN Sports Great David Robinson (Revised Edition) Sports Great Kirby Puckett Aaseng, Nathan MG 6.1 2.0 9,703 88003 EN Bridesmaid, The Abbott, Hailey MG 4.5 8.0 57,048 F 115828 EN Abbott, Hailey UG 5.6 8.0 48,338 F 101656 EN Abbott, Hailey UG 5.3 8.0 52,705 F 129436 EN Last Summer: A Summer Boys Novel Next Summer: A Summer Boys Novel Bayou Dogs Abbott, Tony MG 3.7 3.0 21,499 F 127484 EN City of the Dead Abbott, Tony MG 3.7 3.0 25,165 F 106747 EN Firegirl Abbott, Tony MG 4.1 4.0 31,458 F 133669 EN Ghost Road, The Abbott, Tony MG 4.0 4.0 30,729 F 130963 EN Red House, The Abbott, Tony MG 3.9 3.0 21,390 F 127494 EN Ten Things I Hate About Me Abdel-Fattah, Randa MG 4.8 9.0 61,385 F 46873 EN Coins Abeyta, Jennifer MG 5.5 0.5 3,139 NF 46902 EN Stamps Abeyta, Jennifer MG 5.9 1.0 3,583 NF 109834 SP Abraham Lincoln y la Guerra Civil Abnett, Dan LG 4.5 0.5 1,263 NF 109836 SP Cristóbal Colón y el viaje de 1492 Abnett, Dan LG 4.1 0.5 1,292 NF 109837 SP Abnett, Dan LG 4.9 0.5 1,343 NF 109838 SP Abnett, Dan LG 4.0 0.5 1,126 NF 109839 SP Abnett, Dan LG 4.0 0.5 1,110 NF 109842 SP Abnett, Dan LG 4.4 0.5 1,236 NF 75497 EN George Washington y la Guerra de Independencia Harriet Tubman y el Ferrocarril Clandestino Hernán Cortés y la caída del imperio azteca Toro Sentado y la batalla de Little Bighorn Firefighter Abraham, Philip MG 4.9 1.0 3,686 NF 112619 SP ¿Quién fue Ana Frank? Abramson, Ann MG 4.5 1.0 7,589 NF 6048 EN Leaves in October, The Ackerman, Karen MG 5.4 3.0 19,689 F 12492 EN Night Crossing, The Ackerman, Karen MG 5.3 1.0 4,082 F 120802 EN In the Space Left Behind Ackermann, Joan MG 5.4 12.0 74,823 F 35610 SP Atentamente, Ricitos De Oro Ada, Alma Flor LG 4.3 0.5 1,939 F 12456 SP Querido Pedrín Ada, Alma Flor LG 4.2 0.5 2,125 F 110976 EN Medieval Castles Adams, Brian MG 4.9 0.5 2,640 NF 18830 EN Adams, Douglas UG 6.1 8.0 52,150 F F 749 EN Restaurant at the End of the Universe, The Watership Down Adams, Richard UG 6.2 25.0 156,154 110693 EN Tim Duncan Adams, Sean MG 7.3 3.0 19,433 NF 125949 EN Eastern Front, The Adams, Simon MG 9.0 2.0 11,083 NF 125948 EN Occupation and Resistance Adams, Simon MG 9.0 2.0 10,148 NF 118337 EN Mysterious Places Adasiewicz, Sue MG 5.2 0.5 3,050 NF 118356 EN Adasiewicz, Sue MG 6.1 1.0 4,177 NF 5965 EN Your Papers, Please: Crossing Borders Tuna Fish Thanksgiving Adler, C.S. MG 4.3 6.0 39,718 F Page 2 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 3.7 1.0 5,278 F LG 4.6 0.5 1,496 NF Author IL Adler, David A. LG Adler, David A. ATOS BL 5210 EN 14422 EN Cam Jansen and the Mystery at the Monkey House Lou Gehrig: The Luckiest Man 29436 EN Picture Book of John F. Kennedy, A Adler, David A. LG 4.6 0.5 1,073 NF 19958 EN Adler, David A. LG 3.8 0.5 756 NF 106982 EN Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr., A We Remember the Holocaust Adler, David A. MG 6.0 4.0 22,250 NF 86746 EN Diary of Pelly D, The Adlington, L.J. MG 5.2 7.0 44,421 F 955 EN Open Agassi, Andre MG 5.1 20.0 130,000 NF 73089 EN Aird, Hamish MG 8.0 2.0 11,924 NF 66676 EN Pericles: The Rise and Fall of Athenian Democracy Life Inside the Air Force Academy Alagna, Magdalena MG 6.2 1.0 3,746 NF 66677 EN Alagna, Magdalena MG 6.9 1.0 3,382 NF 35585 EN Life Inside the Merchant Marine Academy Tuesdays with Morrie Albom, Mitch UG 5.5 5.0 34,894 NF 21610 EN Jo's Boys (Unabridged) Alcott, Louisa May UG 8.8 18.0 98,022 F 513 EN Alcott, Louisa May MG 7.9 33.0 183,833 F 121188 SP Little Women (Book I and II) (Unabridged) Mujercitas (Abridged) Alcott, Louisa May UG 4.3 5.0 36,818 104433 EN Alcott, Louisa May LG 4.7 0.5 1,086 F 105487 EN Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving (Adapted), An Estrella's Quinceañera Alegría, Malín MG 4.3 9.0 63,680 F 116401 EN Alegría, Malín UG 4.5 13.0 89,996 F 153607 EN Alender, Katie MG 4.2 12.0 87,447 F 131185 EN Sofi Mendoza's Guide to Getting Lost in Mexico As Dead As It Gets: A Bad Girls Don't Die Novel Bad Girls Don't Die Alender, Katie MG 4.4 10.0 67,936 F 144730 EN Alender, Katie MG 4.2 12.0 87,248 F 133983 EN From Bad to Cursed: A Bad Girls Don't Die Novel Sweetheart of Prosper County, The Alexander, Jill S. MG 4.7 7.0 48,752 F 14988 EN Arkadians, The Alexander, Lloyd MG 5.4 8.0 53,200 F NF 210 EN Black Cauldron, The Alexander, Lloyd MG 5.2 7.0 47,335 F 6658 EN Book of Three, The Alexander, Lloyd MG 5.3 7.0 46,928 F 6387 EN Castle of Llyr, The Alexander, Lloyd MG 5.4 7.0 42,828 F 6360 EN Fortune-Tellers, The Alexander, Lloyd LG 4.6 0.5 882 F 116710 EN Alexander, Lloyd MG 4.6 9.0 61,918 F 37 EN Golden Dream of Carlo Chuchio, The High King, The Alexander, Lloyd MG 6.1 11.0 65,470 F 8531 EN Illyrian Adventure, The Alexander, Lloyd MG 5.5 5.0 29,975 F 17776 EN Iron Ring, The Alexander, Lloyd MG 4.8 10.0 68,078 F 7022 EN Alexander, Lloyd UG 5.4 9.0 57,720 F 6632 EN Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen, The Taran Wanderer Alexander, Lloyd MG 6.2 9.0 55,641 F 63447 EN Town Cats and Other Tales, The Alexander, Lloyd MG 6.4 4.0 23,999 F 20100 EN Wizard in the Tree, The Alexander, Lloyd MG 5.4 5.0 32,590 F 21395 EN Medieval Feast, A Aliki LG 4.6 0.5 584 F 9781 SP Momias de Egipto Aliki LG 5.2 0.5 1,244 NF 9781 EN Mummies Made in Egypt Aliki LG 5.2 0.5 1,244 NF 25981 EN William Shakespeare and the Globe Aliki MG 5.5 0.5 1,707 NF Page 3 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points 0.5 Word Count 596 F/NF 5234 EN Miss Nelson Is Missing! Allard, Harry LG 2.7 F 51129 EN Floods Allen, Jean MG 5.0 1.0 3,477 87625 SP bosque de los pigmeos, El Allende, Isabel UG 7.1 10.0 61,336 F 62925 SP ciudad de las bestias, La Allende, Isabel MG 5.0 12.0 83,268 F 118353 EN Allison, Carol J. MG 4.8 0.5 2,442 100077 EN Made by Humans: Astonishing Achievments Gilda Joyce, Psychic Investigator Allison, Jennifer MG 6.5 10.0 62,384 F 130107 EN Gilda Joyce: The Dead Drop Allison, Jennifer MG 7.0 11.0 64,920 F 116584 EN Gilda Joyce: The Ghost Sonata Allison, Jennifer MG 6.5 12.0 74,917 F 107136 EN Gilda Joyce: The Ladies of the Lake Allison, Jennifer MG 6.3 12.0 71,583 F 136673 EN Almond, David MG 3.4 2.0 13,466 F 111842 SP Aloian, Molly MG 5.4 1.0 3,756 NF 78671 SP Boy Who Climbed Into the Moon, The Cadenas alimentarias del bosque tropical ciclo de vida de la flor, El Aloian, Molly MG 4.4 0.5 3,213 NF 87638 SP ciclo de vida de los insectos, El Aloian, Molly MG 4.1 0.5 2,217 NF 78670 SP ciclo de vida del escarabajo, El Aloian, Molly MG 4.9 1.0 3,760 NF NF NF 87637 SP cuerpo de los insectos, El Aloian, Molly MG 4.3 0.5 2,135 NF 114721 SP Explora América del Norte Aloian, Molly LG 4.1 0.5 2,049 NF 114722 SP Explora América del Sur Aloian, Molly LG 4.1 0.5 1,985 NF 87639 SP Insectos que trabajan en equipo Aloian, Molly MG 4.3 0.5 2,525 NF 87636 SP Insectos útiles y dañinos Aloian, Molly MG 4.5 0.5 2,512 NF 43256 EN Counterfeit Son Alphin, Elaine Marie UG 5.6 7.0 42,981 F 6363 EN Ghost Cadet Alphin, Elaine Marie MG 5.5 6.0 40,065 F 74405 EN Picture Perfect Alphin, Elaine Marie UG 5.1 10.0 64,410 F 116972 EN Peanut Alsenas, Linas LG 1.6 0.5 186 F 962 EN Meg Alten, Steve MG 8.1 12.0 66,760 F 71927 EN Alter, Judy MG 4.7 1.0 3,620 NF 122666 EN Altobello, Albert MG 7.8 2.0 9,426 NF 60706 SP Laura Ingalls Wilder: Pioneer and Author 10 Most Important Amendments to the United States Constitution, The Antes de ser libres Alvarez, Julia MG 5.6 8.0 50,755 F 43515 SP Alvarez, Julia MG 4.8 4.0 27,160 F 43515 EN Cuando tía Lola vino (de visita) a quedarse How Tia Lola Came to (Visit) Stay Alvarez, Julia MG 4.8 4.0 25,807 F 127752 EN Return to Sender Alvarez, Julia MG 5.5 11.0 71,721 F 56041 EN Nuclear Submarines Amato, William LG 2.6 0.5 228 136765 EN This Totally Bites! Ames, Ruth MG 5.0 5.0 33,623 F 69436 EN Cat Who Came for Christmas, The Amory, Cleveland UG 7.3 13.0 72,382 NF 967 EN Band (Read 180), The Anastasid, Dina MG 20.0 0.5 1,620 F 21839 SP Barrio. El barrio de José Ancona, George LG 5.6 0.5 2,091 F 10486 EN Pablo Remembers Ancona, George LG 4.8 0.5 1,660 NF 10201 EN Pinata Maker, The Ancona, George LG 5.1 0.5 3,181 NF 72658 EN First Moon Landing, The Anderson, Dale MG 8.0 2.0 9,798 NF 69250 EN Last Treasure, The Anderson, Janet S. MG 4.1 9.0 66,975 F 88599 EN Peaches Anderson, Jodi Lynn UG 5.1 11.0 74,317 F NF Page 4 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL 125530 EN Chains Anderson, Laurie Halse MG 5.2 Points Word Count F/NF 11.0 75,475 F 42961 EN Fever, 1793 Anderson, Laurie Halse UG 4.4 7.0 51,076 F 140499 EN Forge Anderson, Laurie Halse MG 5.4 10.0 64,682 F 32480 EN Speak Anderson, Laurie Halse UG 4.5 7.0 46,591 F 113803 EN Twisted Anderson, Laurie Halse UG 4.3 8.0 53,638 F 128927 EN Wintergirls Anderson, Laurie Halse UG 4.1 9.0 61,210 F 35190 EN Burger Wuss Anderson, M.T. UG 3.5 6.0 43,855 F 62556 EN Feed Anderson, M.T. UG 4.4 7.0 51,998 F 79707 EN Game of Sunken Places, The Anderson, M.T. MG 4.6 8.0 56,111 F 137695 EN Suburb Beyond the Stars, The Anderson, M.T. MG 4.4 7.0 46,538 F 13493 EN Anderson, Madelyn Klein MG 8.1 1.0 6,369 NF 74400 EN So Proudly They Served: American Military Women in World War II Paul Gauguin Anderson, Robert MG 7.3 2.0 9,138 NF 74402 EN Salvador Dali Anderson, Robert MG 7.0 1.0 8,050 NF 63556 EN Pot That Juan Built, The Andrews-Goebel, Nancy MG 6.2 0.5 2,764 NF 63556 SP vasija que Juan fabricó, La Andrews-Goebel, Nancy MG 6.2 0.5 2,864 NF 136271 EN Strange Case of Origami Yoda, The Angleberger, Tom MG 4.7 3.0 18,857 F 906 EN Go Ask Alice Anonymous UG 5.6 7.0 45,000 F 18341 EN Prietita and the Ghost Woman Anzaldúa, Gloria LG 4.1 0.5 1,017 F 122589 EN Underneath, The Appelt, Kathi MG 5.2 9.0 56,265 F 118014 EN Home of the Brave Applegate, Katherine MG 3.5 3.0 21,702 F 921 EN Beauty Pop Arai, Kiyoko MG 5.0 4.0 28,000 F 76337 EN Dead Man's Chest Archer, Chris MG 4.6 5.0 34,898 F 68612 EN Eye of Eternity Archer, Chris MG 4.0 5.0 32,628 F 20314 EN Flash Forward Archer, Chris MG 4.6 4.0 30,474 F 76349 EN Last Clue, The Archer, Chris MG 4.6 6.0 37,888 F 68146 EN Secret City, The Archer, Chris MG 4.0 5.0 35,160 F 20830 SP Arciniegas, Triunfo LG 4.3 0.5 2,886 F 17231 EN casibandidos que casi roban el sol y otros cuentos, Los Music Ardley, Neil MG 8.0 1.0 5,580 NF 30256 EN Aretha, David MG 5.6 1.0 4,240 NF 21023 EN Aretha, David MG 6.0 1.0 4,490 NF 30264 EN Aretha, David MG 5.8 1.0 4,356 NF 18340 EN Michigan Wolverines Football Team, The Montreal Canadiens Hockey Team, The Seattle SuperSonics Basketball Team, The Magic Dogs of the Volcanoes Argueta, Manlio LG 4.3 0.5 767 F 75731 EN Arkhurst, Joyce Cooper LG 4.4 1.0 5,887 F 131188 EN Adventures of Spider: West African Folk Tales, The Awakening, The Armstrong, Kelley MG 4.1 10.0 72,736 F 143321 EN Gathering, The Armstrong, Kelley MG 4.2 11.0 77,206 F 138381 EN Reckoning, The Armstrong, Kelley MG 4.0 11.0 79,454 F 124170 EN Summoning, The Armstrong, Kelley MG 4.1 11.0 79,027 F 84 EN Sounder Armstrong, William H. MG 5.3 3.0 22,693 F 84 SP Trueno Armstrong, William H. MG 5.3 3.0 22,693 F 1795 EN Toxic Cops Arneson, D.J. MG 7.8 3.0 17,910 NF 79259 SP sistema óseo, El Arnold, Caroline LG 4.2 0.5 2,143 NF Page 5 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 139497 EN Buzz Boy and Fly Guy Arnold, Tedd LG 1.3 0.5 269 F 135780 EN Fly Guy Meets Fly Girl! Arnold, Tedd LG 1.4 0.5 275 F 145162 EN Fly Guy vs. the Flyswatter! Arnold, Tedd LG 2.1 0.5 374 F 122340 EN Fly High, Fly Guy! Arnold, Tedd LG 1.4 0.5 284 F 101305 EN Hi, Fly Guy! Arnold, Tedd LG 1.5 0.5 324 F 126340 EN Hooray for Fly Guy! Arnold, Tedd LG 1.6 0.5 289 F 133847 EN I Spy Fly Guy! Arnold, Tedd LG 1.5 0.5 297 F 110407 EN Shoo, Fly Guy! Arnold, Tedd LG 1.7 0.5 330 F 104778 EN Super Fly Guy Arnold, Tedd LG 1.7 0.5 310 F 116920 EN Arnold, Tedd LG 1.6 0.5 211 F 89657 EN Arnothy, Christine MG 6.5 5.0 27,311 NF 60036 EN There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Fly Guy I Am Fifteen: And I Don't Want to Die Chernowitz! Arrick, Fran UG 4.7 5.0 37,257 F 119218 EN Thirteen Reasons Why Asher, Jay MG 3.9 9.0 62,496 F 61885 EN Asteroids Asimov, Isaac MG 6.4 0.5 2,419 NF 84798 EN Asimov, Isaac MG 6.7 1.0 3,154 NF 12160 EN Comets and Meteors (Revised Edition) Cosmic Debris: The Asteroids Asimov, Isaac MG 6.1 0.5 1,494 NF 12161 EN Asimov, Isaac MG 5.9 0.5 1,299 NF 12163 EN Asimov, Isaac MG 5.7 0.5 2,399 NF 61886 EN Death from Space: What Killed the Dinosaurs? Distant Puzzle: The Planet Uranus, A Earth Asimov, Isaac MG 6.1 0.5 2,655 NF 12167 EN Asimov, Isaac MG 6.2 0.5 1,502 NF 28462 EN Exploring Outer Space: Rockets, Probes and Satellites I, Robot (Robot Series) Asimov, Isaac UG 6.1 11.0 68,902 F 7916 EN It's Such a Beautiful Day Asimov, Isaac UG 5.3 1.0 8,239 F 61887 EN Jupiter Asimov, Isaac MG 6.2 0.5 2,307 NF 61888 EN Mars Asimov, Isaac MG 6.2 0.5 2,326 NF 61889 EN Mercury Asimov, Isaac MG 6.4 0.5 2,576 NF 12177 EN Moon, The Asimov, Isaac MG 5.2 0.5 1,703 NF 61895 EN Moon, The Asimov, Isaac MG 6.1 0.5 3,016 NF 12178 EN Asimov, Isaac MG 5.9 0.5 1,809 NF 61890 EN Mysteries of Deep Space: Black Holes, Pulsars and Quasars Neptune Asimov, Isaac MG 6.1 0.5 2,333 NF 12180 EN Our Planet Earth Asimov, Isaac MG 5.4 0.5 1,551 NF 12181 EN Our Planetary System Asimov, Isaac MG 5.9 0.5 1,743 NF 12182 EN Asimov, Isaac MG 5.7 0.5 1,461 NF 61891 EN Our Vast Home: The Milky Way and Other Galaxies Pluto and Charon Asimov, Isaac MG 6.3 0.5 2,375 NF 12183 EN Pollution in Space Asimov, Isaac MG 6.6 0.5 1,573 NF 12193 EN Red Planet: Mars, The Asimov, Isaac MG 5.5 0.5 1,501 NF 61892 EN Saturn Asimov, Isaac MG 5.6 0.5 2,152 NF 12195 EN Stargazer's Guide, A Asimov, Isaac MG 5.7 0.5 1,816 NF 12196 EN Sun and Its Secrets, The Asimov, Isaac MG 5.4 0.5 1,537 NF 61899 EN Sun, The Asimov, Isaac MG 5.7 0.5 2,565 NF 12200 EN UFOs: True Mysteries or Hoaxes? Asimov, Isaac MG 6.5 0.5 1,380 NF Page 6 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 2,385 NF NF 61900 EN Uranus Asimov, Isaac MG 6.1 0.5 61901 EN Venus Asimov, Isaac MG 6.5 0.5 2,462 83499 EN Norby's Other Secret Asimov, Janet MG 5.4 6.0 35,727 F 8496 EN Voices from the Fields Atkin, S. Beth UG 5.4 2.0 15,996 NF F 16188 EN Voices from the Streets Atkin, S. Beth UG 5.3 5.0 32,952 118343 EN Atkinson, Mary MG 5.0 1.0 3,688 100576 EN What Do You Mean? Communication Isn't Easy Falcondance Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia MG 6.1 8.0 48,591 F 74758 EN Hawksong Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia MG 6.9 9.0 52,092 F 82811 EN Snakecharm Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia MG 6.5 7.0 43,187 F 25295 EN Auch, Mary Jane LG 3.7 2.0 12,929 F 109088 EN I Was a Third Grade Science Project One-Handed Catch Auch, MJ MG 4.2 8.0 58,908 F 105540 EN Iraq (Second Series) Augustin, Byron MG 8.0 3.0 16,500 NF 105587 EN Paraguay Augustin, Byron MG 6.8 3.0 16,238 NF 16711 EN Emma (Unabridged) Austen, Jane UG 9.3 30.0 155,887 F 714 EN Pride and Prejudice (Unabridged) Austen, Jane UG 12.0 27.0 121,342 F 12795 EN Sense and Sensibility (Unabridged) Austen, Jane UG 8.4 22.0 119,394 F 10894 EN Barn, The Avi MG 3.9 2.0 13,996 F 88384 EN Avi MG 4.4 5.0 37,164 F NF 83796 EN Book Without Words: A Fable of Medieval Magic, The City of Light, City of Dark Avi MG 2.7 1.0 11,155 F 108313 EN Crispin: At the Edge of the World Avi MG 4.8 7.0 46,344 F 58513 EN Crispin: The Cross of Lead Avi MG 5.0 7.0 48,194 F 41390 EN Ereth's Birthday Avi MG 4.7 5.0 33,473 F 52623 EN Good Dog, The Avi MG 3.7 5.0 34,763 F 10130 EN Man Who Was Poe, The Avi UG 4.2 6.0 41,199 F 34516 EN Midnight Magic Avi MG 4.7 6.0 41,667 F 131871 EN Murder at Midnight Avi MG 4.3 5.0 38,334 F 78562 EN Never Mind! A Twin Novel Avi MG 3.6 5.0 35,741 F 7014 EN Nothing But the Truth Avi UG 3.6 4.0 29,041 F 34832 EN Perloo the Bold Avi MG 4.9 7.0 43,706 F 14795 EN Poppy Avi MG 4.5 4.0 26,555 F 494 EN Avi MG 5.4 3.0 18,060 F 121299 EN Romeo and Juliet Together (and Alive) at Last Seer of Shadows, The Avi MG 5.2 6.0 38,755 F 20136 EN Sometimes I Think I Hear My Name Avi MG 3.7 4.0 30,055 F 106863 EN Avi MG 4.6 3.0 23,486 F 5093 EN Avi MG 5.3 8.0 52,542 F 6447 EN Avi MG 2.7 3.0 26,292 F 11509 EN Ayer, Eleanor H. UG 6.5 1.0 7,674 NF 11531 EN Ayer, Eleanor H. UG 5.5 1.0 7,468 NF 11532 EN Strange Happenings: Five Tales of Transformation True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, The Who Was That Masked Man, Anyway? Everything You Need to Know About Depression Everything You Need to Know About Stress Everything You Need to Know About Teen Fatherhood Ayer, Eleanor H. UG 5.5 1.0 8,289 NF Page 7 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 4.3 1.0 6,581 NF UG 6.2 1.0 7,675 NF Ayer, Eleanor H. UG 7.2 10.0 56,930 NF Author IL Ayer, Eleanor H. UG Ayer, Eleanor H. ATOS BL 6894 EN 24337 EN 14902 EN Everything You Need to Know About Teen Marriage It's Okay to Say No: Choosing Sexual Abstinence Parallel Journeys 8518 EN Eyes of the Amaryllis, The Babbitt, Natalie MG 5.0 3.0 23,067 F 247 EN Tuck Everlasting Babbitt, Natalie MG 5.0 4.0 27,848 F 132763 EN Ring of Fire Baccalario, Pierdomenico MG 4.3 9.0 65,556 F 26734 EN Jonathan Livingston Seagull Bach, Richard UG 5.6 1.0 8,967 F 137055 EN Ship Breaker Bacigalupi, Paolo MG 4.4 11.0 74,326 F 58622 EN Bacon, Josephine MG 7.4 1.0 4,416 NF 13365 EN Cooking the Israeli Way (Revised Edition) Music & Dance Baeza, Silvia MG 6.0 1.0 6,992 NF 126 EN Miss Hickory Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin MG 5.9 4.0 24,002 1711 EN Castles Baines, Francesca LG 5.1 0.5 896 27934 EN Tae's Sonata Balgassi, Haemi MG 4.4 3.0 22,531 49602 EN Cell Wars Balkwill, Fran MG 5.5 0.5 1,780 NF 49603 EN Cells Are Us Balkwill, Fran MG 5.4 0.5 1,598 NF 49604 EN DNA Is Here to Stay Balkwill, Fran MG 6.3 0.5 2,146 NF 61814 EN Birds Ball, Jackie MG 6.7 2.0 9,525 NF 61816 EN Evolution Ball, Jackie MG 7.2 1.0 8,649 NF 61819 EN Health Ball, Jackie MG 6.7 1.0 8,151 NF 61820 EN Human Biology Ball, Jackie MG 6.6 2.0 9,380 NF 61821 EN Insects Ball, Jackie MG 6.4 1.0 8,785 NF 61822 EN Invertebrates Ball, Jackie MG 6.1 1.0 7,723 NF 56540 SP Nueva York, el Estado Imperial Ball, Jackie MG 8.5 2.0 9,790 NF 61824 EN Plants Ball, Jackie MG 6.2 1.0 8,230 NF 116766 SP Animales migratorios: Por aire Ball, Jacqueline A. LG 5.1 0.5 1,800 NF 6883 EN Ball, Jacqueline A. UG 4.6 1.0 6,702 NF 18367 EN Everything You Need to Know About Drug Abuse Hygiene Ball, Jacqueline A. MG 5.6 1.0 4,035 NF 6723 EN Exploring the Bismarck Ballard, Robert D. MG 6.6 2.0 13,127 NF F NF F 564 EN Exploring the Titanic Ballard, Robert D. MG 6.6 3.0 17,209 NF 14667 EN Finding the Titanic Ballard, Robert D. LG 4.0 0.5 2,607 NF 6737 EN Lost Wreck of the Isis, The Ballard, Robert D. MG 6.9 3.0 17,113 NF 122452 EN Calder Game, The Balliett, Blue MG 5.8 8.0 52,971 F 78186 EN Chasing Vermeer Balliett, Blue MG 5.4 6.0 39,699 F 138721 EN Danger Box, The Balliett, Blue MG 5.0 7.0 47,067 F 78186 SP enigma Vermeer, El Balliett, Blue MG 5.3 7.0 43,303 F 105862 EN Wright 3, The Balliett, Blue MG 5.7 7.0 44,500 F 565 EN Fairy Rebel, The Banks, Lynne Reid MG 4.2 3.0 24,119 F 231 EN Indian in the Cupboard, The Banks, Lynne Reid MG 4.6 6.0 44,004 F 231 SP llave mágica, La Banks, Lynne Reid MG 4.6 6.0 44,004 F 17209 EN Aztec, Inca & Maya Baquedano, Elizabeth MG 7.9 1.0 5,687 NF 41950 EN Radio Rescue Barasch, Lynne LG 5.1 0.5 1,729 F Page 8 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 8.4 2.0 9,356 NF MG 3.0 0.5 2,923 F Barlow, Jeremy MG 2.9 0.5 2,847 F Barnett, Mac MG 4.1 4.0 26,732 F Barnholdt, Lauren MG 4.1 8.0 54,142 F Author IL Barenblat, Rachel MG Barlow, Jeremy ATOS BL 56544 SP 147108 EN 147110 EN 133352 EN 114652 EN 48499 EN Texas, el Estado de la Estrella Solitaria (Biblioteca de los estados) Star Wars Adventures: Han Solo and the Hollow Moon of Khorya Star Wars Adventures: Princess Leia and the Royal Ransom Case of the Case of Mistaken Identity, The Secret Identity of Devon Delaney, The Mother Teresa Barraclough, John LG 3.3 0.5 596 32221 EN Anna of Byzantium Barrett, Tracy MG 6.4 8.0 51,531 61838 EN Barron, Sharon MG 6.6 1.0 7,873 NF F 6685 EN Moses and Judaism: Great Religious Leaders Ancient One, The NF Barron, T.A. UG 6.1 14.0 87,356 F 83169 EN Child of the Dark Prophecy Barron, T.A. MG 5.6 17.0 110,207 F 111090 EN Eternal Flame, The Barron, T.A. MG 6.8 16.0 95,602 F 20800 EN Barron, T.A. MG 5.0 9.0 63,109 F 17998 EN Fires of Merlin/The Raging Fires, The Lost Years of Merlin, The Barron, T.A. MG 5.1 12.0 79,769 F 12464 EN Merlin Effect, The Barron, T.A. MG 5.3 9.0 57,231 F 125283 EN Merlin's Dragon Barron, T.A. MG 5.9 11.0 70,571 F 132754 EN Barron, T.A. MG 6.1 9.0 52,818 F 141163 EN Barron, T.A. MG 6.1 8.0 49,802 F 32741 EN Merlin's Dragon: Book 2: Doomraga's Revenge Merlin's Dragon: Book 3: Ultimate Magic Mirror of Merlin, The Barron, T.A. MG 5.4 9.0 59,748 F 28468 EN Seven Songs of Merlin, The Barron, T.A. MG 5.2 12.0 77,272 F 102040 EN Shadows on the Stars Barron, T.A. MG 5.8 17.0 110,046 F 45219 EN Wings of Merlin, The Barron, T.A. MG 5.8 14.0 88,109 F 141650 EN Saving Zasha Barrow, Randi MG 4.4 6.0 38,346 F 126936 EN Blood Tide: A Never Land Book Barry, Dave MG 5.4 3.0 21,051 F 118702 EN Peter and the Secret of Rundoon Barry, Dave MG 5.6 14.0 91,496 F 107536 EN Peter and the Shadow Thieves Barry, Dave MG 5.3 16.0 101,788 F 83056 EN Peter and the Starcatchers Barry, Dave MG 5.2 13.0 83,150 F 134177 EN Peter and the Sword of Mercy Barry, Dave MG 5.2 15.0 96,375 F 126938 EN Barry, Dave MG 5.5 12.0 78,731 F 8999 EN Barry, Sheila MG 6.0 3.0 16,973 NF 20269 EN Barth, Edna MG 6.8 2.0 9,590 NF 20275 EN Barth, Edna MG 6.3 1.0 8,145 NF 20296 EN Barth, Edna MG 6.4 2.0 14,971 NF 20300 EN Science Fair: A Story of Mystery, Danger, International Suspense, and a Very Ner World's Most Spine-Tingling "True" Ghost Stories Hearts, Cupids, and Red Roses: The Story of Valentine Symbols Lilies, Rabbits, and Painted Eggs: The Story of the Easter Symbols Turkeys, Pilgrims, and Indian Corn: The Story of the Thanksgiving Symbols Witches, Pumpkins, and Grinning Ghosts: The Story of the Halloween Symbols Barth, Edna MG 6.8 2.0 11,569 NF Page 9 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 121004 EN Boy Who Dared, The Bartoletti, Susan Campbell MG 4.9 5.0 33,914 F 87191 EN Bartoletti, Susan Campbell MG 7.8 6.0 31,785 NF 138631 EN Bartoletti, Susan Campbell MG 9.2 7.0 34,266 NF 9646 EN Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow They Called Themselves the K.K.K.: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group Peppe the Lamplighter Bartone, Elisa LG 3.3 0.5 1,207 F 8489 EN Shadows of Night Bash, Barbara UG 5.1 0.5 1,267 NF 5912 EN Bash, Barbara MG 5.6 0.5 1,690 NF 118318 EN Urban Roosts: Where Birds Nest in the City No Castles Here Bauer, A.C.E. MG 4.4 7.0 51,184 F 32219 EN Backwater Bauer, Joan MG 5.1 6.0 40,684 F 44672 EN Hope Was Here Bauer, Joan MG 5.1 6.0 41,673 F 122349 EN Peeled Bauer, Joan MG 4.2 7.0 46,061 F 6941 EN Squashed Bauer, Joan UG 5.5 8.0 48,391 F 61275 EN Stand Tall Bauer, Joan MG 3.9 5.0 34,766 F 87378 EN Bear Named Trouble, A Bauer, Marion Dane MG 5.0 3.0 17,833 F 103070 EN Blue Ghost, The Bauer, Marion Dane LG 3.2 1.0 6,689 F 128 EN On My Honor Bauer, Marion Dane MG 4.7 2.0 16,709 F 51796 SP Palabra de honor Bauer, Marion Dane MG 4.7 3.0 17,041 F 11734 EN Question of Trust, A Bauer, Marion Dane UG 5.1 4.0 27,590 F 10233 EN Taste of Smoke, A Bauer, Marion Dane UG 5.2 4.0 23,118 F 52310 EN Wizard of Oz (Unabridged), The Baum, L. Frank MG 7.0 7.0 39,218 F 16191 EN Granny the Pag Bawden, Nina MG 5.3 7.0 42,759 F 81861 EN Romans, The Baxter, Nicola MG 5.7 1.0 5,508 NF 60794 EN I'm in Charge of Celebrations Baylor, Byrd MG 3.9 0.5 1,448 F 122661 EN 10 Bravest Everyday Heroes, The Beardsley, Sally MG 6.0 2.0 9,447 NF 559 EN Charley Skedaddle Beatty, Patricia MG 5.2 7.0 47,166 F 30661 EN Lupita Manana Beatty, Patricia UG 4.7 7.0 47,883 F 592 EN Turn Homeward, Hannalee Beatty, Patricia MG 4.9 7.0 48,371 F 11488 EN Really No Big Deal Bechard, Margaret MG 3.3 4.0 30,639 F 61301 EN Frederick Douglass Becker, Helaine MG 8.1 3.0 15,471 NF 119935 EN Darkside Becker, Tom MG 5.4 8.0 54,822 F 124042 EN Lifeblood Becker, Tom MG 5.6 8.0 50,501 F 62767 EN Space Becklake, Sue MG 5.0 1.0 8,330 NF 11378 EN Beech, Linda LG 3.5 0.5 3,056 F 127591 EN Magic School Bus Gets Baked in a Cake, The Anakin in Action! Beecroft, Simon LG 2.9 0.5 843 F 64909 EN Snakes Behler, Deborah MG 7.8 3.0 16,210 NF 129817 EN Beil, Michael D. MG 4.4 9.0 59,661 F 8716 EN Red Blazer Girls: The Ring of Rocamadour, The Flight to Fear Belina, Tom UG 3.2 1.0 9,507 F 137448 EN Little Blog on the Prairie Bell, Cathleen Davitt MG 5.1 11.0 72,463 F 69394 EN Goblin Wood, The Bell, Hilari MG 5.5 11.0 68,650 F 53419 EN Matter of Profit, A Bell, Hilari MG 5.5 10.0 65,213 F 123308 EN Nick of Time: An Adventure Through Time Bell, Ted MG 6.3 19.0 114,411 F Page 10 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 9634 EN Ghost in the Mirror, The Bellairs, John MG 5.3 6.0 38,729 F 573 EN Mummy, the Will, and the Crypt, The Trolley to Yesterday, The Bellairs, John MG 5.3 6.0 39,249 F Bellairs, John MG 5.9 7.0 42,559 F Bender, Lionel MG 6.7 4.0 24,909 NF Benduhn, Tea LG 4.8 0.5 1,227 NF 8939 EN 22959 SP 112417 SP inventos (Biblioteca Visual Altea), Los antigua Grecia, La 112418 SP antigua Roma, La Benduhn, Tea LG 4.9 0.5 1,282 NF 112415 SP antiguo Egipto, El Benduhn, Tea LG 4.9 0.5 1,253 NF 112419 SP Edad Media, La Benduhn, Tea LG 4.9 0.5 1,338 NF 124826 SP Energía del agua Benduhn, Tea LG 4.1 0.5 1,283 NF 124827 SP Energía del viento Benduhn, Tea LG 4.0 0.5 1,232 NF 124828 SP Energía nuclear Benduhn, Tea LG 4.7 0.5 1,176 NF 124829 SP Energía solar Benduhn, Tea LG 4.5 0.5 1,242 NF 124830 SP Etanol y otros combustibles nuevos Benduhn, Tea LG 4.8 0.5 1,272 NF 124831 SP Petróleo, gas y carbón Benduhn, Tea LG 4.7 0.5 1,387 NF 116774 SP vida en las montañas, La Benduhn, Tea LG 4.4 0.5 1,377 NF 116775 SP vida en las regiones polares, La Benduhn, Tea LG 4.0 0.5 1,286 NF 116776 SP vida en las selvas tropicales, La Benduhn, Tea LG 4.6 0.5 1,380 NF 116777 SP vida en los desiertos, La Benduhn, Tea LG 4.0 0.5 1,398 NF 8612 EN Devil and Daniel Webster, The Benét, Stephen Vincent UG 5.5 1.0 5,410 F 48322 EN Dakota Dream Bennett, James UG 5.3 7.0 45,133 F 6909 EN Coverup Bennett, Jay UG 2.8 3.0 23,219 F 67002 EN Executioner, The Bennett, Jay UG 3.4 4.0 31,717 F 8586 EN Sing Me a Death Song Bennett, Jay UG 3.2 3.0 22,420 F 138725 EN You Benoit, Charles UG 5.4 5.0 34,082 F 83683 SP Benton, Jim MG 5.6 1.0 8,184 F 83683 EN Benton, Jim MG 6.1 1.0 8,094 F 83684 EN Benton, Jim MG 6.2 1.0 8,508 F 120454 EN Benton, Jim MG 5.7 2.0 13,466 F 122068 EN Hagamos como si esto nunca hubiera pasado por Jamie Kelly Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jamie Kelly My Pants Are Haunted! By Jamie Kelly Never Underestimate Your Dumbness by Jamie Kelly Audrey, Wait! Benway, Robin UG 4.6 12.0 80,340 F 119908 EN Fall of the Templar, The Benz, Derek MG 5.9 11.0 69,975 F 104967 EN Revenge of the Shadow King, The Benz, Derek MG 5.6 15.0 93,856 F 112568 EN Rise of the Black Wolf, The Benz, Derek MG 6.1 12.0 76,731 F 8481 EN Berck, Judith UG 6.4 4.0 24,344 NF 114484 EN Beres, D.B. UG 5.2 1.0 6,027 NF 114487 EN Beres, D.B. UG 5.4 1.0 6,311 NF 63204 EN Berger, Melvin MG 4.7 1.0 5,725 NF 63215 EN No Place to Be: Voices of Homeless Children Dusted and Busted! The Science of Fingerprinting Killer at Large: Criminal Profilers and the Cases They Solve! Can Snakes Crawl Backward? Questions and Answers About Reptiles How Do Bats See in the Dark? Questions and Answers About Night Creatures Berger, Melvin MG 4.8 1.0 6,031 NF Page 11 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 4.4 1.0 5,536 NF MG 5.9 1.0 6,354 NF MG 5.2 1.0 6,145 NF Berger, Melvin MG 4.7 1.0 5,217 NF Bergin, Mark MG 7.1 0.5 1,669 NF Author IL ¿Por qué aúllan los lobos? Preguntas y respuestas sobre los lobos ¿Qué cenan los tiburones? Berger, Melvin MG Berger, Melvin Berger, Melvin ATOS BL 69996 SP 63229 SP 63207 SP 69996 EN 46733 EN ¿Vivió algún dinosaurio cerca de tu casa? Why Do Wolves Howl? Questions and Answers About Wolves Castle 119024 EN Oliver Who Would Not Sleep! Bergman, Mara LG 3.2 0.5 257 F 135691 EN Berk, Josh MG 5.4 8.0 52,054 F 30177 SP Dark Days of Hamburger Halpin, The Días aciagos para Paucar Guaman Bernand, Carmen MG 7.5 5.0 27,368 F 130545 EN Ballet Bullies Berne, Emma Carlson MG 3.6 1.0 5,054 F 130549 EN Hoop Doctor Berne, Emma Carlson MG 3.6 1.0 4,978 F 148275 EN Soccer Surprise Berne, Emma Carlson MG 3.8 1.0 4,721 F 141367 EN Victory Vault Berne, Emma Carlson MG 3.9 1.0 5,233 F 126425 EN Frida ¡Viva La Vida! Long Live Life! Bernier-Grand, Carmen T. MG 4.5 1.0 3,590 NF 139147 SP Bernier Grand, Carmen T. LG 4.3 1.0 3,971 NF 8369 EN Sonia Sotomayor: Jueza de la Corte Suprema Georgia O'Keeffe Berry, Michael MG 8.6 3.0 17,731 NF 108534 EN Chance Fortune and the Outlaws Berryhill, Shane MG 5.5 9.0 55,561 F 126829 EN Berryhill, Shane MG 4.9 9.0 57,753 F 34990 EN Chance Fortune in the Shadow Zone Alicia's Treasure Bertrand, Diane Gonzales MG 3.9 3.0 19,549 F 35007 EN Trino's Choice Bertrand, Diane Gonzales MG 4.9 5.0 36,001 F 45974 SP última muñeca, La Bertrand, Diane Gonzales MG 4.2 0.5 1,169 F 21993 EN Story for a Black Night Bess, Clayton MG 3.9 2.0 13,463 F F 5919 EN More Than Meets the Eye Betancourt, Jeanne UG 4.1 6.0 42,996 54053 EN Jet Fighter: The Harrier AV-8B Beyer, Julie MG 5.5 1.0 3,291 NF 46895 EN Miniature Cars Beyer, Julie MG 5.4 1.0 3,363 NF 12943 EN Coping with Teen Parenting Beyer, Kay UG 7.1 8.0 48,084 NF 58440 SP Beyer, Mark MG 7.1 2.0 10,692 NF 66681 EN Portaaviones: Por dentro y por fuera Robotics Beyer, Mark MG 6.0 1.0 3,653 NF 67698 EN Sky Marshals Beyer, Mark MG 6.3 1.0 3,760 NF 66683 EN Space Exploration Beyer, Mark MG 6.4 1.0 3,619 NF 54069 EN Speed Boat Beyer, Mark MG 5.0 1.0 3,371 NF 66684 EN Transportation of the Future Beyer, Mark MG 5.6 1.0 4,163 NF 58441 SP Biello, David MG 8.1 2.0 9,047 NF 30642 EN Trenes de alta velocidad: Por dentro y por fuera Doctor Coyote Bierhorst, John LG 4.3 0.5 2,965 F 17091 EN Man-of-War Biesty, Stephen MG 6.0 0.5 1,925 NF 135122 EN Hallelujah Flight, The Bildner, Phil LG 3.9 0.5 1,133 F 57764 EN Shoeless Joe & Black Betsy Bildner, Phil LG 4.8 0.5 2,533 F 32731 EN Folk Keeper, The Billingsley, Franny MG 5.3 6.0 40,119 F 68381 EN Chinese Americans Binns, Tristan Boyer LG 5.3 0.5 2,787 NF 52264 EN Statue of Liberty, The Binns, Tristan Boyer LG 3.6 0.5 720 NF Page 12 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 8.1 2.0 10,554 NF MG 5.4 1.0 7,394 NF NF Author IL Birch, Beverley UG Birch, Beverly ATOS BL 48813 EN 101126 EN Louis Pasteur: Father of Modern Medicine Marie Curie 72660 EN Trail of Tears, The Birchfield, D.L. MG 8.6 2.0 9,206 88005 EN Birdsall, Jeanne MG 4.7 8.0 54,550 F 143702 EN Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Penderwicks at Point Mouette, The Birdsall, Jeanne MG 5.6 10.0 64,736 F 121474 EN Birdsall, Jeanne MG 5.3 10.0 63,875 F 120833 EN Penderwicks on Gardam Street, The Surprises According to Humphrey Birney, Betty G. MG 4.4 4.0 29,336 F 58623 EN Bisignano, Alphonse MG 6.9 1.0 4,862 NF 131449 EN Biskup, Agnieszka MG 4.4 0.5 2,274 NF 84319 EN Cooking the Italian Way (Revised Edition) Exploring Titanic: An Isabel Soto History Adventure Fight to Survive, The Bisson, Terry MG 4.2 4.0 28,634 F 30178 SP son del Africa, El Bizzio, Sergio MG 7.2 8.0 45,692 F 4643 EN Roberto Clemente Bjarkman, Peter C. MG 6.9 2.0 9,674 NF 124699 EN Good Neighbors: Kin, The Black, Holly MG 2.7 1.0 5,833 F 133955 EN Good Neighbors: Kith, The Black, Holly MG 2.6 1.0 4,739 F 137687 EN White Cat Black, Holly MG 4.5 11.0 76,600 F 54074 EN Tank: The M1A1 Abrams Black, Michael A. MG 5.9 1.0 3,351 NF 46910 EN Volunteering to Help Kids Black, Michael A. MG 5.8 1.0 3,267 NF 147112 EN Blackman, Haden MG 2.7 0.5 1,379 F 147113 EN Blackman, Haden MG 3.0 0.5 1,661 F 147114 EN Blackman, Haden MG 2.4 0.5 815 F 21981 SP Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures: Volume 1 Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures: Volume 2 Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures: Volume 3 Al otro lado de la puerta Blackwood, Gary L. MG 6.2 6.0 38,395 F 27701 EN Akiak: A Tale from the Iditarod Blake, Robert J. LG 3.3 0.5 1,199 F 59496 EN Togo Blake, Robert J. LG 3.8 0.5 1,876 F 115204 EN Argentina (Second Series) Blashfield, Jean F. MG 6.9 3.0 18,444 NF 105532 EN Greenland Blashfield, Jean F. MG 6.6 3.0 17,729 NF 118203 EN Haiti (Second Series) Blashfield, Jean F. MG 7.0 3.0 17,472 NF 131829 EN Iowa (Third Series) Blashfield, Jean F. MG 7.5 3.0 18,051 NF 122025 EN Maryland (Third Series) Blashfield, Jean F. MG 7.8 3.0 18,585 NF 126395 EN Missouri (Third Series) Blashfield, Jean F. MG 6.8 3.0 18,418 NF 120500 EN Wisconsin (Third Series) Blashfield, Jean F. MG 7.8 3.0 17,971 NF 133450 EN Ghana (Second Series) Blauer, Ettagale MG 7.3 3.0 16,468 NF 27017 EN South Africa Blauer, Ettagale MG 7.6 2.0 13,363 NF 105589 EN Blauer, Ettagale MG 7.3 3.0 16,901 NF 27020 EN South Africa (Second Series) (2006) Morocco Blauer/Lauré MG 7.5 3.0 15,442 NF 14882 EN Big Bike Race, The Bledsoe, Lucy Jane LG 3.5 2.0 11,250 F 109673 EN London Calling Bloor, Edward MG 4.0 10.0 68,146 F 77522 EN Story Time Bloor, Edward MG 4.8 12.0 79,744 F 117953 EN Taken Bloor, Edward MG 4.3 9.0 62,790 F Page 13 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 90,090 F 21573 EN Tangerine Bloor, Edward MG 4.3 13.0 6318 EN Heroine of the Titanic, The Blos, Joan W. LG 4.9 1.0 4,032 5055 EN Blume, Judy MG 3.6 4.0 30,340 F 122339 EN Blume, Judy LG 2.8 1.0 10,913 F 61267 EN Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. Cool Zone with the Pain & the Great One Double Fudge Blume, Judy MG 3.6 5.0 38,860 F NF 5220 EN Fudge-a-Mania Blume, Judy LG 3.3 3.0 25,389 F 125559 EN Blume, Judy LG 3.0 1.0 11,354 F 5274 EN Going, Going, Gone! with the Pain and the Great One It's Not the End of the World Blume, Judy UG 3.4 4.0 32,209 F 771 EN Just as Long as We're Together Blume, Judy UG 3.7 7.0 52,102 F 488 EN Blume, Judy MG 3.5 4.0 26,372 F 116708 EN Blume, Judy LG 2.8 1.0 9,935 F 443 EN Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great Soupy Saturdays with the Pain & the Great One Superfudge Blume, Judy MG 3.4 4.0 31,398 F 443 SP Superfudge (Spanish) Blume, Judy MG 3.4 4.0 31,398 F 294 EN Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Blume, Judy MG 3.3 3.0 23,741 F 16734 EN Then Again, Maybe I Won't Blume, Judy MG 3.6 5.0 33,823 F 120145 EN Tennyson Blume, Lesley M.M. MG 5.1 7.0 45,307 F 146178 EN Lie Bock, Caroline UG 4.1 8.0 55,776 F 84366 EN Bode, Janet MG 4.6 4.0 29,771 NF 122908 EN New Kids in Town: Oral Histories of Immigrant Teens Compound, The Bodeen, S.A. MG 4.1 8.0 54,955 F 137450 EN Gardener, The Bodeen, S.A. MG 4.2 8.0 55,959 F 30545 EN Moby Dick Bogart, Shirley MG 5.3 2.0 16,217 F 130678 EN Princess Plot, The Boie, Kirsten MG 5.2 13.0 86,110 F 137994 EN Zombiekins Bolger, Kevin MG 5.6 3.0 18,382 F 74355 EN Andy Warhol Bolton, Linda MG 7.9 1.0 7,541 NF 46775 EN Asteroids Bonar, Samantha MG 7.0 1.0 4,804 NF 51155 EN Tsunamis Bonar, Samantha MG 4.9 0.5 2,969 NF 55222 EN Bondar, Barbara MG 8.0 2.0 13,840 NF 41783 EN On the Shuttle: Eight Days in Space Edwina Victorious Bonners, Susan MG 4.8 3.0 17,876 F 24980 EN Silver Balloon, The Bonners, Susan MG 4.1 1.0 7,780 F 125108 EN Unnameables, The Booraem, Ellen MG 4.8 10.0 66,186 F 122606 EN 10 Deadliest Sea Creatures, The Booth, Jack MG 6.2 1.0 8,279 NF 122522 EN Booth, Jack MG 6.5 1.0 9,048 NF 122612 EN 10 Greatest Accidental Inventions, The 10 Most Amazing Migrations, The Booth, Jack MG 6.6 2.0 9,283 NF 124001 EN Booth, Jack MG 6.7 1.0 8,786 NF 122532 EN 10 Most Gripping 20th Century War Stories, The 10 Vilest Movie Villains, The Booth, Jack MG 6.5 1.0 9,080 NF 46137 EN Borden, Louise MG 4.5 0.5 2,466 NF 29943 EN Fly High! The Story of Bessie Coleman Good Luck, Mrs. K.! Borden, Louise LG 3.5 0.5 1,521 F 78014 EN Greatest Skating Race: A WWII Story from the Netherlands, The Borden, Louise MG 4.9 1.0 4,391 F Page 14 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 148271 EN Points Word Count F/NF 7.2 2.0 13,732 NF UG 5.2 13.0 88,525 F MG 5.2 9.0 59,209 F Author IL His Name Was Raoul Wallenberg: Courage, Rescue, and Mystery During World War II When the Legends Die Borden, Louise MG Borland, Hal Bosch, Pseudonymous ATOS BL 750 EN 126119 EN 118321 EN If You're Reading This, It's Too Late Name of This Book Is Secret, The Bosch, Pseudonymous MG 5.6 9.0 59,485 F 133061 EN This Book Is Not Good For You Bosch, Pseudonymous MG 4.9 8.0 56,452 F 140086 EN This Isn't What It Looks Like Bosch, Pseudonymous MG 5.3 11.0 69,334 F 13378 EN Speaking Two Languages Boswell, Bethanie MG 5.9 1.0 6,261 NF 145385 EN BMX Breakthrough Bowen, Carl MG 2.8 0.5 2,145 F 17567 EN Golden Glove, The Bowen, Fred MG 4.1 2.0 13,003 F 12467 EN Bowen, Gary MG 6.4 1.0 8,737 F 135015 EN Stranded at Plimoth Plantation 1626 Cosmic Boyce, Frank Cottrell MG 4.5 9.0 63,350 F 126255 EN Beware the Vikings Boyd, David MG 3.2 0.5 2,747 F 904 EN Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The Boyle, John UG 5.8 7.0 46,778 F 109203 EN Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The Boyne, John UG 5.8 7.0 46,778 F 123166 EN Cinderella: The Graphic Novel Bracken, Beth MG 2.5 0.5 1,257 F 528 EN Dandelion Wine Bradbury, Ray UG 6.0 10.0 64,709 F 736 EN Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury, Ray UG 5.2 7.0 45,910 F 736 SP Fahrenheit 451 (Spanish) Bradbury, Ray UG 5.2 7.0 45,910 F 12790 EN Martian Chronicles, The Bradbury, Ray UG 6.2 9.0 56,101 F 56251 EN Bradbury, Ray UG 4.8 9.0 62,392 F 86824 EN Bradley, James MG 8.2 9.0 49,551 NF 8703 EN Something Wicked This Way Comes Flags of Our Fathers: Heroes of Iwo Jima Candy Man, The Bradley, Steve UG 2.6 1.0 9,051 F 57657 SP ¿Quién fue Albert Einstein? Brallier, Jess MG 5.0 1.0 9,900 NF 117049 EN Brande, Robin UG 4.9 8.0 55,618 F 133571 EN Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature Fat Cat Brande, Robin MG 4.5 10.0 71,289 F 128675 EN 3 Willows: The Sisterhood Grows Brashares, Ann MG 4.5 9.0 63,547 F 112353 EN Brashares, Ann UG 4.4 11.0 77,665 F 84371 EN Brashares, Ann UG 4.5 10.0 68,830 F 67499 EN Brashares, Ann UG 4.3 11.0 78,640 F 53483 EN Brashares, Ann UG 4.5 9.0 60,216 F 6898 EN Bratman, Fred UG 4.3 1.0 8,131 NF 101338 SP Braun, Eric MG 4.6 0.5 2,803 NF 101339 SP Braun, Eric MG 4.5 0.5 2,762 NF 101378 SP Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood Girls in Pants: The Third Summer of the Sisterhood Second Summer of the Sisterhood, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The Everything You Need to Know When a Parent Dies Booker T. Washington: Gran educador norteamericano César Chávez: Lucha por los trabajadores del campo historia de Jamestown, La Braun, Eric MG 4.7 0.5 2,410 NF 21988 SP Saguairú Braz, Júlio Emilio MG 7.2 3.0 16,154 66521 EN Neptune Bredeson, Carmen MG 6.9 1.0 4,485 F NF Page 15 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 47495 EN Pluto Bredeson, Carmen MG 7.1 1.0 4,773 129820 EN Darkwood Breen, M.E. MG 4.7 9.0 64,390 F 117605 EN Three Snow Bears, The Brett, Jan LG 3.1 0.5 680 F 116596 EN Eighth Grade Bites Brewer, Heather MG 5.4 7.0 42,383 F 136090 EN Eleventh Grade Burns Brewer, Heather MG 5.3 11.0 70,346 F 146614 EN First Kill Brewer, Heather MG 5.7 11.0 67,339 F 122154 EN Ninth Grade Slays Brewer, Heather MG 5.3 9.0 61,874 F 130904 EN Tenth Grade Bleeds Brewer, Heather MG 5.7 10.0 63,430 F 140207 EN Twelfth Grade Kills Brewer, Heather MG 5.1 11.0 71,416 F 83911 EN Brezina, Corona MG 7.5 1.0 8,498 NF 36565 EN Johnny Tremain and the American Revolution Through My Eyes Bridges, Ruby MG 5.9 2.0 11,246 NF 14610 EN Clifford Takes a Trip Bridwell, Norman LG 2.0 0.5 390 89907 EN Kate DiCamillo Briggs, Lucy MG 4.8 1.0 4,064 NF 77027 SP Bronco Charlie y el Pony Express Brill, Marlene Targ LG 4.2 0.5 2,019 NF 60707 EN Caddie Woodlawn's Family Brink, Carol Ryrie MG 6.1 7.0 45,190 F F 10636 EN Shape-Changer Brittain, Bill MG 4.0 3.0 21,553 F 125321 EN Masterpiece Broach, Elise MG 4.8 8.0 51,897 F 101237 EN Shakespeare's Secret Broach, Elise MG 4.0 6.0 43,069 F 137071 EN Karma Club, The Brody, Jessica MG 6.1 11.0 66,561 F 21852 SP Fantasmas escolares Bröger, Achim MG 4.0 1.0 6,903 F 8730 EN North to Oak Island Bromley, Dudley UG 3.4 1.0 8,992 F 122792 EN Jane Eyre (Saddleback) Brontë, Charlotte MG 3.3 1.0 6,287 F 709 EN Jane Eyre (Unabridged) Brontë, Charlotte UG 7.9 33.0 183,858 F 724 EN Wuthering Heights (Unabridged) Brontë, Emily UG 11.3 23.0 107,945 F 42436 EN Jake's Orphan Brooke, Peggy MG 5.4 8.0 50,645 F 22963 SP Brookfield, Karen MG 6.0 4.0 23,592 NF 13377 EN escritura (Biblioteca Visual Altea), La Sioux, The Brooks, Barbara MG 6.3 1.0 6,300 NF 775 EN Moves Make the Man, The Brooks, Bruce UG 5.4 11.0 74,639 F 113222 EN Being Brooks, Kevin UG 4.1 11.0 76,074 F 136769 EN Brooks, Max UG 7.1 20.0 117,167 F 16794 EN Brooks, Philip MG 7.0 1.0 3,341 15823 EN World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, The Sword of Shannara, The Brooks, Terry UG 8.7 42.0 226,755 71540 EN Bible and Christianity, The Brown, Alan MG 6.4 1.0 4,843 NF 61836 EN Jesus and Christianity Brown, Alan MG 6.6 1.0 7,617 NF 129370 EN Brown, Don LG 5.4 0.5 3,038 NF 65088 EN All Stations! Distress! April 15, 1912: The Day the Titanic Sank Mack Made Movies Brown, Don LG 5.4 0.5 1,205 NF 67700 EN Snowboarding (X-Treme Outdoors) Brown, Gillian C.P. MG 5.8 1.0 3,546 NF 85049 SP Amelia Earhart (Spanish) Brown, Jonatha A. LG 4.6 0.5 1,659 NF 81109 SP Anne Frank (Spanish) Brown, Jonatha A. LG 4.2 0.5 1,386 NF 81110 SP Bill Gates (Spanish) Brown, Jonatha A. LG 4.7 0.5 1,256 NF 101112 SP César Chávez (Spanish) Brown, Jonatha A. LG 4.8 0.5 1,903 NF NF F Page 16 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 1,824 NF NF 85050 SP Eleanor Roosevelt (Spanish) Brown, Jonatha A. LG 4.9 0.5 100424 SP Muhammad Alí (Spanish) Brown, Jonatha A. LG 4.6 0.5 1,961 85819 EN Bruchac, Joseph MG 6.4 9.0 56,150 F 122347 EN Code Talker: A Novel About the Navajo Marines of World War Two March Toward the Thunder Bruchac, Joseph MG 5.7 10.0 64,849 F F 52617 EN Skeleton Man Bruchac, Joseph MG 4.8 3.0 20,776 107881 EN Dragons Brucken, Kelli M. MG 6.4 1.0 5,044 NF 107887 EN Ghosts Brucken, Kelli M. MG 6.5 1.0 5,059 NF 107888 EN Haunted Houses Brucken, Kelli M. MG 6.2 1.0 5,149 NF 74135 EN Norway (Fiesta!) Brunski, Christoph MG 6.7 1.0 4,641 NF 72656 EN Alamos: Wildfires, Los Bryan, Nichol MG 7.7 1.0 8,402 NF 958 EN Bad News/Good News Bryant, Annie MG 4.9 9.0 59,673 F 964 EN Beacon Street Girls: Out of Bound Bryant, Annie MG 4.5 6.0 40,000 F 107075 EN Lake Rescue Bryant, Annie MG 4.7 9.0 58,119 F 86448 EN Letters from the Heart Bryant, Annie MG 4.8 9.0 58,529 F 107292 EN Pieces of Georgia Bryant, Jennifer MG 5.6 4.0 23,633 F 706 EN Good Earth, The Buck, Pearl S. UG 6.8 19.0 114,157 F 106191 EN Buckey, Sarah Masters MG 5.2 4.0 26,672 F 138722 EN Stolen Sapphire: A Samantha Mystery, The Dead Boys, The Buckingham, Royce MG 5.3 5.0 30,924 F 107535 EN Buckley-Archer, Linda MG 6.3 17.0 103,914 F 133595 EN Gideon the Cutpurse/The Time Travelers Time Quake, The Buckley-Archer, Linda MG 6.5 18.0 109,530 F 119910 EN Time Thief, The Buckley-Archer, Linda MG 6.8 21.0 125,851 F 104622 EN Fairy-Tale Detectives, The Buckley, Michael MG 5.2 9.0 56,907 F 105934 EN Unusual Suspects, The Buckley, Michael MG 5.4 9.0 57,853 F 104089 EN Ask Me No Questions Budhos, Marina MG 4.8 5.0 37,113 F 17988 EN Fanny's Dream Buehner, Caralyn LG 3.7 0.5 1,004 F 255 EN Chalk Box Kid, The Bulla, Clyde Robert LG 2.7 1.0 4,629 F 108513 EN Buller, Laura MG 5.7 3.0 18,294 121466 EN Faith Like Mine: A Celebration of the World's Religions Through the Eyes of Ch, Curse Dark As Gold, A Bunce, Elizabeth C. MG 5.9 17.0 105,878 F 17999 EN Bunin, Sherry MG 4.7 6.0 43,561 F 12468 EN Dear Great American Writers School Dandelions Bunting, Eve MG 3.5 0.5 3,340 F 59580 EN Day's Work, A Bunting, Eve LG 2.7 0.5 1,559 F 14450 EN Going Home Bunting, Eve LG 2.7 0.5 1,445 F 18678 EN Bunting, Eve LG 3.1 0.5 1,016 F 107050 EN Bunting, Eve MG 3.4 3.0 18,863 F 101200 EN How Many Days to America? A Thanksgiving Story Karen Kepplewhite Is the World's Best Kisser Lambkins, The Bunting, Eve MG 3.7 4.0 32,347 F 106497 EN One Green Apple Bunting, Eve LG 2.6 0.5 958 F 32256 EN Picnic in October, A Bunting, Eve LG 3.1 0.5 1,262 F 581 EN Sixth-Grade Sleepover Bunting, Eve MG 4.2 4.0 24,942 F 10202 EN Smoky Night Bunting, Eve LG 2.4 0.5 1,265 F NF Page 17 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 5924 EN Such Nice Kids Bunting, Eve MG 3.8 3.0 24,268 F 8589 EN Sudden Silence, A Bunting, Eve UG 4.0 4.0 31,106 F 32248 EN Wall, The Bunting, Eve LG 2.4 0.5 701 F 5248 EN Wednesday Surprise, The Bunting, Eve LG 2.8 0.5 992 F 28076 EN Tales from the Home Place Burandt, Harriet MG 4.9 4.0 28,339 F 21113 EN Burch, Joann J. UG 7.8 4.0 21,408 NF 4366 EN Jefferson Davis: President of the Confederacy Fine Print Burch, Joanna Johansen MG 5.9 1.0 7,897 NF 133 EN Queenie Peavy Burch, Robert MG 5.6 5.0 34,133 16345 EN Burckhardt, Ann L. MG 3.9 0.5 1,583 NF 16346 EN Burckhardt, Ann L. MG 3.8 0.5 1,664 NF 16347 EN Burckhardt, Ann L. MG 4.2 0.5 1,603 NF 16348 EN Burckhardt, Ann L. MG 3.8 0.5 1,553 NF 129384 EN People of Africa and Their Food, The People of China and Their Food, The People of Mexico and Their Food, The People of Russia and Their Food, The All the Broken Pieces F Burg, Ann E. MG 4.1 2.0 15,158 F 122869 EN Thousand Never Evers, A Burg, Shana MG 5.1 11.0 70,844 F 133449 EN Chile (Second Series) Burgan, Michael MG 7.4 3.0 17,954 NF 100269 EN Burgan, Michael MG 7.2 2.0 12,977 NF 118710 EN Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Social Reformer Illinois (Third Series) Burgan, Michael MG 7.5 4.0 20,488 NF 85025 SP Burgan, Michael MG 4.3 0.5 2,078 NF 101346 SP maldición de la tumba del Faraón Tut, La masacre de Boston, La Burgan, Michael MG 4.5 0.5 2,200 NF 124231 EN New Mexico (Third Series) Burgan, Michael MG 7.0 3.0 17,866 NF 130360 EN Rhode Island (Third Series) Burgan, Michael MG 7.7 3.0 19,254 NF 131834 EN South Dakota (Third Series) Burgan, Michael MG 7.5 3.0 18,080 NF 75723 EN Titanic, The Burgan, Michael MG 6.0 1.0 3,289 NF 68167 EN Ghost Behind the Wall, The Burgess, Melvin MG 5.0 5.0 33,244 135929 EN American Civil War in Texas, The Burke, Johanna MG 6.1 0.5 2,410 F NF 69744 EN Theodore Roosevelt Burke, Rick LG 4.9 0.5 2,507 NF 14486 EN Runs with Horses Burks, Brian MG 5.2 3.0 18,262 F 32198 EN Wrango Burks, Brian MG 5.2 4.0 26,325 F 60310 EN Burleigh, Robert MG 6.3 1.0 4,356 NF 5904 EN Burleigh, Robert MG 3.5 0.5 1,854 NF 34830 EN Chocolate: Riches from the Rainforest Flight: The Journey of Charles Lindbergh Home Run: The Story of Babe Ruth Burleigh, Robert LG 2.0 0.5 380 NF 13722 EN First Texans, The Burnett, Carolyn Mitchell MG 7.0 6.0 37,875 NF 78 EN Secret Garden (Unabridged), The Burnett, Frances Hodgson MG 6.3 13.0 80,398 F 230 EN Incredible Journey, The Burnford, Sheila MG 7.6 5.0 30,851 F 87198 EN Bird (Revised Edition) Burnie, David MG 7.2 1.0 5,988 NF 82995 EN Endangered Planet Burnie, David MG 8.5 3.0 17,441 NF 17235 EN Plant Burnie, David MG 7.5 1.0 7,400 NF 17248 EN Tree Burnie, David MG 7.4 1.0 5,810 NF 15102 EN Tarzan of the Apes Burroughs, Edgar Rice UG 9.0 16.0 86,157 F Page 18 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 124039 EN 10 Most Valuable Elements, The Burt, Judith MG 7.4 2.0 8,937 NF 122539 EN Buskermolen, Sunniva MG 7.1 2.0 8,884 NF 6926 EN 10 Most Fascinating Phenomena, The Journey of the Sparrows Buss, Fran Leeper UG 4.6 7.0 46,316 125073 SP Pizza por partes: ¡FRACCIONES! Bussell, Linda LG 4.1 0.5 1,357 106543 EN Chat Room Butcher, Kristin MG 4.2 2.0 14,498 F 136394 EN Case of the Lost Boy, The Butler, Dori Hillestad LG 3.0 1.0 11,142 F 124974 EN Knight Butterfield, Moira MG 7.3 2.0 9,006 NF 124975 EN Lady of the Manor Butterfield, Moira MG 6.9 2.0 9,224 NF 6047 EN LeRoy and the Old Man Butterworth, W.E. UG 5.1 6.0 40,826 65467 EN Forest Animals Butz, Christopher MG 4.8 1.0 3,930 NF NF F NF F 65472 EN Tundra Animals Butz, Christopher MG 5.0 1.0 3,856 140141 EN Because of Mr. Terupt Buyea, Rob MG 3.7 5.0 37,164 F 5403 EN Byars, Betsy MG 4.6 4.0 25,109 F 306 EN Byars, Betsy MG 4.6 4.0 29,370 F 40644 SP Animal, the Vegetable and John D Jones, The Blossoms and the Green Phantom, The Burbujas, el pez de una tonelada Byars, Betsy MG 4.6 4.0 25,748 F 10203 EN Dark Stairs, The Byars, Betsy MG 3.9 3.0 21,530 F 6620 EN Moon and I, The Byars, Betsy MG 5.2 3.0 22,226 NF 240 EN Not-Just-Anybody Family, The Byars, Betsy MG 4.6 4.0 30,108 F 242 EN Pinballs, The Byars, Betsy MG 3.8 3.0 22,330 F 77850 EN SOS File, The Byars, Betsy MG 3.8 1.0 8,729 F 87 EN Summer of the Swans, The Byars, Betsy MG 4.9 4.0 25,178 F 14598 EN Tornado Byars, Betsy LG 3.2 1.0 4,440 F 591 EN Trouble River Byars, Betsy MG 4.9 3.0 21,790 F 5095 EN Wanted...Mud Blossom Byars, Betsy MG 4.2 4.0 29,350 F 16021 EN Byers, Ann MG 7.3 3.0 19,535 NF 77847 SP Jaime Escalante: Sensational Teacher Molly Moon detiene el mundo Byng, Georgia MG 5.8 13.0 79,235 F 69127 EN Byng, Georgia MG 5.5 12.0 79,620 F 143876 EN Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism Abandon Cabot, Meg UG 5.1 12.0 77,989 F 122978 EN Airhead Cabot, Meg MG 5.3 11.0 74,494 F 62974 EN All-American Girl Cabot, Meg UG 5.9 11.0 71,648 F 103834 EN Avalon High Cabot, Meg MG 5.1 10.0 65,913 F 130576 EN Being Nikki Cabot, Meg MG 5.3 12.0 75,528 F 129371 EN Best Friends and Drama Queens Cabot, Meg MG 4.9 5.0 35,780 F 139496 EN Blast from the Past Cabot, Meg MG 5.2 6.0 38,320 F 77556 EN Boy Meets Girl Cabot, Meg UG 5.6 11.0 71,624 F 905 EN Forever Princess Cabot, Meg MG 5.0 9.0 58,969 F 136285 EN Glitter Girls and the Great Fake Out Cabot, Meg MG 5.0 5.0 35,065 F 129316 EN Homecoming Cabot, Meg MG 2.5 0.5 3,739 F 109456 EN How to Be Popular Cabot, Meg MG 5.2 9.0 57,228 F 133791 EN Hunter's Moon Cabot, Meg MG 2.5 0.5 3,291 F 116746 EN Jinx Cabot, Meg MG 4.7 9.0 60,093 F Page 19 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 112307 EN Missing You Cabot, Meg UG 4.6 8.0 55,091 F 121665 EN Moving Day Cabot, Meg MG 5.0 6.0 39,959 F 126406 EN New Girl, The Cabot, Meg MG 5.2 6.0 39,952 F 106249 EN Party Princess Cabot, Meg UG 5.3 9.0 56,019 F 77560 EN Perfect Princess Cabot, Meg UG 7.3 3.0 15,192 F 44873 EN Princess Diaries, The Cabot, Meg UG 5.7 9.0 58,954 F 58064 EN Princess in Love Cabot, Meg UG 5.8 8.0 48,851 F 77562 EN Princess in Pink Cabot, Meg UG 6.0 9.0 54,810 F 51782 EN Princess in the Spotlight Cabot, Meg UG 5.7 8.0 47,832 F 86753 EN Princess in Training Cabot, Meg MG 5.5 8.0 54,246 F 68066 EN Princess in Waiting Cabot, Meg UG 6.1 8.0 50,763 F 77563 EN Princess Lessons Cabot, Meg UG 6.8 2.0 12,204 F 119758 EN Princess Mia Cabot, Meg UG 5.0 9.0 58,969 F 112308 EN Princess on the Brink Cabot, Meg UG 4.7 7.0 47,404 F 83043 EN Princess Present, The Cabot, Meg UG 6.0 2.0 13,743 F 73558 EN Project Princess Cabot, Meg UG 5.8 2.0 9,927 F 89525 EN Cabot, Meg UG 5.0 8.0 55,799 F 137081 EN Ready or Not: An All-American Girl Novel Runaway Cabot, Meg MG 5.0 10.0 66,409 F 133668 EN Stage Fright Cabot, Meg MG 5.0 6.0 38,580 F 109320 EN Cabot, Meg UG 5.5 2.0 12,153 F 80686 EN Sweet Sixteen Princess: A Princess Diaries Book Teen Idol Cabot, Meg UG 5.2 9.0 61,353 F 111897 EN Cabot, Meg UG 5.1 2.0 11,951 F 82517 EN Valentine Princess: A Princess Diaries Book Victoria and the Rogue Cabot, Meg UG 6.8 9.0 55,886 F 923 EN Love Letters and Other Stories Calero, Michelle and others MG 2.0 2.0 20,000 F 121972 EN Fortunes of Indigo Skye, The Caletti, Deb UG 4.6 13.0 88,117 F 32909 EN Firegold Calhoun, Dia UG 5.0 11.0 74,966 F 114708 EN On Location Calonita, Jen MG 5.0 8.0 54,252 F 10264 EN Picking up the Pieces Calvert, Patricia UG 5.9 6.0 40,444 F 124031 EN 10 Most Revolutionary Songs, The Cameron, Andrea MG 6.4 2.0 10,899 NF 21851 SP planeta de los ratonejos, El Campo, Renata Schiavo MG 5.9 1.0 9,181 14185 EN Ralph Lauren: Master of Fashion Canadeo, Anne MG 7.7 2.0 12,607 NF 60440 EN Canales, Viola MG 6.1 6.0 38,144 F 102295 EN Orange Candy Slices and Other Secret Tales Tequila Worm, The Canales, Viola MG 4.6 6.0 42,715 F 135925 EN Cane, Sutter MG 6.1 0.5 2,281 NF 2613 EN Governing Texas: Local, State, and National Governments Communication Cannarella, Deborah MG 7.1 1.0 3,805 NF 126393 EN Kansas (Third Series) Cannarella, Deborah MG 7.1 3.0 17,528 NF 2614 EN Medicine Cannarella, Deborah MG 7.4 1.0 3,982 NF 2616 EN Sports Cannarella, Deborah MG 6.3 1.0 4,093 NF 2615 EN Transportation Cannarella, Deborah MG 6.3 1.0 3,409 NF 6040 EN Shadow Brothers Cannon, A.E. UG 4.2 6.0 41,003 F 44252 SP Alatorcida Cannon, Janell LG 4.2 0.5 2,501 F F Page 20 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL 44937 EN Christmas Memory, A Capote, Truman LG 5.7 Points Word Count F/NF 1.0 4,812 F 7917 EN Jug of Silver Capote, Truman UG 6.2 1.0 5,298 F 28441 EN Ender's Game Card, Orson Scott UG 5.5 16.0 100,609 F 63047 EN Hans Christian Andersen Carew-Miller, Anna MG 5.4 1.0 3,867 NF NF 59807 EN Native American Cooking Carew-Miller, Anna MG 7.4 1.0 7,089 130441 EN Carey, Benedict MG 5.3 8.0 55,237 F 113815 EN Unknowns/Island of the Unknowns: A Mystery, The Dragon's Keep Carey, Janet Lee MG 5.2 11.0 72,204 F 83920 EN Carlson, Julie MG 7.8 1.0 8,004 NF 21208 EN Carlson, Laurie LG 4.9 0.5 1,561 NF 102541 EN Uncle Tom's Cabin and the Abolitionist Movement Boss of the Plains: The Hat That Won the West Red Hot Salsa: Bilingual Poems on Being Young and Latino in the United States Family Under the Bridge, The Carlson, Lori Marie MG 6.8 2.0 13,165 NF Carlson, Natalie Savage MG 4.7 3.0 17,375 F Carlson, Richard UG 7.7 10.0 56,925 NF Carlton, David MG 6.4 8.0 46,192 NF Carman, Patrick MG 6.1 12.0 75,028 F 467 EN 46113 EN 106172 EN 114826 EN Don't Sweat the Small Stuff for Teens: Simple Ways to Keep Your Cool in Stressfu Dallas Doc: All the City and Country Critters in the Life of a Texas-Style Vet Atherton: The House of Power 101196 EN Beyond the Valley of Thorns Carman, Patrick MG 6.2 8.0 51,659 F 132348 EN Black Circle, The Carman, Patrick MG 4.7 5.0 34,142 F 139503 EN Crossbones, The Carman, Patrick MG 5.3 4.0 28,484 F 86676 EN Dark Hills Divide, The Carman, Patrick MG 6.1 10.0 59,679 F 130157 EN Dark Planet, The Carman, Patrick MG 5.7 13.0 85,041 F 133617 EN Ghost in the Machine Carman, Patrick MG 5.0 4.0 28,320 F 123891 EN Haunted Hike Carman, Patrick LG 3.5 1.0 5,277 F 116745 EN Into the Mist Carman, Patrick MG 5.8 10.0 61,976 F 86676 SP límite de los Montes Negros, El Carman, Patrick MG 5.9 9.0 59,231 F 123533 EN Rivers of Fire Carman, Patrick MG 6.2 11.0 68,210 F 129141 EN Skeleton Creek Carman, Patrick MG 4.8 4.0 25,370 F 125597 EN Stargazer Carman, Patrick MG 5.6 10.0 64,850 F 106296 EN Tenth City, The Carman, Patrick MG 5.5 7.0 43,183 F 136680 EN Thirteen Days to Midnight Carman, Patrick MG 5.0 9.0 62,398 F 137171 EN Trackers Carman, Patrick MG 5.5 7.0 42,895 F 129621 EN Wild Things Carmichael, Clay MG 5.3 9.0 56,600 F 123950 EN 10 Best Animal Helpers, The Carnelos, Melissa MG 6.6 1.0 8,259 NF 6743 EN Carr, Terry MG 6.5 1.0 7,111 NF 15464 EN Spill! The Story of the Exxon Valdez Edward James Olmos Carrillo, Louis MG 6.4 1.0 6,733 NF NF 15472 EN Oscar de la Renta Carrillo, Louis MG 5.8 1.0 6,144 134721 EN Wild Times at the Bed & Biscuit Carris, Joan LG 4.1 2.0 14,530 F 34120 SP Las aventuras de Alicia Carroll, Lewis MG 6.6 11.0 63,380 F 114105 EN Awakening, The Carroll, Michael MG 4.1 8.0 58,211 F 123814 EN Gathering, The Carroll, Michael MG 4.3 9.0 64,249 F Page 21 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 69,466 F 130455 EN Reckoning, The Carroll, Michael MG 4.6 10.0 136709 EN Super Human Carroll, Michael MG 4.8 11.0 77,357 F 147890 EN Girl of Fire and Thorns, The Carson, Rae MG 5.0 15.0 102,803 F 118772 EN Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy Carter, Ally MG 6.1 9.0 54,706 F 132213 EN Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover Carter, Ally MG 5.8 9.0 59,608 F 136305 EN Heist Society Carter, Ally MG 5.5 9.0 58,905 F 106309 EN Carter, Ally MG 5.9 10.0 66,015 F 138294 EN I'd Tell You I Love You, but Then I'd Have to Kill You Only the Good Spy Young Carter, Ally MG 5.0 8.0 54,406 F 47165 SP Carter, Andy LG 4.7 0.5 1,495 NF 13725 EN Casad, Dede W. UG 8.2 3.0 17,812 NF 116598 EN George Washington Carver (Spanish) My Fellow Texans: Governors of Texas in the 20th Century Klipfish Code, The Casanova, Mary MG 5.0 6.0 42,792 F 13737 EN Middle Ages, The Caselli, Giovanni MG 8.2 2.0 8,797 132410 EN Fire Cashore, Kristin MG 6.2 18.0 112,634 F 124842 EN Graceling Cashore, Kristin UG 5.3 18.0 115,109 F 124842 SP Graceling (Spanish) Cashore, Kristin UG 5.2 19.0 127,823 F 939 EN Betrayed Cast, P. C. UG 5.4 14.0 91,380 F 909 EN Marked Cast, P.C. and Kristen UG 5.4 13.0 84,826 F 17701 EN Abuela's Weave Castañeda, Omar S. LG 5.2 0.5 1,121 F 82451 EN Casterline, Linda LG 4.8 0.5 3,071 NF 88675 EN Natural-Born Killers: A Chapter Book Brave Apprentice, The Catanese, P.W. MG 5.7 8.0 51,092 F 135614 EN Dragon Games Catanese, P.W. MG 5.1 12.0 76,847 F 102677 EN Eye of the Warlock, The Catanese, P.W. MG 5.0 8.0 54,216 F 129348 EN Happenstance Found Catanese, P.W. MG 4.9 10.0 68,145 F 106821 EN Mirror's Tale, The Catanese, P.W. MG 5.2 9.0 60,067 F 114400 EN Catanese, P.W. MG 4.9 8.0 56,595 F 87341 EN Riddle of the Gnome: A Further Tales Adventure, The Thief and the Beanstalk, The Catanese, P.W. MG 5.7 10.0 63,250 F 713 EN My Antonia Cather, Willa UG 6.9 14.0 79,947 F NF 71551 EN Torah and Judaism, The Cato, Vivienne MG 5.9 1.0 4,666 NF 103792 EN Cavallaro, Michael MG 3.6 1.0 9,015 F 21862 SP L. Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz: The Graphic Novel espada del general, La Cazarré, Lourenço MG 6.8 4.0 22,440 F 46880 EN Essential Deer Hunting for Teens Ceaser, Jonathan MG 5.5 1.0 3,602 NF 67690 EN Backstage at a Music Video Cefrey, Holly MG 6.2 1.0 4,078 NF 75494 EN Bounty Hunter Cefrey, Holly MG 5.5 1.0 4,014 NF 66673 EN Cloning and Genetic Engineering Cefrey, Holly MG 6.1 1.0 4,040 NF 70514 EN Cefrey, Holly MG 4.8 0.5 1,308 NF 67699 EN Let's Take a Hike! Converting Fractions to Decimals Skysurfing (X-Treme Outdoors) Cefrey, Holly MG 5.9 1.0 3,554 NF 58504 SP Cefrey, Holly MG 6.7 1.0 7,636 NF 66685 EN Super jumbo jets: Por dentro y por fuera Virtual Reality Cefrey, Holly MG 6.3 1.0 3,697 NF 66666 EN What If an Asteroid Hit Earth? Cefrey, Holly UG 5.7 0.5 2,884 NF Page 22 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 6.1 0.5 3,078 NF MG 7.8 1.0 8,294 NF Author IL Cefrey, Holly MG Chambers, Catherine ATOS BL 66667 EN 46214 EN What If the Hole in the Ozone Layer Grows Larger? Hurricanes (Heinemann) 137446 EN Fifteen Candles Chambers, Veronica MG 5.1 6.0 38,677 F 107115 EN Quinceañera Means Sweet 15 Chambers, Veronica MG 4.2 6.0 42,309 F 48359 SP Viajes por tierra Chancellor, Deborah MG 5.6 0.5 1,529 139121 EN Back Door of Midnight, The Chandler, Elizabeth UG 5.0 10.0 66,170 F 76726 EN Deep End of Fear, The Chandler, Elizabeth UG 4.6 11.0 75,342 F 55299 EN No Time to Die Chandler, Elizabeth UG 5.3 7.0 48,859 F 68924 EN George Washington's Teeth Chandra, Deborah LG 3.6 0.5 677 NF 8488 EN Chang, Ina UG 7.8 3.0 16,421 NF 136281 EN Separate Battle: Women and the Civil War, A Is It Night or Day? Chapman, Fern Schumer MG 5.3 7.0 45,331 F 130541 EN Haunting, The Chapman, Mary MG 3.2 1.0 5,218 F 66672 EN Car Smarts Chari, Sheela MG 5.8 1.0 4,322 NF 46882 EN Essential Gardening for Teens Chasek, Ruth MG 5.3 0.5 3,100 NF 46899 EN Rocks and Minerals Chasek, Ruth MG 5.5 1.0 3,373 NF 115073 EN Middle of Somewhere, The Cheaney, J.B. MG 5.4 8.0 54,460 NF F 74130 EN Hungary (Fiesta!) Cheong, Felix MG 7.0 1.0 4,370 NF 121235 EN Jellyfish Cheshire, Gerard LG 5.8 0.5 2,557 NF 121237 EN Lizards Cheshire, Gerard LG 5.4 0.5 2,265 NF 129831 EN Curse of the Ancient Mask and Other Case Files, The Collidescope Cheshire, Simon MG 5.0 4.0 23,963 F Chetwin, Grace MG 4.8 8.0 52,882 F Cheung, Lisa MG 7.7 2.0 8,580 NF Cheung, Lisa MG 7.0 2.0 9,192 NF Chevalier, Tracy UG 5.4 11.0 68,445 5915 EN 124033 EN 124035 EN 49824 EN 10 Greatest 21st Century Innovations, The 10 Most Destructive Ecosystem Invaders, The Girl with a Pearl Earring F 74133 EN Mongolia (Fiesta!) Chia, Grace MG 6.1 1.0 4,737 146309 EN Fins Are Forever Childs, Tera Lynn MG 5.1 9.0 57,958 NF F 138450 EN Forgive My Fins Childs, Tera Lynn MG 4.9 10.0 63,838 F 130900 EN Goddess Boot Camp Childs, Tera Lynn MG 4.7 9.0 62,511 F 122414 EN Oh. My. Gods. Childs, Tera Lynn MG 4.8 10.0 64,613 F 134468 EN Demon King, The Chima, Cinda Williams MG 5.3 20.0 128,920 F 124846 EN Dragon Heir, The Chima, Cinda Williams MG 5.0 19.0 126,306 F 140151 EN Exiled Queen, The Chima, Cinda Williams MG 5.1 23.0 152,097 F 146477 EN Gray Wolf Throne, The Chima, Cinda Williams MG 5.5 21.0 134,321 F 105945 EN Warrior Heir, The Chima, Cinda Williams MG 5.3 17.0 108,066 F 115809 EN Wizard Heir, The Chima, Cinda Williams MG 5.0 17.0 113,224 F 6638 EN Year of Impossible Goodbyes Choi, Sook Nyul MG 5.6 7.0 45,897 F 74909 EN Al Capone Does My Shirts Choldenko, Gennifer MG 3.5 7.0 49,509 F 74909 SP Al Capone me lava la ropa Choldenko, Gennifer MG 4.0 7.0 53,282 F 131868 EN Al Capone Shines My Shoes Choldenko, Gennifer MG 3.8 9.0 65,391 F 117243 EN If a Tree Falls at Lunch Period Choldenko, Gennifer MG 3.0 5.0 36,635 F 21899 EN Luis Muñoz Marín Chrisman, Abbott MG 5.3 0.5 1,839 NF Page 23 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 8852 EN And Then There Were None Christie, Agatha UG 5.7 8.0 52,656 F 6661 EN City of Gold and Lead, The Christopher, John MG 6.5 8.0 49,892 F 11548 EN Pool of Fire, The Christopher, John UG 7.0 8.0 48,289 F 11746 EN When the Tripods Came Christopher, John UG 5.2 5.0 35,090 F 5354 EN Basket Counts, The Christopher, Matt MG 4.3 2.0 13,567 F 82206 EN Snowboard Champ Christopher, Matt MG 4.4 4.0 26,307 F 56535 SP Chui, Patricia MG 8.4 2.0 10,446 NF 123933 EN Florida, el Estado del Sol (Biblioteca de los estados) Peach Fuzz Vol. 1: Peach Fuzz Cibos, Lindsay MG 2.6 1.0 5,042 F 123934 EN Peach Fuzz Vol. 2: Show & Tell Cibos, Lindsay MG 2.5 1.0 8,129 F 123935 EN Peach Fuzz Vol. 3: Prince Edwin Cibos, Lindsay MG 2.8 1.0 5,899 F 145386 EN Power at the Plate Ciencin, Scott MG 2.7 0.5 1,354 F 145389 EN Snowboard Standoff Ciencin, Scott MG 3.4 0.5 1,515 F 61817 EN Fish and Amphibians Ciovacco et al., Justine MG 6.8 2.0 8,982 NF 20914 EN House on Mango Street, The Cisneros, Sandra UG 4.5 3.0 17,854 F 121970 EN City of Ashes Clare, Cassandra UG 5.0 18.0 120,608 F 143781 EN City of Fallen Angels Clare, Cassandra UG 5.2 18.0 119,111 F 130798 EN City of Glass Clare, Cassandra UG 5.3 23.0 150,516 F 139502 EN Clockwork Angel Clare, Cassandra UG 5.6 21.0 131,487 F 128823 EN Secrets of Greymoor Clark, Clara Gillow MG 4.6 4.0 30,283 F 122523 EN Clark, Julie MG 7.3 2.0 9,494 NF 124055 EN Clark, Julie MG 7.6 2.0 8,922 NF 65272 EN 10 Greatest Breakthroughs in Space Exploration, The 10 Most Essential Chemical Messengers in the Body, The Childhood's End Clarke, Arthur C. UG 7.7 12.0 69,907 F 67809 EN Big Cats Clarke, Penny LG 4.6 0.5 2,667 NF 121238 EN Scary Creatures of the Arctic Clarke, Penny LG 5.0 0.5 2,365 NF 121240 EN Scary Creatures of the Rain Forest Clarke, Penny LG 5.2 0.5 2,075 NF 67812 EN Sharks Clarke, Penny LG 5.3 0.5 2,814 NF 67813 EN Snakes Alive Clarke, Penny LG 5.0 0.5 2,363 NF 67814 EN Spiders, Insects, and Minibeasts Clarke, Penny LG 5.1 0.5 3,058 NF 102912 EN Wolves Clarke, Penny LG 5.4 0.5 2,924 NF 10053 EN Apache Indians, The Claro, Nicole MG 5.8 1.0 6,595 NF NF 13358 EN Food & Cooking Clavin, Tracy MG 5.6 1.0 6,083 129388 EN Roar, The Clayton, Emma MG 6.0 18.0 109,670 F 304 EN Beezus and Ramona Cleary, Beverly MG 4.8 3.0 22,018 F 24 EN Dear Mr. Henshaw Cleary, Beverly MG 4.9 3.0 18,145 F 5041 SP escapada de Ralph, La Cleary, Beverly MG 5.3 4.0 24,176 F 6920 EN Fifteen Cleary, Beverly UG 5.4 7.0 47,890 F 9554 EN Girl from Yamhill, A Cleary, Beverly MG 6.5 11.0 63,707 NF 34 EN Henry Huggins Cleary, Beverly MG 4.7 3.0 21,897 F 34 SP Henry Huggins (Spanish) Cleary, Beverly MG 4.7 3.0 21,897 F 16925 EN Luckiest Girl, The Cleary, Beverly MG 5.9 10.0 62,880 F 429 EN Muggie Maggie Cleary, Beverly LG 4.5 1.0 5,398 F 24 SP Querido señor Henshaw Cleary, Beverly MG 4.9 3.0 18,145 F Page 24 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 134 SP Ramona empieza el curso Cleary, Beverly MG 5.6 3.0 21,963 F 492 SP Ramona la chinche Cleary, Beverly MG 5.1 4.0 27,145 F 134 EN Ramona Quimby, Age 8 Cleary, Beverly MG 5.6 3.0 21,963 F 182 SP ratoncito de la moto, El Cleary, Beverly LG 5.1 4.0 23,535 F 190 EN Socks Cleary, Beverly MG 5.2 2.0 15,482 F 5442 EN Strider Cleary, Beverly MG 4.8 3.0 21,363 F 14166 EN Electricity Clemence, John LG 5.4 0.5 2,939 NF 122531 EN Clemens, Micki MG 6.2 2.0 9,334 NF 88626 SP 10 Most Ingenious Fictional Detectives, The Dinero para comer Clements, Andrew MG 4.8 6.0 38,533 F 130571 EN Extra Credit Clements, Andrew MG 5.3 5.0 29,843 F 139112 EN Fear Itself Clements, Andrew MG 5.0 5.0 33,655 F 16637 SP Fríndel Clements, Andrew MG 5.4 3.0 17,335 F 16637 EN Frindle Clements, Andrew MG 5.4 2.0 16,232 F 60720 EN Jacket, The Clements, Andrew MG 4.1 1.0 9,533 F 41791 EN Janitor's Boy, The Clements, Andrew MG 5.4 4.0 27,784 F 31641 EN Landry News, The Clements, Andrew MG 6.0 4.0 26,433 F 77860 SP Las notas de Nora Clements, Andrew MG 4.3 4.0 30,295 F 82274 EN Last Holiday Concert, The Clements, Andrew MG 5.4 4.0 28,656 F 123158 EN Lost and Found Clements, Andrew MG 5.0 4.0 28,170 F 88626 EN Lunch Money Clements, Andrew MG 5.2 6.0 38,550 F 115396 EN No Talking Clements, Andrew MG 5.0 4.0 23,704 F 31641 SP periódico Landry, El Clements, Andrew MG 5.3 4.0 27,202 F 77860 EN Report Card, The Clements, Andrew MG 4.9 5.0 31,355 F 106750 EN Room One: A Mystery or Two Clements, Andrew MG 5.1 4.0 27,621 F 50395 EN School Story, The Clements, Andrew MG 5.2 5.0 31,056 F 115396 SP Sin hablar Clements, Andrew MG 4.9 4.0 24,053 F 109163 EN Things Hoped For Clements, Andrew MG 4.7 6.0 39,379 F 58220 EN Things Not Seen Clements, Andrew MG 4.5 9.0 62,641 F 125277 EN Things That Are Clements, Andrew MG 4.3 5.0 37,107 F 145085 EN Troublemaker Clements, Andrew MG 4.7 3.0 22,046 F 82274 SP último concierto, El Clements, Andrew MG 5.3 4.0 28,932 F 136415 EN We the Children Clements, Andrew MG 5.2 3.0 22,687 F 63085 EN Week in the Woods, A Clements, Andrew MG 5.5 7.0 42,195 F 148731 EN Whites of Their Eyes, The Clements, Andrew MG 5.2 5.0 33,376 F 6220 EN Clifford, Eth LG 4.3 3.0 19,337 F 44067 EN Harvey's Marvelous Monkey Mystery Persian Cinderella, The Climo, Shirley LG 4.4 0.5 2,537 F 17213 EN Cat Clutton-Brock, Juliet MG 7.3 1.0 7,983 NF 14773 EN Dog Clutton-Brock, Juliet MG 7.1 1.0 7,980 NF 17225 EN Horse Clutton-Brock, Juliet MG 7.6 1.0 7,913 NF 17 EN Cat Who Went to Heaven, The Coatsworth, Elizabeth MG 5.9 2.0 11,140 F 8345 EN Diego Rivera Cockcroft, James MG 8.6 4.0 20,485 NF 70099 EN Sahara Special Codell, Esmé Raji MG 4.2 4.0 28,744 F 42950 EN Luis W. Alvarez Codye, Corinn MG 5.8 0.5 1,490 NF Page 25 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 12532 EN Queen Isabella I Codye, Corinn MG 5.2 0.5 1,784 39768 SP Coelho, Paulo UG 5.2 6.0 38,076 436 EN Coerr, Eleanor MG 4.1 1.0 5,677 NF 436 SP Alquimista. Una fábula para seguir tus sueños, El Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes Sadako y las mil grullas de papel F Coerr, Eleanor MG 4.1 1.0 5,677 NF 122672 EN 10 Strangest Mysteries, The Coghill, Judy MG 6.9 2.0 9,668 NF 5029 EN Molly's Pilgrim Cohen, Barbara LG 3.0 0.5 1,951 F 8969 EN Great Ghosts Cohen, Daniel MG 4.7 1.0 4,477 F 68147 EN Steps, The Cohn, Rachel MG 5.2 5.0 29,737 F 87543 EN Train Coiley, John MG 8.0 1.0 5,409 NF 22964 SP Trenes (Biblioteca Visual Altea) Coiley, John MG 6.6 4.0 26,262 NF 151431 EN Keep Holding On Colasanti, Susane UG 3.9 6.0 45,665 F 143931 EN So Much Closer Colasanti, Susane UG 3.7 7.0 53,540 F 970 EN Something Like Fate Colasanti, Susane MG 3.5 7.0 52,840 F 138125 EN Something Like Fate Colasanti, Susane UG 3.5 7.0 52,840 F 124611 EN Take Me There Colasanti, Susane UG 4.2 10.0 71,243 F 130105 EN Waiting for You Colasanti, Susane MG 3.8 9.0 66,230 F 929 EN When It Happens Colasanti, Susanne MG 3.5 8.0 61,733 F 930 EN When It Happens Colasanti, Susanne MG 3.5 8.0 61,733 F 108889 EN Cole, Joanna LG 3.8 1.0 3,981 F 5479 EN Cole, Joanna LG 3.7 0.5 1,654 F 5482 EN Cole, Joanna LG 3.7 0.5 2,546 F 14599 EN Cole, Joanna MG 5.8 1.0 6,745 NF 34808 EN Magic School Bus and the Science Fair Expedition, The Magic School Bus at the Waterworks, The Magic School Bus Lost in the Solar System, The On the Bus with Joanna Cole: A Creative Autobiography Riches of Oseola McCarty, The Coleman, Evelyn LG 5.5 1.0 3,340 NF 26311 EN Fundamental Soccer Coleman, Lori MG 6.0 1.0 6,902 NF 119440 EN Airman Colfer, Eoin MG 5.8 16.0 101,119 F 54675 EN Artemis Fowl Colfer, Eoin MG 5.0 9.0 56,684 F 84235 EN Artemis Fowl Files, The Colfer, Eoin MG 5.5 4.0 28,520 F 59973 EN Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident Colfer, Eoin MG 5.0 9.0 58,517 F 68990 EN Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code Colfer, Eoin MG 5.0 10.0 66,357 F 123264 EN Artemis Fowl: The Graphic Novel Colfer, Eoin MG 3.6 2.0 12,085 F 109333 EN Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony Colfer, Eoin MG 5.3 13.0 83,441 F 87709 EN Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception Colfer, Eoin MG 5.7 12.0 75,028 F 123436 EN Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox Colfer, Eoin MG 5.6 13.0 82,921 F 961 EN Atlantis Complex, The Colfer, Eoin MG 6.2 12.0 76,673 F 72260 EN Benny and Omar Colfer, Eoin MG 4.0 8.0 56,088 F 105928 EN Half-Moon Investigations Colfer, Eoin MG 4.2 9.0 61,086 F 78565 EN Supernaturalist, The Colfer, Eoin MG 4.8 9.0 63,394 F 72358 EN Wish List, The Colfer, Eoin UG 4.0 7.0 49,357 F 130436 EN Double Eagle Collard III, Sneed B. MG 5.1 8.0 53,521 F 18109 EN French and Indian War: 1660 1763, The Collier, Christopher MG 7.9 3.0 14,587 NF Page 26 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 18124 EN Pilgrims and Puritans: 1620 - 1676 Collier, Christopher MG 8.1 3.0 16,926 NF 83504 EN Empty Mirror, The Collier, James Lincoln MG 4.4 5.0 37,970 F 127 EN My Brother Sam Is Dead Collier, James Lincoln MG 4.9 7.0 49,683 F 49558 EN Collins, David R. MG 5.1 1.0 6,783 NF 14177 EN Collins, David R. MG 7.0 2.0 10,923 NF 14183 EN Country Artist: A Story About Beatrix Potter, The Lee Iacocca: Chrysler's Good Fortune Philip Knight: Running with Nike Collins, David R. MG 7.6 2.0 10,171 NF 4376 EN Collins, David R. MG 5.3 1.0 6,638 NF 88800 EN Collins, Michael MG 7.2 8.0 46,840 NF 132824 EN To the Point: A Story About E.B. White Flying To the Moon: An Astronaut's Story Catching Fire Collins, Suzanne UG 5.3 16.0 101,564 F 132824 SP En llamas Collins, Suzanne MG 5.6 16.0 100,947 F 114627 EN Gregor and the Code of Claw Collins, Suzanne MG 5.0 12.0 78,959 F 88381 EN Collins, Suzanne MG 4.8 10.0 66,278 F 106347 EN Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods Gregor and the Marks of Secret Collins, Suzanne MG 5.0 9.0 61,548 F 82278 EN Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane Collins, Suzanne MG 4.7 8.0 56,663 F 71754 SP Gregor de las Tierras Altas Collins, Suzanne MG 4.6 9.0 61,526 F 71754 EN Gregor the Overlander Collins, Suzanne MG 4.8 8.0 55,665 F 82278 SP Collins, Suzanne MG 4.4 9.0 62,070 F 123740 EN Gregor y la Profecía de la Destrucción Hunger Games, The Collins, Suzanne MG 5.3 15.0 99,750 F 123740 SP juegos del hambre, Los Collins, Suzanne MG 5.8 16.0 99,890 F 956 EN Mockingjay, The Collins, Suzanne MG 5.3 17.0 110,000 F 34124 SP Las aventuras de Pinocho Collodi, Carlo MG 5.3 6.0 40,060 F 18495 EN Rosie the Riveter Colman, Penny UG 8.0 3.0 17,130 NF 20950 SP Colman, Warren LG 4.7 0.5 1,612 NF 77290 EN Colson, Mary MG 5.9 1.0 7,406 NF 77291 EN Carta de Derechos, Así es mi mundo, La Crumbling Earth: Erosion & Landslides (Freestyle) Earth Erupts: Volcanoes (Freestyle) Colson, Mary MG 6.1 1.0 7,321 NF 77292 EN Colson, Mary MG 5.9 1.0 6,942 NF 77299 EN Colson, Mary MG 6.0 1.0 7,190 NF 14722 EN Colwell, Lynn Hutner MG 7.4 4.0 24,203 NF 101335 EN Forest Furnace: Wildfires (Freestyle) Shaky Ground: Earthquakes (Freestyle) Erma Bombeck: Writer and Humorist Big House, The Coman, Carolyn MG 5.3 5.0 33,599 F 130677 EN Comerford, Lynda B. MG 5.9 8.0 53,028 F 72091 SP Rissa Bartholomew's Declaration of Independence Casita Azul, La Comino, Sandra MG 4.7 4.0 24,776 F 118284 EN Revolution Is Not a Dinner Party Compestine, Ying Chang MG 4.7 6.0 43,520 F 147776 EN Crossed Condie, Ally UG 4.2 12.0 83,432 F 140501 EN Matched Condie, Ally UG 4.8 13.0 89,124 F 8513 EN Crazy Lady! Conly, Jane Leslie MG 3.8 5.0 36,399 F 683 EN Racso and the Rats of NIMH Conly, Jane Leslie MG 5.0 8.0 50,472 F 14538 EN Trout Summer Conly, Jane Leslie MG 4.3 7.0 49,809 F 125828 EN Greenpeace Connolly, Sean MG 8.2 1.0 7,293 NF Page 27 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 125831 EN International Red Cross, The Connolly, Sean MG 8.0 1.0 7,959 NF 125830 EN Oxfam Connolly, Sean MG 8.4 1.0 7,973 NF 125834 EN UNICEF Connolly, Sean MG 7.8 1.0 7,566 NF 125832 EN United Nations, The Connolly, Sean MG 8.3 1.0 7,269 NF 125833 EN World Health Organization, The Connolly, Sean MG 8.9 1.0 6,810 NF 120221 EN Waiting for Normal Connor, Leslie MG 3.7 7.0 50,916 F 17587 SP diario de Pedro, El Conrad, Pam MG 5.8 2.0 12,457 F 574 EN My Daniel Conrad, Pam MG 4.7 5.0 31,090 F 490 EN Prairie Songs Conrad, Pam MG 5.3 5.0 33,998 F 6012 EN Stonewords: A Ghost Story Conrad, Pam MG 4.7 4.0 28,222 F 18800 EN Zoe Rising Conrad, Pam MG 4.8 3.0 22,349 F 102954 EN Cook, Peter MG 6.1 1.0 3,298 NF 56980 EN You Wouldn't Want to Sail on the Mayflower! Germany (Fiesta!) Cooke, Tim MG 5.2 1.0 5,089 NF 56985 EN Italy (Fiesta!) Cooke, Tim MG 5.6 1.0 4,808 NF 56986 EN Jamaica (Fiesta!) Cooke, Tim MG 5.5 1.0 4,349 NF 57020 EN Nigeria (Fiesta!) Cooke, Tim MG 5.4 1.0 4,532 NF 61380 EN Among Friends Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.6 6.0 38,759 F 14752 EN Both Sides of Time Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.3 7.0 48,518 F 25296 EN Burning Up Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.0 8.0 53,665 F 75117 EN Cheerleader/Deadly Offer, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.6 5.0 36,613 F 101282 EN Code Orange Cooney, Caroline B. MG 6.2 8.0 47,721 F 117767 EN Diamonds in the Shadow Cooney, Caroline B. MG 5.1 8.0 53,213 F 10893 EN Driver's Ed Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.6 7.0 48,990 F 11715 EN Emergency Room Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.3 6.0 36,408 F 114456 EN Enter Three Witches Cooney, Caroline B. MG 5.1 10.0 63,125 F 5268 EN Face on the Milk Carton, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.8 6.0 41,909 F 77249 EN Family Reunion Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.2 6.0 42,691 F 54117 EN Fatality Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.7 7.0 45,181 F 20111 EN Fire, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.5 6.0 42,891 F 14539 EN Flash Fire Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.8 6.0 37,723 F 6046 EN Flight #116 Is Down Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.1 7.0 45,719 F 54119 EN Fog, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.1 7.0 48,842 F 58056 EN For All Time Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.7 8.0 52,207 F 70421 EN Freeze Tag Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.1 5.0 35,333 F 111254 EN Friend at Midnight, A Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.0 7.0 46,597 F 59378 EN Goddess of Yesterday Cooney, Caroline B. MG 5.1 11.0 71,123 F 107303 EN Hit the Road Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.3 7.0 48,879 F 130072 EN If the Witness Lied Cooney, Caroline B. MG 4.6 8.0 52,085 F 156126 EN Janie Face to Face Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.8 12.0 82,486 F 147170 EN Lost Songs, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.7 9.0 61,901 F 14774 EN Out of Time Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.2 7.0 48,222 F 7018 EN Party's Over, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.2 6.0 40,218 F 56469 EN Perfume, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.8 5.0 35,526 F Page 28 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 18827 EN Prisoner of Time Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.3 6.0 42,022 F 47668 EN Ransom of Mercy Carter, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.7 9.0 54,910 F 54126 EN Snow, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.9 6.0 42,278 F 135018 EN They Never Came Back Cooney, Caroline B. MG 4.7 7.0 48,055 F 138724 EN Three Black Swans Cooney, Caroline B. MG 4.7 10.0 66,780 F 56472 EN Twins Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.9 5.0 34,958 F 75119 EN Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.1 6.0 36,960 F 13740 EN Vampire's Promise/Fatal Bargain, The Voice on the Radio, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.6 6.0 41,814 F 28087 EN What Child Is This? Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.3 5.0 30,948 F 42986 EN What Janie Found Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.8 6.0 39,860 F 9996 EN Whatever Happened to Janie? Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.7 7.0 44,829 F 113069 EN Odysseus and the Cyclops Cooper, Gilly Cameron MG 3.9 0.5 3,361 F 113073 EN Theseus and the Minotaur Cooper, Gilly Cameron MG 3.8 0.5 3,439 F 113071 EN Trojan Horse, The Cooper, Gilly Cameron MG 4.0 1.0 4,680 F 83022 EN Sam I Am Cooper, Ilene MG 5.1 8.0 54,088 F 710 EN Cooper, James Fenimore UG 12.0 32.0 145,469 F 13085 EN Last of the Mohicans (Unabridged), The Rabbits Cooper, Jason LG 4.1 0.5 587 NF 24369 EN Siberian Tiger Cooper, Jason LG 4.0 0.5 660 NF 67810 EN Dinosaurs Cooper, John LG 5.1 0.5 3,036 NF 7042 EN Boggart, The Cooper, Susan MG 6.1 8.0 46,762 F 109 EN Dark Is Rising, The Cooper, Susan MG 6.2 13.0 82,143 F 86195 EN Magician's Boy, The Cooper, Susan LG 4.4 1.0 7,535 F 129 EN Over Sea, Under Stone Cooper, Susan MG 5.4 12.0 75,001 F 54049 EN Great Soccer: Team Defense Cope, Suzanne MG 5.1 0.5 3,234 NF 20962 SP Carabola Corbinos, Rosa Anna LG 4.0 0.5 1,231 F 75913 EN Lionboy Corder, Zizou MG 5.7 12.0 74,908 F 67000 EN Bumblebee Flies Anyway, The Cormier, Robert UG 5.6 10.0 65,031 F 32206 EN Frenchtown Summer Cormier, Robert MG 6.4 1.0 8,031 F 5270 EN I Am the Cheese Cormier, Robert UG 5.2 7.0 47,096 F 8594 EN Tunes for Bears to Dance To Cormier, Robert UG 5.2 3.0 19,609 F 106978 EN Foundling Cornish, D.M. MG 6.6 12.0 70,650 F 121919 EN Lamplighter Cornish, D.M. MG 7.4 23.0 133,515 F 19996 EN Where Fireflies Dance Corpi, Lucha LG 3.9 0.5 1,375 F 14299 EN Weather Cosgrove, Brian MG 7.6 1.0 7,634 NF 21861 SP mago desinventor, El Costa, Marco Túlio MG 6.8 7.0 40,278 F 21857 SP Viaje en el tiempo Côté, Denis MG 4.0 1.0 9,400 F 9806 EN Experimental and Concept Cars Coughlan, John MG 6.2 0.5 1,448 NF 9807 EN Coughlan, John MG 5.7 0.5 1,931 NF 101209 EN Couloumbis, Audrey MG 5.1 11.0 72,515 F 60009 EN Green Cars: Earth-Friendly Electric Vehicles Misadventures of Maude March, or, Trouble Rides a Fast Horse, The Say Yes Couloumbis, Audrey MG 3.6 5.0 40,093 F 133423 EN War Games: A Novel Based on a True Story Couloumbis, Audrey MG 4.6 7.0 48,318 F Page 29 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 6.0 1.0 6,070 NF MG 6.8 5.0 30,546 NF Author IL Coulter, Laurie MG Cousins, Margaret ATOS BL 60316 EN 61329 EN Secrets in Stone: All About Maya Hieroglyphs Story of Thomas Alva Edison, The 32378 EN A.I. Gang: Operation Sherlock, The Coville, Bruce MG 5.3 7.0 43,115 F 32377 EN A.I. Gang: Robot Trouble, The Coville, Bruce MG 5.9 7.0 43,934 F 123877 EN Dark Whispers Coville, Bruce MG 6.0 15.0 94,039 F 32366 EN Eyes of the Tarot Coville, Bruce MG 4.5 5.0 36,891 F 20074 EN Ghost Wore Gray, The Coville, Bruce MG 4.7 5.0 34,356 F 29997 EN Goblins in the Castle Coville, Bruce MG 4.5 5.0 34,196 F 33036 EN I Left My Sneakers in Dimension X Coville, Bruce MG 5.5 5.0 34,171 F 11470 EN Into the Land of the Unicorns Coville, Bruce MG 6.0 5.0 32,762 F 5940 EN Jennifer Murdley's Toad Coville, Bruce MG 4.6 4.0 30,266 F 5918 EN Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher Coville, Bruce MG 4.9 4.0 28,076 F 5947 EN Monster's Ring, The Coville, Bruce MG 3.9 2.0 14,266 F 11482 EN My Teacher Flunked the Planet Coville, Bruce MG 5.0 5.0 30,419 F 11483 EN My Teacher Fried My Brains Coville, Bruce MG 4.8 4.0 26,818 F 11484 EN My Teacher Glows in the Dark Coville, Bruce MG 4.9 4.0 26,683 F 5433 EN My Teacher Is an Alien Coville, Bruce MG 5.3 3.0 21,434 F 32365 EN Spirits and Spells Coville, Bruce MG 4.7 5.0 34,701 F 32710 EN Coville, Bruce MG 6.7 1.0 3,851 F 32380 EN Coville, Bruce MG 3.9 2.0 14,612 F 106247 EN William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet World's Worst Fairy Godmother, The How to Speak Dragonese Cowell, Cressida MG 6.5 5.0 27,703 F 78100 EN How to Train Your Dragon Cowell, Cressida MG 6.6 5.0 30,774 F 8277 EN Shaquille O'Neal: Shaq Attack Cox, Ted MG 4.2 0.5 2,496 NF 61401 EN E.B. White (My Favorite Writer) Craats, Rennay MG 5.6 1.0 4,220 NF 61410 EN Roald Dahl Craats, Rennay MG 5.6 1.0 4,360 NF NF 87012 EN Flag Crampton, W.G. MG 7.6 1.0 7,316 121588 EN Skin Deep Crane, E.M. MG 5.2 8.0 55,695 13307 EN Jaguar: The King of the Cats Craven, Linda MG 6.2 0.5 2,765 NF 13308 EN Craven, Linda MG 6.4 1.0 3,122 NF 13320 EN Japanese Sports Cars: Speed and Style Mustang: Ford's Wild Pony Craven, Linda MG 6.4 1.0 3,258 NF 13324 EN Rolls-Royce: Leader in Luxury Craven, Linda MG 6.6 1.0 3,251 NF 13332 EN Thunderbird: The High-Flying Ford Craven, Linda MG 6.7 1.0 3,229 NF 11577 EN Absolutely Normal Chaos Creech, Sharon MG 4.7 7.0 50,001 F 118251 EN Castle Corona, The Creech, Sharon MG 5.5 6.0 41,224 F 17762 EN Chasing Redbird Creech, Sharon MG 5.0 7.0 45,689 F 10299 SP Entre dos lunas Creech, Sharon MG 4.9 9.0 59,400 F 153512 EN Great Unexpected, The Creech, Sharon MG 4.3 6.0 40,921 F 126983 EN Hate That Cat Creech, Sharon MG 5.0 1.0 7,213 F 52616 EN Love That Dog Creech, Sharon MG 4.5 1.0 3,935 F 18741 EN Pleasing the Ghost Creech, Sharon MG 3.0 2.0 11,698 F 52616 SP Quiere a ese perro Creech, Sharon MG 4.5 1.0 4,068 F 101800 EN Replay Creech, Sharon MG 4.2 4.0 24,994 F F Page 30 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 58208 EN Ruby Holler Creech, Sharon MG 4.3 6.0 44,907 F 132725 EN Unfinished Angel, The Creech, Sharon MG 4.4 3.0 20,941 F 10299 EN Walk Two Moons Creech, Sharon MG 4.9 9.0 59,400 F 606 EN Children of the River Crew, Linda MG 4.3 8.0 54,217 F 66467 SP colonia de San Agustín, La Crewe, Sabrina MG 5.2 1.0 4,652 NF 66465 SP fiebre del oro en California, La Crewe, Sabrina MG 5.5 1.0 4,546 NF 75568 SP Lexington y Concord Crewe, Sabrina MG 5.9 1.0 4,568 NF 87354 EN Money Cribb, Joe MG 8.2 1.0 6,135 NF 126782 EN Titanicat Crisp, Marty LG 4.3 0.5 1,656 F 49542 EN Crofford, Emily MG 5.9 1.0 6,539 NF 2711 EN Croft, Jennifer UG 6.8 1.0 6,694 NF 104090 SP Frontier Surgeons: A Story About the Mayo Brothers Everything You Need to Know About Guns in Your Home Clic, Clac, Plif, Plaf Cronin, Doreen LG 1.8 0.5 86 F 116574 EN Diary of a Fly Cronin, Doreen LG 3.2 0.5 542 F 125149 EN Cronin, Doreen LG 2.8 0.5 532 F 36289 SP Thump, Quack, Moo: A Whacky Adventure Basquetbol en acción Crossingham, John MG 4.1 1.0 3,737 NF 103204 SP ciclo de vida del tiburón, El Crossingham, John MG 4.8 0.5 3,293 NF 49350 SP Fútbol americano en acción Crossingham, John MG 4.6 1.0 4,895 NF 65978 SP Patinetas en acción Crossingham, John MG 4.1 1.0 4,736 NF 68429 SP Porristas en acción Crossingham, John MG 4.8 1.0 4,465 NF 55008 SP ¿Qué es la hibernación? Crossingham, John MG 4.9 1.0 3,757 NF 55009 SP ¿Qué es la migración? Crossingham, John MG 5.2 1.0 4,161 NF 66886 EN At the Crossing Places Crossley-Holland, Kevin MG 4.4 12.0 80,057 F 127025 EN Crossing to Paradise Crossley-Holland, Kevin MG 4.2 13.0 90,502 F 82290 EN King of the Middle March Crossley-Holland, Kevin UG 4.2 12.0 82,237 F 56401 EN Seeing Stone, The Crossley-Holland, Kevin MG 4.3 10.0 71,836 F 137897 EN Little Wanting Song, A Crowley, Cath UG 3.8 7.0 53,793 F 141161 EN Starfish Crowley, James MG 6.3 8.0 51,942 F 140298 EN Songs for a Teenage Nomad Culbertson, Kim UG 4.0 8.0 58,353 F 28020 EN Mightiest Heart, The Cullen, Lynn LG 4.0 0.5 1,108 F 8493 EN Talking with Artists Cummings, Pat MG 5.9 3.0 20,226 NF 82252 EN Red Kayak Cummings, Priscilla MG 4.9 8.0 50,353 F 6854 EN Cuba Cummins, Ronnie MG 7.6 1.0 6,947 NF 15598 EN Currie, Stephen MG 7.0 3.0 16,091 NF 2113 EN We Have Marched Together: The Working Children's Crusade Stolen Life, A Curry, Jane Louise UG 5.9 8.0 48,740 F 80633 EN Bucking the Sarge Curtis, Christopher Paul MG 5.8 10.0 66,051 F 29554 EN Bud, Not Buddy Curtis, Christopher Paul MG 5.0 8.0 52,179 F 117751 EN Elijah of Buxton Curtis, Christopher Paul MG 5.4 12.0 77,916 F 29554 SP Me llamo Bud, no Buddy Curtis, Christopher Paul MG 5.0 8.0 52,307 F 11552 EN Curtis, Christopher Paul MG 5.0 8.0 50,225 F 136589 EN Watsons Go to Birmingham--1963, The Alchemy and Meggy Swann Cushman, Karen MG 5.6 6.0 39,819 F 11553 SP Aprendiz de comadrona Cushman, Karen MG 6.0 4.0 23,376 F Page 31 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 14989 EN Ballad of Lucy Whipple, The Cushman, Karen MG 5.8 7.0 42,089 F 8693 EN Catherine, Called Birdy Cushman, Karen UG 6.4 8.0 47,808 F 8693 SP libro de Catherine, El Cushman, Karen MG 6.0 7.0 43,120 F 11553 EN Midwife's Apprentice, The Cushman, Karen MG 6.0 3.0 21,603 F 122526 EN Cutting, Robert MG 7.2 2.0 9,416 120552 EN 10 Most Revolutionary Inventions, The Hooray for Reading Day! Cuyler, Margery LG 2.4 0.5 928 F 7748 EN Weird Wolf Cuyler, Margery LG 3.4 1.0 8,780 F 72762 EN Iqbal D'Adamo, Francesco MG 5.1 4.0 25,943 F 8736 EN Silvabamba D'Amelio, Dan UG 3.0 1.0 7,735 F 925 EN UFOs: Fact or Fiction? (Read 180) D'Angelo, Laura MG 2.8 0.5 1,946 F NF 950 EN Dark Fire d"Lacey, Chris MG 4.8 12.0 84,106 F 122984 EN Fire Eternal, The d'Lacey, Chris MG 4.8 12.0 82,948 F 111259 EN Fire Star d'Lacey, Chris MG 4.8 12.0 84,106 F 87157 EN Fire Within, The d'Lacey, Chris MG 4.1 7.0 49,527 F 143878 EN Fire World d'Lacey, Chris MG 4.9 15.0 98,832 F 88382 EN Icefire d'Lacey, Chris MG 4.4 10.0 67,553 F 123165 EN Dahl, Michael MG 2.6 0.5 993 F 15153 EN Beauty and the Beast: The Graphic Novel Brazil Dahl, Michael LG 3.3 0.5 904 NF 16355 EN Canada Dahl, Michael LG 3.6 0.5 1,201 NF 16359 EN China Dahl, Michael LG 3.3 0.5 1,156 NF 15161 EN Germany Dahl, Michael LG 3.5 0.5 888 NF 16365 EN India Dahl, Michael LG 3.2 0.5 1,175 NF 15164 EN Japan Dahl, Michael LG 3.2 0.5 1,059 NF 15165 EN Kenya Dahl, Michael LG 3.3 0.5 785 NF 127459 EN Last Son of Krypton Dahl, Michael MG 3.6 1.0 3,712 F 130788 EN Man Behind the Mask, The Dahl, Michael MG 4.3 1.0 4,112 F 15167 EN Mexico Dahl, Michael LG 3.3 0.5 822 NF 16373 EN Netherlands, The Dahl, Michael LG 3.5 0.5 1,121 NF 5058 EN BFG, The Dahl, Roald MG 4.8 6.0 37,568 F 9543 EN Boy: Tales of Childhood Dahl, Roald MG 6.0 6.0 35,928 NF 5063 EN Dahl, Roald MG 4.4 5.0 32,107 F 5063 SP Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator Charlie y el gran ascensor de cristal Dahl, Roald MG 4.4 5.0 32,107 F 20 SP Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate Dahl, Roald MG 4.8 5.0 30,644 F 5007 SP Danny, campeón del mundo Dahl, Roald MG 4.7 6.0 40,084 F 5007 EN Danny, the Champion of the World Dahl, Roald MG 4.7 6.0 40,084 F 10772 EN Esio Trot Dahl, Roald MG 4.4 1.0 4,292 F 5058 SP gran gigante bonachón, El Dahl, Roald MG 4.8 6.0 37,568 F 232 EN James and the Giant Peach Dahl, Roald MG 4.8 4.0 23,843 F 232 SP James y el melocotón gigante Dahl, Roald MG 4.8 4.0 23,843 F 6448 SP Las brujas Dahl, Roald MG 4.7 5.0 35,987 F 5429 EN Matilda Dahl, Roald MG 5.0 6.0 40,009 F 5429 SP Matilda (Spanish) Dahl, Roald MG 5.0 6.0 40,009 F Page 32 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 5011 SP superzorro, El Dahl, Roald MG 4.1 1.0 9,387 F F 6448 EN Witches, The Dahl, Roald MG 4.7 5.0 35,987 13460 EN Daily, Robert MG 6.9 1.0 6,034 NF 83302 EN Dakos, Kalli LG 4.9 1.0 5,899 F 56981 EN Code Talkers: American Indians in World War II, The If You're Not Here, Please Raise Your Hand: Poems About School Guatemala (Fiesta!) Dalal, Anita MG 5.7 1.0 4,829 NF 21 EN Courage of Sarah Noble, The Dalgliesh, Alice MG 3.9 1.0 6,715 F 125148 EN Thanksgiving Story, The Dalgliesh, Alice LG 4.1 0.5 2,869 F 26302 EN Fundamental Karate Dallas, Kim MG 7.1 1.0 6,361 NF 15599 EN Damon, Duane MG 7.7 3.0 15,063 NF 133058 EN When This Cruel War Is Over: The Civil War Home Front School of Fear Daneshvari, Gitty MG 6.2 8.0 50,692 F 110378 SP Daning, Tom LG 3.4 0.5 838 F 110379 SP Mitología China: Los cuatro dragones Mitología Egipcia: Isis y Osiris Daning, Tom LG 3.3 0.5 980 F 110381 SP Daning, Tom LG 4.3 0.5 539 F 36290 SP Mitología Mesoamericana: Quetzalcóatl Béisbol en acción Dann, Sarah MG 4.4 1.0 4,700 NF 11145 EN Amber Brown Is Not a Crayon Danziger, Paula MG 3.7 1.0 7,873 F 213 EN Cat Ate My Gymsuit, The Danziger, Paula MG 3.9 4.0 25,993 F 6412 EN Earth to Matthew Danziger, Paula MG 4.1 4.0 27,192 F 6610 EN Everyone Else's Parents Said Yes Danziger, Paula MG 4.3 3.0 22,529 F 20090 EN P.S. Longer Letter Later Danziger, Paula MG 4.5 5.0 34,394 F 493 EN Remember Me to Harold Square Danziger, Paula MG 4.3 4.0 28,679 F 43475 EN Snail Mail No More Danziger, Paula MG 5.1 7.0 46,419 F 5090 EN There's a Bat in Bunk Five Danziger, Paula MG 3.8 4.0 29,615 F 588 EN This Place Has No Atmosphere Danziger, Paula MG 4.3 4.0 30,107 F 25570 EN Dash, Joan MG 8.1 5.0 29,819 NF 139307 EN We Shall Not Be Moved: The Women's Factory Strike of 1909 Blade of Shattered Hope, The Dashner, James MG 5.7 15.0 94,850 F 146928 EN Death Cure, The Dashner, James MG 5.3 13.0 87,385 F 129072 EN Hunt for Dark Infinity, The Dashner, James MG 5.6 15.0 95,555 F 121989 EN Journal of Curious Letters, The Dashner, James MG 6.0 15.0 93,469 F 153131 EN Kill Order, The Dashner, James UG 5.7 14.0 91,996 F 133240 EN Maze Runner, The Dashner, James UG 5.3 15.0 101,182 F 140107 EN Scorch Trials, The Dashner, James UG 5.0 15.0 96,869 F 118028 EN Abrams Tanks David, Jack MG 4.0 0.5 501 NF 118029 EN Apache Helicopters David, Jack MG 3.8 0.5 488 NF 118030 EN B-2 Stealth Bombers David, Jack MG 3.6 0.5 466 NF 118032 EN F-16 Fighting Falcons David, Jack MG 3.8 0.5 470 NF 117040 EN David, Laurie MG 7.6 3.0 18,743 NF 118339 EN Davidson, Avelyn MG 4.6 0.5 3,110 NF 118348 EN Davidson, Avelyn MG 5.6 1.0 3,487 NF 118344 EN Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming, The Bull and the Bear: How Stock Markets Work, The Day in the Life of an African Village, A Dollars and Sense: Economics and Science Davidson, Avelyn MG 5.4 1.0 3,762 NF Page 33 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 34985 EN Helen Keller Davidson, Margaret MG 3.9 1.0 9,846 NF 29965 EN Louis Braille Davidson, Margaret MG 3.8 2.0 10,973 NF 120710 EN Dávila Martínez, Diana MG 6.1 1.0 3,536 NF 115519 EN School Named for Someone Like Me, A Librarian's Night Before Christmas Davis, David LG 4.7 0.5 655 124036 EN Davis, Deneena MG 7.2 2.0 8,894 NF 132140 EN Davis, Eleanor MG 3.1 1.0 7,068 F F F 6908 EN 10 Most Essential Natural Resources, The Secret Science Alliance and the Copycat Crook, The Checking on the Moon Davis, Jenny UG 4.5 7.0 46,741 64006 EN Caddo of Texas, The Davis, Lucile MG 5.8 1.0 7,617 7158 EN Just Like Martin Davis, Ossie MG 5.2 8.0 52,168 F 20325 EN Dawood, N.J. UG 6.7 8.0 47,473 F 56982 EN Aladdin and Other Tales from the Arabian Nights India (Fiesta!) Dawson, Susie MG 5.3 1.0 4,872 NF 57015 EN Japan (Fiesta!) Dawson, Susie MG 5.8 1.0 4,594 NF NF NF 57019 EN Mexico (Fiesta!) Dawson, Susie MG 5.6 1.0 4,469 115071 EN Tall Tales Day, Karen MG 3.5 6.0 45,320 F 47119 EN Day, Nancy MG 7.2 2.0 14,341 NF 47121 EN Day, Nancy MG 6.5 2.0 14,458 NF 65535 EN Your Travel Guide to Ancient Mayan Civilization Your Travel Guide to Colonial America FBI, The De Capua, Sarah MG 8.2 1.0 5,244 NF 151 SP Y entonces llegó un perro De Jong, Meindert MG 5.7 5.0 31,973 F 122582 EN Ashleys, The de la Cruz, Melissa MG 5.4 8.0 48,833 F 106893 EN Blue Bloods de la Cruz, Melissa UG 5.4 9.0 60,918 F 30629 EN 26 Fairmount Avenue De Paola, Tomie LG 4.4 1.0 6,737 NF 29242 EN Lady of Guadalupe, The De Paola, Tomie LG 5.1 0.5 3,250 F 5476 EN Legend of the Bluebonnet, The De Paola, Tomie LG 4.2 0.5 803 F 59752 EN Quicksand Book, The De Paola, Tomie LG 2.8 0.5 619 NF 6093 EN De Paola, Tomie LG 3.9 0.5 1,245 F 79892 EN Strega Nona: An Old Tale Retold and Illustrated Strega Nona Meets Her Match De Paola, Tomie LG 3.0 0.5 1,253 F 12521 EN de Ruiz, Dana Catharine MG 5.5 2.0 13,123 133347 EN Causa: The Migrant Workers' Story, La Duchess of Whimsy, The de Sève, Randall LG 4.7 0.5 694 F 44 EN I, Juan de Pareja de Treviño, Elizabeth Borton MG 6.5 7.0 44,454 F 112396 EN Samurai: Warlords of Japan Dean, Arlan MG 6.1 1.0 3,750 123879 EN Talent Dean, Zoey MG 5.3 7.0 46,995 F 60418 EN Night I Disappeared, The Deaver, Julie Reece UG 4.3 7.0 46,699 F F 579 EN Say Goodnight, Gracie Deaver, Julie Reece MG 3.8 6.0 42,062 56978 EN Ethiopia (Fiesta!) Debebe/Lakew MG 5.5 1.0 4,723 NF NF NF 245 EN Sixth Grade Can Really Kill You DeClements, Barthe MG 4.3 4.0 29,560 F 106221 EN Dee, Barbara MG 4.2 6.0 42,737 F 130053 EN Just Another Day in My Insanely Real Life Solving Zoe Dee, Barbara MG 4.3 6.0 40,187 F 116505 EN Martina the Beautiful Cockroach: A Cuban Folktale Deedy, Carmen Agra LG 3.1 0.5 1,020 F Page 34 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 4.3 0.5 1,037 F LG 3.7 0.5 690 F DeFelice, Cynthia UG 5.2 5.0 31,115 F DeFelice, Cynthia MG 4.7 3.0 18,159 F Author IL Deedy, Carmen Agra LG Deedy, Carmen Agra ATOS BL 116505 SP 43505 EN 15810 EN 8516 EN Martina una cucarachita muy linda: Un cuento Cubano Yellow Star: The Legend of King Christian X of Denmark, The Apprenticeship of Lucas Whitaker, The Devil's Bridge 26732 EN Ghost of Fossil Glen, The DeFelice, Cynthia MG 4.9 5.0 32,189 F 10895 EN Lostman's River DeFelice, Cynthia UG 5.4 6.0 37,906 F 109627 EN One Potato, Two Potato DeFelice, Cynthia LG 4.3 0.5 1,525 F 131875 EN Signal DeFelice, Cynthia MG 4.7 5.0 33,863 F 5297 EN Weasel DeFelice, Cynthia UG 5.0 4.0 23,960 F F 520 EN Robinson Crusoe Defoe, Daniel UG 12.3 27.0 121,961 11136 EN What Do We Know...Aztecs? Defrates, Joanna MG 6.4 0.5 2,880 913 EN Green Dekker, Ted MG 4.5 16.0 109,057 F 21995 SP vida de película, Una del Cañizo, José Antonio MG 7.5 5.0 27,405 F 54636 SP Cuentos con sazón Delacre, Lulu MG 5.0 2.0 13,193 F 121819 EN Attack of the Fiend Delaney, Joseph MG 5.7 14.0 88,733 F 133250 EN Clash of the Demons Delaney, Joseph MG 5.7 10.0 65,154 F 137751 EN Coven of Witches, A Delaney, Joseph MG 5.5 5.0 33,997 F 109770 EN Curse of the Bane Delaney, Joseph MG 5.7 12.0 77,867 F 118249 EN Night of the Soul Stealer Delaney, Joseph MG 5.5 13.0 82,880 F 145003 EN Rage of the Fallen Delaney, Joseph MG 6.0 10.0 62,729 F 101692 EN Revenge of the Witch Delaney, Joseph MG 5.6 9.0 59,544 F 139762 EN Rise of the Huntress Delaney, Joseph MG 5.6 11.0 69,134 F 131223 EN Delaney, Joseph MG 5.6 4.0 24,967 F 127027 EN Spook's Tale: And Other Horrors, The Wrath of the Bloodeye Delaney, Joseph MG 5.7 13.0 81,728 F 138164 EN 13 to Life Delany, Shannon MG 4.8 12.0 81,641 F 72935 EN Dell, Pamela MG 6.1 1.0 5,657 F 120497 EN Doctor's Boy: A Story About Valley Forge During the Winter of 1777-1778, The Mississippi (Third Series) Dell, Pamela MG 7.9 4.0 20,454 NF 455 EN Angel's Mother's Wedding Delton, Judy MG 5.0 4.0 25,323 F 110384 SP DeMolay, Jack LG 4.0 0.5 708 NF 114548 EN Denega, Danielle UG 5.0 1.0 6,591 NF 114486 EN Denega, Danielle UG 5.3 1.0 6,855 NF 114489 EN Denega, Danielle UG 5.7 1.0 6,767 NF 31524 EN Denenberg, Barry MG 6.2 3.0 19,098 NF 148429 EN monstruo del lago Ness: Una misteriosa bestia en Escocia, El Gut-Eating Bugs: Maggots Reveal the Time of Death! Have You Seen This Face? The Work of Forensic Artists Skulls and Skeletons: True-Life Stories of Bone Detectives Stealing Home: The Story of Jackie Robinson Titanic Sinks! Denenberg, Barry MG 8.2 3.0 16,884 NF 124002 EN 10 Most Daring Escapes, The Derby, Katy MG 7.1 2.0 8,900 NF 55657 EN DeSpain, Pleasant MG 4.8 2.0 11,123 F 130118 EN Emerald Lizard: Fifteen Latin American Tales to Tell, The Along for the Ride Dessen, Sarah UG 4.7 15.0 98,980 F NF Page 35 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 41467 EN Dreamland Dessen, Sarah UG 5.8 12.0 74,604 F 105494 EN Just Listen Dessen, Sarah UG 4.9 15.0 98,151 F 32707 EN Keeping the Moon Dessen, Sarah UG 4.8 8.0 56,063 F 121303 EN Lock and Key Dessen, Sarah UG 5.3 17.0 113,464 F 28288 EN Someone Like You Dessen, Sarah UG 5.1 10.0 67,826 F 17844 EN That Summer Dessen, Sarah UG 5.8 8.0 51,541 F 59717 EN This Lullaby Dessen, Sarah UG 5.4 15.0 94,435 F 78879 EN Truth About Forever, The Dessen, Sarah UG 5.2 16.0 105,957 F 143325 EN What Happened to Goodbye Dessen, Sarah UG 4.8 16.0 105,444 F 117053 EN Gym Candy Deuker, Carl UG 4.6 9.0 63,932 F 8571 EN Heart of a Champion Deuker, Carl UG 4.2 8.0 53,041 F 67225 EN High Heat Deuker, Carl UG 4.2 10.0 72,949 F 40657 EN Night Hoops Deuker, Carl UG 4.5 8.0 54,849 F 7017 EN On the Devil's Court Deuker, Carl UG 4.9 9.0 57,483 F 16980 EN Painting the Black Deuker, Carl MG 4.4 9.0 61,473 F 139118 EN Payback Time Deuker, Carl MG 5.0 9.0 61,208 F 87367 EN Runner Deuker, Carl MG 4.3 6.0 44,959 F 140500 EN Deutsch, Barry MG 2.5 1.0 6,043 F 129434 EN Hereville: How Mirka Got Her Sword Trading Faces DeVillers, Julia MG 3.3 7.0 49,839 F 18663 EN Cranberry Thanksgiving Devlin, Wende LG 3.7 0.5 1,251 F 39557 EN Because of Winn-Dixie DiCamillo, Kate MG 3.9 3.0 22,123 F 70401 SP Despereaux (Spanish) Dicamillo, Kate MG 4.0 5.0 32,390 F 39557 SP Gracias a Winn-Dixie DiCamillo, Kate MG 3.9 3.0 22,390 F 133242 EN Magician's Elephant, The DiCamillo, Kate MG 5.0 4.0 23,335 F 123159 EN Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig DiCamillo, Kate LG 2.8 0.5 2,018 F 88160 EN Mercy Watson to the Rescue DiCamillo, Kate LG 2.7 0.5 1,929 F 102971 EN DiCamillo, Kate MG 4.4 2.0 17,050 F 102971 SP DiCamillo, Kate MG 4.7 3.0 17,071 F 70401 EN Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, The prodigioso viaje de Edward Tulane, El Tale of Despereaux, The DiCamillo, Kate MG 4.7 5.0 32,375 F 45130 EN Tiger Rising, The DiCamillo, Kate MG 4.0 3.0 19,369 F 47698 SP Canción de Navidad Dickens, Charles MG 5.1 5.0 30,446 F 44702 EN Christmas Carol (Unabridged), A Dickens, Charles MG 6.7 5.0 28,448 F 103591 SP Dickens, Charles MG 4.9 4.0 29,472 F 34121 SP David Copperfield (Spanish Abridged Edition) Oliver Twist (Spanish) Dickens, Charles MG 6.1 19.0 117,407 F 7116 EN Oliver Twist (Unabridged) Dickens, Charles UG 11.3 33.0 155,960 F 719 EN Tale of Two Cities (Unabridged), A Dickens, Charles UG 9.7 27.0 135,420 F 8286 EN Sports Great Jerry Rice Dickey, Glenn MG 4.8 2.0 10,629 NF 8562 EN Eva Dickinson, Peter UG 6.3 10.0 64,348 F 29335 EN Kin: Mana's Story, The Dickinson, Peter MG 4.6 6.0 42,150 F 45797 EN Kin: Suth's Story, The Dickinson, Peter MG 5.2 5.0 35,842 F 21022 EN Miami Dolphins Football Team, The Dilorenzo, J.J. MG 7.4 1.0 3,839 NF 81312 EN Hurricanes and Typhoons Dineen, Jacqueline MG 7.4 1.0 4,047 NF Page 36 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 81317 EN Volcanoes Dineen, Jacqueline MG 6.9 1.0 3,894 128394 EN Dionne, Erin MG 4.6 8.0 57,852 F 146470 EN Dionne, Erin MG 5.0 9.0 58,464 F 136114 EN Dionne, Erin MG 5.0 9.0 62,646 F 70129 SP Models Don't Eat Chocolate Cookies Notes from an Accidental Band Geek Total Tragedy of a Girl Named Hamlet, The anteojo asombroso, El DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 4.9 1.0 9,731 F 77859 SP árbol metálico, El DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 4.2 2.0 10,731 F 70127 EN Field Guide, The DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 4.2 1.0 9,844 F 77859 EN Ironwood Tree, The DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 4.3 1.0 9,444 F 70127 SP libro fantástico, El DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 4.6 2.0 10,576 F 73555 EN Lucinda's Secret DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 3.9 1.0 9,838 F 73555 SP mapa perdido, El DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 4.1 2.0 10,769 F 81843 SP ogro malvado, El DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 4.5 2.0 14,741 F 70129 EN Seeing Stone, The DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 4.0 1.0 9,347 F 81843 EN Wrath of Mulgarath, The DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 4.4 2.0 13,043 F 73959 EN Conch Bearer, The Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee MG 5.4 10.0 61,721 F 5651 EN Arctic Patrol Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.4 5.0 33,085 F 5652 EN Bombay Boomerang, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.7 6.0 35,992 F 5653 EN Clue in the Embers, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.6 5.0 34,862 F 5654 EN Clue of the Broken Blade, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.3 5.0 33,771 F 5656 EN Crisscross Shadow, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.2 5.0 33,271 F 5657 EN Danger on Vampire Trail Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.1 5.0 32,855 F 5751 EN Dead on Target Dixon, Franklin W. MG 4.7 4.0 29,870 F 5658 EN Disappearing Floor, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.6 5.0 34,711 F 5659 EN Figure in Hiding, A Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.3 5.0 34,978 F 5660 EN Flickering Torch Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.0 5.0 34,986 F 5661 EN Footprints Under the Window Dixon, Franklin W. MG 6.1 5.0 33,266 F 11316 EN Frame-Up Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.0 4.0 29,545 F 5662 EN Ghost at Skeleton Rock, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.8 6.0 34,845 F 5663 EN Great Airport Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.8 5.0 32,684 F 5664 EN Haunted Fort, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.6 5.0 32,456 F 5665 EN Hidden Harbor Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.6 5.0 35,074 F 5666 EN Hooded Hawk Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 6.1 6.0 36,870 F 5667 EN House on the Cliff, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.4 5.0 34,957 F 5668 EN Hunting for Hidden Gold Dixon, Franklin W. MG 6.3 6.0 34,987 F 6818 EN Jungle Pyramid, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.0 6.0 38,956 F 5669 EN Mark on the Door, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.3 5.0 32,727 F 6819 EN Masked Monkey, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 4.9 5.0 33,827 F 5670 EN Melted Coins, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 4.9 5.0 34,509 F 5671 EN Missing Chums, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.2 5.0 32,269 F 6821 EN Mysterious Caravan, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 4.8 5.0 33,682 F 5672 EN Mystery at Devil's Paw Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.4 5.0 33,717 F 5673 EN Mystery of Cabin Island, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.2 5.0 32,991 F Page 37 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 5674 EN Mystery of the Aztec Warrior, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.8 6.0 35,858 F 5675 EN Mystery of the Chinese Junk, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.7 6.0 36,438 F 5676 EN Mystery of the Desert Giant Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.3 6.0 36,275 F 5677 EN Mystery of the Flying Express Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.1 5.0 33,460 F 5678 EN Mystery of the Spiral Bridge, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.5 5.0 33,097 F 5679 EN Mystery of the Whale Tattoo Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.4 5.0 33,345 F 5680 EN Phantom Freighter, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.1 5.0 35,147 F 19739 EN Search for the Snow Leopard, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.0 5.0 32,199 F 5681 EN Secret Agent on Flight 101, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.5 5.0 33,211 F 5682 EN Secret of Pirates' Hill, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.4 5.0 33,678 F 19710 EN Secret of Sigma Seven, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.1 5.0 32,225 F 5683 EN Secret of Skull Mountain, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.6 5.0 33,770 F 5684 EN Secret of the Caves, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.2 5.0 33,016 F 5685 EN Secret of the Lost Tunnel, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.6 5.0 32,465 F 5686 EN Secret of the Old Mill, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.5 5.0 33,653 F 5687 EN Secret of Wildcat Swamp Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.7 6.0 35,096 F 5688 EN Secret Panel, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.1 5.0 34,007 F 5689 EN Secret Warning, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.6 5.0 33,370 F 6834 EN Shattered Helmet, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 4.8 5.0 33,672 F 5690 EN Shore Road Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.6 5.0 35,053 F 5691 EN Short-Wave Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.2 5.0 34,467 F 5692 EN Sign of the Crooked Arrow, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.2 5.0 33,768 F 5693 EN Sinister Signpost, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.1 5.0 32,762 F 6840 EN Sting of the Scorpion, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.9 6.0 35,421 F 5694 EN Tower Treasure, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.4 6.0 35,948 F 5695 EN Twisted Claw, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.0 5.0 33,110 F 5696 EN Viking Symbol Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.7 5.0 33,059 F 5697 EN Wailing Siren Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.2 5.0 33,571 F 5698 EN What Happened at Midnight Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.8 5.0 33,652 F 5699 EN While the Clock Ticked Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.7 5.0 34,576 F 5700 EN Yellow Feather Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.6 5.0 35,049 F 56519 EN Franklin D. Roosevelt Doak, Robin MG 7.7 1.0 8,366 122449 EN Little Brother Doctorow, Cory UG 5.9 17.0 106,188 NF F 53558 EN Beatnik Rutabagas from Beyond the Stars batalla del Alamo, La Dodd, Quentin MG 5.5 7.0 46,123 F Doeden, Matt MG 4.7 0.5 1,754 NF Doeden, Matt MG 4.8 0.5 2,330 NF Doeden, Matt MG 4.8 0.5 1,753 NF 85023 SP 101343 SP 85027 SP George Washington: Dirigiendo una nueva nación hundimiento del Titanic, El 101380 SP invierno en Valley Forge, El Doeden, Matt MG 4.8 0.5 1,820 NF 101371 SP Doeden, Matt MG 4.3 0.5 2,060 NF 108894 EN John Sutter y la fiebre del oro en California Lowriders Doeden, Matt MG 5.6 1.0 4,919 NF 85024 SP motín del té de Boston, El Doeden, Matt MG 4.4 0.5 1,665 NF 85027 EN Sinking of the Titanic, The Doeden, Matt MG 3.8 0.5 1,611 NF Page 38 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 140282 EN Annexed Dogar, Sharon UG 3.4 8.0 62,976 F 21636 EN Daughter of the Sea Doherty, Berlie UG 4.8 3.0 22,569 F 21999 SP Encantacornio Doherty, Berlie UG 7.7 6.0 33,337 F 14540 EN Snake-Stone, The Doherty, Berlie MG 4.6 5.0 35,872 F 65587 EN Dokey, Cameron UG 6.3 8.0 51,786 F 49217 EN Storyteller's Daughter: A Retelling of "The Arabian Nights", The Ocelots Dollar, Sam LG 3.7 0.5 1,431 NF 122527 EN 10 Funniest People, The Donaghey, Sean MG 6.3 2.0 9,708 NF 6297 EN Tut's Mummy: Lost...and Found Donnelly, Judy LG 3.1 0.5 2,056 NF 46528 EN Coping with Dyslexia Donnelly, Karen UG 6.7 4.0 24,068 NF 65464 EN Donovan, Sandra MG 4.6 1.0 3,678 NF 65470 EN Animals of Rivers, Lakes, and Ponds Ocean Animals Donovan, Sandra MG 4.7 1.0 3,677 NF 57021 EN Pakistan (Fiesta!) Dore, Lesley MG 5.6 1.0 4,271 NF 57033 EN Sweden (Fiesta!) Dore, Lesley MG 5.9 1.0 4,926 NF 8750 EN Wind over Stonehenge Dorre, Pamela UG 3.2 1.0 8,848 F 6674 EN Morning Girl Dorris, Michael MG 4.9 2.0 12,469 F 15808 EN Sees Behind Trees Dorris, Michael MG 5.2 4.0 24,275 F 4528 EN Dosier, Susan MG 5.2 0.5 2,525 NF NF 4529 EN Civil War Cooking: The Confederacy Civil War Cooking: The Union Dosier, Susan MG 5.8 0.5 2,736 124688 EN Bog Child Dowd, Siobhan UG 3.6 9.0 64,930 F 120571 EN London Eye Mystery, The Dowd, Siobhan MG 4.1 7.0 52,780 F 88484 EN Chicken Boy Dowell, Frances O'Roark MG 5.1 5.0 36,044 F 128826 EN Dowell, Frances O'Roark MG 5.8 6.0 40,314 F 78525 EN Kind of Friends We Used to Be, The Secret Language of Girls, The Dowell, Frances O'Roark MG 5.2 5.0 36,077 F 119938 EN Shooting the Moon Dowell, Frances O'Roark MG 5.3 4.0 27,372 F 67232 EN Where I'd Like to Be Dowell, Frances O'Roark MG 5.4 6.0 40,145 F 70123 SP Dragones y magia Downer, Ann MG 7.9 10.0 53,232 F 122521 EN 10 Coolest Flying Machines, The Downey, Glen MG 6.4 1.0 8,277 NF 122560 EN Downey, Glen MG 6.6 2.0 9,471 NF 122663 EN 10 Greatest Sports Showdowns, The 10 Hottest Hollywood Cars, The Downey, Glen MG 6.8 2.0 9,259 NF 122665 EN 10 Most Extreme Jobs, The Downey, Glen MG 7.6 2.0 9,646 NF 124029 EN Downey, Glen MG 6.6 2.0 9,443 NF 124038 EN Downey, Glen MG 7.6 2.0 8,714 NF 124005 EN Downey, Glen MG 7.7 2.0 9,943 NF 122616 EN 10 Most Memorable TV Moments, The 10 Most Revolutionary Military Inventions, The 10 Most Significant Documents in History, The 10 Smartest Animals, The Downey, Glen MG 6.0 1.0 8,878 NF 109408 EN Doyle, Arthur Conan MG 7.0 18.0 104,477 F 5984 EN Doyle, Arthur Conan UG 8.3 11.0 57,689 F 122197 EN Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Hound of the Baskervilles (Unabridged), The Bewitching Season Doyle, Marissa MG 5.3 15.0 95,136 F 43749 EN Giggler Treatment, The Doyle, Roddy MG 3.7 1.0 8,527 F Page 39 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 6.8 2.0 9,434 NF MG 5.7 8.0 51,356 F Dramer, Kim MG 7.6 3.0 17,257 NF Author IL 10 Greatest Movies from Books, The Dragonsdale Drake, Carol MG Drake, Salamanda ATOS BL 122608 EN 117940 EN 109964 EN 110138 EN People's Republic of China (Second Series) Backyard Animal Show, The Draper, Sharon M. MG 4.2 2.0 14,082 F 104034 EN Buried Bones Mystery, The Draper, Sharon M. MG 4.3 2.0 11,620 F 104031 EN Lost in the Tunnel of Time Draper, Sharon M. MG 4.4 2.0 12,050 F 136421 EN Out of My Mind Draper, Sharon M. MG 4.3 8.0 56,872 F 106727 EN Shadows of Caesar's Creek Draper, Sharon M. MG 4.3 2.0 14,128 F 109049 EN Space Mission Adventure, The Draper, Sharon M. MG 4.9 2.0 14,535 F 115602 EN Stars and Sparks on Stage Draper, Sharon M. MG 4.6 3.0 18,013 F 12489 EN Tears of a Tiger Draper, Sharon M. UG 4.3 4.0 26,282 F 9811 EN Indianapolis 500, The Dregni, Michael MG 4.4 0.5 2,292 NF 9826 EN Motorcycle Racing Dregni, Michael MG 4.7 0.5 2,044 NF 9834 EN Stock Car Racing Dregni, Michael MG 4.7 0.5 2,538 NF 543 EN Rebecca Du Maurier, Daphne UG 6.8 26.0 152,798 F 50405 EN Deep Wizardry Duane, Diane UG 6.1 11.0 70,314 F 50408 EN High Wizardry Duane, Diane UG 6.2 9.0 58,453 F 14491 EN So You Want to Be a Wizard Duane, Diane UG 5.9 11.0 66,777 F 45809 EN Giant Pandas (Untamed World) Dudley, Karen MG 7.8 2.0 9,182 14600 EN Utterly Yours, Booker Jones Duffey, Betsy MG 4.0 3.0 22,036 F 10258 EN Radical Red Duffy, James MG 4.5 5.0 35,752 F NF 757 EN Don't Look Behind You Duncan, Lois UG 6.2 9.0 55,084 F 48519 EN Down a Dark Hall Duncan, Lois UG 5.3 7.0 48,922 F 5269 EN Gift of Magic, A Duncan, Lois UG 6.0 7.0 41,583 F 129860 EN Hotel for Dogs (Scholastic Edition) Duncan, Lois MG 4.7 5.0 33,495 F 767 EN I Know What You Did Last Summer Duncan, Lois UG 4.7 7.0 47,515 F 772 EN Killing Mr. Griffin Duncan, Lois UG 4.8 8.0 57,350 F 5074 EN Locked in Time Duncan, Lois MG 6.5 10.0 59,059 F 65374 EN Magic of Spider Woman, The Duncan, Lois LG 5.2 0.5 1,989 F 138803 EN Movie For Dogs Duncan, Lois MG 5.3 6.0 36,253 F 129895 EN News for Dogs Duncan, Lois MG 5.4 6.0 39,981 F 5283 EN Ransom Duncan, Lois UG 4.9 7.0 44,269 F 6942 EN Stranger with My Face Duncan, Lois UG 6.1 9.0 58,320 F 30508 EN Summer of Fear Duncan, Lois UG 5.6 9.0 54,945 F 13992 EN They Never Came Home Duncan, Lois UG 5.2 7.0 46,397 F 586 EN Third Eye, The Duncan, Lois MG 5.5 9.0 55,609 F 594 EN Twisted Window, The Duncan, Lois MG 6.2 8.0 51,966 F 123990 EN You Can Do It! Dungy, Tony LG 3.5 0.5 1,388 F 13708 EN Dunham, Montrew MG 6.1 4.0 24,216 NF 13709 EN Dunham, Montrew MG 6.0 4.0 24,768 NF 19831 EN Langston Hughes: Young Black Poet Mahalia Jackson: Young Gospel Singer Neil Armstrong: Young Flyer Dunham, Montrew MG 5.7 4.0 23,419 NF Page 40 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 5.4 4.0 23,100 NF MG 6.0 5.0 29,654 F Author IL Dunham, Montrew MG Dunkle, Clare B. ATOS BL 16963 EN 140586 EN Roberto Clemente: Young Ball Player House of Dead Maids, The 122583 EN Sky Inside, The Dunkle, Clare B. MG 5.1 10.0 63,397 F 132265 EN Walls Have Eyes, The Dunkle, Clare B. MG 4.7 8.0 57,768 F 120743 EN Tide Knot, The Dunmore, Helen MG 4.0 11.0 78,562 F 102546 EN Car Trouble DuPrau, Jeanne MG 4.7 6.0 43,897 F 54659 EN Cells DuPrau, Jeanne MG 6.8 1.0 5,485 NF 69274 EN City of Ember, The DuPrau, Jeanne MG 5.0 9.0 59,937 F 125598 EN Diamond of Darkhold, The DuPrau, Jeanne MG 5.2 10.0 62,576 F 80066 EN People of Sparks, The DuPrau, Jeanne MG 4.9 11.0 71,675 F 106652 EN Prophet of Yonwood, The DuPrau, Jeanne MG 4.9 9.0 60,741 F 7167 EN When Heroes Die Durant, Penny UG 3.5 3.0 24,906 F 9512 EN Durell, Ann LG 4.5 1.0 4,785 5364 EN Diane Goode's Book of American Folk Tales and Songs Forward Pass Dygard, Thomas J. UG 6.4 7.0 41,849 F 365 EN Halfback Tough Dygard, Thomas J. UG 5.1 7.0 46,258 F 6747 EN Westward with Columbus Dyson, John MG 6.0 3.0 15,935 NF 51848 EN Magic by the Lake Eager, Edward MG 5.0 5.0 35,820 F 12887 EN Honesty Earle, Vana MG 4.1 1.0 6,827 130509 EN Easton, Kelly MG 4.1 5.0 36,475 F 64308 EN Outlandish Adventures of Liberty Aimes, The Rat Boys: A Dating Experiment Eberhardt, Thom UG 5.6 6.0 39,169 F NF NF 119 EN Incident at Hawk's Hill Eckert, Allan MG 7.2 9.0 51,061 F 110076 EN Laura Bush: Portrait of a First Lady Edge, Laura B. MG 6.9 3.0 18,859 NF 20225 EN Christmas in Russia Editors, World Book MG 8.1 2.0 13,409 NF 100653 EN Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift Mandy Edwards, John MG 7.9 1.0 6,512 NF Edwards, Julie Andrews MG 4.8 7.0 45,391 Edwards, Roberta LG 4.8 1.0 3,699 NF Edwards, Roberta MG 4.4 1.0 8,426 NF NF 623 EN 128250 SP 106158 SP Barack Obama: Presidente de Estados Unidos ¿Quién fue el rey Tut? F 104745 EN Who Was Leonardo da Vinci? Edwards, Roberta MG 4.7 1.0 8,607 122510 EN Oodles of Animals Ehlert, Lois LG 3.3 0.5 828 F 67367 EN Last Dog on Earth, The Ehrenhaft, Daniel UG 4.3 8.0 58,069 F 8792 EN Springsteen Eichhorn, Dennis UG 5.6 1.0 7,663 132882 EN Troubled Peace, A Elliott, L.M. UG 5.4 9.0 59,940 F 128273 EN Everything Is Fine. Ellis, Ann Dee UG 3.0 4.0 28,618 F 41702 EN Breadwinner, The Ellis, Deborah MG 4.5 4.0 29,181 F 79144 EN Elster, Charles Harrington UG 6.4 13.0 80,469 F NF 70366 EN Tooth and Nail: A Novel Approach to the New SAT Thomas Jefferson Emerson, Judy LG 2.4 0.5 198 137168 EN Happyface Emond, Stephen MG 4.6 8.0 52,894 F 125146 EN Enderle, Dotti LG 4.3 0.5 723 F 123781 EN Fat Stock Stampede at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, The Man in the Moon Enderle, Dotti MG 4.3 3.0 24,357 F 130906 EN Tropical Secrets: Holocaust Refugees in Cuba Engle, Margarita MG 6.1 2.0 10,182 F NF Page 41 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 39,669 F 35629 EN Return to Gone-Away Enright, Elizabeth MG 5.8 6.0 77900 SP Sacagawea (Spanish) Erdrich, Lise MG 5.3 0.5 2,921 11044 EN Erickson, John R. MG 4.2 3.0 18,525 F 7704 EN Erickson, John R. MG 4.8 3.0 19,586 F 10656 EN Erickson, John R. MG 4.8 3.0 19,518 F 7705 EN Case of the Black-Hooded Hangmans, The Case of the Car-Barkaholic Dog, The Case of the Double Bumblebee Sting, The Case of the Halloween Ghost, The Erickson, John R. MG 4.6 3.0 19,199 F NF 7706 EN Case of the Hooking Bull, The Erickson, John R. MG 5.3 3.0 20,386 F 18759 EN Case of the Kidnapped Collie, The Erickson, John R. MG 4.4 3.0 19,083 F 10657 EN Case of the Midnight Rustler, The Erickson, John R. MG 5.5 3.0 19,822 F 7707 EN Case of the Missing Cat, The Erickson, John R. MG 4.8 3.0 18,324 F 12767 EN Erickson, John R. MG 4.4 3.0 19,248 F 7708 EN Erickson, John R. MG 5.1 3.0 20,447 F 10915 EN Erickson, John R. MG 4.6 3.0 18,355 F 10658 EN Case of the Night-Stalking Bone Monster, The Case of the One-Eyed Killer Stud Horse, The Case of the Swirling Killer Tornado, The Case of the Vampire Cat, The Erickson, John R. MG 5.0 3.0 20,068 F 20260 EN Erickson, John R. MG 4.5 3.0 22,367 F 6264 EN Case of the Vampire Vacuum Sweeper, The Every Dog Has His Day Erickson, John R. MG 4.9 3.0 19,927 F 7721 EN Faded Love Erickson, John R. MG 4.5 3.0 20,541 F 7724 EN Erickson, John R. MG 4.4 3.0 22,112 F 6421 EN Erickson, John R. MG 4.8 3.0 19,420 F 6222 EN Further Adventures of Hank the Cowdog, The Hank the Cowdog and Monkey Business It's a Dog's Life Erickson, John R. MG 4.8 3.0 22,622 F 7735 EN Let Sleeping Dogs Lie Erickson, John R. MG 4.7 3.0 21,487 F 6471 EN Lost in the Blinded Blizzard Erickson, John R. MG 4.9 3.0 18,417 F 10677 EN Moonlight Madness Erickson, John R. MG 4.5 3.0 19,768 F 16911 EN Mopwater Files, The Erickson, John R. MG 4.3 3.0 18,700 F 7743 EN Murder in the Middle Pasture Erickson, John R. MG 4.6 3.0 21,025 F 5222 EN Erickson, John R. MG 4.5 3.0 23,269 F 10684 EN Original Adventures of Hank the Cowdog, The Phantom in the Mirror, The Erickson, John R. MG 5.1 3.0 19,219 F 7750 EN Erickson, John R. MG 4.6 3.0 19,304 F 8727 EN Wounded Buzzard on Christmas Eve, The Money Game, The Ericson, David UG 2.7 1.0 7,274 F 89908 EN Lois Lowry Erlic, Lily MG 4.9 1.0 3,818 NF 89909 EN Louis Sachar Erlic, Lily MG 5.0 1.0 4,394 NF 136100 EN Mockingbird Erskine, Kathryn MG 3.6 5.0 36,466 28588 EN Esbensen, Barbara J. LG 5.4 0.5 2,811 NF 4983 EN Eshom, Daniel UG 6.4 1.0 5,341 NF 102259 EN Estefan, Gloria LG 3.9 0.5 1,126 F 42 SP Tiger with Wings: The Great Horned Owl Top of Your Game: A Guy's Guide to Looking and Feeling Good Magically Mysterious Adventures of Noelle the Bulldog, The cien vestidos, Los Estes, Eleanor MG 5.4 1.0 7,329 F 31 EN Ginger Pye Estes, Eleanor MG 6.0 9.0 56,876 F F Page 42 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 6,830 F 402 EN Aliens for Breakfast Etra, Jonathan LG 3.2 1.0 5203 EN Aliens for Lunch Etra, Jonathan LG 3.7 1.0 7,546 F 947 EN Lonely Hearts Club Eulberg, Elizabeth MG 4.4 9.0 59,641 F 7931 EN Our Field Ewing, Mrs. UG 6.3 1.0 3,929 F 120760 SP Lado a lado Fabry, Chris MG 4.6 6.0 39,088 F 10205 EN Big Bug Book Facklam, Margery MG 5.8 1.0 3,992 NF 50634 EN Spiders and Their Web Sites Facklam, Margery MG 6.2 1.0 5,775 NF 10795 EN Trouble with Mothers, The Facklam, Margery MG 4.2 5.0 34,415 F 73441 EN Faiella, Graham MG 7.9 5.0 29,881 NF 114748 EN Spain: A Primary Source Cultural Guide Olivia Helps with Christmas Falconer, Ian LG 2.4 0.5 462 11516 EN Falke, Joseph UG 5.6 1.0 7,824 139478 EN Everything You Need to Know About Living in a Foster Home Brain Jack Falkner, Brian MG 5.6 12.0 77,988 F 146276 EN Project, The Falkner, Brian MG 5.6 9.0 58,448 F 125824 EN Tomorrow Code, The Falkner, Brian MG 5.7 13.0 81,860 F 14173 EN Falkof, Lucille MG 7.2 2.0 11,181 NF 14175 EN Falkof, Lucille MG 7.7 2.0 11,532 NF 136705 EN Helen Gurley Brown: The Queen of Cosmopolitan John H. Johnson: The Man from Ebony Dark Life Falls, Kat MG 4.8 9.0 62,350 F 130472 EN Fantaskey, Beth UG 4.9 14.0 91,037 F 105 EN Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side Black Stallion, The Farley, Walter MG 5.2 7.0 49,003 F 10579 EN Island Stallion, The Farley, Walter MG 5.8 8.0 53,786 F 11713 EN Ear, the Eye, and the Arm, The Farmer, Nancy UG 4.7 12.0 84,136 F 15809 EN Girl Named Disaster, A Farmer, Nancy UG 5.1 14.0 90,379 F 61393 EN House of the Scorpion, The Farmer, Nancy UG 5.1 15.0 100,214 F 133780 EN Islands of the Blessed, The Farmer, Nancy MG 5.4 17.0 111,504 F 117964 EN Land of the Silver Apples, The Farmer, Nancy MG 5.0 17.0 110,902 F 81202 EN Sea of Trolls, The Farmer, Nancy MG 4.7 16.0 108,260 F 125580 EN March On! The Day My Brother Martin Changed the World April Morning Farris, Christine King LG 5.3 0.5 2,471 Fast, Howard UG 6.1 9.0 52,796 Faust, Daniel R. MG 5.2 0.5 1,579 NF Faust, Daniel R. MG 5.3 0.5 1,440 NF Faust, Daniel R. MG 5.3 0.5 1,506 NF F NF NF 728 EN 126327 SP 126326 SP 126329 SP 20582 EN Cambio climático: Los gases de efecto invernadero y la capa de ozono Crisis energética: El futuro de los combustibles fósiles Desastres ecológicos: Los derrames de petróleo y el medioambiente Acadia National Park F Fazio, Wende LG 4.8 0.5 1,252 NF 20586 EN Everglades National Park Fazio, Wende LG 4.6 0.5 1,263 NF 56536 SP Feeley, Kathleen MG 9.0 2.0 9,831 NF 131623 EN Feinstein, John MG 5.0 10.0 69,881 F 115985 EN Illinois, el Estado Pradera (Biblioteca de los estados) Change-Up: Mystery at the World Series Cover-Up: Mystery at the Super Bowl Feinstein, John MG 4.9 10.0 70,250 F Page 43 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 85215 EN Last Shot: A Final Four Mystery Feinstein, John MG 4.8 9.0 59,719 F 121613 EN Gollywhopper Games, The Feldman, Jody MG 3.9 6.0 45,331 F 116767 SP Animales migratorios: Por tierra Feldman, Thea LG 5.2 0.5 1,582 NF 11523 EN Feller, Robyn UG 5.7 1.0 7,062 NF 109186 EN Ferguson, Alane UG 5.0 9.0 57,239 F 120727 EN Ferguson, Alane UG 4.9 8.0 50,627 F 133766 EN Ferguson, Alane UG 5.1 8.0 51,606 F 14541 EN Everything You Need to Know About Peer Pressure Angel of Death: A Forensic Mystery, The Circle of Blood: A Forensic Mystery, The Dying Breath: A Forensic Mystery, The Poison Ferguson, Alane UG 4.6 6.0 44,165 F 8585 EN Show Me the Evidence Ferguson, Alane UG 4.8 5.0 35,266 F 64822 EN Invincible Summer Ferris, Jean UG 4.2 6.0 39,180 F 62564 EN Once Upon a Marigold Ferris, Jean UG 5.7 8.0 48,980 F 121714 EN Twice Upon a Marigold Ferris, Jean UG 5.1 8.0 53,245 F 15517 EN Ferris, Jeri MG 4.6 1.0 6,478 NF 4379 EN Go Free or Die: A Story About Harriet Tubman What Are You Figuring Now? Ferris, Jeri Chase MG 5.6 1.0 7,346 NF 20224 EN Christmas in the Philippines Fertig, Theresa Kryst MG 8.0 2.0 12,144 NF 31397 EN Ferrets Today Field, Mary MG 7.8 2.0 12,524 NF 110420 EN Lunchbox and the Aliens Fields, Bryan W. MG 4.9 5.0 30,491 F 11144 EN Filipovic, Zlata MG 4.3 5.0 32,888 NF 147115 EN Fillbach Brothers MG 2.6 0.5 1,781 F 147116 EN Fillbach Brothers MG 2.9 0.5 1,820 F 147117 EN Fillbach Brothers MG 2.5 0.5 1,600 F 10265 EN Zlata's Diary: A Child's Life in Sarajevo Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures: Volume 4 Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures: Volume 5 Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures: Volume 6 Flour Babies Fine, Anne UG 4.9 6.0 38,440 F 75493 EN Bomb Squad Specialist Fine, Jil MG 6.5 1.0 3,442 NF 66679 EN Life Inside the Naval Academy Fine, Jil MG 6.4 1.0 3,488 NF 67703 EN Undercover Agents Fine, Jil MG 6.6 1.0 4,045 NF 67693 EN Backstage at an Animated Series Fingeroth, Danny MG 6.0 1.0 4,023 NF 76353 EN I, Jack Finney, Patricia MG 2.9 3.0 24,436 F 144387 EN Dark City, The Fisher, Catherine MG 4.2 7.0 51,623 F 110255 EN Darkhenge Fisher, Catherine MG 4.3 9.0 62,094 F 144389 EN Hidden Coronet, The Fisher, Catherine MG 4.2 8.0 55,016 F 134835 EN Incarceron Fisher, Catherine MG 4.6 14.0 96,201 F 144390 EN Lost Heiress, The Fisher, Catherine MG 4.3 7.0 49,074 F 145084 EN Margrave, The Fisher, Catherine MG 4.2 9.0 62,393 F 77523 EN Oracle Betrayed, The Fisher, Catherine MG 4.8 10.0 68,932 F 141389 EN Sapphique Fisher, Catherine MG 4.4 14.0 97,312 F 28255 EN Great Wall of China, The Fisher, Leonard Everett MG 3.8 0.5 893 NF 46870 EN Bear Attacks Fitzgerald, Patrick J. MG 4.8 0.5 2,798 NF 46875 EN Croc and Gator Attacks Fitzgerald, Patrick J. MG 5.8 1.0 3,669 NF 46893 EN Lion Attacks Fitzgerald, Patrick J. MG 5.6 1.0 3,510 NF Page 44 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 46901 EN Shark Attacks Fitzgerald, Patrick J. MG 5.6 1.0 3,346 NF 46866 EN Baseball: Becoming a Great Hitter Fitzgerald, Ron MG 4.5 0.5 3,310 NF 46867 EN Baseball: Fielding Ground Balls Fitzgerald, Ron MG 4.6 1.0 3,627 NF 46881 EN Essential Fishing for Teens Fitzgerald, Ron MG 4.8 1.0 3,930 NF 128797 EN Year the Swallows Came Early, The Fitzmaurice, Kathryn MG 4.8 6.0 40,790 100651 EN Mother Teresa Fitzpatrick, Anne MG 6.3 1.0 5,525 NF 54046 EN Fitzpatrick, Kevin J. MG 5.9 1.0 3,276 NF 116975 EN Flaherty, A.W. LG 4.7 0.5 1,082 F 70876 EN Flying Gunship: The AC-130 Spectre Luck of the Loch Ness Monster: A Tale of Picky Eating, The Begging for Change Flake, Sharon G. MG 3.7 6.0 44,437 F 57597 EN Money Hungry Flake, Sharon G. MG 4.2 4.0 31,592 F 32275 EN Skin I'm In, The Flake, Sharon G. MG 4.1 4.0 30,782 F 121443 EN Battle for Skandia, The Flanagan, John MG 6.7 14.0 81,299 F 106349 EN Burning Bridge, The Flanagan, John MG 6.3 12.0 71,840 F 143757 EN Emperor of Nihon-Ja, The Flanagan, John MG 6.2 19.0 118,509 F 135070 EN Erak's Ransom Flanagan, John MG 6.1 17.0 103,745 F 140347 EN Halt's Peril Flanagan, John MG 5.8 17.0 108,268 F 115275 EN Icebound Land, The Flanagan, John MG 6.8 13.0 75,314 F 137507 EN Kings of Clonmel, The Flanagan, John MG 6.1 16.0 100,949 F 146986 EN Lost Stories, The Flanagan, John MG 6.0 18.0 111,812 F F 89662 EN Ruins of Gorlan, The Flanagan, John MG 7.0 12.0 68,203 F 131926 EN Siege of Macindaw, The Flanagan, John MG 6.2 13.0 79,176 F 126579 EN Sorcerer of the North, The Flanagan, John MG 6.1 13.0 79,518 F 59708 EN Fleischman, John UG 7.4 2.0 12,994 NF 8527 EN Phineas Gage: A Gruesome but True Story About Brain Science Half-A-Moon Inn, The Fleischman, Paul MG 5.7 3.0 15,936 F 19828 EN Seedfolks Fleischman, Paul MG 4.3 2.0 11,908 F 29941 EN Weslandia Fleischman, Paul LG 4.8 0.5 928 F 14796 EN 13th Floor: A Ghost Story, The Fleischman, Sid MG 4.4 4.0 28,131 F 6372 SP caballo de medianoche, El Fleischman, Sid MG 4.2 1.0 10,288 F 132136 EN Dream Stealer, The Fleischman, Sid LG 3.8 1.0 8,130 F 85481 EN Fleischman, Sid MG 4.5 4.0 26,283 F 6321 EN Giant Rat of Sumatra: Or Pirates Galore, The Jim Ugly Fleischman, Sid MG 4.3 3.0 21,949 F 146 EN Whipping Boy, The Fleischman, Sid MG 3.9 2.0 13,280 F 72325 EN Fleming, Alice Mulcahey MG 8.2 3.0 14,115 NF 133415 EN Frederick Douglass: From Slave to Statesman Imogene's Last Stand Fleming, Candace LG 3.8 0.5 1,502 F 123532 EN Ironhand Fletcher, Charlie MG 6.6 15.0 87,416 F 130931 EN Silvertongue Fletcher, Charlie MG 6.3 16.0 100,025 F 114786 EN Stoneheart Fletcher, Charlie MG 5.3 14.0 93,624 F 32047 EN Flying Solo Fletcher, Ralph MG 3.9 3.0 23,989 F 9967 EN Flight of the Dragon Kyn Fletcher, Susan UG 5.5 8.0 53,227 F 28438 EN Shadow Spinner Fletcher, Susan UG 4.6 8.0 56,412 F 119495 EN Beastly Flinn, Alex UG 3.7 8.0 59,872 F Page 45 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 149818 EN Bewitching Flinn, Alex UG 4.0 13.0 91,450 F 49640 EN Breathing Underwater Flinn, Alex UG 3.9 7.0 51,129 F 142571 EN Cloaked Flinn, Alex MG 3.5 9.0 70,019 F 110175 EN Diva Flinn, Alex UG 3.9 7.0 53,634 F 129818 EN Kiss in Time, A Flinn, Alex UG 3.9 10.0 74,668 F 8738 EN So Wild a Dream Florentz, Christopher UG 3.3 1.0 9,880 F 12469 EN Beast Feast Florian, Douglas MG 4.4 0.5 788 F 113367 EN Florian, Douglas LG 3.1 0.5 776 NF 48407 EN Comets, Stars, the Moon, and Mars: Space Poems and Paintings Insectlopedia: Poems and Paintings Florian, Douglas LG 3.3 0.5 758 F 5873 EN James Butler Bonham Flynn, Jean MG 5.8 2.0 12,117 NF 74357 EN Edward Hopper Foa, Emma MG 7.5 1.0 7,551 NF 6694 EN Foley, June UG 4.0 5.0 35,471 F 105140 EN Fontes, Justine LG 3.7 0.5 1,415 F 74139 EN Susanna Siegelbaum Gives Up Guys Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (Little Simon), A Syria (Fiesta!) Foo, Damien MG 6.3 1.0 4,576 NF 61400 EN Dr. Seuss (My Favorite Writer) Foran, Jill MG 5.6 1.0 4,484 NF 47 EN Johnny Tremain Forbes, Esther MG 5.9 13.0 83,124 82466 EN Ford, Michael MG 5.6 1.0 3,301 122797 EN You Wouldn't Want to Be a Greek Athlete! Girl Who Could Fly, The Forester, Victoria MG 6.0 11.0 70,576 F 14542 EN Sound the Jubilee Forrester, Sandra MG 5.0 6.0 41,655 F 27008 EN Iraq Foster, Leila Merrell MG 7.8 3.0 14,179 NF 5814 EN Ghost Stories of Old Texas Fowler, Zinita MG 6.8 3.0 16,602 F 5869 EN Ghost Stories of Old Texas, Vol. II Fowler, Zinita MG 6.2 2.0 11,409 F 78560 EN Eager Fox, Helen MG 5.0 9.0 62,367 F 82 SP danza de los esclavos, La Fox, Paula MG 6.0 6.0 40,176 F 241 SP gato tuerto, El Fox, Paula MG 5.4 7.0 47,580 F 21940 SP Gus cara de piedra Fox, Paula MG 5.6 3.0 18,823 F 5909 EN Monkey Island Fox, Paula MG 5.0 5.0 31,116 F 241 EN One-Eyed Cat Fox, Paula MG 5.4 7.0 47,580 F F NF 82 EN Slave Dancer, The Fox, Paula MG 6.0 6.0 40,176 F 595 EN Village by the Sea, The Fox, Paula MG 4.7 4.0 27,180 F 16289 EN Israel Foy, Don MG 5.4 1.0 3,373 NF 5562 EN Continents Fradin, Dennis B. LG 4.9 0.5 1,153 NF 57659 SP ¿Quién fue Benjamín Franklin? Fradin, Dennis B. MG 4.4 1.0 8,219 NF 12444 EN Texas Fradin, Dennis B. MG 4.4 1.0 6,408 NF 10493 EN Thanksgiving Day Fradin, Dennis B. LG 4.5 0.5 2,562 NF 6190 EN Thirteen Colonies Fradin, Dennis B. LG 4.8 0.5 1,528 NF 86803 SP ¿Quién fue Tomás Jefferson? Fradin, Dennis Brindell MG 4.9 1.0 8,932 NF 122315 EN Earthquakes Fradin, Judy MG 7.2 1.0 6,786 NF 117046 EN Volcanoes Fradin, Judy MG 7.1 1.0 6,161 NF 530 SP Diario Frank, Ana UG 6.5 14.0 82,762 NF Page 46 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 5.9 5.0 33,857 NF UG 6.5 14.0 82,762 NF Frank, Anne MG 6.5 17.0 101,360 NF Author IL Anne Frank's Tales from the Secret Annex Diary of a Young Girl, The Frank, Anne UG Frank, Anne ATOS BL 68770 EN 530 EN 139354 EN 46313 EN Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition, The Oy, Joy! Frank, Lucy UG 3.8 8.0 58,078 F 7101 EN Alas, Babylon Frank, Pat UG 6.1 16.0 100,900 F 71539 EN Venus Williams Franzen, Lenore MG 6.2 1.0 3,471 139866 EN Pies & Prejudice Frederick, Heather Vogel MG 5.1 14.0 90,785 NF 66509 EN Fearsome Fangs Fredericks, Anthony D. MG 7.3 1.0 5,582 NF 18468 EN Children of the Wild West Freedman, Russell MG 6.9 2.0 11,212 NF 24917 EN Cowboys of the Wild West Freedman, Russell MG 6.7 2.0 13,033 NF 25971 EN Immigrant Kids Freedman, Russell MG 6.9 1.0 5,577 NF 18482 EN Indian Chiefs Freedman, Russell MG 7.3 5.0 26,474 NF 19199 EN Life and Death of Crazy Horse, The Freedman, Russell MG 7.2 6.0 34,674 NF F 238 EN Lincoln: A Photobiography Freedman, Russell MG 7.7 5.0 28,244 NF 10490 EN St. Patrick's Day Freeman, Dorothy Rhodes LG 3.2 0.5 2,905 NF 89072 EN Who Stole Halloween? Freeman, Martha MG 4.2 5.0 35,032 F 126243 EN Possibilities of Sainthood, The Freitas, Donna MG 6.2 10.0 59,281 F 113130 EN Gladiators: Battling in the Arena Frew, Katherine MG 5.7 1.0 3,603 NF 75812 EN Plumber Frew, Katherine MG 5.6 1.0 3,922 NF 105918 EN Fast Food Freymann, Saxton LG 2.2 0.5 275 71142 EN Friedman, Ina R. UG 5.7 8.0 49,178 NF 66668 EN Other Victims: First-Person Stories of Non-Jews Persecuted by the Nazis, The What If the Polar Ice Caps Melted? Friedman, Katherine MG 5.6 1.0 3,338 NF 13751 EN Leah's Pony Friedrich, Elizabeth LG 3.3 0.5 1,333 F 116752 EN Bounce Friend, Natasha MG 3.3 5.0 39,842 F 109876 EN Lush Friend, Natasha MG 3.2 5.0 37,120 F 88858 EN Perfect Friend, Natasha MG 3.5 5.0 35,639 F 61289 EN Losing Forever Friesen, Gayle MG 4.1 7.0 49,245 F 812 EN Frisbee, Lucy Post MG 5.4 4.0 23,646 NF 71532 EN John F. Kennedy: America's Youngest President Derek Jeter Frisch, Aaron MG 5.9 1.0 3,705 NF 52053 EN Frisch, Aaron MG 6.5 0.5 2,248 NF 52057 EN Frisch, Aaron MG 6.6 0.5 2,284 NF 52071 EN Frisch, Aaron MG 6.8 0.5 2,176 NF 61506 EN History of the Dallas Mavericks, The History of the Houston Rockets, The History of the San Antonio Spurs, The History of the Texas Rangers, The Frisch, Aaron MG 6.8 0.5 2,300 NF 61911 EN Motocross Frisch, Aaron MG 6.8 1.0 4,082 NF 14107 EN Careers Inside the World of Sales Frisch, Carlienne MG 6.9 1.0 7,983 NF 6606 EN Bully for You, Teddy Roosevelt! Fritz, Jean MG 6.8 4.0 25,450 NF 5405 EN Fritz, Jean MG 5.6 1.0 3,932 NF 6460 EN Can't You Make Them Behave, King George? Double Life of Pocahontas, The Fritz, Jean MG 5.9 4.0 22,330 NF 5418 EN George Washington's Breakfast Fritz, Jean MG 4.1 0.5 2,977 F F Page 47 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 35,483 NF 6021 EN Great Little Madison, The Fritz, Jean MG 7.7 6.0 54098 EN Leonardo's Horse Fritz, Jean MG 4.6 0.5 2,632 NF 6330 EN Make Way for Sam Houston Fritz, Jean MG 7.0 4.0 23,541 NF 5439 EN Shh! We're Writing the Constitution Fritz, Jean MG 7.1 1.0 7,496 NF 16939 EN Fritz, Jean MG 7.5 7.0 41,412 NF 5447 EN Fritz, Jean MG 5.9 1.0 4,514 NF 20233 EN Fritz, Jean MG 5.0 0.5 2,961 NF 5448 EN Fritz, Jean MG 5.7 0.5 3,038 NF 5449 EN Fritz, Jean MG 5.8 1.0 4,158 NF 123490 EN Traitor: The Case of Benedict Arnold Where Was Patrick Henry on the 29th of May? Who's That Stepping on Plymouth Rock? Why Don't You Get a Horse, Sam Adams? Will You Sign Here, John Hancock? Diamond Willow Frost, Helen MG 4.3 2.0 16,758 F 144298 EN Hidden Frost, Helen MG 3.9 3.0 18,524 F 62728 EN Russian Immigrants, 1860-1915 Frost, Helen MG 6.0 1.0 3,539 82162 EN Dragon Rider Funke, Cornelia MG 4.9 16.0 104,713 F 110125 EN Funke, Cornelia LG 5.5 3.0 16,789 F 108875 EN Funke, Cornelia LG 4.4 2.0 17,334 F 114457 EN Funke, Cornelia LG 5.6 4.0 25,060 F 111208 EN Funke, Cornelia LG 4.9 2.0 15,846 F NF 77013 EN Ghosthunters and the Gruesome Invincible Lightning Ghost! Ghosthunters and the Incredibly Revolting Ghost Ghosthunters and the Muddy Monster of Doom! Ghosthunters and the Totally Moldy Baroness! Igraine the Brave Funke, Cornelia MG 5.6 7.0 42,262 F 125633 EN Inkdeath Funke, Cornelia MG 5.4 29.0 191,035 F 71683 EN Inkheart Funke, Cornelia MG 5.4 23.0 146,809 F 100861 EN Inkspell Funke, Cornelia MG 5.6 29.0 184,486 F 82162 SP jinete del dragón, El Funke, Cornelia MG 4.0 15.0 106,881 F 125633 SP Muerte de Tinta Funke, Cornelia MG 5.9 31.0 191,867 F 89722 EN Pirate Girl Funke, Cornelia LG 3.5 0.5 844 F 77012 EN Princess Knight, The Funke, Cornelia LG 4.3 0.5 1,059 F 114750 EN Princess Pigsty Funke, Cornelia LG 3.3 0.5 1,135 F 139119 EN Reckless Funke, Cornelia MG 5.4 10.0 65,034 F 100861 SP Sangre de Tinta Funke, Cornelia MG 5.9 30.0 185,729 F 63446 SP Señor de los Ladrones, El Funke, Cornelia MG 4.8 14.0 96,223 F 63446 EN Thief Lord, The Funke, Cornelia MG 4.8 13.0 85,591 F 109869 EN When Santa Fell to Earth Funke, Cornelia MG 4.0 4.0 26,383 F 106379 EN Wildest Brother, The Funke, Cornelia LG 3.1 0.5 412 F 13752 EN Hope Gaeddert, LouAnn MG 4.8 5.0 34,808 F 74354 EN Alberto Giacometti Gaff, Jackie MG 7.7 1.0 7,340 101798 EN Anansi Boys Gaiman, Neil UG 5.2 16.0 107,972 F NF 60645 EN Coraline Gaiman, Neil MG 5.1 5.0 30,640 F 125535 EN Graveyard Book, The Gaiman, Neil MG 5.1 10.0 67,380 F 52459 EN Eli Whitney Gaines, Ann LG 3.5 0.5 634 124109 EN Patron Saint of Butterflies, The Galante, Cecilia MG 4.5 11.0 78,676 NF F Page 48 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 6500 EN Tailypo: A Ghost Story, The Galdone, Joanna LG 3.5 0.5 922 F 142226 EN Gallardo, Adam MG 2.1 0.5 921 F 142227 EN Gallardo, Adam MG 2.6 0.5 1,061 F 142228 EN Gallardo, Adam MG 2.9 0.5 1,248 F 142229 EN Gallardo, Adam MG 2.3 0.5 634 F 7162 EN Gallo, Donald R. UG 6.4 8.0 50,189 F 24726 EN Return of the Jedi: Volume 1 (Infinities) Return of the Jedi: Volume 2 (Infinities) Return of the Jedi: Volume 3 (Infinities) Return of the Jedi: Volume 4 (Infinities) Short Circuits: Thirteen Shocking Stories by Outstanding Writers for Young Adult Forests Ganeri, Anita MG 8.0 1.0 6,948 NF 71541 EN Ganeri, Anita MG 6.0 1.0 4,637 NF 71542 EN Guru Granth Sahib and Sikhism, The Qur'an and Islam, The Ganeri, Anita MG 6.5 1.0 4,756 NF 71543 EN Ramayana and Hinduism, The Ganeri, Anita MG 6.5 1.0 4,430 NF 71550 EN Tipitaka and Buddhism, The Ganeri, Anita MG 6.4 1.0 4,523 NF 146010 EN Dead End in Norvelt Gantos, Jack MG 5.7 12.0 73,597 F 59167 EN Hole in My Life Gantos, Jack UG 5.7 7.0 47,392 NF 117629 EN I Am Not Joey Pigza Gantos, Jack MG 5.3 8.0 50,574 F 45124 EN Joey Pigza Loses Control Gantos, Jack MG 4.9 7.0 45,926 F 29525 EN Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key Gantos, Jack MG 4.9 5.0 35,620 F 63671 EN Gantos, Jack MG 5.1 8.0 53,435 F 21997 SP What Would Joey Do?/What Would Joey Pigza Do? diario de Biloca, El García, Edson Gabriel MG 6.5 1.0 8,500 F 67974 EN Garcia, James LG 6.1 1.0 3,459 NF 134708 EN Cinco de Mayo: A Mexican Holiday About Unity and Pride Beautiful Creatures Garcia, Kami MG 4.5 21.0 147,695 F 140589 EN Beautiful Darkness Garcia, Kami MG 4.4 19.0 131,284 F 22764 EN One Hundred Years of Solitude García Márquez, Gabriel UG 8.7 27.0 144,523 F 18307 EN My Aunt Otilia's Spirits García, Richard LG 2.9 0.5 464 F 196 SP Alto secreto Gardiner, John Reynolds MG 4.0 2.0 15,475 F 114644 EN General Butterfingers Gardiner, John Reynolds MG 4.2 2.0 12,828 F 951 EN Into the Woods Gardner, Lyn MG 6.0 13.0 78,538 F 15660 EN Science Projects About Chemistry Gardner, Robert MG 7.0 3.0 19,705 NF 122453 EN Red Necklace, The Gardner, Sally UG 5.8 14.0 85,957 F 70377 EN Last Rainmaker, The Garland, Sherry MG 6.0 9.0 58,719 F 25891 EN Garland, Sherry MG 5.6 6.0 35,507 F 7159 EN Line in the Sand: The Alamo Diary of Lucinda Lawrence, A Lotus Seed, The Garland, Sherry MG 4.0 0.5 473 F 10297 EN Shadow of the Dragon Garland, Sherry UG 5.2 9.0 61,652 F 5959 EN Song of the Buffalo Boy Garland, Sherry UG 5.5 9.0 56,549 F 362 EN Eternal Spring of Mr. Ito, The Garrigue, Shelia MG 4.2 5.0 36,856 F 54060 EN Life in Army Basic Training Gartman, Gene MG 6.0 1.0 3,942 NF 14102 EN Gartner, Robert MG 7.7 1.0 7,079 NF 8326 EN Careers Inside the World of Environmental Science Joan Baez Garza, Hedda MG 8.2 4.0 20,182 NF 102923 EN Man in the Silver Mask, The Garza, Xavier LG 5.2 0.5 2,240 F Page 49 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 51730 EN Medicine Gates, Phil MG 6.6 2.0 10,034 NF 71428 SP 95 libras de esperanza Gavalda, Anna MG 4.3 2.0 11,839 F 26118 EN Iceland...in Pictures Geography-Department UG 8.0 2.0 9,380 NF 73656 EN Comanche, The George, Charles MG 6.8 1.0 5,009 NF 35681 EN How to Talk to Your Dog George, Jean Craighead LG 4.4 0.5 2,884 NF 49 EN Julie of the Wolves George, Jean Craighead MG 5.8 6.0 36,049 F 64 EN My Side of the Mountain George, Jean Craighead MG 5.2 6.0 40,355 F F 630 EN On the Far Side of the Mountain George, Jean Craighead MG 4.5 6.0 38,891 10899 EN George, Jean Craighead MG 5.2 1.0 5,579 5294 EN One Day in the Tropical Rain Forest Shark Beneath the Reef George, Jean Craighead UG 5.3 7.0 46,056 F 18794 EN George, Jean Craighead MG 5.4 3.0 22,573 NF 10641 EN Tarantula in My Purse and 172 Other Wild Pets, The There's an Owl in the Shower George, Jean Craighead MG 4.3 3.0 17,607 F 395 EN Water Sky George, Jean Craighead MG 4.7 7.0 48,169 F 76220 EN George, Kristine O'Connell LG 3.7 0.5 1,005 F 56706 EN George, Kristine O'Connell LG 3.9 0.5 1,402 F 70509 EN George, Lynn MG 4.8 0.5 1,694 NF NF NF 12747 EN Hummingbird Nest: A Journal of Poems Toasting Marshmallows: Camping Poems Civil War Recipes: Adding and Subtracting Simple Fractions Volcanoes George, Michael MG 6.7 0.5 1,875 136661 EN How to Survive Middle School Gephart, Donna MG 3.9 6.0 43,772 F 130365 EN Death by Denim Gerber, Linda MG 4.9 7.0 44,754 F 138918 EN Trance Gerber, Linda UG 4.2 8.0 58,322 F 77196 EN Gerstein, Mordicai LG 3.7 0.5 775 7134 EN Man Who Walked Between the Towers, The Almost Famous Getz, David MG 3.9 5.0 36,341 36235 EN Gherman, Beverly MG 6.6 2.0 9,706 NF 74131 EN Norman Rockwell: Storyteller with a Brush Iran (Fiesta!) Gholamrezaei, Shabnam MG 6.8 1.0 4,692 NF 5544 EN Sunken Treasure Gibbons, Gail LG 4.2 0.5 1,154 NF 137835 EN Belly Up Gibbs, Stuart MG 5.6 10.0 64,152 29255 EN Chimney Sweeps Giblin, James Cross MG 6.5 1.0 8,135 NF 30584 EN Giddens, Sandra UG 5.5 1.0 8,527 NF 141155 EN Escape: Teens Who Escaped the Holocaust to Freedom Tale Dark and Grimm, A Gidwitz, Adam MG 4.6 6.0 42,491 F 143787 EN Ruby Red Gier, Kerstin MG 4.7 11.0 73,179 F 53782 EN All the Way Home Giff, Patricia Reilly MG 4.5 5.0 33,785 F 120111 EN Eleven Giff, Patricia Reilly MG 4.1 4.0 28,964 F 36700 EN Nory Ryan's Song Giff, Patricia Reilly MG 4.3 5.0 31,741 F 61467 EN Pictures of Hollis Woods Giff, Patricia Reilly MG 4.4 5.0 31,319 F NF F F 45881 EN Rat Teeth Giff, Patricia Reilly MG 3.4 3.0 21,069 F 139120 EN Storyteller Giff, Patricia Reilly MG 4.2 4.0 30,517 F 131881 EN Wild Girl Giff, Patricia Reilly MG 4.3 4.0 26,091 F 100367 EN Skateboarding Gifford, Clive MG 6.4 1.0 3,961 NF 125030 EN Track Athletics Gifford, Clive MG 6.6 1.0 4,915 NF 8333 EN Roberto Clemente Gilbert, Thomas MG 7.2 4.0 21,617 NF Page 50 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF F 2478 EN Exchange Student, The Gilmore, Kate UG 6.4 9.0 53,931 102904 EN Bats Gilpin, Daniel LG 5.0 0.5 2,796 NF 48464 EN Elephants Gilpin, Daniel MG 6.4 1.0 4,584 NF 127717 EN Attack of the Clones: Volume 1 Gilroy, Henry MG 3.8 0.5 2,969 F 127718 EN Attack of the Clones: Volume 2 Gilroy, Henry MG 3.3 0.5 2,887 F 127719 EN Attack of the Clones: Volume 3 Gilroy, Henry MG 3.4 0.5 2,879 F 127720 EN Attack of the Clones: Volume 4 Gilroy, Henry MG 4.2 0.5 2,315 F 127721 EN Phantom Menace: Volume 1, The Gilroy, Henry MG 3.3 0.5 2,204 F 127722 EN Phantom Menace: Volume 2, The Gilroy, Henry MG 2.7 0.5 2,520 F 127723 EN Phantom Menace: Volume 3, The Gilroy, Henry MG 3.4 0.5 3,049 F 127724 EN Phantom Menace: Volume 4, The Gilroy, Henry MG 3.1 0.5 1,514 F 11420 EN It Goes Eeeeeeeeeeeee! Gilson, Jamie MG 2.9 1.0 10,226 F 102969 EN Rosa Giovanni, Nikki LG 4.9 0.5 1,599 66 EN Old Yeller Gipson, Fred MG 5.0 5.0 35,968 101345 SP Glaser, Jason MG 4.0 0.5 2,667 NF 101375 SP Jackie Robinson: Gran pionero del béisbol Patrick Henry: Muerte o libertad Glaser, Jason MG 4.6 0.5 2,891 NF 82223 EN Adaptation and Survival Glass, Susan MG 6.4 1.0 7,278 NF 6893 EN Glassman, Bruce S. UG 4.7 1.0 8,545 NF 59809 EN Glatzer, Jenna MG 7.5 1.0 7,555 NF 21900 EN Everything You Need to Know About Stepfamilies Native American Festivals and Ceremonies José Martí Gleiter, Jan MG 4.6 0.5 1,104 NF 21894 EN Junípero Serra Gleiter, Jan MG 5.1 0.5 1,464 NF 21898 EN Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla Gleiter, Jan MG 5.0 0.5 1,565 NF NF NF F 21893 EN Simón Bolívar Gleiter, Jan MG 4.9 0.5 1,285 141697 EN Once Gleitzman, Morris MG 4.1 4.0 30,820 F 985 EN Destination: EVEREST (Read 180) Glenn, Karen MG 20.0 2.0 7,000 F 927 EN Secrets of Oak Park Glenn, Karen MG 3.0 2.0 15,000 F 42962 EN Glenn, Mel UG 5.1 3.0 19,043 F 58207 EN Foreign Exchange: A Mystery in Poems Pure Dead Magic Gliori, Debi MG 5.9 6.0 38,562 F 60944 SP Gnojewski, Carol LG 4.6 0.5 3,270 NF 89999 SP Gnojewski, Carol LG 4.4 0.5 2,555 NF 61318 SP Gnojewski, Carol LG 4.3 1.0 3,956 NF 27119 EN Cinco de Mayo: Se celebra el orgullo Día de los Muertos: Una celebración de la familia y la vida, El Día de Martin Luther King, Jr.: Honramos a un hombre de paz, El Buffalo Woman Goble, Paul LG 4.1 0.5 1,520 F 26993 EN Star Boy Goble, Paul LG 4.1 0.5 1,411 F 128509 EN Envy: A Luxe Novel Godbersen, Anna UG 7.3 14.0 81,999 F 119498 EN Luxe, The Godbersen, Anna UG 6.8 15.0 88,982 F 123219 EN Rumors: A Luxe Novel Godbersen, Anna UG 7.1 15.0 89,015 F 134418 EN Splendor: A Luxe Novel Godbersen, Anna UG 7.5 14.0 81,477 F 117253 EN Garden of Eve, The Going, K.L. MG 4.8 6.0 42,048 F 138776 EN Mask Appeal Gold, Maya MG 4.5 5.0 33,250 F Page 51 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 1.0 3,853 NF 66682 EN School Smarts Golden, Nancy MG 4.9 128972 EN Cat Among the Pigeons Golding, Julia MG 5.1 9.0 59,236 F 128469 EN Diamond of Drury Lane, The Golding, Julia MG 5.6 12.0 74,310 F 133052 EN Dragonfly Golding, Julia MG 6.1 15.0 95,625 F F 744 EN Lord of the Flies Golding, William UG 5.0 9.0 59,900 120516 EN Beautiful Butterflies Goldish, Meish LG 4.2 0.5 738 NF 120517 EN Bloodthirsty Mosquitoes Goldish, Meish LG 4.3 0.5 668 NF 120518 EN Deadly Praying Mantises Goldish, Meish LG 4.1 0.5 696 NF 120520 EN Hidden Walkingsticks Goldish, Meish LG 4.0 0.5 641 NF 120521 EN Hungry Cockroaches Goldish, Meish LG 3.9 0.5 725 NF 120522 EN Killer Bees Goldish, Meish LG 4.2 0.5 734 NF 120523 EN Leaping Grasshoppers Goldish, Meish LG 4.0 0.5 627 NF 120524 EN Smelly Stink Bugs Goldish, Meish LG 3.8 0.5 631 NF 13760 EN Night Room, The Goldman, E.M. MG 4.1 7.0 48,710 F 912 EN Princess Bride, The Goldman, William MG 5.8 14.0 91,426 F 60420 EN Princess Bride, The Goldman, William UG 5.8 14.0 91,426 F 6245 SP Compañeros de equipo Golenbock, Peter MG 5.4 0.5 1,330 NF 21833 EN Twenty-Five Mixtec Cats, The Gollub, Matthew LG 4.3 0.5 1,265 F 5808 EN Cynthia Ann Parker, Indian Captive Gonzalez, Catherine MG 5.7 3.0 19,105 119484 EN Storyteller's Candle, The González, Lucía LG 3.9 0.5 1,557 F 55636 EN My First Book of Proverbs Gonzalez, Ralfka LG 1.8 0.5 212 F 62994 SP Ni un día más Goobie, Beth UG 4.1 2.0 14,617 F 54175 EN Goodall, Jane MG 6.7 2.0 9,727 NF 6698 EN Goode, Diane LG 4.3 1.0 4,885 F 126998 EN Chimpanzees I Love: Saving Their World and Ours, The Diane Goode's Book of Silly Stories and Songs Eon: Dragoneye Reborn Goodman, Alison UG 5.5 21.0 134,943 F 143199 EN Eona: The Last Dragoneye Goodman, Alison UG 5.4 25.0 161,828 F 26004 EN Goodman, Michael E. MG 6.5 1.0 3,704 NF 71535 EN History of the Philadelphia Phillies, The Kobe Bryant Goodman, Michael E. MG 6.2 1.0 3,572 NF 71538 EN Tiger Woods Goodman, Michael E. MG 6.2 1.0 3,663 NF 48123 EN Diary of Anne Frank, The Goodrich, Frances MG 3.1 4.0 27,690 F NF 69685 EN Gorillas of Gill Park, The Gordon, Amy MG 4.7 9.0 58,287 F 142132 EN Closer Gordon, Roderick MG 6.6 22.0 132,598 F 128703 EN Deeper Gordon, Roderick MG 6.8 27.0 159,624 F 135752 EN Freefall Gordon, Roderick MG 6.5 25.0 152,609 F 120835 SP Túneles Gordon, Roderick MG 7.2 22.0 125,028 F 120835 EN Tunnels Gordon, Roderick MG 7.0 20.0 118,959 F 13360 EN Holidays & Celebrations Goring, Ruth MG 5.9 1.0 5,772 NF 128763 SP Alcalde Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 4.8 0.5 1,019 NF 120533 SP Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 5.1 0.5 1,183 NF 128767 SP ¿Cuáles son tus derechos básicos? Gobernador Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 5.3 0.5 1,111 NF 128769 SP Juez Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 4.6 0.5 1,133 NF 128770 SP Miembro del Congreso Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 4.6 0.5 1,141 NF Page 52 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 4.9 0.5 1,207 NF LG 4.7 0.5 1,217 NF Author IL Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG Gorman, Jacqueline Laks ATOS BL 120534 SP 120535 SP ¿Por qué son importantes las elecciones? ¿Por qué tenemos leyes? 128774 SP Presidente Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 5.1 0.5 1,086 NF 120536 SP ¿Quiénes gobiernan nuestro país? Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 4.8 0.5 1,380 NF 128778 SP Vicepresidente Gorman, Jacqueline Laks LG 5.3 0.5 1,048 NF 142172 EN Tall Story Gourlay, Candy MG 4.3 7.0 47,405 F 24547 EN Pocahontas: Young Peacemaker Gourse, Leslie MG 4.5 3.0 20,030 NF NF 14160 EN Clothes Govier, Heather LG 5.5 0.5 3,071 122643 EN Crossroads, The Grabenstein, Chris MG 3.7 7.0 48,873 122011 EN Grace, N.B. UG 5.7 1.0 7,304 NF 122012 EN Grace, N.B. UG 6.1 1.0 8,102 NF 113399 EN Mummies Unwrapped! The Science of Mummy-Making UFOs: What Scientists Say May Shock You! Thing About Georgie: A Novel, The Graff, Lisa MG 4.3 5.0 35,135 F 131217 EN Umbrella Summer Graff, Lisa MG 4.6 6.0 39,474 F 7729 EN Graff, Stewart MG 4.1 1.0 5,833 NF 46732 EN Helen Keller: Crusader for the Blind and Deaf/Toward the Light Cars (Franklin Watts) Graham, Ian MG 6.0 0.5 993 NF 82492 EN Graham, Ian MG 5.3 1.0 3,624 NF 82498 EN Graham, Ian MG 5.1 0.5 2,920 NF F 994 EN You Wouldn't Want to Be on Apollo 13! You Wouldn't Want to Work on the Railroad! Zero Tolerence (Read 180) Grant, Adam MG 20.0 3.0 9,000 F 88590 EN Blood Red Horse Grant, K.M. MG 6.3 13.0 77,933 F 138564 EN Hide and Seek Grant, Katy MG 4.5 9.0 65,468 F 139545 EN Call, The Grant, Michael MG 4.7 6.0 37,717 F 151126 EN Fear: A Gone Novel Grant, Michael UG 4.3 16.0 113,044 F 124168 EN Gone Grant, Michael UG 4.3 18.0 127,678 F 131195 EN Hunger: A Gone Novel Grant, Michael UG 4.0 19.0 133,597 F 137845 EN Lies: A Gone Novel Grant, Michael UG 3.9 13.0 94,917 F 145002 EN Plague: A Gone Novel Grant, Michael UG 4.1 15.0 105,525 F 146437 EN Trap, The Grant, Michael MG 4.8 7.0 46,212 F 71700 EN Everyday Life in Ancient Rome Grant, Neil MG 7.3 1.0 8,110 NF 71701 EN Everyday Life in Medieval Europe Grant, Neil MG 7.4 1.0 8,584 NF 128147 EN Gratz, Alan MG 5.0 9.0 62,404 F 113027 EN Brooklyn Nine: A Novel in Nine Innings, The Cat Lady, The Graves, Damien MG 4.4 4.0 30,713 F 109880 EN Voices Graves, Damien MG 5.0 4.0 29,201 F 17212 EN Castle Gravett, Christopher MG 7.7 1.0 5,814 1 EN Adam of the Road Gray, Elizabeth Janet MG 6.5 9.0 57,357 F 136337 EN Ostrich Boys Gray, Keith MG 4.1 9.0 64,795 F 102385 EN Animals Gray, Peter MG 6.1 1.0 4,075 NF 102387 EN Heroes and Villains Gray, Peter MG 5.5 1.0 3,400 NF 102389 EN Monsters Gray, Peter MG 6.2 1.0 3,596 NF 102390 EN Robots Gray, Peter MG 6.4 1.0 3,983 NF 102642 EN Male Action Figures Gray, Peter C. MG 5.9 1.0 4,249 NF NF Page 53 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 84727 EN Medicine Green, Jen MG 8.2 1.0 7,143 NF 74403 EN Vincent van Gogh Green, Jen MG 7.2 1.0 8,421 NF 82470 EN Green, Jen MG 5.0 0.5 2,920 NF 59373 EN Green, Michelle Y. MG 5.1 3.0 17,523 NF 52301 EN Green, Roger Lancelyn MG 8.1 11.0 63,367 F 130241 EN You Wouldn't Want to Be a Polar Explorer! Strong Right Arm: The Story of Mamie "Peanut" Johnson, A Adventures of Robin Hood (Unabridged), The Baseball Great Green, Tim MG 5.1 7.0 46,156 F 143902 EN Best of the Best Green, Tim MG 4.8 7.0 48,528 F 139564 EN Big Time, The Green, Tim MG 4.8 7.0 49,734 F 145764 EN Deep Zone Green, Tim MG 4.9 7.0 49,840 F 131137 EN Football Champ Green, Tim MG 5.3 8.0 50,609 F 115892 EN Football Genius Green, Tim MG 4.8 7.0 47,643 F 121938 EN Football Hero Green, Tim MG 5.1 9.0 57,412 F 136235 EN Rivals Green, Tim MG 5.2 7.0 48,937 F 1902 EN Letters from a World War II GI Greenberg, Judith E. UG 7.0 5.0 28,288 NF 1910 EN Newcomers to America Greenberg, Judith E. UG 6.8 4.0 24,203 NF 11756 EN Greenberg, Keith Elliot MG 5.6 0.5 1,412 NF 11775 EN Greenberg, Keith Elliot MG 5.1 0.5 1,371 NF 11780 EN Greenberg, Keith Elliot MG 4.8 0.5 1,077 NF 11783 EN Greenberg, Keith Elliot MG 4.8 0.5 1,444 NF 11787 EN Greenberg, Keith Elliot MG 4.7 0.5 1,509 NF 11021 EN Greenberg, Keith Elliot MG 6.6 1.0 4,838 NF 11797 EN Greenberg, Keith Elliot MG 4.8 0.5 1,527 NF 1921 EN Greenberg/McKeever UG 8.2 5.0 26,903 NF 1909 EN Bomb Squad Officer: Expert with Explosives Marine Biologist: Swimming with the Sharks Photojournalist: In the Middle of Disaster Rodeo Clown: Laughs and Danger in the Ring Smokejumper: Firefighter from the Sky Steven Jobs & Stephen Wozniak: Creating the Apple Computer Window Washer: At Work Above the Clouds Journal of a Revolutionary War Woman Pioneer Woman's Memoir, A Greenberg/McKeever UG 7.4 6.0 33,447 NF 2432 EN Guide to Owning a Maine Coon Cat Greene, Abigail MG 7.8 3.0 14,648 NF 391 EN Summer of My German Soldier Greene, Bette MG 5.2 9.0 56,781 F 826 EN Greene, Carol MG 6.2 4.0 24,623 NF 843 EN Louisa May Alcott: Author, Nurse, Suffragette Marco Polo: Voyager to the Orient Greene, Carol MG 6.3 3.0 16,371 NF 5136 EN Robots Greene, Carol LG 3.6 0.5 1,117 NF 834 EN Greene, Carol MG 5.4 3.0 21,109 NF 6604 EN Thomas Alva Edison: Bringer of Light Beat the Turtle Drum Greene, Constance C. MG 4.1 3.0 24,558 F 11119 EN Hidden Children, The Greenfeld, Howard MG 6.7 5.0 28,501 NF 14693 EN Rosa Parks Greenfield, Eloise LG 4.0 0.5 2,952 NF 131200 EN My Life in Pink & Green Greenwald, Lisa MG 4.4 7.0 50,963 F 34686 EN Max and Me and the Time Machine Greer, Gery MG 6.6 4.0 24,958 F 32238 EN Cleopatra VII: Daughter of the Nile Gregory, Kristiana MG 6.2 6.0 34,805 F 31190 EN Great Railroad Race: The Diary of Libby West, The Gregory, Kristiana MG 5.7 5.0 34,321 F Page 54 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 11070 EN Time & Space Gribbin, John R. UG 8.1 1.0 6,844 125938 EN Griffin, Adele MG 4.6 4.0 26,891 F 5336 EN Knaveheart's Curse: A Vampire Island Story, The Switching Well Griffin, Peni UG 6.4 9.0 54,530 F 7139 EN Grandaddy and Janetta Griffith, Helen LG 3.3 0.5 2,306 F 55902 EN Danitra Brown Leaves Town Grimes, Nikki LG 3.9 0.5 1,032 F 12715 EN Grimm, Brothers MG 4.8 0.5 2,961 F 12721 EN Fisherman & His Wife (Creative Education), The Hansel & Grettel Grimm, Brothers MG 4.8 0.5 2,826 F 20883 SP Elvis Karlsson Gripe, Maria MG 4.2 5.0 36,411 F 137599 EN Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer Grisham, John MG 5.2 8.0 50,657 F 144766 EN Theodore Boone: The Abduction Grisham, John MG 5.5 7.0 42,646 F 114857 EN Marley: A Dog Like No Other Grogan, John MG 4.9 6.0 37,776 NF 567 EN Good-Bye, My Wishing Star Grove, Vicki MG 5.2 4.0 26,705 F 10902 EN Rimwalkers Grove, Vicki MG 6.1 8.0 48,395 F 18275 SP Hablemos del Racismo Grunsell, Angela LG 4.8 1.0 6,675 30167 SP Cuerpo cristiano Guebel, Daniel MG 7.1 10.0 57,476 F 148276 EN Volleyball Dreams Gunderson, Jessica MG 3.1 1.0 4,478 F NF 529 EN Death Be Not Proud Gunther, John UG 8.0 8.0 42,726 NF 10973 EN Letters to Oma Gurasich, Marj MG 5.8 7.0 44,369 F 141362 EN Cheer Captain Gurevich, Margaret MG 3.2 1.0 5,019 F 18464 EN Gutman, Dan MG 6.2 4.0 25,113 NF 26738 EN Gutman, Dan MG 4.3 3.0 23,417 F 120214 EN Gutman, Dan MG 4.2 6.0 38,802 F 128143 EN Gutman, Dan MG 4.2 4.0 30,592 F 132029 EN Baseball's Biggest Bloopers: The Games That Got Away Honus and Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Jim & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Ray & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Return of the Homework Machine Gutman, Dan MG 4.7 4.0 28,255 F 136102 EN Gutman, Dan MG 4.1 5.0 36,515 F 103588 EN Gutman, Dan MG 4.1 5.0 34,235 F 137686 EN Roberto & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Satch & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Talent Show, The Gutman, Dan MG 5.2 5.0 35,142 F 12561 EN Great Barrier Reef Gutnik, Martin J. MG 8.1 2.0 10,816 NF 109882 SP César Chávez: La lucha por lo justo Guzmán, Lila LG 4.4 0.5 2,507 NF 110695 SP Diego Rivera: Artista de México Guzmán, Lila LG 4.4 0.5 2,372 NF 110696 SP Frida Kahlo: Pintó su vida Guzmán, Lila LG 4.2 0.5 2,002 NF 111482 SP Guzmán, Lila LG 4.9 0.5 2,142 NF 113949 EN George Lopez: Comediante y estrella de TV Chase Haas, Jessie MG 4.5 7.0 46,855 F 50950 EN Runaway Radish/Runaway Pony Haas, Jessie LG 3.2 0.5 3,780 F 12470 EN Uncle Daney's Way Haas, Jessie MG 4.6 4.0 25,537 F 62724 EN Jewish Immigrants, 1880-1924 Haberle, Susan E. MG 6.0 1.0 3,844 148668 EN Always War, The Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.1 6.0 42,027 NF F 69053 EN Among the Barons Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 4.8 6.0 37,343 F 59349 EN Among the Betrayed Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 4.9 5.0 33,881 F Page 55 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 78248 EN Among the Brave Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.1 7.0 48,549 F 87624 EN Among the Enemy Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.3 7.0 43,625 F 106210 EN Among the Free Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.6 7.0 42,794 F 29501 EN Among the Hidden Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 4.8 5.0 32,127 F 50379 EN Among the Impostors Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 4.9 5.0 34,305 F 65076 EN Because of Anya Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 4.6 3.0 21,002 F 134179 EN Claim to Fame Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.2 9.0 57,423 F 101056 EN Double Identity Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.0 8.0 53,099 F 71682 EN Escape from Memory Haddix, Margaret Peterson UG 4.8 8.0 52,210 F 121302 EN Found Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.0 9.0 59,017 F 80960 EN House on the Gulf, The Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 4.9 8.0 52,681 F 138971 EN Into the Gauntlet Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 4.6 9.0 62,541 F 34884 EN Just Ella Haddix, Margaret Peterson UG 5.5 6.0 41,514 F 128103 EN Palace of Mirrors Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.4 10.0 65,010 F 14531 EN Running out of Time Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 4.8 7.0 44,581 F 138718 EN Sabotaged Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.0 11.0 70,466 F 131852 EN Sent Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.0 9.0 59,174 F 52022 EN Takeoffs and Landings Haddix, Margaret Peterson UG 4.9 6.0 40,991 F 145510 EN Torn Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.0 9.0 62,090 F 47143 EN Turnabout Haddix, Margaret Peterson UG 5.3 7.0 45,002 F 117966 EN Uprising Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.6 14.0 89,272 F 137837 EN Boom! Haddon, Mark MG 4.1 5.0 35,732 F 129114 EN In the Small Hague, Michael MG 2.9 1.0 6,792 F NF 59656 EN Cuban Americans, The Hahn, Laura M. MG 7.5 1.0 7,966 121675 EN Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.5 6.0 43,252 F 130870 EN All the Lovely Bad Ones: A Ghost Story Closed for the Season Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.4 6.0 43,034 F 560 EN December Stillness Hahn, Mary Downing MG 5.1 6.0 42,215 F 114624 EN Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.0 7.0 50,774 F 5008 EN Deep and Dark and Dangerous: A Ghost Story Doll in the Garden, The Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.8 4.0 24,991 F 140166 EN Ghost of Crutchfield Hall, The Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.4 4.0 28,440 F 69060 EN Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.5 8.0 57,262 F 82156 EN Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.2 7.0 46,383 F 10206 EN Hear the Wind Blow: A Novel of the Civil War Old Willis Place: A Ghost Story, The Time for Andrew: A Ghost Story Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.5 6.0 41,887 F 596 EN Wait Till Helen Comes Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.6 5.0 37,100 F 107539 EN Witch Catcher Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.4 8.0 55,172 F 13317 EN Mercedes: The First and the Best Haines, Holly MG 6.8 1.0 3,216 NF 13294 EN BMW: Performance with Luxury Haines, Shirley MG 7.7 0.5 2,597 NF 13302 EN Corvette: The American Sports Car Haines, Shirley MG 6.3 0.5 2,761 NF 13305 EN Ferrari: The Legend Haines, Shirley MG 6.8 1.0 3,370 NF NF 13323 EN Porsche: Fast and Beautiful Haines, Shirley MG 6.9 1.0 3,299 110412 EN Dark Water Rising Hale, Marian MG 5.9 7.0 47,091 F 117766 EN Book of a Thousand Days Hale, Shannon MG 5.3 9.0 61,954 F Page 56 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 134833 EN Calamity Jack Hale, Shannon MG 3.2 1.0 9,075 F 73116 EN Goose Girl, The Hale, Shannon UG 5.9 14.0 91,163 F 104732 EN Princess Academy Hale, Shannon MG 6.0 10.0 63,201 F 122757 EN Rapunzel's Revenge Hale, Shannon MG 3.2 1.0 11,023 F 14445 EN When Willard Met Babe Ruth Hall, Donald MG 4.9 1.0 4,380 F 118342 EN Hall, Margaret MG 5.0 1.0 3,563 NF 136316 EN Venom and Visions: Art of the Southwest Line, The Hall, Teri MG 5.3 8.0 52,313 122528 EN 10 Greatest Pop Stars, The Hallett, R.B. MG 6.6 2.0 9,476 NF 124070 EN Hallett, R.B. MG 7.2 2.0 10,233 NF 107288 EN Halls, Kelly Milner MG 8.0 3.0 18,980 NF 40847 EN 10 Most Decisive Battles on American Soil, The Tales of the Cryptids: Mysterious Creatures That May or May Not Exist Letters Home from Grand Canyon Halvorsen, Lisa MG 5.1 0.5 2,873 NF 40848 EN Letters Home from Yellowstone Halvorsen, Lisa MG 5.5 0.5 2,440 NF 40849 EN Letters Home from Yosemite Halvorsen, Lisa MG 5.1 0.5 2,821 NF 35374 EN Cowboys Don't Cry Halvorson, Marilyn UG 5.0 6.0 43,315 F 8663 EN Mythology Hamilton, Edith UG 8.2 20.0 110,534 F 100850 EN Castles and Dungeons Hamilton, John MG 6.6 1.0 3,720 NF 112981 EN Marine Corps, The Hamilton, John MG 6.5 0.5 2,662 NF 57296 EN Operation Enduring Freedom Hamilton, John MG 8.0 1.0 5,506 NF 100859 EN Weapons of Fantasy and Folklore Hamilton, John MG 6.8 1.0 3,884 NF F 57304 EN Weapons of War Hamilton, John MG 7.5 1.0 4,357 NF 120306 EN Hamilton, Sue MG 7.3 1.0 3,985 NF 120308 EN Hamilton, Sue MG 7.7 1.0 3,822 NF 120310 EN Hamilton, Sue MG 7.2 1.0 3,847 NF 120311 EN Hamilton, Sue MG 8.1 1.0 4,690 NF 355 EN Hamilton, Virginia MG 5.8 7.0 41,841 NF 6663 EN DNA Analysis: Forensic Fluids & Follicles Forensic Artist: Solving the Case with a Face Forensic Entomology: Bugs & Bodies How to Become a Crime Scene Investigator Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Triumph of a Fugitive Slave Cousins Hamilton, Virginia MG 3.7 4.0 25,743 F 21579 EN Gathering, The Hamilton, Virginia UG 4.5 6.0 43,815 F 228 EN House of Dies Drear, The Hamilton, Virginia MG 4.8 9.0 58,619 F 30669 EN Hamilton, Virginia UG 4.5 3.0 23,068 F 15820 EN In the Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the World Plain City Hamilton, Virginia UG 3.5 6.0 45,958 F 13754 EN Hamilton, Virginia LG 3.9 1.0 5,984 F 250 EN When Birds Could Talk & Bats Could Sing Zeely Hamilton, Virginia MG 4.6 4.0 25,473 F 16648 EN Walt Disney: Young Movie Maker Hammontree, Marie MG 3.8 3.0 24,004 NF 20243 EN Hampton, Wilborn MG 6.6 2.0 11,339 NF 106224 EN Kennedy Assassinated! The World Mourns Shug Han, Jenny MG 4.0 7.0 46,557 F 72986 EN Saladin and the Kingdom of Jerusalem: The Muslims Recapture the Holy Land in AD Hancock, Lee MG 7.8 1.0 8,046 NF Page 57 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 84313 EN Hunted: A Clone Wars Novel Hand, Elizabeth MG 4.0 4.0 25,411 F 85823 EN Hand, Elizabeth MG 4.8 3.0 23,494 F 84311 EN Hand, Elizabeth MG 5.0 4.0 23,732 F 84315 EN Maze of Deception: A Clone Wars Novel New Threat: A Clone Wars Novel, A Pursuit Hand, Elizabeth MG 5.1 3.0 19,668 F 48149 EN Seer and the Sword, The Hanley, Victoria UG 5.1 12.0 79,736 F 79913 EN Hannigan, Katherine MG 5.3 5.0 35,137 F 79913 SP Hannigan, Katherine MG 5.7 5.0 33,444 F 143703 EN Ida B...and Her Plans to Maximize Fun, Avoid Disaster, and (Possibly) Save the W Ida B...y sus planes para potenciar la diversión, evitar desastres y (posiblemen True (...Sort Of) Hannigan, Katherine MG 3.4 6.0 46,328 F 11047 EN Captive, The Hansen, Joyce UG 5.1 6.0 42,030 F 17624 EN Hansen, Joyce MG 5.0 5.0 31,831 F 124024 EN I Thought My Soul Would Rise and Fly: The Diary of Patsy, a Freed Girl 10 Best Love Poems, The Hanson, Sharon MG 6.3 2.0 10,579 NF 135922 EN Harasymiw, Therese MG 4.6 0.5 2,071 NF 105950 EN Causes and Effects of the Texas Revolution Fly by Night Hardinge, Frances MG 7.1 19.0 109,186 830 EN Daniel Boone: Pioneer Trailblazer Hargrove, Jim MG 6.7 4.0 21,855 NF F 844 EN Diego Rivera: Mexican Muralist Hargrove, Jim MG 8.0 4.0 21,834 NF 102137 EN Airball: My Life in Briefs Harkrader, Lisa MG 4.4 6.0 42,160 F 18230 EN Tigers Harman, Amanda MG 5.9 0.5 2,723 114472 EN Just Grace Harper, Charise Mericle LG 4.8 2.0 16,004 122524 EN 10 Most Amazing Bridges, The Harper, Suzanne MG 6.7 1.0 8,398 115897 EN Harper, Suzanne MG 5.2 10.0 68,666 F 120144 EN Secret Life of Sparrow Delaney, The Runemarks Harris, Joanne MG 6.5 21.0 129,627 F 130740 EN Taste for Red, A Harris, Lewis MG 4.9 6.0 37,646 F 125361 SP ¿Qué es la Carta de Derechos? Harris, Nancy LG 4.9 0.5 1,361 NF 125363 SP ¿Qué es la Constitución? Harris, Nancy LG 5.3 0.5 1,255 NF 125362 SP Harris, Nancy LG 5.1 0.5 1,229 NF 125360 SP ¿Qué es la Declaración de Independencia? ¿Qué son las enmiendas? Harris, Nancy LG 5.2 0.5 1,341 NF NF NF F NF 74399 EN Paul Cézanne Harris, Nathaniel MG 7.6 1.0 8,112 123204 EN Alicia Harrison, Lisi MG 5.5 3.0 22,550 F 132771 EN Alphas Harrison, Lisi MG 4.9 8.0 50,840 F 140161 EN Belle of the Brawl Harrison, Lisi MG 6.2 7.0 42,119 F 83053 EN Best Friends for Never Harrison, Lisi MG 4.9 6.0 41,726 F 131600 EN Boys R Us Harrison, Lisi MG 4.9 9.0 57,127 F 120830 EN Bratfest at Tiffany's Harrison, Lisi MG 5.0 7.0 47,760 F 133936 EN Harrison, Lisi MG 4.5 5.0 31,532 F 124647 EN Charmed and Dangerous: The Rise of the Pretty Committee: The Clique Prequel Claire Harrison, Lisi MG 5.2 5.0 29,706 F 79924 EN Clique, The Harrison, Lisi MG 4.9 7.0 45,989 F Page 58 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 108515 EN Dial L for Loser Harrison, Lisi MG 3.9 8.0 54,855 F 122465 EN Dylan Harrison, Lisi MG 5.1 4.0 24,364 F 143455 EN Ghoul Next Door, The Harrison, Lisi MG 4.5 7.0 49,844 F 102289 EN Invasion of the Boy Snatchers Harrison, Lisi MG 4.4 8.0 54,558 F 113800 EN It's Not Easy Being Mean Harrison, Lisi MG 4.4 5.0 37,090 F 123769 EN Kristen Harrison, Lisi MG 5.1 4.0 24,614 F 121958 EN Massie Harrison, Lisi MG 5.2 4.0 25,674 F 139306 EN Monster High Harrison, Lisi MG 4.5 8.0 54,142 F 139306 SP Monster High (Spanish) Harrison, Lisi MG 5.0 10.0 64,728 F 136806 EN Movers & Fakers Harrison, Lisi MG 6.2 8.0 47,487 F 138698 EN My Little Phony Harrison, Lisi MG 5.1 6.0 42,273 F 129227 EN P.S. I Loathe You Harrison, Lisi MG 4.3 6.0 39,658 F 104966 EN Pretty Committee Strikes Back, The Harrison, Lisi MG 4.6 8.0 57,956 F 86283 EN Revenge of the Wannabes Harrison, Lisi MG 4.6 10.0 67,557 F 117125 EN Sealed with a Diss Harrison, Lisi MG 4.8 8.0 52,910 F 142865 EN Tale of Two Pretties, A Harrison, Lisi MG 5.1 6.0 41,988 F 136336 EN These Boots Are Made for Stalking Harrison, Lisi MG 5.5 8.0 49,131 F 144039 EN Top of the Feud Chain Harrison, Lisi MG 6.3 8.0 46,307 F 146777 EN Harrison, Lisi MG 4.5 7.0 49,240 F 136675 EN Where There's a Wolf, There's a Way 13 Treasures Harrison, Michelle MG 5.3 11.0 73,953 F 113743 EN Gabriel's Horses Hart, Alison MG 4.6 5.0 37,328 F 5879 EN Mariposa Hartley, Mary MG 4.8 1.0 9,913 F 57037 EN United States (Fiesta!) Hartman, Adrienne MG 6.3 1.0 4,363 NF 133086 EN Climate Change Hartman, Eve MG 6.6 1.0 6,609 NF 120383 EN Hartman, Sarah MG 4.1 0.5 2,171 NF 107682 EN Asian-American Crafts Kids Can Do! Silver Donkey, The Hartnett, Sonya MG 5.0 5.0 30,239 15537 EN Haskins, James MG 6.9 1.0 7,023 NF 103606 EN Hatch, Joshua MG 3.7 0.5 2,241 NF 139128 EN Space Challenger: The Story of Guion Bluford Comic Books: From Superheroes to Manga Zita the Spacegirl Hatke, Ben MG 2.5 1.0 4,042 F 105794 SP Hatkoff, Isabella LG 5.0 0.5 2,471 NF F 44874 EN Owen y Mzee: La verdadera historia de una amistad increíble Samurai's Tale, The Haugaard, Erik Christian UG 6.3 10.0 61,650 116538 EN Holocaust Museum, The Haugen, Brenda MG 6.9 1.0 4,320 20313 EN Dark Frigate, The Hawes, Charles Boardman UG 6.7 12.0 69,394 F 65691 EN Hawk, Tony MG 6.1 3.0 19,286 NF 120781 EN Hawking, Lucy MG 5.6 8.0 50,060 F 142167 EN Tony Hawk: Professional Skateboarder George's Secret Key to the Universe Demonglass Hawkins, Rachel MG 5.4 12.0 75,407 F 149828 EN Spell Bound Hawkins, Rachel MG 5.0 10.0 66,422 F 716 EN Scarlet Letter (Unabridged), The Hawthorne, Nathaniel UG 11.7 14.0 63,604 F 135740 EN Dark of the Moon Hawthorne, Rachel MG 4.9 8.0 54,589 F 133064 EN Full Moon Hawthorne, Rachel MG 4.8 8.0 55,098 F F NF Page 59 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 8.0 54,488 F 133256 EN Moonlight Hawthorne, Rachel MG 4.3 138168 EN Shadow of the Moon Hawthorne, Rachel MG 4.8 8.0 51,393 F 134053 EN Living on Impulse Haycak, Cara UG 4.3 11.0 73,815 F 115540 SP Astronauta: La vida en el espacio Hayden, Kate LG 4.0 0.5 1,223 124146 EN Dragon's Lair, The Haydon, Elizabeth MG 5.4 12.0 77,084 F 108964 EN Floating Island, The Haydon, Elizabeth MG 5.7 15.0 92,672 F 12466 EN No Effect Hayes, Daniel MG 5.2 9.0 61,703 F 83690 EN Hayes, Joe MG 4.5 2.0 14,038 F 79919 EN Day It Snowed Tortillas: A Classic from the American Southwest, The Ghost Fever Hayes, Joe MG 5.1 1.0 6,852 F 55840 EN Hayes, Joe LG 4.7 0.5 2,375 F 18336 SP Juan Verdades: The Man Who Couldn't Tell a Lie Llorona, La Hayes, Joe LG 4.3 0.5 754 F 13755 EN Watch out for Clever Women! Hayes, Joe MG 4.8 1.0 6,116 F 57317 EN Hayhurst, Chris MG 8.1 1.0 5,858 NF 12461 EN Lungs: Learning How We Breathe, The Deadly Deception Haynes, Betsy UG 5.1 7.0 47,167 F 8577 EN Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones Head, Ann UG 5.3 10.0 67,511 F 81440 EN Mysterious Places Head, Tom UG 10.5 7.0 36,122 NF 128170 EN North of Beautiful Headley, Justina Chen UG 5.9 17.0 104,332 F 105939 EN Headley, Justina Chen UG 6.1 10.0 61,970 F 43530 EN Nothing But the Truth (and a Few White Lies) Wishes, Kisses, and Pigs Hearne, Betsy MG 4.6 3.0 23,440 F 54075 EN Tap Dancing Hebach, Susan MG 4.9 0.5 2,759 126464 EN Pemba's Song: A Ghost Story Hegamin, Tonya C. MG 4.7 3.0 18,233 F 115205 EN Australia (Second Series) Heinrichs, Ann MG 6.7 3.0 17,909 NF 118200 EN Brazil (Second Series) Heinrichs, Ann MG 6.6 3.0 17,144 NF 131853 EN Continents Heinrichs, Ann MG 5.3 0.5 3,100 NF 130357 EN Delaware (Third Series) Heinrichs, Ann MG 7.2 3.0 17,378 NF 27004 EN Egypt Heinrichs, Ann MG 6.8 2.0 13,225 NF 47070 EN Florida Heinrichs, Ann MG 7.2 4.0 20,674 NF 131855 EN Islands Heinrichs, Ann MG 5.0 0.5 2,902 NF NF NF 27010 EN Japan Heinrichs, Ann MG 6.9 3.0 17,274 NF 105585 EN Luxembourg Heinrichs, Ann MG 6.4 2.0 14,252 NF 122024 EN Maine (Third Series) Heinrichs, Ann MG 6.5 3.0 18,170 NF 126394 EN Minnesota (Third Series) Heinrichs, Ann MG 6.8 3.0 16,822 NF 122026 EN Nebraska (Third Series) Heinrichs, Ann MG 6.9 3.0 19,727 NF 75111 EN Netherlands, The Heinrichs, Ann LG 4.3 0.5 1,821 NF 118712 EN Nevada (Third Series) Heinrichs, Ann MG 7.2 3.0 20,264 NF 47082 EN New York Heinrichs, Ann MG 7.2 4.0 21,653 NF 133451 EN Nigeria (Second Series) Heinrichs, Ann MG 7.8 3.0 18,551 NF 126396 EN North Carolina (Third Series) Heinrichs, Ann MG 7.5 3.0 18,998 NF 131857 EN Oceans Heinrichs, Ann MG 5.4 0.5 3,091 NF 47049 EN Ohio Heinrichs, Ann MG 7.5 4.0 21,843 NF 87392 EN Printing Press, The Heinrichs, Ann MG 6.0 1.0 8,987 NF Page 60 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 47057 EN Texas (Children's Press) Heinrichs, Ann MG 7.4 4.0 22,171 NF 47060 EN Vermont Heinrichs, Ann MG 7.4 4.0 21,874 NF 132616 EN Vermont (Third Series) Heinrichs, Ann MG 6.9 3.0 16,934 NF 130364 EN West Virginia (Third Series) Heinrichs, Ann MG 7.4 3.0 18,122 NF 5994 EN Old Man and the Sea, The Hemingway, Ernest UG 5.1 4.0 26,560 F 123996 EN Hemphill, Helen MG 4.2 7.0 50,413 F 1050 EN Adventurous Deeds of Deadwood Jones, The ALcatraz - Read 180 Henderson, C.J. MG 20.0 1.0 2,600 137750 EN Vampire Rising Henderson, Jason MG 5.5 7.0 47,141 F 151131 EN Voice of the Undead Henderson, Jason MG 5.4 9.0 57,029 F 21982 SP Harvey Angel (Spanish) Hendry, Diana MG 5.1 5.0 30,377 F 44872 EN Grave, The Heneghan, James UG 5.4 9.0 55,968 F 36567 EN Birthday Room, The Henkes, Kevin MG 5.0 5.0 30,642 F 77204 EN Kitten's First Full Moon Henkes, Kevin LG 2.3 0.5 260 F 126405 EN Old Bear Henkes, Kevin LG 2.1 0.5 201 F 71432 EN Olive's Ocean Henkes, Kevin MG 4.7 4.0 30,235 F NF 16871 EN Protecting Marie Henkes, Kevin MG 5.1 6.0 39,978 F 141064 EN Girl, Stolen Henry, April MG 4.7 7.0 48,044 F 105014 EN Shock Point Henry, April MG 5.2 7.0 47,488 F 10581 EN Mustang, Wild Spirit of the West Henry, Marguerite MG 5.3 7.0 43,234 F 7913 EN Gift of the Magi, The Henry, O. UG 6.2 0.5 2,073 F 7919 EN Last Leaf, The Henry, O. UG 5.8 0.5 2,363 F 130148 EN Henson, Heather MG 4.5 6.0 44,014 F 124697 EN Here's How I See It--Here's How It Is That Book Woman Henson, Heather LG 4.3 0.5 1,184 F 1006 EN Alison's Trumpet (Read 180) Hentoff, Nat MG 20.0 2.0 5,471 F 132774 EN Cupcake Queen, The Hepler, Heather MG 4.4 8.0 58,423 F 79163 EN Children of Dune Herbert, Frank UG 6.2 24.0 146,792 F 110375 SP Mitología Africana: Anansi Herdling, Glenn LG 3.5 0.5 739 F 110380 SP Herdling, Glenn LG 3.7 0.5 1,231 F 125937 EN Mitología Griega: Jasón y el vellocino de oro Great Wide Sea, The Herlong, M.H. MG 4.1 9.0 66,550 F 18328 EN Calling the Doves Herrera, Juan Felipe LG 4.5 0.5 1,173 F F 44068 EN Upside Down Boy, The Herrera, Juan Felipe LG 3.1 0.5 1,299 108341 EN Jellyfish Herriges, Ann LG 2.2 0.5 166 NF 108343 EN Octopuses Herriges, Ann LG 1.8 0.5 142 NF 108344 EN Sea Horses Herriges, Ann LG 1.9 0.5 178 NF 108345 EN Sea Stars Herriges, Ann LG 1.8 0.5 163 NF 108925 EN Sea Turtles Herriges, Ann LG 2.1 0.5 194 NF 10830 EN Bell for Adano, A Hersey, John UG 5.9 13.0 78,923 F 124429 EN Brooklyn Bridge Hesse, Karen MG 4.2 6.0 42,192 F 82987 EN Cats in Krasinski Square, The Hesse, Karen LG 4.3 0.5 627 F 18783 SP Lejos del polvo Hesse, Karen MG 5.3 3.0 20,979 F 8533 EN Letters from Rifka Hesse, Karen MG 4.2 4.0 28,448 F 32207 EN Light in the Storm: The Civil War Diary of Amelia Martin, A Hesse, Karen MG 5.3 4.0 29,310 F Page 61 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 17783 EN Music of Dolphins, The Hesse, Karen MG 3.4 3.0 19,477 F 18783 EN Out of the Dust Hesse, Karen MG 5.3 3.0 19,756 F 11733 EN Phoenix Rising Hesse, Karen UG 4.0 6.0 40,217 F 124696 EN Spuds Hesse, Karen LG 4.0 0.5 984 F 82342 EN Hesse, Karen MG 6.6 1.0 3,768 54110 EN Stone Lamp: Eight Stories of Hanukkah Through History, The Witness Hesse, Karen MG 5.0 2.0 14,825 F 28514 EN Kissing Doorknobs Hesser, Terry Spencer UG 4.4 5.0 35,547 F NF 74129 EN Haiti (Fiesta!) Heurtelou, Maude MG 6.3 1.0 4,544 NF 117388 EN Egyptians, The Hewitt, Sally LG 5.0 0.5 2,741 NF 117389 EN Greeks, The Hewitt, Sally LG 5.0 0.5 2,736 NF 117390 EN Romans, The Hewitt, Sally LG 4.7 0.5 2,502 NF 117391 EN Vikings, The Hewitt, Sally LG 4.9 0.5 2,687 NF 101038 EN Flush Hiaasen, Carl MG 5.0 9.0 59,559 F 61464 EN Hoot Hiaasen, Carl MG 5.2 9.0 61,113 F 61464 SP S.O.S. La odisea de los búhos Hiaasen, Carl MG 5.2 10.0 66,811 F 127433 EN Scat Hiaasen, Carl MG 5.5 12.0 79,109 F 910 EN Scat Hiassen, Carl MG 5.0 12.0 80,000 F 11471 EN Jericho Hickman, Janet MG 4.9 4.0 28,400 F 82494 EN Hicks, Peter MG 4.6 0.5 2,371 117989 EN You Wouldn't Want to Live in a Wild West Town! Black Book of Secrets, The Higgins, F.E. MG 5.9 9.0 54,738 F 134052 EN Eyeball Collector, The Higgins, F.E. MG 6.6 8.0 46,732 F 145789 EN Lunatic's Curse, The Higgins, F.E. MG 5.8 11.0 70,202 F 137429 EN Rise of the Ninja Higgins, Simon MG 5.9 9.0 59,069 F 10266 EN Mama, I Want to Sing Higginsen, Vy MG 5.7 6.0 38,773 F NF 88569 EN SilverFin Higson, Charlie MG 5.9 14.0 89,854 F 128677 EN Dark Dude Hijuelos, Oscar UG 5.6 12.0 77,517 F 64253 EN Hill, Barbara W. MG 6.8 1.0 4,453 NF 60729 EN Cooking the English Way (Revised Edition) Ten Hispanic American Authors Hill, Christine M. MG 6.9 3.0 15,864 NF 43754 EN Year of Miss Agnes, The Hill, Kirkpatrick MG 4.5 3.0 18,744 F 113224 EN Blade of Fire Hill, Stuart MG 7.7 31.0 176,035 F 87249 EN Cry of the Icemark, The Hill, Stuart MG 8.0 24.0 135,620 F 129880 EN Last Battle of the Icemark Hill, Stuart MG 8.1 25.0 138,275 F 72977 EN Hilliam, David MG 8.6 2.0 8,517 NF 72985 EN Hilliam, David MG 8.1 2.0 8,426 NF 50633 EN Castles and Cathedrals: The Great Buildings of Medieval Times Richard the Lionheart and the Third Crusade: The English King Confronts Saladin Pieces: A Year in Poems & Quilts Hines, Anna Grossnickle LG 4.2 0.5 607 F 21878 SP Hinojosa, Francisco MG 4.5 0.5 2,287 F 381 EN Amadís de anís... Amadís de codorniz Outsiders, The Hinton, S.E. UG 4.7 7.0 48,523 F 381 SP Rebeldes Hinton, S.E. UG 4.7 7.0 48,523 F 782 EN Rumble Fish Hinton, S.E. UG 4.1 3.0 24,089 F 584 EN Taming the Star Runner Hinton, S.E. UG 4.7 6.0 38,840 F Page 62 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 393 EN Tex Hinton, S.E. UG 4.7 7.0 48,438 F 792 EN That Was Then, This Is Now Hinton, S.E. UG 4.6 5.0 35,844 F 105537 EN Algeria Hintz, Martin MG 7.8 3.0 17,442 NF 27007 EN Haiti Hintz, Martin MG 7.0 3.0 15,271 NF 27009 EN Israel Hintz, Martin MG 8.1 3.0 16,668 NF 105541 EN Israel (Second Series) Hintz, Martin MG 7.8 3.0 16,512 NF 47077 EN Michigan Hintz, Martin MG 8.2 4.0 22,283 NF 47044 EN Missouri Hintz, Martin MG 8.2 4.0 22,184 NF 15374 EN Motorcycle Drag Racing Hintz, Martin MG 4.5 0.5 2,544 NF 27015 EN Poland Hintz, Martin MG 7.7 3.0 16,898 NF 15379 EN Pro Stock Drag Racing Hintz, Martin MG 4.1 0.5 2,326 NF 76606 SP Hipp, Andrew LG 5.7 0.5 1,772 NF 76609 SP árbol del olivo: Por dentro y por fuera, El girasol: Por dentro y por fuera, El Hipp, Andrew LG 5.8 0.5 1,920 NF 76605 SP roble: Por dentro y por fuera, El Hipp, Andrew LG 5.9 0.5 1,981 NF 8914 EN Haunted Houseful Hitchcock, Alfred MG 5.9 10.0 65,524 F F 8940 EN Witch's Brew Hitchcock, Alfred MG 6.3 8.0 47,474 57031 EN Spain (Fiesta!) Hoare, Irena MG 5.9 1.0 4,703 100506 EN Defiance Hobbs, Valerie MG 4.0 3.0 22,040 F 5057 EN Bearstone Hobbs, Will MG 5.0 6.0 37,440 F 6656 EN Big Wander, The Hobbs, Will MG 5.1 8.0 52,223 F 73924 EN Changes in Latitudes Hobbs, Will UG 4.8 5.0 35,951 F 105478 EN Crossing the Wire Hobbs, Will MG 4.3 8.0 52,760 F 7006 EN Downriver Hobbs, Will UG 4.9 8.0 54,721 F NF 17813 EN Far North Hobbs, Will UG 5.3 9.0 58,502 F 121111 EN Go Big or Go Home Hobbs, Will MG 4.7 6.0 40,162 F 32529 EN Jason's Gold Hobbs, Will UG 5.5 8.0 52,737 F 14200 EN Kokopelli's Flute Hobbs, Will MG 5.3 6.0 36,364 F 28488 EN Maze, The Hobbs, Will MG 5.0 7.0 49,545 F 142581 EN Take Me to the River Hobbs, Will MG 5.1 7.0 43,519 F 74356 EN Claude Monet Hodge, Susie MG 7.0 1.0 6,883 NF 10207 EN Hero of Bremen Hodges, Margaret LG 4.9 0.5 1,984 F 5540 EN Saint George and the Dragon Hodges, Margaret LG 5.6 0.5 2,517 F 47838 EN Wave, The Hodges, Margaret LG 4.5 0.5 1,565 F 101373 SP Hoena, B.A. MG 4.2 0.5 2,358 NF 66185 EN Matthew Henson: Aventurero del Artico Zeus Hoena, B.A. LG 4.0 0.5 1,527 NF 123169 EN Hoena, Blake A. MG 2.3 0.5 708 F 145388 EN Jack and the Beanstalk: The Graphic Novel Sack Attack! Hoena, Blake A. MG 2.8 0.5 1,400 F 63100 EN Hoeye, Michael MG 4.1 8.0 56,825 F 49317 EN Sands of Time: A Hermux Tantamoq Adventure, The Groundwater Hoff, Mary MG 7.0 1.0 7,291 NF NF 49329 EN Rivers and Lakes Hoff, Mary MG 7.3 1.0 8,636 110569 EN Incantation Hoffman, Alice MG 5.0 4.0 27,465 135928 EN Alamo, The Hoffman, Mary Ann MG 4.6 0.5 1,721 F NF Page 63 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF F 85222 EN Serious Kiss, The Hogan, Mary MG 4.4 8.0 55,516 46887 EN Football: Passing Holden, Stephen MG 5.1 0.5 3,245 NF 46888 EN Football: Rushing and Tackling Holden, Stephen MG 5.6 0.5 3,015 NF 629 EN North to Freedom Holm, Anne MG 5.7 9.0 55,898 F 146322 EN Holm, Jennifer L. LG 2.1 0.5 1,747 F 108419 EN Babymouse: A Very Babymouse Christmas Babymouse: Beach Babe Holm, Jennifer L. LG 2.0 0.5 1,192 F 135282 EN Babymouse: Burns Rubber Holm, Jennifer L. LG 2.2 0.5 1,533 F 140023 EN Babymouse: Cupcake Tycoon Holm, Jennifer L. LG 2.2 0.5 1,622 F 133095 EN Babymouse: Dragonslayer Holm, Jennifer L. LG 2.6 0.5 1,913 F 112304 EN Babymouse: Heartbreaker Holm, Jennifer L. LG 2.0 0.5 1,764 F 143694 EN Babymouse: Mad Scientist Holm, Jennifer L. LG 2.6 0.5 2,190 F 104175 EN Babymouse: Our Hero! Holm, Jennifer L. LG 2.0 0.5 1,399 F 120806 EN Babymouse: Puppy Love Holm, Jennifer L. LG 1.8 0.5 1,649 F 104176 EN Babymouse: Queen of the World! Holm, Jennifer L. LG 2.2 0.5 1,759 F 110444 EN Babymouse: Rock Star Holm, Jennifer L. LG 1.9 0.5 1,450 F 118041 EN Babymouse: Skater Girl Holm, Jennifer L. LG 2.2 0.5 1,728 F 127816 EN Babymouse: The Musical Holm, Jennifer L. LG 2.1 0.5 1,741 F 116694 EN Holm, Jennifer L. MG 4.7 1.0 8,637 F 108040 EN Middle School Is Worse Than Meatloaf: A Year Told Through Stuff Penny from Heaven Holm, Jennifer L. MG 4.0 7.0 46,792 F 142177 EN Trouble with May Amelia, The Holm, Jennifer L. MG 4.0 5.0 38,244 F 137063 EN Turtle in Paradise Holm, Jennifer L. MG 3.7 4.0 30,474 F 31000 EN Holmes, Ann MG 8.5 1.0 7,588 25216 EN National Costumes of the Old World Mister and Me Holt, Kimberly Willis MG 4.1 2.0 12,623 F 28086 EN My Louisiana Sky Holt, Kimberly Willis MG 4.6 5.0 37,153 F 132892 EN Holt, Kimberly Willis LG 3.7 2.0 15,289 F 116937 EN Piper Reed Gets a Job/Piper Reed, Party Planner Piper Reed, Navy Brat Holt, Kimberly Willis LG 3.5 2.0 15,982 F 126654 EN Holt, Kimberly Willis LG 3.7 2.0 17,409 F 34759 EN Holt, Kimberly Willis UG 4.5 6.0 43,833 F 62423 SP Holtz, Eric Siegfried MG 8.3 2.0 9,702 138964 EN Piper Reed, the Great Gypsy/Piper Reed, Clubhouse Queen When Zachary Beaver Came to Town Nueva Jersey, el Estado Jardín (Biblioteca de los estados) Aphrodite the Beauty Holub, Joan MG 4.7 3.0 18,337 F 141502 EN Artemis the Brave Holub, Joan MG 4.7 4.0 26,632 F 136932 EN Athena the Brain Holub, Joan MG 4.5 3.0 18,735 F 136936 EN Persephone the Phony Holub, Joan MG 4.4 2.0 16,063 F F NF NF 5993 EN Odyssey, The Homer UG 10.3 24.0 120,133 46876 EN Dolls Hooks, Kristine MG 6.2 1.0 3,502 NF 46879 EN Essential Camping for Teens Hooks, Kristine MG 5.3 1.0 3,417 NF 46883 EN Essential Hiking for Teens Hooks, Kristine MG 6.1 0.5 3,075 NF 54067 EN School Band Hooks, Kristine MG 5.4 0.5 3,153 NF 44215 EN Surprises Hopkins, Lee Bennett LG 3.2 0.5 1,136 F Page 64 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL Hopkins Ph.D, Andrea MG Points Word Count F/NF 8.0 2.0 8,345 NF ATOS BL 72979 EN 77955 EN Damsels Not in Distress: The True Story of Women in Medieval Times Sailing for Gold Hopkinson, Deborah LG 3.7 1.0 9,013 F 9960 EN Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt Hopkinson, Deborah LG 3.8 0.5 2,145 F 34935 EN Tornadoes! Hopping, Lorraine Jean LG 4.1 0.5 1,791 NF 108597 EN Alex Rider, the Gadgets Horowitz, Anthony MG 9.1 1.0 6,376 F 106408 EN Ark Angel Horowitz, Anthony MG 5.0 12.0 78,466 F 138562 EN Beasts and Monsters Horowitz, Anthony MG 5.3 2.0 11,640 F 140304 EN Bloody Horowitz Horowitz, Anthony MG 5.5 11.0 73,379 F 133870 EN Crocodile Tears Horowitz, Anthony MG 5.4 14.0 93,851 F 41251 EN Devil and His Boy, The Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.6 6.0 39,635 F 78075 EN Eagle Strike Horowitz, Anthony MG 5.1 10.0 65,662 F 106861 EN Evil Star Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.7 13.0 86,626 F 82417 EN Falcon's Malteser, The Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.3 6.0 45,170 F 23472 EN Granny Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.9 4.0 29,074 F 125276 EN Greek Who Stole Christmas, The Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.2 2.0 17,107 F 30183 EN Groosham Grange Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.8 4.0 29,773 F 108883 EN Horowitz Horror Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.6 6.0 43,119 F 114096 EN Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.5 6.0 41,190 F 130733 EN More Horowitz Horror: More Stories You'll Wish You'd Never Read Necropolis Horowitz, Anthony MG 5.1 16.0 103,010 F 114461 EN Nightrise Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.7 15.0 98,823 F 59168 EN Point Blank Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.8 8.0 55,286 F 82282 EN Public Enemy Number Two Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.1 6.0 45,449 F 89053 EN Raven's Gate Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.4 10.0 66,657 F 130397 EN Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.8 5.0 34,363 F 86813 EN Return to Groosham Grange: The Unholy Grail Scorpia Horowitz, Anthony MG 5.0 12.0 80,243 F 143608 EN Scorpia Rising Horowitz, Anthony MG 5.6 16.0 99,767 F 69602 EN Skeleton Key Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.9 10.0 67,344 F 120294 EN Snakehead Horowitz, Anthony MG 5.4 14.0 93,593 F 102133 EN Horowitz, Anthony MG 3.9 5.0 33,830 F 50390 EN South by Southeast: A Diamond Brothers Mystery Stormbreaker Horowitz, Anthony MG 5.1 7.0 47,510 F 128105 EN Switch, The Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.5 6.0 38,301 F 106505 EN Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.1 7.0 47,990 F 48071 EN Three of Diamonds: A Diamond Brothers Mystery Everything on a Waffle Horvath, Polly MG 5.8 5.0 32,159 F 113347 EN Blue Hostetter, Joyce Moyer MG 4.9 7.0 48,969 F 143120 EN Tiger's Curse Houck, Colleen UG 5.4 19.0 126,285 F 144767 EN Tiger's Quest Houck, Colleen UG 4.9 21.0 144,028 F 147780 EN Tiger's Voyage Houck, Colleen UG 4.9 25.0 167,051 F 76608 SP Arañas: Por dentro y por fuera Houghton, Gillian LG 6.0 0.5 2,075 NF 76607 SP Búhos: Por dentro y por fuera Houghton, Gillian LG 5.7 0.5 2,014 NF 76610 SP Tortugas: Por dentro y por fuera Houghton, Gillian LG 5.3 0.5 2,066 NF Page 65 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 134377 EN Eli the Good House, Silas MG 5.7 11.0 68,686 F 5907 EN Littlejim Houston, Gloria MG 5.0 5.0 31,626 F 6133 EN My Great-Aunt Arizona Houston, Gloria LG 4.0 0.5 937 699 EN Houston, Gloria LG 4.2 0.5 2,460 363 EN Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree, The Farewell to Manzanar Houston, Jeanne MG 6.7 7.0 41,732 NF 2719 EN Hovanec, Erin M. UG 6.2 1.0 8,363 NF NF F 254 SP Everything You Need to Know About Dating and Relationships Bonícula Howe, Deborah MG 4.2 2.0 14,558 F 5021 EN Howliday Inn Howe, James MG 4.0 4.0 29,813 F 5021 SP posada del aullido, La Howe, James MG 4.0 4.0 28,867 F 29526 EN Adventures of Blue Avenger, The Howe, Norma UG 6.2 7.0 43,543 F 30176 SP viaje más largo, El Huacuja, Mario Guillermo MG 7.5 6.0 33,812 F 104626 SP Ana Frank Hudson-Goff, Elizabeth LG 4.5 0.5 3,325 NF 104626 EN Anne Frank Hudson-Goff, Elizabeth MG 4.5 0.5 3,207 NF 104646 SP ataque a Pearl Harbor, El Hudson-Goff, Elizabeth MG 5.0 0.5 1,642 NF 104627 SP César Chávez (Spanish) Hudson-Goff, Elizabeth LG 4.7 0.5 2,197 NF 104647 SP fiebre del oro en California, La Hudson-Goff, Elizabeth MG 5.0 0.5 1,936 NF 104648 SP primer alunizaje, El Hudson-Goff, Elizabeth MG 4.8 0.5 1,841 NF 128827 EN Princess and the Unicorn, The Hughes, Carol MG 5.5 8.0 54,120 F 55204 EN Soldier Boys Hughes, Dean MG 5.4 7.0 45,707 F 20212 EN Hughes, Ellen MG 8.0 2.0 12,083 NF 74392 EN Hughes, Libby MG 7.6 3.0 19,864 NF 6924 EN Christmas in the American Southwest George W. Bush: From Texas to the White House Invitation to the Game Hughes, Monica UG 4.7 6.0 43,627 F 6896 EN Hughes, Tracy UG 4.8 1.0 8,336 5985 EN Hugo, Victor UG 11.8 38.0 176,412 F 122803 EN Hugo, Victor Marie MG 3.6 1.0 5,479 F 124976 EN Everything You Need to Know About Teen Pregnancy Hunchback of Notre-Dame (Unabridged), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Saddleback), The Merchant Hull, Robert MG 7.2 2.0 10,634 NF 124977 EN Nun Hull, Robert MG 7.7 2.0 10,645 NF 124978 EN Peasant Hull, Robert MG 7.0 2.0 10,116 NF 124981 EN Stonemason Hull, Robert MG 7.3 2.0 10,274 NF 102 EN Across Five Aprils Hunt, Irene MG 6.6 10.0 61,778 F 137931 EN Battles of the Clans Hunter, Erin MG 6.0 6.0 36,981 F 132820 EN Bluestar's Prophecy Hunter, Erin MG 4.5 16.0 111,419 F 123747 EN Cats of the Clans Hunter, Erin MG 6.8 2.0 12,222 F 131225 EN Code of the Clans Hunter, Erin MG 5.4 6.0 38,181 F 145201 EN Crookedstar's Promise Hunter, Erin MG 3.9 15.0 106,273 F 78940 EN Dangerous Path, A Hunter, Erin MG 5.9 12.0 72,990 F 119907 EN Dark River Hunter, Erin MG 4.3 10.0 69,857 F 82929 EN Darkest Hour, The Hunter, Erin MG 6.3 12.0 73,472 F 103835 EN Dawn Hunter, Erin MG 5.1 11.0 73,983 F 126399 EN Eclipse Hunter, Erin MG 4.3 10.0 68,731 F NF Page 66 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 128583 EN Escape from the Forest Hunter, Erin MG 2.7 1.0 4,336 F 954 EN Fading Echoes Hunter, Erin MG 4.4 12.0 85,000 F 137293 EN Fading Echoes Hunter, Erin MG 4.4 9.0 65,294 F 70122 EN Fire and Ice Hunter, Erin MG 5.4 11.0 71,216 F 137747 EN Fire in the Sky Hunter, Erin MG 5.0 9.0 61,226 F 118241 EN Firestar's Quest Hunter, Erin MG 5.5 19.0 123,370 F 73953 EN Forest of Secrets Hunter, Erin MG 5.8 11.0 71,926 F 148120 EN Forgotten Warrior, The Hunter, Erin MG 5.2 11.0 71,079 F 948 EN Fourth Apprentice, The Hunter, Erin MG 5.4 11.0 71,638 F 128929 EN Great Bear Lake Hunter, Erin MG 5.2 11.0 73,101 F 67278 EN Into the Wild Hunter, Erin MG 5.6 10.0 62,751 F 128584 EN Into the Woods Hunter, Erin MG 2.6 1.0 4,766 F 136094 EN Last Wilderness, The Hunter, Erin MG 5.3 9.0 61,595 F 127440 EN Long Shadows Hunter, Erin MG 5.3 11.0 74,437 F 128587 EN Lost Warrior, The Hunter, Erin MG 2.3 0.5 3,245 F 87627 EN Midnight Hunter, Erin MG 6.0 12.0 72,664 F 100080 EN Moonrise Hunter, Erin MG 5.8 11.0 67,787 F 141174 EN Night Whispers Hunter, Erin MG 4.0 9.0 65,834 F 123123 EN Outcast Hunter, Erin MG 5.4 11.0 73,862 F 123127 EN Quest Begins, The Hunter, Erin MG 5.4 12.0 74,929 F 128242 EN Rise of Scourge, The Hunter, Erin MG 2.3 0.5 3,784 F 75834 EN Rising Storm Hunter, Erin MG 6.1 11.0 71,407 F 937 EN Sight, The Hunter, Erin MG 4.9 12.0 83,000 F 114862 EN Sight, The Hunter, Erin MG 4.9 12.0 78,527 F 143901 EN Sign of the Moon Hunter, Erin MG 5.2 11.0 70,527 F 138973 EN SkyClan's Destiny Hunter, Erin MG 5.6 17.0 110,692 F 130734 EN Smoke Mountain Hunter, Erin MG 4.8 9.0 62,289 F 142968 EN Spirits in the Stars Hunter, Erin MG 5.4 10.0 65,629 F 106251 EN Starlight Hunter, Erin MG 5.9 12.0 75,199 F 907 EN Sunrise Hunter, Erin MG 6.0 12.0 75,000 F 130962 EN Sunrise Hunter, Erin MG 5.2 11.0 75,255 F 112311 EN Sunset Hunter, Erin MG 5.5 11.0 71,139 F 109322 EN Twilight Hunter, Erin MG 5.5 11.0 73,678 F 128588 EN Warrior's Refuge Hunter, Erin MG 2.2 0.5 3,762 F 128790 EN Warrior's Return Hunter, Erin MG 2.5 1.0 4,361 F 924 EN Warriors: The Fourth Apprentice Hunter, Erin MG 5.0 8.0 50,000 F 571 EN Mermaid Summer, The Hunter, Mollie MG 6.1 5.0 29,855 F 14496 EN Walking Stones, The Hunter, Mollie MG 6.3 5.0 30,817 F 124430 EN Ghostgirl Hurley, Tonya MG 6.6 10.0 60,945 F 131490 EN Ghostgirl: Homecoming Hurley, Tonya MG 6.4 8.0 51,410 F 138330 EN Ghostgirl: Lovesick Hurley, Tonya MG 6.5 9.0 56,640 F 122529 EN Hurley, Trish MG 6.8 1.0 8,330 NF 123958 EN 10 Most Enduring Fashion Trends, The 10 Most Outrageous Outlaws, The Hurley, Trish MG 6.4 2.0 9,698 NF Page 67 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 29789 EN Girl Called Boy, A Hurmence, Belinda MG 5.7 7.0 42,958 F 11456 EN Hurwitz, Johanna MG 5.1 3.0 21,288 F 310 EN Birthday Surprises: Ten Great Stories to Unwrap Class Clown Hurwitz, Johanna LG 4.6 2.0 15,360 F 406 EN Class President Hurwitz, Johanna MG 4.3 2.0 12,440 F 14101 EN Hurwitz, Sue MG 5.8 1.0 4,971 NF 14103 EN Hurwitz, Sue MG 6.2 1.0 6,177 NF 81825 EN Careers Inside the World of Entrepreneurs Careers Inside the World of the Government Egypt Husain, Shahrukh MG 5.2 1.0 5,057 NF 81826 EN Greece Husain, Shahrukh MG 5.2 1.0 5,475 NF 81830 EN Rome Husain, Shahrukh MG 5.4 1.0 5,607 NF 25058 EN Huynh, Quang Nhuong MG 6.4 3.0 16,915 NF 117578 EN Water Buffalo Days: Growing Up in Vietnam Film and Fiction Robots Hyland, Tony MG 6.0 1.0 4,125 NF 117584 EN Scientific and Medical Robots Hyland, Tony MG 6.2 1.0 4,188 NF 117585 EN Space Robots Hyland, Tony MG 6.0 1.0 4,148 NF 89428 SP Tierras polares Hynes, Margaret MG 5.6 0.5 2,272 NF 118261 EN Hynson, Colin MG 5.6 0.5 3,088 NF 125286 EN You Wouldn't Want to Be an Inca Mummy! Dragonfly Pool, The Ibbotson, Eva MG 6.5 16.0 95,124 F 137908 EN Ignatow, Amy MG 4.0 2.0 14,847 F 46087 EN Popularity Papers: Research for the Social Improvement and General Bettermen, Th I See the Rhythm Igus, Toyomi LG 5.1 0.5 1,372 F 56534 SP Ingram, Scott MG 7.8 2.0 8,798 NF 28619 EN California, el Estado Dorado (Biblioteca de los estados) Alien Visitors and Abductions Innes, Brian MG 4.8 1.0 7,022 NF 28628 EN Ghosts of Flight 401 Innes, Brian MG 5.8 1.0 6,464 NF 28622 EN Millennium Prophecies Innes, Brian MG 6.2 1.0 6,431 NF 28623 EN Mysteries of the Ancients Innes, Brian MG 6.6 1.0 6,692 NF 28625 EN Native American Monuments Innes, Brian MG 6.3 1.0 6,785 NF 28626 EN Powers of the Mind Innes, Brian MG 6.1 1.0 6,807 NF 28632 EN Where Was Atlantis? Innes, Brian MG 6.5 1.0 6,644 NF 7115 EN Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The Irving, Washington UG 11.0 3.0 12,213 F 62926 SP leyenda de Sleepy Hollow, La Irving, Washington MG 6.8 2.0 13,869 F 6393 EN Original Freddie Ackerman, The Irwin, Hadley MG 6.0 6.0 39,648 F 12471 EN Swamp Angel Isaacs, Anne LG 5.0 0.5 1,278 F 126957 EN Isaacs, Sally Senzell LG 5.6 0.5 2,459 NF 8490 EN Isaacson, Philip UG 6.7 1.0 7,797 NF 46909 EN Understanding the U.S. Constitution Short Walk Around the Pyramids & Through the World of Art, A Volunteering to Help in Your Neighborhood Volunteering to Help with Animals Isler, Claudia MG 5.6 0.5 2,956 NF Isler, Claudia MG 6.0 1.0 3,288 NF Travelers: Book One: Pendragon, Before the War, The Bone Detectives: How Forensic Anthropologists Solve Crimes and Uncover Mysteries Jablonski, Carla MG 4.4 7.0 51,249 Jackson, Donna M. MG 7.8 2.0 9,579 46912 EN 128796 EN 16189 EN F NF Page 68 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 7.9 1.0 8,267 NF MG 5.4 1.0 3,334 F Author IL Jackson, Donna M. MG Jackson, Ellen ATOS BL 79374 EN 26742 EN In Your Face: The Facts About Your Features Turn of the Century 128581 EN Navy Submarines in Action Jackson, Kay LG 4.9 0.5 1,096 NF 5112 EN Computers Jacobsen, Karen LG 4.4 0.5 1,192 NF 101341 SP Jacobson, Ryan MG 4.5 0.5 2,465 NF 68070 EN Jacques, Brian MG 5.2 15.0 99,534 F 10755 EN Eleanor Roosevelt: Primera dama del mundo Angel's Command: A Tale from the Castaways of the Flying Dutchman, The Bellmaker, The Jacques, Brian MG 5.7 14.0 90,191 F 47662 EN Castaways of the Flying Dutchman Jacques, Brian MG 5.4 12.0 80,305 F 102037 EN High Rhulain Jacques, Brian MG 5.5 15.0 99,186 F 30337 EN Legend of Luke, The Jacques, Brian MG 5.7 16.0 104,414 F 73761 EN Loamhedge Jacques, Brian MG 5.3 19.0 121,162 F 20083 EN Long Patrol, The Jacques, Brian MG 6.0 15.0 93,572 F 43407 EN Lord Brocktree Jacques, Brian MG 5.5 16.0 103,126 F 7168 EN Mariel of Redwall Jacques, Brian MG 5.7 16.0 103,689 F 28453 EN Marlfox Jacques, Brian MG 5.7 17.0 106,265 F 10784 EN Martin the Warrior Jacques, Brian MG 5.5 14.0 88,502 F 6050 EN Mattimeo Jacques, Brian MG 5.2 18.0 119,564 F 6688 EN Mossflower Jacques, Brian MG 5.1 17.0 112,806 F 15097 EN Outcast of Redwall Jacques, Brian MG 6.3 15.0 93,717 F 15829 EN Pearls of Lutra Jacques, Brian MG 6.1 18.0 108,908 F 81927 EN Rakkety Tam Jacques, Brian MG 5.5 16.0 104,505 F 7129 EN Redwall Jacques, Brian MG 5.6 16.0 101,289 F 10793 EN Salamandastron Jacques, Brian MG 5.7 16.0 100,920 F 53575 EN Taggerung: A Tale From Redwall Jacques, Brian MG 5.2 19.0 124,276 F 63024 EN Triss Jacques, Brian MG 5.8 17.0 106,978 F 52328 EN Susanna of the Alamo Jakes, John MG 3.9 1.0 3,905 5085 EN Shoebag James, Mary MG 4.7 4.0 25,787 NF F 17205 EN Ancient Rome James, Simon MG 8.1 2.0 8,796 NF 135921 EN James, Trisha MG 4.9 0.5 2,197 NF 135923 EN James, Trisha MG 5.1 0.5 2,186 NF 83884 SP Cattle and Oil: The Growth of Texas Industries Celebrating Texas: Patriotic Symbols and Landmarks aparato respiratorio, El Jango-Cohen, Judith LG 4.2 0.5 2,388 NF 66513 EN CIA, The January, Brendan MG 7.7 1.0 6,595 NF 66514 EN FBI, The January, Brendan MG 7.7 1.0 6,714 NF 106423 EN Línea, La Jaramillo, Ann MG 4.3 5.0 36,746 F 136671 EN Goal! Javaherbin, Mina LG 2.7 0.5 868 F 13999 EN Skateboarding Basics Jay, Jackson MG 3.9 0.5 2,778 NF 49025 EN Alligator Jefferis, David LG 5.1 0.5 1,842 NF 103411 EN Jeffrey, Gary MG 4.1 1.0 3,624 NF 103462 EN Loch Ness Monster and Other Lake Mysteries, The UFOs: Alien Abduction and Close Encounters Jeffrey, Gary MG 3.9 0.5 3,111 NF Page 69 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL Jenkins, Emily LG Points Word Count F/NF 4.0 2.0 12,951 F ATOS BL 108832 EN 122607 EN Toys Go Out: Being the Adventures of a Knowledgeable Stingray, a Toughy Little 10 Deadliest Snakes, The Jenkins, Jennifer Meghan MG 6.2 2.0 9,302 NF 122611 EN 10 Most Amazing Birds, The Jenkins, Jennifer Meghan MG 6.2 1.0 8,938 NF 57188 EN Attack of Apollyon Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.4 4.0 26,053 F 54955 EN Battling the Commander Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.2 3.0 22,587 F 68573 EN Beast Arises, The Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 5.2 4.0 25,676 F 76137 EN Bounty Hunters Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 5.1 5.0 33,567 F 71826 EN Breakout! Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 5.0 4.0 25,940 F 42215 EN Busted! Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.4 3.0 18,344 F 119160 SP Cambiante, El Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 5.0 7.0 47,178 F 57187 EN Dangerous Plan, A Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.7 4.0 26,887 F 53561 EN Darkening Skies Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.6 4.0 25,809 F 68571 EN Death at the Gala Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.7 4.0 25,684 F 42220 EN Death Strike Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.5 3.0 20,158 F 45043 EN Earthquake! Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.1 3.0 24,706 F 121679 SP esbirros del tiempo, Los Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 5.0 8.0 50,317 F 60563 EN Escape from New Babylon Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.3 4.0 26,582 F 73764 EN Escape to Masada Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 5.1 4.0 25,780 F 119159 SP Espada del Lombricero, La Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 5.7 9.0 56,578 F 27608 EN Facing the Future Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 5.4 4.0 26,842 F 54958 EN Fire from Heaven Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.3 3.0 23,522 F 63438 EN Horsemen of Terror Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.5 4.0 26,199 F 45050 EN Into the Storm Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.5 4.0 26,484 F 46173 EN Judgment Day Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.3 3.0 20,787 F 71831 EN Mark of the Beast, The Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.8 4.0 25,640 F 71829 EN Murder in the Holy Place Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 5.1 4.0 25,971 F 42231 EN Nicolae High Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.8 3.0 20,501 F 81277 EN Ominous Choices Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 5.2 5.0 34,631 F 45056 EN On the Run Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.5 4.0 28,978 F 82207 EN Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 5.1 5.0 33,362 F 45070 EN Road to War: Facing the Guillotine, The Search, The Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.3 4.0 28,731 F 27606 EN Second Chance Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.9 4.0 28,152 F 60577 EN Secrets of New Babylon Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.1 3.0 22,038 F 46193 EN Showdown, The Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 3.8 3.0 22,044 F 53576 EN Terror in the Stadium Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.4 4.0 25,938 F 27605 EN Through the Flames Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.9 4.0 28,019 F 82209 EN Triumphant Return Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 5.4 5.0 34,786 F 42247 EN Underground, The Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.1 3.0 19,105 F 63449 EN Uplink from the Underground Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.5 4.0 25,174 F 73776 EN War of the Dragon Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 5.1 4.0 27,028 F 71833 EN Wildfire! Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.5 3.0 23,308 F 27607 EN Vanishings, The Jenkins/LaHaye MG 5.0 4.0 27,461 F Page 70 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 748 EN Walk Across America, A Jenkins, Peter UG 6.4 14.0 82,355 NF 130031 EN Jenkins, Steve LG 6.0 0.5 1,988 NF 117752 EN Down, Down, Down: A Journey to the Bottom of the Sea Living Color Jenkins, Steve LG 5.8 1.0 8,028 NF 30309 EN Jenkins, Steve MG 5.6 0.5 1,117 NF 17990 EN Top of the World: Climbing Mount Everest, The Faith and the Electric Dogs Jennings, Patrick MG 4.1 3.0 22,185 13381 EN Sports Jensen, Jeffry MG 6.5 1.0 7,437 NF 65295 SP ¿Quién fue Amelia Earhart? Jerome, Kate Boehm MG 5.1 1.0 7,463 NF 17835 EN Jiang, Ji-li UG 5.0 8.0 54,473 NF 54159 EN Red Scarf Girl: A Memoir of the Cultural Revolution Breaking Through Jiménez, Francisco MG 5.3 7.0 43,806 F 2485 SP Cajas de cartón Jiménez, Francisco MG 5.3 4.0 28,574 F 2485 EN Circuit, The Jiménez, Francisco MG 5.3 4.0 27,007 F 47123 EN Mariposa (English), La Jiménez, Francisco LG 4.6 0.5 2,384 F F F 47123 SP mariposa (Spanish), La Jiménez, Francisco LG 6.3 1.0 6,769 124500 SP Más allá de mí Jiménez, Francisco MG 5.8 8.0 49,945 NF 54159 SP Senderos fronterizos Jiménez, Francisco MG 5.3 7.0 46,775 F 44143 EN Platero and I Jiménez, Juan Ramón MG 6.4 1.0 5,454 F 114307 EN Evil Genius Jinks, Catherine MG 4.9 21.0 140,866 F 59412 EN Skeleton: Our Body's Framework Johnson, Jinny MG 7.8 1.0 7,568 NF 49071 EN Why Do People Join Gangs? Johnson, Julie UG 6.7 1.0 5,576 NF 6900 EN Johnson, Linda Carlson UG 4.3 1.0 6,221 NF 80552 SP Everything You Need to Know About Your Parents' Divorce aparato digestivo, El Johnson, Rebecca L. LG 4.6 0.5 2,001 NF 79258 SP sistema muscular, El Johnson, Rebecca L. LG 4.2 0.5 1,988 NF 31198 EN Safe at Second Johnson, Scott MG 4.3 8.0 58,512 F 123267 EN Point Blank: The Graphic Novel Johnston, Antony MG 2.7 1.0 9,771 F 112129 EN Stormbreaker: The Graphic Novel Johnston, Antony MG 2.4 1.0 5,909 F 9824 EN Monster Truck Racing Johnston, Scott MG 4.2 0.5 1,781 NF 9829 EN Johnston, Scott MG 4.4 0.5 1,628 NF 12472 EN Original Monster Truck: Bigfoot, The Amber on the Mountain Johnston, Tony LG 3.0 0.5 1,165 F 53557 EN Johnston, Tony MG 4.1 2.0 16,500 F 119034 EN Jolley, Dan MG 4.7 1.0 3,531 F 118263 EN Jonell, Lynne MG 4.7 9.0 58,289 F 132139 EN Any Small Goodness: A Novel of the Barrio Guan Yu: Blood Brothers to the End Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking Rat Secret of Zoom, The Jonell, Lynne MG 5.1 10.0 67,007 F 111918 EN Legend of the Anaconda King Jones, Allan Frewin MG 5.3 5.0 35,439 F 112911 EN Legend of the Golden Elephant Jones, Allan Frewin MG 5.3 6.0 37,185 F 106778 EN Legend of the Lost City Jones, Allan Frewin MG 5.3 6.0 37,073 F 106509 EN Legend of the Pharaoh's Tomb Jones, Allan Frewin MG 5.1 6.0 37,054 F 113396 EN Faerie Path, The Jones, Frewin MG 5.0 11.0 70,313 F 119696 EN Lost Queen, The Jones, Frewin MG 5.3 12.0 75,785 F 101314 EN Cheer Basics: Rules to Cheer By Jones, Jen MG 4.8 0.5 2,059 NF 101317 EN Cheer Spirit: Revving up the Crowd Jones, Jen MG 5.2 0.5 2,132 NF Page 71 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 119835 EN 129441 EN Cheers, Chants, and Signs: Getting the Crowd Going Genie Scheme, The Points Word Count F/NF 4.1 0.5 2,005 NF MG 4.6 5.0 35,445 F Author IL Jones, Jen MG Jones, Kimberly K. ATOS BL 7725 EN Germy Blew It Jones, Rebecca C. MG 3.7 3.0 20,125 F 59345 EN Hunting of the Last Dragon, The Jordan, Sherryl UG 6.0 8.0 52,626 F 7050 EN Winter of Fire Jordan, Sherryl UG 5.6 12.0 76,158 F 58503 SP Rascacielos: Por dentro y por fuera Joseph, Leonard M. MG 7.9 2.0 9,341 42817 SP color de mis palabras, El Joseph, Lynn MG 5.1 3.0 20,117 57277 EN Jovinelly, Joann MG 8.2 1.0 8,109 NF 114562 EN Joyce, Jaime UG 5.3 1.0 6,826 NF 114551 EN Joyce, Jaime UG 5.3 1.0 6,950 NF 122662 EN Junyk, Myra MG 6.5 1.0 8,158 NF 122664 EN Junyk, Myra MG 6.8 2.0 9,364 NF NF F 130 EN Crafts and Culture of the Aztecs, The Bullet Proof! The Evidence That Guns Leave Behind Toe Tagged: True Stories from the Morgue 10 Greatest American Presidents, The 10 Most Defining Moments of the Civil War Era, The Phantom Tollbooth, The Juster, Norton MG 6.7 7.0 42,156 F 74071 EN Kira-Kira Kadohata, Cynthia MG 4.7 7.0 44,326 F 135202 EN Million Shades of Gray, A Kadohata, Cynthia MG 4.9 6.0 42,772 F 104757 EN Weedflower Kadohata, Cynthia MG 4.8 7.0 49,485 F 143186 EN Iron Daughter, The Kagawa, Julie UG 5.6 16.0 103,693 F 139747 EN Iron King, The Kagawa, Julie UG 5.3 15.0 100,530 F 143195 EN Iron Queen, The Kagawa, Julie UG 5.7 17.0 107,159 F 12882 EN Courage Kahaner, Ellen MG 5.7 1.0 7,779 NF 20587 EN Isle Royale National Park Kalbacken, Joan LG 5.7 0.5 1,507 NF 55553 EN Kallen, Stuart A. MG 5.9 1.0 5,907 NF 64861 EN Civil Rights Movement (Black History), The Mummies Kallen, Stuart A. MG 7.7 1.0 4,876 NF 87670 SP Animales llamados mamiferos Kalman, Bobbie LG 4.5 0.5 2,018 NF 114729 SP Baloncesto espectacular Kalman, Bobbie LG 4.0 0.5 2,292 NF 83709 SP Bomberos al rescate Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.8 0.5 3,050 NF 111848 SP Kalman, Bobbie MG 5.8 1.0 3,397 NF 83780 SP Cadenas alimentarias de los pantanos Cadenas alimentarias del bosque Kalman, Bobbie MG 5.1 1.0 3,459 NF 83778 SP Cadenas alimentarias del desierto Kalman, Bobbie MG 5.0 1.0 3,681 NF 78672 SP ciclo de vida de la abeja, El Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.8 1.0 4,023 NF 58819 SP ciclo de vida de la araña, El Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.8 1.0 3,426 NF 78675 SP Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.5 1.0 3,631 NF 55001 SP ciclo de vida de la lombriz de tierra, El ciclo de vida de la mariposa, El Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.1 0.5 2,948 NF 55002 SP ciclo de vida de la rana, El Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.4 0.5 2,816 NF 58820 SP ciclo de vida del árbol, El Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.4 1.0 4,175 NF 58818 SP ciclo de vida del león, El Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.6 0.5 2,727 NF 78673 SP ciclo de vida del mosquito, El Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.6 1.0 3,512 NF 111847 SP Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.9 1.0 3,884 NF 106591 SP ciclo de vida del pingüino emperador, El ciclo del agua, El Kalman, Bobbie LG 4.0 0.5 2,846 NF Page 72 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 49348 EN Colonial Home Kalman, Bobbie MG 5.7 1.0 4,686 NF 15907 EN Colonial Life Kalman, Bobbie MG 5.9 1.0 3,791 NF 49357 SP Kalman, Bobbie MG 5.4 1.0 4,529 NF 36325 SP ¿Cómo encuentran alimento los animales? ¿Cómo se adaptan los animales? Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.8 1.0 4,478 NF 114719 SP Explora Australia y Oceanía Kalman, Bobbie LG 4.0 0.5 2,004 NF 114717 SP Explora la Antártida Kalman, Bobbie LG 4.5 0.5 2,313 NF 87660 SP Kalman, Bobbie LG 4.4 0.5 3,060 NF 114727 SP fotosíntesis: de la luz del sol al alimento, La Fútbol para patear Kalman, Bobbie LG 4.4 0.5 2,155 NF 106637 SP hogares de los insectos, Los Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.3 0.5 2,615 NF 58796 EN India: The Culture (Revised Edition) Kalman, Bobbie MG 6.6 1.0 8,432 NF 106635 SP Insectos comunes Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.5 0.5 2,648 NF 83779 SP Las cadenas alimentarias y tú Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.9 0.5 3,186 NF 106590 SP Las plantas de distintos hábitats Kalman, Bobbie LG 4.2 0.5 2,884 NF 29893 SP ¿Qué es el reino animal? Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.3 1.0 4,156 NF 49385 SP ¿Qué es un caballo? Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.5 0.5 3,137 NF 29890 SP ¿Qué es un ciclo de vida? Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.1 1.0 3,917 NF 36324 SP ¿Qué es un perro? Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.5 1.0 4,195 NF 36327 SP ¿Qué son las plantas? Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.4 1.0 4,382 NF 29892 SP Kalman, Bobbie MG 5.3 1.0 3,438 NF 36320 SP ¿Qué son las redes y cadenas alimentarias? ¿Qué son los anfibios? Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.5 0.5 3,256 NF 29891 SP ¿Qué son los biomas? Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.4 1.0 4,302 NF 29899 SP ¿Qué son los murciélagos? Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.8 0.5 3,291 NF 29897 SP ¿Qué son los reptiles? Kalman, Bobbie MG 4.6 1.0 3,698 NF 87672 SP Ranas y otros anfibios Kalman, Bobbie LG 4.0 0.5 2,179 NF 15937 EN Spanish Missions Kalman, Bobbie MG 6.6 1.0 3,197 NF 68436 SP Tiburones espectaculares Kalman, Bobbie MG 6.2 1.0 5,001 NF 83714 SP Kalman, Bobbie MG 5.5 0.5 3,044 NF 130506 EN veterinarios cuidan la salud de los animales, Los Pip: The Story of Olive Kane, Kim MG 5.1 8.0 52,027 F 129941 EN Girlfriend Material Kantor, Melissa UG 5.4 9.0 57,632 F 12142 EN Owls Kappeler, Markus MG 6.7 1.0 6,647 NF 110780 EN Alex Rodriguez Kappes, Serena MG 6.6 3.0 18,790 NF 5076 EN Middle School Blues Kassem, Lou MG 3.7 5.0 37,187 F 135747 EN Fallen Kate, Lauren UG 5.7 16.0 100,927 F 144272 EN Passion Kate, Lauren UG 5.1 14.0 91,529 F 139717 EN Torment Kate, Lauren UG 5.4 15.0 99,155 F 14831 EN Katz, William Loren MG 6.2 3.0 15,617 NF 6733 EN Proudly Red and Black: Stories of African and Native Americans Sports Great Joe Montana Kavanagh, Jack MG 6.3 2.0 9,263 NF NF 6735 EN Sports Great Larry Bird Kavanagh, Jack MG 5.4 1.0 9,707 82276 EN Back to the Divide Kay, Elizabeth MG 5.6 13.0 85,426 F 70139 EN Divide, The Kay, Elizabeth MG 5.3 11.0 70,576 F 101197 EN Jinx on the Divide Kay, Elizabeth MG 5.4 12.0 80,408 F Page 73 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 5,516 NF NF 125685 EN Tsunamis and Floods Keedle, Jayne MG 5.4 1.0 125686 EN Volcanoes Keedle, Jayne MG 5.4 1.0 5,225 6984 EN I Am Regina Keehn, Sally M. UG 4.4 8.0 53,539 F 5601 EN Bungalow Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.6 5.0 33,782 F 6753 EN Captive Witness Keene, Carolyn MG 5.4 5.0 33,595 F 5602 EN Clue in the Crossword Cipher, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.6 6.0 35,389 F 5603 EN Clue in the Crumbling Wall, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.1 5.0 35,150 F 5604 EN Clue in the Diary, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.5 5.0 33,222 F 5605 EN Clue in the Jewel Box, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.2 5.0 35,374 F 5606 EN Clue in the Old Album, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.1 5.0 34,385 F 5607 EN Clue in the Old Stagecoach, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.6 6.0 36,489 F 5608 EN Clue of the Black Keys, The Keene, Carolyn MG 4.8 5.0 33,795 F 5609 EN Clue of the Broken Locket, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.4 5.0 34,828 F 5610 EN Clue of the Dancing Puppet, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.5 5.0 35,369 F 5611 EN Clue of the Leaning Chimney, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.5 5.0 35,336 F 5612 EN Clue of the Tapping Heels, The Keene, Carolyn MG 4.9 5.0 34,770 F 5613 EN Clue of the Velvet Mask, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.3 5.0 33,364 F 5614 EN Keene, Carolyn MG 5.8 6.0 35,371 F 5615 EN Clue of the Whistling Bagpipes, The Crooked Banister, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.3 5.0 33,738 F 5616 EN Double Jinx Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.3 5.0 34,387 F 5722 EN Fatal Attraction Keene, Carolyn MG 4.6 4.0 29,710 F 5617 EN Ghost of Blackwood Hall, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.9 6.0 35,790 F 5618 EN Haunted Bridge, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.3 5.0 34,349 F 5620 EN Hidden Staircase, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.5 6.0 36,118 F 5621 EN Hidden Window Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.5 5.0 34,965 F 19687 EN In Search of the Black Rose Keene, Carolyn MG 4.7 5.0 32,352 F 5622 EN Invisible Intruder, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.1 5.0 33,651 F 5624 EN Moonstone Castle Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.3 5.0 35,569 F 5625 EN Mysterious Mannequin, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.1 5.0 35,107 F 5626 EN Mystery at Lilac Inn, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.3 6.0 36,406 F 6778 EN Mystery of Crocodile Island Keene, Carolyn MG 5.0 5.0 35,871 F 5633 EN Mystery of the 99 Steps, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.4 5.0 34,489 F 5628 EN Mystery of the Brass-Bound Trunk Keene, Carolyn MG 5.2 5.0 35,561 F 5629 EN Mystery of the Fire Dragon, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.5 6.0 37,262 F 6780 EN Mystery of the Glowing Eye Keene, Carolyn MG 5.3 5.0 34,491 F 5630 EN Mystery of the Ivory Charm, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.2 5.0 33,065 F 5632 EN Mystery of the Tolling Bell Keene, Carolyn MG 5.3 5.0 35,615 F 19693 EN Mystery on Maui Keene, Carolyn MG 5.1 4.0 28,187 F 5634 EN Nancy's Mysterious Letter Keene, Carolyn MG 4.9 5.0 33,690 F 5635 EN Password to Larkspur Lane Keene, Carolyn MG 4.8 5.0 34,263 F 5636 EN Phantom of Pine Hill, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.4 5.0 35,416 F 5637 EN Quest of the Missing Map, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.4 5.0 34,446 F 5638 EN Ringmaster's Secret, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.3 5.0 34,994 F Page 74 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 5639 EN Scarlet Slipper Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.6 5.0 34,230 F 5640 EN Secret in the Old Attic, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.2 5.0 33,069 F 19689 EN Secret of Candlelight Inn, The Keene, Carolyn MG 4.0 4.0 28,704 F 5641 EN Secret of Mirror Bay, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.2 5.0 34,226 F 5642 EN Secret of Red Gate Farm, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.7 5.0 33,699 F 5643 EN Secret of Shadow Ranch, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.3 5.0 34,312 F 6791 EN Secret of the Forgotten City, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.2 5.0 33,778 F 5644 EN Secret of the Golden Pavilion, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.6 6.0 37,615 F 5645 EN Secret of the Old Clock, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.4 5.0 35,317 F 5646 EN Secret of the Wooden Lady, The Keene, Carolyn MG 4.9 5.0 34,810 F 5647 EN Sign of the Twisted Candles, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.2 5.0 34,583 F 6795 EN Sky Phantom, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.2 5.0 34,748 F 5648 EN Spider Sapphire Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.4 5.0 35,631 F 6796 EN Keene, Carolyn MG 5.4 5.0 34,131 F 19675 EN Strange Message in the Parchment, The Teen Model Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn MG 4.6 5.0 32,590 F 6798 EN Thirteenth Pearl, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.5 5.0 33,708 F 5649 EN Whispering Statue, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.1 5.0 34,735 F 133815 EN Kehoe, Tim MG 4.6 3.0 20,732 F 81642 EN Unusual Mind of Vincent Shadow/Vincent Shadow Toy Inventor, The Abduction! Kehret, Peg MG 4.7 6.0 39,470 F 20257 EN Blizzard Disaster, The Kehret, Peg MG 4.6 4.0 24,266 F 13756 EN Earthquake Terror Kehret, Peg MG 4.6 4.0 29,484 F 139114 EN Ghost Dog Secrets Kehret, Peg MG 4.6 6.0 40,235 F 101953 EN Ghost's Grave, The Kehret, Peg MG 5.0 6.0 41,966 F 8529 EN Horror at the Haunted House Kehret, Peg MG 5.2 5.0 32,665 F 29379 EN I'm Not Who You Think I Am Kehret, Peg MG 4.6 4.0 28,296 F 132853 EN Runaway Twin Kehret, Peg MG 4.7 6.0 39,471 F 31193 EN Kehret, Peg MG 6.5 3.0 18,121 NF 16150 EN Shelter Dogs: Amazing Stories of Adopted Strays Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio Kehret, Peg MG 5.2 4.0 28,431 NF 125975 EN Stolen Children Kehret, Peg MG 4.6 6.0 40,202 F F 75 EN Rifles for Watie Keith, Harold MG 6.1 14.0 86,265 6073 EN Johnny Appleseed Kellogg, Steven LG 4.4 0.5 2,976 142 EN Trumpeter of Krakow, The Kelly, Eric UG 7.1 10.0 59,275 F 130075 EN Evolution of Calpurnia Tate, The Kelly, Jacqueline MG 5.3 12.0 80,972 F 4985 EN Kelly, Tara E. UG 5.6 1.0 5,518 NF 31394 EN Dating and Relating: A Guy's Guide to Girls Choosing the Perfect Cat Kelsey-Wood, Dennis MG 8.2 3.0 16,624 NF 31399 EN Hamsters Today Kelsey-Wood, Dennis MG 8.8 4.0 23,436 NF 12508 EN Kelso, Richard MG 4.6 1.0 4,553 NF 54057 EN Building a Dream: Mary Bethune's School Life as a Paratrooper Kennedy, Robert C. MG 5.7 1.0 3,395 NF 54058 EN Life as an Air Force Fighter Pilot Kennedy, Robert C. MG 6.4 1.0 3,844 NF 54059 EN Life as an Army Demolition Expert Kennedy, Robert C. MG 6.4 0.5 2,901 NF NF Page 75 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 54061 EN Life in the Army Special Forces Kennedy, Robert C. MG 6.3 1.0 3,727 NF 54062 EN Life in the Marines Kennedy, Robert C. MG 6.2 1.0 3,902 NF 54064 EN Life with the Navy Seals Kennedy, Robert C. MG 6.4 1.0 3,778 NF 27030 EN Dublin Kent, Deborah MG 6.3 1.0 5,381 NF 122022 EN Hawai'i (Third Series) Kent, Deborah MG 6.9 3.0 18,538 NF 71924 EN Kent, Deborah MG 5.7 1.0 3,210 NF 132614 EN Helen Keller: Author and Advocate for the Disabled Idaho (Third Series) Kent, Deborah MG 7.6 3.0 18,129 NF 2754 EN In Colonial New England Kent, Deborah MG 6.8 1.0 8,482 NF 2753 EN In the Middle Colonies Kent, Deborah MG 6.6 1.0 7,117 NF 2752 EN In the Southern Colonies Kent, Deborah MG 6.5 1.0 7,261 NF 27033 EN Madrid Kent, Deborah MG 6.1 1.0 3,818 NF 47041 EN Maine Kent, Deborah MG 7.8 4.0 20,040 NF 131832 EN New Hampshire (Third Series) Kent, Deborah MG 7.7 3.0 18,265 NF 118713 EN New Jersey (Third Series) Kent, Deborah MG 6.9 3.0 19,470 NF 47081 EN New Mexico Kent, Deborah MG 7.2 3.0 17,828 NF 27036 EN New York City Kent, Deborah MG 5.9 1.0 5,882 NF 126398 EN Oregon (Third Series) Kent, Deborah MG 7.4 3.0 17,836 NF 27038 EN Rio de Janeiro Kent, Deborah MG 6.3 1.0 4,671 NF 27040 EN San Francisco Kent, Deborah MG 6.0 1.0 6,106 NF 27042 EN St. Petersburg Kent, Deborah MG 5.3 1.0 5,609 NF 47059 EN Utah Kent, Deborah MG 8.1 4.0 20,072 NF 130362 EN Utah (Third Series) Kent, Deborah MG 7.6 3.0 18,382 NF 124234 EN Virginia (Third Series) Kent, Deborah MG 7.1 3.0 18,958 NF 132617 EN Washington, D.C. (Third Series) Kent, Deborah MG 7.9 3.0 17,795 NF 122020 EN Connecticut (Third Series) Kent, Zachary MG 7.1 3.0 17,957 NF 16123 EN Kent, Zachary MG 7.8 3.0 17,615 NF 875 EN Kent, Zachary MG 7.6 2.0 11,888 NF 150520 EN Persian Gulf War: The Mother of All Battles, The Theodore Roosevelt: Twenty-Sixth President of the United States Infamous: Chronicles of Nick Kenyon, Sherrilyn UG 4.7 12.0 82,548 F 137850 EN Infinity: Chronicles of Nick Kenyon, Sherrilyn UG 4.5 11.0 77,467 F 146649 EN Invincible: Chronicles of Nick Kenyon, Sherrilyn UG 4.4 10.0 69,169 F 131492 EN Nothing But Ghosts Kephart, Beth UG 4.8 6.0 41,163 F 54449 EN Kerley, Barbara LG 5.0 0.5 1,870 NF 136067 EN Kerley, Barbara MG 5.8 0.5 2,226 NF 121725 EN Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins, The Extraordinary Mark Twain (According To Susy), The What to Do About Alice? Kerley, Barbara LG 5.2 0.5 2,106 NF 1719 EN Ancient Egyptians Kerr, Daisy LG 5.6 0.5 1,072 NF 1713 EN Ancient Greeks Kerr, Daisy LG 4.7 0.5 1,134 NF 1703 EN Ancient Romans Kerr, Daisy LG 4.6 0.5 966 NF 1712 EN Knights & Armor Kerr, Daisy LG 5.2 0.5 1,134 NF 8567 EN Gentlehands Kerr, M.E. UG 5.0 6.0 39,999 F 8574 EN Linger Kerr, M.E. UG 4.7 5.0 31,706 F 5280 EN Night Kites Kerr, M.E. UG 4.3 6.0 44,079 F Page 76 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 83024 EN Akhenaten Adventure, The Kerr, P.B. MG 5.7 13.0 85,761 F 104779 EN Blue Djinn of Babylon, The Kerr, P.B. MG 5.9 14.0 89,818 F 112567 EN Cobra King of Kathmandu, The Kerr, P.B. MG 5.8 14.0 91,662 F 120570 EN Day of the Djinn Warriors, The Kerr, P.B. MG 5.6 14.0 92,779 F 127489 EN Eye of the Forest, The Kerr, P.B. MG 5.4 15.0 99,374 F 140837 EN Five Fakirs of Faizabad, The Kerr, P.B. MG 5.5 16.0 102,899 F 5813 EN Ghost of Panna Maria, The Kerr, Rita MG 4.3 2.0 16,606 F 119118 EN Kessler, Liz MG 4.3 6.0 42,714 F 125018 EN Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist Philippa Fisher's Fairy Godsister Kessler, Liz MG 4.1 7.0 49,313 F 78081 EN Tail of Emily Windsnap, The Kessler, Liz MG 3.8 6.0 43,967 F 30539 EN Kidnapped Kestel, Deborah MG 4.8 2.0 14,576 F 6359 EN Forgotten Door, The Key, Alexander MG 5.0 5.0 30,141 F 109348 EN Alabama Moon Key, Watt MG 4.1 11.0 75,314 F F 738 EN Flowers for Algernon Keyes, Daniel UG 5.8 13.0 82,873 6892 EN Keyishian, Elizabeth UG 5.3 1.0 6,445 130463 EN Everything You Need to Know About Smoking Wanting Mor Khan, Rukhsana MG 3.7 6.0 41,883 F 139538 EN Cloud Searchers, The Kibuishi, Kazu MG 2.7 1.0 6,801 F 146951 EN Last Council, The Kibuishi, Kazu MG 2.8 1.0 7,103 F 133670 EN Stonekeeper's Curse, The Kibuishi, Kazu MG 2.5 1.0 6,673 F 121996 EN Stonekeeper, The Kibuishi, Kazu MG 2.0 1.0 4,398 F 6235 EN Onion Tears Kidd, Diana LG 4.2 1.0 8,438 F 114349 EN City of Gold Kidd, Rob LG 4.8 2.0 14,351 F 114356 EN Silver Kidd, Rob LG 5.0 2.0 14,876 F 112342 EN Sword of Cortés, The Kidd, Rob LG 5.0 2.0 14,178 F 118917 EN Timekeeper, The Kidd, Rob LG 5.8 2.0 14,979 F 130574 EN Year of the Bomb, The Kidd, Ronald MG 3.7 5.0 40,085 F 940 EN Secret Life of Bees, The Kidd, Sue Monk UG 5.7 15.0 93,316 F F NF 68836 EN Secret Life of Bees, The Kidd, Sue Monk UG 5.7 15.0 93,316 116770 SP Frederick Douglass (Spanish) Kiely Miller, Barbara LG 4.9 0.5 1,365 NF 116771 SP Kiely Miller, Barbara LG 5.4 0.5 1,342 NF 116772 SP George Washington Carver (Spanish) Jefe Joseph Kiely Miller, Barbara LG 4.8 0.5 1,421 NF 116773 SP John Muir (Spanish) Kiely Miller, Barbara LG 5.0 0.5 1,431 NF 116778 SP Sam Houston (Spanish) Kiely Miller, Barbara LG 4.8 0.5 1,434 NF 45350 EN Kimmel, Eric A. LG 4.0 1.0 9,682 F 80395 SP Jar of Fools: Eight Hanukkah Stories from Chelm, The Sopa de cactus Kimmel, Eric A. LG 4.2 0.5 1,218 F 29342 EN Kimmel, Eric A. MG 4.6 2.0 12,661 F 76858 EN Sword of the Samurai: Adventure Stories From Japan West Point Kimmel, Heidi MG 8.1 1.0 5,252 NF 46846 EN Goose Chase Kindl, Patrice UG 6.5 8.0 50,941 F 152682 EN Keeping the Castle Kindl, Patrice MG 7.2 10.0 56,136 F 24466 EN Dropping in on Italy King, David C. MG 4.8 0.5 1,726 NF 24468 EN Dropping in on Kenya King, David C. MG 5.0 0.5 2,049 NF Page 77 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 0.5 1,928 NF 24470 EN Dropping in on Russia King, David C. MG 4.8 31213 EN Water Horse, The King-Smith, Dick MG 5.4 2.0 15,906 F 21582 EN Eyes of the Dragon, The King, Stephen UG 6.4 17.0 104,535 F 133167 SP Diario de Greg: Días de perros Kinney, Jeff MG 6.1 3.0 19,760 F 119441 SP Diario de Greg: La ley de Rodrick Kinney, Jeff MG 5.0 3.0 20,194 F 113950 SP Diario de Greg, un renacuajo Kinney, Jeff MG 5.3 3.0 19,612 F 113950 EN Diary of a Wimpy Kid Kinney, Jeff MG 5.2 3.0 19,784 F 147741 EN Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever Kinney, Jeff MG 5.8 3.0 20,757 F 133167 EN Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days Kinney, Jeff MG 5.2 3.0 19,591 F 119441 EN Kinney, Jeff MG 5.2 3.0 20,165 F 127979 EN Kinney, Jeff MG 5.4 3.0 21,084 F 155305 EN Kinney, Jeff MG 5.6 3.0 19,525 F 140879 EN Kinney, Jeff MG 5.5 3.0 18,979 F 136426 EN Kinney, Jeff MG 6.5 3.0 15,244 NF 6256 EN Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth Wimpy Kid Movie Diary: How Greg Heffley Went Hollywood, The Canada Geese Quilt, The Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie MG 4.1 1.0 5,453 F 20231 EN Just So Stories (Unabridged) Kipling, Rudyard MG 6.4 5.0 33,373 F 7923 EN Miracle of Purun Bhagat, The Kipling, Rudyard UG 7.6 1.0 5,239 F 44973 SP Rikki-tikki-tavi (Spanish) Kipling, Rudyard MG 4.8 4.0 27,567 F 140350 EN Clockwork Three, The Kirby, Matthew J. MG 4.5 15.0 100,530 F 46905 EN Trading Cards Kirkpatrick, Rob MG 6.0 1.0 3,882 NF 56983 EN Ireland (Fiesta!) Kite, Lorien MG 5.4 1.0 3,991 NF 103 EN Big Red Kjelgaard, Jim MG 5.6 9.0 57,786 F 104415 EN Book of Story Beginnings, The Kladstrup, Kristin MG 4.5 10.0 71,774 F 109556 EN Green Glass Sea, The Klages, Ellen MG 4.6 10.0 67,707 F 18364 EN Self-Esteem Klare, Judy MG 5.3 1.0 3,977 14298 EN Danger Zone Klass, David MG 5.2 9.0 56,399 F 136606 EN Stuck on Earth Klass, David MG 4.9 7.0 49,512 F NF 46861 EN You Don't Know Me Klass, David UG 6.4 11.0 69,431 F 130756 EN Klass, Sheila Solomon MG 5.6 6.0 41,161 F 7870 EN Soldier's Secret: The Story of Deborah Sampson Alien Secrets Klause, Annette Curtis UG 6.6 8.0 46,342 F 46908 EN Klee, Sheila MG 5.9 0.5 3,073 32513 EN Kline, Suzy LG 3.4 2.0 12,819 F F 319 EN Volunteering for a Political Campaign Herbie Jones and Hamburger Head/Herbie Jones Superhero Herbie Jones and the Class Gift NF Kline, Suzy LG 3.4 1.0 10,659 62128 EN Ancient Mesopotamia Klingel, Cynthia LG 3.6 0.5 804 129821 EN Dying to Meet You Klise, Kate MG 4.9 2.0 15,073 F 20227 EN Christmas in Switzerland Klobuchar, Lisa MG 8.1 2.0 11,474 NF 142259 EN Freedom Stone Kluger, Jeffrey MG 5.9 12.0 72,503 F 121405 EN My Most Excellent Year: A Novel of Love, Mary Poppins, & Fenway Park Kluger, Steve UG 6.1 13.0 80,207 F NF Page 78 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 8284 EN Sports Great Bobby Bonilla Knapp, Ron MG 5.6 1.0 8,218 NF 36066 EN Sports Great Hakeem Olajuwon (Revised Edition) Sports Great Orel Hershiser Knapp, Ron MG 5.7 2.0 10,401 NF Knapp, Ron MG 4.9 1.0 8,769 NF Knapp, Ron MG 6.5 1.0 6,228 NF Knapp, Ron MG 5.6 1.0 6,556 NF 8291 EN 36062 EN 9842 EN Top 10 American Men's Olympic Gold Medalists Top 10 Basketball Scorers 32315 EN Jamestown: New World Adventure Knight, James E. MG 3.9 0.5 3,155 NF 8442 SP Las paredes hablan Knight, Margy Burns MG 6.4 0.5 1,975 NF 18395 SP ¿Quién es de aquí? Knight, Margy Burns LG 5.3 0.5 1,742 NF 18395 EN Knight, Margy Burns LG 5.3 0.5 1,742 NF 61897 SP Who Belongs Here? An American Story colonia de Jamestown, La Knowlton, MaryLee MG 5.0 1.0 5,154 NF 13504 EN BMX Bicycles Knox, Barbara MG 4.2 0.5 2,582 NF 129813 EN Dragon of Trelian, The Knudsen, Michelle MG 5.6 14.0 89,560 F 108319 EN Library Lion Knudsen, Michelle LG 2.8 0.5 1,378 F 68614 EN Shakespeare Bats Cleanup Koertge, Ron MG 3.8 2.0 11,320 F 10930 EN Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright Koertge, Ron MG 4.3 6.0 38,560 F 124155 EN Otherworldlies, The Kogler, Jennifer Anne MG 5.5 13.0 86,812 F 122613 EN Koh, Frederick MG 7.0 2.0 9,188 NF 124037 EN 10 Most Compelling News Images, The 10 Most Extraordinary Cities, The Koh, Frederick MG 7.0 2.0 10,494 NF 124073 EN Koh, Frederick MG 7.2 2.0 9,845 NF 120011 EN 10 Most Remarkable American Entrepreneurs, The Red Queen's Daughter, The Kolosov, Jacqueline UG 6.9 13.0 77,946 F 29 EN Konigsburg, E.L. MG 4.7 5.0 30,906 F 117773 EN Konigsburg, E.L. MG 5.7 8.0 47,773 F 76086 EN From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Mysterious Edge of the Heroic World, The Outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place, The Konigsburg, E.L. MG 5.5 9.0 55,901 F 44292 EN Silent to the Bone Konigsburg, E.L. UG 5.4 7.0 47,795 F 24948 EN Throwing Shadows Konigsburg, E.L. MG 5.6 5.0 33,263 F 5047 EN Up from Jericho Tel Konigsburg, E.L. MG 5.7 7.0 46,473 F 15098 EN View from Saturday, The Konigsburg, E.L. MG 5.9 7.0 42,685 F 13525 EN Monster Trucks Koons, James MG 3.7 0.5 2,381 NF 13532 EN Pickup Trucks Koons, James MG 4.0 0.5 2,149 NF 54690 EN Koontz, Dean MG 3.8 1.0 10,285 F 31170 EN Paper Doorway: Funny Verse and Nothing Worse, The 6th Grade Nickname Game, The Korman, Gordon MG 4.3 3.0 24,076 F 105987 EN Born to Rock Korman, Gordon MG 5.3 8.0 49,239 F 86639 EN Chasing the Falconers Korman, Gordon MG 4.9 4.0 27,138 F 17283 EN Chicken Doesn't Skate, The Korman, Gordon MG 4.8 6.0 38,753 F 71239 EN Danger, The Korman, Gordon MG 5.3 4.0 26,481 F 69834 EN Deep, The Korman, Gordon MG 5.6 4.0 27,183 F 69278 EN Discovery, The Korman, Gordon MG 5.5 4.0 26,741 F 136780 EN Emperor's Code, The Korman, Gordon MG 5.3 6.0 42,231 F 63434 EN Everest Book One: The Contest Korman, Gordon MG 5.1 4.0 25,328 F 63435 EN Everest Book Three: The Summit Korman, Gordon MG 5.2 4.0 27,895 F Page 79 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 63436 EN Everest Book Two: The Climb Korman, Gordon MG 5.2 4.0 26,333 F 138136 EN Framed Korman, Gordon MG 5.2 6.0 39,402 F 88919 EN Fugitive Factor, The Korman, Gordon MG 5.1 4.0 25,703 F 104775 EN Hunting the Hunter Korman, Gordon MG 5.3 4.0 26,261 F 65859 EN Invasion of the Nose Pickers Korman, Gordon MG 4.6 3.0 17,205 F 58026 EN Island Book One: Shipwreck Korman, Gordon MG 4.6 3.0 23,435 F 58027 EN Island Book Three: Escape Korman, Gordon MG 4.9 4.0 23,878 F 58028 EN Island Book Two: Survival Korman, Gordon MG 4.8 4.0 25,688 F 74086 EN Jake, Reinvented Korman, Gordon UG 5.2 6.0 40,266 F 124561 EN Juvie Three, The Korman, Gordon MG 4.9 8.0 50,781 F 106864 EN Korman, Gordon MG 5.1 4.0 24,570 F 106865 EN Kidnapped Book One: The Abduction Kidnapped Book Two: The Search Korman, Gordon MG 5.0 4.0 24,968 F 6049 EN Losing Joe's Place Korman, Gordon UG 5.5 8.0 52,140 F 145649 EN Medusa Plot, The Korman, Gordon MG 5.3 7.0 45,584 F 48259 EN No More Dead Dogs Korman, Gordon MG 4.5 5.0 37,355 F 100020 EN Korman, Gordon MG 4.9 4.0 24,777 F 127226 EN Now You See Them, Now You Don't One False Note Korman, Gordon MG 4.9 5.0 35,127 F 131873 EN Pop Korman, Gordon MG 5.1 8.0 52,682 F 104045 EN Public Enemies Korman, Gordon MG 5.2 4.0 26,177 F 116008 EN Schooled Korman, Gordon MG 4.9 6.0 40,313 F 5288 EN Korman, Gordon UG 6.0 10.0 61,225 F 148737 EN Semester in the Life of a Garbage Bag, A Showoff Korman, Gordon MG 5.1 6.0 41,024 F 61177 EN Son of the Mob Korman, Gordon UG 4.8 8.0 51,844 F 82299 EN Son of the Mob: Hollywood Hustle Korman, Gordon UG 4.9 8.0 51,797 F 102146 EN Stowaway Solution, The Korman, Gordon MG 5.3 4.0 25,827 F 119940 EN Swindle Korman, Gordon MG 4.9 5.0 34,653 F 143884 EN Titanic Book One: Unsinkable Korman, Gordon MG 5.7 5.0 30,494 F 146269 EN Titanic: Book Three: S.O.S. Korman, Gordon MG 5.7 5.0 29,071 F 145093 EN Titanic Book Two: Collision Course Korman, Gordon MG 5.4 4.0 29,202 F 8097 EN Toilet Paper Tigers, The Korman, Gordon MG 4.2 6.0 40,213 F 7166 EN Twinkie Squad, The Korman, Gordon MG 4.8 7.0 44,638 F 133351 EN Zoobreak Korman, Gordon MG 4.9 5.0 36,322 F 68144 EN Cheat, The Koss, Amy Goldman MG 4.2 4.0 26,931 F 41790 EN Girls, The Koss, Amy Goldman MG 4.7 3.0 22,765 F 8970 EN If UFOs Are Real Koss, Larry MG 5.6 1.0 5,828 145799 EN Edda Kostick, Conor UG 6.9 18.0 109,103 F 114094 EN Epic Kostick, Conor UG 6.3 14.0 85,502 F 122430 EN Saga Kostick, Conor UG 5.7 14.0 88,300 F 6345 EN Kramer, S.A. MG 4.2 0.5 3,340 NF 17992 EN Kramer, Stephen MG 6.4 1.0 8,175 NF 81740 SP To the Top: Climbing The World's Highest Mountain Eye of the Storm: Chasing Storms with Warren Faidley ¿Quién fue Fernando de Magallanes? Kramer, Sydelle MG 4.9 1.0 9,452 NF NF Page 80 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 118199 EN Botswana (Second Series) Kras, Sara Louise MG 6.5 3.0 15,528 NF 109961 EN Honduras (Second Series) Kras, Sara Louise MG 6.8 3.0 16,733 NF 127519 EN Gridiron Bully Kreie, Chris MG 3.0 1.0 5,144 F 130551 EN Pitcher Pressure Kreie, Chris MG 3.4 1.0 5,120 F 130556 EN Tennis Liar Kreie, Chris MG 3.4 1.0 4,981 F 123145 EN Wild Hike Kreie, Chris MG 3.6 1.0 5,278 F 11525 EN Kreiner, Anna UG 5.9 1.0 7,582 NF 24336 EN Kreiner, Anna UG 5.8 1.0 7,163 NF 34558 EN Everything You Need to Know About School Violence In Control: Learning to Say No to Sexual Pressure King Arthur Krensky, Stephen LG 3.8 1.0 4,908 F 56219 EN Krizner, L.J. MG 7.8 2.0 10,092 86212 EN Nathan Hale: Patriot and Martyr of the American Revolution Bad Rap Krulik, Nancy LG 3.3 1.0 8,619 F 74913 EN Krull, Kathleen MG 5.7 1.0 3,256 NF 64366 SP Krull, Kathleen MG 5.6 0.5 2,123 NF 64366 EN Krull, Kathleen MG 5.6 0.5 2,303 NF 17370 EN Krull, Kathleen MG 7.9 3.0 16,466 NF 8473 EN Krull, Kathleen MG 6.9 3.0 15,514 NF 16783 EN Krull, Kathleen MG 6.0 1.0 3,793 NF 42954 SP Krull, Kathleen LG 5.4 0.5 2,099 NF 13757 EN Krull, Kathleen MG 5.1 0.5 1,542 NF NF 4 EN Boy on Fairfield Street: How Ted Geisel Grew Up to Become Dr. Seuss, The Cosechando esperanza: La historia de César Chávez Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez Lives of the Athletes: Thrills, Spills and What the Neighbors Thought Lives of the Musicians: Good Times, Bad Times (and What the Neighbors Thought) Other Side: How Kids Live in a California Latino Neighborhood, The Wilma sin límites, cómo Wilma Rudolph se convirtió en la mujer más rápida del mu Wilma Unlimited: How Wilma Rudolph Became the World's Fastest Woman And Now Miguel Krumgold, Joseph MG 4.8 8.0 56,043 11513 EN Everything...Eating Disorders Kubersky, Rachel UG 5.4 1.0 8,440 NF 8962 EN Kudalis, Eric MG 4.1 0.5 2,823 F 126451 EN Frankenstein and Other Stories of Man-made Monsters Last Invisible Boy, The Kuhlman, Evan MG 5.4 6.0 40,511 F 106165 EN Book of Everything, The Kuijer, Guus MG 3.6 3.0 21,017 F 56220 EN Kukla, Amy MG 7.8 2.0 11,568 NF 109962 EN Patrick Henry: Voice of the Revolution Jordan (Second Series) Kummer, Patricia K. MG 6.9 3.0 18,256 NF 105543 EN Korea Kummer, Patricia K. MG 7.6 3.0 19,479 NF 121222 EN North Korea (Second Series) Kummer, Patricia K. MG 7.1 3.0 17,505 NF 121223 EN South Korea (Second Series) Kummer, Patricia K. MG 7.0 3.0 18,220 NF 105590 EN Syria Kummer, Patricia K. MG 6.6 2.0 15,036 NF 130787 EN Kid Who Saved Superman, The Kupperberg, Paul MG 4.3 1.0 3,747 F 130784 EN Meteor of Doom Kupperberg, Paul MG 4.5 1.0 3,823 F 7114 EN Last of the Breed L'Amour, Louis UG 6.3 20.0 121,030 F 10142 EN Sitka L'Amour, Louis UG 6.5 13.0 79,336 F F Page 81 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 5251 EN Acceptable Time, An L'Engle, Madeleine UG 4.5 11.0 79,250 F 68845 EN And Both Were Young L'Engle, Madeleine UG 5.5 10.0 65,427 F 150 SP arruga en el tiempo, Una L'Engle, Madeleine MG 4.7 7.0 49,965 F 5945 EN Many Waters L'Engle, Madeleine UG 4.7 10.0 67,767 F 135 EN Ring of Endless Light, A L'Engle, Madeleine UG 5.2 11.0 75,407 F 6398 EN Swiftly Tilting Planet, A L'Engle, Madeleine UG 5.2 10.0 63,606 F 5098 EN Wind in the Door, A L'Engle, Madeleine MG 5.0 7.0 48,484 F 150 EN Wrinkle in Time, A L'Engle, Madeleine MG 4.7 7.0 49,965 F 106166 EN Face of the Shadow, The L'Homme, Erik MG 6.2 9.0 57,025 F 105978 EN Mystery of Lord Sha, The L'Homme, Erik MG 6.2 9.0 53,139 F 71433 EN Quadehar the Sorcerer L'Homme, Erik MG 6.1 10.0 59,059 F 116765 SP Animales migratorios: En el agua Labella, Susan LG 5.2 0.5 1,901 NF 102784 EN Labella, Susan LG 1.8 0.5 278 NF 21006 EN Lace, William W. MG 6.2 1.0 4,347 NF 21012 EN Lace, William W. MG 5.4 1.0 4,182 NF 8290 EN Salamanders and Other Animals with Amazing Tails Dallas Cowboys Football Team, The Houston Rockets Basketball Team, The Sports Great Nolan Ryan Lace, William W. MG 6.1 2.0 10,338 NF 83168 EN Forging of the Blade, The LaFevers, R.L. MG 4.2 3.0 22,460 F 113693 EN LaFevers, R.L. MG 5.2 11.0 70,067 F 130795 EN Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos Love, Aubrey LaFleur, Suzanne MG 3.7 7.0 52,603 F 74358 EN Frida Kahlo Laidlaw, Jill A. MG 7.6 1.0 7,209 NF 74401 EN Paul Klee Laidlaw, Jill A. MG 7.2 1.0 7,968 NF 30525 EN Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Laiken, Deidre S. MG 5.3 2.0 14,949 F 30536 EN Heidi Laiken, Deidre S. MG 5.1 2.0 15,895 F 7010 EN Kiss the Dust Laird, Elizabeth UG 5.1 10.0 64,812 F 9823 EN Lowriders Lake, E.D. MG 4.9 0.5 1,842 NF 11534 EN Lakin, Patricia UG 5.5 1.0 6,836 NF 41449 EN Everything You Need to Know When a Parent Doesn't Speak English Raft, The LaMarche, Jim LG 4.1 0.5 1,892 F 81856 EN Dinosaurs Lambert, David MG 5.8 1.0 3,607 NF 12584 EN Seas and Oceans Lambert, David MG 6.6 0.5 2,142 NF 13270 EN Plants Lammert, John MG 6.5 1.0 6,734 NF 142231 EN Land, Dave MG 2.5 0.5 937 F 142232 EN Land, Dave MG 2.3 0.5 938 F 142233 EN Land, Dave MG 2.4 0.5 833 F 142234 EN Empire Strikes Back: Volume 1 (Infinities), The Empire Strikes Back: Volume 2 (Infinities), The Empire Strikes Back: Volume 3 (Infinities), The Empire Strikes Back: Volume 4 (Infinities), The mayas de Yucatán, Los Land, Dave MG 2.3 0.5 680 F Landa, Diego de UG 8.1 4.0 20,764 NF Celebrate the First Thanksgiving with Elaine Landau Día de Acción de Gracias: Un momento para agradecer, El Landau, Elaine MG 4.6 1.0 4,825 NF Landau, Elaine LG 4.5 0.5 3,294 NF 30207 SP 106686 EN 60952 SP Page 82 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 4.5 1.0 3,689 NF LG 4.4 0.5 3,299 NF Landau, Elaine LG 4.6 0.5 2,493 NF Author IL Landau, Elaine LG Landau, Elaine ATOS BL 60945 SP 60953 SP 118762 EN Día de Colón: Celebramos a un explorador famoso, El Día de San Valentín: Caramelos, amor y corazones, El Jupiter (Children's Press) 46785 EN Jupiter (Franklin Watts) Landau, Elaine MG 7.1 1.0 4,452 NF 54221 EN Korea Landau, Elaine LG 5.2 0.5 1,537 NF 46791 EN Mars (Watts Library) Landau, Elaine MG 7.1 1.0 4,978 NF 54223 EN Norway Landau, Elaine LG 5.9 0.5 1,555 NF 118767 EN Saturn (Children's Press) Landau, Elaine LG 4.5 0.5 2,498 NF 46797 EN Saturn (Franklin Watts) Landau, Elaine MG 6.4 1.0 3,748 NF 64309 EN Smokejumpers Landau, Elaine MG 5.9 1.0 3,868 NF 132822 EN Faceless Ones, The Landy, Derek MG 4.8 10.0 69,451 F 123096 EN Playing with Fire Landy, Derek MG 4.9 9.0 62,906 F 114891 EN Landy, Derek MG 4.9 10.0 67,424 F 142831 EN Skulduggery Pleasant/Scepter of the Ancients Death Cloud Lane, Andrew MG 6.3 12.0 72,409 F 138667 EN Lang, Diane MG 5.2 9.0 61,283 F 78141 EN Fat Boy Chronicles: Inspired by a True Story, The Blood Is Thicker Langan, Paul MG 4.8 4.0 27,452 F 82474 EN Langley, Andrew MG 4.8 0.5 2,920 124348 EN Lanthier, Jennifer MG 5.3 10.0 68,150 89902 EN You Wouldn't Want to Be a Viking Explorer! Mystery of the Martello Tower: A Hazel Frump Adventure, The C.S. Lewis Lappi, Megan MG 5.1 1.0 4,162 124691 EN How to Ditch Your Fairy Larbalestier, Justine MG 4.1 9.0 61,057 F 139518 EN Larson, Kirby MG 5.0 8.0 52,741 F 136111 EN Fences Between Us: The Diary of Piper Davis, The Ashes Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.2 10.0 67,512 F 86248 EN Broken Song Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.1 6.0 38,663 F 83001 EN Burning, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.4 6.0 41,966 F 70101 SP captura, La Lasky, Kathryn MG 4.9 7.0 45,454 F 70101 EN Capture, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 4.8 7.0 44,960 F 137024 EN Chasing Orion Lasky, Kathryn MG 4.7 10.0 68,318 F 108288 EN Coming of Hoole, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.2 6.0 42,526 F 18762 EN Lasky, Kathryn MG 4.5 4.0 30,180 F 120567 EN Dreams in the Golden Country: The Diary of Zipporah Feldman, a Jewish Immigrant Exile Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.3 6.0 41,726 F 105860 EN First Collier, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.5 6.0 37,808 F 114312 EN Golden Tree, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.5 6.0 39,206 F 88920 EN Hatchling, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.0 7.0 45,144 F 137267 EN Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.2 8.0 50,765 F 49848 EN Lasky, Kathryn MG 6.0 1.0 4,173 71435 EN Hawksmaid: The Untold Story of Robin Hood and Maid Marian Interrupted Journey: Saving Endangered Sea Turtles Journey, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.1 7.0 48,893 F 17627 EN Journey to the New World: The Diary of Remember Patience Whipple, A Lasky, Kathryn MG 6.0 4.0 26,370 F NF F NF NF Page 83 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 114709 EN Last Girls of Pompeii, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.1 6.0 39,691 F 134782 EN Lone Wolf Lasky, Kathryn MG 6.2 7.0 42,235 F 137616 EN Lost Tales of Ga'Hoole Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.7 6.0 39,226 F 25291 EN Marven of the Great North Woods Lasky, Kathryn LG 4.5 1.0 3,582 F 142637 EN May Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.2 8.0 53,576 F 25562 EN Lasky, Kathryn MG 6.7 1.0 7,116 100602 EN Most Beautiful Roof in the World: Exploring the Rainforest Canopy, The Outcast, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.1 6.0 41,646 F 75126 EN Rescue, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.3 6.0 40,413 F 115640 EN River of Wind, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.3 6.0 40,357 F 81926 EN Shattering, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.1 5.0 34,644 F 78969 EN Siege, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.6 6.0 41,044 F 142869 EN Lasky, Kathryn MG 6.9 1.0 7,344 109868 EN Silk & Venom: Searching for a Dangerous Spider To Be a King Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.3 6.0 41,195 F 16983 EN Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.2 7.0 44,041 F 71435 SP True North: A Novel of the Underground Railroad viaje, El Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.2 7.0 49,275 F 67091 EN Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.9 1.0 3,628 126403 EN Voice of Her Own: The Story of Phillis Wheatley, Slave Poet, A War of the Ember, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.5 7.0 46,977 F 144242 EN Watch Wolf Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.1 6.0 42,113 F 46898 EN Rat Attacks Laslo, Cynthia MG 5.0 1.0 3,414 NF 101372 SP Lassieur, Allison MG 4.3 0.5 2,132 NF 120495 EN Amos de los mares: los Vikingos exploran el Atlántico Norte Louisiana (Third Series) Lassieur, Allison MG 7.7 3.0 18,779 NF 74393 EN Marie Curie: A Scientific Pioneer Lassieur, Allison MG 7.8 3.0 16,561 NF 115209 EN Mongolia (Second Series) Lassieur, Allison MG 7.2 3.0 17,076 NF 101379 SP viaje del Mayflower, El Lassieur, Allison MG 4.6 0.5 2,071 NF 18253 EN Hurricanes: Earth's Mightiest Storms Seeing Earth from Space Lauber, Patricia MG 6.0 1.0 7,505 NF Lauber, Patricia MG 6.3 1.0 5,275 NF Lauber, Patricia LG 4.4 0.5 3,099 NF NF NF NF 6628 EN 111664 EN 130489 EN What You Never Knew About Beds, Bedrooms, and Pajamas Oracles of Delphi Keep Laurie, Victoria MG 6.7 25.0 147,726 F 122451 EN Savvy Law, Ingrid MG 6.0 9.0 57,148 F 952 EN Scumble Law, Ingrid MG 4.0 7.0 50,000 F 20150 EN Wreckers, The Lawrence, Iain UG 4.2 6.0 45,379 F 71 EN Rabbit Hill Lawson, Robert MG 6.4 3.0 20,482 F 64310 EN This Side of Paradise Layne, Steven L. UG 5.2 8.0 54,257 F 5212 EN Catwings Le Guin, Ursula K. LG 4.3 0.5 2,906 F 10114 EN Farthest Shore, The Le Guin, Ursula K. UG 6.1 10.0 60,591 F 54875 EN Tales from Earthsea Le Guin, Ursula K. UG 6.1 14.0 85,982 F 246 EN Tombs of Atuan, The Le Guin, Ursula K. UG 5.9 7.0 45,939 F 81647 EN Very Far Away from Anywhere Else Le Guin, Ursula K. MG 5.4 3.0 21,164 F 5100 EN Wizard of Earthsea, A Le Guin, Ursula K. UG 6.7 9.0 56,533 F Page 84 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 7.0 47,302 F 130979 EN Also Known as Harper Leal, Ann Haywood MG 5.1 108318 EN Keturah and Lord Death Leavitt, Martine MG 5.3 8.0 51,513 F 120770 EN Absolute Brightness Lecesne, James UG 6.5 15.0 88,474 F 110897 EN Lee, Carol Ann MG 7.3 8.0 45,928 NF 720 SP Anne Frank and the Children of the Holocaust Matar un ruiseñor Lee, Harper UG 5.6 15.0 99,121 F F 720 EN To Kill a Mockingbird Lee, Harper UG 5.6 15.0 99,121 56380 EN How to Draw Fish Lee, Justin MG 4.1 0.5 2,222 NF 46954 EN Respiratory System, The Lee, Justin MG 6.8 1.0 6,830 NF 108031 EN Leech, Bonnie Coulter MG 6.8 1.0 3,800 NF 67807 EN Mesopotamia: Creating and Solving Word Problems Alligators and Crocodiles Legg, Gerald LG 5.1 0.5 2,208 NF 67808 EN Bears Legg, Gerald LG 4.6 0.5 2,306 NF 102905 EN Birds of Prey Legg, Gerald LG 5.2 0.5 2,576 NF 102907 EN Octopuses and Squid Legg, Gerald LG 4.9 0.5 2,019 NF 67811 EN Rats Legg, Gerald LG 4.9 0.5 2,172 NF 7869 EN Ellis Island Christmas, An Leighton, Maxine Rhea MG 3.0 0.5 2,442 F 1007 EN Big Lie, The Leitner, Isabella MG 20.0 3.0 8,528 NF 127456 EN Emperor of the Airwaves Lemke, Donald MG 4.4 1.0 4,160 F 130789 EN Puppet Master's Revenge, The Lemke, Donald MG 4.2 1.0 3,994 F 101347 SP Lemke, Donald B. MG 4.0 0.5 2,041 NF 106738 EN valiente escape de Ellen y William Craft, El Power of Friendship, The Lenhard, Elizabeth MG 2.6 1.0 8,706 F 8328 EN Jorge Luis Borges Lennon, Adrian MG 8.7 4.0 19,507 NF 86 EN Strawberry Girl Lenski, Lois MG 4.8 6.0 37,341 F 7413 EN Coyotes Lepthien, Emilie U. MG 3.9 0.5 1,344 NF 7418 EN Foxes Lepthien, Emilie U. LG 4.1 0.5 1,537 NF 7428 EN Ostriches Lepthien, Emilie U. LG 4.4 0.5 1,494 NF 129581 EN Sword Thief, The Lerangis, Peter MG 4.4 4.0 30,067 F 135753 EN Viper's Nest, The Lerangis, Peter MG 4.1 6.0 39,580 F 10043 EN Leroux, Gaston UG 7.1 12.0 69,688 F 87474 SP Phantom of the Opera (Unabridged), The Dinosaurios con plumas Lessem, Don LG 4.6 0.5 1,201 NF 85870 SP dinosaurios más inteligentes, Los Lessem, Don LG 4.5 0.5 1,339 NF 85868 SP dinosaurios más mortíferos, Los Lessem, Don LG 4.8 0.5 1,258 NF 85869 SP dinosaurios más rápidos, Los Lessem, Don LG 4.6 0.5 1,269 NF 86047 SP Lessem, Don LG 4.9 0.5 926 NF 85864 SP Lessem, Don LG 4.8 0.5 1,142 NF 86562 EN Gigantes marinos de la época de los dinosaurios Gigantes voladores de la época de los dinosaurios Day of Tears: A Novel in Dialogue Lester, Julius MG 4.8 4.0 25,393 F 127046 EN Freefall Levine, Anna MG 3.9 7.0 47,777 F 113369 EN Henry's Freedom Box Levine, Ellen LG 3.0 0.5 1,260 F 18481 EN Levine, Ellen LG 6.4 1.0 7,947 NF 35635 EN If Your Name Was Changed at Ellis Island Dave at Night Levine, Gail Carson MG 3.6 8.0 58,717 F 17769 EN Ella Enchanted Levine, Gail Carson MG 4.6 8.0 52,994 F Page 85 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 109084 EN Fairest Levine, Gail Carson MG 4.1 8.0 58,129 F 100619 EN Levine, Gail Carson LG 4.2 4.0 27,629 F 63658 EN Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg For Biddle's Sake Levine, Gail Carson MG 4.4 2.0 10,927 F 41124 EN Princess Test, The Levine, Gail Carson MG 4.0 1.0 9,491 F 47670 EN Two Princesses of Bamarre, The Levine, Gail Carson MG 4.5 8.0 51,896 F 39907 EN Wish, The Levine, Gail Carson MG 3.5 5.0 35,011 F 8692 EN Annie's Promise Levitin, Sonia MG 4.3 7.0 47,841 F 56336 EN Incident at Loring Groves Levitin, Sonia UG 3.3 6.0 43,036 F 6371 EN Journey to America Levitin, Sonia MG 4.7 5.0 34,047 F 6378 EN Silver Days Levitin, Sonia MG 3.9 6.0 45,547 F 5051 EN Alan and Naomi Levoy, Myron MG 3.3 5.0 39,634 F 136593 EN Levy, Debbie MG 5.8 2.0 12,238 NF 62663 EN Levy, Janey MG 8.1 2.0 10,879 NF 108024 EN Levy, Janey MG 6.2 1.0 3,257 NF 135931 EN Year of Goodbyes: A True Story of Friendship, Family, and Farewells, The Erie Canal: A Primary Source History of the Canal...America, The Great Pyramid of Giza: Measuring Length, Area, Volume, and Angles, The Missions of Texas, The Levy, Janey MG 5.3 0.5 2,243 NF 135927 EN Native Americans in Texas Levy, Janey MG 4.9 0.5 1,969 NF 84120 EN Levy, Janey MG 7.0 0.5 2,447 NF 10268 EN Renaissance Paintings: Using Perspective to Represent Three-Dimensional Objects Escape from Exile Levy, Robert MG 4.0 6.0 42,935 134812 EN Balarama: A Royal Elephant Lewin, Ted LG 5.4 1.0 3,297 NF 8470 EN Lewin, Ted UG 5.5 3.0 16,466 NF 612 EN I Was a Teenage Professional Wrestler Horse and His Boy, The Lewis, C.S. MG 5.8 8.0 49,425 F F 619 EN Last Battle, The Lewis, C.S. MG 5.6 7.0 43,333 F 65323 SP león, la bruja y el ropero, El Lewis, C.S. MG 5.7 6.0 36,562 F 52 EN Lewis, C.S. MG 5.7 6.0 36,363 F 622 EN Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Unabridged), The Magician's Nephew, The Lewis, C.S. MG 5.4 6.0 41,317 F 634 EN Prince Caspian Lewis, C.S. MG 5.7 7.0 44,764 F 639 EN Silver Chair, The Lewis, C.S. MG 5.7 8.0 52,436 F 649 EN Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Lewis, C.S. MG 5.9 9.0 53,758 F 36488 EN Morgy Makes His Move Lewis, Maggie MG 3.8 2.0 12,299 F 114311 EN Lewis, Michael UG 7.2 19.0 108,886 111920 EN Blind Side: Evolution of a Game, The Killing Sea, The Lewis, Richard MG 5.1 7.0 43,146 F NF 7374 EN Hill of Fire Lewis, Thomas P. LG 2.9 0.5 1,101 F 125285 EN T4 LeZotte, Ann Clare MG 4.2 1.0 5,613 F 121441 EN Li, Moying MG 7.1 7.0 40,684 NF 6879 EN Snow Falling in Spring: Coming of Age in China During the Cultural Revolution Everything You Need to Know About Anger Licata, Renora UG 4.4 1.0 7,211 NF Page 86 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 5.9 4.0 27,785 F LG 3.4 0.5 478 F F Author IL Lichtman, Wendy MG Lies, Brian ATOS BL 115811 EN 105809 EN Do the Math: Secrets, Lies, and Algebra Bats at the Beach 104901 EN Year of the Dog, The Lin, Grace MG 4.2 3.0 23,327 70516 EN Linde, Barbara M. MG 4.4 0.5 1,398 NF 118349 EN Lindeen, Mary MG 4.7 0.5 2,861 NF 123998 EN Origami: Identifying Right Angles in Geometric Figures Ashes to Ashes: Uncovering Pompeii 10 Best Animal Camouflages, The Lindsey, Cameron MG 6.0 1.0 8,358 NF 124034 EN Lindsey, Cameron MG 6.4 1.0 8,969 NF 15466 EN 10 Most Dangerous Geographic Locations, The Jose Canseco Ling, Bettina MG 6.0 1.0 6,302 NF 15469 EN Maya Lin Ling, Bettina MG 7.7 1.0 6,563 NF 59685 EN Jewish Americans, The Lingen, Marissa MG 7.8 1.0 7,630 NF 126281 EN House of Dark Shadows Liparulo, Robert MG 4.2 7.0 52,504 F 122424 EN Ruby Key, The Lisle, Holly MG 5.6 12.0 78,845 F 129890 EN Silver Door, The Lisle, Holly MG 5.5 12.0 77,534 F 42449 EN Art of Keeping Cool, The Lisle, Janet Taylor MG 5.0 7.0 47,438 F 106281 EN Black Duck Lisle, Janet Taylor MG 4.8 8.0 54,851 F 8522 EN Forest Lisle, Janet Taylor MG 4.7 5.0 34,987 F 1820 EN Wetlands Lisowski, Marylin MG 7.6 3.0 17,981 NF 41953 EN Remarkable Farkle McBride, The Lithgow, John LG 4.4 0.5 569 F F 8068 EN Hey World, Here I Am! Little, Jean MG 3.7 1.0 10,260 59579 EN This Land Is My Land Littlechild, George MG 4.7 0.5 2,289 NF 122609 EN 10 Grossest Bugs, The Littlefield, Angie MG 6.4 1.0 8,902 NF 8456 EN Littlefield, Bill UG 7.3 5.0 31,389 NF 86349 EN Champions: Stories of Ten Remarkable Athletes Confessions of a Closet Catholic Littman, Sarah MG 5.5 7.0 43,738 F 129446 EN Purge Littman, Sarah Darer UG 5.8 9.0 57,789 F 130894 EN Paris Pan Takes the Dare Liu, Cynthea MG 3.3 7.0 51,987 F 34774 EN No Pretty Pictures: A Child of War Lobel, Anita UG 5.0 8.0 51,933 NF 40318 EN Fables Lobel, Arnold MG 4.2 1.0 5,455 F 121946 EN Lockhart, E. MG 5.5 9.0 59,635 F 21926 SP Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, The historia del doctor Dolittle, La Lofting, Hugh MG 5.1 4.0 24,957 F 5903 EN Family Pictures Lomas Garza, Carmen LG 4.3 0.5 1,331 F 18334 EN In My Family Lomas Garza, Carmen MG 4.7 0.5 1,427 F 107 EN Call of the Wild, The London, Jack MG 8.0 7.0 37,058 F 120956 EN To Build a Fire (Creative Education) London, Jack UG 6.7 1.0 8,692 F 72204 EN White Fang (Unabridged) London, Jack MG 7.4 13.0 72,071 F 10227 EN Eyes of Gray Wolf, The London, Jonathan LG 3.1 0.5 373 F 123779 EN Look, Lenore LG 3.8 3.0 18,673 F 130486 EN Alvin Ho: Allergic to Girls, School, and Other Scary Things Confetti Girl López, Diana MG 4.1 6.0 41,839 F 229 EN Lord, Bette Bao MG 4.6 4.0 26,776 F 106154 EN In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson Rules Lord, Cynthia MG 3.9 4.0 31,368 F 138805 EN Touch Blue Lord, Cynthia MG 4.4 5.0 35,593 F Page 87 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 541 EN Night to Remember, A Lord, Walter UG 7.0 8.0 45,068 139745 EN I Am Number Four Lore, Pittacus UG 4.4 14.0 100,385 F 146436 EN Power of Six, The Lore, Pittacus MG 5.3 14.0 91,624 F 119772 EN Fearless Lott, Tim MG 5.8 8.0 53,695 F 57292 EN Ground Zero Louis, Nancy MG 6.9 1.0 3,432 NF 57293 EN Heroes of the Day Louis, Nancy MG 6.8 1.0 3,669 NF 57298 EN Osama bin Laden Louis, Nancy MG 7.4 1.0 3,867 NF 57303 EN United We Stand Louis, Nancy MG 7.2 1.0 4,222 NF 29472 EN Lourie, Peter MG 6.4 1.0 4,594 NF 14133 EN Rio Grande: From the Rocky Mountains to the Gulf of Mexico Bess's Log Cabin Quilt Love, D. Anne MG 3.7 2.0 15,826 77058 SP Día de los Muertos, El Lowery, Linda LG 4.0 0.5 1,643 NF 47175 SP Pablo Picasso (Spanish) Lowery, Linda LG 4.3 0.5 1,996 NF 6602 EN Anastasia at This Address Lowry, Lois MG 4.6 4.0 24,263 F F 6655 EN Attaboy, Sam! Lowry, Lois MG 4.6 3.0 20,900 F 83491 EN Autumn Street Lowry, Lois MG 5.1 6.0 37,301 F 136400 EN Birthday Ball, The Lowry, Lois MG 5.2 4.0 27,878 F 44063 SP En busca del azul Lowry, Lois UG 5.0 7.0 47,944 F 44063 EN Gathering Blue Lowry, Lois UG 5.0 7.0 47,893 F 8568 EN Giver, The Lowry, Lois MG 5.7 7.0 43,617 F 105737 EN Gossamer Lowry, Lois MG 4.4 4.0 24,507 F 141528 EN Lowry, Lois MG 5.6 6.0 36,599 F 77348 EN Like the Willow Tree: The Diary of Lydia Amelia Pierce Messenger Lowry, Lois UG 4.9 5.0 36,627 F 379 EN Number the Stars Lowry, Lois MG 4.5 4.0 27,197 F 153883 EN Son Lowry, Lois MG 5.0 11.0 76,096 F 790 EN Summer to Die, A Lowry, Lois UG 5.3 5.0 34,166 F 121315 EN Willoughbys, The Lowry, Lois MG 5.2 4.0 23,990 F 5927 EN Your Move, J.P.! Lowry, Lois MG 4.9 4.0 26,202 F 84909 EN Loy, Jessica LG 5.5 1.0 6,855 53901 SP Follow the Trail: A Young Person's Guide to the Great Outdoors Momentos Mágicos NF Loya, Olga MG 4.8 3.0 21,468 F 148251 EN Legend Lu, Marie UG 4.8 11.0 75,464 F 143920 EN Lubar, David MG 4.0 5.0 38,743 F 129157 EN Lubar, David MG 4.2 6.0 40,520 F 139959 EN Attack of the Vampire Weenies and Other Warped and Creepy Tales Battle of the Red Hot Pepper Weenies: And Other Warped and Creepy Tales, The Big Stink, The Lubar, David MG 3.6 4.0 29,779 F 64307 EN Dunk Lubar, David UG 3.8 9.0 63,068 F 139957 EN Goop Soup Lubar, David MG 3.7 4.0 31,873 F 102435 EN Lubar, David MG 3.9 7.0 53,228 F 102436 EN Lubar, David MG 3.9 5.0 36,245 F 103231 EN In the Land of the Lawn Weenies and Other Misadventures Invasion of the Road Weenies: And Other Warped and Creepy Tales Punished! Lubar, David LG 3.6 1.0 9,988 F 47183 EN Vincent van Gogh Lucas, Eileen LG 3.5 0.5 1,596 NF Page 88 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 6.8 0.5 2,743 NF MG 4.2 0.5 1,833 NF NF Author IL Lund, Bill MG Lund, Bill ATOS BL 13511 EN 15364 EN Getting Ready for a Career in Health Care Kayaking 15381 EN Rock Climbing Lund, Bill MG 4.1 0.5 2,746 5080 EN Root Cellar, The Lunn, Janet MG 5.2 10.0 67,263 F 135539 EN Batboy, The Lupica, Mike MG 5.7 8.0 50,167 F 120560 EN Big Field, The Lupica, Mike MG 5.3 8.0 55,494 F 106285 EN Heat Lupica, Mike MG 5.3 9.0 58,934 F 139482 EN Hero Lupica, Mike MG 4.6 8.0 52,225 F 117628 EN Hot Hand Lupica, Mike MG 5.0 4.0 27,566 F 126578 EN Long Shot Lupica, Mike MG 5.2 5.0 29,617 F 133416 EN Million-Dollar Throw Lupica, Mike MG 5.4 8.0 54,427 F 110893 EN Miracle on 49th Street Lupica, Mike MG 4.7 8.0 56,784 F 124432 EN Safe at Home Lupica, Mike MG 5.6 5.0 29,714 F 137617 EN Shoot-Out Lupica, Mike MG 5.1 4.0 28,225 F 113746 EN Summer Ball Lupica, Mike MG 5.3 10.0 64,608 F 80501 EN Travel Team Lupica, Mike MG 5.4 11.0 71,695 F 117634 EN Two-Minute Drill Lupica, Mike MG 5.1 4.0 28,470 F 145509 EN Underdogs, The Lupica, Mike MG 5.2 9.0 61,744 F 116353 EN Lurie, April MG 4.6 10.0 66,262 F 2671 EN Brothers, Boyfriends & Other Criminal Minds So What Is Citizenship Anyway? Luthringer, Chelsea UG 6.7 1.0 4,185 125279 EN Hero-Type Lyga, Barry UG 4.3 10.0 67,802 F 125615 EN Cyberia Lynch, Chris MG 4.6 5.0 35,419 F 133755 EN Monkey See, Monkey Don't Lynch, Chris MG 4.5 4.0 29,500 F 10928 EN Slot Machine Lynch, Chris UG 4.7 8.0 56,523 F 74380 EN Lynch, Doris MG 6.8 3.0 19,860 NF 146281 EN J.R.R. Tolkien: Creator of Languages and Legends Dust & Decay Maberry, Jonathan UG 5.1 18.0 115,900 F 154944 EN Flesh & Bone Maberry, Jonathan UG 5.2 16.0 102,314 F 148158 EN Patient Zero Maberry, Jonathan UG 6.0 22.0 139,841 F 139855 EN Rot & Ruin Maberry, Jonathan UG 5.0 17.0 111,009 F 44136 EN Black and White Macaulay, David LG 3.4 0.5 1,032 F NF 9545 EN Castle Macaulay, David MG 7.9 1.0 6,103 NF 47219 EN Macaulay, David UG 7.3 1.0 3,743 NF 18491 EN Cathedral: The Story of Its Construction Pyramid Macaulay, David MG 7.5 1.0 4,563 NF 11131 EN Ship Macaulay, David MG 7.9 1.0 6,771 NF 106586 SP MacAulay, Kelley LG 4.4 0.5 3,182 NF 111839 SP Cambios del estado del tiempo: las tormentas dálmatas, Los MacAulay, Kelley LG 4.4 0.5 2,760 NF 11118 EN Greek Temple, A Macdonald, Fiona MG 7.4 1.0 5,233 NF 89895 EN Macdonald, Fiona MG 7.6 2.0 11,669 NF 9557 EN Knights, Castles, and Warfare in the Middle Ages Medieval Castle, A Macdonald, Fiona MG 7.8 1.0 6,049 NF 11122 EN Medieval Cathedral, A Macdonald, Fiona MG 8.5 1.0 5,134 NF Page 89 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 8.2 2.0 11,189 NF MG 7.4 1.0 4,943 NF Macdonald, Fiona MG 5.1 0.5 3,309 NF Macdonald, Fiona MG 5.3 0.5 2,885 NF Macdonald, Fiona MG 5.0 0.5 2,982 NF Macdonald, Fiona MG 5.3 0.5 2,863 NF Macdonald, Fiona MG 5.5 0.5 3,081 NF Macdonald, Fiona MG 5.0 0.5 3,041 NF MacDonald, Olive MG 5.3 1.0 3,401 NF MacHale, D.J. MG 4.5 17.0 116,759 F Author IL Plague and Medicine in the Middle Ages, The Roman Colosseum, The Macdonald, Fiona MG Macdonald, Fiona 89898 EN 47693 EN 102951 EN 82468 EN 82473 EN 82489 EN 82491 EN 122014 EN 66669 EN 143782 EN You Wouldn't Want to Be a Crusader! You Wouldn't Want to Be a Medieval Knight! You Wouldn't Want to Be a Slave in Ancient Greece! You Wouldn't Want to Be an Aztec Sacrifice! You Wouldn't Want to Be in a Medieval Dungeon! You Wouldn't Want to Be Mary, Queen of Scots! What If We Lived on Another Planet? Black, The ATOS BL 80120 EN Black Water MacHale, D.J. MG 4.6 17.0 119,521 F 137748 EN Light, The MacHale, D.J. MG 4.3 14.0 100,225 F 66731 EN Lost City of Faar, The MacHale, D.J. MG 4.9 17.0 113,816 F 66636 EN Merchant of Death, The MacHale, D.J. MG 5.0 18.0 117,136 F 70165 EN Never War, The MacHale, D.J. MG 4.4 14.0 94,903 F 87332 EN MacHale, D.J. MG 6.4 0.5 2,704 F 116249 EN Pendragon: The Guide to the Territories of Halla Pilgrims of Rayne, The MacHale, D.J. MG 4.3 22.0 153,884 F 106822 EN Quillan Games, The MacHale, D.J. MG 4.7 22.0 147,197 F 122838 EN Raven Rise MacHale, D.J. MG 4.4 22.0 155,726 F 72386 EN Reality Bug, The MacHale, D.J. MG 4.5 15.0 105,864 F 89886 EN Rivers of Zadaa, The MacHale, D.J. MG 4.5 18.0 122,530 F 130735 EN Soldiers of Halla, The MacHale, D.J. MG 4.4 24.0 166,009 F 4647 EN Babe Ruth Macht, Norman L. MG 6.0 2.0 9,656 NF 29686 EN Jim Abbott: Major League Pitcher Macht, Norman L. UG 7.0 4.0 26,075 NF 60752 SP Lucero Brioso Mackall, Dandi Daley MG 4.2 4.0 31,401 F 60785 SP Salvaje Mackall, Dandi Daley MG 4.0 4.0 29,693 F 6672 EN Journey MacLachlan, Patricia MG 3.8 2.0 12,593 F 137 EN Sarah, Plain and Tall MacLachlan, Patricia MG 3.4 1.0 8,377 F 10209 EN Skylark MacLachlan, Patricia MG 3.2 1.0 10,511 F 129448 EN Season, The MacLean, Sarah MG 6.2 13.0 78,667 F 10455 EN Chinese New Year MacMillan, Dianne M. LG 4.2 0.5 2,598 NF 21028 EN Macnow, Glen MG 5.5 1.0 4,128 NF 2529 EN Macnow, Glen MG 5.9 1.0 4,266 NF 8285 EN Philadelphia 76ers Basketball Team, The Philadelphia Flyers Hockey Team, The Sports Great Cal Ripken, Jr. Macnow, Glen MG 5.0 1.0 9,404 NF 25534 EN Macnow, Glen MG 5.5 2.0 9,846 NF 56735 EN Macy, Sue MG 6.9 1.0 7,390 NF 44623 EN Sports Great Charles Barkley (Revised Edition) Bull's-Eye: A Photobiography of Annie Oakley More Perfect Union: The Story of Our Constitution, A Maestro, Betsy MG 5.8 0.5 2,002 NF Page 90 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 114752 EN Story of the Statue of Liberty, The Maestro, Betsy LG 4.3 0.5 731 NF 18398 SP unión más perfecta, Una Maestro, Betsy MG 5.7 1.0 4,148 NF 133332 EN Fairies Malam, John MG 5.5 1.0 3,513 NF 121236 EN Killer Whales Malam, John LG 5.3 0.5 2,673 NF 133334 EN Monsters Malam, John MG 5.3 1.0 3,671 NF 121239 EN Scary Creatures of the Night Malam, John LG 5.1 0.5 2,509 NF 82469 EN Malam, John MG 4.3 0.5 2,877 NF 82472 EN Malam, John MG 4.5 0.5 2,929 NF 122015 EN Malam, John MG 4.6 0.5 3,393 NF 120007 EN You Wouldn't Want to Be a Pirate's Prisoner! You Wouldn't Want to Be a Roman Gladiator! You Wouldn't Want to Live in Pompeii! Declaration, The Malley, Gemma MG 6.2 11.0 69,449 F 126813 EN Gamer Girl Mancusi, Mari MG 4.2 8.0 57,042 F 61825 EN Reptiles Mander, Lelia MG 6.4 1.0 8,155 NF 77545 EN Mann, Elizabeth MG 6.8 1.0 4,929 NF 28237 EN Empire State Building: When New York Reached for the Skies Great Pyramid, The Mann, Elizabeth MG 5.6 0.5 2,431 NF 28236 EN Great Wall, The Mann, Elizabeth MG 6.4 1.0 3,357 NF 32046 EN Roman Colosseum, The Mann, Elizabeth MG 7.4 1.0 5,185 NF 70873 EN Mannis, Celeste Davidson MG 6.0 0.5 2,624 NF 61843 EN Queen's Progress: An Elizabethan Alphabet, The Buddha and Buddhism, The Marchant, Kerena MG 7.0 1.0 7,536 NF 61837 EN Krishna and Hinduism Marchant, Kerena MG 6.6 1.0 7,789 NF NF 61839 EN Muhammad and Islam Marchant, Kerena MG 6.6 1.0 7,756 136563 EN Finnikin of the Rock Marchetta, Melina UG 5.8 18.0 113,382 135961 EN Barack Marcovitz, Hal MG 8.7 2.0 8,765 NF 135930 EN Marfa, Isabelle MG 5.2 0.5 1,847 NF 17249 EN Land and Resources of Texas: Shaping the Growth of the State, The Viking Margeson, Susan M. MG 6.2 1.0 6,357 NF 941 EN Boys are Dogs Margolis, Leslie MG 4.2 6.0 42,895 12879 EN Compassion Margulies, Alice MG 5.2 1.0 6,835 140508 EN Unidentified, The Mariz, Rae MG 5.2 9.0 59,984 F F NF F 12708 EN Clouds Markert, Jenny MG 6.8 0.5 1,806 NF 100954 SP buitres, Los Markle, Sandra MG 5.2 0.5 1,527 NF 78807 SP cocodrilos, Los Markle, Sandra MG 5.7 0.5 2,072 NF 100953 SP demonios de Tasmania, Los Markle, Sandra MG 5.3 0.5 2,083 NF 100955 SP glotones, Los Markle, Sandra MG 5.0 0.5 2,074 NF 100945 SP Las hormigas legionarias Markle, Sandra MG 5.5 0.5 2,109 NF 78811 SP leones, Los Markle, Sandra MG 5.8 0.5 1,766 NF 102918 EN Outside and Inside Mummies Markle, Sandra MG 7.3 1.0 3,173 NF 113171 SP perritos de las praderas, Los Markle, Sandra LG 4.6 0.5 2,246 NF 78810 SP tiburones blancos, Los Markle, Sandra MG 5.6 0.5 1,630 NF 28227 EN Marrin, Albert MG 7.4 9.0 51,873 NF 128801 EN Terror of the Spanish Main: Sir Henry Morgan and His Buccaneers Daughter of the Flames Marriott, Zoë MG 5.6 12.0 78,161 F Page 91 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 129886 EN Sahwira: An African Friendship Marsden, Carolyn MG 4.6 6.0 37,876 F 121650 EN Marsh, Carole MG 4.9 2.0 13,946 F 111599 EN Marsh, Carole MG 5.4 2.0 15,780 F 114990 EN Curse of the Ancient Acropolis: Athens, Greece, The Ghosts of Pickpocket Plantation, The Mystery at Fort Thunderbolt, The Marsh, Carole MG 5.0 2.0 13,689 F 114991 EN Secret of Eyesocket Island, The Marsh, Carole MG 4.7 2.0 14,342 F 111600 EN Secret of Skullcracker Swamp, The Marsh, Carole MG 5.1 2.0 12,414 F 14170 EN Food Marshall, David LG 5.2 1.0 3,647 NF 9647 EN Rats on the Roof and Other Stories Marshall, James LG 3.7 1.0 5,882 F 115290 EN Kangaroo Joey Grows Up, A Marsico, Katie LG 2.9 0.5 420 NF 115291 EN Marsico, Katie LG 2.9 0.5 382 NF 115293 EN Komodo Dragon Hatchling Grows Up, A Manatee Calf Grows Up, A Marsico, Katie LG 2.8 0.5 440 NF 131856 EN Mountains Marsico, Katie MG 5.4 0.5 2,854 NF 9561 EN Martell, Hazel MG 5.2 1.0 3,472 NF 19398 EN What Do We Know About the Vikings? Baby-sitters at Shadow Lake Martin, Ann M. MG 3.7 5.0 38,041 F 19388 EN Baby-sitters Beware Martin, Ann M. MG 4.3 6.0 39,070 F 32569 EN Baby-Sitters Club, The Martin, Ann M. MG 2.9 0.5 907 F 19389 EN Baby-sitters' Fright Night Martin, Ann M. MG 4.7 6.0 40,858 F 19387 EN Baby-sitters' Haunted House Martin, Ann M. MG 4.4 7.0 45,895 F 19394 EN Baby-sitters' Island Adventure Martin, Ann M. MG 3.9 5.0 36,623 F 19391 EN Baby-sitters on Board! Martin, Ann M. MG 3.8 5.0 38,743 F 20348 EN Baby-sitters Remember, The Martin, Ann M. MG 4.1 6.0 40,475 F 19392 EN Baby-sitters' Summer Vacation Martin, Ann M. MG 4.3 5.0 36,860 F 19393 EN Baby-sitters' Winter Vacation Martin, Ann M. MG 4.5 6.0 38,147 F 6550 SP ¡Bienvenida a casa, Stacey! Martin, Ann M. MG 4.2 4.0 26,021 F 6501 EN Boy-Crazy Stacey Martin, Ann M. MG 3.9 3.0 24,801 F 19395 EN California Girls! Martin, Ann M. MG 4.2 5.0 37,649 F 63410 EN Corner of the Universe, A Martin, Ann M. UG 4.5 6.0 42,500 F 101885 EN Martin, Ann M. MG 5.1 5.0 36,247 F 41789 EN Dog's Life: The Autobiography of a Stray, A Doll People, The Martin, Ann M. MG 4.0 5.0 33,857 F 133937 EN Everything for a Dog Martin, Ann M. MG 5.4 7.0 47,150 F 6516 EN Ghost at Dawn's House, The Martin, Ann M. MG 3.8 4.0 26,507 F 82163 EN Here Today Martin, Ann M. MG 4.9 9.0 60,917 F 129372 EN Keeping Secrets Martin, Ann M. MG 4.6 6.0 39,351 F 6527 SP Kristy y el secreto de Susan Martin, Ann M. MG 4.2 4.0 26,108 F 5942 EN Ma and Pa Dracula Martin, Ann M. LG 3.7 3.0 20,365 F 6544 SP mala suerte de Mary Anne, La Martin, Ann M. MG 4.1 4.0 24,905 F 6535 SP Mallory y el diario misterioso Martin, Ann M. MG 4.2 4.0 25,019 F 19384 EN Martin, Ann M. MG 4.4 5.0 36,544 F 19381 EN Martin, Ann M. MG 4.9 4.0 28,571 F 6542 EN Mary Anne and the Haunted Bookstore Mary Anne and the Music Box Secret Mary Anne Saves the Day Martin, Ann M. MG 3.7 4.0 30,505 F Page 92 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 71437 EN Meanest Doll in the World, The Martin, Ann M. MG 4.6 5.0 33,867 F 116247 EN Needle and Thread Martin, Ann M. MG 4.9 6.0 41,816 F 6515 SP nueva hermana de Dawn, La Martin, Ann M. MG 4.3 4.0 27,359 F 126189 EN Runaway Dolls, The Martin, Ann M. MG 4.4 6.0 40,069 F 133619 EN Special Delivery Martin, Ann M. MG 5.2 6.0 42,513 F 136781 EN Summer Before, The Martin, Ann M. MG 4.7 7.0 44,262 F 147386 EN Ten Rules for Living with My Sister Martin, Ann M. MG 4.7 7.0 47,227 F 118053 EN 'Tis the Season Martin, Ann M. MG 5.4 6.0 41,094 F 114633 EN Welcome to Camden Falls Martin, Ann M. MG 5.2 6.0 36,524 F 9849 EN World's Fastest Motorcycles, The Martin, John MG 5.2 0.5 1,885 NF 670 EN Knots on a Counting Rope Martin Jr., Bill LG 2.8 0.5 1,455 F 59598 EN White Dynamite and Curly Kidd Martin Jr., Bill LG 1.6 0.5 639 F 52358 EN Elephants Martin, Louise LG 4.9 0.5 742 NF 85026 SP juicios por brujería en Salem, Los Martin, Michael MG 4.5 0.5 2,011 NF 1819 EN Rivers and Streams Martin, Patricia A. Fink MG 7.9 4.0 24,002 NF 6140 EN Rough-Face Girl, The Martin, Rafe LG 4.0 0.5 1,557 F 151496 EN Martínez, Andrés Vera MG 3.2 0.5 2,991 F 18318 EN 4.5 0.5 890 F SP Martinez et al., Alejandro Cruz Martínez Gil, Fernando LG 18394 Little White Duck: A Childhood in China Woman Who Outshone the Sun, The río de los castores, El MG 4.3 4.0 30,256 F 8327 EN Ruben Blades Marton, Betty MG 8.8 4.0 19,107 NF 31262 EN Selena Marvis, Barbara MG 3.7 0.5 1,416 NF 8449 EN Wild Fox: A True Story Mason, Cherie MG 5.2 0.5 2,814 NF 13711 EN Mark Twain: Young Writer Mason, Miriam E. MG 4.6 3.0 23,750 NF 56731 EN Mystery of Stone Circles, The Mason, Paul MG 7.0 1.0 5,073 NF 112064 EN Lost Scrolls: Fire, The Mason, Tom MG 5.0 1.0 8,254 F 128370 EN 11 Birthdays Mass, Wendy MG 4.1 7.0 51,075 F 140165 EN Candymakers, The Mass, Wendy MG 5.0 15.0 102,497 F 126118 EN Every Soul a Star Mass, Wendy MG 4.7 11.0 77,369 F 136091 EN Finally Mass, Wendy MG 4.6 9.0 64,422 F 109552 EN Mass, Wendy MG 4.5 11.0 76,093 F 69677 EN Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life Mango-Shaped Space, A Mass, Wendy MG 4.7 9.0 58,208 F 17801 EN After the War Matas, Carol UG 4.9 5.0 31,087 F 10766 EN Daniel's Story Matas, Carol MG 4.9 5.0 32,149 F 14929 EN Of Two Minds Matas, Carol UG 5.0 6.0 42,201 F 21847 SP casa imaginaria, La Mateos, Pilar MG 5.2 2.0 12,241 F 122667 EN Matheson, Hughena MG 7.6 2.0 9,396 NF 57017 EN 10 Most Memorable Speeches in American History, The Korea (Fiesta!) Mathur, Bindu MG 5.5 1.0 4,583 NF 57038 EN Vietnam (Fiesta!) Mathur, Bindu MG 5.5 1.0 4,332 NF 89931 SP Dinosaurios: Alas y aletas Mattern, Joanne LG 4.4 0.5 978 NF 89929 SP Dinosaurios: Colas y corazas Mattern, Joanne LG 4.5 0.5 966 NF 89930 SP Dinosaurios: Dientes y picos Mattern, Joanne LG 4.8 0.5 1,012 NF Page 93 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 89928 SP 89927 SP 113133 EN 62528 EN Word Count F/NF 0.5 919 NF 4.7 0.5 1,042 NF MG 5.7 1.0 3,802 NF Mattern, Joanne LG 4.2 0.5 596 NF Mattern, Joanne MG 6.2 1.0 5,484 NF Matthews, Rupert MG 4.9 0.5 2,950 NF Maurer, Tracy Nelson MG 6.0 0.5 3,068 NF Author IL ATOS BL Dinosaurios: Espinas óseas y cuellos Dinosaurios: Esqueletos y cráneos Mattern, Joanne LG 4.6 Mattern, Joanne LG Ninjas: Masters of Stealth and Secrecy Steam Engine: Fueling the Industrial Revolution, The Transportation Mattern, Joanne Points 79061 EN 118258 EN 72251 EN You Wouldn't Want to Be a Mayan Soothsayer! Lowriders 72257 EN Stock Cars Maurer, Tracy Nelson MG 5.5 1.0 4,445 NF 10210 EN Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Brave Mayer, Marianna LG 5.3 1.0 3,562 F 57205 EN City Light Mazer, Harry UG 3.4 6.0 48,102 F 57222 EN Girl of His Dreams, The Mazer, Harry UG 3.5 7.0 50,438 F 57223 EN Island Keeper, The Mazer, Harry UG 4.6 5.0 32,022 F 787 EN Snow Bound Mazer, Harry UG 4.7 5.0 34,784 F 48673 EN Girlhearts Mazer, Norma Fox MG 4.3 8.0 53,531 F 120993 EN Missing Girl, The Mazer, Norma Fox MG 4.6 6.0 43,916 F 785 EN Silver Mazer, Norma Fox UG 3.4 7.0 49,045 F 57217 EN Someone to Love Mazer, Norma Fox UG 3.9 8.0 59,157 F 57914 EN Mazer, Norma Fox UG 4.2 7.0 51,807 F 10145 EN Summer Girls, Love Boys and Other Short Stories Taking Terri Mueller Mazer, Norma Fox UG 3.7 7.0 49,215 F 116749 EN Mazer, Norma Fox MG 3.7 3.0 21,624 F 20146 EN Ten Ways to Make My Sister Disappear When She Was Good Mazer, Norma Fox UG 3.7 5.0 39,754 F 5435 EN Plant That Ate Dirty Socks, The McArthur, Nancy MG 4.1 4.0 26,773 F 61913 EN Skateboarding McAuliffe, Bill MG 6.2 1.0 3,589 6912 EN Dragondrums McCaffrey, Anne UG 7.5 12.0 69,399 F 11712 EN Dragonquest McCaffrey, Anne UG 6.9 19.0 109,471 F NF 6913 EN Dragonsinger McCaffrey, Anne UG 6.7 13.0 76,851 F 11747 EN White Dragon, The McCaffrey, Anne UG 6.6 21.0 129,277 F 1742 EN Pyramid McCall, Henrietta MG 7.0 0.5 1,389 NF 73099 EN Luba: The Angel of Bergen-Belsen McCann, Michelle Roehm MG 4.8 1.0 3,630 NF 17240 EN Reptile McCarthy, Colin MG 7.6 1.0 6,072 NF 135564 EN Death-Defying Pepper Roux, The McCaughrean, Geraldine MG 6.4 10.0 60,900 14196 EN Water McClymont, Diane LG 4.5 0.5 3,285 44857 EN Cut McCormick, Patricia UG 4.6 5.0 35,663 F 740 EN Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, The McCullers, Carson UG 6.3 19.0 119,450 F 539 EN Member of the Wedding, The McCullers, Carson UG 6.3 9.0 58,146 F 105170 EN McCully, Emily Arnold LG 4.2 0.5 1,962 NF 25287 EN Marvelous Mattie: How Margaret E. Knight Became an Inventor Outlaw Thanksgiving, An McCully, Emily Arnold LG 3.6 0.5 1,822 F 30626 EN Pie-Biter McCunn, Ruthanne Lum LG 3.6 0.5 1,015 F 24951 EN All the Days of Her Life McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.8 5.0 32,726 F 44545 EN Angel of Hope McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.9 6.0 40,644 F F NF Page 94 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 130155 EN Breathless McDaniel, Lurlene UG 3.7 4.0 25,850 F 111255 EN Briana's Gift McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.3 4.0 28,304 F 18809 EN Don't Die, My Love McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.8 7.0 44,710 F 74756 EN Garden of Angels McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.9 8.0 53,804 F 29363 EN Girl Death Left Behind, The McDaniel, Lurlene UG 3.8 4.0 26,263 F 58699 EN Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.6 5.0 36,901 F 137900 EN Heart to Heart McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.0 5.0 38,584 F 116246 EN Hit and Run McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.1 4.0 30,442 F 102394 EN Holly's Story McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.5 6.0 42,300 F 58060 EN How Do I Love Thee McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.4 6.0 40,536 F 13537 EN I'll Be Seeing You McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.3 4.0 30,857 F 79154 EN If I Should Die Before I Wake McDaniel, Lurlene UG 3.8 3.0 21,932 F 84286 EN Kathleen's Story McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.6 7.0 46,023 F 105652 EN Last Dance McDaniel, Lurlene MG 3.9 3.0 22,687 F 58706 EN McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.8 6.0 42,449 F 108039 EN Legacy: Making Wishes Come True, The Letting Go of Lisa McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.3 5.0 38,123 F 17822 EN Lifted Up by Angels McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.3 6.0 40,097 F 32550 EN Mourning Song McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.6 4.0 27,065 F 18825 EN No Time to Cry McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.7 4.0 26,298 F 32553 EN Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.7 5.0 33,472 F 87381 EN Raina's Story McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.7 6.0 38,068 F 58065 EN Reach for Tomorrow McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.4 5.0 31,266 F 145585 EN McDaniel, Lurlene MG 4.6 7.0 45,507 F 62973 EN Reaching Through Time: Three Novellas Rose for Melinda, A McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.8 5.0 30,889 F 13991 EN Saving Jessica McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.5 4.0 28,802 F 32552 EN She Died Too Young McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.6 5.0 32,177 F 18834 EN Six Months to Live McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.6 4.0 24,219 F 44561 EN So Much to Live For McDaniel, Lurlene UG 5.1 4.0 24,579 F 42977 EN Starry, Starry Night McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.2 6.0 39,566 F 61391 EN Telling Christina Goodbye McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.3 5.0 38,359 F 16745 EN Till Death Do Us Part McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.4 5.0 33,916 F 77253 EN Time Capsule, The McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.3 5.0 37,331 F 32554 EN Time to Die, A McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.7 5.0 31,836 F 18840 EN Time to Let Go McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.8 5.0 35,159 F 48151 EN To Live Again McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.9 4.0 28,339 F 44569 EN Too Young to Die McDaniel, Lurlene UG 5.2 5.0 35,667 F 32896 EN McDermott, Gerald LG 2.8 0.5 591 F 24981 EN Anansi the Spider: A Tale from the Ashanti Swallowing Stones McDonald, Joyce UG 5.6 9.0 60,265 F 125564 EN Hinky-Pink, The McDonald, Megan LG 3.2 0.5 1,809 F 108424 EN McDonald, Megan LG 3.3 2.0 11,783 F 80135 EN Judy Moody: Around the World in 8 1/2 Days Judy Moody, M.D.: The Doctor Is In! McDonald, Megan LG 3.2 2.0 11,948 F Page 95 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 3.5 1.0 6,891 F MG 6.3 8.0 48,193 F F Author IL McDonald, Megan LG McDonnell, Christine ATOS BL 114236 EN 30184 SP Stink and the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers amigos primero, Los 102542 EN Doll with the Yellow Star, The McDonough, Yona Zeldis MG 5.0 2.0 11,783 131460 EN McDonough, Yona Zeldis LG 5.6 0.5 3,087 NF 66484 SP Louisa: The Life of Louisa May Alcott ¿Quién fue Harriet Tubman? McDonough, Yona Zeldis MG 4.4 1.0 9,746 NF 11603 EN Cocaine McFarland, Rhoda UG 5.4 1.0 6,385 NF 11632 EN Drugs and Your Parents McFarland, Rhoda UG 4.4 1.0 7,509 NF 77926 EN McGill, Alice MG 4.4 1.0 7,528 F 14108 EN Sure as Sunrise: Stories of Bruh Rabbit & His Walkin' Talkin' Friends Careers Inside the World of Sports and Entertainment If You Lived in Colonial Times McGlothlin, Bruce MG 6.5 1.0 5,734 NF McGovern, Ann LG 4.1 1.0 6,326 NF If You Sailed on the Mayflower in 1620 Secret Soldier, The McGovern, Ann LG 4.2 1.0 6,418 NF McGovern, Ann MG 4.1 1.0 6,883 NF Shark Lady: True Adventures of Eugenie Clark Wanted Dead or Alive: The True Story of Harriet Tubman Witch's Guide to Cooking with Children, The Alamo, The McGovern, Ann MG 4.9 1.0 8,682 NF McGovern, Ann MG 3.8 1.0 5,497 NF McGowan, Keith MG 4.7 4.0 26,028 McGowen, Tom MG 6.6 1.0 5,074 NF McGowen, Tom MG 7.9 1.0 5,879 NF McGraw, Eloise Jarvis MG 6.3 11.0 67,994 F 18478 EN 107386 EN 30651 EN 59386 EN 32495 EN 134190 EN 67591 EN 13477 EN 20316 EN Go for Broke: Japanese-Americans in World War II Golden Goblet, The F 13768 EN Dog Friday McKay, Hilary MG 5.0 5.0 31,191 F 122192 EN Forever Rose McKay, Hilary MG 5.4 8.0 50,725 F 106 EN Blue Sword, The McKinley, Robin MG 6.8 17.0 101,620 F 125272 EN Chalice McKinley, Robin MG 7.0 13.0 74,412 F 75019 EN Door in the Hedge, The McKinley, Robin MG 7.2 10.0 59,765 F 117626 EN Dragonhaven McKinley, Robin MG 6.6 21.0 126,795 F 227 EN Hero and the Crown, The McKinley, Robin MG 7.0 15.0 87,370 F 11046 EN McKinley, Robin UG 6.6 9.0 55,783 F 75590 EN Knot in the Grain and Other Stories, A Outlaws of Sherwood, The McKinley, Robin UG 6.9 19.0 113,590 F 903 EN Black Hoops McKissack, Frederick MG 8.2 5.0 25,000 NF 12696 EN McKissack, Pat MG 5.4 1.0 7,933 NF 35834 EN McKissack, Patricia C. MG 4.9 5.0 36,399 F 53934 EN Christmas in the Big House, Christmas in the Quarters Color Me Dark: The Diary of Nellie Lee Love Goin' Someplace Special McKissack, Patricia C. LG 4.3 0.5 1,593 F 7427 EN Maya, The McKissack, Patricia C. LG 4.4 0.5 1,428 NF 5027 EN Mirandy and Brother Wind McKissack, Patricia C. MG 3.6 0.5 1,391 F 42553 SP Carrera de barril McLeese, Tex LG 5.1 0.5 771 NF 66908 EN How to Pass Elite Forces Selection McNab, Chris UG 8.2 1.0 8,143 NF 66913 EN Survive at Sea with the U.S. Navy Seals McNab, Chris UG 7.1 2.0 12,173 NF Page 96 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 7.3 2.0 11,934 NF UG 7.6 1.0 8,027 NF McNair, Sylvia MG 8.1 3.0 19,098 NF Author IL McNab, Chris UG McNab, Chris ATOS BL 66897 EN 66915 EN 47035 EN Survive in the Jungle with the Special Forces "Green Berets" Surviving Captivity with the U.S. Air Force Connecticut 27006 EN Finland McNair, Sylvia MG 7.9 2.0 13,358 NF 47076 EN Massachusetts McNair, Sylvia MG 8.2 4.0 19,655 NF 47079 EN Nebraska McNair, Sylvia MG 8.2 4.0 19,697 NF 124689 EN Bonechiller McNamee, Graham UG 3.8 9.0 67,594 F 69104 EN Ferrets McNicholas, June MG 6.2 1.0 7,856 106369 EN Breathe: A Ghost Story McNish, Cliff MG 4.8 8.0 56,541 F 89266 EN Silver Child, The McNish, Cliff MG 4.4 6.0 41,104 F 111541 EN Silver City McNish, Cliff MG 4.6 8.0 55,695 F 111995 EN Silver World McNish, Cliff MG 5.0 8.0 52,739 F 7344 EN Snow Lion McPhail, David LG 2.7 0.5 800 F NF 85 EN Snow Treasure McSwigan, Marie MG 5.3 5.0 34,121 F 14150 EN Junebug Mead, Alice MG 3.5 3.0 20,449 F 122074 EN Gods of Manhattan Mebus, Scott MG 4.5 12.0 85,648 F 106170 EN Out of Patience Meehl, Brian MG 4.9 9.0 63,704 F 122307 EN Suck It Up Meehl, Brian UG 5.2 11.0 74,194 F 83663 EN Life in Ancient Mesopotamia Mehta-Jones, Shilpa MG 7.0 1.0 6,031 NF 2749 EN Meltzer, Milton MG 7.7 2.0 12,022 NF 2750 EN Meltzer, Milton MG 8.1 2.0 12,533 NF 122802 EN Driven from the Land: The Story of the Dust Bowl They Came in Chains: The Story of the Slave Ships Moby Dick (Saddleback) Melville, Herman MG 3.2 1.0 3,853 F 43715 EN Jennifer Lopez Menard, Valerie MG 6.6 1.0 3,406 NF 655 EN Black Snowman, The Mendez, Phil LG 3.7 0.5 2,717 F 11504 EN Mernit, Susan UG 4.8 1.0 7,282 NF 138348 EN Metzger, Lois MG 4.4 4.0 26,343 F 14484 EN Everything You Need to Know About Changing Schools Bites: Scary Stories to Sink Your Teeth Into Rio Grande Stories Meyer, Carolyn MG 6.0 7.0 46,504 F 148727 EN Cinder Meyer, Marissa MG 5.8 14.0 87,661 F 156741 EN Scarlet Meyer, Marissa MG 5.8 16.0 99,592 F 124537 SP Amanecer Meyer, Stephenie UG 5.0 31.0 206,422 F 124537 EN Breaking Dawn Meyer, Stephenie UG 4.8 28.0 186,542 F 101659 SP Crepúsculo: Un amor peligroso Meyer, Stephenie UG 5.2 19.0 121,762 F 116960 EN Eclipse Meyer, Stephenie UG 4.5 22.0 148,971 F 116960 SP Eclipse (Spanish) Meyer, Stephenie UG 4.9 23.0 157,276 F 122463 EN Host, The Meyer, Stephenie UG 4.5 29.0 203,402 F 108713 EN New Moon Meyer, Stephenie UG 4.7 20.0 132,758 F 137864 EN Meyer, Stephenie UG 4.8 6.0 39,225 F 101659 EN Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella, The Twilight Meyer, Stephenie UG 4.9 18.0 118,975 F 140775 EN Black Radishes Meyer, Susan Lynn MG 5.2 8.0 54,590 F 108671 SP Cómo funcionan las rampas, las cuñas y los tornillos Mezzanotte, Jim LG 4.0 0.5 980 NF Page 97 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Mezzanotte, Jim LG 4.1 Mezzanotte, Jim LG 4.2 Word Count F/NF 0.5 961 NF 0.5 1,365 NF Points 108673 SP 112534 SP Cómo funcionan las ruedas y los ejes Huracanes (Tormentas) 130050 EN City Boy Michael, Jan MG 4.0 6.0 40,703 F 117939 EN City of Dogs Michael, Livi MG 5.9 12.0 74,487 F 15804 EN Countdown Mikaelsen, Ben MG 4.6 8.0 52,748 F 7199 EN Rescue Josh McGuire Mikaelsen, Ben MG 4.4 9.0 59,837 F 7895 EN Sparrow Hawk Red Mikaelsen, Ben MG 4.2 6.0 41,898 F 45132 EN Touching Spirit Bear Mikaelsen, Ben MG 5.3 9.0 56,025 F 6031 EN Anything to Win Miklowitz, Gloria D. UG 4.6 5.0 33,337 F 764 EN Good-Bye Tomorrow Miklowitz, Gloria D. UG 4.3 5.0 35,584 F F 652 EN Annie and the Old One Miles, Miska LG 4.4 0.5 2,484 132547 EN Ecuador (Second Series) Milivojevic, JoAnn MG 7.3 3.0 15,168 NF 121221 EN Iran (Second Series) Milivojevic, JoAnn MG 6.9 3.0 17,902 NF 813 EN Millender, Dharathula H. MG 6.7 4.0 24,250 NF 24340 EN Miller, Barbara UG 7.5 1.0 8,331 NF 101342 SP Miller, Connie Colwell MG 4.5 0.5 2,527 NF 124072 EN Miller, Heather MG 6.6 2.0 9,175 NF 67692 EN Martin Luther King, Jr.: Young Man with a Dream Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty: The Economic Realities Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Pionera de los derechos de las mujeres 10 Most Outstanding American Symbols, The Backstage at a Play Miller, Kimberly M. MG 5.6 1.0 4,247 NF 66670 EN Miller, Kimberly M. MG 5.5 1.0 3,326 NF 918 EN What If We Run out of Fossil Fuels? You Be the Jury Miller, Marvin MG 6.4 1.0 8,498 F 31526 EN You Be the Jury Miller, Marvin MG 6.4 1.0 8,498 NF 14105 EN Miller, Maryann MG 5.6 1.0 6,296 NF 116359 EN Miller, Sarah MG 5.8 8.0 47,782 F 6401 SP Careers Inside the World of Homemaking and Parenting Miss Spitfire: Reaching Helen Keller Después del quinto año... el mundo Mills, Claudia MG 5.6 4.0 26,676 F 7197 EN Dinah for President Mills, Claudia MG 4.6 3.0 22,128 F 41787 EN Lizzie at Last Mills, Claudia MG 5.4 5.0 31,163 F 148 SP Winny de Puh Milne, A.A. MG 4.6 3.0 22,671 F 136678 EN Curse of Mousebeard, The Milway, Alex MG 6.0 9.0 56,868 F 117843 EN Restaurants by the Numbers Minden, Cecilia MG 6.4 0.5 2,934 123880 EN Midnight Twins, The Mitchard, Jacquelyn MG 4.5 9.0 59,014 4364 EN Click! Mitchell, Barbara MG 5.1 1.0 5,544 NF 4371 EN Mitchell, Barbara MG 5.0 1.0 6,127 NF 49553 EN Pocketful of Goobers: A Story About George Washington Carver, A Raggin': A Story About Scott Joplin Mitchell, Barbara MG 5.6 1.0 6,409 NF 4374 EN Mitchell, Barbara MG 5.7 1.0 6,306 NF 7194 EN Shoes for Everyone: A Story About Jan Matzeliger Uncle Jed's Barbershop Mitchell, Margaree King LG 3.8 0.5 1,004 F 17706 EN Baseball Saved Us Mochizuki, Ken LG 3.9 0.5 1,461 F 17728 EN Passage to Freedom: The Sugihara Story Mochizuki, Ken MG 4.1 0.5 1,850 NF NF F Page 98 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 4.8 1.0 6,795 NF UG 7.6 2.0 9,005 NF Moeri, Louise MG 5.8 9.0 54,885 Mohr, Nicholasa MG 4.6 1.0 5,511 NF Molnar, Haya Leah MG 5.4 12.0 77,926 NF Molzahn, Arlene Bourgeois MG 6.3 1.0 4,104 NF Author IL Question of Timing: Successful Men Talk About Having Children, A Teen Smoking and Tobacco Use: A Hot Issue Forty-Third War, The Moe, Barbara UG Moe, Barbara ATOS BL 24335 EN 36162 EN 102525 EN 12501 EN 136414 EN 30247 EN 140803 EN All for the Better: A Story of El Barrio Under a Red Sky: Memoir of a Childhood in Communist Romania Green Bay Packers Football Team, The Wish Monninger, Joseph MG 5.0 6.0 42,603 F 814 EN Robert E. Lee: Young Confederate Monsell, Helen Albee MG 3.5 3.0 22,725 NF 801 EN Monsell, Helen Albee MG 3.7 3.0 21,695 NF 13715 EN Monsell, Helen Albee MG 3.8 3.0 23,710 NF 102998 EN Susan B. Anthony: Champion of Women's Rights Tom Jefferson: Third President of the United States Hubert Invents the Wheel Montgomery, Claire MG 5.8 5.0 32,350 F 551 EN Anne of Avonlea Montgomery, L.M. MG 8.6 16.0 85,006 F 13605 EN Anne of Avonlea Montgomery, L.M. MG 7.7 15.0 87,329 F 13606 EN Anne of Green Gables Montgomery, L.M. MG 7.7 18.0 102,884 F 203 EN Montgomery, L.M. MG 7.3 17.0 97,364 F 34744 EN Anne of Green Gables (Unabridged) Snake Scientist, The Montgomery, Sy MG 6.4 1.0 7,007 F NF 6405 EN Bread Sister of Sinking Creek, The Moore, Robin MG 5.1 5.0 32,952 F 125820 SP Abuelos (Spanish) Mora, Pat LG 5.4 0.5 1,792 F 47265 EN My Own True Name: New and Selected Poems for Young Adults, 1984-1999 Tomás and the Library Lady Mora, Pat UG 5.9 1.0 7,623 F Mora, Pat LG 2.7 0.5 1,216 F Mora, Pat LG 5.1 0.5 1,593 NF Morey, Walt UG 4.6 9.0 59,221 F 17742 EN 118617 SP 6911 EN Yum! ¡MmMm¡ ¡Qué rico! Brotes de las Américas Death Walk 89140 EN Alex's Challenge Morgan, Melissa J. MG 5.2 5.0 31,338 F 119761 EN And the Winner Is... Morgan, Melissa J. MG 4.0 4.0 30,934 F 107692 EN Best (Boy)friend Forever Morgan, Melissa J. MG 3.9 4.0 30,705 F 120451 EN Charmed Forces Morgan, Melissa J. MG 3.7 7.0 51,763 F 113333 EN Fair to Remember, A Morgan, Melissa J. MG 4.2 4.0 30,499 F 110145 EN Falling in Like Morgan, Melissa J. MG 4.3 5.0 34,636 F 119765 EN Freaky Tuesday Morgan, Melissa J. MG 4.1 5.0 34,232 F 115267 EN Golden Girls Morgan, Melissa J. MG 4.3 4.0 31,244 F 89144 EN Grace's Twist Morgan, Melissa J. MG 4.3 5.0 31,972 F 114223 EN Hide and Shriek Morgan, Melissa J. MG 4.2 8.0 54,576 F 141331 EN In It to Win It Morgan, Melissa J. MG 4.1 5.0 33,293 F 104715 EN Jenna's Dilemma Morgan, Melissa J. MG 4.7 5.0 34,732 F 104717 EN Natalie's Secret Morgan, Melissa J. MG 4.9 5.0 32,795 F 109169 EN Over & Out Morgan, Melissa J. MG 5.2 6.0 38,461 F Page 99 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 136315 EN Politically Incorrect Morgan, Melissa J. MG 5.1 5.0 34,387 F 114766 EN Reality Bites Morgan, Melissa J. MG 4.5 5.0 31,887 F 130116 EN Reunion Morgan, Melissa J. MG 5.1 7.0 49,128 F 102869 EN RSVP Morgan, Melissa J. MG 4.4 5.0 32,212 F 106358 EN Second Time's the Charm Morgan, Melissa J. MG 5.0 4.0 27,462 F 122423 EN Suddenly Last Summer Morgan, Melissa J. MG 4.5 5.0 35,155 F 129783 EN Sunrise Morgan, Melissa J. MG 4.5 6.0 41,070 F 129784 EN Sunset Morgan, Melissa J. MG 4.0 6.0 40,016 F 137964 EN Topsy-Turvy Morgan, Melissa J. MG 5.0 5.0 31,856 F 102698 EN TTYL Morgan, Melissa J. MG 4.5 5.0 34,235 F 111522 EN Winter Games Morgan, Melissa J. MG 5.1 5.0 32,583 F 106362 EN Wish You Weren't Here Morgan, Melissa J. MG 4.3 5.0 33,998 F 84180 EN Moriarty, J.T. MG 7.8 2.0 9,883 NF 28115 EN Manifest Destiny: A Primary Source History of America's Territorial Expansion in Dropping in on South Africa Moritz, Patricia M. MG 5.7 0.5 1,547 NF 11110 EN Egyptian Pyramid, An Morley, Jacqueline MG 7.5 1.0 6,359 NF 11128 EN Roman Villa, A Morley, Jacqueline MG 6.8 1.0 5,574 NF 82471 EN Morley, Jacqueline MG 5.7 0.5 3,092 NF 82488 EN Morley, Jacqueline MG 4.5 0.5 2,807 NF 105422 EN Morley, Jacqueline MG 6.2 0.5 3,017 NF 112351 EN Morris, Carla LG 4.0 0.5 1,053 F 71698 EN You Wouldn't Want to Be a Pyramid Builder! You Wouldn't Want to Be an American Pioneer! You Wouldn't Want to Work on the Great Wall of China! Boy Who Was Raised by Librarians, The Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt Morris, Neil MG 7.4 1.0 7,326 NF 71702 EN Morris, Neil MG 7.5 1.0 8,489 NF NF 29912 EN Everyday Life of the Aztecs, Incas, and Maya Hurricanes and Tornadoes Morris, Neil MG 6.0 0.5 2,952 145190 EN Dark Souls Morris, Paula MG 5.3 10.0 67,562 F 132516 EN Ruined Morris, Paula MG 6.0 12.0 76,354 F 118201 EN Colombia (Second Series) Morrison, Marion MG 7.2 3.0 17,559 NF 115207 EN Costa Rica (Second Series) Morrison, Marion MG 7.3 3.0 17,352 NF 105533 EN Guatemala Morrison, Marion MG 7.3 3.0 15,138 NF 132553 EN Peru (Second Series) Morrison, Marion MG 8.0 3.0 16,803 NF 58899 EN Buffalo Nickel, The Morrison, Taylor MG 6.0 0.5 1,877 NF 118799 EN Morrison, Yvonne MG 6.0 1.0 4,109 NF 118800 EN Carved in Stone: Clues About Cultures Earth Matters Morrison, Yvonne MG 5.8 1.0 4,553 NF 127958 EN Mortenson, Greg LG 4.6 0.5 1,484 NF 127050 EN Listen to the Wind: The Story of Dr. Greg & Three Cups of Tea Hunt for the Seventh, The Morton-Shaw, Christine MG 4.5 9.0 59,942 70518 EN Moskal, Greg MG 5.8 0.5 1,975 132821 EN History of Space Exploration: Sequencing Events Chronologically on a Timelin, Th Darkling Curse, The Mould, Chris MG 5.5 3.0 17,488 F 8057 EN Dog Who Wouldn't Be, The Mowat, Farley MG 7.9 10.0 55,437 F 104777 EN Operation Red Jericho Mowll, Joshua MG 6.0 9.0 56,003 F F NF Page 100 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 54,890 F 110648 EN Operation Typhoon Shore Mowll, Joshua MG 5.8 9.0 113529 EN Fablehaven Mull, Brandon MG 4.8 11.0 75,178 F 122328 EN Mull, Brandon MG 5.6 17.0 109,920 F 136399 EN Mull, Brandon MG 5.2 21.0 137,008 F 115046 EN Mull, Brandon MG 5.0 15.0 101,355 F 130013 EN Mull, Brandon MG 5.1 19.0 122,845 F 142617 EN Fablehaven: Grip of the Shadow Plague Fablehaven: Keys to the Demon Prison Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star Fablehaven: Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary World Without Heroes, A Mull, Brandon MG 5.1 19.0 124,250 F 59765 EN Mundis, Hester MG 4.7 6.0 38,915 F 8019 EN My Chimp Friday: The Nana Banana Chronicles Love You Forever Munsch, Robert N. LG 3.4 0.5 772 F 5825 EN Our Tejano Heroes Munson, Sammye MG 5.9 3.0 17,238 21849 SP Chanyelín Murail, Marie-Aude MG 4.4 0.5 2,939 F 46874 EN Coyote Attacks Murdico, Suzanne J. MG 5.3 0.5 3,023 NF 69222 EN Murdico, Suzanne J. MG 6.4 1.0 5,274 NF 46903 EN In-Line Skating: Techniques and Tricks Tiger Attacks Murdico, Suzanne J. MG 5.2 0.5 3,184 NF 46913 EN Murdico, Suzanne J. MG 6.1 1.0 3,299 NF 46914 EN Volunteering to Help the Environment Wild Dog Attacks Murdico, Suzanne J. MG 5.0 0.5 3,135 NF 17215 EN Cowboy Murdoch, David H. MG 7.7 1.0 5,301 NF 106282 EN Dairy Queen Murdock, Catherine Gilbert MG 5.3 10.0 65,934 F 121692 EN Princess Ben Murdock, Catherine Gilbert MG 7.9 11.0 64,149 F 14532 EN Great Fire, The Murphy, Jim UG 7.6 4.0 22,281 NF NF 69986 EN Inside the Alamo Murphy, Jim MG 8.5 5.0 27,018 NF 118802 EN Murray, Jennifer MG 6.0 1.0 3,872 NF 26544 EN Flight and Fancy: The Airline Industry Saturn Murray, Peter MG 4.2 0.5 939 NF 89286 EN Tigers Murray, Peter MG 5.8 1.0 4,244 NF 133271 EN Gladiator Murrell, Deborah MG 5.4 0.5 2,454 NF 133272 EN Greek Warrior Murrell, Deborah MG 5.5 0.5 2,660 NF 133273 EN Knight Murrell, Deborah MG 5.6 0.5 2,757 NF 5938 EN Ghost of Lost Island, The Murrow, Liza Ketchum MG 4.5 5.0 33,671 14192 EN Mussari, Mark MG 6.8 2.0 9,243 58903 EN Muth, Jon J. LG 3.4 0.5 925 F 121168 EN Suzanne DePasse: Motown's Boss Lady Three Questions: Based on a Story by Leo Tolstoy, The Zen Ties Muth, Jon J. LG 2.7 0.5 973 F 66726 EN Myers, Laurie MG 4.0 1.0 7,906 F 127478 EN Lewis and Clark and Me: A Dog's Tale Amiri & Odette: A Love Story Myers, Walter Dean MG 4.6 0.5 2,017 F 49772 EN Bad Boy: A Memoir Myers, Walter Dean MG 6.5 8.0 45,884 NF 138804 EN Cruisers, The Myers, Walter Dean MG 5.3 3.0 21,317 F 761 EN Fast Sam, Cool Clyde, and Stuff Myers, Walter Dean UG 4.8 7.0 44,816 F 119931 EN Game Myers, Walter Dean MG 4.9 6.0 42,246 F 59209 EN Handbook for Boys: A Novel Myers, Walter Dean UG 4.9 5.0 36,278 F F NF Page 101 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 114458 EN Harlem Summer Myers, Walter Dean MG 5.1 5.0 34,383 F 766 EN Hoops Myers, Walter Dean UG 4.6 7.0 49,976 F 142169 EN Kick Myers, Walter Dean MG 4.7 5.0 36,699 F 135792 EN Lockdown Myers, Walter Dean MG 4.7 7.0 45,613 F 29945 EN Monster Myers, Walter Dean UG 5.1 5.0 32,846 F 44555 EN Motown and Didi: A Love Story Myers, Walter Dean UG 5.1 7.0 45,885 F 5278 EN Mouse Rap, The Myers, Walter Dean UG 5.3 5.0 32,744 F 7015 EN Now Is Your Time! Myers, Walter Dean UG 8.3 9.0 48,016 NF 134436 EN Riot Myers, Walter Dean MG 4.6 3.0 22,161 F 386 EN Scorpions Myers, Walter Dean UG 3.7 6.0 44,653 F 15087 EN Slam! Myers, Walter Dean UG 4.5 8.0 55,306 F 121470 EN Sunrise Over Fallujah Myers, Walter Dean UG 5.3 11.0 69,153 F 127482 EN Bliss Myracle, Lauren UG 4.2 10.0 68,396 F 77176 EN Eleven Myracle, Lauren MG 4.1 6.0 43,811 F 129944 EN Peace, Love, and Baby Ducks Myracle, Lauren UG 3.9 10.0 70,557 F 120744 EN Thirteen Myracle, Lauren MG 4.1 8.0 54,505 F 113861 EN Twelve Myracle, Lauren MG 4.0 6.0 44,211 F 45491 EN Dear Whiskers Nagda, Ann Whitehead LG 3.3 1.0 10,449 F 48949 EN Flying Machine Nahum, Andrew MG 7.9 1.0 5,345 128426 EN Burn My Heart Naidoo, Beverley MG 5.2 6.0 39,245 F 8550 EN Namioka, Lensey MG 4.6 3.0 21,167 F NF 82027 EN Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear Bound Napoli, Donna Jo MG 5.4 6.0 36,064 F 125957 EN Smile, The Napoli, Donna Jo MG 4.0 10.0 70,331 F 18837 EN Stones in Water Napoli, Donna Jo UG 4.2 7.0 46,911 F 52627 EN Three Days Napoli, Donna Jo MG 3.9 5.0 32,754 F 136860 EN Wager, The Napoli, Donna Jo MG 4.3 8.0 58,542 F 118202 EN France (Second Series) Nardo, Don MG 7.9 3.0 17,205 NF 61403 EN Judy Blume (My Favorite Writer) Nault, Jennifer MG 5.5 1.0 4,419 NF 201 EN Agony of Alice, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 5.3 5.0 30,164 F 11451 EN Alice the Brave Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 5.1 5.0 30,550 F 53422 EN Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 5.1 4.0 26,477 F 16921 EN Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 5.2 4.0 26,446 F 74690 EN Bernie Magruder & the Bus Station Blow-Up Bomb in the Bessledorf Bus Depot/Bernie Magruder & the Bus Station Blow-Up, The Boys in Control Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 4.8 4.0 30,242 F 58215 EN Boys Return, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 4.7 4.0 26,425 F 102392 EN Boys Rock! Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 4.9 4.0 26,853 F 125953 EN Cricket Man Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 4.4 6.0 41,920 F 137894 EN Emily's Fortune Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 5.2 3.0 21,813 F 130928 EN Faith, Hope, and Ivy June Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 5.8 9.0 59,307 F 11464 EN Fear Place, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 5.4 5.0 29,624 F 82841 EN Girls Rule! Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 5.0 4.0 29,841 F 64035 EN Girls Take Over, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 4.9 5.0 30,235 F Page 102 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 7138 EN Grand Escape, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 5.0 4.0 29,301 F 14849 EN Ice Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 5.3 8.0 50,287 F 41245 EN Jade Green: A Ghost Story Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 5.8 5.0 33,221 F 105172 EN Roxie and the Hooligans Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 5.3 2.0 12,353 F 17789 EN Saving Shiloh Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 4.9 6.0 37,081 F 5289 EN Send No Blessings Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 5.4 9.0 60,448 F 5440 EN Shiloh Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 4.4 4.0 29,617 F 13758 EN Shiloh Season Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 4.8 5.0 31,674 F 5440 SP Shiloh (Spanish) Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 4.4 4.0 29,366 F 42796 EN Spy Among the Girls, A Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 4.9 4.0 27,772 F 31156 EN Traitor Among the Boys, A Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 4.7 4.0 25,404 F 21989 SP Ladrón, El Needle, Jan MG 4.8 3.0 23,416 F 141069 EN Fiend and the Forge, The Neff, Henry H. MG 6.7 25.0 148,192 F 118074 EN Hound of Rowan, The Neff, Henry H. MG 5.9 16.0 102,747 F 125610 EN Second Siege, The Neff, Henry H. MG 6.5 21.0 125,499 F 126328 SP Nelson, John MG 4.9 0.5 1,194 NF 126325 SP Nelson, John MG 4.8 0.5 1,568 NF 130459 EN Nelson, Peter MG 4.9 4.0 24,405 105670 SP Nelson, Robin LG 4.6 0.5 564 NF 136817 EN Casquetes polares en riesgo: Expedición a la Antártida Trayectoria de choque: Los asteroides y la Tierra Herbert's Wormhole: A Novel In Cartoons George Washington: Una vida de liderazgo Black Elk's Vision: A Lakota Story Nelson, S.D. MG 5.0 1.0 4,444 NF 20504 EN Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Nelson, Sharlene LG 4.3 0.5 1,479 NF 20505 EN Mount Rainier National Park Nelson, Sharlene LG 4.4 0.5 1,611 NF 20588 EN Nelson, Sharlene LG 4.6 0.5 1,637 NF 20589 EN Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument Olympic National Park Nelson, Sharlene LG 4.7 0.5 1,318 NF 147163 EN Monster Calls, A Ness, Patrick MG 4.8 5.0 33,446 131859 EN Rivers Nestor, John MG 5.0 0.5 2,818 NF 131860 EN Volcanoes Nestor, John MG 5.6 0.5 2,732 NF 17251 EN Girl-Son, The Neuberger, Anne E. MG 5.0 4.0 24,331 F 743 EN Lisa Bright and Dark Neufeld, John UG 4.6 5.0 31,829 F 41650 EN Neuschwander, Cindy LG 3.8 0.5 1,447 F 41651 EN Neuschwander, Cindy LG 4.3 0.5 1,528 F 70173 EN Neuschwander, Cindy LG 4.1 0.5 1,558 NF 46894 EN Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi: A Math Adventure Sir Cumference and the First Round Table: A Math Adventure Sir Cumference and the Sword in the Cone Military Collectibles Newell, Patrick MG 6.1 1.0 4,068 NF 46911 EN Volunteering to Help Seniors Newell, Patrick MG 5.6 1.0 3,407 NF F F 7049 EN Where Are You When I Need You? Newton, Suzanne UG 4.9 7.0 49,408 74136 EN Portugal (Fiesta!) Ng, Leena MG 7.2 1.0 4,169 F NF 74138 EN Sri Lanka (Fiesta!) Ng, Leena MG 7.7 1.0 4,800 NF 74134 EN Nicaragua (Fiesta!) Ng, Yumi MG 7.0 1.0 4,223 NF 36949 EN Dallas Cowboys Nichols, John MG 7.1 1.0 3,802 NF Page 103 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 4.6 9.0 58,899 F MG 6.8 1.0 6,382 Author IL Nickerson, Sara MG Nickles, Greg ATOS BL 58682 EN 49358 EN How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found Italy: The Culture 115222 EN Charlie Bone and the Beast Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.5 9.0 62,363 F 88697 EN Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.9 10.0 66,296 F 107039 EN Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors Charlie Bone and the Hidden King Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.6 10.0 71,724 F NF 78185 EN Charlie Bone and the Invisible Boy Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.9 10.0 65,586 F 136982 EN Charlie Bone and the Red Knight Nimmo, Jenny MG 5.1 11.0 74,627 F 900 EN Charlie Bone and the Shadow Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.8 12.0 81,000 F 126497 EN Charlie Bone and the Shadow Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.9 10.0 68,929 F 71302 EN Charlie Bone and the Time Twister Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.7 9.0 63,385 F 83613 EN Chestnut Soldier, The Nimmo, Jenny MG 5.2 8.0 52,059 F 71308 EN Griffin's Castle Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.7 6.0 43,660 F 68471 EN Midnight for Charlie Bone Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.8 10.0 65,006 F 83610 EN Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.7 5.0 36,216 F F 76146 EN Orchard of the Crescent Moon/Emlyn's Moon Snow Spider, The Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.6 4.0 30,474 117234 EN Drawing Manga Dinosaurs Nishida, Masaki LG 2.9 0.5 1,444 NF 117236 EN Nishida, Masaki LG 3.3 0.5 1,402 NF 65575 EN Drawing Manga Martial Arts Figures Abhorsen Nix, Garth UG 6.6 16.0 99,206 F 54089 EN Above the Veil Nix, Garth MG 5.3 7.0 44,306 F 88997 EN Nix, Garth MG 6.5 12.0 72,181 F 54090 EN Across the Wall: A Tale of the Abhorsen and Other Stories Aenir Nix, Garth MG 5.2 6.0 41,531 F 54095 EN Castle Nix, Garth MG 5.7 6.0 39,939 F 87321 EN Drowned Wednesday Nix, Garth MG 5.9 13.0 79,539 F 54104 EN Fall, The Nix, Garth MG 5.9 6.0 35,371 F 76340 EN Grim Tuesday Nix, Garth MG 6.0 10.0 64,987 F 54097 EN Into Battle Nix, Garth MG 5.5 6.0 37,397 F 114394 EN Lady Friday Nix, Garth MG 6.0 10.0 63,092 F 49645 EN Lirael: Daughter of the Clayr Nix, Garth UG 7.1 23.0 133,828 F 70137 EN Mister Monday Nix, Garth MG 5.9 12.0 74,016 F 78119 EN Ragwitch, The Nix, Garth UG 6.8 15.0 87,534 F 17837 EN Sabriel Nix, Garth UG 7.3 16.0 90,195 F 104413 EN Sir Thursday Nix, Garth MG 6.5 12.0 72,574 F 123439 EN Superior Saturday Nix, Garth MG 6.1 9.0 56,428 F 55211 EN Violet Keystone, The Nix, Garth MG 5.8 7.0 42,777 F 8556 EN Candidate for Murder, A Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 5.1 7.0 48,337 F 604 EN Caught in the Act Nixon, Joan Lowery MG 5.0 6.0 42,154 F 11461 EN Dangerous Promise, A Nixon, Joan Lowery MG 6.0 7.0 41,217 F 67001 EN Dark and Deadly Pool, The Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.5 7.0 45,657 F 45858 EN Deadly Game of Magic, A Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.3 6.0 39,856 F 902 EN Don't Scream Nixon, Joan Lowery MG 4.7 5.0 35,652 F 610 EN Family Apart, A Nixon, Joan Lowery MG 5.4 7.0 42,880 F Page 104 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 901 EN Haunting, The Nixon, Joan Lowery MG 4.7 7.0 44,222 F 615 EN In the Face of Danger Nixon, Joan Lowery MG 5.0 6.0 41,599 F 11473 EN Keeping Secrets Nixon, Joan Lowery MG 5.0 6.0 40,501 F 74762 EN Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.5 8.0 56,773 F 20124 EN Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore, The Murdered, My Sweet Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.6 6.0 43,633 F 71685 EN Nightmare Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.9 6.0 40,852 F 15100 EN Other Side of Dark, The Nixon, Joan Lowery MG 4.0 6.0 45,591 F 632 EN Place to Belong, A Nixon, Joan Lowery MG 4.9 6.0 39,755 F 61389 EN Playing for Keeps Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.8 6.0 42,488 F 783 EN Seance, The Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.7 5.0 37,125 F 14144 EN Search for the Shadowman Nixon, Joan Lowery MG 4.9 4.0 29,826 F 5921 EN Secret, Silent Screams Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.8 6.0 43,330 F 11738 EN Shadowmaker Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 5.0 7.0 45,600 F 83072 EN Specter, The Nixon, Joan Lowery MG 3.9 6.0 42,060 F 14776 EN Spirit Seeker Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.6 7.0 45,324 F 54130 EN Stalker, The Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.5 6.0 41,423 F 6995 EN Whispers from the Dead Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.4 6.0 44,271 F 101376 SP cabalgata de Paul Revere, La Niz, Xavier MG 4.2 0.5 1,796 NF 127525 EN Shipwreck! A Survive! Story Nobleman, Marc Tyler MG 3.3 1.0 5,133 F 127517 EN Blizzard! Nobleman, Mark Tyler MG 3.1 1.0 4,942 F 132190 EN Blue Moon Noël, Alyson UG 6.5 14.0 82,088 F 138379 EN Dark Flame Noël, Alyson UG 6.5 14.0 86,687 F 144393 EN Everlasting Noël, Alyson UG 6.7 15.0 88,159 F 129456 EN Evermore Noël, Alyson UG 5.8 13.0 82,050 F 141015 EN Night Star Noël, Alyson UG 6.6 14.0 83,076 F 140348 EN Radiance Noël, Alyson MG 6.6 6.0 35,451 F 134497 EN Shadowland Noël, Alyson UG 6.1 14.0 89,509 F 143585 EN Shimmer Noël, Alyson MG 6.8 6.0 35,609 F 20106 EN Dancing on the Edge Nolan, Han MG 4.7 9.0 60,783 F 145770 EN Pregnant Pause Nolan, Han UG 4.7 13.0 87,928 F 100958 EN On the Road Nolan, Lucy LG 2.8 1.0 4,180 F 17218 EN Dinosaur Norman, David MG 7.6 1.0 6,746 NF 73 SP Rascal, mi tremendo mapache North, Sterling MG 7.1 7.0 42,024 NF 100773 EN If You Give a Pig a Party Numeroff, Laura LG 2.2 0.5 218 F 8719 EN Gypsy Nussbaum, Al UG 3.1 1.0 9,306 F 80002 EN Nye, Naomi Shihab UG 5.8 2.0 14,957 F 62 EN O'Brien, Robert C. MG 5.1 8.0 53,752 F 5299 EN 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH/The Secret of NIMH Z for Zachariah O'Brien, Robert C. UG 5.6 9.0 58,168 F 70563 EN O'Connor, Barbara MG 4.3 3.0 20,927 F 139124 EN O'Connor, Barbara MG 4.7 4.0 24,029 F 115455 EN Fame and Glory in Freedom, Georgia Fantastic Secret of Owen Jester, The How to Steal a Dog O'Connor, Barbara MG 4.0 5.0 34,585 F Page 105 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 115026 EN Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy O'Connor, Jane LG 2.0 0.5 511 F 123269 EN O'Connor, Jane LG 3.2 0.5 549 F 75809 EN Fancy Nancy's Favorite Fancy Words: From Accessories to Zany Construction Worker O'Connor, Rachel MG 6.2 1.0 3,549 114213 EN Bad Tickets O'Dell, Kathleen UG 3.6 7.0 52,089 F 25966 SP Alexandra (Spanish) O'Dell, Scott MG 5.6 5.0 33,914 F 104 EN Black Pearl, The O'Dell, Scott MG 5.4 4.0 23,678 F 555 EN Black Star, Bright Dawn O'Dell, Scott MG 4.3 4.0 28,519 F 555 SP Estrella Negra, Brillante Amanecer O'Dell, Scott MG 4.3 4.0 28,519 F 45 SP isla de los delfines azules, La O'Dell, Scott MG 5.4 6.0 40,531 F NF 45 EN Island of the Blue Dolphins O'Dell, Scott MG 5.4 6.0 40,531 F 104 SP perla negra, La O'Dell, Scott MG 5.4 4.0 23,678 F 244 EN Sing down the Moon O'Dell, Scott MG 4.9 4.0 27,257 F 7881 EN Thunder Rolling in the Mountains O'Dell, Scott MG 4.6 4.0 26,465 F 5300 EN Zia O'Dell, Scott UG 5.1 5.0 35,384 F 145516 EN O'Hearn, Michael MG 4.5 0.5 1,819 F 145519 EN O'Hearn, Michael MG 4.8 0.5 1,947 F 145523 EN O'Hearn, Michael MG 4.6 0.5 1,914 F 145524 EN O'Hearn, Michael MG 4.6 0.5 1,766 F 104645 SP Ghosts vs. Witches: Tussle of the Tricksters Sea Monsters vs. Dragons: Showdown of the Legends Vampires vs. Werewolves: Battle of the Bloodthirsty Beasts Zombies vs. Mummies: Clash of the Living Dead Batalla de El Alamo, La O'Hern, Kerri MG 4.6 0.5 1,579 NF 104644 SP Batalla de Gettysburg, La O'Hern, Kerri MG 4.5 0.5 2,196 NF 104645 EN Battle of the Alamo, The O'Hern, Kerri MG 4.2 0.5 1,599 NF 104649 SP O'Hern, Kerri MG 4.9 0.5 2,123 NF 104632 SP boicot a los autobuses de Montgomery, El hermanos Wright, Los O'Hern, Kerri LG 4.4 0.5 1,480 NF 104628 SP Jackie Robinson (Spanish) O'Hern, Kerri LG 4.8 0.5 2,222 NF 104629 SP Louis Armstrong (Spanish) O'Hern, Kerri LG 4.5 0.5 2,017 NF 66674 EN Job Smarts O'Neill, Lucy MG 6.0 1.0 3,555 NF 66680 EN Money Smarts O'Neill, Lucy MG 5.7 1.0 4,144 NF 74361 EN Henry Moore O'Reilly, Sally MG 7.9 1.0 7,304 NF 30242 EN O'Shei, Tim MG 6.5 1.0 4,533 NF 6442 EN Duke Blue Devils Men's Basketball Team, The Take a Chance, Gramps! Okimoto, Jean Davies MG 4.3 5.0 35,706 46948 EN Circulatory System, The Oleksy, Walter MG 7.7 1.0 6,239 NF 74396 EN Jackson Pollock Oliver, Clare MG 7.2 1.0 7,667 NF 933 EN Hear Me Olson, Amy MG 15.0 1.0 2,550 NF 36528 EN Olson, Arielle North MG 5.6 4.0 25,751 F 123734 EN Ask the Bones: Scary Stories from Around the World More Bones: Scary Stories from Around the World Africans in America, 1619-1865 Olson, Arielle North MG 5.3 5.0 29,936 F Olson, Kay Melchisedech MG 6.1 1.0 3,492 NF Benjamin Franklin: Un genio norteamericano French Immigrants, 1840-1940 Olson, Kay Melchisedech MG 4.8 0.5 2,744 NF Olson, Kay Melchisedech MG 6.4 1.0 3,734 NF 62720 EN 101336 SP 62722 EN F Page 106 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 101374 SP Nathan Hale: Espía revolucionario Olson, Nathan MG 4.5 0.5 2,278 935 EN Donner Party: A Diary of a Survivor Olson, Tod MG 2.6 1.0 10,000 136369 EN Olson, Tod MG 5.9 1.0 6,418 135873 EN How to Get Rich on a Texas Cattle Drive: In Which I Tell the Honest Truth about Dirty Little Secrets F Omololu, C.J. MG 5.5 10.0 61,557 F NF 773 EN Language of Goldfish, The Oneal, Zibby UG 3.9 6.0 39,898 F 77198 EN Airborn Oppel, Kenneth MG 5.1 15.0 101,042 F 139500 EN Half Brother Oppel, Kenneth MG 4.4 13.0 89,973 F 153171 EN Such Wicked Intent Oppel, Kenneth UG 5.0 11.0 76,138 F 145776 EN Oppel, Kenneth UG 4.9 11.0 74,594 F 30501 EN This Dark Endeavor: The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein Devil in Vienna, The Orgel, Doris MG 4.4 8.0 57,455 F 5071 EN Island on Bird Street, The Orlev, Uri MG 4.6 7.0 47,432 F 6931 EN Man from the Other Side, The Orlev, Uri UG 5.6 8.0 48,760 F F 80398 EN I Wanna Iguana Orloff, Karen Kaufman LG 2.7 0.5 594 103073 EN Tornadoes Orme, David LG 5.0 0.5 2,404 NF 103074 EN Tsunamis Orme, David LG 5.4 0.5 2,391 NF 105535 EN Indonesia Orr, Tamra MG 7.9 4.0 21,603 NF 59812 EN Native American Medicine Orr, Tamra MG 7.0 1.0 4,764 NF 105526 EN Steam Engine, The Orr, Tamra MG 7.8 1.0 7,751 NF 122018 EN Alaska (Third Series) Orr, Tamra B. MG 7.5 3.0 15,993 NF 115206 EN Bangladesh (Second Series) Orr, Tamra B. MG 6.7 3.0 16,072 NF 118708 EN California (Third Series) Orr, Tamra B. MG 7.0 3.0 18,897 NF 118709 EN Florida (Third Series) Orr, Tamra B. MG 7.5 3.0 18,774 NF 120499 EN Oklahoma (Third Series) Orr, Tamra B. MG 7.9 3.0 19,038 NF 5976 EN 1984 Orwell, George UG 8.9 17.0 88,942 F 727 EN Animal Farm Orwell, George UG 7.3 5.0 29,060 F 121639 EN Dark Day in the Deep Sea Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.8 2.0 11,676 F 17563 SP Delfines al amanecer Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.3 1.0 5,068 F 113579 EN Dragon of the Red Dawn Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.9 2.0 11,384 F 125558 EN Eve of the Emperor Penguin Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.7 2.0 12,547 F 31544 EN Favorite Greek Myths Osborne, Mary Pope MG 6.1 2.0 12,450 F 139440 EN Ghost Tale for Christmas Time, A Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.6 2.0 13,479 F 61516 EN Good Morning, Gorillas Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.3 1.0 6,129 F 18727 EN Lions at Lunchtime Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.0 1.0 5,313 F 116912 EN Monday with a Mad Genius Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.8 2.0 12,638 F 104731 EN Pompeii: Lost & Found Osborne, Mary Pope LG 5.8 0.5 1,446 NF 31073 EN Tigers at Twilight Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.0 1.0 5,136 F 14885 SP Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.9 1.0 6,010 F 30166 SP tigre dientes de sable en el ocaso, Un camino de Santa Fe, El Otero, Rodolfo MG 6.3 9.0 56,867 F 61823 EN Mammals Otfinoski, Steven MG 6.1 1.0 6,783 NF 8747 EN Verlaine Crossing, The Otfinoski, Steven UG 3.0 1.0 7,202 F Page 107 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 5.9 0.5 1,979 NF MG 4.5 5.0 37,910 Ouwendijk, George MG 7.3 1.0 7,951 NF Author IL Otto, Carolyn LG Oughton, Jerrie ATOS BL 122314 SP 10940 EN 31003 EN Celebremos el Cinco de Mayo con fiestas, música y baile Music from a Place Called Half Moon Santas of the World 31403 EN Kittens Today Ovechka, Greg MG 7.0 3.0 15,566 NF 75810 EN Electrician Overcamp, David MG 5.2 1.0 3,879 NF 21002 EN Atlanta Braves Baseball Team, The Owens, Thomas S. UG 6.6 1.0 4,632 NF 21004 EN Owens, Thomas S. MG 6.7 1.0 4,318 NF 125207 EN Chicago Bulls Basketball Team, The Energy Technology Oxlade, Chris MG 8.2 2.0 8,783 NF 56729 EN Mystery of ESP, The Oxlade, Chris MG 6.6 1.0 4,751 NF 56730 EN Oxlade, Chris MG 7.0 1.0 4,543 NF 56732 EN Oxlade, Chris MG 7.1 1.0 4,525 NF 56733 EN Oxlade, Chris MG 6.7 1.0 4,449 NF 121584 EN Mystery of Life on Other Planets, The Mystery of the Death of the Dinosaurs, The Mystery of Vampires and Werewolves, The Brett McCarthy: Work In Progress Padian, Maria MG 4.7 8.0 56,993 F 29777 EN Aekyung's Dream Paek, Min LG 3.6 0.5 779 F 149900 EN Wonder Palacio, R.J. MG 4.8 11.0 73,053 F 11511 EN Palmer, Ezra UG 5.7 1.0 7,979 NF 61834 EN Everything You Need to Know About Discrimination Guru Nanak and Sikhism Panesar, Rajinder Singh MG 6.7 1.0 7,665 NF 21817 SP clase de dibujo, La Paola, Tomie De LG 4.2 0.5 1,119 F 125940 EN Brisingr Paolini, Christopher UG 7.8 45.0 254,629 F 89884 EN Eldest Paolini, Christopher UG 7.0 36.0 213,516 F 89884 SP Eldest (Spanish) Paolini, Christopher UG 7.1 39.0 226,267 F 74404 EN Eragon Paolini, Christopher UG 5.6 25.0 157,220 F 147778 EN Inheritance Paolini, Christopher UG 7.5 49.0 280,712 F 88570 EN Papademetriou, Lisa MG 4.2 5.0 37,645 F 107174 EN Papademetriou, Lisa MG 4.7 10.0 68,938 F 130674 EN Paratore, Coleen Murtagh MG 4.1 5.0 32,707 F 85688 EN Sixth-Grade Glommers, Norks, and Me Wizard, the Witch, and Two Girls from Jersey, The Forget Me Not: From the Life of Willa Havisham Wedding Planner's Daughter, The Paratore, Coleen Murtagh MG 4.9 5.0 33,225 F 42819 EN Graduation of Jake Moon, The Park, Barbara MG 4.5 4.0 26,408 F 107304 EN Junie B., First Grader: Aloha-ha-ha! Park, Barbara LG 2.8 1.0 11,350 F 100621 EN Park, Barbara LG 2.8 1.0 11,197 F 14676 SP Junie B., First Grader: Jingle Bells, Batman Smells! (P.S. So Does May) Junie B. Jones espía un poquirritín Park, Barbara LG 2.9 1.0 6,556 F 17570 EN Park, Barbara LG 2.7 1.0 6,009 F 6323 SP Park, Barbara LG 2.9 1.0 6,686 F 39888 EN Junie B. Jones Has a Monster Under Her Bed Junie B. Jones y el negocio del mono Kite Fighters, The Park, Linda Sue MG 5.5 4.0 24,202 F 87375 EN Project Mulberry Park, Linda Sue MG 4.3 6.0 41,876 F 34882 EN Seesaw Girl Park, Linda Sue MG 5.7 3.0 16,442 F F Page 108 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 49768 EN Single Shard, A Park, Linda Sue MG 6.6 6.0 33,726 F 137598 EN Storm Warning Park, Linda Sue MG 4.6 6.0 40,937 F 48924 EN Taking Your Camera to France Park, Ted MG 3.8 0.5 1,467 NF 136561 EN Star Crusher, The Parker, Jake MG 3.0 1.0 6,459 F 54398 EN Ricky Martin Parker, Judy MG 5.3 1.0 4,257 NF 24462 EN Dropping in on Egypt Parker, Lewis K. MG 4.3 0.5 1,588 NF 24463 EN Dropping in on England Parker, Lewis K. MG 4.9 0.5 1,511 NF 114754 EN Edenville Owls Parker, Robert B. MG 3.7 4.0 32,772 17222 EN Fish Parker, Steve MG 7.6 1.0 6,285 NF 17229 EN Mammal Parker, Steve MG 7.8 1.0 7,206 NF 17236 EN Pond & River Parker, Steve MG 7.6 1.0 6,290 NF 17245 EN Skeleton (Eyewitness Books) Parker, Steve MG 7.9 1.0 6,975 NF 68365 EN Space Aliens Parker, Steve LG 5.6 1.0 4,655 NF 805 EN Davy Crockett: Young Rifleman Parks, Aileen Wells MG 4.1 3.0 24,194 NF 819 EN Parks, Edd Winfield MG 3.5 3.0 22,117 NF 64254 EN Parnell, Helga MG 6.7 1.0 4,515 NF 74197 SP Teddy Roosevelt: Young Rough Rider Cooking the German Way (Revised Edtion) Dentro de Alaska salvaje Pascoe, Elaine MG 4.8 1.0 3,744 NF 85128 SP Dentro de Amazonia salvaje Pascoe, Elaine MG 5.1 1.0 3,325 NF 74198 SP Dentro de Arizona salvaje Pascoe, Elaine MG 5.0 1.0 3,812 NF 78130 SP Dentro de Australia salvaje Pascoe, Elaine MG 4.9 1.0 4,005 NF 73677 SP Dentro de Borneo salvaje Pascoe, Elaine MG 4.9 0.5 3,299 NF 74199 SP Dentro de Brasil salvaje Pascoe, Elaine MG 5.0 1.0 4,352 NF 73679 SP Dentro de Florida salvaje Pascoe, Elaine MG 4.6 1.0 4,086 NF 73680 SP Dentro de Galápagos salvaje Pascoe, Elaine MG 5.2 1.0 4,095 NF 74201 SP Dentro de Luisiana salvaje Pascoe, Elaine MG 4.9 1.0 3,705 NF 73681 SP Dentro de Madagascar salvaje Pascoe, Elaine MG 4.9 1.0 4,037 NF 78133 SP Dentro de Nepal salvaje Pascoe, Elaine MG 5.1 1.0 4,036 NF 85133 SP Dentro de Tailandia salvaje Pascoe, Elaine MG 4.8 1.0 3,757 NF 85289 SP Dentro de Tanzania salvaje Pascoe, Elaine MG 4.9 1.0 3,730 NF 85134 SP Dentro de Zanzíbar salvaje Pascoe, Elaine MG 4.9 1.0 3,697 NF 26496 EN Mysteries of the Rain Forest Pascoe, Elaine MG 6.5 1.0 3,828 NF 26497 EN Pascoe, Elaine MG 6.4 1.0 3,884 NF 26500 EN Pascoe, Elaine MG 7.8 1.0 3,844 NF 18025 EN New Dinosaurs: Skeletons in the Sand Virtual Reality: Beyond the Looking Glass Kenya Pateman, Robert UG 8.1 3.0 16,129 NF 30313 EN Prairie Dogs Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw MG 7.1 1.0 4,173 NF 120 SP Amé a Jacob Paterson, Katherine MG 5.7 8.0 52,594 F F 11 EN Bridge to Terabithia Paterson, Katherine MG 4.6 5.0 32,888 F 47423 SP clan de los perros, El Paterson, Katherine MG 4.1 2.0 11,025 F 133458 EN Day of the Pelican, The Paterson, Katherine MG 5.2 6.0 40,005 F 116 SP gran Gilly Hopkins, La Paterson, Katherine MG 4.6 5.0 33,591 F 120 EN Jacob Have I Loved Paterson, Katherine MG 5.7 8.0 52,594 F 14992 EN Jip: His Story Paterson, Katherine MG 5.3 7.0 46,876 F Page 109 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 55 EN Master Puppeteer, The Paterson, Katherine MG 5.4 7.0 47,803 F 7898 EN Of Nightingales That Weep Paterson, Katherine UG 6.2 7.0 45,256 F 382 EN Park's Quest Paterson, Katherine MG 4.2 5.0 35,964 F 11 SP puente hasta Terabithia, Un Paterson, Katherine UG 4.6 5.0 32,888 F 5911 EN Tale of the Mandarin Ducks, The Paterson, Katherine LG 5.6 0.5 1,768 F 20382 EN Dark Starry Morning Patneaude, David MG 4.1 3.0 24,623 F 43405 EN Haunting at Home Plate Patneaude, David MG 4.0 4.0 31,622 F 10252 EN Someone Was Watching Patneaude, David UG 4.5 6.0 43,142 F 470 EN Green Book, The Paton Walsh, Jill MG 5.5 2.0 14,510 F 16738 EN Parcel of Patterns, A Paton Walsh, Jill UG 6.3 7.0 45,717 F 15462 EN Colin Powell Patrick-Wexler, Diane MG 5.6 1.0 6,404 NF 15475 EN Toni Morrison Patrick-Wexler, Diane MG 6.4 1.0 6,270 NF NF 15476 EN Walter Dean Myers Patrick-Wexler, Diane MG 5.7 1.0 6,547 110101 EN Higher Power of Lucky, The Patron, Susan MG 5.9 5.0 29,977 F 124183 EN Dangerous Days of Daniel X, The Patterson, James UG 4.6 5.0 35,449 F 127276 EN Daniel X: Alien Hunter Patterson, James MG 3.0 1.0 10,900 F 146548 EN Daniel X: Game Over Patterson, James MG 6.5 6.0 39,354 F 131928 EN Daniel X: Watch the Skies Patterson, James UG 6.6 6.0 37,314 F 141560 EN Gift, The Patterson, James MG 5.2 9.0 57,541 F 155432 EN I Funny: A Middle School Story Patterson, James MG 3.9 4.0 27,357 F 142954 EN Maximum Ride: Angel Patterson, James MG 4.8 8.0 52,182 F 136424 EN Maximum Ride: Fang Patterson, James MG 4.6 8.0 53,990 F 129633 EN Maximum Ride: Max Patterson, James MG 5.2 8.0 55,386 F 115173 EN Patterson, James MG 4.8 10.0 69,674 F 107068 EN Patterson, James MG 4.4 11.0 73,044 F 88565 EN Patterson, James MG 4.6 11.0 74,752 F 121551 EN Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports Maximum Ride: School's Out-Forever Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Maximum Ride: The Final Warning Patterson, James MG 5.0 7.0 45,678 F 141671 EN Maximum Ride: The Manga, Vol. 3 Patterson, James UG 2.3 1.0 6,507 F 151572 EN Patterson, James MG 4.4 4.0 25,790 F 144983 EN Patterson, James MG 4.5 4.0 30,992 F 134887 EN Middle School: Get Me Out of Here! Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Witch & Wizard Patterson, James MG 4.9 7.0 47,884 F 145004 EN Patterson, James MG 3.6 1.0 7,245 F 31005 EN Witch & Wizard: Battle for Shadowland Box Turtles Patterson, Jordan MG 8.0 3.0 14,086 NF 109338 EN Winner's Walk, The Patterson, Nancy Ruth MG 4.8 2.0 16,022 F 71134 EN East Pattou, Edith UG 6.1 16.0 100,593 F 56984 EN Israel (Fiesta!) Paul, Tessa MG 5.6 1.0 5,363 NF 57029 EN Russia (Fiesta!) Paul, Tessa MG 5.9 1.0 4,963 NF 57036 EN Turkey (Fiesta!) Paul, Tessa MG 5.8 1.0 5,285 NF 31159 EN Alida's Song Paulsen, Gary MG 5.3 2.0 13,977 F 76894 EN Brian's Hunt Paulsen, Gary MG 5.9 3.0 21,890 F 25297 EN Brian's Return Paulsen, Gary MG 5.5 4.0 23,780 F Page 110 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 11704 EN Brian's Winter Paulsen, Gary MG 5.9 5.0 31,140 F 6033 EN Canyons Paulsen, Gary MG 5.5 5.0 30,900 F 5969 EN Cookcamp, The Paulsen, Gary MG 5.0 3.0 19,544 F 11706 EN Crossing, The Paulsen, Gary UG 5.8 3.0 21,935 F 360 EN Dogsong Paulsen, Gary MG 5.2 5.0 34,815 F 13000 EN Escape from Fire Mountain Paulsen, Gary MG 4.1 1.0 9,486 F 145001 EN Flat Broke Paulsen, Gary MG 5.1 3.0 18,884 F 8566 EN Foxman, The Paulsen, Gary UG 4.9 3.0 23,445 F 46280 EN Paulsen, Gary MG 6.5 4.0 23,486 NF 367 SP Guts: The True Stories Behind Hatchet and the Brian Books hacha, El Paulsen, Gary MG 5.7 7.0 42,328 F 5332 EN Paulsen, Gary MG 5.7 5.0 33,240 F 367 EN Harris and Me: A Summer Remembered Hatchet Paulsen, Gary MG 5.7 7.0 42,328 F 7044 EN Haymeadow, The Paulsen, Gary UG 5.4 6.0 36,952 F 20916 SP Hermanas Paulsen, Gary MG 5.4 1.0 7,939 F 65168 EN How Angel Peterson Got His Name Paulsen, Gary MG 6.0 3.0 20,562 NF 5273 EN Island, The Paulsen, Gary UG 5.7 8.0 53,791 F 115808 EN Lawn Boy Paulsen, Gary MG 4.3 2.0 14,323 F 137661 EN Lawn Boy Returns Paulsen, Gary MG 5.6 3.0 16,054 F 107902 EN Paulsen, Gary MG 5.8 6.0 35,380 F 142993 EN Legend of Bass Reeves: Being the True Account of the Most Valiant Marshal in the Liar, Liar Paulsen, Gary MG 5.8 3.0 21,277 F 139031 EN Masters of Disaster Paulsen, Gary MG 6.5 3.0 18,584 F 6933 EN Monument, The Paulsen, Gary UG 4.9 3.0 23,003 F 11481 EN Mr. Tucket Paulsen, Gary MG 5.0 4.0 29,783 F 130156 EN Mudshark Paulsen, Gary MG 6.3 2.0 12,166 F 18778 EN My Life in Dog Years Paulsen, Gary MG 5.6 3.0 21,219 NF 32511 EN Night the White Deer Died, The Paulsen, Gary MG 5.7 3.0 20,249 F 9993 EN Nightjohn Paulsen, Gary MG 3.8 1.0 10,801 F 131462 EN Notes from the Dog Paulsen, Gary MG 4.7 4.0 25,789 F 146230 EN Paulsen, Gary MG 4.9 5.0 30,375 F 9640 EN Paintings from the Cave: Three Novellas Popcorn Days & Buttermilk Nights Paulsen, Gary MG 5.1 4.0 25,347 F 14482 EN Paulsen, Gary MG 6.0 2.0 15,107 NF 80081 EN Puppies, Dogs and Blue Northers: Reflections on Being Raised by a Pack of Sled D Quilt, The Paulsen, Gary MG 5.1 2.0 14,690 F 14483 EN Rifle, The Paulsen, Gary MG 6.8 3.0 16,877 F 7023 EN River, The Paulsen, Gary MG 5.5 4.0 27,563 F 85879 EN Time Hackers, The Paulsen, Gary MG 5.2 3.0 19,787 F 5094 EN Voyage of the Frog, The Paulsen, Gary MG 6.0 5.0 29,874 F 44728 EN Paulsen, Gary MG 4.8 6.0 38,705 F 398 EN White Fox Chronicles: Escape, Return, Breakout, The Winter Room, The Paulsen, Gary MG 5.0 3.0 19,255 F 134843 EN Woods Runner Paulsen, Gary MG 5.5 5.0 32,659 F Page 111 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 6950 EN Woodsong Paulsen, Gary MG 5.6 5.0 30,485 NF 85992 EN Wolf Brother Paver, Michelle MG 4.5 8.0 57,371 F 54040 EN Payan, Gregory MG 6.7 1.0 3,807 NF 46884 EN Chemical and Biological Weapons: Anthrax and Sarin Essential Snowmobiling for Teens Payan, Gregory MG 5.8 1.0 3,249 NF 54045 EN Payan, Gregory MG 5.3 1.0 3,411 NF 54063 EN Fast-Attack Submarine: The Seawolf Class Life on a Submarine Payan, Gregory MG 5.9 1.0 3,549 NF 89 EN Tom's Midnight Garden Pearce, Philippa MG 6.1 9.0 56,032 F 122279 EN All Shook Up Pearsall, Shelley MG 5.7 8.0 49,802 F 17204 EN Ancient Greece Pearson, Anne MG 7.8 1.0 7,121 NF 11139 EN What Do We Know...Greeks? Pearson, Anne MG 5.7 0.5 3,062 NF 122297 EN Adoration of Jenna Fox, The Pearson, Mary E. UG 3.8 9.0 62,853 F 911 EN Kingdom Keepers Pearson, Ridley MG 4.2 9.0 60,801 F 917 EN Kingdom Keepers 2 Pearson, Ridley MG 4.2 9.0 60,801 F 123534 EN Steel Trapp: The Challenge Pearson, Ridley MG 4.9 8.0 52,328 F 47226 EN Peck, Ira MG 5.2 1.0 5,348 NF 34982 EN Peck, Ira MG 5.2 2.0 15,780 NF 5257 EN Elizabeth Blackwell: The First Woman Doctor Life and Words of Martin Luther King Jr., The Are You in the House Alone? Peck, Richard UG 4.9 6.0 42,710 F 8552 EN Bel-Air Bambi and the Mall Rats Peck, Richard UG 4.7 6.0 39,107 F 53562 EN Fair Weather Peck, Richard MG 4.7 4.0 28,225 F 762 EN Father Figure Peck, Richard UG 4.8 6.0 41,869 F 5068 EN Ghosts I Have Been Peck, Richard MG 5.7 9.0 56,529 F 27940 EN Long Way from Chicago, A Peck, Richard MG 5.0 5.0 35,226 F 577 EN Princess Ashley Peck, Richard MG 4.8 7.0 47,014 F 73789 EN River Between Us, The Peck, Richard UG 4.9 5.0 35,154 F 132648 EN Season of Gifts, A Peck, Richard MG 4.6 5.0 32,011 F 83176 EN Peck, Richard MG 4.7 6.0 38,642 F 140861 EN Teacher's Funeral: A Comedy in Three Parts, The Three Quarters Dead Peck, Richard MG 4.0 5.0 35,538 F 6635 EN Voices After Midnight Peck, Richard MG 4.3 6.0 42,443 F 44671 EN Year down Yonder, A Peck, Richard MG 4.5 4.0 29,815 F 359 EN Day No Pigs Would Die, A Peck, Robert Newton UG 4.4 4.0 31,091 F 16685 EN Prisoners of Peace Peel, John MG 4.3 3.0 23,566 F 102145 EN Keeper Peet, Mal MG 5.1 8.0 54,893 F 137291 EN Big Nate: In a Class by Himself Peirce, Lincoln MG 3.1 2.0 13,810 F 140498 EN Big Nate Strikes Again Peirce, Lincoln MG 3.0 2.0 14,342 F 113967 EN Talented Clementine, The Pennypacker, Sara LG 4.0 2.0 12,659 F 78665 EN Wildfire Alert! Peppas, Lynn MG 6.3 1.0 4,784 NF 21806 SP burrito que quería ser azul, El Perera, Hilda LG 4.2 0.5 1,427 F 18392 SP Kike Perera, Hilda MG 4.3 3.0 21,142 F 18393 SP Mai Perera, Hilda MG 4.2 3.0 22,043 F 12512 EN Perez, Frank MG 5.6 1.0 6,249 NF 15473 EN Dolores Huerta: Community & Union Leader, Political Activist Raul Julia Pérez, Frank MG 5.9 1.0 6,379 NF Page 112 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 128858 EN Dead Is a State of Mind Perez, Marlene UG 4.7 5.0 36,882 F 130037 EN Dead Is So Last Year Perez, Marlene UG 4.7 6.0 41,673 F 128168 EN Dead Is the New Black Perez, Marlene UG 4.5 6.0 42,263 F 137460 EN Perkins, Lynne Rae MG 5.0 9.0 61,463 F 101361 EN As Easy as Falling Off the Face of the Earth Criss Cross Perkins, Lynne Rae MG 5.5 7.0 48,221 F 137295 EN Bamboo People Perkins, Mitali MG 4.4 7.0 50,801 F 58893 EN Perl, Lila MG 7.3 4.0 22,272 NF 44144 EN Perl, Lila MG 7.9 3.0 18,165 NF 44133 EN Four Perfect Pebbles: A Holocaust Story Mummies, Tombs, and Treasures: Secrets of Ancient Egypt Piñatas and Paper Flowers Perl, Lila MG 6.1 2.0 13,467 NF 11212 EN Hot Rods Pernu, Dennis MG 4.4 0.5 1,965 NF 12707 EN Cinderella Perrault, Charles MG 5.5 0.5 2,392 F 41465 EN Define "Normal" Peters, Julie Anne MG 3.6 6.0 41,092 F 127546 EN Rapunzel: The Graphic Novel Peters, Stephanie MG 2.5 0.5 1,071 F 54206 EN Arches National Park Petersen, David LG 5.8 0.5 1,405 NF 5569 EN Grand Canyon National Park Petersen, David LG 4.6 0.5 1,504 NF 54215 EN Grand Canyon National Park Petersen, David LG 5.8 0.5 1,459 NF 54216 EN Petersen, David LG 5.5 0.5 1,547 NF 54217 EN Great Sand Dunes National Monument Haleakalá National Park Petersen, David LG 5.5 0.5 1,515 NF 54222 EN National Parks Petersen, David LG 5.6 0.5 1,294 NF 20590 EN Petrified Forest National Park Petersen, David LG 5.4 0.5 1,332 NF 54227 EN Saguaro National Park Petersen, David LG 5.9 0.5 1,455 NF 54402 EN Thailand Petersen, David LG 5.6 0.5 1,455 NF 130575 EN Wild River Petersen, P.J. MG 3.4 2.0 18,580 F 89906 EN J.K. Rowling (My Favorite Writer) Pezzi, Bryan MG 5.3 1.0 4,504 122569 EN Dead & the Gone, The Pfeffer, Susan Beth MG 4.3 12.0 82,768 NF F 109087 EN Life as We Knew It Pfeffer, Susan Beth MG 4.7 14.0 95,192 F 40139 EN Pfeffer, Susan Beth MG 4.4 4.0 26,485 F 136013 EN Revenge of the Aztecs: A Story of 1920's Hollywood This World We Live In Pfeffer, Susan Beth MG 4.2 9.0 62,429 F 134356 EN Storm in the Barn, The Phelan, Matt MG 2.3 0.5 2,260 F 5331 EN Freak the Mighty/The Mighty Philbrick, Rodman UG 5.5 5.0 35,442 F 45221 EN Last Book in the Universe, The Philbrick, Rodman MG 5.0 6.0 43,292 F 30694 EN Max the Mighty Philbrick, Rodman MG 5.0 5.0 33,596 F 127487 EN Philbrick, Rodman MG 5.6 7.0 45,255 F 56972 EN Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg, The Brazil (Fiesta!) Phillips, Charles MG 5.3 1.0 5,068 NF 56979 EN France (Fiesta!) Phillips, Charles MG 5.7 1.0 5,095 NF 57022 EN Peru (Fiesta!) Phillips, Charles MG 5.3 1.0 4,648 NF 135920 EN Pickman, Richard MG 5.6 0.5 2,074 NF 66991 EN Anglo-American Colonization of Texas Gathering of Gargoyles, A Pierce, Meredith Ann UG 4.7 9.0 63,387 F 67003 EN Pearl of the Soul of the World, The Pierce, Meredith Ann UG 5.5 9.0 56,747 F 20708 EN Alanna: The First Adventure Pierce, Tamora UG 4.5 7.0 49,061 F Page 113 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 129853 EN Bloodhound Pierce, Tamora MG 4.8 25.0 167,010 F 59204 EN Cold Fire Pierce, Tamora UG 5.6 13.0 84,594 F 18811 EN Emperor Mage Pierce, Tamora UG 5.8 10.0 63,818 F 44707 EN First Test Pierce, Tamora MG 5.3 8.0 54,853 F 20709 EN In the Hand of the Goddess Pierce, Tamora UG 5.2 7.0 46,574 F 61332 EN Lady Knight Pierce, Tamora MG 5.6 16.0 101,390 F 20711 EN Lioness Rampant Pierce, Tamora UG 5.0 11.0 70,890 F 41470 EN Magic Steps Pierce, Tamora MG 5.7 9.0 59,195 F 147398 EN Mastiff Pierce, Tamora MG 5.4 28.0 182,686 F 126463 EN Melting Stones Pierce, Tamora MG 4.3 11.0 75,490 F 45795 EN Page Pierce, Tamora MG 5.4 9.0 61,436 F 18829 EN Realms of the Gods, The Pierce, Tamora UG 5.9 10.0 60,214 F 68683 EN Shatterglass Pierce, Tamora MG 5.8 14.0 86,541 F 49790 EN Squire Pierce, Tamora MG 5.6 15.0 95,520 F 48081 EN Street Magic Pierce, Tamora MG 5.8 11.0 70,232 F 111149 EN Terrier Pierce, Tamora MG 4.5 19.0 133,817 F 142779 EN Pierce, Tamora MG 5.2 16.0 104,487 F 74765 EN Tortall and Other Lands: A Collection of Tales Trickster's Choice Pierce, Tamora MG 5.8 19.0 118,720 F 82814 EN Trickster's Queen Pierce, Tamora MG 5.9 21.0 134,322 F 18847 EN Wild Magic Pierce, Tamora UG 4.9 9.0 63,646 F 18850 EN Wolf-Speaker Pierce, Tamora UG 5.1 10.0 65,211 F 20710 EN Pierce, Tamora UG 5.5 8.0 51,569 F 21003 EN Pietrusza, David UG 6.5 1.0 3,916 NF 30254 EN Pietrusza, David MG 6.7 1.0 4,002 NF 21026 EN Pietrusza, David MG 6.5 1.0 3,931 NF 21029 EN Pietrusza, David MG 6.4 1.0 4,182 NF 2528 EN Pietrusza, David MG 6.3 1.0 4,059 NF 20251 EN Pilkey, Dav MG 4.3 1.0 5,731 F 138974 EN Pilkey, Dav LG 2.5 1.0 4,373 F 64111 EN Pilkey, Dav MG 2.5 0.5 2,715 F 54477 SP Pilkey, Dav MG 4.4 1.0 8,566 F 35816 SP Pilkey, Dav MG 4.7 1.0 5,797 F 71681 SP Pilkey, Dav MG 4.5 1.0 7,834 F 72761 SP Woman Who Rides Like a Man, The Boston Celtics Basketball Team, The Los Angeles Dodgers Baseball Team, The New York Yankees Baseball Team, The Phoenix Suns Basketball Team, The San Francisco Giants Baseball Team, The Adventures of Captain Underpants, The Adventures of Ook and Gluk, Kung-Fu Cavemen from the Future, The Adventures of Super Diaper Baby, The Capitán Calzoncillos... furia de la Supermujer Macroelástica, El Capitán Calzoncillos y el perverso plan del Profesor Pipicaca, El Capitán Calzoncillos y la feroz batalla contra el Niño Mocobiónico: la noche, El Capitán Calzoncillos y la feroz batalla contra el Niño Mocobiónico: la vengan, E Pilkey, Dav MG 4.6 1.0 8,289 F Page 114 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 4.7 1.0 5,595 F MG 4.9 1.0 8,531 F Pilkey, Dav MG 5.2 1.0 7,560 F Pilkey, Dav MG 4.4 1.0 4,668 F Pilkey, Dav MG 4.7 1.0 5,582 F Pilkey, Dav MG 4.7 1.0 7,177 F Pilkey, Dav MG 4.4 1.0 7,389 F Pilkey, Dav MG 4.3 1.0 6,658 F Pilkey, Dav MG 2.5 0.5 3,073 F Pilkey, Dav LG 2.9 0.5 1,109 F Pilkey, Dav LG 3.5 0.5 1,152 F Pilkey, Dav LG 3.8 0.5 1,633 F Pilkey, Dav LG 3.6 0.5 1,705 F Pilkey, Dav LG 3.6 0.5 1,644 F Pilkey, Dav LG 4.1 0.5 1,999 F Pilkey, Dav LG 4.1 0.5 2,331 F Pilkey, Dav LG 2.9 0.5 1,838 F Pilkey, Dav LG 4.3 0.5 2,586 F Pilkey, Dav LG 3.3 0.5 2,121 F Pilkey, Dav MG 2.2 1.0 4,422 F Pinilla, Luis Darío Bernal UG 8.1 8.0 43,324 F Author IL Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy, Part 2: The Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy, Part I:The Captain Underpants and the Invasion...Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies from O Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants Captain Underpants and the Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty People Captain Underpants and the Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman Las aventuras del Capitán Calzoncillos Las aventuras del Super-bebé Pañal Ricky Ricotta's Giant (Mighty) Robot Ricky Ricotta's Giant (Mighty) Robot vs. the Mutant Mosquitoes from Mercury Ricky Ricotta's Giant (Mighty) Robot vs. the Voodoo Vultures from Venus Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot vs. the Jurassic Jackrabbits from Jupiter Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot vs. the Mecha-Monkeys from Mars Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot vs. the Stupid Stinkbugs from Saturn Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot vs. the Uranium Unicorns from Uranus Ricky Ricotta y el poderoso robot Pilkey, Dav MG Pilkey, Dav 34624 EN 72761 EN 71681 EN 34629 EN 35816 EN 108880 EN 54477 EN 20251 SP 64111 SP 59518 EN 59519 EN 59520 EN 65004 EN 59521 EN 71506 EN 101198 EN 59518 SP 59520 SP 59521 SP 144671 EN 30206 SP Ricky Ricotta y el poderoso robot contra los buitres vudú de Venus Ricky Ricotta y el poderoso robot contra los Meca Monos de Marte Super Diaper Baby 2: The Invasion of the Potty Snatchers Anacaona y las tormentas ATOS BL 21980 SP batalla de la Luna Rosada, La Pinilla, Luis Darío Bernal MG 6.7 2.0 9,000 F 143646 EN Bird in a Box Pinkney, Andrea Davis MG 4.2 6.0 40,861 F 126257 EN D-Day Piotrowski, Robert MG 2.9 0.5 2,843 F 115287 EN Pipe, Jim MG 5.2 1.0 3,581 NF 28607 EN You Wouldn't Want to be Cleopatra! Mountains and Volcanoes Pipes, Rose MG 4.2 0.5 1,183 NF 54036 EN Apache Helicopter: The AH-64 Pitt, Matthew MG 5.8 0.5 3,080 NF Page 115 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 54043 EN Drag Racer Pitt, Matthew MG 5.0 1.0 3,428 NF 54076 EN Tomahawk Cruise Missile, The Pitt, Matthew MG 5.5 1.0 3,383 NF 64258 EN Plotkin, Gregory MG 7.3 1.0 4,454 NF 121713 EN Cooking the Russian Way (Revised Edition) Streams of Babel Plum-Ucci, Carol UG 5.8 17.0 109,193 F 17848 EN Unlikely Romance of Kate Bjorkman, The Purloined Letter, The Plummer, Louise UG 5.0 6.0 41,802 F Poe, Edgar Allan UG 10.4 2.0 7,485 F Poe, Edgar Allan MG 8.9 6.0 32,039 NF Poe, Edgar Allan UG 11.7 20.0 91,369 F Poe, Edgar Allan UG 7.3 0.5 2,146 F 7936 EN 109409 EN 102354 EN 7946 EN Raven and Other Poems and Stories, The Tales of Edgar Allan Poe: A Kaplan New SAT Score-Raising Classic, The Tell-Tale Heart, The 124820 SP Descubramos Afganistán Pohl, Kathleen LG 4.1 0.5 2,246 NF 120617 SP Descubramos Alemania Pohl, Kathleen LG 4.2 0.5 2,244 NF 120618 SP Descubramos Argentina Pohl, Kathleen LG 4.1 0.5 2,073 NF 116787 SP Descubramos Canadá Pohl, Kathleen LG 4.9 0.5 2,331 NF 124821 SP Descubramos Cuba Pohl, Kathleen LG 4.2 0.5 2,165 NF 120619 SP Descubramos el Congo Pohl, Kathleen LG 3.8 0.5 2,306 NF 124822 SP Descubramos Estados Unidos Pohl, Kathleen LG 4.7 0.5 2,705 NF 124823 SP Descubramos Etiopía Pohl, Kathleen LG 4.1 0.5 2,108 NF 120620 SP Descubramos Irán Pohl, Kathleen LG 3.7 0.5 2,080 NF 120621 SP Descubramos Irlanda Pohl, Kathleen LG 4.0 0.5 2,272 NF 120622 SP Descubramos Israel Pohl, Kathleen LG 3.9 0.5 2,216 NF 116791 SP Descubramos México Pohl, Kathleen LG 4.9 0.5 2,278 NF 124824 SP Descubramos Polonia Pohl, Kathleen LG 4.4 0.5 2,285 NF 124825 SP Descubramos Venezuela Pohl, Kathleen LG 4.4 0.5 2,196 NF 18257 EN Polacco, Patricia MG 4.2 0.5 2,488 F 71285 EN Aunt Chip and the Great Triple Creek Dam Affair Bee Tree, The Polacco, Patricia LG 3.9 0.5 1,151 F 6108 EN Chicken Sunday Polacco, Patricia LG 3.7 0.5 1,361 F 11383 EN Polacco, Patricia LG 3.3 0.5 1,308 F 8685 EN My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother Pink and Say Polacco, Patricia MG 3.8 1.0 3,913 F 27677 EN Thank You, Mr. Falker Polacco, Patricia LG 4.1 0.5 2,315 F 48801 EN Pollard, Michael UG 8.0 2.0 10,911 30614 EN Johann Gutenberg: Master of Modern Printing Joan of Arc Poole, Josephine LG 4.8 0.5 2,254 F 65519 EN Crocodile Pope, Joyce MG 6.7 1.0 3,938 NF 8472 EN Porter, A.P. UG 5.9 2.0 15,644 NF 83919 EN Porterfield, Jason MG 7.4 1.0 8,252 NF NF 70567 SP Jump at de Sun: The Story of Zora Neale Hurston Treasure Island and the Pirates of the 18th Century Olivia Kidney (Spanish) Potter, Ellen MG 5.2 4.0 29,111 F 130007 EN Slob Potter, Ellen MG 5.0 7.0 46,467 F 13996 EN Learning Martial Arts Potts, Steve MG 4.5 0.5 2,630 NF 13997 EN Mastering Martial Arts Potts, Steve MG 5.0 0.5 2,510 NF Page 116 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 116788 SP Descubramos China Powell, Jillian LG 4.4 0.5 1,850 NF 112722 SP Descubramos España Powell, Jillian LG 4.6 0.5 1,984 NF 112723 SP Descubramos Francia Powell, Jillian LG 4.5 0.5 1,786 NF 116789 SP Descubramos Gran Bretaña Powell, Jillian LG 4.7 0.5 2,025 NF 112724 SP Descubramos Italia Powell, Jillian LG 4.6 0.5 1,994 NF 116790 SP Descubramos Japón Powell, Jillian LG 4.6 0.5 1,845 NF 112725 SP Descubramos la India Powell, Jillian LG 4.6 0.5 2,068 NF 112726 SP Descubramos Nigeria Powell, Jillian LG 4.7 0.5 2,046 NF 112727 SP Descubramos Países del Caribe Powell, Jillian LG 4.9 0.5 1,797 NF 116792 SP Descubramos Rusia Powell, Jillian LG 4.3 0.5 1,838 NF 127547 EN Powell, Martin MG 3.3 0.5 1,158 F 127548 EN Sleeping Beauty: The Graphic Novel Snow White: The Graphic Novel Powell, Martin MG 2.8 0.5 1,075 F 4342 EN Roald Dahl Powling, Chris LG 4.2 0.5 977 NF 20926 SP Juan Pérez Jolote Pozas, Ricardo UG 6.1 4.0 24,520 F 125322 EN Nation Pratchett, Terry MG 5.2 16.0 103,128 F 47728 SP Bajo las olas Pratt, Kristin Joy MG 5.1 1.0 4,554 F 133413 EN Bystander Preller, James MG 4.2 5.0 35,039 F 130356 EN Arkansas (Third Series) Prentzas, G.S. MG 7.5 3.0 18,384 NF 122021 EN Georgia (Third Series) Prentzas, G.S. MG 7.5 3.0 18,322 NF 132618 EN Wyoming (Third Series) Prentzas, G.S. MG 7.5 3.0 17,980 NF 139383 EN Heart of a Samurai Preus, Margi MG 5.4 8.0 51,267 F 116761 EN Book of Time, The Prévost, Guillaume MG 5.6 9.0 55,859 F 133688 EN Circle of Gold, The Prévost, Guillaume MG 6.3 12.0 75,471 F 126449 EN Prévost, Guillaume MG 5.7 10.0 63,108 F 68863 EN Gate of Days: The Book of Time II, The Ciphers and Codes Price Hossell, Karen MG 7.2 2.0 9,695 NF 68864 EN Hieroglyphs Price Hossell, Karen MG 6.3 1.0 8,519 NF 68866 EN Sign Language Price Hossell, Karen MG 6.0 1.0 6,474 NF 68867 EN Sonar Price Hossell, Karen MG 6.6 1.0 8,635 NF 5901 EN Aida Price, Leontyne MG 5.1 0.5 2,920 F 20877 SP Cuentos de Amecameca Prida, Isabel Suárez de la MG 4.5 1.0 8,156 F 141364 EN Drive to the Hoop Priebe, Val MG 3.7 1.0 5,127 F 120153 EN Full Court Dreams Priebe, Val MG 3.7 1.0 5,481 F 127523 EN Over the Net Priebe, Val MG 3.5 1.0 5,073 F 123138 EN Running Rivals Priebe, Val MG 3.4 1.0 5,272 F 78946 SP ¿Quién fue Mark Twain? Prince, April Jones MG 5.8 1.0 9,083 NF 123126 EN Magic Thief, The Prineas, Sarah MG 4.5 9.0 58,794 53628 EN Pringle, Laurence MG 8.6 1.0 7,205 148392 EN Proimos, James UG 3.7 2.0 12,341 114485 EN Prokos, Anna UG 5.2 1.0 6,355 NF 114488 EN Prokos, Anna UG 5.2 1.0 6,463 NF 31022 EN Global Warming: The Threat of Earth's Changing Climate 12 Things to Do Before You Crash and Burn Guilty by a Hair! Real-Life DNA Matches! Killer Wallpaper: True Cases of Deadly Poisonings Tropical Fish Pronek, Neal MG 8.0 2.0 10,716 NF F NF F Page 117 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 2.0 16,611 F 27928 EN When the Soldiers Were Gone Propp, Vera W. MG 3.5 30175 SP ceremonia de iniciación, La Puga, María Luisa MG 5.0 5.0 30,840 F 44562 EN Amber Spyglass, The Pullman, Philip UG 6.7 26.0 156,664 F 7865 EN Broken Bridge, The Pullman, Philip UG 5.0 9.0 59,634 F 89887 SP espantapájaros y su sirviente, El Pullman, Philip MG 5.2 6.0 37,804 F 15085 EN Golden Compass, The Pullman, Philip UG 7.1 19.0 112,815 F 122193 EN Once Upon a Time in the North Pullman, Philip MG 6.3 4.0 22,190 F 17842 EN Subtle Knife, The Pullman, Philip UG 6.2 16.0 98,641 F 7943 EN Snow Storm, The Pushkin, Alexander UG 8.5 1.0 4,690 F 515 EN Pyle, Howard MG 8.6 21.0 110,743 F 124026 EN Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, The 10 Best TV Game Shows, The Quan-D'Eramo, Sandra MG 6.4 2.0 10,462 NF 122610 EN Quan-D'Eramo, Sandra MG 7.1 1.0 7,676 NF 120496 EN 10 Most Amazing Animated Movies, The Michigan (Third Series) Raatma, Lucia MG 7.6 3.0 18,894 NF 26292 EN Raber, Thomas R. MG 6.2 1.0 8,311 NF 49733 EN Raber, Thomas R. MG 5.8 1.0 7,450 NF 31405 EN Joe Montana: Comeback Quarterback Wayne Gretzky: Hockey Great (Revised Edition) Parakeets Today Radford, Elaine MG 7.6 4.0 20,932 NF 60008 EN Playing the Field Rallison, Janette MG 4.9 6.0 43,535 F 922 EN Happy Burger Ranberg, Chuck LG 3.0 3.0 25,000 F 53803 EN Anthem Rand, Ayn UG 6.1 3.0 19,142 F 14862 EN Only Alien on the Planet, The Randle, Kristen D. MG 4.6 8.0 57,689 F 54073 EN Swimming Randolph, Joanne MG 4.9 1.0 3,596 111409 EN Bones in the Badlands Ransom, Candice MG 3.8 2.0 12,888 NF F 113023 EN Giant in the Garden Ransom, Candice MG 3.6 2.0 12,958 F 113025 EN Magician in the Trunk Ransom, Candice MG 3.6 2.0 13,000 F 117265 EN Ransom, Candice MG 3.7 2.0 13,224 F 108958 EN Rider in the Night: A Tale of Sleepy Hollow Secret in the Tower Ransom, Candice MG 3.5 2.0 12,918 F 115069 EN Signals in the Sky Ransom, Candice MG 3.6 2.0 12,596 F 11026 EN Ransom, Candice F. MG 6.0 1.0 7,387 NF 122967 EN Listening to Crickets: A Story About Rachel Carson Lady Liberty: A Biography Rappaport, Doreen LG 4.8 0.5 3,011 NF 144 EN Westing Game, The Raskin, Ellen MG 5.3 8.0 50,966 F 8991 EN UFO Challenge, The Rasmussen, Richard MG 7.8 4.0 20,821 NF 82465 EN Ratliff, Thomas MG 6.0 1.0 3,370 NF 108666 SP Rau, Dana Meachen LG 5.0 0.5 1,319 NF 108674 SP Rau, Dana Meachen LG 5.0 0.5 1,382 NF 108668 SP Rau, Dana Meachen LG 4.9 0.5 1,313 NF 108677 SP Rau, Dana Meachen LG 4.9 0.5 1,279 NF 108665 SP You Wouldn't Want to Be a Civil War Soldier! comida y la cocina en la historia de América, La comunicación en la historia de América, La escuela en la historia de América, La Juegos y diversiones en la historia de América ropa en la historia de América, La Rau, Dana Meachen LG 4.6 0.5 1,337 NF 108678 SP viajes en la historia de América, Los Rau, Dana Meachen LG 4.9 0.5 1,381 NF Page 118 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 112412 SP Andrew Jackson (Spanish) Rausch, Monica L. LG 4.6 0.5 1,233 NF 112413 SP Benjamín Franklin (Spanish) Rausch, Monica L. LG 4.9 0.5 1,199 NF 112531 SP George Eastman y la cámara Rausch, Monica L. LG 5.0 0.5 1,154 NF 77831 EN Raven, Margot Theis LG 4.5 0.5 1,232 F 60681 EN Raven, Margot Theis LG 4.7 0.5 1,834 NF 725 EN Circle Unbroken: The Story of a Basket and Its People Mercedes and the Chocolate Pilot: A True Story of the Berlin Airlift and the Can Yearling, The Rawlings, Marjorie UG 5.0 19.0 128,886 F 95 EN Where the Red Fern Grows Rawls, Wilson MG 4.9 11.0 75,528 F 124054 EN 10 Greatest Threats to Earth, The Reaume, Christopher J. MG 8.2 2.0 9,650 12458 EN Bill Reaver, Chap MG 4.4 6.0 43,426 54071 EN Stealth Jet Fighter: The F-117A Reavis, Tracey MG 5.7 1.0 3,392 NF 120152 EN Cheer Challenge Redmond, Ronda MG 3.7 1.0 4,951 F 12705 EN Bushy Bride Redpath, Ann MG 4.8 0.5 2,335 F 12723 EN Jack and the Beanstalk Redpath, Ann MG 4.3 0.5 2,401 F NF F 12733 EN Prince Ring Redpath, Ann MG 5.1 1.0 4,209 F 103789 EN Reed, Gary MG 3.5 1.0 5,804 F 6028 EN Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: The Graphic Novel Shades of Gray Reeder, Carolyn MG 5.3 6.0 42,241 F 123738 EN Sovay Rees, Celia MG 5.7 17.0 105,265 F 136800 EN Fever Crumb Reeve, Philip MG 6.7 13.0 75,581 F 124690 EN Here Lies Arthur Reeve, Philip MG 5.6 11.0 70,627 F 74320 EN Mortal Engines Reeve, Philip UG 6.6 13.0 77,397 F 127618 EN Mothstorm Reeve, Philip MG 7.2 12.0 70,862 F 6730 EN Into the Mummy's Tomb Reeves, Nicholas MG 6.9 2.0 14,634 NF 107346 EN Cyberpals According to Kaley Regan, Dian Curtis LG 4.9 2.0 11,187 F 14875 EN Princess Nevermore Regan, Dian Curtis MG 4.9 6.0 41,204 F 126348 EN Wabi Sabi Reibstein, Mark LG 4.5 0.5 1,250 F 8985 EN Reiff, Stephanie MG 5.0 1.0 5,728 NF 30245 EN Reiser, Howard MG 6.6 1.0 3,861 NF 120738 EN Secrets of Tut's Tomb and the Pyramids Georgetown Hoyas Men's Basketball Team, The Simon Bloom: The Gravity Keeper Reisman, Michael MG 4.9 9.0 59,252 F NF 143 EN Upstairs Room, The Reiss, Johanna MG 2.9 6.0 44,235 8681 EN Relf, Patricia LG 2.7 0.5 2,028 F 11381 EN Relf, Patricia LG 3.1 0.5 2,524 F 20889 SP Magic School Bus Hops Home, The Magic School Bus Plants Seeds, The En busca de la lluvia Remolina, Tere MG 4.9 1.0 7,135 F 145390 EN Soccer Longshot Renner, C.J. MG 2.5 0.5 1,192 F 136221 EN Star in the Forest Resau, Laura MG 4.5 3.0 20,234 F 108830 EN What the Moon Saw Resau, Laura MG 4.7 10.0 70,994 F 142333 EN Across the Universe Revis, Beth UG 4.9 15.0 98,469 F 135779 EN 8th Grade Super Zero MG 4.2 11.0 80,479 F 74132 EN Kenya Rhuday-Perkovich, Olugbemisola Ribeiro-Alibhai, Nuala MG 6.3 1.0 5,037 NF Page 119 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 7.9 2.0 9,578 NF MG 5.2 0.5 1,161 NF Author IL Ricciuti, Edward MG Ricciuti, Edward ATOS BL 11088 EN 10189 EN Microorganisms: The Unseen World What on Earth is a Capybara? 10190 EN What on Earth is a Chuckwalla? Ricciuti, Edward MG 4.8 0.5 1,489 NF 10191 EN What on Earth is a Galago? Ricciuti, Edward MG 5.2 0.5 1,476 NF 10192 EN What on Earth is a Guanaco? Ricciuti, Edward MG 4.9 0.5 1,268 NF 10197 EN What on Earth Is a Skink? Ricciuti, Edward MG 5.0 0.5 1,252 NF 47189 EN Chaparral Ricciuti, Edward R. MG 7.7 2.0 8,717 NF 60556 EN Crazy Loco Rice, David MG 5.2 5.0 33,717 5151 EN Story of the Alamo, The Richards, Norman MG 6.0 1.0 3,581 NF 66179 EN Hercules Richardson, Adele D. LG 4.1 0.5 1,547 NF 271 EN Richler, Mordecai MG 5.2 2.0 11,132 F 122 EN Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang Light in the Forest, The Richter, Conrad MG 5.5 5.0 34,626 F 364 EN Friedrich Richter, Hans Peter MG 4.7 5.0 31,859 F 131477 EN Ottoline Goes to School Riddell, Chris MG 4.4 1.0 4,906 F 48127 EN To Space & Back Ride, Sally MG 6.3 1.0 7,420 NF 26620 EN Tyrannosaurus Riehecky, Janet MG 4.6 0.5 755 NF 83883 SP sistema nervioso, El Riley, Joelle LG 4.6 0.5 1,914 NF 31191 EN Rinaldi, Ann MG 4.3 5.0 34,190 F 130016 EN My Heart Is on the Ground: The Diary of Nannie Little Rose, a Sioux Girl My Vicksburg Rinaldi, Ann MG 4.1 5.0 34,533 F 120834 EN Redheaded Princess, The Rinaldi, Ann MG 5.2 8.0 50,343 F 122008 EN Rinaldo, Denise UG 5.8 1.0 7,375 NF 61398 EN Cities of the Dead: Finding Lost Civilizations Beverly Cleary Ring, Susan MG 5.4 1.0 4,437 NF 122983 EN Battle of the Labyrinth, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.1 12.0 85,079 F 914 EN Demigod Files, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.3 3.0 23,809 F 129142 EN Demigod Files, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.3 3.0 23,809 F F 908 EN Last Olympian, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.3 13.0 89,002 F 130543 EN Last Olympian, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.3 13.0 89,002 F 89885 EN Lightning Thief, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.7 13.0 87,223 F 140427 EN Lost Hero, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.5 19.0 127,859 F 154635 EN Mark of Athena, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.8 20.0 132,818 F 125985 EN Maze of Bones, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.3 7.0 45,905 F 957 EN Red Pyramid, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.5 18.0 124,305 F 137173 EN Red Pyramid, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.5 18.0 124,305 F 105933 EN Sea of Monsters, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.6 9.0 63,976 F 151411 EN Serpent's Shadow, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.8 15.0 98,599 F 146841 EN Son of Neptune, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.7 17.0 117,675 F 968 EN Throne of Fire Riordan, Rick MG 4.8 17.0 113,038 F 143960 EN Throne of Fire, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.8 17.0 113,038 F 114711 EN Titan's Curse, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.2 10.0 72,995 F 143674 EN Vespers Rising Riordan, Rick MG 5.0 8.0 54,570 F 70572 EN Boy Who Saved Baseball, The Ritter, John H. MG 4.4 7.0 51,362 F Page 120 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 4.7 9.0 57,990 F LG 4.1 0.5 534 Robbins, Trina MG 20.0 1.0 3,865 F Roberts, Jack MG 1.2 0.5 1,320 NF Author IL Desperado Who Stole Baseball, The Abraham Lincoln: Una vida de respeto Jane Eyre (Read 180) Level 4 Ritter, John H. MG Rivera, Sheila ATOS BL 128925 EN 105666 SP 949 EN 931 EN 51514 EN Babyface: Baby In lOve With Love (Read 180) Garth Brooks Roberts, Jack L. UG 7.9 4.0 21,823 NF 570 EN Megan's Island Roberts, Willo Davis MG 5.0 7.0 48,587 F 6935 EN Nightmare Roberts, Willo Davis UG 5.7 9.0 57,761 F 5867 EN Favorite Texas Tales Robertson, Brian MG 4.8 3.0 22,694 F 41795 EN Walking to the Bus-Rider Blues Robinet, Harriette Gillem MG 4.1 4.0 30,734 F NF 253 EN Best Christmas Pageant Ever, The Robinson, Barbara MG 5.1 2.0 14,996 F 10212 EN Best School Year Ever, The Robinson, Barbara MG 5.4 3.0 21,821 F 117290 EN Robinson, Matthew MG 8.4 2.0 8,447 117037 EN America Debates Global Warming: Crisis or Myth? Slam Dunk! Robinson, Sharon MG 3.6 3.0 24,274 F 613 EN Rock, Gail MG 4.9 3.0 16,967 F NF 83013 EN House Without a Christmas Tree, The Dragon's Nest Rodda, Emily MG 5.4 5.0 35,530 F 121005 EN Key to Rondo, The Rodda, Emily MG 4.9 12.0 82,350 F 82164 EN Shadowgate Rodda, Emily MG 4.7 6.0 38,798 F 114310 EN Tales of Deltora Rodda, Emily MG 6.1 7.0 44,242 F 130458 EN Freaky Monday Rodgers, Mary MG 4.7 5.0 34,233 F 14533 EN Hannah in Between Rodowsky, Colby MG 5.1 6.0 38,306 F 14966 EN Remembering Mog Rodowsky, Colby MG 5.5 6.0 35,916 F 57026 EN Puerto Rico (Fiesta!) Rodriguez, Aurea MG 5.8 1.0 5,245 NF 8331 EN César Chavez Rodríguez, Consuelo MG 8.4 4.0 21,503 NF 12515 EN Rodriguez, Janel MG 5.0 1.0 6,341 NF 15471 EN Gloria Estefan: Singer, Songwriter, Music Superstar Nely Galan Rodriguez, Janel MG 5.9 1.0 6,441 NF 6871 EN South Africa Rogers, Barbara Radcliffe MG 7.1 1.0 7,179 NF 21031 EN Rogers, Glenn MG 7.1 1.0 3,899 NF 18321 EN San Antonio Spurs Basketball Team, The Uncle Nacho's Hat Rohmer, Harriet LG 2.4 0.5 1,013 F 130982 EN Rollins, James MG 5.0 12.0 79,135 F 143705 EN Jake Ransom and the Skull King's Shadow Zero Gravity Roman, Dave MG 3.6 2.0 15,763 F 100113 EN London, 1850 Rook, Sebastian MG 5.3 7.0 47,995 F 102430 EN Mexico, 1850 Rook, Sebastian MG 5.5 7.0 42,588 F 100114 EN Paris, 1850 Rook, Sebastian MG 5.4 7.0 43,376 F 108317 EN Hurt Go Happy Rorby, Ginny MG 5.2 9.0 62,361 F 62611 EN Rosenberg, Aaron MG 5.6 1.0 5,414 NF 62610 EN Rosenberg, Aaron MG 5.5 1.0 6,143 NF 69223 EN Rosenberg, Aaron MG 6.1 1.0 5,188 NF 6156 EN Advanced Skateboarding: From Kick Turns to Catching Air Beginner's Guide to Very Cool Skateboarding Tricks, A Kick Scooters: Techniques and Tricks Basketball Rosenthal, Bert LG 3.4 0.5 1,122 NF Page 121 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 8,985 NF NF 20222 EN Christmas in Italy Ross, Corinne MG 7.2 2.0 74137 EN Scotland (Fiesta!) Ross, Julie MG 7.0 1.0 4,185 14479 EN Moon Dancer Rostkowski, Margaret I. MG 4.6 5.0 32,678 F 5272 EN Iceberg Hermit, The Roth, Arthur UG 6.4 8.0 48,959 F 144400 EN Divergent Roth, Veronica UG 4.8 16.0 105,143 F 151402 EN Insurgent Roth, Veronica UG 5.0 16.0 106,028 F 12722 EN Hurricanes Rotter, Charles MG 7.1 0.5 1,931 NF 18368 EN Hands and Feet Rourke, Arlene C. MG 4.6 0.5 2,283 NF 18363 EN Skin Rourke, Arlene C. MG 4.5 0.5 2,513 NF 18365 EN Teeth and Braces Rourke, Arlene C. MG 5.7 1.0 3,863 NF 32081 EN Rowling, J.K. MG 6.7 14.0 84,799 F 116230 EN Rowling, J.K. MG 6.9 34.0 198,227 F 40670 EN Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Rowling, J.K. MG 6.8 32.0 190,858 F 89154 EN Rowling, J.K. MG 7.2 29.0 169,441 F 69785 EN Rowling, J.K. MG 7.2 44.0 257,154 F 32082 EN Rowling, J.K. MG 6.7 18.0 106,821 F 26759 EN Rowling, J.K. MG 5.5 12.0 77,508 F 40670 SP Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Harry Potter y el cáliz de fuego Rowling, J.K. MG 6.8 34.0 200,042 F 89154 SP Rowling, J.K. MG 7.7 31.0 174,974 F 32082 SP Rowling, J.K. MG 6.7 18.0 109,426 F 32081 SP Harry Potter y el misterio del príncipe Harry Potter y el prisionero de Azkaban Harry Potter y la cámara secreta Rowling, J.K. MG 5.7 14.0 91,010 F 69785 SP Harry Potter y la Orden del Fénix Rowling, J.K. MG 7.2 48.0 278,232 F 26759 SP Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal Rowling, J.K. MG 6.6 13.0 77,450 F 116230 SP Rowling, J.K. MG 7.2 36.0 209,338 F 106044 EN Harry Potter y las Reliquias de la Muerte Yellow Star Roy, Jennifer Rozines MG 4.3 3.0 23,750 F 135924 EN Early Explorers of Texas Roza, Greg MG 5.0 0.5 1,977 NF 83998 EN Karankawa of Texas, The Roza, Greg MG 6.9 1.0 6,175 NF 70521 EN Roza, Greg MG 4.8 0.5 1,228 NF 40824 EN Rozakis, Laurie MG 5.7 1.0 4,939 NF 11014 EN Where We Play Sports: Measuring the Perimeters of Polygons Dick Rutan & Jeana Yeager: Flying Non-Stop Around the World Matthew Henson & Robert Peary: The Race for the North Pole Tunisia (Fiesta!) Rozakis, Laurie MG 5.7 1.0 5,357 NF Rozario, Paul A. MG 6.5 1.0 4,718 NF Rubin, Susan Goldman MG 6.1 1.0 5,007 NF 74141 EN 127434 EN 110262 EN Anne Frank Case: Simon Wiesenthal's Search for the Truth, The Wall and the Wing, The Ruby, Laura MG 4.6 10.0 71,660 F 628 EN Night of the Twisters Ruckman, Ivy MG 4.7 4.0 27,903 F 14692 EN Roberto Clemente Rudeen, Kenneth LG 4.4 0.5 3,468 114969 EN Prince of Mist, The Ruiz Zafón, Carlos MG 6.5 7.0 44,379 NF F Page 122 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 8301 EN Muhammad Ali Rummel, Jack MG 8.4 4.0 22,666 NF 44066 EN Dragon of Lonely Island, The Rupp, Rebecca MG 5.0 4.0 29,712 F 40951 EN Betrayed Rushford, Patricia H. UG 4.5 7.0 50,913 F 10707 EN Deceived Rushford, Patricia H. UG 4.6 7.0 45,682 F 132957 EN Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life Russell, Rachel Renée MG 5.4 5.0 29,745 F 152355 EN Russell, Rachel Renée MG 4.5 4.0 28,373 F 137932 EN Russell, Rachel Renée MG 5.1 4.0 24,123 F 154900 EN Russell, Rachel Renée MG 4.7 4.0 28,356 F 144765 EN Russell, Rachel Renée MG 4.9 4.0 27,459 F 113654 EN Tales from a Not-So-Graceful Ice Princess Tales from a Not-So-Popular Party Girl Tales from a Not-So-Smart Miss Know-It-All! Tales from a Not-So-Talented Pop Star Stingrays Rustad, Martha E.H. LG 1.8 0.5 200 126307 EN Cabinet of Wonders, The Rutkoski, Marie MG 4.9 11.0 70,924 41663 SP bandera que amamos, La Ryan, Pam Muñoz LG 5.9 0.5 1,331 NF F NF 82864 EN Becoming Naomi Leon Ryan, Pam Muñoz MG 5.4 6.0 41,686 F 136779 EN Dreamer, The Ryan, Pam Muñoz MG 4.6 4.0 28,871 F 44286 SP Esperanza renace Ryan, Pam Muñoz MG 5.3 6.0 42,399 F 44286 EN Esperanza Rising Ryan, Pam Muñoz MG 5.3 6.0 41,905 F 116832 EN Paint the Wind Ryan, Pam Muñoz MG 5.3 6.0 40,870 F 116832 SP Pinta el viento Ryan, Pam Muñoz MG 5.5 7.0 42,924 F 27747 EN Riding Freedom Ryan, Pam Muñoz MG 4.5 3.0 20,041 F 136779 SP Soñador, El Ryan, Pam Muñoz MG 4.4 4.0 29,547 F 64311 EN When Marian Sang Ryan, Pam Muñoz MG 5.2 0.5 2,030 82864 SP Yo, Naomi León Ryan, Pam Muñoz MG 5.4 6.0 41,564 16337 EN Extreme Skateboarding Ryan, Pat MG 4.4 0.5 2,079 NF 16350 EN Sky Surfing Ryan, Pat MG 4.8 1.0 3,498 NF 16351 EN Street Luge Racing Ryan, Pat MG 4.6 0.5 2,803 NF 104508 SP Las estrellas Ryback, Carol LG 4.5 0.5 1,101 NF 104507 SP planetas, Los Ryback, Carol LG 4.3 0.5 1,216 NF 11563 EN Backyard Rescue Ryden, Hope MG 5.0 4.0 27,531 F NF F 29529 EN Wild Horses I Have Known Ryden, Hope MG 7.0 2.0 10,217 NF 150779 EN Fourth Stall Part II, The Rylander, Chris MG 5.6 9.0 59,272 F 143085 EN Fourth Stall, The Rylander, Chris MG 5.1 11.0 69,810 F 84759 EN Every Living Thing Rylant, Cynthia MG 5.0 2.0 13,127 F 6673 EN Missing May Rylant, Cynthia MG 5.3 3.0 17,509 F 14428 EN Mr. Putter & Tabby Pick the Pears Rylant, Cynthia LG 2.7 0.5 836 F 14851 EN Van Gogh Cafe, The Rylant, Cynthia MG 5.0 1.0 7,211 F 29999 EN Boy Who Lost His Face, The Sachar, Louis MG 4.0 6.0 39,823 F 137056 EN Sachar, Louis MG 5.0 9.0 62,410 F 18761 EN Cardturner: A Novel About a King, a Queen, and a Joker, The Dogs Don't Tell Jokes Sachar, Louis MG 3.8 5.0 32,666 F 28081 EN Holes Sachar, Louis MG 4.6 7.0 47,079 F 28081 SP Hoyos Sachar, Louis MG 4.6 7.0 46,160 F 102722 SP Pequeños pasos Sachar, Louis MG 4.8 7.0 48,489 F Page 123 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 3.3 3.0 20,395 F MG 3.7 5.0 35,690 F Author IL Sachar, Louis MG Sachar, Louis ATOS BL 5243 EN 5086 EN Sideways Stories from Wayside School Sixth Grade Secrets 102722 EN Small Steps Sachar, Louis MG 4.2 7.0 48,441 F 5247 EN Wayside School Is Falling Down Sachar, Louis MG 3.4 4.0 28,627 F 105651 EN Flyte Sage, Angie MG 6.0 16.0 100,234 F 86518 EN Magyk Sage, Angie MG 6.0 18.0 112,921 F 131478 EN Magykal Papers, The Sage, Angie MG 6.1 5.0 28,158 F 114723 EN Physik Sage, Angie MG 6.5 17.0 102,409 F 124181 EN Queste Sage, Angie MG 5.8 18.0 111,781 F 133620 EN Syren Sage, Angie MG 5.9 18.0 114,466 F F 123 SP principito, El Saint-Exupery, Antoine de MG 5.0 2.0 16,534 51131 EN Forest Fires Salas, Laura Purdie MG 4.6 1.0 3,489 NF 8728 EN Night of the Kachina Salas, Nichole UG 2.7 1.0 7,133 F 134033 SP Saldaña Jr., René MG 4.9 1.0 6,737 F 67026 EN caso de la pluma perdida: Colección Mickey Rangel, detective privado, El Finding Our Way Saldaña Jr., René UG 4.9 4.0 27,641 F 51864 EN Jumping Tree, The Saldaña Jr., René MG 5.1 6.0 40,763 F 129254 EN Calvin Coconut: Trouble Magnet Salisbury, Graham LG 2.8 2.0 16,024 F 89207 EN Eyes of the Emperor Salisbury, Graham MG 3.9 6.0 42,894 F 52614 EN Lord of the Deep Salisbury, Graham MG 4.0 5.0 32,575 F 116706 EN Night of the Howling Dogs Salisbury, Graham MG 3.5 5.0 38,094 F 11744 EN Under the Blood-Red Sun Salisbury, Graham UG 4.0 8.0 54,740 F 124032 EN Samuel, Nigel MG 6.9 2.0 9,540 NF 122534 EN 10 Coolest Wonders of the Universe, The 10 Mightiest Mountains, The Samuel, Nigel MG 6.7 1.0 8,538 NF 18677 EN Hired Hand, The San Souci, Robert D. LG 4.0 0.5 1,704 F 18388 SP peregrinos de N.C. Wyeth, Los San Souci, Robert D. MG 6.6 0.5 2,427 F 7697 EN Talking Eggs, The San Souci, Robert D. LG 4.4 0.5 2,277 F 25979 EN Weave of Words, A San Souci, Robert D. LG 4.7 0.5 1,929 F 9509 EN Young Guinevere San Souci, Robert D. LG 5.6 0.5 3,102 F 114610 EN Song of the Sparrow Sandell, Lisa Ann UG 5.0 6.0 38,577 F 49231 EN Washington, D.C. Sanders, Mark MG 5.4 0.5 3,143 NF 119147 EN Sanders, Nancy I. MG 7.7 1.0 4,761 NF 118054 EN D is for Drinking Gourd: An African American Alphabet Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians Sanderson, Brandon MG 4.9 9.0 58,202 F 52330 EN Sanderson, Ruth LG 5.4 0.5 1,911 F 73094 EN Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring, The Coyote School News Sandin, Joan MG 4.5 1.0 8,189 F 41513 EN Immigrants Sandler, Martin W. MG 7.6 1.0 4,128 NF 14110 EN Santamaria, Peggy MG 6.6 1.0 6,346 NF 145188 EN Careers Inside the World of the Trades Sidekicks Santat, Dan MG 2.3 1.0 4,573 F 47073 EN Illinois Santella, Andrew MG 7.6 3.0 18,849 NF 122023 EN Kentucky (Third Series) Santella, Andrew MG 7.9 4.0 19,704 NF 65530 EN September 11, 2001 Santella, Andrew MG 6.8 1.0 5,949 NF Page 124 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 468 EN Fog Magic Sauer, Julia L. MG 6.1 4.0 24,868 F 113360 EN Pandora's Box Saunders, Nick MG 3.7 0.5 3,505 F 113070 EN Perseus and Medusa Saunders, Nick MG 3.8 0.5 3,394 F 113072 EN Twelve Labors of Hercules, The Saunders, Nick MG 4.1 1.0 3,900 F 115559 EN How to Draw Manga Warriors Sautter, Aaron MG 4.5 0.5 865 11742 EN To Race a Dream Savage, Deborah UG 5.4 12.0 75,195 11209 EN Demolition Derby (Capstone) Savage, Jeff MG 5.0 0.5 2,512 NF 13512 EN Savage, Jeff MG 5.8 0.5 2,746 NF 13995 EN Getting Ready for a Career in Professional Sports In-Line Skating Basics Savage, Jeff MG 4.2 0.5 2,223 NF 11221 EN Monster Truck Wars Savage, Jeff MG 5.1 0.5 2,404 NF 13527 EN Motocross Cycles Savage, Jeff MG 4.9 0.5 2,130 NF 11222 EN Mud Racing (Capstone) Savage, Jeff MG 4.8 0.5 2,587 NF 13534 EN Racing Cars Savage, Jeff MG 4.7 0.5 2,731 NF NF F 8287 EN Sports Great Jim Abbott Savage, Jeff MG 5.8 1.0 9,265 NF 11245 EN Truck and Tractor Pulling Savage, Jeff MG 4.9 0.5 2,667 NF 10220 EN Chino, El Say, Allen LG 3.6 0.5 1,571 NF 7570 EN Grandfather's Journey Say, Allen LG 3.6 0.5 568 F 6445 EN Tree of Cranes Say, Allen LG 2.6 0.5 1,027 F 69970 EN Tropical Rain Forest Sayre, April Pulley LG 3.6 0.5 1,609 NF 74398 EN Pablo Picasso Scarborough, Kate MG 7.4 1.0 7,944 NF 79058 EN Long-Distance Communication Scarbrough, Mary Hertz MG 6.9 1.0 5,848 NF 546 EN Shane Schaefer, Jack UG 5.5 7.0 42,909 68302 SP Capitolio, El Schaefer, Lola M. LG 4.0 0.5 646 F NF 45002 EN Tigers Schafer, Susan MG 4.8 0.5 1,963 NF 26687 EN Canada Schemenauer, Elma LG 4.2 0.5 1,261 NF 5925 EN Throw a Hungry Loop Schenker, Dona MG 5.5 4.0 27,180 F 44061 EN Lucky Thing, A Schertle, Alice LG 4.2 0.5 994 F 30168 SP Mapu. La tierra nuestra Schkolnik, Saúl MG 7.2 6.0 33,060 F 66511 EN Schlaepfer, Gloria G. MG 6.7 1.0 6,065 NF 21091 EN Schleichert, Elizabeth MG 7.7 4.0 21,757 NF 12993 EN Pythons and Boas: Squeezing Snakes Thirteenth Amendment: Ending Slavery, The Big Rigs Schleifer, Jay MG 4.1 0.5 2,552 NF 15312 EN Corvette: America's Sports Car Schleifer, Jay UG 5.6 1.0 7,574 NF 6897 EN Schleifer, Jay UG 4.7 1.0 6,403 NF 11533 EN Schleifer, Jay UG 6.2 1.0 7,369 NF 24316 EN Schleifer, Jay UG 6.2 1.0 7,580 NF 15333 EN Everything You Need to Know About Teen Suicide Everything You Need to Know About Weapons in School and at Home Everything You Need to Know About When Someone You Know Has Been Killed Mustang: Power-Packed Pony Schleifer, Jay UG 5.5 1.0 7,034 NF 116418 EN Circle the Truth Schmatz, Pat UG 4.1 6.0 40,088 F 124631 EN Mousetraps Schmatz, Pat UG 4.2 6.0 40,577 F 118355 EN Wicked and Wonderful Water Schmauss, Judy Kentor MG 4.6 0.5 3,350 NF Page 125 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 102141 EN First Boy Schmidt, Gary MG 5.5 6.0 41,673 F 143203 EN Okay for Now Schmidt, Gary D. MG 4.9 11.0 77,017 F 54687 EN Straw into Gold Schmidt, Gary D. MG 5.9 8.0 50,088 F 121472 EN Trouble Schmidt, Gary D. MG 5.7 12.0 79,230 F 114653 EN Wednesday Wars, The Schmidt, Gary D. MG 5.9 12.0 73,675 F 49566 EN Amazing Spiders Schnieper, Claudia MG 6.1 1.0 3,634 NF 2424 EN Guide to Owning a Dachshund Schopell, M. William MG 8.8 2.0 10,399 NF 78149 EN Until We Meet Again Schraff, Anne MG 4.8 4.0 25,682 F 73119 EN Vampire Kisses Schreiber, Ellen UG 4.1 6.0 40,904 F 102400 EN Vampire Kisses 2: Kissing Coffins Schreiber, Ellen UG 4.7 5.0 35,504 F 109483 EN Vampire Kisses 3: Vampireville Schreiber, Ellen UG 4.8 5.0 36,769 F 116013 EN Schreiber, Ellen UG 5.0 6.0 37,813 F 124508 EN Vampire Kisses 4: Dance with a Vampire Vampire Kisses 5: The Coffin Club Schreiber, Ellen UG 5.3 6.0 39,123 F 132823 EN Vampire Kisses 6: Royal Blood Schreiber, Ellen UG 4.5 6.0 38,854 F 137749 EN Vampire Kisses 7: Love Bites Schreiber, Ellen UG 4.3 5.0 37,051 F 144392 EN Vampire Kisses 8: Cryptic Cravings Schreiber, Ellen UG 4.4 7.0 47,983 F 6340 EN Ragtime Tumpie Schroeder, Alan LG 4.2 0.5 1,832 F 103867 EN Schroeder, Peter W. MG 5.9 1.0 7,635 NF 105274 EN Six Million Paper Clips: The Making of a Children's Holocaust Memorial Ballet of the Elephants Schubert, Leda LG 3.9 0.5 886 NF 121552 EN Schulman, Janet LG 6.0 0.5 2,439 NF 102893 EN Pale Male: Citizen Hawk of New York City Ants and Other Insects Schulte, Mary LG 1.8 0.5 185 NF 102901 EN Piranhas and Other Fish Schulte, Mary LG 1.5 0.5 176 NF 124995 EN Black Box Schumacher, Julie MG 4.1 4.0 31,176 48689 EN Bears Schwabacher, Martin MG 5.4 0.5 2,052 NF 44982 EN Elephants Schwabacher, Martin MG 5.5 0.5 1,642 NF 62375 EN Jupiter Schwabacher, Martin MG 7.3 1.0 8,310 NF 20232 EN Schwartz, Alvin LG 2.5 0.5 835 F 18776 EN Schwartz, Alvin MG 4.7 1.0 9,997 F 18787 EN Schwartz, Alvin MG 4.3 2.0 11,444 F 18788 EN In a Dark, Dark Room and Other Scary Stories More Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Schwartz, Alvin MG 4.1 1.0 8,941 F 15467 EN LaDonna Harris Schwartz, Michael MG 7.1 1.0 6,405 NF 15468 EN Luis Rodriguez Schwartz, Michael MG 6.1 1.0 6,626 NF 24045 EN Karate Punches Schwartz, Stuart MG 5.2 0.5 2,394 NF 24044 EN Karate Strikes Schwartz, Stuart MG 5.1 0.5 2,649 NF 11592 EN 2095 Scieszka, Jon MG 3.8 1.0 10,043 F 80682 EN Da Wild, Da Crazy, Da Vinci Scieszka, Jon MG 3.6 1.0 9,930 F 8524 EN Good, the Bad, and the Goofy, The Scieszka, Jon MG 3.8 1.0 9,343 F 87588 EN Guys Write for Guys Read Scieszka, Jon MG 6.2 9.0 56,314 F 56434 EN Hey Kid, Want to Buy a Bridge? Scieszka, Jon MG 3.9 1.0 9,730 F 2122 EN It's All Greek to Me Scieszka, Jon MG 3.7 1.0 8,979 F F Page 126 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF F 8532 EN Knights of the Kitchen Table Scieszka, Jon MG 3.8 1.0 6,203 124997 EN Scieszka, Jon MG 4.6 2.0 15,830 NF 109811 EN Knucklehead: Tall Tales & Almost True Stories of Growing up Scieszka Marco? Polo! Scieszka, Jon MG 3.5 1.0 10,972 F 71260 EN Me Oh Maya Scieszka, Jon MG 3.6 1.0 8,289 F 8542 EN Not-So-Jolly Roger, The Scieszka, Jon MG 3.8 1.0 6,829 F 54443 EN Sam Samurai Scieszka, Jon MG 3.8 1.0 10,833 F 44955 EN See You Later, Gladiator Scieszka, Jon MG 4.2 2.0 10,769 F 7165 EN Scieszka, Jon LG 3.4 0.5 2,793 F 24950 EN Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales, The Summer Reading Is Killing Me! Scieszka, Jon MG 3.9 1.0 8,995 F 9506 EN True Story of the 3 Little Pigs, The Scieszka, Jon LG 3.0 0.5 863 F 15076 EN Tut, Tut Scieszka, Jon MG 4.2 2.0 10,767 F 59610 EN Viking It and Liking It Scieszka, Jon MG 3.9 1.0 8,216 F 9643 EN Your Mother Was a Neanderthal Scieszka, Jon MG 3.7 1.0 10,519 F 8409 EN Cowboy Country Scott, Ann LG 4.4 0.5 1,552 NF 44233 EN Scott, Elaine MG 7.1 2.0 9,947 NF 123218 EN Adventure in Space: The Flight to Fix the Hubble Geek Magnet Scott, Kieran UG 3.7 10.0 70,589 72982 EN Scott, Margaret MG 7.7 1.0 7,831 115134 EN Medieval Clothing and Costumes: Displaying Wealth and Class in Medieval Times Alchemyst, The Scott, Michael MG 6.4 14.0 85,926 F 123315 EN Magician, The Scott, Michael MG 6.1 17.0 105,012 F 137662 EN Necromancer, The Scott, Michael MG 5.6 13.0 82,458 F 130456 EN Sorceress, The Scott, Michael MG 6.1 18.0 108,723 F 144032 EN Warlock, The Scott, Michael MG 5.7 13.0 84,257 F 122525 EN 10 Most Amazing Skyscrapers, The Scremin, Lauren MG 7.5 2.0 9,021 11728 EN Out of Nowhere Sebestyen, Ouida UG 4.5 6.0 43,510 F 399 EN Words by Heart Sebestyen, Ouida MG 4.6 6.0 43,034 F 944 EN Lovely Bones, The Sebold, Alice UG 6.0 16.0 97,914 F 66874 EN Lovely Bones, The Sebold, Alice UG 6.0 16.0 97,914 F 72760 EN Brainboy and the Deathmaster Seidler, Tor MG 4.9 9.0 57,559 F 10213 EN Wainscott Weasel, The Seidler, Tor MG 4.6 5.0 37,587 F 77330 EN Cesar Chavez: Labor Leader Seidman, David MG 8.0 4.0 23,153 NF 16325 EN Selden, Bernice MG 5.8 2.0 14,042 NF F NF NF 22 EN Story of Walt Disney: Maker of Magical Worlds, The Cricket in Times Square, The Selden, George MG 4.9 4.0 25,278 F 135143 EN Coffeehouse Angel Selfors, Suzanne MG 4.3 10.0 68,600 F 124106 EN Saving Juliet Selfors, Suzanne MG 4.5 9.0 59,690 F 137106 EN Smells Like Dog Selfors, Suzanne MG 4.3 10.0 66,476 F 44065 EN Boy of a Thousand Faces, The Selznick, Brian MG 4.8 0.5 1,947 F 5906 EN Houdini Box, The Selznick, Brian LG 5.0 0.5 1,950 F 148175 EN Selznick, Brian MG 7.2 4.0 21,660 NF 113692 SP Hugo Movie Companion: A Behind the Scenes Look at How a Beloved Book Became, Th invención de Hugo Cabret, La Selznick, Brian MG 5.3 4.0 28,459 F Page 127 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 5.1 4.0 25,083 F MG 5.4 4.0 26,125 F Author IL Selznick, Brian MG Selznick, Brian ATOS BL 113692 EN 146551 EN Invention of Hugo Cabret: A Novel in Words and Pictures, The Wonderstruck 103075 EN Volcanoes Senior, Kathryn LG 5.1 0.5 3,056 NF 82493 EN Senior, Kathryn MG 5.7 0.5 2,766 NF 71699 EN You Wouldn't Want to Be Sick in the 16th Century! Everyday Life in Ancient Greece Senker, Cath MG 7.4 1.0 8,143 NF 142569 EN Between Shades of Gray Sepetys, Ruta MG 3.6 9.0 64,750 F 71759 EN Sepúlveda, Luis MG 5.5 3.0 16,491 F 963 EN Story of a Seagull and the Cat Who Taught Her to Fly, The King Of The Hill (Read 180) MG 20.0 1.0 3,320 F 6904 EN Being of Two Minds series, A Play based on "Bobby Salm" TV Service, Pamela F. UG 5.9 6.0 38,028 F 582 EN Stinker from Space Service, Pamela F. MG 5.1 2.0 16,208 F 5926 EN Under Alien Stars Service, Pamela F. MG 5.8 7.0 47,369 F 51073 EN Shooting of Dan McGrew, The Service, Robert W. LG 4.5 0.5 854 F 8712 EN Dream of the Dead Seth, Marie UG 2.7 1.0 8,745 F 9001 EN Seuss, Dr. LG 4.0 1.0 3,690 F 9012 EN 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, The Butter Battle Book, The Seuss, Dr. LG 3.9 0.5 1,403 F 9025 SP ¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad! Seuss, Dr. LG 3.0 0.5 1,253 F 9013 SP Seuss, Dr. LG 2.1 0.5 1,465 F 9021 EN gato con sombrero viene de nuevo, El Green Eggs and Ham Seuss, Dr. LG 1.5 0.5 769 F 9047 SP ¡Hay un molillo en mi bolsillo! Seuss, Dr. LG 2.1 0.5 236 F 19490 EN Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! Seuss, Dr. LG 3.8 0.5 1,145 F 9024 EN Horton Hears a Who! Seuss, Dr. LG 3.3 0.5 2,008 F 9034 EN Lorax, The Seuss, Dr. LG 3.1 0.5 1,815 F 9039 EN Oh, the Places You'll Go! Seuss, Dr. LG 3.3 0.5 917 F 9045 EN Sneetches and Other Stories, The Seuss, Dr. LG 3.4 0.5 1,872 F 965 EN Sneetches, The Seuss, Dr. LG 3.4 0.5 1,872 F 122182 EN Black Beauty (Saddleback) Sewell, Anna MG 3.8 1.0 6,158 F 113651 EN Clown Fish Sexton, Colleen LG 1.8 0.5 199 NF 121292 EN Puffer Fish Sexton, Colleen LG 2.0 0.5 202 NF 121294 EN Sea Lions Sexton, Colleen LG 2.1 0.5 232 NF 121296 EN Squids Sexton, Colleen LG 2.2 0.5 239 NF 2433 EN Guide to Owning a Persian Cat Seymour, Juliet MG 7.9 3.0 15,595 NF 109557 EN Mailbox, The Shafer, Audrey MG 5.0 6.0 41,033 F 122821 EN Romeo and Juliet (Saddleback) Shakespeare, William MG 3.2 1.0 4,494 F F 53875 SP Romeo y Julieta Shakespeare, William UG 6.7 5.0 27,866 123951 EN Shalton, Michelle MG 6.8 2.0 9,881 82196 EN 10 Best Underdog Stories in Sports, The Allies of the Night Shan, Darren MG 5.3 6.0 40,187 F 140149 EN Birth of a Killer Shan, Darren MG 5.9 8.0 48,560 F 59118 EN Cirque Du Freak Shan, Darren MG 4.8 7.0 50,174 F 79166 EN Hunters of the Dusk Shan, Darren MG 5.7 6.0 38,488 F 87180 EN Killers of the Dawn Shan, Darren MG 5.4 6.0 38,860 F NF Page 128 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 100995 EN Lake of Souls, The Shan, Darren MG 5.9 8.0 52,144 F 106979 EN Lord of the Shadows Shan, Darren MG 5.0 6.0 41,537 F 143881 EN Ocean of Blood Shan, Darren MG 6.1 7.0 43,657 F 109692 EN Sons of Destiny Shan, Darren MG 5.5 7.0 45,984 F 69581 EN Trials of Death Shan, Darren MG 5.8 6.0 38,569 F 67638 EN Tunnels of Blood Shan, Darren MG 4.2 6.0 38,955 F 67639 EN Vampire Mountain Shan, Darren MG 5.3 5.0 35,834 F 73218 EN Vampire Prince, The Shan, Darren MG 6.2 6.0 36,846 F 67637 EN Vampire's Assistant, The Shan, Darren MG 4.2 6.0 42,205 F 143700 EN Berlin Boxing Club, The Sharenow, Robert MG 5.7 13.0 83,308 F 114888 EN My Mother the Cheerleader Sharenow, Robert MG 5.1 6.0 41,866 F 9769 EN Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman LG 2.8 0.5 658 F 64479 EN Gila Monsters Meet You at the Airport Nate the Great and the Big Sniff Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman LG 2.4 0.5 1,896 F 6441 SP búsqueda del espíritu, La Sharpe, Susan MG 4.1 3.0 23,847 F 121663 EN Canned Shearer, Alex MG 4.2 7.0 52,045 F 48858 EN Ancient Rome Sheehan, Sean MG 7.9 1.0 6,704 NF 125952 EN War in the Pacific Sheehan, Sean MG 8.6 2.0 10,834 NF 5827 EN Paradise Called Texas, A Shefelman, Janice Jordan MG 4.5 4.0 28,510 F 5850 EN Willow Creek Home Shefelman, Janice Jordan MG 4.6 3.0 21,458 F 75346 EN Shelley, Mary UG 11.7 21.0 95,490 F 936 EN Frankenstein: A Kaplan SAT Score-Raising Classic Just Talk Shepard, Elizabeth MG 3.5 1.0 10,000 F 114885 EN Flawless: A Pretty Little Liars Novel Shepard, Sara UG 4.3 10.0 69,781 F 135487 EN Shepard, Sara UG 5.1 9.0 61,487 F 120986 EN Heartless: A Pretty Little Liars Novel Perfect: A Pretty Little Liars Novel Shepard, Sara UG 4.6 9.0 63,023 F 110012 EN Pretty Little Liars Shepard, Sara UG 4.5 9.0 58,917 F 124506 EN Shepard, Sara UG 4.9 11.0 72,062 F 77347 EN Unbelievable: A Pretty Little Liars Novel Letters from Wolfie Sherlock, Patti MG 4.6 8.0 56,352 F 10076 EN Maya Indians, The Sherrow, Victoria MG 7.0 2.0 10,100 NF 103460 EN Atlantis and Other Lost Cities Shone, Rob MG 4.6 1.0 3,682 NF 103461 EN Bigfoot and Other Strange Beasts Shone, Rob MG 3.5 0.5 3,364 NF 118116 EN Shone, Rob MG 3.7 0.5 1,855 NF 118117 EN Triceratops: The Three Horned Dinosaur Tyrannosaurus: The Tyrant Lizard Shone, Rob MG 3.1 0.5 1,893 NF 105050 EN Shoulders, Michael MG 6.2 1.0 3,176 NF 6612 EN Shreve, Susan MG 4.9 2.0 13,231 F 108944 EN 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi: A Mississippi Number Book Gift of the Girl Who Couldn't Hear, The Kiss Me Tomorrow Shreve, Susan MG 5.6 6.0 36,335 F 78691 EN What's Happening to Grandpa? Shriver, Maria LG 4.7 0.5 2,549 F 137059 EN Grimm Legacy, The Shulman, Polly MG 4.0 11.0 79,585 F 188 EN Search for Grissi, The Shura, Mary Francis MG 5.0 4.0 25,960 F 124686 EN Antsy Does Time Shusterman, Neal MG 5.8 10.0 60,376 F 138433 EN Bruiser Shusterman, Neal UG 5.5 10.0 63,431 F Page 129 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 24982 EN Dark Side of Nowhere, The Shusterman, Neal UG 5.8 8.0 48,339 F 113392 EN Shusterman, Neal MG 5.4 11.0 69,340 F 30843 EN Darkness Creeping: Twenty Twisted Tales Downsiders Shusterman, Neal MG 7.2 11.0 61,426 F 87560 EN Dread Locks Shusterman, Neal MG 4.8 6.0 39,770 F 108535 EN Duckling Ugly Shusterman, Neal MG 5.1 8.0 54,014 F 145088 EN Everfound Shusterman, Neal MG 6.4 20.0 121,724 F 109454 EN Everlost Shusterman, Neal MG 5.6 12.0 75,471 F 134206 EN Everwild Shusterman, Neal MG 5.9 16.0 101,065 F 42788 EN Eyes of Kid Midas, The Shusterman, Neal UG 6.0 6.0 37,472 F 69057 EN Full Tilt Shusterman, Neal UG 5.0 7.0 49,998 F 102693 EN Red Rider's Hood Shusterman, Neal MG 4.8 7.0 45,603 F 80744 EN Schwa Was Here, The Shusterman, Neal MG 5.0 9.0 57,922 F 5293 EN Shadow Club, The Shusterman, Neal UG 5.5 7.0 42,135 F 6992 EN Speeding Bullet Shusterman, Neal UG 6.6 8.0 46,750 F 120008 EN Unwind Shusterman, Neal UG 5.0 14.0 95,297 F 8666 EN On the Beach Shute, Nevil UG 6.3 14.0 88,350 F 6684 EN Welcome Home, Jellybean Shyer, Marlene MG 5.3 5.0 35,638 F 78000 EN Gallop for Gold Siamon, Sharon MG 4.1 4.0 29,869 F 113874 EN Sidman, Joyce MG 3.9 1.0 3,967 F F 24000 EN This Is Just to Say: Poems of Apology and Forgiveness Rope Burn Siebold, Jan MG 4.4 2.0 11,168 104194 EN Ramadan: Islamic Holy Month Sievert, Terri LG 3.4 0.5 651 7011 EN Letters from Atlantis Silverberg, Robert UG 7.0 5.0 30,880 F 5469 EN Giving Tree, The Silverstein, Shel LG 2.6 0.5 621 F 15463 EN Denzel Washington Simmons, Alex MG 6.0 1.0 6,491 NF 15465 EN John Lucas Simmons, Alex MG 5.6 1.0 6,050 NF 71892 EN Jupiter Simon, Charnan MG 5.8 0.5 2,934 NF 71897 EN Saturn Simon, Charnan MG 5.4 0.5 2,609 NF 61511 SP Aeronaves asombrosas Simon, Seymour LG 4.5 0.5 677 5902 EN Big Cats Simon, Seymour MG 5.8 1.0 3,483 NF 61643 EN Icebergs and Glaciers Simon, Seymour MG 5.5 0.5 2,114 NF 82339 SP Pirámides y momias Simon, Seymour LG 5.1 0.5 1,915 NF 7164 EN Snakes Simon, Seymour MG 5.9 0.5 2,794 NF 18893 EN Storms Simon, Seymour MG 5.7 0.5 1,998 NF 47350 EN Volcanoes Simon, Seymour MG 5.1 0.5 1,601 NF 59931 EN Whales Simon, Seymour MG 5.5 0.5 2,238 NF 46872 EN Butterflies Simonson, Ned MG 5.7 0.5 3,067 NF 14106 EN Careers Inside the World of Offices Simpson, Carolyn MG 6.1 1.0 7,202 NF NF F 12982 EN Coping with Teenage Motherhood Simpson, Carolyn UG 7.5 6.0 31,516 NF 117633 EN Sís, Peter MG 5.2 1.0 4,206 NF 2413 EN Wall: Growing up Behind the Iron Curtain, The Guide to Owning a Chihuahua Sisco, Roberta MG 7.5 2.0 12,568 NF 4266 EN Indians of the Southwest Sita, Lisa UG 8.2 1.0 6,260 NF 87692 EN Mosquito Bite Siy, Alexandra LG 4.9 0.5 1,512 NF Page 130 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 24977 EN Love from Your Friend, Hannah Skolsky, Mindy Warshaw MG 4.8 6.0 41,342 F 14534 EN Cyberstorm Skurzynski, Gloria MG 5.3 5.0 29,418 F 8525 EN Good-bye, Billy Radish Skurzynski, Gloria MG 5.8 5.0 31,275 F 25236 EN Virtual War Skurzynski, Gloria UG 5.0 6.0 38,878 F 88040 EN Skye, Obert MG 5.6 14.0 88,238 F 132854 EN Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo Hunchback Assignments, The Slade, Arthur MG 4.8 9.0 63,217 F 106816 EN Among the Dolls Sleator, William MG 5.1 2.0 12,232 F 27974 EN Boxes, The Sleator, William MG 4.5 6.0 43,739 F 78198 EN Boy Who Couldn't Die, The Sleator, William MG 5.0 8.0 50,606 F 558 EN Boy Who Reversed Himself, The Sleator, William MG 4.7 7.0 46,149 F 51787 EN Duplicate, The Sleator, William UG 4.7 6.0 41,021 F 47131 EN House of Stairs Sleator, William UG 6.3 7.0 41,042 F 86826 EN Last Universe, The Sleator, William MG 4.5 7.0 46,679 F 14967 EN Night the Heads Came, The Sleator, William MG 4.8 5.0 33,853 F 10294 EN Oddballs Sleator, William UG 6.2 3.0 16,363 F 10269 EN Others See Us Sleator, William UG 5.8 6.0 35,375 F 31531 EN Rewind Sleator, William MG 4.1 3.0 24,275 F 580 EN Singularity Sleator, William MG 4.9 7.0 47,602 F 76346 EN Strange Attractors Sleator, William UG 5.3 6.0 41,648 F 5373 EN Make-Believe Ball Player Slote, Alfred MG 3.3 2.0 14,975 F 85021 SP Las aventuras de Marco Polo Smalley, Roger MG 4.2 0.5 1,828 NF NF 67524 EN Chuck Norris Smeds, Dave UG 7.1 1.0 7,795 147617 EN Stick Smith, Andrew UG 4.4 11.0 73,897 F 548 EN Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A Smith, Betty UG 5.8 23.0 145,092 F 85846 EN Boys of San Joaquin, The Smith, D.J. MG 5.0 7.0 44,579 F 295 SP sabor a moras, Un Smith, Doris Buchanan MG 4.0 2.0 11,224 F F 295 EN Taste of Blackberries, A Smith, Doris Buchanan MG 4.0 2.0 10,904 9805 EN Drag Racing Smith, Jay MG 4.5 0.5 1,728 NF 9809 EN Smith, Jay MG 5.2 0.5 2,116 NF 9819 EN Humvees and Other Military Vehicles (Wheels) Kart Racing Smith, Jay MG 4.5 0.5 2,124 NF 9802 EN Smith, Jay MG 5.0 0.5 2,098 NF 9830 EN Most Rugged All-Terrain Vehicles (Wheels), The Powerboat Racing Smith, Jay MG 5.2 0.5 2,083 NF 9837 EN Super Sport Trucks Smith, Jay MG 5.5 0.5 1,866 NF 128122 EN Bone: Crown of Horns Smith, Jeff MG 2.4 1.0 9,115 F 105434 EN Bone: Eyes of the Storm Smith, Jeff MG 2.6 1.0 9,375 F 121741 EN Bone: Ghost Circles Smith, Jeff MG 2.5 1.0 9,259 F 139845 EN Bone Handbook Smith, Jeff MG 6.8 2.0 10,587 F 116793 EN Bone: Old Man's Cave Smith, Jeff MG 2.7 1.0 9,387 F 81999 EN Bone: Out from Boneville Smith, Jeff MG 2.4 1.0 10,235 F 114660 EN Smith, Jeff MG 2.2 1.0 7,268 F 131789 EN Bone: Rock Jaw: Master of the Eastern Border Bone: Rose Smith, Jeff MG 2.6 1.0 7,659 F 110445 EN Bone: The Dragonslayer Smith, Jeff MG 2.6 1.0 11,150 F Page 131 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 7,437 F 101208 EN Bone: The Great Cow Race Smith, Jeff MG 2.4 1.0 915 EN Bone: Treasure Hunters Smith, Jeff MG 2.9 1.0 9,030 F 139397 EN Tall Tales Smith, Jeff MG 3.0 1.0 10,722 F 6010 EN Skeeter Smith, Kay MG 4.3 7.0 52,014 F 945 EN Vampire Diaries, The Smith, L. J. UG 5.1 10.0 69,000 F 105277 EN John, Paul, George & Ben Smith, Lane LG 3.7 0.5 807 F 120519 EN Helpful Ladybugs Smith, Molly LG 4.1 0.5 711 NF 120525 EN Speedy Dragonflies Smith, Molly LG 4.2 0.5 693 NF 84012 EN Cryptid Hunters Smith, Roland MG 4.9 11.0 70,780 F 117768 EN Elephant Run Smith, Roland MG 5.0 10.0 64,434 F 126884 EN Independence Hall Smith, Roland MG 4.5 9.0 60,723 F 102231 EN Jack's Run Smith, Roland MG 4.8 7.0 46,053 F 19546 EN Jaguar Smith, Roland UG 4.5 8.0 54,342 F 114836 EN Peak Smith, Roland MG 5.0 9.0 63,195 F 34510 EN Sasquatch Smith, Roland MG 4.5 5.0 37,067 F 133512 EN Tentacles Smith, Roland MG 5.0 11.0 71,173 F 14850 EN Thunder Cave Smith, Roland MG 4.2 9.0 62,404 F 139708 EN White House, The Smith, Roland MG 4.5 7.0 48,199 F 12892 EN Setting Goals Smith, Sandra Lee MG 6.1 1.0 6,020 128538 EN I, Lorelei Smith, Yeardley MG 4.4 9.0 64,784 68441 SP bioma marino, El Smithyman, Kathryn MG 5.8 1.0 5,478 8544 SP Huida al Canadá Smucker, Barbara MG 5.0 5.0 34,246 124958 EN Ancient China Snedden, Robert MG 7.8 1.0 8,024 NF 124959 EN Ancient Egypt Snedden, Robert MG 6.9 1.0 8,017 NF 124960 EN Ancient Greece Snedden, Robert MG 7.5 1.0 8,155 NF 124961 EN Ancient Rome Snedden, Robert MG 7.4 1.0 8,384 NF 124962 EN Aztec, Inca, and Maya Snedden, Robert MG 7.3 1.0 8,353 NF 125210 EN Medical Technology Snedden, Robert MG 9.0 2.0 8,918 NF 124963 EN Medieval World, The Snedden, Robert MG 7.7 1.0 8,135 NF 41284 SP aserradero lúgubre, El Snicket, Lemony MG 6.2 5.0 29,019 F 41280 EN Austere Academy, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.7 6.0 33,697 F 41281 EN Bad Beginning, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.4 4.0 24,130 F 63667 EN Carnivorous Carnival, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.6 7.0 43,681 F 110253 EN End, The Snicket, Lemony MG 7.3 9.0 51,747 F 46103 EN Ersatz Elevator, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.6 7.0 39,933 F 81705 EN Grim Grotto, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.5 8.0 48,671 F 114854 EN Snicket, Lemony MG 6.9 1.0 7,863 F NF F NF F 53273 EN Horseradish: Bitter Truths You Can't Avoid Hostile Hospital, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.9 6.0 37,752 F 126640 EN Lump of Coal, The Snicket, Lemony LG 5.7 0.5 1,397 F 41284 EN Miserable Mill, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.2 5.0 28,990 F 101791 EN Penultimate Peril, The Snicket, Lemony MG 7.4 7.0 40,557 F 41286 EN Reptile Room, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.3 5.0 29,139 F 72848 EN Slippery Slope, The Snicket, Lemony MG 7.1 9.0 53,274 F Page 132 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 41287 SP ventanal, El Snicket, Lemony MG 6.3 5.0 31,798 F 48687 EN Vile Village, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.7 7.0 39,357 F 41287 EN Wide Window, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.3 5.0 31,699 F 127262 EN Switch Snow, Carol MG 4.3 7.0 50,797 F 130071 EN Any Which Wall Snyder, Laurel MG 5.1 7.0 47,468 F 217 EN Egypt Game, The Snyder, Zilpha Keatley MG 6.4 7.0 43,004 F 25056 EN Gib Rides Home Snyder, Zilpha Keatley MG 6.3 9.0 57,380 F 5026 EN Libby on Wednesday Snyder, Zilpha Keatley MG 6.3 8.0 49,840 F 11494 EN Trespassers, The Snyder, Zilpha Keatley MG 5.5 7.0 45,520 F 149 EN Witches of Worm, The Snyder, Zilpha Keatley MG 5.7 6.0 39,424 F 10661 EN Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.3 1.0 8,634 F 14666 EN Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.0 1.0 9,467 F 18716 EN Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.2 1.0 8,436 F 7715 EN Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.5 1.0 9,806 F 10662 EN Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.4 2.0 10,447 F 40626 EN Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.4 1.0 10,160 F 36379 EN Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.4 1.0 9,851 F 5415 EN Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Dead Eagles Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Disgusting Sneakers Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Midnight Visitor Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Mysterious Handprints Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Secret Pitch Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Treasure Hunt Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Two Spies Encyclopedia Brown Boy Detective Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.1 1.0 10,392 F 7716 EN Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.3 2.0 10,802 F 44897 EN Encyclopedia Brown Finds the Clues Encyclopedia Brown Gets His Man Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.4 1.0 10,304 F 36377 EN Encyclopedia Brown Lends a Hand Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.2 1.0 9,696 F 18717 EN Encyclopedia Brown Saves the Day Sobol, Donald J. MG 3.9 1.0 8,992 F 18718 EN Encyclopedia Brown Sets the Pace Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.6 1.0 10,138 F 7718 EN Sobol, Donald J. MG 3.9 1.0 8,637 F 7719 EN Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.2 1.0 10,193 F 10877 EN Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.4 1.0 10,007 F 36029 EN Encyclopedia Brown Shows the Way Encyclopedia Brown Solves Them All Encyclopedia Brown Tracks Them Down Two-Minute Mysteries Sobol, Donald J. MG 5.6 3.0 21,533 F 32512 EN Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk, The Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.5 3.0 22,441 NF 122017 EN Alabama (Third Series) Somervill, Barbara A. MG 8.2 3.0 18,159 NF 130355 EN Arizona (Third Series) Somervill, Barbara A. MG 7.3 3.0 18,197 NF 67691 EN Backstage at a Newscast Somervill, Barbara A. MG 5.8 1.0 4,132 NF 122019 EN Colorado (Third Series) Somervill, Barbara A. MG 8.0 3.0 17,898 NF 131854 EN Glaciers Somervill, Barbara A. MG 5.3 0.5 3,019 NF 120498 EN New York (Third Series) Somervill, Barbara A. MG 8.0 4.0 20,333 NF 130358 EN Pennsylvania (Third Series) Somervill, Barbara A. MG 7.6 3.0 17,762 NF 131858 EN Plains and Plateaus Somervill, Barbara A. MG 5.2 0.5 3,130 NF 130361 EN South Carolina (Third Series) Somervill, Barbara A. MG 7.8 3.0 18,283 NF 132615 EN Tennessee (Third Series) Somervill, Barbara A. MG 7.7 3.0 16,771 NF Page 133 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 124232 EN Texas (Third Series) Somervill, Barbara A. MG 7.4 3.0 17,887 2484 EN Stop Pretending: What Happened When My Big Sister Went Crazy What My Mother Doesn't Know Sones, Sonya UG 4.8 1.0 8,898 F Sones, Sonya UG 5.3 3.0 18,697 F Sonneborn, Liz MG 7.5 3.0 16,922 NF Sonneborn, Liz MG 7.2 3.0 17,635 NF 53820 EN 121224 EN 118204 EN United Arab Emirates (Second Series) Yemen (Second Series) 135012 EN After Ever After Sonnenblick, Jordan MG 5.2 7.0 45,586 F 150489 EN Curveball: The Year I Lost My Grip Sonnenblick, Jordan UG 5.1 7.0 48,518 F 122211 EN Dodger and Me Sonnenblick, Jordan MG 5.1 5.0 30,781 F 132212 EN Dodger for President Sonnenblick, Jordan MG 5.1 4.0 27,989 F 972 EN Dodger for Sale Sonnenblick, Jordan MG 4.7 4.0 28,864 F 140682 EN Dodger for Sale Sonnenblick, Jordan MG 4.7 4.0 28,864 F 100187 EN Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie Sonnenblick, Jordan MG 5.9 8.0 49,066 F 109864 EN Notes from the Midnight Driver Sonnenblick, Jordan UG 5.5 7.0 45,263 F 118707 EN Zen and the Art of Faking It Sonnenblick, Jordan MG 5.2 7.0 47,463 F 125982 EN Erratum Sorrells, Walter MG 4.1 9.0 61,474 F 129453 EN Sorrells, Walter MG 4.4 7.0 46,174 F 129454 EN Sorrells, Walter MG 4.1 7.0 49,535 F 71140 EN Travelers: Book Three: Pendragon, Before the War, The Travelers: Book Two: Pendragon, Before the War, The Afterlife, The Soto, Gary UG 5.2 5.0 35,211 F 5931 EN Baseball in April and Other Stories Soto, Gary MG 5.1 4.0 27,521 F 5931 SP Béisbol en Abril: Y otras historias Soto, Gary MG 5.1 4.0 27,521 F 19051 EN Buried Onions Soto, Gary UG 5.3 6.0 39,728 F 113510 EN Canto Familiar Soto, Gary MG 4.9 1.0 5,855 F 10270 EN Crazy Weekend Soto, Gary MG 4.6 4.0 26,434 F 21985 SP Cruzando el Pacífico Soto, Gary MG 5.5 4.0 27,203 F 122063 EN Facts of Life: Stories Soto, Gary MG 5.5 5.0 35,039 F 58231 EN Soto, Gary MG 4.5 1.0 6,094 F 106293 EN Fearless Fernie: Hanging out with Fernie and Me Fire In My Hands, A Soto, Gary MG 5.4 1.0 8,867 NF 86938 EN Help Wanted: Stories Soto, Gary MG 5.1 7.0 47,458 F 14473 EN Jesse Soto, Gary MG 5.8 6.0 36,258 F 79633 EN Living up the Street Soto, Gary UG 6.2 8.0 50,706 NF 31564 EN Local News Soto, Gary UG 5.1 5.0 33,962 F 112306 EN Mercy on These Teenage Chimps Soto, Gary MG 4.9 4.0 29,344 F 70375 EN Neighborhood Odes Soto, Gary MG 4.9 1.0 5,368 F 29228 EN Pacific Crossing Soto, Gary UG 4.6 4.0 27,000 F 32052 EN Petty Crimes Soto, Gary MG 5.0 5.0 33,557 F 7163 EN Skirt, The Soto, Gary MG 3.7 1.0 7,967 F 926 EN Summer on Wheels Soto, Gary MG 3.0 2.0 15,000 F F 6943 EN Taking Sides Soto, Gary MG 4.4 4.0 25,578 15419 EN Hurricanes Souza, D.M. MG 5.9 1.0 4,070 NF 2414 EN Guide to Owning a Shih Tzu Soy, Teri MG 8.0 2.0 11,603 NF 75296 EN Meet Maya Angelou Spain, Valerie MG 4.1 1.0 8,112 NF Page 134 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 66811 EN Look at Moons, A Spangenburg, Ray MG 7.5 2.0 13,667 NF 67645 EN Look at Saturn, A Spangenburg, Ray MG 8.2 2.0 10,772 NF 67648 EN Look at Venus, A Spangenburg, Ray MG 8.1 2.0 12,684 NF 47494 EN Mercury Spangenburg, Ray MG 7.5 1.0 5,160 NF 67649 EN Spangenburg, Ray MG 8.1 3.0 15,023 NF 66815 EN Meteors, Meteorites, and Meteoroids Project Apollo Spangenburg, Ray MG 8.0 3.0 15,571 NF 66816 EN Project Gemini Spangenburg, Ray MG 8.0 2.0 13,856 NF 67651 EN Project Mercury Spangenburg, Ray MG 8.0 3.0 14,142 NF 47496 EN Sun, The Spangenburg, Ray MG 7.2 1.0 4,930 NF 46814 EN Venus Spangenburg, Ray MG 7.3 1.0 4,896 NF 101886 EN At First Sight Sparks, Nicholas UG 5.5 13.0 84,751 F 54112 EN Bend in the Road, A Sparks, Nicholas UG 5.3 14.0 93,241 F 117932 EN Choice, The Sparks, Nicholas UG 5.7 13.0 80,050 F 946 EN Dear John Sparks, Nicholas UG 5.5 13.0 86,565 F 110714 EN Dear John Sparks, Nicholas UG 5.5 13.0 86,565 F 71434 EN Guardian, The Sparks, Nicholas UG 5.1 19.0 123,408 F 953 EN Last Song, The Sparks, Nicholas MG 5.1 17.0 115,764 F 46850 EN Message in a Bottle Sparks, Nicholas UG 5.5 14.0 88,551 F 34771 EN Notebook, The Sparks, Nicholas UG 5.5 8.0 48,978 F 46860 EN Rescue, The Sparks, Nicholas UG 5.4 15.0 99,966 F 88386 EN True Believer Sparks, Nicholas UG 5.8 15.0 97,751 F 45201 EN Walk to Remember, A Sparks, Nicholas UG 5.8 8.0 48,124 F 74177 EN Wedding, The Sparks, Nicholas UG 5.7 11.0 72,954 F 138 SP signo del castor, El Speare, Elisabeth George MG 4.9 5.0 32,818 F 13 EN Bronze Bow, The Speare, Elizabeth George MG 5.0 10.0 68,215 F 138 EN Sign of the Beaver, The Speare, Elizabeth George MG 4.9 5.0 32,818 F 98 EN Witch of Blackbird Pond, The Speare, Elizabeth George MG 5.7 9.0 60,027 F 117753 EN Maybelle in the Soup Speck, Katie LG 4.1 1.0 4,129 F 14109 EN Spencer, Jean MG 7.2 1.0 6,827 NF 15 EN Careers Inside the World of Technology Call It Courage Sperry, Armstrong MG 6.2 3.0 19,326 F 15 SP Esto es coraje Sperry, Armstrong MG 6.2 3.0 19,326 F 6885 EN Spies, Karen Bornemann UG 4.2 1.0 8,017 NF 14162 EN Everything You Need to Know About Grieving Debbi Fields: The Cookie Lady Spiesman, Harriet MG 6.0 1.0 9,274 NF 14176 EN Spiesman, Harriet MG 6.7 1.0 8,298 NF 18705 EN John Sculley: Building the Apple Dream Blue Ribbon Blues Spinelli, Jerry LG 2.7 1.0 6,555 F 14993 EN Crash Spinelli, Jerry MG 3.6 4.0 31,485 F 114833 EN Eggs Spinelli, Jerry MG 3.6 4.0 32,391 F 156083 EN Hokey Pokey Spinelli, Jerry MG 3.6 5.0 38,761 F 24962 EN Library Card, The Spinelli, Jerry MG 4.3 4.0 27,458 F 59382 EN Loser Spinelli, Jerry MG 4.3 5.0 36,204 F 115987 EN Love, Stargirl Spinelli, Jerry UG 3.8 8.0 60,904 F 5075 EN Maniac Magee Spinelli, Jerry MG 4.7 5.0 35,427 F Page 135 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 71828 EN Milkweed Spinelli, Jerry MG 3.6 7.0 49,864 F 63439 EN Report to the Principal's Office Spinelli, Jerry MG 4.5 4.0 24,735 F 121944 EN Smiles to Go Spinelli, Jerry MG 3.3 5.0 38,888 F 11490 EN Space Station Seventh Grade Spinelli, Jerry MG 4.8 8.0 56,351 F 41562 EN Stargirl Spinelli, Jerry UG 4.2 6.0 41,214 F 41562 SP Stargirl (Spanish) Spinelli, Jerry UG 4.2 6.0 42,575 F 6945 EN There's a Girl in My Hammerlock Spinelli, Jerry UG 3.5 5.0 37,787 F 17800 EN Wringer Spinelli, Jerry MG 4.5 5.0 37,410 F 125287 EN Keeper of the Grail Spradlin, Michael P. MG 5.6 10.0 63,078 F 120220 EN Springer, Nancy MG 7.4 6.0 31,979 F 136711 EN Springer, Nancy MG 7.3 5.0 31,337 F 110638 EN Springer, Nancy MG 7.0 7.0 40,934 F 104964 EN Springer, Nancy MG 6.6 6.0 37,924 F 124698 EN Springer, Nancy MG 7.3 6.0 35,135 F 7043 EN Case of the Bizarre Bouquets: An Enola Holmes Mystery, The Case of the Gypsy Good-bye: An Enola Holmes Mystery, The Case of the Left-Handed Lady: An Enola Holmes Mystery, The Case of the Missing Marquess: An Enola Holmes Mystery, The Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan: An Enola Holmes Mystery, The Colt Springer, Nancy MG 5.0 4.0 27,565 F 63093 EN Lionclaw: A Tale of Rowan Hood Springer, Nancy MG 5.1 4.0 23,511 F 49788 EN Springer, Nancy MG 5.2 5.0 33,365 F 89146 EN Springer, Nancy MG 5.6 5.0 32,440 F 39885 EN Rowan Hood: Outlaw Girl of Sherwood Forest Rowan Hood Returns: The Final Chapter So You Want to Be President? St. George, Judith MG 4.8 0.5 2,226 129299 EN Last Leopard, The St. John, Lauren MG 6.2 8.0 47,062 11536 EN St. Pierre, Stephanie UG 6.4 1.0 8,063 NF 11537 EN St. Pierre, Stephanie UG 5.3 1.0 8,132 NF 122868 SP Everything You Need to Know When a Parent is in Jail Everything You Need to Know When a Parent is out of Work Crisis de basura en la Tierra Stadler, Alexander LG 4.7 0.5 2,304 F 129507 EN Staeger, Rob UG 9.3 4.0 19,423 NF 88199 EN 6.7 2.0 12,127 NF EN Stagner, Dorinda Makanaonalani Stahler Jr., David MG 77119 Profiles in Mathematics: Ancient Mathematicians Remember World War II: Kids Who Survived Tell Their Stories Truesight MG 6.0 8.0 50,772 F F NF F 928 EN Escape, The Stamper, J.B. MG 3.0 2.0 15,000 6351 EN Stanley, Diane MG 6.2 1.0 4,224 106196 EN Bard of Avon: The Story of William Shakespeare Bella at Midnight Stanley, Diane MG 6.0 9.0 56,757 5905 EN Stanley, Diane MG 6.6 1.0 4,111 53440 EN Good Queen Bess: The Story of Elizabeth I of England Mysterious Matter of I.M. Fine, The Stanley, Diane MG 4.5 6.0 38,534 F 17294 EN Rumpelstiltskin's Daughter Stanley, Diane LG 4.3 0.5 2,239 F 17996 EN Saving Sweetness Stanley, Diane LG 3.9 0.5 1,029 F 8438 EN Shaka: King of the Zulus Stanley, Diane MG 5.5 1.0 3,973 NF 6277 EN Stanley, Fay MG 6.4 1.0 3,548 NF 19198 EN Last Princess: The Story of Princess Ka'iulani of Hawai'i, The Dangerous Skies Staples, Suzanne Fisher MG 5.8 9.0 54,187 NF F NF F Page 136 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 6884 EN 11530 EN 49601 EN Everything You Need to Know About Family Violence Everything You Need to Know About Street Gangs America's Wetlands Points Word Count F/NF 4.5 1.0 8,149 NF UG 5.5 1.0 8,288 NF Staub, Frank MG 6.9 1.0 5,767 NF NF Author IL Stark, Evan UG Stark, Evan ATOS BL 54321 EN Signs Animals Leave, The Staub, Frank MG 5.8 1.0 6,202 115393 EN First Light Stead, Rebecca MG 4.8 10.0 65,686 F 131144 EN When You Reach Me Stead, Rebecca MG 4.5 6.0 39,253 F 104641 EN Stearns, Dan MG 8.1 2.0 13,281 NF 40876 EN Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad Egyptian News, The Steedman, Scott MG 6.7 1.0 8,559 NF 65466 EN Desert Animals Steele, Christy MG 5.0 1.0 4,000 NF 65468 EN Grassland Animals Steele, Christy MG 4.7 1.0 3,865 NF 48981 EN Hurricanes Steele, Christy MG 4.3 0.5 1,698 NF 63797 EN J.K. Rowling (2002) Steffens, Bradley UG 8.1 5.0 25,370 NF 8335 EN Gloria Estefan Stefoff, Rebecca MG 8.2 4.0 19,789 NF 14179 EN Stefoff, Rebecca MG 7.4 2.0 10,456 NF 14193 EN Stefoff, Rebecca MG 7.5 2.0 10,035 NF 6411 EN Mary Kay Ash: Mary Kay-A Beautiful Business Ted Turner: Television's Triumphant Tiger Dominic Steig, William MG 5.6 3.0 21,709 F 101 SP Isla de Abel, La Steig, William MG 5.9 3.0 17,610 F 5910 EN Shrek! Steig, William LG 3.9 0.5 1,150 F 7813 EN Illinois Stein, R. Conrad MG 8.1 3.0 17,576 NF 2755 EN In the Spanish West Stein, R. Conrad MG 6.5 1.0 7,676 NF 47074 EN Kentucky Stein, R. Conrad MG 7.5 3.0 19,215 NF 27012 EN Mexico Stein, R. Conrad MG 7.2 2.0 13,783 NF 109963 EN Mexico (Second Series) Stein, R. Conrad MG 6.9 3.0 18,524 NF 7822 EN Michigan Stein, R. Conrad MG 8.1 3.0 16,268 NF 131831 EN Montana (Third Series) Stein, R. Conrad MG 7.6 3.0 18,567 NF 66515 EN National Archives, The Stein, R. Conrad MG 8.2 1.0 5,538 NF 47080 EN New Jersey Stein, R. Conrad MG 8.1 3.0 18,095 NF 67596 EN Stein, R. Conrad MG 6.9 1.0 4,846 NF 2756 EN Oklahoma City National Memorial, The On the Old Western Frontier Stein, R. Conrad MG 6.4 1.0 7,609 NF 27037 EN Paris Stein, R. Conrad MG 5.9 1.0 5,114 NF 27039 EN Rome Stein, R. Conrad MG 5.9 1.0 5,713 NF 27041 EN Seattle Stein, R. Conrad MG 6.4 1.0 5,709 NF 47054 EN South Carolina Stein, R. Conrad MG 7.8 3.0 19,081 NF 5183 EN Stein, R. Conrad MG 6.3 1.0 3,568 NF 5197 EN Story of the Nineteenth Amendment, The Story of the U.S.S. Arizona, The Stein, R. Conrad MG 6.3 1.0 3,258 NF 27043 EN Sydney Stein, R. Conrad MG 5.5 1.0 5,110 NF 130363 EN Washington (Third Series) Stein, R. Conrad MG 7.8 3.0 17,797 NF 7119 EN Pearl, The Steinbeck, John UG 7.1 4.0 25,845 F 5284 EN Red Pony, The Steinbeck, John UG 6.1 6.0 35,382 F 129876 EN Game On! Steinberg, D.J. MG 2.6 0.5 3,859 F Page 137 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 141461 EN Grow Up! Steinberg, D.J. MG 2.7 1.0 5,231 F 125709 EN Mac Attack! Steinberg, D.J. MG 2.5 1.0 5,495 F 121995 EN Sound Off! Steinberg, D.J. MG 2.4 0.5 3,930 F 143205 EN Emerald Atlas, The Stephens, John MG 4.9 15.0 101,794 F 46089 EN Steptoe, Javaka LG 3.1 0.5 805 F 5030 SP In Daddy's Arms I Am Tall: African Americans Celebrating Fathers Las bellas hijas de Mufaro Steptoe, John LG 4.3 0.5 1,588 F 5030 EN Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters Steptoe, John LG 4.3 0.5 1,588 F 34983 EN Sterling, Dorothy MG 6.2 6.0 37,936 127516 EN Freedom Train: The Story of Harriet Tubman Back on the Beam Stevens, Eric MG 3.3 1.0 4,889 F 141365 EN Geocache Surprise Stevens, Eric MG 3.1 1.0 5,128 F 134613 EN Off the Bench Stevens, Eric MG 3.6 1.0 4,589 F 134614 EN On Guard Stevens, Eric MG 3.3 1.0 4,754 F 134615 EN Playing Forward Stevens, Eric MG 3.4 1.0 5,245 F 137261 EN Quarterback Comeback Stevens, Eric MG 3.6 1.0 4,832 F 137262 EN Running Back Dreams Stevens, Eric MG 3.8 1.0 4,701 F 127524 EN Shark Attack! Stevens, Eric MG 3.0 1.0 5,099 F 123139 EN Skateboard Save Stevens, Eric MG 3.5 1.0 4,632 F 123140 EN Soccer Spirit Stevens, Eric MG 3.2 1.0 4,998 F 127527 EN Volcano! A Survive! Story Stevens, Eric MG 3.2 1.0 5,030 F 134616 EN Win or Lose Stevens, Eric MG 3.6 1.0 5,197 F 43508 EN Stevens, Janet LG 2.6 0.5 1,979 F 34653 EN And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon Cook-a-doodle-doo! Stevens, Janet LG 2.7 0.5 1,463 F 122597 EN Stevens, Janet LG 2.6 0.5 1,863 F 815 EN Stevenson, Augusta MG 3.5 3.0 21,344 NF 809 EN Help Me, Mr. Mutt! Expert Answers for Dogs with People Problems Abraham Lincoln: The Great Emancipator Benjamin Franklin: Young Printer Stevenson, Augusta MG 3.9 3.0 23,103 NF 803 EN Stevenson, Augusta MG 4.2 3.0 24,178 NF 804 EN Stevenson, Augusta MG 3.7 3.0 23,843 NF 823 EN Clara Barton: Founder of the American Red Cross Daniel Boone: Young Hunter and Tracker George Washington: Young Leader Stevenson, Augusta MG 3.7 3.0 21,720 NF 816 EN Molly Pitcher: Young Patriot Stevenson, Augusta MG 3.4 3.0 22,568 NF 817 EN Paul Revere: Boston Patriot Stevenson, Augusta MG 3.9 3.0 22,503 NF 825 EN Stevenson, Augusta MG 3.7 3.0 22,527 NF 512 EN Wilbur and Orville Wright: Young Fliers Kidnapped (Unabridged) Stevenson, Robert Louis UG 7.6 14.0 78,787 F NF 522 EN Treasure Island (Unabridged) Stevenson, Robert Louis MG 8.3 12.0 66,950 F 122489 EN Little by Little Stewart, Amber LG 3.0 0.5 422 F 105419 EN Stewart, David MG 5.8 0.5 2,863 NF 82490 EN Stewart, David MG 5.9 0.5 2,755 NF 115288 EN Stewart, David MG 6.2 0.5 3,060 NF 82496 EN You Wouldn't Want to Be a Roman Soldier! You Wouldn't Want to Be an Egyptian Mummy! You Wouldn't Want to Be Tutankhamen! You Wouldn't Want to Sail on the Titanic! Stewart, David MG 5.4 1.0 3,471 NF Page 138 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 79059 EN Medicine Stewart, Gail B. MG 7.9 1.0 5,645 NF 104809 EN Dallas Cowboys, The Stewart, Mark MG 5.5 1.0 4,547 NF 109100 EN Dallas Mavericks, The Stewart, Mark MG 5.6 1.0 4,746 NF 104810 EN Detroit Pistons, The Stewart, Mark MG 5.5 1.0 4,555 NF 104812 SP Heat de Miami, Los Stewart, Mark MG 5.3 1.0 5,489 NF 104812 EN Miami Heat, The Stewart, Mark MG 5.6 1.0 4,406 NF 104816 EN Phoenix Suns, The Stewart, Mark MG 5.5 1.0 4,595 NF 104817 EN San Antonio Spurs, The Stewart, Mark MG 5.7 1.0 4,509 NF 56713 EN Crystals Stewart, Melissa MG 6.8 1.0 5,085 NF 56715 EN Fossils Stewart, Melissa MG 7.0 1.0 4,598 NF 56717 EN Igneous Rocks Stewart, Melissa MG 6.6 1.0 4,815 NF 56721 EN Metamorphic Rocks Stewart, Melissa MG 6.7 1.0 4,831 NF 56722 EN Minerals Stewart, Melissa MG 6.5 1.0 4,750 NF 56724 EN Sedimentary Rocks Stewart, Melissa MG 6.8 1.0 5,099 NF 56725 EN Soil Stewart, Melissa MG 6.3 1.0 4,927 NF 66522 EN Uranus Stewart, Melissa MG 6.9 1.0 5,744 NF 25665 EN Surprise! Surprise! Stewart, Molly Mia LG 3.0 1.0 5,741 F 122839 EN Stewart, Trenton Lee MG 6.1 19.0 115,066 F 133674 EN Stewart, Trenton Lee MG 6.3 15.0 94,153 F 113801 EN Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey, The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma, The Mysterious Benedict Society, The Stewart, Trenton Lee MG 5.6 18.0 118,460 F 147559 EN Scorpio Races, The Stiefvater, Maggie UG 5.5 17.0 110,085 F 76012 SP Stille, Darlene R. LG 4.3 0.5 681 NF 76013 SP Stille, Darlene R. LG 4.0 0.5 538 NF 126392 EN electridad: Focos, pilas y chispas, La energía: Calor, luz y combustible, La Indiana (Third Series) Stille, Darlene R. MG 7.6 3.0 17,985 NF 131833 EN North Dakota (Third Series) Stille, Darlene R. MG 8.1 3.0 17,564 NF 126397 EN Ohio (Third Series) Stille, Darlene R. MG 7.4 3.0 18,950 NF 130359 EN Puerto Rico (Third Series) Stille, Darlene R. MG 8.3 3.0 17,207 NF 83793 EN Attack of the Bandit Cats Stilton, Geronimo MG 3.8 1.0 9,139 F 77123 EN Cat and Mouse in a Haunted House Stilton, Geronimo MG 3.4 1.0 10,051 F 77131 EN Curse of the Cheese Pyramid, The Stilton, Geronimo MG 3.7 1.0 10,036 F 83159 EN Stilton, Geronimo MG 3.5 1.0 10,123 F 77124 EN Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo, A Four Mice Deep in the Jungle Stilton, Geronimo MG 3.1 1.0 9,524 F 77126 EN I'm Too Fond of My Fur! Stilton, Geronimo MG 3.5 1.0 9,674 F 83799 EN It's Halloween, You 'Fraidy Mouse! Stilton, Geronimo MG 3.1 1.0 7,224 F 77127 EN Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye Stilton, Geronimo MG 3.7 1.0 10,336 F 83801 EN Merry Christmas, Geronimo! Stilton, Geronimo MG 3.2 1.0 9,961 F 77129 EN Paws Off, Cheddarface! Stilton, Geronimo MG 3.4 1.0 10,236 F 83802 EN Phantom of the Subway, The Stilton, Geronimo LG 3.5 1.0 8,815 F 77130 EN Red Pizzas for a Blue Count Stilton, Geronimo MG 3.6 1.0 10,558 F 84207 EN Temple of the Ruby of Fire, The Stilton, Geronimo MG 3.5 1.0 8,931 F 126582 EN Very Merry Christmas, A Stilton, Geronimo MG 4.3 1.0 7,483 F Page 139 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 5.5 1.0 3,499 F UG 3.2 3.0 21,785 F Author IL Stine, Megan MG Stine, R.L. ATOS BL 932 EN 105510 EN All in a Day's Work and other Stories (Read 180) All-Night Party 14932 EN Attack of the Jack-O'-Lanterns Stine, R.L. MG 3.3 2.0 18,246 F 9601 EN Attack of the Mutant Stine, R.L. MG 3.5 3.0 19,628 F 8202 EN Babysitter II, The Stine, R.L. UG 5.8 5.0 30,361 F 8203 EN Babysitter III, The Stine, R.L. UG 3.7 4.0 30,081 F 82770 EN BabySitter IV, The Stine, R.L. UG 3.3 3.0 26,086 F 8201 EN Babysitter, The Stine, R.L. UG 5.3 5.0 32,911 F 77278 EN Bad Moonlight Stine, R.L. MG 3.3 4.0 33,042 F 114853 EN Battle of the Dum Diddys Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 1.0 10,535 F 44153 EN Be Afraid-Be Very Afraid! Stine, R.L. MG 3.4 3.0 18,909 F 9602 EN Be Careful What You Wish For Stine, R.L. MG 3.7 3.0 21,318 F 8205 EN Beach House Stine, R.L. UG 4.1 5.0 37,857 F 14935 EN Beast from the East, The Stine, R.L. MG 2.7 2.0 17,781 F 14936 EN Beware, the Snowman Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 2.0 18,283 F 88859 EN Big Blueberry Barf-Off!, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.0 1.0 10,893 F 14937 EN Blob That Ate Everyone, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.0 2.0 17,395 F 79026 EN Call Waiting Stine, R.L. UG 3.7 4.0 27,007 F 120110 EN Calling All Birdbrains Stine, R.L. MG 3.0 1.0 10,102 F 14939 EN Chicken Chicken Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 2.0 18,774 F 143118 EN Claws! Stine, R.L. MG 3.0 3.0 21,949 F 122191 EN Creep from the Deep Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 21,942 F 9603 EN Cuckoo Clock of Doom, The Stine, R.L. MG 2.9 2.0 18,683 F 14940 EN Curse of Camp Cold Lake, The Stine, R.L. MG 2.9 2.0 18,420 F 9604 EN Curse of the Mummy's Tomb, The Stine, R.L. MG 4.0 3.0 24,821 F 73108 EN Dangerous Girls Stine, R.L. UG 3.5 6.0 44,769 F 89417 EN Darkest Dawn Stine, R.L. MG 3.4 3.0 25,807 F 9605 EN Deep Trouble Stine, R.L. MG 3.5 3.0 18,575 F 14941 EN Deep Trouble II Stine, R.L. MG 2.9 2.0 16,246 F 919 EN Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days Stine, R. L. MG 5.2 3.0 19,591 F 105758 EN Don't Close Your Eyes! Stine, R.L. MG 3.0 3.0 19,503 F 14942 EN Don't Go to Sleep! Stine, R.L. MG 2.7 2.0 18,148 F 148753 EN Don't Scream! Stine, R.L. MG 2.9 3.0 22,317 F 126973 EN Dr. Maniac vs. Robby Schwartz Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 21,605 F 109318 EN Dudes, the School Is Haunted! Stine, R.L. MG 2.9 1.0 9,806 F 120394 EN Dumb Clucks Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 2.0 11,789 F 130578 EN Escape from HorrorLand Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 21,946 F 140676 EN Stine, R.L. MG 4.7 8.0 57,173 F 8222 EN Fear: 13 Stories of Suspense and Horror First Date Stine, R.L. UG 4.0 4.0 29,160 F 144723 EN Five Masks of Dr. Screem, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 4.0 26,696 F 100577 EN Freaks and Shrieks Stine, R.L. MG 3.0 3.0 21,214 F 9606 EN Ghost Beach Stine, R.L. MG 3.4 3.0 19,151 F 14944 EN Ghost Camp Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 3.0 19,527 F Page 140 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 9607 EN Ghost Next Door, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.7 3.0 19,890 F 87179 EN Ghouls Gone Wild Stine, R.L. MG 3.0 3.0 20,620 F 9608 EN Girl Who Cried Monster, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.6 3.0 24,049 F 9609 EN Go Eat Worms! Stine, R.L. MG 3.7 3.0 19,137 F 101639 EN Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 1.0 10,637 F 115805 EN Good, the Bad, and the Very Slimy, The Got Cake? Stine, R.L. MG 3.0 1.0 10,592 F 88861 EN Great Smelling Bee, The Stine, R.L. MG 2.8 1.0 11,037 F 9610 EN Haunted Mask, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.8 3.0 19,844 F 53437 EN Haunting Hour, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.4 5.0 34,183 F 81577 EN Have You Met My Ghoulfriend? Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 22,613 F 137080 EN Heads, You Lose! Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 22,970 F 107042 EN Heinie Prize, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 2.0 11,787 F 920 EN Help! We Have Strange Powers! Stine, R. L. MG 3.2 3.0 22,446 F 129879 EN Help! We Have Strange Powers! Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 22,446 F 14948 EN Horror at Camp Jellyjam, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 21,572 F 141454 EN Horror at Chiller House, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 22,331 F 14949 EN How I Got My Shrunken Head Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 22,637 F 14950 EN How I Learned to Fly Stine, R.L. MG 2.9 3.0 20,013 F 14951 EN How to Kill a Monster Stine, R.L. MG 2.9 2.0 17,335 F 9611 EN It Came from Beneath the Sink! Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 2.0 18,081 F 145163 EN Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 4.0 28,553 F 9612 EN It's the First Day of School...Forever! Let's Get Invisible! Stine, R.L. MG 3.3 3.0 25,159 F 100579 EN Let's Get This Party Haunted! Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 3.0 20,108 F 86361 EN Little Camp of Horrors Stine, R.L. MG 3.3 3.0 21,403 F 136286 EN Little Shop of Hamsters Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 3.0 20,792 F 106248 EN Lose, Team, Lose! Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 2.0 11,967 F 88808 EN Midnight Games Stine, R.L. MG 3.4 4.0 27,536 F 9613 EN Monster Blood Stine, R.L. MG 4.1 3.0 22,280 F 122981 EN Monster Blood For Breakfast! Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 3.0 22,977 F 9615 EN Monster Blood III Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 21,309 F 88137 EN Moonlight Secrets Stine, R.L. MG 3.6 4.0 26,455 F 127480 EN My Friends Call Me Monster Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 22,345 F 8235 EN New Girl, The Stine, R.L. UG 5.3 5.0 33,978 F 9617 EN Night in Terror Tower, A Stine, R.L. MG 3.5 3.0 21,713 F 119520 EN Night of the Creepy Things Stine, R.L. MG 3.3 1.0 11,253 F 144114 EN Night of the Giant Everything Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 20,908 F 9618 EN Night of the Living Dummy Stine, R.L. MG 3.7 3.0 23,566 F 14955 EN Night of the Living Dummy II Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 3.0 20,801 F 9619 EN One Day at HorrorLand Stine, R.L. MG 3.4 3.0 20,886 F 85424 EN One Night in Doom House Stine, R.L. MG 3.3 3.0 21,766 F 111660 EN Party Poopers Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 2.0 11,749 F 9620 EN Phantom of the Auditorium Stine, R.L. MG 3.4 3.0 21,840 F 9621 EN Piano Lessons Can Be Murder Stine, R.L. MG 3.5 3.0 20,190 F Page 141 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 114859 EN Punk'd and Skunked Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 2.0 11,804 F 9622 EN Return of the Mummy Stine, R.L. MG 3.8 3.0 19,965 F 14957 EN Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes Stine, R.L. MG 2.9 3.0 19,641 F 122194 EN Revenge of the Living Dummy Stine, R.L. MG 3.3 3.0 20,881 F 114861 EN Rottenest Angel, The Stine, R.L. MG 2.8 2.0 11,737 F 9613 SP Sangre de monstruo Stine, R.L. MG 4.1 3.0 22,280 F 9623 EN Say Cheese and Die! Stine, R.L. MG 3.9 3.0 22,153 F 14958 EN Say Cheese and Die - Again! Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 20,013 F 916 EN Say Cheese and Die Screaming! Stine, R. L. MG 3.0 3.0 20,039 F 128378 EN Say Cheese--and Die Screaming! Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 3.0 20,039 F 9624 EN Scarecrow Walks at Midnight, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.5 3.0 20,192 F 126977 EN Scream of the Haunted Mask, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 23,638 F 103377 EN Secret Admirer Stine, R.L. MG 3.4 4.0 28,272 F 106250 EN Shake, Rattle, and Hurl! Stine, R.L. MG 2.9 1.0 11,192 F 140976 EN Slappy New Year! Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 3.0 22,274 F 9625 EN Stay out of the Basement Stine, R.L. MG 3.9 3.0 20,540 F 8246 EN Stepsister, The Stine, R.L. UG 4.1 5.0 34,628 F 969 EN Streets of Panic Park, The Stine, R. L. MG 3.2 3.0 22,668 F 133457 EN Streets of Panic Park, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 22,668 F 114572 EN Terror Trips Stine, R.L. MG 2.1 1.0 6,612 F 14960 EN Vampire Breath Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 2.0 18,251 F 54857 EN Visitors Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 22,008 F 138355 EN Weirdo Halloween Stine, R.L. MG 3.0 4.0 34,371 F 9626 EN Welcome to Camp Nightmare Stine, R.L. MG 3.9 3.0 24,891 F 129883 EN Welcome to Camp Slither Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 20,486 F 9627 EN Welcome to Dead House Stine, R.L. MG 3.7 3.0 23,002 F 9628 EN Werewolf of Fever Swamp, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.5 3.0 20,764 F 134904 EN When the Ghost Dog Howls Stine, R.L. MG 3.0 3.0 21,847 F 81587 EN Who Let the Ghosts Out? Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 3.0 23,212 F 127481 EN Who's Your Mummy? Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 22,453 F 147073 EN Why I Quit Zombie School Stine, R.L. MG 3.0 3.0 23,871 F 139519 EN Wizard of Ooze, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.0 3.0 22,827 F 8250 EN Wrong Number, The Stine, R.L. UG 6.0 5.0 32,593 F 9630 EN You Can't Scare Me Stine, R.L. MG 3.6 3.0 21,412 F 7918 EN Lady, or the Tiger?, The Stockton, Frank UG 8.6 0.5 2,681 F 135867 EN Dragon Stone, Jeff MG 5.5 8.0 49,196 F 7809 EN Florida Stone, Lynn M. MG 8.0 3.0 18,310 NF 13079 EN Owls Stone, Lynn M. LG 4.1 0.5 947 NF 125620 EN Rodeo Barrel Racers Stone, Lynn M. MG 5.8 0.5 1,594 NF 125622 EN Rodeo Bull Riders Stone, Lynn M. MG 6.0 0.5 1,757 NF 125623 EN Rodeo Ropers Stone, Lynn M. MG 5.6 0.5 1,531 NF 125624 EN Rodeo Steer Wrestlers Stone, Lynn M. MG 5.9 0.5 1,632 NF 125625 EN Rodeo, The Stone, Lynn M. MG 6.3 0.5 2,061 NF 62377 EN Mars Stone, Tanya Lee MG 8.1 1.0 7,449 NF Page 142 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL 62380 EN Saturn Stone, Tanya Lee MG 7.6 Points Word Count F/NF 1.0 5,696 NF NF 79257 SP aparato circulatorio, El Storad, Conrad J. LG 4.1 0.5 2,177 134841 EN Stork, Francisco X. UG 4.3 13.0 88,598 F 16725 EN Last Summer of the Death Warriors, The Uncle Tom's Cabin Stowe, Harriet Beecher UG 9.3 32.0 166,622 F 126373 EN Nighttime: Too Dark to See Strasser, Todd LG 3.4 1.0 9,504 F 119863 EN Nighttime: Too Scared to Sleep Strasser, Todd LG 3.2 1.0 9,290 F 31228 EN Wave, The Strasser, Todd UG 5.2 5.0 32,106 F 13510 EN Streissguth, Tom MG 5.6 0.5 2,387 NF 118171 EN Getting Ready for a Career in Food Service Built Below Sea Level: New Orleans Strom, Laura Layton MG 5.3 0.5 3,206 NF 118352 EN Strom, Laura Layton MG 5.5 1.0 3,850 NF 118340 EN Caught with a Catch: Poaching in Africa Rock We Eat: Salt, The Strom, Laura Layton MG 4.6 1.0 3,431 NF 118341 EN Strom, Laura Layton MG 4.7 0.5 2,596 NF 108567 EN Tombs and Treasure: Ancient Egypt Living with Vampires Strong, Jeremy MG 3.7 1.0 4,654 F 120745 EN W Is for Woof: A Dog Alphabet Strother, Ruth MG 5.7 1.0 5,898 NF 73958 EN Amulet of Samarkand, The Stroud, Jonathan MG 5.9 19.0 122,300 F 82165 EN Golem's Eye, The Stroud, Jonathan MG 5.9 24.0 148,603 F 129417 EN Heroes of the Valley Stroud, Jonathan MG 5.6 17.0 109,249 F 104013 EN Ptolemy's Gate Stroud, Jonathan MG 5.7 20.0 129,610 F 61404 EN Laura Ingalls Wilder Strudwick, Leslie MG 5.6 1.0 4,184 43276 EN At the Sign of the Star Sturtevant, Katherine UG 5.6 5.0 34,729 F 122565 EN 10 Most Phenomenal Athletes, The Suchanek, David MG 7.5 2.0 10,508 NF 109965 EN BMX Bully Suen, Anastasia MG 3.2 1.0 4,646 F 109967 EN Free Throw Suen, Anastasia MG 2.8 1.0 4,534 F 111887 EN Go-Kart Rush Suen, Anastasia MG 3.4 1.0 4,725 F 56039 EN Habitat for Humanity Suen, Anastasia LG 3.9 0.5 354 109968 EN Mr. Strike Out Suen, Anastasia MG 2.7 1.0 4,383 F 116753 EN Helen Keller: Her Life In Pictures Sullivan, George MG 5.2 1.0 4,223 NF 5957 EN Sullivan, George MG 6.8 3.0 16,860 NF 21025 EN Sullivan, Michael J. MG 6.0 1.0 5,035 NF 9839 EN Sluggers: Twenty-Seven of Baseball's Greatest New York Rangers Hockey Team, The Top 10 Baseball Pitchers Sullivan, Michael J. MG 5.2 1.0 5,280 NF 135187 EN Some Girls Are Summers, Courtney UG 3.9 9.0 63,028 F 127255 EN I So Don't Do Mysteries Summy, Barrie MG 3.8 8.0 55,171 F 21895 EN Carlos Finlay Sumption, Christine MG 5.7 0.5 1,361 NF NF NF 8340 EN Rita Moreno Suntree, Susan MG 7.9 3.0 18,915 NF 42790 EN Light Beyond the Forest, The Sutcliff, Rosemary UG 6.6 6.0 38,003 F 42791 EN Road to Camlann, The Sutcliff, Rosemary UG 6.8 6.0 38,158 F 61654 SP ¿Quién fue Harry Houdini? Sutherland, Tui T. MG 5.1 2.0 13,117 NF 9736 SP Ambiente hostil Suzanne, Jamie MG 4.3 3.0 18,216 F 9729 SP Con las riendas firmes Suzanne, Jamie MG 4.0 4.0 26,366 F 9713 SP Flechazo Suzanne, Jamie MG 4.1 3.0 24,592 F 74785 EN India Swan, Erin Pembrey MG 7.6 4.0 20,027 NF Page 143 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 0.5 1,766 NF NF 24626 EN Bears Swanson, Diane LG 4.6 122605 EN 10 Coolest Dance Crazes, The Swartz, Larry MG 5.7 1.0 8,509 34125 SP viajes de Gulliver, Los Swift, Jonathan MG 6.6 19.0 117,413 17216 EN Crystal & Gem Symes, R.F. MG 8.2 1.0 7,362 NF 17997 EN Szabo, Corinne MG 6.9 1.0 6,966 NF 67641 EN Sky Pioneer: A Photobiography of Amelia Earhart Look at Earth, A Tabak, John MG 8.2 3.0 13,949 NF 67643 EN Tabak, John MG 8.1 2.0 12,890 NF 13588 EN Look at Neptune (Out of This World), A Child in Prison Camp, A Takashima, Shizuye MG 3.8 3.0 25,338 NF 17752 EN Alphabet City Ballet Tamar, Erika MG 4.0 5.0 33,678 F 10642 EN Junkyard Dog, The Tamar, Erika MG 3.3 4.0 30,568 F 142878 EN Lost & Found Tan, Shaun MG 5.6 0.5 2,448 F 15474 EN Seiji Ozawa Tan, Sheri MG 7.2 1.0 6,397 NF 54157 EN Tanaka, Shelley MG 5.7 1.0 8,166 NF 77702 EN Tanaka, Shelley MG 6.1 1.0 8,143 NF 35813 EN Tanaka, Shelley MG 5.9 3.0 15,939 NF 129822 EN Attack on Pearl Harbor: The True Story of the Day America Entered World War II Day That Changed America: The Alamo, A Disaster of the Hindenburg: The Last Flight of the Greatest Airship Ever Bui, Th Emma-Jean Lazarus Fell in Love Tarshis, Lauren MG 5.5 4.0 24,037 F 118814 EN Taylor-Butler, Christine LG 5.2 0.5 2,601 NF 13697 EN Taylor, C.J. MG 3.8 0.5 1,248 F NF F 67351 EN Constitution of the United States, The Secret of the White Buffalo: An Oglala Sioux Legend, The House That Crack Built, The Taylor, Clark MG 5.7 0.5 1,071 122348 EN Mariah Mundi: The Midas Box Taylor, G.P. MG 6.6 19.0 115,014 105225 EN Taylor, Gaylia LG 5.3 0.5 1,542 131303 EN George Crum and the Saratoga Chip Killer Pizza Taylor, Greg MG 5.2 9.0 58,208 F 115265 EN Blackbringer Taylor, Laini MG 5.6 14.0 92,634 F 132646 EN Silksinger Taylor, Laini MG 6.0 15.0 95,020 F 170 EN Gold Cadillac, The Taylor, Mildred D. MG 4.1 1.0 4,671 F 136 EN Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Taylor, Mildred D. MG 5.7 10.0 65,606 F 17223 EN Fossil Taylor, Paul D. MG 8.2 1.0 6,572 NF 114796 EN Taylor, Peter Lane MG 8.0 2.0 13,400 NF 14454 EN Secret of Priest's Grotto: A Holocaust Survival Story, The Bomb, The Taylor, Theodore UG 5.6 6.0 35,752 F 108 EN Cay, The Taylor, Theodore MG 5.3 4.0 26,145 F 108 SP cayo, El Taylor, Theodore MG 5.3 4.0 26,836 F 7024 EN Sniper Taylor, Theodore UG 5.2 8.0 51,994 F 198 EN Trouble with Tuck, The Taylor, Theodore MG 5.5 4.0 24,101 F F NF 7029 EN Weirdo, The Taylor, Theodore UG 4.6 8.0 57,775 F 147109 EN Taylor, Tom MG 2.4 0.5 1,917 F 147111 EN Star Wars Adventures: Luke Skywalker and the Treasure of the Dragonsnakes Star Wars Adventures: The Will of Darth Vader Taylor, Tom MG 2.9 0.5 2,007 F Page 144 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 34958 EN Littlest Angel, The Tazewell, Charles LG 6.3 0.5 2,070 F 133621 EN Doom Machine, The Teague, Mark MG 4.5 13.0 91,105 F 121611 EN Teague, Mark LG 5.1 0.5 1,509 F 121611 SP Teague, Mark LG 5.0 0.5 1,671 F 2423 EN LaRue For Mayor: Letters from the Campaign Trail LaRue para alcalde: Cartas de la campaña Guide to Owning a Cocker Spaniel Teasley, Michael MG 8.1 2.0 12,019 NF 21848 SP Tegetthoff, Folke MG 4.7 2.0 14,198 F 122007 EN Teitelbaum, Michael UG 5.5 1.0 7,429 NF 122009 EN Teitelbaum, Michael UG 5.6 1.0 7,505 NF 107071 EN Telgemeier, Raina MG 2.2 1.0 8,308 F 135787 EN Cuando los gigantes aman y otros cuentos Bigfoot Caught on Film: And Other Monster Sightings! Ghosts: And Real-Life Ghost Hunters Kristy's Great Idea: A Graphic Novel Smile Telgemeier, Raina MG 2.6 1.0 8,270 NF 49675 EN Traditional Crafts from Japan Temko, Florence MG 5.7 1.0 4,530 NF 120151 EN Batter Up! Temple, Bob MG 4.0 1.0 5,127 F 127518 EN Diving Off the Edge Temple, Bob MG 3.6 1.0 5,005 F 127520 EN Hoop Hotshot Temple, Bob MG 3.7 1.0 5,127 F 120154 EN Jump Serve Temple, Bob MG 3.9 1.0 5,132 F 111888 EN Paintball Blast Temple, Bob MG 3.9 1.0 5,630 F 120156 EN Quarterback Sneak Temple, Bob MG 3.8 1.0 4,751 F 115380 EN Soccer Shootout Temple, Bob MG 4.0 1.0 4,752 F 10253 EN Grab Hands and Run Temple, Frances MG 4.0 4.0 29,355 F 153017 EN Cardboard TenNapel, Doug MG 2.2 1.0 8,930 F 138137 EN Ghostopolis TenNapel, Doug MG 2.4 1.0 6,450 F 115147 EN In a Pickle and Other Funny Idioms Terban, Marvin MG 4.5 0.5 2,631 NF 145387 EN Riptide Pride Terrell, Brandon MG 2.5 0.5 1,626 F 10188 EN What on Earth is a Booby? Tesar, Jenny MG 4.0 0.5 1,191 NF 10194 EN What on Earth is a Nudibranch? Tesar, Jenny MG 4.7 0.5 1,076 NF 10196 EN What on Earth is a Sea Squirt? Tesar, Jenny MG 4.7 0.5 980 NF 10198 EN What on Earth Is a Tuatara? Tesar, Jenny MG 4.9 0.5 1,180 NF 10199 EN What on Earth Is an Echidna? Tesar, Jenny MG 5.3 0.5 1,580 NF 12757 EN Thaler, Mike LG 2.4 0.5 468 F 76705 EN Teacher from the Black Lagoon, The Last April Dancers, The Thesman, Jean MG 3.8 6.0 45,984 F 7020 EN Rain Catchers, The Thesman, Jean UG 4.1 6.0 40,700 F 106696 EN Team Moon Thimmesh, Catherine MG 7.5 2.0 12,895 NF 6888 EN Thomas, Alicia UG 4.3 1.0 6,560 NF 6214 EN Everything You Need to Know About Romantic Breakup Fox in a Trap Thomas, Jane Resh LG 4.8 2.0 11,211 F F 6339 EN Princess in the Pigpen, The Thomas, Jane Resh MG 4.9 4.0 26,964 61208 EN Outlaws Thomas, Paul MG 6.8 1.0 8,823 NF 120613 SP Thomas, William David MG 5.5 1.0 4,255 NF 120614 SP ¿Cómo elegimos a nuestros líderes? ¿Cuáles son las partes del gobierno? Thomas, William David MG 5.1 1.0 4,387 NF Page 145 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 5.0 1.0 4,142 NF MG 5.2 1.0 4,411 NF Author IL Thomas, William David MG Thomas, William David ATOS BL 120615 SP 120616 SP ¿Cuáles son los derechos básicos de los ciudadanos? ¿Qué es una constitución? 130120 EN Highway Robbery Thompson, Kate MG 5.3 2.0 10,065 F 122760 EN Last of the High Kings, The Thompson, Kate MG 5.9 9.0 53,852 F 23420 EN Switchers Thompson, Kate UG 5.7 8.0 52,256 F 21892 EN Pedro Menéndez de Avilés Thompson, Kathleen MG 4.9 0.5 1,497 NF 12538 EN Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz Thompson, Kathleen MG 5.4 0.5 1,621 NF 46877 EN Earthquakes Thompson, Luke MG 5.9 1.0 3,254 NF 46878 EN Essential Boating for Teens Thompson, Luke MG 5.3 1.0 3,842 NF 46885 EN Essential Waterskiing for Teens Thompson, Luke MG 4.8 0.5 3,222 NF 46886 EN Floods Thompson, Luke MG 5.2 0.5 2,998 NF 46889 EN Forest Fires Thompson, Luke MG 5.7 1.0 3,323 NF 54070 EN Sprint Car Thompson, Luke MG 5.3 1.0 3,326 NF 46904 EN Tornadoes Thompson, Luke MG 6.6 1.0 3,360 NF 54077 EN Track and Field: Field Events Thompson, Luke MG 5.2 1.0 3,771 NF 54078 EN Track and Field: Track Events Thompson, Luke MG 5.2 1.0 3,433 NF 46906 EN Tsunamis Thompson, Luke MG 5.8 0.5 3,039 NF 46907 EN Volcanoes Thompson, Luke MG 6.0 1.0 3,339 NF 57025 EN Poland (Fiesta!) Thompson, Paul MG 6.3 1.0 4,462 NF 81854 EN Aztecs Thomson, Ruth MG 6.1 1.0 3,340 NF 74359 EN Georgia O'Keeffe Thomson, Ruth MG 7.5 1.0 7,399 NF 142870 EN Terezin: Voices from the Holocaust Thomson, Ruth MG 7.0 2.0 12,589 NF 127438 EN Thomson, Sarah MG 6.1 7.0 42,555 NF 134016 EN Three Cups of Tea: Young Readers Edition Faraway Island, A Thor, Annika MG 4.4 8.0 53,969 F 62618 EN Julius Caesar: Conqueror and Dictator Night the Ghost Got In, The Thorne, James MG 8.2 2.0 11,928 NF Thurber, James UG 5.2 0.5 1,944 F Tilden, Thomasine E. Lewis UG 5.3 1.0 8,064 NF Tilton, Rafael UG 8.2 6.0 32,897 NF 7927 EN 122010 EN 51438 EN Mind Readers: Science Examines ESP Importance of Mother Teresa, The 74027 EN Dirty Cowboy, The Timberlake, Amy LG 4.2 0.5 1,531 F 51788 EN Edge on the Sword, The Tingle, Rebecca UG 6.6 11.0 64,615 F 109143 EN Crossing Bok Chitto Tingle, Tim LG 4.4 0.5 2,302 F 14180 EN Michael Eisner: Fun for Everyone Tippins, Sherill MG 7.6 2.0 9,727 NF 30589 EN Liberation: Teens in the Concentration Camps... Basil of Baker Street Tito, E. Tina UG 6.0 1.0 8,920 NF Titus, Eve MG 4.7 1.0 9,820 F Tobin, Paul MG 2.6 0.5 1,791 F 7656 EN 139400 EN 67644 EN Ms. Isaacson's Third Grade Field Trip Look at Pluto, A Tocci, Salvatore MG 7.8 3.0 15,931 NF 67647 EN Look at Uranus, A Tocci, Salvatore MG 7.8 3.0 15,690 NF 126465 EN Blind Faith Hotel, The Todd, Pamela MG 5.1 13.0 85,115 F 106310 EN Listen! Tolan, Stephanie S. MG 5.4 6.0 41,727 F 60652 EN Surviving the Applewhites Tolan, Stephanie S. MG 5.5 7.0 44,825 F 19053 EN Welcome to the Ark Tolan, Stephanie S. UG 5.3 8.0 55,554 F Page 146 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 737 EN Fellowship of the Ring, The Tolkien, J.R.R. UG 6.1 29.0 177,227 F 511 SP hobbit, El Tolkien, J.R.R. UG 6.6 16.0 95,022 F 511 EN Hobbit, The Tolkien, J.R.R. UG 6.6 16.0 95,022 F 5286 EN Return of the King, The Tolkien, J.R.R. UG 6.2 22.0 134,462 F 5295 EN Two Towers, The Tolkien, J.R.R. UG 6.3 23.0 143,436 F 7914 EN God Sees the Truth, but Waits Tolstoy, Leo UG 5.8 0.5 2,959 F 5128 EN Hopi, The Tomchek, Ann LG 4.5 0.5 1,554 NF 31876 EN Nobody Else Has to Know Tomey, Ingrid UG 4.3 8.0 53,483 F 13775 EN Forestwife, The Tomlinson, Theresa MG 5.5 7.0 43,781 F 125941 EN Battles of World War II Tonge, Neil MG 8.8 2.0 10,972 NF 125950 EN Holocaust, The Tonge, Neil MG 8.3 2.0 11,108 NF 125951 EN Rise of the Nazis, The Tonge, Neil MG 8.5 2.0 11,370 NF 57319 EN Toriello, James MG 7.5 1.0 6,047 NF 30232 SP Stomach: Learning How We Digest, The Al partir Torres, Omar UG 7.9 8.0 45,436 7161 EN Towle, Wendy MG 5.7 0.5 1,529 5809 EN Real McCoy: The Life of an African-American Inventor, The Dark Ships, The Townsend, Tom MG 5.7 5.0 30,759 F F F NF 5828 EN Powderhorn Passage Townsend, Tom MG 5.3 4.0 27,719 24339 EN Trapani, Margi UG 4.9 1.0 7,408 NF 145395 EN Reality Check: Teenage Fathers Speak Out BMX Challenge Troupe, Thomas Kingsley MG 3.3 1.0 5,407 F 148278 EN Gold Medal Swim Troupe, Thomas Kingsley MG 3.6 1.0 5,148 F 141366 EN Mountain Bike Hero Troupe, Thomas Kingsley MG 3.2 1.0 4,961 F 148280 EN Track and Field Takedown Troupe, Thomas Kingsley MG 3.7 1.0 5,101 F 118711 EN Massachusetts (Third Series) Trueit, Trudi Strain MG 7.5 4.0 20,263 127549 EN Trumbauer, Lisa MG 2.2 0.5 1,199 F 87197 EN Three Little Pigs: The Graphic Novel, The Bible Lands Tubb, Jonathan N. MG 8.6 1.0 5,751 NF 32208 EN Turner, Ann MG 5.1 5.0 34,298 F 15792 EN Girl Who Chased Away Sorrow: The Diary of Sarah Nita, The Thief, The Turner, Megan Whalen MG 6.0 11.0 68,519 F 13603 EN Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Twain, Mark MG 8.0 12.0 69,066 F 502 EN Twain, Mark MG 8.1 12.0 68,079 F 527 EN Twain, Mark UG 9.2 21.0 111,358 F 502 SP Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Unabridged), The Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer Twain, Mark UG 8.1 12.0 68,079 F 7922 EN Twain, Mark UG 7.9 3.0 18,022 F 7944 EN Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, The Story Without an End, A Twain, Mark UG 6.5 1.0 3,072 F 7875 EN Invisible Thread, The Uchida, Yoshiko UG 6.5 5.0 32,471 NF NF 233 EN Jar of Dreams, A Uchida, Yoshiko MG 5.0 4.0 28,276 F 5073 EN Journey Home Uchida, Yoshiko MG 5.3 4.0 26,944 F 29767 EN Journey to Topaz Uchida, Yoshiko UG 6.0 5.0 34,288 F 122324 EN Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit Uehashi, Nahoko MG 5.9 9.0 57,296 F 122544 EN 10 Worst Natural Disasters, The Uhler, Karen MG 7.0 1.0 8,446 104776 EN Montmorency and the Assassins Updale, Eleanor MG 6.0 15.0 95,760 NF F Page 147 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 6.3 12.0 71,275 F MG 5.2 10.0 68,859 F Updale, Eleanor MG 7.4 8.0 45,308 F Author IL Montmorency on the Rocks: Doctor, Aristocrat, Murderer? Montmorency's Revenge Updale, Eleanor MG Updale, Eleanor ATOS BL 87256 EN 113227 EN 77128 EN 116562 EN Montmorency: Thief, Liar, Gentleman? Crooked Kind of Perfect, A Urban, Linda MG 3.9 4.0 29,052 F 146485 EN Breadcrumbs Ursu, Anne MG 4.8 9.0 62,709 F 132229 EN Immortal Fire, The Ursu, Anne MG 5.4 16.0 102,444 F 105312 EN Shadow Thieves, The Ursu, Anne MG 5.1 12.0 82,366 F 116366 EN Siren Song, The Ursu, Anne MG 5.7 14.0 87,635 F 31326 EN Tiger Woods Uschan, Michael V. UG 7.9 4.0 21,021 NF 137889 EN Brilliant Vail, Rachel MG 4.9 8.0 52,868 F 132776 EN Gorgeous Vail, Rachel MG 4.6 9.0 58,295 F 124160 EN Lucky Vail, Rachel MG 4.2 7.0 50,788 F 133321 EN Amanda Project: Invisible I, The Valentino, Amanda MG 5.7 11.0 71,393 F 128666 EN Bombad Jedi Valois, Rob LG 4.2 1.0 3,955 F 6348 SP escoba de la viuda, La Van Allsburg, Chris LG 4.7 0.5 1,624 F 5240 EN Polar Express, The Van Allsburg, Chris LG 3.8 0.5 1,054 F 8679 EN Sweetest Fig, The Van Allsburg, Chris LG 3.7 0.5 856 F 6250 EN Wreck of the Zephyr, The Van Allsburg, Chris LG 3.7 0.5 1,319 F 51707 EN Be Afraid! Tales of Horror van Belkom, Edo MG 5.3 7.0 45,723 F 122298 EN Confessions of a Serial Kisser Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 4.7 8.0 54,733 F 53684 EN Flipped Van Draanen, Wendelin UG 4.8 8.0 55,502 F 135413 EN Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 5.4 4.0 23,663 F 128389 EN Gecko & Sticky: Sinister Substitute, The Gecko & Sticky: Villain's Lair, The Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 4.8 3.0 23,295 F 84287 EN Meet the Gecko Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 3.4 2.0 18,185 F 109202 EN Runaway Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 4.7 9.0 59,561 F 141591 EN Running Dream, The Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 4.1 9.0 60,309 F 68572 EN Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 4.3 9.0 63,539 F 44716 EN Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 4.6 8.0 57,629 F 48079 EN Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 4.9 9.0 62,579 F 28507 EN Sammy Keyes and the Art of Deception Sammy Keyes and the Curse of Moustache Mary Sammy Keyes and the Hollywood Mummy Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Thief Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 4.6 6.0 40,273 F 83235 EN Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 4.0 9.0 66,094 F 34513 EN Sammy Keyes and the Psycho Kitty Queen Sammy Keyes and the Runaway Elf Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 4.4 7.0 45,347 F 61273 EN Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 4.0 9.0 63,767 F 32155 EN Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 5.2 8.0 54,568 F 73214 EN Sammy Keyes and the Search for Snake Eyes Sammy Keyes and the Sisters of Mercy Swear to Howdy Van Draanen, Wendelin UG 3.8 4.0 26,278 F 46868 EN Basketball: Man-to-Man Defense Van Gundy, Bill MG 4.7 1.0 3,615 NF 46869 EN Basketball: Outside Shooting Van Gundy, Bill MG 4.8 1.0 3,624 NF 6366 EN Van Leeuwen, Jean MG 3.7 5.0 32,912 F 6633 EN Great Summer Camp Catastrophe, The Three Dog Winter Van Steenwyk, Elizabeth MG 4.0 5.0 37,540 F Page 148 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL 109690 EN All Hallows' Eve: 13 Stories Vande Velde, Vivian MG 6.2 Points Word Count F/NF 6.0 38,507 F 53421 EN Being Dead Vande Velde, Vivian UG 5.3 6.0 41,886 F 101042 EN Book of Mordred, The Vande Velde, Vivian MG 5.7 16.0 100,471 F 36634 EN Coming Evil, A Vande Velde, Vivian MG 5.2 7.0 43,450 F 14457 EN Companions of the Night Vande Velde, Vivian UG 6.1 9.0 55,173 F 20799 EN Curses, Inc. and Other Stories Vande Velde, Vivian MG 5.7 7.0 41,636 F 10271 EN Dragon's Bait Vande Velde, Vivian UG 5.9 5.0 33,520 F 62559 EN Heir Apparent Vande Velde, Vivian MG 5.6 11.0 72,682 F 31411 EN Hidden Magic, A Vande Velde, Vivian MG 5.4 4.0 23,361 F 43408 EN Magic Can Be Murder Vande Velde, Vivian MG 6.1 7.0 45,090 F 31648 EN Never Trust a Dead Man Vande Velde, Vivian UG 5.6 7.0 42,858 F 83181 EN Now You See It... Vande Velde, Vivian UG 6.1 8.0 52,635 F 118508 EN Remembering Raquel Vande Velde, Vivian UG 5.8 3.0 19,783 F 32361 EN Vande Velde, Vivian MG 5.4 5.0 30,792 F 64312 EN There's a Dead Person Following My Sister Around Well-Timed Enchantment, A Vande Velde, Vivian MG 4.7 6.0 41,328 F 821 EN VanRiper, Guernsey MG 3.5 3.0 22,758 NF 822 EN Babe Ruth: One of Baseball's Greatest Jim Thorpe: Olympic Champion VanRiper, Guernsey MG 4.0 3.0 24,027 NF 818 EN Knute Rockne: Young Athlete VanRiper, Guernsey MG 3.5 3.0 23,165 NF 810 EN VanRiper, Guernsey MG 3.8 3.0 23,595 NF 144857 EN Lou Gehrig: One of Baseball's Greatest Bake Sale Varon, Sara MG 2.7 0.5 2,642 F 148702 EN Irena's Jars of Secrets Vaughan, Marcia LG 5.9 0.5 2,251 NF 87257 EN My Twin Brother/My Twin Sister Velasquez, Crystal MG 3.9 1.0 9,394 F 86852 EN Isabel of the Whales Velmans, Hester MG 4.2 6.0 42,422 F 5887 EN North to the Río Grande Venable, Fay MG 7.4 2.0 10,467 NF 140486 EN Venditti, Robert MG 3.1 1.0 10,290 F 122419 EN Lightning Thief: The Graphic Novel, The Climbing the Stairs Venkatraman, Padma MG 4.8 7.0 50,158 F 122178 EN Verne, Jules MG 4.6 1.0 7,193 F 523 EN 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Saddleback) 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Unabridged) Around the World in Eighty Days Verne, Jules MG 10.0 28.0 138,138 F Verne, Jules MG 9.6 12.0 61,985 F Journey to the Center of the Earth (Saddleback) Mysterious Island, The Verne, Jules MG 3.4 1.0 4,379 F Verne, Jules MG 10.8 41.0 195,828 F Heart: Learning How Our Blood Circulates, The Super telescopios: Por dentro y por fuera Family Life Viegas, Jennifer MG 7.9 1.0 6,047 NF Villard, Ray MG 8.7 2.0 11,559 NF Villaseñor, Isabel MG 6.8 1.0 6,681 NF Cooking the Greek Way (Revised Edition) profesor Zíper y la fabulosa guitarra eléctrica, El Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Frankenstein Villios, Lynne W. MG 6.6 1.0 4,176 NF Villoro, Juan MG 4.5 3.0 22,790 F Vogel, Malvina G. MG 5.7 3.0 19,132 F Vogel, Malvina G. MG 6.1 3.0 17,143 F 504 EN 122793 EN 79594 EN 57314 EN 58454 SP 13357 EN 58620 EN 18362 SP 30517 EN 30533 EN Page 149 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 30534 EN Gulliver's Travels Vogel, Malvina G. MG 6.1 3.0 18,231 F 30554 EN Red Badge of Courage, The Vogel, Malvina G. MG 5.4 3.0 16,914 F 30558 EN Three Musketeers, The Vogel, Malvina G. MG 5.1 2.0 15,893 F 60644 EN Bad Girls in Love Voigt, Cynthia MG 4.7 7.0 49,288 F 357 EN Building Blocks Voigt, Cynthia MG 4.2 5.0 32,371 F 8558 EN Come a Stranger Voigt, Cynthia UG 5.3 11.0 74,005 F 110 EN Dicey's Song Voigt, Cynthia MG 5.0 11.0 73,519 F 368 SP familia Tillerman busca hogar, La Voigt, Cynthia MG 4.4 16.0 110,893 F 368 EN Homecoming Voigt, Cynthia MG 4.4 16.0 110,893 F 5287 EN Runner, The Voigt, Cynthia UG 5.0 9.0 63,003 F 388 EN Solitary Blue, A Voigt, Cynthia MG 5.3 11.0 74,026 F 60969 EN Tsunami: Monster Waves Wade, Mary Dodson MG 5.7 1.0 5,389 NF 58619 EN Waldee, Lynne Marie MG 6.6 1.0 4,287 NF 116369 EN Walden, Mark MG 7.5 12.0 65,909 F 120449 EN Cooking the French Way (Revised Edition) H.I.V.E.: Higher Institute of Villainous Education H.I.V.E.: The Overlord Protocol Walden, Mark MG 7.7 14.0 80,300 F 81309 EN Famine, Drought, and Plagues Walker, Jane MG 7.3 1.0 3,785 NF 81315 EN Tidal Waves and Flooding Walker, Jane MG 7.3 1.0 4,125 NF 126964 EN Walker, Kathryn MG 4.3 1.0 3,532 NF 126965 EN Walker, Kathryn MG 4.4 0.5 3,340 NF 133626 EN Mysteries of Alien Visitors and Abductions Mysteries of Giant Humanlike Creatures Mysteries of the Ancients Walker, Kathryn MG 5.4 1.0 3,592 NF 133627 EN Mysteries of the Cosmic Joker Walker, Kathryn MG 5.4 1.0 3,487 NF 133628 EN Mysteries of the Mind Walker, Kathryn MG 5.3 1.0 3,432 NF 126967 EN Mysteries of UFOs Walker, Kathryn MG 4.4 0.5 2,820 NF 126968 EN Mysteries of Water Monsters Walker, Kathryn MG 4.5 1.0 3,510 NF 126970 EN Walker, Kathryn MG 4.6 0.5 3,330 NF 36287 SP Mystery of the Ghosts of Flight 401, The Fútbol en acción Walker, Niki MG 4.4 1.0 4,022 NF 78644 SP gatitos, Los Walker, Niki LG 4.2 0.5 2,502 NF 29900 SP ¿Qué es un dinosaurio? Walker, Niki MG 4.5 0.5 2,883 NF 48130 EN Walker, Paul Robert MG 5.4 5.0 30,905 NF 57018 EN Pride of Puerto Rico: The Life of Roberto Clemente Lebanon Walker, Richard Kennedy MG 6.2 1.0 4,759 NF 102122 SP calor, El Walker, Sally M. LG 3.9 0.5 2,633 NF 100749 SP electricidad, La Walker, Sally M. LG 4.8 0.5 2,511 NF 101811 SP luz, La Walker, Sally M. LG 3.5 0.5 2,755 NF 101812 SP magnetismo, El Walker, Sally M. LG 3.9 0.5 2,006 NF 102125 SP materia, La Walker, Sally M. LG 4.1 0.5 2,556 NF 89193 SP sonido, El Walker, Sally M. LG 4.0 0.5 2,219 NF 127307 EN Walker, Sally M. UG 9.0 6.0 32,062 NF 10262 EN Written in Bone: Buried Lives of Jamestown and Colonial Maryland Twin in the Tavern, The Wallace, Barbara Brooks MG 5.5 7.0 44,742 F 5916 EN Danger in Quicksand Swamp Wallace, Bill MG 4.3 5.0 36,550 F Page 150 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 4.4 4.0 26,993 F LG 3.2 2.0 11,818 F Author IL Wallace, Bill MG Wallace, Bill ATOS BL 261 EN 440 EN Ferret in the Bedroom, Lizards in the Fridge Snot Stew 11540 EN Totally Disgusting! Wallace, Bill MG 3.7 2.0 17,254 F 5091 EN Trapped in Death Cave Wallace, Bill MG 4.2 5.0 32,729 F 62723 EN Greek Immigrants, 1890-1920 Wallner, Rosemary MG 5.5 1.0 4,024 NF 62727 EN Polish Immigrants, 1890-1920 Wallner, Rosemary MG 6.0 1.0 4,362 NF 72689 EN New York City Walsh, Frank MG 7.8 2.0 9,772 NF 100277 EN Music Math Walsh, Kieran MG 6.2 1.0 4,438 NF 32725 EN War of the Eagles Walters, Eric UG 4.5 9.0 61,963 75848 EN Walters, John MG 7.0 1.0 5,750 NF 57034 EN Midwest Division: The Dallas Mavericks, the Denver Nuggets, the Houston Rock, Th Tibet (Fiesta!) Wangyal, Riga MG 5.5 1.0 4,724 NF 7140 EN Seventh-Grade Weirdo Wardlaw, Lee MG 3.7 4.0 31,675 F 142222 EN New Hope: Volume 1 (Infinities), A Warner, Chris MG 3.1 0.5 1,060 F 142223 EN New Hope: Volume 2 (Infinities), A Warner, Chris MG 2.9 0.5 1,689 F 142224 EN New Hope: Volume 3 (Infinities), A Warner, Chris MG 3.3 0.5 1,622 F 142225 EN New Hope: Volume 4 (Infinities), A Warner, Chris MG 2.7 0.5 1,442 F 5319 EN Benny Uncovers a Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.8 2.0 18,015 F 5315 EN Bicycle Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.2 2.0 16,139 F 5318 EN Bus Station Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.6 2.0 18,141 F 5311 EN Caboose Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.2 2.0 18,460 F 5312 EN Houseboat Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.4 3.0 20,400 F F 5316 EN Mystery in the Sand Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.7 3.0 19,294 F 18487 EN Warren, Andrea MG 6.1 2.0 12,507 NF 47667 EN Warren, Andrea UG 6.1 4.0 24,194 NF 7973 EN Orphan Train Rider: One Boy's True Story Surviving Hitler: A Boy in the Nazi Death Camps Indians Who Lived in Texas Warren, Betsy MG 6.2 1.0 3,750 NF 100033 EN Candle in the Wind Wartski, Maureen MG 5.3 9.0 56,553 F 29763 EN Boat to Nowhere, A Wartski, Maureen Crane UG 4.5 6.0 43,619 F 151490 EN Wasdin, Howard E. UG 6.6 8.0 48,253 NF 29241 EN Waters, Kate LG 2.9 0.5 853 NF 36589 EN I Am a SEAL Team Six Warrior: Memoirs of an American Soldier Lion Dancer: Ernie Wan's Chinese New Year Gladiator Watkins, Richard MG 8.7 2.0 12,836 NF 117245 EN Against the Empire Watson, Jude MG 4.7 4.0 29,842 F 130961 EN Beyond the Grave Watson, Jude MG 4.0 5.0 38,504 F 101556 EN Dark Warning Watson, Jude MG 5.1 4.0 27,101 F 106163 EN Death on Naboo Watson, Jude MG 5.2 4.0 25,440 F 89054 EN Desperate Mission, The Watson, Jude MG 4.9 5.0 33,032 F 105095 EN Underworld Watson, Jude MG 4.7 4.0 25,456 F 75811 EN Home Health Aide Waugh, Ingela MG 5.4 1.0 3,812 NF 109416 EN Weatherford, Carole Boston LG 4.0 0.5 1,424 F 86101 EN Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom Missing Abby Weatherly, Lee 4.8 7.0 44,812 F UG Page 151 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 10649 EN Farm Team Weaver, Will UG 4.5 8.0 55,434 F 12942 EN Coping with Street Gangs Webb, Margot UG 6.4 6.0 34,250 NF 114547 EN Webber, Diane UG 4.9 1.0 6,354 NF 114549 EN Webber, Diane UG 4.9 1.0 7,233 NF 61898 SP Do You Read Me? Famous Cases Solved by Handwriting Analysis! Shot and Framed: Photographers at the Crime Scene batalla de El Alamo, La Weber, Valerie MG 5.5 1.0 5,051 NF 735 EN Daddy-Long-Legs Webster, Jean UG 6.1 6.0 36,553 F 34833 EN Regular Guy Weeks, Sarah MG 5.5 3.0 17,476 F 78419 EN So B. It Weeks, Sarah MG 5.0 6.0 41,961 F 4368 EN Weidt, Maryann N. MG 6.2 1.0 8,305 NF 14113 EN Mr. Blue Jeans: A Story About Levi Strauss Choosing a Career in Computers Weigant, Chris MG 6.3 1.0 7,366 NF 13705 EN Weil, Ann MG 4.1 3.0 24,683 NF 15470 EN Eleanor Roosevelt: Fighter for Social Justice Michael Dorris Weil, Ann MG 6.0 1.0 6,411 NF 75808 EN Auto Mechanic Weintraub, Aileen MG 5.3 1.0 3,651 NF 64020 EN Weintraub, Aileen LG 5.1 0.5 1,491 NF 2715 EN Weintraub, Aileen UG 7.0 1.0 7,989 NF 112393 EN Weintraub, Aileen MG 5.7 1.0 4,018 NF 66675 EN Weintraub, Aileen MG 6.2 1.0 3,732 NF 66678 EN Cape Hatteras Light: The Tallest Lighthouse in the United States Everything You Need to Know About Eating Smart Knights: Warriors of the Middle Ages Life Inside the Coast Guard Academy Life Inside the Military Academy Weintraub, Aileen MG 5.7 1.0 3,419 NF 67695 EN Weintraub, Aileen MG 5.3 1.0 3,911 NF 67696 EN Mountain Biking (X-Treme Outdoors) Rock Climbing (X-Treme Outdoors) Weintraub, Aileen MG 5.4 1.0 3,897 NF 75503 EN Stunt Double Weintraub, Aileen MG 5.7 1.0 3,785 NF 113137 EN Vikings: Raiders and Explorers Weintraub, Aileen MG 5.5 1.0 4,080 NF 131365 EN Trouble With Mark Hopper, The Weissman, Elissa Brent MG 5.0 8.0 53,324 4296 EN Brazil Weitzman, Elizabeth LG 4.3 0.5 2,431 NF 79260 SP Welch, Catherine A. LG 4.7 0.5 1,792 NF 122804 EN bandera de estrellas centelleantes: el himno nacional, La Invisible Man (Saddleback), The Wells, H.G. MG 3.1 1.0 5,473 F 12799 EN Time Machine (Unabridged), The Wells, H.G. UG 7.4 6.0 32,059 F 550 EN Wells, H.G. UG 9.1 11.0 59,828 F 28328 EN War of the Worlds (Unabridged), The Mary on Horseback Wells, Rosemary LG 4.2 1.0 6,924 114098 EN Red Moon at Sharpsburg Wells, Rosemary MG 4.7 8.0 55,606 F 59933 EN Wingwalker Wells, Rosemary LG 4.3 1.0 5,337 F 29511 EN Yoko Wells, Rosemary LG 2.9 0.5 623 F 29511 SP Yoko (Spanish) Wells, Rosemary LG 2.9 0.5 699 F 130460 EN Mackenzie Blue Wells, Tina MG 4.0 4.0 30,674 F 74360 EN Henri Matisse Welton, Jude MG 7.9 1.0 7,154 NF 74397 EN Marc Chagall Welton, Jude MG 7.7 2.0 8,603 NF 145398 EN Cowboy Up Welvaert, Scott R. MG 3.4 1.0 4,916 F 101344 SP Helen Keller: Valiente defensora Welvaert, Scott R. MG 4.0 0.5 2,423 NF F NF Page 152 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 8363 EN Helen Keller Wepman, Dennis MG 7.7 3.0 19,609 NF 116581 EN Are You Alone on Purpose? Werlin, Nancy UG 4.0 6.0 42,495 F 10272 EN Where Do I Go from Here? Wesley, Valerie UG 4.8 5.0 34,334 F 67689 EN Backstage at a Movie Set Wessling, Katherine MG 5.5 1.0 4,253 NF 139350 EN Guitar Wesson, Seb MG 6.6 1.0 4,694 NF 25384 EN West, Alan MG 5.8 1.0 4,197 NF 103408 EN West, David MG 4.0 0.5 2,629 NF 118115 EN Roberto Clemente: Baseball Legend Ghosts and Poltergeists: Stories of the Supernatural Pteranodon: The Giant of the Sky West, David MG 4.4 0.5 2,340 NF 118118 EN Velociraptor: The Speedy Thief West, David MG 3.4 0.5 1,919 NF 137299 EN Shadows, The West, Jacqueline MG 5.1 7.0 45,569 F 959 EN Frankenstein (Read 180) West, Terry M. MG 20.0 1.0 1,800 F 960 EN King Arthur (Read 180) West, Terry M. MG 20.0 1.0 2,000 NF 1003 EN Moby Dick (Read 180) West, Terry M. MG 20.0 1.0 1,950 F 1000 EN West, Terry M. MG 20.0 1.0 1,800 NF NF 49073 EN Narrative Of Life of Federick Douglass (180) Why Do People Take Drugs? Westcott, Patsy UG 6.9 1.0 5,567 139477 EN Behemoth Westerfeld, Scott MG 5.4 13.0 86,699 F 105650 EN Blue Noon Westerfeld, Scott MG 5.2 13.0 85,875 F 119699 EN Extras Westerfeld, Scott MG 5.1 12.0 81,681 F 146327 EN Goliath Westerfeld, Scott MG 5.3 14.0 94,171 F 107289 EN Last Days: A Novel, The Westerfeld, Scott UG 5.1 10.0 64,356 F 132849 EN Leviathan Westerfeld, Scott MG 5.3 12.0 77,962 F 87994 EN Peeps: A Novel Westerfeld, Scott UG 5.4 11.0 73,497 F 102674 EN Pretties Westerfeld, Scott MG 5.7 13.0 80,363 F 77495 EN Secret Hour, The Westerfeld, Scott UG 4.8 10.0 64,768 F 80126 EN So Yesterday Westerfeld, Scott UG 5.3 9.0 55,703 F 106651 EN Specials Westerfeld, Scott MG 6.1 12.0 76,787 F 86285 EN Touching Darkness Westerfeld, Scott MG 5.2 11.0 73,343 F 86097 EN Uglies Westerfeld, Scott MG 5.2 13.0 87,274 F 58624 EN Weston, Reiko MG 7.0 1.0 5,396 NF 6565 EN Cooking the Japanese Way (Revised Edition) Dinosaurs (Creative Ed.) Wexo, John Bonnett MG 5.6 0.5 1,179 NF 971 EN Beaten Weyn, Suzanne MG 4.0 2.0 11,713 F 141736 EN Beaten Weyn, Suzanne UG 4.0 2.0 11,713 F 121120 EN Reincarnation Weyn, Suzanne MG 5.4 10.0 65,993 F 125303 EN Great Plan, The Wheeler, Chase LG 4.0 2.0 15,294 F 65751 EN Gandhi Wheeler, Jill C. MG 5.4 1.0 5,339 NF 57290 EN George W. Bush Wheeler, Jill C. MG 5.7 1.0 5,940 NF 57302 EN Wheeler, Jill C. MG 6.6 1.0 6,148 NF 77308 EN September 11, 2001: The Day That Changed America Seadogs: An Epic Ocean Operetta Wheeler, Lisa LG 2.9 0.5 2,245 F 8749 EN Wet Fire Wheeler, W.H. UG 3.2 1.0 9,989 F 53467 EN Angel on the Square Whelan, Gloria MG 5.6 8.0 48,359 F 122759 EN Disappeared, The Whelan, Gloria UG 5.3 4.0 28,201 F Page 153 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 7137 EN Goodbye, Vietnam Whelan, Gloria MG 5.2 4.0 25,999 F 35670 EN Homeless Bird Whelan, Gloria UG 5.3 5.0 34,459 F 89524 EN Listening for Lions Whelan, Gloria MG 5.7 7.0 45,280 F 131229 EN Locked Garden, The Whelan, Gloria MG 5.2 5.0 36,009 F 86855 EN White, Andrea MG 4.5 11.0 75,916 F 19 EN Surviving Antarctica: Reality TV 2083/No Child's Game Charlotte's Web White, E.B. MG 4.4 5.0 31,938 F 194 SP Stuart Little (Spanish) White, E.B. MG 6.0 3.0 18,841 F 19 SP telaraña de Carlota, La White, E.B. MG 4.4 5.0 31,938 F 90 SP trompeta del cisne, La White, E.B. MG 4.9 6.0 42,203 F 90 EN Trumpet of the Swan, The White, E.B. MG 4.9 6.0 42,203 F 25892 EN White, Ellen Emerson MG 6.5 5.0 31,318 F 138915 EN Voyage on the Great Titanic: The Diary of Margaret Ann Brady Paranormalcy White, Kiersten MG 4.1 10.0 72,883 F 43485 EN Comes a Wind White, Linda Arms LG 4.1 0.5 1,306 F 125728 EN Little Audrey White, Ruth MG 3.8 3.0 25,171 F 115458 EN Way Down Deep White, Ruth MG 4.8 6.0 38,971 F 6940 EN Ryan White: My Own Story White, Ryan UG 5.4 11.0 68,315 NF 7117 EN Once and Future King, The White, T.H. UG 7.4 41.0 234,940 F 20230 EN Sword in the Stone, The White, T.H. MG 7.5 16.0 90,876 F 102999 EN Whiteman, Dorit Bader MG 5.7 4.0 28,094 NF 5279 EN Lonek's Journey: The True Story of a Boy's Escape to Freedom Night Wiesel, Elie UG 4.8 4.0 28,404 NF 5060 EN Birds' Christmas Carol, The Wiggin, Kate Douglas MG 7.3 2.0 12,150 F 31417 EN Dog with Golden Eyes, The Wilbur, Frances UG 4.6 6.0 40,997 F 8478 EN Mummies & Their Mysteries Wilcox, Charlotte MG 6.8 1.0 6,489 115597 EN Fight Game Wild, Kate MG 5.0 9.0 62,179 NF F 7940 EN Selfish Giant, The Wilde, Oscar UG 6.4 0.5 1,642 F 497 SP Aquellos años dorados Wilder, Laura MG 5.6 10.0 64,225 F 212 EN By the Shores of Silver Lake Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 5.3 9.0 57,240 F 53 SP casa de la pradera, La Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 4.9 8.0 52,038 F 179 SP casa del bosque, La Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 5.3 5.0 33,167 F 5012 EN First Four Years, The Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 5.8 4.0 24,046 F 112 SP granjero de diez años, Un Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 5.2 9.0 57,504 F 179 EN Little House in the Big Woods Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 5.3 5.0 33,586 F 53 EN Little House on the Prairie Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 4.9 8.0 52,038 F 370 EN Long Winter, The Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 5.3 10.0 67,928 F 67 EN On the Banks of Plum Creek Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 4.6 8.0 55,214 F 67 SP orillas del río Plum, A Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 4.6 8.0 55,214 F 5012 SP primeros cuatro años, Los Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 5.9 4.0 25,683 F 497 EN These Happy Golden Years Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 5.6 10.0 63,345 F 526 EN Bridge of San Luis Rey, The Wilder, Thornton UG 7.1 5.0 31,879 F 115906 EN Aurora County All-Stars, The Wiles, Deborah MG 4.5 6.0 44,566 F 137204 EN Countdown Wiles, Deborah MG 4.4 9.0 59,266 F 85982 EN Each Little Bird That Sings Wiles, Deborah MG 4.5 6.0 41,376 F Page 154 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF F 74478 EN Adventures of King Arthur, The Wilkes, Angela LG 3.6 0.5 2,635 811 EN Wilkie, Katharine E. MG 4.5 4.0 25,207 NF 13712 EN Wilkie, Katharine E. MG 3.9 3.0 21,996 NF 14104 EN Wilkinson, Beth MG 7.6 1.0 7,316 NF 7135 EN Helen Keller: From Tragedy to Triumph Mary Todd Lincoln: Girl of the Bluegrass Careers Inside the World of Health Care Beauty and the Beast Willard, Nancy MG 5.9 2.0 12,814 F 14444 EN Visit to William Blake's Inn, A Willard, Nancy MG 4.5 0.5 2,407 F 69226 EN Willett, Edward MG 5.8 1.0 5,306 NF 127807 EN Skateboarding: Techniques and Tricks All Night Long (Revised Edition) William, Kate MG 4.9 4.0 27,281 F 127809 EN Dangerous Love (Revised Edition) William, Kate MG 4.5 4.0 30,260 F 17111 SP Demasiado perfecta William, Kate MG 4.8 4.0 25,998 F 17101 EN Double Love William, Kate MG 4.3 5.0 33,685 F 17108 EN Heartbreaker William, Kate MG 5.0 3.0 21,050 F 25501 EN Ms. Quarterback William, Kate MG 5.1 5.0 30,372 F 17103 EN Playing with Fire William, Kate MG 4.9 4.0 29,511 F 125749 EN Playing with Fire (Revised Edition) William, Kate MG 4.6 6.0 38,850 F 17104 EN Power Play William, Kate MG 4.4 3.0 22,387 F 17115 EN Promises William, Kate MG 4.5 3.0 23,157 F 17119 EN Showdown William, Kate MG 5.1 5.0 31,671 F 14854 EN Titanic Crossing Williams, Barbara MG 4.3 5.0 35,695 F 61201 EN Calendars Williams, Brian MG 6.2 1.0 6,590 NF 61204 EN Earth Time Williams, Brian MG 6.8 1.0 6,655 NF 61206 EN Latitude & Longitude Williams, Brian MG 6.8 1.0 6,762 NF 103072 EN Lightning Williams, Brian LG 5.1 0.5 2,127 NF 61207 EN Measuring Time Williams, Brian MG 6.5 1.0 7,309 NF 44062 EN Christmas in Heaven Williams, Carol Lynch MG 4.2 5.0 36,315 60612 EN Festivals of Mexico, The MG 6.7 1.0 6,444 NF 59804 EN Homes of the Native Americans MG 6.8 1.0 7,031 NF 59808 EN Native American Family Life MG 7.1 1.0 7,185 NF 59817 EN What the Native Americans Wore MG 7.0 1.0 6,623 NF 135338 EN One Crazy Summer Williams, Colleen Madonna Flood Williams, Colleen Madonna Flood Williams, Colleen Madonna Flood Williams, Colleen Madonna Flood Williams-Garcia, Rita MG 4.6 7.0 45,483 61896 SP colonia de Plymouth, La Williams, Gianna Polacco MG 5.6 1.0 4,693 NF 10992 EN Williams, Jeanne MG 8.1 8.0 43,905 NF 18754 EN Trails of Tears: American Indians Driven from Their Lands Behind the Bedroom Wall Williams, Laura E. MG 4.4 4.0 29,506 F 43416 EN Executioner's Daughter, The Williams, Laura E. MG 5.5 4.0 23,592 F 695 SP conejo de terciopelo, El Williams, Margery LG 4.9 1.0 3,877 F F F 695 EN Velveteen Rabbit, The Williams, Margery LG 4.9 1.0 3,877 F 128271 EN Bull Rider Williams, Suzanne Morgan MG 4.1 9.0 60,390 F 53446 EN Amber Was Brave, Essie Was Smart Williams, Vera B. MG 4.2 0.5 2,672 F Page 155 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 3.4 0.5 3,198 F MG 5.3 6.0 41,142 F Author IL Williams, Vera B. LG Willis, Patricia ATOS BL 71284 EN 14872 EN Stringbean's Trip to the Shining Sea Out of the Storm 121220 EN Afghanistan (Second Series) Willis, Terri MG 7.0 3.0 17,789 NF 115208 EN Kuwait (Second Series) Willis, Terri MG 7.0 3.0 17,209 NF 105544 EN Lebanon Willis, Terri MG 8.1 3.0 18,429 NF 7900 EN Leaving and Other Stories, The Wilson, Budge UG 5.8 7.0 44,118 F 73374 EN Flames of the Tiger Wilson, John Alexander MG 5.2 5.0 34,256 F 4477 EN Salem Witch Trials, The Wilson, Lori Lee MG 8.8 4.0 21,812 NF 120728 EN 100 Cupboards Wilson, N.D. MG 4.2 8.0 59,764 F 135418 EN Chestnut King, The Wilson, N.D. MG 4.5 17.0 115,986 F 128820 EN Dandelion Fire Wilson, N.D. MG 4.7 16.0 107,484 F 115148 EN Leepike Ridge Wilson, N.D. MG 4.8 7.0 49,165 F 18899 EN Old People, Frogs, & Albert Wilson, Nancy Hope LG 3.3 1.0 6,361 F 135926 EN Life in the Republic of Texas Wimberly, John MG 5.5 0.5 1,909 NF 114550 EN Winchester, Elizabeth Siris UG 5.1 1.0 6,447 NF 126452 EN Windham, Ryder MG 7.2 8.0 43,962 F 120997 EN Right Bite: Dentists as Detectives, The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi, The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader, The Windham, Ryder MG 7.4 7.0 42,772 F 86533 EN Adam Canfield of the Slash Winerip, Michael MG 5.4 9.0 59,049 F 136562 EN Brand-New Me!, A Winkler, Henry MG 4.9 4.0 27,301 F 122006 EN Winkler, Henry MG 4.9 5.0 34,258 F 135594 EN Life of Me (Enter at Your Own Risk), The Sonia Sotomayor: A Judge Grows in the Bronx Castle in the Attic, The Winter, Jonah LG 5.0 0.5 1,482 Winthrop, Elizabeth MG 4.9 6.0 37,413 Wirths, Claudine G. MG 5.4 1.0 7,120 Wise, William MG 5.3 3.0 22,759 F 160 EN 14118 EN 79575 EN NF F 942 EN Choosing a Career in Law Enforcement Christopher Mouse: The Tale of a Small Traveler Crazy For Chocolate (READ 180) NF Wishinsky, Frieda MG 5.0 2.0 16,396 NF 5946 EN Mind Trap, The Wisler, G. Clifton UG 4.2 4.0 27,136 F 12366 EN Mr. Lincoln's Drummer Wisler, G. Clifton MG 5.3 5.0 33,707 F 107317 EN Blind Faith Wittlinger, Ellen UG 4.5 10.0 65,690 F 9985 EN Lombardo's Law Wittlinger, Ellen UG 4.5 4.0 27,614 F 80 EN Shadow of a Bull Wojciechowska, Maia MG 5.2 5.0 32,720 F 86644 EN Wojtyla, Karen MG 7.4 8.0 45,094 NF 146491 EN Wolf, Allan UG 4.7 11.0 76,303 F 115398 EN Shark Life: True Stories About Sharks & the Sea Watch that Ends the Night: Voices from the Titanic, The Someone Named Eva Wolf, Joan M. MG 5.1 7.0 44,432 F 9466 EN Make Lemonade Wolff, Virginia Euwer UG 5.0 5.0 32,030 F 7012 EN Mozart Season, The Wolff, Virginia Euwer UG 4.5 10.0 69,896 F 45718 EN True Believer Wolff, Virginia Euwer UG 5.2 6.0 39,574 F 30241 EN Communicating on the Internet Wolinsky, Art MG 7.0 2.0 8,955 NF 31488 EN Creating and Publishing Web Pages on the Internet Wolinsky, Art MG 6.4 2.0 9,491 NF Page 156 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 30248 EN 31510 EN 128008 EN History of the Internet and the World Wide Web, The Locating and Evaluating Information on the Internet Tell Me Who Points Word Count F/NF 7.6 2.0 9,144 NF MG 7.5 2.0 9,054 NF Wollman, Jessica MG 4.2 7.0 46,058 Author IL Wolinsky, Art MG Wolinsky, Art ATOS BL F 74140 EN Thailand (Fiesta!) Wong, Cyril MG 6.5 1.0 4,803 127277 EN Into the Volcano Wood, Don MG 2.2 1.0 10,983 NF F 8536 EN Man Who Loved Clowns, The Wood, June Rae MG 5.1 7.0 46,581 F 135540 EN Mysterious Howling, The Wood, Maryrose MG 6.8 9.0 51,086 F 6939 EN Revolving Door Stops Here, The Wood, Phyllis Anderson UG 4.4 6.0 38,336 F 89265 EN Haunting of Alaizabel Cray, The Wooding, Chris MG 7.1 15.0 86,936 F 943 EN Malice Wooding, Chris MG 4.5 10.0 70,000 F 100129 EN Poison Wooding, Chris UG 6.3 13.0 81,139 F 109866 EN Storm Thief Wooding, Chris MG 5.8 13.0 81,701 F 4784 EN Animals of the Rain Forest Woods, Mae LG 4.2 0.5 1,393 NF 4787 EN Protecting the Rain Forest Woods, Mae LG 4.9 0.5 1,360 NF 6891 EN Woods, Samuel G. UG 5.5 1.0 7,533 NF 120399 EN Everything You Need to Know About Sexually Transmitted Diseases After Tupac and D Foster Woodson, Jacqueline UG 4.7 4.0 29,251 F 113352 EN Feathers Woodson, Jacqueline MG 4.4 4.0 26,624 F 11717 EN I Hadn't Meant to Tell You This Woodson, Jacqueline UG 4.1 3.0 20,121 F 25181 EN If You Come Softly Woodson, Jacqueline UG 4.0 4.0 28,934 F 64368 EN Locomotion Woodson, Jacqueline MG 4.7 2.0 11,056 F 41559 EN Miracle's Boys Woodson, Jacqueline UG 4.3 3.0 23,834 F 46154 EN Other Side, The Woodson, Jacqueline LG 2.7 0.5 629 F 127432 EN Peace, Locomotion Woodson, Jacqueline MG 4.7 3.0 21,087 F 81441 EN Oceans Woodward, John MG 7.6 2.0 10,210 NF 124458 EN Willow's Underwater World Woodward, Kay LG 4.8 1.0 6,008 20216 EN Christmas in Britain World Book Editors MG 6.5 2.0 13,305 NF 20213 EN Christmas in Canada World Book Editors MG 8.3 2.0 12,611 NF 20214 EN World Book Editors MG 7.6 2.0 8,760 NF 20217 EN Christmas in Colonial and Early America Christmas in Denmark World Book Editors MG 7.2 3.0 17,020 NF 20218 EN Christmas in France World Book Editors MG 7.4 3.0 16,923 NF 20226 EN Christmas in Spain World Book Editors MG 8.8 3.0 15,281 NF 20220 EN Christmas in the Holy Land World Book Editors MG 7.7 2.0 9,480 NF 20219 EN Christmas in Today's Germany World Book Editors MG 7.4 2.0 11,670 NF F 10832 EN Caine Mutiny, The Wouk, Herman UG 6.4 34.0 208,336 F 145580 EN Across the Great Barrier Wrede, Patricia C. MG 6.2 14.0 86,049 F 70368 EN Book of Enchantments Wrede, Patricia C. MG 5.6 8.0 51,495 F 8512 EN Calling on Dragons Wrede, Patricia C. MG 4.9 8.0 55,819 F 5917 EN Dealing with Dragons Wrede, Patricia C. MG 5.5 8.0 50,540 F 11726 EN Mairelon the Magician Wrede, Patricia C. UG 6.3 13.0 78,371 F 6991 EN Searching for Dragons Wrede, Patricia C. MG 5.3 9.0 57,489 F 20139 EN Talking to Dragons Wrede, Patricia C. MG 4.6 10.0 69,304 F Page 157 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 129882 EN Thirteenth Child Wrede, Patricia C. MG 6.0 14.0 86,615 F 257 EN Christina's Ghost Wright, Betty Ren MG 4.1 3.0 19,556 F 258 EN Dollhouse Murders, The Wright, Betty Ren MG 4.3 5.0 33,979 F 10896 EN Ghost Comes Calling, The Wright, Betty Ren MG 4.3 2.0 12,997 F 6364 EN Ghost in the House, A Wright, Betty Ren MG 4.4 5.0 32,392 F 5419 EN Ghost in the Window, A Wright, Betty Ren MG 5.5 5.0 31,942 F 10298 EN Ghost Witch Wright, Betty Ren MG 3.9 2.0 11,783 F 6611 EN Ghosts Beneath Our Feet Wright, Betty Ren MG 4.4 4.0 31,061 F 576 EN Pike River Phantom, The Wright, Betty Ren MG 4.4 5.0 32,115 F 6681 EN Scariest Night, The Wright, Betty Ren MG 4.4 5.0 35,261 F 5438 EN Secret Window, The Wright, Betty Ren MG 4.4 4.0 29,160 F 81855 EN Castles Wright, Rachel MG 6.2 1.0 3,899 NF 81859 EN Egyptians, The Wright, Rachel MG 6.7 1.0 4,705 NF 81860 EN Greeks, The Wright, Rachel MG 6.7 1.0 5,050 NF 81857 EN Knights Wright, Rachel MG 6.6 1.0 4,250 NF 81858 EN Pirates Wright, Rachel MG 5.9 1.0 4,071 NF 81862 EN Vikings, The Wright, Rachel MG 6.4 1.0 4,748 NF 31321 EN Stephen King Wukovits, John F. UG 8.4 3.0 18,693 NF 29524 EN Adventures of Sojourner, The Wunsch, Susi Trautmann MG 7.8 1.0 5,921 NF 112913 EN Rex Zero and the End of the World Wynne-Jones, Tim MG 4.1 6.0 39,807 F 121378 EN Rex Zero, King of Nothing Wynne-Jones, Tim MG 3.6 6.0 43,674 F 16194 EN Some of the Kinder Planets Wynne-Jones, Tim MG 4.8 5.0 30,608 F 137586 EN Poser Wyshynski, Sue MG 3.2 8.0 59,166 F 569 EN Here at the Scenic-Vu Motel Wyss, Thelma Hatch MG 4.4 4.0 29,744 F 129414 EN Yaccarino, Dan LG 4.8 0.5 953 F 30531 EN Fantastic Undersea Life of Jacques Cousteau, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Yamamoto, Mitsu MG 5.6 3.0 16,813 F 30555 EN Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Yamamoto, Mitsu MG 5.4 3.0 16,728 F 30535 EN Great Expectations Yamamoto, Mitsu MG 5.6 3.0 18,470 F 124102 EN Alfred Kropp: The Thirteenth Skull Yancey, Rick MG 4.6 9.0 64,376 F 102415 EN Yancey, Rick MG 4.9 10.0 64,543 F 133603 EN Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp, The Monstrumologist, The Yancey, Rick UG 7.0 18.0 104,366 F 111766 EN American Born Chinese Yang, Gene Luen MG 3.3 1.0 8,229 F 128540 EN Absolutely Maybe Yee, Lisa UG 3.7 8.0 61,755 F 73256 EN Millicent Min, Girl Genius Yee, Lisa MG 5.8 8.0 51,612 F 114629 EN So Totally Emily Ebers Yee, Lisa MG 3.9 9.0 61,356 F 102425 EN Stanford Wong Flunks Big-Time Yee, Lisa MG 3.8 9.0 67,175 F 32475 EN Case of the Lion Dance, The Yep, Laurence MG 4.8 7.0 48,426 F 358 EN Child of the Owl Yep, Laurence MG 5.5 10.0 61,477 F 41782 EN Cockroach Cooties Yep, Laurence MG 3.7 3.0 20,874 F 7041 EN Dragon of the Lost Sea Yep, Laurence MG 5.8 6.0 39,281 F 10113 EN Dragon's Gate Yep, Laurence UG 5.3 10.0 66,348 F 54611 EN Dragon Steel Yep, Laurence MG 5.8 8.0 51,856 F 28467 EN Dragon War Yep, Laurence UG 5.9 11.0 70,473 F Page 158 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 111 EN Dragonwings Yep, Laurence MG 5.3 10.0 68,278 F 106102 EN Yep, Laurence MG 3.7 2.0 17,371 F 934 EN Earth Dragon Awakes: The San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, The Hiroshima Yep, Laurence MG 4.9 1.0 10,000 F 14596 EN Later, Gator Yep, Laurence MG 4.0 3.0 23,431 F 70573 EN Lost Garden, The Yep, Laurence MG 7.1 7.0 38,402 NF 30711 EN Rainbow People, The Yep, Laurence MG 4.8 6.0 38,864 F 18252 EN Ribbons Yep, Laurence MG 4.7 6.0 38,755 F 32912 EN Serpent's Children, The Yep, Laurence UG 5.2 8.0 52,932 F 11543 EN Thief of Hearts Yep, Laurence UG 4.6 6.0 40,149 F 129995 EN Escape Under the Forever Sky Yohalem, Eve MG 5.2 6.0 39,174 F 29539 EN Armageddon Summer Yolen, Jane UG 5.2 9.0 59,720 F 6998 EN Devil's Arithmetic, The Yolen, Jane MG 4.6 6.0 38,286 F 6666 EN Dragon's Boy, The Yolen, Jane MG 5.8 3.0 21,251 F 6313 EN Encounter Yolen, Jane LG 4.2 0.5 1,329 F 6313 SP Encuentro Yolen, Jane LG 4.2 0.5 1,329 F 14470 EN Hobby Yolen, Jane MG 5.0 2.0 14,422 F 12475 EN Merlin and the Dragons Yolen, Jane MG 4.2 0.5 3,048 F 5532 EN Owl Moon Yolen, Jane LG 3.2 0.5 751 F 68293 EN Yolen, Jane MG 5.1 10.0 68,004 F 966 EN Sword of the Rightful King: A Novel of King Arthur How Do Dinosaurs Go to School? LG 2.3 0.5 200 F 121142 EN Good Enough Yolen, Jane and Mark Teague Yoo, Paula UG 5.1 7.0 48,956 F 87481 EN Yoo, Paula LG 5.2 0.5 1,807 NF 48124 EN Young, Donald MG 8.0 2.0 10,216 NF 121397 EN Sixteen Years in Sixteen Seconds: The Sammy Lee Story Sierra Club Book of Our National Parks, The STORM: The Infinity Code Young, E.L. MG 4.2 10.0 72,564 F 2533 EN Top 10 Basketball Shot-Blockers Young, Jeff C. MG 6.5 1.0 6,545 NF 9804 EN Dirt Bikes Young, Jesse MG 4.5 0.5 1,985 NF 9808 EN Harley-Davidson Motorcycles Young, Jesse MG 5.2 0.5 2,139 NF 9812 EN Indy Cars (Cruisin') Young, Jesse MG 4.6 0.5 1,216 NF 9825 EN Motocross Racing Young, Jesse MG 4.7 0.5 1,485 NF 9835 EN Stock Cars Young, Jesse MG 4.6 0.5 1,876 NF 9836 EN Street Bikes Young, Jesse MG 5.3 0.5 1,923 NF 144596 EN Blood Red Road Young, Moira UG 2.9 12.0 95,445 F 938 EN Shack, The Young, William Paul MG 4.0 7.0 50,000 F 148776 EN Space Between, The Yovanoff, Brenna UG 5.1 13.0 85,452 F 2436 EN Guide to Owning a Siamese Cat Yule, Brenda MG 7.9 3.0 15,017 NF 17772 EN Friends, The Yumoto, Kazumi MG 4.1 6.0 40,478 F 58627 EN Zamojska-Hutchins, Danuta MG 7.0 1.0 4,486 120293 EN Cooking the Polish Way (Revised Edition) Sweethearts Zarr, Sara MG 4.4 7.0 51,944 75492 EN Bodyguard Zeigler, Heidi MG 6.1 1.0 3,675 NF 67694 EN Hang Gliding (X-Treme Outdoors) Zeigler, Heidi MG 5.6 1.0 3,792 NF NF F Page 159 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Monday, August 12, 2013 2:11:52PM School: Cathey Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 6141 EN Rumpelstiltskin Zelinsky, Paul LG 4.0 0.5 1,042 F 117440 EN Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac Zevin, Gabrielle UG 4.6 10.0 68,391 F 14197 EN Zickgraf, Ralph MG 6.4 1.0 9,063 121144 EN William Gates: From Whiz Kid to Software King How Not to Be Popular Ziegler, Jennifer UG 4.6 11.0 76,073 F 134280 EN Donut Days Zielin, Lara MG 5.2 8.0 52,237 F 115269 EN Reaching for Sun Zimmer, Tracie Vaughn MG 5.8 2.0 10,431 F 14537 EN Doom Stone, The Zindel, Paul MG 5.2 5.0 33,207 F 46858 EN Gadget, The Zindel, Paul UG 4.5 4.0 25,615 F 11723 EN Loch Zindel, Paul UG 5.4 6.0 35,894 F 57139 EN Night of the Bat Zindel, Paul MG 5.4 3.0 22,718 F 8580 EN Pigman's Legacy, The Zindel, Paul UG 5.7 6.0 39,436 F 780 EN Pigman, The Zindel, Paul UG 5.5 6.0 35,766 F 80142 EN Undertaker's Gone Bananas, The Zindel, Paul MG 6.5 8.0 51,112 F 145574 EN Circle of Fire Zink, Michelle UG 5.6 14.0 90,047 F 138675 EN Guardian of the Gate Zink, Michelle UG 5.7 13.0 85,962 F 131597 EN Prophecy of the Sisters Zink, Michelle UG 5.4 13.0 82,180 F 121289 EN Eels Zobel, Derek LG 2.3 0.5 226 NF 11022 EN Zonderman, Jon MG 6.7 1.0 4,823 NF Zullo, Allan MG 5.8 5.0 32,477 NF Helen Keller & Anne Sullivan: Working Miracles Together 113041 EN Surviving Sharks and Other Dangerous Creatures Number of Quizzes: 6,253 NF
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