a year of mixed performance - Epsilon
a year of mixed performance - Epsilon
C, ' p OZ.O C) 0 Republic of France A YEAR OF MIXED PERFORMANCE Report on the 1991 French National accounts English Edition = t, INSTITUT NATIONAL ECONOMIQUES Republic of France Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques B BLIOTIiÉOUF A YEAR OF MIXED PERFORMANCE REPORT ON THE 1991 FRENCH NATIONAL ACCOUNTS ENGLISH EDITION Directeur de la publication: Jean-Claude Milleron © Copyright 1992 by Insee. Ail rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microfilm, xerography, or any other means, or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose other than those defined in article 41 of the French copyright law of March 11, 1957, without the written permission of Insee. 2 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUN'IS Note to the English edition At the end of June, Insee issues the Rapport sur les comptes de la Nation (report on national accounts), which analyzes the economic developments of the preceding year and serves as the basis for preparing the country's next budget. The report is prepared by the Institute on behalf of the French government and in collaboration with the Direction de la Prévision (finance ministry forecasting office), the Comptabilité Publique (government accounting office), and the Bank of France. The full report on the 1991 accounts, drafted under the supervision of Laurent Caussat and Philippe Mills, contains the following sections: • The standard year-in-review section. • Three special chapters: A summary of the determinants of employment and unemployment trends in France in the 1980s. - A study on the need to control social spending and on the ways of doing so: France's social spending is now growing faster than its national product and the compensation of employees. A review of the latest developments in the theory of growth. • Twenty-six notes on individual topics, grouped under five sections: 1.Econômic activity and enterprises. Features a summary of French government policy toward business, an analysis of the role of equity, and the latest figures on French investment abroad and inward investment in France. 2. Prices, wages and salaries, employment, and household income. discusses such issues as the differentials in price movements by economic sector, and the rising indebtedness of French households. 3.The international environment and external trade. Analyzes the structural causes for the fall in non-energy commodity prices, the conditions for the convergence of Europe's economies, and the role of tourism in the French external balance. 4.Money markets and financial markets. Focuses on the improved returns on life-insurance policies and the contraction in housing loans. 5. General government. Reviews factors affecting the government's economic and social programs, such as the rising budget deficit, the impact of the decentralization program begun in 1982, and the funding of the current social security system and unemployment insurance. To order copies of the original French edition, please use the order form (page 27). This English abstract of the year-in-review section was prepared by Edmonde Naulleau (Insee) and Jonathan Mandelbaum (translator and editorial consultant). 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS 3 nnïtib ti t ;-, I '"ii 't 1) tu,i)c✓ r;t L f tlrin ,~ •'j :' r'' j'',.,.t :i l )('f' 5(11 • t iir9nKru{9r•,L, .7S~bid IX9n r',r1u 'J ;r' trnt~:r ; ni t7s inyrnn ~eilit,' )701 rlr , i ;i!'. .. . 11m :1' .. .: njFf lrlt 1IUI , •:-if: l•, nu, 'I /1317I- 31'! , ,.: tu h1l, , . -, . tl „ i.. I1'.1)1';: j'.. Ill ii! flt; t il' t;1..1 '-_ n t. CONTENTS Sharp slowdow in France's real economic growth Business investment : a sizable drop Household income consumption : a deceleration Export : the most dynamic component of demand Nominal growth in aggregates broadly under control Reduction in the nations net borrowing Moderate financial flows and market stability A distinct deceleration in wages, salaries, and prices Spiraling social security expenditures The worsening employment situation 7 7 12 15 16 19 19 22 24 25 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS 5 SHARP SLOWDOWN IN FRANCE'S REAL ECONOMIC GROWTH The growth in domestic demand slowed sharply from mid-1990, reaching an annual average of only 1.1% in 1991 after averaging 4.1% in the five preceding years. Ail demand components weakened: the hardest hit was business investment, which shrank 3.8% from its third-quarter 1990 peak to year-end 1991, but household spending was also significantly affected (table 0). Changes in inventories were fairly erratic during the year, but their overall contribution to growth was slightly negative as company managers responded to uncertainty by drawing them down. In contrant, external trade provided sizable support to economic activity in 1991. The slump in foreign demand was partly offset by gains in market share during the second half, while the sag in domestic demand sharply curtailed import growth (chart Q). Business investment: a sizable drop The business investment rate recorded its first decline in 1991 since 1985. Last year, the investment rate of private enterprises lost one percentage point to 16.8%, just higher than in 1987 and still well above its 1984 level of 14.2% (chart ©). Executives scaied down their equipment expenditure plans. The adjustment was partly due to the relative deterioration in corporate performance, already perceptible in 1990 in the form of narrower margins and declining solvency. Another aggravating circumstance was the persistence of a high cost of funds: according to the Bank of France, interest rates on medium- and long-term 91.2 91.3 91.4 -0.2 1.6 0.6 -1.6 1.1 3.1 0. I -1.7 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.6 1.0 0.9 I.I -0.7 -0.4 0.8 -0.2 -1.4 -1.3 -0.4 -0.4 -0.8 1.3 -0.6 2.2 3.0 1.0 -0.1 0.0 0.6 8.4 1.9 3.8 2.1 9.6 0.2 0.8 -0.0 0.1 (1.6 0.6 91.1 Applications Market gross domestic product Imports Sources Household consumption Government consomption Total gross fixed capital fromation of which : corporate and unincorporated enterprises Households excduding unincorporated enterprises orner Exports Change in inventories (FFbn) Domestic demand (incl. inventories) Ressources e and uses of market goods and services, 1991. Quarterly real growth rates at 1980 prices Source : Quarterly accounts, detailed founh-quarter results, Insec 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS 7 O Contributions to GDP growth I 2 0 -2 (I) In real terms ut previous year's prices. 1990 Source .• Comptes de la Nation 1991, Insee 1991 8 Investment rate 1 (%) 22 2/ 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 ' 1IIl1l1l111I 11111 I 70 7/ 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 8/ 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 (1) Ratio of gross fixed capital formation to value added. Corporate and quasi-corporate enterprises, excluding large public-sector firms. Source : Comptes de la Nation 1991, Insee 8 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS corporate loans averaged 10.61% in 1991 compared with 10.58% in 1990. Between 1990 and 1991, the productive capacity utilization rate slipped from 86.5% to 83.4%. Overall corporate investment lost 4.3% in real tenus in 1991, with particularly steep falls of 17.1% in mechanical engineering and 14.9% in the electrical and electronics equipment industries (table ©). The corporate self-financing ratio moved up a modest 1.3 points after a twoyear decline, as investment receded more sharply than gross saving (-2% and -0.7% respectively) (chart ®). The downturn in the corporate saving rate was notably due to higher labor costs and financial charges (chart 0). The trend in the allocation of value added between wages and profits has been less favorable to enterprises, possibly on account of the lag shown by employment in adjusting to slower growth-a phenomenon especially visible in manufacturing. The rise in real wages and salaries-net of productivity gains-accounts for nearly all the erosion of the operating margin (chart ©). The slight increase in the share of intermediate consumption in value added has played only a small role in that trend. The growth in the insolvency ratio of private enterprises in 1991 confirms the worsening of corporate financial positions over the part three years (chart O). 1983-1987 1988 1989 1990 -1.65 11.60 7.45 13.20 5.90 20.2 7.5 3.3 26.1 24.5 -4.6 10.0 5.6 8.5 9.0 5.5 13.3 12.1 13.3 7.4 -6.1 -9.7 -15.0 -2.3 -9.7 7.3 13d 6.5 10.8 -9.4 Construction Wholesale/retail trade Otherservices 1.30 8.90 12.00 16.1 -2.6 15.0 4.1 5.6 13.1 -2.3 1.4 1.5 -6.6 -3.7 -0.4 Total services 11.2 10.8 11.5 1.5 -1.1 8.0 10.9 9.6 3.9 -4.3 Agriculture and fonds Iintermediate goods Producer durables Automotive Consummer gonds Total Industry (excluding energy) GRAND TOTAL 1991 Productive investment by branch Average annual real growth rates al 1980 prices. corporate and quasi-corporate enterprises. Source : Comptes de la Nation 1991. !nsee. 1991 NATIONALACCOUNTS 9 Self-tinancing ratio * (%) 110 100 Self-financing ratio 90 in the strict sense (1) 80 _ A \ i % I 60 Self-financing ratio in the broad sense (2) l~ \/ 50 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Ratio of gross saving to gross fixed capital formation. (1) Ratio of (gross saving + capital transfers) to (gross fixed capital formation + change in (2) inventories + purchases of land and intangible assets). (*) Corporate and quasi-corporate enterprises, excluding large public-sector firms. Source: Comptes de la Nation 1991, Insee © Corporate saving rate I (%) /9 - /8 17 /6 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 (1) Ratio of gross saving to value added. Corporate and quasi-corporate enterprises, excluding large public-sector firms. Source : Comptes de la Nation 1991, Insee 10 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS © Operating (%) 33 margin (profit margin) 1 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 (1) Ratio of gross operating surplus to value added. Corporate and quasi-corporate enterprises, excluding large public-sector firms. Source: Comptes de la Nation 1991, Insee 45 O Incidence (%) of finance charges 40 35 30 25 20 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 (1) Ratio of finance charges to gross operating surplus. Corporate and quasi-corporate enterprises, excluding large public-sector firms. Source: Comptes de la Nation 1991, Insee 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS II While the corporate borrowing requirement for operations and internai growth (investment) diminished in 1991, external growth through shareholding acquisitions and equity investments remained buoyant. French companies have been handicapped in their self-financing capability by the steady decline in their saving rate since 1989. As a result, they have financed their growth largely via stock issues and medium-to-long-terra credit. That marks a shift from 1983-88, when the growth in operating margins allowed firms to reduce their debt significantly (table 0). Household income and consumption: a deceleration Household income did flot experience the full impact of the slackness of the economy in 1991. Indeed, the share of household disposable income in GDP edged up to 68.8% from 68.1% in 1990 (chart e). There was a markeddeceleration in real household income, which gained only 1.8% compared with 3.2% in 1990 and 3.9% in 1989. The slowdown stemmed from higher tax levies as well as the weaker growth of gross compensation of employees, gross operating surpluses of unincorporated enterprises, and property and entrepreneurial income (table ©). % of value added Private firms sources and applications of funds Average 1989 1990 1991 16,6 2,7 3,1 2,1 0,2 19,4 8,0 8,3 1,9 0,3 19,3 6,5 6,9 4,0 0,8 18,3 6,6 5,5 0,9 0,1 14,1 0,6 5,4 3,4 1,5 -0,3 17,2 0,8 7,4 7,9 4,6 0,0 16,0 0,9 6,9 6,5 6,6 0,6 15,4 1,0 7,3 7,5 0,6 -0,4 1984-1988 Sources Investmentt Equity purchases Working-capital requiement2 Liquid assets an investments3 Balancing item Applications Gross saving Net capital transfers Equity issues Long- and medium-term debt Short-term debt Negotiable debt4 (1) Gross fixed capital formation and net purchases of land and intangible assets. (2) Change in inventories and commercial loans (including the hard-to-interpret "accounting discrepancies" item). (3) Includes mutual-fund shares. (4) Bonds and money-market instruments. Corporate and quasi-corporate enterprises, excluding large public-sector firms. Source : Comptes de la Nation 1991, Insee 12 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS 74 (%) O Grosshousehold disposable income as share of GDP 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 70 80 75 85 89 90 91 Source : Comptes de la Nation 1991, Insee r/ Gross wages and salaries (a) Social security contributions actually paid out (b) Net wages end salaries ((a) - (b)) Social benefits received Income and wealth taxes Property income 2 Gross operating suplus of unincorporated enterprises Gross diposable income 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 0.7 2.7 2.8 3.5 1.5 6.8 -0.3 0,4 1.3 4.4 5.0 2.2 3.8 - 2.4 2.8 8.0 1.8 2.1 2.0 16.0 3.8 3.4 3.0 2.7 4.9 -0.2 1.8 3.5 14.53 3.8 0.8 0.4 3.1 3.2 7.1 3.9 2.3 3.2 0.4 1.8 Real household O disposable income : main components 1 (I) Annual growth rate. The deflator applied is the consumer price using the previous year's consomption pattern. (2)Dividends + interest + land income + profit-sharing. (3)Includes contribution sociale généralisée or CSG (new social security tax on total income). 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS 13 Household consumption: a dip in 1991 Growth in household consumption slowed to a modest 1.3% in real terms last year, continuing a downward trend begun the previous year, when the figure slipped to 2.6% from 3.1% in 1989. Durable goods were principally responsible for the slowdown. Consumption's share of GDP, however, rose slightly in 1991 (chart 0). Saving rate: steady recovery since 1987 The household saving rate has been on an upward course since 1987, reaching 12.6% in 1991 after 12.2% in 1990 (chart O). Financial saving made a decisive contribution to that advance, its share of household income rising from 2.8% in 1990 to 3.8% in 1991 due to the credit squeeze 1. The variation in liquid saving was practically null, and the ratio of investment to household income was down from the previous year. Meanwhile, the nonfinancial saving rate declined. 0Household consumption as share of GDP 62 (%) 61 60 59 58 57 56 70 75 80 85 89 90 91 Source .• Comptes de la Nation 1991, lnsee 1. Thefinancial saving rate is equal to the change in assets minus the change in liabilities. In accounting terras, a contraction in credit means an increase in financial saving. 14 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS 22 21 20 19 Q Household saving rate (%) 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 14 10 ll 12 i ♦ 10 Non-financial saving rate ; ♦ Residential investment rate (I) 8 Financial saving rate 6 ......... 4 2 0 70 75 80 85 89 90 91 (1) Household residential investment = gross fixed capital formation of households minus that of unincorporated enterprises. Source: Comntes de la Nation 1991. Insee Exports: the most dynamic component of demand After the deterioration in the balance of trade in goods and services in 1990, France registered an improvement in both categories last year. The contribution of external trade to GDP growth became positive again, reaching 0.4 points as in 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS 15 1989. While merchandise exports and tourism revenues performed well, the good overall result for 1991 is also largely due to the slump in imports, which affected goods, services, and tourism expenditures. Exports: a nearly one-point contribution to real GDP growth The positive trade pattern is largely due to the growth in merchandise exports-up 4.5% in real terms-and in particular to the 4.9% real jump in exports of industrial products. These results, made possible by the continued firmness of global demand in 1991, reflect a distinct improvement in export performance during the year. It should be noted, however, that the sharp growth in tourism "exports," up 4.8% in real terms, had a fairly significant impact on the overall result. On balance, the one-point contribution of exports to growth was modest by comparison with its contributions of 2.0 points in 1988, 2.7 points in 1989, and 1.5 points in 1990. Imports: a very limited negative contribution Imports grew moderately in ail major categories-including goods (up 2.7% by volume), services (up 1.2% by volume), and tourism expenditures (down 2.1%). This sluggishness was tied to the weakness of French domestic demand. The overall 0.5-point negative contribution of imports to GDP growth was well below their negative contributions of 2.4 points in 1988, 2.3 points in 1989, and 1.8 points in 1990. NOMINAL GROWTH IN AGGREGATES BROADLY UNDER CONTROL Further reduction in French-German interest-rate differentials Nineteen-ninety-one saw continued tightening of monetary links in Europe, notably between France and Germany. For the fifth year in a row, the parities of the French franc, Deutsche mark, and several other European Monetary System currencies underwent no realignment, thus boosting EMS credibility at least for the low-inflation countries. This convergence was illustrated by the further narrowing of interest-rate differentials between France and Germany. The only increase in the German rate that the Bank of France was obliged to match was an 0.5-point rise in December-the last one of the year. 16 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Spectacular reduction in the external trade deficit After a slight deficit in 1990, the balance of trade in goods and services moved back into surplus under the effect of improvements in both the goods account and the services account (table ©). The deterioration in the capital-income account was offset in 1991 by one-time revenues linked to the Gulf war. In consequence, the current account registered a significant improvement as well. For the first time since 1984, the manufacturing trade account posted a sharp recovery in 1991 (table O). The energy bill continued to rise despite the 9% annual average fall in the dollar price of oil. The positive trend in energy prices was offset by three factors. First, the dollars average level in 1991 remained slightly higher than in 1990. Second, France imported larger quantities of oil, particularly as a result of restocking by petroleum companies. Lastly, the price of gas, which is set with a lagged indexation on oil prices, incorporated in 1991 the sharp increases of year-end 1990. The total agriculture and food surplus shrank mainly as a result of a smaller surplus on the basic agricultural products account. FFbn (current)* 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Gonds -34 -66 -71 -94 -101 -87 Services 86 73 75 102 99 106 Total gonds and services 52 7 4 8 -2 20 Balance of trade in goods and services (I) CIF-FOB balance : includes ship and aircraft fueling. excludes miscellaneous. Source: Comptes de la Nation 1991. Insee FFbn (current) 1989 1990 1991 48.13 34.11 14.02 51.01 34.52 16.49 44.30 28.48 15.82 -83.27 -93.05 -94.64 -55.91 -39.09 -19.18 17.33 3.57 -15.57 -26.63 27.23 4.55 -57.41 -40.23 -24.87 25.15 5.55 -14.09 -31.63 28.26 3.00 -33.92 -26.06 -9.16 33.15 9.00 -12.46 -34.06 14.67 2.25 CIF-FOB balance -86.50 -96.45 -82.01 FOB-FOB balance -43.94 -49.57 -30.19 Agricultural and food procucts, of which: Agricultural products Agrifoods industrv products Energy Manufactured gonds. of which : Intermediate goods Producer durables Land transportation equipment. Automobiles Consumer durables Consumer nondurables Militay equipment Miscellaneous Source : of which: Balance of merchandise trade French customs 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS 17 Favorable effects of German reunification In 1991, the growth in total domestic demand was flot significantly greater among France's major partners than in France itself: French domestic demand moved up 1,0 % versus 1.5% for the eleven EC partners and 1.2% for the fourteen OECD partners 2. The special context created by German unification, however, gave a powerful impetus to world demand for manufactured goods weighted by French market share. Trade surplus with the EEC In 1991, France made spectacular progress along the dual course first charted the previous year-a reduction in its bilateral deficit with Germany and a narrowing of its deficit with the European Economic Community as a whole. For the first time since 1975, France's exports to ihe EEC exceeded its imports from that zone. The surplus for 1991 came to FF1.8 billion (table ©). However, the deficit with OECD excluding the EEC worsened, principally on account of the widening deficit with the U.S.-which, at FF48 billion, became France's biggest bilateral deficit. Meanwhile, the deficit with Japan remained stable at FF29 billion. Similarly, the deficits with OPEC countries and with Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union stayed virtually unchanged at FF13 billion and FF17 billion respectively for 1991. France's trade surplus with non-OPEC developing countries jumped from FF8 billion to over FF12 billion. 0 FFbn (current) French trade balance by broad geographic area1 EEC 1989 1990 1991 -55.2 -38.5 1.8 -100.6 -82.3 -39.2 OECD excluding EEC -54.1 -64.9 -81.5 of which -49.8 -64.4 -75.4 -9.3 -11.4 -12.7 of which inanufacturing 7 29.8 33.0 34.8 Developing countries excluding OPEC 7.8 12.4 ofwhich : manufacturing 1 12.9 32.8 30.8 35.1 Countries with planned economies -8.0 -17.2 -16.8 4.3 -2.7 -4.6 of which OPEC of which : manufacturing t : manufacturing t : : manufacturing t (1) Excludes military equipement and miscellaneous. Source : French customs (2) OECD figures weighted by individual country shares in French exports. 18 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Reduction in the nation's net borrowing Positive trend in invisibles trade and recovery in the basic balance The trade surplus in invisibles improved in 1991 but remained well below its 1989 level (table 0). The narrowing of the current-account deficit, coupled with a reduction in debt transfers and cancellations3 , led to a improvement in the basic balance despite smaller net inflows of long-term capital (table O). Net direct investment, down sharply for the past few years, posted a sizable gain in 1991. French investment abroad shrank approximately FF40 billion, while direct inward investment returned to its 1989 level, gaining FFI2 billion on 1990. Moderate financial flows and market stability Nineteen-ninety-one witnessed a distinct moderation in financial and investment flows consecutive to the slowdown in activity. Non-financial agents, notably enterprises, improved their financial positions, while interest rates remained relatively high. The latter phenomenon was a factor in the stagnation of new issues on the financial market. Steep interest rates also undoubtedly contributed to the very sharp cutback in loan growth, as credit institutions became more selective in their response to heightened lending risk. Sizable slowdown in credit growth Total lending to non-financial agents expanded 5.8% in 1991 compared with 9.8% in 1990 and 9.3% in 1989. Credits to households grew 2.5% versus 7.9% in 1990 and 7.6% in 1989. The deceleration was even more pronounced for cash advances and related facilities: these bore the full impact of the banks restrictive credit policy in a context marked by overindebtedness and the constraints of the Cooke ratio requirements 4. Business loans, cash facilities in particular, also decelerated but less significantly, expanding 7,5% as against 14.8% in 1990 and 13.1% in 1989. FFbn (curreut) 1989 1990 1991 Services effectively traded Tourism Total services 63.3 38.8 102.0 56.2 42.8 99.0 55.7 50.6 106.3 Distributive transactions -35.3 -72.4 -60.8 66.7 26.6 45.5 -27.4 -74.2 -41.2 Total invisibles National net borrowing © Balance of trade in invisibles Source : Bank of France. Economics and Finances Ministry (3)Debt cancellations in the public and banking sectors, as well as lusses on debt transfertransfers in the banking sector, are booked under "distributive transactions" in the national accounts. In the balance of pavments, thev are recorded aniong "capital transfers while their counterparts are shown under "long-terni loans" (4)The Cook is the prescribed ininimum ratio of equitv to debt for commercial ban fs. 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS 19 Balance of payments' FFbn (carrent) 1990 1991 -52.9 -29.9 56.4 -32.3 -3.2 35.8 A - Commercial credits B - Direct investment { 1. French investment abroad 2. Foreign investment in France 7.5 -98.3 -/47.6 12.4 -47.4 -108.6 C -Other investment (public sector) -2.9 -3.9 -5.3 8.7 -9.9 -1.6 /9.6 -22.3 /56.5 -46.1 79.0 -62.6 1 - Current transactions Il - Capital transfers 111 - Long-term capital flows D - Loans 1.Private non-hanking .sector 2. Banking sector 3. Public sector E - Securities transactions 1. Foreign 2. French 3. Conditional instrument - Basic balance (I + Il + 11I) V - Short-term capital flows of private sector and balacing item VI - Total balance (IV + V) VII- Change in external monetary position IV A - Banks B - Public sector 49.4 -6.5 202.5 61.1 -4.3 - 143.8 -2,3 -26.4 0.4 -64.0 -90.4 90.4 0.4 0.8 -0.8 149.4 -30.6 -58.9 29.9 (I) Provisional figures tabulated April 10. 1992. (2)The balance of payments records the economic and financial flows between residents and nonresidents. Its scope differs from Chat of the national accounts. as it includes both metropolitan France and its overseas départements and territories (3)Direct investment abroad include startups of enterprises or local units. acquisitions of equity stakes of at least 20 % in existing foreign enterprises. and parent-company financing of subsidiaries in the form of loans or contributions to their capital increases. Source : Bank of France. Economics and Finances Ministry Contraction of monetary aggregates accentuated by the enduring success of the Plan d'Epargne Populaire and life-insurance products France registered a major slowdown in monetary-aggregate growth as a result of three factors: the lesser increase in credits, the lasting success of the tax-sheltered saving plans known as Plans d'Epargne Populaire (PEPs), and the steady flow of short-term investments abroad by non-financial agents. M3 growth plunged from 8.1% in 1990 to 3.6% in 199l. The overall deceleration in monetary aggregates was accentuated by the recovery in some categories of resident non-financial agents long-term investments-such as stock or bond mutual funds, or direct investments in the financial market-and in the sustained success of other categories, such as life-insurance products and PEPs. (5) M3 comprises money and near-money excluding liquid investments. Growth rates ares expressed as twelve-month changes on. fourth-quarter averages. 20 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Financial market stability New bond issues came to FF330.5 billion in gross terms in 1991, down FF6.5 billion from the previous year. Net issues totaled FF189.6 billion, or FF16 billion less than in 1990. The downward trend is linked to the fairly sizable fallback in bond investment by non-residents on the domestic market, which sank from FF67 billion to FF19 billion, even as residents increased their borrowing on international markets by over FF20 billion. The contraction in bond issues is chiefly attributable to credit institutions, which trimmed their net new domestic bond issues to FF60 million from FF84 billion in 1990. General government, on the other hand, increased its bond debt from FF80 billion to FF87 billion, a development related to the worsening central-government deficit and the yield-curve inversion. As a result, the general government's share of total new bond issues expanded from 38.8% in 1990 to 45.8% in 1991. New equity issues rose to FF242 billion from FF228 in 1990. The Paris Bourse CAC 40 index gained 16% for the year after losing 24% in 1990. The increase in new-issue volume was solely generated by the issuance of unlisted shares reserved for selected subscribers. Meanwhile, non-residents continued to invest in French equities: the inflow of funds reached FF97 billion, up FF16 billion on 1990. The year 1991 was marked by a sharp reduction in purchases of short-term (i.e. money-market) mutual funds. Part of the explanation lies in the unusually high level of purchases recorded in 1990, when France launched capitalized mutual funds and greatly reduced the tax exposure on money-market instruments. The downturn was probably amplified by the increase in management fees charged to fund investors. By contrast, net purchases of bond and stock mutual funds became positive again, moving from -FF17.2 billion in 1990 to FF17.8 billion in 1991. The distinct improvement in stock- and bond-market performance stimulated purchases. Disintermediation of corporate financing... As financial institutions have curtailed their loan growth and have been increasingly obliged to pay market rates for their funds, their interest-rate margins have remained virtually stagnant. This pattern was offset, however, by the growth in commission income. The financial account of enterprises shows a relative disintermediation of corporate financing. The proportion of resources procured on capital markets rose from 42% in 1990 to 50% in 1990, with equity funding single-handedly jumping from 29% to 40%. .and consolidation of households 'financial investments The analysis of households financial investments confirms the consolidation trend observed in 1991: - Liquid instruments, including money-market funds, have been distinctly reduced. - Investment flows recorded in the PI aggregate rernain significant, particularly for contractual saving plans-which gained FF 15 billion in 1991 compared with FF6 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS 21 billion in 1990-and PEPs, whose success has endured despite a slowdown in inflows after the startup period from FF109 billion in 1990 to FF90 billion in 1991. - Life-insurance instruments continued to grow briskly, accounting for 60% of households financial investment flows in 1991 compared with 41% in 1990. - Financial-market investments have recovered slightly. A distinct deceleration in wages, salaries, and prices In 1990, wage and salary growth had been relatively strong in comparison with economic expansion. In 1991, the gap narrowed significantly. Disregarding pay adjustments implemented in the course of 1991 but agreed upon previously, basic-wage growth appears to have returned last year to a rate roughly equivalent to that of prices. Slower growth in nominal wages and salaries... From mid-1990 to early 1991, the twelve-month change in the basic monthly wage stayed at 5% 6. In the course of 1991, it eased to 3.8%. In the central-government civil service, pay increases applied in the course of 1991 came to 2.4% in 1991 compared with 3.9% during 19907. Assuming an unchanged age distribution of the workforce 8, private-sector pay rose 4.3% over the previous year, compared with 4.9% in 1990. In the central-government civil service, increases ranged between 3.3% and 3.9% after 4.0% in 1990. Including seniority effects, the average compensation of employees actually at work rose 6.5% in 1991 versus 6.1% in 1990 in the private sector, and 6% versus 5.4% in central government. ...partly reflected in real wages The decrease in wage and salary growth on a constant-workforce basis was partly offset by price deceleration. As a result, the wage-price growth-rate differential in constant francs narrowed from 1.5% in 1990 to 1.1% in 1991 in the private sector and from 0.8% to 0.7% respectively in the public sector. The rate of employee social-security contributions, which averaged 16.7% in 1989 and 1990, edged down to 16.0% in 1991. The combined total of social security contributions and the new social security tax called contribution sociale généralisée or CSG represented 16.9% of wages and salaries in 1991. Net real compensation after CSG rose on average by just under one percentage point in the private sector and remained stable in the public sector. (6)ACEMO surveyfigurey. (7)The civil-service pay index takes into account both the general provisions and statutory provisions for special categories of employees, excluding allowance premiums. (8)This statistical procedure eliminates the distortion induced by the "career effect" in yearon-year comparisons of pay raines. 22 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS French inflation rate among the lowest in 1991 In 1991, France's retail price index rose 3.1% December-over-December and 3.2% on an annual average, compared with 3.4% for both indicators in 1990 (9). After two years of more robust increases, consumer prices have thus fallen back to their 1987-88 growth rates. The fall in energy prices-after their 1990 surge-contributed 0.6 points to the deceleration in the overall index. France's price performance in 1991 puts its inflation rate among the world's lowest. Apart from the downturn in energy prices, the key development in prices was the deceleration in private-sector services from 5.4% in 1990 to 4.8% in 1991-their lowest level since fall 1989. In the course of the past two decades, such moderation has hardly been matched except for the period just prior to the lifting of price controls in 1987. Growth in food prices stabilized at an annual 3%. Private-sector manufacturedgoods prices accelerated from 2% to 2.9%. However, after adjusting for VAT variations, the acceleration came to only 0.2 points, from 2.6% to 2.8%. The underlying rate of inflation, which excludes energy and food products, advanced from 3.2% to 3.6%, but only from 3.5% to 3.6% after adjustment for VAT effects. Increase in the budget deficit and government net borrowing Total government net borrowing increased by two-thirds between 1990 and 1991 despite the one-time payment of FF21.5 billion in debt cancellations to less developed countries, which burdened the deficit in 1990 (table 1). The accounts of the social security funds registered a shift from a net lending position of FF8.7 billion in 1990 to a net borrowing position of FF14 billion in 1991. The FF22.7-billion deterioration was partly due to a 7% surge in unemployment benefits. FFbn (current) 1990 Central government lncluding (FSC)' Excluding FSC % of GDP Miscellaneous central government agencies -117.3 -112.7 -1.7 1991 - 130.6 -131.6 -1.9 +18.2 +12.0 Local govemment -1.4 -7.2 Social security funds +8.7 -14.0 -87.2 -1.3 -140.8 -2.1 Total general govemment (excluding FSC) % of GDP (1) FSC : Fonds de Stabilisation des Changes (foreign-exchange stablilization fund). Source : Comptes de la Nation 1991. lnsee Unless otherwise specified, the price changes listed in this subsection are expessed on a twelve-rnonth basis rather than an animal average or annualized basis. (9) ® Generalgovernment net borrowing (-)/ lending (+) by subsector Excluding the foreign-exchange stabilization fund (FSC), the central government deficit widened by about FF20 billion from 1990 to 1991 as expendituresoutpaced revenues by 4.1% versus 2.9% respectively. The sharp slowdown in economic activity affected tax receipts. Taxes linked to production rose onlyl.7%, while net VAT collection edged down 0.4%. Corporate and individual income taxes registered contrasting patterns. Receipts from the net tax on corporate profits shrank 16%-reflecting the poor results of 1990, provisions for expected adverse results in 1991, and a cut in the tax on distributed earnings. By contrast, receipts from individual income tax jumped 25.9% under the combined effect of robust earnings in 1990, deferred taxes on 1989 income, and the institution of the contribution sociale généralisée in 1991, which brought in FF29.7 billion.* Excluding the CSG, a levy allocated directly to social benefits, the growth in individual income tax revenues came to 15%. The ratio of public spending to GDP, up 0.5 points in 1990, gained another 0.9 points last year. More than half of the increase was attributable to social benefits, the remainder to EC transfer payments, aid to developing countries, and the public debt service. Compensation to government employees as well as investment rose by 0.1 points of GDP but their respective rates of increase, 5.5% and 5.9%, remained stable compared with 1990. The rate of compulsory contributions has been virtually static for the past three years, totaling 43.9% of GDP in 1991 (table (D). Spiraling social security expenditures Social security levies measured by actual social contributions now represent over 20% of French GDP, up from only 12.7% twenty years ago. One-fifth of the national wealth created each year is therefore channeled through the varions social insurance funds to be distributed as social benefits. The increase in this summary indicator gives an idea of the sustained pace of social spending in the course of the last two decades. In the same period, the share of social benefits in gross household disposable income has climbed from 23% to 34%. A similar trend is observed in OECD countries as a group, although some have begun stabilizing their social expenditures. Compulsory levies FFhn (current) Taxes (a) of which Central government Local governsnent Social contributions' (b) Total general-government compulsory Levies (c = a + b) Levies for EEC (d) Total compulsory levies (c+d) 1988 1989 1990 1991 22.9 22.7 22.6 22.3 /6.7 5.9 /6.6 6.0 /6.4 6.0 15.9 6.2 19.7 19.9 20.1 20.4 42.6 1.2 43.8 42.6 I.1 43.7 42.7 0.9 43.7 42.7 1.2 43.9 (1) Social security contributions proper + taxes for funding social security agencies. Source : Comptes de la Nation 1991, Insee 24 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS This sharp upward spiral has major economic consequences. The 1991 figures reflect its immediate impact on the financing of social security funds, as well as the ensuing efforts to control spending more closely and improve financing procedures. To meet its borrowing requirements-aggravated by the economic slowdown-the system was obliged to increase the employee contribution to the health insurance fund by 0.9 points as from July 1, 1991. Meanwhile, numerous measures have been planned or enacted to tighten the control of health insurance spending. The measures trimmed expenditures by about FF4 billion in 1991. The government and the health insurance funds also signed a protocol on October 25, 1991, laying down guidelines to promote "control of rises in health insurance expenditures." Within that framework, agreements have already been signed with some medical professions that should allow a reduction of nearly FFI billion in health spending in 1992 relative to its trend level. The ambiguities of local government financing France's governmental decentralization, begun ten years ago, has largely influenced the pattern of public revenues and expenditures. Since 1982, local government spending has risen by an annual average 3.5% in real terms, central government spending by only 1.3%. Capital outlays have been especially buoyant, in particular since 1985, when local authorities were made responsible for school facilities, for transportation infrastructure investment, and for improving the functioning of local community facilities. The burden of debt service has also climbed steeply for local authorities, rising from 7.6% to 8.4% of their spending between 1980 and 1990. The surge was due to the abolition of low-interest loans and the increase in real interest rates. The sustained growth in spending has had as its counterpart a sharp increase in two revenue components: first, local taxes proper, which moved from 3% of GDP in 1981 to 4% in 1991, and now represent over half of local-government operating revenues; second, transfers of central-government tax receipts to local communities, up from 1.% to 2.2% of GDP between 1981 and 1991 THE WORSENING EMPLOYMENT SITUATION The slowdown in French growth since mid-1989 has affected employment with a lag of about one year. Layoffs resume in manufacturing and construction The manufacturing industry, harder hit than other sectors by the cyclical downturn, responded by cutting nearly 100,000 jobs, in contrast to the very slight reductions of 1990. Apart from a few intermediate-goods industries such as glass, paper, and cardboard, job fosses ranged across the entire manufacturing sector. 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS 25 Meanwhile, market services continued to hire in 1991, although at a slower pace. Despite a deceleration at the start of the year, job creations in market business services remained buoyant, gaining 4.1% in 1991 versus 6.6% the year before. Market services to individuals, a sector that tends to be more immune to economic cycles, registered a slight slowdown in employment growth, with a dip from 2.7% in 1990 to 2.4% in 1991. "Employment-solidarity contracta" stimulate the nonmarket services sector With an employment growth rate of 1.8% in 1991, nonmarket services are the only sector to have improved their 1990 figure. This performance is a result of the rapid build-up in the "employment-solidarity contracts" program (contrats emploi-solidarité or CESs). By year-end 1990, there were 170,000 CES beneficiaries at work, plus 5,000 holders of community jobs known as travaux d'utilité collective or TUCs. By year-end 1991, the total had risen to 245,000. However, the slower growth in the central-govemment workforce and, possibly, some substitution effects between CES-holders and other wage- and salaryeamers dampened the growth rate of nonmarket employment. Nonwage and nonsalary jobs continued their rapid downward course. The number of farmers seems to have kept falling at the came sustained pace of 4-5% a year recorded rince 1988. Conversely, nonwage and nonsalary employment in other sectors apparently continued to play the "cyclical shock absorber" role observed in recent years, its rate of decrease having slowed in manufacturing and construction. Rising unemployment: a reflection of job losses in manufacturing and the sharp growth in the workforce After a three-year decline, unemployment began rising in mid-1990 and its growth rate accelerated in 1991. By year-end, the unemployment rate had climbed 0.9 points to 9.8% of the workforce, representing 235,000 additional jobless. The expansion of the workforce calculated from this unemployment estimate and from the employment-level estimate seems greater than the trend increase inferred from population changes and from shifts in economic-activity behavior. Yet statisticians have observed no unusual influxes of new job-seekers-whether young people or adult women-in the labor market. Furthermore, the quantitative impact of employment policy measures on the workforce was practically neutral in 1991. The number of unemployed eligible for training and job-finding programs has actually diminished, whereas the retraining programs for dismissed employees have been expanding. However, the surge in the number of "employment-solidarity" contracts may have created pressures in the labor market, with young people preferring to leave school for half-time jobs paid on a minimum-wage basis. Overall, the employment trend may have been more negative than initial estimates suggest, and the increase in the ILO-defined unemployment rate may also need revision. 26 1991 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Original 2-volume French edition of 1991 A year of mixed performance Volume 1 : Une année en demi-teinte (paperback, 16 x 24 cm, 288 pp.) FF160 •French economic performance in 1991 •28 notes with charts and tables on 1990 - 91 developments •Chronology of the year's main economic events in France and the world Volume 2 : Comptes et indicateurs économiques (paperback, 21 x 29,7 cm, 392 pp.) FF 230 •Detailed statistical results Prices include postage and packing. Payement must be enclosed with your order. Checks and international money orders are accepted. They must be denominated in French francs. Return the form below to : Insee CNGP BP 2718 80027 Amiens cedex France Please send me ❑ copies of Vol. 1: Une année en demi-teinte x FF 160 each. ❑ copies of Vol. 2: Comptes et indicateurs économiques x FF 230 each. ❑ copies of 1991 : A year of mixed performance x FF 50 each. Name................................................................. Organization ......................................................... Adress................................................................ ........................................................................ Town.................................................................. PostalCode.......................................................... Country............................................................... Date ........................ Signature REVUE MENSUELLE DE L'INSEE Alors que Michel Rocard a promis pour le printemps prochain l'ouverture d'un , Grenelle » des retraites, l'offensive des partisans de la retraite par capitalisation Prend une a1nplcor nouvelle. • r choePé! etatoPtotedue Ea1 ~ UNE NOUVELLE maD"e.,m a partir de 1983 ■ — COMM ER.CFS es que la campagne moins équipé oc D6vo\leremf,pul D~"B~ls \KDm9ve. catj5%v,an e ente ae Da1DaMe, c,o~ssa\ ae2`~,~as kmenl JJ ns lf e,"lfafnce ee\e 9m1e5 `919. W's ae \?W a50°5s E1S e1f \\e.cl tieel A^ 905 a D GO 91R ` a Q ~ ' 10 r\I 0 19BS i Y• ~ 1~ D 1 \INSEE, \ 1 I ü a E \ .ael • 9 D De e ô. u n ° v9aaD~ nlieues LeY aDa 2) fos enR de recrluer ll; r egttipelucnl Ji,.Ç piller lnt~e ylre !rr nra7' de rtrt. EMPLOI Un industriel sur deux si. n 1 p xadumai ~ 44 h) se contront• à ob liter eu uso i~•er ~eu cea D "ne w. ~ Plàs d'une entreprise industr' recmtem ~ déclare ee à des is de la Période . de ~",r, t 198q 7gg6• indique E I I ItP mie et statistique n insistes /ûllletune aou )ode I d lTri AI \fit lés 11 11 d~ 1 sd d j ~~~ ddP d d éy I.. d"' d Îa 1 PP loç des chltl dhq, Ix ENQUETE v 44CaduÇ, Les Français travaillent l ~~ ,•,,~ SJ,~, irrrl,l II • ii RODUCTIVITE \_I de plus en p de Laup da Ordre !! sire irler L'ACTUALITE LA RETRAITE PAR CAPITALISATION a, productivité a repris modérément i11j1111 ESS p0sslFBB Aii(~uE~T M RO QUI V LA DUREE HEBDOMADAIRE DU TRACAIL oser E d R ~~ urPUrs .i ('inseed constate U Alors que/es éc ~~~ er rvpi u essouffl Progr~ technique 1»11 . 1 1 r. vn I D F J dd I ssa !~. P I M I 1 I 1. 1 11 11 A RETOURNER A INSEE CNGP - AMIENS BP 2718 . 80040 AMIENS CEDEX France : 410F ❑ Etranger 513F Nom ou Raison sociale Adresse : Code postal I ' I Pays I ji Commune Ci-joint mon règlement à l'ordre de l'INSEE Signature : Date : e~e onomistes s ,opposent sur / rapport 'e croit '/nsee sur /a productivité vien travailleur foufo u .ale t t edhni er mars /e P ogres technr us /e dnt e r /a pcomme. otl un uct vcal 4 e Sent ralent te +r i ❑ Veuillez enregistrer mon abonnement à "ECONOMIE ET STATISTIQUE" pour 1 an (l 1 numéros) au prix de ❑ edis lr.,nC bilan quarto b ,uehes ❑ Etranqer avion : 628F q r• F• DEUX SIÈCLES DE TRAVAIL EN FRANCE DE L'EXODE AGRICOLE A LA TERTIARISATION DE L'EMPLOI, LES ÉTAPES DE LA MUTATION Ii TRAVAIL DEUX SIÈCLES DE EN FRANCE 0iivierMARCHANDetClaudeTHÉLOT l 4 Série INSEE-ETUDES 204 pages, format 16 x 24, 140 F • UNE ANALYSE ORIGINALE ET RIGOUREUSE SUR LONGUE PÉRIODE • UNE ANALYSE HISTORIQUE DE L'EMPLOI • DES RÉSULTATS QUI BOULEVERSENT CERTAINES IDÉES REÇUES. 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Signature BULLETIN D'ABONNEMENT A retourner à : INSEE - CNGP BP 2718 80027 AMIENS Cedex Nom, Prénom Société Activité Adresse complète INSTITUT NRTft1r/\1 TARIF 1992 UE STRTISTIUUE ET UES ÉTUDES ÉCUNOMIQUES LES PUBLICATIONS [ LES PÉRIODIQUES INSEE PREMIERE En 4 pages, la primeur des données et conclusions essentielles tirées des travaux de l'INSEE sur les qui font l'actualité thèmes Abonnement (60 numéros) France : 446F- Etranger.- 558F- Étranger avion : 718 F ECONOMIE ET STATISTIQUE Revue centrale de l'INSEE, ses articles traitent de sujets couvrant un vaste champ de la réalité sociale et économique de notre pays sans oublier la dimension européenne. Abonnement 1 an (11 numéros) Édition sur papier .• France : 410EÉtranger avion : 628 F Étranger : 513 F INSEE RESULTATS Les données détaillées des enquêtes et opera titis statistiques de !'INSEE. INSEE RÉSULTATS col articulé vit 5 thèmes : • Economie générale • Démographie- société • Consommation-modes de vie • Système productif • Emploi-revenus. Il est possible de s'abonner u un, plusieurs ou mus les thcnms . Abonnement INSEE RÉSULTATS Économie générale (20 numéros) France : 1 365 F - Étranger : 1 706 F - Étranger avion : 1 981 F Démographie-Société 17 numéros! France : 478 F - Étranger : 598 F - Étranger avion : 693 F Consornmatian-Modes de vie (8 numéros! 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'; -,,ORLÉANS A POUR EN SAVOIR PLUS consultez l' INSEE dans votre région ou: A TAPEZ A P rrmRS CLERMOXF FERRAND LYON LIMOGES MONTPELLIER BORDEAUX TOULOUSE 36.15 OU 36.16 A MARSEILLE A A CODE INSEE AJACCIO ALSACE 14, rue Adolphe-Seyboth, FRANCHE-COMTÉ HAUTE-NORMANDIE Immeuble "L.e Major', 83, rue de Dole, 67084 STRASBOURG CEDEX 8,quai de la Bourse, BP 1997, 25042 BESANCON CEDEX 76037 ROUEN CEDEX Tél.: 88 52 40 40 Tél.: Indices courants 88 22 43 53 Tél.: Indices courants 81 52 03 33 Tél.: Autres informations 81 52 42 20 AQUITAINE 33, rue de Saget, 33076 BORDEAUX CEDEX LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON 274, allée Ilenri II de Montmorency, "Le Polygone", 34064 MONTPELLIER CEDEX Tél.: Indices courants 56 91 84 90 Tél. Autres informations 56 91 89 90 7'él.: 35 52 49 94 Tél.: Indices courants 35 98 41 10 Tél.: Indices courants 67 64 64 53 Tél.: Autres informations 67 64 31 95 AUVERGNE 3, place Charles de Gaulle, BP 120, LIMOUSIN Adresse Postale : 29, rue Beyrand, 63403 CHAMALIERES CEDEX Tél.: 73 31 82 82 Indices courants 73 31 82 99 PAYS DE LA LOIRE 87031 LIMOGES CEDEX 105, rue des français libres, 87031 LIMOGES CEDEX Tél.: 40 41 75 75 Tél.: Autres informations 40 41 79 80 Accueil :50, avenue Garibaldi, BOURGOGNE BP 2189, 44204 NANTES CEDEX 02 Tél.: Indices courants 55 32 99 09 Tél.: Autres informations 55 79 26 25 2, rue Boche, 21000 DIJON :80406748 l'él.: Indices courants 80 40 67 40 PICARDIE 1, rue Vincent Auriol, LORRAINE 15, rue du Général Ilulot, 80040 AMIENS CEDEX Tél. :22913939 BP 3846, 54029 NANCY CEDEX BRETAGNE Immeuble "Le Colbert", 36 place du Colombier, BP 17, 35031 RENNES CEDEX Tél.: Indices courants 99 29 33 66 Tél.: Autres informations 99351500 Tél.: Indices courants 22 91 91 91 'I'él. :8391 85 85 Tél.: Indices courants 83 27 21 21 POITOU-CHARENTES MIDI-PYRÉNÉES 86020 POITIERS CEDEX 3,rue du Puygaureau, 36, rue des 36 Ponts, 31054 TOULOUSE CEDEX 7'él.: 61 36 61 13 Tél.: Indices courants 61 25 42 67 CENTRE 43, avenue de Paris, BP 6719, 45000 ORLÉANS CEDEX 2 Tél.: Indices courants 36 68 18 28 Tél.: Autres informations 38 54 54 65 ILE-DE-FRANCE OEP, Tour "Gamma A", 195, me de Bercy, 75582 PARIS CEDEX 12 Tél.: Indices courants (1) 43 45 70 75 Tél.: Réévaluation et indexation (1) 43 45 72 31 'fél.: Autres informations (1) 43 45 73 74 Tél. : 49 88 38 71 et 72 Tél.: Indices courants 49 88 38 70 PROVENCE-ALPES-COTE D'AZUR 17 me Menpenti, 13387 MARSEILLE CEDEX 10 NORD-PAS-DE-CALAIS 10-12 boulevard Vauban, 59800 LILLE 1, rue de l'Arbalète, 51079 REIMS CEDEX Tél. : 26 48 42 80 Tél.:2030 89 87 Tél.: Indices courants 20 63 97 36 Tél.: Indices courants 91 78 01 95 Tél.: Autres informations 91 83 00 22 CORSE BASSE-NORMANDIN 69401 LYON CEDEX 03, CHAMPAGNE-ARDENNE RHÔNE-ALPES 165, rue Garibaldi, BP 3196, 93-95 me de Géale, 1, résidence du Parc Belvédère, BP 306, 20176 AJACCIO CEDEX Tél.: 95 50 44 50 Tél.: Indices courants 95 50 44 55 (Cité administrative de la Part-Dieu) Tél.: 78 63 23 33 Tél.: Indices courants 78 63 22 01/04 Tél.: Autres informations 78 63 22 02/03 14000 CAEN CEDEX Tél. : 31 85 35 70 Tél.: Indices courants 31 23 87 00 ♦ ANTILLES-GUYANE INSEE : Direction Inter-Région Tour Secid, hème étage, Place de la rénovation, BP 863 t 97175 POINTE-A-PITRE CEI 'l'él.: 19.59091 5980 GUADELOUPE IEIEFELEFI I IiEU'I M'1IE1EfliliIfIf kifIH[If ~. 41!_11 i l j '? INSEE / Service Régional Rue Paul Lacavé, BP 96 9710: Tél.: 19.590 81 42 50 •., t_i 1' 7212 DEX $M'EII f oral AINTE-CLOTILDE C. 3028u Dép ar....... ..........................~.. T' ~7~prn~ p 18, bd Adolphe Pinard E UW LIUEJ ES 75675 Paris Cedex 14 - FRANCE E O~ S acr.. fi n /Ya ir ou ou Fax : (1) 41 1766 66 Télex : 204 924 P INSEE 0 In a difficult international context. French economic activity slowed in 1991. Gross domestic product (GDP) rose 1.2% in real ternis compared with 2.2% in 1990 and 3.8% in 1989. The business investment rate declined by one percentage point, but real household income succeeded in gaining 1.8%. Thanks to buoyant German demand and gains in conipetitiveness, France was able to reduce its trade deficit. This good performance reflects the efforts to restrict nominal increases in key variables in recent years: inflation has been kept at close to 3% since 1987; France's public debt and budget deficit are among the lowest in the OECD; but the economic slowdown sharply aggravated the general government deficit in 1991. On balance, therefore, the French economy is poised to respond promptly to an upturn in the global environment. That optimistic assessment is, however, clouded by the surge in unemployment, which makes 1991 appear as a year of mixed performance. This booklet, specially prepared for English-speaking readers, provides a convenient summary of the year-in-review section of the original 1991 Rapport sur les comptes de la Nation, issued by Insee on behalf of the French government. 9 782110 660701 ISSN 1 140 5252 / IBSN 2-II-066070-6 / RAPCNA 91 / Price FF30 M m O O Z —1 I m