october So El Monte - City of South El Monte
october So El Monte - City of South El Monte
NOVEMBER 2013 ❖ Published Monthly by the City of South El Monte Construction to Begin on the Modern Town House Community Construction of the proposed townhome community “The Goldwyn” is scheduled to begin in late fall in South El Monte by Warmington Residential Company. The proposed residential development will construct 116 new houses located at the former Golfland site on Durfee Avenue just west of the South El Monte High School. The Townhome development will provide a welcome alternative style of living by creating three-story houses with landscaped Paseo and common open space areas to a site that has been vacant for the past several years. The proposed project is well designed, representing a quality residential development that will promote ownership opportunities and aids with the City’s strategic long-term objectives to address current and future housing needs of the community. The stylish town house neighborhood of 116 three-level homes within a gated setting will feature a community park with play area, barbecues, walking trail and gardens. Three floor plans will offer approximately 1,702 to 1,862 square feet with 3 to 4 bedrooms, three and one half bathrooms, and 2-space direct access garages. Prices have not yet been announced but are anticipated to begin from the high $300,000’s. Due to its convenient location in South El Monte, which is approximately 12 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, and excellent access to local freeways for commuters travel in all directions, including the San Bernardino Freeway (10), Pomona Freeway (60), and the San Gabriel River Freeway (605), The Goldwyn is expected to have broad appeal. Locals who want to buy a new home or commuters who are looking to gain added proximity to Los Angeles and its surrounding commerce centers will appreciate having this new and exciting home ownership option. The Goldwyn is slated to open for sales in spring of 2014. Warmington Residential is inviting interested parties to visit HomesByWarmington.com to join a community interest list. Those on the list will receive regular updates by email containing important information. City of South El Monte and the Sheriff’s Department Veterans Day Ceremony Monday, November 11, 2013 11:00 a.m. Front lawn of City Hall 1415 Santa Anita Avenue, South El Monte For additional information, please call 626.579.2043. General Municipal Election RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER ECRWSS PERMIT #87 EL MONTE PAID City of South El Monte 1415 Santa Anita Ave. South El Monte, CA 91733 PRSRT. STD U.S. POSTAGE Tuesday, November 5, 2013 Host Neighborhood Watch and Safety Meetings As part of efforts to make South El Monte safer and strengthen partnerships with residents, the City of South El Monte and the Sheriff’s Department have hosted a series of Neighborhood Watch and Safety Meetings throughout the community this year. The meetings are overseen by Sheriff’s Department personnel assigned to South El Monte, which include Special Assignment Sergeant Jim Dexter, Special Assignment Deputy Julian Ayon and School Resource Deputy Ricardo Cantano, who provide crime prevention and safety information that help residents stay safe and offer tools and resources needed to implement Neighborhood Watch programs. It’s a collaborative and proactive initiative to curb crime and empower residents to take an active role in their neighborhood’s safety. “South El Monte residents are the eyes and ears of their neighborhood,” said one city official. “Their participation and partnership with law enforcement and the City is vital to keeping our community safe.” “The partnership between the residents of South El Monte and the Sheriff’s Department is critical when addressing crime trends in the community. We are working together to identify problem areas and to educate the residents on the types of crimes to be aware of,” said Sergeant Jim Dexter. Neighborhood Watch programs encourage residents to be vigilant, take note of unusual or suspicious activity and to report it to the Sheriff’s Temple Station at (626)285-7171. Neighborhood Watch is by no means a vigilante type organization. The confrontation of suspicious persons or the apprehension of criminals should be left to the deputies from the Sheriff’s Department. In case of an emergency, please call “911.” Community members, who are interested in hosting a Neighborhood Watch and Safety Meeting in their neighborhood, please contact Special Assignment Deputy Julian Ayon at (626)285-7171 or via email at [email protected]. City Website A Virtual City Hall The City of South El Monte’s new website at www.ci.southel-monte.ca.us is a “virtual City Hall,” that connects residents, visitors, or businesses with a variety of information about city events, initiatives, programs and resources in the city with just a click. The website is vital a tool that allows individuals to be civically engaged. Some highlights of the new website include: • A different and refreshing look with many new features and faster service to access information. • A dedicated calendar for City and Community Events on the home page. • Online services such as SEED (South El Monte Services Direct), which allows residents, visitors and businesses to submit questions, suggestions, compliments, concerns, or track an existing request online. • Additional information to choose from, including the City’s budget, State of the City Address, Public Notices, BIDS and RPS, current projects, city services, and more. • Links to the City’s social media sites including Facebook and Twitter. Future plans for the website include a registration and payment system where residents will be able to register for recreation programs as well as be able to reserve a city facility for a special occasion and for pay for such services online. So, explore the website! Visit www.ci.south-el-monte.ca.us South El Monte News Page 2 South El Monte News South El Monte News is published monthly by the City of South El Monte. It is mailed to every business and residence in the City of South El Monte. South El Monte News is also mailed to all interested local, state and county officials. We welcome comments, press releases and community interest stories and will make every effort to include all appropriate information. For story ideas and translations, contact: Jennifer E. Vasquez Assistant City Manager City of South El Monte 1415 N. Santa Anita Ave. South El Monte, CA 91733 Telephone: (626) 579-6540 [email protected] MAYOR Luis “Louie” Aguiñaga MAYOR PRO-TEM Angelica R. Garcia COUNCILMAN Hector Delgado COUNCILMAN Joseph J. Gonzales COUNCILMAN Willhans Ili ◆◆◆◆◆ South El Monte News is not responsible nor liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for product availability that may be advertised. Opinions expressed in columns, letters and guest editorials are those of the author. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Important Phone Numbers Animal Control SEAACA (562) 803-3301 Anonymous Narcotics Tip Line (626) 292-3375 Code Enforcement Message Hotline (626) 652-3119 Chamber of Commerce (626) 443-0180 Fair Housing Council (626) 579-6868 Fire Department (626) 444-2581 Graffiti Removal Hotline (626) 579-7418 Hospital (626) 579-7777 Library (626) 443-4158 Los Angeles County Social Programs 211 Los Angeles County Assessor (South El Monte Office) (626) 258-6001 Los Angeles County Household Hazardous Waste (888)CLEAN LA Post Office (800) 275-8777 Sheriff’s Temple Station (626) 285-7171 Vector Control (562) 944-9656 UTILITY COMPANIES: Electricity — Edison Phone — AT&T Trash — Athens Services Water — San Gabriel Valley Water Gas — The Gas Company Time Warner Cable (800) 655-4555 (800) 310-2355 (626) 336-6100 (626) 448-6183 (800) 427-2000 (888) 255-5789 November 2013 City Council Meetings Upcoming City Council Meetings Tuesday, November 12, 2013 There will be no City Council Meeting on November 26, 2013 due to lack of quorum. The City Council holds regular meetings at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Agenda meetings are held in the Council Chambers inside City Hall. Special meetings are convened at other times as announced. You may now use your smartphone, iPad, or any mobile device to hear the audio of the City Council meetings as the meeting is in progress by going to the City’s website www.ci-south-el-monte.ca.us and clicking on the City Council agenda link. City Commission Meetings Planning Commission - Meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Community Services Commission –Meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Patriotic Commission - Meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Please refer to the City website www.ci.south-el-monte.ca.us for further information on Agendas and Meeting Minutes City Council Presentation Alenhy Guzman, 10, winner of the last raffled bike for the City of South El Monte Bike Ride program for 2013. Bike rides with the Mayor and City Council will restart in February 2014. Upcoming Yard Sales Saturday, December 7th & Sunday, December 8th The next yard sale dates permitted by the City of South El Monte are scheduled for Saturday, December 7th and Sunday, December 8th. Operating hours for a yard sale are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. A permit is not required to conduct a yard sale. All merchandise must be kept on private property and not on public right-of-way such as streets and sidewalks. Only two advertising signs (not exceeding 6 sq. ft) may be used and can only be placed on the site conducting the sale. Signage cannot be posted earlier than 24 hours prior to the sale and must be removed on or before 5:00 p.m. on the last day of the yard sale. Individuals who fail to comply with the City’s yard sale regulations are subject to an Administrative Citation, which can range from $100 to $500. For additional information, contact the Code Enforcement Department at 626.652.3119. Local City Facilities City Hall 1415 N. Santa Anita Ave. (626) 579-6540 Monday – Thursday 7:00 am – 5:30 pm Community Center 1530 Central Ave. (626) 579-2043 Monday - Friday 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm Corporation Yard 1900 Central Ave. (626) 444-3158 Monday – Thursday 6:00 am – 4:30 pm Mini Center 1824 Central Ave. (626) 652-3156 Monday - Friday 11:30 am - 6:30 pm Public Safety Center 1443 Santa Anita Ave. (626) 652.3111 Monday-Friday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm & 5:00 pm -7 pm Senior Center 1556 Central Ave. (626) 448-0131 Monday – Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Election Information • NOW THROUGH NOVEMBER 5, 2013: REGISTRATION PERIOD FOR NEW RESIDENTS & NEW CITIZENS A new California citizen or resident may register to vote at the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s office. • NOW THROUGH NOVEMBER 5, 2013: EMERGENCY VOTE BY MAIL A voter may apply for a Vote By Mail ballot if conditions require his or her absence from the precinct on election day. • NOVEMBER 5, 2013: ELECTION DAY Polls Open 7:00 a.m. Polls Close 8:00 p.m. • ONLINE RECOURSES: www.lavote.net - Download Sample Ballot - Verify Voter Registration - Polling Place Look-up - Request Vote By Mail Ballot Upcoming Holiday Closures All City facilities will be closed on the following holidays: November 11th, Veterans Day and November 28th, Thanksgiving Day November 2013 South El Monte News Page 3 Notice of Nominees for Public Office South El Monte News Page 4 November 2013 Are you ready for the rain? Building Permits The rainy season in California typically starts from late October through March, bringing the majority of the yearly rainfall to the region. During the winter rainy season, not only Californians face the risk of flooding and mudflows that can damage homes and businesses, but waterways and beaches might be polluted due to stormwater pollution. During months of dry weather, various of pollutants have been accumulated in the gutters or on the streets. Among them are cigarette butts, dog wastes, food wrappers, and oil stains from leaky cars. Once the first rain hits the ground, not only all the pollutants get washed away to nearby gutters and eventually to rivers, creeks and the ocean endangering marine and people's health, it also creates the chance of storm drain overflow. Building permits are required for all new construction, repairs, additions, and alterations to existing construction. Property owners should always first review their building requirements with City Planning staff before commencing a project. The cost of building permits depends on the nature and scope of the work being done. A building permit ensures that specific construction standards are in compliance with City Municipal Code, LA County Code, and California State Building Codes. These standards are intended to protect the integrity of the buildings and the welfare of the community. Once a permit has been issued, the City’s Building Inspector will inspect the work for compliance. Failure to obtain a permit when required by law will result in fines, penalties and even demolition of unauthorized construction. Fines will be given for each violation. Below is a list of recommended measures you may follow to ensure a safer and cleaner winter: • Check your sprinkler system and fix broken ones as necessary. Turn the sprinkler off when it rains, or install a rain sensor that will shut off your sprinkler system automatically. • Do not apply pesticides or any chemical to lawns and gardens before watering or predicted rainstorms. • Clean out leaves from roof and gutters so they don't clog the drain. Make sure you clean the outdoor area with a broom, not a hose. • Recycle unwanted or old hazardous products, such as used motor oil, filters, paint, paint thinner, pesticides, pool chemicals, used Sharps and unwanted or expired prescriptions at a Household Hazardous Waste Roundup Event hosted by the Los Angeles County. For more information on upcoming Household Hazardous Waste Round events near you or to visit one of the free permanent collection centers call 1 (888) CLEAN LA or visit www.888cleanla.com. • Recycle your used motor oil and filters at the following certified centers in the City of South El Monte: AutoZone 1957 Durfee Ave. (626) 448-0166 Ditty Container 2226 N. Rosemead Blvd. (626) 454-1182 El Monte Muffler 9716 E. Garvey Ave. #A (626) 444-2517 Pennzoil 10 Minute Oil Change 2750 Rosemead Ave. (626) 448-1564 South El Monte City Yard 1900 Central Ave. (626) 579-6540 *Please note that it is advisable to call before taking oil to any of the listed centers. • Keep your vehicles in good condition and prevent leaks. Fluids dripped or spilled onto streets will be washed into the storm drain system, which in turn, drains to the ocean. • Get your money back by recycling your beverage containers You pay CRV (California Redemption Value) when you purchase beverages from a retailer, which is refunded when you redeem the containers at a recycling center. You get 5 cents back for each beverage container less than 24 ounces and 10 cents for each container 24 ounces or greater. Below is a list of the recycling centers in the city: El Monte Market P & T Metals Inc. Rush Market & Deli Superior Super Warehouse Greenhouse Recycling 9566 Garvey Ave. 2213 N. Tyler Ave. 1950 Central Ave. 1954 N. Durfee Ave. 2650 Rosemead Blvd. Let's do our part to reduce pollution while getting ready for the holiday season! For questions, upcoming events or to get more information on the city's environmental programs, go to http://www.ci.south-el-monte.ca.us or call the Community Development Department at (626) 579-6540. Some examples of when a building permit is required: • Upgrading an existing building or changing its use • Creating new rooms or spaces within an existing building • Building a deck or gazebo • Enclosed patios • New roofs/ re-roofing • Fireplaces • Storage Sheds (120 and above sq. ft.) • Adding or altering electrical, plumbing, or mechanical fixtures (i.e. water and gas pipes, wall heaters, furnaces, air conditioners, etc.) • Installation of a hot tub/spa • Construction of a swimming pool • Fences 6ft and over Building permits are not required for: • Painting • Repairing a broken window or leaky toilet • New kitchen cabinets or change outs • Installation of new flooring or carpets • Storage sheds under 120 sq. ft. ( verify with the Planning Department for setback requirements) * This is only a general list; the City strongly advises you to contact the Planning Department for a complete list. Note: Work that does not require a permit, still needs to comply with the City Municipal Code, LA County Code, and California Building Code. Planning Department 1415 Santa Anita Avenue Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Closed on major holidays For additional information, please call the Planning Department at (626) 579-6540. Local Companies Needed To Fight Cancer Stay Connected with the City of South El Monte via Social Media American Cancer Society Relay For Life Looking for Local Sponsors The American Cancer Society urges local companies to take up the fight against cancer in our community by becoming sponsors of Relay For Life of South El Monte. Cancer touches the lives of everyone, and involvement in Relay For Life is a great way to show that a company cares. Sponsorships can be tailored to a company’s ability to give. Relay For Life is growing across the nation - thousands of people will participate this year in Relay For Life events across California. Founded in 1913, Relay For Life events will take place in more than 5,000 communities nationwide, with Relays popping up across the globe. In our community, over 400 participants registered to walk at South El Monte’s first Relay For Life event last April. Help us continue the fight and sponsor the 2nd Annual event. Relay For Life is a fun-filled overnight event designed to celebrate survivorship (anyone who has faced cancer), remember loved ones lost, and fight back against the disease and raise money for your American Cancer Society. During the event, teams of people gather at schools or parks and take turns walking laps. Each team tries to keep at least one team member on the track at all times. It’s amazing to see the community connect in this way. If you would like to become a corporate sponsor or find out how to build a team for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life in your community, call 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit www.RelayForLife.org. Relay For Life of South El Monte Charity Fundraiser Car Wash Saturday, November 16th 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.@ Pep Boys 11937 Valley Blvd, El Monte Price: $5 cars / $8 Truck & SUV *All proceeds benefit cancer research, education, and patient services. For additional information contact Winston Vega at 626.442.0239. Sign-up to walk at the 2014 Relay For Life, visit:www.relayforlife.org/southelmonteca Facebook: CityOfSouthElMonteGovernment Twitter: CITYSEM South El Monte E-Services Direct (SEED) Service & Information 24/7 SEED is designed to provide our citizens, businesses, and visitors with the opportunity to access service and information 24 hours a day, 7 days, a week. SEED is a virtual City Hall. With SEED you can gather information, make a request for City services and check the status of your request anytime, day or night. With SEED, your question or service request is routed automatically to the appropriate City department. City staff members will follow up on your request can communicate with you through your e-mail, or by phone letting you know the status of your request. How does it work? SEED is accessible by visiting the City’s website at www.ci.south-el-monte.ca.us. From street and sidewalk repairs to graffiti and more. Information and service is just a click away. November 2013 South El Monte News SoCalGas says Get a Jump on Winter: Now is Best Time to Prep Furnace, Light Pilots Utility Offers Home-Heating Safety Tips Don’t let the warm weather fool you. The winter heating season is around the corner. Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas) says don’t wait; now is the time to inspect home-heating appliances, relight pilots and perform any needed maintenance necessary to avoid health or safety hazards. “Heating appliances should be serviced annually to keep them operating safely and efficiently, “said Jimmie Cho, vice president of field services for SoCalGas. “To avoid the rush in winter and enjoy a shorter wait time, we encourage customers to schedule an appointment online now at socalgas.com or call a licensed heating contractor to provide this service for you.” Failure to perform annual maintenance on gas appliances may result in exposure to carbon monoxide, which can cause nausea, drowsiness, flu-like symptoms, and even death. “Since home heating typically accounts for more than half of the monthly winter gas bill, the best way to keep bills lower is to have gas appliances serviced,” Cho said. SoCalGas offers these tips for a safe, warm, and energy-efficient winter: • Have natural gas furnaces checked at least once a year by a licensed heating contractor or SoCalGas. • Vacuum and clean regularly in and around the furnace, particularly around the burner compartment to prevent a build-up of dust and lint. Never store items in, on or around the appliance that can obstruct airflow. • Most forced-air units have a filter that cleans the air before heating and circulating it throughout the home. Check furnace filters every month during the heating season and clean or replace the filter when necessary. • When installing a new or cleaned furnace filter, be sure to re-install the front panel door of the furnace properly so it fits snugly; never operate the furnace without the front-panel door properly in place because doing so may create the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. • Check the appearance of the flame. If the flame is yellow, large and unsteady, the furnace needs to be inspected immediately by a licensed heating contractor or SoCalGas to have the condition corrected. • Using an unvented gas heater in your home is dangerous and a violation of the California Health and Safety Code. • Never use your oven, range or outdoor barbecue to heat your home because these appliances are not designed for this purpose. For more information on furnace safety, visit SoCalGas’ website at socalgas.com (search “FURNACE SAFETY”). To schedule a service appointment, go to socalgas.com (search “SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT”) or call (800) 427-2200 or (800) 342-4545 in Spanish. Homeless Campsite Operation in the San Gabriel Valley River and Rio Hondo Area Homeless Individuals and Families Connected with Social Services Most recently, the Sheriff’s Department along with county agencies, nonprofit organizations, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers conducted a sweep on a homeless campsite along the San Gabriel River near South El Monte. The ultimate goal of the operation launched by L.A. County Supervisor Gloria Molina of the First District, was to connect homeless individuals and families living along the “Emerald Necklace” –a 18-mile loops of parks, trails, and green ways along the San Gabriel Valley River and Rio Hondo area, with an array of social services, including transitional housing, veterans benefits, medical care and among. In addition to providing social services to those in need, the operation allowed officials to identify and address any illegal activity and secure the location for a physical clean up, since this area is used for recreation use due to the bike trails, horse trails and walking paths near the Emerald Necklace. Since July, the county’s Emerald Necklace Safety Team, established by Molina, conducted daily outreach and engagement with homeless individuals living along the Emerald Necklace, connecting them with an array of social services depending on each individual. They were able to identify and assist over 150 people in need of services. Though some were resistant at first, many welcomed their help. Occupants of the campsite were notified of the riverbed sweeps weeks in advance and offered transitional housing and other vital services available by multi-agencies of the county. South El Monte City Officials applaud Supervisor Gloria Molina efforts to assist and provide much needed assistance for homeless individuals and families living near the riverbed while at the same time addressing public safety issues to improve public space, designated for recreational use. Currently, the City is actively pursuing grants from various government and nonprofit agencies to transform the open space adjacent to the San Gabriel River into a linear park for community recreational use. Page 5 Page 6 South El Monte News November 2013 Coming Soon to South El Monte Brand new town house living Featuring a gated community setting, community park with play area, barbecues, walking trail and gardens. Excellent proximity to downtown LA! • Approx. 1,702 to 1,862 sq. ft. • 3 to 4 Bedrooms • 3.5 Baths • 2 Space Garage Prices anticipated to start from the high 300,000’s City of South El Monte Community Services Department Annual Christmas Decorating Contest South El Monte residents showcase your holiday spirit for the City’s annual decorating contest There will be four categories to choose from: • Sweepstakes • Best Holiday Spirit • Best Animated • Best Use of Lights No application is necessary to participate. Community Services Commissioners will be out in the community on the evening of Wednesday, December 11th after 6:00 p.m. for contest judging. Winners will be recognized within a week after judging. For additional information, please call 626.448.0131. South El Monte News November 2013 City of South El Monte Community Services Department Presents Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony Thursday, December 5th, 6:00 pm City Hall Front Lawn, 1415 Santa Anita Avenue Come join us as we kick off the holiday season with activities and crafts for the children, hot chocolate & light snacks as well a free photo opportunity with Santa. For more information, please call 626.579.2043 Page 7 South El Monte News Page 8 The City of South El Monte is pleased to annouce our partnership with Beat The Streets Los Angeles! Please join us for an informational meeting. This is a great opportunity for our children to learn the sport of wrestling, to be part of a team, learn discipline, respect and other important life lessons. NEW BOYS AND GIRLS WRESTLING PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN AGES 7-13. (This is a free program for residents of South El Monte) What: Boys & Girls Wrestling Information Meeting Date: Tuesday, November 12th Time: 5:30 PM Location: South El Monte High School Gym Information: 626-533-1218 Beat the Streets – Los Angeles cultivates youth development in underserved communities by encouraging a desire for excellence, respect, teamwork, leadership, integrity, and perseverance through the instruction of quality wrestling programs. Together with your support, BTS-LA strives to enhance young men and women’s lives in school, sports and the community. www.beatthestreets-la.org November 2013 November 2013 South El Monte News South El Monte High School Opens Hydration Station By Anne Donofrio-Holter For the past two years, members of the Emerald Jewel Club of South El Monte High School have worked to raise funds to purchase equipment for a hydration station which is now up and running in the school's main corridor. "Club members are very pleased with the response to the hydration station," said Principal Oscar Cisneros. The station, which was ready for use on the first day of the new school year, has already filled over 3,000 bottles with chilled and filtered drinking water. "While encouraging students to drink more water for better health, the reuse of plastic bottles benefits the environment," said one club member. "Funds to purchase the equipment were raised entirely by members of the club by selling hot dogs and other items after school," said Cisneros. "This year, club members plan to raise funds for a plaque to mark the station and commit future students to its upkeep." Club members also attended the South Coast Air Quality Management District's "A World We Can Change" conference. "Our goals were encouraged and strengthened by attending and by meeting students from other environmental clubs and organizations," said another member. Page 9 South El Monte News Page 10 November 2013 South El Monte Senior Center 1556 Central Avenue, South El Monte Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Closed on major holidays Programs, events, and fees are subject to change. For additional information, please call 626.448.0131. Club Events Upcoming Senior Center Events 3L Club Four Queens Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, Nevada November 18th -20th Legal Assistance by Paralegal Alma Pena Wednesday, November 13th 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Price: • $122 Single Occupancy • $98 Double Occupancy For more information, please contact Josie Blanco @ 626.448.8701 or Rudy Lopez at 626.442.8174 Club Latino De Sur El Monte Haircuts Valley View Casino Monday, November 25th 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. December 4th Senior Market Day Thursday, November 7th & December 5th 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Nutrition Programs Lunch Monday – Friday 11:30 a.m. $2.25 Suggested donation for senior residents $5 Non-seniors Meals on Wheels Monday – Friday 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. $2.25 Suggested donation Bingo Super Bingo Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. Bilingual Bingo 3rd Friday of the month at 1:00 p.m. Price: $28 per person All passengers will receive $20 more play (slot machine play) First Time guest receive a free buffet (value $20) For more information, please contact Maria Rodriquez 626.641.6333. November 2013 South El Monte News Page 11 Page 12 Support Your Community South El Monte News November 2013 Shop South El Monte! Dine * Gas * Gifts * Produce * Services As you plan your purchases for the Holiday Season, consider boosting your local economy by supporting South El Monte businesses. By pa tronizing South El Monte businesses, you are investing in your community. Sales tax generated from local businesses help pay for public safety services, infrastructure improvements, senior and youth services, and com munity events. Support South El Monte Shop South El Monte
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