RackHmpoE//oQSP HelpfulUInformation - Triad RackAmp 700 DSP RackAmps. RackAmp 700 has many significant changes from previous Triad RackAmps. They are highlighted in bold italic. YouU MUSTU SelectU The TriadU SubwooferU Modelo thato RackHmp E//o QSPo willo driveo wheno theo ampo iso firsto poweredo upo oroafter everyo factoryo reset"o o Onceo confirmedVo subwoofero modelo cano onlyo beo changedo ino theo Installero Setupo Menu"o Triad In-Wall ando InXeilingo subwoofero modelo nameso areo labeledo ono theiro fronto baffles. RackAmp 700 DSP now has EQ Profiles for all current Triad Sub models (some require 8 ohm enclosures). A new FLAT selection has no model EQ and its Sub High Pass Filter is switched OFF. If youo doo NOT see youroTriad subwooferomodelVopleaseocontactoTriadofor help" A UnpackingUOUContents C Connections Output MtoosubwooferWV Inputs&UACUCord OFF RACKAMPu700uDSP ON presets NORMAL CINEMA NIGHT PreprocessoroL;&ooroHVoReceiveroOUT ON PEQ USERu1 PowerU OnU MethodsU LU Qefaulto iso (Auto) Sense"o o Othero Powero Ono Methodso are Trigger (low voltage)Vo IR/IP & Manualo Mfronto panelo buttonW"o IR8IPo musto beo selectedo foro infraredo Powero ON8OFFo com-o mands to function;o allo othero IRo commandso work witho all othero Powero Ono Methods"o For remote trouble shooting or setup changes, amp can power On & Off to Standby via IP from any modern web browser when set to IR/IP; see "IP Setup and Advanced Features" document at www.triad speakers.com. Press front standby button to temporarily disable amp in all Power On Methods except Manual; light flashes blue to show amp is disabled. This no longer turns Power On Method to Manual. To resume normal function, press front Standby button again. Solid blue light shows amp is ON. Red lighto shows ampoisoino Standby"oFlashing red indicates amp is in Protection. USERu2 USERu3 OFF MUTE back enter volume LFE + 4Ω minimum + L L R INPUT 4Ω minimum R SPEAKER INPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT USB INPUT LFE OUTPUT +-+- +-+- L OUTPUT ETHERNET LV TRIGGER INFRARED R INPUT R&Qo zLHXK Qaisyochainomultipleoampsobyosending Unbalanced RCA or Balanced XLR sourceosignalofrom Outputsotootheonexto amp’soInputs" Toosingleo(oohmoSilver, Gold, & Platinum subs and single or dual 8 ohm Mini & Bronze subs only. Protection - No output? Front panel light ring flashes red when amp is in protection. Press any button for the display to show protection mode (short, thermal,over voltage). Check subwoofer speaker cable for shorts and check amp for inadequate ventilation. If hot, power amp OFF and let it cool down (can take up to 30 min). Reset RackAmp 700 DSP by switching off its Mains power switch, next to back panel power cord, for 30+ seconds. Questions? Contact Triad sales & support at 1.800.666.6316. OUTPUT LFE + 4Ω minimum LL L R R INPUT ++-- ++- - INPUT OUTPUT +-+OUTPUT R InputU Selection & OutputsU LU In User Menu select desired Input from default RCA (LFE unbalanced), XLR (balanced), and Speaker. o Onlyo theo selectedo input gets amplified"o oSpeaker Level Inputs cannot pass thru to any output. Forodaisyo chainingVo only the selected XLR or RCA Input now passes thru to its Output. And now both XLR and RCA Outputs can be highpass filtered & delayed either for bass management & time alignment of 2-channel systems or for multiple subs to produce different parts of the bass spectrum. SPEAKER INPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT USB ETHERNET LV TRIGGER INFRARED SPEAKER INPUT B RackUInstallation. New on the RackAmp 700 DSP is speaker level input Installorackoearsowithopre-packaged screws. Keep ventilation slots clear for airflow, particularly right front top & bottom. Menus - Menu changes now affect all inputs: RCA (unbalanced), XLR (Balanced) and Speaker inputs can now be filtered. Menu changes occur in real time. What you see is what you hear. All changes are saved instantly and automatically. Volume changes are no longer volatile. User Volume default is still 00dB but switching amp to Standby no longer resets Volume to default. User Volume should now be used for permanent gain matching; there is no Input Gain adjustment in Installer Menu. IRUInput FoHcceptsofeedofromoIRodistributionousingocablesowitho5")ommoplugs" PluggedoInputodisablesofrontopaneloIRoeye"oQaisyFchainoIRotoomultiple RackHmpsofromoIRoOutputotoonextoampIsoIRoInput" Presets change sound to suit your circumstances. Default Preset is Normal (identical to previous model's Reference Preset). Cinema Preset boosts bottom end at 40Hz for extra oomph during movies. Night preset reduces deep subwoofer frequencies under 35Hz as a courtesy to family, friends, and neighbors. User 1, User 2, and User 3 custom presets are configured via IP (only) for special circumstances or different listeners using 2 parametric filters & a separate default Volume per User Preset. The amplifier maintains its preset when put into standby. For repeatability, calibrate to default Normal preset. INPUT LFE + 4Ω minimum L L R INPUT INPUT OUTPUT +-+- +-+- OUTPUT OUTPUT R SPEAKER INPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT USB ETHERNET LV TRIGGER INFRARED INFRARED LFE + 4Ω minimum L L R INPUT INPUT OUTPUT +-+- +-+- INPUT OUTPUT RackAmp 700 DSP drives speaker loads of 4 ohms or higher. Use with 8 ohm Mini & Bronze subs only, as singles or in pairs. Advanced Features: To set up 6 Band Room EQ & 3 User Presets via computer IP, connect via LAN or directly using standard Ethernet Cable. See "IP Setup and Advanced Features" document on our website, www.TriadSpeakers.com. IRU InputOOutput L Inputo accepts feedo fromo IRo distribution" Outputo allowso daisyFchainingo IRo control ofo multipleo RackHmp E//oQSPoamplifiers"ooInsertingoao5")mm MmonoWo plugo intooIRoInputodisablesofrontopaneloinfraredoreceivingoeye" Setup Instructions are for typical multichannel home theater applications with AVR or preamp-processor. InputU VoltageU & Fuses LU RackHmp E//o QSPo automaticallyo adaptso too accepto eithero LL/VHXo oro 33/VHX"oo The o only changeonecessaryoisoanoI&Xopowerocordoappropriateoforolocaloconditions"oo;useovaluesodoonotochange"ooThereoareonoointernalo fuses"ooTheoonlyoaccessibleofuseoisotootheoleftoofotheoI&Xopowerocordosocket" Firmware Updates can be made in the field. Contact Triad for information. Specifications - 700 Watts; 3.5 Amps/220VAC, 7 Amps/110; 10AL250VP Fuse; 3mS latency. R SPEAKER INPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT USB ETHERNET LV TRIGGER OUTPUT INFRARED TriadUNorthUAmericanUWarranty Triadoamplifiersoareowarrantedotoobeofreeofromodefectsoinomaterialsoandoworkmanshipo foroaoperiodoofothreeoM5WoyearsVowhenooperatedounderonormaloconditions" Thisolimitedowarrantyoperiodobeginsoonotheodateoofopurchase, isoextendedoonlyotooTriado productso(consequential damage is excluded) andoisoexpresslyoinolieuoofoalloothero warrantiesoexpressedooroimplied" Shouldoanyodefectoinomaterialsooroworkmanshipo occurowithinotheolimitedowarrantyoperiodVocustomersoinotheoUnitedoStatesoshouldo contactoTriadoXustomeroServiceoatoLF)/5F)LEF3jj?oor [email protected] tooobtainoaoReturnoHuthorizationoMRHWoNumber"oXustomersooutsideotheoU.S.oshouldo contactotheirodealeroforoservice" Theoproductoshouldobeoreturnedoinoitsooriginalo packagingotogetherowithoproofoandodateoofopurchaseowithotheoRHonumberoclearlyo visibleoonooutsideoofotheobox"oHtoourodiscretionVoweowillorepairoororeplaceotheoproducto andoreturnoitVofreeofromocharge"oIfoyouodoonotohaveotheooriginalopackagingoforotheo productVocontactoyourodealerooroTriadoServiceVoandoweocanoselloyou a replacement" INFRARED LowUVoltageUTriggerULoViaosnapFin8pullFoutophoenixoconnector"ooInputofromo lowovoltageoM5FL)VWotriggerosource"ooQaisyFchainoLVoOutputotoonextoampIsoInput" INPUT 4Ω minimum L L R OUTPUT +-+- LFE + INPUT OUTPUT INPUT +-+- +-+- OUTPUT R SPEAKER INPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT USB LV TRIGGER ETHERNET INFRARED LV TRIGGER TriadSpeakersVoInc" L)?5)oN&oXameronozlvd"o•oPortlandVoOregonoqE35/ ?//FjjjFj5LjoSaleso•o)/5F)LEF3jj?ooService RackAmpU7VVUDSPUQuickUStartUGuideULUPE 05.02.2016 RackWmpAHxxA:SP FeaturesFandFBenefitsA - Triad RackAmp 700 DSP Significant changes from previous Triad RackAmps are highlighted in bold italic. Powerful RackAmp 700 DSP Class D amplifierA technologyA providesA superiorA bass2A setup2 calibration2A andA controlBA ItAteamsA withA TriadA subwoofers, singly or in multiples,A toA produceA extended2A high1impact2A &AexplosiveA bassA forA moviesA plusA nuanced &A detailedA bassA forAmusicBAA YouAwillAhearAtheAdifferenceB Performance -F F Now with 700 Watts & built-in EQ profiles for Triad's complete current subwoofer line to ensureApeakAperformance forA eachATriad modelB New Flat setting lets it drive any subwoofer. InstallerFMenu TRIADLSPEAKERSLINC BronzeLSlimSubLL MenusFandFSetup OFF RACKAMPm700mDSP ON presets NORMAL CINEMA NIGHT USERm1 USERm2 USERm3 UseAcursorAandAEnterAbuttonsAon remoteAcontrolAorAfrontApanel ON enter volume FirstFPowerFOn SelectATriadAsubwooferAmodelAthisAampAwillApowerB Select Bronze SlimSub for all current Bronze Slim Sub Models. Flat has no EQ or Sub HighPass Filter set. Speaker Level Input s - Let you add subs to any system, even house music. D D ConfirmLModelLPressLL T LLBronzeLSlimSubLLLL ,FConvenientFSetupFMethodsw Unique MultiqSub Setup - :elays, filters, and level adjustmentsAprovideA increased control over daisy1chained subwoofersB Experience better bassA impact2 dynamics2 and accuracy when allAyour subwoofersAworkAtogetherB Questions?AAXontactATriadAsalesAqA supportAatANB3xxBYYYBYTNY pXHzRtoRpXXRHz-RLFE Filters SubAoutputAonlyBALFEAby-A passes filter whenAusingASub crossover in your WVRAorApre1processorB SubLLowpassLFilter V55HzULLLFELLLYLV5Hz CA-RAN-RN8 SetsAtheArolloffAslopeA6inAdG/OctaveQA ofAtheASubALowpassAfilterB SubLLowpassLSlope ()LLLULLL)6LLLYLLL6+ AXHzRtoRCXXHz-ROFF SetsAlow1endAextension for Sub output onlyBAIncreaseAfrequencyAforA moreAheadroomBAADo NOT turn OFFB SubLHighpassLFilter OFFLLULL)5HzLLYL)(Hz UseAUpAandA:ownAbuttonsAtoA navigateAthroughAmenus ItemAbetweenAarrowsAis SubLLowpassLFilter V55HzULLLFELLLYLV5Hz selectedAandAactiveAimmediately UseALeftAandARightAbuttonsAtoA changeAvaluesBAAEnterAAAAAAisAnotA neededAunlessApromptedB All changes are saved instantly. AToAexitAInstallerA Menu2ApressAGackB SubmenusAappearAonlyAwhenA relevantBAAForAexample2AyouAcan only see &AselectAaA:elayA amountAwhenA:elayAisAactiveB INSTALLERFMENUFCODE InstallerLMenu EnterLCodeL333 WccessAtoAtheAInstallerAMenuAisA locatedAatAtheAbottomAofAtheAUserA MenuBATheAcodeAconsistsAofA pressingALeft2ARight2ALeftAinA sequenceB CA-RAN-RN8 SetsAtheArolloffAslopeA6inAdGQAof Sub Highpass filter. SubLHighpassLSlope )6LLLULLL6+LLLYLLL() UserFMenu XurrentAsubAmodelAEQAisAshownB WaitAaAfewAsecondsAAtoAcontinueB MUTE-RdNXdBRtoRECCdBR Changing Volume is the only way to adjust Input Gain. Changes are permanent, not volatile as before. XLR-RRCA-RSpeakR Select between balanced (XLR), unbalanced (RCA), orA speaker inputs Normal-RCinema-RNight-R UserC-RUserA-RUserp WllowAuser toAselectApresetAEQAprofilesB TRIADLSPEAKERSLINC BronzeLSlimSubLL VolumeLLLLLLLUT55dBY 5555555555555555LLLLL LInputLSourceLSelect XLRLLLULLRCALYLSpeak LLPresetLSelectionLLL UserVLUNormalYLCinem Low-RMedium-RHigh DisplayLBrightness AdjustsAdisplayAbrightnessA LowLLLUMediumYLLHigh onAfrontAof amplifier.A ToAenterAInstallerAMenu2A pressAtheseAthreeAbuttons in sequenceV InstallerLMenu EnterLCodeL333 CA-RAN-RN8 SetsAtheArolloffAslopeA6inAdGQAofAthe Line OutputAHighpassAfilterB LineLHighpassLSlope 6+LLLULLL()LLLYLLL)6 Line-RSub-ROff WppliesAtimeAdelayAtoAlineAoutputs2AsubA RouteLDelayLto output2AorAneitherBAUsedAtoAtime1align LineLULLOffLLLYLLSub subAtoAspeakersAorAtoAadditionalAsubsB XXmSRtoRAYmS NmSAdelayAequalsANAfootAofAdistanceB LDelayLinLmSLorLgFth )9D5LULL55D5LLYL55D9 Manual-RIR+IP-RSense-RTrigger PowerLOnLMethodLL SelectsAhowAtheARackWmpAHxxA :SPApowersAONAoutAofAstandbyB IRLLLULSenseLLYTrigg XpmV-RX°mV-RX9mV-RCAmV-RCYmV SetsAtheAaudioAsignalAlevelAthresholdA LSenseLOnLThresholdLL to bringARackWmpAHxxA:SPAoutAofA 5VmVLULL5KmVLLYL5XmV standbyAwhenAinASenseAmodeBA 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 minutes Amount of time with no signal above the Sense OnAThreshold2Auntil amplifierAgoesAto standby. SenseLOffLinLMinutes (5LLLULLL)5LLLYLLLV5 Yes-RNo ResetsARackWmpAHxxA:SPAtoAfactoryA defaultsBAARequiresAconfirmationAbelowB D FactoryLResetLPressLL T YesLLULLLNoLLLYLLYes Yes-RNo XonfirmsAaAfullAfactoryAresetAofAtheA RackWmpAHxxA:SPB D ConfirmLFullLResetLLL T YesLLULLLNoLLLYLLYes RackAmpF744FDSPFQuickFStartFGuideFqFPN D DynamicF MenuwF FMenuAchangesAtakeAeffectA instantly so you hearAchangesA asAyouAmakeAthemBAAll changes are now saved instantly. Phase (+5LLULLL55LLLYLL(+5 D : PowerOControl OptionswF F Sense2 Trigger (low-voltage)2 IR/IPA6infraredQ2 and Manual power1on methods let you integrateARackWmpAHxxA:SPAintoA everyAtypeAofAcontrol systemB X°-RC8X° InvertAAphaseAofAsubAoutput pXHzRtoRpXXHz-RThru RemovesAlowerAfrequencies from lineA LineLOutputLHighpass outputsBAForAO1channelAsystems withoutA V55HzULLThruLLYLV5Hz bassAmanagementAqAforAtieredAsubsB MenuFNavigationUFOperationUF andFSaving: OBAAFrontA panelA displayAandAmenusAaccess a broad array of DSP filters & control options toArefine system performanceAand integrationB Available manually and with IR remote control. 2-Channel Bass Management with Crossovers and Delay (time alignment) on Unbalanced and now on Balanced Line Outputs improves the sound of your 2-channel music system. D SubLModelLEQLLPressLL T ULBronzeLSlimSubLLY D BalancedF InputF &F Output -FRackWmpA HxxA:SPA mates withA high1endAmultichannel and 2 channel systems using Balanced XLR connectionsB TBA ForA ultimate set up via computer2A use any modern web browser over IP toAcustom-tailorA everyA aspectA ofA RackWmpA HxxA :SP. IP lets you set up & calibrate your system remotely when your amp is not in your listening room. IP also gives you 2 Advanced Features: Create one Room EQ profile with 6 manual PEQ filters to optimize your sub(s) to your room. Customize up to 3 User presets, each with two additional parametric filters and preset volumes, for different listening styles & circumstances. CurrentLSubLModelLEQ ULBronzeLSlimSubLLY OFF MUTE EnergyF StarF CompliantF -FHighA efficiency savesAenergyA andA moneyB NBA UseA RackWmpA HxxA :SP as1isA forA high1performance plug1&1playB ShowsAselectedAsubAmodelAEQA profileBAChange the selected sub to any current Triad model. Flat has no EQ. PEQ back Size - Taking up just a single rack space (1RU), RackAmp 700 DSP saves rack and shelf space. IPLAddress xxxDxxxDxxxDxx 05.02.2016
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