KAP 140 Two Axis Operalion - Sameiet LN-EDB
KAP 140 Two Axis Operalion - Sameiet LN-EDB
Two A\is Operation I KAP 140 Two Axis Operalion The KAP 140 is a digltal, paneLmolnled autopllot sysiem lor lighi aLr- cratl. 13 12 11. 10 Twonxh Fliohl Conlrol Compuler 1 o Io FullTwo-Axh KAP 140 Display 1 P]TCH AX S, (P)ANNUNCIATOR When iLuminaled ind cåles fa ure of the pltch axis and will disengage the auiop ot when lhe fa ure occurs and noi ailow engagement oI the 2. AUTOPILOT ENGAGE/DISEN GAGE (AP) BUTTON When pushed, engages auiop oi I al logic condll ons are mel. The autop loi wil engage n ihe basic rol (BOL) mode wlr ch lunclons as a wlfg lev eer and n the vertca spe€d (VS) hoLd mode The commanded vertical speed wi I be d sp ayed in the Lrpper rlght corner of allopilot dispay area. The caplured vs wiL be ihe verl cal speed present al lhe momenl of AP button Press. When Rsr 0 .lun48 pressed again, wil disengage the 3. ROLL AXIS (B) ANNUNCIATOR - When illuminaied. indicaies lailure olthe rollaxls and w disengage the autop ol and nol allow engagernenl 4. HEADING (HDG) MODE SELECTOR BUTTON - when pushed, wil arm the Head ng mode, wh ch commands the airplane io iurn lo and maintaln the head ng selected by ihe headinq bug on either ihe DG or HS . A new head ng may be selected at any i me and w resuli n lhe a rpane luming lo ihe new headng Button can aso be used io toggle belween HDG and ROL modes. This butlon w enqage the autop ol. KAP 140 AUTOPILOT SYSTEM 55 o ( t : Two Axis Operation 5 NAV GATION (NAV) ]\4ODE SELECTOR BUTTON When pushed, w ll arrn ihe navigalion mode. The mode provides auto rnaic bearn caplure and rrack ng of VOR, LOC or cPS as se ecled ior presenlat on on the NSt or CD . NAV mode s recommended Ior enroule nav gatlon lrack ng. NAV mode may a so be used for front course LOC tracking when cS track- 6. APPBOACH {APR) ftODE BUTTON When pLrslred, !./lll arm ihe Approach mode This nrode provtdes aLrto rnatc bearn capture and lrackng oj VOR, cPS, LOC, and clcles ope SELECTOR (GS) on an lLS, as selected for preseniation on ihe HSI or CDl. ApR mode is reconrrnended for inslrlr- 7 BACK COURSE APPBOACN (BEV) MODE SELECTOR BUTTON When pushed, wit/ arm the Båck CoLrrse approach mode. This mode functions s nr lary to the approach - mode excepl that ihe autop ot response to LOC signa s is reveGed. and cS s disabled. 8. ALTITUDE HOLD (ALT) ]\4ODE SELECT BUTTON - When plshed, wi I seleci the Atiitude l'to d mode. This mode provldes tracking of the reference alltude. The reterence attlde is the altilude al ihe moment ihe ALT butlon is pressed. tf rhe ALT button is pressed wth 56 af estab- KAP 140 AUTOPILOT shed VS rate present, rhere wil be all tude oversl"root (approx matety 109'. oi the VS raie), w th the a L plane relurned poslvey to rhe refetr 9 VERTCAL TR]II 1UP/DN) BUT, TONS The acton of these blllons is dependefi !pon th€ vedcat mode preseni when pressed. tf VS mode s act ve, bution slrokes w I ncremenl ihe verlcal speed conrmanded eilher up or dowf åt the rare of 100 inrn n per bulton press, or at ihe raie of approximatey 300 fthin per second if he d coft n!ously. tfALT mode s actve ncremenla button slrokes w I move ihe attitude ho d Ieferefce attlrde eiiher up or do,i,n al 20leet per press or I he d cont n uolsly wlll command ihe airpane up or down at tlre rate ot 500 ft/m n synchronizing lhe altLrde hod reier ence lo the acliral a rp ane atftLrde upon bulton re ease. 10. VERTICAL SPEED D SPLAY D splays lhe commanded verl ca r1 PTTCN TBI[/] (PT) ANNUNCTATION A fash ng PT wth åtrows ndicåtes the direction ot req!tred p lch lrinr. A so id PT wttholrt an arrow head s an indlcaton of a plch 12. P TCH ]\IODE DISPLAY Displays the active and armed pich modes (VS, ALT AR[4 ALT. and GS SYSTIII Re!.0 ? € F € F € € { { € € Two Axis Operation 13 FOLL NIODE DISPLAY Dsplays lhe active and armed ro modes (ROL, HDG, NAV ARN,4, NAV, APR ARI,4 APR, BEV AFIV, BEV, GS ARI\,4). Also displayed w be lashing AP annuncalon (5 sec- onds) al eaclr autop ol disconnecl accompanied by an aural tone (for 2 System Operating lModes The latera modes (NDG NAV, APF and BEV) operale idenlica y as described in ihe KAP 140 Sing e Ax s Operaling Modes sect on. P ease reier to ihai seciion ior text descrplons of atera mode opera- p { { ,. t o ? ? { F. ? t t b b q. o o ( c : !I I I ø a I 3 *{ ? ? S5 E- b t Rev.0 JuoÆ8 K\P ]40 AUTOPII,OT SYSTE]\{ 57 Two Axis Operation Venical Speed (VS) Mode The Vedical Speed (VS) nrode a ows variable verrical speed c mbs and descenls. The ALT bulton ioggles beiween attude hold and vertNate: The KAP 1 1A engages into VS To iniiiale a climb or desceni from Allilude Hod (ALT) mode: T. ALT bUIIoI - PTeSS. NO1E ALT changes to vs and currenl vedical speed s displayed 2 uP or DN bullon ' Se ect desired cllmb or descent rate. To operaie in the VS mode (with auiopilot clrrrenily disengaged): 1. AP bulton - Press Nole ROL, VS and clrrreni veatcal speed is displayed. li no olher modes are selecied the alrtopilot will operate n lhe BOL and vertica speed 2. UP or DN bution Se ect des red c inrb or descenl raie. Each bullon slroke will incremenl lhe verlcal speed commanded up or down by 100 tthln per button press, or at ihe rate of approxi rnately 300 lt/min Per second ii Each bulton slroke will ncremenl ihe vedica speed commanded uP or down by 100 ftm n per bulton press or at lhe raie of approximarely 300 fi/m n per second il Nate: When operating at or near lhe best hte of climb aits7eed, at climb power seltings, and Lsing vertical speed hald, it is easy ta deceletate lo an aircpeed whete cantinued decrcases in airspeed will result in a reduced rate of climb. Continued opentian in vetlicalspeed nade can heLd conunLrously. Re!.0 58 KAT 140 AUTOPILOT SYSTINI JunÆ8 1' 4 4 4t Two,L\is Oneråtion J' a a A 4a a a a a a a Altitude Hotd (ALT) Mode The Altude Hold (ALT) mode mainta .s the pressure a t t!de acqr red lpon 3e ecl on of alllrde d T.e ALT bulton togg es b!:iree. arllde ho d and vertica ho -o .!.e aie n tie ALT mode aJ:.! o: .r.rent I n tire !.nca Sp... nodet: .r { rh - 1 ALT bJlton Press. Note ALT s annunc aled and a!topl 01 T 4 rnaneLrvers 10 mainlain pressure a1tlde acqulred at bllton se ec- q a a t t a a - t t 4 t 2. UP or DN blrlton - Se ecl to change autLrde lncremenled but ton strokes wi move the refe. ence aliiiude by 20 feet per press, or if lreld continuoLrsly wil coi.- mand a 500 fth n a t tlde change. acqlrr ng a new reference alrude upon bunon re ease I llote: lncremented altttude changes should be l)nited b 5AA ft. of a - t t 4 a Jtln48 KÅP I,1il AIITOPII,OT SYSTI]NI 59 Two Axis Operation OPERATIONS WITH THE KAP 140 Takeofl An.l Ctimb To Assigner! Attitucle o o ø @ o @ ffi ffi ffi Tlre d rLtufl s ue I on the oround ånd p(rih- shedatd dlei rdh h The head nq bul] 0n the DG 0r HSt s turned ro the desred headnq 0f 080. (rLjn\€yhead nrl 2. The headnq buo Dn the Dc 0r HSlts tumed to lhp ne,vdpr ed head nq or 0t0. and thearoah beqinsr0 re!Dond utl in mmedate hltlrn Bydeprcssinqlhe HDG butlon oi the KAp 1,10 ihe a!topi0tenqaqes inioths head n0 and ver tical speed modes and ma ntans thd setechd heading 01080" ard cLrffent rare oj c irnb 60 KAP 140 AUTOP]LOT SYSTIM Reu 0 Jnn{8 4 € 5 Two ,A,\is operation a a { t t t *o ^*- ø o x+, + € { { t to €^ ffi w @ ""ffi ffi ffi 1 d ! a ffi f c : ! ! a I IJ a c 3 The autop 01 s rcspond ng to tlre lread ng selecl mode with a en bank The cimb nle has been decrcased rsnq the DN lruhon in preparaloi aulopiot has conrp eted the tlrn and s irw estihlhhed on å 010'heåd nd iJeslfd allude has been reached altude Åold IALTI ,1. The has been engaged and the airNrafl manta ns Rev.0 (AP ] 4N AI ITOPII,OT SYSTF,I\I 61 3 Two A\is Operation GPS Capturc Using DC ' Description of GPS operatian based an BenditJKing GpS receive.. AheÆ tequ i re different ope rction. ffi ffi w w ffi I r0 1n! nq on heid nu 0t0' e,låh sh"Ad a rnc nlPrrP.r nav ffi i \ GP5 na\rlroin( s P(rrd 2 Tre hDG button s depressed to se ecr RoL mode hchtr ao!ån GPS daia is setecled fo alanohinemeDf aid the OBS s sel to 040" Tre NAV brnDn s depressed nnd the CDI nl]lui NAV AR[l sanruncaied che]oe rd HDG and lash ior J!e seæfds. BoL i"iren be red spayed. \(rhie the HDG annirfcati0n is lash nq, mofe the head n0 bLrq to the desired .o! e!P .e oi !nti 010'.Thpir.rr,,1i rendn\rnos he rdolurP p0rni Rev 0 Two [xrs Operation € ffi @ffiffi ,l_:_ :i -::: FoL :__- : ::::::i- i !i ri s Ea.hrd ::::_ :_...-,-.: r. NAV and a K{P I ill llr \ rln phie ånd thp auioolo( ].10 AUTOPII,OT SYSTEII r5 63 ----_-"- T!1o [\is Operation GPS Capturc Using HSI ' Description of GPS ape?tian based an Bendix/King GPS receivet. Ahers d iffe rent opetal ian. requie ffi ffi ffi ffi w Gø Com n! nq 0n head q 010" å GPS råvpo n1 s GPS estab shed.A30' ntercepl sdes red. 00 dala s se ectud ror tha HS The corlse se1 to 0,10'. The NAV butlon s deDressed and NAV AB|\rl sanrunclaled. nler s Rev.0 IiAP nay ],10 ALITOPII,OT SI'STE]\I !t 4l 4t 4t 4t 4 4t t Two d{is Operation I a a t 1t t t t t i to 4 4 t 4 1 t ffi 1 t I t ',\'ier tre c0mputed raplure ii g G ffi p0 s reiclred, HDG an ru rc ai 0n chanqes 10 NAV ard å rohiturn s nlahd bjr thdauto! ot. rie lc W @ a a I ffi The c U tL n sc0npåt0aniltlrearlopiot strack- I 4 t t - € KAP 140 TUTOPILOT SYSTEII 65 a l\\0,\xis Operation Outboun.! On Front Cource Fot Prccedurc Tun To ILs approach using DG @ ffi@ ffi T p , r.df1 s h?ådino 270' ,r llr heid ni ånd attrde hcd ei0.0ed To rlercesl and'11tlr4 LS lr0nl r0rrse 0!ib0L d s?tlrlf.iti0urs: ri rhp aBS and icDress tre n,,er!e.0trsr iRFv rr llir rhp HDG i.runrnton r t.sh iir t,re seNrids lien erl r1]!sr ',!h e ti. lnrrnrirl0n s las[ i0 n.r? tle råad_ id hlol0lhe l0n1lorrså 058" S ræ HDG HDG r;\ i.i,r locn sa eit.rr 0i nEv. the attoN 01 :r ilrter45'nle.clll0i'e o.a 7?r l 'h: ris| ih.n m afir iurnic 283' ] ie tnr. n0 PLI ri rr F nn s -i P nti cor nrodr , rin.d €d !rd P l P /!10 im 4r mi.le s lt0nal.a'r litraled ard a eJttlrn rLrtcl d 0n tht tlå zer s nlrled b! /Jir-4 llr. idll ii.r/ri ddri:riitti ,i rh3 ,!r .orrrsd rl-qlator r.,e.rr-' ai? rerers!d /L/j'lr fiirsIift r!1ri r. ..riir i crr'i.rli.. oi Ihd li.trr l. hd ]erll rlrrs reelE Eetsittt nkes tlat)a be.arv /0r, rr it ir! i,iiborra tr e iicrltorrc Re!.0 KÅP I,1O \INNPIIOl SYSTE\'I 4t 4 4) tlt I Two A\is Operation å a 5 t t t ti {å i . --@t 5 t a t ,_1.,". 2 ttoX ffi ta t @ a I t -I a ffi ffi t 4 lor c o a ! th. lread rq brq l0 103' tr r l"r Ih s read rq Th s P Ppr h. lor .oL sE.l rl'fP.r rLl rt! o n:t o sii 1P 0 r1r no e li .la.i.s; r. the APR brllri r' the MP rl0 ' P Hoc iin nr.årir,ri isnto tl|sri i_.s iirl ? , rr! s r li"rh : tr. tlDG irnnr nc a :i 5 i:!rr! i! e ltrr irldig buq 1o the rr'15' xer.ept s ':i:: :.. ;i ai8' ! rc. :ir . .:i ' n.t l! r ri: lhe ir.r: { 5 I r.ou lra,€ resei aiil i.ade a 4 t o o 6 o wry 5 J I ({P ]lil a 180- 1I TOPIIOTSISTE\I F,7 l "å Tlvo Axis Operation Outbound On Frcnt Course Fot Prccedute Tum To ILS apprcach Using HSI m W @ ffi ffi 1 Tre aLmefl s headlnq 270' uth head nq and ahhde h0d eniraoed io rterrepl ald fr tlre s l0ii.o rse o!tbor nd. set the lrontco!rr s rBEVI nn the Ns ånd deoress tlre back c0u h ntnn The baik course iREV) firode s se e.kd to 00 o!tb0und 0n the 1r0ni coLrrse Ire ceptu'å po s no$ be nlr compuled il 2 rlhpn thp ron lurpd'Jpirre 0on . ea.rPd HDG node s .anLr led dnd etP 5P lotu :.r mode s artomatcalt adlahd and a dt lu outbound 0n t[e Loca z?r is nIated nj? fh-, teft rohl devi.lbt.s al rhe HS/ .0!ire ,-'-./i-" ormls rs. irs rrrr0h /Du Æte flrit1q a ttaFt catise apiraach 68 bT ihe KAP 110 AIJTOPII-OT SYSTE\I .lu.,S8 4 4' 4' 4' 4' 4, Trvo Alis Operation .&o/ 4t 4' tt 4' 4i' rtt \ t ;1"': qt I I 4 a Æ 4 4' 4 t 4 4 4 EZ a a a 4 A I a lie rernror llrl lrar storrr llre .rall s 'tr r! a,\'at lro the ala r5'3nq e 0n a se ecr4. rad nq oJ 283' Rer 0 r o o 6 ffi j: rie ilss red !rnl HDGnode srs.d10 r1. rie:h: ! occdrre turn Se rri HDG rnd rl tlre r.:d rq rIq t0 28J' 0u,nq :h? p'orelure lrrr .rlirrrd T Gry ffi t A 4, ffi ii I a Nu rou haNe resel trr heaN r0 r!! i! 103' and nare a l8l'lrrn t0 tr s heail r0 Th? 103' head nq rte .epl ihe lronl .0urså .f 158" Y0u nrst ro! s? iil llre.ppr.:rlr n.c! btr drpres! rq llre APR rrt,o rr lhe KAP r10. ! Arlolal.cip:rre.ltre ..r æ'rr 0..!r KtP ]40 AI]TOPII,OT STSTIITI fi9 Two Axis Operation Frcnt Course ILS Apprcach Using DG o o ø Gn w @ ffi ffi Contn!nqthe maneuveron påqe66 APRcol p ng 0ccurs (HDG annuncatlon chanqes t0 APR), aid lhe q desope mode is automalcaly amed The aut00l0l i?l caplure the oca zer and rhe 70 @ cDlco!meindexvl center IiAP I.lil The aulop 0t is fo 0!v fg 1re ocalær Al the oul"ar marker the g desope devialon needle is åt n dscah. Altihde lrold s autornatca v d sen rlaqsd rhen tlre qldes0pe s caplrred ih". ALT inn rnLiiror en nou -hs ånd Gs s dsola!ed The auloo or I ;are Dlrh and binl chin0A as necessary 10 nra nta n orairer and q des i Re!.0 AI ITOPII,OT SYSTF,I\I t t a Two Åris 0peration I t t t t t I .oo6" { t t- t -{ t -d d { ffi o q GD o o ffi ffiffiffi c o 3 !t U @ - o I Ai the m dd e marker.lhe plot d senqaqes tlre tl]e conlro \,rhee altop 0t [/th tlre bLrtton 0i Trscafcesal opent rq modes ArashinqAP arnunc ation s d spayed end a dis.onrec! lone t 4 The h p 0t niuaies the m ssed appr0acl'rand str æs the u rcrait r the clnrb The head id blg s set to 1re mssed approach readlnq 0l 0!0" Bt depress nq tir? HoG butlon on llre flP 140 ihe artop ot enqaqes nlo the head nq and venca spe"ad mods c0mnrencnq a rqhllurn to a head no 01090'and mantan rq læ rah of c nrb er sl nq al enqa0e'nen1 d t t Re!.0 Ju'r48 KqP L4O AUTOPILOT SYSTE]\{ 71 l Two Ards Operation Frcnt Cource ILS Approach Using HSI o o ø ffi w @ ffi C0ntnu ig the maneuver0n page68 APB co0 oin0 0rLurs lHDG annun( aton (lranqes lo APRI dndlheqrdAlope modp s iutomitG ! lmpd The zutoDl0l ! caDture tlre 0calær and the CDlcourse ndexril center. o ffi Tla autoo 0r \ fo or', ro the old izer Al rhe tlreqdesooederilonnæde s oule må ai nidsca e Alirde lro d is aulornaticaly d sen qaoed \i,hen lhe 0 desope scaplur".d lhe ALT annrnr al0r e rrnqr.hes ånd Gs s dEpajed ls T !l hlr mdle D d banl chinops e dutooiot as necessary to nra nta n oca ær and qldes Rev.0 72 KAP I4O AI]TOPIi,OT SYSTI1NI JunÆ8 I tt -.- Two Aris Operation t t t t t t t t I ou€/ 5 t t t t t -t m w ffi - t t 5 t .-- ffi ffi t o q. o o o 3 U o ili o ol r senqa0es the :-::: :1'. -.: :.':.. !r :]].or1lo !i]ee -'. ::':: : : :.:-::_t : idis A'asnn-o AP rids.rnrerlt0ne The h 0 ot niuales tlre m ssed approach and sta- i .nit i rhe.lmb The herd id br0 s sei t0lhe mssed alDroacr radnq o-f 7rs The 090' B! deDress nq the HDG butl0n 0n the MP lrl0 th| auiop oi elqalles ilo llre heird nq and irerl ca speed modes c0rnmencf!l å a head ng oJ 090" and mainian nq rqlrt tufi l0 the rste 0i. rb Prstrq atei0ag"Am"Ant. t - d J Rev.0 Jur€E K1I' I.lII \I.TOPILOT S\STE\I 73 f Two Axis Operation Outbound on GPS Apprcach Using DG . Desctiption of GPS operattan based an Bendix/King GPS receivet, requi rc different ope Rlion. ffi w ffi athe6 nay @ ffi Lluo !,rdro0rtreftnqri tlre AF thelrPidnq h i q rit tn 2r3' thP a,PSs LPo 0BS nrode vi'.h nn s set r0 0BS nrode and the 0BS s 23-8' Tlre aulop 01 nl ales a Leil lunr to trårk1[e 238'6PS cor 3e s1t0 ;l Rev.0 KqP 140 AL]TOPILOT SYSTII{ Ju !8 4t a t Two Axis Operation 4' o'$" 4t t t t t t t t t tt ) tt t ) t ,"'__*_.,"_+ro _____ ffi ffi ffi ffi 4 L o c o 3 U The head n0 br0 lras beer s1 a rlnll haa nadea io 103' and rre eftlr'nlollrsheadnq. s LaqrOBS node s\rtch nlt s set 10 L?q node and lhe 0BS s s1 to 058' Se ect JiP b dlp E5nq rh. aPF blion Tre GPS r,!r T -.- P HDC irirnr riln 1tr l0 I ! /. -r.d; iher er: rq: slr L ive tr? r?ad rll buq . i_ sicoids r0 058' s r.e 1re 15" ':;.:Ci s r!3' r! r . irli rotturn lnti r',i t tt '' "::._ rq rod: 3 usrd l- io ile r orEd!E :::_ li. t.r rs llråi llre !. : ":_:_: aPS:0.r5€ al3 1o : :.. - T o W Efl -d t I R.!.0 KÅP I1D ÅLITOPILOI SISTEI\{ ri 75 o 3 Two [\is Operatiun Outbound on GPS Apprcach Using HSt ' Desciptian af GPS operation based an Benclix/King GPS receivet. Otherc may m w requi rc clifle rent ope ratian. ffi The ancrail is n APB mode apr oæir nq the AF. Approacr arm s ndcated on the GPS @ ffi Llpon !ayp0 nl aen ng at th". lAF, the corrse po nte s setto 238' the GPS s LeoiOBS ri0de s\,r1ch q s sel to 0BS mode The altopiot nf tiaGsa eillurn to lncktlre238" GPS c trr Re!.0 4 5 t ta Tlro [ris Operation I - t t t t "6s .,,. o -_______-_.,,"_+r a € R ffi ! W Wry o o o-' ffi ffi o 3 u o lr: Li n! molP E lsPd r lrrrq thF to lror,d rc :: rr :ar siroris thal tra Re\. 0 1 1r The head n0 buo has been set 10 103' and a rcralt lras made a eJt lum to th s head q ich nq is set t0 Tlre GPSs Leg/oBS r ode node rnd ilr! rou .e lro ntP s sPt to n5å 5?. 0rrr mod. br d,p.ss q thc L.i s ra! tiAt 140ALT0PlLor s)sTl)l 77 Two Axis Operation lnbound on GPS Apprcach Using DG -+ o ø ...------::-.--.M o ' o Description of GPS aperalion based on BendixlKing GPS rcqu i rc differcnl operation. ffi w @ ffi 1 ffi C0nliau ng thB manerver on paqe 74, APB nrode caplr re occurs Tlre leil ' rLnn iutopi0t nl io irark the 058'GPS Approach actve s nd cated oi ates a 2 Al tlre tAF. ALT s deDEssed 10 ac1lah ven ca soeed nrode The des red descenl mte is course. obtained trsnq th". DN L]|no r the GPs Eenenbet, speed needs lc be cantalled KAP ]40 AIITOPII,NT SVSTF,II l(ev.0 ulh tt A A Two Aris Operation a -a a t t a a 1 a a a a a a a 4 1 I I a 4 4 4 a 4 '- ffi ffi ffi Gfl ffi :::ie [r]DA Ure ALT br1ton s deoftssad åus r tr! a!to! otto e ofl and firartan i coi ::rri ailrae. Al the lrlAP rhe D 01 d sen0aqes '': ar:op 0t s tr tre lrrtion on the cDntr0 -x Ai :_.ids asr rrr AP ar runc at 0n s dspialei nr_l,retoneL! so!nd The ! o q o c o a lr 0r rlales tie nssd åpprDacir and na n lh? c nb The head nq buq s t0 the mssed apDror.h head rir 0: UDG brttcn 0i 090'. B! deDress rq (AP 1J0 the arl0p 01er,4i0es nto the read rg :ode. ccmnefciq å rqhl t,rrn r0 3 read b 4s lh, a rcrali rl ng ot tr tlt 090' 4 t,.4 1 ! Jur!€8 KqP 140 Å!l0rll.0T SYSTEI{ 79 3 fuo A{is Operation lnbounc! on GPS Apprcach Using HSI -+. o o '-------.::,---.M o ' o m Wfl Desctiplion of GPS apetation based on Bendix/King GPS receiver. Athers may requ i re ctffetent apetation. @ ffi ffi Corlinu nq the ma.eu,re. on page 76. APF mode cåp1ure occ0rs The auiop ot intates a eft lurn io lrack ihe 058" GPS c0L[se " appr0rch act ve s ind crled oi lhe GPS Al tlre FAF ALT s depressed lo actlaie ledca speed mode. The des red descert rate obta ied us ng Fsnenbt. jre speed reeds ta be cartralhd Rcv.0 80 KAP 1,10 AI JTOPII,OT SYSTE]\I s DN bunon Iu 98 rith a 4 I t Two Axis Operation I - t t t t -t t -+---"""---@ 5 m w t .- t .t t o q. o o ffi { t t - b b b b b b b ts .It c o 3 -,o U, o :: :_: "lr :': ALT iLrlron s depressed caLE -):::... -.i lri 01 and ma n13 n a con. ::_: ::: ri :: -i l;9 ilri p oi d senqaSes :_i:-::: :i _,r,l- i_. !rir,ir.n th? ioriro . .: :':._ AP : _-':::on s d spa,rd 4 The piot n t ates 1l're rn ssed approircl'rand sta h 7cs the å the N nrb The head id bri] s set l0 ire nr ssed alp oach lreadlnq o-f 090' By depressinq llre HDG bu110n 0n ths KAP 140 ihe a[too 0t eni]aqes n10 the head (mil i no aid /enra spæd m0des conrnrencnq qir thP Re! 0 (lP 140 a a u r ro d htud nq oi 0q0" ind mi nti ninq "te o c nb e .l f0 ,rP Ltlllemeil ToPll oT sYsTu\1 81 l