Mariposa Folk Festival
Mariposa Folk Festival
ival Message iposa's President A largeandcomplexeventlike theMariposaFolk Festivalrelieson the goodwill,hardwork andfinan:ial supportof so manyindividualsandorganizaions,thatspacedoesnot allowus to list themall. However,on behalfof MariposaFolk Foundation, it is my greatpleasureto expressdeepgratitudeto everyonewho hasmadeit possiblefor us to bring youanotherMariposaFolk Festival. Thearmyof volunteerswho contributetensof usands ofhoursyearround;thefinebusinesses andorganizations who sogenerously supportthefestival with their expertiseandfunding;thegovernmentagencies who provideessential funding;the -so-talentedartists appearingon our stagesthis and you, the loyal fansand the 'first timers' ho, year after year, createthe magic of Mariposa. I hope you all have a wonderful time! PauletteKirkey , Mariposa Folk Foundation Message fiom Thank You Tb All Leuels Of Gouernment Wewouldlike to thankall levelsof govemmentfor their unreserved supportof MariposaFolk Festival. is also there for Mariposa in any way he can. Garfield was instrumentalagainthis year in helping the Festival securea grant from the Ontario Our Memberof Parliament, PaulDeMllers.hasbeena greatsupporter of Mariposa eversinceits returnto Orillia in theyear2000.PaulpromotestheFestivalandhas assisted us securingimportant financialsupportfrom HeritageCanada,Human Resources Development Canada. andPublicWorks Canada. Whenyou seePaul thisweekend,sayhelloand thankhim for his hardwork. Tourism Event Marketing Program.The Festival has also enjoyed signifi cant support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Our Orillia Mayor, Ron Stevens,has proved to be a great Friend of Mariposa Folk Festival.Whether it is talkingup Mariposa whereverhe goes,or providing valuable advice to the organizers,Ron's efforts on behalf of the Festival are very much appre- Our Memberof Provincial Parliament, Garflreld Dunlop, ciated. Artistic Director Welcometo MariposaFolk Festival2003on thebeautifulshoresof LakeCouchiching. And thankyou for your continuedsupportof this festivalaswell asotherartseventsthroughoutOntario. Theproductof hundredsof peoplecommittingthousands of hoursandboundless energyyearafter , Mariposahasa glorioushistoryasa volunteer-driven festival.Thehardwork of volunteersbehindthe scenes before,during,andafterthe festival,ensures thateverythingrunssmoothly.I wouldlike to expressmy thanksto all of thevolunteers, theMariposaFolk Foundation Boardof Directorsandits subcommittees. includingtheFestivalOrganizingGroup.Specialthanksgo to GerryHawesfor actingasBoardLiaisonon matters. This summerwe are proud to presentartistsrepresentingall regionsof Canada.The festival also has an international presence aswe welcomeperformersfrom theUnitedStatesandEngland,includingTerri Allard andJim Moray,who will maketheir Canadiandebutsthis weekendin Orillia. Wealsowelcomereturning favoritesfrom the first festivalat TudhopePark,ChrisSmitherandTanglefoot, aswell astwo favorites from the2002festival,The SilverHeartsandTheRyanSchneider Band.Wearealsovery pleasedto have Cockburnasour Saturdaynight featureperformer.Bruceis returningto Mariposafor the first time since1975. Pleaseenjoythe festivalin its multifacetedglory.Takein the greatmusicon all of our stages;browse Artisans'Village;experiencethe activitiesin our Folkplay area;enjoy the tastyofferingsof our food ven- andvisit our emporiumto takehomea lastingmemory. And pleasejoin me in welcomingtheartistswho graceour stagesthis weekend. RandiFratkin ArtisticDirector Mariposa:a shiningpast, und'abrightfuture From Hootenannyto one ofCanada'soldestand best known folk festivals,Mariposa'sname is synonymouswith Orillia and the celebrationof folk music by both fans and musicians. beginningin I 961, the Mariposa From its spectacular (named Mariposa in StephenLeacock's after the Folk Festival 'SunshineSketchesof a Little Town'),hasbeencelebratedin many different locations.Throughout this itinerant period, Mariposa retainedits original workshop format and artistic identity. A festivalofthis size existsbecauseofthe enthusiasm ofdedicated volunteers.Ruth Joneshad a vision and created Mariposa; Estelle Klein influencedand guided the artistic direction of the festival; the Mariposa Folk Foundationkept it alive during 40 years ofartistic and financial challenges;and Festival Orillia broughtMariposahome to Orillia in 2000. The artistic committee'svision is always guided by Mariposa'smandate- The promotion and presentationof folk art in Canadathrough song, story danceand crafts. The organizers mat imitated throughoutthe world. Legendaryartists,such as Joni Mitchell, Ian and Sylvia, Taj Mahal, Bruce Cockbum, Leonard Cohen,Bufff St. Marie, OscarBrand, Stompin' Tom Connors,Leon Redbone,the late Stan Rogers,StephenFearing, SarahHarmer,and Orillia's own Gordon Lightfoot keep the hootenannyspirit alive. This yearwill be year43 and the sun logo' designedby Ian Tyson, and rumouredto have been modified by Murray Mclaughlin, still shinesbrightly on Mariposa. Over 500 volunteersare eagerto make2003 Mariposa'sbest festivalever! Board of Directors 2OO2' 2003 - MartinWard Treasurer Secretarv GordonBall President- PauletteKirkey Vice President- Tim Lauer Directors CatherineBrennan GerryHawes SandyMcAllister TrishPatterson Bob Stevens DavidWarren Board of Advisors MariposaFolk Foundationis proud to be affrliatedwith an illustrious group of advisorsrepresentingmusicians,academiaandbusiness.Thesepeoplehave immenseexperiencein folk music, and they continue toblaze the trail to keep the folk art alive! They are alsogreatboostersof Mariposa,and we would like to expressour deepestgratitudeto eachand every one of them. SidDolgay(Chair) GordonLightfoot PhyllisYaffe DavidDeacon SylviaTyson SydBanks Don Cullen m have also followed the traditionof including Celtic,Frenchand Aboriginal music as an integral part of Mariposa.Juried Canadiancrafts are a highlight of eachyear'sevent.Although new themesand elementsare tried eachyear, Mariposahas maintainedits successfulworkshop for- Dr. Bill Goodman JoeLewis Dr. Timothy Maloney Vctor Page SamSniderman Lynne Hurry JoeFrancoz Mariposa Folk Festival 2003 Page 5 Please Join Us T h e M a r i p o s aF o l k F o u n d a t i oins a n t c n t b c r s hoi pl g a n i z a t i o n , andwe inviteyou to join us.Irol only $i20,you canbecotnca memberof thc MariposaFrilk FoLrnclation, andsupportthe MariposaFolk Festival,r,ariouscoltccrtsclies,andthc other folk-related aspcctsoforrr oruanization. Join us today! Membership formsavailirblcat lhe irrl'ttlnration booth. fihop Llowntown You forgetsomcthingat hornc'JSolrcthinguncxpectctl canrcup'? Youjust love shopping'/ Why not takca tiee MariposaShuttlc Bus to Orillia'sdowntownhelitagcntainstrcetwhcrcyou'll find lotsof greatstoresanclboutiqrres. I hc shuttle[rusesarriveand departfrom the paLkinglot besidcthe l]artlcld Point Recreation Centreneartheentmnccto thc fi:stivalsite. Walk to the Leacock Home Museum political econontistwas not limited by the boundariesof Canada but spreadaroundthe world. His reputationas a humoristhas withstoodthe test of tirne,and his kindly jokes still evokelaughter today.You can walk there from here. Go throughthe main Visittlrepicturcsque homcof Stephen ( ltl69-1944), Leacock one gatethen follow the LightfootTrailfor l5-20 minutestowards of thefounders ol'Canadiitn lcttersand literature.In thc downtownOrillia. The trail takesyou right pastthis treasured early20thcentury, Lcacock's reltutation asa hunrorist anda NationalHistoricSite. from irri::!,..ii..::ii.: ' : '' '' "r" ',.......',Jr.fl''itt,*lt+.t,'.t.. '""""t*lliiiiliifiiji,rt.llil.11.11.... ORILLIAXSqUARE proudly servingOrillia and areasince 1975with over55+ sfores SummerEventslnclude: Arts & CraftsShow fuly 3-s SummerSidewalk Sale fuly 14-20 Bruce Cockburn A music legend,Bruce "The whole Cockburn says point of writing songsis to shareexperienceswith people".He doesthis with unfl inching observations of human cruelty, greed, courageand survival in the lyrics on his 20 gold and platinum recordsin Canada.From the 1970's classic'l'm Going to the Country'to his latestCD release 'You've Never SeenEverything' he has stayedtrue to his music and to his beliefs. and created some of the most poignant,moving music of the past 3 decades.It is a rare treat to hear him in concert. This Mariposa may "sunshinesmile on everyone". www.brucecockburn'com Scl.'CasinoRamaMain Stage- Evening Gord Downie B The CountrY of Miracles Gord known as lead singer/songwriterfor the Tragically Hip, hasjust releasedhis secondsolo record - 'Battle of the Nudes'.His eclectic original music and lyrics, which range from "folk and country-rock to jazz-tinged and experimental... tum whimsical, cynical,tenderand world-weary" (Maclean's).With Canadianreferencesand timelessmessages, his songsand poemsare full of imagery.He is currently touring the US and Canadawith his band, The Country of Miracles. Fri: Casino Rama Main StageEvenins Tbrri Allard A touch of Americana,is Teni Allard. 'smokyalto' bringsher vocal Sheof the finesseall the way from Virginia. Terri is highly regardedat home, and has a 'Best FemaleVocalist' award to show themanyshades for it, andseveralCDsin which sheexpresses human existence. of RamaStage12:30- l:15 ,Sat.'Casino Sal.'CasinoRamaStage2:30- 3:15 Stage4:00- 4:30Concert Embassy Sat:Bohemian Embassy Shgel:00 -1:45 Bohemian Sam; Sage4:45- 5:30 Ernbassy Sun;Bohemian Deux Saisons Hold on to yourtoques,Deux is in thehouse!Wth the Saisons had soundsof French-Canadian mandolin,guitar, frddle,accordion, uprightbassanddrums,theboys whip up a bigof DeuxSaisons timekitchenpartyon stage...and invited!Somewhere everybody's and betweenLa BottineSouriante lesColocs(or, if you prefer,GreatBig SeaandtheBarenaked with theirinteractive,highLadies)you'll find DeuxSaisons, praiseof andtheirunabashed their charm their wit, energyshow, wine,womenandsong.Getreadyfor a two-fisted,footgoodtime! www.deuxsqueeze-boxin' stompin',fi ddle-sawin', Pub7:30- 8:30 Frl; Mariposa Sat.'BohemianEmbassyStageI l:30 ' 12:30 Sal;CasinoRamaStage4:30- 5:15 Scl; CasinoRamaMain Stage- Evening Sun.'CasinoRamaStageI l:30 l2:45 ^Szr;BohemianEmbassyStage 2:45- 3:30 Dan Kershaw Dan Kershawhookedup with his old pal DavePedlihamto formThe BrothersCosmolinein 1992.As an backto that stretches outletfor theirsongwriting- a relationship together brought band the London, Ontario in days high-school influencesasdiverseasGramParsons,the VelvetUnderground, Bill Monroe,andTheBeatles.In additionto writing andperKershawkeepshis handin the formingwith theCosmolines, loamof haditionalfolk andcountrymusicvia projectslike The TheBrothersCountrypolitan BrothersKitchen(bluegrass), (honky-tonk),andrewes like the recentGordonLightfoot tributeTheWayWeFeel.Weareproudto havethis London,ON bom singer/songwriterperformingsoloat the2003Mariposa Folk Festival.Watchout for www.deepbluefunk.calbroscosmoline Publ:00 - 1:45 Sal;Mariposa Scf.'MariposaPub3:00- 3:45 Sun;BohemianEmbassyStage2:00- 2:3Q\Concert San.'CasinoRamaStage3:00- 3:45 Embassy Stage4:45- 5:30 Sun;Bohemian Mariposa Folk Festival 2OO3 Mary de Keyzer & Melody Ranch Melody Ranchis the longestrunningregularweekend musicmatineein Toronto.Recentlyrelocatedfrom The BrunswickHouseto Club 279 at the Hard Rock Cafeat Yonge& Dundas,this stellargroupof seasonedmusicianswho haveperformedwith Bruce Cockburn,StuartMclean's Vinyl Cafe,Gail Bliss, ColleenPeterson,Willie P. Bennett,WashboardHank, andMurray Mclauchlan, havejust completedtheir l8th year of bringingthe very bestin classiccounrry and honky tonk to downtown Torontoon Saturday afternoons.JoiningMary de Keyzerthis weekendare ChrisWhiteley,Dave Tufford, Mitchell Lewis, ConradKipping, Mike Gardner,and Mike Clifton. Join thernfor a festivalversionof their renowned Saturdaymatineein the MariposaPub and watchfor specialguestsin the secondhalf of the show ^lal.'MariposaPub l:00 - l:45 Mary de Keyzer Sal: MariposaPub 6:00- 8:45 Page 7 Shoshorra anedRaven Shoshona Kish is an Anishnaabesinger/spokenword performer now studying musicat CarletonUniversity in Ottawa.A graduateof the En'owkin InternationalSchool of Writing, Shoshonawill be perlormingoriginalcompositions accompanied by one otheryoung Native musician/singer/composer, RavenPolson-Lahache. Raven studiedmusic at Berkeley. www.ravensmusic. com Sal: BohemianEmbassyStage l 1 : 3 0- l 2 : 3 0 Sat: BarnfieldStage 3:00- 3:30Concert The Shards The Shardstake a uniquely assertiveapproachto their mostly original, celtic folk/rock songs: driving labyrinths of acousticinstrumentation. high-energyvocalsand powerful fiddle licks entwineto createa distinctive sound.The band's debut album, 'Beggar's Road',hasattainedgenerous air nlav on folk radio programsin Canada,the U.S.,Australiaand Belgium.Recent performances haveincludedgigs at SummerfolkMusic & Crafts "Powerfuland engagFestivaland The FergusHighlandGames. - Will Henry ing vocals,dynamicinstrumentalanangements." Owen SoundCeltic Festival Sal: BamfieldStage4:30 - 5:15Concert Srzn.'MariposaPub 8:30 - 9:30 The Ryan Schneider Band He's 19.And he hasa band!This bandis making a namefor itsell gettingstagetime at schoolsand festivals around Ontario with energetic performances,punchy writing and greatvocals.Schneiderand band openedfor The Silver Hearts in Orillia in May at Mariposa's kickoff fundraising concert.Last year,theyplayedat Mariposa's festivalpubstageto exultant reviews.Enjoy! Fri.'CasinoRamaMain Stage- Evening Stage3:00- 3:45 Embassy Sal;Bohemian Pub5:00- 5:45 Sal;Mariposa Pub10:30- 12:00 Sal:Mariposa Stagel:00 - l:45 Embassy Sur: Bohemian San;CasinoRamaStase4:00- 4:45 Avenue Road l' "A force to be reckonedwith" is how the live show of this fivepiece,Toronto-based, band has beendescribed.Following their recentBattleof the Bandssuccess at York University, the up-andcoming band nabbedan opening soot at Yorkfest.AvenueRoad is comprisedof vocalistChris Sue,leadguitaristNashvilleDave Pomeroy,bassistDan Kanter, rhythm guitarist Matt Burt and Po. "We'repreparedto dominatethe monosyllabicpercussionist world," they say. Fri.'MariposaPub 9:00- l0:15 Sun; MariposaPub 1:00- l:30 Concert S u r ; M a r i p o s aP u b7 : 1 5- 8 : 1 5 a a a uwlngarnaJrg a A jazzftddle. And the player is really young! Michael Fraser hasbeenplaying the violin since age four, over the intervening l0 or so yearshe has beenregional champ in a southernOntario competition and receiveda British ColumbiaHall of Famescholarship for young talent. Michael's dad, Don, was the Bluegrass GuitarChampion.This 1996WesternCanadian basedduetbringsustraditionandinnovationalong Vancouver with a greatdealof Pub6:30- 7:15 Fri.'Mariposa Pub12:00- 12:45 Scl.'Mariposa l:45- 2:15 Sar:Folkplay Embassy Stage4:45- 5:30 Saf.'Bohemian Sun:CasinoRamaStagell:30 - 12:45 a Pub2:45- 3:I 5 Concert Sun:Maripos Pub4:30- 5:15 Mariposa Sr.rn: The Silver Hearts Peterborough'sthe Silver Heartsare back at Mariposaby popular demand.They are a blend ofaccordion,fiddles,piano,brass,musical saw,thereminand more. With a mixture of westernroots, tin-panalley, blues and ragtime, their musichasbeen at varioustimesas"ghosttownwestemmusic",or described "musicfor an Irish wake"andthebandas"a brothelblues orchestra".TheSilverHeartstakeforgottenmusicandreinvent it with a newsenseof styleandvitality. com www.thesilverhearts. Fri.'CasinoRamaMainStage- Evening Pub- l0:30- 12:00 Frl; Mariposa Shane Simpson ShaneSimpsonhas Ottawa-based himelfto theart of guidedicated tarplayingfor 20 years.Theresult is a uniqueblendofguitar-driven folk rock thatblendssoulful lyrics, melodieswith introspective andhasbeenfavourablycompared with thework of Lyle Lovettand his BlueRodeo.Shanereleased "Outstanding 'More of 2002. in the fall Electric', secondCD, albumyou'll compilation... asstrongasanysinger-songwriter hearthisyear," Sal BarnfieldStage12:45- l:15 Concert PubStage4:00- 4:45 Sal:Mariposa Page 9 Mariposa Folk Festival 2003 Slainte Mhath Get the fire extinguishers! Energeticand talentedCape Bretonceltic fiver Slainte Mhath (pronounced 'slawnchava) includesthe MariposaFolk Festivalin its summertour schedule.SlainteMhath'smainstage show,and a release,'VA', are new stepsfor the band. Last year SlainteMhath becameCanada'sfirst EastCoastartistto receive BBC folk nominationsafter Europeantours. This group'sname is Gaelicfor'good healthto you'. Fri.' Casino Rama Main Stage- Evening Pub 12:00- 12:45 Sat.'Mariposa RamaStage4:30 - 5:15 ^Sat.'Casino Sun:BamfieldStagel:45 - 3:15 Pub Stage4:30 - 5:15 Snn.'Mariposa Catnato This high-octane,femalesketch troupe looks forward to making you laugh.Camarohasperformedat ALT.COMedyLounge,The Midnight Howl, EclecticCircusand the annual FreshMeat Showcase,a rewe of the bestin freshTorontotalent.As the femalecore of the five-member improv troupeGiddy Up, they held the undefeatedtitle for eight straight 'On weeksin the Cagematchimprov battle'sfirst season. Her Majesty'sSecretCervix',the girls' first all-Camaroshow,earned a standingovulationat the Tim SimsPlayhouseand will be remountedin September. James KeClaghan F,lizaBeth Hill as oneoftop 100folk Selected Her namein Mohawk refersto performers in the past20 years as ElizaBeth singing.'Fortunate, Boston radio station, by a the Hill, originally from Six is a Juno Keelaghan James Nationsof GrandRiver,has (and three-time winner award had her feet solidly plantedin hasgrown who nominee) Juno Nashvillefor severalyearsas a act popular coffee-house from a Sheis singerand songwriter. festival and in Calgaryto a acclaimedin festivalperforconcerthall favourite.His latmancesaroundthe US. We get estrelease'Home'takeshim her strong,clearvoice for one back to his folk roots and a weekend. more traditionalsound. hill.htm Sar.CasinoRamaStase12:30- Sal: CasinoRamaStage2:30- 3:15 Sat;CasinoRamaStage3:30- 4:15 l:15 Sun:CasinoRamaStage2:00-2:45 Embassy Sage1:30- 2:00Concert Sbt Bohemian Sun:MariposaPub 3:30- 4:15 Pub3:00- 3;45 Scr.'Mariposa Sun:CasinoRamaMain Stage- Evening Embassy Stagel2:0- 1245 Sun:Bohemian 2:45- 3:15 Sur;Folkplay Embassy Stage3:45- 4:30 San;Bohemian Grace & Wit This trio is a collaborationof threestrongmusicaltalents from central Ontario. They bring a mixture of old and new favourites,originals, classicsand standards.Strong vocals,two and three part harmony,a setting by the lake. Grace and Wit is Karen Grace,JasonPeggand Jo Gravelle. Sun:BamfieldStagell:30 - l2:00 Concert Pub 6:00 - 7:00 Snn.'Mariposa Angela Haskill Lisa Lapornte Y a T a Li sa Eclecticsinger/songwriter Lapointehasopenedfor Ray Charlesand sungback up for CelineDion while a memberof the MontrealJubilationGospel Choir.Shehasplayedseveral coffee housesin Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto, and was keyboardistand back-upvocalist for the now defunct San FranciscobandCeleste'sTool Chest.Lisa was selectedas Director'sChoiceat the Revive 2000 Festival in upstateNew York, was a finalist at last year's Kerrville New Folk Competition and rankedfifth in the CanadianWinterlightsSongContest. San:BarnfieldStaee12:15-12:45Concert Anne Lindsay Band Anne hasperformed on concert, club and festival stages and influencesare many and studiosessions and in countless various,rangingfrom with artistsincludingJohn McDermott,Jim Cuddy,Blue Acadianandcountrymusic Rodeo,NatalieMcMaster,The to opera,and from Stevie Chieftains,Led Zeppelin, Nicks andAllison Krausto Oliver Schroer,Oh Susanna, BeyondThe Pale,Heartwood, Teni Clark and the Dixie The Calore Trio, David Chicks.Followingoperatic Woodhead,and in the hit stage studies,shebuskedon the musical, Stan Rogers:A Matter Of Heart.Anne also regularlY while streetsof Ottawa plays (fiddle!) for the Toronto Mapleleafs. wwwarp-lirdsay.ccrn developingher song-writing Sal: MariposaPub l2:00 - l2:45Anne Lindsay Band 'Awakenings', were co-written Sal: BarnfieldStage1:30- 2:45Anne Lindsay Band skills.The songson her first CD, Sat: MariposaPub 4:00 - 4:45 JasonFowler with award-winningsongwriterand producerJohnK. Gulley. Sat: BohemianEmbassyStage4:45 - 5:30 Anne Lindsay Angela'slive showshaveincludedgigs at the Mundy'sBay Folk San:CasinoRamaStagel1:30 - 12:45 AnneLindsay Band Sun:MariposaPub l:45 - 2:30 (with Blake Papsin) Societyand openingfor the Acadiangroup,Swamperella. Sar: MariposaPub 3:30 - 4:15 David Woodhead Sar: CasinoRama Main Stage- Evening Sal:BamfieldStage12:00- 12:30Concert Angela'smusicalinterests Mariposa Folk Festival 2003 Phil Masters Page 11 Jim Moray Phil Mastersaficiona- He'sjust twenfy- dosbelievethe Orillia- one but he'ssingle-handedlyturn- basedsinger-song- ing the English folk music world on its head.And he'snot aboutto writer'simpressively largesheafofrootsy materialdeserves com- stopthere.Jim Moray is a massive talentwho parisonwith someof GordonLightfoot's best.A bit of a recluse andreluctantto promote himself and his work, to date,phil has not receivedmuch attentionoutside Lake country. But, watch out. Mariposa Folk Festival 2003 may prove to be his ticket to success.Catchhis act now so that, later, you can truthfully say you heardphil Mastersbefore he made it big. ,Sr.rn: Barnfield Stage3:30 - 4:00 Concert hastakensongs from Englishtraditionalmusicand re-workedthem to create someof the most startlinglyoriginal,contemporary recordingsto come out of the folk world sincethe 1970s. A man to watch' Sct: CasinoRamaStage3:30 _ 4:15 ^Sat:Mariposapub 5:00 - 5:45 Szn:BohemianEmbassyStage12:00- 12:45 ,Szn:BohemianEmbassyStage4:45 - 5:30 Szn: CasinoRamaMain Stage- Evening -.:-:'='===: "= Kristin Sweetland Blake Papsin Blake Papsinis a Torontobasedsinger songwriterwho hasbeen quietly writing and recordingsongsabout the hecticworld around with a us. Preoccupied numberofserious hobbies,Blake hasrecently reemergedfrom the writing room to perform a "SeriousBoy". Having numberof datesin supportof his CD played around town for the last couple of decadespredominantly as a sideman, he has beenjoined as a front man by a powerful bandof local musicians.He lastplayedat Mariposaa decade ago as the guitaristin Michal Hasek'sband Sundog. Sat: MariposaPub 3:00 - 3:45 Sct MariposaPub 4:00 - 4:45 Sur: MariposaPub l:45 - 2:30 Concert Sun:BohemianEmbassyStage:4:45 - 5:30 Stephane Paquette i rj i \ is a Paquette St6phane from the singer/songwriter was Sudburyarea.St6phane formerlywith thegroup'Les ChaizesMuzikales'.St6Phane experience useshisextensive to drawthelistenerinto worldsof his own creation.He hasperformedat manyfestival includingFestivalBor6aland Ottawa'sFestivalFranco.We welcomethis excitingperformerto Mariposa. Stage Sc/:BohemianEmbassY ll:30 l2:30 Stage Sal:BohemianEmbassY 12:45- l:15 Concert Sct:Folkplay2:30- 3:00 Stage Sun:BohemianEmbassY 12:00- 12:45 Sun:Folkplayl:45 - 2:15 Sun:CasinoRamaStage4:00- 4:45 Kristinis beinghailedas one of Canada'shottestyoung guitar players,Her debutalbum, 'Root, Ileatt & Crown'nhasmet with criticalacclaimsinceits releasein fall 2002.The ballad "Clernentine"won an awardin the OntarioCouncil of Folk 'SongsFrom the Festivals and her song Heart'contest 'llermetica'is featuredon'Six StringsNorth of the Border Vol. ll', the instrumentalguitar "A compilationfrom BorealisRecords. tnonsterof a guitarist"CosrnicDebrismagazine. and.corn www.kristinsweetl Sc/:MariposaPubStage4:00 - 4:45 Sun:BarnfieldStase4:15 - 4:15 C'oncert Tbny Ttrrner of genial A singer-songwriter observalion. spiritand ingenious Tony Tumer and his songstravel of life. visiting the backroads forgottenpeopleand places,old friendsand loved ones.An award-wintringsongwriterbased in Ottawa,Tony playsthroughout Ontario and beyond. Releasedm2002, Tony'sdebut CD, 'A Matter of Time', was producedby Ian Tamblyn.It featuresan arrayoftuneful tales that are compelling,evocative, impressive by turn."Undeniably tranquilandamusing dramatic, Eggs#16,Winter2002firstrecording."Penguin cal-ttumer/ www.cyberus. Sal:CasinoRamaStagel:30 - 2:l5 3:45- 4:15Concert Sal:BamfieldStage &rr: CasinoRamaStage1:00- 1:45 Chris Smither In clubsand festivalsacrossthe globe,perfonningsongwriterChris Srnitherdeliverssongsin his signaturerootsystyle,with a stunningbluesguitarand his tappingfeet. Bonnie Raitt and Ernmylou Harrishavechosenhis songsto recordand Smither'scontemporarybluesstyle addsa welcome southerndrawl to any concert.His new album-'Train Home'- will be availablein July' Scl: CasinoRamaStage3:30- 4: l-5 Sal: MariposaPub2:00- 2:45 SatCasinoRamaMain Stage- EveningSar: BohemianEmbassyStagel:00 l:45 Sun:CasinoRamaStage3:00 3:45 Mariposa Folk Festival 2003 Thnglefoot Page 13 The Wailinr Jennvs From the original trio to the current quintet, Tanglefoothasbeenmaking Canadianhistory come alive sincethe 1980's.With banjo,mandolin, slide guitar,harmonica,bass,whistleand pianothey havea big, full-throttle sound,huge vocal harmoniesand a truckloadof someof the most listenable songsyou'll ever hear.Tanglefootcombinestradition,innovation, humour,pathos,fury and passion,(and most of all is engagingand fun.) Sat:CasinoRarnaStagel:30 -2:15 SteveRitchie Sal: BohernianEmbassyStage3:00- 3:45 Sar: BohemianEmbassyStage4:45 - 5:30 Terry Snider Sat:MariposaPub 9:00- 10:00 Threeprofessionalmusicians came togetherfor an eveningperformanceand were lovingly dubbedThe Wailin' Jennys.The name stuckand the trio hasrisen to successwith music awardsand a busy performing scheduleacrossCanada. Their audiencelovestheir spinetinglingharmonies and solid senseof humour.Join thesemusiciansat Mariposafor an entertainingmixture of coversand original material. Fri: MariposaPub 6:30- 7:15 Sal: CasinoRamaStagell:30 - 12:15 Sal: MariposaPub 2:00 - 2:45 Nicky Mehta Sal: CasinoRamaStage2:30 - 3: l5 CaraLuft Sal: MariposaPub 5:00 - 5:45 .Sal:CasinoRamaMain Stage- Evening Sur: Folkplay12:15- 12:45 Snn:CasinoRamaStage2:00 - 2:45 Srn: CasinoRamaStage4:00 - 4:45 Sur: CasinoRamaMain Stage- Evening Sun:MariposaPub 12:00- 12:45CaraLuft Sun:CasinoRamaStage1:00- l:45 Sar: BohemianEmbassyStage2:45 - 3:30 Sr.rn:BohemianEmbassyStage3:45 - 4:30 o I o T o T tr o = t tr a 3 h o 3 {' .g .s o c U' E c .g (D g o o tt o = (! ao .! E |! G, o .g o (! (J E .9. q) J o = .!9 $ (l) J c c (l) .? o .o = = q, (, g (! o CL .g o a! = g 5 E EL o s 6 f o 3 CD E .x |! = o - E € o .! g o F b E 3 H O : Y s(l) fi'= rEu .tsfi . o E 9 ^o3 E o :E s (D 5 EF c(|' EE E. u, s o a/, E g gfi (o J( l F) cn o ( rr. ) E E c = ( o € l q, L !P a)= ! : ( D t J o o h -2. E = 6 * " - C e fi ( c e s F J ( g l 9 .o s I = E P sa(l) 9 t L c s 8E EU o (! t , E € 6 E' c 5 E t o '=.8 e( r \ E ( l c ) = .! g -c .t2 c, -t= . E J . F ( J n ( E .E _9 .9 = eD 'E o, -e g b t5; : :9. att (! = E , = o > - E c e o o c"i o l c E -gi (s a! .E q, C, = o (t, c\i o g o |! 'lEt c.) c.j E '6 9F=p fi * s* (! EE 9 < o ( o E Y (J o Irrf P a F.F E b A F u, -c a a L E ah o > e p $ u c o c 6 q , .c = - ' o a c(I, 5 -( E= EEfi.i F Eg t 6 . D $ E € s eF ; o s < CD g _ .E s F E F*F.= s |r| a ,6 gEb = o 5(l, o o(o s F ( \ E E E E - g o b (c l ) . (l E- : t- 6 (EJ 'F> ES s,t t E s€ .3E l E o I q C', o u, (U e b a !, Eff E f r s= € Eg EE s 5 E g E E A =s'$ € H a 3 , pH ["0 q l E F F 5 E = F E8 av, E 9 ? C ' + g ( B q E c, a! CD €, € F o 9 = b E B 6 gtr - o o o F 8 o ese EE o . E E =EF ' F f a # F E3 E E = a#= Eft:= HFgs 8 .=E E E E T E Fsg 8 ; c . i c . i ,gE 8 a & o T a c - o = t a = 3 a ; 3 s r ID f ? r g $ o e s crt c o ! g * I # c . s FFa i p a .s t o tr ,g .E e o o < ' i o.v. i E f A G t f i t c 0 ,e 5 r! v, (t a o € o o- E o rt gE$ 5' * rE j 8 8 F s NB o a ff CI' ct o FE'F S Eg E g E g qI =il orr 3 lo €E F , € FE$ 6 8 *H€FgEg c (/)-" o I E 0r g x ar tr g a. Gt u) o o { E * Ec #E$; 3$€E*E $p E!E sgt ! Efig=E $ ! f E g d E$ gtr€8 , 3a $ E$ s 56 g ' o tt { g EEr*s#xEu s s E6 Q { o y l o * tJE o €s ol E r tt - o g a:o {, _v A'E 9Ef;= 6 9 ' l - g t 6 6 (! s t . a i H f tt F F , (l)E Eb 3 . gc 6 *$ :R x e s F ( A o o 9 * tr e o o t rJ! t P g 6E FS ( () r 8 f f r E. f ft ir o A f (') o BI $ s Sl .s c tu ltJ $ s q, e o a {s i*Fa i,F$* gg g 3 o 69?6 s F E o ^ . q f,f e .E 8 . ai r E o & , E" e 8 ' o 2 (t (t ( 5 d t r $$EE e*EF - - l tg o c, ) ;' F g !t ?o)Y -'A 5 6-rE € 6 EE€T P g T EXse EE S IgfEfi e s EEEf5 ;' i9f r frE;€Eq g .ss F ()8 E5g F g#*F c (( (\l A E$E $ E E € "$ €s o tr Qra [*c S , g o c > $ ;.9 ( g E r g g{v' F@ iro 3 x * ( ! ('E o E oo rg sa ft (! e o lu .E o>t 5 c tt c to 3 an .g 3 g !0 = o o o E 0 p o Itr E (E o G E c c a c E ,a c F g€ fi E fi iEs F Snider A musician loved by many other musicigns:thqt'sBob Snider. Thd.iJblf-confessed stage'ham'and veteransongwriter is author of a baker's dozen of publishedcollections - and the subjectofone - and a regular in broadcastand stageappearancesacross North America. At Mariposa, enjoy his witty take on the elementsof life as we all know it! www.borealisrecords. com/a_snider.html Fri: Casino Rama Main Stage- Evening Sat CasinoRamaStagel:30 - 2:15 .Scl:BohemianEmbassyStage3:00 - 3:45 San:BarnfieldStage l:00 - l:30 Concert ^Sun: CasinoRamaStage2:00 - 2:45 San:BohemianEmbassyStage:3:45 - 4:30 Katherine Wheatlev and Wendell FergU$ofr' From Parry Soundto Africa to Czechoslovakia,Katherine Wheatley'sinsight into the human spirit is given back in touching lyrics with lasting melodiesand fine guitar playing. Wendell Ferguson, Canada'spremierecountryguitarist lends fast picking and catchy and clever lyrics as the perfect foil to her beautiful voice and sensitivelyrics. Togetherthey are magic. www.wendellferguson. com Cheryl Wheeler Hey! Is this a comedy club or a Cheryl Wheeler set?Be a part of the portrait Cheryl paints rn song,of life as an emotional roller-coasterride. As a lifelong musicianand solo performersincethe age of 12, Cheryl brings to the stagethe resultof her ongoing observationsof our follies and foibles. .Sal:CasinoRamaStage12:30 - l:15 2:ffi -2:45 SbrMariposaPub MariposaPub l2:00 '12:45 Sun:CasinoRamaStage3:00 - 3:45 Srzn:CasinoRama Stage- Evening Wendell Ferguson Saf CasinoRamaStagel1:3012:15 Sal: MariposaPub l:00 - l:45 Sar: BohemianErnbassy Stage2:15- 2:45 Sal: CasinoRamaStage3:30 - 4:15(with Katherine Wheatley) ,Sat:Casino Rama Main Stage- Evening ,San:MariposaPub l2:00 - 12:45 Sun: CasinoRamaStage1:00- l:45 (with KatherineWheatley) Sun: MariposaPub 3:30 - 4: l5 Katherine Wheatley ,ftr CasinoRamaStageI I :30- 12:I 5 Sat:CasinoRamaStage3:30 - 4: l5 Sal: CasinoRama Main Stage- Evening Sun:CasinoRamaStagel:00 - l:45 San:MariposaPub 3:30- 4:15 BEER TENT (MARIPOSAPUB)ENTERTAINMENTSCHEDULE TIME FRIDAY 5:UU 5:30 7:00 Wailin' Jennys& Swingamajig l:5u ueuxsalsons SATURDAY 'UNDAY Maryde Keyzer& MelodyRanch irace and Wit $enue Road (7: l5) 3:00 l:30 ):UU ihards AvenueRoad Tanglefoot Ihe Silver Hearts Ihe Rvan SchneiderBand 9:30 IU:UU l0:30 l:00 l:30 Mariposa Folk Festival 2003 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY p0 m) (6:00-11:0 (6:0G11:00pn) ( 6 : 0 0 - 1 1 : 0p0m ) TheRyanSchneider DeuxSaisons KatherineWheatley Band with Wendell TheSilverHearts Ferguson Bob Snider Wailin'Jennys SlainteMhath GordDownie& The ChrisSmither Countryof Miracles BruceCockburn Page 77 Tanglefoot CherylWheeler Jim Moray Anne LindsayBand JamesKeelaghan THE ARTISANS' VILLAGE - Crafts,hand-mudeinstruments,fine art, demonstrutions, inter-activeworkshops.. . and more! We call it a village but it is more like a city with its wide arrayof forms,influences,stylesand techniques! The Artisan'sVillage is a whole communityof talentedcraftspeople, rangingfrom instrumentmakers,rug hookers,weaversand carversto drum makers,clothingmakers,jewelers,pottersand everythingin between. Every submissionfrom our craftspeopleis carefullyadjudicatedto ensurequality,originality and selection. The itemsfor show and saleat the MariposaFolk Festival'sArtisansVillage havebeendesignedand handcraftedby the artisans,many of whosework is shownin galleries,museumsand major shows. Aida's Magick Garden - clothing & henna body art Aida Nezic & HasseyKieran,Midland, oN, (905)846-5224 Allan Harps- instruments BobAllan,Mississauga, ON Kates Gallery - fine art Kate Ramos,Angus,ON Kathy's Kakes - chocolatetreats Rodney Frost - wooden toys Orillia,ON [email protected] Kathy Webb,Orillia, ON (705) 323-4541 ShannonGuitars Larry Shannon,Innisfil, ON www.shannoncustomguitars. com Anything Used and Sparta Country Candles- candles Klutz Clothing PatriciaMulhern,Toronto,ON [email protected] Shiatsutherapists JulieSavoie& MarrhaMayes,Toronto,ON juliesavoie@hotrnai Lcom JoanneSnow, Sparta,ON Boreal Kites - kite display LindsayMontomergyPottery LindsayMontomeryOrillia,ON (10s)326-29ss Spring Creek Pottery Dave Rollinson,Hepworth,ON Anne Sloboda& Eric Curtis, Sparta,ON, The Luthiers'Co_op Kelly Trafford & Hugh Hunter, Brampton,ON (905) 846-9791 Stitchery by Sue SusanBodis.Orillia.ON (705) 326-0652 [email protected] Bridge Instruments EricCurris&Anne Sloboda. St.Thomas.ON CarawoodProducts - chairs Vite Chomicki.Lucan.ON (519)227-r070 Catherine McTurk Designs- weaving CatherineMcTurk, ShantyBay, ON (705) 72t-0341 The Country Cobweb - weaving TinaVan Dam, Brechin,ON ( 7 0 5 )8 3 3 - 1 1 0 0 Dave Cudworth, Stonecarver/Sculptor Nottawa,ON (705) 444-8533 davemowog@hotmai l. com Duetfarm & studio- fine art Canie& AdamZimmerman. Bechin.ON (705)484-0608 FunkyClothesline GaiaandGabrionOrion,Bradford,ON, (905)939-7929 [email protected] Girdwood'sGraphiteArt SharonGirdwood,ChalkRiver,ON (613)s8e-263 I www.hiddenwi GrassRootOrganics- soaps LauraBoyd,Woodville, ON gio'. ",[email protected] ImagiCorvi - enamels Catherine Crowe,Linday,ON Maureen Gaskin Enamels MaureenGaskin, Guelph, ON ( 5 1 9 )8 2 1 - 5 8 1 3 [email protected] The Magpie's Pocket- hair wraps & jewellery (st9)93s-27e2 Studio Pottery PaulJohnson,Oro Station,ON (70s)481-2s81 Treefrog Percussion Leo Brooks,Alymer, PQ (819) 682-5827 KarenSchrauwen, Orillia,ON (70s)326-7290 NomadBeads TeresaBaker.Orillia.ON [email protected] NorthernOasis- soap& candles BessColeman, Huntsville, ON (705)788-9690 birds JackSlade.Orillia. ON (705) 329-2031 Zephyr - fine art Orion Drums Orillia, ON Ron Cross,Pickering,ON (e}s)427-9st4 Wicker Works MaggieLongworth,Gooderham,ON (705) Whittle Workshop - kazoos& song- (70s\326-0480 zephyrgal lery@hotmail. corn Podarki - painted dolls TamaraWinters, London, ON (st9) 473-6378 Check out theseIntersctive Workshops: Puppytails& Old Dogs- clothing ReviaFisher-Titus, Ottawa,ON (613)830-3489 fi [email protected] PuddleJumperPuppets WendyWilkinson& Lori Lonpre, Huntsville, ON puddlejumperpuppets@cogeco. ca "Q" - jewellery QueTieu,Toronto,ON [email protected] Msit the Artisans'Mllage throughoutthe weekendfor inter-active,fun workshops. We'll havedrum workshopsfor children and adults,kazooand bluesharmonica guitarmaintenance, classes, singingin harmonyand more! Checkwith the Artisans'Village WorkshopPavillion for dates,times and locations. il rJ ; l rl Folkplay for YoungFolk SunshineStageis a 'Funshine?' Stage! In their very own specialplace at Mariposa Folk Festival, young folk can enjoy sights,soundsand activities createdjust The SunshineStd$eanchorsFolkplay with a joyful and bright line-up of musical entertainment,participatory workshopsand for them. traditional storytelling. Whether you are little folk or big folk, you'll love the high energy and great music of Tanglefoot' Folkplay is a wonderful place that Mom and Dad enjoy tool Createa craft - make art - take part in circle singing and dancing - hear stories- enjoy interestingperformerswho energize the SunshineStagewith music and words - wear a headgarland - and sculpt clay! Swingamajig, Deux Saisons,St6phane Paquette, ElizaBeth Hitl and Honey Ears. As if that wasn't enough,the Sunshine Stagealso featurestraditional storytelling, maypole dancing, Folkplay featuresa variety ofactivity and craft centers;an under-S'splayground;bubble magic; workshops;a storytelling kite-making workshops,circle singing for little onesby Jennie Lea Mcleish" as well as an instrumentzoo where little folks can make their own music with fiddles and shakers. castle; lively stageperformances;and Sunflower the Clown. All this and more ensureplenty of fun to keep everyonehap- EveryoneLovesa Parade pily occupiedand coming back for more. What better way to end a wonderful day than to join the children's musical parade,winding your way through the-festival StimulatingActivity Centres! groundsto the cheersand applauseofan appreciativecrowd' Fun and interestingactivity centerssurroundingthe Sunshine FolkPlay is open Saturdayand Sundayfrom ll:00 arn to 5:00 Stageensurethat little folks and big folks can both have a won- pm. derful day creatingcrafts ranging from noodle necklacesto personally decoratedrainsticks;blowing bubbles in the breeze;listening to storiestold in the quiet ofthe storytelling castle;and discoveringthe mysteriesof water works. Mllow headgarlands fashionedwith wild flowers and brightly paintedfaces are mainstaysof Folkplay. Kids love it! The fundamentalessence,the heart and soul of Mariposa Folk Rent a Tbnt r Festival, is our volunteers.Mariposa was conceivedback in Support Mariposa! Mariposa Folk Festivalhas beenworking closely with SpecialOccasionTent Rentalssince our return to Orillia in 2000. They have done sucha greatjob and havebeenso good to Mariposa,we've now entered into a co-operativemarketing agreementwith them. If you need a tent for any occasion,pleasetake your businessto SpecialOccasionTent Rentalsand let them know that Mariposa sentyou! sPeciat{;rr#:r"Xt.Rentats 104WyandotteStreet Orillia,ON L3V 5Nl bu Can Play ^t 3 Cheers for Volunteers! 1961by a goup ofvolunteers headedby our Founder,Ruth Jones,and molded into the important and influential festival it becameby the renownedEstelle Klein. Mariposa has been a volunteer-drivenfestival since its conception, and many thousandsofvolunteers over the years have given Mariposa a piece of their soul. With approximately500 volunteersbehind this year's festival, it is not possibleto mention every one by name,but we want each and every volunteerto know that we deeply appreciate 'Hats off' to all of our wonderful volunteersfor their help. 70s-326-s6s3their wonderful enthusiasmand amazingeffort. r-800-353-77s2 il posa,Too! Ever dreum about performing at Mariposa Folk Festivut? Well, we hope you brought an instrument becauseyou can debut at iposa this weekend.The Orillia Folk Society is hosting an Open Stagewhere budding musiciansjust like you have a chanceto under the Mariposa sun. It doesn'tmatterwhetheryou singor play,dance,do a trick, tell a story or reciteyourpoem,aslong asyou unleashtheperforme within. Sign-upis on a first come,first servedbasis(thereis no advancesign-up).TheSign-UpStageis attachedto Alice's Restaurant. ttji: ta,)j, O MAruN'SCAFE 83 fi'lississaga St.W.{atAlbcrt)326-92A6 Grtnr I'i::nsc' Pnsrar O nrunyeUEEN @pruznw-rr 5 5 F r o n tS t .S . ,O r j l l i . r 3262626 "'Btst Pixznin. tl,trV7arld''' 67 Mcrnorial Avc.,Orillia 325-0034 Owryxny's O rnrxcn's REFRESHMENT srAND RBSTAURAT{T . r - r r . I )+b tvtcltl0rlil {louchiching Beach Parlr Inrnhrirqe Ls.hotdoss.iccel'crr)r & rcfieshmcnts Avc.',Orillia "tlii olr! .t'nltittrrtdn,rt.t, tr r i l r n J-l)-llJtJ O nEuO'SRTSTORAI{TE O croncE'scouNTRy srrlE RESTAURAI{T 119ColLronrc St,W.Orillia 3 2 50 2 i I 480\Vcst St.S.,()rilli.r (comcrof Hnry12 & trVest St.S.) 327-5326 "Nou'You'reTalking ltalian" " Bt:ttHor"rt c Cmhin'in. 1"otvt'ft #'. :{F^,"' {ii ffi iis F, d ffTa,,'#':"d* Cityof Orillia LAXE COUCS}CHII{G qq Mw Mw /#/ f f i x l R J l w ' . / l w e .,:1,iji:.aii$W'l :%*qaab,s,,,.: ,, '*o ,,t" & , ' . '' n n''t' ,,Voucun get anythingyou want...atAlice's Restauront Have a leisurelymeal insidethe tent at Alice's Restaurant,or sit outsideon the patio.Alice's Restaurantfeaturesquality, variety, and healthymeals.Enjoy the performanceson the Sign-UpStage while seatedatAlice's,or keepan eye on what's happeningat the Main Stagesponsoredby Casino Rama.Alice's is a licensedrestaurant. Mariposa2003 SouvenirCD This year'scompilationCD is a veritablesnapshotof today'sfolk music.Featuring18 tracksfrom many of the artistsperforming at this year'sfestival,we know you'll love to play it in the car, in the offrce and at home. Get your CD at the Emporium and supportthe MariposaFolk Foundation.For only $15,you can't go wrong! CompilationCDs from previous MariposaFolk Festivalsare alsoon sale. Emporium Be sureto visit our Emporium where you will find hundredsof hard-to-find CDs, Mariposa Wear, personalnecessities, and all kinds of curiosand collectiblesundera qndlnsJrument d6holions. \iVeglodlyocceplflnanciolContrlbutions Info contqct more fOt Please or csll 613'476'9797 [email protected] bis tent. STAYLONGER! You purchased a Friday Night Mariposa Folk Festival ticket, and now you want to stay for the weekend?No problem. Comeback tomorrow wearing your Friday Night bracelet (must be on your wrist) and upglade to a WeekendPass for only $40 more. A regular weekendpass is $70. This will grveyou a $gOSAVINGS! Mariposa Folk Festival 2003 Page23 Mariposa YearRound Themusicdoesn't stopwhentheMariposaFolkFestivalis over!Checkoutexcitingconcerts year-round in thevariousconcertseries presented by theMariposaFolkFoundation. FromtheCocoon Feafuringbothemergingandestablished youngtalent,Fromthe Cocoonhasits secondandthird showsthis summerat Nia @ C'est What in Toronto.TheJuly l6th showfeaturesLisa Winn with specialguestsShannonWeir andJames l}IakeMariposa Part of Your Philanthropic Giving Hummel.TheAugust20thshowwill featureThe JonathanSeetBand with speMariposaFolk cial guestsCatherineHumeandAsha. Foundation is a registeredcharity,andwe are blessedto receivegenerThis seriesshowcases traditionalfolk musicby established artistsattheTranzac ousdonationsfrom individualsandbusinesses. club in Toronto,co-produced with theFlying cloud Folk club. Joinus on Our heartfeltthanksgo September 7th for theseasonopenerwith Friendsof FiddlersGreen. out to all of our donors for theirgenerosity. In particular,we would like We arepleasedto announce the first productionof our newlycreatedMariposa-in- to recognizethe following for thedonationsof the-CityConcertSeries,featuringCanadian pioneersof modernfolk music,The $250or higher: Travellers.TheTravellershelpedstartthe first MariposaFolk Festivalbackin Mariposa-at-the-CIoud sa-in-th 1961.FormerTraveller, SidDolgay,wason theoriginalorganizing committee of Mariposaandis Chairof theMariposaBoardofAdvisorstoday!TheTravellers will be appearingat theKoffler centrein NorthYork on october30th. If you arefrom out of town,planto returnto orillia for theNovember14th appearance of Canadianfolk legendValdy at theOddfellow'sHall. Valdywasa realcrowdpleaserbothat MariposaFolk Festival2002andtheApril Mariposa-atthe-Cloud concert,sowejust hadto bringhim back! For moreinformationor newconcertannouncements, visit our websiteat Chris Clayton BeverlyFox VaughanHawes Ken Smith If you wouldlike to makea donationto MariposaFolk Foundation, pleasestop by the Information Booth.Charitabletax receiptsareissuedfor all donationsmorethan$20. AUTOGRAPHS ,4fSssrgdrs : &vtyL{.vetttf 6flffsr tgi*fr' Keefrs f,$rrr,fiC0*4r#g Ssd#J ffig}#b& ffi,ffie$ffi gme ghq*& \f-1 18 W&,,e:WftlPionshiP Colf Course t incnst*ml", Z,ftrilcstlryqd't'li"af.,w 367-1stLine Oro-MedonieTwsp^ fio$)?!6-8200 Many Thanks to our Sponsors ffi frJt$tSSf{ CAE@ Hffi* il..l:.,1$ lJ,l.t1,.! l,lt;ul*,i:*tr.:*lt; i.],titni,rrtr:rl rt i:t.t!tillilttlti iriiilis:'i,itr'iiijl,lf tr. rmtm ffi$lffi l: ilI'X & 1l q*f teD uil S&Ei*S n*f' {S!rr{f:}l c${*nf,K(gs **Tg ffi l1]!fi:Iiilq fr R jF$*S #'S* fr:i,$.iil'8 'Sr*:liii.&.,*,iJ t8 g.g,,L,t {;*.,rc,-tr UU' p,,il,d'tts *,iii r${:i r*i* .V;:S,$&,!,ilr*!S' ,144] rilrS,A't,q,W{rF I+n: Ser,.tmdnnFdsnwns *{rySfr#s d#,rslts.} Ross printirry o}IrARIo /@ f ry wnt*fAEE fr$P;r4$funr fiqlsrxpru-S#LVE " Ir$*ltot $e*ir** ffieffii *fi$r*rffi** *#.r$S* Hirrniffiffiei Er**sssffrffi*fi r*moxrn=c* ncr6*t*fi6f, tril#f#N Blain Fullbrook. Marianne Girard. Eve Goldberg Norm Hacking . Joe Hall . Holmes Hooke o Enoch Kent Harry Manx . Scott Merritt. Trevor Mills . Mark Reeves Naffin & Wright. Don Ross. Mose Scarlett Jackie Washington r Ken Whiteley . Tannis Slimmon Alfie $mith. Kristan Sweetland . Liam Titcomb Nancy White. Alfie Zappacosta Lauers Yard Sale gTH ERNO JI.,LY TO I2TH July 9th IndustryOnly J u l y1 0 ,l l & . 1 2 Opento the Public J lttre saucepan. Namesentered at our GaraseSale 8 . TollFreeI-5N46 14275 l( i t c lr e rr A i cl'.'' 3 25'993 FOR THE WAYIT'S MADTE=. coN Grosfillex' NO -- : ] ho* b* uakcl* loof tauie 4 |lotpitafu! BahaiChaise Rounded edges Adiustable &Stackable ffi I OFIILLIA ] ---J *-/ fouri | . '{lte Si{)reFsr'fltsGou5prttt# .lt: I ..i.;i;i++t 1,. r,+ coMvERclAL RESINIURNTTUR[- W