Instrument of Acknowledgment boa- lS,l-y5D
Instrument of Acknowledgment boa- lS,l-y5D
Instrument of Acknowledgment of FEB PanTerra d' Oro boa- lS,l-y5D ...r.rItfBF ?,6 srArE 2002 STATE OF WASTIINGTON A Religious Society and The Office of Overseer and Successors a Corporation Sole Be it known by these presents that I, Kenneth Scott, Cousens, a Man, am qualified and have been Appointed, Elected, and Ordained to the Office of Overseer, for a Man, a corporation sole, for PanTerra d'Oro, a Religious and Spiritual Society. Having been Ordained. I, Kenneth Scott, Cousens, a Man, have taken possession of this Office and do hereby certifr and adopt, in duplicate, this 'olnstrument of Acknowledgment," in accordance with the Disciplines of PanTerra d'Oro, which said Assembly of Believers, through Revelation of Our Creator and Prime Source, and through the Dispensation of The Office of the Christ, Whose Presence is Indwelling and Etemal as I AM, has hereby established this Office as a corporation sole. In conformity with these Disciplines, PanTerra d'Oro recognizes and acknowledges the Existence, Capacity, Privacy, Powers, Authority, Duty, and other Purposes of the Office of The Overseer" for a Man. This "Instrument of Acknowledgment" notifies Washington Territory, alleged STATE OF WASHINGTON, The State of Washington, the Dejure Washington, other States, United States, united states" united States of America, America, and Other Countries, Nations, and the United Nations (U.N.) located at the Hague, of the Religious Society's and its Office's Existence. Purpose, and Intent. This Certification and Adoption are recognized by the alleged Territorial capacities as stated at Title 28,3002 (15), (a),(b). and (c) in the nature of the alleged public policy stated in Revised Code of Washinglon 24.12 for Corporation Sole. DISCPLINES DISCPLINE I (Official Name) The Official name of The Office is: PanTerra d'Oro for the Office of Overseer, as a Man, and successors. (hereinafter "PanTerra") DISCIPLINE II (Official Location / Postal Matters) The Official Location in Washington is on the Soil as described: That portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 5. Township 23 North, Range 19 East, W.M., Kittitas county, The Oregon Country, A.D. 1843, and by ordinance consistent therewith, The State of Washington, A.D. 1889, described as follows: Commencing at the quarter point between Sections 4 and 5, said Township and Range; thence running North between said sections a distance of 231 feet; thence West 66 feet; thence South on a course parallel with the section line,231 feet to the quarter line running East and West; thence East on said quarter line 66 feet to the point of beginning. Instrument of Acknowledgment for PanTerra Page I Corporation Sole Notice to all: fPostal Matters] Must be located as indicated IN THE MATTER OF: The Ofhce of Overseer. Kenneth Scott, Cousens, corporation sole for PanTerra. a Religious Society, Postal Matters can be sent to: DISCPLINE III Overseer. PanTerra d'Oro c/o [PO Box 186] near; Monitor [ZIP Exempt] Washington of America a Man, and His Successors, a Incorporator: Israel's Assembly PO Box 2315 ^ Yelm l98s97l Washington €-4?^/*A(at€ccrn , (Mission, Purpose, and Intent) The Office of Overseer, for a Man, a corporation sole, for PanTerra, a Religious and Spiritual Society, is hereby established to promote, support, and enact any and all forms of life-enhancing principles that shall facilitate the upliftment of all Men, Women and Children on Planet Earth, in communion with each individual's divinely ordained Gift of Life in true freedom of expression, sovereignty, prosperity and abundance. PanTerra's mission shall encircle the globe as a universal force through means of economic and social rejuvenation and revitalization, promoting and defending the integrity and sanctity of the individual. the family, the community, the nation and the planet, as a whole system of self-sustaining and self-contained, yet interdependent smaller systems, whereby the whole shall be ever more complete and radiant than the sum of its parts, yet at the same time honoring and securing the rights and the unalienable wholeness of each individual part. PanTerra is dedicated to the emergence of real wealth on this Earth in equitable and balanced distribution so that all shall shine forth in a new world of mutual and reciprocal benefit and prosperity. Real wealth is hereby defined as a synergy of spirit and matter, as the fusion of the intrinsic Gifts of Creation in the physical world combined with the creative power of our Divine Spiritual Force, the substance of our world and its resources interwoven with the substance of who we really are as Divinely Endowed and Radiant Beings of eternal force and majesty. We hereby affirm that henceforward there shall only be the guiding Light of Love and Unity, Abundance and Prosperity that shall imbue and fulfill the emergent new form of Life Everlasting on this planetary sphere. ln practical terms this shall be supported, underwritten and manifested, through the acts and deeds and intentions of PanTerra, a corporation sole, in the following manner: 1. Promotion, designing, and building of self-sustainable economic systems and communities. 2. Environmental remediation. clean-up, and rebalancing. 3. Recognition, honoring, and eleemosynary support of all peoples 4. regardless of race, color, creed, or national identity. Honoring and recognition of the divine sovereign nature of all sentient beings on planet Earth. Instrument of Acknowledgment for PanTerra Page 2 Corporation Sole 5. 6. Furtherance of educational systems that create foundations of true intelligence and creativity along with the underwriting and development of a Global Media Alliance to transmit educational forums in revealing truth in all aspects of human history and current affairs. Promotion, support, furtherance, ffid underwriting of the ideals and specific goals of the Declaration of Vision of The Golden Chalice and the Declaration of Intention of PanTerra, which are contained herein as if fully set forth. To implement the mission, goals, and ideals herein expressed, any and all necessary lands, buildings, structures, vehicles, materials, supplies, equipment, and other means are to be obtained for the Society through donation and any other Lawful manner. The Society and the Office of Overseer refuse to recognize deceit premised servitudes on any property Rights. This Charter intends to establish a perpetual government to carry out the mission of the Society. The government of the Society is under the exclusive control of the Office of Overseer. The Person of the Overseer is hereby granted all powers necessary and sufficient to carry out the mission of the Society. We shall be guided by the highest intention of the new commandment wherein it is written that "Thou Shalt Exalt All Life and Honor the Life Force in All Beings." To this do we hereby dedicate our Heart and our Soul, our Creative Force and Capacity, our Considered Commitment and Resolve, our Heartfelt Passion and our Very Breath of Life. DISCIPLINE IV (Powers and Authority) The Peculiar Members, as Men and Women, of PanTerrq are first and foremost subjects of our Prime Source and Creator, and We Proclaim our Allegiance thereto, to our Creator and Eternal Source, deriving all just powers and authority from said Source. All property held by the corporation sole, i.e., Overseer, PanTerr4 is held for the use, purpose, benefit and behoof of the Religious Society. The Overseer, a Man, for the Purpose(s) of the trust benefiting said Religious Society, has the power and authority for negotiating and dealing with all equitable subject matter, particular and peculiar, by contracting in the same manner and to the same extent as Sovereign, Men and Women, and may sue and be sued, and may defend in all courts and places, in all matters and proceedings whatsoever. The Overseer, a Man or Woman, (hereinafter "Overseer") has, in any venue and Jurisdiction, authority to borrow Money, giving promissory notes therefore, for dealing in every way in prime notes, noble metals, planchets, commercial liens, stamps, rare earths, mortgages, all manners of edge banking and to secure the payment of the same by mortgage or other lien upon property, real, personal and mixed. The Overseer has the authority for buying, selling, leasing, mortgaging and in every way dealing in private, realty and personal property and in allodium, or other, in the same manner as Sovereign, Men or Women for the benefit of PanTerra. Furthermore, the Overseer has the authority to alter and amend these Disciplines in such a manner so as to better fulfill the Purposes and lntents of the Religious Society. Said alteration(s) and Instrument of Acknowledgment for PanTerra Page 3 Corporation Sole amendment(s) shall be upon certification that any such alteration(s) and amendment(s) were considered and approved by a majority of the Peculiar Members of the Society after Prayer and Counsel. Said Certification shall be signed by the Overseer and attested to by the Scribe. Any such alteration(s) and amendment(s), where necessary to secure a Benefit to the Society, shall be construed to operate nunc pro tunc. DISCPLINE V (Subordinate Delegated Authority) PanTerra provides the Overseer power to appoint a Man or Woman as Scribe. Any Man or Woman may be so appointed who agrees to the following as conditions precedent: 1. Always act within the mission of the Society: and, 2. Always act within the delegation of the authority of the Overseer. PanTerra provides for the Office of Lawyer (legate), and after prayers and counsel from the Assembly of Believers, the Overseer may appoint to the Office of Lawyer Men or Women of high moral value with a love and knowledge of the Laws of God, and a knowledge of Ecclesiastical Law(s), Canon Law(s), Common Law(s), Private law(s), Commercial law(s), and Municipal law(s). To this Office the Overseer may grant authority, through issuance of license or otherwise, to practice all of the aforementioned Laws. The holders of this Office will go about their duties to administer and practice the Ecclesiastical Law(s), Canon Law(s), Common Law(s), Private law(s), and Commercial law(s) in keeping with our spiritual beliefs that all Men and Women should have Their God-ordained Rights, both Spiritual and Temporal, well protected and jealously guarded. These fughts come directly from the Supreme Being and are unalienable in any earthly realm pursuant to the controlling Trust established by the Heavenly Source and Creator of all Life. Additionally, the Overseer may create and appoint Men or Women to the Office of Accountant, the Office of Counselor, the Office of Manager, and other Offices as needed. premised upon the Character and Quality of the Men and Women so appointed. Furthermore, the Overseer may issue to any of the Peculiar Members, a license, under Official Seal, for a particular and specified use of property belonging to the Society. For expediency, a letter of authorization, under the discretion and design of the Overseer. may be issued concomitant with said license. The aforesaid use must be in harmony with the purposes and intents of the Society. The Overseer has the sole discretion to make a determination regarding this matter. The Overseer, under seal, may delegate license and issue Powers to the Scribe. Any authorized use as aforesaid, does not grant to any Person or person so authorized, any fught of Title thereto either express or implied. The Overseer retains the Right to withdraw any licenses for any cause deemed necessary and sufficient in the view of the Overseer. Any scope of authority of the Overseer, both general and delegated, specifically does not include authority to grant any private individual the use or means of Society property outside of the mission of the Society. DISCIPLINE VI (Vacancy and Incumbency) The manner in which any vacancy occurring in The Office of Overseer, for a Man, for PanTerra, a corporation sole, is required by the Disciplines of this Religious Society and Assembly to be filled. is through an appointment by the Overseer. When such Peculiar Member has been designated and Instrument of Acknowledgment for PanTerra Page 4 Corporation Sole recognized as the Successor to The Office, this fact should be with the support and blessings of a solemn formal "Popular Assembly" of clerical staff and the General Assembly Membership of PanTerra. In the event no Peculiar Member was designated at the demise of the Overseer, the appointment will be effected according to this declination: Scribe, Adrian Kelly Cousens, right of birth. blood line, adoptive, outside appointment with said appointment approved as above. DISCPLINE VII (Venue and Jurisdiction) The Office of the Overseer, for PanTerra, a corporation sole, and a Religious Society, gives no consent, express or implied, and expressly objects, with cause, ffiy claim to either venue, or jurisdiction, or both, other than those based on Ecclesiastical Law(s), Common Law(s), and Natural Law(s) and original organic Law(s). Any municipal law(s) must be in subjugation to the aforesaid Law(s). Venue and jurisdiction are first in the Ecclesiastical Courts and all such hearings, all briefings, and trials are to be recorded in the records of the Ecclesiastical Court. All secular courts must accept the decisions of the Ecclesiastical Judicatories within this structure on questions of discipline, faith or ecclesiastical rule, custom, usage, or law. If the religious doctrine or practice goveming the affairs of this Peculiar Religious Society is inconsistent with the provisions or statutes of "the State," or the purported "the state," or "in this state," on the same or similar subject, the religious doctrine or practice, as a matter of conscience, shall and will prevail, "... for we ought to obey God rather than man" (Acts 5:29). This is consistent with Our deeply held spiritual belief and training. Any accounting or identiSing number attached to this "Instrument of Acknowledgment" or used for clerical pu{poses, establishes no venue, jurisdiction, or servitude, or in any way demeans, subjugates, or in any way creates a fealty over The Office of Overseer, for PanTerra, a corporation sole and a Religious Society, by any alleged C(c)ity, C(c)ounty, S(s)tate, T(t)erritory, C(c)ountry, or any other entity. (This statement is PanTerra's Protest, Objection to, and Remedy for use of identifier numbers as issued by any alleged State or purported state.) DISCIPLINE VIII (Privacy and Covenants) This "Instrument of Acknowledgment" is Notice to the entities herein listed, of a Private Agreement between PanTerra, a Religious Society and the holder of the Office of Overseer, as a Man and/or Woman, a corporation sole and Successors. This "Instrument of Acknowledgment" is not intended as Public Notice, except where required by Law, after negotiations, and no authority is herein granted to any entity to issue any further Notice to non-participants of this agreement. PanTerra established for the Office of Overseer a Covenant of Silence and may establish other Private Covenants. These Covenants are between said Offrce and the Peculiar Members of the Society dealing in secular and Spiritual Relationships, documents related thereto, and equity. Each Office holder is required to affirm His/Her acceptance of the aforesaid Covenants until His/Her death. Each Office holder agrees to set off for liquidated damages by self-assessment, the amount of 10,000,000 Dollars gold and silver Coin Money (face value) of the United States of America, for each occurrence of a breach. Instrument of Acknowledgment for PanTerra Page 5 Corporation Sole DISCIPLINE IX (Continuation) This Charter for PanTerra, a corporation sole, is intended to exist in earthly perpetuity. No demise, collapse, or failure, either in fact or in operation, of any State, state, country, or nation, whether organic, purported, or otherwise, shall cause this Charter to cease to exist but rather the Overseer shall retain all necessary and sufficient powers under the controlling Trust established by Our Creator and Divine and Eternal Source. DISCIPLINE X (No Recognition, Acknowledgement, or Servitude Accepted) In the event of the demise of any of the earthly corporate forms spoken of herein, this Charter and corporation sole explicitly do not recognize, acknowledge, receive, or accept any foreign state or any servitude in favor of any such foreign state, except by way of negotiated private treaty. Furthermore, this Charter for PanTerra, a corporation sole, explicitly denies and disavows recognition, acknowledgement, receipt, or acceptance of any purported office in any purported officers thereto without the original Organic Law of Oregon Country, AD 1843, or of The State of Washington, or of the United States of America. AD 1789. DISCIPLINE XI (Non-Waiver of Original Organic Law - Police Powers) PanTerra, as corporation sole, does not recognize, acknowledge, receive, or accept any alleged or purported jurisdiction as "in this state" or "within this state" alleged to include "all federal areas lying within the exterior boundaries of the state," tendered as a purported notice in the alleged Revised Code of Washington at 82.04.200. Nor does PanTerra. a corporation sole, waive any jurisdiction to said alleged "in this state," or "within this state." Furthermore, this Charter grants no servitude or other purported rights "in this state" to any other entity as aforesaid, to any Soil, chattels, property, or Rights to property in any form which have been donated, bequeathed. bought, or contracted for, to be held or are currently being held by PanTerra. as a corporation sole. The aforesaid reservation and non-waiver applies to any purported use of any alleged power which is not premised upon and limited by the original organic Law, as against this Charter and all Offices, Powers, and Property created and held thereunder. DISCIPLINE XII (Definitions) The following definitions are applicable to this "Instrument of Acknowledgment": Instrument of Acknowledgment - Means this entire document, as Charter, from and including page i through the last page of attachments, accepted by The Secretary of State as Notice of the prior existence of PanTerra, a Religious Society. Peculiar Members - Means Members of the Assembly comprising PanTerra, a Religious Society. The Peculiar Member(s) hold(s) no pecuniary interest in the assets of the corporation or the flow of funds. Instrument of Acknowledgment for PanTerra Page 6 Corporation Sole Further, He/She has no Right of interest in the dispersion of the funds, assets, or other interests of the corporation sole, and therefore, is not subject to any of the liabilities of the corporation sole. Assembly - Means Peculiar Member(s) of the Peoples of the Religious Society whether or not gathered together as a Group. Covenant of Silence - Means that the Office holder cannot discuss or display anything about the Peculiar Members; or that of any prior, current, or future Office holder; or the Acts performed or any documents or records related thereto; subject to self-assessment for the full amount indicated in the Disciplines. Overseer - Means The Peculiar Member Elected. Appointed, Sustained, and Ordained to the Office. Religious Societv - Means the Peculiar Members of PanTerra who comprise the Assembly of Believers united in fellowship and the Purposes and Intents herein stated. Successors abdication. - Means the Office holders that occur after the present Office holder's demise or T(t)he Office or T(J)his Ofhce - Means the Office of Overseer which is created and formed as a corporation sole, and is to be the Governing Representative for the Religious Society. General Certification I, Kenneth Scott, Cousens, a Man, Overseer, a Peculiar Member of PanTerra, a Religious Society, by Execution of this "Instrument of Acknowledgment" in the Capacity aforestated, Affirm and Attest that I have read the foregoing and based on firsthand personal knowledge, believe that the content thereof has been approved after Prayers and Counsel and is True, Correct, Complete, Certain, and not Misleading. Therefore, I Hereby, Hereunto set My Hand and Seal as My free_and voluntary Act and Deed for the Uses and Purposes herein stated. Executed this 2 / 5J Day of the Month, in the commonly denominated year, Two Thousand Two. Let My Yes be Seq.+;' Yes anl My No be No. Affix Seal Here. Kenneth Scott, Corisens, C/verseer, a Man, and successors, As PanTerra a corporation sole Attestation: Instrument of Acknowledgment for PanTerra PageT Corporation Sole PanTerra Certificate of Evidence of Appointment Kenneth Scott, Cousins, a Man, Personally appears before us, whom we know to be the Man described herein, and executes the within and the foregoing Instruments of Acknowledgment of PanTerra, a Corporation Sole, in the capacity of The Office of Overseer and Successors, a Corporation Sole, and acknowledged that He does the same of His free, voluntary Act and Deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned always retaining Rights, Powers and Remedies, in Original Jurisdiction United States of America 1789. Pan Ter ra, a Corporation Sole ) Office of Overseer 4 -/ ftez@a_- LET THIS STAND AS THE TRUTH BEFORE OUR GREAT CREATOR AND BE ESTABLISHED BEFORE MAN AS THE SCRIPTURES SAITH "By the mouth of two or three witnesses show every word be established." (2 Cor. 13: 1) WITNESSES Certified under penalties of perjury under the Laws of God: With Prayer "So be it." A11 Handwritings are Reserved to Biblical Public Policy Instrument of Acknowledgement for PanTerra Page 8 Corporation Sole PanTerra Declaration I, Kenneth Scott, Cousens, a Man, am the Duly Elected Overseer for PanTerra, a Corporation Sole, and for PanTerra, a Religious Society, by virtue of Spiritually and Divinely inspired appointment and, having been sustained as such by unanimous decision by the Peculiar Members of PanTerra, the Religious Society, in a special solemn general assembly, do hereby declare and state that, following such appointment and sustaining vote of the solemn general assembly, I, Kenneth Scott, Cousens, a Man, was duly Elected and Ordained to this Office. Accordingly, I present this Certificate as Notice TO ALL MANKIND, RELIGIOUS BODIES, CORPORATIONS, GOVERNMENTS AND NATIONS OF MY ACCEPTANCE AND ORDINATION TO THIS OFFICE OF OVERSEER AND SUCCESSORS, A CORPORATION SOLE AS PanTerra. on the 2/ tDay of the--A=-eaD Month in the commonly denominated year of two thousand two. Having accepted this Election and Ordination to The Office of Overseer and Successors, a Corporation Sole, as PanTerra, I, Kenneth Scott, Cousens, a Man, do hereby declare that the Power and Authority are vested in Me to Govem the Affairs of PanTerra, the Religious Society to Perform and Execute inthe Capacity of the Office of Overseer, PanTerra, the Corporation Sole, on all subject matter, whether Particular or Peculiar, including but not limited to all Sacerdotal functions, and all additional functions that may be appropriate, or asked or required of Me to fulfill its Mission, Purpose, and Intent. and to guarantee perpetuity of both the Corporation Sole and the Religious Society. I Pledge, Declare, and Affrrm the aforementioned Appointment and Ordination, to the best of My Knowledge, Understanding and Belief, is True, Correct, Complete, Certain, and not Misleading, the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth before Almighty God. "So Be It." Kenneth Scott. Cousens. a Instrument of Acknowledgment for PanTerra Page 9 Corporation Sole PanTerra Declaration I. Kenneth Scott, Cousens. a Man, am the Duly Elected Overseer for PanTerra, a Corporation Sole having first stated by Prayer and Conscience, avers and says: Andrea Helen, Teale, a Woman, is the Qualified and duly appointed Scribe for PanTerra. a Corporation Sole, and PanTerra, a Religious Society by virtue of Spiritually and Divinely inspired appointment, and as She is and has been sustained as such both by the General Membership of said PanTe-rra and by the Office of Overseer, PanTerra in a special solemn popular assembly on the 2/ / Day of the 5€'co.ttD Month in commonly denominated year of two thousand two, as evidenced by an official recording of such appointment by Kenneth Scott, Cousens, Overseer of PanTerra. On this the 7/ %ay of the Seee-uD Month in the commonly denominated year of two thousand two, I Pledge, Declare, and Affirm the aforementioned Appointment and Ordination, to the best of My Knowledge, Understanding and Belief, is True, Correct, Complete, Certain, and not Misleading, the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth before Almighty God. "So Be It." PanTerra. a Corporation Sole Kenneth Scott, Cousens, a Office of Overseer Insffument of Acknowledgment for PanTerra Page 10 , Overseer, Declarant Corporation Sole PanTer:rz, A Corporation Sole Mission Statement PanTerra, a Corporation Sole, is hereby established to promote, support, and enact any and all forms of life-enhancing principles that shall facilitate the upliftment of all men, women and children on Planet Earth, in communion with each individual's divinely ordained Gift of Life in true freedom of expression, sovereignty. prosperity and abundance. PanTerra's mission shall encircle the globe as a universal force through means of economic and social rejuvenation and revttahzation. promoting and defending the integrity and sanctity of the individual, the family, the community,, the nation and the planet, as a whole system of self-sustaining and self-contained. yet interdependent smaller systems, whereby the whole shall be ever more complete and radiant than the sum of its parts, yet at the same time honoring and securing the rights and the inalienable wholeness of each individu al part. PanTerra is dedicated to the emergence of real wealth on this Earth in equitable and balanced distribution so that all shall shine forth in a new world of mutual and reciprocal benefit and prosperity. Real wealth is hereby defined as a synergy of spirit and matter, as the fusion of the intrinsic Gifts of Creation in the physical world combined with the creative power of our Divine Spiritual Force, the substance of our world and its resources interwoven with the substance of who we really are as Divinely Endowed and Radiant Beings of eternal force and rnajesty. We hereby affirm that henceforward there shall only be the guiding Light of Love and Unity, Abundance and Prosperity that shall imbue and inure towards the emergent new form of Life Everlasting on this planetary sphere. In practrcal terms this shall be suppofied, underwritten and manifested, through the acts and deeds and intentions of PanTerra, a corporation sole, in the following manner: of 1. Promotion, designing and building self-sustainable economic systems and commLlnities 2. Envtonmental remediation, clean-up and rebalancing 3. Recognition, honoring and eleernosynary support of all peoples regardless of race, color, creed or national identity. 4. Honoring and recognition of the divine sovereign nature of all sentient beings on planet Earlh 5. Furtherance of educational systems that create foundations of true intelligence and creativity, along with the underwriting and development of a Global Media Alliance to transmit educational forums in revealing truth in all aspects of human history and current affairs 6. Promotion, support, furtherance and underwriting of the ideals and specific goals of the Declaration of Vision of The Golden Chalice and the Declaration of Intention of PanTerra, which are contained herein as if fully set forth, and attached hereto as Addendums A and B. We shall be guided by the highest intention of the new commandment wherein it is written that "Thou Shalt Exalt A11 Life and Honor the Life Force in All Beings. " To this do we hereby dedicate our Heart and our Sou1, our Creative Force and Cap actty, our Considered Commitment and Resolve, our Heartfelt Passion and our Very Breath of Life. DE CLARATIOI{ OF INTENTION PanTerru, u Corporation Sole It is hereby declared by the Office of the Overseer of PanTerra, a corporation sole, that all individuals who wish to enter into this society shall, on an individual and wholly personal level, consider the following words of intention and, upon acceptance of such intentions, make them their own. Said society shall be comprised of each Individual participant recognized as a whole and sovereign being, whose divine puryose, presence and intention shall be therein upheld and honored as a whole system, indivisible and divinely ordained, with full authority established within and by virtue of that individual's relationship to their Divine Source, however they may choose to describe, detail, or perceive said Source. It is the Intention of this Society to be so constituted, and to thereby, as a congregation of the larger whole, establish both a system of balanced self-goverarance, in divine converse with the unified and collective Spirit that guides each of us in our personal and sacred relationship with our Source, and to be a vei-ricle for the indwelling Presence of the living Body of the Office of the Christ that I AM, and to be dedicated upon two principles, the first of which is to be in Service to the yet larger whole of the human race currently endowed with the Divinely Bestor.ved Gift of Life here upon Planet Earth. Said service is founded upon the primary recognition that each individual upon this Earth is a sacrament between the Individual and his or her Divine Source, and that the Gift of Life, as such a sacrament, should therefore be honored in all thoughts, acts, and intentions by all others who share the common ground of life on this Earth, embodied and endowed with the sacred breath that we all share. The Second Principle That We Declare and Recognize as the guiding foundation upon which our Body shall be constituted is that of Stewardship, herein defined as the balanced and integrated approach towards the development and maintenance of the necessities of Life in all of its manifold expression through the natural resources that our Divine Creator has so endowed this Earth for our sustenance, supporl, nurturance and well being. As such, our focus shall be as a fidLrciary responsibility in relationship to the natural resources that come under our purview, to hold, maintain, develop and expand said resources for the benefit of all who choose to come into our Body, and for all of Humankind in general. We hereby pray that we shall be guided in our endeavors with a sense of sacredness for the Gifts of Life, that all curent and future generations shall be the benef,rciaries of said service in stewardship of all the resources that have been designed by Our Creator to provide all the requirements of life for a whole, balanced and joyfully blessed journey on this planet. In essence, we Declare herein the recognition that all such Divine Gifts require an integrated co-creative relationship between Our Source and Ourselves as the stewards of this Ear1h. Therefore, We Declare Ourselves as having entered into this sacred union under the name of PanTerra, a corporation sole, as a force that shall encircle the Earth as a whole system and whereby each member shall be recognized as being endowed with their own sovereign power and authority within a co-equal relationship betrveen the Earth as our home, our Creator as our Source, and Ourselves as divine spirits in corporeal form. We hereby declare our recognition of the Spirit of the Earlh Herself. as a part of the larger blessing of wholeness we each have been endowed with by the Eternal and Infinite Source of Life itself that has placed us here to imbibe the Gifts of Life we share. In communion with Source, Spirit, and Mother Planet, we hereby declare that a New Earth based on equality, abundance, compassion, mercy and reverence for the sacredness of all Life shall emerge forthwith by our efforts and our intentions. We place at the highest level our reverence for the sanctity of all beings, the integrity of all life, and the sovereignty and indivisible wholeness of indwelling Spirit through which we honor ourselves, each other, and all other life forms of this Ear1h. We Declare Our Intention to Support. Nurture and Defend the rights of all human beings who walk upon this Earth and rvho share the Gift and Breath of Life. This intention is founded upon the recognition that all Sentient Beings are endowed with the unalienable rights of self-determination and the fundamental assurance of the minimum qualities of life, such assurances to be fulfilled by having the necessities of life such as proper nourishment, clothing, shelter, access to knowledge and education, training for fulfilling capacities to suppofi and sustain their lives and their families, to be integrated within their relationships of social, spiritrial. economic, familial and community bonds. It is Our Dedicated Intention That We Shall Strive to assist all those in need in order that they may provide for themselves and their farnilies the means of establishing the above denominated fundamental requirements of life while on this Earlh. We shall be guided by our conscience and our intentions to honor all life forms and all Human Beings on our planet, and all Sentient Beir-rgs in the Universe at Large, to apply our efforts to uplift and sustain the qualities of life that lve wish to have for ourselves and our families, and to continue in our efforts until ail on this planet have achieved such a goal. We Come Forward in Peace, rvith no other agenda except for those herein declared, thereby maintaining the respect and honoring of all human beings, male and female in full equality, of all races, religions, poiitical organizations, and any other human aggregations that we would desire and expect for ourselves. In this regald we declare our intention to honor all sentient beings rvith whom we rnight interact and to hold at the highest level of respect the fiee moral agency u,ith which each such being has been endowed by their Etemal Source and Creator. Each individual who wishes to enter into this Society and Body shall examine tireir own conscience and personal commitment to this Declaration of Intention, and in the innennost chamber of their hearts shall herein pledge to uphold and fulfill this solernn covenant to the best of their capabilities. We hereby invite all those individuals on this planet who also wish to under-take such a piedge to join with us on an equal footing. In Sacred Communion, we Hereby Declare that we shall be guided by the inspirational words to be found in a little known document which formalized the union of the Polish and Lithuanian states in Central Europe in the year of 1413, known as the Act of Union, wherein it is stated: "It is known to all that u Man [or WomanJ u,ill not ottain salvation if he [or sheJ is not sustainecl b), Divine Love, which does no wrong, radiates goodness, reconciles tltose in discord, mtites those who quaruel, dissipates hatred, puts an end to cotger, Jirrnisltes j'or all the food of Peace... "Through that Love, laws ar"e establislted, kingdonts are rnaintained cities are set in orcler, ctttcl tlte well-beittg of the Stctte is brougltt to the highest level...May this Love ntake us equal, vtltom Spirit and Identity of laws and privileges have alreacly joinecl. " To This Do We Dedicate our Creative Force and Capacities. our Considered Commitment and Resolve, our Heartfelt Passions and Our Very Breath of Life to see such as this fulfilled in our time. In the Infinite Wisdom of Divine Creator and Prime Source, all Life is intended to be filled with unlimited abundance and prosperity, to be Free to enjoy the abundant fruits of Creation as designed and manifested through the Mind of God as Infinite Source. Such abundance shall ensue from the Infinite and Sacred Heart outwards into the manifest world. for it is hereby decreed that there shall never abide any structure of lack, poverly or limitation that would inhibit the free flow of God's infinite pleasure in bringing forth a true cornucopia of abundance, prosperity and joy on this Earth. PanTerra, a corporation sole, shall forever be aligned to this Intention, so that said Body shall forever fill and overflow, spreading to all whom we touch the Divine Nectar of Life. Liberty, and Freedom, and in such radiance shall each of us become a center point of Infinite Joy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, in the presence of our Divine Counselor and Guiding Light, the Primary Source and True Chalice of Eternal Life, as Prime Creator, the Supreme Being with Whom We hereby establish this covenant and co-creative bond, this Declaration of Intention of PanTerr1 a corporation sole. this Twenty-First Day of the Second Month in the Year of Trvo Thousand Tr'vo. Declaration of Vision of The Golden Chalice The Golden Chalice shall be a receptacle and container of the Vision and Essence of the Office of the Overseer, of PanTerra, a corporation sole, as hereby declared and ensealed by The Eternal Presence of Our Creator and Primary Source, to be protected by such Presence and guided by the continuing revelation of Our Divine Heritage. The Golden Chalice shall be a syrnbol for the Vision of PanTerra, a corporation sole, which is hereby established under the guidance and protection of Divine Revelation through the Office of the Christ and its Etemal Presence through which Life Eternal is and shall always be a Manifest Blessing for those individual beings who choose Life over death, who choose Divine Perfection over the illusions of temporal distortions, who choose the overflowing fullness of Abundance and Prosperity over the lies of lack and limitation, and to serve the Mission Statement and Purpose of the Office of PanTerra, in the following areas of activity and endeavor: L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Spiritual Practice Recognition of Divinity in All Beings Furtherance of Good Works Eleemos5mary Educational Works Inspirational Works These general categories as enumerated above are further detailed as follows: Spiritual Practice The primary purpose of this Vision is to promote the incorporation of Spiritual Practice in the every day lives of all Beings on Planet Earth. Spiritual Practice is defined as the state of integration whereby life on Earth and its daily affairs becomes a perpetual expression of the inherent wholeness of Divinity within Life itself. In such practice there is no separation between Man and God (Man being defined as a natural sentient being of the human race regardless of gender. race, religion, creed or other distinctions of individuality). Spiritual Practice is a practice of living the Divine Wholeness within Our Selves and serves to uncover the recognition that wholeness also belongs to all other members of the human race, as rvell as the divine character of all other living forms on Planet Earth. Spiritual Practice moves beyond any forms of separation and recognizes that such forms of separation are mere illusions when compared to the grandeur of the Divine in all Life. In this context, God is defined as that supreme creative force whereby we encounter the Eternal foundation of Life as granted by Grace and the sense of an everpresent communion with our Creator ar-rd Prime Source. The Golden Chalice is the symrbol of this Etemal fountain, the well-spring from which our Divinely endowed gift of Life pours forth. This golden syn-rbol is universal in that all members of the human race have been endorved with such a Gift of Life. The Golden Chalice is an office dedicated to the seruice of hurnanity through various Acts and Deeds as stated in the words of Jesus, known as the Christ: "By their deed shall you know them" For it is by such deeds that this Divineiy mandated Vision shall be known whereby the fruits of this Earth and the fruits of all who honestly toil to bring forth their daily bread shall be blessed by an ever increasing level of Abundance and Prosperity. It is the intent and charter of this Vision that its words and deeds shall be dedicated towards increasing the abundance of all who may parlake of its Divine dispensation and blessings. This shall be the essence of Spiritual Practice in daily activity. Recognition of Divinity in All Beings The Golden Chalice and its declaration of Vision has been established on the principle that all beings who walk upon this Earth are Divinely endowed with the unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty, Property and Happiness. This recognition is based upon the understanding that every Man, Woman and Child is a Child of God and is a Holy Temple unto themselves. It is understood in this context that not all who walk in human fon-n are aware of this divine endowment, and, in fact, most are still in a state of slumber reiative to this awareness. Therefore, it is incumbent upon those who are aligned with this Vision and wish to bring it forward to dedicate their acts and deeds towards assisting humanity to wake up to their divine potential. Inherent in this understanding is the honoring of all forms of Spiritual Practice. A11 fonr-rs of spiritual or religions practice, that does not promote separation or fear. is thereby honored. The Vision of the Golden Chalice rs dedicated to support and sustain any path that any individual wishes to engage in through which they might know their inseparable oneness with the God within. This understanding is based on compassion. mercy, forbearance, and forgiveness, and is the truebasis of Peace. This understanding is based on the honoring of all life forms and the cognizance of the Divinity of all Life. In this respect there is only one Law by which we guide our lives, whereby we are commanded: "Thou Shalt Exalt All Life and Honor The Life Force in All Beingsl" The Vision of the Golden Chalice and the Office of Overseer of PanTeffa. a corporation sole, shall endeavor to live by this commandment and to promote and teach this as a new golden rule to guide the lives of men, women and children. Furtherance of Good Works In pursuit of this Commandment. The Golden Chalice shall apply its resources to uphold the Life Force of All Beings through: 1. Promoting heaithy, balanced living 2. Development longevity 3. Promotion and development of products and services for healing, regeneration and of organic agriculture and balanced, sustainable use of the Earth's resources 4. Development of economic vitality for the benefit and health individual, the family, the community, the nation and the World 5. Expansion of diplomatic relationships between people of all nations and all races. 6. Promoting peaceful living through economic activities that support and enhance the communities in which such activities take place of the 7. Bridging peoples and nations by balanced economics that give and receive in mutually reciprocal endeavors 8. Investments in life- enhancing products, services, and enterprises 9. Promotion and recognition of Divine Law, which is based on the principles of Balance and Justice 10. Development of programs that provide hope and revitalization for those who are in need of economic opporlunities rather than perpetuating systems of dependence that denigrate self-worth Eleemosynarv Practices The Vision of the Golden Chalice shall engage in any and all lawful endeavors, as directed by the Presiding Presence and Overseer of PanTerra, a corporation sole, whereby the fruits of its efforts shall be made manifest in order to demonstrate the overflowing abundance and prosperity of Life on Earth. From these manifest fruits of abundance the Office of Overseer shall dedicate fifteen percent of such honest gain towards humanitarian and charitable works. The principle by which such charitable endeavors shall be guided is one that recognizes that the simple giving of charity is not enough, because such charity creates dependence and a reduction of self worth. This principle is ernbodied in the statement "Give a man a fish and he shall retum the next day, requiring another. Teach that man to fish and he shall be able to provide for himself and his farnily forever." Therefore, the eleemosynary practices that The Vision of the Golden Chalice and the Office of Overseer shall undertake are those in which individuals. far-nilies. communities and nations are assisted in regarning a true Divine heritage of self-sustaining prosperity and abundance. This shall be achieved by investing in enterprises that will assist the individual or family to gain a level of stable prosperity, and by investing in larger scale endeavors and enterprises that will further promote and contribute towards the revitahzalion of national economies. This investment focus shall also be augmented by concurrent efforts in educational arenas whereby the individual, family, community, and nation can be shown how to ltilize their own resources. These investments and actions shall be aimed at achieving balance and self-sufficiency in areas of economy, health, resource development and management, and spiritual integration. The Vision of the Golden Chalice and the Office of Overseer of PanTerra, a corporation sole shall further the eleemosynary principle thror-rgh the following endeavors: 1. Integrating a stable financial base from u,hich an ever-increasing development of resources and technologies can emerge for the upliftment of humanity. 2. Investment into life enhancing technologies designed for a balanced approach of sustainable and regenerative economy These technologies shall include, but not be limited to, new systems of energy generation from clean and renewable sources, alternative methods of achieving motive power in non-polluting vehicles, advanced techniques for environmental clean-up to improve the living conditions of people throughout the rvorld, to clean up water systems, that expand food production in balanced, organic systems without the use of chemicals and pollutants that harm the land and the people, to assist in the promotion of such organic principles and the education required for people to shift into the use of such systems, both at the primary level of production and the secondary level of the marketplace. The Office of the Overseer of PanTerra shall be duiy authorized to engage in any and all endeavors along with those enumerated herein to further the intention of these eleemoslmary practices" Educational Works of the Golden Chalice and the Office of the Overseer of PanTerra, a corporation sole, shall further its wolk in the rvorld by fulfilling educational endeavors carried forth in the form of publishing, media production, and distribution of materials that teach true history, law, balanced iiving, health, sustainable resource development and stewardship of the Earth. These educational practices shall include, but are not limited by investment in publishing and media production facilities and infrastructure, along with establishing contracted services with qualihed individuals and companies to furlher the goals of these educational intentions. The creation of infrastructure shall include the establishment of facilities where hands on productior-r of rnedia and educational materials is facilitated, as well as a campus facility r,vhere educational forums shall take place, including a library for all areas if human knorvledge. The Presiding Presence of this Vision and the Overseer shall have full authority to add to and amend to this aspect of education. The Vision Inspirational Works The Golden Chalice shall engage in any activities airned at the creation of inspirationai works to uplift the Spirit into the Eternal presence of the Divine through any and all mediums. This area of endeavor shall be intertwined with that of the educational activities described above through multi-media production and distribution. This will include the investment into and supporl of human arlistic expression through Art, Poetry, Music, Film, and any other medium that is conducive to the inspiration and upliftment of the human Spirit into the embrace and presence of the Divine. A Vow' of Abundance In the Infinite Wisdom of Divine Creator and Prime Source, all Life is intended to be filled with unlimited abundance and prosperity, to be Free to enjoy the fruits of Creation as designed and manifested through the Mind of God as infinite source. In this context there is only one vow that can adhere to the Vision of The Golden Chalice and the Office of the Overseer of PanTerra, a corporation sole. ..a Vow of Abundance. This Vow of Abundance establishes that the herein named Office Holder shall reside within the infinite chalice of his or her own abundance. Such abundance shall ensue from his or her Flearl and it shall be thusly decreed that there shail never abide any structure of lack, poverty or limitation that would inhibit the free flow of God's infinite pleasure rn bringing forth a true cornucopia of abundance, prosperity and joy on this Earth and anywhere else in the Multi-verse of far flung creation. The Vision of the Golden Chalice and the Office of Overseer of PanTema shall be aligned to this Vow so that said Vision and Office shall forever fill and over'florv rvith the Divine Nectar of Life, Liberty, and Freedom, and such radiance shall become a cerlter point of Infinite Joy for ali beings to behold and to share. STATE,of WASTINGTOIV SECRET{Rr of Smrn APOSTILLE (Contsention de La Haye du 5 Octobre 196L) 1.. Country: United States of America This public document has been signed by: SAM REED 3. acting in the capacity of: Secretary of State, State of Washington 4. bears the seaVstamp of: State of Washinqton 2. - 1889 CERTIFIED Olympia, Washington 5. at: 7. by, Sam Reed, Secretary of State 8. No: 9. SeaVStamp: 6. the: 20021487 10. Signature: Secretary of State 2/01 26 day of February, 2002 ST{rE of tV),+S.HINGTON SECREmRT of STAtE, I, SAM REED, Secretary of State of the State of Washington and custodian of its seal, hereby issue this CERTIFICATE OF EXISTENCE/AUTHORIZATION OF PANTERRA D'ORO I FURTHER CERTIFY that the records on file in this office show that the above named nonprofit corporation sole was formed under the laws of the State of Washington and was issued a Certificate of l:corporation in Washington on February 26,2A02. FURTHER CERTIFI that as of the date of this certificate, no Articles of Dissolution have been filed, and that the corporation sole is duly authorizedto conduct affairs in the corporation sole form in the State of Washington. Date: February 26,2002 Giaen under my hand and the Seal of the State of Washington at Olympia, the State Capital S?rrE of *nasnINGToN STCRE?IR]( of Sruflr, I, SAM REED, Secretary of State of the State of Washington and custodian of its seal, hereby issue this ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION to PANTERRA D'ORO a Washington Corporation Sole. Articles of lncorporation were filed for record in this office on the date indicated below. UBI Number: 602184 850 Date: February 26,2002 ffie\ ffi Giaen under my hand and the Seal of the State of Washington at Olympia, the State Capital , Secretary of State ST{[E of W,+SHINGTON SECREtr{RT of STFrrn I, SAM REED, Secretary of State of the State of Washington and custodian of its hereby certifu that according to the records onfile in my seal, ffice, SAM REED is the Secretary of State , for the state of Washi Date: February 26, 2002 Certificate: 20021281 Giaen under my hand snd the Seal of the Stnte of Washington at Olympia, the State Capitnl