McBurney`s point Are we missing it?
McBurney`s point Are we missing it?
Surg Radiol Anat (2002)24:363 365 DOI 10. 1007/s00276-002-0069-7 V. Naraynsingh'M.J. Ramdass'J. Singh R. Singh-Rampaul'D. Maharaj point Arewe missingit? McBurney's Received:4Ju1y2001/Accepted:12July2002/Publishedonline:18December2002 @ Springer-Ver|ag2002 Abstract A prospectivestudy of 100 post-evacuation barium enemas was done. Films were centered at McBurney'spoint, with an opaqueskin marker at that point. Analyiis of theserevealedthat in only one case McBurney'spoint' itX; *ut the baseof the appendixat was caudalto this it 32oh i" ely" it was cephalicand in potnt as an anaMcBurney's point. The limitationsof This needsto be recognized. be should iomical landmark to surgical especially anatomy, in teaching highlighted incisions surgical of choice and Planning triineis. should be basedon an understandingof theseanatomical variationssinceMcBurney'soriginaldescriptionwas clinicalratherthan anatomical. The Frenchversionof this article is availablein the form of electronicsupplementary ^Springer materialand can be obtained Link server located at http ll by using the -7' 6-002-0069 1 007/s0027 1 0. limitesdu point de McBurneycommerepdreanatomique doivent 0tre connues.Cela devrait 6tre soulignedans de I'anatomie,notammentpour lesfuturs l'enseignement chirurliens. Pr6voir et choisir une voie d'abord chirdes varidevrait 6tre bas6esur la connaissance urgical"le de originale la description atilonsanatomiquespuisque qu'anatomique' plus clinique McBurney6tait beaucoup KeywordsMcBurney'spoint' Vermiformappendix' Anatomical variation lntroduction More than a century ago, McBurney describeda point in acuteappendicitis,stating"the of maximaltenderness seatof greatestpain, determinedby the pressureof one finger,lias beenvery exactlybetweenan inch and a half uni tro inchesfrom the anterior spinousprocessof the Le point de McBurney: va-t-il disparaitre? ilium on a straight line drawn from that processto the 100 sur umbilicus" [10]. The landmark for the base of the apR6sum6Une 6tude prospectivea 6t6 r6alis6e Ces clich6s oendixas desciibedin textbooksas "the junction of the clich6saprds6vacuationde lavementbaryt6' par un marqu6 iateral and middle thirds of a line extendingfrom the 6taientcentr6ssur le point de McBurney, a radiographies ces de right anterior superioriliac spine(ASIS)-to the umbilirepdrecutan6opaque.L'analyse de la base (l'h), seulement cas .,ir" in fact inaccuratelymisquotes McBurney's demlntr6 que, dins un a surface I'appendiiecorrespondaitau point de McBurney' Dans scription [15]. Otto Lanz also described the cetteLase6taitplusc6phaliqueet, dans3270 -uiking of til. base of the appendix ein aescas, joining two the line a point' Les distancJfrom the ASIS along descas,elle6tait plus caudalepar rapport d ce anterior superior iliac spines[B]. Naturally, the point by Lanz lies inferior to McBurney's point' The French version of this article is availablein the form of elec- described using,th-e by by some studies[7, 13]' To further obtained be supported can is and which tronic supplementarymaterial servei located at http://dx'doi'org/10' 1007/s00276- confusethJ picture, the World Organizationof GastS'pG"i'il"t 002-0069-7 roenterologyhas shownthat lessthan half of all patients with appendicitis have maximal tenderness over V . N a r a y n s i n g h ' M . J .R a m d a s s( X ) ' J ' S i n g h McBurney'spoint [4]. Additionally' the variation in the R. Singh-RamPaul' D. Maharaj Hospital, position of ttt. upp-.ttdixdependson the.rotationof the Department of Surgery,General Poit-of-Spain, Trinidad, West Indies mesentericloop ind the McBurney'spoint is the point E-mail: jimmyramdass@hotmailcom wheresomaticpains project in the parietalperitoneum' Fax: * 1-868-6639064 The aim of this prospectivestudy was to determine M.J. Ramdass site of the baie of the appendix using doublethe 100 East Drive, Champs Fleurs, St. Joseph, contrastpost-evacuationbarium enemas' Trinidad, West Indies 364 intra-abdominalsurgeryor non-visualizationof the appendixwere excluded from the study. The first 100 patients without these exclusioncriteria were studied. Materialsand methods A study consistingof 100 consecutivepatients attending the General Hospital, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad was done. Each patient underwent double-contrast barium enemas for suspectedlarge bowel disease.There were 45 malesand 55 females(maie to female ratio 1:1.2) rangingin agefrom 5 to 82 years(mean27 years).Prior to the film, a radiopaque marker was placed on the skin at the junction of the lateral and middle thirds of a line joining the right ASIS to the umbilicus (McBurney's point). The post-evacuation view was centered at McBurney's point to minimize off-center geometric magnification. All examinationswere performed on a remote-controlledfluoroscopicunit. Films were done in the supine oosition to mimic the situation in which clinical examination and surgicalproceduresare carried out (Fig. 1). Al1 patients with right colon disease,any form of intestinal obstruction, previous Results In 67o/oof the patients the base of the appendix was seen to lie cephalic to McBurney's point with a mean of 4.2 cm and a range of l-10 cm. In 32oh of the patients the base of the appendix was seencaudal to McBurney's point with a mean of 4.9 cm and a range of 1-10 cm (Table 1). In one patient the base of the appendix did correspond to McBurney's point (1%). Discussion Fig, I Supine radiograph of a double-contrast barium enema showing the relationship between McBurney's point and the appendix base. Three radiographic markers (one at the anteriorsuperior iliac spine, one at the umbilicus and one at McBurney's rroint) were used to illustrate the surfaceanatomy Table I The relationshipof the appendix base in cephalic and caudal directions to McBurney's point (cm) Numerousstudieshave demonstratedthe variability of the appendixin relation to the cecum[3, 9]. However, its preciseanatomvery few publicationshave assessed ical relationto McBurney'spoint. Ramsdenet al. !3] a more caudalpositionin most subjects. demonstrated Our study,however,showedthat the appendixliesmore cephalic.This may representa racial variation. our patients being primarily of African and East Indian descent.The variancecannot be due to a distendedcecum as all films were performed post-evacuation,and secondly, a view centeredat McBurney'spoint to minimize off-centergeometricmagnificationthat may occur with the typical cecalview was employed. Regardlessof the position of the baseof the appendix, thesefindings have clinical significancesincesome surgeonsstill employ the classicMcBurney'sincision [11].The obliquityof the skin incisionmay compensate for the variation in position by allowing accessto the cecumand appendixbasethat may lie superioror inferior to this point. Occasionally,it is still difficult to gain accessthrough this incisionand the Kocher'smodification (musclecutting) or the Fowler-Weir incision (extending into the rectus sheath) may be necessaryto perform the appendicectomy[2]. However, many surgeonsare now using the more cosmeticallyacceptable transverseskin incision where upward and downward Distanceof appendix base from McBurney's point (cm) No. of patientswith appendix basecephalicto McBurney's polnt I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 t8 9 6 8 o 1 I 2 4 Total 6'.7 Mean4.2cm No. of patientswith appendix basecaudal to McBurney's point 6 2 2 A '/ A A 0 1 2 JL Mean 4.9 cm : K, KjaelgaardA (1973)lnvestigationand analysisof may be more dimcult[1, 5, 6, 8, 15]'A min- 3. Buschard extensions position, fiiation, length and embryologyof the vermilorm the imally invasivetechniqueemploying a transverse1'5appendix. Acta Chir Scand 139: 293-298 in our setting[12]' +. Oe Dombal FT (1988) The OMGE Acute Abdominal Pain 2.0 cm incisionhas beendescribed Survey.ProgressReport. ScandJ Gastrol 23 3542 The marked variation in the position of the baseof 5. Delany HM, Carnevale NJ (1976) A "bikini" incision for clinically point is the appendixin relationto McBurney's appendectomy.Am J Surg 132 12c_.12'7 wheneverthe base signifiiant.In the authors'experience, 6. JelenkoC 3rd, Davis LP (1973)A transverselower abdominal iies caudal to this point it is usually oi th. appendix appendectomy incision with minimal muscle derangement' -to apan perform and appendix Surg Gynecol Obstet 136: 451452 the possible deliver (1990) McBurney's pendicectomywithout having to extendthe transverse 7. Karlm OM, Boothroyd AE, Wyllie JHEnel72:304-308 Surg R Coll point. Fact or fiction?-Ann incision.However,when it lies cephalicto McBurney's 8. Lanz O (1908)Der McBurneyschenPunkt. Zentralbl Chir 35: to the cecumand appendixis considerably ooint. access 18 5 - i 8 6 more difficuit and muscle-cuttingextensionsare more 9. Maisel H (1960)The position of the vermiform appendixin fetal and adult age groups. Anat Rec 136 204-205 often necessary. 10. McBurney C (l8iigtExperiencewith early operativeinterfertransverse using surgeons for It is thereforeimportant of the verrniformappendixN Y Med J encein casesof disease skin incisionsto considerperformingthe rnuscle-split50: 6'76-617 ting techniquewhen tire appendix lies cephalicto ll. McBurneyC (1894)The incisionmade in the abdominalwall in casesoi appendicitis.with a descriptionof a new rnethodof MJBurney'spoint in order to gain easieraccessto the n n e r a l i n s A n n S r r r g? 0 : 3 8 - 3 9 for baseof the appendix[12].This minimizesthe need 12. Pouchet-B,RarnpaulR. Maharaj D. RamcharanK, Kuruvilla of mobiiization and extensive muscle-cutting-extensions T. NaraynsinghV (1999)Mini accessopen appendicectomy the cecum,and surgeonsin training may need to be West Indian Med J 48: 27-28 made more aware of the limitations of the popular 13. RarnsdenWH, Mannion RA. 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