Ancient Mysteries


Ancient Mysteries
An Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.
Membership Benefit
Venture Inward Newsletter
Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. 215 67th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061 USA
In This Issue
Ancient Mysteries
Cayce and the Vikings: The History,
Mythology, and Karma of the Norsemen
By John Van Auken
News from the Field
Personal Spirituality
A Community of Souls: “The Edgar
Cayce Legacy”
By Henry Reed
Questions and Answers
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True Health
Arresting Arthritis
By Carol Baraff
What Are Coddled Eggs?
By Elaine Hruska
Wisdom from the Readings
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Ancient Mysteries
Cayce and the Vikings:
The History, Mythology, and Karma of the Norsemen
By John Van Auken
dgar Cayce teaches that life begins in
the spirit, takes consciousness in the
mind, and then manifests in the physical—as Ra and Isis eventually became
physically present in Ra-Ta and Isris, who
were Edgar’s and Gertrude’s incarnations
in ancient Egypt. (More in my soon-tobe-published book, Edgar Cayce’s Tales of
Ancient Egypt from A.R.E. Press.) Cayce
again indicates that the mythical gods of
the Norsemen were originally ethereal
forces and states of consciousness, who
became accessible thought patterns, and
eventually manifested in the physical appearance of Odin and Thor in this world
of form.
Odin begins in the spirit realms as a god
in the manner and mission of Hermes
(Greek mythology) or Mercury (Roman
mythology). Like Hermes or Mercury,
he is “the leader of souls” and oversees
wisdom, magic, poetry, and prophecy.
Like Hermes and Mercury, his name is
associated with the mind. Odin means
something like “excited mind.” The power and benefits of the mind are expressed
through Odin and his mission among
humans. Odin is also associated with
the Egyptian god
Horus, another god
connected with the
mind. Both Horus
and Odin lose an
eye in their struggle
to gain wisdom and
victory over darkness and evil.
Odin is one of a
trinity of the Æsir
gods (pronounced
with a long “a,” as in able, then “sear,” aysear; also written Aesir). As Cayce so often
indicated, this trinity is more closely correlated with mental and spiritual states
and powers than persons. Personification
of creative forces and patterns came much
later and is only a small expression of the
greater influence. Thus the Norse trinity
is composed of Vili,
which is “conscious
will or desire”; Vé,
which is the numinous (meaning
contact with the
holy or sacred);
and Odin, which is
a state of ecstasy (as
his name implies,
These are aspects of
Continued on p.2
Vikings, continued from p.1
each entity as well as the heavenly hosts.
northeast of Asia Minor, modern-day movie based on them. The movie Thor
In his godly state Odin is the ruler of Turkey, and the land of Troy. Addition- opens with Odin throwing Thor out of
Asgard, one of the nine heavenly cities ally, the name of these people, Aesir, is ex- Asgard into Midgard, which is the earth.
of the gods, and the one in
plained as “men from Asia,” Thor was the god of thunder, lightning,
which Valhalla is located.
and Asgard being the “Asian rain, and good crops. As god of thunder,
Valhalla is the massive, macity,” likely Troy.
he corresponds to the India god Indra,
jestic, mountaintop hall of
After the fall of Troy, Odin the Greek god Zeus, and the Roman god
the chosen warriors, who
led the soul group out of Jupiter. He battles the forces of nature, as
are brought there by the
Asia Minor, across Germa- well as trolls, giants, and the huge serValkyries. These beautiful,
ny, Denmark, and Sweden pent that encompasses the earth. This
helmeted females who ride
to Norway, and this begins evil serpent is the arch-enemy of Thor
the skies are described in the
the legend of the Norsemen and is called Jörmungandr (pronounced
Icelandic text Prose Edda:
or Vikings.
yore-mun-gonder). The serpent, a child
“these women are called
Edgar Cayce’s soul also of Loki the trickster god, was thrown out
Valkyries, and they are sent
fought and lost at Troy, as of Asgard by Odin and will battle Thor to
by Odin to every battle,
one of the guards at the the death in Ragnarök, the Armageddon
where they choose which
gate through which the Tro- of the Norse people.
men are to die and they dejan Horse entered the city.
In this we see again the symbolic battle
termine who has victory.” In
Thor Heyerdahl published a between good and evil, where evil once
these myths, it is Odin and
similar legend in his second used to be in heaven, like Lucifer, but fell
—Image by Victor Villalobos, acquired book, Jakten på Odin. Heythese chosen warriors who Odin­
to Earth through its misdeeds and selfishonline from Wikimedia Commons.
will ride out of heaven in the
erdahl noted that artifacts ness. These characters are portions of our
final battle at the end of Earth. This battle found in the Pontic-Caspian Steppe (the selves, as good and evil battle within us.
is called Ragnarök (pronounced, rag-na– high grassland plains of Eastern Europe
As Christianity spread and so-called
rock), which means “final destiny of the and Western Asia) indicate that an Aesir pagan gods and practices were outlawed,
gods.” Since Jesus pointed out that we are civilization once lived there.
Odin merged with the Christian legend
gods (John 10:34 and Psalm 82:6), it is our
Legend divides the ages of Odin and of Saint Nicholas, and Santa Claus refinal battle over illusion and death, return- his people into the ancient time, the mi- sulted some time later. Norsemen were
ing us to our immortal, celestial state of gration time, and the Viking time, or often forced to convert to Christianity
being with our Creator.
times of expeditions. This first age may by writing a poem critical of the old gods
Where Odin and Cayce converge again be correlated to the ancient times of gods and exalting Christ (Odin was the god
is that Odin, a heavenly essence or state before humans. The next age was that of poetry). Here’s an example of Norse
of consciousness, is manifested in a per- of god-men, or demigods (e.g., Achil- Icelandic poetry (Lausavísur) during the
son, even working as a farmhand during les) and god-women, or demigoddesses conversion times:
the summer. He is a wanderer here be- (e.g., Helen of Troy), meaning that they
The whole race of men to win
cause his home is actually in heaven—as were half god or goddess and half man or
Odin’s grace has wrought poems,
it is for all of us. Thor also descends from woman. The latter stage of this age was a
I recall the exquisite works
heavenly essence into personification.
great migration from the ancient lands to
of my forebears, but with sorrow,
Cayce and Odin meet again in the leg- Scandinavia and then the age of the Vi- for well did Odin’s power please the poet,
end that the Norse people are actually an kings. In the Icelandic Sagas, the word
Now do I conceive hate for
ancient soul group, originally incarnating “Viking” actually connotes “expeditions,”
the first husband of Frigg [Odin],
in Indo-Asia regions of the Caucasus and and the Viking Age was the era of seafarfor now I serve Christ.
Carpathian Mountains. The Prologue to ing as far east as the Volga River and as
Prose Edda tells a story in which Thor was far west as Vinland, known today as New Viking past lives
a prince of Troy, and the son of Ethiopian England. Norse colonies were established
king and demigod Memnon by Troana, a on Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland, Cayce reaches into the Norse stories via
daughter of Priam. Thor is said to have Nova Scotia, and New England, and Vi- past-life readings for persons who were
Continued on p.3
married the prophetess Sybil (identified king rune stones have been found as far
with Sif, his wife in Norse mythology). inland as Oklahoma!
With renowned meditation
In this telling, Thor was raised in Thrace,
Thor was considered
Spirithrough and spirituality teachers John
a region in the Balkan Mountains just to be a god of and with
Van Auken
tre 9-11 and Istvan
This newsletter is a benefit of A.R.E. membere
actually more popuber
ship. This and past newsletters are available
online at (memlar among the Norse
bership ID number required to log in).
people than Odin. The
For membership questions call 800-333-4499
character of Thor has
This weekend retreat is specially designed for you and your
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been made popular
physical, mental, and spiritual renewal through a sublime
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in the mainstream by
Copyright© 2011 by A.R.E.
centeredness with like-minded seekers.
Edgar Cayce readings © 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce
Foundation. All rights reserved.
and a new Hollywood Special Discount Pricing • • 888-273-0020
2 • Fall 2011
Venture Inward Newsletter
Vikings, continued from p.2
once Vikings. We begin with Amele
Schwelenger, who, when among the Vikings “the entity gained, the entity lost,”
Cayce said (1468-6). Cayce had already
given her a life reading with past lives,
but in this reading he explained that he
had withheld this incarnation because “it
might have brought the condemning of
self so as to produce discouraging rather
than helpful influences through the present...” Here’s her story, and clearly it ends
Her Norse incarnation started out well
as the daughter of a mother who was an
excellent weaver of reeds for home decorations and a father who was a forger of
metals, a blacksmith. She had two siblings.
According to Cayce, this family of five “accepted those tenets of Odin, and brought
into their experiences the attempts to materialize the mental and spiritual implications and tenets of that teacher [Odin].”
In this environment she “grew to a sturdy,
steady activity for the carrying on those
tenets and principles that were established
by the union of minds and purposes as
indicated in a material as well as a social
and home and economic experience of a
peoples of the day.” A good start, but then
a man enters her life and ruins it all, taking
Amele down with him. This man bonds
with Amele and has a child with her, then
before God and the community, he breaks
a tenet of Odin, and as a result he is outcast
from the community, taking Amele and
the child with him into isolation and despair. After the birth of her second child,
Amele “destroyed self—in the fjords...”
Cayce said.
As a result of this past life, she presently struggles with bouts of “melancholia, disappointments, discouragements,”
and “the great loneliness at times, which
has become almost as something not to
be borne...” She even remarried that man
who brought her so much trouble in
Norse life, but they ultimately separated
in this life. However, Cayce told her that
in this present life her brother and close
girlfriend are the return of companions
during the happy times in the Norse land
with her childhood family. Her present
soon-to-be second husband is a man who
attempted to help her in those bad times
during banishment. Yet Cayce noted that
she misunderstood his intentions in that
previous life and now needs to understand he means well. Cayce also tells her
that this good man was a very dear and
close companion in her Grecian and
rinthian incarnation, and, if she lets him, captained the vessel that founded Vinland
can be a helpful experience for her now.
and built a long house there with other
In his reading for Amele, Cayce said structures. This may well have been the
that the Norse people “were drawn to vessel on which Ericersonel was second
the ideas and ideals prompted from the in command. Cayce also gives a reading
great Odin, who brought a message as to for a crewmember of that vessel (984-1).
the relationships of individuals with the His name was Abe Olenscen, and Cayce
First Cause, by the unusual ... influences said he was of imposing stature during his
termed in the present as the supernatu- Viking lifetime (Gladys noted during his
ral.” Magic and supernatural powers are reading that even in this present incarnathe influences of heaven in Earth.
tion he was an imposingly large man). Abe
Next we have a past-life reading for a was the “steersman [and] navigator” on
man who once carried the heavy name of this ship, according to Cayce. Legend tells
Odin as his own name, and was a leader us that there were 35 large, sturdy men on
among the Vikings (441-1). He led an ex- Leif ’s ship—Leif himself was known to
pedition across the sea to the New World, have been a huge, mighty man.
and built and managed a settlement in
Before sailing to the New World, Leif
the woods there. Cayce said that he “was sailed back home to Norway and was reamong the sturdy men of the land” and ceived with honors by King Olav Tryggained materially and soulfully while giv- gvasson (pronounced try-gig-vas-son),
ing much to the people as he tended to who had recently become a Christian.
their cares and needs, physically and men- Olav taught Leif all about Jesus Christ
tally. He also persevered through all the and His teachings. Leif was then bapchallenges to meet the needs of the day in tized into the faith. When he returned
those hard times. Therefore, in his present to Greenland, his mother loved the faith
incarnation, his temperament is such that and converted. His father Eric the Red
he will push forward with determination begrudgingly tolerated the faith, yet built
when he thinks it’s the right thing to do.
a place of Christian worship for his wife.
Interestingly, this Odin had an incar- When Leif sailed to the New World, he
nation prior to the Viking one during took Christianity with him.
the Crusades, and was a knight and warCayce said that Ericersonel made many
rior for a cause during that lifetime, too. journeys back and forth from Vinland to
However, once he met the enemy and saw Greenland and Iceland. Though he loved
how his own people were treating them, these journeys, they took a toll on his
he felt they had lost their ideals and beContinued on p.4
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Fall 2011 • 3
Vikings, continued from p.3
body. He eventually was forced to settle
down on the land and live out his days
in the Vinland settlement. Cayce states
that this settled time actually helped him
awaken spiritually by getting in touch
with his “innate self ” rather than his adventuresome self. Cayce recommended
that in this present incarnation he study
the mythology of the Norse people, especially “that of Odin and Ymir.”
The Viking creation story
Old tales I remember
of men long ago.
I remember yet
the giants of lore...
Of old was the age
when Ymir lived;
No Sea nor cool waves
nor sand there were;
Earth had not been
nor heaven above,
Only a yawning gap
and grass nowhere.
According to Icelandic poems, in the
beginning there was nothing except for
ice and fire. Between them was a yawning gap. Then a few pieces of ice melted by
a few sparks of fire created moisture, the
liquid substance of life. Ymir (pronounced
ee-mair) was the first to be conceived as
drops of moisture joined together, forming a giant made of rime frost, and sparks
from the fire brought him to life. Ymir became the first of the frost giants. Ymir was
nursed by a giant milk cow that, like Ymir,
was created from the melting ice. The giant cow herself fed on a block of salty ice,
and her licking sculpted it into the shape
of a man who became Buri, the ancestor
of the gods. Buri fathered Borr, and Borr
fathered three sons, the gods Vili, Vé, and
Odin. These brothers killed the frost giant
Ymir and unleashed a vast flood. Odin and
his brothers (fire) used Ymir’s body (moisture) to create the universe.
The three gods also created the first human beings. Odin breathed life into them;
Vili granted them intelligence; and Vé gave
them vision and hearing. They dwelled in
the realm Midgard (Earth), where the human race could live safe from the frost giants and their descendants.
Water (as ice) and fire are classical
metaphors for life and spirit. The Baptist
cleansed with the water of new life (Matthew 3:11) and Jesus illuminates with the
fire of the Holy Spirit, bringing all things
to one’s remembrance (John 14-17).
4 • Fall 2011
News from the Field
Satellite Finds Buried Pyramids in Egypt
rchaeology will
never be the
same again. NASA’s
infrared satellite has
found 3,000 ancient
settlements, 1,000
tombs, and 17 pyramids buried deep in
the sands of Egypt.
Traveling 435 miles
above the earth, the
cameras are so powerful that they can penetrate as much
as three feet beneath the surface of the
desert. The BBC funded the research,
and the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) coordinated the project. On May 25, the satellite revealed a
pattern of streets and houses in the buried city of Tanis, in the northeast area of
the Nile Delta.
In the first Indiana Jones movie
Raiders of the Lost Ark, Tanis was the
lost city that contained the Ark of the
Covenant. Now it is found again and
archaeologists are excavating. Sarah
Parcak, PhD, the leader of the team
from UAB, told the BBC that the
team has already excavated two of the
buried pyramids.
(Actually, a human using brains,
muscle, and tools beat the satellite’s
technological discovery by some
80 years. In between 1929 and 1946
French archaeologist Pierre Montet
found and excavated the lost city of
Tanis, finding a treasure of artifacts
equaling those of Tut’s tomb. The Tanis find contained a beautiful gold
a director
and speaker for Edgar Cayce’s
A.R.E. His
latest book
Karma to Grace: The
Power of the Fruits of the
Spirit (800-333-4499 or
Sarah Parcak, PhD, describing the satellite maps.
funerary mask of Pharaoh Psusennes I,
and many pieces of gold, lapis, and
jewelry. Digging deeper, Professor
Montet found the only silver sarcophagus in all of Egypt, belonging
to Pharaoh Sheshonq II. His tomb
had never been opened, unlike Tut’s,
which had been entered in antiquity.)
The satellites’ infrared imaging
technology is so accurate it can capture objects less than 36 inches in diameter. The imagery provides a map
of underground ancient objects and
complexes. Having such a map prior
to excavation gives archaeologists
a tool they’ve never had before. The
satellites can also watch over important sites that are particularly vulnerable to looting, because they are unguarded or unexcavated, giving them
a new level of protection.
Modern technology is bringing the
ancient world alive again. Someday
soon Cayce’s Hall of Records will be
found, and the world will come to
know the greater truth of who we are
and what life is really all about.
2011 A.R.E. Iceland Tour-Retreat, Sept. 19-25
Iceland is where most of
the written sources for Norse
mythology were recorded or
found and assembled. John
Van Auken is leading an A.R.E.
Tour-Retreat to Iceland this
September. Unlike Greenland,
Iceland is a paradise on Earth,
and Norsemen named them to
keep others from knowing the secret. For more information contact A.R.E. Tours: [email protected] or toll free 888-273-3339.
Venture Inward Newsletter
Personal Spirituality
A Community of Souls: “The Edgar Cayce Legacy”
By Henry Reed, PhD
hen Edgar Cayce said that “psychic
is of the soul,” he imagined that our
getting in touch with the psychic part of
ourselves would have us welcoming back
our soul into awareness. That’s what seems
to happen at A.R.E.’s longest-running
headquarters conference, The Edgar Cayce
Legacy. What else can explain why people pay to return to this same conference
and repeat it year after year? Mr. Cayce
is known to have predicted that the “psychic” would draw people to the work, but
it would be the “spirituality” that would
keep them coming. I believe the secret
of the success of the Legacy conference is
that we’ve found the spirituality in the psychic and it leads to a grand community of
souls—a type of get-together not typically
imagined but highly rewarding.
Recently, I published an invited essay
in the peer-reviewed, professional journal ReVision: A Journal of Consciousness
and Transformation, describing how I
used Edgar Cayce’s ideas about laboratory
ESP research to develop some of the most
dramatic psychic experiments currently
pursued. I encourage you to read the
technical details online (a reprint of the
professional article is on the Venture Inward page at,
but here I’ll share enough to give a better idea of how the Legacy conference
has made the necessary breakthroughs
to match Edgar Cayce’s idealism. It’s his
idealism that gives the Legacy its power
and creates the spiritual value that people
gain from the conference training.
Hugh Lynn Cayce made an important
contribution to the creation of that program by noticing and singling out Carol
Ann Liaros as someone of special talent.
He arranged for her to serve as a subject
in several ongoing research projects involving testing psychics. In several books
published in the late 1960s and early 1970s
(such as Superlearning, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder) one can find
mention of her by name and how well she
functioned in these experiments. When
she speaks of her “90-plus percent accuracy,” such statements are based upon results reported to her in these experiments.
Besides having experience in the scientific
testing of psychics, Carol Ann also
oped an intense curiosity about her pro- dimension of the psychic, the visionary
cess, how she “gets the information.” Keep- and mystical aspects, and Mr. Cayce’s
ing a journal record of her
suggestions regarding how
observations led to insights
We have found aesthetic and meditative apthat shape her unique way of
the spirituality proaches can stimulate the
training people to recognize
most valuable inspirations
in the psychic,
their psychic experiences and
and profound intuitions.
and it leads
to use them.
Another dimension of into a grand
Chosen to complement
sight unique to the Legacy
community of
Carol Ann, I had been deconferences comes from prosouls.
veloping a unique process in
fessional psychics we’ve hired
dreaming that allowed most
to provide readings for the
everyone to experience a psychic dream, participants. The selection of these psychics
as Mark Thurston had since confirmed represents another breakthrough with rein his doctoral dissertation. This special gard to A.R.E.’s heritage of doing research
dream exercise came out of work with with such talented individuals. Every few
children at A.R.E. Camp and was aided by years, Carol Ann and I “audition” a large
the work of Robert Van de Castle, a profes- list of professional psychics whom A.R.E.
sor at the University of Virginia who was members have nominated as being partica documented psychic dreamer. In this ularly helpful. It’s worth knowing how we
experiment—actually a spiritual healing conduct these auditions, because it grounds
exercise—a group of people donate their our vision of service through psychic indreams to help a stranger in distress con- formation. Rather than “test” these folks
cerning an unrevealed issue. The “Dream to determine if they are “really psychic,”
Helper Ceremony,” as we call it, provided we ask them to give a reading to me and
the first instance of a psychic exercise that to Carol Ann regarding personal questions
expressed the spiritual idealism of Edgar of genuine need, to see if they can be really
Cayce, making it both safe and productive helpful. Following Cayce’s admonition that
for anyone to participate. It also reaffirms the best information comes when the need
Mr. Cayce’s favoring the small group as is real, Carol Ann and I each developed a
the ideal context for psychic development. set of meaningful personal questions conThis dream experiment also spawned a cerning actual issues we were facing in our
unique methodology, now called the In- lives. Carol Ann would receive her reading
tuitive Heart Discovery Process. These ex- from the psychic candidate over the teleercises provide participants with practical phone, whereas I submitted my questions
demonstrations of Cayce’s dictum, “it’s all each sealed in an envelope, and the psychic
read them “blind.” This dual-track method
It’s been 15 years now that the two of us, provided us a good sample of readings in
sometimes called the “odd couple,” have a standardized, comparative context that
been teaching The Edgar Cayce Legacy. made it perfectly clear to us who were those
Carol Ann serves up the best of the tra- psychics who were really helpful. When
ditional parapsychological approaches to we compared our ratings, we found that
psychic development and its understand- we were in almost perfect agreement as to
Continued on p.6
ing. She has made a major contribution to the
acceptance of psychic
functioning by emphasizing its constructive
applications, such as her
teaching remote viewing to blind children to
help them navigate their
environment. I present the “transpersonal”
Fall 2011 • 5
Community, continued from p.5
which ones we should invite. In a lengthy
article appearing in First for Women, the
reporter noted our innovation with regard
to choosing psychics and wanted folks to
know that using recommendations from
others was probably the best route. We were
very pleased to find that our novel method
for selecting psychics had such practical
implications. The professional psychics
serve both as role models and guidance
counselors as they demonstrate giving a
reading to the participants. Receiving readings from two different psychics, the participant also has the learning experience of
correlating the two sources of information,
as Mr. Cayce advised.
Given the multidimensional opportunities provided by The Edgar Cayce Legacy, what is the impact upon the participants? At the beginning of this article, I
mentioned that many folks return to this
conference year after year at their own
expense to share in the experience and
lend their perspective that comes from
applying these training exercises in their
lives. I’m referring to the “Wayshowers,”
a growing group of over 200 “graduates”
of our entire training program. These
folks are not “psychic” in the professional
sense. Instead, their claim to fame is that
they’ve actually used the training to make
their lives better. In the application of the
training, these folks became aware that
they were learning to operate together in
an intuitive fashion, creating a community of souls helping one another evolve
spiritually. People who are not familiar
with the Legacy conferences often assume
that folks at the conference are learning
how to become psychics and give readings; whereas what is actually going on
is that, through the medium of psychic
awareness and intuition, they are forging spiritual bonds and moving toward
Cayce’s ideal of oneness. That concept
takes on added significance today as
Lynne McTaggart, the author who made
such a splash with The Intention Experiment, has come out with a new book, The
Bond, which describes the many different dimensions on which all of creation
is interconnected (see her article in the
Summer 2011 Venture Inward Newsletter, available online at
When people begin to interact, not at
the verbal and sensory level, but at the intuitive and spiritual level, there are many
unforeseen discoveries. For one thing,
the universal human needs to be seen,
6 • Fall 2011
Questions and Answers
with John Van Auken
-----------9----------: Which Bible verses did Edgar Cayce bringing all things to our remembrance.
recommend reading for inspiration?
Jesus explains that our heavenly Father
—Doug, e-mail question loves us. In these chapters Jesus uses the
wonderful metaphor of a grape vine: He
: Cayce recommended the Gospel calls on us to abide in Him as the branch
of John, Chapters 14-17. He said abides on the vine and receives its nourto read these words as if they were be- ishment. He explains that the Father is
ing directed to us personally from Jesus. vine husbandman and prunes us that we
In these chapters Jesus explains that He may bear more fruit. This is also where
is returning to the Father to prepare a Jesus gives us that noble commandment:
place for us, that where He is there we Love one another. He instructs us to
may be also. He will return to us and ask of Him, and He will give to us from
bring us to where He is. He also tells us His heavenly condition. He tells us that
that we know where He is going and the though our journey may be challengway. Like Philip, we might reply: “Lord, ing, as was His journey, our tears will
we do not know where You are going, eventually be wiped away in joy. In the
how can we know the Way?” But as He last of these chapters Jesus prays to the
told Philip: If we have known Him, then heavenly Father to bless us, protect us,
we know the Way, for He is the Way, the and guide us. When these chapters are
Truth, and the Light. Jesus also promises read as if Jesus were speaking directly to
that while He is gone, He will pray to our us, they are inspiring and strengthening.
Father to send the Holy Spirit, the Spirit
of Truth, to comfort and enlighten us, To submit a question, e-mail [email protected]
to be heard, to be validated, and espe- the shared experience of these ideas, and
cially to be recognized at a soul level, are learn how to interact and help one another
met at the Legacy conference to a degree at a soul level. It is through such applicafar beyond expectations. As Edgar Cayce tion of intuitive awareness that we reach
indicates, the Creator has these same the true goals that Edgar Cayce found the
needs and desires our companionship to Creator had in mind for us.
meet those needs. Although some of our
The Edgar Cayce Legacy conference
intuitive training provides guidance to returns to Virginia Beach October 19-23.
help us get ahead in the world, much of Visit or call
it provides guidance for how to get into 888-273-0020 for details.
harmony with the world. Although most
folks have their curiosity satisfied at our Henry Reed, PhD, is a research psyconferences about whether or not they chologist by training and the author of
can have a “psychic experience,” the more several books and scholarly articles depowerful result is a deepening of essential scribing his research developing ways of
self-trust that provides a tangible basis applying the concepts in the Edgar Cayce
for feeling oneself to be an individual yet material. He is also PSI Research editor
one with All. It is a profound result, one for Venture Inward magazine and an Atthat is better shared and validated among lantic University faculty member.
the participants themselves, one of those
Henry Reed, PhD, will mentor the online
“you gotta be there” type of experiences.
eGroup Developing Your Psychic Ability,
The Edgar Cayce Legacy is a celebration of
September 21-October 18. Visit
the directly shared experience of our for details.
ness with all life. Loving
one another as oneself
is a snap when you ac- Take Your Spiritual Path
tually experience the
to the Next Degree
other person as yourself.
All the talk and writing
about spirituality, about
oneness, and about our
souls’ mission, etc., is
but so much verbiage,
whereas through intuitive and psychic [email protected]
ness, participants have
Call 800-428-1512 or 757-631-8101
Venture Inward Newsletter
True Health
Arresting Arthritis
By Carol Ann Baraff
f health police existed, they would say
that when one’s gait starts to stiffen,
muscles to ache, and joints to enlarge, the
culprit is probably arthritis, a pervasive
degenerative disorder that plagues tens of
millions in the U.S. alone. Although the
term refers primarily to inflammation of
the joints, it also serves as an umbrella for
a number of other related malfunctions
that affect the musculoskeletal system.
Of the hundred-plus different types of arthritic disease, the two most common are
osteoarthritis, caused mostly by wear and
tear on the large weight-bearing joints,
and the more disabling rheumatoid ar-
thritis, which may affect many of the
smaller joints as well.
The many discourses in the readings on
this topic can be distilled into several main
areas of focus. Those that follow can be applied to various types of arthritic disease.
According to Cayce, most cases of arthritis can be traced to a functional imbalance between the body’s organs of assimilation and elimination with chronic
deficiencies in nutrient intake and waste
management affecting each other in a debilitating kind of progression. There are
also chemical changes involving glandular imbalance and circulatory abnormali-
What Are Coddled Eggs? I
By Elaine Hruska
n over 140 readings Edgar
Cayce advised individuals
to make coddled eggs a part of
their diet. Not being a food connoisseur, at first I did not quite know
what a “coddled egg” is—much less how
to cook it. In asking around, I discovered
I had company; several other people also
were not sure what it is exactly. Cayce often supplied simple instructions on how
to prepare the dish. Sometimes Gladys
Davis Turner, Cayce’s longtime secretary
and transcriber of many of the readings,
included directions along with the recipient’s reading, such as the following added
to reading 1820-2:
Let water come to a boil. Put egg in—
with shell on—Take water off of stove immediately after egg is put in; then let set for
five minutes. Break egg and eat it as you
would one soft boiled.
Following these instructions entails
eating the whole egg—the white and the
yolk. In many instances, however, the
readings advised eating only the yolk.
This explanation was offered to one
55-year-old woman:
Coddled egg and only the yolk of same,
not the white—for this carries too much of
those properties that are hard for digestion,
or too much albumin that is producing an
irritation in the adrenal gland secretion
and the glands in the pelvis area. (844-1)
One 26-year-old male was given this
dietary advice, somewhat different from
the previous reading:
Egg white, unless it is prepared in the
form of a coddled egg, makes for a formation of acid by the extra amount of those
qualities that we find in same. With the
changes that are wrought, it would be very
good to use the whole egg—provided it is
coddled or soft-scrambled. (567-8)
An 11-year-old boy was told: “…the
whole egg may be taken—this, while carrying an acid in same, if coddled…will be
[all right].” (674-1)
The way an egg is cooked, then, as well
as an individual’s physical condition, may
determine whether the egg should be eaten whole or only the yolk consumed. Yolks
are a good source of complete protein as
well as iron, zinc, and vitamins A, D, Bcomplex, and B12. Preparation of eggs in
the Cayce readings, besides coddled, also
included hard- or soft-boiled, poached,
scrambled, “or prepared in any manner
just so they are not fried in grease.” (306-3)
Those familiar with Cayce know of
his admonition to avoid fried foods. According to Simone Gabbay, a registered
nutritional consultant and Venture Inward columnist, eating coddled eggs “is
the perfect solution for benefiting from
the egg’s considerable nutritional potential…” (Nourishing the Body Temple,
A.R.E. Press) So having a coddled egg for
breakfast might be a welcome addition to
one’s dietary habits.
ELAINE HRUSKA is a therapist at the A.R.E. Health Center and Spa and teacher at the
Cayce/Reilly© School of Massotherapy with over 30 years
of experience with the Cayce
health readings. She is the author of Your Key to Good Health: Unlocking the Power of Your Lymphatic System
(800-333-4499 or
ties in a system
that is literally
being poisoned
by toxins originating in the gastrointestinal area. With the body in emergency mode, proper rebuilding of cells in
the joints and ligaments is sacrificed.
In reversing this process, the first order of business endorsed by Cayce is,
therefore, to promote internal cleansing
through diet and other treatments. A typical arthritis diet in the readings consists
of easily digested vegetables, fruits, whole
grains, and light proteins. A decrease in
meat and carbohydrates is often advised
while meat sometimes is completely eliminated for a period of time with the exception of beef juice. Foods with a laxative
effect, such as the “mummy food” combination and extremely light diets, are common. Sugar, refined grains, fried foods,
carbonated drinks, beer, hard liquor, and
white potatoes (except for the skins) are to
be avoided with few or no exceptions.
Additional aids to detoxification, especially in the form of castor oil packs, enemas, and colonics, are often recommended. Epsom salts baths and cabinet sweats,
which promote elimination through the
pores of the skin, are preferred in the
most sensitive cases.
Poor or impaired circulation is often
regarded as a contributing factor in arthritis. Circulatory deficiencies can easily
contribute to gastrointestinal sluggishness
leading to an aggravation of symptoms.
Cayce’s primary solution to this problem is gentle massage, especially in cases
where little else can be tolerated. This
is usually to follow an Epsom salts or
steam bath, which relaxes the body and
promotes the absorption of oil. Cayce’s
favorite for this purpose is peanut oil.
A combination of equal parts of heated
Continued on p.8
Cayce Remedies Intensive Workshop
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8 • Fall 2011
from the
Taking Remedies Periodically
Q. Should the body continue taking the Atomidine* internally?
A. The small portions, yes. This has been
indicated; and the use of same as a spray is
helpful also.
Take periods of Atomidine; not continued every day but for a week every day, rest
a week and begin again. These are more effective than continued, for any property. For
this may be said to be the manner in which
any outside influence acts upon not only this
body but any body:
To continue the use of any one influence that
is active upon the body continually is to cause
those portions of the system that produce same
to lose their activity or their significance, and
Arthritis, continued from p.7
olive oil and a tincture of myrrh is also
often favored. Other massage formula ingredients suggested include lanolin, pine
needle oil, sassafras oil, witch hazel, wintergreen oil, and cedarwood oil.
When it can be tolerated, the readings
also advise spinal manipulation to improve
the circulation, relax the muscles, relieve
pain, and alleviate pressure on nerve impulses to all parts of the body. In the view of
the readings, there is no other form of mechanical therapy so closely in accord with
the natural attempts of the body to heal
from within. Also recommended, where
appropriate, is light to moderate exercise.
Glandular imbalance is found to be a
factor in development of many cases of
arthritis. The endocrine glands, which
secrete hormones capable of activating specific organs, play a vital role in
maintaining the body’s chemical balance.
When this balance is chronically upset by
intestinal problems, the resulting toxins
can lead to arthritis symptoms.
Glandular stimulation is, therefore, often indicated to help dissolve deposits in
the joints so that they can be gradually
drained and eliminated. Treatments such
as Epsom salts baths and massage are employed for this purpose.
Another important cause of arthritis is
negative attitudes and emotions, which
begin with their ruinous effect on digestion. The readings put it this way:
As indicated for most people and it is
very well here: don’t get mad and don’t cuss
Find Cayce health care products at or call 1-800-269-2502
depend upon the supply from without.
But to give stimulation to the system and
then refrain from same tends to produce in
the body that necessary reaction in the glandular system and in the functioning of organs. For the body (normal) produces within
itself the necessary elements for its continual
reproduction of itself at all times. (1100-8)
Periodical taking of anything or any application, rather than continuous taking, allows
the body to react better. (920-11)
*Currently available from (800-2692502) as Atomic Iodine, this product is indicated for external use only.
a body out mentally or in voice. This brings
more poisons than may be created by even
taking foods that aren’t good. (470-37)
Constructive attitudes in action may be
regarded as treatments in their own right
and as supplemental to others. One way
to creatively apply the concept of “mind
is the builder” is to literally reinforce an
expectation of health by always visualizing treatments as beneficial.
Several other Cayce arthritis treatments
deserve mention but are more individualized. They include hot Epsom salts packs
over painful areas, various forms of electrotherapy (Wet Cell, Radio-Active appliance, Violet Ray, Ultra Violet Light)*, and
tiny internal doses of gold and soda.
How does one come up with a personalized arthritis treatment? A possible approach is to find a reading that seems to
“match” one’s case. Another is simply to
focus on the basics of correcting the diet,
adding elimination aids, scheduling regular massage, promoting glandular stimulation, and adopting healthy attitudes. The
clear message is that arthritis symptoms
may be arrested and, in time, dissolved.
[Excerpted from Edgar Cayce’s
Everyday Health: Holistic Tips,
Remedies, and Solutions (A.R.E.
Press), available at 800-333-4499
Carol Ann Baraff is a massage therapist and long-time researcher
and author on topics from the Edgar
Cayce readings, particularly those associated with holistic health and practical
application of natural remedies. She currently lives and writes in Virginia Beach.
*Available at or 800-269-2502
Disclaimer: The content of this newsletter is information only and should not be considered
as a guide to self-diagnosis or self-treatment. See a physician for any medical problems.
Venture Inward Newsletter