Farmacist Controlled Release Fertiliser Trials


Farmacist Controlled Release Fertiliser Trials
Farmacist Controlled Release N Work 2013 Harvests Farmacist – delivering
practical agronomy solutions
Burdekin Controlled Release N 2013 Harvest Agrocote Jayson Dowie Farmacist – delivering
practical agronomy solutions
Farmacist – delivering
practical agronomy solutions
Agrocote trial Treatment Descrip.on N Rate (kg/ha) tCane/ha CCS tSugar/ha Net Return ($/ha) T1 100% Urea 200 122.49 c 14.82 a 18.12 c $ 3,920.63 T2 25% Agrocote 200 134.94 ab 15.13 a 20.38 a $ 4,380.75 T3 50% Agrocote 200 134.25 ab 14.30 a 19.17 abc $ 3,765.83 T4 75% Agrocote 200 140.13 a 14.29 a 19.94 ab $ 3,788.87 T5 100% Urea 160 125.32 bc 14.96 a 18.74 bc $4,135.87 T6 50% Agrocote 160 128.97 abc 14.63 a 18.86 abc $ 3,867.46 T7 100% Urea 120 123.55 bc 14.80 a 18.23 c $ 4,048.79 T8 50% Agrocote 120 104.22 d 14.65 a 15.22 d $ 3,157.08 Farmacist – delivering
practical agronomy solutions
4500 142 4400 R² = 0.88343 $/ha (Net Return) 4300 140 138 136 4200 134 4100 132 $/ha 4000 130 tC/ha 128 Poly. ($/ha) 126 Poly. (tC/ha) 3900 3800 124 3700 122 3600 120 80% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Agrocote percentage of Blend 70% Farmacist – delivering
practical agronomy solutions
Summary At 200N, CRF has a significant impact on producYon. •  Increase of up to 18 tonnes in Cane, 2 tonnes of sugar and returns of $460/ha •  The 25% blend was the opYmal blend for this soil type. •  More work is needed to explore different soil types and improve NUE and WQ – impending forums. Farmacist – delivering
practical agronomy solutions
Young N Product Trial •  Q232 fallow plant, 12kg/ha N at plant, balance at topdressing •  Sandy Loam Duplex, 0.38-­‐1.4% OC (WB) N kg/ha Treatment Name
1. 100% N 6ES – UreaS
2. 100% N 6ES -­‐ UreaS50:Agrocote50
3. 80% N 6ES -­‐ UreaS50:Agrocote50
4. 70% N 6ES -­‐ UreaS 100
5. 70% N 6ES -­‐ UreaS50:Agrocote50
Farmacist – delivering
practical agronomy solutions
3rd Leaf Nitrogen % 0 70% N -­‐ 70% N -­‐ UreaS 100 0.5 80% N -­‐ 1 100% N -­‐ 100% N -­‐ UreaS 70% N -­‐ 70% N -­‐ UreaS 100 80% N -­‐ 100% N -­‐ 100% N -­‐ UreaS 70% N -­‐ 70% N -­‐ UreaS 100 80% N -­‐ 100% N -­‐ 100% N-­‐ UreaS 3 Young Trial -­‐ Leaf Tissue N% 2.5 2 1.5 CriYcal Value Jan-­‐13 Apr-­‐13 Farmacist – delivering
practical agronomy solutions
Young N Product Trial Treatment 100% N -­‐ UreaS t cane/ha CCS t sugar/ha Nkg/t cane 86.8 a 15.0 a 13.0 a 1.6 a 85.6 a 15.5 a 13.2 a 1.6 a 80% N -­‐ UreaS50:Agrocote50 82.0 a 15.3 a 12.5 a 1.4 b 70% N -­‐ UreaS 100 83.5 a 15.5 a 12.9 a 1.2 c 70% N -­‐ UreaS50:Agrocote50 83.4 a 15.3 a 12.8 a 1.2 c 100% N -­‐ UreaS50:Agrocote50 LSD (P=.05) 7.6 0.5 1.0 0.1 Standard DeviaYon 4.0 0.2 0.5 0.1 Farmacist – delivering
practical agronomy solutions
Young N Product Trial •  CR Urea cost an important consideraYon N kg/ha N cost $ Advantage applied
over T1
1. 100% N 6ES – UreaS
2. 100% N 6ES -­‐ UreaS50:Agrocote50
3. 80% N 6ES -­‐ UreaS50:Agrocote50
4. 70% N 6ES -­‐ UreaS 100
5. 70% N 6ES -­‐ UreaS50:Agrocote50
Treatment Name
Farmacist – delivering
practical agronomy solutions
Joe Muscat Agrocote Product Trial Objective
•  Evaluate slow release N product for improved yield on
deep sandy soil with leaching potential
Treatment 1 2 Product rate kg/ha N Urea S 336 138 Lo N Planter 4.1 m3 46 Total 184 Agrocote 234 89 Lo N Planter 4.1 m3 46 Total 134 P 29 29 29 29 K 116 116 116 116 S 17 31 47 26 31 57 1R Harvest date 15/09/2012 FerYliser applicaYon date Lo N planter 26/09/2012 FerYliser applicaYon date 16/10/2012 Agrocote & UreaS Agrocote 38:0:0:13 pH 4.9, OC% 0.61, CEC 1.09 Farmacist – delivering
practical agronomy solutions
Joe Muscat Agrocote Product Trial 2013 Harvest Results Treatment Lo N Planter + Urea S Lo N Planter + Agrocote LSD (P=.05) t cane/ha CCS t sugar/ha 87.1 a 16.4 a 14.3 a 83.4 a 16.8 a 13.98 a 5.51 1.02 1.48 Farmacist – delivering
practical agronomy solutions
Matsen N Efficiency Trial Objective
•  Evaluate nitrogen fertiliser practices for improved yield and
environmental outcomes on duplex soil subject to waterlogging
No. 1 2 3 4 Rate per ha Descrip.on Product Standard PracYce Lo N Planter 3.5m3/ha Urea 263 total Split N ApplicaYon Lo N Planter 3.5m3/ha Urea 196 Easy N 72.9 total Agrocote Blend Lo N Planter 3.5m3/ha Urea 193 Agrocote 84.2 total Agrocote straight Lo N Planter 3.5m3/ha Agrocote 213.2 total N 39 121 160 39 90 31 160 39 89 32 160 39 81 120 P K S 25 99 26 0 0 0 25 99 26 25 99 26 0 0 0 25 99 26 25 99 26 0 0 0 11 25 99 37 25 99 26 Farmacist
28 – delivering
practical agronomy solutions
25 99 54 Matsen N Efficiency Trial 2013 Harvest Results Treatment Standard PracYce t cane/ha CCS t sugar/ha Nkg/t cane 83.4 a 18.8 a 15.6 a 1.9 a 82.58 a 18.7 a 15.4 a 1.97 a Agrocote Blend 82.66 a 18.9 a 15.7 a 1.97 b Agrocote Straight 79.67 a 18.8 a 14.99 a 1.53 c Split N – Urea + Easy N LSD (P=.05) 7.15 0.65 1.14 0.16 Farmacist – delivering
practical agronomy solutions
Report of Nitrous oxide gas emissions from Simpson site: 2012-­‐13 season Simpson N2O site •  Q232 fallow plant, topdressing applicn •  Black cracking clay, 2.4-­‐2.9% OC (WB) 3 treatments 1. Standard Urea 95kg N/ha 2. Entec Urea 95kg N/ha 3. CR Urea (Agrocote 38%) 95kg N/ha Farmacist – delivering
practical agronomy solutions
Farmacist – delivering
practical agronomy solutions
Report of Nitrous oxide gas emissions from Simpson site: 2012-­‐13 season Treatment N Rate kg/ha N loss N kg/ha/season Urea 95 5.4 Entec Urea 95 5.3 CR Urea 95 6.1 There were no significant (P=0.05) differences in N2O emissions between N
fertiliser forms from the row position on any occasion.
Farmacist – delivering
practical agronomy solutions
Simpson Trial – 0kg N Farmacist – delivering
practical agronomy solutions
Commercial ApplicaYon • 
CR urea blends effecYve CR urea blend cost is an adopYon issue CR urea blend %’s need work Split N previous adverse experiences – grower resistance Farmacist – delivering
practical agronomy solutions

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