122 Crosby - Merseytravel
122 Crosby - Merseytravel
Valid from 24 April 2016 Bus times 122 Crosby - Aintree University Hospital (first journeys start at Arrowe Park) CROSBY THORNTON NETHERTON Islington Edge Lane Magdalene Square Park Lane WALTON VALE Black Bull AINTREE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL This service is provided by Avon Buses www.merseytravel.gov.uk Welcome to your new bus timetable We (Merseytravel) have produced this new bus timetable as your bus service has recently changed. We do not run bus services - they are run by private bus companies. However, we pay towards essential bus services which the bus companies do not run. In timetables, these services are called Merseytravel Bus Services and are shown by the symbol M . How to use this timetable The timetable is split into routes and days of the week (see 1 below). Please make sure you are looking at the timetable for the right direction you want to travel in. The travel direction is shown across the top of the page. On the left side of the page there is a list of the some of th key places along the route (see 2 below). The time the bus leaves each of these ‘timing points’ is shown in columns running from left to right across the page (see 3 below). Each column of times is a separate bus journey. Read the column from top to bottom. First, look for the bus stop nearest where you want to get the bus from. Then, look at the times shown on the same line to find the time nearest when you want to get the bus. Read down the list of times until you get to the time opposite a place near to where you want to get off the bus. This time is your arrival time. We can’t show times for every bus stop, or the timetable would be too big to print in a booklet. Please remember to look for any codes at the top of the page or alongside each column which may change your journey (see 4 below). You can find an explanation of these codes in the ‘Codes’ box at the bottom of the timetable. In some timetable booklets, we show some of the bus stops in italics (see 5 below). This means we have given a rough time for that stop because the bus company has not given us an exact time. Here is an example of a timetable. 224 Liscard to Weatherhead 1 Monday to Fridays 2 Liscard Wallasey Road Church Road, Brighton Street Poulton Road, Wheatland Lane Poulton Road, Gorsey Lane 5 Weatherhead School 4 3 0751 0757 0800 0804 0807 0801 0807 0810 0814 0817 24-hour clock In this timetable booklet, we show bus times in the 24-hour clock. For example, 9.42am is shown as ‘0942’ and 3.28pm is shown as ‘1528’. This clock shows how afternoon and evening times appear in the 24-hour clock. 00 23 22 11 12 13 1 2 10 21 9 20 8 4 7 19 14 3 15 6 18 5 16 17 Large print timetables We can supply this timetable in another format, such as large print. Either call 0151 330 1049 or email us at [email protected] 2 What’s changed? All times are changed, generally running 5 minutes earlier. Any comments about this service? If you’ve got any comments or suggestions about the services shown in this timetable, please contact the bus company who runs the service: Avon Buses 10 Brookway, North Cheshire Trading Estate, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 3DT 0151 608 8000 If it’s a Merseytravel Bus Service we’d like to know what you think of the service, or if you have left something in a bus station, please contact us at Merseytravel: By e-mail [email protected] By phone 0151 236 7676 In writing PO Box 1976, Liverpool, L69 3HN Need some help or more information? For help planning your journey, call Traveline, open 0800 - 2000, 7 days a week on 0151 236 7676 You can visit one of our Travel Centres across the Merseytravel network to get information about all public transport services. To find out opening times, phone us on 0151 236 7676. Our website contains lots of information about public transport across Merseyside. You can visit our website at www.merseytravel.gov.uk Bus services may run to different timetables during bank and public holidays, so please check your travel plans in advance. Damage to bus stops and shelters You can help us by reporting damage to bus stops and shelters that could be a risk to personal safety by calling the emergency 24-hour hotline. Please call 0800 731 3699 with the location of the stop or shelter, including the bus stop reference (you’ll find it on the Bus Stop name plate or bus timetable display) or the road name with nearest side road/landmark. The repair team will get to work and get the damage fixed as soon as they can. 3 122 Crosby - Aintree University Hospital Avon Buses Mondays to Fridays Crosby Islington Thornton Virgins Lane Netherton Magdalene Square Black Bull Aintree University Hospital H 0725 0730 0737 0746 0752 0755 0800 0812 0826 0832 0840 0845 0857 0911 0917 0925 0930 then at 0937 these 0946 mins past 0952 55 00 07 16 22 25 30 37 46 52 until 1525 1530 1537 1546 1552 1555 1600 1612 1626 1632 1640 1645 1657 1711 1717 1725 1730 1737 1746 1752 Codes used above: - means this bus starts from Arrowe Park Hospital at 0630 and operates via Woodchurch Road, Storeton Road (0638), Birkenhead Bus Station (0646), Liverpool city centre, Victoria Street (0656), Stanley Road, Balliol Road (0706) and Waterloo Interchange (0719). 122 Aintree University Hospital - Crosby Avon Buses Mondays to Fridays Aintree University Hospital Black Bull Netherton Magdalene Square Thornton Virgins Lane Crosby Islington H 0725 0731 0740 0747 0751 0755 0801 0815 0827 0831 0840 0846 0900 0913 0916 0925 0931 then at 0940 these 0947 mins past 0951 55 01 10 17 21 25 31 40 47 51 until 1525 1531 1540 1547 1551 1555 1601 1615 1627 1631 1640 1645 1700 1713 1716 Codes used above: - means this bus starts from Arrowe Park Hospital at 0639 and operates via Woodchurch Road, Storeton Road (0647), Birkenhead Bus Station (0655), Liverpool city centre, Victoria Street (0705), Rice Lane (0715) and Black Bull (0719). Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays - No Service 6 1725 1731 1740 1747 1751 122 Crosby - Aintree University Hospital (first buses of the day start from Arrowe Park Hospital) Avon Buses Route descriptions Route between Crosby and Fazakerley: from CROSBY (ISLINGTON) via Islington, The By-pass, Moor Lane, Edge Lane, Fleetwoods Lane, Glovers Lane, St Oswalds Lane, Park Lane West, Park Lane, Warbreck Moor, Longmoor Lane to AINTREE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL. Route (Monday to Friday 0725 journey from Crosby): from ARROWE PARK HOSPITAL via Arrowe Park Road, Woodchurch Road, Singleton Avenue, Borough Road, Clifton Crescent, Argyle Street, Conway Street, Birkenhead Bus Station, Conway Street, Queensway Tunnel, Old Haymarket, Whitechapel, Crosshall Street, Victoria Street, Byrom Street, Scotland Road, Stanley Road, Knowsley Road, Crosby Road South, Crosby Road North, South Road, Waterloo Interchange, South Road, Crosby Road North, Liverpool Road to CROSBY (ISLINGTON), then The By-pass, Moor Lane, Edge Lane, Fleetwoods Lane, Glovers Lane, St Oswalds Lane, Park Lane West, Park Lane, Warbreck Moor, Longmoor Lane to AINTREE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL. Route between Fazakerley and Crosby: from AINTREE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL via Hospital Grounds to Lower Lane, Longmoor Lane, Hall Lane, Warbreck Moor, Park Lane, Park Lane West, St Oswalds Lane, Glovers Lane, Fleetwoods Lane, Edge Lane, Moor Lane, Richmond Road, Little Crosby Road, Islington to CROSBY (ISLINGTON). Route (Monday to Friday 0730 journey from Fazakerley): from ARROWE PARK HOSPITAL via Arrowe Park Road, Woodchurch Road, Singleton Avenue, Borough Road, Clifton Crescent, Argyle Street, Conway Street, Birkenhead Bus Station, Conway Street, Queensway Tunnel, Old Haymarket, Whitechapel, Crosshall Street, Victoria Street, Byrom Street, Scotland Road, Kirkdale Road, Walton Road, County Road, Rice Lane, Walton Vale, Longmoor Lane to AINTREE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, then the Hospital Grounds, Lower Lane, Longmoor Lane, Hall Lane, Warbreck Moor, Park Lane, Park Lane West, St Oswalds Lane, Glovers Lane, Fleetwoods Lane, Edge Lane, Moor Lane, Richmond Road, Little Crosby Road, Islington to CROSBY (ISLINGTON). 7 Route 122: Crosby Crosby - Aintree University Hospital RICHMOND ROAD CROSBY ISLINGTON VIRGINS LANE Quarry Road MOOR LANE Water Street THE BYPASS Chesterfield Road Runnells Lane EDGE LAN E First journey starts from Arrowe Park Hospital. See route description for details. Buckley Hill Lane NE DS LA WOO F L E ET Gorsey Lane ER OV GL E AN SL Netherton Marian Way MAGDALENE SQUARE PARK LANE WEST Dunnings Bridge Road Dunnings Bridge Road PARK LANE Bridle Road AINTREE STATION MO OR Ormskirk Road FAZAKERLEY STATION to Crosby Marian Way H ALL LAN E M AG DALENE SQUA RE H ALL LA NE LAN E L ONGM OOR Netherton MAGDALENE SQUARE LANE LONG WEST Dunnings Bridge Road Dunnings Bridge Road PARK AINTREE STATION Route 122: Crosby Crosby - Aintree University Hospital RICHMOND ROAD CROSBY ISLINGTON VIRGINS LANE Quarry Road MOOR LAN E Water Street THE BYPASS First journey starts from Arrowe Park Hospital. See route description for details. Chesterfield Road Runnells Lane EDGE LAN LANE E Bridle Road Buckley Hill Lane OODS F LE ETW Gorsey Lane LANE GLOVERS Netherton LANE Marian Way MAGDALENE SQUARE PARK LANE WEST Dunnings Bridge Road Dunnings Bridge Road PARK LANE AINTREE STATION R ou te 122 : C ro sb y VIRG IN S LANE C ROSBY ISLINGTON M OO R LA NE THEBYPASS ED GE LAN E Bridle Road Somebusesstar t from Ar rowe Park Hospital. DROA D See route descri pti oRInCHM foOrN deta i ls. Buckley H li l Lane FLE ETWOODS G orsey Lane LAN E GLOVERS Mar ian Way LA NE PARK LANE WE ST Dunnings Bridge Road D unnings Bri dge Road P ARK L ANE Br di el Road AIN TREE STAOTI rmON skirk Road W AR B RE CK MO OR Mel il ng Road FAZA KERLEY STA TIO N t oCrosby toaFzakeryle Long Lane Somebuses st art fromArr owe Park Hospit al. Seerout edescriptionfor details. Longmoo LONGMOOR LANE LO WE RLA NE K EY BLA CK BULL WARBRECK MOOR INTERNAL ROADS BLACK BULL Lower Lane r Lane Ormskirk Road Melling Road HALL LANE FAZAKERLEY STATION to Crosby Rout e 122: C ro sb y VI RGI NSLAN E CROSB Y ISLI NGT ON MO OR LANE THEBYP ASS Somebus esstar t f romArrowe Park Hospit al. AD See route descri pti onRICHMO for NDRO deta i ls. E DGE LA NE Gor sey Lane Buckley Hill Lane FL EET LA NE WOODS Mari an W ay GLOVERS LANE LONGMOOR P ARK LAN E WEST Dunnings Bridge Road D unni ngs Br idge Road PARK LANE Br idle Road I TR E AN S TATI ON kirk O rms Road RE CK MOOR Melling Road RB LONGMOOR LANE FAZA KERLE Y STATI ON WA to Fazakerley by t oCros toFa z aker ley Long Lane Longmoor Lane LONGMOOR LANE Some buses st art from Arr owe Park Hospit al. Seerout edescriptionfor det ails. Lower Lane LOWER LAN E KEY B A L C K BU LL I NTERNAL ROADS LANE Long Lane Timetable Reference Point Merseyrail Station LOWER LANE KEY BLACK BULL AINTREE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL First journey starts from Arrowe Park Hospital. See route description for details. MOOR Fazakerley Ormskirk Road Melling Road HALL LANE FAZAKERLEY STATION to Crosby Route 122: Crosby LONGMOOR LANE Crosby - Aintree University Hospital RICHMOND ROAD CROSBY ISLINGTON VIRGINS LANE Quarry Road MOOR LANE Water Street THE BYPASS First journey starts from Arrowe Park Hospital. See route description for details. Chesterfield Road Runnells Lane EDGE LAN E Buckley Hill Lane FLEETW Gorsey Lane OODS LANE GLOVERS Netherton LANE Marian Way MAGDALENE SQUARE PARK LANE LONGMOOR WEST Dunnings Bridge Road Dunnings Bridge Road PARK LANE AINTREE STATION R oute 122: Cr o sb y VI RGI N S LANE CR OSB Y ISLINGT ON M OO RLANE THEBYPASS E Some busesst art from Arr owe Park Hospital. D ROAD Seer out edes criptionRI fCHMorO Nde t ails. ED GE LAN Bridle Road Buckley Hill Lane FLE ETWOO Gor sey Lane DS LAN E GLOVE M arian W ay RS LAN E PARK LANE WEST Dunnings Bridge Road D unni ngs Br di ge Road PA RK LA NE Br di le Road AI NTREE STATI OiNrk O rmsk Road ARBRECK M OOR M elling Road W FAZA KERLEY STATI ON o to Crsby t oaFzakerley Long Lane Longmoor Lane LONGMOOR LANE Some buses start from Arr owe Par kHos pital. See route descr ipt ionfor det ails. Lower Lane WARBRECK MOOR INTERNAL ROADS LO WE R LA NE KE Y B LA CK BU LL BLACK BULL Ormskirk Road Melling Road HALL LANE FAZAKERLEY STATION to Crosby Ro ute 122: C r o sb y LONGMOOR LANE CR OSB Y I SLINGTON VIRGI NSLAN E MO OR LAN E THEBYPASS E DGE L A NE Some busesstart fromArrowe Park Hospi tal. RICHMOND ROA D Seer outedescr ipt ionf or det ail s. FL EET WOODS Gor s ey Lane Buckley Hi l Lane LA NE GLOVERS M arian W ay L ANE PARK LAN E WES T LONGMOOR D unnings Bridge Road PARK LAN E Bridle Road Dunnings Br di ge Road AI NTREE STATI ON Or ms kir k Road M ell ni g Road R to Fazakerley MOO to Fazakerley C K WARBRECK Longmoor Lane INTERNAL ROADS Lower Lane BLACK BULL to Fazaker le y Long Lane FAZAKERLEY ST ATION to Cro sby Some busesstart fromAr rowe Par kHospital. See route descript ion for details. Longm oor Lane LONGMOOR LANE Lower Lane LOWER LAN E KEY BLA CK B UL L INTERNAL ROADS LANE Long Lane Timetable Reference Point Merseyrail Station LOWER LANE KEY BLACK BULL AINTREE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL First journey starts from Arrowe Park Hospital. See route description for details. Longmoor Lane INTERNAL ROADS Lower Lane Fazakerley LANE Long Lane Timetable Reference Point Merseyrail Station LOWER LANE KEY BLACK BULL AINTREE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL First journey starts from Arrowe Park Hospital. See route description for details. Longmoor Lane INTERNAL ROADS Lower Lane R LAN Fazakerley E LOWER LANE AINTREE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL First journey starts from Arrowe Park Hospital. See route description for details. M AGDALE NE SQUA RE LN E LO NGMO OR A Runnells Lane PARK Merseyrail Station E Water Street Buckley Hill Lane LANE Timetable Reference Point H ALL L ANE Quarry Road Chesterfield Road GLOVERS BLACK BULL Long Lane M AGDALENE SQUA RE LO NGM O OR LAN VIRGINS LANE MOOR LANE Gorsey Lane MOO KEY HA LL LA NE Crosby - Aintree University Hospital RICHMOND ROAD THE BYPASS NE DS LA WOO FLEET LONGMOOR LANE M A GDALENE SQUARE LO NG MO O RLANE Route 122: Crosby CROSBY ISLINGTON First journey starts from Arrowe Park Hospital. See route description for details. EDGE LAN E to Fazakerley B RE BLACK BULL HALL LANE WAR WA RBR ECK Melling Road Longmoor Lane INTERNAL ROADS Lower Lane Fazakerley